C.6 Time-Domain EM Methods
C.6 Time-Domain EM Methods
C.6 Time-Domain EM Methods
6 Time-domain EM methods
Introduction Frequency domain electromagnetic methods detect near surface conductors through the secondary magnetic fields that are induced by the primary magnetic field. With systems such as the EM31 and EM34 the secondary magnetic field can be 10-20% of the primary magnetic field. As the conductor becomes deeper, the secondary magnetic fields become weaker, and can be difficult to detect in the presence of the much stronger primary magnetic field. Typical secondary magnetic fields are expressed as parts-per-million (ppm) of the primary magnetic field. In this configuration, it is very difficult to measure the secondary magnetic field in the frequency domain with a towed bird. Some success in this area has been achieved with quadrature EM systems that measure the phase difference between the primary and secondary magnetic fields. With up to 5 frequencies, this type of system can discriminate between good and bad conductors (for example McPhar Quadrem). However most frequency-domain AEM systems use a rigid boom to detect the weak secondary fields. This is the basis of systems such as DIGHEM and can use multiple coil geometry and multiple frequencies. Time-domain EM methods represent an alternative approach to detecting weak secondary magnetic fields. This works by simply switching the primary field off and observing the decay of the secondary magnetic fields. This method is often referred to as transient electromagnetic exploration (TEM) or timedomain electromagnetic (TDEM) exploration. One of the first applications of TEM was described by Ward (1938). More details of the development of airborne EM instrumentation can be found in Fountain (1998).
Direct electric current flows through the transmitter loop and generates a static primary magnetic field (HP).
The transmitter current is then switched off and the primary magnetic field immediately falls to zero. This induces a secondary electric current in the Earth. The secondary current acts to oppose the decrease in the primary magnetic field (Lenzs Law). The secondary electric current distribution can be approximated as a horizontal loop of current and generates a secondary magnetic field, HS (t).
Over time the secondary electric currents spread out (diffuse) in a pattern that is similar to a smoke ring. It moves deeper as time increases, and thus gives information about progressively deeper structure. Initially the magnetic field is oriented downwards at the RX.
As the current ring passes beneath the RX, the sign of HS changes sign.
Nabighian (1979) made an analogy to a set of smoke-rings. An additional description of the physics and mathematics can be found in Hoversten and Morrison (1982). This process can also be visualized as a contour plot of electric current density. Movie is based on software written by Lynn Chotowetz in Physics 499.
Note that: (1) The voltage (V) generated in the RX coil by changes in h S is measured as a function of time, where V = dhS (t ) dt
(2) Depth of EM signal penetration can be expressed in an analogous way to the skin depth that was used in frequency domain EM methods. One can show that in principle, the depth of penetration in a halfspace with conductivity at a time t can be expressed as:
T =
1 2
Comparison of coincident MT and TEM data led Meju (1996) and others to propose that the correct formula should be
TEM eff =
See also Meju (1998) for further discussion of this topic C6.1.2 Quantitative solution for a halfspace A small transmitter (TX) loop is placed on the surface of the Earth at z=0 with the axis in the z-direction. This comprises a vertical magnetic dipole. The receiver (RX) is located at (x,z). It can be shown that the time derivative of the vertical magnetic field at a time t after switch of is given by:
2 2 hz IA 2 = ( ) 9erf ( ) ( )(9 + 6 2 2 + 4 4 4 )e 5 t 2
where A = area of the transmitter loop; I = initial current in the transmitter loop
and erf denotes the error function. The receiver is located at a 4t distance x from the TX and an elevation z above the surface. More details can be found in Telford, Chapter 7. The figure below shows
2 = x 2 + z 2 ; =
hz (t ) decays at a constant rate. During this early time the t secondary current (smoke ring) is localized beneath the TX and has not passed under the RX.
The secondary current flows in the Earth for a longer time if the ground is a good conductor.
As the concentration of secondary current (smoke ring) passes under the RX, the value changes sign, passing through zero (positive to negative). This causes the cusp observed in the figure. At late times
dhz (t ) IA 2 2 = t dt 20
Thus at a given time (t) after switch off, the value of larger as the ground becomes more conductive.
dhz (t ) at late time will become dt
hz (t ) and time, then the plot t only shows the late time. The change in sign occurs in the extreme left side of the plot hz (t ) decays slowly for the 1 m halfspace and quickly (not visible). Note that the t for the 1000 m halfspace with the RX at 100 m from the TX.
Compare these results with those derived for INPUT in 6.2.1 where linear time and voltage scales were used.
C6.1.3 Quantitative solution for a layered Earth In a layered Earth, the ring of electric current will propagate downwards and outward through the various layers. In a low resistivity layer the decay will be relatively slow. In a high resistivity layer, the decay will be relatively fast. The example on the right is taken from Fitterman and Stewart (1986) and shows the transient response of a two layer Earth. When the ratio of rho1/rho2 is small (e.g. 1/16) the late time response shows a relatively slow decay. When the ratio of rho1/rho2 is large (e.g. 16) the late time response shows a relatively fast decay. Note that at early time ( 0 to 10-2 s) all the curves are identical. This is because the secondary current system has not yet reached the lower layer. Note that voltage is plotted on the vertical axis and is the time derivative of the secondary magnetic field at the receiver (the quantity actually measured).
In field data, it can be difficult to distinguish the various transients, since they all exhibit a monotonic decay over time. An alternative way to display these data is to compute the apparent resistivity (a) which is defined as follows.
a Vun ( 1 , t ) = 1 Vobs (t )
where Vun (1, t) is the voltage decay that would be observed over a uniform earth with resistivity 1 and Vobs (t) is the measured voltage decay. To compute a this requires that the value of 1 must be known. This can be avoided by assuming that the voltage decay is in the late-time stage and choosing =2/3.
2 3
where r is the transmitter loop radius, M is the receiver coil moment (coil area multiplied by the number of turns) and I is the transmitter current (Fitterman and Stewart, 1986). When the decay curves on the previous page are converted to apparent resistivity, the results shown below are obtained.
Note that at early time (up to 10-2 s) the apparent resistivity does not equal the true resistivity of 1 m. This is because the late time approximation was used to compute the apparent resistivity. Beyond a time of 10-2 s the apparent resistivity faithfully reflects the increase and decrease of the true electrical resistivity for the range of models. Additional details are described by Fitterman and Stewart, (1986)
one of the most successful time-domain systems is the INPUT system. This has been widely used in both ground and airborne surveys. The basic concept is shown in Beck, Figure 7.33 and also Telford Figure 7-28. note that the response is largest (more negative) over conductive targets. successive traces correspond to later times (deeper structures). Conductive overburden is seen in the first few channels, but not later on. In contrast, the sulphides are consistently seen in all channels. INPUT data can generally image deeper than corresponding frequency domain EM data. The quiet period of recording without the primary fields allows secondary fields to be detected from greater depths.
-transmitter is mounted around the wings of a small aircraft (Casa 212) -uses same half sinusoidal waveform as INPUT MEGATEM
Deeper exploration can be achieved with a larger transmitter dipole moment. This produces a stronger secondary magnetic field, which stays above the background noise level for a relatively long time. Since later times correspond to deeper signal penetration, this gives a greater depth of exploration. The MEGATEM system is named because it has a transmitter dipole moment in excess of 106 Am2 formed by placing a large transmitter loop around the wings of a Dash-7.
6.2.2 Ground-based TDEM systems These ground-based TDEM systems can use a flexible layout and the TX size can be adjusted from 1 x 1 m to 2000 x 2000 m. Larger loops can be used to boost signal strength and give deeper signal penetration. Having the TX and RX stay in the same location for a period of time allows stacking i.e. record many on-off cycles of the TX and add the responses together. This allows detection of weaker signals and the removal of incoherent noise. The RX can be placed in the centre of the transmitter (central-loop configuration) or at a variable offset. Collecting transient data at variable offsets can give additional resistivitydepth information. It also takes advantage of the fact that it is logistically easier to move a small RX than the larger TX. Widely used systems include SIROTEM (developed by CSIRO in Australia) A SIROTEM time-domain EM system being used in a geotechnical survey in Turkey. Note the TX loop of wire on ground
Crone Pulse EM (www.cronegeophysics.com/) Geonics produce the TEM47, TEM57 and TEM67 transmitters as well as the ProTEM receiver.
6.2.3 Time-domain EM systems for deeper exploration Imaging to depths beyond 1-2 km with TDEM requires powerful specialized systems. One of the most useful is the long-offset transient electromagnetic system (LOTEM), which generates a powerful transient that can be detected by an array of receivers on a profile extending away from the transmitter. The LOTEM technique can be considered analogous to seismic refraction, with EM energy travelling horizontally in the Earth. In contrast, the EM energy travels vertically in magnetotellurics, which can be considered analogous to seismic reflection. The transient signal is generally quite weak at the RX and stacking is needed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Note that both electric and magnetic fields are recorded. The LOTEM system is described by Strack et al., (1990) and an application to crustal scale exploration is documented by Hordt et al., (1992) and Hordt et al., (2000).
Strack et al., (1990) showing that a conductor at 8 km depth was detected with LOTEM. This feature was also imaged with MT data.
The UTEM system uses a large loop (up 2 x 2 km) and a unique triangular waveform (West et al., 1984) and has been applied to crustal exploration in the Kapukasing uplift (Kurtz et al., 1989). 6.2.4 Very early time EM systems The need to map shallow structure in environmental surveys has led to the development of new systems that can measure transient responses at very early times. These systems map shallow structure and act as good metal detectors. Since early time corresponds to high frequency, care must be taken to ensure that displacement current can really be ignored from the data analysis. Also note that it takes a finite amount of time to switch off the TX current. This can require special electrical engineering in very early time EM systems. Note that shallow EM systems can detect objects that are routinely missed by magnetic surveys. This is because magnetic surveys only detect ferrous objects, while EM surveys can potentially detect all metallic objects. This can be an important advantage in searching for UXO and landmine clearance. Geonics EM61 The decay of the secondary field is relatively quick when the target is small. The Geonics EM61 uses early time measurements made from 216-1266 s to detect small, shallow metal targets, such as UXO. This system can be hand-carried, towed on a vehicle or used underwater..
The figure on the right shows the depth at which metal pipes of various sizes can be detected with the EM61. VETEM System developed by the United States Geological Survey for Very Early Time ElectroMagnetic measurements (VETEM).
6.2.5 Central loop airborne EM systems As outlined above, airborne EM exploration systems have evolved in the last 50 years into two basic forms: Advantages
Frequency domain helicopter EM system with rigid boom and small TX moment Fixed wing time-domain systems with towed RX and large TX dipole moment Good discrimination between good and bad conductors. Good horizontal resolution because of close TX and RX. Good depth penetration due to strong transmitter
Limited depth penetration
Limited discrimination between good and bad conductors. Limited horizontal resolution.
Several attempts have been made to combine the strengths of the above systems. One successful development is the AeroTEM system that has been developed by Aeroquest Surveys in Missisagua This system has a TX with a strong dipole moment (40000 Am2) that can be towed closer to the ground than the TX in a fixed wing system such as GEOTEM, giving relatively deep signal penetration. Responses can be detected at the part-per-billion (ppb) level (Boyko et al., 2001; Balch et al., 2003). The coincident TX and RX give a sharp anomaly as the system is flown over a target. Unlike towed-bird systems, the response is independent of flight direction. This geometry also gives maximum coupling between ground conductors and the RX and TX loops. AeroTEM also makes measurements during the on-time, and this allows better discrimination of the target conductance.
The data panel shows the early time z-axis AeroTEM response for a survey near Sudbury (Balch et al., 2003). The positive anomalies (red) have a maximum amplitude of about 1 ppm and are sulphide bodies and the negative (blue) anomalies are powerlines. This survey discovered a previously unknown sulphide deposit located between the two powerlines. Another similar system is the HeliGEOTEM system operated by Fugro Airborne services.
Texas Gulf Sulphur Timmins (Telford Figure 7.28). Note that the use of multiple time channels allows shallow conductors (overburden) to be distinguished from deeper conductors (sulfides).
Helicopter MK VI INPUT data collected over the Goldstream sulphide body (Cu, Zn, Ag). Telford Figure 7.108b. The dashed curves shows the total magnetic field anomaly over the target. Telford shows how simple forward modelling can be used to determine the dimensions of the ore body.
Helicopter MK V1 INPUT over Windy Craggy sulphide body (Cu) in the Yukon. Telford Figure 7.108d
GEOTEM exploration for kimberlites Kimberlite pipes are often characterized by a low resistivity disk at the surface. This is produced when weathering of the kimberlite produces a clay layer that has a low electrical resistivity. In northern Canada, glacial erosion often creates a lake and the clay becomes water saturated, further lowering the resistivity. The combination of airborne EM and aeromagnetic data is widely used in current exploration. Example : Willy Nilly Kimberlite pipe (www.fugroairborne.com.au)
GEOTEM off-time
Aeromagnetic anomaly
This example shows how paleo-channels can be located with AEM data. These channels can host shallow gas reservoirs that depths as shallow as 50 m and are characterized as zones of high resistivity. This example is from somewhere in Alberta, and more details can be found at www.fugroairborne.com.au by searching for Shallow gas. In typical WCSB conditions, MEGATEM and GEOTEM can give penetration up to 300 m. Costs can be as low as $100/km for large volumes of data, which is lower than the cost of surface geophysics.
6.3.3 Groundwater exploration Time domain EM exploration is widely used in the search for groundwater. The following synthetic examples are taken from Fitterman and Stewart (1986) and illustrate the resolution that is possible.
This example shows the late-time apparent resistivity for a set of models with resistive basement at depths from 12 to 400 m. Note that the high resistivities at early times are an artefact of using the later time approximation to compute apparent resistivity.
This set of model illustrates an example of imaging a layer of gravel that could potentially be an aquifer. The resistive layer is observed in the apparent resistivity between t = 0.01 and 0.1 seconds. Note that the high resistivities at early times are an artefact of using the later time approximation to compute apparent resistivity.
The following examples of real time-domain EM data from Southern California are taken from Taylor et al., (1992) and the transients have been converted to apparent resistivity, as described in C6.1.3. The time-domain apparent resistivity has then been used to generate a layered Earth resistivity model. The range of possible models is also shown in the right hand panels. The relatively rough curve in the right hand panels is a coincident well log, and in each case quite good agreement. The low resistivity layer is likely a saline aquifer.
6.3.4 Geotechnical exploration Time-domain EM study by Ersan Turkoglu in Avcilar, a suburb of Istanbul that was badly damaged by the 1999 Izmit earthquake. SIROTEM data were used to image resistivity in upper few hundred metres of the subsurfce, and reveal possible shallow faults. Unlike MT, this technique can be easily used in urban areas with high levels of cultural noise.
This study also used DC resistivity data, and a joint inversion of TEM and DC data to overcome some of the inherent non-uniqueness.
Balch, S. J., W. P. Boyko, N. R. Paterson, The AeroTEM airborne electromagnetic system, The Leading Edge, 562-566, 2003. Boyko, W., N. R. Paterson, and K. Kwan, AeroTEM characteristics and field results, The Leading Edge, 1130-1138, 2001. Goldman, M., et al., On reducing the ambiguity in the interpretation of transient EM sounding data, Geophysical prospecting, 42, 3, 1994. Fitterman, D. V., and M. T. Stewart, Transient electromagnetic sounding for groundwater, Geophysics, 51, 995-1005, 1986. Fitterman, D.V. et al., Electromagnetic mapping of buried paleochannels in eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate, U.A.E., Geoexploration, 27, 111, 1991. Fountain, D., Airborne electromagnetic systems - Fifty years of development, Exploration Geophysics, 29, 1-11, 1998. Hoversten, G. M. and H. F. Morrison, Transient fields of a current loop source above a layered earth, Geophysics, 47, 1068-1077, 1982. Hordt, A., et al., Inversion of LOTEM soundings near the borehole Munsterland-1, Germany and comparison with MT measurements, Geophys. J. Int., 108, 930-940, 1992. Hordt, A., S. Dautel, B. Tezkan and H. Thern, Interpretation of long-offset transient electromagnetic data from the Odenwald area, Germany, using two-dimensional modelling, GJI, 140, 577-586, 2000. Kurtz, R. D., J. C. Macnae and G. F. West, A controlled-source, time-domain electromagnetic survey over an upthrust section of Archean crust in the Kapuskasing Structural zone, GJI, 195-203, 1989. Meju, M. A., Joint inversion of TEM and distorted MT soundings: some effective practical considerations, Geophysics, 61, 56-65, 1996. Meju, M. A., A simple method of transient electromagnetic data analysis, Geophysics, 63, 405410, 1998. Nabighian, M. N., Quasi-static transient response of a conducting half-space- An approximate representation, Geophysics, 44, 1700-1705, 1979. Strack, K.-M., E. Luschen, and A. W. Kotz, Long-offset transient electromagnetic (LOTEM) depth soundings applied to crustal studies in the Black Forest and Swabian Alb, Federal Republic of Germany, Geophysics, 55, 834-842, 1990. Taylor, K., et al, Use of transient EM to define local hydrogeology in an arid alluvial environment, Geophysics, 57, 343, 1992. Ward, S.S., Electrical prospecting with non-sinusoidal alternating currents, Geophysics, 306-314, 1938. West, G. F., J. C. Macnae, and Y. Lamontagne, A time-domain EM system measuring the step response of the ground, Geophysics, 49, 1010-1026, 1984.