ICU NCP Airway
ICU NCP Airway
ICU NCP Airway
Nee d thick, A T I V of I
Nursing Diagnosis
Objectives of Care
Nursing Interventions
clearance related to hours thick secretions as care, manifested inability to cough. R: Mucus production by airway
will be improved respiratory distress that GOAL MET as manifested by: may be due to the accumulation of secretions. upon to high back rest. Allows normal lung the expansion, breath upon diaphragm and sounds respiration of At the end of my 8 hours span of care, 2.Position in moderate airway improves patients was as
in the airways is a.Absence normal. Without it, crackles airways become foreign may dry may respiration and pass within the
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on fields
lung upon E X
changes in nature. accumulated in the 3.Change This results in the airway urge to cough and every 2 hours.
expectorate Coughing is
this a that
mucus as sputum. P A >With an RLS of T 5 and GCS of 6 >WBC 20.9 February 2012 >Fluimucil 600mg 6am >with endotracheal tube attached to mechanical ventilator. in glass water OD result 10^9/L21, T E R N natural from capacity leads mucus blockage airway. Source: Richardson, Marion (2008) The Physiology the System. of in to reflex
4.Suction secretions as suctioning needed. R: To clear the accumulated excessive, viscous secretions that block the airway. 5.Increase fluid intake as prescribed by the physician. R: Hydration helps liquefy viscous sputum. 6.Perform physiotherapy. R: Vibration, percussion and postural drainage facilitates in the chest necessary
loosening of secretions for expectoration. 7.Administer medications as ordered. R: Pharmacological to help management clear airways. 8.Document assessment accurately findings noting VS easier
abnormalities, dyspneic episodes and changes in the color, amount & consistency of sputum. R: To identify infectious process and give prompt intervention