The African Business Journal April 2012 - John Pinching

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AfricAn Business

april 2012 Volume 3 issue 4




Business Aurecon merges with NETGroup

politics ANC special report

company focus Betts Townsend





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eDiTOrs note

HellO AgAin fOlks, Welcome to the April edition of TABJ and what a delightful instalment of our periodical it is too. We deploy the first party popper in honour of a man without whom this publication would probably look very different. The person in question isas the front cover so eloquently suggestsMr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. Ill be honest, dear reader, I simply could not hold out for another two years before looking back on Mandelas inauguration in 1994, so forgive me if 18 year anniversary special sounds a little premature. I make no apologies, however, as the assembled stories from some of the people that lived through it, prove to be as inspirational, fascinating and compelling as the man himself. Also on the billing is a continuation of the secret diary of a small business. This month Jen battles through a load of cyber weirdness, as she discoverers that naming a company can leave you shouting f numbers at your keyboard.

We also have the brutally honest thoughts of the Cape Crusader, as he looks forward to a new era for the Springboks, while affectionately eye-gauging a few former loved ones. Meanwhile, a controversial look at the ANCs continued reign, ethics and practices is sure to ruffle a few feathers as South Africas political journey reaches a crossroads. As usual we have got a veritable orchestra of features from the companies making sweet music across the continent. This months melody makers come from the retail, healthcare, mining, paper, freight and property industries. More proof that Africa is fast becoming the most versatile and exciting business platform in the known universe. See you soon, John

An extraordinary firm, with extraordinary people, on an extraordinary continent.

Africa is complex. It is multi-cultural, multi-lingual, geographically vast and steeped in political history. At the same time, the modern business world is increasingly less interested in Africas past and primarily interested in working in a unified, seamless context. KPMGs organisational structure allows us to manage our operations in a way that makes the most sense in terms of the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations. Our business model, common tools and methodologies, as well as shared values allow us to work with our clients seamlessly across borders.
2010 KPMG Africa Limited, a Cayman Islands company and and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in South Africa. mc6332

John Pinching | Editor | [email protected] Vladimir Lukic | Creative Director | [email protected] Chris Moore | Sr. Advertising Designer | [email protected] Margaret Oldham | Sr. Graphic Designer | [email protected] Wincy Law | Sr. Graphic Designer | [email protected] Tanya George | Sr. Advertising Designer | [email protected] Marc Mauricio | IT/Production Support | [email protected] Constantin Turtulea | Head of Research | [email protected] Natalie Edney | Head of Sales | [email protected] Khayyam Darr | Research Director | [email protected] Andrew Miskin | Research Director | [email protected] Hugh Braithwaite | Research Director | [email protected] Dee Nazer | Research Director | [email protected] Guy DAngelo | Research Director | [email protected] Thomas Eros | Research Director | [email protected] Michael Alexander-Jones | President | [email protected] Linda Neal | Chief Executive Officer | [email protected] Naveed Yusuf | Chief Information Officer | [email protected] Gemma Parkins | Executive Assistant | [email protected] Heather MacPherson | General Accountant | [email protected] Simon Curran | Vice-President/Publisher | [email protected] Contributors | Jen Smit, Nuala Gallagher, Andrew Miskin

South africa office GEoRGE MEDIA InC. 23 Wellington road parktown, 2193 Johannesburg

uK office 2 Sheen road richmond Surrey uK TW9 1ae

Table of cOnTenTs
april 2012 | VoluMe 3 | iSSue 4

legenD Business POliTics sPOrT PrOPerTY reTAil


010 022 034 040 044 054 060 070 080 086 094

MAnDelA MAgic Stories from the revolution Muse news coming out of africa THe secreT DiArY of a small business Good vibrations: AurecOns JOin fOrces wiTH neTgrOuP Anc uncerTAinTY THe cAPe crusADer BeTTs TOwnsenD Safe Betts for everyone
paper view: Dinu universAl PAPer & PlAsTics hair raising: rAPiDOl & kinkY grOuP


POrT Of DurBAn Vintage port DYnAMic exPress express reign



Table of cOnTenTs
april 2012 | VoluMe 3 | iSSue 4


BecTOn & DickinsOn in sickness and in health fAirview HOsPiTAl Modern medical marvels AnAPrOP PrOPerTY MAnAgeMenT land of the giants reuTecH Mining on the radar g&H cOnsulTing engineers Design for life BellzOne Plc Metal maestros sTefAnuTTi sTOcks Building bridges BAOBAB resOurces Towards 500Mt iron ore & 2016 production DrC gold junior MinerAl invesT inTernATiOnAl Mii aB:
nearing 2013 production & adding plus-1Moz tonnage en route

100 106 112 120 134 142 154 162 176 186 194 202

PrOPerTY Mining

ncOnDezi cOAl Mozambiques next billion ton coal project producer-exporter BAssAri rsOurces Towards 1Moz gold reserves & onwards to development expect big things from BeAcOn Hill resOurces:
The Mozambican coking & thermal coal producer & exporter



he may be 93 but the worlds greatest living freedom fighter is still going stronginspiring millions and defiantly wearing wacky shirts wherever he goes. a trail-blazer, force for good and custodian of the new South africa, Mandelas legacy is now guaranteed. John pinching talks to those who lived through the great mans revolution of 1994. here are their stories.


COVER FEATURE Mandela magic

Andrew Miskin - anthropologist

As a 17-year-old grade 11despite growing up in what is today known as Madiba Bay (Port Elizabeth)the significance of Mr. Mandelas release in 1994 was truly lost on me and probably most of my peers. It was three years after the first black scholars were permitted to walk on the hallowed and lily white Grey High School grounds. I was living through momentous, hormonally-charged times, but all that went through my politically ignorant mind, after seeing Mr. Mandelas friendly face and waving arms after being released, were rather shallow thoughts: Does this mean more international sport for South Africans? and, He seems pretty at peace for someone that has spent 27 years in jail. I would probably be a bit annoyed myself. We grew up on manicured sports fields and in privileged classrooms, where politics and the outside world were like a distant and irrelevant drone. We were masters of our destiny and nothing could cause us to stray from our chosen paths.

ng to me meani ach so rted to att no longer would i i sta gerease. adibas rel the hypocritical fin M iba d by seas. Mad be taunte er the rs from ov pointe ent my presid was

We knew that things were changing, and we didnt really question it. We had accepted the differences at our schools (although admittedly the non-white kids we had been rubbing shoulders with up

our parents seemed adam ant that change was the on ly option in order to avoid ec onomic and political disas ter, especially for a country th at had ticked along for dec ades in artificial bliss

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


until 1994, had come from affluent families). Our parents seemed adamant that change was the only option in order to avoid economic and political disaster, especially for a country that had ticked along for decades in mostly undisturbed, but artificial bliss. You hear later in life how your folks nearly emigrated to Australia in the late seventies, and the change of the early nineties brought about another wave of South African immigrants to countries like New Zealand, England and Australia. I thought nothing of it, and in retrospect, I am glad I did not over-analyse the situation at the time. No-one truly knows how things would pan out after 1994, so why guess and make drastic changes in your own environment? What followed in South Africa was a purple patch in our economic and, most importantly, our social history. Call it the best political marketing campaign ever, but Madibas words of wisdom and encouragement to ALL South Africans in those dynamic times served a two-way purpose. Firstly, it stabilised a nation of massively diverse backgrounds, at a time when suspicions or even revenge may have been on the cards. Secondly, it created a blue-eyed boy out of a country that was previously the pariah of the world. The goodness within its entire people became self-evident, climaxing when the South African Springboks lifting the William Webb Ellis Trophy in 1995, a year after Madibas release. The trophy ceremony was so loaded with meaning and joy, that somehow, the miracle of the Rainbow Nation appeared to have come to fruition. For the first time, as an 18 year old white male, I started to attach some meaning to Madibas release. No longer would I be taunted by the hypocritical criticisms of Bono or other finger-pointers from over the seas. Madiba was my president.


COVER FEATURE Mandela magic

Black people were clean ing the streets, while garden boys and maids were doi ng most manual labour. For me all this was the norm, i honestly never knew it w as different from the rest of the world

Cheyne Foreman - surfer

Before 94 South Africa was very separated between the whites and blacks. There were white only beaches; white only everything, come to think of it. Black people were cleaning the streets, while garden boys and maids were doing most manual labour. For me all this was the norm, I honestly never knew it was different from the rest of the world. I was only thirteen and clearly had a great deal to learn about multi-culture. For thirteen years the only relationship I had was with a black lady who was our live-in maid. For most people these individuals were like family. Then we also had a black man who was our garden boy. Im painting a picture of an anachronistic class system, but this was not my generations faultwe were brought up like this, we never knew better.

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Then Nelson Mandela was elected and everything changed Suddenly everywhere felt overpopulated with people, people that I wasnt used to; showering naked at public beaches, running around, shouting and being anti-social. They were people that just werent used to living in a civilised society. These were people that were used to living in huts and, on reflection, they didnt know any better. It was like they were all were let out a cage, which unfortunately was pretty close to the truth. Then a few years passed and people calmed down and things became manageable. The change was everywhere, schools, shops, beaches, work. I was young, and I remember my friends and me embracing itthe change was good. We all played sport together, were on the same level and happy about being together. We were young enough to appreciate other people, regardless of their colour. Now we were on the map and South Africa was given the right to play international rugby, and that obviously lead us to a famous victory in the 1995 Rugby World Cup. This was a most profound and memorable year. SA playing in such an event had been unimaginable, so going on to win it was like a dream. The country all came together to support one team. We had Nelson Mandela to thank for this and, obviously, a lot more.

We all played sport toge ther, were on the same leve l and happy about being togeth er. We were young enough to appreciate other people, re gardless of their colour


COVER FEATURE Mandela magic

Pieter Mulder social commentator

There have been a few major events in my life time that have left a strong impression on my memorythe 1992 Olympics, Mandelas inauguration, the death of Princess Dianna, 9/11 and the Millennium. These events were so significant because they are shared with millions of other people all over the world. I share the memory of Mandelas revolution more intimately with everyone in South Africa, because as I left ten years ago. Whenever I think of my upbringing in Johannesburg I am amazed at the political reality of those days. I never sensed that apartheid was happening. Only recently I have discovered and fully realised the propaganda in those early years of schooling. I suppose you could say I lived in a kind of bubble, sheltered from poverty, strife and violence. I suspect that apartheid was very much about people creating or maintaining a bubble for themselves. In February 1990 Nelson Mandela was released from prison, and I was there. Well, not there exactly, but I was 12 years old and on a school tour to Cape Town. Darting in and out of my classmates hotel rooms on the

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le, a kind of bubb I lived in I suspect you could say I suppose and violence. ty, strife ating or ed from pover out people cre helter s much ab heid was very lves that apart ble for themse bub maintaining a

morning of Mandelas release, I distinctly recall an almost delicious fear that something dangerous might happen. When I first heard of Mandela being released I was about 10 years old and I remember my cousins telling me that we were going to have a civil war and that wed better stock up supplies. I also recall watching the inauguration on TV in 1994. It was spectacular yet no one seemed to be watching it with the same interest as, say, a rugby match. The nearly effortless integration of new attitudes happened so quickly. Mandela is now a veritable national treasure in a land where he was once the unspeakable. Looking back at South Africa now I am very saddened by the loss of infrastructure and industry. The bad behaviour of apartheid seems to have been replaced with bad behaviour of a new sort. It is a country spiralling out of control desperately trying to keep basic services running, while corruption is rife.


COVER FEATURE Mandela magic

around an put his arm e he ning m peace prize win o arrogance. it felt lik bel This tall, no nsion, n ness, no prete me. no bitter ther y own grandfa was m

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


Jen Smit entrepreneur

In April 1994 I was 16 years old and in my home town of Pretoria. I remember driving with my family to a viewpoint towards the spectacular Union Buildings to take a look at the preparations for the inauguration, which was to take place the following day. Once again there was that rippling undercurrent suggesting that something big was about to happen, but this time it was more about anticipation than fear. When, on the big day, fighter jets with coloured smoke trails blasted low over our family home, I sensed a new beginning. It felt good. Then in 1999, I got to meet Nelson Mandela. He was officially opening the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown and I was a student journalist covering the event. Im still not sure how we managed to sweet-talk his vigilant protector, Zelda, but when Madiba made a press appearanceto the real journalistsin the garden of his guest lodge, he turned around, called over to my friend Ilda and I and said, come, I want a photo with you two. In the photo, this tall, internationally revered, Nobel Peace Prize winning leader has his arm around me. No bitterness, no pretension, no arrogance, just a man who, when he held my hand, felt like my own grandfather.

When, on the big day, fi ghter jets with coloured smoke trai ls blasted low over our family home, i sensed a new beginning. it felt go od


COVER FEATURE Mandela magic

Nina de Winter business woman

Pre-1994 my first conscious recognition of Nelson Mandela was his release from prison in 1990, shortly after I started my first year in primary school. His face often showed up in the newsof which I only had a slight interestuntil our first democratic elections in 1994. Then I really started to pay attention. Thinking back to all those years ago, it was the palpable momentum of the weeks leading up to the elections that was so unforgettable. It started with outright fear among people, but that became glimmers of anticipation, hope and then genuine excitement at the prospect of something new and better. A sense that we all get to contribute to this new nation, culminated in a sense of pride about who we are, and could be in the future. What stands out most prominently was a conversation I had with my father relating to my history classes at school. I remember saying to him that I wished I could also be part of shaping history, like a great inventor or explorer. He told me: You are a part of history. What is happening in South Africa is changing the course of history, and will always be remembered. It took me some years to really understand what he was telling me. Inseparable from all these events and the person embodying the spirit of togetherness is unquestionably, Madiba. TAB

i remember saying to m y father that i wished i co uld be part of shaping history, li ke a great inventor or exp lorer. he told me: You are a par t of history

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


was the se years ago, it all tho the inking back to leading up to Th he weeks omentum of t palpable m ettable was so unforg elections that


Muse news coming out o


sA MusT flAATeen cOMPeTiTiOn South African businesses must move quickly to grab business opportunities in rapid growth markets across Africa, before the existing window of opportunity narrows and they get crowded out by overseas competition. This is the view of Nils Flaatten, CEO of the Western Cape Investment and Trade Promotion Agency (Wesgro). Flaatten was speaking at the Wesgro Eye on Africa: Economic Outlook, Trends and Opportunities seminar. Many African economies are looking at growth rates of seven per cent plus, while Europe is facing zero to two per cent over the next few years, he said. As I see it we have a three to five year window of opportunity to grab the best business opportunities in Africa, before the rest of the world catches on. We will face competition not only from the usual suspects like China, India, and France, but also from the likes of Brazil and Argentina. Flaatten said Wesgro was leading a number of trade missions to countries in Africa, to open up trade channels for local businesses. The agency will take local companies across various sectors to Ghana and Cote dIvore before the end of March, while a number of African trade missions are planned for later in 2012. Flaatten said Wesgro had a team of experts with trade information and contacts, who were available to help local business people, and encouraged prospective exporters to join its Export Development Programme, which is presented in three phases.

SEPTEMBER 2011 The African Business Journal OCTOBER


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robust economic growthposting a 17 per cent jump in earnings in the process. Old Mutual, a financial conglomerate with insurance, banking and asset management businesses across four continents, had identified exciting growth opportunities in Africa, it stated. We have considered for many years whether we should push more into Africa, and up until this point weve been happy with the assets weve got, said Old Mutual chief executive Julian Roberts. Now we think it is the right time to grow our business in Africa you just have to go round the various African countries to see how very different it is, compared with five years ago. Wesgros recently upgraded website is also set up as a trade portal where buyers and sellers can register and speak to one another. Even big multinationals currently use it to look for business opportunities. MuTuAl sATisfAcTiOn Old Mutual has begun an ambitious African expansion strategyencouraged by the continents The company wants to grow in the major markets of east and sub-Saharan Africa, and build on its acquisition last month of Nigerian insurer Oceanic Life. Old Mutual, which listed in London in 1999, launched a series of overseas takeovers aimed at reducing its dependence on its historic home of South Africa, reported an operating profit of 1.61 billion (R19bn) for the 2011 year.


Muse news coming out o

Africa openness to foreign investment. The WalMart-Massmart partnership has been operating in South Africa since last year, pending Fridays ruling. South African unions and some government officials worry Wal-Marts arrival will hurt jobs and local manufacturing. Wal-Mart and Massmart contend that together they will be able to offer low prices and a range of goods that will benefit South African consumers. The appeals court stated that there was insufficient evidence to conclude that the detrimental effects of the merger would outweigh the clear benefits. BOk TO squAre One South African World Cup-winning coach Jake White has rejected the chance to be Englands next permanent head coach. White is eight months into a four-year deal with the Brumbies in Australia and says he will see out his contract. He reflected: It is always hard turning down a chance to win a World Cup, but rugby is about The Competition Appeal Court upheld a ruling


wAl-MArT sPeciAl Offer uPHelD The worlds biggest retailer Wal-Mart, has been granted permission to proceed with its 17 billion rand ($2.2 billion) purchase of a controlling share of South African chain, Massmart. last year by the Competition Tribunalthe government agency charged with promoting competition and protecting consumers. The appeal court, however, did call in its ruling for a study to determine the best way to protect small producers who might not be able to compete with foreign producers, from whom Wal-Mart can import cheaper goods. Wal-Mart and Massmart had already agreed to spend 100 million rand (about $13 million) over three years to help farmers and other South African suppliers gear up to do business with Wal-Mart. The appeal court also called for the reinstatement of 503 workers who lost their jobs in what unions said was a step by Massmart to make itself more attractive to Wal-Mart. Potential investors had said they were closely watching for the ruling, which could signal South

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making the right decisions and mine is to stay where I am. On Thursday, White said the RFU had approached him about coaching England. White had previously stated his commitment to remain with the Brumbies until the end of their current campaign and that would have ruled him out of Englands June tour to South Africa. Current interim incumbent, Stuart Lancaster, is expected to be interviewed before the end of

the Six Nations, as the RFU search for Martin Johnsons successor continues. Nick Mallettanother former Springbok coachnow becomes a firm favourite for the job. TABJs rugby correspondent Andrew Miskin said: He left the Springboks under a bit of a cloud, over the removal of successful captain, Gary Teichmann, but his record was incredible, and South Africa scored many great tries under his tutelage.


Muse news coming out o


Mallett would be a great coup, for England, and he is available for the June tour of SA, he added. sTAnDArD inTeresT in AfricA-cHinA PAcTs Standard Bank Group Ltd. is looking to benefit more from the growing trade and investment between China and Africa by expanding its Africa business and looking for ways to cut spending outside the continent.

The biggest opportunity, the fastest growing opportunity, is the burgeoning Sino-Africa trade and investment relationship, Deputy Chief Executive Sim Tshabalala said. Standard Bank, Africas largest lender by assets, stated earlier this year that it would realign the bank to put more resources in Africa, while reducing businesses outside the continent that dont feed into the Africa growth goal. In 2009, China passed the U.S. to become

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Africas biggest trading partner. In 2011, Standard Bank estimates merger-and-acquisition activity from China on the continent totalled $5 billion, of which the bank said it advised on about 30 per cent. Mr. Tshabalala said he expects investment from China to grow further in 2012 with a number of deals already in the pipeline, which should be announced this year. In 2011 Standard Bank sold a majority stake in its Argentina operations to Industrial & Commercial Bank of China for $600 million. The sale is still in progress and subject to some regulatory approvals. The bank also completed a stake sale in Troika Dialog Group in Russia, for which it received an upfront consideration of $372 million. Where we get opportunities to shed investment bank or universal opportunities outside Africa, we will, Mr. Tshabalala insisted. As part of the banks aim to grow business with Chinese companies doing deals in Africa, it said that presence in Beijing will increase, while Hong Kong activity will be reduced. Recent Africa-China deals that Standard Bank advised on include the $1.3 billion AfricacArlYle grOuP seAl funD DeAl Major global private equity outfit, the Carlyle Group has stated that it has concluded plans to pursue its geographical expansion into sub-Saharan Africa through the support of Africa Development Bank (AfDB) who will disburse a $50 million equity fund. The Board of the African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved Carles equity investment of USD 50 million into its Sub Saharan Africa Fund. This fund is the first investment vehicle that the US-based private equity firm, has agreed to plough into the region. focused miner Metorex Ltd. sale to Chinese nickel company Jinchuan Group Co. The bank also advised on the 25 per cent stake sale of South Africas Shanduka Group to Chinas sovereignwealth fund China Investment Corp. for 2 billion South African Rand ($263.4 million), completed in December. Standard Bank has also reported that net profit for 2011 rose 23 per cent to 13.27 billion rand from 10.77 billion rand.


Muse news coming out o

The Carlyle Group has been watching the AfDB and Carlyle will also jointly launch the Inthe-Board-Room programme; an audio series targeted at African business students. The scheme will provide more than 1,000 African business students with access to messages on inspirational leadership, a sense of strategic command and lessons in crisis management. sTeinHOff TABles iMPressive figures Furniture company Steinhoffs strategic position has been strengthened through the successful integration of Conforama in Europe, and the repositioning of its African business. The results for the period under review include the six months trading contribution of French furniture outfit, Conforama, which Steinhoff bought last year for R11.04 billion from PPRa French multinational holding company. Steinhoff reported headline earnings per share of 166.5 cents in the six months to endDecember from 112.8 cents a year previously. Revenue increased 123 per cent to R37.645 billion, while operating profit increased 59 per cent to R3.699 billion. Meanwhile, the company


increased political stability and rapid growth of countries like Ghana, Tanzania, Botswana and Benin. The firm has described these countries as attractive places to allocate capital, in addition to South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya, the Funds initial investment anchor countries. The fund plans to invest a total of USD 500 million, with the potential to double this amount through co-investment with other Carlyle global funds. The Carlyle Sub-Saharan African Fund will seek to invest in large national companies seeking intra-regional market expansion and vertical integration across neighboring countries. As AfDB president Donald Kaberuka said: The African Development Bank is best placed to welcome global first-time investors to Africa. As Africas premier financing institution, it is our role to lend market expertise, share our risk knowledge and our know-how on how to invest in Africa in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. No other development finance institution can better play the role of welcoming large investors to the continent, he added.

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also benefitted from favourable currency swings. A total of 86 per cent of the groups revenue was earned in currencies other than the rand. Over the past six months, the group opened seven stores in Germany, two in Spain, and acquired nine previously franchisee stores that will now be trading as owned Conforama stores. Conforama also opened two Confo Deco stores. These new stores comprise 145,351 square metres and account for the majority of the

expansion capital invested in the group during the period under review. As part of its restructuring plan, in January it was announced that Steinhoff would up its stake in JD Group through a share swap deal, in which it would ultimately hold 50.1% of JD Group from its current 32.4 per cent stake. Steinhoff plans to trade part of its holding in manufacturing unit KAP International Holdings (KAP) for shares in JD Group. On implementation


Muse news coming out o


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of the partial offer, JD Group will become a listed subsidiary of Steinhoff. During the period under review, the group established the future strategic intent and positioning of its constituent businesses comprising Steinhoff Europe, Steinhoff Africa, associate company JD Group, an associate investment in PSG Group, and a property portfolio comprising commercial, industrial and retail real estate assets. Looking ahead, Steinhoff stated that it was confident that its repositioning over the last six months established the base that would provide focus from which the separate operating units would continue to deliver sustainable earnings growth. eskOM MAkes cOnnexiOn In a move designed to tackle South Africas national energy shortage, ICT services company Business Connexion has launched its Energy Efficiency Services, on the back of a partnership agreement with Eskom. Business Connexion said it saw this as a R1 billion sector for the operation over the next two years, with a focus on big industry, including the mining and manufacturing sectors, petrochemical, retail, and financial services, plus vast opportunities with government ventures. Studies to establish energy efficiency, comparing South Africa to other countries with a similar per-capita GDP, indicate that South Africa is more electricity-intensive by between 35 and 65 per cent. Of this, a significant proportion is estimated to arise from the use of less energy efficient technologies and production processes. This leaves substantial opportunities for energy saving. Furthermore, in line with international governance trends, local companies are likely to be legally bound to adopt sustainable business practices at some point in future. Requirements such as the reduction of a companys impact on the environment, among others, are being supported by developments such as new building standards. As an Eskom-approved Energy Services Company (ESCO), Business Connexion is


Muse news coming out o

also moving into new areas off the coast of East Africa and the eastern Mediterranean. The reason for the resumption of such drilling, analysts say, is continuing high demand for energy worldwide. We need the oil, insisted Amy Myers Jaffe, associate director of the Rice University energy program. The industry will have to improve, but the public will have to deal with the risk of drilling in deep waters or get out of their cars. Domestic oil exploration and gasoline prices are emerging as important issues in the American presidential campaign. Although candidates have sparred over the reasons for rising prices, there is little disagreement over the call for more drilling; onshore and offshore. The price of gasoline is becoming a genuine crisis for many American families, said Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker and a candidate for the Republican nomination, appearing on CNN Sunday morning. If it continues to go higher, it will crater the economy by August. President Obama, while in New Hampshire last Thursday, countered Republican charges that he was to blame for the rising pain at the


accredited to identify opportunities for achieving reductions in electricity consumption and the scoping and execution of such projects. The company also offers integrated energy management solutions, including energy audits, assessments, financing, commissioning and ongoing management, offering financial benefits, improved performance of plant and reduced maintenance. gulf swings in BPs fAvOur Nearly two years after an explosion sent millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, deepwater drilling has regained momentum in the gulf and throughout the world. The announcement of an agreement by BP, and lawyers representing individuals and businesses hurt by the disaster, also represents a certain amount of closure. After a yearlong drilling moratorium, BP and other oil companies are intensifying their exploration and production in the gulf, which will soon surpass the levels attained before the accident. Drilling in the area is about to be expanded in Mexican and Cuban waters. Oil companies are

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pump. Weve opened millions of new acres for oil and gas exploration, and approved more than 400 drilling permits since we put in place new safety standards, in the wake of the gulf oil spill, he said. Last December, the Obama administration held its first offshore auction since the BP spill, granting leases for more than 20 million acres of federal watersbigger than West Virginia. The

leases are worth $330 million to the federal government and have the potential to produce 400 million barrels of oil. TAB

hyphens in urls are generally not a good idea. Something to do with meta-tagging, search terminology and other behind-the-scenes web curiosities, not to mention simple human logic like guessing a companys web name


The secret diary of a small business

More musings from our resident startup business woman, Jen Smit, as she gets involved in a bit of name-calling What a tangled web
if YOu HAve been paying attention, you may recall that last month in my things Ive learned so far list I referenced the difficulties that the digital world places on finding an appropriate name. latched onto a name fairly early on and now a rose by any other does not smell as sweet, but try telling that to the internet! As the home to my enterprise it does unfortunately have a say, and at the moment, it appears to be saying no. Basically, both the .com and domain names I want are already taken. Being new to all this, and therefore relatively naive in the ways of the internet, I looked at alternatives and found that a variation of the name I wantone with a hyphenwas, in fact, available. This looked to be a perfectly acceptable compromise to me and so, for the grand sum of about 9.80 for two years, I bought my first ever URL. I was on my wayor so I thought.

Well, it continues.
Seriously, who knew this bit would be so hard. I always said that it was important to get a business plan sorted before worrying about what to call my fledgling operation, but as it happens, I


BUSINESS Secret Diary of a Small Business

Dot to dot
Alas, my brother, a successful entrepreneur in the world of online payments (check out www., rainedin the nicest possible wayon my parade and told me that hyphens in URLs are generally not a good idea. Its something to do with meta-tagging, search terminology and other behind-the-scenes web curiosities, not

i latched onto a name fairly early on and now a rose by any other does not smell as sweet, but try telling that to the internet!

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


MOre THings i HAve leArneD sO fAr:

Sometimes life gets in the way of the best-laid plans (try not to be too hard on yourself about this). Popular consensus appears to be

to mention simple human logic, like guessing a companys web name. This opinion was seconded by another entrepreneur, the founder of Danish finance website NP Investor, who had a been there, done that, hurt by the hyphen story to tell. Back online I went to look for alternatives and bought option number two: a hyphen-less URL. Yet this still doesnt feel quite rightit just seems a bit cumbersome and confusing. Here I amitching to follow the advice of various people around me, who are adamant that the learning is in the doing and I really should get my retail site up and running prontoyet

that the learning is in the doing. The jurys still out on the effectiveness of the fail fast approach, but everywhere I look, it seems the new way of doing things is less linear, more agile. Its not called the web for nothing what a complicated web we weave and all that. A positive personal interaction is still the best form of marketing, but there is still a place for the primitive catchy postcard! Everyone at the Indaba loved the proposed name so it seems the fight for the URL must continue.


BUSINESS Secret Diary of a Small Business

Thanks to a Whois search, i do know who owns the url i am after and as it appears to be lying dormant. i am going to see if i can sweet-talk a chap named Simon into parting with it for a good cause. Mine.
seemingly chained by the technicality of a name. Meanwhile, I have a lovely little online boucurtains and Im learning about a myriad of complex sounding things like web analytics and ad words. Thanks to a Whois search, I do know

who owns the URL I am after and as it appears to be lying dormant, I am going to see if I can sweettalk a chap named Simon into parting with it for a good cause. Mine. Moving much faster, thanks in no small part to the emergency services of one Helen Bennett, founder of eco-lifestyle website Naked Living, is my list of potential suppliers. Helen kindly stepped in at very short notice when my plans for attendance at the Design Indaba in Cape Town at Helen, you may recall from my first column, was in many ways the catalyst to set up my own business. Her seemingly boundless energy continues

tique that is taking shape behind some electronic the start of March went somewhat awry.

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


to inspire me and armed with my very first set of business cards and promotional postcards, she did an incredible job of representing me at the Indaba. Indeed, so much that within mere days of her attending, I was being contacted by people who were keen to chat to me more about what Im up to and find out how they could get involved. This, more than anything, is starting to make things seem real. I still feel like there is a long way to go, and so much to learn, but I guess its like eating an elephantyou have to do it one bite at a time. TAB


BUSINESS aurecon join forces with neTGroup

a w

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal



gOOD viBrATiOns:

aurecons join forces with neTGroup


Following on from our company feature last month, TABJ looks at aurecons exciting and mutually beneficial merger with neTGroup.


BUSINESS aurecon join forces with neTGroup



engineering, MAnAgeMenT AnD specialist technical services group Aurecon has completed a merger with NETGroup. The exciting move will ensure enhanced service delivery to both companies clients. NETGroup is a market leader in transmission and distribution for utilities and industries in Southern Africa and is a welcome addition to the thriving Aurecon brand, which was created in 2009 when three separate entities amalgamated. This integration mirrors continued efforts to increase the skills base and capacity within our organisation, says Albert Geldenhuys, Aurecons General Manager, South Africa.

comprising engineers, business consultants, process analysts and information systems specialists. Prior to the merger, the companies collaborated on numerous successful projects. We have known each for over 10 years, having worked together successfully in the South African and African environment, says Peter Hulbert, Aurecons Service Group Leader, Energy. Joining forces seemed like a natural progression and we are really looking forward to capitalising on the many benefits the merger offers. There was excellent culture, vision and value system alignment between the two companies, says Ferdi Nell, former CEO of NETGroup. The merger will unite two market leaders who, together, are uniquely positioned to provide their energy clients with a further enhanced set of solutions.

Friends reunited
Founded in 1987, NETGroup employed a multiskilled work force of more than 260 people,

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


Each company will bring its own portfolio of ventures to the table and with a combined workforce assembled; the merged outfit will oversee projects with an even further strengthened team whose skills and experience are second to none. Whats more, the increased collection of technical abilities in the energy space will enable Aurecon to tackle assignments of greater complexities, paving the way for a new and galvanising chapter. The addition of NETGroup staff to Aurecons already competent team provides a lot of credibility in terms of our energy industry capability and integrating its resources will open up many great opportunities in the future, adds Hulbert.

Both companies believe that huge synergies can be unlocked through the merger, resulting in significant benefits for clients, including: An increase in Aurecons ability to serve its large corporate clients in the transmission and distribution markets throughout RSAs major centres. A significant strengthening in Aurecons energy market operations through a wider offering of multidisciplinary services. The ability of NETGroup to leverage Aurecons global footprint, thereby enabling a better service to NETGroups existing clients.

For a period of at least a year, Aurecons energy teams in South Africa and Africa will operate as Aurecon, but carry a NETGroup-endorsement. The combination of these ambitious companies has already been a galvanising experience as employees from both look toward a productive and successful future in which big ambitions can be realised and new horizons can be approached with confidence. Aurecon will continue to deliver innovative, high-quality services to our clients by adhering to the established success that our existing www.AurecOngrOuP.cOM www.neTgrOuP.cO.zA operations have achieved. We will simultaneously explore new opportunities to provide clients with additional services in new areas. The boost of this strategic merger will certainly enable us to achieve our Leading. Vibrant. Global vision, concludes Geldenhuys. TAB


Anc uncert


c tainty


Politics anC uncertainty

partys Dominance is po quality of future South writes pieter Mulder

THe MAin issue of threat a

African political system is a

overarching this, is the ina

powers into institutions an

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


osing a threat to the african democracy,

against the South

accountability and,

adequate separation of

nd organisations.



Politics anC uncertainty

The South African electorate see many institutions as synonymous with the ANC. These institutions are the infrastructure of government and are run almost entirely by the dominant ANC party. The ANC has successfully blurred the line between party and government in this fashion. On the debate of transparency, and hence accountability, the issue is as follows: The closed party list allows for impressive gender representation. Coupled with a sterling modern constitution, South Africa has made remarkable headway in terms of gender and racial equality. On the other hand the closed list system hinders the ability for the South African system to

provide constituency servicesomething that the country desperately needs in order to fight corruption and increase transparency and accountability. One might argue that constituency MPs offer a true voice of the minorities while others argue that minority representation, albeit by less qualified representatives through the current system, is preferable. Either way it is the ANCs inability to farm out its power to institutions that hinders its ultimate success. The reason for this is mainly the infamous comparison of the ANC and the Indian National Congress of the pastthe only example of another One Party Dominant (OPD) system.

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


permanent and that support will wane. The party establishes itself and its identity within the new institutions staffed by its members. The establishment of this new regime is associated with the, Heroic Struggle. The transition from the old to new regime helps the party to develop a select group of sophisticated leaders with a wealth of experience. The main criticism of the Congress System is that the control the dominant party has over the state allows the party to interfere in all aspects of civil society, thus reducing democratic rights. Such Systems rapidly approach authoritarianism (Giliomee and Simkins, 1999), although the dominant party system is mostly looked at

Party time
The One Party System: A party is dominant when it is identified with an epoch; when its doctrines, ideas, methods, its style, so to speak, coincide with those of the epoch... Domination is a question of influence rather than of specific strength: it is also linked with belief. A dominant party is that which public opinion believes to be dominant...Even the enemies of the dominant party, even citizens who refuse to give it their vote, acknowledge its superior status and influence; they deplore it but admit it. T. Reddy 2005. Thomas Reddy, leading writer on the dominant party system tells us that the epoch is not

negatively as it is superior to fragmented multiparty systems and should be appreciated for providing Stability in fragmented polities. (Friedman, 1999) Barnes appreciates the system by stating The dominant party system suggests a model of how democracy and stability may be combined under difficult conditions. (1974: 593) This is clearly the case with the ANC and the INC. Arian and Barnes optimistically conclude that, The dominant party system combines stability with political competition and a large measure of civil liberties. This is quite an achievement. (1974: 600).


Politics anC uncertainty

The debate
The question is whether the ANC is abusing its power. Past president and ANC Leader Thabo Mbeki, has been quoted as saying that accusations about the ANCs dominance, threatens democracy and borders on racism. Mbeki went on to deny that, fictional threat of a one-party state.(M Wines: 2004). He suggests instead that South Africa is run by the ANCthe Multicultural Coalition. This viewpoint has certainly got academic appeal as it is argued that South Africa is not capable of sustaining, A fragmentation of the liberation movement now. (A Butler: 2005). Butler goes on to state that our institutions are not robust enough to manage the conflicts that society can produce. The best scenario may well be 15 or 20 years of ANC dominance, creating a period of stability during which liberal institutions can entrench their authority. (Butler: 2005). Recent problems with floor-crossing in parliament have caused much upset among the opposition. Tony Leon, retired leader of the opposition said, Instead of creating a class of independently minded public representatives, floor-crossing has succeeded only in encouraging the lowest form of cheque-book politics, increasing the ANCs dominance and fragmenting opposition. The ANC has been known to be ruthless to dissenting opinions. It is a party that must have an

Banthu holomisa leader of the uDpM has stated that the anC is fostering a culture in which nobody dare point out that the emperor has no clothes, no matter how grotesquely obvious it may be

image of unity but they cannot make the party narrow or monolithic. (Morris-Jones, 1966: 466).

Arms wrestle
One of the greatest scandals to date has been the enquiry into an arms deal, when former ANC MP Andrew Feinstein refused to join the rest of the ANC caucus in its collective amnesia on the intentions of public accounts watchdog-Scopa; he was struck off and replaced by someone on the closed party list. Subsequently the judiciary was replaced with one more complacent to the ANC. Jeremy Cronin, deputy general secretary of the South African Socialist Party, says he fears that South Africa may end up being similar to the Zimbabwe African National Union. He is on top of the list of people berated, vilified and accused of being traitors by the ANC, for speaking what is the plain and simple truth. (Holomisa:2002). Others on the list include Nelson Mandela

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


and Desmond Tutu, for pointing out the lunacy of the ANC governments handling of issues relating to AIDS. Banthu Holomisa leader of the UDPM has stated that the ANC is fostering a culture in which nobody dare point out that the emperor has no clothes, no matter how grotesquely obvious it may be. He goes on to urge his audience to realise how intimidating the ANC is when opposition parties question or expose its bad administration. There is expected authoritarian behaviour as far as the media and public broadcaster is concernedthe ANC is making a conscious effort not to screen anything that may disrupt the viewpoint or stance of the peoples party. What is perhaps most shocking, is that the aspirations of the ANC are put way before those of the people it represents. This is backed by a statement made by the ANC in 2002: All members of the ANC are first and foremost accountable to the ANC, irrespective of any other leadership positions they might occupy in broader society. This extends to votes by MPs in parliament especially. We can see why some are sceptical. Anthony butler states: Critics of ANC dominance have argued that the ANC has exploited its dominant position to close down opposition and lay the foundations of a new authoritarianism. Democracy, in this view,

depends on a strong opposition that can defend liberal institutions against ruling party control, and offer electors a credible alternative government. ANC leaders, by contrast, have confused their party with the state, and tried to subordinate parliament and the courts to the ANCs will. A dominant party, critics claim, will abuse its influence over the state, the state broadcaster and electoral commission to ensure re-election. South Africas political members are accused of Careerism in that they follow the quickest route to power that they then use to manipulate industry. Thabo Mbeki recently observed, some ANC activists seek office on the basis that when they get elected, they will use their government positions to extend material benefits to those who supported them. Other cadres see membership of the ANC, as a stepping stone to acess state power, which they would then use corruptly to plunder the peoples resources for their personal benefit.

There will be an alternative to the anC at a later stage of South african politics, but this will be in 5-8 years when the liberation movement has been crystallised into the powerful democratic institutions of the country


Politics anC uncertainty

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


Anthony Butler, Contemporary South Africa, (2004) pg 116-120, 128, 160163. Clemens Spie, Paper: One-PartyDominance in changing societies. The ANC and INC in the comparative perspective. Heidelberg Uni. 2002 Anthony Butler, Article: Why SA needs a strong ANC, Business Day edition, -09-11- 2005, pg15. Michael Wines, Article: The politics of ANC Dominance; President

emphatically rejects notion of oneparty rule, The New York Times- International Herald Tribune, April 14, 2004. Thiven Reddy, The Congress Party Model: South Africas African National Congress (ANC) and Indias Indian National Congress (INC) as Dominant Parties, African and Asian Studies Volume 4, Number 3 (2005) pg. 271300 Wyndham Hartley, Bid by disgruntled IFP, DA to outlaw floor-crossing. Business Day Edition April 11 2006, pg4 Bantu Holimisa, UDM leader says

(Butler: 2005) The debate above has highlighted problems with the administration of South Africa and although there is no substantial evidence that the ANC is tyrannical, one could sympathise with sceptics. The second grand point is that there is simply no real alternative to the ANC. There almost certainly will be at a later stage of South African politics, but this, as suggested by Butler, will be in 5-8 years when the liberation movement has been crystallised into the powerful democratic institutions of the country. The ANC is a blessing in that multiple less

powerful parties would create a fragmented polity, possibly resulting in the embodiment of differences, into conflict politics. The case of the ANC has brought faster sustained growth in the right direction and warded off undemocratic practice. Butler urges that in the light of the Zuma struggle, South Africa needs a strong ANC more than ever. TAB www.Anc.Org.zA



our man dips his w


e cAPe crusADer

n in South africa, andrew dual capacity Miskin, well-sanitised finger in the pie of sporting truth.


SPORT The Cape crusader



THe new BOk coach announcement was greeted with optimism by gurus and Joe Public alike. Heyneke Meyer possesses that enigmatic quality I have presumptuously labelled a humble assuredness, characteristic of so many greats in business, spiritual and sporting arenas. He has historically recognised the importance of inter-dependenceno man is an island.

His success lies in co-ordinating a united front, combined with purposeful support and playing staff. He has an inspiring, motivational aura. The new era must be exactly that. No reminiscing back to Jake White (successful though he was at the time), or bemoaning the P Divvy years (the Jake White second term, managed by senior players in Jakes absence). No preconceived

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


rassie erasmus, South africas tactical genius, would have been more than useful in the anglo Boer Wars, alongside De la rey and co.
ideas of what Springbok rugby is or isnt. Such thought stifles creativity and hinders the natural flow of ideas and energies, which will hopefully lead to a group of coaches and players that share the same passion and vision. Although my judgement of Pieter De Villiers tenure is harsh, there were glimpses of creative and attacking rugby under his watch, which was encouraging. Or was that all down to the astuteness of a certain Rassie Erasmus; South Africas tactical genius? He would have been useful in the Anglo Boer Wars, alongside De La Rey and co. This reference to war comes as the old foe prepares to visit our shores again soon. There has always been a link between the rugby and military tensions. The only difference being that Rugbys battle field has painted white lines. but does not stand up and stake their claim, will be relegated to the Gehenna-like recycle bin. On the other hand, if those granted the opportunity shine and show that they want to be part of their bosss purpose, they may win Heynekes heart and remain part of his vision for the foreseeable future. Several youngsters with immense promise are likely to star in that much-anticipated England series. England themselves have a fresh new look and attitude about them, but this has not yet been converted into on-field supremacy. The Boks at home should have the measure of their opponents, especially if in-form players from the Super 15 are selected, which I believe will be the case. Some overseas stars are likely to crack the nod too. Certainly, Frans Steyns experience, physical attributes and versatility, as well as his prodigious boot, would be great assets in a fiercely contested series. I would love to see Frans Steyn start at 12 and move to 15 at some stage in the second half, depending on the match situation. He is too good to have on the bench for one second of a big international clash.

Hunting lions
One would hope that the new vision and its cast when, in June, England arrive at their former colony. If it is, players and support team alike should heed to this warninganyone given a chance during the early part of Heynekes reign,


SPORT The Cape crusader

anyone given a chance during the early part of heynekes reign, but does not stand up and stake their claim, will be relegated to the Gehenna-like recycle bin
Young guns
Of the youngsters on display in the first two rounds of Super Rugby, several have raised their hands, exhibiting passion, precision and fearlessness on what remains a very testing stage. The Stormers tight fivemost of them around the age of 20stood up to the Sharks with great aplomb, in round two. Indeed, their second half ascendency in the scrums was instrumental in creating the momentum required to tip the scales in the Cape Town-based sides favour, with Peter Grant (very recently back from a lucrative spell in Japan) slotting a clutch penalty from the left hand side touchline to break Shark hearts. Other youngsters to impress were the Bulls Francois Hougaarda rare talent at both scrumhalf and wingand Jaco Taute, a secure yet attacking fullback from the Lions. The general rugby vibe in South Africa at the moment is positive and hopeful. Meanwhile, our cricketers are enjoying an excellent tour of New Zealand, and are performing with a consistency and passion that has not been evident for several years. Good luck to Biff and the boys as they begin their quest for a test series win in the land of the long white cloud. Both series in the shorter forms of the game were convincingly won by a team skipper Brendan McCullum described as the best he has seen on New Zealand shores in recent times. This was even more impressive when you consider that South Africa were subjected to rather over-the-top banter and sledging in the early parts of the tour. It is now time for the rugby boys to step up and deliver and 2012 may well be their time. TAB

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal




Safe Betts


s TOwnsenD
for everyone


PROPERTY Betts Townsend

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


South african cities are becoming formidable and eye-catching metropolises, mesmerising anyone who visits them. Betts Townsend has been instrumental in this remarkable journey, providing heart, soul and passion along the way.


PROPERTY Betts Townsend

We wish Betts Townsend the best for a long and sustainable future. We are proud to be associated with you.


P O BOX 1351 CAPE TOWN 8000 T (021) 421-0860 F (021) 421-3084 P O BOX 2566 DURBAN 4000 T (031) 266-8950 F (031) 266-9050 P O BOX 5909 RIVONIA 2128 T (011) 706-1300 F (011) 706-8522 P O BOX 1327 PIETERMARITZBURG T (033) 345-1483 F (033) 345-7033 P O BOX 1937 PORT SHEPSTONE T (039) 315-0061 F (039) 315-0066

in A cOunTrY with a young vision, it helps if the businesses in it reflect the same youthful zeal, boundless productivity, international aspirations and optimistic outlook. Betts Townsend is a dream-weaving construction management business, which loves nothing more than to make magic happenpreferably on an aweinspiring scale.

hugely experienced, ambitious and innovative luminaries. The combination of different skills has allowed the company to embrace big challenges and thrive during every projectdelivering each and every one, on time and on budget. When the company began its pilgrimage only a few years ago it immediately looked at opportunities that matched its spirit, looking at big events, such as the world cup and even the creation of entire towns. Today, its prophecy and vision have become a reality. The company has risen to the top of the ranks and completes ventures across a vast compendium of sectors including sport,

Heartbeat of a nation
When youre in a multi-billion dollar industry its always useful for a company to have a few cool heads. Betts Townsend has done just that by assembling a small but perfectly formed team of

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APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal






entertainment, retail, tourism and travel; positively affecting the lives of people in South Africa and on a global scale. Some of the stunning structures include the Peter Mokaba Football Stadium, Southern Sun Hyde Park Hotel, Fairmont Zimbali Resort, Isando Warehouse, Hemingways Shopping Centre, King Shaka Airport and even the brilliantly-named Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls. Business Development Director Mike Taylor believes that Betts slick management sets them apart. On these larger projects time is ticking from the moment we start building, he explains. Africa doesnt have the luxury of a constant

interest rate; its between 12 to 29 per cent, depending on where you are in Africa. Therefore, every second is accounted for.

Building a reputation
Taking on projects of the magnitude, functionality andultimatelylegacy, that Betts Townsend enjoys, takes courage and a meticulous approach. We programme, we plan and were well-versed in the game and, consequently, were developing a big reputation. There is a big motivation to remain on schedule and keep completion times competitive. If it runs over, at the end of the day, we lose; so far we never have, enthuses Taylor.


PROPERTY Betts Townsend

With so many different aspects to oversee, there is also a big emphasis from the company on communication. During projects the whole supply chain, all the consultants, architects and construction workers need to be operating in sync. Making sure performance levels remain high and that each element of the operation knows exactly what is expected has always been a top priority. According to Taylor the selection of the right people for Betts Townsend has been essential. We try and find like-minded, innovative people, who are passionate about achieving success and enjoy working with each other to achieve it, he says. Were a young, energetic company and our

ability to change with the times has enabled us to turn out profits, even in the current climate.

Good times
As the company continues to make strides it has its sites firmly set on another industrymining. The mining sector is something which were working very hard on. Weve actually realised that were putting packages together that no one else has thought of. Weve got case studies now, with a proven track record, so the future is looking very bright, says Taylor. Meanwhile, the company has many more ground-breaking projects in another sector, which

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal



PROPERTY Betts Townsend

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


it has started to dominate. In retail if you look at our historic track record, I think we have become leaders in the field over the last five years. We are taking retail to the townships and strongholds outside of urban areas and that is something we are immensely proud of. In many ways Betts Townsend epitomise what the new South Africa aspires to be, casting hope quite literallyacross the countrys fascinating landscape. Dynamism, productivity and, above all, spectacular resultsas its structures testifyare built into its philosophy. There is continuity between the heartbeat of the company and the activity in its facilities. It is a company that sees the virtuesnot

just in the completion of a projectbut the legacy of the ventures. It genuinely cares about the community its creations serve. The triumph of these ventures comes through the thousands of lives they have transformed throughout the country. Whether it be watching a major sporting event at a stadium, moving into a brand new home or being able to buy a loaf of bread locallyBetts Townsend has made these opportunities a reality for thousands of people. As for the buildingsthey speak for themselves. TAB


Dinu un


niversal paper & plastics

r view


RETAIL Dinu universal paper & plastics

The fabulously-named Dinu universal paper & plastics company loves nothing more than to provide people with genuinely essential items. after half a century the company continues its pivotal roll in the marketplace.


RETAIL Dinu universal paper & plastics

THe MODern, TecHnOlOgY-OBsesseD world can be pretty confusing. Sometimes its strangely gratifying to actually get hold of something you can fully comprehend. Dinua family business in every sense of the wordhave been providing just this brand of reassurance for over 50 years.

premium high quality product and in a variety of forms. Dinu particularly specialises in printing designs and offer a vast range of napkins, toilet paper and kitchen towels to suit all tastes.

Page turner
The company was started by my great Grandfather and some partners in 1950, says Johnny Sher, General Manager of his familys business. The company started out making paper envelopes and other paper stationary. It was then taken over by my grandfather Phil Sher in the early 50s and he started to grow the company, manufacturing paper drinking straws and napkins. The company recently celebrated its 62nd birthdaythere arent many businesses around that can make that boast, especially in the current climate. Over the years Dinu has produced all manner of paper-based items, while also branching into plastic. The impressive compendium also includes plastic straws, plastic bags, pocket tissues, toilet paper and kitchen towels. In recent times it has been solely focused on tissue paper products, specialising in manufacturing paper napkins, toilet paper and kitchen towel. The company prides itself on offering a

it is this bespoke customer service that Sher believes sets the company apart. We offer our customers the opportunity to accessorise their homes to reflect a particular style, whether it be in their dining room, kitchen, or their bathroom, he enthuses.

Lets roll
The company actually has two brands which serve very different sector; the exceptionally popular Dinu brandwhich is purely for retailand also the Diamond brand, for industrial purposes, including speciality stores, hotels, and restaurants. Indeed, the company has an impressive presence throughout South Africa, selling products countrywide to big retailers, such as Shoprite, Checkers, Pick n Pay, Massmart, Spar Group and Woolworths. In addition, it exports to neighbouring countries. There have also been many other factors, which have contributed to the companys continued

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal



RETAIL Dinu universal paper & plastics

success. Toilet roll production has increased by three times in as many years, the company are the third largest shareholder in the two ply market and house brand business has soared. Yep, its fair to say this company is on a roll.

Flushing away profits

The addition of more competitors in the market has raised the importance of operating as efficiently as possible, in order to reduce the costs of the products and remain competitive. As well as increasing its production, Dinu has doubled its skilled and committed workforce to over 200. All are highly-trained, with formidable knowledge and experience of the industry. Like its products the company has always had an inherent flexibility, which allows it to progress and adapt to the changes in the market, such as advances in technology. In addition, the customers have also become more demanding in terms of the price they pay and the quality they are paying for. This requirement has prompted the company to focus on a programme of continuous improvement in standards, variety and cost effectiveness. Also, investing in the latest machinery has enabled the company to grow in many areas and produce increasingly competitive products to customers. This has even included producing its own water based inks, under the brand Universal Inks. You can always be assured by buying a Dinu or Diamond product that you will be getting the same consistent quality, promises Sher. We also offer high service levels, and attend

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


to any customer complaints immediately. The company is proud to act in an ethical manner, and always consider how our actions will affect all stakeholders.

In the next few years the company is very interested in distributing its products even further afield and is currently looking for new business partners


RETAIL Dinu universal paper & plastics

Pub Corp.New image-2012 African Business Journal_Mise en page 1 13.02.12 09:04 Page1

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in others countries across Africa. This will also involve the creation of further manufacturing facilities in other countriesan interesting prospect, especially with improved growth in the African market. We are hoping to encourage growth quite intensively and gain further market share, while also concentrating on growing our export market, concluded Sher. We are hoping to achieve a larger base of loyal consumers who understand our companys philosophies and support our brands. Above all, we aim to improve the state of hygiene in South Africa by giving tissue paper access to as many people and companies as possible.

With a range of products that households trust implicitly, Dinu will be cleaning up for the foreseeable future. After all, that is what it does best! TAB www.Dinu.cO.zA


hair& raising rAPiDOl kinkY grOuP

Managing hair of african origin can be tricky, but for over half a century inecto has been making it a pleasure.


RETAIL rapidol & Kinky Group

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


wHen YOuve gOT hair that makes a big impression wherever you go, its essential to have the best products, ensuring that youve got as big a smile as the people looking at you.

to colour their stunning locks. Inecto was at the forefront, launching two more up-market crme variants. Super Black was the first hair colourant to depict a beautiful black female model on the pack, with a stunning black afro. The second was called Crme Black, and introduced Indian male and female models. Showing different races on packaging was an incredible milestone, especially in South Africa, and customers were attracted to such well-defined products. Consequently, Inecto remained at the forefront of ethnic hair colourants in SA and demand was unprecedented.

Fro show
Inecto was launched into South Africa in 1947, emerging from a UK family owned company called Rapidol. By 1960 Rapid No 1 and 1.5 became the biggest brand for ethnic consumers who wanted deep black shiny hair. During the disco dancing 1970s, black customers embraced the Afro hairstyle and sought


RETAIL rapidol & Kinky Group

aimed at the young fashionable urban chic female. In 2007 the company also launched Inecto Henna and Inecto Plus Highlights as part of an ongoing plan to offer customers various alternatives. The most recent innovation to hit the shelves Inecto Semi Permanentis popular with those who enjoy changing hair colour regularly. The Inecto brand now has over 14 million satisfied users in the sub Saharan Africa markets, says HR Manager Kammy Moodley. It is wellknown and has developed a reputation as a tried and trusted manufacturer of quality products. The company currently enjoys a market share By the late 1990s black American TV stars were seen with an array of different hair colourants, from browns to reds and this ignited a desire within the local population to experiment with colours other than black. From 2000-2004, in order to meet the demand, the company introduced a range of ten colours in a 50ml crme formulation, and very quickly took the lead in hair colouring. Inecto continued to expand and in 2007 was bought by the successful and world-renowned multinational company, Godrej, based in India. of 90 per cent, leaving its rivals clutching at thin air (thin hair, if you will).

Sister company
Kinky World of Hair is a proudly South African established business. It has been supplying human hair, synthetic wefted pieces, wigs, add ons, hair extensions and hair braids to the South African Consumer for over 40 years. It also offers employment to over 400 permanent and casual employees in sales, marketing, distribution and manufacturing. The first store opened its doors in Gauteng in 1971 and, to date, Kinky trades out of 27 retail stores, predominantly in Gauteng and Kwa Zulu Natal.

Premier league
With huge growth and demand from consumers, Inecto launched its premium Inecto Plus range, in seven vibrant new colours. This sub-brand has been

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


Our retail shops are vibrant, up market and trendy, and we are constantly looking at innovative ways to improve and modernise our new and existing stores, enthuses Moodley. Our shops stock a wide variety of styles and colours, allowing consumers the ability to choose the look they want. The dry hair products are well known for quality and reliability as the company only stock long lasting, good quality fibres. The highly experienced team have an unrivalled knowledge of the products and are dedicated to bringing the most fashionable and desirable products to market. To improve the accessibility of products, Kinky distributes to wholesalers throughout South Africa and neighbouring African countries. The business also supports and compliments the hair salon industry, supplying them with hair pieces. In addition, Kinky assists and encourages individuals who operate home-based businesses. In 2008, Kinky World of Hair also became a fully owned subsidiary of Godrej Consumer Products Limited.

the release of new products and an increased focus on performance. The organisations R&D department in India has been instrumental in conducting research into the development of new products in a range of formats including liquid, powder and crme. Rapidol has also grown its business in Africa in recent years and exports now account for roughly a third of company revenues. It has established liaison offices in East and West Africa with teams dedicated to assisting appointed distributors. Rapidol products are sold across the continent by companies focused on personal care and cosmetics. The products are supported by a range of advertising and promotional activities which are used to communicate directly with the targeted consumers. Meanwhile, Kinky has also seen major growth in recent years. Since its acquisition in 2008, the company has grown from strength to strength, increasing its number of stores from 15 to 30. The availability of Kinky products in retail stores and wholesalers has further boosted the companys market share. With such domination across the continent, and a determination to keep pushing the boundaries of its products, you can guarantee that Inecto is hair to stay. TAB www.inecTO.cO.zA

Hair peace
Inectos product is manufactured locally (98 per cent), while the other materials are imported from India. Over the past few years Rapidol has achieved significant increase in turnover, largely due to

port of Durba



vinTAge POrT


FREIGHT port of Durban

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


The port of Durban has been a productive, unmistakable and reassuring presence on the landscape for decades.


FREIGHT port of Durban

A THriving POrT is as much part of the community as the people it serves. As omnipresent as the sun, moon and stars, it is the point at which industry and nature merge to create dreams.

Sea shanties
The picturesque Port of Durban is 680 nautical miles north-east of Cape Agulhas and occupies the natural expanse of Durban Bayan area of 1850ha. It operates 24 hours-a-day, 365 days-ayear. In case you hadnt worked out, it never closes! The notion of Durban as a port dates way back to 1824 when the first European settlers arrived with the intention of setting up a trading post. The Bay of Natal (Durban Bay) was one of the few natural harbours available along the east coast of southern Africa, between Algoa Bay and Delagoa Bay (now Maputo Bay). Legend has it that Vasco da Gama sighted the area on Christmas Day, 1497, before naming the land Natal as a mark of respect for the Nativity. The first harbour master was appointed in around 1839 and Durban rapidly became Africas busiest general cargo port and home to one of the largest and busiest container terminals in the Southern Hemisphere. Durban Bay also served a different kind of purpose in the 1930s, until late in the 1950s, when it was used as a base for flying boats!

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal



FREIGHT port of Durban

Bay watch
The impressive entrance channel has a depth of 12.8m from Chart Datum, while the channel width has been widened to 222m at its narrowest point. At present, the port has a total of 59 effective berths as well as inner anchorage facilities. A single buoy mooring at Isipingo on the southeast side of the bluff caters for very large crude carriers (VLCC), which are too large to enter the port. In addition, 302km of rail tracks extend throughout the port area, along with several major marshalling yards. Perhaps most importantly, the port performs a critical role within the city of Durban as an employer of people. It services its own industrial and commercial region (the second largest in SA), and much of SAs hinterland; including the majority of Gauteng traffic and a significant amount for neighbouring countries. The largest ships to have entered Durban harbour are in the region of 230,000-dwt but even larger vessels are catered for in the outer anchorage. On two occasions in recent years the largest operating vessela 564,650-dwt ULCC tanker, Jahre Vikingunderwent repairs and a survey while at anchor off Durban. The massive craft has a length of 458m and a beam of 69m. In response to demand the Port of Durban has created more container handling facilities,

including a second container terminal on Pier One, which commenced operations in 2007.

Fleet and greet

The port also operates a fleet of tugs owned and operated by the National Ports Authority. Six of these are Schottel type, while later Voith Schneider tugs were built at SA Shipyards in Durban, and introduced from 2001 onwards. Seven additional Voith Schneider-propulsion tugs, of between 65 and 70 tonne, are currently under construction at SA Shipyards in Durban. Several will be introduced to Durban over the next few years. Each tug is maintained to SAMSA class 8 standard and equipped for fire fighting and salvage. The fleet handles in excess of 800 ship movements each month and four tugs are usually on duty during daylight hours, with at least two functioning at night. The port also employs one work boat/tugthe Royal Ternwhich has a bollard pull of 18.7 tons. Two diesel-powered pilot boats named Lufafa and Jujosiwhich were built by Veecraft in Cape Town in 2009operate when the helicopter service is unavailable. The ports versatile line up is completed by two floating cranes. The port also employs a number of launches and cargo punts including a passenger harbour boat called Isiponono, which is used for fascinating

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal





Monthly visitors. Executives and decision makers. Chances to promote your business.

TABJ is essential reading for Africas top business leaders who want to stay informed of current business news, industry topics and trends. The magazine offers readers a glimpse into major African industries including construction, energy, food and drink, healthcare, manufacturing and more, through comprehensive profiles of successful African companies. George Media is proud to promote business in Africa. Contact us today to advertise.

tours of the port. Meanwhile, several private companies provide commercial diving services and the port also maintains a fully equipped diving team. The vital task of dredging is performed by the NPA on a regular basis in the port. The major work is conducted by a trailing suction hopper, with the dredged sand deposited into a reclamation point on the northern breakwater, from where it is dispersed by the municipality, along Durbans northern beaches; loading 2,500 cubic metres at a time. A new suction hopper dredger is currently under construction in Europe and is expected to enter service early in 2011.

Its fair to say that in its illustrious nautical history, the hustling, bustling and buoyant Port of Durban has never been busier, or more enthusiastic. After all, keeping industry afloat is a full time business. TAB HTTP://POrTs.cO.zA/DurBAn-HArBOur.PHP

DYnAMic exPress
express reign




FREIGHT Dynamic express

in the modern world logistics are everything. in business, time is the most valuable currency, which is why Dynamic express offer expert organisation, innovation and application
in A fAsT-MOving environment companies need to rely on getting their goods from A to B, rapidly, reliably and safely. Building a reputation in a fiercely competitive environment is essential to survive. Taking pressure off people is what Dynamic Express thrives on every single day.

nies should). Since those heady days the enterprise has the grown to well-over 100 vehicles. Even though the company has grown considerably over the last 23 years, it is the business family-based ethos and hands-on philosophy that continue to define it to this day. Theerus son Arushen Moodley explains: We offer a very personalised transport service and specialise in airfreight and overnight road freight transport. Dynamics Express track record is second to none and the company simply offer the best service 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week. The business has thrived due to steadfastly sticking to a motto that has been a statement to live by since day one. The Freight Company with Service Excellence, has a guiding inspiration for the entire team, which is why customers can call the company at midnight andnot only expect an answer but for planning to start taking place to move their goods, immediately. Arushen believed that knowledge of products and customer needs have also been pivotal to Dynamics sustained success. Our employees have over 150 years combined experience in the transport industry, so we understand our customers requirements and expectations, he says.

Family ties
In 1989 Kylie Minogue was at the peak of her pop powers, the Berlin Wall was being dismantled and Batman swooped into cinemas. While all that was going on, something big was happening in the Moodley household. Indeed, it was an event that would change their lives foreverTheeru Moodley formed the familys new business, Dynamic Express Services. It takes this seed of an idea to form a business, but it is the belief, industry and pro-activity, demonstrated by Dynamic that have made dreams become a reality. In a classic tale of humble beginnings the company started in a Ford Cortina (as all good compa-

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


Customer services
The companys classic Same Day service ensures that each parcel or shipment gets to its destination on the same day. It ships to all major areas including Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, East London, Durban, Bloemfontein and Gauteng. Meanwhile, the Express Service uses air freight and the company endeavours to deliver by 10am the following morning. This popular facility also extends to all major regions across South Africa. In addition the International Export service will travel to most countries around the world. The Domestic Service completes the line-up.

It is the cheapest option and ensures delivery within two to three days. Any item big or small arrives at its destination on time; every time and, reassuringly, all prices for Dynamic Express services have remained very competitive throughout its 23 years in business.

Loyal following
A fundamental reason for sustainability during the economic downturn has been previously established business relationships, in which trust has been engendered over a number of years. Dynamic Express is a brilliant example of how forming fruitful partnerships, provides


FREIGHT Dynamic express

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal


essential longevityespecially during difficult global conditions. Most of our contracts have been long standing with all the major players in the motor industry, Arushen says. We understand the important role we play in keeping their lines moving and are passionate about delivering an exceptional service. Dynamics approach to the recession has been positive and the company has refused lie down, instead opting to stay on the roadafter all thats what it does best! The economic slowdown has affected all businesses in some way, but we just keep pushing forward, adds Arushen. Another aspect of the company to benefit from the culture of stability has been human resources. The size and commitment of the multiskilled team at Dynamic Express has remained the same for the last five years.

and plan accordingly. Technology and progress have always been passionately embraced by the company. We will keep evolving and looking for new ways of improving our service to clients. When advancement comes along that will further enhance the performance of the company, we are always interested, Arushen reflects. It is this attention to detail, excellent professional relationships and adaptability that has brought the company so much success. It is also the reason that the family business is such an enjoyable one to work for. Our customers always let us know how much value we add to their business. That brings a great feeling of satisfaction, enthuses Arushen. In a business environment that relies on pace, they say that the best companies are dynamicthis one certainly is. Quite literally. TAB

Technically excellent
Along with its dedicated website the company has advanced computer programmes that can produce all costing at the touch of a button. Furthermore, the entire fleet of vehicles are meticulously tracked from departure to arrival at the destination. This allows customers access to vital data regarding the exact location of their freight,

BecTOn & DickinsOn

in sickness and in health



102 HEALTHCARE Becton & Dickinson

When a worlds health is at stake it helps if the equipment provided for hospitals is reliable. reassuringly, Becton & Dickinson have been first class medical products for over a century
wHen YOure A hundred years old, may be you need to think about slowing down a bit? This isnt something Becton & Dickinson (BD) would even contemplate. Its been proudly moving with the times for decades and thrives on bringing modern healthcare to the people.

BD is dedicated to improving peoples health throughout the world. It is focused on improving drug delivery, enhancing the quality and speed of diagnosing infectious diseases and cancers, and advancing research, discovery and production of new drugs and vaccines, explains CEO Peter Mehlape.

Heal the world

BDs capabilities are instrumental in combating many of the worlds most pressing diseases and, as such, it employs approximately 29,000 associates in more than 50 countries throughout the world. Healthcare institutions, life science researchers, clinical laboratories, the pharmaceutical industry and the general public are all served by BD. The three core areas of the operation are medical, diagnostics and biosciences. BD is proud to develop technologically advanced products, from new drug discoveries to drug delivery. Between these vital stages are a host of services that help diagnose, treat and monitor infectious and non-communicable diseases. BD approaches its business in terms of the impact it has on peoples health, thus it considers partnerships with leading healthcare advocates, experts, funders, governments and grass-roots players, to be among its greatest achievements, enthuses Mehlape.

Impressive century
The company was founded way back in 1897 among the oldest that TABJ has had the pleasure of reviewing. The men at the helm were the splendidly-named Maxwell W. Becton and Fairleigh S. Dickinson. As all good partnership should be, the agreement was sealed with a good, honest handshakehow times have changed! Since those early days its headquarters have been based in picturesque Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. The company is a leading medical technology outfit that develops, manufactures and sells medical devices, instrument systems and reagents. Over the last 115 years it has gradually developed into a formidable institution and is now a company of global standing.

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 103

Many of BDs products, solutions and collaborations were born out of Africas very specific needs, which gave rise to its pioneering work in health system strengthening. BD is championing efforts to build health infrastructure and capacity in Africa. About 10 years ago, infectious diseases in Africa were the main focus of attention from global and African public health experts. This focus has shifted in the past two to three years towards non-communicable diseases, which are fast overtaking communicable diseases as the main burden of disease on the continent.

The company has been instrumental in helping funders, policy makers and health providers realise how this will affect fragile health systems and what needs to be done to respond adequately to the new threat of NCDs, while sustaining efforts to manage HIV, AIDS, TB and malaria. BD has always been about technological breakthroughs. In 1924, BD manufactured the first insulin syringe even before insulin became available. In 1980, BD introduced the first automated mycobacteria system for TB (the BD

104 HEALTHCARE Becton & Dickinson

BACTEC 460TB)still the gold-standard in TB diagnostics and a development highly relevant to todays TB/HIV dual epidemic in Africa. As a result of its ground-breaking work and the longevity of its efforts, BD has a strong presence throughout sub-Saharan Africa, with representation offices, sales support, technical services and application training for the entire product range. In addition, BD works with a network of high-quality, professional distributors.

Africa unites
Out of Johannesburg, BD has succeeded in expanding into other African markets in a sustained and customer-oriented way. The company has technical specialists who answer scientific queries regarding the products and services, while its fully trained sales specialists have a full understanding of the laboratory equipment, and offer a wide range of support and advice. They also provide guidance on issues such as healthcare, worker and patient safety, product optimisation and patient comfort. Established in 2000, the BD office supporting the east Africa region is based in Nairobi, Kenya. Its highly competent team in this region offers sales, marketing and technical support for BD products and equipment throughout Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea,

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 105

Rwanda, Burundi and the Seychelles. BD West Africa, located in Accra, Ghana, also supports operations in 22 countries in the region. The Ghana Health Service, acting through its National AIDS and STI Control Programme and in collaboration with BD in West Africa, successfully inaugurated the Ghana National Centre of Excellence for laboratory training in March 2008. Over 100 laboratory workers from the region have been successfully trained to date. Constant listening to the voice of customers keeps the innovations and new product developments coming, concludes Mehlape. When government, funders, academics and clinicians look for a partner to implement solutions to specific health challenges in Africa, BD has constantly been the go-to partner. History has been a witness to that. TAB www.BD.cOM



Modern me


ew HOsPiTAl

edical marvels

108 HEALTHCARE Fairview hospital

Fairview hospital is a new institution which brings hope, innovation and, above all, ground-breaking treatment to the people that most need it
AfTer YeArs Of preparation, the modern and greatly-anticipated Fairview Hospital opened its doors to a grateful public just over a year ago. The first twelve months have been a hugely exciting opening chapter in what is sure to be a long, rewarding history.

skilled and experienced staff working to make Fairview one of the most formidable medical institutions in Africa. Fairview Hospital was also designed to serve as a healthcare hub for the whole of Zambia, in order to limit evacuations abroad. Furthermore, it will assist to save and generate foreign exchange in the country by reducing the number of patients seeking medical facilities abroad.

Rewarding patients
The hospital offers a wide range of services in various specialties, catering for outpatients and inpatients, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The impressive outpatient department is located on the ground floor of the hospital. This unit provides specialty and general services to walk-in patients and hospital members. In addition to consultations, it also provides imaging services through fully equipped diagnostic centres and specialist procedures, such as endoscopy, hemodialysis and minor surgical day cases. Meanwhile, the inpatient department includes a medical, surgical, paediatric and maternity wards, while also hosting a neonatal, intensive care, neonatal intensive care units. There is also an emergency room and two fully equipped operating theatres. Both outpatients and inpatients have access

Health matters
The commissioning of Fairview Hospital has been the realisation of a life-long dream. After so much hard work and dedication, it officially opened its doors, in Lusaka, on February 14, 2011. Fairview Hospital is a part of Medicare International Limited (the holding company). Its principle activity involves the operation of a fully-fledged modern medical hospital, offering a wide range of high quality, international standard medical services. The new establishment, with its advanced technology and treatments has been designed to serve the booming Lusaka town and surroundings, enhance quality, improve access and increase efficiency in the delivery of health care services. There is currently 200 highly

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 109

TN Medical Benets Fund.

Medical cover that benets recognised associations, families, and organizations.
The TN Medical Benet Fund is a product based on the principles of savings & self-insurance. Product covers: medical drugs expenses; medical & dental services and procedure costs. Main product features include: o Guaranteed payment to service providers. o 100% ownership by fund members o No sunk costs. No co-payments. o Surplus and unused funds retained by the fund (balance carried forward) & can be invested for fund growth. Contributions: monthly, lump sum or as desired by fund members. Administered by: TN Medical Support Services Ltd (Zambia) & TN Medical Benet Funds (Pvt) Ltd (Zimbabwe) - subsidiaries of the TN Holdings Ltd Group of companies.
TN Medical Support Services Zambia Limited Base Park, Alick Nkhata Road, Mass Media, PO Box 34951, Lusaka, Zambia. Telefax: +260-211-840 885 Email: [email protected] TN Medical Benet Funds (Pvt) Ltd 5th Floor, 101 Union Avenue Building, Kwame Nkhrumah Avenue, PO Box 5220, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: +263-4-701 444, 253 675, 700 628 Email: [email protected]

Keeping your condence

110 HEALTHCARE Fairview hospital

to onsite ancillary services including a 24 hour laboratory department, radiology department, ambulance service, pharmacy department and physical therapy services. In addition there are patients with dedicated house call services. Currently, the hospital has 62 beds, with a capacity of 82.

diagnostic equipment, she says. We are patient-centred and adhere to strict standards. All our patients can receive comprehensive quality care under one roof, at very competitive prices. Fairview is still in the early stages of evolvement within Africa, however, during this period of operation it has attracted many nationwide clients from neighbouring countries and beyond. This is a truly incredible achievement for such a young institution, given the timeframe, enthuses Dr Papalexiou. I can truly say that our vision, dedication and pioneering spirit will, in time, spread our services across Africa. In the hospitals first phase of development,

A memorable year
As a new hospital Fairview has embraced the most advanced methods available. Medical Director Dr. Dimitra Papalexiou explains. We offer modern treatment services, combining medical expertise and the use of modern

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 111

it will set up high quality diagnostic centres and clinics across Zambia. This will enable patients based outside of Lusaka to gain access to modern healthcare. The second phase involves expanding into neighbouring countries, with the main goal to make Fairview Hospital Lusaka the centre of medical excellence in the area. Our aim is to be the leading healthcare provider in the region and to be the first choice hospital for patients, says Dr Papalexiou.

such as BUPA, Allianz, Vanbreda, GMC and local corporations from a broad spectrum of corporate entities such as Barclays Bank, Pepsi, COMESA and recently the National Parliament for Zambia. One project, however, that has definitely stood out was Fairviews collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Cardiac Trust of Zambia, in hosting the Mutima Project. In March 2011 a team of doctors and nurses from New Zealand arrived in Zambia to conduct open heart surgeries, particularly mitral valve replacements and repairs. The hospital hosted these procedures and successfully conducted seven open heart surgeries. After such a productive inaugural year Fairview Hospital is looking forward to the future with huge optimism, knowing that getting results and transforming lives truly is the best medicine. TAB

Technology assets
Procuring advanced technology for the hospital is a major priority. The main investment has been in acquiring diagnostic equipment including digital x-ray machines, digital mammography, CT Scanners, 3 and 4D ultrasound equipment, fully-equipped ICU facilities (including blood gas analysers) and two modern fully fledged operating theatres. In addition, the onsite laboratory has been designed to the highest of standards and is comprised of extensive analysers that can provide a wide range of investigations. It also uses advanced water treatment equipment, designed to obtain the most accurate results. The hospitals most lucrative contracts have been with international insurance companies



land o



of the giants

114 PROPERTY anaprop property Management

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 115

When South africa started changing its landscape anaprop property Management was determined to be part of the revolution.
is THere A greater responsibility than genuinely transforming lives, while also positively changing the places in which they live? Fortunately, its a challenge which Anaprop Property Management relish rising to, every single day.

116 PROPERTY anaprop property Management


Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers
Sotiralis Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd sets the standard for excellence in Civil and Structural Engineering. We are proud of our reputation of not just meeting our clients expectations but exceeding them for the past twenty four years. We believe Sotiralis Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd is a new forum for the advancement of Engineering and the professional development of our Employees. CONTACT DETAILS: Our Offices: Boardwalk Office Park, Block B, 1st Floor Cnr Hans Strijdom & Haymeadow Crescent Faerie Glen, Pretoria Tel: +27 (12) 991 0516, Fax: +27 (12) 991 0436 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Talking shop
In the last few decades South Africa has been badly in need of modernisation. Like a superhero tasked with bringing functionality to a nation, Anaprop set about its ambitious plan to create spectacular structures that would provide services, jobs and, above all, a real future. Anaprop was formed by Managing Director Kiriakos Anastasiadis. His vision was to capitalise on the demand for retail and commercial developments within South Africa. In 1981 Anastasiadisa structural engineer by qualificationstarted a construction company, Anastasi Projects, and took on numerous projects for both

private and corporate clients. From this construction company, the logical progression was to start a development company which would finance and own the commercial properties constructed by Anastasi Projects, buildingliterallyan impressive portfolio, in the process. Initially these projects were managed by external property management companies, but as it grewin order to provide the optimal service and maximise potentialit was decided to create an in-house property, asset management and development company. Consequently, in April 2004 Anaprop was formally created.

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 117

Product placement
Anaprop oversees all aspects of property development, including project viability, concept establishment, design and layout, project management, construction and delivery of the final product. Services also include administration, leasing, accounting, facilities management, marketing and business development. In addition, Anaprop has a formidable team of fully-qualified accountants, lawyers, bankers and clerical staff, which maintain the day to day operations of the groups property portfolio. The company is very proud of its healthy and supportive relationships with all national and

regional tenants, as well as with various local authorities, town planners, real estate brokers, professional engineers, attorneys and financiers. At present Anaprop has a whopping 150,500m in gross letting areas, with an approximate market value R1.5 billion. It also has 40 members of staff, compared to eight, only five years ago. Currently Anaprop has several shopping centres, office and light commercial buildings in its portfolio, and the company are constantly searching for growth opportunities in either development or acquisitions of retail, industrial and mixed use property.

118 PROPERTY anaprop property Management

The most lucrative project so far has been the development of Mall@Carnivala massive 72 000m2 Regional Shopping Centre in Brakpan, Gauteng. The company is aiming to double the size of its existing ventures to approximately 300,000m2 and R3 billion in the next three years. This will include increased diversify, with further investments in Africa and internationally. Its fair to say that this is a company that has complete belief in its formula and refuses to sit back.

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 119

Climate change
In the last decade the property management has changed considerably, but the company has constantly moved with the times. Director, Dimitri Thomas, explains: The property development industry has definitely changed over the past 10 years, and brought with it new challenges including increases in services costs, land purchase costs, commercial supply and demand from retailers for space. Anaprop has always been a conservative and well-organised development company, which has enabled us to survive and embrace change, he adds. By managing the entire portfolio in-house and not over-extending financial exposure during the boom timesas a few other larger companies had donethe company has been able to stay profitable and achieve above industry returns on its portfolio. Having delivered an exceptionally high level of management and overall performance, Anaprop is now poised for further growth and another exciting chapter in the companys history. Indeed, with so many other property companies falling victim to the changing conditions, Anaprop stands out as a company that has been able to negotiate turbulence. Thomas believes that confidently taking control is the key.

Property development is like driving a car on ice; in order to reach your final destination you constantly need to make quick educated decisions and counter steer against external factors that can put you off course, he says.

Happy days
Perhaps Anaprops greatest achievement is its status as a one-stop-shop in the property development industry, offering all the services necessary to develop and manage a portfolio successfully. Managing Director, Mr Kiriakos Anastasiadis, alone brings with him over three decades of experience in the property industry, and the rest of the management team have combined 21 years of priceless knowledge. We value the engineering associated with all our projects, ensuring they are above the industry benchmark in terms of return on investment, concludes Thomas. Anaprops major satisfaction is seeing a project progress from the seed of an idea to a magnificent reality. Its just as well because, over the next few years, the company is sure to reach even greater heights. TAB

120 reuTec

on the rad



cH Mining

122 MINING reutech Mining

When you operate in a trad changing, it helps if youre a reutech, fluency and perfor

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 123

itional business, in a country that is constantly a company that moves with the times. For rmance have always been a top priority

124 MINING reutech Mining

fOr A quArTer of a century Reutech Radar Systems built a formidable reputation for efficiency, innovation and the brilliant use of technology. Recently, it has used all its nous and expertise to successfully reinvent itself as mining luminaries.

(MSR) system for the mining industry. It currently has a multi-skilled and permanent workforce of more than 180 engineers and technicians The key of the purpose of the enterprise is to provide the surface mining industry with highly reliable, state-of-the-art and practical geotechnical measurement and monitoring equipment, explains Marketing Director Jan de Beer. The companys sophisticated gadgetry can detect movement of under a millimetre on slope faces of surface mines from a distance of up to 2,500 meters. The design, remote monitoring and control abilities allow the system to calculate these measurements in real-time, on a

Remote control
Reutech Radar Systems started as a defence radar development company 25 year ago and is owned by the JSE-listed Reunert Ltd. In 2006 Reutech Mininga division of Reutech Radar Systemswas formed after the successful development of the movement and surveying Radar

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 125

126 MINING reutech Mining

permanent, all-day and all-weather basis. The measurements are then stored and tracked by the system and software, providing mining operations with vital early warnings of possible slope failures, enabling the rapid evacuation of personnel and equipment. The remarkable technology prevents costly damage, minimises the risk to workers, while optimising the productivity. Its fair to say this is ground-breaking technologyliterally. The company is currently involved with several concurrent ventures, notably as the preferred supplier to Barrick Gold Corporation global operation.

Different strokes
Since the turn of the century mining has become increasingly focussed on safety and professionalism, recognising the unpredictable conditions inherent in the industry. De Beer believes that this new approach has been pivotal to the success of the company. It has generated an enhanced interest in the type of equipment that we manufacture. Encouragingly, the clients have become much more demanding in terms of availability and reliability of these systems, he says. Reutech Mining has typically focussed its operations around the geotechnical requirements

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 127

Monthly visitors. Executives and decision makers. Chances to promote your business.

TABJ is essential reading for Africas top business leaders who want to stay informed of current business news, industry topics and trends. The magazine offers readers a glimpse into major African industries including construction, energy, food and drink, healthcare, manufacturing and more, through comprehensive profiles of successful African companies. George Media is proud to promote business in Africa. Contact us today to advertise.




128 MINING reutech Mining

Fullling our customers needs

Shrike Marine is a exible design house that that is able to rapidly put together prototypes for integration into our clients systems. We also have the experience to put these prototypes through qualication and the facilities at our disposal to deliver the production items. Shrike Marine is readily able to produce both low and high quantities of the end product.

Introduction to

Fullling our customers needs

Contact:eective, reliable solutions Cost Drew Guthrie Email [email protected] Every project has a budget. Cost eectiveness of the nal Phone +27 21 418 6710 product is vital for its success in the market place. Shrike Mobile +27 84 448 4743 and as result, much eort is Marine understands this
placed on nding a cost eective solution that will meet the requirements as well as the budget. Although cost is constantly monitored, a cornerstone to Shrike Marines success is the quality of our products. This is achieved through thorough qualication and rigorous environmental stress screening that ensure that our clients receive a solution that will not let them down.

A43 Power Supply Unit (A43PSU)

The A43 power supply unit is a highly ecien specically built for use with radio. Fitting onto th battery plate, it is designed to enable the normally operated radio to be powered using a genera enables continuous radio operation without the change batteries.

Shrike Marine the company

Shrike Marine is a young and exciting electronics company founded in 2005. With roots based in high frequency RF and power supply designs, in its few years of operation Shrike has developed six products specically for use by the military. Shrike oers leading-edge cost-eective solutions utilizing COTS (completely o the shelf) equipment to signicantly reduce development time, cost and risk. Its commitment to providing extremely high levels of service, cost-eectiveness, quality and innovative solutions make it the ideal partner of choice, helping customers to be successful in their projects. Moving forward into the future Shrike has started its own R&D projects to map its place into the RF market. These projects include a radio altimeter for the UAV market, as well as a broadband IFM (instantaneous frequency measurement) receiver heart to ESM systems.

The main design challenge of the A43PSU was to that the switch mode supply did not cause inte with the radio. Careful input and output ltering a this and ensured that output noise and ripple was to a minimum and that noise was not injected o input lines.

Cost Eective Reliable Quality Products Building Close relationships

Shrike Marine is a young and exciting electronics company founded in 2005. With roots in Value high frequency RF and power supply designs, in its few years Details of operation Shrike has developed six products specically for use by the military. Shrike also No Shrike Part manufactures DEN1000 tailor-made cable assemblies to military specications and is a supplier of application60 specic high frequency RF and power supply systems. ShrikeNumber of units in operation oers leading-edge cost-eective solutions utilizing COTS (completely o the shelf) Input AC equipment to signicantly180 250 Vac reduce development time, cost and risk.
DC Input 11 18 Vdc DC Output 14.2 Its commitment to providing extremely high levels of service, cost-eectiveness, quality and Vdc innovative solutions makebuilt for a cost constrainedof choice, helping customers to be successful45mV An interconnection bow (rear) it the ideal partner client, Output Noise & Ripple < intergrated into their in their projects. unit. Output Power

30W upgradeable t 2A 5%

Building close relationships

The key to an excellent solution is a clear understanding of the problem, which is why building a close relationship with our clients is so important to us. Candidness and open dialogue are key to the development process at Shrike Marine ensuring we understand what you need.

Overload Protection trip threshold User enabled Built-In Test Ingress Rating Environment Standards EMI/EMC Standard

LED displays outpu IP67 MIL-STD-810F MIL-STD-461E

Going the extra mile

A project seldom goes exactly as planned which is why it is important to have suppliers who understand this and are able to adapt as your project progresses. Shrike Marine prides itself on exibility and being able to assist our clients in meeting their milestones successfully. Be it with pre-production items or unforeseen requirements, we will go the extra mile.
Shrike Marines ACPDU attached to a backpack frame for portability

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 129

of clients; having worked extensively with representatives across the board, enabling the production if the most cost effective and reliable product available on the market. The MSR is currently operating in 16 countries on four continents, with various new expansions planned in the next few months. Over the past year the company has achieved an average global operational availability of 98.7 per centa record high in the industry. Another genuinely unique aspect of Reutech Mining is its user guarantee, which automatically provides a refund of money paid, in the event of agreed levels of availability not being achieved.

130 MINING reutech Mining

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132 MINING reutech Mining

Rock solid
Reutech is passionate about continuously improving the product range. The recently-released Rapid Align functionality is another notable milestone. For the first time in the history of this technology, a system will be able to be relocated; and all historical data of areas that have been monitored before, preserved for future use. In addition, the latest addition to the MSR range of products is the 060 model. This system was designed in accordance with requirements from various major players in the coal mining industry. It provides essential shorter range scanning (up to 600 meters) and the modular

design of the system allows clients to have a fully customised solution, according to their specific requirements. The different options also allow a choice between various power supplies, combinations and forms of transport. The initial feedback of the prototypes and demonstrations has been tremendously positive and we look forward to commissioning these systems on the various sites, enthuses de Beer.

Reutech Mining has achieved most of its initial goals set since the business was created and, in terms of operational availability and

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 133

functionality, it has risen to become the undisputed world leader. In the near future there will be further technological wizardry, which has been designed with the exact requirements and specifications determined by the companys ever-burgeoning network of clients and colleagues across the globe. After its first major supply contractfor Anglo Coal SA in 2006Reutech Mining has also expanded extensively geographically, including sojourns to Namibia, Botswana, Tanzania and Mali, as well as Zambia. During the next exciting chapter of the companys, already impressive story, it will be

focussing on enhancing its services, developing representation in the rest of Africa and generally increasing its presence across the continent. Mining is of course a very traditional business but Reutech have provided beyond any doubt that combining modern ideas with an industry thats as old as the hills, can be a formidable proposition. TAB www.reuTecHMining.cOM

134 Desi

G&h C


ign fOr life

Consulting engineers

136 MINING G&h Consulting engineers

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 137

For over a quarter of a century G&h has been applying its innovative designs and engineering capabilities to a range of ambitious projects.

138 MINING G&h Consulting engineers

g&H HAs BuilT a formidable reputation in the mining industry for producing cutting-edge operations that perform brilliantly, meet detailed specifications and, above all, last the distance in a tough environment.

Gold Division, including an underground backfill venture for Ashanti Goldfields in Ghana.

Chipping away
During 1995 JCI was separated into various new companies and from this the Anglo Platinum organisation was formed. G&H consultants then played major roles in the development and execution of various Anglo Platinum key projects. Notably, the Bafokeng Rasimone Platinum Mine (BRPM) concentrator project, Potgietersrust Platinum 425ktpm expansion project and Lebowa Platinum 50ktpm UG2 concentrator. In August 2000 Anglo Platinum downsized its internal projects division and G&H absorbed a large portion. The partnership has grown steadily since then, becoming an independent project house, overseeing many large scale projects. During 2003 G&H completed the design, engineering, construction management and commissioning (EPCM) of the platinum Polokwane smelter projectalso for Anglo Platinumproviding a complete multi-disciplinary service encompassing all disciplines, including site management.

Rock legends
Back in the halcyon days of 1985, some unforgettable occasions were unfolding. Live Aid was using the universal language of music to save millions of lives, a chap with orange hair became the youngest person to win the Wimbledon tennis championship and, perhaps most importantly, Greenblat & Hutton (G&H) was formed by original partners, Motty Greenblat and Bill Hutton. Initially, the G&H partnership was assigned by the JCI Coal Division to supply engineering resources for a major coal mine feasibility study. At the conclusion, it was implemented and senior G&H engineers played a leading role in the design, engineering and commissioning of the overall project. Between 1990 and 1995 key personnel from G&H also played a leading role in numerous JCI projects, principally two additional new ferrochrome furnaces at CMI Lydenburg, several platinum furnace upgrades (Waterval and Mortimer), the Foxsmelt platinum furnace project (Waterval) and various underground projects for the JCI

Continued success
Meanwhile, G&H continued its extraordinarily prolific decade by completing phase 1 of the design and engineering of the Lion Ferro-chrome

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 139

140 MINING G&h Consulting engineers

smelter project for Xstrata. The plant incorporated two pelletising plants, two large rotary kilns and two furnaces. Construction and commissioning of the project was undertaken by Xstrata and was successfully completed during the second half of 2006. G&H were subsequently awarded the engineering and design of the Lion Phase 2 project, which is due for completion by the second quarter of 2013.

During the last quarter of 2006, the company completed a large portion of a study for the Minpro Smelter Expansion Project, for Impala Platinum. This project was subsequently awarded to G&H for the execution of the Shared Services package of the Furnace No. 4 upgrade scope and this was completed in 2008. In addition, during the first quarter of 2008, G&H were awarded the execution of the new Slag

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 141

Cleaning Furnace (SCF2) project at the Waterval Smelter complex of Anglo Platinum and the upgrade of the concentrate smelting furnace at the Mortimer complex. This was completed in 2011 and the slag cleaning furnace is currently in execution phase.

pride themselves on producing cost-effective designs, delivering projects to the clients requirements and satisfaction.

Modern marvels
The design and construction phases of all G&H projects are simplified and streamlined, through the use of sophisticated 2D and 3D computer packages and other modeling tools. The G&H design and execution approach follows a logical sequence, based on all the functions required. Typically, these procedures include; project mobilisation, eengineering discipline design criteria, block flow and process flow diagrams, plot plans, equipment specifications, hazard and operability studies, detailed design, construction management, optimisation and training and, finally, hand over. With so many hugely successful projects completed and a great many in the pipeline, its no wonder G&H sticks to the formula that has brought them such a fine reputation in the industry. Success has never been so well designed. TAB www.gHcc.cO.zA

Business Development Director Robert Allen believes that G&Hs unwavering commitment to professionalism and efficiency has been instrumental to its success. G&H believes in Total Project Management, he explains. By applying sound project management and design principles we are able to complete projects on time and within budget. Over the years we have developed into a leader in the design and engineering of platinum and ferrochrome, concentrator and smelting operations. We have the in-house knowledge to design and execute projects for mineral processing facilities from initial treatment of mined ore to the production of a saleable product. Our knowledge base covers the majority of the minerals and metals processing operations, he adds. While implementing innovative design concepts, the G&H design teams incorporate the main engineering disciplines of process, mechanical, civil and structural engineering and



Metal m


lzOne Plc


144 MINING Bellzone plC

Bellzones projects are built on a bedrock of passion, experience, expertise innovation and exploration. The company now looks forward to the most lucrative chapter in its history

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 145

146 MINING Bellzone plC

BellzOne Mining Plcan exploration and resource developmentwas founded by Nik Zuks only three years ago, but already it has some big ambitions, which it is determined to realise. The company has already secured iron ore, nickel and copper permits in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa and these credentials have helped to guide the companys early fortunes, as they establish the most lucrative areas for its operations.

venture, which involves carrying out accelerated investigative activity, 30 and 80 kames from the Guinea coast. Projections suggest that there will be a production rate of 3-4 mtpa of oxide ore, soaring to a rate of 10 mtpa in 2013. In addition the companys promising project at the Kalia Mine is due to produce 20 million tonnes of iron-ore per annum in 2014, expanding to a capacity of a whopping 50 million tons per annum in 2018. Drilling results and internal estimates indicate that the project has the potential to host more than 10 billion tonnes of magnetite and two billion tonnes of oxide. The massive quantities also make the fledgling company any

Detective work
The company is currently involved with the vital first phase in Forcariah, with initial production due for the first quarter of 2012. It has jointly funded the

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 147

Creating new land to foster development.

Dredging and reclamation works for the creation of new land - Eko Atlantic City - Lagos - Nigeria

Dredging International nv Haven 1025 - Scheldedijk 30 B-2070 Zwijndrecht, Belgium T +32 (0)3 250 52 11 F +32 (0)3 250 56 50 [email protected]

As a stable and reliable partner and specialised contractor, Dredging International is involved in the development of Eko Atlantic City in Lagos, Nigeria. Once again we leave behind positive tracks to the benefit of future generations.

Member of the DEME Group

DEME: creating land for the future

148 MINING Bellzone plC

extremely good prospect for investment, especially at these early stages. Chief Financial Officer Terry Larkan explains the impressive figures: We have a 50 per cent commitment to the current mission at Forcariah, which has a total capital expenditure of $208 million. Our Kalia project will see us committing an even greater capital expenditure programme of $2 billion. Another massive investment, which commences now, and runs through to 2018, will commit in excess of $3billion to construct a revolutionary, commercially operated railway and port in

Guinea for the export of bulk commodities such as iron ore. The facility will transform the lives of thousands in the area.

On the map
Recently, the company has completed a highly sophisticated mapping and surface sampling programme, identifying prospective nickel and copper projects. An aerial survey is also currently being conducted to further define areas for a targeted drilling programme. These techniques will eradicate the time consuming practice of drilling at random, or on a hunch. By carryout research

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 149

D&B Suppliers

150 MINING Bellzone plC

thoroughly and reducing risk the yields will also be significantly higher. Further afield, Bellzone has acquired the rights to buy 70 per cent of whale from Compagnie Miniere de LOuest Africain in South Africa. It is undertaking geological studies on the tenements which could be iron ore rich. Larkan reflects that although they are a very young company, an adventurous approach will pay dividends. We have not been around long, but have proved that our strategies for structuring, engagement with community, environmental considerations and a safe working ethos have formed the company culture and proved it has very solid foundations. There is a real sense of pride combined with huge excitement as we progress towards our targets. We have worked very hard and the next ten years will be the most important in the life cycle of the company, he added

Going to work
Bellzone is proudly Africa centric. The majority of the workforcewhich has ballooned from three to 200 in less than 36 monthsand all assets are based in Africa. As the company grows so will its presence and the aim is to gain status as one of the top iron-ore outfits in Africa.

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 151

152 MINING Bellzone plC


Mine TiMes: HOw BellzOnes figure

Kalia Mine

CHAM 455-1 IMD

The Companys flagship project, the Kalia Mine, is p

production in 2014, producing iron ore and iron ore

With more than 20 years experience, AMC has enjoyed a successful history supplying specialised drilling products to the mineral, oil & gas, water well, horizontal directional drilling, civil and tunnelling industries world wide.

of 50 million tonnes per annum by 2018. The mine h

magnetite JORC resource and an oxide JORC resou

A Supergene BIF JORC resource of 92.5 million tonn

Fe has been delineated and shows the potential to u

37 million tonnes of 63 per cent Fe material. The oxi

AfricA T +27 11 908 5595 NorTh AmEricA T +1 (705) 235 2169 AsiA pAcific T +61 (0) 8 9445 4000 souTh AmEricA T +56 (2) 589 9300 EuropE T +44 (0) 1273 483 700

BIF resources have been established from just 10.5

mapped surface oxides on the Kalia permit. Drilling

estimates indicate that the Kalia Mine Project has th

[email protected]

than ten billion tonnes of magnetite and two billion

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 153

es sTAck uP

CIF Project, Financing & Infrastructure Partner Bellzone has a Definitive Agreement (the Agreement) with China International Fund Limited (CIF). The Agreement gives CIF right of first refusal to purchase the Kalia Mine Projects production at market rates and CIF commits to providing Bellzone commercially related funding for the development of the Kalia Mine Project. The Agreement contains CIFs commitment to fund and build commercially-operated rail and port infrastructure that will enable Bellzone to export production from the Kalia Mine Project. The infrastructure is being developed by Kalia Horizon Minerals Pte Limited, an entity that is 90 per cent owned by CIF, with Bellzone having a 10 per cent carried interest. The agreement allows for Bellzone to be the most favoured customer with permanent priority access.

planned to commence

e concentrate at a rate

has a 6.16 billion tonnes

urce of 193 million tonnes.

nes at 36.5 per cent

upgrade to produce

ide and Supergene

per cent of the 55km2

g results and internal

he potential to host more

n tonnes of oxide.

The entire leadership team has extensive experience of mining all over the continent and a comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges, opportunities and advantages in all conditions within the region. The melting pot of talent is another example of the companys determination to be prepared for every eventuality by using the finest manpower, technology and knowledge in the industry. As well as the deals that are already on the table, the team are constantly on the lookout for further projects throughout Africa and over the next few years will provide the foundations for the next half century.

When billions come into the equation, whether it is dollars or tonnes, it is surely proof that young companies can think big too. Naturally, Bellzone are in it for the long haulquite literally. TAB

154 Bu



uilDing BriDges

efanutti Stocks

156 CONSTRUCTION Stefanutti Stocks

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 157

as one of South africas leading construction groups, and with the capacity to deliver a range of projects in some of africas toughest markets, Stefanutti Stocks is playing a leading role in developing the continents infrastructure through its construction expertise.
wiTH MOre THAn 12,000 employees on its books and the capacity to deliver a variety of projects across Africa, Stefanutti Stocks (Pty) Ltd is playing a leading role in the transformation taking place across the continents construction market.

158 CONSTRUCTION Stefanutti Stocks

Constructing connections
This impressive, South-Africa based multi-disciplinary group is aiming to become the preferred construction partner for all of its stakeholders as it establishes a comprehensive track record of industry excellence. Along with its South African Level 3 B-BBEE contributor accreditation, the group has been awarded a Grade 9 rating from the South African

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), proving that it has an uncapped capability for bidding and executing projects. From the construction of a 129-room hotel in Cape Town and improvement work on Bospoort Dam, to the widening of Ben Schoeman Dock, Stefanutti Stocks has been utilising its skills and abilities across a wide range of projects in Southern Africa.

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 159

a project in remote Sierra Leone to construct three rail bridges. Tendered to African Minerals Limited, the contract was part of a 120 kilometre railway line project with the aim of transporting iron ore from a mine in the Tonkolili district to the port of Pepel. The joint venture was completed and handed back to the client on time despite a tight schedule and logistical problems associated with the isolated nature of the project. A limited geotechnical study was undertaken, which resulted in the decision to installed permanently-encased oscillated piles on two of the bridges, and permanently encase auger piles on the other. Stefanutti Stocks Geotechnical approached Bauer Germany to supply two BG28 piling rigs and one MC64 crawler crane along with specialised equipment for piling through boulders; equipment that ensured the piling phase of the The company has established a presence in Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Zambia and, along with its home base of South Africa, has worked in all SADEC countries and has even ventured further north. project was completed successfully and on time. Two of the bridges, known as Tonkolili and Tabai, consisted of three 22-metre-long spans, while the Rokel Bridge consisted of five 22-metre-long spans.

On track
In partnership with Stefanutti Stocks Geotechnical, Stefanutti Stocks Civils recently completed

Taking stock
Another Stefanutti Stocks Structures Business Unit Division, Stefanutti Stocks Marine also

160 CONSTRUCTION Stefanutti Stocks

secured a marine design and construction contract with its preferred JV partner BAM International from Holland for AML. This contract involved the design and construction of mooring dolphins, fenders and navigation aids for the Pepel Port offloading facility. The contract was completed ahead of schedule and facilitated the out-loading of ore on time which was a major achievement for the total project. According to the company, the single biggest challenge on the project was its remote nature and the resulting logistical challenges associated with it. Another challenge it was forced to overcome

was the annual rainfall Sierra Leone experiences. With two seasons a year rotating between dry and wet conditions, the wet season would end up testing the construction teams to their limits. Despite restrictions being placed on the schedule of the projects by the wet season, which lasts from July to December, the construction firm was able deliver each of the structures on time within a six-month time frame.

Model professional
As one of South Africas leading construction groups, Stefanutti Stocks is looking to maximise its shareholder value as it aims to build a sus-

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 161

tainable business presence in Africa, as well as in targeted international markets. As a multi-disciplinary construction firm, the company is well positioned to manage a range of projects of any scale, including large-scale building construction, mechanical and electrical power structures, public private partnerships, services for the mining industry, and road and earthworks projects. On its website the company declares: We will create a desirable place of work, a natural home for creativity, enthusiasm and personal safety. Through its projects, such as the three bridges development undertaken in Sierra Leone, the

company has proved time and time again that it is able to deliver on time, even if working under difficult conditions and in remote environments where its construction teams excel under those African conditions they know so well. TAB www.sTefAnuTTisTOcks.cOM

BAOBABiron ore & 20 resO Towards 500Mt




Ources 016 production

164 MINING Baobab Resources

With a global JorC resource inventory nearing 500 million tonnes iron ore, plans for production in 2016 backed by access to low-cost power, abundant coal reserves and plenty of options for advantageous logistics and port solutions, aiM-listed Baobab resources is in a prime position as Mozambiques bulkcommodity boom in the Tete province gathers pace.

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 165


166 MINING Baobab Resources


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39D Botha street (PO Box 6996) Oberholzer, Carletonville 2500 T +27 (0) 18 788 6349 F +27 (0) 18 788 6348 [email protected] Kevin Peyper Sales and Marketing Manager M +27 72 436 7602 Johan Terblanche General Manager M +27 (0) 727 369 186

Digital Surveying oers directional surveying & geophysical logging services throughout Africa. We are currently servicing major mining houses such as De Beers, Barrick, Anglo American, Boabab Resources and many other covering countries such as Botswana, Tanzania, DRC, Mozambique & Ghana. Digital Surveying also services drilling

companies supplying various survey & core orientation equipment. Our association with DHSA in Australia allows Digital Surveying to utilize the latest technology in downhole surveying equipment, and we pride ourselves in providing a quality service with minimal drill rig downtime, at competitive prices.

MAnAging DirecTOr Ben James, of Mozambique-focused emerging iron ore miner-exporter Baobab Resources Plc. (AIM: BAO) (Baobab), has many reasons to be cheerful as he readies to move his clan to Maputo. The miner is a well-established player in Mozambiques tier one coking coal and iron oreabundant Tete province in the central north of the country, where rapid mine and associated infrastructure development has the region tipped to supply around 20 per cent of coking coal hitting global markets in the next decade. Following a highly successful scoping study in 2011which not

only outlined a viable iron concentrate model, but an economically robust, vertically integrated smelting operation that exploited the projects unique access to low cost power and coal reservesBaobabs Massamba Group iron / vanadium / titanium projects (Tete project) global resource inventory will be closing in on 500 million tonnes (currently 324 million tonnes) when the Tenge deposit resource statement is released in March. The reason why steel mills are located on the coast, we believe, is that you need to bring together three critical commodities: Iron ore, coal and power, James says.

168 MINING Baobab Resources

In Tete were at the confluence of all three. This opportunity is on our doorstep. So are some of the worlds largest and most capable bulk resource developers. Mining multinationals Rio Tinto and Vale S.A. are, like Baobab, significant in Teteas are tier one steel producers Nippon Steel Corp, POSCO, Tata Steel and Jindal. In these globally dominant entities, Baobab has its pick of potential partners. In its 632 square kilometre Tete project, the company has a large and growing multi-deposit resource inventory, well-located to infrastructure, low-cost

power access and neighbouring multi-billion tonne coal projects. And on the eve of James move to Maputo, Baobab remains on track to be one of the cornerstones behind Tetes future as a globally significant steel industry region as its pre-feasibility study (PFS) unfolds towards 2016 first production.

Pig iron & PFS

As a joint venture between Baobab (85 per cent) and World Bank Group member the International Finance Corporation (15 per cent) (IFC), the Tete project, located immediately north of provincial

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 169


capital Tete, houses two areas of magnetite-titanium-vanadium mineralisation and is bordered by both Rio Tinto and Vale projects. As 2011 drew to a close, Baobab saw off the year with an inferred JORC resource of 324 million tonnes at 30 per cent iron (Fe) at the project and a scoping study, conducted by Coffey Mining Pty Ltd. (Coffey Mining), which outlined two favourable development scenarios: Producing a concentrate or upgrading to a pig iron product by way of mine-mouth smelting. Production of pig iron, James says, would enable Baobab to provide a high value, high

demand product, broadening its market base and mitigating its requirements for road, rail and port logistics. It would result in supporting fewer tonnes at a much higher value which we could quite easily truck to port. While it is desirable for us to have rail infrastructure access, it isnt critical for project success, he says. There are a lot of players considering truckingVale are trucking as we speakand theres a real opportunity there for us to be in production, exporting product, well before the rail is at full capacity.

170 MINING Baobab Resources

Mineral Title application, maintenance & management Ground selection & target assessment Geological Mapping and remote sensing for mineral exploration Conception, planning, running & supervision of mineral exploration programs Planning, procurement & supervision of drilling programmes Customised GIS databases creation & management for various purposes Mineral resource estimation Hidrogeological studies; Environmental surveys & impact assessment studies
Maputo Head O ce: Rua B, 233 - Bairro COOP, C.P. 832, MAPUTO Tel/Fax: +258 21 414841 Cell: +258 82 305 8339 Email: [email protected] Tete O ce: Av. Independncia Tel/Fax: +258 252 24504 Email: [email protected]

This option continues to prove attractive as further electric arc furnace (EAF) steel plants undergo commissioning and demand for crude and finished steel products carries on strongly. It is, in part, made possible by Baobabs advantageous access to low-tariff hydroelectric power, coal and water; all components which pose opportunities to add value onsite and improve a future projects baseline low CAPEX/OPEX should the company choose this mine-mouth smelting scenario. Each opportunity to fine-tune profit margins will be factored into the PFS now underway, which commenced after the company surpassed, by a

significant margin, its 2011 300 million tonnes resource delineation target. Each stage of the PFS is accounted for. Stage One, during the first half of 2012, includes testwork covering concentrate beneficiation. Stage Two, from the second quarter, addresses the smelting of concentrate to produce pig ironand Stage Three, further upgrades to generate steel products, will take shape alongside the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The IFC has committed to its 15 per cent contributing interest in the pre-feasibility programme this year. The PFS will be managed from

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172 MINING Baobab Resources


Perth by our project engineer, Christian Kunze, whom we had the good fortune to bring on last year to oversee the scoping study. Weve signed up Coffey Mining to cover mine design and environmental aspects and brought in strong expertise in the form of Doctor John Clout to focus on our beneficiation testwork. For our pyrometallurgical testwork and process engineering weve got SNC Lavalin lined up, James details.

These well-calculated plans received another boost ahead of the March resource update for the Tenge deposit, when Baobab announced initial results from resource drilling that delineated broad packages of mineralisation.

To 500Mt & Tete pledges

On February 16, as part of encouraging updates on drilling at the Tenge and Ruoni deposits within

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 173

the Tete project, Baobab announced results from eight of the 23 drill holes at Tenge. These included significant intercepts of up to 83 metres at an average head grade of 36 per cent iron and weighted average concentrate grade of 59 per cent iron, 0.8 per cent vanadium and 12 per cent titanium at a mass recovery of 43 per cent. James says that these results are precisely aligned with Baobabs expectations and


MINING Baobab Resources

correlate particularly well with the Ruoni North resource block The March announcement of the Tenge resource statement is expected to expand the global resource base towards 500 million tonnes, he explains. Furthermore, 2012 stepout resource drilling programmes in the Tenge/ Ruoni area are expected to add substantially to the global inventory while the Chimbala prospect area presents further blue-sky upside for future resource development.

The 93 million tonne ruoni north resource block alone underpins a meaningful 25-year mine life in the scoping study. James explains.
The project is now maturing to a point where

This represents just a third of the current resource base and a fraction of the inventory we expect to define by year end, clearly demonstrating the scope for scaling up production. We could be talking final production of up to four million tonnes pig iron per annum over a 30 plus year mine life the kind of numbers that many larger players would be interested by, particularly backed by a resource base of size.

we need to address the social responsibility initiatives well be implementing when we get into production. Thats where well seek advice from the IFC, he adds. Its their forte. Theyre involved with various governments throughout Southern Africa in terms of infrastructure development and theyre champions of infrastructure not monopolised by the mining majorsexactly whats happening in Mozambique. Coupled with Baobabs reduced infrastructure requirements and better value-for-tonnage

product options outlined by the scoping study, the IFCs negotiating expertise will prove highly favourable as the company accounts for its logistical needs. Furthering these discussions and initiating conversations about social initiatives are another part of the James family move to Maputo, and given how globally significant Tete is set to be for the steel industries, James himself believes it is vital to be present as these arrangements are made.
What is notable, he says, is that, from the outset, Baobab has never failed to translate its drilling, rapidly, into predictable JORC codecompliant resources. Moreover, this process is continuing, with ongoing drilling at Tenge expected to translate into a resource within the next few weeks. As an investment proposition therefore, Baobabs Tete project offers some of the cheapest insitu iron ore in the sector, already supported by a scoping study by Coffey, which has demonstrated robust project economics for a pig iron smelting operation. In the meantime, its Monte Muande joint venture (in which Baobab is the operator) represents further upside potential in the form of a geological smorgasbord of a type rarely encountered any more in the modern world. Charlie Gibson, who heads up mining research at Edison Investment Research, has just returned from an extensive site visit to Baobabs Tete project.

The government is keen for us to be able to add much value in country as possible, he emphasises.
Tete is no longer a small regional centreits a rapidly developing global mining hub in a country thats going through a political and economic renaissance [and] a great place to be working. James vision of a Mozambican steel industry in Tete should further materialise as Baobab unveils the resource upgrade at Tenge in March, taking the global resource towards 500 million tonnes as the PFS paves the way towards utilising the unique combination of resources and infrastructure to support the establishment of a pig iron production facility. Having seamlessly made the transition from explorer to developer, Baobab continues to

deliver on every estimate it makes. As conversations advance about high demand products, securing supply routes and ensuring economic and social prosperity along the way, so does an incoming miner with one of the strongest positions in Tete to date. TAB www.BAOBABresOurces.cOM

Drc gOlD JuniO invesT inTernAT

nearing 2013 production & plus-1Moz tonnage en rou


Or MinerAl TiOnAl Mii AB:

& adding ute


178 MINING Mineral Invest

Throughout the Cape Town-held Mining indaba proceedings, a raft of reports have emerged, deliberating the merits of mineral exploration in the Democratic republic of Congo (DrC). Many note the enormity of the randgold resources/angloGold ashanti Kibali project in the northeast of the country; on track to 2013 year-end production with proven reserves of 27.5 million ounces of gold. plenty seek to rank the abundance of known natural resources in favour of early-moving country risk. But while many write-ups state that ambitious early-moving juniors will lead the way into the DrC, few let the companies do the talking.

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 179

180 MINING Mineral Invest

JusT 20 kilOMeTres west from Kibali is the 1,442 square kilometre Wanga license area home to Stockholm-headquartered near-surface gold explorer and developer Mineral Invest International MII AB (STO: MII) (Mineral Invest). This junior has focused on the highly prospective Kilo-Moto gold belt in the northeast of the DRC and is on track to commence near-term gold production from tailings in 2013 while delineating resources of at least 1.5 million ounces (JORC or

NI43-101 compliant) for the year thereafter. As an established country player and joint venture partner of DRC mining house Office des Mines dOr de Kilo-Moto (SOKIMO) (Mineral Invest: 65 per cent / SOKIMO: 35 per cent), Mineral Invests story already represents what it takes to be an aggressive junior gold explorer and developer in the DRC, and the next chapter will take the team swiftly onto producer status as it continues adding to its resource inventory.

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 181

This is a great opportunity and our local team has done a tremendous job in positioning our company very well in the DRC, says CEO Jonas Eriksson. Its an extremely rich resource areaone of the most gold-rich in the world todayand now well established on the radar, agrees Industrial Advisor Dr. Barrie Oakes. The Kilo-Moto gold belt has been sitting there for years since independence from the Belgians in the 1960s and only Moto Gold Mines had previously chosen to go in there previously. Things changed under the established government, and soon Moto sold out to the Randgold Resources-AngloGold Ashanti joint venture which is almost adjacent to the MII license area. The presence of tailings, while by no means the full extent of Wangas envisaged production profile in the long-term, has armed Mineral Invest with a range of benefits. In addition generating fast-tracked revenue for the company and for SOKIMO, justifying the setting up of their joint venture alongside an aggressive exploration programme (a move rarely seen by junior miners)these historic tailings today represent the start of an exciting Kibalineighbouring project in one of the worlds most keenly watched gold belts.

182 MINING Mineral Invest

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Tackling tailings & ongoing exploration

Describing how Mineral Invest has looked at Kibali in formulating plans for its ground nearby, Eriksson says that the company has focused on tackling its large landholding divided over five licenses by staying focused on exploration, while capitalising on the near-term revenue potential of its tailings. We located the tailings at the abandoned Tendao Mine very early on, practically as soon as we got onto the property. That triggered the very early initial campaign that we completed back in late-2009, he recalls.

SOKIMO pinpointed the historical tailings area, but they knew little about them from a detailed perspective. Under Barries leadership we initiated thorough investigations, concluding that the tailings offer a good opportunity for generating early cashflow. Being the small company that we are, this was a very interesting possibility for us. Field studies are ongoing, today aimed at identifying the best process for production. Works are backed by a rights issue which closed in December and raised capital for two main objectives: To advance the tailings survey and processing plans and to support Mineral Invests exploration

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agreements with SOKIMO, which include delineating at least 1.5 million gold ounces in resources. For the tailings, a focused sampling programme is underway and small start-up pilot gold production from alluvial deposits at the historic Tendao mine is imminent. These works are part of a separate tailings extraction agreement with SOKIMO (SOKIMO: 35 per cent/Mineral Invest: 65 per cent) and cover a large area over which the tailings are located. They include ore not only from the Tendao mine itself, but from a number of satellite deposits they also used as feed ore in for processing, Oakes explains.

Weve traced the tailings for around 1.8 kilometres along the Wanga River valley and they extend for up to around 600 metres across the valley itself. Quite an exceptional volume and area of tailings were produced. According to historical studies they grade at around just under a gram per tonne of gold. Although a lower grade resource, the tailings are perfectly amenable to modern processing methods capable of generating reasonable recoveries from the material. Furthermore, from the numerous alluvial gold deposits in the area, historical production targeted a number closest

184 MINING Mineral Invest

to the Tendao mine but there are many deposits along the river and surrounding tributaries which remain relatively untouched. The Tendao mine itself wasnt fully exploited. Belgian explorers of the colonial 1960s period had begun looking to go underground at the moment when the Durba mine was discovered. The Belgians decided to move all their mining and processing equipment from Tendao to Durba, Oakes says. Historical drilling records indicate additional primary resources were intersected at around 100 metres below the current level of workings. A number of shallow open pits to a depth of about 25 metres were excavated in the weathered crust. They never really exploited the hard rock itself except in shallow pits. Around the Tendao mine deposit, Mineral Invest has a bedrock resource, alluvial resources and tailings resources. Another known deposit exists to the northdue to be investigated during the yearand the teams exploration license bordering the Kilo-Moto gold belt has never seen modern mining and exploration. Thats why we are setting up an airborne geophysical survey to identify potential mineralised structures within the license. This will be followed by ground surveys on promising targets Oakes adds. Building on its exploration and joint venture agreements with SOKIMO, Mineral Invest is also negotiating taking over the existing open pit CAP mine. These conversations are the latest in a growing trend between the partners; Mineral Invest as a respectable DRC explorer-incoming producer and SOKIMO as a national entity scouting out the ideal project developer to advance these gold-rich tenements.

A Junior with Long-Term Gravitas

In the months to come, Mineral Invests decision on the processing of tailings will take shape, as will continued exploration efforts progressing the 1.5 million ounces resource delineation target following the aeromagnetic survey. Underpinning both focuses, Eriksson says, is the companys belief in the DRC governments approach to mining. The kind of business relationship that we have with SOKIMO is fundamental. What has

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if they will approach juniors like us, but when. A partner of magnitude and capabilities is always a serious force and one to listen to once they have decided to move in, Eriksson says. We were one of the very few first-movers and weve experienced that reluctance where companies wont move at all, but all of a sudden it seems that the doors are open. People are starting to understand the DRCthe leadership, the strong struck me during our negotiations that led to our exploration license and those that led to us signing the joint venture in September, 2011, was the governments sophistication, he says. At the end of the day, this is a positive development for the country [aimed at] building economic growth around resources and SOKIMO is a driving force in that regard. The presence of Randgold and AngloGold Ashanti carries its own connotations for the DRC. These large gold groups, whose project continues to advance ahead of schedule, are in line to do well by moving into the country ahead of the pack. This proves attractive to their peers, as does the example that Mineral Invest continues to set for would-be junior mining entrants. For the big guys, if they arent the first mover they are definitely the second. Look at the map. Look who is there and who isnt and the positioning taking place. There is no longer a question on www.MinerAlinvesT.cOM government support and focus on investment. As an early-mover equipped with a large landholding, near-term production and masses of exploration upside to support the delineation of significant gold resources in the years to come, Mineral Invest is in an immensely good position. The sheer potential of the Kilo-Moto gold belt continues to attract multinational gold groups. For a junior the size of Mineral Invest to establish itself with such a highly prospective package of licenses complete with historic production is rare. Kibalis speedy progress exemplifies the DRC governments supportive stance on miningand as Mineral Invest proves its value to the markets through 2013 production and ongoing resource expansion, this emerging gold production story is a gripping one. TAB

186 MINING Ncondezi Coal



Mozamb project p

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nDezi cOAl

biques next billion ton coal producer-exporter

188 MINING Ncondezi Coal

When chief executive Graham Mascall of aiM-listed thermal coal project developer ncondezi Coal Company ltd (nCCl) (ncondezi) surveyed in its formative years what has since become the miners flagship 1.7 billion tonne ncondezi Coal project in Mozambiques coal abundant Tete province, he realised that in this project, the team had a tiger by the tail.
fAsT fOrwArD sOMe five years since the Ncondezi projects initial reconnaissance and it appears that Mascall was spot on. In December 2011, the project underwent a resource up-

gradethree of six resource blocks on the project were updated, with the South Block contributing 848 million tons to its resource inventoryand further resource delineation is due before the definitive feasibility study (DFS) is completed in the third quarter. Were looking at a phased ramp up from around two million tonnes initially up to five million tonnes and beyond as we are able to ramp up production at the project, Mascall says. The idea will be to expand production, predominantly from operating cashflow as these projects typically do. Subject to the transition from exploration

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Contact Mike Poyiatzis for more information: T +258 82 5778852 | [email protected] or [email protected]

license to mining license, as well as securing of protect financing for construction of the mine and coal offtake agreements being finalised over the next few months, the earliest date of first production would be early-2015. Recent events continue to suggest that Ncondezi is piecing together the optimum production profile. The 1.7 billion tonne coal resource defined to date already matches up to pre-IPO estimations outlined by SRK Consultings preliminary exploration targets of 2010. In January, the company penned an encouraging infrastructure agreement with Rio Tinto Coal Mozambique (RTCM) to build on its

existing order of magnitude infrastructure study completed in the third quarter of 2011, and further evaluate a preferred potential new-build rail and port logistics corridor that had been identified. And, in keeping with company plans to up annual output and look out for project acquisition and M&A opportunities, the Ncondezi Projects thermal coal tonnage keeps rising.

DFS drill programme & the DFS Study

Drilling for the DFS on the Ncondezi projecttwo of four licenses the company holds totalling over 72,000 hectares in Tetes Zambezi coal basin sought to improve data capture and continuity

190 MINING Ncondezi Coal

as part of further resource delineation and imminent resource upgrade announcements. Weve drilled an additional 55,000 metres of new drilling through 310 new holes-core and percussion. Weve moved the drill spacing grid down from four-to-two kilometre spacings to one kilometre and 350 metre spacings, Mascall explains. Of the six blocks we have, four will be part of our feasibility study. Coupling the South, North and Central blocks which comprise the December-updated 1.7 billion tonne coal resource with the East Block, from which results are yet to be released largely due to South African lab lulls, Ncondezi has already amassed resources to rival pre-IPO 2010 estimates. The East Block resource model results are likely to be received during March, at which point the team can agglomerate the necessary information to generate production schedules and mining plans, both of which its feasibility contractor, TWP Projects, has set about compiling. The indication is that in resource terms it looks like it will be larger because we still have additional resources to be classified from the East Block for the feasibility study and two additional resource blocks not being used in the DFS Study, Mascall says.

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That said, we havent changed our view. This is predicated on a significant sized, expandable export thermal coal project and were looking at trying to optimise the thermal coal product that we can produceto make sure that we can sell and market the product to predominantly Asian markets. In the coming month, Ncondezi will also complete its 3D resource model; the requisite step ahead of investigating the projects potential for high margin coking coal. Mascall explains that, while the company has always maintained how prospective the project is for this coveted coal class, it has also ensured that it has the most comprehensive data conceivable prior to initiating investigation. The process took previous Benga project owners Riversdale Mining Ltd. approximately two-and-a-half years to piece together, he notes, and Ncondezi plans to adopt the same methodical approach. Only when you have the complete 3D resource model can you go back and interrogate zones that can be washed down to hard coking coal specs, he adds. Well make comment to the market after we properly conduct this exercise, likely late-March early-April. Meanwhile, as Ncondezi continues to identify the optimum thermal coal product spec, the

company is also planning discussions with coal end-users and traders to confirm likely price bands. These results, alongside those from the East Block and the mining and output plans, will be incorporated into the DFS Study in the coming months.

Logistics & opportunities

Of the litany of good newsflow Ncondezi has furnished the markets with lately, Mascall says that the most important to understand is the January 18 announcement that Ncondezi, Minas de Revuboe (Revuboe) and RTCM will partner on the extended integrated transport corridor development study (ITD Project). This study, which seeks to look at further evaluating a multiuser new rail and port infrastructure project to potentially provide coal export capacity expandable from between 25Mtpa to 100Mtpaas well as broader economic and social benefits to the Zambezia provincesparked a sharp upturn in share price for Ncondezi. Its encouraging. Clearly, it had an effect on the market but we dont want to overplay what it is at this stage. Rio, having acquired Riversdale, is looking at continuing the study we already completed with Riversdale and Revuboe last year, he says. This is a result of the completed studyan extension of that initiative. While encouraging, it

192 MINING Ncondezi Coal

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Maputo Head O ce: Rua B, 233 - Bairro COOP, C.P. 832, MAPUTO Tel/Fax: +258 21 414841 Cell: +258 82 305 8339 Email: [email protected] Tete O ce: Av. Independncia Tel/Fax: +258 252 24504 Email: [email protected]

needs to go through the proper Rio-headed process so that two or three years down the track when theyve completed the required feasibility work, depending on the outcome of this work, they will then choose to go ahead and implement plans and build the first stage. Once Rio has decided to implement the new rail and port project, Ncondezi will be able to negotiate terms to get infrastructure allocation for its coal export requirements at the Ncondezi Project. Meanwhile, Mascall says, the company is focused on forging ahead with its DFS releasethe benchmark required forming the base case model to drive economic and techni-

cal project viability, and lay vital groundwork ahead of the discussions the team plans to initiate with would-be strategic partners in the next few months. Its one of the next targets we have to capture on the value curve, he adds. Once you move away from resource valuation and onto feasibility study, you can look at capturing more of the NPV value that will be confirmed by the feasibility study. With organic growth at the Ncondezi project well-accounted for, the company continues to seek out project opportunities and has inspected a number of other coal licenses in

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the M I N E R A L C O R P O R AT I O N

approach the September-slated DFS, Ncondezi continues to stick steadfastly to the predictions it has previously made, surpassing tonnages and share performance expectations along the way. AIM-listed aggressive project developers with wholly owned billion tonnage coal plays are slim to none in Tete, but Ncondezi appears to be just that. Its dual focus on organic project growth and M&A opportunities is well-placed, and when the DFS hits radar screens in the coming months, it will further cement the company as one of the regions most highly anticipated coal producer-exporters to come. TAB www.ncOnDezicOAl.cOM

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Tete. None have proved attractive enough to warrant inclusion in the portfolio yet, Mascall says, but Ncondezis expanding resource inventory, early-stage allocation agreement on potential logistics solutions and overwhelming expertise in Mozambican coal all place it in good stead as the search continues. The months ahead read like a how-to in scalable billion tonne coal project development. December 2011 rounded on upped total resources. January began with an advantageous infrastructure agreement with a long-term view of the region. March will deliver further resource upgrades and put the team in the right place to investigate coking coal prospectivity, and as we

194 MINING Bassari Resources



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TOwArDs 1Moz gOlD reserves & OnwArDs TO DevelOPMenT

in 2012, Melbournes Bassari resources limited (aSX: BSr) (Bassari) will continue to up its plus-500,000 gold ounce flagship resource, announce discoveries and enjoy uncapped exploration upside armed with 13 additional quality targets as it nears its one million ounce reserves goal in Senegal

196 MINING Bassari Resources

wHen BAssAri PickeD up its three contiguous Moura, Sambarabougou and Bounsankoba permitscovering approximately 850 square kilometres of Senegals Birimian Gold Belt in West Africalife was pretty quiet in the now 50 million ounce gold address. How times change: Bassari has single-handedly made two brand new gold discoveries and upgraded one to a confirmed resource of over 500,000 ounces, identified 13 quality prospects, and continues to advance towards defining one million ounces of reserves prior to moving into the development phase. After announcing a maiden gold resource of around 240,000 ounces at the Makabingui project within its Sambarabougou permit last May, Bassari upped the projects resource to 543,000 ounces at 0.2 grams per tonne gold cut-off in December; an impressive increase of 126 per cent. It was the Bassari team who discovered it and delineated the resources there and it has excellent potential to grow. Its proven to be open both at depth, along strike, and, importantly, across strikegreat potential for further mineralisation, says Jozsef Patarica, managing director and chief executive. Weve also got Konkouto, our new discovery in our northern Moura tenement. This proves that our team on the ground in Senegal can make

gold discoveries. It confirms the prospectivity of the ground that we have there, and, from our point of view, were well on our way to defining one million ounces of reserves. Given the neighbouring 13 million ounce Sadiola gold mine and 4.5 million ounce Yatela gold minenot to mention past exploration activities carried out by the United Nations and the French Government (BRGM) over its three permitsBassari is not alone in believing that Birimian Gold Belt permits house huge potential. Moreover, the company has a ground team with a lofty track record of success, confirmed gold discoveries, a defined and updated resource with uncapped exploration upside and plenty more targets to come.

Upping Makabingui
Charting the path of the major East-West shear zone structure running across the Sambarabougou permit leads the eye past both the LouloGounkoto gold project (combined 16.8 million ounces) and newer Sitakili porphyry gold deposit discovery. It captured the attention of Bassari geologists with good reason, and its hosting of the Sambarabougou Granite (a small syntectonic granite) gave rise to the early exploration works that led the team to discover Makabingui. The project has seen its gold resource grow to

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543,000 ounces in just six months of drilling, but Patarica says that this is by no means the full extent of its mineral potential. When you look at the grade at a 0.5 gram cut-off its 2.6 grams per tonnea good grade given the average shallow depth of about 115 metres. Its near-surface and open pitable and

theres plenty of potential to grow the resource, he explains. We see upside across strike and at depth in particular, but theres certainly potential along strike further to the south as well. In 2012 Bassari intends to grow the resource at Makabingui, targeting more near-surface mineralisation. While were confident that the mineralisa-

MAkABingui BY nuMBers
126 per cent increase to the gold resource 543,000 ounces at a 0.2 grams per tonne (g/t) gold cut-off for a combined Indicated and Inferred Global Mineral Resource in 10.8 million tonnes at 1.6 g/t gold 503,000 ounces at a 0.5 g/t gold cut-off for a combined Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource in 6.1 million tonnes at 2.6 g/t gold included in the Global Mineral Resource Additional high grade intercepts from Zone 3: Three metres at 36.6g/t gold (new result) and seven metres at 11.8g/t gold (new result)

tion extends at depth, we want to delineate nearsurface resources at the momentperhaps also using a combination of Makabingui and Konkouto as we look towards the development phase, Patarica says. At a depth of 115 metres its still relatively shallow at Makabingui, well within the common realms of some open pits that go down to as much as 300 metres, and we still have the opportunity to define the current resource more deeply and keep to an open pit mining method. The only factor preventing Bassari from racing towards its one million ounces gold reserves target any faster is West Africas over-subscribed assay labs. But the team, undeterred by the lull in getting results returned, has 13 prospects along an 80 kilometre strike length to busy itself withand thats exactly how the Konkouto gold discovery unfolded.

198 MINING Bassari Resources

kOnkOuTO BY nuMBers
Konkouto Gold Prospect Stage 1 drilling program completed Results confirm the discovery of a new mineralised system Mineralised zone over a strike length in excess of 600 metres, open in both directions and at depth Significant intercepts: 50 metres at 2.5 grams per tonne (g/t) gold and 20 metres at 3.0 g/t gold and five metres at 4.7g/t gold (new result) Follow up drilling program underway

Affirming ground & team

Using the time lapse between assays in the lab and the return of results effectively, Bassari ventured into its Moura permit to drill other prospects. The plan is to return to Makabingui once the team completes its strategic review which includes flying a high resolution geophysical survey (aeromagnetics and radiometrics) across the core of all three permitsand its a good job that the company chose to branch out. Like Makabingui, the Konkouto gold discovery announced on January 11 is a brand new find mastered entirely by Bassari. It transpired

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200 MINING Bassari Resources


when the team went to follow up RAB and geochemical results carried out in August 2011, Patarica says. These highlighted some wide zones of gold mineralisation and our follow-up RC and diamond drilling confirmed that, he continues. Were back there drilling and looking to extend that zone along strike because its open in both directions. Well also look to do some diamond drilling beneath the area weve uncovered to further test that for mineralisation as well. In tackling the rest of its multitude of prospects, Bassari has also run a 12 hole 1,000 metre RC drilling campaign at its Bennajiggi

prospect. This programme finished in January, right on schedule, before the team moved the rig back to Konkouto some two kilometres southwards. The airborne geophysical survey will now build on past information supplied by the government, Patarica says, and in feeding into the strategic review it will enable Bassari to prioritise its known targets and identify key areas of value at existing projects Makabingui and Konkouto.

The ideal identified & upside mix

As 2011 drew to a close and Makabingui surpassed 500,000 gold ounces resource, 2012

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began with wrapping up RC drilling at Bennajiggi and moving swiftly into further RC and diamond drilling at Konkouto in February. The main aim in the coming monthsto continue to define resources and reveal Makabinguis extensive near-surface upside will trigger once Bassaris strategic review is complete, during which airborne geophysics will further underpin the true potential for discovery within the companys permits. The success of Bassaris Senegal ground teams to date is irrefutable, as is its methodical approach to hitting the one million ounce gold reserve mark by way of both Makabinguis

potential and the targets defined so far. This resource, these results and this aggressive exploration strategy continue to prove that Bassari is truly a golden performer. TAB www.BAssAri.cOM.Au www.BAssAri.cOM.Au/BAssAri/skillseDiT/ clienTuPlOADs/88/310112%20DeceMBer%20 2011.PDf

The Mozambican co producer & exporter

exPecT Big T BeAcOn Hill


THings frOM resOurces:

oking & thermal coal r 202

204 MINING Beacon Hill Resources

APRIL 2012 The African Business Journal 205

aiM-listed Mozambique thermal and imminently hard coking coal producer and seaborne exporter Beacon hill resources plc. (lon: Bhr) (Beacon hill) has never been one to waste time when it comes to hitting the steel markets with a new, significant and much-needed source of supply.

206 MINING Beacon Hill Resources

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208 MINING Beacon Hill Resources

AfTer TAking THe reins of the Minas Moatize coking and thermal coal project in May, 2010, Beacon Hill Resources got to ground on the now JORC compliant 42.65 million tonnes reserve operation in Mozambiques highly coking coal prospective Tete province in December that same year. First shipment of thermal coal was trucked to the port of Beira and set sail in mid-December, 2011the same month that the company took on majority ownership in its second project in Tete, the Changara coal project exploration-development joint venture. Minas Moatizes maiden JORC reserve arrived in early February this year, closely followed by the recent release of its definitive feasibility study (DFS) And plans to imminently list Beacon Hill on the ASX. Last year, Beacon Hill Chairman Justin Lewis told TABJ that the company has been going hell for leather. Breakneck-speed progress considered, it appears that this idiom is more fitting than ever before.

(pre-tax) of US$662 million (using a discount rate of 13 per cent), an Internal Rate of Return of 79.5 per cent and a mine life of 11.5 years. The Minas Moatize maiden JORC mining reserve, released on February 2, has also provided encouragement. The reserve count comprising 42.65 million tonnes with potential upside of a further 7.9 million tonnes a marketable reserve of 23.45 million tonnes which represents the saleable coal post-mining and processing of the resource, which houses at least 8.72 million coking coalfurther demonstrates the technical and economic viability of the project. The 2011 year-end culminated equally successfully with Decembers first seaborne export from the projectthe 10,650 tonnes of thermal coal transited by road to Beira. In turn, says Beacon Hills corporate development head David Premaj, plans to increase export tonnage have now been well accounted for in the DFS itself. Over the last 12 months weve demonstrated that theres more coal in the ground than initially expected and a significant proportion of hard coking coal. Our commencement of the trucking operation and first export demonstrated that we really can get the product out viably to market, he explains. In the next 12 months well be building our production to have more frequent shipments.

The Minas Moatize build-up

The newly released DFS demonstrates compelling economics for the Minas Moatize Coking Coal Project. Financial modelling based on a 4 million tonne run-of-mine (ROM) operation producing on average 2.2 million tonnes per annum of saleable coking and thermal coal demonstrates an NPV

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210 MINING Beacon Hill Resources

During the final quarter of 2012, Beacon hill achieved key milestones, which have further de-risked the Companys development objectives in Mozambique and highlighted the Companys highly strategic and commercially valuable Minas Moatize coking coal project. our position in Tete has been reinforced following our acquisition of majority ownership in the Changara Coal project, which covers a tenement 70 times the size of Minas Moatize project. With the continued development of Minas Moatize, in tandem with our exploration objectives at Changara, i am confident that Beacon hill is well positioned to build value and become a substantial coking coal producer,
Justin Lewis, Chairman of Beacon Hill Resources, February 16. 2012

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It wont be long before these shipments incorporate hard coking coal. Beacon Hill is about to commence mining from the Upper Chipanga pit; the second of the companys initial pits at Minas Moatize and one which contains hard coking coal within the Upper Chipanda coal seam. True to form, the company plans to begin production at the pit as early as in the first half of 2012. In line with its existing 600,000 tonnes per annum coking coal agreement with Indian metallurgical coal house Global Coke, this hard coking coal will be shipped FOB from Beira to markets such as India. Incorporating this high margin product benefits Beacon Hill in more ways than one, not least when it comes to the trucking operation already established and company plans to utilise rail infrastructure as it becomes available, in line with aims to ramp up production to two million tonnes per annum output in the upcoming years. Using a trucking operation, we can mine, process and transport coal to the port for conservatively around $100 per tonne. Thermal coal using trucks is a marginal operation; however with conservative coking coal prices of around $200plus per tonne, you can make a $100 margin on that kind of operation, Premaj explains. Thats why were focused on coking coal in the near term given that we have already commenced trucking coal to the port for future

shipments. As the rail comes on well look to commence our life of mine operation involving the production and export of both coking and thermal coal. Unlike other project developers in Tete where, for some, rail development poses a pivotal project hurdle, it is by no means an absolute requirement for Beacon Hill. It may be the miners preferred logistics solution, but with a trucking operation capable of taking up to 500,000 tonnes coal to market per annum, by Premajs example calculations, the company is still sitting on coking coal at $200 per tonne against $100 operating cost, delivering a $100 margin that could generate up to $50 million per year. Given that our market cap is around US$150 million, when you compare that to the cashflow its an encouraging proposition, Premaj says. As we start to ramp up production and move into a life-of-mine operation, thats when we hope to see shareholder value appreciate. Adding the 7.9 million tonnes upsideripe for future inclusion in the proven and probable reserves categoryand its conceivable that Minas Moatize is a 50 million tonnes coking and thermal coal play. These tonnes, originally outlined by initial resource drilling, will see infill drilling this year. And, alongside Beacon Hills emerging coking and thermal coal production and export profile, they

212 MINING Beacon Hill Resources

arent the only option the company has to delineate more resources to add to its global inventory.

of Minas Moatize, provides the miner with a veritable option to take on a long-term development project capable of greatly adding to its overall resource base. Premaj says that it also represents the bigger picture for companies active in Tete and seeking to establish and expand long-lasting production-export profiles in the globally significant steel region. There are a lot of underexplored licenses held by private companies in the basin and what may happen in the coming years is that well see opportunities for companies like us to earn-in, or develop the license areas, through the cash that

The Minas Moatize springboard in action

Describing how Beacon Hills approach has always been to use Minas Moatize as an ideal platform from which to build near-term production assets in commodities relating to steel, predominantly coal, Premaj says that the companys joint venture to explore and develop the 184 square kilometre Changara coal project was an opportunity the team had been looking out for. This license, some 70 times bigger than that

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were generating. This is our opportunity to grow into a larger coking coal producer in the region. It is a move well-timed with respect to Australian investor understanding about quite how much Tete has to offer post-Rio Tintos $4 billion buyout of Sydneys Riversdale Resources, which has its Benga project immediately next door to Minas Moatize. In part, this is why the ASX makes for a great place to dual list, Premaj says, explaining also that given the nations historic prevalence in global coking coal production, its fund managers know what makes a good coal play and many hold Mozambique in high regard. Its another capital market in an area we can broaden our investor interest, and talking about Minas Moatize and Beacon Hill in Australia is good in that a large portion of the investment community understands what were doing and where were located, he explains. Were not actually raising any capital or issuing any shares. Its just a compliance listing to get up and running on the ASX, and hopefully it may bring about some value upside. The company will present ASX investors with their multi-project coking and thermal coal production and export investment opportunity within the coming weeks. The listing proposal has been lodged, Premaj says, and Beacon Hill hopes to commence trading in the first quarter of 2012.

It also makes sense given our JORC 39 million tonne resource Tasmania magnesite project where well finalise a scoping study in the coming months, he adds. That scoping study will form the basis for securing a joint venture or offtake partner to fund the development of that project someone who really understands the market, potentially an end-user. Otherwise, from a funding perspective were really focused on Minas Moatize and the Changara project. Londons institutional investors have been historically bullish on Beacon Hill. When ASX investors are offered the opportunity to gain exposure to the companys rapidly established domestic and seaborne production and export coking and thermal coal scenario, it is likely global appetite for this stock will continue to prove hungry. Global steel production is on track to hit 1.5 billion tonnes this year. Tete is slated to deliver to the markets approximately 20 per cent of coking coal by 2015. Beacon Hill, the company that previously ran Tetes only operating mine, knows what it takes to move first and reap the benefits thereof, and if past exploits are anything to go by, the team is just getting started. TAB www.BHrPlc.cOM

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