Site Preparation: BSR 100 Building Construction 1
Site Preparation: BSR 100 Building Construction 1
Site Preparation: BSR 100 Building Construction 1
BSR 100
The first step of site preparation work is to remove all the scrubs or
jungle if there exists any on the site for building construction.
The whole area will be roughly leveled.
The holes of the construction site will be filled with sands or rammed
earth and leveled off as required or redirected by the authority.
As a part of site preparation, the trees will be cut off and their roots
are totally uprooted as directed by the authority.
Before starting the work, permanent bench marks must be established
at a suitable point in the construction site.
The orientation and trench lines of the building should be correctly laid
out in the construction site and the location for the storage and
stacking of the materials should be definitely set on the ground in the
Site preparation also includes fixing position of the site office, go
downs, the guard and the labor shed, the access and existing roads for
trucks and carts etc.
Place to clear
2. Define carefully the exact area to be cleared before you
begin. You could mark the area using wooden stakes and
cord or poles.
(a) Clear the area within the limit of all vegetation,
shrubs, trees (including woody roots and tree stumps) and
all large stones.
(b) Clear the work space and walkway around the dikes.
(c) Clear all trees and shrubs within 10 m of structures
and any access, water supply or drainage area.
Preliminary work
Before starting to cut the trees, you
should first clear out the undergrowth.
This will reduce danger to people by
cutting down on tangles with fallen trees.
Selecting equipment
Small trees can be chopped with an axe
or they can be sawed. A handsaw
requires two operators and the use of a
wedge in the backcut.
For bigger tree, shears and shovels can
be use.
4. Stake out clearly the areas of the site from where the
surface soil should be removed, as was done earlier before the
clearing started
5. Excavate to the desired depth and transport the surface soil
away from the construction site
6. To be able to dig out this surface soil without too much
effort, it might be necessary to loosen it by ploughing. In
exceptional cases, you may have to rip the soil with a tractor
first, before starting excavation. Use as many shanks as
possible, at low speed and maximum soil penetration, to
reach best efficiency. For small areas, the soil may be
loosened using a pick.