FST 325 Mid Test
FST 325 Mid Test
FST 325 Mid Test
FST 325 MID TEST Explain the following a) Atmospheric pressure , Standard atmospheric pressure, Piezometer , Manometer , Bourdon guage b) Rheology , Food rheology , Viscosity , Newtonian fluids , Non-Newtonian fluids
1 Milk is flowing at 0.12 m min in a 2.5-cm diameter pipe. If the temperature of the milk is 21C, is the flow turbulent or streamline? 2 Calculate the pressure drop along 170 m of 5 cm diameter horizontal steel pipe through which 3 -1 olive oil at 20C is flowing at the rate of 0.1 m min . 3 3 A fluid having a density of 1005kg/m is being drawn out of a storage tank 3.5cm in diameter through a trap on the side at the lower point in the tank . the tap consist of a short length of 1.5 innorminal pipe (I.D=0.03561m) with a gate valve. If fluid flows out of the tap at the rate of 40L/min, calculate the velocity of the fluid in the pipe and the velocity at which the fluid level receeds inside the tank.
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FST 325 MID TEST Explain the following; Food rheology , Viscosity, Newtonian fluids, Non-Newtonian fluids , Power law equation, Pseodoplastic , Thioxotropic fluid , Shear stress, apparent viscosity, rheopectic fluid
1 Oil flows thru a pipe as shown below which contrast from 450mm diameter at A to 300mm diameter at B and then forks , one branch being 150mm diameter discharging at C and the other branch 225mm diameter discharging at D . if velocity at A is 1.8m/s and velocity at D is 3.6m/s . what will be the discharged at C and D and the velocity at B and C. 2 Milk is flowing through a full pipe whose diameter is known to be 1.8 cm. The only measure 3 available is a tank calibrated in cubic feet, and it is found that it takes 1 h to fill 12.4 ft . What is the velocity of flow of the liquid in the pipe'?
FST 325 MID TEST a) Fluid., fluid dynamics, laminar flow , Turbulent flow , Transition flow , Volumetric flow rate b) Mass flow rate , Continuity principle, Bernoulli equation .
1 Calculate the head of water equivalent to standard atmospheric pressure of 100 kPa. 2 Calculate the head of mercury equivalent to a pressure of two atmospheres. 3 -1 3 Milk is flowing at 0.12 m min in a 2.5-cm diameter pipe. If the temperature of the milk is 21C, is the flow turbulent or streamline? 4 Milk is flowing through a full pipe whose diameter is known to be 1.8 cm. The only measure 3 available is a tank calibrated in cubic feet, and it is found that it takes 1 h to fill 12.4 ft . What is the velocity of flow of the liquid in the pipe'?
FS FST 325 MID TEST a) iscosity , Newtonian fluids , Non-Newtonian fluids, Power law equation, Pseodoplastic b) Thioxotropic fluid , Shear stress , apparent viscosity , rheopectic fluid , viscometer
1 Milk is flowing through a full pipe whose diameter is known to be 1.8 cm. The only measure 3 available is a tank calibrated in cubic feet, and it is found that it takes 1 h to fill 12.4 ft . What is the velocity of flow of the liquid in the pipe'? 2 Whole milk is flowing into a centrifuge thru a full 5cm diameter pipe at a velocity of 0.22m/s and in the centrifuge it is separated into cream of specific gravity 1.01 and skim milk of specific gravity 1,04. Calculate the velocities of flow of milk of the cream if they are discharged thru 2cm diameter pipes.The specific gravity of whole milk of 1.035?
FST 325 MID TEST Guage pressure , Pressure head , Absolute pressure, Atmospheric pressure,Standard atmospheric pressure , Food rheology , Viscosity , Newtonian fluids , Non-Newtonian fluids, Power law equation
a) Calculate the pressure drop along 170 m of 5 cm diameter horizontal steel pipe through which 3 -1 olive oil at 20C is flowing at the rate of 0.1 m min . 3 b) A fluid having a density of 1005kg/m is being drawn out of a storage tank 3.5cm in diameter through a trap on the side at the lower point in the tank . the tap consist of a short length of 1.5 innorminal pipe (I.D=0.03561m) with a gate valve. If fluid flows out of the tap at the rate of 40L/min, calculate the velocity of the fluid in the pipe and the velocity at which the fluid level receeds inside the tank. C) Calculate the greatest pressure in a spherical tank, of 2 m diameter, filled with peanut oil of specific gravity 0.92, if the pressure measured at the highest point in the tank is 70 kPa.
FST 325 MID TEST a) Fluid., fluid dynamics, laminar flow , Turbulent flow , Transition flow , Volumetric flow rate b) Mass flow rate , Continuity principle, Bernoulli equation .
1 Calculate the head of water equivalent to standard atmospheric pressure of 100 kPa. 2 Calculate the head of mercury equivalent to a pressure of two atmospheres. 3 -1 3 Milk is flowing at 0.12 m min in a 2.5-cm diameter pipe. If the temperature of the milk is 21C, is the flow turbulent or streamline? 4 Milk is flowing through a full pipe whose diameter is known to be 1.8 cm. The only measure 3 available is a tank calibrated in cubic feet, and it is found that it takes 1 h to fill 12.4 ft . What is the velocity of flow of the liquid in the pipe'?
FST 325 MID TEST Explain the following; Food rheology , Viscosity, Newtonian fluids, Non-Newtonian fluids , Power law equation, Pseodoplastic , Thioxotropic fluid , Shear stress, apparent viscosity, rheopectic fluid
1 Oil flows thru a pipe as shown below which contrast from 450mm diameter at A to 300mm diameter at B and then forks , one branch being 150mm diameter discharging at C and the other branch 225mm diameter discharging at D . if velocity at A is 1.8m/s and velocity at D is 3.6m/s . what will be the discharged at C and D and the velocity at B and C. 2 Milk is flowing through a full pipe whose diameter is known to be 1.8 cm. The only measure 3 available is a tank calibrated in cubic feet, and it is found that it takes 1 h to fill 12.4 ft . What is the velocity of flow of the liquid in the pipe'?