Mobile Phone Cloning
Mobile Phone Cloning
Mobile Phone Cloning
Today every one of us is familiar with cell phones. At present approximately every fifth person in the world is using cell-phone. It is a very great technological revolution and is enhancing day by day. Slowly but surely, technology is showing up its ugly face too. Mobile services have and will be subject to fraud. Mobile communication is readily available for several years, and is a major business today. It provides a valuable service to those who are willing to pay a considerable premium over a fixed line phone, to be able to walk and talk freely. Because of its usefulness and the money involved in the business, it is subject to fraud and criminal interest. Today its increasingly being used by new-age criminals in a variety of ways- the latest is MOBILE-PHONE CLONING. Millions of mobile phone users be at GSM or CDMA, run the risk of having their phones cloned. And the worst part is that there isnt much we can do to prevent this. A resident of Moradabad was arrested from South Delhi some time back for cloning mobile phones and providing ISD facility by using those cloned phones. So, some features of mobile communication make it an alluring target for criminals. It is relatively a new invention, so not all people are quite familiar with its possibilities, in good or in bad. Its newness also means intense competition among all mobile phone operators as
they try to attract the customers. Both of these provide the opportunity for the criminally inclined to try and make profit out of the situation.
According to media reports, recently the Delhi (India) police arrested a person with 20 cellphones, a laptop, a SIM scanner, and a writer. The accused was running an exchange illegally wherein he cloned CDMA based cell phones. He used software named Patagonia for the cloning and provided cheap international calls to Indian immigrants in West Asia.
The early 1990s were boom times for eavesdroppers. Any curious teenager with a 100 Tandy Scanner could listen in to nearly any analogue mobile phone call. As a result, Cabinet Ministers, company chiefs and celebrities routinely found their most intimate conversations published in the next day's tabloids Cell phone cloning started with Motorola "bag" phones and reached its peak in the mid 90's with a commonly available modification for the Motorola "brick" phones, such as the Classic, the Ultra Classic, and the Model 8000. In Korea where the wireless penetration rate reaches 75 percent, mobile fraud is increasingly becoming a challenge for law enforcement, reports The Korea Herald. "The government will mandate that mobile-phone operators allocate unique identification codes to the handsets of their new subscribers starting next month, to counter against mobilephone fraud stemming from stolen and cloned phones. "The electronic serial numbers on mobile phones have become vulnerable targets for theft, with "phone-cloners" replicating the code on an copied telephone and enabling the users to make telephone calls which are then billed to the original subscriber. More than 2,000 phone-cloning cases were reported to authorities during the Jan.-July period last year, according to the Communication Ministry. Under Korea's telecommunication law, those who produced cloned phones face a maximum of three years in prison or 20 million won fine." "The MIC has detected a total of 1,940 cloned phones from last November to June this year and the monthly figure is on the rise.
Interesting an article in CNN dated December 1996 on cell phone cloning - Thieves are charging calls to the accounts of unknowing cell phone customers. The scam is known as cloning. Thieves capture the signal of a legitimate call, and then electronically duplicate the cell phone number. Hardly a single day passes without cloning making headlines here in Korea. This time, it is about cell phones, not stem cells involving the troubled scientist Hwang Woo-suk. Korea Times reports. "The Central Radio Management Office (CRMO) Monday said it had seized 6,574 illegallycloned handsets last year, roughly eight times more than 858 in 2004. Experts point out the cloned phones is problematic when they are in the hands of criminals who might use them to conceal their identity while committing crimes through the handheld gadgets. The cloned phones also raise the concern that they might be used to overhear conversations of legitimate phone owners. "
The Rise and Fall of the Cloned Phone When cell phones became popular, criminals found ways to clone them so that they could use them without paying any bills. They used scanners near airports and hotels to capture the numbers that each phone transmits in order to send and receive calls. They then created "clones" of the original phones by re-programming the numbers into phones they had stolen. The original phone would then be charged for calls made by the clone. This rapidly became big business. The top line in the graph shows that the cloning losses for all cell phone companies increased quite rapidly from June 1992 to June 1996 when they totaled nearly $450 million for the previous 6 months. (The losses were the charges that the phone companies wiped off the bills of legitimate subscribers whose phones were cloned.) At this point, the phone companies began to introduce a variety of technologies that made it much more difficult to steal phone numbers and to use a clone. There was a rapid reduction in cloning so that, by December 1999, it was all but eliminated. Incidentally, the second most common form of cell phone fraud, "subscription fraud" (opening an account with a false name and address), did not skyrocket when cloning was closed down, as displacement doomsters would predict. This could be because cloning was easy to "massproduce" by organized criminals, whereas subscription fraud is not.
CDMA is one of the newer digital technologies used in Canada, the US, Australia, and some South-eastern Asian countries (e.g. Hong Kong and South Korea). CDMA differs from GSM and TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) by its use of spread spectrum techniques for transmitting voice or data over the air. Rather than dividing the radio frequency spectrum into separate user channels by frequency slices or time slots, spread spectrum technology separates users by assigning them digital codes within the same broad spectrum. Advantages of CDMA include higher user capacity and immunity from interference by other signals.
GSM is a digital mobile telephone system that is widely used in Europe and other parts of the world. GSM uses a variation of TDMA and is the most widely used of the three digital wireless telephone technologies. GSM digitizes and compresses data, then sends it down a channel with two other streams of user data, each in its own time slot. It operates at either the 900 MHz or 1,800 MHz frequency band. Some other important terms whose knowledge is necessary are IMEI SIM ESN MIN So, first things first, the IMEI is an abbreviation for International Mobile Equipment
Identifier, this is a 10 digit universally unique number of our GSM handset. I use the term Universally Unique because there cannot be 2 mobile phones having the same IMEI no. This is a very valuable number and used in tracking mobile phones. Second comes SIM, which stands for Subscriber Identification Module. The sim has survived and evolved. Earlier the mobiles had the entire sim card to be inserted in them such sims are called IDG-1 Sims. The other in which we small part of the card which has the chip is inserted in the mobile and is known as PLUG-IN Sims.
Basically the SIM provides storage of subscriber related information of three types: Fixed data stored before the subscription is sold Temporary network data Service related data. ESN mean Electronic Serial Number. This number is loaded when the phone number is manufactured. This number cannot be tampered or changes by the user or subscriber. if this number is known a mobile can be cloned easily. Personal Identification Number (PIN). Every subscriber provides a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to its user. This is a unique number. If PIN and ESN are known a mobile phone can be cloned in seconds using some softwares like Patagonia, which is used to clone CDMA phones. ESN is same as the IMEI but is used in CDMA handsets. MIN stands for Mobile Identification Number, which is the same as the SIM of GSM. The basic difference between a CDMA handset and a GSM handset is that a CDMA handset has no sim i.e. the CDMA handset uses MIN as its Sim, which cannot be replaced as in GSM. The MIN chip is embedded in the CDMA hand set.
conversations in the vicinity of your phone while the phone is inactive. Cloning or the use of your phone number by others to
make calls that are charged to your account. The best defense against these three major vulnerabilities of cell phones is very simple -- do not use the cell phone. If you must use a cell phone, you can reduce the risk by following these guidelines:
Because a cellular phone can be turned into a microphone without your knowledge, do not carry a cellular phone into any classified area or other area where sensitive discussions are held. (This is prohibited in many offices that handle classified or sensitive information.)
Turn your cellular telephone on only when you need to place a call. Turn it off after placing the call. Do not give your cellular phone number to anyone and don't use your cell phone for receiving calls, as that requires leaving it on all the time. Ask your friends and associates to page you if they need to talk with you. You can then return the page by using your cellular telephone.
Do not discuss sensitive information on a cellular phone. When you call someone from your cell phone, consider advising them you are calling from a cell phone that is vulnerable to monitoring, and that you will be speaking generally and not get into sensitive matters.
Do not leave your cellular telephone unattended. If your cell phone is vehicle-mounted, turn it off before permitting valet parking attendants to park the car, even if the telephone automatically locks when the car's ignition is turned off.
Avoid using your cellular telephone within several miles of the airport, stadium, mall, or other heavy traffic locations. These are areas where radio hobbyists use scanners for random monitoring. If they come across an interesting conversation, your number may be marked for regular selective monitoring.
If your cellular service company offers personal identification numbers (PIN), consider using one. Although cellular PIN services are cumbersome and require that you input your PIN for every call, they are an effective means of thwarting cloning.
Cellular thieves can capture ESN & MIN pair using devices such as cellphone ESN reader or DDI (Digital Data Interpreters) by monitoring the radio wave transmissions from the cell phones of legitimate subscribers.The ESN & MIN are then transferred into another cellphone using a computer loaded with specialised software, or a copycat box, a device specially made to clone phones. There are other devices also such as Plugs and ES-Pros which are as small as a calculator that do not require computers or copycat boxes for cloning. The entire programming process takes 10-15 minutes per phone. Cloning is possible in both GSM and CDMA technologies.
Figure 5.1: Cloning a Cell Phone Any call made with cloned phone are billed and traced to a legitimate cellphone account. Innocent subscribers end up with unexplained monthly cellphone bills. If you get your
cellphone bill unexpectedly high, you must check the details of billing where you may find numbers whom you never called. If so, It is possible that your cellphone has been cloned and someone else is making calls using your identity.
Many criminals use cloned cellphones for illegal activities, because their calls are not billed to them, and are therefore much more difficult to trace. Cloned phones are often used to make long distance calls, even to foreign countries.
Figure 5.2:Mobile Cloning (Nokia 1100) Pre-paid users are at lesser risk, not because their cell phones can't be cloned technically but because the misuse would be quickly detected and would be limited. Cell phone cloning has been taking place throughout the world for long although it was reported in India this year only when police arrested people related to this crime in Delhi and Mumbai. Cloning occurs most frequently in areas of high cell phone usage -- valet parking lots, airports, shopping malls, concert halls, sports stadiums, and high-congestion traffic areas in metropolitan cities.
messages stating that the mobile number is already in use, or you may find that you are unable to initiate or receive calls while the clone is being used by the perpetrator.
Figure 5.1.1.Clone Identification Record the times, dates and frequency of these "cell usage blackouts" you may be experiencing and, if they are occurring for long durations and repeatedly throughout each day, contact your cellular provider with your concerns that you feel your phone may have been cloned. Cooperate with your cellular provider if asked for your permission for the company to initiate a detailed audit of your cell usage. The company will send you a highly detailed list of phone calls sent or received on your account over the month, and your provider will most likely ask that you highlight all numbers, dates and times which you are unfamiliar with.
Hard currency is real money. It is money that the operator has to pay someone else. For example, when a mobile phone user of operator A roams in operator B's network, operator A pays to the operator B for the use of his network. Hard currency can also be lost on premium services, that is, services with higher than regular tariffs.
In roaming a subscriber to operator A can use operator B's network and services, provided that the operators have made a roaming agreement. Roaming, especially international roaming, and international calls in general, are usually expensive, and therefore subject to criminal interest and fraud. Roaming fraud is a hard currency problem because the roaming user's operator has to pay to the operator of the roaming network for the roaming user's use, whether or not the user pays his bills. Therefore, operators have taken measures to limit the costs of roaming fraud.
The main problem behind roaming fraud is the delay in the communication of billing information between the operators. The delay has been shortened from 72 to 24 hours. The information is transferred with EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) or by tape. An example of
roaming fraud is: SIM cards were taken out of the phones acquired with false identities, mailed abroad where they were used in call selling operations, with call lengths averaging 10-12 hours. According to the guidelines of the GSM Memorandum of Understanding, a call report of a user exceeding 100 SDR 1 units a day must be delivered to the home network within 24 hours. Should GSM cloning become a major problem, the importance of timely communication between the roaming operators will become critical in avoiding fraud losses. Already, clearing houses have been set up to offer billing and billing information services to roaming operators.
Depending on the legislation of each country, the law enforcement can get this information from the operator, possibly in real time. Therefore, it makes sense for a criminal to use one or more stolen or cloned phones to gain anonymity and to make it harder to track them. By constantly using the one and the same phone and SIM card, it is easy to track the criminal's movement. Using some tools (e.g. Wintesla), it is possible to change the IMEI of one's phone. This will make the network think that the same SIM is used in different phones when, in reality, it is the same phone. A Radio Frequency Fingerprinting system can identify the phone as being the same one. Therefore, criminals use subscriptions that can not be connected to them (i.e. cloned or stolen subscriptions, or a subscription for a fake identity) and several different phones.
This type of fraud can be prevented by offering a suitable service, such as prepaid subscriptions. In prepaid subscriptions, the customer pays up front a certain sum, for instance 350Rs., and uses the subscription as long as there are credits left, after which he can buy more credits or take another prepaid subscription.
AMPS, the analog mobile phone system used in the USA was in the beginning very vulnerable to cloning. Each phone has an Electronic Serial Number (ESN), identifying the phone, as well as a Mobile Identification Number (MIN), which includes the telephone number of the phone. As the acronyms indicate, these are used to identify the subscriber.
When placing a call, the phone transmits both the ESN and the MIN to the network. These were, however, sent in the clear, so anyone with a suitable scanner could receive them. The eavesdropped codes would then be programmed into another phone, effectively cloning the original subscription. Any calls made on this cloned phone would be charged on the original customer. Because of the relative ease of cloning these analog mobile phones, the cloning became a major problem. An example of the detailed instructions available on the Internet is: in which the writer describes how to modify a specific model of a scanner to receive the cellular frequencies. Also necessary software and instructions for cloning the subscriptions are provided.
Cloning involved modifying or replacing the EPROM in the phone with a new chip, which would allow one to configure an ESN (Electronic Serial Number) via software. The MIN (Mobile Identification Number) would also have to be changed. After successfully changing the ESN/MIN pair, the phone would become an effective clone of the other phone. Cloning required access to ESN and MIN pairs. ESN/MIN pairs were discovered in several ways:
Cloning still works under the AMPS/NAMPS system, but has fallen in popularity as older phones that can be cloned are more difficult to find and newer phones have not been successfully reverse engineered. Cloning has been successfully demonstrated under GSM, but the process is not easy and currently remains in the realm of serious hobbyists and researchers. Furthermore, cloning as a means of escaping the law is difficult because of the additional feature of a radio fingerprint that is present in every mobile phones transmission signal. This fingerprint remains the same even if the ESN or MIN are changed. Mobile phone companies can use the mismatch in the fingerprints and the ESN and MIN to identify fraud cases.
Patagonia is software available in the market which is used to clone CDMA phone. Using this software a cloner can take over the control of a CDMA phone i.e. cloning of phone. There are other Softwares available in the market to clone GSM phone. This softwares are easily available in the market. A SIM can be cloned again and again and they can be used at different places. Messages and calls sent by cloned phones can be tracked. However, if the accused manages to also clone the IMEI number of the handset, for which softwares are available, there is no way he can be traced.
CDMA Workshop is a professional universal and all-in-one service software, developed to work with any CDMA 450/800/1900/EVDO(1xEVDO)/etc phones, smart phones, fixed terminals, data cards/modems based on any Qualcomm chipsets. It is the necessary tool for easy and fast programming or re-programming CDMA phones to any network, making clones, unlocking, reading and changing ESN and MEID, security codes, such as: user lock, SPC, MSL, FSC, OTKSL, Minlock, etc.. authentication security codes, such as: A-key, SSD_A, SSD_B.. and many other things. CDMA Workshop combines all major functions and operations which are necessary for full-functional work with CDMA phones and it is a must have software for every serious technician, cellular/repair shops and dealers.
Supported Windows: Win 95/98/ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7 (x32 and x64) Supported Interfaces: COM (serial), USB, USB-to-COM converters, any kind of Uniboxe.
Depending on what model phone you have, the ESN will be located on a PROM.
PROM is programmed at the factory, and installed usually with the security fuse blown to prevent tampering. The code on the PROM might possibly be obtained by unsoldering it from the cellular phone, putting it in a PROM reader, and then obtaining a memory map of the chip. The PROM is going to have from sixteen to twenty-eight leads coming from it. It is a bipolar PROM. The majority of phones will accept the National Semiconductor 32x8 PROM, which will hold the ESN and cannot be reprogrammed. If the ESN is known on the phone, it is possible to trace the memory map by installing the PROM into a reader, and obtaining the fuse map from the PROM by triggering the "READ MASTER" switch of the PROM programmer. In addition, most PROM programming systems include verifies and compare switch to allow you to compare the programming of one PROM with another. As said earlier, the ESN is uniformly black with sixteen to twenty-eight leads emanating from its rectangular body, or square shaped body. If it is the dual-in-line package chip, (usually found in transportable and installed phones), it is rectangular. If it is the plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC), it will be square and have a much smaller appearance. Functionally, they are the same chip, but the PLCC is used with hand held cellular phones because of the need for reduced size circuitry.
After that, insert your ESN into your PROM reader and make sure it provides some sort of reading. You should use the search mode to look for the manufacturers serial number to identify the address on the PROM where to reprogram the ESN.
IBM-PC/XT/AT Computer or clone(you supply) EPROM programmer and suitable adapter (if required) to read/ write the chips you are using.(you supply)
Editing software to modify and save files changes (typically supplied with EPROM Burner) Supplied by EPROM Burner manufacturer plus we supply extra software for editing (binary and hex file editors).
Programming Cables for each particular Cellular Phone, such as Motorola Flip, etc. Printed Instructions for making programming cables are included in Cellular Hackers Bible Volume 2.
Read and make file of master phones PROM or EEPROM using BURNER Read and make file of clone phones PROM or EEPROM using BURNER Print both files for hardcopy Locate information to be swapped in both files i.e., ESN, MIN, SIDH, etc. Swap data (above) from master in to clone file using printed hardcopies as reference Compute checksum on completed clone file (use software supplied with EPROM Burner)
Insert checksum into clone file at proper location. Burn new PROM or EEPROM with modified clone file Install new chip into clone phone and reassemble.
Turn on power. Clone phone will now power-up. Reprogram clone using reprogramming instructions from CELLULAR PROGRAMMERS BIBLE.
You can change all information from the handset except the ESN, typically. Phone is now a "CLONE" of master.
Copy EPROM or EEPROM or PROM holding ESN Information Make duplicate copy of this chip
Insert the duplicate into second phone. Reprogram as necessary (usually not required). If phones are EE3 models (Moto), the ESN can
are no longer advertised for sale in this country as this law has forcesd sellers of such devices to remove them from the marketplace.
Legitimate subscribers who have their phones cloned will receive bills with charges for calls they didnt make. Sometimes these charges amount to several thousands of dollars in addition to the legitimate charges. Typically, the service provider will assume the cost of these additional fraudulent calls. However, to keep the cloned phone from containing to receive service, the service provider will terminate the legitimate phone subscription. The subscriber is then required to activate a new subscription with a different phone number requiring reprogramming of the phone, along with the additional headaches that do along with phone number changes.
Authentication has advantages over these technologies in that it is the only industry standardized procedure that is transparent to the user, a technology that can effectively combat roamer fraud, and is a prevention system as opposed to a detection system.
communications between mobile networks. The standard was developed by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and is used primarily throughout North America as well as many Latin American countries and Asia. The IS-41 network communications standard supports AMPS, NAMPS, TDMA, and CDMA radio technologies. IS-41 is the standard that defines the methods for automatic roaming, handoff between systems, and for performing Authentication.
With the shift to GSM digital - which now covers almost the entire UK mobile sector - the phone companies assure us that the bad old days are over. Mobile phones, they say, are secure and privacy friendly.
This is not entirely true. While the amateur scanner menace has been largely exterminated, there is now more potential than ever before for privacy invasion.
The alleged security of GSM relies on the myth that encryption - the mathematical scrambling of our conversations - makes it impossible for anyone to intercept and understand our words. And while this claim looks good on paper, it does not stand up to scrutiny. The reality is that the encryption has deliberately been made insecure. Many encrypted calls can therefore be intercepted and decrypted with a laptop computer.
(PIN), consider using it. Although cellular PIN services are cumbersome and require
that you input youre PIN for every call, they are an effective means of thwarting cloning.
The Central Forensic Laboratory at Hyderabad has developed software to detect cloned mobile phones. The laboratory helped Delhi Police identify two such cloned mobile phones recovered recently. Called the Speaker Identification Technique, the software enables one to recognize the voice of a person by acoustics analysis, using a computerized speech laboratory machine. For the process, developed by Dr S.K. Jain, a voice sample of four seconds is adequate for an accurate result. The best detection measure available in CDMA today is the A Key Feature. The A key is a secret 20 digit number unique to the handset given by the manufacturer to the service provider only. This number is loaded in the Authentication Center for each mobile. As this number is not displayed in mobile parameters this cannot be copied. Whenever the call is originated / terminated from a mobile with authentication active, the network checks for the originality of the set using this secret key. If the data matches at both mobile and network end the call is allowed to go through otherwise it is dropped. Avoid using your cellular telephone within several miles of the airport, stadium, mall, or other heavy traffic locations. These are areas where radio hobbyists use scanners for random monitoring. If they come across an interesting conversation, your number may be marked for regular selective monitoring. However, all these methods are only good at detecting cloning, not preventing damage. A better solution is to add authentication to the system. But this requires upgrades to users' and operators' equipment before they can be used.
Service providers have adopted certain measures to prevent cellular fraud. These include encryption, blocking, blacklisting, user verification and traffic analysis: Encryption is regarded as the most effective way to prevent cellular fraud as it prevents eavesdropping on cellular calls and makes it nearly impossible for thieves to steal Electronic Serial Number (ESN) and Personal Identification Number (PIN) pairs. Blocking is used by service providers to protect themselves from high risk callers. For example, international calls can be made only with prior approval. In some countries only users with major credit cards and good credit ratings are allowed to make long distance calls.
Blacklisting of stolen phones is another mechanism to prevent unauthorized use. An Equipment Identity Register (EIR) enables network operators to disable stolen cellular phones on networks around the world.
User verification using Personal Identification Number (PIN) codes is one method for customer protection against cellular phone fraud.
Tests conducted have proved that United States found that having a PIN code reduced fraud by more than 80%.
Traffic analysis detects cellular fraud by using artificial intelligence software to detect suspicious calling patterns, such as a sudden increase in the length of calls or a sudden increase in the number of international calls.
The software also determines whether it is physically possible for the subscriber to be making a call from a current location, based on the location and time of the previous call. Currently, South Africas two service providers, MTN and Vodacom, use traffic analysis with the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) a 15 digit number which acts as a unique identifier and is usually printed on the back of the phone underneath the battery to trace stolen phones.
Other warning signs that subscribers should watch out for to detect fraudulent activity include: Frequent wrong number phone calls to your phone, or hang-ups. Difficulty in placing outgoing calls. Difficulty in retrieving voice mail messages. Incoming calls constantly receiving busy signals or wrong numbers. Unusual calls appearing on your phone bills.
Southwestern Bell claims wireless fraud costs the industry $650 million each year in the US. Some federal agents in the US have called phone cloning an especially `popular' crime because it is hard to trace. In one case, more than 1,500 telephone calls were placed in a single day by cellular phone thieves using the number of a single unsuspecting owner. A Home Office report in 2002 revealed that in London around 3,000 mobile phones were stolen in one month alone which were used for cell phone cloning. Authorities, in the case, estimated the loss at $3,000 to $4,000 for each number used in cell phone cloning. According to a school of thought, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) should issue a directive, which holds the operators responsible for duplications of mobile phones. Qualcomm, which develops CDMA technology globally, says each instance of mobile hacking is different and therefore there is very little an operator can do to prevent hacking. "It's like a virus hitting the computer. The software which is used to hack into the network is different, so operators can only keep upgrading their security firewall as and when the hackers strike," says a Qualcomm executive.
Resolving subscriber fraud can be a long and difficult process for the victim. It may take time to discover that subscriber fraud has occurred and an even longer time to prove that you did not incur the debts. As described in this article there are many ways to abuse telecommunication system, and to prevent abuse from occurring it is absolutely necessary to check out the weakness and vulnerability of existing telecom systems. If it is planned to invest in new telecom equipment, a security plan should be made and the system tested before being implemented. It is therefore mandatory to keep in mind that a technique which is described as safe today can be the most unsecured technique in the future.
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