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Advantages of Biometrics
Working Principle of Biometrics
Classification of Biometrics
System Accuracy
What is biometrics?

The meaning of Biometrics comes from the Greeks. Biometry = bio(life) + metry (to
Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data.
Biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics such
as DNA, fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns , facial patterns and hand
measurements for authentication purposes
A Survey Report in BBC

More than 70% of people reveal their computer password in

exchange for something.
66% of staff have given their password to colleague
60% uses the same password for everything . Include their personal
The most common password was passward(16%)
The most popular part of their own name (12%)
Their football team (11%)
Their date of birth (18%)
The Biometric importance
The security is needed in every place.
to Improves convenience, security, and privacy
Alleviate the existing problems, Like those which can be
taken, stolen, borrowed or even forgotten.
The first known example of biometrics in practice was a form of finger printing being used
in China in the 14th century.
In the 1890s, Bertillonage ', created a method of bodily measurement with the criminals
who repeated the crimes with different names and looks.
After this, finger printing, which was developed by Richard Edward Henry of Scotland
Advantages of Biometrics
Any human characteristic can qualify as a biometric characteristic as long as it
satisfies the following requirements:-
User friendliness
Working of Biometrics System
Classification of Biometrics

1. Physiological related to shape of the body.

Facial recognisation
Hand geometry
Iris recognisation

2. Behavioral related to the behavior of the person.

Speaker recognisation
Signature recognisation
Gesture recognisation
Fingerprint Recognisation
A fingerprint is made of a series of ridges and furrows on the surface of the finger.
Ridge ending, ridge bifurcation. Algorithm is developed to distinguish whorl, arch
and loop.
Face Recognisation
Analyze the unique shape, pattern and positioning of the facial features.
80 peaks and valleys on a human face.
Hand Geometry

The technique is very simple, relatively easy to use, and inexpensive.

The physical size of a hand geometry-based system is large.
3D image is acquired in 9 steps
Iris Recognisation
The iris of each eye of each person is absolutely unique. This even applies to
identical twins.
Have over 200 unique spots in pupil and highly accurate technology.
The false acceptance rate for iris recognition systems is 1 in 1.2 million
Speaker Recognisation

Uses individuals voice for recognisation purposes

Signature Recognisation
Measures and analyze the physical activity of signing.
Banking or finance related applications.
Vein Recognition System:
Measurement of the blood vessels on the back of your hand.

Input of palm The output Generate veins

picture picture structure


Not match
Gesture Recognisation
Use of motions to communicate.
Interact naturally without any mechanical devices.
Depth-aware cameras.
Stereo cameras.
Controller based Gestures.
Method Coded Pattern Misidentification
Iris Recognition Iris pattern 1/1,200,000
Fingerprinting Fingerprints 1/1,000

Facial Recognition Outline, shape and

distribution of eyes and 1/100

Shape of letters, writing
order, pen pressure

Voice printing Voice characteristics 1/30

1. Eye-gazed System:-
The Eye gaze Edge uses the pupil-center / corneal-reflection method to
determine where the user is looking on the screen.

Portable eye gaze

syatem Mounted
on wheelchair
2. Television Controlled by Hand Gestures:-

Canesta 3D sensor
3. Mimi Switch:-

It uses infrared sensors.

It stores and even interpret data.

Can be used as a safety measure.

4. Controller Free Gaming:-
Project Natal and project MILO is the name for a controller free Gaming.

Using gestures and spoken commands.

Depth Sensor.
Biometry is one of the most promising and life-
altering technologies in existence today. Some of the
emerging biometrics technologies in the near future

Ear shape identification.

Body odor identification.
Body salinity identification.
EEG Fingerprint
DNA matching

Possibly in the near future, you will not have to remember PINs and passwords and keys
in your bags or pockets will be things of the past.

Biometrics is an emerging area with many opportunities for growth.

User friendliness.

A new way to interact with devices.


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