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Steam (or moist heat) is used almost universally for the
sterilization of fermentation media.
Except the use of filtration for the sterilization of media for
animal-cell culture because such media are completely
soluble and contain heat labile components making filtration is
the method of choice for sterilization.
The destruction of microorganism by heat is considered as loss
of viability not destruction.
The destruction of micro-organisms by steam (moist heat) at
specific temperature can be described as a first-order
chemical reaction provided if we considerer loss of viability
not destruction.
No is the number of viable organisms present at the start of the
sterilization treatment,
Nt is the number of viable organisms present after a treatment period,
On taking natural logarithms, equation (2) is reduced to:
ln(Nt/N0) = - kd t