Landsat: GEO 420 Remote Sensing
Landsat: GEO 420 Remote Sensing
Landsat: GEO 420 Remote Sensing
GEO 420
Remote Sensing
• Within only two years, Landsat 1 was launched, heralding a new age
of remote sensing of land from space.
• 1975, NASA Administrator predicted that if one space age
development would save the world, it would be Landsat
and its successor satellites.
– Since the early 1970s, Landsat has continuously and consistently
archived images of Earth
• Purpose - Gather Earth resource data using series of satellites.
4 0.5-0.6 68 m x 83 m
5 0.6-0.7 68 m x 83 m
6 0.7-0.8 68 m x 83 m
7 0.8-1.1 68 m x 83 m
8 10.41-12.6 68 m x 83 m
Landsat 4, 5, & 7
Photo: Thematic Mapper (TM),
second-generation sensor for
monitoring Earth's resources.
– Pixel size 15 m
1 .45 to .51 30
2 .525 to .605 30
3 .63 to .690 30
4 .75 to .90 30
5 1.55 to 1.75 30
7 2.09 to 2.35 30
6 10.40 to 12.5 60
8 .52 to .90 15
Landsat 8 (Landsat Data Continuity Mission) – 2013
Landsat Data Continuity Mission – 2013 – compare Landsat 7 to Landsat 8
Landsat 1: MSS 1972–1978
Landsat 2: MSS 1975–1982
Landsat 3: MSS 1978–1983 added thermal band but it failed
Landsat 4: MSS, TM (7 bands) 1982–2001* data downlink failed in 1993
Landsat 5: MSS, TM 1984–2012 (28 years, 10 months)
Landsat 6: MSS, ETM failed launch, 1993
Landsat 7: ETM+ 1999–still operational
Landsat 8: ETM+ Launch Feb. 11 2013
Near Polar/Sun-synchronous orbits
vegetation - shades of
Landsat-7 ETM+
Striping caused by
failure of scan line
corrector in 2003,
introduced major
striping in ETM+
Landsat 5 image - Esperanza Fire in San Bernardino National Forest, Oct. 26, 2006. The
fire caused a huge smoke plume; reaching ~3.0 miles high. Large image is a natural-
color composite, small inset is false-color composite. The active fire fronts in the false-
color image appear bright yellow.
Two false-color Landsat 5 images (1984 and 2009). ]dark purple grid of city streets and
green of irrigated vegetation.
Images were created using reflected light from the shortwave infrared, near-infrared and
green portions of the electromagnetic spectrum (Landsat 5 TM bands 7,4,2)
Venice - Landsat 7 - 2001. pan-sharpened false-color composite of ETM+
bands 7, 5, and 3. Venice can be found on Landsat WRS-2 Path 192 Row
Climate Change - Lake Chad borders Chad, Niger, Nigeria, and
Cameroon, as well as on a natural border, the Sahel: a grassland which divides
the Sahara Desert to the north and the more humid savannah to the south.
Because Lake Chad is a shallow lake, depths of 16 - 26 feet, its surface area
fluctuates markedly with changes in climate.
Wisconsin tornado damage - Landsat 2007. natural-color image.
Accessing Landsat Data
Accessing Landsat Data – path 40 row 36