Labor Dystocia
Labor Dystocia
Labor Dystocia
of Labor
We do know there is some endocrine maternal/fetal cross talk (eg horses and
donkeys indicate that fetal genotype is a factor365 vs 340 days)
The passenger
Estimating fetal size: ultrasound, leopolds, what does
mom think?
How big is too big? Definition of macrosomia is
diabetics: 4500g non-diabetics: 5000g
Labor Mechanics
Assessing amplitude, duration, and intensity of ctx
internal IUPC vs external toco
If ctx are adequate either the cervix will dilate or the caput will
become worse.
Labor Mechanics
The Passenger
The passenger is the fetus. Fetal size can influence labor
Can be assessed by Leopolds, US or both. ( Moms
opinion counts, too!)
Fetal lie: Fetal position relative to the maternal spine. longitudinal, oblique, transverse
Presentation: refers to the fetal part that is above the pelvic inlet. (eg a fetus can have a logitudinal
lie but be breech or cephalic)
Position: referes to the relationship of a nominated site of the presenting part to a denomintating
location in the internal pelvis. Eg. Occiput/sacrum ROA, RSA
Abnormalilty of any of these variables can influence whether or not to proceed with a vaginal delivery.
Fetal presentation: Fetal part directly over the pelvic inlet;
eg breech, cephalic, compound, funic
Labor Mechanics
The passenger
Malpresentation is any presentation that is
not cephalic with occiput leading. (about
5%) Multifetal pregnancies increase the
risk of malpresetnation
The cephalic presentation can be classified by
boney landmarks of the skull; eg occiput ,
mentum, brow
A: Right occiput anterior (ROA); B: Left occiput anterior (LOA); C: Occiput
anterior (OA).
* Posterior fontanel. This is the smaller of the two fontanels and is at the
intersection of the three sutures: the sagittal suture and two lambdoid sutures.
** Anterior fontanel. This large fontanel is at the intersection of four sutures: the
sagittal, frontal, and two coronal sutures.
Occiput posterior
Occiput transverse
Labor Mechanics
The passenger
Station: measure of descent of the presenting part
through the birth canal relative to ischial spines
this is the relationship between the leading bony part of fetal
presenting part ( skull bone NOT scalp) and the maternal ischial spines.
Must take into account molding and caput succedaneum (not doing so
is a common error)
Often described as -3 to + 3
Newer scale is -5 to +5
Nucleus medical art.
Labor Mechanics
The Passage
The passage consists of the bony pelvis (sacrum, ilium, ischium, pubis)
and the resistance provided by the soft tissues.
Bony pelvis is divided into the greater (false) and lesser(true) pelvis by
the pelvic brim which is demarcated by the sacral promontory.
Foley bulb
Pharmacologic methods
Dinoprostone (Prepadil and Cervadil) PGE2 , oxytocin,
misoprostyl (cytotec) PGE1
Oxytocin is cheap, and well known to us
Short t1/2
uterine hyperstimulation (tachysystole)
increased uterine tone (hypertonia)
water intoxication (at doses of 30-40 miu since its a vasopressin
hypotension (usually if pitocin is given as a bolus)
uterine rupture (associated with excessive oxytocin)
Abnormal patterns of labor
Protraction of descent
Descent of < 1 cm/h in nullips
Descent of < 2 cm/h in multips
Arrest of Descent
This requires an assessment of contractions,
maternal fetal well being, and CPD
1) < 34 weeks
increases risk of intraventricular hemorhage
2) Fetal bleeding diathesis e.g., ITP,
3) Multiple FSE attempts
4) CPD
Vaccuum types
Take a look at what we have!
Empty bladder
Dorsal lithotomy position
Adequate anesthesia ( a MUST for
Fetal position, station, EFW
Putting on the Vac
Were prerequisites met (full dilatation, empty
bladder, no contraindications, gest. Age, station (+2/3 or
Fetal status (station, position, FHTs
Verbal consent
Detailed description of procedure
Type of vaccuum, total time, reduced between
contractions, # pulls, # ctx, # pop-offs, progress with
each pull, epis or not
Reasons instrumental deliveries fail
Bad technique (eg pulling without contractions,
upward pull before crowning: deflexed, paramedian
Large Caput
RememberNo one thanks you for a vaginal
delivery unless its perfect.
Shoulder dystocia
If the anterior and posterior shoulders descend together instead of sequentially, the
anterior shoulder can become impacted behind the symphysis pubis (or the posterior
shoulders on the sacral promontory)
If descent of the fetal head continues
while the shoulders remain impacted,
stretching of the nerves of the brachial
plexus can occur.
Careful documentation
. Late deceleration with loss of variability. This is an ominous pattern, and immediate delivery is indicated
Figure 8
FIGURE 8. Variable deceleration with pre- and post-accelerations ("shoulders").
Fetal heart rate is 150 to 160 beats per minute,
and beat-to-beat variability is preserved.
Figure 9
Figure 9