Sanguine Mass
Sanguine Mass
Sanguine Mass
The cornerstone of all Strigoi Vii Mysteries is the Sanguine Mass, which
is one of many tools to complete the Circuit of Communion. This ritual
permits the Strigoi Vii to create a sacred space known as the Sanctum
and invite the Strigoi Morte (disembodies Ascended Vampyres free of the
flesh) to receive an offering of Prana in exchange for a direct infusion
of higher frequency Astral and Spiritual energy from the Ancients. This
process dramatically increases the potential for the Zhep¢r
(evolution, transformation and becoming) of the receiving Strigoi Vii.
This includes benefits such as clearer perception of the subtle
realities, reinforcement of the etheric and astral bodies, higher
reservoirs of Prana, deeper dream recall, and the necessary foundation
to delve deeper into the Mysteries.
This process exemplifies the cycle of energy that exists in our world
and is a celebration of life, in contrast to the mundane human world
that worships death. Plants take energy from the sun and raise its
frequency, and animals eat plants and thus raise the frequency of the
consumed energy again. Humans eat both animals and plants, thus further
raising the energy level. The True Vampyres (Strigoi Vii) tap the
rarified life-force of unawakened humans and thus transfer their energy
to the highest level possible. The Living Vampyre (Strigoi Vii) is the
taught by the Ancients to experience highly spiritual steps in Zhep¢r
and thus attune Their etheric bodies to a specific frequency which
potentially will defeat the Second Death. This ritual is established to
achieve that attunement, and without it one is simply a psychic vampire
(asarai) with an energy deficiency as described by Magus Aleister
Crowley, Anton LaVey, and occult author Dion Fortune.
From Our experience it is not a good idea to ask the Strigoi Morte for
direct, physical aid. The exchange of energies should be enough for the
Strigoi Vii to gain enough energy to achieve the goals Themselves, by
focusing harvested Prana into Their agenda and directing it with the
True Will. We are gods already. This Communion simply is a reminder and
provides the energy for Us to do Our Will without the direct involvement
of the Strigoi Morte.
This ritual is best done when the Wall Between Worlds (WBW) is thinnest,
such as on All Hallows Eve on October 30th (The Endless Night Festival)
or on May Eve, April 30th (Dragon Festival). The New Moon is a powerful
time as well since there is no celestial light to disturb the breaking
down of the WBW. Best results are achieved by performing this ritual in
a group at least once a month and as a solitary about a week.
Group Ritual:
The Altar since the beginning of time has served as the focal point of
all rituals, from ancient Pagan religions, to Christianity, and even
modern Wicca. The altar should face west and be large enough for all of
the tools of ritual to lie within easy reach of the presiding members.
Normally a sturdy table about 3 or 4 feet high, 6 feet long, and 3 feet
wide covered with a black cloth is best. A large Strigoi Vii ankh symbol
should be placed behind the altar with the black mirror centered when
the stone would be located on the ankh.
The speculum or the black mirror is the important element of Strigoi Vii
ritual, especially for those who are not yet awakened enough to see
beyond the Maiiah without aid. Often used in the occult and magick
communities for Scrying, the speculum is the portal to the subtle
reality (Rakasha) and point of mental visualization. This is usually put
at eye level on the west wall of the ritual chamber or on the floor in
the middle of all participants.
Scent is the most powerful of all triggers and is often used within
ritual as a central element for transference into the Nightside.
Frankincense, myrrh, and other scents associated with funerals often are
the best. However whatever works to best empower those involved in the
ritual is fine.
The cauldron should be set on the altar or placed elsewhere about waist
level and should be the container for putting out candles of incense. It
can also be used to burn parchment sigils when making requests of the
Just as physical tools and décor are important for ritual, music is
also a powerful element. Live music can be used both to ground and to
raise energy. Suggested instruments of live music can include drums,
bells, or gongs. Pre-recorded music such as the chanting of cloister
monks, drumming, tribal tunes, or gothic music will often help set the
mood and direct the flow of energy through the ritual. A personal
favorite of Father Sebastiaan is the ritual theme from the film Eyes
Wide Shut. Any music chosen should not be so loud as to drown the ritual
leader¢s voice.
Just as the chamber should contain carefully created atmosphere and
ambiance, so too it is important for the celebrants be properly attired
for ritual. Individual dress is a major element in the ritual mood.
Most Strigoi Vii rituals, such as the Sanguine Mass and Ascensions, are
most often performed with the participants attired in theatrical masks,
long flowing black robes, and small personalized tools such as ropes,
artifacts, etc. The masks and robes make each celebrant anonymous and
create a theatrical environment in which the Maiiah can be broken down
and the suspense of entering the Nightside can be more easily
For those with an opened mind, courage, and confidence, some Strigoi Vii
rituals, such as solitary masses and the Bast Mass, are best done
nightclad, or with the participants clothed only by darkness. For some
workings clothing is limiting psychologically, as well as impeding to
the flow of Prana. Often performing workings nightclad it will result in
a psychological freedom seldom experienced elsewhere.
I. Preparation
II. Establishing the Sanctum
III. Invokation
IV. Invitation
V. Offering
VI. Recoiling
VII. Farewell
VIII. Return to the Maiiah
IX. Celebration
I. Preparation
All individuals entering the Inner Sanctum should have fed to their fill
over the last few days and be prepares for the Offering.
It is best advised that the celebrants do not drink or ingest any form
of mind-altering substances for at least seven days (one week) before
the ritual. It is also suggested that if the celebrants smoke, they do
not do so for at least 24 hours beforehand so that all chemicals are
cleansed from their system.
Once everything has been prepared it is time to enter the space in which
the Sanctum will be established. All the points of preparation should be
thoroughly reviewed and the flame of the candle lit in the cauldron,
thus signifying the Sanctum is being erected.
Within the Sanctum the Gate is the entry from the Maiiah into the
Sanctum and the Portal will be the entry to the Rakasha. Thus the
Sanctum will become a place between worlds and will allow for the merger
of what is possible in each to occur. For the best results, one must
fully accept the perspective that worlds will cross and what is
impossible in the Maiiah and only in the Rakasha will become possible.
Those "impossibilities" includes visualizations and belief
that the realities of magick will reveal themselves and culminate in the
possibility of a tangible encounter with the Strigoi Morte.
The Sanctum must, of course, be sealed and cleansed of all negative and
stagnant energies. Those who solved the Mradu Mystery are often best
suited for this role since they have attuned themselves and are trained
in such tasks.
With the athame, wand, or sword the individual performing the sealing,
should touch each wall, as well as the ceiling and floor, and state,
"By My Will I seal this Chamber." The portals should then
be sealed, including all doors, windows and reflective surfaces. The
speculum should be covered with a black cloth and only removed when the
Offering begins.
Once the Sanctum has been established the Mradu can invite Kitra, Ramkht
and celebrants (in that sequence) into the chamber. The Mradu should
point the athame or sword at the heart of each participant, and address
to each three requests, as follows: 1) "Declare
yourself!", 2) "Do you enter of your own free
will?", 3) "Do you pass this gate with love and
loyalty?", only then may the other presiders and celebrants pass
the Guardian and enter the Sanctum chamber.
Note: In solitary rites or with groups that do not have Strigoi Vii
initiated into or familiar with the road mysteries, one person can
preside in all three roles.
The Ramkht points to the south with the wand, sending forth an
invitation to the Ancients and Strigoi Morte, proceeding through each
compass point counter-clockwise and ending in the west.
To the South:
Open to me.
Let your gate swing wide between the worlds.
It is our True Nature that wills it to be so.
All people, all places, and all things shall feel our breath upon them.
The fire of our will shall have no equal.
No hindrance shall be placed before us.
De Me Ku-Ku Es Ni-Gu
Sumun Ramkht Akhkharu! Gis-Tuku Ni-Gu A-Da-Al
Igi-Se Gin Es Ne Dag!
We summon Powers of Darkness in to this sanctum.
Ramkht Strigoi Morte we invite you! Come forward! Hear my voice.
We have gathered a gift for you, come and FEAST!
Come forward into this chamber!
To the East:
To the North:
V. The Offering
Once the invitations to the Strigoi Morte have been sent and signs of
their manifestation are present, an Offering of collected Prana
(life-force) should be presented. Those who have not achieved proper
initiation to the point where they can sense the Ancients should focus
all energies into the mirror. As mentioned before, this mirror is the
portal to the Rakasha, the subtle realm which the Strigoi Morte inhabit.
For more intimate rituals, placing the mirror on the floor can give the
effect of a glass-bottomed boat, while putting it eye level on the
western wall presents the impression of a window into the Rakasha. Both
positions should be tried, as the results may be more effective
depending on the individuals involved.
Within group rituals, one presiding member takes up each of the roles of
Ramkht (Priest), Mradu (Warrior) and Kitra (Councilor). They should join
hands and begin an evocation while cycling and raising the energy
between them to create a greater Offering. Then the collective force of
energies should be directed towards the individual taking up the role of
the Kitra. The Prana should be focused towards the solar plexus, as the
Kitra will amplify the energy and release it into the mirror. The Ramkht
should work to direct it and the Mradu to ground it.
The grater the offering the more likely is it that the Strigoi Morte
will Manifest and return pure and refined astral energies. Smaller
Offerings are not as effective since the entire process of Communion
takes a certain amount of energy to function.
This ritual is the most basic form of interaction with the Strigoi Morte
and is an experience which will result in Zhep¢r (becoming,
transformation and metamorphosis) of the Strigoi Vii. Actual initiation
to the first Mystery cannot be accomplished without a successful
Communion. The Strigoi Morte will not manifest and receive the Offering
if someone who is Sanguine is present, as they are not deemed worthy of
their Gift.
There are many signals of a successful Communion which vary from person
to person and which depend on the degree of success. These are broken
down into several categories which include personal, group, tangible and
delayed. Personal results are those which can only be experienced by the
individual and most often happen in solitary workings. The most common
is the feeling of a tagging sensation on the solar plexus (the chakra
right above the belly button), feeling of being touched, pins and
needle-like sensations in the fingertips, a ringing in the ears, a
whisper of one¢s name or a plethora of heightened emotions such as
love, joy or fear. These will not be experienced directly. They will
most likely feel like memories of these experiences have been implanted.
Group results are similar, however, are experienced by more than one
person involved. These include feelings of a slight and chilly breeze,
sparks of light as if one looked at the sun and then went into a dark
room, or shadowy phantasm-like figures in the mirror. The more intense
the experiences and results, the more the offering has been accepted.
While the Ancients are accepting the Offering they will be evaluating
each individual and choosing the best candidates, if any, to whom to
give their blessing of their own highly refined Prana known as the
Recoiling. The Recoiling of energy can be great or small, if it occurs
at all. If the Strigoi Morte have not been satisfied, no Recoiling will
take place. The simple experience of being in the direct presence of
their manifestation is enough to potentially be an experience in
Zhep¢r for any Strigoi Vii present.
The celebrant should look deeply into the mirror and back at their own
eyes. They should sip from the chalice, and if in a group ritual, let
the presiding members drink next and then the congregation. Clap hands
twice or ring a bell three times or use a gong to signify the closure.
The celebrant should point the tip of the athame of sword into the
mirror, then to the west, and towards the north, east and to the south.
They should then put out all flames and in the absolute darkness with
sincerity pronounce: "So now it is done!!" following by
clapping of the hands or ringing a bell twice to clean the air. Then the
lights should be turned on and the celebration begun.
IX. Celebration
Once the ritual is completed and everyone has returned to the Maiiah
through celebration, dance, drink, feast, wild parties, dancing and
making merry. This will restore and balance everyone back into the
This ritual should yield results only to those who are truly Strigoi Vii
and is best done at least once a week in a solitary format and, if
possible, at lf possible, at least once a month in a group setting.
Always perform ritual alone and get results first before working with
others, otherwise the Strigoi Morte will not heed your call.
Strigoi Morte: Those who have ascended beyond the need to exist in flesh
alone through the preservation of the psyche and the self by preventing
the Second Death. They are often addressed as the
"Ancients", "Ancestors" or