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Submitted by: Ma.

Lourdes Bernabeth De Torres


Male & Female

1 year old to 70 years old
All Family Members

Yakult’s was stated as “a probiotic health drink, which contains

more than 6.5 billion beneficial bacteria (Lactobacillus casei strain
Shirota)” on their official website, and that these live bacteria “are
resistant to gastric juices and bile and reach the intestine alive to
impart proven health benefits”. It was claimed by Yakult that a
daily consumption of this probiotic milk provides the human body
an improvement on their digestion processes and in immunity.

Probiotics according to Yakult are the type of micro-organisms that

are beneficial to the health of humans, especially for their
digestive system and immunity. While probiotics were defined by
the FAO/World Health Organization as “live micro-organisms
which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health
benefit on the host”. With these definitions, Yakult stated that
probiotics assists the body in terms of increasing the amount of
good bacteria in it while decreasing the number of bad bacteria
that is harmful to the body.
Yakult Flavor
• Yakult Cultured Milk
• Yakult Light
Yakult Packaging is wrap by a packaging
machine that contains everything we need
to know.

BACK- Nutrition Facts, Yakult claims, Where

it is made, serial number, Yakult Website,
Statement about their claims

FRONT- Yakult logo, sizes per bottle,

instruction and that claims why the are
different from other Dairy Beverages

Small Size Bottle (80ml)
According to Yakult: “ One small
bottle is enough to keep people
healthy each day” and “ Small bottle
is more hygienic”
Yakult Ingredients
• Water
• Sugar
• Skim Milk Powder
• Dextrose
• Natural Flavor
• Special Ingredient “ Lactobacillus
Casei Shirota”
Yakult Price is Inexpensive

Yakult Cultured Milk- 5Bottles @ Php 45.00 /

Php 9.00 per Bottle

Yakult Light - 5 Bottles @ Php 55.00 /

Php 11.00 per Bottle

Delight - Php 45.00 per pack

100ML per bottle

Yakult is promoted in different ways such as in Social Media, Television etc. But
even Yakult did not spend a lot of money in advertising, they make sure that
Yakult is available everywhere. They use their strong established brand as
strength to have an avid customers.

Yakult Advertisements are consistent to their

claims that “When we drink Yakult every day we
have a healthier digestive system”

Endorser Gabe Mercado gave a big impact in “OK KA BA

TIYAN?” tagline because it is one of the most popular and
remarkable tagline of Yakult which embedded our minds the
importance of having good bacteria in our digestive system.

The Yakult Lady System – Home

Delivery Sales & Office Delivery
Sales enables them to
communicate directly with
customers, which allows them to
convey the value and appeal of
proprietary living Lactobacillus
casei strain Shirota and
recommend continued
consumption of one bottle of
Yakult per day.

Retail Sales- It is sold in different stores

such as Supermarkets, Sari- sari stores and
Convenient stores

Based from the data given, it is indeed that the elements of the brand (Yakult) are consistent with
each other in terms of advertising, packaging and distribution.

Yakult advertisements on TV, Social Media, etc. are consistent to their claims that “When we drink
Yakult every day we have a healthier digestive system”.

The packaging on the other hand is very unique and appropriate because it shows everything we
need to know as well as the size (80ml) is enough to keep people healthy each day.

Moreover, the Yakult Lady System – Home Delivery Sales & Office Delivery Sales as well as the
systematized distribution of Yakult products in different stores enables them to communicate directly with
customers, which allows them to convey the value and appeal of proprietary living Lactobacillus casei strain
Shirota and recommend continued consumption of one bottle of Yakult per day.

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