7th IT

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Paper Code:ETIT401 Subject:Advance ComputerNetwork Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks :75 Note:Attemptfive questions including Q.no:l which is compulsory.


Attempt any five questions of the following:(a) Write short note on internet address. (b) What is meant by domain name addressing? (c) What is meant by frame relay? (d) What are the advantages of X.25? (e) What are the 3 layers of X.25? (f) Compare ATM and frame relay.



(a) Compare message, circuit and packet switching. (2x7.5=15) (b) It is required to transmit a data at a rate of 64Kbps over a 3KHz telephone channel. What is the minimum SNR required to accompolish this?


w D the Q3 (a) Sketch the Manchester and ,differential Manchester Ne encoding for following given bit stream 0001110101. (7.5) e, OR eg ll (b) Calculate CRC for the frame 110101011 and generate the polynomial Co 1 and write the transmitted g frame. A bit word 10 11 is to be transmitted. Construct the even parity seven bit rin e Hamming code for this data. ine OR g (d) If the 7-bit Hamming code word received by a receiver is 101101l. En parity, state whether the received code word is correct Assuming ia even the or Wrong. If wrong, locate the bit in error. nd nI rWhat is meant by congestion in network? Explain the algorithm for rthe congestion avoidance. o
=x=+x+ (c] (7.5) Q4 (a]

(c) What signal to noise ratio is required to put T1 carrier on a 50KHz line. Give that we have carrier line has 24 multiplexcol voice signals sampled at 8 KHz and 1 bit per frame is used.

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(b) Compare the performance of UDP and TCP. (c) Draw the format of TCP header and explain each in detail.


(d) What is three way handshake is. silly window syndrome? Q5 techniques? Explain in neat diagram. What

(a) Explain TCP connection management with the help of finite state machine diagram. (10) (b) Explain how ARP and RARP map IP addresses onto data link layer such as Ethernet? (5)

(c) Draw the IP header neatly and explain the function of each field. List major differences between IPV4 and IPV6.

Write short notes on any five of the following:(a) DNS (b) SMTP (b) SNMP (e) URL, HTTP, WAP ************


(c) FTP (f) Bootstrap protocol

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Paper Code:ETIT403 Subject: Multimedia Applications Maximum Marks :75 Time : 3 Hours Note:Attempt five questions iltcluding Q.l which is compulsory. Attempt one question from each unit. Q.l (a) What is non linear animation? (2.5xlO=25) (b) Why multimedia content provide a benefit over other forms of information? (c) What is multimedia highway? (d) List at least three tautors that affect the legibility of text. (e) Explain the difference between leading and Kerning of text characters. (f) What is discrete cosine transform and how it is useful in multimedia compression? (g) Discuss the differences between channel box and attribute editor. (h) Discuss the differences between software rendering and hardware rendering, (i) How path animation is performed? U) Discuss the relation between light and colour in a multimedia project. UNIT-I (a) Discuss the uses of multimedia in different fields. (b) Discuss the common multimedia hardware and software used.

N Q6

w (6.5) Ne , OR e (a) Explain different multimedia authoring tools. eg (6.5) Q3 l (b) Explain the different concepts involved in ol multimedia project. gC UNIT-II erin Q4 (a) Define interactive multimedia, hypermedia, hypertext, links, anchor and e nodes. gin algorithms concern to text and images. (6.5) (b) Discuss different n E compression a contrast the use of OR and digitized audio in multimedia i Q5 (a) Compare and MIDI Ind production. (6.5) n (b)r e Discuss the capabilities and limitations of bitmap and vector images. orth
(6) (6) (6) (6)

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UNIT-III (a) Discuss the following terms with respects to NURBS modelling:(6) (i) Components of a NURBS curve. (ii) Components of a NURBS surface. (b) What is tessellation? Discuss the role of deformers in modelling a multimedia project. (6.5)

Q7 (a) Explain NURBS modelling and its comparison with polygon modelling, (6) (b) Discuss the differences between forward kinematics and inverse kinematics. (6.5) UNIT-IV (a) Discuss the significance of texturing and lightening in multimedia project. (6) (b) What is rendering? Discuss IPR and mental ray rendering. (6.5)


Q9 (a) What is dynamics? Explain significance in multimedia project.
(b) What are Emitters, particles, fields and expression editors? ************


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DECEMBER 2010 Subject: Compiler Construction Maximum Marks ;75

Paper Code: ETCS405 Time: 3 Hours

Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry 15 marks each.


(a) Define Bootstrapping and also explain the use of producing a cross compiler. ">, (b) What are' the differences between Phases and Passes in a Compiler? Explain the function of Intermediate code generation phases with example? (a) Check whether the grammar is LL( 1) or not? S---;iEtSj iEtSeS j a
E- b


(b) Construct an Finite automata for accepting those string of O's and 1's which contain odd number of zeros and even number of ones.

(a) Construct a DFA for the Regular-Expression b b a (ajb)*. (b) Consider the Grammar:S->-aSbSjbSaSjc: Check whether the given grammar is LR(O)or not?
Wri tc short notes on the following>


ia E d Q5 (a] Given following I DAG for the Z=A[I] basic block with ju stificatioruX=A[IJ, A[J]=Y, rn rthe Give the classification of various Grammars with example o

(a) Peep-hole Optimization (b) Data Flow Equations (c) Left Factoring (d) Left Recursion (e) Symbol Table Management

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support of your answer.


(a) Explain the organization of Block and non-Block lanaguages. (b) Explain how the error recovery is done in SLR parsers?



(a) Give the Syntax directed translation scheme for the For Loop of the C language. (b) Generate the translation scheme for array reference and intermediate code along with parse tree for the followirig statement. B[I,J,K]=C[l+J, K+L, Z] where Band C is an array of lOx20x30'and 40x50x60 respectively. Assume bpw=4. Check whether the following Grammar is LALRor notr.


S--}AajbAcj dcjbda


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Subject: Mobile Computing PaperCode:ETEC407 Maximum Marks :75 Time: 3 Hours Note: Attempt one question from each unit. Q.l is compulsory.


(a) Give the significant attributes of UrnInterface in GSM architecture. (3) (b) Explain the role of EIR entity of a GSM Network. (3) (c) What is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)? Explain the role of DHCP in providing mobility services. (4) (d) Compare the features of WAPwith respect to HTTP. (3) (e) Explain the vision of IMT-2000. (3) (f) Compare GEO, MEO and LEO satellite systems. (3) (g) What is ISM Band? Give the range of ISM band and its utilization in Mobile Communication Networks. (3) (h) Differentiate between Hard hand off and Soft Hand off. (3) UNIT-I (a) Draw the architecture model of personal communication explain the role of each entity. (b) Explain the protocol architecture of GSM.


services and



(a) Explain the Data rate enhancement with the help of General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) Network model. What is the maximum data rate obtained by GPRS network? (6.5) (b) Explain the following hand over procedures of GSM Network with mobility management aspects: (6) (i) Inter MSC Handover [ii] Intra MSC Handover UNIT-II (a) Draw and explain the architecture of an Infrastructure based IEEE 802.11 Network. (6.5) (b) How the agent can be discovered using Mobile IP? Give the overlay of Agent advertisement packet which includes mobility extension. (6) Spacing aspects of (6) (2) (4.5)



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ia E (a) Explain the features of medium access and Interframe Ind typical eran wireless LANscenario. (b) Explain the features of WML. h

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(c) Explain how tunneling works for Mobile IP using IP-in-IP encapsulation?

UNIT-III (a) Compare WCDMA and Cdma 2000, Third Generation mobile communication technologies. (6) (b) Discuss about the quality of services in 3G and mention the limitations as well. (6.5) (a) Explain the different Interfaces and protocol conversion methods of Wireless Local Loop Systems. (6) (b) Discuss about the Deployment Issues of Wireless Local Loop Networks. (6.5) UNIT-IV Compare the case studies of IRIDIUM and GLOBALSTARmobile satellite systems along with features of constellation of satellite in both cases. Discuss about uplink and down link chains as well. (12.5) (a) Discuss in detail about Bluetooth protocol stack. (b) Write a short note on Virtual Private Networks. (6.5)





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Paper Code: ETCS413 Time: 3 Hours Note: Attempt one question/rom

Ql (a) (b)

Subject: Requirement Estimation Techniques Maximum Marks :75 each unit including Q.l which is compulsory. I

(d) (e) (f) (g) (h)


Q2 (a) (b) (a) (b)

List any five characteristics of the Software Requirements Specification Document. (2.5xl0=25) List various. activities involved in requirement elicitation. Define Backfiring. How Mark II FPA method is more accurate than IFPUG FPA method? Explain in brief system Breakup structure to estimate LOC. How do we Estimate Projects by Analogy? Explain in brief. Define productivity in context of a software project. List any five factors that influence the productivity of a software project. Write a short note on DOORS. What is Estimate Professional? Explain in brief. UNIT-I What is Requirement Elicitation? Explain QFD in detail. (6.5) Explain various stages of Soft Systems Methodology with suitable diagram. (6) OR Give an outline of SRS adopted by IEEE. Illustrate with the help of an example. (8) Explain various steps in Change Management Process. (4.5)


Q4 (a) (b)

UNIT-II Give schematic representation of the FPA method. What are various advantages and disadvantages of FPA method? (4+4) An application has 10 low external inputs, 12 high external outputs, 20 low internal logical files, 15 high external interface files, 12 average external inequiries and value of complexity adjustment factor is 1.10. What are the unadjusted and adjusted function point count? (4.5) Give schematic representation of Wide Band Delphi estimation Explain key factors for its success. Explain the need to convert size from one measure to another.


(a) (b)

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(a) (b)


(a) (b)

UNIT-III A software development is expected to involve.8 person years of effort. (1.5x4=6) (i) Calculate the number of lines of source code that can be produced. (ii) Calculate the duration of the development. (iii) Calculate the productivity LOC/PY. (iv) Calculate the average manning. Use Watson-Felix Model. Explain Software Project's behaviours as given by Rayleigh. Also, calculate the peak manning and difficulty for a large scale project for which the manpower requirement is K=600py and development time is 3 years 6 months. (6.5) OR Explain Application Composition Model for estimation with the help of schematic diagram. (8) . Discuss the procedure of validating the software estimates. (4.5) UNIT-IV Explain various management activities involved in software project with the help of a schematic diagram. (6.51 Give features of the following software estimation tools:(6) (i) SLIM (ii) COSTAR'

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(6+2) (4.5)


(a) (b)


(a) (b)

Write short notes on the following:(6) (i) COSMIC (ii) UQAM-SEMRL What is Software Life Cycle? Explain V Life Cycle model and spiral Life Cycle Model. (6.5)


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Paper Code:ETEC415 Subject: Advanced Computer Architecture _ Maximum Marks :75 Time: 3 Hours" Note:Attempt all questions. Internal choice is indicated.
Q1. (i) Explain the method to compute CPI & MIPS throughput performance parameters. (ii) Defme digital buses, Network diameter for system interconnect architecture. (iii) What is network diameter, bisection bandwidth & node degree of'Kvaryn-cube network. (iv) Explain terms: hashing function, inverted page table associated with memory hierarchy design. (v) Explain atomic Vs nonatomic memory access, cache flushing related to cache design. (vi) Explain speedup, efficiency, throughput of a k-stage pipeline processor. (vii) Define the terms: collision vector, latency cycle, greedy cycle in a composite pipeline. (viii) Explain the terms: message, packets, flits related to multicomputer networks. (ix) Explain: vector reduction instruction, vectorizer, scatter instruction related to vector processing. (x) Explain cis access memory organization. (2:5' x 10) Q.2 A 40-MHz processor was used to execute a benchmark program with the following instruction mix and clock cycle counts: Instruction type Integer arithmetic Data transfer Floating point Control transfer Instruction 'count 45000 32000 15000 8000 Clock cycle count 1 2 2 2

Determine the effective CPI, MIPS rate, and execution time for this program.

Q2. Analyze the data dependences among the following statements in a program: S 1: load RI, 1024 S2: load R2, M (10) S3: add RI, R2 S4: store M (1024), R2 S5: store M R2, 1024 where (Ri) means the content of register Ri and Memory (10) contains 64 initially.

(a) Draw a dependence graph to show all the dependences. (b) Are there any resource dependences if only one copy of each functional unit is available in the CPU ? (8.5,4)

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Q.3 (a) Answer the following questions related to multistage networks: (i) How many legitimate states are there in a 4*4 switch module, including both broadcast and permutations? Justify your answer with reasoning. (ii) Construct a 64-input Omega network using 4*4 switch modules in multiple stages. How many permutations can be implemented directly in a single pass through the network without blocking? (b) Answer the following questions for the k-ary n-cube network: (i) How many nodes are there? (ii) What is the network diameter? (iii) What is the bisection bandwidth?


Q.3 Consider a two-level memory hierarchy, MI and M2. Denote the hit ratio ofMl and M2 as h. Let CI and C2 be the costs per kilobyte, Sl and S2 the memory capacities, and t1 and t2 the access times, respectively.

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