Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


Piles - are structural members made of steel, concrete and/or timber -are used to build pile foundations

Drilled shafts

- deep, cylindrical, cast-in-place concrete foundations poured in and formed by a bored excavation.

PILE FOUNDATIONS Need for Pile Foundations *insert picture 13.1a here* 1. When the upper soil layer is too weak to support the load, piles are used to transmit the load to underlying bedrock. *insert picture 13.1b here* When bedrock is not encountered at a reasonable depth below the ground surface, piles are used to transmit the structural load to the soil gradually. *insert picture 13.1c here* 2. When subjected to horizontal forces, pile foundations resist by bending while still supporting the vertical load transmitted by the superstructure. *insert picture 13.1d here* 3.Pile foundations may be considered as an alternative when piles are extended beyond the active zone, which swell and shrinks. In such cases, piles are extended into stable soil layers beyond the zone of possible moisture change. *insert picture 13.1e here* 4. The foundations of some structures like transmission towers are subjected to uplifting force, so piles are used to resist it. *insert picture 13.1f here* 5.Bridge abutments are usually constructed over pile foundations to avoid the possible loss of bearing capacity that a shallow foundation might suffer because of soil erosion.

(a) Steel Piles- generally are either pipe piles or rolled steel H section piles *INSERT FIGURE 13.2 HERE, NOTE LANG, SANA MASAMA DUN SA PICTURE YUNG PALIWANAG SA BABA NG PIC, NAKAITALICIZE, PACHECK NALANG. PAGE 437* Usual length: 15m-60m Usual load: 300 kN- 1200 kN Advantages: (a) Easy to handle with respect to cutoff and extension to the desired length (b) Can stand high driving stresses (c) Can penetrate hard layers such as dense gravel, soft rock

Disadvantages: (a) Relatively costly material (b) High level of noise during pile driving (c) Subject to corrosion (d) H-piles may be damaged or deflected from the vertical during driving through hard layers or past major obstructions
(b) Concrete Piles- can be divided into two basic types: precast piles and cast-in-situ piles. .1. Precast piles- prepared using ordinary reinforcement *INSERT FIGURE 13.3 HERE* Usual Length: 10 m- 15m Usual Load: 300 kN-3000 kN Advantages: (a) Can be subjected to hard driving (b) Corrosion resistant (c) Can be easily combined with concrete superstructure Disadvantages: (a)Difficult to achieve proper cutoff (b) Difficult to transport .2. Cast-in-situ, or cast-in-place built by making a hole in the ground and then filling with concrete. -divided into two categories: cased and uncased *INSERT FIGURE 13.4 HERE* (a) Cased piles- made by driving a steel casing into the ground with the help of a mandrel place inside the casing. Usual length: 5 m- 15 m Maximum length: 30 m- 40 m Usual load: 200 kN- 500 kN Approximate maximum load: 800 kN Advantages: a. Relatively cheap b. Possibility of inspection before pouring concrete c. Easy to extend Disadvantages: a. Difficult to splice after concreting b. Thin casings may be damaged during driving Allowable load: Where: As= area of cross section of steel Ac= area of cross section of concrete fs= allowable stress of steel fc= allowable stress of concrete

Qall= As fs + Acfc

(b) Uncased Pedestal- are made by driving first the casing to the desired depth and then filling it with fresh concrete -have two types: one without pedestal and other with one. Usual Length: 5 m- 15 m Maximum Length: 30 m- 40 m Usual load: 300 kN- 500 kN Approximate Maximum Load: 700 kN Advantages: a. Initially economical b. Can be finished at any elevation Disadvantages: a. Voids may be created if concrete is place rapidly b. Difficult to splice after concreting c. In soft soils, the sides of the hole may cave in thus squeezing the concrete. Allowable load: Where: Ac= area of cross section of concrete fc= allowable stress of concrete (c) Timber piles- are tree trunks that have ther branches and bark carefully trimmed off; should be straight, sound and without any defects.

Qall= Acfc

Three Classifications of timber piles 1. Class A piles- used to carry heavy loads. The minimum diameter of the butt should be 356mm. 2. Class B piles- used to carry medium loads. The minimum butt diameter should b 305 to 330mm. 3. Class C piles-used in temporary construction work. The minimum butt diameter should be 305mm. Usual length: 5m 15m Maximum length: 30m- 40m Usual load: 300 kN-500 kN (d) Composite Piles-may be made of steel and concrete, which is used when the length of the pile is required for adequate bearing exceeds the capacity of simple cast-in-place concrete piles, or timber and concrete. ESTIMATION OF PILE LENGTH (A) Point Bearing Piles- when the ultimate capacity of the piles depends entirely on the load-bearing capacity of the underlying material.

*INSERT FIGURE 13.6 a &b here*

The ultimate pile load may be expressed as :

Qu= Qp + Qs

Qp = load carried at the pile point Qs = load carried by skin friction developed at the side of the pile
If Qs is very small then:

(B) Friction Piles- when no rocklike material is present at a reasonable depth, piles are driven through the softer material to specified depths.

*Insert figure 13.6c here* The ultimate load of these piles may be expressed by: Qu= Qs Given that the value of Qp is relatively small.

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