Software Engineering 1 - Lec 5 Software Project Managment

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Software Engineering


Software Engineering

Project Management

Software Project Management

Software & Project Management

Corporate America spends more than $275 billion each year on approximately 200,000 application software development projects Most of these projects will fail for lack of skilled project management

Management problems were more frequently dominant cause than technical problems Schedule overruns were more common (89%) than cost overruns (62%) KPGMs Survey in UK

Software Engineering

Project Management

Software Project Management (2)

Success Factors

User involvement 20 points Executive Support 15 points Clear Business Objectives 15 points Experienced Project Manager 15 points Small milestones 10 points Firm basic requirements 5 points Competent staff 5 points Proper planning 5 points Ownership 5 points Others 5 points

Software Engineering

Project Management

Software Project Management (3)

Primary causes of software runaway

Project Objectives not fully specified Bad planning and estimating Technology new to the organization Inadequate/No project management methodology Insufficient senior staff on the team Poor performance by Supplier of hardware/software

Software Engineering

Project Management

In a nutshell
Organizations that attempt to put software engineering discipline in place before putting project management discipline in place are domed to fail SEI

Software Engineering

Project Management

Product and the Project Life Cycles

Software Engineering

Project Management

Phases in a Project Life Cycle

Project Management Life Cycle Processes/Activities of the 5 phases (Process Groups 2004) are as: 1. Scope the Project State the Problem/ Opportunity Establish the project goal Define project Objectives Identify the success criteria List assumptions, risks, obstacles 3. Launch the Plan Recruit and organize project team Establish team operating rules Level resources Schedule work packages Document work packages 5. Close Out Obtain client acceptance Install project deliverables Complete project documentation Complete post-implementation audit Issue final project report

2. Develop detail Plan Identify project activities Estimate activity duration Determine resource requirements Construct / analyze project network Prepare project proposal

4. Monitor/ Control Progress Establish progress reporting system Install change control tools/process Define problem-escalation process Monitor project progress vs plan Revise Plan

Software Engineering

Project Management

Knowledge Areas for Project Management

1. Project Integration Management 2. Project Scope management 3. Project Time Management 4. Project Cost Management 5. Project Quality Management 6. Project Human Resource Management 7. Project Communications Management 8. Project Risk Management 9. Project Procurement Management

Mapping PM processes to Process Groups (Life Cycle Phases)

Phases Initiating
PM Knowledge
Develop charter,


Direct and manage project Execution

Monitor and Control project work, Integrated change control

Close Project

Integration Develop project Develop primary Management (7) scope statement management plan

Scope management (5) Time Management (6)

Scope planning, Scope definition, Create WBS

Scope Verification, Scope Change Control Schedule control

Activity definition, Act Sequencing, Act Resource Estimating, Act duration Est, Schedule Dev.

Cost Management (3)

Cost control Cost Estimating Cost Budgeting

44 PM processes to the 5 PM Process Groups

Quality Management (3)

Quality planning
Human Resource Planning

Human Resource

Perform Quality assurance Acquire Project Team, Develop Project Team

Perform Quality control

Manage Project Team


Mapping PM processes to Life Cycle Phases

Initiatin g





PM Knowledge Communicatons Management (4)

Comm. Planning

Information Distribution

Performance reporting, Manage Stakeholders

Risk Management (6)

Risk Management Planning, Risk identification, Qualitative Risk analysis, Qualitative Risk analysis , Risk response planning

Risk monitoring & control

Procurement Management (6)

Plan Purchases and Acquisitions, Plan Contracting

Request Seller Responses, Select Seller

Contract Administration

Contract Closure


Software Engineering

Project Management

Software Project Planning

The purpose of the Project Plan is to define and establish the management strategy for achieving the goals of the project. The project development plan is used to:

Guide project execution. Document project planning assumptions. Document project planning decisions regarding alternatives chosen. Facilitate communication among stakeholders. Define key management reviews (as to content, extent, and timing). Provide a baseline for progress measurement and project control.


Software Engineering

Project Management

Detailed Plan Development


Other planning outputs

Outputs of the planning processes in the other knowledge areas (scope, Time, Risk, Resource, Cost.)

Historical information

Estimating databases, records of past project performance

Organizational policies

Formal and informal policies including

Quality management Personnel management Financial controls


Factors that limit the teams options


Factors that are considered true, real or certain


Project Plan (Proposal) Supporting Details 13

Software Engineering

Project Management

Planning Process Flow


Software Engineering

Project Management

The Project Plan

Contents Many format; common sections are: (kathy -62)

Introduction or Overview

Project Name, Description and Need it addresses, Sponsor's name, Name of PM, Deliverables (Brief), Reference Material, List of definitions.

Project Organization

Org. chart, Responsibilities, Other Org. or process related info.

Management and Technical Approach

Manag. Objectives, project control, Risk Manag., Staffing, Technical Processes.

Project Scope

Major Work Packages/WBS, Key Deliverables, Other Work related Info.,

Project Schedule

Summary/Detail Schedules


Summary/Detail budget,

Software Engineering

Project Management

Scope Definition


Software Engineering

Project Management

The first step - define the Scope

Projects are dynamic systems that must be kept in equilibrium Not easier at all, as shown from the dynamics of the situation Area inside the triangle (Scope & Quality) is bound by the Lines (Cost, Time, Resource)
Scope & Quality Resource Availability The term may refer to: a) Product scope - the features and functions that are to be included in a product or service. b) Project scope - the work that must be done in order to deliver a product (with the specified features and functions). 1. Product Scope is defined in the product requirements and is the subject of the product life cycle 2. Project Scope is defined in the project charter and is the subject of the project plan (Kathy-ch4)



Software Engineering

Project Management

Step 1 - Conceptual understanding of the project. The aim here is to understand the goals, risks, constraints, context and features to be delivered. Note that you may need a short burst of requirements gathering to start off! Step 2 - Choose an approach or lifecycle model to develop the system (Project and product lifecycles). Step 3 - For each of the phases in the approach a Work Breakdown structure to complete the task.


Software Engineering


Project Management

subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more manageable Components (products) in sufficient detail to support future project activities (planning, executing, controlling, and closing); requires Steps:

1) Identify the major elements (deliverable) of the project. 2) Identify constituent elements (Work Products) of the deliverable. 3) Decide if adequate cost and duration estimates can be developed at this level of detail for each element. 4) Verify the correctness of the decomposition. 1. Identify the major elements of the project. In general, the major elements will be the project deliverables and project management product. For example: The phases of the project life cycle may be used as the first level of decomposition with the project deliverables repeated at the second level. The organizing principle within each branch of the WBS may vary.

Software Engineering

Project Management

Major elements
Supporting and organizational processes provide further elements for the WBS Identify which supporting and organizational processes need to be invoked Establish which activities from these processes are to be performed, and when

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3



Deliverable3 Delivrable4



W. Product

W. Product

W. Product

Software Engineering

Project Management

2. Identify constituent elements: project product and activities

1) Constituent elements should be described in terms of tangible, verifiable results in order to facilitate performance measurement. 2) Like major elements, the constituent elements should also be defined in terms of how the work of the project will actually be accomplished. 3) Tangible, verifiable results can include services as well as products 4) status reporting could be described as weekly status reports 5) Making sure we have identified all the things the project is to create help to ensure that all activities needed to carry out are accounted for (and we can make accurate estimates) 6) Project products have activities to create them and vice versa activities produce something (tangible product) 7) Products include large number of technical products including management and the quality of the project (e.g Planning documents would be management product).

Software Engineering

Project Management



Software Engineering

Project Management


The 100% Rule...states that the WBS includes 100% of the work defined by the project scope and captures all deliverables - internal, external, interim -in terms of the work to be completed, including project management.


Software Engineering

Project Management

Purpose of Creating WBS

Improve accuracy of cost, time, and resource estimates. Define a baseline for performance measurement and control. Facilitate clear responsibility assignments.


Software Engineering

Project Management

Work Break Down Structure

displays and defines the product to be developed or produced by hardware, software, support, and/or service element, and relates the work scope elements to each other and to the end product(s). A WBS, up to level 3, is developed during the proposal as level three of the WBS is the normal reporting level of external contractual information. Standards are to be followed if required by the customer (like U.S. government MIL-STD-881). After Contract award, the Project Manager expands the WBS into a Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) as the initial step in the planning process. WBS expansion will extend the CWBS a minimum of one level below the negotiated external reporting level. Why? This sets up (1) the framework for work scope definitions and (2) assignments to the functional organizations. One and only one CWBS exists for each contract and once created will exist for the life of the contract. Only a formal contract change will effect a change in the WBS


Software Engineering

Project Management

Work Breakdown Structure II

The WBS is used to report status externally to the customer. The CWBS is used internally to plan in detail and to collect status information on a periodic bases. The Customer, not the contractor, is the primary owner of the WBS. The CWBS is not a "people organization chart; it is a work scope chart. The resource charges must go directly into a single Task Plan element and not split between two or more Task Plan elements. The WBS/CWBS will serve multiple functions (e.g. Design To Cost (DTC), Life Cycle Cost (LCC), Engineering Bill(s) of Material (EBOM), Manufacturing Bill (s) of Material (MBOM), as well as the product structure of the end items) in one format. Never lose sight of the fact that the WBS is used for TECHNICAL PLANNING and STATUS ACHIEVEMENT.


Software Engineering

Project Management

Hierarchy of WBS


Software Engineering

Project Management

Design of WBS

A WBS is normally presented in chart form The WBS should not be confused with the method of presentation

drawing an unstructured activity list in chart form does not make it a WBS.

Each item in the WBS is generally assigned a unique identifier

These identifiers are often known collectively as the code of accounts. The items at the lowest level of the WBS are often referred to as work packages.

List-form WBS with 3 level code of account (Royce-144)


Spring, 2010


Software Engineering

Project Management

Product Based WBS


Software Engineering

Project Management

Deliverables Based WBS


Software Engineering

Project Management

WBS Template for Software Development Project


Software Engineering

Project Management

WBS Framework
A framework dictating the number of levels and the nature of each level may be imposed on a WBS (e.g. IBM recommended five levels):

Level 1: Project. Level 2: Deliverables (such as software, manuals and training courses) Level 3: Components; Which are the key work items needed to produce deliverables (e.g. modules and tests required to produce the system software) Level 4: Activities (Work-packages which are major work items, or collections of related tasks, required to produce a component) Level 5: Tasks (tasks that will normally be the responsibility of a single person).

Software Engineering

Project Management

Activity Planning


Software Engineering

Project Management

Activity/Task List
Tasks (Leaves of WBS/PBS as Activity Plan ) and the precedence analysis (as Activity Sequencing) results in this management deliverable. Example format: We can make first two columns and start working on the next two (durations estimation and precedence requirements in parallel).
Activity A B C D E F G H Hardware selection Software design Install hardware Code & test software File take-on Write user manuals User training Install & test system Duration (weeks) 6 4 3 4 3 10 3 2 E,F C,D



Software Engineering

Project Management

Precedence Analysis
Involves reviewing activities and determining dependencies Mandatory dependencies: inherent in the nature of the work; hard logic (like testing after coding) Discretionary dependencies: defined by the project team; soft logic (Wait for feedback on prototype before
detail design)

External dependencies: involve relationships between project and non-project activities (e.g. supply of hardware) You must determine dependencies in order to use critical path analysis

Software Engineering

Network Planning Models

Project Management

Approaches to scheduling; that achieve separation between the logical (relationships) and the physical (constraints/execution); use networks to model the project. i.e. represent projects activities and their relationships as a network. first stage in creating a network model: represent the activities and their interrelationships as a graph.

Task Dependencies (relationships)

Finish-to-start (FS): Task (B) cannot start until task (A) finishes Start-to-start (SS): Task (B) cannot start until task (A) starts


Finish-to-Finish (FF): Task (B) cannot finish until task (A) finishes Start-to-finish (SF): Task (B) cannot finish until task (A) starts


Software Engineering

Project Management

Scheduling as precedence
F A: Designing B: Coding S F A: Coding
B: Unit Testing B: Bug Fixing

S A: Testing B: Debugging S S A: Release

Software Engineering

Project Management

Project Network Diagrams

Project network diagrams (PND) are the preferred technique for showing activity sequencing A project network diagram is a schematic display of the logical relationships among, or sequencing of, project activities Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM) Also called activity-on-arrow (AOA) project network diagrams Activities are represented by arrows Nodes or circles are the starting and ending points of activities Can only show finish-to-start dependencies Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) Activities are represented by boxes Arrows show relationships between activities More popular than ADM method and used by project management software Better at showing different types of dependencies

A=? 1

Software Engineering D



H 6 I

Basic Project Network Diagrams (PND).. J 8

Project Management

3 4
ID: Dur:

AOA (ADM); CPM adds more inf at nodes

A Start: Finish: Res: B Start: Finish: Res:

D Start: Finish: Res: E Start: Finish: Res: F Start: Finish: Res: ID: Dur:

H Start: Finish: Res: ID: Dur:

ID: Dur:

ID: Dur:

ID: Dur:

J Start: Finish: Res:

ID: Dur:

C Start: Finish: Res:

ID: Dur:

G Start: Finish: Res:

ID: Dur:

I Start: Finish: Res:

ID: Dur:

Task Box of MS Project 2000: Activity Name Start:



Dur: Resource:

Software Engineering


Network model

Project Management

represents activities as links (arrowed lines) in the graph nodes (circles) represent the events of activities start and finish. Rules for CPM network construction Nodes: A project network may have only one start node (node 1) that designates the points at which the project may start. All activities coming from that node may start immediately; resources are available. Network may have only one end node; designates the completion of the project and a project may only finish once. Nodes are events have no duration (instantaneous points in time). source node: event of the project becoming ready to start and Sink node: is the event of the project becoming completed. Intermediate nodes: represent two simultaneous events the event of all activities (leading in to a node) having been completed and the event of all activities (leading out of that node) being in a position to be started. A link represents an activity (and has duration)

Software Engineering

Project Management

Examples: Node 3 is an event indicates that both Code and Data take-on have been completed and program Testing can be started
Program 3 Testing Release 4 Program

Precedents are the immediate preceding activities

both activities Code and Data take-on are called Precedents of program Testing (not of Release Program) and; program Testing is Precedent of Release Program.

Time moves from left to right Nodes are numbered sequentially


Software Engineering

Project Management

Network may not contain loops 1) If we know the # of times to repeat a set of activities (e.g. testdiagnose-correct) then we can draw that set a straight sequence, repeating it the appropriate number of times. 2) If we do not know then we cannot calculate the duration of the project. Network may not contain dangles A dangling activity such as Write user manual cannot exist, as it would suggest two completion points.

Code Program

Test Program

Release Program

A loop represents impossible sequence

Design Program

Code Program

Test Program

3 42

Software Engineering

Project Management

Using dummy activities

Two paths within a network have a common event although they are, in other respects independent, a logical error like the following might occur. Practical Situation (Case1): C:Place A:Specify 1 A > C (A precedent of C) order 4 hardware A, B > D (A & B precedent of D) Network shows (incorrectly): 3 A, B > C, D (Both precedent of Both) We can resolve this problem by separating the two (more or less) independent paths and introduce a dummy activity to link broken event (3). This effectively breaks unwanted link between design data structure and place order. Specify Place 1 hardware 3 4 order dummy Design Data Code 2 structures 3a software 5 Two paths linked by a dummy activity

B:Design Data structures

D:Code software 5

Two paths with a common node.

Software Engineering

Project Management

Dummy activities, shown as dotted lines in the network diagram, have a zero duration and use no resources. Case 2: The use of a dummy activity where two activities share the same start and end nodes makes it easier to distinguish the activity end-points* A 2 B 3 1 A B 3 Dummy 4

Representing lagged activities

We might come across situations where we wished to undertake two activities in parallel but there is a lag between the two (time difference between start or finish). Impossible to show (like amendment recording can start after testing and finish a little after the completion of testing). It is better to show Each stage as a separate node. Test prototype 1 1 day (SS) 2 Document amendments 3 2 day (FF) 4

Such parallel activities with a time lag between them are represented with pairs of dummy activities

Software Engineering

Project Management

Precedence Networks (PN/PDM)

Where CPM networks use links to represent activities and nodes to represent events, precedence networks use boxes (nodes) to represent activities (known as work items) and links to represent dependencies. The boxes may carry task descriptions and duration estimates and the links may contain a duration denoting a lag between the completion/start of the next. It contains much more information than the CPM network and we do not need to keep a separate activity table. Analysis of precedence networks proceeds in exactly the same ways. An other advantage of PN is that they can represent parallel lagged activities (Which required use of dummy activities in CPM network) much more elegantly. Parallel lagged activities in a precedence network. Build Prototype 1 Test Prototype 2 Revise specification

Document amendments


Software Engineering

Project Management

Sequencing and Scheduling activities

We require a schedule that clearly indicates when each of the projects activities is planned to occur and what resources it will need. We might present a schedule for a small project using a bar chart (next slide). The chart shows taking account of the nature of the development process (i.e., certain tasks must be completed before others may start) and the resources that are available (e.g., activity C follows B as Ali cannot work on both simultaneously). We have sequenced the tasks (i.e., identified the dependencies) and scheduled them (i.e., specified when they should take place). For small projects, this combined sequencing-scheduling approach might be quite suitable, particularly where we wish to allocate individuals to particular tasks at an early planning stage. On larger projects it is better to separate out these two activities: to sequence the task according to their logical relationships and then to schedule them taking into account resources and other factors.

Software Engineering

Schedule for small Project: plan as a bar chart


Project Management

Task A B C D E F G

Person Ali Ali Ali Akram Aslam Aslam Aqib

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

A: Overall Design B: Specify Module 1 C: Specify Module 2 D: GUI Design E: Code Module 1 F: Code Module 2 G: Testing Module 1

*Part-I concludes by Having: 1. Activity List and 2. Sequencing and We continue for: In Part-II 1. Activity Resource Est 2. Activity Duration and 3. Scheduling


Software Engineering

Project Management

Activity Schedule

Activity Resource estimating (2004) Activity duration estimating Schedule development

CPM (ideal plan) Risk Analysis Resource Allocation

Schedule control

Software Engineering

Project Management

Estimating activity duration is challenging. You can be on familiar ground for some activities and totally unfamiliar ground for others. 1) Similarity to other activities 2) Historical data 3) Expert advice 4) Delphi technique 5) Three-point technique 6) Wide-band Delphi technique 1. Similarity to Other Activities (Analogy) Activities in your WBS may be similar to ones already undertaken. Recollections of those activities and their duration can be used to estimate the present activitys duration. 2. Historical Data The recorded data becomes your knowledge base for estimating activity duration. Orgs have recorded not only estimated and actual duration but also the characteristics of the activity, the skill set of the people working on it, and other variables that they found useful.

Six Methods for Estimating Activity Duration

Software Engineering

3. Expert Advice When the project involves a breakthrough technology or being used for the first time in the organization, there may not be any local experience or even professional skilled. In these cases, you will have to appeal to outside authorities. 4. Delphi technique Can produce good estimates in the absence of expert advice. This is a group technique that extracts and summarizes the knowledge of the group to arrive at an estimate. Group members are asked (individually) to make their best guess of the activity duration. The results are tabulated and presented to the group in a histogram labeled 1st Pass. Whose estimates fall in the outer quartiles are asked to share the reason for their guess. After listening to the arguments, each group member is asked to guess again. Results are presented as 2nd Pass. Similarly a 3rd guess is made, and plotted.

Project Management

First pass

Second pass

Third pass

Software Engineering

Project Management

5. Three-point Technique (PERT Est)*

The variation may be tightly grouped around a central value, or it might be widely dispersed. In the first case, you would have a considerable amount of information on that activities duration as compared to the latter case, where you would have very litter or none. You could make probabilistic statement about their likelihood in any case. You need three estimates of activity duration: optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely. Optimistic time as the shortest duration (one has had or might expect to experience if every thing happens as expected); Pessimistic time is that duration that would be experienced (or has been experienced) if everything that could go wrong did go wrong and yet the activity was completed. Finally, the most likely time is that time usually experienced. O: Optimistic Est = O+4M+P P: Pessimistic 6 M: Most Likely Combining the Delphi and three-point methods results in the wideband Delphi technique. It involves a panel, as in the Delphi technique. Members are asked, at each iteration, to give their optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely estimates for the duration of the chosen activity.

6. Wide-Band Delphi Technique

Schedule development :Adding the time dimension

Moving from Logical to Physical network model:
we are now ready to start thinking about when each activity should be undertaken (Physically).

project network analysis technique used to predict total project Duration and concerned with two primary objectives: Planning the project in such a way that it is completed as quickly as possible; and Identifying those activities where a delay in their execution is likely to affect the overall end date of the project or later activities start dates.

Network Analysis: The network is then analyzed by carrying out:

forward pass, to calculate the earliest dates at which activities may commence and the project be completed, and a backward pass, to calculate the latest start dates for activities and the critical path.

Constructing CPM Network

Typically information about events is recorded on the network (and activitybased information is generally held on a separate activity table). common convention is to divide the node circle into quadrants to show the event number, the latest and earliest dates, and the event slack. 2 Event number Latest Earliest date date Slack CPM node A=6 1 B=4 3 C=3 D=4 E=3 F=10 5 4 H=2 G=3 6

The forward pass

carried out to calculate the earliest date on which each event may be achieved and the earliest dates on which each activity may be started and completed. Earliest dates for events are recorded on the network diagram and for activities on the activity table.

Forward Pass
CPM network after forward pass 0 1 A=6

2 C=3 D=4

B=4 4 3

E=3 F=10

H=2 136


? 105

Activity table after the forward pass

Activity A B C D E F G H Duration (weeks) 6 4 3 4 3 10 3 2 Earliest start date 0 0 6 4 4 0 10 9 Latest start date Earliest Latest finish date finish date 6 4 9 8 7 10 13 11

Software Engineering

Project Management

Backward Pass

to calculate the latest date at which each event may be achieved, and each activity started and finished, without delaying the end date of the project. we assume that the latest finish date for the project is the same as the earliest finish date.

The latest date for an event is the latest start date for all activities commencing from that event. In case more activities, we take the earliest of the latest start dates for those activities. (e.g. latest start dates for A=2, B=3, F=0; and earliest among all =0 for event#1) 2 6 8 A=6 C=3 0 1 0 B=4 4 3 7 D=4 E=3 F=10 5 10 10 4 9 11 H=2 136 13 G=3

CPM network after backward pass


Software Engineering

Project Management

Up date the activity table For Latest start and finish dates Activity A B C D E F G H Duration (weeks) 6 4 3 4 3 10 3 2 Earliest start date 0 0 6 4 4 0 10 9 Latest start date 2 3 8 7 7 0 10 11 Earliest finish date 6 4 9 8 7 10 13 11 Latest finish date 8 7 11 11 10 10 13 13 Sla ck 2 3 2 3 3 0 0 2

Critical Path
A critical path for a project is the series of activities that determines the earliest time by which the project can be completed The critical path is the longest path through the network diagram and has the least amount of slack or float

Software Engineering The critical path

Project Management

Any delay on the critical path will delay the project. Slack: The difference between the earliest date and the latest date for an event measure of how late an event may be without affecting the end date of the project. Any event with a slack of zero is critical: any delay in achieving that event will delay the completion date of the project as a whole. There will always be at least one path through the network joining those critical events this path is known as the critical path.

significance of critical path is two-fold. 1. In planning: it is the critical 2 6 8 path that we must shorten if 2 A=6 C=3 we are to reduce the overall duration 4 1 3 6 2. In managing: must pay 0 B=4 4 7 D=4 9 11 H=2 13 13 0 3 2 0 0 attention to monitoring activities on the critical path E=3 G=3 so that the effects of any 5 F=10 delay or resource 10 10 0 unavailability are detected at The Critical path the earliest opportunity.

Precedence Network
A 6 wks 0 Hardware 6 2 design 8 8 wks 2 wks B 4 wks 0 Software 4 3 design 7 7 wks 3 wks F 10 wks 0 User 10 0 manual 10 10 wks 0 wks C 3 wks 9 6 Build 8 hardware 11 5 wks 2 wks D 4 wks 8 4 Code 7 Software 11 7 wks 3 wks E 3 wks 4 File 7 7 Take-on 10 6 wks 3 wks

Activity Label Duration Earliest Earliest Start Activity Finish Latest Description Latest Start Finish Activity Span Float


H 2 wks 9 Install & 11 11 13 test 4 wks 2 wks 3 wks 10 User 13 10 Training 13 3 wks 0 wks G


The critical path through activities F and G is shown as a heavy line.

Software Engineering Alternative notation

Project Management


Software Engineering

Project Management

Gantt Chart Activity Schedule and Staff allocation

4/7 Fred T4 T8 Jane T1 T3 T9 Anne T2 T6 Jim Mary T7 T5 T10 T11 T12 1 1/7 18/7 2 5/7 1/8 8/8 15/8 2 2/8 2 9/8 5/9 1 2/9 19/9


Case Study: Portion of Detailed Schedule (ACIC)

Module Program History History History UC17 UC7 UC19 Task Requirement Design review Rework after design review View history of party details, UC17 Code walkthrough UC17 Code walkthrough UC19 Duration (days) 8.89 1 1 2.67 0.89 0.89 Effort (days) 1.33 0.9 0.8 1.87 0.27 0.27 Start Date End Date

7/10/00 7/21/00 8:00 17:00 7/11/00 8:00 7/12/00 9:00

7/12/00 7/13/00 8:00 9:00 7/10/00 7/12/00 8:00 17:00 7/14/00 7/14/00 8:00 17:00 7/14/00 7/14/00 8:00 17:00

* Why the duration is mostly > Effort

Module -


Task Rework after code walkthrough Rework after testing

Duration (days) 0.89

Effort (days) 2.49

Start Date 7/17/00 8:00 7/18/00 8:00 7/18/00 8:00 7/18/00 8:00 7/19/00 8:00 7/10/00 8:00 7/19/00 8:00

End Date 7/17/00 17:00 7/18/00 17:00 7/18/00 17:00 7/18/00 17:00 7/19/00 17:00 7/19/00 17:00 7/19/00 17:00

History History Configuration Management Quality UC17 UC19 -

0.89 0.89 0.89

0.71 0.62 0.62 2.49 2.13 0.62

Test, UC 17 Test, UC 19

Reconciliation 0.89 Scheduling and tracking Milestone analysis 7.11 0.89

Software Engineering

Project Management

Project Monitoring and Control


Software Engineering

Project Management

Project Progress Monitoring

(1) The Gantt Chart Updated chart regularly with a today cursor provides an immediate visual indication of which activities are ahead or behind schedule.

Dr. Arshad A Shahid


Spring, 2010


Software Engineering

Project Management

Musharaf Specify module A Specify module B Design module A Integration Sharif

Week # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 2 5

Specify module C Specify module D Design module C Anybody Design module B Design module D

3 4 7

6 8

Activity 2 Ahead, 4 completed ahead, 6 behind



The Gantt Chart

Software Engineering

Project Management

(2) Project Slip Chart

Musharaf Specify module A Specify module B Design module A Integration Sharif Specify module C Specify module D Design module C Anybody Design module B Design module D
6 8 3 4 7

Week # 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 2 5



Software Engineering

Project Management

Categories of reporting
Report type Oral formal regular Oral formal ad-hoc Examples Weekly or monthly progress meetings End-of-stage review meetings Comments While reports may be oral formal written minutes should be kept While largely oral, likely to receive and generate written reports

Written formal Job sheets, progress Normally weekly using forms regular reports Written formal Exception reports, ad-hoc change reports Oral informal Canteen discussion, social interaction Often provides early warning; must be baked up by formal reporting


Software Engineering

Project Management

Monthly Project Status Reports

General Information: Agency name: Fast House, Pakistan Contact Name: Professor Project ID: 786 Date: May 04, 2001 Phone: 111-128-128 For the period beginning: April 01, 2009 and ending: April 30, 2009 Name of the project: Political System of Pakistan Project Start Date: August 14, 1947 Current Phase: Struggling Key Milestones for the Overall Project revised on <date>:


Original Date

Revised Date

Actual Date

Milestones Planned for this month and Accomplished this month Planned for Next Month Not completed

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