Multimedia: Kevin T. Gale
Multimedia: Kevin T. Gale
Multimedia: Kevin T. Gale
Kevin T. Gale
What is Multimedia
Outside World
• Newsletter
• Brochure
• Cards
• Flyers
• YouTube
• DVD’s
• Web
• Presentation (Screen)
• YouTube channel
• Facebook Page
• VBS page
• Missionary Websites
• Adobe • Power Director
– Photoshop • Microsoft
– Premier Pro – Word
– After Effects – PowerPoint
– Soundbooth – Excel, Access, etc.
– Flash – Windows Movie Maker
– Dreamweaver
– Acrobat and .PDF
• Used to generate, create, edit photo’s.
• Create a theme for what you’re doing
• Things you create and edit are called “assets”
Premier Pro
• Used to edit video
• Non-Linear Editing System used with On
Location and Encore
• Generates “rough-cuts” of video
• The 1080p standard and HDV editing
• Workflow
– Capture video, Import, cut, cinematography,
After Effects
• Effects Rendering Program
• Used to generate video Assets
• After export from Premier Pro, effects are added
in AE
• High Power program, can create anything from
text to real “Hollywood” effects used to make
• Has chroma key (green screen) capability
• “Sound for Dummies” program
• Can record, edit, and produce audio files.
• Imports right from Premier Pro
• Can generate entire websites
• Used to create .SWF files easily read by
Internet Explorer and other browsers.
• You can create interactive content in flash, in
other words people can “click” the .swf movie
to make something happen.
• Along with Flash used to be owned by
Macromedia Inc. Then Adobe bought the
• Used to create/maintain complex websites.
• Requires in depth knowledge to use
• Anything that is printed, on physical paper
• Used to hand out to visitors, first impression
of our church made by print.
– Needs to convey important information due to
production cost.
– Needs to look consistent with other multimedia
– Needs to be kept relevant, prompt, and easy to
• 3 Methods of printing in our church
– Xpress printing, prints our cards, brochures,
newsletters, and letterhead for free, extremely
valuable relationship.
– Printing at the church mostly B&W, however we
are able to print color for special projects
– used for banners and big events,
highest cost to us but also best looking print
• Things to consider
– Audience who’s hands is it going into?
– Appearance will they remember it afterwards
– Approval did you get it?
– Spelling, content, etc. KEEP IT SHORT AND SWEET
– Before printing READ IT OUTLOUD
• 5 step production process
– Development
– Pre-Production
– Production
– Post-Production
– Distribution
The 1080P Full HD standard
• Means that every picture the camera takes is 1080 X
1920 px. And they are taken in a progressive order.
• “P” refers to progressive, which means that an entire
picture is taken at once instead of “I” or interlaced in
which each pixel is read across lines of the picture.
Which is bad because it takes more time.
• The camera actually only takes 1 picture every 15
frames and through a process known as
“interpolation” it fills in the blanks.
How a Video Camera Works (3CCD)
Lens Chips
Light Light 0’s and 1’s
USB Cable
180 Degree Line
Camera A Camera C
Camera B
Typical Shooting Setup’s
Subject B
Subject A
180 Degree Line
Camera A Camera C
Camera B
Typical Shooting Setup’s
Subject A
180 Degree Line
Camera C
Camera B
Camera A
Time code and “Syncing”
• Audio and Video are kept separate, because
you get higher quality if you do it this way.
• Audio and Video are then “Synced” in Post-
Production (or “Post”)
• In order to do this you need some sort of
reference point to “sync” the Audio to the
video (Known as dubbing when voiceovers are
The Clapper board
• The clapperboard is used for several reasons
– The “clap” generates a loud short sound used in
post to both visually and audibly sync A/V sources.
– The white on the board is used in cinematography
to tell what needs to be done with color and white
– The board displays information about the date,
project and other stuff.
Order to a Shoot
• Once everything is setup then
• The director calls,
– “Quite on set” to minimize outside noise,
– “Rolling” which means the cameras and
microphones are on and sound is being recorded.
– “Action” for the “talent” (whoever is being filmed)
to begin. Clapboard clapped.
– “Cut” When they are finished everything stops
and/or is turned off for the next shoot.
Post Production
• Once all the footage is shot, files are
generated and stored in folders with the
project name on them.
• All sermon material is coded with a special
format. The date in MMDDYYYY, followed by
“P” for ‘Pastor’ and the name of whoever
preached. Done on all audio files, podcast, and
video files.
• The footage, including green screen footage, is
then cut in a relevant matter. Some good rule’s
to follow
– Always cut in the action
– Don’t show anyone in a compromising position
– Make sure you can see your subject
– Make sure the sequence makes sense.
• Cinematography – How the footage actually
looks, color wise, brightness and contrast, and
shaky footage errors are corrected. This can be
painstaking as color must be consistent
throughout project.
• Chroma Key is done. In Premier Pro or After
Effects the effect titled “Chroma Key” is put on
all green screen footage and an “Alpha” layer is
created. Then a background layer is added.
• DVD’s
• YouTube
• Website
Dynamic VS. Static
• Dynamic – changed and updated frequently,
uses RSS feeds to update from remote
sources. Content has to be generated and put
• Static – Set it and forget it application.
Updated semi-annually just to keep things up
to date.
Web is free?
• Other than server cost web is an easy way to
reach a lot of people in a short time. There are
some “tech challenged” people but with
instructions to follow right on the screen they
can figure out what’s going on.
• It is extremely low cost to use as a medium.
With features like YouTube you can have a 2
GB HD 10 min. video on nearly any website.
Basic Web stuff to know
• There are 2 parts to every website. The actual
website and the domain name. (Address)
• Servers are where web information is stored
and retrieved. You can have you own or rent
out space from someone else.
• File size counts, it is harder to access GB as
oppose to MB.
Apps and Widgets
• Apps – a feature on a website
• Widget – a program that displays apps
• Weebly is a website that makes other
websites. We have a 2 year lease with them.
• It is a “drag and drop” website. Design is
limited but it provides a framework to get
content out.
• We can upload as many 100mb files as we
want. We have 8 available websites after VCC
and Sonshine.
Distribution “Flow”
• When a person comes to VCC they are greeted
handed a brochure (print) with the web address on
it, they then head to the sanctuary where the
PowerPoint plays (video) with the web address on it.
• The point is that after they visit our church we point
them to the website for other information. We also
use the website to invite others to church. Right on
the front page we have contact info, a map, and the
last week’s sermon.
• Our website provides resources to our
congregation to learn and grow. They can
watch video’s, look at pictures, read blogs,
listen to sermons, and gain access to our
secondary websites.
We have an independent free Facebook page
where our “fans” can log on and write on our
wall. Although not used as much, they could
write events on the wall among other things.
• We have a YouTube account with all our video
projects on it. It serves to put all our videos
into one place and to archive them.
• You can copy and past YouTube code into any
website to distribute the video.
• Video is a huge area for multimedia growth, as
it is the richest content on the web to produce
a video, maximum impact.
• Full bible online, our website is integrated
with Biblegateway
• Our Newest addition as of March 1st, 2010
• RSS Feeds – Real Simple Syndication
• Podcast Site
– Detailed Stats
– Customizable presentation
• On YouTube
– Tutvid
– Thenewboston
Mobile Frontier
• With so many smart phones the “mobile” is
the next frontier in multimedia.
• Difficulty in standard OS. (Android, IPhone,
specific OS)
• Needing to make a mobile app/widget to
display content on phones.
What’s Next
• You decide