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Cell Membrane

The basic structure of biological membranes : lipid bilayer ( double layer of phospholipids). The exposed heads are "hydrophilic").
The hidden tails of the phospholipids are "hydrophobic" (acts as a
protective barrier to the uncontrolled flow of water).

(compatible with water both within the cytosol and outside of the cell).

Lipid composition of human dan animal biological membranes: phospholipids, cholesterol dan glycolipid

- allow selective receptivity and signal transduction by providing transmembrane receptors that bind signaling molecules

anchoring sites for cytoskeletal filaments or components of the extracellular matrix cell
maintain its shape and move to distant sites.

Cont. Function

regulate the fusion of the membrane with other membranes in the cell via specialized junctions provide a passageway across the membrane for certain molecules, such as in gap junctions. allow directed cell or organelle motility

Cont. Function
Cell Membrane components may:
- be the place of numerous proteins-crucial for cell activity: receptors for odors, tastes and hormones, pores responsible for the controlled entry and exit of ions like Na+, K+, Ca++ and Cl-. - be protective

- regulate transport in and out of cell or subcellular domain - provide a stable site for the binding and catalysis of enzymes.


Ion channel

pore-forming proteins that help to establish and control the small voltage gradient across the plasma membrane of all living cells by allowing the flow of ions down their electrochemical gradient. Mediate ex.rapid electrical signaling of nerves impulses and muscle contraction, also biologic responses. Movement of nonionic solute through a channel is strictly passive Protein channels permit the rapid flux of ions across membrane

channels permit the passage of ions based solely on charge, the archetypal channel pore is just one or two atoms wide at its narrowest point. It conducts a specific species of ion, such as sodium or potassium, and conveys them through the membrane single file. In some ion channels, passage through the pore is governed by a "gate," which may be opened or closed by chemical or electrical signals, temperature, or mechanical force, depending on the variety of channel.

Common structural motif: Glycoprotein containing several ahelix membrane spanning region, flanked by hydrophilic protruding into the extracellular space and cytoplasm.

Structure of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor

Stimuli that control opening and closing gating. Voltage-gated channels are responsible for the propagation of electrical impulse over long distances in nerve and muscle. Open specifically in response to a change in electric field that exist across plasma membrane of cells at rest. Ex. Neurotransmitters or drugs that bind to the extracellular portion of the receptor. Second messenger and enzyme can influence conformational state. ligand

Three rapidly ion channels and slowly gated type gap junction

ion channel require a deviation of transmembrane potential Ligand-gated receptors respond to the binding of a specific neurotransmitter molecule or drugs Mechanically gated channels can sense movement of the cell membrane linked by cytoskeletal filaments to the channel protein. Each effector causes an allosteric change that opens the channelcausing an ion flux across the membrane. Gap junction : not rapidly gated, open and close in response to changes in the intracellular concentration of Ca and protons,

Pore size and charge determine the ion selectvity of channels

Gap junction form nonselective large pores, permitting the flow of ions as well as second messenger molecules and other metabolites Some gated channels with larger pores.ex acetylcholine receptor at the neuromuscular junction, permeable only for small kation K+,Na+,Ca++

Sequential activation of gated ion channels at aneuromuscular junction

Arrival of an action potential at the terminus of presynaptic motor neuron induces opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (1) and release of acetylcholine triggers opening of the ligand-gated acetylcholine receptors in the muscle plasma membrane (2). The resulting influx of Na+ produces a localized depolarization of the membrane, leading to opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels and generation of an action potential (3). When the spreading depolarization reaches T tubules, it is sensed by the voltage gated Ca+ release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. Releasing stored Ca2+ into cytosol (4). The resulting rise in cytosolic Ca2+ causes muscle contranction .

Ligand-gated ion enable rapid communication between different neurons and between neuron and muscle across synapsis (special junction between nerve terminal and opposed stretches of the muscle membrane)

Clinical relevancy

The basic knowledge about ion channel will enable researchers to identify new types of compounds that inhibit or activate just one of these membrane transport protein in each of the several tissues in which it is expressed. Ex. A drug that inhibits a particular inon channel in sensory neurons might be useful in treatment of chronic pain, but if this channel also expressed in certain areas of the brain, its inhibition may have serious undesired actions (side effects).

Ion pumps

responsible for establishing and maintaining the usual ionic gradients across the plasma and intracellular membranes. In carrying out this task, cells expend considerable energy. The energy is powered by ATP.

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