Ateneo de Davao University High School: Science 1 Unit Plan

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Acacia St., Matina, Davao City 8021, Philippines FAX (6382) 299-240 TEL (6382) 299-2404 loc.


4th Quarter SY 2012-2013

Unit Title: Sun-Earth Moon System Subject Area: Science 1 Designed by: First Year Science Teachers Checked by: Mr. Cyril B. Lusuegro Time Frame: 6 sessions Stage 1DESIRED RESULTS Program Standard: Department of Education (Dep-Ed) Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of basic science concepts, applies science process skills, and exhibits scientific attitudes and values to solve problems critically, innovate beneficial products, protect the environment and conserve resources, enhance the integrity and wellness of people, and make informed and unbiased decisions about social issues that involve science and technology. This understanding will lead to learners manifestation of respect for life and the environment, bearing in mind that Earth is our only home. Ateneo de Davao University - High School (ADDU-HS) Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of basic Science concepts applies science process skills and demonstrates scientific attitudes and values to solve problems critically, create or innovate beneficial products and make informed and unbiased decisions about social issues that involve science and technology. These will enhance the integrity and wellness of the human person, protect the environment and conserve resources in order to sustain quality life. General Standard: Dep-Ed Standard Learners will recognize the system of classification of matter through semi-guided investigations but emphasizing fair testing. Learners will describe what makes up the Philippines as a whole and the resources found in the archipelago. They will explain the occurrence of breezes, monsoons, and ITCZ and how these weather systems affect people. Using concepts in the previous grade, learners will demonstrate why the seasons change and how eclipses occur. Learners will describe the motion of objects in terms of distance and speed and represent this in tables, graphs, charts, and equations. They will also investigate how various forms of energy travel through different media. After studying how organ systems work together in plants and animals in the lower grades, learners will now observe very small organisms and structures using a microscope. They will understand that living things are organized into different levels: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. These organisms comprise populations and communities which interact with nonliving things in ecosystems. ADDU-HS Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of balance of nature, diversity of materials in the environment, Newtonian mechanics, and interconnectedness of the Earths components through guided investigations or evidence from varied sources. The understanding will lead to learners manifestation of respect for life and the environment; making sense of changes in the environment (living & non-living world); energy makes

things happen; earths worth as humans only abode. Content Standards: Dep-Ed content standards for the unit or quarter The learner demonstrates understanding of the relationships of the seasons and the position of the sun in the sky, and of the occurrence of eclipses. ADDU (additional concepts) The learner demonstrates understanding of effects of Sun-Moon-Earth System and how these are managed. Performance Standards: Learners, working individually or in groups, make informed decision to manage the effects of the SunMoon-Earth System on activities involving livelihood, health and transportation. Transfer Goal(s): Make informed decision to manage the effects of the Sun-Moon-Earth System on activities involving livelihood, health and transportation. Manage the effects on human lives and the environment of events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, flood, and typhoons through intensive preparation and planning on how to act in these situations. Understandings: Essential Questions (REFLECTION): Students will understand that. . . Overarching EU: 1. The movements of Earth and Moon around the sun have implications on life here on Earth. 2. The relationship between the sun, Earth, and moon has implications on livelihood, health, and transportation. Topical EU: 1. Culture is influenced by the seasons. 2. Certain health issues like dengue fever and flu are common during the rainy season in the Philippines. 3. In the world of commerce, tides are vitally important to the shipping and fishing industries. 4. Solar and lunar eclipses are normal phenomenon. Students will know. . . 1. Locating places on Earth using coordinate system-latitude and longitude 2. The Philippine Archipelago Landforms and bodies of water in the Philippines 3. Rocks and Minerals (rock cycle) Overarching EQ: 1. What are the implications of the movements of Earth and Moon around the sun to us? 2. How are we affected by the sun-earth-moon system?

Topical EQ: 1. What is the effect of the different seasons on our culture and lifestyle?

2. How do you protect your health against dengue and flu during the rainy season? 3. What is the importance of tides in the shipping and fishing industries? 4. Do eclipses imply bad events in society? Students will be able to. . . 1. demonstrates how places on Earth maybe located using a coordinate system 2. describes the location of the Philippines with respect to the continents and oceans of the world

4. Exogenic (external) processes Weathering Erosion Mass wasting Sedimentation 5. Atmosphere layers of the atmosphere how energy of the Sun enters the atmosphere & greenhouse effect circulation in the atmosphere (land and sea breeze; monsoons, ITZC) 6. Meteorological Hazards & Disaster Preparedness Typhoon Flood Ipo-Ipo 7. Earth Resources Sustainable Utilization and Conservation a. Mineral Resources b. Water Resources c. Land/Soil Resources

3. describes the major landforms and bodies of water in the Philippines 4. Explain how and why the earth changes. 5. Investigate the solid earth and related parts, the gases that surround the earth, the water in the oceans, lakes and rivers and the life on earth. 6. Identify common rock forming minerals and name their physical and chemical attributes. 7. Discuss the importance of minerals to society and the environmental impact of using mineral resources. 8. Discuss the role of water in the biosphere, geosphere and atmosphere. 9. Describe the formation of soil where all earth systems interact. 10. Discuss the need to manage the quality and quantity of soil for future generations 11. Explain how dynamic the atmosphere is. 12. Identify the causes of severe weather conditions, including monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes and droughts. 13. Discuss how weather and severe storms can be predicted. 14. describes the effects of certain weather systems in the Philippines 15.

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