Grlweap LRFD
Grlweap LRFD
Grlweap LRFD
where: Q
= Structural load from each source condition
= Magnification load factor set by the code
= Nominal strength-based resistance established by a defined method
= Resistance factor for the defined resistance method
and R
are not deterministic but are random variables; therefore, the calibration of
to foundation design employs a fixed Reliability Index value, , quantifying risk for the
foundation. Deep foundations with a high redundancy in a group have a 1/100 probability of
failure, which sets the target at 2.3. The NCHRP 507 required low redundancy foundation
groups (< 4 piles) to have a stricter 1/1000 probability of exceedance with at 3 as the target
reliability. The calibration reported here for ODOT driven piles uses the pile redundancy target
of 2.33 and AASHTO approved
load factors. The calibration by matching to Allowable
Stress Design (ASD) is only a mathematical based design equivalency to calculate the same
number of piles. It uses no reliability theory and should not be used as a valid calibration for .
The appropriate resistance value (determined by any method) to satisfy the inequality of
Equation 1-1 is a function of the structures proportion of live load (LL) and dead load (DL) and
the AASHTO code load factors,
Given the mandated October 1, 2007 implementation date for adoption of the AASHTO bridge
code, the number of individual state DOTs making efforts to implement the code with load
modifications has increased. Continued research efforts to meet local needs, as well as bridge
code changes, are occurring. The concerns of state foundation engineering practitioners caused
major revisions to the code, resulting in the subsequent release of a fourth edition of the code
(AASHTO 2007). In parallel to the AASHTO/FHWA effort, the last five years have seen a
growth in LRFD research material published in foundation engineering journals and conference
proceedings. It is evident that LRFD implementation is proceeding slowly. Better recognition
of the need for regional and local standards of practice, together with improvements in statistical
competency to assist local implementation of the AASHTO recommendations, is beginning to
gain momentum.
Tony Allen (Allen 2005a) provided a clear presentation of axial capacity, load, and resistance
factor historical development, as well as the difficulties relating to driven pile foundations. In
addition, a calibration of the resistance factor was undertaken by WSDOT (Allen 2005b) for the
Modified Gates pile driving formulae based on reinterpretation of the same pile driving
databases accessed by NCHRP 507. Both of these reports were identified by ODOT as key
reference studies in the recalibration effort. However, ODOT had extensive experience and
successful application of GRLWEAP. The evaluation of the nominal static capacity by ODOT
for each pile was most often performed in the field using GRLWEAP models, while the
AASHTO code presented resistance factors for this technique in its LRFD methodology.
GRLWEAP models of the pile driving hammer, driving accessories, pile, and soil by a viscous
mass-spring system is widespread and constitutes the industry standard internationally.
The Phase 1 study identified the current trends in recalibration, key resources to assist in
designing implementation procedures, and the role played by GRLWEAP in assessing nominal
capacity. In reality, piles are often driven at locations for which no borehole exists at that
position to provide concise subsurface conditions. Subsurface conditions, together with pile size
and type, dictate the axial capacity. This limits the direct application and reliability of static
methods derived from borehole testing of samples to those physical locations coinciding with
borehole locations. In all calibration efforts, the basis for statistical comparison between
different prediction methods is the static load test capacity using Davissons interpretation.
Recall that predicting Davissons capacity is not the intent of either the static capacity analytical
methods or the dynamic methods. (AASHTO 2009 mandates a different interpretation for piles
with diameters in the range 24 to 36 in.) Therefore, in addition to analytical modeling errors, a
bias to Davissons capacity is introduced and statistically reported from any database studies.
In addition to NCHRP 507, significant documentation of correct consistent design procedures for
pile foundations had recently appeared from FHWA (Hannigan, et al. 2006). This two-volume
report offered a comprehensive exploration of pile design and analysis in Volume I and field
testing quality control and field dynamic testing in Volume II. The key communication
connections to the structural engineer, bridge engineer, and contractor were well presented, as
were the decisions concerning construction capacity verification testing. Both volumes were
directed toward ASD and did not directly incorporate LRFD principles. A simple LRFD
example was presented in Volume I of Appendix G, following the discussion of the LRFD
structural origins.
A series of studies in the Phase 1 effort reported the full effect of switching design
methodologies from ASD to LRFD linked to ODOTs design and field procedure. The first
study of Phase 1 surveyed the U.S. Northwest States DOTs to determine each DOTs standard
of practice GRLWEAP recommended
value. The survey results found strong support for a
LRFD resistance factor recalibration effort of GRLWEAP. Summary findings included:
- 60% of the surveyed Northwest DOTs utilized GRLWEAP.
- 80% of the surveyed Northwest DOTs considered a
at 0.4 to be conservative.
- 750 bridges were expected to be designed for the Northwest in the next 10 years.
- 60% of the surveyed Northwest DOTs were willing to assist in a recalibration effort.
The second part of the Phase 1 effort studied the economic impact to ODOT via the cost
difference between bridge foundations designed with ASD vs LRFD utilizing ODOTs standard
of practice. The study concluded that with GRLWEAP as the design tool, a 30% increase to
foundation costs could be expected when utilizing LRFD design compared to ASD design. Pile
capacity, whether established by static analyses, dynamic testing in the field at the time of
driving, or load testing, was governed by the soil layer(s) shear strength around the pile
perimeter and at the pile tip. Time and economic constraints dictated that only limited
geotechnical sampling, testing, and logging of boreholes were performed. By assigning a higher
resistance factor, AASHTO declared that the pile driving analyzer (PDA) signal matching
technique with CAPWAP technology was more reliable; however, use of this technology was
cost prohibitive for many bridge piling contracts.
Use of the AASHTO and the FHWA approved GRLWEAP bearing graph for nominal capacity
has two distinct advantages over signal matching with PDA and CAPWAP analysis. First,
according to the AASHTO code, site statistical variability work does not have to be completed
since the inspector assesses each pile at the time of driving. Second, the bearing graph check is
a deliberate activity using observed field pile and hammer performance to determine that each
pile meets the limit state axial nominal capacity. Geotechnical site variations are established by
both site investigations and by the design team applying their own local experience, knowledge,
and judgment. These variations can then be incorporated in region-specific input of soil
parameters into GRLWEAP, including soil side and tip quake and viscous damping parameters,
as well as soil layering across the site. This study was based only on default parameters to
ensure recommended resistance factors can be applicable to a broad range of pile types and
subsurface conditions.
GRLWEAP calculates the induced stress and displacement waves traveling along the pile after a
single hammer blow and reports pile permanent set after elastic rebound, called quake (Q). It
further assists in decisions about pile drivability and reports the change in static equivalent
bearing capacity at the time of driving (R
), from changes in field blow count by means of a
bearing graph. For illustration purposes only, Figure 1.1 presents an example of the bearing
graph with a range of possible capacities as a function of driving blow counts. When the field
driving blow count is recorded, the graph can be used to read the static R
predicted by the
program at the time of driving.
Figure 1.1: Example of a GRLWEAP bearing graph
Establishing bearing capacity from GRLWEAP becomes more difficult by the large number of
site-specific variables, the modeling complexities, and the sensitivity of the output to all driving
components, particularly the hammer efficiency. These site specific variables include the
equivalent soil springs elastic quake movement (Q
) and the soil springs viscous damping
values (J
) for each soil supported pile element. The typical application of GRLWEAP is often at
two stages, both in design and construction: the first stage is during the pre-bid period to
establish that the pile designed by static methods can be driven by available equipment, and the
second stage is after the chosen contractor selects the final production hammer and driving
accessories. At the second stage, the field bearing graph and hammer stroke to capacity plots,
which control final penetration depths, are made available to the agency field inspector for
confirmation of capacity and acceptance of the pile.
It is well known that pile long-term capacity will often show a capacity gain, called set-up, and
occasionally show relaxation when the capacity drops. Under these conditions, the use of
measured driving blow counts at EOID could yield either conservative or unconservative
capacity results and the pile should be restruck after a waiting period (often a minimum of 24
hours) to give a more representative blow count. This is called the BOR blow count, and any
associated use of a bearing graph must be established from the appropriate GRLWEAP model
bearing graph. Even when static load tests have been conducted at the site, AASHTO
recommends that GRLWEAP be used to extrapolate these load test results to the production
piles. GRLWEAP features include improved set-up models, as well as the use of the static pile
capacity DRIVEN software code (Mathias and Cribbs 1998) for input of soil resistance
distribution data to GRLWEAP.
NCHRP 507 allowed some reliance on local judgment and experience in the application of
any field verification procedures to establish factored nominal resistance. Two disturbing
features in the report emerged that limited flexibility for implementation of dynamic testing to
local conditions: first, the elimination of soil types as a variable when selecting resistance
factors for GRLWEAP and second, the previously reported absence of the GRLWEAP-BOR
combination resistance factor to be used after pile set-up has occurred. To capture the
transportation agencies standard of practice, the AASHTO code acknowledges that regional
implementation can proceed after local recalibration efforts are complete.
No agency implementation policy is discussed in the AASHTO code to assist in the transition
from ASD to LRFD. Historically, the ODOT Bridge Section has generally followed the
recommendations contained in all past and current FHWA manuals for driven pile design and the
code requirements set by AASHTO. For most Oregon bridges, ODOT requires a minimum of
one logged and sampled borehole per pier, with limited laboratory shear strength testing
conducted. Foundation conditions throughout the Willamette Valley, coastal development
regions, and the Portland metropolitan area are predominantly sand, silt, and clay. Bridge
foundation piles, typically steel pipe and H section piles, are of sufficient length to be primarily
friction piles and these soils are known to exhibit set-up after EOID.
The statistical studies reported in NCHRP 507 to establish resistance factors for the AASHTO
code used default soil and hammer parameters in GRLWEAP and had no restrike condition
included to capture any known soil set-up that may be large in Oregon soils. The AASHTO
reported values for static analysis are generally low, and static analyses are now relegated for
use to establish preliminary pile sizes and lengths, for contract purposes only. However, static
analysis do form the basis of pile side shear to pile tip capacity ratios used in the GRLWEAP
program and are most often established from uncertain SPT blow counts that statistically have a
large coefficient of variation (COV) between 15% to 40% (Duncan 2000).
The concern for predicting the ultimate capacity at restrike is related to the pile gain set-up in
resistance governed by uncertainty from geotechnical soil characteristics. About 70% of the
Willamette Valley subsurface consists of flood deposits, clay and silt. In these soils, the capacity
of a driven pile increases with time after driving, and the increased capacity is indicated by
restrike blow count. After the selected contractor proposes hammer and driving accessories and
other specific details become known, the inspectors graphs are prepared showing required blow
count versus hammer stroke for a given static resistance. ODOT provides the soil input
parameters for GRLWEAP in the contract specifications. ODOT has routinely used GRLWEAP
for capacity at EOID and occasionally at BOR if significant set-up was expected and the EOID
measured capacity was low. In ASD, both EOID and BOR capacity values were used with a
recommended factor of safety of 2.5.
Within any DOT, the accumulated foundation engineering knowledge base helps establish the
accepted standard of practice. Pile design is set by site investigation results for which the
amount of data, data quality, and interpretation are locally and regionally specific. Much of the
NCHRP 507 research findings removed the insensitive silt soil category, which is common in
Oregon, with no specific recommendations offered for this soil type. The AASHTO code
cautions using the published resistance factors when piles are over 24 in in diameter, most
likely because a limited number of 24 in diameter piles are in the database used to establish the
resistance factor. The most likely reason is that no piles over this diameter were used in the
statistical calibration. However, these large sizes are not typical in present ODOT practice.
LRFD design separates uncertainties into two independent variables: load and resistance,
expressed with separate load and resistance factors. Satisfactory design requires that the
factored down resistance for a pile should be larger than the linear combination sum of the
factored loads.
The sum of the factored loads may represent the possible largest statistical acceptable load
combination. The nominal resistance (similar to ultimate capacity as defined in ASD) is
established from the code-approved procedure. The resistance factor, , is less than one, and
applied to reduce the measured nominal resistance. The adoption of factors to increase the load
and to reduce the resistance is based on probability theory to model uncertainty. Therefore,
failure based on reliability methods is defined when the load exceeds the resistance, i.e.
expressed by the area in which the two probability density functions (PDF) for load and
resistance overlap. This overlap will be controlled by the resistance factor, because the PDF of
source loads usually have much less variation than the resistance distribution. For this study, the
resistance factor is calculated using reliability theory with both the FOSM, and more advanced
probabilistic Monte Carlo random number based method (Allen, et al. 2005).
The FOSM method uses the first terms in a Taylor series expansion of the performance
function to estimate the expected value and variance of the function. It is called a second
moment method because the variance is a form of the second moment and is the highest order
statistical result used in the analysis (Baecher and Christian 2003).
The limit state function is represented by the safety margin and can be defined as:
0 Q R Q) g(R,
i i n
> =
where Q
is the load,
is the load factor g is the limit state function and, if g is less than zero,
failure is predicted.
This function makes the two variable distributions (shown on the left of Figure 1.2) merge to one
distribution (shown on the right of Figure 1.2) and illustrates the probability of failure as when
the safety margin is less than zero.
Figure 1.2: Probability of failure and reliability index (William, et al. 1998)
To establish the statistical parameter for the resistance, the ratio of the measured to the predicted
capacity is established, called the bias factor, , from a population of case histories. In this
study, the measured value is the Davissons pile failure capacity secured from the database.
The predicted value from the GRLWEAP analysis is based on the bearing graph with the
measured blow counts used both at the EOID condition and at the BOR condition, and is further
discussed in Section 4.1.
The distance from the failure region, Pf, to the mean value of the limit state function, g, can be
expressed, using mean bias, , and COV, as |o, where o is the standard deviation (s.d.) of the
limit state function, and | is the reliability index. Pf is typically represented by the reliability
index parameter, |, a function of both the load statistics and resistance statistics, i.e. the
acceptable magnitude of | called the target reliability depends on the desired value of Pf for the
pile. To permit final calculation of resistance values, some assumptions are needed. Dead load
) to live load (Q
) ratios ranging from 2 to 5 have previously been investigated since this
range is typical for bridges and similar structures (Allen 2005a) and the final is typically found
insensitive to this ratio. When only dead and live loads are considered, the resistance factor, ,
can be found by FOSM method (See Section 7.1) the following equation:
( )
( )( )} {
COV COV 1 COV 1 n 1 exp
+ + + |
+ +
) 3 1 (
= resistance, dead and live load bias factor,
= dead and live load factor,
= dead to live load ratio,
= coefficient of variation of the resistance,
dead and live load factors, and
= target reliability index.
In the above equation, all statistical values, except
and COV
, are generally taken at the given
code values. In this study the statistical values for load follow NCHRP 507 (Appendix B) and
the resistance
and COV
are taken from the result of the GRLWEAP database analysis
performed for a variety of scenarios. However most of the resistance factors recommended for
use from NCHRP 507 are the more advanced FORM method.
After careful review of source pile driving data, more sophisticated and accurate calibration
using the AASHTO endorsed Monte Carlo probabilistic procedures can proceed. This procedure
requires high quality PDFs, and has been discussed by Allen, et al. (2005). Variability in the
total load from dead and live load sources, as well as the variability of resistance, are expressed
in the form of the safety margin and are generated by random number Monte Carlo procedures
according to the distribution mean and COVs. The safety margin defines risk of failure that
arises from the fitting of the lower
bias resistance distribution tail (where predictions are
unconservative) and upper total load bias tail. Intermediate steps include constructing the PDF
of the calculated
resistance bias curves (from GRLWEAP measured capacities), conversion to
cumulative distribution function (CDF), and finally via each case,
creation of the standard
normal variable (SNV) plots.
This research incorporated the recommendations and the example offered by WSDOT (Allen
2005b and Allen, et al. 2005) using lognormal best fits from the following three approaches:
regressed fitting all the case history data points, regressed fitting by dropping data points from
the upper (conservative) tail, and finally, fitting the lower tail by visual adjustment. Random
number generation provided both the dead and live load distributions and the resistance
distributions, and established the final safety margin distribution with the preset dead to live load
ratio. By iteration the appropriate resistance factor, , was found to produce the target
reliability index |
value. These probabilistic procedures used Excel
spreadsheet computation
for convenience.
FHWA (Hannigan, et al. 2006) endorses the dual use of DRIVEN 1.2 software (Mathias and
Cribbs 1998) to calculate the likely pile static capacity resistance distribution and format the
input file to GRLWEAP for bearing graph capacity calculation. This research employed all
default parameters and options in both codes consistent with EOID and at BOR conditions.
These procedures are discussed by FHWA and were diligently followed in derivation of the
GRLWEAP capacities in this study. It is essential that any use of the wave equation to establish
LFRD capacity with the recommendations contained in this report use only GRLWEAP as other
programs contain differences that affect the bearing graph and capacity. Application discussion
and, when required, rules for consistency in this research are discussed below.
DRIVEN performs static analysis computations utilizing Alpha method (Tomlinson 1980) for
cohesive soil and Nordlunds method (1963, 1979) for cohesionless soil provided by FHWA
(Hannigan, et al. 2006). Both the Alpha and Nordlund method are current methods and appear
in the AASHTO code (AASHTO 2009) for static analysis capacity prediction. A consistent
approach was taken by the research group in analyzing standard penetration test (SPT) blow
count, N, data for input into DRIVEN for cohesionless soil layers. N values can be input directly
into DRIVEN to calculate an effective friction angle for the layer using Meyerhofs method.
DRIVEN accepts a maximum of five N values, creating a limitation in a layer which might
include much more than five blow counts. Rather than picking five representative N values for
input, the research group calculated effective friction angle values using the full set of reported N
values for each layer as the DRIVEN program input. Analyzing the full set of values allowed for
a more accurate representation of the layer, especially considering the inherent variability of SPT
test results. In addition, obvious outliers could be removed prior to determining an effective
friction angle from SPT results.
The applicability of the SPT to cohesive soils is largely agreed as minimal. The FHWA
(Hannigan, et al. 2006) recommends the SPT solely for use with cohesionless soils. However, in
many instances there was no other data other than the N values available for clay or silt layers.
In the absence of other soil data, N values were used to estimate undrained shear strength using
correlations published by Bowles (Bowles 1996). Bowles lists a range of uncorrected N values
corresponding to a range of unconfined compressive strength values. Shear strength values
based on SPT data were used only in absence of any other available soil data.
Default parameters were utilized for all inputs following the DRIVEN manual recommendations
and those given by AASHTO and FHWA driven pile manuals. Some additional interpretation
and judgment rules were required for DRIVEN analysis that went beyond the reference manual
set. These included:
- The program could not export open ended pipe (OEP) piles to GRLWEAP. As the
majority of OEP pile to penetration depth ratio fell within the FHWA plugged condition
they were modeled closed end.
- H-Pile toe areas were taken to be the area of the metal while the side friction
development utilized plugged box perimeter dimension.
- Only square concrete piles are supported in the DRIVEN program. The pile case
histories recorded in this researchs database were predominantly frictional piles;
therefore, the outside perimeters of non-square shaped concrete piles were transformed
into an equivalent sized square pile to retain proper area for side friction development
during DRIVEN analysis.
- DRIVENs prime purpose use was to calculate likely shaft and tip resistance distributions
and the GRLWEAP input file. The program input prompts recommending capping
cohesionless soil friction angles was disregarded and the gain/loss factors were not used.
Due to the methods accepted for static capacity analysis there were internal restrictions placed
on the reported capacities. These were as follows:
- For cohesionless soil, Nordlunds method for side friction calculations limits the
acceptable range of friction angle to the 20 to 45 range. Values outside this range were
not allowed.
- Pile end bearing capacities were limited following the recommendations of Meyerhof
found in Table 7.2 in the DRIVEN manual. The program did not consider any capacities
larger than those recommended by Meyerhof.
After creation of a soil profile distribution, the calculated side friction and end bearing was
available and the tabulated output capacity screen was examined to determine each individual
soil layers contribution to side friction capacity, and the overall distribution of ultimate
capacity. A general soil type category was assigned to the case for ease of case history
organization. Each case was then placed into one of three subsurface categories: Clay, Sand, and
Mixed. Cases that reported cohesive soils contributing to more than 80% of a piles total
capacity were considered Clay case histories. Cases that reported cohesionless soils contributing
to more than 80% of a piles total capacity were considered to be Sand case histories. Layered
soil cases that fell in between these brackets were considered Mixed cases. Predominant bearing
conditions along a piles shaft and at the toe, together with the distribution of side friction
between the layers and toe, were recorded for later use in the GRLWEAP analysis. All the
recommendations offered by FHWA and the DRIVEN manual for a pile to plug in cohesive soils
were followed for both EOID and BOR driving conditions.
2.2.1 Overview
The basic principle of the Wave Equation Analysis for Pile driving is the expression, in finite
difference form, of the governing partial differential equation modeling the transfer of kinetic
energy into the pile to overcome the static and dynamic soil resistance. In the driving process,
the hammer kinetic energy is delivered to the pile in the form of compressive force pulse (Pile
Dynamics, Inc. 2005). At the bottom of the pile, the force pulse reflects and moves up to the top
again. While the energy travels from the hammer to the bottom of pile and back to the top of
pile, there are energy losses in pile, soil, and driving system including hammer, cushion, and
helmet. This transmission of energy will produce a permanent set at the pile into the supporting
soil. The principle of energy transfer is expressed from the GRLWEAP manual as follows:
Kinetic Energy (E) Energy losses (E
) = Resistance (R
) permanent set (s) (2-1)
The penetration resistance, N, is the inverse of the permanent set, s, calculated by the pile and is
expressed in either blows per foot (BPF) or blows per inch (BPI). This report uses the BPI
expression of driving resistance exclusively. Wave equation modeling requires the following
input to be available from every candidate pile case study:
- Input for pile stiffness and energy loss: pile size, elastic modulus, specific weight.
- Input for soil resistance and damping energy loss: percent friction contribution, quake
and damping factors.
- Input for hammer energy and efficiency: hammer type (often in the hammer library).
- Input for driving system energy loss: helmet weight, cushion stiffness, coefficient of
restitution, thickness, and elastic modulus.
GRLWEAP then provides an estimation of bearing capacity from a bearing graph and represents
the relationship between equivalent static capacity at the time of driving and the pile
penetration resistance, expressed as blow count, N. For this study, GRLWEAP 2005, with all
updates and issued biannually up to July 2010, was supplied by Pile Dynamics, Inc. and used to
predict the ultimate capacity with the field observed blow counts reported in the database at
EOID, and at BOR following a time delay. Section 4.1 discusses specific details of using the
assembled database to calculate these EOID and BOR capacities.
2.2.2 GRLWEAP application
Guiding the analysis process were the GRLWEAP 2005 Manual, the DRIVEN Manual, the two
FHWA volumes on driven pile foundations (Hannigan, et al. 2006), and the original work
performed by Goble, Rausche, and Likins (GRL) that formed the basis of the NCHRP 507
recommendations around the use of GRLWEAP (Rausche, et al. 1997). On occasions when the
manuals were unclear, or omitted necessary steps, the standard interpretation for ODOT was
determined through discussion with select research Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
members. At key stages in program development, systematic steps, including careful review and
sensitivity studies, were performed, as well as other activities to avoid gross modeling errors.
Importing the DRIVEN soil profile input into GRLWEAP requires the User select from the file
menu Open Pre 2002 input file (*.GWI) option. The file produces the DRIVEN soil profile
and graphically represents the individual soil layers capacity contribution relative to one
another. As the soil profile is constructed by DRIVEN, no alterations to soil properties are
permitted in GRLWEAP. Therefore, any sensitivity analyses with variations of soil strength
parameters, water table location, or profile geometry required a separate DRIVEN input file be
produced. Hammer type is selected from the program pull down menus, and hammer model
details and performance information are found in the GRLWEAP library. If the hammer library
did not list the required hammer, a similar hammer type with matching energy/power and ram
weight was selected. If no similar match to a hammers energy/power and ram weight was
available, the hammer with the closest energy/power rating was selected. Default values for all
hammer accessories and helmet weight were used unless specific values were provided in the
field records. Hammer efficiencies, pressure, and stroke were never altered from their default
Figure 2.1 shows the GRLWEAP pile and hammer details and the distribution of pile resistance
provided by DRIVEN for one of the piles analyzed.
Figure 2.1: Example of DRIVEN provided soil resistance to GRLWEAP
Both the hammer and pile cushion provide protection to the hammer and pile and are key
components in GRLWEAP modeling as they modify the delivered energy. Appropriate pile
cushion input proved occasionally problematic for concrete piles and rarely was the hammer
cushion or pile cushion properties reported in the source data. If multiple pile cushion options
were available, then each option was selected successively and a sensitivity analysis was
performed to assist in gauging the sensitivity of the prediction. Purpose designed rules beyond
the GRLWEAP Manual that guide hammer cushion selections were discussed with the TAC
member, Robert Miner. These discussions provided the following guidance:
- If multiple hammer cushion leads were available through the GRLWEAP library, a lead
was selected that was 4-6 in larger than the diameter of the pile being driven. This
countered the affect of a worn or damaged lead and insured proper contact.
- If no hammer cushion parameters were available in the GRLWEAP library, a cushion
from the closest matching hammer with a matching ram weight was selected
- According to Robert Miner, Robert Miner Dynamic Testing Inc., likely pile cushion
thickness should be no more than 12 in. An error was discovered for the Conmaco 300-C
hammer aluminum cushion in the GRLWEAP library, which reported an unreasonable
cushion thickness of 29 in.
GRLWEAP captures the dynamic effects of the soil/pile interaction through the use of its quake
and damping factors. Quake is a measure of the elastic recoverable slip between the soil and pile
after a single hammer strike. These quake and damping parameters are directly influenced by soil
stiffness, and the FHWA (Hannigan, et al. 2006) suggests there may also be a difference
between the EOID and BOR condition. These parameters and their role in GRLWEAP analysis
are explained in detail in the GRLWEAP manual. Following the manual recommended
procedures, and in consultation with the TAC, a research quake and damping selection
methodology was developed. Shaft damping (j
) utilized a weighted average method to
determine the appropriate single j
value for modeling the soil conditions along the entire length
of a piles shaft. GRLWEAP recommends j
=0.05sec/ft for cohesionless soils and j
=0.20 sec/ft
in cohesive soils and interpolation was employed for intermediate soil conditions. The Phase 1
effort (Jackson 2008), in consultation with ODOT and Robert Miner, developed the Table 2.1
recommendations of acceptable damping factors for variable soil layers. Each case history
logged soil layer description along the length of a piles shaft was assigned its appropriate j
value from the table.
Table 2.1: Acceptable damping factors for variable soil layers
Soil Type
Clay 0.20 0.65
Silty Clay 0.17 0.55
Clayey Silt 0.16 0.50
Clayey Sand 0.11 0.35
Silty Sand 0.10 0.30
Sand 0.05 0.15
A weighted single j
value was calculated by multiplying a layers appropriate j
value by its
percent contribution to the piles total side friction capacity. The summation of the resulting
partial j
values yields the correct weighted average used for calculation. Toe damping, j
, was
always set at 0.1sec/ft, as recommended by the GRLWEAP manual.
Shaft quake (q
) was always set to 0.1in for all soil/pile types as recommended by the
GRLWEAP manual. The toe quake, q
, was calculated based on the predicted soil strength of the
end bearing soil layer. GRLWEAP recommends non-displacement piles in all soil types utilize a
toe quake value of 0.1 in. Displacement pile recommendations use a toe quake value equaling
the pile diameter divided by 120 for dense soil and pile diameter divided by 60 for soft soil.
No further information was available for assessing the break point between soft and dense soil
strengths. The FHWA reference table (Sabatini, et al. 2002) was utilized in development of the
subsurface profile to set the criteria for the different densities. The breakpoint for cohesionless
soils was selected to be friction angles of 34, while cohesive soils utilized undrained shear
strength of 1500 psf to classify a soil as either dense (D/120) or loose (D/60). No linear
interpolation was performed on the toe quake parameter based on the degree of soil density.
The last input requires the User to define the expected percent allocation of total capacity
between a piles side and toe. The DRIVEN calculated static capacity allocation was always
used. DRIVENs enforced end bearing capacity cap has the potential to alter this distribution.
However, the majority of piles analyzed in the database were frictional piles; therefore, the data
were not skewed by the limitation.
As stated in Section 2.1 in all cases the recommendations of both the DRIVEN software and
GRLWEAP software default parameters were selected to conduct the analysis, unless field
records provided in the database showed a different parameter, e.g. thickness and type of
hammer cushion. In summary these GRLWEAP defaults were:
- The detailed soil resistance distribution option was used and imported from DRIVEN
(see Figure 2.1) as well as the percent of capacity from side shear from the Drive
option only.
- Unless indicated otherwise, all default hammer efficiencies and accessories were used. If
multiple hammer cushion leads were indicated in GRLWEAP then a lead 4 in to 6 in
larger than the pile diameter was used. If no hammer cushion parameter were available
in the library a cushion was selected from the closest matching hammer ram weight was
- Following the Phase 1 recommendations of Mr. Robert Miner, a more detailed
breakdown of side damping values was used for intermediate soil types between clays
and sands as shown in Table 2.1. A single side damping value was determined based on
each layers percentage contribution to static friction capacity.
- The toe quake break point in moving from Dia/60 to Dia/120 was not defined by any
manual. This was taken as 34 in cohesionless soils and 1500 psf in cohesive soils.
- Driving strength Loss Factors were left as 0.0 and no Set-Up Gain/Loss Factors were
ever used. All recommendations contained in DRIVEN and the FHWA pile manuals for
pile plugging of H and pipe piles were followed.
The quantity and quality of information required for GRLWEAP pile analysis was considerable.
The first key task for the research team was to search and build a complete and full case history
detail database. ODOT offered two databases as the primary sources to begin gathering
available pile case histories and build a master database: PDLT2000 and Deep Foundation Load
Test Database (DFLTD). An Excel
document that included: pile type and dimensions, boring log data, driving log, and pile
load test results for a total 627 driven piles and drilled shafts. Not all of the driven pile case
histories were included in the PDLT2000 or the DFLTD, but most of the piles in the Deep
Foundations Database with restrike and load test information were included in these two
databases. However, three new pile case histories were located in this database and entered in
the Full PSU Master. Additionally, several case histories with anomalies and missing data were
resolved by locating their records in the Deep Foundations Database.
From the cooperation of Prof. James Long at the University of Illinois, a database reporting
almost 200 pile load test details, called the FHWA Database, was provided to the research
group. Among the 200 pile cases, 99 pile case histories met requirements and were used for the
wave equation calculations contained in the earlier FHWA effort at determining pile driveability
and capacity (Rausche 1997). Included in these requirements in this earlier study were that blow
counts at BOR should be less than 30 BPI and comparable time delay between EOID and BOR
should be found between EOID and the static load test. The FHWA database showed a wide
variety of information about the driven pile load tests, except the subsurface information for each
soil layers. This FHWA database consisted of data in five areas: pile details, pile location,
hammer, hammer ram and helmet weight, and penetration depth at the EOID and the BOR. Soil
layer details from the FHWA database could be crosschecked with the DFLTD data by matching
the static capacity and the dynamic capacity test results. A total of 25 pile cases could be
identified that were not in the PDLT2000 database, but they lacked water table information.
Further, among the 200 data in the FHWA database, aside from the pile cases shown in
PDLT2000 and DFLTD, 21 additional piles showed up as new cases. These pile cases had almost
all the field test data, but no soil information of any kind. Unfortunately, this research effort was
unable to locate the additional spreedsheets cited by the FHWA report (Rausche 1997) and
therefore, these 21 additional piles could not be analysed.
Prof. Roy Olsen of the University of Texas at Austin supplied the research group the results of
large numbers of California load tests conducted by Caltrans in a Microsoft Access
Each pile case history included project name and location data, site investigation and laboratory
testing results, and static load test capacity. The database included 28 driven piles that were
restruck and load-tested, but no blow counts at EOID or BOR were included in this document. A
limited number of the piles were identified in the Full PSU Master database from previous
sources; but the majority was inducted into the Full PSU Master as new pile case histories.
3.1.4 Other Sources
Additional pile case histories were found by an extensive review of recent geotechnical literature
and requests to various DOTs for new pile case histories that were not present in any database
previously reviewed by the research team. Considerable effort was spent in identifying new
complete case histories, which required as a minimum for this research:
- A soil profile including a basis to determine shear strength from either in situ or
laboratory testing,
- Pile type, size, and length,
- Full driving hammer and accessory details,
- Field blow counts at EOID and BOR, and
- Davissons interpretation of pile capacity from the static load test.
Significant additional case histories, which qualified for analysis, were found in the states of
Texas, South Carolina, Michigan, Utah, and Massachusetts. Other states providing incomplete
case history documentation that subsequently could not be analyzed were North Carolina and
Louisiana. In general, any private consultant and non-state transportation agency published case
history rarely contained sufficient information for full analysis, but the data were included in the
Full PSU Master.
The research group created two Microsoft Excel
+ +
Contributions to total load from Q
and Q
sources are included, expressed by their bias and
COV. These were set at the values required by ODOT, were used in Phase 1 (Smith and Dusicka
2009), and for consistency were the values most often selected by LRFD researchers for driven
pile studies (Long 2009; Paikowsky 2004). For redundant pile groups of five or more, the target
reliability index was 2.33, and for fewer than five piles, the target reliability was 3.0. The full
set of statistical parameters used in this study is shown in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1: Statistical load parameters used for calibration
Load Type DL LL
Distribution Lognormal Lognormal
Monte Carlo Value 800 kips 400 kips
Bias 1.05 1.15
COV 0.10 0.20
More superior capacity methods should predict capacity more accurately and precisely, and they
may be quickly compared by their COVs or by the efficiency ratio, /, which normalizes the
LRFD capacity reduction factor by the detected method bias. A high COV corresponds to a low
efficiency value, and the / and COV efficiencies can be used to rank the optimum method:
either EOID capacity or BOR capacity to show the method with the least over-capacity in the
field. To aid implementation, this optimization is further explored in Section 7.3. Table 7.2
reports all the FOSM calculated resistance values and / efficiencies for both reliability
values of 2.33 and 3.0, and also for comparison, the reported NCHRP 507 values by GRLWEAP
and CAPWAP at the EOID and BOR condition. In Table 7.2, the NCHRP 507 BOR statistics are
shown in italics to denote they did not appear in the text of that report.
The FOSM resistance values shown for the baseline Scenario A, and from NCHRP 507 at EOID
(forming AASHTO recommendations), are highlighted and are very similar, but they do, in fact,
illustrate some differences. The parameters under which NCHRP 507 generated the FOSM
resistance factors most likely had used the strict +/- 2 s.d. outlier cutoff to improve COVs.
Further, the original GRL based work (Rausche, et al. 1997) appears to have applied a 10 BPI
blow count cap to select acceptable case histories. If these different constraints are recognized,
the Scenario A statistics with 175 piles were slightly superior to the 99 piles of the original
NCHRP 507 work and reflected the considerable effort the current study expended for the
resolution of anomalies and the inclusion of only carefully selected, and well documented, case
histories in the Full PSU Master database.
Table 7.2: FOSM resistance values and efficiencies for =2.33 and =3.0
S.D. COV Factor / Efficiency
Pile Resistance
Prediction Method
# of
=2.33 =3.0 =2.33 =3.0
EOID 125 1.626 0.797 0.490 0.59 0.42 0.36 0.26
BOR 162 1.158 0.393 0.339 0.58 0.45 0.50 0.39
EOID 99 1.656 1.199 0.724 0.36 0.23 0.22 0.14
BOR 99 0.939 0.399 0.425 0.39 0.29 0.42 0.31
EOID 175 1.555 1.102 0.708 0.35 0.22 0.23 0.14
Scenario A Tier 1 and 2
BOR 175 0.993 0.468 0.472 0.38 0.27 0.38 0.27
EOID 82 1.685 1.100 0.653 0.43 0.28 0.26 0.17
Scenario B Tier 1 and 2a
BOR 82 1.030 0.447 0.434 0.42 0.31 0.41 0.30
EOID 163 1.372 0.669 0.488 0.50 0.36 0.37 0.26
Scenario C
Tier 1 and 2
+/-2 S.D.
BOR 165 0.938 0.399 0.425 0.39 0.29 0.42 0.31
EOID 138 1.269 0.614 0.484 0.47 0.33 0.37 0.26
Scenario D
Tier 1 and 2
BOR 162 0.967 0.459 0.475 0.36 0.26 0.38 0.27
EOID 65 1.394 0.603 0.433 0.57 0.42 0.41 0.30
Scenario E
Tier 1 and 2a
+/-2 S.D.
BOR 73 0.970 0.397 0.409 0.42 0.31 0.43 0.32
EOID 69 1.406 0.596 0.423 0.59 0.43 0.42 0.31
Scenario F
Tier 1 and 2a
BOR 79 1.012 0.429 0.424 0.42 0.31 0.42 0.31
EOID 94 1.328 0.564 0.425 0.56 0.41 0.42 0.31
Scenario G
Tier 1 and 2a+
Tier 2b Rank1
BOR 114 0.985 0.430 0.437 0.40 0.29 0.41 0.30
EOID 58 1.330 0.570 0.429 0.55 0.40 0.42 0.30
Scenario H
Tier 1 and 2a
BPI>2 & TR,
BOR 69 0.974 0.408 0.419 0.41 0.30 0.42 0.31
EOID 43 1.464 0.595 0.406 0.64 0.47 0.44 0.32
Scenario I
Clay &
Tier 1 and
2a+Tier 2b
Rank1 BPI>2
BOR 56 1.123 0.457 0.407 0.49 0.36 0.44 0.32
EOID 51 1.214 0.515 0.424 0.51 0.37 0.42 0.31
Scenario J
Tier 1 and
2a+Tier 2b
Rank1 BPI>2
BOR 58 0.852 0.358 0.421 0.36 0.26 0.42 0.31
Measured by / efficiencies alone, both Scenario A and NCHRP 507 indicated using restrike
capacity to optimize the number and/or pile depth, but was much less clear under all other
scenarios. Similarity was seen in the / efficiencies at BOR of all scenarios, and was in close
agreement with NCHRP 507. The BOR values were generally lower than the EOID values.
As expected, the EOID on Scenario A offered the lowest and / efficiency of any in the table
due to the previously reported poorly defined upper tail inflating the COV. Efficiencies on all
other scenarios for both EOID and BOR were generally twice that reported by NCHRP 507 at
EOID. Of significance was the effect shown in Scenario C of employing the +/- 2 s.d. NCHRP
507 outlier definition. From the direct comparison to Scenario A, which used the data in all
qualified tiers, the factor was inflated by 42%, up to 0.501, for EOID at the of 2.33, by the
artificial removal of extreme tail data at both ends.
Not illustrated in the table were the individual soil type specific effects when constructing
Scenario G from Scenario F. The statistical effects of adding the lower Tier 2b Clay sites to
Scenario F was identical to adding Tier 2b Mixed sites to Scenario F; the COV at EOID
increased slightly and BOR was unchanged. But the opposite was found when adding the Tier
2b Sand sites to Scenario F. This supported treating Clay and Mixed sites as a single sample, as
in Scenario I, and treating Sand-only sites to form Scenario J. A clear difference in statistical
sample characteristics existed between piles supported in predominately cohesive soils to those
in cohesionless soils since they were showing as different populations.
To recap, Scenario A represented all 175 acceptable Tier 1 and Tier 2 cases that generated
separate values and did not employ any kind of data filtering. With a good match to NCHRP
507, this scenario was selected as the baseline for comparison. Scenarios F and G were
determined likely to be the best fit to the ODOT standard of practice requiring a single at
EOID and a single at BOR, with high quality site investigation data and field supervision and
documentation during pile driving. These scenarios eliminated the statistical scatter associated
with easy driving (eliminating less than and equal to 2 BPI) and accepted only high tier source
data. In the interest of developing a larger population for calibration analysis, Scenario G
included Tier 2b cases that received an output Rank 1 classification. Output Rank 1 signified
that a sensitivity analysis was conducted on the missing piece of source information and resulted
in less than a 10% difference in the GRLWEAP predicted ultimate capacity. As stated earlier,
Scenarios B through E were for studying the effects of a variety of published filters and outliers
and not designed to represent ODOT practice. Scenario H was a derivative of Scenario G with
those cases removed violating AASHTO current guidelines on TR times and TST times in all
soil groups, irrespective of input tier or output rank. This was overly strict as current AASHTO
code requirements would not have been in force at the time the load tests were conducted.
Scenario I at BOR was selected for further investigation as it allowed GRLWEAP analysis in
Oregons cohesive soils for the benefit of soil set-up. Scenario J for cohesionless sands was kept
as this could be used to compare to the calibrated resistance factor effects for cohesive soils used
in Scenario I. Examination of trends in soil types throughout the previous figures all showed
cohesive soils displaying set-up at BOR, while the mean illustrated the cases behave
conservatively in Scenario I. (Recall, this scenario included all the Clay sites as well as the
Mixed sites.) After review, ODOT selected four scenarios: A, F, G at both EOID and BOR for
full Monte Carlo Reliability based calibration of , and Scenario I. The cohesionless Scenario J
was also of interest.
In past studies (Paikowsky 2004; Allen 2005b; Long, et al. 2009), generally, there was a 5% to
10% increase found in a calculated from FOSM to those found from reliability based methods;
however, this may not always be the case as the change depends on the distribution of the data.
The same dead and live load statistical parameters, reported previously in Table 7.1 for FOSM,
and a constant live load to dead load ratio of two were selected for use during Monte Carlo
analysis. Previous studies had shown that altering the load ratio resulted in little variation to
resistance calculation results (Allen 2005b; Long, et al. 2009). The Monte Carlo calibration
effort on the approved scenarios was driven by the data located in the lower tail sections and
was used to construct the most accurate safety margin distribution, where g 0. The high
unconservative predicted resistance (low ) case histories were therefore of most interest, but as
pointed out by Allen (Allen, et al. 2005), due to the nature of geotechnical data, there can often
be insufficient data to confidently model this portion for any calibration effort. The Monte Carlo
technique extrapolates the trends displayed in the lower tail of each scenario and fills the gaps
in data smoothly to establish the distribution of the safety margin. As previously described, the
standard minimum for redundant pile groups of 2.33 was selected for analysis and
corresponded to a probability of failure of 1/100 representative of the level of acceptable risk for
an individual pile within a pile group large enough to have sufficient redundancy. A modified
value was repeatedly selected until the calculated 2.33 was reached, at which point the
acceptable had been determined and the calibration process was complete. The Monte Carlo
technique utilized multiple sets of 10,000 randomly generated variables for loads and resistance
sufficient for calculation to this of 2.33. Calculations were conveniently conducted on Excel
spreadsheets. Any alterations in the random variable statistics affected the calculations and
even a re-execution could change as different random number sets were used. This variation
was accounted for by running at least three iterations for a single input value. If the calculated
consistently produced < 2.33, which was unconservative because of unacceptable probability
of failure, then would be reduced by 0.01 and the iteration process repeated until the target
2.33 was met.
The Monte Carlo reliability method was performed on each of the four final ODOT selected
scenarios: A, F, G, and I. For each of these scenarios, the probability density function (PDF),
cumulative distribution function (CDF), and standard normal variable (SNV), for both EOID and
BOR driving conditions are shown in Appendices C through F. Three curves are shown on each
of the standard normal to log bias plots and represent the lognormal regressed fit to all data, the
best lognormal regressed fit to the unconservative lower tail, and the best visual adjusted fit to
the lower tail. Following Allen (Allen, et al. 2005) this last visual adjustment was achieved by
manipulation of the mean resistance and COV from the scenario under consideration to better
match the lower tail and was considered the most superior of all the three fits. Shown in Figure
7.1 is the EOID plot on Scenario A illustrating this technique. Here the improved fit to the tail
reduced the COV and consequently increased the significantly for the 2.33. Lowering the
COV had the visual effect of rotating the line counterclockwise up from the regressed fit to all
data line and produced a higher resistance factor. For each scenario at EOID and BOR, the
statistical parameters were modified and the Monte Carlo procedure repeated each time until the
minimum target of 2.33 was confirmed for the three fits.
Figure 7.1: Scenario A Monte Carlo reliability method CDF fits at EOID
The study of Scenarios F and G were of more significance for ODOT implementation, as they
represented the likely match to practice (single without considering soil type) especially at
EOID. The three lowest data point case-by-case values on Scenario F, in both EOID and BOR
conditions (shown in Appendix D) all came from sands in Florida where Davissons criteria had
underreported capacities compared to the GRLWEAP capacities. Scenario Gs lower tail in
Appendix E was better populated and conditioned to the lognormal distribution by the additional
25 case histories found from Tier 2b having output Rank 1.
For each scenario at both EOID and BOR conditions, a summary of the FOSM and Monte Carlo
and / results for the three curve fits described above, including the cohesionless sites
forming Scenario J for comparisons, is shown in Table 7.3.
Table 7.3: All scenarios FOSM and Monte Carlo fit based and / efficiencies for = 2.33
FOSM Monte Carlo
Model and Curve Fit
S.D. COV / /*
EOID 175 1.555 1.102 0.708 0.35 0.23 0.36 0.23
Fit to All
BOR 175 0.993 0.468 0.472 0.38 0.38 0.39 0.39
EOID - 1.309 0.541 0.413 - - 0.59 0.38
Fit To
BOR - 0.993 0.468 0.472 - - 0.39 0.39
EOID - 1.380 0.650 0.471 - - 0.54 0.35
Visual Fit
BOR - 0.910 0.410 0.451 - - 0.39 0.39
EOID 69 1.406 0.596 0.423 0.59 0.42 0.62 0.44
Fit to All
BOR 79 1.008 0.427 0.424 0.42 0.42 0.45 0.45
EOID - 1.380 0.558 0.405 - - 0.64 0.46
Fit To
BOR - 0.978 0.386 0.395 - - 0.46 0.46
EOID - 1.380 0.610 0.442 - - 0.59 0.42
Visual Fit
to Tail
BOR - 0.960 0.410 0.427 - - 0.42 0.42
EOID 94 1.328 0.564 0.425 0.56 0.42 0.59 0.44
Fit to All
BOR 114 0.985 0.430 0.437 0.40 0.41 0.43 0.44
EOID - 1.308 0.532 0.407 - - 0.6 0.45
Fit To
BOR - 0.985 0.430 0.437 - - 0.43 0.44
EOID - 1.280 0.550 0.430 - - 0.57 0.43
Visual Fit
BOR - 0.960 0.430 0.448 - - 0.41 0.42
EOID 43 1.464 0.595 0.406 0.64 0.44 0.68 0.46
Fit to All
BOR 56 1.123 0.457 0.407 0.49 0.44 0.51 0.45
EOID - 1.251 0.335 0.268 - - 0.80 0.55
Fit To
BOR - 1.049 0.382 0.364 - - 0.52 0.46
EOID - 1.230 0.300 0.244 - - 0.83 0.57
Clay &
Visual Fit
BOR - 1.080 0.450 0.417 - - 0.49 0.44
EOID 51 1.21 0.515 0.424 0.51 0.42 0.55 0.45
Fit to All
BOR 58 0.85 0.358 0.421 0.36 0.42 0.39 0.46
EOID - 1.19 0.486 0.409 - - 0.51 0.42
Fit To
BOR - 0.84 0.339 0.406 - - 0.39 0.46
EOID - 1.17 0.510 0.436 - - 0.55 0.45
Visual Fit
BOR - 0.82 0.360 0.439 - - 0.36 0.42
* All Monte Carlo efficiencies are calculated using the mean bias fit to all the data in that scenario
The superior visual fit to the tail data are highlighted in each scenario and represents the highest
degree of confidence in the modeling process between the three cases. (Since the two tail fits did
not use all the available individual cases history values, the number of case histories was not
Data points to the left of the CDF log normal fit line were viewed as unconservative relative to
the curve. The best visual fit to the tail allowed for a more accurate model the lower tail section
without allowing an anomalous data point to skew the overall trend. It can seen from Figure 7.1
that at EOID for Scenario A, a single low, rogue, data point dominated the lognormal
regression with all the data. This pile case had been placed in a low input Tier 2b, ranked very
low in an output Rank 3, and with noted suspicions of incorrect EOID blow count, possibly not
properly recorded in the original database. The much better visual tail fit raised the calculated
resistance factor compared to all other scenarios significantly, as shown in Table 7.3, up to 0.54.
The Scenario A FOSM at EOID had been depressed severely by this single data point. The
BOR on Scenario A data, shown in Appendix C, was already well fitted to the lower tail with
little change to mean and COV being required. The creation of cohesive sites in Scenario I
permit a better targeted EOID and BOR calibration applicable to ODOT for high set-up sites.
This better targeting was also true for Scenario I in the EOID plot where a large reduction in
COV was possible to fit the lower tail at EOID, with corresponding improvements in the
resistance factor. However, few case history data points were present in the lower tail to count
this at the same degree of confidence compared to other EOID scenarios. Other observations
- Studying / efficiencies of the Fit to All Data with the exception of the large
improvement in moving to BOR in Scenario A, almost no change was found indicating
no clear improvement, or decay, in statistical efficiency by moving to a restrike.
- Scenario F and G were comparable and illustrated no decay in statistics by including
those soils in Tiers 2b from all sites where assumptions were required to complete
DRIVEN and GRLWEAP. Comparing Monte Carlo to FOSM calibrations for Fit to All
Data in these scenarios showed improvements in between approximately 6% to 7% at
EOID and 5% to 6% at BOR.
- In all scenarios for the Fit to All Data, the presence of a few individual high values at
EOID from high set-up soil sites raised the COV and degraded the FOSM and the
Monte Carlo . The advantages in Scenario A of the Monte Carlo fit to the lower tail was
illustrated by removing these few data points, which showed a corresponding increase
of 50% from 0.35 by FOSM to 0.54 with the Monte Carlo Best Visual Fit to the tail
- The Best Visual Fit to the tail showed little change in Scenario G and F compared to
Fit to All Data and confirmed a well-conditioned lognormal fit, but did have a 22%
improvement in at EOID for the cohesive sites in Scenario I.
- Both Scenario G and F had very similar EOID and BOR efficiencies and appeared
GRLWEAP capacity neutral. However, both the cohesive Scenario I and Sand Scenario
J revealed higher EOID efficiencies.
- Increases in factors were found for both EOID and BOR when the higher input quality
tiers were applied in Scenario F and G compared to Scenario A.
Design efficiency is most often reported by the / ratio when comparing methods to establish
the highest usable capacity under LRFD design principles. This quickly permits a comparison
between scenarios and EOID and/or BOR choices for design. However, this efficiency measure
can be skewed by extreme data points and should be viewed as an average for the data set.
Implementation decisions are made on a project-by-project basis by ODOT and make use of
design office issued bearing graphs keyed to the field hammer/pile performance match observed
by the inspector. A choice must be made on underperforming piles during initial driving: either
to continue driving deeper for increased capacity or to delay and monitor restrike blow count
after approved delay in those soils expected to set-up.
It was reported previously that for all scenarios, at BOR was less than at EOID. The
GRLWEAP capacity most often increases on restrike, simply because of the blow count
increase. However using the resistance factor at the BOR conditions, that is lower than the EOID
condition, it is possible that the calculated factored BOR resistance is lower than the factored
EOID condition. The LRFD inequality was given in Equation 1-1 and is repeated here:
If the load factors are held constant on the left hand side of the equation for the purpose of
comparing different nominal capacity methods then the foundation engineer, to minimize cost,
seeks the maximum on the right hand side of the equation. This has been addressed in previous
work by simply comparing efficiency measurements, / , or just seeking the lowest COV.
However, both run a risk of being skewed by a limited number of extreme case histories in the
sample, especially when no outliers have been removed, such as the +/- 2 s.d. used in NCHRP
Table 7.3 shows the final statistical parameters and number of cases for ODOT final Scenarios F
and G, and Scenarios I and J in cohesive and cohesionless soils, respectively, compared to
baseline Scenario A, at both EOID and BOR. For ODOT Scenario F and G, for all soil and pile
types, these efficiency results were not conclusive between EOID or BOR as each / value
was similar and each factored capacity, on average, was neutral between EOID and BOR.
To offer a clearer representation and assist interpretation of the / efficiencies, each case
history was viewed as a data point around the factored equivalency relationship, R
(BOR) =
(EOID). This presentation is found in Figures 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4, using the most appropriate
Monte Carlo best visual fit to tail , broken out into Clay, Sand, and the Mixed soil sites
respectively for the Scenarios A, F, and G.
Figure 7.2: Factored BOR plotted to factored EOID for Scenario A
Figure 7.3: Factored BOR plotted to factored EOID for Scenario F
Figure 7.4: Factored BOR plotted to factored EOID for Scenario G
These figures can be compared to Figure 5.1 and nicely illustrated that the range of factored
capacity was not equally distributed but was at the lower end for each scenario, with few piles of
GRLWEAP factored capacity beyond 1000 kips. The role played by the likely higher set-up
cohesive soils was the rationale for the creation of Scenario I and can be presented in a way to
assist in making field decisions. For example, at the time of initial driving the pile was a sample
member of Scenario G and, when checked for LRFD factored capacity, R
(EOID), might be
found deficient. By choosing to restrike, the pile now was a member of Scenario I and the
calibration at BOR was now valid (Table 7.3). Figure 7.5 plots Scenarios G and Is factored
resistances, R
, from their respective EOID and BOR and predicted GRLWEAP EOID and
BOR capacities, R
, on each of the 56 case histories contained in Scenario I at restrike. In a
similar approach, Figure 7.6 plots the corresponding Scenario G factored EOID resistance to
Scenario J factored BOR resistance set for cohesionless soils.
Figure 7.5: Set-up implementation on cohesive soils factored BOR Scenario I to factored EOID for Scenario G
Figure 7.6: Set-up implementation on cohesionless soil factored BOR Scenario J to factored EOID for Scenario G
Judging by the larger number of piles in the database above the R
(EOID) = R
equivalency line in Figure 7.5, on average for these two scenarios in the database, the factored
capacity for Clay and Mixed soil sites was more likely to increase on restrike. However, it
should be made clear any decision on whether or not to restrike should be made on a case-by-
case basis depending upon the expectation that set-up will occur. These decisions are to be
furthered explored for ODOT specific practice in a separate implementation Phase 3.
For this research, a diverse but complimentary group of existing databases were accessed and
merged and then cross-checked for anomalies. Over 150 new cases were added to the ODOT
supplied PDLT2000 and DFLTD databases to establish a new Full PSU Master database with
322 piles. Each case history was placed into one of three input tiers for statistical profiling to
assist in preserving quality and repeatability. The final Full PSU Master database supplied 179
cases. All cases were fully analyzed by DRIVEN and GRLWEAP, version 2005 with all updates,
to generate bias mean and COV statistics for a range of scenarios and for resistance factor
calibration. These scenarios were constructed to study the effects from NCHRP 507 removal of
arbitrary outliers in the tails, the easy driving mismatched cases, restrike and load test calendar
times, and the difference between cohesive and cohesionless soils. The 322 piles ranged up to 40
inches in diameter and up to approximately 200 ft in embedment length. The 179 analyzed piles
ranged up to 36 inches in diameter and approximately166 ft in embedment length with driving
blow counts up to 100 BPI.
It was previously stated that a large variation in installation condition requirements and field
practice norms existed in the database due to the differences in time to restrike (TR) time to
static test (TST) and the geographic location of the case histories. The inherent variability of
national piling standards was captured by keeping a broad database to produce more
representative, generally applicable, and conservative resistance factor results.
From database construction and statistical profiling, it was concluded:
- The qualified 179 cases in the expanded Full PSU Master represented a broad spread of
soil and pile types typical of ODOT practice. The sand sites represented approximately
54% of the cases, and 46% of the sites were considered to have significant cohesive soil
- Locating a considerable new set of case histories to expand the database allowed
researchers to capture and record the calendar and clock times for restrike and the load
test on 69 cases. This proved valuable for study purposes and is recommended for all
future database building efforts.
- Subsurface information was generally poor across the source databases and caused over
75% of the 179 cases analyzed to be placed in lower input Tier 2, which required some
assumptions for analyses. Sensitivity analysis proved GRLWEAP capacities for these
piles were relatively insensitive to the missing detailed input, including water table and
shear strength, provided that at least SPT data and the soil log were available.
- Input tiers and Output ranks proved an invaluable aid to sorting data quality and assisting
case-by-case interpretation and should always be employed in LRFD calibration.
- The single largest source of anomalies and missing data was the field-reported blow
count, especially for the BOR condition. The restrike blow count had no clear definition
across the source databases. For the few cases when BOR was absent but the driving log
was available, a definition consistent with FHWA of averaging the blows for the first 6 in
was used. This provided sufficient movement to capture considerable set-up capacity and
mobilize shaft friction.
- Neither of the two largest source national databases, PDLT2000 or DFLTD, was always
correct on every piece of the large amount of source input required for DRIVEN and
GRLWEAP. For any database calibration work, independent verification from original
sources was recommended. From extensive cross checking in this research of the two
national databases, DFLTD was considered to be the more accurate and more useful as it
contains detailed soil logs.
The 175 qualified cases included 91 cases extracted from DFLTD and PDLT2000 matching the
original 99 reported in NCHRP 507s appendix. Key general guidance notes from the DRIVEN
and GRLWEAP analysis used in this research were:
- All default parameters were used in both EOID and BOR models to establish the
GRLWEAP bearing graph. The GRLWEAP restrike options and the set-up and gain/loss
factors were never used.
- FHWA endorses the use of a used cushion in BOR modeling with concrete piles. They
recommend a used pile cushion of half the thickness and twice the stiffness (Hannigan, et
al. 2006). This recommendation was always followed.
- A weighted average by percent contribution to resistance from DRIVEN for the side
damping, j
, in layered soils was always used. Damping, quake, and percent side friction
was held constant between EOID and BOR models.
- A uniform first restrike blow count was selected for those piles containing multiple
NCHRP 507 gave considerable attention to the needs of dynamic capacity evaluated by the
CAPWAP-based signal matching technique to establish implementation recommendations using
the efficiency ratio /. These new studies here showed similar trends for GRLWEAP capacity
on the statistical effects from variables such as blow count ranges and the time to restrike when
determining nominal capacity. However, the objective of this research was not to compare to
other calibration efforts, only to NCHRP 507as a reference work of interest. ODOT does use the
PDA/CAPWAP technology for piles under certain conditions at select locations. PDA and
CAPWAP results are used to develop pile acceptance criteria and work hand in hand with
GRLWEAP to reduce uncertainty from variability in site conditions. It should be understood
CAPWAP capacity bias and COV statistics are different from GRLWEAP, and alone should
not be the basis of selecting the most efficient method. Unlike limited piles selected for
CAPWAP, every driven pile has a recorded field blow count and a predicted bearing capacity is
available from the bearing graph generated by GRLWEAP analysis.
Statistically a driven pile may belong to one, or both, of two categories for the purposes of
capacity determination by any dynamic method: at the EOID condition and at the BOR condition
from restrike. Both these categories are shown by all dynamic methods to possess different
mean bias and COVs that change the resistance factor that can, from this research, be used in
either situation for LRFD design. For this research the database qualifications by soil type, pile
type, driving blow count and the load test and restrike times were kept as broad as possible
without eroding the statistical quality of the data for GRLWEAP capacity. The expected higher
set-up capacity gain would be those piles founded in cohesive soils contributing large capacity
from side friction; however, piles in cohesionless soils also show significant set-up.
In this study, Scenario A for EOID was established as a broad match to NCHRP 507 and formed
the baseline to measure to other scenarios of interest and likely ODOT practice scenarios. Using
an input tier structure, key statistical subgroup scenarios were examined. These scenarios applied
filters which included: re-applying the +/- 2 s.d. outlier definition from NCHRP 507, using the
AASHTO time to restrike and time to load test recommendations, and exploring the low blow
count mismatched cases. From the results of these scenarios, it was concluded:
- Across the full database sites defined by Scenario A choosing a restrike to partially
capture the set-up gain in strength reduced the positive bias from EOID and lowered the
COV; both were desirable in providing a more accurate and reliable prediction. For all
scenarios shown in Table 7.2 the restrike lowered the bias and illustrated set-up
occurred in all cases, including the Sand, Scenario J, sites.
- Sub-grouping by blow count revealed a clear decay in easy driving mean bias and COV
parameters with blow counts 2 BPI. Above 2 BPI, little difference was found in these
parameters and no upper limit was identified. This was in agreement with the NCHRP
507 report presentation for CAPWAP (but was reported in the report text to be 4.5 BPI).
- In the database, the time to restrike (TR) and time to static load test (TST) were known
on 64 of the 179 piles analyzed. Of these, only 19 had multiple pile restrikes; therefore,
few candidates were available to choose the option of the BOR closest to TST. A
uniform first BOR designation was adopted for consistency and also to avoid changes in
soil properties and repeat consolidation effects on the 19 piles, which would have tainted
the restrike data.
- A study of TR/TST and TST/TR ratios offered valuable insight to assist interpretation
and identify possible mismatched case histories. Premature BOR restrike times captured
insufficient set-up gain, had low capacity and high , and were ignored by the Monte
Carlo Reliability method option focused on the lower tail. However, they did feature in
FOSM calibration by distorting the calibration statistics, especially in EOID for Scenario
- Both GRLWEAP and DRIVEN manuals must be very well understood by foundation
practitioners and, in addition, all the parameters for which the LRFD calibration was
conducted. Recall that recalibration efforts in all scenarios used default parameters.
- The diverse Scenario A Best Visual Fit yielded the EOID factor of 0.54 from 175
cases, including 18 exhibiting relaxation.
ODOT practice is quite diverse and often project-specific with dependency on private-sector
consultants and subcontractors for site investigation, pile design, and field monitoring. This
diversity required keeping case history scenario definitions as broad as possible in order to be
inclusive, rather than narrowing the parameters for the sole purpose of improving COV to raise
the value. Narrowing the scenario data range of qualifications has the penalty of generating a
larger number of pile/soil/driving combinations with each requiring factor, which complicates
implementation and reduces the number of cases available for the statistics. The principal
division in this study between EOID and BOR conditions for ODOT implementation came from
separating cohesive sites from the cohesionless sites. Three likely practice scenarios are of
interest to ODOT:
1. Scenario F used the higher Tier 1 and Tier 2a input quality only.
2. Scenario G used Tier 1 and Tier 2a from Scenario F plus those in Tier 2b with output
Rank 1 showing insensitivity to assumptions.
3. For restrike, Scenario I used those sites where cohesive soils generated greater than 20%
of predicted capacity based on DRIVEN and were likely to display considerable set-up.
These final three scenarios, and the Scenario J created for sand sites, were statistically explored
by FOSM and rigorous Monte Carlo reliability methods in addition to the control Scenario A.
Conclusions from the FOSM and Monte Carlo reliability method calibrations for these scenarios
- Generally, gains from the FOSM resistance factor to the more accurate Monte Carlo
method factor were 4% to 6%.
- Expressed by s.d. changes a tighter statistical distribution and a lower bias value was
found for the BOR condition compared to EOID for all scenarios.
- Extreme outlier data points inflated the FOSM statistical COVs which can be better
modeled by the lower tail Monte Carlo fits.
- The choice of conducting a restrike on a pile was shown in all cases to reduce the
compared to EOID, except for FOSM in Scenario A.
- Often the gain in restrike resistance, R
, was somewhat negated for LRFD compliance
by the reduction in the resistance factor, since the same Davisson capacity is used as the
target in calculating the bias.
- Application of the superior best visual fit to the tail in the Monte Carlo method focused
on the higher risk unconservative predictions of capacity. This showed a 51%
improvement in the baseline Scenario A at EOID up to 0.54 over the poor FOSM of
0.35 on all 175 cases.
- At the EOID condition, ODOT Scenarios F and G were very comparable, irrespective of
which method was used for , but with the advantage that Scenario G had approximately
40% more cases compared to Scenario F, and both were superior to in Scenario A. At
the BOR condition, all scenarios were similar using Monte Carlo methods.
- Scenario G represented the broadest and best inclusive ODOT category for all piles in all
soils with 94 case histories used at EOID and 114 used at BOR (20 were removed at
EOID by the field blow count > 2 BPI requirement).
- The range of Monte Carlo values from the three fits for Scenario G at EOID was 0.57
to 0.6, and the most conservative value arose from the visual tail fit. It is possible other
state DOTs standards of practice using in-house databases may fit the upper end of this
range, or may be even higher.
- Cohesive soil sites in Scenario I yielded Monte Carlo best visual fit EOID and BOR
resistance factors of 0.83 and 0.49 respectively. This Monte Carlo best visual tail fit
raised by 30% at the EOID compared to the FOSM resistance value of 0.64. However,
these EOID safety margin high capacity tail fits, illustrated in Appendix F, did produce
unusually low COVs with few data points but well conditioned lognormal tails. They are
shown to be lowest COVs of any fit in all scenarios and would benefit from more data
populating the tail. The cohesionless sites in Scenario J yielded Monte Carlo based EOID
and BOR resistance factors of 0.55 and 0.36 at EOID and BOR respectively.
- Scenarios I and J represent the only breakout by soil type. Comparing the bias drop
from EOID to BOR shows equally significant time dependant capacity gain in the sand
sites compared to the cohesive sites. This is in agreement with the CAPWAP based soil
specific changes in bias in both NCHRP 507 and the work for Wisconsin DOT (Long,
et al. 2009)
This study showed GRLWEAP, under well defined conditions, was a reliable measure of
nominal capacity for a broader array of soil and pile types than had previously been recognized
for EOID and BOR conditions. To provide a more focused ODOT practice group of parameters,
Scenarios G, I, and J, are offered around which to establish implementation recommendations in
a Phase 3. The Scenario I created from Scenario G captured the set-up in cohesive soils by
merging clays and mixed soils to establish the EOID and BOR factors.
Based on the results of Scenarios G the EOID Monte Carlo resistance factor for all soils and
pile types was calibrated to be 0.57, and restrike BOR resistance factor was 0.41. For
implementation most past investigators follow AASHTO stated step increments of 0.05. From
this present research study that leads to recommendations of 0.55 at EOID and 0.4 at BOR. To
recap, Scenario G possessed these features:
- Had no outlier definition, abandoned the +/- 2 s.d. NCHRP 507 outlier approach, and had
a number of cases comparable to NCHRP 507.
- One case history was removed from the full dataset after examination of the ratio of
restrike to load test times (TR/TST) in Figure 6.3. This case was in clay, re-struck less
than 24 hours (in violation of ODOT standard), and left 51 days before load test.
- Removed piles driving at and under 2 BPI as mismatched and offered 94 piles at EOID
for calibration and 110 for the BOR calibration. The difference in case histories arose
from cases being removed at EOID with the easy driving mismatch.
- Contained piles in Sands, Clays and Mixed sites, of diameter up to 36 in and 142 ft
embedment length and comprised of closed end pipe (CEP), open end pipe (OEP), H
section steel and prestressed concrete (PSC) sections.
- Counted the best site investigation and case history reporting practices specified by input
Tier 1 and Tier 2a definition.
- Included input Tier 2b cases placed in output Rank 1 since they were shown to be
insensitive on the bearing graph to typical assumptions made concerning the water table
and/or shear strength ranges.
- Kept the source sample as representative as possible to the broad pile and soil types
found across Oregon including CEP, OEP, concrete piles, clays, sands, and mixed soils,
with 8 piles exhibiting relaxation coming from the highest Tier 1 and 2a input quality.
Considerable time elapses between pile installation and the full design axial loading. Those sites
exhibiting set-up will reach close to their maximum capacity after dissipation of excess pore
water pressure in cohesive soils, and by reconstitution of the soil fabric. If restrike is delayed and
sufficient time for the AASHTO recommendation of 75% set-up is allowed to occur, then the use
of effective stress analysis methods for BOR may be appropriate. However, drained analysis in
clays is not supported in DRIVEN but are supported by AASHTO. Fortunately, it has been
reported that dynamic methods do capture the set-up more quickly than static load tests would.
The bias presented in Table 7.3 reveals differences between cohesionless soil sites and the
cohesive soil sites for both EOID and BOR. As expected higher bias is revealed for the cohesive
Scenario I compared to cohesionless Scenario J. Measured by GRLWEAP bias reductions
from EOID to BOR the amount of average strength gain for the sites in each of these scenarios is
This research has provided baseline statistics and built a comprehensive database that will permit
more scenario sub-sets to be examined for calibration, including the effects of pile type, use of
field hammer observed and PDA monitored performance, and the derivation of CAPWAP
resistance factors for comparison to those presented here from the Full PSU Master.
This research showed cohesive and cohesionless pile GRLWEAP based capacities belong in
different populations. The mixing of both in a single scenario raises the combined COV and
lowers resistance factors. Any future work should consider separation by soil type. The
following recommendations for future study and final implementation work in a Phase 3 are
- The differences between steel and concrete piles are worthy of additional studies.
Additional scenarios should be created and calibrated to include the effects of
hammers, cushion differences on steel and concrete piles, and field documented hammer
performance. Special attention should be given to the common ODOT field condition of
pipe piles driven into sands.
- Implementation would benefit from a study of the effects to GRLWEAP capacities from
the simpler soil side friction distribution models and the effects of a single side damping,
Js, values specific to either cohesive (Scenario I) soil only and cohesionless (Scenario J)
- Additional efforts should be made to update the master annually with new data when
available, to locate missing information, and to raise the number of case histories to
better populate the tails and permit their values to be considered. Calibration in new
scenarios should treat cohesive and cohesionless soils as belonging to two different
statistical population sets.
- Those cases that report CAPWAP measured damping and quake values should be
reanalyzed in GRLWEAP with these values, and recalibrated.
- A database of drained soil properties should be compiled. Consultants and agency testing
laboratories should be allocated sufficient resources to measure drained properties on all
soils as well as undrained shear strength for cohesive soils. No reliance should be placed
on the SPT as source data for cohesive strengths.
- The use of CAPWAP and wave trace PDA monitoring technology will likely continue for
ODOT projects. Those cases from the Full PSU Master database with CAPWAP
capacities should undergo calibration for comparison to NCHRP 507. Implementation
decisions around GRLWEAP and associated CAPWAP reported capacities can then be
better understood.
- It is likely that larger pile sizes will become more common. New scenarios should be
created to investigate larger pile diameters effects, pile type, and calibration.
- Custom designed input tiers and output ranks are encouraged for all future calibration
efforts. This study showed the inclusion of less complete source data case histories
produced a degradation of statistical parameters more pronounced at the EOID condition.
- A carefully planned Phase 3 for implementation of this work should be undertaken for
both agency and private sector consultants to understand and adhere to the calibration
controlling parameters and modeling techniques. Decisions around those conditions that
merit a restrike should be identified. Changes to more recent AASHTO code releases can
be examined and incorporated into implementation activities. The PI and research group
should be prominent in preparation and delivery across ODOT regions of this
implementation package, including preparation of a PowerPoint presentation.
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(#1) Incomplete or missing soil data Output Rank 4 does not qualify for recalibration
(#2) Incomplete or missing hammer data C/S/M Major soil contribution. Clay, sand, or mix.
(#3) Incomplete or missing blow count data All lines in bold represent Input Tier 1 & 2
Pile Length -
Length - BOR
(BPI) (BPI) (Kips) (Kips)
NE HP - 1042 75-73 2.83 8 2.83 2-a 1 CL SP
302 304 297 408 Delmag D-30
NE PSC- 12"sq 65-65 5 5 1.00 2-a 1 CL SP
525 358 391 437 Delmag D-30
NE PSC- 14"sq 65-66 9.17 6 0.65 2-a 3 CL SP
687.15 378 517 487 Delmag D-30
4 NE CEP - 12.75" 70-66 2.5 5 2.00 2-a 1 CL SP Mix 404.5 292 287 405 Delmag D-30
5 IA HP - 1489 120-118 3.33 10 3.00 2-a 1 SP-SC SC Sand 1881 928 372 536 Kobe K25
6 IA CEP - 14" 100-95 5.83 10 1.72 1-a 1 SP-SC SC Sand 1210 650 390 443 Kobe K25
7 OK CEP - 26" 63.3-61.3 4.58 3.75 0.82 2-b 1 CL CL Clay 743 598 744 657 MKT DE-110C
8 OK PSC - 24"oct 64.3-63.3 4.42 6 1.36 2-b 2 CL CL Sand 1000 760 733 978 MKT DE-110C
9 OK RC - 24"sq 63.3-57 25.3 14.8 0.58 2-b 3 CL CL Clay 868 1700 1843 1555 MKT DE-110C
10 OR PSC- 20"sq 135-126 9.58 92.8 9.69 2-b 2 SP/SM MH Sand 6177 1360 1303 2270 Delmag D 46-23
11 ME CEP - 18" 120-100 1.42 3 2.11 1-a 1 SP SW Mix 809 440 349 518.00 Kobe K45
12 ME CEP - 18" 80.5-71.5 1.42 3 2.11 1-a 1 SP SP Sand 758 408 358 575.00 Kobe K45
13 ME CEP - 18" 60-52 1.33 2 1.50 1-a 1 SP SP Sand 476 342 329 453.00 Kobe K45
14 CO CEP - 12.75" NA-127.7 3.5 3.8 1.09 3 316 KC-25
15 CO CEP - 12.75" NA-127.7 3.67 4 1.09 3 368 KC-25
16 MO CEP - 14" 87-83.5 3 7 2.33 2-b 1 SP GP Sand 518 330 327 429.00 ICE 640
17 MO CEP - 14" 65-61.75 1.42 3 2.11 2-b 1 SP GP Sand 247 209 186 323.00 ICE 640
18 WA CEP - 48" 160-34 19.7 16 0.81 1-c 3 ML SP Mix 4217 1300 1503.5 1443.00 CONMACOC300
19 WA CEP - 48" 158-16 26.75 17 0.64 1-c 3 SW/SM SP Sand 3160 1000 1310 1229.00 CONMACO300
20 AL PSC- 18"sq 67-65-67.5 1.5 7 4.67 1-a 2 SM/OL SW Sand 672 370 290 762.00 Kobe K45
21 AL PSC- 18"sq 77-75 3.5 7 2.00 1-a 2 SM/OL SM Sand 2470 550 509 729.00 Kobe K45
22 AL PSC- 24"sq 67-64-64.8 2.83 6 2.12 1-a 2 SM/OL SM Sand 1904 625 425 660.00 Kobe K45
23 AL PSC- 24"sq 77-75-75.5 6.42 8 1.25 1-a 2 SM/OL SM Sand 4086 817 615 693.00 Kobe K45
24 AL PSC- 36"sq 74-73-73.25 7.67 5 0.65 1-c 3 SM/OH SM Mix 5316 1140 990 937.00 Delmag D 62-22
25 VT HP - 1473 95-75-75.75 4.17 9 2.16 1-a 2 GM GP Sand 1275 315 250 373.00 MKT DA 35B
26 VT HP - 1473 95-90-90.4 2.67 3 1.12 1-a 2 GM GP Sand 1934 345 176 197.00 MKT DA 35B
27 MN HP - 1473 100-96-96.1 1.83 25 13.66 2-b 1 ML SC Sand 655 765 460 880.00 ICE 90S
28 PA Monotube 37-23-23.67 5.42 13 2.40 2-b SC SP Sand 116 243 Delmag D 12
29 KT PSC- 14"sq 75-34.67-34.75 15.5 30.5 1.97 1-c 2 CL SC Sand 222 378 384 450.00 LINKBELT LB 520
30 LA PSC- 24"sq 103-84-84.33 1.67 4 2.40 2-b 1 OL CL Clay 447 400 253 634.00 VULCAN Vul 020
31 Ontario, Canada CEP - 9.6" NA-154.3-154.3 21.33 40 1.88 3 540 BirminghamB-400
32 Ontario, Canada CEP - 9.6" NA-NA-101.1 14 3 366 BirminghamB-400
33 Ontario, Canada CEP - 10.24" NA-NA-64.4 4.23 3 189 ICE 40S
34 Ontario, Canada CEP - 12.75 NA-NA-38.6 50 3 242 Delmag D12
35 Ontario, Canada CEP - 12.75 NA-NA-54 8 3 660 Delmag D 30-13
36 FL PSC- 24"sq 50.4-37.2 9.33 9.33 1.00 1-a 2 SP SP Sand 1107 610 869 962 Delmag D 46-02
37 FL PSC- 24"sq 43.5-28-28.5 5 8 1.60 1-a 2 SP SP Sand 434 453 556 805.00 Delmag D 46-02
38 FL PSC- 30"sq 135-NA-128.6 5 6.67 1.33 1-a 2 SP SP Sand 2784 900 1796 2612.00 CONMACO300E5
39 FL PSC- 30"sq 109-NA-110 3.3 5 1.52 1-a 2 SP SP Sand 2008 820 1310 2250.00 CONMACO300E5
40 Ontario, Canada HP - 1273 60-48.5-48.5 3.6 1.83 0.51 2-a 3 ML SP Mix 279 322 320 180.00 BirminghamB-400
41 Ontario, Canada CEP - 12.75" 52.2-48.2-48.2 1.4 5.56 3.97 2-a 2 ML SP Mix 332 330 144 307.00 BirminghamB-400
42 Ontario, Canada HP - 1273 100.2-90.5-90.5 5.3 10.31 1.95 2-a 1 ML SP Mix 587 612 368 448.00 BirminghamB-400
43 Ontario, Canada CEP - 12.75" 105.4-90-90.5 13.5 16.67 1.23 2-a 2 ML SP Mix 502 600 324 329.00 BirminghamB-400
44 Ontario, Canada T-TIMBER 44.4-41.6 4.9 2.53 0.52 2-a 4 ML SP Mix 379 122 BirminghamB-225
45 Ontario, Canada PSC- 12"sq 50-48 4.1 6 1.46 2-a 3 ML SP Mix 446 402 269 365.00 BirminghamB-400
46 NC PSC - 12"sq NA-NA-44.5 10 3 415
47 PA HP - 1253 70-NA-66 1.4 4.5 3.21 2-b 1 CH CH Clay 394 284 147 300.00 ICE 640
48 NA PSC - 20"sq NA-NA-36 4 3 380
49 NA PSC - 20"sq NA-NA-55 8 3 580
50 NA PSC - 20"sq NA-NA-86 7 3 620
Hammer Type C/S/M
Set Up
Pile Type Location
(#1). Not in DFLTD. Pile info needed
Predominate Soil
Side Tip (ft) (Kips) (Kips)
Davisson's at EOID and BOR reported. Similar - EOID used
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
146 piles of BOR Final in PDLT2000 fromWSDOT
(#1). Not in DFLTD. Pile info needed
(#1), (#2), (#3)
(#1), (#2), (#3)
(#1), (#2), (#3)
(#1), (#2), (#3)
Davisson's at EOID and BOR reported. Similar - EOID used
Davisson's at EOID and BOR reported. Similar - EOID used
Davisson's at EOID and BOR reported. Similar - EOID used
Davisson's at EOID and BOR reported. Similar - EOID used
No support of tapered timber piles in GRLWEAP
(#1) Incomplete or missing soil data Output Rank 4 does not qualify for recalibration
(#2) Incomplete or missing hammer data C/S/M Major soil contribution. Clay, sand, or mix.
(#3) Incomplete or missing blow count data All lines in bold represent Input Tier 1 & 2
Pile Length -
Length - BOR
(BPI) (BPI) (Kips) (Kips)
51 NA PSC - 20"sq NA-NA-94 10 3 600
NA PSC - 10"sq NA-NA-50 10 3 250
NA PSC - 10"sq NA-NA-58 5.5 3 270
VA PSC - 54"sq NA-NA-109 7.86 3 920
55 VT CEP - 12.75" NA-NA-99.5 12 3 360
56 Australia RC - 10.8"sq NA-NA-67.6 3.63 18.14 5.00 3 652
57 Australia RC - 10.8"sq NA-NA-67.6 1.95 6.68 3.43 3 558
58 Ottawa, Canada CEP - 9.625" NA-68.9 14 6 0.43 2-b 4 CL Glacial Till 271 Delmag D 30-32
59 FL VC - 24"sq 98-93.2 3.42 4 1.17 2-b 1 OH/ML SW Sand 1173 958 512 756.00 Vulcan 020
60 FL VC - 24"sq 83.9-56.03-58.83 3.3 3 0.91 2-a 1 SM SW Sand 935 870 747 890.00 Conmaco 300
61 FL VC - 24"sq 66.3-54.6 5 8 1.60 1-a 1 SM SW Sand 900 715 645 1056.00 Vulcan 020
62 FL PSC- 18"sq 65.2-61 3.17 6 1.89 2-b 1 SM SW Mix 147 315 245 491.00 VULCAN 010
63 FL VC - 24"sq 69.17-62 4 8 2.00 2-b 1 SM SW Mix 774 524 550 1018.00 Vulcan 020
64 FL VC - 24"sq 98-62 2.91 6 2.06 1-a 2 SC SC Sand 405 812 422 967.00 VULCAN Vul 020
65 FL VC - 24"sq 123.67-103.6 5.1 12 2.35 2-b 1 CH MH Clay 639 808 785 1400.00 Vulcan 020
66 FL VC - 24"sq 121.5-103 6 12 2.00 2-b 1 SC CL Sand 678 976 815 1336.00 Vulcan 020
67 FL PSC- 24"sq 84-NA-84.3 1 10 10.00 2-b 1 SP SC Sand 771 500 190 1195.00 VULCAN Vul 020
68 FL VC - 30"sq 71.1-54 12 12 1.00 2-b 1 SW SP Sand 1322 1250 1064 1193.00 ICE 200S
69 FL VC - 30"sq 106.2-NA-87.7 2 2 1.00 2-b 2 SC CH Sand 1703 1435 521 570.00 ICE 200S
70 FL VC - 30"sq 102-78.4 16 15.33 0.96 2-b 1 SM ML/CL Sand 1305 1515 1474 1755.00 ICE 200S
71 FL VC - 30"sq 101-83.4 3 8 2.67 2-b 1 SM ML/CL Sand 1361 643 637 1345.00 ICE 200S
72 FL VC - 30"sq 106-84.7 4.6 8 1.74 2-b 1 SW ML/CL Sand 1556 917 780 1306.00 ICE 200S
73 FL VC - 30"sq 102-72.9 8.75 20 2.29 2-b 1 SW ML/CL Sand 1450 1463 1130 1871.00 ICE 200S
74 FL VC - 30"sq 106-80 15.17 24 1.58 2-b 1 SP/SC CL Sand 1371 1410 1615 2467.00 ICE 200S
75 FL PSC- 24"sq 80-70.7 5.42 10 1.85 1-b 1 SM/SP ML Sand 958 960 800 1350.00 VULCAN Vul 020
76 Ontario, Canada HP - 1273 120.6-114.4 12 16 1.33 1-c 2 CL/ML SM/ML Mix 659 800 455 477.00 BirminghamB-400
77 Ontario, Canada CEP - 12.75" 108.2-107.2 39 76 1.95 1-c 2 ML SM/ML Mix 412 490 337 345.00 BirminghamB-400
78 Ontario, Canada HP - 1274 NA-20.1 30 20 0.67 3 354
79 Ontario, Canada HP - 1274 NA-25.7 22 10 0.45 3 556
80 Ontario, Canada HP - 1253 NA-25.2 38 25 0.66 3 410
81 Ontario, Canada CEP - 7.063" NA-NA 4 3 140
82 Brunswick HP - 1289 NA-NA-126 3 730
83 Brunswick CEP - 12.75" NA-NA-104 4.67 3 340
84 WI CEP - 12.75" 140.4-123 20.2 48 2.38 1-c 2 OL/MH/CH SW Clay 682 654 343 360.00 VULCAN Vul 200C
85 WI HP - 1263 NA-155.5 0.75 2.5 3.33 1-a 1 OL/MH/CH SW Mix 1097.4 302 100 267.00 Vulcan 010
86 WI CEP - 9.63" 165.92-142 0.83 5 6.02 2-b 1 CL-ML SW Clay 696 360 90 262.00 VULCAN Vul 010
87 WI CEP - 9.63" 145-142 0.83 16 19.28 2-b 1 CL-ML SW Clay 696 660 90 324.00 VULCAN Vul 010
88 WI CEP - 9.63" 154.58-144 0.5 11.36 22.72 1-b 1 CL-ML SW Mix 474 376 60 332.00 VULCAN Vul 010
89 WI CEP - 9.63" NA-139 1.17 10 8.55 2-b 1 CL-ML SW Clay 347 556 120 308.00 VULCAN Vul 010
90 WI CEP - 9.63" NA-NA-140 4.58 32 6.99 2-b 1 CL-ML SW Clay 678 596 256 347.00 VULCAN Vul 010
91 WI CEP - 9.63" NA-NA-156 1.5 30 20.00 2-b 1 CL-ML SW Mix 826 600 167 376.00 VULCAN Vul 010
92 FL PSC - 18"sq 32.78-19.33-20.63 7.6 5.33 0.70 1-c 3 SW SW Sand 212 274 496 410.00 ICE 640
93 FL PSC - 18"sq 34.25-17.4-17.6 9.17 20 2.18 1-c 2 SW SW Sand 132 230 537 758.00 ICE 640
94 FL PSC - 24"sq 92-NA-85.8 7 7.29 1.04 2-b 3 SW SW Sand 1710 855 1178 1400.00 Delmag D 46-32
95 FL PSC - 24"sq 65-NA-61.3 16.7 10.35 0.62 2-b 3 SP/GP SC Sand 846 1671 1678 1793.00 Delmag D 46-32
96 FL VC - 30"sq 121-92.8-94.5 3.36 5.21 1.55 2-b 3 CL SP Mix 2795 1006 1025 1676.00 CONMACO300E5
97 FL VC - 30"sq 116.9-88.3-89.3 3 3.7 1.23 2-b 3 SP SP Sand 2106 1162 935 1356.00 CONMACO300E5
98 FL VC - 30"sq 110.6-80.22-81 5.75 6.25 1.09 2-b 1 SP CL Sand 1244 1114 1775.5 2423.50 CONMACO300E5
99 FL VC - 30"sq 104.5-71.6-78.6 5.083 5.33 1.05 2-b 2 SP SP Sand 4035 1136 1394 1800.00 CONMACO300E5
100 FL PSC - 24"sq 67-57.25-58.5 5 4 0.80 2-b 3 MH SP Mix 792 752 844 689.00 Delmag D 46-32
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2).
(#1), (#2).
(#1), (#2).
EOID hammer not confirmed. Assumed same as BOR
EOID hammer not confirmed. Assumed same as BOR
Hammer Type C/S/M
Set Up
Pile Type Location
Predominate Soil
Side Tip (ft) (Kips) (Kips)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1) Incomplete or missing soil data Output Rank 4 does not qualify for recalibration
(#2) Incomplete or missing hammer data C/S/M Major soil contribution. Clay, sand, or mix.
(#3) Incomplete or missing blow count data All lines in bold represent Input Tier 1 & 2
Pile Length -
Length - BOR
(BPI) (BPI) (Kips) (Kips)
101 FL PSC - 24"sq 62-46.1 7 18.75 2.68 2-b 4 SC/Limestone CL 1827 1066 Delmag D 46-32
FL PSC - 24"sq 39-NA-36 9 9.17 1.02 2-b 4 ML/OH
566 Delmag D 46-32
SC PSC- 24"oct 66.5-61 6 5 0.83 1-c 1 SC
GW Sand
1276 1140 771 1094.00 VULCAN Vul 320 & 520
SC PSC - 16"sq NA-62-63 1.75 5.58 3.19 3
105 SC HP - 1489 NA-NA-66 3 897
106 SC OEP - 16" NA-NA-66 3 932
107 SC OEP - 24" 85-81 3.75 12.5 3.33 2-b 1 SW SP Mix 649.47 596 638 937 VULCAN Vul 512
108 SC HP - 1473 85-78-79 1.42 0.67 0.47 2-b 2 SW SP Mix 544 318 300 584.00 VULCAN Vul 512
109 FL PSC - 14"sq 115-90-91 5.67 6.5 1.15 2-b 2 SM-SC SC Sand 2023 842 226 551.00 VULCAN Vul 80C
110 FL CEP - 12.75" 90-83-88.33 2.25 4 1.78 2-b 2 SM-SC SC Sand 439 496 125 236.00 VULCAN Vul 80C
111 LA PSC - 24"sq NA-81.5 0.83 1.75 2.11 3 414
112 LA PSC - 30"sq NA-82-83 1.17 1.92 1.64 3 511
113 LA PSC - 30"sq NA-82-83 1.82 4.92 2.70 3
114 LA PSC - 36"cyl NA-81-82 1.25 2.83 2.26 3 542
115 LA PSC - 36"cyl NA-81 3.93 2.67 0.68 3 540
116 VA PSC- 24" sq 110-NA-105 0.6 6 10.00 2-b 4 SM SW Sand 3642 508 222 1283.00 Delmag D 46-32
117 OH CEP - 12" 40-NA-30 3.8 3.6 0.95 2-b 3 CL-ML CL-ML Sand 121 152 164 160.00 FEC 1500
118 MS HP - 1473 40-40 3 6 2.00 1-a 1 SM-SC SC Sand 182 500 213 350.00 Delmag D 19-32
119 SC PSC- 24" sq 90-90 3 83.3 27.77 2-b 2 CL CL Sand 1097 1066 667 2385.00 VULCAN Vul 520
120 SC HP - 1473 90-91 0.5 83.3 166.60 1-c 2 CL-CH CL-CH Clay 364 619 128 852.00 VULCAN Vul 520
121 SC PSC - 12"sq 91-88 2.6 26 10.00 2-b 2 CL-CH CL-CH Clay 210 360 334 531.00 ICE 640
122 AZ HP - 14117 51.3-50.5 20.4 15 0.74 2-b 3 SC GW Sand 481 1460 836 765.00 MKT DE 70B
123 AZ HP - 14117 65.6-50-51 25.6 6 0.23 2-b 3 CL-SC SC Sand 797 1281 737 455.00 MKT DE 70B
124 AZ CEP - 14" 30.75-22.4 65.3 13 0.20 2-b 3 CL-SC SC Sand 344 721 793 635.00 MKT DE 70B
125 AZ CEP - 14" 42.5-NA-24.8 34.5 16 0.46 2-b 3 SC GP Clay 391 668 585 525.00 MKT DE 70B
126 AZ PSC - 16"sq 32-NA-23 24.3 29 1.19 2-b 2 CL-SC SC Sand 639 952 696 908.00 MKT DE 70B
127 AZ PSC - 16"sq 41.6-19 56.3 12 0.21 2-b 3 SC GP Sand 538 1006 715 623.00 MKT DE 70B
128 WI CEP - 12.75" 161.25-NA-95.1 18 14 0.78 2-b 2 CL-ML SP Sand 74.41 438 266 322.00 Vulcan 010
129 Hong Kong PSC - 19.69"cyl NA-74.5 3.63 9.07 2.50 3 980
130 Hong Kong HP - 12120 NA-97.44 4.38 10.58 2.42 3 1065
131 CA OEP - 24" 50-40.3 0.92 1.25 1.36 1-a 1 SP CL Mix 687.74 685 365 480.00 Delmag D 62-22
132 CA CEP - 24" 64-60 1.5 2.5 1.67 1-a 1 SP CL Mix 1120 726 234 667.00 Delmag D 30-32
133 CA CEP - 24" 64-60 1.25 10.33 8.26 1-b 1 SP CL Mix 1120 885 200 1155.00 Delmag D 30-32
134 NY HP - 1042 NA-109.9 13 34 2.62 3 312
135 FL PSC - 24"sq 68.8-49.2 8 38 4.75 2-b 3 SP CL-ML Clay 1866 786 1093 1892.00 CONMACO C300
136 FL PSC - 20"sq 68-47.29 3.08 28 9.09 2-b 2 SP CL-ML Clay 1301 587 401 1124.00 CONMACO 160
137 FL PSC - 24"sq 60.5-27.4-27.9 11 26 2.36 2-b 3 SP CL-ML Sand 2473 1148 1135 1650.00 CONMACO C300
138 FL PSC- 24"cyl 43.5-26.7 14 16 1.14 2-b 4 SP/Limestone SP 3029 623 CONMACO C300
139 FL PSC - 20"sq 55-45.75-46.2 8 13 1.63 2-b 2 SM SP Sand 1636 583 695 1085.00 Vulcan 510
140 FL PSC - 20"sq 37-NA-36.4 3.92 7 1.79 2-a 1 SP SW Sand 570 368 480 853.00 Vulcan 510
141 FL PSC - 30"sq 101.75-72.6-73.5 4.75 5 1.05 2-a 2 SP SP Sand 3782 754 1105 1480.00 CONMACO C300
142 FL PSC - 30"sq 75-64.4-69 8.3 11.4 1.37 2-a 1 SP-ML SP Sand 3579 908 984 1382.00 ICE 200S
143 FL PSC - 30"sq 65-53.4-59 4.33 5.3 1.22 1-b 2 SM SM Sand 2269 778 732 933.00 ICE 200S
144 FL PSC - 18"sq 53.1-53.1 7.7 9 1.17 2-b 2 SP-SM SP-SM Sand 1201 312 481 563.00 ICE 640
145 FL PSC - 14"sq 76-76 2 10 5.00 2-a 2 SP SM Sand 700 398 210 592.00 ICE 640
146 FL PSC - 14"sq 69.65-69.5 5.55 13 2.34 2-b 2 CL-ML SM Clay 1734.73 360 354 564.00 ICE 640
147 NY CEP - 11.73" NA-NA-65.6 11 3 468
148 Brunswick HP - 1289 NA-NA-102.1 25 3 325
149 WI HP - 1263 NA-155.5 1 2 2.00 1-a 4 SP SM 1240.9 200
150 WI CEP - 14" NA-155.2 1.75 2.08 1.19 1-a 4 SP SM 1962.19 188
Define ASCON cap block properties. Predominant soil is
EOID hammer not confirmed. Assumed same as BOR
EOID hammer not confirmed. Assumed same as BOR
EOID hammer not confirmed. Assumed same as BOR
EOID hammer not confirmed. Assumed same as BOR
EOID hammer not confirmed. Assumed same as BOR
EOID hammer not confirmed. Assumed same as BOR
EOID hammer not confirmed. Assumed same as BOR
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
BOR Hammer - Conmaco 100E5
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
CAPWAP less than 1/2 of BOR Capacity. No Davisson's criteria
No load test result known
Limestone dampening factors unknown
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
BOR Hammer - VULCAN Vul 010
BOR Hammer - VULCAN Vul 010
Hammer Type C/S/M
Set Up
Pile Type Location
Predominate Soil
Side Tip (ft) (Kips) (Kips)
Limestone dampening factors unknown
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
10 additional piles of multiple BORs in PDLT2000 fromWSDOT
(#1) Incomplete or missing soil data Output Rank 4 does not qualify for recalibration
(#2) Incomplete or missing hammer data C/S/M Major soil contribution. Clay, sand, or mix.
(#3) Incomplete or missing blow count data All lines in bold represent Input Tier 1 & 2
Pile Length -
Length - BOR
(BPI) (BPI) (Kips) (Kips)
151 FL PSC - 24"sq NA-NA-36 9.17 3 566
SC PSC - 24" oct 81.5-78
2.75 2
0.73 1-b 2 SP-SC
Sand 1382 512 472 546.00 VULCAN Vul 320 & 520
Delft, Holland PSC - 9.7"sq NA-NA-35.8
Delft, Holland PSC - 9.7"sq NA-NA-60
155 Delft, Holland PSC - 9.7"sq NA-NA-60 6.35 3 236
156 CA CEP - 24" 60-56 2.17 1.11 0.51 1-c 3 SP CL Mix 766 694 487 370.00 Delmag D 46-32
157 TX CEP - 16" 67-63.75-68.42 1.33 6 4.50 1-b 1 ML CH Clay 105.49 194 95 252.00 LINKBELT LB 520
158 TX CEP - 16" 7874-79.5 1.5 16.67 11.11 1-b 2 ML CH Clay 182 218 102 295.00 LINKBELT LB 520
159 TX PSC - 16"sq 38-33.7-38 4 7 1.75 1-b 1 SP SP Sand 238.72 248 220 315.00 Delmag D 22
160 TX PSC - 16"sq 20-19.85-21.77 7.08 10 1.41 1-b 2 SP-CL SP Mix 120.47 356 286 330.00 LINKBELT LB 520
161 TX PSC - 16"sq 24-21.1-24.3 3.58 4 1.12 1-b 1 CL SP Mix 448.05 230 199.5 226.00 LINKBELT LB 520
162 MA PSC - 14"sq 97-87.4 29 27 0.93 2-b 1 SC-ML GC Clay 990 520 622 669.00 ICE 660
163 ME HP - 14117 150.25-135.4 13.6 28 2.06 2-b 1 SP-SC GW Sand 2082.34 900 794 906.00 Kobe K 45
164 AL OEP - 12.75" 50-48 4 7 1.75 2-b 2 SP SP Mix 453.13 270 190.3 262.00 Kobe K 13
165 AL OEP - 12.75" 140-86 2.8 3.4 1.21 2-b 2 SP SP Mix 1147.64 760 477 510.00 Delmag D 46-13
166 IA HP - 1489 115-93 3.6 9 2.50 1-b 2 SP SP Mix 1989.69 509 326 454.00 Kobe K 25
167 IA CEP - 14" 80-80 4.2 8 1.90 1-b 2 SP SM Mix 1300.21 375 340 416.50 Kobe K 25
168 OH HP - 1489 120-103 30 22 0.73 2-b 3 CL CL Mix 887.34 601 757 731.00 Vulcan 512
169 OH OEP - 18" 120-104 15 35 2.33 2-b 1 CL CL Mix 1684 720 703 787.00 Vulcan 512
170 OH HP - 1253 121-105 4.3 20 4.65 1-b 1 SM CL Sand 536.8 315 351 474.00 Vulcan 506
171 TN PSC - 14"sq 45-26 12 19 1.58 2-b 1 SM SC Sand 62 267 513 738.00 Delmag D 19-32
172 TX OEP - 24" 140-133 3.3 210 63.64 2-b 3 SM CH Clay 1007 1514 542 986.00 Raymond R 5/0
173 TX PSC - 20"sq 101.5-98 4.7 52 11.06 2-b 1 SM CH Mix 865 987 708 1294.00 Raymond R 5/0
174 Annacis, Canada PSC- 24"oct 96.79-75.6 8.1 9 1.11 2-b 3 SM SM Sand 1484.64 400 1300 1380.00 Menck MH 96
175 SC PSC - 16"sq 80-79.7 1.2 15 12.50 1-b 2 CL CL Mix 480.1 590 320 1123.00 Vulcan 520
176 FL PSC - 24"sq 85.55-49.5-54.8 7.9 10 1.27 1-a 1 SP SP Sand 2023.04 967 858 1168.00 Vulcan 020
177 WI CEP - 12.75" 161-143 30.8 80 2.60 2-b ML-CL CL 656 Vulcan 010
178 WI CEP - 9.625" 166.17-120 1.2 9.8 8.17 2-b 3 ML-CL CL Clay 244.45 580 155 322.50 Vulcan 012
179 WI CEP - 9.625" 155.42-142 0.9 20.8 23.11 2-b 3 ML-CL CL Mix 726 600 94 329.00 Vulcan 010
180 PA HP - 1274 70-61 100 26 0.26 2-b 3 SM SP Sand 412 580 571 524.00 ICE 640
181 PA HP - 1275 34-28 15 28 1.87 2-b 1 SM SP Sand 78 305 419 460.00 LINKBELT LB 520
182 PA HP - 1057 35-31.25 15 39 2.60 2-b 3 SM SP Sand 75 340 393 344.00 LINKBELT LB 520
183 PA HP - 1274 50-32.75 39 8 0.21 2-b 3 SM SP Sand 111 240 463 362.00 LINKBELT LB 520
184 PA HP - 1057 36-33.85 39 7 0.18 2-b 3 SM SP Sand 86 310 460 416.00 LINKBELT LB 520
185 PA HP - 1057 50-34.84-35.5 48 26 0.54 2-b 3 GM SP Sand 155 367 567 552.00 ICE 640
186 PA HP - 1274 50-35.58 23 35 1.52 2-b 1 GM SP Sand 212 480 611 633.00 ICE 640
187 SC OEP - 54" 90-80 8.5 6 0.71 1-c 3 SW SM Sand 5545.8 2950 3184 3352.00 APE 400u
188 SC OEP - 54" 90-81 2.83 10 3.53 1-a 3 SW-ML SM Sand 1957.67 2460 2890 4406.00 APE 400u
189 SC PSC- 24"oct 90-82.5 3.75 2.25 0.60 2-b 4 SP-CL SP Sand 2713 614 571.00 Vulcan 520
190 SC PSC - 24"sq 77-63.5 26.17 3 0.11 2-b 4 SP-CL SP 1333 1172 473.00 Vulcan 520
191 SC OEP - 24" 85-80.5 3 VULCAN Vul 512
192 Sc PSC - 24"oct 90-79 3 VULCAN Vul 512
193 SC HP - 1489 80-66 80 0.00 3 SC MH 950 CONMACO 100E5
194 SC PSC - 16"sq 80-62 1.75 6 3.43 1-a 2 SC MH Sand 368.25 560 237 683.00 CONMACO 100E5
195 SC OEP - 16" 80-66 80 3 SC MH 970 CONMACO 100E5
196 SC HP - 1473 80-66 3.67 23 6.27 1-b 4 SC MH Sand 199.47 425 617.00 CONMACO 100E5
197 SC HP - 1473 80-66 1 7 7.00 3 SC MH CONMACO 100E5
198 Los Angeles, CA PSC- 24"oct 95-95 19.8 20 1.01 2-b 4 CL-ML SM Delmag D 46-02
199 Boston, MA HP - 1274 90.54-90.54 7 24 3.43 3 CONMACO 160
200 Kontich, Belgium HP - 14142 196.86-196.86 30.7 95.3 3.10 3 Delmag D 36
No load test result known
No load test result known. Relaxation shown at BOR
No load test result known. Relaxation shown at BOR
No load test result known
Not analyzed due to being a reaction pile
Hammer Type C/S/M
Set Up
Pile Type Location
Predominate Soil
Side Tip (ft) (Kips) (Kips)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
(#1), (#2)
BOR Hammer - Delmag D 62-22
Report recommended use Davisson's at BOR
Report recommended use Davisson's at BOR
Report recommended use Davisson's at BOR
Report recommended use Davisson's at BOR
Report recommended use Davisson's at BOR
5 piles fromTTI (Texas Transportation Institute) in 1973
25 piles fromProf. JimLong's FHWAdatabase matched with DFLTD
11 piles fromSCreports sent fromJeffrey Sizemore
21 piles fromProf. JimLong's FHWA data only
(#1) Incomplete or missing soil data Output Rank 4 does not qualify for recalibration
(#2) Incomplete or missing hammer data C/S/M Major soil contribution. Clay, sand, or mix.
(#3) Incomplete or missing blow count data All lines in bold represent Input Tier 1 & 2
Pile Length -
Length - BOR
(BPI) (BPI) (Kips) (Kips)
201 Kontich, Belgium HP - 14143 65.62-65.62 3.2 3 Delmag D36
Kontich, Belgium HP - 14144 55.78-55.78 2.9 5.3 1.83 3
Delmag D36
Kontich, Belgium HP - 14145 65.62-65.62 5.4 3
Delmag D36
China PSC - 31.5"cyl 59.06-59.06 0.6 3.8 6.33 3
Delmag D62
205 Duluth, MN OEP - 9.625" 145.33-145.33 1.5 5 3.33 3 Delmag D36-32
206 NewOrleans, LA CEP - 12.75" 70-70 0.5 3 6.00 3 Vulcan 06
207 NewOrleans, LA T - 16.5/8.5 70-70 0.5 4 8.00 3 Vulcan 06
208 NewOrleans, LA PSC - 14"sq 70-70 0.7 9 12.86 3 Vulcan 06
209 NewOrleans, LA CEP - 12.75" 70-70 0.5 3 6.00 3 Vulcan 06
210 Jakarta, Indonesia PSC - 15.75"sq NA-65.62-47.57 13.5 12.8 0.95 3 IHI 35
211 Mobile, AL G- 120.075 48-48 3.9 5.8 1.49 2-b 4 MH SP 180 CONMACO65
212 Mobile, AL CEP - 12.75" 65-65 3.7 7.1 1.92 2-b 1 MH SP Mix 456 340 189 226.00 CONMACO65
213 Mobile, AL Monotube 60-60 4.5 21 4.67 2-b MH SP 240 CONMACO65
214 Luling Bridge, LA PSC - 24"sq 84-84 0.8 4 5.00 3 Delmag D46-13
215 Luling Bridge, LA PSC - 30"sq 84-84 1.2 2 1.67 3 Delmag D46-13
216 Luling Bridge, LA PSC - 30"sq 84-84 1.9 4.9 2.58 3 Delmag D46-13
217 Luling Bridge, LA PSC - 36"cyl 84-84 1.3 2.8 2.15 3 Delmag D46-13
218 Luling Bridge, LA PSC - 36"cyl 84-84 3.8 2.7 0.71 3 Delmag D46-13
219 Martin/Bertie, NC PSC - 20"sq 62-57 3.33 3 SP SW 400 Kobe K 22
220 Carteret, NC PSC - 24"sq 80-73 3 SP-CL SP 386 CONMACO 160
221 Carteret, NC PSC - 20"sq 65-41 3 SP-CL SP 330 CONMACO 160
222 Dare, NC PSC - 30"sq 95-70 3 SW-CL ML 650 Delmag D 100-13
223 Bertie/Chowan, NC PSC - 30"sq 119-66 3 ML SW 1860 Raymond R 60x
224 Bertie/Chowan, NC PSC - 20"sq 46-32 3 SW SP 510 Conmaco 300
225 Sampson, NC HP - 1253 55-51 3 320 MKT DE 30B
226 Dare, NC PSC - 20"sq 66-54 3 SM SM 390 Vulcan 512
227 OTTAWA CEP - 9.625" NA-62.3 6 18 3.00 2-b 4 CL SW 502 Delmag D 30-32
228 OR HP - 1489 96-61-71 5.17 5.58 1.08 2-b 4 MH SP Vulcan 010
229 Boston, MA PSC - 16"sq NA-142.71 7 11 1.57 2-a 1 ML CL Mix 3183.09 876 688 770.00 ICE 1070
230 Boston, MA PSC - 16"sq NA-122 4 5 1.25 2-a 2 ML CL Mix 3192.05 1034 550 610.00 ICE 1070
231 Charlestown, MA CEP - 12.25" NA-64 5 7 1.40 2-a 2 GW GP Sand 897.74 640 326 360.00 Delmag D 19-42
232 Charlestown, MA CEP - 12.25" NA-74.1 5 8 1.60 2-a 2 GW GP Sand 979.46 607 464 516.00 Delmag D 30-32
233 Delaware PSC - 24"sq 75-66 4.08 10.7 2.62 1-b 1 SM SM Sand 1824.3 1150 782 1598.00 Delmag D 46-32
234 Delaware PSC - 24"sq 75-72 2.83 10.4 3.67 1-b 1 SM SM Sand 1158.89 1300 540 1700.00 Delmag D 46-32
235 Sandpoint, ID CEP - 16" 150.6-148 0.25 2 8.00 2-a 1 SM CL Mix 611.3 430 65 360.00 APE D36-32
236 Pearl Harbor, HA PSC - 24"oct 95-95 3.17 13 4.10 2-a 1 CH CH Clay 969.9 895 303 959.00 HPSI 1000
237 Pearl Harbor, HA PSC - 24"oct 106-105 2.5 2-a 4 CH CH Clay 1161 900 267 HPSI 1000
238 Pearl Harbor, HA PSC - 24"oct 99-98 2.17 2-a 4 CH CH Clay 1403 900 241 HPSI 1000
239 Pearl Harbor, HA PSC - 16.5"oct 66-65.6 3.75 50 13.33 2-a 3 CH CH Clay 515 450 375 892.00 HPSI 1000
240 Pearl Harbor, HA PSC - 24-oct 67-65.6 3.17 30 9.46 2-a 1 CH CH Clay 683.14 415 320 1132.00 HPSI 1000
241 Shanghai, China OEP - 36" 262-259 3 50 16.67 2-a 2 CL CH Sand 13400 3440 1838 2900.00 BSP HA-30
242 Shanghai, China OEP - 36" 262-259 3 50 16.67 2-a 2 CL CH Sand 13400 3777 1838 2900.00 BSP HA-30
243 Salt Lake City, UT CEP - 12.75" NA-NA-114 0.83 26.66 32.12 2-b CH CH 599 Junttan HHK6A
244 Salt Lake City, UT CEP - 12.75" NA-88 0.33 15.84 48.00 2-b CH CH 610 Junttan HHK6A
245 Salt Lake City, UT CEP - 24" NA-108.5 1.833 33.79 18.43 2-b CH CH 842 Junttan HHK6A
246 Salt Lake City, UT CEP - 12.75" NA-76 1 6.02 6.02 2-b CH CH 468 Junttan HHK6A
247 Salt Lake City, UT CEP - 16" NA-75 6.833 20.52 3.00 2-b TBD TBD 880 Junttan HHK6A
248 Salt Lake City, UT CEP - 12.75" NA-89.25 8.33 62.03 7.45 2-b TBD TBD 675 Junttan HHK6A
249 Salt Lake City, UT CEP - 12.75" NA-91 5.95 18.09 3.04 2-b TBD TBD 650 Junttan HHK6A
250 Salt Lake City, UT CEP - 16" NA-66 4.5 36.65 8.14 2-b TBD TBD 700 Junttan HHK6A
(#3). No hammer cushion data
(#3). No hammer cushion data
Gpile classification unknown
Monotube pile not analyzable
Hammer Type C/S/M
Set Up
Pile Type Location
Predominate Soil
Side Tip (ft) (Kips) (Kips)
8 piles fromDevelopment of Resistance Factors for Axial Capacity of Driven Piles in North Carolina (2002) by Kim, Kyung Jun
1 pile from"Static or Dynamic Test - Which to Trust?" by Edde, Robert D. and Fellenius, Bengt H. Geotechnical News, Vol. 8, No. 4, December 1990, p. 28.
1 pile from"LRFD: Case Studies for ODOT Bridge Pile Foundations" Jackson, Bethany
4 piles from"Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations: Lessons Learned on the Central Artery/Tunnel Project" FHWA June 2006
2 piles fromGRL Report ""Determination of Pile Driveability and Capacity fromPenetration Tests" Vol. 1,2,3 May 1997 FHWA
1 pile from"Static Loading Test on a 45 mLong Pipe Pile in Sandpoint, Idaho" Canadian Geotechnical Journal 2003.
5 piles from"Offshore and onshore loading tests for the Ford Island Bridge, Hawaii" Seki, Mimura, and Smith DFI-98. Vienna, 1998
2 piles from""Installation and Loading Tests of Deep Piles in Shanghai Alluvium"" Pump, Korista, and Scott DFI-1998, Vienna
9 piles from"Measured Pile Setup During Load Testing and Production Piling" Attwool, Holloway, Rollins, Esrig, Sakhai and Hemenway Transportation Research Record 1663 Paper No. 99-1140
(#1) Incomplete or missing soil data Output Rank 4 does not qualify for recalibration
(#2) Incomplete or missing hammer data C/S/M Major soil contribution. Clay, sand, or mix.
(#3) Incomplete or missing blow count data All lines in bold represent Input Tier 1 & 2
Pile Length -
Length - BOR
(BPI) (BPI) (Kips) (Kips)
251 Salt Lake City, UT CEP - 12.75" NA-35 5.67 8.64 1.52 2-b TBD TBD 740 Junttan HHK6A
Ontario, Canada OEP - 12.75" 40-40-41 0.92 1.83 1.99 2-b 4 SW
185 154 Drop 1.81T
Ontario, Canada HP - 12 53 45-44-45 1.33 2.08 1.56 2-b 4 SW
177.43 155 Drop 1.81T
254 NewHaven, CT PSC - 14"sq 105-98.5 3.25 42 12.92 2-b 2 SP MH Sand 615 490 556 1073.00 HPSI 2000
255 NewHaven, CT PSC - 16"sq 120-114.5 3.75 46 12.27 2-b 2 SP MH Sand 1045 600 649 1462.00 HPSI 2000
256 NewHaven, CT CEP - 18" 125.5-119 15.25 12 0.79 2-b 3 SP MH Sand 858.5 680 971 907.00 HMC86
257 NewHaven, CT Monotube 100-94.5 2 5 2.50 2-b SP MH 623 HMC86
258 NewHaven, CT CEP - 12.75" 126-120.25 1.75 4 2.29 2-b 1 SP MH Sand 422 358 138 209.00 HMC86
259 NewHaven, CT CEP - 18" 153-141 2.5 2 0.80 2-b 3 SC-CL SC-CL Sand 1468 510 589 534.00 HPSI 2000
260 NewHaven, CT PSC - 16"sq 105-100 1.75 2 1.14 2-b 2 SC-CL SC-CL Sand 1030 640 424 566.00 HPSI 2000
261 NewHaven, CT Monotube 100-90-90.8 1 5 5.00 2-b SC-CL SC-CL 450 HPSI 2000
262 NewHaven, CT CEP - 24" 166-156.9 2.5 3 1.20 2-b 3 SC-CL SC-CL Sand 2654 828 650 700.00 HPSI 2000
263 NewHaven, CT PSC - 16"sq 120-115 2 3 1.50 2-b 2 SC-CL SC-CL Sand 1342 633 480 734.00 HPSI 2000
264 NewHaven, CT CEP - 18" 127-120-121.3 1 4 4.00 2-b 3 SC-CL SC-CL Sand 1096 440 290 833.00 HPSI 2000
265 Choctawhatchee, FL PSC - 24"sq 125-87.2 3 11 3.67 2-b 2 ML SC Sand 1237 807 776 1953.00 Delmag D 62-12
266 Orlando, FL CEP - 12.75" 175-NA-NA 10.17 3 784 Vulcan 80C
267 Cimarron, OK HP - 14117 113-NA-NA 16.67 3 770 MKT DE-110C
268 Socastee, SC PSC - 24"sq 85-NA-NA 19.17 83.3 4.35 3 1095 Vulcan 520
269 Unknown HP - 1253 75-NA-NA 7.5 10 1.33 3 374 ICE 640
270 Unknown HP - 1254 40-NA-NA 10 30 3.00 3 521 ICE 640
271 Unknown HP - 1255 80-NA-NA 12.67 20 1.58 3 378 ICE 640
272 Jacksonville, IL HP - 1253 NA-34.94-42.65 3 5 1.67 1-a 1 CL SM Mix 224 570 218 299.00 Delmag D 19-32
273 Boston, MA PSC - 16"sq NA-107.9 7 8 1.14 2-b 3 CL ML Clay 738 899 833 989.00 HPSI 2000
274 Boston, MA PSC - 16"sq NA-149 16 21 1.31 2-b 1 CL ML Clay 1088.9 854 860 911.00 ICE 1070
275 Kelowna, B.C., Canada CEP - 24" 170-144.7-146 13 19 1.46 2-b 4 ML ML Mix 2655 786 1104.00 Delmag D 62
276 Hampton, VA PSC - 24" 59.1-55 3 SW-ML CH 696 ICE 80S
277 LA OEP - 24" 109.9-53.15 2.17 9 4.15 3 302 Delmag D46-32
278 LA PSC - 24"sq 67.9-39 1.67 16 9.58 3 720 Delmag D46-32
279 LA PSC - 16"sq 77-32.5 0.75 8.33 11.11 3 224 ICE 60S
280 LA PSC - 16"sq 55.1-36.1 0.583 16.67 28.59 3 216 ICE 60S
281 LA PSC - 14"sq 59-43.3 0.83 5 6.02 3 224 ICE 60S
282 LA PSC - 16"sq 70-23 15.8 67 4.24 3 595 ICE 60S
283 Appalachicola Bay, FL PSC - 18"sq 68.2-64 4.17 12.5 3.00 2-b 2 CL CH Clay 179.3 400 360 719.00 CONMACO115
284 Appalachicola Bay, FL PSC - 24"sq 69-64.6 5.42 12.92 2.38 2-b 2 SC CL Sand 539.4 860 811 1504.00 Vulcan 020
285 Dodge Island, FL PSC - 30"sq 110-39.8 11 20 1.82 2-b 4 SM Sandstone 1118.2 1260 Conmaco 300
286 Sao Paulo, Brazil HP - 1293 183-177.16-178.15 5 3 CH CH Free Fall Hammer
287 North Platte River, WY HP - 1253 NA-70-72 13.17 12.75 0.97 2-b 3 SW SW Sand 283.6 280 392 387.00 Mitsubishi MH15
288 North Platte River, WY HP - 1473 NA-85-86 13.75 15 1.09 2-b 2 SW SW Sand 677.3 430 491 504.00 Mitsubishi MH15
289 ElkemMosjen, Norway PSC - 14"sq 128.6-125.7 1.5 11.5 7.67 2-b 4 SP SP Sand 742 Banut Superramrig
290 Jasper County, IN CEP - 14" NA-57.1 4.23 12.7 3.00 3 OH ML 309 ICE 42 S
291 Baton Rouge, LA PSC - 24"sq 45-40.5-41.17 4.7 3 0.64 2-a 3 CL CH Clay 484.7 460 PILECOD36-32
292 Alberta, Canada CEP - 12.75" NA-66.44 4 2.5 0.63 3 207 Hera 1500
293 Alberta, Canada CEP - 12.75" 53.4 4 2 0.50 3 187 Hera 1500
Hammer not in GRLWEAP library
(#2). SLT performed on adjacent pile. Length of pile unknown
(#1), (#2), (#3)
(#1), (#2), (#3)
2 piles from"Load Capacity of Pipe Piles in Cohesive Ground" Diyaljee, Vishnu; Pariti, Murthy. Deep Foundations 2002 pp 1318-1334.
1 pile fromLouisiana DOT for Highland Road Job #06-CS-HC-0026 Pile TP-1, Station 57+03.56
3 piles fromFlorida Deep Foundations Database
Sandstone properties required
Used reported BOR Davisson's based on chronology
EOID utilized 3855 kg drop hammer, not in library.
Unknown pile type
(#1). BOR Hammer - Vulcan 010
Drop hammer used. Not in GRLWEAP library
Drop hammer used. Not in GRLWEAP library
Unknown pile type
Hammer Type C/S/M
Set Up
Pile Type Location
Predominate Soil
Side Tip (ft) (Kips) (Kips)
2 piles fromMinistry of Transportation, Ontario, Canada
11 piles from""Performance Evaluation of a Large Scale Pile Load Testing Programin Light of Newly Developed LRFD Parameters"" Thibodeau and Paikowsky Geo Frontiers 2005 GSP 131
7 piles fromJimLong's additional FHWAdata not matched to either PDLT200 or DFLTD
1 pile from"Friction Bearing Design of Steel H-Piles" by James H. Long and Massimo Maniaci IDOT ITRC 1-5-38911 December 28, 2000
2 piles from"Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations: Lessons Learned on the Central Artery/Tunnel Project" FHWA June 2006
1 pile from"Pile Load Test for W.R. Bennett Bridge"" by Naesgaard, Uthayakumar, Esroy and Gillespie
1 pile from"Axial and Lateral Load Performance of Two Composite Piles and One Prestressed Concrete Pile" by Miguel Pando, George Filz, Carl Ealy and Edward Hoppe Transportation Research Record 1849 Paper No. O3-2912
6 piles from"On the Prediction of Long TermPile Capacity fromEnd-of-Driving Information" by Frank Rausche, Brent Robinson, and Garland Likins ASCE GSP 125 2004
1 pile from"Load Testing of a Closed-Ended Pipe Pile Driven in Multilayered Soil"
Kim, Daehyeon; Bica, Adriano Virgilio Damiani; Salgado, Rodrigo; Prezzi, Monica; Lee, Wonje Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering April 2009 pp 463-473
1 pile from"Comparison Between Static and Dynamic Pile Capacity. A Case Study FromNorway"
Tistel, J., Trum, E., Rnning, S., Alstad, M., Vik, A., SchramSimonsen, A.
2 piles from"Dynamic Pile Monitoring and Pile Load Tests in Unconsolidated Sands and Gravels, Wyoming" Schulte, Michael P. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Highway Geology Symposium, Helena, Montana, August 20-22 1986.
1 pile from"Correlation of CAPWAP with instrumented static load test on a steel Hpile" Paraiso, S.C., Costa, C.M.C., and Aleixo, L. The application of stress-wave theory to piles: science, technology and practice, pg 637
(#1) Incomplete or missing soil data Output Rank 4 does not qualify for recalibration
(#2) Incomplete or missing hammer data C/S/M Major soil contribution. Clay, sand, or mix.
(#3) Incomplete or missing blow count data All lines in bold represent Input Tier 1 & 2
Pile Length -
Length - BOR
(BPI) (BPI) (Kips) (Kips)
MI HP - 1253 61-53.4 7 9 1.29 1-b 1 CH
Clay 279 418 184 201.00 Vulcan 50C
MI HP - 1254 60-53.2 6 13 2.17 1-b 1 CH
Clay 279 418 174 222.00 Vulcan 50C
MI HP - 1255 61-53 4 7 1.75 1-b 1 CH
Clay 279 418 131 181.00 McKiernan-Terry DE-30
297 MI CEP - 12" 80-65.4 3.5 5 1.43 1-b CH CH 775 Delmag D 12
298 MI OEP - 12" 72.75-56.4-NA 3 4 1.33 1-b CH CH 100
299 Oakland, CA CEP - 24" 78.5-70.7 3 SP-CL ML 1000 Delmag D46-32
300 Oakland, CA CEP - 24" 64-53 3 CH CL 756 Delmag D46-32
301 Oakland, CA CEP - 24" 75.4-66.5 3 CH CL 668 Delmag D46-32
302 Oakland, CA OEP - 40" 85.4-73.3 3 SP CL 1176 Delmag D62-22
303 Oakland, CA OEP - 40" 98-83 3 CH CH 1225 HPSI 2005
304 Oakland, CA OEP - 40" 105-91 3 ML-SP GP-CL 1031 HPSI 2005
305 Oakland, CA OEP - 40" 101-86 3 CL-GP CL 710 HPSI 2005
306 Oakland, CA CEP - 24" 64-60 3 CL-SP CL-SP 998 Delmag D30-32
307 Oakland, CA CEP - 24" 45-40 3 CL-SP CL 1000 HPSI 2005
308 Oakland, CA OEP - 24" 64-60 3 CL-GP CL 401 Delmag D46-32
309 Oakland, CA CEP - 24" 33.3-28.3 3 SM SP-SM 552 Delmag D62-22
310 Los Angeles, CA PSC - 14"sq 43-40 3 CL SC 363 Delmag D36-32
311 Oakland, CA OEP - 24" 43-43 3 SP CH 568 MKT 11B3
312 San Diego, CA PSC - 14"sq 34-34 3 SP CH 252 Delmag D36-32
313 San Diego, CA PSC - 14"sq 24-24 3 SP CH 228 Delmag D36-32
314 San Diego, CA PSC - 14"sq 17-17 3 SP CH 251 Delmag D36-32
315 San Jose, CA CEP - 14" 55-49 3 SP CH 340 Vulcan 80 C
316 Castroville, CA OEP - 72" 114-114 3 SP CH 1513 Delmag D80-23
317 San Francisco, CA OEP - 24" 64.5-47.5 3 SP CH 1007 Menck MHF5-10
318 San Francisco, CA OEP - 24" 70.5-51.5 3 SP CH 999 Menck MHF5-10
319 San Francisco, CA OEP - 16" 66.5-52.5 3 SP CH 954 Menck MHF5-10
320 San Francisco, CA OEP - 24" 70-53 3 SP CH 997 Menck MHF5-10
321 San Francisco, CA OEP - 24" 100-79 3 SP CH 209 Menck MHF5-10
322 San Francisco, CA OEP - 24" 74-49 3 SP CH 901 Menck MHF5-10
5 piles fromMichigan DOT
Hammer Type C/S/M
Set Up
Pile Type Location
Predominate Soil
Side Tip (ft) (Kips) (Kips)
(#3). BOR hammer - Delmag D62-22
(#3). BOR hammer - Delmag D 436-32 & D 62-22
24 piles from Rollins Brown's M.S. Thesis, Appendix B, 2006.
10.0 1.0 0.1
EOI D Bias
Loc 0.2884
Scale 0.5469
N 172
AD 2.298
P- Value < 0.005
Lognor mal Pr obabi l i t y Pl ot f or EOI D
Scenario A
95% Confidence Interval
10.0 1.0 0.1
BOR1 Bias
Loc - 0.1130
Scale 0.4570
N 172
AD 0.548
P- Value 0.156
Lognor mal Pr obabi l i t y Pl ot f or BOR1
Scenario A
95% Confidence Interval
10.0 1.0 0.1
EOI D Bias
Loc 0.2418
Scale 0.4324
N 6
AD 0.193
P- Value 0.890
Lognor mal Pr obabi l i t y Pl ot f or EOI D
Scenario F
95% Confidence Interva
10.0 1.0 0.1
BOR1 Bias
Loc - 0.08930
Scale 0.4357
N 7
AD 0.507
P- Value 0.195
Lognor mal Pr obabi l i t y Pl ot f or BOR1
Scenario F
95% Confidence Interva
10.0 1.0 0.1
EOI D Bias
Loc 0.1890
Scale 0.4140
N 9
AD 0.388
P- Value 0.380
Lognor mal Pr obabi l i t y Pl ot f or EOI D
Scenario G
95% Confidence Interval
10.0 1.0 0.1
BOR1 Bias
Loc - 0.1163
Scale 0.4362
N 11
AD 0.670
P- Value 0.078
Lognor mal Pr obabi l i t y Pl ot f or BOR1
Scenario G
95% Confidence Interval
10.0 1.0 0.1
BOR1 Bias
Loc 0.02450
Scale 0.4255
N 5
AD 0.399
P- Value 0.353
Lognor mal Pr obabi l i t y Pl ot f or BOR1
Scenario I
95% Confidence Interval