Unit III Multicast Address & Routing
Unit III Multicast Address & Routing
Unit III Multicast Address & Routing
In multicast routing,
the router may forward the
received packet
through several of its interfaces.
Multicasting versus multiple unicasting
• The router with the shortest path to the source becomes the
designated parent of a network
• A Router forwards packets only to its designated child networks
RPB creates a shortest path
broadcast tree from the source
to each destination.
It guarantees that each destination
receives one and only
one copy of the packet.
RPM adds pruning and grafting to RPB
to create a multicast shortest
path tree that supports
dynamic membership changes.
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
• Developed to address the scaling problems with
previous multicast routing protocols.
• Eg. Broadcasting traffic to all routers until they
explicitly ask to be removed from distribution not a
good design choice.
• PIM – divides the problem space – Sparse mode (SM)
and Dense mode (DM) - (proportion of routers that
will want the multicast).
• PIM – DM – uses flood-and –prune algorithm (like
DVMRP suffers the same)
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
• PIM-SM – routers explicitly join the multicast
distribution tree – PIM join message. (DVMRP – create
the broadcast tree first and then cut down the un
interested routers)
• Join message is sent by assigned special router –
Rendezvous point (RP)
• Assume all routers in the domain know the unicast IP
address of RP for a given group.
• Multicast forwarding tree is built – by join messages
sent by routers to RP.
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
• PIM - SM – two types of tress: shared trees (used by
all senders), Source specific tree – used by specific
sending host.
• Normal mode of operation: create shared tree first then
one or more source specific trees.
• Eg.(Diagram (a) – next slide)Each router along the path
looks the join and creates a forwarding table entry for
shared tree (*, G) –looks the interface of join arrived
and marks in the table.
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
Shared Tree
Source specific
Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)