DIvertasi Infeksi Pada Bedah
DIvertasi Infeksi Pada Bedah
DIvertasi Infeksi Pada Bedah
Hendy Buana Vijaya
Surgical Site Infections
SSIs are infections of the tissues, organs, or spaces exposed by surgeons
during performance of an invasive procedure.
SSIs are classified into
• Incisional:
a. superficial (limited to skin and subcutaneous tissue)
b. deep incisional categories
• Organ/space infections
Diagnosis and Treatment of Surgical Infection
3.control of diabetes.
• Wound management.
• Adequate debridement of wounds.
• Hyperbaric oxygenation.
• Antibiotics.
• Antibiotics: penecillin.
• Avoid tissue hypoxia.
Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections: