BUS101 Lecture1
BUS101 Lecture1
BUS101 Lecture1
Introduction to Business
BBA Program, School of Business, North South University
Natural Resources
Human Resources
Th e P r i v a t e
En t e r p r i s e
Capitalism (vs Communism)
Adam Smith is the father of capitalism.
Economic system determines business ownership, profits
and resources
Rewards firms for their ability to serve the needs of
Minimized government intervention
Competition is the battle among businesses for
consumer acceptance.
What is competitive differentiation? (Volvo vs Toyota)
(Example: telecom industry in BD)
i g h t s i n t h e
B a s i c R
t e r p r i s e
Private En
e n e u r s h i p
r e p r
The Ent t i v e
Alter n a
The risk-taker
Fuels the U.S. economy
Provides innovation
Entrepreneurial thinking is important
inside of large firms.
t h e H i s t o r y
Six Er a s i n
u s i n e s s
of US B
l a t i o n s h i p s
a g i n g R e
Man e c t i o n s
r o u g h C o n n
t h
Relationship Management
Activities to build and maintain mutually
beneficial ties with customers and other parties
Relationship management depends upon
(Example: Tesco)
A l l i a n c e s
S t r a t e g i c
r t n e r s h i p s
a n d P a
A strategic alliance
is a partnership
A partnership is an formed to create
affiliation of two or a competitive
more companies that advantage for both
help each other parties.
achieve common
Technically savvy
g e s i n t h e
Chan n g
r c e - A g i
o p u l a t i o n
By 2030, the number of U.S. workers 65 or older
will reach 72 million.
Offshoring is the
Outsourcing is using relocation of business
outside vendors to processes to lower
produce goods or cost locations
fulfill services and overseas.
functions that were
previously handled
in-house or in-country. Example: Tesco Shared Services
(Hindustan Service Centre)
M a n a g e r
Ability to lead change
o f C r i t i c a l
Im p o r t a n c e
d C r e a t i v i t y
T h i n k i n g a n
Stable growth