Rock Blasting - Basic
Rock Blasting - Basic
Rock Blasting - Basic
Agne Rustan
Lule University of Technology
SIPERVOR 10, 3-5 DEC 2009
Lima, PERU
Goal of my presentations
Goal of my presentations in Lima, Peru
1) Bring entusiasm to the auditorium and help them in their
2) Encourage the listener to publish in Fragblast Symposia and
Journal. This is possible if you work in a systematic and
logic manner and follows the rules for scientific writing
3) Let the listener understand that they all can make a big
contribution to the science of blasting. Curiosity important.
4) By showing examples from research, how much knowledge
is still hidden for us and must be revealed.
5) By some examples, also show how much costs that can be
reduced in the mining industry and today is wasted in
increasing the green house effect.
A definition of science
The action that systematically and with
accepted methods tries to gain knowledge to
describe, understand, explain and predict
phenomena and events.
Basic mechanisms in rock blasting
The energy produced by an explosive is divided into 3
main groups
Energy for the disintegration of the rock mass
Bending cracks, vertical radial cracks starting at the front and moving
backwards towards the blasthole. Verified in model and full scale single
hole blasting tests. From high speed photgraphing also horisontal bending
cracks can be seen at the front. Dynamic bending strength. NEW!
Radial cracks emanating from the blasthole and moving towards the bench
fench. Dynamic tensile strength.
Shear cracks at the bottom of the bench. Dynamic shear strength. NEW!