Hot Tears in Casting

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Hot Tears In Casting

Oleh :
Kelompok 3
1. Rafdi Abdul Majid
2. Nurul Huda
3. Roli
4. Leonardus


150 677 5191 )


Hot Tearing Model
Characteristic Of Hot Tears
Cause of Hot Tears
Prevention Of Hot Teras

Type Of Defect Casting

Gas Defects

Moulding Material

Hot Tears / Hot


Hot Spots
Pouring Metal Defects

Metallurgical defects

Hot Tearing
Hot tearing adalah defect yang di temui selama solidifikasi pada proses casting, dan biasa di sebut juga
hot cracking, hot shortness atau hot brittleness. Hot Tearing adalah sebuah crack yang jelas dan biasanya
terjadi pada samping rings atau ke arah atas ring dekat setting.
Hot tears terjadi ketika cairan logam mengisi cincin rongga,tapi bagian pada cincin mulai
solid sebelum yang
Hot tears occur when the molten metal fills the ring cavity but does not solidify in an even manner. A section
of the ring begins to solidify before another, and a pulling apart takes place leaving a crack. This crack may
be noticed after breakout, but usually shows in finishing. The crack usually appears after:
Chemical treatment
Heating, such as during soldering

Belum di Review

Hot Tearing

Hot Tearing

Characteristic Of Hot Tears

D efi

Ragged,branching crack
G enerally intergranular
D endritic m orphology on failure surface
H eavily oxidized failure surface
O ften located at hot spot
Random occurrence and extent
Alloy specifi

Effect of hot tears

Alloy com position
G rain size and m orphology
ect of casting process param eters
ect of m elt superheat
ect of m old tem perature

Effect of alloy composition

Al-Si( Crack length )

D iatas 1.6% w t Sim enjadi

inisiasiterbentuknya hot tears.
D ibaw ah 1.6% w t m enurunkan
pem bentuykan hot tears.

Effect of Grain Size And Morphology

M enurut D evies, salah
satu factor yang paling
berpengaruh dalam
m em bentuk hot tears
adalah grain size.

Effect of Casting Process Parameters

ect of m elt superheat
ect of m old tem perature

Cause Of Hot Tears

P ossib le C au ses :
shrinkage of the casting w ithin the die
U ndercuts or dam age in the cavities
U neven , or excessive, ejection force
Therm alim balance in the die
Insuf f
cient draft in the section of the die
Excessive porosity in criticalregions on the part
Product design not m atched to the process
Inadequate die design

Prevention Of Hot Tears

Alter casting design
Chillhot spots
Reduce constraint from m ould
Add brackets and w ebs
G rain refi
n em ent
Reduce casting tem perature
Reduce contracting length

Rajesh Rajkolhe, J.G Khan , 2014 Defects, Causes and Their Remedies In the
Casting Process Mechanical Engineering Depertment , Shegaon

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