Game Theory Final
Game Theory Final
Game Theory Final
Introduction History Applications Prisoners Dilemma Dominant Firm Strategy Mixed Strategies Case Study Evolutionary Game Theory Approach to Combat Money Laundering
Game Theoretic Analysis was used in study of duopoly in 1838 by Antoine Cournot The mathematician Emile Borel suggested a formal theory of games in 1921, Theory of parlor games was introduced by the mathematician John von Neumann in 1928 Game theory was established as a field in its own right after the 1944 publication of the monumental volume Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by von Neumann and the economist Oskar Morgenstern In 1950 John Nosh introduced concept of Equilibrium point
Many of the interactions in the business world may be modeled using game theory methodology A example is that of the similarity of the price setting of oligopolies to the Prisoners Dilemma
There is cooperation exists between different species. The reason behind this coexistence can be modeled using game theory For example, birds called ziczacs enter crocodiles mouths to eat parasites. This symbiosis allows crocodile to achieve good oral hygiene and allows the ziczacs to have a decent meal
Prisoners Dilemma
MR A Confess MR B ( -8, -8) ( 0, -15) Dont Confess
Prisoners Dilemma
Dont Confess
( -15, 0)
( -1, -1)
Prisoners Dilemma
MR A MR B Confess Dont Confess
Prisoners Dilemma
( -8, -8)
( 0, -15)
Dont Confess
( -15, 0)
( -1, -1)
Prisoners Dilemma
Prisoners Dilemma
MR A Confess MR B ( -8, -8) ( 0, -15) Dont Confess
Dont Confess
( -15, 0)
( -1, -1)
Prisoners Dilemma
MR A MR B Confess Dont Confess
( -8, -8)
( 0, -15)
Dont Confess
( -15, 0)
( -1, -1)
Prisoners Dilemma
Conclusion: Mr.A confesses also
Prisoners Dilemma
Both get 8 years, even though if they cooperated, they could get off with one year each For both, confession is a dominant strategy: a strategy that yields a better outcome regardless of the opponents choice
Nash Equilibrium: Neither player has an incentive to change strategy, given the other players choice
Both confess is a Nash Equilibrium Both dont confess is not a Nash Equilibrium, rival will always want to renege
Two firms, one large and one small Either firm can announce an output level (lead) or else wait to see what the rival does and then produce an amount that does not saturate the market.
( 0.5, 4)
( 3, 2)
( 1, 8)
( 0.5, 1)
( 0.5, 4)
( 3, 2)
( 1, 8)
( 0.5, 1)
( 0.5, 4)
( 3, 2)
( 1, 8)
( 0.5, 1)
Dominant Firm will always lead..
( 0.5, 4)
( 3, 2)
( 1, 8)
( 0.5, 1)
( 0.5, 4)
( 3, 2)
( 1, 8)
( 0.5, 1)
No dominant strategy for the Subordinate firm. Does this mean we cannot predict what they will do?
( 0.5, 4)
( 3, 2)
( 1, 8)
( 0.5, 1)
Subordinate firm will always follow, because dominant firm will always lead.
Minimax Theorem
A pure strategy defines a specific move or action that a player will follow in every possible attainable situation in a game. A mixed strategy is an assignment of a probability to each pure strategy. This allows for a player to randomly select a pure strategy. Since probabilities are continuous, there are infinitely many mixed strategies available to a player, even if their strategy set is finite. The Minimax Theorem guarantees the existence of exactly one equilibrium point for any 2-player zero-sum matrix game. However, the equilibrium point may be the result of the use of pure or mixed strategies by either one or both players.
Determine if the equilibrium point is associated with pure strategies: To do this we determine if the row players maximin strategy and the column players minimax strategy coincide in the same outcome.
If pure strategies do not produce an equilibrium point, we proceed as follows: For each player we find the probabilities that will provide the lowest expected payoff for the other player.
Fastball Curve
.300 .100
Fastball Curve
.300 .100
First, find the minima for the row player. Now what is the best he can do assuming the pitcher will play to achieve these values? The maximin strategy for the row player is .200. This is the best of the worst outcomes.
Fastball Fastball
.300 .100
Now we search for the best strategy for the column player. Find the minimax strategy for the column player. For the pitcher, by choosing always to throw a fastball, the worst he can do is give up a .300 average for this batter. For the batter, by choosing always to swing for a fastball, the worst he can do is average a .200.
Curve .200
Because the maximin and minimax strategies do not equal, the equilibrium point is not found with pure strategies. The batters worst case average is .200 and the pitchers worst case average is .300 using pure strategies. Now by mixing strategies, each player will try to get as much of that difference as possible. What strategy should each adopt assuming best play by the opponent?
Lets find the optimal mixed strategy for the pitcher first.
Fastball Fastball
.300 .100
We write the expected value (which is the average payoff in repeated trials) for the batter based on the probabilities p and 1-p, for each of the batters strategies. EF = .300p + .200(1-p) is the expected value the batter would receive choosing fastball. EC = .100p + .400(1-p) is the expected value the batter would receive choosing to swing for a curveball.
The pitcher wants to find the probability p, for throwing a fastball, that will minimize the batters expected value. We simplify each expression above, which gives expected value (for each strategy) as a function of probability, p, graph each function, and find a minimum value, as follows: EF = .300p + .200(1-p) = .3p + .2 - .2p = .1p + .2
EC = .100p + .400(1-p) = .1p + .4 - .4p = -.3p + .4 Note that these expected value functions are always linear in p, and are thus easy to graph
But we have not yet determined the strategy the batter should use to maximize payoff assuming best play by the pitcher. This is done the same way for the batter as it was done for the pitcher but the probabilities associated with an optimal mixed strategy may be different for each player. Nevertheless, assuming best play by each player, there is exactly one outcome, which is the value of the game. Well now find the optimal mixed strategy for the batter
Finding an Equilibrium Point 2x2 Zero Sum Game Now for the batters best-play strategy Let q be the probability for the batter of swinging for a fast ball and thus 1-q will be the probability for the batter of swinging for a curve. Pitcher
q batter 1-q
Well calculate expected value functions for the pitcher for each strategy which depend on the value of q. Then well determine the value of q that is best for the batter assuming best play by the pitcher.
q batter 1-q
If the pitcher chooses the fastball strategy, the pitchers expected payoff will be EF = .300q + .100(1-q) = .3q + .1 - .1q = .2q + .1
And if the pitcher chooses the curveball strategy, the pitchers resulting expected value will be
EC = .200q + .400(1-q) = .2q + .4 - .4q = -.2q + .4
Finding an Equilibrium Point 2x2 Zero Sum Game Expected payoff values for the pitcher, for each pure strategy, are as follows: EF = .2q + .1 and EC = -.2q + .4
We seek the value of q that maximizes payoff to the batter (the worst case for the pitcher). That is, what should the batter choose assuming best play by the pitcher.
Graphing these functions, over values of q from q = 0 to q = 1, we have
.4 .3 .2 .1 EF
q 1
Finding an Equilibrium Point 2x2 Zero Sum Game Again, the choice of q that will maximize payoff for the batter assuming best play by the pitcher will occur at the intersection of these lines. Solving .2q + .1 = -.2q + .4 we get .4q = .3 and thus q = 3/4.
.4 .3 .2 .1
q 1
Finding an Equilibrium Point 2x2 Zero Sum Game We have found what the Minimax Theorem guaranteed exists: the equilibrium point for a 2x2 zero-sum matrix game. In this case that equilibrium point is found at mixed strategies for both players. The equilibrium point is the combination of strategies with probabilities (1/2, 1/2) for the pitcher and (3/4, 1/4) for the batter of pure strategies of fastball and curveball, respectively.
That is, these probabilities will yield each player the best possible payoff assuming best play by the opponent. The pitcher should mix fastballs and curveballs with probabilities 1/2 and 1/2 for each. The batter will maximize his average by swinging for fastballs 3/4 of the time and swinging for curves 1/4 of the time.
The value of this particular game is the payoff to the row player (the batter) which is .250.
After foreign exchange and the oil industry, the laundering of dirty money is the worlds thirdlargest business.
Jeffrey Robinson, The Laundrymen
How Much Is Laundered? IMF estimate - 2-5% Global GDP
Proceeds = any economic advantage derived directly or indirectly from criminal offenses
1. Predicate Crimes
Corruption and Bribery Fraud Organized crime Drug and human trafficking Environmental crime Terrorism Other serious crimes
The last stage in the laundering process. Occurs when the laundered proceeds are distributed back to the criminal. Creates appearance of legitimate wealth.
Initial introduction of criminal proceeds into the stream of commerce Most vulnerable stage of money laundering process
Involves distancing the money from its criminal source: movements of $ into different accounts movements of money to different countries Increasingly difficult to detect
Financial services
Company A Needs to generate $1 million for bribe to Finance Minister. Uses invoices from company in Country 2
Country 2
Deters private investment Destroys competition Revenue impact
Perpetuates corruption, obstructs good governance Erodes confidence Destabilizes financial institutions
The two players in the game are employees and the Financial institutions
Workers have two possible types or strategies.
committed to combat money laundering, being denoted h else l If they decide to combat money laundering, they face a cost C
financial institution that is committed to fight money laundering, denoted by F else I is the probability that an employee is being hired by F institution and 1- by I type be the out put of a bank operating legally and hiring a worker committed to combat money laundering be the out put of a bank operating legally and hiring a worker not committed to combat money laundering is the wage of a trained worker hired by a bank operating legally is the wage for an untrained worker hired by a bank operating legally
Let wi be the wage paid for both trained and untrained workers when banks decide to operate illegally be the cost for banks operating legally If the bank does not accept to follow this rule it is subject to be caught and pay a fee, expressed by m Let us assume that the probability of being caught is given by
The expected profit of the bank if it decides to cope against money laundering is given by
Where is the probability of hiring a worker that is committed with money laundering prevention If the bank decides not to cope against money laundering its expected pay-off is given by
Bank that decides to operate legally has to incur in costs related to compliance which are denoted by In the illegal operation, the firm is also assumed to hire only one worker and also produces yi Let be the probability of getting caught and m be the pecuniary fine Accordingly, if the worker chooses the strategy of being trained to combat money laundering, then, her expected payoff is given by:
A worker decides to cope with money laundering prevention if and only if Which means
N is the total no. of workers in financial system The worker choose one between following two strategies: cope up with money laundering or not to cope up with money laundering In this vein N=Nh+Nl Nh: number of workers who are willing with money laundering prevention N l: number of workers who do not cope with money laundering combat
L=number of banks Assuming each bank hires only one person for simplicity, L=N Let it L f denotes the number of banks that operate legally and L i the number of banks in the illegal operation. Hence, L=Lf+Li,
the number of workers who choose to cope against money laundering changes according to a comparison between the pay-off of choosing this strategy, namely U h , and the average pay-off of both strategies namely then the population of workers who decide to cope with money laundering prevention increases
Note that the crucial variables here are related to compliance costs, the probability of being caught and the ne to be paid in case of being caught in the illegal operation. If the expected loss due to punishment is higher than the compliance costs than banks decide to cope with money laundering prevention,
Case (i). If this loss is smaller than the compliance costs than banks decide not to combat money laundering,
Case (ii). If this cost is exactly equal to the compliance costs then some banks will decide to cope and others not
Case (iii). It is important to notice that, in this case, it is not possible to determine the fraction of banks that will cope and consequently the fraction that will not cope with money laundering prevention
the efficiency of anti-money laundering combat relies on the conjugation of factors such as a a) proper design of the anti-money laundering regulation b) Endogenous willingness of banks and workers to cope with this war Two way perspective: number of banks willing to ght money laundering affects the number of employees that also ght against money laundering number of banks that decide to cope against money laundering is also affected by the number of employees that are prepared or willing to ght it
level of combat against money laundering is an endogenous variable but may be strongly affected by design of the regulatory system
efficient combat to money laundering depends on the joint effort of competent authorities, banks and employees..
1. The insight behind these equations is straightforward: once a strategy has a higher t, measured by the its expected pay-off, than the average pay-off of possible strategies then the frequency of this strategy increases
2. Multiple equilibria can arise in a game when strategic complementarities are present, and spillovers exist between agents at the level of pay-offs