P.E History
P.E History
P.E History
Physical education-originated from combinations from different Latin and Greek words. The Greek were the epitome (a Greek word meaning prototype or abridgement of the physical training and culture )of the standards of physical training and culture. *Origin & meaning> 1.Apparatos- from Latin word apparare , to prepare ,a device or group of devices used for a particular purpose. 2.Anthropomorphic From the Greek words anthropikos ,human being and morphic. 3.Calisthenics from the Greek words kalos beatiful and sthenos for strength, exercises without the use of any apparatus. 4.Coordination from the Greek word ordinatos ,to arrange harmonious functioning of muscles. 5.Cardiovascular- From the greek word kardio, heart ,and Latin word vasculum vessel, involving heart ,and the blood vessels
6.Exercise- from Latin words ex and arcere.to restrain ,bodily exertation for the sake of keeping the organs. 7.Flexibility from the latin words flexus to bend. 8.Gymnastic from the Greek words gumnos or sometimes gymnus naked. 9.Gymnasium- from the Greek word gumnasion or gumnazein meaning to exercise naked. A place where Greek youths exercised. 10.Kinesiology from th Greek words kinesis movement and ology for branch of learning. 11.Pedagogue from the greek words paido ,boy and agogos,leader.It now means a school teacher or an educator. 12.Pedagogy- frm the Greek words see above ,the art or profession of teaching. 13. Physical Education-from the Greek words physica,physics and educatio the training of the bodily organs and powers with a view to promotion of health and vigor. 14.Psychology from the Greek phusio and - ology organism branch of learning ,dealing with the process and functions and
776 B.C *Baron Pierre de Coubertin (founder of the movement of the modern Olympic movement. *five rings (Africa,Americas,Asia,Europe & Ocenia). *Olympic Flag - made its debut at the 1920 olympic Games in Antewrp. *Original Olympic Games (Greek> Olympiakoi Agones) began in 776 BC in Olympia,Greece, and were celebrated until 393 AD. *Olympic Motto is Citius , altius, Fortius as a Latin phrase meaning Swifter, Higher, Stronger. *Olympic Flame - is lit in olympia and brought to the host city carrying the torch in relay. *Olympic Mascot an animal orhuman figure representing the cultural heritage of the host country. French & English - two official languages o the Olympic movement. Heracles - creator of the Olympic games.
> Dark Ages 476 A.D. *Fall of Roman Empire reffered to us the period of DARK AGE . *Physical and Moral Decay considered the cause of Roman Fall. *Teutonic and invassion supported physical activity with two movements Asceticism and sholasticism.
>GERMANY-1774 *Johann Bernhard Basedow- etablished the Philanthropinum it was the first school in Europe. *Johann Friedrich Guts Muths- succeded Christian Carl Andre as the istructor of physical education. *Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi Rousseau and Basedow,Pstalozzi was a staunch believer in educating natural laws.In 1807,published on article Concerning Physical Education.
JEAN C ROSSEAU 1712-1788 *He wrote the book Emile which became a ralying cry for the educational reform system of that time. DENMARK FRANZ NACHTEGALL 1777- 1847 *Franz Nachtegall- played a large part in intducing physical education into public schools of Demark and teacher preparation. *he known as FATHER OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION