Submitted By-Group-9: Shailesh Aggarwal NMP77 Animay Kumar EM01 Nikhil Padalia EM04
Submitted By-Group-9: Shailesh Aggarwal NMP77 Animay Kumar EM01 Nikhil Padalia EM04
Submitted By-Group-9: Shailesh Aggarwal NMP77 Animay Kumar EM01 Nikhil Padalia EM04
The phaser family of workgroup color printers, selling into office, graphic arts, engineering/scientific
markets etc. Sales went from $561 Mn to $738 (1998)
1. Selecting
Retain manufacturing
Buy v/s Build
Single vendor ERP
strategy to refrain from
issues like
Choosing Oracle
2. Worldwide
Steering committee
- To develop a
Global business
- To develop
Business practice
changes and
guiding principles
Complex Architecture
3. Project
& Management
Key roles like program
manager, user leader,
global leader, functional
experts, power users,
functional sub teams
and test teams.
Project headed by Carl
Neun (CFO) final
arbiter and had
complete authority on
Division presidents and
Neun acted to resolve
major project
management problems.
4. Project Schedule
Carl Neun believed
scheduling much more
important than budget.
The program was
implemented in waves
and each wave
delivered a specific set
of functionality for a
particular division or
geographic region.
Order Management and Accounts Receivables modules in the 3 business divisions
Global rollout
Approach was to implement to each of the sites incrementally and rollout in waves
Global Rollout
Start with Holland Distribution center and implement in waves in select EU & non EU nations
Big Bang implementation in EU , America , Asia ,Australia
2. OMAR at MBD
More Complex Structure, large
number of Products.
CPID assembled products
domestically and relied
heavily on local distribution
centers, while MBDs new
business model demanded
direct shipment to end
Hired Oracle consultants at a
very early stage.
Extensive testing was done
which delayed the project but
resulted in zero startup
3. OMAR at VND
VND went for a rapid
VND was the smallest of
the three divisions at
The implementation
team was in a position to
benefit from all the prior
work that had been done
in the other two
The most complex
Division was in the
implementation issues.
Started with distribution centre in Holland because everybody used that.
Implementation was successful. They were able to ship even more quickly than
before. After Holland DC implementation, the Tektronix team opted to
implement Oracle in pilot set of countries representing both EU and Non-EU
This followed by big bang for the rest of the European countries
Big bang implemented all three divisional systems together.
After Europe, the American implementation adopted similar big bang approach.
For implementing in Asia/Pacific region Tektronix team first went after Englishspeaking countries Singapore and India
After this two countries they tackled the language difficulties in Korea, Taiwan,
and Hong Kong.
The final country to be implemented was Australia, which had older, mature
business processes, and complex legacy systems needing simplifications.
The rollout covered 23 countries in less than 500 days.
ERP provides Standardization & Go for Less Customization ,Proper software/vendor selection is
Pursue a vigorous testing program simulating live work environment to avoid risks and surprises
Apart from economic justification , ROI analysis and budgeting for the project will also help to
A straightforward ERP Implementation approach. It means all ERP modules, such as financials,
manufacturing, and human resources, etc, are implemented in all business units at all geographic
locations at the same time.
The Big bang is difficult to manage for very large organizations.
It is easier in organizations that are centralized.
It is easier for small, simple organizations.
Unit by Unit
This is common approach among large or diverse companies where there are not many common
processes across business units.
Time consuming, but does often lead to increased employee acceptance
More departments may be added over time with their own discreet instances of the ERP application
Key-Process Installation
Smaller companies often opt to focus on a few key processes for their initial ERP installation.
For instance, they may decide to start out using the ERP application's financial module and add other features