UNIT-5: Micro Controller Programming and Applications

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Micro Controller Programming

and Applications
Addressing Mode
 The CPU can access data in various ways,
which are called addressing modes
◦ Immediate Addressing
◦ Register Direct Addressing
◦ Memory Direct Addressing
◦ Memory indirect Addressing
◦ Indexed Addressing
 The last three modes actually access memory
Immediate Addressing Mode
◦ The data to be manipulated is given in the
instruction itself
◦ The immediate data must be preceded by the
sign, “#”
◦ Can load information into any registers,
including 16-bit DPTR register
◦ EX: ADD A, #80H
Register Direct Addressing Mode
 Use registers to hold the data to be
 EX : ADD A, R0

 The source and destination registers must

match in size
◦ MOV DPTR,A will give an error
 R0-R7 are used in register direct addressing
Memory Direct Addressing Mode
 It is most often used the direct addressing
mode to access RAM locations 30 – 7FH
◦ The entire 128 bytes of RAM can be accessed
◦ ADD A, 74H
◦ This instruction adds the data in the
accumulator to that stored in the memory
address 74H
Memory Indirect Addressing Mode
 The register containing the memory
address of the data is specified in the
 Register specified is preceded by @
 Ex: ADD A, @R0
 Value stored in the register R0 is the
address of memory location of data to be
Indexed Addressing Mode
 The instruction consists of two parts
◦ Base address
◦ Offset
This type of addressing is useful in relative
memory accessing and relative jumping
Base address is stored in DPTR
Offset value is stored in the accumulator
Useful in accessing lookup table data's
Instruction set of 8051

 8051 has simple instruction set in

 different groups. There are:
 Arithmetic instructions
 Logical instructions
 Data transfer instructions
 Branching and looping instructions
 Bit Manipulation instructions
Arithmetic instructions
 These instructions are used to perform
various mathematical operations like
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division etc.,
 ADD A, R1 // Add the content of
register1to Accumulator
 ADDC A,#2 // Add 2 to accumulator
with carry
 SUBB A,R2 // Subtract content of
register2 from Accumulator
Logical instructions
The logical instructions are the instructions
which are used for performing some
operations like AND, OR, NOT, X-OR
etc., on the operands.
 ANL A, Rn // AND register to
 ORL A, Rn // OR register to accumulator
 XRL A, Rn // Exclusive OR Reg to Acc
 CLR A // Clear Accumulator
 CPL A // Complement Accumulator
Data Transfer Instructions
 These instruction are used to transfer the
data from source operand to destination
 All the store, move, load, exchange input
and output instructions belong to this to
this group.
 MOV A, Rn // Move Reg to Acc
 MOVX A,@DPTR // Move external RAM
to Accumulator
 PUSH direct // PUSH direct byte on
to stack
 POP direct // POP direct byte from
Branch and Looping Instructions
 These instructions are used for both
branching as well as looping.
 These instructions include conditional &
unconditional jump or loop instructions.
 JC // Jump if carry equal to one
 JNC // Jump if carry equal to zero
 JB // Jump if bit equal to one
 JNB // Jump if bit equal to zero
 JBC // Jump if bit equal to one and
clear bit
 LJMP addr//Jump to address
Bit Manipulation instructions
 8051 microcontroller handle bit data as
well as byte.
 Internal data memory map of the 8051
has a bit addressable area also.
 ANL C, bit//C=C AND bit
 MOV C, bit

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