Opportunistic Mycosis
Opportunistic Mycosis
Opportunistic Mycosis
Colony on SDA
Candida albicans
Mycelium and
Vaginal swab blastospores
in urine
Cryptococcus neofornans
Oval budding yeast.
Have a wide polysaccharide
Habitat in the soil containing
bird dropping.
Transmission: by inhalation.
Cryptococcus neofornans
Clinical feature:
٭Lung infection is often asymptomatic or may
produce flu-like disease or pneumonia.
٭They spread via blood stream to the
meninges and other system in patients with
reduced cell mediated immunity.
٭But some cases of meningitis may occur.
Laboratory Identification
Microscopy: Visualization of encapsulated
yeast in India ink preparation. Gram stain is
unreliable but stains such as methenamine-
silver, periodic acid-Schiff will allow the
organism to be visualized.
Culture: On sabouraud’s agar produces
colonies of yeast.
Serlogy: Capsular polysaccharide antigen can
be detected by latex-agglutination test.
Cryptococcus neoformans