Introduction To Systemic Pathology

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Pn Azrina Zainal Abidin

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Definition: study of disease.

Provide an understanding of disease processes encountered, their incidence, causes (aetiology), pathogenesis, clinical effects (sign and symptom), prognosis and their morphological appearance. Pathology constitutes a logical and scientific basis of medicine.

Characteristics of Disease
Definition Clinical features / sign & symptoms Clinical finding / lab finding / histo pathological finding. Etiology Pathogenesis Complication Methods of diagnosing Treatment Prognosis

Incidence: Measure of the risk of developing some new condition within a specified period of time. Etiology: Science that deals with the causes or origin of disease, the factors which produce or predispose toward a certain disease or disorder Pathogenesis: The development of a disease. The origin of a disease and the chain of events leading to that disease.

Symptom experienced and reported by the patient. Eg : Ascites (fluid in the abdomen) Cachexia (loss of weight, muscle atrophy) Caput medusae (dilated umbilical veins) Clubbing (deformed nails) Sign discovered by the physician during examination of the patient

doctor's prediction of how a patient's disease will progress, and whether there is a chance of recovery.

Clinical finding Abnormal findings in any of body specimen. Eg: abnormal findings in urine; Chyluria, Myoglobinuria, Biliuria, Haemoglobinuria, Acetonuria Histo pathological finding Abnormal findings in any of body specimen through examination of a biopsy or surgical specimen by a pathologist after the specimen has been processed and histological sections have been placed onto glass slides.

Complication a disease or disorder arising as a consequence of another disease

Learning Resources
a) Textbooks:
Harsh Mohan. Textbook of Pathology. 2005. Jaypee. Chandrasoma, P.Taylor, C.R. 2001. Consice Pathology. 3rd edition. Mc-Graw-HillBook.

b) laboratory
Glass slides

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