Pampas Grass and Fremont Cottonwood Presentation
Pampas Grass and Fremont Cottonwood Presentation
Pampas Grass and Fremont Cottonwood Presentation
Fremont Cottonwood
English Ivy
The General Ecology of Fremont Cottonwood
- Scientifically known as (Populus Fremontii)
- Native to south-western states
- Ideal habitat is anywhere with nearby water
- Water is huge necessity
- Habitat for many species of insects and a food source
- Currently at risk of endangerment due to farming/deforestation
The General Ecology of Pampas Grass
- Formally known as Cortaderia selloana
- Exotic species that is originally from Southern America
- Ideal habitat is in a damp environment (near or around a riverbed)
- Naturally invasive and aggressive
hypothesis of the species interactions
Hypothesis: Pampas Grass might take over the habitat of Fremont Cottonwood