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Are you familiar



▪ Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)

▫ An infection passed from one person to
another person through sexual contact.
▪ Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)
▫ The most commonly used term for the
collection of medical infections that are
transmitted through sexual contact
True or False
• A person can have an STI and not know it. TRUE

• Once you have an STI and have been cured, you can’t
get it again FALSE

• HIV is mainly present in semen, blood, vaginal

secretions, and breast milk TRUE

• Birth control pills offer excellent protections from STI FALSE

• Most STIs go away without treatment, if people wait long

enough FALSE
How can someone get an STI?

▪ Vaginal Sex – penetration of the vagina by

the penis
▪ Anal Sex – the penetration of the anus by a
penis, finger or sex toy
▪ Oral Sex – the sucking or licking of the
genitals with the mouth
How can someone get an STI?

▪ Skin to Skin Contact – touching and/or

rubbing of private parts
▪ Sharing Equipment – toothbrushes, razors,
needles, tattooing/piercing equipment, sex
▪ Bodily Fluids – blood, semen, vaginal fluid,
rectal mucus and breast milk
• Chlamydia
Bacterial • Gonorrhea
• Syphilis

• Pubic Lice
TYPES Parasitic • Scabies
OF STI • Trichomoniasis

• Herpes
• Hepatitis
Bacterial STIs
are caused by bacteria passed from person-to-person
during sexual activity


▪ Among the most common bacterial STIs in the

▪ Caused by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis.
▪ Can infect both men and women
▫ Women – in the cervix, rectum, or throat
▫ Men –in the urethra (inside the penis), rectum,
or throat.
▪ Passed by having unprotected oral, anal or vaginal
Symptoms of Chlamydia

▫ Itching of the penis ▫ burning while urinating
▫ vaginal discharge or a
▫ Pain while urinating change in normal discharge
▫ Discharge from the ▫ bleeding between menstrual
cycles, or during/after
penis intercourse
▫ There may also be ▫ increase in pain during
menstruation or during
pain or swelling of intercourse
the testicles ▫ abdominal or lower back
▫ occasionally causes fever 11
and chills

▪ Cure:
▫ The infection can be cured with a single dose of
▫ A person can get the infection again, so their partners
should also be tested
▪ Preventions:
▫ Condoms can help prevent the spread of chlamydia
during vaginal/anal sex
▫ Condoms or dental dams can be used for protection
during oral sex

▪ Sexually transmitted bacterial infection
▪ Passed along by having unprotected oral, anal or vaginal
▪ One of the oldest known sexually transmitted diseases
(STDs), and it is caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae
▪ Most often affects the urethra, rectum or throat. In
females, gonorrhea can also infect the cervix
▪ Can spread from an infected mother to her baby during 14
child birth – not really necessary for this population but if
included should also be included with chlamydia
Symptoms of Gonorrhea
▪ Many women do not have symptoms. Those who
do have symptoms may experience:
▫ Burning during urination
▫ Rectal pain, itching, bleeding discharge
▫ Vaginal bleeding or pain
▫ Yellowish-white vaginal discharge
▪ Some men may have very mild symptoms or no
symptoms at all. Those who do may experience:
▫ Discharge from the penis
▫ Burning when urinating 15
▫ Painful/swollen testicles

▪ Cure:
▫ The infection can be cured with antibiotics
▫ A person can get the infection again, so their
partners should also be tested
▪ Prevention:
▫ Condoms can help prevent the spread of
gonorrhea during vaginal or anal sex
▫ Condoms or dental dams can be used for 16
protection during oral sex


▪ Rare sexually transmitted bacterial infection

▪ Can cause serious damage to the body if not
cured, including death
▪ Passed along by having unprotected oral, anal
or vaginal sex
▪ A sexually transmitted disease caused by
Treponema pallidum, a microscopic organism
called a spirochete. Can spread from an 18

infected mother to her unborn child

Symptoms of Syphilis
Primary Syphilis (1st Secondary Syphilis Latent Syphilis (3rd
Stage) (2nd Stage) Stage)

• 3 days to 3 months after • 2 to 24 weeks after • Latent syphilis occurs

contact exposure after secondary syphilis
• A painless open sore • A rash can develop • Typically, there are no
develops around the anywhere on the body, symptoms
genitals, rectum and/or including on the palms of
mouth the hands and soles of
• The sore will heal on its the feet.
own, but the infection • Flu-like symptoms
remains develop, including
headache, slight fever,
fatigue, loss of appetite,
weight loss, and sore
throat 19
▪ How can I be tested for syphilis?
▫ A blood test is done
▪ Cure:
▫ A doctor will give you antibiotics – number of doses depend on stage
of infection (sexandu)
▫ Avoid all sex (oral, anal, and/or vaginal) for 7 days after taking the
medication – talk to your doctor
▫ Do not have sex with your current partner until they are tested and
▫ All sexual partners should be tested and/or treated
▪ Prevention:
▫ Condoms can help prevent the spread of syphilis during vaginal or 20
anal sex
▫ Condoms or dental dams can be used for protection during oral sex
Parasitic STIs
A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host and
gets its food from or at the expense of its host (CDC)
Pubic Lice

▪ Spread by sexual contact.

▪ The lice attach their eggs
to the pubic hair and feed on
human blood


▪ Caused by a parasite that

is usually sexually transmitted,
but it can survive 24 hours on
wet towels and bathing suits
▪ Spread by unprotected
sexual intercourse

▪ Caused by the itch mite.

It burrows just under the
skin and lays eggs. The
scabies mite can live for
2-4 days away from the
human body; it can be
transmitted without sexual contact.
Symptoms of Parasitic STI

• Intense itchiness
• Reddish rash
• Pain during sex or urination
• Vaginal discharge

Parasitic STI

▪ Cure:
▫ Shampoo – special shampoo to kill lice or
▫ Lotion - special lotion to kill lice or
▫ Ointment- special ointment to kill lice or
▫ Antibiotic – used to treat trich 26
Parasitic STI

▪ Prevention:
▫ Trichomoniasis
▫ Condoms will help prevent the spread
▫ Pubic lice and Scabies
▫ Avoid sharing towels and clothing that
have not been washed
▫ When trying on bathing suits or
underwear in the store always wear 27
something underneath
Viral STIs
caused by a virus being passed between two people
during sexual activities, as well as through non-
sexual contact
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

▪ Very contagious virus

▪ HPV is spread through skin to skin contact ,
oral, anal and vaginal sex with an infected
▪ Usually harmless and goes away by itself, but
some types can lead to cancer or genital
Symptoms of HPV

▪ In most cases, your body's immune

system defeats an HPV infection before it
creates warts. When warts do appear,
they vary in appearance depending on
which variety of HPV is involved: Genital
warts, Common warts, Plantar warts and
Flat warts
Cure of HPV

▪ There is NO cure for HPV

▪ Treatment Options for Genital Warts:
▫ Special medication can be used
▫ Freezing with liquid nitrogen
▫ Laser therapy to destroy the warts

Prevention for HPV

▪ Avoid sex
▪ Do not share sex toys
▪ Get the HPV vaccine
▪ Use a condom or dental dam every time you have
▪ Talk to your partner (e.g. about sexual history and
STI testing before initiating sexual contact)
Prevention for HPV
▪ Common warts
▫ by not picking at a wart and not biting your nails.
▪ Plantar warts
▫ To reduce the risk of contracting HPV infections that
cause plantar warts, wear shoes or sandals in public pools
and locker rooms.
▪ Genital warts
▫ Being in a mutually monogamous sexual relationship
▫ Reducing your number of sex partners
▫ Using a latex condom, which can reduce your risk of HPV 34
Genital Herpes

Genital Herpes
▪ Caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) – HSV-1 and
▪ Spread through skin to skin contact and oral, anal and
vaginal sex
▪ Causes herpetic sores, which are painful blisters (fluid-
filled bumps) that can break open and ooze fluid
▪ Some people with herpes never develop sores, but are still
contagious and may spread it to others without knowing
▪ People who have an initial outbreak can have more 36
outbreaks throughout the rest of their life
Symptoms of Genital Herpes

▪ Pain or itching. You may experience pain and

tenderness in your genital area until the infection
▪ Small red bumps or tiny white blisters. These may
appear a few days to a few weeks after infection.
▪ Ulcers. These may form when blisters rupture and
ooze or bleed. Ulcers may make it painful to urinate.
▪ Scabs. Skin will crust over and form scabs as ulcers
heal. 37
Genital Herpes


▪ Treatment options include:
▫ Letting the blisters or sores heal on their
▫ Medication for outbreaks when they happen
▫ Daily medication to decrease outbreaks for
people who suffer from frequent outbreaks
Genital Herpes
▪ Prevention:
▫ always use condoms and dental dams, even when
there are no sores or blisters present. Condoms can
reduce the risk of infection by 75% or more. However,
they only protect the area of skin covered by the
condom or dental dam
▫ avoid sex when there are sores or blisters present -
you are most infectious at this time
▫ avoid sex with someone who has any blisters, sores or
other symptoms of genital herpes 39
▫ avoid oral sex when there is any sign of a cold sore.

▪ Hepatitis is a virus that affects

your liver
▪ It can cause permanent liver
disease and cancer of the liver
▪ Hepatitis A & B can be
prevented by vaccines
▪ There is no vaccine for Hepatitis C 40
How Hepatitis is Transmitted

▪ Hepatitis A is transmitted through fecal oral

▪ Hep B is transmitted through blood and
bodily fluids
▪ Hep C is transmitted mostly through blood
but also through bodily fluids
How can someone lower their chances of
getting Hepatitis B and C?
▪ Get vaccinated against Hepatitis B (available
for students in grade 7)
▪ Practice safer sex
▪ Do not share instruments used in body-
piercing, tattooing or hair removal
▪ Do not share personal items such as
toothbrushes, razors and needles 42
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)


• HIV is the initial infection

• AIDS is the advanced stage of the disease
• Over a period of time, the virus attacks and
damages the body’s immune and nervous system
• How HIV/AIDS spread?
• The virus is spread through bodily fluids
• Once infected, you have HIV for life

▪ Cure:
▫ There is no cure for HIV/AIDS however there
are some treatments to slow the progression
of the disease (antiretroviral therapy)
▪ Prevention:
▫ Decrease risk with condom use
▫ Don’t share needles with anyone
STI Testing
STI Testing

▪ Chlamydia and Gonorrhea

▫ Urine test for males and females
▫ If symptoms present, swabs may be done
▪ Trichomoniasis
▫ Diagnosed by taking a sample of vaginal

STI Testing

▪ Genital warts (HPV)

▫ Diagnosed by visual examination
▪ Herpes
▫ Usually diagnosed by sight, and by history
▫ A swab of the lesion can be taken to
confirm virus
▪ Hepatitis B & C, Syphilis and HIV
▫ Diagnosed by blood tests 48
Where can someone go for STI testing
and treatment?

▪ Family Doctor/ Nurse Practitioner

▪ Walk-In Clinic
▪ Health Unit – STI and Birth Control

What are some reasons to not
engage in sexual activity?
Should I have

Reasons/Factors that Influence Sexual
Health Decisions:
▪ Religious beliefs ▪ Gender Identity
▪ Family and personal values ▪ Need for more time to think
▪ Knowing yourself – what ▪ Personal decision-making
makes you feel skills
good/comfortable ▪ Ability to communicate with
▪ Concern about pregnancy others
and STIs ▪ Desire
▪ Physically readiness ▪ Curiosity
▪ Emotional readiness ▪ Pressure or expectations of
▪ Sexual Orientation partner 51
Sexual Health and Decision Making

Sexual Health
and Decision

Concept of Communication
consent in a relationship


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