Snatch - Malayalam - Kottayam

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The key takeaways are that there are two phases to Christ's coming - the rapture of the church and the glorious appearance to Israel. It also discusses the different views on the timing of the rapture and the three main events that will occur during the rapture.

The two phases of Christ's coming are the rapture of the church and the glorious appearance to Israel.

The different views on the timing of the rapture are partial rapture, post-tribulation rapture, mid-tribulation rapture, and pre-tribulation rapture.

The Great Snatch


Great Snatch – Church

Glorious Appearance –
Coming as

 “Bright and Morning star” (Rev. 22:16)

New Testament saints Rapture,

 “ The Sun of righteousness” (Mal.

4:2) Old Testament saints Second
Advent or the Glorious appearance
(Matt 24:30; 25:31).
“Bright and Morning star”

 Rapture – for the Church 1Thes 5:2

 Restoration – for Israel Rev.16:15

 Renewal – For the Earth and

Heaven 2 Pet.3:10
Rapture (Caught Up) means
 1) To rob or to plunder : Harpazo is
the Greek word used for ‘caught up.’
The word Harpagmos which means rob
or plunder is derived from this word.
 2) Move to a new place: Paul’s visit
to the third heavens. He was ‘caught up
to the third heaven,’ (2 Cor. 12:2).see
(John 14:3).
Rapture (Caught Up) means
 3) Snatch away speedily:
(Acts 8:39). ‘atom of time` (Gk.atomos)
(atom means something indivisible) (1
Cor. 15:51-52).
 4) Snatch away forcibly:
(John 6:15) ‘great snatch.’
(1 Thess. 1:10). (1 Thess. 5:9; Rev 3:10).
5) Rescue from danger. Acts 23:10
Various Views on Rapture
 Partial Rapture
 Post -Tribulation Rapture
 Mid -Tribulation Rapture
 Pre -Tribulation Rapture
Various Views:
 Partial Rapture:
 Whole church will not be raptured
those who are watching and
waiting will be raptured.
 Emphasis is more on the work for
salvation than grace of God.
“…we shall all be changed,” (1 Cor
15: 51-52 ).
Various Views
 Post-tribulation Rapture:
 Rapture and Second Advent are not two events
single event ..
 Antichrist and Great Tribulation precedes the
coming of the Lord.
 Denies the doctrine of imminent return of the Lord .
 Reject the literal interpretation of the scriptures
 No distinction between Israel and the Church.
Various Views
 Mid-tribulation Rapture:
 There is confusion between the seventh
trumpet Revelation 11:15 (1 Cor. 15:52)
attribute the work of man for his salvation.
Pre-tribulation Rapture:
 Bible prophecies are taken literally.
 The study of ‘70 weeks of Daniel’ also
confirms this view.
 Emphasis is on the imminent return
of our Lord..
Blessed ‘Hope’
 Heavenly Hope (1 Thess. 1:10).
 Happy Hope (1 Thess. 2:19).
 A Holy Hope (1 Thess. 3:13).
 A Healing Hope. (1 Thess. 4:18).
 A Healthy Hope (1 Thess. 5:23).
Events associated with
1 Thess. 4:16 -18

 The Lord’s Shout

 Voice of the Archangel

 Trumpet Of God
Events Associated with the
In 1 Thess. 4:16-18 three main events associated
with the rapture:
 The Lord’s Shout: John 5:28, 29; John11:43
John 11:25; Col. 3:3-4; Phi.3:21; Rom 8:18,23; Ps. 90:3
 Voice of the Archangel: Dan. 12:1-2; 9 Spiritual
warfare (Dan 10:13). (Col 2:15. (Rom. 16:20
 Trumpet of God: The trumpet was used In Num. 10:1-
10, for the gathering of the assembly (v:2), for the
commencement of the journey (v:5-6), at the time of war
(v:9) and also in “day of gladness”(v:10).
For the Roman soldiers. a series of trumpets marked the
beginning of their day;

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