Feasibility Studies For Construction Projects
Feasibility Studies For Construction Projects
Feasibility Studies For Construction Projects
business case
apreliminary business caseshould be
prepared. This is then developed into a
detailedbusiness casefor the preferred
option afterfeasibility studiesand options
appraisalshave been carried out.
The detailedbusiness caseis the
document that will be used to determine
whether authority should be given for the
preferred option to progress to the next
Power stations.
Certain industrial processes.
Certain transport projects.
Developments in sensitive or vulnerable locations
(thresholds do not apply in sensitive locations such
asnational parkswhere every project must be screened
forenvironmental impact assessment).
Unusually complex projects that may have adverse
environmental effects.
AnEnvironmental Statementmay
A description of the proposed development and its use.
An estimate of the likely residues and emissions resulting from
the construction and operation of the development. (water, air
and soilpollution, noise, vibration, light, heat,radiation, etc.).
An assessment of how the development complies
withplanning policy.
An assessment of environmental opportunities and
An assessment of appropriate alternatives. This may include
an assessment of possible alternative sites, and so it is
important that this is done during the very early stages of the
project, not as a process of post-rationalisation after
theclienthas already selected a site.
An assessment of the likely impacts of the development.
Site information
Site information