English-Greek Parallel New Testament
English-Greek Parallel New Testament
English-Greek Parallel New Testament
New Testament
A new compilation
Thomas Savage
Title Page
Thomas Savage
The eBi)le Study !i)rary
Young s !iteral Translation
THE WORK, in its resent !or", is not to be #onsidered as intended to #o"e into #o" etition $ith the ordinary use o! the #o""only re#eived English %ersion o! the Holy S#ri tures, but si" ly as a stri#tly literal and idio"ati# rendering o! the Original Hebre$ and &ree' Te(ts) For about t$enty years*!ully hal! his li!e+ti"e*the Translator has had a desire to e(e#ute su#h a $or', and has been engaged in Bibli#al ursuits tending to this end "ore or less e(#lusively, and no$, at last, in the good roviden#e o! &od, the desire has been a##o" lished) Ho$ !ar he has been able to #arry out the -ust rin#i les o! Bibli#al Translation, !ounded on a solid and i""oveable !oundation, ti"e alone $ill tell, and !or this he #on!idently $aits) .s these principles are to so"e e(tent ne$, and adhered to $ith a severity never hitherto atte" ted, and as the Translator has er!e#t #on!iden#e in their a##ura#y and si" li#ity, he ro#eeds at on#e to state the" distin#tly and broadly, that not "erely the learned, but the $ay!aring "an need not err in a re#iating their value) Pu)lishers Note to the Third Edition /OTW0THST./D0/& the !a#t that the Revised %ersion o! the Old and the /e$ Testa"ent has #o"e into the !ield sin#e the learned and la"ented author !irst issued his Literal Translation of the Bible, the de"and !or it !ro" year to year has #ontinued re"ar'ably steady) This indi#ates that it still !ills a la#e o! its o$n a"ong hel s to the earnest student o! Holy S#ri ture) 0n 1223 Dr 4oung issued a Revised Edition, o! $hi#h t$o i" ressions are e(hausted) The $or' has been sub-e#ted to a !resh revision, "a'ing no alteration on the rin#i les on $hi#h the Translation
ro#eeds, but endeavouring to "a'e it as nearly er!e#t in oint o! a##ura#y on its resent lines as ossible) The Publishers a##ordingly issue this ne$ Revised Edition in the ho e that earnest students o! the Bible, by attaining to a #learer a rehension o! the "eaning o! the ins ired $riter, "ay "ore #learly and !ully a rehend the "ind o! the S irit by $ho" all Holy S#ri ture has been given to us) Edinburgh, 5anuary 1262)
Ste"anus #''(
Robert Estienne, 'no$n as Ste!anus 7189:;1886<, a rinter !ro" Paris, edited the &ree' /e$ Testa"ent !our ti"es, in 18=>, 18=6, 1889 and 1881, the last in &eneva) The !irst t$o are a"ong the neatest &ree' te(ts 'no$n, and are #alled O "iri!i#a", the third edition is a s lendid "aster ie#e o! ty ogra hi#al s'ill) 0t has #riti#al a aratus in $hi#h ?uoted "anus#ri ts re!erred to the te(t) @anus#ri ts $ere "ar'ed by sy"bols 7!ro" A to BC<) He used Polyglotta Do" lutensis 7sy"boliEed by A< and 18 &ree' "anus#ri ts) ."ong these are in#ludedF Dode( BeEae, Dode( Regius, "inus#ules =, 8, >, G213, 2, 6) The !irst ste to$ards to "odern Te(tual Driti#is" $as "ade) The third edition is 'no$n as the Editio Regia) The edition o! 1881 #ontains the Latin translation o! Eras"us and the %ulgate) 0t is not nearly as !ine as the other three and is e(#eedingly rare) 0t $as in this edition that the division o! the /e$ Testa"ent into verses $as !or the !irst ti"e introdu#ed) The third edition o! Estienne $as used by Theodore BeEa 71816;1>98<, $ho edited it nine ti"es bet$een 18>8 and 1>9=) 0n the #riti#al a aratus o! the se#ond edition he used the Dode( Dlaro"ontanus and the Syria# /e$ Testa"ent ublished by E""anuel Tre"ellius in 18>6) Dode( BeEae $as t$i#e re!eren#ed 7as Dode( BeEae and HI o! Estienne<) The origin o! the ter" JTe(tus Re#e tusJ #o"es !ro" the ublisherIs re!a#e to the 1>:: edition rodu#ed by Bonaventure and .braha" ElEevir, t$o brothers and rinters at LeidenF te(tu" ergo habes, nun# ab
o"nibus re#e tu", in ?uo nihil i""ulatu" aut #orru tu" da"us, translated Jso you hold the te(t, no$ re#eived by all, in $hi#h nothing #orru t)J The t$o $ords, te(tu" and re#e tu", $ere "odi!ied !ro" the a##usative to the no"inative #ase to render te(tus re#e tus) Over ti"e, this ter" has been retroa#tively a lied to Eras"usI editions, as his $or' served as the basis o! the others)
+hapter #
#. roll o! the birth o! 5esus Dhrist, son o! David, son o! .braha") ,.braha" begat 0saa#, and 0saa# begat 5a#ob, and 5a#ob begat 5udah and his brethren, #HBHKLC MNONPNQC BRPLS TUBPVLS SBLS WAHBW SBLS AHUAAX ,AHUAAX NMNOORPNO VLO BPAAY BPAAY WN NMNOORPNO VLO BAYQH BAYQH WN NMNOORPNO VLO BLSWAO YAB VLSC AWNKZLSC ASVLS -and 5udah begat PhareE and [arah o! -BLSWAC WN NMNOORPNO VLO ZAUNC YAB Ta"ar, and PhareE begat HeEron, and VLO \AUA NY VRC ]AXAU ZAUNC WN HeEron begat Ra", NMNOORPNO VLO NPUQX NPUQX WN NMNOORPNO VLO AUAX .and Ra" begat .""inadab, and .AUAX WN NMNOORPNO VLO AXBOAWAH .""inadab begat /ahshon, and AXBOAWAH WN NMNOORPNO VLO OAAPPQO /ahshon begat Sal"on, OAAPPQO WN NMNOORPNO VLO PAKXQO 'and Sal"on begat BoaE o! Rahab, 'PAKXQO WN NMNOORPNO VLO HLL\ NY and BoaE begat Obed o! Ruth, and VRC UATAH HLL\ WN NMNOORPNO VLO Obed begat 5esse, QHRW NY VRC ULS] QHRW WN NMNOORPNO VLO BNPPAB /and 5esse begat David the 'ing) .nd /BNPPAB WN NMNOORPNO VLO WAHBW VLO David the 'ing begat Solo"on, o! her HAPBKNA WAHBW WN L HAPBKNSC ^$ho had beenI _riahIs, NMNOORPNO VLO PLKLXQOVA NY VRC VLS LSUBLS 0and Solo"on begat Rehoboa", and 0PLKLXQO WN NMNOORPNO VLO ULHLAX Rehoboa" begat .bi-ah, and .bi-ah ULHLAX WN NMNOORPNO VLO AHBA AHBA WN begat .sa, NMNOORPNO VLO APA $and .sa begat 5ehosha hat, and $APA WN NMNOORPNO VLO BQPAZAV 5ehosha hat begat 5ora", and 5ora" BQPAZAV WN NMNOORPNO VLO BQUAX begat _EEiah, BQUAX WN NMNOORPNO VLO L\BAO %and _EEiah begat 5otha", and 5otha" %L\BAC WN NMNOORPNO VLO BQA]AX begat .haE, and .haE begat HeEe'iah, BQA]AX WN NMNOORPNO VLO ATA\ ATA\ WN NMNOORPNO VLO N\NYBAO :
#(and HeEe'iah begat @anasseh, and @anasseh begat ."on, and ."on begat 5osiah, ##and 5osiah begat 5e#oniah and his brethren, at the Babylonian re"oval) #(N\NYBAC WN NMNOORPNO VLO XAOAPPR XAOAPPRC WN NMNOORPNO VLO AXQO AXQO WN NMNOORPNO VLO BQPBAO ##BQPBAC WN NMNOORPNO VLO BNTLOBAO YAB VLSC AWNKZLSC ASVLS N`B VRC XNVLBYNPBAC HAHSKQOLC #,.nd a!ter the Babylonian re"oval, #,XNVA WN VRO XNVLBYNPBAO HAHSKQOLC 5e#oniah begat Shealtiel, and Shealtiel BNTLOBAC NMNOORPNO VLO PAKA]BRK begat [erubbabel, PAKA]BRK WN NMNOORPNO VLO \LULHAHNK #-and [erubbabel begat .biud, and #-\LULHAHNK WN NMNOORPNO VLO AHBLSW .biud begat Elia'i", and Elia'i" AHBLSW WN NMNOORPNO VLO NKBAYNBX begat .Eor, NKBAYNBX WN NMNOORPNO VLO A\QU #.and .Eor begat Sado', and Sado' #.A\QU WN NMNOORPNO VLO PAWQY begat .#hi", and .#hi" begat Eliud, PAWQY WN NMNOORPNO VLO ATNBX ATNBX WN NMNOORPNO VLO NKBLSW #'and Eliud begat EleaEar, and #'NKBLSW WN NMNOORPNO VLO NKNA\AU EleaEar begat @atthan, and @atthan NKNA\AU WN NMNOORPNO VLO XAV]AO begat 5a#ob, XAV]AO WN NMNOORPNO VLO BAYQH #/and 5a#ob begat 5ose h, the husband #/BAYQH WN NMNOORPNO VLO BQPRZ VLO o! @ary, o! $ho" $as begotten 5esus, AOWUA XAUBAC Na RC NMNOOR]R BRPLSC L $ho is na"ed Dhrist) KNMLXNOLC TUBPVLC #0.ll the generations, there!ore, !ro" #0`APAB LSO AB MNONAB A`L AHUAAX .braha" unto David IareI !ourteen NQC WAHBW MNONAB WNYAVNPPAUNC YAB generations, and !ro" David unto the A`L WAHBW NQC VRC XNVLBYNPBAC Babylonian re"oval !ourteen HAHSKQOLC MNONAB WNYAVNPPAUNC YAB generations, and !ro" the Babylonian A`L VRC XNVLBYNPBAC HAHSKQOLC NQC re"oval unto the Dhrist, !ourteen VLS TUBPVLS MNONAB WNYAVNPPAUNC generations) #$.nd o! 5esus Dhrist, the birth $as #$VLS WN BRPLS TUBPVLS R MNOORPBC thusF For his "other @ary having been LSVQC RO XORPVNS]NBPRC MAU VRC betrothed to 5ose h, be!ore their XRVULC ASVLS XAUBAC VQ BQPRZ `UBO R #o"ing together she $as !ound to have PSONK]NBO ASVLSC NSUN]R NO MAPVUB #on#eived !ro" the Holy S irit, NTLSPA NY `ONSXAVLC AMBLS
#%and 5ose h her husband being righteous, and not $illing to "a'e her an e(a" le, did $ish rivately to send her a$ay) ,(.nd on his thin'ing o! these things, lo, a "essenger o! the Lord in a drea" a eared to hi", saying, I5ose h, son o! David, thou "ayest not !ear to re#eive @ary thy $i!e, !or that $hi#h in her $as begotten IisI o! the Holy S irit, ,#and she shall bring !orth a son, and thou shalt #all his na"e 5esus, !or he shall save his eo le !ro" their sins)I #%BQPRZ WN L AORU ASVRC WBYABLC QO YAB XR ]NKQO ASVRO `AUAWNBMXAVBPAB NHLSKR]R KA]UA A`LKSPAB ASVRO ,(VASVA WN ASVLS NO]SXR]NOVLC BWLS AMMNKLC YSUBLS YAV LOAU NZAOR ASVQ KNMQO BQPRZ SBLC WAHBW XR ZLHR]RC `AUAKAHNBO XAUBAX VRO MSOABYA PLS VL MAU NO ASVR MNOOR]NO NY `ONSXAVLC NPVBO AMBLS ,#VNaNVAB WN SBLO YAB YAKNPNBC VL LOLXA ASVLS BRPLSO ASVLC MAU PQPNB VLO KALO ASVLS A`L VQO AXAUVBQO ASVQO ,,VLSVL WN LKLO MNMLONO BOA `KRUQ]R VL UR]NO S`L VLS YSUBLS WBA VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC ,-BWLS R `AU]NOLC NO MAPVUB NaNB YAB VNaNVAB SBLO YAB YAKNPLSPBO VL LOLXA ASVLS NXXAOLSRK L NPVBO XN]NUXRONSLXNOLO XN] RXQO L ]NLC
,,.nd all this hath #o"e to ass, that it "ay be !ul!illed that $as s o'en by the Lord through the ro het, saying, ,-ILo, the virgin shall #on#eive, and she shall bring !orth a son, and they shall #all his na"e E""anuel,I $hi#h is, being inter reted IWith us Ihe isI &od)I ,..nd 5ose h, having risen !ro" the ,.WBNMNU]NBC WN L BQPRZ A`L VLS slee , did as the "essenger o! the Lord S`OLS N`LBRPNO QC `ULPNVAaNO ASVQ L dire#ted hi", and re#eived his $i!e, AMMNKLC YSUBLS YAB `AUNKAHNO VRO MSOABYA ASVLS ,'and did not 'no$ her till she ,'YAB LSY NMBOQPYNO ASVRO NQC LS brought !orth her son ++ the !irst+born, NVNYNO VLO SBLO ASVRC VLO `UQVLVLYLO and he #alled his na"e 5esus) YAB NYAKNPNO VL LOLXA ASVLS BRPLSO
+hapter ,
#.nd 5esus having been born in Beth+ Lehe" o! 5udea, in the days o! Herod the 'ing, lo, "ages !ro" the east #a"e to 5erusale", ,saying, IWhere is he $ho $as born 'ing o! the 5e$sb !or $e sa$ his star in the east, and $e #a"e to bo$ to hi")I -.nd Herod the 'ing having heard, $as stirred, and all 5erusale" $ith hi", .and having gathered all the #hie! riests and s#ribes o! the eo le, he $as in?uiring !ro" the" $here the Dhrist is born) '.nd they said to hi", I0n Beth+Lehe" o! 5udea, !or thus it hath been $ritten through the ro het, /.nd thou, Beth+Lehe", the land o! 5udah, thou art by no "eans the least a"ong the leaders o! 5udah, !or out o! thee shall #o"e one leading, $ho shall !eed @y eo le 0srael)I 0Then Herod, rivately having #alled the "ages, did in?uire e(a#tly !ro" the" the ti"e o! the a earing star, $and having sent the" to Beth+Lehe", he said, IHaving gone ++ in?uire ye e(a#tly !or the #hild, and $henever ye "ay have !ound, bring "e ba#' $ord, that 0 also having #o"e "ay bo$ to hi")I > #VLS WN BRPLS MNOOR]NOVLC NO HR]KNNX VRC BLSWABAC NO RXNUABC RUQWLS VLS HAPBKNQC BWLS XAMLB A`L AOAVLKQO `AUNMNOLOVL NBC BNULPLKSXA ,KNMLOVNC `LS NPVBO L VNT]NBC HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO NBWLXNO MAU ASVLS VLO APVNUA NO VR AOAVLKR YAB RK]LXNO `ULPYSORPAB ASVQ -AYLSPAC WN RUQWRC L HAPBKNSC NVAUAT]R YAB `APA BNULPLKSXA XNV ASVLS .YAB PSOAMAMQO `AOVAC VLSC AUTBNUNBC YAB MUAXXAVNBC VLS KALS N`SO]AONVL `AU ASVQO `LS L TUBPVLC MNOOAVAB 'LB WN NB`LO ASVQ NO HR]KNNX VRC BLSWABAC LSVQC MAU MNMUA`VAB WBA VLS `ULZRVLS /YAB PS HR]KNNX MR BLSWA LSWAXQC NKATBPVR NB NO VLBC RMNXLPBO BLSWA NY PLS MAU NaNKNSPNVAB RMLSXNOLC LPVBC `LBXAONB VLO KALO XLS VLO BPUARK 0VLVN RUQWRC KA]UA YAKNPAC VLSC XAMLSC RYUBHQPNO `AU ASVQO VLO TULOLO VLS ZABOLXNOLS APVNULC $YAB `NXcAC ASVLSC NBC HR]KNNX NB`NO `LUNS]NOVNC AYUBHQC NaNVAPAVN `NUB VLS `ABWBLS N`AO WN NSURVN A`AMMNBKAVN XLB L`QC YAMQ NK]QO `ULPYSORPQ ASVQ
%.nd they, having heard the 'ing, de arted, and lo, the star, that they did see in the east, did go be!ore the", till, having #o"e, it stood over $here the #hild $as) #(.nd having seen the star, they re-oi#ed $ith e(#eeding great -oy, ##and having #o"e to the house, they !ound the #hild $ith @ary his "other, and having !allen do$n they bo$ed to hi", and having o ened their treasures, they resented to hi" gi!ts, gold, and !ran'in#ense, and "yrrh, #,and having been divinely $arned in a drea" not to turn ba#' unto Herod, through another $ay they $ithdre$ to their o$n region) #-.nd on their having $ithdra$n, lo, a "essenger o! the Lord doth a ear in a drea" to 5ose h, saying, IHaving risen, ta'e the #hild and his "other, and !lee to Egy t, and be thou there till 0 "ay s ea' to thee, !or Herod is about to see' the #hild to destroy hi")I #..nd he, having risen, too' the #hild and his "other by night, and $ithdre$ to Egy t, #'and he $as there till the death o! Herod, that it "ight be !ul!illed that $as s o'en by the Lord through the ro het, saying, IOut o! Egy t 0 did #all @y Son)I %LB WN AYLSPAOVNC VLS HAPBKNQC N`LUNS]RPAO YAB BWLS L APVRU LO NBWLO NO VR AOAVLKR `ULRMNO ASVLSC NQC NK]QO NPVR N`AOQ LS RO VL `ABWBLO #(BWLOVNC WN VLO APVNUA NTAURPAO TAUAO XNMAKRO PZLWUA ##YAB NK]LOVNC NBC VRO LBYBAO NSULO VL `ABWBLO XNVA XAUBAC VRC XRVULC ASVLS YAB `NPLOVNC `ULPNYSORPAO ASVQ YAB AOLBaAOVNC VLSC ]RPASULSC ASVQO `ULPRONMYAO ASVQ WQUA TUSPLO YAB KBHAOLO YAB PXSUOAO #,YAB TURXAVBP]NOVNC YAV LOAU XR AOAYAXcAB `ULC RUQWRO WB AKKRC LWLS AONTQURPAO NBC VRO TQUAO ASVQO #-AOATQURPAOVQO WN ASVQO BWLS AMMNKLC YSUBLS ZABONVAB YAV LOAU VQ BQPRZ KNMQO NMNU]NBC `AUAKAHN VL `ABWBLO YAB VRO XRVNUA ASVLS YAB ZNSMN NBC ABMS`VLO YAB BP]B NYNB NQC AO NB`Q PLB XNKKNB MAU RUQWRC \RVNBO VL `ABWBLO VLS A`LKNPAB ASVL #.L WN NMNU]NBC `AUNKAHNO VL `ABWBLO YAB VRO XRVNUA ASVLS OSYVLC YAB AONTQURPNO NBC ABMS`VLO #'YAB RO NYNB NQC VRC VNKNSVRC RUQWLS BOA `KRUQ]R VL UR]NO S`L VLS YSUBLS WBA VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC Na ABMS`VLS NYAKNPA VLO SBLO XLS
#/Then Herod, having seen that he $as de#eived by the "ages, $as very $roth, and having sent !orth, he sle$ all the "ale #hildren in Beth+Lehe", and in all its borders, !ro" t$o years and under, a##ording to the ti"e that he in?uired e(a#tly !ro" the "ages) #0Then $as !ul!illed that $hi#h $as s o'en by 5ere"iah the ro het, saying, #$I. voi#e in Ra"ah $as heard ++ la"entation and $ee ing and "u#h "ourning ++ Ra#hel $ee ing I!orI her #hildren, and she $ould not be #o"!orted be#ause they are not)I #%.nd Herod having died, lo, a "essenger o! the Lord in a drea" doth a ear to 5ose h in Egy t, ,(saying, IHaving risen, ta'e the #hild and his "other, and be going to the land o! 0srael, !or they have died ++ those see'ing the li!e o! the #hild)I ,#.nd he, having risen, too' the #hild and his "other, and #a"e to the land o! 0srael, ,,and having heard that .r#helaus doth reign over 5udea instead o! Herod his !ather, he $as a!raid to go thither, and having been divinely $arned in a drea", he $ithdre$ to the arts o! &alilee, #/VLVN RUQWRC BWQO LVB NON`ABT]R S`L VQO XAMQO N]SXQ]R KBAO YAB A`LPVNBKAC AONBKNO `AOVAC VLSC `ABWAC VLSC NO HR]KNNX YAB NO `APBO VLBC LUBLBC ASVRC A`L WBNVLSC YAB YAVQVNUQ YAVA VLO TULOLO LO RYUBHQPNO `AUA VQO XAMQO #0VLVN N`KRUQ]R VL UR]NO S`L BNUNXBLS VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC #$ZQOR NO UAXA RYLSP]R ]UROLC YAB YKAS]XLC YAB LWSUXLC `LKSC UATRK YKABLSPA VA VNYOA ASVRC YAB LSY R]NKNO `AUAYKR]ROAB LVB LSY NBPBO #%VNKNSVRPAOVLC WN VLS RUQWLS BWLS AMMNKLC YSUBLS YAV LOAU ZABONVAB VQ BQPRZ NO ABMS`VQ ,(KNMQO NMNU]NBC `AUAKAHN VL `ABWBLO YAB VRO XRVNUA ASVLS YAB `LUNSLS NBC MRO BPUARK VN]ORYAPBO MAU LB \RVLSOVNC VRO cSTRO VLS `ABWBLS ,#L WN NMNU]NBC `AUNKAHNO VL `ABWBLO YAB VRO XRVNUA ASVLS YAB RK]NO NBC MRO BPUARK ,,AYLSPAC WN LVB AUTNKALC HAPBKNSNB N`B VRC BLSWABAC AOVB RUQWLS VLS `AVULC ASVLS NZLHR]R NYNB A`NK]NBO TURXAVBP]NBC WN YAV LOAU AONTQURPNO NBC VA XNUR VRC MAKBKABAC
,-and #o"ing, he d$elt in a #ity na"ed /aEareth, that it "ight be !ul!illed that $as s o'en through the ro hets, that I. /aEarene he shall be #alled)I ,-YAB NK]QO YAVQYRPNO NBC `LKBO KNMLXNORO OA\AUNV L`QC `KRUQ]R VL UR]NO WBA VQO `ULZRVQO LVB OA\QUABLC YKR]RPNVAB
+hapter #.nd in those days #o"eth 5ohn the Ba tist, ro#lai"ing in the $ilderness o! 5udea, ,and saying, IRe!or", !or #o"e nigh hath the reign o! the heavens,I -!or this is he $ho $as s o'en o! by 0saiah the ro het, saying, I. voi#e o! one #rying in the $ilderness, Pre are ye the $ay o! the Lord, straight "a'e ye His aths)I ..nd this 5ohn had his #lothing o! #a"elIs hair, and a girdle o! s'in round his loins, and his nourish"ent $as lo#usts and honey o! the !ield) 'Then $ere going !orth unto hi" 5erusale", and all 5udea, and all the region round about the 5ordan, /and they $ere ba tiEed in the 5ordan by hi", #on!essing their sins) 0.nd having seen "any o! the Pharisees and Saddu#ees #o"ing about his ba tis", he said to the", IBrood o! vi ersd $ho did she$ you to !lee !ro" the #o"ing $rathb $bear, there!ore, !ruits $orthy o! the re!or"ation, %and do not thin' to say in yourselves, . !ather $e have ++ .braha", !or 0 say to you, that &od is able out o! these stones to raise #hildren to .braha", #NO WN VABC RXNUABC NYNBOABC `AUAMBONVAB BQAOORC L HA`VBPVRC YRUSPPQO NO VR NURXQ VRC BLSWABAC ,YAB KNMQO XNVAOLNBVN RMMBYNO MAU R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO -LSVLC MAU NPVBO L UR]NBC S`L RPABLS VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC ZQOR HLQOVLC NO VR NURXQ NVLBXAPAVN VRO LWLO YSUBLS NS]NBAC `LBNBVN VAC VUBHLSC ASVLS .ASVLC WN L BQAOORC NBTNO VL NOWSXA ASVLS A`L VUBTQO YAXRKLS YAB \QORO WNUXAVBORO `NUB VRO LPZSO ASVLS R WN VULZR ASVLS RO AYUBWNC YAB XNKB AMUBLO 'VLVN NaN`LUNSNVL `ULC ASVLO BNULPLKSXA YAB `APA R BLSWABA YAB `APA R `NUBTQULC VLS BLUWAOLS /YAB NHA`VB\LOVL NO VQ BLUWAOR S` ASVLS NaLXLKLMLSXNOLB VAC AXAUVBAC ASVQO 0BWQO WN `LKKLSC VQO ZAUBPABQO YAB PAWWLSYABQO NUTLXNOLSC N`B VL HA`VBPXA ASVLS NB`NO ASVLBC MNOORXAVA NTBWOQO VBC S`NWNBaNO SXBO ZSMNBO A`L VRC XNKKLSPRC LUMRC $`LBRPAVN LSO YAU`LSC AaBLSC VRC XNVAOLBAC %YAB XR WLaRVN KNMNBO NO NASVLBC `AVNUA NTLXNO VLO AHUAAX KNMQ MAU SXBO LVB WSOAVAB L ]NLC NY VQO KB]QO VLSVQO NMNBUAB VNYOA VQ AHUAAX
#(and no$ also, the a(e unto the root o! the trees is laid, every tree there!ore not bearing good !ruit is he$n do$n, and to !ire is #ast) ##I0 indeed do ba tiEe you $ith $ater to re!or"ation, but he $ho a!ter "e is #o"ing is "ightier than 0, o! $ho" 0 a" not $orthy to bear the sandals, he shall ba tiEe you $ith the Holy S irit and $ith !ire, #,$hose !an IisI in his hand, and he $ill thoroughly #leanse his !loor, and $ill gather his $heat to the storehouse, but the #ha!! he $ill burn $ith !ire un?uen#hable)I #-Then #o"eth 5esus !ro" &alilee u on the 5ordan, unto 5ohn to be ba tiEed by hi", #.but 5ohn $as !orbidding hi", saying, I0 have need by thee to be ba tiEed ++ and thou dost #o"e unto "edI #'But 5esus ans$ering said to hi", ISu!!er no$, !or thus it is be#o"ing to us to !ul!ill all righteousness,I then he doth su!!er hi") #/.nd having been ba tiEed, 5esus $ent u i""ediately !ro" the $ater, and lo, o ened to hi" $ere the heavens, and he sa$ the S irit o! &od des#ending as a dove, and #o"ing u on hi", #(RWR WN YAB R AaBOR `ULC VRO UB\AO VQO WNOWUQO YNBVAB `AO LSO WNOWULO XR `LBLSO YAU`LO YAKLO NYYL`VNVAB YAB NBC `SU HAKKNVAB ##NMQ XNO HA`VB\Q SXAC NO SWAVB NBC XNVAOLBAO L WN L`BPQ XLS NUTLXNOLC BPTSULVNULC XLS NPVBO LS LSY NBXB BYAOLC VA S`LWRXAVA HAPVAPAB ASVLC SXAC HA`VBPNB NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ YAB `SUB #,LS VL `VSLO NO VR TNBUB ASVLS YAB WBAYA]AUBNB VRO AKQOA ASVLS YAB PSOAaNB VLO PBVLO ASVLS NBC VRO A`L]RYRO VL WN ATSULO YAVAYASPNB `SUB APHNPVQ #-VLVN `AUAMBONVAB L BRPLSC A`L VRC MAKBKABAC N`B VLO BLUWAORO `ULC VLO BQAOORO VLS HA`VBP]ROAB S` ASVLS #.L WN BQAOORC WBNYQKSNO ASVLO KNMQO NMQ TUNBAO NTQ S`L PLS HA`VBP]ROAB YAB PS NUTR `ULC XN #'A`LYUB]NBC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO `ULC ASVLO AZNC AUVB LSVQC MAU `UN`LO NPVBO RXBO `KRUQPAB `APAO WBYABLPSORO VLVN AZBRPBO ASVLO #/YAB HA`VBP]NBC L BRPLSC AONHR NS]SC A`L VLS SWAVLC YAB BWLS AONQT]RPAO ASVQ LB LSUAOLB YAB NBWNO VL `ONSXA VLS ]NLS YAVAHABOLO QPNB `NUBPVNUAO YAB NUTLXNOLO N` ASVLO
#0and lo, a voi#e out o! the heavens, #0YAB BWLS ZQOR NY VQO LSUAOQO saying, IThis is @y Son ++ the Beloved, KNMLSPA LSVLC NPVBO L SBLC XLS L in $ho" 0 did delight)I AMA`RVLC NO Q NSWLYRPA
+hapter .
#Then 5esus $as led u to the $ilderness by the S irit, to be te" ted by the Devil, ,and having !asted !orty days and !orty nights, a!ter$ards he did hunger) #VLVN L BRPLSC AORT]R NBC VRO NURXLO S`L VLS `ONSXAVLC `NBUAP]ROAB S`L VLS WBAHLKLS ,YAB ORPVNSPAC RXNUAC VNPPAUAYLOVA YAB OSYVAC VNPPAUAYLOVA SPVNULO N`NBOAPNO -.nd the Te" ter having #o"e to hi" -YAB `ULPNK]QO ASVQ L `NBUA\QO said, I0! Son thou art o! &od ++ s ea' NB`NO NB SBLC NB VLS ]NLS NB`N BOA LB that these stones "ay be#o"e loaves)I KB]LB LSVLB AUVLB MNOQOVAB .But he ans$ering said, I0t hath been .L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO MNMUA`VAB LSY $ritten, /ot u on bread alone doth N` AUVQ XLOQ \RPNVAB AO]UQ`LC AKK "an live, but u on every $ord #o"ing N`B `AOVB URXAVB NY`LUNSLXNOQ WBA !orth !ro" the "outh o! &od)I PVLXAVLC ]NLS 'Then doth the Devil ta'e hi" to the 'VLVN `AUAKAXHAONB ASVLO L WBAHLKLC IholyI #ity, and doth set hi" on the NBC VRO AMBAO `LKBO YAB BPVRPBO ASVLO inna#le o! the te" le, N`B VL `VNUSMBLO VLS BNULS /and saith to hi", I0! Son thou art o! /YAB KNMNB ASVQ NB SBLC NB VLS ]NLS &od ++ #ast thysel! do$n, !or it hath HAKN PNASVLO YAVQ MNMUA`VAB MAU LVB been $ritten, that, His "essengers He VLBC AMMNKLBC ASVLS NOVNKNBVAB `NUB shall #harge #on#erning thee, and on PLS YAB N`B TNBUQO AULSPBO PN XR`LVN hands they shall bear thee u , that thou `ULPYLcRC `ULC KB]LO VLO `LWA PLS "ayest not dash on a stone thy !oot)I 05esus said to hi" again, I0t hath been 0NZR ASVQ L BRPLSC `AKBO MNMUA`VAB $ritten, Thou shalt not te" t the Lord LSY NY`NBUAPNBC YSUBLO VLO ]NLO PLS thy &od)I $.gain doth the Devil ta'e hi" to a $`AKBO `AUAKAXHAONB ASVLO L very high "ount, and doth she$ to WBAHLKLC NBC LULC ScRKLO KBAO YAB hi" all the 'ingdo"s o! the $orld and WNBYOSPBO ASVQ `APAC VAC HAPBKNBAC the glory o! the", VLS YLPXLS YAB VRO WLaAO ASVQO %and saith to hi", I.ll these to thee 0 %YAB KNMNB ASVQ VASVA `AOVA PLB $ill give, i! !alling do$n thou "ayest WQPQ NAO `NPQO `ULPYSORPRC XLB bo$ to "e)I 1:
#(Then saith 5esus to hi", I&o ++ .dversary, !or it hath been $ritten, The Lord thy &od thou shalt bo$ to, and Hi" only thou shalt serve)I ##Then doth the Devil leave hi", and lo, "essengers #a"e and $ere "inistering to hi") #,.nd 5esus having heard that 5ohn $as delivered u , did $ithdra$ to &alilee, #-and having le!t /aEareth, having #o"e, he d$elt at Da ernau" that is by the sea, in the borders o! [ebulun and /a htali", #.that it "ight be !ul!illed that $as s o'en through 0saiah the ro het, saying, #'ILand o! [ebulun and land o! /a htali, $ay o! the sea, beyond the 5ordan, &alilee o! the nationsd ++ #/the eo le that is sitting in dar'ness sa$ a great light, and to those sitting in a region and shado$ o! death ++ light arose to the")I #0Fro" that ti"e began 5esus to ro#lai" and to say, IRe!or" ye, !or #o"e nigh hath the reign o! the heavens)I #$.nd 5esus, $al'ing by the sea o! &alilee, sa$ t$o brothers, Si"on na"ed Peter and .ndre$ his brother, #asting a drag into the sea ++ !or they $ere !ishers ++ #(VLVN KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC S`AMN PAVAOA MNMUA`VAB MAU YSUBLO VLO ]NLO PLS `ULPYSORPNBC YAB ASVQ XLOQ KAVUNSPNBC ##VLVN AZBRPBO ASVLO L WBAHLKLC YAB BWLS AMMNKLB `ULPRK]LO YAB WBRYLOLSO ASVQ #,AYLSPAC WN L BRPLSC LVB BQAOORC `AUNWL]R AONTQURPNO NBC VRO MAKBKABAO #-YAB YAVAKB`QO VRO OA\AUNV NK]QO YAVQYRPNO NBC YA`NUOALSX VRO `AUA]AKAPPBAO NO LUBLBC \AHLSKQO YAB ONZ]AKNBX #.BOA `KRUQ]R VL UR]NO WBA RPABLS VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC #'MR \AHLSKQO YAB MR ONZ]AKNBX LWLO ]AKAPPRC `NUAO VLS BLUWAOLS MAKBKABA VQO N]OQO #/L KALC L YA]RXNOLC NO PYLVNB NBWN ZQC XNMA YAB VLBC YA]RXNOLBC NO TQUA YAB PYBA ]AOAVLS ZQC AONVNBKNO ASVLBC #0A`L VLVN RUaAVL L BRPLSC YRUSPPNBO YAB KNMNBO XNVAOLNBVN RMMBYNO MAU R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO #$`NUB`AVQO WN L BRPLSC `AUA VRO ]AKAPPAO VRC MAKBKABAC NBWNO WSL AWNKZLSC PBXQOA VLO KNMLXNOLO `NVULO YAB AOWUNAO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS HAKKLOVAC AXZBHKRPVULO NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO RPAO MAU AKBNBC
#%and he saith to the", IDo"e ye a!ter "e, and 0 $ill "a'e you !ishers o! "en,I ,(and they, i""ediately, having le!t the nets, did !ollo$ hi") ,#.nd having advan#ed then#e, he sa$ other t$o brothers, 5a"es o! [ebedee, and 5ohn his brother, in the boat $ith [ebedee their !ather, re!itting their nets, and he #alled the", ,,and they, i""ediately, having le!t the boat and their !ather, did !ollo$ hi") ,-.nd 5esus $as going about all &alilee tea#hing in their synagogues, and ro#lai"ing the good ne$s o! the reign, and healing every disease, and every "alady a"ong the eo le, ,.and his !a"e $ent !orth to all Syria, and they brought to hi" all having ail"ents, ressed $ith "ani!old si#'nesses and ains, and de"onia#s, and lunati#s, and aralyti#s, and he healed the") ,'.nd there !ollo$ed hi" "any "ultitudes !ro" &alilee, and De#a olis, and 5erusale", and 5udea, and beyond the 5ordan) #%YAB KNMNB ASVLBC WNSVN L`BPQ XLS YAB `LBRPQ SXAC AKBNBC AO]UQ`QO ,(LB WN NS]NQC AZNOVNC VA WBYVSA RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ ,#YAB `ULHAC NYNB]NO NBWNO AKKLSC WSL AWNKZLSC BAYQHLO VLO VLS \NHNWABLS YAB BQAOORO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS NO VQ `KLBQ XNVA \NHNWABLS VLS `AVULC ASVQO YAVAUVB\LOVAC VA WBYVSA ASVQO YAB NYAKNPNO ASVLSC ,,LB WN NS]NQC AZNOVNC VL `KLBLO YAB VLO `AVNUA ASVQO RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ ,-YAB `NUBRMNO LKRO VRO MAKBKABAO L BRPLSC WBWAPYQO NO VABC PSOAMQMABC ASVQO YAB YRUSPPQO VL NSAMMNKBLO VRC HAPBKNBAC YAB ]NUA`NSQO `APAO OLPLO YAB `APAO XAKAYBAO NO VQ KAQ ,.YAB A`RK]NO R AYLR ASVLS NBC LKRO VRO PSUBAO YAB `ULPRONMYAO ASVQ `AOVAC VLSC YAYQC NTLOVAC `LBYBKABC OLPLBC YAB HAPAOLBC PSONTLXNOLSC YAB WABXLOB\LXNOLSC YAB PNKROBA\LXNOLSC YAB `AUAKSVBYLSC YAB N]NUA`NSPNO ASVLSC ,'YAB RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ LTKLB `LKKLB A`L VRC MAKBKABAC YAB WNYA`LKNQC YAB BNULPLKSXQO YAB BLSWABAC YAB `NUAO VLS BLUWAOLS
+hapter '
#.nd having seen the "ultitudes, he $ent u to the "ount, and he having sat do$n, his dis#i les #a"e to hi", ,and having o ened his "outh, he $as tea#hing the", sayingF -IHa y the oor in s irit ++ be#ause theirs is the reign o! the heavens) .IHa y the "ourning ++ be#ause they shall be #o"!orted) 'IHa y the "ee' ++ be#ause they shall inherit the land) /IHa y those hungering and thirsting !or righteousness ++ be#ause they shall be !illed) 0IHa y the 'ind ++ be#ause they shall !ind 'indness) $IHa y the #lean in heart ++ be#ause they shall see &od) %IHa y the ea#e"a'ers ++ be#ause they shall be #alled Sons o! &od) #(IHa y those erse#uted !or righteousnessI sa'e ++ be#ause theirs is the reign o! the heavens) ##IHa y are ye $henever they "ay re roa#h you, and "ay erse#ute, and "ay say any evil thing against you !alsely !or "y sa'e ++ #,re-oi#e ye and be glad, be#ause your re$ard IisI great in the heavens, !or thus did they erse#ute the ro hets $ho $ere be!ore you) #BWQO WN VLSC LTKLSC AONHR NBC VL LULC YAB YA]BPAOVLC ASVLS `ULPRK]LO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS ,YAB AOLBaAC VL PVLXA ASVLS NWBWAPYNO ASVLSC KNMQO -XAYAUBLB LB `VQTLB VQ `ONSXAVB LVB ASVQO NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO .XAYAUBLB LB `NO]LSOVNC LVB ASVLB `AUAYKR]RPLOVAB 'XAYAUBLB LB `UANBC LVB ASVLB YKRULOLXRPLSPBO VRO MRO /XAYAUBLB LB `NBOQOVNC YAB WBcQOVNC VRO WBYABLPSORO LVB ASVLB TLUVAP]RPLOVAB 0XAYAUBLB LB NKNRXLONC LVB ASVLB NKNR]RPLOVAB $XAYAUBLB LB YA]AULB VR YAUWBA LVB ASVLB VLO ]NLO LcLOVAB %XAYAUBLB LB NBUROL`LBLB LVB ASVLB SBLB ]NLS YKR]RPLOVAB #(XAYAUBLB LB WNWBQMXNOLB NONYNO WBYABLPSORC LVB ASVQO NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO ##XAYAUBLB NPVN LVAO LONBWBPQPBO SXAC YAB WBQaQPBO YAB NB`QPBO `AO `LORULO URXA YA] SXQO cNSWLXNOLB NONYNO NXLS #,TABUNVN YAB AMAKKBAP]N LVB L XBP]LC SXQO `LKSC NO VLBC LSUAOLBC LSVQC MAU NWBQaAO VLSC `ULZRVAC VLSC `UL SXQO
#-I4e are the salt o! the land, but i! the salt "ay lose savour, in $hat shall it be saltedb !or nothing is it good hen#e!orth, e(#e t to be #ast $ithout, and to be trodden do$n by "en) #.I4e are the light o! the $orld, a #ity set u on a "ount is not able to be hid, #-SXNBC NPVN VL AKAC VRC MRC NAO WN VL AKAC XQUAO]R NO VBOB AKBP]RPNVAB NBC LSWNO BPTSNB NVB NB XR HKR]ROAB NaQ YAB YAVA`AVNBP]AB S`L VQO AO]UQ`QO
#.SXNBC NPVN VL ZQC VLS YLPXLS LS WSOAVAB `LKBC YUSHROAB N`AOQ LULSC YNBXNOR #'nor do they light a la" , and ut it #'LSWN YABLSPBO KSTOLO YAB VB]NAPBO under the "easure, but on the la" + ASVLO S`L VLO XLWBLO AKK N`B VRO stand, and it shineth to all those in the KSTOBAO YAB KAX`NB `APBO VLBC NO VR house, LBYBA #/so let your light shine be!ore "en, #/LSVQC KAXcAVQ VL ZQC SXQO that they "ay see your good $or's, NX`ULP]NO VQO AO]UQ`QO L`QC and "ay glori!y your Father $ho IisI in BWQPBO SXQO VA YAKA NUMA YAB the heavens) WLaAPQPBO VLO `AVNUA SXQO VLO NO VLBC LSUAOLBC #0IDo not su ose that 0 #a"e to thro$ #0XR OLXBPRVN LVB RK]LO YAVAKSPAB do$n the la$ or the ro hets ++ 0 did VLO OLXLO R VLSC `ULZRVAC LSY RK]LO not #o"e to thro$ do$n, but to !ul!ill, YAVAKSPAB AKKA `KRUQPAB #$!or, verily 0 say to you, till that the #$AXRO MAU KNMQ SXBO NQC AO `AUNK]R heaven and the earth "ay ass a$ay, L LSUAOLC YAB R MR BQVA NO R XBA one iota or one tittle "ay not ass YNUABA LS XR `AUNK]R A`L VLS OLXLS a$ay !ro" the la$, till that all "ay NQC AO `AOVA MNORVAB #o"e to ass) #%IWhoever there!ore "ay loose one #%LC NAO LSO KSPR XBAO VQO NOVLKQO o! these #o""ands ++ the least ++ and VLSVQO VQO NKATBPVQO YAB WBWAaR "ay tea#h "en so, least he shall be LSVQC VLSC AO]UQ`LSC NKATBPVLC #alled in the reign o! the heavens, but YKR]RPNVAB NO VR HAPBKNBA VQO $hoever "ay do and "ay tea#h Ithe"I, LSUAOQO LC W AO `LBRPR YAB WBWAaR he shall be #alled great in the reign o! LSVLC XNMAC YKR]RPNVAB NO VR the heavens) HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO
,(IFor 0 say to you, that i! your righteousness "ay not abound above that o! the s#ribes and Pharisees, ye "ay not enter to the reign o! the heavens) ,#I4e heard that it $as said to the an#ientsF Thou shalt not 'ill, and $hoever "ay 'ill shall be in danger o! the -udg"ent, ,,but 0 ++ 0 say to you, that every one $ho is angry at his brother $ithout #ause, shall be in danger o! the -udg"ent, and $hoever "ay say to his brother, E" ty !ello$d shall be in danger o! the sanhedri", and $hoever "ay say, Rebeld shall be in danger o! the gehenna o! the !ire) ,-I0!, there!ore, thou "ayest bring thy gi!t to the altar, and there "ayest re"e"ber that thy brother hath anything against thee, ,.leave there thy gi!t be!ore the altar, and go ++ !irst be re#on#iled to thy brother, and then having #o"e bring thy gi!t) ,'IBe agreeing $ith thy o onent ?ui#'ly, $hile thou art in the $ay $ith hi", that the o onent "ay not deliver thee to the -udge, and the -udge "ay deliver thee to the o!!i#er, and to rison thou "ayest be #ast, ,/verily 0 say to thee, thou "ayest not #o"e !orth then#e till that thou "ayest ay the last !arthing) ,(KNMQ MAU SXBO LVB NAO XR `NUBPPNSPR R WBYABLPSOR SXQO `KNBLO VQO MUAXXAVNQO YAB ZAUBPABQO LS XR NBPNK]RVN NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VQO LSUAOQO ,#RYLSPAVN LVB NUUN]R VLBC AUTABLBC LS ZLONSPNBC LC W AO ZLONSPR NOLTLC NPVAB VR YUBPNB ,,NMQ WN KNMQ SXBO LVB `AC L LUMB\LXNOLC VQ AWNKZQ ASVLS NBYR NOLTLC NPVAB VR YUBPNB LC W AO NB`R VQ AWNKZQ ASVLS UAYA NOLTLC NPVAB VQ PSONWUBQ LC W AO NB`R XQUN NOLTLC NPVAB NBC VRO MNNOOAO VLS `SULC ,-NAO LSO `ULPZNURC VL WQULO PLS N`B VL ]SPBAPVRUBLO YAYNB XORP]RC LVB L AWNKZLC PLS NTNB VB YAVA PLS ,.AZNC NYNB VL WQULO PLS NX`ULP]NO VLS ]SPBAPVRUBLS YAB S`AMN `UQVLO WBAKKAMR]B VQ AWNKZQ PLS YAB VLVN NK]QO `ULPZNUN VL WQULO PLS ,'BP]B NSOLQO VQ AOVBWBYQ PLS VATS NQC LVLS NB NO VR LWQ XNV ASVLS XR`LVN PN `AUAWQ L AOVBWBYLC VQ YUBVR YAB L YUBVRC PN `AUAWQ VQ S`RUNVR YAB NBC ZSKAYRO HKR]RPR ,/AXRO KNMQ PLB LS XR NaNK]RC NYNB]NO NQC AO A`LWQC VLO NPTAVLO YLWUAOVRO 12
,0I4e heard that it $as said to the an#ientsF Thou shalt not #o""it adultery, ,$but 0 ++ 0 say to you, that every one $ho is loo'ing on a $o"an to desire her, did already #o""it adultery $ith her in his heart) ,%IBut, i! thy right eye doth #ause thee to stu"ble, lu#' it out and #ast !ro" thee, !or it is good to thee that one o! thy "e"bers "ay erish, and not thy $hole body be #ast to gehenna) -(I.nd, i! thy right hand doth #ause thee to stu"ble, #ut it o!!, and #ast !ro" thee, !or it is good to thee that one o! thy "e"bers "ay erish, and not thy $hole body be #ast to gehenna) -#I.nd it $as said, That $hoever "ay ut a$ay his $i!e, let hi" give to her a $riting o! divor#e, -,but 0 ++ 0 say to you, that $hoever "ay ut a$ay his $i!e, save !or the "atter o! $horedo", doth "a'e her to #o""it adultery, and $hoever "ay "arry her $ho hath been ut a$ay doth #o""it adultery) --I.gain, ye heard that it $as said to the an#ientsF Thou shalt not s$ear !alsely, but thou shalt ay to the Lord thine oaths, -.but 0 ++ 0 say to you, not to s$ear at all, neither by the heaven, be#ause it is the throne o! &od, ,0RYLSPAVN LVB NUUN]R VLBC AUTABLBC LS XLBTNSPNBC ,$NMQ WN KNMQ SXBO LVB `AC L HKN`QO MSOABYA `ULC VL N`B]SXRPAB ASVRC RWR NXLBTNSPNO ASVRO NO VR YAUWBA ASVLS ,%NB WN L LZ]AKXLC PLS L WNaBLC PYAOWAKB\NB PN NaNKN ASVLO YAB HAKN A`L PLS PSXZNUNB MAU PLB BOA A`LKRVAB NO VQO XNKQO PLS YAB XR LKLO VL PQXA PLS HKR]R NBC MNNOOAO -(YAB NB R WNaBA PLS TNBU PYAOWAKB\NB PN NYYLcLO ASVRO YAB HAKN A`L PLS PSXZNUNB MAU PLB BOA A`LKRVAB NO VQO XNKQO PLS YAB XR LKLO VL PQXA PLS HKR]R NBC MNNOOAO -#NUUN]R WN LVB LC AO A`LKSPR VRO MSOABYA ASVLS WLVQ ASVR A`LPVAPBLO -,NMQ WN KNMQ SXBO LVB LC AO A`LKSPR VRO MSOABYA ASVLS `AUNYVLC KLMLS `LUONBAC `LBNB ASVRO XLBTAP]AB YAB LC NAO A`LKNKSXNORO MAXRPR XLBTAVAB --`AKBO RYLSPAVN LVB NUUN]R VLBC AUTABLBC LSY N`BLUYRPNBC A`LWQPNBC WN VQ YSUBQ VLSC LUYLSC PLS -.NMQ WN KNMQ SXBO XR LXLPAB LKQC XRVN NO VQ LSUAOQ LVB ]ULOLC NPVBO VLS ]NLS
-'nor by the earth, be#ause it is His !ootstool, nor by 5erusale", be#ause it is a #ity o! a great 'ing, -/nor by thy head "ayest thou s$ear, be#ause thou art not able one hair to "a'e $hite or bla#', -0but let your $ord be, 4es, 4es, /o, /o, and that $hi#h is "ore than these is o! the evil) -$I4e heard that it $as saidF Eye !or eye, and tooth !or tooth, -%but 0 ++ 0 say to you, not to resist the evil, but $hoever shall sla thee on thy right #hee', turn to hi" also the other, -'XRVN NO VR MR LVB S`L`LWBLO NPVBO VQO `LWQO ASVLS XRVN NBC BNULPLKSXA LVB `LKBC NPVBO VLS XNMAKLS HAPBKNQC -/XRVN NO VR YNZAKR PLS LXLPRC LVB LS WSOAPAB XBAO VUBTA KNSYRO R XNKABOAO `LBRPAB -0NPVQ WN L KLMLC SXQO OAB OAB LS LS VL WN `NUBPPLO VLSVQO NY VLS `LORULS NPVBO -$RYLSPAVN LVB NUUN]R LZ]AKXLO AOVB LZ]AKXLS YAB LWLOVA AOVB LWLOVLC -%NMQ WN KNMQ SXBO XR AOVBPVROAB VQ `LORUQ AKK LPVBC PN UA`BPNB N`B VRO WNaBAO PLS PBAMLOA PVUNcLO ASVQ YAB VRO AKKRO .(and $hoever is $illing to ta'e thee .(YAB VQ ]NKLOVB PLB YUB]ROAB YAB VLO to la$, and thy #oat to ta'e ++ su!!er to TBVQOA PLS KAHNBO AZNC ASVQ YAB VL hi" also the #loa') BXAVBLO .#I.nd $hoever shall i" ress thee one .#YAB LPVBC PN AMMAUNSPNB XBKBLO NO "ile, go $ith hi" t$o, S`AMN XNV ASVLS WSL .,to hi" $ho is as'ing o! thee be .,VQ ABVLSOVB PN WBWLS YAB VLO giving, and hi" $ho is $illing to ]NKLOVA A`L PLS WAONBPAP]AB XR borro$ !ro" thee thou "ayest not turn A`LPVUAZRC a$ay) .-I4e heard that it $as saidF Thou .-RYLSPAVN LVB NUUN]R AMA`RPNBC VLO shalt love thy neighbor, and shalt hate `KRPBLO PLS YAB XBPRPNBC VLO NT]ULO thine ene"y, PLS ..but 0 ++ 0 say to you, Love your ..NMQ WN KNMQ SXBO AMA`AVN VLSC ene"ies, bless those #ursing you, do NT]ULSC SXQO NSKLMNBVN VLSC good to those hating you, and ray !or YAVAUQXNOLSC SXAC YAKQC `LBNBVN those a##using you !alsely, and VLSC XBPLSOVAC SXAC YAB `ULPNSTNP]N erse#uting you, S`NU VQO N`RUNA\LOVQO SXAC YAB WBQYLOVQO SXAC G9
.'that ye "ay be sons o! your Father in the heavens, be#ause His sun He doth #ause to rise on evil and good, and He doth send rain on righteous and unrighteous) ./IFor, i! ye "ay love those loving you, $hat re$ard have yeb do not also the ta(+gatherers the sa"eb .0and i! ye "ay salute your brethren only, $hat do ye abundantb do not also the ta(+gatherers sob .$ye shall there!ore be er!e#t, as your Father $ho IisI in the heavens is er!e#t) .'L`QC MNORP]N SBLB VLS `AVULC SXQO VLS NO LSUAOLBC LVB VLO RKBLO ASVLS AOAVNKKNB N`B `LORULSC YAB AMA]LSC YAB HUNTNB N`B WBYABLSC YAB AWBYLSC ./NAO MAU AMA`RPRVN VLSC AMA`QOVAC SXAC VBOA XBP]LO NTNVN LSTB YAB LB VNKQOAB VL ASVL `LBLSPBO .0YAB NAO AP`APRP]N VLSC AWNKZLSC SXQO XLOLO VB `NUBPPLO `LBNBVN LSTB YAB LB VNKQOAB LSVQC `LBLSPBO .$NPNP]N LSO SXNBC VNKNBLB QP`NU L `AVRU SXQO L NO VLBC LSUAOLBC VNKNBLC NPVBO
+hapter /
#ITa'e heed your 'indness not to do be!ore "en, to be seen by the", and i! not ++ re$ard ye have not !ro" your Father $ho IisI in the heavens, ,$henever, there!ore, thou "ayest do 'indness, thou "ayest not sound a tru" et be!ore thee as the hy o#rites do, in the synagogues, and in the streets, that they "ay have glory !ro" "en, verily 0 say to you ++ they have their re$ardd -IBut thou, doing 'indness, let not thy le!t hand 'no$ $hat thy right hand doth, .that thy 'indness "ay be in se#ret, and thy Father $ho is seeing in se#ret Hi"sel! shall re$ard thee "ani!estly) #`ULPNTNVN VRO NKNRXLPSORO SXQO XR `LBNBO NX`ULP]NO VQO AO]UQ`QO `ULC VL ]NA]ROAB ASVLBC NB WN XRMN XBP]LO LSY NTNVN `AUA VQ `AVUB SXQO VQ NO VLBC LSUAOLBC ,LVAO LSO `LBRC NKNRXLPSORO XR PAK`BPRC NX`ULP]NO PLS QP`NU LB S`LYUBVAB `LBLSPBO NO VABC PSOAMQMABC YAB NO VABC USXABC L`QC WLaAP]QPBO S`L VQO AO]UQ`QO AXRO KNMQ SXBO A`NTLSPBO VLO XBP]LO ASVQO
-PLS WN `LBLSOVLC NKNRXLPSORO XR MOQVQ R AUBPVNUA PLS VB `LBNB R WNaBA PLS .L`QC R PLS R NKNRXLPSOR NO VQ YUS`VQ YAB L `AVRU PLS L HKN`QO NO VQ YUS`VQ ASVLC A`LWQPNB PLB NO VQ ZAONUQ 'I.nd $hen thou "ayest ray, thou 'YAB LVAO `ULPNSTR LSY NPR QP`NU LB shalt not be as the hy o#rites, be#ause S`LYUBVAB LVB ZBKLSPBO NO VABC they love in the synagogues, and in the PSOAMQMABC YAB NO VABC MQOBABC VQO #orners o! the broad la#es ++ standing `KAVNBQO NPVQVNC `ULPNSTNP]AB L`QC ++ to ray, that they "ay be seen o! AO ZAOQPBO VLBC AO]UQ`LBC AXRO KNMQ "en, verily 0 say to you, that they have SXBO LVB A`NTLSPBO VLO XBP]LO ASVQO their re$ard) /IBut thou, $hen thou "ayest ray, go /PS WN LVAO `ULPNSTR NBPNK]N NBC VL into thy #ha"ber, and having shut thy VAXBNBLO PLS YAB YKNBPAC VRO ]SUAO door, ray to thy Father $ho IisI in PLS `ULPNSaAB VQ `AVUB PLS VQ NO VQ se#ret, and thy Father $ho is seeing in YUS`VQ YAB L `AVRU PLS L HKN`QO NO se#ret, shall re$ard thee "ani!estly) VQ YUS`VQ A`LWQPNB PLB NO VQ ZAONUQ
0I.nd ++ raying ++ ye "ay not use vain re etitions li'e the nations, !or they thin' that in their "u#h s ea'ing they shall be heard, $be ye not there!ore li'e to the", !or your Father doth 'no$ those things that ye have need o! be!ore your as'ing hi", %thus there!ore ray yeF IOur Father $ho IartI in the heavensd hallo$ed be Thy na"e) #(IThy reign #o"eF Thy $ill #o"e to ass, as in heaven also on the earth) 0`ULPNSTLXNOLB WN XR HAVVLKLMRPRVN QP`NU LB N]OBYLB WLYLSPBO MAU LVB NO VR `LKSKLMBA ASVQO NBPAYLSP]RPLOVAB $XR LSO LXLBQ]RVN ASVLBC LBWNO MAU L `AVRU SXQO QO TUNBAO NTNVN `UL VLS SXAC ABVRPAB ASVLO
%LSVQC LSO `ULPNSTNP]N SXNBC `AVNU RXQO L NO VLBC LSUAOLBC AMBAP]RVQ VL LOLXA PLS #(NK]NVQ R HAPBKNBA PLS MNOR]RVQ VL ]NKRXA PLS QC NO LSUAOQ YAB N`B VRC MRC ##IOur a ointed bread give us to+day) ##VLO AUVLO RXQO VLO N`BLSPBLO WLC RXBO PRXNULO #,I.nd !orgive us our debts, as also #,YAB AZNC RXBO VA LZNBKRXAVA RXQO $e !orgive our debtors) QC YAB RXNBC AZBNXNO VLBC LZNBKNVABC RXQO #-I.nd "ayest Thou not lead us to #-YAB XR NBPNONMYRC RXAC NBC te" tation, but deliver us !ro" the `NBUAPXLO AKKA USPAB RXAC A`L VLS evil, be#ause Thine is the reign, and `LORULS LVB PLS NPVBO R HAPBKNBA YAB the o$er, and the glory ++ to the ages) R WSOAXBC YAB R WLaA NBC VLSC ABQOAC ."en) AXRO #.IFor, i! ye "ay !orgive "en their #.NAO MAU AZRVN VLBC AO]UQ`LBC VA tres asses He also $ill !orgive you ++ `AUA`VQXAVA ASVQO AZRPNB YAB SXBO your Father $ho IisI in the heavens, L `AVRU SXQO L LSUAOBLC #'but i! ye "ay not !orgive "en their #'NAO WN XR AZRVN VLBC AO]UQ`LBC VA tres asses, neither $ill your Father `AUA`VQXAVA ASVQO LSWN L `AVRU !orgive your tres asses) SXQO AZRPNB VA `AUA`VQXAVA SXQO
#/I.nd $hen ye "ay !ast, be ye not as the hy o#rites, o! sour #ountenan#es, !or they dis!igure their !a#es, that they "ay a ear to "en !asting, verily 0 say to you, that they have their re$ard) #/LVAO WN ORPVNSRVN XR MBONP]N QP`NU LB S`LYUBVAB PYS]UQ`LB AZAOB\LSPBO MAU VA `ULPQ`A ASVQO L`QC ZAOQPBO VLBC AO]UQ`LBC ORPVNSLOVNC AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB A`NTLSPBO VLO XBP]LO ASVQO #0IBut thou, !asting, anoint thy head, #0PS WN ORPVNSQO AKNBcAB PLS VRO and $ash thy !a#e, YNZAKRO YAB VL `ULPQ`LO PLS OBcAB #$that thou "ayest not a ear to "en #$L`QC XR ZAORC VLBC AO]UQ`LBC !asting, but to thy Father $ho IisI in ORPVNSQO AKKA VQ `AVUB PLS VQ NO VQ se#ret, and thy Father, $ho is seeing in YUS`VQ YAB L `AVRU PLS L HKN`QO NO se#ret, shall re$ard thee "ani!estly) VQ YUS`VQ A`LWQPNB PLB NO VQ ZAONUQ #%ITreasure not u to yourselves #%XR ]RPASUB\NVN SXBO ]RPASULSC N`B treasures on the earth, $here "oth and VRC MRC L`LS PRC YAB HUQPBC AZAOB\NB rust dis!igure, and $here thieves brea' YAB L`LS YKN`VAB WBLUSPPLSPBO YAB through and steal, YKN`VLSPBO ,(but treasure u to yourselves ,(]RPASUB\NVN WN SXBO ]RPASULSC NO treasures in heaven, $here neither LSUAOQ L`LS LSVN PRC LSVN HUQPBC "oth nor rust doth dis!igure, and AZAOB\NB YAB L`LS YKN`VAB LS $here thieves do not brea' through WBLUSPPLSPBO LSWN YKN`VLSPBO nor steal, ,#!or $here your treasure is, there $ill ,#L`LS MAU NPVBO L ]RPASULC SXQO be also your heart) NYNB NPVAB YAB R YAUWBA SXQO ,,IThe la" o! the body is the eye, i!, ,,L KSTOLC VLS PQXAVLC NPVBO L there!ore, thine eye "ay be er!e#t, all LZ]AKXLC NAO LSO L LZ]AKXLC PLS thy body shall be enlightened, A`KLSC R LKLO VL PQXA PLS ZQVNBOLO NPVAB ,-but i! thine eye "ay be evil, all thy ,-NAO WN L LZ]AKXLC PLS `LORULC R body shall be dar', i!, there!ore, the LKLO VL PQXA PLS PYLVNBOLO NPVAB NB light that IisI in thee is dar'ness ++ the LSO VL ZQC VL NO PLB PYLVLC NPVBO VL dar'ness, ho$ greatd PYLVLC `LPLO
,.I/one is able to serve t$o lords, !or either he $ill hate the one and love the other, or he $ill hold to the one, and des ise the other, ye are not able to serve &od and @a""on) ,'IBe#ause o! this 0 say to you, be not an(ious !or your li!e, $hat ye "ay eat, and $hat ye "ay drin', nor !or your body, $hat ye "ay ut on) 0s not the li!e "ore than the nourish"ent, and the body than the #lothingb ,/loo' to the !o$ls o! the heaven, !or they do not so$, nor rea , nor gather into storehouses, and your heavenly Father doth nourish the", are not ye "u#h better than theyb ,.LSWNBC WSOAVAB WSPB YSUBLBC WLSKNSNBO R MAU VLO NOA XBPRPNB YAB VLO NVNULO AMA`RPNB R NOLC AO]NaNVAB YAB VLS NVNULS YAVAZULORPNB LS WSOAP]N ]NQ WLSKNSNBO YAB XAXXQOA ,'WBA VLSVL KNMQ SXBO XR XNUBXOAVN VR cSTR SXQO VB ZAMRVN YAB VB `BRVN XRWN VQ PQXAVB SXQO VB NOWSPRP]N LSTB R cSTR `KNBLO NPVBO VRC VULZRC YAB VL PQXA VLS NOWSXAVLC
,/NXHKNcAVN NBC VA `NVNBOA VLS LSUAOLS LVB LS P`NBULSPBO LSWN ]NUB\LSPBO LSWN PSOAMLSPBO NBC A`L]RYAC YAB L `AVRU SXQO L LSUAOBLC VUNZNB ASVA LST SXNBC XAKKLO WBAZNUNVN ASVQO ,0I.nd $ho o! you, being an(ious, is ,0VBC WN Na SXQO XNUBXOQO WSOAVAB able to add to his age one #ubitb `ULP]NBOAB N`B VRO RKBYBAO ASVLS `RTSO NOA ,$and about #lothing $hy are ye ,$YAB `NUB NOWSXAVLC VB XNUBXOAVN an(iousb #onsider $ell the lilies o! the YAVAXA]NVN VA YUBOA VLS AMULS `QC !ield, ho$ do they gro$b they do not ASaAONB LS YL`BA LSWN OR]NB labour, nor do they s in, ,%and 0 say to you, that not even ,%KNMQ WN SXBO LVB LSWN PLKLXQO NO Solo"on in all his glory $as arrayed `APR VR WLaR ASVLS `NUBNHAKNVL QC as one o! these) NO VLSVQO -(I.nd i! the herb o! the !ield, that to+ -(NB WN VLO TLUVLO VLS AMULS PRXNULO day is, and to+"orro$ is #ast to the LOVA YAB ASUBLO NBC YKBHAOLO !urna#e, &od doth so #lothe ++ not HAKKLXNOLO L ]NLC LSVQC AXZBNOOSPBO "u#h "ore you, O ye o! little !aithb LS `LKKQ XAKKLO SXAC LKBML`BPVLB
-#there!ore ye "ay not be an(ious, saying, What "ay $e eatb or, What "ay $e drin'b or, What "ay $e ut roundb -,!or all these do the nations see' !or, !or your heavenly Father doth 'no$ that ye have need o! all these, --but see' ye !irst the reign o! &od and His righteousness, and all these shall be added to you) -.Be not there!ore an(ious !or the "orro$, !or the "orro$ shall be an(ious !or its o$n things, su!!i#ient !or the day IisI the evil o! it) -#XR LSO XNUBXORPRVN KNMLOVNC VB ZAMQXNO R VB `BQXNO R VB `NUBHAKQXN]A -,`AOVA MAU VASVA VA N]OR N`B\RVNB LBWNO MAU L `AVRU SXQO L LSUAOBLC LVB TUR\NVN VLSVQO A`AOVQO --\RVNBVN WN `UQVLO VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS YAB VRO WBYABLPSORO ASVLS YAB VASVA `AOVA `ULPVN]RPNVAB SXBO -.XR LSO XNUBXORPRVN NBC VRO ASUBLO R MAU ASUBLO XNUBXORPNB VA NASVRC AUYNVLO VR RXNUA R YAYBA ASVRC
+hapter 0
#I5udge not, that ye "ay not be -udged, ,!or in $hat -udg"ent ye -udge, ye shall be -udged, and in $hat "easure ye "easure, it shall be "easured to you) -I.nd $hy dost thou behold the "ote that IisI in thy brotherIs eye, and the bea" that IisI in thine o$n eye dost not #onsiderb .or, ho$ $ilt thou say to thy brother, Su!!er 0 "ay #ast out the "ote !ro" thine eye, and lo, the bea" IisI in thine o$n eyeb 'Hy o#rite, #ast out !irst the bea" out o! thine o$n eye, and then thou shalt see #learly to #ast out the "ote out o! thy brotherIs eye) /I4e "ay not give that $hi#h is IholyI to the dogs, nor #ast your earls be!ore the s$ine, that they "ay not tra" le the" a"ong their !eet, and having turned ++ "ay rend you) 0I.s', and it shall be given to you, see', and ye shall !ind, 'no#', and it shall be o ened to you, $!or every one $ho is as'ing doth re#eive, and he $ho is see'ing doth !ind, and to hi" $ho is 'no#'ing it shall be o ened) %IOr $hat "an is o! you, o! $ho", i! his son "ay as' a loa! ++ a stone $ill he resent to hi"b #XR YUBONVN BOA XR YUB]RVN ,NO Q MAU YUBXAVB YUBONVN YUB]RPNP]N YAB NO Q XNVUQ XNVUNBVN AOVBXNVUR]RPNVAB SXBO -VB WN HKN`NBC VL YAUZLC VL NO VQ LZ]AKXQ VLS AWNKZLS PLS VRO WN NO VQ PQ LZ]AKXQ WLYLO LS YAVAOLNBC .R `QC NUNBC VQ AWNKZQ PLS AZNC NYHAKQ VL YAUZLC A`L VLS LZ]AKXLS PLS YAB BWLS R WLYLC NO VQ LZ]AKXQ PLS 'S`LYUBVA NYHAKN `UQVLO VRO WLYLO NY VLS LZ]AKXLS PLS YAB VLVN WBAHKNcNBC NYHAKNBO VL YAUZLC NY VLS LZ]AKXLS VLS AWNKZLS PLS /XR WQVN VL AMBLO VLBC YSPBO XRWN HAKRVN VLSC XAUMAUBVAC SXQO NX`ULP]NO VQO TLBUQO XR`LVN YAVA`AVRPQPBO ASVLSC NO VLBC `LPBO ASVQO YAB PVUAZNOVNC URaQPBO SXAC 0ABVNBVN YAB WL]RPNVAB SXBO \RVNBVN YAB NSURPNVN YULSNVN YAB AOLBMRPNVAB SXBO $`AC MAU L ABVQO KAXHAONB YAB L \RVQO NSUBPYNB YAB VQ YULSLOVB AOLBMRPNVAB %R VBC NPVBO Na SXQO AO]UQ`LC LO NAO ABVRPR L SBLC ASVLS AUVLO XR KB]LO N`BWQPNB ASVQ
#(and i! a !ish he "ay as' ++ a ser ent $ill he resent to hi"b ##i!, there!ore, ye being evil, have 'no$n good gi!ts to give to your #hildren, ho$ "u#h "ore shall your Father $ho IisI in the heavens give good things to those as'ing hi"b #,I.ll things, there!ore, $hatever ye "ay $ill that "en "ay be doing to you, so also do to the", !or this is the la$ and the ro hets) #-I&o ye in through the strait gate, be#ause $ide IisI the gate, and broad the $ay that is leading to the destru#tion, and "any are those going in through it, #.ho$ strait IisI the gate, and #o" ressed the $ay that is leading to the li!e, and !e$ are those !inding itd #'IBut, ta'e heed o! the !alse ro hets, $ho #o"e unto you in shee Is #lothing, and in$ardly are ravening $olves) #/Fro" their !ruits ye shall 'no$ the", do I"enI gather !ro" thorns gra esb or !ro" thistles !igsb #0so every good tree doth yield good !ruits, but the bad tree doth yield evil !ruits) #$. good tree is not able to yield evil !ruits, nor a bad tree to yield good !ruits) #(YAB NAO BT]SO ABVRPR XR LZBO N`BWQPNB ASVQ ##NB LSO SXNBC `LORULB LOVNC LBWAVN WLXAVA AMA]A WBWLOAB VLBC VNYOLBC SXQO `LPQ XAKKLO L `AVRU SXQO L NO VLBC LSUAOLBC WQPNB AMA]A VLBC ABVLSPBO ASVLO #,`AOVA LSO LPA AO ]NKRVN BOA `LBQPBO SXBO LB AO]UQ`LB LSVQC YAB SXNBC `LBNBVN ASVLBC LSVLC MAU NPVBO L OLXLC YAB LB `ULZRVAB #-NBPNK]NVN WBA VRC PVNORC `SKRC LVB `KAVNBA R `SKR YAB NSUSTQULC R LWLC R A`AMLSPA NBC VRO A`QKNBAO YAB `LKKLB NBPBO LB NBPNUTLXNOLB WB ASVRC #.LVB PVNOR R `SKR YAB VN]KBXXNOR R LWLC R A`AMLSPA NBC VRO \QRO YAB LKBMLB NBPBO LB NSUBPYLOVNC ASVRO #'`ULPNTNVN WN A`L VQO cNSWL`ULZRVQO LBVBONC NUTLOVAB `ULC SXAC NO NOWSXAPBO `ULHAVQO NPQ]NO WN NBPBO KSYLB AU`AMNC #/A`L VQO YAU`QO ASVQO N`BMOQPNP]N ASVLSC XRVB PSKKNMLSPBO A`L AYAO]QO PVAZSKRO R A`L VUBHLKQO PSYA #0LSVQC `AO WNOWULO AMA]LO YAU`LSC YAKLSC `LBNB VL WN PA`ULO WNOWULO YAU`LSC `LORULSC `LBNB #$LS WSOAVAB WNOWULO AMA]LO YAU`LSC `LORULSC `LBNBO LSWN WNOWULO PA`ULO YAU`LSC YAKLSC `LBNBO
#%Every tree not yielding good !ruit is #ut do$n and is #ast to !ireF ,(there!ore !ro" their !ruits ye shall 'no$ the") ,#I/ot every one $ho is saying to "e Lord, lord, shall #o"e into the reign o! the heavens, but he $ho is doing the $ill o! "y Father $ho is in the heavens) ,,@any $ill say to "e in that day, Lord, lord, have $e not in thy na"e ro hesiedb and in thy na"e #ast out de"onsb and in thy na"e done "any "ighty thingsb ,-and then 0 $ill a#'no$ledge to the", that ++ 0 never 'ne$ you, de art !ro" "e ye $ho are $or'ing la$lessness) ,.IThere!ore, every one $ho doth hear o! "e these $ords, and doth do the", 0 $ill li'en hi" to a $ise "an $ho built his house u on the ro#', #%`AO WNOWULO XR `LBLSO YAU`LO YAKLO NYYL`VNVAB YAB NBC `SU HAKKNVAB ,(AUAMN A`L VQO YAU`QO ASVQO N`BMOQPNP]N ASVLSC ,#LS `AC L KNMQO XLB YSUBN YSUBN NBPNKNSPNVAB NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VQO LSUAOQO AKK L `LBQO VL ]NKRXA VLS `AVULC XLS VLS NO LSUAOLBC ,,`LKKLB NULSPBO XLB NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA YSUBN YSUBN LS VQ PQ LOLXAVB `ULNZRVNSPAXNO YAB VQ PQ LOLXAVB WABXLOBA NaNHAKLXNO YAB VQ PQ LOLXAVB WSOAXNBC `LKKAC N`LBRPAXNO ,-YAB VLVN LXLKLMRPQ ASVLBC LVB LSWN`LVN NMOQO SXAC A`LTQUNBVN A` NXLS LB NUMA\LXNOLB VRO AOLXBAO
,.`AC LSO LPVBC AYLSNB XLS VLSC KLMLSC VLSVLSC YAB `LBNB ASVLSC LXLBQPQ ASVLO AOWUB ZULOBXQ LPVBC QYLWLXRPNO VRO LBYBAO ASVLS N`B VRO `NVUAO ,'and the rain did des#end, and the ,'YAB YAVNHR R HULTR YAB RK]LO LB strea"s #a"e, and the $inds ble$, and `LVAXLB YAB N`ONSPAO LB AONXLB YAB they beat on that house, and it !ell not, `ULPN`NPLO VR LBYBA NYNBOR YAB LSY !or it had been !ounded on the ro#') N`NPNO VN]NXNKBQVL MAU N`B VRO `NVUAO ,/I.nd every one $ho is hearing o! ,/YAB `AC L AYLSQO XLS VLSC KLMLSC "e these $ords, and is not doing the", VLSVLSC YAB XR `LBQO ASVLSC shall be li'ened to a !oolish "an $ho LXLBQ]RPNVAB AOWUB XQUQ LPVBC built his house u on the sand, QYLWLXRPNO VRO LBYBAO ASVLS N`B VRO AXXLO
,0and the rain did des#end, and the strea"s #a"e, and the $inds ble$, and they beat on that house, and it !ell, and its !all $as great)I ,$.nd it #a"e to ass, $hen 5esus ended these $ords, the "ultitudes $ere astonished at his tea#hing, ,%!or he $as tea#hing the" as having authority, and not as the s#ribes) ,0YAB YAVNHR R HULTR YAB RK]LO LB `LVAXLB YAB N`ONSPAO LB AONXLB YAB `ULPNYLcAO VR LBYBA NYNBOR YAB N`NPNO YAB RO R `VQPBC ASVRC XNMAKR ,$YAB NMNONVL LVN PSONVNKNPNO L BRPLSC VLSC KLMLSC VLSVLSC NaN`KRPPLOVL LB LTKLB N`B VR WBWATR ASVLS ,%RO MAU WBWAPYQO ASVLSC QC NaLSPBAO NTQO YAB LST QC LB MUAXXAVNBC
+hapter $
#.nd $hen he #a"e do$n !ro" the "ount, great "ultitudes did !ollo$ hi", ,and lo, a le er having #o"e, $as bo$ing to hi", saying, ISir, i! thou art $illing, thou art able to #leanse "e,I -and having stret#hed !orth the hand, 5esus tou#hed hi", saying, I0 $ill, be thou #leansed,I and i""ediately his le rosy $as #leansed) ..nd 5esus saith to hi", ISee, thou "ayest tell no one, but go, thysel! she$ to the riest, and bring the gi!t that @oses #o""anded !or a testi"ony to the")I '.nd 5esus having entered into Da ernau", there #a"e to hi" a #enturion #alling u on hi", /and saying, ISir, "y young "an hath been laid in the house a aralyti#, !ear!ully a!!li#ted,I 0and 5esus saith to hi", I0, having #o"e, $ill heal hi")I $.nd the #enturion ans$ering said, ISir, 0 a" not $orthy that thou "ayest enter under "y roo!, but only say a $ord, and "y servant shall be healed, %!or 0 also a" a "an under authority, having under "ysel! soldiers, and 0 say to this one, &o, and he goeth, and to another, Be #o"ing, and he #o"eth, and to "y servant, Do this, and he doth IitI)I #YAVAHAOVB WN ASVQ A`L VLS LULSC RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ LTKLB `LKKLB ,YAB BWLS KN`ULC NK]QO `ULPNYSONB ASVQ KNMQO YSUBN NAO ]NKRC WSOAPAB XN YA]AUBPAB -YAB NYVNBOAC VRO TNBUA RcAVL ASVLS L BRPLSC KNMQO ]NKQ YA]AUBP]RVB YAB NS]NQC NYA]AUBP]R ASVLS R KN`UA .YAB KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC LUA XRWNOB NB`RC AKK S`AMN PNASVLO WNBaLO VQ BNUNB YAB `ULPNONMYN VL WQULO L `ULPNVAaNO XQPRC NBC XAUVSUBLO ASVLBC 'NBPNK]LOVB WN VQ BRPLS NBC YA`NUOALSX `ULPRK]NO ASVQ NYAVLOVAUTLC `AUAYAKQO ASVLO /YAB KNMQO YSUBN L `ABC XLS HNHKRVAB NO VR LBYBA `AUAKSVBYLC WNBOQC HAPAOB\LXNOLC 0YAB KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC NMQ NK]QO ]NUA`NSPQ ASVLO $YAB A`LYUB]NBC L NYAVLOVAUTLC NZR YSUBN LSY NBXB BYAOLC BOA XLS S`L VRO PVNMRO NBPNK]RC AKKA XLOLO NB`N KLMLO YAB BA]RPNVAB L `ABC XLS %YAB MAU NMQ AO]UQ`LC NBXB S`L NaLSPBAO NTQO S` NXASVLO PVUAVBQVAC YAB KNMQ VLSVQ `LUNS]RVB YAB `LUNSNVAB YAB AKKQ NUTLS YAB NUTNVAB YAB VQ WLSKQ XLS `LBRPLO VLSVL YAB `LBNB
#(.nd 5esus having heard, did $onder, and said to those !ollo$ing, I%erily 0 say to you, not even in 0srael so great !aith have 0 !ound, ##and 0 say to you, that "any !ro" east and $est shall #o"e and re#line 7at "eat< $ith .braha", and 0saa#, and 5a#ob, in the reign o! the heavens, #(AYLSPAC WN L BRPLSC N]ASXAPNO YAB NB`NO VLBC AYLKLS]LSPBO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LSWN NO VQ BPUARK VLPASVRO `BPVBO NSULO ##KNMQ WN SXBO LVB `LKKLB A`L AOAVLKQO YAB WSPXQO RaLSPBO YAB AOAYKB]RPLOVAB XNVA AHUAAX YAB BPAAY YAB BAYQH NO VR HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO #,but the sons o! the reign shall be #,LB WN SBLB VRC HAPBKNBAC #ast !orth to the outer dar'ness ++ there NYHKR]RPLOVAB NBC VL PYLVLC VL shall be the $ee ing and the gnashing NaQVNULO NYNB NPVAB L YKAS]XLC YAB L o! the teeth)I HUSMXLC VQO LWLOVQO #-.nd 5esus said to the #enturion, I&o, #-YAB NB`NO L BRPLSC VQ NYAVLOVAUTQ and as thou didst believe let it be to S`AMN YAB QC N`BPVNSPAC MNOR]RVQ PLB thee,I and his young "an $as healed in YAB BA]R L `ABC ASVLS NO VR QUA that hour) NYNBOR #..nd 5esus having #o"e into the #.YAB NK]QO L BRPLSC NBC VRO LBYBAO house o! Peter, sa$ his "other+in+la$ `NVULS NBWNO VRO `NO]NUAO ASVLS laid, and !evered, HNHKRXNORO YAB `SUNPPLSPAO #'and he tou#hed her hand, and the #'YAB RcAVL VRC TNBULC ASVRC YAB !ever le!t her, and she arose, and $as AZRYNO ASVRO L `SUNVLC YAB RMNU]R "inistering to the") YAB WBRYLONB ASVLBC #/.nd evening having #o"e, they #/LcBAC WN MNOLXNORC `ULPRONMYAO brought to hi" "any de"onia#s, and ASVQ WABXLOB\LXNOLSC `LKKLSC YAB he did #ast out the s irits $ith a $ord, NaNHAKNO VA `ONSXAVA KLMQ YAB and did heal all $ho $ere ill, `AOVAC VLSC YAYQC NTLOVAC N]NUA`NSPNO #0that it "ight be !ul!illed that $as #0L`QC `KRUQ]R VL UR]NO WBA RPABLS s o'en through 0saiah the ro het, VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC ASVLC VAC saying, IHi"sel! too' our in!ir"ities, AP]NONBAC RXQO NKAHNO YAB VAC and the si#'nesses he did bear)I OLPLSC NHAPVAPNO
#$.nd 5esus having seen great "ultitudes about hi", did #o""and to de art to the other side, #%and a #ertain s#ribe having #o"e, said to hi", ITea#her, 0 $ill !ollo$ thee $herever thou "ayest go,I ,(and 5esus saith to hi", IThe !o(es have holes, and the birds o! the heaven la#es o! rest, but the Son o! @an hath not $here he "ay lay the head)I #$BWQO WN L BRPLSC `LKKLSC LTKLSC `NUB ASVLO NYNKNSPNO A`NK]NBO NBC VL `NUAO #%YAB `ULPNK]QO NBC MUAXXAVNSC NB`NO ASVQ WBWAPYAKN AYLKLS]RPQ PLB L`LS NAO A`NUTR ,(YAB KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC AB AKQ`NYNC ZQKNLSC NTLSPBO YAB VA `NVNBOA VLS LSUAOLS YAVAPYROQPNBC L WN SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS LSY NTNB `LS VRO YNZAKRO YKBOR ,#.nd another o! his dis#i les said to ,#NVNULC WN VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS NB`NO hi", ISir, er"it "e !irst to de art and ASVQ YSUBN N`BVUNcLO XLB `UQVLO to bury "y !ather,I A`NK]NBO YAB ]AcAB VLO `AVNUA XLS ,,and 5esus said to hi", IFollo$ "e, ,,L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVQ AYLKLS]NB and su!!er the dead to bury their o$n XLB YAB AZNC VLSC ONYULSC ]AcAB VLSC dead)I NASVQO ONYULSC ,-.nd $hen he entered into the boat ,-YAB NXHAOVB ASVQ NBC VL `KLBLO his dis#i les did !ollo$ hi", RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS ,.and lo, a great te" est arose in the ,.YAB BWLS PNBPXLC XNMAC NMNONVL NO sea, so that the boat $as being #overed VR ]AKAPPR QPVN VL `KLBLO by the $aves, but he $as slee ing, YAKS`VNP]AB S`L VQO YSXAVQO ASVLC WN NYA]NSWNO ,'and his dis#i les having #o"e to ,'YAB `ULPNK]LOVNC LB XA]RVAB ASVLS hi", a$o'e hi", saying, ISir, save us, RMNBUAO ASVLO KNMLOVNC YSUBN PQPLO $e are erishing)I RXAC A`LKKSXN]A ,/.nd he saith to the", IWhy are ye ,/YAB KNMNB ASVLBC VB WNBKLB NPVN !ear!ul, O ye o! little !aithbI Then LKBML`BPVLB VLVN NMNU]NBC N`NVBXRPNO having risen, he rebu'ed the $inds and VLBC AONXLBC YAB VR ]AKAPPR YAB the sea, and there $as a great #al", NMNONVL MAKROR XNMAKR ,0and the "en $ondered, saying, ,0LB WN AO]UQ`LB N]ASXAPAO KNMLOVNC IWhat 'ind ++ is this, that even the `LVA`LC NPVBO LSVLC LVB YAB LB AONXLB $ind and the sea do obey hi"bI YAB R ]AKAPPA S`AYLSLSPBO ASVQ ::
,$.nd he having #o"e to the other side, to the region o! the &ergesenes, there "et hi" t$o de"onia#s, #o"ing !orth out o! the to"bs, very !ier#e, so that no one $as able to ass over by that $ay, ,%and lo, they #ried out, saying, IWhat ++ to us and to thee, 5esus, Son o! &odb didst thou #o"e hither, be!ore the ti"e, to a!!li#t usbI -(.nd there $as !ar o!! !ro" the" a herd o! "any s$ine !eeding, -#and the de"ons $ere #alling on hi", saying, I0! thou dost #ast us !orth, er"it us to go a$ay to the herd o! the s$ine,I -,and he saith to the", I&o)I .nd having #o"e !orth, they $ent to the herd o! the s$ine, and lo, the $hole herd o! the s$ine rushed do$n the stee , to the sea, and died in the $aters, --and those !eeding did !lee, and, having gone to the #ity, they de#lared all, and the "atter o! the de"onia#s) -..nd lo, all the #ity #a"e !orth to "eet 5esus, and having seen hi", they #alled on Ihi"I that he "ight de art !ro" their borders) ,$YAB NK]LOVB ASVQ NBC VL `NUAO NBC VRO TQUAO VQO MNUMNPROQO S`ROVRPAO ASVQ WSL WABXLOB\LXNOLB NY VQO XORXNBQO NaNUTLXNOLB TAKN`LB KBAO QPVN XR BPTSNBO VBOA `AUNK]NBO WBA VRC LWLS NYNBORC ,%YAB BWLS NYUAaAO KNMLOVNC VB RXBO YAB PLB BRPLS SBN VLS ]NLS RK]NC QWN `UL YABULS HAPAOBPAB RXAC -(RO WN XAYUAO A` ASVQO AMNKR TLBUQO `LKKQO HLPYLXNOR -#LB WN WABXLONC `AUNYAKLSO ASVLO KNMLOVNC NB NYHAKKNBC RXAC N`BVUNcLO RXBO A`NK]NBO NBC VRO AMNKRO VQO TLBUQO -,YAB NB`NO ASVLBC S`AMNVN LB WN NaNK]LOVNC A`RK]LO NBC VRO AMNKRO VQO TLBUQO YAB BWLS QUXRPNO `APA R AMNKR VQO TLBUQO YAVA VLS YURXOLS NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO YAB A`N]AOLO NO VLBC SWAPBO --LB WN HLPYLOVNC NZSMLO YAB A`NK]LOVNC NBC VRO `LKBO A`RMMNBKAO `AOVA YAB VA VQO WABXLOB\LXNOQO -.YAB BWLS `APA R `LKBC NaRK]NO NBC PSOAOVRPBO VQ BRPLS YAB BWLOVNC ASVLO `AUNYAKNPAO L`QC XNVAHR A`L VQO LUBQO ASVQO
+hapter %
#.nd having gone to the boat, he assed over, and #a"e to his o$n #ity, ,and lo, they $ere bringing to hi" a aralyti#, laid u on a #ou#h, and 5esus having seen their !aith, said to the aralyti#, IBe o! good #ourage, #hild, thy sins have been !orgiven thee)I -.nd lo, #ertain o! the s#ribes said $ithin the"selves, IThis one doth s ea' evil)I ..nd 5esus, having 'no$n their thoughts, said, IWhy thin' ye evil in your heartsb '!or $hi#h is easierb to say, The sins have been !orgiven to thee, or to say, Rise, and $al'b /IBut, that ye "ay 'no$ that the Son o! @an hath o$er u on the earth to !orgive sins ++ 7then saith he to the aralyti#< ++ having risen, ta'e u thy #ou#h, and go to thy house)I 0.nd he, having risen, $ent to his house, $and the "ultitudes having seen, $ondered, and glori!ied &od, $ho did give su#h o$er to "en) %.nd 5esus assing by then#e, sa$ a "an sitting at the ta(+o!!i#e, na"ed @atthe$, and saith to hi", IBe !ollo$ing "e,I and he, having risen, did !ollo$ hi") #YAB NXHAC NBC VL `KLBLO WBN`NUAPNO YAB RK]NO NBC VRO BWBAO `LKBO ,YAB BWLS `ULPNZNULO ASVQ `AUAKSVBYLO N`B YKBORC HNHKRXNOLO YAB BWQO L BRPLSC VRO `BPVBO ASVQO NB`NO VQ `AUAKSVBYQ ]AUPNB VNYOLO AZNQOVAB PLB AB AXAUVBAB PLS -YAB BWLS VBONC VQO MUAXXAVNQO NB`LO NO NASVLBC LSVLC HKAPZRXNB .YAB BWQO L BRPLSC VAC NO]SXRPNBC ASVQO NB`NO BOA VB SXNBC NO]SXNBP]N `LORUA NO VABC YAUWBABC SXQO 'VB MAU NPVBO NSYL`QVNULO NB`NBO AZNQOVAB PLB AB AXAUVBAB R NB`NBO NMNBUAB YAB `NUB`AVNB /BOA WN NBWRVN LVB NaLSPBAO NTNB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS N`B VRC MRC AZBNOAB AXAUVBAC VLVN KNMNB VQ `AUAKSVBYQ NMNU]NBC AULO PLS VRO YKBORO YAB S`AMN NBC VLO LBYLO PLS 0YAB NMNU]NBC A`RK]NO NBC VLO LBYLO ASVLS $BWLOVNC WN LB LTKLB N]ASXAPAO YAB NWLaAPAO VLO ]NLO VLO WLOVA NaLSPBAO VLBASVRO VLBC AO]UQ`LBC %YAB `AUAMQO L BRPLSC NYNB]NO NBWNO AO]UQ`LO YA]RXNOLO N`B VL VNKQOBLO XAV]ABLO KNMLXNOLO YAB KNMNB ASVQ AYLKLS]NB XLB YAB AOAPVAC RYLKLS]RPNO ASVQ :8
#(.nd it #a"e to ass, he re#lining 7at "eat< in the house, that lo, "any ta(+gatherers and sinners having #o"e, $ere lying 7at "eat< $ith 5esus and his dis#i les, ##and the Pharisees having seen, said to his dis#i les, IWhere!ore $ith the ta(+gatherers and sinners doth your tea#her eatbI #,.nd 5esus having heard, said to the", IThey $ho are $hole have no need o! a hysi#ian, but they $ho are ill, #-but having gone, learn ye $hat is, Kindness 0 $ill, and not sa#ri!i#e, !or 0 did not #o"e to #all righteous "en, but sinners, to re!or"ation)I #.Then #o"e to hi" do the dis#i les o! 5ohn, saying, IWhere!ore do $e and the Pharisees !ast "u#h, and thy dis#i les !ast notbI #'.nd 5esus said to the", IDan the sons o! the bride+#ha"ber "ourn, so long as the bridegroo" is $ith the"b but days shall #o"e $hen the bridegroo" "ay be ta'en !ro" the", and then they shall !ast) #/I.nd no one doth ut a at#h o! undressed #loth on an old gar"ent, !or its !illing u doth ta'e !ro" the gar"ent, and a $orse rent is "ade) #(YAB NMNONVL ASVLS AOAYNBXNOLS NO VR LBYBA YAB BWLS `LKKLB VNKQOAB YAB AXAUVQKLB NK]LOVNC PSOAONYNBOVL VQ BRPLS YAB VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS ##YAB BWLOVNC LB ZAUBPABLB NB`LO VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS WBAVB XNVA VQO VNKQOQO YAB AXAUVQKQO NP]BNB L WBWAPYAKLC SXQO #,L WN BRPLSC AYLSPAC NB`NO ASVLBC LS TUNBAO NTLSPBO LB BPTSLOVNC BAVULS AKK LB YAYQC NTLOVNC #-`LUNS]NOVNC WN XA]NVN VB NPVBO NKNLO ]NKQ YAB LS ]SPBAO LS MAU RK]LO YAKNPAB WBYABLSC AKK AXAUVQKLSC NBC XNVAOLBAO #.VLVN `ULPNUTLOVAB ASVQ LB XA]RVAB BQAOOLS KNMLOVNC WBAVB RXNBC YAB LB ZAUBPABLB ORPVNSLXNO `LKKA LB WN XA]RVAB PLS LS ORPVNSLSPBO #'YAB NB`NO ASVLBC L BRPLSC XR WSOAOVAB LB SBLB VLS OSXZQOLC `NO]NBO NZ LPLO XNV ASVQO NPVBO L OSXZBLC NKNSPLOVAB WN RXNUAB LVAO A`AU]R A` ASVQO L OSXZBLC YAB VLVN ORPVNSPLSPBO #/LSWNBC WN N`BHAKKNB N`BHKRXA UAYLSC AMOAZLS N`B BXAVBQ `AKABQ ABUNB MAU VL `KRUQXA ASVLS A`L VLS BXAVBLS YAB TNBULO PTBPXA MBONVAB
#0I/or do they ut ne$ $ine into old s'ins, and i! not ++ the s'ins burst, and the $ine doth run out, and the s'ins are destroyed, but they ut ne$ $ine into ne$ s'ins, and both are reserved together)I #$While he is s ea'ing these things to the", lo, a ruler having #o"e, $as bo$ing to hi", saying that I@y daughter -ust no$ died, but, having #o"e, lay thy hand u on her, and she shall live)I #%.nd 5esus having risen, did !ollo$ hi", also his dis#i les, ,(and lo, a $o"an having an issue o! blood t$elve years, having #o"e to hi" behind, did tou#h the !ringe o! his gar"ents, ,#!or she said $ithin hersel!, I0! only 0 "ay tou#h his gar"ent, 0 shall be saved)I ,,.nd 5esus having turned about, and having seen her, said, IBe o! good #ourage, daughter, thy !aith hath saved thee,I and the $o"an $as saved !ro" that hour) ,-.nd 5esus having #o"e to the house o! the ruler, and having seen the "instrels and the "ultitude "a'ing tu"ult, ,.he saith to the", IWithdra$, !or the da"sel did not die, but doth slee ,I and they $ere deriding hi", #0LSWN HAKKLSPBO LBOLO ONLO NBC APYLSC `AKABLSC NB WN XRMN URMOSOVAB LB APYLB YAB L LBOLC NYTNBVAB YAB LB APYLB A`LKLSOVAB AKKA HAKKLSPBO LBOLO ONLO NBC APYLSC YABOLSC YAB AXZLVNUA PSOVRULSOVAB #$VASVA ASVLS KAKLSOVLC ASVLBC BWLS AUTQO NK]QO `ULPNYSONB ASVQ KNMQO LVB R ]SMAVRU XLS AUVB NVNKNSVRPNO AKKA NK]QO N`B]NC VRO TNBUA PLS N` ASVRO YAB \RPNVAB #%YAB NMNU]NBC L BRPLSC RYLKLS]RPNO ASVQ YAB LB XA]RVAB ASVLS ,(YAB BWLS MSOR ABXLUULLSPA WQWNYA NVR `ULPNK]LSPA L`BP]NO RcAVL VLS YUAP`NWLS VLS BXAVBLS ASVLS ,#NKNMNO MAU NO NASVR NAO XLOLO AcQXAB VLS BXAVBLS ASVLS PQ]RPLXAB ,,L WN BRPLSC N`BPVUAZNBC YAB BWQO ASVRO NB`NO ]AUPNB ]SMAVNU R `BPVBC PLS PNPQYNO PN YAB NPQ]R R MSOR A`L VRC QUAC NYNBORC ,-YAB NK]QO L BRPLSC NBC VRO LBYBAO VLS AUTLOVLC YAB BWQO VLSC ASKRVAC YAB VLO LTKLO ]LUSHLSXNOLO ,.KNMNB ASVLBC AOATQUNBVN LS MAU A`N]AONO VL YLUAPBLO AKKA YA]NSWNB YAB YAVNMNKQO ASVLS
,'but, $hen the "ultitude $as ut !orth, having gone in, he too' hold o! her hand, and the da"sel arose, ,/and the !a"e o! this $ent !orth to all the land) ,0.nd 5esus assing on then#e, t$o blind "en !ollo$ed hi", #alling and saying, IDeal 'indly $ith us, Son o! David)I ,$.nd he having #o"e to the house, the blind "en #a"e to hi", and 5esus saith to the", IBelieve ye that 0 a" able to do thisbI They say to hi", I4es, sir)I ,%Then tou#hed he their eyes, saying, I.##ording to your !aith let it be to you,I -(and their eyes $ere o ened, and 5esus stri#tly #harged the", saying, ISee, let no one 'no$,I -#but they, having gone !orth, did s read his !a"e in all that land) -,.nd as they are #o"ing !orth, lo, they brought to hi" a "an du"b, a de"onia#, --and the de"on having been #ast out, the du"b s a'e, and the "ultitude did $onder, saying that I0t $as never so seen in 0sraelFI -.but the Pharisees said, IBy the ruler o! the de"ons he doth #ast out the de"ons)I ,'LVN WN NaNHKR]R L LTKLC NBPNK]QO NYUAVRPNO VRC TNBULC ASVRC YAB RMNU]R VL YLUAPBLO ,/YAB NaRK]NO R ZRXR ASVR NBC LKRO VRO MRO NYNBORO ,0YAB `AUAMLOVB NYNB]NO VQ BRPLS RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ WSL VSZKLB YUA\LOVNC YAB KNMLOVNC NKNRPLO RXAC SBN WAHBW ,$NK]LOVB WN NBC VRO LBYBAO `ULPRK]LO ASVQ LB VSZKLB YAB KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC `BPVNSNVN LVB WSOAXAB VLSVL `LBRPAB KNMLSPBO ASVQ OAB YSUBN ,%VLVN RcAVL VQO LZ]AKXQO ASVQO KNMQO YAVA VRO `BPVBO SXQO MNOR]RVQ SXBO -(YAB AONQT]RPAO ASVQO LB LZ]AKXLB YAB NONHUBXRPAVL ASVLBC L BRPLSC KNMQO LUAVN XRWNBC MBOQPYNVQ -#LB WN NaNK]LOVNC WBNZRXBPAO ASVLO NO LKR VR MR NYNBOR -,ASVQO WN NaNUTLXNOQO BWLS `ULPRONMYAO ASVQ AO]UQ`LO YQZLO WABXLOB\LXNOLO --YAB NYHKR]NOVLC VLS WABXLOBLS NKAKRPNO L YQZLC YAB N]ASXAPAO LB LTKLB KNMLOVNC LVB LSWN`LVN NZAOR LSVQC NO VQ BPUARK -.LB WN ZAUBPABLB NKNMLO NO VQ AUTLOVB VQO WABXLOBQO NYHAKKNB VA WABXLOBA
-'.nd 5esus $as going u and do$n all the #ities and the villages, tea#hing in their synagogues, and ro#lai"ing the good ne$s o! the reign, and healing every si#'ness and every "alady a"ong the eo le) -/.nd having seen the "ultitudes, he $as "oved $ith #o" assion !or the", that they $ere !aint and #ast aside, as shee not having a she herd, -0then saith he to his dis#i les, IThe harvest indeed IisI abundant, but the $or'"en !e$, -$besee#h ye there!ore the Lord o! the harvest, that he "ay ut !orth $or'"en to His harvest)I -'YAB `NUBRMNO L BRPLSC VAC `LKNBC `APAC YAB VAC YQXAC WBWAPYQO NO VABC PSOAMQMABC ASVQO YAB YRUSPPQO VL NSAMMNKBLO VRC HAPBKNBAC YAB ]NUA`NSQO `APAO OLPLO YAB `APAO XAKAYBAO NO VQ KAQ -/BWQO WN VLSC LTKLSC NP`KAMTOBP]R `NUB ASVQO LVB RPAO NYKNKSXNOLB YAB NUUBXXNOLB QPNB `ULHAVA XR NTLOVA `LBXNOA -0VLVN KNMNB VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS L XNO ]NUBPXLC `LKSC LB WN NUMAVAB LKBMLB -$WNR]RVN LSO VLS YSUBLS VLS ]NUBPXLS L`QC NYHAKR NUMAVAC NBC VLO ]NUBPXLO ASVLS
+hapter #(
#.nd having #alled to hi" his t$elve dis#i les, he gave to the" o$er over un#lean s irits, so as to be #asting the" out, and to be healing every si#'ness, and every "alady) ,.nd o! the t$elve a ostles the na"es are theseF !irst, Si"on, $ho is #alled Peter, and .ndre$ his brother, 5a"es o! [ebedee, and 5ohn his brother, -Phili , and Bartholo"e$, Tho"as, and @atthe$ the ta(+gatherer, 5a"es o! .l heus, and Lebbeus $ho $as surna"ed Thaddeus, .Si"on the Dananite, and 5udas 0s#ariot, $ho did also deliver hi" u ) 'These t$elve did 5esus send !orth, having given #o""and to the", saying, ITo the $ay o! the nations go not a$ay, and into a #ity o! the Sa"aritans go not in, /and be going rather unto the lost shee o! the house o! 0srael) 0I.nd, going on, ro#lai" saying that, the reign o! the heavens hath #o"e nigh, $in!ir" ones be healing, le ers be #leansing, dead be raising, de"ons be #asting out ++ !reely ye did re#eive, !reely give) %IProvide not gold, nor silver, nor brass in your girdles, #YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC VLSC WQWNYA XA]RVAC ASVLS NWQYNO ASVLBC NaLSPBAO `ONSXAVQO AYA]AUVQO QPVN NYHAKKNBO ASVA YAB ]NUA`NSNBO `APAO OLPLO YAB `APAO XAKAYBAO ,VQO WN WQWNYA A`LPVLKQO VA LOLXAVA NPVBO VASVA `UQVLC PBXQO L KNMLXNOLC `NVULC YAB AOWUNAC L AWNKZLC ASVLS BAYQHLC L VLS \NHNWABLS YAB BQAOORC L AWNKZLC ASVLS -ZBKB``LC YAB HAU]LKLXABLC ]QXAC YAB XAV]ABLC L VNKQORC BAYQHLC L VLS AKZABLS YAB KNHHABLC L N`BYKR]NBC ]AWWABLC .PBXQO L YAOAOBVRC YAB BLSWAC BPYAUBQVRC L YAB `AUAWLSC ASVLO 'VLSVLSC VLSC WQWNYA A`NPVNBKNO L BRPLSC `AUAMMNBKAC ASVLBC KNMQO NBC LWLO N]OQO XR A`NK]RVN YAB NBC `LKBO PAXAUNBVQO XR NBPNK]RVN /`LUNSNP]N WN XAKKLO `ULC VA `ULHAVA VA A`LKQKLVA LBYLS BPUARK 0`LUNSLXNOLB WN YRUSPPNVN KNMLOVNC LVB RMMBYNO R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO $AP]NOLSOVAC ]NUA`NSNVN KN`ULSC YA]AUB\NVN ONYULSC NMNBUNVN WABXLOBA NYHAKKNVN WQUNAO NKAHNVN WQUNAO WLVN %XR YVRPRP]N TUSPLO XRWN AUMSULO XRWN TAKYLO NBC VAC \QOAC SXQO =9
#(nor s#ri !or the $ay, nor t$o #oats, nor sandals, nor sta!! ++ !or the $or'"an is $orthy o! his nourish"ent) ##I.nd into $hatever #ity or village ye "ay enter, in?uire ye $ho in it is $orthy, and there abide, till ye "ay go !orth) #,.nd #o"ing to the house salute it, #(XR `RUAO NBC LWLO XRWN WSL TBVQOAC XRWN S`LWRXAVA XRWN UAHWLO AaBLC MAU L NUMAVRC VRC VULZRC ASVLS NPVBO ##NBC RO W AO `LKBO R YQXRO NBPNK]RVN NaNVAPAVN VBC NO ASVR AaBLC NPVBO YAYNB XNBOAVN NQC AO NaNK]RVN
#,NBPNUTLXNOLB WN NBC VRO LBYBAO AP`APAP]N ASVRO #-and i! indeed the house be $orthy, #-YAB NAO XNO R R LBYBA AaBA NK]NVQ R let your ea#e #o"e u on it, and i! it NBUROR SXQO N` ASVRO NAO WN XR R be not $orthy, let your ea#e turn ba#' AaBA R NBUROR SXQO `ULC SXAC to you) N`BPVUAZRVQ #.I.nd $hoever "ay not re#eive you #.YAB LC NAO XR WNaRVAB SXAC XRWN nor hear your $ords, #o"ing !orth AYLSPR VLSC KLMLSC SXQO !ro" that house or #ity, sha'e o!! the NaNUTLXNOLB VRC LBYBAC R VRC `LKNQC dust o! your !eet, NYNBORC NYVBOAaAVN VLO YLOBLUVLO VQO `LWQO SXQO #'verily 0 say to you, 0t shall be "ore #'AXRO KNMQ SXBO AONYVLVNULO NPVAB tolerable !or the land o! Sodo" and MR PLWLXQO YAB MLXLUUQO NO RXNUA &o"orrah in the day o! -udg"ent than YUBPNQC R VR `LKNB NYNBOR !or that #ity) #/ILo, 0 do send you !orth as shee in #/BWLS NMQ A`LPVNKKQ SXAC QC the "idst o! $olves, be ye there!ore `ULHAVA NO XNPQ KSYQO MBONP]N LSO $ise as the ser ents, and si" le as the ZULOBXLB QC LB LZNBC YAB AYNUABLB QC doves) AB `NUBPVNUAB #0.nd, ta'e ye heed o! "en, !or they #0`ULPNTNVN WN A`L VQO AO]UQ`QO $ill give you u to sanhedri"s, and in `AUAWQPLSPBO MAU SXAC NBC PSONWUBA their synagogues they $ill s#ourge YAB NO VABC PSOAMQMABC ASVQO you, XAPVBMQPLSPBO SXAC #$and be!ore governors and 'ings ye #$YAB N`B RMNXLOAC WN YAB HAPBKNBC shall be brought !or "y sa'e, !or a AT]RPNP]N NONYNO NXLS NBC XAUVSUBLO testi"ony to the" and to the nations) ASVLBC YAB VLBC N]ONPBO =1
#%I.nd $henever they "ay deliver you u , be not an(ious ho$ or $hat ye "ay s ea', !or it shall be given you in that hour $hat ye shall s ea', ,(!or ye are not the s ea'ers, but the S irit o! your Father that is s ea'ing in you) ,#I.nd brother shall deliver u brother to death, and !ather #hild, and #hildren shall rise u against arents, and shall ut the" to death, ,,and ye shall be hated by all be#ause o! "y na"e, but he $ho hath endured to the end, he shall be saved) ,-I.nd $henever they "ay erse#ute you in this #ity, !lee to the other, !or verily 0 say to you, ye "ay not have #o" leted the #ities o! 0srael till the Son o! @an "ay #o"e) ,.I. dis#i le is not above the tea#her, nor a servant above his lord, #%LVAO WN `AUAWBWQPBO SXAC XR XNUBXORPRVN `QC R VB KAKRPRVN WL]RPNVAB MAU SXBO NO NYNBOR VR QUA VB KAKRPNVN ,(LS MAU SXNBC NPVN LB KAKLSOVNC AKKA VL `ONSXA VLS `AVULC SXQO VL KAKLSO NO SXBO ,#`AUAWQPNB WN AWNKZLC AWNKZLO NBC ]AOAVLO YAB `AVRU VNYOLO YAB N`AOAPVRPLOVAB VNYOA N`B MLONBC YAB ]AOAVQPLSPBO ASVLSC ,,YAB NPNP]N XBPLSXNOLB S`L `AOVQO WBA VL LOLXA XLS L WN S`LXNBOAC NBC VNKLC LSVLC PQ]RPNVAB ,-LVAO WN WBQYQPBO SXAC NO VR `LKNB VASVR ZNSMNVN NBC VRO AKKRO AXRO MAU KNMQ SXBO LS XR VNKNPRVN VAC `LKNBC VLS BPUARK NQC AO NK]R L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS ,.LSY NPVBO XA]RVRC S`NU VLO WBWAPYAKLO LSWN WLSKLC S`NU VLO YSUBLO ASVLS ,'su!!i#ient to the dis#i le that he "ay ,'AUYNVLO VQ XA]RVR BOA MNORVAB QC L be as his tea#her, and the servant as his WBWAPYAKLC ASVLS YAB L WLSKLC QC L lord, i! the "aster o! the house they YSUBLC ASVLS NB VLO LBYLWNP`LVRO did #all BeelEeboul, ho$ "u#h "ore HNNK\NHLSK NYAKNPAO `LPQ XAKKLO those o! his householdb VLSC LBYBAYLSC ASVLS ,/I4e "ay not, there!ore, !ear the", ,/XR LSO ZLHR]RVN ASVLSC LSWNO MAU !or there is nothing #overed, that shall NPVBO YNYAKSXXNOLO L LSY not be revealed, and hid, that shall not A`LYAKSZ]RPNVAB YAB YUS`VLO L LS be 'no$n, MOQP]RPNVAB
,0that $hi#h 0 tell you in the dar'ness, s ea' in the light, and that $hi#h you hear at the ear, ro#lai" on the house+ to s) ,$I.nd be not a!raid o! those 'illing the body, and are not able to 'ill the soul, but !ear rather Hi" $ho is able both soul and body to destroy in gehenna) ,%I.re not t$o s arro$s sold !or an assarb and one o! the" shall not !all on the ground $ithout your Father, -(and o! you ++ even the hairs o! the head are all nu"bered, -#be not there!ore a!raid, than "any s arro$s ye are better) -,IEvery one, there!ore, $ho shall #on!ess in "e be!ore "en, 0 also $ill #on!ess in hi" be!ore "y Father $ho is in the heavens, --and $hoever shall deny "e be!ore "en, 0 also $ill deny hi" be!ore "y Father $ho is in the heavens) -.I4e "ay not su ose that 0 #a"e to ut ea#e on the earth, 0 did not #o"e to ut ea#e, but a s$ord, -'!or 0 #a"e to set a "an at varian#e against his !ather, and a daughter against her "other, and a daughter+in+ la$ against her "other+in+la$, -/and the ene"ies o! a "an are those o! his household) ,0L KNMQ SXBO NO VR PYLVBA NB`AVN NO VQ ZQVB YAB L NBC VL LSC AYLSNVN YRUSaAVN N`B VQO WQXAVQO ,$YAB XR ZLHR]RVN A`L VQO A`LYVNBOLOVQO VL PQXA VRO WN cSTRO XR WSOAXNOQO A`LYVNBOAB ZLHR]RVN WN XAKKLO VLO WSOAXNOLO YAB cSTRO YAB PQXA A`LKNPAB NO MNNOOR ,%LSTB WSL PVULS]BA APPAUBLS `QKNBVAB YAB NO Na ASVQO LS `NPNBVAB N`B VRO MRO AONS VLS `AVULC SXQO -(SXQO WN YAB AB VUBTNC VRC YNZAKRC `APAB RUB]XRXNOAB NBPBO -#XR LSO ZLHR]RVN `LKKQO PVULS]BQO WBAZNUNVN SXNBC -,`AC LSO LPVBC LXLKLMRPNB NO NXLB NX`ULP]NO VQO AO]UQ`QO LXLKLMRPQ YAMQ NO ASVQ NX`ULP]NO VLS `AVULC XLS VLS NO LSUAOLBC --LPVBC W AO AUORPRVAB XN NX`ULP]NO VQO AO]UQ`QO AUORPLXAB ASVLO YAMQ NX`ULP]NO VLS `AVULC XLS VLS NO LSUAOLBC -.XR OLXBPRVN LVB RK]LO HAKNBO NBURORO N`B VRO MRO LSY RK]LO HAKNBO NBURORO AKKA XATABUAO -'RK]LO MAU WBTAPAB AO]UQ`LO YAVA VLS `AVULC ASVLS YAB ]SMAVNUA YAVA VRC XRVULC ASVRC YAB OSXZRO YAVA VRC `NO]NUAC ASVRC -/YAB NT]ULB VLS AO]UQ`LS LB LBYBAYLB ASVLS
-0IHe $ho is loving !ather or "other above "e, is not $orthy o! "e, and he $ho is loving son or daughter above "e, is not $orthy o! "e, -$and $hoever doth not re#eive his #ross and !ollo$ a!ter "e, is not $orthy o! "e) -%IHe $ho !ound his li!e shall lose it, and he $ho lost his li!e !or "y sa'e shall !ind it) .(IHe $ho is re#eiving you doth re#eive "e, and he $ho is re#eiving "e doth re#eive Hi" $ho sent "e, .#he $ho is re#eiving a ro het in the na"e o! a ro het, shall re#eive a ro hetIs re$ard, and he $ho is re#eiving a righteous "an in the na"e o! a righteous "an, shall re#eive a righteous "anIs re$ard, .,and $hoever "ay give to drin' to one o! these little ones a #u o! #old $ater only in the na"e o! a dis#i le, verily 0 say to you, he "ay not lose his re$ard)I -0L ZBKQO `AVNUA R XRVNUA S`NU NXN LSY NPVBO XLS AaBLC YAB L ZBKQO SBLO R ]SMAVNUA S`NU NXN LSY NPVBO XLS AaBLC -$YAB LC LS KAXHAONB VLO PVASULO ASVLS YAB AYLKLS]NB L`BPQ XLS LSY NPVBO XLS AaBLC -%L NSUQO VRO cSTRO ASVLS A`LKNPNB ASVRO YAB L A`LKNPAC VRO cSTRO ASVLS NONYNO NXLS NSURPNB ASVRO .(L WNTLXNOLC SXAC NXN WNTNVAB YAB L NXN WNTLXNOLC WNTNVAB VLO A`LPVNBKAOVA XN .#L WNTLXNOLC `ULZRVRO NBC LOLXA `ULZRVLS XBP]LO `ULZRVLS KRcNVAB YAB L WNTLXNOLC WBYABLO NBC LOLXA WBYABLS XBP]LO WBYABLS KRcNVAB .,YAB LC NAO `LVBPR NOA VQO XBYUQO VLSVQO `LVRUBLO cSTULS XLOLO NBC LOLXA XA]RVLS AXRO KNMQ SXBO LS XR A`LKNPR VLO XBP]LO ASVLS
+hapter ##
#.nd it #a"e to ass, $hen 5esus ended dire#ting his t$elve dis#i les, he de arted then#e to tea#h and to rea#h in their #ities) ,.nd 5ohn having heard in the rison the $or's o! the Dhrist, having sent t$o o! his dis#i les, -said to hi", I.rt thou He $ho is #o"ing, or !or another do $e loo'bI ..nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", IHaving gone, de#lare to 5ohn the things that ye hear and see, 'blind re#eive sight, and la"e $al', le ers are #leansed, and dea! hear, dead are raised, and oor have good ne$s ro#lai"ed, /and ha y is he $ho "ay not be stu"bled in "e)I 0.nd as they are going, 5esus began to say to the "ultitudes #on#erning 5ohn, IWhat $ent ye out to the $ilderness to vie$b ++ a reed sha'en by the $indb $IBut $hat $ent ye out to seeb ++ a "an #lothed in so!t gar"entsb lo, those $earing the so!t things are in the 'ingsI houses) %IBut $hat $ent ye out to seeb ++ a ro hetb yes, 0 say to you, and "ore than a ro het, #(!or this is he o! $ho" it hath been $ritten, Lo, 0 do send @y "essenger be!ore thy !a#e, $ho shall re are thy $ay be!ore thee) #YAB NMNONVL LVN NVNKNPNO L BRPLSC WBAVAPPQO VLBC WQWNYA XA]RVABC ASVLS XNVNHR NYNB]NO VLS WBWAPYNBO YAB YRUSPPNBO NO VABC `LKNPBO ASVQO ,L WN BQAOORC AYLSPAC NO VQ WNPXQVRUBQ VA NUMA VLS TUBPVLS `NXcAC WSL VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS -NB`NO ASVQ PS NB L NUTLXNOLC R NVNULO `ULPWLYQXNO .YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC `LUNS]NOVNC A`AMMNBKAVN BQAOOR A AYLSNVN YAB HKN`NVN 'VSZKLB AOAHKN`LSPBO YAB TQKLB `NUB`AVLSPBO KN`ULB YA]AUB\LOVAB YAB YQZLB AYLSLSPBO ONYULB NMNBULOVAB YAB `VQTLB NSAMMNKB\LOVAB /YAB XAYAUBLC NPVBO LC NAO XR PYAOWAKBP]R NO NXLB 0VLSVQO WN `LUNSLXNOQO RUaAVL L BRPLSC KNMNBO VLBC LTKLBC `NUB BQAOOLS VB NaRK]NVN NBC VRO NURXLO ]NAPAP]AB YAKAXLO S`L AONXLS PAKNSLXNOLO $AKKA VB NaRK]NVN BWNBO AO]UQ`LO NO XAKAYLBC BXAVBLBC RXZBNPXNOLO BWLS LB VA XAKAYA ZLULSOVNC NO VLBC LBYLBC VQO HAPBKNQO NBPBO %AKKA VB NaRK]NVN BWNBO `ULZRVRO OAB KNMQ SXBO YAB `NUBPPLVNULO `ULZRVLS #(LSVLC MAU NPVBO `NUB LS MNMUA`VAB BWLS NMQ A`LPVNKKQ VLO AMMNKLO XLS `UL `ULPQ`LS PLS LC YAVAPYNSAPNB VRO LWLO PLS NX`ULP]NO PLS
##%erily 0 say to you, there hath not risen, a"ong those born o! $o"en, a greater than 5ohn the Ba tist, but he $ho is least in the reign o! the heavens is greater than he) #,I.nd, !ro" the days o! 5ohn the Ba tist till no$, the reign o! the heavens doth su!!er violen#e, and violent "en do ta'e it by !or#e, #-!or all the ro hets and the la$ till 5ohn did ro hesy, #.and i! ye are $illing to re#eive IitI, he is Eli-ah $ho $as about to #o"e, #'he $ho is having ears to hear ++ let hi" hear) #/I.nd to $hat shall 0 li'en this generationb it is li'e little #hildren in "ar'et+ la#es, sitting and #alling to their #o"rades, #0and saying, We i ed unto you, and ye did not dan#e, $e la"ented to you, and ye did not s"ite the breast) #$IFor 5ohn #a"e neither eating nor drin'ing, and they say, He hath a de"on, #%the Son o! @an #a"e eating and drin'ing, and they say, Lo, a "an, a glutton, and a $ine+drin'er, a !riend o! ta(+gatherers and sinners, and $isdo" $as -usti!ied o! her #hildren)I ,(Then began he to re roa#h the #ities in $hi#h $ere done "ost o! his "ighty $or's, be#ause they did not re!or") ##AXRO KNMQ SXBO LSY NMRMNUVAB NO MNOORVLBC MSOABYQO XNB\QO BQAOOLS VLS HA`VBPVLS L WN XBYULVNULC NO VR HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO XNB\QO ASVLS NPVBO #,A`L WN VQO RXNUQO BQAOOLS VLS HA`VBPVLS NQC AUVB R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO HBA\NVAB YAB HBAPVAB AU`A\LSPBO ASVRO #-`AOVNC MAU LB `ULZRVAB YAB L OLXLC NQC BQAOOLS `ULNZRVNSPAO #.YAB NB ]NKNVN WNaAP]AB ASVLC NPVBO RKBAC L XNKKQO NUTNP]AB #'L NTQO QVA AYLSNBO AYLSNVQ #/VBOB WN LXLBQPQ VRO MNONAO VASVRO LXLBA NPVBO `ABWAUBLBC NO AMLUABC YA]RXNOLBC YAB `ULPZQOLSPBO VLBC NVABULBC ASVQO #0YAB KNMLSPBO RSKRPAXNO SXBO YAB LSY QUTRPAP]N N]URORPAXNO SXBO YAB LSY NYLcAP]N #$RK]NO MAU BQAOORC XRVN NP]BQO XRVN `BOQO YAB KNMLSPBO WABXLOBLO NTNB #%RK]NO L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NP]BQO YAB `BOQO YAB KNMLSPBO BWLS AO]UQ`LC ZAMLC YAB LBOL`LVRC VNKQOQO ZBKLC YAB AXAUVQKQO YAB NWBYABQ]R R PLZBA A`L VQO VNYOQO ASVRC ,(VLVN RUaAVL LONBWB\NBO VAC `LKNBC NO ABC NMNOLOVL AB `KNBPVAB WSOAXNBC ASVLS LVB LS XNVNOLRPAO
,#IWo to thee, DhoraEind $o to thee, Bethsaidad be#ause, i! in Tyre and Sidon had been done the "ighty $or's that $ere done in you, long ago in sa#'#loth and ashes they had re!or"ed, ,,but 0 say to you, to Tyre and Sidon it shall be "ore tolerable in a day o! -udg"ent than !or you) ,-I.nd thou, Da ernau", $hi#h unto the heaven $ast e(alted, unto hades shalt be brought do$n, be#ause i! in Sodo" had been done the "ighty $or's that $ere done in thee, it had re"ained unto this day, ,.but 0 say to you, to the land o! Sodo" it shall be "ore tolerable in a day o! -udg"ent than to thee)I ,'.t that ti"e 5esus ans$ering said, I0 do #on!ess to Thee, Father, Lord o! the heavens and o! the earth, that thou didst hide these things !ro" $ise and understanding ones, and didst reveal the" to babes) ,/4es, Father, be#ause so it $as good leasure be!ore Thee) ,0I.ll things $ere delivered to "e by "y Father, and none doth 'no$ the Son, e(#e t the Father, nor doth any 'no$ the Father, e(#e t the Son, and he to $ho" the Son "ay $ish to reveal IHi"I) ,#LSAB PLB TLUA\BO LSAB PLB HR]PABWAO LVB NB NO VSUQ YAB PBWQOB NMNOLOVL AB WSOAXNBC AB MNOLXNOAB NO SXBO `AKAB AO NO PAYYQ YAB P`LWQ XNVNOLRPAO ,,`KRO KNMQ SXBO VSUQ YAB PBWQOB AONYVLVNULO NPVAB NO RXNUA YUBPNQC R SXBO ,-YAB PS YA`NUOALSX R NQC VLS LSUAOLS ScQ]NBPA NQC AWLS YAVAHBHAP]RPR LVB NB NO PLWLXLBC NMNOLOVL AB WSOAXNBC AB MNOLXNOAB NO PLB NXNBOAO AO XNTUB VRC PRXNULO ,.`KRO KNMQ SXBO LVB MR PLWLXQO AONYVLVNULO NPVAB NO RXNUA YUBPNQC R PLB ,'NO NYNBOQ VQ YABUQ A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO NaLXLKLMLSXAB PLB `AVNU YSUBN VLS LSUAOLS YAB VRC MRC LVB A`NYUScAC VASVA A`L PLZQO YAB PSONVQO YAB A`NYAKScAC ASVA OR`BLBC ,/OAB L `AVRU LVB LSVQC NMNONVL NSWLYBA NX`ULP]NO PLS ,0`AOVA XLB `AUNWL]R S`L VLS `AVULC XLS YAB LSWNBC N`BMBOQPYNB VLO SBLO NB XR L `AVRU LSWN VLO `AVNUA VBC N`BMBOQPYNB NB XR L SBLC YAB Q NAO HLSKRVAB L SBLC A`LYAKScAB
,$IDo"e unto "e, all ye labouring and burdened ones, and 0 $ill give you rest, ,%ta'e u "y yo'e u on you, and learn !ro" "e, be#ause 0 a" "ee' and hu"ble in heart, and ye shall !ind rest to your souls, -(!or "y yo'e IisI easy, and "y burden is light)I ,$WNSVN `ULC XN `AOVNC LB YL`BQOVNC YAB `NZLUVBPXNOLB YAMQ AOA`ASPQ SXAC ,%AUAVN VLO \SMLO XLS NZ SXAC YAB XA]NVN A` NXLS LVB `UALC NBXB YAB VA`NBOLC VR YAUWBA YAB NSURPNVN AOA`ASPBO VABC cSTABC SXQO -(L MAU \SMLC XLS TURPVLC YAB VL ZLUVBLO XLS NKAZULO NPVBO
+hapter #,
#.t that ti"e did 5esus go on the sabbaths through the #orn, and his dis#i les $ere hungry, and they began to lu#' ears, and to eat, ,and the Pharisees having seen, said to hi", ILo, thy dis#i les do that $hi#h it is not la$!ul to do on a sabbath)I -.nd he said to the", IDid ye not read $hat David did, $hen he $as hungry, hi"sel! and those $ith hi" ++ .ho$ he $ent into the house o! &od, and the loaves o! the resentation did eat, $hi#h it is not la$!ul to hi" to eat, nor to those $ith hi", e(#e t to the riests aloneb 'IOr did ye not read in the La$, that on the sabbaths the riests in the te" le do ro!ane the sabbath, and are bla"elessb /and 0 say to you, that a greater than the te" le is here, 0and i! ye had 'no$n $hat isF Kindness 0 $ill, and not sa#ri!i#e ++ ye had not #onde"ned the bla"eless, $!or the son o! "an is lord even o! the sabbath)I %.nd having de arted then#e, he $ent to their synagogue, #(and lo, there $as a "an having the hand $ithered, and they ?uestioned hi", saying, I0s it la$!ul to heal on the sabbathsbI that they "ight a##use hi") #NO NYNBOQ VQ YABUQ N`LUNS]R L BRPLSC VLBC PAHHAPBO WBA VQO P`LUBXQO LB WN XA]RVAB ASVLS N`NBOAPAO YAB RUaAOVL VBKKNBO PVATSAC YAB NP]BNBO ,LB WN ZAUBPABLB BWLOVNC NB`LO ASVQ BWLS LB XA]RVAB PLS `LBLSPBO L LSY NaNPVBO `LBNBO NO PAHHAVQ -L WN NB`NO ASVLBC LSY AONMOQVN VB N`LBRPNO WAHBW LVN N`NBOAPNO ASVLC YAB LB XNV ASVLS .`QC NBPRK]NO NBC VLO LBYLO VLS ]NLS YAB VLSC AUVLSC VRC `UL]NPNQC NZAMNO LSC LSY NaLO RO ASVQ ZAMNBO LSWN VLBC XNV ASVLS NB XR VLBC BNUNSPBO XLOLBC 'R LSY AONMOQVN NO VQ OLXQ LVB VLBC PAHHAPBO LB BNUNBC NO VQ BNUQ VL PAHHAVLO HNHRKLSPBO YAB AOABVBLB NBPBO /KNMQ WN SXBO LVB VLS BNULS XNB\QO NPVBO QWN 0NB WN NMOQYNBVN VB NPVBO NKNLO ]NKQ YAB LS ]SPBAO LSY AO YAVNWBYAPAVN VLSC AOABVBLSC $YSUBLC MAU NPVBO YAB VLS PAHHAVLS L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS %YAB XNVAHAC NYNB]NO RK]NO NBC VRO PSOAMQMRO ASVQO #(YAB BWLS AO]UQ`LC RO VRO TNBUA NTQO aRUAO YAB N`RUQVRPAO ASVLO KNMLOVNC NB NaNPVBO VLBC PAHHAPBO ]NUA`NSNBO BOA YAVRMLURPQPBO ASVLS
##.nd he said to the", IWhat "an shall be o! you, $ho shall have one shee , and i! this "ay !all on the sabbaths into a dit#h, $ill not lay hold on it and raise IitIb #,Ho$ "u#h better, there!ore, is a "an than a shee b ++ so that it is la$!ul on the sabbaths to do good)I #-Then saith he to the "an, IStret#h !orth thy hand,I and he stret#hed IitI !orth, and it $as restored $hole as the other) #..nd the Pharisees having gone !orth, held a #onsultation against hi", ho$ they "ight destroy hi", #'and 5esus having 'no$n, $ithdre$ then#e, and there !ollo$ed hi" great "ultitudes, and he healed the" all, ##L WN NB`NO ASVLBC VBC NPVAB Na SXQO AO]UQ`LC LC NaNB `ULHAVLO NO YAB NAO NX`NPR VLSVL VLBC PAHHAPBO NBC HL]SOLO LSTB YUAVRPNB ASVL YAB NMNUNB #,`LPQ LSO WBAZNUNB AO]UQ`LC `ULHAVLS QPVN NaNPVBO VLBC PAHHAPBO YAKQC `LBNBO #-VLVN KNMNB VQ AO]UQ`Q NYVNBOLO VRO TNBUA PLS YAB NaNVNBONO YAB A`LYAVNPVA]R SMBRC QC R AKKR
#.LB WN ZAUBPABLB PSXHLSKBLO NKAHLO YAV ASVLS NaNK]LOVNC L`QC ASVLO A`LKNPQPBO #'L WN BRPLSC MOLSC AONTQURPNO NYNB]NO YAB RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ LTKLB `LKKLB YAB N]NUA`NSPNO ASVLSC `AOVAC #/and did #harge the" that they "ight #/YAB N`NVBXRPNO ASVLBC BOA XR not "a'e hi" "ani!est, ZAONULO ASVLO `LBRPQPBO #0that it "ight be !ul!illed that $as #0L`QC `KRUQ]R VL UR]NO WBA RPABLS s o'en through 0saiah the ro het, VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC saying, #$ILo, @y servant, $ho" 0 did #hoose, #$BWLS L `ABC XLS LO RUNVBPA L @y beloved, in $ho" @y soul did AMA`RVLC XLS NBC LO NSWLYRPNO R delight, 0 $ill ut @y S irit u on hi", cSTR XLS ]RPQ VL `ONSXA XLS N` and -udg"ent to the nations he shall ASVLO YAB YUBPBO VLBC N]ONPBO de#lare, A`AMMNKNB #%he shall not strive nor #ry, nor shall #%LSY NUBPNB LSWN YUASMAPNB LSWN any hear in the broad la#es his voi#e, AYLSPNB VBC NO VABC `KAVNBABC VRO ZQORO ASVLS
,(a bruised reed he shall not brea', and s"o'ing !la( he shall not ?uen#h, till he "ay ut !orth -udg"ent to vi#tory, ,#and in his na"e shall nations ho e)I ,,Then $as brought to hi" a de"onia#, blind and du"b, and he healed hi", so that the blind and du"b both s a'e and sa$) ,-.nd all the "ultitudes $ere a"aEed, and said, I0s this the Son o! DavidbI ,.but the Pharisees having heard, said, IThis one doth not #ast out de"ons, e(#e t by BeelEeboul, ruler o! the de"ons)I ,'.nd 5esus, 'no$ing their thoughts, said to the", IEvery 'ingdo" having been divided against itsel! is desolated, and no #ity or house having been divided against itsel!, doth stand, ,/and i! the .dversary doth #ast out the .dversary, against hi"sel! he $as divided, ho$ then doth his 'ingdo" standb ,0I.nd i! 0, by BeelEeboul, do #ast out the de"ons, your sons ++ by $ho" do they #ast outb be#ause o! this they ++ they shall be your -udges) ,$IBut i! 0, by the S irit o! &od, do #ast out the de"ons, then #o"e already unto you did the reign o! &od) ,(YAKAXLO PSOVNVUBXXNOLO LS YAVNAaNB YAB KBOLO VSZLXNOLO LS PHNPNB NQC AO NYHAKR NBC OBYLC VRO YUBPBO ,#YAB NO VQ LOLXAVB ASVLS N]OR NK`BLSPBO ,,VLVN `ULPRONT]R ASVQ WABXLOB\LXNOLC VSZKLC YAB YQZLC YAB N]NUA`NSPNO ASVLO QPVN VLO VSZKLO YAB YQZLO YAB KAKNBO YAB HKN`NBO ,-YAB NaBPVAOVL `AOVNC LB LTKLB YAB NKNMLO XRVB LSVLC NPVBO L SBLC WAHBW ,.LB WN ZAUBPABLB AYLSPAOVNC NB`LO LSVLC LSY NYHAKKNB VA WABXLOBA NB XR NO VQ HNNK\NHLSK AUTLOVB VQO WABXLOBQO ,'NBWQC WN L BRPLSC VAC NO]SXRPNBC ASVQO NB`NO ASVLBC `APA HAPBKNBA XNUBP]NBPA YA] NASVRC NURXLSVAB YAB `APA `LKBC R LBYBA XNUBP]NBPA YA] NASVRC LS PVA]RPNVAB ,/YAB NB L PAVAOAC VLO PAVAOAO NYHAKKNB NZ NASVLO NXNUBP]R `QC LSO PVA]RPNVAB R HAPBKNBA ASVLS ,0YAB NB NMQ NO HNNK\NHLSK NYHAKKQ VA WABXLOBA LB SBLB SXQO NO VBOB NYHAKKLSPBO WBA VLSVL ASVLB SXQO NPLOVAB YUBVAB ,$NB WN NMQ NO `ONSXAVB ]NLS NYHAKKQ VA WABXLOBA AUA NZ]APNO NZ SXAC R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS
,%IOr ho$ is one able to go into the house o! the strong "an, and to lunder his goods, i! !irst he "ay not bind the strong "anb and then his house he $ill lunder) -(IHe $ho is not $ith "e is against "e, and he $ho is not gathering $ith "e, doth s#atter) -#Be#ause o! this 0 say to you, all sin and evil s ea'ing shall be !orgiven to "en, but the evil s ea'ing o! the S irit shall not be !orgiven to "en) -,.nd $hoever "ay s ea' a $ord against the Son o! @an it shall be !orgiven to hi", but $hoever "ay s ea' against the Holy S irit, it shall not be !orgiven hi", neither in this age, nor in that $hi#h is #o"ing) --IEither "a'e the tree good, and its !ruit good, or "a'e the tree bad, and its !ruit bad, !or !ro" the !ruit is the tree 'no$n) -.IBrood o! vi ersd ho$ are ye able to s ea' good things ++ being evilb !or out o! the abundan#e o! the heart doth the "outh s ea') -'The good "an out o! the good treasure o! the heart doth ut !orth the good things, and the evil "an out o! the evil treasure doth ut !orth evil things) ,%R `QC WSOAVAB VBC NBPNK]NBO NBC VRO LBYBAO VLS BPTSULS YAB VA PYNSR ASVLS WBAU`APAB NAO XR `UQVLO WRPR VLO BPTSULO YAB VLVN VRO LBYBAO ASVLS WBAU`APNB -(L XR QO XNV NXLS YAV NXLS NPVBO YAB L XR PSOAMQO XNV NXLS PYLU`B\NB -#WBA VLSVL KNMQ SXBO `APA AXAUVBA YAB HKAPZRXBA AZN]RPNVAB VLBC AO]UQ`LBC R WN VLS `ONSXAVLC HKAPZRXBA LSY AZN]RPNVAB VLBC AO]UQ`LBC -,YAB LC AO NB`R KLMLO YAVA VLS SBLS VLS AO]UQ`LS AZN]RPNVAB ASVQ LC W AO NB`R YAVA VLS `ONSXAVLC VLS AMBLS LSY AZN]RPNVAB ASVQ LSVN NO VLSVQ VQ ABQOB LSVN NO VQ XNKKLOVB --R `LBRPAVN VL WNOWULO YAKLO YAB VLO YAU`LO ASVLS YAKLO R `LBRPAVN VL WNOWULO PA`ULO YAB VLO YAU`LO ASVLS PA`ULO NY MAU VLS YAU`LS VL WNOWULO MBOQPYNVAB -.MNOORXAVA NTBWOQO `QC WSOAP]N AMA]A KAKNBO `LORULB LOVNC NY MAU VLS `NUBPPNSXAVLC VRC YAUWBAC VL PVLXA KAKNB -'L AMA]LC AO]UQ`LC NY VLS AMA]LS ]RPASULS VRC YAUWBAC NYHAKKNB VA AMA]A YAB L `LORULC AO]UQ`LC NY VLS `LORULS ]RPASULS NYHAKKNB `LORUA
-/I.nd 0 say to you, that every idle $ord that "en "ay s ea', they shall give !or it a re#'oning in a day o! -udg"ent, -0!or !ro" thy $ords thou shalt be de#lared righteous, and !ro" thy $ords thou shalt be de#lared unrighteous)I -$Then ans$ered #ertain o! the s#ribes and Pharisees, saying, ITea#her, $e $ill to see a sign !ro" thee)I -/KNMQ WN SXBO LVB `AO URXA AUMLO L NAO KAKRPQPBO LB AO]UQ`LB A`LWQPLSPBO `NUB ASVLS KLMLO NO RXNUA YUBPNQC -0NY MAU VQO KLMQO PLS WBYABQ]RPR YAB NY VQO KLMQO PLS YAVAWBYAP]RPR
-$VLVN A`NYUB]RPAO VBONC VQO MUAXXAVNQO YAB ZAUBPABQO KNMLOVNC WBWAPYAKN ]NKLXNO A`L PLS PRXNBLO BWNBO -%.nd he ans$ering said to the", I. -%L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC MNONA generation, evil and adulterous, doth `LORUA YAB XLBTAKBC PRXNBLO N`B\RVNB see' a sign, and a sign shall not be YAB PRXNBLO LS WL]RPNVAB ASVR NB XR given to it, e(#e t the sign o! 5onah the VL PRXNBLO BQOA VLS `ULZRVLS ro het, .(!or, as 5onah $as in the belly o! the .(QP`NU MAU RO BQOAC NO VR YLBKBA !ish three days and three nights, so VLS YRVLSC VUNBC RXNUAC YAB VUNBC shall the Son o! @an be in the heart o! OSYVAC LSVQC NPVAB L SBLC VLS the earth three days and three nights) AO]UQ`LS NO VR YAUWBA VRC MRC VUNBC RXNUAC YAB VUNBC OSYVAC .#I@en o! /ineveh shall stand u in .#AOWUNC OBONSBVAB AOAPVRPLOVAB NO the -udg"ent $ith this generation, and VR YUBPNB XNVA VRC MNONAC VASVRC YAB shall #onde"n it, !or they re!or"ed at YAVAYUBOLSPBO ASVRO LVB XNVNOLRPAO the ro#la"ation o! 5onah, and lo, a NBC VL YRUSMXA BQOA YAB BWLS `KNBLO greater than 5onah hered BQOA QWN .,I. ?ueen o! the south shall rise u in .,HAPBKBPPA OLVLS NMNU]RPNVAB NO VR the -udg"ent $ith this generation, and YUBPNB XNVA VRC MNONAC VASVRC YAB shall #onde"n it, !or she #a"e !ro" YAVAYUBONB ASVRO LVB RK]NO NY VQO the ends o! the earth to hear the `NUAVQO VRC MRC AYLSPAB VRO PLZBAO $isdo" o! Solo"on, and lo, a greater PLKLXQOVLC YAB BWLS `KNBLO than Solo"on hered PLKLXQOVLC QWN
.-I.nd, $hen the un#lean s irit "ay go !orth !ro" the "an, it doth $al' through dry la#es see'ing rest, and doth not !ind, ..then it saith, 0 $ill turn ba#' to "y house $hen#e 0 #a"e !orth, and having #o"e, it !indeth IitI uno##u ied, s$e t, and adornedF .'then doth it go, and ta'e $ith itsel! seven other s irits "ore evil than itsel!, and having gone in they d$ell there, and the last o! that "an doth be#o"e $orse than the !irst, so shall it be also to this evil generation)I .-LVAO WN VL AYA]AUVLO `ONSXA NaNK]R A`L VLS AO]UQ`LS WBNUTNVAB WB AOSWUQO VL`QO \RVLSO AOA`ASPBO YAB LST NSUBPYNB ..VLVN KNMNB N`BPVUNcQ NBC VLO LBYLO XLS L]NO NaRK]LO YAB NK]LO NSUBPYNB PTLKA\LOVA PNPAUQXNOLO YAB YNYLPXRXNOLO .'VLVN `LUNSNVAB YAB `AUAKAXHAONB XN] NASVLS N`VA NVNUA `ONSXAVA `LORULVNUA NASVLS YAB NBPNK]LOVA YAVLBYNB NYNB YAB MBONVAB VA NPTAVA VLS AO]UQ`LS NYNBOLS TNBULOA VQO `UQVQO LSVQC NPVAB YAB VR MNONA VASVR VR `LORUA ./.nd $hile he $as yet s ea'ing to ./NVB WN ASVLS KAKLSOVLC VLBC LTKLBC the "ultitudes, lo, his "other and BWLS R XRVRU YAB LB AWNKZLB ASVLS brethren had stood $ithout, see'ing to NBPVRYNBPAO NaQ \RVLSOVNC ASVQ s ea' to hi", KAKRPAB .0and one said to hi", ILo, thy "other .0NB`NO WN VBC ASVQ BWLS R XRVRU PLS and thy brethren do stand $ithout, YAB LB AWNKZLB PLS NaQ NPVRYAPBO see'ing to s ea' to thee)I \RVLSOVNC PLB KAKRPAB .$.nd he ans$ering said to hi" $ho .$L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO VQ NB`LOVB s a'e to hi", IWho is "y "otherb and ASVQ VBC NPVBO R XRVRU XLS YAB VBONC $ho are "y brethrenbI NBPBO LB AWNKZLB XLS .%.nd having stret#hed !orth his hand .%YAB NYVNBOAC VRO TNBUA ASVLS N`B to$ard his dis#i les, he said, ILo, "y VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS NB`NO BWLS R "other and "y brethrend XRVRU XLS YAB LB AWNKZLB XLS '(!or $hoever "ay do the $ill o! "y '(LPVBC MAU AO `LBRPR VL ]NKRXA VLS Father $ho is in the heavens, he is "y `AVULC XLS VLS NO LSUAOLBC ASVLC XLS brother, and sister, and "other)I AWNKZLC YAB AWNKZR YAB XRVRU NPVBO
+hapter ##.nd in that day 5esus, having gone !orth !ro" the house, $as sitting by the sea, ,and gathered together unto hi" $ere "any "ultitudes, so that he having gone into the boat did sit do$n, and all the "ultitude on the bea#h did stand, -and he s a'e to the" "any things in si"iles, sayingF ILo, the so$er $ent !orth to so$, .and in his so$ing, so"e indeed !ell by the $ay, and the !o$ls did #o"e and devour the", 'and others !ell u on the ro#'y la#es, $here they had not "u#h earth, and i""ediately they s rang !orth, through not having de th o! earth, /and the sun having risen they $ere s#or#hed, and through not having root, they $ithered, 0and others !ell u on the thorns, and the thorns did #o"e u and #ho'e the", $and others !ell u on the good ground, and $ere giving !ruit, so"e indeed a hundred!old, and so"e si(ty, and so"e thirty) %He $ho is having ears to hear ++ let hi" hear)I #(.nd the dis#i les having #o"e near, said to hi", IWhere!ore in si"iles dost thou s ea' to the"bI #NO WN VR RXNUA NYNBOR NaNK]QO L BRPLSC A`L VRC LBYBAC NYA]RVL `AUA VRO ]AKAPPAO ,YAB PSORT]RPAO `ULC ASVLO LTKLB `LKKLB QPVN ASVLO NBC VL `KLBLO NXHAOVA YA]RP]AB YAB `AC L LTKLC N`B VLO ABMBAKLO NBPVRYNB -YAB NKAKRPNO ASVLBC `LKKA NO `AUAHLKABC KNMQO BWLS NaRK]NO L P`NBUQO VLS P`NBUNBO .YAB NO VQ P`NBUNBO ASVLO A XNO N`NPNO `AUA VRO LWLO YAB RK]NO VA `NVNBOA YAB YAVNZAMNO ASVA 'AKKA WN N`NPNO N`B VA `NVUQWR L`LS LSY NBTNO MRO `LKKRO YAB NS]NQC NaAONVNBKNO WBA VL XR NTNBO HA]LC MRC /RKBLS WN AOAVNBKAOVLC NYASXAVBP]R YAB WBA VL XR NTNBO UB\AO NaRUAO]R 0AKKA WN N`NPNO N`B VAC AYAO]AC YAB AONHRPAO AB AYAO]AB YAB A`N`OBaAO ASVA $AKKA WN N`NPNO N`B VRO MRO VRO YAKRO YAB NWBWLS YAU`LO L XNO NYAVLO L WN NaRYLOVA L WN VUBAYLOVA %L NTQO QVA AYLSNBO AYLSNVQ #(YAB `ULPNK]LOVNC LB XA]RVAB NB`LO ASVQ WBAVB NO `AUAHLKABC KAKNBC ASVLBC
##.nd he ans$ering said to the" that ++ ITo you it hath been given to 'no$ the se#rets o! the reign o! the heavens, and to these it hath not been given, #,!or $hoever hath, it shall be given to hi", and he shall have overabundan#e, and $hoever hath not, even that $hi#h he hath shall be ta'en !ro" hi") #-IBe#ause o! this, in si"iles do 0 s ea' to the", be#ause seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor understand, #.and !ul!illed on the" is the ro he#y o! 0saiah, that saith, With hearing ye shall hear, and ye shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see, and ye shall not er#eive, #'!or "ade gross $as the heart o! this eo le, and $ith the ears they heard heavily, and their eyes they did #lose, lest they "ight see $ith the eyes, and $ith the ears "ight hear, and $ith the heart understand, and turn ba#', and 0 "ight heal the") #/I.nd ha y are your eyes be#ause they see, and your ears be#ause they hear, #0!or verily 0 say to you, that "any ro hets and righteous "en did desire to see that $hi#h ye loo' on, and they did not see, and to hear that $hi#h ye hear, and they did not hear) ##L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC LVB SXBO WNWLVAB MOQOAB VA XSPVRUBA VRC HAPBKNBAC VQO LSUAOQO NYNBOLBC WN LS WNWLVAB #,LPVBC MAU NTNB WL]RPNVAB ASVQ YAB `NUBPPNS]RPNVAB LPVBC WN LSY NTNB YAB L NTNB AU]RPNVAB A` ASVLS #-WBA VLSVL NO `AUAHLKABC ASVLBC KAKQ LVB HKN`LOVNC LS HKN`LSPBO YAB AYLSLOVNC LSY AYLSLSPBO LSWN PSOBLSPBO #.YAB AOA`KRULSVAB N` ASVLBC R `ULZRVNBA RPABLS R KNMLSPA AYLR AYLSPNVN YAB LS XR PSORVN YAB HKN`LOVNC HKNcNVN YAB LS XR BWRVN #'N`ATSO]R MAU R YAUWBA VLS KALS VLSVLS YAB VLBC QPBO HAUNQC RYLSPAO YAB VLSC LZ]AKXLSC ASVQO NYAXXSPAO XR`LVN BWQPBO VLBC LZ]AKXLBC YAB VLBC QPBO AYLSPQPBO YAB VR YAUWBA PSOQPBO YAB N`BPVUNcQPBO YAB BAPQXAB ASVLSC #/SXQO WN XAYAUBLB LB LZ]AKXLB LVB HKN`LSPBO YAB VA QVA SXQO LVB AYLSNB #0AXRO MAU KNMQ SXBO LVB `LKKLB `ULZRVAB YAB WBYABLB N`N]SXRPAO BWNBO A HKN`NVN YAB LSY NBWLO YAB AYLSPAB A AYLSNVN YAB LSY RYLSPAO
#$I4e, there!ore, hear ye the si"ile o! the so$erF #%Every one hearing the $ord o! the reign, and not understanding ++ the evil one doth #o"e, and doth #at#h that $hi#h hath been so$n in his heart, this is that so$n by the $ay) ,(I.nd that so$n on the ro#'y la#es, this is he $ho is hearing the $ord, and i""ediately $ith -oy is re#eiving it, ,#and he hath not root in hi"sel!, but is te" orary, and erse#ution or tribulation having ha ened be#ause o! the $ord, i""ediately he is stu"bled) ,,I.nd that so$n to$ard the thorns, this is he $ho is hearing the $ord, and the an(iety o! this age, and the de#eit!ulness o! the ri#hes, do #ho'e the $ord, and it be#o"eth un!ruit!ul) ,-I.nd that so$n on the good groundF this is he $ho is hearing the $ord, and is understanding, $ho indeed doth bear !ruit, and doth "a'e, so"e indeed a hundred!old, and so"e si(ty, and so"e thirty)I ,..nother si"ile he set be!ore the", sayingF IThe reign o! the heavens $as li'ened to a "an so$ing good seed in his !ield, ,'and, $hile "en are slee ing, his ene"y #a"e and so$ed darnel in the "idst o! the $heat, and $ent a$ay, #$SXNBC LSO AYLSPAVN VRO `AUAHLKRO VLS P`NBULOVLC #%`AOVLC AYLSLOVLC VLO KLMLO VRC HAPBKNBAC YAB XR PSOBNOVLC NUTNVAB L `LORULC YAB AU`A\NB VL NP`AUXNOLO NO VR YAUWBA ASVLS LSVLC NPVBO L `AUA VRO LWLO P`AUNBC ,(L WN N`B VA `NVUQWR P`AUNBC LSVLC NPVBO L VLO KLMLO AYLSQO YAB NS]SC XNVA TAUAC KAXHAOQO ASVLO ,#LSY NTNB WN UB\AO NO NASVQ AKKA `ULPYABULC NPVBO MNOLXNORC WN ]KBcNQC R WBQMXLS WBA VLO KLMLO NS]SC PYAOWAKB\NVAB ,,L WN NBC VAC AYAO]AC P`AUNBC LSVLC NPVBO L VLO KLMLO AYLSQO YAB R XNUBXOA VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS YAB R A`AVR VLS `KLSVLS PSX`OBMNB VLO KLMLO YAB AYAU`LC MBONVAB ,-L WN N`B VRO MRO VRO YAKRO P`AUNBC LSVLC NPVBO L VLO KLMLO AYLSQO YAB PSOBQO LC WR YAU`LZLUNB YAB `LBNB L XNO NYAVLO L WN NaRYLOVA L WN VUBAYLOVA ,.AKKRO `AUAHLKRO `AUN]RYNO ASVLBC KNMQO QXLBQ]R R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO AO]UQ`Q P`NBULOVB YAKLO P`NUXA NO VQ AMUQ ASVLS ,'NO WN VQ YA]NSWNBO VLSC AO]UQ`LSC RK]NO ASVLS L NT]ULC YAB NP`NBUNO \B\AOBA AOA XNPLO VLS PBVLS YAB A`RK]NO
,/and $hen the herb s rang u , and yielded !ruit, then a eared also the darnel) ,0I.nd the servants o! the householder, having #o"e near, said to hi", Sir, good seed didst thou not so$ in thy !ieldb $hen#e then hath it the darnelb ,$.nd he saith to the", . "an, an ene"y, did this, and the servants said to hi", Wilt thou, then, IthatI having gone a$ay $e "ay gather it u b ,%I.nd he said, /o, lest ++ gathering u the darnel ++ ye root u $ith it the $heat, -(su!!er both to gro$ together till the harvest, and in the ti"e o! the harvest 0 $ill say to the rea ers, &ather u !irst the darnel, and bind it in bundles, to burn it, and the $heat gather u into "y storehouse)I ,/LVN WN NHKAPVRPNO L TLUVLC YAB YAU`LO N`LBRPNO VLVN NZAOR YAB VA \B\AOBA ,0`ULPNK]LOVNC WN LB WLSKLB VLS LBYLWNP`LVLS NB`LO ASVQ YSUBN LSTB YAKLO P`NUXA NP`NBUAC NO VQ PQ AMUQ `L]NO LSO NTNB VA \B\AOBA
--.nother si"ile s a'e he to the"F IThe reign o! the heavens is li'e to leaven, $hi#h a $o"an having ta'en, hid in three "easures o! "eal, till the $hole $as leavened)I -..ll these things s a'e 5esus in si"iles to the "ultitudes, and $ithout a si"ile he $as not s ea'ing to the", -'that it "ight be !ul!illed that $as s o'en through the ro het, saying, I0 $ill o en in si"iles "y "outh, 0 $ill utter things having been hidden !ro" the !oundation o! the $orld)I -/Then having let a$ay the "ultitudes, 5esus #a"e to the house, and his dis#i les #a"e near to hi", saying, IE( lain to us the si"ile o! the darnel o! the !ield)I -0.nd he ans$ering said to the", IHe $ho is so$ing the good seed is the Son o! @an, -$and the !ield is the $orld, and the good seed, these are the sons o! the reign, and the darnel are the sons o! the evil one, -%and the ene"y $ho so$ed the" is the devil, and the harvest is a !ull end o! the age, and the rea ers are "essengers) .(I.s, then, the darnel is gathered u , and is burned $ith !ire, so shall it be in the !ull end o! this age, --AKKRO `AUAHLKRO NKAKRPNO ASVLBC LXLBA NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO \SXR RO KAHLSPA MSOR NONYUScNO NBC AKNSULS PAVA VUBA NQC LS N\SXQ]R LKLO -.VASVA `AOVA NKAKRPNO L BRPLSC NO `AUAHLKABC VLBC LTKLBC YAB TQUBC `AUAHLKRC LSY NKAKNB ASVLBC -'L`QC `KRUQ]R VL UR]NO WBA VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC AOLBaQ NO `AUAHLKABC VL PVLXA XLS NUNSaLXAB YNYUSXXNOA A`L YAVAHLKRC YLPXLS -/VLVN AZNBC VLSC LTKLSC RK]NO NBC VRO LBYBAO L BRPLSC YAB `ULPRK]LO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS KNMLOVNC ZUAPLO RXBO VRO `AUAHLKRO VQO \B\AOBQO VLS AMULS -0L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC L P`NBUQO VL YAKLO P`NUXA NPVBO L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS -$L WN AMULC NPVBO L YLPXLC VL WN YAKLO P`NUXA LSVLB NBPBO LB SBLB VRC HAPBKNBAC VA WN \B\AOBA NBPBO LB SBLB VLS `LORULS -%L WN NT]ULC L P`NBUAC ASVA NPVBO L WBAHLKLC L WN ]NUBPXLC PSOVNKNBA VLS ABQOLC NPVBO LB WN ]NUBPVAB AMMNKLB NBPBO .(QP`NU LSO PSKKNMNVAB VA \B\AOBA YAB `SUB YAVAYABNVAB LSVQC NPVAB NO VR PSOVNKNBA VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS
.#the Son o! @an shall send !orth his "essengers, and they shall gather u out o! his 'ingdo" all the stu"bling+ blo#'s, and those doing the unla$lessness, .,and shall #ast the" to the !urna#e o! the !ire, there shall be the $ee ing and the gnashing o! the teeth) .-IThen shall the righteous shine !orth as the sun in the reign o! their Father) He $ho is having ears to hear ++ let hi" hear) ..I.gain, the reign o! the heavens is li'e to treasure hid in the !ield, $hi#h a "an having !ound did hide, and !ro" his -oy goeth, and all, as "u#h as he hath, he selleth, and buyeth that !ield) .#A`LPVNKNB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS VLSC AMMNKLSC ASVLS YAB PSKKNaLSPBO NY VRC HAPBKNBAC ASVLS `AOVA VA PYAOWAKA YAB VLSC `LBLSOVAC VRO AOLXBAO .,YAB HAKLSPBO ASVLSC NBC VRO YAXBOLO VLS `SULC NYNB NPVAB L YKAS]XLC YAB L HUSMXLC VQO LWLOVQO .-VLVN LB WBYABLB NYKAXcLSPBO QC L RKBLC NO VR HAPBKNBA VLS `AVULC ASVQO L NTQO QVA AYLSNBO AYLSNVQ
..`AKBO LXLBA NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO ]RPASUQ YNYUSXXNOQ NO VQ AMUQ LO NSUQO AO]UQ`LC NYUScNO YAB A`L VRC TAUAC ASVLS S`AMNB YAB `AOVA LPA NTNB `QKNB YAB AMLUA\NB VLO AMULO NYNBOLO .'I.gain, the reign o! the heavens is .'`AKBO LXLBA NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VQO li'e to a "an, a "er#hant, see'ing LSUAOQO AO]UQ`Q NX`LUQ \RVLSOVB goodly earls, YAKLSC XAUMAUBVAC ./$ho having !ound one earl o! great ./LC NSUQO NOA `LKSVBXLO XAUMAUBVRO ri#e, having gone a$ay, hath sold all, A`NK]QO `N`UAYNO `AOVA LPA NBTNO as "u#h as he had, and bought it) YAB RMLUAPNO ASVLO .0I.gain, the reign o! the heavens is .0`AKBO LXLBA NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VQO li'e to a net that $as #ast into the sea, LSUAOQO PAMROR HKR]NBPR NBC VRO and did gather together o! every 'ind, ]AKAPPAO YAB NY `AOVLC MNOLSC PSOAMAMLSPR .$$hi#h, $hen it $as !illed, having .$RO LVN N`KRUQ]R AOAHBHAPAOVNC N`B dra$n u again u on the bea#h, and VLO ABMBAKLO YAB YA]BPAOVNC having sat do$n, they gathered the PSONKNaAO VA YAKA NBC AMMNBA VA WN good into vessels, and the bad they did PA`UA NaQ NHAKLO #ast out,
.%so shall it be in the !ull end o! the age, the "essengers shall #o"e !orth and se arate the evil out o! the "idst o! the righteous, '(and shall #ast the" to the !urna#e o! the !ire, there shall be the $ee ing and the gnashing o! the teeth)I '#5esus saith to the", IDid ye understand all thesebI They say to hi", I4es, sir)I ',.nd he said to the", IBe#ause o! this every s#ribe having been dis#i led in regard to the reign o! the heavens, is li'e to a "an, a householder, $ho doth bring !orth out o! his treasure things ne$ and old)I '-.nd it #a"e to ass, $hen 5esus !inished these si"iles, he re"oved then#e, '.and having #o"e to his o$n #ountry, he $as tea#hing the" in their synagogue, so that they $ere astonished, and $ere saying, IWhen#e to this one this $isdo" and the "ighty $or'sb ''is not this the #ar enterIs sonb is not his "other #alled @ary, and his brethren 5a"es, and 5oses, and Si"on, and 5udasb '/and his sisters ++ are they not all $ith usb $hen#e, then, to this one all thesebI .%LSVQC NPVAB NO VR PSOVNKNBA VLS ABQOLC NaNKNSPLOVAB LB AMMNKLB YAB AZLUBLSPBO VLSC `LORULSC NY XNPLS VQO WBYABQO '(YAB HAKLSPBO ASVLSC NBC VRO YAXBOLO VLS `SULC NYNB NPVAB L YKAS]XLC YAB L HUSMXLC VQO LWLOVQO '#KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC PSORYAVN VASVA `AOVA KNMLSPBO ASVQ OAB YSUBN ',L WN NB`NO ASVLBC WBA VLSVL `AC MUAXXAVNSC XA]RVNS]NBC NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VQO LSUAOQO LXLBLC NPVBO AO]UQ`Q LBYLWNP`LVR LPVBC NYHAKKNB NY VLS ]RPASULS ASVLS YABOA YAB `AKABA '-YAB NMNONVL LVN NVNKNPNO L BRPLSC VAC `AUAHLKAC VASVAC XNVRUNO NYNB]NO '.YAB NK]QO NBC VRO `AVUBWA ASVLS NWBWAPYNO ASVLSC NO VR PSOAMQMR ASVQO QPVN NY`KRVVNP]AB ASVLSC YAB KNMNBO `L]NO VLSVQ R PLZBA ASVR YAB AB WSOAXNBC ''LST LSVLC NPVBO L VLS VNYVLOLC SBLC LSTB R XRVRU ASVLS KNMNVAB XAUBAX YAB LB AWNKZLB ASVLS BAYQHLC YAB BQPRC YAB PBXQO YAB BLSWAC '/YAB AB AWNKZAB ASVLS LSTB `APAB `ULC RXAC NBPBO `L]NO LSO VLSVQ VASVA `AOVA
'0and they $ere stu"bled at hi") .nd 5esus said to the", I. ro het is not $ithout honor e(#e t in his o$n #ountry, and in his o$n houseFI '$and he did not there "any "ighty $or's, be#ause o! their unbelie!) '0YAB NPYAOWAKB\LOVL NO ASVQ L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC LSY NPVBO `ULZRVRC AVBXLC NB XR NO VR `AVUBWB ASVLS YAB NO VR LBYBA ASVLS '$YAB LSY N`LBRPNO NYNB WSOAXNBC `LKKAC WBA VRO A`BPVBAO ASVQO
+hapter #.
#.t that ti"e did Herod the tetrar#h hear the !a"e o! 5esus, ,and said to his servants, IThis is 5ohn the Ba tist, he did rise !ro" the dead, and be#ause o! this the "ighty energies are $or'ing in hi")I -For Herod having laid hold on 5ohn, did bind hi", and did ut hi" in rison, be#ause o! Herodias his brother Phili Is $i!e, .!or 5ohn $as saying to hi", I0t is not la$!ul to thee to have her,I 'and, $illing to 'ill hi", he !eared the "ultitude, be#ause as a ro het they $ere holding hi") /But the birthday o! Herod being 'e t, the daughter o! Herodias dan#ed in the "idst, and did lease Herod, 0$hereu on $ith an oath he ro!essed to give her $hatever she "ight as') $.nd she having been instigated by her "other ++ I&ive "e 7says she< here u on a late the head o! 5ohn the Ba tist, %and the 'ing $as grieved, but be#ause o! the oaths and o! those re#lining $ith hi", he #o""anded IitI to be given, #(and having sent, he beheaded 5ohn in the rison, ##and his head $as brought u on a late, and $as given to the da"sel, and she brought IitI nigh to her "other) #NO NYNBOQ VQ YABUQ RYLSPNO RUQWRC L VNVUAUTRC VRO AYLRO BRPLS ,YAB NB`NO VLBC `ABPBO ASVLS LSVLC NPVBO BQAOORC L HA`VBPVRC ASVLC RMNU]R A`L VQO ONYUQO YAB WBA VLSVL AB WSOAXNBC NONUMLSPBO NO ASVQ -L MAU RUQWRC YUAVRPAC VLO BQAOORO NWRPNO ASVLO YAB N]NVL NO ZSKAYR WBA RUQWBAWA VRO MSOABYA ZBKB``LS VLS AWNKZLS ASVLS .NKNMNO MAU ASVQ L BQAOORC LSY NaNPVBO PLB NTNBO ASVRO 'YAB ]NKQO ASVLO A`LYVNBOAB NZLHR]R VLO LTKLO LVB QC `ULZRVRO ASVLO NBTLO /MNONPBQO WN AMLXNOQO VLS RUQWLS QUTRPAVL R ]SMAVRU VRC RUQWBAWLC NO VQ XNPQ YAB RUNPNO VQ RUQWR 0L]NO XN] LUYLS QXLKLMRPNO ASVR WLSOAB L NAO ABVRPRVAB $R WN `ULHBHAP]NBPA S`L VRC XRVULC ASVRC WLC XLB ZRPBO QWN N`B `BOAYB VRO YNZAKRO BQAOOLS VLS HA`VBPVLS %YAB NKS`R]R L HAPBKNSC WBA WN VLSC LUYLSC YAB VLSC PSOAOAYNBXNOLSC NYNKNSPNO WL]ROAB #(YAB `NXcAC A`NYNZAKBPNO VLO BQAOORO NO VR ZSKAYR ##YAB RONT]R R YNZAKR ASVLS N`B `BOAYB YAB NWL]R VQ YLUAPBQ YAB RONMYNO VR XRVUB ASVRC
#,.nd his dis#i les having #o"e, too' u the body, and buried it, and having #o"e, they told 5esus, #-and 5esus having heard, $ithdre$ then#e in a boat to a desolate la#e by hi"sel!, and the "ultitudes having heard did !ollo$ hi" on land !ro" the #ities) #..nd 5esus having #o"e !orth, sa$ a great "ultitude, and $as "oved $ith #o" assion u on the", and did heal their in!ir", #'and evening having #o"e, his dis#i les #a"e to hi", saying, IThe la#e is desolate, and the hour hath no$ ast, let a$ay the "ultitudes that, having gone to the villages, they "ay buy to the"selves !ood)I #/.nd 5esus said to the", IThey have no need to go a$ay ++ give ye the" to eat)I #0.nd they say to hi", IWe have not here e(#e t !ive loaves, and t$o !ishes)I #$.nd he said, IBring ye the" to "e hither)I #%.nd having #o""anded the "ultitudes to re#line u on the grass, and having ta'en the !ive loaves and the t$o !ishes, having loo'ed u to the heaven, he did bless, and having bro'en, he gave the loaves to the dis#i les, and the dis#i les to the "ultitudes, #,YAB `ULPNK]LOVNC LB XA]RVAB ASVLS RUAO VL PQXA YAB N]AcAO ASVL YAB NK]LOVNC A`RMMNBKAO VQ BRPLS #-YAB AYLSPAC L BRPLSC AONTQURPNO NYNB]NO NO `KLBQ NBC NURXLO VL`LO YAV BWBAO YAB AYLSPAOVNC LB LTKLB RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ `N\R A`L VQO `LKNQO #.YAB NaNK]QO L BRPLSC NBWNO `LKSO LTKLO YAB NP`KAMTOBP]R N` ASVLSC YAB N]NUA`NSPNO VLSC AUUQPVLSC ASVQO #'LcBAC WN MNOLXNORC `ULPRK]LO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS KNMLOVNC NURXLC NPVBO L VL`LC YAB R QUA RWR `AURK]NO A`LKSPLO VLSC LTKLSC BOA A`NK]LOVNC NBC VAC YQXAC AMLUAPQPBO NASVLBC HUQXAVA #/L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC LS TUNBAO NTLSPBO A`NK]NBO WLVN ASVLBC SXNBC ZAMNBO #0LB WN KNMLSPBO ASVQ LSY NTLXNO QWN NB XR `NOVN AUVLSC YAB WSL BT]SAC #$L WN NB`NO ZNUNVN XLB ASVLSC QWN #%YAB YNKNSPAC VLSC LTKLSC AOAYKB]ROAB N`B VLSC TLUVLSC YAB KAHQO VLSC `NOVN AUVLSC YAB VLSC WSL BT]SAC AOAHKNcAC NBC VLO LSUAOLO NSKLMRPNO YAB YKAPAC NWQYNO VLBC XA]RVABC VLSC AUVLSC LB WN XA]RVAB VLBC LTKLBC
,(and they did all eat, and $ere !illed, and they too' u $hat $as over o! the bro'en ie#es t$elve hand+bas'ets !ull, ,#and those eating $ere about !ive thousand "en, a art !ro" $o"en and #hildren) ,,.nd i""ediately 5esus #onstrained his dis#i les to go into the boat, and to go be!ore hi" to the other side, till he "ight let a$ay the "ultitudes, ,-and having let a$ay the "ultitudes, he $ent u to the "ountain by hi"sel! to ray, and evening having #o"e, he $as there alone, ,.and the boat $as no$ in the "idst o! the sea, distressed by the $aves, !or the $ind $as #ontrary) ,'.nd in the !ourth $at#h o! the night 5esus $ent a$ay to the", $al'ing u on the sea, ,/and the dis#i les having seen hi" $al'ing u on the sea, $ere troubled saying ++ I0t is an a arition,I and !ro" the !ear they #ried out, ,0and i""ediately 5esus s a'e to the", saying, IBe o! good #ourage, 0 a" IheI, be not a!raid)I ,$.nd Peter ans$ering hi" said, ISir, i! it is thou, bid "e #o"e to thee u on the $aters,I ,(YAB NZAMLO `AOVNC YAB NTLUVAP]RPAO YAB RUAO VL `NUBPPNSLO VQO YKAPXAVQO WQWNYA YLZBOLSC `KRUNBC ,#LB WN NP]BLOVNC RPAO AOWUNC QPNB `NOVAYBPTBKBLB TQUBC MSOABYQO YAB `ABWBQO ,,YAB NS]NQC ROAMYAPNO L BRPLSC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS NXHROAB NBC VL `KLBLO YAB `ULAMNBO ASVLO NBC VL `NUAO NQC LS A`LKSPR VLSC LTKLSC ,-YAB A`LKSPAC VLSC LTKLSC AONHR NBC VL LULC YAV BWBAO `ULPNSaAP]AB LcBAC WN MNOLXNORC XLOLC RO NYNB ,.VL WN `KLBLO RWR XNPLO VRC ]AKAPPRC RO HAPAOB\LXNOLO S`L VQO YSXAVQO RO MAU NOAOVBLC L AONXLC ,'VNVAUVR WN ZSKAYR VRC OSYVLC A`RK]NO `ULC ASVLSC L BRPLSC `NUB`AVQO N`B VRC ]AKAPPRC ,/YAB BWLOVNC ASVLO LB XA]RVAB N`B VRO ]AKAPPAO `NUB`AVLSOVA NVAUAT]RPAO KNMLOVNC LVB ZAOVAPXA NPVBO YAB A`L VLS ZLHLS NYUAaAO ,0NS]NQC WN NKAKRPNO ASVLBC L BRPLSC KNMQO ]AUPNBVN NMQ NBXB XR ZLHNBP]N ,$A`LYUB]NBC WN ASVQ L `NVULC NB`NO YSUBN NB PS NB YNKNSPLO XN `ULC PN NK]NBO N`B VA SWAVA
,%and he said, IDo"e,I and having gone do$n !ro" the boat, Peter $al'ed u on the $aters to #o"e unto 5esus, -(but seeing the $ind vehe"ent, he $as a!raid, and having begun to sin', he #ried out, saying, ISir, save "e)I -#.nd i""ediately 5esus, having stret#hed !orth the hand, laid hold o! hi", and saith to hi", ILittle !aithd !or $hat didst thou $averbI -,and they having gone to the boat the $ind lulled, --and those in the boat having #o"e, did bo$ to hi", saying, ITruly ++ &odIs Son art thou)I -..nd having assed over, they #a"e to the land o! &ennesaret, -'and having re#ogniEed hi", the "en o! that la#e sent !orth to all that region round about, and they brought to hi" all $ho $ere ill, -/and $ere #alling on hi" that they "ight only tou#h the !ringe o! his gar"ent, and as "any as did tou#h $ere saved) ,%L WN NB`NO NK]N YAB YAVAHAC A`L VLS `KLBLS L `NVULC `NUBN`AVRPNO N`B VA SWAVA NK]NBO `ULC VLO BRPLSO -(HKN`QO WN VLO AONXLO BPTSULO NZLHR]R YAB AUaAXNOLC YAVA`LOVB\NP]AB NYUAaNO KNMQO YSUBN PQPLO XN -#NS]NQC WN L BRPLSC NYVNBOAC VRO TNBUA N`NKAHNVL ASVLS YAB KNMNB ASVQ LKBML`BPVN NBC VB NWBPVAPAC -,YAB NXHAOVQO ASVQO NBC VL `KLBLO NYL`APNO L AONXLC --LB WN NO VQ `KLBQ NK]LOVNC `ULPNYSORPAO ASVQ KNMLOVNC AKR]QC ]NLS SBLC NB -.YAB WBA`NUAPAOVNC RK]LO NBC VRO MRO MNOORPAUNV -'YAB N`BMOLOVNC ASVLO LB AOWUNC VLS VL`LS NYNBOLS A`NPVNBKAO NBC LKRO VRO `NUBTQULO NYNBORO YAB `ULPRONMYAO ASVQ `AOVAC VLSC YAYQC NTLOVAC -/YAB `AUNYAKLSO ASVLO BOA XLOLO AcQOVAB VLS YUAP`NWLS VLS BXAVBLS ASVLS YAB LPLB RcAOVL WBNPQ]RPAO
+hapter #'
#Then #o"e unto 5esus do they !ro" 5erusale" ++ s#ribes and Pharisees ++ saying, ,IWhere!ore do thy dis#i les transgress the tradition o! the eldersb !or they do not $ash their hands $hen they "ay eat bread)I -.nd he ans$ering said to the", IWhere!ore also do ye transgress the #o""and o! &od be#ause o! your traditionb .!or &od did #o""and, saying, Honour thy !ather and "other, and, He $ho is s ea'ing evil o! !ather or "other ++ let hi" die the death, 'but ye say, Whoever "ay say to !ather or "other, .n o!!ering IisI $hatever thou "ayest be ro!ited by "e, ++ /and he "ay not honour his !ather or his "other, and ye did set aside the #o""and o! &od be#ause o! your tradition) 0IHy o#rites, $ell did 0saiah ro hesy o! you, saying, $This eo le doth dra$ nigh to @e $ith their "outh, and $ith the li s it doth honour @e, but their heart is !ar o!! !ro" @e, %and in vain do they $orshi @e, tea#hing tea#hings ++ #o""ands o! "en)I #VLVN `ULPNUTLOVAB VQ BRPLS LB A`L BNULPLKSXQO MUAXXAVNBC YAB ZAUBPABLB KNMLOVNC ,WBAVB LB XA]RVAB PLS `AUAHABOLSPBO VRO `AUAWLPBO VQO `UNPHSVNUQO LS MAU OB`VLOVAB VAC TNBUAC ASVQO LVAO AUVLO NP]BQPBO -L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC WBAVB YAB SXNBC `AUAHABONVN VRO NOVLKRO VLS ]NLS WBA VRO `AUAWLPBO SXQO .L MAU ]NLC NONVNBKAVL KNMQO VBXA VLO `AVNUA PLS YAB VRO XRVNUA YAB L YAYLKLMQO `AVNUA R XRVNUA ]AOAVQ VNKNSVAVQ 'SXNBC WN KNMNVN LC AO NB`R VQ `AVUB R VR XRVUB WQULO L NAO Na NXLS QZNKR]RC YAB LS XR VBXRPR VLO `AVNUA ASVLS R VRO XRVNUA ASVLS /YAB RYSUQPAVN VRO NOVLKRO VLS ]NLS WBA VRO `AUAWLPBO SXQO 0S`LYUBVAB YAKQC `ULNZRVNSPNO `NUB SXQO RPABAC KNMQO $NMMB\NB XLB L KALC LSVLC VQ PVLXAVB ASVQO YAB VLBC TNBKNPBO XN VBXA R WN YAUWBA ASVQO `LUUQ A`NTNB A` NXLS %XAVRO WN PNHLOVAB XN WBWAPYLOVNC WBWAPYAKBAC NOVAKXAVA AO]UQ`QO
#(.nd having #alled near the "ultitude, he said to the", IHear and understandF ##not that $hi#h is #o"ing into the "outh doth de!ile the "an, but that $hi#h is #o"ing !orth !ro" the "outh, this de!ileth the "an)I #,Then his dis#i les having #o"e near, said to hi", IHast thou 'no$n that the Pharisees, having heard the $ord, $ere stu"bledbI #-.nd he ans$ering said, IEvery lant that "y heavenly Father did not lant shall be rooted u , #.let the" alone, guides they are ++ blind o! blind, and i! blind "ay guide blind, both into a dit#h shall !all)I #'.nd Peter ans$ering said to hi", IE( lain to us this si"ile)I #/.nd 5esus said, I.re ye also yet $ithout understandingb #0do ye not understand that all that is going into the "outh doth ass into the belly, and into the drain is #ast !orthb #(YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC VLO LTKLO NB`NO ASVLBC AYLSNVN YAB PSOBNVN ##LS VL NBPNUTLXNOLO NBC VL PVLXA YLBOLB VLO AO]UQ`LO AKKA VL NY`LUNSLXNOLO NY VLS PVLXAVLC VLSVL YLBOLB VLO AO]UQ`LO #,VLVN `ULPNK]LOVNC LB XA]RVAB ASVLS NB`LO ASVQ LBWAC LVB LB ZAUBPABLB AYLSPAOVNC VLO KLMLO NPYAOWAKBP]RPAO #-L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO `APA ZSVNBA RO LSY NZSVNSPNO L `AVRU XLS L LSUAOBLC NYUB\Q]RPNVAB #.AZNVN ASVLSC LWRMLB NBPBO VSZKLB VSZKQO VSZKLC WN VSZKLO NAO LWRMR AXZLVNULB NBC HL]SOLO `NPLSOVAB #'A`LYUB]NBC WN L `NVULC NB`NO ASVQ ZUAPLO RXBO VRO `AUAHLKRO VASVRO #/L WN BRPLSC NB`NO AYXRO YAB SXNBC APSONVLB NPVN #0LS`Q OLNBVN LVB `AO VL NBP`LUNSLXNOLO NBC VL PVLXA NBC VRO YLBKBAO TQUNB YAB NBC AZNWUQOA NYHAKKNVAB #$but the things #o"ing !orth !ro" the #$VA WN NY`LUNSLXNOA NY VLS "outh !ro" the heart do #o"e !orth, PVLXAVLC NY VRC YAUWBAC NaNUTNVAB and these de!ile the "an, YAYNBOA YLBOLB VLO AO]UQ`LO #%!or out o! the heart #o"e !orth evil #%NY MAU VRC YAUWBAC NaNUTLOVAB thoughts, "urders, adulteries, WBAKLMBPXLB `LORULB ZLOLB XLBTNBAB $horedo"s, the!ts, !alse $itnessings, `LUONBAB YKL`AB cNSWLXAUVSUBAB evil s ea'ingsF HKAPZRXBAB
,(these are the things de!iling the "an, but to eat $ith un$ashen hands doth not de!ile the "an)I ,#.nd 5esus having #o"e !orth then#e, $ithdre$ to the arts o! Tyre and Sidon, ,,and lo, a $o"an, a Danaanitess, !ro" those borders having #o"e !orth, did #all to hi", saying, IDeal 'indly $ith "e, Sir ++ Son o! David, "y daughter is "iserably de"oniEed)I ,-.nd he did not ans$er her a $ord, and his dis#i les having #o"e to hi", $ere as'ing hi", saying ++ ILet her a$ay, be#ause she #rieth a!ter us,I ,.and he ans$ering said, I0 $as not sent e(#e t to the lost shee o! the house o! 0srael)I ,'.nd having #o"e, she $as bo$ing to hi", saying, ISir, hel "e,I ,/and he ans$ering said, I0t is not good to ta'e the #hildrenIs bread, and to #ast to the little dogs)I ,0.nd she said, I4es, sir, !or even the little dogs do eat o! the #ru"bs that are !alling !ro" their lordsI table,I ,(VASVA NPVBO VA YLBOLSOVA VLO AO]UQ`LO VL WN AOB`VLBC TNUPBO ZAMNBO LS YLBOLB VLO AO]UQ`LO ,#YAB NaNK]QO NYNB]NO L BRPLSC AONTQURPNO NBC VA XNUR VSULS YAB PBWQOLC ,,YAB BWLS MSOR TAOAOABA A`L VQO LUBQO NYNBOQO NaNK]LSPA NYUASMAPNO ASVQ KNMLSPA NKNRPLO XN YSUBN SBN WAHBW R ]SMAVRU XLS YAYQC WABXLOB\NVAB ,-L WN LSY A`NYUB]R ASVR KLMLO YAB `ULPNK]LOVNC LB XA]RVAB ASVLS RUQVQO ASVLO KNMLOVNC A`LKSPLO ASVRO LVB YUA\NB L`BP]NO RXQO ,.L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO LSY A`NPVAKRO NB XR NBC VA `ULHAVA VA A`LKQKLVA LBYLS BPUARK ,'R WN NK]LSPA `ULPNYSONB ASVQ KNMLSPA YSUBN HLR]NB XLB ,/L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO LSY NPVBO YAKLO KAHNBO VLO AUVLO VQO VNYOQO YAB HAKNBO VLBC YSOAUBLBC ,0R WN NB`NO OAB YSUBN YAB MAU VA YSOAUBA NP]BNB A`L VQO cBTBQO VQO `B`VLOVQO A`L VRC VUA`N\RC VQO YSUBQO ASVQO ,$then ans$ering, 5esus said to her, IO ,$VLVN A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVR $o"an, great IisI thy !aith, let it be to Q MSOAB XNMAKR PLS R `BPVBC MNOR]RVQ thee as thou $ilt,I and her daughter PLB QC ]NKNBC YAB BA]R R ]SMAVRU $as healed !ro" that hour) ASVRC A`L VRC QUAC NYNBORC
,%.nd 5esus having assed then#e, #a"e nigh unto the sea o! &alilee, and having gone u to the "ountain, he $as sitting there, -(and there #a"e to hi" great "ultitudes, having $ith the" la"e, blind, du"b, "ai"ed, and "any others, and they did #ast the" at the !eet o! 5esus, and he healed the", -#so that the "ultitudes did $onder, seeing du"b ones s ea'ing, "ai"ed $hole, la"e $al'ing, and blind seeing, and they glori!ied the &od o! 0srael) ,%YAB XNVAHAC NYNB]NO L BRPLSC RK]NO `AUA VRO ]AKAPPAO VRC MAKBKABAC YAB AOAHAC NBC VL LULC NYA]RVL NYNB
-(YAB `ULPRK]LO ASVQ LTKLB `LKKLB NTLOVNC XN] NASVQO TQKLSC VSZKLSC YQZLSC YSKKLSC YAB NVNULSC `LKKLSC YAB NUUBcAO ASVLSC `AUA VLSC `LWAC VLS BRPLS YAB N]NUA`NSPNO ASVLSC -#QPVN VLSC LTKLSC ]ASXAPAB HKN`LOVAC YQZLSC KAKLSOVAC YSKKLSC SMBNBC TQKLSC `NUB`AVLSOVAC YAB VSZKLSC HKN`LOVAC YAB NWLaAPAO VLO ]NLO BPUARK -,.nd 5esus having #alled near his -,L WN BRPLSC `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC VLSC dis#i les, said, I0 have #o" assion XA]RVAC ASVLS NB`NO P`KAMTOB\LXAB u on the "ultitude, be#ause no$ three N`B VLO LTKLO LVB RWR RXNUAC VUNBC days they #ontinue $ith "e, and they `ULPXNOLSPBO XLB YAB LSY NTLSPBO VB have not $hat they "ay eat, and to let ZAMQPBO YAB A`LKSPAB ASVLSC ORPVNBC the" a$ay !asting 0 $ill not, lest they LS ]NKQ XR`LVN NYKS]QPBO NO VR LWQ !aint in the $ay)I --.nd his dis#i les say to hi", --YAB KNMLSPBO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS IWhen#e to us, in a $ilderness, so `L]NO RXBO NO NURXBA AUVLB VLPLSVLB "any loaves, as to !ill so great a QPVN TLUVAPAB LTKLO VLPLSVLO "ultitudebI -..nd 5esus saith to the", IHo$ "any -.YAB KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC `LPLSC loaves have yebI and they said, ISeven, AUVLSC NTNVN LB WN NB`LO N`VA YAB and a !e$ little !ishes)I LKBMA BT]SWBA -'.nd he #o""anded the "ultitudes -'YAB NYNKNSPNO VLBC LTKLBC to sit do$n u on the ground, AOA`NPNBO N`B VRO MRO -/and having ta'en the seven loaves -/YAB KAHQO VLSC N`VA AUVLSC YAB and the !ishes, having given than's, he VLSC BT]SAC NSTAUBPVRPAC NYKAPNO YAB did brea', and gave to his dis#i les, NWQYNO VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS LB WN and the dis#i les to the "ultitude) XA]RVAB VQ LTKQ 39
-0.nd they did all eat, and $ere !illed, -0YAB NZAMLO `AOVNC YAB and they too' u $hat $as over o! the NTLUVAP]RPAO YAB RUAO VL `NUBPPNSLO bro'en ie#es seven bas'ets !ull, VQO YKAPXAVQO N`VA P`SUBWAC `KRUNBC -$and those eating $ere !our thousand -$LB WN NP]BLOVNC RPAO VNVUAYBPTBKBLB "en, a art !ro" $o"en and #hildren) AOWUNC TQUBC MSOABYQO YAB `ABWBQO -%.nd having let a$ay the "ultitudes, -%YAB A`LKSPAC VLSC LTKLSC NONHR NBC he $ent into the boat, and did #o"e to VL `KLBLO YAB RK]NO NBC VA LUBA the borders o! @agdala) XAMWAKA
+hapter #/
#.nd the Pharisees and Saddu#ees having #o"e, te" ting, did ?uestion hi", to she$ to the" a sign !ro" the heaven, ,and he ans$ering said to the", IEvening having #o"e, ye say, Fair $eather, !or the heaven is red, -and at "orning, Foul $eather to+day, !or the heaven is red ++ gloo"y, hy o#rites, the !a#e o! the heavens indeed ye do 'no$ to dis#ern, but the signs o! the ti"es ye are not abled .I. generation evil and adulterous doth see' a sign, and a sign shall not be given to it, e(#e t the sign o! 5onah the ro het,I and having le!t the" he $ent a$ay) '.nd his dis#i les having #o"e to the other side, !orgot to ta'e loaves, /and 5esus said to the", IBe$are, and ta'e heed o! the leaven o! the Pharisees and Saddu#ees,I 0and they $ere reasoning in the"selves, saying, IBe#ause $e too' no loaves)I $.nd 5esus having 'no$n, said to the", IWhy reason ye in yourselves, ye o! little !aith, be#ause ye too' no loavesb %do ye not yet understand, nor re"e"ber the !ive loaves o! the !ive thousand, and ho$ "any hand+bas'ets ye too' u b #YAB `ULPNK]LOVNC LB ZAUBPABLB YAB PAWWLSYABLB `NBUA\LOVNC N`RUQVRPAO ASVLO PRXNBLO NY VLS LSUAOLS N`BWNBaAB ASVLBC ,L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC LcBAC MNOLXNORC KNMNVN NSWBA `SUUA\NB MAU L LSUAOLC -YAB `UQB PRXNULO TNBXQO `SUUA\NB MAU PVSMOA\QO L LSUAOLC S`LYUBVAB VL XNO `ULPQ`LO VLS LSUAOLS MBOQPYNVN WBAYUBONBO VA WN PRXNBA VQO YABUQO LS WSOAP]N .MNONA `LORUA YAB XLBTAKBC PRXNBLO N`B\RVNB YAB PRXNBLO LS WL]RPNVAB ASVR NB XR VL PRXNBLO BQOA VLS `ULZRVLS YAB YAVAKB`QO ASVLSC A`RK]NO 'YAB NK]LOVNC LB XA]RVAB ASVLS NBC VL `NUAO N`NKA]LOVL AUVLSC KAHNBO /L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC LUAVN YAB `ULPNTNVN A`L VRC \SXRC VQO ZAUBPABQO YAB PAWWLSYABQO 0LB WN WBNKLMB\LOVL NO NASVLBC KNMLOVNC LVB AUVLSC LSY NKAHLXNO $MOLSC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC VB WBAKLMB\NP]N NO NASVLBC LKBML`BPVLB LVB AUVLSC LSY NKAHNVN %LS`Q OLNBVN LSWN XORXLONSNVN VLSC `NOVN AUVLSC VQO `NOVAYBPTBKBQO YAB `LPLSC YLZBOLSC NKAHNVN
#(nor the seven loaves o! the !our thousand, and ho$ "any bas'ets ye too' u b ##ho$ do ye not understand that 0 did not s ea' to you o! bread ++ to ta'e heed o! the leaven o! the Pharisees and Saddu#eesbI #,Then they understood that he did not say to ta'e heed o! the leaven o! the bread, but o! the tea#hing, o! the Pharisees and Saddu#ees) #-.nd 5esus, having #o"e to the arts o! Desarea Phili i, $as as'ing his dis#i les, saying, IWho do "en say "e to be ++ the Son o! @anbI #.and they said, ISo"e, 5ohn the Ba tist, and others, Eli-ah, and others, 5ere"iah, or one o! the ro hets)I #'He saith to the", I.nd ye ++ $ho do ye say "e to bebI #/and Si"on Peter ans$ering said, IThou art the Dhrist, the Son o! the living &od)I #0.nd 5esus ans$ering said to hi", IHa y art thou, Si"on Bar+5ona, be#ause !lesh and blood did not reveal IitI to thee, but "y Father $ho is in the heavens) #$I.nd 0 also say to thee, that thou art a ro#', and u on this ro#' 0 $ill build "y asse"bly, and gates o! Hades shall not revail against it, #(LSWN VLSC N`VA AUVLSC VQO VNVUAYBPTBKBQO YAB `LPAC P`SUBWAC NKAHNVN ##`QC LS OLNBVN LVB LS `NUB AUVLS NB`LO SXBO `ULPNTNBO A`L VRC \SXRC VQO ZAUBPABQO YAB PAWWLSYABQO #,VLVN PSORYAO LVB LSY NB`NO `ULPNTNBO A`L VRC \SXRC VLS AUVLS AKK A`L VRC WBWATRC VQO ZAUBPABQO YAB PAWWLSYABQO #-NK]QO WN L BRPLSC NBC VA XNUR YABPAUNBAC VRC ZBKB``LS RUQVA VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS KNMQO VBOA XN KNMLSPBO LB AO]UQ`LB NBOAB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS #.LB WN NB`LO LB XNO BQAOORO VLO HA`VBPVRO AKKLB WN RKBAO NVNULB WN BNUNXBAO R NOA VQO `ULZRVQO #'KNMNB ASVLBC SXNBC WN VBOA XN KNMNVN NBOAB #/A`LYUB]NBC WN PBXQO `NVULC NB`NO PS NB L TUBPVLC L SBLC VLS ]NLS VLS \QOVLC #0YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVQ XAYAUBLC NB PBXQO HAU BQOA LVB PAUa YAB ABXA LSY A`NYAKScNO PLB AKK L `AVRU XLS L NO VLBC LSUAOLBC #$YAMQ WN PLB KNMQ LVB PS NB `NVULC YAB N`B VASVR VR `NVUA LBYLWLXRPQ XLS VRO NYYKRPBAO YAB `SKAB AWLS LS YAVBPTSPLSPBO ASVRC
#%and 0 $ill give to thee the 'eys o! the reign o! the heavens, and $hatever thou "ayest bind u on the earth shall be having been bound in the heavens, and $hatever thou "ayest loose u on the earth shall be having been loosed in the heavens)I ,(Then did he #harge his dis#i les that they "ay say to no one that he is 5esus the Dhrist) ,#Fro" that ti"e began 5esus to she$ to his dis#i les that it is ne#essary !or hi" to go a$ay to 5erusale", and to su!!er "any things !ro" the elders, and #hie! riests, and s#ribes, and to be ut to death, and the third day to rise) #%YAB WQPQ PLB VAC YKNBC VRC HAPBKNBAC VQO LSUAOQO YAB L NAO WRPRC N`B VRC MRC NPVAB WNWNXNOLO NO VLBC LSUAOLBC YAB L NAO KSPRC N`B VRC MRC NPVAB KNKSXNOLO NO VLBC LSUAOLBC
,(VLVN WBNPVNBKAVL VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS BOA XRWNOB NB`QPBO LVB ASVLC NPVBO BRPLSC L TUBPVLC ,#A`L VLVN RUaAVL L BRPLSC WNBYOSNBO VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS LVB WNB ASVLO A`NK]NBO NBC BNULPLKSXA YAB `LKKA `A]NBO A`L VQO `UNPHSVNUQO YAB AUTBNUNQO YAB MUAXXAVNQO YAB A`LYVAO]ROAB YAB VR VUBVR RXNUA NMNU]ROAB ,,.nd having ta'en hi" aside, Peter ,,YAB `ULPKAHLXNOLC ASVLO L `NVULC began to rebu'e hi", saying, IBe 'ind RUaAVL N`BVBXAO ASVQ KNMQO BKNQC PLB to thysel!, sir, this shall not be to thee,I YSUBN LS XR NPVAB PLB VLSVL ,-and he having turned, said to Peter, ,-L WN PVUAZNBC NB`NO VQ `NVUQ S`AMN I&et thee behind "e, adversaryd thou L`BPQ XLS PAVAOA PYAOWAKLO XLS NB art a stu"bling+blo#' to "e, !or thou LVB LS ZULONBC VA VLS ]NLS AKKA VA dost not "ind the things o! &od, but VQO AO]UQ`QO the things o! "en)I ,.Then said 5esus to his dis#i les, I0! ,.VLVN L BRPLSC NB`NO VLBC XA]RVABC any one doth $ill to #o"e a!ter "e, let ASVLS NB VBC ]NKNB L`BPQ XLS NK]NBO hi" diso$n hi"sel!, and ta'e u his A`AUORPAP]Q NASVLO YAB AUAVQ VLO #ross, and !ollo$ "e, PVASULO ASVLS YAB AYLKLS]NBVQ XLB ,'!or $hoever "ay $ill to save his ,'LC MAU AO ]NKR VRO cSTRO ASVLS li!e, shall lose it, and $hoever "ay PQPAB A`LKNPNB ASVRO LC W AO lose his li!e !or "y sa'e shall !ind it, A`LKNPR VRO cSTRO ASVLS NONYNO NXLS NSURPNB ASVRO
,/!or $hat is a "an ro!ited i! he "ay gain the $hole $orld, but o! his li!e su!!er lossb or $hat shall a "an give as an e(#hange !or his li!eb ,0IFor, the Son o! @an is about to #o"e in the glory o! his Father, $ith his "essengers, and then he $ill re$ard ea#h, a##ording to his $or') ,/VB MAU QZNKNBVAB AO]UQ`LC NAO VLO YLPXLO LKLO YNUWRPR VRO WN cSTRO ASVLS \RXBQ]R R VB WQPNB AO]UQ`LC AOVAKKAMXA VRC cSTRC ASVLS ,0XNKKNB MAU L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NUTNP]AB NO VR WLaR VLS `AVULC ASVLS XNVA VQO AMMNKQO ASVLS YAB VLVN A`LWQPNB NYAPVQ YAVA VRO `UAaBO ASVLS ,$%erily 0 say to you, there are #ertain ,$AXRO KNMQ SXBO NBPBO VBONC VQO QWN o! those standing here $ho shall not NPVRYLVQO LBVBONC LS XR MNSPQOVAB taste o! death till they "ay see the Son ]AOAVLS NQC AO BWQPBO VLO SBLO VLS o! @an #o"ing in his reign)I AO]UQ`LS NUTLXNOLO NO VR HAPBKNBA ASVLS
+hapter #0
#.nd a!ter si( days 5esus ta'eth Peter, and 5a"es, and 5ohn his brother, and doth bring the" u to a high "ount by the"selves, #YAB XN] RXNUAC Na `AUAKAXHAONB L BRPLSC VLO `NVULO YAB BAYQHLO YAB BQAOORO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS YAB AOAZNUNB ASVLSC NBC LULC ScRKLO YAV BWBAO ,and he $as trans!igured be!ore the", ,YAB XNVNXLUZQ]R NX`ULP]NO ASVQO and his !a#e shone as the sun, and his YAB NKAXcNO VL `ULPQ`LO ASVLS QC L gar"ents did be#o"e $hite as the RKBLC VA WN BXAVBA ASVLS NMNONVL light, KNSYA QC VL ZQC -and lo, a ear to the" did @oses and -YAB BWLS QZ]RPAO ASVLBC XQPRC YAB Eli-ah, tal'ing together $ith hi") RKBAC XNV ASVLS PSKKAKLSOVNC ..nd Peter ans$ering said to 5esus, .A`LYUB]NBC WN L `NVULC NB`NO VQ ISir, it is good to us to be here, i! thou BRPLS YSUBN YAKLO NPVBO RXAC QWN $ilt, $e "ay "a'e here three booths ++ NBOAB NB ]NKNBC `LBRPQXNO QWN VUNBC !or thee one, and !or @oses one, and PYROAC PLB XBAO YAB XQPR XBAO YAB one !or Eli-ah)I XBAO RKBA 'While he is yet s ea'ing, lo, a bright 'NVB ASVLS KAKLSOVLC BWLS ONZNKR #loud overshado$ed the", and lo, a ZQVNBOR N`NPYBAPNO ASVLSC YAB BWLS voi#e out o! the #loud, saying, IThis is ZQOR NY VRC ONZNKRC KNMLSPA LSVLC @y Son, ++ the Beloved, in $ho" 0 did NPVBO L SBLC XLS L AMA`RVLC NO Q delight, hear hi")I NSWLYRPA ASVLS AYLSNVN /.nd the dis#i les having heard, did /YAB AYLSPAOVNC LB XA]RVAB N`NPLO !all u on their !a#e, and $ere N`B `ULPQ`LO ASVQO YAB NZLHR]RPAO e(#eedingly a!raid, PZLWUA 0and 5esus having #o"e near, tou#hed 0YAB `ULPNK]QO L BRPLSC RcAVL the", and said, IRise, be not a!raid,I ASVQO YAB NB`NO NMNU]RVN YAB XR ZLHNBP]N $and having li!ted u their eyes, they $N`AUAOVNC WN VLSC LZ]AKXLSC ASVQO sa$ no one, e(#e t 5esus only) LSWNOA NBWLO NB XR VLO BRPLSO XLOLO
%.nd as they are #o"ing do$n !ro" the "ount, 5esus #harged the", saying, ISay to no one the vision, till the Son o! @an out o! the dead "ay rise)I %YAB YAVAHABOLOVQO ASVQO A`L VLS LULSC NONVNBKAVL ASVLBC L BRPLSC KNMQO XRWNOB NB`RVN VL LUAXA NQC LS L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NY ONYUQO AOAPVR #(.nd his dis#i les ?uestioned hi", #(YAB N`RUQVRPAO ASVLO LB XA]RVAB saying, IWhy then do the s#ribes say ASVLS KNMLOVNC VB LSO LB MUAXXAVNBC that Eli-ah it behoveth to #o"e !irstbI KNMLSPBO LVB RKBAO WNB NK]NBO `UQVLO ##.nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", ##L WN BRPLSC A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC IEli-ah doth indeed #o"e !irst, and RKBAC XNO NUTNVAB `UQVLO YAB shall restore all things, A`LYAVAPVRPNB `AOVA #,and 0 say to you ++ Eli-ah did already #,KNMQ WN SXBO LVB RKBAC RWR RK]NO #o"e, and they did not 'no$ hi", but YAB LSY N`NMOQPAO ASVLO AKK did $ith hi" $hatever they $ould, so N`LBRPAO NO ASVQ LPA R]NKRPAO also the Son o! @an is about to su!!er LSVQC YAB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS XNKKNB by the")I `APTNBO S` ASVQO #-Then understood the dis#i les that #-VLVN PSORYAO LB XA]RVAB LVB `NUB #on#erning 5ohn the Ba tist he s a'e BQAOOLS VLS HA`VBPVLS NB`NO ASVLBC to the") #..nd $hen they #a"e unto the #.YAB NK]LOVQO ASVQO `ULC VLO LTKLO "ultitude, there #a"e to hi" a "an, `ULPRK]NO ASVQ AO]UQ`LC MLOS`NVQO 'neeling do$n to hi", ASVQ #'and saying, ISir, deal 'indly $ith "y #'YAB KNMQO YSUBN NKNRPLO XLS VLO son, !or he is lunati#, and doth su!!er SBLO LVB PNKROBA\NVAB YAB YAYQC "iserably, !or o!ten he doth !all into `APTNB `LKKAYBC MAU `B`VNB NBC VL `SU the !ire, and o!ten into the $ater, YAB `LKKAYBC NBC VL SWQU #/and 0 brought hi" near to thy #/YAB `ULPRONMYA ASVLO VLBC dis#i les, and they $ere not able to XA]RVABC PLS YAB LSY RWSOR]RPAO heal hi")I ASVLO ]NUA`NSPAB #0.nd 5esus ans$ering said, IO #0A`LYUB]NBC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO Q generation, unsted!ast and erverse, MNONA A`BPVLC YAB WBNPVUAXXNOR NQC till $hen shall 0 be $ith youb till $hen `LVN NPLXAB XN] SXQO NQC `LVN shall 0 bear youb bring hi" to "e AONaLXAB SXQO ZNUNVN XLB ASVLO QWN hither,I 33
#$and 5esus rebu'ed hi", and the de"on $ent out o! hi", and the lad $as healed !ro" that hour) #%Then the dis#i les having #o"e to 5esus by hi"sel!, said, IWhere!ore $ere $e not able to #ast hi" outbI ,(.nd 5esus said to the", IThrough your $ant o! !aith, !or verily 0 say to you, i! ye "ay have !aith as a grain o! "ustard, ye shall say to this "ount, Re"ove hen#e to yonder la#e, and it shall re"ove, and nothing shall be i" ossible to you, ,#and this 'ind doth not go !orth e(#e t in rayer and !asting)I ,,.nd $hile they are living in &alilee, 5esus said to the", IThe Son o! @an is about to be delivered u to the hands o! "en, ,-and they shall 'ill hi", and the third day he shall rise,I and they $ere e(#eeding sorry) ,..nd they having #o"e to Da ernau", those re#eiving the didra#h"s #a"e near to Peter, and said, I4our tea#her ++ doth he not ay the didra#h"sbI He saith, I4es)I ,'.nd $hen he #a"e into the house, 5esus anti#i ated hi", saying, IWhat thin'est thou, Si"onb the 'ings o! the earth ++ !ro" $ho" do they re#eive #usto" or oll+ta(b !ro" their sons or !ro" the strangersbI #$YAB N`NVBXRPNO ASVQ L BRPLSC YAB NaRK]NO A` ASVLS VL WABXLOBLO YAB N]NUA`NS]R L `ABC A`L VRC QUAC NYNBORC #%VLVN `ULPNK]LOVNC LB XA]RVAB VQ BRPLS YAV BWBAO NB`LO WBAVB RXNBC LSY RWSOR]RXNO NYHAKNBO ASVL ,(L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC WBA VRO A`BPVBAO SXQO AXRO MAU KNMQ SXBO NAO NTRVN `BPVBO QC YLYYLO PBOA`NQC NUNBVN VQ LUNB VLSVQ XNVAHR]B NOVNS]NO NYNB YAB XNVAHRPNVAB YAB LSWNO AWSOAVRPNB SXBO ,#VLSVL WN VL MNOLC LSY NY`LUNSNVAB NB XR NO `ULPNSTR YAB ORPVNBA ,,AOAPVUNZLXNOQO WN ASVQO NO VR MAKBKABA NB`NO ASVLBC L BRPLSC XNKKNB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS `AUAWBWLP]AB NBC TNBUAC AO]UQ`QO ,-YAB A`LYVNOLSPBO ASVLO YAB VR VUBVR RXNUA NMNU]RPNVAB YAB NKS`R]RPAO PZLWUA ,.NK]LOVQO WN ASVQO NBC YA`NUOALSX `ULPRK]LO LB VA WBWUATXA KAXHAOLOVNC VQ `NVUQ YAB NB`LO L WBWAPYAKLC SXQO LS VNKNB VA WBWUATXA ,'KNMNB OAB YAB LVN NBPRK]NO NBC VRO LBYBAO `ULNZ]APNO ASVLO L BRPLSC KNMQO VB PLB WLYNB PBXQO LB HAPBKNBC VRC MRC A`L VBOQO KAXHAOLSPBO VNKR R YROPLO A`L VQO SBQO ASVQO R A`L VQO AKKLVUBQO
,/Peter saith to hi", IFro" the strangers)I 5esus said to hi", IThen are the sons !ree, ,0but, that $e "ay not #ause the" to stu"ble, having gone to the sea, #ast a hoo', and the !ish that hath #o"e u !irst ta'e thou u , and having o ened its "outh, thou shalt !ind a stater, that having ta'en, give to the" !or "e and thee)I ,/KNMNB ASVQ L `NVULC A`L VQO AKKLVUBQO NZR ASVQ L BRPLSC AUAMN NKNS]NULB NBPBO LB SBLB ,0BOA WN XR PYAOWAKBPQXNO ASVLSC `LUNS]NBC NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO HAKN AMYBPVULO YAB VLO AOAHAOVA `UQVLO BT]SO AULO YAB AOLBaAC VL PVLXA ASVLS NSURPNBC PVAVRUA NYNBOLO KAHQO WLC ASVLBC AOVB NXLS YAB PLS
+hapter #$
#.t that hour #a"e the dis#i les near to 5esus, saying, IWho, no$, is greater in the reign o! the heavensbI ,.nd 5esus having #alled near a #hild, did set hi" in the "idst o! the", -and said, I%erily 0 say to you, i! ye "ay not be turned and be#o"e as the #hildren, ye "ay not enter into the reign o! the heavens, .$hoever then "ay hu"ble hi"sel! as this #hild, he is the greater in the reign o! the heavens) 'I.nd he $ho "ay re#eive one su#h #hild in "y na"e, doth re#eive "e, /and $hoever "ay #ause to stu"ble one o! those little ones $ho are believing in "e, it is better !or hi" that a $eighty "illstone "ay be hanged u on his ne#', and he "ay be sun' in the de th o! the sea) 0IWo to the $orld !ro" the stu"bling+ blo#'sd !or there is a ne#essity !or the stu"bling+blo#'s to #o"e, but $o to that "an through $ho" the stu"bling+ blo#' doth #o"ed $I.nd i! thy hand or thy !oot doth #ause thee to stu"ble, #ut the" o!! and #ast !ro" thee, it is good !or thee to enter into the li!e la"e or "ai"ed, rather than having t$o hands or t$o !eet, to be #ast to the !ire the age+ during) #NO NYNBOR VR QUA `ULPRK]LO LB XA]RVAB VQ BRPLS KNMLOVNC VBC AUA XNB\QO NPVBO NO VR HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO ,YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC L BRPLSC `ABWBLO NPVRPNO ASVL NO XNPQ ASVQO -YAB NB`NO AXRO KNMQ SXBO NAO XR PVUAZRVN YAB MNORP]N QC VA `ABWBA LS XR NBPNK]RVN NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VQO LSUAOQO .LPVBC LSO VA`NBOQPR NASVLO QC VL `ABWBLO VLSVL LSVLC NPVBO L XNB\QO NO VR HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO 'YAB LC NAO WNaRVAB `ABWBLO VLBLSVLO NO N`B VQ LOLXAVB XLS NXN WNTNVAB /LC W AO PYAOWAKBPR NOA VQO XBYUQO VLSVQO VQO `BPVNSLOVQO NBC NXN PSXZNUNB ASVQ BOA YUNXAP]R XSKLC LOBYLC N`B VLO VUATRKLO ASVLS YAB YAVA`LOVBP]R NO VQ `NKAMNB VRC ]AKAPPRC 0LSAB VQ YLPXQ A`L VQO PYAOWAKQO AOAMYR MAU NPVBO NK]NBO VA PYAOWAKA `KRO LSAB VQ AO]UQ`Q NYNBOQ WB LS VL PYAOWAKLO NUTNVAB $NB WN R TNBU PLS R L `LSC PLS PYAOWAKB\NB PN NYYLcLO ASVA YAB HAKN A`L PLS YAKLO PLB NPVBO NBPNK]NBO NBC VRO \QRO TQKLO R YSKKLO R WSL TNBUAC R WSL `LWAC NTLOVA HKR]ROAB NBC VL `SU VL ABQOBLO
%I.nd i! thine eye doth #ause thee to stu"ble, lu#' it out and #ast !ro" thee, it is good !or thee one+eyed to enter into the li!e, rather than having t$o eyes to be #ast to the gehenna o! the !ire) #(IBe$ared ++ ye "ay not des ise one o! these little ones, !or 0 say to you, that their "essengers in the heavens do al$ays behold the !a#e o! "y Father $ho is in the heavens, ##!or the Son o! @an did #o"e to save the lost) #,IWhat thin' yeb i! a "an "ay have an hundred shee , and there "ay go astray one o! the", doth he not ++ having le!t the ninety+nine, having gone on the "ountains ++ see' that $hi#h is gone astrayb #-and i! it "ay #o"e to ass that he doth !ind it, verily 0 say to you, that he doth re-oi#e over it "ore than over the ninety+nine that have not gone astray, #.so it is not $ill in resen#e o! your Father $ho is in the heavens, that one o! these little ones "ay erish) #'I.nd i! thy brother "ay sin against thee, go and sho$ hi" his !ault bet$een thee and hi" alone, i! he "ay hear thee, thou didst gain thy brother, #/and i! he "ay not hear, ta'e $ith thee yet one or t$o, that by the "outh o! t$o $itnesses or three every $ord "ay stand) %YAB NB L LZ]AKXLC PLS PYAOWAKB\NB PN NaNKN ASVLO YAB HAKN A`L PLS YAKLO PLB NPVBO XLOLZ]AKXLO NBC VRO \QRO NBPNK]NBO R WSL LZ]AKXLSC NTLOVA HKR]ROAB NBC VRO MNNOOAO VLS `SULC #(LUAVN XR YAVAZULORPRVN NOLC VQO XBYUQO VLSVQO KNMQ MAU SXBO LVB LB AMMNKLB ASVQO NO LSUAOLBC WBA `AOVLC HKN`LSPBO VL `ULPQ`LO VLS `AVULC XLS VLS NO LSUAOLBC ##RK]NO MAU L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS PQPAB VL A`LKQKLC #,VB SXBO WLYNB NAO MNORVAB VBOB AO]UQ`Q NYAVLO `ULHAVA YAB `KAOR]R NO Na ASVQO LSTB AZNBC VA NOONORYLOVANOONA N`B VA LUR `LUNS]NBC \RVNB VL `KAOQXNOLO #-YAB NAO MNORVAB NSUNBO ASVL AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB TABUNB N` ASVQ XAKKLO R N`B VLBC NOONORYLOVANOONA VLBC XR `N`KAORXNOLBC #.LSVQC LSY NPVBO ]NKRXA NX`ULP]NO VLS `AVULC SXQO VLS NO LSUAOLBC BOA A`LKRVAB NBC VQO XBYUQO VLSVQO #'NAO WN AXAUVRPR NBC PN L AWNKZLC PLS S`AMN YAB NKNMaLO ASVLO XNVAaS PLS YAB ASVLS XLOLS NAO PLS AYLSPR NYNUWRPAC VLO AWNKZLO PLS #/NAO WN XR AYLSPR `AUAKAHN XNVA PLS NVB NOA R WSL BOA N`B PVLXAVLC WSL XAUVSUQO R VUBQO PVA]R `AO URXA
#0I.nd i! he "ay not hear the", say IitI to the asse"bly, and i! also the asse"bly he "ay not hear, let hi" be to thee as the heathen "an and the ta(+ gatherer) #$I%erily 0 say to you, Whatever things ye "ay bind u on the earth shall be having been bound in the heavens, and $hatever things ye "ay loose on the earth shall be having been loosed in the heavens) #%I.gain, 0 say to you, that, i! t$o o! you "ay agree on the earth #on#erning anything, $hatever they "ay as' ++ it shall be done to the" !ro" "y Father $ho is in the heavens, ,(!or $here there are t$o or three gathered together ++ to "y na"e, there a" 0 in the "idst o! the")I ,#Then Peter having #o"e near to hi", said, ISir, ho$ o!ten shall "y brother sin against "e, and 0 !orgive hi" ++ till seven ti"esbI ,,5esus saith to hi", I0 do not say to thee till seven ti"es, but till seventy ti"es seven) ,-IBe#ause o! this $as the reign o! the heavens li'ened to a "an, a 'ing, $ho did $ill to ta'e re#'oning $ith his servants, ,.and he having begun to ta'e a##ount, there $as brought near to hi" one debtor o! a "yriad o! talents, #0NAO WN `AUAYLSPR ASVQO NB`N VR NYYKRPBA NAO WN YAB VRC NYYKRPBAC `AUAYLSPR NPVQ PLB QP`NU L N]OBYLC YAB L VNKQORC #$AXRO KNMQ SXBO LPA NAO WRPRVN N`B VRC MRC NPVAB WNWNXNOA NO VQ LSUAOQ YAB LPA NAO KSPRVN N`B VRC MRC NPVAB KNKSXNOA NO VQ LSUAOQ #%`AKBO KNMQ SXBO LVB NAO WSL SXQO PSXZQORPQPBO N`B VRC MRC `NUB `AOVLC `UAMXAVLC LS NAO ABVRPQOVAB MNORPNVAB ASVLBC `AUA VLS `AVULC XLS VLS NO LSUAOLBC ,(LS MAU NBPBO WSL R VUNBC PSORMXNOLB NBC VL NXLO LOLXA NYNB NBXB NO XNPQ ASVQO ,#VLVN `ULPNK]QO ASVQ L `NVULC NB`NO YSUBN `LPAYBC AXAUVRPNB NBC NXN L AWNKZLC XLS YAB AZRPQ ASVQ NQC N`VAYBC ,,KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC LS KNMQ PLB NQC N`VAYBC AKK NQC NHWLXRYLOVAYBC N`VA ,-WBA VLSVL QXLBQ]R R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO AO]UQ`Q HAPBKNB LC R]NKRPNO PSOAUAB KLMLO XNVA VQO WLSKQO ASVLS ,.AUaAXNOLS WN ASVLS PSOABUNBO `ULPRONT]R ASVQ NBC LZNBKNVRC XSUBQO VAKAOVQO
,'and he having nothing to ay, his lord did #o""and hi" to be sold, and his $i!e, and the #hildren, and all, $hatever he had, and ay"ent to be "ade) ,/The servant then, having !allen do$n, $as bo$ing to hi", saying, Sir, have atien#e $ith "e, and 0 $ill ay thee all, ,0and the lord o! that servant having been "oved $ith #o" assion did release hi", and the debt he !orgave hi") ,$I.nd, that servant having #o"e !orth, !ound one o! his !ello$+servants $ho $as o$ing hi" an hundred denaries, and having laid hold, he too' hi" by the throat, saying, Pay "e that $hi#h thou o$est) ,%His !ello$+servant then, having !allen do$n at his !eet, $as #alling on hi", saying, Have atien#e $ith "e, and 0 $ill ay thee all, -(and he $ould not, but having gone a$ay, he #ast hi" into rison, till he "ight ay that $hi#h $as o$ing) -#I.nd his !ello$+servants having seen the things that $ere done, $ere grieved e(#eedingly, and having #o"e, she$ed !ully to their lord all the things that $ere done, ,'XR NTLOVLC WN ASVLS A`LWLSOAB NYNKNSPNO ASVLO L YSUBLC ASVLS `UA]ROAB YAB VRO MSOABYA ASVLS YAB VA VNYOA YAB `AOVA LPA NBTNO YAB A`LWL]ROAB ,/`NPQO LSO L WLSKLC `ULPNYSONB ASVQ KNMQO YSUBN XAYUL]SXRPLO N` NXLB YAB `AOVA PLB A`LWQPQ ,0P`KAMTOBP]NBC WN L YSUBLC VLS WLSKLS NYNBOLS A`NKSPNO ASVLO YAB VL WAONBLO AZRYNO ASVQ ,$NaNK]QO WN L WLSKLC NYNBOLC NSUNO NOA VQO PSOWLSKQO ASVLS LC QZNBKNO ASVQ NYAVLO WROAUBA YAB YUAVRPAC ASVLO N`OBMNO KNMQO A`LWLC XLB L VB LZNBKNBC ,%`NPQO LSO L PSOWLSKLC ASVLS NBC VLSC `LWAC ASVLS `AUNYAKNB ASVLO KNMQO XAYUL]SXRPLO N` NXLB YAB `AOVA A`LWQPQ PLB -(L WN LSY R]NKNO AKKA A`NK]QO NHAKNO ASVLO NBC ZSKAYRO NQC LS A`LWQ VL LZNBKLXNOLO -#BWLOVNC WN LB PSOWLSKLB ASVLS VA MNOLXNOA NKS`R]RPAO PZLWUA YAB NK]LOVNC WBNPAZRPAO VQ YSUBQ ASVQO `AOVA VA MNOLXNOA
-,then having #alled hi", his lord saith to hi", Evil servantd all that debt 0 did !orgive thee, seeing thou didst #all u on "e, --did it not behove also thee to have dealt 'indly $ith thy !ello$+servant, as 0 also dealt 'indly $ith theeb -.I.nd having been $roth, his lord delivered hi" to the in?uisitors, till he "ight ay all that $as o$ing to hi", -'so also "y heavenly Father $ill do to you, i! ye "ay not !orgive ea#h one his brother !ro" your hearts their tres asses)I -,VLVN `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC ASVLO L YSUBLC ASVLS KNMNB ASVQ WLSKN `LORUN `APAO VRO LZNBKRO NYNBORO AZRYA PLB N`NB `AUNYAKNPAC XN --LSY NWNB YAB PN NKNRPAB VLO PSOWLSKLO PLS QC YAB NMQ PN RKNRPA -.YAB LUMBP]NBC L YSUBLC ASVLS `AUNWQYNO ASVLO VLBC HAPAOBPVABC NQC LS A`LWQ `AO VL LZNBKLXNOLO ASVQ -'LSVQC YAB L `AVRU XLS L N`LSUAOBLC `LBRPNB SXBO NAO XR AZRVN NYAPVLC VQ AWNKZQ ASVLS A`L VQO YAUWBQO SXQO VA `AUA`VQXAVA ASVQO
+hapter #%
#.nd it #a"e to ass, $hen 5esus !inished these $ords, he re"oved !ro" &alilee, and did #o"e to the borders o! 5udea, beyond the 5ordan, ,and great "ultitudes !ollo$ed hi", and he healed the" there) -.nd the Pharisees #a"e near to hi", te" ting hi", and saying to hi", I0s it la$!ul !or a "an to ut a$ay his $i!e !or every #ausebI ..nd he ans$ering said to the", IDid ye not read, that He $ho "ade Ithe"I, !ro" the beginning a "ale and a !e"ale "ade the", 'and said, For this #ause shall a "an leave !ather and "other, and #leave to his $i!e, and they shall be ++ the t$o ++ !or one !leshb /so that they are no "ore t$o, but one !lesh, $hat there!ore &od did -oin together, let no "an ut asunder)I 0They say to hi", IWhy then did @oses #o""and to give a roll o! divor#e, and to ut her a$aybI $He saith to the" ++ I@oses !or your sti!!ness o! heart did su!!er you to ut a$ay your $ives, but !ro" the beginning it hath not been so) #YAB NMNONVL LVN NVNKNPNO L BRPLSC VLSC KLMLSC VLSVLSC XNVRUNO A`L VRC MAKBKABAC YAB RK]NO NBC VA LUBA VRC BLSWABAC `NUAO VLS BLUWAOLS ,YAB RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ LTKLB `LKKLB YAB N]NUA`NSPNO ASVLSC NYNB -YAB `ULPRK]LO ASVQ LB ZAUBPABLB `NBUA\LOVNC ASVLO YAB KNMLOVNC ASVQ NB NaNPVBO AO]UQ`Q A`LKSPAB VRO MSOABYA ASVLS YAVA `APAO ABVBAO .L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC LSY AONMOQVN LVB L `LBRPAC A` AUTRC AUPNO YAB ]RKS N`LBRPNO ASVLSC 'YAB NB`NO NONYNO VLSVLS YAVAKNBcNB AO]UQ`LC VLO `AVNUA YAB VRO XRVNUA YAB `ULPYLKKR]RPNVAB VR MSOABYB ASVLS YAB NPLOVAB LB WSL NBC PAUYA XBAO /QPVN LSYNVB NBPBO WSL AKKA PAUa XBA L LSO L ]NLC PSON\NSaNO AO]UQ`LC XR TQUB\NVQ 0KNMLSPBO ASVQ VB LSO XQPRC NONVNBKAVL WLSOAB HBHKBLO A`LPVAPBLS YAB A`LKSPAB ASVRO $KNMNB ASVLBC LVB XQPRC `ULC VRO PYKRULYAUWBAO SXQO N`NVUNcNO SXBO A`LKSPAB VAC MSOABYAC SXQO A` AUTRC WN LS MNMLONO LSVQC
%I.nd 0 say to you, that, $hoever "ay ut a$ay his $i!e, i! not !or $horedo", and "ay "arry another, doth #o""it adultery, and he $ho did "arry her that hath been ut a$ay, doth #o""it adultery)I #(His dis#i les say to hi", I0! the #ase o! the "an $ith the $o"an is so, it is not good to "arry)I %KNMQ WN SXBO LVB LC AO A`LKSPR VRO MSOABYA ASVLS NB XR N`B `LUONBA YAB MAXRPR AKKRO XLBTAVAB YAB L A`LKNKSXNORO MAXRPAC XLBTAVAB
#(KNMLSPBO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS NB LSVQC NPVBO R ABVBA VLS AO]UQ`LS XNVA VRC MSOABYLC LS PSXZNUNB MAXRPAB ##.nd he said to the", I.ll do not ##L WN NB`NO ASVLBC LS `AOVNC re#eive this $ord, but those to $ho" it TQULSPBO VLO KLMLO VLSVLO AKK LBC hath been given, WNWLVAB #,!or there are eunu#hs $ho !ro" the #,NBPBO MAU NSOLSTLB LBVBONC NY "otherIs $o"b $ere so born, and YLBKBAC XRVULC NMNOOR]RPAO LSVQC there are eunu#hs $ho $ere "ade YAB NBPBO NSOLSTLB LBVBONC eunu#hs by "en, and there are NSOLSTBP]RPAO S`L VQO AO]UQ`QO YAB eunu#hs $ho 'e t the"selves eunu#hs NBPBO NSOLSTLB LBVBONC NSOLSTBPAO be#ause o! the reign o! the heavensF he NASVLSC WBA VRO HAPBKNBAO VQO $ho is able to re#eive IitI ++ let hi" LSUAOQO L WSOAXNOLC TQUNBO TQUNBVQ re#eive)I #-Then $ere brought near to hi" #-VLVN `ULPRONT]R ASVQ `ABWBA BOA #hildren that he "ight ut hands on VAC TNBUAC N`B]R ASVLBC YAB the" and ray, and the dis#i les `ULPNSaRVAB LB WN XA]RVAB N`NVBXRPAO rebu'ed the") ASVLBC #.But 5esus said, ISu!!er the #hildren, #.L WN BRPLSC NB`NO AZNVN VA `ABWBA and !orbid the" not, to #o"e unto "e, YAB XR YQKSNVN ASVA NK]NBO `ULC XN !or o! su#h is the reign o! the heavens,I VQO MAU VLBLSVQO NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO #'and having laid on the" IhisI hands, #'YAB N`B]NBC ASVLBC VAC TNBUAC he de arted then#e) N`LUNS]R NYNB]NO
#/.nd lo, one having #o"e near, said to hi", I&ood tea#her, $hat good thing shall 0 do, that 0 "ay have li!e age+ duringbI #0.nd he said to hi", IWhy "e dost thou #all goodb no one IisI good e(#e t One ++ &od, but i! thou dost $ill to enter into the li!e, 'ee the #o""ands)I #$He saith to hi", IWhat 'indbI .nd 5esus said, IThou shalt not 'ill, thou shalt not #o""it adultery, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear !alse $itness, #%honour thy !ather and "other, and, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thysel!)I ,(The young "an saith to hi", I.ll these did 0 'ee !ro" "y youth, $hat yet do 0 la#'bI ,#5esus said to hi", I0! thou dost $ill to be er!e#t, go a$ay, sell $hat thou hast, and give to the oor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and #o"e, !ollo$ "e)I ,,.nd the young "an, having heard the $ord, $ent a$ay sorro$!ul, !or he had "any ossessions, ,-and 5esus said to his dis#i les, I%erily 0 say to you, that hardly shall a ri#h "an enter into the reign o! the heavens, #/YAB BWLS NBC `ULPNK]QO NB`NO ASVQ WBWAPYAKN AMA]N VB AMA]LO `LBRPQ BOA NTQ \QRO ABQOBLO #0L WN NB`NO ASVQ VB XN KNMNBC AMA]LO LSWNBC AMA]LC NB XR NBC L ]NLC NB WN ]NKNBC NBPNK]NBO NBC VRO \QRO VRURPLO VAC NOVLKAC #$KNMNB ASVQ `LBAC L WN BRPLSC NB`NO VL LS ZLONSPNBC LS XLBTNSPNBC LS YKNcNBC LS cNSWLXAUVSURPNBC #%VBXA VLO `AVNUA PLS YAB VRO XRVNUA YAB AMA`RPNBC VLO `KRPBLO PLS QC PNASVLO ,(KNMNB ASVQ L ONAOBPYLC `AOVA VASVA NZSKAaAXRO NY ONLVRVLC XLS VB NVB SPVNUQ ,#NZR ASVQ L BRPLSC NB ]NKNBC VNKNBLC NBOAB S`AMN `QKRPLO PLS VA S`AUTLOVA YAB WLC `VQTLBC YAB NaNBC ]RPASULO NO LSUAOQ YAB WNSUL AYLKLS]NB XLB ,,AYLSPAC WN L ONAOBPYLC VLO KLMLO A`RK]NO KS`LSXNOLC RO MAU NTQO YVRXAVA `LKKA ,-L WN BRPLSC NB`NO VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB WSPYLKQC `KLSPBLC NBPNKNSPNVAB NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VQO LSUAOQO
,.and again 0 say to you, it is easier !or a #a"el through the eye o! a needle to go, than !or a ri#h "an to enter into the reign o! &od)I ,'.nd his dis#i les having heard, $ere a"aEed e(#eedingly, saying, IWho, then, is able to be savedbI ,/.nd 5esus having earnestly beheld, said to the", IWith "en this is i" ossible, but $ith &od all things are ossible)I ,0Then Peter ans$ering said to hi", ILo, $e did leave all, and !ollo$ thee, $hat then shall $e havebI ,$.nd 5esus said to the", I%erily 0 say to you, that ye $ho did !ollo$ "e, in the regeneration, $hen the Son o! @an "ay sit u on a throne o! his glory, shall sit ++ ye also ++ u on t$elve thrones, -udging the t$elve tribes o! 0srael, ,%and every one $ho le!t houses, or brothers, or sisters, or !ather, or "other, or $i!e, or #hildren, or !ields, !or "y na"eIs sa'e, an hundred!old shall re#eive, and li!e age+during shall inherit, -(and "any !irst shall be last, and last !irst) ,.`AKBO WN KNMQ SXBO NSYL`QVNULO NPVBO YAXRKLO WBA VUS`RXAVLC UAZBWLC WBNK]NBO R `KLSPBLO NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS NBPNK]NBO ,'AYLSPAOVNC WN LB XA]RVAB ASVLS NaN`KRPPLOVL PZLWUA KNMLOVNC VBC AUA WSOAVAB PQ]ROAB ,/NXHKNcAC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC `AUA AO]UQ`LBC VLSVL AWSOAVLO NPVBO `AUA WN ]NQ `AOVA WSOAVA NPVBO ,0VLVN A`LYUB]NBC L `NVULC NB`NO ASVQ BWLS RXNBC AZRYAXNO `AOVA YAB RYLKLS]RPAXNO PLB VB AUA NPVAB RXBO ,$L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB SXNBC LB AYLKLS]RPAOVNC XLB NO VR `AKBMMNONPBA LVAO YA]BPR L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS N`B ]ULOLS WLaRC ASVLS YA]BPNP]N YAB SXNBC N`B WQWNYA ]ULOLSC YUBOLOVNC VAC WQWNYA ZSKAC VLS BPUARK ,%YAB `AC LC AZRYNO LBYBAC R AWNKZLSC R AWNKZAC R `AVNUA R XRVNUA R MSOABYA R VNYOA R AMULSC NONYNO VLS LOLXAVLC XLS NYAVLOVA`KAPBLOA KRcNVAB YAB \QRO ABQOBLO YKRULOLXRPNB -(`LKKLB WN NPLOVAB `UQVLB NPTAVLB YAB NPTAVLB `UQVLB
+hapter ,(
#IFor the reign o! the heavens is li'e to a "an, a householder, $ho $ent !orth $ith the "orning to hire $or'"en !or his vineyard, ,and having agreed $ith the $or'"en !or a denary a day, he sent the" into his vineyard) -I.nd having gone !orth about the third hour, he sa$ others standing in the "ar'et+ la#e idle, .and to these he said, &o ye ++ also ye ++ to the vineyard, and $hatever "ay be righteous 0 $ill give you, 'and they $ent a$ay) I.gain, having gone !orth about the si(th and the ninth hour, he did in li'e "anner) /.nd about the eleventh hour, having gone !orth, he !ound others standing idle, and saith to the", Why here have ye stood all the day idleb 0they say to hi", Be#ause no one did hire us, he saith to the", &o ye ++ ye also ++ to the vineyard, and $hatever "ay be righteous ye shall re#eive) $I.nd evening having #o"e, the lord o! the vineyard saith to his ste$ard, Dall the $or'"en, and ay the" the re$ard, having begun !ro" the last ++ unto the !irst) %.nd they o! about the eleventh hour having #o"e, did re#eive ea#h a denary) #LXLBA MAU NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO AO]UQ`Q LBYLWNP`LVR LPVBC NaRK]NO AXA `UQB XBP]QPAP]AB NUMAVAC NBC VLO AX`NKQOA ASVLS ,PSXZQORPAC WN XNVA VQO NUMAVQO NY WROAUBLS VRO RXNUAO A`NPVNBKNO ASVLSC NBC VLO AX`NKQOA ASVLS -YAB NaNK]QO `NUB VRO VUBVRO QUAO NBWNO AKKLSC NPVQVAC NO VR AMLUA AUMLSC .YAYNBOLBC NB`NO S`AMNVN YAB SXNBC NBC VLO AX`NKQOA YAB L NAO R WBYABLO WQPQ SXBO 'LB WN A`RK]LO `AKBO NaNK]QO `NUB NYVRO YAB NOOAVRO QUAO N`LBRPNO QPASVQC /`NUB WN VRO NOWNYAVRO QUAO NaNK]QO NSUNO AKKLSC NPVQVAC AUMLSC YAB KNMNB ASVLBC VB QWN NPVRYAVN LKRO VRO RXNUAO AUMLB 0KNMLSPBO ASVQ LVB LSWNBC RXAC NXBP]QPAVL KNMNB ASVLBC S`AMNVN YAB SXNBC NBC VLO AX`NKQOA YAB L NAO R WBYABLO KRcNP]N $LcBAC WN MNOLXNORC KNMNB L YSUBLC VLS AX`NKQOLC VQ N`BVUL`Q ASVLS YAKNPLO VLSC NUMAVAC YAB A`LWLC ASVLBC VLO XBP]LO AUaAXNOLC A`L VQO NPTAVQO NQC VQO `UQVQO %YAB NK]LOVNC LB `NUB VRO NOWNYAVRO QUAO NKAHLO AOA WROAUBLO
#(I.nd the !irst having #o"e, did su ose that they shall re#eive "ore, and they re#eived, they also, ea#h a denary, ##and having re#eived IitI, they $ere "ur"uring against the householder, saying, #,that These, the last, $rought one hour, and thou didst "a'e the" e?ual to us, $ho $ere bearing the burden o! the day ++ and the heat) #-I.nd he ans$ering said to one o! the", Do"rade, 0 do no unrighteousness to thee, !or a denary didst not thou agree $ith "eb #.ta'e that $hi#h is thine, and go, and 0 $ill to give to this, the last, also as to thee, #'is it not la$!ul to "e to do $hat 0 $ill in "ine o$nb is thine eye evil be#ause 0 a" goodb #/So the last shall be !irst, and the !irst last, !or "any are #alled, and !e$ #hosen)I #0.nd 5esus going u to 5erusale", too' the t$elve dis#i les by the"selves in the $ay, and said to the", #$ILo, $e go u to 5erusale", and the Son o! @an shall be delivered to the #hie! riests and s#ribes, #(NK]LOVNC WN LB `UQVLB NOLXBPAO LVB `KNBLOA KRcLOVAB YAB NKAHLO YAB ASVLB AOA WROAUBLO ##KAHLOVNC WN NMLMMS\LO YAVA VLS LBYLWNP`LVLS #,KNMLOVNC LVB LSVLB LB NPTAVLB XBAO QUAO N`LBRPAO YAB BPLSC RXBO ASVLSC N`LBRPAC VLBC HAPVAPAPBO VL HAULC VRC RXNUAC YAB VLO YASPQOA #-L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO NOB ASVQO NVABUN LSY AWBYQ PN LSTB WROAUBLS PSONZQORPAC XLB #.AULO VL PLO YAB S`AMN ]NKQ WN VLSVQ VQ NPTAVQ WLSOAB QC YAB PLB #'R LSY NaNPVBO XLB `LBRPAB L ]NKQ NO VLBC NXLBC NB L LZ]AKXLC PLS `LORULC NPVBO LVB NMQ AMA]LC NBXB #/LSVQC NPLOVAB LB NPTAVLB `UQVLB YAB LB `UQVLB NPTAVLB `LKKLB MAU NBPBO YKRVLB LKBMLB WN NYKNYVLB #0YAB AOAHABOQO L BRPLSC NBC BNULPLKSXA `AUNKAHNO VLSC WQWNYA XA]RVAC YAV BWBAO NO VR LWQ YAB NB`NO ASVLBC #$BWLS AOAHABOLXNO NBC BNULPLKSXA YAB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS `AUAWL]RPNVAB VLBC AUTBNUNSPBO YAB MUAXXAVNSPBO YAB YAVAYUBOLSPBO ASVLO ]AOAVQ
#%and they shall #onde"n hi" to death, and shall deliver hi" to the nations to "o#', and to s#ourge, and to #ru#i!y, and the third day he $ill rise again)I ,(Then #a"e near to hi" the "other o! the sons o! [ebedee, $ith her sons, bo$ing and as'ing so"ething !ro" hi", ,#and he said to her, IWhat $ilt thoubI She saith to hi", ISay, that they "ay sit ++ these "y t$o sons ++ one on thy right hand, and one on the le!t, in thy reign)I ,,.nd 5esus ans$ering said, I4e have not 'no$n $hat ye as' !or yourselves, are ye able to drin' o! the #u that 0 a" about to drin'b and $ith the ba tis" that 0 a" ba tiEed $ith, to be ba tiEedbI They say to hi", IWe are able)I ,-.nd he saith to the", IO! "y #u indeed ye shall drin', and $ith the ba tis" that 0 a" ba tiEed $ith ye shall be ba tiEed, but to sit on "y right hand and on "y le!t is not "ine to give, but ++ to those !or $ho" it hath been re ared by "y !ather)I ,..nd the ten having heard, $ere "u#h dis leased $ith the t$o brothers, #%YAB `AUAWQPLSPBO ASVLO VLBC N]ONPBO NBC VL NX`ABaAB YAB XAPVBMQPAB YAB PVASUQPAB YAB VR VUBVR RXNUA AOAPVRPNVAB ,(VLVN `ULPRK]NO ASVQ R XRVRU VQO SBQO \NHNWABLS XNVA VQO SBQO ASVRC `ULPYSOLSPA YAB ABVLSPA VB `AU ASVLS ,#L WN NB`NO ASVR VB ]NKNBC KNMNB ASVQ NB`N BOA YA]BPQPBO LSVLB LB WSL SBLB XLS NBC NY WNaBQO PLS YAB NBC Na NSQOSXQO NO VR HAPBKNBA PLS ,,A`LYUB]NBC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO LSY LBWAVN VB ABVNBP]N WSOAP]N `BNBO VL `LVRUBLO L NMQ XNKKQ `BONBO YAB VL HA`VBPXA L NMQ HA`VB\LXAB HA`VBP]ROAB KNMLSPBO ASVQ WSOAXN]A ,-YAB KNMNB ASVLBC VL XNO `LVRUBLO XLS `BNP]N YAB VL HA`VBPXA L NMQ HA`VB\LXAB HA`VBP]RPNP]N VL WN YA]BPAB NY WNaBQO XLS YAB Na NSQOSXQO XLS LSY NPVBO NXLO WLSOAB AKK LBC RVLBXAPVAB S`L VLS `AVULC XLS ,.YAB AYLSPAOVNC LB WNYA RMAOAYVRPAO `NUB VQO WSL AWNKZQO
,'and 5esus having #alled the" near, said, I4e have 'no$n that the rulers o! the nations do e(er#ise lordshi over the", and those great do e(er#ise authority over the", ,/but not so shall it be a"ong you, but $hoever "ay $ill a"ong you to be#o"e great, let hi" be your "inistrant, ,0and $hoever "ay $ill a"ong you to be !irst, let hi" be your servant, ,$even as the Son o! @an did not #o"e to be "inistered to, but to "inister, and to give his li!e a ranso" !or "any)I ,%.nd they going !orth !ro" 5eri#ho, there !ollo$ed hi" a great "ultitude, ,'L WN BRPLSC `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC ASVLSC NB`NO LBWAVN LVB LB AUTLOVNC VQO N]OQO YAVAYSUBNSLSPBO ASVQO YAB LB XNMAKLB YAVNaLSPBA\LSPBO ASVQO ,/LST LSVQC WN NPVAB NO SXBO AKK LC NAO ]NKR NO SXBO XNMAC MNONP]AB NPVQ SXQO WBAYLOLC ,0YAB LC NAO ]NKR NO SXBO NBOAB `UQVLC NPVQ SXQO WLSKLC ,$QP`NU L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS LSY RK]NO WBAYLOR]ROAB AKKA WBAYLORPAB YAB WLSOAB VRO cSTRO ASVLS KSVULO AOVB `LKKQO ,%YAB NY`LUNSLXNOQO ASVQO A`L BNUBTQ RYLKLS]RPNO ASVQ LTKLC `LKSC -(YAB BWLS WSL VSZKLB YA]RXNOLB `AUA VRO LWLO AYLSPAOVNC LVB BRPLSC `AUAMNB NYUAaAO KNMLOVNC NKNRPLO RXAC YSUBN SBLC WAHBW -#L WN LTKLC N`NVBXRPNO ASVLBC BOA PBQ`RPQPBO LB WN XNB\LO NYUA\LO KNMLOVNC NKNRPLO RXAC YSUBN SBLC WAHBW -,YAB PVAC L BRPLSC NZQORPNO ASVLSC YAB NB`NO VB ]NKNVN `LBRPQ SXBO
-(and lo, t$o blind "en sitting by the $ay, having heard that 5esus doth ass by, #ried, saying, IDeal 'indly $ith us, sir ++ Son o! David)I -#.nd the "ultitude #harged the" that they "ight be silent, and they #ried out the "ore, saying, IDeal 'indly $ith us sir ++ Son o! David)I -,.nd having stood, 5esus #alled the", and said, IWhat $ill ye IthatI 0 "ay do to youbI --they say to hi", ISir, that our eyes --KNMLSPBO ASVQ YSUBN BOA AOLBT]QPBO "ay be o ened,I RXQO LB LZ]AKXLB
-.and having been "oved $ith #o" assion, 5esus tou#hed their eyes, and i""ediately their eyes re#eived sight, and they !ollo$ed hi") -.P`KAMTOBP]NBC WN L BRPLSC RcAVL VQO LZ]AKXQO ASVQO YAB NS]NQC AONHKNcAO ASVQO LB LZ]AKXLB YAB RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ
+hapter ,#
#.nd $hen they #a"e nigh to 5erusale", and #a"e to Beth hage, unto the "ount o! the Olives, then 5esus sent t$o dis#i les, ,saying to the", I&o on to the village over+against you, and i""ediately ye shall !ind an ass bound, and a #olt $ith her ++ having loosed, bring ye to "e, -and i! any one "ay say anything to you, ye shall say, that the lord hath need o! the", and i""ediately he $ill send the")I ..nd all this #a"e to ass, that it "ight be !ul!illed that $as s o'en through the ro het, saying, 'ITell ye the daughter o! [ion, Lo, thy 'ing doth #o"e to thee, "ee', and "ounted on an ass, and a #olt, a !oal o! a beast o! burden)I /.nd the dis#i les having gone and having done as 5esus #o""anded the", 0brought the ass and the #olt, and did ut on the" their gar"ents, and set Ihi"I u on the", $and the very great "ultitude s read their o$n gar"ents in the $ay, and others $ere #utting bran#hes !ro" the trees, and $ere stre$ing in the $ay, #YAB LVN RMMBPAO NBC BNULPLKSXA YAB RK]LO NBC HR]ZAMR `ULC VL LULC VQO NKABQO VLVN L BRPLSC A`NPVNBKNO WSL XA]RVAC ,KNMQO ASVLBC `LUNS]RVN NBC VRO YQXRO VRO A`NOAOVB SXQO YAB NS]NQC NSURPNVN LOLO WNWNXNORO YAB `QKLO XNV ASVRC KSPAOVNC AMAMNVN XLB -YAB NAO VBC SXBO NB`R VB NUNBVN LVB L YSUBLC ASVQO TUNBAO NTNB NS]NQC WN A`LPVNKNB ASVLSC .VLSVL WN LKLO MNMLONO BOA `KRUQ]R VL UR]NO WBA VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC 'NB`AVN VR ]SMAVUB PBQO BWLS L HAPBKNSC PLS NUTNVAB PLB `UASC YAB N`BHNHRYQC N`B LOLO YAB `QKLO SBLO S`L\SMBLS /`LUNS]NOVNC WN LB XA]RVAB YAB `LBRPAOVNC YA]QC `ULPNVAaNO ASVLBC L BRPLSC 0RMAMLO VRO LOLO YAB VLO `QKLO YAB N`N]RYAO N`AOQ ASVQO VA BXAVBA ASVQO YAB N`NYA]BPNO N`AOQ ASVQO $L WN `KNBPVLC LTKLC NPVUQPAO NASVQO VA BXAVBA NO VR LWQ AKKLB WN NYL`VLO YKAWLSC A`L VQO WNOWUQO YAB NPVUQOOSLO NO VR LWQ
%and the "ultitudes $ho $ere going be!ore, and $ho $ere !ollo$ing, $ere #rying, saying, IHosanna to the Son o! David, blessed is he $ho is #o"ing in the na"e o! the Lord, Hosanna in the highest)I #(.nd he having entered into 5erusale", all the #ity $as "oved, saying, IWho is thisbI ##.nd the "ultitudes said, IThis is 5esus the ro het, $ho IisI !ro" /aEareth o! &alilee)I #,.nd 5esus entered into the te" le o! &od, and did #ast !orth all those selling and buying in the te" le, and the tables o! the "oney+#hangers he overturned, and the seats o! those selling the doves, #-and he saith to the", I0t hath been $ritten, @y house a house o! rayer shall be #alled, but ye did "a'e it a den o! robbers)I #..nd there #a"e to hi" blind and la"e "en in the te" le, and he healed the", #'and the #hie! riests and the s#ribes having seen the $onder!ul things that he did, and the #hildren #rying in the te" le, and saying, IHosanna to the Son o! David,I $ere "u#h dis leased, %LB WN LTKLB LB `ULAMLOVNC YAB LB AYLKLS]LSOVNC NYUA\LO KNMLOVNC QPAOOA VQ SBQ WAHBW NSKLMRXNOLC L NUTLXNOLC NO LOLXAVB YSUBLS QPAOOA NO VLBC ScBPVLBC #(YAB NBPNK]LOVLC ASVLS NBC BNULPLKSXA NPNBP]R `APA R `LKBC KNMLSPA VBC NPVBO LSVLC ##LB WN LTKLB NKNMLO LSVLC NPVBO BRPLSC L `ULZRVRC L A`L OA\AUNV VRC MAKBKABAC #,YAB NBPRK]NO L BRPLSC NBC VL BNULO VLS ]NLS YAB NaNHAKNO `AOVAC VLSC `QKLSOVAC YAB AMLUA\LOVAC NO VQ BNUQ YAB VAC VUA`N\AC VQO YLKKSHBPVQO YAVNPVUNcNO YAB VAC YA]NWUAC VQO `QKLSOVQO VAC `NUBPVNUAC #-YAB KNMNB ASVLBC MNMUA`VAB L LBYLC XLS LBYLC `ULPNSTRC YKR]RPNVAB SXNBC WN ASVLO N`LBRPAVN P`RKABLO KRPVQO #.YAB `ULPRK]LO ASVQ VSZKLB YAB TQKLB NO VQ BNUQ YAB N]NUA`NSPNO ASVLSC #'BWLOVNC WN LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC VA ]ASXAPBA A N`LBRPNO YAB VLSC `ABWAC YUA\LOVAC NO VQ BNUQ YAB KNMLOVAC QPAOOA VQ SBQ WAHBW RMAOAYVRPAO
#/and they said to hi", IHearest thou $hat these saybI .nd 5esus saith to the", I4es, did ye never read, that, Out o! the "outh o! babes and su#'lings Thou didst re are raisebI #0.nd having le!t the", he $ent !orth out o! the #ity to Bethany, and did lodge there, #$and in the "orning turning ba#' to the #ity, he hungered, #%and having seen a #ertain !ig+tree on the $ay, he #a"e to it, and !ound nothing in it e(#e t leaves only, and he saith to it, I/o "ore !ro" thee "ay !ruit be ++ to the age,I and !orth$ith the !ig+tree $ithered) ,(.nd the dis#i les having seen, did $onder, saying, IHo$ did the !ig+tree !orth$ith $itherbI ,#.nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", I%erily 0 say to you, 0! ye "ay have !aith, and "ay not doubt, not only this o! the !ig+tree shall ye do, but even i! to this "ount ye "ay say, Be li!ted u and be #ast into the sea, it shall #o"e to ass, ,,and all ++ as "u#h as ye "ay as' in the rayer, believing, ye shall re#eive)I ,-.nd he having #o"e to the te" le, there #a"e to hi" $hen tea#hing the #hie! riests and the elders o! the eo le, saying, IBy $hat authority dost thou do these thingsb and $ho gave thee this authoritybI #/YAB NB`LO ASVQ AYLSNBC VB LSVLB KNMLSPBO L WN BRPLSC KNMNB ASVLBC OAB LSWN`LVN AONMOQVN LVB NY PVLXAVLC OR`BQO YAB ]RKA\LOVQO YAVRUVBPQ ABOLO #0YAB YAVAKB`QO ASVLSC NaRK]NO NaQ VRC `LKNQC NBC HR]AOBAO YAB RSKBP]R NYNB #$`UQBAC WN N`AOAMQO NBC VRO `LKBO N`NBOAPNO #%YAB BWQO PSYRO XBAO N`B VRC LWLS RK]NO N` ASVRO YAB LSWNO NSUNO NO ASVR NB XR ZSKKA XLOLO YAB KNMNB ASVR XRYNVB NY PLS YAU`LC MNORVAB NBC VLO ABQOA YAB NaRUAO]R `AUATURXA R PSYR ,(YAB BWLOVNC LB XA]RVAB N]ASXAPAO KNMLOVNC `QC `AUATURXA NaRUAO]R R PSYR ,#A`LYUB]NBC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC AXRO KNMQ SXBO NAO NTRVN `BPVBO YAB XR WBAYUB]RVN LS XLOLO VL VRC PSYRC `LBRPNVN AKKA YAO VQ LUNB VLSVQ NB`RVN AU]RVB YAB HKR]RVB NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO MNORPNVAB ,,YAB `AOVA LPA AO ABVRPRVN NO VR `ULPNSTR `BPVNSLOVNC KRcNP]N ,-YAB NK]LOVB ASVQ NBC VL BNULO `ULPRK]LO ASVQ WBWAPYLOVB LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB VLS KALS KNMLOVNC NO `LBA NaLSPBA VASVA `LBNBC YAB VBC PLB NWQYNO VRO NaLSPBAO VASVRO
,..nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", I0 $ill as' you ++ 0 also ++ one $ord, $hi#h i! ye "ay tell "e, 0 also $ill tell you by $hat authority 0 do these things, ,'the ba tis" o! 5ohn, $hen#e $as itb ++ !ro" heaven, or !ro" "enbI .nd they $ere reasoning $ith the"selves, saying, I0! $e should say, Fro" heaven, he $ill say to us, Where!ore, then, did ye not believe hi"b ,/and i! $e should say, Fro" "en, $e !ear the "ultitude, !or all hold 5ohn as a ro het)I ,0.nd ans$ering 5esus they said, IWe have not 'no$n)I He said to the" ++ he also ++ I/either do 0 tell you by $hat authority 0 do these things) ,$I.nd $hat thin' yeb . "an had t$o #hildren, and having #o"e to the !irst, he said, Dhild, go, to+day be $or'ing in "y vineyard)I ,%.nd he ans$ering said, I0 $ill not,I but at last, having re ented, he $ent) -(I.nd having #o"e to the se#ond, he said in the sa"e "anner, and he ans$ering said, 0 IgoI, sir, and $ent not, -#$hi#h o! the t$o did the $ill o! the !atherbI They say to hi", IThe !irst)I 5esus saith to the", I%erily 0 say to you, that the ta(+gatherers and the harlots do go be!ore you into the reign o! &od, ,.A`LYUB]NBC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC NUQVRPQ SXAC YAMQ KLMLO NOA LO NAO NB`RVN XLB YAMQ SXBO NUQ NO `LBA NaLSPBA VASVA `LBQ ,'VL HA`VBPXA BQAOOLS `L]NO RO Na LSUAOLS R Na AO]UQ`QO LB WN WBNKLMB\LOVL `AU NASVLBC KNMLOVNC NAO NB`QXNO Na LSUAOLS NUNB RXBO WBAVB LSO LSY N`BPVNSPAVN ASVQ ,/NAO WN NB`QXNO Na AO]UQ`QO ZLHLSXN]A VLO LTKLO `AOVNC MAU NTLSPBO VLO BQAOORO QC `ULZRVRO ,0YAB A`LYUB]NOVNC VQ BRPLS NB`LO LSY LBWAXNO NZR ASVLBC YAB ASVLC LSWN NMQ KNMQ SXBO NO `LBA NaLSPBA VASVA `LBQ ,$VB WN SXBO WLYNB AO]UQ`LC NBTNO VNYOA WSL YAB `ULPNK]QO VQ `UQVQ NB`NO VNYOLO S`AMN PRXNULO NUMA\LS NO VQ AX`NKQOB XLS ,%L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO LS ]NKQ SPVNULO WN XNVAXNKR]NBC A`RK]NO -(YAB `ULPNK]QO VQ WNSVNUQ NB`NO QPASVQC L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO NMQ YSUBN YAB LSY A`RK]NO -#VBC NY VQO WSL N`LBRPNO VL ]NKRXA VLS `AVULC KNMLSPBO ASVQ L `UQVLC KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB LB VNKQOAB YAB AB `LUOAB `ULAMLSPBO SXAC NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS
-,!or 5ohn #a"e unto you in the $ay o! righteousness, and ye did not believe hi", and the ta(+gatherers and the harlots did believe hi", and ye, having seen, re ented not at last ++ to believe hi") --IHear ye another si"ileF There $as a #ertain "an, a householder, $ho lanted a vineyard, and did ut a hedge round it, and digged in it a $ine+ ress, and built a to$er, and gave it out to husband"en, and $ent abroad) -.I.nd $hen the season o! the !ruits #a"e nigh, he sent his servants unto the husband"en, to re#eive the !ruits o! it, -'and the husband"en having ta'en his servants, one they s#ourged, and one they 'illed, and one they stoned) -/I.gain he sent other servants "ore than the !irst, and they did to the" in the sa"e "anner) -0I.nd at last he sent unto the" his son, saying, They $ill reveren#e "y son, -$and the husband"en having seen the son, said a"ong the"selves, This is the heir, #o"e, $e "ay 'ill hi", and "ay ossess his inheritan#e, -%and having ta'en hi", they #ast Ihi"I out o! the vineyard, and 'illed hi", -,RK]NO MAU `ULC SXAC BQAOORC NO LWQ WBYABLPSORC YAB LSY N`BPVNSPAVN ASVQ LB WN VNKQOAB YAB AB `LUOAB N`BPVNSPAO ASVQ SXNBC WN BWLOVNC LS XNVNXNKR]RVN SPVNULO VLS `BPVNSPAB ASVQ --AKKRO `AUAHLKRO AYLSPAVN AO]UQ`LC VBC RO LBYLWNP`LVRC LPVBC NZSVNSPNO AX`NKQOA YAB ZUAMXLO ASVQ `NUBN]RYNO YAB QUSaNO NO ASVQ KROLO YAB QYLWLXRPNO `SUMLO YAB NaNWLVL ASVLO MNQUMLBC YAB A`NWRXRPNO -.LVN WN RMMBPNO L YABULC VQO YAU`QO A`NPVNBKNO VLSC WLSKLSC ASVLS `ULC VLSC MNQUMLSC KAHNBO VLSC YAU`LSC ASVLS -'YAB KAHLOVNC LB MNQUMLB VLSC WLSKLSC ASVLS LO XNO NWNBUAO LO WN A`NYVNBOAO LO WN NKB]LHLKRPAO -/`AKBO A`NPVNBKNO AKKLSC WLSKLSC `KNBLOAC VQO `UQVQO YAB N`LBRPAO ASVLBC QPASVQC -0SPVNULO WN A`NPVNBKNO `ULC ASVLSC VLO SBLO ASVLS KNMQO NOVUA`RPLOVAB VLO SBLO XLS -$LB WN MNQUMLB BWLOVNC VLO SBLO NB`LO NO NASVLBC LSVLC NPVBO L YKRULOLXLC WNSVN A`LYVNBOQXNO ASVLO YAB YAVAPTQXNO VRO YKRULOLXBAO ASVLS -%YAB KAHLOVNC ASVLO NaNHAKLO NaQ VLS AX`NKQOLC YAB A`NYVNBOAO
.($henever there!ore the lord o! the vineyard "ay #o"e, $hat $ill he do to these husband"enbI .#They say to hi", IEvil "en ++ he $ill evilly destroy the", and the vineyard $ill give out to other husband"en, $ho $ill give ba#' to hi" the !ruits in their seasons)I .,5esus saith to the", IDid ye never read in the Writings, . stone that the builders disallo$ed, it be#a"e head o! a #orner, !ro" the Lord hath this #o"e to ass, and it is $onder!ul in our eyes) .-IBe#ause o! this 0 say to you, that the reign o! &od shall be ta'en !ro" you, and given to a nation bringing !orth its !ruit, ..and he $ho is !alling on this stone shall be bro'en, and on $ho"soever it "ay !all it $ill #rush hi" to ie#es)I .'.nd the #hie! riests and the Pharisees having heard his si"iles, 'ne$ that o! the" he s ea'eth, ./and see'ing to lay hold on hi", they !eared the "ultitudes, seeing they $ere holding hi" as a ro het) .(LVAO LSO NK]R L YSUBLC VLS AX`NKQOLC VB `LBRPNB VLBC MNQUMLBC NYNBOLBC .#KNMLSPBO ASVQ YAYLSC YAYQC A`LKNPNB ASVLSC YAB VLO AX`NKQOA NYWLPNVAB AKKLBC MNQUMLBC LBVBONC A`LWQPLSPBO ASVQ VLSC YAU`LSC NO VLBC YABULBC ASVQO .,KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC LSWN`LVN AONMOQVN NO VABC MUAZABC KB]LO LO A`NWLYBXAPAO LB LBYLWLXLSOVNC LSVLC NMNOR]R NBC YNZAKRO MQOBAC `AUA YSUBLS NMNONVL ASVR YAB NPVBO ]ASXAPVR NO LZ]AKXLBC RXQO .-WBA VLSVL KNMQ SXBO LVB AU]RPNVAB AZ SXQO R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS YAB WL]RPNVAB N]ONB `LBLSOVB VLSC YAU`LSC ASVRC ..YAB L `NPQO N`B VLO KB]LO VLSVLO PSO]KAP]RPNVAB NZ LO W AO `NPR KBYXRPNB ASVLO .'YAB AYLSPAOVNC LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB ZAUBPABLB VAC `AUAHLKAC ASVLS NMOQPAO LVB `NUB ASVQO KNMNB ./YAB \RVLSOVNC ASVLO YUAVRPAB NZLHR]RPAO VLSC LTKLSC N`NBWR QC `ULZRVRO ASVLO NBTLO
+hapter ,,
#.nd 5esus ans$ering, again s a'e to the" in si"iles, saying, ,IThe reign o! the heavens $as li'ened to a "an, a 'ing, $ho "ade "arriage+ !easts !or his son, -and he sent !orth his servants to #all those having been #alled to the "arriage+!easts, and they $ere not $illing to #o"e) .I.gain he sent !orth other servants, saying, Say to those $ho have been #alledF Lo, "y dinner 0 re ared, "y o(en and the !atlings have been 'illed, and all things IareI ready, #o"e ye to the "arriage+!easts, 'and they, having disregarded IitI, $ent a$ay, the one to his o$n !ield, and the other to his "er#handise, /and the rest, having laid hold on his servants, did insult and slay Ithe"I) #YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC `AKBO NB`NO ASVLBC NO `AUAHLKABC KNMQO ,QXLBQ]R R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO AO]UQ`Q HAPBKNB LPVBC N`LBRPNO MAXLSC VQ SBQ ASVLS -YAB A`NPVNBKNO VLSC WLSKLSC ASVLS YAKNPAB VLSC YNYKRXNOLSC NBC VLSC MAXLSC YAB LSY R]NKLO NK]NBO .`AKBO A`NPVNBKNO AKKLSC WLSKLSC KNMQO NB`AVN VLBC YNYKRXNOLBC BWLS VL AUBPVLO XLS RVLBXAPA LB VASULB XLS YAB VA PBVBPVA VN]SXNOA YAB `AOVA NVLBXA WNSVN NBC VLSC MAXLSC
'LB WN AXNKRPAOVNC A`RK]LO L XNO NBC VLO BWBLO AMULO L WN NBC VRO NX`LUBAO ASVLS /LB WN KLB`LB YUAVRPAOVNC VLSC WLSKLSC ASVLS SHUBPAO YAB A`NYVNBOAO 0I.nd the 'ing having heard, $as 0AYLSPAC WN L HAPBKNSC QUMBP]R YAB $roth, and having sent !orth his `NXcAC VA PVUAVNSXAVA ASVLS soldiers, he destroyed those "urderers, A`QKNPNO VLSC ZLONBC NYNBOLSC YAB and their #ity he set on !ire, VRO `LKBO ASVQO NON`URPNO $then saith he to his servants, The $VLVN KNMNB VLBC WLSKLBC ASVLS L XNO "arriage+!east indeed is ready, and MAXLC NVLBXLC NPVBO LB WN YNYKRXNOLB those #alled $ere not $orthy, LSY RPAO AaBLB %be going, then, on to the #ross+$ays, %`LUNSNP]N LSO N`B VAC WBNaLWLSC VQO and as "any as ye "ay !ind, #all ye to LWQO YAB LPLSC AO NSURVN YAKNPAVN the "arriage+!easts) NBC VLSC MAXLSC
#(I.nd those servants, having gone !orth to the $ays, did gather all, as "any as they !ound, both bad and good, and the "arriage+!east a art"ent $as !illed $ith those re#lining) ##I.nd the 'ing having #o"e in to vie$ those re#lining, sa$ there a "an not #lothed $ith #lothing o! the "arriage+!east, #,and he saith to hi", Do"rade, ho$ didst thou #o"e in hither, not having #lothing o! the "arriage+!eastb and he $as s ee#hless) #-IThen said the 'ing to the "inistrants, Having bound his !eet and hands, ta'e hi" u and #ast !orth to the outer dar'ness, there shall be the $ee ing and the gnashing o! the teeth, #.!or "any are #alled, and !e$ #hosen)I #'Then the Pharisees having gone, too' #ounsel ho$ they "ight ensnare hi" in $ords, #/and they send to hi" their dis#i les $ith the Herodians, saying, ITea#her, $e have 'no$n that thou art true, and the $ay o! &od in truth thou dost tea#h, and thou art not #aring !or any one, !or thou dost not loo' to the !a#e o! "en, #0tell us, there!ore, $hat dost thou thin'b is it la$!ul to give tribute to Daesar or notbI #(YAB NaNK]LOVNC LB WLSKLB NYNBOLB NBC VAC LWLSC PSORMAMLO `AOVAC LPLSC NSULO `LORULSC VN YAB AMA]LSC YAB N`KRP]R L MAXLC AOAYNBXNOQO ##NBPNK]QO WN L HAPBKNSC ]NAPAP]AB VLSC AOAYNBXNOLSC NBWNO NYNB AO]UQ`LO LSY NOWNWSXNOLO NOWSXA MAXLS #,YAB KNMNB ASVQ NVABUN `QC NBPRK]NC QWN XR NTQO NOWSXA MAXLS L WN NZBXQ]R #-VLVN NB`NO L HAPBKNSC VLBC WBAYLOLBC WRPAOVNC ASVLS `LWAC YAB TNBUAC AUAVN ASVLO YAB NYHAKNVN NBC VL PYLVLC VL NaQVNULO NYNB NPVAB L YKAS]XLC YAB L HUSMXLC VQO LWLOVQO #.`LKKLB MAU NBPBO YKRVLB LKBMLB WN NYKNYVLB #'VLVN `LUNS]NOVNC LB ZAUBPABLB PSXHLSKBLO NKAHLO L`QC ASVLO `AMBWNSPQPBO NO KLMQ #/YAB A`LPVNKKLSPBO ASVQ VLSC XA]RVAC ASVQO XNVA VQO RUQWBAOQO KNMLOVNC WBWAPYAKN LBWAXNO LVB AKR]RC NB YAB VRO LWLO VLS ]NLS NO AKR]NBA WBWAPYNBC YAB LS XNKNB PLB `NUB LSWNOLC LS MAU HKN`NBC NBC `ULPQ`LO AO]UQ`QO #0NB`N LSO RXBO VB PLB WLYNB NaNPVBO WLSOAB YROPLO YABPAUB R LS
#$.nd 5esus having 'no$n their $i#'edness, said, IWhy "e do ye te" t, hy o#ritesb #%sho$ "e the tribute+#oinbI and they brought to hi" a denary, #$MOLSC WN L BRPLSC VRO `LORUBAO ASVQO NB`NO VB XN `NBUA\NVN S`LYUBVAB #%N`BWNBaAVN XLB VL OLXBPXA VLS YROPLS LB WN `ULPRONMYAO ASVQ WROAUBLO ,(and he saith to the", IWhose IisI this ,(YAB KNMNB ASVLBC VBOLC R NBYQO ASVR i"age and the ins#ri tionbI YAB R N`BMUAZR ,#they say to hi", IDaesarIs,I then saith ,#KNMLSPBO ASVQ YABPAULC VLVN KNMNB he to the", IRender there!ore the ASVLBC A`LWLVN LSO VA YABPAULC things o! Daesar to Daesar, and the YABPAUB YAB VA VLS ]NLS VQ ]NQ things o! &od to &od,I ,,and having heard they $ondered, ,,YAB AYLSPAOVNC N]ASXAPAO YAB and having le!t hi" they $ent a$ay) AZNOVNC ASVLO A`RK]LO ,-0n that day there #a"e near to hi" ,-NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA `ULPRK]LO ASVQ Saddu#ees, $ho are saying there is not PAWWLSYABLB LB KNMLOVNC XR NBOAB a rising again, and they ?uestioned AOAPVAPBO YAB N`RUQVRPAO ASVLO hi", saying, ,.ITea#her, @oses said, 0! any one ,.KNMLOVNC WBWAPYAKN XQPRC NB`NO "ay die not having #hildren, his NAO VBC A`L]AOR XR NTQO VNYOA brother shall "arry his $i!e, and shall N`BMAXHUNSPNB L AWNKZLC ASVLS VRO raise u seed to his brother) MSOABYA ASVLS YAB AOAPVRPNB P`NUXA VQ AWNKZQ ASVLS ,'I.nd there $ere $ith us seven ,'RPAO WN `AU RXBO N`VA AWNKZLB YAB brothers, and the !irst having "arried L `UQVLC MAXRPAC NVNKNSVRPNO YAB XR did die, and not having seed, he le!t his NTQO P`NUXA AZRYNO VRO MSOABYA $i!e to his brother, ASVLS VQ AWNKZQ ASVLS ,/in li'e "anner also the se#ond, and ,/LXLBQC YAB L WNSVNULC YAB L VUBVLC the third, unto the seventh, NQC VQO N`VA ,0and last o! all died also the $o"an, ,0SPVNULO WN `AOVQO A`N]AONO YAB R MSOR ,$there!ore in the rising again, o! ,$NO VR LSO AOAPVAPNB VBOLC VQO N`VA $hi#h o! the seven shall she be $i!e ++ NPVAB MSOR `AOVNC MAU NPTLO ASVRO !or all had herbI 19G
,%.nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", I4e go astray, not 'no$ing the Writings, nor the o$er o! &od, -(!or in the rising again they do not "arry, nor are they given in "arriage, but are as "essengers o! &od in heaven) -#I.nd #on#erning the rising again o! the dead, did ye not read that $hi#h $as s o'en to you by &od, saying, -,0 a" the &od o! .braha", and the &od o! 0saa#, and the &od o! 5a#obb &od is not a &od o! dead "en, but o! living)I --.nd having heard, the "ultitudes $ere astonished at his tea#hing, -.and the Pharisees, having heard that he did silen#e the Saddu#ees, $ere gathered together unto hi", -'and one o! the", a la$yer, did ?uestion, te" ting hi", and saying, -/ITea#her, $hi#h IisI the great #o""and in the La$bI -0.nd 5esus said to hi", IThou shalt love the Lord thy &od $ith all thy heart, and $ith all thy soul, and $ith all thine understanding ++ -$this is a !irst and great #o""and, -%and the se#ond IisI li'e to it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thysel!, .(on these ++ the t$o #o""ands ++ all the la$ and the ro hets do hang)I ,%A`LYUB]NBC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC `KAOAP]N XR NBWLVNC VAC MUAZAC XRWN VRO WSOAXBO VLS ]NLS -(NO MAU VR AOAPVAPNB LSVN MAXLSPBO LSVN NYMAXB\LOVAB AKK QC AMMNKLB VLS ]NLS NO LSUAOQ NBPBO -#`NUB WN VRC AOAPVAPNQC VQO ONYUQO LSY AONMOQVN VL UR]NO SXBO S`L VLS ]NLS KNMLOVLC -,NMQ NBXB L ]NLC AHUAAX YAB L ]NLC BPAAY YAB L ]NLC BAYQH LSY NPVBO L ]NLC ]NLC ONYUQO AKKA \QOVQO --YAB AYLSPAOVNC LB LTKLB NaN`KRPPLOVL N`B VR WBWATR ASVLS -.LB WN ZAUBPABLB AYLSPAOVNC LVB NZBXQPNO VLSC PAWWLSYABLSC PSORT]RPAO N`B VL ASVL -'YAB N`RUQVRPNO NBC Na ASVQO OLXBYLC `NBUA\QO ASVLO YAB KNMQO -/WBWAPYAKN `LBA NOVLKR XNMAKR NO VQ OLXQ -0L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVQ AMA`RPNBC YSUBLO VLO ]NLO PLS NO LKR VR YAUWBA PLS YAB NO LKR VR cSTR PLS YAB NO LKR VR WBAOLBA PLS -$ASVR NPVBO `UQVR YAB XNMAKR NOVLKR -%WNSVNUA WN LXLBA ASVR AMA`RPNBC VLO `KRPBLO PLS QC PNASVLO .(NO VASVABC VABC WSPBO NOVLKABC LKLC L OLXLC YAB LB `ULZRVAB YUNXAOVAB
.#.nd the Pharisees having been gathered together, 5esus did ?uestion the", .,saying, IWhat do ye thin' #on#erning the Dhristb o! $ho" is he sonbI They say to hi", IO! David)I .-He saith to the", IHo$ then doth David in the S irit #all hi" lord, saying, ..The Lord said to "y lord, Sit at "y right hand, till 0 "ay "a'e thine ene"ies thy !ootstoolb .'0! then David doth #all hi" lord, ho$ is he his sonbI ./.nd no one $as able to ans$er hi" a $ord, nor durst any !ro" that day ?uestion hi" any "ore) .#PSORMXNOQO WN VQO ZAUBPABQO N`RUQVRPNO ASVLSC L BRPLSC .,KNMQO VB SXBO WLYNB `NUB VLS TUBPVLS VBOLC SBLC NPVBO KNMLSPBO ASVQ VLS WAHBW .-KNMNB ASVLBC `QC LSO WAHBW NO `ONSXAVB YSUBLO ASVLO YAKNB KNMQO ..NB`NO L YSUBLC VQ YSUBQ XLS YA]LS NY WNaBQO XLS NQC AO ]Q VLSC NT]ULSC PLS S`L`LWBLO VQO `LWQO PLS .'NB LSO WAHBW YAKNB ASVLO YSUBLO `QC SBLC ASVLS NPVBO ./YAB LSWNBC NWSOAVL ASVQ A`LYUB]ROAB KLMLO LSWN NVLKXRPNO VBC A` NYNBORC VRC RXNUAC N`NUQVRPAB ASVLO LSYNVB
+hapter ,#Then 5esus s a'e to the "ultitudes, and to his dis#i les, ,saying, IOn the seat o! @oses sat do$n the s#ribes and the Pharisees, #VLVN L BRPLSC NKAKRPNO VLBC LTKLBC YAB VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS ,KNMQO N`B VRC XQPNQC YA]NWUAC NYA]BPAO LB MUAXXAVNBC YAB LB ZAUBPABLB -all, then, as "u#h as they "ay say to -`AOVA LSO LPA AO NB`QPBO SXBO you to observe, observe and do, but VRUNBO VRUNBVN YAB `LBNBVN YAVA WN VA a##ording to their $or's do not, !or NUMA ASVQO XR `LBNBVN KNMLSPBO MAU they say, and do not, YAB LS `LBLSPBO .!or they bind together burdens heavy .WNPXNSLSPBO MAU ZLUVBA HAUNA YAB and grievous to be borne, and lay u on WSPHAPVAYVA YAB N`BVB]NAPBO N`B VLSC the shoulders o! "en, but $ith their QXLSC VQO AO]UQ`QO VQ WN WAYVSKQ !inger they $ill not "ove the") ASVQO LS ]NKLSPBO YBORPAB ASVA 'I.nd all their $or's they do to be '`AOVA WN VA NUMA ASVQO `LBLSPBO seen by "en, and they "a'e broad `ULC VL ]NA]ROAB VLBC AO]UQ`LBC their hyla#teries, and enlarge the `KAVSOLSPBO WN VA ZSKAYVRUBA ASVQO !ringes o! their gar"ents, YAB XNMAKSOLSPBO VA YUAP`NWA VQO BXAVBQO ASVQO /they love also the #hie! #ou#hes in /ZBKLSPBO VN VRO `UQVLYKBPBAO NO VLBC the su er, and the #hie! seats in the WNB`OLBC YAB VAC `UQVLYA]NWUBAC NO synagogues, VABC PSOAMQMABC 0and the salutations in the "ar'et+ 0YAB VLSC AP`APXLSC NO VABC AMLUABC la#es, and to be #alled by "en, Rabbi, YAB YAKNBP]AB S`L VQO AO]UQ`QO Rabbi) UAHHB UAHHB $I.nd ye ++ ye "ay not be #alled $SXNBC WN XR YKR]RVN UAHHB NBC MAU Rabbi, !or one is your dire#tor ++ the NPVBO SXQO L YA]RMRVRC L TUBPVLC Dhrist, and all ye are brethren, `AOVNC WN SXNBC AWNKZLB NPVN %and ye "ay not #all IanyI your !ather %YAB `AVNUA XR YAKNPRVN SXQO N`B VRC on the earth, !or one is your Father, MRC NBC MAU NPVBO L `AVRU SXQO L NO $ho is in the heavens, VLBC LSUAOLBC #(nor "ay ye be #alled dire#tors, !or #(XRWN YKR]RVN YA]RMRVAB NBC MAU one is your dire#tor ++ the Dhrist) SXQO NPVBO L YA]RMRVRC L TUBPVLC 198
##.nd the greater o! you shall be your "inistrant, #,and $hoever shall e(alt hi"sel! shall be hu"bled, and $hoever shall hu"ble hi"sel! shall be e(alted) #-IWo to you, S#ribes and Pharisees, hy o#ritesd be#ause ye shut u the reign o! the heavens be!ore "en, !or ye do not go in, nor those going in do ye su!!er to enter) #.IWo to you, S#ribes and Pharisees, hy o#ritesd be#ause ye eat u the houses o! the $ido$s, and !or a reten#e "a'e long rayers, be#ause o! this ye shall re#eive "ore abundant -udg"ent) #'IWo to you, S#ribes and Pharisees, hy o#ritesd be#ause ye go round the sea and the dry land to "a'e one roselyte, and $henever it "ay ha en ++ ye "a'e hi" a son o! gehenna t$o!old "ore than yourselves) #/IWo to you, blind guides, $ho are saying, Whoever "ay s$ear by the san#tuary, it is nothing, but $hoever "ay s$ear by the gold o! the san#tuary ++ is debtord #0Fools and blindd !or $hi#h IisI greater, the gold, or the san#tuary that is san#ti!ying the goldb #$I.nd, $hoever "ay s$ear by the altar, it is nothing, but $hoever "ay s$ear by the gi!t that is u on it ++ is debtord ##L WN XNB\QO SXQO NPVAB SXQO WBAYLOLC #,LPVBC WN ScQPNB NASVLO VA`NBOQ]RPNVAB YAB LPVBC VA`NBOQPNB NASVLO ScQ]RPNVAB #-LSAB WN SXBO MUAXXAVNBC YAB ZAUBPABLB S`LYUBVAB LVB YAVNP]BNVN VAC LBYBAC VQO TRUQO YAB `ULZAPNB XAYUA `ULPNSTLXNOLB WBA VLSVL KRcNP]N `NUBPPLVNULO YUBXA #.LSAB SXBO MUAXXAVNBC YAB ZAUBPABLB S`LYUBVAB LVB YKNBNVN VRO HAPBKNBAO VQO LSUAOQO NX`ULP]NO VQO AO]UQ`QO SXNBC MAU LSY NBPNUTNP]N LSWN VLSC NBPNUTLXNOLSC AZBNVN NBPNK]NBO #'LSAB SXBO MUAXXAVNBC YAB ZAUBPABLB S`LYUBVAB LVB `NUBAMNVN VRO ]AKAPPAO YAB VRO aRUAO `LBRPAB NOA `ULPRKSVLO YAB LVAO MNORVAB `LBNBVN ASVLO SBLO MNNOORC WB`KLVNULO SXQO #/LSAB SXBO LWRMLB VSZKLB LB KNMLOVNC LC AO LXLPR NO VQ OAQ LSWNO NPVBO LC W AO LXLPR NO VQ TUSPQ VLS OALS LZNBKNB #0XQULB YAB VSZKLB VBC MAU XNB\QO NPVBO L TUSPLC R L OALC L AMBA\QO VLO TUSPLO #$YAB LC NAO LXLPR NO VQ ]SPBAPVRUBQ LSWNO NPVBO LC W AO LXLPR NO VQ WQUQ VQ N`AOQ ASVLS LZNBKNB
#%Fools and blindd !or $hi#h IisI greater, the gi!t, or the altar that is san#ti!ying the gi!tb ,(IHe there!ore $ho did s$ear by the altar, doth s$ear by it, and by all things on it, ,#and he $ho did s$ear by the san#tuary, doth s$ear by it, and by Hi" $ho is d$elling in it, ,,and he $ho did s$ear by the heaven, doth s$ear by the throne o! &od, and by Hi" $ho is sitting u on it) ,-IWo to you, S#ribes and Pharisees, hy o#ritesd be#ause ye give tithe o! the "int, and the dill, and the #u"in, and did negle#t the $eightier things o! the La$ ++ the -udg"ent, and the 'indness, and the !aith, these it behoved IyouI to do, and those not to negle#t) ,.IBlind guidesd $ho are straining out the gnat, and the #a"el are s$allo$ing) ,'IWo to you, S#ribes and Pharisees, hy o#ritesd be#ause ye "a'e #lean the outside o! the #u and the late, and $ithin they are !ull o! ra ine and in#ontinen#e) ,/IBlind Phariseed #leanse !irst the inside o! the #u and the late, that the outside o! the" also "ay be#o"e #lean) #%XQULB YAB VSZKLB VB MAU XNB\LO VL WQULO R VL ]SPBAPVRUBLO VL AMBA\LO VL WQULO ,(L LSO LXLPAC NO VQ ]SPBAPVRUBQ LXOSNB NO ASVQ YAB NO `APBO VLBC N`AOQ ASVLS ,#YAB L LXLPAC NO VQ OAQ LXOSNB NO ASVQ YAB NO VQ YAVLBYLSOVB ASVLO ,,YAB L LXLPAC NO VQ LSUAOQ LXOSNB NO VQ ]ULOQ VLS ]NLS YAB NO VQ YA]RXNOQ N`AOQ ASVLS ,-LSAB SXBO MUAXXAVNBC YAB ZAUBPABLB S`LYUBVAB LVB A`LWNYAVLSVN VL RWSLPXLO YAB VL AOR]LO YAB VL YSXBOLO YAB AZRYAVN VA HAUSVNUA VLS OLXLS VRO YUBPBO YAB VLO NKNLO YAB VRO `BPVBO VASVA NWNB `LBRPAB YAYNBOA XR AZBNOAB ,.LWRMLB VSZKLB LB WBSKB\LOVNC VLO YQOQ`A VRO WN YAXRKLO YAVA`BOLOVNC ,'LSAB SXBO MUAXXAVNBC YAB ZAUBPABLB S`LYUBVAB LVB YA]AUB\NVN VL NaQ]NO VLS `LVRUBLS YAB VRC `AULcBWLC NPQ]NO WN MNXLSPBO Na AU`AMRC YAB AYUAPBAC ,/ZAUBPABN VSZKN YA]AUBPLO `UQVLO VL NOVLC VLS `LVRUBLS YAB VRC `AULcBWLC BOA MNORVAB YAB VL NYVLC ASVQO YA]AULO
,0IWo to you, S#ribes and Pharisees, hy o#ritesd be#ause ye are li'e to $hite$ashed se ul#hres, $hi#h out$ardly indeed do a ear beauti!ul, and $ithin are !ull o! bones o! dead "en, and o! all un#leanness, ,$so also ye out$ardly indeed do a ear to "en righteous, and $ithin ye are !ull o! hy o#risy and la$lessness) ,0LSAB SXBO MUAXXAVNBC YAB ZAUBPABLB S`LYUBVAB LVB `AULXLBA\NVN VAZLBC YNYLOBAXNOLBC LBVBONC NaQ]NO XNO ZABOLOVAB QUABLB NPQ]NO WN MNXLSPBO LPVNQO ONYUQO YAB `APRC AYA]AUPBAC
,$LSVQC YAB SXNBC NaQ]NO XNO ZABONP]N VLBC AO]UQ`LBC WBYABLB NPQ]NO WN XNPVLB NPVN S`LYUBPNQC YAB AOLXBAC ,%IWo to you, S#ribes and Pharisees, ,%LSAB SXBO MUAXXAVNBC YAB ZAUBPABLB hy o#ritesd be#ause ye build the S`LYUBVAB LVB LBYLWLXNBVN VLSC VAZLSC se ul#hres o! the ro hets, and adorn VQO `ULZRVQO YAB YLPXNBVN VA the to"bs o! the righteous, XORXNBA VQO WBYABQO -(and say, 0! $e had been in the days -(YAB KNMNVN NB RXNO NO VABC RXNUABC o! our !athers, $e $ould not have been VQO `AVNUQO RXQO LSY AO RXNO arta'ers $ith the" in the blood o! the YLBOQOLB ASVQO NO VQ ABXAVB VQO ro hets) `ULZRVQO -#So that ye testi!y to yourselves, that -#QPVN XAUVSUNBVN NASVLBC LVB SBLB ye are sons o! the" $ho did "urder NPVN VQO ZLONSPAOVQO VLSC `ULZRVAC the ro hets, -,and ye ++ ye !ill u the "easure o! -,YAB SXNBC `KRUQPAVN VL XNVULO VQO your !athers) `AVNUQO SXQO --ISer entsd brood o! vi ersd ho$ "ay --LZNBC MNOORXAVA NTBWOQO `QC ye es#a e !ro" the -udg"ent o! the ZSMRVN A`L VRC YUBPNQC VRC MNNOORC gehennab -.IBe#ause o! this, lo, 0 send to you -.WBA VLSVL BWLS NMQ A`LPVNKKQ `ULC ro hets, and $ise "en, and s#ribes, SXAC `ULZRVAC YAB PLZLSC YAB and o! the" ye $ill 'ill and #ru#i!y, MUAXXAVNBC YAB Na ASVQO A`LYVNONBVN and o! the" ye $ill s#ourge in your YAB PVASUQPNVN YAB Na ASVQO synagogues, and $ill ursue !ro" #ity XAPVBMQPNVN NO VABC PSOAMQMABC SXQO to #ity, YAB WBQaNVN A`L `LKNQC NBC `LKBO
-'that on you "ay #o"e all the righteous blood being oured out on the earth !ro" the blood o! .bel the righteous, unto the blood o! [a#harias son o! Bara#hias, $ho" ye sle$ bet$een the san#tuary and the altarF -/verily 0 say to you, all these things shall #o"e u on this generation) -0I5erusale", 5erusale", that art 'illing the ro hets, and stoning those sent unto thee, ho$ o!ten did 0 $ill to gather thy #hildren together, as a hen doth gather her o$n #hi#'ens under the $ings, and ye did not $ill) -'L`QC NK]R NZ SXAC `AO ABXA WBYABLO NYTSOLXNOLO N`B VRC MRC A`L VLS ABXAVLC AHNK VLS WBYABLS NQC VLS ABXAVLC \ATAUBLS SBLS HAUATBLS LO NZLONSPAVN XNVAaS VLS OALS YAB VLS ]SPBAPVRUBLS -/AXRO KNMQ SXBO RaNB VASVA `AOVA N`B VRO MNONAO VASVRO -0BNULSPAKRX BNULSPAKRX R A`LYVNBOLSPA VLSC `ULZRVAC YAB KB]LHLKLSPA VLSC A`NPVAKXNOLSC `ULC ASVRO `LPAYBC R]NKRPA N`BPSOAMAMNBO VA VNYOA PLS LO VUL`LO N`BPSOAMNB LUOBC VA OLPPBA NASVRC S`L VAC `VNUSMAC YAB LSY R]NKRPAVN -$Lo, le!t desolate to you is your -$BWLS AZBNVAB SXBO L LBYLC SXQO house, NURXLC -%!or 0 say to you, ye "ay not see "e -%KNMQ MAU SXBO LS XR XN BWRVN A` hen#e!orth, till ye "ay say, Blessed IisI AUVB NQC AO NB`RVN NSKLMRXNOLC L he $ho is #o"ing in the na"e o! the NUTLXNOLC NO LOLXAVB YSUBLS Lord)I
+hapter ,.
#.nd having gone !orth, 5esus de arted !ro" the te" le, and his dis#i les #a"e near to sho$ hi" the buildings o! the te" le, ,and 5esus said to the", IDo ye not see all theseb verily 0 say to you, There "ay not be le!t here a stone u on a stone, that shall not be thro$n do$n)I -.nd $hen he is sitting on the "ount o! the Olives, the dis#i les #a"e near to hi" by hi"sel!, saying, ITell us, $hen shall these beb and $hat IisI the sign o! thy resen#e, and o! the !ull end o! the agebI ..nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", ITa'e heed that no one "ay lead you astray, '!or "any shall #o"e in "y na"e, saying, 0 a" the Dhrist, and they shall lead "any astray, /and ye shall begin to hear o! $ars, and re orts o! $ars, see, be not troubled, !or it behoveth all ItheseI to #o"e to ass, but the end is not yet) 0IFor nation shall rise against nation, and 'ingdo" against 'ingdo", and there shall be !a"ines, and estilen#es, and earth?ua'es, in divers la#es, $and all these IareI the beginning o! sorro$s, #YAB NaNK]QO L BRPLSC N`LUNSNVL A`L VLS BNULS YAB `ULPRK]LO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS N`BWNBaAB ASVQ VAC LBYLWLXAC VLS BNULS ,L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC LS HKN`NVN `AOVA VASVA AXRO KNMQ SXBO LS XR AZN]R QWN KB]LC N`B KB]LO LC LS XR YAVAKS]RPNVAB -YA]RXNOLS WN ASVLS N`B VLS LULSC VQO NKABQO `ULPRK]LO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB YAV BWBAO KNMLOVNC NB`N RXBO `LVN VASVA NPVAB YAB VB VL PRXNBLO VRC PRC `AULSPBAC YAB VRC PSOVNKNBAC VLS ABQOLC .YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC HKN`NVN XR VBC SXAC `KAORPR '`LKKLB MAU NKNSPLOVAB N`B VQ LOLXAVB XLS KNMLOVNC NMQ NBXB L TUBPVLC YAB `LKKLSC `KAORPLSPBO /XNKKRPNVN WN AYLSNBO `LKNXLSC YAB AYLAC `LKNXQO LUAVN XR ]ULNBP]N WNB MAU `AOVA MNONP]AB AKK LS`Q NPVBO VL VNKLC 0NMNU]RPNVAB MAU N]OLC N`B N]OLC YAB HAPBKNBA N`B HAPBKNBAO YAB NPLOVAB KBXLB YAB KLBXLB YAB PNBPXLB YAVA VL`LSC $`AOVA WN VASVA AUTR QWBOQO
%then they shall deliver you u to tribulation, and shall 'ill you, and ye shall be hated by all the nations be#ause o! "y na"e, #(and then shall "any be stu"bled, and they shall deliver u one another, and shall hate one another) ##I.nd "any !alse ro hets shall arise, and shall lead "any astray, %VLVN `AUAWQPLSPBO SXAC NBC ]KBcBO YAB A`LYVNOLSPBO SXAC YAB NPNP]N XBPLSXNOLB S`L `AOVQO VQO N]OQO WBA VL LOLXA XLS #(YAB VLVN PYAOWAKBP]RPLOVAB `LKKLB YAB AKKRKLSC `AUAWQPLSPBO YAB XBPRPLSPBO AKKRKLSC ##YAB `LKKLB cNSWL`ULZRVAB NMNU]RPLOVAB YAB `KAORPLSPBO `LKKLSC #,and be#ause o! the abounding o! the #,YAB WBA VL `KR]SO]ROAB VRO AOLXBAO la$lessness, the love o! the "any shall cSMRPNVAB R AMA`R VQO `LKKQO be#o"e #old, #-but he $ho did endure to the end, he #-L WN S`LXNBOAC NBC VNKLC LSVLC shall be saved, PQ]RPNVAB #.and this good ne$s o! the reign shall #.YAB YRUST]RPNVAB VLSVL VL be ro#lai"ed in all the $orld, !or a NSAMMNKBLO VRC HAPBKNBAC NO LKR VR testi"ony to all the nations, and then LBYLSXNOR NBC XAUVSUBLO `APBO VLBC shall the end arrive) N]ONPBO YAB VLVN RaNB VL VNKLC #'IWhenever, there!ore, ye "ay see #'LVAO LSO BWRVN VL HWNKSMXA VRC the abo"ination o! the desolation, that NURXQPNQC VL UR]NO WBA WAOBRK VLS $as s o'en o! through Daniel the `ULZRVLS NPVLC NO VL`Q AMBQ L ro het, standing in the holy la#e AOAMBOQPYQO OLNBVQ 7$hoever is reading let hi" observe< #/then those in 5udea ++ let the" !lee #/VLVN LB NO VR BLSWABA ZNSMNVQPAO to the "ounts, N`B VA LUR #0he on the house+to ++ let hi" not #0L N`B VLS WQXAVLC XR YAVAHABONVQ #o"e do$n to ta'e u any thing out o! AUAB VB NY VRC LBYBAC ASVLS his house, #$and he in the !ield ++ let hi" not turn #$YAB L NO VQ AMUQ XR N`BPVUNcAVQ ba#' to ta'e his gar"ents) L`BPQ AUAB VA BXAVBA ASVLS #%I.nd $o to those $ith #hild, and to #%LSAB WN VABC NO MAPVUB NTLSPABC YAB those giving su#' in those days, VABC ]RKA\LSPABC NO NYNBOABC VABC RXNUABC 111
,(and ray ye that your !light "ay not be in $inter, nor on a sabbath, ,#!or there shall be then great tribulation, su#h as $as not !ro" the beginning o! the $orld till no$, no, nor "ay be) ,,.nd i! those days $ere not shortened, no !lesh $ould have been saved, but be#ause o! the #hosen, shall those days be shortened) ,-IThen i! any one "ay say to you, Lo, here IisI the Dhristd or hered ye "ay not believe, ,.!or there shall arise !alse Dhrists, and !alse ro hets, and they shall give great signs and $onders, so as to lead astray, i! ossible, also the #hosen) ,'Lo, 0 did tell you be!orehand) ,/I0! there!ore they "ay say to you, Lo, in the $ilderness he is, ye "ay not go !orth, lo, in the inner #ha"bers, ye "ay not believe, ,0!or as the lightning doth #o"e !orth !ro" the east, and doth a ear unto the $est, so shall be also the resen#e o! the Son o! @an, ,$!or $herever the #ar#ase "ay be, there shall the eagles be gathered together) ,(`ULPNSTNP]N WN BOA XR MNORVAB R ZSMR SXQO TNBXQOLC XRWN NO PAHHAVQ ,#NPVAB MAU VLVN ]KBcBC XNMAKR LBA LS MNMLONO A` AUTRC YLPXLS NQC VLS OSO LSW LS XR MNORVAB ,,YAB NB XR NYLKLHQ]RPAO AB RXNUAB NYNBOAB LSY AO NPQ]R `APA PAUa WBA WN VLSC NYKNYVLSC YLKLHQ]RPLOVAB AB RXNUAB NYNBOAB ,-VLVN NAO VBC SXBO NB`R BWLS QWN L TUBPVLC R QWN XR `BPVNSPRVN ,.NMNU]RPLOVAB MAU cNSWLTUBPVLB YAB cNSWL`ULZRVAB YAB WQPLSPBO PRXNBA XNMAKA YAB VNUAVA QPVN `KAORPAB NB WSOAVLO YAB VLSC NYKNYVLSC ,'BWLS `ULNBURYA SXBO ,/NAO LSO NB`QPBO SXBO BWLS NO VR NURXQ NPVBO XR NaNK]RVN BWLS NO VLBC VAXNBLBC XR `BPVNSPRVN ,0QP`NU MAU R APVUA`R NaNUTNVAB A`L AOAVLKQO YAB ZABONVAB NQC WSPXQO LSVQC NPVAB YAB R `AULSPBA VLS SBLS VLS AO]UQ`LS ,$L`LS MAU NAO R VL `VQXA NYNB PSOAT]RPLOVAB LB ANVLB
,%I.nd i""ediately a!ter the tribulation o! those days, the sun shall be dar'ened, and the "oon shall not give her light, and the stars shall !all !ro" the heaven, and the o$ers o! the heavens shall be sha'en, -(and then shall a ear the sign o! the Son o! @an in the heaven, and then shall all the tribes o! the earth s"ite the breast, and they shall see the Son o! @an #o"ing u on the #louds o! the heaven, $ith o$er and "u#h glory, -#and he shall send his "essengers $ith a great sound o! a tru" et, and they shall gather together his #hosen !ro" the !our $inds, !ro" the ends o! the heavens unto the ends thereo!) -,I.nd !ro" the !ig+tree learn ye the si"ileF When already its bran#h "ay have be#o"e tender, and the leaves it "ay ut !orth, ye 'no$ that su""er IisI nigh, --so also ye, $hen ye "ay see all these, ye 'no$ that it is nigh ++ at the doors) -.%erily 0 say to you, this generation "ay not ass a$ay till all these "ay #o"e to ass) -'The heaven and the earth shall ass a$ay, but "y $ords shall not ass a$ay) ,%NS]NQC WN XNVA VRO ]KBcBO VQO RXNUQO NYNBOQO L RKBLC PYLVBP]RPNVAB YAB R PNKROR LS WQPNB VL ZNMMLC ASVRC YAB LB APVNUNC `NPLSOVAB A`L VLS LSUAOLS YAB AB WSOAXNBC VQO LSUAOQO PAKNS]RPLOVAB -(YAB VLVN ZAORPNVAB VL PRXNBLO VLS SBLS VLS AO]UQ`LS NO VQ LSUAOQ YAB VLVN YLcLOVAB `APAB AB ZSKAB VRC MRC YAB LcLOVAB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS NUTLXNOLO N`B VQO ONZNKQO VLS LSUAOLS XNVA WSOAXNQC YAB WLaRC `LKKRC -#YAB A`LPVNKNB VLSC AMMNKLSC ASVLS XNVA PAK`BMMLC ZQORC XNMAKRC YAB N`BPSOAaLSPBO VLSC NYKNYVLSC ASVLS NY VQO VNPPAUQO AONXQO A` AYUQO LSUAOQO NQC AYUQO ASVQO -,A`L WN VRC PSYRC XA]NVN VRO `AUAHLKRO LVAO RWR L YKAWLC ASVRC MNORVAB A`AKLC YAB VA ZSKKA NYZSR MBOQPYNVN LVB NMMSC VL ]NULC --LSVQC YAB SXNBC LVAO BWRVN `AOVA VASVA MBOQPYNVN LVB NMMSC NPVBO N`B ]SUABC -.AXRO KNMQ SXBO LS XR `AUNK]R R MNONA ASVR NQC AO `AOVA VASVA MNORVAB -'L LSUAOLC YAB R MR `AUNKNSPLOVAB LB WN KLMLB XLS LS XR `AUNK]QPBO
-/I.nd #on#erning that day and the hour no one hath 'no$n ++ not even the "essengers o! the heavens ++ e(#e t "y Father only, -0and as the days o! /oah ++ so shall be also the resen#e o! the Son o! @an, -$!or as they $ere, in the days be!ore the !lood, eating, and drin'ing, "arrying, and giving in "arriage, till the day /oah entered into the ar', -%and they did not 'no$ till the !lood #a"e and too' all a$ay, so shall be also the resen#e o! the Son o! @an) .(Then t$o "en shall be in the !ield, the one is re#eived, and the one is le!t, .#t$o $o"en shall be grinding in the "ill, one is re#eived, and one is le!t) .,IWat#h ye there!ore, be#ause ye have not 'no$n in $hat hour your Lord doth #o"e, .-and this 'no$, that i! the "aster o! the house had 'no$n in $hat $at#h the thie! doth #o"e, he had $at#hed, and not su!!ered his house to be bro'en through, ..be#ause o! this also ye, be#o"e ye ready, be#ause in $hat hour ye do not thin', the Son o! @an doth #o"e) -/`NUB WN VRC RXNUAC NYNBORC YAB VRC QUAC LSWNBC LBWNO LSWN LB AMMNKLB VQO LSUAOQO NB XR L `AVRU XLS XLOLC -0QP`NU WN AB RXNUAB VLS OQN LSVQC NPVAB YAB R `AULSPBA VLS SBLS VLS AO]UQ`LS -$QP`NU MAU RPAO NO VABC RXNUABC VABC `UL VLS YAVAYKSPXLS VUQMLOVNC YAB `BOLOVNC MAXLSOVNC YAB NYMAXB\LOVNC ATUB RC RXNUAC NBPRK]NO OQN NBC VRO YBHQVLO -%YAB LSY NMOQPAO NQC RK]NO L YAVAYKSPXLC YAB RUNO A`AOVAC LSVQC NPVAB YAB R `AULSPBA VLS SBLS VLS AO]UQ`LS .(VLVN WSL NPLOVAB NO VQ AMUQ L NBC `AUAKAXHAONVAB YAB L NBC AZBNVAB .#WSL AKR]LSPAB NO VQ XSKQOB XBA `AUAKAXHAONVAB YAB XBA AZBNVAB .,MURMLUNBVN LSO LVB LSY LBWAVN `LBA QUA L YSUBLC SXQO NUTNVAB .-NYNBOL WN MBOQPYNVN LVB NB RWNB L LBYLWNP`LVRC `LBA ZSKAYR L YKN`VRC NUTNVAB NMURMLURPNO AO YAB LSY AO NBAPNO WBLUSMROAB VRO LBYBAO ASVLS ..WBA VLSVL YAB SXNBC MBONP]N NVLBXLB LVB R QUA LS WLYNBVN L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NUTNVAB
.'IWho, then, is the servant, !aith!ul and $ise, $ho" his lord did set over his household, to give the" the nourish"ent in seasonb ./Ha y that servant, $ho" his lord, having #o"e, shall !ind doing so, .'VBC AUA NPVBO L `BPVLC WLSKLC YAB ZULOBXLC LO YAVNPVRPNO L YSUBLC ASVLS N`B VRC ]NUA`NBAC ASVLS VLS WBWLOAB ASVLBC VRO VULZRO NO YABUQ ./XAYAUBLC L WLSKLC NYNBOLC LO NK]QO L YSUBLC ASVLS NSURPNB `LBLSOVA LSVQC .0verily 0 say to you, that over all his .0AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB N`B `APBO VLBC substan#e he $ill set hi") S`AUTLSPBO ASVLS YAVAPVRPNB ASVLO .$I.nd, i! that evil servant "ay say in .$NAO WN NB`R L YAYLC WLSKLC NYNBOLC his heart, @y Lord doth delay to #o"e, NO VR YAUWBA ASVLS TULOB\NB L YSUBLC XLS NK]NBO .%and "ay begin to beat the !ello$+ .%YAB AUaRVAB VS`VNBO VLSC servants, and to eat and to drin' $ith PSOWLSKLSC NP]BNBO WN YAB `BONBO XNVA the drun'en, VQO XN]SLOVQO '(the lord o! that servant $ill arrive in '(RaNB L YSUBLC VLS WLSKLS NYNBOLS NO a day $hen he doth not e( e#t, and in RXNUA R LS `ULPWLYA YAB NO QUA R LS an hour o! $hi#h he doth not 'no$, MBOQPYNB '#and $ill #ut hi" o!!, and his ortion '#YAB WBTLVLXRPNB ASVLO YAB VL XNULC $ith the hy o#rites $ill a oint, there ASVLS XNVA VQO S`LYUBVQO ]RPNB NYNB shall be the $ee ing and the gnashing NPVAB L YKAS]XLC YAB L HUSMXLC VQO o! the teeth) LWLOVQO
+hapter ,'
#IThen shall the reign o! the heavens be li'ened to ten virgins, $ho, having ta'en their la" s, $ent !orth to "eet the bridegroo", ,and !ive o! the" $ere rudent, and !ive !oolish, -they $ho $ere !oolish having ta'en their la" s, did not ta'e $ith the"selves oil, .and the rudent too' oil in their vessels, $ith their la" s) #VLVN LXLBQ]RPNVAB R HAPBKNBA VQO LSUAOQO WNYA `AU]NOLBC ABVBONC KAHLSPAB VAC KAX`AWAC ASVQO NaRK]LO NBC A`AOVRPBO VLS OSXZBLS ,`NOVN WN RPAO Na ASVQO ZULOBXLB YAB AB `NOVN XQUAB -ABVBONC XQUAB KAHLSPAB VAC KAX`AWAC NASVQO LSY NKAHLO XN] NASVQO NKABLO .AB WN ZULOBXLB NKAHLO NKABLO NO VLBC AMMNBLBC ASVQO XNVA VQO KAX`AWQO ASVQO 'I.nd the bridegroo" tarrying, they all 'TULOB\LOVLC WN VLS OSXZBLS nodded and $ere slee ing, NOSPVAaAO `APAB YAB NYA]NSWLO /and in the "iddle o! the night a #ry /XNPRC WN OSYVLC YUASMR MNMLONO BWLS $as "ade, Lo, the bridegroo" doth L OSXZBLC NUTNVAB NaNUTNP]N NBC #o"e, go ye !orth to "eet hi") A`AOVRPBO ASVLS 0IThen rose all those virgins, and 0VLVN RMNU]RPAO `APAB AB `AU]NOLB tri""ed their la" s, NYNBOAB YAB NYLPXRPAO VAC KAX`AWAC ASVQO $and the !oolish said to the rudent, $AB WN XQUAB VABC ZULOBXLBC NB`LO WLVN &ive us o! your oil, be#ause our la" s RXBO NY VLS NKABLS SXQO LVB AB are going out, KAX`AWNC RXQO PHNOOSOVAB %and the rudent ans$ered, saying ++ %A`NYUB]RPAO WN AB ZULOBXLB KNMLSPAB Lest there "ay not be su!!i#ient !or us XR`LVN LSY AUYNPR RXBO YAB SXBO and you, go ye rather unto those `LUNSNP]N WN XAKKLO `ULC VLSC selling, and buy !or yourselves) `QKLSOVAC YAB AMLUAPAVN NASVABC #(I.nd $hile they are going a$ay to #(A`NUTLXNOQO WN ASVQO AMLUAPAB buy, the bridegroo" #a"e, and those RK]NO L OSXZBLC YAB AB NVLBXLB ready $ent in $ith hi" to the NBPRK]LO XNV ASVLS NBC VLSC MAXLSC "arriage+!easts, and the door $as shut, YAB NYKNBP]R R ]SUA
##and a!ter$ards #o"e also do the rest o! the virgins, saying, Sir, sir, o en to us, #,and he ans$ering said, %erily 0 say to you, 0 have not 'no$n you) #-IWat#h there!ore, !or ye have not 'no$n the day nor the hour in $hi#h the Son o! @an doth #o"e) #.IFor ++ as a "an going abroad did #all his o$n servants, and did deliver to the" his substan#e, #'and to one he gave !ive talents, and to another t$o, and to another one, to ea#h a##ording to his several ability, $ent abroad i""ediately) #/I.nd he $ho did re#eive the !ive talents, having gone, $rought $ith the", and "ade other !ive talents, #0in li'e "anner also he $ho Ire#eivedI the t$o, he gained, also he, other t$o, #$and he $ho did re#eive the one, having gone a$ay, digged in the earth, and hid his lordIs "oney) #%I.nd a!ter a long ti"e #o"eth the lord o! those servants, and ta'eth re#'oning $ith the", ,(and he $ho did re#eive the !ive talents having #o"e, brought other !ive talents, saying, ISir, !ive talents thou didst deliver to "e, lo, other !ive talents did 0 gain besides the") ##SPVNULO WN NUTLOVAB YAB AB KLB`AB `AU]NOLB KNMLSPAB YSUBN YSUBN AOLBaLO RXBO #,L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LSY LBWA SXAC #-MURMLUNBVN LSO LVB LSY LBWAVN VRO RXNUAO LSWN VRO QUAO NO R L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NUTNVAB #.QP`NU MAU AO]UQ`LC A`LWRXQO NYAKNPNO VLSC BWBLSC WLSKLSC YAB `AUNWQYNO ASVLBC VA S`AUTLOVA ASVLS #'YAB Q XNO NWQYNO `NOVN VAKAOVA Q WN WSL Q WN NO NYAPVQ YAVA VRO BWBAO WSOAXBO YAB A`NWRXRPNO NS]NQC #/`LUNS]NBC WN L VA `NOVN VAKAOVA KAHQO NBUMAPAVL NO ASVLBC YAB N`LBRPNO AKKA `NOVN VAKAOVA #0QPASVQC YAB L VA WSL NYNUWRPNO YAB ASVLC AKKA WSL #$L WN VL NO KAHQO A`NK]QO QUSaNO NO VR MR YAB A`NYUScNO VL AUMSUBLO VLS YSUBLS ASVLS #%XNVA WN TULOLO `LKSO NUTNVAB L YSUBLC VQO WLSKQO NYNBOQO YAB PSOABUNB XNV ASVQO KLMLO ,(YAB `ULPNK]QO L VA `NOVN VAKAOVA KAHQO `ULPRONMYNO AKKA `NOVN VAKAOVA KNMQO YSUBN `NOVN VAKAOVA XLB `AUNWQYAC BWN AKKA `NOVN VAKAOVA NYNUWRPA N` ASVLBC
,#I.nd his lord said to hi", Well done, servant, good and !aith!ul, over a !e$ things thou $ast !aith!ul, over "any things 0 $ill set thee, enter into the -oy o! thy lord) ,,I.nd he $ho also did re#eive the t$o talents having #o"e, said, Sir, t$o talents thou didst deliver to "e, lo, other t$o talents 0 did gain besides the") ,-IHis lord said to hi", Well done, servant, good and !aith!ul, over a !e$ things thou $ast !aith!ul, over "any things 0 $ill set thee, enter into the -oy o! thy lord) ,.I.nd he also $ho hath re#eived the one talent having #o"e, said, Sir, 0 'ne$ thee, that thou art a hard "an, rea ing $here thou didst not so$, and gathering !ro" $hen#e thou didst not s#atter, ,'and having been a!raid, having gone a$ay, 0 hid thy talent in the earth, lo, thou hast thine o$nd ,/I.nd his lord ans$ering said to hi", Evil servant, and sloth!ul, thou hadst 'no$n that 0 rea $here 0 did not so$, and 0 gather $hen#e 0 did not s#atterd ,0it behoved thee then to ut "y "oney to the "oney+lenders, and having #o"e 0 had re#eived "ine o$n $ith in#rease) ,$ITa'e there!ore !ro" hi" the talent, and give to hi" having the ten talents, ,#NZR WN ASVQ L YSUBLC ASVLS NS WLSKN AMA]N YAB `BPVN N`B LKBMA RC `BPVLC N`B `LKKQO PN YAVAPVRPQ NBPNK]N NBC VRO TAUAO VLS YSUBLS PLS ,,`ULPNK]QO WN YAB L VA WSL VAKAOVA KAHQO NB`NO YSUBN WSL VAKAOVA XLB `AUNWQYAC BWN AKKA WSL VAKAOVA NYNUWRPA N` ASVLBC ,-NZR ASVQ L YSUBLC ASVLS NS WLSKN AMA]N YAB `BPVN N`B LKBMA RC `BPVLC N`B `LKKQO PN YAVAPVRPQ NBPNK]N NBC VRO TAUAO VLS YSUBLS PLS ,.`ULPNK]QO WN YAB L VL NO VAKAOVLO NBKRZQC NB`NO YSUBN NMOQO PN LVB PYKRULC NB AO]UQ`LC ]NUB\QO L`LS LSY NP`NBUAC YAB PSOAMQO L]NO LS WBNPYLU`BPAC ,'YAB ZLHR]NBC A`NK]QO NYUScA VL VAKAOVLO PLS NO VR MR BWN NTNBC VL PLO ,/A`LYUB]NBC WN L YSUBLC ASVLS NB`NO ASVQ `LORUN WLSKN YAB LYORUN RWNBC LVB ]NUB\Q L`LS LSY NP`NBUA YAB PSOAMQ L]NO LS WBNPYLU`BPA ,0NWNB LSO PN HAKNBO VL AUMSUBLO XLS VLBC VUA`N\BVABC YAB NK]QO NMQ NYLXBPAXRO AO VL NXLO PSO VLYQ ,$AUAVN LSO A` ASVLS VL VAKAOVLO YAB WLVN VQ NTLOVB VA WNYA VAKAOVA
,%!or to every one having shall be given, and he shall have overabundan#e, and !ro" hi" $ho is not having, even that $hi#h he hath shall be ta'en !ro" hi", -(and the un ro!itable servant #ast ye !orth to the outer dar'ness, there shall be the $ee ing and the gnashing o! the teeth) -#I.nd $henever the Son o! @an "ay #o"e in his glory, and all the holy "essengers $ith hi", then he shall sit u on a throne o! his glory, -,and gathered together be!ore hi" shall be all the nations, and he shall se arate the" !ro" one another, as the she herd doth se arate the shee !ro" the goats, --and he shall set the shee indeed on his right hand, and the goats on the le!t) -.IThen shall the 'ing say to those on his right hand, Do"e ye, the blessed o! "y Father, inherit the reign that hath been re ared !or you !ro" the !oundation o! the $orld, -'!or 0 did hunger, and ye gave "e to eat, 0 did thirst, and ye gave "e to drin', 0 $as a stranger, and ye re#eived "e, -/na'ed, and ye ut around "e, 0 $as in!ir", and ye loo'ed a!ter "e, in rison 0 $as, and ye #a"e unto "e) ,%VQ MAU NTLOVB `AOVB WL]RPNVAB YAB `NUBPPNS]RPNVAB A`L WN VLS XR NTLOVLC YAB L NTNB AU]RPNVAB A` ASVLS -(YAB VLO ATUNBLO WLSKLO NYHAKKNVN NBC VL PYLVLC VL NaQVNULO NYNB NPVAB L YKAS]XLC YAB L HUSMXLC VQO LWLOVQO -#LVAO WN NK]R L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NO VR WLaR ASVLS YAB `AOVNC LB AMBLB AMMNKLB XNV ASVLS VLVN YA]BPNB N`B ]ULOLS WLaRC ASVLS -,YAB PSOAT]RPNVAB NX`ULP]NO ASVLS `AOVA VA N]OR YAB AZLUBNB ASVLSC A` AKKRKQO QP`NU L `LBXRO AZLUB\NB VA `ULHAVA A`L VQO NUBZQO --YAB PVRPNB VA XNO `ULHAVA NY WNaBQO ASVLS VA WN NUBZBA Na NSQOSXQO -.VLVN NUNB L HAPBKNSC VLBC NY WNaBQO ASVLS WNSVN LB NSKLMRXNOLB VLS `AVULC XLS YKRULOLXRPAVN VRO RVLBXAPXNORO SXBO HAPBKNBAO A`L YAVAHLKRC YLPXLS -'N`NBOAPA MAU YAB NWQYAVN XLB ZAMNBO NWBcRPA YAB N`LVBPAVN XN aNOLC RXRO YAB PSORMAMNVN XN -/MSXOLC YAB `NUBNHAKNVN XN RP]NORPA YAB N`NPYNcAP]N XN NO ZSKAYR RXRO YAB RK]NVN `ULC XN
-0IThen shall the righteous ans$er hi", saying, Lord, $hen did $e see thee hungering, and $e nourishedb or thirsting, and $e gave to drin'b -$and $hen did $e see thee a stranger, and $e re#eivedb or na'ed, and $e ut aroundb -%and $hen did $e see thee in!ir", or in rison, and $e #a"e unto theeb .(I.nd the 'ing ans$ering, shall say to the", %erily 0 say to you, 0nas"u#h as ye did IitI to one o! these "y brethren ++ the least ++ to "e ye did IitI) .#Then shall he say also to those on the le!t hand, &o ye !ro" "e, the #ursed, to the !ire, the age+during, that hath been re ared !or the Devil and his "essengers, .,!or 0 did hunger, and ye gave "e not to eat, 0 did thirst, and ye gave "e not to drin', .-a stranger 0 $as, and ye did not re#eive "e, na'ed, and ye ut not around "e, in!ir", and in rison, and ye did not loo' a!ter "e) ..IThen shall they ans$er, they also, saying, Lord, $hen did $e see thee hungering, or thirsting, or a stranger, or na'ed, or in!ir", or in rison, and $e did not "inister to theeb .'IThen shall he ans$er the", saying, %erily 0 say to you, 0nas"u#h as ye did IitI not to one o! these, the least, ye did IitI not to "e) -0VLVN A`LYUB]RPLOVAB ASVQ LB WBYABLB KNMLOVNC YSUBN `LVN PN NBWLXNO `NBOQOVA YAB N]UNcAXNO R WBcQOVA YAB N`LVBPAXNO -$`LVN WN PN NBWLXNO aNOLO YAB PSORMAMLXNO R MSXOLO YAB `NUBNHAKLXNO -%`LVN WN PN NBWLXNO AP]NOR R NO ZSKAYR YAB RK]LXNO `ULC PN .(YAB A`LYUB]NBC L HAPBKNSC NUNB ASVLBC AXRO KNMQ SXBO NZ LPLO N`LBRPAVN NOB VLSVQO VQO AWNKZQO XLS VQO NKATBPVQO NXLB N`LBRPAVN .#VLVN NUNB YAB VLBC Na NSQOSXQO `LUNSNP]N A` NXLS LB YAVRUAXNOLB NBC VL `SU VL ABQOBLO VL RVLBXAPXNOLO VQ WBAHLKQ YAB VLBC AMMNKLBC ASVLS .,N`NBOAPA MAU YAB LSY NWQYAVN XLB ZAMNBO NWBcRPA YAB LSY N`LVBPAVN XN .-aNOLC RXRO YAB LS PSORMAMNVN XN MSXOLC YAB LS `NUBNHAKNVN XN AP]NORC YAB NO ZSKAYR YAB LSY N`NPYNcAP]N XN ..VLVN A`LYUB]RPLOVAB ASVQ YAB ASVLB KNMLOVNC YSUBN `LVN PN NBWLXNO `NBOQOVA R WBcQOVA R aNOLO R MSXOLO R AP]NOR R NO ZSKAYR YAB LS WBRYLORPAXNO PLB .'VLVN A`LYUB]RPNVAB ASVLBC KNMQO AXRO KNMQ SXBO NZ LPLO LSY N`LBRPAVN NOB VLSVQO VQO NKATBPVQO LSWN NXLB N`LBRPAVN
./.nd these shall go a$ay to unish"ent age+during, but the righteous to li!e age+during)I ./YAB A`NKNSPLOVAB LSVLB NBC YLKAPBO ABQOBLO LB WN WBYABLB NBC \QRO ABQOBLO
+hapter ,/
#.nd it #a"e to ass, $hen 5esus !inished all these $ords, he said to his dis#i les, ,I4e have 'no$n that a!ter t$o days the assover #o"eth, and the Son o! @an is delivered u to be #ru#i!ied)I -Then $ere gathered together the #hie! riests, and the s#ribes, and the elders o! the eo le, to the #ourt o! the #hie! riest $ho $as #alled Daia has, .and they #onsulted together that they "ight ta'e 5esus by guile, and 'ill Ihi"I, 'and they said, I/ot in the !east, that there "ay not be a tu"ult a"ong the eo le)I /.nd 5esus having been in Bethany, in the house o! Si"on the le er, 0there #a"e to hi" a $o"an having an alabaster bo( o! oint"ent, very re#ious, and she oured on his head as he is re#lining 7at "eat<) $.nd having seen IitI, his dis#i les $ere "u#h dis leased, saying, ITo $hat ur ose IisI this $asteb %!or this oint"ent #ould have been sold !or "u#h, and given to the oor)I #(.nd 5esus having 'no$n, said to the", IWhy do ye give trouble to the $o"anb !or a good $or' she $rought !or "e, #YAB NMNONVL LVN NVNKNPNO L BRPLSC `AOVAC VLSC KLMLSC VLSVLSC NB`NO VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS ,LBWAVN LVB XNVA WSL RXNUAC VL `APTA MBONVAB YAB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS `AUAWBWLVAB NBC VL PVASUQ]ROAB -VLVN PSORT]RPAO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB VLS KALS NBC VRO ASKRO VLS AUTBNUNQC VLS KNMLXNOLS YABAZA .YAB PSONHLSKNSPAOVL BOA VLO BRPLSO YUAVRPQPBO WLKQ YAB A`LYVNBOQPBO 'NKNMLO WN XR NO VR NLUVR BOA XR ]LUSHLC MNORVAB NO VQ KAQ /VLS WN BRPLS MNOLXNOLS NO HR]AOBA NO LBYBA PBXQOLC VLS KN`ULS 0`ULPRK]NO ASVQ MSOR AKAHAPVULO XSULS NTLSPA HAUSVBXLS YAB YAVNTNNO N`B VRO YNZAKRO ASVLS AOAYNBXNOLS $BWLOVNC WN LB XA]RVAB ASVLS RMAOAYVRPAO KNMLOVNC NBC VB R A`QKNBA ASVR %RWSOAVL MAU VLSVL VL XSULO `UA]ROAB `LKKLS YAB WL]ROAB `VQTLBC #(MOLSC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC VB YL`LSC `AUNTNVN VR MSOABYB NUMLO MAU YAKLO NBUMAPAVL NBC NXN
##!or the oor al$ays ye have $ith you, and "e ye have not al$ays, #,!or she having ut this oint"ent on "y body ++ !or "y burial she did IitI) #-%erily 0 say to you, Wherever this good ne$s "ay be ro#lai"ed in the $hole $orld, $hat this IoneI did shall also be s o'en o! ++ !or a "e"orial o! her)I #.Then one o! the t$elve, $ho is #alled 5udas 0s#ariot, having gone unto the #hie! riests, said, #'IWhat are ye $illing to give "e, and 0 $ill deliver hi" u to youbI and they $eighed out to hi" thirty silverlings, #/and !ro" that ti"e he $as see'ing a #onvenient season to deliver hi" u ) #0.nd on the !irst IdayI o! the unleavened !ood #a"e the dis#i les near to 5esus, saying to hi", IWhere $ilt thou IthatI $e "ay re are !or thee to eat the assoverbI #$and he said, I&o a$ay to the #ity, unto su#h a one, and say to hi", The Tea#her saith, @y ti"e is nigh, near thee 0 'ee the assover, $ith "y dis#i les,I #%and the dis#i les did as 5esus a ointed the", and re ared the assover) ,(.nd evening having #o"e, he $as re#lining 7at "eat< $ith the t$elve, ##`AOVLVN MAU VLSC `VQTLSC NTNVN XN] NASVQO NXN WN LS `AOVLVN NTNVN #,HAKLSPA MAU ASVR VL XSULO VLSVL N`B VLS PQXAVLC XLS `ULC VL NOVAZBAPAB XN N`LBRPNO #-AXRO KNMQ SXBO L`LS NAO YRUST]R VL NSAMMNKBLO VLSVL NO LKQ VQ YLPXQ KAKR]RPNVAB YAB L N`LBRPNO ASVR NBC XORXLPSOLO ASVRC #.VLVN `LUNS]NBC NBC VQO WQWNYA L KNMLXNOLC BLSWAC BPYAUBQVRC `ULC VLSC AUTBNUNBC #'NB`NO VB ]NKNVN XLB WLSOAB YAMQ SXBO `AUAWQPQ ASVLO LB WN NPVRPAO ASVQ VUBAYLOVA AUMSUBA #/YAB A`L VLVN N\RVNB NSYABUBAO BOA ASVLO `AUAWQ #0VR WN `UQVR VQO A\SXQO `ULPRK]LO LB XA]RVAB VQ BRPLS KNMLOVNC ASVQ `LS ]NKNBC NVLBXAPQXNO PLB ZAMNBO VL `APTA #$L WN NB`NO S`AMNVN NBC VRO `LKBO `ULC VLO WNBOA YAB NB`AVN ASVQ L WBWAPYAKLC KNMNB L YABULC XLS NMMSC NPVBO `ULC PN `LBQ VL `APTA XNVA VQO XA]RVQO XLS #%YAB N`LBRPAO LB XA]RVAB QC PSONVAaNO ASVLBC L BRPLSC YAB RVLBXAPAO VL `APTA ,(LcBAC WN MNOLXNORC AONYNBVL XNVA VQO WQWNYA
,#and $hile they are eating, he said, I%erily 0 say to you, that one o! you shall deliver "e u )I ,,.nd being grieved e(#eedingly, they began to say to hi", ea#h o! the", I0s it 0, SirbI ,-.nd he ans$ering said, IHe $ho did di $ith "e the hand in the dish, he $ill deliver "e u , ,.the Son o! @an doth indeed go, as it hath been $ritten #on#erning hi", but $o to that "an through $ho" the Son o! @an is delivered u d good it $ere !or hi" i! that "an had not been born)I ,'.nd 5udas ++ he $ho delivered hi" u ++ ans$ering said, I0s it 0, RabbibI He saith to hi", IThou hast said)I ,/.nd $hile they $ere eating, 5esus having ta'en the bread, and having blessed, did bra'e, and $as giving to the dis#i les, and said, ITa'e, eat, this is "y body,I ,0and having ta'en the #u , and having given than's, he gave to the", saying, IDrin' ye o! it ++ all, ,$!or this is "y blood o! the ne$ #ovenant, that !or "any is being oured out ++ to re"ission o! sins, ,%and 0 say to you, that 0 "ay not drin' hen#e!orth on this rodu#e o! the vine, till that day $hen 0 "ay drin' it $ith you ne$ in the reign o! "y Father)I ,#YAB NP]BLOVQO ASVQO NB`NO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB NBC Na SXQO `AUAWQPNB XN ,,YAB KS`LSXNOLB PZLWUA RUaAOVL KNMNBO ASVQ NYAPVLC ASVQO XRVB NMQ NBXB YSUBN ,-L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO L NXHAcAC XNV NXLS NO VQ VUSHKBQ VRO TNBUA LSVLC XN `AUAWQPNB ,.L XNO SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS S`AMNB YA]QC MNMUA`VAB `NUB ASVLS LSAB WN VQ AO]UQ`Q NYNBOQ WB LS L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS `AUAWBWLVAB YAKLO RO ASVQ NB LSY NMNOOR]R L AO]UQ`LC NYNBOLC ,'A`LYUB]NBC WN BLSWAC L `AUAWBWLSC ASVLO NB`NO XRVB NMQ NBXB UAHHB KNMNB ASVQ PS NB`AC ,/NP]BLOVQO WN ASVQO KAHQO L BRPLSC VLO AUVLO YAB NSKLMRPAC NYKAPNO YAB NWBWLS VLBC XA]RVABC YAB NB`NO KAHNVN ZAMNVN VLSVL NPVBO VL PQXA XLS ,0YAB KAHQO VL `LVRUBLO YAB NSTAUBPVRPAC NWQYNO ASVLBC KNMQO `BNVN Na ASVLS `AOVNC ,$VLSVL MAU NPVBO VL ABXA XLS VL VRC YABORC WBA]RYRC VL `NUB `LKKQO NYTSOLXNOLO NBC AZNPBO AXAUVBQO ,%KNMQ WN SXBO LVB LS XR `BQ A` AUVB NY VLSVLS VLS MNOORXAVLC VRC AX`NKLS NQC VRC RXNUAC NYNBORC LVAO ASVL `BOQ XN] SXQO YABOLO NO VR HAPBKNBA VLS `AVULC XLS
-(.nd having sung a hy"n, they $ent !orth to the "ount o! the Olives, -#then saith 5esus to the", I.ll ye shall be stu"bled at "e this night, !or it hath been $ritten, 0 $ill s"ite the she herd, and the shee o! the !lo#' shall be s#attered abroad, -,but, a!ter "y having risen, 0 $ill go be!ore you to &alilee)I --.nd Peter ans$ering said to hi", IEven i! all shall be stu"bled at thee, 0 $ill never be stu"bled)I -.5esus said to hi", I%erily 0 say to thee, that, this night, be!ore #o#'+ #ro$ing, thri#e thou $ilt deny "e)I -'Peter saith to hi", IEven i! it "ay be ne#essary !or "e to die $ith thee, 0 $ill not deny thee,I in li'e "anner also said all the dis#i les) -/Then #o"e $ith the" doth 5esus to a la#e #alled ðse"ane, and he saith to the dis#i les, ISit ye here, till having gone a$ay, 0 shall ray yonder)I -0.nd having ta'en Peter, and the t$o sons o! [ebedee, he began to be sorro$!ul, and to be very heavy, -$then saith he to the", IE(#eedingly sorro$!ul is "y soul ++ unto death, abide ye here, and $at#h $ith "e)I -(YAB SXORPAOVNC NaRK]LO NBC VL LULC VQO NKABQO -#VLVN KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC `AOVNC SXNBC PYAOWAKBP]RPNP]N NO NXLB NO VR OSYVB VASVR MNMUA`VAB MAU `AVAaQ VLO `LBXNOA YAB WBAPYLU`BP]RPNVAB VA `ULHAVA VRC `LBXORC -,XNVA WN VL NMNU]ROAB XN `ULAaQ SXAC NBC VRO MAKBKABAO --A`LYUB]NBC WN L `NVULC NB`NO ASVQ NB YAB `AOVNC PYAOWAKBP]RPLOVAB NO PLB NMQ LSWN`LVN PYAOWAKBP]RPLXAB -.NZR ASVQ L BRPLSC AXRO KNMQ PLB LVB NO VASVR VR OSYVB `UBO AKNYVLUA ZQORPAB VUBC A`AUORPR XN -'KNMNB ASVQ L `NVULC YAO WNR XN PSO PLB A`L]AONBO LS XR PN A`AUORPLXAB LXLBQC YAB `AOVNC LB XA]RVAB NB`LO -/VLVN NUTNVAB XNV ASVQO L BRPLSC NBC TQUBLO KNMLXNOLO MN]PRXAOR YAB KNMNB VLBC XA]RVABC YA]BPAVN ASVLS NQC LS A`NK]QO `ULPNSaQXAB NYNB -0YAB `AUAKAHQO VLO `NVULO YAB VLSC WSL SBLSC \NHNWABLS RUaAVL KS`NBP]AB YAB AWRXLONBO -$VLVN KNMNB ASVLBC `NUBKS`LC NPVBO R cSTR XLS NQC ]AOAVLS XNBOAVN QWN YAB MURMLUNBVN XNV NXLS
-%.nd having gone !or$ard a little, he !ell on his !a#e, raying, and saying, I@y Father, i! it be ossible, let this #u ass !ro" "e, nevertheless, not as 0 $ill, but as Thou)I .(.nd he #o"eth unto the dis#i les, and !indeth the" slee ing, and he saith to Peter, ISod ye $ere not able one hour to $at#h $ith "ed .#$at#h, and ray, that ye "ay not enter into te" tationF the s irit indeed is !or$ard, but the !lesh $ea')I .,.gain, a se#ond ti"e, having gone a$ay, he rayed, saying, I@y Father, i! this #u #annot ass a$ay !ro" "e e(#e t 0 drin' it, Thy $ill be done,I .-and having #o"e, he !indeth the" again slee ing, !or their eyes $ere heavy) ...nd having le!t the", having gone a$ay again, he rayed a third ti"e, saying the sa"e $ord, .'then #o"eth he unto his dis#i les, and saith to the", ISlee on hen#e!orth, and restd lo, the hour hath #o"e nigh, and the Son o! @an is delivered u to the hands o! sinners) ./Rise, let us go, lo, he hath #o"e nigh $ho is delivering "e u )I -%YAB `ULNK]QO XBYULO N`NPNO N`B `ULPQ`LO ASVLS `ULPNSTLXNOLC YAB KNMQO `AVNU XLS NB WSOAVLO NPVBO `AUNK]NVQ A` NXLS VL `LVRUBLO VLSVL `KRO LST QC NMQ ]NKQ AKK QC PS .(YAB NUTNVAB `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC YAB NSUBPYNB ASVLSC YA]NSWLOVAC YAB KNMNB VQ `NVUQ LSVQC LSY BPTSPAVN XBAO QUAO MURMLURPAB XNV NXLS .#MURMLUNBVN YAB `ULPNSTNP]N BOA XR NBPNK]RVN NBC `NBUAPXLO VL XNO `ONSXA `UL]SXLO R WN PAUa AP]NORC .,`AKBO NY WNSVNULS A`NK]QO `ULPRSaAVL KNMQO `AVNU XLS NB LS WSOAVAB VLSVL VL `LVRUBLO `AUNK]NBO A` NXLS NAO XR ASVL `BQ MNOR]RVQ VL ]NKRXA PLS .-YAB NK]QO NSUBPYNB ASVLSC `AKBO YA]NSWLOVAC RPAO MAU ASVQO LB LZ]AKXLB HNHAURXNOLB ..YAB AZNBC ASVLSC A`NK]QO `AKBO `ULPRSaAVL NY VUBVLS VLO ASVLO KLMLO NB`QO .'VLVN NUTNVAB `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS YAB KNMNB ASVLBC YA]NSWNVN VL KLB`LO YAB AOA`ASNP]N BWLS RMMBYNO R QUA YAB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS `AUAWBWLVAB NBC TNBUAC AXAUVQKQO ./NMNBUNP]N AMQXNO BWLS RMMBYNO L `AUAWBWLSC XN
.0.nd $hile he is yet s ea'ing, lo, 5udas, one o! the t$elve did #o"e, and $ith hi" a great "ultitude, $ith s$ords and sti#'s, !ro" the #hie! riests and elders o! the eo le) .$.nd he $ho did deliver hi" u did give the" a sign, saying, IWho"soever 0 $ill 'iss, it is heF lay hold on hi",I .%and i""ediately, having #o"e to 5esus, he said, IHail, Rabbi,I and 'issed hi", '(and 5esus said to hi", IDo"rade, !or $hat art thou resentbI Then having #o"e near, they laid hands on 5esus, and too' hold on hi") '#.nd lo, one o! those $ith 5esus, having stret#hed !orth the hand, dre$ his s$ord, and having stru#' the servant o! the #hie! riest, he too' o!! his ear) ',Then saith 5esus to hi", ITurn ba#' thy s$ord to its la#e, !or all $ho did ta'e the s$ord, by the s$ord shall erish, '-dost thou thin' that 0 a" not able no$ to #all u on "y Father, and He $ill la#e beside "e "ore than t$elve legions o! "essengersb '.ho$ then "ay the Writings be !ul!illed, that thus it behoveth to ha enbI .0YAB NVB ASVLS KAKLSOVLC BWLS BLSWAC NBC VQO WQWNYA RK]NO YAB XNV ASVLS LTKLC `LKSC XNVA XATABUQO YAB aSKQO A`L VQO AUTBNUNQO YAB `UNPHSVNUQO VLS KALS .$L WN `AUAWBWLSC ASVLO NWQYNO ASVLBC PRXNBLO KNMQO LO AO ZBKRPQ ASVLC NPVBO YUAVRPAVN ASVLO .%YAB NS]NQC `ULPNK]QO VQ BRPLS NB`NO TABUN UAHHB YAB YAVNZBKRPNO ASVLO '(L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVQ NVABUN NZ Q `AUNB VLVN `ULPNK]LOVNC N`NHAKLO VAC TNBUAC N`B VLO BRPLSO YAB NYUAVRPAO ASVLO '#YAB BWLS NBC VQO XNVA BRPLS NYVNBOAC VRO TNBUA A`NP`APNO VRO XATABUAO ASVLS YAB `AVAaAC VLO WLSKLO VLS AUTBNUNQC AZNBKNO ASVLS VL QVBLO ',VLVN KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC A`LPVUNcLO PLS VRO XATABUAO NBC VLO VL`LO ASVRC `AOVNC MAU LB KAHLOVNC XATABUAO NO XATABUA A`LKLSOVAB '-R WLYNBC LVB LS WSOAXAB AUVB `AUAYAKNPAB VLO `AVNUA XLS YAB `AUAPVRPNB XLB `KNBLSC R WQWNYA KNMNQOAC AMMNKQO '.`QC LSO `KRUQ]QPBO AB MUAZAB LVB LSVQC WNB MNONP]AB
''0n that hour said 5esus to the "ultitudes, I.s against a robber ye did #o"e !orth, $ith s$ords and sti#'s, to ta'e "ed daily $ith you 0 $as sitting tea#hing in the te" le, and ye did not lay hold on "e, '/but all this hath #o"e to ass, that the Writings o! the ro hets "ay be !ul!illed,I then all the dis#i les, having le!t hi", !led) '0.nd those laying hold on 5esus led Ihi"I a$ay unto Daia has the #hie! riest, $here the s#ribes and the elders $ere gathered together, '$and Peter $as !ollo$ing hi" a!ar o!!, unto the #ourt o! the #hie! riest, and having gone in $ithin, he $as sitting $ith the o!!i#ers, to see the end) '%.nd the #hie! riests, and the elders, and all the #oun#il, $ere see'ing !alse $itness against 5esus, that they "ight ut hi" to death, /(and they did not !ind, and "any !alse $itnesses having #o"e near, they did not !ind, and at last t$o !alse $itnesses having #o"e near, /#said, IThis one said, 0 a" able to thro$ do$n the san#tuary o! &od, and a!ter three days to build it)I ''NO NYNBOR VR QUA NB`NO L BRPLSC VLBC LTKLBC QC N`B KRPVRO NaRK]NVN XNVA XATABUQO YAB aSKQO PSKKAHNBO XN YA] RXNUAO `ULC SXAC NYA]N\LXRO WBWAPYQO NO VQ BNUQ YAB LSY NYUAVRPAVN XN '/VLSVL WN LKLO MNMLONO BOA `KRUQ]QPBO AB MUAZAB VQO `ULZRVQO VLVN LB XA]RVAB `AOVNC AZNOVNC ASVLO NZSMLO '0LB WN YUAVRPAOVNC VLO BRPLSO A`RMAMLO `ULC YABAZAO VLO AUTBNUNA L`LS LB MUAXXAVNBC YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB PSORT]RPAO '$L WN `NVULC RYLKLS]NB ASVQ A`L XAYUL]NO NQC VRC ASKRC VLS AUTBNUNQC YAB NBPNK]QO NPQ NYA]RVL XNVA VQO S`RUNVQO BWNBO VL VNKLC '%LB WN AUTBNUNBC YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB YAB VL PSONWUBLO LKLO N\RVLSO cNSWLXAUVSUBAO YAVA VLS BRPLS L`QC ASVLO ]AOAVQPQPBO /(YAB LST NSULO YAB `LKKQO cNSWLXAUVSUQO `ULPNK]LOVQO LST NSULO /#SPVNULO WN `ULPNK]LOVNC WSL cNSWLXAUVSUNC NB`LO LSVLC NZR WSOAXAB YAVAKSPAB VLO OALO VLS ]NLS YAB WBA VUBQO RXNUQO LBYLWLXRPAB ASVLO
/,.nd the #hie! riest having stood u , said to hi", I/othing thou dost ans$erd $hat do these $itness against theeb /-and 5esus $as silent) .nd the #hie! riest ans$ering said to hi", I0 ad-ure thee, by the living &od, that thou "ayest say to us, i! thou art the Dhrist ++ the Son o! &od)I /.5esus saith to hi", IThou hast said, nevertheless 0 say to you, herea!ter ye shall see the Son o! @an sitting on the right hand o! the o$er, and #o"ing u on the #louds, o! the heaven)I /'Then the #hie! riest rent his gar"ents, saying, ++ IHe hath s o'en evil, $hat need have $e yet o! $itnessesb lo, no$ ye heard his evil s ea'ing, //$hat thin' yebI and they ans$ering said, IHe is $orthy o! death)I /0Then did they s it in his !a#e and bu!!et hi", and others did sla , /,YAB AOAPVAC L AUTBNUNSC NB`NO ASVQ LSWNO A`LYUBOR VB LSVLB PLS YAVAXAUVSULSPBO /-L WN BRPLSC NPBQ`A YAB A`LYUB]NBC L AUTBNUNSC NB`NO ASVQ NaLUYB\Q PN YAVA VLS ]NLS VLS \QOVLC BOA RXBO NB`RC NB PS NB L TUBPVLC L SBLC VLS ]NLS /.KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC PS NB`AC `KRO KNMQ SXBO A` AUVB LcNP]N VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS YA]RXNOLO NY WNaBQO VRC WSOAXNQC YAB NUTLXNOLO N`B VQO ONZNKQO VLS LSUAOLS /'VLVN L AUTBNUNSC WBNUURaNO VA BXAVBA ASVLS KNMQO LVB NHKAPZRXRPNO VB NVB TUNBAO NTLXNO XAUVSUQO BWN OSO RYLSPAVN VRO HKAPZRXBAO ASVLS
//VB SXBO WLYNB LB WN A`LYUB]NOVNC NB`LO NOLTLC ]AOAVLS NPVBO /0VLVN NON`VSPAO NBC VL `ULPQ`LO ASVLS YAB NYLKAZBPAO ASVLO LB WN NUUA`BPAO /$saying, IDe#lare to us, O Dhrist, /$KNMLOVNC `ULZRVNSPLO RXBO TUBPVN $ho he is that stru#' theebI VBC NPVBO L `ABPAC PN /%.nd Peter $ithout $as sitting in the /%L WN `NVULC NaQ NYA]RVL NO VR ASKR #ourt, and there #a"e near to hi" a YAB `ULPRK]NO ASVQ XBA `ABWBPYR #ertain "aid, saying, I.nd thou $ast KNMLSPA YAB PS RP]A XNVA BRPLS VLS $ith 5esus o! &alileedI MAKBKABLS 0(.nd he denied be!ore all, saying, I0 0(L WN RUORPAVL NX`ULP]NO `AOVQO have not 'no$n $hat thou sayest)I KNMQO LSY LBWA VB KNMNBC
0#.nd he having gone !orth to the or#h, another !e"ale sa$ hi", and saith to those there, I.nd this one $as $ith 5esus o! /aEareth,I 0,and again did he deny $ith an oath ++ I0 have not 'no$n the "an)I 0-.nd a!ter a little those standing near having #o"e, said to Peter, ITruly thou also art o! the", !or even thy s ee#h doth "a'e thee "ani!est)I 0.Then began he to anathe"atise, and to s$ear ++ I0 have not 'no$n the "an,I and i""ediately did a #o#' #ro$, 0'and Peter re"e"bered the saying o! 5esus, he having said to hi" ++ IBe!ore #o#'+#ro$ing, thri#e thou $ilt deny "e,I and having gone $ithout, he did $ee bitterly) 0#NaNK]LOVA WN ASVLO NBC VLO `SKQOA NBWNO ASVLO AKKR YAB KNMNB VLBC NYNB YAB LSVLC RO XNVA BRPLS VLS OA\QUABLS 0,YAB `AKBO RUORPAVL XN] LUYLS LVB LSY LBWA VLO AO]UQ`LO 0-XNVA XBYULO WN `ULPNK]LOVNC LB NPVQVNC NB`LO VQ `NVUQ AKR]QC YAB PS Na ASVQO NB YAB MAU R KAKBA PLS WRKLO PN `LBNB 0.VLVN RUaAVL YAVAOA]NXAVB\NBO YAB LXOSNBO LVB LSY LBWA VLO AO]UQ`LO YAB NS]NQC AKNYVQU NZQORPNO 0'YAB NXORP]R L `NVULC VLS URXAVLC VLS BRPLS NBURYLVLC ASVQ LVB `UBO AKNYVLUA ZQORPAB VUBC A`AUORPR XN YAB NaNK]QO NaQ NYKASPNO `BYUQC
+hapter ,0
#.nd "orning having #o"e, all the #hie! riests and the elders o! the eo le too' #ounsel against 5esus, so as to ut hi" to death, ,and having bound hi", they did lead a$ay, and delivered hi" u to Pontius Pilate, the governor) -Then 5udas ++ he $ho delivered hi" u ++ having seen that he $as #onde"ned, having re ented, brought ba#' the thirty silverlings to the #hie! riests, and to the elders, saying, .I0 did sin, having delivered u inno#ent blood,I and they said, IWhat ++ to usb thou shalt seedI 'and having #ast do$n the silverlings in the san#tuary, he de arted, and having gone a$ay, he did strangle hi"sel!) /.nd the #hie! riests having ta'en the silverlings, said, I0t is not la$!ul to ut the" to the treasury, seeing it is the ri#e o! blood,I 0and having ta'en #ounsel, they bought $ith the" the !ield o! the otter, !or the burial o! strangers, $there!ore $as that !ield #alled, IField o! blood,I unto this day) #`UQBAC WN MNOLXNORC PSXHLSKBLO NKAHLO `AOVNC LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB VLS KALS YAVA VLS BRPLS QPVN ]AOAVQPAB ASVLO ,YAB WRPAOVNC ASVLO A`RMAMLO YAB `AUNWQYAO ASVLO `LOVBQ `BKAVQ VQ RMNXLOB -VLVN BWQO BLSWAC L `AUAWBWLSC ASVLO LVB YAVNYUB]R XNVAXNKR]NBC A`NPVUNcNO VA VUBAYLOVA AUMSUBA VLBC AUTBNUNSPBO YAB VLBC `UNPHSVNULBC .KNMQO RXAUVLO `AUAWLSC ABXA A]QLO LB WN NB`LO VB `ULC RXAC PS LcNB 'YAB UBcAC VA AUMSUBA NO VQ OAQ AONTQURPNO YAB A`NK]QO A`RMaAVL /LB WN AUTBNUNBC KAHLOVNC VA AUMSUBA NB`LO LSY NaNPVBO HAKNBO ASVA NBC VLO YLUHAOAO N`NB VBXR ABXAVLC NPVBO 0PSXHLSKBLO WN KAHLOVNC RMLUAPAO Na ASVQO VLO AMULO VLS YNUAXNQC NBC VAZRO VLBC aNOLBC $WBL NYKR]R L AMULC NYNBOLC AMULC ABXAVLC NQC VRC PRXNULO
%Then $as !ul!illed that s o'en through 5ere"iah the ro het, saying, I.nd 0 too' the thirty silverlings, the ri#e o! hi" $ho hath been ri#ed, $ho" they o! the sons o! 0srael did ri#e, #(and gave the" !or the !ield o! the otter, as the Lord did a oint to "e)I ##.nd 5esus stood be!ore the governor, and the governor did ?uestion hi", saying, I.rt thou the 'ing o! the 5e$sdI .nd 5esus said to hi", IThou sayest)I #,.nd in his being a##used by the #hie! riests and the elders, he did not ans$er any thing, #-then saith Pilate to hi", IDost thou not hear ho$ "any things they $itness against theebI #..nd he did not ans$er hi", not even to one $ord, so that the governor did $onder greatly) #'.nd at the !east the governor had been a##usto"ed to release one to the "ultitude, a risoner, $ho" they $illed, #/and they had then a noted risoner, #alled Barabbas, #0they there!ore having been gathered together, Pilate said to the", IWho" $ill ye 0 shall release to youb Barabbas or 5esus $ho is #alled DhristbI #$!or he had 'no$n that be#ause o! envy they had delivered hi" u ) %VLVN N`KRUQ]R VL UR]NO WBA BNUNXBLS VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC YAB NKAHLO VA VUBAYLOVA AUMSUBA VRO VBXRO VLS VNVBXRXNOLS LO NVBXRPAOVL A`L SBQO BPUARK #(YAB NWQYAO ASVA NBC VLO AMULO VLS YNUAXNQC YA]A PSONVAaNO XLB YSUBLC ##L WN BRPLSC NPVR NX`ULP]NO VLS RMNXLOLC YAB N`RUQVRPNO ASVLO L RMNXQO KNMQO PS NB L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO L WN BRPLSC NZR ASVQ PS KNMNBC #,YAB NO VQ YAVRMLUNBP]AB ASVLO S`L VQO AUTBNUNQO YAB VQO `UNPHSVNUQO LSWNO A`NYUBOAVL #-VLVN KNMNB ASVQ L `BKAVLC LSY AYLSNBC `LPA PLS YAVAXAUVSULSPBO #.YAB LSY A`NYUB]R ASVQ `ULC LSWN NO URXA QPVN ]ASXA\NBO VLO RMNXLOA KBAO #'YAVA WN NLUVRO NBQ]NB L RMNXQO A`LKSNBO NOA VQ LTKQ WNPXBLO LO R]NKLO #/NBTLO WN VLVN WNPXBLO N`BPRXLO KNMLXNOLO HAUAHHAO #0PSORMXNOQO LSO ASVQO NB`NO ASVLBC L `BKAVLC VBOA ]NKNVN A`LKSPQ SXBO HAUAHHAO R BRPLSO VLO KNMLXNOLO TUBPVLO #$RWNB MAU LVB WBA Z]LOLO `AUNWQYAO ASVLO
#%.nd as he is sitting on the tribunal, his $i!e sent unto hi", saying, I/othing ++ to thee and to that righteous one, !or "any things did 0 su!!er to+day in a drea" be#ause o! hi")I ,(.nd the #hie! riests and the elders did ersuade the "ultitudes that they "ight as' !or the"selves Barabbas, and "ight destroy 5esus, ,#and the governor ans$ering said to the", IWhi#h o! the t$o $ill ye IthatI 0 shall release to youbI .nd they said, IBarabbas)I ,,Pilate saith to the", IWhat then shall 0 do $ith 5esus $ho is #alled DhristbI They all say to hi", ILet be #ru#i!ieddI ,-.nd the governor said, IWhy, $hat evil did hebI and they $ere #rying out the "ore, saying, ILet be #ru#i!ied)I ,..nd Pilate having seen that it ro!iteth nothing, but rather a tu"ult is "ade, having ta'en $ater, he did $ash the hands be!ore the "ultitude, saying, I0 a" inno#ent !ro" the blood o! this righteous one, ye ++ ye shall see,I ,'and all the eo le ans$ering said, IHis blood IisI u on us, and u on our #hildrendI ,/Then did he release to the" Barabbas, and having s#ourged 5esus, he delivered Ihi"I u that he "ay be #ru#i!ied, #%YA]RXNOLS WN ASVLS N`B VLS HRXAVLC A`NPVNBKNO `ULC ASVLO R MSOR ASVLS KNMLSPA XRWNO PLB YAB VQ WBYABQ NYNBOQ `LKKA MAU N`A]LO PRXNULO YAV LOAU WB ASVLO ,(LB WN AUTBNUNBC YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB N`NBPAO VLSC LTKLSC BOA ABVRPQOVAB VLO HAUAHHAO VLO WN BRPLSO A`LKNPQPBO ,#A`LYUB]NBC WN L RMNXQO NB`NO ASVLBC VBOA ]NKNVN A`L VQO WSL A`LKSPQ SXBO LB WN NB`LO HAUAHHAO ,,KNMNB ASVLBC L `BKAVLC VB LSO `LBRPQ BRPLSO VLO KNMLXNOLO TUBPVLO KNMLSPBO ASVQ `AOVNC PVASUQ]RVQ ,-L WN RMNXQO NZR VB MAU YAYLO N`LBRPNO LB WN `NUBPPQC NYUA\LO KNMLOVNC PVASUQ]RVQ ,.BWQO WN L `BKAVLC LVB LSWNO QZNKNB AKKA XAKKLO ]LUSHLC MBONVAB KAHQO SWQU A`NOBcAVL VAC TNBUAC A`NOAOVB VLS LTKLS KNMQO A]QLC NBXB A`L VLS ABXAVLC VLS WBYABLS VLSVLS SXNBC LcNP]N ,'YAB A`LYUB]NBC `AC L KALC NB`NO VL ABXA ASVLS NZ RXAC YAB N`B VA VNYOA RXQO ,/VLVN A`NKSPNO ASVLBC VLO HAUAHHAO VLO WN BRPLSO ZUAMNKKQPAC `AUNWQYNO BOA PVASUQ]R
,0then the soldiers o! the governor having ta'en 5esus to the Praetoriu", did gather to hi" all the band, ,$and having un#lothed hi", they ut around hi" a #ri"son #loa', ,%and having laited hi" a #ro$n out o! thorns they ut IitI on his head, and a reed in his right hand, and having 'neeled be!ore hi", they $ere "o#'ing hi", saying, IHail, the 'ing o! the 5e$s)I -(.nd having s it on hi", they too' the reed, and $ere s"iting on his head, -#and $hen they had "o#'ed hi", they too' o!! !ro" hi" the #loa', and ut on hi" his o$n gar"ents, and led hi" a$ay to #ru#i!y Ihi"I) -,.nd #o"ing !orth, they !ound a "an, a Dyrenian, by na"e Si"onF hi" they i" ressed that he "ight bear his #ross, --and having #o"e to a la#e #alled &olgotha, that is #alled Pla#e o! a S'ull, -.they gave hi" to drin' vinegar "i(ed $ith gall, and having tasted, he $ould not drin') ,0VLVN LB PVUAVBQVAB VLS RMNXLOLC `AUAKAHLOVNC VLO BRPLSO NBC VL `UABVQUBLO PSORMAMLO N` ASVLO LKRO VRO P`NBUAO ,$YAB NYWSPAOVNC ASVLO `NUBN]RYAO ASVQ TKAXSWA YLYYBORO ,%YAB `KNaAOVNC PVNZAOLO Na AYAO]QO N`N]RYAO N`B VRO YNZAKRO ASVLS YAB YAKAXLO N`B VRO WNaBAO ASVLS YAB MLOS`NVRPAOVNC NX`ULP]NO ASVLS NON`AB\LO ASVQ KNMLOVNC TABUN L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO -(YAB NX`VSPAOVNC NBC ASVLO NKAHLO VLO YAKAXLO YAB NVS`VLO NBC VRO YNZAKRO ASVLS -#YAB LVN NON`ABaAO ASVQ NaNWSPAO ASVLO VRO TKAXSWA YAB NONWSPAO ASVLO VA BXAVBA ASVLS YAB A`RMAMLO ASVLO NBC VL PVASUQPAB -,NaNUTLXNOLB WN NSULO AO]UQ`LO YSUROABLO LOLXAVB PBXQOA VLSVLO RMMAUNSPAO BOA AUR VLO PVASULO ASVLS --YAB NK]LOVNC NBC VL`LO KNMLXNOLO MLKML]A LC NPVBO KNMLXNOLC YUAOBLS VL`LC -.NWQYAO ASVQ `BNBO LaLC XNVA TLKRC XNXBMXNOLO YAB MNSPAXNOLC LSY R]NKNO `BNBO
-'.nd having #ru#i!ied hi", they divided his gar"ents, #asting a lot, that it "ight be !ul!illed that $as s o'en by the ro het, IThey divided "y gar"ents to the"selves, and over "y vesture they #ast a lot,I -/and sitting do$n, they $ere $at#hing hi" there, -0and they ut u over his head, his a##usation $ritten, IThis is 5esus, the 'ing o! the 5e$s)I -$Then #ru#i!ied $ith hi" are t$o robbers, one on the right hand, and one on the le!t, -%and those assing by $ere s ea'ing evil o! hi", $agging their heads, .(and saying, IThou that art thro$ing do$n the san#tuary, and in three days building IitI, save thysel!, i! Son thou art o! &od, #o"e do$n !ro" the #ross)I .#.nd in li'e "anner also the #hie! riests "o#'ing, $ith the s#ribes and elders, said, .,IOthers he saved, hi"sel! he is not able to saved 0! he be King o! 0srael, let hi" #o"e do$n no$ !ro" the #ross, and $e $ill believe hi", .-he hath trusted on &od, let Hi" no$ deliver hi", i! He $ish hi", be#ause he said ++ Son o! &od 0 a",I -'PVASUQPAOVNC WN ASVLO WBNXNUBPAOVL VA BXAVBA ASVLS HAKKLOVNC YKRULO BOA `KRUQ]R VL UR]NO S`L VLS `ULZRVLS WBNXNUBPAOVL VA BXAVBA XLS NASVLBC YAB N`B VLO BXAVBPXLO XLS NHAKLO YKRULO -/YAB YA]RXNOLB NVRULSO ASVLO NYNB -0YAB N`N]RYAO N`AOQ VRC YNZAKRC ASVLS VRO ABVBAO ASVLS MNMUAXXNORO LSVLC NPVBO BRPLSC L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO -$VLVN PVASULSOVAB PSO ASVQ WSL KRPVAB NBC NY WNaBQO YAB NBC Na NSQOSXQO -%LB WN `AUA`LUNSLXNOLB NHKAPZRXLSO ASVLO YBOLSOVNC VAC YNZAKAC ASVQO .(YAB KNMLOVNC L YAVAKSQO VLO OALO YAB NO VUBPBO RXNUABC LBYLWLXQO PQPLO PNASVLO NB SBLC NB VLS ]NLS YAVAHR]B A`L VLS PVASULS .#LXLBQC WN YAB LB AUTBNUNBC NX`AB\LOVNC XNVA VQO MUAXXAVNQO YAB `UNPHSVNUQO NKNMLO .,AKKLSC NPQPNO NASVLO LS WSOAVAB PQPAB NB HAPBKNSC BPUARK NPVBO YAVAHAVQ OSO A`L VLS PVASULS YAB `BPVNSPLXNO ASVQ .-`N`LB]NO N`B VLO ]NLO USPAP]Q OSO ASVLO NB ]NKNB ASVLO NB`NO MAU LVB ]NLS NBXB SBLC
..$ith the sa"e also the robbers, $ho $ere #ru#i!ied $ith hi", $ere re roa#hing hi") .'.nd !ro" the si(th hour dar'ness #a"e over all the land unto the ninth hour, ./and about the ninth hour 5esus #ried out $ith a great voi#e, saying, IEli, Eli, la"a saba#hthanibI that is, I@y &od, "y &od, $hy didst Thou !orsa'e "ebI ..VL W ASVL YAB LB KRPVAB LB PSPVASUQ]NOVNC ASVQ QONBWB\LO ASVQ .'A`L WN NYVRC QUAC PYLVLC NMNONVL N`B `APAO VRO MRO NQC QUAC NOOAVRC
./`NUB WN VRO NOOAVRO QUAO AONHLRPNO L BRPLSC ZQOR XNMAKR KNMQO RKB RKB KAXA PAHAT]AOB VLSV NPVBO ]NN XLS ]NN XLS BOAVB XN NMYAVNKB`NC .0.nd #ertain o! those standing there .0VBONC WN VQO NYNB NPVQVQO having heard, said ++ IEli-ah he doth AYLSPAOVNC NKNMLO LVB RKBAO ZQONB #all,I LSVLC .$and i""ediately, one o! the" .$YAB NS]NQC WUAXQO NBC Na ASVQO YAB having run, and having ta'en a s unge, KAHQO P`LMMLO `KRPAC VN LaLSC YAB having !illed IitI $ith vinegar, and `NUB]NBC YAKAXQ N`LVB\NO ASVLO having ut IitI on a reed, $as giving hi" to drin', .%but the rest said, ILet alone, let us .%LB WN KLB`LB NKNMLO AZNC BWQXNO NB see i! Eli-ah doth #o"e ++ about to save NUTNVAB RKBAC PQPQO ASVLO hi")I '(.nd 5esus having again #ried $ith a '(L WN BRPLSC `AKBO YUAaAC ZQOR great voi#e, yielded the s irit, XNMAKR AZRYNO VL `ONSXA '#and lo, the vail o! the san#tuary $as '#YAB BWLS VL YAVA`NVAPXA VLS OALS rent in t$o !ro" to unto botto", and NPTBP]R NBC WSL A`L AOQ]NO NQC YAVQ the earth did ?ua'e, and the ro#'s $ere YAB R MR NPNBP]R YAB AB `NVUAB rent, NPTBP]RPAO ',and the to"bs $ere o ened, and ',YAB VA XORXNBA AONQT]RPAO YAB "any bodies o! the saints $ho have `LKKA PQXAVA VQO YNYLBXRXNOQO !allen aslee , arose, AMBQO RMNU]R
'-and having #o"e !orth out o! the to"bs a!ter his rising, they $ent into the holy #ity, and a eared to "any) '-YAB NaNK]LOVNC NY VQO XORXNBQO XNVA VRO NMNUPBO ASVLS NBPRK]LO NBC VRO AMBAO `LKBO YAB NONZAOBP]RPAO `LKKLBC '..nd the #enturion, and those $ith '.L WN NYAVLOVAUTLC YAB LB XNV ASVLS hi" $at#hing 5esus, having seen the VRULSOVNC VLO BRPLSO BWLOVNC VLO earth?ua'e, and the things that $ere PNBPXLO YAB VA MNOLXNOA NZLHR]RPAO done, $ere e(#eedingly a!raid, saying, PZLWUA KNMLOVNC AKR]QC ]NLS SBLC RO ITruly this $as &odIs Son)I LSVLC ''.nd there $ere there "any $o"en ''RPAO WN NYNB MSOABYNC `LKKAB A`L beholding !ro" a!ar, $ho did !ollo$ XAYUL]NO ]NQULSPAB ABVBONC 5esus !ro" &alilee, "inistering to hi", RYLKLS]RPAO VQ BRPLS A`L VRC MAKBKABAC WBAYLOLSPAB ASVQ '/a"ong $ho" $as @ary the '/NO ABC RO XAUBA R XAMWAKROR YAB @agdalene, and @ary the "other o! XAUBA R VLS BAYQHLS YAB BQPR XRVRU 5a"es and o! 5oses, and the "other o! YAB R XRVRU VQO SBQO \NHNWABLS the sons o! [ebedee) '0.nd evening having #o"e, there '0LcBAC WN MNOLXNORC RK]NO #a"e a ri#h "an, !ro" .ri"athea, AO]UQ`LC `KLSPBLC A`L AUBXA]ABAC na"ed 5ose h, $ho also hi"sel! $as VLSOLXA BQPRZ LC YAB ASVLC dis#i led to 5esus, NXA]RVNSPNO VQ BRPLS '$he having gone near to Pilate, as'ed '$LSVLC `ULPNK]QO VQ `BKAVQ !or hi"sel! the body o! 5esus, then RVRPAVL VL PQXA VLS BRPLS VLVN L Pilate #o""anded the body to be `BKAVLC NYNKNSPNO A`LWL]ROAB VL given ba#') PQXA '%.nd having ta'en the body, 5ose h '%YAB KAHQO VL PQXA L BQPRZ $ra ed it in #lean linen, NONVSKBaNO ASVL PBOWLOB YA]AUA /(and laid it in his ne$ to"b, that he /(YAB N]RYNO ASVL NO VQ YABOQ ASVLS he$ed in the ro#', and having rolled a XORXNBQ L NKAVLXRPNO NO VR `NVUA YAB great stone to the door o! the to"b, he `ULPYSKBPAC KB]LO XNMAO VR ]SUA VLS $ent a$ay, XORXNBLS A`RK]NO /#and there $ere there @ary the /#RO WN NYNB XAUBA R XAMWAKROR YAB R @agdalene, and the other @ary, sitting AKKR XAUBA YA]RXNOAB A`NOAOVB VLS over+against the se ul#hre) VAZLS 1:3
/,.nd on the "orro$ that is a!ter the re aration, $ere gathered together the #hie! riests, and the Pharisees, unto Pilate, /-saying, ISir, $e have re"e"bered that that de#eiver said $hile yet living, .!ter three days 0 do rise, /.#o""and, then, the se ul#hre to be "ade se#ure till the third day, lest his dis#i les, having #o"e by night, "ay steal hi" a$ay, and "ay say to the eo le, He rose !ro" the dead, and the last de#eit shall be $orse than the !irst)I /'.nd Pilate said to the", I4e have a $at#h, go a$ay, "a'e se#ure ++ as ye have 'no$n,I //and they, having gone, did "a'e the se ul#hre se#ure, having sealed the stone, together $ith the $at#h) /,VR WN N`ASUBLO RVBC NPVBO XNVA VRO `AUAPYNSRO PSORT]RPAO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB ZAUBPABLB `ULC `BKAVLO /-KNMLOVNC YSUBN NXORP]RXNO LVB NYNBOLC L `KAOLC NB`NO NVB \QO XNVA VUNBC RXNUAC NMNBULXAB /.YNKNSPLO LSO APZAKBP]ROAB VLO VAZLO NQC VRC VUBVRC RXNUAC XR`LVN NK]LOVNC LB XA]RVAB ASVLS OSYVLC YKNcQPBO ASVLO YAB NB`QPBO VQ KAQ RMNU]R A`L VQO ONYUQO YAB NPVAB R NPTAVR `KAOR TNBUQO VRC `UQVRC /'NZR WN ASVLBC L `BKAVLC NTNVN YLSPVQWBAO S`AMNVN APZAKBPAP]N QC LBWAVN //LB WN `LUNS]NOVNC RPZAKBPAOVL VLO VAZLO PZUAMBPAOVNC VLO KB]LO XNVA VRC YLSPVQWBAC
+hapter ,$
#.nd on the eve o! the sabbaths, at the da$n, to$ard the !irst o! the sabbaths, #a"e @ary the @agdalene, and the other @ary, to see the se ul#hre, ,and lo, there #a"e a great earth?ua'e, !or a "essenger o! the Lord, having #o"e do$n out o! heaven, having #o"e, did roll a$ay the stone !ro" the door, and $as sitting u on it, -and his #ountenan#e $as as lightning, and his #lothing $hite as sno$, .and !ro" the !ear o! hi" did the 'ee ers sha'e, and they be#a"e as dead "en) '.nd the "essenger ans$ering said to the $o"en, IFear not ye, !or 0 have 'no$n that 5esus, $ho hath been #ru#i!ied, ye see', /he is not here, !or he rose, as he said, #o"e, see the la#e $here the Lord $as lying, 0and having gone ?ui#'ly, say ye to his dis#i les, that he rose !ro" the dead, and lo, he doth go be!ore you to &alilee, there ye shall see hi", lo, 0 have told you)I $.nd having gone !orth ?ui#'ly !ro" the to"b, $ith !ear and great -oy, they ran to tell to his dis#i les, #LcN WN PAHHAVQO VR N`BZQPYLSPR NBC XBAO PAHHAVQO RK]NO XAUBA R XAMWAKROR YAB R AKKR XAUBA ]NQURPAB VLO VAZLO ,YAB BWLS PNBPXLC NMNONVL XNMAC AMMNKLC MAU YSUBLS YAVAHAC Na LSUAOLS `ULPNK]QO A`NYSKBPNO VLO KB]LO A`L VRC ]SUAC YAB NYA]RVL N`AOQ ASVLS -RO WN R BWNA ASVLS QC APVUA`R YAB VL NOWSXA ASVLS KNSYLO QPNB TBQO .A`L WN VLS ZLHLS ASVLS NPNBP]RPAO LB VRULSOVNC YAB NMNOLOVL QPNB ONYULB 'A`LYUB]NBC WN L AMMNKLC NB`NO VABC MSOABaBO XR ZLHNBP]N SXNBC LBWA MAU LVB BRPLSO VLO NPVASUQXNOLO \RVNBVN /LSY NPVBO QWN RMNU]R MAU YA]QC NB`NO WNSVN BWNVN VLO VL`LO L`LS NYNBVL L YSUBLC 0YAB VATS `LUNS]NBPAB NB`AVN VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS LVB RMNU]R A`L VQO ONYUQO YAB BWLS `ULAMNB SXAC NBC VRO MAKBKABAO NYNB ASVLO LcNP]N BWLS NB`LO SXBO $YAB NaNK]LSPAB VATS A`L VLS XORXNBLS XNVA ZLHLS YAB TAUAC XNMAKRC NWUAXLO A`AMMNBKAB VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS
%and as they $ere going to tell to his dis#i les, then lo, 5esus "et the", saying, IHaildI and they having #o"e near, laid hold o! his !eet, and did bo$ to hi") #(Then saith 5esus to the", IFear ye not, go a$ay, tell to "y brethren that they "ay go a$ay to &alilee, and there they shall see "e)I ##.nd $hile they are going on, lo, #ertain o! the $at#h having #o"e to the #ity, told to the #hie! riests all the things that ha ened, #,and having been gathered together $ith the elders, #ounsel also having ta'en, they gave "u#h "oney to the soldiers, #-saying, ISay ye, that his dis#i les having #o"e by night, stole hi" ++ $e being aslee , #.and i! this be heard by the governor, $e $ill ersuade hi", and you 'ee !ree !ro" an(iety)I #'.nd they, having re#eived the "oney, did as they $ere taught, and this a##ount $as s read abroad a"ong 5e$s till this day) #/.nd the eleven dis#i les $ent to &alilee, to the "ount $here 5esus a ointed the", #0and having seen hi", they bo$ed to hi", but so"e did $aver) %QC WN N`LUNSLOVL A`AMMNBKAB VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS YAB BWLS L BRPLSC A`ROVRPNO ASVABC KNMQO TABUNVN AB WN `ULPNK]LSPAB NYUAVRPAO ASVLS VLSC `LWAC YAB `ULPNYSORPAO ASVQ #(VLVN KNMNB ASVABC L BRPLSC XR ZLHNBP]N S`AMNVN A`AMMNBKAVN VLBC AWNKZLBC XLS BOA A`NK]QPBO NBC VRO MAKBKABAO YAYNB XN LcLOVAB ##`LUNSLXNOQO WN ASVQO BWLS VBONC VRC YLSPVQWBAC NK]LOVNC NBC VRO `LKBO A`RMMNBKAO VLBC AUTBNUNSPBO A`AOVA VA MNOLXNOA #,YAB PSOAT]NOVNC XNVA VQO `UNPHSVNUQO PSXHLSKBLO VN KAHLOVNC AUMSUBA BYAOA NWQYAO VLBC PVUAVBQVABC #-KNMLOVNC NB`AVN LVB LB XA]RVAB ASVLS OSYVLC NK]LOVNC NYKNcAO ASVLO RXQO YLBXQXNOQO #.YAB NAO AYLSP]R VLSVL N`B VLS RMNXLOLC RXNBC `NBPLXNO ASVLO YAB SXAC AXNUBXOLSC `LBRPLXNO #'LB WN KAHLOVNC VA AUMSUBA N`LBRPAO QC NWBWAT]RPAO YAB WBNZRXBP]R L KLMLC LSVLC `AUA BLSWABLBC XNTUB VRC PRXNULO #/LB WN NOWNYA XA]RVAB N`LUNS]RPAO NBC VRO MAKBKABAO NBC VL LULC LS NVAaAVL ASVLBC L BRPLSC #0YAB BWLOVNC ASVLO `ULPNYSORPAO ASVQ LB WN NWBPVAPAO
#$.nd having #o"e near, 5esus s a'e to the", saying, I&iven to "e $as all authority in heaven and on earth, #%having gone, then, dis#i le all the nations, 7ba tiEing the" ++ to the na"e o! the Father, and o! the Son, and o! the Holy S irit, ,(tea#hing the" to observe all, $hatever 0 did #o""and you,< and lo, 0 a" $ith you all the days ++ till the !ull end o! the age)I #$YAB `ULPNK]QO L BRPLSC NKAKRPNO ASVLBC KNMQO NWL]R XLB `APA NaLSPBA NO LSUAOQ YAB N`B MRC #%`LUNS]NOVNC LSO XA]RVNSPAVN `AOVA VA N]OR HA`VB\LOVNC ASVLSC NBC VL LOLXA VLS `AVULC YAB VLS SBLS YAB VLS AMBLS `ONSXAVLC ,(WBWAPYLOVNC ASVLSC VRUNBO `AOVA LPA NONVNBKAXRO SXBO YAB BWLS NMQ XN] SXQO NBXB `APAC VAC RXNUAC NQC VRC PSOVNKNBAC VLS ABQOLC AXRO
+hapter #
#. beginning o! the good ne$s o! 5esus Dhrist, Son o! &od) ,.s it hath been $ritten in the ro hets, ILo, 0 send @y "essenger be!ore thy !a#e, $ho shall re are thy $ay be!ore thee,I ++ -I. voi#e o! one #alling in the $ilderness, Pre are ye the $ay o! the Lord, straight "a'e ye his aths,I ++ .5ohn #a"e ba tiEing in the $ilderness, and ro#lai"ing a ba tis" o! re!or"ation ++ to re"ission o! sins, 'and there $ere going !orth to hi" all the region o! 5udea, and they o! 5erusale", and they $ere all ba tiEed by hi" in the river 5ordan, #on!essing their sins) /.nd 5ohn $as #lothed $ith #a"elIs hair, and a girdle o! s'in around his loins, and eating lo#usts and honey o! the !ield, 0and he ro#lai"ed, saying, IHe doth #o"e ++ $ho is "ightier than 0 ++ a!ter "e, o! $ho" 0 a" not $orthy ++ having stoo ed do$n ++ to loose the lat#het o! his sandals, $0 indeed did ba tiEe you $ith $ater, but he shall ba tiEe you $ith the Holy S irit)I #AUTR VLS NSAMMNKBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS SBLS VLS ]NLS ,QC MNMUA`VAB NO VLBC `ULZRVABC BWLS NMQ A`LPVNKKQ VLO AMMNKLO XLS `UL `ULPQ`LS PLS LC YAVAPYNSAPNB VRO LWLO PLS NX`ULP]NO PLS -ZQOR HLQOVLC NO VR NURXQ NVLBXAPAVN VRO LWLO YSUBLS NS]NBAC `LBNBVN VAC VUBHLSC ASVLS .NMNONVL BQAOORC HA`VB\QO NO VR NURXQ YAB YRUSPPQO HA`VBPXA XNVAOLBAC NBC AZNPBO AXAUVBQO 'YAB NaN`LUNSNVL `ULC ASVLO `APA R BLSWABA TQUA YAB LB BNULPLKSXBVAB YAB NHA`VB\LOVL `AOVNC NO VQ BLUWAOR `LVAXQ S` ASVLS NaLXLKLMLSXNOLB VAC AXAUVBAC ASVQO /RO WN BQAOORC NOWNWSXNOLC VUBTAC YAXRKLS YAB \QORO WNUXAVBORO `NUB VRO LPZSO ASVLS YAB NP]BQO AYUBWAC YAB XNKB AMUBLO 0YAB NYRUSPPNO KNMQO NUTNVAB L BPTSULVNULC XLS L`BPQ XLS LS LSY NBXB BYAOLC YScAC KSPAB VLO BXAOVA VQO S`LWRXAVQO ASVLS $NMQ XNO NHA`VBPA SXAC NO SWAVB ASVLC WN HA`VBPNB SXAC NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ
%.nd it #a"e to ass in those days, 5esus #a"e !ro" /aEareth o! &alilee, and $as ba tiEed by 5ohn at the 5ordan, #(and i""ediately #o"ing u !ro" the $ater, he sa$ the heavens dividing, and the S irit as a dove #o"ing do$n u on hi", ##and a voi#e #a"e out o! the heavens, IThou art @y Son ++ the Beloved, in $ho" 0 did delight)I #,.nd i""ediately doth the S irit ut hi" !orth to the $ilderness, #-and he $as there in the $ilderness !orty days, being te" ted by the .dversary, and he $as $ith the beasts, and the "essengers $ere "inistering to hi") #..nd a!ter the delivering u o! 5ohn, 5esus #a"e to &alilee, ro#lai"ing the good ne$s o! the reign o! &od, %YAB NMNONVL NO NYNBOABC VABC RXNUABC RK]NO BRPLSC A`L OA\AUNV VRC MAKBKABAC YAB NHA`VBP]R S`L BQAOOLS NBC VLO BLUWAORO #(YAB NS]NQC AOAHABOQO A`L VLS SWAVLC NBWNO PTB\LXNOLSC VLSC LSUAOLSC YAB VL `ONSXA QPNB `NUBPVNUAO YAVAHABOLO N` ASVLO ##YAB ZQOR NMNONVL NY VQO LSUAOQO PS NB L SBLC XLS L AMA`RVLC NO Q NSWLYRPA #,YAB NS]SC VL `ONSXA ASVLO NYHAKKNB NBC VRO NURXLO #-YAB RO NYNB NO VR NURXQ RXNUAC VNPPAUAYLOVA `NBUA\LXNOLC S`L VLS PAVAOA YAB RO XNVA VQO ]RUBQO YAB LB AMMNKLB WBRYLOLSO ASVQ
#.XNVA WN VL `AUAWL]ROAB VLO BQAOORO RK]NO L BRPLSC NBC VRO MAKBKABAO YRUSPPQO VL NSAMMNKBLO VRC HAPBKNBAC VLS ]NLS #'and saying ++ IFul!illed hath been the #'YAB KNMQO LVB `N`KRUQVAB L YABULC ti"e, and the reign o! &od hath #o"e YAB RMMBYNO R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS nigh, re!or" ye, and believe in the XNVAOLNBVN YAB `BPVNSNVN NO VQ good ne$s)I NSAMMNKBQ #/.nd, $al'ing by the sea o! &alilee, #/`NUB`AVQO WN `AUA VRO ]AKAPPAO he sa$ Si"on, and .ndre$ his VRC MAKBKABAC NBWNO PBXQOA YAB brother, #asting a drag into the sea, !or AOWUNAO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS they $ere !ishers, HAKKLOVAC AXZBHKRPVULO NO VR ]AKAPPR RPAO MAU AKBNBC
#0and 5esus said to the", IDo"e ye a!ter "e, and 0 shall "a'e you to be#o"e !ishers o! "en,I #$and i""ediately, having le!t their nets, they !ollo$ed hi") #%.nd having gone on then#e a little, he sa$ 5a"es o! [ebedee, and 5ohn his brother, and they $ere in the boat re!itting the nets, #0YAB NB`NO ASVLBC L BRPLSC WNSVN L`BPQ XLS YAB `LBRPQ SXAC MNONP]AB AKBNBC AO]UQ`QO #$YAB NS]NQC AZNOVNC VA WBYVSA ASVQO RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ #%YAB `ULHAC NYNB]NO LKBMLO NBWNO BAYQHLO VLO VLS \NHNWABLS YAB BQAOORO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS YAB ASVLSC NO VQ `KLBQ YAVAUVB\LOVAC VA WBYVSA ,(and i""ediately he #alled the", ,(YAB NS]NQC NYAKNPNO ASVLSC YAB and, having le!t their !ather [ebedee in AZNOVNC VLO `AVNUA ASVQO \NHNWABLO the boat $ith the hired servants, they NO VQ `KLBQ XNVA VQO XBP]QVQO $ent a$ay a!ter hi") A`RK]LO L`BPQ ASVLS ,#.nd they go on to Da ernau", and ,#YAB NBP`LUNSLOVAB NBC YA`NUOALSX i""ediately, on the sabbaths, having YAB NS]NQC VLBC PAHHAPBO NBPNK]QO NBC gone into the synagogue, he $as VRO PSOAMQMRO NWBWAPYNO tea#hing, ,,and they $ere astonished at his ,,YAB NaN`KRPPLOVL N`B VR WBWATR tea#hing, !or he $as tea#hing the" as ASVLS RO MAU WBWAPYQO ASVLSC QC having authority, and not as the NaLSPBAO NTQO YAB LST QC LB s#ribes) MUAXXAVNBC ,-.nd there $as in their synagogue a ,-YAB RO NO VR PSOAMQMR ASVQO "an $ith an un#lean s irit, and he AO]UQ`LC NO `ONSXAVB AYA]AUVQ YAB #ried out, AONYUAaNO ,.saying, I.$ayd $hat ++ to us and to ,.KNMQO NA VB RXBO YAB PLB BRPLS thee, 5esus the /aEareneb thou didst OA\AURON RK]NC A`LKNPAB RXAC LBWA #o"e to destroy us, 0 have 'no$n thee PN VBC NB L AMBLC VLS ]NLS $ho thou art ++ the Holy One o! &od)I ,'.nd 5esus rebu'ed hi", saying, IBe ,'YAB N`NVBXRPNO ASVQ L BRPLSC silen#ed, and #o"e !orth out o! hi",I KNMQO ZBXQ]RVB YAB NaNK]N Na ASVLS ,/and the un#lean s irit having torn ,/YAB P`AUAaAO ASVLO VL `ONSXA VL hi", and having #ried $ith a great AYA]AUVLO YAB YUAaAO ZQOR XNMAKR voi#e, #a"e !orth out o! hi", NaRK]NO Na ASVLS 1=3
,0and they $ere all a"aEed, so as to reason a"ong the"selves, saying, IWhat is thisb $hat ne$ tea#hing IisI thisb that $ith authority also the un#lean s irits he #o""andeth, and they obey hi"dI ,$.nd the !a"e o! hi" $ent !orth i""ediately to all the region, round about, o! &alilee) ,%.nd i""ediately, having #o"e !orth out o! the synagogue, they $ent to the house o! Si"on and .ndre$, $ith 5a"es and 5ohn, -(and the "other+in+la$ o! Si"on $as lying !evered, and i""ediately they tell hi" about her, -#and having #o"e near, he raised her u , having laid hold o! her hand, and the !ever le!t her i""ediately, and she $as "inistering to the") -,.nd evening having #o"e, $hen the sun did set, they brought unto hi" all $ho $ere ill, and $ho $ere de"onia#s, --and the $hole #ity $as gathered together near the door, -.and he healed "any $ho $ere ill o! "ani!old diseases, and "any de"ons he #ast !orth, and $as not su!!ering the de"ons to s ea', be#ause they 'ne$ hi") ,0YAB N]AXHR]RPAO `AOVNC QPVN PS\RVNBO `ULC ASVLSC KNMLOVAC VB NPVBO VLSVL VBC R WBWATR R YABOR ASVR LVB YAV NaLSPBAO YAB VLBC `ONSXAPBO VLBC AYA]AUVLBC N`BVAPPNB YAB S`AYLSLSPBO ASVQ ,$NaRK]NO WN R AYLR ASVLS NS]SC NBC LKRO VRO `NUBTQULO VRC MAKBKABAC ,%YAB NS]NQC NY VRC PSOAMQMRC NaNK]LOVNC RK]LO NBC VRO LBYBAO PBXQOLC YAB AOWUNLS XNVA BAYQHLS YAB BQAOOLS -(R WN `NO]NUA PBXQOLC YAVNYNBVL `SUNPPLSPA YAB NS]NQC KNMLSPBO ASVQ `NUB ASVRC -#YAB `ULPNK]QO RMNBUNO ASVRO YUAVRPAC VRC TNBULC ASVRC YAB AZRYNO ASVRO L `SUNVLC NS]NQC YAB WBRYLONB ASVLBC -,LcBAC WN MNOLXNORC LVN NWS L RKBLC NZNULO `ULC ASVLO `AOVAC VLSC YAYQC NTLOVAC YAB VLSC WABXLOB\LXNOLSC --YAB R `LKBC LKR N`BPSORMXNOR RO `ULC VRO ]SUAO -.YAB N]NUA`NSPNO `LKKLSC YAYQC NTLOVAC `LBYBKABC OLPLBC YAB WABXLOBA `LKKA NaNHAKNO YAB LSY RZBNO KAKNBO VA WABXLOBA LVB RWNBPAO ASVLO
-'.nd very early, it being yet night, having risen, he $ent !orth, and $ent a$ay to a desert la#e, and $as there raying, -/and Si"on and those $ith hi" $ent in ?uest o! hi", -0and having !ound hi", they say to hi", ++ I.ll do see' thee,I -$and he saith to the", IWe "ay go to the ne(t to$ns, that there also 0 "ay rea#h, !or !or this 0 #a"e !orth)I -%.nd he $as rea#hing in their synagogues, in all &alilee, and is #asting out the de"ons, .(and there doth #o"e to hi" a le er, #alling on hi", and 'neeling to hi", and saying to hi" ++ I0! thou "ayest $ill, thou art able to #leanse "e)I .#.nd 5esus having been "oved $ith #o" assion, having stret#hed !orth the hand, tou#hed hi", and saith to hi", I0 $ill, be thou #leansed,I .,and he having s o'en, i""ediately the le rosy $ent a$ay !ro" hi", and he $as #leansed) .-.nd having sternly #harged hi", i""ediately he ut hi" !orth, ..and saith to hi", ISee thou "ayest say nothing to any one, but go a$ay, thysel! she$ to the riest, and bring near !or thy #leansing the things @oses dire#ted, !or a testi"ony to the")I -'YAB `UQB NOOSTLO KBAO AOAPVAC NaRK]NO YAB A`RK]NO NBC NURXLO VL`LO YAYNB `ULPRSTNVL -/YAB YAVNWBQaAO ASVLO L PBXQO YAB LB XNV ASVLS -0YAB NSULOVNC ASVLO KNMLSPBO ASVQ LVB `AOVNC \RVLSPBO PN -$YAB KNMNB ASVLBC AMQXNO NBC VAC NTLXNOAC YQXL`LKNBC BOA YAYNB YRUSaQ NBC VLSVL MAU NaNKRKS]A -%YAB RO YRUSPPQO NO VABC PSOAMQMABC ASVQO NBC LKRO VRO MAKBKABAO YAB VA WABXLOBA NYHAKKQO .(YAB NUTNVAB `ULC ASVLO KN`ULC `AUAYAKQO ASVLO YAB MLOS`NVQO ASVLO YAB KNMQO ASVQ LVB NAO ]NKRC WSOAPAB XN YA]AUBPAB .#L WN BRPLSC P`KAMTOBP]NBC NYVNBOAC VRO TNBUA RcAVL ASVLS YAB KNMNB ASVQ ]NKQ YA]AUBP]RVB .,YAB NB`LOVLC ASVLS NS]NQC A`RK]NO A` ASVLS R KN`UA YAB NYA]AUBP]R .-YAB NXHUBXRPAXNOLC ASVQ NS]NQC NaNHAKNO ASVLO ..YAB KNMNB ASVQ LUA XRWNOB XRWNO NB`RC AKK S`AMN PNASVLO WNBaLO VQ BNUNB YAB `ULPNONMYN `NUB VLS YA]AUBPXLS PLS A `ULPNVAaNO XQPRC NBC XAUVSUBLO ASVLBC
.'.nd he, having gone !orth, began to ro#lai" "u#h, and to s read abroad the thing, so that no "ore he $as able o enly to enter into the #ity, but he $as $ithout in desert la#es, and they $ere #o"ing unto hi" !ro" every ?uarter) .'L WN NaNK]QO RUaAVL YRUSPPNBO `LKKA YAB WBAZRXB\NBO VLO KLMLO QPVN XRYNVB ASVLO WSOAP]AB ZAONUQC NBC `LKBO NBPNK]NBO AKK NaQ NO NURXLBC VL`LBC RO YAB RUTLOVL `ULC ASVLO `AOVATL]NO
+hapter ,
#.nd again he entered into Da ernau", a!ter Iso"eI days, and it $as heard that he is in the house, ,and i""ediately "any $ere gathered together, so that there $as no "ore roo", not even at the door, and he $as s ea'ing to the" the $ord) -.nd they #o"e unto hi", bringing a aralyti#, borne by !our, #YAB `AKBO NBPRK]NO NBC YA`NUOALSX WB RXNUQO YAB RYLSP]R LVB NBC LBYLO NPVBO ,YAB NS]NQC PSORT]RPAO `LKKLB QPVN XRYNVB TQUNBO XRWN VA `ULC VRO ]SUAO YAB NKAKNB ASVLBC VLO KLMLO
-YAB NUTLOVAB `ULC ASVLO `AUAKSVBYLO ZNULOVNC ABULXNOLO S`L VNPPAUQO .and not being able to #o"e near to .YAB XR WSOAXNOLB `ULPNMMBPAB ASVQ hi" be#ause o! the "ultitude, they WBA VLO LTKLO A`NPVNMAPAO VRO PVNMRO un#overed the roo! $here he $as, and, L`LS RO YAB NaLUSaAOVNC TAKQPBO VLO having bro'en IitI u , they let do$n the YUAHHAVLO NZ Q L `AUAKSVBYLC #ou#h on $hi#h the aralyti# $as YAVNYNBVL lying, 'and 5esus having seen their !aith, 'BWQO WN L BRPLSC VRO `BPVBO ASVQO saith to the aralyti#, IDhild, thy sins KNMNB VQ `AUAKSVBYQ VNYOLO AZNQOVAB have been !orgiven thee)I PLB AB AXAUVBAB PLS /.nd there $ere #ertain o! the s#ribes /RPAO WN VBONC VQO MUAXXAVNQO NYNB there sitting, and reasoning in their YA]RXNOLB YAB WBAKLMB\LXNOLB NO VABC hearts, YAUWBABC ASVQO 0IWhy doth this one thus s ea' evil 0VB LSVLC LSVQC KAKNB HKAPZRXBAC VBC $ordsb $ho is able to !orgive sins WSOAVAB AZBNOAB AXAUVBAC NB XR NBC L e(#e t one ++ &odbI ]NLC $.nd i""ediately 5esus, having $YAB NS]NQC N`BMOLSC L BRPLSC VQ 'no$n in his s irit that they thus `ONSXAVB ASVLS LVB LSVQC reason in the"selves, said to the", WBAKLMB\LOVAB NO NASVLBC NB`NO ASVLBC IWhy these things reason ye in your VB VASVA WBAKLMB\NP]N NO VABC YAUWBABC heartsb SXQO
%$hi#h is easier, to say to the aralyti#, The sins have been !orgiven to theeb or to say, Rise, and ta'e u thy #ou#h, and $al'b #(I.nd, that ye "ay 'no$ that the Son o! @an hath authority on the earth to !orgive sins ++ 7he saith to the aralyti#< ++ ##0 say to thee, Rise, and ta'e u thy #ou#h, and go a$ay to thy house,I %VB NPVBO NSYL`QVNULO NB`NBO VQ `AUAKSVBYQ AZNQOVAB PLB AB AXAUVBAB R NB`NBO NMNBUAB YAB AULO PLS VLO YUAHHAVLO YAB `NUB`AVNB #(BOA WN NBWRVN LVB NaLSPBAO NTNB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS AZBNOAB N`B VRC MRC AXAUVBAC KNMNB VQ `AUAKSVBYQ
##PLB KNMQ NMNBUAB YAB AULO VLO YUAHHAVLO PLS YAB S`AMN NBC VLO LBYLO PLS #,and he rose i""ediately, and #,YAB RMNU]R NS]NQC YAB AUAC VLO having ta'en u the #ou#h, he $ent YUAHHAVLO NaRK]NO NOAOVBLO `AOVQO !orth be!ore all, so that all $ere QPVN NaBPVAP]AB `AOVAC YAB WLaA\NBO astonished, and do glori!y &od, saying VLO ]NLO KNMLOVAC LVB LSWN`LVN LSVQC ++ I/ever thus did $e see)I NBWLXNO #-.nd he $ent !orth again by the sea, #-YAB NaRK]NO `AKBO `AUA VRO and all the "ultitude $as #o"ing unto ]AKAPPAO YAB `AC L LTKLC RUTNVL hi", and he $as tea#hing the", `ULC ASVLO YAB NWBWAPYNO ASVLSC #.and assing by, he sa$ Levi o! #.YAB `AUAMQO NBWNO KNSBO VLO VLS .l heus sitting at the ta(+o!!i#e, and AKZABLS YA]RXNOLO N`B VL VNKQOBLO saith to hi", IBe !ollo$ing "e,I and YAB KNMNB ASVQ AYLKLS]NB XLB YAB he, having risen, did !ollo$ hi") AOAPVAC RYLKLS]RPNO ASVQ #'.nd it #a"e to ass, in his re#lining #'YAB NMNONVL NO VQ YAVAYNBP]AB 7at "eat< in his house, that "any ta(+ ASVLO NO VR LBYBA ASVLS YAB `LKKLB gatherers and sinners $ere re#lining VNKQOAB YAB AXAUVQKLB PSOAONYNBOVL 7at "eat< $ith 5esus and his dis#i les, VQ BRPLS YAB VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS !or there $ere "any, and they RPAO MAU `LKKLB YAB RYLKLS]RPAO !ollo$ed hi") ASVQ
#/.nd the s#ribes and the Pharisees, having seen hi" eating $ith the ta(+ gatherers and sinners, said to his dis#i les, IWhy ++ that $ith the ta(+ gatherers and sinners he doth eat and drin'bI #0.nd 5esus, having heard, saith to the", IThey $ho are strong have no need o! a hysi#ian, but they $ho are ill, 0 #a"e not to #all righteous "en, but sinners to re!or"ation)I #$.nd the dis#i les o! 5ohn and those o! the Pharisees $ere !asting, and they #o"e and say to hi", IWhere!ore do the dis#i les o! 5ohn and those o! the Pharisees !ast, and thy dis#i les do not !astbI #%.nd 5esus said to the", I.re the sons o! the bride+#ha"ber able, $hile the bridegroo" is $ith the", to !astb so long ti"e as they have the bridegroo" $ith the" they are not able to !ast, ,(but days shall #o"e $hen the bridegroo" "ay be ta'en !ro" the", and then they shall !ast ++ in those days) ,#I.nd no one a at#h o! undressed #loth doth se$ on an old gar"ent, and i! not ++ the ne$ !illing it u doth ta'e !ro" the old and the rent doth be#o"e $orse, #/YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC YAB LB ZAUBPABLB BWLOVNC ASVLO NP]BLOVA XNVA VQO VNKQOQO YAB AXAUVQKQO NKNMLO VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS VB LVB XNVA VQO VNKQOQO YAB AXAUVQKQO NP]BNB YAB `BONB #0YAB AYLSPAC L BRPLSC KNMNB ASVLBC LS TUNBAO NTLSPBO LB BPTSLOVNC BAVULS AKK LB YAYQC NTLOVNC LSY RK]LO YAKNPAB WBYABLSC AKKA AXAUVQKLSC NBC XNVAOLBAO #$YAB RPAO LB XA]RVAB BQAOOLS YAB LB VQO ZAUBPABQO ORPVNSLOVNC YAB NUTLOVAB YAB KNMLSPBO ASVQ WBAVB LB XA]RVAB BQAOOLS YAB LB VQO ZAUBPABQO ORPVNSLSPBO LB WN PLB XA]RVAB LS ORPVNSLSPBO #%YAB NB`NO ASVLBC L BRPLSC XR WSOAOVAB LB SBLB VLS OSXZQOLC NO Q L OSXZBLC XNV ASVQO NPVBO ORPVNSNBO LPLO TULOLO XN] NASVQO NTLSPBO VLO OSXZBLO LS WSOAOVAB ORPVNSNBO ,(NKNSPLOVAB WN RXNUAB LVAO A`AU]R A` ASVQO L OSXZBLC YAB VLVN ORPVNSPLSPBO NO NYNBOABC VABC RXNUABC ,#YAB LSWNBC N`BHKRXA UAYLSC AMOAZLS N`BUUA`VNB N`B BXAVBQ `AKABQ NB WN XR ABUNB VL `KRUQXA ASVLS VL YABOLO VLS `AKABLS YAB TNBULO PTBPXA MBONVAB
,,and no one doth ut ne$ $ine into old s'ins, and i! not ++ the ne$ $ine doth burst the s'ins, and the $ine is oured out, and the s'ins $ill be destroyed, but ne$ $ine into ne$ s'ins is to be ut)I ,-.nd it #a"e to ass ++ he is going along on the sabbaths through the #orn+!ields ++ and his dis#i les began to "a'e a $ay, lu#'ing the ears, ,.and the Pharisees said to hi", ILo, $hy do they on the sabbaths that $hi#h is not la$!ulbI ,'.nd he said to the", IDid ye never read $hat David did, $hen he had need and $as hungry, he and those $ith hi"b ,/ho$ he $ent into the house o! &od, 7at I.biathar the #hie! riest,I< and the loaves o! the resentation did eat, $hi#h it is not la$!ul to eat, e(#e t to the riests, and he gave also to those $ho $ere $ith hi"bI ,0.nd he said to the", IThe sabbath !or "an $as "ade, not "an !or the sabbath, ,$so that the son o! "an is lord also o! the sabbath)I ,,YAB LSWNBC HAKKNB LBOLO ONLO NBC APYLSC `AKABLSC NB WN XR URPPNB L LBOLC L ONLC VLSC APYLSC YAB L LBOLC NYTNBVAB YAB LB APYLB A`LKLSOVAB AKKA LBOLO ONLO NBC APYLSC YABOLSC HKRVNLO ,-YAB NMNONVL `AUA`LUNSNP]AB ASVLO NO VLBC PAHHAPBO WBA VQO P`LUBXQO YAB RUaAOVL LB XA]RVAB ASVLS LWLO `LBNBO VBKKLOVNC VLSC PVATSAC ,.YAB LB ZAUBPABLB NKNMLO ASVQ BWN VB `LBLSPBO NO VLBC PAHHAPBO L LSY NaNPVBO ,'YAB ASVLC NKNMNO ASVLBC LSWN`LVN AONMOQVN VB N`LBRPNO WAHBW LVN TUNBAO NPTNO YAB N`NBOAPNO ASVLC YAB LB XNV ASVLS ,/`QC NBPRK]NO NBC VLO LBYLO VLS ]NLS N`B AHBA]AU VLS AUTBNUNQC YAB VLSC AUVLSC VRC `UL]NPNQC NZAMNO LSC LSY NaNPVBO ZAMNBO NB XR VLBC BNUNSPBO YAB NWQYNO YAB VLBC PSO ASVQ LSPBO ,0YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC VL PAHHAVLO WBA VLO AO]UQ`LO NMNONVL LST L AO]UQ`LC WBA VL PAHHAVLO ,$QPVN YSUBLC NPVBO L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS YAB VLS PAHHAVLS
+hapter #.nd he entered again into the synagogue, and there $as there a "an having the hand $ithered, ,and they $ere $at#hing hi", $hether on the sabbaths he $ill heal hi", that they "ight a##use hi") -.nd he saith to the "an having the hand $ithered, IRise u in the "idst)I #YAB NBPRK]NO `AKBO NBC VRO PSOAMQMRO YAB RO NYNB AO]UQ`LC NaRUAXXNORO NTQO VRO TNBUA ,YAB `AUNVRULSO ASVLO NB VLBC PAHHAPBO ]NUA`NSPNB ASVLO BOA YAVRMLURPQPBO ASVLS -YAB KNMNB VQ AO]UQ`Q VQ NaRUAXXNORO NTLOVB VRO TNBUA NMNBUAB NBC VL XNPLO ..nd he saith to the", I0s it la$!ul on .YAB KNMNB ASVLBC NaNPVBO VLBC the sabbaths to do good, or to do evilb PAHHAPBO AMA]L`LBRPAB R li!e to save, or to 'illbI but they $ere YAYL`LBRPAB cSTRO PQPAB R silent) A`LYVNBOAB LB WN NPBQ`QO '.nd having loo'ed round u on the" 'YAB `NUBHKNcAXNOLC ASVLSC XNV $ith anger, being grieved !or the LUMRC PSKKS`LSXNOLC N`B VR `QUQPNB hardness o! their heart, he saith to the VRC YAUWBAC ASVQO KNMNB VQ AO]UQ`Q "an, IStret#h !orth thy hand,I and he NYVNBOLO VRO TNBUA PLS YAB NaNVNBONO stret#hed !orth, and his hand $as YAB A`LYAVNPVA]R R TNBU ASVLS SMBRC restored $hole as the other, QC R AKKR /and the Pharisees having gone !orth, /YAB NaNK]LOVNC LB ZAUBPABLB NS]NQC i""ediately, $ith the Herodians, $ere XNVA VQO RUQWBAOQO PSXHLSKBLO ta'ing #ounsel against hi" ho$ they N`LBLSO YAV ASVLS L`QC ASVLO "ight destroy hi") A`LKNPQPBO 0.nd 5esus $ithdre$ $ith his 0YAB L BRPLSC AONTQURPNO XNVA VQO dis#i les unto the sea, and a great XA]RVQO ASVLS `ULC VRO ]AKAPPAO "ultitude !ro" &alilee !ollo$ed hi", YAB `LKS `KR]LC A`L VRC MAKBKABAC and !ro" 5udea, RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ YAB A`L VRC BLSWABAC $and !ro" 5erusale", and !ro" $YAB A`L BNULPLKSXQO YAB A`L VRC 0du"ea and beyond the 5ordan, and BWLSXABAC YAB `NUAO VLS BLUWAOLS YAB they about Tyre and Sidon ++ a great LB `NUB VSULO YAB PBWQOA `KR]LC `LKS "ultitude ++ having heard ho$ great AYLSPAOVNC LPA N`LBNB RK]LO `ULC things he $as doing, #a"e unto hi") ASVLO 188
%.nd he said to his dis#i les that a little boat "ay $ait on hi", be#ause o! the "ultitude, that they "ay not ress u on hi", #(!or he did heal "any, so that they thre$ the"selves on hi", in order to tou#h hi" ++ as "any as had lagues, ##and the un#lean s irits, $hen they $ere seeing hi", $ere !alling do$n be!ore hi", and $ere #rying, saying ++ IThou art the Son o! &od,I #,and "any ti"es he $as #harging the" that they "ight not "a'e hi" "ani!est) #-.nd he goeth u to the "ountain, and doth #all near $ho" he $illed, and they $ent a$ay to hi", #.and he a ointed t$elve, that they "ay be $ith hi", and that he "ay send the" !orth to rea#h, #'and to have o$er to heal the si#'nesses, and to #ast out the de"ons) #/.nd he ut on Si"on the na"e Peter, #0and 5a"es o! [ebedee, and 5ohn the brother o! 5a"es, and he ut on the" na"es ++ Boanerges, that is, ISons o! thunder,I #$and .ndre$, and Phili , and Bartholo"e$, and @atthe$, and Tho"as, and 5a"es o! .l heus, and Thaddeus, and Si"on the Dananite, %YAB NB`NO VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS BOA `KLBAUBLO `ULPYAUVNUR ASVQ WBA VLO LTKLO BOA XR ]KBHQPBO ASVLO #(`LKKLSC MAU N]NUA`NSPNO QPVN N`B`B`VNBO ASVQ BOA ASVLS AcQOVAB LPLB NBTLO XAPVBMAC ##YAB VA `ONSXAVA VA AYA]AUVA LVAO ASVLO N]NQUNB `ULPN`B`VNO ASVQ YAB NYUA\NO KNMLOVA LVB PS NB L SBLC VLS ]NLS #,YAB `LKKA N`NVBXA ASVLBC BOA XR ASVLO ZAONULO `LBRPQPBO #-YAB AOAHABONB NBC VL LULC YAB `ULPYAKNBVAB LSC R]NKNO ASVLC YAB A`RK]LO `ULC ASVLO #.YAB N`LBRPNO WQWNYA BOA QPBO XNV ASVLS YAB BOA A`LPVNKKR ASVLSC YRUSPPNBO #'YAB NTNBO NaLSPBAO ]NUA`NSNBO VAC OLPLSC YAB NYHAKKNBO VA WABXLOBA #/YAB N`N]RYNO VQ PBXQOB LOLXA `NVULO #0YAB BAYQHLO VLO VLS \NHNWABLS YAB BQAOORO VLO AWNKZLO VLS BAYQHLS YAB N`N]RYNO ASVLBC LOLXAVA HLAONUMNC L NPVBO SBLB HULOVRC #$YAB AOWUNAO YAB ZBKB``LO YAB HAU]LKLXABLO YAB XAV]ABLO YAB ]QXAO YAB BAYQHLO VLO VLS AKZABLS YAB ]AWWABLO YAB PBXQOA VLO YAOAOBVRO
#%and 5udas 0s#ariot, $ho did also deliver hi" u , and they #o"e into a house) ,(.nd #o"e together again doth a "ultitude, so that they are not able even to eat bread, ,#and his !riends having heard, $ent !orth to lay hold on hi", !or they said that he $as beside hi"sel!, ,,and the s#ribes $ho IareI !ro" 5erusale" having #o"e do$n, said ++ IHe hath BeelEeboul,I and ++ IBy the ruler o! the de"ons he doth #ast out the de"ons)I ,-.nd, having #alled the" near, in si"iles he said to the", IHo$ is the .dversary able to #ast out the .dversaryb ,.and i! a 'ingdo" against itsel! be divided, that 'ingdo" #annot be "ade to stand, ,'and i! a house against itsel! be divided, that house #annot be "ade to stand, ,/and i! the .dversary did rise against hi"sel!, and hath been divided, he #annot be "ade to stand, but hath an end) ,0I/o one is able the vessels o! the strong "an ++ having entered into his house ++ to s oil, i! !irst he "ay not bind the strong "an, and then his house he $ill s oil) #%YAB BLSWAO BPYAUBQVRO LC YAB `AUNWQYNO ASVLO YAB NUTLOVAB NBC LBYLO ,(YAB PSONUTNVAB `AKBO LTKLC QPVN XR WSOAP]AB ASVLSC XRVN AUVLO ZAMNBO ,#YAB AYLSPAOVNC LB `AU ASVLS NaRK]LO YUAVRPAB ASVLO NKNMLO MAU LVB NaNPVR ,,YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC LB A`L BNULPLKSXQO YAVAHAOVNC NKNMLO LVB HNNK\NHLSK NTNB YAB LVB NO VQ AUTLOVB VQO WABXLOBQO NYHAKKNB VA WABXLOBA ,-YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC ASVLSC NO `AUAHLKABC NKNMNO ASVLBC `QC WSOAVAB PAVAOAC PAVAOAO NYHAKKNBO ,.YAB NAO HAPBKNBA NZ NASVRO XNUBP]R LS WSOAVAB PVA]ROAB R HAPBKNBA NYNBOR ,'YAB NAO LBYBA NZ NASVRO XNUBP]R LS WSOAVAB PVA]ROAB R LBYBA NYNBOR ,/YAB NB L PAVAOAC AONPVR NZ NASVLO YAB XNXNUBPVAB LS WSOAVAB PVA]ROAB AKKA VNKLC NTNB ,0LS WSOAVAB LSWNBC VA PYNSR VLS BPTSULS NBPNK]QO NBC VRO LBYBAO ASVLS WBAU`APAB NAO XR `UQVLO VLO BPTSULO WRPR YAB VLVN VRO LBYBAO ASVLS WBAU`APNB
,$I%erily 0 say to you, that all the sins shall be !orgiven to the sons o! "en, and evil s ea'ings $ith $hi#h they "ight s ea' evil, ,%but $hoever "ay s ea' evil in regard to the Holy S irit hath not !orgiveness ++ to the age, but is in danger o! age+during -udg"ent,I -(be#ause they said, IHe hath an un#lean s irit)I -#Then #o"e do his brethren and "other, and standing $ithout, they sent unto hi", #alling hi", -,and a "ultitude $as sitting about hi", and they said to hi", ILo, thy "other and thy brethren $ithout do see' thee)I --.nd he ans$ered the", saying, IWho is "y "other, or "y brethrenbI -..nd having loo'ed round in a #ir#le to those sitting about hi", he saith, ILo, "y "other and "y brethrend -'!or $hoever "ay do the $ill o! &od, he is "y brother, and "y sister, and "other)I ,$AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB `AOVA AZN]RPNVAB VA AXAUVRXAVA VLBC SBLBC VQO AO]UQ`QO YAB HKAPZRXBAB LPAC AO HKAPZRXRPQPBO ,%LC W AO HKAPZRXRPR NBC VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO LSY NTNB AZNPBO NBC VLO ABQOA AKK NOLTLC NPVBO ABQOBLS YUBPNQC -(LVB NKNMLO `ONSXA AYA]AUVLO NTNB -#NUTLOVAB LSO LB AWNKZLB YAB R XRVRU ASVLS YAB NaQ NPVQVNC A`NPVNBKAO `ULC ASVLO ZQOLSOVNC ASVLO -,YAB NYA]RVL LTKLC `NUB ASVLO NB`LO WN ASVQ BWLS R XRVRU PLS YAB LB AWNKZLB PLS NaQ \RVLSPBO PN --YAB A`NYUB]R ASVLBC KNMQO VBC NPVBO R XRVRU XLS R LB AWNKZLB XLS -.YAB `NUBHKNcAXNOLC YSYKQ VLSC `NUB ASVLO YA]RXNOLSC KNMNB BWN R XRVRU XLS YAB LB AWNKZLB XLS -'LC MAU AO `LBRPR VL ]NKRXA VLS ]NLS LSVLC AWNKZLC XLS YAB AWNKZR XLS YAB XRVRU NPVBO
+hapter .
#.nd again he began to tea#h by the sea, and there $as gathered unto hi" a great "ultitude, so that he, having gone into the boat, sat in the sea, and all the "ultitude $as near the sea, on the land, ,and he taught the" "any things in si"iles, and he said to the" in his tea#hingF -IHear'en, lo, the so$er $ent !orth to so$, .and it #a"e to ass, in the so$ing, so"e !ell by the $ay, and the !o$ls o! the heaven did #o"e and devour it, #YAB `AKBO RUaAVL WBWAPYNBO `AUA VRO ]AKAPPAO YAB PSORT]R `ULC ASVLO LTKLC `LKSC QPVN ASVLO NXHAOVA NBC VL `KLBLO YA]RP]AB NO VR ]AKAPPR YAB `AC L LTKLC `ULC VRO ]AKAPPAO N`B VRC MRC RO ,YAB NWBWAPYNO ASVLSC NO `AUAHLKABC `LKKA YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC NO VR WBWATR ASVLS -AYLSNVN BWLS NaRK]NO L P`NBUQO VLS P`NBUAB .YAB NMNONVL NO VQ P`NBUNBO L XNO N`NPNO `AUA VRO LWLO YAB RK]NO VA `NVNBOA VLS LSUAOLS YAB YAVNZAMNO ASVL 'and other !ell u on the ro#'y ground, 'AKKL WN N`NPNO N`B VL `NVUQWNC L`LS $here it had not "u#h earth, and LSY NBTNO MRO `LKKRO YAB NS]NQC i""ediately it s rang !orth, be#ause o! NaAONVNBKNO WBA VL XR NTNBO HA]LC MRC not having de th o! earth, /and the sun having risen, it $as /RKBLS WN AOAVNBKAOVLC NYASXAVBP]R s#or#hed, and be#ause o! not having YAB WBA VL XR NTNBO UB\AO NaRUAO]R root it did $ither, 0and other !ell to$ard the thorns, and 0YAB AKKL N`NPNO NBC VAC AYAO]AC YAB the thorns did #o"e u , and #ho'e it, AONHRPAO AB AYAO]AB YAB PSON`OBaAO and !ruit it gave not, ASVL YAB YAU`LO LSY NWQYNO $and other !ell to the good ground, and $YAB AKKL N`NPNO NBC VRO MRO VRO $as giving !ruit, #o"ing u and YAKRO YAB NWBWLS YAU`LO AOAHABOLOVA in#reasing, and it bare, one thirty+!old, YAB ASaAOLOVA YAB NZNUNO NO and one si(ty, and one an hundred)I VUBAYLOVA YAB NO NaRYLOVA YAB NO NYAVLO %.nd he said to the", IHe $ho is %YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC L NTQO QVA having ears to hear ++ let hi" hear)I AYLSNBO AYLSNVQ 186
#(.nd $hen he $as alone, those about hi", $ith the t$elve, did as' hi" o! the si"ile, ##and he said to the", ITo you it hath been given to 'no$ the se#ret o! the reign o! &od, but to those $ho are $ithout, in si"iles are all the things done, #,that seeing they "ay see and not er#eive, and hearing they "ay hear and not understand, lest they "ay turn, and the sins "ay be !orgiven the")I #-.nd he saith to the", IHave ye not 'no$n this si"ileb and ho$ shall ye 'no$ all the si"ilesb #.He $ho is so$ing doth so$ the $ord, #'and these are they by the $ay $here the $ord is so$nF and $henever they "ay hear, i""ediately #o"eth the .dversary, and he ta'eth a$ay the $ord that hath been so$n in their hearts) #/I.nd these are they, in li'e "anner, $ho on the ro#'y ground are so$nF $ho, $henever they "ay hear the $ord, i""ediately $ith -oy do re#eive it, #0and have not root in the"selves, but are te" orary, a!ter$ard tribulation or erse#ution having #o"e be#ause o! the $ord, i""ediately they are stu"bled) #(LVN WN NMNONVL YAVAXLOAC RUQVRPAO ASVLO LB `NUB ASVLO PSO VLBC WQWNYA VRO `AUAHLKRO ##YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC SXBO WNWLVAB MOQOAB VL XSPVRUBLO VRC HAPBKNBAC VLS ]NLS NYNBOLBC WN VLBC NaQ NO `AUAHLKABC VA `AOVA MBONVAB #,BOA HKN`LOVNC HKN`QPBO YAB XR BWQPBO YAB AYLSLOVNC AYLSQPBO YAB XR PSOBQPBO XR`LVN N`BPVUNcQPBO YAB AZN]R ASVLBC VA AXAUVRXAVA #-YAB KNMNB ASVLBC LSY LBWAVN VRO `AUAHLKRO VASVRO YAB `QC `APAC VAC `AUAHLKAC MOQPNP]N #.L P`NBUQO VLO KLMLO P`NBUNB #'LSVLB WN NBPBO LB `AUA VRO LWLO L`LS P`NBUNVAB L KLMLC YAB LVAO AYLSPQPBO NS]NQC NUTNVAB L PAVAOAC YAB ABUNB VLO KLMLO VLO NP`AUXNOLO NO VABC YAUWBABC ASVQO #/YAB LSVLB NBPBO LXLBQC LB N`B VA `NVUQWR P`NBULXNOLB LB LVAO AYLSPQPBO VLO KLMLO NS]NQC XNVA TAUAC KAXHAOLSPBO ASVLO #0YAB LSY NTLSPBO UB\AO NO NASVLBC AKKA `ULPYABULB NBPBO NBVA MNOLXNORC ]KBcNQC R WBQMXLS WBA VLO KLMLO NS]NQC PYAOWAKB\LOVAB
#$I.nd these are they $ho to$ard the thorns are so$nF these are they $ho are hearing the $ord, #%and the an(ieties o! this age, and the de#eit!ulness o! the ri#hes, and the desires #on#erning the other things, entering in, #ho'e the $ord, and it be#o"eth un!ruit!ul) ,(I.nd these are they $ho on the good ground have been so$nF $ho do hear the $ord, and re#eive, and do bear !ruit, one thirty+!old, and one si(ty, and one an hundred)I ,#.nd he said to the", IDoth the la" #o"e that under the "easure it "ay be ut, or under the #ou#h ++ not that it "ay be ut on the la" +standb ,,!or there is not anything hid that "ay not be "ani!ested, nor $as anything 'e t hid but that it "ay #o"e to light) ,-0! any hath ears to hear ++ let hi" hear)I ,..nd he said to the", ITa'e heed $hat ye hear, in $hat "easure ye "easure, it shall be "easured to you, and to you $ho hear it shall be added, ,'!or $hoever "ay have, there shall be given to hi", and $hoever hath not, also that $hi#h he hath shall be ta'en !ro" hi")I ,/.nd he said, IThus is the reign o! &odF as i! a "an "ay #ast the seed on the earth, #$YAB LSVLB NBPBO LB NBC VAC AYAO]AC P`NBULXNOLB LSVLB NBPBO LB VLO KLMLO AYLSLOVNC #%YAB AB XNUBXOAB VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS YAB R A`AVR VLS `KLSVLS YAB AB `NUB VA KLB`A N`B]SXBAB NBP`LUNSLXNOAB PSX`OBMLSPBO VLO KLMLO YAB AYAU`LC MBONVAB ,(YAB LSVLB NBPBO LB N`B VRO MRO VRO YAKRO P`AUNOVNC LBVBONC AYLSLSPBO VLO KLMLO YAB `AUAWNTLOVAB YAB YAU`LZLULSPBO NO VUBAYLOVA YAB NO NaRYLOVA YAB NO NYAVLO ,#YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC XRVB L KSTOLC NUTNVAB BOA S`L VLO XLWBLO VN]R R S`L VRO YKBORO LST BOA N`B VRO KSTOBAO N`BVN]R ,,LS MAU NPVBO VB YUS`VLO L NAO XR ZAONUQ]R LSWN NMNONVL A`LYUSZLO AKK BOA NBC ZAONULO NK]R ,-NB VBC NTNB QVA AYLSNBO AYLSNVQ ,.YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC HKN`NVN VB AYLSNVN NO Q XNVUQ XNVUNBVN XNVUR]RPNVAB SXBO YAB `ULPVN]RPNVAB SXBO VLBC AYLSLSPBO ,'LC MAU AO NTR WL]RPNVAB ASVQ YAB LC LSY NTNB YAB L NTNB AU]RPNVAB A` ASVLS ,/YAB NKNMNO LSVQC NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS QC NAO AO]UQ`LC HAKR VLO P`LULO N`B VRC MRC
,0and "ay slee , and "ay rise night and day, and the seed s ring u and gro$, he hath not 'no$n ho$, ,$!or o! itsel! doth the earth bear !ruit, !irst a blade, a!ter$ards an ear, a!ter$ards !ull #orn in the ear, ,%and $henever the !ruit "ay yield itsel!, i""ediately he doth send !orth the si#'le, be#ause the harvest hath #o"e)I -(.nd he said, ITo $hat "ay $e li'en the reign o! &od, or in $hat si"ile "ay $e #o" are itb -#.s a grain o! "ustard, $hi#h, $henever it "ay be so$n on the earth, is less than any o! the seeds that are on the earth, -,and $henever it "ay be so$n, it #o"eth u , and doth be#o"e greater than any o! the herbs, and doth "a'e great bran#hes, so that under its shade the !o$ls o! the heaven are able to rest)I --.nd $ith "any su#h si"iles he $as s ea'ing to the" the $ord, as they $ere able to hear, -.and $ithout a si"ile he $as not s ea'ing to the", and by the"selves, to his dis#i les he $as e( ounding all) -'.nd he saith to the" on that day, evening having #o"e, IWe "ay ass over to the other side,I ,0YAB YA]NSWR YAB NMNBURVAB OSYVA YAB RXNUAO YAB L P`LULC HKAPVAOR YAB XRYSORVAB QC LSY LBWNO ASVLC ,$ASVLXAVR MAU R MR YAU`LZLUNB `UQVLO TLUVLO NBVA PVATSO NBVA `KRUR PBVLO NO VQ PVATSB ,%LVAO WN `AUAWQ L YAU`LC NS]NQC A`LPVNKKNB VL WUN`AOLO LVB `AUNPVRYNO L ]NUBPXLC -(YAB NKNMNO VBOB LXLBQPQXNO VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS R NO `LBA `AUAHLKR `AUAHAKQXNO ASVRO -#QC YLYYQ PBOA`NQC LC LVAO P`AUR N`B VRC MRC XBYULVNULC `AOVQO VQO P`NUXAVQO NPVBO VQO N`B VRC MRC -,YAB LVAO P`AUR AOAHABONB YAB MBONVAB `AOVQO VQO KATAOQO XNB\QO YAB `LBNB YKAWLSC XNMAKLSC QPVN WSOAP]AB S`L VRO PYBAO ASVLS VA `NVNBOA VLS LSUAOLS YAVAPYROLSO --YAB VLBASVABC `AUAHLKABC `LKKABC NKAKNB ASVLBC VLO KLMLO YA]QC RWSOAOVL AYLSNBO -.TQUBC WN `AUAHLKRC LSY NKAKNB ASVLBC YAV BWBAO WN VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS N`NKSNO `AOVA -'YAB KNMNB ASVLBC NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA LcBAC MNOLXNORC WBNK]QXNO NBC VL `NUAO
-/and having let a$ay the "ultitude, they ta'e hi" u as he $as in the boat, and other little boats also $ere $ith hi") -0.nd there #o"eth a great stor" o! $ind, and the $aves $ere beating on the boat, so that it is no$ being !illed, -$and he hi"sel! $as u on the stern, u on the illo$ slee ing, and they $a'e hi" u , and say to hi", ITea#her, art thou not #aring that $e erishbI -/YAB AZNOVNC VLO LTKLO `AUAKAXHAOLSPBO ASVLO QC RO NO VQ `KLBQ YAB AKKA WN `KLBAUBA RO XNV ASVLS -0YAB MBONVAB KABKAc AONXLS XNMAKR VA WN YSXAVA N`NHAKKNO NBC VL `KLBLO QPVN ASVL RWR MNXB\NP]AB -$YAB RO ASVLC N`B VR `USXOR N`B VL `ULPYNZAKABLO YA]NSWQO YAB WBNMNBULSPBO ASVLO YAB KNMLSPBO ASVQ WBWAPYAKN LS XNKNB PLB LVB A`LKKSXN]A -%.nd having $a'ed u , he rebu'ed -%YAB WBNMNU]NBC N`NVBXRPNO VQ AONXQ the $ind, and said to the sea, IPea#e, YAB NB`NO VR ]AKAPPR PBQ`A `NZBXQPL be stilled,I and the $ind did lull, and YAB NYL`APNO L AONXLC YAB NMNONVL there $as a great #al"F MAKROR XNMAKR .(and he said to the", IWhy are ye so .(YAB NB`NO ASVLBC VB WNBKLB NPVN !ear!ulb ho$ have ye not !aithbI LSVQC `QC LSY NTNVN `BPVBO .#and they !eared a great !ear, and .#YAB NZLHR]RPAO ZLHLO XNMAO YAB said one to another, IWho, then, is this, NKNMLO `ULC AKKRKLSC VBC AUA LSVLC that even the $ind and the sea do obey NPVBO LVB YAB L AONXLC YAB R ]AKAPPA hi"bI S`AYLSLSPBO ASVQ
+hapter '
#.nd they #a"e to the other side o! the sea, to the region o! the &adarenes, ,and he having #o"e !orth out o! the boat, i""ediately there "et hi" out o! the to"bs a "an $ith an un#lean s irit, -$ho had his d$elling in the to"bs, and not even $ith #hains $as any one able to bind hi", .be#ause that he "any ti"es $ith !etters and #hains had been bound, and ulled in ie#es by hi" had been the #hains, and the !etters bro'en in ie#es, and none $as able to ta"e hi", 'and al$ays, night and day, in the "ountains, and in the to"bs he $as, #rying and #utting hi"sel! $ith stones) /.nd, having seen 5esus !ro" a!ar, he ran and bo$ed be!ore hi", 0and having #alled $ith a loud voi#e, he said, IWhat ++ to "e and to thee, 5esus, Son o! &od the @ost Highb 0 ad-ure thee by &od, "ayest thou not a!!li#t "edI $7!or he said to hi", IDo"e !orth, s irit un#lean, out o! the "an,I< %and he $as ?uestioning hi", IWhat IisI thy na"ebI and he ans$ered, saying, ILegion IisI "y na"e, be#ause $e are "any,I #(and he $as #alling on hi" "u#h, that he "ay not send the" out o! the region) #YAB RK]LO NBC VL `NUAO VRC ]AKAPPRC NBC VRO TQUAO VQO MAWAUROQO ,YAB NaNK]LOVB ASVQ NY VLS `KLBLS NS]NQC A`ROVRPNO ASVQ NY VQO XORXNBQO AO]UQ`LC NO `ONSXAVB AYA]AUVQ -LC VRO YAVLBYRPBO NBTNO NO VLBC XORXNBLBC YAB LSVN AKSPNPBO LSWNBC RWSOAVL ASVLO WRPAB .WBA VL ASVLO `LKKAYBC `NWABC YAB AKSPNPBO WNWNP]AB YAB WBNP`AP]AB S` ASVLS VAC AKSPNBC YAB VAC `NWAC PSOVNVUBZ]AB YAB LSWNBC ASVLO BPTSNO WAXAPAB 'YAB WBA`AOVLC OSYVLC YAB RXNUAC NO VLBC LUNPBO YAB NO VLBC XORXAPBO RO YUA\QO YAB YAVAYL`VQO NASVLO KB]LBC /BWQO WN VLO BRPLSO A`L XAYUL]NO NWUAXNO YAB `ULPNYSORPNO ASVQ 0YAB YUAaAC ZQOR XNMAKR NB`NO VB NXLB YAB PLB BRPLS SBN VLS ]NLS VLS ScBPVLS LUYB\Q PN VLO ]NLO XR XN HAPAOBPRC $NKNMNO MAU ASVQ NaNK]N VL `ONSXA VL AYA]AUVLO NY VLS AO]UQ`LS %YAB N`RUQVA ASVLO VB PLB LOLXA YAB A`NYUB]R KNMQO KNMNQO LOLXA XLB LVB `LKKLB NPXNO #(YAB `AUNYAKNB ASVLO `LKKA BOA XR ASVLSC A`LPVNBKR NaQ VRC TQUAC
##.nd there $as there, near the "ountains, a great herd o! s$ine !eeding, #,and all the de"ons did #all u on hi", saying, ISend us to the s$ine, that into the" $e "ay enter,I #-and i""ediately 5esus gave the" leave, and having #o"e !orth, the un#lean s irits did enter into the s$ine, and the herd did rush do$n the stee la#e to the sea ++ and they $ere about t$o thousand ++ and they $ere #ho'ed in the sea) #..nd those !eeding the s$ine did !lee, and told in the #ity, and in the !ields, and they #a"e !orth to see $hat it is that hath been done, #'and they #o"e unto 5esus, and see the de"onia#, sitting, and #lothed, and right+"inded ++ hi" having had the legion ++ and they $ere a!raid, ##RO WN NYNB `ULC VA LUR AMNKR TLBUQO XNMAKR HLPYLXNOR #,YAB `AUNYAKNPAO ASVLO `AOVNC LB WABXLONC KNMLOVNC `NXcLO RXAC NBC VLSC TLBULSC BOA NBC ASVLSC NBPNK]QXNO #-YAB N`NVUNcNO ASVLBC NS]NQC L BRPLSC YAB NaNK]LOVA VA `ONSXAVA VA AYA]AUVA NBPRK]LO NBC VLSC TLBULSC YAB QUXRPNO R AMNKR YAVA VLS YURXOLS NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO RPAO WN QC WBPTBKBLB YAB N`OBMLOVL NO VR ]AKAPPR
#%and 5esus did not su!!er hi", but saith to hi", I&o a$ay to thy house, unto thine o$n I!riendsI, and tell the" ho$ great things the Lord did to thee, and dealt 'indly $ith thee, ,(and he $ent a$ay, and began to ro#lai" in the De#a olis ho$ great things 5esus did to hi", and all $ere $ondering) ,#.nd 5esus having assed over in the boat again to the other side, there $as gathered a great "ultitude to hi", and he $as near the sea, ,,and lo, there doth #o"e one o! the #hie!s o! the synagogue, by na"e 5airus, and having seen hi", he doth !all at his !eet, ,-and he $as #alling u on hi" "u#h, saying ++ I@y little daughter is at the last e(tre"ity ++ that having #o"e, thou "ayest lay on her IthyI hands, so that she "ay be saved, and she shall live,I ,.and he $ent a$ay $ith hi") .nd there $as !ollo$ing hi" a great "ultitude, and they $ere thronging hi", ,'and a #ertain $o"an, having an issue o! blood t$elve years, ,/and "any things having su!!ered under "any hysi#ians, and having s ent all that she had, and having ro!ited nothing, but rather having #o"e to the $orse, #%L WN BRPLSC LSY AZRYNO ASVLO AKKA KNMNB ASVQ S`AMN NBC VLO LBYLO PLS `ULC VLSC PLSC YAB AOAMMNBKLO ASVLBC LPA PLB L YSUBLC N`LBRPNO YAB RKNRPNO PN ,(YAB A`RK]NO YAB RUaAVL YRUSPPNBO NO VR WNYA`LKNB LPA N`LBRPNO ASVQ L BRPLSC YAB `AOVNC N]ASXA\LO ,#YAB WBA`NUAPAOVLC VLS BRPLS NO VQ `KLBQ `AKBO NBC VL `NUAO PSORT]R LTKLC `LKSC N` ASVLO YAB RO `AUA VRO ]AKAPPAO ,,YAB BWLS NUTNVAB NBC VQO AUTBPSOAMQMQO LOLXAVB BANBULC YAB BWQO ASVLO `B`VNB `ULC VLSC `LWAC ASVLS ,-YAB `AUNYAKNB ASVLO `LKKA KNMQO LVB VL ]SMAVUBLO XLS NPTAVQC NTNB BOA NK]QO N`B]RC ASVR VAC TNBUAC L`QC PQ]R YAB \RPNVAB ,.YAB A`RK]NO XNV ASVLS YAB RYLKLS]NB ASVQ LTKLC `LKSC YAB PSON]KBHLO ASVLO ,'YAB MSOR VBC LSPA NO USPNB ABXAVLC NVR WQWNYA ,/YAB `LKKA `A]LSPA S`L `LKKQO BAVUQO YAB WA`AORPAPA VA `AU NASVRC `AOVA YAB XRWNO QZNKR]NBPA AKKA XAKKLO NBC VL TNBULO NK]LSPA
,0having heard about 5esus, having #o"e in the "ultitude behind, she tou#hed his gar"ent, ,$!or she said ++ I0! even his gar"ents 0 "ay tou#h, 0 shall be saved,I ,%and i""ediately $as the !ountain o! her blood dried u , and she 'ne$ in the body that she hath been healed o! the lague) -(.nd i""ediately 5esus having 'no$n in hi"sel! that out o! hi" o$er had gone !orth, having turned about in the "ultitude, said, IWho did tou#h "y gar"entsbI -#and his dis#i les said to hi", IThou seest the "ultitude thronging thee, and thou sayest, IWho did tou#h "edI -,.nd he $as loo'ing round to see her $ho did this, --and the $o"an, having been a!raid, and tre"bling, 'no$ing $hat $as done on her, #a"e, and !ell do$n be!ore hi", and told hi" all the truth, -.and he said to her, IDaughter, thy !aith hath saved thee, go a$ay in ea#e, and be $hole !ro" thy lague)I -'.s he is yet s ea'ing, there #o"e !ro" the #hie! o! the synagogueIs Ihouse, #ertainI, saying ++ IThy daughter did die, $hy still dost thou harass the Tea#herbI ,0AYLSPAPA `NUB VLS BRPLS NK]LSPA NO VQ LTKQ L`BP]NO RcAVL VLS BXAVBLS ASVLS ,$NKNMNO MAU LVB YAO VQO BXAVBQO ASVLS AcQXAB PQ]RPLXAB ,%YAB NS]NQC NaRUAO]R R `RMR VLS ABXAVLC ASVRC YAB NMOQ VQ PQXAVB LVB BAVAB A`L VRC XAPVBMLC -(YAB NS]NQC L BRPLSC N`BMOLSC NO NASVQ VRO Na ASVLS WSOAXBO NaNK]LSPAO N`BPVUAZNBC NO VQ LTKQ NKNMNO VBC XLS RcAVL VQO BXAVBQO -#YAB NKNMLO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS HKN`NBC VLO LTKLO PSO]KBHLOVA PN YAB KNMNBC VBC XLS RcAVL -,YAB `NUBNHKN`NVL BWNBO VRO VLSVL `LBRPAPAO --R WN MSOR ZLHR]NBPA YAB VUNXLSPA NBWSBA L MNMLONO N` ASVR RK]NO YAB `ULPN`NPNO ASVQ YAB NB`NO ASVQ `APAO VRO AKR]NBAO -.L WN NB`NO ASVR ]SMAVNU R `BPVBC PLS PNPQYNO PN S`AMN NBC NBURORO YAB BP]B SMBRC A`L VRC XAPVBMLC PLS -'NVB ASVLS KAKLSOVLC NUTLOVAB A`L VLS AUTBPSOAMQMLS KNMLOVNC LVB R ]SMAVRU PLS A`N]AONO VB NVB PYSKKNBC VLO WBWAPYAKLO
-$and he #o"eth to the house o! the #hie! o! the synagogue, and seeth a tu"ult, "u#h $ee ing and $ailing, -%and having gone in he saith to the", IWhy do ye "a'e a tu"ult, and $ee b the #hild did not die, but doth slee , .(and they $ere laughing at hi") .nd he, having ut all !orth, doth ta'e the !ather o! the #hild, and the "other, and those $ith hi", and goeth in $here the #hild is lying, .#and, having ta'en the hand o! the #hild, he saith to her, ITalitha #u"i,I $hi#h is, being inter reted, IDa"sel 70 say to thee<, arise)I .,.nd i""ediately the da"sel arose, and $as $al'ing, !or she $as t$elve years IoldI, and they $ere a"aEed $ith a great a"aEe"ent, .-and he #harged the" "u#h, that no .-YAB WBNPVNBKAVL ASVLBC `LKKA BOA one "ay 'no$ this thing, and he said XRWNBC MOQ VLSVL YAB NB`NO WL]ROAB that there be given to her to eat) ASVR ZAMNBO
+hapter /
#.nd he $ent !orth then#e, and #a"e to his o$n #ountry, and his dis#i les do !ollo$ hi", ,and sabbath having #o"e, he began in the synagogue to tea#h, and "any hearing $ere astonished, saying, IWhen#e hath this one these thingsb and $hat the $isdo" that $as given to hi", that also su#h "ighty $or's through his hands are doneb -0s not this the #ar enter, the son o! @ary, and brother o! 5a"es, and 5oses, and 5udas, and Si"onb and are not his sisters here $ith usbI ++ and they $ere being stu"bled at hi") ..nd 5esus said to the" ++ I. ro het is not $ithout honor, e(#e t in his o$n #ountry, and a"ong his 'indred, and in his o$n house,I 'and he $as not able there any "ighty $or' to do, e(#e t on a !e$ in!ir" eo le having ut hands he did heal Ithe"I, /and he $ondered be#ause o! their unbelie!) .nd he $as going round the villages, in a #ir#le, tea#hing, 0and he doth #all near the t$elve, and he began to send the" !orth t$o by t$o, and he $as giving the" o$er over the un#lean s irits, #YAB NaRK]NO NYNB]NO YAB RK]NO NBC VRO `AVUBWA ASVLS YAB AYLKLS]LSPBO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS ,YAB MNOLXNOLS PAHHAVLS RUaAVL NO VR PSOAMQMR WBWAPYNBO YAB `LKKLB AYLSLOVNC NaN`KRPPLOVL KNMLOVNC `L]NO VLSVQ VASVA YAB VBC R PLZBA R WL]NBPA ASVQ LVB YAB WSOAXNBC VLBASVAB WBA VQO TNBUQO ASVLS MBOLOVAB -LSY LSVLC NPVBO L VNYVQO L SBLC XAUBAC AWNKZLC WN BAYQHLS YAB BQPR YAB BLSWA YAB PBXQOLC YAB LSY NBPBO AB AWNKZAB ASVLS QWN `ULC RXAC YAB NPYAOWAKB\LOVL NO ASVQ .NKNMNO WN ASVLBC L BRPLSC LVB LSY NPVBO `ULZRVRC AVBXLC NB XR NO VR `AVUBWB ASVLS YAB NO VLBC PSMMNONPBO YAB NO VR LBYBA ASVLS 'YAB LSY RWSOAVL NYNB LSWNXBAO WSOAXBO `LBRPAB NB XR LKBMLBC AUUQPVLBC N`B]NBC VAC TNBUAC N]NUA`NSPNO /YAB N]ASXA\NO WBA VRO A`BPVBAO ASVQO YAB `NUBRMNO VAC YQXAC YSYKQ WBWAPYQO 0YAB `ULPYAKNBVAB VLSC WQWNYA YAB RUaAVL ASVLSC A`LPVNKKNBO WSL WSL YAB NWBWLS ASVLBC NaLSPBAO VQO `ONSXAVQO VQO AYA]AUVQO
$and he #o""anded the" that they "ay ta'e nothing !or the $ay, e(#e t a sta!! only ++ no s#ri , no bread, no brass in the girdle, %but having been shod $ith sandals, and ye "ay not ut on t$o #oats) #(.nd he said to the", IWhenever ye "ay enter into a house, there re"ain till ye "ay de art then#e, ##and as "any as "ay not re#eive you, nor hear you, going out then#e, sha'e o!! the dust that is under your !eet !or a testi"ony to the", verily 0 say to you, 0t shall be "ore tolerable !or Sodo" or &o"orrah in a day o! -udg"ent than !or that #ity)I $YAB `AURMMNBKNO ASVLBC BOA XRWNO ABUQPBO NBC LWLO NB XR UAHWLO XLOLO XR `RUAO XR AUVLO XR NBC VRO \QORO TAKYLO %AKK S`LWNWNXNOLSC PAOWAKBA YAB XR NOWSPRP]N WSL TBVQOAC #(YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC L`LS NAO NBPNK]RVN NBC LBYBAO NYNB XNONVN NQC AO NaNK]RVN NYNB]NO ##YAB LPLB AO XR WNaQOVAB SXAC XRWN AYLSPQPBO SXQO NY`LUNSLXNOLB NYNB]NO NYVBOAaAVN VLO TLSO VLO S`LYAVQ VQO `LWQO SXQO NBC XAUVSUBLO ASVLBC AXRO KNMQ SXBO AONYVLVNULO NPVAB PLWLXLBC R MLXLUULBC NO RXNUA YUBPNQC R VR `LKNB NYNBOR #,.nd having gone !orth they $ere #,YAB NaNK]LOVNC NYRUSPPLO BOA rea#hing that I"enI "ight re!or", XNVAOLRPQPBO #-and "any de"ons they $ere #asting #-YAB WABXLOBA `LKKA NaNHAKKLO YAB out, and they $ere anointing $ith oil RKNBZLO NKABQ `LKKLSC AUUQPVLSC "any in!ir", and they $ere healing YAB N]NUA`NSLO Ithe"I) #..nd the 'ing Herod heard, 7!or his #.YAB RYLSPNO L HAPBKNSC RUQWRC na"e be#a"e ubli#,< and he said ++ ZAONULO MAU NMNONVL VL LOLXA ASVLS I5ohn the Ba tist out o! the dead $as YAB NKNMNO LVB BQAOORC L HA`VB\QO NY raised, and be#ause o! this the "ighty ONYUQO RMNU]R YAB WBA VLSVL o$ers are $or'ing in hi")I NONUMLSPBO AB WSOAXNBC NO ASVQ #'Others said ++ I0t is Eli-ah,I and #'AKKLB NKNMLO LVB RKBAC NPVBO AKKLB others said ++ I0t is a ro het, or as one WN NKNMLO LVB `ULZRVRC NPVBO R QC NBC o! the ro hets)I VQO `ULZRVQO #/.nd Herod having heard, said ++ IHe #/AYLSPAC WN L RUQWRC NB`NO LVB LO $ho" 0 did behead ++ 5ohn ++ this is NMQ A`NYNZAKBPA BQAOORO LSVLC NPVBO he, he $as raised out o! the dead)I ASVLC RMNU]R NY ONYUQO 139
#0For Herod hi"sel!, having sent !orth, did lay hold on 5ohn, and bound hi" in the rison, be#ause o! Herodias the $i!e o! Phili his brother, be#ause he "arried her, #$!or 5ohn said to Herod ++ I0t is not la$!ul to thee to have the $i!e o! thy brother,I #%and Herodias $as having a ?uarrel $ith hi", and $as $illing to 'ill hi", and $as not able, ,(!or Herod $as !earing 5ohn, 'no$ing hi" a "an righteous and holy, and $as 'ee ing $at#h over hi", and having heard hi", $as doing "any things, and hearing hi" gladly) ,#.nd a seasonable day having #o"e, $hen Herod on his birthday $as "a'ing a su er to his great "en, and to the #hie!s o! thousands, and to the !irst "en o! &alilee, ,,and the daughter o! that Herodias having #o"e in, and having dan#ed, and having leased Herod and those re#lining 7at "eat< $ith hi", the 'ing said to the da"sel, I.s' o! "e $hatever thou $ilt, and 0 $ill give to thee,I ,-and he s$are to her ++ IWhatever thou "ayest as' "e, 0 $ill give to thee ++ unto the hal! o! "y 'ingdo")I #0ASVLC MAU L RUQWRC A`LPVNBKAC NYUAVRPNO VLO BQAOORO YAB NWRPNO ASVLO NO VR ZSKAYR WBA RUQWBAWA VRO MSOABYA ZBKB``LS VLS AWNKZLS ASVLS LVB ASVRO NMAXRPNO #$NKNMNO MAU L BQAOORC VQ RUQWR LVB LSY NaNPVBO PLB NTNBO VRO MSOABYA VLS AWNKZLS PLS #%R WN RUQWBAC NONBTNO ASVQ YAB R]NKNO ASVLO A`LYVNBOAB YAB LSY RWSOAVL ,(L MAU RUQWRC NZLHNBVL VLO BQAOORO NBWQC ASVLO AOWUA WBYABLO YAB AMBLO YAB PSONVRUNB ASVLO YAB AYLSPAC ASVLS `LKKA N`LBNB YAB RWNQC ASVLS RYLSNO ,#YAB MNOLXNORC RXNUAC NSYABULS LVN RUQWRC VLBC MNONPBLBC ASVLS WNB`OLO N`LBNB VLBC XNMBPVAPBO ASVLS YAB VLBC TBKBAUTLBC YAB VLBC `UQVLBC VRC MAKBKABAC ,,YAB NBPNK]LSPRC VRC ]SMAVULC ASVRC VRC RUQWBAWLC YAB LUTRPAXNORC YAB AUNPAPRC VQ RUQWR YAB VLBC PSOAOAYNBXNOLBC NB`NO L HAPBKNSC VQ YLUAPBQ ABVRPLO XN L NAO ]NKRC YAB WQPQ PLB ,-YAB QXLPNO ASVR LVB L NAO XN ABVRPRC WQPQ PLB NQC RXBPLSC VRC HAPBKNBAC XLS
,..nd she, having gone !orth, said to her "other, IWhat shall 0 as' !or "ysel!bI and she said, IThe head o! 5ohn the Ba tist,I ,'and having #o"e in i""ediately $ith haste unto the 'ing, she as'ed, saying, I0 $ill that thou "ayest give "e resently, u on a late, the head o! 5ohn the Ba tist)I ,/.nd the 'ing ++ "ade very sorro$!ul ++ be#ause o! the oaths and o! those re#lining 7at "eat< $ith hi", $ould not ut her a$ay, ,0and i""ediately the 'ing having sent a guards"an, did #o""and his head to be brought, ,$and he having gone, beheaded hi" in the rison, and brought his head u on a late, and did give it to the da"sel, and the da"sel did give it to her "other, ,%and having heard, his dis#i les #a"e and too' u his #or se, and laid it in the to"b) -(.nd the a ostles are gathered together unto 5esus, and they told hi" all, and ho$ "any things they did, and ho$ "any things they taught, -#and he said to the", IDo"e ye yourselves a art to a desert la#e, and rest a little,I !or those #o"ing and those going $ere "any, and not even to eat had they o ortunity, ,.R WN NaNK]LSPA NB`NO VR XRVUB ASVRC VB ABVRPLXAB R WN NB`NO VRO YNZAKRO BQAOOLS VLS HA`VBPVLS ,'YAB NBPNK]LSPA NS]NQC XNVA P`LSWRC `ULC VLO HAPBKNA RVRPAVL KNMLSPA ]NKQ BOA XLB WQC Na ASVRC N`B `BOAYB VRO YNZAKRO BQAOOLS VLS HA`VBPVLS ,/YAB `NUBKS`LC MNOLXNOLC L HAPBKNSC WBA VLSC LUYLSC YAB VLSC PSOAOAYNBXNOLSC LSY R]NKRPNO ASVRO A]NVRPAB ,0YAB NS]NQC A`LPVNBKAC L HAPBKNSC P`NYLSKAVQUA N`NVAaNO NONT]ROAB VRO YNZAKRO ASVLS ,$L WN A`NK]QO A`NYNZAKBPNO ASVLO NO VR ZSKAYR YAB RONMYNO VRO YNZAKRO ASVLS N`B `BOAYB YAB NWQYNO ASVRO VQ YLUAPBQ YAB VL YLUAPBLO NWQYNO ASVRO VR XRVUB ASVRC ,%YAB AYLSPAOVNC LB XA]RVAB ASVLS RK]LO YAB RUAO VL `VQXA ASVLS YAB N]RYAO ASVL NO VQ XORXNBQ -(YAB PSOAMLOVAB LB A`LPVLKLB `ULC VLO BRPLSO YAB A`RMMNBKAO ASVQ `AOVA YAB LPA N`LBRPAO YAB LPA NWBWAaAO -#YAB NB`NO ASVLBC WNSVN SXNBC ASVLB YAV BWBAO NBC NURXLO VL`LO YAB AOA`ASNP]N LKBMLO RPAO MAU LB NUTLXNOLB YAB LB S`AMLOVNC `LKKLB YAB LSWN ZAMNBO RSYABULSO
-,and they $ent a$ay to a desert la#e, in the boat, by the"selves) --.nd the "ultitudes sa$ the" going a$ay, and "any re#ognised hi", and by land !ro" all the #ities they ran thither, and $ent be!ore the", and #a"e together to hi", -.and having #o"e !orth, 5esus sa$ a great "ultitude, and $as "oved $ith #o" assion on the", that they $ere as shee not having a she herd, and he began to tea#h "any things) -'.nd no$ the hour being advan#ed, his dis#i les having #o"e near to hi", say, ++ IThe la#e is desolate, and the hour is no$ advan#ed, -/let the" a$ay, that, having gone a$ay to the surrounding !ields and villages, they "ay buy to the"selves loaves, !or $hat they "ay eat they have not)I -0.nd he ans$ering said to the", I&ive ye the" to eat,I and they say to hi", IHaving gone a$ay, "ay $e buy t$o hundred denariesI $orth o! loaves, and give to the" to eatbI -$.nd he saith to the", IHo$ "any loaves have yeb go and see,I and having 'no$n, they say, IFive, and t$o !ishes)I -%.nd he #o""anded the" to "a'e all re#line in #o" anies u on the green grass, -,YAB A`RK]LO NBC NURXLO VL`LO VQ `KLBQ YAV BWBAO --YAB NBWLO ASVLSC S`AMLOVAC LB LTKLB YAB N`NMOQPAO ASVLO `LKKLB YAB `N\R A`L `APQO VQO `LKNQO PSONWUAXLO NYNB YAB `ULRK]LO ASVLSC YAB PSORK]LO `ULC ASVLO -.YAB NaNK]QO NBWNO L BRPLSC `LKSO LTKLO YAB NP`KAMTOBP]R N` ASVLBC LVB RPAO QC `ULHAVA XR NTLOVA `LBXNOA YAB RUaAVL WBWAPYNBO ASVLSC `LKKA -'YAB RWR QUAC `LKKRC MNOLXNORC `ULPNK]LOVNC ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS KNMLSPBO LVB NURXLC NPVBO L VL`LC YAB RWR QUA `LKKR -/A`LKSPLO ASVLSC BOA A`NK]LOVNC NBC VLSC YSYKQ AMULSC YAB YQXAC AMLUAPQPBO NASVLBC AUVLSC VB MAU ZAMQPBO LSY NTLSPBO -0L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC WLVN ASVLBC SXNBC ZAMNBO YAB KNMLSPBO ASVQ A`NK]LOVNC AMLUAPQXNO WBAYLPBQO WROAUBQO AUVLSC YAB WQXNO ASVLBC ZAMNBO -$L WN KNMNB ASVLBC `LPLSC AUVLSC NTNVN S`AMNVN YAB BWNVN YAB MOLOVNC KNMLSPBO `NOVN YAB WSL BT]SAC -%YAB N`NVAaNO ASVLBC AOAYKBOAB `AOVAC PSX`LPBA PSX`LPBA N`B VQ TKQUQ TLUVQ
.(and they sat do$n in s?uares, by hundreds, and by !i!ties) .#.nd having ta'en the !ive loaves and the t$o !ishes, having loo'ed u to the heaven, he blessed, and bra'e the loaves, and $as giving to his dis#i les, that they "ay set be!ore the", and the t$o !ishes divided he to all, .,and they did all eat, and $ere !illed, .-and they too' u o! bro'en ie#es t$elve hand+bas'ets !ull, and o! the !ishes, ..and those eating o! the loaves $ere about !ive thousand "en) .'.nd i""ediately he #onstrained his dis#i les to go into the boat, and to go be!ore to the other side, unto Bethsaida, till he "ay let the "ultitude a$ay, ./and having ta'en leave o! the", he $ent a$ay to the "ountain to ray) .0.nd evening having #o"e, the boat $as in the "idst o! the sea, and he alone u on the land, .$and he sa$ the" harassed in the ro$ing, !or the $ind $as against the", and about the !ourth $at#h o! the night he doth #o"e to the" $al'ing on the sea, and $ished to ass by the") .(YAB AON`NPLO `UAPBAB `UAPBAB AOA NYAVLO YAB AOA `NOVRYLOVA .#YAB KAHQO VLSC `NOVN AUVLSC YAB VLSC WSL BT]SAC AOAHKNcAC NBC VLO LSUAOLO NSKLMRPNO YAB YAVNYKAPNO VLSC AUVLSC YAB NWBWLS VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS BOA `AUA]QPBO ASVLBC YAB VLSC WSL BT]SAC NXNUBPNO `APBO .,YAB NZAMLO `AOVNC YAB NTLUVAP]RPAO .-YAB RUAO YKAPXAVQO WQWNYA YLZBOLSC `KRUNBC YAB A`L VQO BT]SQO ..YAB RPAO LB ZAMLOVNC VLSC AUVLSC QPNB `NOVAYBPTBKBLB AOWUNC .'YAB NS]NQC ROAMYAPNO VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS NXHROAB NBC VL `KLBLO YAB `ULAMNBO NBC VL `NUAO `ULC HR]PABWAO NQC ASVLC A`LKSPR VLO LTKLO ./YAB A`LVAaAXNOLC ASVLBC A`RK]NO NBC VL LULC `ULPNSaAP]AB .0YAB LcBAC MNOLXNORC RO VL `KLBLO NO XNPQ VRC ]AKAPPRC YAB ASVLC XLOLC N`B VRC MRC .$YAB NBWNO ASVLSC HAPAOB\LXNOLSC NO VQ NKASONBO RO MAU L AONXLC NOAOVBLC ASVLBC YAB `NUB VNVAUVRO ZSKAYRO VRC OSYVLC NUTNVAB `ULC ASVLSC `NUB`AVQO N`B VRC ]AKAPPRC YAB R]NKNO `AUNK]NBO ASVLSC
.%.nd they having seen hi" $al'ing on the sea, thought IitI to be an a arition, and #ried out, '(!or they all sa$ hi", and $ere troubled, and i""ediately he s a'e $ith the", and saith to the", ITa'e #ourage, 0 a" IheI, be not a!raid)I '#.nd he $ent u unto the" to the boat, and the $ind lulled, and greatly out o! "easure $ere they a"aEed in the"selves, and $ere $ondering, ',!or they understood not #on#erning the loaves, !or their heart hath been hard) '-.nd having assed over, they #a"e u on the land o! &ennesaret, and dre$ to the shore, '.and they having #o"e !orth out o! the boat, i""ediately having re#ognised hi", ''having run about through all that region round about, they began u on the #ou#hes to #arry about those ill, $here they $ere hearing that he is, '/and $herever he $as going, to villages, or #ities, or !ields, in the "ar'et+ la#es they $ere laying the in!ir", and $ere #alling u on hi", that they "ay tou#h i! it $ere but the !ringe o! his gar"ent, and as "any as $ere tou#hing hi" $ere saved) .%LB WN BWLOVNC ASVLO `NUB`AVLSOVA N`B VRC ]AKAPPRC NWLaAO ZAOVAPXA NBOAB YAB AONYUAaAO '(`AOVNC MAU ASVLO NBWLO YAB NVAUAT]RPAO YAB NS]NQC NKAKRPNO XNV ASVQO YAB KNMNB ASVLBC ]AUPNBVN NMQ NBXB XR ZLHNBP]N '#YAB AONHR `ULC ASVLSC NBC VL `KLBLO YAB NYL`APNO L AONXLC YAB KBAO NY `NUBPPLS NO NASVLBC NaBPVAOVL YAB N]ASXA\LO ',LS MAU PSORYAO N`B VLBC AUVLBC RO MAU R YAUWBA ASVQO `N`QUQXNOR '-YAB WBA`NUAPAOVNC RK]LO N`B VRO MRO MNORPAUNV YAB `ULPQUXBP]RPAO '.YAB NaNK]LOVQO ASVQO NY VLS `KLBLS NS]NQC N`BMOLOVNC ASVLO ''`NUBWUAXLOVNC LKRO VRO `NUBTQULO NYNBORO RUaAOVL N`B VLBC YUAHHAVLBC VLSC YAYQC NTLOVAC `NUBZNUNBO L`LS RYLSLO LVB NYNB NPVBO '/YAB L`LS AO NBPN`LUNSNVL NBC YQXAC R `LKNBC R AMULSC NO VABC AMLUABC NVB]LSO VLSC AP]NOLSOVAC YAB `AUNYAKLSO ASVLO BOA YAO VLS YUAP`NWLS VLS BXAVBLS ASVLS AcQOVAB YAB LPLB AO R`VLOVL ASVLS NPQ\LOVL
+hapter 0
#.nd gathered together unto hi" are the Pharisees, and #ertain o! the s#ribes, having #o"e !ro" 5erusale", ,and having seen #ertain o! his dis#i les $ith de!iled hands ++ that is, un$ashed ++ eating bread, they !ound !ault, -!or the Pharisees, and all the 5e$s, i! they do not $ash the hands to the $rist, do not eat, holding the tradition o! the elders, .and, I#o"ingI !ro" the "ar'et+ la#e, i! they do not ba tiEe the"selves, they do not eat, and "any other things there are that they re#eived to hold, ba tis"s o! #u s, and ots, and braEen vessels, and #ou#hes) 'Then ?uestion hi" do the Pharisees and the s#ribes, IWhere!ore do thy dis#i les not $al' a##ording to the tradition o! the elders, but $ith un$ashed hands do eat the breadbI /and he ans$ering said to the" ++ IWell did 0saiah ro hesy #on#erning you, hy o#rites, as it hath been $ritten, This eo le $ith the li s doth honor @e, and their heart is !ar !ro" @e, 0and in vain do they $orshi @e, tea#hing tea#hings, #o""ands o! "en, #YAB PSOAMLOVAB `ULC ASVLO LB ZAUBPABLB YAB VBONC VQO MUAXXAVNQO NK]LOVNC A`L BNULPLKSXQO ,YAB BWLOVNC VBOAC VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS YLBOABC TNUPBO VLSV NPVBO AOB`VLBC NP]BLOVAC AUVLSC NXNXcAOVL -LB MAU ZAUBPABLB YAB `AOVNC LB BLSWABLB NAO XR `SMXR OBcQOVAB VAC TNBUAC LSY NP]BLSPBO YUAVLSOVNC VRO `AUAWLPBO VQO `UNPHSVNUQO .YAB A`L AMLUAC NAO XR HA`VBPQOVAB LSY NP]BLSPBO YAB AKKA `LKKA NPVBO A `AUNKAHLO YUAVNBO HA`VBPXLSC `LVRUBQO YAB aNPVQO YAB TAKYBQO YAB YKBOQO 'N`NBVA N`NUQVQPBO ASVLO LB ZAUBPABLB YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC WBAVB LB XA]RVAB PLS LS `NUB`AVLSPBO YAVA VRO `AUAWLPBO VQO `UNPHSVNUQO AKKA AOB`VLBC TNUPBO NP]BLSPBO VLO AUVLO /L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC LVB YAKQC `ULNZRVNSPNO RPABAC `NUB SXQO VQO S`LYUBVQO QC MNMUA`VAB LSVLC L KALC VLBC TNBKNPBO XN VBXA R WN YAUWBA ASVQO `LUUQ A`NTNB A` NXLS 0XAVRO WN PNHLOVAB XN WBWAPYLOVNC WBWAPYAKBAC NOVAKXAVA AO]UQ`QO
$!or, having ut a$ay the #o""and o! &od, ye hold the tradition o! "en, ba tis"s o! ots and #u s, and "any other su#h li'e things ye do)I %.nd he said to the", IWell do ye ut a$ay the #o""and o! &od that your tradition ye "ay 'ee , #(!or @oses said, Honour thy !ather and thy "other, and, He $ho is s ea'ing evil o! !ather or "other ++ let hi" die the death, ##and ye say, 0! a "an "ay say to !ather or to "other, Korban 7that is, a gi!t<, IisI $hatever thou "ayest be ro!ited out o! "ine, #,and no "ore do ye su!!er hi" to do anything !or his !ather or !or his "other, #-setting aside the $ord o! &od !or your tradition that ye delivered, and "any su#h li'e things ye do)I #..nd having #alled near all the "ultitude, he said to the", IHear'en to "e, ye all, and understand, #'there is nothing !ro" $ithout the "an entering into hi" that is able to de!ile hi", but the things #o"ing out !ro" hi", those are the things de!iling the "an) #/0! any hath ears to hear ++ let hi" hear)I $AZNOVNC MAU VRO NOVLKRO VLS ]NLS YUAVNBVN VRO `AUAWLPBO VQO AO]UQ`QO HA`VBPXLSC aNPVQO YAB `LVRUBQO YAB AKKA `AULXLBA VLBASVA `LKKA `LBNBVN %YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC YAKQC A]NVNBVN VRO NOVLKRO VLS ]NLS BOA VRO `AUAWLPBO SXQO VRURPRVN #(XQPRC MAU NB`NO VBXA VLO `AVNUA PLS YAB VRO XRVNUA PLS YAB L YAYLKLMQO `AVNUA R XRVNUA ]AOAVQ VNKNSVAVQ ##SXNBC WN KNMNVN NAO NB`R AO]UQ`LC VQ `AVUB R VR XRVUB YLUHAO L NPVBO WQULO L NAO Na NXLS QZNKR]RC #,YAB LSYNVB AZBNVN ASVLO LSWNO `LBRPAB VQ `AVUB ASVLS R VR XRVUB ASVLS #-AYSULSOVNC VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS VR `AUAWLPNB SXQO R `AUNWQYAVN YAB `AULXLBA VLBASVA `LKKA `LBNBVN #.YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC `AOVA VLO LTKLO NKNMNO ASVLBC AYLSNVN XLS `AOVNC YAB PSOBNVN #'LSWNO NPVBO NaQ]NO VLS AO]UQ`LS NBP`LUNSLXNOLO NBC ASVLO L WSOAVAB ASVLO YLBOQPAB AKKA VA NY`LUNSLXNOA A` ASVLS NYNBOA NPVBO VA YLBOLSOVA VLO AO]UQ`LO #/NB VBC NTNB QVA AYLSNBO AYLSNVQ
#0.nd $hen he entered into a house !ro" the "ultitude, his dis#i les $ere ?uestioning hi" about the si"ile, #$and he saith to the", ISo also ye are $ithout understandingd Do ye not er#eive that nothing !ro" $ithout entering into the "an is able to de!ile hi"b #%be#ause it doth not enter into his heart, but into the belly, and into the drain it doth go out, uri!ying all the "eats)I ,(.nd he said ++ IThat $hi#h is #o"ing out !ro" the "an, that doth de!ile the "an, ,#!or !ro" $ithin, out o! the heart o! "en, the evil reasonings do #o"e !orth, adulteries, $horedo"s, "urders, ,,the!ts, #ovetous desires, $i#'edness, de#eit, arrogan#e, an evil eye, evil s ea'ing, ride, !oolishness, ,-all these evils do #o"e !orth !ro" $ithin, and they de!ile the "an)I ,..nd !ro" then#e having risen, he $ent a$ay to the borders o! Tyre and Sidon, and having entered into the house, he $ished none to 'no$, and he $as not able to be hid, ,'!or a $o"an having heard about hi", $hose little daughter had an un#lean s irit, having #o"e, !ell at his !eet, ++ #0YAB LVN NBPRK]NO NBC LBYLO A`L VLS LTKLS N`RUQVQO ASVLO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS `NUB VRC `AUAHLKRC #$YAB KNMNB ASVLBC LSVQC YAB SXNBC APSONVLB NPVN LS OLNBVN LVB `AO VL NaQ]NO NBP`LUNSLXNOLO NBC VLO AO]UQ`LO LS WSOAVAB ASVLO YLBOQPAB #%LVB LSY NBP`LUNSNVAB ASVLS NBC VRO YAUWBAO AKK NBC VRO YLBKBAO YAB NBC VLO AZNWUQOA NY`LUNSNVAB YA]AUB\LO `AOVA VA HUQXAVA ,(NKNMNO WN LVB VL NY VLS AO]UQ`LS NY`LUNSLXNOLO NYNBOL YLBOLB VLO AO]UQ`LO ,#NPQ]NO MAU NY VRC YAUWBAC VQO AO]UQ`QO LB WBAKLMBPXLB LB YAYLB NY`LUNSLOVAB XLBTNBAB `LUONBAB ZLOLB ,,YKL`AB `KNLONaBAB `LORUBAB WLKLC APNKMNBA LZ]AKXLC `LORULC HKAPZRXBA S`NURZAOBA AZULPSOR ,-`AOVA VASVA VA `LORUA NPQ]NO NY`LUNSNVAB YAB YLBOLB VLO AO]UQ`LO ,.YAB NYNB]NO AOAPVAC A`RK]NO NBC VA XN]LUBA VSULS YAB PBWQOLC YAB NBPNK]QO NBC VRO LBYBAO LSWNOA R]NKNO MOQOAB YAB LSY RWSOR]R KA]NBO ,'AYLSPAPA MAU MSOR `NUB ASVLS RC NBTNO VL ]SMAVUBLO ASVRC `ONSXA AYA]AUVLO NK]LSPA `ULPN`NPNO `ULC VLSC `LWAC ASVLS
,/and the $o"an $as a &ree', a Syro+Pheni#ian by nation ++ and $as as'ing hi", that the de"on he "ay #ast !orth out o! her daughter) ,0.nd 5esus said to her, ISu!!er !irst the #hildren to be !illed, !or it is not good to ta'e the #hildrenIs bread, and to #ast IitI to the little dogs)I ,$.nd she ans$ered and saith to hi", I4es, sir, !or the little dogs also under the table do eat o! the #hildrenIs #ru"bs)I ,%.nd he said to her, IBe#ause o! this $ord go, the de"on hath gone !orth out o! thy daughter,I -(and having #o"e a$ay to her house, she !ound the de"on gone !orth, and the daughter laid u on the #ou#h) ,/RO WN R MSOR NKKROBC PSULZLBOBPPA VQ MNONB YAB RUQVA ASVLO BOA VL WABXLOBLO NYHAKKR NY VRC ]SMAVULC ASVRC ,0L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVR AZNC `UQVLO TLUVAP]ROAB VA VNYOA LS MAU YAKLO NPVBO KAHNBO VLO AUVLO VQO VNYOQO YAB HAKNBO VLBC YSOAUBLBC ,$R WN A`NYUB]R YAB KNMNB ASVQ OAB YSUBN YAB MAU VA YSOAUBA S`LYAVQ VRC VUA`N\RC NP]BNB A`L VQO cBTBQO VQO `ABWBQO ,%YAB NB`NO ASVR WBA VLSVLO VLO KLMLO S`AMN NaNKRKS]NO VL WABXLOBLO NY VRC ]SMAVULC PLS -(YAB A`NK]LSPA NBC VLO LBYLO ASVRC NSUNO VL WABXLOBLO NaNKRKS]LC YAB VRO ]SMAVNUA HNHKRXNORO N`B VRC YKBORC -#.nd again, having gone !orth !ro" -#YAB `AKBO NaNK]QO NY VQO LUBQO the #oasts o! Tyre and Sidon, he #a"e VSULS YAB PBWQOLC RK]NO `ULC VRO unto the sea o! &alilee, through the ]AKAPPAO VRC MAKBKABAC AOA XNPLO "idst o! the #oasts o! De#a olis, VQO LUBQO WNYA`LKNQC -,and they bring to hi" a dea!, -,YAB ZNULSPBO ASVQ YQZLO stuttering "an, and they #all on hi" XLMBKAKLO YAB `AUAYAKLSPBO ASVLO that he "ay ut the hand on hi") BOA N`B]R ASVQ VRO TNBUA --.nd having ta'en hi" a$ay !ro" --YAB A`LKAHLXNOLC ASVLO A`L VLS the "ultitude by hi"sel!, he ut his LTKLS YAV BWBAO NHAKNO VLSC !ingers to his ears, and having s it, he WAYVSKLSC ASVLS NBC VA QVA ASVLS YAB tou#hed his tongue, `VSPAC RcAVL VRC MKQPPRC ASVLS -.and having loo'ed to the heaven, he -.YAB AOAHKNcAC NBC VLO LSUAOLO sighed, and saith to hi", IE h hatha,I NPVNOAaNO YAB KNMNB ASVQ NZZA]A L that is, IBe thou o ened,I NPVBO WBAOLBT]RVB
-'and i""ediately $ere his ears o ened, and the string o! his tongue $as loosed, and he $as s ea'ing lain) -/.nd he #harged the" that they "ay tell no one, but the "ore he $as #harging the", the "ore abundantly they $ere ro#lai"ing IitI, -0and they $ere being beyond "easure astonished, saying, IWell hath he done all things, both the dea! he doth "a'e to hear, and the du"b to s ea')I -'YAB NS]NQC WBROLBT]RPAO ASVLS AB AYLAB YAB NKS]R L WNPXLC VRC MKQPPRC ASVLS YAB NKAKNB LU]QC -/YAB WBNPVNBKAVL ASVLBC BOA XRWNOB NB`QPBO LPLO WN ASVLC ASVLBC WBNPVNKKNVL XAKKLO `NUBPPLVNULO NYRUSPPLO -0YAB S`NU`NUBPPQC NaN`KRPPLOVL KNMLOVNC YAKQC `AOVA `N`LBRYNO YAB VLSC YQZLSC `LBNB AYLSNBO YAB VLSC AKAKLSC KAKNBO
+hapter $
#0n those days the "ultitude being very great, and not having $hat they "ay eat, 5esus having #alled near his dis#i les, saith to the", ,I0 have #o" assion u on the "ultitude, be#ause no$ three days they do #ontinue $ith "e, and they have not $hat they "ay eat, -and i! 0 shall let the" a$ay !asting to their ho"e, they $ill !aint in the $ay, !or #ertain o! the" are #o"e !ro" !ar)I ..nd his dis#i les ans$ered hi", IWhen#e shall any one be able these here to !eed $ith bread in a $ildernessbI '.nd he $as ?uestioning the", IHo$ "any loaves have yebI and they said, ISeven)I /.nd he #o""anded the "ultitude to sit do$n u on the ground, and having ta'en the seven loaves, having given than's, he bra'e, and $as giving to his dis#i les that they "ay set be!ore Ithe"I, and they did set be!ore the "ultitude) 0.nd they had a !e$ s"all !ishes, and having blessed, he said to set the" also be!ore Ithe"I, $and they did eat and $ere !illed, and they too' u that $hi#h $as over o! bro'en ie#es ++ seven bas'ets, %and those eating $ere about !our thousand) .nd he let the" a$ay, #NO NYNBOABC VABC RXNUABC `AX`LKKLS LTKLS LOVLC YAB XR NTLOVQO VB ZAMQPBO `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC L BRPLSC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS KNMNB ASVLBC ,P`KAMTOB\LXAB N`B VLO LTKLO LVB RWR RXNUAC VUNBC `ULPXNOLSPBO XLB YAB LSY NTLSPBO VB ZAMQPBO -YAB NAO A`LKSPQ ASVLSC ORPVNBC NBC LBYLO ASVQO NYKS]RPLOVAB NO VR LWQ VBONC MAU ASVQO XAYUL]NO RYAPBO .YAB A`NYUB]RPAO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS `L]NO VLSVLSC WSORPNVAB VBC QWN TLUVAPAB AUVQO N` NURXBAC 'YAB N`RUQVA ASVLSC `LPLSC NTNVN AUVLSC LB WN NB`LO N`VA /YAB `AURMMNBKNO VQ LTKQ AOA`NPNBO N`B VRC MRC YAB KAHQO VLSC N`VA AUVLSC NSTAUBPVRPAC NYKAPNO YAB NWBWLS VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS BOA `AUA]QPBO YAB `AUN]RYAO VQ LTKQ 0YAB NBTLO BT]SWBA LKBMA YAB NSKLMRPAC NB`NO `AUA]NBOAB YAB ASVA $NZAMLO WN YAB NTLUVAP]RPAO YAB RUAO `NUBPPNSXAVA YKAPXAVQO N`VA P`SUBWAC %RPAO WN LB ZAMLOVNC QC VNVUAYBPTBKBLB YAB A`NKSPNO ASVLSC
#(and i""ediately having entered into the boat $ith his dis#i les, he #a"e to the arts o! Dal"anutha, ##and the Pharisees #a"e !orth, and began to dis ute $ith hi", see'ing !ro" hi" a sign !ro" the heaven, te" ting hi", #,and having sighed dee ly in his s irit, he saith, IWhy doth this generation see' a!ter a signb %erily 0 say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation)I #-.nd having le!t the", having entered again into the boat, he $ent a$ay to the other side, #.and they !orgot to ta'e loaves, and e(#e t one loa! they had nothing $ith the" in the boat, #'and he $as #harging the", saying, ITa'e heed, be$are o! the leaven o! the Pharisees, and o! the leaven o! Herod,I #/and they $ere reasoning $ith one another, saying ++ IBe#ause $e have no loaves)I #0.nd 5esus having 'no$n, saith to the", IWhy do ye reason, be#ause ye have no loavesb do ye not yet er#eive, nor understand, yet have ye your heart hardenedb #$Having eyes, do ye not seeb and having ears, do ye not hearb and do ye not re"e"berb #(YAB NS]NQC NXHAC NBC VL `KLBLO XNVA VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS RK]NO NBC VA XNUR WAKXAOLS]A ##YAB NaRK]LO LB ZAUBPABLB YAB RUaAOVL PS\RVNBO ASVQ \RVLSOVNC `AU ASVLS PRXNBLO A`L VLS LSUAOLS `NBUA\LOVNC ASVLO #,YAB AOAPVNOAaAC VQ `ONSXAVB ASVLS KNMNB VB R MNONA ASVR PRXNBLO N`B\RVNB AXRO KNMQ SXBO NB WL]RPNVAB VR MNONA VASVR PRXNBLO #-YAB AZNBC ASVLSC NXHAC `AKBO NBC VL `KLBLO A`RK]NO NBC VL `NUAO #.YAB N`NKA]LOVL KAHNBO AUVLSC YAB NB XR NOA AUVLO LSY NBTLO XN] NASVQO NO VQ `KLBQ #'YAB WBNPVNKKNVL ASVLBC KNMQO LUAVN HKN`NVN A`L VRC \SXRC VQO ZAUBPABQO YAB VRC \SXRC RUQWLS #/YAB WBNKLMB\LOVL `ULC AKKRKLSC KNMLOVNC LVB AUVLSC LSY NTLXNO #0YAB MOLSC L BRPLSC KNMNB ASVLBC VB WBAKLMB\NP]N LVB AUVLSC LSY NTNVN LS`Q OLNBVN LSWN PSOBNVN NVB `N`QUQXNORO NTNVN VRO YAUWBAO SXQO #$LZ]AKXLSC NTLOVNC LS HKN`NVN YAB QVA NTLOVNC LSY AYLSNVN YAB LS XORXLONSNVN
#%When the !ive loaves 0 did bra'e to the !ive thousand, ho$ "any hand+ bas'ets !ull o! bro'en ie#es too' ye u bI they say to hi", IT$elve)I ,(I.nd $hen the seven to the !our thousand, ho$ "any hand+bas'ets !ull o! bro'en ie#es too' ye u bI and they said, ISeven)I ,#.nd he said to the", IHo$ do ye not understandbI ,,.nd he #o"eth to Bethsaida, and they bring to hi" one blind, and #all u on hi" that he "ay tou#h hi", ,-and having ta'en the hand o! the blind "an, he led hi" !orth $ithout the village, and having s it on his eyes, having ut IhisI hands on hi", he $as ?uestioning hi" i! he doth behold anythingF ,.and he, having loo'ed u , said, I0 behold "en, as 0 see trees, $al'ing)I ,'.!ter$ards again he ut IhisI hands on his eyes, and "ade hi" loo' u , and he $as restored, and dis#erned all things #learly, ,/and he sent hi" a$ay to his house, saying, I/either to the village "ayest thou go, nor tell IitI to any in the village)I #%LVN VLSC `NOVN AUVLSC NYKAPA NBC VLSC `NOVAYBPTBKBLSC `LPLSC YLZBOLSC `KRUNBC YKAPXAVQO RUAVN KNMLSPBO ASVQ WQWNYA ,(LVN WN VLSC N`VA NBC VLSC VNVUAYBPTBKBLSC `LPQO P`SUBWQO `KRUQXAVA YKAPXAVQO RUAVN LB WN NB`LO N`VA ,#YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC `QC LS PSOBNVN ,,YAB NUTNVAB NBC HR]PABWAO YAB ZNULSPBO ASVQ VSZKLO YAB `AUAYAKLSPBO ASVLO BOA ASVLS AcRVAB ,-YAB N`BKAHLXNOLC VRC TNBULC VLS VSZKLS NaRMAMNO ASVLO NaQ VRC YQXRC YAB `VSPAC NBC VA LXXAVA ASVLS N`B]NBC VAC TNBUAC ASVQ N`RUQVA ASVLO NB VB HKN`NB ,.YAB AOAHKNcAC NKNMNO HKN`Q VLSC AO]UQ`LSC LVB QC WNOWUA LUQ `NUB`AVLSOVAC ,'NBVA `AKBO N`N]RYNO VAC TNBUAC N`B VLSC LZ]AKXLSC ASVLS YAB N`LBRPNO ASVLO AOAHKNcAB YAB A`LYAVNPVA]R YAB NONHKNcNO VRKASMQC A`AOVAC ,/YAB A`NPVNBKNO ASVLO NBC VLO LBYLO ASVLS KNMQO XRWN NBC VRO YQXRO NBPNK]RC XRWN NB`RC VBOB NO VR YQXR
,0.nd 5esus $ent !orth, and his dis#i les, to the villages o! Desarea Phili i, and in the $ay he $as ?uestioning his dis#i les, saying to the", IWho do "en say "e to bebI ,$.nd they ans$ered, I5ohn the Ba tist, and others Eli-ah, but others one o! the ro hets)I ,%.nd he saith to the", I.nd ye ++ $ho do ye say "e to bebI and Peter ans$ering saith to hi", IThou art the Dhrist)I -(.nd he stri#tly #harged the" that they "ay tell no one about it, -#and began to tea#h the", that it behoveth the Son o! @an to su!!er "any things, and to be re-e#ted by the elders, and #hie! riests, and s#ribes, and to be 'illed, and a!ter three days to rise again, -,and o enly he $as s ea'ing the $ord) .nd Peter having ta'en hi" aside, began to rebu'e hi", --and he, having turned, and having loo'ed on his dis#i les, rebu'ed Peter, saying, I&et behind "e, .dversary, be#ause thou dost not "ind the things o! &od, but the things o! "en)I -..nd having #alled near the "ultitude, $ith his dis#i les, he said to the", IWhoever doth $ill to #o"e a!ter "e ++ let hi" diso$n hi"sel!, and ta'e u his #ross, and !ollo$ "e, ,0YAB NaRK]NO L BRPLSC YAB LB XA]RVAB ASVLS NBC VAC YQXAC YABPAUNBAC VRC ZBKB``LS YAB NO VR LWQ N`RUQVA VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS KNMQO ASVLBC VBOA XN KNMLSPBO LB AO]UQ`LB NBOAB ,$LB WN A`NYUB]RPAO BQAOORO VLO HA`VBPVRO YAB AKKLB RKBAO AKKLB WN NOA VQO `ULZRVQO ,%YAB ASVLC KNMNB ASVLBC SXNBC WN VBOA XN KNMNVN NBOAB A`LYUB]NBC WN L `NVULC KNMNB ASVQ PS NB L TUBPVLC -(YAB N`NVBXRPNO ASVLBC BOA XRWNOB KNMQPBO `NUB ASVLS -#YAB RUaAVL WBWAPYNBO ASVLSC LVB WNB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS `LKKA `A]NBO YAB A`LWLYBXAP]ROAB A`L VQO `UNPHSVNUQO YAB AUTBNUNQO YAB MUAXXAVNQO YAB A`LYVAO]ROAB YAB XNVA VUNBC RXNUAC AOAPVROAB -,YAB `AUURPBA VLO KLMLO NKAKNB YAB `ULPKAHLXNOLC ASVLO L `NVULC RUaAVL N`BVBXAO ASVQ --L WN N`BPVUAZNBC YAB BWQO VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS N`NVBXRPNO VQ `NVUQ KNMQO S`AMN L`BPQ XLS PAVAOA LVB LS ZULONBC VA VLS ]NLS AKKA VA VQO AO]UQ`QO -.YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC VLO LTKLO PSO VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS NB`NO ASVLBC LPVBC ]NKNB L`BPQ XLS NK]NBO A`AUORPAP]Q NASVLO YAB AUAVQ VLO PVASULO ASVLS YAB AYLKLS]NBVQ XLB
-'!or $hoever "ay $ill to save his li!e shall lose it, and $hoever "ay lose his li!e !or "y sa'e and !or the good ne$sI sa'e, he shall save it, -/!or $hat shall it ro!it a "an, i! he "ay gain the $hole $orld, and !or!eit his li!eb -0Or $hat shall a "an give as an e(#hange !or his li!eb -$!or $hoever "ay be asha"ed o! "e, and o! "y $ords, in this adulterous and sin!ul generation, the Son o! @an also shall be asha"ed o! hi", $hen he "ay #o"e in the glory o! his Father, $ith the holy "essengers)I -'LC MAU AO ]NKR VRO cSTRO ASVLS PQPAB A`LKNPNB ASVRO LC W AO A`LKNPR VRO cSTRO ASVLS NONYNO NXLS YAB VLS NSAMMNKBLS LSVLC PQPNB ASVRO -/VB MAU QZNKRPNB AO]UQ`LO NAO YNUWRPR VLO YLPXLO LKLO YAB \RXBQ]R VRO cSTRO ASVLS -0R VB WQPNB AO]UQ`LC AOVAKKAMXA VRC cSTRC ASVLS -$LC MAU AO N`ABPTSO]R XN YAB VLSC NXLSC KLMLSC NO VR MNONA VASVR VR XLBTAKBWB YAB AXAUVQKQ YAB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS N`ABPTSO]RPNVAB ASVLO LVAO NK]R NO VR WLaR VLS `AVULC ASVLS XNVA VQO AMMNKQO VQO AMBQO
+hapter %
#.nd he said to the", I%erily 0 say to you, That there are #ertain o! those standing here, $ho "ay not taste o! death till they see the reign o! &od having #o"e in o$er)I ,.nd a!ter si( days doth 5esus ta'e Peter, and 5a"es, and 5ohn, and bringeth the" u to a high "ount by the"selves, alone, and he $as trans!igured be!ore the", -and his gar"ents be#a"e glittering, $hite e(#eedingly, as sno$, so as a !uller u on the earth is not able to $hiten Ithe"I) ..nd there a eared to the" Eli-ah $ith @oses, and they $ere tal'ing $ith 5esus) '.nd Peter ans$ering saith to 5esus, IRabbi, it is good to us to be here, and $e "ay "a'e three booths, !or thee one, and !or @oses one, and !or Eli-ah oneFI /!or he $as not 'no$ing $hat he "ight say, !or they $ere greatly a!raid) 0.nd there #a"e a #loud overshado$ing the", and there #a"e a voi#e out o! the #loud, saying, IThis is @y Son ++ the Beloved, hear ye hi",I $and suddenly, having loo'ed around, they sa$ no one any "ore, but 5esus only $ith the"selves) #YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB NBPBO VBONC VQO QWN NPVRYLVQO LBVBONC LS XR MNSPQOVAB ]AOAVLS NQC AO BWQPBO VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS NKRKS]SBAO NO WSOAXNB ,YAB XN] RXNUAC Na `AUAKAXHAONB L BRPLSC VLO `NVULO YAB VLO BAYQHLO YAB VLO BQAOORO YAB AOAZNUNB ASVLSC NBC LULC ScRKLO YAV BWBAO XLOLSC YAB XNVNXLUZQ]R NX`ULP]NO ASVQO -YAB VA BXAVBA ASVLS NMNONVL PVBKHLOVA KNSYA KBAO QC TBQO LBA MOAZNSC N`B VRC MRC LS WSOAVAB KNSYAOAB .YAB QZ]R ASVLBC RKBAC PSO XQPNB YAB RPAO PSKKAKLSOVNC VQ BRPLS 'YAB A`LYUB]NBC L `NVULC KNMNB VQ BRPLS UAHHB YAKLO NPVBO RXAC QWN NBOAB YAB `LBRPQXNO PYROAC VUNBC PLB XBAO YAB XQPNB XBAO YAB RKBA XBAO /LS MAU RWNB VB KAKRPR RPAO MAU NYZLHLB 0YAB NMNONVL ONZNKR N`BPYBA\LSPA ASVLBC YAB RK]NO ZQOR NY VRC ONZNKRC KNMLSPA LSVLC NPVBO L SBLC XLS L AMA`RVLC ASVLS AYLSNVN $YAB NaA`BOA `NUBHKNcAXNOLB LSYNVB LSWNOA NBWLO AKKA VLO BRPLSO XLOLO XN] NASVQO
%.nd as they are #o"ing do$n !ro" the "ount, he #harged the" that they "ay de#lare to no one the things that they sa$, e(#e t $hen the Son o! @an "ay rise out o! the dead, #(and the thing they 'e t to the"selves, ?uestioning together $hat the rising out o! the dead is) ##.nd they $ere ?uestioning hi", saying, that the s#ribes say that Eli-ah it behoveth to #o"e !irst) #,.nd he ans$ering said to the", IEli-ah indeed, having #o"e !irst, doth restore all things, and ho$ hath it been $ritten #on#erning the Son o! @an, that "any things he "ay su!!er, and be set at noughtb #-But 0 say to you, That also Eli-ah hath #o"e, and they did to hi" $hat they $illed, as it hath been $ritten o! hi")I #..nd having #o"e unto the dis#i les, he sa$ a great "ultitude about the", and s#ribes ?uestioning $ith the", #'and i""ediately, all the "ultitude having seen hi", $ere a"aEed, and running near, $ere saluting hi") #/.nd he ?uestioned the s#ribes, IWhat dis ute ye $ith the"bI #0and one out o! the "ultitude ans$ering said, ITea#her, 0 brought "y son unto thee, having a du"b s irit, %YAVAHABOLOVQO WN ASVQO A`L VLS LULSC WBNPVNBKAVL ASVLBC BOA XRWNOB WBRMRPQOVAB A NBWLO NB XR LVAO L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NY ONYUQO AOAPVR #(YAB VLO KLMLO NYUAVRPAO `ULC NASVLSC PS\RVLSOVNC VB NPVBO VL NY ONYUQO AOAPVROAB ##YAB N`RUQVQO ASVLO KNMLOVNC LVB KNMLSPBO LB MUAXXAVNBC LVB RKBAO WNB NK]NBO `UQVLO #,L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC RKBAC XNO NK]QO `UQVLO A`LYA]BPVA `AOVA YAB `QC MNMUA`VAB N`B VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS BOA `LKKA `A]R YAB NaLSWNOQ]R #-AKKA KNMQ SXBO LVB YAB RKBAC NKRKS]NO YAB N`LBRPAO ASVQ LPA R]NKRPAO YA]QC MNMUA`VAB N` ASVLO #.YAB NK]QO `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC NBWNO LTKLO `LKSO `NUB ASVLSC YAB MUAXXAVNBC PS\RVLSOVAC ASVLBC #'YAB NS]NQC `AC L LTKLC BWQO ASVLO NaN]AXHR]R YAB `ULPVUNTLOVNC RP`A\LOVL ASVLO #/YAB N`RUQVRPNO VLSC MUAXXAVNBC VB PS\RVNBVN `ULC ASVLSC #0YAB A`LYUB]NBC NBC NY VLS LTKLS NB`NO WBWAPYAKN RONMYA VLO SBLO XLS `ULC PN NTLOVA `ONSXA AKAKLO
#$and $herever it doth seiEe hi", it doth tear hi", and he !oa"eth, and gnasheth his teeth, and ineth a$ay, and 0 s a'e to thy dis#i les that they "ay #ast it out, and they $ere not able)I #%.nd he ans$ering hi", said, IO generation unbelieving, till $hen shall 0 be $ith youb till $hen shall 0 su!!er youb bring hi" unto "e,I ,(and they brought hi" unto hi", and he having seen hi", i""ediately the s irit tare hi", and he, having !allen u on the earth, $as $allo$ing ++ !oa"ing) ,#.nd he ?uestioned his !ather, IHo$ long ti"e is it sin#e this #a"e to hi"bI and he said, IFro" #hildhood, ,,and "any ti"es also it #ast hi" into !ire, and into $ater, that it "ight destroy hi", but i! thou art able to do anything, hel us, having #o" assion on us)I ,-.nd 5esus said to hi", I0! thou art able to believed all things are ossible to the one that is believing,I ,.and i""ediately the !ather o! the #hild, having #ried out, $ith tears said, I0 believe, sir, be hel ing "ine unbelie!)I #$YAB L`LS AO ASVLO YAVAKAHR URPPNB ASVLO YAB AZUB\NB YAB VUB\NB VLSC LWLOVAC ASVLS YAB aRUABONVAB YAB NB`LO VLBC XA]RVABC PLS BOA ASVL NYHAKQPBO YAB LSY BPTSPAO #%L WN A`LYUB]NBC ASVQ KNMNB Q MNONA A`BPVLC NQC `LVN `ULC SXAC NPLXAB NQC `LVN AONaLXAB SXQO ZNUNVN ASVLO `ULC XN ,(YAB RONMYAO ASVLO `ULC ASVLO YAB BWQO ASVLO NS]NQC VL `ONSXA NP`AUAaNO ASVLO YAB `NPQO N`B VRC MRC NYSKBNVL AZUB\QO ,#YAB N`RUQVRPNO VLO `AVNUA ASVLS `LPLC TULOLC NPVBO QC VLSVL MNMLONO ASVQ L WN NB`NO `ABWBL]NO ,,YAB `LKKAYBC ASVLO YAB NBC `SU NHAKNO YAB NBC SWAVA BOA A`LKNPR ASVLO AKK NB VB WSOAPAB HLR]RPLO RXBO P`KAMTOBP]NBC NZ RXAC ,-L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVQ VL NB WSOAPAB `BPVNSPAB `AOVA WSOAVA VQ `BPVNSLOVB ,.YAB NS]NQC YUAaAC L `AVRU VLS `ABWBLS XNVA WAYUSQO NKNMNO `BPVNSQ YSUBN HLR]NB XLS VR A`BPVBA
,'5esus having seen that a "ultitude doth run together, rebu'ed the un#lean s irit, saying to it, IS irit ++ du"b and dea! ++ 0 #harge thee, #o"e !orth out o! hi", and no "ore thou "ayest enter into hi",I ,/and having #ried, and rent hi" "u#h, it #a"e !orth, and he be#a"e as dead, so that "any said that he $as dead, ,0but 5esus, having ta'en hi" by the hand, li!ted hi" u , and he arose) ,$.nd he having #o"e into the house, his dis#i les $ere ?uestioning hi" by hi"sel! ++ IWhy $ere $e not able to #ast it !orthbI ,%.nd he said to the", IThis 'ind is able to #o"e !orth $ith nothing e(#e t $ith rayer and !asting)I -(.nd having gone !orth then#e, they $ere assing through &alilee, and he did not $ish that any "ay 'no$, -#!or he $as tea#hing his dis#i les, and he said to the", IThe Son o! @an is being delivered to the hands o! "en, and they shall 'ill hi", and having been 'illed the third day he shall rise,I -,but they $ere not understanding the saying, and they $ere a!raid to ?uestion hi") ,'BWQO WN L BRPLSC LVB N`BPSOVUNTNB LTKLC N`NVBXRPNO VQ `ONSXAVB VQ AYA]AUVQ KNMQO ASVQ VL `ONSXA VL AKAKLO YAB YQZLO NMQ PLB N`BVAPPQ NaNK]N Na ASVLS YAB XRYNVB NBPNK]RC NBC ASVLO ,/YAB YUAaAO YAB `LKKA P`AUAaAO ASVLO NaRK]NO YAB NMNONVL QPNB ONYULC QPVN `LKKLSC KNMNBO LVB A`N]AONO ,0L WN BRPLSC YUAVRPAC ASVLO VRC TNBULC RMNBUNO ASVLO YAB AONPVR ,$YAB NBPNK]LOVA ASVLO NBC LBYLO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS N`RUQVQO ASVLO YAV BWBAO LVB RXNBC LSY RWSOR]RXNO NYHAKNBO ASVL ,%YAB NB`NO ASVLBC VLSVL VL MNOLC NO LSWNOB WSOAVAB NaNK]NBO NB XR NO `ULPNSTR YAB ORPVNBA -(YAB NYNB]NO NaNK]LOVNC `AUN`LUNSLOVL WBA VRC MAKBKABAC YAB LSY R]NKNO BOA VBC MOQ -#NWBWAPYNO MAU VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC LVB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS `AUAWBWLVAB NBC TNBUAC AO]UQ`QO YAB A`LYVNOLSPBO ASVLO YAB A`LYVAO]NBC VR VUBVR RXNUA AOAPVRPNVAB -,LB WN RMOLLSO VL URXA YAB NZLHLSOVL ASVLO N`NUQVRPAB
--.nd he #a"e to Da ernau", and being in the house, he $as ?uestioning the", IWhat $ere ye reasoning in the $ay a"ong yourselvesbI -.and they $ere silent, !or $ith one another they did reason in the $ay $ho is greater, -'and having sat do$n he #alled the t$elve, and he saith to the", I0! any doth $ill to be !irst, he shall be last o! all, and "inister o! all)I -/.nd having ta'en a #hild, he set hi" in the "idst o! the", and having ta'en hi" in his ar"s, said to the", -0IWhoever "ay re#eive one o! su#h #hildren in "y na"e, doth re#eive "e, and $hoever "ay re#eive "e, doth not re#eive "e, but Hi" $ho sent "e)I -$.nd 5ohn did ans$er hi", saying, ITea#her, $e sa$ a #ertain one in thy na"e #asting out de"ons, $ho doth not !ollo$ us, and $e !orbade hi", be#ause he doth not !ollo$ us)I -%.nd 5esus said, IForbid hi" not, !or there is no one $ho shall do a "ighty $or' in "y na"e, and shall be able readily to s ea' evil o! "eF .(!or he $ho is not against us is !or us, .#!or $hoever "ay give you to drin' a #u o! $ater in "y na"e, be#ause ye are DhristIs, verily 0 say to you, he "ay not lose his re$ard, --YAB RK]NO NBC YA`NUOALSX YAB NO VR LBYBA MNOLXNOLC N`RUQVA ASVLSC VB NO VR LWQ `ULC NASVLSC WBNKLMB\NP]N -.LB WN NPBQ`QO `ULC AKKRKLSC MAU WBNKNT]RPAO NO VR LWQ VBC XNB\QO -'YAB YA]BPAC NZQORPNO VLSC WQWNYA YAB KNMNB ASVLBC NB VBC ]NKNB `UQVLC NBOAB NPVAB `AOVQO NPTAVLC YAB `AOVQO WBAYLOLC -/YAB KAHQO `ABWBLO NPVRPNO ASVL NO XNPQ ASVQO YAB NOAMYAKBPAXNOLC ASVL NB`NO ASVLBC -0LC NAO NO VQO VLBLSVQO `ABWBQO WNaRVAB N`B VQ LOLXAVB XLS NXN WNTNVAB YAB LC NAO NXN WNaRVAB LSY NXN WNTNVAB AKKA VLO A`LPVNBKAOVA XN -$A`NYUB]R WN ASVQ L BQAOORC KNMQO WBWAPYAKN NBWLXNO VBOA VQ LOLXAVB PLS NYHAKKLOVA WABXLOBA LC LSY AYLKLS]NB RXBO YAB NYQKSPAXNO ASVLO LVB LSY AYLKLS]NB RXBO -%L WN BRPLSC NB`NO XR YQKSNVN ASVLO LSWNBC MAU NPVBO LC `LBRPNB WSOAXBO N`B VQ LOLXAVB XLS YAB WSORPNVAB VATS YAYLKLMRPAB XN .(LC MAU LSY NPVBO YA] SXQO S`NU SXQO NPVBO .#LC MAU AO `LVBPR SXAC `LVRUBLO SWAVLC NO VQ LOLXAVB XLS LVB TUBPVLS NPVN AXRO KNMQ SXBO LS XR A`LKNPR VLO XBP]LO ASVLS
.,and $hoever "ay #ause to stu"ble one o! the little ones believing in "e, better is it !or hi" i! a "illstone is hanged about his ne#', and he hath been #ast into the sea) .-I.nd i! thy hand "ay #ause thee to stu"ble, #ut it o!!, it is better !or thee "ai"ed to enter into the li!e, than having the t$o hands, to go a$ay to the gehenna, to the !ire ++ the un?uen#hable ++ ..$here there $or" is not dying, and the !ire is not being ?uen#hed) .'I.nd i! thy !oot "ay #ause thee to stu"ble, #ut it o!!, it is better !or thee to enter into the li!e la"e, than having the t$o !eet to be #ast to the gehenna, to the !ire ++ the un?uen#hable ++ ./$here there $or" is not dying, and the !ire is not being ?uen#hed) .0.nd i! thine eye "ay #ause thee to stu"ble, #ast it out, it is better !or thee one+eyed to enter into the reign o! &od, than having t$o eyes, to be #ast to the gehenna o! the !ire ++ .$$here their $or" is not dying, and the !ire is not being ?uen#hed, .%!or every one $ith !ire shall be salted, and every sa#ri!i#e $ith salt shall be salted) .,YAB LC AO PYAOWAKBPR NOA VQO XBYUQO VQO `BPVNSLOVQO NBC NXN YAKLO NPVBO ASVQ XAKKLO NB `NUBYNBVAB KB]LC XSKBYLC `NUB VLO VUATRKLO ASVLS YAB HNHKRVAB NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO .-YAB NAO PYAOWAKB\R PN R TNBU PLS A`LYLcLO ASVRO YAKLO PLB NPVBO YSKKLO NBC VRO \QRO NBPNK]NBO R VAC WSL TNBUAC NTLOVA A`NK]NBO NBC VRO MNNOOAO NBC VL `SU VL APHNPVLO ..L`LS L PYQKRa ASVQO LS VNKNSVA YAB VL `SU LS PHNOOSVAB .'YAB NAO L `LSC PLS PYAOWAKB\R PN A`LYLcLO ASVLO YAKLO NPVBO PLB NBPNK]NBO NBC VRO \QRO TQKLO R VLSC WSL `LWAC NTLOVA HKR]ROAB NBC VRO MNNOOAO NBC VL `SU VL APHNPVLO ./L`LS L PYQKRa ASVQO LS VNKNSVA YAB VL `SU LS PHNOOSVAB .0YAB NAO L LZ]AKXLC PLS PYAOWAKB\R PN NYHAKN ASVLO YAKLO PLB NPVBO XLOLZ]AKXLO NBPNK]NBO NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS R WSL LZ]AKXLSC NTLOVA HKR]ROAB NBC VRO MNNOOAO VLS `SULC .$L`LS L PYQKRa ASVQO LS VNKNSVA YAB VL `SU LS PHNOOSVAB .%`AC MAU `SUB AKBP]RPNVAB YAB `APA ]SPBA AKB AKBP]RPNVAB
'(The salt IisI good, but i! the salt "ay be#o"e saltless, in $hat $ill ye season IitIb Have in yourselves salt, and have ea#e in one another)I '(YAKLO VL AKAC NAO WN VL AKAC AOAKLO MNORVAB NO VBOB ASVL AUVSPNVN NTNVN NO NASVLBC AKAC YAB NBURONSNVN NO AKKRKLBC
+hapter #(
#.nd having risen then#e, he doth #o"e to the #oasts o! 5udea, through the other side o! the 5ordan, and again do "ultitudes #o"e together unto hi", and, as he had been a##usto"ed, again he $as tea#hing the") ,.nd the Pharisees, having #o"e near, ?uestioned hi", i! it is la$!ul !or a husband to ut a$ay a $i!e, te" ting hi", -and he ans$ering said to the", IWhat did @oses #o""and youbI .and they said, I@oses su!!ered to $rite a bill o! divor#e, and to ut a$ay)I '.nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", IFor the sti!!ness o! your heart he $rote you this #o""and, /but !ro" the beginning o! the #reation, a "ale and a !e"ale &od did "a'e the", 0on this a##ount shall a "an leave his !ather and "other, and shall #leave unto his $i!e, #YAYNB]NO AOAPVAC NUTNVAB NBC VA LUBA VRC BLSWABAC WBA VLS `NUAO VLS BLUWAOLS YAB PSX`LUNSLOVAB `AKBO LTKLB `ULC ASVLO YAB QC NBQ]NB `AKBO NWBWAPYNO ASVLSC ,YAB `ULPNK]LOVNC LB ZAUBPABLB N`RUQVRPAO ASVLO NB NaNPVBO AOWUB MSOABYA A`LKSPAB `NBUA\LOVNC ASVLO -L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC VB SXBO NONVNBKAVL XQPRC .LB WN NB`LO XQPRC N`NVUNcNO HBHKBLO A`LPVAPBLS MUAcAB YAB A`LKSPAB 'YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC `ULC VRO PYKRULYAUWBAO SXQO NMUAcNO SXBO VRO NOVLKRO VASVRO /A`L WN AUTRC YVBPNQC AUPNO YAB ]RKS N`LBRPNO ASVLSC L ]NLC
0NONYNO VLSVLS YAVAKNBcNB AO]UQ`LC VLO `AVNUA ASVLS YAB VRO XRVNUA YAB `ULPYLKKR]RPNVAB `ULC VRO MSOABYA ASVLS $and they shall be ++ the t$o ++ !or one $YAB NPLOVAB LB WSL NBC PAUYA XBAO !lesh, so that they are no "ore t$o, but QPVN LSYNVB NBPBO WSL AKKA XBA PAUa one !lesh, %$hat there!ore &od did -oin together, %L LSO L ]NLC PSON\NSaNO AO]UQ`LC let not "an ut asunder)I XR TQUB\NVQ #(.nd in the house again his dis#i les #(YAB NO VR LBYBA `AKBO LB XA]RVAB o! the sa"e thing ?uestioned hi", ASVLS `NUB VLS ASVLS N`RUQVRPAO ASVLO 16:
##and he saith to the", IWhoever "ay ut a$ay his $i!e, and "ay "arry another, doth #o""it adultery against her, #,and i! a $o"an "ay ut a$ay her husband, and is "arried to another, she #o""itteth adultery)I #-.nd they $ere bringing to hi" #hildren, that he "ight tou#h the", and the dis#i les $ere rebu'ing those bringing the", #.and 5esus having seen, $as "u#h dis leased, and he said to the", ISu!!er the #hildren to #o"e unto "e, and !orbid the" not, !or o! su#h is the reign o! &od, #'verily 0 say to you, $hoever "ay not re#eive the reign o! &od, as a #hild ++ he "ay not enter into it,I #/and having ta'en the" in his ar"s, having ut IhisI hands u on the", he $as blessing the") #0.nd as he is going !orth into the $ay, one having run and having 'neeled to hi", $as ?uestioning hi", I&ood tea#her, $hat "ay 0 do, that li!e age+during 0 "ay inheritbI #$.nd 5esus said to hi", IWhy "e dost thou #all goodb no one IisI good e(#e t One ++ &od, ##YAB KNMNB ASVLBC LC NAO A`LKSPR VRO MSOABYA ASVLS YAB MAXRPR AKKRO XLBTAVAB N` ASVRO #,YAB NAO MSOR A`LKSPR VLO AOWUA ASVRC YAB MAXR]R AKKQ XLBTAVAB #-YAB `ULPNZNULO ASVQ `ABWBA BOA AcRVAB ASVQO LB WN XA]RVAB N`NVBXQO VLBC `ULPZNULSPBO #.BWQO WN L BRPLSC RMAOAYVRPNO YAB NB`NO ASVLBC AZNVN VA `ABWBA NUTNP]AB `ULC XN YAB XR YQKSNVN ASVA VQO MAU VLBLSVQO NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS #'AXRO KNMQ SXBO LC NAO XR WNaRVAB VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS QC `ABWBLO LS XR NBPNK]R NBC ASVRO #/YAB NOAMYAKBPAXNOLC ASVA VB]NBC VAC TNBUAC N` ASVA RSKLMNB ASVA #0YAB NY`LUNSLXNOLS ASVLS NBC LWLO `ULPWUAXQO NBC YAB MLOS`NVRPAC ASVLO N`RUQVA ASVLO WBWAPYAKN AMA]N VB `LBRPQ BOA \QRO ABQOBLO YKRULOLXRPQ #$L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVQ VB XN KNMNBC AMA]LO LSWNBC AMA]LC NB XR NBC L ]NLC
#%the #o""ands thou hast 'no$nF Thou "ayest not #o""it adultery, Thou "ayest do no "urder, Thou "ayest not steal, Thou "ayest not bear !alse $itness, Thou "ayest not de!raud, Honour thy !ather and "other)I ,(.nd he ans$ering said to hi", ITea#her, all these did 0 'ee !ro" "y youth)I ,#.nd 5esus having loo'ed u on hi", did love hi", and said to hi", IOne thing thou dost la#', go a$ay, $hatever thou hast ++ sell, and give to the oor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and #o"e, be !ollo$ing "e, having ta'en u the #ross)I ,,.nd he ++ gloo"y at the $ord ++ $ent a$ay sorro$ing, !or he $as having "any ossessions) ,-.nd 5esus having loo'ed round, saith to his dis#i les, IHo$ hardly shall they $ho have ri#hes enter into the reign o! &oddI ,..nd the dis#i les $ere astonished at his $ords, and 5esus again ans$ering saith to the", IDhildren, ho$ hard is it to those trusting on the ri#hes to enter into the reign o! &odd ,'0t is easier !or a #a"el through the eye o! the needle to enter, than !or a ri#h "an to enter into the reign o! &od)I #%VAC NOVLKAC LBWAC XR XLBTNSPRC XR ZLONSPRC XR YKNcRC XR cNSWLXAUVSURPRC XR A`LPVNURPRC VBXA VLO `AVNUA PLS YAB VRO XRVNUA
,/.nd they $ere astonished beyond "easure, saying unto the"selves, I.nd $ho is able to be savedbI ,0.nd 5esus, having loo'ed u on the", saith, IWith "en it is i" ossible, but not $ith &od, !or all things are ossible $ith &od)I ,$.nd Peter began to say to hi", ILo, $e le!t all, and $e !ollo$ed thee)I ,/LB WN `NUBPPQC NaN`KRPPLOVL KNMLOVNC `ULC NASVLSC YAB VBC WSOAVAB PQ]ROAB ,0NXHKNcAC WN ASVLBC L BRPLSC KNMNB `AUA AO]UQ`LBC AWSOAVLO AKK LS `AUA VQ ]NQ `AOVA MAU WSOAVA NPVBO `AUA VQ ]NQ ,$YAB RUaAVL L `NVULC KNMNBO ASVQ BWLS RXNBC AZRYAXNO `AOVA YAB RYLKLS]RPAXNO PLB ,%.nd 5esus ans$ering said, I%erily 0 ,%A`LYUB]NBC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO AXRO say to you, there is no one $ho le!t KNMQ SXBO LSWNBC NPVBO LC AZRYNO house, or brothers, or sisters, or !ather, LBYBAO R AWNKZLSC R AWNKZAC R `AVNUA or "other, or $i!e, or #hildren, or R XRVNUA R MSOABYA R VNYOA R AMULSC !ields, !or "y sa'e, and !or the good NONYNO NXLS YAB VLS NSAMMNKBLS ne$sI, -($ho "ay not re#eive an -(NAO XR KAHR NYAVLOVA`KAPBLOA OSO hundred!old no$ in this ti"e, houses, NO VQ YABUQ VLSVQ LBYBAC YAB and brothers, and sisters, and "others, AWNKZLSC YAB AWNKZAC YAB XRVNUAC YAB and #hildren, and !ields, $ith VNYOA YAB AMULSC XNVA WBQMXQO YAB NO erse#utions, and in the age that is VQ ABQOB VQ NUTLXNOQ \QRO ABQOBLO #o"ing, li!e age+during, -#and "any !irst shall be last, and the -#`LKKLB WN NPLOVAB `UQVLB NPTAVLB last !irst)I YAB LB NPTAVLB `UQVLB -,.nd they $ere in the $ay going u -,RPAO WN NO VR LWQ AOAHABOLOVNC NBC to 5erusale", and 5esus $as going BNULPLKSXA YAB RO `ULAMQO ASVLSC L be!ore the", and they $ere a"aEed, BRPLSC YAB N]AXHLSOVL YAB and !ollo$ing they $ere a!raid) .nd AYLKLS]LSOVNC NZLHLSOVL YAB having again ta'en the t$elve, he `AUAKAHQO `AKBO VLSC WQWNYA RUaAVL began to tell the" the things about to ASVLBC KNMNBO VA XNKKLOVA ASVQ ha en to hi", PSXHABONBO
--++ ILo, $e go u to 5erusale", and the Son o! @an shall be delivered to the #hie! riests, and to the s#ribes, and they shall #onde"n hi" to death, and shall deliver hi" to the nations, --LVB BWLS AOAHABOLXNO NBC BNULPLKSXA YAB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS `AUAWL]RPNVAB VLBC AUTBNUNSPBO YAB VLBC MUAXXAVNSPBO YAB YAVAYUBOLSPBO ASVLO ]AOAVQ YAB `AUAWQPLSPBO ASVLO VLBC N]ONPBO -.and they shall "o#' hi", and -.YAB NX`ABaLSPBO ASVQ YAB s#ourge hi", and s it on hi", and 'ill XAPVBMQPLSPBO ASVLO YAB NX`VSPLSPBO hi", and the third day he shall rise ASVQ YAB A`LYVNOLSPBO ASVLO YAB VR again)I VUBVR RXNUA AOAPVRPNVAB -'.nd there #o"e near to hi" 5a"es -'YAB `ULP`LUNSLOVAB ASVQ BAYQHLC and 5ohn, the sons o! [ebedee, saying, YAB BQAOORC LB SBLB \NHNWABLS KNMLOVNC ITea#her, $e $ish that $hatever $e WBWAPYAKN ]NKLXNO BOA L NAO "ay as' !or ourselves, thou "ayest do ABVRPQXNO `LBRPRC RXBO !or us,I -/and he said to the", IWhat do ye -/L WN NB`NO ASVLBC VB ]NKNVN `LBRPAB $ish "e to do !or youbI XN SXBO -0and they said to hi", I&rant to us -0LB WN NB`LO ASVQ WLC RXBO BOA NBC NY that, one on thy right hand and one on WNaBQO PLS YAB NBC Na NSQOSXQO PLS thy le!t, $e "ay sit in thy glory,I YA]BPQXNO NO VR WLaR PLS -$and 5esus said to the", I4e have not -$L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC LSY LBWAVN 'no$n $hat ye as', are ye able to VB ABVNBP]N WSOAP]N `BNBO VL `LVRUBLO drin' o! the #u that 0 drin' o!, and L NMQ `BOQ YAB VL HA`VBPXA L NMQ $ith the ba tis" that 0 a" ba tiEed HA`VB\LXAB HA`VBP]ROAB $ith ++ to be ba tiEedbI -%.nd they said to hi", IWe are able,I -%LB WN NB`LO ASVQ WSOAXN]A L WN and 5esus said to the", IO! the #u BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC VL XNO `LVRUBLO L indeed that 0 drin' o!, ye shall drin', NMQ `BOQ `BNP]N YAB VL HA`VBPXA L and $ith the ba tis" that 0 a" NMQ HA`VB\LXAB HA`VBP]RPNP]N ba tiEed $ith, ye shall be ba tiEed, .(but to sit on "y right and on "y .(VL WN YA]BPAB NY WNaBQO XLS YAB Na le!t, is not "ine to give, but ++ to those NSQOSXQO XLS LSY NPVBO NXLO WLSOAB !or $ho" it hath been re ared)I AKK LBC RVLBXAPVAB
.#.nd the ten having heard, began to be "u#h dis leased at 5a"es and 5ohn, .,but 5esus having #alled the" near, saith to the", I4e have 'no$n that they $ho are #onsidered to rule the nations do e(er#ise lordshi over the", and their great ones do e(er#ise authority u on the", .-but not so shall it be a"ong you, but $hoever "ay $ill to be#o"e great a"ong you, he shall be your "inister, ..and $hoever o! you "ay $ill to be#o"e !irst, he shall be servant o! all, .'!or even the Son o! @an #a"e not to be "inistered to, but to "inister, and to give his li!e a ranso" !or "any)I .#YAB AYLSPAOVNC LB WNYA RUaAOVL AMAOAYVNBO `NUB BAYQHLS YAB BQAOOLS .,L WN BRPLSC `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC ASVLSC KNMNB ASVLBC LBWAVN LVB LB WLYLSOVNC AUTNBO VQO N]OQO YAVAYSUBNSLSPBO ASVQO YAB LB XNMAKLB ASVQO YAVNaLSPBA\LSPBO ASVQO
.-LST LSVQC WN NPVAB NO SXBO AKK LC NAO ]NKR MNONP]AB XNMAC NO SXBO NPVAB WBAYLOLC SXQO ..YAB LC AO ]NKR SXQO MNONP]AB `UQVLC NPVAB `AOVQO WLSKLC .'YAB MAU L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS LSY RK]NO WBAYLOR]ROAB AKKA WBAYLORPAB YAB WLSOAB VRO cSTRO ASVLS KSVULO AOVB `LKKQO ./.nd they #o"e to 5eri#ho, and as he ./YAB NUTLOVAB NBC BNUBTQ YAB is going !orth !ro" 5eri#ho, $ith his NY`LUNSLXNOLS ASVLS A`L BNUBTQ YAB dis#i les and a great "ultitude, a son VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS YAB LTKLS BYAOLS o! Ti"aeus ++ Barti"aeus the blind ++ SBLC VBXABLS HAUVBXABLC L VSZKLC $as sitting beside the $ay begging, NYA]RVL `AUA VRO LWLO `ULPABVQO .0and having heard that it is 5esus the .0YAB AYLSPAC LVB BRPLSC L OA\QUABLC /aEarene, he began to #ry out, and to NPVBO RUaAVL YUA\NBO YAB KNMNBO L SBLC say, IThe Son o! David ++ 5esusd deal WAHBW BRPLS NKNRPLO XN 'indly $ith "e,I .$and "any $ere rebu'ing hi", that .$YAB N`NVBXQO ASVQ `LKKLB BOA he "ight 'ee silent, but the "ore PBQ`RPR L WN `LKKQ XAKKLO NYUA\NO abundantly he #ried out, ISon o! SBN WAHBW NKNRPLO XN David, deal 'indly $ith "e)I .%.nd 5esus having stood, he .%YAB PVAC L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLO #o""anded hi" to be #alled, and they ZQOR]ROAB YAB ZQOLSPBO VLO VSZKLO #all the blind "an, saying to hi", KNMLOVNC ASVQ ]AUPNB NMNBUAB ZQONB ITa'e #ourage, rise, he doth #all thee,I PN 162
'(and he, having #ast a$ay his gar"ent, having risen, did #o"e unto 5esus) '#.nd ans$ering, 5esus saith to hi", IWhat $ilt thou 0 "ay do to theebI and the blind "an said to hi", IRabboni, that 0 "ay see again,I ',and 5esus said to hi", I&o, thy !aith hath saved theeFI and i""ediately he sa$ again, and $as !ollo$ing 5esus in the $ay) '(L WN A`LHAKQO VL BXAVBLO ASVLS AOAPVAC RK]NO `ULC VLO BRPLSO '#YAB A`LYUB]NBC KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC VB ]NKNBC `LBRPQ PLB L WN VSZKLC NB`NO ASVQ UAHHLOB BOA AOAHKNcQ ',L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVQ S`AMN R `BPVBC PLS PNPQYNO PN YAB NS]NQC AONHKNcNO YAB RYLKLS]NB VQ BRPLS NO VR LWQ
+hapter ##
#.nd $hen they #o"e nigh to 5erusale", to Beth hage, and Bethany, unto the "ount o! the Olives, he sendeth !orth t$o o! his dis#i les, ,and saith to the", I&o a$ay to the village that is over+against you, and i""ediately, entering into it, ye shall !ind a #olt tied, on $hi#h no one o! "en hath sat, having loosed it, bring IitIF -and i! any one "ay say to you, Why do ye thisb say ye that the lord hath need o! it, and i""ediately he $ill send it hither)I ..nd they $ent a$ay, and !ound the #olt tied at the door $ithout, by the t$o $ays, and they loose it, 'and #ertain o! those standing there said to the", IWhat do ye ++ loosing the #oltbI /and they said to the" as 5esus #o""anded, and they su!!ered the") 0.nd they brought the #olt unto 5esus, and did #ast u on it their gar"ents, and he sat u on it, $and "any did s read their gar"ents in the $ay, and others $ere #utting do$n bran#hes !ro" the trees, and $ere stre$ing in the $ay) %.nd those going be!ore and those !ollo$ing $ere #rying out, saying, IHosannad blessed IisI he $ho is #o"ing in the na"e o! the Lord, #YAB LVN NMMB\LSPBO NBC BNULSPAKRX NBC HR]ZAMR YAB HR]AOBAO `ULC VL LULC VQO NKABQO A`LPVNKKNB WSL VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS ,YAB KNMNB ASVLBC S`AMNVN NBC VRO YQXRO VRO YAVNOAOVB SXQO YAB NS]NQC NBP`LUNSLXNOLB NBC ASVRO NSURPNVN `QKLO WNWNXNOLO NZ LO LSWNBC AO]UQ`QO YNYA]BYNO KSPAOVNC ASVLO AMAMNVN -YAB NAO VBC SXBO NB`R VB `LBNBVN VLSVL NB`AVN LVB L YSUBLC ASVLS TUNBAO NTNB YAB NS]NQC ASVLO A`LPVNKNB QWN .A`RK]LO WN YAB NSULO VLO `QKLO WNWNXNOLO `ULC VRO ]SUAO NaQ N`B VLS AXZLWLS YAB KSLSPBO ASVLO 'YAB VBONC VQO NYNB NPVRYLVQO NKNMLO ASVLBC VB `LBNBVN KSLOVNC VLO `QKLO /LB WN NB`LO ASVLBC YA]QC NONVNBKAVL L BRPLSC YAB AZRYAO ASVLSC 0YAB RMAMLO VLO `QKLO `ULC VLO BRPLSO YAB N`NHAKLO ASVQ VA BXAVBA ASVQO YAB NYA]BPNO N` ASVQ $`LKKLB WN VA BXAVBA ASVQO NPVUQPAO NBC VRO LWLO AKKLB WN PVLBHAWAC NYL`VLO NY VQO WNOWUQO YAB NPVUQOOSLO NBC VRO LWLO %YAB LB `ULAMLOVNC YAB LB AYLKLS]LSOVNC NYUA\LO KNMLOVNC QPAOOA NSKLMRXNOLC L NUTLXNOLC NO LOLXAVB YSUBLS
#(blessed is the #o"ing reign, in the na"e o! the Lord, o! our !ather David, Hosanna in the highest)I ##.nd 5esus entered into 5erusale", and into the te" le, and having loo'ed round on all things, it being no$ evening, he $ent !orth to Bethany $ith the t$elve) #,.nd on the "orro$, they having #o"e !orth !ro" Bethany, he hungered, #-and having seen a !ig+tree a!ar o!! having leaves, he #a"e, i! erha s he shall !ind anything in it, and having #o"e to it, he !ound nothing e(#e t leaves, !or it $as not a ti"e o! !igs, #.and 5esus ans$ering said to it, I/o "ore !ro" thee ++ to the age ++ "ay any eat !ruit,I and his dis#i les $ere hearing) #'.nd they #o"e to 5erusale", and 5esus having gone into the te" le, began to #ast !orth those selling and buying in the te" le, and the tables o! the "oney+#hangers and the seats o! those selling the doves, he overthre$, #(NSKLMRXNOR R NUTLXNOR HAPBKNBA NO LOLXAVB YSUBLS VLS `AVULC RXQO WAHBW QPAOOA NO VLBC ScBPVLBC ##YAB NBPRK]NO NBC BNULPLKSXA L BRPLSC YAB NBC VL BNULO YAB `NUBHKNcAXNOLC `AOVA LcBAC RWR LSPRC VRC QUAC NaRK]NO NBC HR]AOBAO XNVA VQO WQWNYA #,YAB VR N`ASUBLO NaNK]LOVQO ASVQO A`L HR]AOBAC N`NBOAPNO #-YAB BWQO PSYRO XAYUL]NO NTLSPAO ZSKKA RK]NO NB AUA NSURPNB VB NO ASVR YAB NK]QO N` ASVRO LSWNO NSUNO NB XR ZSKKA LS MAU RO YABULC PSYQO
#$.nd the s#ribes and the #hie! riests heard, and they $ere see'ing ho$ they shall destroy hi", !or they $ere a!raid o! hi", be#ause all the "ultitude $as astonished at his tea#hing, #%and $hen evening #a"e, he $as going !orth $ithout the #ity) ,(.nd in the "orning, assing by, they sa$ the !ig+tree having been dried u !ro" the roots, ,#and Peter having re"e"bered saith to hi", IRabbi, lo, the !ig+tree that thou didst #urse is dried u )I ,,.nd 5esus ans$ering saith to the", IHave !aith o! &od, ,-!or verily 0 say to you, that $hoever "ay say to this "ount, Be ta'en u , and be #ast into the sea, and "ay not doubt in his heart, but "ay believe that the things that he saith do #o"e to ass, it shall be to hi" $hatever he "ay say) ,.Be#ause o! this 0 say to you, all $hatever ++ raying ++ ye do as', believe that ye re#eive, and it shall be to you) ,'I.nd $henever ye "ay stand raying, !orgive, i! ye have anything against any one, that your Father also $ho is in the heavens "ay !orgive you your tres asses, ,/and, i! ye do not !orgive, neither $ill your Father $ho is in the heavens !orgive your tres asses)I #$YAB RYLSPAO LB MUAXXAVNBC YAB LB AUTBNUNBC YAB N\RVLSO `QC ASVLO A`LKNPLSPBO NZLHLSOVL MAU ASVLO LVB `AC L LTKLC NaN`KRPPNVL N`B VR WBWATR ASVLS #%YAB LVN LcN NMNONVL NaN`LUNSNVL NaQ VRC `LKNQC ,(YAB `UQB `AUA`LUNSLXNOLB NBWLO VRO PSYRO NaRUAXXNORO NY UB\QO ,#YAB AOAXORP]NBC L `NVULC KNMNB ASVQ UAHHB BWN R PSYR RO YAVRUAPQ NaRUAOVAB ,,YAB A`LYUB]NBC BRPLSC KNMNB ASVLBC NTNVN `BPVBO ]NLS ,-AXRO MAU KNMQ SXBO LVB LC AO NB`R VQ LUNB VLSVQ AU]RVB YAB HKR]RVB NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO YAB XR WBAYUB]R NO VR YAUWBA ASVLS AKKA `BPVNSPR LVB A KNMNB MBONVAB NPVAB ASVQ L NAO NB`R ,.WBA VLSVL KNMQ SXBO `AOVA LPA AO `ULPNSTLXNOLB ABVNBP]N `BPVNSNVN LVB KAXHAONVN YAB NPVAB SXBO ,'YAB LVAO PVRYRVN `ULPNSTLXNOLB AZBNVN NB VB NTNVN YAVA VBOLC BOA YAB L `AVRU SXQO L NO VLBC LSUAOLBC AZR SXBO VA `AUA`VQXAVA SXQO ,/NB WN SXNBC LSY AZBNVN LSWN L `AVRU SXQO L NO VLBC LSUAOLBC AZRPNB VA `AUA`VQXAVA SXQO
,0.nd they #o"e again to 5erusale", and in the te" le, as he is $al'ing, there #o"e unto hi" the #hie! riests, and the s#ribes, and the elders, ,$and they say to hi", IBy $hat authority dost thou these thingsb and $ho gave thee this authority that these things thou "ayest dobI ,%.nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", I0 $ill ?uestion you ++ 0 also ++ one $ord, and ans$er "e, and 0 $ill tell you by $hat authority 0 do these things, -(the ba tis" o! 5ohn ++ !ro" heaven $as itb or !ro" "enb ans$er "e)I -#.nd they $ere reasoning $ith the"selves, saying, I0! $e "ay say, Fro" heaven, he $ill say, Where!ore, then, did ye not believe hi"b -,But i! $e "ay say, Fro" "en,I ++ they $ere !earing the eo le, !or all $ere holding 5ohn that he $as indeed a ro het, --and ans$ering they say to 5esus, IWe have not 'no$n,I and 5esus ans$ering saith to the", I/either do 0 tell you by $hat authority 0 do these things)I ,0YAB NUTLOVAB `AKBO NBC BNULPLKSXA YAB NO VQ BNUQ `NUB`AVLSOVLC ASVLS NUTLOVAB `ULC ASVLO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB ,$YAB KNMLSPBO ASVQ NO `LBA NaLSPBA VASVA `LBNBC YAB VBC PLB VRO NaLSPBAO VASVRO NWQYNO BOA VASVA `LBRC ,%L WN BRPLSC A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC N`NUQVRPQ SXAC YAMQ NOA KLMLO YAB A`LYUB]RVN XLB YAB NUQ SXBO NO `LBA NaLSPBA VASVA `LBQ -(VL HA`VBPXA BQAOOLS Na LSUAOLS RO R Na AO]UQ`QO A`LYUB]RVN XLB -#YAB NKLMB\LOVL `ULC NASVLSC KNMLOVNC NAO NB`QXNO Na LSUAOLS NUNB WBAVB LSO LSY N`BPVNSPAVN ASVQ -,AKK NAO NB`QXNO Na AO]UQ`QO NZLHLSOVL VLO KALO A`AOVNC MAU NBTLO VLO BQAOORO LVB LOVQC `ULZRVRC RO --YAB A`LYUB]NOVNC KNMLSPBO VQ BRPLS LSY LBWAXNO YAB L BRPLSC A`LYUB]NBC KNMNB ASVLBC LSWN NMQ KNMQ SXBO NO `LBA NaLSPBA VASVA `LBQ
+hapter #,
#.nd he began to s ea' to the" in si"ilesF I. "an lanted a vineyard, and ut a hedge around, and digged an under+$inevat, and built a to$er, and gave it out to husband"en, and $ent abroad, ,and he sent unto the husband"en at the due ti"e a servant, that !ro" the husband"en he "ay re#eive !ro" the !ruit o! the vineyard, -and they, having ta'en hi", did severely beat Ihi"I, and did send hi" a$ay e" ty) .I.nd again he sent unto the" another servant, and at that one having #ast stones, they $ounded Ihi"I in the head, and sent a$ay ++ dishonoured) 'I.nd again he sent another, and that one they 'illed, and "any others, so"e beating, and so"e 'illing) /IHaving yet there!ore one son ++ his beloved ++ he sent also hi" unto the" last, saying ++ They $ill reveren#e "y son, 0and those husband"en said a"ong the"selves ++ This is the heir, #o"e, $e "ay 'ill hi", and ours shall be the inheritan#e, $and having ta'en hi", they did 'ill, and #ast Ihi"I !orth $ithout the vineyard) #YAB RUaAVL ASVLBC NO `AUAHLKABC KNMNBO AX`NKQOA NZSVNSPNO AO]UQ`LC YAB `NUBN]RYNO ZUAMXLO YAB QUSaNO S`LKROBLO YAB QYLWLXRPNO `SUMLO YAB NaNWLVL ASVLO MNQUMLBC YAB A`NWRXRPNO ,YAB A`NPVNBKNO `ULC VLSC MNQUMLSC VQ YABUQ WLSKLO BOA `AUA VQO MNQUMQO KAHR A`L VLS YAU`LS VLS AX`NKQOLC -LB WN KAHLOVNC ASVLO NWNBUAO YAB A`NPVNBKAO YNOLO .YAB `AKBO A`NPVNBKNO `ULC ASVLSC AKKLO WLSKLO YAYNBOLO KB]LHLKRPAOVNC NYNZAKABQPAO YAB A`NPVNBKAO RVBXQXNOLO 'YAB `AKBO AKKLO A`NPVNBKNO YAYNBOLO A`NYVNBOAO YAB `LKKLSC AKKLSC VLSC XNO WNULOVNC VLSC WN A`LYVNBOLOVNC /NVB LSO NOA SBLO NTQO AMA`RVLO ASVLS A`NPVNBKNO YAB ASVLO `ULC ASVLSC NPTAVLO KNMQO LVB NOVUA`RPLOVAB VLO SBLO XLS 0NYNBOLB WN LB MNQUMLB NB`LO `ULC NASVLSC LVB LSVLC NPVBO L YKRULOLXLC WNSVN A`LYVNBOQXNO ASVLO YAB RXQO NPVAB R YKRULOLXBA $YAB KAHLOVNC ASVLO A`NYVNBOAO YAB NaNHAKLO NaQ VLS AX`NKQOLC
%IWhat there!ore shall the lord o! the vineyard dob he $ill #o"e and destroy the husband"en, and $ill give the vineyard to others) #(.nd this Writing did ye not readF . stone that the builders re-e#ted, it did be#o"e the head o! a #ornerF ##!ro" the Lord $as this, and it is $onder!ul in our eyes)I #,.nd they $ere see'ing to lay hold on hi", and they !eared the "ultitude, !or they 'ne$ that against the" he s a'e the si"ile, and having le!t hi", they $ent a$ay, #-and they send unto hi" #ertain o! the Pharisees and o! the Herodians, that they "ay ensnare hi" in dis#ourse, #.and they having #o"e, say to hi", ITea#her, $e have 'no$n that thou art true, and thou art not #aring !or any one, !or thou dost not loo' to the !a#e o! "en, but in truth the $ay o! &od dost tea#h, is it la$!ul to give tribute to Daesar or notb "ay $e give, or "ay $e not givebI #'.nd he, 'no$ing their hy o#risy, said to the", IWhy "e do ye te" tb bring "e a denary, that 0 "ay see,I #/and they brought, and he saith to the", IWhose IisI this i"age, and the ins#ri tionbI and they said to hi", IDaesarIs,I %VB LSO `LBRPNB L YSUBLC VLS AX`NKQOLC NKNSPNVAB YAB A`LKNPNB VLSC MNQUMLSC YAB WQPNB VLO AX`NKQOA AKKLBC #(LSWN VRO MUAZRO VASVRO AONMOQVN KB]LO LO A`NWLYBXAPAO LB LBYLWLXLSOVNC LSVLC NMNOR]R NBC YNZAKRO MQOBAC ##`AUA YSUBLS NMNONVL ASVR YAB NPVBO ]ASXAPVR NO LZ]AKXLBC RXQO #,YAB N\RVLSO ASVLO YUAVRPAB YAB NZLHR]RPAO VLO LTKLO NMOQPAO MAU LVB `ULC ASVLSC VRO `AUAHLKRO NB`NO YAB AZNOVNC ASVLO A`RK]LO #-YAB A`LPVNKKLSPBO `ULC ASVLO VBOAC VQO ZAUBPABQO YAB VQO RUQWBAOQO BOA ASVLO AMUNSPQPBO KLMQ #.LB WN NK]LOVNC KNMLSPBO ASVQ WBWAPYAKN LBWAXNO LVB AKR]RC NB YAB LS XNKNB PLB `NUB LSWNOLC LS MAU HKN`NBC NBC `ULPQ`LO AO]UQ`QO AKK N` AKR]NBAC VRO LWLO VLS ]NLS WBWAPYNBC NaNPVBO YROPLO YABPAUB WLSOAB R LS #'WQXNO R XR WQXNO L WN NBWQC ASVQO VRO S`LYUBPBO NB`NO ASVLBC VB XN `NBUA\NVN ZNUNVN XLB WROAUBLO BOA BWQ #/LB WN RONMYAO YAB KNMNB ASVLBC VBOLC R NBYQO ASVR YAB R N`BMUAZR LB WN NB`LO ASVQ YABPAULC
#0and 5esus ans$ering said to the", I&ive ba#' the things o! Daesar to Daesar, and the things o! &od to &od,I and they did $onder at hi") #$.nd the Saddu#ees #o"e unto hi", $ho say there is not a rising again, and they ?uestioned hi", saying, #%ITea#her, @oses $rote to us, that i! any oneIs brother "ay die, and "ay leave a $i!e, and "ay leave no #hildren, that his brother "ay ta'e his $i!e, and raise u seed to his brother) #0YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC A`LWLVN VA YABPAULC YABPAUB YAB VA VLS ]NLS VQ ]NQ YAB N]ASXAPAO N` ASVQ #$YAB NUTLOVAB PAWWLSYABLB `ULC ASVLO LBVBONC KNMLSPBO AOAPVAPBO XR NBOAB YAB N`RUQVRPAO ASVLO KNMLOVNC #%WBWAPYAKN XQPRC NMUAcNO RXBO LVB NAO VBOLC AWNKZLC A`L]AOR YAB YAVAKB`R MSOABYA YAB VNYOA XR AZR BOA KAHR L AWNKZLC ASVLS VRO MSOABYA ASVLS YAB NaAOAPVRPR P`NUXA VQ AWNKZQ ASVLS ,(IThere $ere then seven brothers, and ,(N`VA AWNKZLB RPAO YAB L `UQVLC the !irst too' a $i!e, and dying, he le!t NKAHNO MSOABYA YAB A`L]ORPYQO LSY no seed, AZRYNO P`NUXA ,#and the se#ond too' her, and died, ,#YAB L WNSVNULC NKAHNO ASVRO YAB neither le!t he seed, and the third in A`N]AONO YAB LSWN ASVLC AZRYNO li'e "anner, P`NUXA YAB L VUBVLC QPASVQC ,,and the seven too' her, and le!t no ,,YAB NKAHLO ASVRO LB N`VA YAB LSY seed, last o! all died also the $o"an, AZRYAO P`NUXA NPTAVR `AOVQO A`N]AONO YAB R MSOR ,-in the rising again, then, $henever ,-NO VR LSO AOAPVAPNB LVAO they "ay rise, o! $hi#h o! the" shall AOAPVQPBO VBOLC ASVQO NPVAB MSOR LB she be $i!e ++ !or the seven had her as MAU N`VA NPTLO ASVRO MSOABYA $i!ebI ,..nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", ,.YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO IDo ye not be#ause o! this go astray, ASVLBC LS WBA VLSVL `KAOAP]N XR not 'no$ing the Writings, nor the NBWLVNC VAC MUAZAC XRWN VRO WSOAXBO o$er o! &odb VLS ]NLS ,'!or $hen they "ay rise out o! the ,'LVAO MAU NY ONYUQO AOAPVQPBO LSVN dead, they neither "arry nor are they MAXLSPBO LSVN MAXBPYLOVAB AKK NBPBO given in "arriage, but are as QC AMMNKLB LB NO VLBC LSUAOLBC "essengers $ho are in the heavens) G9>
,/I.nd #on#erning the dead, that they riseF have ye not read in the Boo' o! @oses 7at The Bush<, ho$ &od s a'e to hi", saying, 0 Ia"I the &od o! .braha", and the &od o! 0saa#, and the &od o! 5a#ob, ,0he is not the &od o! dead "en, but a &od o! living "en, ye then go greatly astray)I ,$.nd one o! the s#ribes having #o"e near, having heard the" dis uting, 'no$ing that he ans$ered the" $ell, ?uestioned hi", IWhi#h is the !irst #o""and o! allbI ,%and 5esus ans$ered hi" ++ IThe !irst o! all the #o""ands IisI, Hear, O 0srael, the Lord is our &od, the Lord is one, -(and thou shalt love the Lord thy &od out o! all thy heart, and out o! thy soul, and out o! all thine understanding, and out o! all thy strength ++ this IisI the !irst #o""and, -#and the se#ond IisI li'e IitI, this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thysel!, ++ greater than these there is no other #o""and)I -,.nd the s#ribe said to hi", IWell, Tea#her, in truth thou hast s o'en that there is one &od, and there is none other but He, ,/`NUB WN VQO ONYUQO LVB NMNBULOVAB LSY AONMOQVN NO VR HBHKQ XQPNQC N`B VRC HAVLS QC NB`NO ASVQ L ]NLC KNMQO NMQ L ]NLC AHUAAX YAB L ]NLC BPAAY YAB L ]NLC BAYQH ,0LSY NPVBO L ]NLC ONYUQO AKKA ]NLC \QOVQO SXNBC LSO `LKS `KAOAP]N ,$YAB `ULPNK]QO NBC VQO MUAXXAVNQO AYLSPAC ASVQO PS\RVLSOVQO NBWQC LVB YAKQC ASVLBC A`NYUB]R N`RUQVRPNO ASVLO `LBA NPVBO `UQVR `APQO NOVLKR ,%L WN BRPLSC A`NYUB]R ASVQ LVB `UQVR `APQO VQO NOVLKQO AYLSN BPUARK YSUBLC L ]NLC RXQO YSUBLC NBC NPVBO -(YAB AMA`RPNBC YSUBLO VLO ]NLO PLS Na LKRC VRC YAUWBAC PLS YAB Na LKRC VRC cSTRC PLS YAB Na LKRC VRC WBAOLBAC PLS YAB Na LKRC VRC BPTSLC PLS ASVR `UQVR NOVLKR -#YAB WNSVNUA LXLBA ASVR AMA`RPNBC VLO `KRPBLO PLS QC PNASVLO XNB\QO VLSVQO AKKR NOVLKR LSY NPVBO -,YAB NB`NO ASVQ L MUAXXAVNSC YAKQC WBWAPYAKN N` AKR]NBAC NB`AC LVB NBC NPVBO ]NLC YAB LSY NPVBO AKKLC `KRO ASVLS
--and to love Hi" out o! all the heart, and out o! all the understanding, and out o! all the soul, and out o! all the strength, and to love oneIs neighbor as oneIs sel!, is "ore than all the $hole burnt+o!!erings and the sa#ri!i#es)I -..nd 5esus, having seen hi" that he ans$ered $ith understanding, said to hi", IThou art not !ar !ro" the reign o! &od,I and no one any "ore durst ?uestion hi") -'.nd 5esus ans$ering said, tea#hing in the te" le, IHo$ say the s#ribes that the Dhrist is son o! Davidb --YAB VL AMA`AO ASVLO Na LKRC VRC YAUWBAC YAB Na LKRC VRC PSONPNQC YAB Na LKRC VRC cSTRC YAB Na LKRC VRC BPTSLC YAB VL AMA`AO VLO `KRPBLO QC NASVLO `KNBLO NPVBO `AOVQO VQO LKLYASVQXAVQO YAB VQO ]SPBQO -.YAB L BRPLSC BWQO ASVLO LVB OLSONTQC A`NYUB]R NB`NO ASVQ LS XAYUAO NB A`L VRC HAPBKNBAC VLS ]NLS YAB LSWNBC LSYNVB NVLKXA ASVLO N`NUQVRPAB -'YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NKNMNO WBWAPYQO NO VQ BNUQ `QC KNMLSPBO LB MUAXXAVNBC LVB L TUBPVLC SBLC NPVBO WAHBW -/!or David hi"sel! said in the Holy -/ASVLC MAU WAHBW NB`NO NO VQ S irit, The Lord said to "y lord, Sit `ONSXAVB VQ AMBQ NB`NO L YSUBLC VQ thou on @y right hand, till 0 la#e YSUBQ XLS YA]LS NY WNaBQO XLS NQC thine ene"ies ++ thy !ootstool, AO ]Q VLSC NT]ULSC PLS S`L`LWBLO VQO `LWQO PLS -0there!ore David hi"sel! saith o! hi" -0ASVLC LSO WAHBW KNMNB ASVLO YSUBLO Lord, and $hen#e is he his sonbI .nd YAB `L]NO SBLC ASVLS NPVBO YAB L the great "ultitude $ere hearing hi" `LKSC LTKLC RYLSNO ASVLS RWNQC gladly, -$and he $as saying to the" in his -$YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC NO VR WBWATR tea#hing, IBe$are o! the s#ribes, $ho ASVLS HKN`NVN A`L VQO MUAXXAVNQO $ill in long robes to $al', and love VQO ]NKLOVQO NO PVLKABC `NUB`AVNBO salutations in the "ar'et+ la#es, YAB AP`APXLSC NO VABC AMLUABC -%and !irst seats in the synagogues, -%YAB `UQVLYA]NWUBAC NO VABC and !irst #ou#hes in su ers, PSOAMQMABC YAB `UQVLYKBPBAC NO VLBC WNB`OLBC
.($ho are devouring the $ido$sI houses, and !or a retense are "a'ing long rayers, these shall re#eive "ore abundant -udg"ent)I .#.nd 5esus having sat do$n over+ against the treasury, $as beholding ho$ the "ultitude do ut brass into the treasury, and "any ri#h $ere utting in "u#h, .,and having #o"e, a oor $ido$ did ut in t$o "ites, $hi#h are a !arthing) .-.nd having #alled near his dis#i les, he saith to the", I%erily 0 say to you, that this oor $ido$ hath ut in "ore than all those utting into the treasury, ..!or all, out o! their abundan#e, ut in, but she, out o! her $ant, all that she had ut in ++ all her living)I .(LB YAVNP]BLOVNC VAC LBYBAC VQO TRUQO YAB `ULZAPNB XAYUA `ULPNSTLXNOLB LSVLB KRcLOVAB `NUBPPLVNULO YUBXA .#YAB YA]BPAC L BRPLSC YAVNOAOVB VLS MA\LZSKAYBLS N]NQUNB `QC L LTKLC HAKKNB TAKYLO NBC VL MA\LZSKAYBLO YAB `LKKLB `KLSPBLB NHAKKLO `LKKA .,YAB NK]LSPA XBA TRUA `VQTR NHAKNO KN`VA WSL L NPVBO YLWUAOVRC .-YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS KNMNB ASVLBC AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB R TRUA ASVR R `VQTR `KNBLO `AOVQO HNHKRYNO VQO HAKLOVQO NBC VL MA\LZSKAYBLO ..`AOVNC MAU NY VLS `NUBPPNSLOVLC ASVLBC NHAKLO ASVR WN NY VRC SPVNURPNQC ASVRC `AOVA LPA NBTNO NHAKNO LKLO VLO HBLO ASVRC
+hapter ##.nd as he is going !orth out o! the te" le, one o! his dis#i les saith to hi", ITea#her, seed $hat stonesd and $hat buildingsdI ,and 5esus ans$ering said to hi", ISeest thou these great buildingsb there "ay not be le!t a stone u on a stone, that "ay not be thro$n do$n)I -.nd as he is sitting at the "ount o! the Olives, over+against the te" le, Peter, and 5a"es, and 5ohn, and .ndre$, $ere ?uestioning hi" by hi"sel!, .ITell us $hen these things shall beb and $hat IisI the sign $hen all these "ay be about to be !ul!illedbI '.nd 5esus ans$ering the", began to say, ITa'e heed lest any one "ay lead you astray, /!or "any shall #o"e in "y na"e, saying ++ 0 a" IheI, and "any they shall lead astray, 0and $hen ye "ay hear o! $ars and re orts o! $ars, be not troubled, !or these behove to be, but the end IisI not yet, $!or nation shall rise against nation, and 'ingdo" against 'ingdo", and there shall be earth?ua'es in divers la#es, and there shall be !a"ines and troubles, beginnings o! sorro$s IareI these) #YAB NY`LUNSLXNOLS ASVLS NY VLS BNULS KNMNB ASVQ NBC VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS WBWAPYAKN BWN `LVA`LB KB]LB YAB `LVA`AB LBYLWLXAB ,YAB L BRPLSC A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVQ HKN`NBC VASVAC VAC XNMAKAC LBYLWLXAC LS XR AZN]R KB]LC N`B KB]Q LC LS XR YAVAKS]R -YAB YA]RXNOLS ASVLS NBC VL LULC VQO NKABQO YAVNOAOVB VLS BNULS N`RUQVQO ASVLO YAV BWBAO `NVULC YAB BAYQHLC YAB BQAOORC YAB AOWUNAC .NB`N RXBO `LVN VASVA NPVAB YAB VB VL PRXNBLO LVAO XNKKR `AOVA VASVA PSOVNKNBP]AB 'L WN BRPLSC A`LYUB]NBC ASVLBC RUaAVL KNMNBO HKN`NVN XR VBC SXAC `KAORPR /`LKKLB MAU NKNSPLOVAB N`B VQ LOLXAVB XLS KNMLOVNC LVB NMQ NBXB YAB `LKKLSC `KAORPLSPBO 0LVAO WN AYLSPRVN `LKNXLSC YAB AYLAC `LKNXQO XR ]ULNBP]N WNB MAU MNONP]AB AKK LS`Q VL VNKLC $NMNU]RPNVAB MAU N]OLC N`B N]OLC YAB HAPBKNBA N`B HAPBKNBAO YAB NPLOVAB PNBPXLB YAVA VL`LSC YAB NPLOVAB KBXLB YAB VAUATAB AUTAB QWBOQO VASVA
%I.nd ta'e ye heed to yourselves, !or they shall deliver you u to sanhedri"s, and to synagogues, ye shall be beaten, and be!ore governors and 'ings ye shall be set !or "y sa'e, !or a testi"ony to the", #(and to all the nations it behoveth !irst that the good ne$s be ro#lai"ed) ##I.nd $hen they "ay lead you, delivering u , be not an(ious be!orehand $hat ye "ay s ea', nor re"editate, but $hatever "ay be given to you in that hour, that s ea' ye, !or it is not ye $ho are s ea'ing, but the Holy S irit) #,I.nd brother shall deliver u brother to death, and !ather #hild, and #hildren shall rise u against arents, and shall ut the" to death, #-and ye shall be hated by all be#ause o! "y na"e, but he $ho hath endured to the end ++ he shall be saved) #.I.nd $hen ye "ay see the abo"ination o! the desolation, that $as s o'en o! by Daniel the ro het, standing $here it ought not, 7$hoever is reading let hi" understand<, then those in 5udea, let the" !lee to the "ountains, #'and he u on the house+to , let hi" not #o"e do$n to the house, nor #o"e in to ta'e anything out o! his house, %HKN`NVN WN SXNBC NASVLSC `AUAWQPLSPBO MAU SXAC NBC PSONWUBA YAB NBC PSOAMQMAC WAURPNP]N YAB N`B RMNXLOQO YAB HAPBKNQO PVA]RPNP]N NONYNO NXLS NBC XAUVSUBLO ASVLBC #(YAB NBC `AOVA VA N]OR WNB `UQVLO YRUST]ROAB VL NSAMMNKBLO ##LVAO WN AMAMQPBO SXAC `AUAWBWLOVNC XR `ULXNUBXOAVN VB KAKRPRVN XRWN XNKNVAVN AKK L NAO WL]R SXBO NO NYNBOR VR QUA VLSVL KAKNBVN LS MAU NPVN SXNBC LB KAKLSOVNC AKKA VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO #,`AUAWQPNB WN AWNKZLC AWNKZLO NBC ]AOAVLO YAB `AVRU VNYOLO YAB N`AOAPVRPLOVAB VNYOA N`B MLONBC YAB ]AOAVQPLSPBO ASVLSC #-YAB NPNP]N XBPLSXNOLB S`L `AOVQO WBA VL LOLXA XLS L WN S`LXNBOAC NBC VNKLC LSVLC PQ]RPNVAB #.LVAO WN BWRVN VL HWNKSMXA VRC NURXQPNQC VL UR]NO S`L WAOBRK VLS `ULZRVLS NPVLC L`LS LS WNB L AOAMBOQPYQO OLNBVQ VLVN LB NO VR BLSWABA ZNSMNVQPAO NBC VA LUR #'L WN N`B VLS WQXAVLC XR YAVAHAVQ NBC VRO LBYBAO XRWN NBPNK]NVQ AUAB VB NY VRC LBYBAC ASVLS
#/and he $ho is in the !ield, let hi" not turn to the things behind, to ta'e u his gar"ent) #0I.nd $o to those $ith #hild, and to those giving su#', in those days, #/YAB L NBC VLO AMULO QO XR N`BPVUNcAVQ NBC VA L`BPQ AUAB VL BXAVBLO ASVLS #0LSAB WN VABC NO MAPVUB NTLSPABC YAB VABC ]RKA\LSPABC NO NYNBOABC VABC RXNUABC #$and ray ye that your !light "ay not #$`ULPNSTNP]N WN BOA XR MNORVAB R be in $inter, ZSMR SXQO TNBXQOLC #%!or those days shall be tribulation, #%NPLOVAB MAU AB RXNUAB NYNBOAB su#h as hath not been !ro" the ]KBcBC LBA LS MNMLONO VLBASVR A` beginning o! the #reation that &od AUTRC YVBPNQC RC NYVBPNO L ]NLC NQC #reated, till no$, and "ay not be, VLS OSO YAB LS XR MNORVAB ,(and i! the Lord did not shorten the ,(YAB NB XR YSUBLC NYLKLHQPNO VAC days, no !lesh had been saved, but RXNUAC LSY AO NPQ]R `APA PAUa AKKA be#ause o! the #hosen, $ho" He did WBA VLSC NYKNYVLSC LSC NaNKNaAVL #hoose to Hi"sel!, He did shorten the NYLKLHQPNO VAC RXNUAC days) ,#I.nd then, i! any "ay say to you, ,#YAB VLVN NAO VBC SXBO NB`R BWLS QWN Lo, here IisI the Dhrist, or, Lo, there, ye L TUBPVLC R BWLS NYNB XR `BPVNSPRVN "ay not believe, ,,!or there shall rise !alse Dhrists and ,,NMNU]RPLOVAB MAU cNSWLTUBPVLB YAB !alse ro hets, and they shall give cNSWL`ULZRVAB YAB WQPLSPBO PRXNBA signs and $onders, to sedu#e, i! YAB VNUAVA `ULC VL A`L`KAOAO NB ossible, also the #hosen, WSOAVLO YAB VLSC NYKNYVLSC ,-and ye, ta'e heed, lo, 0 have !oretold ,-SXNBC WN HKN`NVN BWLS `ULNBURYA you all things) SXBO `AOVA ,.IBut in those days, a!ter that ,.AKK NO NYNBOABC VABC RXNUABC XNVA tribulation, the sun shall be dar'ened, VRO ]KBcBO NYNBORO L RKBLC and the "oon shall not give her light, PYLVBP]RPNVAB YAB R PNKROR LS WQPNB VL ZNMMLC ASVRC ,'and the stars o! the heaven shall be ,'YAB LB APVNUNC VLS LSUAOLS NPLOVAB !alling, and the o$ers that are in the NY`B`VLOVNC YAB AB WSOAXNBC AB NO VLBC heavens shall be sha'en) LSUAOLBC PAKNS]RPLOVAB G1G
,/I.nd then they shall see the Son o! @an #o"ing in #louds $ith "u#h o$er and glory, ,0and then he shall send his "essengers, and gather together his #hosen !ro" the !our $inds, !ro" the end o! the earth unto the end o! heaven) ,$I.nd !ro" the !ig+tree learn ye the si"ileF $hen the bran#h "ay already be#o"e tender, and "ay ut !orth the leaves, ye 'no$ that nigh is the su""er, ,%so ye, also, $hen these ye "ay see #o"ing to ass, ye 'no$ that it is nigh, at the doors) -(%erily 0 say to you, that this generation "ay not ass a$ay till all these things "ay #o"e to ass, -#the heaven and the earth shall ass a$ay, but "y $ords shall not ass a$ay) -,I.nd #on#erning that day and the hour no one hath 'no$n ++ not even the "essengers $ho are in the heaven, not even the Son ++ e(#e t the Father) --Ta'e heed, $at#h and ray, !or ye have not 'no$n $hen the ti"e is, ,/YAB VLVN LcLOVAB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS NUTLXNOLO NO ONZNKABC XNVA WSOAXNQC `LKKRC YAB WLaRC ,0YAB VLVN A`LPVNKNB VLSC AMMNKLSC ASVLS YAB N`BPSOAaNB VLSC NYKNYVLSC ASVLS NY VQO VNPPAUQO AONXQO A` AYULS MRC NQC AYULS LSUAOLS ,$A`L WN VRC PSYRC XA]NVN VRO `AUAHLKRO LVAO ASVRC RWR L YKAWLC A`AKLC MNORVAB YAB NYZSR VA ZSKKA MBOQPYNVN LVB NMMSC VL ]NULC NPVBO ,%LSVQC YAB SXNBC LVAO VASVA BWRVN MBOLXNOA MBOQPYNVN LVB NMMSC NPVBO N`B ]SUABC -(AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB LS XR `AUNK]R R MNONA ASVR XNTUBC LS `AOVA VASVA MNORVAB -#L LSUAOLC YAB R MR `AUNKNSPLOVAB LB WN KLMLB XLS LS XR `AUNK]QPBO -,`NUB WN VRC RXNUAC NYNBORC YAB VRC QUAC LSWNBC LBWNO LSWN LB AMMNKLB LB NO LSUAOQ LSWN L SBLC NB XR L `AVRU
--HKN`NVN AMUS`ONBVN YAB `ULPNSTNP]N LSY LBWAVN MAU `LVN L YABULC NPVBO -.as a "an $ho is gone abroad, -.QC AO]UQ`LC A`LWRXLC AZNBC VRO having le!t his house, and given to his LBYBAO ASVLS YAB WLSC VLBC WLSKLBC servants the authority, and to ea#h one ASVLS VRO NaLSPBAO YAB NYAPVQ VL his $or', did #o""and also the orter NUMLO ASVLS YAB VQ ]SUQUQ that he "ay $at#h, NONVNBKAVL BOA MURMLUR G1:
-'$at#h ye, there!ore, !or ye have not 'no$n $hen the lord o! the house doth #o"e, at even, or at "idnight, or at #o#'+#ro$ing, or at the "orning, -/lest, having #o"e suddenly, he "ay !ind you slee ing, -0and $hat 0 say to you, 0 say to all, Wat#h)I -'MURMLUNBVN LSO LSY LBWAVN MAU `LVN L YSUBLC VRC LBYBAC NUTNVAB LcN R XNPLOSYVBLS R AKNYVLULZQOBAC R `UQB -/XR NK]QO NaABZORC NSUR SXAC YA]NSWLOVAC -0A WN SXBO KNMQ `APBO KNMQ MURMLUNBVN
+hapter #.
#.nd the assover and the unleavened !ood $ere a!ter t$o days, and the #hie! riests and the s#ribes $ere see'ing ho$, by guile, having ta'en hold o! hi", they "ight 'ill hi", ,and they said, I/ot in the !east, lest there shall be a tu"ult o! the eo le)I -.nd he, being in Bethany, in the house o! Si"on the le er, at his re#lining 7at "eat<, there #a"e a $o"an having an alabaster bo( o! oint"ent, o! s i'enard, very re#ious, and having bro'en the alabaster bo(, did our on his head, .and there $ere #ertain "u#h dis leased $ithin the"selves, and saying, IFor $hat hath this $aste o! the oint"ent been "adeb '!or this #ould have been sold !or "ore than three hundred denaries, and given to the oor,I and they $ere "ur"uring at her) /.nd 5esus said, ILet her alone, $hy are ye giving her troubleb a good $or' she $rought on "e, 0!or the oor al$ays ye have $ith you, and $henever ye "ay $ill ye are able to do the" good, but "e ye have not al$ays, $$hat she #ould she did, she anti#i ated to anoint "y body !or the e"bal"ing) #RO WN VL `APTA YAB VA A\SXA XNVA WSL RXNUAC YAB N\RVLSO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC `QC ASVLO NO WLKQ YUAVRPAOVNC A`LYVNBOQPBO ,NKNMLO WN XR NO VR NLUVR XR`LVN ]LUSHLC NPVAB VLS KALS -YAB LOVLC ASVLS NO HR]AOBA NO VR LBYBA PBXQOLC VLS KN`ULS YAVAYNBXNOLS ASVLS RK]NO MSOR NTLSPA AKAHAPVULO XSULS OAUWLS `BPVBYRC `LKSVNKLSC YAB PSOVUBcAPA VL AKAHAPVULO YAVNTNNO ASVLS YAVA VRC YNZAKRC .RPAO WN VBONC AMAOAYVLSOVNC `ULC NASVLSC YAB KNMLOVNC NBC VB R A`QKNBA ASVR VLS XSULS MNMLONO 'RWSOAVL MAU VLSVL `UA]ROAB N`AOQ VUBAYLPBQO WROAUBQO YAB WL]ROAB VLBC `VQTLBC YAB NONHUBXQOVL ASVR /L WN BRPLSC NB`NO AZNVN ASVRO VB ASVR YL`LSC `AUNTNVN YAKLO NUMLO NBUMAPAVL NBC NXN 0`AOVLVN MAU VLSC `VQTLSC NTNVN XN] NASVQO YAB LVAO ]NKRVN WSOAP]N ASVLSC NS `LBRPAB NXN WN LS `AOVLVN NTNVN $L NBTNO ASVR N`LBRPNO `ULNKAHNO XSUBPAB XLS VL PQXA NBC VLO NOVAZBAPXLO
%%erily 0 say to you, $herever this good ne$s "ay be ro#lai"ed in the $hole $orld, $hat also this $o"an did shall be s o'en o! ++ !or a "e"orial o! her)I #(.nd 5udas the 0s#ariot, one o! the t$elve, $ent a$ay unto the #hie! riests that he "ight deliver hi" u to the", ##and having heard, they $ere glad, and ro"ised to give hi" "oney, and he $as see'ing ho$, #onveniently, he "ight deliver hi" u ) #,.nd the !irst day o! the unleavened !ood, $hen they $ere 'illing the assover, his dis#i les say to hi", IWhere $ilt thou, Ithat,I having gone, $e "ay re are, that thou "ayest eat the assoverbI #-.nd he sendeth !orth t$o o! his dis#i les, and saith to the", I&o ye a$ay to the #ity, and there shall "eet you a "an bearing a it#her o! $ater, !ollo$ hi", #.and $herever he "ay go in, say ye to the "aster o! the house ++ The Tea#her saith, Where is the guest+ #ha"ber, $here the assover, $ith "y dis#i les, 0 "ay eatb #'and he $ill she$ you a large u er roo", !urnished, re ared ++ there "a'e ready !or us)I %AXRO KNMQ SXBO L`LS AO YRUST]R VL NSAMMNKBLO VLSVL NBC LKLO VLO YLPXLO YAB L N`LBRPNO ASVR KAKR]RPNVAB NBC XORXLPSOLO ASVRC #(YAB L BLSWAC L BPYAUBQVRC NBC VQO WQWNYA A`RK]NO `ULC VLSC AUTBNUNBC BOA `AUAWQ ASVLO ASVLBC ##LB WN AYLSPAOVNC NTAURPAO YAB N`RMMNBKAOVL ASVQ AUMSUBLO WLSOAB YAB N\RVNB `QC NSYABUQC ASVLO `AUAWQ #,YAB VR `UQVR RXNUA VQO A\SXQO LVN VL `APTA N]SLO KNMLSPBO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS `LS ]NKNBC A`NK]LOVNC NVLBXAPQXNO BOA ZAMRC VL `APTA #-YAB A`LPVNKKNB WSL VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS YAB KNMNB ASVLBC S`AMNVN NBC VRO `LKBO YAB A`AOVRPNB SXBO AO]UQ`LC YNUAXBLO SWAVLC HAPVA\QO AYLKLS]RPAVN ASVQ #.YAB L`LS NAO NBPNK]R NB`AVN VQ LBYLWNP`LVR LVB L WBWAPYAKLC KNMNB `LS NPVBO VL YAVAKSXA L`LS VL `APTA XNVA VQO XA]RVQO XLS ZAMQ #'YAB ASVLC SXBO WNBaNB AOQMNLO XNMA NPVUQXNOLO NVLBXLO NYNB NVLBXAPAVN RXBO
#/.nd his dis#i les $ent !orth, and #a"e to the #ity, and !ound as he said to the", and they "ade ready the assover) #0.nd evening having #o"e, he #o"eth $ith the t$elve, #$and as they are re#lining, and eating, 5esus said, I%erily 0 say to you ++ one o! you, $ho is eating $ith "e ++ shall deliver "e u )I #%.nd they began to be sorro$!ul, and to say to hi", one by one, I0s it 0bI and another, I0s it 0bI ,(.nd he ans$ering said to the", IOne o! the t$elve $ho is di ing $ith "e in the dish, ,#the Son o! @an doth indeed go, as it hath been $ritten #on#erning hi", but $o to that "an through $ho" the Son o! @an is delivered u , good $ere it to hi" i! that "an had not been born)I ,,.nd as they are eating, 5esus having ta'en bread, having blessed, bra'e, and gave to the", and said, ITa'e, eat, this is "y body)I ,-.nd having ta'en the #u , having given than's, he gave to the", and they dran' o! it ++ all, ,.and he said to the", IThis is "y blood o! the ne$ #ovenant, $hi#h !or "any is being oured out, #/YAB NaRK]LO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS YAB RK]LO NBC VRO `LKBO YAB NSULO YA]QC NB`NO ASVLBC YAB RVLBXAPAO VL `APTA #0YAB LcBAC MNOLXNORC NUTNVAB XNVA VQO WQWNYA #$YAB AOAYNBXNOQO ASVQO YAB NP]BLOVQO NB`NO L BRPLSC AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB NBC Na SXQO `AUAWQPNB XN L NP]BQO XNV NXLS #%LB WN RUaAOVL KS`NBP]AB YAB KNMNBO ASVQ NBC YA] NBC XRVB NMQ YAB AKKLC XRVB NMQ ,(L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC NBC NY VQO WQWNYA L NXHA`VLXNOLC XNV NXLS NBC VL VUSHKBLO ,#L XNO SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS S`AMNB YA]QC MNMUA`VAB `NUB ASVLS LSAB WN VQ AO]UQ`Q NYNBOQ WB LS L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS `AUAWBWLVAB YAKLO RO ASVQ NB LSY NMNOOR]R L AO]UQ`LC NYNBOLC ,,YAB NP]BLOVQO ASVQO KAHQO L BRPLSC AUVLO NSKLMRPAC NYKAPNO YAB NWQYNO ASVLBC YAB NB`NO KAHNVN ZAMNVN VLSVL NPVBO VL PQXA XLS ,-YAB KAHQO VL `LVRUBLO NSTAUBPVRPAC NWQYNO ASVLBC YAB N`BLO Na ASVLS `AOVNC ,.YAB NB`NO ASVLBC VLSVL NPVBO VL ABXA XLS VL VRC YABORC WBA]RYRC VL `NUB `LKKQO NYTSOLXNOLO
,'verily 0 say to you, that no "ore "ay 0 drin' o! the rodu#e o! the vine till that day $hen 0 "ay drin' it ne$ in the reign o! &od)I ,/.nd having sung an hy"n, they $ent !orth to the "ount o! the Olives, ,0and 5esus saith to the" ++ I.ll ye shall be stu"bled at "e this night, be#ause it hath been $ritten, 0 $ill s"ite the she herd, and the shee shall be s#attered abroad, ,$but a!ter "y having risen 0 $ill go be!ore you to &alilee)I ,%.nd Peter said to hi", I.nd i! all shall be stu"bled, yet not 0,I -(.nd 5esus said to hi", I%erily 0 say to thee, that to+day, this night, be!ore a #o#' shall #ro$ t$i#e, thri#e thou shalt deny "e)I -#.nd he s a'e the "ore vehe"ently, I0! it "ay be ne#essary !or "e to die $ith thee ++ 0 $ill in no$ise deny thee,I and in li'e "anner also said they all) -,.nd they #o"e to a s ot, the na"e o! $hi#h IisI ðse"ane, and he saith to his dis#i les, ISit ye here till 0 "ay ray,I --and he ta'eth Peter, and 5a"es, and 5ohn $ith hi", and began to be a"aEed, and to be very heavy, ,'AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB LSYNVB LS XR `BQ NY VLS MNOORXAVLC VRC AX`NKLS NQC VRC RXNUAC NYNBORC LVAO ASVL `BOQ YABOLO NO VR HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS ,/YAB SXORPAOVNC NaRK]LO NBC VL LULC VQO NKABQO ,0YAB KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC LVB `AOVNC PYAOWAKBP]RPNP]N NO NXLB NO VR OSYVB VASVR LVB MNMUA`VAB `AVAaQ VLO `LBXNOA YAB WBAPYLU`BP]RPNVAB VA `ULHAVA ,$AKKA XNVA VL NMNU]ROAB XN `ULAaQ SXAC NBC VRO MAKBKABAO ,%L WN `NVULC NZR ASVQ YAB NB `AOVNC PYAOWAKBP]RPLOVAB AKK LSY NMQ -(YAB KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC AXRO KNMQ PLB LVB PRXNULO NO VR OSYVB VASVR `UBO R WBC AKNYVLUA ZQORPAB VUBC A`AUORPR XN -#L WN NY `NUBPPLS NKNMNO XAKKLO NAO XN WNR PSOA`L]AONBO PLB LS XR PN A`AUORPLXAB QPASVQC WN YAB `AOVNC NKNMLO -,YAB NUTLOVAB NBC TQUBLO LS VL LOLXA MN]PRXAOR YAB KNMNB VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS YA]BPAVN QWN NQC `ULPNSaQXAB --YAB `AUAKAXHAONB VLO `NVULO YAB VLO BAYQHLO YAB BQAOORO XN] NASVLS YAB RUaAVL NY]AXHNBP]AB YAB AWRXLONBO
-.and he saith to the", IE(#eeding sorro$!ul is "y soul ++ to death, re"ain here, and $at#h)I -'.nd having gone !or$ard a little, he !ell u on the earth, and $as raying, that, i! it be ossible the hour "ay ass !ro" hi", -/and he said, I.bba, Father, all things are ossible to Thee, "a'e this #u ass !ro" "e, but, not $hat 0 $ill, but $hat Thou)I -0.nd he #o"eth, and !indeth the" slee ing, and saith to Peter, ISi"on, thou dost slee d thou $ast not able to $at#h one hourd -$Wat#h ye and ray, that ye "ay not enter into te" tation, the s irit indeed is !or$ard, but the !lesh $ea')I -%.nd again having gone a$ay, he rayed, the sa"e $ord saying, .(and having returned, he !ound the" again slee ing, !or their eyes $ere heavy, and they had not 'no$n $hat they "ight ans$er hi") .#.nd he #o"eth the third ti"e, and saith to the", ISlee on hen#e!orth, and rest ++ it is over, the hour did #o"e, lo, the Son o! @an is delivered u to the hands o! the sin!ul, .,rise, $e "ay go, lo, he $ho is delivering "e u hath #o"e nigh)I -.YAB KNMNB ASVLBC `NUBKS`LC NPVBO R cSTR XLS NQC ]AOAVLS XNBOAVN QWN YAB MURMLUNBVN -'YAB `ULNK]QO XBYULO N`NPNO N`B VRC MRC YAB `ULPRSTNVL BOA NB WSOAVLO NPVBO `AUNK]R A` ASVLS R QUA -/YAB NKNMNO AHHA L `AVRU `AOVA WSOAVA PLB `AUNONMYN VL `LVRUBLO A` NXLS VLSVL AKK LS VB NMQ ]NKQ AKKA VB PS -0YAB NUTNVAB YAB NSUBPYNB ASVLSC YA]NSWLOVAC YAB KNMNB VQ `NVUQ PBXQO YA]NSWNBC LSY BPTSPAC XBAO QUAO MURMLURPAB -$MURMLUNBVN YAB `ULPNSTNP]N BOA XR NBPNK]RVN NBC `NBUAPXLO VL XNO `ONSXA `UL]SXLO R WN PAUa AP]NORC -%YAB `AKBO A`NK]QO `ULPRSaAVL VLO ASVLO KLMLO NB`QO .(YAB S`LPVUNcAC NSUNO ASVLSC `AKBO YA]NSWLOVAC RPAO MAU LB LZ]AKXLB ASVQO HNHAURXNOLB YAB LSY RWNBPAO VB ASVQ A`LYUB]QPBO .#YAB NUTNVAB VL VUBVLO YAB KNMNB ASVLBC YA]NSWNVN VL KLB`LO YAB AOA`ASNP]N A`NTNB RK]NO R QUA BWLS `AUAWBWLVAB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NBC VAC TNBUAC VQO AXAUVQKQO .,NMNBUNP]N AMQXNO BWLS L `AUAWBWLSC XN RMMBYNO
.-.nd i""ediately ++ $hile he is yet s ea'ing ++ #o"eth near 5udas, one o! the t$elve, and $ith hi" a great "ultitude, $ith s$ords and sti#'s, !ro" the #hie! riests, and the s#ribes, and the elders, ..and he $ho is delivering hi" u had given a to'en to the", saying, IWho"soever 0 shall 'iss, he it is, lay hold on hi", and lead hi" a$ay sa!ely,I .'and having #o"e, i""ediately, having gone near hi", he saith, IRabbi, Rabbi,I and 'issed hi") ./.nd they laid on hi" their hands, and 'e t hold on hi", .0and a #ertain one o! those standing by, having dra$n the s$ord, stru#' the servant o! the #hie! riest, and too' o!! his ear) .$.nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", I.s against a robber ye #a"e out, $ith s$ords and sti#'s, to ta'e "ed .%daily 0 $as $ith you in the te" le tea#hing, and ye did not lay hold on "e ++ but that the Writings "ay be !ul!illed)I '(.nd having le!t hi" they all !led, '#and a #ertain young "an $as !ollo$ing hi", having ut a linen #loth about IhisI na'ed body, and the young "en lay hold on hi", ',and he, having le!t the linen #loth, did !lee !ro" the" na'ed) .-YAB NS]NQC NVB ASVLS KAKLSOVLC `AUAMBONVAB BLSWAC NBC QO VQO WQWNYA YAB XNV ASVLS LTKLC `LKSC XNVA XATABUQO YAB aSKQO `AUA VQO AUTBNUNQO YAB VQO MUAXXAVNQO YAB VQO `UNPHSVNUQO ..WNWQYNB WN L `AUAWBWLSC ASVLO PSPPRXLO ASVLBC KNMQO LO AO ZBKRPQ ASVLC NPVBO YUAVRPAVN ASVLO YAB A`AMAMNVN APZAKQC .'YAB NK]QO NS]NQC `ULPNK]QO ASVQ KNMNB UAHHB UAHHB YAB YAVNZBKRPNO ASVLO ./LB WN N`NHAKLO N` ASVLO VAC TNBUAC ASVQO YAB NYUAVRPAO ASVLO .0NBC WN VBC VQO `AUNPVRYLVQO P`APAXNOLC VRO XATABUAO N`ABPNO VLO WLSKLO VLS AUTBNUNQC YAB AZNBKNO ASVLS VL QVBLO .$YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC QC N`B KRPVRO NaRK]NVN XNVA XATABUQO YAB aSKQO PSKKAHNBO XN .%YA] RXNUAO RXRO `ULC SXAC NO VQ BNUQ WBWAPYQO YAB LSY NYUAVRPAVN XN AKK BOA `KRUQ]QPBO AB MUAZAB '(YAB AZNOVNC ASVLO `AOVNC NZSMLO '#YAB NBC VBC ONAOBPYLC RYLKLS]NB ASVQ `NUBHNHKRXNOLC PBOWLOA N`B MSXOLS YAB YUAVLSPBO ASVLO LB ONAOBPYLB ',L WN YAVAKB`QO VRO PBOWLOA MSXOLC NZSMNO A` ASVQO
'-.nd they led a$ay 5esus unto the #hie! riest, and #o"e together to hi" do all the #hie! riests, and the elders, and the s#ribes, '.and Peter a!ar o!! did !ollo$ hi", to the inside o! the hall o! the #hie! riest, and he $as sitting $ith the o!!i#ers, and $ar"ing hi"sel! near the !ire) ''.nd the #hie! riests and all the sanhedri" $ere see'ing against 5esus testi"ony ++ to ut hi" to death, and they $ere not !inding, '/!or "any $ere bearing !alse testi"ony against hi", and their testi"onies $ere not ali'e) '0.nd #ertain having risen u , $ere bearing !alse testi"ony against hi", saying ++ '$IWe heard hi" saying ++ 0 $ill thro$ do$n this san#tuary "ade $ith hands, and by three days, another "ade $ithout hands 0 $ill build,I '%and neither so $as their testi"ony ali'e) /(.nd the #hie! riest, having risen u in the "idst, ?uestioned 5esus, saying, IThou dost not ans$er anythingd $hat do these testi!y against theebI '-YAB A`RMAMLO VLO BRPLSO `ULC VLO AUTBNUNA YAB PSONUTLOVAB ASVQ `AOVNC LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC '.YAB L `NVULC A`L XAYUL]NO RYLKLS]RPNO ASVQ NQC NPQ NBC VRO ASKRO VLS AUTBNUNQC YAB RO PSMYA]RXNOLC XNVA VQO S`RUNVQO YAB ]NUXABOLXNOLC `ULC VL ZQC ''LB WN AUTBNUNBC YAB LKLO VL PSONWUBLO N\RVLSO YAVA VLS BRPLS XAUVSUBAO NBC VL ]AOAVQPAB ASVLO YAB LST NSUBPYLO '/`LKKLB MAU NcNSWLXAUVSULSO YAV ASVLS YAB BPAB AB XAUVSUBAB LSY RPAO '0YAB VBONC AOAPVAOVNC NcNSWLXAUVSULSO YAV ASVLS KNMLOVNC '$LVB RXNBC RYLSPAXNO ASVLS KNMLOVLC LVB NMQ YAVAKSPQ VLO OALO VLSVLO VLO TNBUL`LBRVLO YAB WBA VUBQO RXNUQO AKKLO ATNBUL`LBRVLO LBYLWLXRPQ '%YAB LSWN LSVQC BPR RO R XAUVSUBA ASVQO /(YAB AOAPVAC L AUTBNUNSC NBC VL XNPLO N`RUQVRPNO VLO BRPLSO KNMQO LSY A`LYUBOR LSWNO VB LSVLB PLS YAVAXAUVSULSPBO
/#and he $as 'ee ing silent, and did not ans$er anything) .gain the #hie! riest $as ?uestioning hi", and saith to hi", I.rt thou the Dhrist ++ the Son o! the BlessedbI /,and 5esus said, I0 a", and ye shall see the Son o! @an sitting on the right hand o! the o$er, and #o"ing $ith the #louds, o! the heaven)I /#L WN NPBQ`A YAB LSWNO A`NYUBOAVL `AKBO L AUTBNUNSC N`RUQVA ASVLO YAB KNMNB ASVQ PS NB L TUBPVLC L SBLC VLS NSKLMRVLS
/,L WN BRPLSC NB`NO NMQ NBXB YAB LcNP]N VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS YA]RXNOLO NY WNaBQO VRC WSOAXNQC YAB NUTLXNOLO XNVA VQO ONZNKQO VLS LSUAOLS /-.nd the #hie! riest, having rent his /-L WN AUTBNUNSC WBAUURaAC VLSC gar"ents, saith, IWhat need have $e TBVQOAC ASVLS KNMNB VB NVB TUNBAO yet o! $itnessesb NTLXNO XAUVSUQO /.4e heard the evil s ea'ing, $hat /.RYLSPAVN VRC HKAPZRXBAC VB SXBO a eareth to youbI and they all ZABONVAB LB WN `AOVNC YAVNYUBOAO #onde"ned hi" to be $orthy o! death, ASVLO NBOAB NOLTLO ]AOAVLS /'and #ertain began to s it on hi", /'YAB RUaAOVL VBONC NX`VSNBO ASVQ YAB and to #over his !a#e, and to bu!!et `NUBYAKS`VNBO VL `ULPQ`LO ASVLS YAB hi", and to say to hi", IPro hesy,I and YLKAZB\NBO ASVLO YAB KNMNBO ASVQ the o!!i#ers $ere stri'ing hi" $ith `ULZRVNSPLO YAB LB S`RUNVAB their al"s) UA`BPXAPBO ASVLO NHAKKLO //.nd Peter being in the hall beneath, //YAB LOVLC VLS `NVULS NO VR ASKR there doth #o"e one o! the "aids o! YAVQ NUTNVAB XBA VQO `ABWBPYQO VLS the #hie! riest, AUTBNUNQC /0and having seen Peter $ar"ing /0YAB BWLSPA VLO `NVULO hi"sel!, having loo'ed on hi", she ]NUXABOLXNOLO NXHKNcAPA ASVQ KNMNB said, I.nd thou $ast $ith 5esus o! YAB PS XNVA VLS OA\AUROLS BRPLS /aEarethdI RP]A /$and he denied, saying, I0 have not /$L WN RUORPAVL KNMQO LSY LBWA LSWN 'no$n Ihi"I, neither do 0 understand N`BPVAXAB VB PS KNMNBC YAB NaRK]NO NaQ $hat thou sayest,I and he $ent !orth NBC VL `ULASKBLO YAB AKNYVQU $ithout to the or#h, and a #o#' #re$) NZQORPNO
/%.nd the "aid having seen hi" again, began to say to those standing near ++ IThis is o! the",I 0(and he $as again denying) .nd a!ter a little again, those standing near said to Peter, ITruly thou art o! the", !or thou also art a &alilean, and thy s ee#h is ali'e,I 0#and he began to anathe"atiEe, and to s$ear ++ I0 have not 'no$n this "an o! $ho" ye s ea',I 0,and a se#ond ti"e a #o#' #re$, and Peter re"e"bered the saying that 5esus said to hi" ++ IBe!ore a #o#' #ro$ t$i#e, thou "ayest deny "e thri#e,I and having thought thereon ++ he $as $ee ing) /%YAB R `ABWBPYR BWLSPA ASVLO `AKBO RUaAVL KNMNBO VLBC `AUNPVRYLPBO LVB LSVLC Na ASVQO NPVBO 0(L WN `AKBO RUONBVL YAB XNVA XBYULO `AKBO LB `AUNPVQVNC NKNMLO VQ `NVUQ AKR]QC Na ASVQO NB YAB MAU MAKBKABLC NB YAB R KAKBA PLS LXLBA\NB 0#L WN RUaAVL AOA]NXAVB\NBO YAB LXOSNBO LVB LSY LBWA VLO AO]UQ`LO VLSVLO LO KNMNVN 0,YAB NY WNSVNULS AKNYVQU NZQORPNO YAB AONXORP]R L `NVULC VLS URXAVLC LS NB`NO ASVQ L BRPLSC LVB `UBO AKNYVLUA ZQORPAB WBC A`AUORPR XN VUBC YAB N`BHAKQO NYKABNO
+hapter #'
#.nd i""ediately, in the "orning, the #hie! riests having "ade a #onsultation, $ith the elders, and s#ribes, and the $hole sanhedri", having bound 5esus, did lead a$ay, and delivered Ihi"I to Pilate, ,and Pilate ?uestioned hi", I.rt thou the 'ing o! the 5e$sbI and he ans$ering said to hi", IThou dost say IitI)I -.nd the #hie! riests $ere a##using hi" o! "any things, Ibut he ans$ered nothing)I ..nd Pilate again ?uestioned hi", saying, IThou dost not ans$er anythingd lo, ho$ "any things they do testi!y against theedI 'and 5esus did no "ore ans$er anything, so that Pilate $ondered) /.nd at every !east he $as releasing to the" one risoner, $ho"soever they $ere as'ing, 0and there $as IoneI na"ed Barabbas, bound $ith those "a'ing insurre#tion $ith hi", $ho had in the insurre#tion #o""itted "urder) $.nd the "ultitude having #ried out, began to as' !or the"selves as he $as al$ays doing to the", %and Pilate ans$ered the", saying, IWill ye IthatI 0 shall release to you the 'ing o! the 5e$sbI #YAB NS]NQC N`B VL `UQB PSXHLSKBLO `LBRPAOVNC LB AUTBNUNBC XNVA VQO `UNPHSVNUQO YAB MUAXXAVNQO YAB LKLO VL PSONWUBLO WRPAOVNC VLO BRPLSO A`RONMYAO YAB `AUNWQYAO VQ `BKAVQ ,YAB N`RUQVRPNO ASVLO L `BKAVLC PS NB L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVQ PS KNMNBC -YAB YAVRMLULSO ASVLS LB AUTBNUNBC `LKKA .L WN `BKAVLC `AKBO N`RUQVRPNO ASVLO KNMQO LSY A`LYUBOR LSWNO BWN `LPA PLS YAVAXAUVSULSPBO 'L WN BRPLSC LSYNVB LSWNO A`NYUB]R QPVN ]ASXA\NBO VLO `BKAVLO /YAVA WN NLUVRO A`NKSNO ASVLBC NOA WNPXBLO LO`NU RVLSOVL 0RO WN L KNMLXNOLC HAUAHHAC XNVA VQO PSPVAPBAPVQO WNWNXNOLC LBVBONC NO VR PVAPNB ZLOLO `N`LBRYNBPAO $YAB AOAHLRPAC L LTKLC RUaAVL ABVNBP]AB YA]QC ANB N`LBNB ASVLBC %L WN `BKAVLC A`NYUB]R ASVLBC KNMQO ]NKNVN A`LKSPQ SXBO VLO HAPBKNA VQO BLSWABQO
#(!or he 'ne$ that be#ause o! envy the #hie! riests had delivered hi" u , ##and the #hie! riests did "ove the "ultitude, that he "ight rather release Barabbas to the") #,.nd Pilate ans$ering, again said to the", IWhat, then, $ill ye IthatI 0 shall do to hi" $ho" ye #all 'ing o! the 5e$sbI #-and they again #ried out, IDru#i!y hi")I #..nd Pilate said to the", IWhy ++ $hat evil did hebI and they #ried out the "ore vehe"ently, IDru#i!y hi",I #'and Pilate, $ishing to #ontent the "ultitude, released to the" Barabbas, and delivered u 5esus ++ having s#ourged Ihi"I ++ that he "ight be #ru#i!ied) #/.nd the soldiers led hi" a$ay into the hall, $hi#h is Praetoriu", and #all together the $hole band, #0and #lothe hi" $ith ur le, and having laited a #ro$n o! thorns, they ut IitI on hi", #$and began to salute hi", IHail, King o! the 5e$s)I #%.nd they $ere s"iting hi" on the head $ith a reed, and $ere s itting on hi", and having bent the 'nee, $ere bo$ing to hi", #(NMBOQPYNO MAU LVB WBA Z]LOLO `AUAWNWQYNBPAO ASVLO LB AUTBNUNBC ##LB WN AUTBNUNBC AONPNBPAO VLO LTKLO BOA XAKKLO VLO HAUAHHAO A`LKSPR ASVLBC #,L WN `BKAVLC A`LYUB]NBC `AKBO NB`NO ASVLBC VB LSO ]NKNVN `LBRPQ LO KNMNVN HAPBKNA VQO BLSWABQO #-LB WN `AKBO NYUAaAO PVASUQPLO ASVLO #.L WN `BKAVLC NKNMNO ASVLBC VB MAU YAYLO N`LBRPNO LB WN `NUBPPLVNUQC NYUAaAO PVASUQPLO ASVLO #'L WN `BKAVLC HLSKLXNOLC VQ LTKQ VL BYAOLO `LBRPAB A`NKSPNO ASVLBC VLO HAUAHHAO YAB `AUNWQYNO VLO BRPLSO ZUAMNKKQPAC BOA PVASUQ]R #/LB WN PVUAVBQVAB A`RMAMLO ASVLO NPQ VRC ASKRC L NPVBO `UABVQUBLO YAB PSMYAKLSPBO LKRO VRO P`NBUAO #0YAB NOWSLSPBO ASVLO `LUZSUAO YAB `NUBVB]NAPBO ASVQ `KNaAOVNC AYAO]BOLO PVNZAOLO #$YAB RUaAOVL AP`A\NP]AB ASVLO TABUN HAPBKNS VQO BLSWABQO #%YAB NVS`VLO ASVLS VRO YNZAKRO YAKAXQ YAB NON`VSLO ASVQ YAB VB]NOVNC VA MLOAVA `ULPNYSOLSO ASVQ
,(and $hen they IhadI "o#'ed hi", they too' the ur le !ro" o!! hi", and #lothed hi" in his o$n gar"ents, and they led hi" !orth, that they "ay #ru#i!y hi") ,#.nd they i" ress a #ertain one assing by ++ Si"on, a Dyrenian, #o"ing !ro" the !ield, the !ather o! .le(ander and Ru!us ++ that he "ay bear his #ross, ,,and they bring hi" to the la#e &olgotha, $hi#h is, being inter reted, IPla#e o! a s'ull,I ,-and they $ere giving hi" to drin' $ine "ingled $ith "yrrh, and he did not re#eive) ,..nd having #ru#i!ied hi", they $ere dividing his gar"ents, #asting a lot u on the", $hat ea#h "ay ta'e, ,'and it $as the third hour, and they #ru#i!ied hi", ,/and the ins#ri tion o! his a##usation $as $ritten above ++ IThe King o! the 5e$s)I ,0.nd $ith hi" they #ru#i!y t$o robbers, one on the right hand, and one on his le!t, ,$and the Writing $as !ul!illed that is saying, I.nd $ith la$less ones he $as nu"bered)I ,(YAB LVN NON`ABaAO ASVQ NaNWSPAO ASVLO VRO `LUZSUAO YAB NONWSPAO ASVLO VA BXAVBA VA BWBA YAB NaAMLSPBO ASVLO BOA PVASUQPQPBO ASVLO ,#YAB AMMAUNSLSPBO `AUAMLOVA VBOA PBXQOA YSUROABLO NUTLXNOLO A` AMULS VLO `AVNUA AKNaAOWULS YAB ULSZLS BOA AUR VLO PVASULO ASVLS ,,YAB ZNULSPBO ASVLO N`B MLKML]A VL`LO L NPVBO XN]NUXRONSLXNOLO YUAOBLS VL`LC ,-YAB NWBWLSO ASVQ `BNBO NPXSUOBPXNOLO LBOLO L WN LSY NKAHNO ,.YAB PVASUQPAOVNC ASVLO WBNXNUB\LO VA BXAVBA ASVLS HAKKLOVNC YKRULO N` ASVA VBC VB AUR ,'RO WN QUA VUBVR YAB NPVASUQPAO ASVLO ,/YAB RO R N`BMUAZR VRC ABVBAC ASVLS N`BMNMUAXXNOR L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO ,0YAB PSO ASVQ PVASULSPBO WSL KRPVAC NOA NY WNaBQO YAB NOA Na NSQOSXQO ASVLS ,$YAB N`KRUQ]R R MUAZR R KNMLSPA YAB XNVA AOLXQO NKLMBP]R
,%.nd those assing by $ere s ea'ing evil o! hi", sha'ing their heads, and saying, I.h, the thro$er do$n o! the san#tuary, and in three days the builderd -(save thysel!, and #o"e do$n !ro" the #rossdI -#.nd in li'e "anner also the #hie! riests, "o#'ing $ith one another, $ith the s#ribes, said, IOthers he saved, hi"sel! he is not able to save) -,The Dhristd the 'ing o! 0srael ++ let hi" #o"e do$n no$ !ro" the #ross, that $e "ay see and believe,I and those #ru#i!ied $ith hi" $ere re roa#hing hi") --.nd the si(th hour having #o"e, dar'ness #a"e over the $hole land till the ninth hour, -.and at the ninth hour 5esus #ried $ith a great voi#e, saying, IEloi, Eloi, la""a saba#hthanibI $hi#h is, being inter reted, I@y &od, "y &od, $hy didst Thou !orsa'e "ebI -'.nd #ertain o! those standing by, having heard, said, ILo, Eli-ah he doth #all,I -/and one having run, and having !illed a s unge $ith vinegar, having ut IitI also on a reed, $as giving hi" to drin', saying, ILet alone, let us see i! Eli-ah doth #o"e to ta'e hi" do$n)I -0.nd 5esus having uttered a loud #ry, yielded the s irit, ,%YAB LB `AUA`LUNSLXNOLB NHKAPZRXLSO ASVLO YBOLSOVNC VAC YNZAKAC ASVQO YAB KNMLOVNC LSA L YAVAKSQO VLO OALO YAB NO VUBPBO RXNUABC LBYLWLXQO -(PQPLO PNASVLO YAB YAVAHA A`L VLS PVASULS -#LXLBQC WN YAB LB AUTBNUNBC NX`AB\LOVNC `ULC AKKRKLSC XNVA VQO MUAXXAVNQO NKNMLO AKKLSC NPQPNO NASVLO LS WSOAVAB PQPAB -,L TUBPVLC L HAPBKNSC VLS BPUARK YAVAHAVQ OSO A`L VLS PVASULS BOA BWQXNO YAB `BPVNSPQXNO YAB LB PSONPVASUQXNOLB ASVQ QONBWB\LO ASVLO --MNOLXNORC WN QUAC NYVRC PYLVLC NMNONVL NZ LKRO VRO MRO NQC QUAC NOOAVRC -.YAB VR QUA VR NOOAVR NHLRPNO L BRPLSC ZQOR XNMAKR KNMQO NKQB NKQB KAXXA PAHAT]AOB L NPVBO XN]NUXRONSLXNOLO L ]NLC XLS L ]NLC XLS NBC VB XN NMYAVNKB`NC -'YAB VBONC VQO `AUNPVRYLVQO AYLSPAOVNC NKNMLO BWLS RKBAO ZQONB -/WUAXQO WN NBC YAB MNXBPAC P`LMMLO LaLSC `NUB]NBC VN YAKAXQ N`LVB\NO ASVLO KNMQO AZNVN BWQXNO NB NUTNVAB RKBAC YA]NKNBO ASVLO -0L WN BRPLSC AZNBC ZQORO XNMAKRO NaN`ONSPNO
-$and the veil o! the san#tuary $as rent in t$o, !ro" to to botto", -%and the #enturion $ho $as standing over+against hi", having seen that, having so #ried out, he yielded the s irit, said, ITruly this "an $as Son o! &od)I .(.nd there $ere also $o"en a!ar o!! beholding, a"ong $ho" $as also @ary the @agdalene, and @ary o! 5a"es the less, and o! 5oses, and Salo"e, .#7$ho also, $hen he $as in &alilee, $ere !ollo$ing hi", and $ere "inistering to hi",< and "any other $o"en $ho #a"e u $ith hi" to 5erusale") .,.nd no$ evening having #o"e, seeing it $as the re aration, that is, the !ore+sabbath, .-5ose h o! .ri"athea, an honourable #ounsellor, $ho also hi"sel! $as $aiting !or the reign o! &od, #a"e, boldly entered in unto Pilate, and as'ed the body o! 5esus) ...nd Pilate $ondered i! he $ere already dead, and having #alled near the #enturion, did ?uestion hi" i! he $ere long dead, .'and having 'no$n IitI !ro" the #enturion, he granted the body to 5ose h) -$YAB VL YAVA`NVAPXA VLS OALS NPTBP]R NBC WSL A`L AOQ]NO NQC YAVQ -%BWQO WN L YNOVSUBQO L `AUNPVRYQC Na NOAOVBAC ASVLS LVB LSVQC YUAaAC NaN`ONSPNO NB`NO AKR]QC L AO]UQ`LC LSVLC SBLC RO ]NLS .(RPAO WN YAB MSOABYNC A`L XAYUL]NO ]NQULSPAB NO ABC RO YAB XAUBA R XAMWAKROR YAB XAUBA R VLS BAYQHLS VLS XBYULS YAB BQPR XRVRU YAB PAKQXR .#AB YAB LVN RO NO VR MAKBKABA RYLKLS]LSO ASVQ YAB WBRYLOLSO ASVQ YAB AKKAB `LKKAB AB PSOAOAHAPAB ASVQ NBC BNULPLKSXA .,YAB RWR LcBAC MNOLXNORC N`NB RO `AUAPYNSR L NPVBO `ULPAHHAVLO .-RK]NO BQPRZ L A`L AUBXA]ABAC NSPTRXQO HLSKNSVRC LC YAB ASVLC RO `ULPWNTLXNOLC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS VLKXRPAC NBPRK]NO `ULC `BKAVLO YAB RVRPAVL VL PQXA VLS BRPLS ..L WN `BKAVLC N]ASXAPNO NB RWR VN]ORYNO YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC VLO YNOVSUBQOA N`RUQVRPNO ASVLO NB `AKAB A`N]AONO .'YAB MOLSC A`L VLS YNOVSUBQOLC NWQURPAVL VL PQXA VQ BQPRZ
./.nd he, having brought !ine linen, and having ta'en hi" do$n, $ra ed hi" in the linen, and laid hi" in a se ul#hre that had been he$n out o! a ro#', and he rolled a stone unto the door o! the se ul#hre, .0and @ary the @agdalene, and @ary o! 5oses, $ere beholding $here he is laid) ./YAB AMLUAPAC PBOWLOA YAB YA]NKQO ASVLO NONBKRPNO VR PBOWLOB YAB YAVN]RYNO ASVLO NO XORXNBQ L RO KNKAVLXRXNOLO NY `NVUAC YAB `ULPNYSKBPNO KB]LO N`B VRO ]SUAO VLS XORXNBLS .0R WN XAUBA R XAMWAKROR YAB XAUBA BQPR N]NQULSO `LS VB]NVAB
+hapter #/
#.nd the sabbath having ast, @ary the @agdalene, and @ary o! 5a"es, and Salo"e, bought s i#es, that having #o"e, they "ay anoint hi", ,and early in the "orning o! the !irst o! the sabbaths, they #o"e unto the se ul#hre, at the rising o! the sun, -and they said a"ong the"selves, IWho shall roll a$ay !or us the stone out o! the door o! the se ul#hrebI ..nd having loo'ed, they see that the stone hath been rolled a$ay ++ !or it $as very great, 'and having entered into the se ul#hre, they sa$ a young "an sitting on the right hand, arrayed in a long $hite robe, and they $ere a"aEed) /.nd he saith to the", IBe not a"aEed, ye see' 5esus the /aEarene, the #ru#i!iedF he did rise ++ he is not here, lo, the la#e $here they laid hi"d 0and go, say to his dis#i les, and Peter, that he doth go be!ore you to &alilee, there ye shall see hi", as he said to you)I $.nd, having #o"e !orth ?ui#'ly, they !led !ro" the se ul#hre, and tre"bling and a"aEe"ent had seiEed the", and to no one said they anything, !or they $ere a!raid) #YAB WBAMNOLXNOLS VLS PAHHAVLS XAUBA R XAMWAKROR YAB XAUBA R VLS BAYQHLS YAB PAKQXR RMLUAPAO AUQXAVA BOA NK]LSPAB AKNBcQPBO ASVLO ,YAB KBAO `UQB VRC XBAC PAHHAVQO NUTLOVAB N`B VL XORXNBLO AOAVNBKAOVLC VLS RKBLS -YAB NKNMLO `ULC NASVAC VBC A`LYSKBPNB RXBO VLO KB]LO NY VRC ]SUAC VLS XORXNBLS .YAB AOAHKNcAPAB ]NQULSPBO LVB A`LYNYSKBPVAB L KB]LC RO MAU XNMAC PZLWUA 'YAB NBPNK]LSPAB NBC VL XORXNBLO NBWLO ONAOBPYLO YA]RXNOLO NO VLBC WNaBLBC `NUBHNHKRXNOLO PVLKRO KNSYRO YAB NaN]AXHR]RPAO /L WN KNMNB ASVABC XR NY]AXHNBP]N BRPLSO \RVNBVN VLO OA\AUROLO VLO NPVASUQXNOLO RMNU]R LSY NPVBO QWN BWN L VL`LC L`LS N]RYAO ASVLO 0AKK S`AMNVN NB`AVN VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS YAB VQ `NVUQ LVB `ULAMNB SXAC NBC VRO MAKBKABAO NYNB ASVLO LcNP]N YA]QC NB`NO SXBO $YAB NaNK]LSPAB VATS NZSMLO A`L VLS XORXNBLS NBTNO WN ASVAC VULXLC YAB NYPVAPBC YAB LSWNOB LSWNO NB`LO NZLHLSOVL MAU
%.nd he, having risen in the "orning o! the !irst o! the sabbaths, did a ear !irst to @ary the @agdalene, out o! $ho" he had #ast seven de"ons, #(she having gone, told those $ho had been $ith hi", "ourning and $ee ing, ##and they, having heard that he is alive, and $as seen by her, did not believe) #,.nd a!ter these things, to t$o o! the", as they are going into a !ield, $al'ing, he $as "ani!ested in another !or", #-and they having gone, told to the rest, not even the" did they believe) #..!ter$ards, as they are re#lining 7at "eat<, he $as "ani!ested to the eleven, and did re roa#h their unbelie! and sti!!ness o! heart, be#ause they believed not those having seen hi" being raised, #'and he said to the", IHaving gone to all the $orld, ro#lai" the good ne$s to all the #reation, #/he $ho hath believed, and hath been ba tiEed, shall be saved, and he $ho hath not believed, shall be #onde"ned) #0I.nd signs shall a##o" any those believing these things, in "y na"e de"ons they shall #ast out, $ith ne$ tongues they shall s ea', %AOAPVAC WN `UQB `UQVR PAHHAVLS NZAOR `UQVLO XAUBA VR XAMWAKROR AZ RC NYHNHKRYNB N`VA WABXLOBA #(NYNBOR `LUNS]NBPA A`RMMNBKNO VLBC XNV ASVLS MNOLXNOLBC `NO]LSPBO YAB YKABLSPBO ##YAYNBOLB AYLSPAOVNC LVB \R YAB N]NA]R S` ASVRC R`BPVRPAO #,XNVA WN VASVA WSPBO Na ASVQO `NUB`AVLSPBO NZAONUQ]R NO NVNUA XLUZR `LUNSLXNOLBC NBC AMULO #-YAYNBOLB A`NK]LOVNC A`RMMNBKAO VLBC KLB`LBC LSWN NYNBOLBC N`BPVNSPAO #.SPVNULO AOAYNBXNOLBC ASVLBC VLBC NOWNYA NZAONUQ]R YAB QONBWBPNO VRO A`BPVBAO ASVQO YAB PYKRULYAUWBAO LVB VLBC ]NAPAXNOLBC ASVLO NMRMNUXNOLO LSY N`BPVNSPAO #'YAB NB`NO ASVLBC `LUNS]NOVNC NBC VLO YLPXLO A`AOVA YRUSaAVN VL NSAMMNKBLO `APR VR YVBPNB #/L `BPVNSPAC YAB HA`VBP]NBC PQ]RPNVAB L WN A`BPVRPAC YAVAYUB]RPNVAB #0PRXNBA WN VLBC `BPVNSPAPBO VASVA `AUAYLKLS]RPNB NO VQ LOLXAVB XLS WABXLOBA NYHAKLSPBO MKQPPABC KAKRPLSPBO YABOABC
#$ser ents they shall ta'e u , and i! any deadly thing they "ay drin', it shall not hurt the", on the ailing they shall lay hands, and they shall be $ell)I #%The Lord, then, indeed, a!ter s ea'ing to the", $as re#eived u to the heaven, and sat on the right hand o! &od, ,(and they, having gone !orth, did rea#h every$here, the Lord $or'ing $ith Ithe"I, and #on!ir"ing the $ord, through the signs !ollo$ing) ."en) #$LZNBC AULSPBO YAO ]AOAPBXLO VB `BQPBO LS XR ASVLSC HKAcNB N`B AUUQPVLSC TNBUAC N`B]RPLSPBO YAB YAKQC NaLSPBO #%L XNO LSO YSUBLC XNVA VL KAKRPAB ASVLBC AONKRZ]R NBC VLO LSUAOLO YAB NYA]BPNO NY WNaBQO VLS ]NLS ,(NYNBOLB WN NaNK]LOVNC NYRUSaAO `AOVATLS VLS YSUBLS PSONUMLSOVLC YAB VLO KLMLO HNHABLSOVLC WBA VQO N`AYLKLS]LSOVQO PRXNBQO AXRO
+hapter #
#Seeing that "any did ta'e in hand to #N`NBWR`NU `LKKLB N`NTNBURPAO set in order a narration o! the "atters AOAVAaAP]AB WBRMRPBO `NUB VQO that have been !ully assured a"ong us, `N`KRULZLURXNOQO NO RXBO `UAMXAVQO ,as they did deliver to us, $ho !ro" ,YA]QC `AUNWLPAO RXBO LB A` AUTRC the beginning be#a"e eye+$itnesses, ASVL`VAB YAB S`RUNVAB MNOLXNOLB VLS and o!!i#ers o! the Word, ++ KLMLS -it see"ed good also to "e, having -NWLaNO YAXLB `AURYLKLS]RYLVB !ollo$ed !ro" the !irst a!ter all things AOQ]NO `APBO AYUBHQC YA]NaRC PLB e(a#tly, to $rite to thee in order, "ost MUAcAB YUAVBPVN ]NLZBKN noble Theo hilus, .that thou "ayest 'no$ the #ertainty .BOA N`BMOQC `NUB QO YAVRTR]RC o! the things $herein thou $ast KLMQO VRO APZAKNBAO instru#ted) 'There $as in the days o! Herod, the 'NMNONVL NO VABC RXNUABC RUQWLS VLS 'ing o! 5udea, a #ertain riest, by HAPBKNQC VRC BLSWABAC BNUNSC VBC na"e [a#harias, o! the #ourse o! LOLXAVB \ATAUBAC Na NZRXNUBAC AHBA .bi-ah, and his $i!e o! the daughters YAB R MSOR ASVLS NY VQO ]SMAVNUQO o! .aron, and her na"e Elisabeth, AAUQO YAB VL LOLXA ASVRC NKBPAHNV /and they $ere both righteous be!ore /RPAO WN WBYABLB AXZLVNULB NOQ`BLO &od, going on in all the #o""ands VLS ]NLS `LUNSLXNOLB NO `APABC VABC and righteousnesses o! the Lord NOVLKABC YAB WBYABQXAPBO VLS YSUBLS bla"eless, AXNX`VLB 0and they had no #hild, be#ause that 0YAB LSY RO ASVLBC VNYOLO YA]LVB R Elisabeth $as barren, and both $ere NKBPAHNV RO PVNBUA YAB AXZLVNULB advan#ed in their days) `ULHNHRYLVNC NO VABC RXNUABC ASVQO RPAO $.nd it #a"e to ass, in his a#ting as $NMNONVL WN NO VQ BNUAVNSNBO ASVLO NO riest, in the order o! his #ourse be!ore VR VAaNB VRC NZRXNUBAC ASVLS NOAOVB &od, VLS ]NLS G:9
%a##ording to the #usto" o! the riesthood, his lot $as to "a'e er!u"e, having gone into the san#tuary o! the Lord, #(and all the "ultitude o! the eo le $ere raying $ithout, at the hour o! the er!u"e) ##.nd there a eared to hi" a "essenger o! the Lord standing on the right side o! the altar o! the er!u"e, #,and [a#harias, having seen, $as troubled, and !ear !ell on hi", #-and the "essenger said unto hi", IFear not, [a#harias, !or thy su li#ation $as heard, and thy $i!e Elisabeth shall bear a son to thee, and thou shalt #all his na"e 5ohn, #.and there shall be -oy to thee, and gladness, and "any at his birth shall -oy, #'!or he shall be great be!ore the Lord, and $ine and strong drin' he "ay not drin', and o! the Holy S irit he shall be !ull, even !ro" his "otherIs $o"b, #/and "any o! the sons o! 0srael he shall turn to the Lord their &od, #0and he shall go be!ore Hi", in the s irit and o$er o! Eli-ah, to turn hearts o! !athers unto #hildren, and disobedient ones to the $isdo" o! righteous ones, to "a'e ready !or the Lord, a eo le re ared)I %YAVA VL N]LC VRC BNUAVNBAC NKATNO VLS ]SXBAPAB NBPNK]QO NBC VLO OALO VLS YSUBLS #(YAB `AO VL `KR]LC VLS KALS RO `ULPNSTLXNOLO NaQ VR QUA VLS ]SXBAXAVLC ##QZ]R WN ASVQ AMMNKLC YSUBLS NPVQC NY WNaBQO VLS ]SPBAPVRUBLS VLS ]SXBAXAVLC #,YAB NVAUAT]R \ATAUBAC BWQO YAB ZLHLC N`N`NPNO N` ASVLO #-NB`NO WN `ULC ASVLO L AMMNKLC XR ZLHLS \ATAUBA WBLVB NBPRYLSP]R R WNRPBC PLS YAB R MSOR PLS NKBPAHNV MNOORPNB SBLO PLB YAB YAKNPNBC VL LOLXA ASVLS BQAOORO #.YAB NPVAB TAUA PLB YAB AMAKKBAPBC YAB `LKKLB N`B VR MNOORPNB ASVLS TAURPLOVAB #'NPVAB MAU XNMAC NOQ`BLO VLS YSUBLS YAB LBOLO YAB PBYNUA LS XR `BR YAB `ONSXAVLC AMBLS `KRP]RPNVAB NVB NY YLBKBAC XRVULC ASVLS #/YAB `LKKLSC VQO SBQO BPUARK N`BPVUNcNB N`B YSUBLO VLO ]NLO ASVQO #0YAB ASVLC `ULNKNSPNVAB NOQ`BLO ASVLS NO `ONSXAVB YAB WSOAXNB RKBLS N`BPVUNcAB YAUWBAC `AVNUQO N`B VNYOA YAB A`NB]NBC NO ZULORPNB WBYABQO NVLBXAPAB YSUBQ KALO YAVNPYNSAPXNOLO
#$.nd [a#harias said unto the "essenger, IWhereby shall 0 'no$ thisb !or 0 a" aged, and "y $i!e is advan#ed in her daysbI #%.nd the "essenger ans$ering said to hi", I0 a" &abriel, $ho have been standing near be!ore &od, and 0 $as sent to s ea' unto thee, and to ro#lai" these good ne$s to thee, ,(and lo, thou shalt be silent, and not able to s ea', till the day that these things shall #o"e to ass, be#ause thou didst not believe "y $ords, that shall be !ul!illed in their season)I ,#.nd the eo le $ere $aiting !or [a#harias, and $ondering at his tarrying in the san#tuary, ,,and having #o"e out, he $as not able to s ea' to the", and they er#eived that a vision he had seen in the san#tuary, and he $as be#'oning to the", and did re"ain du"b) ,-.nd it #a"e to ass, $hen the days o! his servi#e $ere !ul!illed, he $ent a$ay to his house, ,.and a!ter those days, his $i!e Elisabeth #on#eived, and hid hersel! !ive "onths, saying ++ ,'IThus hath the Lord done to "e, in days in $hi#h He loo'ed u on I"eI, to ta'e a$ay "y re roa#h a"ong "en)I #$YAB NB`NO \ATAUBAC `ULC VLO AMMNKLO YAVA VB MOQPLXAB VLSVL NMQ MAU NBXB `UNPHSVRC YAB R MSOR XLS `ULHNHRYSBA NO VABC RXNUABC ASVRC #%YAB A`LYUB]NBC L AMMNKLC NB`NO ASVQ NMQ NBXB MAHUBRK L `AUNPVRYQC NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS YAB A`NPVAKRO KAKRPAB `ULC PN YAB NSAMMNKBPAP]AB PLB VASVA ,(YAB BWLS NPR PBQ`QO YAB XR WSOAXNOLC KAKRPAB ATUB RC RXNUAC MNORVAB VASVA AO] QO LSY N`BPVNSPAC VLBC KLMLBC XLS LBVBONC `KRUQ]RPLOVAB NBC VLO YABULO ASVQO ,#YAB RO L KALC `ULPWLYQO VLO \ATAUBAO YAB N]ASXA\LO NO VQ TULOB\NBO ASVLO NO VQ OAQ ,,NaNK]QO WN LSY RWSOAVL KAKRPAB ASVLBC YAB N`NMOQPAO LVB L`VAPBAO NQUAYNO NO VQ OAQ YAB ASVLC RO WBAONSQO ASVLBC YAB WBNXNONO YQZLC ,-YAB NMNONVL QC N`KRP]RPAO AB RXNUAB VRC KNBVLSUMBAC ASVLS A`RK]NO NBC VLO LBYLO ASVLS ,.XNVA WN VASVAC VAC RXNUAC PSONKAHNO NKBPAHNV R MSOR ASVLS YAB `NUBNYUSHNO NASVRO XROAC `NOVN KNMLSPA ,'LVB LSVQC XLB `N`LBRYNO L YSUBLC NO RXNUABC ABC N`NBWNO AZNKNBO VL LONBWLC XLS NO AO]UQ`LBC
,/.nd in the si(th "onth $as the "essenger &abriel sent by &od, to a #ity o! &alilee, the na"e o! $hi#h IisI /aEareth, ,0to a virgin, betrothed to a "an, $hose na"e IisI 5ose h, o! the house o! David, and the na"e o! the virgin IisI @ary) ,$.nd the "essenger having #o"e in unto her, said, IHail, !avoured one, the Lord IisI $ith thee, blessed IartI thou a"ong $o"en,I ,%and she, having seen, $as troubled at his $ord, and $as reasoning o! $hat 'ind this salutation "ay be) -(.nd the "essenger said to her, IFear not, @ary, !or thou hast !ound !avour $ith &od, -#and lo, thou shalt #on#eive in the $o"b, and shalt bring !orth a son, and #all his na"e 5esus, -,he shall be great, and Son o! the Highest he shall be #alled, and the Lord &od shall give hi" the throne o! David his !ather, --and he shall reign over the house o! 5a#ob to the ages, and o! his reign there shall be no end)I -..nd @ary said unto the "essenger, IHo$ shall this be, seeing a husband 0 do not 'no$bI ,/NO WN VQ XROB VQ NYVQ A`NPVAKR L AMMNKLC MAHUBRK S`L VLS ]NLS NBC `LKBO VRC MAKBKABAC R LOLXA OA\AUNV ,0`ULC `AU]NOLO XNXORPVNSXNORO AOWUB Q LOLXA BQPRZ Na LBYLS WAHBW YAB VL LOLXA VRC `AU]NOLS XAUBAX ,$YAB NBPNK]QO L AMMNKLC `ULC ASVRO NB`NO TABUN YNTAUBVQXNOR L YSUBLC XNVA PLS NSKLMRXNOR PS NO MSOABaBO ,%R WN BWLSPA WBNVAUAT]R N`B VQ KLMQ ASVLS YAB WBNKLMB\NVL `LVA`LC NBR L AP`APXLC LSVLC -(YAB NB`NO L AMMNKLC ASVR XR ZLHLS XAUBAX NSUNC MAU TAUBO `AUA VQ ]NQ -#YAB BWLS PSKKRcR NO MAPVUB YAB VNaR SBLO YAB YAKNPNBC VL LOLXA ASVLS BRPLSO -,LSVLC NPVAB XNMAC YAB SBLC ScBPVLS YKR]RPNVAB YAB WQPNB ASVQ YSUBLC L ]NLC VLO ]ULOLO WAHBW VLS `AVULC ASVLS --YAB HAPBKNSPNB N`B VLO LBYLO BAYQH NBC VLSC ABQOAC YAB VRC HAPBKNBAC ASVLS LSY NPVAB VNKLC -.NB`NO WN XAUBAX `ULC VLO AMMNKLO `QC NPVAB VLSVL N`NB AOWUA LS MBOQPYQ
-'.nd the "essenger ans$ering said to her, IThe Holy S irit shall #o"e u on thee, and the o$er o! the Highest shall overshado$ thee, there!ore also the holy+begotten thing shall be #alled Son o! &od, -/and lo, Elisabeth, thy 'ins$o"an, she also hath #on#eived a son in her old age, and this is the si(th "onth to her $ho $as #alled barren, -0be#ause nothing shall be i" ossible $ith &od)I -$.nd @ary said, ILo, the "aid+ servant o! the Lord, let it be to "e a##ording to thy saying,I and the "essenger $ent a$ay !ro" her) -%.nd @ary having arisen in those days, $ent to the hill+#ountry, $ith haste, to a #ity o! 5udea, .(and entered into the house o! [a#harias, and saluted Elisabeth) .#.nd it #a"e to ass, $hen Elisabeth heard the salutation o! @ary, the babe did lea in her $o"b, and Elisabeth $as !illed $ith the Holy S irit, .,and s a'e out $ith a loud voi#e, and said, IBlessed IartI thou a"ong $o"en, and blessed IisI the !ruit o! thy $o"b, .-and $hen#e IisI this to "e, that the "other o! "y Lord "ight #o"e unto "eb -'YAB A`LYUB]NBC L AMMNKLC NB`NO ASVR `ONSXA AMBLO N`NKNSPNVAB N`B PN YAB WSOAXBC ScBPVLS N`BPYBAPNB PLB WBL YAB VL MNOOQXNOLO AMBLO YKR]RPNVAB SBLC ]NLS -/YAB BWLS NKBPAHNV R PSMMNORC PLS YAB ASVR PSONBKRZSBA SBLO NO MRUA ASVRC YAB LSVLC XRO NYVLC NPVBO ASVR VR YAKLSXNOR PVNBUA -0LVB LSY AWSOAVRPNB `AUA VQ ]NQ `AO URXA -$NB`NO WN XAUBAX BWLS R WLSKR YSUBLS MNOLBVL XLB YAVA VL URXA PLS YAB A`RK]NO A` ASVRC L AMMNKLC -%AOAPVAPA WN XAUBAX NO VABC RXNUABC VASVABC N`LUNS]R NBC VRO LUNBORO XNVA P`LSWRC NBC `LKBO BLSWA .(YAB NBPRK]NO NBC VLO LBYLO \ATAUBLS YAB RP`APAVL VRO NKBPAHNV .#YAB NMNONVL QC RYLSPNO R NKBPAHNV VLO AP`APXLO VRC XAUBAC NPYBUVRPNO VL HUNZLC NO VR YLBKBA ASVRC YAB N`KRP]R `ONSXAVLC AMBLS R NKBPAHNV .,YAB AONZQORPNO ZQOR XNMAKR YAB NB`NO NSKLMRXNOR PS NO MSOABaBO YAB NSKLMRXNOLC L YAU`LC VRC YLBKBAC PLS .-YAB `L]NO XLB VLSVL BOA NK]R R XRVRU VLS YSUBLS XLS `ULC XN
..!or, lo, $hen the voi#e o! thy salutation #a"e to "y ears, lea in gladness did the babe in "y $o"b, ..BWLS MAU QC NMNONVL R ZQOR VLS AP`APXLS PLS NBC VA QVA XLS NPYBUVRPNO NO AMAKKBAPNB VL HUNZLC NO VR YLBKBA XLS .'and ha y IisI she $ho did believe, .'YAB XAYAUBA R `BPVNSPAPA LVB NPVAB !or there shall be a #o" letion to the VNKNBQPBC VLBC KNKAKRXNOLBC ASVR things s o'en to her !ro" the Lord)I `AUA YSUBLS ./.nd @ary said, I@y soul doth ./YAB NB`NO XAUBAX XNMAKSONB R cSTR "agni!y the Lord, XLS VLO YSUBLO .0.nd "y s irit $as glad on &od "y .0YAB RMAKKBAPNO VL `ONSXA XLS N`B Saviour, VQ ]NQ VQ PQVRUB XLS .$Be#ause He loo'ed on the lo$liness .$LVB N`NHKNcNO N`B VRO VA`NBOQPBO o! His "aid+servant, For, lo, VRC WLSKRC ASVLS BWLS MAU A`L VLS hen#e!orth #all "e ha y shall all the OSO XAYAUBLSPBO XN `APAB AB MNONAB generations, .%For He $ho is "ighty did to "e .%LVB N`LBRPNO XLB XNMAKNBA L WSOAVLC great things, .nd holy IisI His na"e, YAB AMBLO VL LOLXA ASVLS '(.nd His 'indness IisI to generations '(YAB VL NKNLC ASVLS NBC MNONAC o! generations, To those !earing Hi", MNONQO VLBC ZLHLSXNOLBC ASVLO '#He did o$er!ully $ith His ar", He '#N`LBRPNO YUAVLC NO HUATBLOB ASVLS s#attered abroad the roud in the WBNPYLU`BPNO S`NURZAOLSC WBAOLBA thought o! their heart, YAUWBAC ASVQO ',He brought do$n the "ighty !ro" ',YA]NBKNO WSOAPVAC A`L ]ULOQO YAB thrones, .nd He e(alted the lo$ly, ScQPNO VA`NBOLSC '-The hungry He did !ill $ith good, '-`NBOQOVAC NON`KRPNO AMA]QO YAB .nd the ri#h He sent a$ay e" ty, `KLSVLSOVAC NaA`NPVNBKNO YNOLSC '.He re#eived again 0srael His '.AOVNKAHNVL BPUARK `ABWLC ASVLS servant, To re"e"ber 'indness, XORP]ROAB NKNLSC ''.s He s a'e unto our !athers, To ''YA]QC NKAKRPNO `ULC VLSC `AVNUAC .braha" and to his seed ++ to the age)I RXQO VQ AHUAAX YAB VQ P`NUXAVB ASVLS NBC VLO ABQOA '/.nd @ary re"ained $ith her about '/NXNBONO WN XAUBAX PSO ASVR QPNB three "onths, and turned ba#' to her XROAC VUNBC YAB S`NPVUNcNO NBC VLO house) LBYLO ASVRC G:2
'0.nd to Elisabeth $as the ti"e !ul!illed !or her bringing !orth, and she bare a son, '$and the neighbours and her 'indred heard that the Lord $as "a'ing His 'indness great $ith her, and they $ere re-oi#ing $ith her) '%.nd it #a"e to ass, on the eighth day, they #a"e to #ir#u"#ise the #hild, and they $ere #alling hi" by the na"e o! his !ather, [a#harias, /(and his "other ans$ering said, I/o, but he shall be #alled 5ohn)I /#.nd they said unto her ++ IThere is none a"ong thy 'indred $ho is #alled by this na"e,I /,and they $ere "a'ing signs to his !ather, $hat he $ould $ish hi" to be #alled, /-and having as'ed !or a tablet, he $rote, saying, I5ohn is his na"e,I and they did all $onder, /.and his "outh $as o ened resently, and his tongue, and he $as s ea'ing, raising &od) /'.nd !ear #a"e u on all those d$elling around the", and in all the hill+#ountry o! 5udea $ere all these sayings s o'en o!, //and all $ho heard did lay the" u in their hearts, saying, IWhat then shall this #hild bebI and the hand o! the Lord $as $ith hi") '0VR WN NKBPAHNV N`KRP]R L TULOLC VLS VNYNBO ASVRO YAB NMNOORPNO SBLO '$YAB RYLSPAO LB `NUBLBYLB YAB LB PSMMNONBC ASVRC LVB NXNMAKSONO YSUBLC VL NKNLC ASVLS XNV ASVRC YAB PSONTABULO ASVR '%YAB NMNONVL NO VR LMWLR RXNUA RK]LO `NUBVNXNBO VL `ABWBLO YAB NYAKLSO ASVL N`B VQ LOLXAVB VLS `AVULC ASVLS \ATAUBAO /(YAB A`LYUB]NBPA R XRVRU ASVLS NB`NO LSTB AKKA YKR]RPNVAB BQAOORC /#YAB NB`LO `ULC ASVRO LVB LSWNBC NPVBO NO VR PSMMNONBA PLS LC YAKNBVAB VQ LOLXAVB VLSVQ /,NONONSLO WN VQ `AVUB ASVLS VL VB AO ]NKLB YAKNBP]AB ASVLO /-YAB ABVRPAC `BOAYBWBLO NMUAcNO KNMQO BQAOORC NPVBO VL LOLXA ASVLS YAB N]ASXAPAO `AOVNC /.AONQT]R WN VL PVLXA ASVLS `AUATURXA YAB R MKQPPA ASVLS YAB NKAKNB NSKLMQO VLO ]NLO /'YAB NMNONVL N`B `AOVAC ZLHLC VLSC `NUBLBYLSOVAC ASVLSC YAB NO LKR VR LUNBOR VRC BLSWABAC WBNKAKNBVL `AOVA VA URXAVA VASVA //YAB N]NOVL `AOVNC LB AYLSPAOVNC NO VR YAUWBA ASVQO KNMLOVNC VB AUA VL `ABWBLO VLSVL NPVAB YAB TNBU YSUBLS RO XNV ASVLS
/0.nd [a#harias his !ather $as !illed $ith the Holy S irit, and did ro hesy, saying, /$IBlessed IisI the Lord, the &od o! 0srael, Be#ause He did loo' u on, .nd $rought rede" tion !or His eo le, /%.nd did raise an horn o! salvation to us, 0n the house o! David His servant, 0(.s He s a'e by the "outh o! His holy ro hets, Whi#h have been !ro" the age, 0#Salvation !ro" our ene"ies, .nd out o! the hand o! all hating us, 0,To do 'indness $ith our !athers, .nd to be "ind!ul o! His holy #ovenant, 0-.n oath that He s$are to .braha" our !ather, 0.To give to us, $ithout !ear, Out o! the hand o! our ene"ies having been delivered, 0'To serve Hi", in holiness and righteousness Be!ore Hi", all the days o! our li!e) 0/.nd thou, #hild, Pro het o! the Highest Shalt thou be #alled, For thou shalt go be!ore the !a#e o! the Lord, To re are His $ays) 00To give 'no$ledge o! salvation to His eo le 0n re"ission o! their sins, 0$Through the tender "er#ies o! our &od, 0n $hi#h the rising !ro" on high did loo' u on us, /0YAB \ATAUBAC L `AVRU ASVLS N`KRP]R `ONSXAVLC AMBLS YAB `ULNZRVNSPNO KNMQO /$NSKLMRVLC YSUBLC L ]NLC VLS BPUARK LVB N`NPYNcAVL YAB N`LBRPNO KSVUQPBO VQ KAQ ASVLS /%YAB RMNBUNO YNUAC PQVRUBAC RXBO NO VQ LBYQ WAHBW VLS `ABWLC ASVLS 0(YA]QC NKAKRPNO WBA PVLXAVLC VQO AMBQO VQO A` ABQOLC `ULZRVQO ASVLS 0#PQVRUBAO Na NT]UQO RXQO YAB NY TNBULC `AOVQO VQO XBPLSOVQO RXAC 0,`LBRPAB NKNLC XNVA VQO `AVNUQO RXQO YAB XORP]ROAB WBA]RYRC AMBAC ASVLS 0-LUYLO LO QXLPNO `ULC AHUAAX VLO `AVNUA RXQO VLS WLSOAB RXBO 0.AZLHQC NY TNBULC VQO NT]UQO RXQO USP]NOVAC KAVUNSNBO ASVQ 0'NO LPBLVRVB YAB WBYABLPSOR NOQ`BLO ASVLS `APAC VAC RXNUAC VRC \QRC RXQO 0/YAB PS `ABWBLO `ULZRVRC ScBPVLS YKR]RPR `UL`LUNSPR MAU `UL `ULPQ`LS YSUBLS NVLBXAPAB LWLSC ASVLS 00VLS WLSOAB MOQPBO PQVRUBAC VQ KAQ ASVLS NO AZNPNB AXAUVBQO ASVQO 0$WBA P`KAMTOA NKNLSC ]NLS RXQO NO LBC N`NPYNcAVL RXAC AOAVLKR Na ScLSC
0%To give light to those sitting in dar'ness and death+shade, To guide our !eet to a $ay o! ea#e)I $(.nd the #hild gre$, and $as strengthened in s irit, and he $as in the deserts till the day o! his she$ing unto 0srael) 0%N`BZAOAB VLBC NO PYLVNB YAB PYBA ]AOAVLS YA]RXNOLBC VLS YAVNS]SOAB VLSC `LWAC RXQO NBC LWLO NBURORC $(VL WN `ABWBLO RSaAONO YAB NYUAVABLSVL `ONSXAVB YAB RO NO VABC NURXLBC NQC RXNUAC AOAWNBaNQC ASVLS `ULC VLO BPUARK
+hapter ,
#.nd it #a"e to ass in those days, there $ent !orth a de#ree !ro" Daesar .ugustus, that all the $orld be enrolled ++ ,this enroll"ent !irst #a"e to ass $hen Dyrenius $as governor o! Syria ++ -and all $ere going to be enrolled, ea#h to his ro er #ity, #NMNONVL WN NO VABC RXNUABC NYNBOABC NaRK]NO WLMXA `AUA YABPAULC ASMLSPVLS A`LMUAZNP]AB `APAO VRO LBYLSXNORO ,ASVR R A`LMUAZR `UQVR NMNONVL RMNXLONSLOVLC VRC PSUBAC YSUROBLS
-YAB N`LUNSLOVL `AOVNC A`LMUAZNP]AB NYAPVLC NBC VRO BWBAO `LKBO .and 5ose h also $ent u !ro" .AONHR WN YAB BQPRZ A`L VRC &alilee, out o! the #ity o! /aEareth, to MAKBKABAC NY `LKNQC OA\AUNV NBC VRO 5udea, to the #ity o! David, that is BLSWABAO NBC `LKBO WAHBW RVBC YAKNBVAB #alled Bethlehe", be#ause o! his being HR]KNNX WBA VL NBOAB ASVLO Na LBYLS o! the house and !a"ily o! David, YAB `AVUBAC WAHBW 'to enroll hi"sel! $ith @ary his 'A`LMUAcAP]AB PSO XAUBAX VR betrothed $i!e, being $ith #hild) XNXORPVNSXNOR ASVQ MSOABYB LSPR NMYSQ /.nd it #a"e to ass, in their being /NMNONVL WN NO VQ NBOAB ASVLSC NYNB there, the days $ere !ul!illed !or her N`KRP]RPAO AB RXNUAB VLS VNYNBO bringing !orth, ASVRO 0and she brought !orth her son ++ the 0YAB NVNYNO VLO SBLO ASVRC VLO !irst+born, and $ra ed hi" u , and `UQVLVLYLO YAB NP`AUMAOQPNO ASVLO laid hi" do$n in the "anger, be#ause YAB AONYKBONO ASVLO NO VR ZAVOR WBLVB there $as not !or the" a la#e in the LSY RO ASVLBC VL`LC NO VQ YAVAKSXAVB guest+#ha"ber) $.nd there $ere she herds in the $YAB `LBXNONC RPAO NO VR TQUA VR sa"e region, lodging in the !ield, and ASVR AMUASKLSOVNC YAB ZSKAPPLOVNC 'ee ing the night+$at#hes over their ZSKAYAC VRC OSYVLC N`B VRO `LBXORO !lo#', ASVQO
%and lo, a "essenger o! the Lord stood over the", and the glory o! the Lord shone around the", and they !eared a great !ear) #(.nd the "essenger said to the", IFear not, !or lo, 0 bring you good ne$s o! great -oy, that shall be to all the eo le ++ ##be#ause there $as born to you to+ day a Saviour ++ $ho is Dhrist the Lord ++ in the #ity o! David, #,and this IisI to you the signF 4e shall !ind a babe $ra ed u , lying in the "anger)I #-.nd suddenly there #a"e $ith the "essenger a "ultitude o! the heavenly host, raising &od, and saying, #.I&lory in the highest to &od, and u on earth ea#e, a"ong "en ++ good $ill)I #'.nd it #a"e to ass, $hen the "essengers $ere gone a$ay !ro" the" to the heavens, that the "en, the she herds, said unto one another, IWe "ay go over indeed unto Bethlehe", and see this thing that hath #o"e to ass, that the Lord did "a'e 'no$n to us)I #/.nd they #a"e, having hasted, and !ound both @ary, and 5ose h, and the babe lying in the "anger, #0and having seen, they "ade 'no$n abroad #on#erning the saying s o'en to the" #on#erning the #hild) %YAB BWLS AMMNKLC YSUBLS N`NPVR ASVLBC YAB WLaA YSUBLS `NUBNKAXcNO ASVLSC YAB NZLHR]RPAO ZLHLO XNMAO #(YAB NB`NO ASVLBC L AMMNKLC XR ZLHNBP]N BWLS MAU NSAMMNKB\LXAB SXBO TAUAO XNMAKRO RVBC NPVAB `AOVB VQ KAQ ##LVB NVNT]R SXBO PRXNULO PQVRU LC NPVBO TUBPVLC YSUBLC NO `LKNB WAHBW #,YAB VLSVL SXBO VL PRXNBLO NSURPNVN HUNZLC NP`AUMAOQXNOLO YNBXNOLO NO VR ZAVOR #-YAB NaABZORC NMNONVL PSO VQ AMMNKQ `KR]LC PVUAVBAC LSUAOBLS ABOLSOVQO VLO ]NLO YAB KNMLOVQO #.WLaA NO ScBPVLBC ]NQ YAB N`B MRC NBUROR NO AO]UQ`LBC NSWLYBA #'YAB NMNONVL QC A`RK]LO A` ASVQO NBC VLO LSUAOLO LB AMMNKLB YAB LB AO]UQ`LB LB `LBXNONC NB`LO `ULC AKKRKLSC WBNK]QXNO WR NQC HR]KNNX YAB BWQXNO VL URXA VLSVL VL MNMLOLC L L YSUBLC NMOQUBPNO RXBO #/YAB RK]LO P`NSPAOVNC YAB AONSULO VRO VN XAUBAX YAB VLO BQPRZ YAB VL HUNZLC YNBXNOLO NO VR ZAVOR #0BWLOVNC WN WBNMOQUBPAO `NUB VLS URXAVLC VLS KAKR]NOVLC ASVLBC `NUB VLS `ABWBLS VLSVLS
#$.nd all $ho heard, did $onder #on#erning the things s o'en by the she herds unto the", #%and @ary $as reserving all these things, ondering in her heart, #$YAB `AOVNC LB AYLSPAOVNC N]ASXAPAO `NUB VQO KAKR]NOVQO S`L VQO `LBXNOQO `ULC ASVLSC #%R WN XAUBAX `AOVA PSONVRUNB VA URXAVA VASVA PSXHAKKLSPA NO VR YAUWBA ASVRC ,(and the she herds turned ba#', ,(YAB N`NPVUNcAO LB `LBXNONC glori!ying and raising &od, !or all WLaA\LOVNC YAB ABOLSOVNC VLO ]NLO N`B those things they heard and sa$, as it `APBO LBC RYLSPAO YAB NBWLO YA]QC $as s o'en unto the") NKAKR]R `ULC ASVLSC ,#.nd $hen eight days $ere !ul!illed ,#YAB LVN N`KRP]RPAO RXNUAB LYVQ to #ir#u"#ise the #hild, then $as his VLS `NUBVNXNBO VL `ABWBLO YAB NYKR]R na"e #alled 5esus, having been so VL LOLXA ASVLS BRPLSC VL YKR]NO S`L #alled by the "essenger be!ore his VLS AMMNKLS `UL VLS PSKKRZ]ROAB being #on#eived in the $o"b) ASVLO NO VR YLBKBA ,,.nd $hen the days o! their ,,YAB LVN N`KRP]RPAO AB RXNUAB VLS uri!i#ation $ere !ul!illed, a##ording YA]AUBPXLS ASVQO YAVA VLO OLXLO to the la$ o! @oses, they brought hi" XQPNQC AORMAMLO ASVLO NBC u to 5erusale", to resent to the Lord, BNULPLKSXA `AUAPVRPAB VQ YSUBQ ,-as it hath been $ritten in the La$ o! ,-YA]QC MNMUA`VAB NO OLXQ YSUBLS the Lord, ++ IEvery "ale o ening a LVB `AO AUPNO WBAOLBMLO XRVUAO AMBLO $o"b shall be #alled holy to the Lord,I VQ YSUBQ YKR]RPNVAB ,.and to give a sa#ri!i#e, a##ording to ,.YAB VLS WLSOAB ]SPBAO YAVA VL that said in the La$ o! the Lord, I. NBURXNOLO NO OLXQ YSUBLS \NSMLC air o! turtle+doves, or t$o young VUSMLOQO R WSL ONLPPLSC `NUBPVNUQO igeons)I ,'.nd lo, there $as a "an in ,'YAB BWLS RO AO]UQ`LC NO 5erusale", $hose na"e IisI Si"eon, BNULSPAKRX Q LOLXA PSXNQO YAB L and this "an is righteous and devout, AO]UQ`LC LSVLC WBYABLC YAB NSKAHRC loo'ing !or the #o"!orting o! 0srael, `ULPWNTLXNOLC `AUAYKRPBO VLS and the Holy S irit $as u on hi", BPUARK YAB `ONSXA AMBLO RO N` ASVLO
,/and it hath been divinely told hi" by the Holy S irit ++ not to see death be!ore he "ay see the Dhrist o! the Lord) ,0.nd he #a"e in the S irit to the te" le, and in the arents bringing in the #hild 5esus, !or their doing a##ording to the #usto" o! the la$ regarding hi", ,$then he too' hi" in his ar"s, and blessed &od, and he said, ,%I/o$ Thou dost send a$ay Thy servant, Lord, a##ording to Thy $ord, in ea#e, -(be#ause "ine eyes did see Thy salvation, -#$hi#h Thou didst re are be!ore the !a#e o! all the eo les, -,a light to the un#overing o! nations, and the glory o! Thy eo le 0srael)I --.nd 5ose h and his "other $ere $ondering at the things s o'en #on#erning hi", -.and Si"eon blessed the", and said unto @ary his "other, ILo, this IoneI is set !or the !alling and rising again o! "any in 0srael, and !or a sign s o'en against ++ -'7and also thine o$n soul shall a s$ord ass through< ++ that the reasonings o! "any hearts "ay be revealed)I ,/YAB RO ASVQ YNTURXAVBPXNOLO S`L VLS `ONSXAVLC VLS AMBLS XR BWNBO ]AOAVLO `UBO R BWR VLO TUBPVLO YSUBLS ,0YAB RK]NO NO VQ `ONSXAVB NBC VL BNULO YAB NO VQ NBPAMAMNBO VLSC MLONBC VL `ABWBLO BRPLSO VLS `LBRPAB ASVLSC YAVA VL NB]BPXNOLO VLS OLXLS `NUB ASVLS ,$YAB ASVLC NWNaAVL ASVL NBC VAC AMYAKAC ASVLS YAB NSKLMRPNO VLO ]NLO YAB NB`NO ,%OSO A`LKSNBC VLO WLSKLO PLS WNP`LVA YAVA VL URXA PLS NO NBUROR -(LVB NBWLO LB LZ]AKXLB XLS VL PQVRUBLO PLS -#L RVLBXAPAC YAVA `ULPQ`LO `AOVQO VQO KAQO -,ZQC NBC A`LYAKScBO N]OQO YAB WLaAO KALS PLS BPUARK --YAB RO BQPRZ YAB R XRVRU ASVLS ]ASXA\LOVNC N`B VLBC KAKLSXNOLBC `NUB ASVLS -.YAB NSKLMRPNO ASVLSC PSXNQO YAB NB`NO `ULC XAUBAX VRO XRVNUA ASVLS BWLS LSVLC YNBVAB NBC `VQPBO YAB AOAPVAPBO `LKKQO NO VQ BPUARK YAB NBC PRXNBLO AOVBKNMLXNOLO -'YAB PLS WN ASVRC VRO cSTRO WBNKNSPNVAB ULXZABA L`QC AO A`LYAKSZ]QPBO NY `LKKQO YAUWBQO WBAKLMBPXLB
-/.nd there $as .nna, a ro hetess, daughter o! Phanuel, o! the tribe o! .sher, she $as "u#h advan#ed in days, having lived $ith an husband seven years !ro" her virginity, -0and she IisI a $ido$ o! about eighty+ !our years, $ho did de art not !ro" the te" le, $ith !asts and su li#ations serving, night and day, -$and she, at that hour, having #o"e in, $as #on!essing, li'e$ise, to the Lord, and $as s ea'ing #on#erning hi", to all those loo'ing !or rede" tion in 5erusale") -%.nd $hen they !inished all things, a##ording to the La$ o! the Lord, they turned ba#' to &alilee, to their #ity /aEareth, .(and the #hild gre$ and $as strengthened in s irit, being !illed $ith $isdo", and the gra#e o! &od $as u on hi") .#.nd his arents $ere going yearly to 5erusale", at the !east o! the assover, .,and $hen he be#a"e t$elve years old, they having gone u to 5erusale", a##ording to the #usto" o! the !east, .-and having !inished the days, in their returning the #hild 5esus re"ained behind in 5erusale", and 5ose h and his "other did not 'no$, -/YAB RO AOOA `ULZRVBC ]SMAVRU ZAOLSRK NY ZSKRC APRU ASVR `ULHNHRYSBA NO RXNUABC `LKKABC \RPAPA NVR XNVA AOWULC N`VA A`L VRC `AU]NOBAC ASVRC -0YAB ASVR TRUA QC NVQO LMWLRYLOVAVNPPAUQO R LSY AZBPVAVL A`L VLS BNULS ORPVNBABC YAB WNRPNPBO KAVUNSLSPA OSYVA YAB RXNUAO -$YAB ASVR ASVR VR QUA N`BPVAPA AO]QXLKLMNBVL VQ YSUBQ YAB NKAKNB `NUB ASVLS `APBO VLBC `ULPWNTLXNOLBC KSVUQPBO NO BNULSPAKRX -%YAB QC NVNKNPAO A`AOVA VA YAVA VLO OLXLO YSUBLS S`NPVUNcAO NBC VRO MAKBKABAO NBC VRO `LKBO ASVQO OA\AUNV .(VL WN `ABWBLO RSaAONO YAB NYUAVABLSVL `ONSXAVB `KRULSXNOLO PLZBAC YAB TAUBC ]NLS RO N` ASVL .#YAB N`LUNSLOVL LB MLONBC ASVLS YAV NVLC NBC BNULSPAKRX VR NLUVR VLS `APTA .,YAB LVN NMNONVL NVQO WQWNYA AOAHAOVQO ASVQO NBC BNULPLKSXA YAVA VL N]LC VRC NLUVRC .-YAB VNKNBQPAOVQO VAC RXNUAC NO VQ S`LPVUNZNBO ASVLSC S`NXNBONO BRPLSC L `ABC NO BNULSPAKRX YAB LSY NMOQ BQPRZ YAB R XRVRU ASVLS
..and, having su osed hi" to be in the #o" any, they $ent a dayIs -ourney, and $ere see'ing hi" a"ong the 'indred and a"ong the a#?uaintan#es, .'and not having !ound hi", they turned ba#' to 5erusale" see'ing hi") ./.nd it #a"e to ass, a!ter three days, they !ound hi" in the te" le, sitting in the "idst o! the tea#hers, both hearing the" and ?uestioning the", .0and all those hearing hi" $ere astonished at his understanding and ans$ers) .$.nd, having seen hi", they $ere a"aEed, and his "other said unto hi", IDhild, $hy didst thou thus to usb lo, thy !ather and 0, sorro$ing, $ere see'ing thee)I .%.nd he said unto the", IWhy Iis itI that ye $ere see'ing "eb did ye not 'no$ that in the things o! "y Father it behoveth "e to bebI '(and they did not understand the saying that he s a'e to the", '#and he $ent do$n $ith the", and #a"e to /aEareth, and he $as sub-e#t to the", and his "other $as 'ee ing all these sayings in her heart, ',and 5esus $as advan#ing in $isdo", and in stature, and in !avour $ith &od and "en) ..OLXBPAOVNC WN ASVLO NO VR PSOLWBA NBOAB RK]LO RXNUAC LWLO YAB AON\RVLSO ASVLO NO VLBC PSMMNONPBO YAB NO VLBC MOQPVLBC .'YAB XR NSULOVNC ASVLO S`NPVUNcAO NBC BNULSPAKRX \RVLSOVNC ASVLO ./YAB NMNONVL XN] RXNUAC VUNBC NSULO ASVLO NO VQ BNUQ YA]N\LXNOLO NO XNPQ VQO WBWAPYAKQO YAB AYLSLOVA ASVQO YAB N`NUQVQOVA ASVLSC .0NaBPVAOVL WN `AOVNC LB AYLSLOVNC ASVLS N`B VR PSONPNB YAB VABC A`LYUBPNPBO ASVLS .$YAB BWLOVNC ASVLO NaN`KAMRPAO YAB `ULC ASVLO R XRVRU ASVLS NB`NO VNYOLO VB N`LBRPAC RXBO LSVQC BWLS L `AVRU PLS YAMQ LWSOQXNOLB N\RVLSXNO PN .%YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC VB LVB N\RVNBVN XN LSY RWNBVN LVB NO VLBC VLS `AVULC XLS WNB NBOAB XN '(YAB ASVLB LS PSORYAO VL URXA L NKAKRPNO ASVLBC '#YAB YAVNHR XNV ASVQO YAB RK]NO NBC OA\AUNV YAB RO S`LVAPPLXNOLC ASVLBC YAB R XRVRU ASVLS WBNVRUNB `AOVA VA URXAVA VASVA NO VR YAUWBA ASVRC ',YAB BRPLSC `ULNYL`VNO PLZBA YAB RKBYBA YAB TAUBVB `AUA ]NQ YAB AO]UQ`LBC
+hapter #.nd in the !i!teenth year o! the govern"ent o! Tiberius Daesar ++ Pontius Pilate being governor o! 5udea, and Herod tetrar#h o! &alilee, and Phili his brother, tetrar#h o! 0turaea and o! the region o! Tra#honitis, and Lysanias tetrar#h o! .bilene ++ ,.nnas and Daia has being #hie! riests ++ there #a"e a $ord o! &od unto 5ohn the son o! [a#harias, in the $ilderness, -and he #a"e to all the region round the 5ordan, ro#lai"ing a ba tis" o! re!or"ation ++ to re"ission o! sins, .as it hath been $ritten in the s#roll o! the $ords o! 0saiah the ro het, saying, I. voi#e o! one #rying in the $ilderness, Pre are ye the $ay o! the Lord, straight "a'e ye His aths, 'every valley shall be !illed, and every "ountain and hill shall be "ade lo$, and the #roo'ed shall be#o"e straightness, and the rough be#o"e s"ooth $ays, /and all !lesh shall see the salvation o! &od)I 0Then said he to the "ultitudes #o"ing !orth to be ba tised by hi", IBrood o! vi ersd $ho did ro" t you to !lee !ro" the #o"ing $rathb #NO NVNB WN `NOVNYABWNYAVQ VRC RMNXLOBAC VBHNUBLS YABPAULC RMNXLONSLOVLC `LOVBLS `BKAVLS VRC BLSWABAC YAB VNVUAUTLSOVLC VRC MAKBKABAC RUQWLS ZBKB``LS WN VLS AWNKZLS ASVLS VNVUAUTLSOVLC VRC BVLSUABAC YAB VUATQOBVBWLC TQUAC YAB KSPAOBLS VRC AHBKRORC VNVUAUTLSOVLC ,N` AUTBNUNQO AOOA YAB YABAZA NMNONVL URXA ]NLS N`B BQAOORO VLO VLS \ATAUBLS SBLO NO VR NURXQ -YAB RK]NO NBC `APAO VRO `NUBTQULO VLS BLUWAOLS YRUSPPQO HA`VBPXA XNVAOLBAC NBC AZNPBO AXAUVBQO .QC MNMUA`VAB NO HBHKQ KLMQO RPABLS VLS `ULZRVLS KNMLOVLC ZQOR HLQOVLC NO VR NURXQ NVLBXAPAVN VRO LWLO YSUBLS NS]NBAC `LBNBVN VAC VUBHLSC ASVLS '`APA ZAUAMa `KRUQ]RPNVAB YAB `AO LULC YAB HLSOLC VA`NBOQ]RPNVAB YAB NPVAB VA PYLKBA NBC NS]NBAO YAB AB VUATNBAB NBC LWLSC KNBAC /YAB LcNVAB `APA PAUa VL PQVRUBLO VLS ]NLS 0NKNMNO LSO VLBC NY`LUNSLXNOLBC LTKLBC HA`VBP]ROAB S` ASVLS MNOORXAVA NTBWOQO VBC S`NWNBaNO SXBO ZSMNBO A`L VRC XNKKLSPRC LUMRC
$"a'e, there!ore, !ruits $orthy o! the re!or"ation, and begin not to say $ithin yourselves, We have a !ather ++ .braha", !or 0 say to you, that &od is able out o! these stones to raise #hildren to .braha", %and already also the a(e unto the root o! the trees is laid, every tree, there!ore, not "a'ing good !ruit is #ut do$n, and to !ire it is #ast)I #(.nd the "ultitudes $ere ?uestioning hi", saying, IWhat, then, shall $e dobI ##and he ans$ering saith to the", IHe having t$o #oats ++ let hi" i" art to hi" having none, and he having vi#tuals ++ in li'e "anner let hi" do)I #,.nd there #a"e also ta(+gatherers to be ba tised, and they said unto hi", ITea#her, $hat shall $e dobI #-and he said unto the", IE(a#t no "ore than that dire#ted you)I #..nd ?uestioning hi" also $ere those $arring, saying, I.nd $e, $hat shall $e dobI and he said unto the", IDo violen#e to no one, nor a##use !alsely, and be #ontent $ith your $ages)I #'.nd the eo le are loo'ing !or$ard, and all are reasoning in their hearts #on#erning 5ohn, $hether or not he "ay be the Dhrist, $`LBRPAVN LSO YAU`LSC AaBLSC VRC XNVAOLBAC YAB XR AUaRP]N KNMNBO NO NASVLBC `AVNUA NTLXNO VLO AHUAAX KNMQ MAU SXBO LVB WSOAVAB L ]NLC NY VQO KB]QO VLSVQO NMNBUAB VNYOA VQ AHUAAX %RWR WN YAB R AaBOR `ULC VRO UB\AO VQO WNOWUQO YNBVAB `AO LSO WNOWULO XR `LBLSO YAU`LO YAKLO NYYL`VNVAB YAB NBC `SU HAKKNVAB #(YAB N`RUQVQO ASVLO LB LTKLB KNMLOVNC VB LSO `LBRPLXNO ##A`LYUB]NBC WN KNMNB ASVLBC L NTQO WSL TBVQOAC XNVAWLVQ VQ XR NTLOVB YAB L NTQO HUQXAVA LXLBQC `LBNBVQ #,RK]LO WN YAB VNKQOAB HA`VBP]ROAB YAB NB`LO `ULC ASVLO WBWAPYAKN VB `LBRPLXNO #-L WN NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC XRWNO `KNLO `AUA VL WBAVNVAMXNOLO SXBO `UAPPNVN #.N`RUQVQO WN ASVLO YAB PVUAVNSLXNOLB KNMLOVNC YAB RXNBC VB `LBRPLXNO YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC XRWNOA WBAPNBPRVN XRWN PSYLZAOVRPRVN YAB AUYNBP]N VLBC LcQOBLBC SXQO #'`ULPWLYQOVLC WN VLS KALS YAB WBAKLMB\LXNOQO `AOVQO NO VABC YAUWBABC ASVQO `NUB VLS BQAOOLS XR`LVN ASVLC NBR L TUBPVLC
#/5ohn ans$ered, saying to all, I0 indeed $ith $ater do ba tise you, but he #o"eth $ho is "ightier than 0, o! $ho" 0 a" not $orthy to loose the lat#het o! his sandals ++ he shall ba tise you $ith the Holy S irit and $ith !ire, #0$hose $inno$ing shovel IisI in his hand, and he $ill thoroughly #leanse his !loor, and $ill gather the $heat to his storehouse, and the #ha!! he $ill burn $ith !ire un?uen#hable)I #$.nd, there!ore, indeed $ith "any other things, e(horting, he $as ro#lai"ing good ne$s to the eo le, #%and Herod the tetrar#h, being re roved by hi" #on#erning Herodias the $i!e o! Phili his brother, and #on#erning all the evils that Herod did, #/A`NYUBOAVL L BQAOORC A`APBO KNMQO NMQ XNO SWAVB HA`VB\Q SXAC NUTNVAB WN L BPTSULVNULC XLS LS LSY NBXB BYAOLC KSPAB VLO BXAOVA VQO S`LWRXAVQO ASVLS ASVLC SXAC HA`VBPNB NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ YAB `SUB #0LS VL `VSLO NO VR TNBUB ASVLS YAB WBAYA]AUBNB VRO AKQOA ASVLS YAB PSOAaNB VLO PBVLO NBC VRO A`L]RYRO ASVLS VL WN ATSULO YAVAYASPNB `SUB APHNPVQ #$`LKKA XNO LSO YAB NVNUA `AUAYAKQO NSRMMNKB\NVL VLO KALO
#%L WN RUQWRC L VNVUAUTRC NKNMTLXNOLC S` ASVLS `NUB RUQWBAWLC VRC MSOABYLC ZBKB``LS VLS AWNKZLS ASVLS YAB `NUB `AOVQO QO N`LBRPNO `LORUQO L RUQWRC ,(added also this to all, that he shut u ,(`ULPN]RYNO YAB VLSVL N`B `APBO YAB 5ohn in the rison) YAVNYKNBPNO VLO BQAOORO NO VR ZSKAYR ,#.nd it #a"e to ass, in all the ,#NMNONVL WN NO VQ HA`VBP]ROAB eo le being ba tised, 5esus also being A`AOVA VLO KALO YAB BRPLS ba tised, and raying, the heaven $as HA`VBP]NOVLC YAB `ULPNSTLXNOLS o ened, AONQT]ROAB VLO LSUAOLO ,,and the Holy S irit #a"e do$n in a ,,YAB YAVAHROAB VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO bodily a earan#e, as i! a dove, u on PQXAVBYQ NBWNB QPNB `NUBPVNUAO N` hi", and a voi#e #a"e out o! heaven, ASVLO YAB ZQORO Na LSUAOLS MNONP]AB saying, IThou art @y Son ++ the KNMLSPAO PS NB L SBLC XLS L AMA`RVLC Beloved, in thee 0 did delight)I NO PLB RSWLYRPA ,-.nd 5esus hi"sel! $as beginning to ,-YAB ASVLC RO L BRPLSC QPNB NVQO be about thirty years o! age, being, as VUBAYLOVA AUTLXNOLC QO QC NOLXB\NVL $as su osed, son o! 5ose h, SBLC BQPRZ VLS RKB G89
,.the IsonI o! Eli, the IsonI o! @atthat, the IsonI o! Levi, the IsonI o! @el#hi, the IsonI o! 5anna, the IsonI o! 5ose h, ,'the IsonI o! @attathias, the IsonI o! ."os, the IsonI o! /au", the IsonI o! Esli, ,/the IsonI o! /aggai, the IsonI o! @aath, the IsonI o! @attathias, the IsonI o! Se"ei, the IsonI o! 5ose h, the IsonI o! 5uda, ,0the IsonI o! 5oanna, the IsonI o! Rhesa, the IsonI o! [erubbabel, the IsonI o! Shealtiel, ,$the IsonI o! /eri, the IsonI o! @el#hi, the IsonI o! .ddi, the IsonI o! Dosa", the IsonI o! El"oda", the IsonI o! Er, ,%the IsonI o! 5ose, the IsonI o! ElieEer, the IsonI o! 5ori", the IsonI o! @atthat, -(the IsonI o! Levi, the IsonI o! Si"eon, the IsonI o! 5uda, the IsonI o! 5ose h, the IsonI o! 5onan, the IsonI o! Elia'i", -#the IsonI o! @elea, the IsonI o! @ainan, the IsonI o! @attatha, the IsonI o! /athan, -,the IsonI o! David, the IsonI o! 5esse, the IsonI o! Obed, the IsonI o! BooE, the IsonI o! Sal"on, the IsonI o! /ahshon, --the IsonI o! .""inadab, the IsonI o! .ra", the IsonI o! Esro", the IsonI o! PhareE, -.the IsonI o! 5udah, the IsonI o! 5a#ob, the IsonI o! 0saa#, the IsonI o! .braha", the IsonI o! Terah, the IsonI o! /ahor, ,.VLS XAV]AV VLS KNSB VLS XNKTB VLS BAOOA VLS BQPRZ ,'VLS XAVVA]BLS VLS AXQC VLS OALSX VLS NPKB VLS OAMMAB ,/VLS XAA] VLS XAVVA]BLS VLS PNXNB VLS BQPRZ VLS BLSWA ,0VLS BQAOOA VLS URPA VLS \LULHAHNK VLS PAKA]BRK VLS ORUB ,$VLS XNKTB VLS AWWB VLS YQPAX VLS NKXQWAX VLS RU ,%VLS BQPR VLS NKBN\NU VLS BQUNBX VLS XAV]AV VLS KNSB -(VLS PSXNQO VLS BLSWA VLS BQPRZ VLS BQOAO VLS NKBAYNBX -#VLS XNKNA VLS XABOAO VLS XAVVA]A VLS OA]AO VLS WAHBW -,VLS BNPPAB VLS QHRW VLS HLL\ VLS PAKXQO VLS OAAPPQO --VLS AXBOAWAH VLS AUAX VLS NPUQX VLS ZAUNC VLS BLSWA -.VLS BAYQH VLS BPAAY VLS AHUAAX VLS ]AUA VLS OATQU
-'the IsonI o! Serug, the IsonI o! Reu, the IsonI o! Peleg, the IsonI o! Eber, -/the IsonI o! Salah, the IsonI o! Dainan, the IsonI o! .r ha(ad, the IsonI o! She", the IsonI o! /oah, the IsonI o! La"e#h, -0the IsonI o! @ethuselah, the IsonI o! Eno#h, the IsonI o! 5ared, the IsonI o! @ahalaleel, -$the IsonI o! Dainan, the IsonI o! Enos, the IsonI o! Seth, the IsonI o! .da", the IsonI o! &od) -'VLS PAULST VLS UAMAS VLS ZAKNY VLS NHNU VLS PAKA -/VLS YABOAO VLS AUZAaAW VLS PRX VLS OQN VLS KAXNT -0VLS XA]LSPAKA VLS NOQT VLS BAUNW VLS XAKNKNRK VLS YABOAO -$VLS NOQC VLS PR] VLS AWAX VLS ]NLS
+hapter .
#.nd 5esus, !ull o! the Holy S irit, turned ba#' !ro" the 5ordan, and $as brought in the S irit to the $ilderness, ,!orty days being te" ted by the Devil, and he did not eat anything in those days, and they having been ended, he a!ter$ard hungered, #BRPLSC WN `ONSXAVLC AMBLS `KRURC S`NPVUNcNO A`L VLS BLUWAOLS YAB RMNVL NO VQ `ONSXAVB NBC VRO NURXLO ,RXNUAC VNPPAUAYLOVA `NBUA\LXNOLC S`L VLS WBAHLKLS YAB LSY NZAMNO LSWNO NO VABC RXNUABC NYNBOABC YAB PSOVNKNP]NBPQO ASVQO SPVNULO N`NBOAPNO -and the Devil said to hi", I0! Son -YAB NB`NO ASVQ L WBAHLKLC NB SBLC NB thou art o! &od, s ea' to this stone VLS ]NLS NB`N VQ KB]Q VLSVQ BOA that it "ay be#o"e bread)I MNORVAB AUVLC ..nd 5esus ans$ered hi", saying, I0t .YAB A`NYUB]R BRPLSC `ULC ASVLO hath been $ritten, that, not on bread KNMQO MNMUA`VAB LVB LSY N` AUVQ only shall "an live, but on every XLOQ \RPNVAB L AO]UQ`LC AKK N`B saying o! &od)I `AOVB URXAVB ]NLS '.nd the Devil having brought hi" u 'YAB AOAMAMQO ASVLO L WBAHLKLC NBC to an high "ountain, she$ed to hi" all LULC ScRKLO NWNBaNO ASVQ `APAC VAC the 'ingdo"s o! the $orld in a HAPBKNBAC VRC LBYLSXNORC NO PVBMXR "o"ent o! ti"e, TULOLS /and the Devil said to hi", ITo thee 0 /YAB NB`NO ASVQ L WBAHLKLC PLB WQPQ $ill give all this authority, and their VRO NaLSPBAO VASVRO A`APAO YAB VRO glory, be#ause to "e it hath been WLaAO ASVQO LVB NXLB `AUAWNWLVAB YAB delivered, and to $ho"soever 0 $ill, 0 Q NAO ]NKQ WBWQXB ASVRO do give it, 0thou, then, i! thou "ayest bo$ be!ore 0PS LSO NAO `ULPYSORPRC NOQ`BLO "e ++ all shall be thine)I XLS NPVAB PLS `AOVA $.nd 5esus ans$ering hi" said, I&et $YAB A`LYUB]NBC ASVQ NB`NO L BRPLSC thee behind "e, .dversary, !or it hath S`AMN L`BPQ XLS PAVAOA MNMUA`VAB been $ritten, Thou shalt bo$ be!ore MAU `ULPYSORPNBC YSUBLO VLO ]NLO the Lord thy &od, and Hi" only thou PLS YAB ASVQ XLOQ KAVUNSPNBC shalt serve)I
%.nd he brought hi" to 5erusale", and set hi" on the inna#le o! the te" le, and said to hi", I0! the Son thou art o! &od, #ast thysel! do$n hen#e, #(!or it hath been $ritten ++ To His "essengers He $ill give #harge #on#erning thee, to guard over thee, ##and ++ On hands they shall bear thee u , lest at any ti"e thou "ayest dash against a stone thy !oot)I #,.nd 5esus ans$ering said to hi" ++ I0t hath been said, Thou shalt not te" t the Lord thy &od)I #-.nd having ended all te" tation, the Devil de arted !ro" hi" till a #onvenient season) #..nd 5esus turned ba#' in the o$er o! the S irit to &alilee, and a !a"e $ent !orth through all the region round about #on#erning hi", #'and he $as tea#hing in their synagogues, being glori!ied by all) #/.nd he #a"e to /aEareth, $here he hath been brought u , and he $ent in, a##ording to his #usto", on the sabbath+day, to the synagogue, and stood u to read, #0and there $as given over to hi" a roll o! 0saiah the ro het, and having un!olded the roll, he !ound the la#e $here it hath been $rittenF %YAB RMAMNO ASVLO NBC BNULSPAKRX YAB NPVRPNO ASVLO N`B VL `VNUSMBLO VLS BNULS YAB NB`NO ASVQ NB L SBLC NB VLS ]NLS HAKN PNASVLO NOVNS]NO YAVQ #(MNMUA`VAB MAU LVB VLBC AMMNKLBC ASVLS NOVNKNBVAB `NUB PLS VLS WBAZSKAaAB PN ##YAB LVB N`B TNBUQO AULSPBO PN XR`LVN `ULPYLcRC `ULC KB]LO VLO `LWA PLS #,YAB A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVQ L BRPLSC LVB NBURVAB LSY NY`NBUAPNBC YSUBLO VLO ]NLO PLS #-YAB PSOVNKNPAC `AOVA `NBUAPXLO L WBAHLKLC A`NPVR A` ASVLS ATUB YABULS #.YAB S`NPVUNcNO L BRPLSC NO VR WSOAXNB VLS `ONSXAVLC NBC VRO MAKBKABAO YAB ZRXR NaRK]NO YA] LKRC VRC `NUBTQULS `NUB ASVLS #'YAB ASVLC NWBWAPYNO NO VABC PSOAMQMABC ASVQO WLaA\LXNOLC S`L `AOVQO #/YAB RK]NO NBC VRO OA\AUNV LS RO VN]UAXXNOLC YAB NBPRK]NO YAVA VL NBQ]LC ASVQ NO VR RXNUA VQO PAHHAVQO NBC VRO PSOAMQMRO YAB AONPVR AOAMOQOAB #0YAB N`NWL]R ASVQ HBHKBLO RPABLS VLS `ULZRVLS YAB AOA`VSaAC VL HBHKBLO NSUNO VLO VL`LO LS RO MNMUAXXNOLO
#$IThe S irit o! the Lord IisI u on "e, Be#ause He did anoint "e, To ro#lai" good ne$s to the oor, Sent "e to heal the bro'en o! heart, To ro#lai" to #a tives deliveran#e, .nd to blind re#eiving o! sight, To send a$ay the bruised $ith deliveran#e, #%To ro#lai" the a##e table year o! the Lord)I ,(.nd having !olded the roll, having given IitI ba#' to the o!!i#er, he sat do$n, and the eyes o! all in the synagogue $ere gaEing on hi") ,#.nd he began to say unto the" ++ ITo+day hath this $riting been !ul!illed in your ears,I ,,and all $ere bearing testi"ony to hi", and $ere $ondering at the gra#ious $ords that are #o"ing !orth out o! his "outh, and they said, I0s not this the son o! 5ose hbI ,-.nd he said unto the", IDertainly ye $ill say to "e this si"ile, Physi#ian, heal thysel!, as great things as $e heard done in Da ernau", do also here in thy #ountry,I ,.and he said, I%erily 0 say to you ++ /o ro het is a##e ted in his o$n #ountry, ,'and o! a truth 0 say to you, @any $ido$s $ere in the days o! Eli-ah, in 0srael, $hen the heaven $as shut !or three years and si( "onths, $hen great !a"ine #a"e on all the land, #$`ONSXA YSUBLS N` NXN LS NONYNO NTUBPNO XN NSAMMNKB\NP]AB `VQTLBC A`NPVAKYNO XN BAPAP]AB VLSC PSOVNVUBXXNOLSC VRO YAUWBAO YRUSaAB ABTXAKQVLBC AZNPBO YAB VSZKLBC AOAHKNcBO A`LPVNBKAB VN]UASPXNOLSC NO AZNPNB #%YRUSaAB NOBASVLO YSUBLS WNYVLO ,(YAB `VSaAC VL HBHKBLO A`LWLSC VQ S`RUNVR NYA]BPNO YAB `AOVQO NO VR PSOAMQMR LB LZ]AKXLB RPAO AVNOB\LOVNC ASVQ ,#RUaAVL WN KNMNBO `ULC ASVLSC LVB PRXNULO `N`KRUQVAB R MUAZR ASVR NO VLBC QPBO SXQO ,,YAB `AOVNC NXAUVSULSO ASVQ YAB N]ASXA\LO N`B VLBC KLMLBC VRC TAUBVLC VLBC NY`LUNSLXNOLBC NY VLS PVLXAVLC ASVLS YAB NKNMLO LST LSVLC NPVBO L SBLC BQPRZ ,-YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC `AOVQC NUNBVN XLB VRO `AUAHLKRO VASVRO BAVUN ]NUA`NSPLO PNASVLO LPA RYLSPAXNO MNOLXNOA NO VR YA`NUOALSX `LBRPLO YAB QWN NO VR `AVUBWB PLS ,.NB`NO WN AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB LSWNBC `ULZRVRC WNYVLC NPVBO NO VR `AVUBWB ASVLS ,'N` AKR]NBAC WN KNMQ SXBO `LKKAB TRUAB RPAO NO VABC RXNUABC RKBLS NO VQ BPUARK LVN NYKNBP]R L LSUAOLC N`B NVR VUBA YAB XROAC Na QC NMNONVL KBXLC XNMAC N`B `APAO VRO MRO
,/and unto none o! the" $as Eli-ah sent, but ++ to Sare ta o! Sidon, unto a $o"an, a $ido$, ,0and "any le ers $ere in the ti"e o! Elisha the ro het, in 0srael, and none o! the" $as #leansed, but ++ /aa"an the Syrian)I ,$.nd all in the synagogue $ere !illed $ith $rath, hearing these things, ,%and having risen, they ut hi" !orth $ithout the #ity, and brought hi" unto the bro$ o! the hill on $hi#h their #ity had been built ++ to #ast hi" do$n headlong, -(and he, having gone through the "idst o! the", $ent a$ay) -#.nd he #a"e do$n to Da ernau", a #ity o! &alilee, and $as tea#hing the" on the sabbaths, -,and they $ere astonished at his tea#hing, be#ause his $ord $as $ith authority) --.nd in the synagogue $as a "an, having a s irit o! an un#lean de"on, and he #ried out $ith a great voi#e, -.saying, I.$ay, $hat ++ to us and to thee, 5esus, O /aEareneb thou didst #o"e to destroy us, 0 have 'no$n thee $ho thou art ++ the Holy One o! &od)I -'.nd 5esus did rebu'e hi", saying, IBe silen#ed, and #o"e !orth out o! hi",I and the de"on having #ast hi" into the "idst, #a"e !orth !ro" hi", having hurt hi" nought, ,/YAB `ULC LSWNXBAO ASVQO N`NXZ]R RKBAC NB XR NBC PAUN`VA VRC PBWQOLC `ULC MSOABYA TRUAO ,0YAB `LKKLB KN`ULB RPAO N`B NKBPPABLS VLS `ULZRVLS NO VQ BPUARK YAB LSWNBC ASVQO NYA]AUBP]R NB XR ONNXAO L PSULC ,$YAB N`KRP]RPAO `AOVNC ]SXLS NO VR PSOAMQMR AYLSLOVNC VASVA ,%YAB AOAPVAOVNC NaNHAKLO ASVLO NaQ VRC `LKNQC YAB RMAMLO ASVLO NQC VRC LZUSLC VLS LULSC NZ LS R `LKBC ASVQO QYLWLXRVL NBC VL YAVAYURXOBPAB ASVLO -(ASVLC WN WBNK]QO WBA XNPLS ASVQO N`LUNSNVL -#YAB YAVRK]NO NBC YA`NUOALSX `LKBO VRC MAKBKABAC YAB RO WBWAPYQO ASVLSC NO VLBC PAHHAPBO -,YAB NaN`KRPPLOVL N`B VR WBWATR ASVLS LVB NO NaLSPBA RO L KLMLC ASVLS --YAB NO VR PSOAMQMR RO AO]UQ`LC NTQO `ONSXA WABXLOBLS AYA]AUVLS YAB AONYUAaNO ZQOR XNMAKR -.KNMQO NA VB RXBO YAB PLB BRPLS OA\AURON RK]NC A`LKNPAB RXAC LBWA PN VBC NB L AMBLC VLS ]NLS -'YAB N`NVBXRPNO ASVQ L BRPLSC KNMQO ZBXQ]RVB YAB NaNK]N Na ASVLS YAB UBcAO ASVLO VL WABXLOBLO NBC VL XNPLO NaRK]NO A` ASVLS XRWNO HKAcAO ASVLO
-/and a"aEe"ent #a"e u on all, and they $ere s ea'ing together, $ith one another, saying, IWhat IisI this $ord, that $ith authority and o$er he doth #o""and the un#lean s irits, and they #o"e !orthbI -0and there $as going !orth a !a"e #on#erning hi" to every la#e o! the region round about) -$.nd having risen out o! the synagogue, he entered into the house o! Si"on, and the "other+in+la$ o! Si"on $as ressed $ith a great !ever, and they did as' hi" about her, -%and having stood over her, he rebu'ed the !ever, and it le!t her, and resently, having risen, she $as "inistering to the") .(.nd at the setting o! the sun, all, as "any as had any ailing $ith "ani!old si#'nesses, brought the" unto hi", and he on ea#h one o! the" IhisI hands having ut, did heal the") .#.nd de"ons also $ere #o"ing !orth !ro" "any, #rying out and saying ++ IThou art the Dhrist, the Son o! &od,I and rebu'ing, he did not su!!er the" to s ea', be#ause they 'ne$ hi" to be the Dhrist) .,.nd day having #o"e, having gone !orth, he $ent on to a desert la#e, and the "ultitudes $ere see'ing hi", and they #a"e unto hi", and $ere staying hi" ++ not to go on !ro" the", -/YAB NMNONVL ]AXHLC N`B `AOVAC YAB PSONKAKLSO `ULC AKKRKLSC KNMLOVNC VBC L KLMLC LSVLC LVB NO NaLSPBA YAB WSOAXNB N`BVAPPNB VLBC AYA]AUVLBC `ONSXAPBO YAB NaNUTLOVAB -0YAB NaN`LUNSNVL RTLC `NUB ASVLS NBC `AOVA VL`LO VRC `NUBTQULS -$AOAPVAC WN NY VRC PSOAMQMRC NBPRK]NO NBC VRO LBYBAO PBXQOLC R `NO]NUA WN VLS PBXQOLC RO PSONTLXNOR `SUNVQ XNMAKQ YAB RUQVRPAO ASVLO `NUB ASVRC -%YAB N`BPVAC N`AOQ ASVRC N`NVBXRPNO VQ `SUNVQ YAB AZRYNO ASVRO `AUATURXA WN AOAPVAPA WBRYLONB ASVLBC .(WSOLOVLC WN VLS RKBLS `AOVNC LPLB NBTLO AP]NOLSOVAC OLPLBC `LBYBKABC RMAMLO ASVLSC `ULC ASVLO L WN NOB NYAPVQ ASVQO VAC TNBUAC N`B]NBC N]NUA`NSPNO ASVLSC .#NaRUTNVL WN YAB WABXLOBA A`L `LKKQO YUA\LOVA YAB KNMLOVA LVB PS NB L TUBPVLC L SBLC VLS ]NLS YAB N`BVBXQO LSY NBA ASVA KAKNBO LVB RWNBPAO VLO TUBPVLO ASVLO NBOAB .,MNOLXNORC WN RXNUAC NaNK]QO N`LUNS]R NBC NURXLO VL`LO YAB LB LTKLB N\RVLSO ASVLO YAB RK]LO NQC ASVLS YAB YAVNBTLO ASVLO VLS XR `LUNSNP]AB A` ASVQO
.-and he said unto the" ++ I.lso to the other #ities it behoveth "e to ro#lai" good ne$s o! the reign o! &od, be#ause !or this 0 have been sent,I ..and he $as rea#hing in the synagogues o! &alilee) .-L WN NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC LVB YAB VABC NVNUABC `LKNPBO NSAMMNKBPAP]AB XN WNB VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS LVB NBC VLSVL A`NPVAKXAB ..YAB RO YRUSPPQO NO VABC PSOAMQMABC VRC MAKBKABAC
+hapter '
#.nd it #a"e to ass, in the "ultitude ressing on hi" to hear the $ord o! &od, that he $as standing beside the la'e o! &ennesaret, ,and he sa$ t$o boats standing beside the la'e, and the !ishers, having gone a$ay !ro" the", $ere $ashing the nets, -and having entered into one o! the boats, that $as Si"onIs, he as'ed hi" to ut ba#' a little !ro" the land, and having sat do$n, $as tea#hing the "ultitudes out o! the boat) ..nd $hen he le!t o!! s ea'ing, he said unto Si"on, IPut ba#' to the dee , and let do$n your nets !or a draught,I 'and Si"on ans$ering said to hi", I@aster, through the $hole night, having laboured, $e have ta'en nothing, but at thy saying 0 $ill let do$n the net)I /.nd having done this, they en#losed a great "ultitude o! !ishes, and their net $as brea'ing, 0and they be#'oned to the artners, $ho IareI in the other boat, having #o"e, to hel the", and they #a"e, and !illed both the boats, so that they $ere sin'ing) #NMNONVL WN NO VQ VLO LTKLO N`BYNBP]AB ASVQ VLS AYLSNBO VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS YAB ASVLC RO NPVQC `AUA VRO KBXORO MNOORPAUNV ,YAB NBWNO WSL `KLBA NPVQVA `AUA VRO KBXORO LB WN AKBNBC A`LHAOVNC A` ASVQO A`N`KSOAO VA WBYVSA -NXHAC WN NBC NO VQO `KLBQO L RO VLS PBXQOLC RUQVRPNO ASVLO A`L VRC MRC N`AOAMAMNBO LKBMLO YAB YA]BPAC NWBWAPYNO NY VLS `KLBLS VLSC LTKLSC .QC WN N`ASPAVL KAKQO NB`NO `ULC VLO PBXQOA N`AOAMAMN NBC VL HA]LC YAB TAKAPAVN VA WBYVSA SXQO NBC AMUAO 'YAB A`LYUB]NBC L PBXQO NB`NO ASVQ N`BPVAVA WB LKRC VRC OSYVLC YL`BAPAOVNC LSWNO NKAHLXNO N`B WN VQ URXAVB PLS TAKAPQ VL WBYVSLO /YAB VLSVL `LBRPAOVNC PSONYKNBPAO BT]SQO `KR]LC `LKS WBNUURMOSVL WN VL WBYVSLO ASVQO 0YAB YAVNONSPAO VLBC XNVLTLBC VLBC NO VQ NVNUQ `KLBQ VLS NK]LOVAC PSKKAHNP]AB ASVLBC YAB RK]LO YAB N`KRPAO AXZLVNUA VA `KLBA QPVN HS]B\NP]AB ASVA
$.nd Si"on Peter having seen, !ell do$n at the 'nees o! 5esus, saying, IDe art !ro" "e, be#ause 0 a" a sin!ul "an, O lord,I %!or astonish"ent seiEed hi", and all those $ith hi", at the draught o! the !ishes that they too', #(and in li'e "anner also 5a"es and 5ohn, sons o! [ebedee, $ho $ere artners $ith Si"on, and 5esus said unto Si"on, IFear not, hen#e!orth thou shalt be #at#hing "en,I ##and they, having brought the boats u on the land, having le!t all, did !ollo$ hi") #,.nd it #a"e to ass, in his being in one o! the #ities, that lo, a "an !ull o! le rosy, and having seen 5esus, having !allen on IhisI !a#e, he besought hi", saying, ISir, i! thou "ayest $ill, thou art able to #leanse "e,I #-and having stret#hed !orth IhisI hand, he tou#hed hi", having said, I0 $ill, be thou #leansed,I and i""ediately the le rosy $ent a$ay !ro" hi") #..nd he #harged hi" to tell no one, IBut, having gone a$ay, she$ thysel! to the riest, and bring near !or thy #leansing a##ording as @oses dire#ted, !or a testi"ony to the",I $BWQO WN PBXQO `NVULC `ULPN`NPNO VLBC MLOAPBO VLS BRPLS KNMQO NaNK]N A` NXLS LVB AORU AXAUVQKLC NBXB YSUBN %]AXHLC MAU `NUBNPTNO ASVLO YAB `AOVAC VLSC PSO ASVQ N`B VR AMUA VQO BT]SQO R PSONKAHLO #(LXLBQC WN YAB BAYQHLO YAB BQAOORO SBLSC \NHNWABLS LB RPAO YLBOQOLB VQ PBXQOB YAB NB`NO `ULC VLO PBXQOA L BRPLSC XR ZLHLS A`L VLS OSO AO]UQ`LSC NPR \QMUQO ##YAB YAVAMAMLOVNC VA `KLBA N`B VRO MRO AZNOVNC A`AOVA RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ #,YAB NMNONVL NO VQ NBOAB ASVLO NO XBA VQO `LKNQO YAB BWLS AORU `KRURC KN`UAC YAB BWQO VLO BRPLSO `NPQO N`B `ULPQ`LO NWNR]R ASVLS KNMQO YSUBN NAO ]NKRC WSOAPAB XN YA]AUBPAB #-YAB NYVNBOAC VRO TNBUA RcAVL ASVLS NB`QO ]NKQ YA]AUBP]RVB YAB NS]NQC R KN`UA A`RK]NO A` ASVLS #.YAB ASVLC `AURMMNBKNO ASVQ XRWNOB NB`NBO AKKA A`NK]QO WNBaLO PNASVLO VQ BNUNB YAB `ULPNONMYN `NUB VLS YA]AUBPXLS PLS YA]QC `ULPNVAaNO XQPRC NBC XAUVSUBLO ASVLBC
#'but the "ore $as the re ort going abroad #on#erning hi", and great "ultitudes $ere #o"ing together to hear, and to be healed by hi" o! their in!ir"ities, #/and he $as $ithdra$ing hi"sel! in the desert la#es and $as raying) #0.nd it #a"e to ass, on one o! the days, that he $as tea#hing, and there $ere sitting by Pharisees and tea#hers o! the La$, $ho $ere #o"e out o! every village o! &alilee, and 5udea, and 5erusale", and the o$er o! the Lord $as ++ to heal the") #$.nd lo, "en bearing u on a #ou#h a "an, $ho hath been stru#' $ith alsy, and they $ere see'ing to bring hi" in, and to la#e be!ore hi", #%and not having !ound by $hat $ay they "ay bring hi" in be#ause o! the "ultitude, having gone u on the house+to , through the tiles they let hi" do$n, $ith the little #ou#h, into the "idst be!ore 5esus, ,(and he having seen their !aith, said to hi", I@an, thy sins have been !orgiven thee)I ,#.nd the s#ribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, IWho is this that doth s ea' evil $ordsb $ho is able to !orgive sins, e(#e t &od onlybI #'WBRUTNVL WN XAKKLO L KLMLC `NUB ASVLS YAB PSORUTLOVL LTKLB `LKKLB AYLSNBO YAB ]NUA`NSNP]AB S` ASVLS A`L VQO AP]NONBQO ASVQO #/ASVLC WN RO S`LTQUQO NO VABC NURXLBC YAB `ULPNSTLXNOLC #0YAB NMNONVL NO XBA VQO RXNUQO YAB ASVLC RO WBWAPYQO YAB RPAO YA]RXNOLB ZAUBPABLB YAB OLXLWBWAPYAKLB LB RPAO NKRKS]LVNC NY `APRC YQXRC VRC MAKBKABAC YAB BLSWABAC YAB BNULSPAKRX YAB WSOAXBC YSUBLS RO NBC VL BAP]AB ASVLSC #$YAB BWLS AOWUNC ZNULOVNC N`B YKBORC AO]UQ`LO LC RO `AUAKNKSXNOLC YAB N\RVLSO ASVLO NBPNONMYNBO YAB ]NBOAB NOQ`BLO ASVLS #%YAB XR NSULOVNC WBA `LBAC NBPNONMYQPBO ASVLO WBA VLO LTKLO AOAHAOVNC N`B VL WQXA WBA VQO YNUAXQO YA]RYAO ASVLO PSO VQ YKBOBWBQ NBC VL XNPLO NX`ULP]NO VLS BRPLS ,(YAB BWQO VRO `BPVBO ASVQO NB`NO ASVQ AO]UQ`N AZNQOVAB PLB AB AXAUVBAB PLS ,#YAB RUaAOVL WBAKLMB\NP]AB LB MUAXXAVNBC YAB LB ZAUBPABLB KNMLOVNC VBC NPVBO LSVLC LC KAKNB HKAPZRXBAC VBC WSOAVAB AZBNOAB AXAUVBAC NB XR XLOLC L ]NLC
,,.nd 5esus having 'no$n their ,,N`BMOLSC WN L BRPLSC VLSC reasonings, ans$ering, said unto the", WBAKLMBPXLSC ASVQO A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO IWhat reason ye in your heartsb `ULC ASVLSC VB WBAKLMB\NP]N NO VABC YAUWBABC SXQO ,-$hi#h is easier ++ to say, Thy sins ,-VB NPVBO NSYL`QVNULO NB`NBO have been !orgiven theeb or to say, AZNQOVAB PLB AB AXAUVBAB PLS R NB`NBO .rise, and $al'b NMNBUAB YAB `NUB`AVNB ,.I.nd that ye "ay 'no$ that the Son ,.BOA WN NBWRVN LVB NaLSPBAO NTNB L o! @an hath authority u on the earth SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS N`B VRC MRC AZBNOAB to !orgive sins ++ 7he said to the one AXAUVBAC NB`NO VQ `AUAKNKSXNOQ PLB stru#' $ith alsy< ++ 0 say to thee, KNMQ NMNBUAB YAB AUAC VL YKBOBWBLO PLS .rise, and having ta'en u thy little `LUNSLS NBC VLO LBYLO PLS #ou#h, be going on to thy house)I ,'.nd resently having risen be!ore ,'YAB `AUATURXA AOAPVAC NOQ`BLO the", having ta'en u IthatI on $hi#h ASVQO AUAC NZ Q YAVNYNBVL A`RK]NO he $as lying, he $ent a$ay to his NBC VLO LBYLO ASVLS WLaA\QO VLO ]NLO house, glori!ying &od, ,/and astonish"ent too' all, and they ,/YAB NYPVAPBC NKAHNO A`AOVAC YAB $ere glori!ying &od, and $ere !illed NWLaA\LO VLO ]NLO YAB N`KRP]RPAO $ith !ear, saying ++ IWe sa$ strange ZLHLS KNMLOVNC LVB NBWLXNO `AUAWLaA things to+day)I PRXNULO ,0.nd a!ter these things he $ent !orth, ,0YAB XNVA VASVA NaRK]NO YAB and beheld a ta(+gatherer, by na"e N]NAPAVL VNKQORO LOLXAVB KNSBO Levi, sitting at the ta(+o!!i#e, and said YA]RXNOLO N`B VL VNKQOBLO YAB NB`NO to hi", IBe !ollo$ing "e,I ASVQ AYLKLS]NB XLB ,$and he, having le!t all, having ,$YAB YAVAKB`QO A`AOVA AOAPVAC arisen, did !ollo$ hi") RYLKLS]RPNO ASVQ ,%.nd Levi "ade a great ,%YAB N`LBRPNO WLTRO XNMAKRO L KNSBC entertain"ent to hi" in his house, and ASVQ NO VR LBYBA ASVLS YAB RO LTKLC there $as a great "ultitude o! ta(+ VNKQOQO `LKSC YAB AKKQO LB RPAO XNV gatherers and others $ho $ere $ith ASVQO YAVAYNBXNOLB the" re#lining 7at "eat<,
-(and the s#ribes and the Pharisees a"ong the" $ere "ur"uring at his dis#i les, saying, IWhere!ore $ith ta(+ gatherers and sinners do ye eat and drin'bI -#.nd 5esus ans$ering said unto the", IThey $ho are $ell have no need o! a hysi#ian, but they that are illF -(YAB NMLMMS\LO LB MUAXXAVNBC ASVQO YAB LB ZAUBPABLB `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS KNMLOVNC WBAVB XNVA VNKQOQO YAB AXAUVQKQO NP]BNVN YAB `BONVN
-#YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC LS TUNBAO NTLSPBO LB SMBABOLOVNC BAVULS AKK LB YAYQC NTLOVNC -,0 #a"e not to #all righteous "en, but -,LSY NKRKS]A YAKNPAB WBYABLSC AKKA sinners, to re!or"ation)I AXAUVQKLSC NBC XNVAOLBAO --.nd they said unto hi", IWhere!ore --LB WN NB`LO `ULC ASVLO WBAVB LB do the dis#i les o! 5ohn !ast o!ten, and XA]RVAB BQAOOLS ORPVNSLSPBO `SYOA "a'e su li#ations ++ in li'e "anner YAB WNRPNBC `LBLSOVAB LXLBQC YAB LB also those o! the Pharisees ++ but thine VQO ZAUBPABQO LB WN PLB NP]BLSPBO YAB do eat and drin'bI `BOLSPBO -..nd he said unto the", I.re ye able -.L WN NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC XR WSOAP]N to "a'e the sons o! the bride+#ha"ber VLSC SBLSC VLS OSXZQOLC NO Q L ++ in the bridegroo" being $ith the" OSXZBLC XNV ASVQO NPVBO `LBRPAB ++ to !astb ORPVNSNBO -'but days $ill #o"e, and, $hen the -'NKNSPLOVAB WN RXNUAB YAB LVAO bridegroo" "ay be ta'en a$ay !ro" A`AU]R A` ASVQO L OSXZBLC VLVN the", then they shall !ast in those ORPVNSPLSPBO NO NYNBOABC VABC RXNUABC days)I -/.nd he s a'e also a si"ile unto -/NKNMNO WN YAB `AUAHLKRO `ULC the" ++ I/o one a at#h o! ne$ ASVLSC LVB LSWNBC N`BHKRXA BXAVBLS #lothing doth ut on old #lothing, and YABOLS N`BHAKKNB N`B BXAVBLO `AKABLO i! other$ise, the ne$ also doth "a'e a NB WN XRMN YAB VL YABOLO PTB\NB YAB VQ rent, and $ith the old the at#h doth `AKABQ LS PSXZQONB N`BHKRXA VL A`L not agree, that IisI !ro" the ne$) VLS YABOLS
-0I.nd no one doth ut ne$ $ine into old s'ins, and i! other$ise, the ne$ $ine $ill burst the s'ins, and itsel! $ill be oured out, and the s'ins $ill be destroyed, -$but ne$ $ine into ne$ s'ins is to be ut, and both are reserved together, -%and no one having drun' old I$ineI, doth i""ediately $ish ne$, !or he saith, The old is better)I -0YAB LSWNBC HAKKNB LBOLO ONLO NBC APYLSC `AKABLSC NB WN XRMN URaNB L ONLC LBOLC VLSC APYLSC YAB ASVLC NYTS]RPNVAB YAB LB APYLB A`LKLSOVAB -$AKKA LBOLO ONLO NBC APYLSC YABOLSC HKRVNLO YAB AXZLVNULB PSOVRULSOVAB -%YAB LSWNBC `BQO `AKABLO NS]NQC ]NKNB ONLO KNMNB MAU L `AKABLC TURPVLVNULC NPVBO
+hapter /
#.nd it #a"e to ass, on the se#ond+ !irst sabbath, as he is going through the #orn !ields, that his dis#i les $ere lu#'ing the ears, and $ere eating, rubbing $ith the hands, ,and #ertain o! the Pharisees said to the", IWhy do ye that $hi#h is not la$!ul to do on the sabbathsbI -.nd 5esus ans$ering said unto the", IDid ye not read even this that David did, $hen he hungered, hi"sel! and those $ho are $ith hi", .ho$ he $ent into the house o! &od, and the loaves o! the resentation did ta'e, and did eat, and gave also to those $ith hi", $hi#h it is not la$!ul to eat, e(#e t only to the riestsbI 'and he said to the", ++ IThe Son o! @an is lord also o! the sabbath)I /.nd it #a"e to ass also, on another sabbath, that he goeth into the synagogue, and tea#heth, and there $as there a "an, and his right hand $as $ithered, 0and the s#ribes and the Pharisees $ere $at#hing hi", i! on the sabbath he $ill heal, that they "ight !ind an a##usation against hi") $.nd he hi"sel! had 'no$n their reasonings, and said to the "an having the $ithered hand, IRise, and stand in the "idst,I and he having risen, stood) #NMNONVL WN NO PAHHAVQ WNSVNUL`UQVQ WBA`LUNSNP]AB ASVLO WBA VQO P`LUBXQO YAB NVBKKLO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS VLSC PVATSAC YAB RP]BLO cQTLOVNC VABC TNUPBO ,VBONC WN VQO ZAUBPABQO NB`LO ASVLBC VB `LBNBVN L LSY NaNPVBO `LBNBO NO VLBC PAHHAPBO -YAB A`LYUB]NBC `ULC ASVLSC NB`NO L BRPLSC LSWN VLSVL AONMOQVN L N`LBRPNO WAHBW L`LVN N`NBOAPNO ASVLC YAB LB XNV ASVLS LOVNC .QC NBPRK]NO NBC VLO LBYLO VLS ]NLS YAB VLSC AUVLSC VRC `UL]NPNQC NKAHNO YAB NZAMNO YAB NWQYNO YAB VLBC XNV ASVLS LSC LSY NaNPVBO ZAMNBO NB XR XLOLSC VLSC BNUNBC 'YAB NKNMNO ASVLBC LVB YSUBLC NPVBO L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS YAB VLS PAHHAVLS /NMNONVL WN YAB NO NVNUQ PAHHAVQ NBPNK]NBO ASVLO NBC VRO PSOAMQMRO YAB WBWAPYNBO YAB RO NYNB AO]UQ`LC YAB R TNBU ASVLS R WNaBA RO aRUA 0`AUNVRULSO WN ASVLO LB MUAXXAVNBC YAB LB ZAUBPABLB NB NO VQ PAHHAVQ ]NUA`NSPNB BOA NSUQPBO YAVRMLUBAO ASVLS $ASVLC WN RWNB VLSC WBAKLMBPXLSC ASVQO YAB NB`NO VQ AO]UQ`Q VQ aRUAO NTLOVB VRO TNBUA NMNBUAB YAB PVR]B NBC VL XNPLO L WN AOAPVAC NPVR
%Then said 5esus unto the", I0 $ill ?uestion you so"ethingF 0s it la$!ul on the sabbaths to do good, or to do evilb li!e to save or to 'illbI #(.nd having loo'ed round on the" all, he said to the "an, IStret#h !orth thy hand,I and he did so, and his hand $as restored $hole as the other, %NB`NO LSO L BRPLSC `ULC ASVLSC N`NUQVRPQ SXAC VB NaNPVBO VLBC PAHHAPBO AMA]L`LBRPAB R YAYL`LBRPAB cSTRO PQPAB R A`LKNPAB #(YAB `NUBHKNcAXNOLC `AOVAC ASVLSC NB`NO VQ AO]UQ`Q NYVNBOLO VRO TNBUA PLS L WN N`LBRPNO LSVQC YAB A`LYAVNPVA]R R TNBU ASVLS SMBRC QC R AKKR ##and they $ere !illed $ith "adness, ##ASVLB WN N`KRP]RPAO AOLBAC YAB and $ere s ea'ing $ith one another WBNKAKLSO `ULC AKKRKLSC VB AO $hat they "ight do to 5esus) `LBRPNBAO VQ BRPLS #,.nd it #a"e to ass in those days, #,NMNONVL WN NO VABC RXNUABC VASVABC he $ent !orth to the "ountain to ray, NaRK]NO NBC VL LULC `ULPNSaAP]AB YAB and $as assing the night in the rayer RO WBAOSYVNUNSQO NO VR `ULPNSTR VLS o! &od, ]NLS #-and $hen it be#a"e day, he #alled #-YAB LVN NMNONVL RXNUA near his dis#i les, and having #hosen `ULPNZQORPNO VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS !ro" the" t$elve, $ho" also he YAB NYKNaAXNOLC A` ASVQO WQWNYA LSC na"ed a ostles, YAB A`LPVLKLSC QOLXAPNO #.7Si"on, $ho" also he na"ed Peter, #.PBXQOA LO YAB QOLXAPNO `NVULO YAB and .ndre$ his brother, 5a"es and AOWUNAO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS BAYQHLO 5ohn, Phili and Bartholo"e$, YAB BQAOORO ZBKB``LO YAB HAU]LKLXABLO #'@atthe$ and Tho"as, 5a"es o! #'XAV]ABLO YAB ]QXAO BAYQHLO VLO .l haeus, and Si"on #alled [elotes, VLS AKZABLS YAB PBXQOA VLO YAKLSXNOLO \RKQVRO #/5udas o! 5a"es, and 5udas 0s#ariot, #/BLSWAO BAYQHLS YAB BLSWAO $ho also be#a"e betrayer,< BPYAUBQVRO LC YAB NMNONVL `ULWLVRC
#0and having #o"e do$n $ith the", he stood u on a level s ot, and a #ro$d o! his dis#i les, and a great "ultitude o! the eo le !ro" all 5udea, and 5erusale", and the "ariti"e Tyre and Sidon, $ho #a"e to hear hi", and to be healed o! their si#'nesses, #$and those harassed by un#lean s irits, and they $ere healed, #%and all the "ultitude $ere see'ing to tou#h hi", be#ause o$er !ro" hi" $as going !orth, and he $as healing all) ,(.nd he, having li!ted u his eyes to his dis#i les, saidF IHa y the oor ++ be#ause yours is the reign o! &od) #0YAB YAVAHAC XNV ASVQO NPVR N`B VL`LS `NWBOLS YAB LTKLC XA]RVQO ASVLS YAB `KR]LC `LKS VLS KALS A`L `APRC VRC BLSWABAC YAB BNULSPAKRX YAB VRC `AUAKBLS VSULS YAB PBWQOLC LB RK]LO AYLSPAB ASVLS YAB BA]ROAB A`L VQO OLPQO ASVQO #$YAB LB LTKLSXNOLB S`L `ONSXAVQO AYA]AUVQO YAB N]NUA`NSLOVL #%YAB `AC L LTKLC N\RVNB A`VNP]AB ASVLS LVB WSOAXBC `AU ASVLS NaRUTNVL YAB BAVL `AOVAC
,(YAB ASVLC N`AUAC VLSC LZ]AKXLSC ASVLS NBC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS NKNMNO XAYAUBLB LB `VQTLB LVB SXNVNUA NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS ,#IHa y those hungering no$ ++ ,#XAYAUBLB LB `NBOQOVNC OSO LVB be#ause ye shall be !illed) IHa y TLUVAP]RPNP]N XAYAUBLB LB YKABLOVNC those $ee ing no$ ++ be#ause ye shall OSO LVB MNKAPNVN laugh) ,,IHa y are ye $hen "en shall hate ,,XAYAUBLB NPVN LVAO XBPRPQPBO SXAC you, and $hen they shall se arate you, LB AO]UQ`LB YAB LVAO AZLUBPQPBO and shall re roa#h, and shall #ast !orth SXAC YAB LONBWBPQPBO YAB NYHAKQPBO your na"e as evil, !or the Son o! VL LOLXA SXQO QC `LORULO NONYA VLS @anIs sa'e ++ SBLS VLS AO]UQ`LS ,-re-oi#e in that day, and lea , !or lo, ,-TABUNVN NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA YAB your re$ard IisI great in the heaven, !or PYBUVRPAVN BWLS MAU L XBP]LC SXQO a##ording to these things $ere their `LKSC NO VQ LSUAOQ YAVA VASVA MAU !athers doing to the ro hets) N`LBLSO VLBC `ULZRVABC LB `AVNUNC ASVQO ,.IBut $o to you ++ the ri#h, be#ause ,.`KRO LSAB SXBO VLBC `KLSPBLBC LVB ye have got your #o"!ort) A`NTNVN VRO `AUAYKRPBO SXQO
,'IWo to you $ho have been !illed ++ be#ause ye shall hunger) IWo to you $ho are laughing no$ ++ be#ause ye shall "ourn and $ee ) ,/IWo to you $hen all "en shall s ea' $ell o! you ++ !or a##ording to these things $ere their !athers doing to !alse ro hets) ,0IBut 0 say to you $ho are hearing, Love your ene"ies, do good to those hating you, ,$bless those #ursing you, and ray !or those a##using you !alsely, ,'LSAB SXBO LB NX`N`KRPXNOLB LVB `NBOAPNVN LSAB SXBO LB MNKQOVNC OSO LVB `NO]RPNVN YAB YKASPNVN
,/LSAB SXBO LVAO YAKQC SXAC NB`QPBO `AOVNC LB AO]UQ`LB YAVA VASVA MAU N`LBLSO VLBC cNSWL`ULZRVABC LB `AVNUNC ASVQO ,0AKK SXBO KNMQ VLBC AYLSLSPBO AMA`AVN VLSC NT]ULSC SXQO YAKQC `LBNBVN VLBC XBPLSPBO SXAC ,$NSKLMNBVN VLSC YAVAUQXNOLSC SXBO YAB `ULPNSTNP]N S`NU VQO N`RUNA\LOVQO SXAC ,%and to hi" s"iting thee u on the ,%VQ VS`VLOVB PN N`B VRO PBAMLOA #hee', give also the other, and !ro" `AUNTN YAB VRO AKKRO YAB A`L VLS hi" ta'ing a$ay !ro" thee the "antle, ABULOVLC PLS VL BXAVBLO YAB VLO also the #oat thou "ayest not 'ee TBVQOA XR YQKSPRC ba#') -(I.nd to every one $ho is as'ing o! -(`AOVB WN VQ ABVLSOVB PN WBWLS YAB thee, be giving, and !ro" hi" $ho is A`L VLS ABULOVLC VA PA XR A`ABVNB ta'ing a$ay thy goods, be not as'ing again, -#and as ye $ish that "en "ay do to -#YAB YA]QC ]NKNVN BOA `LBQPBO SXBO you, do ye also to the" in li'e "anner, LB AO]UQ`LB YAB SXNBC `LBNBVN ASVLBC LXLBQC -,and ++ i! ye love those loving you, -,YAB NB AMA`AVN VLSC AMA`QOVAC $hat gra#e have yeb !or also the sin!ul SXAC `LBA SXBO TAUBC NPVBO YAB MAU LB love those loving the", AXAUVQKLB VLSC AMA`QOVAC ASVLSC AMA`QPBO --and i! ye do good to those doing --YAB NAO AMA]L`LBRVN VLSC good to you, $hat gra#e have yeb !or AMA]L`LBLSOVAC SXAC `LBA SXBO TAUBC also the sin!ul do the sa"e, NPVBO YAB MAU LB AXAUVQKLB VL ASVL `LBLSPBO G>2
-.and i! ye lend Ito thoseI o! $ho" ye ho e to re#eive ba#', $hat gra#e have yeb !or also the sin!ul lend to sinners ++ that they "ay re#eive again as "u#h) -'IBut love your ene"ies, and do good, and lend, ho ing !or nothing again, and your re$ard $ill be great, and ye shall be sons o! the Highest, be#ause He is 'ind unto the ungra#ious and evil, -/be ye there!ore "er#i!ul, as also your Father is "er#i!ul) -0I.nd -udge not, and ye "ay not be -udged, #onde"n not, and ye "ay not be #onde"ned, release, and ye shall be released) -$I&ive, and it shall be given to you, good "easure, ressed, and sha'en, and running over, they shall give into your boso", !or $ith that "easure $ith $hi#h ye "easure, it shall be "easured to you again)I -%.nd he s a'e a si"ile to the", I0s blind able to lead blindb shall they not both !all into a itb .(. dis#i le is not above his tea#her, but every one er!e#ted shall be as his tea#her) .#I.nd $hy dost thou behold the "ote that is in thy brotherIs eye, and the bea" that IisI in thine o$n eye dost not #onsiderb -.YAB NAO WAONB\RVN `AU QO NK`B\NVN A`LKAHNBO `LBA SXBO TAUBC NPVBO YAB MAU LB AXAUVQKLB AXAUVQKLBC WAONB\LSPBO BOA A`LKAHQPBO VA BPA -'`KRO AMA`AVN VLSC NT]ULSC SXQO YAB AMA]L`LBNBVN YAB WAONB\NVN XRWNO A`NK`B\LOVNC YAB NPVAB L XBP]LC SXQO `LKSC YAB NPNP]N SBLB VLS ScBPVLS LVB ASVLC TURPVLC NPVBO N`B VLSC ATAUBPVLSC YAB `LORULSC -/MBONP]N LSO LBYVBUXLONC YA]QC YAB L `AVRU SXQO LBYVBUXQO NPVBO -0YAB XR YUBONVN YAB LS XR YUB]RVN XR YAVAWBYA\NVN YAB LS XR YAVAWBYAP]RVN A`LKSNVN YAB A`LKS]RPNP]N -$WBWLVN YAB WL]RPNVAB SXBO XNVULO YAKLO `N`BNPXNOLO YAB PNPAKNSXNOLO YAB S`NUNYTSOLXNOLO WQPLSPBO NBC VLO YLK`LO SXQO VQ MAU ASVQ XNVUQ Q XNVUNBVN AOVBXNVUR]RPNVAB SXBO -%NB`NO WN `AUAHLKRO ASVLBC XRVB WSOAVAB VSZKLC VSZKLO LWRMNBO LSTB AXZLVNULB NBC HL]SOLO `NPLSOVAB .(LSY NPVBO XA]RVRC S`NU VLO WBWAPYAKLO ASVLS YAVRUVBPXNOLC WN `AC NPVAB QC L WBWAPYAKLC ASVLS .#VB WN HKN`NBC VL YAUZLC VL NO VQ LZ]AKXQ VLS AWNKZLS PLS VRO WN WLYLO VRO NO VQ BWBQ LZ]AKXQ LS YAVAOLNBC
.,or ho$ art thou able to say to thy brother, Brother, su!!er, 0 "ay ta'e out the "ote that IisI in thine eye ++ thysel! the bea" in thine o$n eye not beholdingb Hy o#rite, ta'e !irst the bea" out o! thine o$n eye, and then thou shalt see #learly to ta'e out the "ote that IisI in thy brotherIs eye) .-IFor there is not a good tree "a'ing bad !ruit, nor a bad tree "a'ing good !ruit, ..!or ea#h tree !ro" its o$n !ruit is 'no$n, !or not !ro" thorns do they gather !igs, nor !ro" a bra"ble do they #ro a gra e) .'IThe good "an out o! the good treasure o! his heart doth bring !orth that $hi#h IisI good, and the evil "an out o! the evil treasure o! his heart doth bring !orth that $hi#h IisI evil, !or out o! the abounding o! the heart doth his "outh s ea') ./I.nd $hy do ye #all "e, Lord, Lord, and do not $hat 0 sayb .0Every one $ho is #o"ing unto "e, and is hearing "y $ords, and is doing the", 0 $ill she$ you to $ho" he is li'e, .,R `QC WSOAPAB KNMNBO VQ AWNKZQ PLS AWNKZN AZNC NYHAKQ VL YAUZLC VL NO VQ LZ]AKXQ PLS ASVLC VRO NO VQ LZ]AKXQ PLS WLYLO LS HKN`QO S`LYUBVA NYHAKN `UQVLO VRO WLYLO NY VLS LZ]AKXLS PLS YAB VLVN WBAHKNcNBC NYHAKNBO VL YAUZLC VL NO VQ LZ]AKXQ VLS AWNKZLS PLS .-LS MAU NPVBO WNOWULO YAKLO `LBLSO YAU`LO PA`ULO LSWN WNOWULO PA`ULO `LBLSO YAU`LO YAKLO ..NYAPVLO MAU WNOWULO NY VLS BWBLS YAU`LS MBOQPYNVAB LS MAU Na AYAO]QO PSKKNMLSPBO PSYA LSWN NY HAVLS VUSMQPBO PVAZSKRO .'L AMA]LC AO]UQ`LC NY VLS AMA]LS ]RPASULS VRC YAUWBAC ASVLS `ULZNUNB VL AMA]LO YAB L `LORULC AO]UQ`LC NY VLS `LORULS ]RPASULS VRC YAUWBAC ASVLS `ULZNUNB VL `LORULO NY MAU VLS `NUBPPNSXAVLC VRC YAUWBAC KAKNB VL PVLXA ASVLS ./VB WN XN YAKNBVN YSUBN YSUBN YAB LS `LBNBVN A KNMQ .0`AC L NUTLXNOLC `ULC XN YAB AYLSQO XLS VQO KLMQO YAB `LBQO ASVLSC S`LWNBaQ SXBO VBOB NPVBO LXLBLC
.$he is li'e to a "an building a house, $ho did dig, and dee en, and laid a !oundation u on the ro#', and a !lood having #o"e, the strea" bro'e !orth on that house, and $as not able to sha'e it, !or it had been !ounded u on the ro#') .%I.nd he $ho heard and did not, is li'e to a "an having builded a house u on the earth, $ithout a !oundation, against $hi#h the strea" bra'e !orth, and i""ediately it !ell, and the ruin o! that house be#a"e great)I .$LXLBLC NPVBO AO]UQ`Q LBYLWLXLSOVB LBYBAO LC NPYAcNO YAB NHA]SONO YAB N]RYNO ]NXNKBLO N`B VRO `NVUAO `KRXXSUAC WN MNOLXNORC `ULPNUURaNO L `LVAXLC VR LBYBA NYNBOR YAB LSY BPTSPNO PAKNSPAB ASVRO VN]NXNKBQVL MAU N`B VRO `NVUAO .%L WN AYLSPAC YAB XR `LBRPAC LXLBLC NPVBO AO]UQ`Q LBYLWLXRPAOVB LBYBAO N`B VRO MRO TQUBC ]NXNKBLS R `ULPNUURaNO L `LVAXLC YAB NS]NQC N`NPNO YAB NMNONVL VL URMXA VRC LBYBAC NYNBORC XNMA
+hapter 0
#.nd $hen he #o" leted all his sayings in the ears o! the eo le, he $ent into Da ernau", ,and a #ertain #enturionIs servant being ill, $as about to die, $ho $as "u#h valued by hi", -and having heard about 5esus, he sent unto hi" elders o! the 5e$s, besee#hing hi", that having #o"e he "ight thoroughly save his servant) ..nd they, having #o"e near unto 5esus, $ere #alling u on hi" earnestly, saying ++ IHe is $orthy to $ho" thou shalt do this, '!or he doth love our nation, and the synagogue he did build to us)I /.nd 5esus $as going on $ith the", and no$ $hen he is not !ar distant !ro" the house the #enturion sent unto hi" !riends, saying to hi", ISir, be not troubled, !or 0 a" not $orthy that under "y roo! thou "ayest enter, 0$here!ore not even "ysel! thought 0 $orthy to #o"e unto thee, but say in a $ord, and "y lad shall be healed, $!or 0 also a" a "an la#ed under authority, having under "ysel! soldiers, and 0 say to this IoneI, &o, and he goeth, and to another, Be #o"ing, and he #o"eth, and to "y servant, Do this, and he doth IitI)I #N`NB WN N`KRUQPNO `AOVA VA URXAVA ASVLS NBC VAC AYLAC VLS KALS NBPRK]NO NBC YA`NUOALSX ,NYAVLOVAUTLS WN VBOLC WLSKLC YAYQC NTQO RXNKKNO VNKNSVAO LC RO ASVQ NOVBXLC -AYLSPAC WN `NUB VLS BRPLS A`NPVNBKNO `ULC ASVLO `UNPHSVNULSC VQO BLSWABQO NUQVQO ASVLO L`QC NK]QO WBAPQPR VLO WLSKLO ASVLS .LB WN `AUAMNOLXNOLB `ULC VLO BRPLSO `AUNYAKLSO ASVLO P`LSWABQC KNMLOVNC LVB AaBLC NPVBO Q `AUNaNB VLSVL 'AMA`A MAU VL N]OLC RXQO YAB VRO PSOAMQMRO ASVLC QYLWLXRPNO RXBO /L WN BRPLSC N`LUNSNVL PSO ASVLBC RWR WN ASVLS LS XAYUAO A`NTLOVLC A`L VRC LBYBAC N`NXcNO `ULC ASVLO L NYAVLOVAUTLC ZBKLSC KNMQO ASVQ YSUBN XR PYSKKLS LS MAU NBXB BYAOLC BOA S`L VRO PVNMRO XLS NBPNK]RC 0WBL LSWN NXASVLO RaBQPA `ULC PN NK]NBO AKKA NB`N KLMQ YAB BA]RPNVAB L `ABC XLS $YAB MAU NMQ AO]UQ`LC NBXB S`L NaLSPBAO VAPPLXNOLC NTQO S` NXASVLO PVUAVBQVAC YAB KNMQ VLSVQ `LUNS]RVB YAB `LUNSNVAB YAB AKKQ NUTLS YAB NUTNVAB YAB VQ WLSKQ XLS `LBRPLO VLSVL YAB `LBNB
%.nd having heard these things 5esus $ondered at hi", and having turned to the "ultitude !ollo$ing hi", he said, I0 say to you, not even in 0srael so "u#h !aith did 0 !ind,I #(and those sent, having turned ba#' to the house, !ound the ailing servant in health) ##.nd it #a"e to ass, on the "orro$, he $as going on to a #ity #alled /ain, and there $ere going $ith hi" "any o! his dis#i les, and a great "ultitude, #,and as he #a"e nigh to the gate o! the #ity, then, lo, one dead $as being #arried !orth, an only son o! his "other, and she a $ido$, and a great "ultitude o! the #ity $as $ith her) #-.nd the Lord having seen her, $as "oved $ith #o" assion to$ards her, and said to her, IBe not $ee ing,I #.and having #o"e near, he tou#hed the bier, and those bearing IitI stood still, and he said, I4oung "an, to thee 0 say, .rise,I #'and the dead sat u , and began to s ea', and he gave hi" to his "other, %AYLSPAC WN VASVA L BRPLSC N]ASXAPNO ASVLO YAB PVUAZNBC VQ AYLKLS]LSOVB ASVQ LTKQ NB`NO KNMQ SXBO LSWN NO VQ BPUARK VLPASVRO `BPVBO NSULO #(YAB S`LPVUNcAOVNC LB `NXZ]NOVNC NBC VLO LBYLO NSULO VLO AP]NOLSOVA WLSKLO SMBABOLOVA ##YAB NMNONVL NO VR NaRC N`LUNSNVL NBC `LKBO YAKLSXNORO OABO YAB PSON`LUNSLOVL ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS BYAOLB YAB LTKLC `LKSC #,QC WN RMMBPNO VR `SKR VRC `LKNQC YAB BWLS NaNYLXB\NVL VN]ORYQC SBLC XLOLMNORC VR XRVUB ASVLS YAB ASVR RO TRUA YAB LTKLC VRC `LKNQC BYAOLC PSO ASVR #-YAB BWQO ASVRO L YSUBLC NP`KAMTOBP]R N` ASVR YAB NB`NO ASVR XR YKABN #.YAB `ULPNK]QO RcAVL VRC PLULS LB WN HAPVA\LOVNC NPVRPAO YAB NB`NO ONAOBPYN PLB KNMQ NMNU]RVB
#'YAB AONYA]BPNO L ONYULC YAB RUaAVL KAKNBO YAB NWQYNO ASVLO VR XRVUB ASVLS #/and !ear too' hold o! all, and they #/NKAHNO WN ZLHLC A`AOVAC YAB $ere glori!ying &od, saying ++ I. great NWLaA\LO VLO ]NLO KNMLOVNC LVB ro het hath risen a"ong us,I and ++ `ULZRVRC XNMAC NMRMNUVAB NO RXBO YAB I&od did loo' u on His eo le)I LVB N`NPYNcAVL L ]NLC VLO KALO ASVLS #0.nd the a##ount o! this $ent !orth #0YAB NaRK]NO L KLMLC LSVLC NO LKR VR in all 5udea about hi", and in all the BLSWABA `NUB ASVLS YAB NO `APR VR region around) `NUBTQUQ G3:
#$.nd the dis#i les o! 5ohn told hi" about all these things, #%and 5ohn having #alled near a #ertain t$o o! his dis#i les, sent unto 5esus, saying, I.rt thou he $ho is #o"ing, or !or another do $e loo'bI ,(.nd having #o"e near to hi", the "en said, I5ohn the Ba tist sent us unto thee, saying, .rt thou he $ho is #o"ing, or !or another do $e loo'bI ,#.nd in that hour he #ured "any !ro" si#'nesses, and lagues, and evil s irits, and to "any blind he granted sight) ,,.nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", IHaving gone on, re ort to 5ohn $hat ye sa$ and heard, that blind "en do see again, la"e do $al', le ers are #leansed, dea! do hear, dead are raised, oor have good ne$s ro#lai"ed, #$YAB A`RMMNBKAO BQAOOR LB XA]RVAB ASVLS `NUB `AOVQO VLSVQO #%YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC WSL VBOAC VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS L BQAOORC N`NXcNO `ULC VLO BRPLSO KNMQO PS NB L NUTLXNOLC R AKKLO `ULPWLYQXNO ,(`AUAMNOLXNOLB WN `ULC ASVLO LB AOWUNC NB`LO BQAOORC L HA`VBPVRC A`NPVAKYNO RXAC `ULC PN KNMQO PS NB L NUTLXNOLC R AKKLO `ULPWLYQXNO ,#NO ASVR WN VR QUA N]NUA`NSPNO `LKKLSC A`L OLPQO YAB XAPVBMQO YAB `ONSXAVQO `LORUQO YAB VSZKLBC `LKKLBC NTAUBPAVL VL HKN`NBO ,,YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC `LUNS]NOVNC A`AMMNBKAVN BQAOOR A NBWNVN YAB RYLSPAVN LVB VSZKLB AOAHKN`LSPBO TQKLB `NUB`AVLSPBO KN`ULB YA]AUB\LOVAB YQZLB AYLSLSPBO ONYULB NMNBULOVAB `VQTLB NSAMMNKB\LOVAB ,-and ha y is he $hoever "ay not be ,-YAB XAYAUBLC NPVBO LC NAO XR stu"bled in "e)I PYAOWAKBP]R NO NXLB ,..nd the "essengers o! 5ohn having ,.A`NK]LOVQO WN VQO AMMNKQO gone a$ay, he began to say unto the BQAOOLS RUaAVL KNMNBO `ULC VLSC "ultitudes #on#erning 5ohnF IWhat LTKLSC `NUB BQAOOLS VB NaNKRKS]AVN have ye gone !orth to the $ilderness to NBC VRO NURXLO ]NAPAP]AB YAKAXLO loo' onb a reed by the $ind sha'enb S`L AONXLS PAKNSLXNOLO ,'but $hat have ye gone !orth to seeb ,'AKKA VB NaNKRKS]AVN BWNBO a "an in so!t gar"ents #lothedb lo, AO]UQ`LO NO XAKAYLBC BXAVBLBC they in s lendid a arellings, and RXZBNPXNOLO BWLS LB NO BXAVBPXQ living in lu(ury, are in the houses o! NOWLaQ YAB VUSZR S`AUTLOVNC NO VLBC 'ingsd HAPBKNBLBC NBPBO
,/IBut $hat have ye gone !orth to seeb a ro hetb 4es, 0 say to you, and "u#h "ore than a ro hetF ,0this is he #on#erning $ho" it hath been $ritten, Lo, 0 send "y "essenger be!ore thy !a#e, $ho shall re are thy $ay be!ore thee, ,$!or 0 say to you, a greater ro het, a"ong those born o! $o"en, than 5ohn the Ba tist there is not, but the least in the reign o! &od is greater than he)I ,%.nd all the eo le having heard, and the ta(+gatherers, de#lared &od righteous, having been ba tiEed $ith the ba tis" o! 5ohn, -(but the Pharisees, and the la$yers, the #ounsel o! &od did ut a$ay !or the"selves, not having been ba tiEed by hi") -#.nd the Lord said, ITo $hat, then, shall 0 li'en the "en o! this generationb and to $hat are they li'eb -,they are li'e to #hildren, to those sitting in a "ar'et+ la#e, and #alling one to another, and saying, We i ed to you, and ye did not dan#e, $e "ourned to you, and ye did not $ee d --IFor 5ohn the Ba tist #a"e neither eating bread nor drin'ing $ine, and ye say, He hath a de"on, ,/AKKA VB NaNKRKS]AVN BWNBO `ULZRVRO OAB KNMQ SXBO YAB `NUBPPLVNULO `ULZRVLS ,0LSVLC NPVBO `NUB LS MNMUA`VAB BWLS NMQ A`LPVNKKQ VLO AMMNKLO XLS `UL `ULPQ`LS PLS LC YAVAPYNSAPNB VRO LWLO PLS NX`ULP]NO PLS ,$KNMQ MAU SXBO XNB\QO NO MNOORVLBC MSOABYQO `ULZRVRC BQAOOLS VLS HA`VBPVLS LSWNBC NPVBO L WN XBYULVNULC NO VR HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS XNB\QO ASVLS NPVBO ,%YAB `AC L KALC AYLSPAC YAB LB VNKQOAB NWBYABQPAO VLO ]NLO HA`VBP]NOVNC VL HA`VBPXA BQAOOLS -(LB WN ZAUBPABLB YAB LB OLXBYLB VRO HLSKRO VLS ]NLS R]NVRPAO NBC NASVLSC XR HA`VBP]NOVNC S` ASVLS -#NB`NO WN L YSUBLC VBOB LSO LXLBQPQ VLSC AO]UQ`LSC VRC MNONAC VASVRC YAB VBOB NBPBO LXLBLB -,LXLBLB NBPBO `ABWBLBC VLBC NO AMLUA YA]RXNOLBC YAB `ULPZQOLSPBO AKKRKLBC YAB KNMLSPBO RSKRPAXNO SXBO YAB LSY QUTRPAP]N N]URORPAXNO SXBO YAB LSY NYKASPAVN --NKRKS]NO MAU BQAOORC L HA`VBPVRC XRVN AUVLO NP]BQO XRVN LBOLO `BOQO YAB KNMNVN WABXLOBLO NTNB
-.the Son o! @an #a"e eating and drin'ing, and ye say, Lo, a "an, a glutton, and a $ine drin'er, a !riend o! ta(+gatherers and sinners, -'and the $isdo" $as -usti!ied !ro" all her #hildren)I -/.nd a #ertain one o! the Pharisees $as as'ing hi" that he "ight eat $ith hi", and having gone into the house o! the Pharisee he re#lined 7at "eat<, -0and lo, a $o"an in the #ity, $ho $as a sinner, having 'no$n that he re#lineth 7at "eat< in the house o! the Pharisee, having rovided an alabaster bo( o! oint"ent, -$and having stood behind, beside his !eet, $ee ing, she began to $et his !eet $ith the tears, and $ith the hairs o! her head she $as $i ing, and $as 'issing his !eet, and $as anointing $ith the oint"ent) -%.nd the Pharisee $ho did #all hi", having seen, s a'e $ithin hi"sel!, saying, IThis one, i! he $ere a ro het, $ould have 'no$n $ho and o! $hat 'ind IisI the $o"an $ho doth tou#h hi", that she is a sinner)I .(.nd 5esus ans$ering said unto hi", ISi"on, 0 have so"ething to say to thee,I and he saith, ITea#her, say on)I .#IT$o debtors $ere to a #ertain #reditor, the one $as o$ing !ive hundred denaries, and the other !i!ty, -.NKRKS]NO L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NP]BQO YAB `BOQO YAB KNMNVN BWLS AO]UQ`LC ZAMLC YAB LBOL`LVRC VNKQOQO ZBKLC YAB AXAUVQKQO -'YAB NWBYABQ]R R PLZBA A`L VQO VNYOQO ASVRC `AOVQO -/RUQVA WN VBC ASVLO VQO ZAUBPABQO BOA ZAMR XNV ASVLS YAB NBPNK]QO NBC VRO LBYBAO VLS ZAUBPABLS AONYKB]R -0YAB BWLS MSOR NO VR `LKNB RVBC RO AXAUVQKLC N`BMOLSPA LVB AOAYNBVAB NO VR LBYBA VLS ZAUBPABLS YLXBPAPA AKAHAPVULO XSULS -$YAB PVAPA `AUA VLSC `LWAC ASVLS L`BPQ YKABLSPA RUaAVL HUNTNBO VLSC `LWAC ASVLS VLBC WAYUSPBO YAB VABC ]UBaBO VRC YNZAKRC ASVRC NaNXAPPNO YAB YAVNZBKNB VLSC `LWAC ASVLS YAB RKNBZNO VQ XSUQ -%BWQO WN L ZAUBPABLC L YAKNPAC ASVLO NB`NO NO NASVQ KNMQO LSVLC NB RO `ULZRVRC NMBOQPYNO AO VBC YAB `LVA`R R MSOR RVBC A`VNVAB ASVLS LVB AXAUVQKLC NPVBO .(YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO `ULC ASVLO PBXQO NTQ PLB VB NB`NBO L WN ZRPBO WBWAPYAKN NB`N .#WSL TUNQZNBKNVAB RPAO WAONBPVR VBOB L NBC QZNBKNO WROAUBA `NOVAYLPBA L WN NVNULC `NOVRYLOVA
.,and they not having I$here$ithI to give ba#', he !orgave both, $hi#h then o! the", say thou, $ill love hi" "orebI .-.nd Si"on ans$ering said, I0 su ose that to $ho" he !orgave the "ore,I and he said to hi", IRightly thou didst -udge)I ...nd having turned unto the $o"an, he said to Si"on, ISeest thou this $o"anb 0 entered into thy house, $ater !or "y !eet thou didst not give, but this $o"an $ith tears did $et "y !eet, and $ith the hairs o! her head did $i e, .'a 'iss to "e thou didst not give, but this $o"an, !ro" $hat Iti"eI 0 #a"e in, did not #ease 'issing "y !eet, ./$ith oil "y head thou didst not anoint, but this $o"an $ith oint"ent did anoint "y !eet, .0there!ore 0 say to thee, her "any sins have been !orgiven, be#ause she did love "u#h, but to $ho" little is !orgiven, little he doth love)I .$.nd he said to her, IThy sins have been !orgiven,I .%and those re#lining $ith hi" 7at "eat< began to say $ithin the"selves, IWho is this, $ho also doth !orgive sinsbI '(and he said unto the $o"an, IThy !aith have saved thee, be going on to ea#e)I .,XR NTLOVQO WN ASVQO A`LWLSOAB AXZLVNULBC NTAUBPAVL VBC LSO ASVQO NB`N `KNBLO ASVLO AMA`RPNB .-A`LYUB]NBC WN L PBXQO NB`NO S`LKAXHAOQ LVB Q VL `KNBLO NTAUBPAVL L WN NB`NO ASVQ LU]QC NYUBOAC ..YAB PVUAZNBC `ULC VRO MSOABYA VQ PBXQOB NZR HKN`NBC VASVRO VRO MSOABYA NBPRK]LO PLS NBC VRO LBYBAO SWQU N`B VLSC `LWAC XLS LSY NWQYAC ASVR WN VLBC WAYUSPBO NHUNaNO XLS VLSC `LWAC YAB VABC ]UBaBO VRC YNZAKRC ASVRC NaNXAaNO .'ZBKRXA XLB LSY NWQYAC ASVR WN AZ RC NBPRK]LO LS WBNKB`NO YAVAZBKLSPA XLS VLSC `LWAC ./NKABQ VRO YNZAKRO XLS LSY RKNBcAC ASVR WN XSUQ RKNBcNO XLS VLSC `LWAC .0LS TAUBO KNMQ PLB AZNQOVAB AB AXAUVBAB ASVRC AB `LKKAB LVB RMA`RPNO `LKS Q WN LKBMLO AZBNVAB LKBMLO AMA`A .$NB`NO WN ASVR AZNQOVAB PLS AB AXAUVBAB .%YAB RUaAOVL LB PSOAOAYNBXNOLB KNMNBO NO NASVLBC VBC LSVLC NPVBO LC YAB AXAUVBAC AZBRPBO '(NB`NO WN `ULC VRO MSOABYA R `BPVBC PLS PNPQYNO PN `LUNSLS NBC NBURORO
+hapter $
#.nd it #a"e to ass therea!ter, that he $as going through every #ity and village, rea#hing and ro#lai"ing good ne$s o! the reign o! &od, and the t$elve IareI $ith hi", ,and #ertain $o"en, $ho $ere healed o! evil s irits and in!ir"ities, @ary $ho is #alled @agdalene, !ro" $ho" seven de"ons had gone !orth, #YAB NMNONVL NO VQ YA]NaRC YAB ASVLC WBQWNSNO YAVA `LKBO YAB YQXRO YRUSPPQO YAB NSAMMNKB\LXNOLC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS YAB LB WQWNYA PSO ASVQ ,YAB MSOABYNC VBONC AB RPAO VN]NUA`NSXNOAB A`L `ONSXAVQO `LORUQO YAB AP]NONBQO XAUBA R YAKLSXNOR XAMWAKROR AZ RC WABXLOBA N`VA NaNKRKS]NB -and 5oanna $i!e o! DhuEa, ste$ard o! -YAB BQAOOA MSOR TLS\A N`BVUL`LS Herod, and Susanna, and "any others, RUQWLS YAB PLSPAOOA YAB NVNUAB $ho $ere "inistering to hi" !ro" `LKKAB ABVBONC WBRYLOLSO ASVQ A`L their substan#e) VQO S`AUTLOVQO ASVABC ..nd a great "ultitude having .PSOBLOVLC WN LTKLS `LKKLS YAB VQO gathered, and those $ho !ro" #ity and YAVA `LKBO N`B`LUNSLXNOQO `ULC #ity $ere #o"ing unto hi", he s a'e ASVLO NB`NO WBA `AUAHLKRC by a si"ileF 'IThe so$er $ent !orth to so$ his 'NaRK]NO L P`NBUQO VLS P`NBUAB VLO seed, and in his so$ing so"e indeed P`LULO ASVLS YAB NO VQ P`NBUNBO !ell beside the $ay, and it $as trodden ASVLO L XNO N`NPNO `AUA VRO LWLO YAB do$n, and the !o$ls o! the heaven did YAVN`AVR]R YAB VA `NVNBOA VLS devour it) LSUAOLS YAVNZAMNO ASVL /I.nd other !ell u on the ro#', and /YAB NVNULO N`NPNO N`B VRO `NVUAO YAB having s rung u , it did $ither, ZSNO NaRUAO]R WBA VL XR NTNBO BYXAWA through not having "oisture) 0I.nd other !ell a"idst the thorns, and 0YAB NVNULO N`NPNO NO XNPQ VQO the thorns having s rung u $ith it, AYAO]QO YAB PSXZSNBPAB AB AYAO]AB did #ho'e it) A`N`OBaAO ASVL
$I.nd other !ell u on the good ground, and having s rung u , it "ade !ruit an hundred !old)I These things saying, he $as #alling, IHe having ears to hear ++ let hi" hear)I %.nd his dis#i les $ere ?uestioning hi", saying, IWhat "ay this si"ile bebI #(.nd he said, ITo you it hath been given to 'no$ the se#rets o! the reign o! &od, and to the rest in si"iles, that seeing they "ay not see, and hearing they "ay not understand) ##I.nd this is the si"ileF The seed is the $ord o! &od, #,and those beside the $ay are those hearing, then #o"eth the Devil, and ta'eth u the $ord !ro" their heart, lest having believed, they "ay be saved) #-I.nd those u on the ro#'F They $ho, $hen they "ay hear, $ith -oy do re#eive the $ord, and these have no root, $ho !or a ti"e believe, and in ti"e o! te" tation !all a$ay) #.I.nd that $hi#h !ell to the thornsF These are they $ho have heard, and going !orth, through an(ieties, and ri#hes, and leasures o! li!e, are #ho'ed, and bear not to #o" letion) #'I.nd that in the good groundF These are they, $ho in an u right and good heart, having heard the $ord, do retain IitI, and bear !ruit in #ontinuan#e) $YAB NVNULO N`NPNO N`B VRO MRO VRO AMA]RO YAB ZSNO N`LBRPNO YAU`LO NYAVLOVA`KAPBLOA VASVA KNMQO NZQONB L NTQO QVA AYLSNBO AYLSNVQ %N`RUQVQO WN ASVLO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS KNMLOVNC VBC NBR R `AUAHLKR ASVR #(L WN NB`NO SXBO WNWLVAB MOQOAB VA XSPVRUBA VRC HAPBKNBAC VLS ]NLS VLBC WN KLB`LBC NO `AUAHLKABC BOA HKN`LOVNC XR HKN`QPBO YAB AYLSLOVNC XR PSOBQPBO ##NPVBO WN ASVR R `AUAHLKR L P`LULC NPVBO L KLMLC VLS ]NLS #,LB WN `AUA VRO LWLO NBPBO LB AYLSLOVNC NBVA NUTNVAB L WBAHLKLC YAB ABUNB VLO KLMLO A`L VRC YAUWBAC ASVQO BOA XR `BPVNSPAOVNC PQ]QPBO #-LB WN N`B VRC `NVUAC LB LVAO AYLSPQPBO XNVA TAUAC WNTLOVAB VLO KLMLO YAB LSVLB UB\AO LSY NTLSPBO LB `ULC YABULO `BPVNSLSPBO YAB NO YABUQ `NBUAPXLS AZBPVAOVAB #.VL WN NBC VAC AYAO]AC `NPLO LSVLB NBPBO LB AYLSPAOVNC YAB S`L XNUBXOQO YAB `KLSVLS YAB RWLOQO VLS HBLS `LUNSLXNOLB PSX`OBMLOVAB YAB LS VNKNPZLULSPBO #'VL WN NO VR YAKR MR LSVLB NBPBO LBVBONC NO YAUWBA YAKR YAB AMA]R AYLSPAOVNC VLO KLMLO YAVNTLSPBO YAB YAU`LZLULSPBO NO S`LXLOR
#/I.nd no one having lighted a la" doth #over it $ith a vessel, or under a #ou#h doth ut IitI, but u on a la" + stand he doth ut IitI, that those #o"ing in "ay see the light, #0!or nothing is se#ret, that shall not be#o"e "ani!est, nor hid, that shall not be 'no$n, and be#o"e "ani!est) #$ISee, there!ore, ho$ ye hear, !or $hoever "ay have, there shall be given to hi", and $hoever "ay not have, also $hat he see"eth to have, shall be ta'en !ro" hi")I #%.nd there #a"e unto hi" his "other and brethren, and they $ere not able to get to hi" be#ause o! the "ultitude, #/LSWNBC WN KSTOLO AcAC YAKS`VNB ASVLO PYNSNB R S`LYAVQ YKBORC VB]RPBO AKK N`B KSTOBAC N`BVB]RPBO BOA LB NBP`LUNSLXNOLB HKN`QPBO VL ZQC #0LS MAU NPVBO YUS`VLO L LS ZAONULO MNORPNVAB LSWN A`LYUSZLO L LS MOQP]RPNVAB YAB NBC ZAONULO NK]R #$HKN`NVN LSO `QC AYLSNVN LC MAU AO NTR WL]RPNVAB ASVQ YAB LC AO XR NTR YAB L WLYNB NTNBO AU]RPNVAB A` ASVLS
#%`AUNMNOLOVL WN `ULC ASVLO R XRVRU YAB LB AWNKZLB ASVLS YAB LSY RWSOAOVL PSOVSTNBO ASVQ WBA VLO LTKLO ,(and it $as told hi", saying, IThy ,(YAB A`RMMNKR ASVQ KNMLOVQO R "other and thy brethren do stand XRVRU PLS YAB LB AWNKZLB PLS $ithout, $ishing to see thee,I NPVRYAPBO NaQ BWNBO PN ]NKLOVNC ,#and he ans$ering said unto the", ,#L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC I@y "other and "y brethrend they are XRVRU XLS YAB AWNKZLB XLS LSVLB NBPBO those $ho the $ord o! &od are LB VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS AYLSLOVNC YAB hearing, and doing)I `LBLSOVNC ASVLO ,,.nd it #a"e to ass, on one o! the ,,YAB NMNONVL NO XBA VQO RXNUQO YAB days, that he hi"sel! $ent into a boat ASVLC NONHR NBC `KLBLO YAB LB XA]RVAB $ith his dis#i les, and he said unto ASVLS YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC the", IWe "ay go over to the other WBNK]QXNO NBC VL `NUAO VRC KBXORC YAB side o! the la'e,I and they set !orth, AORT]RPAO ,-and as they are sailing he !ell dee ly ,-`KNLOVQO WN ASVQO AZS`OQPNO YAB aslee , and there #a"e do$n a stor" YAVNHR KABKAc AONXLS NBC VRO KBXORO o! $ind to the la'e, and they $ere YAB PSON`KRULSOVL YAB NYBOWSONSLO !illing, and $ere in eril)
,..nd having #o"e near, they a$o'e hi", saying, I@aster, "aster, $e erish,I and he, having arisen, rebu'ed the $ind and the raging o! the $ater, and they #eased, and there #a"e a #al", ,'and he said to the", IWhere is your !aithbI and they being a!raid did $onder, saying unto one another, IWho, then, is this, that even the $inds he doth #o""and, and the $ater, and they obey hi"bI ,/.nd they sailed do$n to the region o! the &adarenes, that is over+against &alilee, ,0and he having gone !orth u on the land, there "et hi" a #ertain "an, out o! the #ity, $ho had de"ons !or a long ti"e, and $ith a gar"ent $as not #lothed, and in a house $as not abiding, but in the to"bs, ,$and having seen 5esus, and having #ried out, he !ell be!ore hi", and $ith a loud voi#e, said, IWhat ++ to "e and to thee, 5esus, Son o! &od @ost Highb 0 besee#h thee, "ayest thou not a!!li#t "edI ,%For he #o""anded the un#lean s irit to #o"e !orth !ro" the "an, !or "any ti"es it had #aught hi", and he $as being bound $ith #hains and !etters ++ guarded, and brea'ing asunder the bonds he $as driven by the de"ons to the deserts) ,.`ULPNK]LOVNC WN WBRMNBUAO ASVLO KNMLOVNC N`BPVAVA N`BPVAVA A`LKKSXN]A L WN NMNU]NBC N`NVBXRPNO VQ AONXQ YAB VQ YKSWQOB VLS SWAVLC YAB N`ASPAOVL YAB NMNONVL MAKROR ,'NB`NO WN ASVLBC `LS NPVBO R `BPVBC SXQO ZLHR]NOVNC WN N]ASXAPAO KNMLOVNC `ULC AKKRKLSC VBC AUA LSVLC NPVBO LVB YAB VLBC AONXLBC N`BVAPPNB YAB VQ SWAVB YAB S`AYLSLSPBO ASVQ ,/YAB YAVN`KNSPAO NBC VRO TQUAO VQO MAWAUROQO RVBC NPVBO AOVB`NUAO VRC MAKBKABAC ,0NaNK]LOVB WN ASVQ N`B VRO MRO S`ROVRPNO ASVQ AORU VBC NY VRC `LKNQC LC NBTNO WABXLOBA NY TULOQO BYAOQO YAB BXAVBLO LSY NONWBWSPYNVL YAB NO LBYBA LSY NXNONO AKK NO VLBC XORXAPBO ,$BWQO WN VLO BRPLSO YAB AOAYUAaAC `ULPN`NPNO ASVQ YAB ZQOR XNMAKR NB`NO VB NXLB YAB PLB BRPLS SBN VLS ]NLS VLS ScBPVLS WNLXAB PLS XR XN HAPAOBPRC ,%`AURMMNKKNO MAU VQ `ONSXAVB VQ AYA]AUVQ NaNK]NBO A`L VLS AO]UQ`LS `LKKLBC MAU TULOLBC PSORU`AYNB ASVLO YAB NWNPXNBVL AKSPNPBO YAB `NWABC ZSKAPPLXNOLC YAB WBAUURPPQO VA WNPXA RKASONVL S`L VLS WABXLOLC NBC VAC NURXLSC
-(.nd 5esus ?uestioned hi", saying, IWhat is thy na"ebI and he said, ILegion,I 7be#ause "any de"ons $ere entered into hi",< -#and he $as #alling on hi", that he "ay not #o""and the" to go a$ay to the abyss, -,and there $as there a herd o! "any s$ine !eeding in the "ountain, and they $ere #alling on hi", that he "ight su!!er the" to enter into these, and he su!!ered the", --and the de"ons having gone !orth !ro" the "an, did enter into the s$ine, and the herd rushed do$n the stee to the la'e, and $ere #ho'ed) -..nd those !eeding Ithe"I, having seen $hat $as #o"e to ass, !led, and having gone, told IitI to the #ity, and to the !ields, -'and they #a"e !orth to see $hat $as #o"e to ass, and they #a"e unto 5esus, and !ound the "an sitting, out o! $ho" the de"ons had gone !orth, #lothed, and right+"inded, at the !eet o! 5esus, and they $ere a!raid, -/and those also having seen IitI, told the" ho$ the de"onia# $as saved) -0.nd the $hole "ultitude o! the region o! the &adarenes round about as'ed hi" to go a$ay !ro" the", be#ause $ith great !ear they $ere ressed, and he having entered into the boat, did turn ba#') -(N`RUQVRPNO WN ASVLO L BRPLSC KNMQO VB PLB NPVBO LOLXA L WN NB`NO KNMNQO LVB WABXLOBA `LKKA NBPRK]NO NBC ASVLO -#YAB `AUNYAKNB ASVLO BOA XR N`BVAaR ASVLBC NBC VRO AHSPPLO A`NK]NBO -,RO WN NYNB AMNKR TLBUQO BYAOQO HLPYLXNOQO NO VQ LUNB YAB `AUNYAKLSO ASVLO BOA N`BVUNcR ASVLBC NBC NYNBOLSC NBPNK]NBO YAB N`NVUNcNO ASVLBC --NaNK]LOVA WN VA WABXLOBA A`L VLS AO]UQ`LS NBPRK]NO NBC VLSC TLBULSC YAB QUXRPNO R AMNKR YAVA VLS YURXOLS NBC VRO KBXORO YAB A`N`OBMR -.BWLOVNC WN LB HLPYLOVNC VL MNMNORXNOLO NZSMLO YAB A`NK]LOVNC A`RMMNBKAO NBC VRO `LKBO YAB NBC VLSC AMULSC -'NaRK]LO WN BWNBO VL MNMLOLC YAB RK]LO `ULC VLO BRPLSO YAB NSULO YA]RXNOLO VLO AO]UQ`LO AZ LS VA WABXLOBA NaNKRKS]NB BXAVBPXNOLO YAB PQZULOLSOVA `AUA VLSC `LWAC VLS BRPLS YAB NZLHR]RPAO -/A`RMMNBKAO WN ASVLBC YAB LB BWLOVNC `QC NPQ]R L WABXLOBP]NBC -0YAB RUQVRPAO ASVLO A`AO VL `KR]LC VRC `NUBTQULS VQO MAWAUROQO A`NK]NBO A` ASVQO LVB ZLHQ XNMAKQ PSONBTLOVL ASVLC WN NXHAC NBC VL `KLBLO S`NPVUNcNO
-$.nd the "an !ro" $ho" the de"ons had gone !orth $as besee#hing o! hi" to be $ith hi", and 5esus sent hi" a$ay, saying, -%ITurn ba#' to thy house, and tell ho$ great things &od did to thee,I and he $ent a$ay through all the #ity ro#lai"ing ho$ great things 5esus did to hi") .(.nd it #a"e to ass, in the turning ba#' o! 5esus, the "ultitude re#eived hi", !or they $ere all loo'ing !or hi", .#and lo, there #a"e a "an, $hose na"e IisI 5airus, and he $as a #hie! o! the synagogue, and having !allen at the !eet o! 5esus, $as #alling on hi" to #o"e to his house, .,be#ause he had an only daughter about t$elve years IoldI, and she $as dying) .nd in his going a$ay, the "ultitudes $ere thronging hi", .-and a $o"an, having an issue o! blood !or t$elve years, $ho, having s ent on hysi#ians all her living, $as not able to be healed by any, ..having #o"e near behind, tou#hed the !ringe o! his gar"ent, and resently the issue o! her blood stood) -$NWNNVL WN ASVLS L AORU AZ LS NaNKRKS]NB VA WABXLOBA NBOAB PSO ASVQ A`NKSPNO WN ASVLO L BRPLSC KNMQO -%S`LPVUNZN NBC VLO LBYLO PLS YAB WBRMLS LPA N`LBRPNO PLB L ]NLC YAB A`RK]NO YA] LKRO VRO `LKBO YRUSPPQO LPA N`LBRPNO ASVQ L BRPLSC .(NMNONVL WN NO VQ S`LPVUNcAB VLO BRPLSO A`NWNaAVL ASVLO L LTKLC RPAO MAU `AOVNC `ULPWLYQOVNC ASVLO .#YAB BWLS RK]NO AORU Q LOLXA BANBULC YAB ASVLC AUTQO VRC PSOAMQMRC S`RUTNO YAB `NPQO `AUA VLSC `LWAC VLS BRPLS `AUNYAKNB ASVLO NBPNK]NBO NBC VLO LBYLO ASVLS .,LVB ]SMAVRU XLOLMNORC RO ASVQ QC NVQO WQWNYA YAB ASVR A`N]ORPYNO NO WN VQ S`AMNBO ASVLO LB LTKLB PSON`OBMLO ASVLO .-YAB MSOR LSPA NO USPNB ABXAVLC A`L NVQO WQWNYA RVBC NBC BAVULSC `ULPAOAKQPAPA LKLO VLO HBLO LSY BPTSPNO S` LSWNOLC ]NUA`NS]ROAB ..`ULPNK]LSPA L`BP]NO RcAVL VLS YUAP`NWLS VLS BXAVBLS ASVLS YAB `AUATURXA NPVR R USPBC VLS ABXAVLC ASVRC
.'.nd 5esus said, IWho IisI it that tou#hed "ebI and all denying, Peter and those $ith hi" said, I@aster, the "ultitudes ress thee, and throng ItheeI, and thou dost say, Who IisI it that tou#hed "edI ./.nd 5esus said, ISo"e one did tou#h "e, !or 0 'ne$ o$er having gone !orth !ro" "e)I .0.nd the $o"an, having seen that she $as not hid, tre"bling, #a"e, and having !allen be!ore hi", !or $hat #ause she tou#hed hi" de#lared to hi" be!ore all the eo le, and ho$ she $as healed resently, .$and he said to her, ITa'e #ourage, daughter, thy !aith hath saved thee, be going on to ea#e)I .%While he is yet s ea'ing, there doth #o"e a #ertain one !ro" the #hie! o! the synagogueIs IhouseI, saying to hi" ++ IThy daughter hath died, harass not the Tea#her,I '(and 5esus having heard, ans$ered hi", saying, IBe not a!raid, only believe, and she shall be saved)I '#.nd having #o"e to the house, he su!!ered no one to go in, e(#e t Peter, and 5a"es, and 5ohn, and the !ather o! the #hild, and the "other, ',and they $ere all $ee ing, and beating the"selves !or her, and he said, IWee not, she did not die, but doth slee , .'YAB NB`NO L BRPLSC VBC L AcAXNOLC XLS AUOLSXNOQO WN `AOVQO NB`NO L `NVULC YAB LB XNV ASVLS N`BPVAVA LB LTKLB PSONTLSPBO PN YAB A`L]KBHLSPBO YAB KNMNBC VBC L AcAXNOLC XLS ./L WN BRPLSC NB`NO RcAVL XLS VBC NMQ MAU NMOQO WSOAXBO NaNK]LSPAO A` NXLS .0BWLSPA WN R MSOR LVB LSY NKA]NO VUNXLSPA RK]NO YAB `ULP`NPLSPA ASVQ WB RO ABVBAO RcAVL ASVLS A`RMMNBKNO ASVQ NOQ`BLO `AOVLC VLS KALS YAB QC BA]R `AUATURXA .$L WN NB`NO ASVR ]AUPNB ]SMAVNU R `BPVBC PLS PNPQYNO PN `LUNSLS NBC NBURORO .%NVB ASVLS KAKLSOVLC NUTNVAB VBC `AUA VLS AUTBPSOAMQMLS KNMQO ASVQ LVB VN]ORYNO R ]SMAVRU PLS XR PYSKKN VLO WBWAPYAKLO '(L WN BRPLSC AYLSPAC A`NYUB]R ASVQ KNMQO XR ZLHLS XLOLO `BPVNSN YAB PQ]RPNVAB '#NBPNK]QO WN NBC VRO LBYBAO LSY AZRYNO NBPNK]NBO LSWNOA NB XR `NVULO YAB BAYQHLO YAB BQAOORO YAB VLO `AVNUA VRC `ABWLC YAB VRO XRVNUA ',NYKABLO WN `AOVNC YAB NYL`VLOVL ASVRO L WN NB`NO XR YKABNVN LSY A`N]AONO AKKA YA]NSWNB
'-and they $ere deriding hi", 'no$ing that she did die, '.and he having ut all !orth $ithout, and having ta'en hold o! her hand, #alled, saying, IDhild, arise,I ''and her s irit #a"e ba#', and she arose resently, and he dire#ted that there be given to her to eat, '/and her arents $ere a"aEed, but he #harged the" to say to no one $hat $as #o"e to ass) '-YAB YAVNMNKQO ASVLS NBWLVNC LVB A`N]AONO '.ASVLC WN NYHAKQO NaQ `AOVAC YAB YUAVRPAC VRC TNBULC ASVRC NZQORPNO KNMQO R `ABC NMNBULS ''YAB N`NPVUNcNO VL `ONSXA ASVRC YAB AONPVR `AUATURXA YAB WBNVAaNO ASVR WL]ROAB ZAMNBO '/YAB NaNPVRPAO LB MLONBC ASVRC L WN `AURMMNBKNO ASVLBC XRWNOB NB`NBO VL MNMLOLC
+hapter %
#.nd having #alled together his t$elve dis#i les, he gave the" o$er and authority over all the de"ons, and to #ure si#'nesses, ,and he sent the" to ro#lai" the reign o! &od, and to heal the ailing) #PSMYAKNPAXNOLC WN VLSC WQWNYA XA]RVAC ASVLS NWQYNO ASVLBC WSOAXBO YAB NaLSPBAO N`B `AOVA VA WABXLOBA YAB OLPLSC ]NUA`NSNBO ,YAB A`NPVNBKNO ASVLSC YRUSPPNBO VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS YAB BAP]AB VLSC AP]NOLSOVAC -.nd he said unto the", ITa'e nothing -YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC XRWNO ABUNVN !or the $ay, neither sta!!, nor s#ri , NBC VRO LWLO XRVN UAHWLSC XRVN `RUAO nor bread, nor "oney, neither have XRVN AUVLO XRVN AUMSUBLO XRVN AOA t$o #oats ea#h, WSL TBVQOAC NTNBO .and into $hatever house ye "ay .YAB NBC RO AO LBYBAO NBPNK]RVN NYNB enter, there re"ain, and then#e de art, XNONVN YAB NYNB]NO NaNUTNP]N 'and as "any as "ay not re#eive you, 'YAB LPLB AO XR WNaQOVAB SXAC going !orth !ro" that #ity, even the NaNUTLXNOLB A`L VRC `LKNQC NYNBORC dust !ro" your !eet sha'e o!!, !or a YAB VLO YLOBLUVLO A`L VQO `LWQO testi"ony against the")I SXQO A`LVBOAaAVN NBC XAUVSUBLO N` ASVLSC /.nd going !orth they $ere going /NaNUTLXNOLB WN WBRUTLOVL YAVA VAC through the several villages, YQXAC NSAMMNKB\LXNOLB YAB ro#lai"ing good ne$s, and healing ]NUA`NSLOVNC `AOVATLS every$here) 0.nd Herod the tetrar#h heard o! all 0RYLSPNO WN RUQWRC L VNVUAUTRC VA the things being done by hi", and $as MBOLXNOA S` ASVLS `AOVA YAB WBR`LUNB er le(ed, be#ause it $as said by WBA VL KNMNP]AB S`L VBOQO LVB BQAOORC #ertain, that 5ohn hath been raised out NMRMNUVAB NY ONYUQO o! the dead, $and by #ertain, that Eli-ah did a ear, $S`L VBOQO WN LVB RKBAC NZAOR AKKQO and by others, that a ro het, one o! WN LVB `ULZRVRC NBC VQO AUTABQO the an#ients, $as risen, AONPVR
%and Herod said, I5ohn 0 did behead, but $ho is this #on#erning $ho" 0 hear su#h thingsbI and he $as see'ing to see hi") #(.nd the a ostles having turned ba#', de#lared to hi" ho$ great things they did, and having ta'en the", he $ithdre$ by hi"sel! to a desert la#e o! a #ity #alled Bethsaida, ##and the "ultitudes having 'no$n did !ollo$ hi", and having re#eived the", he $as s ea'ing to the" #on#erning the reign o! &od, and those having need o! servi#e he #ured) #,.nd the day began to de#line, and the t$elve having #o"e near, said to hi", ILet a$ay the "ultitude, that having gone to the villages and the !ields round about, they "ay lodge and "ay !ind rovision, be#ause here $e are in a desert la#e)I #-.nd he said unto the", I&ive ye the" to eat,I and they said, IWe have no "ore than !ive loaves, and t$o !ishesF e(#e t, having gone, $e "ay buy !or all this eo le vi#tuals,I #.!or they $ere about !ive thousand "en) .nd he said unto his dis#i les, IDause the" to re#line in #o" anies, in ea#h !i!ty,I #'and they did so, and "ade all to re#line, %YAB NB`NO L RUQWRC BQAOORO NMQ A`NYNZAKBPA VBC WN NPVBO LSVLC `NUB LS NMQ AYLSQ VLBASVA YAB N\RVNB BWNBO ASVLO #(YAB S`LPVUNcAOVNC LB A`LPVLKLB WBRMRPAOVL ASVQ LPA N`LBRPAO YAB `AUAKAHQO ASVLSC S`NTQURPNO YAV BWBAO NBC VL`LO NURXLO `LKNQC YAKLSXNORC HR]PABWA ##LB WN LTKLB MOLOVNC RYLKLS]RPAO ASVQ YAB WNaAXNOLC ASVLSC NKAKNB ASVLBC `NUB VRC HAPBKNBAC VLS ]NLS YAB VLSC TUNBAO NTLOVAC ]NUA`NBAC BAVL #,R WN RXNUA RUaAVL YKBONBO `ULPNK]LOVNC WN LB WQWNYA NB`LO ASVQ A`LKSPLO VLO LTKLO BOA A`NK]LOVNC NBC VAC YSYKQ YQXAC YAB VLSC AMULSC YAVAKSPQPBO YAB NSUQPBO N`BPBVBPXLO LVB QWN NO NURXQ VL`Q NPXNO #-NB`NO WN `ULC ASVLSC WLVN ASVLBC SXNBC ZAMNBO LB WN NB`LO LSY NBPBO RXBO `KNBLO R `NOVN AUVLB YAB WSL BT]SNC NB XRVB `LUNS]NOVNC RXNBC AMLUAPQXNO NBC `AOVA VLO KALO VLSVLO HUQXAVA #.RPAO MAU QPNB AOWUNC `NOVAYBPTBKBLB NB`NO WN `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS YAVAYKBOAVN ASVLSC YKBPBAC AOA `NOVRYLOVA #'YAB N`LBRPAO LSVQC YAB AONYKBOAO A`AOVAC
#/and having ta'en the !ive loaves, and the t$o !ishes, having loo'ed u to the heaven, he blessed the", and bra'e, and $as giving to the dis#i les to set be!ore the "ultitude, #0and they did eat, and $ere all !illed, and there $as ta'en u $hat $as over to the" o! bro'en ie#es, t$elve bas'ets) #$.nd it #a"e to ass, as he is raying alone, the dis#i les $ere $ith hi", and he ?uestioned the", saying, IWho do the "ultitudes say "e to bebI #/KAHQO WN VLSC `NOVN AUVLSC YAB VLSC WSL BT]SAC AOAHKNcAC NBC VLO LSUAOLO NSKLMRPNO ASVLSC YAB YAVNYKAPNO YAB NWBWLS VLBC XA]RVABC `AUAVB]NOAB VQ LTKQ #0YAB NZAMLO YAB NTLUVAP]RPAO `AOVNC YAB RU]R VL `NUBPPNSPAO ASVLBC YKAPXAVQO YLZBOLB WQWNYA
#$YAB NMNONVL NO VQ NBOAB ASVLO `ULPNSTLXNOLO YAVAXLOAC PSORPAO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB YAB N`RUQVRPNO ASVLSC KNMQO VBOA XN KNMLSPBO LB LTKLB NBOAB #%.nd they ans$ering said, I5ohn the #%LB WN A`LYUB]NOVNC NB`LO BQAOORO Ba tist, and others, Eli-ah, and others, VLO HA`VBPVRO AKKLB WN RKBAO AKKLB WN that a ro het, one o! the an#ients, $as LVB `ULZRVRC VBC VQO AUTABQO AONPVR risen,I ,(and he said to the", I.nd ye ++ $ho ,(NB`NO WN ASVLBC SXNBC WN VBOA XN do ye say "e to bebI and Peter KNMNVN NBOAB A`LYUB]NBC WN L `NVULC ans$ering said, IThe Dhrist o! &od)I NB`NO VLO TUBPVLO VLS ]NLS ,#.nd having #harged the", he ,#L WN N`BVBXRPAC ASVLBC `AURMMNBKNO #o""anded Ithe"I to say this to no XRWNOB NB`NBO VLSVL one, ,,saying ++ I0t behoveth the Son o! ,,NB`QO LVB WNB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS @an to su!!er "any things, and to be `LKKA `A]NBO YAB A`LWLYBXAP]ROAB re-e#ted by the elders, and #hie! A`L VQO `UNPHSVNUQO YAB AUTBNUNQO riests, and s#ribes, and to be 'illed, YAB MUAXXAVNQO YAB A`LYVAO]ROAB YAB and the third day to be raised)I VR VUBVR RXNUA NMNU]ROAB ,-.nd he said unto all, I0! any one ,-NKNMNO WN `ULC `AOVAC NB VBC ]NKNB doth $ill to #o"e a!ter "e, let hi" L`BPQ XLS NK]NBO A`AUORPAP]Q diso$n hi"sel!, and ta'e u his #ross NASVLO YAB AUAVQ VLO PVASULO ASVLS daily, and !ollo$ "e, YA] RXNUAO YAB AYLKLS]NBVQ XLB
,.!or $hoever "ay $ill to save his li!e, shall lose it, and $hoever "ay lose his li!e !or "y sa'e, he shall save it, ,'!or $hat is a "an ro!ited, having gained the $hole $orld, and having lost or having !or!eited hi"sel!b ,/IFor $hoever "ay be asha"ed o! "e, and o! "y $ords, o! this one shall the Son o! @an be asha"ed, $hen he "ay #o"e in his glory, and the FatherIs, and the holy "essengersI, ,0and 0 say to you, truly, there are #ertain o! those here standing, $ho shall not taste o! death till they "ay see the reign o! &od)I ,$.nd it #a"e to ass, a!ter these $ords, as it $ere eight days, that having ta'en Peter, and 5ohn, and 5a"es, he $ent u to the "ountain to ray, ,%and it #a"e to ass, in his raying, the a earan#e o! his !a#e be#a"e altered, and his gar"ent $hite ++ s ar'ling) -(.nd lo, t$o "en $ere s ea'ing together $ith hi", $ho $ere @oses and Eli-ah, -#$ho having a eared in glory, s a'e o! his outgoing that he $as about to !ul!il in 5erusale", ,.LC MAU AO ]NKR VRO cSTRO ASVLS PQPAB A`LKNPNB ASVRO LC W AO A`LKNPR VRO cSTRO ASVLS NONYNO NXLS LSVLC PQPNB ASVRO ,'VB MAU QZNKNBVAB AO]UQ`LC YNUWRPAC VLO YLPXLO LKLO NASVLO WN A`LKNPAC R \RXBQ]NBC ,/LC MAU AO N`ABPTSO]R XN YAB VLSC NXLSC KLMLSC VLSVLO L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS N`ABPTSO]RPNVAB LVAO NK]R NO VR WLaR ASVLS YAB VLS `AVULC YAB VQO AMBQO AMMNKQO ,0KNMQ WN SXBO AKR]QC NBPBO VBONC VQO QWN NPVRYLVQO LB LS XR MNSPLOVAB ]AOAVLS NQC AO BWQPBO VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS ,$NMNONVL WN XNVA VLSC KLMLSC VLSVLSC QPNB RXNUAB LYVQ YAB `AUAKAHQO VLO `NVULO YAB BQAOORO YAB BAYQHLO AONHR NBC VL LULC `ULPNSaAP]AB ,%YAB NMNONVL NO VQ `ULPNSTNP]AB ASVLO VL NBWLC VLS `ULPQ`LS ASVLS NVNULO YAB L BXAVBPXLC ASVLS KNSYLC NaAPVUA`VQO -(YAB BWLS AOWUNC WSL PSONKAKLSO ASVQ LBVBONC RPAO XQPRC YAB RKBAC -#LB LZ]NOVNC NO WLaR NKNMLO VRO NaLWLO ASVLS RO NXNKKNO `KRULSO NO BNULSPAKRX
-,but Peter and those $ith hi" $ere heavy $ith slee , and having $a'ed, they sa$ his glory, and the t$o "en standing $ith hi") --.nd it #a"e to ass, in their arting !ro" hi", Peter said unto 5esus, I@aster, it is good to us to be here, and $e "ay "a'e three booths, one !or thee, and one !or @oses, and one !or Eli-ah,I not 'no$ing $hat he saithF -.and as he $as s ea'ing these things, there #a"e a #loud, and overshado$ed the", and they !eared in their entering into the #loud, -'and a voi#e #a"e out o! the #loud saying, IThis is @y Son ++ the Beloved, hear ye hi",I -/and $hen the voi#e $as ast, 5esus $as !ound alone, and they $ere silent, and de#lared to no one in those days anything o! $hat they have seen) -,L WN `NVULC YAB LB PSO ASVQ RPAO HNHAURXNOLB S`OQ WBAMURMLURPAOVNC WN NBWLO VRO WLaAO ASVLS YAB VLSC WSL AOWUAC VLSC PSONPVQVAC ASVQ --YAB NMNONVL NO VQ WBATQUB\NP]AB ASVLSC A` ASVLS NB`NO L `NVULC `ULC VLO BRPLSO N`BPVAVA YAKLO NPVBO RXAC QWN NBOAB YAB `LBRPQXNO PYROAC VUNBC XBAO PLB YAB XQPNB XBAO YAB XBAO RKBA XR NBWQC L KNMNB -.VASVA WN ASVLS KNMLOVLC NMNONVL ONZNKR YAB N`NPYBAPNO ASVLSC NZLHR]RPAO WN NO VQ NYNBOLSC NBPNK]NBO NBC VRO ONZNKRO -'YAB ZQOR NMNONVL NY VRC ONZNKRC KNMLSPA LSVLC NPVBO L SBLC XLS L AMA`RVLC ASVLS AYLSNVN -/YAB NO VQ MNONP]AB VRO ZQORO NSUN]R L BRPLSC XLOLC YAB ASVLB NPBMRPAO YAB LSWNOB A`RMMNBKAO NO NYNBOABC VABC RXNUABC LSWNO QO NQUAYAPBO -0.nd it #a"e to ass on the ne(t day, -0NMNONVL WN NO VR NaRC RXNUA they having #o"e do$n !ro" the YAVNK]LOVQO ASVQO A`L VLS LULSC "ount, there "et hi" a great PSOROVRPNO ASVQ LTKLC `LKSC "ultitude, -$and lo, a "an !ro" the "ultitude -$YAB BWLS AORU A`L VLS LTKLS #ried out, saying, ITea#her, 0 besee#h AONHLRPNO KNMQO WBWAPYAKN WNLXAB thee, loo' u on "y son, be#ause he is PLS N`BHKNcLO N`B VLO SBLO XLS LVB "y only begotten, XLOLMNORC NPVBO XLB -%and lo, a s irit doth ta'e hi", and -%YAB BWLS `ONSXA KAXHAONB ASVLO YAB suddenly he doth #ry out, and it teareth NaABZORC YUA\NB YAB P`AUAPPNB ASVLO hi", $ith !oa"ing, and it hardly XNVA AZULS YAB XLMBC A`LTQUNB A` de arteth !ro" hi", bruising hi", ASVLS PSOVUBHLO ASVLO G69
.(and 0 besought thy dis#i les that they "ight #ast it out, and they $ere not able)I .#.nd 5esus ans$ering said, IO generation, unsted!ast and erverse, till $hen shall 0 be $ith you, and su!!er youb bring near hither thy son,I .,and as he is yet #o"ing near, the de"on rent hi", and tore Ihi"I sore, and 5esus rebu'ed the un#lean s irit, and healed the youth, and gave hi" ba#' to his !ather) .(YAB NWNR]RO VQO XA]RVQO PLS BOA NYHAKKQPBO ASVL YAB LSY RWSOR]RPAO .#A`LYUB]NBC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO Q MNONA A`BPVLC YAB WBNPVUAXXNOR NQC `LVN NPLXAB `ULC SXAC YAB AONaLXAB SXQO `ULPAMAMN QWN VLO SBLO PLS .,NVB WN `ULPNUTLXNOLS ASVLS NUURaNO ASVLO VL WABXLOBLO YAB PSONP`AUAaNO N`NVBXRPNO WN L BRPLSC VQ `ONSXAVB VQ AYA]AUVQ YAB BAPAVL VLO `ABWA YAB A`NWQYNO ASVLO VQ `AVUB ASVLS .-.nd they $ere all a"aEed at the .-NaN`KRPPLOVL WN `AOVNC N`B VR greatness o! &od, and $hile all are XNMAKNBLVRVB VLS ]NLS `AOVQO WN $ondering at all things that 5esus did, ]ASXA\LOVQO N`B `APBO LBC N`LBRPNO L he said unto his dis#i les, BRPLSC NB`NO `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS ..ILay ye to your ears these $ords, !or ..]NP]N SXNBC NBC VA QVA SXQO VLSC the Son o! @an is about to be KLMLSC VLSVLSC L MAU SBLC VLS delivered u to the hands o! "en)I AO]UQ`LS XNKKNB `AUAWBWLP]AB NBC TNBUAC AO]UQ`QO .'.nd they $ere not 'no$ing this .'LB WN RMOLLSO VL URXA VLSVL YAB RO saying, and it $as veiled !ro" the", `AUAYNYAKSXXNOLO A` ASVQO BOA XR that they "ight not er#eive it, and ABP]QOVAB ASVL YAB NZLHLSOVL they $ere a!raid to as' hi" about this NUQVRPAB ASVLO `NUB VLS URXAVLC saying) VLSVLS ./.nd there entered a reasoning ./NBPRK]NO WN WBAKLMBPXLC NO ASVLBC a"ong the", this, Who "ay be greater VL VBC AO NBR XNB\QO ASVQO o! the"b .0and 5esus having seen the reasoning .0L WN BRPLSC BWQO VLO WBAKLMBPXLO o! their heart, having ta'en hold o! a VRC YAUWBAC ASVQO N`BKAHLXNOLC #hild, set hi" beside hi"sel!, `ABWBLS NPVRPNO ASVL `AU NASVQ
.$and said to the", IWhoever "ay re#eive this #hild in "y na"e, doth re#eive "e, and $hoever "ay re#eive "e, doth re#eive Hi" $ho sent "e, !or he $ho is least a"ong you all ++ he shall be great)I .%.nd 5ohn ans$ering said, I@aster, $e sa$ a #ertain one in thy na"e #asting !orth the de"ons, and $e !orbade hi", be#ause he doth not !ollo$ $ith us,I '(and 5esus said unto hi", IForbid not, !or he $ho is not against us, is !or us)I .$YAB NB`NO ASVLBC LC NAO WNaRVAB VLSVL VL `ABWBLO N`B VQ LOLXAVB XLS NXN WNTNVAB YAB LC NAO NXN WNaRVAB WNTNVAB VLO A`LPVNBKAOVA XN L MAU XBYULVNULC NO `APBO SXBO S`AUTQO LSVLC NPVAB XNMAC .%A`LYUB]NBC WN L BQAOORC NB`NO N`BPVAVA NBWLXNO VBOA N`B VQ LOLXAVB PLS NYHAKKLOVA VA WABXLOBA YAB NYQKSPAXNO ASVLO LVB LSY AYLKLS]NB XN] RXQO '(YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLO L BRPLSC XR YQKSNVN LC MAU LSY NPVBO YA] RXQO S`NU RXQO NPVBO '#.nd it #a"e to ass, in the '#NMNONVL WN NO VQ PSX`KRULSP]AB #o" leting o! the days o! his being VAC RXNUAC VRC AOAKRcNQC ASVLS YAB ta'en u , that he !i(ed his !a#e to go ASVLC VL `ULPQ`LO ASVLS NPVRUBaNO on to 5erusale", VLS `LUNSNP]AB NBC BNULSPAKRX ',and he sent "essengers be!ore his ',YAB A`NPVNBKNO AMMNKLSC `UL !a#e, and having gone on, they $ent `ULPQ`LS ASVLS YAB `LUNS]NOVNC into a village o! Sa"aritans, to "a'e NBPRK]LO NBC YQXRO PAXAUNBVQO QPVN ready !or hi", NVLBXAPAB ASVQ '-and they did not re#eive hi", '-YAB LSY NWNaAOVL ASVLO LVB VL be#ause his !a#e $as going on to `ULPQ`LO ASVLS RO `LUNSLXNOLO NBC 5erusale") BNULSPAKRX '..nd his dis#i les 5a"es and 5ohn '.BWLOVNC WN LB XA]RVAB ASVLS having seen, said, ISir, $ilt thou IthatI BAYQHLC YAB BQAOORC NB`LO YSUBN $e "ay #o""and !ire to #o"e do$n ]NKNBC NB`QXNO `SU YAVAHROAB A`L VLS !ro" the heaven, and to #onsu"e LSUAOLS YAB AOAKQPAB ASVLSC QC YAB the", as also Eli-ah didbI RKBAC N`LBRPNO ''and having turned, he rebu'ed the", ''PVUAZNBC WN N`NVBXRPNO ASVLBC YAB and said, I4e have not 'no$n o! $hat NB`NO LSY LBWAVN LBLS `ONSXAVLC NPVN s irit ye are, SXNBC
'/!or the Son o! @an did not #o"e to destroy "enIs lives, but to save,I and they $ent on to another village) '0.nd it #a"e to ass, as they are going on in the $ay, a #ertain one said unto hi", I0 $ill !ollo$ thee $herever thou "ayest go, sir,I '$and 5esus said to hi", IThe !o(es have holes, and the !o$ls o! the heaven la#es o! rest, but the Son o! @an hath not $here he "ay re#line the head)I '%.nd he said unto another, IBe !ollo$ing "e,I and he said, ISir, er"it "e, having gone a$ay, !irst to bury "y !ather,I /(and 5esus said to hi", ISu!!er the dead to bury their o$n dead, and thou, having gone a$ay, ublish the reign o! &od)I /#.nd another also said, I0 $ill !ollo$ thee, sir, but !irst er"it "e to ta'e leave o! those in "y house,I /,and 5esus said unto hi", I/o one having ut his hand on a lough, and loo'ing ba#', is !it !or the reign o! &od)I '/L MAU SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS LSY RK]NO cSTAC AO]UQ`QO A`LKNPAB AKKA PQPAB YAB N`LUNS]RPAO NBC NVNUAO YQXRO '0NMNONVL WN `LUNSLXNOQO ASVQO NO VR LWQ NB`NO VBC `ULC ASVLO AYLKLS]RPQ PLB L`LS AO A`NUTR YSUBN '$YAB NB`NO ASVQ L BRPLSC AB AKQ`NYNC ZQKNLSC NTLSPBO YAB VA `NVNBOA VLS LSUAOLS YAVAPYROQPNBC L WN SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS LSY NTNB `LS VRO YNZAKRO YKBOR '%NB`NO WN `ULC NVNULO AYLKLS]NB XLB L WN NB`NO YSUBN N`BVUNcLO XLB A`NK]LOVB `UQVLO ]AcAB VLO `AVNUA XLS /(NB`NO WN ASVQ L BRPLSC AZNC VLSC ONYULSC ]AcAB VLSC NASVQO ONYULSC PS WN A`NK]QO WBAMMNKKN VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS /#NB`NO WN YAB NVNULC AYLKLS]RPQ PLB YSUBN `UQVLO WN N`BVUNcLO XLB A`LVAaAP]AB VLBC NBC VLO LBYLO XLS /,NB`NO WN `ULC ASVLO L BRPLSC LSWNBC N`BHAKQO VRO TNBUA ASVLS N` AULVULO YAB HKN`QO NBC VA L`BPQ NS]NVLC NPVBO NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS
+hapter #(
#.nd a!ter these things, the Lord did a oint also other seventy, and sent the" by t$os be!ore his !a#e, to every #ity and la#e $hither he hi"sel! $as about to #o"e, ,then said he unto the", IThe harvest indeed IisI abundant, but the $or'"en !e$, besee#h ye then the Lord o! the harvest, that He "ay ut !orth $or'"en to His harvest) -I&o a$ay, lo, 0 send you !orth as la"bs in the "idst o! $olves, .#arry no bag, no s#ri , nor sandals, and salute no one on the $ay, 'and into $hatever house ye do enter, !irst say, Pea#e to this house, /and i! indeed there "ay be there the son o! ea#e, rest on it shall your ea#e, and i! not so, u on you it shall turn ba#') 0I.nd in that house re"ain, eating and drin'ing the things they have, !or $orthy IisI the $or'"an o! his hire, go not !ro" house to house, $and into $hatever #ity ye enter, and they "ay re#eive you, eat the things set be!ore you, %and heal the ailing in it, and say to the", The reign o! &od hath #o"e nigh to you) #XNVA WN VASVA AONWNBaNO L YSUBLC YAB NVNULSC NHWLXRYLOVA YAB A`NPVNBKNO ASVLSC AOA WSL `UL `ULPQ`LS ASVLS NBC `APAO `LKBO YAB VL`LO LS NXNKKNO ASVLC NUTNP]AB ,NKNMNO LSO `ULC ASVLSC L XNO ]NUBPXLC `LKSC LB WN NUMAVAB LKBMLB WNR]RVN LSO VLS YSUBLS VLS ]NUBPXLS L`QC NYHAKKR NUMAVAC NBC VLO ]NUBPXLO ASVLS -S`AMNVN BWLS NMQ A`LPVNKKQ SXAC QC AUOAC NO XNPQ KSYQO .XR HAPVA\NVN HAKAOVBLO XR `RUAO XRWN S`LWRXAVA YAB XRWNOA YAVA VRO LWLO AP`APRP]N 'NBC RO W AO LBYBAO NBPNUTRP]N `UQVLO KNMNVN NBUROR VQ LBYQ VLSVQ /YAB NAO XNO R NYNB SBLC NBURORC N`AOA`ASPNVAB N` ASVLO R NBUROR SXQO NB WN XRMN NZ SXAC AOAYAXcNB 0NO ASVR WN VR LBYBA XNONVN NP]BLOVNC YAB `BOLOVNC VA `AU ASVQO AaBLC MAU L NUMAVRC VLS XBP]LS ASVLS NPVBO XR XNVAHABONVN Na LBYBAC NBC LBYBAO $YAB NBC RO W AO `LKBO NBPNUTRP]N YAB WNTQOVAB SXAC NP]BNVN VA `AUAVB]NXNOA SXBO %YAB ]NUA`NSNVN VLSC NO ASVR AP]NONBC YAB KNMNVN ASVLBC RMMBYNO NZ SXAC R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS
#(I.nd into $hatever #ity ye do enter, and they "ay not re#eive you, having gone !orth to its broad la#es, say, ##.nd the dust that hath #leaved to us, !ro" your #ity, $e do $i e o!! against you, but this 'no$ ye, that the reign o! &od hath #o"e nigh to you, #(NBC RO W AO `LKBO NBPNUTRP]N YAB XR WNTQOVAB SXAC NaNK]LOVNC NBC VAC `KAVNBAC ASVRC NB`AVN ##YAB VLO YLOBLUVLO VLO YLKKR]NOVA RXBO NY VRC `LKNQC SXQO A`LXAPPLXN]A SXBO `KRO VLSVL MBOQPYNVN LVB RMMBYNO NZ SXAC R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS #,and 0 say to you, that !or Sodo" in #,KNMQ WN SXBO LVB PLWLXLBC NO VR that day it shall be "ore tolerable than RXNUA NYNBOR AONYVLVNULO NPVAB R VR !or that #ity) `LKNB NYNBOR #-IWo to thee, DhoraEin, $o to thee, #-LSAB PLB TQUA\BO LSAB PLB HR]PABWA Bethsaida, !or i! in Tyre and Sidon had LVB NB NO VSUQ YAB PBWQOB NMNOLOVL AB been done the "ighty $or's that $ere WSOAXNBC AB MNOLXNOAB NO SXBO `AKAB done in you, long ago, sitting in AO NO PAYYQ YAB P`LWQ YA]RXNOAB sa#'#loth and ashes, they had XNVNOLRPAO re!or"ed, #.but !or Tyre and Sidon it shall be #.`KRO VSUQ YAB PBWQOB AONYVLVNULO "ore tolerable in the -udg"ent than NPVAB NO VR YUBPNB R SXBO !or you) #'I.nd thou, Da ernau", $hi#h unto #'YAB PS YA`NUOALSX R NQC VLS the heaven $ast e(alted, unto hades LSUAOLS ScQ]NBPA NQC AWLS thou shalt be brought do$n) YAVAHBHAP]RPR #/IHe $ho is hearing you, doth hear #/L AYLSQO SXQO NXLS AYLSNB YAB L "e, and he $ho is utting you a$ay, A]NVQO SXAC NXN A]NVNB L WN NXN doth ut "e a$ay, and he $ho is A]NVQO A]NVNB VLO A`LPVNBKAOVA XN utting "e a$ay, doth ut a$ay Hi" $ho sent "e)I #0.nd the seventy turned ba#' $ith #0S`NPVUNcAO WN LB NHWLXRYLOVA -oy, saying, ISir, and the de"ons are XNVA TAUAC KNMLOVNC YSUBN YAB VA being sub-e#ted to us in thy na"e,I WABXLOBA S`LVAPPNVAB RXBO NO VQ LOLXAVB PLS
#$and he said to the", I0 $as beholding the .dversary, as lightning !ro" the heaven having !allen, #%lo, 0 give to you the authority to tread u on ser ents and s#or ions, and on all the o$er o! the ene"y, and nothing by any "eans shall hurt you, ,(but, in this re-oi#e not, that the s irits are sub-e#ted to you, but re-oi#e rather that your na"es $ere $ritten in the heavens)I ,#0n that hour $as 5esus glad in the S irit, and said, I0 do #on!ess to thee, Father, Lord o! the heaven and o! the earth, that Thou didst hide these things !ro" $ise "en and understanding, and didst reveal the" to babes, yes, Father, be#ause so it be#a"e good leasure be!ore Thee) ,,I.ll things $ere delivered u to "e by "y Father, and no one doth 'no$ $ho the Son is, e(#e t the Father, and $ho the Father is, e(#e t the Son, and he to $ho" the Son "ay $ish to reveal IHi"I)I ,-.nd having turned unto the dis#i les, he said, by the"selves, IHa y the eyes that are er#eiving $hat ye er#eive, ,.!or 0 say to you, that "any ro hets and 'ings did $ish to see $hat ye er#eive, and did not see, and to hear $hat ye hear, and did not hear)I #$NB`NO WN ASVLBC N]NQULSO VLO PAVAOAO QC APVUA`RO NY VLS LSUAOLS `NPLOVA #%BWLS WBWQXB SXBO VRO NaLSPBAO VLS `AVNBO N`AOQ LZNQO YAB PYLU`BQO YAB N`B `APAO VRO WSOAXBO VLS NT]ULS YAB LSWNO SXAC LS XR AWBYRPR ,(`KRO NO VLSVQ XR TABUNVN LVB VA `ONSXAVA SXBO S`LVAPPNVAB TABUNVN WN XAKKLO LVB VA LOLXAVA SXQO NMUAZR NO VLBC LSUAOLBC ,#NO ASVR VR QUA RMAKKBAPAVL VQ `ONSXAVB L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO NaLXLKLMLSXAB PLB `AVNU YSUBN VLS LSUAOLS YAB VRC MRC LVB A`NYUScAC VASVA A`L PLZQO YAB PSONVQO YAB A`NYAKScAC ASVA OR`BLBC OAB L `AVRU LVB LSVQC NMNONVL NSWLYBA NX`ULP]NO PLS ,,YAB PVUAZNBC `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC NB`NO `AOVA `AUNWL]R XLB S`L VLS `AVULC XLS YAB LSWNBC MBOQPYNB VBC NPVBO L SBLC NB XR L `AVRU YAB VBC NPVBO L `AVRU NB XR L SBLC YAB Q NAO HLSKRVAB L SBLC A`LYAKScAB ,-YAB PVUAZNBC `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC YAV BWBAO NB`NO XAYAUBLB LB LZ]AKXLB LB HKN`LOVNC A HKN`NVN ,.KNMQ MAU SXBO LVB `LKKLB `ULZRVAB YAB HAPBKNBC R]NKRPAO BWNBO A SXNBC HKN`NVN YAB LSY NBWLO YAB AYLSPAB A AYLSNVN YAB LSY RYLSPAO
,'.nd lo, a #ertain la$yer stood u , trying hi", and saying, ITea#her, $hat having done, li!e age+during shall 0 inheritbI ,/.nd he said unto hi", I0n the la$ $hat hath been $rittenb ho$ dost thou readbI ,0.nd he ans$ering said, IThou shalt love the Lord thy &od out o! all thy heart, and out o! all thy soul, and out o! all thy strength, and out o! all thy understanding, and thy neighbour as thysel!)I ,$.nd he said to hi", IRightly thou didst ans$er, this do, and thou shalt live)I ,%.nd he, $illing to de#lare hi"sel! righteous, said unto 5esus, I.nd $ho is "y neighbourbI -(and 5esus having ta'en u Ithe $ordI, said, I. #ertain "an $as going do$n !ro" 5erusale" to 5eri#ho, and !ell a"ong robbers, and having stri ed hi" and in!li#ted blo$s, they $ent a$ay, leaving Ihi"I hal! dead) -#I.nd by a #oin#iden#e a #ertain riest $as going do$n in that $ay, and having seen hi", he assed over on the o osite side, -,and in li'e "anner also, a Levite, having been about the la#e, having #o"e and seen, assed over on the o osite side) ,'YAB BWLS OLXBYLC VBC AONPVR NY`NBUA\QO ASVLO YAB KNMQO WBWAPYAKN VB `LBRPAC \QRO ABQOBLO YKRULOLXRPQ ,/L WN NB`NO `ULC ASVLO NO VQ OLXQ VB MNMUA`VAB `QC AOAMBOQPYNBC ,0L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO AMA`RPNBC YSUBLO VLO ]NLO PLS Na LKRC VRC YAUWBAC PLS YAB Na LKRC VRC cSTRC PLS YAB Na LKRC VRC BPTSLC PLS YAB Na LKRC VRC WBAOLBAC PLS YAB VLO `KRPBLO PLS QC PNASVLO ,$NB`NO WN ASVQ LU]QC A`NYUB]RC VLSVL `LBNB YAB \RPR ,%L WN ]NKQO WBYABLSO NASVLO NB`NO `ULC VLO BRPLSO YAB VBC NPVBO XLS `KRPBLO -(S`LKAHQO WN L BRPLSC NB`NO AO]UQ`LC VBC YAVNHABONO A`L BNULSPAKRX NBC BNUBTQ YAB KRPVABC `NUBN`NPNO LB YAB NYWSPAOVNC ASVLO YAB `KRMAC N`B]NOVNC A`RK]LO AZNOVNC RXB]AOR VSMTAOLOVA -#YAVA PSMYSUBAO WN BNUNSC VBC YAVNHABONO NO VR LWQ NYNBOR YAB BWQO ASVLO AOVB`AURK]NO -,LXLBQC WN YAB KNSBVRC MNOLXNOLC YAVA VLO VL`LO NK]QO YAB BWQO AOVB`AURK]NO
--IBut a #ertain Sa"aritan, -ourneying, #a"e along hi", and having seen hi", he $as "oved $ith #o" assion, -.and having #o"e near, he bound u his $ounds, ouring on oil and $ine, and having li!ted hi" u on his o$n beast, he brought hi" to an inn, and $as #are!ul o! hi", -'and on the "orro$, going !orth, ta'ing out t$o denaries, he gave to the inn'ee er, and said to hi", Be #are!ul o! hi", and $hatever thou "ayest s end "ore, 0, in "y #o"ing again, $ill give ba#' to thee) -/IWho, then, o! these three, see"eth to thee to have be#o"e neighbour o! hi" $ho !ell a"ong the robbersbI -0and he said, IHe $ho did the 'indness $ith hi",I then 5esus said to hi", IBe going on, and thou be doing in li'e "anner)I -$.nd it #a"e to ass, in their going on, that he entered into a #ertain village, and a #ertain $o"an, by na"e @artha, did re#eive hi" into her house, -%and she had also a sister, #alled @ary, $ho also, having seated hersel! beside the !eet o! 5esus, $as hearing the $ord, --PAXAUNBVRC WN VBC LWNSQO RK]NO YAV ASVLO YAB BWQO ASVLO NP`KAMTOBP]R -.YAB `ULPNK]QO YAVNWRPNO VA VUASXAVA ASVLS N`BTNQO NKABLO YAB LBOLO N`BHBHAPAC WN ASVLO N`B VL BWBLO YVROLC RMAMNO ASVLO NBC `AOWLTNBLO YAB N`NXNKR]R ASVLS -'YAB N`B VRO ASUBLO NaNK]QO NYHAKQO WSL WROAUBA NWQYNO VQ `AOWLTNB YAB NB`NO ASVQ N`BXNKR]RVB ASVLS YAB L VB AO `ULPWA`AORPRC NMQ NO VQ N`AONUTNP]AB XN A`LWQPQ PLB -/VBC LSO VLSVQO VQO VUBQO WLYNB PLB `KRPBLO MNMLONOAB VLS NX`NPLOVLC NBC VLSC KRPVAC -0L WN NB`NO L `LBRPAC VL NKNLC XNV ASVLS NB`NO LSO ASVQ L BRPLSC `LUNSLS YAB PS `LBNB LXLBQC -$NMNONVL WN NO VQ `LUNSNP]AB ASVLSC YAB ASVLC NBPRK]NO NBC YQXRO VBOA MSOR WN VBC LOLXAVB XAU]A S`NWNaAVL ASVLO NBC VLO LBYLO ASVRC -%YAB VRWN RO AWNKZR YAKLSXNOR XAUBA R YAB `AUAYA]BPAPA `AUA VLSC `LWAC VLS BRPLS RYLSNO VLO KLMLO ASVLS
.(and @artha $as distra#ted about "u#h serving, and having stood by hi", she said, ISir, dost thou not #are that "y sister le!t "e alone to serveb say then to her, that she "ay arta'e along $ith "e)I .#.nd 5esus ans$ering said to her, I@artha, @artha, thou art an(ious and dis?uieted about "any things, .,but o! one thing there is need, and @ary the good art did #hoose, that shall not be ta'en a$ay !ro" her)I .(R WN XAU]A `NUBNP`AVL `NUB `LKKRO WBAYLOBAO N`BPVAPA WN NB`NO YSUBN LS XNKNB PLB LVB R AWNKZR XLS XLORO XN YAVNKB`NO WBAYLONBO NB`N LSO ASVR BOA XLB PSOAOVBKAHRVAB .#A`LYUB]NBC WN NB`NO ASVR L BRPLSC XAU]A XAU]A XNUBXOAC YAB VSUHA\R `NUB `LKKA .,NOLC WN NPVBO TUNBA XAUBA WN VRO AMA]RO XNUBWA NaNKNaAVL RVBC LSY AZABUN]RPNVAB A` ASVRC
+hapter ##
#.nd it #a"e to ass, in his being in a #ertain la#e raying, as he #eased, a #ertain one o! his dis#i les said unto hi", ISir, tea#h us to ray, as also 5ohn taught his dis#i les)I #YAB NMNONVL NO VQ NBOAB ASVLO NO VL`Q VBOB `ULPNSTLXNOLO QC N`ASPAVL NB`NO VBC VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS `ULC ASVLO YSUBN WBWAaLO RXAC `ULPNSTNP]AB YA]QC YAB BQAOORC NWBWAaNO VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS ,.nd he said to the", IWhen ye "ay ,NB`NO WN ASVLBC LVAO `ULPNSTRP]N ray, say yeF Our Father $ho art in the KNMNVN `AVNU RXQO L NO VLBC LSUAOLBC heavens, hallo$ed be Thy na"eF Thy AMBAP]RVQ VL LOLXA PLS NK]NVQ R reign #o"e, Thy $ill #o"e to ass, as in HAPBKNBA PLS MNOR]RVQ VL ]NKRXA PLS heaven also on earth, QC NO LSUAOQ YAB N`B VRC MRC -our a ointed bread be giving us daily, -VLO AUVLO RXQO VLO N`BLSPBLO WBWLS RXBO VL YA] RXNUAO .and !orgive us our sins, !or also $e .YAB AZNC RXBO VAC AXAUVBAC RXQO YAB ourselves !orgive every one indebted to MAU ASVLB AZBNXNO `AOVB LZNBKLOVB RXBO us, and "ayest Thou not bring us into YAB XR NBPNONMYRC RXAC NBC `NBUAPXLO te" tation, but do Thou deliver us !ro" AKKA USPAB RXAC A`L VLS `LORULS the evil)I '.nd he said unto the", IWho o! you 'YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC VBC Na SXQO NaNB shall have a !riend, and shall go on unto ZBKLO YAB `LUNSPNVAB `ULC ASVLO hi" at "idnight, and "ay say to hi", XNPLOSYVBLS YAB NB`R ASVQ ZBKN TURPLO Friend, lend "e three loaves, XLB VUNBC AUVLSC /seeing a !riend o! "ine #a"e out o! the /N`NBWR ZBKLC XLS `AUNMNONVL Na LWLS $ay unto "e, and 0 have not $hat 0 `ULC XN YAB LSY NTQ L `AUA]RPQ ASVQ shall set be!ore hi", 0and he !ro" $ithin ans$ering "ay 0YAYNBOLC NPQ]NO A`LYUB]NBC NB`R XR say, Do not give "e trouble, already the XLB YL`LSC `AUNTN RWR R ]SUA door hath been shut, and "y #hildren YNYKNBPVAB YAB VA `ABWBA XLS XNV NXLS $ith "e are in the bed, 0 a" not able, NBC VRO YLBVRO NBPBO LS WSOAXAB AOAPVAC having risen, to give to thee) WLSOAB PLB $I0 say to you, even i! he $ill not give to $KNMQ SXBO NB YAB LS WQPNB ASVQ hi", having risen, be#ause o! his being AOAPVAC WBA VL NBOAB ASVLS ZBKLO WBA MN his !riend, yet be#ause o! his VRO AOABWNBAO ASVLS NMNU]NBC WQPNB :99
i" ortunity, having risen, he $ill give hi" as "any as he doth need, %and 0 say to you, .s', and it shall be given to you, see', and ye shall !ind, 'no#', and it shall be o ened to you, #(!or every one $ho is as'ing doth re#eive, and he $ho is see'ing doth !ind, and to hi" $ho is 'no#'ing it shall be o ened) ##I.nd o! $hi#h o! you ++ the !ather ++ i! the son shall as' a loa!, a stone $ill he resent to hi"b and i! a !ish, $ill he instead o! a !ish, a ser ent resent to hi"b #,and i! he "ay as' an egg, $ill he resent to hi" a s#or ionb #-0!, then, ye, being evil, have 'no$n good gi!ts to be giving to your #hildren, ho$ "u#h "ore shall the Father $ho is !ro" heaven give the Holy S irit to those as'ing Hi"dI #..nd he $as #asting !orth a de"on, and it $as du"b, and it #a"e to ass, the de"on having gone !orth, the du"b "an s a'e, and the "ultitudes $ondered, #'and #ertain o! the" said, IBy BeelEeboul, ruler o! the de"ons, he doth #ast !orth the de"ons,I #/and others, te" ting, a sign out o! heaven !ro" hi" $ere as'ing) #0.nd he, 'no$ing their thoughts, said to the", IEvery 'ingdo" having been divided against itsel! is desolated, and ASVQ LPQO TUR\NB %YAMQ SXBO KNMQ ABVNBVN YAB WL]RPNVAB SXBO \RVNBVN YAB NSURPNVN YULSNVN YAB AOLBMRPNVAB SXBO #(`AC MAU L ABVQO KAXHAONB YAB L \RVQO NSUBPYNB YAB VQ YULSLOVB AOLBMRPNVAB ##VBOA WN SXQO VLO `AVNUA ABVRPNB L SBLC AUVLO XR KB]LO N`BWQPNB ASVQ NB YAB BT]SO XR AOVB BT]SLC LZBO N`BWQPNB ASVQ #,R YAB NAO ABVRPR QLO XR N`BWQPNB ASVQ PYLU`BLO #-NB LSO SXNBC `LORULB S`AUTLOVNC LBWAVN AMA]A WLXAVA WBWLOAB VLBC VNYOLBC SXQO `LPQ XAKKLO L `AVRU L Na LSUAOLS WQPNB `ONSXA AMBLO VLBC ABVLSPBO ASVLO #.YAB RO NYHAKKQO WABXLOBLO YAB ASVL RO YQZLO NMNONVL WN VLS WABXLOBLS NaNK]LOVLC NKAKRPNO L YQZLC YAB N]ASXAPAO LB LTKLB #'VBONC WN Na ASVQO NB`LO NO HNNK\NHLSK AUTLOVB VQO WABXLOBQO NYHAKKNB VA WABXLOBA #/NVNULB WN `NBUA\LOVNC PRXNBLO `AU ASVLS N\RVLSO Na LSUAOLS #0ASVLC WN NBWQC ASVQO VA WBAOLRXAVA NB`NO ASVLBC `APA HAPBKNBA NZ NASVRO WBAXNUBP]NBPA NURXLSVAB YAB LBYLC N`B
house against house doth !all, LBYLO `B`VNB #$and i! also the .dversary against #$NB WN YAB L PAVAOAC NZ NASVLO hi"sel! $as divided, ho$ shall his WBNXNUBP]R `QC PVA]RPNVAB R HAPBKNBA 'ingdo" be "ade to standb !or ye say, ASVLS LVB KNMNVN NO HNNK\NHLSK by BeelEeboul is "y #asting !orth the NYHAKKNBO XN VA WABXLOBA de"ons) #%IBut i! 0 by BeelEeboul #ast !orth the #%NB WN NMQ NO HNNK\NHLSK NYHAKKQ VA de"ons ++ your sons, by $ho" do they WABXLOBA LB SBLB SXQO NO VBOB #ast !orthb be#ause o! this your -udges NYHAKKLSPBO WBA VLSVL YUBVAB SXQO they shall be, ASVLB NPLOVAB ,(but i! by the !inger o! &od 0 #ast !orth ,(NB WN NO WAYVSKQ ]NLS NYHAKKQ VA the de"ons, then #o"e una$ares u on WABXLOBA AUA NZ]APNO NZ SXAC R you did the reign o! &od) HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS ,#IWhen the strong "an ar"ed "ay ,#LVAO L BPTSULC YA]Q`KBPXNOLC 'ee his hall, in ea#e are his goods, ZSKAPPR VRO NASVLS ASKRO NO NBUROR NPVBO VA S`AUTLOVA ASVLS ,,but $hen the stronger than he, having ,,N`AO WN L BPTSULVNULC ASVLS #o"e u on Ihi"I, "ay over#o"e hi", N`NK]QO OBYRPR ASVLO VRO `AOL`KBAO his $hole+ar"our he doth ta'e a$ay in ASVLS ABUNB NZ R N`N`LB]NB YAB VA PYSKA $hi#h he had trusted, and his s oils he ASVLS WBAWBWQPBO distributeth, ,-he $ho is not $ith "e is against "e, ,-L XR QO XNV NXLS YAV NXLS NPVBO YAB and he $ho is not gathering $ith "e L XR PSOAMQO XNV NXLS PYLU`B\NB doth s#atter) ,.IWhen the un#lean s irit "ay go !orth ,.LVAO VL AYA]AUVLO `ONSXA NaNK]R !ro" the "an it $al'eth through A`L VLS AO]UQ`LS WBNUTNVAB WB $aterless la#es see'ing rest, and not AOSWUQO VL`QO \RVLSO AOA`ASPBO YAB !inding, it saith, 0 $ill turn ba#' to "y XR NSUBPYLO KNMNB S`LPVUNcQ NBC VLO house $hen#e 0 #a"e !orth, LBYLO XLS L]NO NaRK]LO ,'and having #o"e, it !indeth IitI s$e t ,'YAB NK]LO NSUBPYNB PNPAUQXNOLO YAB and adorned, YNYLPXRXNOLO ,/then doth it go, and ta'e to it seven ,/VLVN `LUNSNVAB YAB `AUAKAXHAONB other s irits "ore evil than itsel!, and N`VA NVNUA `ONSXAVA `LORULVNUA having entered, they d$ell there, and NASVLS YAB NBPNK]LOVA YAVLBYNB NYNB YAB :9G
the last o! that "an be#o"eth $orst MBONVAB VA NPTAVA VLS AO]UQ`LS than the !irst)I NYNBOLS TNBULOA VQO `UQVQO ,0.nd it #a"e to ass, in his saying ,0NMNONVL WN NO VQ KNMNBO ASVLO VASVA these things, a #ertain $o"an having N`AUAPA VBC MSOR ZQORO NY VLS LTKLS li!ted u the voi#e out o! the "ultitude, NB`NO ASVQ XAYAUBA R YLBKBA R said to hi", IHa y the $o"b that HAPVAPAPA PN YAB XAPVLB LSC N]RKAPAC #arried thee, and the a s that thou didst su#'dI ,$.nd he said, I4ea, rather, ha y those ,$ASVLC WN NB`NO XNOLSOMN XAYAUBLB LB hearing the $ord o! &od, and 'ee ing AYLSLOVNC VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS YAB IitIdI ZSKAPPLOVNC ASVLO ,%.nd the "ultitudes #ro$ding ,%VQO WN LTKQO N`A]ULB\LXNOQO together u on hi", he began to say, RUaAVL KNMNBO R MNONA ASVR `LORUA IThis generation is evil, a sign it doth NPVBO PRXNBLO N`B\RVNB YAB PRXNBLO LS see' a!ter, and a sign shall not be given WL]RPNVAB ASVR NB XR VL PRXNBLO BQOA to it, e(#e t the sign o! 5onah the VLS `ULZRVLS ro het, -(!or as 5onah be#a"e a sign to the -(YA]QC MAU NMNONVL BQOAC PRXNBLO /inevites, so also shall the Son o! @an VLBC OBONSBVABC LSVQC NPVAB YAB L SBLC be to this generation) VLS AO]UQ`LS VR MNONA VASVR -#I. ?ueen o! the south shall rise u in -#HAPBKBPPA OLVLS NMNU]RPNVAB NO VR the -udg"ent $ith the "en o! this YUBPNB XNVA VQO AOWUQO VRC MNONAC generation, and shall #onde"n the", VASVRC YAB YAVAYUBONB ASVLSC LVB RK]NO be#ause she #a"e !ro" the ends o! the NY VQO `NUAVQO VRC MRC AYLSPAB VRO earth to hear the $isdo" o! Solo"on, PLZBAO PLKLXQOVLC YAB BWLS `KNBLO and lo, greater than Solo"on hered PLKLXQOVLC QWN -,I@en o! /ineveh shall stand u in the -,AOWUNC OBONSB AOAPVRPLOVAB NO VR -udg"ent $ith this generation, and shall YUBPNB XNVA VRC MNONAC VASVRC YAB #onde"n it, be#ause they re!or"ed at YAVAYUBOLSPBO ASVRO LVB XNVNOLRPAO the ro#la"ation o! 5onah, and lo, NBC VL YRUSMXA BQOA YAB BWLS `KNBLO greater than 5onah hered BQOA QWN --I.nd no one having lighted a la" , --LSWNBC WN KSTOLO AcAC NBC YUS`VLO doth ut IitI in a se#ret la#e, nor under VB]RPBO LSWN S`L VLO XLWBLO AKK N`B VRO the "easure, but on the la" +stand, that KSTOBAO BOA LB NBP`LUNSLXNOLB VL :9:
those #o"ing in "ay behold the light) ZNMMLC HKN`QPBO -.IThe la" o! the body is the eye, -.L KSTOLC VLS PQXAVLC NPVBO L $hen then thine eye "ay be si" le, thy LZ]AKXLC LVAO LSO L LZ]AKXLC PLS $hole body also is lightened, and $hen A`KLSC R YAB LKLO VL PQXA PLS it "ay be evil, thy body also is ZQVNBOLO NPVBO N`AO WN `LORULC R YAB dar'ened, VL PQXA PLS PYLVNBOLO -'ta'e heed, then, lest the light that IisI -'PYL`NB LSO XR VL ZQC VL NO PLB in thee be dar'ness, PYLVLC NPVBO -/i! then thy $hole body is lightened, -/NB LSO VL PQXA PLS LKLO ZQVNBOLO not having any art dar'ened, the $hole XR NTLO VB XNULC PYLVNBOLO NPVAB shall be lightened, as $hen the la" by ZQVNBOLO LKLO QC LVAO L KSTOLC VR the brightness "ay give thee light)I APVUA`R ZQVB\R PN -0.nd in IhisI s ea'ing, a #ertain -0NO WN VQ KAKRPAB RUQVA ASVLO Pharisee $as as'ing hi" that he "ight ZAUBPABLC VBC L`QC AUBPVRPR `AU ASVQ dine $ith hi", and having gone in, he NBPNK]QO WN AON`NPNO re#lined 7at "eat<, -$and the Pharisee having seen, did -$L WN ZAUBPABLC BWQO N]ASXAPNO LVB $onder that he did not !irst ba tiEe LS `UQVLO NHA`VBP]R `UL VLS AUBPVLS hi"sel! be!ore the dinner) -%.nd the Lord said unto hi", I/o$ do -%NB`NO WN L YSUBLC `ULC ASVLO OSO ye, the Pharisees, the outside o! the #u SXNBC LB ZAUBPABLB VL NaQ]NO VLS and o! the late "a'e #lean, but your `LVRUBLS YAB VLS `BOAYLC YA]AUB\NVN VL in$ard art is !ull o! ra ine and WN NPQ]NO SXQO MNXNB AU`AMRC YAB $i#'edness, `LORUBAC .(unthin'ingd did not He $ho "ade the .(AZULONC LST L `LBRPAC VL NaQ]NO YAB outside also the inside "a'eb VL NPQ]NO N`LBRPNO .#But $hat ye have give ye IasI al"s, .#`KRO VA NOLOVA WLVN NKNRXLPSORO and, lo, all things are #lean to you) YAB BWLS `AOVA YA]AUA SXBO NPVBO .,IBut $o to you, the Pharisees, .,AKK LSAB SXBO VLBC ZAUBPABLBC LVB be#ause ye tithe the "int, and the rue, A`LWNYAVLSVN VL RWSLPXLO YAB VL and every herb, and ye ass by the `RMAOLO YAB `AO KATAOLO YAB -udg"ent, and the love o! &od, these `AUNUTNP]N VRO YUBPBO YAB VRO AMA`RO things it behoveth to do, and those not VLS ]NLS VASVA NWNB `LBRPAB YAYNBOA XR to be negle#ting) AZBNOAB :9=
.-IWo to you, the Pharisees, be#ause ye .-LSAB SXBO VLBC ZAUBPABLBC LVB AMA`AVN love the !irst seats in the synagogues, VRO `UQVLYA]NWUBAO NO VABC and the salutations in the "ar'et+ la#es) PSOAMQMABC YAB VLSC AP`APXLSC NO VABC AMLUABC ..IWo to you, s#ribes and Pharisees, ..LSAB SXBO MUAXXAVNBC YAB ZAUBPABLB hy o#rites, be#ause ye are as the unseen S`LYUBVAB LVB NPVN QC VA XORXNBA VA to"bs, and the "en $al'ing above have AWRKA YAB LB AO]UQ`LB LB not 'no$n)I `NUB`AVLSOVNC N`AOQ LSY LBWAPBO .'.nd one o! the la$yers ans$ering, .'A`LYUB]NBC WN VBC VQO OLXBYQO KNMNB saith to hi", ITea#her, these things ASVQ WBWAPYAKN VASVA KNMQO YAB RXAC saying, us also thou dost insult,I SHUB\NBC ./and he said, I.nd to you, the la$yers, ./L WN NB`NO YAB SXBO VLBC OLXBYLBC LSAB $od be#ause ye burden "en $ith LVB ZLUVB\NVN VLSC AO]UQ`LSC ZLUVBA burdens grievous to be borne, and ye WSPHAPVAYVA YAB ASVLB NOB VQO yourselves $ith one o! your !ingers do WAYVSKQO SXQO LS `ULPcASNVN VLBC not tou#h the burdens) ZLUVBLBC .0IWo to you, be#ause ye build the .0LSAB SXBO LVB LBYLWLXNBVN VA XORXNBA to"bs o! the ro hets, and your !athers VQO `ULZRVQO LB WN `AVNUNC SXQO 'illed the") A`NYVNBOAO ASVLSC .$Then do ye testi!y, and are $ell .$AUA XAUVSUNBVN YAB PSONSWLYNBVN leased $ith the $or's o! your !athers, VLBC NUMLBC VQO `AVNUQO SXQO LVB ASVLB be#ause they indeed 'illed the", and ye XNO A`NYVNBOAO ASVLSC SXNBC WN do build their to"bs, LBYLWLXNBVN ASVQO VA XORXNBA .%be#ause o! this also the $isdo" o! .%WBA VLSVL YAB R PLZBA VLS ]NLS NB`NO &od saidF 0 $ill send to the" ro hets, A`LPVNKQ NBC ASVLSC `ULZRVAC YAB and a ostles, and so"e o! the" they A`LPVLKLSC YAB Na ASVQO A`LYVNOLSPBO shall 'ill and erse#ute, YAB NYWBQaLSPBO '(that the blood o! all the ro hets, that '(BOA NY\RVR]R VL ABXA `AOVQO VQO is being oured !orth !ro" the `ULZRVQO VL NYTSOLXNOLO A`L !oundation o! the $orld, "ay be YAVAHLKRC YLPXLS A`L VRC MNONAC re?uired !ro" this generation, VASVRC '#!ro" the blood o! .bel unto the '#A`L VLS ABXAVLC AHNK NQC VLS blood o! [a#harias, $ho erished ABXAVLC \ATAUBLS VLS A`LKLXNOLS bet$een the altar and the house, yes, 0 XNVAaS VLS ]SPBAPVRUBLS YAB VLS LBYLS :98
say to you, 0t shall be re?uired !ro" this generation) ',IWo to you, the la$yers, be#ause ye too' a$ay the 'ey o! the 'no$ledge, yourselves ye did not enter, and those #o"ing in, ye did hinder)I '-.nd in his s ea'ing these things unto the", the s#ribes and the Pharisees began !ear!ully to urge and to ress hi" to s ea' about "any things, '.laying $ait !or hi", and see'ing to #at#h so"ething out o! his "outh, that they "ight a##use hi") OAB KNMQ SXBO NY\RVR]RPNVAB A`L VRC MNONAC VASVRC ',LSAB SXBO VLBC OLXBYLBC LVB RUAVN VRO YKNBWA VRC MOQPNQC ASVLB LSY NBPRK]NVN YAB VLSC NBPNUTLXNOLSC NYQKSPAVN '-KNMLOVLC WN ASVLS VASVA `ULC ASVLSC RUaAOVL LB MUAXXAVNBC YAB LB ZAUBPABLB WNBOQC NONTNBO YAB A`LPVLXAVB\NBO ASVLO `NUB `KNBLOQO '.NONWUNSLOVNC ASVLO YAB \RVLSOVNC ]RUNSPAB VB NY VLS PVLXAVLC ASVLS BOA YAVRMLURPQPBO ASVLS
+hapter #,
#.t $hi#h ti"e the "yriads o! the "ultitude having been gathered together, so as to tread u on one another, he began to say unto his dis#i les, !irst, ITa'e heed to yourselves o! the leaven o! the Pharisees, $hi#h is hy o#risy, ,and there is nothing #overed, that shall not be revealed, and hid, that shall not be 'no$n, -be#ause $hatever in the dar'ness ye said, in the light shall be heardF and $hat to the ear ye s a'e in the inner+ #ha"bers, shall be ro#lai"ed u on the house+to s) .I.nd 0 say to you, "y !riends, be not a!raid o! those 'illing the body, and a!ter these things are not having anything over to do, 'but 0 $ill sho$ to you, $ho" ye "ay !ear, Fear hi" $ho, a!ter the 'illing, is having authority to #ast to the gehenna, yes, 0 say to you, Fear ye Hi") /I.re not !ive s arro$s sold !or t$o assarsb and one o! the" is not !orgotten be!ore &od, 0but even the hairs o! your head have been all nu"bered, there!ore !ear ye not, than "any s arro$s ye are o! "ore value) #NO LBC N`BPSOAT]NBPQO VQO XSUBAWQO VLS LTKLS QPVN YAVA`AVNBO AKKRKLSC RUaAVL KNMNBO `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS `UQVLO `ULPNTNVN NASVLBC A`L VRC \SXRC VQO ZAUBPABQO RVBC NPVBO S`LYUBPBC ,LSWNO WN PSMYNYAKSXXNOLO NPVBO L LSY A`LYAKSZ]RPNVAB YAB YUS`VLO L LS MOQP]RPNVAB -AO] QO LPA NO VR PYLVBA NB`AVN NO VQ ZQVB AYLSP]RPNVAB YAB L `ULC VL LSC NKAKRPAVN NO VLBC VAXNBLBC YRUST]RPNVAB N`B VQO WQXAVQO .KNMQ WN SXBO VLBC ZBKLBC XLS XR ZLHR]RVN A`L VQO A`LYVNBOLOVQO VL PQXA YAB XNVA VASVA XR NTLOVQO `NUBPPLVNULO VB `LBRPAB 'S`LWNBaQ WN SXBO VBOA ZLHR]RVN ZLHR]RVN VLO XNVA VL A`LYVNBOAB NaLSPBAO NTLOVA NXHAKNBO NBC VRO MNNOOAO OAB KNMQ SXBO VLSVLO ZLHR]RVN /LSTB `NOVN PVULS]BA `QKNBVAB APPAUBQO WSL YAB NO Na ASVQO LSY NPVBO N`BKNKRPXNOLO NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS 0AKKA YAB AB VUBTNC VRC YNZAKRC SXQO `APAB RUB]XROVAB XR LSO ZLHNBP]N `LKKQO PVULS]BQO WBAZNUNVN
$I.nd 0 say to you, Every one ++ $hoever "ay #on!ess $ith "e be!ore "en, the Son o! @an also shall #on!ess $ith hi" be!ore the "essengers o! &od, %and he $ho hath denied "e be!ore "en, shall be denied be!ore the "essengers o! &od, #(and every one $hoever shall say a $ord to the Son o! @an, it shall be !orgiven to hi", but to hi" $ho to the Holy S irit did s ea' evil, it shall not be !orgiven) ##I.nd $hen they bring you be!ore the synagogues, and the rulers, and the authorities, be not an(ious ho$ or $hat ye "ay re ly, or $hat ye "ay say, #,!or the Holy S irit shall tea#h you in that hour $hat it behoveth IyouI to say)I #-.nd a #ertain one said to hi", out o! the "ultitude, ITea#her, say to "y brother to divide $ith "e the inheritan#e)I #..nd he said to hi", I@an, $ho set "e a -udge or a divider over youbI #'.nd he said unto the", IObserve, and be$are o! the #ovetousness, be#ause not in the abundan#e o! oneIs goods is his li!e)I #/.nd he s a'e a si"ile unto the", saying, IO! a #ertain ri#h "an the !ield brought !orth $ell, $KNMQ WN SXBO `AC LC AO LXLKLMRPR NO NXLB NX`ULP]NO VQO AO]UQ`QO YAB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS LXLKLMRPNB NO ASVQ NX`ULP]NO VQO AMMNKQO VLS ]NLS %L WN AUORPAXNOLC XN NOQ`BLO VQO AO]UQ`QO A`AUOR]RPNVAB NOQ`BLO VQO AMMNKQO VLS ]NLS #(YAB `AC LC NUNB KLMLO NBC VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS AZN]RPNVAB ASVQ VQ WN NBC VL AMBLO `ONSXA HKAPZRXRPAOVB LSY AZN]RPNVAB ##LVAO WN `ULPZNUQPBO SXAC N`B VAC PSOAMQMAC YAB VAC AUTAC YAB VAC NaLSPBAC XR XNUBXOAVN `QC R VB A`LKLMRPRP]N R VB NB`RVN #,VL MAU AMBLO `ONSXA WBWAaNB SXAC NO ASVR VR QUA A WNB NB`NBO #-NB`NO WN VBC ASVQ NY VLS LTKLS WBWAPYAKN NB`N VQ AWNKZQ XLS XNUBPAP]AB XNV NXLS VRO YKRULOLXBAO #.L WN NB`NO ASVQ AO]UQ`N VBC XN YAVNPVRPNO WBYAPVRO R XNUBPVRO NZ SXAC #'NB`NO WN `ULC ASVLSC LUAVN YAB ZSKAPPNP]N A`L VRC `KNLONaBAC LVB LSY NO VQ `NUBPPNSNBO VBOB R \QR ASVLS NPVBO NY VQO S`AUTLOVQO ASVLS #/NB`NO WN `AUAHLKRO `ULC ASVLSC KNMQO AO]UQ`LS VBOLC `KLSPBLS NSZLURPNO R TQUA
#0and he $as reasoning $ithin hi"sel!, saying, What shall 0 do, be#ause 0 have not $here 0 shall gather together "y !ruitsb #$and he said, This 0 $ill do, 0 $ill ta'e do$n "y storehouses, and greater ones 0 $ill build, and 0 $ill gather together there all "y rodu#ts and "y good things, #%and 0 $ill say to "y soul, Soul, thou hast "any good things laid u !or "any years, be resting, eat, drin', be "erry) ,(I.nd &od said to hi", _nthin'ing oned this night thy soul they shall re?uire !ro" thee, and $hat things thou didst re are ++ to $ho" shall they beb ,#so IisI he $ho is treasuring u to hi"sel!, and is not ri#h to$ard &od)I ,,.nd he said unto his dis#i les, IBe#ause o! this, to you 0 say, Be not an(ious !or your li!e, $hat ye "ay eat, nor !or the body, $hat ye "ay ut on, ,-the li!e is "ore than the nourish"ent, and the body than the #lothing) ,.IDonsider the ravens, that they so$ not, nor rea , to $hi#h there is no barn nor storehouse, and &od doth nourish the", ho$ "u#h better are ye than the !o$lsb #0YAB WBNKLMB\NVL NO NASVQ KNMQO VB `LBRPQ LVB LSY NTQ `LS PSOAaQ VLSC YAU`LSC XLS #$YAB NB`NO VLSVL `LBRPQ YA]NKQ XLS VAC A`L]RYAC YAB XNB\LOAC LBYLWLXRPQ YAB PSOAaQ NYNB `AOVA VA MNORXAVA XLS YAB VA AMA]A XLS #%YAB NUQ VR cSTR XLS cSTR NTNBC `LKKA AMA]A YNBXNOA NBC NVR `LKKA AOA`ASLS ZAMN `BN NSZUABOLS ,(NB`NO WN ASVQ L ]NLC AZUQO VASVR VR OSYVB VRO cSTRO PLS A`ABVLSPBO A`L PLS A WN RVLBXAPAC VBOB NPVAB ,#LSVQC L ]RPASUB\QO NASVQ YAB XR NBC ]NLO `KLSVQO ,,NB`NO WN `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS WBA VLSVL SXBO KNMQ XR XNUBXOAVN VR cSTR SXQO VB ZAMRVN XRWN VQ PQXAVB VB NOWSPRP]N ,-R cSTR `KNBLO NPVBO VRC VULZRC YAB VL PQXA VLS NOWSXAVLC ,.YAVAOLRPAVN VLSC YLUAYAC LVB LS P`NBULSPBO LSWN ]NUB\LSPBO LBC LSY NPVBO VAXNBLO LSWN A`L]RYR YAB L ]NLC VUNZNB ASVLSC `LPQ XAKKLO SXNBC WBAZNUNVN VQO `NVNBOQO
,'and $ho o! you, being an(ious, is able to add to his age one #ubitb ,/0!, then, ye are not able !or the least ++ $hy !or the rest are ye an(iousb ,0IDonsider the lilies, ho$ do they gro$b they labour not, nor do they s in, and 0 say to you, not even Solo"on in all his glory $as arrayed as one o! these, ,$and i! the herbage in the !ield, that to+day is, and to+"orro$ into an oven is #ast, &od doth so #lothe, ho$ "u#h "ore you ++ ye o! little !aithb ,%I.nd ye ++ see' not $hat ye "ay eat, or $hat ye "ay drin', and be not in sus ense, -(!or all these things do the nations o! the $orld see' a!ter, and your Father hath 'no$n that ye have need o! these things, -#but, see' ye the reign o! &od, and all these things shall be added to you) -,IFear not, little !lo#', be#ause your Father did delight to give you the reign, --sell your goods, and give al"s, "a'e to yourselves bags that be#o"e not old, a treasure un!ailing in the heavens, $here thie! doth not #o"e near, nor "oth destroy, ,'VBC WN Na SXQO XNUBXOQO WSOAVAB `ULP]NBOAB N`B VRO RKBYBAO ASVLS `RTSO NOA ,/NB LSO LSVN NKATBPVLO WSOAP]N VB `NUB VQO KLB`QO XNUBXOAVN ,0YAVAOLRPAVN VA YUBOA `QC ASaAONB LS YL`BA LSWN OR]NB KNMQ WN SXBO LSWN PLKLXQO NO `APR VR WLaR ASVLS `NUBNHAKNVL QC NO VLSVQO ,$NB WN VLO TLUVLO NO VQ AMUQ PRXNULO LOVA YAB ASUBLO NBC YKBHAOLO HAKKLXNOLO L ]NLC LSVQC AXZBNOOSPBO `LPQ XAKKLO SXAC LKBML`BPVLB ,%YAB SXNBC XR \RVNBVN VB ZAMRVN R VB `BRVN YAB XR XNVNQUB\NP]N -(VASVA MAU `AOVA VA N]OR VLS YLPXLS N`B\RVNB SXQO WN L `AVRU LBWNO LVB TUR\NVN VLSVQO
-'ILet your loins be girded, and the la" s burning, -/and ye li'e to "en $aiting !or their lord, $hen he shall return out o! the $edding !easts, that he having #o"e and 'no#'ed, i""ediately they "ay o en to hi") -0IHa y those servants, $ho" the lord, having #o"e, shall !ind $at#hing, verily 0 say to you, that he $ill gird hi"sel!, and $ill #ause the" to re#line 7at "eat<, and having #o"e near, $ill "inister to the", -$and i! he "ay #o"e in the se#ond $at#h, and in the third $at#h he "ay #o"e, and "ay !ind IitI so, ha y are those servants) -%I.nd this 'no$, that i! the "aster o! the house had 'no$n $hat hour the thie! doth #o"e, he $ould have $at#hed, and $ould not have su!!ered his house to be bro'en through, .(and ye, then, be#o"e ye ready, be#ause at the hour ye thin' not, the Son o! @an doth #o"e)I .#.nd Peter said to hi", ISir, unto us this si"ile dost thou s ea', or also unto allbI .,.nd the Lord said, IWho, then, is the !aith!ul and rudent ste$ard $ho" the lord shall set over his household, to give in season the $heat "easureb -'NPVQPAO SXQO AB LPZSNC `NUBN\QPXNOAB YAB LB KSTOLB YABLXNOLB -/YAB SXNBC LXLBLB AO]UQ`LBC `ULPWNTLXNOLBC VLO YSUBLO NASVQO `LVN AOAKSPNB NY VQO MAXQO BOA NK]LOVLC YAB YULSPAOVLC NS]NQC AOLBaQPBO ASVQ -0XAYAUBLB LB WLSKLB NYNBOLB LSC NK]QO L YSUBLC NSURPNB MURMLULSOVAC AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB `NUB\QPNVAB YAB AOAYKBONB ASVLSC YAB `AUNK]QO WBAYLORPNB ASVLBC -$YAB NAO NK]R NO VR WNSVNUA ZSKAYR YAB NO VR VUBVR ZSKAYR NK]R YAB NSUR LSVQC XAYAUBLB NBPBO LB WLSKLB NYNBOLB -%VLSVL WN MBOQPYNVN LVB NB RWNB L LBYLWNP`LVRC `LBA QUA L YKN`VRC NUTNVAB NMURMLURPNO AO YAB LSY AO AZRYNO WBLUSMROAB VLO LBYLO ASVLS .(YAB SXNBC LSO MBONP]N NVLBXLB LVB R QUA LS WLYNBVN L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NUTNVAB .#NB`NO WN ASVQ L `NVULC YSUBN `ULC RXAC VRO `AUAHLKRO VASVRO KNMNBC R YAB `ULC `AOVAC .,NB`NO WN L YSUBLC VBC AUA NPVBO L `BPVLC LBYLOLXLC YAB ZULOBXLC LO YAVAPVRPNB L YSUBLC N`B VRC ]NUA`NBAC ASVLS VLS WBWLOAB NO YABUQ VL PBVLXNVUBLO
.-Ha y that servant, $ho" his lord, having #o"e, shall !ind doing so, .-XAYAUBLC L WLSKLC NYNBOLC LO NK]QO L YSUBLC ASVLS NSURPNB `LBLSOVA LSVQC ..truly 0 say to you, that over all his ..AKR]QC KNMQ SXBO LVB N`B `APBO VLBC goods he $ill set hi") S`AUTLSPBO ASVLS YAVAPVRPNB ASVLO .'I.nd i! that servant "ay say in his .'NAO WN NB`R L WLSKLC NYNBOLC NO VR heart, @y lord doth delay to #o"e, and YAUWBA ASVLS TULOB\NB L YSUBLC XLS "ay begin to beat the "en+servants NUTNP]AB YAB AUaRVAB VS`VNBO VLSC and the "aid+servants, to eat also, and `ABWAC YAB VAC `ABWBPYAC NP]BNBO VN to drin', and to be drun'en, YAB `BONBO YAB XN]SPYNP]AB ./the lord o! that servant $ill #o"e in ./RaNB L YSUBLC VLS WLSKLS NYNBOLS NO a day in $hi#h he doth not loo' !or RXNUA R LS `ULPWLYA YAB NO QUA R LS Ihi"I, and in an hour that he doth not MBOQPYNB YAB WBTLVLXRPNB ASVLO YAB VL 'no$, and $ill #ut hi" o!!, and his XNULC ASVLS XNVA VQO A`BPVQO ]RPNB ortion $ith the un!aith!ul he $ill a oint) .0I.nd that servant, $ho having .0NYNBOLC WN L WLSKLC L MOLSC VL 'no$n his lordIs $ill, and not having ]NKRXA VLS YSUBLS NASVLS YAB XR re ared, nor having gone a##ording NVLBXAPAC XRWN `LBRPAC `ULC VL to his $ill, shall be beaten $ith "any ]NKRXA ASVLS WAURPNVAB `LKKAC stri es, .$and he $ho, not having 'no$n, and .$L WN XR MOLSC `LBRPAC WN AaBA having done things $orthy o! stri es, `KRMQO WAURPNVAB LKBMAC `AOVB WN Q shall be beaten $ith !e$, and to every NWL]R `LKS `LKS \RVR]RPNVAB `AU one to $ho" "u#h $as given, "u#h ASVLS YAB Q `AUN]NOVL `LKS shall be re?uired !ro" hi", and to `NUBPPLVNULO ABVRPLSPBO ASVLO $ho" they did #o""it "u#h, "ore abundantly they $ill as' o! hi") .%IFire 0 #a"e to #ast to the earth, and .%`SU RK]LO HAKNBO NBC VRO MRO YAB VB $hat $ill 0 i! already it $as 'indledb ]NKQ NB RWR AORZ]R '(but 0 have a ba tis" to be ba tiEed '(HA`VBPXA WN NTQ HA`VBP]ROAB YAB $ith, and ho$ a" 0 ressed till it "ay `QC PSONTLXAB NQC LS VNKNP]R be #o" letedd
'#IThin' ye that ea#e 0 #a"e to give in the earthb no, 0 say to you, but rather division, ',!or there shall be hen#e!orth !ive in one house divided ++ three against t$o, and t$o against three, '-a !ather shall be divided against a son, and a son against a !ather, a "other against a daughter, and a daughter against a "other, a "other+ in+la$ against her daughter+in+la$, and a daughter+in+la$ against her "other+in+la$)I '..nd he said also to the "ultitudes, IWhen ye "ay see the #loud rising !ro" the $est, i""ediately ye say, . sho$er doth #o"e, and it is so, ''and $hen ++ a south $ind blo$ing, ye say, that there $ill be heat, and it is, '/hy o#ritesd the !a#e o! the earth and o! the heaven ye have 'no$n to "a'e roo! o!, but this ti"e ++ ho$ do ye not "a'e roo! o! IitIb '0I.nd $hy, also, o! yourselves, -udge ye not $hat is righteousb '$!or, as thou art going a$ay $ith thy o onent to the ruler, in the $ay give diligen#e to be released !ro" hi", lest he "ay drag thee unto the -udge, and the -udge "ay deliver thee to the o!!i#er, and the o!!i#er "ay #ast thee into rison, '#WLYNBVN LVB NBURORO `AUNMNOLXRO WLSOAB NO VR MR LSTB KNMQ SXBO AKK R WBAXNUBPXLO ',NPLOVAB MAU A`L VLS OSO `NOVN NO LBYQ NOB WBAXNXNUBPXNOLB VUNBC N`B WSPBO YAB WSL N`B VUBPBO '-WBAXNUBP]RPNVAB `AVRU NZ SBQ YAB SBLC N`B `AVUB XRVRU N`B ]SMAVUB YAB ]SMAVRU N`B XRVUB `NO]NUA N`B VRO OSXZRO ASVRC YAB OSXZR N`B VRO `NO]NUAO ASVRC '.NKNMNO WN YAB VLBC LTKLBC LVAO BWRVN VRO ONZNKRO AOAVNKKLSPAO A`L WSPXQO NS]NQC KNMNVN LXHULC NUTNVAB YAB MBONVAB LSVQC ''YAB LVAO OLVLO `ONLOVA KNMNVN LVB YASPQO NPVAB YAB MBONVAB '/S`LYUBVAB VL `ULPQ`LO VRC MRC YAB VLS LSUAOLS LBWAVN WLYBXA\NBO VLO WN YABULO VLSVLO `QC LS WLYBXA\NVN '0VB WN YAB AZ NASVQO LS YUBONVN VL WBYABLO '$QC MAU S`AMNBC XNVA VLS AOVBWBYLS PLS N` AUTLOVA NO VR LWQ WLC NUMAPBAO A`RKKAT]AB A` ASVLS XR`LVN YAVAPSUR PN `ULC VLO YUBVRO YAB L YUBVRC PN `AUAWQ VQ `UAYVLUB YAB L `UAYVQU PN HAKKR NBC ZSKAYRO
'%0 say to thee, thou "ayest not #o"e '%KNMQ PLB LS XR NaNK]RC NYNB]NO NQC !orth then#e till even the last "ite thou LS YAB VL NPTAVLO KN`VLO A`LWQC "ayest give ba#')I
+hapter ##.nd there $ere resent #ertain at that ti"e, telling hi" about the &alileans, $hose blood Pilate did "ingle $ith their sa#ri!i#es, ,and 5esus ans$ering said to the", IThin' ye that these &alileans be#a"e sinners beyond all the &alileans, be#ause they have su!!ered su#h thingsb -/o ++ 0 say to you, but, i! ye "ay not re!or", all ye even so shall erish) .IOr those eighteen, on $ho" the to$er in Siloa" !ell, and 'illed the", thin' ye that these be#a"e debtors beyond all "en $ho are d$elling in 5erusale"b '/o ++ 0 say to you, but, i! ye "ay not re!or", all ye in li'e "anner shall erish)I /.nd he s a'e this si"ileF I. #ertain one had a !ig+tree lanted in his vineyard, and he #a"e see'ing !ruit in it, and he did not !ind, 0and he said unto the vine+dresser, Lo, three years 0 #o"e see'ing !ruit in this !ig+tree, and do not !ind, #ut it o!!, $hy also the ground doth it render uselessb $I.nd he ans$ering saith to hi", Sir, su!!er it also this year, till that 0 "ay dig about it, and #ast in dung, #`AURPAO WN VBONC NO ASVQ VQ YABUQ A`AMMNKKLOVNC ASVQ `NUB VQO MAKBKABQO QO VL ABXA `BKAVLC NXBaNO XNVA VQO ]SPBQO ASVQO ,YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC WLYNBVN LVB LB MAKBKABLB LSVLB AXAUVQKLB `AUA `AOVAC VLSC MAKBKABLSC NMNOLOVL LVB VLBASVA `N`LO]APBO -LSTB KNMQ SXBO AKK NAO XR XNVAOLRVN `AOVNC QPASVQC A`LKNBP]N .R NYNBOLB LB WNYA YAB LYVQ NZ LSC N`NPNO L `SUMLC NO VQ PBKQAX YAB A`NYVNBONO ASVLSC WLYNBVN LVB LSVLB LZNBKNVAB NMNOLOVL `AUA `AOVAC AO]UQ`LSC VLSC YAVLBYLSOVAC NO BNULSPAKRX 'LSTB KNMQ SXBO AKK NAO XR XNVAOLRVN `AOVNC LXLBQC A`LKNBP]N /NKNMNO WN VASVRO VRO `AUAHLKRO PSYRO NBTNO VBC NO VQ AX`NKQOB ASVLS `NZSVNSXNORO YAB RK]NO YAU`LO \RVQO NO ASVR YAB LST NSUNO 0NB`NO WN `ULC VLO AX`NKLSUMLO BWLS VUBA NVR NUTLXAB \RVQO YAU`LO NO VR PSYR VASVR YAB LST NSUBPYQ NYYLcLO ASVRO BOAVB YAB VRO MRO YAVAUMNB $L WN A`LYUB]NBC KNMNB ASVQ YSUBN AZNC ASVRO YAB VLSVL VL NVLC NQC LVLS PYAcQ `NUB ASVRO YAB HAKQ YL`UBAO
%and i! indeed it "ay bear !ruit ++, and i! not so, therea!ter thou shalt #ut it o!!)I #(.nd he $as tea#hing in one o! the synagogues on the sabbath, ##and lo, there $as a $o"an having a s irit o! in!ir"ity eighteen years, and she $as bo$ed together, and not able to bend ba#' at all, #,and 5esus having seen her, did #all IherI near, and said to her, IWo"an, thou hast been loosed !ro" thy in!ir"ity,I #-and he laid on her IhisI hands, and resently she $as set u right, and $as glori!ying &od) #..nd the #hie! o! the synagogue ans$ering ++ "u#h dis leased that on the sabbath 5esus healed ++ said to the "ultitude, ISi( days there are in $hi#h it behoveth IusI to be $or'ing, in these, then, #o"ing, be healed, and not on the sabbath+day)I #'Then the Lord ans$ered hi" and said, IHy o#rite, doth not ea#h o! you on the sabbath loose his o( or ass !ro" the stall, and having led a$ay, doth $ater IitIb #/and this one, being a daughter o! .braha", $ho" the .dversary bound, lo, eighteen years, did it not behove to be loosed !ro" this bond on the sabbath+daybI %YAO XNO `LBRPR YAU`LO NB WN XRMN NBC VL XNKKLO NYYLcNBC ASVRO #(RO WN WBWAPYQO NO XBA VQO PSOAMQMQO NO VLBC PAHHAPBO ##YAB BWLS MSOR RO `ONSXA NTLSPA AP]NONBAC NVR WNYA YAB LYVQ YAB RO PSMYS`VLSPA YAB XR WSOAXNOR AOAYScAB NBC VL `AOVNKNC #,BWQO WN ASVRO L BRPLSC `ULPNZQORPNO YAB NB`NO ASVR MSOAB A`LKNKSPAB VRC AP]NONBAC PLS #-YAB N`N]RYNO ASVR VAC TNBUAC YAB `AUATURXA AOQU]Q]R YAB NWLaA\NO VLO ]NLO #.A`LYUB]NBC WN L AUTBPSOAMQMLC AMAOAYVQO LVB VQ PAHHAVQ N]NUA`NSPNO L BRPLSC NKNMNO VQ LTKQ Na RXNUAB NBPBO NO ABC WNB NUMA\NP]AB NO VASVABC LSO NUTLXNOLB ]NUA`NSNP]N YAB XR VR RXNUA VLS PAHHAVLS #'A`NYUB]R LSO ASVQ L YSUBLC YAB NB`NO S`LYUBVA NYAPVLC SXQO VQ PAHHAVQ LS KSNB VLO HLSO ASVLS R VLO LOLO A`L VRC ZAVORC YAB A`AMAMQO `LVB\NB #/VASVRO WN ]SMAVNUA AHUAAX LSPAO RO NWRPNO L PAVAOAC BWLS WNYA YAB LYVQ NVR LSY NWNB KS]ROAB A`L VLS WNPXLS VLSVLS VR RXNUA VLS PAHHAVLS
#0.nd he saying these things, all $ho $ere o osed to hi" $ere being asha"ed, and all the "ultitude $ere re-oi#ing over all the glorious things that are being done by hi") #$.nd he said, ITo $hat is the reign o! &od li'eb and to $hat shall 0 li'en itb #%0t is li'e to a grain o! "ustard, $hi#h a "an having ta'en, did #ast into his garden, and it in#reased, and #a"e to a great tree, and the !o$ls o! the heavens did rest in its bran#hes)I ,(.nd again he said, ITo $hat shall 0 li'en the reign o! &odb ,#0t is li'e leaven, $hi#h a $o"an, having ta'en, did hide in three "easures o! "eal, till that all $as leavened)I ,,.nd he $as going through #ities and villages, tea#hing, and "a'ing rogress to$ard 5erusale", ,-and a #ertain one said to hi", ISir, are those saved !e$bI and he said unto the", ,.IBe striving to go in through the straight gate, be#ause "any, 0 say to you, $ill see' to go in, and shall not be able, #0YAB VASVA KNMLOVLC ASVLS YAVRPTSOLOVL `AOVNC LB AOVBYNBXNOLB ASVQ YAB `AC L LTKLC NTABUNO N`B `APBO VLBC NOWLaLBC VLBC MBOLXNOLBC S` ASVLS #$NKNMNO WN VBOB LXLBA NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS YAB VBOB LXLBQPQ ASVRO #%LXLBA NPVBO YLYYQ PBOA`NQC LO KAHQO AO]UQ`LC NHAKNO NBC YR`LO NASVLS YAB RSaRPNO YAB NMNONVL NBC WNOWULO XNMA YAB VA `NVNBOA VLS LSUAOLS YAVNPYROQPNO NO VLBC YKAWLBC ASVLS ,(YAB `AKBO NB`NO VBOB LXLBQPQ VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS ,#LXLBA NPVBO \SXR RO KAHLSPA MSOR NONYUScNO NBC AKNSULS PAVA VUBA NQC LS N\SXQ]R LKLO ,,YAB WBN`LUNSNVL YAVA `LKNBC YAB YQXAC WBWAPYQO YAB `LUNBAO `LBLSXNOLC NBC BNULSPAKRX ,-NB`NO WN VBC ASVQ YSUBN NB LKBMLB LB PQ\LXNOLB L WN NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC ,.AMQOB\NP]N NBPNK]NBO WBA VRC PVNORC `SKRC LVB `LKKLB KNMQ SXBO \RVRPLSPBO NBPNK]NBO YAB LSY BPTSPLSPBO
,'!ro" the ti"e the "aster o! the house "ay have risen u , and "ay have shut the door, and ye "ay begin $ithout to stand, and to 'no#' at the door, saying, Lord, lord, o en to us, and he ans$ering shall say to you, 0 have not 'no$n you $hen#e ye are, ,/then ye "ay begin to say, We did eat be!ore thee, and did drin', and in our broad la#es thou didst tea#h, ,0and he shall say, 0 say to you, 0 have not 'no$n you $hen#e ye are, de art !ro" "e, all ye $or'ers o! the unrighteousness) ,$IThere shall be there the $ee ing and the gnashing o! the teeth, $hen ye "ay see .braha", and 0saa#, and 5a#ob, and all the ro hets, in the reign o! &od, and yourselves being #ast out $ithout, ,%and they shall #o"e !ro" east and $est, and !ro" north and south, and shall re#line in the reign o! &od, ,'AZ LS AO NMNU]R L LBYLWNP`LVRC YAB A`LYKNBPR VRO ]SUAO YAB AUaRP]N NaQ NPVAOAB YAB YULSNBO VRO ]SUAO KNMLOVNC YSUBN YSUBN AOLBaLO RXBO YAB A`LYUB]NBC NUNB SXBO LSY LBWA SXAC `L]NO NPVN ,/VLVN AUaNP]N KNMNBO NZAMLXNO NOQ`BLO PLS YAB N`BLXNO YAB NO VABC `KAVNBABC RXQO NWBWAaAC ,0YAB NUNB KNMQ SXBO LSY LBWA SXAC `L]NO NPVN A`LPVRVN A` NXLS `AOVNC LB NUMAVAB VRC AWBYBAC ,$NYNB NPVAB L YKAS]XLC YAB L HUSMXLC VQO LWLOVQO LVAO LcRP]N AHUAAX YAB BPAAY YAB BAYQH YAB `AOVAC VLSC `ULZRVAC NO VR HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS SXAC WN NYHAKKLXNOLSC NaQ
,%YAB RaLSPBO A`L AOAVLKQO YAB WSPXQO YAB A`L HLUUA YAB OLVLS YAB AOAYKB]RPLOVAB NO VR HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS -(and lo, there are last $ho shall be -(YAB BWLS NBPBO NPTAVLB LB NPLOVAB !irst, and there are !irst $ho shall be `UQVLB YAB NBPBO `UQVLB LB NPLOVAB last)I NPTAVLB -#On that day there #a"e near #ertain -#NO ASVR VR RXNUA `ULPRK]LO VBONC Pharisees, saying to hi", I&o !orth, ZAUBPABLB KNMLOVNC ASVQ NaNK]N YAB and be going on hen#e, !or Herod doth `LUNSLS NOVNS]NO LVB RUQWRC ]NKNB PN $ish to 'ill thee,I A`LYVNBOAB
-,and he said to the", IHaving gone, say to this !o(, Lo, 0 #ast !orth de"ons, and er!e#t #ures to+day and to+ "orro$, and the third IdayI 0 a" being er!e#ted, --but it behoveth "e to+day, and to+ "orro$, and the IdayI !ollo$ing, to go on, be#ause it is not ossible !or a ro het to erish out o! 5erusale") -.I5erusale", 5erusale", that is 'illing the ro hets, and stoning those sent unto her, ho$ o!ten did 0 $ill to gather together thy #hildren, as a hen her brood under the $ings, and ye did not $ill) -'ILo, your house is being le!t to you desolate, and verily 0 say to you ++ ye "ay not see "e, till it "ay #o"e, $hen ye "ay say, Blessed IisI he $ho is #o"ing in the na"e o! the Lord)I -,YAB NB`NO ASVLBC `LUNS]NOVNC NB`AVN VR AKQ`NYB VASVR BWLS NYHAKKQ WABXLOBA YAB BAPNBC N`BVNKQ PRXNULO YAB ASUBLO YAB VR VUBVR VNKNBLSXAB --`KRO WNB XN PRXNULO YAB ASUBLO YAB VR NTLXNOR `LUNSNP]AB LVB LSY NOWNTNVAB `ULZRVRO A`LKNP]AB NaQ BNULSPAKRX -.BNULSPAKRX BNULSPAKRX R A`LYVNBOLSPA VLSC `ULZRVAC YAB KB]LHLKLSPA VLSC A`NPVAKXNOLSC `ULC ASVRO `LPAYBC R]NKRPA N`BPSOAaAB VA VNYOA PLS LO VUL`LO LUOBC VRO NASVRC OLPPBAO S`L VAC `VNUSMAC YAB LSY R]NKRPAVN -'BWLS AZBNVAB SXBO L LBYLC SXQO NURXLC AXRO WN KNMQ SXBO LVB LS XR XN BWRVN NQC AO RaR LVN NB`RVN NSKLMRXNOLC L NUTLXNOLC NO LOLXAVB YSUBLS
+hapter #.
#.nd it #a"e to ass, on his going into the house o! a #ertain one o! the #hie!s o! the Pharisees, on a sabbath, to eat bread, that they $ere $at#hing hi", ,and lo, there $as a #ertain dro si#al "an be!ore hi", -and 5esus ans$ering s a'e to the la$yers and Pharisees, saying, I0s it la$!ul on the sabbath+day to healbI .and they $ere silent, and having ta'en hold o! Ihi"I, he healed hi", and let Ihi"I go, 'and ans$ering the" he said, IO! $hi#h o! you shall an ass or o( !all into a it, and he $ill not i""ediately dra$ it u on the sabbath+daybI /and they $ere not able to ans$er hi" again unto these things) 0.nd he s a'e a si"ile unto those #alled, "ar'ing ho$ they $ere #hoosing out the !irst #ou#hes, saying unto the", $IWhen thou "ayest be #alled by any one to "arriage+!easts, thou "ayest not re#line on the !irst #ou#h, lest a "ore honourable than thou "ay have been #alled by hi", %and he $ho did #all thee and hi" having #o"e shall say to thee, &ive to this one la#e, and then thou "ayest begin $ith sha"e to o##u y the last la#e) #YAB NMNONVL NO VQ NK]NBO ASVLO NBC LBYLO VBOLC VQO AUTLOVQO VQO ZAUBPABQO PAHHAVQ ZAMNBO AUVLO YAB ASVLB RPAO `AUAVRULSXNOLB ASVLO ,YAB BWLS AO]UQ`LC VBC RO SWUQ`BYLC NX`ULP]NO ASVLS -YAB A`LYUB]NBC L BRPLSC NB`NO `ULC VLSC OLXBYLSC YAB ZAUBPABLSC KNMQO NB NaNPVBO VQ PAHHAVQ ]NUA`NSNBO .LB WN RPSTAPAO YAB N`BKAHLXNOLC BAPAVL ASVLO YAB A`NKSPNO 'YAB A`LYUB]NBC `ULC ASVLSC NB`NO VBOLC SXQO LOLC R HLSC NBC ZUNAU NX`NPNBVAB YAB LSY NS]NQC AOAP`APNB ASVLO NO VR RXNUA VLS PAHHAVLS /YAB LSY BPTSPAO AOVA`LYUB]ROAB ASVQ `ULC VASVA 0NKNMNO WN `ULC VLSC YNYKRXNOLSC `AUAHLKRO N`NTQO `QC VAC `UQVLYKBPBAC NaNKNMLOVL KNMQO `ULC ASVLSC $LVAO YKR]RC S`L VBOLC NBC MAXLSC XR YAVAYKB]RC NBC VRO `UQVLYKBPBAO XR`LVN NOVBXLVNULC PLS R YNYKRXNOLC S` ASVLS %YAB NK]QO L PN YAB ASVLO YAKNPAC NUNB PLB WLC VLSVQ VL`LO YAB VLVN AUaR XNV ABPTSORC VLO NPTAVLO VL`LO YAVNTNBO
#(IBut, $hen thou "ayest be #alled, having gone on, re#line in the last la#e, that $hen he $ho #alled thee "ay #o"e, he "ay say to thee, Friend, #o"e u higher, then thou shalt have glory be!ore those re#lining $ith thee, ##be#ause every one $ho is e(alting hi"sel! shall be hu"bled, and he $ho is hu"bling hi"sel! shall be e(alted)I #,.nd he said also to hi" $ho did #all hi", IWhen thou "ayest "a'e a dinner or a su er, be not #alling thy !riends, nor thy brethren, nor thy 'indred, nor ri#h neighbours, lest they "ay also #all thee again, and a re#o" ense "ay #o"e to thee, #-but $hen thou "ayest "a'e a !east, be #alling oor, "ai"ed, la"e, blind, #.and ha y thou shalt be, be#ause they have not to re#o" ense thee, !or it shall be re#o" ensed to thee in the rising again o! the righteous)I #'.nd one o! those re#lining $ith hi", having heard these things, said to hi", IHa y IisI he $ho shall eat bread in the reign o! &od,I #/and he said to hi", I. #ertain "an "ade a great su er, and #alled "any, #(AKK LVAO YKR]RC `LUNS]NBC AOA`NPLO NBC VLO NPTAVLO VL`LO BOA LVAO NK]R L YNYKRYQC PN NB`R PLB ZBKN `ULPAOAHR]B AOQVNULO VLVN NPVAB PLB WLaA NOQ`BLO VQO PSOAOAYNBXNOQO PLB ##LVB `AC L ScQO NASVLO VA`NBOQ]RPNVAB YAB L VA`NBOQO NASVLO ScQ]RPNVAB #,NKNMNO WN YAB VQ YNYKRYLVB ASVLO LVAO `LBRC AUBPVLO R WNB`OLO XR ZQONB VLSC ZBKLSC PLS XRWN VLSC AWNKZLSC PLS XRWN VLSC PSMMNONBC PLS XRWN MNBVLOAC `KLSPBLSC XR`LVN YAB ASVLB PN AOVBYAKNPQPBO YAB MNORVAB PLB AOVA`LWLXA #-AKK LVAO `LBRC WLTRO YAKNB `VQTLSC AOA`RULSC TQKLSC VSZKLSC #.YAB XAYAUBLC NPR LVB LSY NTLSPBO AOVA`LWLSOAB PLB AOVA`LWL]RPNVAB MAU PLB NO VR AOAPVAPNB VQO WBYABQO #'AYLSPAC WN VBC VQO PSOAOAYNBXNOQO VASVA NB`NO ASVQ XAYAUBLC LC ZAMNVAB AUVLO NO VR HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS
#/L WN NB`NO ASVQ AO]UQ`LC VBC N`LBRPNO WNB`OLO XNMA YAB NYAKNPNO `LKKLSC #0and he sent his servant at the hour o! #0YAB A`NPVNBKNO VLO WLSKLO ASVLS VR the su er to say to those having been QUA VLS WNB`OLS NB`NBO VLBC #alled, Be #o"ing, be#ause no$ are all YNYKRXNOLBC NUTNP]N LVB RWR NVLBXA things ready) NPVBO `AOVA
#$I.nd they began $ith one #onsent all to e(#use the"selvesF The !irst said to hi", . !ield 0 bought, and 0 have need to go !orth and see it, 0 beg o! thee, have "e e(#used) #%I.nd another said, Five yo'e o! o(en 0 bought, and 0 go on to rove the", 0 beg o! thee, have "e e(#usedF ,(and another said, . $i!e 0 "arried, and be#ause o! this 0 a" not able to #o"e) ,#I.nd that servant having #o"e, told to his lord these things, then the "aster o! the house, having been angry, said to his servant, &o !orth ?ui#'ly to the broad la#es and lanes o! the #ity, and the oor, and "ai"ed, and la"e, and blind, bring in hither) ,,I.nd the servant said, Sir, it hath been done as thou didst #o""and, and still there is roo") ,-I.nd the lord said unto the servant, &o !orth to the $ays and hedges, and #onstrain to #o"e in, that "y house "ay be !illed, ,.!or 0 say to you, that none o! those "en $ho have been #alled shall taste o! "y su er)I ,'.nd there $ere going on $ith hi" great "ultitudes, and having turned, he said unto the", #$YAB RUaAOVL A`L XBAC `AUABVNBP]AB `AOVNC L `UQVLC NB`NO ASVQ AMULO RMLUAPA YAB NTQ AOAMYRO NaNK]NBO YAB BWNBO ASVLO NUQVQ PN NTN XN `AURVRXNOLO #%YAB NVNULC NB`NO \NSMR HLQO RMLUAPA `NOVN YAB `LUNSLXAB WLYBXAPAB ASVA NUQVQ PN NTN XN `AURVRXNOLO ,(YAB NVNULC NB`NO MSOABYA NMRXA YAB WBA VLSVL LS WSOAXAB NK]NBO ,#YAB `AUAMNOLXNOLC L WLSKLC NYNBOLC A`RMMNBKNO VQ YSUBQ ASVLS VASVA VLVN LUMBP]NBC L LBYLWNP`LVRC NB`NO VQ WLSKQ ASVLS NaNK]N VATNQC NBC VAC `KAVNBAC YAB USXAC VRC `LKNQC YAB VLSC `VQTLSC YAB AOA`RULSC YAB TQKLSC YAB VSZKLSC NBPAMAMN QWN ,,YAB NB`NO L WLSKLC YSUBN MNMLONO QC N`NVAaAC YAB NVB VL`LC NPVBO ,-YAB NB`NO L YSUBLC `ULC VLO WLSKLO NaNK]N NBC VAC LWLSC YAB ZUAMXLSC YAB AOAMYAPLO NBPNK]NBO BOA MNXBP]R L LBYLC XLS ,.KNMQ MAU SXBO LVB LSWNBC VQO AOWUQO NYNBOQO VQO YNYKRXNOQO MNSPNVAB XLS VLS WNB`OLS ,'PSON`LUNSLOVL WN ASVQ LTKLB `LKKLB YAB PVUAZNBC NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC
,/I0! any one doth #o"e unto "e, and doth not hate his o$n !ather, and "other, and $i!e, and #hildren, and brothers, and sisters, and yet even his o$n li!e, he is not able to be "y dis#i le, ,0and $hoever doth not bear his #ross, and #o"e a!ter "e, is not able to be "y dis#i le) ,$IFor $ho o! you, $illing to build a to$er, doth not !irst, having sat do$n, #ount the e( ense, $hether he have the things !or #o" letingb ,%lest that he having laid a !oundation, and not being able to !inish, all $ho are beholding "ay begin to "o#' hi", -(saying ++ This "an began to build, and $as not able to !inish) -#IOr $hat 'ing going on to engage $ith another 'ing in $ar, doth not, having sat do$n, !irst #onsult i! he be able $ith ten thousand to "eet hi" $ho $ith t$enty thousand is #o"ing against hi"b -,and i! not so ++ he being yet a long $ay o!! ++ having sent an e"bassy, he doth as' the things !or ea#e) --ISo, then, every one o! you $ho doth not ta'e leave o! all that he hi"sel! hath, is not able to be "y dis#i le) ,/NB VBC NUTNVAB `ULC XN YAB LS XBPNB VLO `AVNUA NASVLS YAB VRO XRVNUA YAB VRO MSOABYA YAB VA VNYOA YAB VLSC AWNKZLSC YAB VAC AWNKZAC NVB WN YAB VRO NASVLS cSTRO LS WSOAVAB XLS XA]RVRC NBOAB ,0YAB LPVBC LS HAPVA\NB VLO PVASULO ASVLS YAB NUTNVAB L`BPQ XLS LS WSOAVAB XLS NBOAB XA]RVRC ,$VBC MAU Na SXQO ]NKQO `SUMLO LBYLWLXRPAB LSTB `UQVLO YA]BPAC cRZB\NB VRO WA`AORO NB NTNB VA `ULC A`AUVBPXLO ,%BOA XR`LVN ]NOVLC ASVLS ]NXNKBLO YAB XR BPTSLOVLC NYVNKNPAB `AOVNC LB ]NQULSOVNC AUaQOVAB NX`AB\NBO ASVQ -(KNMLOVNC LVB LSVLC L AO]UQ`LC RUaAVL LBYLWLXNBO YAB LSY BPTSPNO NYVNKNPAB -#R VBC HAPBKNSC `LUNSLXNOLC PSXHAKNBO NVNUQ HAPBKNB NBC `LKNXLO LSTB YA]BPAC `UQVLO HLSKNSNVAB NB WSOAVLC NPVBO NO WNYA TBKBAPBO A`AOVRPAB VQ XNVA NBYLPB TBKBAWQO NUTLXNOQ N` ASVLO -,NB WN XRMN NVB ASVLS `LUUQ LOVLC `UNPHNBAO A`LPVNBKAC NUQVA VA `ULC NBURORO --LSVQC LSO `AC Na SXQO LC LSY A`LVAPPNVAB `APBO VLBC NASVLS S`AUTLSPBO LS WSOAVAB XLS NBOAB XA]RVRC
-.IThe salt IisI good, but i! the salt doth be#o"e tasteless, $ith $hat shall it be seasonedb -'neither !or land nor !or "anure is it !it ++ they #ast it $ithout) He $ho is having ears to hear ++ let hi" hear)I -.YAKLO VL AKAC NAO WN VL AKAC XQUAO]R NO VBOB AUVS]RPNVAB -'LSVN NBC MRO LSVN NBC YL`UBAO NS]NVLO NPVBO NaQ HAKKLSPBO ASVL L NTQO QVA AYLSNBO AYLSNVQ
+hapter #'
#.nd all the ta(+gatherers and the sinners $ere #o"ing nigh to hi", to hear hi", ,and the Pharisees and the s#ribes $ere "ur"uring, saying ++ This one doth re#eive sinners, and doth eat $ith the")I -.nd he s a'e unto the" this si"ile, saying, .IWhat "an o! you having a hundred shee , and having lost one out o! the", doth not leave behind the ninety+nine in the $ilderness, and go on a!ter the lost one, till he "ay !ind itb 'and having !ound, he doth lay IitI on his shoulders re-oi#ing, /and having #o"e to the house, he doth #all together the !riends and the neighbours, saying to the", Re-oi#e $ith "e, be#ause 0 !ound "y shee ++ the lost one) 0I0 say to you, that so -oy shall be in the heaven over one sinner re!or"ing, rather than over ninety+nine righteous "en, $ho have no need o! re!or"ation) $IOr $hat $o"an having ten dra#h"s, i! she "ay lose one dra#h", doth not light a la" , and s$ee the house, and see' #are!ully till that she "ay !indb #RPAO WN NMMB\LOVNC ASVQ `AOVNC LB VNKQOAB YAB LB AXAUVQKLB AYLSNBO ASVLS ,YAB WBNMLMMS\LO LB ZAUBPABLB YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC KNMLOVNC LVB LSVLC AXAUVQKLSC `ULPWNTNVAB YAB PSONP]BNB ASVLBC -NB`NO WN `ULC ASVLSC VRO `AUAHLKRO VASVRO KNMQO .VBC AO]UQ`LC Na SXQO NTQO NYAVLO `ULHAVA YAB A`LKNPAC NO Na ASVQO LS YAVAKNB`NB VA NOONORYLOVANOONA NO VR NURXQ YAB `LUNSNVAB N`B VL A`LKQKLC NQC NSUR ASVL 'YAB NSUQO N`BVB]RPBO N`B VLSC QXLSC NASVLS TABUQO /YAB NK]QO NBC VLO LBYLO PSMYAKNB VLSC ZBKLSC YAB VLSC MNBVLOAC KNMQO ASVLBC PSMTAURVN XLB LVB NSULO VL `ULHAVLO XLS VL A`LKQKLC 0KNMQ SXBO LVB LSVQC TAUA NPVAB NO VQ LSUAOQ N`B NOB AXAUVQKQ XNVAOLLSOVB R N`B NOONORYLOVANOONA WBYABLBC LBVBONC LS TUNBAO NTLSPBO XNVAOLBAC $R VBC MSOR WUATXAC NTLSPA WNYA NAO A`LKNPR WUATXRO XBAO LSTB A`VNB KSTOLO YAB PAULB VRO LBYBAO YAB \RVNB N`BXNKQC NQC LVLS NSUR
%and having !ound, she doth #all together the !e"ale !riends and the neighbours, saying, Re-oi#e $ith "e, !or 0 !ound the dra#h" that 0 lost) #(ISo 0 say to you, -oy doth #o"e be!ore the "essengers o! &od over one sinner re!or"ing)I ##.nd he said, I. #ertain "an had t$o sons, #,and the younger o! the" said to the !ather, Father, give "e the ortion o! the substan#e !alling to I"eI, and he divided to the" the living) #-I.nd not "any days a!ter, having gathered all together, the younger son $ent abroad to a !ar #ountry, and there he s#attered his substan#e, living riotously, #.and he having s ent all, there #a"e a "ighty !a"ine on that #ountry, and hi"sel! began to be in $ant, #'and having gone on, he -oined hi"sel! to one o! the #itiEens o! that #ountry, and he sent hi" to the !ields to !eed s$ine, #/and he $as desirous to !ill his belly !ro" the hus's that the s$ine $ere eating, and no one $as giving to hi") #0I.nd having #o"e to hi"sel!, he said, Ho$ "any hirelings o! "y !ather have a su erabundan#e o! bread, and 0 here $ith hunger a" erishingd %YAB NSULSPA PSMYAKNBVAB VAC ZBKAC YAB VAC MNBVLOAC KNMLSPA PSMTAURVN XLB LVB NSULO VRO WUATXRO RO A`QKNPA #(LSVQC KNMQ SXBO TAUA MBONVAB NOQ`BLO VQO AMMNKQO VLS ]NLS N`B NOB AXAUVQKQ XNVAOLLSOVB ##NB`NO WN AO]UQ`LC VBC NBTNO WSL SBLSC #,YAB NB`NO L ONQVNULC ASVQO VQ `AVUB `AVNU WLC XLB VL N`BHAKKLO XNULC VRC LSPBAC YAB WBNBKNO ASVLBC VLO HBLO #-YAB XNV LS `LKKAC RXNUAC PSOAMAMQO A`AOVA L ONQVNULC SBLC A`NWRXRPNO NBC TQUAO XAYUAO YAB NYNB WBNPYLU`BPNO VRO LSPBAO ASVLS \QO APQVQC #.WA`AORPAOVLC WN ASVLS `AOVA NMNONVL KBXLC BPTSULC YAVA VRO TQUAO NYNBORO YAB ASVLC RUaAVL SPVNUNBP]AB #'YAB `LUNS]NBC NYLKKR]R NOB VQO `LKBVQO VRC TQUAC NYNBORC YAB N`NXcNO ASVLO NBC VLSC AMULSC ASVLS HLPYNBO TLBULSC #/YAB N`N]SXNB MNXBPAB VRO YLBKBAO ASVLS A`L VQO YNUAVBQO QO RP]BLO LB TLBULB YAB LSWNBC NWBWLS ASVQ #0NBC NASVLO WN NK]QO NB`NO `LPLB XBP]BLB VLS `AVULC XLS `NUBPPNSLSPBO AUVQO NMQ WN KBXQ A`LKKSXAB
#$having risen, 0 $ill go on unto "y !ather, and $ill say to hi", Father, 0 did sin ++ to the heaven, and be!ore thee, #%and no "ore a" 0 $orthy to be #alled thy son, "a'e "e as one o! thy hirelings) ,(I.nd having risen, he $ent unto his o$n !ather, and he being yet !ar distant, his !ather sa$ hi", and $as "oved $ith #o" assion, and having ran he !ell u on his ne#' and 'issed hi", ,#and the son said to hi", Father, 0 did sin ++ to the heaven, and be!ore thee, and no "ore a" 0 $orthy to be #alled thy son) ,,I.nd the !ather said unto his servants, Bring !orth the !irst robe, and #lothe hi", and give a ring !or his hand, and sandals !or the !eet, ,-and having brought the !atted #al!, 'ill IitI, and having eaten, $e "ay be "erry, ,.be#ause this "y son $as dead, and did live again, and he $as lost, and $as !ound, and they began to be "erry) ,'I.nd his elder son $as in a !ield, and as, #o"ing, he dre$ nigh to the house, he heard "usi# and dan#ing, #$AOAPVAC `LUNSPLXAB `ULC VLO `AVNUA XLS YAB NUQ ASVQ `AVNU RXAUVLO NBC VLO LSUAOLO YAB NOQ`BLO PLS #%YAB LSYNVB NBXB AaBLC YKR]ROAB SBLC PLS `LBRPLO XN QC NOA VQO XBP]BQO PLS ,(YAB AOAPVAC RK]NO `ULC VLO `AVNUA NASVLS NVB WN ASVLS XAYUAO A`NTLOVLC NBWNO ASVLO L `AVRU ASVLS YAB NP`KAMTOBP]R YAB WUAXQO N`N`NPNO N`B VLO VUATRKLO ASVLS YAB YAVNZBKRPNO ASVLO ,#NB`NO WN ASVQ L SBLC `AVNU RXAUVLO NBC VLO LSUAOLO YAB NOQ`BLO PLS YAB LSYNVB NBXB AaBLC YKR]ROAB SBLC PLS ,,NB`NO WN L `AVRU `ULC VLSC WLSKLSC ASVLS NaNONMYAVN VRO PVLKRO VRO `UQVRO YAB NOWSPAVN ASVLO YAB WLVN WAYVSKBLO NBC VRO TNBUA ASVLS YAB S`LWRXAVA NBC VLSC `LWAC ,-YAB NONMYAOVNC VLO XLPTLO VLO PBVNSVLO ]SPAVN YAB ZAMLOVNC NSZUAO]QXNO ,.LVB LSVLC L SBLC XLS ONYULC RO YAB AON\RPNO YAB A`LKQKQC RO YAB NSUN]R YAB RUaAOVL NSZUABONP]AB ,'RO WN L SBLC ASVLS L `UNPHSVNULC NO AMUQ YAB QC NUTLXNOLC RMMBPNO VR LBYBA RYLSPNO PSXZQOBAC YAB TLUQO
,/and having #alled near one o! the young "en, he $as in?uiring $hat these things "ight be, ,0and he said to hi" ++ Thy brother is arrived, and thy !ather did 'ill the !atted #al!, be#ause in health he did re#eive hi" ba#') ,$I.nd he $as angry, and $ould not go in, there!ore his !ather, having #o"e !orth, $as entreating hi", ,%and he ans$ering said to the !ather, Lo, so "any years 0 do serve thee, and never thy #o""and did 0 transgress, and to "e thou didst never give a 'id, that $ith "y !riends 0 "ight "a'e "erry, -(but $hen thy son ++ this one $ho did devour thy living $ith harlots ++ #a"e, thou didst 'ill to hi" the !atted #al!) -#I.nd he said to hi", Dhild, thou art al$ays $ith "e, and all "y things are thine, -,but to be "erry, and to be glad, it $as need!ul, be#ause this thy brother $as dead, and did live again, he $as lost, and $as !ound)I ,/YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC NOA VQO `ABWQO ASVLS N`SO]AONVL VB NBR VASVA ,0L WN NB`NO ASVQ LVB L AWNKZLC PLS RYNB YAB N]SPNO L `AVRU PLS VLO XLPTLO VLO PBVNSVLO LVB SMBABOLOVA ASVLO A`NKAHNO ,$QUMBP]R WN YAB LSY R]NKNO NBPNK]NBO L LSO `AVRU ASVLS NaNK]QO `AUNYAKNB ASVLO ,%L WN A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO VQ `AVUB BWLS VLPASVA NVR WLSKNSQ PLB YAB LSWN`LVN NOVLKRO PLS `AURK]LO YAB NXLB LSWN`LVN NWQYAC NUBZLO BOA XNVA VQO ZBKQO XLS NSZUAO]Q -(LVN WN L SBLC PLS LSVLC L YAVAZAMQO PLS VLO HBLO XNVA `LUOQO RK]NO N]SPAC ASVQ VLO XLPTLO VLO PBVNSVLO -#L WN NB`NO ASVQ VNYOLO PS `AOVLVN XNV NXLS NB YAB `AOVA VA NXA PA NPVBO -,NSZUAO]ROAB WN YAB TAUROAB NWNB LVB L AWNKZLC PLS LSVLC ONYULC RO YAB AON\RPNO YAB A`LKQKQC RO YAB NSUN]R
+hapter #/
#.nd he said also unto his dis#i les, I. #ertain "an $as ri#h, $ho had a ste$ard, and he $as a##used to hi" as s#attering his goods, ,and having #alled hi", he said to hi", What IisI this 0 hear about theeb render the a##ount o! thy ste$ardshi , !or thou "ayest not any longer be ste$ard) -I.nd the ste$ard said in hi"sel!, What shall 0 do, be#ause "y lord doth ta'e a$ay the ste$ardshi !ro" "eb to dig 0 a" not able, to beg 0 a" asha"edF ++ .0 have 'no$n $hat 0 shall do, that, $hen 0 "ay be re"oved !ro" the ste$ardshi , they "ay re#eive "e to their houses) 'I.nd having #alled near ea#h one o! his lordIs debtors, he said to the !irst, Ho$ "u#h dost thou o$e to "y lordb #NKNMNO WN YAB `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC ASVLS AO]UQ`LC VBC RO `KLSPBLC LC NBTNO LBYLOLXLO YAB LSVLC WBNHKR]R ASVQ QC WBAPYLU`B\QO VA S`AUTLOVA ASVLS ,YAB ZQORPAC ASVLO NB`NO ASVQ VB VLSVL AYLSQ `NUB PLS A`LWLC VLO KLMLO VRC LBYLOLXBAC PLS LS MAU WSORPR NVB LBYLOLXNBO -NB`NO WN NO NASVQ L LBYLOLXLC VB `LBRPQ LVB L YSUBLC XLS AZABUNBVAB VRO LBYLOLXBAO A` NXLS PYA`VNBO LSY BPTSQ N`ABVNBO ABPTSOLXAB .NMOQO VB `LBRPQ BOA LVAO XNVAPVA]Q VRC LBYLOLXBAC WNaQOVAB XN NBC VLSC LBYLSC ASVQO
'YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC NOA NYAPVLO VQO TUNQZNBKNVQO VLS YSUBLS NASVLS NKNMNO VQ `UQVQ `LPLO LZNBKNBC VQ YSUBQ XLS /and he said, . hundred baths o! oil, /L WN NB`NO NYAVLO HAVLSC NKABLS YAB and he said to hi", Ta'e thy bill, and NB`NO ASVQ WNaAB PLS VL MUAXXA YAB having sat do$n $rite !i!ty) YA]BPAC VATNQC MUAcLO `NOVRYLOVA 0I.!ter$ard to another he said, .nd 0N`NBVA NVNUQ NB`NO PS WN `LPLO thou, ho$ "u#h dost thou o$eb and he LZNBKNBC L WN NB`NO NYAVLO YLULSC said, . hundred #ors o! $heat, and he PBVLS YAB KNMNB ASVQ WNaAB PLS VL saith to hi", Ta'e thy bill, and $rite MUAXXA YAB MUAcLO LMWLRYLOVA eighty)
$I.nd the lord #o""ended the unrighteous ste$ard that he did rudently, be#ause the sons o! this age are "ore rudent than the sons o! the light, in res e#t to their generation) %and 0 say to you, @a'e to yourselves !riends out o! the "a""on o! unrighteousness, that $hen ye "ay !ail, they "ay re#eive you to the age+ during taberna#les) #(IHe $ho is !aith!ul in the least, IisI also !aith!ul in "u#h, and he $ho in the least IisI unrighteous, is also unrighteous in "u#h, ##i!, then, in the unrighteous "a""on ye be#a"e not !aith!ul ++ the true $ho $ill entrust to youb #,and i! in the otherIs ye be#a"e not !aith!ul ++ your o$n, $ho shall give to youb #-I/o do"esti# is able to serve t$o lords, !or either the one he $ill hate, and the other he $ill love, or one he $ill hold to, and o! the other he $ill be heedless, ye are not able to serve &od and "a""on)I #..nd also the Pharisees, being lovers o! "oney, $ere hearing all these things, and $ere deriding hi", $YAB N`RONPNO L YSUBLC VLO LBYLOLXLO VRC AWBYBAC LVB ZULOBXQC N`LBRPNO LVB LB SBLB VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS ZULOBXQVNULB S`NU VLSC SBLSC VLS ZQVLC NBC VRO MNONAO VRO NASVQO NBPBO %YAMQ SXBO KNMQ `LBRPAVN NASVLBC ZBKLSC NY VLS XAXQOA VRC AWBYBAC BOA LVAO NYKB`RVN WNaQOVAB SXAC NBC VAC ABQOBLSC PYROAC #(L `BPVLC NO NKATBPVQ YAB NO `LKKQ `BPVLC NPVBO YAB L NO NKATBPVQ AWBYLC YAB NO `LKKQ AWBYLC NPVBO ##NB LSO NO VQ AWBYQ XAXQOA `BPVLB LSY NMNONP]N VL AKR]BOLO VBC SXBO `BPVNSPNB #,YAB NB NO VQ AKKLVUBQ `BPVLB LSY NMNONP]N VL SXNVNULO VBC SXBO WQPNB #-LSWNBC LBYNVRC WSOAVAB WSPB YSUBLBC WLSKNSNBO R MAU VLO NOA XBPRPNB YAB VLO NVNULO AMA`RPNB R NOLC AO]NaNVAB YAB VLS NVNULS YAVAZULORPNB LS WSOAP]N ]NQ WLSKNSNBO YAB XAXQOA #.RYLSLO WN VASVA `AOVA YAB LB ZAUBPABLB ZBKAUMSULB S`AUTLOVNC YAB NaNXSYVRUB\LO ASVLO
#'and he said to the", I4e are those de#laring yourselves righteous be!ore "en, but &od doth 'no$ your hearts, be#ause that $hi#h a"ong "en is high, IisI abo"ination be!ore &od, #'YAB NB`NO ASVLBC SXNBC NPVN LB WBYABLSOVNC NASVLSC NOQ`BLO VQO AO]UQ`QO L WN ]NLC MBOQPYNB VAC YAUWBAC SXQO LVB VL NO AO]UQ`LBC ScRKLO HWNKSMXA NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS NPVBO #/the la$ and the ro hets IareI till #/L OLXLC YAB LB `ULZRVAB NQC 5ohn, sin#e then the reign o! &od is BQAOOLS A`L VLVN R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS ro#lai"ed good ne$s, and every one NSAMMNKB\NVAB YAB `AC NBC ASVRO doth ress into it, HBA\NVAB #0and it is easier to the heaven and the #0NSYL`QVNULO WN NPVBO VLO LSUAOLO earth to ass a$ay, than o! the la$ one YAB VRO MRO `AUNK]NBO R VLS OLXLS tittle to !all) XBAO YNUABAO `NPNBO #$IEvery one $ho is sending a$ay his #$`AC L A`LKSQO VRO MSOABYA ASVLS $i!e, and "arrying another, doth YAB MAXQO NVNUAO XLBTNSNB YAB `AC L #o""it adultery, and every one $ho is A`LKNKSXNORO A`L AOWULC MAXQO "arrying her sent a$ay !ro" a XLBTNSNB husband doth #o""it adultery) #%I.nd ++ a #ertain "an $as ri#h, and #%AO]UQ`LC WN VBC RO `KLSPBLC YAB $as #lothed in ur le and !ine linen, NONWBWSPYNVL `LUZSUAO YAB HSPPLO "a'ing "erry su" tuously every day, NSZUABOLXNOLC YA] RXNUAO KAX`UQC ,(and there $as a #ertain oor "an, ,(`VQTLC WN VBC RO LOLXAVB KA\AULC by na"e LaEarus, $ho $as laid at his LC NHNHKRVL `ULC VLO `SKQOA ASVLS or#h, !ull o! sores, RKYQXNOLC ,#and desiring to be !illed !ro" the ,#YAB N`B]SXQO TLUVAP]ROAB A`L VQO #ru"bs that are !alling !ro" the table cBTBQO VQO `B`VLOVQO A`L VRC o! the ri#h "an, yea, also the dogs, VUA`N\RC VLS `KLSPBLS AKKA YAB LB #o"ing, $ere li#'ing his sores) YSONC NUTLXNOLB A`NKNBTLO VA NKYR ASVLS ,,I.nd it #a"e to ass, that the oor ,,NMNONVL WN A`L]AONBO VLO `VQTLO "an died, and that he $as #arried YAB A`NONT]ROAB ASVLO S`L VQO a$ay by the "essengers to the boso" AMMNKQO NBC VLO YLK`LO VLS AHUAAX o! .braha" ++ and the ri#h "an also A`N]AONO WN YAB L `KLSPBLC YAB NVAZR died, and $as buried, ::1
,-and in the hades having li!ted u his eyes, being in tor"ents, he doth see .braha" a!ar o!!, and LaEarus in his boso", ,-YAB NO VQ AWR N`AUAC VLSC LZ]AKXLSC ASVLS S`AUTQO NO HAPAOLBC LUA VLO AHUAAX A`L XAYUL]NO YAB KA\AULO NO VLBC YLK`LBC ASVLS ,.and having #ried, he said, Father ,.YAB ASVLC ZQORPAC NB`NO `AVNU .braha", deal 'indly $ith "e, and AHUAAX NKNRPLO XN YAB `NXcLO send LaEarus, that he "ay di the ti KA\AULO BOA HAcR VL AYULO VLS o! his !inger in $ater, and "ay #ool WAYVSKLS ASVLS SWAVLC YAB YAVAcSaR "y tongue, be#ause 0 a" distressed in VRO MKQPPAO XLS LVB LWSOQXAB NO VR this !la"e) ZKLMB VASVR ,'I.nd .braha" said, Dhild, ,'NB`NO WN AHUAAX VNYOLO XORP]RVB re"e"ber that thou did re#eive ++ thou LVB A`NKAHNC PS VA AMA]A PLS NO VR ++ thy good things in thy li!e, and \QR PLS YAB KA\AULC LXLBQC VA YAYA LaEarus in li'e "anner the evil things, OSO WN LWN `AUAYAKNBVAB PS WN and no$ he is #o"!orted, and thou art LWSOAPAB distressed, ,/and besides all these things, ,/YAB N`B `APBO VLSVLBC XNVAaS RXQO bet$een us and you a great #has" is YAB SXQO TAPXA XNMA NPVRUBYVAB L`QC !i(ed, so that they $ho are $illing to LB ]NKLOVNC WBAHROAB NOVNS]NO `ULC go over !ro" hen#e unto you are not SXAC XR WSOQOVAB XRWN LB NYNB]NO able, nor do they !ro" then#e to us `ULC RXAC WBA`NUQPBO ass through) ,0I.nd he said, 0 ray thee, then, ,0NB`NO WN NUQVQ LSO PN `AVNU BOA !ather, that thou "ayest send hi" to `NXcRC ASVLO NBC VLO LBYLO VLS the house o! "y !ather, `AVULC XLS ,$!or 0 have !ive brothers, so that he ,$NTQ MAU `NOVN AWNKZLSC L`QC "ay thoroughly testi!y to the", that WBAXAUVSURVAB ASVLBC BOA XR YAB ASVLB they also "ay not #o"e to this la#e o! NK]QPBO NBC VLO VL`LO VLSVLO VRC tor"ent) HAPAOLS ,%I.braha" saith to hi", They have ,%KNMNB ASVQ AHUAAX NTLSPBO XQPNA @oses and the ro hets, let the" hear YAB VLSC `ULZRVAC AYLSPAVQPAO the", ASVQO
-(and he said, /o, !ather .braha", but i! any one !ro" the dead "ay go unto the", they $ill re!or") -#.nd he said to hi", 0! @oses and the ro hets they do not hear, neither i! one "ay rise out o! the dead $ill they be ersuaded)I -(L WN NB`NO LSTB `AVNU AHUAAX AKK NAO VBC A`L ONYUQO `LUNS]R `ULC ASVLSC XNVAOLRPLSPBO -#NB`NO WN ASVQ NB XQPNQC YAB VQO `ULZRVQO LSY AYLSLSPBO LSWN NAO VBC NY ONYUQO AOAPVR `NBP]RPLOVAB
+hapter #0
#.nd he said unto the dis#i les, I0t is i" ossible !or the stu"bling blo#'s not to #o"e, but $o Ito hi"I through $ho" they #o"e, ,it is "ore ro!itable to hi" i! a $eighty "illstone is ut round about his ne#', and he hath been #ast into the sea, than that he "ay #ause one o! these little ones to stu"ble) -ITa'e heed to yourselves, and, i! thy brother "ay sin in regard to thee, rebu'e hi", and i! he "ay re!or", !orgive hi", .and i! seven ti"es in the day he "ay sin against thee, and seven ti"es in the day "ay turn ba#' to thee, saying, 0 re!or", thou shalt !orgive hi")I '.nd the a ostles said to the Lord, I.dd to us !aith,I /and the Lord said, I0! ye had !aith as a grain o! "ustard, ye $ould have said to this sy#a"ine, Be u rooted, and be lanted in the sea, and it $ould have obeyed you) 0IBut, $ho is he o! you ++ having a servant loughing or !eeding ++ $ho, to hi" having #o"e in out o! the !ield, $ill say, Having #o"e near, re#line at "eatb #NB`NO WN `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC AONOWNYVLO NPVBO VLS XR NK]NBO VA PYAOWAKA LSAB WN WB LS NUTNVAB ,KSPBVNKNB ASVQ NB XSKLC LOBYLC `NUBYNBVAB `NUB VLO VUATRKLO ASVLS YAB NUUB`VAB NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO R BOA PYAOWAKBPR NOA VQO XBYUQO VLSVQO -`ULPNTNVN NASVLBC NAO WN AXAUVR NBC PN L AWNKZLC PLS N`BVBXRPLO ASVQ YAB NAO XNVAOLRPR AZNC ASVQ .YAB NAO N`VAYBC VRC RXNUAC AXAUVR NBC PN YAB N`VAYBC VRC RXNUAC N`BPVUNcR N`B PN KNMQO XNVAOLQ AZRPNBC ASVQ 'YAB NB`LO LB A`LPVLKLB VQ YSUBQ `ULP]NC RXBO `BPVBO /NB`NO WN L YSUBLC NB NBTNVN `BPVBO QC YLYYLO PBOA`NQC NKNMNVN AO VR PSYAXBOQ VASVR NYUB\Q]RVB YAB ZSVNS]RVB NO VR ]AKAPPR YAB S`RYLSPNO AO SXBO 0VBC WN Na SXQO WLSKLO NTQO AULVUBQOVA R `LBXABOLOVA LC NBPNK]LOVB NY VLS AMULS NUNB NS]NQC `AUNK]QO AOA`NPAB
$but $ill not IratherI say to hi", Pre are $hat 0 "ay su , and having girded thysel! about, "inister to "e, till 0 eat and drin', and a!ter these things thou shalt eat and drin'b %Hath he !avour to that servant be#ause he did the things dire#tedb 0 thin' not) #(ISo also ye, $hen ye "ay have done all the things dire#ted you, say ++ We are un ro!itable servants, be#ause that $hi#h $e o$ed to do ++ $e have done)I ##.nd it #a"e to ass, in his going on to 5erusale", that he assed through the "idst o! Sa"aria and &alilee, #,and he entering into a #ertain village, there "et hi" ten le rous "en, $ho stood a!ar o!!, #-and they li!ted u the voi#e, saying, I5esus, "aster, deal 'indly $ith us,I #.and having seen Ithe"I, he said to the", IHaving gone on, she$ yourselves to the riests,I and it #a"e to ass, in their going, they $ere #leansed, #'and one o! the" having seen that he $as healed did turn ba#', $ith a loud voi#e glori!ying &od, #/and he !ell u on IhisI !a#e at his !eet, giving than's to hi", and he $as a Sa"aritan) #0.nd 5esus ans$ering said, IWere not the ten #leansed, and the nine ++ $hereb $AKK LSTB NUNB ASVQ NVLBXAPLO VB WNB`ORPQ YAB `NUB\QPAXNOLC WBAYLONB XLB NQC ZAMQ YAB `BQ YAB XNVA VASVA ZAMNPAB YAB `BNPAB PS %XR TAUBO NTNB VQ WLSKQ NYNBOQ LVB N`LBRPNO VA WBAVAT]NOVA ASVQ LS WLYQ #(LSVQC YAB SXNBC LVAO `LBRPRVN `AOVA VA WBAVAT]NOVA SXBO KNMNVN LVB WLSKLB ATUNBLB NPXNO LVB L QZNBKLXNO `LBRPAB `N`LBRYAXNO ##YAB NMNONVL NO VQ `LUNSNP]AB ASVLO NBC BNULSPAKRX YAB ASVLC WBRUTNVL WBA XNPLS PAXAUNBAC YAB MAKBKABAC #,YAB NBPNUTLXNOLS ASVLS NBC VBOA YQXRO A`ROVRPAO ASVQ WNYA KN`ULB AOWUNC LB NPVRPAO `LUUQ]NO #-YAB ASVLB RUAO ZQORO KNMLOVNC BRPLS N`BPVAVA NKNRPLO RXAC #.YAB BWQO NB`NO ASVLBC `LUNS]NOVNC N`BWNBaAVN NASVLSC VLBC BNUNSPBO YAB NMNONVL NO VQ S`AMNBO ASVLSC NYA]AUBP]RPAO #'NBC WN Na ASVQO BWQO LVB BA]R S`NPVUNcNO XNVA ZQORC XNMAKRC WLaA\QO VLO ]NLO #/YAB N`NPNO N`B `ULPQ`LO `AUA VLSC `LWAC ASVLS NSTAUBPVQO ASVQ YAB ASVLC RO PAXAUNBVRC #0A`LYUB]NBC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO LSTB LB WNYA NYA]AUBP]RPAO LB WN NOONA `LS
#$There $ere not !ound $ho did turn ba#' to give glory to &od, e(#e t this alien,I #%and he said to hi", IHaving risen, be going on, thy !aith hath saved thee)I ,(.nd having been ?uestioned by the Pharisees, $hen the reign o! &od doth #o"e, he ans$ered the", and said, IThe reign o! &od doth not #o"e $ith observation, ,#nor shall they say, Lo, here, or lo, there, !or lo, the reign o! &od is $ithin you)I ,,.nd he said unto his dis#i les, IDays $ill #o"e, $hen ye shall desire to see one o! the days o! the Son o! @an, and ye shall not behold IitI, ,-and they shall say to you, Lo, here, or lo, there, ye "ay not go a$ay, nor !ollo$, ,.!or as the lightning that is lightening out o! the one I artI under heaven, to the other art under heaven doth shine, so shall be also the Son o! @an in his day, ,'and !irst it behoveth hi" to su!!er "any things, and to be re-e#ted by this generation) ,/I.nd, as it #a"e to ass in the days o! /oah, so shall it be also in the days o! the Son o! @an, #$LST NSUN]RPAO S`LPVUNcAOVNC WLSOAB WLaAO VQ ]NQ NB XR L AKKLMNORC LSVLC #%YAB NB`NO ASVQ AOAPVAC `LUNSLS R `BPVBC PLS PNPQYNO PN ,(N`NUQVR]NBC WN S`L VQO ZAUBPABQO `LVN NUTNVAB R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS A`NYUB]R ASVLBC YAB NB`NO LSY NUTNVAB R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS XNVA `AUAVRURPNQC ,#LSWN NULSPBO BWLS QWN R BWLS NYNB BWLS MAU R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS NOVLC SXQO NPVBO ,,NB`NO WN `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC NKNSPLOVAB RXNUAB LVN N`B]SXRPNVN XBAO VQO RXNUQO VLS SBLS VLS AO]UQ`LS BWNBO YAB LSY LcNP]N ,-YAB NULSPBO SXBO BWLS QWN R BWLS NYNB XR A`NK]RVN XRWN WBQaRVN ,.QP`NU MAU R APVUA`R R APVUA`VLSPA NY VRC S` LSUAOLO NBC VRO S` LSUAOLO KAX`NB LSVQC NPVAB YAB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NO VR RXNUA ASVLS ,'`UQVLO WN WNB ASVLO `LKKA `A]NBO YAB A`LWLYBXAP]ROAB A`L VRC MNONAC VASVRC ,/YAB YA]QC NMNONVL NO VABC RXNUABC VLS OQN LSVQC NPVAB YAB NO VABC RXNUABC VLS SBLS VLS AO]UQ`LS
,0they $ere eating, they $ere drin'ing, they $ere "arrying, they $ere given in "arriage, till the day that /oah entered into the ar', and the deluge #a"e, and destroyed all, ,$in li'e "anner also, as it #a"e to ass in the days o! Lot, they $ere eating, they $ere drin'ing, they $ere buying, they $ere selling, they $ere lanting, they $ere building, ,%and on the day Lot $ent !orth !ro" Sodo", He rained !ire and bri"stone !ro" heaven, and destroyed all) -(I.##ording to these things it shall be, in the day the Son o! @an is revealed, -#in that day, he $ho shall be on the house to , and his vessels in the house, let hi" not #o"e do$n to ta'e the" a$ay, and he in the !ield, in li'e "anner, let hi" not turn ba#'$ard, -,re"e"ber the $i!e o! Lot) --Whoever "ay see' to save his li!e, shall lose it, and $hoever "ay lose it, shall reserve it) -.I0 say to you, 0n that night, there shall be t$o "en on one #ou#h, the one shall be ta'en, and the other shall be le!t, -'t$o $o"en shall be grinding at the sa"e la#e together, the one shall be ta'en, and the other shall be le!t, -/t$o "en shall be in the !ield, the one shall be ta'en, and the other le!t)I ,0RP]BLO N`BOLO NMAXLSO NaNMAXB\LOVL ATUB RC RXNUAC NBPRK]NO OQN NBC VRO YBHQVLO YAB RK]NO L YAVAYKSPXLC YAB A`QKNPNO A`AOVAC ,$LXLBQC YAB QC NMNONVL NO VABC RXNUABC KQV RP]BLO N`BOLO RMLUA\LO N`QKLSO NZSVNSLO QYLWLXLSO ,%R WN RXNUA NaRK]NO KQV A`L PLWLXQO NHUNaNO `SU YAB ]NBLO A` LSUAOLS YAB A`QKNPNO A`AOVAC -(YAVA VASVA NPVAB R RXNUA L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS A`LYAKS`VNVAB -#NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA LC NPVAB N`B VLS WQXAVLC YAB VA PYNSR ASVLS NO VR LBYBA XR YAVAHAVQ AUAB ASVA YAB L NO VQ AMUQ LXLBQC XR N`BPVUNcAVQ NBC VA L`BPQ -,XORXLONSNVN VRC MSOABYLC KQV --LC NAO \RVRPR VRO cSTRO ASVLS PQPAB A`LKNPNB ASVRO YAB LC NAO A`LKNPR ASVRO \QLMLORPNB ASVRO -.KNMQ SXBO VASVR VR OSYVB NPLOVAB WSL N`B YKBORC XBAC L NBC `AUAKRZ]RPNVAB YAB L NVNULC AZN]RPNVAB -'WSL NPLOVAB AKR]LSPAB N`B VL ASVL XBA `AUAKRZ]RPNVAB YAB R NVNUA AZN]RPNVAB
-/e f -0.nd they ans$ering say to hi", IWhere, sirbI and he said to the", IWhere the body IisI, there $ill the eagles be gathered together)I -0YAB A`LYUB]NOVNC KNMLSPBO ASVQ `LS YSUBN L WN NB`NO ASVLBC L`LS VL PQXA NYNB PSOAT]RPLOVAB LB ANVLB
+hapter #$
#.nd he s a'e also a si"ile to the", that it behoveth IusI al$ays to ray, and not to !aint, ,saying, I. #ertain -udge $as in a #ertain #ity ++ &od he is not !earing, and "an he is not regarding ++ -and a $ido$ $as in that #ity, and she $as #o"ing unto hi", saying, Do "e -usti#e on "y o onent, .and he $ould not !or a ti"e, but a!ter these things he said in hi"sel!, Even i! &od 0 do not !ear, and "an do not regard, 'yet be#ause this $ido$ doth give "e trouble, 0 $ill do her -usti#e, lest, er etually #o"ing, she "ay lague "e)I /.nd the Lord said, IHear ye $hat the unrighteous -udge saithF 0and shall not &od e(e#ute the -usti#e to His #hoi#e ones, $ho are #rying unto Hi" day and night ++ bearing long in regard to the"b $0 say to you, that He $ill e(e#ute the -usti#e to the" ?ui#'ly, but the Son o! @an having #o"e, shall he !ind the !aith u on the earthbI %.nd he s a'e also unto #ertain $ho have been trusting in the"selves that they $ere righteous, and have been des ising the rest, this si"ileF #NKNMNO WN YAB `AUAHLKRO ASVLBC `ULC VL WNBO `AOVLVN `ULPNSTNP]AB YAB XR NYYAYNBO ,KNMQO YUBVRC VBC RO NO VBOB `LKNB VLO ]NLO XR ZLHLSXNOLC YAB AO]UQ`LO XR NOVUN`LXNOLC -TRUA WN RO NO VR `LKNB NYNBOR YAB RUTNVL `ULC ASVLO KNMLSPA NYWBYRPLO XN A`L VLS AOVBWBYLS XLS .YAB LSY R]NKRPNO N`B TULOLO XNVA WN VASVA NB`NO NO NASVQ NB YAB VLO ]NLO LS ZLHLSXAB YAB AO]UQ`LO LSY NOVUN`LXAB 'WBA MN VL `AUNTNBO XLB YL`LO VRO TRUAO VASVRO NYWBYRPQ ASVRO BOA XR NBC VNKLC NUTLXNOR S`Q`BA\R XN /NB`NO WN L YSUBLC AYLSPAVN VB L YUBVRC VRC AWBYBAC KNMNB 0L WN ]NLC LS XR `LBRPNB VRO NYWBYRPBO VQO NYKNYVQO ASVLS VQO HLQOVQO `ULC ASVLO RXNUAC YAB OSYVLC YAB XAYUL]SXQO N` ASVLBC $KNMQ SXBO LVB `LBRPNB VRO NYWBYRPBO ASVQO NO VATNB `KRO L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS NK]QO AUA NSURPNB VRO `BPVBO N`B VRC MRC %NB`NO WN YAB `ULC VBOAC VLSC `N`LB]LVAC NZ NASVLBC LVB NBPBO WBYABLB YAB NaLS]NOLSOVAC VLSC KLB`LSC VRO `AUAHLKRO VASVRO
#(IT$o "en $ent u to the te" le to ray, the one a Pharisee, and the other a ta(+gatherer, ##the Pharisee having stood by hi"sel!, thus rayedF &od, 0 than' Thee that 0 a" not as the rest o! "en, ra a#ious, unrighteous, adulterers, or even as this ta(+gatherer, #,0 !ast t$i#e in the $ee', 0 give tithes o! all things ++ as "any as 0 ossess) #-I.nd the ta(+gatherer, having stood a!ar o!!, $ould not even the eyes li!t u to the heaven, but $as s"iting on his breast, saying, &od be ro itious to "e ++ the sinnerd #.0 say to you, this one $ent do$n de#lared righteous, to his house, rather than that oneF !or every one $ho is e(alting hi"sel! shall be hu"bled, and he $ho is hu"bling hi"sel! shall be e(alted)I #'.nd they $ere bringing near also the babes, that he "ay tou#h the", and the dis#i les having seen did rebu'e the", #/and 5esus having #alled the" near, said, ISu!!er the little #hildren to #o"e unto "e, and !orbid the" not, !or o! su#h is the reign o! &od, #0verily 0 say to you, Whoever "ay not re#eive the reign o! &od as a little #hild, "ay not enter into it)I #(AO]UQ`LB WSL AONHRPAO NBC VL BNULO `ULPNSaAP]AB L NBC ZAUBPABLC YAB L NVNULC VNKQORC ##L ZAUBPABLC PVA]NBC `ULC NASVLO VASVA `ULPRSTNVL L ]NLC NSTAUBPVQ PLB LVB LSY NBXB QP`NU LB KLB`LB VQO AO]UQ`QO AU`AMNC AWBYLB XLBTLB R YAB QC LSVLC L VNKQORC #,ORPVNSQ WBC VLS PAHHAVLS A`LWNYAVQ `AOVA LPA YVQXAB #-YAB L VNKQORC XAYUL]NO NPVQC LSY R]NKNO LSWN VLSC LZ]AKXLSC NBC VLO LSUAOLO N`AUAB AKK NVS`VNO NBC VL PVR]LC ASVLS KNMQO L ]NLC BKAP]RVB XLB VQ AXAUVQKQ #.KNMQ SXBO YAVNHR LSVLC WNWBYABQXNOLC NBC VLO LBYLO ASVLS R NYNBOLC LVB `AC L ScQO NASVLO VA`NBOQ]RPNVAB L WN VA`NBOQO NASVLO ScQ]RPNVAB #'`ULPNZNULO WN ASVQ YAB VA HUNZR BOA ASVQO A`VRVAB BWLOVNC WN LB XA]RVAB N`NVBXRPAO ASVLBC #/L WN BRPLSC `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC ASVA NB`NO AZNVN VA `ABWBA NUTNP]AB `ULC XN YAB XR YQKSNVN ASVA VQO MAU VLBLSVQO NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS #0AXRO KNMQ SXBO LC NAO XR WNaRVAB VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS QC `ABWBLO LS XR NBPNK]R NBC ASVRO
#$.nd a #ertain ruler ?uestioned hi", saying, I&ood tea#her, $hat having done ++ shall 0 inherit li!e age+duringbI #%.nd 5esus said to hi", IWhy "e dost thou #all goodb no one IisI good, e(#e t One ++ &od, ,(the #o""ands thou hast 'no$nF Thou "ayest not #o""it adultery, Thou "ayest do no "urder, Thou "ayest not steal, Thou "ayest not bear !alse $itness, Honour thy !ather and thy "other)I ,#.nd he said, I.ll these 0 did 'ee !ro" "y youth,I ,,and having heard these things, 5esus said to hi", I4et one thing to thee is la#'ing, all things ++ as "any as thou hast ++ sell, and distribute to the oor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and #o"e, be !ollo$ing "e,I ,-and he, having heard these things, be#a"e very sorro$!ul, !or he $as e(#eeding ri#h) ,..nd 5esus having seen hi" be#o"e very sorro$!ul, said, IHo$ hardly shall those having ri#hes enter into the reign o! &odd ,'!or it is easier !or a #a"el through the eye o! a needle to enter, than !or a ri#h "an into the reign o! &od to enter)I ,/.nd those $ho heard, said, I.nd $ho is able to be savedbI #$YAB N`RUQVRPNO VBC ASVLO AUTQO KNMQO WBWAPYAKN AMA]N VB `LBRPAC \QRO ABQOBLO YKRULOLXRPQ #%NB`NO WN ASVQ L BRPLSC VB XN KNMNBC AMA]LO LSWNBC AMA]LC NB XR NBC L ]NLC ,(VAC NOVLKAC LBWAC XR XLBTNSPRC XR ZLONSPRC XR YKNcRC XR cNSWLXAUVSURPRC VBXA VLO `AVNUA PLS YAB VRO XRVNUA PLS ,#L WN NB`NO VASVA `AOVA NZSKAaAXRO NY ONLVRVLC XLS ,,AYLSPAC WN VASVA L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVQ NVB NO PLB KNB`NB `AOVA LPA NTNBC `QKRPLO YAB WBAWLC `VQTLBC YAB NaNBC ]RPASULO NO LSUAOQ YAB WNSUL AYLKLS]NB XLB ,-L WN AYLSPAC VASVA `NUBKS`LC NMNONVL RO MAU `KLSPBLC PZLWUA ,.BWQO WN ASVLO L BRPLSC `NUBKS`LO MNOLXNOLO NB`NO `QC WSPYLKQC LB VA TURXAVA NTLOVNC NBPNKNSPLOVAB NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS ,'NSYL`QVNULO MAU NPVBO YAXRKLO WBA VUSXAKBAC UAZBWLC NBPNK]NBO R `KLSPBLO NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS NBPNK]NBO ,/NB`LO WN LB AYLSPAOVNC YAB VBC WSOAVAB PQ]ROAB
,0and he said, IThe things i" ossible $ith "en are ossible $ith &od)I ,$.nd Peter said, ILo, $e le!t all, and did !ollo$ thee,I ,0L WN NB`NO VA AWSOAVA `AUA AO]UQ`LBC WSOAVA NPVBO `AUA VQ ]NQ ,$NB`NO WN L `NVULC BWLS RXNBC AZRYAXNO `AOVA YAB RYLKLS]RPAXNO PLB ,%and he said to the", I%erily 0 say to ,%L WN NB`NO ASVLBC AXRO KNMQ SXBO you, that there is not one $ho le!t LVB LSWNBC NPVBO LC AZRYNO LBYBAO R house, or arents, or brothers, or $i!e, MLONBC R AWNKZLSC R MSOABYA R VNYOA or #hildren, !or the sa'e o! the reign o! NONYNO VRC HAPBKNBAC VLS ]NLS &od, -($ho "ay not re#eive ba#' "ani!old -(LC LS XR A`LKAHR `LKKA`KAPBLOA "ore in this ti"e, and in the #o"ing NO VQ YABUQ VLSVQ YAB NO VQ ABQOB VQ age, li!e age+during)I NUTLXNOQ \QRO ABQOBLO -#.nd having ta'en the t$elve aside, -#`AUAKAHQO WN VLSC WQWNYA NB`NO he said unto the", ILo, $e go u to `ULC ASVLSC BWLS AOAHABOLXNO NBC 5erusale", and all things shall be BNULPLKSXA YAB VNKNP]RPNVAB `AOVA #o" leted ++ that have been $ritten VA MNMUAXXNOA WBA VQO `ULZRVQO VQ through the ro hets ++ to the Son o! SBQ VLS AO]UQ`LS @an, -,!or he shall be delivered u to the -,`AUAWL]RPNVAB MAU VLBC N]ONPBO YAB nations, and shall be "o#'ed, and NX`ABT]RPNVAB YAB SHUBP]RPNVAB YAB insulted, and s it u on, NX`VSP]RPNVAB --and having s#ourged they shall ut --YAB XAPVBMQPAOVNC A`LYVNOLSPBO hi" to death, and on the third day he ASVLO YAB VR RXNUA VR VUBVR shall rise again)I AOAPVRPNVAB -..nd they none o! these things -.YAB ASVLB LSWNO VLSVQO PSORYAO understood, and this saying $as hid YAB RO VL URXA VLSVL YNYUSXXNOLO A` !ro" the", and they $ere not 'no$ing ASVQO YAB LSY NMBOQPYLO VA KNMLXNOA the things said) -'.nd it #a"e to ass, in his #o"ing -'NMNONVL WN NO VQ NMMB\NBO ASVLO NBC nigh to 5eri#ho, a #ertain blind "an BNUBTQ VSZKLC VBC NYA]RVL `AUA VRO $as sitting beside the $ay begging, LWLO `ULPABVQO -/and having heard a "ultitude going -/AYLSPAC WN LTKLS WBA`LUNSLXNOLS by, he $as in?uiring $hat this "ay be, N`SO]AONVL VB NBR VLSVL :=G
-0and they brought hi" $ord that 5esus the /aEarene doth ass by, -$and he #ried out, saying, I5esus, Son o! David, deal 'indly $ith "e,I -%and those going be!ore $ere rebu'ing hi", that he "ight be silent, but he $as "u#h "ore #rying out, ISon o! David, deal 'indly $ith "e)I .(.nd 5esus having stood, #o""anded hi" to be brought unto hi", and he having #o"e nigh, he ?uestioned hi", .#saying, IWhat $ilt thou 0 shall do to theebI and he said, ISir, that 0 "ay re#eive sight)I .,.nd 5esus said to hi", IRe#eive thy sight, thy !aith hath saved thee,I .-and resently he did re#eive sight, and $as !ollo$ing hi", glori!ying &od, and all the eo le, having seen, did give raise to &od) -0A`RMMNBKAO WN ASVQ LVB BRPLSC L OA\QUABLC `AUNUTNVAB -$YAB NHLRPNO KNMQO BRPLS SBN WAHBW NKNRPLO XN -%YAB LB `ULAMLOVNC N`NVBXQO ASVQ BOA PBQ`RPR ASVLC WN `LKKQ XAKKLO NYUA\NO SBN WAHBW NKNRPLO XN .(PVA]NBC WN L BRPLSC NYNKNSPNO ASVLO AT]ROAB `ULC ASVLO NMMBPAOVLC WN ASVLS N`RUQVRPNO ASVLO .#KNMQO VB PLB ]NKNBC `LBRPQ L WN NB`NO YSUBN BOA AOAHKNcQ .,YAB L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVQ AOAHKNcLO R `BPVBC PLS PNPQYNO PN .-YAB `AUATURXA AONHKNcNO YAB RYLKLS]NB ASVQ WLaA\QO VLO ]NLO YAB `AC L KALC BWQO NWQYNO ABOLO VQ ]NQ
+hapter #%
#.nd having entered, he $as assing through 5eri#ho, ,and lo, a "an, by na"e #alled [a##heus, and he $as a #hie! ta(+ gatherer, and he $as ri#h, -and he $as see'ing to see 5esus, $ho he is, and $as not able !or the "ultitude, be#ause in stature he $as s"all, .and having run !or$ard be!ore, he $ent u on a sy#a"ore, that he "ay see hi", be#ause through that I$ayI he $as about to ass by) '.nd as 5esus #a"e u to the la#e, having loo'ed u , he sa$ hi", and said unto hi", I[a##heus, having hastened, #o"e do$n, !or to+day in thy house it behoveth "e to re"ain,I /and he having hastened did #o"e do$n, and did re#eive hi" re-oi#ing, 0and having seen IitI, they $ere all "ur"uring, saying ++ IWith a sin!ul "an he $ent in to lodgedI $.nd [a##heus having stood, said unto the Lord, ILo, the hal! o! "y goods, sir, 0 give to the oor, and i! o! any one anything 0 did ta'e by !alse a##usation, 0 give ba#' !our!old)I %.nd 5esus said unto hi" ++ ITo+day salvation did #o"e to this house, inas"u#h as he also is a son o! .braha", #YAB NBPNK]QO WBRUTNVL VRO BNUBTQ ,YAB BWLS AORU LOLXAVB YAKLSXNOLC \AYTABLC YAB ASVLC RO AUTBVNKQORC YAB LSVLC RO `KLSPBLC -YAB N\RVNB BWNBO VLO BRPLSO VBC NPVBO YAB LSY RWSOAVL A`L VLS LTKLS LVB VR RKBYBA XBYULC RO .YAB `ULWUAXQO NX`ULP]NO AONHR N`B PSYLXQUABAO BOA BWR ASVLO LVB WB NYNBORC RXNKKNO WBNUTNP]AB 'YAB QC RK]NO N`B VLO VL`LO AOAHKNcAC L BRPLSC NBWNO ASVLO YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLO \AYTABN P`NSPAC YAVAHR]B PRXNULO MAU NO VQ LBYQ PLS WNB XN XNBOAB /YAB P`NSPAC YAVNHR YAB S`NWNaAVL ASVLO TABUQO 0YAB BWLOVNC A`AOVNC WBNMLMMS\LO KNMLOVNC LVB `AUA AXAUVQKQ AOWUB NBPRK]NO YAVAKSPAB $PVA]NBC WN \AYTABLC NB`NO `ULC VLO YSUBLO BWLS VA RXBPR VQO S`AUTLOVQO XLS YSUBN WBWQXB VLBC `VQTLBC YAB NB VBOLC VB NPSYLZAOVRPA A`LWBWQXB VNVUA`KLSO %NB`NO WN `ULC ASVLO L BRPLSC LVB PRXNULO PQVRUBA VQ LBYQ VLSVQ NMNONVL YA]LVB YAB ASVLC SBLC AHUAAX NPVBO
#(!or the Son o! @an #a"e to see' and to save the lost)I ##.nd $hile they are hearing these things, having added he s a'e a si"ile, be#ause o! his being nigh to 5erusale", and o! their thin'ing that the reign o! &od is about resently to be "ade "ani!est) #,He said there!ore, I. #ertain "an o! birth $ent on to a !ar #ountry, to ta'e to hi"sel! a 'ingdo", and to return, #-and having #alled ten servants o! his o$n, he gave to the" ten ounds, and said unto the", Do business ++ till 0 #o"e, #.and his #itiEens $ere hating hi", and did send an e"bassy a!ter hi", saying, We do not $ish this one to reign over us) #'I.nd it #a"e to ass, on his #o"ing ba#', having ta'en the 'ingdo", that he #o""anded these servants to be #alled to hi", to $ho" he gave the "oney, that he "ight 'no$ $hat any one had done in business) #/I.nd the !irst #a"e near, saying, Sir, thy ound did gain ten ounds, #(RK]NO MAU L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS \RVRPAB YAB PQPAB VL A`LKQKLC ##AYLSLOVQO WN ASVQO VASVA `ULP]NBC NB`NO `AUAHLKRO WBA VL NMMSC ASVLO NBOAB BNULSPAKRX YAB WLYNBO ASVLSC LVB `AUATURXA XNKKNB R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS AOAZABONP]AB #,NB`NO LSO AO]UQ`LC VBC NSMNORC N`LUNS]R NBC TQUAO XAYUAO KAHNBO NASVQ HAPBKNBAO YAB S`LPVUNcAB #-YAKNPAC WN WNYA WLSKLSC NASVLS NWQYNO ASVLBC WNYA XOAC YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC `UAMXAVNSPAP]N NQC NUTLXAB #.LB WN `LKBVAB ASVLS NXBPLSO ASVLO YAB A`NPVNBKAO `UNPHNBAO L`BPQ ASVLS KNMLOVNC LS ]NKLXNO VLSVLO HAPBKNSPAB NZ RXAC #'YAB NMNONVL NO VQ N`AONK]NBO ASVLO KAHLOVA VRO HAPBKNBAO YAB NB`NO ZQOR]ROAB ASVQ VLSC WLSKLSC VLSVLSC LBC NWQYNO VL AUMSUBLO BOA MOQ VBC VB WBN`UAMXAVNSPAVL
#/`AUNMNONVL WN L `UQVLC KNMQO YSUBN R XOA PLS `ULPNBUMAPAVL WNYA XOAC #0and he said to hi", Well done, good #0YAB NB`NO ASVQ NS AMA]N WLSKN LVB servant, be#ause in a very little thou NO NKATBPVQ `BPVLC NMNOLS BP]B didst be#o"e !aith!ul, be having NaLSPBAO NTQO N`AOQ WNYA `LKNQO authority over ten #ities) #$I.nd the se#ond #a"e, saying, Sir, #$YAB RK]NO L WNSVNULC KNMQO YSUBN R thy ound "ade !ive ounds, XOA PLS N`LBRPNO `NOVN XOAC :=8
#%and he said also to this one, .nd thou, be#o"e thou over !ive #ities) ,(I.nd another #a"e, saying, Sir, lo, thy ound, that 0 had lying a$ay in a na 'in, ,#!or 0 $as a!raid o! thee, be#ause thou art an austere "an, thou ta'est u $hat thou didst not lay do$n, and rea est $hat thou didst not so$) ,,I.nd he saith to hi", Out o! thy "outh 0 $ill -udge thee, evil servantF thou 'ne$est that 0 a" an austere "an, ta'ing u $hat 0 did not lay do$n, and rea ing $hat 0 did not so$d ,-and $here!ore didst thou not give "y "oney to the ban', and 0, having #o"e, $ith interest "ight have re#eived itb ,.I.nd to those standing by he said, Ta'e !ro" hi" the ound, and give to hi" having the ten ounds ++ ,'7and they said to hi", Sir, he hath ten ounds< ++ ,/!or 0 say to you, that to every one having shall be given, and !ro" hi" not having, also $hat he hath shall be ta'en !ro" hi", ,0but those "y ene"ies, $ho did not $ish "e to reign over the", bring hither and slay be!ore "e)I #%NB`NO WN YAB VLSVQ YAB PS MBOLS N`AOQ `NOVN `LKNQO ,(YAB NVNULC RK]NO KNMQO YSUBN BWLS R XOA PLS RO NBTLO A`LYNBXNORO NO PLSWAUBQ ,#NZLHLSXRO MAU PN LVB AO]UQ`LC ASPVRULC NB ABUNBC L LSY N]RYAC YAB ]NUB\NBC L LSY NP`NBUAC ,,KNMNB WN ASVQ NY VLS PVLXAVLC PLS YUBOQ PN `LORUN WLSKN RWNBC LVB NMQ AO]UQ`LC ASPVRULC NBXB ABUQO L LSY N]RYA YAB ]NUB\QO L LSY NP`NBUA ,-YAB WBAVB LSY NWQYAC VL AUMSUBLO XLS N`B VRO VUA`N\AO YAB NMQ NK]QO PSO VLYQ AO N`UAaA ASVL ,.YAB VLBC `AUNPVQPBO NB`NO AUAVN A` ASVLS VRO XOAO YAB WLVN VQ VAC WNYA XOAC NTLOVB ,'YAB NB`LO ASVQ YSUBN NTNB WNYA XOAC ,/KNMQ MAU SXBO LVB `AOVB VQ NTLOVB WL]RPNVAB A`L WN VLS XR NTLOVLC YAB L NTNB AU]RPNVAB A` ASVLS
,%.nd it #a"e to ass, as he #a"e nigh to Beth hage and Bethany, unto the "ount #alled o! the Olives, he sent t$o o! his dis#i les, -(having said, &o a$ay to the village over+against, in $hi#h, entering into, ye shall !ind a #olt bound, on $hi#h no one o! "en did ever sit, having loosed it, bring IitI, -#and i! any one doth ?uestion you, Where!ore do ye loose IitIb thus ye shall say to hi" ++ The Lord hath need o! it)I -,.nd those sent, having gone a$ay, !ound a##ording as he said to the", --and $hile they are loosing the #olt, its o$ners said unto the", IWhy loose ye the #oltbI -.and they said, IThe Lord hath need o! it,I -'and they brought it unto 5esus, and having #ast their gar"ents u on the #olt, they did set 5esus u on it) -/.nd as he is going, they $ere s reading their gar"ents in the $ay, ,%YAB NMNONVL QC RMMBPNO NBC HR]ZAMR YAB HR]AOBAO `ULC VL LULC VL YAKLSXNOLO NKABQO A`NPVNBKNO WSL VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS -(NB`QO S`AMNVN NBC VRO YAVNOAOVB YQXRO NO R NBP`LUNSLXNOLB NSURPNVN `QKLO WNWNXNOLO NZ LO LSWNBC `Q`LVN AO]UQ`QO NYA]BPNO KSPAOVNC ASVLO AMAMNVN -#YAB NAO VBC SXAC NUQVA WBAVB KSNVN LSVQC NUNBVN ASVQ LVB L YSUBLC ASVLS TUNBAO NTNB
-$saying, Iblessed IisI he $ho is #o"ing, a 'ing in the na"e o! the Lord, ea#e in heaven, and glory in the highest)I -%.nd #ertain o! the Pharisees !ro" the "ultitude said unto hi", ITea#her, rebu'e thy dis#i les,I .(and he ans$ering said to the", I0 say to you, that, i! these shall be silent, the stones $ill #ry outdI .#.nd $hen he #a"e nigh, having seen the #ity, he $e t over it, .,saying ++ I0! thou didst 'no$, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things !or thy ea#e, but no$ they $ere hid !ro" thine eyes) .-IBe#ause days shall #o"e u on thee, and thine ene"ies shall #ast around thee a ra" art, and #o" ass thee round, and ress thee on every side, ..and lay thee lo$, and thy #hildren $ithin thee, and they shall not leave in thee a stone u on a stone, be#ause thou didst not 'no$ the ti"e o! thy ins e#tion)I .'.nd having entered into the te" le, he began to #ast !orth those selling in it, and those buying, ./saying to the", I0t hath been $ritten, @y house is a house o! rayer ++ but ye "ade it a den o! robbers)I -$KNMLOVNC NSKLMRXNOLC L NUTLXNOLC HAPBKNSC NO LOLXAVB YSUBLS NBUROR NO LSUAOQ YAB WLaA NO ScBPVLBC -%YAB VBONC VQO ZAUBPABQO A`L VLS LTKLS NB`LO `ULC ASVLO WBWAPYAKN N`BVBXRPLO VLBC XA]RVABC PLS .(YAB A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC KNMQ SXBO LVB NAO LSVLB PBQ`RPQPBO LB KB]LB YNYUAaLOVAB .#YAB QC RMMBPNO BWQO VRO `LKBO NYKASPNO N` ASVR .,KNMQO LVB NB NMOQC YAB PS YAB MN NO VR RXNUA PLS VASVR VA `ULC NBURORO PLS OSO WN NYUSHR A`L LZ]AKXQO PLS .-LVB RaLSPBO RXNUAB N`B PN YAB `NUBHAKLSPBO LB NT]ULB PLS TAUAYA PLB YAB `NUBYSYKQPLSPBO PN YAB PSONaLSPBO PN `AOVL]NO ..YAB NWAZBLSPBO PN YAB VA VNYOA PLS NO PLB YAB LSY AZRPLSPBO NO PLB KB]LO N`B KB]Q AO] QO LSY NMOQC VLO YABULO VRC N`BPYL`RC PLS .'YAB NBPNK]QO NBC VL BNULO RUaAVL NYHAKKNBO VLSC `QKLSOVAC NO ASVQ YAB AMLUA\LOVAC ./KNMQO ASVLBC MNMUA`VAB L LBYLC XLS LBYLC `ULPNSTRC NPVBO SXNBC WN ASVLO N`LBRPAVN P`RKABLO KRPVQO
.0.nd he $as tea#hing daily in the te" le, but the #hie! riests and the s#ribes $ere see'ing to destroy hi" ++ also the #hie!s o! the eo le ++ .$and they $ere not !inding $hat they shall do, !or all the eo le $ere hanging on hi", hearing hi") .0YAB RO WBWAPYQO VL YA] RXNUAO NO VQ BNUQ LB WN AUTBNUNBC YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC N\RVLSO ASVLO A`LKNPAB YAB LB `UQVLB VLS KALS .$YAB LST NSUBPYLO VL VB `LBRPQPBO L KALC MAU A`AC NaNYUNXAVL ASVLS AYLSQO
+hapter ,(
#.nd it #a"e to ass, on one o! those days, as he is tea#hing the eo le in the te" le, and ro#lai"ing good ne$s, the #hie! riests and the s#ribes, $ith the elders, #a"e u on Ihi"I, ,and s a'e unto hi", saying, ITell us by $hat authority thou dost these thingsb or $ho is he that gave to thee this authoritybI -.nd he ans$ering said unto the", I0 $ill ?uestion you ++ 0 also ++ one thing, and tell "eF .the ba tis" o! 5ohn, !ro" heaven $as it, or !ro" "enbI '.nd they reasoned $ith the"selves, saying ++ I0! $e "ay say, Fro" heaven, he $ill say, Where!ore, then, did ye not believe hi"b /and i! $e "ay say, Fro" "en, all the eo le $ill stone us, !or they are having been ersuaded 5ohn to be a ro het)I 0.nd they ans$ered, that they 'ne$ not $hen#e Iit $asI, $and 5esus said to the", I/either do 0 say to you by $hat authority 0 do these things)I %.nd he began to s ea' unto the eo le this si"ileF I. #ertain "an lanted a vineyard, and gave it out to husband"en, and $ent abroad !or a long ti"e, #YAB NMNONVL NO XBA VQO RXNUQO NYNBOQO WBWAPYLOVLC ASVLS VLO KALO NO VQ BNUQ YAB NSAMMNKB\LXNOLS N`NPVRPAO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC PSO VLBC `UNPHSVNULBC ,YAB NB`LO `ULC ASVLO KNMLOVNC NB`N RXBO NO `LBA NaLSPBA VASVA `LBNBC R VBC NPVBO L WLSC PLB VRO NaLSPBAO VASVRO -A`LYUB]NBC WN NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC NUQVRPQ SXAC YAMQ NOA KLMLO YAB NB`AVN XLB .VL HA`VBPXA BQAOOLS Na LSUAOLS RO R Na AO]UQ`QO 'LB WN PSONKLMBPAOVL `ULC NASVLSC KNMLOVNC LVB NAO NB`QXNO Na LSUAOLS NUNB WBAVB LSO LSY N`BPVNSPAVN ASVQ /NAO WN NB`QXNO Na AO]UQ`QO `AC L KALC YAVAKB]APNB RXAC `N`NBPXNOLC MAU NPVBO BQAOORO `ULZRVRO NBOAB 0YAB A`NYUB]RPAO XR NBWNOAB `L]NO $YAB L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVLBC LSWN NMQ KNMQ SXBO NO `LBA NaLSPBA VASVA `LBQ %RUaAVL WN `ULC VLO KALO KNMNBO VRO `AUAHLKRO VASVRO AO]UQ`LC VBC NZSVNSPNO AX`NKQOA YAB NaNWLVL ASVLO MNQUMLBC YAB A`NWRXRPNO TULOLSC BYAOLSC
#(and at the season he sent unto the husband"en a servant, that !ro" the !ruit o! the vineyard they "ay give to hi", but the husband"en having beat hi", did send Ihi"I a$ay e" ty) ##I.nd he added to send another servant, and they that one also having beaten and dishonoured, did send a$ay e" ty, #,and he added to send a third, and this one also, having $ounded, they did #ast out) #-I.nd the o$ner o! the vineyard said, What shall 0 dob 0 $ill send "y son ++ the beloved, erha s having seen this one, they $ill do reveren#e, #.and having seen hi", the husband"en reasoned a"ong the"selves, saying, This is the heir, #o"e, $e "ay 'ill hi", that the inheritan#e "ay be#o"e ours, #'and having #ast hi" outside o! the vineyard, they 'illed Ihi"I, $hat, then, shall the o$ner o! the vineyard do to the"b #/He $ill #o"e, and destroy these husband"en, and $ill give the vineyard to others)I .nd having heard, they said, ILet it not bedI #0and he, having loo'ed u on the", said, IWhat, then, is this that hath been $rittenF . stone that the builders re-e#ted ++ this be#a"e head o! a #ornerb #(YAB NO YABUQ A`NPVNBKNO `ULC VLSC MNQUMLSC WLSKLO BOA A`L VLS YAU`LS VLS AX`NKQOLC WQPBO ASVQ LB WN MNQUMLB WNBUAOVNC ASVLO NaA`NPVNBKAO YNOLO ##YAB `ULPN]NVL `NXcAB NVNULO WLSKLO LB WN YAYNBOLO WNBUAOVNC YAB AVBXAPAOVNC NaA`NPVNBKAO YNOLO #,YAB `ULPN]NVL `NXcAB VUBVLO LB WN YAB VLSVLO VUASXAVBPAOVNC NaNHAKLO #-NB`NO WN L YSUBLC VLS AX`NKQOLC VB `LBRPQ `NXcQ VLO SBLO XLS VLO AMA`RVLO BPQC VLSVLO BWLOVNC NOVUA`RPLOVAB #.BWLOVNC WN ASVLO LB MNQUMLB WBNKLMB\LOVL `ULC NASVLSC KNMLOVNC LSVLC NPVBO L YKRULOLXLC WNSVN A`LYVNBOQXNO ASVLO BOA RXQO MNORVAB R YKRULOLXBA #'YAB NYHAKLOVNC ASVLO NaQ VLS AX`NKQOLC A`NYVNBOAO VB LSO `LBRPNB ASVLBC L YSUBLC VLS AX`NKQOLC #/NKNSPNVAB YAB A`LKNPNB VLSC MNQUMLSC VLSVLSC YAB WQPNB VLO AX`NKQOA AKKLBC AYLSPAOVNC WN NB`LO XR MNOLBVL #0L WN NXHKNcAC ASVLBC NB`NO VB LSO NPVBO VL MNMUAXXNOLO VLSVL KB]LO LO A`NWLYBXAPAO LB LBYLWLXLSOVNC LSVLC NMNOR]R NBC YNZAKRO MQOBAC
#$every one $ho hath !allen on that stone shall be bro'en, and on $ho" it "ay !all, it $ill #rush hi" to ie#es)I #%.nd the #hie! riests and the s#ribes sought to lay hands on hi" in that hour, and they !eared the eo le, !or they 'ne$ that against the" he s a'e this si"ile) #$`AC L `NPQO N` NYNBOLO VLO KB]LO PSO]KAP]RPNVAB NZ LO W AO `NPR KBYXRPNB ASVLO #%YAB N\RVRPAO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC N`BHAKNBO N` ASVLO VAC TNBUAC NO ASVR VR QUA YAB NZLHR]RPAO VLO KALO NMOQPAO MAU LVB `ULC ASVLSC VRO `AUAHLKRO VASVRO NB`NO ,(.nd, having $at#hed Ihi"I, they ,(YAB `AUAVRURPAOVNC A`NPVNBKAO sent !orth liers in $ait, !eigning NMYA]NVLSC S`LYUBOLXNOLSC NASVLSC the"selves to be righteous, that they WBYABLSC NBOAB BOA N`BKAHQOVAB ASVLS "ight ta'e hold o! his $ord, to deliver KLMLS NBC VL `AUAWLSOAB ASVLO VR hi" u to the rule and to the authority AUTR YAB VR NaLSPBA VLS RMNXLOLC o! the governor, ,#and they ?uestioned hi", saying, ,#YAB N`RUQVRPAO ASVLO KNMLOVNC ITea#her, $e have 'no$n that thou WBWAPYAKN LBWAXNO LVB LU]QC KNMNBC dost say and tea#h rightly, and dost not YAB WBWAPYNBC YAB LS KAXHAONBC a##e t a erson, but in truth the $ay o! `ULPQ`LO AKK N` AKR]NBAC VRO LWLO &od dost tea#h, VLS ]NLS WBWAPYNBC ,,0s it la$!ul to us to give tribute to ,,NaNPVBO RXBO YABPAUB ZLULO WLSOAB Daesar or notbI R LS ,-.nd he, having er#eived their ,-YAVAOLRPAC WN ASVQO VRO #ra!tiness, said unto the", IWhy "e do `AOLSUMBAO NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC VB XN ye te" tb `NBUA\NVN ,.she$ "e a denary, o! $ho" hath it ,.N`BWNBaAVN XLB WROAUBLO VBOLC NTNB an i"age and su ers#ri tionbI and they NBYLOA YAB N`BMUAZRO A`LYUB]NOVNC WN ans$ering said, IO! DaesarFI NB`LO YABPAULC ,'and he said to the", I&ive ba#', ,'L WN NB`NO ASVLBC A`LWLVN VLBOSO VA there!ore, the things o! Daesar to YABPAULC YABPAUB YAB VA VLS ]NLS VQ Daesar, and the things o! &od to &od,I ]NQ
,/and they $ere not able to ta'e hold on his saying be!ore the eo le, and having $ondered at his ans$er, they $ere silent) ,0.nd #ertain o! the Saddu#ees, $ho are denying that there is a rising again, having #o"e near, ?uestioned hi", ,$saying, ITea#her, @oses $rote to us, 0! any oneIs brother "ay die, having a $i!e, and he "ay die #hildless ++ that his brother "ay ta'e the $i!e, and "ay raise u seed to his brother) ,/YAB LSY BPTSPAO N`BKAHNP]AB ASVLS URXAVLC NOAOVBLO VLS KALS YAB ]ASXAPAOVNC N`B VR A`LYUBPNB ASVLS NPBMRPAO ,0`ULPNK]LOVNC WN VBONC VQO PAWWLSYABQO LB AOVBKNMLOVNC AOAPVAPBO XR NBOAB N`RUQVRPAO ASVLO ,$KNMLOVNC WBWAPYAKN XQPRC NMUAcNO RXBO NAO VBOLC AWNKZLC A`L]AOR NTQO MSOABYA YAB LSVLC AVNYOLC A`L]AOR BOA KAHR L AWNKZLC ASVLS VRO MSOABYA YAB NaAOAPVRPR P`NUXA VQ AWNKZQ ASVLS ,%IThere $ere, then, seven brothers, ,%N`VA LSO AWNKZLB RPAO YAB L and the !irst having ta'en a $i!e, died `UQVLC KAHQO MSOABYA A`N]AONO #hildless, AVNYOLC -(and the se#ond too' the $i!e, and he -(YAB NKAHNO L WNSVNULC VRO MSOABYA died #hildless, YAB LSVLC A`N]AONO AVNYOLC -#and the third too' her, and in li'e -#YAB L VUBVLC NKAHNO ASVRO QPASVQC "anner also the seven ++ they le!t not WN YAB LB N`VA LS YAVNKB`LO VNYOA YAB #hildren, and they died, A`N]AOLO -,and last o! all died also the $o"anF -,SPVNULO WN `AOVQO A`N]AONO YAB R MSOR --in the rising again, then, o! $hi#h o! --NO VR LSO AOAPVAPNB VBOLC ASVQO the" doth she be#o"e $i!eb ++ !or the MBONVAB MSOR LB MAU N`VA NPTLO ASVRO seven had her as $i!e)I MSOABYA -..nd 5esus ans$ering said to the", -.YAB A`LYUB]NBC NB`NO ASVLBC L IThe sons o! this age do "arry and are BRPLSC LB SBLB VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS given in "arriage, MAXLSPBO YAB NYMAXBPYLOVAB -'but those a##ounted $orthy to -'LB WN YAVAaBQ]NOVNC VLS ABQOLC obtain that age, and the rising again NYNBOLS VSTNBO YAB VRC AOAPVAPNQC VRC that is out o! the dead, neither "arry, NY ONYUQO LSVN MAXLSPBO LSVN nor are they given in "arriage, NYMAXBPYLOVAB :8:
-/!or neither are they able to die any "ore ++ !or they are li'e "essengers ++ and they are sons o! &od, being sons o! the rising again) -0I.nd that the dead are raised, even @oses she$ed at the Bush, sin#e he doth #all the Lord, the &od o! .braha", and the &od o! 0saa#, and the &od o! 5a#ob, -$and He is not a &od o! dead "en, but o! living, !or all live to Hi")I -%.nd #ertain o! the s#ribes ans$ering said, ITea#her, thou didst say $ell,I -/LSVN MAU A`L]AONBO NVB WSOAOVAB BPAMMNKLB MAU NBPBO YAB SBLB NBPBO VLS ]NLS VRC AOAPVAPNQC SBLB LOVNC -0LVB WN NMNBULOVAB LB ONYULB YAB XQPRC NXROSPNO N`B VRC HAVLS QC KNMNB YSUBLO VLO ]NLO AHUAAX YAB VLO ]NLO BPAAY YAB VLO ]NLO BAYQH
-$]NLC WN LSY NPVBO ONYUQO AKKA \QOVQO `AOVNC MAU ASVQ \QPBO -%A`LYUB]NOVNC WN VBONC VQO MUAXXAVNQO NB`LO WBWAPYAKN YAKQC NB`AC .(and no "ore durst they ?uestion hi" .(LSYNVB WN NVLKXQO N`NUQVAO ASVLO anything) LSWNO .#.nd he said unto the", IHo$ do .#NB`NO WN `ULC ASVLSC `QC KNMLSPBO they say the Dhrist to be son o! David, VLO TUBPVLO SBLO WAHBW NBOAB .,and David hi"sel! saith in the Boo' .,YAB ASVLC WAHBW KNMNB NO HBHKQ o! Psal"s, The Lord said to "y lord, cAKXQO NB`NO L YSUBLC VQ YSUBQ XLS Sit thou on "y right hand, YA]LS NY WNaBQO XLS .-till 0 shall "a'e thine ene"ies thy .-NQC AO ]Q VLSC NT]ULSC PLS !ootstool, S`L`LWBLO VQO `LWQO PLS ..David, then, doth #all hi" lord, and ..WAHBW LSO YSUBLO ASVLO YAKNB YAB ho$ is he his sonbI `QC SBLC ASVLS NPVBO .'.nd, all the eo le hearing, he said .'AYLSLOVLC WN `AOVLC VLS KALS NB`NO to his dis#i les, VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS ./ITa'e heed o! the s#ribes, $ho are ./`ULPNTNVN A`L VQO MUAXXAVNQO VQO $ishing to $al' in long robes, and are ]NKLOVQO `NUB`AVNBO NO PVLKABC YAB loving salutations in the "ar'ets, and ZBKLSOVQO AP`APXLSC NO VABC AMLUABC !irst seats in the synagogues, and !irst YAB `UQVLYA]NWUBAC NO VABC #ou#hes in the su ers, PSOAMQMABC YAB `UQVLYKBPBAC NO VLBC WNB`OLBC :8=
.0$ho devour the houses o! the $ido$s, and !or a reten#e "a'e long rayers, these shall re#eive "ore abundant -udg"ent)I .0LB YAVNP]BLSPBO VAC LBYBAC VQO TRUQO YAB `ULZAPNB XAYUA `ULPNSTLOVAB LSVLB KRcLOVAB `NUBPPLVNULO YUBXA
+hapter ,#
#.nd having loo'ed u , he sa$ those $ho did #ast their gi!ts to the treasury ++ ri#h "en, ,and he sa$ also a #ertain oor $ido$ #asting there t$o "ites, -and he said, ITruly 0 say to you, that this oor $ido$ did #ast in "ore than all, .!or all these out o! their su erabundan#e did #ast into the gi!ts to &od, but this one out o! her $ant, all the living that she had, did #ast in)I #AOAHKNcAC WN NBWNO VLSC HAKKLOVAC VA WQUA ASVQO NBC VL MA\LZSKAYBLO `KLSPBLSC ,NBWNO WN YAB VBOA TRUAO `NOBTUAO HAKKLSPAO NYNB WSL KN`VA -YAB NB`NO AKR]QC KNMQ SXBO LVB R TRUA R `VQTR ASVR `KNBLO `AOVQO NHAKNO .A`AOVNC MAU LSVLB NY VLS `NUBPPNSLOVLC ASVLBC NHAKLO NBC VA WQUA VLS ]NLS ASVR WN NY VLS SPVNURXAVLC ASVRC A`AOVA VLO HBLO LO NBTNO NHAKNO '.nd #ertain saying about the te" le, 'YAB VBOQO KNMLOVQO `NUB VLS BNULS that $ith goodly stones and devoted LVB KB]LBC YAKLBC YAB AOA]RXAPBO things it hath been adorned, he said, YNYLPXRVAB NB`NO /IThese things that ye behold ++ days /VASVA A ]NQUNBVN NKNSPLOVAB RXNUAB $ill #o"e, in $hi#h there shall not be NO ABC LSY AZN]RPNVAB KB]LC N`B KB]Q le!t a stone u on a stone, that shall not LC LS YAVAKS]RPNVAB be thro$n do$n)I 0.nd they ?uestioned hi", saying, 0N`RUQVRPAO WN ASVLO KNMLOVNC ITea#her, $hen, then, shall these things WBWAPYAKN `LVN LSO VASVA NPVAB YAB VB beb and $hat IisI the sign $hen these VL PRXNBLO LVAO XNKKR VASVA MBONP]AB things "ay be about to ha enbI $.nd he said, ISee ++ ye "ay not be led $L WN NB`NO HKN`NVN XR `KAOR]RVN astray, !or "any shall #o"e in "y `LKKLB MAU NKNSPLOVAB N`B VQ LOLXAVB na"e, saying ++ 0 a" IheI, and the ti"e XLS KNMLOVNC LVB NMQ NBXB YAB L YABULC hath #o"e nigh, go not on then a!ter RMMBYNO XR LSO `LUNS]RVN L`BPQ the", ASVQO %and $hen ye "ay hear o! $ars and %LVAO WN AYLSPRVN `LKNXLSC YAB u risings, be not terri!ied, !or it AYAVAPVAPBAC XR `VLR]RVN WNB MAU behoveth these things to ha en !irst, VASVA MNONP]AB `UQVLO AKK LSY but the end IisI not i""ediately)I NS]NQC VL VNKLC :8>
#(Then said he to the", I/ation shall rise against nation, and 'ingdo" against 'ingdo", ##great sha'ings also in every la#e, and !a"ines, and estilen#es, there shall be, !ear!ul things also, and great signs !ro" heaven there shall be, #,and be!ore all these, they shall lay on you their hands, and erse#ute, delivering u to synagogues and risons, being brought be!ore 'ings and governors !or "y na"eIs sa'e, #-and it shall be#o"e to you !or a testi"ony) #.ISettle, then, to your hearts, not to "editate be!orehand to re ly, #'!or 0 $ill give to you a "outh and $isdo" that all your o osers shall not be able to re!ute or resist) #/I.nd ye shall be delivered u also by arents, and brothers, and 'indred, and !riends, and they shall ut o! you to death, #0and ye shall be hated by all be#ause o! "y na"e ++ #$and a hair out o! your head shall not erish, #%in your atien#e ossess ye your souls) #(VLVN NKNMNO ASVLBC NMNU]RPNVAB N]OLC N`B N]OLC YAB HAPBKNBA N`B HAPBKNBAO ##PNBPXLB VN XNMAKLB YAVA VL`LSC YAB KBXLB YAB KLBXLB NPLOVAB ZLHRVUA VN YAB PRXNBA A` LSUAOLS XNMAKA NPVAB #,`UL WN VLSVQO A`AOVQO N`BHAKLSPBO NZ SXAC VAC TNBUAC ASVQO YAB WBQaLSPBO `AUAWBWLOVNC NBC PSOAMQMAC YAB ZSKAYAC AMLXNOLSC N`B HAPBKNBC YAB RMNXLOAC NONYNO VLS LOLXAVLC XLS #-A`LHRPNVAB WN SXBO NBC XAUVSUBLO #.]NP]N LSO NBC VAC YAUWBAC SXQO XR `ULXNKNVAO A`LKLMR]ROAB #'NMQ MAU WQPQ SXBO PVLXA YAB PLZBAO R LS WSORPLOVAB AOVNB`NBO LSWN AOVBPVROAB `AOVNC LB AOVBYNBXNOLB SXBO #/`AUAWL]RPNP]N WN YAB S`L MLONQO YAB AWNKZQO YAB PSMMNOQO YAB ZBKQO YAB ]AOAVQPLSPBO Na SXQO #0YAB NPNP]N XBPLSXNOLB S`L `AOVQO WBA VL LOLXA XLS #$YAB ]UBa NY VRC YNZAKRC SXQO LS XR A`LKRVAB #%NO VR S`LXLOR SXQO YVRPAP]N VAC cSTAC SXQO
,(I.nd $hen ye "ay see 5erusale" surrounded by en#a" "ents, then 'no$ that #o"e nigh did her desolation, ,#then those in 5udea, let the" !lee to the "ountains, and those in her "idst, let the" de art out, and those in the #ountries, let the" not #o"e in to her, ,,be#ause these are days o! vengean#e, to !ul!il all things that have been $ritten) ,-I.nd $o to those $ith #hild, and to those giving su#', in those days, !or there shall be great distress on the land, and $rath on this eo le, ,.and they shall !all by the "outh o! the s$ord, and shall be led #a tive to all the nations, and 5erusale" shall be trodden do$n by nations, till the ti"es o! nations be !ul!illed) ,'I.nd there shall be signs in sun, and "oon, and stars, and on the land IisI distress o! nations $ith er le(ity, sea and billo$ roaring, ,/"en !ainting at heart !ro" !ear, and e( e#tation o! the things #o"ing on the $orld, !or the o$ers o! the heavens shall be sha'en) ,0I.nd then they shall see the Son o! @an, #o"ing in a #loud, $ith o$er and "u#h glory, ,(LVAO WN BWRVN YSYKLSXNORO S`L PVUAVL`NWQO VRO BNULSPAKRX VLVN MOQVN LVB RMMBYNO R NURXQPBC ASVRC ,#VLVN LB NO VR BLSWABA ZNSMNVQPAO NBC VA LUR YAB LB NO XNPQ ASVRC NYTQUNBVQPAO YAB LB NO VABC TQUABC XR NBPNUTNP]QPAO NBC ASVRO ,,LVB RXNUAB NYWBYRPNQC ASVAB NBPBO VLS `KRUQ]ROAB `AOVA VA MNMUAXXNOA ,-LSAB WN VABC NO MAPVUB NTLSPABC YAB VABC ]RKA\LSPABC NO NYNBOABC VABC RXNUABC NPVAB MAU AOAMYR XNMAKR N`B VRC MRC YAB LUMR NO VQ KAQ VLSVQ ,.YAB `NPLSOVAB PVLXAVB XATABUAC YAB ABTXAKQVBP]RPLOVAB NBC `AOVA VA N]OR YAB BNULSPAKRX NPVAB `AVLSXNOR S`L N]OQO ATUB `KRUQ]QPBO YABULB N]OQO ,'YAB NPVAB PRXNBA NO RKBQ YAB PNKROR YAB APVULBC YAB N`B VRC MRC PSOLTR N]OQO NO A`LUBA RTLSPRC ]AKAPPRC YAB PAKLS ,/A`LcSTLOVQO AO]UQ`QO A`L ZLHLS YAB `ULPWLYBAC VQO N`NUTLXNOQO VR LBYLSXNOR AB MAU WSOAXNBC VQO LSUAOQO PAKNS]RPLOVAB ,0YAB VLVN LcLOVAB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS NUTLXNOLO NO ONZNKR XNVA WSOAXNQC YAB WLaRC `LKKRC
,$and these things beginning to ha en bend yourselves ba#', and li!t u your heads, be#ause your rede" tion doth dra$ nigh)I ,%.nd he s a'e a si"ile to the"F ISee the !ig+tree, and all the trees, -($hen they "ay no$ #ast !orth, having seen, o! yourselves ye 'no$ that no$ is the su""er nigh, -#so also ye, $hen ye "ay see these things ha ening, ye 'no$ that near is the reign o! &od, -,verily 0 say to you ++ This generation "ay not ass a$ay till all "ay have #o"e to ass, --the heaven and the earth shall ass a$ay, but "y $ords "ay not ass a$ay) -.I.nd ta'e heed to yourselves, lest your hearts "ay be $eighed do$n $ith sur!eiting, and drun'enness, and an(ieties o! li!e, and suddenly that day "ay #o"e on you, -'!or as a snare it shall #o"e on all those d$elling on the !a#e o! all the land, -/$at#h ye, then, in every season, raying that ye "ay be a##ounted $orthy to es#a e all these things that are about to #o"e to ass, and to stand be!ore the Son o! @an)I ,$AUTLXNOQO WN VLSVQO MBONP]AB AOAYScAVN YAB N`AUAVN VAC YNZAKAC SXQO WBLVB NMMB\NB R A`LKSVUQPBC SXQO ,%YAB NB`NO `AUAHLKRO ASVLBC BWNVN VRO PSYRO YAB `AOVA VA WNOWUA -(LVAO `ULHAKQPBO RWR HKN`LOVNC AZ NASVQO MBOQPYNVN LVB RWR NMMSC VL ]NULC NPVBO -#LSVQC YAB SXNBC LVAO BWRVN VASVA MBOLXNOA MBOQPYNVN LVB NMMSC NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS -,AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB LS XR `AUNK]R R MNONA ASVR NQC AO `AOVA MNORVAB --L LSUAOLC YAB R MR `AUNKNSPLOVAB LB WN KLMLB XLS LS XR `AUNK]QPBO -.`ULPNTNVN WN NASVLBC XR`LVN HAUSO]QPBO SXQO AB YAUWBAB NO YUAB`AKR YAB XN]R YAB XNUBXOABC HBQVBYABC YAB ABZOBWBLC NZ SXAC N`BPVR R RXNUA NYNBOR -'QC `AMBC MAU N`NKNSPNVAB N`B `AOVAC VLSC YA]RXNOLSC N`B `ULPQ`LO `APRC VRC MRC -/AMUS`ONBVN LSO NO `AOVB YABUQ WNLXNOLB BOA YAVAaBQ]RVN NYZSMNBO VASVA `AOVA VA XNKKLOVA MBONP]AB YAB PVA]ROAB NX`ULP]NO VLS SBLS VLS AO]UQ`LS
-0.nd he $as during the days in the te" le tea#hing, and during the nights, going !orth, he $as lodging at the "ount #alled o! Olives, -$and all the eo le $ere #o"ing early unto hi" in the te" le to hear hi") -0RO WN VAC RXNUAC NO VQ BNUQ WBWAPYQO VAC WN OSYVAC NaNUTLXNOLC RSKB\NVL NBC VL LULC VL YAKLSXNOLO NKABQO -$YAB `AC L KALC QU]UB\NO `ULC ASVLO NO VQ BNUQ AYLSNBO ASVLS
+hapter ,,
#.nd the !east o! the unleavened !ood $as #o"ing nigh, that is #alled Passover, ,and the #hie! riests and the s#ribes $ere see'ing ho$ they "ay ta'e hi" u , !or they $ere a!raid o! the eo le) -.nd the .dversary entered into 5udas, $ho is surna"ed 0s#ariot, being o! the nu"ber o! the t$elve, .and he, having gone a$ay, s a'e $ith the #hie! riests and the "agistrates, ho$ he "ight deliver hi" u to the", 'and they re-oi#ed, and #ovenanted to give hi" "oney, /and he agreed, and $as see'ing a !avourable season to deliver hi" u to the" $ithout tu"ult) 0.nd the day o! the unleavened !ood #a"e, in $hi#h it $as behoving the assover to be sa#ri!i#ed, $and he sent Peter and 5ohn, saying, IHaving gone on, re are to us the assover, that $e "ay eat,I %and they said to hi", IWhere $ilt thou that $e "ight re arebI #(.nd he said to the", ILo, in your entering into the #ity, there shall "eet you a "an, bearing a it#her o! $ater, !ollo$ hi" to the house $here he doth go in, #RMMB\NO WN R NLUVR VQO A\SXQO R KNMLXNOR `APTA ,YAB N\RVLSO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC VL `QC AONKQPBO ASVLO NZLHLSOVL MAU VLO KALO -NBPRK]NO WN L PAVAOAC NBC BLSWAO VLO N`BYAKLSXNOLO BPYAUBQVRO LOVA NY VLS AUB]XLS VQO WQWNYA .YAB A`NK]QO PSONKAKRPNO VLBC AUTBNUNSPBO YAB VLBC PVUAVRMLBC VL `QC ASVLO `AUAWQ ASVLBC 'YAB NTAURPAO YAB PSON]NOVL ASVQ AUMSUBLO WLSOAB /YAB NaQXLKLMRPNO YAB N\RVNB NSYABUBAO VLS `AUAWLSOAB ASVLO ASVLBC AVNU LTKLS 0RK]NO WN R RXNUA VQO A\SXQO NO R NWNB ]SNP]AB VL `APTA $YAB A`NPVNBKNO `NVULO YAB BQAOORO NB`QO `LUNS]NOVNC NVLBXAPAVN RXBO VL `APTA BOA ZAMQXNO %LB WN NB`LO ASVQ `LS ]NKNBC NVLBXAPQXNO #(L WN NB`NO ASVLBC BWLS NBPNK]LOVQO SXQO NBC VRO `LKBO PSOAOVRPNB SXBO AO]UQ`LC YNUAXBLO SWAVLC HAPVA\QO AYLKLS]RPAVN ASVQ NBC VRO LBYBAO LS NBP`LUNSNVAB
##and ye shall say to the "aster o! the house, The Tea#her saith to thee, Where is the guest+#ha"ber $here the assover $ith "y dis#i les 0 "ay eatb #,and he shall sho$ you a large u er roo" !urnished, there "a'e ready,I #-and they, having gone a$ay, !ound as he hath said to the", and they "ade ready the assover) #..nd $hen the hour #o"e, he re#lined 7at "eat<, and the t$elve a ostles $ith hi", #'and he said unto the", IWith desire 0 did desire to eat this assover $ith you be!ore "y su!!ering, #/!or 0 say to you, that no "ore "ay 0 eat o! it till it "ay be !ul!illed in the reign o! &od)I #0.nd having ta'en a #u , having given than's, he said, ITa'e this and divide to yourselves, #$!or 0 say to you that 0 "ay not drin' o! the rodu#e o! the vine till the reign o! &od "ay #o"e)I #%.nd having ta'en bread, having given than's, he bra'e and gave to the", saying, IThis is "y body, that !or you is being given, this do ye ++ to re"e"bran#e o! "e)I ,(0n li'e "anner, also, the #u a!ter the su ing, saying, IThis #u IisI the ne$ #ovenant in "y blood, that !or you is being oured !orth) ##YAB NUNBVN VQ LBYLWNP`LVR VRC LBYBAC KNMNB PLB L WBWAPYAKLC `LS NPVBO VL YAVAKSXA L`LS VL `APTA XNVA VQO XA]RVQO XLS ZAMQ #,YAYNBOLC SXBO WNBaNB AOQMNLO XNMA NPVUQXNOLO NYNB NVLBXAPAVN #-A`NK]LOVNC WN NSULO YA]QC NBURYNO ASVLBC YAB RVLBXAPAO VL `APTA #.YAB LVN NMNONVL R QUA AON`NPNO YAB LB WQWNYA A`LPVLKLB PSO ASVQ #'YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC N`B]SXBA N`N]SXRPA VLSVL VL `APTA ZAMNBO XN] SXQO `UL VLS XN `A]NBO #/KNMQ MAU SXBO LVB LSYNVB LS XR ZAMQ Na ASVLS NQC LVLS `KRUQ]R NO VR HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS #0YAB WNaAXNOLC `LVRUBLO NSTAUBPVRPAC NB`NO KAHNVN VLSVL YAB WBAXNUBPAVN NASVLBC #$KNMQ MAU SXBO LVB LS XR `BQ A`L VLS MNOORXAVLC VRC AX`NKLS NQC LVLS R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS NK]R #%YAB KAHQO AUVLO NSTAUBPVRPAC NYKAPNO YAB NWQYNO ASVLBC KNMQO VLSVL NPVBO VL PQXA XLS VL S`NU SXQO WBWLXNOLO VLSVL `LBNBVN NBC VRO NXRO AOAXORPBO ,(QPASVQC YAB VL `LVRUBLO XNVA VL WNB`ORPAB KNMQO VLSVL VL `LVRUBLO R YABOR WBA]RYR NO VQ ABXAVB XLS VL S`NU SXQO NYTSOLXNOLO
,#IBut, lo, the hand o! hi" delivering "e u IisI $ith "e on the table, ,,and indeed the Son o! @an doth go a##ording to $hat hath been deter"ined, but $o to that "an through $ho" he is being delivered u )I ,-.nd they began to reason a"ong the"selves, $ho then o! the" it "ay be, $ho is about to do this thing) ,..nd there ha ened also a stri!e a"ong the" ++ $ho o! the" is a##ounted to be greater) ,'.nd he said to the", IThe 'ings o! the nations do e(er#ise lordshi over the", and those e(er#ising authority u on the" are #alled bene!a#tors, ,/but ye IareI not so, but he $ho is greater a"ong you ++ let hi" be as the younger, and he $ho is leading, as he $ho is "inistering, ,0!or $ho is greaterb he $ho is re#lining 7at "eat<, or he $ho is "inisteringb is it not he $ho is re#lining 7at "eat<b and 0 ++ 0 a" in your "idst as he $ho is "inistering) ,$I.nd ye ++ ye are those $ho have re"ained $ith "e in "y te" tations, ,%and 0 a oint to you, as "y Father did a oint to "e, a 'ingdo", -(that ye "ay eat and "ay drin' at "y table, in "y 'ingdo", and "ay sit on thrones, -udging the t$elve tribes o! 0srael)I ,#`KRO BWLS R TNBU VLS `AUAWBWLOVLC XN XNV NXLS N`B VRC VUA`N\RC ,,YAB L XNO SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS `LUNSNVAB YAVA VL QUBPXNOLO `KRO LSAB VQ AO]UQ`Q NYNBOQ WB LS `AUAWBWLVAB ,-YAB ASVLB RUaAOVL PS\RVNBO `ULC NASVLSC VL VBC AUA NBR Na ASVQO L VLSVL XNKKQO `UAPPNBO ,.NMNONVL WN YAB ZBKLONBYBA NO ASVLBC VL VBC ASVQO WLYNB NBOAB XNB\QO ,'L WN NB`NO ASVLBC LB HAPBKNBC VQO N]OQO YSUBNSLSPBO ASVQO YAB LB NaLSPBA\LOVNC ASVQO NSNUMNVAB YAKLSOVAB ,/SXNBC WN LST LSVQC AKK L XNB\QO NO SXBO MNONP]Q QC L ONQVNULC YAB L RMLSXNOLC QC L WBAYLOQO ,0VBC MAU XNB\QO L AOAYNBXNOLC R L WBAYLOQO LSTB L AOAYNBXNOLC NMQ WN NBXB NO XNPQ SXQO QC L WBAYLOQO ,$SXNBC WN NPVN LB WBAXNXNORYLVNC XNV NXLS NO VLBC `NBUAPXLBC XLS ,%YAMQ WBAVB]NXAB SXBO YA]QC WBN]NVL XLB L `AVRU XLS HAPBKNBAO -(BOA NP]BRVN YAB `BORVN N`B VRC VUA`N\RC XLS NO VR HAPBKNBA XLS YAB YA]BPRP]N N`B ]ULOQO YUBOLOVNC VAC WQWNYA ZSKAC VLS BPUARK
-#.nd the Lord said, ISi"on, Si"on, lo, the .dversary did as' you !or hi"sel! to si!t as the $heat, -,and 0 besought !or thee, that thy !aith "ay not !ail, and thou, $hen thou didst turn, strengthen thy brethren)I -#NB`NO WN L YSUBLC PBXQO PBXQO BWLS L PAVAOAC NaRVRPAVL SXAC VLS PBOBAPAB QC VLO PBVLO -,NMQ WN NWNR]RO `NUB PLS BOA XR NYKNB`R R `BPVBC PLS YAB PS `LVN N`BPVUNcAC PVRUBaLO VLSC AWNKZLSC PLS --.nd he said to hi", ISir, $ith thee 0 --L WN NB`NO ASVQ YSUBN XNVA PLS a" ready both to rison and to death to NVLBXLC NBXB YAB NBC ZSKAYRO YAB NBC go,I ]AOAVLO `LUNSNP]AB -.and he said, I0 say to thee, Peter, a -.L WN NB`NO KNMQ PLB `NVUN LS XR #o#' shall not #ro$ to+day, be!ore ZQORPNB PRXNULO AKNYVQU `UBO R VUBC thri#e thou "ayest diso$n 'no$ing A`AUORPR XR NBWNOAB XN "e)I -'.nd he said to the", IWhen 0 sent -'YAB NB`NO ASVLBC LVN A`NPVNBKA SXAC you $ithout bag, and s#ri , and AVNU HAKAOVBLS YAB `RUAC YAB sandals, did ye la#' anythingbI and S`LWRXAVQO XR VBOLC SPVNURPAVN LB they said, I/othing)I WN NB`LO LSWNOLC -/Then said he to the", IBut, no$, he -/NB`NO LSO ASVLBC AKKA OSO L NTQO $ho is having a bag, let hi" ta'e IitI HAKAOVBLO AUAVQ LXLBQC YAB `RUAO u , and in li'e "anner also a s#ri , and YAB L XR NTQO `QKRPAVQ VL BXAVBLO he $ho is not having, let hi" sell his ASVLS YAB AMLUAPAVQ XATABUAO gar"ent, and buy a s$ord, -0!or 0 say to you, that yet this that -0KNMQ MAU SXBO LVB NVB VLSVL VL hath been $ritten it behoveth to be MNMUAXXNOLO WNB VNKNP]ROAB NO NXLB VL !ul!illed in "eF .nd $ith la$less ones YAB XNVA AOLXQO NKLMBP]R YAB MAU VA he $as re#'oned, !or also the things `NUB NXLS VNKLC NTNB #on#erning "e have an end)I -$.nd they said, ISir, lo, here IareI t$o -$LB WN NB`LO YSUBN BWLS XATABUAB QWN s$ords,I and he said to the", I0t is WSL L WN NB`NO ASVLBC BYAOLO NPVBO su!!i#ient)I
-%.nd having gone !orth, he $ent on, a##ording to #usto", to the "ount o! the Olives, and his dis#i les also !ollo$ed hi", .(and having #o"e to the la#e, he said to the", IPray ye not to enter into te" tation)I .#.nd he $as $ithdra$n !ro" the", as it $ere a stoneIs #ast, and having !allen on the 'nees he $as raying, .,saying, IFather, i! Thou be #ounselling to "a'e this #u ass !ro" "e ++, but, not "y $ill, but Thine be done)I ++ .-.nd there a eared to hi" a "essenger !ro" heaven strengthening hi", ..and having been in agony, he $as "ore earnestly raying, and his s$eat be#a"e, as it $ere, great dro s o! blood !alling u on the ground) .'.nd having risen u !ro" the rayer, having #o"e unto the dis#i les, he !ound the" slee ing !ro" the sorro$, ./and he said to the", IWhy do ye slee b having risen, ray that ye "ay not enter into te" tation)I .0.nd $hile he is s ea'ing, lo, a "ultitude, and he $ho is #alled 5udas, one o! the t$elve, $as #o"ing be!ore the", and he #a"e nigh to 5esus to 'iss hi", -%YAB NaNK]QO N`LUNS]R YAVA VL N]LC NBC VL LULC VQO NKABQO RYLKLS]RPAO WN ASVQ YAB LB XA]RVAB ASVLS .(MNOLXNOLC WN N`B VLS VL`LS NB`NO ASVLBC `ULPNSTNP]N XR NBPNK]NBO NBC `NBUAPXLO .#YAB ASVLC A`NP`AP]R A` ASVQO QPNB KB]LS HLKRO YAB ]NBC VA MLOAVA `ULPRSTNVL .,KNMQO `AVNU NB HLSKNB `AUNONMYNBO VL `LVRUBLO VLSVL A` NXLS `KRO XR VL ]NKRXA XLS AKKA VL PLO MNONP]Q .-QZ]R WN ASVQ AMMNKLC A` LSUAOLS NOBPTSQO ASVLO ..YAB MNOLXNOLC NO AMQOBA NYVNONPVNULO `ULPRSTNVL NMNONVL WN L BWUQC ASVLS QPNB ]ULXHLB ABXAVLC YAVAHABOLOVNC N`B VRO MRO .'YAB AOAPVAC A`L VRC `ULPNSTRC NK]QO `ULC VLSC XA]RVAC NSUNO ASVLSC YLBXQXNOLSC A`L VRC KS`RC ./YAB NB`NO ASVLBC VB YA]NSWNVN AOAPVAOVNC `ULPNSTNP]N BOA XR NBPNK]RVN NBC `NBUAPXLO .0NVB WN ASVLS KAKLSOVLC BWLS LTKLC YAB L KNMLXNOLC BLSWAC NBC VQO WQWNYA `ULRUTNVL ASVQO YAB RMMBPNO VQ BRPLS ZBKRPAB ASVLO
.$and 5esus said to hi", I5udas, $ith a 'iss the Son o! @an dost thou deliver u bI .%.nd those about hi", having seen $hat $as about to be, said to hi", ISir, shall $e s"ite $ith a s$ordbI '(.nd a #ertain one o! the" s"ote the servant o! the #hie! riest, and too' o!! his right ear, '#and 5esus ans$ering said, ISu!!er ye thus !ar,I and having tou#hed his ear, he healed hi") ',.nd 5esus said to those having #o"e u on hi" ++ #hie! riests, and "agistrates o! the te" le, and elders ++ I.s u on a robber have ye #o"e !orth, $ith s$ords and sti#'sb '-$hile daily 0 $as $ith you in the te" le, ye did stret#h !orth no hands against "e, but this is your hour and the o$er o! the dar'ness)I '..nd having ta'en hi", they led and brought hi" to the house o! the #hie! riest) .nd Peter $as !ollo$ing a!ar o!!, ''and they having 'indled a !ire in the "idst o! the #ourt, and having sat do$n together, Peter $as sitting in the "idst o! the", '/and a #ertain "aid having seen hi" sitting at the light, and having earnestly loo'ed at hi", she said, I.nd this one $as $ith hi"dI .$L WN BRPLSC NB`NO ASVQ BLSWA ZBKRXAVB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS `AUAWBWQC .%BWLOVNC WN LB `NUB ASVLO VL NPLXNOLO NB`LO ASVQ YSUBN NB `AVAaLXNO NO XATABUA '(YAB N`AVAaNO NBC VBC Na ASVQO VLO WLSKLO VLS AUTBNUNQC YAB AZNBKNO ASVLS VL LSC VL WNaBLO '#A`LYUB]NBC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO NAVN NQC VLSVLS YAB AcAXNOLC VLS QVBLS ASVLS BAPAVL ASVLO ',NB`NO WN L BRPLSC `ULC VLSC `AUAMNOLXNOLSC N` ASVLO AUTBNUNBC YAB PVUAVRMLSC VLS BNULS YAB `UNPHSVNULSC QC N`B KRPVRO NaNKRKS]AVN XNVA XATABUQO YAB aSKQO '-YA] RXNUAO LOVLC XLS XN] SXQO NO VQ BNUQ LSY NaNVNBOAVN VAC TNBUAC N` NXN AKK ASVR SXQO NPVBO R QUA YAB R NaLSPBA VLS PYLVLSC '.PSKKAHLOVNC WN ASVLO RMAMLO YAB NBPRMAMLO ASVLO NBC VLO LBYLO VLS AUTBNUNQC L WN `NVULC RYLKLS]NB XAYUL]NO ''AcAOVQO WN `SU NO XNPQ VRC ASKRC YAB PSMYA]BPAOVQO ASVQO NYA]RVL L `NVULC NO XNPQ ASVQO '/BWLSPA WN ASVLO `ABWBPYR VBC YA]RXNOLO `ULC VL ZQC YAB AVNOBPAPA ASVQ NB`NO YAB LSVLC PSO ASVQ RO
'0and he diso$ned hi", saying, IWo"an, 0 have not 'no$n hi")I '$.nd a!ter a little, another having seen hi", said, I.nd thou art o! the"dI and Peter said, I@an, 0 a" not)I '%.nd one hour, as it $ere, having intervened, a #ertain other $as #on!idently a!!ir"ing, saying, IO! a truth this one also $as $ith hi", !or he is also a &alilean,I /(and Peter said, I@an, 0 have not 'no$n $hat thou sayest,I and resently, $hile he is s ea'ing, a #o#' #re$) /#.nd the Lord having turned did loo' on Peter, and Peter re"e"bered the $ord o! the Lord, ho$ he said to hi" ++ IBe!ore a #o#' shall #ro$, thou "ayest diso$n "e thri#e,I /,and Peter having gone $ithout, $e t bitterly) /-.nd the "en $ho $ere holding 5esus $ere "o#'ing hi", beating Ihi"I, /.and having blind!olded hi", they $ere stri'ing hi" on the !a#e, and $ere ?uestioning hi", saying, IPro hesy $ho he is $ho s"ote theebI /'and "any other things, s ea'ing evilly, they s a'e in regard to hi") '0L WN RUORPAVL ASVLO KNMQO MSOAB LSY LBWA ASVLO '$YAB XNVA HUATS NVNULC BWQO ASVLO NZR YAB PS Na ASVQO NB L WN `NVULC NB`NO AO]UQ`N LSY NBXB '%YAB WBAPVAPRC QPNB QUAC XBAC AKKLC VBC WBBPTSUB\NVL KNMQO N` AKR]NBAC YAB LSVLC XNV ASVLS RO YAB MAU MAKBKABLC NPVBO /(NB`NO WN L `NVULC AO]UQ`N LSY LBWA L KNMNBC YAB `AUATURXA NVB KAKLSOVLC ASVLS NZQORPNO L AKNYVQU /#YAB PVUAZNBC L YSUBLC NONHKNcNO VQ `NVUQ YAB S`NXORP]R L `NVULC VLS KLMLS VLS YSUBLS QC NB`NO ASVQ LVB `UBO AKNYVLUA ZQORPAB A`AUORPR XN VUBC /,YAB NaNK]QO NaQ L `NVULC NYKASPNO `BYUQC /-YAB LB AOWUNC LB PSONTLOVNC VLO BRPLSO NON`AB\LO ASVQ WNULOVNC /.YAB `NUBYAKScAOVNC ASVLO NVS`VLO ASVLS VL `ULPQ`LO YAB N`RUQVQO ASVLO KNMLOVNC `ULZRVNSPLO VBC NPVBO L `ABPAC PN /'YAB NVNUA `LKKA HKAPZRXLSOVNC NKNMLO NBC ASVLO
//.nd $hen it be#a"e day there $as gathered together the eldershi o! the eo le, #hie! riests also, and s#ribes, and they led hi" u to their o$n sanhedri", /0saying, I0! thou be the Dhrist, tell us)I .nd he said to the", I0! 0 "ay tell you, ye $ill not believe, /$and i! 0 also ?uestion IyouI, ye $ill not ans$er "e or send "e a$ay, /%hen#e!orth, there shall be the Son o! @an sitting on the right hand o! the o$er o! &od)I 0(.nd they all said, IThou, then, art the Son o! &odbI and he said unto the", I4e say IitI, be#ause 0 a",I 0#and they said, IWhat need yet have $e o! testi"onyb !or $e ourselves did hear IitI !ro" his "outh)I //YAB QC NMNONVL RXNUA PSORT]R VL `UNPHSVNUBLO VLS KALS AUTBNUNBC VN YAB MUAXXAVNBC YAB AORMAMLO ASVLO NBC VL PSONWUBLO NASVQO KNMLOVNC /0NB PS NB L TUBPVLC NB`N RXBO NB`NO WN ASVLBC NAO SXBO NB`Q LS XR `BPVNSPRVN /$NAO WN YAB NUQVRPQ LS XR A`LYUB]RVN XLB R A`LKSPRVN /%A`L VLS OSO NPVAB L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS YA]RXNOLC NY WNaBQO VRC WSOAXNQC VLS ]NLS 0(NB`LO WN `AOVNC PS LSO NB L SBLC VLS ]NLS L WN `ULC ASVLSC NZR SXNBC KNMNVN LVB NMQ NBXB 0#LB WN NB`LO VB NVB TUNBAO NTLXNO XAUVSUBAC ASVLB MAU RYLSPAXNO A`L VLS PVLXAVLC ASVLS
+hapter ,#.nd having risen, the $hole "ultitude o! the" did lead hi" to Pilate, ,and began to a##use hi", saying, IThis one $e !ound erverting the nation, and !orbidding to give tribute to Daesar, saying hi"sel! to be Dhrist a 'ing)I -.nd Pilate ?uestioned hi", saying, IThou art the 'ing o! the 5e$sbI and he ans$ering hi", said, IThou dost say IitI)I ..nd Pilate said unto the #hie! riests, and the "ultitude, I0 !ind no !ault in this "an,I 'and they $ere the "ore urgent, saying ++ IHe doth stir u the eo le, tea#hing throughout the $hole o! 5udea ++ having begun !ro" &alilee ++ unto this la#e)I /.nd Pilate having heard o! &alilee, ?uestioned i! the "an is a &alilean, #YAB AOAPVAO A`AO VL `KR]LC ASVQO RMAMNO ASVLO N`B VLO `BKAVLO ,RUaAOVL WN YAVRMLUNBO ASVLS KNMLOVNC VLSVLO NSULXNO WBAPVUNZLOVA VL N]OLC YAB YQKSLOVA YABPAUB ZLULSC WBWLOAB KNMLOVA NASVLO TUBPVLO HAPBKNA NBOAB -L WN `BKAVLC N`RUQVRPNO ASVLO KNMQO PS NB L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO L WN A`LYUB]NBC ASVQ NZR PS KNMNBC .L WN `BKAVLC NB`NO `ULC VLSC AUTBNUNBC YAB VLSC LTKLSC LSWNO NSUBPYQ ABVBLO NO VQ AO]UQ`Q VLSVQ 'LB WN N`BPTSLO KNMLOVNC LVB AOAPNBNB VLO KALO WBWAPYQO YA] LKRC VRC BLSWABAC AUaAXNOLC A`L VRC MAKBKABAC NQC QWN
/`BKAVLC WN AYLSPAC MAKBKABAO N`RUQVRPNO NB L AO]UQ`LC MAKBKABLC NPVBO 0and having 'no$n that he is !ro" the 0YAB N`BMOLSC LVB NY VRC NaLSPBAC -urisdi#tion o! Herod, he sent hi" ba#' RUQWLS NPVBO AON`NXcNO ASVLO `ULC unto Herod, he being also in 5erusale" RUQWRO LOVA YAB ASVLO NO in those days) BNULPLKSXLBC NO VASVABC VABC RXNUABC $.nd Herod having seen 5esus did $L WN RUQWRC BWQO VLO BRPLSO NTAUR re-oi#e e(#eedingly, !or he $as KBAO RO MAU ]NKQO Na BYAOLS BWNBO $ishing !or a long Iti"eI to see hi", ASVLO WBA VL AYLSNBO `LKKA `NUB be#ause o! hearing "any things about ASVLS YAB RK`B\NO VB PRXNBLO BWNBO S` hi", and he $as ho ing so"e sign to ASVLS MBOLXNOLO see done by hi", :>6
%and $as ?uestioning hi" in "any $ords, and he ans$ered hi" nothing) #(.nd the #hie! riests and the s#ribes stood vehe"ently a##using hi", %N`RUQVA WN ASVLO NO KLMLBC BYAOLBC ASVLC WN LSWNO A`NYUBOAVL ASVQ #(NBPVRYNBPAO WN LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB MUAXXAVNBC NSVLOQC YAVRMLULSOVNC ASVLS ##and Herod $ith his soldiers having ##NaLS]NORPAC WN ASVLO L RUQWRC set hi" at nought, and having "o#'ed, PSO VLBC PVUAVNSXAPBO ASVLS YAB having ut around hi" gorgeous NX`ABaAC `NUBHAKQO ASVLO NP]RVA a arel, did send hi" ba#' to Pilate, KAX`UAO AON`NXcNO ASVLO VQ `BKAVQ #,and both Pilate and Herod be#a"e #,NMNOLOVL WN ZBKLB L VN `BKAVLC YAB L !riends on that day $ith one another, RUQWRC NO ASVR VR RXNUA XNV !or they $ere be!ore at en"ity AKKRKQO `ULS`RUTLO MAU NO NT]UA bet$een the"selves) LOVNC `ULC NASVLSC #-.nd Pilate having #alled together #-`BKAVLC WN PSMYAKNPAXNOLC VLSC the #hie! riests, and the rulers, and the AUTBNUNBC YAB VLSC AUTLOVAC YAB VLO eo le, KALO #.said unto the", I4e brought to "e #.NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC `ULPRONMYAVN this "an as erverting the eo le, and XLB VLO AO]UQ`LO VLSVLO QC lo, 0 be!ore you having e(a"ined, A`LPVUNZLOVA VLO KALO YAB BWLS NMQ !ound in this "an no !ault in those NOQ`BLO SXQO AOAYUBOAC LSWNO NSULO things ye bring !or$ard against hi", NO VQ AO]UQ`Q VLSVQ ABVBLO QO YAVRMLUNBVN YAV ASVLS #'no, nor yet Herod, !or 0 sent you #'AKK LSWN RUQWRC AON`NXcA MAU ba#' unto hi", and lo, nothing $orthy SXAC `ULC ASVLO YAB BWLS LSWNO AaBLO o! death is having been done by hi", ]AOAVLS NPVBO `N`UAMXNOLO ASVQ #/having #hastised, there!ore, 0 $ill #/`ABWNSPAC LSO ASVLO A`LKSPQ release hi",I #0!or it $as ne#essary !or hi" to #0AOAMYRO WN NBTNO A`LKSNBO ASVLBC release to the" one at every !east, YAVA NLUVRO NOA #$and they #ried out ++ the $hole #$AONYUAaAO WN `AX`KR]NB KNMLOVNC "ultitude ++ saying, I.$ay $ith this ABUN VLSVLO A`LKSPLO WN RXBO VLO one, and release to us Barabbas,I HAUAHHAO
#%$ho had been, be#ause o! a #ertain sedition "ade in the #ity, and "urder, #ast into rison) ,(Pilate again then ++ $ishing to release 5esus ++ #alled to the", ,#but they $ere #alling out, saying, IDru#i!y, #ru#i!y hi")I ,,.nd he a third ti"e said unto the", IWhy, $hat evil did heb no #ause o! death did 0 !ind in hi", having #hastised hi", then, 0 $ill release Ihi"I)I ,-.nd they $ere ressing $ith loud voi#es as'ing hi" to be #ru#i!ied, and their voi#es, and those o! the #hie! riests, $ere revailing, ,.and Pilate gave -udg"ent !or their re?uest being done, ,'and he released hi" $ho be#ause o! sedition and "urder hath been #ast into the rison, $ho" they $ere as'ing, and 5esus he gave u to their $ill) ,/.nd as they led hi" a$ay, having ta'en hold on Si"on, a #ertain Dyrenian, #o"ing !ro" the !ield, they ut on hi" the #ross, to bear IitI behind 5esus) ,0.nd there $as !ollo$ing hi" a great "ultitude o! the eo le, and o! $o"en, $ho also $ere beating the"selves and la"enting hi", #%LPVBC RO WBA PVAPBO VBOA MNOLXNORO NO VR `LKNB YAB ZLOLO HNHKRXNOLC NBC ZSKAYRO ,(`AKBO LSO L `BKAVLC `ULPNZQORPNO ]NKQO A`LKSPAB VLO BRPLSO ,#LB WN N`NZQOLSO KNMLOVNC PVASUQPLO PVASUQPLO ASVLO ,,L WN VUBVLO NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC VB MAU YAYLO N`LBRPNO LSVLC LSWNO ABVBLO ]AOAVLS NSULO NO ASVQ `ABWNSPAC LSO ASVLO A`LKSPQ ,-LB WN N`NYNBOVL ZQOABC XNMAKABC ABVLSXNOLB ASVLO PVASUQ]ROAB YAB YAVBPTSLO AB ZQOAB ASVQO YAB VQO AUTBNUNQO ,.L WN `BKAVLC N`NYUBONO MNONP]AB VL ABVRXA ASVQO ,'A`NKSPNO WN ASVLBC VLO WBA PVAPBO YAB ZLOLO HNHKRXNOLO NBC VRO ZSKAYRO LO RVLSOVL VLO WN BRPLSO `AUNWQYNO VQ ]NKRXAVB ASVQO ,/YAB QC A`RMAMLO ASVLO N`BKAHLXNOLB PBXQOLC VBOLC YSUROABLS VLS NUTLXNOLS A` AMULS N`N]RYAO ASVQ VLO PVASULO ZNUNBO L`BP]NO VLS BRPLS ,0RYLKLS]NB WN ASVQ `LKS `KR]LC VLS KALS YAB MSOABYQO AB YAB NYL`VLOVL YAB N]UROLSO ASVLO
,$and 5esus having turned unto the", said, IDaughters o! 5erusale", $ee not !or "e, but !or yourselves $ee ye, and !or your #hildren, ,%!or, lo, days do #o"e, in $hi#h they shall say, Ha y the barren, and $o"bs that did not bare, and a s that did not give su#', -(then they shall begin to say to the "ountains, Fall on us, and to the hills, Dover us, ++ -#!or, i! in the green tree they do these things ++ in the dry $hat "ay ha enbI -,.nd there $ere also others ++ t$o evil+doers ++ $ith hi", to be ut to death, --and $hen they #a"e to the la#e that is #alled S'ull, there they #ru#i!ied hi" and the evil+doers, one on the right hand and one on the le!t) -..nd 5esus said, IFather, !orgive the", !or they have not 'no$n $hat they do,I and arting his gar"ents they #ast a lot) -'.nd the eo le $ere standing, loo'ing on, and the rulers also $ere sneering $ith the", saying, IOthers he saved, let hi" save hi"sel!, i! this be the Dhrist, the #hoi#e one o! &od)I -/.nd "o#'ing hi" also $ere the soldiers, #o"ing near and o!!ering vinegar to hi", -0and saying, I0! thou be the 'ing o! the 5e$s, save thysel!)I ,$PVUAZNBC WN `ULC ASVAC L BRPLSC NB`NO ]SMAVNUNC BNULSPAKRX XR YKABNVN N` NXN `KRO NZ NASVAC YKABNVN YAB N`B VA VNYOA SXQO ,%LVB BWLS NUTLOVAB RXNUAB NO ABC NULSPBO XAYAUBAB AB PVNBUAB YAB YLBKBAB AB LSY NMNOORPAO YAB XAPVLB LB LSY N]RKAPAO -(VLVN AUaLOVAB KNMNBO VLBC LUNPBO `NPNVN NZ RXAC YAB VLBC HLSOLBC YAKScAVN RXAC -#LVB NB NO VQ SMUQ aSKQ VASVA `LBLSPBO NO VQ aRUQ VB MNORVAB -,RMLOVL WN YAB NVNULB WSL YAYLSUMLB PSO ASVQ AOABUN]ROAB --YAB LVN A`RK]LO N`B VLO VL`LO VLO YAKLSXNOLO YUAOBLO NYNB NPVASUQPAO ASVLO YAB VLSC YAYLSUMLSC LO XNO NY WNaBQO LO WN Na AUBPVNUQO -.L WN BRPLSC NKNMNO `AVNU AZNC ASVLBC LS MAU LBWAPBO VB `LBLSPBO WBAXNUB\LXNOLB WN VA BXAVBA ASVLS NHAKLO YKRULO -'YAB NBPVRYNB L KALC ]NQUQO NaNXSYVRUB\LO WN YAB LB AUTLOVNC PSO ASVLBC KNMLOVNC AKKLSC NPQPNO PQPAVQ NASVLO NB LSVLC NPVBO L TUBPVLC L VLS ]NLS NYKNYVLC -/NON`AB\LO WN ASVQ YAB LB PVUAVBQVAB `ULPNUTLXNOLB YAB LaLC `ULPZNULOVNC ASVQ -0YAB KNMLOVNC NB PS NB L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO PQPLO PNASVLO
-$.nd there $as also a su ers#ri tion $ritten over hi", in letters o! &ree', and Ro"an, and Hebre$, IThis is the King o! the 5e$s)I -%.nd one o! the evil+doers $ho $ere hanged, $as s ea'ing evil o! hi", saying, I0! thou be the Dhrist, save thysel! and us)I .(.nd the other ans$ering, $as rebu'ing hi", saying, IDost thou not even !ear &od, that thou art in the sa"e -udg"entb .#and $e indeed righteously, !or things $orthy o! $hat $e did $e re#eive ba#', but this one did nothing out o! la#e,I .,and he said to 5esus, IRe"e"ber "e, lord, $hen thou "ayest #o"e in thy reign,I .-and 5esus said to hi", I%erily 0 say to thee, To+day $ith "e thou shalt be in the aradise)I ...nd it $as, as it $ere, the si(th hour, and dar'ness #a"e over all the land till the ninth hour, .'and the sun $as dar'ened, and the vail o! the san#tuary $as rent in the "idst, ./and having #ried $ith a loud voi#e, 5esus said, IFather, to Thy hands 0 #o""it "y s irit,I and these things having said, he breathed !orth the s irit) -$RO WN YAB N`BMUAZR MNMUAXXNOR N` ASVQ MUAXXAPBO NKKROBYLBC YAB UQXABYLBC YAB NHUABYLBC LSVLC NPVBO L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO -%NBC WN VQO YUNXAP]NOVQO YAYLSUMQO NHKAPZRXNB ASVLO KNMQO NB PS NB L TUBPVLC PQPLO PNASVLO YAB RXAC .(A`LYUB]NBC WN L NVNULC N`NVBXA ASVQ KNMQO LSWN ZLHR PS VLO ]NLO LVB NO VQ ASVQ YUBXAVB NB .#YAB RXNBC XNO WBYABQC AaBA MAU QO N`UAaAXNO A`LKAXHAOLXNO LSVLC WN LSWNO AVL`LO N`UAaNO .,YAB NKNMNO VQ BRPLS XORP]RVB XLS YSUBN LVAO NK]RC NO VR HAPBKNBA PLS .-YAB NB`NO ASVQ L BRPLSC AXRO KNMQ PLB PRXNULO XNV NXLS NPR NO VQ `AUAWNBPQ ..RO WN QPNB QUA NYVR YAB PYLVLC NMNONVL NZ LKRO VRO MRO NQC QUAC NOOAVRC .'YAB NPYLVBP]R L RKBLC YAB NPTBP]R VL YAVA`NVAPXA VLS OALS XNPLO ./YAB ZQORPAC ZQOR XNMAKR L BRPLSC NB`NO `AVNU NBC TNBUAC PLS `AUA]RPLXAB VL `ONSXA XLS YAB VASVA NB`QO NaN`ONSPNO
.0.nd the #enturion having seen $hat $as done, did glori!y &od, saying, IReally this "an $as righteous,I .$and all the "ultitudes $ho $ere #o"e together to this sight, beholding the things that #a"e to ass, s"iting their breasts did turn ba#', .%and all his a#?uaintan#es stood a!ar o!!, and $o"en $ho did !ollo$ hi" !ro" &alilee, beholding these things) '(.nd lo, a "an, by na"e 5ose h, being a #ounsellor, a "an good and righteous, '#++ he $as not #onsenting to their #ounsel and deed ++ !ro" .ri"athea, a #ity o! the 5e$s, $ho also hi"sel! $as e( e#ting the reign o! &od, ',he, having gone near to Pilate, as'ed the body o! 5esus, '-and having ta'en it do$n, he $ra ed it in !ine linen, and la#ed it in a to"b he$n out, $here no one $as yet laid) '..nd the day $as a re aration, and sabbath $as a roa#hing, ''and the $o"en also $ho have #o"e $ith hi" out o! &alilee having !ollo$ed a!ter, beheld the to"b, and ho$ his body $as la#ed, .0BWQO WN L NYAVLOVAUTLC VL MNOLXNOLO NWLaAPNO VLO ]NLO KNMQO LOVQC L AO]UQ`LC LSVLC WBYABLC RO .$YAB `AOVNC LB PSX`AUAMNOLXNOLB LTKLB N`B VRO ]NQUBAO VASVRO ]NQULSOVNC VA MNOLXNOA VS`VLOVNC NASVQO VA PVR]R S`NPVUNZLO .%NBPVRYNBPAO WN `AOVNC LB MOQPVLB ASVLS XAYUL]NO YAB MSOABYNC AB PSOAYLKLS]RPAPAB ASVQ A`L VRC MAKBKABAC LUQPAB VASVA '(YAB BWLS AORU LOLXAVB BQPRZ HLSKNSVRC S`AUTQO AORU AMA]LC YAB WBYABLC '#LSVLC LSY RO PSMYAVAVN]NBXNOLC VR HLSKR YAB VR `UAaNB ASVQO A`L AUBXA]ABAC `LKNQC VQO BLSWABQO LC YAB `ULPNWNTNVL YAB ASVLC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS ',LSVLC `ULPNK]QO VQ `BKAVQ RVRPAVL VL PQXA VLS BRPLS '-YAB YA]NKQO ASVL NONVSKBaNO ASVL PBOWLOB YAB N]RYNO ASVL NO XORXAVB KAaNSVQ LS LSY RO LSWN`Q LSWNBC YNBXNOLC '.YAB RXNUA RO `AUAPYNSR YAB PAHHAVLO N`NZQPYNO ''YAVAYLKLS]RPAPAB WN YAB MSOABYNC ABVBONC RPAO PSONKRKS]SBAB ASVQ NY VRC MAKBKABAC N]NAPAOVL VL XORXNBLO YAB QC NVN]R VL PQXA ASVLS
'/and having turned ba#', they "ade '/S`LPVUNcAPAB WN RVLBXAPAO ready s i#es and oint"ents, and on the AUQXAVA YAB XSUA YAB VL XNO sabbath, indeed, they rested, a##ording PAHHAVLO RPSTAPAO YAVA VRO NOVLKRO to the #o""and)
+hapter ,.
#.nd on the !irst o! the sabbaths, at early da$n, they #a"e to the to"b, bearing the s i#es they "ade ready, and #ertain IothersI $ith the", ,and they !ound the stone having been rolled a$ay !ro" the to"b, -and having gone in, they !ound not the body o! the Lord 5esus) ..nd it #a"e to ass, $hile they are er le(ed about this, that lo, t$o "en stood by the" in glittering a arel, #VR WN XBA VQO PAHHAVQO LU]ULS HA]NLC RK]LO N`B VL XORXA ZNULSPAB A RVLBXAPAO AUQXAVA YAB VBONC PSO ASVABC ,NSULO WN VLO KB]LO A`LYNYSKBPXNOLO A`L VLS XORXNBLS -YAB NBPNK]LSPAB LST NSULO VL PQXA VLS YSUBLS BRPLS .YAB NMNONVL NO VQ WBA`LUNBP]AB ASVAC `NUB VLSVLS YAB BWLS WSL AOWUNC N`NPVRPAO ASVABC NO NP]RPNPBO APVUA`VLSPABC 'and on their having be#o"e a!raid, 'NXZLHQO WN MNOLXNOQO ASVQO YAB and having in#lined the !a#e to the YKBOLSPQO VL `ULPQ`LO NBC VRO MRO earth, they said to the", IWhy do ye NB`LO `ULC ASVAC VB \RVNBVN VLO \QOVA see' the living $ith the deadb XNVA VQO ONYUQO /he is not here, but $as raised, /LSY NPVBO QWN AKK RMNU]R XORP]RVN re"e"ber ho$ he s a'e to you, being QC NKAKRPNO SXBO NVB QO NO VR yet in &alilee, MAKBKABA 0saying ++ 0t behoveth the Son o! @an 0KNMQO LVB WNB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS to be delivered u to the hands o! `AUAWL]ROAB NBC TNBUAC AO]UQ`QO sin!ul "en, and to be #ru#i!ied, and the AXAUVQKQO YAB PVASUQ]ROAB YAB VR third day to rise again)I VUBVR RXNUA AOAPVROAB $.nd they re"e"bered his sayings, $YAB NXORP]RPAO VQO URXAVQO ASVLS %and having turned ba#' !ro" the %YAB S`LPVUNcAPAB A`L VLS XORXNBLS to"b told all these things to the A`RMMNBKAO VASVA `AOVA VLBC NOWNYA eleven, and to all the rest) YAB `APBO VLBC KLB`LBC #(.nd it $as the @agdalene @ary, #(RPAO WN R XAMWAKROR XAUBA YAB and 5oanna, and @ary o! 5a"es, and BQAOOA YAB XAUBA BAYQHLS YAB AB the other $o"en $ith the", $ho told KLB`AB PSO ASVABC AB NKNMLO `ULC VLSC unto the a ostles these things, A`LPVLKLSC VASVA
##and their sayings a eared be!ore the" as idle tal', and they $ere not believing the") #,.nd Peter having risen, did run to the to"b, and having stoo ed do$n he seeth the linen #lothes lying alone, and he $ent a$ay to his o$n ho"e, $ondering at that $hi#h $as #o"e to ass) #-.nd, lo, t$o o! the" $ere going on during that day to a village, distant si(ty !urlongs !ro" 5erusale", the na"e o! $hi#h IisI E""aus, #.and they $ere #onversing $ith one another about all these things that have ha ened) #'.nd it #a"e to ass in their #onversing and reasoning together, that 5esus hi"sel!, having #o"e nigh, $as going on $ith the", #/and their eyes $ere holden so as not to 'no$ hi", #0and he said unto the", IWhat IareI these $ords that ye e(#hange $ith one another, $al'ing, and ye are sadbI #$.nd the one, $hose na"e $as Dleo as, ans$ering, said unto hi", I.rt thou alone su#h a stranger in 5erusale", that thou hast not 'no$n the things that #a"e to ass in it in these daysbI ##YAB NZAORPAO NOQ`BLO ASVQO QPNB KRULC VA URXAVA ASVQO YAB R`BPVLSO ASVABC #,L WN `NVULC AOAPVAC NWUAXNO N`B VL XORXNBLO YAB `AUAYScAC HKN`NB VA L]LOBA YNBXNOA XLOA YAB A`RK]NO `ULC NASVLO ]ASXA\QO VL MNMLOLC #-YAB BWLS WSL Na ASVQO RPAO `LUNSLXNOLB NO ASVR VR RXNUA NBC YQXRO A`NTLSPAO PVAWBLSC NaRYLOVA A`L BNULSPAKRX R LOLXA NXXALSC #.YAB ASVLB QXBKLSO `ULC AKKRKLSC `NUB `AOVQO VQO PSXHNHRYLVQO VLSVQO #'YAB NMNONVL NO VQ LXBKNBO ASVLSC YAB PS\RVNBO YAB ASVLC L BRPLSC NMMBPAC PSON`LUNSNVL ASVLBC #/LB WN LZ]AKXLB ASVQO NYUAVLSOVL VLS XR N`BMOQOAB ASVLO #0NB`NO WN `ULC ASVLSC VBONC LB KLMLB LSVLB LSC AOVBHAKKNVN `ULC AKKRKLSC `NUB`AVLSOVNC YAB NPVN PYS]UQ`LB #$A`LYUB]NBC WN L NBC Q LOLXA YKNL`AC NB`NO `ULC ASVLO PS XLOLC `AULBYNBC NO BNULSPAKRX YAB LSY NMOQC VA MNOLXNOA NO ASVR NO VABC RXNUABC VASVABC
#%.nd he said to the", IWhat thingsbI .nd they said to hi", IThe things about 5esus o! /aEareth, $ho be#a"e a "an ++ a ro het ++ o$er!ul in deed and $ord, be!ore &od and all the eo le, ,(ho$ also the #hie! riests and our rulers did deliver hi" u to a -udg"ent o! death, and #ru#i!ied hi", ,#and $e $ere ho ing that he it is $ho is about to redee" 0srael, and also $ith all these things, this third day is assing to+day, sin#e these things ha ened) ,,I.nd #ertain $o"en o! ours also astonished us, #o"ing early to the to"b, ,-and not having !ound his body, they #a"e, saying also to have seen an a arition o! "essengers, $ho say he is alive, ,.and #ertain o! those $ith us $ent a$ay unto the to"b, and !ound as even the $o"en said, and hi" they sa$ not)I ,'.nd he said unto the", IO in#onsiderate and slo$ in heart, to believe on all that the ro hets s a'ed #%YAB NB`NO ASVLBC `LBA LB WN NB`LO ASVQ VA `NUB BRPLS VLS OA\QUABLS LC NMNONVL AORU `ULZRVRC WSOAVLC NO NUMQ YAB KLMQ NOAOVBLO VLS ]NLS YAB `AOVLC VLS KALS ,(L`QC VN `AUNWQYAO ASVLO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB AUTLOVNC RXQO NBC YUBXA ]AOAVLS YAB NPVASUQPAO ASVLO ,#RXNBC WN RK`B\LXNO LVB ASVLC NPVBO L XNKKQO KSVULSP]AB VLO BPUARK AKKA MN PSO `APBO VLSVLBC VUBVRO VASVRO RXNUAO AMNB PRXNULO AZ LS VASVA NMNONVL ,,AKKA YAB MSOABYNC VBONC Na RXQO NaNPVRPAO RXAC MNOLXNOAB LU]UBAB N`B VL XORXNBLO ,-YAB XR NSULSPAB VL PQXA ASVLS RK]LO KNMLSPAB YAB L`VAPBAO AMMNKQO NQUAYNOAB LB KNMLSPBO ASVLO \RO
,0and having begun !ro" @oses, and !ro" all the ro hets, he $as e( ounding to the" in all the Writings the things about hi"sel!) ,$.nd they #a"e nigh to the village $hither they $ere going, and he "ade an a earan#e o! going on !urther, ,%and they #onstrained hi", saying, IRe"ain $ith us, !or it is to$ard evening,I and the day did de#line, and he $ent in to re"ain $ith the") -(.nd it #a"e to ass, in his re#lining 7at "eat< $ith the", having ta'en the bread, he blessed, and having bro'en, he $as giving to the", -#and their eyes $ere o ened, and they re#ogniEed hi", and he be#a"e unseen by the") -,.nd they said one to another, IWas not our heart burning $ithin us, as he $as s ea'ing to us in the $ay, and as he $as o ening u to us the WritingsbI --.nd they, having risen u the sa"e hour, turned ba#' to 5erusale", and !ound gathered together the eleven, and those $ith the", -.saying ++ IThe Lord $as raised indeed, and $as seen by Si"on,I -'and they $ere telling the things in the $ay, and ho$ he $as "ade 'no$n to the" in the brea'ing o! the bread, ,0YAB AUaAXNOLC A`L XQPNQC YAB A`L `AOVQO VQO `ULZRVQO WBRUXRONSNO ASVLBC NO `APABC VABC MUAZABC VA `NUB NASVLS ,$YAB RMMBPAO NBC VRO YQXRO LS N`LUNSLOVL YAB ASVLC `ULPN`LBNBVL `LUUQVNUQ `LUNSNP]AB ,%YAB `AUNHBAPAOVL ASVLO KNMLOVNC XNBOLO XN] RXQO LVB `ULC NP`NUAO NPVBO YAB YNYKBYNO R RXNUA YAB NBPRK]NO VLS XNBOAB PSO ASVLBC -(YAB NMNONVL NO VQ YAVAYKB]ROAB ASVLO XNV ASVQO KAHQO VLO AUVLO NSKLMRPNO YAB YKAPAC N`NWBWLS ASVLBC -#ASVQO WN WBROLBT]RPAO LB LZ]AKXLB YAB N`NMOQPAO ASVLO YAB ASVLC AZAOVLC NMNONVL A` ASVQO -,YAB NB`LO `ULC AKKRKLSC LSTB R YAUWBA RXQO YABLXNOR RO NO RXBO QC NKAKNB RXBO NO VR LWQ YAB QC WBROLBMNO RXBO VAC MUAZAC --YAB AOAPVAOVNC ASVR VR QUA S`NPVUNcAO NBC BNULSPAKRX YAB NSULO PSOR]ULBPXNOLSC VLSC NOWNYA YAB VLSC PSO ASVLBC -.KNMLOVAC LVB RMNU]R L YSUBLC LOVQC YAB QZ]R PBXQOB -'YAB ASVLB NaRMLSOVL VA NO VR LWQ YAB QC NMOQP]R ASVLBC NO VR YKAPNB VLS AUVLS
-/and as they are s ea'ing these things, 5esus hi"sel! stood in the "idst o! the", and saith to the", IPea#e ++ to you,I -0and being a"aEed, and be#o"ing a!!righted, they $ere thin'ing the"selves to see a s irit) -$.nd he said to the", IWhy are ye troubledb and $here!ore do reasonings #o"e u in your heartsb -%see "y hands and "y !eet, that 0 a" he, handle "e and see, be#ause a s irit hath not !lesh and bones, as ye see "e having)I .(.nd having said this, he she$ed to the" the hands and the !eet, .#and $hile they are not believing !ro" the -oy, and $ondering, he said to the", IHave ye anything here to eatbI .,and they gave to hi" art o! a broiled !ish, and o! an honey#o"b, .-and having ta'en, he did eat be!ore the", ..and he said to the", IThese IareI the $ords that 0 s a'e unto you, being yet $ith you, that it behoveth to be !ul!illed all the things that are $ritten in the La$ o! @oses, and the Pro hets, and the Psal"s, about "e)I .'Then o ened he u their understanding to understand the Writings, -/VASVA WN ASVQO KAKLSOVQO ASVLC L BRPLSC NPVR NO XNPQ ASVQO YAB KNMNB ASVLBC NBUROR SXBO -0`VLR]NOVNC WN YAB NXZLHLB MNOLXNOLB NWLYLSO `ONSXA ]NQUNBO -$YAB NB`NO ASVLBC VB VNVAUAMXNOLB NPVN YAB WBAVB WBAKLMBPXLB AOAHABOLSPBO NO VABC YAUWBABC SXQO -%BWNVN VAC TNBUAC XLS YAB VLSC `LWAC XLS LVB ASVLC NMQ NBXB cRKAZRPAVN XN YAB BWNVN LVB `ONSXA PAUYA YAB LPVNA LSY NTNB YA]QC NXN ]NQUNBVN NTLOVA .(YAB VLSVL NB`QO N`NWNBaNO ASVLBC VAC TNBUAC YAB VLSC `LWAC .#NVB WN A`BPVLSOVQO ASVQO A`L VRC TAUAC YAB ]ASXA\LOVQO NB`NO ASVLBC NTNVN VB HUQPBXLO NO]AWN .,LB WN N`NWQYAO ASVQ BT]SLC L`VLS XNULC YAB A`L XNKBPPBLS YRUBLS .-YAB KAHQO NOQ`BLO ASVQO NZAMNO ..NB`NO WN ASVLBC LSVLB LB KLMLB LSC NKAKRPA `ULC SXAC NVB QO PSO SXBO LVB WNB `KRUQ]ROAB `AOVA VA MNMUAXXNOA NO VQ OLXQ XQPNQC YAB `ULZRVABC YAB cAKXLBC `NUB NXLS .'VLVN WBROLBaNO ASVQO VLO OLSO VLS PSOBNOAB VAC MUAZAC
./and he said to the" ++ IThus it hath been $ritten, and thus it $as behoving the Dhrist to su!!er, and to rise out o! the dead the third day, .0and re!or"ation and re"ission o! sins to be ro#lai"ed in his na"e to all the nations, beginning !ro" 5erusale"F .$and ye ++ ye are $itnesses o! these things) .%I.nd, lo, 0 do send the ro"ise o! "y Father u on you, but ye ++ abide ye in the #ity o! 5erusale" till ye be #lothed $ith o$er !ro" on high)I ./YAB NB`NO ASVLBC LVB LSVQC MNMUA`VAB YAB LSVQC NWNB `A]NBO VLO TUBPVLO YAB AOAPVROAB NY ONYUQO VR VUBVR RXNUA .0YAB YRUST]ROAB N`B VQ LOLXAVB ASVLS XNVAOLBAO YAB AZNPBO AXAUVBQO NBC `AOVA VA N]OR AUaAXNOLO A`L BNULSPAKRX .$SXNBC WN NPVN XAUVSUNC VLSVQO
.%YAB BWLS NMQ A`LPVNKKQ VRO N`AMMNKBAO VLS `AVULC XLS NZ SXAC SXNBC WN YA]BPAVN NO VR `LKNB BNULSPAKRX NQC LS NOWSPRP]N WSOAXBO Na ScLSC '(.nd he led the" !orth $ithout ++ '(NaRMAMNO WN ASVLSC NaQ NQC NBC unto Bethany, and having li!ted u his HR]AOBAO YAB N`AUAC VAC TNBUAC ASVLS hands he did bless the", NSKLMRPNO ASVLSC '#and it #a"e to ass, in his blessing '#YAB NMNONVL NO VQ NSKLMNBO ASVLO the", he $as arted !ro" the", and ASVLSC WBNPVR A` ASVQO YAB $as borne u to the heaven, AONZNUNVL NBC VLO LSUAOLO ',and they, having bo$ed be!ore hi", ',YAB ASVLB `ULPYSORPAOVNC ASVLO did turn ba#' to 5erusale" $ith great S`NPVUNcAO NBC BNULSPAKRX XNVA -oy, TAUAC XNMAKRC '-and $ere #ontinually in the te" le, '-YAB RPAO WBA`AOVLC NO VQ BNUQ raising and blessing &od) ."en) ABOLSOVNC YAB NSKLMLSOVNC VLO ]NLO AXRO
+hapter #
#Seeing that "any did ta'e in hand to #N`NBWR`NU `LKKLB N`NTNBURPAO set in order a narration o! the "atters AOAVAaAP]AB WBRMRPBO `NUB VQO that have been !ully assured a"ong us, `N`KRULZLURXNOQO NO RXBO `UAMXAVQO ,as they did deliver to us, $ho !ro" ,YA]QC `AUNWLPAO RXBO LB A` AUTRC the beginning be#a"e eye+$itnesses, ASVL`VAB YAB S`RUNVAB MNOLXNOLB VLS and o!!i#ers o! the Word, ++ KLMLS -it see"ed good also to "e, having -NWLaNO YAXLB `AURYLKLS]RYLVB !ollo$ed !ro" the !irst a!ter all things AOQ]NO `APBO AYUBHQC YA]NaRC PLB e(a#tly, to $rite to thee in order, "ost MUAcAB YUAVBPVN ]NLZBKN noble Theo hilus, .that thou "ayest 'no$ the #ertainty .BOA N`BMOQC `NUB QO YAVRTR]RC o! the things $herein thou $ast KLMQO VRO APZAKNBAO instru#ted) 'There $as in the days o! Herod, the 'NMNONVL NO VABC RXNUABC RUQWLS VLS 'ing o! 5udea, a #ertain riest, by HAPBKNQC VRC BLSWABAC BNUNSC VBC na"e [a#harias, o! the #ourse o! LOLXAVB \ATAUBAC Na NZRXNUBAC AHBA .bi-ah, and his $i!e o! the daughters YAB R MSOR ASVLS NY VQO ]SMAVNUQO o! .aron, and her na"e Elisabeth, AAUQO YAB VL LOLXA ASVRC NKBPAHNV /and they $ere both righteous be!ore /RPAO WN WBYABLB AXZLVNULB NOQ`BLO &od, going on in all the #o""ands VLS ]NLS `LUNSLXNOLB NO `APABC VABC and righteousnesses o! the Lord NOVLKABC YAB WBYABQXAPBO VLS YSUBLS bla"eless, AXNX`VLB 0and they had no #hild, be#ause that 0YAB LSY RO ASVLBC VNYOLO YA]LVB R Elisabeth $as barren, and both $ere NKBPAHNV RO PVNBUA YAB AXZLVNULB advan#ed in their days) `ULHNHRYLVNC NO VABC RXNUABC ASVQO RPAO $.nd it #a"e to ass, in his a#ting as $NMNONVL WN NO VQ BNUAVNSNBO ASVLO NO riest, in the order o! his #ourse be!ore VR VAaNB VRC NZRXNUBAC ASVLS NOAOVB &od, VLS ]NLS :36
%He $as the true Light, $hi#h doth enlighten every "an, #o"ing to the $orld, #(in the $orld he $as, and the $orld through hi" $as "ade, and the $orld did not 'no$ hi"F ##to his o$n things he #a"e, and his o$n eo le did not re#eive hi", #,but as "any as did re#eive hi" to the" he gave authority to be#o"e sons o! &od ++ to those believing in his na"e, #-$ho ++ not o! blood nor o! a $ill o! !lesh, nor o! a $ill o! "an but ++ o! &od $ere begotten) #..nd the Word be#a"e !lesh, and did taberna#le a"ong us, and $e beheld his glory, glory as o! an only begotten o! a !ather, !ull o! gra#e and truth) #'5ohn doth testi!y #on#erning hi", and hath #ried, saying, IThis $as he o! $ho" 0 said, He $ho a!ter "e is #o"ing, hath #o"e be!ore "e, !or he $as be!ore "e,I #/and out o! his !ulness did $e all re#eive, and gra#e over+against gra#e, %RO VL ZQC VL AKR]BOLO L ZQVB\NB `AOVA AO]UQ`LO NUTLXNOLO NBC VLO YLPXLO #(NO VQ YLPXQ RO YAB L YLPXLC WB ASVLS NMNONVL YAB L YLPXLC ASVLO LSY NMOQ ##NBC VA BWBA RK]NO YAB LB BWBLB ASVLO LS `AUNKAHLO #,LPLB WN NKAHLO ASVLO NWQYNO ASVLBC NaLSPBAO VNYOA ]NLS MNONP]AB VLBC `BPVNSLSPBO NBC VL LOLXA ASVLS #-LB LSY Na ABXAVQO LSWN NY ]NKRXAVLC PAUYLC LSWN NY ]NKRXAVLC AOWULC AKK NY ]NLS NMNOOR]RPAO #.YAB L KLMLC PAUa NMNONVL YAB NPYROQPNO NO RXBO YAB N]NAPAXN]A VRO WLaAO ASVLS WLaAO QC XLOLMNOLSC `AUA `AVULC `KRURC TAUBVLC YAB AKR]NBAC #'BQAOORC XAUVSUNB `NUB ASVLS YAB YNYUAMNO KNMQO LSVLC RO LO NB`LO L L`BPQ XLS NUTLXNOLC NX`ULP]NO XLS MNMLONO LVB `UQVLC XLS RO
#/YAB NY VLS `KRUQXAVLC ASVLS RXNBC `AOVNC NKAHLXNO YAB TAUBO AOVB TAUBVLC #0!or the la$ through @oses $as #0LVB L OLXLC WBA XQPNQC NWL]R R given, the gra#e and the truth through TAUBC YAB R AKR]NBA WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS 5esus Dhrist did #o"e, NMNONVL #$&od no one hath ever seen, the only #$]NLO LSWNBC NQUAYNO `Q`LVN L begotten Son, $ho is on the boso" o! XLOLMNORC SBLC L QO NBC VLO YLK`LO the Father ++ he did de#lare) VLS `AVULC NYNBOLC NaRMRPAVL :2:
#%.nd this is the testi"ony o! 5ohn, $hen the 5e$s sent out o! 5erusale" riests and Levites, that they "ight ?uestion hi", IWho art thoubI ,(and he #on!essed and did not deny, and #on!essed ++ I0 a" not the Dhrist)I ,#.nd they ?uestioned hi", IWhat thenb Eli-ah art thoubI and he saith, I0 a" not)I ++ IThe ro het art thoubI and he ans$ered, I/o)I ,,They said then to hi", IWho art thou, that $e "ay give an ans$er to those sending usb $hat dost thou say #on#erning thysel!bI ,-He said, I0 Ia"I a voi#e o! one #rying in the $ildernessF @a'e straight the $ay o! the Lord, as said 0saiah the ro het)I ,..nd those sent $ere o! the Pharisees, ,'and they ?uestioned hi" and said to hi", IWhy, then, dost thou ba tiEe, i! thou art not the Dhrist, nor Eli-ah, nor the ro hetbI ,/5ohn ans$ered the", saying, I0 ba tiEe $ith $ater, but in "idst o! you he hath stood $ho" ye have not 'no$n, this one it is $ho is #o"ing a!ter "e, $ho hath been be!ore "e, ,0o! $ho" 0 a" not $orthy that 0 "ay loose the #ord o! his sandal)I #%YAB ASVR NPVBO R XAUVSUBA VLS BQAOOLS LVN A`NPVNBKAO LB BLSWABLB Na BNULPLKSXQO BNUNBC YAB KNSBVAC BOA NUQVRPQPBO ASVLO PS VBC NB ,(YAB QXLKLMRPNO YAB LSY RUORPAVL YAB QXLKLMRPNO LVB LSY NBXB NMQ L TUBPVLC ,#YAB RUQVRPAO ASVLO VB LSO RKBAC NB PS YAB KNMNB LSY NBXB L `ULZRVRC NB PS YAB A`NYUB]R LS ,,NB`LO LSO ASVQ VBC NB BOA A`LYUBPBO WQXNO VLBC `NXcAPBO RXAC VB KNMNBC `NUB PNASVLS ,-NZR NMQ ZQOR HLQOVLC NO VR NURXQ NS]SOAVN VRO LWLO YSUBLS YA]QC NB`NO RPABAC L `ULZRVRC ,.YAB LB A`NPVAKXNOLB RPAO NY VQO ZAUBPABQO ,'YAB RUQVRPAO ASVLO YAB NB`LO ASVQ VB LSO HA`VB\NBC NB PS LSY NB L TUBPVLC LSVN RKBAC LSVN L `ULZRVRC ,/A`NYUB]R ASVLBC L BQAOORC KNMQO NMQ HA`VB\Q NO SWAVB XNPLC WN SXQO NPVRYNO LO SXNBC LSY LBWAVN ,0ASVLC NPVBO L L`BPQ XLS NUTLXNOLC LC NX`ULP]NO XLS MNMLONO LS NMQ LSY NBXB AaBLC BOA KSPQ ASVLS VLO BXAOVA VLS S`LWRXAVLC
,$These things #a"e to ass in Bethabara, beyond the 5ordan, $here 5ohn $as ba tiEing, ,%on the "orro$ 5ohn seeth 5esus #o"ing unto hi", and saith, ILo, the La"b o! &od, $ho is ta'ing a$ay the sin o! the $orld, -(this is he #on#erning $ho" 0 said, .!ter "e doth #o"e a "an, $ho hath #o"e be!ore "e, be#ause he $as be!ore "eF -#and 0 'ne$ hi" not, but, that he "ight be "ani!ested to 0srael, be#ause o! this 0 #a"e $ith the $ater ba tiEing) -,.nd 5ohn testi!ied, saying ++ I0 have seen the S irit #o"ing do$n, as a dove, out o! heaven, and it re"ained on hi", --and 0 did not 'no$ hi", but he $ho sent "e to ba tiEe $ith $ater, He said to "e, On $ho"soever thou "ayst see the S irit #o"ing do$n, and re"aining on hi", this is he $ho is ba tiEing $ith the Holy S irit, -.and 0 have seen, and have testi!ied, that this is the Son o! &od)I -'On the "orro$, again, 5ohn $as standing, and t$o o! his dis#i les, -/and having loo'ed on 5esus $al'ing, he saith, ILo, the La"b o! &od,I -0and the t$o dis#i les heard hi" s ea'ing, and they !ollo$ed 5esus) ,$VASVA NO HR]AHAUA NMNONVL `NUAO VLS BLUWAOLS L`LS RO BQAOORC HA`VB\QO ,%VR N`ASUBLO HKN`NB L BQAOORC VLO BRPLSO NUTLXNOLO `ULC ASVLO YAB KNMNB BWN L AXOLC VLS ]NLS L ABUQO VRO AXAUVBAO VLS YLPXLS -(LSVLC NPVBO `NUB LS NMQ NB`LO L`BPQ XLS NUTNVAB AORU LC NX`ULP]NO XLS MNMLONO LVB `UQVLC XLS RO -#YAMQ LSY RWNBO ASVLO AKK BOA ZAONUQ]R VQ BPUARK WBA VLSVL RK]LO NMQ NO VQ SWAVB HA`VB\QO -,YAB NXAUVSURPNO BQAOORC KNMQO LVB VN]NAXAB VL `ONSXA YAVAHABOLO QPNB `NUBPVNUAO Na LSUAOLS YAB NXNBONO N` ASVLO --YAMQ LSY RWNBO ASVLO AKK L `NXcAC XN HA`VB\NBO NO SWAVB NYNBOLC XLB NB`NO NZ LO AO BWRC VL `ONSXA YAVAHABOLO YAB XNOLO N` ASVLO LSVLC NPVBO L HA`VB\QO NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ -.YAMQ NQUAYA YAB XNXAUVSURYA LVB LSVLC NPVBO L SBLC VLS ]NLS -'VR N`ASUBLO `AKBO NBPVRYNB L BQAOORC YAB NY VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS WSL -/YAB NXHKNcAC VQ BRPLS `NUB`AVLSOVB KNMNB BWN L AXOLC VLS ]NLS -0YAB RYLSPAO ASVLS LB WSL XA]RVAB KAKLSOVLC YAB RYLKLS]RPAO VQ BRPLS
-$.nd 5esus having turned, and having beheld the" !ollo$ing, saith to the", IWhat see' yebI and they said to the", IRabbi, 7$hi#h is, being inter reted, Tea#her,< $here re"ainest thoubI -%He saith to the", IDo"e and see,I they #a"e, and sa$ $here he doth re"ain, and $ith hi" they re"ained that day and the hour $as about the tenth) .(.ndre$, the brother o! Si"on Peter, $as one o! the t$o $ho heard !ro" 5ohn, and !ollo$ed hi", -$PVUAZNBC WN L BRPLSC YAB ]NAPAXNOLC ASVLSC AYLKLS]LSOVAC KNMNB ASVLBC VB \RVNBVN LB WN NB`LO ASVQ UAHHB L KNMNVAB NUXRONSLXNOLO WBWAPYAKN `LS XNONBC -%KNMNB ASVLBC NUTNP]N YAB BWNVN RK]LO YAB NBWLO `LS XNONB YAB `AU ASVQ NXNBOAO VRO RXNUAO NYNBORO QUA WN RO QC WNYAVR
.(RO AOWUNAC L AWNKZLC PBXQOLC `NVULS NBC NY VQO WSL VQO AYLSPAOVQO `AUA BQAOOLS YAB AYLKLS]RPAOVQO ASVQ .#this one doth !irst !ind his o$n .#NSUBPYNB LSVLC `UQVLC VLO AWNKZLO brother Si"on, and saith to hi", IWe VLO BWBLO PBXQOA YAB KNMNB ASVQ have !ound the @essiah,I 7$hi#h is, NSURYAXNO VLO XNPPBAO L NPVBO being inter reted, The .nointed,< XN]NUXRONSLXNOLO L TUBPVLC .,and he brought hi" unto 5esusF and .,YAB RMAMNO ASVLO `ULC VLO BRPLSO having loo'ed u on hi", 5esus saith, NXHKNcAC WN ASVQ L BRPLSC NB`NO PS NB IThou art Si"on, the son o! 5onas, thou PBXQO L SBLC BQOA PS YKR]RPR YRZAC shalt be #alled De has,I 7$hi#h is L NUXRONSNVAB `NVULC inter reted, . ro#')< .-On the "orro$, he $illed to go .-VR N`ASUBLO R]NKRPNO L BRPLSC !orth to &alilee, and he !indeth Phili , NaNK]NBO NBC VRO MAKBKABAO YAB and saith to hi", IBe !ollo$ing "e)I NSUBPYNB ZBKB``LO YAB KNMNB ASVQ AYLKLS]NB XLB ...nd Phili $as !ro" Bethsaida, o! ..RO WN L ZBKB``LC A`L HR]PABWA NY the #ity o! .ndre$ and Peter, VRC `LKNQC AOWUNLS YAB `NVULS
.'Phili !indeth /athanael, and saith to hi", IHi" o! $ho" @oses $rote in the La$, and the ro hets, $e have !ound, 5esus the son o! 5ose h, $ho IisI !ro" /aEareth,I ./and /athanael said to hi", IOut o! /aEareth is any good thing able to bebI Phili said to hi", IDo"e and see)I .05esus sa$ /athanael #o"ing unto hi", and he saith #on#erning hi", ILo, truly an 0sraelite, in $ho" guile is not,I .$/athanael saith to hi", IWhen#e "e dost thou 'no$bI 5esus ans$ered and said to hi", IBe!ore Phili Is #alling thee ++ thou being under the !ig+tree ++ 0 sa$ thee)I .%/athanael ans$ered and saith to hi", IRabbi, thou art the Son o! &od, thou art the 'ing o! 0srael)I '(5esus ans$ered and said to hi", IBe#ause 0 said to thee, 0 sa$ thee under the !ig+tree, thou dost believe, greater things than these thou shalt see,I '#and he saith to hi", I%erily, verily, 0 say to you, hen#e!orth ye shall see the heaven o ened, and the "essengers o! &od going u and #o"ing do$n u on the Son o! @an)I .'NSUBPYNB ZBKB``LC VLO OA]AOARK YAB KNMNB ASVQ LO NMUAcNO XQPRC NO VQ OLXQ YAB LB `ULZRVAB NSURYAXNO BRPLSO VLO SBLO VLS BQPRZ VLO A`L OA\AUNV ./YAB NB`NO ASVQ OA]AOARK NY OA\AUNV WSOAVAB VB AMA]LO NBOAB KNMNB ASVQ ZBKB``LC NUTLS YAB BWN .0NBWNO L BRPLSC VLO OA]AOARK NUTLXNOLO `ULC ASVLO YAB KNMNB `NUB ASVLS BWN AKR]QC BPUARKBVRC NO Q WLKLC LSY NPVBO .$KNMNB ASVQ OA]AOARK `L]NO XN MBOQPYNBC A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVQ `UL VLS PN ZBKB``LO ZQORPAB LOVA S`L VRO PSYRO NBWLO PN .%A`NYUB]R OA]AOARK YAB KNMNB ASVQ UAHHB PS NB L SBLC VLS ]NLS PS NB L HAPBKNSC VLS BPUARK '(A`NYUB]R BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVQ LVB NB`LO PLB NBWLO PN S`LYAVQ VRC PSYRC `BPVNSNBC XNB\Q VLSVQO LcNB '#YAB KNMNB ASVQ AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO A` AUVB LcNP]N VLO LSUAOLO AONQMLVA YAB VLSC AMMNKLSC VLS ]NLS AOAHABOLOVAC YAB YAVAHABOLOVAC N`B VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS
+hapter ,
#.nd the third day a "arriage ha ened in Dana o! &alilee, and the "other o! 5esus $as there, ,and also 5esus $as #alled, and his dis#i les, to the "arriage, -and $ine having !ailed, the "other o! 5esus saith unto hi", IWine they have not,I .5esus saith to her, IWhat ++ to "e and to thee, $o"anb not yet is "ine hour #o"e)I 'His "other saith to the "inistrants, IWhatever he "ay say to you ++ do)I /.nd there $ere there si( $ater+-ugs o! stone, la#ed a##ording to the uri!ying o! the 5e$s, holding ea#h t$o or three "easures) 05esus saith to the", IFill the $ater+ -ugs $ith $ater,I and they !illed the" ++ unto the bri", $and he saith to the", IDra$ out, no$, and bear to the dire#tor o! the a art"ent,I and they bare) %.nd as the dire#tor o! the a art"ent tasted the $ater be#o"e $ine, and 'ne$ not $hen#e it is, 7but the "inistrants 'ne$, $ho have dra$n the $ater,< the dire#tor o! the !east doth #all the bridegroo", #YAB VR RXNUA VR VUBVR MAXLC NMNONVL NO YAOA VRC MAKBKABAC YAB RO R XRVRU VLS BRPLS NYNB ,NYKR]R WN YAB L BRPLSC YAB LB XA]RVAB ASVLS NBC VLO MAXLO -YAB SPVNURPAOVLC LBOLS KNMNB R XRVRU VLS BRPLS `ULC ASVLO LBOLO LSY NTLSPBO .KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC VB NXLB YAB PLB MSOAB LS`Q RYNB R QUA XLS 'KNMNB R XRVRU ASVLS VLBC WBAYLOLBC L VB AO KNMR SXBO `LBRPAVN /RPAO WN NYNB SWUBAB KB]BOAB Na YNBXNOAB YAVA VLO YA]AUBPXLO VQO BLSWABQO TQULSPAB AOA XNVURVAC WSL R VUNBC 0KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC MNXBPAVN VAC SWUBAC SWAVLC YAB NMNXBPAO ASVAC NQC AOQ $YAB KNMNB ASVLBC AOVKRPAVN OSO YAB ZNUNVN VQ AUTBVUBYKBOQ YAB RONMYAO %QC WN NMNSPAVL L AUTBVUBYKBOLC VL SWQU LBOLO MNMNORXNOLO YAB LSY RWNB `L]NO NPVBO LB WN WBAYLOLB RWNBPAO LB ROVKRYLVNC VL SWQU ZQONB VLO OSXZBLO L AUTBVUBYKBOLC
#(and saith to hi", IEvery "an, at !irst, the good $ine doth set !orth, and $hen they "ay have drun' !reely, then the in!erior, thou didst 'ee the good $ine till no$)I ##This beginning o! the signs did 5esus in Dana o! &alilee, and "ani!ested his glory, and his dis#i les believed in hi", #,a!ter this he $ent do$n to Da ernau", he, and his "other, and his brethren, and his dis#i les, and there they re"ained not "any days) #-.nd the assover o! the 5e$s $as nigh, and 5esus $ent u to 5erusale", #.and he !ound in the te" le those selling o(en, and shee , and doves, and the "oney+#hangers sitting, #'and having "ade a $hi o! s"all #ords, he ut all !orth out o! the te" le, also the shee , and the o(en, and o! the "oney+#hangers he oured out the #oins, and the tables he overthre$, #/and to those selling the doves he said, ITa'e these things hen#e, "a'e not the house o! "y Father a house o! "er#handise)I #0.nd his dis#i les re"e"bered that it is $ritten, IThe Eeal o! Thy house did eat "e u ,I #(YAB KNMNB ASVQ `AC AO]UQ`LC `UQVLO VLO YAKLO LBOLO VB]RPBO YAB LVAO XN]SP]QPBO VLVN VLO NKAPPQ PS VNVRURYAC VLO YAKLO LBOLO NQC AUVB ##VASVRO N`LBRPNO VRO AUTRO VQO PRXNBQO L BRPLSC NO YAOA VRC MAKBKABAC YAB NZAONUQPNO VRO WLaAO ASVLS YAB N`BPVNSPAO NBC ASVLO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS #,XNVA VLSVL YAVNHR NBC YA`NUOALSX ASVLC YAB R XRVRU ASVLS YAB LB AWNKZLB ASVLS YAB LB XA]RVAB ASVLS YAB NYNB NXNBOAO LS `LKKAC RXNUAC #-YAB NMMSC RO VL `APTA VQO BLSWABQO YAB AONHR NBC BNULPLKSXA L BRPLSC #.YAB NSUNO NO VQ BNUQ VLSC `QKLSOVAC HLAC YAB `ULHAVA YAB `NUBPVNUAC YAB VLSC YNUXAVBPVAC YA]RXNOLSC #'YAB `LBRPAC ZUAMNKKBLO NY PTLBOBQO `AOVAC NaNHAKNO NY VLS BNULS VA VN `ULHAVA YAB VLSC HLAC YAB VQO YLKKSHBPVQO NaNTNNO VL YNUXA YAB VAC VUA`N\AC AONPVUNcNO #/YAB VLBC VAC `NUBPVNUAC `QKLSPBO NB`NO AUAVN VASVA NOVNS]NO XR `LBNBVN VLO LBYLO VLS `AVULC XLS LBYLO NX`LUBLS #0NXORP]RPAO WN LB XA]RVAB ASVLS LVB MNMUAXXNOLO NPVBO L \RKLC VLS LBYLS PLS YAVNZAMNO XN
#$the 5e$s then ans$ered and said to hi", IWhat sign dost thou she$ to us ++ that thou dost these thingsbI #%5esus ans$ered and said to the", IDestroy this san#tuary, and in three days 0 $ill raise it u )I ,(The 5e$s, there!ore, said, IForty and si( years $as this san#tuary building, and $ilt thou in three days raise it u bI ,#but he s a'e #on#erning the san#tuary o! his body, ,,$hen, then, he $as raised out o! the dead, his dis#i les re"e"bered that he said this to the", and they believed the Writing, and the $ord that 5esus said) ,-.nd as he $as in 5erusale", in the assover, in the !east, "any believed in his na"e, beholding his signs that he $as doing, ,.and 5esus hi"sel! $as not trusting hi"sel! to the", be#ause o! his 'no$ing all I"enI, ,'and be#ause he had no need that any should testi!y #on#erning "an, !or he hi"sel! $as 'no$ing $hat $as in "an) #$A`NYUB]RPAO LSO LB BLSWABLB YAB NB`LO ASVQ VB PRXNBLO WNBYOSNBC RXBO LVB VASVA `LBNBC #%A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVLBC KSPAVN VLO OALO VLSVLO YAB NO VUBPBO RXNUABC NMNUQ ASVLO ,(NB`LO LSO LB BLSWABLB VNPPAUAYLOVA YAB Na NVNPBO QYLWLXR]R L OALC LSVLC YAB PS NO VUBPBO RXNUABC NMNUNBC ASVLO ,#NYNBOLC WN NKNMNO `NUB VLS OALS VLS PQXAVLC ASVLS ,,LVN LSO RMNU]R NY ONYUQO NXORP]RPAO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS LVB VLSVL NKNMNO ASVLBC YAB N`BPVNSPAO VR MUAZR YAB VQ KLMQ Q NB`NO L BRPLSC ,-QC WN RO NO BNULPLKSXLBC NO VQ `APTA NO VR NLUVR `LKKLB N`BPVNSPAO NBC VL LOLXA ASVLS ]NQULSOVNC ASVLS VA PRXNBA A N`LBNB ,.ASVLC WN L BRPLSC LSY N`BPVNSNO NASVLO ASVLBC WBA VL ASVLO MBOQPYNBO `AOVAC ,'YAB LVB LS TUNBAO NBTNO BOA VBC XAUVSURPR `NUB VLS AO]UQ`LS ASVLC MAU NMBOQPYNO VB RO NO VQ AO]UQ`Q
+hapter #.nd there $as a "an o! the Pharisees, /i#ode"us his na"e, a ruler o! the 5e$s, ,this one #a"e unto hi" by night, and said to hi", IRabbi, $e have 'no$n that !ro" &od thou hast #o"e ++ a tea#her, !or no one these signs is able to do that thou dost, i! &od "ay not be $ith hi")I -5esus ans$ered and said to hi", I%erily, verily, 0 say to thee, 0! any one "ay not be born !ro" above, he is not able to see the reign o! &od,I ./i#ode"us saith unto hi", IHo$ is a "an able to be born, being oldb is he able into the $o"b o! his "other a se#ond ti"e to enter, and to be bornbI #RO WN AO]UQ`LC NY VQO ZAUBPABQO OBYLWRXLC LOLXA ASVQ AUTQO VQO BLSWABQO ,LSVLC RK]NO `ULC VLO BRPLSO OSYVLC YAB NB`NO ASVQ UAHHB LBWAXNO LVB A`L ]NLS NKRKS]AC WBWAPYAKLC LSWNBC MAU VASVA VA PRXNBA WSOAVAB `LBNBO A PS `LBNBC NAO XR R L ]NLC XNV ASVLS
-A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVQ AXRO AXRO KNMQ PLB NAO XR VBC MNOOR]R AOQ]NO LS WSOAVAB BWNBO VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS .KNMNB `ULC ASVLO L OBYLWRXLC `QC WSOAVAB AO]UQ`LC MNOOR]ROAB MNUQO QO XR WSOAVAB NBC VRO YLBKBAO VRC XRVULC ASVLS WNSVNULO NBPNK]NBO YAB MNOOR]ROAB '5esus ans$ered, I%erily, verily, 0 say 'A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC AXRO AXRO KNMQ to thee, 0! any one "ay not be born o! PLB NAO XR VBC MNOOR]R Na SWAVLC YAB $ater, and the S irit, he is not able to `ONSXAVLC LS WSOAVAB NBPNK]NBO NBC enter into the reign o! &od, VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS /that $hi#h hath been born o! the !lesh /VL MNMNOORXNOLO NY VRC PAUYLC PAUa is !lesh, and that $hi#h hath been born NPVBO YAB VL MNMNOORXNOLO NY VLS o! the S irit is s irit) `ONSXAVLC `ONSXA NPVBO 0IThou "ayest not $onder that 0 said 0XR ]ASXAPRC LVB NB`LO PLB WNB SXAC to thee, 0t behoveth you to be born MNOOR]ROAB AOQ]NO !ro" above, $the S irit $here he $illeth doth blo$, $VL `ONSXA L`LS ]NKNB `ONB YAB VRO and his voi#e thou dost hear, but thou ZQORO ASVLS AYLSNBC AKK LSY LBWAC hast not 'no$n $hen#e he #o"eth, `L]NO NUTNVAB YAB `LS S`AMNB LSVQC and $hither he goeth, thus is every one NPVBO `AC L MNMNOORXNOLC NY VLS $ho hath been born o! the S irit)I `ONSXAVLC :61
%/i#ode"us ans$ered and said to hi", IHo$ are these things able to ha enbI #(5esus ans$ered and said to hi", IThou art the tea#her o! 0srael ++ and these things thou dost not 'no$d ##I%erily, verily, 0 say to thee ++ What $e have 'no$n $e s ea', and $hat $e have seen $e testi!y, and our testi"ony ye do not re#eive, #,i! the earthly things 0 said to you, and ye do not believe, ho$, i! 0 shall say to you the heavenly things, $ill ye believeb #-and no one hath gone u to the heaven, e(#e t he $ho out o! the heaven #a"e do$n ++ the Son o! @an $ho is in the heaven) #.I.nd as @oses did li!t u the ser ent in the $ilderness, so it behoveth the Son o! @an to be li!ted u , #'that every one $ho is believing in hi" "ay not erish, but "ay have li!e age+during, #/!or &od did so love the $orld, that His Son ++ the only begotten ++ He gave, that every one $ho is believing in hi" "ay not erish, but "ay have li!e age+during) #0For &od did not send His Son to the $orld that he "ay -udge the $orld, but that the $orld "ay be saved through hi", %A`NYUB]R OBYLWRXLC YAB NB`NO ASVQ `QC WSOAVAB VASVA MNONP]AB #(A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVQ PS NB L WBWAPYAKLC VLS BPUARK YAB VASVA LS MBOQPYNBC ##AXRO AXRO KNMQ PLB LVB L LBWAXNO KAKLSXNO YAB L NQUAYAXNO XAUVSULSXNO YAB VRO XAUVSUBAO RXQO LS KAXHAONVN #,NB VA N`BMNBA NB`LO SXBO YAB LS `BPVNSNVN `QC NAO NB`Q SXBO VA N`LSUAOBA `BPVNSPNVN #-YAB LSWNBC AOAHNHRYNO NBC VLO LSUAOLO NB XR L NY VLS LSUAOLS YAVAHAC L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS L QO NO VQ LSUAOQ #.YAB YA]QC XQPRC ScQPNO VLO LZBO NO VR NURXQ LSVQC ScQ]ROAB WNB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS #'BOA `AC L `BPVNSQO NBC ASVLO XR A`LKRVAB AKK NTR \QRO ABQOBLO #/LSVQC MAU RMA`RPNO L ]NLC VLO YLPXLO QPVN VLO SBLO ASVLS VLO XLOLMNOR NWQYNO BOA `AC L `BPVNSQO NBC ASVLO XR A`LKRVAB AKK NTR \QRO ABQOBLO #0LS MAU A`NPVNBKNO L ]NLC VLO SBLO ASVLS NBC VLO YLPXLO BOA YUBOR VLO YLPXLO AKK BOA PQ]R L YLPXLC WB ASVLS
#$he $ho is believing in hi" is not -udged, but he $ho is not believing hath been -udged already, be#ause he hath not believed in the na"e o! the only begotten Son o! &od) #%I.nd this is the -udg"ent, that the light hath #o"e to the $orld, and "en did love the dar'ness rather than the light, !or their $or's $ere evil, ,(!or every one $ho is doing $i#'ed things hateth the light, and doth not #o"e unto the light, that his $or's "ay not be dete#ted, ,#but he $ho is doing the truth doth #o"e to the light, that his $or's "ay be "ani!ested, that in &od they are having been $rought)I ,,.!ter these things #a"e 5esus and his dis#i les to the land o! 5udea, and there he did tarry $ith the", and $as ba tiEing, ,-and 5ohn $as also ba tiEing in .enon, nigh to Sale", be#ause there $ere "any $aters there, and they $ere #o"ing and $ere being ba tiEed ++ ,.!or 5ohn $as not yet #ast into the rison ++ ,'there arose then a ?uestion !ro" the dis#i les o! 5ohn $ith Iso"eI 5e$s about uri!ying, #$L `BPVNSQO NBC ASVLO LS YUBONVAB L WN XR `BPVNSQO RWR YNYUBVAB LVB XR `N`BPVNSYNO NBC VL LOLXA VLS XLOLMNOLSC SBLS VLS ]NLS #%ASVR WN NPVBO R YUBPBC LVB VL ZQC NKRKS]NO NBC VLO YLPXLO YAB RMA`RPAO LB AO]UQ`LB XAKKLO VL PYLVLC R VL ZQC RO MAU `LORUA ASVQO VA NUMA ,(`AC MAU L ZASKA `UAPPQO XBPNB VL ZQC YAB LSY NUTNVAB `ULC VL ZQC BOA XR NKNMT]R VA NUMA ASVLS ,#L WN `LBQO VRO AKR]NBAO NUTNVAB `ULC VL ZQC BOA ZAONUQ]R ASVLS VA NUMA LVB NO ]NQ NPVBO NBUMAPXNOA ,,XNVA VASVA RK]NO L BRPLSC YAB LB XA]RVAB ASVLS NBC VRO BLSWABAO MRO YAB NYNB WBNVUBHNO XNV ASVQO YAB NHA`VB\NO ,-RO WN YAB BQAOORC HA`VB\QO NO ABOQO NMMSC VLS PAKNBX LVB SWAVA `LKKA RO NYNB YAB `AUNMBOLOVL YAB NHA`VB\LOVL ,.LS`Q MAU RO HNHKRXNOLC NBC VRO ZSKAYRO L BQAOORC ,'NMNONVL LSO \RVRPBC NY VQO XA]RVQO BQAOOLS XNVA BLSWABQO `NUB YA]AUBPXLS
,/and they #a"e unto 5ohn, and said to hi", IRabbi, he $ho $as $ith thee beyond the 5ordan, to $ho" thou didst testi!y, lo, this one is ba tiEing, and all are #o"ing unto hi")I ,05ohn ans$ered and said, I. "an is not able to re#eive anything, i! it "ay not have been given hi" !ro" the heaven, ,$ye yourselves do testi!y to "e that 0 said, 0 a" not the Dhrist, but, that 0 a" having been sent be!ore hi", ,%he $ho is having the bride is bridegroo", and the !riend o! the bridegroo", $ho is standing and hearing hi", $ith -oy doth re-oi#e be#ause o! the voi#e o! the bridegroo", this, then, "y -oy hath been !ul!illed) -(IHi" it behoveth to in#rease, and "e to be#o"e less, -#he $ho !ro" above is #o"ing is above all, he $ho is !ro" the earth, !ro" the earth he is, and !ro" the earth he s ea'eth, he $ho !ro" the heaven is #o"ing is above all) -,I.nd $hat he hath seen and heard this he doth testi!y, and his testi"ony none re#eiveth, --he $ho is re#eiving his testi"ony did seal that &od is true, -.!or he $ho" &od sent, the sayings o! &od he s ea'eth, !or not by "easure doth &od give the S irit, ,/YAB RK]LO `ULC VLO BQAOORO YAB NB`LO ASVQ UAHHB LC RO XNVA PLS `NUAO VLS BLUWAOLS Q PS XNXAUVSURYAC BWN LSVLC HA`VB\NB YAB `AOVNC NUTLOVAB `ULC ASVLO ,0A`NYUB]R BQAOORC YAB NB`NO LS WSOAVAB AO]UQ`LC KAXHAONBO LSWNO NAO XR R WNWLXNOLO ASVQ NY VLS LSUAOLS ,$ASVLB SXNBC XLB XAUVSUNBVN LVB NB`LO LSY NBXB NMQ L TUBPVLC AKK LVB A`NPVAKXNOLC NBXB NX`ULP]NO NYNBOLS ,%L NTQO VRO OSXZRO OSXZBLC NPVBO L WN ZBKLC VLS OSXZBLS L NPVRYQC YAB AYLSQO ASVLS TAUA TABUNB WBA VRO ZQORO VLS OSXZBLS ASVR LSO R TAUA R NXR `N`KRUQVAB -(NYNBOLO WNB ASaAONBO NXN WN NKAVVLSP]AB -#L AOQ]NO NUTLXNOLC N`AOQ `AOVQO NPVBO L QO NY VRC MRC NY VRC MRC NPVBO YAB NY VRC MRC KAKNB L NY VLS LSUAOLS NUTLXNOLC N`AOQ `AOVQO NPVBO -,YAB L NQUAYNO YAB RYLSPNO VLSVL XAUVSUNB YAB VRO XAUVSUBAO ASVLS LSWNBC KAXHAONB --L KAHQO ASVLS VRO XAUVSUBAO NPZUAMBPNO LVB L ]NLC AKR]RC NPVBO -.LO MAU A`NPVNBKNO L ]NLC VA URXAVA VLS ]NLS KAKNB LS MAU NY XNVULS WBWQPBO L ]NLC VL `ONSXA
-'the Father doth love the Son, and all things hath given into his hand, -/he $ho is believing in the Son, hath li!e age+during, and he $ho is not believing the Son, shall not see li!e, but the $rath o! &od doth re"ain u on hi")I -'L `AVRU AMA`A VLO SBLO YAB `AOVA WNWQYNO NO VR TNBUB ASVLS -/L `BPVNSQO NBC VLO SBLO NTNB \QRO ABQOBLO L WN A`NB]QO VQ SBQ LSY LcNVAB \QRO AKK R LUMR VLS ]NLS XNONB N` ASVLO
+hapter .
#When there!ore the Lord 'ne$ that the Pharisees heard that 5esus "ore dis#i les doth "a'e and ba tiEe than 5ohn, ,7though indeed 5esus hi"sel! $as not ba tiEing, but his dis#i les,< -he le!t 5udea and $ent a$ay again to &alilee, .and it $as behoving hi" to go through Sa"aria) 'He #o"eth, there!ore, to a #ity o! Sa"aria, #alled Sy#har, near to the la#e that 5a#ob gave to 5ose h his son, /and there $as there a $ell o! 5a#ob) 5esus there!ore having been $eary !ro" the -ourneying, $as sitting thus on the $ell, it $as as it $ere the si(th hour, 0there #o"eth a $o"an out o! Sa"aria to dra$ $ater) 5esus saith to her, I&ive "e to drin',I $!or his dis#i les $ere gone a$ay to the #ity, that they "ay buy vi#tuals, %the Sa"aritan $o"an there!ore saith to hi", IHo$ dost thou, being a 5e$, as' drin' !ro" "e, being a Sa"aritan $o"anbI !or 5e$s have no dealing $ith Sa"aritans) #QC LSO NMOQ L YSUBLC LVB RYLSPAO LB ZAUBPABLB LVB BRPLSC `KNBLOAC XA]RVAC `LBNB YAB HA`VB\NB R BQAOORC ,YABVLBMN BRPLSC ASVLC LSY NHA`VB\NO AKK LB XA]RVAB ASVLS -AZRYNO VRO BLSWABAO YAB A`RK]NO `AKBO NBC VRO MAKBKABAO .NWNB WN ASVLO WBNUTNP]AB WBA VRC PAXAUNBAC 'NUTNVAB LSO NBC `LKBO VRC PAXAUNBAC KNMLXNORO PSTAU `KRPBLO VLS TQUBLS L NWQYNO BAYQH BQPRZ VQ SBQ ASVLS /RO WN NYNB `RMR VLS BAYQH L LSO BRPLSC YNYL`BAYQC NY VRC LWLB`LUBAC NYA]N\NVL LSVQC N`B VR `RMR QUA RO QPNB NYVR 0NUTNVAB MSOR NY VRC PAXAUNBAC AOVKRPAB SWQU KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC WLC XLB `BNBO $LB MAU XA]RVAB ASVLS A`NKRKS]NBPAO NBC VRO `LKBO BOA VULZAC AMLUAPQPBO %KNMNB LSO ASVQ R MSOR R PAXAUNBVBC `QC PS BLSWABLC QO `AU NXLS `BNBO ABVNBC LSPRC MSOABYLC PAXAUNBVBWLC LS MAU PSMTUQOVAB BLSWABLB PAXAUNBVABC
#(5esus ans$ered and said to her, I0! thou hadst 'no$n the gi!t o! &od, and $ho it is $ho is saying to thee, &ive "e to drin', thou $ouldest have as'ed hi", and he $ould have given thee living $ater)I ##The $o"an saith to hi", ISir, thou hast not even a vessel to dra$ $ith, and the $ell is dee , $hen#e, then, hast thou the living $aterb #,.rt thou greater than our !ather 5a#ob, $ho did give us the $ell, and hi"sel! out o! it did drin', and his sons, and his #attlebI #-5esus ans$ered and said to her, IEvery one $ho is drin'ing o! this $ater shall thirst again, #.but $hoever "ay drin' o! the $ater that 0 $ill give hi", "ay not thirst ++ to the age, and the $ater that 0 $ill give hi" shall be#o"e in hi" a $ell o! $ater, s ringing u to li!e age+during)I #'The $o"an saith unto hi", ISir, give "e this $ater, that 0 "ay not thirst, nor #o"e hither to dra$)I #/5esus saith to her, I&o, #all thy husband, and #o"e hither,I #0the $o"an ans$ered and said, I0 have not a husband)I 5esus saith to her, IWell didst thou say ++ . husband 0 have not, #$!or !ive husbands thou hast had, and, no$, he $ho" thou hast is not thy husband, this hast thou said truly)I #(A`NYUB]R BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVR NB RWNBC VRO WQUNAO VLS ]NLS YAB VBC NPVBO L KNMQO PLB WLC XLB `BNBO PS AO RVRPAC ASVLO YAB NWQYNO AO PLB SWQU \QO ##KNMNB ASVQ R MSOR YSUBN LSVN AOVKRXA NTNBC YAB VL ZUNAU NPVBO HA]S `L]NO LSO NTNBC VL SWQU VL \QO #,XR PS XNB\QO NB VLS `AVULC RXQO BAYQH LC NWQYNO RXBO VL ZUNAU YAB ASVLC Na ASVLS N`BNO YAB LB SBLB ASVLS YAB VA ]UNXXAVA ASVLS #-A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVR `AC L `BOQO NY VLS SWAVLC VLSVLS WBcRPNB `AKBO #.LC W AO `BR NY VLS SWAVLC LS NMQ WQPQ ASVQ LS XR WBcRPR NBC VLO ABQOA AKKA VL SWQU L WQPQ ASVQ MNORPNVAB NO ASVQ `RMR SWAVLC AKKLXNOLS NBC \QRO ABQOBLO #'KNMNB `ULC ASVLO R MSOR YSUBN WLC XLB VLSVL VL SWQU BOA XR WBcQ XRWN NUTQXAB NO]AWN AOVKNBO #/KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC S`AMN ZQORPLO VLO AOWUA PLS YAB NK]N NO]AWN #0A`NYUB]R R MSOR YAB NB`NO LSY NTQ AOWUA KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC YAKQC NB`AC LVB AOWUA LSY NTQ #$`NOVN MAU AOWUAC NPTNC YAB OSO LO NTNBC LSY NPVBO PLS AORU VLSVL AKR]NC NBURYAC
#%The $o"an saith to hi", ISir, 0 er#eive that thou art a ro het, ,(our !athers in this "ountain did $orshi , and ye ++ ye say that in 5erusale" is the la#e $here it behoveth to $orshi )I ,#5esus saith to her, IWo"an, believe "e, that there doth #o"e an hour, $hen neither in this "ountain, nor in 5erusale", shall ye $orshi the Father, ,,ye $orshi $hat ye have not 'no$n, $e $orshi $hat $e have 'no$n, be#ause the salvation is o! the 5e$s, ,-but, there #o"eth an hour, and it no$ is, $hen the true $orshi ers $ill $orshi the Father in s irit and truth, !or the Father also doth see' su#h to $orshi hi", ,.&od IisI a S irit, and those $orshi ing Hi", in s irit and truth it doth behove to $orshi )I ,'The $o"an saith to hi", I0 have 'no$n that @essiah doth #o"e, $ho is #alled Dhrist, $hen that one "ay #o"e, he $ill tell us all things,I ,/5esus saith to her, I0 a" IheI, $ho a" s ea'ing to thee)I ,0.nd u on this #a"e his dis#i les, and $ere $ondering that $ith a $o"an he $as s ea'ing, no one, ho$ever, said, IWhat see'est thoubI or IWhy s ea'est thou $ith herbI #%KNMNB ASVQ R MSOR YSUBN ]NQUQ LVB `ULZRVRC NB PS ,(LB `AVNUNC RXQO NO VLSVQ VQ LUNB `ULPNYSORPAO YAB SXNBC KNMNVN LVB NO BNULPLKSXLBC NPVBO L VL`LC L`LS WNB `ULPYSONBO ,#KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC MSOAB `BPVNSPLO XLB LVB NUTNVAB QUA LVN LSVN NO VQ LUNB VLSVQ LSVN NO BNULPLKSXLBC `ULPYSORPNVN VQ `AVUB ,,SXNBC `ULPYSONBVN L LSY LBWAVN RXNBC `ULPYSOLSXNO L LBWAXNO LVB R PQVRUBA NY VQO BLSWABQO NPVBO ,-AKK NUTNVAB QUA YAB OSO NPVBO LVN LB AKR]BOLB `ULPYSORVAB `ULPYSORPLSPBO VQ `AVUB NO `ONSXAVB YAB AKR]NBA YAB MAU L `AVRU VLBLSVLSC \RVNB VLSC `ULPYSOLSOVAC ASVLO ,.`ONSXA L ]NLC YAB VLSC `ULPYSOLSOVAC ASVLO NO `ONSXAVB YAB AKR]NBA WNB `ULPYSONBO ,'KNMNB ASVQ R MSOR LBWA LVB XNPPBAC NUTNVAB L KNMLXNOLC TUBPVLC LVAO NK]R NYNBOLC AOAMMNKNB RXBO `AOVA ,/KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC NMQ NBXB L KAKQO PLB ,0YAB N`B VLSVQ RK]LO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS YAB N]ASXAPAO LVB XNVA MSOABYLC NKAKNB LSWNBC XNOVLB NB`NO VB \RVNBC R VB KAKNBC XNV ASVRC
,$The $o"an then le!t her $ater+-ug, and $ent a$ay to the #ity, and saith to the "en, ,%IDo"e, see a "an, $ho told "e all things ++ as "any as 0 did, is this the DhristbI -(They $ent !orth there!ore out o! the #ity, and $ere #o"ing unto hi") -#.nd in the "ean$hile his dis#i les $ere as'ing hi", saying, IRabbi, eat,I -,and he said to the", I0 have !ood to eat that ye have not 'no$n)I --The dis#i les then said one to another, IDid any one bring hi" anything to eatbI -.5esus saith to the", I@y !ood is, that 0 "ay do the $ill o! Hi" $ho sent "e, and "ay !inish His $or', ,$AZRYNO LSO VRO SWUBAO ASVRC R MSOR YAB A`RK]NO NBC VRO `LKBO YAB KNMNB VLBC AO]UQ`LBC ,%WNSVN BWNVN AO]UQ`LO LC NB`NO XLB `AOVA LPA N`LBRPA XRVB LSVLC NPVBO L TUBPVLC -(NaRK]LO LSO NY VRC `LKNQC YAB RUTLOVL `ULC ASVLO -#NO WN VQ XNVAaS RUQVQO ASVLO LB XA]RVAB KNMLOVNC UAHHB ZAMN -,L WN NB`NO ASVLBC NMQ HUQPBO NTQ ZAMNBO RO SXNBC LSY LBWAVN --NKNMLO LSO LB XA]RVAB `ULC AKKRKLSC XR VBC RONMYNO ASVQ ZAMNBO
-.KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC NXLO HUQXA NPVBO BOA `LBQ VL ]NKRXA VLS `NXcAOVLC XN YAB VNKNBQPQ ASVLS VL NUMLO -'do not say that it is yet !our "onths, -'LST SXNBC KNMNVN LVB NVB VNVUAXROLO and the harvest #o"eth, lo, 0 say to NPVBO YAB L ]NUBPXLC NUTNVAB BWLS you, Li!t u your eyes, and see the KNMQ SXBO N`AUAVN VLSC LZ]AKXLSC !ields, that they are $hite unto harvest SXQO YAB ]NAPAP]N VAC TQUAC LVB already) KNSYAB NBPBO `ULC ]NUBPXLO RWR -/I.nd he $ho is rea ing doth re#eive -/YAB L ]NUB\QO XBP]LO KAXHAONB YAB a re$ard, and doth gather !ruit to li!e PSOAMNB YAU`LO NBC \QRO ABQOBLO BOA age+during, that both he $ho is so$ing YAB L P`NBUQO LXLS TABUR YAB L and he $ho is rea ing "ay re-oi#e ]NUB\QO together, -0!or in this the saying is the true one, -0NO MAU VLSVQ L KLMLC NPVBO L that one is the so$er and another the AKR]BOLC LVB AKKLC NPVBO L P`NBUQO rea er) YAB AKKLC L ]NUB\QO
-$0 sent you to rea that on $hi#h ye have not laboured, others laboured, and ye into their labour have entered) -$NMQ A`NPVNBKA SXAC ]NUB\NBO L LST SXNBC YNYL`BAYAVN AKKLB YNYL`BAYAPBO YAB SXNBC NBC VLO YL`LO ASVQO NBPNKRKS]AVN -%.nd !ro" that #ity "any believed in -%NY WN VRC `LKNQC NYNBORC `LKKLB hi", o! the Sa"aritans, be#ause o! the N`BPVNSPAO NBC ASVLO VQO PAXAUNBVQO $ord o! the $o"an testi!ying, ++ IHe WBA VLO KLMLO VRC MSOABYLC told "e all things ++ as "any as 0 did)I XAUVSULSPRC LVB NB`NO XLB `AOVA LPA N`LBRPA .(When, then, the Sa"aritans #a"e .(QC LSO RK]LO `ULC ASVLO LB unto hi", they $ere as'ing hi" to PAXAUNBVAB RUQVQO ASVLO XNBOAB `AU re"ain $ith the", and he re"ained ASVLBC YAB NXNBONO NYNB WSL RXNUAC there t$o days, .#and "any "ore did believe be#ause .#YAB `LKKQ `KNBLSC N`BPVNSPAO WBA o! his $ord, VLO KLMLO ASVLS .,and said to the $o"an ++ I/o "ore .,VR VN MSOABYB NKNMLO LVB LSYNVB WBA be#ause o! thy s ea'ing do $e believe, VRO PRO KAKBAO `BPVNSLXNO ASVLB MAU !or $e ourselves have heard and AYRYLAXNO YAB LBWAXNO LVB LSVLC 'no$n that this is truly the Saviour o! NPVBO AKR]QC L PQVRU VLS YLPXLS L the $orld ++ the Dhrist)I TUBPVLC .-.nd a!ter the t$o days he $ent !orth .-XNVA WN VAC WSL RXNUAC NaRK]NO then#e, and $ent a$ay to &alilee, NYNB]NO YAB A`RK]NO NBC VRO MAKBKABAO ..!or 5esus hi"sel! testi!ied that a ..ASVLC MAU L BRPLSC NXAUVSURPNO ro het in his o$n #ountry shall not LVB `ULZRVRC NO VR BWBA `AVUBWB VBXRO have honour, LSY NTNB .'$hen then, he #a"e to &alilee, the .'LVN LSO RK]NO NBC VRO MAKBKABAO &alileans re#eived hi", having seen NWNaAOVL ASVLO LB MAKBKABLB `AOVA all things that he did in 5erusale" in NQUAYLVNC A N`LBRPNO NO the !east ++ !or they also $ent to the BNULPLKSXLBC NO VR NLUVR YAB ASVLB !east) MAU RK]LO NBC VRO NLUVRO ./5esus #a"e, there!ore, again to Dana ./RK]NO LSO L BRPLSC `AKBO NBC VRO o! &alilee, $here he "ade the $ater YAOA VRC MAKBKABAC L`LS N`LBRPNO VL $ine, and there $as a #ertain #ourtier, SWQU LBOLO YAB RO VBC HAPBKBYLC LS L $hose son $as ailing in Da ernau", SBLC RP]NONB NO YA`NUOALSX =99
.0he, having heard that 5esus is #o"e out o! 5udea to &alilee, $ent a$ay unto hi", and $as as'ing hi" that he "ay #o"e do$n and "ay heal his son, !or he $as about to die) .$5esus then said unto hi", I0! signs and $onders ye "ay not see, ye $ill not believe)I .%The #ourtier saith unto hi", ISir, #o"e do$n be!ore "y #hild die,I .0LSVLC AYLSPAC LVB BRPLSC RYNB NY VRC BLSWABAC NBC VRO MAKBKABAO A`RK]NO `ULC ASVLO YAB RUQVA ASVLO BOA YAVAHR YAB BAPRVAB ASVLS VLO SBLO RXNKKNO MAU A`L]ORPYNBO .$NB`NO LSO L BRPLSC `ULC ASVLO NAO XR PRXNBA YAB VNUAVA BWRVN LS XR `BPVNSPRVN .%KNMNB `ULC ASVLO L HAPBKBYLC YSUBN YAVAHR]B `UBO A`L]AONBO VL `ABWBLO XLS '(5esus saith to hi", IBe going on, thy '(KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC `LUNSLS L SBLC son doth live)I .nd the "an believed PLS \R YAB N`BPVNSPNO L AO]UQ`LC VQ the $ord that 5esus said to hi", and KLMQ Q NB`NO ASVQ BRPLSC YAB $as going on, N`LUNSNVL '#and he no$ going do$n, his '#RWR WN ASVLS YAVAHABOLOVLC LB servants "et hi", and told, saying ++ WLSKLB ASVLS A`ROVRPAO ASVQ YAB IThy #hild doth live,I A`RMMNBKAO KNMLOVNC LVB L `ABC PLS \R ',he in?uired then o! the" the hour in ',N`S]NVL LSO `AU ASVQO VRO QUAO NO $hi#h he be#a"e better, and they said R YLXcLVNULO NPTNO YAB NB`LO ASVQ to hi" ++ I4esterday at the seventh LVB T]NC QUAO NHWLXRO AZRYNO ASVLO hour the !ever le!t hi",I L `SUNVLC '-then the !ather 'ne$ that Iit $asI in '-NMOQ LSO L `AVRU LVB NO NYNBOR VR that hour in $hi#h 5esus said to hi" ++ QUA NO R NB`NO ASVQ L BRPLSC LVB L IThy son doth live,I and he hi"sel! SBLC PLS \R YAB N`BPVNSPNO ASVLC YAB believed, and his $hole house, R LBYBA ASVLS LKR '.this again a se#ond sign did 5esus, '.VLSVL `AKBO WNSVNULO PRXNBLO having #o"e out o! 5udea to &alilee) N`LBRPNO L BRPLSC NK]QO NY VRC BLSWABAC NBC VRO MAKBKABAO
+hapter '
#.!ter these things there $as a !east o! the 5e$s, and 5esus $ent u to 5erusale", ,and there is in 5erusale" by the shee +IgateI a ool that is #alled in Hebre$ Bethesda, having !ive or#hes, -in these $ere lying a great "ultitude o! the ailing, blind, la"e, $ithered, $aiting !or the "oving o! the $ater, #XNVA VASVA RO NLUVR VQO BLSWABQO YAB AONHR L BRPLSC NBC BNULPLKSXA ,NPVBO WN NO VLBC BNULPLKSXLBC N`B VR `ULHAVBYR YLKSXHR]UA R N`BKNMLXNOR NHUABPVB HR]NPWA `NOVN PVLAC NTLSPA -NO VASVABC YAVNYNBVL `KR]LC `LKS VQO AP]NOLSOVQO VSZKQO TQKQO aRUQO NYWNTLXNOQO VRO VLS SWAVLC YBORPBO .AMMNKLC MAU YAVA YABULO YAVNHABONO NO VR YLKSXHR]UA YAB NVAUAPPNO VL SWQU L LSO `UQVLC NXHAC XNVA VRO VAUATRO VLS SWAVLC SMBRC NMBONVL Q WR`LVN YAVNBTNVL OLPRXAVB
.!or a "essenger at a set ti"e $as going do$n in the ool, and $as troubling the $ater, the !irst then having gone in a!ter the troubling o! the $ater, be#a"e $hole o! $hatever si#'ness he $as held) 'and there $as a #ertain "an there 'RO WN VBC AO]UQ`LC NYNB being in ail"ent thirty and eight years, VUBAYLOVALYVQ NVR NTQO NO VR AP]NONBA /hi" 5esus having seen lying, and /VLSVLO BWQO L BRPLSC YAVAYNBXNOLO having 'no$n that he is already a long YAB MOLSC LVB `LKSO RWR TULOLO NTNB ti"e, he saith to hi", IDost thou $ish KNMNB ASVQ ]NKNBC SMBRC MNONP]AB to be#o"e $holebI 0The ailing "an ans$ered hi", ISir, 0 0A`NYUB]R ASVQ L AP]NOQO YSUBN have no "an, that, $hen the $ater "ay AO]UQ`LO LSY NTQ BOA LVAO VAUAT]R be troubled, he "ay ut "e into the VL SWQU HAKKR XN NBC VRO ool, and $hile 0 a" #o"ing, another YLKSXHR]UAO NO Q WN NUTLXAB NMQ doth go do$n be!ore "e)I AKKLC `UL NXLS YAVAHABONB $5esus saith to hi", IRise, ta'e u thy $KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC NMNBUAB AULO VLO #ou#h, and be $al'ing,I YUAHHAVLO PLS YAB `NUB`AVNB
%and i""ediately the "an be#a"e $hole, and he too' u his #ou#h, and $as $al'ing, and it $as a sabbath on that day, #(the 5e$s then said to hi" that hath been healed, I0t is a sabbath, it is not la$!ul to thee to ta'e u the #ou#h)I ##He ans$ered the", IHe $ho "ade "e $hole ++ that one said to "e, Ta'e u thy #ou#h, and be $al'ing,I #,they ?uestioned hi", then, IWho is the "an $ho is saying to thee, Ta'e u thy #ou#h and be $al'ingbI #-But he that $as healed had not 'no$n $ho he is, !or 5esus did "ove a$ay, a "ultitude being in the la#e) #..!ter these things, 5esus !indeth hi" in the te" le, and said to hi", ILo, thou hast be#o"e $hole, sin no "ore, lest so"ething $orse "ay ha en to thee)I #'The "an $ent a$ay, and told the 5e$s that it is 5esus $ho "ade hi" $hole, #/and be#ause o! this $ere the 5e$s erse#uting 5esus, and see'ing to 'ill hi", be#ause these things he $as doing on a sabbath) #0.nd 5esus ans$ered the", I@y Father till no$ doth $or', and 0 $or',I %YAB NS]NQC NMNONVL SMBRC L AO]UQ`LC YAB RUNO VLO YUAHHAVLO ASVLS YAB `NUBN`AVNB RO WN PAHHAVLO NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA #(NKNMLO LSO LB BLSWABLB VQ VN]NUA`NSXNOQ PAHHAVLO NPVBO LSY NaNPVBO PLB AUAB VLO YUAHHAVLO ##A`NYUB]R ASVLBC L `LBRPAC XN SMBR NYNBOLC XLB NB`NO AULO VLO YUAHHAVLO PLS YAB `NUB`AVNB #,RUQVRPAO LSO ASVLO VBC NPVBO L AO]UQ`LC L NB`QO PLB AULO VLO YUAHHAVLO PLS YAB `NUB`AVNB #-L WN BA]NBC LSY RWNB VBC NPVBO L MAU BRPLSC NaNONSPNO LTKLS LOVLC NO VQ VL`Q #.XNVA VASVA NSUBPYNB ASVLO L BRPLSC NO VQ BNUQ YAB NB`NO ASVQ BWN SMBRC MNMLOAC XRYNVB AXAUVAON BOA XR TNBULO VB PLB MNORVAB #'A`RK]NO L AO]UQ`LC YAB AORMMNBKNO VLBC BLSWABLBC LVB BRPLSC NPVBO L `LBRPAC ASVLO SMBR #/YAB WBA VLSVL NWBQYLO VLO BRPLSO LB BLSWABLB YAB N\RVLSO ASVLO A`LYVNBOAB LVB VASVA N`LBNB NO PAHHAVQ #0L WN BRPLSC A`NYUBOAVL ASVLBC L `AVRU XLS NQC AUVB NUMA\NVAB YAMQ NUMA\LXAB
#$be#ause o! this, then, $ere the 5e$s see'ing the "ore to 'ill hi", be#ause not only $as he brea'ing the sabbath, but he also #alled &od his o$n Father, "a'ing hi"sel! e?ual to &od) #%5esus there!ore res onded and said to the", I%erily, verily, 0 say to you, The Son is not able to do anything o! hi"sel!, i! he "ay not see the Father doing anything, !or $hatever things He "ay do, these also the Son in li'e "anner doth, ,(!or the Father doth love the Son, and doth she$ to hi" all things that He hi"sel! doth, and greater $or's than these He $ill she$ hi", that ye "ay $onder) ,#IFor, as the Father doth raise the dead, and doth "a'e alive, so also the Son doth "a'e alive $ho" he $illeth, ,,!or neither doth the Father -udge any one, but all the -udg"ent He hath given to the Son, ,-that all "ay honour the Son a##ording as they honour the Father, he $ho is not honouring the Son, doth not honour the Father $ho sent hi") ,.I%erily, verily, 0 say to you ++ He $ho is hearing "y $ord, and is believing Hi" $ho sent "e, hath li!e age+during, and to -udg"ent he doth not #o"e, but hath assed out o! the death to the li!e) #$WBA VLSVL LSO XAKKLO N\RVLSO ASVLO LB BLSWABLB A`LYVNBOAB LVB LS XLOLO NKSNO VL PAHHAVLO AKKA YAB `AVNUA BWBLO NKNMNO VLO ]NLO BPLO NASVLO `LBQO VQ ]NQ #%A`NYUBOAVL LSO L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVLBC AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LS WSOAVAB L SBLC `LBNBO AZ NASVLS LSWNO NAO XR VB HKN`R VLO `AVNUA `LBLSOVA A MAU AO NYNBOLC `LBR VASVA YAB L SBLC LXLBQC `LBNB ,(L MAU `AVRU ZBKNB VLO SBLO YAB `AOVA WNBYOSPBO ASVQ A ASVLC `LBNB YAB XNB\LOA VLSVQO WNBaNB ASVQ NUMA BOA SXNBC ]ASXA\RVN ,#QP`NU MAU L `AVRU NMNBUNB VLSC ONYULSC YAB \QL`LBNB LSVQC YAB L SBLC LSC ]NKNB \QL`LBNB ,,LSWN MAU L `AVRU YUBONB LSWNOA AKKA VRO YUBPBO `APAO WNWQYNO VQ SBQ ,-BOA `AOVNC VBXQPBO VLO SBLO YA]QC VBXQPBO VLO `AVNUA L XR VBXQO VLO SBLO LS VBXA VLO `AVNUA VLO `NXcAOVA ASVLO ,.AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB L VLO KLMLO XLS AYLSQO YAB `BPVNSQO VQ `NXcAOVB XN NTNB \QRO ABQOBLO YAB NBC YUBPBO LSY NUTNVAB AKKA XNVAHNHRYNO NY VLS ]AOAVLS NBC VRO \QRO
,'I%erily, verily, 0 say to you ++ There #o"eth an hour, and it no$ is, $hen the dead shall hear the voi#e o! the Son o! &od, and those having heard shall live, ,/!or, as the Father hath li!e in hi"sel!, so He gave also to the Son to have li!e in hi"sel!, ,0and authority He gave hi" also to do -udg"ent, be#ause he is Son o! @an) ,$IWonder not at this, be#ause there doth #o"e an hour in $hi#h all those in the to"bs shall hear his voi#e, ,%and they shall #o"e !orth, those $ho did the good things to a rising again o! li!e, and those $ho ra#tised the evil things to a rising again o! -udg"ent) -(I0 a" not able o! "ysel! to do anything, a##ording as 0 hear 0 -udge, and "y -udg"ent is righteous, be#ause 0 see' not "y o$n $ill, but the $ill o! the Father $ho sent "e) -#I0! 0 testi!y #on#erning "ysel!, "y testi"ony is not true, -,another there is $ho is testi!ying #on#erning "e, and 0 have 'no$n that the testi"ony that he doth testi!y #on#erning "e is true, --ye have sent unto 5ohn, and he hath testi!ied to the truth) ,'AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB NUTNVAB QUA YAB OSO NPVBO LVN LB ONYULB AYLSPLOVAB VRC ZQORC VLS SBLS VLS ]NLS YAB LB AYLSPAOVNC \RPLOVAB ,/QP`NU MAU L `AVRU NTNB \QRO NO NASVQ LSVQC NWQYNO YAB VQ SBQ \QRO NTNBO NO NASVQ ,0YAB NaLSPBAO NWQYNO ASVQ YAB YUBPBO `LBNBO LVB SBLC AO]UQ`LS NPVBO ,$XR ]ASXA\NVN VLSVL LVB NUTNVAB QUA NO R `AOVNC LB NO VLBC XORXNBLBC AYLSPLOVAB VRC ZQORC ASVLS ,%YAB NY`LUNSPLOVAB LB VA AMA]A `LBRPAOVNC NBC AOAPVAPBO \QRC LB WN VA ZASKA `UAaAOVNC NBC AOAPVAPBO YUBPNQC -(LS WSOAXAB NMQ `LBNBO A` NXASVLS LSWNO YA]QC AYLSQ YUBOQ YAB R YUBPBC R NXR WBYABA NPVBO LVB LS \RVQ VL ]NKRXA VL NXLO AKKA VL ]NKRXA VLS `NXcAOVLC XN `AVULC -#NAO NMQ XAUVSUQ `NUB NXASVLS R XAUVSUBA XLS LSY NPVBO AKR]RC -,AKKLC NPVBO L XAUVSUQO `NUB NXLS YAB LBWA LVB AKR]RC NPVBO R XAUVSUBA RO XAUVSUNB `NUB NXLS --SXNBC A`NPVAKYAVN `ULC BQAOORO YAB XNXAUVSURYNO VR AKR]NBA
-.IBut 0 do not re#eive testi"ony !ro" "an, but these things 0 say that ye "ay be saved, -'he $as the burning and shining la" , and ye did $ill to be glad, !or an hour, in his light) -/IBut 0 have the testi"ony greater than 5ohnIs, !or the $or's that the Father gave "e, that 0 "ight !inish the", the $or's the"selves that 0 do, they testi!y #on#erning "e, that the Father hath sent "e) -0I.nd the Father $ho sent "e Hi"sel! hath testi!ied #on#erning "e, ye have neither heard His voi#e at any ti"e, nor His a earan#e have ye seen, -$and His $ord ye have not re"aining in you, be#ause $ho" He sent, hi" ye do not believe) -%I4e sear#h the Writings, be#ause ye thin' in the" to have li!e age+during, and these are they that are testi!ying #on#erning "e, .(and ye do not $ill to #o"e unto "e, that ye "ay have li!e, .#glory !ro" "an 0 do not re#eive, .,but 0 have 'no$n you, that the love o! &od ye have not in yourselves) .-I0 have #o"e in the na"e o! "y Father, and ye do not re#eive "e, i! another "ay #o"e in his o$n na"e, hi" ye $ill re#eive, -.NMQ WN LS `AUA AO]UQ`LS VRO XAUVSUBAO KAXHAOQ AKKA VASVA KNMQ BOA SXNBC PQ]RVN -'NYNBOLC RO L KSTOLC L YABLXNOLC YAB ZABOQO SXNBC WN R]NKRPAVN AMAKKBAP]ROAB `ULC QUAO NO VQ ZQVB ASVLS -/NMQ WN NTQ VRO XAUVSUBAO XNB\Q VLS BQAOOLS VA MAU NUMA A NWQYNO XLB L `AVRU BOA VNKNBQPQ ASVA ASVA VA NUMA A NMQ `LBQ XAUVSUNB `NUB NXLS LVB L `AVRU XN A`NPVAKYNO -0YAB L `NXcAC XN `AVRU ASVLC XNXAUVSURYNO `NUB NXLS LSVN ZQORO ASVLS AYRYLAVN `Q`LVN LSVN NBWLC ASVLS NQUAYAVN -$YAB VLO KLMLO ASVLS LSY NTNVN XNOLOVA NO SXBO LVB LO A`NPVNBKNO NYNBOLC VLSVQ SXNBC LS `BPVNSNVN -%NUNSOAVN VAC MUAZAC LVB SXNBC WLYNBVN NO ASVABC \QRO ABQOBLO NTNBO YAB NYNBOAB NBPBO AB XAUVSULSPAB `NUB NXLS .(YAB LS ]NKNVN NK]NBO `ULC XN BOA \QRO NTRVN .#WLaAO `AUA AO]UQ`QO LS KAXHAOQ .,AKK NMOQYA SXAC LVB VRO AMA`RO VLS ]NLS LSY NTNVN NO NASVLBC .-NMQ NKRKS]A NO VQ LOLXAVB VLS `AVULC XLS YAB LS KAXHAONVN XN NAO AKKLC NK]R NO VQ LOLXAVB VQ BWBQ NYNBOLO KRcNP]N
..ho$ are ye able ++ ye ++ to believe, glory !ro" one another re#eiving, and the glory that IisI !ro" &od alone ye see' notb .'IDo not thin' that 0 $ill a##use you unto the Father, there is $ho is a##using you, @oses ++ in $ho" ye have ho ed, ./!or i! ye $ere believing @oses, ye $ould have been believing "e, !or he $rote #on#erning "e, .0but i! his $ritings ye believe not, ho$ shall ye believe "y sayingsbI ..`QC WSOAP]N SXNBC `BPVNSPAB WLaAO `AUA AKKRKQO KAXHAOLOVNC YAB VRO WLaAO VRO `AUA VLS XLOLS ]NLS LS \RVNBVN .'XR WLYNBVN LVB NMQ YAVRMLURPQ SXQO `ULC VLO `AVNUA NPVBO L YAVRMLUQO SXQO XQPRC NBC LO SXNBC RK`BYAVN ./NB MAU N`BPVNSNVN XQPR N`BPVNSNVN AO NXLB `NUB MAU NXLS NYNBOLC NMUAcNO .0NB WN VLBC NYNBOLS MUAXXAPBO LS `BPVNSNVN `QC VLBC NXLBC URXAPBO `BPVNSPNVN
+hapter /
#.!ter these things 5esus $ent a$ay #XNVA VASVA A`RK]NO L BRPLSC `NUAO beyond the sea o! &alilee 7o! Tiberias<, VRC ]AKAPPRC VRC MAKBKABAC VRC VBHNUBAWLC ,and there $as !ollo$ing hi" a great ,YAB RYLKLS]NB ASVQ LTKLC `LKSC LVB "ultitude, be#ause they $ere seeing NQUQO ASVLS VA PRXNBA A N`LBNB N`B his signs that he $as doing on the VQO AP]NOLSOVQO ailing, -and 5esus $ent u to the "ount, and -AORK]NO WN NBC VL LULC L BRPLSC YAB he $as there sitting $ith his dis#i les, NYNB NYA]RVL XNVA VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS .and the assover $as nigh, the !east .RO WN NMMSC VL `APTA R NLUVR VQO o! the 5e$s) BLSWABQO '5esus then having li!ted u IhisI eyes 'N`AUAC LSO L BRPLSC VLSC LZ]AKXLSC and having seen that a great "ultitude YAB ]NAPAXNOLC LVB `LKSC LTKLC doth #o"e to hi", saith unto Phili , NUTNVAB `ULC ASVLO KNMNB `ULC VLO IWhen#e shall $e buy loaves, that ZBKB``LO `L]NO AMLUAPLXNO AUVLSC these "ay eatbI ++ BOA ZAMQPBO LSVLB /and this he said, trying hi", !or he /VLSVL WN NKNMNO `NBUA\QO ASVLO hi"sel! had 'no$n $hat he $as about ASVLC MAU RWNB VB NXNKKNO `LBNBO to do) 0Phili ans$ered hi", IT$o hundred 0A`NYUB]R ASVQ ZBKB``LC WBAYLPBQO denariesI $orth o! loaves are not WROAUBQO AUVLB LSY AUYLSPBO ASVLBC su!!i#ient to the", that ea#h o! the" BOA NYAPVLC ASVQO HUATS VB KAHR "ay re#eive so"e little,I $one o! his dis#i les ++ .ndre$, the $KNMNB ASVQ NBC NY VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS brother o! Si"on Peter ++ saith to hi", AOWUNAC L AWNKZLC PBXQOLC `NVULS %IThere is one little lad here $ho hath %NPVBO `ABWAUBLO NO QWN L NTNB `NOVN !ive barley loaves, and t$o !ishes, but AUVLSC YUB]BOLSC YAB WSL LcAUBA AKKA these ++ $hat are they to so "anybI VASVA VB NPVBO NBC VLPLSVLSC #(.nd 5esus said, I@a'e the "en to sit #(NB`NO WN L BRPLSC `LBRPAVN VLSC do$n,I and there $as "u#h grass in AO]UQ`LSC AOA`NPNBO RO WN TLUVLC the la#e, the "en then sat do$n, in `LKSC NO VQ VL`Q AON`NPLO LSO LB nu"ber, as it $ere, !ive thousand, AOWUNC VLO AUB]XLO QPNB `NOVAYBPTBKBLB =92
##and 5esus too' the loaves, and having given than's he distributed to the dis#i les, and the dis#i les to those re#lining, in li'e "anner, also o! the little !ishes as "u#h as they $ished) #,.nd $hen they $ere !illed, he saith to his dis#i les, I&ather together the bro'en ie#es that are over, that nothing "ay be lost,I #-they gathered together, there!ore, and !illed t$elve hand+bas'ets $ith bro'en ie#es, !ro" the !ive barley loaves that $ere over to those having eaten) #.The "en, then, having seen the sign that 5esus did, said ++ IThis is truly the Pro het, $ho is #o"ing to the $orld,I #'5esus, there!ore, having 'no$n that they are about to #o"e, and to ta'e hi" by !or#e that they "ay "a'e hi" 'ing, retired again to the "ountain hi"sel! alone) #/.nd $hen evening #a"e, his dis#i les $ent do$n to the sea, #0and having entered into the boat, they $ere going over the sea to Da ernau", and dar'ness had already #o"e, and 5esus had not #o"e unto the", #$the sea also ++ a great $ind blo$ing ++ $as being raised, ##NKAHNO WN VLSC AUVLSC L BRPLSC YAB NSTAUBPVRPAC WBNWQYNO VLBC XA]RVABC LB WN XA]RVAB VLBC AOAYNBXNOLBC LXLBQC YAB NY VQO LcAUBQO LPLO R]NKLO #,QC WN NON`KRP]RPAO KNMNB VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS PSOAMAMNVN VA `NUBPPNSPAOVA YKAPXAVA BOA XR VB A`LKRVAB #-PSORMAMLO LSO YAB NMNXBPAO WQWNYA YLZBOLSC YKAPXAVQO NY VQO `NOVN AUVQO VQO YUB]BOQO A N`NUBPPNSPNO VLBC HNHUQYLPBO #.LB LSO AO]UQ`LB BWLOVNC L N`LBRPNO PRXNBLO L BRPLSC NKNMLO LVB LSVLC NPVBO AKR]QC L `ULZRVRC L NUTLXNOLC NBC VLO YLPXLO #'BRPLSC LSO MOLSC LVB XNKKLSPBO NUTNP]AB YAB AU`A\NBO ASVLO BOA `LBRPQPBO ASVLO HAPBKNA AONTQURPNO `AKBO NBC VL LULC ASVLC XLOLC #/QC WN LcBA NMNONVL YAVNHRPAO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS N`B VRO ]AKAPPAO #0YAB NXHAOVNC NBC VL `KLBLO RUTLOVL `NUAO VRC ]AKAPPRC NBC YA`NUOALSX YAB PYLVBA RWR NMNMLONB YAB LSY NKRKS]NB `ULC ASVLSC L BRPLSC #$R VN ]AKAPPA AONXLS XNMAKLS `ONLOVLC WBRMNBUNVL
#%having ushed on$ards, there!ore, about t$enty+!ive or thirty !urlongs, they behold 5esus $al'ing on the sea, and #o"ing nigh to the boat, and they $ere a!raid, ,(and he saith to the", I0 a" IheI, be not a!raid,I ,#they $ere $illing then to re#eive hi" into the boat, and i""ediately the boat #a"e unto the land to $hi#h they $ere going) ,,On the "orro$, the "ultitude that $as standing on the other side o! the sea, having seen that there $as no other little boat there e(#e t one ++ that into $hi#h his dis#i les entered ++ and that 5esus $ent not in $ith his dis#i les into the little boat, but his dis#i les $ent a$ay alone, ,-7and other little boats #a"e !ro" Tiberias, nigh the la#e $here they did eat the bread, the Lord having given than's<, ,.$hen there!ore the "ultitude sa$ that 5esus is not there, nor his dis#i les, they also the"selves did enter into the boats, and #a"e to Da ernau" see'ing 5esus, ,'and having !ound hi" on the other side o! the sea, they said to hi", IRabbi, $hen hast thou #o"e hitherbI #%NKRKAYLVNC LSO QC PVAWBLSC NBYLPB`NOVN R VUBAYLOVA ]NQULSPBO VLO BRPLSO `NUB`AVLSOVA N`B VRC ]AKAPPRC YAB NMMSC VLS `KLBLS MBOLXNOLO YAB NZLHR]RPAO ,(L WN KNMNB ASVLBC NMQ NBXB XR ZLHNBP]N ,#R]NKLO LSO KAHNBO ASVLO NBC VL `KLBLO YAB NS]NQC VL `KLBLO NMNONVL N`B VRC MRC NBC RO S`RMLO ,,VR N`ASUBLO L LTKLC L NPVRYQC `NUAO VRC ]AKAPPRC BWQO LVB `KLBAUBLO AKKL LSY RO NYNB NB XR NO NYNBOL NBC L NONHRPAO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS YAB LVB LS PSONBPRK]NO VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS L BRPLSC NBC VL `KLBAUBLO AKKA XLOLB LB XA]RVAB ASVLS A`RK]LO ,-AKKA WN RK]NO `KLBAUBA NY VBHNUBAWLC NMMSC VLS VL`LS L`LS NZAMLO VLO AUVLO NSTAUBPVRPAOVLC VLS YSUBLS ,.LVN LSO NBWNO L LTKLC LVB BRPLSC LSY NPVBO NYNB LSWN LB XA]RVAB ASVLS NONHRPAO YAB ASVLB NBC VA `KLBA YAB RK]LO NBC YA`NUOALSX \RVLSOVNC VLO BRPLSO ,'YAB NSULOVNC ASVLO `NUAO VRC ]AKAPPRC NB`LO ASVQ UAHHB `LVN QWN MNMLOAC
,/5esus ans$ered the" and said, I%erily, verily, 0 say to you, 4e see' "e, not be#ause ye sa$ signs, but be#ause ye did eat o! the loaves, and $ere satis!ied, ,0$or' not !or the !ood that is erishing, but !or the !ood that is re"aining to li!e age+during, $hi#h the Son o! @an $ill give to you, !or hi" did the Father seal ++ IevenI &od)I ,$They said there!ore unto hi", IWhat "ay $e do that $e "ay $or' the $or's o! &odbI ,%5esus ans$ered and said to the", IThis is the $or' o! &od, that ye "ay believe in hi" $ho" He did send)I -(They said there!ore to hi", IWhat sign, then, dost thou, that $e "ay see and "ay believe theeb $hat dost thou $or'b -#our !athers the "anna did eat in the $ilderness, a##ording as it is having been $ritten, Bread out o! the heaven He gave the" to eat)I -,5esus, there!ore, said to the", I%erily, verily, 0 say to you, @oses did not give you the bread out o! the heaven, but "y Father doth give you the true bread out o! the heaven, --!or the bread o! &od is that $hi#h is #o"ing do$n out o! the heaven, and giving li!e to the $orld)I -.They said, there!ore, unto hi", ISir, al$ays give us this bread)I ,/A`NYUB]R ASVLBC L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO \RVNBVN XN LST LVB NBWNVN PRXNBA AKK LVB NZAMNVN NY VQO AUVQO YAB NTLUVAP]RVN ,0NUMA\NP]N XR VRO HUQPBO VRO A`LKKSXNORO AKKA VRO HUQPBO VRO XNOLSPAO NBC \QRO ABQOBLO RO L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS SXBO WQPNB VLSVLO MAU L `AVRU NPZUAMBPNO L ]NLC ,$NB`LO LSO `ULC ASVLO VB `LBLSXNO BOA NUMA\QXN]A VA NUMA VLS ]NLS ,%A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVLBC VLSVL NPVBO VL NUMLO VLS ]NLS BOA `BPVNSPRVN NBC LO A`NPVNBKNO NYNBOLC -(NB`LO LSO ASVQ VB LSO `LBNBC PS PRXNBLO BOA BWQXNO YAB `BPVNSPQXNO PLB VB NUMA\R -#LB `AVNUNC RXQO VL XAOOA NZAMLO NO VR NURXQ YA]QC NPVBO MNMUAXXNOLO AUVLO NY VLS LSUAOLS NWQYNO ASVLBC ZAMNBO -,NB`NO LSO ASVLBC L BRPLSC AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LS XQPRC WNWQYNO SXBO VLO AUVLO NY VLS LSUAOLS AKK L `AVRU XLS WBWQPBO SXBO VLO AUVLO NY VLS LSUAOLS VLO AKR]BOLO --L MAU AUVLC VLS ]NLS NPVBO L YAVAHABOQO NY VLS LSUAOLS YAB \QRO WBWLSC VQ YLPXQ -.NB`LO LSO `ULC ASVLO YSUBN `AOVLVN WLC RXBO VLO AUVLO VLSVLO
-'.nd 5esus said to the", I0 a" the bread o! the li!e, he $ho is #o"ing unto "e "ay not hunger, and he $ho is believing in "e "ay not thirst ++ at any ti"e, -/but 0 said to you, that ye also have seen "e, and ye believe not, -0all that the Father doth give to "e $ill #o"e unto "e, and hi" $ho is #o"ing unto "e, 0 "ay in no $ise #ast $ithout, -$be#ause 0 have #o"e do$n out o! the heaven, not that 0 "ay do "y $ill, but the $ill o! Hi" $ho sent "e) -%I.nd this is the $ill o! the Father $ho sent "e, that all that He hath given to "e 0 "ay not lose o! it, but "ay raise it u in the last day, .(and this is the $ill o! Hi" $ho sent "e, that every one $ho is beholding the Son, and is believing in hi", "ay have li!e age+during, and 0 $ill raise hi" u in the last day)I .#The 5e$s, there!ore, $ere "ur"uring at hi", be#ause he said, I0 a" the bread that #a"e do$n out o! the heaven,I .,and they said, I0s not this 5esus, the son o! 5ose h, $hose !ather and "other $e have 'no$nb ho$ then saith this one ++ Out o! the heaven 0 have #o"e do$nbI -'NB`NO WN ASVLBC L BRPLSC NMQ NBXB L AUVLC VRC \QRC L NUTLXNOLC `ULC XN LS XR `NBOAPR YAB L `BPVNSQO NBC NXN LS XR WBcRPR `Q`LVN -/AKK NB`LO SXBO LVB YAB NQUAYAVN XN YAB LS `BPVNSNVN -0`AO L WBWQPBO XLB L `AVRU `ULC NXN RaNB YAB VLO NUTLXNOLO `ULC XN LS XR NYHAKQ NaQ -$LVB YAVAHNHRYA NY VLS LSUAOLS LST BOA `LBQ VL ]NKRXA VL NXLO AKKA VL ]NKRXA VLS `NXcAOVLC XN -%VLSVL WN NPVBO VL ]NKRXA VLS `NXcAOVLC XN `AVULC BOA `AO L WNWQYNO XLB XR A`LKNPQ Na ASVLS AKKA AOAPVRPQ ASVL NO VR NPTAVR RXNUA .(VLSVL WN NPVBO VL ]NKRXA VLS `NXcAOVLC XN BOA `AC L ]NQUQO VLO SBLO YAB `BPVNSQO NBC ASVLO NTR \QRO ABQOBLO YAB AOAPVRPQ ASVLO NMQ VR NPTAVR RXNUA .#NMLMMS\LO LSO LB BLSWABLB `NUB ASVLS LVB NB`NO NMQ NBXB L AUVLC L YAVAHAC NY VLS LSUAOLS .,YAB NKNMLO LST LSVLC NPVBO BRPLSC L SBLC BQPRZ LS RXNBC LBWAXNO VLO `AVNUA YAB VRO XRVNUA `QC LSO KNMNB LSVLC LVB NY VLS LSUAOLS YAVAHNHRYA
.-5esus ans$ered, there!ore, and said to the", I@ur"ur not one $ith another, ..no one is able to #o"e unto "e, i! the Father $ho sent "e "ay not dra$ hi", and 0 $ill raise hi" u in the last day, .'it is having been $ritten in the ro hets, .nd they shall be all taught o! &od, every one there!ore $ho heard !ro" the Father, and learned, #o"eth to "e, ./not that any one hath seen the Father, e(#e t he $ho is !ro" &od, he hath seen the Father) .0I%erily, verily, 0 say to you, He $ho is believing in "e, hath li!e age+ during, .$0 a" the bread o! the li!e, .%your !athers did eat the "anna in the $ilderness, and they died, '(this is the bread that out o! the heaven is #o"ing do$n, that any one "ay eat o! it, and not die) '#I0 a" the living bread that #a"e do$n out o! the heaven, i! any one "ay eat o! this bread he shall live ++ to the age, and the bread also that 0 $ill give is "y !lesh, that 0 $ill give !or the li!e o! the $orld)I ',The 5e$s, there!ore, $ere striving $ith one another, saying, IHo$ is this one able to give us IhisI !lesh to eatbI .-A`NYUB]R LSO L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVLBC XR MLMMS\NVN XNV AKKRKQO ..LSWNBC WSOAVAB NK]NBO `ULC XN NAO XR L `AVRU L `NXcAC XN NKYSPR ASVLO YAB NMQ AOAPVRPQ ASVLO VR NPTAVR RXNUA .'NPVBO MNMUAXXNOLO NO VLBC `ULZRVABC YAB NPLOVAB `AOVNC WBWAYVLB VLS ]NLS `AC LSO L AYLSPAC `AUA VLS `AVULC YAB XA]QO NUTNVAB `ULC XN ./LST LVB VLO `AVNUA VBC NQUAYNO NB XR L QO `AUA VLS ]NLS LSVLC NQUAYNO VLO `AVNUA .0AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO L `BPVNSQO NBC NXN NTNB \QRO ABQOBLO .$NMQ NBXB L AUVLC VRC \QRC .%LB `AVNUNC SXQO NZAMLO VL XAOOA NO VR NURXQ YAB A`N]AOLO '(LSVLC NPVBO L AUVLC L NY VLS LSUAOLS YAVAHABOQO BOA VBC Na ASVLS ZAMR YAB XR A`L]AOR '#NMQ NBXB L AUVLC L \QO L NY VLS LSUAOLS YAVAHAC NAO VBC ZAMR NY VLSVLS VLS AUVLS \RPNVAB NBC VLO ABQOA YAB L AUVLC WN LO NMQ WQPQ R PAUa XLS NPVBO RO NMQ WQPQ S`NU VRC VLS YLPXLS \QRC ',NXATLOVL LSO `ULC AKKRKLSC LB BLSWABLB KNMLOVNC `QC WSOAVAB LSVLC RXBO WLSOAB VRO PAUYA ZAMNBO
'-5esus, there!ore, said to the", I%erily, verily, 0 say to you, 0! ye "ay not eat the !lesh o! the Son o! @an, and "ay not drin' his blood, ye have no li!e in yourselves, '.he $ho is eating "y !lesh, and is drin'ing "y blood, hath li!e age+ during, and 0 $ill raise hi" u in the last day, ''!or "y !lesh truly is !ood, and "y blood truly is drin', '-NB`NO LSO ASVLBC L BRPLSC AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO NAO XR ZAMRVN VRO PAUYA VLS SBLS VLS AO]UQ`LS YAB `BRVN ASVLS VL ABXA LSY NTNVN \QRO NO NASVLBC '.L VUQMQO XLS VRO PAUYA YAB `BOQO XLS VL ABXA NTNB \QRO ABQOBLO YAB NMQ AOAPVRPQ ASVLO VR NPTAVR RXNUA
''R MAU PAUa XLS AKR]QC NPVBO HUQPBC YAB VL ABXA XLS AKR]QC NPVBO `LPBC '/he $ho is eating "y !lesh, and is '/L VUQMQO XLS VRO PAUYA YAB `BOQO drin'ing "y blood, doth re"ain in "e, XLS VL ABXA NO NXLB XNONB YAMQ NO and 0 in hi") ASVQ '0I.##ording as the living Father sent '0YA]QC A`NPVNBKNO XN L \QO `AVRU "e, and 0 live be#ause o! the Father, YAMQ \Q WBA VLO `AVNUA YAB L VUQMQO he also $ho is eating "e, even that one XN YAYNBOLC \RPNVAB WB NXN shall live be#ause o! "e, '$this is the bread that #a"e do$n out '$LSVLC NPVBO L AUVLC L NY VLS o! the heaven, not as your !athers did LSUAOLS YAVAHAC LS YA]QC NZAMLO LB eat the "anna, and died, he $ho is `AVNUNC SXQO VL XAOOA YAB A`N]AOLO eating this bread shall live ++ to the L VUQMQO VLSVLO VLO AUVLO \RPNVAB age)I NBC VLO ABQOA '%These things he said in a synagogue, '%VASVA NB`NO NO PSOAMQMR WBWAPYQO tea#hing in Da ernau", NO YA`NUOALSX /("any, there!ore, o! his dis#i les /(`LKKLB LSO AYLSPAOVNC NY VQO having heard, said, IThis $ord is hard, XA]RVQO ASVLS NB`LO PYKRULC NPVBO $ho is able to hear itbI LSVLC L KLMLC VBC WSOAVAB ASVLS AYLSNBO /#.nd 5esus having 'no$n in hi"sel! /#NBWQC WN L BRPLSC NO NASVQ LVB that his dis#i les are "ur"uring about MLMMS\LSPBO `NUB VLSVLS LB XA]RVAB this, said to the", IDoth this stu"ble ASVLS NB`NO ASVLBC VLSVL SXAC youb PYAOWAKB\NB =1=
/,i! then ye "ay behold the Son o! @an going u $here he $as be!oreb /,NAO LSO ]NQURVN VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS AOAHABOLOVA L`LS RO VL `ULVNULO /-the s irit it is that is giving li!e, the /-VL `ONSXA NPVBO VL \QL`LBLSO R !lesh doth not ro!it anything, the PAUa LSY QZNKNB LSWNO VA URXAVA A sayings that 0 s ea' to you are s irit, NMQ KAKQ SXBO `ONSXA NPVBO YAB \QR and they are li!e, NPVBO /.but there are #ertain o! you $ho do /.AKK NBPBO Na SXQO VBONC LB LS not believe,I !or 5esus had 'no$n !ro" `BPVNSLSPBO RWNB MAU Na AUTRC L the beginning $ho they are $ho are BRPLSC VBONC NBPBO LB XR `BPVNSLOVNC not believing, and $ho is he $ho $ill YAB VBC NPVBO L `AUAWQPQO ASVLO deliver hi" u , /'and he said, IBe#ause o! this 0 have /'YAB NKNMNO WBA VLSVL NBURYA SXBO LVB said to you ++ /o one is able to #o"e LSWNBC WSOAVAB NK]NBO `ULC XN NAO XR unto "e, i! it "ay not have been given R WNWLXNOLO ASVQ NY VLS `AVULC XLS hi" !ro" "y Father)I //Fro" this Iti"eI "any o! his //NY VLSVLS `LKKLB A`RK]LO VQO dis#i les $ent a$ay ba#'$ard, and XA]RVQO ASVLS NBC VA L`BPQ YAB $ere no "ore $al'ing $ith hi", LSYNVB XNV ASVLS `NUBN`AVLSO /05esus, there!ore, said to the t$elve, /0NB`NO LSO L BRPLSC VLBC WQWNYA XR IDo ye also $ish to go a$aybI YAB SXNBC ]NKNVN S`AMNBO /$Si"on Peter, there!ore, ans$ered /$A`NYUB]R LSO ASVQ PBXQO `NVULC hi", ISir, unto $ho" shall $e gob YSUBN `ULC VBOA A`NKNSPLXN]A URXAVA thou hast sayings o! li!e age+during, \QRC ABQOBLS NTNBC /%and $e have believed, and $e have /%YAB RXNBC `N`BPVNSYAXNO YAB 'no$n, that thou art the Dhrist, the NMOQYAXNO LVB PS NB L TUBPVLC L SBLC Son o! the living &od)I VLS ]NLS VLS \QOVLC 0(5esus ans$ered the", IDid not 0 0(A`NYUB]R ASVLBC L BRPLSC LSY NMQ #hoose you ++ the t$elveb and o! you SXAC VLSC WQWNYA NaNKNaAXRO YAB Na ++ one is a devil) SXQO NBC WBAHLKLC NPVBO 0#.nd he s a'e o! 5udas, Si"onIs 0#NKNMNO WN VLO BLSWAO PBXQOLC IsonI, 0s#ariot, !or he $as about to BPYAUBQVRO LSVLC MAU RXNKKNO ASVLO deliver hi" u , being one o! the `AUAWBWLOAB NBC QO NY VQO WQWNYA t$elve) =18
+hapter 0
#.nd 5esus $as $al'ing a!ter these things in &alilee, !or he did not $ish to $al' in 5udea, be#ause the 5e$s $ere see'ing to 'ill hi", ,and the !east o! the 5e$s $as nigh ++ that o! taberna#les ++ -his brethren, there!ore, said unto hi", IRe"ove hen#e, and go a$ay to 5udea, that thy dis#i les also "ay behold thy $or's that thou dost, .!or no one in se#ret doth anything, and hi"sel! see'eth to be in ubli#, i! thou dost these things ++ "ani!est thysel! to the $orld,I '!or not even $ere his brethren believing in hi") /5esus, there!ore, saith to the", I@y ti"e is not yet resent, but your ti"e is al$ays ready, 0the $orld is not able to hate you, but "e it doth hate, be#ause 0 testi!y #on#erning it that its $or's are evil) $4e ++ go ye u to this !east, 0 do not yet go u to this !east, be#ause "y ti"e hath not yet been !ul!illed,I %and saying these things to the", he re"ained in &alilee) #(.nd $hen his brethren $ent u , then also he hi"sel! $ent u to the !east, not "ani!estly, but as in se#ret, #YAB `NUBN`AVNB L BRPLSC XNVA VASVA NO VR MAKBKABA LS MAU R]NKNO NO VR BLSWABA `NUB`AVNBO LVB N\RVLSO ASVLO LB BLSWABLB A`LYVNBOAB ,RO WN NMMSC R NLUVR VQO BLSWABQO R PYROL`RMBA -NB`LO LSO `ULC ASVLO LB AWNKZLB ASVLS XNVAHR]B NOVNS]NO YAB S`AMN NBC VRO BLSWABAO BOA YAB LB XA]RVAB PLS ]NQURPQPBO VA NUMA PLS A `LBNBC .LSWNBC MAU NO YUS`VQ VB `LBNB YAB \RVNB ASVLC NO `AUURPBA NBOAB NB VASVA `LBNBC ZAONUQPLO PNASVLO VQ YLPXQ 'LSWN MAU LB AWNKZLB ASVLS N`BPVNSLO NBC ASVLO /KNMNB LSO ASVLBC L BRPLSC L YABULC L NXLC LS`Q `AUNPVBO L WN YABULC L SXNVNULC `AOVLVN NPVBO NVLBXLC 0LS WSOAVAB L YLPXLC XBPNBO SXAC NXN WN XBPNB LVB NMQ XAUVSUQ `NUB ASVLS LVB VA NUMA ASVLS `LORUA NPVBO $SXNBC AOAHRVN NBC VRO NLUVRO VASVRO NMQ LS`Q AOAHABOQ NBC VRO NLUVRO VASVRO LVB L YABULC L NXLC LS`Q `N`KRUQVAB %VASVA WN NB`QO ASVLBC NXNBONO NO VR MAKBKABA #(QC WN AONHRPAO LB AWNKZLB ASVLS VLVN YAB ASVLC AONHR NBC VRO NLUVRO LS ZAONUQC AKK QC NO YUS`VQ
##the 5e$s, there!ore, $ere see'ing hi", in the !east, and said, IWhere is that onebI #,and there $as "u#h "ur"uring about hi" a"ong the "ultitudes, so"e indeed said ++ IHe is good,I and others said, I/o, but he leadeth astray the "ultitude,I #-no one, ho$ever, $as s ea'ing !reely about hi", through !ear o! the 5e$s) #..nd it being no$ the "iddle o! the !east, 5esus $ent u to the te" le, and he $as tea#hing, #'and the 5e$s $ere $ondering, saying, IHo$ hath this one 'no$n letters ++ not having learnedbI #/5esus ans$ered the" and said, I@y tea#hing is not "ine, but His $ho sent "e, #0i! any one "ay $ill to do His $ill, he shall 'no$ #on#erning the tea#hing, $hether it is o! &od, or ++ 0 do s ea' !ro" "ysel!) #$IHe $ho is s ea'ing !ro" hi"sel! his o$n glory doth see', but he $ho is see'ing the glory o! hi" $ho sent hi", this one is true, and unrighteousness is not in hi", #%hath not @oses given you the la$b and none o! you doth the la$, $hy "e do ye see' to 'illbI ##LB LSO BLSWABLB N\RVLSO ASVLO NO VR NLUVR YAB NKNMLO `LS NPVBO NYNBOLC #,YAB MLMMSPXLC `LKSC `NUB ASVLS RO NO VLBC LTKLBC LB XNO NKNMLO LVB AMA]LC NPVBO AKKLB WN NKNMLO LS AKKA `KAOA VLO LTKLO #-LSWNBC XNOVLB `AUURPBA NKAKNB `NUB ASVLS WBA VLO ZLHLO VQO BLSWABQO #.RWR WN VRC NLUVRC XNPLSPRC AONHR L BRPLSC NBC VL BNULO YAB NWBWAPYNO #'YAB N]ASXA\LO LB BLSWABLB KNMLOVNC `QC LSVLC MUAXXAVA LBWNO XR XNXA]RYQC #/A`NYUB]R ASVLBC L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO R NXR WBWATR LSY NPVBO NXR AKKA VLS `NXcAOVLC XN #0NAO VBC ]NKR VL ]NKRXA ASVLS `LBNBO MOQPNVAB `NUB VRC WBWATRC `LVNULO NY VLS ]NLS NPVBO R NMQ A` NXASVLS KAKQ #$L AZ NASVLS KAKQO VRO WLaAO VRO BWBAO \RVNB L WN \RVQO VRO WLaAO VLS `NXcAOVLC ASVLO LSVLC AKR]RC NPVBO YAB AWBYBA NO ASVQ LSY NPVBO #%LS XQPRC WNWQYNO SXBO VLO OLXLO YAB LSWNBC Na SXQO `LBNB VLO OLXLO VB XN \RVNBVN A`LYVNBOAB
,(The "ultitude ans$ered and said, IThou hast a de"on, $ho doth see' to 'ill theebI ,#5esus ans$ered and said to the", IOne $or' 0 did, and ye all $onder, ,,be#ause o! this, @oses hath given you the #ir#u"#ision ++ not that it is o! @oses, but o! the !athers ++ and on a sabbath ye #ir#u"#ise a "an, ,-i! a "an doth re#eive #ir#u"#ision on a sabbath that the la$ o! @oses "ay not be bro'en, are ye $roth $ith "e that 0 "ade a "an all $hole on a sabbathb ,.-udge not a##ording to a earan#e, but the righteous -udg"ent -udge)I ,'Dertain, there!ore, o! the 5erusale"ites said, I0s not this he $ho" they are see'ing to 'illb ,/and, lo, he doth s ea' !reely, and they say nothing to hi", did the rulers at all 'no$ truly that this is truly the Dhristb ,0but this one ++ $e have 'no$n $hen#e he is, and the Dhrist, $hen he doth #o"e, no one doth 'no$ $hen#e he is)I ,$5esus #ried, there!ore, in the te" le, tea#hing and saying, I4e have both 'no$n "e, and ye have 'no$n $hen#e 0 a", and 0 have not #o"e o! "ysel!, but He $ho sent "e is true, $ho" ye have not 'no$n, ,(A`NYUB]R L LTKLC YAB NB`NO WABXLOBLO NTNBC VBC PN \RVNB A`LYVNBOAB ,#A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVLBC NO NUMLO N`LBRPA YAB `AOVNC ]ASXA\NVN ,,WBA VLSVL XQPRC WNWQYNO SXBO VRO `NUBVLXRO LST LVB NY VLS XQPNQC NPVBO AKK NY VQO `AVNUQO YAB NO PAHHAVQ `NUBVNXONVN AO]UQ`LO ,-NB `NUBVLXRO KAXHAONB AO]UQ`LC NO PAHHAVQ BOA XR KS]R L OLXLC XQPNQC NXLB TLKAVN LVB LKLO AO]UQ`LO SMBR N`LBRPA NO PAHHAVQ ,.XR YUBONVN YAV LcBO AKKA VRO WBYABAO YUBPBO YUBOAVN ,'NKNMLO LSO VBONC NY VQO BNULPLKSXBVQO LST LSVLC NPVBO LO \RVLSPBO A`LYVNBOAB ,/YAB BWN `AUURPBA KAKNB YAB LSWNO ASVQ KNMLSPBO XR`LVN AKR]QC NMOQPAO LB AUTLOVNC LVB LSVLC NPVBO AKR]QC L TUBPVLC ,0AKKA VLSVLO LBWAXNO `L]NO NPVBO L WN TUBPVLC LVAO NUTRVAB LSWNBC MBOQPYNB `L]NO NPVBO ,$NYUAaNO LSO NO VQ BNUQ WBWAPYQO L BRPLSC YAB KNMQO YAXN LBWAVN YAB LBWAVN `L]NO NBXB YAB A` NXASVLS LSY NKRKS]A AKK NPVBO AKR]BOLC L `NXcAC XN LO SXNBC LSY LBWAVN
,%and 0 have 'no$n Hi", be#ause 0 a" !ro" Hi", and He did send "e)I -(They $ere see'ing, there!ore, to seiEe hi", and no one laid the hand on hi", be#ause his hour had not yet #o"e, -#and "any out o! the "ultitude did believe in hi", and said ++ IThe Dhrist ++ $hen he "ay #o"e ++ $ill he do "ore signs than these that this one didbI -,The Pharisees heard the "ultitude "ur"uring these things #on#erning hi", and the Pharisees and the #hie! riests sent o!!i#ers that they "ay ta'e hi", --5esus, there!ore, said to the", I4et a little ti"e 0 a" $ith you, and 0 go a$ay unto Hi" $ho sent "e, -.ye $ill see' "e, and ye shall not !ind, and $here 0 a", ye are not able to #o"e)I -'The 5e$s, there!ore, said a"ong the"selves, IWhither is this one about to go that $e shall not !ind hi"b ++ to the dis ersion o! the &ree's is he about to gob and to tea#h the &ree's, -/$hat is this $ord that he said, 4e $ill see' "e, and ye shall not !indb and, Where 0 a", ye are not able to #o"ebI ,%NMQ WN LBWA ASVLO LVB `AU ASVLS NBXB YAYNBOLC XN A`NPVNBKNO -(N\RVLSO LSO ASVLO `BAPAB YAB LSWNBC N`NHAKNO N` ASVLO VRO TNBUA LVB LS`Q NKRKS]NB R QUA ASVLS -#`LKKLB WN NY VLS LTKLS N`BPVNSPAO NBC ASVLO YAB NKNMLO LVB L TUBPVLC LVAO NK]R XRVB `KNBLOA PRXNBA VLSVQO `LBRPNB QO LSVLC N`LBRPNO -,RYLSPAO LB ZAUBPABLB VLS LTKLS MLMMS\LOVLC `NUB ASVLS VASVA YAB A`NPVNBKAO LB ZAUBPABLB YAB LB AUTBNUNBC S`RUNVAC BOA `BAPQPBO ASVLO --NB`NO LSO ASVLBC L BRPLSC NVB XBYULO TULOLO XN] SXQO NBXB YAB S`AMQ `ULC VLO `NXcAOVA XN -.\RVRPNVN XN YAB LST NSURPNVN YAB L`LS NBXB NMQ SXNBC LS WSOAP]N NK]NBO -'NB`LO LSO LB BLSWABLB `ULC NASVLSC `LS LSVLC XNKKNB `LUNSNP]AB LVB RXNBC LST NSURPLXNO ASVLO XR NBC VRO WBAP`LUAO VQO NKKROQO XNKKNB `LUNSNP]AB YAB WBWAPYNBO VLSC NKKROAC -/VBC NPVBO LSVLC L KLMLC LO NB`NO \RVRPNVN XN YAB LST NSURPNVN YAB L`LS NBXB NMQ SXNBC LS WSOAP]N NK]NBO
-0.nd in the last, the great day o! the !east, 5esus stood and #ried, saying, I0! any one doth thirst, let hi" #o"e unto "e and drin', -$he $ho is believing in "e, a##ording as the Writing said, Rivers out o! his belly shall !lo$ o! living $ater,I -%and this he said o! the S irit, $hi#h those believing in hi" $ere about to re#eive, !or not yet $as the Holy S irit, be#ause 5esus $as not yet glori!ied) .(@any, there!ore out o! the "ultitude, having heard the $ord, said, IThis is truly the Pro het,I .#others said, IThis is the Dhrist,I and others said, IWhy, out o! &alilee doth the Dhrist #o"eb .,Did not the Writing say, that out o! the seed o! David, and !ro" Bethlehe" ++ the village $here David $as ++ the Dhrist doth #o"ebI .-. division, there!ore, arose a"ong the "ultitude be#ause o! hi") ...nd #ertain o! the" $ere $illing to seiEe hi", but no one laid hands on hi", .'the o!!i#ers #a"e, there!ore, unto the #hie! riests and Pharisees, and they said to the", IWhere!ore did ye not bring hi"bI -0NO WN VR NPTAVR RXNUA VR XNMAKR VRC NLUVRC NBPVRYNB L BRPLSC YAB NYUAaNO KNMQO NAO VBC WBcA NUTNP]Q `ULC XN YAB `BONVQ -$L `BPVNSQO NBC NXN YA]QC NB`NO R MUAZR `LVAXLB NY VRC YLBKBAC ASVLS UNSPLSPBO SWAVLC \QOVLC -%VLSVL WN NB`NO `NUB VLS `ONSXAVLC LS NXNKKLO KAXHAONBO LB `BPVNSLOVNC NBC ASVLO LS`Q MAU RO `ONSXA AMBLO LVB L BRPLSC LSWN`Q NWLaAP]R .(`LKKLB LSO NY VLS LTKLS AYLSPAOVNC VLO KLMLO NKNMLO LSVLC NPVBO AKR]QC L `ULZRVRC .#AKKLB NKNMLO LSVLC NPVBO L TUBPVLC AKKLB WN NKNMLO XR MAU NY VRC MAKBKABAC L TUBPVLC NUTNVAB .,LSTB R MUAZR NB`NO LVB NY VLS P`NUXAVLC WAHBW YAB A`L HR]KNNX VRC YQXRC L`LS RO WAHBW L TUBPVLC NUTNVAB .-PTBPXA LSO NO VQ LTKQ NMNONVL WB ASVLO ..VBONC WN R]NKLO Na ASVQO `BAPAB ASVLO AKK LSWNBC N`NHAKNO N` ASVLO VAC TNBUAC .'RK]LO LSO LB S`RUNVAB `ULC VLSC AUTBNUNBC YAB ZAUBPABLSC YAB NB`LO ASVLBC NYNBOLB WBAVB LSY RMAMNVN ASVLO
./The o!!i#ers ans$ered, I/ever so s a'e "an ++ as this "an)I ./A`NYUB]RPAO LB S`RUNVAB LSWN`LVN LSVQC NKAKRPNO AO]UQ`LC QC LSVLC L AO]UQ`LC .0The Pharisees, there!ore, ans$ered .0A`NYUB]RPAO LSO ASVLBC LB the", IHave ye also been led astrayb ZAUBPABLB XR YAB SXNBC `N`KAORP]N .$did any one out o! the rulers believe .$XR VBC NY VQO AUTLOVQO N`BPVNSPNO in hi"b or out o! the Phariseesb NBC ASVLO R NY VQO ZAUBPABQO .%but this "ultitude, that is not .%AKK L LTKLC LSVLC L XR MBOQPYQO 'no$ing the la$, is a##ursed)I VLO OLXLO N`BYAVAUAVLB NBPBO '(/i#ode"us saith unto the" ++ he '(KNMNB OBYLWRXLC `ULC ASVLSC L $ho #a"e by night unto hi" ++ being NK]QO OSYVLC `ULC ASVLO NBC QO Na one o! the", ASVQO '#IDoth our la$ -udge the "an, i! it '#XR L OLXLC RXQO YUBONB VLO "ay not hear !ro" hi" !irst, and 'no$ AO]UQ`LO NAO XR AYLSPR `AU ASVLS $hat he dothbI `ULVNULO YAB MOQ VB `LBNB ',They ans$ered and said to hi", I.rt ',A`NYUB]RPAO YAB NB`LO ASVQ XR YAB thou also out o! &alileeb sear#h and PS NY VRC MAKBKABAC NB NUNSORPLO YAB see, that a ro het out o! &alilee hath BWN LVB `ULZRVRC NY VRC MAKBKABAC LSY not risen,I NMRMNUVAB '-and ea#h one $ent on to his house, '-YAB N`LUNS]R NYAPVLC NBC VLO LBYLO but 5esus $ent on to the "ount o! the ASVLS Olives)
+hapter $
#.nd at da$n he #a"e again to the te" le, ,and all the eo le $ere #o"ing unto hi", and having sat do$n, he $as tea#hing the", -and the s#ribes and the Pharisees bring unto hi" a $o"an having been ta'en in adultery, and having set her in the "idst, .they say to hi", ITea#her, this $o"an $as ta'en in the very #ri"e ++ #o""itting adultery, 'and in the la$, @oses did #o""and us that su#h be stoned, thou, there!ore, $hat dost thou saybI /and this they said, trying hi", that they "ight have to a##use hi") .nd 5esus, having stoo ed do$n, $ith the !inger he $as $riting on the ground, 0and $hen they #ontinued as'ing hi", having bent hi"sel! ba#', he said unto the", IThe sinless o! you ++ let hi" !irst #ast the stone at her,I $and again having stoo ed do$n, he $as $riting on the ground, %and they having heard, and by the #ons#ien#e being #onvi#ted, $ere going !orth one by one, having begun !ro" the elders ++ unto the last, and 5esus $as le!t alone, and the $o"an standing in the "idst) #BRPLSC WN N`LUNS]R NBC VL LULC VQO NKABQO ,LU]ULS WN `AKBO `AUNMNONVL NBC VL BNULO YAB `AC L KALC RUTNVL `ULC ASVLO YAB YA]BPAC NWBWAPYNO ASVLSC -AMLSPBO WN LB MUAXXAVNBC YAB LB ZAUBPABLB `ULC ASVLO MSOABYA NO XLBTNBA YAVNBKRXXNORO YAB PVRPAOVNC ASVRO NO XNPQ .KNMLSPBO ASVQ WBWAPYAKN ASVR R MSOR YAVNBKRZ]R N`ASVLZQUQ XLBTNSLXNOR 'NO WN VQ OLXQ XQPRC RXBO NONVNBKAVL VAC VLBASVAC KB]LHLKNBP]AB PS LSO VB KNMNBC /VLSVL WN NKNMLO `NBUA\LOVNC ASVLO BOA NTQPBO YAVRMLUNBO ASVLS L WN BRPLSC YAVQ YScAC VQ WAYVSKQ NMUAZNO NBC VRO MRO 0QC WN N`NXNOLO NUQVQOVNC ASVLO AOAYScAC NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC L AOAXAUVRVLC SXQO `UQVLC VLO KB]LO N` ASVR HAKNVQ $YAB `AKBO YAVQ YScAC NMUAZNO NBC VRO MRO %LB WN AYLSPAOVNC YAB S`L VRC PSONBWRPNQC NKNMTLXNOLB NaRUTLOVL NBC YA] NBC AUaAXNOLB A`L VQO `UNPHSVNUQO NQC VQO NPTAVQO YAB YAVNKNBZ]R XLOLC L BRPLSC YAB R MSOR NO XNPQ NPVQPA
#(.nd 5esus having bent hi"sel! ba#', and having seen no one but the $o"an, said to her, IWo"an, $here are those ++ thine a##usersb did no one ass senten#e u on theebI ##and she said, I/o one, Sir,I and 5esus said to her, I/either do 0 ass senten#e on thee, be going on, and no "ore sin)I #,.gain, there!ore, 5esus s a'e to the", saying, I0 a" the light o! the $orld, he $ho is !ollo$ing "e shall not $al' in the dar'ness, but he shall have the light o! the li!e)I #-The Pharisees, there!ore, said to hi", IThou o! thysel! dost testi!y, thy testi"ony is not true,I #.5esus ans$ered and said to the", I.nd i! 0 testi!y o! "ysel! ++ "y testi"ony is true, be#ause 0 have 'no$n $hen#e 0 #a"e, and $hither 0 go, and ye ++ ye have not 'no$n $hen#e 0 #o"e, or $hither 0 go) #'I4e a##ording to the !lesh do -udge, 0 do not -udge any one, #/and even i! 0 do -udge "y -udg"ent is true, be#ause 0 a" not alone, but 0 and the Father $ho sent "e, #0and also in your la$ it hath been $ritten, that the testi"ony o! t$o "en are true, #$0 a" IoneI $ho is testi!ying o! "ysel!, and the Father $ho sent "e doth testi!y o! "e)I #(AOAYScAC WN L BRPLSC YAB XRWNOA ]NAPAXNOLC `KRO VRC MSOABYLC NB`NO ASVR R MSOR `LS NBPBO NYNBOLB LB YAVRMLULB PLS LSWNBC PN YAVNYUBONO ##R WN NB`NO LSWNBC YSUBN NB`NO WN ASVR L BRPLSC LSWN NMQ PN YAVAYUBOQ `LUNSLS YAB XRYNVB AXAUVAON #,`AKBO LSO L BRPLSC ASVLBC NKAKRPNO KNMQO NMQ NBXB VL ZQC VLS YLPXLS L AYLKLS]QO NXLB LS XR `NUB`AVRPNB NO VR PYLVBA AKK NaNB VL ZQC VRC \QRC #-NB`LO LSO ASVQ LB ZAUBPABLB PS `NUB PNASVLS XAUVSUNBC R XAUVSUBA PLS LSY NPVBO AKR]RC #.A`NYUB]R BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVLBC YAO NMQ XAUVSUQ `NUB NXASVLS AKR]RC NPVBO R XAUVSUBA XLS LVB LBWA `L]NO RK]LO YAB `LS S`AMQ SXNBC WN LSY LBWAVN `L]NO NUTLXAB YAB `LS S`AMQ #'SXNBC YAVA VRO PAUYA YUBONVN NMQ LS YUBOQ LSWNOA #/YAB NAO YUBOQ WN NMQ R YUBPBC R NXR AKR]RC NPVBO LVB XLOLC LSY NBXB AKK NMQ YAB L `NXcAC XN `AVRU #0YAB NO VQ OLXQ WN VQ SXNVNUQ MNMUA`VAB LVB WSL AO]UQ`QO R XAUVSUBA AKR]RC NPVBO #$NMQ NBXB L XAUVSUQO `NUB NXASVLS YAB XAUVSUNB `NUB NXLS L `NXcAC XN `AVRU
#%They said, there!ore, to hi", IWhere is thy !atherbI 5esus ans$ered, I4e have neither 'no$n "e nor "y FatherF i! "e ye had 'no$n, "y Father also ye had 'no$n)I ,(These sayings s a'e 5esus in the treasury, tea#hing in the te" le, and no one seiEed hi", be#ause his hour had not yet #o"e, ,#there!ore said 5esus again to the", I0 go a$ay, and ye $ill see' "e, and in your sin ye shall die, $hither 0 go a$ay, ye are not able to #o"e)I ,,The 5e$s, there!ore, said, IWill he 'ill hi"sel!, be#ause he saith, Whither 0 go a$ay, ye are not able to #o"ebI ,-and he said to the", I4e are !ro" beneath, 0 a" !ro" above, ye are o! this $orld, 0 a" not o! this $orld, #%NKNMLO LSO ASVQ `LS NPVBO L `AVRU PLS A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC LSVN NXN LBWAVN LSVN VLO `AVNUA XLS NB NXN RWNBVN YAB VLO `AVNUA XLS RWNBVN AO
,0They 'ne$ not that o! the Father he s a'e to the", ,$5esus, there!ore, said to the", IWhen ye "ay li!t u the Son o! @an then ye $ill 'no$ that 0 a" IheI, and o! "ysel! 0 do nothing, but a##ording as "y Father did tea#h "e, these things 0 s ea', ,%and He $ho sent "e is $ith "e, the Father did not leave "e alone, be#ause 0, the things leasing to Hi", do al$ays)I -(.s he is s ea'ing these things, "any believed in hi", -#5esus, there!ore, said unto the 5e$s $ho believed in hi", I0! ye "ay re"ain in "y $ord, truly "y dis#i les ye are, and ye shall 'no$ the truth, -,and the truth shall "a'e you !ree)I ,0LSY NMOQPAO LVB VLO `AVNUA ASVLBC NKNMNO ,$NB`NO LSO ASVLBC L BRPLSC LVAO ScQPRVN VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS VLVN MOQPNP]N LVB NMQ NBXB YAB A` NXASVLS `LBQ LSWNO AKKA YA]QC NWBWAaNO XN L `AVRU XLS VASVA KAKQ ,%YAB L `NXcAC XN XNV NXLS NPVBO LSY AZRYNO XN XLOLO L `AVRU LVB NMQ VA AUNPVA ASVQ `LBQ `AOVLVN
-(VASVA ASVLS KAKLSOVLC `LKKLB N`BPVNSPAO NBC ASVLO -#NKNMNO LSO L BRPLSC `ULC VLSC `N`BPVNSYLVAC ASVQ BLSWABLSC NAO SXNBC XNBORVN NO VQ KLMQ VQ NXQ AKR]QC XA]RVAB XLS NPVN -,YAB MOQPNP]N VRO AKR]NBAO YAB R AKR]NBA NKNS]NUQPNB SXAC --They ans$ered hi", ISeed o! --A`NYUB]RPAO ASVQ P`NUXA AHUAAX .braha" $e are, and to no one have NPXNO YAB LSWNOB WNWLSKNSYAXNO $e been servants at any ti"e, ho$ dost `Q`LVN `QC PS KNMNBC LVB NKNS]NULB thou say ++ 4e shall be#o"e !reebI MNORPNP]N -.5esus ans$ered the", I%erily, -.A`NYUB]R ASVLBC L BRPLSC AXRO verily, 0 say to you ++ Every one $ho is AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB `AC L `LBQO VRO #o""itting sin, is a servant o! the sin, AXAUVBAO WLSKLC NPVBO VRC AXAUVBAC -'and the servant doth not re"ain in -'L WN WLSKLC LS XNONB NO VR LBYBA NBC the house ++ to the age, the son doth VLO ABQOA L SBLC XNONB NBC VLO ABQOA re"ain ++ to the age, -/i! then the son "ay "a'e you !ree, -/NAO LSO L SBLC SXAC NKNS]NUQPR in reality ye shall be !ree) LOVQC NKNS]NULB NPNP]N
-0I0 have 'no$n that ye are seed o! .braha", but ye see' to 'ill "e, be#ause "y $ord hath no la#e in you, -$0 ++ that $hi#h 0 have seen $ith "y Father do s ea', and ye, there!ore, that $hi#h ye have seen $ith your !ather ++ ye do)I -%They ans$ered and said to hi", IOur !ather is .braha",I 5esus saith to the", I0! #hildren o! .braha" ye $ere, the $or's o! .braha" ye $ere doing, .(and no$, ye see' to 'ill "e ++ a "an $ho hath s o'en to you the truth 0 heard !ro" &od, this .braha" did not, -0LBWA LVB P`NUXA AHUAAX NPVN AKKA \RVNBVN XN A`LYVNBOAB LVB L KLMLC L NXLC LS TQUNB NO SXBO -$NMQ L NQUAYA `AUA VQ `AVUB XLS KAKQ YAB SXNBC LSO L NQUAYAVN `AUA VQ `AVUB SXQO `LBNBVN
-%A`NYUB]RPAO YAB NB`LO ASVQ L `AVRU RXQO AHUAAX NPVBO KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC NB VNYOA VLS AHUAAX RVN VA NUMA VLS AHUAAX N`LBNBVN AO .(OSO WN \RVNBVN XN A`LYVNBOAB AO]UQ`LO LC VRO AKR]NBAO SXBO KNKAKRYA RO RYLSPA `AUA VLS ]NLS VLSVL AHUAAX LSY N`LBRPNO .#ye do the $or's o! your !ather)I .#SXNBC `LBNBVN VA NUMA VLS `AVULC They said, there!ore, to hi", IWe o! SXQO NB`LO LSO ASVQ RXNBC NY $horedo" have not been born, one `LUONBAC LS MNMNOORXN]A NOA `AVNUA Father $e have ++ &od,I NTLXNO VLO ]NLO .,5esus then said to the", I0! &od .,NB`NO LSO ASVLBC L BRPLSC NB L ]NLC $ere your !ather, ye $ere loving "e, `AVRU SXQO RO RMA`AVN AO NXN NMQ !or 0 #a"e !orth !ro" &od, and a" MAU NY VLS ]NLS NaRK]LO YAB RYQ LSWN #o"e, !or neither have 0 #o"e o! MAU A` NXASVLS NKRKS]A AKK NYNBOLC "ysel!, but He sent "e, XN A`NPVNBKNO .-$here!ore do ye not 'no$ "y .-WBAVB VRO KAKBAO VRO NXRO LS s ee#hb be#ause ye are not able to hear MBOQPYNVN LVB LS WSOAP]N AYLSNBO VLO "y $ord) KLMLO VLO NXLO
..I4e are o! a !ather ++ the devil, and the desires o! your !ather ye $ill to do, he $as a "an+slayer !ro" the beginning, and in the truth he hath not stood, be#ause there is no truth in hi", $hen one "ay s ea' the !alsehood, o! his o$n he s ea'eth, be#ause he is a liar ++ also his !ather) .'I.nd be#ause 0 say the truth, ye do not believe "e) ./Who o! you doth #onvi#t "e o! sinb and i! 0 s ea' truth, $here!ore do ye not believe "eb .0he $ho is o! &od, the sayings o! &od he doth hear, be#ause o! this ye do not hear, be#ause o! &od ye are not)I .$The 5e$s, there!ore, ans$ered and said to hi", IDo $e not say $ell, that thou art a Sa"aritan, and hast a de"onbI .%5esus ans$ered, I0 have not a de"on, but 0 honour "y Father, and ye dishonour "e, '(and 0 do not see' "y o$n glory, there is $ho is see'ing and is -udging, '#verily, verily, 0 say to you, 0! any one "ay 'ee "y $ord, death he "ay not see ++ to the age)I ..SXNBC NY `AVULC VLS WBAHLKLS NPVN YAB VAC N`B]SXBAC VLS `AVULC SXQO ]NKNVN `LBNBO NYNBOLC AO]UQ`LYVLOLC RO A` AUTRC YAB NO VR AKR]NBA LST NPVRYNO LVB LSY NPVBO AKR]NBA NO ASVQ LVAO KAKR VL cNSWLC NY VQO BWBQO KAKNB LVB cNSPVRC NPVBO YAB L `AVRU ASVLS .'NMQ WN LVB VRO AKR]NBAO KNMQ LS `BPVNSNVN XLB ./VBC Na SXQO NKNMTNB XN `NUB AXAUVBAC NB WN AKR]NBAO KNMQ WBAVB SXNBC LS `BPVNSNVN XLB .0L QO NY VLS ]NLS VA URXAVA VLS ]NLS AYLSNB WBA VLSVL SXNBC LSY AYLSNVN LVB NY VLS ]NLS LSY NPVN .$A`NYUB]RPAO LSO LB BLSWABLB YAB NB`LO ASVQ LS YAKQC KNMLXNO RXNBC LVB PAXAUNBVRC NB PS YAB WABXLOBLO NTNBC .%A`NYUB]R BRPLSC NMQ WABXLOBLO LSY NTQ AKKA VBXQ VLO `AVNUA XLS YAB SXNBC AVBXA\NVN XN '(NMQ WN LS \RVQ VRO WLaAO XLS NPVBO L \RVQO YAB YUBOQO '#AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO NAO VBC VLO KLMLO VLO NXLO VRURPR ]AOAVLO LS XR ]NQURPR NBC VLO ABQOA
',The 5e$s, there!ore, said to hi", I/o$ $e have 'no$n that thou hast a de"on, .braha" did die, and the ro hets, and thou dost say, 0! any one "ay 'ee "y $ord, he shall not taste o! death ++ to the aged '-.rt thou greater than our !ather .braha", $ho diedb and the ro hets died, $ho" dost thou "a'e thysel!bI '.5esus ans$ered, I0! 0 glori!y "ysel!, "y glory is nothing, it is "y Father $ho is glori!ying "e, o! $ho" ye say that He is your &od, ''and ye have not 'no$n Hi", and 0 have 'no$n Hi", and i! 0 say that 0 have not 'no$n Hi", 0 shall be li'e you ++ s ea'ing !alsely, but 0 have 'no$n Hi", and His $ord 0 'ee , '/.braha", your !ather, $as glad that he "ight see "y day, and he sa$, and did re-oi#e)I '0The 5e$s, there!ore, said unto hi", IThou art not yet !i!ty years old, and .braha" hast thou seenbI '$5esus said to the", I%erily, verily, 0 say to you, Be!ore .braha"Is #o"ing ++ 0 a",I '%they too' u , there!ore, stones that they "ay #ast at hi", but 5esus hid hi"sel!, and $ent !orth out o! the te" le, going through the "idst o! the", and so assed by) ',NB`LO LSO ASVQ LB BLSWABLB OSO NMOQYAXNO LVB WABXLOBLO NTNBC AHUAAX A`N]AONO YAB LB `ULZRVAB YAB PS KNMNBC NAO VBC VLO KLMLO XLS VRURPR LS XR MNSPNVAB ]AOAVLS NBC VLO ABQOA '-XR PS XNB\QO NB VLS `AVULC RXQO AHUAAX LPVBC A`N]AONO YAB LB `ULZRVAB A`N]AOLO VBOA PNASVLO PS `LBNBC '.A`NYUB]R BRPLSC NAO NMQ WLaA\Q NXASVLO R WLaA XLS LSWNO NPVBO NPVBO L `AVRU XLS L WLaA\QO XN LO SXNBC KNMNVN LVB ]NLC SXQO NPVBO ''YAB LSY NMOQYAVN ASVLO NMQ WN LBWA ASVLO YAB NAO NB`Q LVB LSY LBWA ASVLO NPLXAB LXLBLC SXQO cNSPVRC AKK LBWA ASVLO YAB VLO KLMLO ASVLS VRUQ '/AHUAAX L `AVRU SXQO RMAKKBAPAVL BOA BWR VRO RXNUAO VRO NXRO YAB NBWNO YAB NTAUR '0NB`LO LSO LB BLSWABLB `ULC ASVLO `NOVRYLOVA NVR LS`Q NTNBC YAB AHUAAX NQUAYAC '$NB`NO ASVLBC L BRPLSC AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO `UBO AHUAAX MNONP]AB NMQ NBXB '%RUAO LSO KB]LSC BOA HAKQPBO N` ASVLO BRPLSC WN NYUSHR YAB NaRK]NO NY VLS BNULS WBNK]QO WBA XNPLS ASVQO YAB `AURMNO LSVQC
+hapter %
#.nd assing by, he sa$ a "an blind !ro" birth, ,and his dis#i les as'ed hi", saying, IRabbi, $ho did sin, this one or his arents, that he should be born blindbI -5esus ans$ered, I/either did this one sin nor his arents, but that the $or's o! &od "ay be "ani!ested in hi", .it behoveth "e to be $or'ing the $or's o! Hi" $ho sent "e $hile it is day, night doth #o"e, $hen no one is able to $or'F ++ '$hen 0 a" in the $orld, 0 a" a light o! the $orld)I /These things saying, he s at on the ground, and "ade #lay o! the s ittle, and rubbed the #lay on the eyes o! the blind "an, and said to hi", 0I&o a$ay, $ash at the ool o! Siloa",I $hi#h is, inter reted, Sent) He $ent a$ay, there!ore, and did $ash, and #a"e seeing, $the neighbours, there!ore, and those seeing hi" be!ore, that he $as blind, said, I0s not this he $ho is sitting and beggingbI %others said ++ IThis is he,I and others ++ IHe is li'e to hi",I he hi"sel! said, ++ I0 a" IheI)I #(They said, there!ore, to hi", IHo$ $ere thine eyes o enedbI #YAB `AUAMQO NBWNO AO]UQ`LO VSZKLO NY MNONVRC ,YAB RUQVRPAO ASVLO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS KNMLOVNC UAHHB VBC RXAUVNO LSVLC R LB MLONBC ASVLS BOA VSZKLC MNOOR]R -A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC LSVN LSVLC RXAUVNO LSVN LB MLONBC ASVLS AKK BOA ZAONUQ]R VA NUMA VLS ]NLS NO ASVQ .NXN WNB NUMA\NP]AB VA NUMA VLS `NXcAOVLC XN NQC RXNUA NPVBO NUTNVAB OSa LVN LSWNBC WSOAVAB NUMA\NP]AB 'LVAO NO VQ YLPXQ Q ZQC NBXB VLS YLPXLS /VASVA NB`QO N`VSPNO TAXAB YAB N`LBRPNO `RKLO NY VLS `VSPXAVLC YAB N`NTUBPNO VLO `RKLO N`B VLSC LZ]AKXLSC VLS VSZKLS 0YAB NB`NO ASVQ S`AMN OBcAB NBC VRO YLKSXHR]UAO VLS PBKQAX L NUXRONSNVAB A`NPVAKXNOLC A`RK]NO LSO YAB NOBcAVL YAB RK]NO HKN`QO $LB LSO MNBVLONC YAB LB ]NQULSOVNC ASVLO VL `ULVNULO LVB VSZKLC RO NKNMLO LST LSVLC NPVBO L YA]RXNOLC YAB `ULPABVQO %AKKLB NKNMLO LVB LSVLC NPVBO AKKLB WN LVB LXLBLC ASVQ NPVBO NYNBOLC NKNMNO LVB NMQ NBXB #(NKNMLO LSO ASVQ `QC AONQT]RPAO PLS LB LZ]AKXLB
##he ans$ered and said, I. "an #alled 5esus "ade #lay, and rubbed "y eyes, and said to "e, &o a$ay to the ool o! Siloa", and $ash, and having gone a$ay and having $ashed, 0 re#eived sight,I #,they said, there!ore, to hi", IWhere is that onebI he saith, I0 have not 'no$n)I #-They bring hi" to the Pharisees $ho on#e I$asI blind, #.and it $as a sabbath $hen 5esus "ade the #lay, and o ened his eyes) ##A`NYUB]R NYNBOLC YAB NB`NO AO]UQ`LC KNMLXNOLC BRPLSC `RKLO N`LBRPNO YAB N`NTUBPNO XLS VLSC LZ]AKXLSC YAB NB`NO XLB S`AMN NBC VRO YLKSXHR]UAO VLS PBKQAX YAB OBcAB A`NK]QO WN YAB OBcAXNOLC AONHKNcA #,NB`LO LSO ASVQ `LS NPVBO NYNBOLC KNMNB LSY LBWA
#-AMLSPBO ASVLO `ULC VLSC ZAUBPABLSC VLO `LVN VSZKLO #.RO WN PAHHAVLO LVN VLO `RKLO N`LBRPNO L BRPLSC YAB AONQaNO ASVLS VLSC LZ]AKXLSC #'.gain, there!ore, the Pharisees also #'`AKBO LSO RUQVQO ASVLO YAB LB $ere as'ing hi" ho$ he re#eived ZAUBPABLB `QC AONHKNcNO L WN NB`NO sight, and he said to the", IDlay he did ASVLBC `RKLO N`N]RYNO N`B VLSC ut u on "y eyes, and 0 did $ash ++ LZ]AKXLSC XLS YAB NOBcAXRO YAB and 0 see)I HKN`Q #/O! the Pharisees, there!ore, #ertain #/NKNMLO LSO NY VQO ZAUBPABQO VBONC said, IThis "an is not !ro" &od, LSVLC L AO]UQ`LC LSY NPVBO `AUA VLS be#ause the sabbath he doth not 'ee ,I ]NLS LVB VL PAHHAVLO LS VRUNB AKKLB others said, IHo$ is a "an ++ a sin!ul NKNMLO `QC WSOAVAB AO]UQ`LC one ++ able to do su#h signsbI and there AXAUVQKLC VLBASVA PRXNBA `LBNBO YAB $as a division a"ong the") PTBPXA RO NO ASVLBC #0They said to the blind "an again, #0KNMLSPBO VQ VSZKQ `AKBO PS VB IThou ++ $hat dost thou say o! hi" ++ KNMNBC `NUB ASVLS LVB ROLBaNO PLS VLSC that he o ened thine eyesbI LZ]AKXLSC L WN NB`NO LVB `ULZRVRC NPVBO #$and he said ++ IHe is a ro het)I The #$LSY N`BPVNSPAO LSO LB BLSWABLB `NUB 5e$s, there!ore, did not believe ASVLS LVB VSZKLC RO YAB AONHKNcNO #on#erning hi" that he $as blind and NQC LVLS NZQORPAO VLSC MLONBC ASVLS did re#eive sight, till that they #alled VLS AOAHKNcAOVLC the arents o! hi" $ho re#eived sight, =:1
#%and they as'ed the", saying, I0s your son, o! $ho" ye say that he $as born blindb ho$ then no$ doth he seebI ,(His arents ans$ered the" and said, IWe have 'no$n that this is our son, and that he $as born blind, ,#and ho$ he no$ seeth, $e have not 'no$n, or $ho o ened his eyes, $e have not 'no$n, hi"sel! is o! age, as' hi", he hi"sel! shall s ea' #on#erning hi"sel!)I ,,These things said his arents, be#ause they $ere a!raid o! the 5e$s, !or already had the 5e$s agreed together, that i! any one "ay #on!ess hi" ++ Dhrist, he "ay be ut out o! the synagogue, ,-be#ause o! this his arents said ++ IHe is o! age, as' hi")I ,.They #alled, there!ore, a se#ond ti"e the "an $ho $as blind, and they said to hi", I&ive glory to &od, $e have 'no$n that this "an is a sinner,I #%YAB RUQVRPAO ASVLSC KNMLOVNC LSVLC NPVBO L SBLC SXQO LO SXNBC KNMNVN LVB VSZKLC NMNOOR]R `QC LSO AUVB HKN`NB ,(A`NYUB]RPAO ASVLBC LB MLONBC ASVLS YAB NB`LO LBWAXNO LVB LSVLC NPVBO L SBLC RXQO YAB LVB VSZKLC NMNOOR]R ,#`QC WN OSO HKN`NB LSY LBWAXNO R VBC ROLBaNO ASVLS VLSC LZ]AKXLSC RXNBC LSY LBWAXNO ASVLC RKBYBAO NTNB ASVLO NUQVRPAVN ASVLC `NUB ASVLS KAKRPNB ,,VASVA NB`LO LB MLONBC ASVLS LVB NZLHLSOVL VLSC BLSWABLSC RWR MAU PSONVN]NBOVL LB BLSWABLB BOA NAO VBC ASVLO LXLKLMRPR TUBPVLO A`LPSOAMQMLC MNORVAB
,-WBA VLSVL LB MLONBC ASVLS NB`LO LVB RKBYBAO NTNB ASVLO NUQVRPAVN ,.NZQORPAO LSO NY WNSVNULS VLO AO]UQ`LO LC RO VSZKLC YAB NB`LO ASVQ WLC WLaAO VQ ]NQ RXNBC LBWAXNO LVB L AO]UQ`LC LSVLC AXAUVQKLC NPVBO ,'he ans$ered, there!ore, and said, I0! ,'A`NYUB]R LSO NYNBOLC YAB NB`NO NB he be a sinner ++ 0 have not 'no$n, one AXAUVQKLC NPVBO LSY LBWA NO LBWA LVB thing 0 have 'no$n, that, being blind, VSZKLC QO AUVB HKN`Q no$ 0 see)I ,/.nd they said to hi" again, IWhat ,/NB`LO WN ASVQ `AKBO VB N`LBRPNO PLB did he to theeb ho$ did he o en thine `QC ROLBaNO PLS VLSC LZ]AKXLSC eyesbI
,0He ans$ered the", I0 told you already, and ye did not hear, $hy again do ye $ish to hearb do ye also $ish to be#o"e his dis#i lesbI ,$They reviled hi", there!ore, and said, IThou art his dis#i le, and $e are @osesI dis#i les, ,%$e have 'no$n that &od hath s o'en to @oses, but this one ++ $e have not 'no$n $hen#e he is)I -(The "an ans$ered and said to the", IWhy, in this is a $onder!ul thing, that ye have not 'no$n $hen#e he is, and he o ened "y eyesd -#and $e have 'no$n that &od doth not hear sinners, but, i! any one "ay be a $orshi er o! &od, and "ay do His $ill, hi" He doth hear, -,!ro" the age it $as not heard, that any one did o en eyes o! one $ho hath been born blind, --i! this one $ere not !ro" &od, he $ere not able to do anything)I -.They ans$ered and said to hi", I0n sins thou $ast born altogether, and thou dost tea#h usdI and they #ast hi" !orth $ithout) -'5esus heard that they #ast hi" !orth $ithout, and having !ound hi", he said to hi", IDost thou believe in the Son o! &odbI -/he ans$ered and said, IWho is he, sir, that 0 "ay believe in hi"bI ,0A`NYUB]R ASVLBC NB`LO SXBO RWR YAB LSY RYLSPAVN VB `AKBO ]NKNVN AYLSNBO XR YAB SXNBC ]NKNVN ASVLS XA]RVAB MNONP]AB ,$NKLBWLURPAO LSO ASVLO YAB NB`LO PS NB XA]RVRC NYNBOLS RXNBC WN VLS XQPNQC NPXNO XA]RVAB ,%RXNBC LBWAXNO LVB XQPR KNKAKRYNO L ]NLC VLSVLO WN LSY LBWAXNO `L]NO NPVBO -(A`NYUB]R L AO]UQ`LC YAB NB`NO ASVLBC NO MAU VLSVQ ]ASXAPVLO NPVBO LVB SXNBC LSY LBWAVN `L]NO NPVBO YAB AONQaNO XLS VLSC LZ]AKXLSC -#LBWAXNO WN LVB AXAUVQKQO L ]NLC LSY AYLSNB AKK NAO VBC ]NLPNHRC R YAB VL ]NKRXA ASVLS `LBR VLSVLS AYLSNB -,NY VLS ABQOLC LSY RYLSP]R LVB ROLBaNO VBC LZ]AKXLSC VSZKLS MNMNOORXNOLS --NB XR RO LSVLC `AUA ]NLS LSY RWSOAVL `LBNBO LSWNO -.A`NYUB]RPAO YAB NB`LO ASVQ NO AXAUVBABC PS NMNOOR]RC LKLC YAB PS WBWAPYNBC RXAC YAB NaNHAKLO ASVLO NaQ -'RYLSPNO L BRPLSC LVB NaNHAKLO ASVLO NaQ YAB NSUQO ASVLO NB`NO ASVQ PS `BPVNSNBC NBC VLO SBLO VLS ]NLS -/A`NYUB]R NYNBOLC YAB NB`NO VBC NPVBO YSUBN BOA `BPVNSPQ NBC ASVLO
-0.nd 5esus said to hi", IThou hast both seen hi", and he $ho is s ea'ing $ith thee is he,I -$and he said, I0 believe, sir,I and bo$ed be!ore hi") -%.nd 5esus said, IFor -udg"ent 0 to this $orld did #o"e, that those not seeing "ay see, and those seeing "ay be#o"e blind)I .(.nd those o! the Pharisees $ho $ere $ith hi" heard these things, and they said to hi", I.re $e also blindbI .#5esus said to the", I0! ye $ere blind, ye $ere not having had sin, but no$ ye say ++ We see, there!ore doth your sin re"ain) -0NB`NO WN ASVQ L BRPLSC YAB NQUAYAC ASVLO YAB L KAKQO XNVA PLS NYNBOLC NPVBO -$L WN NZR `BPVNSQ YSUBN YAB `ULPNYSORPNO ASVQ -%YAB NB`NO L BRPLSC NBC YUBXA NMQ NBC VLO YLPXLO VLSVLO RK]LO BOA LB XR HKN`LOVNC HKN`QPBO YAB LB HKN`LOVNC VSZKLB MNOQOVAB .(YAB RYLSPAO NY VQO ZAUBPABQO VASVA LB LOVNC XNV ASVLS YAB NB`LO ASVQ XR YAB RXNBC VSZKLB NPXNO .#NB`NO ASVLBC L BRPLSC NB VSZKLB RVN LSY AO NBTNVN AXAUVBAO OSO WN KNMNVN LVB HKN`LXNO R LSO AXAUVBA SXQO XNONB
+hapter #(
#I%erily, verily, 0 say to you, He $ho is not entering through the door to the !old o! the shee , but is going u !ro" another side, that one is a thie! and a robber, ,and he $ho is entering through the door is she herd o! the shee , -to this one the door'ee er doth o en, and the shee hear his voi#e, and his o$n shee he doth #all by na"e, and doth lead the" !orth, .and $hen his o$n shee he "ay ut !orth, be!ore the" he goeth on, and the shee !ollo$ hi", be#ause they have 'no$n his voi#e, 'and a stranger they $ill not !ollo$, but $ill !lee !ro" hi", be#ause they have not 'no$n the voi#e o! strangers)I /This si"ilitude s a'e 5esus to the", and they 'ne$ not $hat the things $ere that he $as s ea'ing to the", 05esus said there!ore again to the", I%erily, verily, 0 say to you ++ 0 a" the door o! the shee , $all, as "any as #a"e be!ore "e, are thieves and robbers, but the shee did not hear the", %0 a" the door, through "e i! any one "ay #o"e in, he shall be saved, and he shall #o"e in, and go out, and !ind asture) #AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO L XR NBPNUTLXNOLC WBA VRC ]SUAC NBC VRO ASKRO VQO `ULHAVQO AKKA AOAHABOQO AKKATL]NO NYNBOLC YKN`VRC NPVBO YAB KRPVRC ,L WN NBPNUTLXNOLC WBA VRC ]SUAC `LBXRO NPVBO VQO `ULHAVQO -VLSVQ L ]SUQULC AOLBMNB YAB VA `ULHAVA VRC ZQORC ASVLS AYLSNB YAB VA BWBA `ULHAVA YAKNB YAV LOLXA YAB NaAMNB ASVA .YAB LVAO VA BWBA `ULHAVA NYHAKR NX`ULP]NO ASVQO `LUNSNVAB YAB VA `ULHAVA ASVQ AYLKLS]NB LVB LBWAPBO VRO ZQORO ASVLS 'AKKLVUBQ WN LS XR AYLKLS]RPQPBO AKKA ZNSaLOVAB A` ASVLS LVB LSY LBWAPBO VQO AKKLVUBQO VRO ZQORO /VASVRO VRO `AULBXBAO NB`NO ASVLBC L BRPLSC NYNBOLB WN LSY NMOQPAO VBOA RO A NKAKNB ASVLBC 0NB`NO LSO `AKBO ASVLBC L BRPLSC AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB NMQ NBXB R ]SUA VQO `ULHAVQO $`AOVNC LPLB `UL NXLS RK]LO YKN`VAB NBPBO YAB KRPVAB AKK LSY RYLSPAO ASVQO VA `ULHAVA %NMQ NBXB R ]SUA WB NXLS NAO VBC NBPNK]R PQ]RPNVAB YAB NBPNKNSPNVAB YAB NaNKNSPNVAB YAB OLXRO NSURPNB
#(IThe thie! doth not #o"e, e(#e t that he "ay steal, and 'ill, and destroy, 0 #a"e that they "ay have li!e, and "ay have IitI abundantly) ##I0 a" the good she herd, the good she herd his li!e layeth do$n !or the shee , #,and the hireling, and not being a she herd, $hose o$n the shee are not, doth behold the $ol! #o"ing, and doth leave the shee , and doth !lee, and the $ol! #at#heth the", and s#attereth the shee , #-and the hireling doth !lee be#ause he is an hireling, and is not #aring !or the shee ) #.I0 a" the good she herd, and 0 'no$ "y Ishee I, and a" 'no$n by "ine, #(L YKN`VRC LSY NUTNVAB NB XR BOA YKNcR YAB ]SPR YAB A`LKNPR NMQ RK]LO BOA \QRO NTQPBO YAB `NUBPPLO NTQPBO ##NMQ NBXB L `LBXRO L YAKLC L `LBXRO L YAKLC VRO cSTRO ASVLS VB]RPBO S`NU VQO `ULHAVQO #,L XBP]QVLC WN YAB LSY QO `LBXRO LS LSY NBPBO VA `ULHAVA BWBA ]NQUNB VLO KSYLO NUTLXNOLO YAB AZBRPBO VA `ULHAVA YAB ZNSMNB YAB L KSYLC AU`A\NB ASVA YAB PYLU`B\NB VA `ULHAVA #-L WN XBP]QVLC ZNSMNB LVB XBP]QVLC NPVBO YAB LS XNKNB ASVQ `NUB VQO `ULHAVQO #.NMQ NBXB L `LBXRO L YAKLC YAB MBOQPYQ VA NXA YAB MBOQPYLXAB S`L VQO NXQO #'a##ording as the Father doth 'no$ #'YA]QC MBOQPYNB XN L `AVRU YAMQ "e, and 0 'no$ the Father, and "y li!e MBOQPYQ VLO `AVNUA YAB VRO cSTRO 0 lay do$n !or the shee , XLS VB]RXB S`NU VQO `ULHAVQO #/and other shee 0 have that are not #/YAB AKKA `ULHAVA NTQ A LSY NPVBO o! this !old, these also it behoveth "e NY VRC ASKRC VASVRC YAYNBOA XN WNB to bring, and "y voi#e they $ill hear, AMAMNBO YAB VRC ZQORC XLS and there shall be#o"e one !lo#' ++ AYLSPLSPBO YAB MNORPNVAB XBA `LBXOR one she herd) NBC `LBXRO #0IBe#ause o! this doth the Father love #0WBA VLSVL L `AVRU XN AMA`A LVB NMQ "e, be#ause 0 lay do$n "y li!e, that VB]RXB VRO cSTRO XLS BOA `AKBO KAHQ again 0 "ay ta'e it, ASVRO
#$no one doth ta'e it !ro" "e, but 0 lay it do$n o! "ysel!, authority 0 have to lay it do$n, and authority 0 have again to ta'e it, this #o""and 0 re#eived !ro" "y Father)I #%There!ore, again, there #a"e a division a"ong the 5e$s, be#ause o! these $ords, ,(and "any o! the" said, IHe hath a de"on, and is "ad, $hy do ye hear hi"bI ,#others said, IThese sayings are not those o! a de"onia#, is a de"on able blind "enIs eyes to o enbI ,,.nd the dedi#ation in 5erusale" #a"e, and it $as $inter, ,-and 5esus $as $al'ing in the te" le, in the or#h o! Solo"on, ,.the 5e$s, there!ore, #a"e round about hi", and said to hi", ITill $hen our soul dost thou hold in sus enseb i! thou art the Dhrist, tell us !reely)I ,'5esus ans$ered the", I0 told you, and ye do not believe, the $or's that 0 do in the na"e o! "y Father, these testi!y #on#erning "e, ,/but ye do not believe, !or ye are not o! "y shee , ,0a##ording as 0 said to youF @y shee "y voi#e do hear, and 0 'no$ the", and they !ollo$ "e, #$LSWNBC ABUNB ASVRO A` NXLS AKK NMQ VB]RXB ASVRO A` NXASVLS NaLSPBAO NTQ ]NBOAB ASVRO YAB NaLSPBAO NTQ `AKBO KAHNBO ASVRO VASVRO VRO NOVLKRO NKAHLO `AUA VLS `AVULC XLS #%PTBPXA LSO `AKBO NMNONVL NO VLBC BLSWABLBC WBA VLSC KLMLSC VLSVLSC ,(NKNMLO WN `LKKLB Na ASVQO WABXLOBLO NTNB YAB XABONVAB VB ASVLS AYLSNVN ,#AKKLB NKNMLO VASVA VA URXAVA LSY NPVBO WABXLOB\LXNOLS XR WABXLOBLO WSOAVAB VSZKQO LZ]AKXLSC AOLBMNBO ,,NMNONVL WN VA NMYABOBA NO VLBC BNULPLKSXLBC YAB TNBXQO RO ,-YAB `NUBN`AVNB L BRPLSC NO VQ BNUQ NO VR PVLA VLS PLKLXQOVLC ,.NYSYKQPAO LSO ASVLO LB BLSWABLB YAB NKNMLO ASVQ NQC `LVN VRO cSTRO RXQO ABUNBC NB PS NB L TUBPVLC NB`N RXBO `AUURPBA ,'A`NYUB]R ASVLBC L BRPLSC NB`LO SXBO YAB LS `BPVNSNVN VA NUMA A NMQ `LBQ NO VQ LOLXAVB VLS `AVULC XLS VASVA XAUVSUNB `NUB NXLS ,/AKK SXNBC LS `BPVNSNVN LS MAU NPVN NY VQO `ULHAVQO VQO NXQO YA]QC NB`LO SXBO ,0VA `ULHAVA VA NXA VRC ZQORC XLS AYLSNB YAMQ MBOQPYQ ASVA YAB AYLKLS]LSPBO XLB
,$and li!e age+during 0 give to the", and they shall not erish ++ to the age, and no one shall lu#' the" out o! "y hand, ,%"y Father, $ho hath given to "e, is greater than all, and no one is able to lu#' out o! the hand o! "y Father, -(0 and the Father are one)I -#There!ore, again, did the 5e$s ta'e u stones that they "ay stone hi", -,5esus ans$ered the", I@any good $or's did 0 she$ you !ro" "y Father, be#ause o! $hi#h $or' o! the" do ye stone "ebI --The 5e$s ans$ered hi", saying, IFor a good $or' $e do not stone thee, but !or evil s ea'ing, and be#ause thou, being a "an, dost "a'e thysel! &od)I -.5esus ans$ered the", I0s it not having been $ritten in your la$F 0 said, ye are godsb -'i! the" he did #all gods unto $ho" the $ord o! &od #a"e, 7and the Writing is not able to be bro'en,< -/o! hi" $ho" the Father did san#ti!y, and send to the $orld, do ye say ++ Thou s ea'est evil, be#ause 0 said, Son o! &od 0 a"b -0i! 0 do not the $or's o! "y Father, do not believe "e, ,$YAMQ \QRO ABQOBLO WBWQXB ASVLBC YAB LS XR A`LKQOVAB NBC VLO ABQOA YAB LST AU`APNB VBC ASVA NY VRC TNBULC XLS ,%L `AVRU XLS LC WNWQYNO XLB XNB\QO `AOVQO NPVBO YAB LSWNBC WSOAVAB AU`A\NBO NY VRC TNBULC VLS `AVULC XLS -(NMQ YAB L `AVRU NO NPXNO -#NHAPVAPAO LSO `AKBO KB]LSC LB BLSWABLB BOA KB]APQPBO ASVLO -,A`NYUB]R ASVLBC L BRPLSC `LKKA YAKA NUMA NWNBaA SXBO NY VLS `AVULC XLS WBA `LBLO ASVQO NUMLO KB]A\NVN XN --A`NYUB]RPAO ASVQ LB BLSWABLB KNMLOVNC `NUB YAKLS NUMLS LS KB]A\LXNO PN AKKA `NUB HKAPZRXBAC YAB LVB PS AO]UQ`LC QO `LBNBC PNASVLO ]NLO -.A`NYUB]R ASVLBC L BRPLSC LSY NPVBO MNMUAXXNOLO NO VQ OLXQ SXQO NMQ NB`A ]NLB NPVN -'NB NYNBOLSC NB`NO ]NLSC `ULC LSC L KLMLC VLS ]NLS NMNONVL YAB LS WSOAVAB KS]ROAB R MUAZR -/LO L `AVRU RMBAPNO YAB A`NPVNBKNO NBC VLO YLPXLO SXNBC KNMNVN LVB HKAPZRXNBC LVB NB`LO SBLC VLS ]NLS NBXB -0NB LS `LBQ VA NUMA VLS `AVULC XLS XR `BPVNSNVN XLB
-$and i! 0 do, even i! "e ye "ay not believe, the $or's believe, that ye "ay 'no$ and "ay believe that in "e IisI the Father, and 0 in Hi")I -%There!ore $ere they see'ing again to seiEe hi", and he $ent !orth out o! their hand, .(and $ent a$ay again to the other side o! the 5ordan, to the la#e $here 5ohn $as at !irst ba tiEing, and re"ained there, .#and "any #a"e unto hi", and said ++ I5ohn, indeed, did no sign, and all things, as "any as 5ohn said about this one $ere true,I .,and "any did believe in hi" there) -$NB WN `LBQ YAO NXLB XR `BPVNSRVN VLBC NUMLBC `BPVNSPAVN BOA MOQVN YAB `BPVNSPRVN LVB NO NXLB L `AVRU YAMQ NO ASVQ -%N\RVLSO LSO `AKBO ASVLO `BAPAB YAB NaRK]NO NY VRC TNBULC ASVQO .(YAB A`RK]NO `AKBO `NUAO VLS BLUWAOLS NBC VLO VL`LO L`LS RO BQAOORC VL `UQVLO HA`VB\QO YAB NXNBONO NYNB .#YAB `LKKLB RK]LO `ULC ASVLO YAB NKNMLO LVB BQAOORC XNO PRXNBLO N`LBRPNO LSWNO `AOVA WN LPA NB`NO BQAOORC `NUB VLSVLS AKR]R RO .,YAB N`BPVNSPAO `LKKLB NYNB NBC ASVLO
+hapter ##
#.nd there $as a #ertain one ailing, LaEarus, !ro" Bethany, o! the village o! @ary and @artha her sister ++ ,and it $as @ary $ho did anoint the Lord $ith oint"ent, and did $i e his !eet $ith her hair, $hose brother LaEarus $as ailing ++ -there!ore sent the sisters unto hi", saying, ISir, lo, he $ho" thou dost love is ailing,I .and 5esus having heard, said, IThis ail"ent is not unto death, but !or the glory o! &od, that the Son o! &od "ay be glori!ied through it)I '.nd 5esus $as loving @artha, and her sister, and LaEarus, /$hen, there!ore, he heard that he is ailing, then indeed he re"ained in the la#e in $hi#h he $as t$o days, 0then a!ter this, he saith to the dis#i les, IWe "ay go to 5udea again,I #RO WN VBC AP]NOQO KA\AULC A`L HR]AOBAC NY VRC YQXRC XAUBAC YAB XAU]AC VRC AWNKZRC ASVRC ,RO WN XAUBA R AKNBcAPA VLO YSUBLO XSUQ YAB NYXAaAPA VLSC `LWAC ASVLS VABC ]UBaBO ASVRC RC L AWNKZLC KA\AULC RP]NONB -A`NPVNBKAO LSO AB AWNKZAB `ULC ASVLO KNMLSPAB YSUBN BWN LO ZBKNBC AP]NONB .AYLSPAC WN L BRPLSC NB`NO ASVR R AP]NONBA LSY NPVBO `ULC ]AOAVLO AKK S`NU VRC WLaRC VLS ]NLS BOA WLaAP]R L SBLC VLS ]NLS WB ASVRC 'RMA`A WN L BRPLSC VRO XAU]AO YAB VRO AWNKZRO ASVRC YAB VLO KA\AULO /QC LSO RYLSPNO LVB AP]NONB VLVN XNO NXNBONO NO Q RO VL`Q WSL RXNUAC
0N`NBVA XNVA VLSVL KNMNB VLBC XA]RVABC AMQXNO NBC VRO BLSWABAO `AKBO $the dis#i les say to hi", IRabbi, no$ $KNMLSPBO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB UAHHB OSO $ere the 5e$s see'ing to stone thee, N\RVLSO PN KB]APAB LB BLSWABLB YAB and again thou dost go thitherdI `AKBO S`AMNBC NYNB %5esus ans$ered, I.re there not t$elve %A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC LSTB WQWNYA NBPBO hours in the dayb i! any one "ay $al' QUAB VRC RXNUAC NAO VBC `NUB`AVR NO in the day, he doth not stu"ble, VR RXNUA LS `ULPYL`VNB LVB VL ZQC be#ause the light o! this $orld he doth VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS HKN`NB see, #(and i! any one "ay $al' in the #(NAO WN VBC `NUB`AVR NO VR OSYVB night, he stu"bleth, be#ause the light `ULPYL`VNB LVB VL ZQC LSY NPVBO NO is not in hi")I ASVQ ==9
##These things he said, and a!ter this he saith to the", ILaEarus our !riend hath !allen aslee , but 0 go on that 0 "ay a$a'e hi",I #,there!ore said his dis#i les, ISir, i! he hath !allen aslee , he $ill be saved,I #-but 5esus had s o'en about his death, but they thought that about the re ose o! slee he s ea'eth) #.Then, there!ore, 5esus said to the" !reely, ILaEarus hath died, #'and 0 re-oi#e, !or your sa'e, 7that ye "ay believe,< that 0 $as not there, but $e "ay go to hi",I #/there!ore said Tho"as, $ho is #alled Didy"us, to the !ello$+ dis#i les, IWe "ay go ++ $e also, that $e "ay die $ith hi",I #05esus, there!ore, having #o"e, !ound hi" having been !our days already in the to"b) #$.nd Bethany $as nigh to 5erusale", about !i!teen !urlongs o!!, ##VASVA NB`NO YAB XNVA VLSVL KNMNB ASVLBC KA\AULC L ZBKLC RXQO YNYLBXRVAB AKKA `LUNSLXAB BOA NaS`OBPQ ASVLO #,NB`LO LSO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS YSUBN NB YNYLBXRVAB PQ]RPNVAB #-NBURYNB WN L BRPLSC `NUB VLS ]AOAVLS ASVLS NYNBOLB WN NWLaAO LVB `NUB VRC YLBXRPNQC VLS S`OLS KNMNB #.VLVN LSO NB`NO ASVLBC L BRPLSC `AUURPBA KA\AULC A`N]AONO #'YAB TABUQ WB SXAC BOA `BPVNSPRVN LVB LSY RXRO NYNB AKK AMQXNO `ULC ASVLO #/NB`NO LSO ]QXAC L KNMLXNOLC WBWSXLC VLBC PSXXA]RVABC AMQXNO YAB RXNBC BOA A`L]AOQXNO XNV ASVLS
#0NK]QO LSO L BRPLSC NSUNO ASVLO VNPPAUAC RXNUAC RWR NTLOVA NO VQ XORXNBQ #$RO WN R HR]AOBA NMMSC VQO BNULPLKSXQO QC A`L PVAWBQO WNYA`NOVN #%and "any o! the 5e$s had #o"e #%YAB `LKKLB NY VQO BLSWABQO unto @artha and @ary, that they "ight NKRKS]NBPAO `ULC VAC `NUB XAU]AO YAB #o"!ort the" #on#erning their brother, XAUBAO BOA `AUAXS]RPQOVAB ASVAC `NUB VLS AWNKZLS ASVQO ,(@artha, there!ore, $hen she heard ,(R LSO XAU]A QC RYLSPNO LVB L that 5esus doth #o"e, "et hi", and BRPLSC NUTNVAB S`ROVRPNO ASVQ XAUBA @ary 'e t sitting in the house) WN NO VQ LBYQ NYA]N\NVL ,#@artha, there!ore, said unto 5esus, ,#NB`NO LSO R XAU]A `ULC VLO BRPLSO ISir, i! thou hadst been here, "y YSUBN NB RC QWN L AWNKZLC XLS LSY AO brother had not died, NVN]ORYNB ==1
,,but even no$, 0 have 'no$n that $hatever thou "ayest as' o! &od, &od $ill give to thee,I ,-5esus saith to her, IThy brother shall rise again)I ,.@artha saith to hi", I0 have 'no$n that he $ill rise again, in the rising again in the last day,I ,'5esus said to her, I0 a" the rising again, and the li!e, he $ho is believing in "e, even i! he "ay die, shall live, ,/and every one $ho is living and believing in "e shall not die ++ to the age, ,0believest thou thisbI she saith to hi", I4es, sir, 0 have believed that thou art the Dhrist, the Son o! &od, $ho is #o"ing to the $orld)I ,$.nd these things having said, she $ent a$ay, and #alled @ary her sister rivately, saying, IThe Tea#her is resent, and doth #all thee,I ,%she, $hen she heard, riseth u ?ui#'ly, and doth #o"e to hi", -(and 5esus had not yet #o"e to the village, but $as in the la#e $here @artha "et hi", -#the 5e$s, there!ore, $ho $ere $ith her in the house, and $ere #o"!orting her, having seen @ary that she rose u ?ui#'ly and $ent !orth, !ollo$ed her, saying ++ IShe doth go a$ay to the to"b, that she "ay $ee there)I ,,AKKA YAB OSO LBWA LVB LPA AO ABVRPR VLO ]NLO WQPNB PLB L ]NLC ,-KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC AOAPVRPNVAB L AWNKZLC PLS ,.KNMNB ASVQ XAU]A LBWA LVB AOAPVRPNVAB NO VR AOAPVAPNB NO VR NPTAVR RXNUA ,'NB`NO ASVR L BRPLSC NMQ NBXB R AOAPVAPBC YAB R \QR L `BPVNSQO NBC NXN YAO A`L]AOR \RPNVAB ,/YAB `AC L \QO YAB `BPVNSQO NBC NXN LS XR A`L]AOR NBC VLO ABQOA `BPVNSNBC VLSVL ,0KNMNB ASVQ OAB YSUBN NMQ `N`BPVNSYA LVB PS NB L TUBPVLC L SBLC VLS ]NLS L NBC VLO YLPXLO NUTLXNOLC ,$YAB VASVA NB`LSPA A`RK]NO YAB NZQORPNO XAUBAO VRO AWNKZRO ASVRC KA]UA NB`LSPA L WBWAPYAKLC `AUNPVBO YAB ZQONB PN ,%NYNBOR QC RYLSPNO NMNBUNVAB VATS YAB NUTNVAB `ULC ASVLO -(LS`Q WN NKRKS]NB L BRPLSC NBC VRO YQXRO AKK RO NO VQ VL`Q L`LS S`ROVRPNO ASVQ R XAU]A -#LB LSO BLSWABLB LB LOVNC XNV ASVRC NO VR LBYBA YAB `AUAXS]LSXNOLB ASVRO BWLOVNC VRO XAUBAO LVB VATNQC AONPVR YAB NaRK]NO RYLKLS]RPAO ASVR KNMLOVNC LVB S`AMNB NBC VL XORXNBLO BOA YKASPR NYNB
-,@ary, there!ore, $hen she #a"e $here 5esus $as, having seen hi", !ell at his !eet, saying to hi", ISir, i! thou hadst been here, "y brother had not died,I --5esus, there!ore, $hen he sa$ her $ee ing, and the 5e$s $ho #a"e $ith her $ee ing, did groan in the s irit, and troubled hi"sel!, and he said, -.IWhere have ye laid hi"bI they say to hi", ISir, #o"e and see,I -'5esus $e t) -/The 5e$s, there!ore, said, ILo, ho$ he $as loving hi"dI -0and #ertain o! the" said, IWas not this one, $ho did o en the eyes o! the blind "an, able to #ause that also this one "ight not have diedbI -$5esus, there!ore, again groaning in hi"sel!, #o"eth to the to"b, and it $as a #ave, and a stone $as lying u on it, -%5esus saith, ITa'e ye a$ay the stone,I the sister o! hi" $ho hath died ++ @artha ++ saith to hi", ISir, already he stin'eth, !or he is !our days dead,I .(5esus saith to her, ISaid 0 not to thee, that i! thou "ayest believe, thou shalt see the glory o! &odbI .#They too' a$ay, there!ore, the stone $here the dead $as laid, and 5esus li!ted his eyes u $ards, and said, IFather, 0 than' Thee, that Thou didst hear "e, -,R LSO XAUBA QC RK]NO L`LS RO L BRPLSC BWLSPA ASVLO N`NPNO NBC VLSC `LWAC ASVLS KNMLSPA ASVQ YSUBN NB RC QWN LSY AO A`N]AONO XLS L AWNKZLC --BRPLSC LSO QC NBWNO ASVRO YKABLSPAO YAB VLSC PSONK]LOVAC ASVR BLSWABLSC YKABLOVAC NONHUBXRPAVL VQ `ONSXAVB YAB NVAUAaNO NASVLO -.YAB NB`NO `LS VN]NBYAVN ASVLO KNMLSPBO ASVQ YSUBN NUTLS YAB BWN -'NWAYUSPNO L BRPLSC -/NKNMLO LSO LB BLSWABLB BWN `QC NZBKNB ASVLO -0VBONC WN Na ASVQO NB`LO LSY RWSOAVL LSVLC L AOLBaAC VLSC LZ]AKXLSC VLS VSZKLS `LBRPAB BOA YAB LSVLC XR A`L]AOR -$BRPLSC LSO `AKBO NXHUBXQXNOLC NO NASVQ NUTNVAB NBC VL XORXNBLO RO WN P`RKABLO YAB KB]LC N`NYNBVL N` ASVQ -%KNMNB L BRPLSC AUAVN VLO KB]LO KNMNB ASVQ R AWNKZR VLS VN]ORYLVLC XAU]A YSUBN RWR L\NB VNVAUVABLC MAU NPVBO .(KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC LSY NB`LO PLB LVB NAO `BPVNSPRC LcNB VRO WLaAO VLS ]NLS .#RUAO LSO VLO KB]LO LS RO L VN]ORYQC YNBXNOLC L WN BRPLSC RUNO VLSC LZ]AKXLSC AOQ YAB NB`NO `AVNU NSTAUBPVQ PLB LVB RYLSPAC XLS
.,and 0 'ne$ that Thou al$ays dost hear "e, but, be#ause o! the "ultitude that is standing by, 0 said IitI, that they "ay believe that Thou didst send "e)I .-.nd these things saying, $ith a loud voi#e he #ried out, ILaEarus, #o"e !orth,I ..and he $ho died #a"e !orth, being bound !eet and hands $ith grave+ #lothes, and his visage $ith a na 'in $as bound about, 5esus saith to the", ILoose hi", and su!!er to go)I .'@any, there!ore, o! the 5e$s $ho #a"e unto @ary, and beheld $hat 5esus did, believed in hi", ./but #ertain o! the" $ent a$ay unto the Pharisees, and told the" $hat 5esus did, .0the #hie! riests, there!ore, and the Pharisees, gathered together a sanhedri", and said, IWhat "ay $e dob be#ause this "an doth "any signsb .$i! $e "ay let hi" alone thus, all $ill believe in hi", and the Ro"ans $ill #o"e, and $ill ta'e a$ay both our la#e and nation)I .%and a #ertain one o! the", Daia has, being #hie! riest o! that year, said to the", I4e have not 'no$n anything, .,NMQ WN RWNBO LVB `AOVLVN XLS AYLSNBC AKKA WBA VLO LTKLO VLO `NUBNPVQVA NB`LO BOA `BPVNSPQPBO LVB PS XN A`NPVNBKAC .-YAB VASVA NB`QO ZQOR XNMAKR NYUASMAPNO KA\AUN WNSUL NaQ ..YAB NaRK]NO L VN]ORYQC WNWNXNOLC VLSC `LWAC YAB VAC TNBUAC YNBUBABC YAB R LcBC ASVLS PLSWAUBQ `NUBNWNWNVL KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC KSPAVN ASVLO YAB AZNVN S`AMNBO .'`LKKLB LSO NY VQO BLSWABQO LB NK]LOVNC `ULC VRO XAUBAO YAB ]NAPAXNOLB A N`LBRPNO L BRPLSC N`BPVNSPAO NBC ASVLO ./VBONC WN Na ASVQO A`RK]LO `ULC VLSC ZAUBPABLSC YAB NB`LO ASVLBC A N`LBRPNO L BRPLSC .0PSORMAMLO LSO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB ZAUBPABLB PSONWUBLO YAB NKNMLO VB `LBLSXNO LVB LSVLC L AO]UQ`LC `LKKA PRXNBA `LBNB .$NAO AZQXNO ASVLO LSVQC `AOVNC `BPVNSPLSPBO NBC ASVLO YAB NKNSPLOVAB LB UQXABLB YAB AULSPBO RXQO YAB VLO VL`LO YAB VL N]OLC .%NBC WN VBC Na ASVQO YABAZAC AUTBNUNSC QO VLS NOBASVLS NYNBOLS NB`NO ASVLBC SXNBC LSY LBWAVN LSWNO
'(nor reason that it is good !or us that one "an "ay die !or the eo le, and not the $hole nation erish)I '#.nd this he said not o! hi"sel!, but being #hie! riest o! that year, he did ro hesy that 5esus $as about to die !or the nation, ',and not !or the nation only, but that also the #hildren o! &od, $ho have been s#attered abroad, he "ay gather together into one) '-Fro" that day, there!ore, they too' #ounsel together that they "ay 'ill hi", '.5esus, there!ore, $as no "ore !reely $al'ing a"ong the 5e$s, but $ent a$ay then#e to the region nigh the $ilderness, to a #ity #alled E hrai", and there he tarried $ith his dis#i les) '(LSWN WBAKLMB\NP]N LVB PSXZNUNB RXBO BOA NBC AO]UQ`LC A`L]AOR S`NU VLS KALS YAB XR LKLO VL N]OLC A`LKRVAB '#VLSVL WN AZ NASVLS LSY NB`NO AKKA AUTBNUNSC QO VLS NOBASVLS NYNBOLS `ULNZRVNSPNO LVB NXNKKNO L BRPLSC A`L]ORPYNBO S`NU VLS N]OLSC ',YAB LST S`NU VLS N]OLSC XLOLO AKK BOA YAB VA VNYOA VLS ]NLS VA WBNPYLU`BPXNOA PSOAMAMR NBC NO
'-A` NYNBORC LSO VRC RXNUAC PSONHLSKNSPAOVL BOA A`LYVNBOQPBO ASVLO '.BRPLSC LSO LSY NVB `AUURPBA `NUBN`AVNB NO VLBC BLSWABLBC AKKA A`RK]NO NYNB]NO NBC VRO TQUAO NMMSC VRC NURXLS NBC NZUABX KNMLXNORO `LKBO YAYNB WBNVUBHNO XNVA VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS ''.nd the assover o! the 5e$s $as ''RO WN NMMSC VL `APTA VQO BLSWABQO nigh, and "any $ent u to 5erusale" YAB AONHRPAO `LKKLB NBC BNULPLKSXA out o! the #ountry be!ore the assover, NY VRC TQUAC `UL VLS `APTA BOA that they "ight uri!y the"selves, AMOBPQPBO NASVLSC '/they $ere see'ing, there!ore, 5esus, '/N\RVLSO LSO VLO BRPLSO YAB NKNMLO and said one $ith another, standing in XNV AKKRKQO NO VQ BNUQ NPVRYLVNC VB the te" le, IWhat doth a ear to you ++ WLYNB SXBO LVB LS XR NK]R NBC VRO that he "ay not #o"e to the !eastbI NLUVRO '0and both the #hie! riests and the '0WNWQYNBPAO WN YAB LB AUTBNUNBC YAB Pharisees had given a #o""and, that i! LB ZAUBPABLB NOVLKRO BOA NAO VBC MOQ any one "ay 'no$ $here he is, he `LS NPVBO XROSPR L`QC `BAPQPBO "ay she$ IitI, so that they "ay seiEe ASVLO hi") ==8
+hapter #,
#5esus, there!ore, si( days be!ore the assover, #a"e to Bethany, $here $as LaEarus, $ho had died, $ho" he raised out o! the dead, ,they "ade, there!ore, to hi" a su er there, and @artha $as "inistering, and LaEarus $as one o! those re#lining together 7at "eat< $ith hi", -@ary, there!ore, having ta'en a ound o! oint"ent o! s i'enard, o! great ri#e, anointed the !eet o! 5esus and did $i e $ith her hair his !eet, and the house $as !illed !ro" the !ragran#e o! the oint"ent) .There!ore saith one o! his dis#i les ++ 5udas 0s#ariot, o! Si"on, $ho is about to deliver hi" u ++ 'IWhere!ore $as not this oint"ent sold !or three hundred denaries, and given to the oorbI /and he said this, not be#ause he $as #aring !or the oor, but be#ause he $as a thie!, and had the bag, and $hat things $ere ut in he $as #arrying) 05esus, there!ore, said, ISu!!er her, !or the day o! "y e"bal"ing she hath 'e t it, $!or the oor ye have al$ays $ith yourselves, and "e ye have not al$ays)I #L LSO BRPLSC `UL Na RXNUQO VLS `APTA RK]NO NBC HR]AOBAO L`LS RO KA\AULC L VN]ORYQC LO RMNBUNO NY ONYUQO ,N`LBRPAO LSO ASVQ WNB`OLO NYNB YAB R XAU]A WBRYLONB L WN KA\AULC NBC RO VQO PSOAOAYNBXNOQO ASVQ -R LSO XAUBA KAHLSPA KBVUAO XSULS OAUWLS `BPVBYRC `LKSVBXLS RKNBcNO VLSC `LWAC VLS BRPLS YAB NaNXAaNO VABC ]UBaBO ASVRC VLSC `LWAC ASVLS R WN LBYBA N`KRUQ]R NY VRC LPXRC VLS XSULS .KNMNB LSO NBC NY VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS BLSWAC PBXQOLC BPYAUBQVRC L XNKKQO ASVLO `AUAWBWLOAB 'WBAVB VLSVL VL XSULO LSY N`UA]R VUBAYLPBQO WROAUBQO YAB NWL]R `VQTLBC /NB`NO WN VLSVL LST LVB `NUB VQO `VQTQO NXNKNO ASVQ AKK LVB YKN`VRC RO YAB VL MKQPPLYLXLO NBTNO YAB VA HAKKLXNOA NHAPVA\NO 0NB`NO LSO L BRPLSC AZNC ASVRO NBC VRO RXNUAO VLS NOVAZBAPXLS XLS VNVRURYNO ASVL $VLSC `VQTLSC MAU `AOVLVN NTNVN XN] NASVQO NXN WN LS `AOVLVN NTNVN
%. great "ultitude, there!ore, o! the 5e$s 'ne$ that he is there, and they #a"e, not be#ause o! 5esus only, but that LaEarus also they "ay see, $ho" he raised out o! the dead, #(and the #hie! riests too' #ounsel, that also LaEarus they "ay 'ill, ##be#ause on a##ount o! hi" "any o! the 5e$s $ere going a$ay, and $ere believing in 5esus) #,On the "orro$, a great "ultitude that #a"e to the !east, having heard that 5esus doth #o"e to 5erusale", #-too' the bran#hes o! the al"s, and $ent !orth to "eet hi", and $ere #rying, IHosanna, blessed IisI he $ho is #o"ing in the na"e o! the Lord ++ the 'ing o! 0srael,I #.and 5esus having !ound a young ass did sit u on it, a##ording as it is $ritten, #'IFear not, daughter o! Sion, lo, thy 'ing doth #o"e, sitting on an assI #olt)I #/.nd these things his dis#i les did not 'no$ at the !irst, but $hen 5esus $as glori!ied, then they re"e"bered that these things $ere having been $ritten about hi", and these things they did to hi") #0The "ultitude, there!ore, $ho are $ith hi", $ere testi!ying that he #alled LaEarus out o! the to"b, and did raise hi" out o! the dead, %NMOQ LSO LTKLC `LKSC NY VQO BLSWABQO LVB NYNB NPVBO YAB RK]LO LS WBA VLO BRPLSO XLOLO AKK BOA YAB VLO KA\AULO BWQPBO LO RMNBUNO NY ONYUQO #(NHLSKNSPAOVL WN LB AUTBNUNBC BOA YAB VLO KA\AULO A`LYVNBOQPBO ##LVB `LKKLB WB ASVLO S`RMLO VQO BLSWABQO YAB N`BPVNSLO NBC VLO BRPLSO #,VR N`ASUBLO LTKLC `LKSC L NK]QO NBC VRO NLUVRO AYLSPAOVNC LVB NUTNVAB L BRPLSC NBC BNULPLKSXA #-NKAHLO VA HABA VQO ZLBOBYQO YAB NaRK]LO NBC S`AOVRPBO ASVQ YAB NYUA\LO QPAOOA NSKLMRXNOLC L NUTLXNOLC NO LOLXAVB YSUBLS L HAPBKNSC VLS BPUARK #.NSUQO WN L BRPLSC LOAUBLO NYA]BPNO N` ASVL YA]QC NPVBO MNMUAXXNOLO #'XR ZLHLS ]SMAVNU PBQO BWLS L HAPBKNSC PLS NUTNVAB YA]RXNOLC N`B `QKLO LOLS #/VASVA WN LSY NMOQPAO LB XA]RVAB ASVLS VL `UQVLO AKK LVN NWLaAP]R L BRPLSC VLVN NXORP]RPAO LVB VASVA RO N` ASVQ MNMUAXXNOA YAB VASVA N`LBRPAO ASVQ #0NXAUVSUNB LSO L LTKLC L QO XNV ASVLS LVN VLO KA\AULO NZQORPNO NY VLS XORXNBLS YAB RMNBUNO ASVLO NY ONYUQO
#$be#ause o! this also did the "ultitude "eet hi", be#ause they heard o! his having done this sign, #%the Pharisees, there!ore, said a"ong the"selves, I4e see that ye do not gain anything, lo, the $orld did go a!ter hi")I ,(.nd there $ere #ertain &ree's out o! those #o"ing u that they "ay $orshi in the !east, ,#these then #a"e near to Phili , $ho IisI !ro" Bethsaida o! &alilee, and $ere as'ing hi", saying, ISir, $e $ish to see 5esus,I ,,Phili #o"eth and telleth .ndre$, and again .ndre$ and Phili tell 5esus) ,-.nd 5esus res onded to the", saying, IThe hour hath #o"e that the Son o! @an "ay be glori!ied, ,.verily, verily, 0 say to you, i! the grain o! the $heat, having !allen to the earth, "ay not die, itsel! re"aineth alone, and i! it "ay die, it doth bear "u#h !ruit, ,'he $ho is loving his li!e shall lose it, and he $ho is hating his li!e in this $orld ++ to li!e age+during shall 'ee it, ,/i! any one "ay "inister to "e, let hi" !ollo$ "e, and $here 0 a", there also "y "inistrant shall be, and i! any one "ay "inister to "e ++ honour hi" $ill the Father) #$WBA VLSVL YAB S`ROVRPNO ASVQ L LTKLC LVB RYLSPNO VLSVL ASVLO `N`LBRYNOAB VL PRXNBLO #%LB LSO ZAUBPABLB NB`LO `ULC NASVLSC ]NQUNBVN LVB LSY QZNKNBVN LSWNO BWN L YLPXLC L`BPQ ASVLS A`RK]NO ,(RPAO WN VBONC NKKRONC NY VQO AOAHABOLOVQO BOA `ULPYSORPQPBO NO VR NLUVR ,#LSVLB LSO `ULPRK]LO ZBKB``Q VQ A`L HR]PABWA VRC MAKBKABAC YAB RUQVQO ASVLO KNMLOVNC YSUBN ]NKLXNO VLO BRPLSO BWNBO ,,NUTNVAB ZBKB``LC YAB KNMNB VQ AOWUNA YAB `AKBO AOWUNAC YAB ZBKB``LC KNMLSPBO VQ BRPLS ,-L WN BRPLSC A`NYUBOAVL ASVLBC KNMQO NKRKS]NO R QUA BOA WLaAP]R L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS ,.AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO NAO XR L YLYYLC VLS PBVLS `NPQO NBC VRO MRO A`L]AOR ASVLC XLOLC XNONB NAO WN A`L]AOR `LKSO YAU`LO ZNUNB ,'L ZBKQO VRO cSTRO ASVLS A`LKNPNB ASVRO YAB L XBPQO VRO cSTRO ASVLS NO VQ YLPXQ VLSVQ NBC \QRO ABQOBLO ZSKAaNB ASVRO ,/NAO NXLB WBAYLOR VBC NXLB AYLKLS]NBVQ YAB L`LS NBXB NMQ NYNB YAB L WBAYLOLC L NXLC NPVAB YAB NAO VBC NXLB WBAYLOR VBXRPNB ASVLO L `AVRU
,0I/o$ hath "y soul been troubled, and $hatb shall 0 say ++ Father, save "e !ro" this hourb ++ but be#ause o! this 0 #a"e to this hour, ,$Father, glori!y Thy na"e)I There #a"e, there!ore, a voi#e out o! the heaven, I0 both glori!ied, and again 0 $ill glori!y IitI,I ,%the "ultitude, there!ore, having stood and heard, $ere saying that there hath been thunder, others said, I. "essenger hath s o'en to hi")I -(5esus ans$ered and said, I/ot be#ause o! "e hath this voi#e #o"e, but be#ause o! you, -#no$ is a -udg"ent o! this $orld, no$ shall the ruler o! this $orld be #ast !orth, -,and 0, i! 0 "ay be li!ted u !ro" the earth, $ill dra$ all "en unto "ysel!)I --.nd this he said signi!ying by $hat death he $as about to die, -.the "ultitude ans$ered hi", IWe heard out o! the la$ that the Dhrist doth re"ain ++ to the age, and ho$ dost thou say, That it behoveth the Son o! @an to be li!ted u b $ho is this ++ the Son o! @anbI -'5esus, there!ore, said to the", I4et a little ti"e is the light $ith you, $al' $hile ye have the light, that dar'ness "ay not overta'e you, and he $ho is $al'ing in the dar'ness hath not 'no$n $here he goeth, ,0OSO R cSTR XLS VNVAUAYVAB YAB VB NB`Q `AVNU PQPLO XN NY VRC QUAC VASVRC AKKA WBA VLSVL RK]LO NBC VRO QUAO VASVRO ,$`AVNU WLaAPLO PLS VL LOLXA RK]NO LSO ZQOR NY VLS LSUAOLS YAB NWLaAPA YAB `AKBO WLaAPQ ,%L LSO LTKLC L NPVQC YAB AYLSPAC NKNMNO HULOVRO MNMLONOAB AKKLB NKNMLO AMMNKLC ASVQ KNKAKRYNO -(A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO LS WB NXN ASVR R ZQOR MNMLONO AKKA WB SXAC -#OSO YUBPBC NPVBO VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS OSO L AUTQO VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS NYHKR]RPNVAB NaQ -,YAMQ NAO ScQ]Q NY VRC MRC `AOVAC NKYSPQ `ULC NXASVLO --VLSVL WN NKNMNO PRXABOQO `LBQ ]AOAVQ RXNKKNO A`L]ORPYNBO -.A`NYUB]R ASVQ L LTKLC RXNBC RYLSPAXNO NY VLS OLXLS LVB L TUBPVLC XNONB NBC VLO ABQOA YAB `QC PS KNMNBC LVB WNB ScQ]ROAB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS VBC NPVBO LSVLC L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS -'NB`NO LSO ASVLBC L BRPLSC NVB XBYULO TULOLO VL ZQC XN] SXQO NPVBO `NUB`AVNBVN NQC VL ZQC NTNVN BOA XR PYLVBA SXAC YAVAKAHR YAB L `NUB`AVQO NO VR PYLVBA LSY LBWNO `LS S`AMNB
-/$hile ye have the light, believe in the light, that sons o! light ye "ay be#o"e)I These things s a'e 5esus, and having gone a$ay, he $as hid !ro" the", -0yet he having done so "any signs be!ore the", they $ere not believing in hi", -$that the $ord o! 0saiah the ro het "ight be !ul!illed, $hi#h he said, ILord, $ho gave #reden#e to our re ortb and the ar" o! the Lord ++ to $ho" $as it revealedbI -%Be#ause o! this they $ere not able to believe, that again 0saiah said, .(IHe hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they "ight not see $ith the eyes, and understand $ith the heart, and turn ba#', and 0 "ight heal the",I .#these things said 0saiah, $hen he sa$ his glory, and s a'e o! hi") .,Still, ho$ever, also out o! the rulers did "any believe in hi", but be#ause o! the Pharisees they $ere not #on!essing, that they "ight not be ut out o! the synagogue, .-!or they loved the glory o! "en "ore than the glory o! &od) -/NQC VL ZQC NTNVN `BPVNSNVN NBC VL ZQC BOA SBLB ZQVLC MNORP]N VASVA NKAKRPNO L BRPLSC YAB A`NK]QO NYUSHR A` ASVQO -0VLPASVA WN ASVLS PRXNBA `N`LBRYLVLC NX`ULP]NO ASVQO LSY N`BPVNSLO NBC ASVLO -$BOA L KLMLC RPABLS VLS `ULZRVLS `KRUQ]R LO NB`NO YSUBN VBC N`BPVNSPNO VR AYLR RXQO YAB L HUATBQO YSUBLS VBOB A`NYAKSZ]R -%WBA VLSVL LSY RWSOAOVL `BPVNSNBO LVB `AKBO NB`NO RPABAC .(VNVSZKQYNO ASVQO VLSC LZ]AKXLSC YAB `N`QUQYNO ASVQO VRO YAUWBAO BOA XR BWQPBO VLBC LZ]AKXLBC YAB OLRPQPBO VR YAUWBA YAB N`BPVUAZQPBO YAB BAPQXAB ASVLSC .#VASVA NB`NO RPABAC LVN NBWNO VRO WLaAO ASVLS YAB NKAKRPNO `NUB ASVLS .,LXQC XNOVLB YAB NY VQO AUTLOVQO `LKKLB N`BPVNSPAO NBC ASVLO AKKA WBA VLSC ZAUBPABLSC LST QXLKLMLSO BOA XR A`LPSOAMQMLB MNOQOVAB
.-RMA`RPAO MAU VRO WLaAO VQO AO]UQ`QO XAKKLO R`NU VRO WLaAO VLS ]NLS ...nd 5esus #ried and said, IHe $ho is ..BRPLSC WN NYUAaNO YAB NB`NO L believing in "e, doth not believe in `BPVNSQO NBC NXN LS `BPVNSNB NBC NXN "e, but in Hi" $ho sent "e, AKK NBC VLO `NXcAOVA XN
.'and he $ho is beholding "e, doth behold Hi" $ho sent "e, ./0 a light to the $orld have #o"e, that every one $ho is believing in "e ++ in the dar'ness "ay not re"ain, .0and i! any one "ay hear "y sayings, and not believe, 0 ++ 0 do not -udge hi", !or 0 #a"e not that 0 "ight -udge the $orld, but that 0 "ight save the $orld) .$IHe $ho is re-e#ting "e, and not re#eiving "y sayings, hath one $ho is -udging hi", the $ord that 0 s a'e, that $ill -udge hi" in the last day, .%be#ause 0 s a'e not !ro" "ysel!, but the Father $ho sent "e, He did give "e a #o""and, $hat 0 "ay say, and $hat 0 "ay s ea', '(and 0 have 'no$n that His #o""and is li!e age+during, $hat, there!ore, 0 s ea', a##ording as the Father hath said to "e, so 0 s ea')I .'YAB L ]NQUQO NXN ]NQUNB VLO `NXcAOVA XN ./NMQ ZQC NBC VLO YLPXLO NKRKS]A BOA `AC L `BPVNSQO NBC NXN NO VR PYLVBA XR XNBOR .0YAB NAO VBC XLS AYLSPR VQO URXAVQO YAB XR `BPVNSPR NMQ LS YUBOQ ASVLO LS MAU RK]LO BOA YUBOQ VLO YLPXLO AKK BOA PQPQ VLO YLPXLO .$L A]NVQO NXN YAB XR KAXHAOQO VA URXAVA XLS NTNB VLO YUBOLOVA ASVLO L KLMLC LO NKAKRPA NYNBOLC YUBONB ASVLO NO VR NPTAVR RXNUA .%LVB NMQ Na NXASVLS LSY NKAKRPA AKK L `NXcAC XN `AVRU ASVLC XLB NOVLKRO NWQYNO VB NB`Q YAB VB KAKRPQ '(YAB LBWA LVB R NOVLKR ASVLS \QR ABQOBLC NPVBO A LSO KAKQ NMQ YA]QC NBURYNO XLB L `AVRU LSVQC KAKQ
+hapter ##.nd be!ore the !east o! the assover, 5esus 'no$ing that his hour hath #o"e, that he "ay re"ove out o! this $orld unto the Father, having loved his o$n $ho IareI in the $orld ++ to the end he loved the") ,.nd su er being #o"e, the devil already having ut IitI into the heart o! 5udas o! Si"on, 0s#ariot, that he "ay deliver hi" u , -5esus 'no$ing that all things the Father hath given to hi" ++ into IhisI hands, and that !ro" &od he #a"e !orth, and unto &od he goeth, .doth rise !ro" the su er, and doth lay do$n his gar"ents, and having ta'en a to$el, he girded hi"sel!, 'a!ter$ard he utteth $ater into the basin, and began to $ash the !eet o! his dis#i les, and to $i e $ith the to$el $ith $hi#h he $as being girded) /He #o"eth, there!ore, unto Si"on Peter, and that one saith to hi", ISir, thou ++ dost thou $ash "y !eetbI 05esus ans$ered and said to hi", IThat $hi#h 0 do thou hast not 'no$n no$, but thou shalt 'no$ a!ter these things,I $Peter saith to hi", IThou "ayest not $ash "y !eet ++ to the age)I 5esus ans$ered hi", I0! 0 "ay not $ash thee, thou hast no art $ith "e,I #`UL WN VRC NLUVRC VLS `APTA NBWQC L BRPLSC LVB NKRKS]NO ASVLS R QUA BOA XNVAHR NY VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS `ULC VLO `AVNUA AMA`RPAC VLSC BWBLSC VLSC NO VQ YLPXQ NBC VNKLC RMA`RPNO ASVLSC ,YAB WNB`OLS MNOLXNOLS VLS WBAHLKLS RWR HNHKRYLVLC NBC VRO YAUWBAO BLSWA PBXQOLC BPYAUBQVLS BOA ASVLO `AUAWQ -NBWQC L BRPLSC LVB `AOVA WNWQYNO ASVQ L `AVRU NBC VAC TNBUAC YAB LVB A`L ]NLS NaRK]NO YAB `ULC VLO ]NLO S`AMNB .NMNBUNVAB NY VLS WNB`OLS YAB VB]RPBO VA BXAVBA YAB KAHQO KNOVBLO WBN\QPNO NASVLO 'NBVA HAKKNB SWQU NBC VLO OB`VRUA YAB RUaAVL OB`VNBO VLSC `LWAC VQO XA]RVQO YAB NYXAPPNBO VQ KNOVBQ Q RO WBN\QPXNOLC /NUTNVAB LSO `ULC PBXQOA `NVULO YAB KNMNB ASVQ NYNBOLC YSUBN PS XLS OB`VNBC VLSC `LWAC 0A`NYUB]R BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVQ L NMQ `LBQ PS LSY LBWAC AUVB MOQPR WN XNVA VASVA $KNMNB ASVQ `NVULC LS XR OBcRC VLSC `LWAC XLS NBC VLO ABQOA A`NYUB]R ASVQ L BRPLSC NAO XR OBcQ PN LSY NTNBC XNULC XNV NXLS
%Si"on Peter saith to hi", ISir, not "y !eet only, but also the hands and the head)I #(5esus saith to hi", IHe $ho hath been bathed hath no need save to $ash his !eet, but he is #lean altogether, and ye are #lean, but not all,I ##!or he 'ne$ hi" $ho is delivering hi" u , be#ause o! this he said, I4e are not all #lean)I #,When, there!ore, he $ashed their !eet, and too' his gar"ents, having re#lined 7at "eat< again, he said to the", IDo ye 'no$ $hat 0 have done to youb #-ye #all "e, The Tea#her and The Lord, and ye say $ell, !or 0 a", #.i! then 0 did $ash your !eet ++ the Lord and the Tea#her ++ ye also ought to $ash one anotherIs !eet) #'IFor an e(a" le 0 gave to you, that, a##ording as 0 did to you, ye also "ay do, #/verily, verily, 0 say to you, a servant is not greater than his lord, nor an a ostle greater than he $ho sent hi", #0i! these things ye have 'no$n, ha y are ye, i! ye "ay do the", #$not #on#erning you all do 0 s ea', 0 have 'no$n $ho" 0 #hose !or "ysel!, but that the Writing "ay be !ul!illedF He $ho is eating the bread $ith "e, did li!t u against "e his heel) %KNMNB ASVQ PBXQO `NVULC YSUBN XR VLSC `LWAC XLS XLOLO AKKA YAB VAC TNBUAC YAB VRO YNZAKRO #(KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC L KNKLSXNOLC LS TUNBAO NTNB R VLSC `LWAC OBcAP]AB AKK NPVBO YA]AULC LKLC YAB SXNBC YA]AULB NPVN AKK LSTB `AOVNC ##RWNB MAU VLO `AUAWBWLOVA ASVLO WBA VLSVL NB`NO LSTB `AOVNC YA]AULB NPVN #,LVN LSO NOBcNO VLSC `LWAC ASVQO YAB NKAHNO VA BXAVBA ASVLS AOA`NPQO `AKBO NB`NO ASVLBC MBOQPYNVN VB `N`LBRYA SXBO #-SXNBC ZQONBVN XN L WBWAPYAKLC YAB L YSUBLC YAB YAKQC KNMNVN NBXB MAU #.NB LSO NMQ NOBcA SXQO VLSC `LWAC L YSUBLC YAB L WBWAPYAKLC YAB SXNBC LZNBKNVN AKKRKQO OB`VNBO VLSC `LWAC #'S`LWNBMXA MAU NWQYA SXBO BOA YA]QC NMQ N`LBRPA SXBO YAB SXNBC `LBRVN #/AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LSY NPVBO WLSKLC XNB\QO VLS YSUBLS ASVLS LSWN A`LPVLKLC XNB\QO VLS `NXcAOVLC ASVLO #0NB VASVA LBWAVN XAYAUBLB NPVN NAO `LBRVN ASVA #$LS `NUB `AOVQO SXQO KNMQ NMQ LBWA LSC NaNKNaAXRO AKK BOA R MUAZR `KRUQ]R L VUQMQO XNV NXLS VLO AUVLO N`RUNO N` NXN VRO `VNUOAO ASVLS
#%IFro" this ti"e 0 tell you, be!ore its #o"ing to ass, that, $hen it "ay #o"e to ass, ye "ay believe that 0 a" IheI, ,(verily, verily, 0 say to you, he $ho is re#eiving $ho"soever 0 "ay send, doth re#eive "e, and he $ho is re#eiving "e, doth re#eive Hi" $ho sent "e)I ,#These things having said, 5esus $as troubled in the s irit, and did testi!y, and said, I%erily, verily, 0 say to you, that one o! you $ill deliver "e u ,I ,,the dis#i les $ere loo'ing, there!ore, one at another, doubting #on#erning $ho" he s ea'eth) ,-.nd there $as one o! his dis#i les re#lining 7at "eat< in the boso" o! 5esus, $ho" 5esus $as loving, ,.Si"on Peter, then, doth be#'on to this one, to in?uire $ho he "ay be #on#erning $ho" he s ea'eth, ,'and that one having leant ba#' on the breast o! 5esus, res ondeth to hi", ISir, $ho is itbI ,/5esus ans$ereth, IThat one it is to $ho" 0, having di ed the "orsel, shall give it,I and having di ed the "orsel, he giveth IitI to 5udas o! Si"on, 0s#ariot) ,0.nd a!ter the "orsel, then the .dversary entered into that one, 5esus, there!ore, saith to hi", IWhat thou dost ++ do ?ui#'ly,I #%A` AUVB KNMQ SXBO `UL VLS MNONP]AB BOA LVAO MNORVAB `BPVNSPRVN LVB NMQ NBXB ,(AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO L KAXHAOQO NAO VBOA `NXcQ NXN KAXHAONB L WN NXN KAXHAOQO KAXHAONB VLO `NXcAOVA XN ,#VASVA NB`QO L BRPLSC NVAUAT]R VQ `ONSXAVB YAB NXAUVSURPNO YAB NB`NO AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB NBC Na SXQO `AUAWQPNB XN ,,NHKN`LO LSO NBC AKKRKLSC LB XA]RVAB A`LULSXNOLB `NUB VBOLC KNMNB ,-RO WN AOAYNBXNOLC NBC VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS NO VQ YLK`Q VLS BRPLS LO RMA`A L BRPLSC ,.ONSNB LSO VLSVQ PBXQO `NVULC `S]NP]AB VBC AO NBR `NUB LS KNMNB ,'N`B`NPQO WN NYNBOLC N`B VL PVR]LC VLS BRPLS KNMNB ASVQ YSUBN VBC NPVBO ,/A`LYUBONVAB L BRPLSC NYNBOLC NPVBO Q NMQ HAcAC VL cQXBLO N`BWQPQ YAB NXHAcAC VL cQXBLO WBWQPBO BLSWA PBXQOLC BPYAUBQVR ,0YAB XNVA VL cQXBLO VLVN NBPRK]NO NBC NYNBOLO L PAVAOAC KNMNB LSO ASVQ L BRPLSC L `LBNBC `LBRPLO VATBLO
,$and none o! those re#lining at "eat 'ne$ !or $hat intent he said this to hi", ,%!or #ertain $ere thin'ing, sin#e 5udas had the bag, that 5esus saith to hi", IBuy $hat $e have need o! !or the !east,I or that he "ay give so"ething to the oor, -(having re#eived, there!ore, the "orsel, that one i""ediately $ent !orth, and it $as night) -#When, there!ore, he $ent !orth, 5esus saith, I/o$ $as the Son o! @an glori!ied, and &od $as glori!ied in hi", -,i! &od $as glori!ied in hi", &od also $ill glori!y hi" in Hi"sel!, yea, i""ediately He $ill glori!y hi") --ILittle #hildren, yet a little a" 0 $ith you, ye $ill see' "e, and, a##ording as 0 said to the 5e$s ++ Whither 0 go a$ay, ye are not able to #o"e, to you also 0 do say IitI no$) -.I. ne$ #o""and"ent 0 give to you, that ye love one another, a##ording as 0 did love you, that ye also love one another, -'in this shall all 'no$ that ye are "y dis#i les, i! ye "ay have love one to another)I ,$VLSVL WN LSWNBC NMOQ VQO AOAYNBXNOQO `ULC VB NB`NO ASVQ ,%VBONC MAU NWLYLSO N`NB VL MKQPPLYLXLO NBTNO L BLSWAC LVB KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC AMLUAPLO QO TUNBAO NTLXNO NBC VRO NLUVRO R VLBC `VQTLBC BOA VB WQ -(KAHQO LSO VL cQXBLO NYNBOLC NS]NQC NaRK]NO RO WN OSa -#LVN NaRK]NO KNMNB L BRPLSC OSO NWLaAP]R L SBLC VLS AO]UQ`LS YAB L ]NLC NWLaAP]R NO ASVQ -,NB L ]NLC NWLaAP]R NO ASVQ YAB L ]NLC WLaAPNB ASVLO NO NASVQ YAB NS]SC WLaAPNB ASVLO --VNYOBA NVB XBYULO XN] SXQO NBXB \RVRPNVN XN YAB YA]QC NB`LO VLBC BLSWABLBC LVB L`LS S`AMQ NMQ SXNBC LS WSOAP]N NK]NBO YAB SXBO KNMQ AUVB -.NOVLKRO YABORO WBWQXB SXBO BOA AMA`AVN AKKRKLSC YA]QC RMA`RPA SXAC BOA YAB SXNBC AMA`AVN AKKRKLSC -'NO VLSVQ MOQPLOVAB `AOVNC LVB NXLB XA]RVAB NPVN NAO AMA`RO NTRVN NO AKKRKLBC
-/Si"on Peter saith to hi", ISir, $hither dost thou go a$aybI 5esus ans$ered hi", IWhither 0 go a$ay, thou art not able no$ to !ollo$ "e, but a!ter$ard thou shalt !ollo$ "e)I -0Peter saith to hi", ISir, $here!ore a" 0 not able to !ollo$ thee no$b "y li!e !or thee 0 $ill lay do$n,I -$5esus ans$ered hi", IThy li!e !or "e thou $ilt lay do$nd verily, verily, 0 say to thee, a #o#' $ill not #ro$ till thou "ayest deny "e thri#e)I -/KNMNB ASVQ PBXQO `NVULC YSUBN `LS S`AMNBC A`NYUB]R ASVQ L BRPLSC L`LS S`AMQ LS WSOAPAB XLB OSO AYLKLS]RPAB SPVNULO WN AYLKLS]RPNBC XLB -0KNMNB ASVQ L `NVULC YSUBN WBAVB LS WSOAXAB PLB AYLKLS]RPAB AUVB VRO cSTRO XLS S`NU PLS ]RPQ -$A`NYUB]R ASVQ L BRPLSC VRO cSTRO PLS S`NU NXLS ]RPNBC AXRO AXRO KNMQ PLB LS XR AKNYVQU ZQORPNB NQC LS A`AUORPR XN VUBC
+hapter #.
#ILet not your heart be troubled, believe in &od, also in "e believe, #XR VAUAPPNP]Q SXQO R YAUWBA `BPVNSNVN NBC VLO ]NLO YAB NBC NXN `BPVNSNVN ,in the house o! "y Father are "any ,NO VR LBYBA VLS `AVULC XLS XLOAB "ansions, and i! not, 0 $ould have told `LKKAB NBPBO NB WN XR NB`LO AO SXBO you, 0 go on to re are a la#e !or you, `LUNSLXAB NVLBXAPAB VL`LO SXBO -and i! 0 go on and re are !or you a -YAB NAO `LUNS]Q YAB NVLBXAPQ SXBO la#e, again do 0 #o"e, and $ill VL`LO `AKBO NUTLXAB YAB `AUAKRcLXAB re#eive you unto "ysel!, that $here 0 SXAC `ULC NXASVLO BOA L`LS NBXB NMQ a" ye also "ay be, YAB SXNBC RVN .and $hither 0 go a$ay ye have .YAB L`LS NMQ S`AMQ LBWAVN YAB VRO 'no$n, and the $ay ye have 'no$n)I LWLO LBWAVN 'Tho"as saith to hi", ISir, $e have 'KNMNB ASVQ ]QXAC YSUBN LSY LBWAXNO not 'no$n $hither thou goest a$ay, `LS S`AMNBC YAB `QC WSOAXN]A VRO and ho$ are $e able to 'no$ the LWLO NBWNOAB $aybI /5esus saith to hi", I0 a" the $ay, and /KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC NMQ NBXB R LWLC the truth, and the li!e, no one doth YAB R AKR]NBA YAB R \QR LSWNBC #o"e unto the Father, i! not through NUTNVAB `ULC VLO `AVNUA NB XR WB NXLS "e, 0i! ye had 'no$n "e, "y Father also 0NB NMOQYNBVN XN YAB VLO `AVNUA XLS ye $ould have 'no$n, and !ro" this NMOQYNBVN AO YAB A` AUVB MBOQPYNVN ti"e ye have 'no$n Hi", and have ASVLO YAB NQUAYAVN ASVLO seen Hi")I $Phili saith to hi", ISir, she$ to us $KNMNB ASVQ ZBKB``LC YSUBN WNBaLO the Father, and it is enough !or us,I RXBO VLO `AVNUA YAB AUYNB RXBO %5esus saith to hi", ISo long ti"e a" 0 %KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC VLPLSVLO $ith you, and thou hast not 'no$n "e, TULOLO XN] SXQO NBXB YAB LSY NMOQYAC Phili b he $ho hath seen "e hath seen XN ZBKB``N L NQUAYQC NXN NQUAYNO the Father, and ho$ dost thou say, VLO `AVNUA YAB `QC PS KNMNBC WNBaLO She$ to us the Fatherb RXBO VLO `AVNUA
#(Believest thou not that 0 Ia"I in the Father, and the Father is in "eb the sayings that 0 s ea' to you, !ro" "ysel! 0 s ea' not, and the Father $ho is abiding in "e, Hi"sel! doth the $or's, ##believe "e, that 0 Ia"I in the Father, and the Father in "e, and i! not, be#ause o! the $or's the"selves, believe "e) #,I%erily, verily, 0 say to you, he $ho is believing in "e, the $or's that 0 do ++ that one also shall do, and greater than these he shall do, be#ause 0 go on to "y Father, #-and $hatever ye "ay as' in "y na"e, 0 $ill do, that the Father "ay be glori!ied in the Son, #.i! ye as' anything in "y na"e 0 $ill do IitI) #'I0! ye love "e, "y #o""ands 'ee , #(LS `BPVNSNBC LVB NMQ NO VQ `AVUB YAB L `AVRU NO NXLB NPVBO VA URXAVA A NMQ KAKQ SXBO A` NXASVLS LS KAKQ L WN `AVRU L NO NXLB XNOQO ASVLC `LBNB VA NUMA ##`BPVNSNVN XLB LVB NMQ NO VQ `AVUB YAB L `AVRU NO NXLB NB WN XR WBA VA NUMA ASVA `BPVNSNVN XLB
#,AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO L `BPVNSQO NBC NXN VA NUMA A NMQ `LBQ YAYNBOLC `LBRPNB YAB XNB\LOA VLSVQO `LBRPNB LVB NMQ `ULC VLO `AVNUA XLS `LUNSLXAB #-YAB L VB AO ABVRPRVN NO VQ LOLXAVB XLS VLSVL `LBRPQ BOA WLaAP]R L `AVRU NO VQ SBQ #.NAO VB ABVRPRVN NO VQ LOLXAVB XLS NMQ `LBRPQ #'NAO AMA`AVN XN VAC NOVLKAC VAC NXAC VRURPAVN #/and 0 $ill as' the Father, and #/YAB NMQ NUQVRPQ VLO `AVNUA YAB another Do"!orter He $ill give to you, AKKLO `AUAYKRVLO WQPNB SXBO BOA that he "ay re"ain $ith you ++ to the XNOR XN] SXQO NBC VLO ABQOA age, #0the S irit o! truth, $ho" the $orld #0VL `ONSXA VRC AKR]NBAC L L YLPXLC is not able to re#eive, be#ause it doth LS WSOAVAB KAHNBO LVB LS ]NQUNB ASVL not behold hi", nor 'no$ hi", and ye LSWN MBOQPYNB ASVL SXNBC WN 'no$ hi", be#ause he doth re"ain MBOQPYNVN ASVL LVB `AU SXBO XNONB YAB $ith you, and shall be in you) NO SXBO NPVAB #$I0 $ill not leave you bereaved, 0 #$LSY AZRPQ SXAC LUZAOLSC NUTLXAB #o"e unto you, `ULC SXAC
#%yet a little, and the $orld doth no "ore behold "e, and ye behold "e, be#ause 0 live, and ye shall live, ,(in that day ye shall 'no$ that 0 Ia"I in "y Father, and ye in "e, and 0 in you, ,#he $ho is having "y #o""ands, and is 'ee ing the", that one it is $ho is loving "e, and he $ho is loving "e shall be loved by "y Father, and 0 $ill love hi", and $ill "ani!est "ysel! to hi")I ,,5udas saith to hi", 7not the 0s#ariot<, ISir, $hat hath #o"e to ass, that to us thou are about to "ani!est thysel!, and not to the $orldbI ,-5esus ans$ered and said to hi", I0! any one "ay love "e, "y $ord he $ill 'ee , and "y Father $ill love hi", and unto hi" $e $ill #o"e, and abode $ith hi" $e $ill "a'e, ,.he $ho is not loving "e, "y $ords doth not 'ee , and the $ord that ye hear is not "ine, but the FatherIs $ho sent "e) ,'IThese things 0 have s o'en to you, re"aining $ith you, ,/and the Do"!orter, the Holy S irit, $ho" the Father $ill send in "y na"e, he $ill tea#h you all things, and re"ind you o! all things that 0 said to you) #%NVB XBYULO YAB L YLPXLC XN LSY NVB ]NQUNB SXNBC WN ]NQUNBVN XN LVB NMQ \Q YAB SXNBC \RPNP]N ,(NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA MOQPNP]N SXNBC LVB NMQ NO VQ `AVUB XLS YAB SXNBC NO NXLB YAMQ NO SXBO ,#L NTQO VAC NOVLKAC XLS YAB VRUQO ASVAC NYNBOLC NPVBO L AMA`QO XN L WN AMA`QO XN AMA`R]RPNVAB S`L VLS `AVULC XLS YAB NMQ AMA`RPQ ASVLO YAB NXZAOBPQ ASVQ NXASVLO ,,KNMNB ASVQ BLSWAC LST L BPYAUBQVRC YSUBN VB MNMLONO LVB RXBO XNKKNBC NXZAOB\NBO PNASVLO YAB LSTB VQ YLPXQ ,-A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC YAB NB`NO ASVQ NAO VBC AMA`A XN VLO KLMLO XLS VRURPNB YAB L `AVRU XLS AMA`RPNB ASVLO YAB `ULC ASVLO NKNSPLXN]A YAB XLORO `AU ASVQ `LBRPLXNO ,.L XR AMA`QO XN VLSC KLMLSC XLS LS VRUNB YAB L KLMLC LO AYLSNVN LSY NPVBO NXLC AKKA VLS `NXcAOVLC XN `AVULC ,'VASVA KNKAKRYA SXBO `AU SXBO XNOQO ,/L WN `AUAYKRVLC VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO L `NXcNB L `AVRU NO VQ LOLXAVB XLS NYNBOLC SXAC WBWAaNB `AOVA YAB S`LXORPNB SXAC `AOVA A NB`LO SXBO
,0IPea#e 0 leave to you, "y ea#e 0 give to you, not a##ording as the $orld doth give do 0 give to you, let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be a!raid, ,$ye heard that 0 said to you ++ 0 go a$ay, and 0 #o"e unto you, i! ye did love "e, ye $ould have re-oi#ed that 0 said ++ 0 go on to the Father, be#ause "y Father is greater than 0) ,%I.nd no$ 0 have said IitI to you be!ore it #o"e to ass, that $hen it "ay #o"e to ass, ye "ay believe, -(0 $ill no "ore tal' "u#h $ith you, !or the ruler o! this $orld doth #o"e, and in "e he hath nothing, -#but that the $orld "ay 'no$ that 0 love the Father, and a##ording as the Father gave "e #o""and so 0 do, arise, $e "ay go hen#e) ,0NBURORO AZBRXB SXBO NBURORO VRO NXRO WBWQXB SXBO LS YA]QC L YLPXLC WBWQPBO NMQ WBWQXB SXBO XR VAUAPPNP]Q SXQO R YAUWBA XRWN WNBKBAVQ ,$RYLSPAVN LVB NMQ NB`LO SXBO S`AMQ YAB NUTLXAB `ULC SXAC NB RMA`AVN XN NTAURVN AO LVB NB`LO `LUNSLXAB `ULC VLO `AVNUA LVB L `AVRU XLS XNB\QO XLS NPVBO ,%YAB OSO NBURYA SXBO `UBO MNONP]AB BOA LVAO MNORVAB `BPVNSPRVN -(LSY NVB `LKKA KAKRPQ XN] SXQO NUTNVAB MAU L VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS AUTQO YAB NO NXLB LSY NTNB LSWNO -#AKK BOA MOQ L YLPXLC LVB AMA`Q VLO `AVNUA YAB YA]QC NONVNBKAVL XLB L `AVRU LSVQC `LBQ NMNBUNP]N AMQXNO NOVNS]NO
+hapter #'
#I0 a" the true vine, and "y Father is the husband"an, ,every bran#h in "e not bearing !ruit, He doth ta'e it a$ay, and every one bearing !ruit, He doth #leanse by runing it, that it "ay bear "ore !ruit, -already ye are #lean, be#ause o! the $ord that 0 have s o'en to you, .re"ain in "e, and 0 in you, as the bran#h is not able to bear !ruit o! itsel!, i! it "ay not re"ain in the vine, so neither ye, i! ye "ay not re"ain in "e) 'I0 a" the vine, ye the bran#hes, he $ho is re"aining in "e, and 0 in hi", this one doth bear "u#h !ruit, be#ause a art !ro" "e ye are not able to do anything, /i! any one "ay not re"ain in "e, he $as #ast !orth $ithout as the bran#h, and $as $ithered, and they gather the", and #ast to !ire, and they are burned, 0i! ye "ay re"ain in "e, and "y sayings in you "ay re"ain, $hatever ye "ay $ish ye shall as', and it shall be done to you) $I0n this $as "y Father glori!ied, that ye "ay bear "u#h !ruit, and ye shall be#o"e "y dis#i les) %.##ording as the Father did love "e, 0 also loved you, re"ain in "y love, #NMQ NBXB R AX`NKLC R AKR]BOR YAB L `AVRU XLS L MNQUMLC NPVBO ,`AO YKRXA NO NXLB XR ZNULO YAU`LO ABUNB ASVL YAB `AO VL YAU`LO ZNULO YA]ABUNB ASVL BOA `KNBLOA YAU`LO ZNUR -RWR SXNBC YA]AULB NPVN WBA VLO KLMLO LO KNKAKRYA SXBO .XNBOAVN NO NXLB YAMQ NO SXBO YA]QC VL YKRXA LS WSOAVAB YAU`LO ZNUNBO AZ NASVLS NAO XR XNBOR NO VR AX`NKQ LSVQC LSWN SXNBC NAO XR NO NXLB XNBORVN 'NMQ NBXB R AX`NKLC SXNBC VA YKRXAVA L XNOQO NO NXLB YAMQ NO ASVQ LSVLC ZNUNB YAU`LO `LKSO LVB TQUBC NXLS LS WSOAP]N `LBNBO LSWNO /NAO XR VBC XNBOR NO NXLB NHKR]R NaQ QC VL YKRXA YAB NaRUAO]R YAB PSOAMLSPBO ASVA YAB NBC `SU HAKKLSPBO YAB YABNVAB 0NAO XNBORVN NO NXLB YAB VA URXAVA XLS NO SXBO XNBOR L NAO ]NKRVN ABVRPNP]N YAB MNORPNVAB SXBO $NO VLSVQ NWLaAP]R L `AVRU XLS BOA YAU`LO `LKSO ZNURVN YAB MNORPNP]N NXLB XA]RVAB %YA]QC RMA`RPNO XN L `AVRU YAMQ RMA`RPA SXAC XNBOAVN NO VR AMA`R VR NXR =>G
#(i! "y #o""and"ents ye "ay 'ee , ye shall re"ain in "y love, a##ording as 0 the #o""ands o! "y Father have 'e t, and do re"ain in His love, ##these things 0 have s o'en to you, that "y -oy in you "ay re"ain, and your -oy "ay be !ull) #,IThis is "y #o""and, that ye love one another, a##ording as 0 did love you, #-greater love than this hath no one, that any one his li!e "ay lay do$n !or his !riends, #.ye are "y !riends, i! ye "ay do $hatever 0 #o""and you, #'no "ore do 0 #all you servants, be#ause the servant hath not 'no$n $hat his lord doth, and you 0 have #alled !riends, be#ause all things that 0 heard !ro" "y Father, 0 did "a'e 'no$n to you) #/I4e did not #hoose out "e, but 0 #hose out you, and did a oint you, that ye "ight go a$ay, and "ight bear !ruit, and your !ruit "ight re"ain, that $hatever ye "ay as' o! the Father in "y na"e, He "ay give you) #0IThese things 0 #o""and you, that ye love one another, #$i! the $orld doth hate you, ye 'no$ that it hath hated "e be!ore you, #(NAO VAC NOVLKAC XLS VRURPRVN XNONBVN NO VR AMA`R XLS YA]QC NMQ VAC NOVLKAC VLS `AVULC XLS VNVRURYA YAB XNOQ ASVLS NO VR AMA`R ##VASVA KNKAKRYA SXBO BOA R TAUA R NXR NO SXBO XNBOR YAB R TAUA SXQO `KRUQ]R #,ASVR NPVBO R NOVLKR R NXR BOA AMA`AVN AKKRKLSC YA]QC RMA`RPA SXAC #-XNB\LOA VASVRC AMA`RO LSWNBC NTNB BOA VBC VRO cSTRO ASVLS ]R S`NU VQO ZBKQO ASVLS #.SXNBC ZBKLB XLS NPVN NAO `LBRVN LPA NMQ NOVNKKLXAB SXBO #'LSYNVB SXAC KNMQ WLSKLSC LVB L WLSKLC LSY LBWNO VB `LBNB ASVLS L YSUBLC SXAC WN NBURYA ZBKLSC LVB `AOVA A RYLSPA `AUA VLS `AVULC XLS NMOQUBPA SXBO #/LST SXNBC XN NaNKNaAP]N AKK NMQ NaNKNaAXRO SXAC YAB N]RYA SXAC BOA SXNBC S`AMRVN YAB YAU`LO ZNURVN YAB L YAU`LC SXQO XNOR BOA L VB AO ABVRPRVN VLO `AVNUA NO VQ LOLXAVB XLS WQ SXBO #0VASVA NOVNKKLXAB SXBO BOA AMA`AVN AKKRKLSC #$NB L YLPXLC SXAC XBPNB MBOQPYNVN LVB NXN `UQVLO SXQO XNXBPRYNO
#%i! o! the $orld ye $ere, the $orld its o$n $ould have been loving, and be#ause o! the $orld ye are not ++ but 0 #hose out o! the $orld ++ be#ause o! this the $orld hateth you) ,(IRe"e"ber the $ord that 0 said to you, . servant is not greater than his lord, i! "e they did erse#ute, you also they $ill erse#ute, i! "y $ord they did 'ee , yours also they $ill 'ee , ,#but all these things $ill they do to you, be#ause o! "y na"e, be#ause they have not 'no$n Hi" $ho sent "e, ,,i! 0 had not #o"e and s o'en to the", they $ere not having sin, but no$ rete(t they have not !or their sin) ,-IHe $ho is hating "e, doth hate also "y Father, ,.i! 0 did not do a"ong the" the $or's that no other hath done, they $ere not having sin, and no$ they have both seen and hated both "e and "y Father, ,'but ++ that the $ord "ay be !ul!illed that $as $ritten in their la$ ++ They hated "e $ithout a #ause) ,/I.nd $hen the Do"!orter "ay #o"e, $ho" 0 $ill send to you !ro" the Father ++ the S irit o! truth, $ho !ro" the Father doth #o"e !orth, he $ill testi!y o! "e, #%NB NY VLS YLPXLS RVN L YLPXLC AO VL BWBLO NZBKNB LVB WN NY VLS YLPXLS LSY NPVN AKK NMQ NaNKNaAXRO SXAC NY VLS YLPXLS WBA VLSVL XBPNB SXAC L YLPXLC ,(XORXLONSNVN VLS KLMLS LS NMQ NB`LO SXBO LSY NPVBO WLSKLC XNB\QO VLS YSUBLS ASVLS NB NXN NWBQaAO YAB SXAC WBQaLSPBO NB VLO KLMLO XLS NVRURPAO YAB VLO SXNVNULO VRURPLSPBO ,#AKKA VASVA `AOVA `LBRPLSPBO SXBO WBA VL LOLXA XLS LVB LSY LBWAPBO VLO `NXcAOVA XN ,,NB XR RK]LO YAB NKAKRPA ASVLBC AXAUVBAO LSY NBTLO OSO WN `ULZAPBO LSY NTLSPBO `NUB VRC AXAUVBAC ASVQO ,-L NXN XBPQO YAB VLO `AVNUA XLS XBPNB ,.NB VA NUMA XR N`LBRPA NO ASVLBC A LSWNBC AKKLC `N`LBRYNO AXAUVBAO LSY NBTLO OSO WN YAB NQUAYAPBO YAB XNXBPRYAPBO YAB NXN YAB VLO `AVNUA XLS ,'AKK BOA `KRUQ]R L KLMLC L MNMUAXXNOLC NO VQ OLXQ ASVQO LVB NXBPRPAO XN WQUNAO ,/LVAO WN NK]R L `AUAYKRVLC LO NMQ `NXcQ SXBO `AUA VLS `AVULC VL `ONSXA VRC AKR]NBAC L `AUA VLS `AVULC NY`LUNSNVAB NYNBOLC XAUVSURPNB `NUB NXLS
,0and ye also do testi!y, be#ause !ro" the beginning ye are $ith "e) ,0YAB SXNBC WN XAUVSUNBVN LVB A` AUTRC XNV NXLS NPVN
+hapter #/
#IThese things 0 have s o'en to you, that ye "ay not be stu"bled, ,out o! the synagogues they $ill ut you, but an hour doth #o"e, that every one $ho hath 'illed you, "ay thin' to o!!er servi#e unto &od, -and these things they $ill do to you, be#ause they did not 'no$ the Father, nor "e) .IBut these things 0 have s o'en to you, that $hen the hour "ay #o"e, ye "ay re"e"ber the", that 0 said Ithe"I to you, and these things to you !ro" the beginning 0 did not say, be#ause 0 $as $ith you, 'and no$ 0 go a$ay to Hi" $ho sent "e, and none o! you doth as' "e, Whither dost thou gob /but be#ause these things 0 have said to you, the sorro$ hath !illed your heart) 0IBut 0 tell you the truth, it is better !or you that 0 go a$ay, !or i! 0 "ay not go a$ay, the Do"!orter $ill not #o"e unto you, and i! 0 go on, 0 $ill send Hi" unto you, $and having #o"e, He $ill #onvi#t the $orld #on#erning sin, and #on#erning righteousness, and #on#erning -udg"ent, %#on#erning sin indeed, be#ause they do not believe in "e, #VASVA KNKAKRYA SXBO BOA XR PYAOWAKBP]RVN ,A`LPSOAMQMLSC `LBRPLSPBO SXAC AKK NUTNVAB QUA BOA `AC L A`LYVNBOAC SXAC WLaR KAVUNBAO `ULPZNUNBO VQ ]NQ -YAB VASVA `LBRPLSPBO SXBO LVB LSY NMOQPAO VLO `AVNUA LSWN NXN .AKKA VASVA KNKAKRYA SXBO BOA LVAO NK]R R QUA XORXLONSRVN ASVQO LVB NMQ NB`LO SXBO VASVA WN SXBO Na AUTRC LSY NB`LO LVB XN] SXQO RXRO 'OSO WN S`AMQ `ULC VLO `NXcAOVA XN YAB LSWNBC Na SXQO NUQVA XN `LS S`AMNBC /AKK LVB VASVA KNKAKRYA SXBO R KS`R `N`KRUQYNO SXQO VRO YAUWBAO 0AKK NMQ VRO AKR]NBAO KNMQ SXBO PSXZNUNB SXBO BOA NMQ A`NK]Q NAO MAU XR A`NK]Q L `AUAYKRVLC LSY NKNSPNVAB `ULC SXAC NAO WN `LUNS]Q `NXcQ ASVLO `ULC SXAC $YAB NK]QO NYNBOLC NKNMaNB VLO YLPXLO `NUB AXAUVBAC YAB `NUB WBYABLPSORC YAB `NUB YUBPNQC %`NUB AXAUVBAC XNO LVB LS `BPVNSLSPBO NBC NXN
#(and #on#erning righteousness, be#ause unto "y Father 0 go a$ay, and no "ore do ye behold "e, ##and #on#erning -udg"ent, be#ause the ruler o! this $orld hath been -udged) #,I0 have yet "any things to say to you, but ye are not able to bear Ithe"I no$, #-and $hen He "ay #o"e ++ the S irit o! truth ++ He $ill guide you to all the truth, !or He $ill not s ea' !ro" Hi"sel!, but as "any things as He $ill hear He $ill s ea', and the #o"ing things He $ill tell you, #.He $ill glori!y "e, be#ause o! "ine He $ill ta'e, and $ill tell to you) #'I.ll things, as "any as the Father hath, are "ine, be#ause o! this 0 said, That o! "ine He $ill ta'e, and $ill tell to you, #/a little $hile, and ye do not behold "e, and again a little $hile, and ye shall see "e, be#ause 0 go a$ay unto the Father)I #0There!ore said Iso"eI o! his dis#i les one to another, IWhat is this that he saith to us, . little $hile, and ye do not behold "e, and again a little $hile, and ye shall see "e, and, Be#ause 0 go a$ay unto the FatherbI #$they said then, IWhat is this he saith ++ the little $hileb $e have not 'no$n $hat he saith)I #(`NUB WBYABLPSORC WN LVB `ULC VLO `AVNUA XLS S`AMQ YAB LSY NVB ]NQUNBVN XN ##`NUB WN YUBPNQC LVB L AUTQO VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS YNYUBVAB #,NVB `LKKA NTQ KNMNBO SXBO AKK LS WSOAP]N HAPVA\NBO AUVB #-LVAO WN NK]R NYNBOLC VL `ONSXA VRC AKR]NBAC LWRMRPNB SXAC NBC `APAO VRO AKR]NBAO LS MAU KAKRPNB AZ NASVLS AKK LPA AO AYLSPR KAKRPNB YAB VA NUTLXNOA AOAMMNKNB SXBO #.NYNBOLC NXN WLaAPNB LVB NY VLS NXLS KRcNVAB YAB AOAMMNKNB SXBO #'`AOVA LPA NTNB L `AVRU NXA NPVBO WBA VLSVL NB`LO LVB NY VLS NXLS KRcNVAB YAB AOAMMNKNB SXBO #/XBYULO YAB LS ]NQUNBVN XN YAB `AKBO XBYULO YAB LcNP]N XN LVB NMQ S`AMQ `ULC VLO `AVNUA #0NB`LO LSO NY VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS `ULC AKKRKLSC VB NPVBO VLSVL L KNMNB RXBO XBYULO YAB LS ]NQUNBVN XN YAB `AKBO XBYULO YAB LcNP]N XN YAB LVB NMQ S`AMQ `ULC VLO `AVNUA #$NKNMLO LSO VLSVL VB NPVBO L KNMNB VL XBYULO LSY LBWAXNO VB KAKNB
#%5esus, there!ore, 'ne$ that they $ere $ishing to as' hi", and he said to the", IDon#erning this do ye see' one $ith another, be#ause 0 said, . little $hile, and you do not behold "e, and again a little $hile, and ye shall see "eb ,(verily, verily, 0 say to you, that ye shall $ee and la"ent, and the $orld $ill re-oi#e, and ye shall be sorro$!ul, but your sorro$ -oy $ill be#o"e) ,#IThe $o"an, $hen she "ay bear, hath sorro$, be#ause her hour did #o"e, and $hen she "ay bear the #hild, no "ore doth she re"e"ber the anguish, be#ause o! the -oy that a "an $as born to the $orld) ,,I.nd ye, there!ore, no$, indeed, have sorro$, and again 0 $ill see you, and your heart shall re-oi#e, and your -oy no one doth ta'e !ro" you, ,-and in that day ye $ill ?uestion "e nothing, verily, verily, 0 say to you, as "any things as ye "ay as' o! the Father in "y na"e, He $ill give you, ,.till no$ ye did as' nothing in "y na"e, as', and ye shall re#eive, that your -oy "ay be !ull) ,'IThese things in si"ilitudes 0 have s o'en to you, but there #o"eth an hour $hen no "ore in si"ilitudes $ill 0 s ea' to you, but !reely o! the Father, $ill tell you) #%NMOQ LSO L BRPLSC LVB R]NKLO ASVLO NUQVAO YAB NB`NO ASVLBC `NUB VLSVLS \RVNBVN XNV AKKRKQO LVB NB`LO XBYULO YAB LS ]NQUNBVN XN YAB `AKBO XBYULO YAB LcNP]N XN ,(AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB YKASPNVN YAB ]URORPNVN SXNBC L WN YLPXLC TAURPNVAB SXNBC WN KS`R]RPNP]N AKK R KS`R SXQO NBC TAUAO MNORPNVAB ,#R MSOR LVAO VBYVR KS`RO NTNB LVB RK]NO R QUA ASVRC LVAO WN MNOORPR VL `ABWBLO LSY NVB XORXLONSNB VRC ]KBcNQC WBA VRO TAUAO LVB NMNOOR]R AO]UQ`LC NBC VLO YLPXLO ,,YAB SXNBC LSO KS`RO XNO OSO NTNVN `AKBO WN LcLXAB SXAC YAB TAURPNVAB SXQO R YAUWBA YAB VRO TAUAO SXQO LSWNBC ABUNB AZ SXQO ,-YAB NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA NXN LSY NUQVRPNVN LSWNO AXRO AXRO KNMQ SXBO LVB LPA AO ABVRPRVN VLO `AVNUA NO VQ LOLXAVB XLS WQPNB SXBO ,.NQC AUVB LSY RVRPAVN LSWNO NO VQ LOLXAVB XLS ABVNBVN YAB KRcNP]N BOA R TAUA SXQO R `N`KRUQXNOR ,'VASVA NO `AULBXBABC KNKAKRYA SXBO AKK NUTNVAB QUA LVN LSY NVB NO `AULBXBABC KAKRPQ SXBO AKKA `AUURPBA `NUB VLS `AVULC AOAMMNKQ SXBO
,/I0n that day, in "y na"e ye $ill "a'e re?uest, and 0 do not say to you that 0 $ill as' the Father !or you, ,0!or the Father hi"sel! doth love you, be#ause "e ye have loved, and ye have believed that 0 !ro" &od #a"e !orth, ,$0 #a"e !orth !ro" the Father, and have #o"e to the $orld, again 0 leave the $orld, and go on unto the Father)I ,/NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA NO VQ LOLXAVB XLS ABVRPNP]N YAB LS KNMQ SXBO LVB NMQ NUQVRPQ VLO `AVNUA `NUB SXQO ,0ASVLC MAU L `AVRU ZBKNB SXAC LVB SXNBC NXN `NZBKRYAVN YAB `N`BPVNSYAVN LVB NMQ `AUA VLS ]NLS NaRK]LO ,$NaRK]LO `AUA VLS `AVULC YAB NKRKS]A NBC VLO YLPXLO `AKBO AZBRXB VLO YLPXLO YAB `LUNSLXAB `ULC VLO `AVNUA ,%His dis#i les say to hi", ILo, no$ ,%KNMLSPBO ASVQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS BWN !reely thou dost s ea', and no OSO `AUURPBA KAKNBC YAB `AULBXBAO si"ilitude s ea'est thou, LSWNXBAO KNMNBC -(no$ $e have 'no$n that thou hast -(OSO LBWAXNO LVB LBWAC `AOVA YAB LS 'no$n all things, and hast no need that TUNBAO NTNBC BOA VBC PN NUQVA NO VLSVQ any one do ?uestion thee, in this $e `BPVNSLXNO LVB A`L ]NLS NaRK]NC believe that !ro" &od thou didst #o"e !orth)I -#5esus ans$ered the", I/o$ do ye -#A`NYUB]R ASVLBC L BRPLSC AUVB believeb lo, there doth #o"e an hour, `BPVNSNVN -,and no$ it hath #o"e, that ye "ay -,BWLS NUTNVAB QUA YAB OSO NKRKS]NO be s#attered, ea#h to his o$n things, BOA PYLU`BP]RVN NYAPVLC NBC VA BWBA and "e ye "ay leave alone, and 0 a" YAB NXN XLOLO AZRVN YAB LSY NBXB not alone, be#ause the Father is $ith XLOLC LVB L `AVRU XNV NXLS NPVBO "e, --these things 0 have s o'en to you, --VASVA KNKAKRYA SXBO BOA NO NXLB that in "e ye "ay have ea#e, in the NBURORO NTRVN NO VQ YLPXQ ]KBcBO $orld ye shall have tribulation, but NTNVN AKKA ]AUPNBVN NMQ ONOBYRYA VLO ta'e #ourage ++ 0 have over#o"e the YLPXLO $orld)I
+hapter #0
#These things s a'e 5esus, and li!ted u his eyes to the heaven, and said ++ IFather, the hour hath #o"e, glori!y Thy Son, that Thy Son also "ay glori!y Thee, ,a##ording as Thou didst give to hi" authority over all !lesh, that ++ all that Thou hast given to hi" ++ he "ay give to the" li!e age+during, -and this is the li!e age+during, that they "ay 'no$ Thee, the only true &od, and hi" $ho" Thou didst send ++ 5esus Dhrist, .0 did glori!y Thee on the earth, the $or' 0 did !inish that Thou hast given "e, that 0 "ay do IitI) 'I.nd no$, glori!y "e, Thou Father, $ith Thysel!, $ith the glory that 0 had be!ore the $orld $as, $ith Thee, /0 did "ani!est Thy na"e to the "en $ho" Thou hast given to "e out o! the $orld, Thine they $ere, and to "e Thou hast given the", and Thy $ord they have 'e t, 0no$ they have 'no$n that all things, as "any as Thou hast given to "e, are !ro" Thee, $be#ause the sayings that Thou hast given to "e, 0 have given to the", and they the"selves re#eived, and have 'no$n truly, that !ro" Thee 0 #a"e !orth, and they did believe that Thou didst send "e) #VASVA NKAKRPNO L BRPLSC YAB N`RUNO VLSC LZ]AKXLSC ASVLS NBC VLO LSUAOLO YAB NB`NO `AVNU NKRKS]NO R QUA WLaAPLO PLS VLO SBLO BOA YAB L SBLC PLS WLaAPR PN ,YA]QC NWQYAC ASVQ NaLSPBAO `APRC PAUYLC BOA `AO L WNWQYAC ASVQ WQPR ASVLBC \QRO ABQOBLO -ASVR WN NPVBO R ABQOBLC \QR BOA MBOQPYQPBO PN VLO XLOLO AKR]BOLO ]NLO YAB LO A`NPVNBKAC BRPLSO TUBPVLO .NMQ PN NWLaAPA N`B VRC MRC VL NUMLO NVNKNBQPA L WNWQYAC XLB BOA `LBRPQ 'YAB OSO WLaAPLO XN PS `AVNU `AUA PNASVQ VR WLaR R NBTLO `UL VLS VLO YLPXLO NBOAB `AUA PLB /NZAONUQPA PLS VL LOLXA VLBC AO]UQ`LBC LSC WNWQYAC XLB NY VLS YLPXLS PLB RPAO YAB NXLB ASVLSC WNWQYAC YAB VLO KLMLO PLS VNVRURYAPBO 0OSO NMOQYAO LVB `AOVA LPA WNWQYAC XLB `AUA PLS NPVBO $LVB VA URXAVA A WNWQYAC XLB WNWQYA ASVLBC YAB ASVLB NKAHLO YAB NMOQPAO AKR]QC LVB `AUA PLS NaRK]LO YAB N`BPVNSPAO LVB PS XN A`NPVNBKAC
%I0 as' in regard to the", not in regard to the $orld do 0 as', but in regard to those $ho" Thou hast given to "e, be#ause Thine they are, #(and all "ine are Thine, and Thine IareI "ine, and 0 have been glori!ied in the", ##and no "ore a" 0 in the $orld, and these are in the $orld, and 0 #o"e unto Thee) Holy Father, 'ee the" in Thy na"e, $ho" Thou hast given to "e, that they "ay be one as $e, #,$hen 0 $as $ith the" in the $orld, 0 $as 'ee ing the" in Thy na"e, those $ho" Thou hast given to "e 0 did guard, and none o! the" $as destroyed, e(#e t the son o! the destru#tion, that the Writing "ay be !ul!illed) #-I.nd no$ unto Thee 0 #o"e, and these things 0 s ea' in the $orld, that they "ay have "y -oy !ul!illed in the"selves, #.0 have given to the" Thy $ord, and the $orld did hate the", be#ause they are not o! the $orld, as 0 a" not o! the $orld, #'0 do not as' that Thou "ayest ta'e the" out o! the $orld, but that Thou "ayest 'ee the" out o! the evil) #/IO! the $orld they are not, as 0 o! the $orld a" not, #0san#ti!y the" in Thy truth, Thy $ord is truth, %NMQ `NUB ASVQO NUQVQ LS `NUB VLS YLPXLS NUQVQ AKKA `NUB QO WNWQYAC XLB LVB PLB NBPBO #(YAB VA NXA `AOVA PA NPVBO YAB VA PA NXA YAB WNWLaAPXAB NO ASVLBC ##YAB LSY NVB NBXB NO VQ YLPXQ YAB LSVLB NO VQ YLPXQ NBPBO YAB NMQ `ULC PN NUTLXAB `AVNU AMBN VRURPLO ASVLSC NO VQ LOLXAVB PLS LSC WNWQYAC XLB BOA QPBO NO YA]QC RXNBC #,LVN RXRO XNV ASVQO NO VQ YLPXQ NMQ NVRULSO ASVLSC NO VQ LOLXAVB PLS LSC WNWQYAC XLB NZSKAaA YAB LSWNBC Na ASVQO A`QKNVL NB XR L SBLC VRC A`QKNBAC BOA R MUAZR `KRUQ]R #-OSO WN `ULC PN NUTLXAB YAB VASVA KAKQ NO VQ YLPXQ BOA NTQPBO VRO TAUAO VRO NXRO `N`KRUQXNORO NO ASVLBC #.NMQ WNWQYA ASVLBC VLO KLMLO PLS YAB L YLPXLC NXBPRPNO ASVLSC LVB LSY NBPBO NY VLS YLPXLS YA]QC NMQ LSY NBXB NY VLS YLPXLS #'LSY NUQVQ BOA AURC ASVLSC NY VLS YLPXLS AKK BOA VRURPRC ASVLSC NY VLS `LORULS #/NY VLS YLPXLS LSY NBPBO YA]QC NMQ NY VLS YLPXLS LSY NBXB #0AMBAPLO ASVLSC NO VR AKR]NBA PLS L KLMLC L PLC AKR]NBA NPVBO
#$as Thou didst send "e to the $orld, 0 also did send the" to the $orld, #%and !or the" do 0 san#ti!y "ysel!, that they also the"selves "ay be san#ti!ied in truth) ,(I.nd not in regard to these alone do 0 as', but also in regard to those $ho shall be believing, through their $ord, in "e, ,#that they all "ay be one, as Thou Father IartI in "e, and 0 in Thee, that they also in us "ay be one, that the $orld "ay believe that Thou didst send "e) ,,I.nd 0, the glory that thou hast given to "e, have given to the", that they "ay be one as $e are one, ,-0 in the", and Thou in "e, that they "ay be er!e#ted into one, and that the $orld "ay 'no$ that Thou didst send "e, and didst love the" as Thou didst love "e) ,.IFather, those $ho" Thou hast given to "e, 0 $ill that $here 0 a" they also "ay be $ith "e, that they "ay behold "y glory that Thou didst give to "e, be#ause Thou didst love "e be!ore the !oundation o! the $orld) ,'IRighteous Father, also the $orld did not 'no$ Thee, and 0 'ne$ Thee, and these have 'no$n that Thou didst send "e, #$YA]QC NXN A`NPVNBKAC NBC VLO YLPXLO YAMQ A`NPVNBKA ASVLSC NBC VLO YLPXLO #%YAB S`NU ASVQO NMQ AMBA\Q NXASVLO BOA YAB ASVLB QPBO RMBAPXNOLB NO AKR]NBA ,(LS `NUB VLSVQO WN NUQVQ XLOLO AKKA YAB `NUB VQO `BPVNSPLOVQO WBA VLS KLMLS ASVQO NBC NXN ,#BOA `AOVNC NO QPBO YA]QC PS `AVNU NO NXLB YAMQ NO PLB BOA YAB ASVLB NO RXBO NO QPBO BOA L YLPXLC `BPVNSPR LVB PS XN A`NPVNBKAC ,,YAB NMQ VRO WLaAO RO WNWQYAC XLB WNWQYA ASVLBC BOA QPBO NO YA]QC RXNBC NO NPXNO ,-NMQ NO ASVLBC YAB PS NO NXLB BOA QPBO VNVNKNBQXNOLB NBC NO YAB BOA MBOQPYR L YLPXLC LVB PS XN A`NPVNBKAC YAB RMA`RPAC ASVLSC YA]QC NXN RMA`RPAC ,.`AVNU LSC WNWQYAC XLB ]NKQ BOA L`LS NBXB NMQ YAYNBOLB QPBO XNV NXLS BOA ]NQUQPBO VRO WLaAO VRO NXRO RO NWQYAC XLB LVB RMA`RPAC XN `UL YAVAHLKRC YLPXLS ,'`AVNU WBYABN YAB L YLPXLC PN LSY NMOQ NMQ WN PN NMOQO YAB LSVLB NMOQPAO LVB PS XN A`NPVNBKAC
,/and 0 "ade 'no$n to the" Thy na"e, and $ill "a'e 'no$n, that the love $ith $hi#h Thou lovedst "e in the" "ay be, and 0 in the")I ,/YAB NMOQUBPA ASVLBC VL LOLXA PLS YAB MOQUBPQ BOA R AMA`R RO RMA`RPAC XN NO ASVLBC R YAMQ NO ASVLBC
+hapter #$
#These things having said, 5esus $ent !orth $ith his dis#i les beyond the broo' o! Kedron, $here $as a garden, into $hi#h he entered, hi"sel! and his dis#i les, ,and 5udas also, $ho delivered hi" u , had 'no$n the la#e, be#ause "any ti"es did 5esus asse"ble there $ith his dis#i les) -5udas, there!ore, having ta'en the band and o!!i#ers out o! the #hie! riests and Pharisees, doth #o"e thither $ith tor#hes and la" s, and $ea ons, .5esus, there!ore, 'no$ing all things that are #o"ing u on hi", having gone !orth, said to the", IWho" do ye see'bI 'they ans$ered hi", I5esus the /aEarene,I 5esus saith to the", I0 a" IheI,I ++ and 5udas $ho delivered hi" u $as standing $ith the", ++ /$hen, there!ore, he said to the" ++ I0 a" IheI,I they $ent a$ay ba#'$ard, and !ell to the ground) 0.gain, there!ore, he ?uestioned the", IWho" do ye see'bI and they said, I5esus the /aEarene,I $5esus ans$ered, I0 said to you that 0 a" IheI, i!, then, "e ye see', su!!er these to go a$ay,I #VASVA NB`QO L BRPLSC NaRK]NO PSO VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS `NUAO VLS TNBXAUULS VQO YNWUQO L`LS RO YR`LC NBC LO NBPRK]NO ASVLC YAB LB XA]RVAB ASVLS ,RWNB WN YAB BLSWAC L `AUAWBWLSC ASVLO VLO VL`LO LVB `LKKAYBC PSORT]R L BRPLSC NYNB XNVA VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS -L LSO BLSWAC KAHQO VRO P`NBUAO YAB NY VQO AUTBNUNQO YAB ZAUBPABQO S`RUNVAC NUTNVAB NYNB XNVA ZAOQO YAB KAX`AWQO YAB L`KQO .BRPLSC LSO NBWQC `AOVA VA NUTLXNOA N` ASVLO NaNK]QO NB`NO ASVLBC VBOA \RVNBVN 'A`NYUB]RPAO ASVQ BRPLSO VLO OA\QUABLO KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC NMQ NBXB NBPVRYNB WN YAB BLSWAC L `AUAWBWLSC ASVLO XNV ASVQO /QC LSO NB`NO ASVLBC LVB NMQ NBXB A`RK]LO NBC VA L`BPQ YAB N`NPLO TAXAB 0`AKBO LSO ASVLSC N`RUQVRPNO VBOA \RVNBVN LB WN NB`LO BRPLSO VLO OA\QUABLO $A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC NB`LO SXBO LVB NMQ NBXB NB LSO NXN \RVNBVN AZNVN VLSVLSC S`AMNBO
%that the $ord "ight be !ul!illed that he said ++ IThose $ho" Thou hast given to "e, 0 did not lose o! the" even one)I #(Si"on Peter, there!ore, having a s$ord, dre$ it, and stru#' the #hie! riestIs servant, and #ut o!! his right ear ++ and the na"e o! the servant $as @al#hus ++ ##5esus, there!ore, said to Peter, IPut the s$ord into the sheath, the #u that the Father hath given to "e, "ay 0 not drin' itbI #,The band, there!ore, and the #a tain, and the o!!i#ers o! the 5e$s, too' hold on 5esus, and bound hi", #-and they led hi" a$ay to .nnas !irst, !or he $as !ather+in+la$ o! Daia has, $ho $as #hie! riest o! that year, #.and Daia has $as he $ho gave #ounsel to the 5e$s, that it is good !or one "an to erish !or the eo le) #'.nd !ollo$ing 5esus $as Si"on Peter, and the other dis#i le, and that dis#i le $as 'no$n to the #hie! riest, and he entered $ith 5esus to the hall o! the #hie! riest, #/and Peter $as standing at the door $ithout, there!ore $ent !orth the other dis#i le $ho $as 'no$n to the #hie! riest, and he s a'e to the !e"ale 'ee ing the door, and he brought in Peter) %BOA `KRUQ]R L KLMLC LO NB`NO LVB LSC WNWQYAC XLB LSY A`QKNPA Na ASVQO LSWNOA #(PBXQO LSO `NVULC NTQO XATABUAO NBKYSPNO ASVRO YAB N`ABPNO VLO VLS AUTBNUNQC WLSKLO YAB A`NYLcNO ASVLS VL QVBLO VL WNaBLO RO WN LOLXA VQ WLSKQ XAKTLC ##NB`NO LSO L BRPLSC VQ `NVUQ HAKN VRO XATABUAO PLS NBC VRO ]RYRO VL `LVRUBLO L WNWQYNO XLB L `AVRU LS XR `BQ ASVL #,R LSO P`NBUA YAB L TBKBAUTLC YAB LB S`RUNVAB VQO BLSWABQO PSONKAHLO VLO BRPLSO YAB NWRPAO ASVLO #-YAB A`RMAMLO ASVLO `ULC AOOAO `UQVLO RO MAU `NO]NULC VLS YABAZA LC RO AUTBNUNSC VLS NOBASVLS NYNBOLS #.RO WN YABAZAC L PSXHLSKNSPAC VLBC BLSWABLBC LVB PSXZNUNB NOA AO]UQ`LO A`LKNP]AB S`NU VLS KALS #'RYLKLS]NB WN VQ BRPLS PBXQO `NVULC YAB L AKKLC XA]RVRC L WN XA]RVRC NYNBOLC RO MOQPVLC VQ AUTBNUNB YAB PSONBPRK]NO VQ BRPLS NBC VRO ASKRO VLS AUTBNUNQC #/L WN `NVULC NBPVRYNB `ULC VR ]SUA NaQ NaRK]NO LSO L XA]RVRC L AKKLC LC RO MOQPVLC VQ AUTBNUNB YAB NB`NO VR ]SUQUQ YAB NBPRMAMNO VLO `NVULO
#0Then said the "aid 'ee ing the door #0KNMNB LSO R `ABWBPYR R ]SUQULC VQ to Peter, I.rt thou also o! the dis#i les `NVUQ XR YAB PS NY VQO XA]RVQO NB o! this "anbI he saith, I0 a" not,I VLS AO]UQ`LS VLSVLS KNMNB NYNBOLC LSY NBXB #$and the servants and the o!!i#ers #$NBPVRYNBPAO WN LB WLSKLB YAB LB $ere standing, having "ade a !ire o! S`RUNVAB AO]UAYBAO `N`LBRYLVNC LVB #oals, be#ause it $as #old, and they cSTLC RO YAB N]NUXABOLOVL RO WN XNV $ere $ar"ing the"selves, and Peter ASVQO L `NVULC NPVQC YAB $as standing $ith the", and $ar"ing ]NUXABOLXNOLC hi"sel!) #%The #hie! riests, there!ore, #%L LSO AUTBNUNSC RUQVRPNO VLO ?uestioned 5esus #on#erning his BRPLSO `NUB VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS YAB dis#i les, and #on#erning his tea#hing, `NUB VRC WBWATRC ASVLS ,(5esus ans$ered hi", I0 s a'e !reely ,(A`NYUB]R ASVQ L BRPLSC NMQ to the $orld, 0 did al$ays tea#h in a `AUURPBA NKAKRPA VQ YLPXQ NMQ synagogue, and in the te" le, $here `AOVLVN NWBWAaA NO VR PSOAMQMR YAB the 5e$s do al$ays #o"e together, and NO VQ BNUQ L`LS `AOVLVN LB BLSWABLB in se#ret 0 s a'e nothing, PSONUTLOVAB YAB NO YUS`VQ NKAKRPA LSWNO ,#$hy "e dost thou ?uestionb ,#VB XN N`NUQVAC N`NUQVRPLO VLSC ?uestion those having heard $hat 0 AYRYLLVAC VB NKAKRPA ASVLBC BWN s a'e to the", lo, these have 'no$n LSVLB LBWAPBO A NB`LO NMQ $hat 0 said)I ,,.nd he having said these things, one ,,VASVA WN ASVLS NB`LOVLC NBC VQO o! the o!!i#ers standing by did give S`RUNVQO `AUNPVRYQC NWQYNO 5esus a sla , saying, IThus dost thou UA`BPXA VQ BRPLS NB`QO LSVQC ans$er the #hie! riestbI A`LYUBOR VQ AUTBNUNB ,-5esus ans$ered hi", I0! 0 s a'e ill, ,-A`NYUB]R ASVQ L BRPLSC NB YAYQC testi!y #on#erning the ill, and i! $ell, NKAKRPA XAUVSURPLO `NUB VLS YAYLS $hy "e dost thou s"itebI NB WN YAKQC VB XN WNUNBC ,..nnas then sent hi" bound to ,.A`NPVNBKNO ASVLO L AOOAC Daia has the #hie! riest) WNWNXNOLO `ULC YABAZAO VLO AUTBNUNA
,'.nd Si"on Peter $as standing and $ar"ing hi"sel!, they said then to hi", I.rt thou also o! his dis#i lesbI he denied, and said, I0 a" not)I ,/One o! the servants o! the #hie! riest, being 'ins"an o! hi" $hose ear Peter #ut o!!, saith, IDid not 0 see thee in the garden $ith hi"bI ,0again, there!ore, Peter denied, and i""ediately a #o#' #re$) ,$They led, there!ore, 5esus !ro" Daia has to the raetoriu", and it $as early, and they the"selves did not enter into the raetoriu", that they "ight not be de!iled, but that they "ight eat the assover, ,%Pilate, there!ore, $ent !orth unto the", and said, IWhat a##usation do ye bring against this "anbI -(they ans$ered and said to hi", I0! he $ere not an evil doer, $e had not delivered hi" to thee)I -#Pilate, there!ore, said to the", ITa'e ye hi" ++ ye ++ and a##ording to your la$ -udge hi",I the 5e$s, there!ore, said to hi", I0t is not la$!ul to us to ut any one to death,I -,that the $ord o! 5esus "ight be !ul!illed $hi#h he said, signi!ying by $hat death he $as about to die) --Pilate, there!ore, entered into the raetoriu" again, and #alled 5esus, and said to hi", IThou art the King o! the 5e$sbI ,'RO WN PBXQO `NVULC NPVQC YAB ]NUXABOLXNOLC NB`LO LSO ASVQ XR YAB PS NY VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS NB RUORPAVL NYNBOLC YAB NB`NO LSY NBXB ,/KNMNB NBC NY VQO WLSKQO VLS AUTBNUNQC PSMMNORC QO LS A`NYLcNO `NVULC VL QVBLO LSY NMQ PN NBWLO NO VQ YR`Q XNV ASVLS ,0`AKBO LSO RUORPAVL L `NVULC YAB NS]NQC AKNYVQU NZQORPNO ,$AMLSPBO LSO VLO BRPLSO A`L VLS YABAZA NBC VL `UABVQUBLO RO WN `UQBA YAB ASVLB LSY NBPRK]LO NBC VL `UABVQUBLO BOA XR XBAO]QPBO AKK BOA ZAMQPBO VL `APTA ,%NaRK]NO LSO L `BKAVLC `ULC ASVLSC YAB NB`NO VBOA YAVRMLUBAO ZNUNVN YAVA VLS AO]UQ`LS VLSVLS -(A`NYUB]RPAO YAB NB`LO ASVQ NB XR RO LSVLC YAYL`LBLC LSY AO PLB `AUNWQYAXNO ASVLO -#NB`NO LSO ASVLBC L `BKAVLC KAHNVN ASVLO SXNBC YAB YAVA VLO OLXLO SXQO YUBOAVN ASVLO NB`LO LSO ASVQ LB BLSWABLB RXBO LSY NaNPVBO A`LYVNBOAB LSWNOA -,BOA L KLMLC VLS BRPLS `KRUQ]R LO NB`NO PRXABOQO `LBQ ]AOAVQ RXNKKNO A`L]ORPYNBO --NBPRK]NO LSO NBC VL `UABVQUBLO `AKBO L `BKAVLC YAB NZQORPNO VLO BRPLSO YAB NB`NO ASVQ PS NB L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO
-.5esus ans$ered hi", IFro" thysel! dost thou say thisb or did others say it to thee about "ebI -'Pilate ans$ered, I." 0 a 5e$b thy nation, and the #hie! riests did deliver thee u to "e, $hat didst thoubI -/5esus ans$ered, I@y 'ingdo" is not o! this $orld, i! "y 'ingdo" $ere o! this $orld, "y o!!i#ers had struggled that 0 "ight not be delivered u to 5e$s, but no$ "y 'ingdo" is not !ro" hen#e)I -0Pilate, there!ore, said to hi", I.rt thou then a 'ingbI 5esus ans$ered, IThou dost say IitI, be#ause a 'ing 0 a", 0 !or this have been born, and !or this 0 have #o"e to the $orld, that 0 "ay testi!y to the truth, every one $ho is o! the truth, doth hear "y voi#e)I -$Pilate saith to hi", IWhat is truthbI and this having said, again he $ent !orth unto the 5e$s, and saith to the", I0 do !ind no !ault in hi", -%and ye have a #usto" that 0 shall release to you one in the assover, $ill ye, there!ore, IthatI 0 shall release to you the 'ing o! the 5e$sbI .(there!ore they all #ried out again, saying, I/ot this one ++ but Barabbas,I and Barabbas $as a robber) -.A`NYUB]R ASVQ L BRPLSC AZ NASVLS PS VLSVL KNMNBC R AKKLB PLB NB`LO `NUB NXLS -'A`NYUB]R L `BKAVLC XRVB NMQ BLSWABLC NBXB VL N]OLC VL PLO YAB LB AUTBNUNBC `AUNWQYAO PN NXLB VB N`LBRPAC -/A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC R HAPBKNBA R NXR LSY NPVBO NY VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS NB NY VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS RO R HAPBKNBA R NXR LB S`RUNVAB AO LB NXLB RMQOB\LOVL BOA XR `AUAWL]Q VLBC BLSWABLBC OSO WN R HAPBKNBA R NXR LSY NPVBO NOVNS]NO -0NB`NO LSO ASVQ L `BKAVLC LSYLSO HAPBKNSC NB PS A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC PS KNMNBC LVB HAPBKNSC NBXB NMQ NMQ NBC VLSVL MNMNOORXAB YAB NBC VLSVL NKRKS]A NBC VLO YLPXLO BOA XAUVSURPQ VR AKR]NBA `AC L QO NY VRC AKR]NBAC AYLSNB XLS VRC ZQORC -$KNMNB ASVQ L `BKAVLC VB NPVBO AKR]NBA YAB VLSVL NB`QO `AKBO NaRK]NO `ULC VLSC BLSWABLSC YAB KNMNB ASVLBC NMQ LSWNXBAO ABVBAO NSUBPYQ NO ASVQ -%NPVBO WN PSOR]NBA SXBO BOA NOA SXBO A`LKSPQ NO VQ `APTA HLSKNP]N LSO SXBO A`LKSPQ VLO HAPBKNA VQO BLSWABQO .(NYUASMAPAO LSO `AKBO `AOVNC KNMLOVNC XR VLSVLO AKKA VLO HAUAHHAO RO WN L HAUAHHAC KRPVRC
+hapter #%
#Then, there!ore, did Pilate ta'e 5esus and s#ourge Ihi"I, ,and the soldiers having laited a #ro$n o! thorns, did la#e IitI on his head, and a ur le gar"ent they ut around hi", -and said, IHaild the 'ing o! the 5e$s,I and they $ere giving hi" sla s) .Pilate, there!ore, again $ent !orth $ithout, and saith to the", ILo, 0 do bring hi" to you $ithout, that ye "ay 'no$ that in hi" 0 !ind no !ault,I '5esus, there!ore, #a"e !orth $ithout, bearing the thorny #ro$n and the ur le gar"ent, and he saith to the", ILo, the "andI /When, there!ore, the #hie! riests and the o!!i#ers did see hi", they #ried out, saying, IDru#i!y, #ru#i!y,I Pilate saith to the", ITa'e ye hi" ++ ye, and #ru#i!y, !or 0 !ind no !ault in hi",I #VLVN LSO NKAHNO L `BKAVLC VLO BRPLSO YAB NXAPVBMQPNO ,YAB LB PVUAVBQVAB `KNaAOVNC PVNZAOLO Na AYAO]QO N`N]RYAO ASVLS VR YNZAKR YAB BXAVBLO `LUZSULSO `NUBNHAKLO ASVLO -YAB NKNMLO TABUN L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO YAB NWBWLSO ASVQ UA`BPXAVA .NaRK]NO LSO `AKBO NaQ L `BKAVLC YAB KNMNB ASVLBC BWN AMQ SXBO ASVLO NaQ BOA MOQVN LVB NO ASVQ LSWNXBAO ABVBAO NSUBPYQ 'NaRK]NO LSO L BRPLSC NaQ ZLUQO VLO AYAO]BOLO PVNZAOLO YAB VL `LUZSULSO BXAVBLO YAB KNMNB ASVLBC BWN L AO]UQ`LC /LVN LSO NBWLO ASVLO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB S`RUNVAB NYUASMAPAO KNMLOVNC PVASUQPLO PVASUQPLO KNMNB ASVLBC L `BKAVLC KAHNVN ASVLO SXNBC YAB PVASUQPAVN NMQ MAU LST NSUBPYQ NO ASVQ ABVBAO 0the 5e$s ans$ered hi", IWe have a 0A`NYUB]RPAO ASVQ LB BLSWABLB RXNBC la$, and a##ording to our la$ he ought OLXLO NTLXNO YAB YAVA VLO OLXLO to die, !or he "ade hi"sel! Son o! RXQO LZNBKNB A`L]AONBO LVB NASVLO &od)I SBLO ]NLS N`LBRPNO $When, there!ore, Pilate heard this $LVN LSO RYLSPNO L `BKAVLC VLSVLO $ord, he $as the "ore a!raid, VLO KLMLO XAKKLO NZLHR]R %and entered again to the raetoriu", %YAB NBPRK]NO NBC VL `UABVQUBLO `AKBO and saith to 5esus, IWhen#e art thoubI YAB KNMNB VQ BRPLS `L]NO NB PS L WN and 5esus gave hi" no ans$er) BRPLSC A`LYUBPBO LSY NWQYNO ASVQ
#(Pilate, there!ore, saith to hi", ITo "e dost thou not s ea'b hast thou not 'no$n that 0 have authority to #ru#i!y thee, and 0 have authority to release theebI ##5esus ans$ered, IThou $ouldst have no authority against "e, i! it $ere not having been given thee !ro" above, be#ause o! this, he $ho is delivering "e u to thee hath greater sin)I #,Fro" this Iti"eI $as Pilate see'ing to release hi", and the 5e$s $ere #rying out, saying, I0! this one thou "ayest release, thou art not a !riend o! Daesar, every one "a'ing hi"sel! a 'ing, doth s ea' against Daesar)I #-Pilate, there!ore, having heard this $ord, brought 5esus $ithout ++ and he sat do$n u on the tribunal ++ to a la#e #alled, IPave"ent,I and in Hebre$, &abbatha, #.and it $as the re aration o! the assover, and as it $ere the si(th hour, and he saith to the 5e$s, ILo, your 'ingdI #'and they #ried out, ITa'e a$ay, ta'e a$ay, #ru#i!y hi",I Pilate saith to the", I4our 'ing shall 0 #ru#i!ybI the #hie! riests ans$ered, IWe have no 'ing e(#e t Daesar)I #/Then, there!ore, he delivered hi" u to the", that he "ay be #ru#i!ied, and they too' 5esus and led Ihi"I a$ay, #(KNMNB LSO ASVQ L `BKAVLC NXLB LS KAKNBC LSY LBWAC LVB NaLSPBAO NTQ PVASUQPAB PN YAB NaLSPBAO NTQ A`LKSPAB PN ##A`NYUB]R L BRPLSC LSY NBTNC NaLSPBAO LSWNXBAO YAV NXLS NB XR RO PLB WNWLXNOLO AOQ]NO WBA VLSVL L `AUAWBWLSC XN PLB XNB\LOA AXAUVBAO NTNB #,NY VLSVLS N\RVNB L `BKAVLC A`LKSPAB ASVLO LB WN BLSWABLB NYUA\LO KNMLOVNC NAO VLSVLO A`LKSPRC LSY NB ZBKLC VLS YABPAULC `AC L HAPBKNA ASVLO `LBQO AOVBKNMNB VQ YABPAUB #-L LSO `BKAVLC AYLSPAC VLSVLO VLO KLMLO RMAMNO NaQ VLO BRPLSO YAB NYA]BPNO N`B VLS HRXAVLC NBC VL`LO KNMLXNOLO KB]LPVUQVLO NHUABPVB WN MAHHA]A #.RO WN `AUAPYNSR VLS `APTA QUA WN QPNB NYVR YAB KNMNB VLBC BLSWABLBC BWN L HAPBKNSC SXQO #'LB WN NYUASMAPAO AULO AULO PVASUQPLO ASVLO KNMNB ASVLBC L `BKAVLC VLO HAPBKNA SXQO PVASUQPQ A`NYUB]RPAO LB AUTBNUNBC LSY NTLXNO HAPBKNA NB XR YABPAUA #/VLVN LSO `AUNWQYNO ASVLO ASVLBC BOA PVASUQ]R `AUNKAHLO WN VLO BRPLSO YAB A`RMAMLO
#0and bearing his #ross, he $ent !orth to the la#e #alled IPla#eI o! a S'ull, $hi#h is #alled in Hebre$ &olgotha, #$$here they #ru#i!ied hi", and $ith hi" t$o others, on this side, and on that side, and 5esus in the "idst) #%.nd Pilate also $rote a title, and ut IitI on the #ross, and it $as $ritten, I5esus the /aEarene, the 'ing o! the 5e$s,I ,(this title, there!ore, read "any o! the 5e$s, be#ause the la#e $as nigh to the #ity $here 5esus $as #ru#i!ied, and it $as having been $ritten in Hebre$, in &ree', in Ro"an) ,#The #hie! riests o! the 5e$s said, there!ore, to Pilate, IWrite not ++ The 'ing o! the 5e$s, but that one said, 0 a" 'ing o! the 5e$s,I ,,Pilate ans$ered, IWhat 0 have $ritten, 0 have $ritten)I ,-The soldiers, there!ore, $hen they did #ru#i!y 5esus, too' his gar"ents, and "ade !our arts, to ea#h soldier a art, also the #oat, and the #oat $as sea"less, !ro" the to $oven throughout, #0YAB HAPVA\QO VLO PVASULO ASVLS NaRK]NO NBC VLO KNMLXNOLO YUAOBLS VL`LO LC KNMNVAB NHUABPVB MLKML]A #$L`LS ASVLO NPVASUQPAO YAB XNV ASVLS AKKLSC WSL NOVNS]NO YAB NOVNS]NO XNPLO WN VLO BRPLSO #%NMUAcNO WN YAB VBVKLO L `BKAVLC YAB N]RYNO N`B VLS PVASULS RO WN MNMUAXXNOLO BRPLSC L OA\QUABLC L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO ,(VLSVLO LSO VLO VBVKLO `LKKLB AONMOQPAO VQO BLSWABQO LVB NMMSC RO VRC `LKNQC L VL`LC L`LS NPVASUQ]R L BRPLSC YAB RO MNMUAXXNOLO NHUABPVB NKKROBPVB UQXABPVB ,#NKNMLO LSO VQ `BKAVQ LB AUTBNUNBC VQO BLSWABQO XR MUAZN L HAPBKNSC VQO BLSWABQO AKK LVB NYNBOLC NB`NO HAPBKNSC NBXB VQO BLSWABQO ,,A`NYUB]R L `BKAVLC L MNMUAZA MNMUAZA ,-LB LSO PVUAVBQVAB LVN NPVASUQPAO VLO BRPLSO NKAHLO VA BXAVBA ASVLS YAB N`LBRPAO VNPPAUA XNUR NYAPVQ PVUAVBQVR XNULC YAB VLO TBVQOA RO WN L TBVQO AUUAZLC NY VQO AOQ]NO SZAOVLC WB LKLS
,.they said, there!ore, to one another, IWe "ay not rend it, but #ast a lot !or it, $hose it shall be,I that the Writing "ight be !ul!illed, that is saying, IThey divided "y gar"ents to the"selves, and u on "y rai"ent they did #ast a lot,I the soldiers, there!ore, indeed, did these things) ,'.nd there stood by the #ross o! 5esus his "other, and his "otherIs sister, @ary o! Dleo as, and @ary the @agdalene, ,/5esus, there!ore, having seen IhisI "other, and the dis#i le standing by, $ho" he $as loving, he saith to his "other, IWo"an, lo, thy son,I ,0a!ter$ard he saith to the dis#i le, ILo, thy "other,I and !ro" that hour the dis#i le too' her to his o$n Iho"eI) ,$.!ter this, 5esus 'no$ing that all things no$ have been !inished, that the Writing "ay be !ul!illed, saith, I0 thirst,I ,%a vessel, there!ore, $as la#ed !ull o! vinegar, and they having !illed a s onge $ith vinegar, and having ut IitI around a hysso stal', did ut IitI to his "outh, -($hen, there!ore, 5esus re#eived the vinegar, he said, I0t hath been !inished,I and having bo$ed the head, gave u the s irit) ,.NB`LO LSO `ULC AKKRKLSC XR PTBPQXNO ASVLO AKKA KATQXNO `NUB ASVLS VBOLC NPVAB BOA R MUAZR `KRUQ]R R KNMLSPA WBNXNUBPAOVL VA BXAVBA XLS NASVLBC YAB N`B VLO BXAVBPXLO XLS NHAKLO YKRULO LB XNO LSO PVUAVBQVAB VASVA N`LBRPAO ,'NBPVRYNBPAO WN `AUA VQ PVASUQ VLS BRPLS R XRVRU ASVLS YAB R AWNKZR VRC XRVULC ASVLS XAUBA R VLS YKQ`A YAB XAUBA R XAMWAKROR ,/BRPLSC LSO BWQO VRO XRVNUA YAB VLO XA]RVRO `AUNPVQVA LO RMA`A KNMNB VR XRVUB ASVLS MSOAB BWLS L SBLC PLS ,0NBVA KNMNB VQ XA]RVR BWLS R XRVRU PLS YAB A` NYNBORC VRC QUAC NKAHNO ASVRO L XA]RVRC NBC VA BWBA ,$XNVA VLSVL NBWQC L BRPLSC LVB `AOVA RWR VNVNKNPVAB BOA VNKNBQ]R R MUAZR KNMNB WBcQ ,%PYNSLC LSO NYNBVL LaLSC XNPVLO LB WN `KRPAOVNC P`LMMLO LaLSC YAB SPPQ`Q `NUB]NOVNC `ULPRONMYAO ASVLS VQ PVLXAVB -(LVN LSO NKAHNO VL LaLC L BRPLSC NB`NO VNVNKNPVAB YAB YKBOAC VRO YNZAKRO `AUNWQYNO VL `ONSXA
-#The 5e$s, there!ore, that the bodies "ight not re"ain on the #ross on the sabbath, sin#e it $as the re aration, 7!or that sabbath day $as a great one,< as'ed o! Pilate that their legs "ay be bro'en, and they ta'en a$ay) -,The soldiers, there!ore, #a"e, and o! the !irst indeed they did brea' the legs, and o! the other $ho $as #ru#i!ied $ith hi", --and having #o"e to 5esus, $hen they sa$ hi" already having been dead, they did not brea' his legs, -.but one o! the soldiers $ith a s ear did ier#e his side, and i""ediately there #a"e !orth blood and $ater, -'and he $ho hath seen hath testi!ied, and his testi"ony is true, and that one hath 'no$n that true things he s ea'eth, that ye also "ay believe) -/For these things #a"e to ass, that the Writing "ay be !ul!illed, I. bone o! hi" shall not be bro'en,I -0and again another Writing saith, IThey shall loo' to hi" $ho" they did ier#e)I -$.nd a!ter these things did 5ose h o! .ri"athea ++ being a dis#i le o! 5esus, but #on#ealed, through the !ear o! the 5e$s ++ as' o! Pilate, that he "ay ta'e a$ay the body o! 5esus, and Pilate gave leave, he #a"e, there!ore, and too' a$ay the body o! 5esus, -#LB LSO BLSWABLB BOA XR XNBOR N`B VLS PVASULS VA PQXAVA NO VQ PAHHAVQ N`NB `AUAPYNSR RO RO MAU XNMAKR R RXNUA NYNBOLS VLS PAHHAVLS RUQVRPAO VLO `BKAVLO BOA YAVNAMQPBO ASVQO VA PYNKR YAB AU]QPBO -,RK]LO LSO LB PVUAVBQVAB YAB VLS XNO `UQVLS YAVNAaAO VA PYNKR YAB VLS AKKLS VLS PSPVASUQ]NOVLC ASVQ --N`B WN VLO BRPLSO NK]LOVNC QC NBWLO ASVLO RWR VN]ORYLVA LS YAVNAaAO ASVLS VA PYNKR -.AKK NBC VQO PVUAVBQVQO KLMTR ASVLS VRO `KNSUAO NOSaNO YAB NS]SC NaRK]NO ABXA YAB SWQU -'YAB L NQUAYQC XNXAUVSURYNO YAB AKR]BOR ASVLS NPVBO R XAUVSUBA YAYNBOLC LBWNO LVB AKR]R KNMNB BOA SXNBC `BPVNSPRVN -/NMNONVL MAU VASVA BOA R MUAZR `KRUQ]R LPVLSO LS PSOVUBHRPNVAB ASVLS -0YAB `AKBO NVNUA MUAZR KNMNB LcLOVAB NBC LO NaNYNOVRPAO -$XNVA WN VASVA RUQVRPNO VLO `BKAVLO L BQPRZ L A`L AUBXA]ABAC QO XA]RVRC VLS BRPLS YNYUSXXNOLC WN WBA VLO ZLHLO VQO BLSWABQO BOA AUR VL PQXA VLS BRPLS YAB N`NVUNcNO L `BKAVLC RK]NO LSO YAB RUNO VL PQXA VLS BRPLS
-%and /i#ode"us also #a"e ++ $ho #a"e unto 5esus by night at the !irst ++ bearing a "i(ture o! "yrrh and aloes, as it $ere, a hundred ounds) .(They too', there!ore, the body o! 5esus, and bound it $ith linen #lothes $ith the s i#es, a##ording as it $as the #usto" o! the 5e$s to re are !or burial, .#and there $as in the la#e $here he $as #ru#i!ied a garden, and in the garden a ne$ to"b, in $hi#h no one $as yet laid, .,there, there!ore, be#ause o! the re aration o! the 5e$s, be#ause the to"b $as nigh, they laid 5esus) -%RK]NO WN YAB OBYLWRXLC L NK]QO `ULC VLO BRPLSO OSYVLC VL `UQVLO ZNUQO XBMXA PXSUORC YAB AKLRC QPNB KBVUAC NYAVLO .(NKAHLO LSO VL PQXA VLS BRPLS YAB NWRPAO ASVL L]LOBLBC XNVA VQO AUQXAVQO YA]QC N]LC NPVBO VLBC BLSWABLBC NOVAZBA\NBO .#RO WN NO VQ VL`Q L`LS NPVASUQ]R YR`LC YAB NO VQ YR`Q XORXNBLO YABOLO NO Q LSWN`Q LSWNBC NVN]R .,NYNB LSO WBA VRO `AUAPYNSRO VQO BLSWABQO LVB NMMSC RO VL XORXNBLO N]RYAO VLO BRPLSO
+hapter ,(
#.nd on the !irst o! the sabbaths, @ary the @agdalene doth #o"e early 7there being yet dar'ness< to the to"b, and she seeth the stone having been ta'en a$ay out o! the to"b, ,she runneth, there!ore, and #o"eth unto Si"on Peter, and unto the other dis#i le $ho" 5esus $as loving, and saith to the", IThey too' a$ay the Lord out o! the to"b, and $e have not 'no$n $here they laid hi")I -Peter, there!ore, $ent !orth, and the other dis#i le, and they $ere #o"ing to the to"b, .and the t$o $ere running together, and the other dis#i le did run !or$ard "ore ?ui#'ly than Peter, and #a"e !irst to the to"b, 'and having stoo ed do$n, seeth the linen #lothes lying, yet, indeed, he entered not) /Si"on Peter, there!ore, #o"eth, !ollo$ing hi", and he entered into the to"b, and beholdeth the linen #lothes lying, 0and the na 'in that $as u on his head, not lying $ith the linen #lothes, but a art, having been !olded u , in one la#e, $then, there!ore, entered also the other dis#i le $ho #a"e !irst unto the to"b, and he sa$, and did believe, #VR WN XBA VQO PAHHAVQO XAUBA R XAMWAKROR NUTNVAB `UQB PYLVBAC NVB LSPRC NBC VL XORXNBLO YAB HKN`NB VLO KB]LO RUXNOLO NY VLS XORXNBLS ,VUNTNB LSO YAB NUTNVAB `ULC PBXQOA `NVULO YAB `ULC VLO AKKLO XA]RVRO LO NZBKNB L BRPLSC YAB KNMNB ASVLBC RUAO VLO YSUBLO NY VLS XORXNBLS YAB LSY LBWAXNO `LS N]RYAO ASVLO -NaRK]NO LSO L `NVULC YAB L AKKLC XA]RVRC YAB RUTLOVL NBC VL XORXNBLO .NVUNTLO WN LB WSL LXLS YAB L AKKLC XA]RVRC `ULNWUAXNO VATBLO VLS `NVULS YAB RK]NO `UQVLC NBC VL XORXNBLO 'YAB `AUAYScAC HKN`NB YNBXNOA VA L]LOBA LS XNOVLB NBPRK]NO /NUTNVAB LSO PBXQO `NVULC AYLKLS]QO ASVQ YAB NBPRK]NO NBC VL XORXNBLO YAB ]NQUNB VA L]LOBA YNBXNOA 0YAB VL PLSWAUBLO L RO N`B VRC YNZAKRC ASVLS LS XNVA VQO L]LOBQO YNBXNOLO AKKA TQUBC NOVNVSKBMXNOLO NBC NOA VL`LO $VLVN LSO NBPRK]NO YAB L AKKLC XA]RVRC L NK]QO `UQVLC NBC VL XORXNBLO YAB NBWNO YAB N`BPVNSPNO
%!or not yet did they 'no$ the Writing, that it behoveth hi" out o! the dead to rise again) #(The dis#i les there!ore $ent a$ay again unto their o$n !riends, ##and @ary $as standing near the to"b, $ee ing $ithout, as she $as $ee ing, then, she stoo ed do$n to the to"b, and beholdeth t$o "essengers in $hite, sitting, #,one at the head, and one at the !eet, $here the body o! 5esus had been laid) %LSWN`Q MAU RWNBPAO VRO MUAZRO LVB WNB ASVLO NY ONYUQO AOAPVROAB #(A`RK]LO LSO `AKBO `ULC NASVLSC LB XA]RVAB ##XAUBA WN NBPVRYNB `ULC VL XORXNBLO YKABLSPA NaQ QC LSO NYKABNO `AUNYScNO NBC VL XORXNBLO
#,YAB ]NQUNB WSL AMMNKLSC NO KNSYLBC YA]N\LXNOLSC NOA `ULC VR YNZAKR YAB NOA `ULC VLBC `LPBO L`LS NYNBVL VL PQXA VLS BRPLS #-.nd they say to her, IWo"an, $hy #-YAB KNMLSPBO ASVR NYNBOLB MSOAB VB dost thou $ee bI she saith to the", YKABNBC KNMNB ASVLBC LVB RUAO VLO IBe#ause they too' a$ay "y Lord, and YSUBLO XLS YAB LSY LBWA `LS N]RYAO 0 have not 'no$n $here they laid hi",I ASVLO #.and these things having said, she #.YAB VASVA NB`LSPA NPVUAZR NBC VA turned ba#'$ard, and seeth 5esus L`BPQ YAB ]NQUNB VLO BRPLSO NPVQVA standing, and she had not 'no$n that it YAB LSY RWNB LVB L BRPLSC NPVBO is 5esus) #'5esus saith to her, IWo"an, $hy #'KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC MSOAB VB YKABNBC dost thou $ee b $ho" dost thou see',I VBOA \RVNBC NYNBOR WLYLSPA LVB L she, su osing that he is the gardener, YR`LSULC NPVBO KNMNB ASVQ YSUBN NB PS saith to hi", ISir, i! thou didst #arry NHAPVAPAC ASVLO NB`N XLB `LS ASVLO hi" a$ay, tell "e $here thou didst lay N]RYAC YAMQ ASVLO AUQ hi", and 0 $ill ta'e hi" a$ay,I #/5esus saith to her, I@arydI having #/KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC XAUBA turned, she saith to hi", IRabbouni,I PVUAZNBPA NYNBOR KNMNB ASVQ that is to say, ITea#her)I UAHHLSOB L KNMNVAB WBWAPYAKN
#05esus saith to her, IBe not tou#hing "e, !or 0 have not yet as#ended unto "y Father, and be going on to "y brethren, and say to the", 0 as#end unto "y Father, and your Father, and to "y &od, and to your &od)I #$@ary the @agdalene #o"eth, telling to the dis#i les that she hath seen the Lord, and IthatI these things he said to her) #%0t being, there!ore, evening, on that day, the !irst o! the sabbaths, and the doors having been shut $here the dis#i les $ere asse"bled, through !ear o! the 5e$s, 5esus #a"e and stood in the "idst, and saith to the", IPea#e to you,I ,(and this having said, he she$ed the" his hands and side, the dis#i les, there!ore, re-oi#ed, having seen the Lord) ,#5esus, there!ore, said to the" again, IPea#e to you, a##ording as the Father hath sent "e, 0 also send you,I ,,and this having said, he breathed on Ithe"I, and saith to the", IRe#eive the Holy S irit, ,-i! o! any ye "ay loose the sins, they are loosed to the", i! o! any ye "ay retain, they have been retained)I ,..nd Tho"as, one o! the t$elve, $ho is #alled Didy"us, $as not $ith the" $hen 5esus #a"e, #0KNMNB ASVR L BRPLSC XR XLS A`VLS LS`Q MAU AOAHNHRYA `ULC VLO `AVNUA XLS `LUNSLS WN `ULC VLSC AWNKZLSC XLS YAB NB`N ASVLBC AOAHABOQ `ULC VLO `AVNUA XLS YAB `AVNUA SXQO YAB ]NLO XLS YAB ]NLO SXQO #$NUTNVAB XAUBA R XAMWAKROR A`AMMNKKLSPA VLBC XA]RVABC LVB NQUAYNO VLO YSUBLO YAB VASVA NB`NO ASVR #%LSPRC LSO LcBAC VR RXNUA NYNBOR VR XBA VQO PAHHAVQO YAB VQO ]SUQO YNYKNBPXNOQO L`LS RPAO LB XA]RVAB PSORMXNOLB WBA VLO ZLHLO VQO BLSWABQO RK]NO L BRPLSC YAB NPVR NBC VL XNPLO YAB KNMNB ASVLBC NBUROR SXBO ,(YAB VLSVL NB`QO NWNBaNO ASVLBC VAC TNBUAC YAB VRO `KNSUAO ASVLS NTAURPAO LSO LB XA]RVAB BWLOVNC VLO YSUBLO ,#NB`NO LSO ASVLBC L BRPLSC `AKBO NBUROR SXBO YA]QC A`NPVAKYNO XN L `AVRU YAMQ `NX`Q SXAC ,,YAB VLSVL NB`QO NONZSPRPNO YAB KNMNB ASVLBC KAHNVN `ONSXA AMBLO ,-AO VBOQO AZRVN VAC AXAUVBAC AZBNOVAB ASVLBC AO VBOQO YUAVRVN YNYUAVROVAB ,.]QXAC WN NBC NY VQO WQWNYA L KNMLXNOLC WBWSXLC LSY RO XNV ASVQO LVN RK]NO L BRPLSC
,'the other dis#i les, there!ore, said to hi", IWe have seen the Lord,I and he said to the", I0! 0 "ay not see in his hands the "ar' o! the nails, and "ay ut "y !inger to the "ar' o! the nails, and "ay ut "y hand to his side, 0 $ill not believe)I ,/.nd a!ter eight days, again $ere his dis#i les $ithin, and Tho"as $ith the", 5esus #o"eth, the doors having been shut, and he stood in the "idst, and said, IPea#e to youdI ,0then he saith to Tho"as, IBring thy !inger hither, and see "y hands, and bring thy hand, and ut IitI to "y side, and be#o"e not unbelieving, but believing)I ,$.nd Tho"as ans$ered and said to hi", I@y Lord and "y &od,I ,%5esus saith to hi", IBe#ause thou hast seen "e, Tho"as, thou hast believed, ha y those not having seen, and having believed)I -(@any indeed, there!ore, other signs also did 5esus be!ore his dis#i les, that are not $ritten in this boo', -#and these have been $ritten that ye "ay believe that 5esus is the Dhrist, the Son o! &od, and that believing ye "ay have li!e in his na"e)I ,'NKNMLO LSO ASVQ LB AKKLB XA]RVAB NQUAYAXNO VLO YSUBLO L WN NB`NO ASVLBC NAO XR BWQ NO VABC TNUPBO ASVLS VLO VS`LO VQO RKQO YAB HAKQ VLO WAYVSKLO XLS NBC VLO VS`LO VQO RKQO YAB HAKQ VRO TNBUA XLS NBC VRO `KNSUAO ASVLS LS XR `BPVNSPQ ,/YAB XN] RXNUAC LYVQ `AKBO RPAO NPQ LB XA]RVAB ASVLS YAB ]QXAC XNV ASVQO NUTNVAB L BRPLSC VQO ]SUQO YNYKNBPXNOQO YAB NPVR NBC VL XNPLO YAB NB`NO NBUROR SXBO ,0NBVA KNMNB VQ ]QXA ZNUN VLO WAYVSKLO PLS QWN YAB BWN VAC TNBUAC XLS YAB ZNUN VRO TNBUA PLS YAB HAKN NBC VRO `KNSUAO XLS YAB XR MBOLS A`BPVLC AKKA `BPVLC ,$YAB A`NYUB]R L ]QXAC YAB NB`NO ASVQ L YSUBLC XLS YAB L ]NLC XLS ,%KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC LVB NQUAYAC XN ]QXA `N`BPVNSYAC XAYAUBLB LB XR BWLOVNC YAB `BPVNSPAOVNC -(`LKKA XNO LSO YAB AKKA PRXNBA N`LBRPNO L BRPLSC NOQ`BLO VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS A LSY NPVBO MNMUAXXNOA NO VQ HBHKBQ VLSVQ -#VASVA WN MNMUA`VAB BOA `BPVNSPRVN LVB L BRPLSC NPVBO L TUBPVLC L SBLC VLS ]NLS YAB BOA `BPVNSLOVNC \QRO NTRVN NO VQ LOLXAVB ASVLS
+hapter ,#
#.!ter these things did 5esus "ani!est hi"sel! again to the dis#i les on the sea o! Tiberias, and he did "ani!est hi"sel! thusF ,There $ere together Si"on Peter, and Tho"as $ho is #alled Didy"us, and /athanael !ro" Dana o! &alilee, and the IsonsI o! [ebedee, and t$o others o! his dis#i les) -Si"on Peter saith to the", I0 go a$ay to !ish,I they say to hi", IWe go ++ $e also ++ $ith thee,I they $ent !orth and entered into the boat i""ediately, and on that night they #aught nothing) ..nd "orning being no$ #o"e, 5esus stood at the shore, yet indeed the dis#i les did not 'no$ that it is 5esus, '5esus, there!ore, saith to the", ILads, have ye any "eatbI /they ans$ered hi", I/o,I and he said to the", IDast the net at the right side o! the boat, and ye shall !ind,I they #ast, there!ore, and no longer $ere they able to dra$ it, !ro" the "ultitude o! the !ishes) 0That dis#i le, there!ore, $ho" 5esus $as loving saith to Peter, IThe Lord it isdI Si"on Peter, there!ore, having heard that it is the Lord, did gird on the outer #oat, 7!or he $as na'ed,< and did #ast hi"sel! into the sea, #XNVA VASVA NZAONUQPNO NASVLO `AKBO L BRPLSC VLBC XA]RVABC N`B VRC ]AKAPPRC VRC VBHNUBAWLC NZAONUQPNO WN LSVQC ,RPAO LXLS PBXQO `NVULC YAB ]QXAC L KNMLXNOLC WBWSXLC YAB OA]AOARK L A`L YAOA VRC MAKBKABAC YAB LB VLS \NHNWABLS YAB AKKLB NY VQO XA]RVQO ASVLS WSL -KNMNB ASVLBC PBXQO `NVULC S`AMQ AKBNSNBO KNMLSPBO ASVQ NUTLXN]A YAB RXNBC PSO PLB NaRK]LO YAB AONHRPAO NBC VL `KLBLO NS]SC YAB NO NYNBOR VR OSYVB N`BAPAO LSWNO .`UQBAC WN RWR MNOLXNORC NPVR L BRPLSC NBC VLO ABMBAKLO LS XNOVLB RWNBPAO LB XA]RVAB LVB BRPLSC NPVBO 'KNMNB LSO ASVLBC L BRPLSC `ABWBA XR VB `ULPZAMBLO NTNVN A`NYUB]RPAO ASVQ LS /L WN NB`NO ASVLBC HAKNVN NBC VA WNaBA XNUR VLS `KLBLS VL WBYVSLO YAB NSURPNVN NHAKLO LSO YAB LSY NVB ASVL NKYSPAB BPTSPAO A`L VLS `KR]LSC VQO BT]SQO 0KNMNB LSO L XA]RVRC NYNBOLC LO RMA`A L BRPLSC VQ `NVUQ L YSUBLC NPVBO PBXQO LSO `NVULC AYLSPAC LVB L YSUBLC NPVBO VLO N`NOWSVRO WBN\QPAVL RO MAU MSXOLC YAB NHAKNO NASVLO NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO
$and the other dis#i les #a"e by the little boat, !or they $ere not !ar !ro" the land, but as it $ere about t$o hundred #ubits o!!, dragging the net o! the !ishes, %$hen, there!ore, they #a"e to the land, they behold a !ire o! #oals lying, and a !ish lying on it, and bread) #(5esus saith to the", IBring ye !ro" the !ishes that ye #aught no$,I ##Si"on Peter $ent u , and dre$ the net u on the land, !ull o! great !ishes, an hundred !i!ty and three, and though they $ere so "any, the net $as not rent) #,5esus saith to the", IDo"e ye, dine,I and none o! the dis#i les $as venturing to in?uire o! hi", IWho art thoubI 'no$ing that it is the Lord, #-5esus, there!ore, doth #o"e and ta'e the bread and give to the", and the !ish in li'e "anner, #.this IisI no$ a third ti"e 5esus $as "ani!ested to his dis#i les, having been raised !ro" the dead) #'When, there!ore, they dined, 5esus saith to Si"on Peter, ISi"on, IsonI o! 5onas, dost thou love "e "ore than thesebI he saith to hi", I4es, Lord, thou hast 'no$n that 0 dearly love thee,I he saith to hi", IFeed "y la"bs)I $LB WN AKKLB XA]RVAB VQ `KLBAUBQ RK]LO LS MAU RPAO XAYUAO A`L VRC MRC AKK QC A`L `RTQO WBAYLPBQO PSULOVNC VL WBYVSLO VQO BT]SQO %QC LSO A`NHRPAO NBC VRO MRO HKN`LSPBO AO]UAYBAO YNBXNORO YAB LcAUBLO N`BYNBXNOLO YAB AUVLO #(KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC NONMYAVN A`L VQO LcAUBQO QO N`BAPAVN OSO ##AONHR PBXQO `NVULC YAB NBKYSPNO VL WBYVSLO N`B VRC MRC XNPVLO BT]SQO XNMAKQO NYAVLO `NOVRYLOVAVUBQO YAB VLPLSVQO LOVQO LSY NPTBP]R VL WBYVSLO #,KNMNB ASVLBC L BRPLSC WNSVN AUBPVRPAVN LSWNBC WN NVLKXA VQO XA]RVQO NaNVAPAB ASVLO PS VBC NB NBWLVNC LVB L YSUBLC NPVBO #-NUTNVAB LSO L BRPLSC YAB KAXHAONB VLO AUVLO YAB WBWQPBO ASVLBC YAB VL LcAUBLO LXLBQC #.VLSVL RWR VUBVLO NZAONUQ]R L BRPLSC VLBC XA]RVABC ASVLS NMNU]NBC NY ONYUQO #'LVN LSO RUBPVRPAO KNMNB VQ PBXQOB `NVUQ L BRPLSC PBXQO BQOA AMA`AC XN `KNBLO VLSVQO KNMNB ASVQ OAB YSUBN PS LBWAC LVB ZBKQ PN KNMNB ASVQ HLPYN VA AUOBA XLS
#/He saith to hi" again, a se#ond ti"e, ISi"on, IsonI o! 5onas, dost thou love "ebI he saith to hi", I4es, Lord, thou hast 'no$n that 0 dearly love thee,I he saith to hi", ITend "y shee )I #0He saith to hi" the third ti"e, ISi"on, IsonI o! 5onas, dost thou dearly love "ebI Peter $as grieved that he said to hi" the third ti"e, IDost thou dearly love "ebI and he said to hi", ILord, thou hast 'no$n all things, thou dost 'no$ that 0 dearly love thee)I 5esus saith to hi", IFeed "y shee , #$verily, verily, 0 say to thee, When thou $ast younger, thou $ast girding thysel! and $ast $al'ing $hither thou didst $ill, but $hen thou "ayest be old, thou shalt stret#h !orth thy hands, and another $ill gird thee, and shall #arry ItheeI $hither thou dost not $ill,I #%and this he said, signi!ying by $hat death he shall glori!y &od, and having said this, he saith to hi", IBe !ollo$ing "e)I ,(.nd Peter having turned about doth see the dis#i le $ho" 5esus $as loving !ollo$ing, 7$ho also re#lined in the su er on his breast, and said, ISir, $ho is he $ho is delivering thee u bI< ,#Peter having seen this one, saith to 5esus, ILord, and $hat o! this onebI #/KNMNB ASVQ `AKBO WNSVNULO PBXQO BQOA AMA`AC XN KNMNB ASVQ OAB YSUBN PS LBWAC LVB ZBKQ PN KNMNB ASVQ `LBXABON VA `ULHAVA XLS #0KNMNB ASVQ VL VUBVLO PBXQO BQOA ZBKNBC XN NKS`R]R L `NVULC LVB NB`NO ASVQ VL VUBVLO ZBKNBC XN YAB NB`NO ASVQ YSUBN PS `AOVA LBWAC PS MBOQPYNBC LVB ZBKQ PN KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC HLPYN VA `ULHAVA XLS #$AXRO AXRO KNMQ PLB LVN RC ONQVNULC N\QOOSNC PNASVLO YAB `NUBN`AVNBC L`LS R]NKNC LVAO WN MRUAPRC NYVNONBC VAC TNBUAC PLS YAB AKKLC PN \QPNB YAB LBPNB L`LS LS ]NKNBC #%VLSVL WN NB`NO PRXABOQO `LBQ ]AOAVQ WLaAPNB VLO ]NLO YAB VLSVL NB`QO KNMNB ASVQ AYLKLS]NB XLB ,(N`BPVUAZNBC WN L `NVULC HKN`NB VLO XA]RVRO LO RMA`A L BRPLSC AYLKLS]LSOVA LC YAB AON`NPNO NO VQ WNB`OQ N`B VL PVR]LC ASVLS YAB NB`NO YSUBN VBC NPVBO L `AUAWBWLSC PN ,#VLSVLO BWQO L `NVULC KNMNB VQ BRPLS YSUBN LSVLC WN VB
,,5esus saith to hi", I0! hi" 0 $ill to re"ain till 0 #o"e, $hat ++ to theeb be thou !ollo$ing "e)I This $ord, there!ore, $ent !orth to the brethren that that dis#i le doth not die, ,-yet 5esus did not say to hi", that he doth not die, but, I0! hi" 0 $ill to re"ain till 0 #o"e, $hat ++ to theebI ,,KNMNB ASVQ L BRPLSC NAO ASVLO ]NKQ XNONBO NQC NUTLXAB VB `ULC PN PS AYLKLS]NB XLB
,-NaRK]NO LSO L KLMLC LSVLC NBC VLSC AWNKZLSC LVB L XA]RVRC NYNBOLC LSY A`L]ORPYNB YAB LSY NB`NO ASVQ L BRPLSC LVB LSY A`L]ORPYNB AKK NAO ASVLO ]NKQ XNONBO NQC NUTLXAB VB `ULC PN ,.this is the dis#i le $ho is testi!ying ,.LSVLC NPVBO L XA]RVRC L XAUVSUQO #on#erning these things, and he $rote `NUB VLSVQO YAB MUAcAC VASVA YAB these things, and $e have 'no$n that LBWAXNO LVB AKR]RC NPVBO R XAUVSUBA his testi"ony is true) ASVLS ,'.nd there are also "any other ,'NPVBO WN YAB AKKA `LKKA LPA things ++ as "any as 5esus did ++ N`LBRPNO L BRPLSC AVBOA NAO MUAZRVAB $hi#h, i! they "ay be $ritten one by YA] NO LSWN ASVLO LBXAB VLO YLPXLO one, not even the $orld itsel! 0 thin' to TQURPAB VA MUAZLXNOA HBHKBA AXRO have la#e !or the boo's $ritten) ."en)
+hapter #
#The !or"er a##ount, indeed, 0 "ade #on#erning all things, O Theo hilus, that 5esus began both to do and to tea#h, ,till the day in $hi#h, having given #o""and, through the Holy S irit, to the a ostles $ho" he did #hoose out, he $as ta'en u , -to $ho" also he did resent hi"sel! alive a!ter his su!!ering, in "any #ertain roo!s, through !orty days being seen by the", and s ea'ing the things #on#erning the reign o! &od) ..nd being asse"bled together $ith the", he #o""anded the" not to de art !ro" 5erusale", but to $ait !or the ro"ise o! the Father, $hi#h, Isaith he,I I4e did hear o! "e, 'be#ause 5ohn, indeed, ba tiEed $ith $ater, and ye shall be ba tiEed $ith the Holy S irit ++ a!ter not "any days)I /They, there!ore, indeed, having #o"e together, $ere ?uestioning hi", saying, ILord, dost thou at this ti"e restore the reign to 0sraelbI 0and he said unto the", I0t is not yours to 'no$ ti"es or seasons that the Father did a oint in His o$n authority, #VLO XNO `UQVLO KLMLO N`LBRPAXRO `NUB `AOVQO Q ]NLZBKN QO RUaAVL L BRPLSC `LBNBO VN YAB WBWAPYNBO ,ATUB RC RXNUAC NOVNBKAXNOLC VLBC A`LPVLKLBC WBA `ONSXAVLC AMBLS LSC NaNKNaAVL AONKRZ]R -LBC YAB `AUNPVRPNO NASVLO \QOVA XNVA VL `A]NBO ASVLO NO `LKKLBC VNYXRUBLBC WB RXNUQO VNPPAUAYLOVA L`VAOLXNOLC ASVLBC YAB KNMQO VA `NUB VRC HAPBKNBAC VLS ]NLS .YAB PSOAKB\LXNOLC `AURMMNBKNO ASVLBC A`L BNULPLKSXQO XR TQUB\NP]AB AKKA `NUBXNONBO VRO N`AMMNKBAO VLS `AVULC RO RYLSPAVN XLS 'LVB BQAOORC XNO NHA`VBPNO SWAVB SXNBC WN HA`VBP]RPNP]N NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ LS XNVA `LKKAC VASVAC RXNUAC /LB XNO LSO PSONK]LOVNC N`RUQVQO ASVLO KNMLOVNC YSUBN NB NO VQ TULOQ VLSVQ A`LYA]BPVAONBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VQ BPUARK 0NB`NO WN `ULC ASVLSC LST SXQO NPVBO MOQOAB TULOLSC R YABULSC LSC L `AVRU N]NVL NO VR BWBA NaLSPBA
$but ye shall re#eive o$er at the #o"ing o! the Holy S irit u on you, and ye shall be $itnesses to "e both in 5erusale", and in all 5udea, and Sa"aria, and unto the end o! the earth)I %.nd these things having said ++ they beholding ++ he $as ta'en u , and a #loud did re#eive hi" u !ro" their sight, #(and as they $ere loo'ing sted!astly to the heaven in his going on, then, lo, t$o "en stood by the" in $hite a arel, ##$ho also said, I@en, &alileans, $hy do ye stand gaEing into the heavenb this 5esus $ho $as re#eived u !ro" you into the heaven, shall so #o"e in $hat "anner ye sa$ hi" going on to the heaven)I #,Then did they return to 5erusale" !ro" the "ount that is #alled o! Olives, that is near 5erusale", a sabbathIs -ourney, #-and $hen they #a"e in, they $ent u to the u er roo", $here $ere abiding both Peter, and 5a"es, and 5ohn, and .ndre$, Phili , and Tho"as, Bartholo"e$, and @atthe$, 5a"es, o! .l haeus, and Si"on the [elotes, and 5udas, o! 5a"es, $AKKA KRcNP]N WSOAXBO N`NK]LOVLC VLS AMBLS `ONSXAVLC NZ SXAC YAB NPNP]N XLB XAUVSUNC NO VN BNULSPAKRX YAB NO `APR VR BLSWABA YAB PAXAUNBA YAB NQC NPTAVLS VRC MRC %YAB VASVA NB`QO HKN`LOVQO ASVQO N`RU]R YAB ONZNKR S`NKAHNO ASVLO A`L VQO LZ]AKXQO ASVQO #(YAB QC AVNOB\LOVNC RPAO NBC VLO LSUAOLO `LUNSLXNOLS ASVLS YAB BWLS AOWUNC WSL `AUNBPVRYNBPAO ASVLBC NO NP]RVB KNSYR ##LB YAB NB`LO AOWUNC MAKBKABLB VB NPVRYAVN NXHKN`LOVNC NBC VLO LSUAOLO LSVLC L BRPLSC L AOAKRZ]NBC AZ SXQO NBC VLO LSUAOLO LSVQC NKNSPNVAB LO VUL`LO N]NAPAP]N ASVLO `LUNSLXNOLO NBC VLO LSUAOLO #,VLVN S`NPVUNcAO NBC BNULSPAKRX A`L LULSC VLS YAKLSXNOLS NKABQOLC L NPVBO NMMSC BNULSPAKRX PAHHAVLS NTLO LWLO #-YAB LVN NBPRK]LO AONHRPAO NBC VL S`NUQLO LS RPAO YAVAXNOLOVNC L VN `NVULC YAB BAYQHLC YAB BQAOORC YAB AOWUNAC ZBKB``LC YAB ]QXAC HAU]LKLXABLC YAB XAV]ABLC BAYQHLC AKZABLS YAB PBXQO L \RKQVRC YAB BLSWAC BAYQHLS
#.these all $ere #ontinuing $ith one a##ord in rayer and su li#ation, $ith $o"en, and @ary the "other o! 5esus, and $ith his brethren) #'.nd in these days, Peter having risen u in the "idst o! the dis#i les, said, 7the "ultitude also o! the na"es at the sa"e la#e $as, as it $ere, an hundred and t$enty,< #/I@en, brethren, it behoved this Writing that it be !ul!illed that be!orehand the Holy S irit s a'e through the "outh o! David, #on#erning 5udas, $ho be#a"e guide to those $ho too' 5esus, #0be#ause he $as nu"bered a"ong us, and did re#eive the share in this "inistration, #$this one, indeed, then, ur#hased a !ield out o! the re$ard o! unrighteousness, and !alling headlong, burst asunder in the "idst, and all his bo$els gushed !orth, #%and it be#a"e 'no$n to all those d$elling in 5erusale", inso"u#h that that la#e is #alled, in their ro er diale#t, .#elda"a, that is, !ield o! blood, ,(!or it hath been $ritten in the boo' o! Psal"sF Let his lodging+ la#e be#o"e desolate, and let no one be d$elling in it, and his oversight let another ta'e) #.LSVLB `AOVNC RPAO `ULPYAUVNULSOVNC LXL]SXAWLO VR `ULPNSTR YAB VR WNRPNB PSO MSOABaBO YAB XAUBA VR XRVUB VLS BRPLS YAB PSO VLBC AWNKZLBC ASVLS #'YAB NO VABC RXNUABC VASVABC AOAPVAC `NVULC NO XNPQ VQO XA]RVQO NB`NO RO VN LTKLC LOLXAVQO N`B VL ASVL QC NYAVLO NBYLPBO #/AOWUNC AWNKZLB NWNB `KRUQ]ROAB VRO MUAZRO VASVRO RO `ULNB`NO VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO WBA PVLXAVLC WAHBW `NUB BLSWA VLS MNOLXNOLS LWRMLS VLBC PSKKAHLSPBO VLO BRPLSO #0LVB YAVRUB]XRXNOLC RO PSO RXBO YAB NKATNO VLO YKRULO VRC WBAYLOBAC VASVRC #$LSVLC XNO LSO NYVRPAVL TQUBLO NY VLS XBP]LS VRC AWBYBAC YAB `URORC MNOLXNOLC NKAYRPNO XNPLC YAB NaNTS]R `AOVA VA P`KAMTOA ASVLS #%YAB MOQPVLO NMNONVL `APBO VLBC YAVLBYLSPBO BNULSPAKRX QPVN YKR]ROAB VL TQUBLO NYNBOL VR BWBA WBAKNYVQ ASVQO AYNKWAXA VLSVNPVBO TQUBLO ABXAVLC ,(MNMUA`VAB MAU NO HBHKQ cAKXQO MNOR]RVQ R N`ASKBC ASVLS NURXLC YAB XR NPVQ L YAVLBYQO NO ASVR YAB VRO N`BPYL`RO ASVLS KAHLB NVNULC
,#I0t behoveth, there!ore, o! the "en $ho did go $ith us during all the ti"e in $hi#h the Lord 5esus $ent in and $ent out a"ong us, ,,beginning !ro" the ba tis" o! 5ohn, unto the day in $hi#h he $as re#eived u !ro" us, one o! these to be#o"e $ith us a $itness o! his rising again)I ,-.nd they set t$o, 5ose h #alled Barsabas, $ho $as surna"ed 5ustus, and @atthias, ,.and having rayed, they said, IThou, Lord, $ho art 'no$ing the heart o! all, she$ $hi#h one thou didst #hoose o! these t$o ,'to re#eive the share o! this "inistration and a ostleshi , !ro" $hi#h 5udas, by transgression, did !all, to go on to his ro er la#e,I ,/and they gave their lots, and the lot !ell u on @atthias, and he $as nu"bered $ith the eleven a ostles) ,#WNB LSO VQO PSONK]LOVQO RXBO AOWUQO NO `AOVB TULOQ NO Q NBPRK]NO YAB NaRK]NO NZ RXAC L YSUBLC BRPLSC ,,AUaAXNOLC A`L VLS HA`VBPXAVLC BQAOOLS NQC VRC RXNUAC RC AONKRZ]R AZ RXQO XAUVSUA VRC AOAPVAPNQC ASVLS MNONP]AB PSO RXBO NOA VLSVQO ,-YAB NPVRPAO WSL BQPRZ VLO YAKLSXNOLO HAUPAHAO LC N`NYKR]R BLSPVLC YAB XAV]BAO ,.YAB `ULPNSaAXNOLB NB`LO PS YSUBN YAUWBLMOQPVA `AOVQO AOAWNBaLO NY VLSVQO VQO WSL NOA LO NaNKNaQ ,'KAHNBO VLO YKRULO VRC WBAYLOBAC VASVRC YAB A`LPVLKRC Na RC `AUNHR BLSWAC `LUNS]ROAB NBC VLO VL`LO VLO BWBLO ,/YAB NWQYAO YKRULSC ASVQO YAB N`NPNO L YKRULC N`B XAV]BAO YAB PSMYAVNcRZBP]R XNVA VQO NOWNYA A`LPVLKQO
+hapter ,
#.nd in the day o! the Pente#ost being !ul!illed, they $ere all $ith one a##ord at the sa"e la#e, ,and there #a"e suddenly out o! the heaven a sound as o! a bearing violent breath, and it !illed all the house $here they $ere sitting, -and there a eared to the" divided tongues, as it $ere o! !ire, it sat also u on ea#h one o! the", .and they $ere all !illed $ith the Holy S irit, and began to s ea' $ith other tongues, a##ording as the S irit $as giving the" to de#lare) '.nd there $ere d$elling in 5erusale" 5e$s, devout "en !ro" every nation o! those under the heaven, /and the ru"our o! this having #o"e, the "ultitude #a"e together, and $as #on!ounded, be#ause they $ere ea#h one hearing the" s ea'ing in his ro er diale#t, 0and they $ere all a"aEed, and did $onder, saying one unto another, ILo, are not all these $ho are s ea'ing &alileansb $and ho$ do $e hear, ea#h in our ro er diale#t, in $hi#h $e $ere bornb %Parthians, and @edes, and Ela"ites, and those d$elling in @eso ota"ia, in 5udea also, and Da ado#ia, Pontus, and .sia, #YAB NO VQ PSX`KRULSP]AB VRO RXNUAO VRC `NOVRYLPVRC RPAO A`AOVNC LXL]SXAWLO N`B VL ASVL ,YAB NMNONVL AZOQ NY VLS LSUAOLS RTLC QP`NU ZNULXNORC `OLRC HBABAC YAB N`KRUQPNO LKLO VLO LBYLO LS RPAO YA]RXNOLB -YAB QZ]RPAO ASVLBC WBAXNUB\LXNOAB MKQPPAB QPNB `SULC NYA]BPNO VN NZ NOA NYAPVLO ASVQO .YAB N`KRP]RPAO A`AOVNC `ONSXAVLC AMBLS YAB RUaAOVL KAKNBO NVNUABC MKQPPABC YA]QC VL `ONSXA NWBWLS ASVLBC A`LZ]NMMNP]AB 'RPAO WN NO BNULSPAKRX YAVLBYLSOVNC BLSWABLB AOWUNC NSKAHNBC A`L `AOVLC N]OLSC VQO S`L VLO LSUAOLO /MNOLXNORC WN VRC ZQORC VASVRC PSORK]NO VL `KR]LC YAB PSONTS]R LVB RYLSLO NBC NYAPVLC VR BWBA WBAKNYVQ KAKLSOVQO ASVQO 0NaBPVAOVL WN `AOVNC YAB N]ASXA\LO KNMLOVNC `ULC AKKRKLSC LSY BWLS `AOVNC LSVLB NBPBO LB KAKLSOVNC MAKBKABLB $YAB `QC RXNBC AYLSLXNO NYAPVLC VR BWBA WBAKNYVQ RXQO NO R NMNOOR]RXNO %`AU]LB YAB XRWLB YAB NKAXBVAB YAB LB YAVLBYLSOVNC VRO XNPL`LVAXBAO BLSWABAO VN YAB YA``AWLYBAO `LOVLO YAB VRO APBAO
#(Phrygia also, and Pa" hylia, Egy t, and the arts o! Libya, that IareI along Dyrene, and the strangers o! Ro"e, both 5e$s and roselytes, ##Dretes and .rabians, $e did hear the" s ea'ing in our tongues the great things o! &od)I #,.nd they $ere all a"aEed, and $ere in doubt, saying one unto another, IWhat $ould this $ish to bebI #-and others "o#'ing said, ++ IThey are !ull o! s$eet $ine,I #.and Peter having stood u $ith the eleven, li!ted u his voi#e and de#lared to the", I@en, 5e$sd and all those d$elling in 5erusale", let this be 'no$n to you, and har'en to "y sayings, #'!or these are not drun'en, as ye ta'e it u , !or it is the third hour o! the day) #(ZUSMBAO VN YAB `AXZSKBAO ABMS`VLO YAB VA XNUR VRC KBHSRC VRC YAVA YSURORO YAB LB N`BWRXLSOVNC UQXABLB BLSWABLB VN YAB `ULPRKSVLB ##YURVNC YAB AUAHNC AYLSLXNO KAKLSOVQO ASVQO VABC RXNVNUABC MKQPPABC VA XNMAKNBA VLS ]NLS #,NaBPVAOVL WN `AOVNC YAB WBR`LULSO AKKLC `ULC AKKLO KNMLOVNC VB AO ]NKLB VLSVL NBOAB #-NVNULB WN TKNSA\LOVNC NKNMLO LVB MKNSYLSC XNXNPVQXNOLB NBPBO #.PVA]NBC WN `NVULC PSO VLBC NOWNYA N`RUNO VRO ZQORO ASVLS YAB A`NZ]NMaAVL ASVLBC AOWUNC BLSWABLB YAB LB YAVLBYLSOVNC BNULSPAKRX A`AOVNC VLSVL SXBO MOQPVLO NPVQ YAB NOQVBPAP]N VA URXAVA XLS #'LS MAU QC SXNBC S`LKAXHAONVN LSVLB XN]SLSPBO NPVBO MAU QUA VUBVR VRC RXNUAC #/IBut this is that $hi#h hath been #/AKKA VLSVL NPVBO VL NBURXNOLO WBA s o'en through the ro het 5oelF VLS `ULZRVLS BQRK #0.nd it shall be in the last days, saith #0YAB NPVAB NO VABC NPTAVABC RXNUABC &od, 0 $ill our out o! @y S irit u on KNMNB L ]NLC NYTNQ A`L VLS `ONSXAVLC all !lesh, and your sons and your XLS N`B `APAO PAUYA YAB daughters shall ro hesy, and your `ULZRVNSPLSPBO LB SBLB SXQO YAB AB young "en shall see visions, and your ]SMAVNUNC SXQO YAB LB ONAOBPYLB SXQO old "en shall drea" drea"s, LUAPNBC LcLOVAB YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB SXQO NOS`OBA NOS`OBAP]RPLOVAB #$and also u on @y "en+servants, #$YAB MN N`B VLSC WLSKLSC XLS YAB N`B and u on @y "aid+servants, in those VAC WLSKAC XLS NO VABC RXNUABC days, 0 $ill our out o! @y S irit, and NYNBOABC NYTNQ A`L VLS `ONSXAVLC XLS they shall ro hesy, YAB `ULZRVNSPLSPBO =62
#%and 0 $ill give $onders in the heaven above, and signs u on the earth beneath ++ blood, and !ire, and va our o! s"o'e, ,(the sun shall be turned to dar'ness, and the "oon to blood, be!ore the #o"ing o! the day o! the Lord ++ the great and illustrious, ,#and it shall be, every one ++ $hoever shall #all u on the na"e o! the Lord, he shall be saved) ,,I@en, 0sraelitesd hear these $ords, 5esus the /aEarene, a "an a roved o! &od a"ong you by "ighty $or's, and $onders, and signs, that &od did through hi" in the "idst o! you, a##ording as also ye yourselves have 'no$n, ,-this one, by the deter"inate #ounsel and !ore'no$ledge o! &od, being given out, having ta'en by la$less hands, having #ru#i!ied ++ ye did slay, ,.$ho" &od did raise u , having loosed the ains o! the death, be#ause it $as not ossible !or hi" to be held by it, ,'!or David saith in regard to hi"F 0 !oresa$ the Lord al$ays be!ore "e ++ be#ause He is on "y right hand ++ that 0 "ay not be "oved, ,/be#ause o! this $as "y heart #heered, and "y tongue $as glad, and yet ++ "y !lesh also shall rest on ho e, #%YAB WQPQ VNUAVA NO VQ LSUAOQ AOQ YAB PRXNBA N`B VRC MRC YAVQ ABXA YAB `SU YAB AVXBWA YA`OLS ,(L RKBLC XNVAPVUAZRPNVAB NBC PYLVLC YAB R PNKROR NBC ABXA `UBO R NK]NBO VRO RXNUAO YSUBLS VRO XNMAKRO YAB N`BZAOR ,#YAB NPVAB `AC LC AO N`BYAKNPRVAB VL LOLXA YSUBLS PQ]RPNVAB ,,AOWUNC BPUARKBVAB AYLSPAVN VLSC KLMLSC VLSVLSC BRPLSO VLO OA\QUABLO AOWUA A`L VLS ]NLS A`LWNWNBMXNOLO NBC SXAC WSOAXNPBO YAB VNUAPBO YAB PRXNBLBC LBC N`LBRPNO WB ASVLS L ]NLC NO XNPQ SXQO YA]QC YAB ASVLB LBWAVN ,-VLSVLO VR QUBPXNOR HLSKR YAB `ULMOQPNB VLS ]NLS NYWLVLO KAHLOVNC WBA TNBUQO AOLXQO `ULP`RaAOVNC AONBKNVN ,.LO L ]NLC AONPVRPNO KSPAC VAC QWBOAC VLS ]AOAVLS YA]LVB LSY RO WSOAVLO YUAVNBP]AB ASVLO S` ASVLS ,'WAHBW MAU KNMNB NBC ASVLO `ULQUQXRO VLO YSUBLO NOQ`BLO XLS WBA `AOVLC LVB NY WNaBQO XLS NPVBO BOA XR PAKNS]Q ,/WBA VLSVL NSZUAO]R R YAUWBA XLS YAB RMAKKBAPAVL R MKQPPA XLS NVB WN YAB R PAUa XLS YAVAPYROQPNB N` NK`BWB
,0be#ause Thou $ilt not leave "y soul to hades, nor $ilt Thou give Thy Kind One to see #orru tion, ,$Thou didst "a'e 'no$n to "e $ays o! li!e, Thou shalt !ill "e $ith -oy $ith Thy #ountenan#e) ,%I@en, brethrend it is er"itted to s ea' $ith !reedo" unto you #on#erning the atriar#h David, that he both died and $as buried, and his to"b is a"ong us unto this day, -(a ro het, there!ore, being, and 'no$ing that $ith an oath &od did s$ear to hi", out o! the !ruit o! his loins, a##ording to the !lesh, to raise u the Dhrist, to sit u on his throne, -#having !oreseen, he did s ea' #on#erning the rising again o! the Dhrist, that his soul $as not le!t to hades, nor did his !lesh see #orru tion) -,IThis 5esus did &od raise u , o! $hi#h $e are all $itnesses, --at the right hand then o! &od having been e(alted ++ also the ro"ise o! the Holy S irit having re#eived !ro" the Father ++ he $as shedding !orth this, $hi#h no$ ye see and hear, -.!or David did not go u to the heavens, and he saith hi"sel!F The Lord saith to "y lord, Sit thou at "y right hand, -'till 0 "a'e thy !oes thy !ootstool, ,0LVB LSY NMYAVAKNBcNBC VRO cSTRO XLS NBC AWLS LSWN WQPNBC VLO LPBLO PLS BWNBO WBAZ]LUAO ,$NMOQUBPAC XLB LWLSC \QRC `KRUQPNBC XN NSZULPSORC XNVA VLS `ULPQ`LS PLS ,%AOWUNC AWNKZLB NaLO NB`NBO XNVA `AUURPBAC `ULC SXAC `NUB VLS `AVUBAUTLS WAHBW LVB YAB NVNKNSVRPNO YAB NVAZR YAB VL XORXA ASVLS NPVBO NO RXBO ATUB VRC RXNUAC VASVRC -(`ULZRVRC LSO S`AUTQO YAB NBWQC LVB LUYQ QXLPNO ASVQ L ]NLC NY YAU`LS VRC LPZSLC ASVLS VL YAVA PAUYA AOAPVRPNBO VLO TUBPVLO YA]BPAB N`B VLS ]ULOLS ASVLS -#`ULBWQO NKAKRPNO `NUB VRC AOAPVAPNQC VLS TUBPVLS LVB LS YAVNKNBZ]R R cSTR ASVLS NBC AWLS LSWN R PAUa ASVLS NBWNO WBAZ]LUAO -,VLSVLO VLO BRPLSO AONPVRPNO L ]NLC LS `AOVNC RXNBC NPXNO XAUVSUNC --VR WNaBA LSO VLS ]NLS ScQ]NBC VRO VN N`AMMNKBAO VLS AMBLS `ONSXAVLC KAHQO `AUA VLS `AVULC NaNTNNO VLSVL L OSO SXNBC HKN`NVN YAB AYLSNVN -.LS MAU WAHBW AONHR NBC VLSC LSUAOLSC KNMNB WN ASVLC NB`NO L YSUBLC VQ YSUBQ XLS YA]LS NY WNaBQO XLS -'NQC AO ]Q VLSC NT]ULSC PLS S`L`LWBLO VQO `LWQO PLS
-/assuredly, there!ore, let all the house o! 0srael 'no$, that both Lord and Dhrist did &od "a'e hi" ++ this 5esus $ho" ye did #ru#i!y)I -0.nd having heard, they $ere ri#'ed to the heart, they say also to Peter, and to the rest o! the a ostles, IWhat shall $e do, "en, brethrenbI -$and Peter said unto the", IRe!or", and be ba tiEed ea#h o! you on the na"e o! 5esus Dhrist, to re"ission o! sins, and ye shall re#eive the gi!t o! the Holy S irit, -%!or to you is the ro"ise, and to your #hildren, and to all those a!ar o!!, as "any as the Lord our &od shall #all)I .(.lso $ith "any "ore other $ords he $as testi!ying and e(horting, saying, IBe saved !ro" this erverse generation,I .#then those, indeed, $ho did gladly re#eive his $ord $ere ba tiEed, and there $ere added on that day, as it $ere, three thousand souls, .,and they $ere #ontinuing sted!astly in the tea#hing o! the a ostles, and the !ello$shi , and the brea'ing o! the bread, and the rayers) .-.nd !ear #a"e on every soul, "any $onders also and signs $ere being done through the a ostles, -/APZAKQC LSO MBOQPYNVQ `AC LBYLC BPUARK LVB YAB YSUBLO YAB TUBPVLO ASVLO L ]NLC N`LBRPNO VLSVLO VLO BRPLSO LO SXNBC NPVASUQPAVN -0AYLSPAOVNC WN YAVNOSMRPAO VR YAUWBA NB`LO VN `ULC VLO `NVULO YAB VLSC KLB`LSC A`LPVLKLSC VB `LBRPLXNO AOWUNC AWNKZLB -$`NVULC WN NZR `ULC ASVLSC XNVAOLRPAVN YAB HA`VBP]RVQ NYAPVLC SXQO N`B VQ LOLXAVB BRPLS TUBPVLS NBC AZNPBO AXAUVBQO YAB KRcNP]N VRO WQUNAO VLS AMBLS `ONSXAVLC -%SXBO MAU NPVBO R N`AMMNKBA YAB VLBC VNYOLBC SXQO YAB `APBO VLBC NBC XAYUAO LPLSC AO `ULPYAKNPRVAB YSUBLC L ]NLC RXQO .(NVNULBC VN KLMLBC `KNBLPBO WBNXAUVSUNVL YAB `AUNYAKNB KNMQO PQ]RVN A`L VRC MNONAC VRC PYLKBAC VASVRC .#LB XNO LSO APXNOQC A`LWNaAXNOLB VLO KLMLO ASVLS NHA`VBP]RPAO YAB `ULPNVN]RPAO VR RXNUA NYNBOR cSTAB QPNB VUBPTBKBAB .,RPAO WN `ULPYAUVNULSOVNC VR WBWATR VQO A`LPVLKQO YAB VR YLBOQOBA YAB VR YKAPNB VLS AUVLS YAB VABC `ULPNSTABC .-NMNONVL WN `APR cSTR ZLHLC `LKKA VN VNUAVA YAB PRXNBA WBA VQO A`LPVLKQO NMBONVL
..and all those believing $ere at the sa"e la#e, and had all things #o""on, .'and the ossessions and the goods they $ere selling, and $ere arting the" to all, a##ording as any one had need) ./Daily also #ontinuing $ith one a##ord in the te" le, brea'ing also at every house bread, they $ere arta'ing o! !ood in gladness and si" li#ity o! heart, .0 raising &od, and having !avour $ith all the eo le, and the Lord $as adding those being saved every day to the asse"bly) ..`AOVNC WN LB `BPVNSLOVNC RPAO N`B VL ASVL YAB NBTLO A`AOVA YLBOA .'YAB VA YVRXAVA YAB VAC S`AUaNBC N`B`UAPYLO YAB WBNXNUB\LO ASVA `APBO YA]LVB AO VBC TUNBAO NBTNO ./YA] RXNUAO VN `ULPYAUVNULSOVNC LXL]SXAWLO NO VQ BNUQ YKQOVNC VN YAV LBYLO AUVLO XNVNKAXHAOLO VULZRC NO AMAKKBAPNB YAB AZNKLVRVB YAUWBAC .0ABOLSOVNC VLO ]NLO YAB NTLOVNC TAUBO `ULC LKLO VLO KALO L WN YSUBLC `ULPNVB]NB VLSC PQ\LXNOLSC YA] RXNUAO VR NYYKRPBA
+hapter #.nd Peter and 5ohn $ere going u at the sa"e ti"e to the te" le, at the hour o! the rayer, the ninth IhourI, ,and a #ertain "an, being la"e !ro" the $o"b o! his "other, $as being #arried, $ho" they $ere laying every day at the gate o! the te" le, #alled Beauti!ul, to as' a 'indness !ro" those entering into the te" le, -$ho, having seen Peter and 5ohn about to go into the te" le, $as begging to re#eive a 'indness) ..nd Peter, having loo'ed sted!astly to$ard hi" $ith 5ohn, said, ILoo' to$ard us,I 'and he $as giving heed to the", loo'ing to re#eive so"ething !ro" the", /and Peter said, ISilver and gold 0 have none, but $hat 0 have, that 0 give to thee, in the na"e o! 5esus Dhrist o! /aEareth, rise u and be $al'ing)I 0.nd having seiEed hi" by the right hand, he raised Ihi"I u , and resently his !eet and an'les $ere strengthened, $and s ringing u , he stood, and $as $al'ing, and did enter $ith the" into the te" le, $al'ing and s ringing, and raising &od, %and all the eo le sa$ hi" $al'ing and raising &od, #N`B VL ASVL WN `NVULC YAB BQAOORC AONHABOLO NBC VL BNULO N`B VRO QUAO VRC `ULPNSTRC VRO NOOAVRO ,YAB VBC AORU TQKLC NY YLBKBAC XRVULC ASVLS S`AUTQO NHAPVA\NVL LO NVB]LSO YA] RXNUAO `ULC VRO ]SUAO VLS BNULS VRO KNMLXNORO QUABAO VLS ABVNBO NKNRXLPSORO `AUA VQO NBP`LUNSLXNOQO NBC VL BNULO -LC BWQO `NVULO YAB BQAOORO XNKKLOVAC NBPBNOAB NBC VL BNULO RUQVA NKNRXLPSORO KAHNBO .AVNOBPAC WN `NVULC NBC ASVLO PSO VQ BQAOOR NB`NO HKNcLO NBC RXAC 'L WN N`NBTNO ASVLBC `ULPWLYQO VB `AU ASVQO KAHNBO /NB`NO WN `NVULC AUMSUBLO YAB TUSPBLO LST S`AUTNB XLB L WN NTQ VLSVL PLB WBWQXB NO VQ LOLXAVB BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS OA\QUABLS NMNBUAB YAB `NUB`AVNB 0YAB `BAPAC ASVLO VRC WNaBAC TNBULC RMNBUNO `AUATURXA WN NPVNUNQ]RPAO ASVLS AB HAPNBC YAB VA PZSUA $YAB NaAKKLXNOLC NPVR YAB `NUBN`AVNB YAB NBPRK]NO PSO ASVLBC NBC VL BNULO `NUB`AVQO YAB AKKLXNOLC YAB ABOQO VLO ]NLO %YAB NBWNO ASVLO `AC L KALC `NUB`AVLSOVA YAB ABOLSOVA VLO ]NLO
#(they $ere 'no$ing hi" also that this it $as $ho !or a 'indness $as sitting at the Beauti!ul gate o! the te" le, and they $ere !illed $ith $onder and a"aEe"ent at $hat hath ha ened to hi") ##.nd at the la"e "an $ho $as healed holding Peter and 5ohn, all the eo le ran together unto the" in the or#h #alled Solo"onIs ++ greatly a"aEed, #,and Peter having seen, ans$ered unto the eo le, I@en, 0sraelitesd $hy $onder ye at thisb or on us $hy loo' ye so earnestly, as i! by our o$n o$er or iety $e have "ade hi" to $al'b #-IThe &od o! .braha", and o! 0saa#, and o! 5a#ob, the &od o! our !athers, did glori!y His #hild 5esus, $ho" ye delivered u , and denied hi" in the resen#e o! Pilate, he having given -udg"ent to release Ihi"I, #.and ye the Holy and Righteous One did deny, and desired a "an ++ a "urderer ++ to be granted to you, #'and the Prin#e o! the li!e ye did 'ill, $ho" &od did raise out o! the dead, o! $hi#h $e are $itnesses, #/and on the !aith o! his na"e, this one $ho" ye see and have 'no$n, his na"e "ade strong, even the !aith that IisI through hi" did give to hi" this er!e#t soundness be!ore you all) #(N`NMBOQPYLO VN ASVLO LVB LSVLC RO L `ULC VRO NKNRXLPSORO YA]RXNOLC N`B VR QUABA `SKR VLS BNULS YAB N`KRP]RPAO ]AXHLSC YAB NYPVAPNQC N`B VQ PSXHNHRYLVB ASVQ ##YUAVLSOVLC WN VLS BA]NOVLC TQKLS VLO `NVULO YAB BQAOORO PSONWUAXNO `ULC ASVLSC `AC L KALC N`B VR PVLA VR YAKLSXNOR PLKLXQOVLC NY]AXHLB #,BWQO WN `NVULC A`NYUBOAVL `ULC VLO KALO AOWUNC BPUARKBVAB VB ]ASXA\NVN N`B VLSVQ R RXBO VB AVNOB\NVN QC BWBA WSOAXNB R NSPNHNBA `N`LBRYLPBO VLS `NUB`AVNBO ASVLO #-L ]NLC AHUAAX YAB BPAAY YAB BAYQH L ]NLC VQO `AVNUQO RXQO NWLaAPNO VLO `ABWA ASVLS BRPLSO LO SXNBC `AUNWQYAVN YAB RUORPAP]N ASVLO YAVA `ULPQ`LO `BKAVLS YUBOAOVLC NYNBOLS A`LKSNBO #.SXNBC WN VLO AMBLO YAB WBYABLO RUORPAP]N YAB RVRPAP]N AOWUA ZLONA TAUBP]ROAB SXBO #'VLO WN AUTRMLO VRC \QRC A`NYVNBOAVN LO L ]NLC RMNBUNO NY ONYUQO LS RXNBC XAUVSUNC NPXNO #/YAB N`B VR `BPVNB VLS LOLXAVLC ASVLS VLSVLO LO ]NQUNBVN YAB LBWAVN NPVNUNQPNO VL LOLXA ASVLS YAB R `BPVBC R WB ASVLS NWQYNO ASVQ VRO LKLYKRUBAO VASVRO A`NOAOVB `AOVQO SXQO
#0I.nd no$, brethren, 0 have 'no$n that through ignoran#e ye did IitI, as also your rulers, #$and &od, $hat things be!ore He had de#lared through the "outh o! all His ro hets, that the Dhrist should su!!er, He did thus !ul!il, #%re!or" ye, there!ore, and turn ba#', !or your sins being blotted out, that ti"es o! re!reshing "ay #o"e !ro" the resen#e o! the Lord, ,(and He "ay send 5esus Dhrist $ho be!ore hath been rea#hed to you, ,#$ho" it behoveth heaven, indeed, to re#eive till ti"es o! a restitution o! all things, o! $hi#h &od s a'e through the "outh o! all His holy ro hets !ro" the age) ,,IFor @oses, indeed, unto the !athers said ++ . ro het to you shall the Lord your &od raise u out o! your brethren, li'e to "e, hi" shall ye hear in all things, as "any as he "ay s ea' unto you, ,-and it shall be, every soul that "ay not hear that ro het shall be utterly destroyed out o! the eo le, ,.and also all the ro hets !ro" Sa"uel and those !ollo$ing in order, as "any as s a'e, did also !oretell o! these days) #0YAB OSO AWNKZLB LBWA LVB YAVA AMOLBAO N`UAaAVN QP`NU YAB LB AUTLOVNC SXQO #$L WN ]NLC A `ULYAVRMMNBKNO WBA PVLXAVLC `AOVQO VQO `ULZRVQO ASVLS `A]NBO VLO TUBPVLO N`KRUQPNO LSVQC #%XNVAOLRPAVN LSO YAB N`BPVUNcAVN NBC VL NaAKNBZ]ROAB SXQO VAC AXAUVBAC L`QC AO NK]QPBO YABULB AOAcSaNQC A`L `ULPQ`LS VLS YSUBLS ,(YAB A`LPVNBKR VLO `ULYNYRUSMXNOLO SXBO BRPLSO TUBPVLO ,#LO WNB LSUAOLO XNO WNaAP]AB ATUB TULOQO A`LYAVAPVAPNQC `AOVQO QO NKAKRPNO L ]NLC WBA PVLXAVLC `AOVQO AMBQO ASVLS `ULZRVQO A` ABQOLC ,,XQPRC XNO MAU `ULC VLSC `AVNUAC NB`NO LVB `ULZRVRO SXBO AOAPVRPNB YSUBLC L ]NLC SXQO NY VQO AWNKZQO SXQO QC NXN ASVLS AYLSPNP]N YAVA `AOVA LPA AO KAKRPR `ULC SXAC ,-NPVAB WN `APA cSTR RVBC AO XR AYLSPR VLS `ULZRVLS NYNBOLS NaLKL]UNS]RPNVAB NY VLS KALS ,.YAB `AOVNC WN LB `ULZRVAB A`L PAXLSRK YAB VQO YA]NaRC LPLB NKAKRPAO YAB `ULYAVRMMNBKAO VAC RXNUAC VASVAC
,'I4e are sons o! the ro hets, and o! the #ovenant that &od "ade unto our !athers, saying unto .braha"F .nd in thy seed shall be blessed all the !a"ilies o! the earth, ,'SXNBC NPVN SBLB VQO `ULZRVQO YAB VRC WBA]RYRC RC WBN]NVL L ]NLC `ULC VLSC `AVNUAC RXQO KNMQO `ULC AHUAAX YAB VQ P`NUXAVB PLS NONSKLMR]RPLOVAB `APAB AB `AVUBAB VRC MRC ,/to you !irst, &od, having raised u ,/SXBO `UQVLO L ]NLC AOAPVRPAC VLO His #hild 5esus, did send hi", blessing `ABWA ASVLS BRPLSO A`NPVNBKNO ASVLO you, in the turning a$ay o! ea#h one NSKLMLSOVA SXAC NO VQ A`LPVUNZNBO !ro" your evil $ays)I NYAPVLO A`L VQO `LORUBQO SXQO
+hapter .
#.nd as they are s ea'ing unto the eo le, there #a"e to the" the riests, and the "agistrate o! the te" le, and the Saddu#ees ++ ,being grieved be#ause o! their tea#hing the eo le, and rea#hing in 5esus the rising again out o! the dead ++ #KAKLSOVQO WN ASVQO `ULC VLO KALO N`NPVRPAO ASVLBC LB BNUNBC YAB L PVUAVRMLC VLS BNULS YAB LB PAWWLSYABLB ,WBA`LOLSXNOLB WBA VL WBWAPYNBO ASVLSC VLO KALO YAB YAVAMMNKKNBO NO VQ BRPLS VRO AOAPVAPBO VRO NY ONYUQO -and they laid hands u on the", and -YAB N`NHAKLO ASVLBC VAC TNBUAC YAB did ut the" in #ustody unto the N]NOVL NBC VRURPBO NBC VRO ASUBLO RO "orro$, !or it $as evening already, MAU NP`NUA RWR .and "any o! those hearing the $ord .`LKKLB WN VQO AYLSPAOVQO VLO KLMLO did believe, and the nu"ber o! the "en N`BPVNSPAO YAB NMNOR]R L AUB]XLC VQO be#a"e, as it $ere, !ive thousand) AOWUQO QPNB TBKBAWNC `NOVN '.nd it #a"e to ass u on the 'NMNONVL WN N`B VRO ASUBLO PSOAT]ROAB "orro$, there $ere gathered together ASVQO VLSC AUTLOVAC YAB o! the" the rulers, and elders, and `UNPHSVNULSC YAB MUAXXAVNBC NBC s#ribes, to 5erusale", BNULSPAKRX /and .nnas the #hie! riest, and /YAB AOOAO VLO AUTBNUNA YAB YABAZAO Daia has, and 5ohn, and .le(ander, YAB BQAOORO YAB AKNaAOWULO YAB LPLB and as "any as $ere o! the 'indred o! RPAO NY MNOLSC AUTBNUAVBYLS the #hie! riest, 89>
0and having set the" in the "idst, they $ere in?uiring, I0n $hat o$er, or in $hat na"e did ye do thisbI $Then Peter, having been !illed $ith the Holy S irit, said unto the"F IRulers o! the eo le, and elders o! 0srael, %i! $e to+day are e(a"ined #on#erning the good deed to the ailing "an, by $ho" he hath been saved, #(be it 'no$n to all o! you, and to all the eo le o! 0srael, that in the na"e o! 5esus Dhrist o! /aEareth, $ho" ye did #ru#i!y, $ho" &od did raise out o! the dead, in hi" hath this one stood by be!ore you $hole) ##IThis is the stone that $as set at nought by you ++ the builders, that be#a"e head o! a #orner, #,and there is not salvation in any other, !or there is no other na"e under the heaven that hath been given a"ong "en, in $hi#h it behoveth us to be saved)I #-.nd beholding the o enness o! Peter and 5ohn, and having er#eived that they are "en unlettered and lebeian, they $ere $ondering ++ they $ere ta'ing 'no$ledge also o! the" that $ith 5esus they had been ++ #.and seeing the "an standing $ith the" $ho hath been healed, they had nothing to say against IitI, 0YAB PVRPAOVNC ASVLSC NO VQ XNPQ N`SO]AOLOVL NO `LBA WSOAXNB R NO `LBQ LOLXAVB N`LBRPAVN VLSVL SXNBC $VLVN `NVULC `KRP]NBC `ONSXAVLC AMBLS NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC AUTLOVNC VLS KALS YAB `UNPHSVNULB VLS BPUARK %NB RXNBC PRXNULO AOAYUBOLXN]A N`B NSNUMNPBA AO]UQ`LS AP]NOLSC NO VBOB LSVLC PNPQPVAB #(MOQPVLO NPVQ `APBO SXBO YAB `AOVB VQ KAQ BPUARK LVB NO VQ LOLXAVB BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS OA\QUABLS LO SXNBC NPVASUQPAVN LO L ]NLC RMNBUNO NY ONYUQO NO VLSVQ LSVLC `AUNPVRYNO NOQ`BLO SXQO SMBRC ##LSVLC NPVBO L KB]LC L NaLS]NOR]NBC SZ SXQO VQO LBYLWLXLSOVQO L MNOLXNOLC NBC YNZAKRO MQOBAC #,YAB LSY NPVBO NO AKKQ LSWNOB R PQVRUBA LSVN MAU LOLXA NPVBO NVNULO S`L VLO LSUAOLO VL WNWLXNOLO NO AO]UQ`LBC NO Q WNB PQ]ROAB RXAC #-]NQULSOVNC WN VRO VLS `NVULS `AUURPBAO YAB BQAOOLS YAB YAVAKAHLXNOLB LVB AO]UQ`LB AMUAXXAVLB NBPBO YAB BWBQVAB N]ASXA\LO N`NMBOQPYLO VN ASVLSC LVB PSO VQ BRPLS RPAO #.VLO WN AO]UQ`LO HKN`LOVNC PSO ASVLBC NPVQVA VLO VN]NUA`NSXNOLO LSWNO NBTLO AOVNB`NBO
#'and having #o""anded the" to go a$ay out o! the sanhedri", they too' #ounsel $ith one another, #/saying, IWhat shall $e do to these "enb be#ause that, indeed, a notable sign hath been done through the", to all those d$elling in 5erusale" IisI "ani!est, and $e are not able to deny IitI, #0but that it "ay s read no !urther to$ard the eo le, let us stri#tly threaten the" no "ore to s ea' in this na"e to any "an)I #$.nd having #alled the", they #harged the" not to s ea' at all, nor to tea#h, in the na"e o! 5esus, #'YNKNSPAOVNC WN ASVLSC NaQ VLS PSONWUBLS A`NK]NBO PSONHAKLO `ULC AKKRKLSC #/KNMLOVNC VB `LBRPLXNO VLBC AO]UQ`LBC VLSVLBC LVB XNO MAU MOQPVLO PRXNBLO MNMLONO WB ASVQO `APBO VLBC YAVLBYLSPBO BNULSPAKRX ZAONULO YAB LS WSOAXN]A AUORPAP]AB
#0AKK BOA XR N`B `KNBLO WBAONXR]R NBC VLO KALO A`NBKR A`NBKRPQXN]A ASVLBC XRYNVB KAKNBO N`B VQ LOLXAVB VLSVQ XRWNOB AO]UQ`QO #$YAB YAKNPAOVNC ASVLSC `AURMMNBKAO ASVLBC VL YA]LKLS XR Z]NMMNP]AB XRWN WBWAPYNBO N`B VQ LOLXAVB VLS BRPLS #%and Peter and 5ohn ans$ering unto #%L WN `NVULC YAB BQAOORC the" said, IWhether it is righteous A`LYUB]NOVNC `ULC ASVLSC NB`LO NB be!ore &od to hear'en to you rather WBYABLO NPVBO NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS SXQO than to &od, -udge ye, AYLSNBO XAKKLO R VLS ]NLS YUBOAVN ,(!or $e #annot but s ea' $hat $e did ,(LS WSOAXN]A MAU RXNBC A NBWLXNO see and hear)I YAB RYLSPAXNO XR KAKNBO ,#.nd they having !urther threatened ,#LB WN `ULPA`NBKRPAXNOLB A`NKSPAO Ithe"I, let the" go, !inding nothing ASVLSC XRWNO NSUBPYLOVNC VL `QC ho$ they "ay unish the", be#ause o! YLKAPQOVAB ASVLSC WBA VLO KALO LVB the eo le, be#ause all $ere glori!ying `AOVNC NWLaA\LO VLO ]NLO N`B VQ &od !or that $hi#h hath been done, MNMLOLVB ,,!or above !orty years o! age $as the ,,NVQO MAU RO `KNBLOQO "an u on $ho" had been done this VNPPAUAYLOVA L AO]UQ`LC NZ LO sign o! the healing) NMNMLONB VL PRXNBLO VLSVL VRC BAPNQC
,-.nd being let go, they $ent unto their o$n !riends, and de#lared $hatever the #hie! riests and the elders said unto the", ,.and they having heard, $ith one a##ord did li!t u the voi#e unto &od, and said, ILord, thou IartI &od, $ho didst "a'e the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all that IareI in the", ,'$ho, through the "outh o! David thy servant, did say, Why did nations rage, and eo les "editate vain thingsb ,/the 'ings o! the earth stood u , and the rulers $ere gathered together against the Lord and against His Dhrist, ,0!or gathered together o! a truth against Thy holy #hild 5esus, $ho" Thou didst anoint, $ere both Herod and Pontius Pilate, $ith nations and eo les o! 0srael, ,$to do $hatever Thy hand and Thy #ounsel did deter"ine be!ore to #o"e to ass) ,%I.nd no$, Lord, loo' u on their threatenings, and grant to Thy servants $ith all !reedo" to s ea' Thy $ord, ,-A`LKS]NOVNC WN RK]LO `ULC VLSC BWBLSC YAB A`RMMNBKAO LPA `ULC ASVLSC LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB NB`LO ,.LB WN AYLSPAOVNC LXL]SXAWLO RUAO ZQORO `ULC VLO ]NLO YAB NB`LO WNP`LVA PS L ]NLC L `LBRPAC VLO LSUAOLO YAB VRO MRO YAB VRO ]AKAPPAO YAB `AOVA VA NO ASVLBC ,'L WBA PVLXAVLC WAHBW VLS `ABWLC PLS NB`QO BOAVB NZUSAaAO N]OR YAB KALB NXNKNVRPAO YNOA ,/`AUNPVRPAO LB HAPBKNBC VRC MRC YAB LB AUTLOVNC PSORT]RPAO N`B VL ASVL YAVA VLS YSUBLS YAB YAVA VLS TUBPVLS ASVLS ,0PSORT]RPAO MAU N` AKR]NBAC N`B VLO AMBLO `ABWA PLS BRPLSO LO NTUBPAC RUQWRC VN YAB `LOVBLC `BKAVLC PSO N]ONPBO YAB KALBC BPUARK ,$`LBRPAB LPA R TNBU PLS YAB R HLSKR PLS `ULQUBPNO MNONP]AB
,%YAB VA OSO YSUBN N`BWN N`B VAC A`NBKAC ASVQO YAB WLC VLBC WLSKLBC PLS XNVA `AUURPBAC `APRC KAKNBO VLO KLMLO PLS -(in the stret#hing !orth o! Thy hand, -(NO VQ VRO TNBUA PLS NYVNBONBO PN NBC !or healing, and signs, and $onders, to BAPBO YAB PRXNBA YAB VNUAVA MBONP]AB #o"e to ass through the na"e o! Thy WBA VLS LOLXAVLC VLS AMBLS `ABWLC holy #hild 5esus)I PLS BRPLS
-#.nd they having rayed, the la#e $as sha'en in $hi#h they $ere gathered together, and they $ere all !illed $ith the Holy S irit, and $ere s ea'ing the $ord o! &od $ith !reedo", -,and o! the "ultitude o! those $ho did believe the heart and the soul $as one, and not one $as saying that anything o! the things he had $as his o$n, but all things $ere to the" in #o""on) --.nd $ith great o$er $ere the a ostles giving the testi"ony to the rising again o! the Lord 5esus, great gra#e also $as on the" all, -.!or there $as not any one a"ong the" $ho did la#', !or as "any as $ere ossessors o! !ields, or houses, selling Ithe"I, $ere bringing the ri#es o! the thing sold, -'and $ere laying the" at the !eet o! the a ostles, and distribution $as being "ade to ea#h a##ording as any one had need) -/.nd 5oses, $ho $as surna"ed by the a ostles Barnabas ++ $hi#h is, having been inter reted, Son o! Do"!ort ++ a Levite, o! Dy rus by birth, -0a !ield being his, having sold IitI, brought the "oney and laid IitI at the !eet o! the a ostles) -#YAB WNR]NOVQO ASVQO NPAKNS]R L VL`LC NO Q RPAO PSORMXNOLB YAB N`KRP]RPAO A`AOVNC `ONSXAVLC AMBLS YAB NKAKLSO VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS XNVA `AUURPBAC -,VLS WN `KR]LSC VQO `BPVNSPAOVQO RO R YAUWBA YAB R cSTR XBA YAB LSWN NBC VB VQO S`AUTLOVQO ASVQ NKNMNO BWBLO NBOAB AKK RO ASVLBC A`AOVA YLBOA --YAB XNMAKR WSOAXNB A`NWBWLSO VL XAUVSUBLO LB A`LPVLKLB VRC AOAPVAPNQC VLS YSUBLS BRPLS TAUBC VN XNMAKR RO N`B `AOVAC ASVLSC -.LSWN MAU NOWNRC VBC S`RUTNO NO ASVLBC LPLB MAU YVRVLUNC TQUBQO R LBYBQO S`RUTLO `QKLSOVNC NZNULO VAC VBXAC VQO `B`UAPYLXNOQO -'YAB NVB]LSO `AUA VLSC `LWAC VQO A`LPVLKQO WBNWBWLVL WN NYAPVQ YA]LVB AO VBC TUNBAO NBTNO -/BQPRC WN L N`BYKR]NBC HAUOAHAC S`L VQO A`LPVLKQO L NPVBO XN]NUXRONSLXNOLO SBLC `AUAYKRPNQC KNSBVRC YS`UBLC VQ MNONB -0S`AUTLOVLC ASVQ AMULS `QKRPAC RONMYNO VL TURXA YAB N]RYNO `AUA VLSC `LWAC VQO A`LPVLKQO
+hapter '
#.nd a #ertain "an, .nanias by na"e, $ith Sa hira his $i!e, sold a ossession, ,and did 'ee ba#' o! the ri#e ++ his $i!e also 'no$ing ++ and having brought a #ertain art, at the !eet o! the a ostles he laid IitI) -.nd Peter said, I.nanias, $here!ore did the .dversary !ill thy heart, !or thee to lie to the Holy S irit, and to 'ee ba#' o! the ri#e o! the la#eb .$hile it re"ained, did it not re"ain thineb and having been sold, in thy authority $as it notb $hy IisI it that thou didst ut in thy heart this thingb thou didst not lie to "en, but to &od,I 'and .nanias hearing these $ords, having !allen do$n, did e( ire, and great !ear #a"e u on all $ho heard these things, /and having risen, the younger "en $ound hi" u , and having #arried !orth, they buried Ihi"I) 0.nd it #a"e to ass, about three hours a!ter, that his $i!e, not 'no$ing $hat hath ha ened, #a"e in, $and Peter ans$ered her, ITell "e i! !or so "u#h ye sold the la#e,I and she said, I4es, !or so "u#h)I #AORU WN VBC AOAOBAC LOLXAVB PSO PA`ZNBUR VR MSOABYB ASVLS N`QKRPNO YVRXA ,YAB NOLPZBPAVL A`L VRC VBXRC PSONBWSBAC YAB VRC MSOABYLC ASVLS YAB NONMYAC XNULC VB `AUA VLSC `LWAC VQO A`LPVLKQO N]RYNO -NB`NO WN `NVULC AOAOBA WBAVB N`KRUQPNO L PAVAOAC VRO YAUWBAO PLS cNSPAP]AB PN VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO YAB OLPZBPAP]AB A`L VRC VBXRC VLS TQUBLS .LSTB XNOLO PLB NXNONO YAB `UA]NO NO VR PR NaLSPBA S`RUTNO VB LVB N]LS NO VR YAUWBA PLS VL `UAMXA VLSVL LSY NcNSPQ AO]UQ`LBC AKKA VQ ]NQ 'AYLSQO WN AOAOBAC VLSC KLMLSC VLSVLSC `NPQO NaNcSaNO YAB NMNONVL ZLHLC XNMAC N`B `AOVAC VLSC AYLSLOVAC VASVA /AOAPVAOVNC WN LB ONQVNULB PSONPVNBKAO ASVLO YAB NaNONMYAOVNC N]AcAO 0NMNONVL WN QC QUQO VUBQO WBAPVRXA YAB R MSOR ASVLS XR NBWSBA VL MNMLOLC NBPRK]NO $A`NYUB]R WN ASVR L `NVULC NB`N XLB NB VLPLSVLS VL TQUBLO A`NWLP]N R WN NB`NO OAB VLPLSVLS
%.nd Peter said unto her, IHo$ $as it agreed by you, to te" t the S irit o! the Lordb lo, the !eet o! those $ho did bury thy husband IareI at the door, and they shall #arry thee !orth,I #(and she !ell do$n resently at his !eet, and e( ired, and the young "en having #o"e in, !ound her dead, and having #arried !orth, they buried IherI by her husband, ##and great !ear #a"e u on all the asse"bly, and u on all $ho heard these things) #,.nd through the hands o! the a ostles #a"e "any signs and $onders a"ong the eo le, and they $ere $ith one a##ord all in the or#h o! Solo"on, #-and o! the rest no one $as daring to -oin hi"sel! to the", but the eo le $ere "agni!ying the", #.7and the "ore $ere believers added to the Lord, "ultitudes both o! "en and $o"en,< #'so as into the broad la#es to bring !orth the ailing, and to lay Ithe"I u on #ou#hes and "ats, that at the #o"ing o! Peter, even IhisI shado$ "ight overshado$ so"e one o! the", #/and there $ere #o"ing together also the eo le o! the #ities round about to 5erusale", bearing ailing ersons, and those harassed by un#lean s irits ++ $ho $ere all healed) %L WN `NVULC NB`NO `ULC ASVRO VB LVB PSONZQOR]R SXBO `NBUAPAB VL `ONSXA YSUBLS BWLS LB `LWNC VQO ]AcAOVQO VLO AOWUA PLS N`B VR ]SUA YAB NaLBPLSPBO PN #(N`NPNO WN `AUATURXA `AUA VLSC `LWAC ASVLS YAB NaNcSaNO NBPNK]LOVNC WN LB ONAOBPYLB NSULO ASVRO ONYUAO YAB NaNONMYAOVNC N]AcAO `ULC VLO AOWUA ASVRC ##YAB NMNONVL ZLHLC XNMAC NZ LKRO VRO NYYKRPBAO YAB N`B `AOVAC VLSC AYLSLOVAC VASVA #,WBA WN VQO TNBUQO VQO A`LPVLKQO NMNONVL PRXNBA YAB VNUAVA NO VQ KAQ `LKKA YAB RPAO LXL]SXAWLO A`AOVNC NO VR PVLA PLKLXQOVLC #-VQO WN KLB`QO LSWNBC NVLKXA YLKKAP]AB ASVLBC AKK NXNMAKSONO ASVLSC L KALC #.XAKKLO WN `ULPNVB]NOVL `BPVNSLOVNC VQ YSUBQ `KR]R AOWUQO VN YAB MSOABYQO #'QPVN YAVA VAC `KAVNBAC NYZNUNBO VLSC AP]NONBC YAB VB]NOAB N`B YKBOQO YAB YUAHHAVQO BOA NUTLXNOLS `NVULS YAO R PYBA N`BPYBAPR VBOB ASVQO #/PSORUTNVL WN YAB VL `KR]LC VQO `NUBa `LKNQO NBC BNULSPAKRX ZNULOVNC AP]NONBC YAB LTKLSXNOLSC S`L `ONSXAVQO AYA]AUVQO LBVBONC N]NUA`NSLOVL A`AOVNC
#0.nd having risen, the #hie! riest, and all those $ith hi" ++ being the se#t o! the Saddu#ees ++ $ere !illed $ith Eeal, #$and laid their hands u on the a ostles, and did ut the" in a ubli# rison, #%and a "essenger o! the Lord through the night o ened the doors o! the rison, having also brought the" !orth, he said, ,(I&o on, and standing, s ea' in the te" le to the eo le all the sayings o! this li!e,I ,#and having heard, they did enter at the da$n into the te" le, and $ere tea#hing) .nd the #hie! riest having #o"e, and those $ith hi", they #alled together the sanhedri" and all the senate o! the sons o! 0srael, and they sent to the rison to have the" brought, ,,and the o!!i#ers having #o"e, did not !ind the" in the rison, and having turned ba#', they told, ,-saying ++ IThe rison indeed $e !ound shut in all sa!ety, and the 'ee ers standing $ithout be!ore the doors, and having o ened ++ $ithin $e !ound no one)I #0AOAPVAC WN L AUTBNUNSC YAB `AOVNC LB PSO ASVQ R LSPA ABUNPBC VQO PAWWLSYABQO N`KRP]RPAO \RKLS #$YAB N`NHAKLO VAC TNBUAC ASVQO N`B VLSC A`LPVLKLSC YAB N]NOVL ASVLSC NO VRURPNB WRXLPBA #%AMMNKLC WN YSUBLS WBA VRC OSYVLC ROLBaNO VAC ]SUAC VRC ZSKAYRC NaAMAMQO VN ASVLSC NB`NO ,(`LUNSNP]N YAB PVA]NOVNC KAKNBVN NO VQ BNUQ VQ KAQ `AOVA VA URXAVA VRC \QRC VASVRC ,#AYLSPAOVNC WN NBPRK]LO S`L VLO LU]ULO NBC VL BNULO YAB NWBWAPYLO `AUAMNOLXNOLC WN L AUTBNUNSC YAB LB PSO ASVQ PSONYAKNPAO VL PSONWUBLO YAB `APAO VRO MNULSPBAO VQO SBQO BPUARK YAB A`NPVNBKAO NBC VL WNPXQVRUBLO AT]ROAB ASVLSC ,,LB WN S`RUNVAB `AUAMNOLXNOLB LST NSULO ASVLSC NO VR ZSKAYR AOAPVUNcAOVNC WN A`RMMNBKAO ,-KNMLOVNC LVB VL XNO WNPXQVRUBLO NSULXNO YNYKNBPXNOLO NO `APR APZAKNBA YAB VLSC ZSKAYAC NaQ NPVQVAC `UL VQO ]SUQO AOLBaAOVNC WN NPQ LSWNOA NSULXNO
,..nd as the riest, and the "agistrate o! the te" le, and the #hie! riests, heard these $ords, they $ere doubting #on#erning the" to $hat this $ould #o"e, ,'and #o"ing near, a #ertain one told the", saying ++ ILo, the "en $ho" ye did ut in the rison are in the te" le standing and tea#hing the eo le,I ,/then the "agistrate having gone a$ay $ith o!!i#ers, brought the" $ithout violen#e, !or they $ere !earing the eo le, lest they should be stoned, ,0and having brought the", they set Ithe"I in the sanhedri", and the #hie! riest ?uestioned the", ,$saying, IDid not $e stri#tly #o""and you not to tea#h in this na"eb and lo, ye have !illed 5erusale" $ith your tea#hing, and ye intend to bring u on us the blood o! this "an)I ,.QC WN RYLSPAO VLSC KLMLSC VLSVLSC L VN BNUNSC YAB L PVUAVRMLC VLS BNULS YAB LB AUTBNUNBC WBR`LULSO `NUB ASVQO VB AO MNOLBVL VLSVL
-,and $e are His $itnesses o! these -,YAB RXNBC NPXNO ASVLS XAUVSUNC sayings, and the Holy S irit also, VQO URXAVQO VLSVQO YAB VL `ONSXA WN $ho" &od gave to those obeying hi")I VL AMBLO L NWQYNO L ]NLC VLBC `NB]AUTLSPBO ASVQ --.nd they having heard, $ere #ut Ito --LB WN AYLSPAOVNC WBN`UBLOVL YAB the heartI, and $ere ta'ing #ounsel to NHLSKNSLOVL AONKNBO ASVLSC slay the", -.but a #ertain one, having risen u in -.AOAPVAC WN VBC NO VQ PSONWUBQ the sanhedri" ++ a Pharisee, by na"e ZAUBPABLC LOLXAVB MAXAKBRK &a"aliel, a tea#her o! la$ honoured OLXLWBWAPYAKLC VBXBLC `AOVB VQ KAQ by all the eo le ++ #o""anded to ut NYNKNSPNO NaQ HUATS VB VLSC the a ostles !orth a little, A`LPVLKLSC `LBRPAB -'and said unto the", I@en, 0sraelites, -'NB`NO VN `ULC ASVLSC AOWUNC ta'e heed to yourselves about these BPUARKBVAB `ULPNTNVN NASVLBC N`B VLBC "en, $hat ye are about to do, AO]UQ`LBC VLSVLBC VB XNKKNVN `UAPPNBO -/!or be!ore these days rose u -/`UL MAU VLSVQO VQO RXNUQO AONPVR Theudas, saying, that hi"sel! $as ]NSWAC KNMQO NBOAB VBOA NASVLO Q so"e one, to $ho" a nu"ber o! "en `ULPNYLKKR]R AUB]XLC AOWUQO QPNB did -oin the"selves, as it $ere !our VNVUAYLPBQO LC AORUN]R YAB `AOVNC hundred, $ho $as slain, and all, as LPLB N`NB]LOVL ASVQ WBNKS]RPAO YAB "any as $ere obeying hi", $ere NMNOLOVL NBC LSWNO s#attered, and #a"e to nought) -0I.!ter this one rose u , 5udas the -0XNVA VLSVLO AONPVR BLSWAC L &alilean, in the days o! the enroll"ent, MAKBKABLC NO VABC RXNUABC VRC and dre$ a$ay "u#h eo le a!ter hi", A`LMUAZRC YAB A`NPVRPNO KALO and that one erished, and all, as "any BYAOLO L`BPQ ASVLS YAYNBOLC A`QKNVL as $ere obeying hi", $ere s#attered, YAB `AOVNC LPLB N`NB]LOVL ASVQ WBNPYLU`BP]RPAO -$and no$ 0 say to you, Re!rain !ro" -$YAB VA OSO KNMQ SXBO A`LPVRVN A`L these "en, and let the" alone, be#ause VQO AO]UQ`QO VLSVQO YAB NAPAVN i! this #ounsel or this $or' "ay be o! ASVLSC LVB NAO R Na AO]UQ`QO R "en, it $ill be overthro$n, HLSKR ASVR R VL NUMLO VLSVL YAVAKS]RPNVAB 818
-%and i! it be o! &od, ye are not able to overthro$ it, lest erha s also ye be !ound !ighting against &od)I .(.nd to hi" they agreed, and having #alled near the a ostles, having beaten Ithe"I, they #o""anded Ithe"I not to s ea' in the na"e o! 5esus, and let the" go, .#they, indeed, then, de arted !ro" the resen#e o! the sanhedri", re-oi#ing that !or his na"e they $ere #ounted $orthy to su!!er dishonour, .,every day also in the te" le, and in every house, they $ere not #easing tea#hing and ro#lai"ing good ne$s ++ 5esus the Dhrist) -%NB WN NY ]NLS NPVBO LS WSOAP]N YAVAKSPAB ASVL XR`LVN YAB ]NLXATLB NSUN]RVN .(N`NBP]RPAO WN ASVQ YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLB VLSC A`LPVLKLSC WNBUAOVNC `AURMMNBKAO XR KAKNBO N`B VQ LOLXAVB VLS BRPLS YAB A`NKSPAO ASVLSC .#LB XNO LSO N`LUNSLOVL TABULOVNC A`L `ULPQ`LS VLS PSONWUBLS LVB S`NU VLS LOLXAVLC ASVLS YAVRaBQ]RPAO AVBXAP]ROAB .,`APAO VN RXNUAO NO VQ BNUQ YAB YAV LBYLO LSY N`ASLOVL WBWAPYLOVNC YAB NSAMMNKB\LXNOLB BRPLSO VLO TUBPVLO
+hapter /
#.nd in these days, the dis#i les "ulti lying, there #a"e a "ur"uring o! the Hellenists at the Hebre$s, be#ause their $ido$s $ere being overloo'ed in the daily "inistration, #NO WN VABC RXNUABC VASVABC `KR]SOLOVQO VQO XA]RVQO NMNONVL MLMMSPXLC VQO NKKROBPVQO `ULC VLSC NHUABLSC LVB `AUN]NQULSOVL NO VR WBAYLOBA VR YA]RXNUBOR AB TRUAB ASVQO ,and the t$elve, having #alled near the ,`ULPYAKNPAXNOLB WN LB WQWNYA VL "ultitude o! the dis#i les, said, I0t is `KR]LC VQO XA]RVQO NB`LO LSY not leasing that $e, having le!t the AUNPVLO NPVBO RXAC YAVAKNBcAOVAC $ord o! &od, do "inister at tables, VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS WBAYLONBO VUA`N\ABC -loo' out, there!ore, brethren, seven -N`BPYNcAP]N LSO AWNKZLB AOWUAC Na "en o! you $ho are $ell testi!ied o!, SXQO XAUVSULSXNOLSC N`VA `KRUNBC !ull o! the Holy S irit and $isdo", `ONSXAVLC AMBLS YAB PLZBAC LSC $ho" $e "ay set over this ne#essity, YAVAPVRPLXNO N`B VRC TUNBAC VASVRC .and $e to rayer, and to the .RXNBC WN VR `ULPNSTR YAB VR WBAYLOBA "inistration o! the $ord, $ill give VLS KLMLS `ULPYAUVNURPLXNO ourselves #ontinually)I '.nd the thing $as leasing be!ore all 'YAB RUNPNO L KLMLC NOQ`BLO `AOVLC the "ultitude, and they did #hoose VLS `KR]LSC YAB NaNKNaAOVL PVNZAOLO Ste hen, a "an !ull o! !aith and the AOWUA `KRUR `BPVNQC YAB `ONSXAVLC Holy S irit, and Phili , and Pro#horus, AMBLS YAB ZBKB``LO YAB `ULTLULO YAB and /i#anor, and Ti"on, and OBYAOLUA YAB VBXQOA YAB `AUXNOAO YAB Par"enas, and /i#olaus, a roselyte o! OBYLKALO `ULPRKSVLO AOVBLTNA .ntio#h, /$ho" they did set be!ore the /LSC NPVRPAO NOQ`BLO VQO A`LPVLKQO a ostles, and they, having rayed, laid YAB `ULPNSaAXNOLB N`N]RYAO ASVLBC on the" ItheirI hands) VAC TNBUAC 0.nd the $ord o! &od did in#rease, 0YAB L KLMLC VLS ]NLS RSaAONO YAB and the nu"ber o! the dis#i les did N`KR]SONVL L AUB]XLC VQO XA]RVQO NO "ulti ly in 5erusale" e(#eedingly, a BNULSPAKRX PZLWUA `LKSC VN LTKLC great "ultitude also o! the riests $ere VQO BNUNQO S`RYLSLO VR `BPVNB obedient to the !aith) 813
$.nd Ste hen, !ull o! !aith and o$er, $as doing great $onders and signs a"ong the eo le, %and there arose #ertain o! those o! the synagogue, #alled o! the Libertines, and Dyrenians, and .le(andrians, and o! those !ro" Dili#ia, and .sia, dis uting $ith Ste hen, #(and they $ere not able to resist the $isdo" and the s irit $ith $hi#h he $as s ea'ing, ##then they suborned "en, saying ++ IWe have heard hi" s ea'ing evil sayings in regard to @oses and &od)I #,They did stir u also the eo le, and the elders, and the s#ribes, and having #o"e u on Ihi"I, they #aught hi", and brought Ihi"I to the sanhedri", #-they set u also !alse $itnesses, saying, IThis one doth not #ease to s ea' evil sayings against this holy la#e and the la$, #.!or $e have heard hi" saying, That this 5esus the /aEarean shall overthro$ this la#e, and shall #hange the #usto"s that @oses delivered to us,I #'and gaEing at hi", all those sitting in the sanhedri" sa$ his !a#e as it $ere the !a#e o! a "essenger) $PVNZAOLC WN `KRURC `BPVNQC YAB WSOAXNQC N`LBNB VNUAVA YAB PRXNBA XNMAKA NO VQ KAQ %AONPVRPAO WN VBONC VQO NY VRC PSOAMQMRC VRC KNMLXNORC KBHNUVBOQO YAB YSUROABQO YAB AKNaAOWUNQO YAB VQO A`L YBKBYBAC YAB APBAC PS\RVLSOVNC VQ PVNZAOQ #(YAB LSY BPTSLO AOVBPVROAB VR PLZBA YAB VQ `ONSXAVB Q NKAKNB ##VLVN S`NHAKLO AOWUAC KNMLOVAC LVB AYRYLAXNO ASVLS KAKLSOVLC URXAVA HKAPZRXA NBC XQPRO YAB VLO ]NLO #,PSONYBORPAO VN VLO KALO YAB VLSC `UNPHSVNULSC YAB VLSC MUAXXAVNBC YAB N`BPVAOVNC PSORU`APAO ASVLO YAB RMAMLO NBC VL PSONWUBLO #-NPVRPAO VN XAUVSUAC cNSWNBC KNMLOVAC L AO]UQ`LC LSVLC LS `ASNVAB URXAVA HKAPZRXA KAKQO YAVA VLS VL`LS VLS AMBLS VLSVLS YAB VLS OLXLS #.AYRYLAXNO MAU ASVLS KNMLOVLC LVB BRPLSC L OA\QUABLC LSVLC YAVAKSPNB VLO VL`LO VLSVLO YAB AKKAaNB VA N]R A `AUNWQYNO RXBO XQSPRC #'YAB AVNOBPAOVNC NBC ASVLO A`AOVNC LB YA]N\LXNOLB NO VQ PSONWUBQ NBWLO VL `ULPQ`LO ASVLS QPNB `ULPQ`LO AMMNKLS
+hapter 0
#.nd the #hie! riest said, I.re then these things sobI ,and he said, I@en, brethren, and !athers, hear'enF The &od o! the glory did a ear to our !ather .braha", being in @eso ota"ia, be!ore his d$elling in Haran, -and He said to hi", &o !orth out o! thy land, and out o! thy 'indred, and #o"e to a land that 0 shall she$ thee) .IThen having #o"e !orth out o! the land o! the Dhaldeans, he d$elt in Haran, and !ro" then#e, a!ter the death o! his !ather, He did re"ove hi" to this land $herein ye no$ d$ell, 'and He gave hi" no inheritan#e in it, not even a !ootste , and did ro"ise to give it to hi" !or a ossession, and to his seed a!ter hi" ++ he having no #hild) /I.nd &od s a'e thus, That his seed shall be so-ourning in a strange land, and they shall #ause it to serve, and shall do it evil !our hundred years, 0and the nation $ho" they shall serve 0 $ill -udge, said &od, and a!ter these things they shall #o"e !orth and shall do @e servi#e in this la#e) #NB`NO WN L AUTBNUNSC NB AUA VASVA LSVQC NTNB ,L WN NZR AOWUNC AWNKZLB YAB `AVNUNC AYLSPAVN L ]NLC VRC WLaRC QZ]R VQ `AVUB RXQO AHUAAX LOVB NO VR XNPL`LVAXBA `UBO R YAVLBYRPAB ASVLO NO TAUUAO -YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLO NaNK]N NY VRC MRC PLS YAB NY VRC PSMMNONBAC PLS YAB WNSUL NBC MRO RO AO PLB WNBaQ .VLVN NaNK]QO NY MRC TAKWABQO YAVQYRPNO NO TAUUAO YAYNB]NO XNVA VL A`L]AONBO VLO `AVNUA ASVLS XNVQYBPNO ASVLO NBC VRO MRO VASVRO NBC RO SXNBC OSO YAVLBYNBVN 'YAB LSY NWQYNO ASVQ YKRULOLXBAO NO ASVR LSWN HRXA `LWLC YAB N`RMMNBKAVL ASVQ WLSOAB NBC YAVAPTNPBO ASVRO YAB VQ P`NUXAVB ASVLS XNV ASVLO LSY LOVLC ASVQ VNYOLS /NKAKRPNO WN LSVQC L ]NLC LVB NPVAB VL P`NUXA ASVLS `AULBYLO NO MR AKKLVUBA YAB WLSKQPLSPBO ASVL YAB YAYQPLSPBO NVR VNVUAYLPBA 0YAB VL N]OLC Q NAO WLSKNSPQPBO YUBOQ NMQ NB`NO L ]NLC YAB XNVA VASVA NaNKNSPLOVAB YAB KAVUNSPLSPBO XLB NO VQ VL`Q VLSVQ
$I.nd He gave to hi" a #ovenant o! #ir#u"#ision, and so he begat 0saa#, and did #ir#u"#ise hi" on the eighth day, and 0saa# IbegatI 5a#ob, and 5a#ob ++ the t$elve atriar#hs, %and the atriar#hs, having been "oved $ith -ealousy, sold 5ose h to Egy t, and &od $as $ith hi", #(and did deliver hi" out o! all his tribulations, and gave hi" !avour and $isdo" be!ore Pharaoh 'ing o! Egy t, and he did set hi" ++ governor over Egy t and all his house) ##I.nd there #a"e a dearth u on all the land o! Egy t and Danaan, and great tribulation, and our !athers $ere not !inding sustenan#e, #,and 5a#ob having heard that there $as #orn in Egy t, sent !orth our !athers a !irst ti"e, #-and at the se#ond ti"e $as 5ose h "ade 'no$n to his brethren, and 5ose hIs 'indred be#a"e "ani!est to Pharaoh, #.and 5ose h having sent, did #all !or his !ather 5a#ob, and all his 'indred ++ $ith seventy and !ive souls ++ #'and 5a#ob $ent do$n to Egy t, and died, hi"sel! and our !athers, $YAB NWQYNO ASVQ WBA]RYRO `NUBVLXRC YAB LSVQC NMNOORPNO VLO BPAAY YAB `NUBNVNXNO ASVLO VR RXNUA VR LMWLR YAB L BPAAY VLO BAYQH YAB L BAYQH VLSC WQWNYA `AVUBAUTAC %YAB LB `AVUBAUTAB \RKQPAOVNC VLO BQPRZ A`NWLOVL NBC ABMS`VLO YAB RO L ]NLC XNV ASVLS #(YAB NaNBKNVL ASVLO NY `APQO VQO ]KBcNQO ASVLS YAB NWQYNO ASVQ TAUBO YAB PLZBAO NOAOVBLO ZAUAQ HAPBKNQC ABMS`VLS YAB YAVNPVRPNO ASVLO RMLSXNOLO N` ABMS`VLO YAB LKLO VLO LBYLO ASVLS ##RK]NO WN KBXLC NZ LKRO VRO MRO ABMS`VLS YAB TAOAAO YAB ]KBcBC XNMAKR YAB LST NSUBPYLO TLUVAPXAVA LB `AVNUNC RXQO #,AYLSPAC WN BAYQH LOVA PBVA NO ABMS`VQ NaA`NPVNBKNO VLSC `AVNUAC RXQO `UQVLO #-YAB NO VQ WNSVNUQ AONMOQUBP]R BQPRZ VLBC AWNKZLBC ASVLS YAB ZAONULO NMNONVL VQ ZAUAQ VL MNOLC VLS BQPRZ #.A`LPVNBKAC WN BQPRZ XNVNYAKNPAVL VLO `AVNUA ASVLS BAYQH YAB `APAO VRO PSMMNONBAO ASVLS NO cSTABC NHWLXRYLOVA `NOVN #'YAVNHR WN BAYQH NBC ABMS`VLO YAB NVNKNSVRPNO ASVLC YAB LB `AVNUNC RXQO
#/and they $ere #arried over into Sy#he", and $ere laid in the to"b that .braha" bought !or a ri#e in "oney !ro" the sons o! E""or, o! Sy#he") #0I.nd a##ording as the ti"e o! the ro"ise $as dra$ing nigh, $hi#h &od did s$ear to .braha", the eo le in#reased and "ulti lied in Egy t, #$till another 'ing rose, $ho had not 'no$n 5ose h, #%this one, having dealt subtilely $ith our 'indred, did evil to our !athers, #ausing to e( ose their babes, that they "ight not live, ,(in $hi#h ti"e @oses $as born, and he $as !air to &od, and he $as brought u three "onths in the house o! his !ather, ,#and he having been e( osed, the daughter o! Pharaoh too' hi" u , and did rear hi" to hersel! !or a son, ,,and @oses $as taught in all $isdo" o! the Egy tians, and he $as o$er!ul in $ords and in $or's) ,-I.nd $hen !orty years $ere !ul!illed to hi", it #a"e u on his heart to loo' a!ter his brethren, the sons o! 0srael, ,.and having seen a #ertain one su!!ering in-usti#e, he did de!end, and did -usti#e to the o ressed, having s"itten the Egy tian, #/YAB XNVNVN]RPAO NBC PSTNX YAB NVN]RPAO NO VQ XORXAVB L QORPAVL AHUAAX VBXRC AUMSUBLS `AUA VQO SBQO NXXLU VLS PSTNX #0YA]QC WN RMMB\NO L TULOLC VRC N`AMMNKBAC RC QXLPNO L ]NLC VQ AHUAAX RSaRPNO L KALC YAB N`KR]SO]R NO ABMS`VQ #$ATUBC LS AONPVR HAPBKNSC NVNULC LC LSY RWNB VLO BQPRZ #%LSVLC YAVAPLZBPAXNOLC VL MNOLC RXQO NYAYQPNO VLSC `AVNUAC RXQO VLS `LBNBO NY]NVA VA HUNZR ASVQO NBC VL XR \QLMLONBP]AB ,(NO Q YABUQ NMNOOR]R XQPRC YAB RO APVNBLC VQ ]NQ LC AONVUAZR XROAC VUNBC NO VQ LBYQ VLS `AVULC ASVLS ,#NYVN]NOVA WN ASVLO AONBKNVL ASVLO R ]SMAVRU ZAUAQ YAB AON]UNcAVL ASVLO NASVR NBC SBLO ,,YAB N`ABWNS]R XQPRC `APR PLZBA ABMS`VBQO RO WN WSOAVLC NO KLMLBC YAB NO NUMLBC ,-QC WN N`KRULSVL ASVQ VNPPAUAYLOVANVRC TULOLC AONHR N`B VRO YAUWBAO ASVLS N`BPYNcAP]AB VLSC AWNKZLSC ASVLS VLSC SBLSC BPUARK ,.YAB BWQO VBOA AWBYLSXNOLO RXSOAVL YAB N`LBRPNO NYWBYRPBO VQ YAVA`LOLSXNOQ `AVAaAC VLO ABMS`VBLO
,'and he $as su osing his brethren to understand that &od through his hand doth give salvation, and they did not understand) ,/IOn the su##eeding day, also, he she$ed hi"sel! to the" as they are striving, and urged the" to ea#e, saying, @en, brethren are ye, $here!ore do ye in-usti#e to one anotherb ,0and he $ho is doing in-usti#e to the neighbour, did thrust hi" a$ay, saying, Who set thee a ruler and a -udge over usb ,$to 'ill "e dost thou $ish, as thou didst 'ill yesterday the Egy tianb ,%I.nd @oses !led at this $ord, and be#a"e a so-ourner in the land o! @idian, $here he begat t$o sons, -(and !orty years having been !ul!illed, there a eared to hi" in the $ilderness o! "ount Sinai a "essenger o! the Lord, in a !la"e o! !ire o! a bush, -#and @oses having seen did $onder at the sight, and he dra$ing near to behold, there #a"e a voi#e o! the Lord unto hi", -,0 Ia"I the &od o! thy !athers, the &od o! .braha", and the &od o! 0saa#, and the &od o! 5a#ob) I.nd @oses having be#o"e terri!ied, durst not behold, ,'NOLXB\NO WN PSOBNOAB VLSC AWNKZLSC ASVLS LVB L ]NLC WBA TNBULC ASVLS WBWQPBO ASVLBC PQVRUBAO LB WN LS PSORYAO ,/VR VN N`BLSPR RXNUA QZ]R ASVLBC XATLXNOLBC YAB PSORKAPNO ASVLSC NBC NBURORO NB`QO AOWUNC AWNKZLB NPVN SXNBC BOAVB AWBYNBVN AKKRKLSC ,0L WN AWBYQO VLO `KRPBLO A`QPAVL ASVLO NB`QO VBC PN YAVNPVRPNO AUTLOVA YAB WBYAPVRO NZ RXAC ,$XR AONKNBO XN PS ]NKNBC LO VUL`LO AONBKNC T]NC VLO ABMS`VBLO ,%NZSMNO WN XQPRC NO VQ KLMQ VLSVQ YAB NMNONVL `AULBYLC NO MR XAWBAX LS NMNOORPNO SBLSC WSL -(YAB `KRUQ]NOVQO NVQO VNPPAUAYLOVA QZ]R ASVQ NO VR NURXQ VLS LULSC PBOA AMMNKLC YSUBLS NO ZKLMB `SULC HAVLS -#L WN XQPRC BWQO N]ASXAPNO VL LUAXA `ULPNUTLXNOLS WN ASVLS YAVAOLRPAB NMNONVL ZQOR YSUBLS `ULC ASVLO -,NMQ L ]NLC VQO `AVNUQO PLS L ]NLC AHUAAX YAB L ]NLC BPAAY YAB L ]NLC BAYQH NOVULXLC WN MNOLXNOLC XQPRC LSY NVLKXA YAVAOLRPAB
--and the Lord said to hi", Loose the sandal o! thy !eet, !or the la#e in $hi#h thou hast stood is holy ground, -.seeing 0 have seen the a!!li#tion o! @y eo le that IisI in Egy t, and their groaning 0 did hear, and #a"e do$n to deliver the", and no$ #o"e, 0 $ill send thee to Egy t) -'IThis @oses, $ho" they did re!use, saying, Who did set thee a ruler and a -udgeb this one &od a ruler and a redee"er did send, in the hand o! a "essenger $ho a eared to hi" in the bush, -/this one did bring the" !orth, having done $onders and signs in the land o! Egy t, and in the Red Sea, and in the $ilderness !orty years, -0this is the @oses $ho did say to the sons o! 0sraelF . ro het to you shall the Lord your &od raise u out o! your brethren, li'e to "e, hi" shall ye hear) -$IThis is he $ho $as in the asse"bly in the $ilderness, $ith the "essenger $ho is s ea'ing to hi" in the "ount Sinai, and $ith our !athers $ho did re#eive the living ora#les to give to us, -%to $ho" our !athers did not $ish to be#o"e obedient, but did thrust a$ay, and turned ba#' in their hearts to Egy t, --NB`NO WN ASVQ L YSUBLC KSPLO VL S`LWRXA VQO `LWQO PLS L MAU VL`LC NO Q NPVRYAC MR AMBA NPVBO -.BWQO NBWLO VRO YAYQPBO VLS KALS XLS VLS NO ABMS`VQ YAB VLS PVNOAMXLS ASVQO RYLSPA YAB YAVNHRO NaNKNP]AB ASVLSC YAB OSO WNSUL A`LPVNKQ PN NBC ABMS`VLO -'VLSVLO VLO XQSPRO LO RUORPAOVL NB`LOVNC VBC PN YAVNPVRPNO AUTLOVA YAB WBYAPVRO VLSVLO L ]NLC AUTLOVA YAB KSVUQVRO A`NPVNBKNO NO TNBUB AMMNKLS VLS LZ]NOVLC ASVQ NO VR HAVQ -/LSVLC NaRMAMNO ASVLSC `LBRPAC VNUAVA YAB PRXNBA NO MR ABMS`VLS YAB NO NUS]UA ]AKAPPR YAB NO VR NURXQ NVR VNPPAUAYLOVA -0LSVLC NPVBO L XQSPRC L NB`QO VLBC SBLBC BPUARK `ULZRVRO SXBO AOAPVRPNB YSUBLC L ]NLC SXQO NY VQO AWNKZQO SXQO QC NXN ASVLS AYLSPNP]N -$LSVLC NPVBO L MNOLXNOLC NO VR NYYKRPBA NO VR NURXQ XNVA VLS AMMNKLS VLS KAKLSOVLC ASVQ NO VQ LUNB PBOA YAB VQO `AVNUQO RXQO LC NWNaAVL KLMBA \QOVA WLSOAB RXBO -%Q LSY R]NKRPAO S`RYLLB MNONP]AB LB `AVNUNC RXQO AKK A`QPAOVL YAB NPVUAZRPAO VABC YAUWBABC ASVQO NBC ABMS`VLO
.(saying to .aron, @a'e to us gods $ho shall go on be!ore us, !or this @oses, $ho brought us !orth out o! the land o! Egy t, $e have not 'no$n $hat hath ha ened to hi") .#I.nd they "ade a #al! in those days, and brought a sa#ri!i#e to the idol, and $ere re-oi#ing in the $or's o! their hands, .,and &od did turn, and did give the" u to do servi#e to the host o! the heaven, a##ording as it hath been $ritten in the s#roll o! the ro hetsF Slain beasts and sa#ri!i#es did ye o!!er to @e !orty years in the $ilderness, O house o! 0sraelb .-and ye too' u the taberna#le o! @olo#h, and the star o! your god Re" han ++ the !igures that ye "ade to bo$ be!ore the", and 0 $ill re"ove your d$elling beyond Babylon) ..IThe taberna#le o! the testi"ony $as a"ong our !athers in the $ilderness, a##ording as He did dire#t, $ho is s ea'ing to @oses, to "a'e it a##ording to the !igure that he had seen, .'$hi#h also our !athers having in su##ession re#eived, did bring in $ith 5oshua, into the ossession o! the nations $ho" &od did drive out !ro" the resen#e o! our !athers, till the days o! David, .(NB`LOVNC VQ AAUQO `LBRPLO RXBO ]NLSC LB `UL`LUNSPLOVAB RXQO L MAU XQPRC LSVLC LC NaRMAMNO RXAC NY MRC ABMS`VLS LSY LBWAXNO VB MNMLONO ASVQ .#YAB NXLPTL`LBRPAO NO VABC RXNUABC NYNBOABC YAB AORMAMLO ]SPBAO VQ NBWQKQ YAB NSZUABOLOVL NO VLBC NUMLBC VQO TNBUQO ASVQO .,NPVUNcNO WN L ]NLC YAB `AUNWQYNO ASVLSC KAVUNSNBO VR PVUAVBA VLS LSUAOLS YA]QC MNMUA`VAB NO HBHKQ VQO `ULZRVQO XR PZAMBA YAB ]SPBAC `ULPRONMYAVN XLB NVR VNPPAUAYLOVA NO VR NURXQ LBYLC BPUARK .-YAB AONKAHNVN VRO PYRORO VLS XLKLT YAB VL APVULO VLS ]NLS SXQO UNXZAO VLSC VS`LSC LSC N`LBRPAVN `ULPYSONBO ASVLBC YAB XNVLBYBQ SXAC N`NYNBOA HAHSKQOLC ..R PYROR VLS XAUVSUBLS RO NO VLBC `AVUAPBO RXQO NO VR NURXQ YA]QC WBNVAaAVL L KAKQO VQ XQPR `LBRPAB ASVRO YAVA VLO VS`LO LO NQUAYNB .'RO YAB NBPRMAMLO WBAWNaAXNOLB LB `AVNUNC RXQO XNVA BRPLS NO VR YAVAPTNPNB VQO N]OQO QO NaQPNO L ]NLC A`L `ULPQ`LS VQO `AVNUQO RXQO NQC VQO RXNUQO WAHBW
./$ho !ound !avour be!ore &od, and re?uested to !ind a taberna#le !or the &od o! 5a#ob, .0and Solo"on built Hi" an house) ./LC NSUNO TAUBO NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS YAB RVRPAVL NSUNBO PYROQXA VQ ]NQ BAYQH .0PLKLXQO WN QYLWLXRPNO ASVQ LBYLO .$IBut the @ost High in san#tuaries .$AKK LST L ScBPVLC NO TNBUL`LBRVLBC "ade $ith hands doth not d$ell, OALBC YAVLBYNB YA]QC L `ULZRVRC a##ording as the ro het saithF KNMNB .%The heaven IisI @y throne, and the .%L LSUAOLC XLB ]ULOLC R WN MR earth @y !ootstool, $hat house $ill ye S`L`LWBLO VQO `LWQO XLS `LBLO LBYLO build to @eb saith the Lord, or $hat LBYLWLXRPNVN XLB KNMNB YSUBLC R VBC IisI the la#e o! @y restb VL`LC VRC YAVA`ASPNQC XLS '(hath not @y hand "ade all these '(LSTB R TNBU XLS N`LBRPNO VASVA thingsb `AOVA '#I4e sti!!+ne#'ed and un#ir#u"#ised '#PYKRULVUATRKLB YAB A`NUBVXRVLB VR in heart and in earsd ye do al$ays the YAUWBA YAB VLBC QPBO SXNBC ANB VQ Holy S irit resist, as your !athers ++ `ONSXAVB VQ AMBQ AOVB`B`VNVN QC LB also ye, `AVNUNC SXQO YAB SXNBC ',$hi#h o! the ro hets did not your ',VBOA VQO `ULZRVQO LSY NWBQaAO LB !athers erse#uteb and they 'illed `AVNUNC SXQO YAB A`NYVNBOAO VLSC those $ho de#lared be!ore about the `ULYAVAMMNBKAOVAC `NUB VRC NKNSPNQC #o"ing o! the Righteous One, o! VLS WBYABLS LS OSO SXNBC `ULWLVAB YAB $ho" no$ ye betrayers and "urderers ZLONBC MNMNORP]N have be#o"e, '-$ho re#eived the la$ by '-LBVBONC NKAHNVN VLO OLXLO NBC arrange"ent o! "essengers, and did WBAVAMAC AMMNKQO YAB LSY NZSKAaAVN not 'ee IitI)I '..nd hearing these things, they $ere '.AYLSLOVNC WN VASVA WBN`UBLOVL VABC #ut to the hearts, and did gnash the YAUWBABC ASVQO YAB NHUSTLO VLSC teeth at hi", LWLOVAC N` ASVLO ''and being !ull o! the Holy S irit, ''S`AUTQO WN `KRURC `ONSXAVLC having loo'ed sted!astly to the heaven, AMBLS AVNOBPAC NBC VLO LSUAOLO NBWNO he sa$ the glory o! &od, and 5esus WLaAO ]NLS YAB BRPLSO NPVQVA NY standing on the right hand o! &od, WNaBQO VLS ]NLS 8G8
'/and he said, ILo, 0 see the heavens having been o ened, and the Son o! @an standing on the right hand o! &od)I '0.nd they, having #ried out $ith a loud voi#e, sto ed their ears, and did rush $ith one a##ord u on hi", '$and having #ast hi" !orth outside o! the #ity, they $ere stoning Ihi"I ++ and the $itnesses did ut do$n their gar"ents at the !eet o! a young "an #alled Saul ++ '%and they $ere stoning Ste hen, #alling and saying, ILord 5esus, re#eive "y s irit,I /(and having bo$ed the 'nees, he #ried $ith a loud voi#e, ILord, "ayest thou not lay to the" this sin,I and this having said, he !ell aslee ) '/YAB NB`NO BWLS ]NQUQ VLSC LSUAOLSC AONQMXNOLSC YAB VLO SBLO VLS AO]UQ`LS NY WNaBQO NPVQVA VLS ]NLS '0YUAaAOVNC WN ZQOR XNMAKR PSONPTLO VA QVA ASVQO YAB QUXRPAO LXL]SXAWLO N` ASVLO '$YAB NYHAKLOVNC NaQ VRC `LKNQC NKB]LHLKLSO YAB LB XAUVSUNC A`N]NOVL VA BXAVBA ASVQO `AUA VLSC `LWAC ONAOBLS YAKLSXNOLS PASKLS '%YAB NKB]LHLKLSO VLO PVNZAOLO N`BYAKLSXNOLO YAB KNMLOVA YSUBN BRPLS WNaAB VL `ONSXA XLS /(]NBC WN VA MLOAVA NYUAaNO ZQOR XNMAKR YSUBN XR PVRPRC ASVLBC VRO AXAUVBAO VASVRO YAB VLSVL NB`QO NYLBXR]R
+hapter $
#.nd Saul $as assenting to his death, and there #a"e in that day a great erse#ution u on the asse"bly in 5erusale", all also $ere s#attered abroad in the regions o! 5udea and Sa"aria, e(#e t the a ostles, ,and devout "en #arried a$ay Ste hen, and "ade great la"entation over hi", -and Saul $as "a'ing havo# o! the asse"bly, into every house entering, and haling "en and $o"en, $as giving the" u to rison, .they then indeed, having been s#attered, $ent abroad ro#lai"ing good ne$s ++ the $ord) '.nd Phili having gone do$n to a #ity o! Sa"aria, $as rea#hing to the" the Dhrist, /the "ultitudes also $ere giving heed to the things s o'en by Phili , $ith one a##ord, in their hearing and seeing the signs that he $as doing, 0!or un#lean s irits #a"e !orth !ro" "any $ho $ere ossessed, #rying $ith a loud voi#e, and "any $ho have been aralyti# and la"e $ere healed, $and there $as great -oy in that #ity) #PASKLC WN RO PSONSWLYQO VR AOABUNPNB ASVLS NMNONVL WN NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA WBQMXLC XNMAC N`B VRO NYYKRPBAO VRO NO BNULPLKSXLBC `AOVNC VN WBNP`AURPAO YAVA VAC TQUAC VRC BLSWABAC YAB PAXAUNBAC `KRO VQO A`LPVLKQO ,PSONYLXBPAO WN VLO PVNZAOLO AOWUNC NSKAHNBC YAB N`LBRPAOVL YL`NVLO XNMAO N` ASVQ -PASKLC WN NKSXABONVL VRO NYYKRPBAO YAVA VLSC LBYLSC NBP`LUNSLXNOLC PSUQO VN AOWUAC YAB MSOABYAC `AUNWBWLS NBC ZSKAYRO .LB XNO LSO WBAP`AUNOVNC WBRK]LO NSAMMNKB\LXNOLB VLO KLMLO 'ZBKB``LC WN YAVNK]QO NBC `LKBO VRC PAXAUNBAC NYRUSPPNO ASVLBC VLO TUBPVLO /`ULPNBTLO VN LB LTKLB VLBC KNMLXNOLBC S`L VLS ZBKB``LS LXL]SXAWLO NO VQ AYLSNBO ASVLSC YAB HKN`NBO VA PRXNBA A N`LBNB 0`LKKQO MAU VQO NTLOVQO `ONSXAVA AYA]AUVA HLQOVA XNMAKR ZQOR NaRUTNVL `LKKLB WN `AUAKNKSXNOLB YAB TQKLB N]NUA`NS]RPAO $YAB NMNONVL TAUA XNMAKR NO VR `LKNB NYNBOR
%.nd a #ertain "an, by na"e Si"on, $as be!ore in the #ity using "agi#, and a"aEing the nation o! Sa"aria, saying hi"sel! to be a #ertain great one, #(to $ho" they $ere all giving heed, !ro" s"all unto great, saying, IThis one is the great o$er o! &od,I ##and they $ere giving heed to hi", be#ause o! his having !or a long ti"e a"aEed the" $ith deeds o! "agi#) #,.nd $hen they believed Phili , ro#lai"ing good ne$s, the things #on#erning the reign o! &od and the na"e o! 5esus Dhrist, they $ere ba tiEed both "en and $o"en, #-and Si"on also hi"sel! did believe, and, having been ba tiEed, he $as #ontinuing $ith Phili , beholding also signs and "ighty a#ts being done, he $as a"aEed) #..nd the a ostles in 5erusale" having heard that Sa"aria hath re#eived the $ord o! &od, did send unto the" Peter and 5ohn, #'$ho having #o"e do$n did ray #on#erning the", that they "ay re#eive the Holy S irit, ++ #/!or as yet he $as !allen u on none o! the", and only they have been ba tiEed ++ to the na"e o! the Lord 5esus, #0then $ere they laying hands on the", and they re#eived the Holy S irit) %AORU WN VBC LOLXAVB PBXQO `ULS`RUTNO NO VR `LKNB XAMNSQO YAB NaBPVQO VL N]OLC VRC PAXAUNBAC KNMQO NBOAB VBOA NASVLO XNMAO #(Q `ULPNBTLO `AOVNC A`L XBYULS NQC XNMAKLS KNMLOVNC LSVLC NPVBO R WSOAXBC VLS ]NLS R XNMAKR ##`ULPNBTLO WN ASVQ WBA VL BYAOQ TULOQ VABC XAMNBABC NaNPVAYNOAB ASVLSC #,LVN WN N`BPVNSPAO VQ ZBKB``Q NSAMMNKB\LXNOQ VA `NUB VRC HAPBKNBAC VLS ]NLS YAB VLS LOLXAVLC VLS BRPLS TUBPVLS NHA`VB\LOVL AOWUNC VN YAB MSOABYNC #-L WN PBXQO YAB ASVLC N`BPVNSPNO YAB HA`VBP]NBC RO `ULPYAUVNUQO VQ ZBKB``Q ]NQUQO VN PRXNBA YAB WSOAXNBC XNMAKAC MBOLXNOAC NaBPVAVL #.AYLSPAOVNC WN LB NO BNULPLKSXLBC A`LPVLKLB LVB WNWNYVAB R PAXAUNBA VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS A`NPVNBKAO `ULC ASVLSC VLO `NVULO YAB BQAOORO #'LBVBONC YAVAHAOVNC `ULPRSaAOVL `NUB ASVQO L`QC KAHQPBO `ONSXA AMBLO #/LS`Q MAU RO N` LSWNOB ASVQO N`B`N`VQYLC XLOLO WN HNHA`VBPXNOLB S`RUTLO NBC VL LOLXA VLS YSUBLS BRPLS #0VLVN N`NVB]LSO VAC TNBUAC N` ASVLSC YAB NKAXHAOLO `ONSXA AMBLO
#$.nd Si"on, having beheld that through the laying on o! the hands o! the a ostles, the Holy S irit is given, brought be!ore the" "oney, #%saying, I&ive also to "e this authority, that on $ho"soever 0 "ay lay the hands, he "ay re#eive the Holy S irit)I ,(.nd Peter said unto hi", IThy silver $ith thee ++ "ay it be to destru#tiond be#ause the gi!t o! &od thou didst thin' to ossess through "oney, ,#thou hast neither art nor lot in this thing, !or thy heart is not right be!ore &od, ,,re!or", there!ore, !ro" this thy $i#'edness, and besee#h &od, i! then the ur ose o! thy heart "ay be !orgiven thee, ,-!or in the gall o! bitterness, and bond o! unrighteousness, 0 er#eive thee being)I ,..nd Si"on ans$ering, said, IBesee#h ye !or "e unto the Lord, that nothing "ay #o"e u on "e o! the things ye have s o'en)I ,'They indeed, there!ore, having testi!ied !ully, and s o'en the $ord o! the Lord, did turn ba#' to 5erusale", in "any villages also o! the Sa"aritans they did ro#lai" good ne$s) #$]NAPAXNOLC WN L PBXQO LVB WBA VRC N`B]NPNQC VQO TNBUQO VQO A`LPVLKQO WBWLVAB VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO `ULPRONMYNO ASVLBC TURXAVA #%KNMQO WLVN YAXLB VRO NaLSPBAO VASVRO BOA Q AO N`B]Q VAC TNBUAC KAXHAOR `ONSXA AMBLO ,(`NVULC WN NB`NO `ULC ASVLO VL AUMSUBLO PLS PSO PLB NBR NBC A`QKNBAO LVB VRO WQUNAO VLS ]NLS NOLXBPAC WBA TURXAVQO YVAP]AB ,#LSY NPVBO PLB XNUBC LSWN YKRULC NO VQ KLMQ VLSVQ R MAU YAUWBA PLS LSY NPVBO NS]NBA NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS ,,XNVAOLRPLO LSO A`L VRC YAYBAC PLS VASVRC YAB WNR]RVB VLS ]NLS NB AUA AZN]RPNVAB PLB R N`BOLBA VRC YAUWBAC PLS ,-NBC MAU TLKRO `BYUBAC YAB PSOWNPXLO AWBYBAC LUQ PN LOVA ,.A`LYUB]NBC WN L PBXQO NB`NO WNR]RVN SXNBC S`NU NXLS `ULC VLO YSUBLO L`QC XRWNO N`NK]R N` NXN QO NBURYAVN ,'LB XNO LSO WBAXAUVSUAXNOLB YAB KAKRPAOVNC VLO KLMLO VLS YSUBLS S`NPVUNcAO NBC BNULSPAKRX `LKKAC VN YQXAC VQO PAXAUNBVQO NSRMMNKBPAOVL
,/.nd a "essenger o! the Lord s a'e unto Phili , saying, I.rise, and go on to$ard the south, on the $ay that is going do$n !ro" 5erusale" to &aEa,I ++ this is desert) ,0.nd having arisen, he $ent on, and lo, a "an o! Ethio ia, a eunu#h, a "an o! ran', o! Danda#e the ?ueen o! the Ethio ians, $ho $as over all her treasure, $ho had #o"e to $orshi to 5erusale", ,$he $as also returning, and is sitting on his #hariot, and he $as reading the ro het 0saiah) ,%.nd the S irit said to Phili , I&o near, and be -oined to this #hariot,I ,/AMMNKLC WN YSUBLS NKAKRPNO `ULC ZBKB``LO KNMQO AOAPVR]B YAB `LUNSLS YAVA XNPRXHUBAO N`B VRO LWLO VRO YAVAHABOLSPAO A`L BNULSPAKRX NBC MA\AO ASVR NPVBO NURXLC ,0YAB AOAPVAC N`LUNS]R YAB BWLS AORU AB]BLc NSOLSTLC WSOAPVRC YAOWAYRC VRC HAPBKBPPRC AB]BL`QO LC RO N`B `APRC VRC MA\RC ASVRC LC NKRKS]NB `ULPYSORPQO NBC BNULSPAKRX ,$RO VN S`LPVUNZQO YAB YA]RXNOLC N`B VLS AUXAVLC ASVLS YAB AONMBOQPYNO VLO `ULZRVRO RPABAO ,%NB`NO WN VL `ONSXA VQ ZBKB``Q `ULPNK]N YAB YLKKR]RVB VQ AUXAVB VLSVQ -(and Phili having run near, heard -(`ULPWUAXQO WN L ZBKB``LC RYLSPNO hi" reading the ro het 0saiah, and ASVLS AOAMBOQPYLOVLC VLO `ULZRVRO said, IDost thou then 'no$ $hat thou RPABAO YAB NB`NO AUA MN MBOQPYNBC A dost readbI AOAMBOQPYNBC -#and he said, IWhy, ho$ a" 0 able, i! -#L WN NB`NO `QC MAU AO WSOABXRO NAO so"e one "ay not guide "ebI he XR VBC LWRMRPR XN `AUNYAKNPNO VN VLO #alled Phili also, having #o"e u , to ZBKB``LO AOAHAOVA YA]BPAB PSO ASVQ sit $ith hi") -,.nd the #ontents o! the Writing that -,R WN `NUBLTR VRC MUAZRC RO he $as reading $as thisF I.s a shee AONMBOQPYNO RO ASVR QC `ULHAVLO N`B unto slaughter he $as led, and as a PZAMRO RT]R YAB QC AXOLC NOAOVBLO la"b be!ore his shearer du"b, so he VLS YNBULOVLC ASVLO AZQOLC LSVQC doth not o en his "outh, LSY AOLBMNB VL PVLXA ASVLS --in his hu"iliation his -udg"ent $as --NO VR VA`NBOQPNB ASVLS R YUBPBC ta'en a$ay, and his generation ++ $ho ASVLS RU]R VRO WN MNONAO ASVLS VBC shall de#lareb be#ause ta'en !ro" the WBRMRPNVAB LVB ABUNVAB A`L VRC MRC R earth is his li!e)I \QR ASVLS 8:9
-..nd the eunu#h ans$ering Phili said, I0 ray thee, about $ho" doth the ro het say thisb about hi"sel!, or about so"e other onebI -'and Phili having o ened his "outh, and having begun !ro" this Writing, ro#lai"ed good ne$s to hi" ++ 5esus) -/.nd as they $ere going on the $ay, they #a"e u on a #ertain $ater, and the eunu#h said, ILo, $ater, $hat doth hinder "e to be ba tiEedbI -0I.nd Phili said, I0! thou dost believe out o! all the heart, it is la$!ul,I and he ans$ering said, I0 believe 5esus Dhrist to be the Son o! &od,II -$and he #o""anded the #hariot to stand still, and they both $ent do$n to the $ater, both Phili and the eunu#h, and he ba tiEed hi", -%and $hen they #a"e u out o! the $ater, the S irit o! the Lord #aught a$ay Phili , and the eunu#h sa$ hi" no "ore, !or he $as going on his $ay re-oi#ing, .(and Phili $as !ound at .Eotus, and assing through, he $as ro#lai"ing good ne$s to all the #ities, till his #o"ing to Desarea) -.A`LYUB]NBC WN L NSOLSTLC VQ ZBKB``Q NB`NO WNLXAB PLS `NUB VBOLC L `ULZRVRC KNMNB VLSVL `NUB NASVLS R `NUB NVNULS VBOLC -'AOLBaAC WN L ZBKB``LC VL PVLXA ASVLS YAB AUaAXNOLC A`L VRC MUAZRC VASVRC NSRMMNKBPAVL ASVQ VLO BRPLSO -/QC WN N`LUNSLOVL YAVA VRO LWLO RK]LO N`B VB SWQU YAB ZRPBO L NSOLSTLC BWLS SWQU VB YQKSNB XN HA`VBP]ROAB -0NB`NO WN L ZBKB``LC NB `BPVNSNBC Na LKRC VRC YAUWBAC NaNPVBO A`LYUB]NBC WN NB`NO `BPVNSQ VLO SBLO VLS ]NLS NBOAB VLO BRPLSO TUBPVLO -$YAB NYNKNSPNO PVROAB VL AUXA YAB YAVNHRPAO AXZLVNULB NBC VL SWQU L VN ZBKB``LC YAB L NSOLSTLC YAB NHA`VBPNO ASVLO -%LVN WN AONHRPAO NY VLS SWAVLC `ONSXA YSUBLS RU`APNO VLO ZBKB``LO YAB LSY NBWNO ASVLO LSYNVB L NSOLSTLC N`LUNSNVL MAU VRO LWLO ASVLS TABUQO .(ZBKB``LC WN NSUN]R NBC A\QVLO YAB WBNUTLXNOLC NSRMMNKB\NVL VAC `LKNBC `APAC NQC VLS NK]NBO ASVLO NBC YABPAUNBAO
+hapter %
#.nd Saul, yet breathing o! threatening and slaughter to the dis#i les o! the Lord, having gone to the #hie! riest, ,did as' !ro" hi" letters to Da"as#us, unto the synagogues, that i! he "ay !ind any being o! the $ay, both "en and $o"en, he "ay bring the" bound to 5erusale") -.nd in the going, he #a"e nigh to Da"as#us, and suddenly there shone round about hi" a light !ro" the heaven, .and having !allen u on the earth, he heard a voi#e saying to hi", ISaul, Saul, $hy "e dost thou erse#utebI '.nd he said, IWho art thou, LordbI and the Lord said, I0 a" 5esus $ho" thou dost erse#ute, hard !or thee at the ri#'s to 'i#',I /tre"bling also, and astonished, he said, ILord, $hat dost thou $ish "e to dobI and the Lord IsaidI unto hi", I.rise, and enter into the #ity, and it shall be told thee $hat it behoveth thee to do)I 0.nd the "en $ho are -ourneying $ith hi" stood s ee#hless, hearing indeed the voi#e but seeing no one, $and Saul arose !ro" the earth, and his eyes having been o ened, he beheld no one, and leading hi" by the hand they brought hi" to Da"as#us, #L WN PASKLC NVB NX`ONQO A`NBKRC YAB ZLOLS NBC VLSC XA]RVAC VLS YSUBLS `ULPNK]QO VQ AUTBNUNB ,RVRPAVL `AU ASVLS N`BPVLKAC NBC WAXAPYLO `ULC VAC PSOAMQMAC L`QC NAO VBOAC NSUR VRC LWLS LOVAC AOWUAC VN YAB MSOABYAC WNWNXNOLSC AMAMR NBC BNULSPAKRX -NO WN VQ `LUNSNP]AB NMNONVL ASVLO NMMB\NBO VR WAXAPYQ YAB NaABZORC `NUBRPVUAcNO ASVLO ZQC A`L VLS LSUAOLS .YAB `NPQO N`B VRO MRO RYLSPNO ZQORO KNMLSPAO ASVQ PALSK PALSK VB XN WBQYNBC 'NB`NO WN VBC NB YSUBN L WN YSUBLC NB`NO NMQ NBXB BRPLSC LO PS WBQYNBC PYKRULO PLB `ULC YNOVUA KAYVB\NBO /VUNXQO VN YAB ]AXHQO NB`NO YSUBN VB XN ]NKNBC `LBRPAB YAB L YSUBLC `ULC ASVLO AOAPVR]B YAB NBPNK]N NBC VRO `LKBO YAB KAKR]RPNVAB PLB VB PN WNB `LBNBO 0LB WN AOWUNC LB PSOLWNSLOVNC ASVQ NBPVRYNBPAO NOONLB AYLSLOVNC XNO VRC ZQORC XRWNOA WN ]NQULSOVNC $RMNU]R WN L PASKLC A`L VRC MRC AONQMXNOQO WN VQO LZ]AKXQO ASVLS LSWNOA NHKN`NO TNBUAMQMLSOVNC WN ASVLO NBPRMAMLO NBC WAXAPYLO
%and he $as three days $ithout seeing, and he did neither eat nor drin') #(.nd there $as a #ertain dis#i le in Da"as#us, by na"e .nanias, and the Lord said unto hi" in a vision, I.nanias,I and he said, IBehold "e, Lord,I ##and the Lord IsaithI unto hi", IHaving risen, go on unto the street that is #alled Straight, and see' in the house o! 5udas, IoneI by na"e Saul o! Tarsus, !or, lo, he doth ray, #,and he sa$ in a vision a "an, by na"e .nanias, #o"ing in, and utting a hand on hi", that he "ay see again)I #-.nd .nanias ans$ered, ILord, 0 have heard !ro" "any about this "an, ho$ "any evils he did to Thy saints in 5erusale", #.and here he hath authority !ro" the #hie! riests, to bind all those #alling on Thy na"e)I #'.nd the Lord said unto hi", IBe going on, be#ause a #hoi#e vessel to @e is this one, to bear @y na"e be!ore nations and 'ings ++ the sons also o! 0srael, #/!or 0 $ill she$ hi" ho$ "any things it behoveth hi" !or @y na"e to su!!er)I %YAB RO RXNUAC VUNBC XR HKN`QO YAB LSY NZAMNO LSWN N`BNO #(RO WN VBC XA]RVRC NO WAXAPYQ LOLXAVB AOAOBAC YAB NB`NO `ULC ASVLO L YSUBLC NO LUAXAVB AOAOBA L WN NB`NO BWLS NMQ YSUBN ##L WN YSUBLC `ULC ASVLO AOAPVAC `LUNS]RVB N`B VRO USXRO VRO YAKLSXNORO NS]NBAO YAB \RVRPLO NO LBYBA BLSWA PASKLO LOLXAVB VAUPNA BWLS MAU `ULPNSTNVAB #,YAB NBWNO NO LUAXAVB AOWUA LOLXAVB AOAOBAO NBPNK]LOVA YAB N`B]NOVA ASVQ TNBUA L`QC AOAHKNcR #-A`NYUB]R WN L AOAOBAC YSUBN AYRYLA A`L `LKKQO `NUB VLS AOWULC VLSVLS LPA YAYA N`LBRPNO VLBC AMBLBC PLS NO BNULSPAKRX #.YAB QWN NTNB NaLSPBAO `AUA VQO AUTBNUNQO WRPAB `AOVAC VLSC N`BYAKLSXNOLSC VL LOLXA PLS #'NB`NO WN `ULC ASVLO L YSUBLC `LUNSLS LVB PYNSLC NYKLMRC XLB NPVBO LSVLC VLS HAPVAPAB VL LOLXA XLS NOQ`BLO N]OQO YAB HAPBKNQO SBQO VN BPUARK #/NMQ MAU S`LWNBaQ ASVQ LPA WNB ASVLO S`NU VLS LOLXAVLC XLS `A]NBO
#0.nd .nanias $ent a$ay, and did enter into the house, and having ut u on hi" IhisI hands, said, ISaul, brother, the Lord hath sent "e ++ 5esus $ho did a ear to thee in the $ay in $hi#h thou $ast #o"ing ++ that thou "ayest see again, and "ayest be !illed $ith the Holy S irit)I #$.nd i""ediately there !ell !ro" his eyes as it $ere s#ales, he sa$ again also resently, and having risen, $as ba tiEed, #%and having re#eived nourish"ent, $as strengthened, and Saul $as $ith the dis#i les in Da"as#us #ertain days, ,(and i""ediately in the synagogues he $as rea#hing the Dhrist, that he is the Son o! &od) ,#.nd all those hearing $ere a"aEed, and said, I0s not this he $ho laid $aist in 5erusale" those #alling on this na"e, and hither to this intent had #o"e, that he "ight bring the" bound to the #hie! riestsbI ,,.nd Saul $as still "ore strengthened, and he $as #on!ounding the 5e$s d$elling in Da"as#us, roving that this is the Dhrist) ,-.nd $hen "any days $ere !ul!illed, the 5e$s too' #ounsel together to 'ill hi", #0A`RK]NO WN AOAOBAC YAB NBPRK]NO NBC VRO LBYBAO YAB N`B]NBC N` ASVLO VAC TNBUAC NB`NO PALSK AWNKZN L YSUBLC A`NPVAKYNO XN BRPLSC L LZ]NBC PLB NO VR LWQ R RUTLS L`QC AOAHKNcRC YAB `KRP]RC `ONSXAVLC AMBLS #$YAB NS]NQC A`N`NPLO A`L VQO LZ]AKXQO ASVLS QPNB KN`BWNC AONHKNcNO VN `AUATURXA YAB AOAPVAC NHA`VBP]R #%YAB KAHQO VULZRO NOBPTSPNO NMNONVL WN L PASKLC XNVA VQO NO WAXAPYQ XA]RVQO RXNUAC VBOAC ,(YAB NS]NQC NO VABC PSOAMQMABC NYRUSPPNO VLO TUBPVLO LVB LSVLC NPVBO L SBLC VLS ]NLS ,#NaBPVAOVL WN `AOVNC LB AYLSLOVNC YAB NKNMLO LST LSVLC NPVBO L `LU]RPAC NO BNULSPAKRX VLSC N`BYAKLSXNOLSC VL LOLXA VLSVL YAB QWN NBC VLSVL NKRKS]NB BOA WNWNXNOLSC ASVLSC AMAMR N`B VLSC AUTBNUNBC ,,PASKLC WN XAKKLO NONWSOAXLSVL YAB PSONTSONO VLSC BLSWABLSC VLSC YAVLBYLSOVAC NO WAXAPYQ PSXHBHA\QO LVB LSVLC NPVBO L TUBPVLC ,-QC WN N`KRULSOVL RXNUAB BYAOAB PSONHLSKNSPAOVL LB BLSWABLB AONKNBO ASVLO
,.and their #ounsel against Ihi"I $as 'no$n to Saul, they $ere also $at#hing the gates both day and night, that they "ay 'ill hi", ,'and the dis#i les having ta'en hi", by night did let hi" do$n by the $all, letting do$n in a bas'et) ,/.nd Saul, having #o"e to 5erusale", did try to -oin hi"sel! to the dis#i les, and they $ere all a!raid o! hi", not believing that he is a dis#i le, ,0and Barnabas having ta'en hi", brought Ihi"I unto the a ostles, and did de#lare to the" ho$ in the $ay he sa$ the Lord, and that he s a'e to hi", and ho$ in Da"as#us he $as s ea'ing boldly in the na"e o! 5esus) ,$.nd he $as $ith the", #o"ing in and going out in 5erusale", ,.NMOQP]R WN VQ PASKQ R N`BHLSKR ASVQO `AUNVRULSO VN VAC `SKAC RXNUAC VN YAB OSYVLC L`QC ASVLO AONKQPBO ,'KAHLOVNC WN ASVLO LB XA]RVAB OSYVLC YA]RYAO WBA VLS VNBTLSC TAKAPAOVNC NO P`SUBWB ,/`AUAMNOLXNOLC WN L PASKLC NBC BNULSPAKRX N`NBUAVL YLKKAP]AB VLBC XA]RVABC YAB `AOVNC NZLHLSOVL ASVLO XR `BPVNSLOVNC LVB NPVBO XA]RVRC ,0HAUOAHAC WN N`BKAHLXNOLC ASVLO RMAMNO `ULC VLSC A`LPVLKLSC YAB WBRMRPAVL ASVLBC `QC NO VR LWQ NBWNO VLO YSUBLO YAB LVB NKAKRPNO ASVQ YAB `QC NO WAXAPYQ N`AUURPBAPAVL NO VQ LOLXAVB VLS BRPLS ,$YAB RO XNV ASVQO NBP`LUNSLXNOLC YAB NY`LUNSLXNOLC NO BNULSPAKRX YAB `AUURPBA\LXNOLC NO VQ LOLXAVB VLS YSUBLS BRPLS ,%NKAKNB VN YAB PSON\RVNB `ULC VLSC NKKROBPVAC LB WN N`NTNBULSO ASVLO AONKNBO
,%and s ea'ing boldly in the na"e o! the Lord 5esus, he $as both s ea'ing and dis uting $ith the Hellenists, and they $ere ta'ing in hand to 'ill hi", -(and the brethren having 'no$n, -(N`BMOLOVNC WN LB AWNKZLB YAVRMAMLO brought hi" do$n to Desarea, and sent ASVLO NBC YABPAUNBAO YAB NaA`NPVNBKAO hi" !orth to Tarsus) ASVLO NBC VAUPLO
-#Then, indeed, the asse"blies throughout all 5udea, and &alilee, and Sa"aria, had ea#e, being built u , and, going on in the !ear o! the Lord, and in the #o"!ort o! the Holy S irit, they $ere "ulti lied) -,.nd it #a"e to ass that Peter assing throughout all I?uartersI, #a"e do$n also unto the saints $ho $ere d$elling at Lydda, --and he !ound there a #ertain "an, .eneas by na"e ++ !or eight years laid u on a #ou#h ++ $ho $as aralyti#, -.and Peter said to hi", I.eneas, heal thee doth 5esus the Dhrist, arise and s read !or thysel!,I and i""ediately he rose, -'and all those d$elling at Lydda, and Saron sa$ hi", and did turn to the Lord) -/.nd in 5o a there $as a #ertain !e"ale dis#i le, by na"e Tabitha, 7$hi#h inter reted, is #alled Dor#as,< this $o"an $as !ull o! good $or's and 'ind a#ts that she $as doing, -0and it #a"e to ass in those days she, having ailed, died, and having bathed her, they laid her in an u er #ha"ber, -$and Lydda being nigh to 5o a, the dis#i les having heard that Peter is in that I la#eI, sent t$o "en unto hi", #alling on hi" not to delay to #o"e through unto the") -#AB XNO LSO NYYKRPBAB YA] LKRC VRC BLSWABAC YAB MAKBKABAC YAB PAXAUNBAC NBTLO NBURORO LBYLWLXLSXNOAB YAB `LUNSLXNOAB VQ ZLHQ VLS YSUBLS YAB VR `AUAYKRPNB VLS AMBLS `ONSXAVLC N`KR]SOLOVL -,NMNONVL WN `NVULO WBNUTLXNOLO WBA `AOVQO YAVNK]NBO YAB `ULC VLSC AMBLSC VLSC YAVLBYLSOVAC KSWWAO --NSUNO WN NYNB AO]UQ`LO VBOA ABONAO LOLXAVB Na NVQO LYVQ YAVAYNBXNOLO N`B YUAHHAVQ LC RO `AUAKNKSXNOLC -.YAB NB`NO ASVQ L `NVULC ABONA BAVAB PN BRPLSC L TUBPVLC AOAPVR]B YAB PVUQPLO PNASVQ YAB NS]NQC AONPVR -'YAB NBWLO ASVLO `AOVNC LB YAVLBYLSOVNC KSWWAO YAB VLO PAUQOAO LBVBONC N`NPVUNcAO N`B VLO YSUBLO -/NO BL``R WN VBC RO XA]RVUBA LOLXAVB VAHB]A R WBNUXRONSLXNOR KNMNVAB WLUYAC ASVR RO `KRURC AMA]QO NUMQO YAB NKNRXLPSOQO QO N`LBNB -0NMNONVL WN NO VABC RXNUABC NYNBOABC AP]NORPAPAO ASVRO A`L]AONBO KLSPAOVNC WN ASVRO N]RYAO NO S`NUQQ -$NMMSC WN LSPRC KSWWRC VR BL``R LB XA]RVAB AYLSPAOVNC LVB `NVULC NPVBO NO ASVR A`NPVNBKAO WSL AOWUAC `ULC ASVLO `AUAYAKLSOVNC XR LYORPAB WBNK]NBO NQC ASVQO
-%.nd Peter having risen, $ent $ith the", $ho" having #o"e, they brought into the u er #ha"ber, and all the $ido$s stood by hi" $ee ing, and she$ing #oats and gar"ents, as "any as Dor#as $as "a'ing $hile she $as $ith the") .(.nd Peter having ut the" all !orth $ithout, having bo$ed the 'nees, did ray, and having turned unto the body said, ITabitha, arise,I and she o ened her eyes, and having seen Peter, she sat u , .#and having given her IhisI hand, he li!ted her u , and having #alled the saints and the $ido$s, he resented her alive, .,and it be#a"e 'no$n throughout all 5o a, and "any believed on the Lord, .-and it #a"e to ass, that he re"ained "any days in 5o a, $ith a #ertain one, Si"on a tanner) -%AOAPVAC WN `NVULC PSORK]NO ASVLBC LO `AUAMNOLXNOLO AORMAMLO NBC VL S`NUQLO YAB `AUNPVRPAO ASVQ `APAB AB TRUAB YKABLSPAB YAB N`BWNBYOSXNOAB TBVQOAC YAB BXAVBA LPA N`LBNB XNV ASVQO LSPA R WLUYAC .(NYHAKQO WN NaQ `AOVAC L `NVULC ]NBC VA MLOAVA `ULPRSaAVL YAB N`BPVUNcAC `ULC VL PQXA NB`NO VAHB]A AOAPVR]B R WN ROLBaNO VLSC LZ]AKXLSC ASVRC YAB BWLSPA VLO `NVULO AONYA]BPNO .#WLSC WN ASVR TNBUA AONPVRPNO ASVRO ZQORPAC WN VLSC AMBLSC YAB VAC TRUAC `AUNPVRPNO ASVRO \QPAO .,MOQPVLO WN NMNONVL YA] LKRC VRC BL``RC YAB `LKKLB N`BPVNSPAO N`B VLO YSUBLO .-NMNONVL WN RXNUAC BYAOAC XNBOAB ASVLO NO BL``R `AUA VBOB PBXQOB HSUPNB
+hapter #(
#.nd there $as a #ertain "an in Desarea, by na"e Dornelius, a #enturion !ro" a band #alled 0talian, , ious, and !earing &od $ith all his house, doing also "any 'ind a#ts to the eo le, and besee#hing &od al$ays, -he sa$ in a vision "ani!estly, as it $ere the ninth hour o! the day, a "essenger o! &od #o"ing in unto hi", and saying to hi", IDornelius,I .and he having loo'ed earnestly on hi", and be#o"ing a!raid, said, IWhat is it, LordbI .nd he said to hi", IThy rayers and thy 'ind a#ts #a"e u !or a "e"orial be!ore &od, 'and no$ send "en to 5o a, and send !or a #ertain one Si"on, $ho is surna"ed Peter, /this one doth lodge $ith a #ertain Si"on a tanner, $hose house is by the sea, this one shall s ea' to thee $hat it behoveth thee to do)I 0.nd $hen the "essenger $ho is s ea'ing to Dornelius $ent a$ay, having #alled t$o o! his do"esti#s, and a ious soldier o! those $aiting on hi" #ontinually, $and having de#lared to the" all things, he sent the" to 5o a) #AORU WN VBC RO NO YABPAUNBA LOLXAVB YLUORKBLC NYAVLOVAUTRC NY P`NBURC VRC YAKLSXNORC BVAKBYRC ,NSPNHRC YAB ZLHLSXNOLC VLO ]NLO PSO `AOVB VQ LBYQ ASVLS `LBQO VN NKNRXLPSOAC `LKKAC VQ KAQ YAB WNLXNOLC VLS ]NLS WBA`AOVLC -NBWNO NO LUAXAVB ZAONUQC QPNB QUAO NOOAVRO VRC RXNUAC AMMNKLO VLS ]NLS NBPNK]LOVA `ULC ASVLO YAB NB`LOVA ASVQ YLUORKBN .L WN AVNOBPAC ASVQ YAB NXZLHLC MNOLXNOLC NB`NO VB NPVBO YSUBN NB`NO WN ASVQ AB `ULPNSTAB PLS YAB AB NKNRXLPSOAB PLS AONHRPAO NBC XORXLPSOLO NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS 'YAB OSO `NXcLO NBC BL``RO AOWUAC YAB XNVA`NXcAB PBXQOA LC N`BYAKNBVAB `NVULC /LSVLC aNOB\NVAB `AUA VBOB PBXQOB HSUPNB Q NPVBO LBYBA `AUA ]AKAPPAO LSVLC KAKRPNB PLB VB PN WNB `LBNBO 0QC WN A`RK]NO L AMMNKLC L KAKQO VQ YLUORKBQ ZQORPAC WSL VQO LBYNVQO ASVLS YAB PVUAVBQVRO NSPNHR VQO `ULPYAUVNULSOVQO ASVQ $YAB NaRMRPAXNOLC ASVLBC A`AOVA A`NPVNBKNO ASVLSC NBC VRO BL``RO
%.nd on the "orro$, as these are ro#eeding on the $ay, and are dra$ing nigh to the #ity, Peter $ent u u on the house+to to ray, about the si(th hour, #(and he be#a"e very hungry, and $ished to eat, and they "a'ing ready, there !ell u on hi" a tran#e, ##and he doth behold the heaven o ened, and des#ending unto hi" a #ertain vessel, as a great sheet, bound at the !our #orners, and let do$n u on the earth, #,in $hi#h $ere all the !our+!ooted beasts o! the earth, and the $ild beasts, and the #ree ing things, and the !o$ls o! the heaven, #-and there #a"e a voi#e unto hi"F IHaving risen, Peter, slay and eat)I #..nd Peter said, I/ot so, Lord, be#ause at no ti"e did 0 eat anything #o""on or un#lean,I #'and Ithere isI a voi#e again a se#ond ti"e unto hi"F IWhat &od did #leanse, thou, de#lare not thou #o""on,I #/and this $as done thri#e, and again $as the vessel re#eived u to the heaven) #0.nd as Peter $as er le(ed in hi"sel! $hat the vision that he sa$ "ight be, then, lo, the "en $ho have been sent !ro" Dornelius, having "ade in?uiry !or the house o! Si"on, stood at the gate, %VR WN N`ASUBLO LWLB`LULSOVQO NYNBOQO YAB VR `LKNB NMMB\LOVQO AONHR `NVULC N`B VL WQXA `ULPNSaAP]AB `NUB QUAO NYVRO #(NMNONVL WN `ULP`NBOLC YAB R]NKNO MNSPAP]AB `AUAPYNSA\LOVQO WN NYNBOQO N`N`NPNO N` ASVLO NYPVAPBC ##YAB ]NQUNB VLO LSUAOLO AONQMXNOLO YAB YAVAHABOLO N` ASVLO PYNSLC VB QC L]LORO XNMAKRO VNPPAUPBO AUTABC WNWNXNOLO YAB YA]BNXNOLO N`B VRC MRC #,NO Q S`RUTNO `AOVA VA VNVUA`LWA VRC MRC YAB VA ]RUBA YAB VA NU`NVA YAB VA `NVNBOA VLS LSUAOLS #-YAB NMNONVL ZQOR `ULC ASVLO AOAPVAC `NVUN ]SPLO YAB ZAMN #.L WN `NVULC NB`NO XRWAXQC YSUBN LVB LSWN`LVN NZAMLO `AO YLBOLO R AYA]AUVLO #'YAB ZQOR `AKBO NY WNSVNULS `ULC ASVLO A L ]NLC NYA]AUBPNO PS XR YLBOLS #/VLSVL WN NMNONVL N`B VUBC YAB `AKBO AONKRZ]R VL PYNSLC NBC VLO LSUAOLO #0QC WN NO NASVQ WBR`LUNB L `NVULC VB AO NBR VL LUAXA L NBWNO YAB BWLS LB AOWUNC LB A`NPVAKXNOLB A`L VLS YLUORKBLS WBNUQVRPAOVNC VRO LBYBAO PBXQOLC N`NPVRPAO N`B VLO `SKQOA
#$and having #alled, they $ere as'ing i! Si"on, $ho is surna"ed Peter, doth lodge hereb #%.nd Peter thin'ing about the vision, the S irit said to hi", ILo, three "en do see' thee, ,(but having risen, go do$n and go on $ith the", nothing doubting, be#ause 0 have sent the",I #$YAB ZQORPAOVNC N`SO]AOLOVL NB PBXQO L N`BYAKLSXNOLC `NVULC NO]AWN aNOB\NVAB #%VLS WN `NVULS NO]SXLSXNOLS `NUB VLS LUAXAVLC NB`NO ASVQ VL `ONSXA BWLS AOWUNC VUNBC \RVLSPBO PN ,(AKKA AOAPVAC YAVAHR]B YAB `LUNSLS PSO ASVLBC XRWNO WBAYUBOLXNOLC WBLVB NMQ A`NPVAKYA ASVLSC ,#and Peter having #o"e do$n unto ,#YAVAHAC WN `NVULC `ULC VLSC the "en $ho have been sent !ro" AOWUAC VLSC A`NPVAKXNOLSC A`L VLS Dornelius unto hi", said, ILo, 0 a" he YLUORKBLS `ULC ASVLO NB`NO BWLS NMQ $ho" ye see', $hat IisI the #ause !or NBXB LO \RVNBVN VBC R ABVBA WB RO $hi#h ye are resentbI `AUNPVN ,,.nd they said, IDornelius, a ,,LB WN NB`LO YLUORKBLC NYAVLOVAUTRC #enturion, a "an righteous and !earing AORU WBYABLC YAB ZLHLSXNOLC VLO ]NLO &od, $ell testi!ied to, also, by all the XAUVSULSXNOLC VN S`L LKLS VLS nation o! the 5e$s, $as divinely N]OLSC VQO BLSWABQO NTURXAVBP]R S`L $arned by a holy "essenger to send AMMNKLS AMBLS XNVA`NXcAP]AB PN NBC !or thee, to his house, and to hear VLO LBYLO ASVLS YAB AYLSPAB URXAVA sayings !ro" thee)I `AUA PLS ,-Having #alled the" in, there!ore, he ,-NBPYAKNPAXNOLC LSO ASVLSC lodged the", and on the "orro$ Peter NaNOBPNO VR WN N`ASUBLO L `NVULC $ent !orth $ith the", and #ertain o! NaRK]NO PSO ASVLBC YAB VBONC VQO the brethren !ro" 5o a $ent $ith AWNKZQO VQO A`L VRC BL``RC hi", PSORK]LO ASVQ ,.and on the "orro$ they did enter ,.YAB VR N`ASUBLO NBPRK]LO NBC VRO into Desarea, and Dornelius $as YABPAUNBAO L WN YLUORKBLC RO $aiting !or the", having #alled `ULPWLYQO ASVLSC PSMYAKNPAXNOLC together his 'indred and near !riends, VLSC PSMMNONBC ASVLS YAB VLSC AOAMYABLSC ZBKLSC
,'and as it #a"e that Peter entered in, Dornelius having "et hi", having !allen at IhisI !eet, did bo$ be!ore Ihi"I, ,/and Peter raised hi", saying, IStand u , 0 also "ysel! a" a "an,I ,0and tal'ing $ith hi" he $ent in, and doth !ind "any having #o"e together) ,$.nd he said unto the", I4e 'no$ ho$ it is unla$!ul !or a "an, a 5e$, to 'ee #o" any $ith, or to #o"e unto, one o! another ra#e, but to "e &od did she$ to #all no "an #o""on or un#lean, ,%there!ore also $ithout gainsaying 0 #a"e, having been sent !or, 0 as', there!ore, !or $hat "atter ye did send !or "ebI -(.nd Dornelius said, IFour days ago till this hour, 0 $as !asting, and IatI the ninth hour raying in "y house, and, lo, a "an stood be!ore "e in bright #lothing, ,'QC WN NMNONVL NBPNK]NBO VLO `NVULO PSOAOVRPAC ASVQ L YLUORKBLC `NPQO N`B VLSC `LWAC `ULPNYSORPNO ,/L WN `NVULC ASVLO RMNBUNO KNMQO AOAPVR]B YAMQ ASVLC AO]UQ`LC NBXB ,0YAB PSOLXBKQO ASVQ NBPRK]NO YAB NSUBPYNB PSONKRKS]LVAC `LKKLSC ,$NZR VN `ULC ASVLSC SXNBC N`BPVAP]N QC A]NXBVLO NPVBO AOWUB BLSWABQ YLKKAP]AB R `ULPNUTNP]AB AKKLZSKQ YAB NXLB L ]NLC NWNBaNO XRWNOA YLBOLO R AYA]AUVLO KNMNBO AO]UQ`LO ,%WBL YAB AOAOVBUURVQC RK]LO XNVA`NXZ]NBC `SO]AOLXAB LSO VBOB KLMQ XNVN`NXcAP]N XN
-(YAB L YLUORKBLC NZR A`L VNVAUVRC RXNUAC XNTUB VASVRC VRC QUAC RXRO ORPVNSQO YAB VRO NOOAVRO QUAO `ULPNSTLXNOLC NO VQ LBYQ XLS YAB BWLS AORU NPVR NOQ`BLO XLS NO NP]RVB KAX`UA -#and he said, Dornelius, thy rayer -#YAB ZRPBO YLUORKBN NBPRYLSP]R PLS $as heard, and thy 'ind a#ts $ere R `ULPNSTR YAB AB NKNRXLPSOAB PLS re"e"bered be!ore &od, NXORP]RPAO NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS -,send, there!ore, to 5o a, and #all -,`NXcLO LSO NBC BL``RO YAB !or Si"on, $ho is surna"ed Peter, this XNVAYAKNPAB PBXQOA LC N`BYAKNBVAB one doth lodge in the house o! Si"on a `NVULC LSVLC aNOB\NVAB NO LBYBA tanner, by the sea, $ho having #o"e, PBXQOLC HSUPNQC `AUA ]AKAPPAO LC shall s ea' to thee, `AUAMNOLXNOLC KAKRPNB PLB
--at on#e, there!ore, 0 sent to thee, thou also didst do $ell, having #o"e, no$, there!ore, are $e all be!ore &od resent to hear all things that have been #o""anded thee by &od)I -..nd Peter having o ened his "outh, said, IO! a truth, 0 er#eive that &od is no res e#ter o! ersons, -'but in every nation he $ho is !earing Hi", and is $or'ing righteousness, is a##e table to Hi", -/the $ord that he sent to the sons o! 0srael, ro#lai"ing good ne$s ++ ea#e through 5esus Dhrist 7this one is Lord o! all,< -0ye ++ ye have 'no$n, ++ the $ord that #a"e throughout all 5udea, having begun !ro" &alilee, a!ter the ba tis" that 5ohn rea#hed, -$5esus $ho IisI !ro" /aEareth ++ ho$ &od did anoint hi" $ith the Holy S irit and o$er, $ho $ent through, doing good, and healing all those o ressed by the devil, be#ause &od $as $ith hi", -%and $e ++ $e are $itnesses o! all things that he did, both in the #ountry o! the 5e$s, and in 5erusale", ++ $ho" they did slay, having hanged u on a tree) .(IThis one &od did raise u the third day, and gave hi" to be#o"e "ani!est, --NaASVRC LSO N`NXcA `ULC PN PS VN YAKQC N`LBRPAC `AUAMNOLXNOLC OSO LSO `AOVNC RXNBC NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS `AUNPXNO AYLSPAB `AOVA VA `ULPVNVAMXNOA PLB S`L VLS ]NLS -.AOLBaAC WN `NVULC VL PVLXA NB`NO N` AKR]NBAC YAVAKAXHAOLXAB LVB LSY NPVBO `ULPQ`LKR`VRC L ]NLC -'AKK NO `AOVB N]ONB L ZLHLSXNOLC ASVLO YAB NUMA\LXNOLC WBYABLPSORO WNYVLC ASVQ NPVBO -/VLO KLMLO LO A`NPVNBKNO VLBC SBLBC BPUARK NSAMMNKB\LXNOLC NBURORO WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS LSVLC NPVBO `AOVQO YSUBLC -0SXNBC LBWAVN VL MNOLXNOLO URXA YA] LKRC VRC BLSWABAC AUaAXNOLO A`L VRC MAKBKABAC XNVA VL HA`VBPXA L NYRUSaNO BQAOORC -$BRPLSO VLO A`L OA\AUNV QC NTUBPNO ASVLO L ]NLC `ONSXAVB AMBQ YAB WSOAXNB LC WBRK]NO NSNUMNVQO YAB BQXNOLC `AOVAC VLSC YAVAWSOAPVNSLXNOLSC S`L VLS WBAHLKLS LVB L ]NLC RO XNV ASVLS -%YAB RXNBC NPXNO XAUVSUNC `AOVQO QO N`LBRPNO NO VN VR TQUA VQO BLSWABQO YAB NO BNULSPAKRX LO AONBKLO YUNXAPAOVNC N`B aSKLS .(VLSVLO L ]NLC RMNBUNO VR VUBVR RXNUA YAB NWQYNO ASVLO NXZAOR MNONP]AB
.#not to all the eo le, but to $itnesses, to those having been #hosen be!ore by &od ++ to us $ho did eat $ith Ihi"I, and did drin' $ith hi", a!ter his rising out o! the dead, .,and he #o""anded us to rea#h to the eo le, and to testi!y !ully that it is he $ho hath been ordained by &od -udge o! living and dead ++ .-to this one do all the ro hets testi!y, that through his na"e every one that is believing in hi" doth re#eive re"ission o! sins)I ..While Peter is yet s ea'ing these sayings, the Holy s irit !ell u on all those hearing the $ord, .#LS `AOVB VQ KAQ AKKA XAUVSPBO VLBC `ULYNTNBULVLORXNOLBC S`L VLS ]NLS RXBO LBVBONC PSONZAMLXNO YAB PSON`BLXNO ASVQ XNVA VL AOAPVROAB ASVLO NY ONYUQO .,YAB `AURMMNBKNO RXBO YRUSaAB VQ KAQ YAB WBAXAUVSUAP]AB LVB ASVLC NPVBO L QUBPXNOLC S`L VLS ]NLS YUBVRC \QOVQO YAB ONYUQO .-VLSVQ `AOVNC LB `ULZRVAB XAUVSULSPBO AZNPBO AXAUVBQO KAHNBO WBA VLS LOLXAVLC ASVLS `AOVA VLO `BPVNSLOVA NBC ASVLO ..NVB KAKLSOVLC VLS `NVULS VA URXAVA VASVA N`N`NPNO VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO N`B `AOVAC VLSC AYLSLOVAC VLO KLMLO .'YAB NaNPVRPAO LB NY `NUBVLXRC `BPVLB LPLB PSORK]LO VQ `NVUQ LVB YAB N`B VA N]OR R WQUNA VLS AMBLS `ONSXAVLC NYYNTSVAB
.'and those o! the #ir#u"#ision believing $ere astonished ++ as "any as #a"e $ith Peter ++ be#ause also u on the nations the gi!t o! the Holy S irit hath been oured out, ./!or they $ere hearing the" s ea'ing ./RYLSLO MAU ASVQO KAKLSOVQO $ith tongues and "agni!ying &od) MKQPPABC YAB XNMAKSOLOVQO VLO ]NLO VLVN A`NYUB]R L `NVULC .0Then ans$ered Peter, IThe $ater is .0XRVB VL SWQU YQKSPAB WSOAVAB VBC any one able to !orbid, that these "ay VLS XR HA`VBP]ROAB VLSVLSC LBVBONC VL not be ba tiEed, $ho the Holy S irit `ONSXA VL AMBLO NKAHLO YA]QC YAB did re#eive ++ even as also $ebI RXNBC .$he #o""anded the" also to be .$`ULPNVAaNO VN ASVLSC HA`VBP]ROAB ba tiEed in the na"e o! the Lord, then NO VQ LOLXAVB VLS YSUBLS VLVN they besought hi" to re"ain #ertain RUQVRPAO ASVLO N`BXNBOAB RXNUAC days) VBOAC
+hapter ##
#.nd the a ostles and the brethren $ho are in 5udea heard that also the nations did re#eive the $ord o! &od, #RYLSPAO WN LB A`LPVLKLB YAB LB AWNKZLB LB LOVNC YAVA VRO BLSWABAO LVB YAB VA N]OR NWNaAOVL VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS ,and $hen Peter #a"e u to ,YAB LVN AONHR `NVULC NBC BNULPLKSXA 5erusale", those o! the #ir#u"#ision WBNYUBOLOVL `ULC ASVLO LB NY $ere #ontending $ith hi", `NUBVLXRC -saying ++ I_nto "en un#ir#u"#ised -KNMLOVNC LVB `ULC AOWUAC thou didst go in, and didst eat $ith AYULHSPVBAO NTLOVAC NBPRK]NC YAB the"dI PSONZAMNC ASVLBC ..nd Peter having begun, did e( ound .AUaAXNOLC WN L `NVULC NaNVB]NVL to the" in order saying, ASVLBC YA]NaRC KNMQO 'I0 $as in the #ity o! 5o a raying, 'NMQ RXRO NO `LKNB BL``R and 0 sa$ in a tran#e a vision, a #ertain `ULPNSTLXNOLC YAB NBWLO NO NYPVAPNB vessel #o"ing do$n, as a great sheet LUAXA YAVAHABOLO PYNSLC VB QC by !our #orners being let do$n out o! L]LORO XNMAKRO VNPPAUPBO AUTABC the heaven, and it #a"e unto "e, YA]BNXNORO NY VLS LSUAOLS YAB RK]NO ATUBC NXLS /at $hi#h having loo'ed sted!astly, 0 /NBC RO AVNOBPAC YAVNOLLSO YAB NBWLO $as #onsidering, and 0 sa$ the !our+ VA VNVUA`LWA VRC MRC YAB VA ]RUBA YAB !ooted beasts o! the earth, and the $ild VA NU`NVA YAB VA `NVNBOA VLS LSUAOLS beasts, and the #ree ing things, and the !o$ls o! heaven, 0and 0 heard a voi#e saying to "e, 0RYLSPA WN ZQORC KNMLSPRC XLB Having risen, Peter, slay and eat, AOAPVAC `NVUN ]SPLO YAB ZAMN $and 0 said, /ot so, Lord, be#ause $NB`LO WN XRWAXQC YSUBN LVB `AO anything #o""on or un#lean hath at YLBOLO R AYA]AUVLO LSWN`LVN no ti"e entered into "y "outh, NBPRK]NO NBC VL PVLXA XLS %and a voi#e did ans$er "e a se#ond %A`NYUB]R WN XLB ZQOR NY WNSVNULS NY ti"e out o! the heaven, What &od did VLS LSUAOLS A L ]NLC NYA]AUBPNO PS #leanse, thou ++ de#lare not thou XR YLBOLS #o""on) 8==
#(I.nd this ha ened thri#e, and again $as all dra$n u to the heaven, ##and, lo, i""ediately, three "en stood at the house in $hi#h 0 $as, having been sent !ro" Desarea unto "e, #,and the S irit said to "e to go $ith the", nothing doubting, and these si( brethren also $ent $ith "e, and $e did enter into the house o! the "an, #-he de#lared also to us ho$ he sa$ the "essenger in his house standing, and saying to hi", Send "en to 5o a, and #all !or Si"on, $ho is surna"ed Peter, #.$ho shall s ea' sayings by $hi#h thou shalt be saved, thou and all thy house) #'I.nd in "y beginning to s ea', the Holy S irit did !all u on the", even as also u on us in the beginning, #/and 0 re"e"bered the saying o! the Lord, ho$ he said, 5ohn indeed did ba tiEe $ith $ater, and ye shall be ba tiEed $ith the Holy S irit, #0i! then the e?ual gi!t &od did give to the" as also to us, having believed u on the Lord 5esus Dhrist, 0 ++ ho$ $as 0 able to $ithstand &odbI #$.nd they, having heard these things, $ere silent, and $ere glori!ying &od, saying, IThen, indeed, also to the nations did &od give the re!or"ation to li!e)I #(VLSVL WN NMNONVL N`B VUBC YAB `AKBO AONP`AP]R A`AOVA NBC VLO LSUAOLO ##YAB BWLS NaASVRC VUNBC AOWUNC N`NPVRPAO N`B VRO LBYBAO NO R RXRO A`NPVAKXNOLB A`L YABPAUNBAC `ULC XN #,NB`NO WN XLB VL `ONSXA PSONK]NBO ASVLBC XRWNO WBAYUBOLXNOLO RK]LO WN PSO NXLB YAB LB Na AWNKZLB LSVLB YAB NBPRK]LXNO NBC VLO LBYLO VLS AOWULC #-A`RMMNBKNO VN RXBO `QC NBWNO VLO AMMNKLO NO VQ LBYQ ASVLS PVA]NOVA YAB NB`LOVA ASVQ A`LPVNBKLO NBC BL``RO AOWUAC YAB XNVA`NXcAB PBXQOA VLO N`BYAKLSXNOLO `NVULO #.LC KAKRPNB URXAVA `ULC PN NO LBC PQ]RPR PS YAB `AC L LBYLC PLS #'NO WN VQ AUaAP]AB XN KAKNBO N`N`NPNO VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO N` ASVLSC QP`NU YAB NZ RXAC NO AUTR #/NXORP]RO WN VLS URXAVLC YSUBLS QC NKNMNO BQAOORC XNO NHA`VBPNO SWAVB SXNBC WN HA`VBP]RPNP]N NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ #0NB LSO VRO BPRO WQUNAO NWQYNO ASVLBC L ]NLC QC YAB RXBO `BPVNSPAPBO N`B VLO YSUBLO BRPLSO TUBPVLO NMQ WN VBC RXRO WSOAVLC YQKSPAB VLO ]NLO #$AYLSPAOVNC WN VASVA RPSTAPAO YAB NWLaA\LO VLO ]NLO KNMLOVNC AUAMN YAB VLBC N]ONPBO L ]NLC VRO XNVAOLBAO NWQYNO NBC \QRO
#%Those, indeed, there!ore, having been s#attered abroad, !ro" the tribulation that #a"e a!ter Ste hen, $ent through unto Pheni#e, and Dy rus, and .ntio#h, s ea'ing the $ord to none e(#e t to 5e$s only, ,(and there $ere #ertain o! the" "en o! Dy rus and Dyrene, $ho having entered into .ntio#h, $ere s ea'ing unto the Hellenists, ro#lai"ing good ne$s ++ the Lord 5esus, ,#and the hand o! the Lord $as $ith the", a great nu"ber also, having believed, did turn unto the Lord) ,,.nd the a##ount $as heard in the ears o! the asse"bly that IisI in 5erusale" #on#erning the", and they sent !orth Barnabas to go through unto .ntio#h, ,-$ho, having #o"e, and having seen the gra#e o! &od, $as glad, and $as e(horting all $ith ur ose o! heart to #leave to the Lord, ,.be#ause he $as a good "an, and !ull o! the Holy S irit, and o! !aith, and a great "ultitude $as added to the Lord) ,'.nd Barnabas $ent !orth to Tarsus, to see' !or Saul, #%LB XNO LSO WBAP`AUNOVNC A`L VRC ]KBcNQC VRC MNOLXNORC N`B PVNZAOQ WBRK]LO NQC ZLBOBYRC YAB YS`ULS YAB AOVBLTNBAC XRWNOB KAKLSOVNC VLO KLMLO NB XR XLOLO BLSWABLBC ,(RPAO WN VBONC Na ASVQO AOWUNC YS`UBLB YAB YSUROABLB LBVBONC NBPNK]LOVNC NBC AOVBLTNBAO NKAKLSO `ULC VLSC NKKROBPVAC NSAMMNKB\LXNOLB VLO YSUBLO BRPLSO ,#YAB RO TNBU YSUBLS XNV ASVQO `LKSC VN AUB]XLC `BPVNSPAC N`NPVUNcNO N`B VLO YSUBLO ,,RYLSP]R WN L KLMLC NBC VA QVA VRC NYYKRPBAC VRC NO BNULPLKSXLBC `NUB ASVQO YAB NaA`NPVNBKAO HAUOAHAO WBNK]NBO NQC AOVBLTNBAC ,-LC `AUAMNOLXNOLC YAB BWQO VRO TAUBO VLS ]NLS NTAUR YAB `AUNYAKNB `AOVAC VR `UL]NPNB VRC YAUWBAC `ULPXNONBO VQ YSUBQ ,.LVB RO AORU AMA]LC YAB `KRURC `ONSXAVLC AMBLS YAB `BPVNQC YAB `ULPNVN]R LTKLC BYAOLC VQ YSUBQ ,'NaRK]NO WN NBC VAUPLO L HAUOAHAC AOA\RVRPAB PASKLO
,/and having !ound hi", he brought hi" to .ntio#h, and it #a"e to ass that they a $hole year did asse"ble together in the asse"bly, and taught a great "ultitude, the dis#i les also $ere divinely #alled !irst in .ntio#h Dhristians) ,0.nd in those days there #a"e !ro" 5erusale" ro hets to .ntio#h, ,$and one o! the", by na"e .gabus, having stood u , did signi!y through the S irit a great dearth is about to be throughout all the $orld ++ $hi#h also #a"e to ass in the ti"e o! Dlaudius Daesar ++ ,%and the dis#i les, a##ording as any one $as ros ering, deter"ined ea#h o! the" to send !or "inistration to the brethren d$elling in 5udea, -($hi#h also they did, having sent unto the elders by the hand o! Barnabas and Saul) ,/YAB NSUQO ASVLO RMAMNO ASVLO NBC AOVBLTNBAO NMNONVL WN ASVLSC NOBASVLO LKLO PSOAT]ROAB NO VR NYYKRPBA YAB WBWAaAB LTKLO BYAOLO TURXAVBPAB VN `UQVLO NO AOVBLTNBA VLSC XA]RVAC TUBPVBAOLSC ,0NO VASVABC WN VABC RXNUABC YAVRK]LO A`L BNULPLKSXQO `ULZRVAB NBC AOVBLTNBAO ,$AOAPVAC WN NBC Na ASVQO LOLXAVB AMAHLC NPRXAONO WBA VLS `ONSXAVLC KBXLO XNMAO XNKKNBO NPNP]AB NZ LKRO VRO LBYLSXNORO LPVBC YAB NMNONVL N`B YKASWBLS YABPAULC ,%VQO WN XA]RVQO YA]QC RS`LUNBVL VBC QUBPAO NYAPVLC ASVQO NBC WBAYLOBAO `NXcAB VLBC YAVLBYLSPBO NO VR BLSWABA AWNKZLBC -(L YAB N`LBRPAO A`LPVNBKAOVNC `ULC VLSC `UNPHSVNULSC WBA TNBULC HAUOAHA YAB PASKLS
+hapter #,
#.nd about that ti"e, Herod the 'ing ut !orth his hands, to do evil to #ertain o! those o! the asse"bly, ,and he 'illed 5a"es, the brother o! 5ohn, $ith the s$ord, -and having seen that it is leasing to the 5e$s, he added to lay hold o! Peter also ++ and they $ere the days o! the unleavened !ood ++ .$ho" also having seiEed, he did ut in rison, having delivered Ihi"I to !our ?uaternions o! soldiers to guard hi", intending a!ter the assover to bring hi" !orth to the eo le) 'Peter, there!ore, indeed, $as 'e t in the rison, and !ervent rayer $as being "ade by the asse"bly unto &od !or hi", /and $hen Herod $as about to bring hi" !orth, the sa"e night $as Peter slee ing bet$een t$o soldiers, having been bound $ith t$o #hains, guards also be!ore the door $ere 'ee ing the rison, 0and lo, a "essenger o! the Lord stood by, and a light shone in the buildings, and having s"itten Peter on the side, he raised hi" u , saying, IRise in haste,I and his #hains !ell !ro" o!! IhisI hands) #YAV NYNBOLO WN VLO YABULO N`NHAKNO RUQWRC L HAPBKNSC VAC TNBUAC YAYQPAB VBOAC VQO A`L VRC NYYKRPBAC ,AONBKNO WN BAYQHLO VLO AWNKZLO BQAOOLS XATABUA -YAB BWQO LVB AUNPVLO NPVBO VLBC BLSWABLBC `ULPN]NVL PSKKAHNBO YAB `NVULO RPAO WN RXNUAB VQO A\SXQO .LO YAB `BAPAC N]NVL NBC ZSKAYRO `AUAWLSC VNPPAUPBO VNVUAWBLBC PVUAVBQVQO ZSKAPPNBO ASVLO HLSKLXNOLC XNVA VL `APTA AOAMAMNBO ASVLO VQ KAQ 'L XNO LSO `NVULC NVRUNBVL NO VR ZSKAYR `ULPNSTR WN RO NYVNORC MBOLXNOR S`L VRC NYYKRPBAC `ULC VLO ]NLO S`NU ASVLS /LVN WN NXNKKNO ASVLO `ULAMNBO L RUQWRC VR OSYVB NYNBOR RO L `NVULC YLBXQXNOLC XNVAaS WSL PVUAVBQVQO WNWNXNOLC AKSPNPBO WSPBO ZSKAYNC VN `UL VRC ]SUAC NVRULSO VRO ZSKAYRO 0YAB BWLS AMMNKLC YSUBLS N`NPVR YAB ZQC NKAXcNO NO VQ LBYRXAVB `AVAaAC WN VRO `KNSUAO VLS `NVULS RMNBUNO ASVLO KNMQO AOAPVA NO VATNB YAB NaN`NPLO ASVLS AB AKSPNBC NY VQO TNBUQO
$The "essenger also said to hi", I&ird thysel!, and bind on thy sandals,I and he did so, and he saith to hi", IPut thy gar"ent round and be !ollo$ing "e,I %and having gone !orth, he $as !ollo$ing hi", and he 'ne$ not that it is true that $hi#h is done through the "essenger, and $as thin'ing he sa$ a vision, #(and having assed through a !irst $ard, and a se#ond, they #a"e unto the iron gate that is leading to the #ity, $hi#h o! its o$n a##ord did o en to the", and having gone !orth, they $ent on through one street, and i""ediately the "essenger de arted !ro" hi") ##.nd Peter having #o"e to hi"sel!, said, I/o$ 0 have 'no$n o! a truth that the Lord did sent !orth His "essenger, and did deliver "e out o! the hand o! Herod, and all the e( e#tation o! the eo le o! the 5e$s,I #,also, having #onsidered, he #a"e unto the house o! @ary, the "other o! 5ohn, $ho is surna"ed @ar', $here there $ere "any thronged together and raying) #-.nd Peter having 'no#'ed at the door o! the or#h, there #a"e a da"sel to hear'en, by na"e Rhoda, $NB`NO VN L AMMNKLC `ULC ASVLO `NUB\QPAB YAB S`LWRPAB VA PAOWAKBA PLS N`LBRPNO WN LSVQC YAB KNMNB ASVQ `NUBHAKLS VL BXAVBLO PLS YAB AYLKLS]NB XLB %YAB NaNK]QO RYLKLS]NB ASVQ YAB LSY RWNB LVB AKR]NC NPVBO VL MBOLXNOLO WBA VLS AMMNKLS NWLYNB WN LUAXA HKN`NBO #(WBNK]LOVNC WN `UQVRO ZSKAYRO YAB WNSVNUAO RK]LO N`B VRO `SKRO VRO PBWRUAO VRO ZNULSPAO NBC VRO `LKBO RVBC ASVLXAVR ROLBT]R ASVLBC YAB NaNK]LOVNC `ULRK]LO USXRO XBAO YAB NS]NQC A`NPVR L AMMNKLC A` ASVLS ##YAB L `NVULC MNOLXNOLC NO NASVQ NB`NO OSO LBWA AKR]QC LVB NaA`NPVNBKNO YSUBLC VLO AMMNKLO ASVLS YAB NaNBKNVL XN NY TNBULC RUQWLS YAB `APRC VRC `ULPWLYBAC VLS KALS VQO BLSWABQO #,PSOBWQO VN RK]NO N`B VRO LBYBAO XAUBAC VRC XRVULC BQAOOLS VLS N`BYAKLSXNOLS XAUYLS LS RPAO BYAOLB PSOR]ULBPXNOLB YAB `ULPNSTLXNOLB #-YULSPAOVLC WN VLS `NVULS VRO ]SUAO VLS `SKQOLC `ULPRK]NO `ABWBPYR S`AYLSPAB LOLXAVB ULWR
#.and having 'no$n the voi#e o! Peter, !ro" the -oy she did not o en the or#h, but having run in, told o! the standing o! Peter be!ore the or#h, #'and they said unto her, IThou art "ad,I and she $as #on!idently a!!ir"ing IitI to be so, and they said, I0t is his "essenger,I #/and Peter $as #ontinuing 'no#'ing, and having o ened, they sa$ hi", and $ere astonished, #0and having be#'oned to the" $ith the hand to be silent, he de#lared to the" ho$ the Lord brought hi" out o! the rison, and he said, IDe#lare to 5a"es and to the brethren these things,I and having gone !orth, he $ent on to another la#e) #$.nd day having #o"e, there $as not a little stir a"ong the soldiers $hat then $as be#o"e o! Peter, #%and Herod having sought !or hi", and not having !ound, having e(a"ined the guards, did #o""and Ithe"I to be led a$ay to unish"ent, and having gone do$n !ro" 5udea to Desarea, he $as abiding IthereI) #.YAB N`BMOLSPA VRO ZQORO VLS `NVULS A`L VRC TAUAC LSY ROLBaNO VLO `SKQOA NBPWUAXLSPA WN A`RMMNBKNO NPVAOAB VLO `NVULO `UL VLS `SKQOLC #'LB WN `ULC ASVRO NB`LO XABOR R WN WBBPTSUB\NVL LSVQC NTNBO LB W NKNMLO L AMMNKLC ASVLS NPVBO #/L WN `NVULC N`NXNONO YULSQO AOLBaAOVNC WN NBWLO ASVLO YAB NaNPVRPAO #0YAVAPNBPAC WN ASVLBC VR TNBUB PBMAO WBRMRPAVL ASVLBC `QC L YSUBLC ASVLO NaRMAMNO NY VRC ZSKAYRC NB`NO WN A`AMMNBKAVN BAYQHQ YAB VLBC AWNKZLBC VASVA YAB NaNK]QO N`LUNS]R NBC NVNULO VL`LO #$MNOLXNORC WN RXNUAC RO VAUATLC LSY LKBMLC NO VLBC PVUAVBQVABC VB AUA L `NVULC NMNONVL #%RUQWRC WN N`B\RVRPAC ASVLO YAB XR NSUQO AOAYUBOAC VLSC ZSKAYAC NYNKNSPNO A`AT]ROAB YAB YAVNK]QO A`L VRC BLSWABAC NBC VRO YABPAUNBAO WBNVUBHNO
,(.nd Herod $as highly dis leased $ith the Tyrians and Sidonians, and $ith one a##ord they #a"e unto hi", and having "ade a !riend o! Blastus, $ho IisI over the bed+#ha"bers o! the 'ing, they $ere as'ing ea#e, be#ause o! their #ountry being nourished !ro" the 'ingIs, ,#and on a set day, Herod having arrayed hi"sel! in 'ingly a arel, and having sat do$n u on the tribunal, $as "a'ing an oration unto the", ,,and the o ula#e $ere shouting, IThe voi#e o! a god, and not o! a "an,I ,-and resently there s"ote hi" a "essenger o! the Lord, be#ause he did not give the glory to &od, and having been eaten o! $or"s, he e( ired) ,..nd the $ord o! &od did gro$ and did "ulti ly, ,'and Barnabas and Saul did turn ba#' out o! 5erusale", having !ul!illed the "inistration, having ta'en also $ith Ithe"I 5ohn, $ho $as surna"ed @ar') ,(RO WN L RUQWRC ]SXLXATQO VSUBLBC YAB PBWQOBLBC LXL]SXAWLO WN `AURPAO `ULC ASVLO YAB `NBPAOVNC HKAPVLO VLO N`B VLS YLBVQOLC VLS HAPBKNQC RVLSOVL NBURORO WBA VL VUNZNP]AB ASVQO VRO TQUAO A`L VRC HAPBKBYRC ,#VAYVR WN RXNUA L RUQWRC NOWSPAXNOLC NP]RVA HAPBKBYRO YAB YA]BPAC N`B VLS HRXAVLC NWRXRMLUNB `ULC ASVLSC ,,L WN WRXLC N`NZQONB ]NLS ZQOR YAB LSY AO]UQ`LS ,-`AUATURXA WN N`AVAaNO ASVLO AMMNKLC YSUBLS AO] QO LSY NWQYNO VRO WLaAO VQ ]NQ YAB MNOLXNOLC PYQKRYLHUQVLC NaNcSaNO ,.L WN KLMLC VLS ]NLS RSaAONO YAB N`KR]SONVL ,'HAUOAHAC WN YAB PASKLC S`NPVUNcAO Na BNULSPAKRX `KRUQPAOVNC VRO WBAYLOBAO PSX`AUAKAHLOVNC YAB BQAOORO VLO N`BYKR]NOVA XAUYLO
+hapter ##.nd there $ere #ertain in .ntio#h, in the asse"bly there, ro hets and tea#hers, both Barnabas, and Si"eon $ho is #alled /iger, and Lu#ius the Dyrenian, @anaen also ++ Herod the tetrar#hIs !oster+brother ++ and Saul, ,and in their "inistering to the Lord and !asting, the Holy S irit said, ISe arate ye to "e both Barnabas and Saul to the $or' to $hi#h 0 have #alled the",I -then having !asted, and having rayed, and having laid the hands on the", they sent Ithe"I a$ay) .These, indeed, then, having been sent !orth by the Holy S irit, $ent do$n to Seleu#ia, then#e also they sailed to Dy rus, 'and having #o"e unto Sala"is, they de#lared the $ord o! &od in the synagogues o! the 5e$s, and they had also 5ohn IasI a "inistrant, /and having gone through the island unto Pa hos, they !ound a #ertain "agian, a !alse ro het, a 5e$, $hose na"e IisI Bar+5esus, 0$ho $as $ith the ro#onsul Sergius Paulus, an intelligent "an, this one having #alled !or Barnabas and Saul, did desire to hear the $ord o! &od, #RPAO WN VBONC NO AOVBLTNBA YAVA VRO LSPAO NYYKRPBAO `ULZRVAB YAB WBWAPYAKLB L VN HAUOAHAC YAB PSXNQO L YAKLSXNOLC OBMNU YAB KLSYBLC L YSUROABLC XAOARO VN RUQWLS VLS VNVUAUTLS PSOVULZLC YAB PASKLC ,KNBVLSUMLSOVQO WN ASVQO VQ YSUBQ YAB ORPVNSLOVQO NB`NO VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO AZLUBPAVN WR XLB VLO VN HAUOAHAO YAB VLO PASKLO NBC VL NUMLO L `ULPYNYKRXAB ASVLSC -VLVN ORPVNSPAOVNC YAB `ULPNSaAXNOLB YAB N`B]NOVNC VAC TNBUAC ASVLBC A`NKSPAO .LSVLB XNO LSO NY`NXZ]NOVNC S`L VLS `ONSXAVLC VLS AMBLS YAVRK]LO NBC VRO PNKNSYNBAO NYNB]NO VN A`N`KNSPAO NBC VRO YS`ULO 'YAB MNOLXNOLB NO PAKAXBOB YAVRMMNKKLO VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS NO VABC PSOAMQMABC VQO BLSWABQO NBTLO WN YAB BQAOORO S`RUNVRO /WBNK]LOVNC WN VRO ORPLO ATUB `AZLS NSULO VBOA XAMLO cNSWL`ULZRVRO BLSWABLO Q LOLXA HAUBRPLSC 0LC RO PSO VQ AO]S`AVQ PNUMBQ `ASKQ AOWUB PSONVQ LSVLC `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC HAUOAHAO YAB PASKLO N`N\RVRPNO AYLSPAB VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS
$and there $ithstood the" Ely"as the "agian ++ !or so is his na"e inter reted ++ see'ing to ervert the ro#onsul !ro" the !aith) %.nd Saul ++ $ho also IisI Paul ++ having been !illed $ith the Holy S irit, and having loo'ed sted!astly on hi", #(said, IO !ull o! all guile, and all ro!liga#y, son o! a devil, ene"y o! all righteousness, $ilt thou not #ease erverting the right $ays o! the Lordb $AO]BPVAVL WN ASVLBC NKSXAC L XAMLC LSVQC MAU XN]NUXRONSNVAB VL LOLXA ASVLS \RVQO WBAPVUNcAB VLO AO]S`AVLO A`L VRC `BPVNQC %PASKLC WN L YAB `ASKLC `KRP]NBC `ONSXAVLC AMBLS YAB AVNOBPAC NBC ASVLO #(NB`NO Q `KRURC `AOVLC WLKLS YAB `APRC UAWBLSUMBAC SBN WBAHLKLS NT]UN `APRC WBYABLPSORC LS `ASPR WBAPVUNZQO VAC LWLSC YSUBLS VAC NS]NBAC ##and no$, lo, a hand o! the Lord IisI ##YAB OSO BWLS TNBU VLS YSUBLS N`B PN u on thee, and thou shalt be blind, not YAB NPR VSZKLC XR HKN`QO VLO RKBLO seeing the sun !or a season,I and ATUB YABULS `AUATURXA WN N`N`NPNO resently there !ell u on hi" a "ist N` ASVLO ATKSC YAB PYLVLC YAB and dar'ness, and he, going about, $as `NUBAMQO N\RVNB TNBUAMQMLSC see'ing so"e to lead Ihi"I by the hand, #,then the ro#onsul having seen $hat #,VLVN BWQO L AO]S`AVLC VL MNMLOLC hath #o"e to ass, did believe, being N`BPVNSPNO NY`KRPPLXNOLC N`B VR astonished at the tea#hing o! the Lord) WBWATR VLS YSUBLS #-.nd those about Paul having set sail #-AOAT]NOVNC WN A`L VRC `AZLS LB !ro" Pa hos, #a"e to Perga o! `NUB VLO `ASKLO RK]LO NBC `NUMRO VRC Pa" hylia, and 5ohn having de arted `AXZSKBAC BQAOORC WN A`LTQURPAC A` !ro" the", did turn ba#' to 5erusale", ASVQO S`NPVUNcNO NBC BNULPLKSXA #.and they having gone through !ro" #.ASVLB WN WBNK]LOVNC A`L VRC `NUMRC Perga, #a"e to .ntio#h o! Pisidia, and `AUNMNOLOVL NBC AOVBLTNBAO VRC having gone into the synagogue on the `BPBWBAC YAB NBPNK]LOVNC NBC VRO sabbath+day, they sat do$n, PSOAMQMRO VR RXNUA VQO PAHHAVQO NYA]BPAO
#'and a!ter the reading o! the la$ and o! the ro hets, the #hie! "en o! the synagogue sent unto the", saying, I@en, brethren, i! there be a $ord in you o! e(hortation unto the eo le ++ say on)I #/.nd Paul having risen, and having be#'oned $ith the hand, said, I@en, 0sraelites, and those !earing &od, hear'enF #0the &od o! this eo le 0srael did #hoose our !athers, and the eo le He did e(alt in their so-ourning in the land o! Egy t, and $ith an high ar" did He bring the" out o! it, #$and about a eriod o! !orty years He did su!!er their "anners in the $ilderness, #%and having destroyed seven nations in the land o! Danaan, He did divide by lot to the" their land) ,(I.nd a!ter these things, about !our hundred and !i!ty years, He gave -udges ++ till Sa"uel the ro het, ,#and therea!ter they as'ed !or a 'ing, and &od did give to the" Saul, son o! Kish, a "an o! the tribe o! Ben-a"in, !or !orty years, ,,and having re"oved hi", He did raise u to the" David !or 'ing, to $ho" also having testi!ied, he said, 0 !ound David, the IsonI o! 5esse, a "an a##ording to @y heart, $ho shall do all @y $ill) #'XNVA WN VRO AOAMOQPBO VLS OLXLS YAB VQO `ULZRVQO A`NPVNBKAO LB AUTBPSOAMQMLB `ULC ASVLSC KNMLOVNC AOWUNC AWNKZLB NB NPVBO KLMLC NO SXBO `AUAYKRPNQC `ULC VLO KALO KNMNVN #/AOAPVAC WN `ASKLC YAB YAVAPNBPAC VR TNBUB NB`NO AOWUNC BPUARKBVAB YAB LB ZLHLSXNOLB VLO ]NLO AYLSPAVN #0L ]NLC VLS KALS VLSVLS BPUARK NaNKNaAVL VLSC `AVNUAC RXQO YAB VLO KALO ScQPNO NO VR `AULBYBA NO MR ABMS`VQ YAB XNVA HUATBLOLC ScRKLS NaRMAMNO ASVLSC Na ASVRC #$YAB QC VNPPAUAYLOVANVR TULOLO NVUL`LZLURPNO ASVLSC NO VR NURXQ #%YAB YA]NKQO N]OR N`VA NO MR TAOAAO YAVNYKRULWLVRPNO ASVLBC VRO MRO ASVQO ,(YAB XNVA VASVA QC NVNPBO VNVUAYLPBLBC YAB `NOVRYLOVA NWQYNO YUBVAC NQC PAXLSRK VLS `ULZRVLS ,#YAYNB]NO RVRPAOVL HAPBKNA YAB NWQYNO ASVLBC L ]NLC VLO PALSK SBLO YBC AOWUA NY ZSKRC HNOBAXBO NVR VNPPAUAYLOVA ,,YAB XNVAPVRPAC ASVLO RMNBUNO ASVLBC VLO WAHBW NBC HAPBKNA Q YAB NB`NO XAUVSURPAC NSULO WAHBW VLO VLS BNPPAB AOWUA YAVA VRO YAUWBAO XLS LC `LBRPNB `AOVA VA ]NKRXAVA XLS
,-IO! this oneIs seed &od, a##ording to ro"ise, did raise to 0srael a Saviour ++ 5esus, ,.5ohn having !irst rea#hed, be!ore his #o"ing, a ba tis" o! re!or"ation to all the eo le o! 0srael, ,'and as 5ohn $as !ul!illing the #ourse, he said, Who" "e do ye su ose to beb 0 a" not IheI, but, lo, he doth #o"e a!ter "e, o! $ho" 0 a" not $orthy to loose the sandal o! IhisI !eet) ,/I@en, brethren, sons o! the ra#e o! .braha", and those a"ong you !earing &od, to you $as the $ord o! this salvation sent, ,0!or those d$elling in 5erusale", and their #hie!s, this one not having 'no$n, also the voi#es o! the ro hets, $hi#h every sabbath are being read ++ having -udged Ihi"I ++ did !ul!ill, ,-VLSVLS L ]NLC A`L VLS P`NUXAVLC YAV N`AMMNKBAO RMNBUNO VQ BPUARK PQVRUA BRPLSO ,.`ULYRUSaAOVLC BQAOOLS `UL `ULPQ`LS VRC NBPLWLS ASVLS HA`VBPXA XNVAOLBAC `AOVB VQ KAQ BPUARK ,'QC WN N`KRULS L BQAOORC VLO WULXLO NKNMNO VBOA XN S`LOLNBVN NBOAB LSY NBXB NMQ AKK BWLS NUTNVAB XNV NXN LS LSY NBXB AaBLC VL S`LWRXA VQO `LWQO KSPAB ,/AOWUNC AWNKZLB SBLB MNOLSC AHUAAX YAB LB NO SXBO ZLHLSXNOLB VLO ]NLO SXBO L KLMLC VRC PQVRUBAC VASVRC A`NPVAKR ,0LB MAU YAVLBYLSOVNC NO BNULSPAKRX YAB LB AUTLOVNC ASVQO VLSVLO AMOLRPAOVNC YAB VAC ZQOAC VQO `ULZRVQO VAC YAVA `AO PAHHAVLO AOAMBOQPYLXNOAC YUBOAOVNC N`KRUQPAO ,$YAB XRWNXBAO ABVBAO ]AOAVLS NSULOVNC RVRPAOVL `BKAVLO AOABUN]ROAB ASVLO ,%QC WN NVNKNPAO A`AOVA VA `NUB ASVLS MNMUAXXNOA YA]NKLOVNC A`L VLS aSKLS N]RYAO NBC XORXNBLO
,$and no #ause o! death having !ound, they did as' o! Pilate that he should be slain, ,%and $hen they did #o" lete all the things $ritten about hi", having ta'en Ihi"I do$n !ro" the tree, they laid hi" in a to"b, -(and &od did raise hi" out o! the -(L WN ]NLC RMNBUNO ASVLO NY ONYUQO dead,
-#and he $as seen !or "any days o! those $ho did #o"e u $ith hi" !ro" &alilee to 5erusale", $ho are his $itnesses unto the eo le) -,I.nd $e to you do ro#lai" good ne$s ++ that the ro"ise "ade unto the !athers, -#LC QZ]R N`B RXNUAC `KNBLSC VLBC PSOAOAHAPBO ASVQ A`L VRC MAKBKABAC NBC BNULSPAKRX LBVBONC NBPBO XAUVSUNC ASVLS `ULC VLO KALO -,YAB RXNBC SXAC NSAMMNKB\LXN]A VRO `ULC VLSC `AVNUAC N`AMMNKBAO MNOLXNORO LVB VASVRO L ]NLC NY`N`KRUQYNO VLBC VNYOLBC ASVQO RXBO AOAPVRPAC BRPLSO --&od hath in !ull #o" leted this to us --QC YAB NO VQ cAKXQ VQ WNSVNUQ their #hildren, having raised u 5esus, MNMUA`VAB SBLC XLS NB PS NMQ PRXNULO as also in the se#ond Psal" it hath MNMNOORYA PN been $ritten, @y Son thou art ++ 0 to+ day have begotten thee) -.I.nd that He did raise hi" u out o! -.LVB WN AONPVRPNO ASVLO NY ONYUQO the dead, no "ore to return to XRYNVB XNKKLOVA S`LPVUNZNBO NBC #orru tion, he hath said thus ++ 0 $ill WBAZ]LUAO LSVQC NBURYNO LVB WQPQ give to you the !aith!ul 'indnesses o! SXBO VA LPBA WAHBW VA `BPVA David, -'$here!ore also in another I la#eI he -'WBL YAB NO NVNUQ KNMNB LS WQPNBC VLO saith, Thou shalt not give Thy 'ind LPBLO PLS BWNBO WBAZ]LUAO One to see #orru tion, -/!or David, indeed, his o$n -/WAHBW XNO MAU BWBA MNONA generation having served by the $ill o! S`RUNVRPAC VR VLS ]NLS HLSKR &od, did !all aslee , and $as added NYLBXR]R YAB `ULPNVN]R `ULC VLSC unto his !athers, and sa$ #orru tion, `AVNUAC ASVLS YAB NBWNO WBAZ]LUAO -0but he $ho" &od did raise u , did -0LO WN L ]NLC RMNBUNO LSY NBWNO not see #orru tion) WBAZ]LUAO -$ILet it there!ore be 'no$n to you, -$MOQPVLO LSO NPVQ SXBO AOWUNC "en, brethren, that through this one to AWNKZLB LVB WBA VLSVLS SXBO AZNPBC you is the !orgiveness o! sins de#lared, AXAUVBQO YAVAMMNKKNVAB
-%and !ro" all things !ro" $hi#h ye $ere not able in the la$ o! @oses to be de#lared righteous, in this one every one $ho is believing is de#lared righteous, .(see, there!ore, it "ay not #o"e u on you that hath been s o'en in the ro hetsF .#See, ye des isers, and $onder, and erish, be#ause a $or' 0 ++ 0 do $or' in your days, a $or' in $hi#h ye "ay not believe, though any one "ay de#lare IitI to you)I .,.nd having gone !orth out o! the synagogue o! the 5e$s, the nations $ere #alling u on Ithe"I that on the ne(t sabbath these sayings "ay be s o'en to the", .-and the synagogue having been dis"issed, "any o! the 5e$s and o! the devout roselytes did !ollo$ Paul and Barnabas, $ho, s ea'ing to the", $ere ersuading the" to re"ain in the gra#e o! &od) ...nd on the #o"ing sabbath, al"ost all the #ity $as gathered together to hear the $ord o! &od, .'and the 5e$s having seen the "ultitudes, $ere !illed $ith Eeal, and did #ontradi#t the things s o'en by Paul ++ #ontradi#ting and s ea'ing evil) -%YAB A`L `AOVQO QO LSY RWSOR]RVN NO VQ OLXQ XQPNQC WBYABQ]ROAB NO VLSVQ `AC L `BPVNSQO WBYABLSVAB .(HKN`NVN LSO XR N`NK]R NZ SXAC VL NBURXNOLO NO VLBC `ULZRVABC .#BWNVN LB YAVAZULORVAB YAB ]ASXAPAVN YAB AZAOBP]RVN LVB NUMLO NMQ NUMA\LXAB NO VABC RXNUABC SXQO NUMLO Q LS XR `BPVNSPRVN NAO VBC NYWBRMRVAB SXBO .,NaBLOVQO WN NY VRC PSOAMQMRC VQO BLSWABQO `AUNYAKLSO VA N]OR NBC VL XNVAaS PAHHAVLO KAKR]ROAB ASVLBC VA URXAVA VASVA .-KS]NBPRC WN VRC PSOAMQMRC RYLKLS]RPAO `LKKLB VQO BLSWABQO YAB VQO PNHLXNOQO `ULPRKSVQO VQ `ASKQ YAB VQ HAUOAHA LBVBONC `ULPKAKLSOVNC ASVLBC N`NB]LO ASVLSC N`BXNONBO VR TAUBVB VLS ]NLS ..VQ WN NUTLXNOQ PAHHAVQ PTNWLO `APA R `LKBC PSORT]R AYLSPAB VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS .'BWLOVNC WN LB BLSWABLB VLSC LTKLSC N`KRP]RPAO \RKLS YAB AOVNKNMLO VLBC S`L VLS `ASKLS KNMLXNOLBC AOVBKNMLOVNC YAB HKAPZRXLSOVNC
./.nd s ea'ing boldly, Paul and Barnabas said, ITo you it $as ne#essary that !irst the $ord o! &od be s o'en, and seeing ye do thrust it a$ay, and do not -udge yourselves $orthy o! the li!e age+during, lo, $e do turn to the nations, .0!or so hath the Lord #o""anded usF 0 have set thee !or a light o! nations ++ !or thy being !or salvation unto the end o! the earth)I .$.nd the nations hearing $ere glad, and $ere glori!ying the $ord o! the Lord, and did believe ++ as "any as $ere a ointed to li!e age+during, .%and the $ord o! the Lord $as s read abroad through all the region) '(.nd the 5e$s stirred u the devout and honourable $o"en, and the !irst "en o! the #ity, and did raise erse#ution against Paul and Barnabas, and did ut the" out !ro" their borders, '#and they having sha'en o!! the dust o! their !eet against the", #a"e to 0#oniu", ',and the dis#i les $ere !illed $ith -oy and the Holy S irit) ./`AUURPBAPAXNOLB WN L `ASKLC YAB L HAUOAHAC NB`LO SXBO RO AOAMYABLO `UQVLO KAKR]ROAB VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS N`NBWR WN A`Q]NBP]N ASVLO YAB LSY AaBLSC YUBONVN NASVLSC VRC ABQOBLS \QRC BWLS PVUNZLXN]A NBC VA N]OR .0LSVQC MAU NOVNVAKVAB RXBO L YSUBLC VN]NBYA PN NBC ZQC N]OQO VLS NBOAB PN NBC PQVRUBAO NQC NPTAVLS VRC MRC .$AYLSLOVA WN VA N]OR NTABULO YAB NWLaA\LO VLO KLMLO VLS YSUBLS YAB N`BPVNSPAO LPLB RPAO VNVAMXNOLB NBC \QRO ABQOBLO .%WBNZNUNVL WN L KLMLC VLS YSUBLS WB LKRC VRC TQUAC '(LB WN BLSWABLB `AUQVUSOAO VAC PNHLXNOAC MSOABYAC YAB VAC NSPTRXLOAC YAB VLSC `UQVLSC VRC `LKNQC YAB N`RMNBUAO WBQMXLO N`B VLO `ASKLO YAB VLO HAUOAHAO YAB NaNHAKLO ASVLSC A`L VQO LUBQO ASVQO '#LB WN NYVBOAaAXNOLB VLO YLOBLUVLO VQO `LWQO ASVQO N` ASVLSC RK]LO NBC BYLOBLO ',LB WN XA]RVAB N`KRULSOVL TAUAC YAB `ONSXAVLC AMBLS
+hapter #.
#.nd it #a"e to ass in 0#oniu", that they did enter together into the synagogue o! the 5e$s, and s a'e, so that there believed both o! 5e$s and &ree's a great "ultitude, ,and the unbelieving 5e$s did stir u and "ade evil the souls o! the nations against the brethren, -long ti"e, indeed, there!ore, did they abide s ea'ing boldly in the Lord, $ho is testi!ying to the $ord o! His gra#e, and granting signs and $onders to #o"e to ass through their hands) ..nd the "ultitude o! the #ity $as divided, and so"e $ere $ith the 5e$s, and so"e $ith the a ostles, 'and $hen there $as a ur ose both o! the nations and o! the 5e$s $ith their rulers to use Ithe"I des ite!ully, and to stone the", /they having be#o"e a$are, did !lee to the #ities o! Ly#aonia, Lystra, and Derbe, and to the region round about, 0and there they $ere ro#lai"ing good ne$s) $.nd a #ertain "an in Lystra, i" otent in the !eet, $as sitting, being la"e !ro" the $o"b o! his "other ++ $ho never had $al'ed, #NMNONVL WN NO BYLOBQ YAVA VL ASVL NBPNK]NBO ASVLSC NBC VRO PSOAMQMRO VQO BLSWABQO YAB KAKRPAB LSVQC QPVN `BPVNSPAB BLSWABQO VN YAB NKKROQO `LKS `KR]LC ,LB WN A`NB]LSOVNC BLSWABLB N`RMNBUAO YAB NYAYQPAO VAC cSTAC VQO N]OQO YAVA VQO AWNKZQO -BYAOLO XNO LSO TULOLO WBNVUBcAO `AUURPBA\LXNOLB N`B VQ YSUBQ VQ XAUVSULSOVB VQ KLMQ VRC TAUBVLC ASVLS YAB WBWLOVB PRXNBA YAB VNUAVA MBONP]AB WBA VQO TNBUQO ASVQO .NPTBP]R WN VL `KR]LC VRC `LKNQC YAB LB XNO RPAO PSO VLBC BLSWABLBC LB WN PSO VLBC A`LPVLKLBC 'QC WN NMNONVL LUXR VQO N]OQO VN YAB BLSWABQO PSO VLBC AUTLSPBO ASVQO SHUBPAB YAB KB]LHLKRPAB ASVLSC /PSOBWLOVNC YAVNZSMLO NBC VAC `LKNBC VRC KSYALOBAC KSPVUAO YAB WNUHRO YAB VRO `NUBTQULO 0YAYNB RPAO NSAMMNKB\LXNOLB $YAB VBC AORU NO KSPVULBC AWSOAVLC VLBC `LPBO NYA]RVL TQKLC NY YLBKBAC XRVULC ASVLS S`AUTQO LC LSWN`LVN `NUB`N`AVRYNB
%this one $as hearing Paul s ea'ing, $ho, having sted!astly beheld hi", and having seen that he hath !aith to be saved, #(said $ith a loud voi#e, IStand u on thy !eet u right,I and he $as s ringing and $al'ing, ##and the "ultitudes having seen $hat Paul did, did li!t u their voi#e, in the s ee#h o! Ly#aonia, saying, IThe gods, having be#o"e li'e "en, did #o"e do$n unto us,I #,they $ere #alling also Barnabas [eus, and Paul Her"es, sin#e he $as the leader in s ea'ing) #-.nd the riest o! the [eus that is be!ore their #ity, o(en and garlands unto the or#hes having brought, $ith the "ultitudes did $ish to sa#ri!i#e, #.and having heard, the a ostles Barnabas and Paul, having rent their gar"ents, did s ring into the "ultitude, #rying #'and saying, I@en, $hy these things do yeb and $e are "en li'e+ a!!e#ted $ith you, ro#lai"ing good ne$s to you, !ro" these vanities to turn unto the living &od, $ho "ade the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all the things in the", %LSVLC RYLSNO VLS `ASKLS KAKLSOVLC LC AVNOBPAC ASVQ YAB BWQO LVB `BPVBO NTNB VLS PQ]ROAB #(NB`NO XNMAKR VR ZQOR AOAPVR]B N`B VLSC `LWAC PLS LU]LC YAB RKKNVL YAB `NUBN`AVNB ##LB WN LTKLB BWLOVNC L N`LBRPNO L `ASKLC N`RUAO VRO ZQORO ASVQO KSYALOBPVB KNMLOVNC LB ]NLB LXLBQ]NOVNC AO]UQ`LBC YAVNHRPAO `ULC RXAC #,NYAKLSO VN VLO XNO HAUOAHAO WBA VLO WN `ASKLO NUXRO N`NBWR ASVLC RO L RMLSXNOLC VLS KLMLS #-L WN BNUNSC VLS WBLC VLS LOVLC `UL VRC `LKNQC ASVQO VASULSC YAB PVNXXAVA N`B VLSC `SKQOAC NONMYAC PSO VLBC LTKLBC R]NKNO ]SNBO #.AYLSPAOVNC WN LB A`LPVLKLB HAUOAHAC YAB `ASKLC WBAUURaAOVNC VA BXAVBA ASVQO NBPN`RWRPAO NBC VLO LTKLO YUA\LOVNC #'YAB KNMLOVNC AOWUNC VB VASVA `LBNBVN YAB RXNBC LXLBL`A]NBC NPXNO SXBO AO]UQ`LB NSAMMNKB\LXNOLB SXAC A`L VLSVQO VQO XAVABQO N`BPVUNZNBO N`B VLO ]NLO VLO \QOVA LC N`LBRPNO VLO LSUAOLO YAB VRO MRO YAB VRO ]AKAPPAO YAB `AOVA VA NO ASVLBC
#/$ho in the ast generations did su!!er all the nations to go on in their $ays, #0though, indeed, $ithout $itness He did not leave hi"sel!, doing good ++ !ro" heaven giving rains to us, and !ruit!ul seasons, !illing our hearts $ith !ood and gladness,I #$and these things saying, s#ar#ely did they restrain the "ultitudes !ro" sa#ri!i#ing to the") #%.nd there #a"e thither, !ro" .ntio#h and 0#oniu", 5e$s, and they having ersuaded the "ultitudes, and having stoned Paul, dre$ hi" outside o! the #ity, having su osed hi" to be dead, ,(and the dis#i les having surrounded hi", having risen he entered into the #ity, and on the "orro$ he $ent !orth $ith Barnabas to Derbe) ,#Having ro#lai"ed good ne$s also to that #ity, and having dis#i led "any, they turned ba#' to Lystra, and 0#oniu", and .ntio#h, ,,#on!ir"ing the souls o! the dis#i les, e(horting to re"ain in the !aith, and that through "any tribulations it behoveth us to enter into the reign o! &od, #/LC NO VABC `AUQTRXNOABC MNONABC NBAPNO `AOVA VA N]OR `LUNSNP]AB VABC LWLBC ASVQO #0YAB VLB MN LSY AXAUVSULO NASVLO AZRYNO AMA]L`LBQO LSUAOL]NO RXBO SNVLSC WBWLSC YAB YABULSC YAU`LZLULSC NX`B`KQO VULZRC YAB NSZULPSORC VAC YAUWBAC RXQO #$YAB VASVA KNMLOVNC XLKBC YAVN`ASPAO VLSC LTKLSC VLS XR ]SNBO ASVLBC #%N`RK]LO WN A`L AOVBLTNBAC YAB BYLOBLS BLSWABLB YAB `NBPAOVNC VLSC LTKLSC YAB KB]APAOVNC VLO `ASKLO NPSULO NaQ VRC `LKNQC OLXBPAOVNC ASVLO VN]OAOAB ,(YSYKQPAOVQO WN ASVLO VQO XA]RVQO AOAPVAC NBPRK]NO NBC VRO `LKBO YAB VR N`ASUBLO NaRK]NO PSO VQ HAUOAHA NBC WNUHRO ,#NSAMMNKBPAXNOLB VN VRO `LKBO NYNBORO YAB XA]RVNSPAOVNC BYAOLSC S`NPVUNcAO NBC VRO KSPVUAO YAB BYLOBLO YAB AOVBLTNBAO ,,N`BPVRUB\LOVNC VAC cSTAC VQO XA]RVQO `AUAYAKLSOVNC NXXNONBO VR `BPVNB YAB LVB WBA `LKKQO ]KBcNQO WNB RXAC NBPNK]NBO NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS
,-and having a ointed to the" by vote elders in every asse"bly, having rayed $ith !astings, they #o""ended the" to the Lord in $ho" they had believed) ,..nd having assed through Pisidia, they #a"e to Pa" hylia, ,'and having s o'en in Perga the $ord, they $ent do$n to .ttalia, ,/and then#e did sail to .ntio#h, $hen#e they had been given by the gra#e o! &od !or the $or' that they !ul!illed, ,0and having #o"e and gathered together the asse"bly, they de#lared as "any things as &od did $ith the", and that He did o en to the nations a door o! !aith, ,$and they abode there not a little ti"e $ith the dis#i les) ,-TNBULVLORPAOVNC WN ASVLBC `UNPHSVNULSC YAV NYYKRPBAO `ULPNSaAXNOLB XNVA ORPVNBQO `AUN]NOVL ASVLSC VQ YSUBQ NBC LO `N`BPVNSYNBPAO ,.YAB WBNK]LOVNC VRO `BPBWBAO RK]LO NBC `AXZSKBAO ,'YAB KAKRPAOVNC NO `NUMR VLO KLMLO YAVNHRPAO NBC AVVAKNBAO ,/YAYNB]NO A`N`KNSPAO NBC AOVBLTNBAO L]NO RPAO `AUAWNWLXNOLB VR TAUBVB VLS ]NLS NBC VL NUMLO L N`KRUQPAO ,0`AUAMNOLXNOLB WN YAB PSOAMAMLOVNC VRO NYYKRPBAO AORMMNBKAO LPA N`LBRPNO L ]NLC XNV ASVQO YAB LVB ROLBaNO VLBC N]ONPBO ]SUAO `BPVNQC ,$WBNVUBHLO WN NYNB TULOLO LSY LKBMLO PSO VLBC XA]RVABC
+hapter #'
#.nd #ertain having #o"e do$n !ro" 5udea, $ere tea#hing the brethren ++ I0! ye be not #ir#u"#ised a!ter the #usto" o! @oses, ye are not able to be saved,I ,there having been, there!ore, not a little dissension and dis utation to Paul and Barnabas $ith the", they arranged !or Paul and Barnabas, and #ertain others o! the", to go u unto the a ostles and elders to 5erusale" about this ?uestion, #YAB VBONC YAVNK]LOVNC A`L VRC BLSWABAC NWBWAPYLO VLSC AWNKZLSC LVB NAO XR `NUBVNXORP]N VQ N]NB XQSPNQC LS WSOAP]N PQ]ROAB ,MNOLXNORC LSO PVAPNQC YAB PS\RVRPNQC LSY LKBMRC VQ `ASKQ YAB VQ HAUOAHA `ULC ASVLSC NVAaAO AOAHABONBO `ASKLO YAB HAUOAHAO YAB VBOAC AKKLSC Na ASVQO `ULC VLSC A`LPVLKLSC YAB `UNPHSVNULSC NBC BNULSPAKRX `NUB VLS \RVRXAVLC VLSVLS -they indeed, then, having been sent -LB XNO LSO `UL`NXZ]NOVNC S`L VRC !or$ard by the asse"bly, $ere assing NYYKRPBAC WBRUTLOVL VRO ZLBOBYRO YAB through Pheni#e and Sa"aria, PAXAUNBAO NYWBRMLSXNOLB VRO de#laring the #onversion o! the N`BPVULZRO VQO N]OQO YAB N`LBLSO nations, and they $ere #ausing great TAUAO XNMAKRO `APBO VLBC AWNKZLBC -oy to all the brethren) ..nd having #o"e to 5erusale", they .`AUAMNOLXNOLB WN NBC BNULSPAKRX $ere re#eived by the asse"bly, and the A`NWNT]RPAO S`L VRC NYYKRPBAC YAB a ostles, and the elders, they de#lared VQO A`LPVLKQO YAB VQO `UNPHSVNUQO also as "any things as &od did $ith AORMMNBKAO VN LPA L ]NLC N`LBRPNO XNV the", ASVQO 'and there rose u #ertain o! those o! 'NaAONPVRPAO WN VBONC VQO A`L VRC the se#t o! the Pharisees $ho believed, ABUNPNQC VQO ZAUBPABQO saying ++ I0t behoveth to #ir#u"#ise `N`BPVNSYLVNC KNMLOVNC LVB WNB the", to #o""and the" also to 'ee `NUBVNXONBO ASVLSC `AUAMMNKKNBO VN the la$ o! @oses)I VRUNBO VLO OLXLO XQSPNQC /.nd there $ere gathered together the /PSORT]RPAO WN LB A`LPVLKLB YAB LB a ostles and the elders, to see about `UNPHSVNULB BWNBO `NUB VLS KLMLS this "atter, VLSVLS
0and there having been "u#h dis uting, Peter having risen u said unto the", I@en, brethren, ye 'no$ that !ro" !or"er days, &od a"ong us did "a'e #hoi#e, through "y "outh, !or the nations to hear the $ord o! the good ne$s, and to believe, $and the heart+'no$ing &od did bare the" testi"ony, having given to the" the Holy S irit, even as also to us, %and did ut no di!!eren#e also bet$een us and the", by the !aith having uri!ied their hearts, #(no$, there!ore, $hy do ye te" t &od, to ut a yo'e u on the ne#' o! the dis#i les, $hi#h neither our !athers nor $e $ere able to bearb ##but, through the gra#e o! the Lord 5esus Dhrist, $e believe to be saved, even as also they)I #,.nd all the "ultitude did 'ee silen#e, and $ere hear'ening to Barnabas and Paul, de#laring as "any signs and $onders as &od did a"ong the nations through the", #-and a!ter they are silent, 5a"es ans$ered, saying, I@en, brethren, hear'en to "e, #.Si"eon did de#lare ho$ at !irst &od did loo' a!ter to ta'e out o! the nations a eo le !or His na"e, #'and to this agree the $ords o! the ro hets, as it hath been $rittenF 0`LKKRC WN PS\RVRPNQC MNOLXNORC AOAPVAC `NVULC NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC AOWUNC AWNKZLB SXNBC N`BPVAP]N LVB AZ RXNUQO AUTABQO L ]NLC NO RXBO NaNKNaAVL WBA VLS PVLXAVLC XLS AYLSPAB VA N]OR VLO KLMLO VLS NSAMMNKBLS YAB `BPVNSPAB $YAB L YAUWBLMOQPVRC ]NLC NXAUVSURPNO ASVLBC WLSC ASVLBC VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO YA]QC YAB RXBO %YAB LSWNO WBNYUBONO XNVAaS RXQO VN YAB ASVQO VR `BPVNB YA]AUBPAC VAC YAUWBAC ASVQO #(OSO LSO VB `NBUA\NVN VLO ]NLO N`B]NBOAB \SMLO N`B VLO VUATRKLO VQO XA]RVQO LO LSVN LB `AVNUNC RXQO LSVN RXNBC BPTSPAXNO HAPVAPAB ##AKKA WBA VRC TAUBVLC YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS `BPVNSLXNO PQ]ROAB YA] LO VUL`LO YAYNBOLB #,NPBMRPNO WN `AO VL `KR]LC YAB RYLSLO HAUOAHA YAB `ASKLS NaRMLSXNOQO LPA N`LBRPNO L ]NLC PRXNBA YAB VNUAVA NO VLBC N]ONPBO WB ASVQO #-XNVA WN VL PBMRPAB ASVLSC A`NYUB]R BAYQHLC KNMQO AOWUNC AWNKZLB AYLSPAVN XLS #.PSXNQO NaRMRPAVL YA]QC `UQVLO L ]NLC N`NPYNcAVL KAHNBO Na N]OQO KALO N`B VQ LOLXAVB ASVLS #'YAB VLSVQ PSXZQOLSPBO LB KLMLB VQO `ULZRVQO YA]QC MNMUA`VAB
#/.!ter these things 0 $ill turn ba#', and 0 $ill build again the taberna#le o! David, that is !allen do$n, and its ruins 0 $ill build again, and $ill set it u right ++ #0that the residue o! "en "ay see' a!ter the Lord, and all the nations, u on $ho" @y na"e hath been #alled, saith the Lord, $ho is doing all these things) #$IKno$n !ro" the ages to &od are all His $or's, #%$here!ore 0 -udgeF not to trouble those $ho !ro" the nations do turn ba#' to &od, ,(but to $rite to the" to abstain !ro" the ollutions o! the idols, and the $horedo", and the strangled thing, and the blood, ,#!or @oses !ro" !or"er generations in every #ity hath those rea#hing hi" ++ in the synagogues every sabbath being read)I ,,Then it see"ed good to the a ostles and the elders, $ith the $hole asse"bly, #hosen "en out o! the"selves to send to .ntio#h $ith Paul and Barnabas ++ 5udas surna"ed Barsabas, and Silas, leading "en a"ong the brethren ++ #/XNVA VASVA AOAPVUNcQ YAB AOLBYLWLXRPQ VRO PYRORO WAHBW VRO `N`VQYSBAO YAB VA YAVNPYAXXNOA ASVRC AOLBYLWLXRPQ YAB AOLU]QPQ ASVRO #0L`QC AO NY\RVRPQPBO LB YAVAKLB`LB VQO AO]UQ`QO VLO YSUBLO YAB `AOVA VA N]OR NZ LSC N`BYNYKRVAB VL LOLXA XLS N` ASVLSC KNMNB YSUBLC L `LBQO VASVA `AOVA #$MOQPVA A` ABQOLC NPVBO VQ ]NQ `AOVA VA NUMA ASVLS #%WBL NMQ YUBOQ XR `AUNOLTKNBO VLBC A`L VQO N]OQO N`BPVUNZLSPBO N`B VLO ]NLO ,(AKKA N`BPVNBKAB ASVLBC VLS A`NTNP]AB A`L VQO AKBPMRXAVQO VQO NBWQKQO YAB VRC `LUONBAC YAB VLS `OBYVLS YAB VLS ABXAVLC ,#XQPRC MAU NY MNONQO AUTABQO YAVA `LKBO VLSC YRUSPPLOVAC ASVLO NTNB NO VABC PSOAMQMABC YAVA `AO PAHHAVLO AOAMBOQPYLXNOLC ,,VLVN NWLaNO VLBC A`LPVLKLBC YAB VLBC `UNPHSVNULBC PSO LKR VR NYYKRPBA NYKNaAXNOLSC AOWUAC Na ASVQO `NXcAB NBC AOVBLTNBAO PSO VQ `ASKQ YAB HAUOAHA BLSWAO VLO N`BYAKLSXNOLO HAUPAHAO YAB PBKAO AOWUAC RMLSXNOLSC NO VLBC AWNKZLBC
,-having $ritten through their hand thusF IThe a ostles, and the elders, and the brethren, to those in .ntio#h, and Syria, and Dili#ia, brethren, $ho IareI o! the nations, greeting, ,.seeing $e have heard that #ertain having gone !orth !ro" us did trouble you $ith $ords, subverting your souls, saying to be #ir#u"#ised and to 'ee the la$, to $ho" $e did give no #harge, ,'it see"ed good to us, having #o"e together $ith one a##ord, #hosen "en to send unto you, $ith our beloved Barnabas and Paul ++ ,/"en $ho have given u their lives !or the na"e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist ++ ,0$e have sent, there!ore, 5udas and Silas, and they by $ord are telling the sa"e things) ,$IFor it see"ed good to the Holy S irit, and to us, no "ore burden to lay u on you, e(#e t these ne#essary thingsF ,%to abstain !ro" things o!!ered to idols, and blood, and a strangled thing, and $horedo", !ro" $hi#h 'ee ing yourselves, ye shall do $ell, be strongdI -(They then, indeed, having been let go, $ent to .ntio#h, and having brought the "ultitude together, did deliver the e istle, ,-MUAcAOVNC WBA TNBULC ASVQO VAWN LB A`LPVLKLB YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB YAB LB AWNKZLB VLBC YAVA VRO AOVBLTNBAO YAB PSUBAO YAB YBKBYBAO AWNKZLBC VLBC Na N]OQO TABUNBO ,.N`NBWR RYLSPAXNO LVB VBONC Na RXQO NaNK]LOVNC NVAUAaAO SXAC KLMLBC AOAPYNSA\LOVNC VAC cSTAC SXQO KNMLOVNC `NUBVNXONP]AB YAB VRUNBO VLO OLXLO LBC LS WBNPVNBKAXN]A ,'NWLaNO RXBO MNOLXNOLBC LXL]SXAWLO NYKNaAXNOLSC AOWUAC `NXcAB `ULC SXAC PSO VLBC AMA`RVLBC RXQO HAUOAHA YAB `ASKQ ,/AO]UQ`LBC `AUAWNWQYLPBO VAC cSTAC ASVQO S`NU VLS LOLXAVLC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS ,0A`NPVAKYAXNO LSO BLSWAO YAB PBKAO YAB ASVLSC WBA KLMLS A`AMMNKKLOVAC VA ASVA ,$NWLaNO MAU VQ AMBQ `ONSXAVB YAB RXBO XRWNO `KNLO N`BVB]NP]AB SXBO HAULC `KRO VQO N`AOAMYNC VLSVQO ,%A`NTNP]AB NBWQKL]SVQO YAB ABXAVLC YAB `OBYVLS YAB `LUONBAC Na QO WBAVRULSOVNC NASVLSC NS `UAaNVN NUUQP]N -(LB XNO LSO A`LKS]NOVNC RK]LO NBC AOVBLTNBAO YAB PSOAMAMLOVNC VL `KR]LC N`NWQYAO VRO N`BPVLKRO
-#and they having read, did re-oi#e !or the #onsolation, -,5udas also and Silas, being the"selves also ro hets, through "u#h dis#ourse did e(hort the brethren, and #on!ir", --and having assed so"e ti"e, they $ere let go $ith ea#e !ro" the brethren unto the a ostles, -.and it see"ed good to Silas to re"ain there still) -'.nd Paul and Barnabas #ontinued in .ntio#h, tea#hing and ro#lai"ing good ne$s ++ $ith "any others also ++ the $ord o! the Lord, -/and a!ter #ertain days, Paul said unto Barnabas, IHaving turned ba#' again, $e "ay loo' a!ter our brethren, in every #ity in $hi#h $e have rea#hed the $ord o! the Lord ++ ho$ they are)I -0.nd Barnabas #ounseled to ta'e $ith Ithe"I 5ohn #alled @ar', -#AOAMOLOVNC WN NTAURPAO N`B VR `AUAYKRPNB -,BLSWAC VN YAB PBKAC YAB ASVLB `ULZRVAB LOVNC WBA KLMLS `LKKLS `AUNYAKNPAO VLSC AWNKZLSC YAB N`NPVRUBaAO --`LBRPAOVNC WN TULOLO A`NKS]RPAO XNV NBURORC A`L VQO AWNKZQO `ULC VLSC A`LPVLKLSC -.NWLaNO WN VQ PBKA N`BXNBOAB ASVLS
.(and Paul having #hosen Silas, $ent !orth, having been given u to the gra#e o! &od by the brethren, .#and he $ent through Syria and Dili#ia, #on!ir"ing the asse"blies) .(`ASKLC WN N`BKNaAXNOLC PBKAO NaRK]NO `AUAWL]NBC VR TAUBVB VLS ]NLS S`L VQO AWNKZQO .#WBRUTNVL WN VRO PSUBAO YAB YBKBYBAO N`BPVRUB\QO VAC NYYKRPBAC
+hapter #/
#.nd he #a"e to Derbe and Lystra, and lo, a #ertain dis#i le $as there, by na"e Ti"otheus son o! a #ertain $o"an, a believing 5e$ess, but o! a !ather, a &ree', ,$ho $as $ell testi!ied to by the brethren in Lystra and 0#oniu", -this one did Paul $ish to go !orth $ith hi", and having ta'en Ihi"I, he #ir#u"#ised hi", be#ause o! the 5e$s $ho are in those la#es, !or they all 'ne$ his !ather ++ that he $as a &ree') ..nd as they $ere going on through the #ities, they $ere delivering to the" the de#rees to 'ee , that have been -udged by the a ostles and the elders $ho IareI in 5erusale", 'then, indeed, $ere the asse"blies established in the !aith, and $ere abounding in nu"ber every day, /and having gone through Phrygia and the region o! &alatia, having been !orbidden by the Holy S irit to s ea' the $ord in .sia, 0having gone to$ard @ysia, they $ere trying to go on to$ard Bithynia, and the S irit did not su!!er the", $and having assed by @ysia, they #a"e do$n to Troas) #YAVROVRPNO WN NBC WNUHRO YAB KSPVUAO YAB BWLS XA]RVRC VBC RO NYNB LOLXAVB VBXL]NLC SBLC MSOABYLC VBOLC BLSWABAC `BPVRC `AVULC WN NKKROLC ,LC NXAUVSUNBVL S`L VQO NO KSPVULBC YAB BYLOBQ AWNKZQO -VLSVLO R]NKRPNO L `ASKLC PSO ASVQ NaNK]NBO YAB KAHQO `NUBNVNXNO ASVLO WBA VLSC BLSWABLSC VLSC LOVAC NO VLBC VL`LBC NYNBOLBC RWNBPAO MAU A`AOVNC VLO `AVNUA ASVLS LVB NKKRO S`RUTNO .QC WN WBN`LUNSLOVL VAC `LKNBC `AUNWBWLSO ASVLBC ZSKAPPNBO VA WLMXAVA VA YNYUBXNOA S`L VQO A`LPVLKQO YAB VQO `UNPHSVNUQO VQO NO BNULSPAKRX 'AB XNO LSO NYYKRPBAB NPVNUNLSOVL VR `BPVNB YAB N`NUBPPNSLO VQ AUB]XQ YA] RXNUAO /WBNK]LOVNC WN VRO ZUSMBAO YAB VRO MAKAVBYRO TQUAO YQKS]NOVNC S`L VLS AMBLS `ONSXAVLC KAKRPAB VLO KLMLO NO VR APBA 0NK]LOVNC YAVA VRO XSPBAO N`NBUA\LO YAVA VRO HB]SOBAO `LUNSNP]AB YAB LSY NBAPNO ASVLSC VL `ONSXA $`AUNK]LOVNC WN VRO XSPBAO YAVNHRPAO NBC VUQAWA
%.nd a vision through the night a eared to Paul ++ a #ertain "an o! @a#edonia $as standing, #alling u on hi", and saying, IHaving assed through to @a#edonia, hel us,I ++ #(and $hen he sa$ the vision, i""ediately $e endeavoured to go !orth to @a#edonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord hath #alled us to rea#h good ne$s to the", ##having set sail, there!ore, !ro" Troas, $e #a"e $ith a straight #ourse to Sa"othra#ia, on the "orro$ also to /ea olis, #,then#e also to Phili i, $hi#h is a rin#i al #ity o! the art o! @a#edonia ++ a #olony) .nd $e $ere in this #ity abiding #ertain days, #-on the sabbath+day also $e $ent !orth outside o! the #ity, by a river, $here there used to be rayer, and having sat do$n, $e $ere s ea'ing to the $o"en $ho #a"e together, #.and a #ertain $o"an, by na"e Lydia, a seller o! ur le, o! the #ity o! Thyatira, $orshi ing &od, $as hearing, $hose heart the Lord did o en to attend to the things s o'en by Paul, %YAB LUAXA WBA VRC OSYVLC QZ]R VQ `ASKQ AORU VBC RO XAYNWQO NPVQC `AUAYAKQO ASVLO YAB KNMQO WBAHAC NBC XAYNWLOBAO HLR]RPLO RXBO #(QC WN VL LUAXA NBWNO NS]NQC N\RVRPAXNO NaNK]NBO NBC VRO XAYNWLOBAO PSXHBHA\LOVNC LVB `ULPYNYKRVAB RXAC L YSUBLC NSAMMNKBPAP]AB ASVLSC ##AOAT]NOVNC LSO A`L VRC VUQAWLC NS]SWULXRPAXNO NBC PAXL]UAYRO VR VN N`BLSPR NBC ONA`LKBO #,NYNB]NO VN NBC ZBKB``LSC RVBC NPVBO `UQVR VRC XNUBWLC VRC XAYNWLOBAC `LKBC YLKQOBA RXNO WN NO VASVR VR `LKNB WBAVUBHLOVNC RXNUAC VBOAC #-VR VN RXNUA VQO PAHHAVQO NaRK]LXNO NaQ VRC `LKNQC `AUA `LVAXLO LS NOLXB\NVL `ULPNSTR NBOAB YAB YA]BPAOVNC NKAKLSXNO VABC PSONK]LSPABC MSOABaBO #.YAB VBC MSOR LOLXAVB KSWBA `LUZSUL`QKBC `LKNQC ]SAVNBUQO PNHLXNOR VLO ]NLO RYLSNO RC L YSUBLC WBROLBaNO VRO YAUWBAO `ULPNTNBO VLBC KAKLSXNOLBC S`L VLS `ASKLS
#'and $hen she $as ba tiEed, and her household, she did #all u on us, saying, I0! ye have -udged "e to be !aith!ul to the Lord, having entered into "y house, re"ain,I and she #onstrained us) #/.nd it #a"e to ass in our going on to rayer, a #ertain "aid, having a s irit o! Python, did "eet us, $ho brought "u#h e" loy"ent to her "asters by soothsaying, #0she having !ollo$ed Paul and us, $as #rying, saying, IThese "en are servants o! the @ost High &od, $ho de#lare to us a $ay o! salvation,I #'QC WN NHA`VBP]R YAB L LBYLC ASVRC `AUNYAKNPNO KNMLSPA NB YNYUBYAVN XN `BPVRO VQ YSUBQ NBOAB NBPNK]LOVNC NBC VLO LBYLO XLS XNBOAVN YAB `AUNHBAPAVL RXAC
#/NMNONVL WN `LUNSLXNOQO RXQO NBC `ULPNSTRO `ABWBPYRO VBOA NTLSPAO `ONSXA `S]QOLC A`AOVRPAB RXBO RVBC NUMAPBAO `LKKRO `AUNBTNO VLBC YSUBLBC ASVRC XAOVNSLXNOR #0ASVR YAVAYLKLS]RPAPA VQ `ASKQ YAB RXBO NYUA\NO KNMLSPA LSVLB LB AO]UQ`LB WLSKLB VLS ]NLS VLS ScBPVLS NBPBO LBVBONC YAVAMMNKKLSPBO RXBO LWLO PQVRUBAC #$and this she $as doing !or "any #$VLSVL WN N`LBNB N`B `LKKAC RXNUAC days, but Paul having been grieved, WBA`LOR]NBC WN L `ASKLC YAB N`BPVUNcAC and having turned, said to the s irit, I0 VQ `ONSXAVB NB`NO `AUAMMNKKQ PLB NO VQ #o""and thee, in the na"e o! 5esus LOLXAVB BRPLS TUBPVLS NaNK]NBO A` Dhrist, to #o"e !orth !ro" her,I and it ASVRC YAB NaRK]NO ASVR VR QUA #a"e !orth the sa"e hour) #%.nd her "asters having seen that #%BWLOVNC WN LB YSUBLB ASVRC LVB NaRK]NO the ho e o! their e" loy"ent $as R NK`BC VRC NUMAPBAC ASVQO gone, having #aught Paul and Silas, N`BKAHLXNOLB VLO `ASKLO YAB VLO PBKAO dre$ Ithe"I to the "ar'et+ la#e, unto NBKYSPAO NBC VRO AMLUAO N`B VLSC the rulers, AUTLOVAC ,(and having brought the" to the ,(YAB `ULPAMAMLOVNC ASVLSC VLBC "agistrates, they said, IThese "en do PVUAVRMLBC NB`LO LSVLB LB AO]UQ`LB e(#eedingly trouble our #ity, being NYVAUAPPLSPBO RXQO VRO `LKBO BLSWABLB 5e$s, S`AUTLOVNC ,#and they ro#lai" #usto"s that are ,#YAB YAVAMMNKKLSPBO N]R A LSY NaNPVBO not la$!ul !or us to re#eive nor to do, RXBO `AUAWNTNP]AB LSWN `LBNBO UQXABLBC being Ro"ans)I LSPBO 831
,,.nd the "ultitude rose u together against the", and the "agistrates having torn their gar"ents !ro" the", $ere #o""anding to beat Ithe"I $ith rods, ,-"any blo$s also having laid u on the", they #ast the" to rison, having given #harge to the -ailor to 'ee the" sa!ely, ,.$ho su#h a #harge having re#eived, did ut the" to the inner rison, and their !eet "ade !ast in the sto#'s) ,'.nd at "idnight Paul and Silas raying, $ere singing hy"ns to &od, and the risoners $ere hearing the", ,/and suddenly a great earth?ua'e #a"e, so that the !oundations o! the rison $ere sha'en, o ened also resently $ere all the doors, and o! all ++ the bands $ere loosed, ,0and the -ailor having #o"e out o! slee , and having seen the doors o! the rison o en, having dra$n a s$ord, $as about to 'ill hi"sel!, su osing the risoners to be !led, ,$and Paul #ried out $ith a loud voi#e, saying, IThou "ayest not do thysel! any har", !or $e are all here)I ,%.nd, having as'ed !or a light, he s rang in, and tre"bling he !ell do$n be!ore Paul and Silas, ,,YAB PSON`NPVR L LTKLC YAV ASVQO YAB LB PVUAVRMLB `NUBUURaAOVNC ASVQO VA BXAVBA NYNKNSLO UAHWB\NBO ,-`LKKAC VN N`B]NOVNC ASVLBC `KRMAC NHAKLO NBC ZSKAYRO `AUAMMNBKAOVNC VQ WNPXLZSKAYB APZAKQC VRUNBO ASVLSC ,.LC `AUAMMNKBAO VLBASVRO NBKRZQC NHAKNO ASVLSC NBC VRO NPQVNUAO ZSKAYRO YAB VLSC `LWAC ASVQO RPZAKBPAVL NBC VL aSKLO ,'YAVA WN VL XNPLOSYVBLO `ASKLC YAB PBKAC `ULPNSTLXNOLB SXOLSO VLO ]NLO N`RYULQOVL WN ASVQO LB WNPXBLB ,/AZOQ WN PNBPXLC NMNONVL XNMAC QPVN PAKNS]ROAB VA ]NXNKBA VLS WNPXQVRUBLS AONQT]RPAO VN `AUATURXA AB ]SUAB `APAB YAB `AOVQO VA WNPXA AON]R ,0NaS`OLC WN MNOLXNOLC L WNPXLZSKAa YAB BWQO AONQMXNOAC VAC ]SUAC VRC ZSKAYRC P`APAXNOLC XATABUAO NXNKKNO NASVLO AOABUNBO OLXB\QO NY`NZNSMNOAB VLSC WNPXBLSC ,$NZQORPNO WN ZQOR XNMAKR L `ASKLC KNMQO XRWNO `UAaRC PNASVQ YAYLO A`AOVNC MAU NPXNO NO]AWN ,%ABVRPAC WN ZQVA NBPN`RWRPNO YAB NOVULXLC MNOLXNOLC `ULPN`NPNO VQ `ASKQ YAB VQ PBKA
-(and having brought the" !orth, said, ISirs, $hat "ust 0 do ++ that 0 "ay be savedbI -#and they said, IBelieve on the Lord 5esus Dhrist, and thou shalt be saved ++ thou and thy house,I -,and they s a'e to hi" the $ord o! the Lord, and to all those in his household, --and having ta'en the", in that hour o! the night, he did bathe Ithe"I !ro" the blo$s, and $as ba tiEed, hi"sel! and all his resently, -.having brought the" also into his house, he set !ood be!ore Ithe"I, and $as glad $ith all the household, he having believed in &od) -'.nd day having #o"e, the "agistrates sent the rod+bearers, saying, ILet those "en go,I -/and the -ailor told these $ords unto Paul ++ IThe "agistrates have sent, that ye "ay be let go, no$, there!ore, having gone !orth go on in ea#e,I -(YAB `ULAMAMQO ASVLSC NaQ NZR YSUBLB VB XN WNB `LBNBO BOA PQ]Q -#LB WN NB`LO `BPVNSPLO N`B VLO YSUBLO BRPLSO TUBPVLO YAB PQ]RPR PS YAB L LBYLC PLS -,YAB NKAKRPAO ASVQ VLO KLMLO VLS YSUBLS YAB `APBO VLBC NO VR LBYBA ASVLS
-$.nd the rod+bearers told to the "agistrates these sayings, and they $ere a!raid, having heard that they are Ro"ans, -%and having #o"e, they besought the", and having brought Ithe"I !orth, they $ere as'ing Ithe"I to go !orth !ro" the #ity, .(and they, having gone !orth out o! the rison, entered into Ithe house o!I Lydia, and having seen the brethren, they #o"!orted the", and $ent !orth) -$AORMMNBKAO WN VLBC PVUAVRMLBC LB UAHWLSTLB VA URXAVA VASVA YAB NZLHR]RPAO AYLSPAOVNC LVB UQXABLB NBPBO -%YAB NK]LOVNC `AUNYAKNPAO ASVLSC YAB NaAMAMLOVNC RUQVQO NaNK]NBO VRC `LKNQC .(NaNK]LOVNC WN NY VRC ZSKAYRC NBPRK]LO NBC VRO KSWBAO YAB BWLOVNC VLSC AWNKZLSC `AUNYAKNPAO ASVLSC YAB NaRK]LO
+hapter #0
#.nd having assed through ." hi olis, and . ollonia, they #a"e to Thessaloni#a, $here $as the synagogue o! the 5e$s, ,and a##ording to the #usto" o! Paul, he $ent in unto the", and !or three sabbaths he $as reasoning $ith the" !ro" the Writings, -o ening and alleging, IThat the Dhrist it behoved to su!!er, and to rise again out o! the dead, and that this is the Dhrist ++ 5esus $ho" 0 ro#lai" to you)I ..nd #ertain o! the" did believe, and atta#hed the"selves to Paul and to Silas, also o! the $orshi ing &ree's a great "ultitude, o! the rin#i al $o"en also not a !e$) '.nd the unbelieving 5e$s, having been "oved $ith envy, and having ta'en to the" o! the loungers #ertain evil "en, and having "ade a #ro$d, $ere setting the #ity in an u roar, having assailed also the house o! 5ason, they $ere see'ing the" to bring Ithe"I to the o ula#e, /and not having !ound the", they dre$ 5ason and #ertain brethren unto the #ity rulers, #alling aloud ++ IThese, having ut the $orld in #o""otion, are also here resent, #WBLWNSPAOVNC WN VRO AXZB`LKBO YAB A`LKKQOBAO RK]LO NBC ]NPPAKLOBYRO L`LS RO R PSOAMQMR VQO BLSWABQO ,YAVA WN VL NBQ]LC VQ `ASKQ NBPRK]NO `ULC ASVLSC YAB N`B PAHHAVA VUBA WBNKNMNVL ASVLBC A`L VQO MUAZQO -WBAOLBMQO YAB `AUAVB]NXNOLC LVB VLO TUBPVLO NWNB `A]NBO YAB AOAPVROAB NY ONYUQO YAB LVB LSVLC NPVBO L TUBPVLC BRPLSC LO NMQ YAVAMMNKKQ SXBO .YAB VBONC Na ASVQO N`NBP]RPAO YAB `ULPNYKRUQ]RPAO VQ `ASKQ YAB VQ PBKA VQO VN PNHLXNOQO NKKROQO `LKS `KR]LC MSOABYQO VN VQO `UQVQO LSY LKBMAB '\RKQPAOVNC WN LB A`NB]LSOVNC BLSWABLB YAB `ULPKAHLXNOLB VQO AMLUABQO VBOAC AOWUAC `LORULSC YAB LTKL`LBRPAOVNC N]LUSHLSO VRO `LKBO N`BPVAOVNC VN VR LBYBA BAPLOLC N\RVLSO ASVLSC AMAMNBO NBC VLO WRXLO /XR NSULOVNC WN ASVLSC NPSULO VLO BAPLOA YAB VBOAC AWNKZLSC N`B VLSC `LKBVAUTAC HLQOVNC LVB LB VRO LBYLSXNORO AOAPVAVQPAOVNC LSVLB YAB NO]AWN `AUNBPBO
0$ho" 5ason hath re#eived, and these all do #ontrary to the de#rees o! Daesar, saying another to be 'ing ++ 5esus)I $.nd they troubled the "ultitude and the #ity rulers, hearing these things, %and having ta'ing se#urity !ro" 5ason and the rest, they let the" go) 0LSC S`LWNWNYVAB BAPQO YAB LSVLB `AOVNC A`NOAOVB VQO WLMXAVQO YABPAULC `UAVVLSPBO HAPBKNA KNMLOVNC NVNULO NBOAB BRPLSO $NVAUAaAO WN VLO LTKLO YAB VLSC `LKBVAUTAC AYLSLOVAC VASVA %YAB KAHLOVNC VL BYAOLO `AUA VLS BAPLOLC YAB VQO KLB`QO A`NKSPAO ASVLSC #(.nd the brethren i""ediately, #(LB WN AWNKZLB NS]NQC WBA VRC OSYVLC through the night, sent !orth both Paul NaN`NXcAO VLO VN `ASKLO YAB VLO and Silas to Berea, $ho having #o"e, PBKAO NBC HNULBAO LBVBONC $ent to the synagogue o! the 5e$s, `AUAMNOLXNOLB NBC VRO PSOAMQMRO VQO BLSWABQO A`RNPAO ##and these $ere "ore noble than ##LSVLB WN RPAO NSMNONPVNULB VQO NO those in Thessaloni#a, they re#eived ]NPPAKLOBYR LBVBONC NWNaAOVL VLO the $ord $ith all readiness o! "ind, KLMLO XNVA `APRC `UL]SXBAC VL YA] every day e(a"ining the Writings RXNUAO AOAYUBOLOVNC VAC MUAZAC NB $hether those things $ere so, NTLB VASVA LSVQC #,"any, indeed, there!ore, o! the" did #,`LKKLB XNO LSO Na ASVQO believe, and o! the honourable &ree' N`BPVNSPAO YAB VQO NKKROBWQO $o"en and "en not a !e$) MSOABYQO VQO NSPTRXLOQO YAB AOWUQO LSY LKBMLB #-.nd $hen the 5e$s !ro" #-QC WN NMOQPAO LB A`L VRC Thessaloni#a 'ne$ that also in Berea ]NPPAKLOBYRC BLSWABLB LVB YAB NO VR $as the $ord o! &od de#lared by Paul, HNULBA YAVRMMNKR S`L VLS `ASKLS L they #a"e thither also, agitating the KLMLC VLS ]NLS RK]LO YAYNB "ultitudes, PAKNSLOVNC VLSC LTKLSC #.and then i""ediately the brethren #.NS]NQC WN VLVN VLO `ASKLO sent !orth Paul, to go on as it $ere to NaA`NPVNBKAO LB AWNKZLB `LUNSNP]AB the sea, but both Silas and Ti"othy QC N`B VRO ]AKAPPAO S`NXNOLO WN L VN $ere re"aining there) PBKAC YAB L VBXL]NLC NYNB
#'.nd those #ondu#ting Paul, brought hi" unto .thens, and having re#eived a #o""and unto Silas and Ti"otheus that $ith all s eed they "ay #o"e unto hi", they de arted, #/and Paul $aiting !or the" in .thens, his s irit $as stirred in hi", beholding the #ity $holly given to idolatry, #0there!ore, indeed, he $as reasoning in the synagogue $ith the 5e$s, and $ith the $orshi ing ersons, and in the "ar'et+ la#e every day $ith those $ho "et $ith hi") #$.nd #ertain o! the E i#urean and o! the Stoi# hiloso hers, $ere "eeting together to see hi", and so"e $ere saying, IWhat $ould this seed i#'er $ish to saybI and others, IO! strange de"ons he doth see" to be an announ#er,I be#ause 5esus and the rising again he did ro#lai" to the" as good ne$s, #%having also ta'en hi", unto the .reo agus they brought Ihi"I, saying, I.re $e able to 'no$ $hat IisI this ne$ tea#hing that is s o'en by thee, ,(!or #ertain strange things thou dost bring to our earsb $e $ish, then, to 'no$ $hat these things $ould $ish to be,I #'LB WN YA]BPVQOVNC VLO `ASKLO RMAMLO ASVLO NQC A]ROQO YAB KAHLOVNC NOVLKRO `ULC VLO PBKAO YAB VBXL]NLO BOA QC VATBPVA NK]QPBO `ULC ASVLO NaRNPAO #/NO WN VABC A]ROABC NYWNTLXNOLS ASVLSC VLS `ASKLS `AUQaSONVL VL `ONSXA ASVLS NO ASVQ ]NQULSOVB YAVNBWQKLO LSPAO VRO `LKBO #0WBNKNMNVL XNO LSO NO VR PSOAMQMR VLBC BLSWABLBC YAB VLBC PNHLXNOLBC YAB NO VR AMLUA YAVA `APAO RXNUAO `ULC VLSC `AUAVSMTAOLOVAC #$VBONC WN VQO N`BYLSUNBQO YAB VQO PVQBYQO ZBKLPLZQO PSONHAKKLO ASVQ YAB VBONC NKNMLO VB AO ]NKLB L P`NUXLKLMLC LSVLC KNMNBO LB WN aNOQO WABXLOBQO WLYNB YAVAMMNKNSC NBOAB LVB VLO BRPLSO YAB VRO AOAPVAPBO ASVLBC NSRMMNKB\NVL #%N`BKAHLXNOLB VN ASVLS N`B VLO AUNBLO `AMLO RMAMLO KNMLOVNC WSOAXN]A MOQOAB VBC R YABOR ASVR R S`L PLS KAKLSXNOR WBWATR ,(aNOB\LOVA MAU VBOA NBPZNUNBC NBC VAC AYLAC RXQO HLSKLXN]A LSO MOQOAB VB AO ]NKLB VASVA NBOAB
,#and all .thenians, and the strangers so-ourning, !or nothing else $ere at leisure but to say so"ething, and to hear so"e ne$er thing) ,,.nd Paul, having stood in the "idst o! the .reo agus, said, I@en, .thenians, in all things 0 er#eive you as over+religious, ,-!or assing through and #onte" lating your ob-e#ts o! $orshi , 0 !ound also an ere#tion on $hi#h had been ins#ribedF To &od ++ un'no$n, $ho", there!ore ++ not 'no$ing ++ ye do $orshi , this One 0 announ#e to you) ,.I&od, $ho did "a'e the $orld, and all things in it, this One, o! heaven and o! earth being Lord, in te" les "ade $ith hands doth not d$ell, ,'neither by the hands o! "en is He served ++ needing anything, He giving to all li!e, and breath, and all things, ,#A]ROABLB WN `AOVNC YAB LB N`BWRXLSOVNC aNOLB NBC LSWNO NVNULO NSYABULSO R KNMNBO VB YAB AYLSNBO YABOLVNULO ,,PVA]NBC WN L `ASKLC NO XNPQ VLS AUNBLS `AMLS NZR AOWUNC A]ROABLB YAVA `AOVA QC WNBPBWABXLONPVNULSC SXAC ]NQUQ ,-WBNUTLXNOLC MAU YAB AOA]NQUQO VA PNHAPXAVA SXQO NSULO YAB HQXLO NO Q N`NMNMUA`VL AMOQPVQ ]NQ LO LSO AMOLLSOVNC NSPNHNBVN VLSVLO NMQ YAVAMMNKKQ SXBO
,.L ]NLC L `LBRPAC VLO YLPXLO YAB `AOVA VA NO ASVQ LSVLC LSUAOLS YAB MRC YSUBLC S`AUTQO LSY NO TNBUL`LBRVLBC OALBC YAVLBYNB ,'LSWN S`L TNBUQO AO]UQ`QO ]NUA`NSNVAB `ULPWNLXNOLC VBOLC ASVLC WBWLSC `APBO \QRO YAB `OLRO YAVA `AOVA ,/He "ade also o! one blood every ,/N`LBRPNO VN Na NOLC ABXAVLC `AO nation o! "en, to d$ell u on all the N]OLC AO]UQ`QO YAVLBYNBO N`B `AO VL !a#e o! the earth ++ having ordained `ULPQ`LO VRC MRC LUBPAC ti"es be!ore a ointed, and the `ULVNVAMXNOLSC YABULSC YAB VAC bounds o! their d$ellings ++ LUL]NPBAC VRC YAVLBYBAC ASVQO ,0to see' the Lord, i! erha s they did ,0\RVNBO VLO YSUBLO NB AUA MN !eel a!ter Hi" and !ind, ++ though, cRKAZRPNBAO ASVLO YAB NSULBNO indeed, He is not !ar !ro" ea#h one o! YABVLBMN LS XAYUAO A`L NOLC NYAPVLS us, RXQO S`AUTLOVA
,$!or in Hi" $e live, and "ove, and ,$NO ASVQ MAU \QXNO YAB YBOLSXN]A are, as also #ertain o! your oets have YAB NPXNO QC YAB VBONC VQO YA] SXAC saidF For o! Hi" also $e are o!!s ring) `LBRVQO NBURYAPBO VLS MAU YAB MNOLC NPXNO ,%IBeing, there!ore, o!!s ring o! &od, ,%MNOLC LSO S`AUTLOVNC VLS ]NLS LSY $e ought not to thin' the &odhead to LZNBKLXNO OLXB\NBO TUSPQ R AUMSUQ R be li'e to gold, or silver, or stone, KB]Q TAUAMXAVB VNTORC YAB graving o! art and devi#e o! "an, NO]SXRPNQC AO]UQ`LS VL ]NBLO NBOAB LXLBLO -(the ti"es, indeed, there!ore, o! the -(VLSC XNO LSO TULOLSC VRC AMOLBAC ignoran#e &od having overloo'ed, S`NUBWQO L ]NLC VA OSO `AUAMMNKKNB doth no$ #o""and all "en VLBC AO]UQ`LBC `APBO `AOVATLS every$here to re!or", XNVAOLNBO -#be#ause He did set a day in $hi#h -#WBLVB NPVRPNO RXNUAO NO R XNKKNB He is about to -udge the $orld in YUBONBO VRO LBYLSXNORO NO WBYABLPSOR righteousness, by a "an $ho" He did NO AOWUB Q QUBPNO `BPVBO `AUAPTQO ordain, having given assuran#e to all, `APBO AOAPVRPAC ASVLO NY ONYUQO having raised hi" out o! the dead)I -,.nd having heard o! a rising again -,AYLSPAOVNC WN AOAPVAPBO ONYUQO LB o! the dead, so"e, indeed, $ere XNO NTKNSA\LO LB WN NB`LO AYLSPLXN]A "o#'ing, but others said, IWe $ill hear PLS `AKBO `NUB VLSVLS thee again #on#erning this,I --and so Paul $ent !orth !ro" the --YAB LSVQC L `ASKLC NaRK]NO NY "idst o! the", XNPLS ASVQO -.and #ertain "en having #leaved to -.VBONC WN AOWUNC YLKKR]NOVNC ASVQ hi", did believe, a"ong $ho" IisI also N`BPVNSPAO NO LBC YAB WBLOSPBLC L Dionysius the .reo agite, and a AUNL`AMBVRC YAB MSOR LOLXAVB WAXAUBC $o"an, by na"e Da"aris, and others YAB NVNULB PSO ASVLBC $ith the")
+hapter #$
#.nd a!ter these things, Paul having de arted out o! .thens, #a"e to Dorinth, ,and having !ound a #ertain 5e$, by na"e .?uilas, o! Pontus by birth, lately #o"e !ro" 0taly, and Pris#illa his $i!e ++ be#ause o! Dlaudius having dire#ted all the 5e$s to de art out o! Ro"e ++ he #a"e to the", -and be#ause o! being o! the sa"e #ra!t, he did re"ain $ith the", and $as $or'ing, !or they $ere tent+ "a'ers as to #ra!t, .and he $as reasoning in the synagogue every sabbath, ersuading both 5e$s and &ree's) '.nd $hen both Silas and Ti"otheus #a"e do$n !ro" @a#edonia, Paul $as ressed in the S irit, testi!ying !ully to the 5e$s 5esus the Dhrist, /and on their resisting and s ea'ing evil, having sha'en IhisI gar"ents, he said unto the", I4our blood IisI u on your head ++ 0 a" #lean, hen#e!orth to the nations 0 $ill go on)I 0.nd having de arted then#e, he $ent to the house o! a #ertain one, by na"e 5ustus, a $orshi er o! &od, $hose house $as ad-oining the synagogue, #XNVA WN VASVA TQUBP]NBC L `ASKLC NY VQO A]ROQO RK]NO NBC YLUBO]LO ,YAB NSUQO VBOA BLSWABLO LOLXAVB AYSKAO `LOVBYLO VQ MNONB `ULPZAVQC NKRKS]LVA A`L VRC BVAKBAC YAB `UBPYBKKAO MSOABYA ASVLS WBA VL WBAVNVATNOAB YKASWBLO TQUB\NP]AB `AOVAC VLSC BLSWABLSC NY VRC UQXRC `ULPRK]NO ASVLBC -YAB WBA VL LXLVNTOLO NBOAB NXNONO `AU ASVLBC YAB NBUMA\NVL RPAO MAU PYROL`LBLB VRO VNTORO .WBNKNMNVL WN NO VR PSOAMQMR YAVA `AO PAHHAVLO N`NB]NO VN BLSWABLSC YAB NKKROAC 'QC WN YAVRK]LO A`L VRC XAYNWLOBAC L VN PBKAC YAB L VBXL]NLC PSONBTNVL VQ `ONSXAVB L `ASKLC WBAXAUVSULXNOLC VLBC BLSWABLBC VLO TUBPVLO BRPLSO /AOVBVAPPLXNOQO WN ASVQO YAB HKAPZRXLSOVQO NYVBOAaAXNOLC VA BXAVBA NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC VL ABXA SXQO N`B VRO YNZAKRO SXQO YA]AULC NMQ A`L VLS OSO NBC VA N]OR `LUNSPLXAB 0YAB XNVAHAC NYNB]NO RK]NO NBC LBYBAO VBOLC LOLXAVB BLSPVLS PNHLXNOLS VLO ]NLO LS R LBYBA RO PSOLXLULSPA VR PSOAMQMR 829
$and Dris us, the ruler o! the synagogue did believe in the Lord $ith all his house, and "any o! the Dorinthians hearing $ere believing, and they $ere being ba tiEed) %.nd the Lord said through a vision in the night to Paul, IBe not a!raid, but be s ea'ing and thou "ayest be not silent, #(be#ause 0 a" $ith thee, and no one shall set on thee to do thee evil, be#ause 0 have "u#h eo le in this #ity,I ##and he #ontinued a year and si( "onths, tea#hing a"ong the" the $ord o! &od) #,.nd &allio being ro#onsul o! .#haia, the 5e$s "ade a rush $ith one a##ord u on Paul, and brought hi" unto the tribunal, #-saying ++ I.gainst the la$ this one doth ersuade "en to $orshi &od,I #.and Paul being about to o en IhisI "outh, &allio said unto the 5e$s, I0!, indeed, then, it $as anything unrighteous, or an a#t o! $i#'ed ro!liga#y, O 5e$s, a##ording to reason 0 had borne $ith you, #'but i! it is a ?uestion #on#erning $ords and na"es, and o! your la$, loo' ye yourselves Ito itI, !or a -udge o! these things 0 do not $ish to be,I $YUBP`LC WN L AUTBPSOAMQMLC N`BPVNSPNO VQ YSUBQ PSO LKQ VQ LBYQ ASVLS YAB `LKKLB VQO YLUBO]BQO AYLSLOVNC N`BPVNSLO YAB NHA`VB\LOVL %NB`NO WN L YSUBLC WB LUAXAVLC NO OSYVB VQ `ASKQ XR ZLHLS AKKA KAKNB YAB XR PBQ`RPRC #(WBLVB NMQ NBXB XNVA PLS YAB LSWNBC N`B]RPNVAB PLB VLS YAYQPAB PN WBLVB KALC NPVBO XLB `LKSC NO VR `LKNB VASVR ##NYA]BPNO VN NOBASVLO YAB XROAC Na WBWAPYQO NO ASVLBC VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS #,MAKKBQOLC WN AO]S`AVNSLOVLC VRC ATABAC YAVN`NPVRPAO LXL]SXAWLO LB BLSWABLB VQ `ASKQ YAB RMAMLO ASVLO N`B VL HRXA #-KNMLOVNC LVB `AUA VLO OLXLO LSVLC AOA`NB]NB VLSC AO]UQ`LSC PNHNP]AB VLO ]NLO #.XNKKLOVLC WN VLS `ASKLS AOLBMNBO VL PVLXA NB`NO L MAKKBQO `ULC VLSC BLSWABLSC NB XNO LSO RO AWBYRXA VB R UAWBLSUMRXA `LORULO Q BLSWABLB YAVA KLMLO AO RONPTLXRO SXQO #'NB WN \RVRXA NPVBO `NUB KLMLS YAB LOLXAVQO YAB OLXLS VLS YA] SXAC LcNP]N ASVLB YUBVRC MAU NMQ VLSVQO LS HLSKLXAB NBOAB
#/and he drave the" !ro" the tribunal, #0and all the &ree's having ta'en Sosthenes, the #hie! "an o! the synagogue, $ere beating Ihi"I be!ore the tribunal, and not even !or these things $as &allio #aring) #$.nd Paul having re"ained yet a good "any days, having ta'en leave o! the brethren, $as sailing to Syria ++ and $ith hi" IareI Pris#illa and .?uilas ++ having shorn IhisI head in Den#hera, !or he had a vo$, #%and he #a"e do$n to E hesus, and did leave the" there, and he hi"sel! having entered into the synagogue did reason $ith the 5e$sF ,(and they having re?uested Ihi"I to re"ain a longer ti"e $ith the", he did not #onsent, ,#but too' leave o! the", saying, I0t behoveth "e by all "eans the #o"ing !east to 'ee at 5erusale", and again 0 $ill return unto you ++ &od $illing)I .nd he sailed !ro" E hesus, ,,and having #o"e do$n to Desarea, having gone u , and having saluted the asse"bly, he $ent do$n to .ntio#h) #/YAB A`RKAPNO ASVLSC A`L VLS HRXAVLC #0N`BKAHLXNOLB WN `AOVNC LB NKKRONC PQP]NORO VLO AUTBPSOAMQMLO NVS`VLO NX`ULP]NO VLS HRXAVLC YAB LSWNO VLSVQO VQ MAKKBQOB NXNKNO #$L WN `ASKLC NVB `ULPXNBOAC RXNUAC BYAOAC VLBC AWNKZLBC A`LVAaAXNOLC NaN`KNB NBC VRO PSUBAO YAB PSO ASVQ `UBPYBKKA YAB AYSKAC YNBUAXNOLC VRO YNZAKRO NO YNMTUNABC NBTNO MAU NSTRO #%YAVROVRPNO WN NBC NZNPLO YAYNBOLSC YAVNKB`NO ASVLS ASVLC WN NBPNK]QO NBC VRO PSOAMQMRO WBNKNT]R VLBC BLSWABLBC ,(NUQVQOVQO WN ASVQO N`B `KNBLOA TULOLO XNBOAB `AU ASVLBC LSY N`NONSPNO ,#AKK A`NVAaAVL ASVLBC NB`QO WNB XN `AOVQC VRO NLUVRO VRO NUTLXNORO `LBRPAB NBC BNULPLKSXA `AKBO WN AOAYAXcQ `ULC SXAC VLS ]NLS ]NKLOVLC YAB AORT]R A`L VRC NZNPLS ,,YAB YAVNK]QO NBC YABPAUNBAO AOAHAC YAB AP`APAXNOLC VRO NYYKRPBAO YAVNHR NBC AOVBLTNBAO
,-.nd having "ade so"e stay he $ent !orth, going through in order the region o! &alatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the dis#i les) ,..nd a #ertain 5e$, . ollos by na"e, an .le(andrian by birth, a "an o! elo?uen#e, being "ighty in the Writings, #a"e to E hesus, ,'this one $as instru#ted in the $ay o! the Lord, and being !ervent in the S irit, $as s ea'ing and tea#hing e(a#tly the things about the Lord, 'no$ing only the ba tis" o! 5ohn, ,/this one also began to s ea' boldly in the synagogue, and .?uilas and Pris#illa having heard o! hi", too' hi" to Ithe"I, and did "ore e(a#tly e( ound to hi" the $ay o! &od, ,0and he being "inded to go through into .#haia, the brethren $rote to the dis#i les, having e(horted the" to re#eive hi", $ho having #o"e, did hel the" "u#h $ho have believed through the gra#e, ,$!or o$er!ully the 5e$s he $as re!uting ubli#ly, she$ing through the Writings 5esus to be the Dhrist) ,-YAB `LBRPAC TULOLO VBOA NaRK]NO WBNUTLXNOLC YA]NaRC VRO MAKAVBYRO TQUAO YAB ZUSMBAO N`BPVRUB\QO `AOVAC VLSC XA]RVAC ,.BLSWABLC WN VBC A`LKKQC LOLXAVB AKNaAOWUNSC VQ MNONB AORU KLMBLC YAVROVRPNO NBC NZNPLO WSOAVLC QO NO VABC MUAZABC ,'LSVLC RO YAVRTRXNOLC VRO LWLO VLS YSUBLS YAB \NQO VQ `ONSXAVB NKAKNB YAB NWBWAPYNO AYUBHQC VA `NUB VLS YSUBLS N`BPVAXNOLC XLOLO VL HA`VBPXA BQAOOLS ,/LSVLC VN RUaAVL `AUURPBA\NP]AB NO VR PSOAMQMR AYLSPAOVNC WN ASVLS AYSKAC YAB `UBPYBKKA `ULPNKAHLOVL ASVLO YAB AYUBHNPVNULO ASVQ NaN]NOVL VRO VLS ]NLS LWLO ,0HLSKLXNOLS WN ASVLS WBNK]NBO NBC VRO ATABAO `ULVUNcAXNOLB LB AWNKZLB NMUAcAO VLBC XA]RVABC A`LWNaAP]AB ASVLO LC `AUAMNOLXNOLC PSONHAKNVL `LKS VLBC `N`BPVNSYLPBO WBA VRC TAUBVLC ,$NSVLOQC MAU VLBC BLSWABLBC WBAYAVRKNMTNVL WRXLPBA N`BWNBYOSC WBA VQO MUAZQO NBOAB VLO TUBPVLO BRPLSO
+hapter #%
#.nd it #a"e to ass, in . ollosI being in Dorinth, Paul having gone through the u er arts, #a"e to E hesus, and having !ound #ertain dis#i les, ,he said unto the", IThe Holy S irit did ye re#eive ++ having believedbI and they said unto hi", IBut $e did not even hear $hether there is any Holy S irit,I -and he said unto the", ITo $hat, then, $ere ye ba tiEedbI and they said, ITo 5ohnIs ba tis")I ..nd Paul said, I5ohn, indeed, did ba tiEe $ith a ba tis" o! re!or"ation, saying to the eo le that in hi" $ho is #o"ing a!ter hi" they should believe ++ that is, in the Dhrist ++ 5esus,I 'and they, having heard, $ere ba tiEed ++ to the na"e o! the Lord 5esus, /and Paul having laid on the" IhisI hands, the Holy S irit #a"e u on the", they $ere s ea'ing also $ith tongues, and ro hesying, 0and all the "en $ere, as it $ere, t$elve) $.nd having gone into the synagogue, he $as s ea'ing boldly !or three "onths, reasoning and ersuading the things #on#erning the reign o! &od, #NMNONVL WN NO VQ VLO A`LKKQ NBOAB NO YLUBO]Q `ASKLO WBNK]LOVA VA AOQVNUBYA XNUR NK]NBO NBC NZNPLO YAB NSUQO VBOAC XA]RVAC ,NB`NO `ULC ASVLSC NB `ONSXA AMBLO NKAHNVN `BPVNSPAOVNC LB WN NB`LO `ULC ASVLO AKK LSWN NB `ONSXA AMBLO NPVBO RYLSPAXNO -NB`NO VN `ULC ASVLSC NBC VB LSO NHA`VBP]RVN LB WN NB`LO NBC VL BQAOOLS HA`VBPXA .NB`NO WN `ASKLC BQAOORC XNO NHA`VBPNO HA`VBPXA XNVAOLBAC VQ KAQ KNMQO NBC VLO NUTLXNOLO XNV ASVLO BOA `BPVNSPQPBO VLSVNPVBO NBC VLO TUBPVLO BRPLSO 'AYLSPAOVNC WN NHA`VBP]RPAO NBC VL LOLXA VLS YSUBLS BRPLS /YAB N`B]NOVLC ASVLBC VLS `ASKLS VAC TNBUAC RK]NO VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO N` ASVLSC NKAKLSO VN MKQPPABC YAB `ULNZRVNSLO 0RPAO WN LB `AOVNC AOWUNC QPNB WNYAWSL $NBPNK]QO WN NBC VRO PSOAMQMRO N`AUURPBA\NVL N`B XROAC VUNBC WBAKNMLXNOLC YAB `NB]QO VA `NUB VRC HAPBKNBAC VLS ]NLS
%and $hen #ertain $ere hardened and $ere disbelieving, s ea'ing evil o! the $ay be!ore the "ultitude, having de arted !ro" the", he did se arate the dis#i les, every day reasoning in the s#hool o! a #ertain Tyrannus) #(.nd this ha ened !or t$o years so that all those d$elling in .sia did hear the $ord o! the Lord 5esus, both 5e$s and &ree's, ##"ighty $or's also ++ not #o""on ++ $as &od $or'ing through the hands o! Paul, #,so that even unto the ailing $ere brought !ro" his body hand'er#hie!s or a rons, and the si#'nesses de arted !ro" the", the evil s irits also $ent !orth !ro" the") %QC WN VBONC NPYKRUSOLOVL YAB R`NB]LSO YAYLKLMLSOVNC VRO LWLO NOQ`BLO VLS `KR]LSC A`LPVAC A` ASVQO AZQUBPNO VLSC XA]RVAC YA] RXNUAO WBAKNMLXNOLC NO VR PTLKR VSUAOOLS VBOLC #(VLSVL WN NMNONVL N`B NVR WSL QPVN `AOVAC VLSC YAVLBYLSOVAC VRO APBAO AYLSPAB VLO KLMLO VLS YSUBLS BRPLS BLSWABLSC VN YAB NKKROAC ##WSOAXNBC VN LS VAC VSTLSPAC N`LBNB L ]NLC WBA VQO TNBUQO `ASKLS
#,QPVN YAB N`B VLSC AP]NOLSOVAC N`BZNUNP]AB A`L VLS TUQVLC ASVLS PLSWAUBA R PBXBYBO]BA YAB A`AKKAPPNP]AB A` ASVQO VAC OLPLSC VA VN `ONSXAVA VA `LORUA NaNUTNP]AB A` ASVQO #-.nd #ertain o! the $andering #-N`NTNBURPAO WN VBONC A`L VQO e(or#ist 5e$s, too' u on Ithe"I to `NUBNUTLXNOQO BLSWABQO NaLUYBPVQO na"e over those having the evil s irits LOLXA\NBO N`B VLSC NTLOVAC VA the na"e o! the Lord 5esus, saying, `ONSXAVA VA `LORUA VL LOLXA VLS IWe ad-ure you by 5esus, $ho" Paul YSUBLS BRPLS KNMLOVNC LUYB\LXNO SXAC doth rea#h,I VLO BRPLSO LO L `ASKLC YRUSPPNB #.and there $ere #ertain ++ seven sons #.RPAO WN VBONC SBLB PYNSA BLSWABLS o! S#eva, a 5e$, a #hie! riest ++ $ho AUTBNUNQC N`VA LB VLSVL `LBLSOVNC are doing this thing, #'and the evil s irit, ans$ering, said, #'A`LYUB]NO WN VL `ONSXA VL `LORULO I5esus 0 'no$, and Paul 0 a" NB`NO VLO BRPLSO MBOQPYQ YAB VLO a#?uainted $ith, and ye ++ $ho are yebI `ASKLO N`BPVAXAB SXNBC WN VBONC NPVN
#/.nd the "an, in $ho" $as the evil s irit, lea ing u on the", and having over#o"e the", revailed against the", so that na'ed and $ounded they did !lee out o! that house, #/YAB NZAKKLXNOLC N` ASVLSC L AO]UQ`LC NO Q RO VL `ONSXA VL `LORULO YAB YAVAYSUBNSPAC ASVQO BPTSPNO YAV ASVQO QPVN MSXOLSC YAB VNVUASXAVBPXNOLSC NYZSMNBO NY VLS LBYLS NYNBOLS #0and this be#a"e 'no$n to all, both #0VLSVL WN NMNONVL MOQPVLO `APBO 5e$s and &ree's, $ho are d$elling at BLSWABLBC VN YAB NKKRPBO VLBC E hesus, and !ear !ell u on the" all, YAVLBYLSPBO VRO NZNPLO YAB N`N`NPNO and the na"e o! the Lord 5esus $as ZLHLC N`B `AOVAC ASVLSC YAB being "agni!ied, NXNMAKSONVL VL LOLXA VLS YSUBLS BRPLS #$"any also o! those $ho did believe #$`LKKLB VN VQO `N`BPVNSYLVQO $ere #o"ing, #on!essing and de#laring RUTLOVL NaLXLKLMLSXNOLB YAB their a#ts, AOAMMNKKLOVNC VAC `UAaNBC ASVQO #%and "any o! those $ho had #%BYAOLB WN VQO VA `NUBNUMA ra#tised the #urious arts, having `UAaAOVQO PSONONMYAOVNC VAC HBHKLSC brought the boo's together, $ere YAVNYABLO NOQ`BLO `AOVQO YAB burning Ithe"I be!ore all, and they PSONcRZBPAO VAC VBXAC ASVQO YAB re#'oned together the ri#es o! the", NSULO AUMSUBLS XSUBAWAC `NOVN and !ound IitI !ive "yriads o! silverlings, ,(so o$er!ully $as the $ord o! &od ,(LSVQC YAVA YUAVLC L KLMLC VLS in#reasing and revailing) YSUBLS RSaAONO YAB BPTSNO ,#.nd $hen these things $ere ,#QC WN N`KRUQ]R VASVA N]NVL L !ul!illed, Paul ur osed in the S irit, `ASKLC NO VQ `ONSXAVB WBNK]QO VRO having gone through @a#edonia and XAYNWLOBAO YAB ATABAO `LUNSNP]AB NBC .#haia, to go on to 5erusale", saying BNULSPAKRX NB`QO LVB XNVA VL ++ I.!ter "y being there, it behoveth MNONP]AB XN NYNB WNB XN YAB UQXRO "e also to see Ro"e,I BWNBO ,,and having sent to @a#edonia t$o ,,A`LPVNBKAC WN NBC VRO XAYNWLOBAO o! those "inistering to hi" ++ WSL VQO WBAYLOLSOVQO ASVQ VBXL]NLO Ti"otheus and Erastus ++ he hi"sel! YAB NUAPVLO ASVLC N`NPTNO TULOLO NBC stayed a ti"e in .sia) VRO APBAO 82>
,-.nd there #a"e, at that ti"e, not a little stir about the $ay, ,.!or a #ertain one, De"etrius by na"e, a $or'er in silver, "a'ing silver san#tuaries o! .rte"is, $as bringing to the arti!i#ers gain not a little, ,'$ho", having brought in a #ro$d together, and those $ho did $or' about su#h things, he said, I@en, ye 'no$ that by this $or' $e have our $ealth, ,/and ye see and hear, that not only at E hesus, but al"ost in all .sia, this Paul, having ersuaded, did turn a$ay a great "ultitude, saying, that they are not gods $ho are "ade by hands, ,0and not only is this de art"ent in danger !or us o! #o"ing into disregard, but also, that o! the great goddess .rte"is the te" le is to be re#'oned !or nothing, and also her greatness is about to be brought do$n, $ho" all .sia and the $orld doth $orshi )I ,$.nd they having heard, and having be#o"e !ull o! $rath, $ere #rying out, saying, I&reat IisI the .rte"is o! the E hesiansdI ,%and the $hole #ity $as !illed $ith #on!usion, they rushed also $ith one a##ord into the theatre, having #aught &aius and .ristar#hus, @a#edonians, PaulIs !ello$+travellers) ,-NMNONVL WN YAVA VLO YABULO NYNBOLO VAUATLC LSY LKBMLC `NUB VRC LWLS ,.WRXRVUBLC MAU VBC LOLXAVB AUMSULYL`LC `LBQO OALSC AUMSULSC AUVNXBWLC `AUNBTNVL VLBC VNTOBVABC NUMAPBAO LSY LKBMRO ,'LSC PSOA]ULBPAC YAB VLSC `NUB VA VLBASVA NUMAVAC NB`NO AOWUNC N`BPVAP]N LVB NY VASVRC VRC NUMAPBAC R NS`LUBA RXQO NPVBO ,/YAB ]NQUNBVN YAB AYLSNVN LVB LS XLOLO NZNPLS AKKA PTNWLO `APRC VRC APBAC L `ASKLC LSVLC `NBPAC XNVNPVRPNO BYAOLO LTKLO KNMQO LVB LSY NBPBO ]NLB LB WBA TNBUQO MBOLXNOLB ,0LS XLOLO WN VLSVL YBOWSONSNB RXBO VL XNULC NBC A`NKNMXLO NK]NBO AKKA YAB VL VRC XNMAKRC ]NAC AUVNXBWLC BNULO NBC LSWNO KLMBP]ROAB XNKKNBO WN YAB YA]ABUNBP]AB VRO XNMAKNBLVRVA ASVRC RO LKR R APBA YAB R LBYLSXNOR PNHNVAB ,$AYLSPAOVNC WN YAB MNOLXNOLB `KRUNBC ]SXLS NYUA\LO KNMLOVNC XNMAKR R AUVNXBC NZNPBQO ,%YAB N`KRP]R R `LKBC LKR PSMTSPNQC QUXRPAO VN LXL]SXAWLO NBC VL ]NAVULO PSOAU`APAOVNC MABLO YAB AUBPVAUTLO XAYNWLOAC PSONYWRXLSC VLS `ASKLS
-(.nd on PaulIs ur osing to enter in unto the o ula#e, the dis#i les $ere not su!!ering hi", -#and #ertain also o! the #hie! "en o! .sia, being his !riends, having sent unto hi", $ere entreating hi" not to venture hi"sel! into the theatre) -,So"e indeed, there!ore, $ere #alling out one thing, and so"e another, !or the asse"bly $as #on!used, and the greater art did not 'no$ !or $hat they $ere #o"e together, --and out o! the "ultitude they ut !or$ard .le(ander ++ the 5e$s thrusting hi" !or$ard ++ and .le(ander having be#'oned $ith the hand, $ished to "a'e de!en#e to the o ula#e, -.and having 'no$n that he is a 5e$, one voi#e #a"e out o! all, !or about t$o hours, #rying, I&reat IisI the .rte"is o! the E hesiansdI -'.nd the ubli# #ler' having ?uieted the "ultitude, saith, I@en, E hesians, $hy, $ho is the "an that doth not 'no$ that the #ity o! the E hesians is a devotee o! the great goddess .rte"is, and o! that $hi#h !ell do$n !ro" [eusb -/these things, then, not being to be gainsaid, it is ne#essary !or you to be ?uiet, and to do nothing rashly) -(VLS WN `ASKLS HLSKLXNOLS NBPNK]NBO NBC VLO WRXLO LSY NBQO ASVLO LB XA]RVAB -#VBONC WN YAB VQO APBAUTQO LOVNC ASVQ ZBKLB `NXcAOVNC `ULC ASVLO `AUNYAKLSO XR WLSOAB NASVLO NBC VL ]NAVULO -,AKKLB XNO LSO AKKL VB NYUA\LO RO MAU R NYYKRPBA PSMYNTSXNOR YAB LB `KNBLSC LSY RWNBPAO VBOLC NONYNO PSONKRKS]NBPAO --NY WN VLS LTKLS `ULNHBHAPAO AKNaAOWULO `ULHAKLOVQO ASVLO VQO BLSWABQO L WN AKNaAOWULC YAVAPNBPAC VRO TNBUA R]NKNO A`LKLMNBP]AB VQ WRXQ -.N`BMOLOVQO WN LVB BLSWABLC NPVBO ZQOR NMNONVL XBA NY `AOVQO QC N`B QUAC WSL YUA\LOVQO XNMAKR R AUVNXBC NZNPBQO -'YAVAPVNBKAC WN L MUAXXAVNSC VLO LTKLO ZRPBO AOWUNC NZNPBLB VBC MAU NPVBO AO]UQ`LC LC LS MBOQPYNB VRO NZNPBQO `LKBO ONQYLULO LSPAO VRC XNMAKRC ]NAC AUVNXBWLC YAB VLS WBL`NVLSC -/AOAOVBUURVQO LSO LOVQO VLSVQO WNLO NPVBO SXAC YAVNPVAKXNOLSC S`AUTNBO YAB XRWNO `UL`NVNC `UAVVNBO
-0IFor ye brought these "en, $ho are neither te" le+robbers nor s ea'ing evil o! your goddess, -$i! indeed, there!ore, De"etrius and the arti!i#ers $ith hi" $ith any one have a "atter, #ourt IdaysI are held, and there are ro#onsuls, let the" a##use one another) -%I.nd i! ye see' a!ter anything #on#erning other "atters, in the legal asse"bly it shall be deter"ined, .(!or $e are also in eril o! being a##used o! insurre#tion in regard to this day, there being no o##asion by $hi#h $e shall be able to give an a##ount o! this #on#ourse,I .#and these things having said, he dis"issed the asse"bly) -0RMAMNVN MAU VLSC AOWUAC VLSVLSC LSVN BNULPSKLSC LSVN HKAPZRXLSOVAC VRO ]NAO SXQO -$NB XNO LSO WRXRVUBLC YAB LB PSO ASVQ VNTOBVAB `ULC VBOA KLMLO NTLSPBO AMLUABLB AMLOVAB YAB AO]S`AVLB NBPBO NMYAKNBVQPAO AKKRKLBC -%NB WN VB `NUB NVNUQO N`B\RVNBVN NO VR NOOLXQ NYYKRPBA N`BKS]RPNVAB .(YAB MAU YBOWSONSLXNO NMYAKNBP]AB PVAPNQC `NUB VRC PRXNULO XRWNOLC ABVBLS S`AUTLOVLC `NUB LS WSORPLXN]A A`LWLSOAB KLMLO VRC PSPVULZRC VASVRC .#YAB VASVA NB`QO A`NKSPNO VRO NYYKRPBAO
+hapter ,(
#.nd a!ter the #easing o! the tu"ult, Paul having #alled near the dis#i les, and having e"bra#ed Ithe"I, $ent !orth to go on to @a#edonia, ,and having gone through those arts, and having e(horted the" $ith "any $ords, he #a"e to &ree#e, -having "ade also three "onthsI IstayI ++ a #ounsel o! the 5e$s having been against hi" ++ being about to set !orth to Syria, there #a"e Ito hi"I a resolution o! returning through @a#edonia) ..nd there $ere a##o" anying hi" unto .sia, So ater o! Berea, and o! Thessalonians .ristar#hus and Se#undus, and &aius o! Derbe, and Ti"otheus, and o! .siati#s Ty#hi#us and Tro hi"us, 'these, having gone be!ore, did re"ain !or us in Troas, /and $e sailed, a!ter the days o! the unleavened !ood, !ro" Phili i, and #a"e unto the" to Troas in !ive days, $here $e abode seven days) 0.nd on the !irst o! the $ee', the dis#i les having been gathered together to brea' bread, Paul $as dis#oursing to the", about to de art on the "orro$, he $as also #ontinuing the dis#ourse till "idnight, #XNVA WN VL `ASPAP]AB VLO ]LUSHLO `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC L `ASKLC VLSC XA]RVAC YAB AP`APAXNOLC NaRK]NO `LUNS]ROAB NBC VRO XAYNWLOBAO ,WBNK]QO WN VA XNUR NYNBOA YAB `AUAYAKNPAC ASVLSC KLMQ `LKKQ RK]NO NBC VRO NKKAWA -`LBRPAC VN XROAC VUNBC MNOLXNORC ASVQ N`BHLSKRC S`L VQO BLSWABQO XNKKLOVB AOAMNP]AB NBC VRO PSUBAO NMNONVL MOQXR VLS S`LPVUNZNBO WBA XAYNWLOBAC .PSONB`NVL WN ASVQ ATUB VRC APBAC PQ`AVULC HNULBABLC ]NPPAKLOBYNQO WN AUBPVAUTLC YAB PNYLSOWLC YAB MABLC WNUHABLC YAB VBXL]NLC APBAOLB WN VSTBYLC YAB VULZBXLC 'LSVLB `ULNK]LOVNC NXNOLO RXAC NO VUQAWB /RXNBC WN NaN`KNSPAXNO XNVA VAC RXNUAC VQO A\SXQO A`L ZBKB``QO YAB RK]LXNO `ULC ASVLSC NBC VRO VUQAWA ATUBC RXNUQO `NOVN LS WBNVUBcAXNO RXNUAC N`VA 0NO WN VR XBA VQO PAHHAVQO PSORMXNOQO VQO XA]RVQO VLS YKAPAB AUVLO L `ASKLC WBNKNMNVL ASVLBC XNKKQO NaBNOAB VR N`ASUBLO `AUNVNBONO VN VLO KLMLO XNTUB XNPLOSYVBLS
$and there $ere "any la" s in the u er #ha"ber $here they $ere gathered together, %and there $as sitting a #ertain youth, by na"e Euty#hus, u on the $indo$ ++ being borne do$n by a dee slee , Paul dis#oursing long ++ he having sun' do$n !ro" the slee , !ell do$n !ro" the third story, and $as li!ted u dead) #(.nd Paul, having gone do$n, !ell u on hi", and having e"bra#ed Ihi"I, said, I@a'e no tu"ult, !or his li!e is in hi",I ##and having #o"e u , and having bro'en bread, and having tasted, !or a long ti"e also having tal'ed ++ till daylight, so he $ent !orth, #,and they brought u the lad alive, and $ere #o"!orted in no ordinary "easure) #-.nd $e having gone be!ore unto the shi , did sail to .ssos, then#e intending to ta'e in Paul, !or so he had arranged, intending hi"sel! to go on !oot, #.and $hen he "et $ith us at .ssos, having ta'en hi" u , $e #a"e to @itylene, $RPAO WN KAX`AWNC BYAOAB NO VQ S`NUQQ LS RPAO PSORMXNOLB %YA]RXNOLC WN VBC ONAOBAC LOLXAVB NSVSTLC N`B VRC ]SUBWLC YAVAZNULXNOLC S`OQ HA]NB WBAKNMLXNOLS VLS `ASKLS N`B `KNBLO YAVNONT]NBC A`L VLS S`OLS N`NPNO A`L VLS VUBPVNMLS YAVQ YAB RU]R ONYULC #(YAVAHAC WN L `ASKLC N`N`NPNO ASVQ YAB PSX`NUBKAHQO NB`NO XR ]LUSHNBP]N R MAU cSTR ASVLS NO ASVQ NPVBO ##AOAHAC WN YAB YKAPAC AUVLO YAB MNSPAXNOLC NZ BYAOLO VN LXBKRPAC ATUBC ASMRC LSVQC NaRK]NO #,RMAMLO WN VLO `ABWA \QOVA YAB `AUNYKR]RPAO LS XNVUBQC #-RXNBC WN `ULNK]LOVNC N`B VL `KLBLO AORT]RXNO NBC VRO APPLO NYNB]NO XNKKLOVNC AOAKAXHAONBO VLO `ASKLO LSVQC MAU RO WBAVNVAMXNOLC XNKKQO ASVLC `N\NSNBO #.QC WN PSONHAKNO RXBO NBC VRO APPLO AOAKAHLOVNC ASVLO RK]LXNO NBC XBVSKRORO
#'and then#e having sailed, on the "orro$ $e #a"e over+against Dhios, and the ne(t day $e arrived at Sa"os, and having re"ained in Trogylliu", on the !ollo$ing day $e #a"e to @iletus, #/!or Paul de#ided to sail ast E hesus, that there "ay not be to hi" a loss o! ti"e in .sia, !or he hasted, i! it $ere ossible !or hi", on the day o! the Pente#ost to be at 5erusale") #0.nd !ro" @iletus, having sent to E hesus, he #alled !or the elders o! the asse"bly, #$and $hen they $ere #o"e unto hi", he said to the", I4e ++ ye 'no$ !ro" the !irst day in $hi#h 0 #a"e to .sia, ho$, $ith you at all ti"es 0 $as, #%serving the Lord $ith all hu"ility, and "any tears, and te" tations, that be!ell "e in the #ounsels o! the 5e$s against I"eI, ,(ho$ nothing 0 did 'ee ba#' o! $hat things are ro!itable, not to de#lare to you, and to tea#h you ubli#ly, and in every house, ,#testi!ying !ully both to 5e$s and &ree's, to$ard &od re!or"ation, and !aith to$ard our Lord 5esus Dhrist) #'YAYNB]NO A`L`KNSPAOVNC VR N`BLSPR YAVROVRPAXNO AOVBYUS TBLS VR WN NVNUA `AUNHAKLXNO NBC PAXLO YAB XNBOAOVNC NO VUQMSKKBQ VR NTLXNOR RK]LXNO NBC XBKRVLO #/NYUBONO MAU L `ASKLC `AUA`KNSPAB VRO NZNPLO L`QC XR MNORVAB ASVQ TULOLVUBHRPAB NO VR APBA NP`NSWNO MAU NB WSOAVLO RO ASVQ VRO RXNUAO VRC `NOVRYLPVRC MNONP]AB NBC BNULPLKSXA #0A`L WN VRC XBKRVLS `NXcAC NBC NZNPLO XNVNYAKNPAVL VLSC `UNPHSVNULSC VRC NYYKRPBAC #$QC WN `AUNMNOLOVL `ULC ASVLO NB`NO ASVLBC SXNBC N`BPVAP]N A`L `UQVRC RXNUAC AZ RC N`NHRO NBC VRO APBAO `QC XN] SXQO VLO `AOVA TULOLO NMNOLXRO #%WLSKNSQO VQ YSUBQ XNVA `APRC VA`NBOLZULPSORC YAB `LKKQO WAYUSQO YAB `NBUAPXQO VQO PSXHAOVQO XLB NO VABC N`BHLSKABC VQO BLSWABQO ,(QC LSWNO S`NPVNBKAXRO VQO PSXZNULOVQO VLS XR AOAMMNBKAB SXBO YAB WBWAaAB SXAC WRXLPBA YAB YAV LBYLSC ,#WBAXAUVSULXNOLC BLSWABLBC VN YAB NKKRPBO VRO NBC VLO ]NLO XNVAOLBAO YAB `BPVBO VRO NBC VLO YSUBLO RXQO BRPLSO TUBPVLO
,,I.nd no$, lo, 0 ++ bound in the S irit ++ go on to 5erusale", the things that shall be!all "e in it not 'no$ing, ,-save that the Holy S irit in every #ity doth testi!y !ully, saying, that !or "e bonds and tribulations re"ain, ,.but 0 "a'e a##ount o! none o! these, neither do 0 #ount "y li!e re#ious to "ysel!, so that 0 !inish "y #ourse $ith -oy, and the "inistration that 0 re#eived !ro" the Lord 5esus, to testi!y !ully the good ne$s o! the gra#e o! &od) ,'I.nd no$, lo, 0 have 'no$n that no "ore shall ye see "y !a#e, ++ ye all a"ong $ho" 0 did go rea#hing the reign o! &od, ,/$here!ore 0 ta'e you to $itness this day, that 0 Ia"I #lear !ro" the blood o! all, ,0!or 0 did not 'ee ba#' !ro" de#laring to you all the #ounsel o! &od) ,$ITa'e heed, there!ore, to yourselves, and to all the !lo#', a"ong $hi#h the Holy S irit "ade you overseers, to !eed the asse"bly o! &od that He a#?uired through His o$n blood, ,,YAB OSO BWLS NMQ WNWNXNOLC VQ `ONSXAVB `LUNSLXAB NBC BNULSPAKRX VA NO ASVR PSOAOVRPLOVA XLB XR NBWQC ,-`KRO LVB VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO YAVA `LKBO WBAXAUVSUNVAB KNMLO LVB WNPXA XN YAB ]KBcNBC XNOLSPBO ,.AKK LSWNOLC KLMLO `LBLSXAB LSWN NTQ VRO cSTRO XLS VBXBAO NXASVQ QC VNKNBQPAB VLO WULXLO XLS XNVA TAUAC YAB VRO WBAYLOBAO RO NKAHLO `AUA VLS YSUBLS BRPLS WBAXAUVSUAP]AB VL NSAMMNKBLO VRC TAUBVLC VLS ]NLS ,'YAB OSO BWLS NMQ LBWA LVB LSYNVB LcNP]N VL `ULPQ`LO XLS SXNBC `AOVNC NO LBC WBRK]LO YRUSPPQO VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS ,/WBL XAUVSULXAB SXBO NO VR PRXNULO RXNUA LVB YA]AULC NMQ A`L VLS ABXAVLC `AOVQO ,0LS MAU S`NPVNBKAXRO VLS XR AOAMMNBKAB SXBO `APAO VRO HLSKRO VLS ]NLS ,$`ULPNTNVN LSO NASVLBC YAB `AOVB VQ `LBXOBQ NO Q SXAC VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO N]NVL N`BPYL`LSC `LBXABONBO VRO NYYKRPBAO VLS ]NLS RO `NUBN`LBRPAVL WBA VLS BWBLS ABXAVLC
,%!or 0 have 'no$n this, that there shall enter in, a!ter "y de arting, grievous $olves unto you, not s aring the !lo#', -(and o! your o$n selves there shall arise "en, s ea'ing erverse things, to dra$ a$ay the dis#i les a!ter the") -#IThere!ore, $at#h, re"e"bering that three years, night and day, 0 did not #ease $ith tears $arning ea#h one, -,and no$, 0 #o""end you, brethren, to &od, and to the $ord o! His gra#e, that is able to build u , and to give you an inheritan#e a"ong all those san#ti!ied) --IThe silver or gold or gar"ents o! no one did 0 #ovet, -.and ye yourselves 'no$ that to "y ne#essities, and to those $ho $ere $ith "e, "inister did these hands, -'all things 0 did she$ you, that, thus labouring, it behoveth IusI to arta'e $ith the ailing, to be "ind!ul also o! the $ords o! the Lord 5esus, that he hi"sel! said, 0t is "ore blessed to give than to re#eive)I -/.nd these things having said, having bo$ed his 'nees, $ith the" all, he did ray, -0and there #a"e a great $ee ing to all, and having !allen u on the ne#' o! Paul, they $ere 'issing hi", ,%NMQ MAU LBWA VLSVL LVB NBPNKNSPLOVAB XNVA VRO AZBaBO XLS KSYLB HAUNBC NBC SXAC XR ZNBWLXNOLB VLS `LBXOBLS -(YAB Na SXQO ASVQO AOAPVRPLOVAB AOWUNC KAKLSOVNC WBNPVUAXXNOA VLS A`LP`AO VLSC XA]RVAC L`BPQ ASVQO -#WBL MURMLUNBVN XORXLONSLOVNC LVB VUBNVBAO OSYVA YAB RXNUAO LSY N`ASPAXRO XNVA WAYUSQO OLS]NVQO NOA NYAPVLO -,YAB VAOSO `AUAVB]NXAB SXAC AWNKZLB VQ ]NQ YAB VQ KLMQ VRC TAUBVLC ASVLS VQ WSOAXNOQ N`LBYLWLXRPAB YAB WLSOAB SXBO YKRULOLXBAO NO VLBC RMBAPXNOLBC `APBO --AUMSUBLS R TUSPBLS R BXAVBPXLS LSWNOLC N`N]SXRPA -.ASVLB WN MBOQPYNVN LVB VABC TUNBABC XLS YAB VLBC LSPBO XNV NXLS S`RUNVRPAO AB TNBUNC ASVAB -'`AOVA S`NWNBaA SXBO LVB LSVQC YL`BQOVAC WNB AOVBKAXHAONP]AB VQO AP]NOLSOVQO XORXLONSNBO VN VQO KLMQO VLS YSUBLS BRPLS LVB ASVLC NB`NO XAYAUBLO NPVBO WBWLOAB XAKKLO R KAXHAONBO -/YAB VASVA NB`QO ]NBC VA MLOAVA ASVLS PSO `APBO ASVLBC `ULPRSaAVL -0BYAOLC WN NMNONVL YKAS]XLC `AOVQO YAB N`B`NPLOVNC N`B VLO VUATRKLO VLS `ASKLS YAVNZBKLSO ASVLO 86=
-$sorro$ing "ost o! all !or the $ord that he had said ++ that they are about no "ore to see his !a#e, and they $ere a##o" anying hi" to the shi ) -$LWSOQXNOLB XAKBPVA N`B VQ KLMQ Q NBURYNB LVB LSYNVB XNKKLSPBO VL `ULPQ`LO ASVLS ]NQUNBO `ULN`NX`LO WN ASVLO NBC VL `KLBLO
+hapter ,#
#.nd it #a"e to ass, at our sailing, having been arted !ro" the", having run dire#t, $e #a"e to Doos, and the su##eeding IdayI to Rhodes, and then#e to Patara, ,and having !ound a shi assing over to Pheni#ia, having gone on board, $e sailed, -and having dis#overed Dy rus, and having le!t it on the le!t, $e $ere sailing to Syria, and did land at Tyre, !or there $as the shi dis#harging the lading) ..nd having !ound out the dis#i les, $e tarried there seven days, and they said to Paul, through the S irit, not to go u to 5erusale", #QC WN NMNONVL AOAT]ROAB RXAC A`LP`AP]NOVAC A` ASVQO NS]SWULXRPAOVNC RK]LXNO NBC VRO YQO VR WN NaRC NBC VRO ULWLO YAYNB]NO NBC `AVAUA ,YAB NSULOVNC `KLBLO WBA`NUQO NBC ZLBOBYRO N`BHAOVNC AORT]RXNO
-AOAZAOAOVNC WN VRO YS`ULO YAB YAVAKB`LOVNC ASVRO NSQOSXLO N`KNLXNO NBC PSUBAO YAB YAVRT]RXNO NBC VSULO NYNBPN MAU RO VL `KLBLO A`LZLUVB\LXNOLO VLO MLXLO .YAB AONSULOVNC VLSC XA]RVAC N`NXNBOAXNO ASVLS RXNUAC N`VA LBVBONC VQ `ASKQ NKNMLO WBA VLS `ONSXAVLC XR AOAHABONBO NBC BNULSPAKRX 'but $hen it #a"e that $e #o" leted 'LVN WN NMNONVL RXAC NaAUVBPAB VAC the days, having gone !orth, $e $ent RXNUAC NaNK]LOVNC N`LUNSLXN]A on, all bringing us on the $ay, $ith `UL`NX`LOVQO RXAC `AOVQO PSO $o"en and #hildren, unto the outside MSOABaBO YAB VNYOLBC NQC NaQ VRC o! the #ity, and having bo$ed the `LKNQC YAB ]NOVNC VA MLOAVA N`B VLO 'nees u on the shore, $e rayed, ABMBAKLO `ULPRSaAXN]A /and having e"bra#ed one another, $e /YAB AP`APAXNOLB AKKRKLSC N`NHRXNO e"bar'ed in the shi , and they NBC VL `KLBLO NYNBOLB WN S`NPVUNcAO returned to their o$n !riends) NBC VA BWBA 0.nd $e, having !inished the #ourse, 0RXNBC WN VLO `KLSO WBAOSPAOVNC A`L !ro" Tyre #a"e do$n to Ptole"ais, VSULS YAVROVRPAXNO NBC `VLKNXABWA and having saluted the brethren, $e YAB AP`APAXNOLB VLSC AWNKZLSC re"ained one day $ith the", NXNBOAXNO RXNUAO XBAO `AU ASVLBC
$and on the "orro$ Paul and his #o" any having gone !orth, $e #a"e to Desarea, and having entered into the house o! Phili the evangelist ++ $ho is o! the seven ++ $e re"ained $ith hi", %and this one had !our daughters, virgins, ro hesying) #(.nd $e re"aining "any "ore days, there #a"e do$n a #ertain one !ro" 5udea, a ro het, by na"e .gabus, ##and he having #o"e unto us, and having ta'en u the girdle o! Paul, having bound also his o$n hands and !eet, said, IThus saith the Holy S irit, The "an $hose is this girdle ++ so shall the 5e$s in 5erusale" bind, and they shall deliver Ihi"I u to the hands o! nations)I #,.nd $hen $e heard these things, $e #alled u on Ihi"I ++ both $e, and those o! that la#e ++ not to go u to 5erusale", #-and Paul ans$ered, IWhat do ye ++ $ee ing, and #rushing "ine heartb !or 0, not only to be bound, but also to die at 5erusale", a" ready, !or the na"e o! the Lord 5esus,I #.and he not being ersuaded, $e $ere silent, saying, IThe $ill o! the Lord be done)I #'.nd a!ter these days, having ta'en IourI vessels, $e $ere going u to 5erusale", $VR WN N`ASUBLO NaNK]LOVNC LB `NUB VLO `ASKLO RK]LO NBC YABPAUNBAO YAB NBPNK]LOVNC NBC VLO LBYLO ZBKB``LS VLS NSAMMNKBPVLS VLS LOVLC NY VQO N`VA NXNBOAXNO `AU ASVQ %VLSVQ WN RPAO ]SMAVNUNC `AU]NOLB VNPPAUNC `ULZRVNSLSPAB #(N`BXNOLOVQO WN RXQO RXNUAC `KNBLSC YAVRK]NO VBC A`L VRC BLSWABAC `ULZRVRC LOLXAVB AMAHLC ##YAB NK]QO `ULC RXAC YAB AUAC VRO \QORO VLS `ASKLS WRPAC VN ASVLS VAC TNBUAC YAB VLSC `LWAC NB`NO VAWN KNMNB VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO VLO AOWUA LS NPVBO R \QOR ASVR LSVQC WRPLSPBO NO BNULSPAKRX LB BLSWABLB YAB `AUAWQPLSPBO NBC TNBUAC N]OQO #,QC WN RYLSPAXNO VASVA `AUNYAKLSXNO RXNBC VN YAB LB NOVL`BLB VLS XR AOAHABONBO ASVLO NBC BNULSPAKRX #-A`NYUB]R WN L `ASKLC VB `LBNBVN YKABLOVNC YAB PSO]US`VLOVNC XLS VRO YAUWBAO NMQ MAU LS XLOLO WN]ROAB AKKA YAB A`L]AONBO NBC BNULSPAKRX NVLBXQC NTQ S`NU VLS LOLXAVLC VLS YSUBLS BRPLS #.XR `NB]LXNOLS WN ASVLS RPSTAPAXNO NB`LOVNC VL ]NKRXA VLS YSUBLS MNONP]Q #'XNVA WN VAC RXNUAC VASVAC A`LPYNSAPAXNOLB AONHABOLXNO NBC BNULSPAKRX
#/and there $ent also o! the dis#i les !ro" Desarea $ith us, bringing $ith the" hi" $ith $ho" $e "ay lodge, a #ertain @nason o! Dy rus, an aged dis#i le) #0.nd $e having #o"e to 5erusale", the brethren did gladly re#eive us, #$and on the "orro$ Paul $as going in $ith us unto 5a"es, all the elders also #a"e, #%and having saluted the", he $as de#laring, one by one, ea#h o! the things &od did a"ong the nations through his "inistration, ,(and they having heard, $ere glori!ying the Lord) They said also to hi", IThou seest, brother, ho$ "any "yriads there are o! 5e$s $ho have believed, and all are Eealous o! the la$, ,#and they are instru#ted #on#erning thee, that a osta#y !ro" @oses thou dost tea#h to all 5e$s a"ong the nations, saying ++ /ot to #ir#u"#ise the #hildren, nor a!ter the #usto"s to $al', ,,$hat then is itb #ertainly the "ultitude it behoveth to #o"e together, !or they $ill hear that thou hast #o"e) ,-IThis, there!ore, do that $e say to theeF We have !our "en having a vo$ on the"selves, #/PSORK]LO WN YAB VQO XA]RVQO A`L YABPAUNBAC PSO RXBO AMLOVNC `AU Q aNOBP]QXNO XOAPQOB VBOB YS`UBQ AUTABQ XA]RVR #0MNOLXNOQO WN RXQO NBC BNULPLKSXA APXNOQC NWNaAOVL RXAC LB AWNKZLB #$VR WN N`BLSPR NBPRNB L `ASKLC PSO RXBO `ULC BAYQHLO `AOVNC VN `AUNMNOLOVL LB `UNPHSVNULB #%YAB AP`APAXNOLC ASVLSC NaRMNBVL YA] NO NYAPVLO QO N`LBRPNO L ]NLC NO VLBC N]ONPBO WBA VRC WBAYLOBAC ASVLS ,(LB WN AYLSPAOVNC NWLaA\LO VLO YSUBLO NB`LO VN ASVQ ]NQUNBC AWNKZN `LPAB XSUBAWNC NBPBO BLSWABQO VQO `N`BPVNSYLVQO YAB `AOVNC \RKQVAB VLS OLXLS S`AUTLSPBO ,#YAVRTR]RPAO WN `NUB PLS LVB A`LPVAPBAO WBWAPYNBC A`L XQPNQC VLSC YAVA VA N]OR `AOVAC BLSWABLSC KNMQO XR `NUBVNXONBO ASVLSC VA VNYOA XRWN VLBC N]NPBO `NUB`AVNBO ,,VB LSO NPVBO `AOVQC WNB `KR]LC PSONK]NBO AYLSPLOVAB MAU LVB NKRKS]AC ,-VLSVL LSO `LBRPLO L PLB KNMLXNO NBPBO RXBO AOWUNC VNPPAUNC NSTRO NTLOVNC NZ NASVQO
,.these having ta'en, be uri!ied $ith the", and be at e( en#e $ith the", that they "ay shave the head, and all "ay 'no$ that the things o! $hi#h they have been instru#ted #on#erning thee are nothing, but thou dost $al' ++ thysel! also ++ the la$ 'ee ing) ,'I.nd #on#erning those o! the nations $ho have believed, $e have $ritten, having given -udg"ent, that they observe no su#h thing, e(#e t to 'ee the"selves both !ro" idol+sa#ri!i#es, and blood, and a strangled thing, and $horedo")I ,/Then Paul, having ta'en the "en, on the !ollo$ing day, $ith the" having uri!ied hi"sel!, $as entering into the te" le, announ#ing the !ul!il"ent o! the days o! the uri!i#ation, till the o!!ering $as o!!ered !or ea#h one o! the") ,0.nd, as the seven days $ere about to be !ully ended, the 5e$s !ro" .sia having beheld hi" in the te" le, $ere stirring u all the "ultitude, and they laid hands u on hi", ,$#rying out, I@en, 0sraelites, hel d this is the "an $ho, against the eo le, and the la$, and this la#e, all every$here is tea#hing, and !urther, also, &ree's he brought into the te" le, and hath de!iled this holy la#e,I ,.VLSVLSC `AUAKAHQO AMOBP]RVB PSO ASVLBC YAB WA`AORPLO N` ASVLBC BOA aSURPQOVAB VRO YNZAKRO YAB MOQPBO `AOVNC LVB QO YAVRTROVAB `NUB PLS LSWNO NPVBO AKKA PVLBTNBC YAB ASVLC VLO OLXLO ZSKAPPQO ,'`NUB WN VQO `N`BPVNSYLVQO N]OQO RXNBC N`NPVNBKAXNO YUBOAOVNC XRWNO VLBLSVLO VRUNBO ASVLSC NB XR ZSKAPPNP]AB ASVLSC VL VN NBWQKL]SVLO YAB VL ABXA YAB `OBYVLO YAB `LUONBAO ,/VLVN L `ASKLC `AUAKAHQO VLSC AOWUAC VR NTLXNOR RXNUA PSO ASVLBC AMOBP]NBC NBPRNB NBC VL BNULO WBAMMNKKQO VRO NY`KRUQPBO VQO RXNUQO VLS AMOBPXLS NQC LS `ULPRONT]R S`NU NOLC NYAPVLS ASVQO R `ULPZLUA ,0QC WN NXNKKLO AB N`VA RXNUAB PSOVNKNBP]AB LB A`L VRC APBAC BLSWABLB ]NAPAXNOLB ASVLO NO VQ BNUQ PSONTNLO `AOVA VLO LTKLO YAB N`NHAKLO VAC TNBUAC N` ASVLO ,$YUA\LOVNC AOWUNC BPUARKBVAB HLR]NBVN LSVLC NPVBO L AO]UQ`LC L YAVA VLS KALS YAB VLS OLXLS YAB VLS VL`LS VLSVLS `AOVAC `AOVATLS WBWAPYQO NVB VN YAB NKKROAC NBPRMAMNO NBC VL BNULO YAB YNYLBOQYNO VLO AMBLO VL`LO VLSVLO
,%!or they had seen be!ore Tro hi"us, the E hesian, in the #ity $ith hi", $ho" they $ere su osing that Paul brought into the te" le) -(.ll the #ity also $as "oved and there $as a running together o! the eo le, and having laid hold on Paul, they $ere dra$ing hi" out o! the te" le, and i""ediately $ere the doors shut, -#and they see'ing to 'ill hi", a ru"our #a"e to the #hie! #a tain o! the band that all 5erusale" hath been thro$n into #on!usion, -,$ho, at on#e, having ta'en soldiers and #enturions, ran do$n u on the", and they having seen the #hie! #a tain and the soldiers, did leave o!! beating Paul) --Then the #hie! #a tain, having #o"e nigh, too' hi", and #o""anded Ihi"I to be bound $ith t$o #hains, and $as in?uiring $ho he "ay be, and $hat it is he hath been doing, -.and so"e $ere #rying out one thing, and so"e another, a"ong the "ultitude, and not being able to 'no$ the #ertainty be#ause o! the tu"ult, he #o""anded hi" to be #arried to the #astle, -'and $hen he #a"e u on the ste s, it ha ened he $as borne by the soldiers, be#ause o! the violen#e o! the "ultitude, ,%RPAO MAU `ULNQUAYLVNC VULZBXLO VLO NZNPBLO NO VR `LKNB PSO ASVQ LO NOLXB\LO LVB NBC VL BNULO NBPRMAMNO L `ASKLC -(NYBOR]R VN R `LKBC LKR YAB NMNONVL PSOWULXR VLS KALS YAB N`BKAHLXNOLB VLS `ASKLS NBKYLO ASVLO NaQ VLS BNULS YAB NS]NQC NYKNBP]RPAO AB ]SUAB -#\RVLSOVQO WN ASVLO A`LYVNBOAB AONHR ZAPBC VQ TBKBAUTQ VRC P`NBURC LVB LKR PSMYNTSVAB BNULSPAKRX -,LC NaASVRC `AUAKAHQO PVUAVBQVAC YAB NYAVLOVAUTLSC YAVNWUAXNO N` ASVLSC LB WN BWLOVNC VLO TBKBAUTLO YAB VLSC PVUAVBQVAC N`ASPAOVL VS`VLOVNC VLO `ASKLO --VLVN NMMBPAC L TBKBAUTLC N`NKAHNVL ASVLS YAB NYNKNSPNO WN]ROAB AKSPNPBO WSPBO YAB N`SO]AONVL VBC AO NBR YAB VB NPVBO `N`LBRYQC -.AKKLB WN AKKL VB NHLQO NO VQ LTKQ XR WSOAXNOLC WN MOQOAB VL APZAKNC WBA VLO ]LUSHLO NYNKNSPNO AMNP]AB ASVLO NBC VRO `AUNXHLKRO -'LVN WN NMNONVL N`B VLSC AOAHA]XLSC PSONHR HAPVA\NP]AB ASVLO S`L VQO PVUAVBQVQO WBA VRO HBAO VLS LTKLS
-/!or the #ro$d o! the eo le $as !ollo$ing a!ter, #rying, I.$ay $ith hi")I -0.nd Paul being about to be led into the #astle, saith to the #hie! #a tain, I0s it er"itted to "e to say anything unto theebI and he said, I&ree' dost thou 'no$b -$art not thou, then, the Egy tian $ho be!ore these days "ade an u rising, and did lead into the desert the !our thousand "en o! the assassinsbI -%.nd Paul said, I0, indeed, a" a "an, a 5e$, o! Tarsus o! Dili#ia, o! no "ean #ity a #itiEen, and 0 besee#h thee, su!!er "e to s ea' unto the eo le)I .(.nd he having given hi" leave, Paul having stood u on the stairs, did be#'on $ith the hand to the eo le, and there having been a great silen#e, he s a'e unto the" in the Hebre$ diale#t, sayingF -/RYLKLS]NB MAU VL `KR]LC VLS KALS YUA\LO ABUN ASVLO -0XNKKQO VN NBPAMNP]AB NBC VRO `AUNXHLKRO L `ASKLC KNMNB VQ TBKBAUTQ NB NaNPVBO XLB NB`NBO VB `ULC PN L WN NZR NKKROBPVB MBOQPYNBC -$LSY AUA PS NB L ABMS`VBLC L `UL VLSVQO VQO RXNUQO AOAPVAVQPAC YAB NaAMAMQO NBC VRO NURXLO VLSC VNVUAYBPTBKBLSC AOWUAC VQO PBYAUBQO -%NB`NO WN L `ASKLC NMQ AO]UQ`LC XNO NBXB BLSWABLC VAUPNSC VRC YBKBYBAC LSY APRXLS `LKNQC `LKBVRC WNLXAB WN PLS N`BVUNcLO XLB KAKRPAB `ULC VLO KALO .(N`BVUNcAOVLC WN ASVLS L `ASKLC NPVQC N`B VQO AOAHA]XQO YAVNPNBPNO VR TNBUB VQ KAQ `LKKRC WN PBMRC MNOLXNORC `ULPNZQORPNO VR NHUABWB WBAKNYVQ KNMQO
+hapter ,,
#I@en, brethren, and !athers, hear "y de!en#e no$ unto you,I ++ ,and they having heard that in the Hebre$ diale#t he $as s ea'ing to the", gave the "ore silen#e, and he saith, ++ -I0, indeed, a" a "an, a 5e$, having been born in Tarsus o! Dili#ia, and brought u in this #ity at the !eet o! &a"aliel, having been taught a##ording to the e(a#titude o! a la$ o! the !athers, being Eealous o! &od, as all ye are to+day) .I.nd this $ay 0 erse#uted unto death, binding and delivering u to risons both "en and $o"en, 'as also the #hie! riest doth testi!y to "e, and all the eldershi , !ro" $ho" also having re#eived letters unto the brethren, to Da"as#us, 0 $as going on, to bring also those there bound to 5erusale" that they "ight be unished, /and it #a"e to ass, in "y going on and #o"ing nigh to Da"as#us, about noon, suddenly out o! the heaven there shone a great light round about "e, 00 !ell also to the ground, and 0 heard a voi#e saying to "e, Saul, Saul, $hy "e dost thou erse#uteb $I.nd 0 ans$ered, Who art thou, Lordb and he said unto "e, 0 a" 5esus the /aEarene $ho" thou dost erse#ute ++ #AOWUNC AWNKZLB YAB `AVNUNC AYLSPAVN XLS VRC `ULC SXAC OSO A`LKLMBAC ,AYLSPAOVNC WN LVB VR NHUABWB WBAKNYVQ `ULPNZQONB ASVLBC XAKKLO `AUNPTLO RPSTBAO YAB ZRPBO -NMQ XNO NBXB AORU BLSWABLC MNMNOORXNOLC NO VAUPQ VRC YBKBYBAC AOAVN]UAXXNOLC WN NO VR `LKNB VASVR `AUA VLSC `LWAC MAXAKBRK `N`ABWNSXNOLC YAVA AYUBHNBAO VLS `AVUQLS OLXLS \RKQVRC S`AUTQO VLS ]NLS YA]QC `AOVNC SXNBC NPVN PRXNULO .LC VASVRO VRO LWLO NWBQaA ATUB ]AOAVLS WNPXNSQO YAB `AUAWBWLSC NBC ZSKAYAC AOWUAC VN YAB MSOABYAC 'QC YAB L AUTBNUNSC XAUVSUNB XLB YAB `AO VL `UNPHSVNUBLO `AU QO YAB N`BPVLKAC WNaAXNOLC `ULC VLSC AWNKZLSC NBC WAXAPYLO N`LUNSLXRO AaQO YAB VLSC NYNBPN LOVAC WNWNXNOLSC NBC BNULSPAKRX BOA VBXQUR]QPBO /NMNONVL WN XLB `LUNSLXNOQ YAB NMMB\LOVB VR WAXAPYQ `NUB XNPRXHUBAO NaABZORC NY VLS LSUAOLS `NUBAPVUAcAB ZQC BYAOLO `NUB NXN 0N`NPLO VN NBC VL NWAZLC YAB RYLSPA ZQORC KNMLSPRC XLB PALSK PALSK VB XN WBQYNBC $NMQ WN A`NYUB]RO VBC NB YSUBN NB`NO VN `ULC XN NMQ NBXB BRPLSC L OA\QUABLC LO PS WBQYNBC
%and they $ho are $ith "e the light did see, and be#a"e a!raid, and the voi#e they heard not o! hi" $ho is s ea'ing to "e ++ #(and 0 said, What shall 0 do, Lordb and the Lord said unto "e, Having risen, go on to Da"as#us, and there it shall be told thee #on#erning all things that have been a ointed !or thee to do) ##I.nd $hen 0 did not see !ro" the glory o! that light, being led by the hand by those $ho are $ith "e, 0 #a"e to Da"as#us, #,and a #ertain one, .nanias, a ious "an a##ording to the la$, being testi!ied to by all the 5e$s d$elling IthereI, #-having #o"e unto "e and stood by I"eI, said to "e, Saul, brother, loo' u , and 0 the sa"e hour did loo' u to hi", #.and he said, The &od o! our !athers did #hoose thee be!orehand to 'no$ His $ill, and to see the Righteous One, and to hear a voi#e out o! his "outh, #'be#ause thou shalt be his $itness unto all "en o! $hat thou hast seen and heard, #/and no$, $hy tarriest thoub having risen, ba tiEe thysel!, and $ash a$ay thy sins, #alling u on the na"e o! the Lord) %LB WN PSO NXLB LOVNC VL XNO ZQC N]NAPAOVL YAB NXZLHLB NMNOLOVL VRO WN ZQORO LSY RYLSPAO VLS KAKLSOVLC XLB #(NB`LO WN VB `LBRPQ YSUBN L WN YSUBLC NB`NO `ULC XN AOAPVAC `LUNSLS NBC WAXAPYLO YAYNB PLB KAKR]RPNVAB `NUB `AOVQO QO VNVAYVAB PLB `LBRPAB ##QC WN LSY NONHKN`LO A`L VRC WLaRC VLS ZQVLC NYNBOLS TNBUAMQMLSXNOLC S`L VQO PSOLOVQO XLB RK]LO NBC WAXAPYLO #,AOAOBAC WN VBC AORU NSPNHRC YAVA VLO OLXLO XAUVSULSXNOLC S`L `AOVQO VQO YAVLBYLSOVQO BLSWABQO #-NK]QO `ULC XN YAB N`BPVAC NB`NO XLB PALSK AWNKZN AOAHKNcLO YAMQ ASVR VR QUA AONHKNcA NBC ASVLO #.L WN NB`NO L ]NLC VQO `AVNUQO RXQO `ULNTNBUBPAVL PN MOQOAB VL ]NKRXA ASVLS YAB BWNBO VLO WBYABLO YAB AYLSPAB ZQORO NY VLS PVLXAVLC ASVLS #'LVB NPR XAUVSC ASVQ `ULC `AOVAC AO]UQ`LSC QO NQUAYAC YAB RYLSPAC #/YAB OSO VB XNKKNBC AOAPVAC HA`VBPAB YAB A`LKLSPAB VAC AXAUVBAC PLS N`BYAKNPAXNOLC VL LOLXA VLS YSUBLS
#0I.nd it #a"e to ass $hen 0 returned to 5erusale", and $hile 0 $as raying in the te" le, 0 #a"e into a tran#e, #$and 0 sa$ hi" saying to "e, Haste and go !orth in haste out o! 5erusale", be#ause they $ill not re#eive thy testi"ony #on#erning "e, #%and 0 said, Lord, they ++ they 'no$ that 0 $as i" risoning and $as s#ourging in every synagogue those believing on thee, ,(and $hen the blood o! thy $itness Ste hen $as being oured !orth, 0 also $as standing by and assenting to his death, and 'ee ing the gar"ents o! those utting hi" to death, ,#and he said unto "e, &o, be#ause to nations !ar o!! 0 $ill send thee)I ,,.nd they $ere hearing hi" unto this $ord, and they li!ted u their voi#e, saying, I.$ay !ro" the earth $ith su#h an one, !or it is not !it !or hi" to live)I ,-.nd they #rying out and #asting u their gar"ents, and thro$ing dust into the air, ,.the #hie! #a tain #o""anded hi" to be brought into the #astle, saying, IBy s#ourges let hi" be e(a"ined,I that he "ight 'no$ !or $hat #ause they $ere #rying so against hi") #0NMNONVL WN XLB S`LPVUNcAOVB NBC BNULSPAKRX YAB `ULPNSTLXNOLS XLS NO VQ BNUQ MNONP]AB XN NO NYPVAPNB #$YAB BWNBO ASVLO KNMLOVA XLB P`NSPLO YAB NaNK]N NO VATNB Na BNULSPAKRX WBLVB LS `AUAWNaLOVAB PLS VRO XAUVSUBAO `NUB NXLS #%YAMQ NB`LO YSUBN ASVLB N`BPVAOVAB LVB NMQ RXRO ZSKAYB\QO YAB WNUQO YAVA VAC PSOAMQMAC VLSC `BPVNSLOVAC N`B PN ,(YAB LVN NaNTNBVL VL ABXA PVNZAOLS VLS XAUVSULC PLS YAB ASVLC RXRO NZNPVQC YAB PSONSWLYQO VR AOABUNPNB ASVLS YAB ZSKAPPQO VA BXAVBA VQO AOABULSOVQO ASVLO ,#YAB NB`NO `ULC XN `LUNSLS LVB NMQ NBC N]OR XAYUAO NaA`LPVNKQ PN ,,RYLSLO WN ASVLS ATUB VLSVLS VLS KLMLS YAB N`RUAO VRO ZQORO ASVQO KNMLOVNC ABUN A`L VRC MRC VLO VLBLSVLO LS MAU YA]RYLO ASVLO \RO ,-YUASMA\LOVQO WN ASVQO YAB UB`VLSOVQO VA BXAVBA YAB YLOBLUVLO HAKKLOVQO NBC VLO ANUA ,.NYNKNSPNO ASVLO L TBKBAUTLC AMNP]AB NBC VRO `AUNXHLKRO NB`QO XAPVBaBO AONVA\NP]AB ASVLO BOA N`BMOQ WB RO ABVBAO LSVQC N`NZQOLSO ASVQ
,'.nd as he $as stret#hing hi" $ith the thongs, Paul said unto the #enturion $ho $as standing by, I. "an, a Ro"an, un#onde"ned ++ is it la$!ul to you to s#ourge,I ,/and the #enturion having heard, having gone near to the #hie! #a tain, told, saying, ITa'e heed $hat thou art about to do, !or this "an is a Ro"an,I ,0and the #hie! #a tain having #o"e near, said to hi", ITell "e, art thou a Ro"anbI and he said, I4es,I ,$and the #hie! #a tain ans$ered, I0, $ith a great su", did obtain this #itiEenshi ,I but Paul said, IBut 0 have been even born IsoI)I ,%0""ediately, there!ore, they de arted !ro" hi" $ho are about to e(a"ine hi", and the #hie! #a tain also $as a!raid, having learned that he is a Ro"an, and be#ause he had bound hi", -(and on the "orro$, intending to 'no$ the #ertainty $here!ore he is a##used by the 5e$s, he did loose hi" !ro" the bonds, and #o""anded the #hie! riests and all their sanhedri" to #o"e, and having brought do$n Paul, he set Ihi"I be!ore the") #.nd Paul having earnestly beheld the sanhedri", said, I@en, brethren, 0 in all good #ons#ien#e have lived to &od unto this day,I ,'QC WN `ULNVNBONO ASVLO VLBC BXAPBO NB`NO `ULC VLO NPVQVA NYAVLOVAUTLO L `ASKLC NB AO]UQ`LO UQXABLO YAB AYAVAYUBVLO NaNPVBO SXBO XAPVB\NBO ,/AYLSPAC WN L NYAVLOVAUTLC `ULPNK]QO A`RMMNBKNO VQ TBKBAUTQ KNMQO LUA VB XNKKNBC `LBNBO L MAU AO]UQ`LC LSVLC UQXABLC NPVBO ,0`ULPNK]QO WN L TBKBAUTLC NB`NO ASVQ KNMN XLB NB PS UQXABLC NB L WN NZR OAB ,$A`NYUB]R VN L TBKBAUTLC NMQ `LKKLS YNZAKABLS VRO `LKBVNBAO VASVRO NYVRPAXRO L WN `ASKLC NZR NMQ WN YAB MNMNOORXAB ,%NS]NQC LSO A`NPVRPAO A` ASVLS LB XNKKLOVNC ASVLO AONVA\NBO YAB L TBKBAUTLC WN NZLHR]R N`BMOLSC LVB UQXABLC NPVBO YAB LVB RO ASVLO WNWNYQC -(VR WN N`ASUBLO HLSKLXNOLC MOQOAB VL APZAKNC VL VB YAVRMLUNBVAB `AUA VQO BLSWABQO NKSPNO ASVLO A`L VQO WNPXQO YAB NYNKNSPNO NK]NBO VLSC AUTBNUNBC YAB LKLO VL PSONWUBLO ASVQO YAB YAVAMAMQO VLO `ASKLO NPVRPNO NBC ASVLSC #AVNOBPAC WN L `ASKLC VQ PSONWUBQ NB`NO AOWUNC AWNKZLB NMQ `APR PSONBWRPNB AMA]R `N`LKBVNSXAB VQ ]NQ ATUB VASVRC VRC RXNUAC
+hapter ,-
,and the #hie! riest .nanias #o""anded those standing by hi" to s"ite hi" on the "outh, -then Paul said unto hi", I&od is about to s"ite thee, thou $hite$ashed $all, and thou ++ thou dost sit -udging "e a##ording to the la$, and, violating la$, dost order "e to be s"ittendI ..nd those $ho stood by said, IThe #hie! riest o! &od dost thou revilebI 'and Paul said, I0 did not 'no$, brethren, that he is #hie! riestF !or it hath been $ritten, O! the ruler o! thy eo le thou shalt not s ea' evil,I /and Paul having 'no$n that the one art are Saddu#ees, and the other Pharisees, #ried out in the sanhedri", I@en, brethren, 0 a" a Pharisee ++ son o! a Pharisee ++ #on#erning ho e and rising again o! dead "en 0 a" -udged)I 0.nd he having s o'en this, there #a"e a dissension o! the Pharisees and o! the Saddu#ees, and the #ro$d $as divided, $!or Saddu#ees, indeed, say there is no rising again, nor "essenger, nor s irit, but Pharisees #on!ess both) ,L WN AUTBNUNSC AOAOBAC N`NVAaNO VLBC `AUNPVQPBO ASVQ VS`VNBO ASVLS VL PVLXA -VLVN L `ASKLC `ULC ASVLO NB`NO VS`VNBO PN XNKKNB L ]NLC VLBTN YNYLOBAXNON YAB PS YA]R YUBOQO XN YAVA VLO OLXLO YAB `AUAOLXQO YNKNSNBC XN VS`VNP]AB .LB WN `AUNPVQVNC NB`LO VLO AUTBNUNA VLS ]NLS KLBWLUNBC 'NZR VN L `ASKLC LSY RWNBO AWNKZLB LVB NPVBO AUTBNUNSC MNMUA`VAB MAU AUTLOVA VLS KALS PLS LSY NUNBC YAYQC /MOLSC WN L `ASKLC LVB VL NO XNULC NPVBO PAWWLSYABQO VL WN NVNULO ZAUBPABQO NYUAaNO NO VQ PSONWUBQ AOWUNC AWNKZLB NMQ ZAUBPABLC NBXB SBLC ZAUBPABLS `NUB NK`BWLC YAB AOAPVAPNQC ONYUQO NMQ YUBOLXAB 0VLSVL WN ASVLS KAKRPAOVLC NMNONVL PVAPBC VQO ZAUBPABQO YAB VQO PAWWLSYABQO YAB NPTBP]R VL `KR]LC $PAWWLSYABLB XNO MAU KNMLSPBO XR NBOAB AOAPVAPBO XRWN AMMNKLO XRVN `ONSXA ZAUBPABLB WN LXLKLMLSPBO VA AXZLVNUA
%.nd there #a"e a great #ry, and the s#ribes o! the PhariseesI art having arisen, $ere striving, saying, I/o evil do $e !ind in this "an, and i! a s irit s a'e to hi", or a "essenger, $e "ay not !ight against &od,I #(and a great dissension having #o"e, the #hie! #a tain having been a!raid lest Paul "ay be ulled to ie#es by the", #o""anded the soldiery, having gone do$n, to ta'e hi" by !or#e out o! the "idst o! the", and to bring Ihi"I to the #astle) ##.nd on the !ollo$ing night, the Lord having stood by hi", said, ITa'e #ourage, Paul, !or as thou didst !ully testi!y the things #on#erning "e at 5erusale", so it behoveth thee also at Ro"e to testi!y)I #,.nd day having #o"e, #ertain o! the 5e$s having "ade a #on#ourse, did anathe"atiEe the"selves, saying neither to eat nor to drin' till they "ay 'ill Paul, #-and they $ere "ore than !orty $ho "ade this #ons ira#y by oath, #.$ho having #o"e near to the #hie! riests and to the elders said, IWith an anathe"a $e did anathe"atiEe ourselves ++ to taste nothing till $e have 'illed Paul, %NMNONVL WN YUASMR XNMAKR YAB AOAPVAOVNC LB MUAXXAVNBC VLS XNULSC VQO ZAUBPABQO WBNXATLOVL KNMLOVNC LSWNO YAYLO NSUBPYLXNO NO VQ AO]UQ`Q VLSVQ NB WN `ONSXA NKAKRPNO ASVQ R AMMNKLC XR ]NLXATQXNO #(`LKKRC WN MNOLXNORC PVAPNQC NSKAHR]NBC L TBKBAUTLC XR WBAP`AP]R L `ASKLC S` ASVQO NYNKNSPNO VL PVUAVNSXA YAVAHAO AU`APAB ASVLO NY XNPLS ASVQO AMNBO VN NBC VRO `AUNXHLKRO ##VR WN N`BLSPR OSYVB N`BPVAC ASVQ L YSUBLC NB`NO ]AUPNB `ASKN QC MAU WBNXAUVSUQ VA `NUB NXLS NBC BNULSPAKRX LSVQC PN WNB YAB NBC UQXRO XAUVSURPAB #,MNOLXNORC WN RXNUAC `LBRPAOVNC VBONC VQO BLSWABQO PSPVULZRO AON]NXAVBPAO NASVLSC KNMLOVNC XRVN ZAMNBO XRVN `BNBO NQC LS A`LYVNBOQPBO VLO `ASKLO #-RPAO WN `KNBLSC VNPPAUAYLOVA LB VASVRO VRO PSOQXLPBAO `N`LBRYLVNC #.LBVBONC `ULPNK]LOVNC VLBC AUTBNUNSPBO YAB VLBC `UNPHSVNULBC NB`LO AOA]NXAVB AON]NXAVBPAXNO NASVLSC XRWNOLC MNSPAP]AB NQC LS A`LYVNBOQXNO VLO `ASKLO
#'no$, there!ore, ye, signi!y ye to the #hie! #a tain, $ith the sanhedri", that to+"orro$ he "ay bring hi" do$n unto you, as being about to 'no$ "ore e(a#tly the things #on#erning hi", and $e, be!ore his #o"ing nigh, are ready to ut hi" to death)I #/.nd the son o! PaulIs sister having heard o! the lying in $ait, having gone and entered into the #astle, told Paul, #0and Paul having #alled near one o! the #enturions, said, IThis young "an lead unto the #hie! #a tain, !or he hath so"ething to tell hi")I #$He indeed, then, having ta'en hi", brought hi" unto the #hie! #a tain, and saith, IThe risoner Paul, having #alled "e near, as'ed I"eI this young "an to bring unto thee, having so"ething to say to thee)I #%.nd the #hie! #a tain having ta'en hi" by the hand, and having $ithdra$n by the"selves, in?uired, IWhat is that $hi#h thou hast to tell "ebI ,(and he said ++ IThe 5e$s agreed to re?uest thee, that to+"orro$ to the sanhedri" thou "ayest bring do$n Paul, as being about to en?uire so"ething "ore e(a#tly #on#erning hi", #'OSO LSO SXNBC NXZAOBPAVN VQ TBKBAUTQ PSO VQ PSONWUBQ L`QC ASUBLO ASVLO YAVAMAMR `ULC SXAC QC XNKKLOVAC WBAMBOQPYNBO AYUBHNPVNULO VA `NUB ASVLS RXNBC WN `UL VLS NMMBPAB ASVLO NVLBXLB NPXNO VLS AONKNBO ASVLO #/AYLSPAC WN L SBLC VRC AWNKZRC `ASKLS VL NONWULO `AUAMNOLXNOLC YAB NBPNK]QO NBC VRO `AUNXHLKRO A`RMMNBKNO VQ `ASKQ #0`ULPYAKNPAXNOLC WN L `ASKLC NOA VQO NYAVLOVAUTQO NZR VLO ONAOBAO VLSVLO A`AMAMN `ULC VLO TBKBAUTLO NTNB MAU VB A`AMMNBKAB ASVQ #$L XNO LSO `AUAKAHQO ASVLO RMAMNO `ULC VLO TBKBAUTLO YAB ZRPBO L WNPXBLC `ASKLC `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC XN RUQVRPNO VLSVLO VLO ONAOBAO AMAMNBO `ULC PN NTLOVA VB KAKRPAB PLB #%N`BKAHLXNOLC WN VRC TNBULC ASVLS L TBKBAUTLC YAB AOATQURPAC YAV BWBAO N`SO]AONVL VB NPVBO L NTNBC A`AMMNBKAB XLB ,(NB`NO WN LVB LB BLSWABLB PSON]NOVL VLS NUQVRPAB PN L`QC ASUBLO NBC VL PSONWUBLO YAVAMAMRC VLO `ASKLO QC XNKKLOVNC VB AYUBHNPVNULO `SO]AONP]AB `NUB ASVLS
,#thou, there!ore, "ayest thou not yield to the", !or there lie in $ait !or hi" o! the" "ore than !orty "en, $ho did anathe"atiEe the"selves ++ not to eat nor to drin' till they 'ill hi", and no$ they are ready, $aiting !or the ro"ise !ro" thee)I ,,The #hie! #a tain, then, indeed, let the young "an go, having #harged Ihi"I to tell no one, Ithat these things thou didst she$ unto "e,I ,-and having #alled near a #ertain t$o o! the #enturions, he said, I@a'e ready soldiers t$o hundred, that they "ay go on unto Daesarea, and horse"en seventy, and s ear"en t$o hundred, !ro" the third hour o! the night, ,#PS LSO XR `NBP]RC ASVLBC NONWUNSLSPBO MAU ASVLO Na ASVQO AOWUNC `KNBLSC VNPPAUAYLOVA LBVBONC AON]NXAVBPAO NASVLSC XRVN ZAMNBO XRVN `BNBO NQC LS AONKQPBO ASVLO YAB OSO NVLBXLB NBPBO `ULPWNTLXNOLB VRO A`L PLS N`AMMNKBAO ,,L XNO LSO TBKBAUTLC A`NKSPNO VLO ONAOBAO `AUAMMNBKAC XRWNOB NYKAKRPAB LVB VASVA NONZAOBPAC `ULC XN ,-YAB `ULPYAKNPAXNOLC WSL VBOAC VQO NYAVLOVAUTQO NB`NO NVLBXAPAVN PVUAVBQVAC WBAYLPBLSC L`QC `LUNS]QPBO NQC YABPAUNBAC YAB B``NBC NHWLXRYLOVA YAB WNaBLKAHLSC WBAYLPBLSC A`L VUBVRC QUAC VRC OSYVLC ,.beasts also rovide, that, having set ,.YVROR VN `AUAPVRPAB BOA Paul on, they "ay bring hi" sa!e unto N`BHBHAPAOVNC VLO `ASKLO Feli( the governor,I WBAPQPQPBO `ULC ZRKBYA VLO RMNXLOA ,'he having $ritten a letter a!ter this ,'MUAcAC N`BPVLKRO `NUBNTLSPAO VLO des#ri tionF VS`LO VLSVLO ,/IDlaudius Lysias, to the "ost noble ,/YKASWBLC KSPBAC VQ YUAVBPVQ governor Feli(, hailF RMNXLOB ZRKBYB TABUNBO ,0This "an having been ta'en by the ,0VLO AOWUA VLSVLO PSKKRZ]NOVA S`L 5e$s, and being about to be 'illed by VQO BLSWABQO YAB XNKKLOVA the" ++ having #o"e $ith the soldiery, AOABUNBP]AB S` ASVQO N`BPVAC PSO VQ 0 res#ued hi", having learned that he PVUAVNSXAVB NaNBKLXRO ASVLO XA]QO is a Ro"an, LVB UQXABLC NPVBO ,$and, intending to 'no$ the #ause !or ,$HLSKLXNOLC WN MOQOAB VRO ABVBAO WB $hi#h they $ere a##using hi", 0 RO NONYAKLSO ASVQ YAVRMAMLO ASVLO brought hi" do$n to their sanhedri", NBC VL PSONWUBLO ASVQO
,%$ho" 0 !ound a##used #on#erning ?uestions o! their la$, and having no a##usation $orthy o! death or bonds, -(and a lot having been inti"ated to "e against this "an ++ about to be o! the 5e$s ++ at on#e 0 sent unto thee, having given #o""and also to the a##users to say the things against hi" be!ore thee, be strong)I -#Then, indeed, the soldiers a##ording to that dire#ted the", having ta'en u Paul, brought hi" through the night to .nti atris, -,and on the "orro$, having su!!ered the horse"en to go on $ith hi", they returned to the #astle, --those having entered into Daesarea, and delivered the letter to the governor, did resent also Paul to hi") -..nd the governor having read IitI, and in?uired o! $hat rovin#e he is, and understood that Ihe isI !ro" Dili#ia, -'I0 $ill hear thee ++ said he ++ $hen thine a##users also "ay have #o"e,I he also #o""anded hi" to be 'e t in the raetoriu" o! Herod) ,%LO NSULO NMYAKLSXNOLO `NUB \RVRXAVQO VLS OLXLS ASVQO XRWNO WN AaBLO ]AOAVLS R WNPXQO NMYKRXA NTLOVA -(XROS]NBPRC WN XLB N`BHLSKRC NBC VLO AOWUA XNKKNBO NPNP]AB S`L VQO BLSWABQO NaASVRC N`NXcA `ULC PN `AUAMMNBKAC YAB VLBC YAVRMLULBC KNMNBO VA `ULC ASVLO N`B PLS NUUQPL -#LB XNO LSO PVUAVBQVAB YAVA VL WBAVNVAMXNOLO ASVLBC AOAKAHLOVNC VLO `ASKLO RMAMLO WBA VRC OSYVLC NBC VRO AOVB`AVUBWA -,VR WN N`ASUBLO NAPAOVNC VLSC B``NBC `LUNSNP]AB PSO ASVQ S`NPVUNcAO NBC VRO `AUNXHLKRO --LBVBONC NBPNK]LOVNC NBC VRO YABPAUNBAO YAB AOAWLOVNC VRO N`BPVLKRO VQ RMNXLOB `AUNPVRPAO YAB VLO `ASKLO ASVQ -.AOAMOLSC WN L RMNXQO YAB N`NUQVRPAC NY `LBAC N`AUTBAC NPVBO YAB `S]LXNOLC LVB A`L YBKBYBAC -'WBAYLSPLXAB PLS NZR LVAO YAB LB YAVRMLULB PLS `AUAMNOQOVAB NYNKNSPNO VN ASVLO NO VQ `UABVQUBQ VLS RUQWLS ZSKAPPNP]AB
+hapter ,.
#.nd a!ter !ive days #a"e do$n the #hie! riest .nanias, $ith the elders, and a #ertain orator ++ Tertullus, and they "ade "ani!est to the governor Ithe thingsI against Paul, ,and he having been #alled, Tertullus began to a##use Ihi"I, saying, I@u#h ea#e en-oying through thee, and $orthy deeds being done to this nation through thy !orethought, -al$ays, also, and every$here $e re#eive it, "ost noble Feli(, $ith all than'!ulness, #XNVA WN `NOVN RXNUAC YAVNHR L AUTBNUNSC AOAOBAC XNVA VQO `UNPHSVNUQO YAB URVLULC VNUVSKKLS VBOLC LBVBONC NONZAOBPAO VQ RMNXLOB YAVA VLS `ASKLS ,YKR]NOVLC WN ASVLS RUaAVL YAVRMLUNBO L VNUVSKKLC KNMQO
-`LKKRC NBURORC VSMTAOLOVNC WBA PLS YAB YAVLU]QXAVQO MBOLXNOQO VQ N]ONB VLSVQ WBA VRC PRC `ULOLBAC `AOVR VN YAB `AOVATLS A`LWNTLXN]A YUAVBPVN ZRKBa XNVA `APRC NSTAUBPVBAC .and that 0 "ay not be !urther tedious .BOA WN XR N`B `KNBLO PN NMYL`VQ to thee, 0 ray thee to hear us #on#isely `AUAYAKQ AYLSPAB PN RXQO PSOVLXQC in thy gentleness, VR PR N`BNBYNBA '!or having !ound this "an a 'NSULOVNC MAU VLO AOWUA VLSVLO estilen#e, and "oving a dissension to KLBXLO YAB YBOLSOVA PVAPBO `APBO VLBC all the 5e$s through the $orld ++ a BLSWABLBC VLBC YAVA VRO LBYLSXNORO ringleader also o! the se#t o! the `UQVLPVAVRO VN VRC VQO OA\QUABQO /aEarenes ++ ABUNPNQC /$ho also the te" le did try to /LC YAB VL BNULO N`NBUAPNO HNHRKQPAB ro!ane, $ho" also $e too', and LO YAB NYUAVRPAXNO YAB YAVA VLO a##ording to our la$ did $ish to -udge, RXNVNULO OLXLO R]NKRPAXNO YUBONBO 0and Lysias the #hie! #a tain having 0`AUNK]QO WN KSPBAC L TBKBAUTLC XNVA #o"e near, $ith "u#h violen#e, out o! `LKKRC HBAC NY VQO TNBUQO RXQO our hands did ta'e a$ay, A`RMAMNO
$having #o""anded his a##users to #o"e to thee, !ro" $ho" thou "ayest be able, thysel! having e(a"ined, to 'no$ #on#erning all these things o! $hi#h $e a##use hi",I %and the 5e$s also agreed, ro!essing these things to be so) #(.nd Paul ans$ered ++ the governor having be#'oned to hi" to s ea' ++ IKno$ing IthatI !or "any years thou hast been a -udge to this nation, the "ore #heer!ully the things #on#erning "ysel! 0 do ans$er, ##thou being able to 'no$ that it is not "ore than t$elve days to "e sin#e 0 $ent u to $orshi in 5erusale", #,and neither in the te" le did they !ind "e reasoning $ith any one, or "a'ing a dissension o! the "ultitude, nor in the synagogues, nor in the #ity, #-nor are they able to rove against "e the things #on#erning $hi#h they no$ a##use "e) #.I.nd 0 #on!ess this to thee, that, a##ording to the $ay that they #all a se#t, so serve 0 the &od o! the !athers, believing all things that in the la$ and the ro hets have been $ritten, #'having ho e to$ard &od, $hi#h they the"selves also $ait !or, IthatI there is about to be a rising again o! the dead, both o! righteous and unrighteous, $YNKNSPAC VLSC YAVRMLULSC ASVLS NUTNP]AB N`B PN `AU LS WSORPR ASVLC AOAYUBOAC `NUB `AOVQO VLSVQO N`BMOQOAB QO RXNBC YAVRMLULSXNO ASVLS %PSON]NOVL WN YAB LB BLSWABLB ZAPYLOVNC VASVA LSVQC NTNBO #(A`NYUB]R WN L `ASKLC ONSPAOVLC ASVQ VLS RMNXLOLC KNMNBO NY `LKKQO NVQO LOVA PN YUBVRO VQ N]ONB VLSVQ N`BPVAXNOLC NS]SXLVNULO VA `NUB NXASVLS A`LKLMLSXAB ##WSOAXNOLS PLS MOQOAB LVB LS `KNBLSC NBPBO XLB RXNUAB R WNYAWSL AZ RC AONHRO `ULPYSORPQO NO BNULSPAKRX #,YAB LSVN NO VQ BNUQ NSULO XN `ULC VBOA WBAKNMLXNOLO R N`BPSPVAPBO `LBLSOVA LTKLS LSVN NO VABC PSOAMQMABC LSVN YAVA VRO `LKBO #-LSVN `AUAPVRPAB XN WSOAOVAB `NUB QO OSO YAVRMLULSPBO XLS #.LXLKLMQ WN VLSVL PLB LVB YAVA VRO LWLO RO KNMLSPBO ABUNPBO LSVQC KAVUNSQ VQ `AVUQQ ]NQ `BPVNSQO `APBO VLBC YAVA VLO OLXLO YAB VLBC `ULZRVABC MNMUAXXNOLBC #'NK`BWA NTQO NBC VLO ]NLO RO YAB ASVLB LSVLB `ULPWNTLOVAB AOAPVAPBO XNKKNBO NPNP]AB ONYUQO WBYABQO VN YAB AWBYQO
#/and in this 0 do e(er#ise "ysel!, to have a #ons#ien#e void o! o!!en#e to$ard &od and "en al$ays) #/NO VLSVQ WN ASVLC APYQ A`ULPYL`LO PSONBWRPBO NTNBO `ULC VLO ]NLO YAB VLSC AO]UQ`LSC WBA`AOVLC #0I.nd a!ter "any years 0 #a"e, about #0WB NVQO WN `KNBLOQO `AUNMNOLXRO to do 'ind a#ts to "y nation, and NKNRXLPSOAC `LBRPQO NBC VL N]OLC o!!erings, XLS YAB `ULPZLUAC #$in $hi#h #ertain 5e$s !ro" .sia did #$NO LBC NSULO XN RMOBPXNOLO NO VQ !ind "e uri!ied in the te" le, not BNUQ LS XNVA LTKLS LSWN XNVA $ith "ultitude, nor $ith tu"ult, ]LUSHLS VBONC WN A`L VRC APBAC BLSWABLB #%$ho" it behoveth to be resent #%LSC WNB N`B PLS `AUNBOAB YAB be!ore thee, and to a##use, i! they had YAVRMLUNBO NB VB NTLBNO `ULC XN anything against "e, ,(or let these sa"e say i! they !ound ,(R ASVLB LSVLB NB`AVQPAO NB VB NSULO any unrighteousness in "e in "y NO NXLB AWBYRXA PVAOVLC XLS N`B VLS standing be!ore the sanhedri", PSONWUBLS ,#e(#e t #on#erning this one voi#e, in ,#R `NUB XBAC VASVRC ZQORC RC NYUAaA $hi#h 0 #ried, standing a"ong the" ++ NPVQC NO ASVLBC LVB `NUB AOAPVAPNQC Don#erning a rising again o! the dead 0 ONYUQO NMQ YUBOLXAB PRXNULO SZ a" -udged to+day by you)I SXQO ,,.nd having heard these things, ,,AYLSPAC WN VASVA L ZRKBa Feli( delayed the" ++ having 'no$n AONHAKNVL ASVLSC AYUBHNPVNULO NBWQC "ore e(a#tly o! the things #on#erning VA `NUB VRC LWLS NB`QO LVAO KSPBAC L the $ay ++ saying, IWhen Lysias the TBKBAUTLC YAVAHR WBAMOQPLXAB VA YA] #hie! #a tain "ay #o"e do$n, 0 $ill SXAC 'no$ !ully the things #on#erning you,I ,-having given also a dire#tion to the ,-WBAVAaAXNOLC VN VQ NYAVLOVAUTR #enturion to 'ee Paul, to let Ihi"I also VRUNBP]AB VLO `ASKLO NTNBO VN AONPBO have liberty, and to !orbid none o! his YAB XRWNOA YQKSNBO VQO BWBQO ASVLS o$n !riends to "inister or to #o"e S`RUNVNBO R `ULPNUTNP]AB ASVQ near to hi")
,..nd a!ter #ertain days, Feli( having #o"e $ith Drusilla his $i!e, being a 5e$ess, he sent !or Paul, and heard hi" #on#erning the !aith to$ard Dhrist, ,.XNVA WN RXNUAC VBOAC `AUAMNOLXNOLC L ZRKBa PSO WULSPBKKR VR MSOABYB ASVLS LSPR BLSWABA XNVN`NXcAVL VLO `ASKLO YAB RYLSPNO ASVLS `NUB VRC NBC TUBPVLO `BPVNQC ,'and he reasoning #on#erning ,'WBAKNMLXNOLS WN ASVLS `NUB righteousness, and te" eran#e, and the WBYABLPSORC YAB NMYUAVNBAC YAB VLS -udg"ent that is about to be, Feli(, YUBXAVLC VLS XNKKLOVLC NPNP]AB having be#o"e a!raid, ans$ered, IFor NXZLHLC MNOLXNOLC L ZRKBa A`NYUB]R the resent be going, and having got VL OSO NTLO `LUNSLS YABULO WN ti"e, 0 $ill #all !or thee,I XNVAKAHQO XNVAYAKNPLXAB PN ,/and at the sa"e ti"e also ho ing ,/AXA WN YAB NK`B\QO LVB TURXAVA that "oney shall be given to hi" by WL]RPNVAB ASVQ S`L VLS `ASKLS L`QC Paul, that he "ay release hi", KSPR ASVLO WBL YAB `SYOLVNULO ASVLO there!ore, also sending !or hi" the XNVA`NX`LXNOLC QXBKNB ASVQ o!tener, he $as #onversing $ith hi", ,0and t$o years having been !ul!illed, ,0WBNVBAC WN `KRUQ]NBPRC NKAHNO Feli( re#eived a su##essor, Por#ius WBAWLTLO L ZRKBa `LUYBLO ZRPVLO Festus, Feli( also $illing to lay a ]NKQO VN TAUBVAC YAVA]NP]AB VLBC !avour on the 5e$s, le!t Paul bound) BLSWABLBC L ZRKBa YAVNKB`NO VLO `ASKLO WNWNXNOLO
+hapter ,'
#Festus, there!ore, having #o"e into the rovin#e, a!ter three days $ent u to 5erusale" !ro" Daesarea, ,and the #hie! riest and the rin#i al "en o! the 5e$s "ade "ani!est to hi" Ithe thingsI against Paul, and $ere #alling on hi", -as'ing !avour against hi", that he "ay send !or hi" to 5erusale", "a'ing an a"bush to ut hi" to death in the $ay) .Then, indeed, Festus ans$ered that Paul is 'e t in Daesarea, and hi"sel! is about s eedily to go on thither, 'IThere!ore those able a"ong you ++ saith he ++ having #o"e do$n together, i! there be anything in this "an ++ let the" a##use hi",I /and having tarried a"ong the" "ore than ten days, having gone do$n to Daesarea, on the "orro$ having sat u on the tribunal, he #o""anded Paul to be brought, 0and he having #o"e, there stood round about the 5e$s $ho have #o"e do$n !ro" 5erusale" ++ "any and $eighty #harges they are bringing against Paul, $hi#h they $ere not able to rove, $he "a'ing de!en#e ++ I/either in regard to the la$ o! the 5e$s, nor in regard to the te" le, nor in regard to Daesar ++ did 0 #o""it any sin)I #ZRPVLC LSO N`BHAC VR N`AUTBA XNVA VUNBC RXNUAC AONHR NBC BNULPLKSXA A`L YABPAUNBAC ,NONZAOBPAO WN ASVQ L AUTBNUNSC YAB LB `UQVLB VQO BLSWABQO YAVA VLS `ASKLS YAB `AUNYAKLSO ASVLO -ABVLSXNOLB TAUBO YAV ASVLS L`QC XNVA`NXcRVAB ASVLO NBC BNULSPAKRX NONWUAO `LBLSOVNC AONKNBO ASVLO YAVA VRO LWLO .L XNO LSO ZRPVLC A`NYUB]R VRUNBP]AB VLO `ASKLO NO YABPAUNBA NASVLO WN XNKKNBO NO VATNB NY`LUNSNP]AB 'LB LSO WSOAVLB NO SXBO ZRPBO PSMYAVAHAOVNC NB VB NPVBO NO VQ AOWUB VLSVQ YAVRMLUNBVQPAO ASVLS /WBAVUBcAC WN NO ASVLBC RXNUAC `KNBLSC R WNYA YAVAHAC NBC YABPAUNBAO VR N`ASUBLO YA]BPAC N`B VLS HRXAVLC NYNKNSPNO VLO `ASKLO AT]ROAB 0`AUAMNOLXNOLS WN ASVLS `NUBNPVRPAO LB A`L BNULPLKSXQO YAVAHNHRYLVNC BLSWABLB `LKKA YAB HAUNA ABVBAXAVA ZNULOVNC YAVA VLS `ASKLS A LSY BPTSLO A`LWNBaAB $A`LKLMLSXNOLS ASVLS LVB LSVN NBC VLO OLXLO VQO BLSWABQO LSVN NBC VL BNULO LSVN NBC YABPAUA VB RXAUVLO
%.nd Festus $illing to lay on the 5e$s a !avour, ans$ering Paul, said, I.rt thou $illing, to 5erusale" having gone u , there #on#erning these things to be -udged be!ore "ebI #(and Paul said, I.t the tribunal o! Daesar 0 a" standing, $here it behoveth "e to be -udged, to 5e$s 0 did no unrighteousness, as thou dost also very $ell 'no$, ##!or i! indeed 0 a" unrighteous, and anything $orthy o! death have done, 0 de re#ate not to die, and i! there is none o! the things o! $hi#h these a##use "e, no one is able to "a'e a !avour o! "e to the", to Daesar 0 a ealdI #,then Festus, having #o""uned $ith the #oun#il, ans$ered, ITo Daesar thou hast a ealed, to Daesar thou shalt go)I #-.nd #ertain days having assed, .gri a the 'ing, and Berni#e, #a"e do$n to Daesarea saluting Festus, #.and as they $ere #ontinuing there "ore days, Festus sub"itted to the 'ing the things #on#erning Paul, saying, IThere is a #ertain "an, le!t by Feli(, a risoner, #'about $ho", in "y being at 5erusale", the #hie! riests and the elders o! the 5e$s laid in!or"ation, as'ing a de#ision against hi", %L ZRPVLC WN VLBC BLSWABLBC ]NKQO TAUBO YAVA]NP]AB A`LYUB]NBC VQ `ASKQ NB`NO ]NKNBC NBC BNULPLKSXA AOAHAC NYNB `NUB VLSVQO YUBONP]AB N` NXLS #(NB`NO WN L `ASKLC N`B VLS HRXAVLC YABPAULC NPVQC NBXB LS XN WNB YUBONP]AB BLSWABLSC LSWNO RWBYRPA QC YAB PS YAKKBLO N`BMBOQPYNBC ##NB XNO MAU AWBYQ YAB AaBLO ]AOAVLS `N`UATA VB LS `AUABVLSXAB VL A`L]AONBO NB WN LSWNO NPVBO QO LSVLB YAVRMLULSPBO XLS LSWNBC XN WSOAVAB ASVLBC TAUBPAP]AB YABPAUA N`BYAKLSXAB #,VLVN L ZRPVLC PSKKAKRPAC XNVA VLS PSXHLSKBLS A`NYUB]R YABPAUA N`BYNYKRPAB N`B YABPAUA `LUNSPR #-RXNUQO WN WBAMNOLXNOQO VBOQO AMUB``AC L HAPBKNSC YAB HNUOBYR YAVROVRPAO NBC YABPAUNBAO AP`APLXNOLB VLO ZRPVLO #.QC WN `KNBLSC RXNUAC WBNVUBHLO NYNB L ZRPVLC VQ HAPBKNB AON]NVL VA YAVA VLO `ASKLO KNMQO AORU VBC NPVBO YAVAKNKNBXXNOLC S`L ZRKBYLC WNPXBLC #'`NUB LS MNOLXNOLS XLS NBC BNULPLKSXA NONZAOBPAO LB AUTBNUNBC YAB LB `UNPHSVNULB VQO BLSWABQO ABVLSXNOLB YAV ASVLS WBYRO
#/unto $ho" 0 ans$ered, that it is not a #usto" o! Ro"ans to "a'e a !avour o! any "an to die, be!ore that he $ho is a##used "ay have the a##users !a#e to !a#e, and "ay re#eive la#e o! de!en#e in regard to the #harge laid against Ihi"I) #0IThey, there!ore, having #o"e together ++ 0, "a'ing no delay, on the su##eeding IdayI having sat u on the tribunal, did #o""and the "an to be brought, #$#on#erning $ho" the a##users, having stood u , $ere bringing against Ihi"I no a##usation o! the things 0 $as thin'ing o!, #%but #ertain ?uestions #on#erning their o$n religion they had against hi", and #on#erning a #ertain 5esus $ho $as dead, $ho" Paul a!!ir"ed to be alive, ,(and 0, doubting in regard to the ?uestion #on#erning this, said, 0! he $ould $ish to go on to 5erusale", and there to be -udged #on#erning these things ++ ,#but Paul having a ealed to be 'e t to the hearing o! Sebastus, 0 did #o""and hi" to be 'e t till 0 "ight send hi" unto Daesar)I ,,.nd .gri a said unto Festus, I0 $as $ishing also "ysel! to hear the "an,I and he said, ITo+"orro$ thou shalt hear hi",I #/`ULC LSC A`NYUB]RO LVB LSY NPVBO N]LC UQXABLBC TAUB\NP]AB VBOA AO]UQ`LO NBC A`QKNBAO `UBO R L YAVRMLULSXNOLC YAVA `ULPQ`LO NTLB VLSC YAVRMLULSC VL`LO VN A`LKLMBAC KAHLB `NUB VLS NMYKRXAVLC #0PSONK]LOVQO LSO ASVQO NO]AWN AOAHLKRO XRWNXBAO `LBRPAXNOLC VR NaRC YA]BPAC N`B VLS HRXAVLC NYNKNSPA AT]ROAB VLO AOWUA #$`NUB LS PVA]NOVNC LB YAVRMLULB LSWNXBAO ABVBAO N`NZNULO QO S`NOLLSO NMQ #%\RVRXAVA WN VBOA `NUB VRC BWBAC WNBPBWABXLOBAC NBTLO `ULC ASVLO YAB `NUB VBOLC BRPLS VN]ORYLVLC LO NZAPYNO L `ASKLC \RO ,(A`LULSXNOLC WN NMQ NBC VRO `NUB VLSVLS \RVRPBO NKNMLO NB HLSKLBVL `LUNSNP]AB NBC BNULSPAKRX YAYNB YUBONP]AB `NUB VLSVQO ,#VLS WN `ASKLS N`BYAKNPAXNOLS VRUR]ROAB ASVLO NBC VRO VLS PNHAPVLS WBAMOQPBO NYNKNSPA VRUNBP]AB ASVLO NQC LS `NXcQ ASVLO `ULC YABPAUA ,,AMUB``AC WN `ULC VLO ZRPVLO NZR NHLSKLXRO YAB ASVLC VLS AO]UQ`LS AYLSPAB L WN ASUBLO ZRPBO AYLSPR ASVLS
,-on the "orro$, there!ore ++ on the #o"ing o! .gri a and Berni#e $ith "u#h dis lay, and they having entered into the audien#e #ha"ber, $ith the #hie! #a tains also, and the rin#i al "en o! the #ity, and Festus having ordered ++ Paul $as brought !orth) ,..nd Festus said, IKing .gri a, and all "en $ho are resent $ith us, ye see this one, about $ho" all the "ultitude o! the 5e$s did deal $ith "e, both in 5erusale" and here, #rying out, He ought not to live any longer, ,'and 0, having !ound hi" to have done nothing $orthy o! death, and he also hi"sel! having a ealed to Sebastus, 0 de#ided to send hi", ,/#on#erning $ho" 0 have no #ertain thing to $rite to I"yI lord, $here!ore 0 brought hi" !orth be!ore you, and s e#ially be!ore thee, 'ing .gri a, that the e(a"ination having been "ade, 0 "ay have so"ething to $rite, ,0!or it doth see" to "e irrational, sending a risoner, not also to signi!y the #harges against hi")I ,-VR LSO N`ASUBLO NK]LOVLC VLS AMUB``A YAB VRC HNUOBYRC XNVA `LKKRC ZAOVAPBAC YAB NBPNK]LOVQO NBC VL AYULAVRUBLO PSO VN VLBC TBKBAUTLBC YAB AOWUAPBO VLBC YAV NaLTRO LSPBO VRC `LKNQC YAB YNKNSPAOVLC VLS ZRPVLS RT]R L `ASKLC ,.YAB ZRPBO L ZRPVLC AMUB``A HAPBKNS YAB `AOVNC LB PSX`AULOVNC RXBO AOWUNC ]NQUNBVN VLSVLO `NUB LS `AO VL `KR]LC VQO BLSWABQO NONVSTLO XLB NO VN BNULPLKSXLBC YAB NO]AWN N`BHLQOVNC XR WNBO \RO ASVLO XRYNVB ,'NMQ WN YAVAKAHLXNOLC XRWNO AaBLO ]AOAVLS ASVLO `N`UATNOAB YAB ASVLS WN VLSVLS N`BYAKNPAXNOLS VLO PNHAPVLO NYUBOA `NX`NBO ASVLO ,/`NUB LS APZAKNC VB MUAcAB VQ YSUBQ LSY NTQ WBL `ULRMAMLO ASVLO NZ SXQO YAB XAKBPVA N`B PLS HAPBKNS AMUB``A L`QC VRC AOAYUBPNQC MNOLXNORC PTQ VB MUAcAB ,0AKLMLO MAU XLB WLYNB `NX`LOVA WNPXBLO XR YAB VAC YAV ASVLS ABVBAC PRXAOAB
+hapter ,/
#.nd .gri a said unto Paul, I0t is er"itted to thee to s ea' !or thysel!,I then Paul having stret#hed !orth the hand, $as "a'ing a de!en#eF ,IDon#erning all things o! $hi#h 0 a" a##used by 5e$s, 'ing .gri a, 0 have thought "ysel! ha y, being about to "a'e a de!en#e be!ore thee to+day, -es e#ially 'no$ing thee to be a#?uainted $ith all things ++ both #usto"s and ?uestions ++ a"ong 5e$s, $here!ore, 0 besee#h thee, atiently to hear "e) .IThe "anner o! "y li!e then, indeed, !ro" youth ++ $hi#h !ro" the beginning $as a"ong "y nation, in 5erusale" ++ 'no$ do all the 5e$s, ''no$ing "e be!ore !ro" the !irst, 7i! they "ay be $illing to testi!y,< that a!ter the "ost e(a#t se#t o! our $orshi , 0 lived a Pharisee, /and no$ !or the ho e o! the ro"ise "ade to the !athers by &od, 0 have stood -udged, 0to $hi#h our t$elve tribes, intently night and day serving, do ho e to #o"e, #on#erning $hi#h ho e 0 a" a##used, 'ing .gri a, by the 5e$s, $$hy is it -udged in#redible $ith you, i! &od doth raise the deadb #AMUB``AC WN `ULC VLO `ASKLO NZR N`BVUN`NVAB PLB S`NU PNASVLS KNMNBO VLVN L `ASKLC A`NKLMNBVL NYVNBOAC VRO TNBUA ,`NUB `AOVQO QO NMYAKLSXAB S`L BLSWABQO HAPBKNS AMUB``A RMRXAB NXASVLO XAYAUBLO XNKKQO A`LKLMNBP]AB N`B PLS PRXNULO -XAKBPVA MOQPVRO LOVA PN `AOVQO VQO YAVA BLSWABLSC N]QO VN YAB \RVRXAVQO WBL WNLXAB PLS XAYUL]SXQC AYLSPAB XLS .VRO XNO LSO HBQPBO XLS VRO NY ONLVRVLC VRO A` AUTRC MNOLXNORO NO VQ N]ONB XLS NO BNULPLKSXLBC BPAPBO `AOVNC LB BLSWABLB '`ULMBOQPYLOVNC XN AOQ]NO NAO ]NKQPBO XAUVSUNBO LVB YAVA VRO AYUBHNPVAVRO ABUNPBO VRC RXNVNUAC ]URPYNBAC N\RPA ZAUBPABLC /YAB OSO N` NK`BWB VRC `ULC VLSC `AVNUAC N`AMMNKBAC MNOLXNORC S`L VLS ]NLS NPVRYA YUBOLXNOLC 0NBC RO VL WQWNYAZSKLO RXQO NO NYVNONBA OSYVA YAB RXNUAO KAVUNSLO NK`B\NB YAVAOVRPAB `NUB RC NK`BWLC NMYAKLSXAB HAPBKNS AMUB``A S`L VQO BLSWABQO $VB A`BPVLO YUBONVAB `AU SXBO NB L ]NLC ONYULSC NMNBUNB
%I0, indeed, there!ore, thought $ith "ysel!, that against the na"e o! 5esus o! /aEareth it behoved I"eI "any things to do, #($hi#h also 0 did in 5erusale", and "any o! the saints 0 in rison did shut u , !ro" the #hie! riests having re#eived the authority, they also being ut to death, 0 gave "y vote against the", ##and in every synagogue, o!ten unishing the", 0 $as #onstraining Ithe"I to s ea' evil, being also e(#eedingly "ad against the", 0 $as also erse#uting Ithe"I even unto strange #ities) #,I0n $hi#h things, also, going on to Da"as#us ++ $ith authority and #o""ission !ro" the #hie! riests ++ #-at "id+day, 0 sa$ in the $ay, O 'ing, out o! heaven, above the brightness o! the sun, shining round about "e a light ++ and those going on $ith "e, #.and $e all having !allen to the earth, 0 heard a voi#e s ea'ing unto "e, and saying in the Hebre$ diale#t, Saul, Saul, $hy "e dost thou erse#uteb hard !or thee against ri#'s to 'i#'d #'I.nd 0 said, Who art thou, Lordb and he said, 0 a" 5esus $ho" thou dost erse#ute, %NMQ XNO LSO NWLaA NXASVQ `ULC VL LOLXA BRPLS VLS OA\QUABLS WNBO `LKKA NOAOVBA `UAaAB #(L YAB N`LBRPA NO BNULPLKSXLBC YAB `LKKLSC VQO AMBQO NMQ ZSKAYABC YAVNYKNBPA VRO `AUA VQO AUTBNUNQO NaLSPBAO KAHQO AOABULSXNOQO VN ASVQO YAVRONMYA cRZLO ##YAB YAVA `APAC VAC PSOAMQMAC `LKKAYBC VBXQUQO ASVLSC ROAMYA\LO HKAPZRXNBO `NUBPPQC VN NXXABOLXNOLC ASVLBC NWBQYLO NQC YAB NBC VAC NaQ `LKNBC #,NO LBC YAB `LUNSLXNOLC NBC VRO WAXAPYLO XNV NaLSPBAC YAB N`BVUL`RC VRC `AUA VQO AUTBNUNQO #-RXNUAC XNPRC YAVA VRO LWLO NBWLO HAPBKNS LSUAOL]NO S`NU VRO KAX`ULVRVA VLS RKBLS `NUBKAXcAO XN ZQC YAB VLSC PSO NXLB `LUNSLXNOLSC #.`AOVQO WN YAVA`NPLOVQO RXQO NBC VRO MRO RYLSPA ZQORO KAKLSPAO `ULC XN YAB KNMLSPAO VR NHUABWB WBAKNYVQ PALSK PALSK VB XN WBQYNBC PYKRULO PLB `ULC YNOVUA KAYVB\NBO #'NMQ WN NB`LO VBC NB YSUBN L WN NB`NO NMQ NBXB BRPLSC LO PS WBQYNBC
#/but rise, and stand u on thy !eet, !or !or this 0 a eared to thee, to a oint thee an o!!i#er and a $itness both o! the things thou didst see, and o! the things Iin $hi#hI 0 $ill a ear to thee, #0delivering thee !ro" the eo le, and the nations, to $ho" no$ 0 send thee, #$to o en their eyes, to turn Ithe"I !ro" dar'ness to light, and I!ro"I the authority o! the .dversary unto &od, !or their re#eiving !orgiveness o! sins, and a lot a"ong those having been san#ti!ied, by !aith that IisI to$ard "e) #%IWhereu on, 'ing .gri a, 0 $as not disobedient to the heavenly vision, ,(but to those in Da"as#us !irst, and to those in 5erusale", to all the region also o! 5udea, and to the nations, 0 $as rea#hing to re!or", and to turn ba#' unto &od, doing $or's $orthy o! re!or"ation, ,#be#ause o! these things the 5e$s ++ having #aught "e in the te" le ++ $ere endeavouring to 'ill I"eI) ,,IHaving obtained, there!ore, hel !ro" &od, till this day, 0 have stood $itnessing both to s"all and to great, saying nothing besides the things that both the ro hets and @oses s a'e o! as about to #o"e, ,-that the Dhrist is to su!!er, $hether !irst by a rising !ro" the dead, he is about to ro#lai" light to the eo le and to the nations)I #/AKKA AOAPVR]B YAB PVR]B N`B VLSC `LWAC PLS NBC VLSVL MAU QZ]RO PLB `ULTNBUBPAP]AB PN S`RUNVRO YAB XAUVSUA QO VN NBWNC QO VN LZ]RPLXAB PLB #0NaABULSXNOLC PN NY VLS KALS YAB VQO N]OQO NBC LSC OSO PN A`LPVNKKQ #$AOLBaAB LZ]AKXLSC ASVQO VLS N`BPVUNcAB A`L PYLVLSC NBC ZQC YAB VRC NaLSPBAC VLS PAVAOA N`B VLO ]NLO VLS KAHNBO ASVLSC AZNPBO AXAUVBQO YAB YKRULO NO VLBC RMBAPXNOLBC `BPVNB VR NBC NXN #%L]NO HAPBKNS AMUB``A LSY NMNOLXRO A`NB]RC VR LSUAOBQ L`VAPBA ,(AKKA VLBC NO WAXAPYQ `UQVLO YAB BNULPLKSXLBC NBC `APAO VN VRO TQUAO VRC BLSWABAC YAB VLBC N]ONPBO A`AMMNKKQO XNVAOLNBO YAB N`BPVUNZNBO N`B VLO ]NLO AaBA VRC XNVAOLBAC NUMA `UAPPLOVAC ,#NONYA VLSVQO XN LB BLSWABLB PSKKAHLXNOLB NO VQ BNUQ N`NBUQOVL WBATNBUBPAP]AB ,,N`BYLSUBAC LSO VSTQO VRC `AUA VLS ]NLS ATUB VRC RXNUAC VASVRC NPVRYA XAUVSULSXNOLC XBYUQ VN YAB XNMAKQ LSWNO NYVLC KNMQO QO VN LB `ULZRVAB NKAKRPAO XNKKLOVQO MBONP]AB YAB XQPRC ,-NB `A]RVLC L TUBPVLC NB `UQVLC Na AOAPVAPNQC ONYUQO ZQC XNKKNB YAVAMMNKKNBO VQ KAQ YAB VLBC N]ONPBO
,..nd, he thus "a'ing a de!en#e, Festus $ith a loud voi#e said, IThou art "ad, Paul, "u#h learning doth turn thee "ad,I ,'and he saith, I0 a" not "ad, "ost noble Festus, but o! truth and soberness the sayings 0 s ea' !orth, ,/!or the 'ing doth 'no$ #on#erning these things, be!ore $ho" also 0 s ea' boldly, !or none o! these things, 0 a" ersuaded, are hidden !ro" hi", !or this thing hath not been done in a #orner, ,0thou dost believe, 'ing .gri a, the ro hetsb 0 have 'no$n that thou dost believedI ,$.nd .gri a said unto Paul, I0n a little thou dost ersuade "e to be#o"e a DhristiandI ,%and Paul said, I0 $ould have $ished to &od, both in a little, and in "u#h, not only thee, but also all those hearing "e to+day, to be#o"e su#h as 0 also a" ++ e(#e t these bonds)I ,.VASVA WN ASVLS A`LKLMLSXNOLS L ZRPVLC XNMAKR VR ZQOR NZR XABOR `ASKN VA `LKKA PN MUAXXAVA NBC XAOBAO `NUBVUN`NB ,'L WN LS XABOLXAB ZRPBO YUAVBPVN ZRPVN AKK AKR]NBAC YAB PQZULPSORC URXAVA A`LZ]NMMLXAB ,/N`BPVAVAB MAU `NUB VLSVQO L HAPBKNSC `ULC LO YAB `AUURPBA\LXNOLC KAKQ KAO]AONBO MAU ASVLO VB VLSVQO LS `NB]LXAB LSWNO LS MAU NPVBO NO MQOBA `N`UAMXNOLO VLSVL ,0`BPVNSNBC HAPBKNS AMUB``A VLBC `ULZRVABC LBWA LVB `BPVNSNBC
-,and .gri a said to Festus, IThis "an "ight have been released i! he had not a ealed to Daesar)I -,AMUB``AC WN VQ ZRPVQ NZR A`LKNKSP]AB NWSOAVL L AO]UQ`LC LSVLC NB XR N`NYNYKRVL YABPAUA
+hapter ,0
#.nd $hen our sailing to 0taly $as deter"ined, they $ere delivering u both Paul and #ertain others, risoners, to a #enturion, by na"e 5ulius, o! the band o! Sebastus, ,and having e"bar'ed in a shi o! .dra"yttiu", $e, being about to sail by the #oasts o! .sia, did set sail, there being $ith us .ristar#hus, a @a#edonian o! Thessaloni#a, -on the ne(t IdayI also $e tou#hed at Sidon, and 5ulius, #ourteously treating Paul, did er"it Ihi"I, having gone on unto !riends, to re#eive ItheirI #are) ..nd then#e, having set sail, $e sailed under Dy rus, be#ause o! the $inds being #ontrary, 'and having sailed over the sea over+ against Dili#ia and Pa" hylia, $e #a"e to @yria o! Ly#ia, /and there the #enturion having !ound a shi o! .le(andria, sailing to 0taly, did ut us into it, 0and having sailed slo$ly "any days, and $ith di!!i#ulty #o"ing over+ against Dnidus, the $ind not su!!ering us, $e sailed under Drete, over+against Sal"one, $and hardly assing it, $e #a"e to a #ertain la#e #alled IFair Havens,I nigh to $hi#h $as the #ity Io!I Lasaea) #QC WN NYUB]R VLS A`L`KNBO RXAC NBC VRO BVAKBAO `AUNWBWLSO VLO VN `ASKLO YAB VBOAC NVNULSC WNPXQVAC NYAVLOVAUTR LOLXAVB BLSKBQ P`NBURC PNHAPVRC ,N`BHAOVNC WN `KLBQ AWUAXSVVROQ XNKKLOVNC `KNBO VLSC YAVA VRO APBAO VL`LSC AORT]RXNO LOVLC PSO RXBO AUBPVAUTLS XAYNWLOLC ]NPPAKLOBYNQC -VR VN NVNUA YAVRT]RXNO NBC PBWQOA ZBKAO]UQ`QC VN L BLSKBLC VQ `ASKQ TURPAXNOLC N`NVUNcNO `ULC ZBKLSC `LUNS]NOVA N`BXNKNBAC VSTNBO .YAYNB]NO AOAT]NOVNC S`N`KNSPAXNO VRO YS`ULO WBA VL VLSC AONXLSC NBOAB NOAOVBLSC 'VL VN `NKAMLC VL YAVA VRO YBKBYBAO YAB `AXZSKBAO WBA`KNSPAOVNC YAVRK]LXNO NBC XSUA VRC KSYBAC /YAYNB NSUQO L NYAVLOVAUTLC `KLBLO AKNaAOWUBOLO `KNLO NBC VRO BVAKBAO NONHBHAPNO RXAC NBC ASVL 0NO BYAOABC WN RXNUABC HUAWS`KLLSOVNC YAB XLKBC MNOLXNOLB YAVA VRO YOBWLO XR `ULPNQOVLC RXAC VLS AONXLS S`N`KNSPAXNO VRO YURVRO YAVA PAKXQORO $XLKBC VN `AUAKNMLXNOLB ASVRO RK]LXNO NBC VL`LO VBOA YAKLSXNOLO YAKLSC KBXNOAC Q NMMSC RO `LKBC KAPABA
%.nd "u#h ti"e being s ent, and the sailing being no$ dangerous ++ be#ause o! the !ast also being already ast ++ Paul $as ad"onishing, #(saying to the", I@en, 0 er#eive that $ith hurt, and "u#h da"age, not only o! the lading and o! the shi , but also o! our lives ++ the voyage is about to be,I ##but the #enturion to the ilot and to the shi o$ner gave #reden#e "ore than to the things s o'en by Paul, #,and the haven being in#o""odious to $inter in, the "ore art gave #ounsel to sail then#e also, i! by any "eans they "ight be able, having attained to Pheni#e, IthereI to $inter, I$hi#h isI a haven o! Drete, loo'ing to the south+$est and north+$est, #-and a south $ind blo$ing so!tly, having thought they had obtained ItheirI ur ose, having li!ted an#hor, they sailed #lose by Drete, #.and not long a!ter there arose against it a te" estuous $ind, that is #alled Euro#lydon, #'and the shi being #aught, and not being able to bear u against the $ind, having given IherI u , $e $ere borne on, #/and having run under a #ertain little isle, #alled Dlauda, $e $ere hardly able to be#o"e "asters o! the boat, %BYAOLS WN TULOLS WBAMNOLXNOLS YAB LOVLC RWR N`BPZAKLSC VLS `KLLC WBA VL YAB VRO ORPVNBAO RWR `AUNKRKS]NOAB `AURONB L `ASKLC #(KNMQO ASVLBC AOWUNC ]NQUQ LVB XNVA SHUNQC YAB `LKKRC \RXBAC LS XLOLO VLS ZLUVLS YAB VLS `KLBLS AKKA YAB VQO cSTQO RXQO XNKKNBO NPNP]AB VLO `KLSO ##L WN NYAVLOVAUTLC VQ YSHNUORVR YAB VQ OASYKRUQ N`NB]NVL XAKKLO R VLBC S`L VLS `ASKLS KNMLXNOLBC #,AONS]NVLS WN VLS KBXNOLC S`AUTLOVLC `ULC `AUATNBXAPBAO LB `KNBLSC N]NOVL HLSKRO AOAT]ROAB YAYNB]NO NB`QC WSOABOVL YAVAOVRPAOVNC NBC ZLBOBYA `AUATNBXAPAB KBXNOA VRC YURVRC HKN`LOVA YAVA KBHA YAB YAVA TQULO #-S`L`ONSPAOVLC WN OLVLS WLaAOVNC VRC `UL]NPNQC YNYUAVRYNOAB AUAOVNC APPLO `AUNKNMLOVL VRO YURVRO #.XNV LS `LKS WN NHAKNO YAV ASVRC AONXLC VSZQOBYLC L YAKLSXNOLC NSULYKSWQO #'PSOAU`AP]NOVLC WN VLS `KLBLS YAB XR WSOAXNOLS AOVLZ]AKXNBO VQ AONXQ N`BWLOVNC NZNULXN]A #/ORPBLO WN VB S`LWUAXLOVNC YAKLSXNOLO YKASWRO XLKBC BPTSPAXNO `NUBYUAVNBC MNONP]AB VRC PYAZRC
#0$hi#h having ta'en u , they $ere using hel s, undergirding the shi , and !earing lest they "ay !all on the ?ui#'sand, having let do$n the "ast ++ so $ere borne on) #$.nd $e, being e(#eedingly te" est+ tossed, the su##eeding IdayI they $ere "a'ing a #learing, #%and on the third IdayI $ith our o$n hands the ta#'ling o! the shi $e #ast out, ,(and neither sun nor stars a earing !or "ore days, and not a little te" est lying u on us, then#e!orth all ho e $as ta'en a$ay o! our being saved) #0RO AUAOVNC HLR]NBABC NTUQOVL S`L\QOOSOVNC VL `KLBLO ZLHLSXNOLB VN XR NBC VRO PSUVBO NY`NPQPBO TAKAPAOVNC VL PYNSLC LSVQC NZNULOVL #$PZLWUQC WN TNBXA\LXNOQO RXQO VR NaRC NYHLKRO N`LBLSOVL #%YAB VR VUBVR ASVLTNBUNC VRO PYNSRO VLS `KLBLS NUUBcAXNO
,(XRVN WN RKBLS XRVN APVUQO N`BZABOLOVQO N`B `KNBLOAC RXNUAC TNBXQOLC VN LSY LKBMLS N`BYNBXNOLS KLB`LO `NUBRUNBVL `APA NK`BC VLS PQ\NP]AB RXAC ,#.nd there having been long !asting, ,#`LKKRC WN APBVBAC S`AUTLSPRC VLVN then Paul having stood in the "idst o! PVA]NBC L `ASKLC NO XNPQ ASVQO NB`NO the", said, I0t behoved IyouI, indeed, O NWNB XNO Q AOWUNC `NB]AUTRPAOVAC XLB "en ++ having hear'ened to "e ++ not XR AOAMNP]AB A`L VRC YURVRC to set sail !ro" Drete, and to save this YNUWRPAB VN VRO SHUBO VASVRO YAB VRO hurt and da"age, \RXBAO ,,and no$ 0 e(hort you to be o! good ,,YAB VAOSO `AUABOQ SXAC NS]SXNBO #heer, !or there shall be no loss o! li!e A`LHLKR MAU cSTRC LSWNXBA NPVAB Na a"ong you ++ but o! the shi , SXQO `KRO VLS `KLBLS ,-!or there stood by "e this night a ,-`AUNPVR MAU XLB VR OSYVB VASVR "essenger o! &od ++ $hose 0 a", and AMMNKLC VLS ]NLS LS NBXB Q YAB $ho" 0 serve ++ KAVUNSQ ,.saying, Be not a!raid Paul, be!ore ,.KNMQO XR ZLHLS `ASKN YABPAUB PN Daesar it behoveth thee to stand, and, WNB `AUAPVROAB YAB BWLS YNTAUBPVAB lo, &od hath granted to thee all those PLB L ]NLC `AOVAC VLSC `KNLOVAC XNVA sailing $ith thee, PLS
,'$here!ore be o! good #heer, "end !or 0 believe &od, that so it shall be, even as it hath been s o'en to "e, ,/and on a #ertain island it behoveth us to be #ast)I ,0.nd $hen the !ourteenth night #a"e ++ $e being borne u and do$n in the .dria ++ to$ard the "iddle o! the night the sailors $ere su osing that so"e #ountry dre$ nigh to the", ,$and having sounded they !ound t$enty !atho"s, and having gone a little !arther, and again having sounded, they !ound !i!teen !atho"s, ,%and !earing lest on rough la#es $e "ay !all, out o! the stern having #ast !our an#hors, they $ere $ishing day to #o"e) -(.nd the sailors see'ing to !lee out o! the shi , and having let do$n the boat to the sea, in reten#e as Ii!I out o! the !oreshi they are about to #ast an#hors, -#Paul said to the #enturion and to the soldiers, I0! these do not re"ain in the shi ++ ye are not able to be saved,I ,'WBL NS]SXNBVN AOWUNC `BPVNSQ MAU VQ ]NQ LVB LSVQC NPVAB YA] LO VUL`LO KNKAKRVAB XLB ,/NBC ORPLO WN VBOA WNB RXAC NY`NPNBO
--.nd till the day $as about to be, Paul $as #alling u on all to arta'e o! nourish"ent, saying, IFourteen days to+day, $aiting, ye #ontinue !asting, having ta'en nothing, --ATUB WN LS NXNKKNO RXNUA MBONP]AB `AUNYAKNB L `ASKLC A`AOVAC XNVAKAHNBO VULZRC KNMQO VNPPAUNPYABWNYAVRO PRXNULO RXNUAO `ULPWLYQOVNC APBVLB WBAVNKNBVN XRWNO `ULPKAHLXNOLB -.$here!ore 0 #all u on you to ta'e -.WBL `AUAYAKQ SXAC `ULPKAHNBO nourish"ent, !or this is !or your sa!ety, VULZRC VLSVL MAU `ULC VRC SXNVNUAC !or o! not one o! you shall a hair !ro" PQVRUBAC S`AUTNB LSWNOLC MAU SXQO the head !all,I ]UBa NY VRC YNZAKRC `NPNBVAB -'and having said these things, and -'NB`QO WN VASVA YAB KAHQO AUVLO having ta'en bread, he gave than's to NSTAUBPVRPNO VQ ]NQ NOQ`BLO `AOVQO &od be!ore all, and having bro'en IitI, YAB YKAPAC RUaAVL NP]BNBO he began to eat, -/and all having be#o"e o! good -/NS]SXLB WN MNOLXNOLB `AOVNC YAB #heer, the"selves also too' !ood, ASVLB `ULPNKAHLOVL VULZRC -07and $e $ere ++ all the souls in the -0RXNO WN NO VQ `KLBQ AB `APAB cSTAB shi ++ t$o hundred, seventy and si(<, WBAYLPBAB NHWLXRYLOVANa -$and having eaten su!!i#ient -$YLUNP]NOVNC WN VULZRC NYLSZB\LO nourish"ent, they $ere lightening the VL `KLBLO NYHAKKLXNOLB VLO PBVLO NBC shi , #asting !orth the $heat into the VRO ]AKAPPAO sea) -%.nd $hen the day #a"e, they $ere -%LVN WN RXNUA NMNONVL VRO MRO LSY not dis#erning the land, but a #ertain N`NMBOQPYLO YLK`LO WN VBOA #ree' $ere er#eiving having a bea#h, YAVNOLLSO NTLOVA ABMBAKLO NBC LO into $hi#h they too' #ounsel, i! NHLSKNSPAOVL NB WSOABOVL NaQPAB VL ossible, to thrust !or$ard the shi , `KLBLO .(and the an#hors having ta'en u , .(YAB VAC AMYSUAC `NUBNKLOVNC NBQO they $ere #o""itting IitI to the sea, at NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO AXA AONOVNC VAC the sa"e ti"e ++ having loosed the \NSYVRUBAC VQO `RWAKBQO YAB bands o! the rudders, and having N`AUAOVNC VLO AUVNXLOA VR `ONLSPR hoisted u the "ainsail to the $ind ++ YAVNBTLO NBC VLO ABMBAKLO they $ere "a'ing !or the shore,
.#and having !allen into a la#e o! t$o seas, they ran the shi aground, and the !ore+ art, indeed, having stu#' !ast, did re"ain i""oveable, but the hinder+ art $as bro'en by the violen#e o! the $aves) .,.nd the soldiersI #ounsel $as that they should 'ill the risoners, lest any one having s$a" out should es#a e, .-but the #enturion, $ishing to save Paul, hindered the" !ro" the #ounsel, and did #o""and those able to s$i", having #ast the"selves out !irst ++ to get unto the land, ..and the rest, so"e indeed u on boards, and so"e u on #ertain things o! the shi , and thus it #a"e to ass that all #a"e sa!e unto the land) .#`NUB`NPLOVNC WN NBC VL`LO WB]AKAPPLO N`QYNBKAO VRO OASO YAB R XNO `UQUA NUNBPAPA NXNBONO APAKNSVLC R WN `USXOA NKSNVL S`L VRC HBAC VQO YSXAVQO .,VQO WN PVUAVBQVQO HLSKR NMNONVL BOA VLSC WNPXQVAC A`LYVNBOQPBO XRVBC NYYLKSXHRPAC WBAZSMLB .-L WN NYAVLOVAUTLC HLSKLXNOLC WBAPQPAB VLO `ASKLO NYQKSPNO ASVLSC VLS HLSKRXAVLC NYNKNSPNO VN VLSC WSOAXNOLSC YLKSXHAO A`LUUBcAOVAC `UQVLSC N`B VRO MRO NaBNOAB ..YAB VLSC KLB`LSC LSC XNO N`B PAOBPBO LSC WN N`B VBOQO VQO A`L VLS `KLBLS YAB LSVQC NMNONVL `AOVAC WBAPQ]ROAB N`B VRO MRO
+hapter ,$
#.nd having been saved, then they 'ne$ that the island is #alled @elita, ,and the !oreigners $ere she$ing us no ordinary 'indness, !or having 'indled a !ire, they re#eived us all, be#ause o! the ressing rain, and be#ause o! the #old, -but Paul having gathered together a ?uantity o! sti#'s, and having laid Ithe"I u on the !ire, a vi er ++ out o! the heat having #o"e ++ did !asten on his hand) ..nd $hen the !oreigners sa$ the beast hanging !ro" his hand, they said unto one another, IDertainly this "an is a "urderer, $ho", having been saved out o! the sea, the -usti#e did not su!!er to live,I 'he then, indeed, having sha'en o!! the beast into the !ire, su!!ered no evil, /and they $ere e( e#ting hi" to be about to be in!la"ed, or to !all do$n suddenly dead, and they, e( e#ting IitI a long ti"e, and seeing nothing un#o""on ha ening to hi", #hanging ItheirI "inds, said he $as a god) 0.nd in the neighbourhood o! that la#e $ere lands o! the rin#i al "an o! the island, by na"e Publius, $ho, having re#eived us, three days did #ourteously lodge IusI, #YAB WBAPQ]NOVNC VLVN N`NMOQPAO LVB XNKBVR R ORPLC YAKNBVAB ,LB WN HAUHAULB `AUNBTLO LS VRO VSTLSPAO ZBKAO]UQ`BAO RXBO AOAcAOVNC MAU `SUAO `ULPNKAHLOVL `AOVAC RXAC WBA VLO SNVLO VLO NZNPVQVA YAB WBA VL cSTLC -PSPVUNcAOVLC WN VLS `ASKLS ZUSMAOQO `KR]LC YAB N`B]NOVLC N`B VRO `SUAO NTBWOA NY VRC ]NUXRC NaNK]LSPA YA]RcNO VRC TNBULC ASVLS .QC WN NBWLO LB HAUHAULB YUNXAXNOLO VL ]RUBLO NY VRC TNBULC ASVLS NKNMLO `ULC AKKRKLSC `AOVQC ZLONSC NPVBO L AO]UQ`LC LSVLC LO WBAPQ]NOVA NY VRC ]AKAPPRC R WBYR \RO LSY NBAPNO 'L XNO LSO A`LVBOAaAC VL ]RUBLO NBC VL `SU N`A]NO LSWNO YAYLO /LB WN `ULPNWLYQO ASVLO XNKKNBO `BX`UAP]AB R YAVA`B`VNBO AZOQ ONYULO N`B `LKS WN ASVQO `ULPWLYQOVQO YAB ]NQULSOVQO XRWNO AVL`LO NBC ASVLO MBOLXNOLO XNVAHAKKLXNOLB NKNMLO ]NLO ASVLO NBOAB 0NO WN VLBC `NUB VLO VL`LO NYNBOLO S`RUTNO TQUBA VQ `UQVQ VRC ORPLS LOLXAVB `L`KBQ LC AOAWNaAXNOLC RXAC VUNBC RXNUAC ZBKLZULOQC NaNOBPNO
$and it #a"e to ass, the !ather o! Publius $ith !everish heats and dysentery ressed, $as laid, unto $ho" Paul having entered, and having rayed, having laid IhisI hands on hi", healed hi", %this, there!ore, being done, the others also in the island having in!ir"ities $ere #o"ing and $ere healed, #($ho also $ith "any honours did honour us, and $e setting sail ++ they $ere lading IusI $ith the things that $ere ne#essary) ##.nd a!ter three "onths, $e set sail in a shi 7that had $intered in the isle< o! .le(andria, $ith the sign Dios#uri, #,and having landed at Syra#use, $e re"ained three days, #-then#e having gone round, $e #a"e to Rhegiu", and a!ter one day, a south $ind having s rung u , the se#ond IdayI $e #a"e to Puteoli, #.$here, having !ound brethren, $e $ere #alled u on to re"ain $ith the" seven days, and thus to Ro"e $e #a"e, #'and then#e, the brethren having heard the things #on#erning us, #a"e !orth to "eet us, unto . ii Foru", and Three Taverns ++ $ho" Paul having seen, having given than's to &od, too' #ourage) $NMNONVL WN VLO `AVNUA VLS `L`KBLS `SUNVLBC YAB WSPNOVNUBA PSONTLXNOLO YAVAYNBP]AB `ULC LO L `ASKLC NBPNK]QO YAB `ULPNSaAXNOLC N`B]NBC VAC TNBUAC ASVQ BAPAVL ASVLO %VLSVLS LSO MNOLXNOLS YAB LB KLB`LB LB NTLOVNC AP]NONBAC NO VR ORPQ `ULPRUTLOVL YAB N]NUA`NSLOVL #(LB YAB `LKKABC VBXABC NVBXRPAO RXAC YAB AOAMLXNOLBC N`N]NOVL VA `ULC VRO TUNBAO ##XNVA WN VUNBC XROAC AORT]RXNO NO `KLBQ `AUAYNTNBXAYLVB NO VR ORPQ AKNaAOWUBOQ `AUAPRXQ WBLPYLSULBC #,YAB YAVAT]NOVNC NBC PSUAYLSPAC N`NXNBOAXNO RXNUAC VUNBC #-L]NO `NUBNK]LOVNC YAVROVRPAXNO NBC URMBLO YAB XNVA XBAO RXNUAO N`BMNOLXNOLS OLVLS WNSVNUABLB RK]LXNO NBC `LVBLKLSC #.LS NSULOVNC AWNKZLSC `AUNYKR]RXNO N` ASVLBC N`BXNBOAB RXNUAC N`VA YAB LSVQC NBC VRO UQXRO RK]LXNO #'YAYNB]NO LB AWNKZLB AYLSPAOVNC VA `NUB RXQO NaRK]LO NBC A`AOVRPBO RXBO ATUBC A``BLS ZLULS YAB VUBQO VAHNUOQO LSC BWQO L `ASKLC NSTAUBPVRPAC VQ ]NQ NKAHNO ]AUPLC
#/.nd $hen $e #a"e to Ro"e, the #enturion delivered u the risoners to the #a tain o! the barra#', but Paul $as su!!ered to re"ain by hi"sel!, $ith the soldier guarding hi") #0.nd it #a"e to ass a!ter three days, Paul #alled together those $ho are the rin#i al "en o! the 5e$s, and they having #o"e together, he said unto the"F I@en, brethren, 0 ++ having done nothing #ontrary to the eo le, or to the #usto"s o! the !athers ++ a risoner !ro" 5erusale", $as delivered u to the hands o! the Ro"ans, #$$ho, having e(a"ined "e, $ere $ishing to release I"eI, be#ause o! their being no #ause o! death in "e, #%and the 5e$s having s o'en against IitI, 0 $as #onstrained to a eal unto Daesar ++ not as having anything to a##use "y nation o!, ,(!or this #ause, there!ore, 0 #alled !or you to see and to s ea' $ith IyouI, !or be#ause o! the ho e o! 0srael $ith this #hain 0 a" bound)I #/LVN WN RK]LXNO NBC UQXRO L NYAVLOVAUTLC `AUNWQYNO VLSC WNPXBLSC VQ PVUAVL`NWAUTR VQ WN `ASKQ N`NVUA`R XNONBO YA] NASVLO PSO VQ ZSKAPPLOVB ASVLO PVUAVBQVR #0NMNONVL WN XNVA RXNUAC VUNBC PSMYAKNPAP]AB VLO `ASKLO VLSC LOVAC VQO BLSWABQO `UQVLSC PSONK]LOVQO WN ASVQO NKNMNO `ULC ASVLSC AOWUNC AWNKZLB NMQ LSWNO NOAOVBLO `LBRPAC VQ KAQ R VLBC N]NPBO VLBC `AVUQLBC WNPXBLC Na BNULPLKSXQO `AUNWL]RO NBC VAC TNBUAC VQO UQXABQO
,,and $e thin' it good !ro" thee to hear $hat thou dost thin', !or, indeed, #on#erning this se#t it is 'no$n to us that every$here it is s o'en against,I ,-and having a ointed hi" a day, they #a"e, "ore o! the" unto hi", to the lodging, to $ho" he $as e( ounding, testi!ying !ully the reign o! &od, ersuading the" also o! the things #on#erning 5esus, both !ro" the la$ o! @oses, and the ro hets, !ro" "orning till evening, ,.and, so"e, indeed, $ere believing the things s o'en, and so"e $ere not believing) ,'.nd not being agreed $ith one another, they $ere going a$ay, Paul having s o'en one $ord ++ IWell did the Holy S irit s ea' through 0saiah the ro het unto our !athers, ,/saying, &o on unto this eo le and say, With hearing ye shall hear, and ye shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see, and ye shall not er#eive, ,0!or "ade gross $as the heart o! this eo le, and $ith the ears they heard heavily, and their eyes they did #lose, lest they "ay see $ith the eyes, and $ith the heart "ay understand, and be turned ba#', and 0 "ay heal the") ,,AaBLSXNO WN `AUA PLS AYLSPAB A ZULONBC `NUB XNO MAU VRC ABUNPNQC VASVRC MOQPVLO NPVBO RXBO LVB `AOVATLS AOVBKNMNVAB ,-VAaAXNOLB WN ASVQ RXNUAO RYLO `ULC ASVLO NBC VRO aNOBAO `KNBLONC LBC NaNVB]NVL WBAXAUVSULXNOLC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS `NB]QO VN ASVLSC VA `NUB VLS BRPLS A`L VN VLS OLXLS XQPNQC YAB VQO `ULZRVQO A`L `UQB NQC NP`NUAC ,.YAB LB XNO N`NB]LOVL VLBC KNMLXNOLBC LB WN R`BPVLSO
,%and he having said these things, the 5e$s $ent a$ay, having "u#h dis utation a"ong the"selves, -(and Paul re"ained an entire t$o years in his o$n hired IhouseI, and $as re#eiving all those #o"ing in unto hi", -# rea#hing the reign o! &od, and tea#hing the things #on#erning the Lord 5esus Dhrist $ith all boldness ++ un!orbidden) ,%YAB VASVA ASVLS NB`LOVLC A`RK]LO LB BLSWABLB `LKKRO NTLOVNC NO NASVLBC PS\RVRPBO -(NXNBONO WN L `ASKLC WBNVBAO LKRO NO BWBQ XBP]QXAVB YAB A`NWNTNVL `AOVAC VLSC NBP`LUNSLXNOLSC `ULC ASVLO -#YRUSPPQO VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS YAB WBWAPYQO VA `NUB VLS YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS XNVA `APRC `AUURPBAC AYQKSVQC
+hapter #
#Paul, a servant o! 5esus Dhrist, a #alled a ostle, having been se arated to the good ne$s o! &od ++ ,$hi#h He announ#ed be!ore through His ro hets in holy $ritings ++ -#on#erning His Son, 7$ho is #o"e o! the seed o! David a##ording to the !lesh, .$ho is "ar'ed out Son o! &od in o$er, a##ording to the S irit o! san#ti!i#ation, by the rising again !ro" the dead,< 5esus Dhrist our Lord, 'through $ho" $e did re#eive gra#e and a ostleshi , !or obedien#e o! !aith a"ong all the nations, in behal! o! his na"e, /a"ong $ho" are also ye, the #alled o! 5esus Dhrist, 0to all $ho are in Ro"e, beloved o! &od, #alled saints, &ra#e to you, and ea#e, !ro" &od our Father, and I!ro"I the Lord 5esus Dhristd $!irst, indeed, 0 than' "y &od through 5esus Dhrist !or you all, that your !aith is ro#lai"ed in the $hole $orld, #`ASKLC WLSKLC BRPLS TUBPVLS YKRVLC A`LPVLKLC AZQUBPXNOLC NBC NSAMMNKBLO ]NLS ,L `ULN`RMMNBKAVL WBA VQO `ULZRVQO ASVLS NO MUAZABC AMBABC -`NUB VLS SBLS ASVLS VLS MNOLXNOLS NY P`NUXAVLC WAHBW YAVA PAUYA .VLS LUBP]NOVLC SBLS ]NLS NO WSOAXNB YAVA `ONSXA AMBQPSORC Na AOAPVAPNQC ONYUQO BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS YSUBLS RXQO 'WB LS NKAHLXNO TAUBO YAB A`LPVLKRO NBC S`AYLRO `BPVNQC NO `APBO VLBC N]ONPBO S`NU VLS LOLXAVLC ASVLS /NO LBC NPVN YAB SXNBC YKRVLB BRPLS TUBPVLS 0`APBO VLBC LSPBO NO UQXR AMA`RVLBC ]NLS YKRVLBC AMBLBC TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS $`UQVLO XNO NSTAUBPVQ VQ ]NQ XLS WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS S`NU `AOVQO SXQO LVB R `BPVBC SXQO YAVAMMNKKNVAB NO LKQ VQ YLPXQ
%!or &od is "y $itness, $ho" 0 serve in "y s irit in the good ne$s o! His Son, ho$ un#easingly 0 "a'e "ention o! you, #(al$ays in "y rayers besee#hing, i! by any "eans no$ at length 0 shall have a ros erous -ourney, by the $ill o! &od, to #o"e unto you, ##!or 0 long to see you, that 0 "ay i" art to you so"e s iritual gi!t, that ye "ay be established, #,and that is, that 0 "ay be #o"!orted together a"ong you, through the !aith in one another, both yours and "ine) #-.nd 0 do not $ish you to be ignorant, brethren, that "any ti"es 0 did ur ose to #o"e unto you ++ and $as hindered till the resent ti"e ++ that so"e !ruit 0 "ight have also a"ong you, even as also a"ong the other nations) #.Both to &ree's and to !oreigners, both to $ise and to thoughtless, 0 a" a debtor, #'so, as "u#h as in "e is, 0 a" ready also to you $ho IareI in Ro"e to ro#lai" good ne$s, #/!or 0 a" not asha"ed o! the good ne$s o! the Dhrist, !or it is the o$er o! &od to salvation to every one $ho is believing, both to 5e$ !irst, and to &ree') %XAUVSC MAU XLS NPVBO L ]NLC Q KAVUNSQ NO VQ `ONSXAVB XLS NO VQ NSAMMNKBQ VLS SBLS ASVLS QC AWBAKNB`VQC XONBAO SXQO `LBLSXAB #(`AOVLVN N`B VQO `ULPNSTQO XLS WNLXNOLC NB`QC RWR `LVN NSLWQ]RPLXAB NO VQ ]NKRXAVB VLS ]NLS NK]NBO `ULC SXAC ##N`B`L]Q MAU BWNBO SXAC BOA VB XNVAWQ TAUBPXA SXBO `ONSXAVBYLO NBC VL PVRUBT]ROAB SXAC #,VLSVL WN NPVBO PSX`AUAYKR]ROAB NO SXBO WBA VRC NO AKKRKLBC `BPVNQC SXQO VN YAB NXLS #-LS ]NKQ WN SXAC AMOLNBO AWNKZLB LVB `LKKAYBC `ULN]NXRO NK]NBO `ULC SXAC YAB NYQKS]RO ATUB VLS WNSUL BOA YAU`LO VBOA PTQ YAB NO SXBO YA]QC YAB NO VLBC KLB`LBC N]ONPBO #.NKKRPBO VN YAB HAUHAULBC PLZLBC VN YAB AOLRVLBC LZNBKNVRC NBXB #'LSVQC VL YAV NXN `UL]SXLO YAB SXBO VLBC NO UQXR NSAMMNKBPAP]AB #/LS MAU N`ABPTSOLXAB VL NSAMMNKBLO VLS TUBPVLS WSOAXBC MAU ]NLS NPVBO NBC PQVRUBAO `AOVB VQ `BPVNSLOVB BLSWABQ VN `UQVLO YAB NKKROB
#0For the righteousness o! &od in it is revealed !ro" !aith to !aith, a##ording as it hath been $ritten, I.nd the righteous one by !aith shall live,I #$!or revealed is the $rath o! &od !ro" heaven u on all i" iety and unrighteousness o! "en, holding do$n the truth in unrighteousness) #%Be#ause that $hi#h is 'no$n o! &od is "ani!est a"ong the", !or &od did "ani!est IitI to the", ,(!or the invisible things o! Hi" !ro" the #reation o! the $orld, by the things "ade being understood, are lainly seen, both His eternal o$er and &odhead ++ to their being ine(#usable, ,#be#ause, having 'no$n &od they did not glori!y IHi"I as &od, nor gave than's, but $ere "ade vain in their reasonings, and their unintelligent heart $as dar'ened, ,, ro!essing to be $ise, they $ere "ade !ools, ,-and #hanged the glory o! the in#orru tible &od into the li'eness o! an i"age o! #orru tible "an, and o! !o$ls, and o! ?uadru eds, and o! re tiles) ,.Where!ore also &od did give the" u , in the desires o! their hearts, to un#leanness, to dishonour their bodies a"ong the"selves, #0WBYABLPSOR MAU ]NLS NO ASVQ A`LYAKS`VNVAB NY `BPVNQC NBC `BPVBO YA]QC MNMUA`VAB L WN WBYABLC NY `BPVNQC \RPNVAB #$A`LYAKS`VNVAB MAU LUMR ]NLS A` LSUAOLS N`B `APAO APNHNBAO YAB AWBYBAO AO]UQ`QO VQO VRO AKR]NBAO NO AWBYBA YAVNTLOVQO #%WBLVB VL MOQPVLO VLS ]NLS ZAONULO NPVBO NO ASVLBC L MAU ]NLC ASVLBC NZAONUQPNO ,(VA MAU ALUAVA ASVLS A`L YVBPNQC YLPXLS VLBC `LBRXAPBO OLLSXNOA YA]LUAVAB R VN ABWBLC ASVLS WSOAXBC YAB ]NBLVRC NBC VL NBOAB ASVLSC AOA`LKLMRVLSC ,#WBLVB MOLOVNC VLO ]NLO LST QC ]NLO NWLaAPAO R NSTAUBPVRPAO AKK NXAVABQ]RPAO NO VLBC WBAKLMBPXLBC ASVQO YAB NPYLVBP]R R APSONVLC ASVQO YAUWBA ,,ZAPYLOVNC NBOAB PLZLB NXQUAO]RPAO ,-YAB RKKAaAO VRO WLaAO VLS AZ]AUVLS ]NLS NO LXLBQXAVB NBYLOLC Z]AUVLS AO]UQ`LS YAB `NVNBOQO YAB VNVUA`LWQO YAB NU`NVQO ,.WBL YAB `AUNWQYNO ASVLSC L ]NLC NO VABC N`B]SXBABC VQO YAUWBQO ASVQO NBC AYA]AUPBAO VLS AVBXA\NP]AB VA PQXAVA ASVQO NO NASVLBC
,'$ho did #hange the truth o! &od into a !alsehood, and did honour and serve the #reature rather than the Dreator, $ho is blessed to the ages) ."en) ,/Be#ause o! this did &od give the" u to dishonourable a!!e#tions, !or even their !e"ales did #hange the natural use into that against nature, ,0and in li'e "anner also the "ales having le!t the natural use o! the !e"ale, did burn in their longing to$ard one another, "ales $ith "ales $or'ing sha"e, and the re#o" ense o! their error that $as !it, in the"selves re#eiving) ,$.nd, a##ording as they did not a rove o! having &od in 'no$ledge, &od gave the" u to a disa roved "ind, to do the things not see"ly, ,%having been !illed $ith all unrighteousness, $horedo", $i#'edness, #ovetousness, "ali#e, !ull o! envy, "urder, stri!e, de#eit, evil dis ositions, $his erers, -(evil+s ea'ers, &od+haters, insulting, roud, boasters, inventors o! evil things, disobedient to arents, -#unintelligent, !aithless, $ithout natural a!!e#tion, i" la#able, un"er#i!ul, ,'LBVBONC XNVRKKAaAO VRO AKR]NBAO VLS ]NLS NO VQ cNSWNB YAB NPNHAP]RPAO YAB NKAVUNSPAO VR YVBPNB `AUA VLO YVBPAOVA LC NPVBO NSKLMRVLC NBC VLSC ABQOAC AXRO ,/WBA VLSVL `AUNWQYNO ASVLSC L ]NLC NBC `A]R AVBXBAC AB VN MAU ]RKNBAB ASVQO XNVRKKAaAO VRO ZSPBYRO TURPBO NBC VRO `AUA ZSPBO ,0LXLBQC VN YAB LB AUUNONC AZNOVNC VRO ZSPBYRO TURPBO VRC ]RKNBAC NaNYAS]RPAO NO VR LUNaNB ASVQO NBC AKKRKLSC AUPNONC NO AUPNPBO VRO APTRXLPSORO YAVNUMA\LXNOLB YAB VRO AOVBXBP]BAO RO NWNB VRC `KAORC ASVQO NO NASVLBC A`LKAXHAOLOVNC ,$YAB YA]QC LSY NWLYBXAPAO VLO ]NLO NTNBO NO N`BMOQPNB `AUNWQYNO ASVLSC L ]NLC NBC AWLYBXLO OLSO `LBNBO VA XR YA]RYLOVA ,%`N`KRUQXNOLSC `APR AWBYBA `LUONBA `LORUBA `KNLONaBA YAYBA XNPVLSC Z]LOLS ZLOLS NUBWLC WLKLS YAYLR]NBAC cB]SUBPVAC -(YAVAKAKLSC ]NLPVSMNBC SHUBPVAC S`NURZAOLSC AKA\LOAC NZNSUNVAC YAYQO MLONSPBO A`NB]NBC -#APSONVLSC APSO]NVLSC APVLUMLSC AP`LOWLSC AONKNRXLOAC
-,$ho the righteous -udg"ent o! &od having 'no$n ++ that those ra#tising su#h things are $orthy o! death ++ not only do the", but also have delight $ith those ra#tising the") -,LBVBONC VL WBYABQXA VLS ]NLS N`BMOLOVNC LVB LB VA VLBASVA `UAPPLOVNC AaBLB ]AOAVLS NBPBO LS XLOLO ASVA `LBLSPBO AKKA YAB PSONSWLYLSPBO VLBC `UAPPLSPBO
+hapter ,
#There!ore, thou art ine(#usable, O "an ++ every one $ho is -udging ++ !or in that in $hi#h thou dost -udge the other, thysel! thou dost #onde"n, !or the sa"e things thou dost ra#tise $ho art -udging, ,and $e have 'no$n that the -udg"ent o! &od is a##ording to truth, u on those ra#tising su#h things) -.nd dost thou thin' this, O "an, $ho art -udging those $ho su#h things are ra#tising, and art doing the", that thou shalt es#a e the -udg"ent o! &odb .or the ri#hes o! His goodness, and !orbearan#e, and long+su!!ering, dost thou des iseb ++ not 'no$ing that the goodness o! &od doth lead thee to re!or"ationd 'but, a##ording to thy hardness and i" enitent heart, thou dost treasure u to thysel! $rath, in a day o! $rath and o! the revelation o! the righteous -udg"ent o! &od, /$ho shall render to ea#h a##ording to his $or's, 0to those, indeed, $ho in #ontinuan#e o! a good $or', do see' glory, and honour, and in#orru tibility ++ li!e age+during, #WBL AOA`LKLMRVLC NB Q AO]UQ`N `AC L YUBOQO NO Q MAU YUBONBC VLO NVNULO PNASVLO YAVAYUBONBC VA MAU ASVA `UAPPNBC L YUBOQO ,LBWAXNO WN LVB VL YUBXA VLS ]NLS NPVBO YAVA AKR]NBAO N`B VLSC VA VLBASVA `UAPPLOVAC -KLMB\R WN VLSVL Q AO]UQ`N L YUBOQO VLSC VA VLBASVA `UAPPLOVAC YAB `LBQO ASVA LVB PS NYZNSaR VL YUBXA VLS ]NLS .R VLS `KLSVLS VRC TURPVLVRVLC ASVLS YAB VRC AOLTRC YAB VRC XAYUL]SXBAC YAVAZULONBC AMOLQO LVB VL TURPVLO VLS ]NLS NBC XNVAOLBAO PN AMNB 'YAVA WN VRO PYKRULVRVA PLS YAB AXNVAOLRVLO YAUWBAO ]RPASUB\NBC PNASVQ LUMRO NO RXNUA LUMRC YAB A`LYAKScNQC WBYABLYUBPBAC VLS ]NLS /LC A`LWQPNB NYAPVQ YAVA VA NUMA ASVLS 0VLBC XNO YA] S`LXLORO NUMLS AMA]LS WLaAO YAB VBXRO YAB AZ]AUPBAO \RVLSPBO \QRO ABQOBLO
$and to those #ontentious, and disobedient, indeed, to the truth, and obeying the unrighteousness ++ indignation and $rath, %tribulation and distress, u on every soul o! "an that is $or'ing the evil, both o! 5e$ !irst, and o! &ree', $VLBC WN Na NUB]NBAC YAB A`NB]LSPBO XNO VR AKR]NBA `NB]LXNOLBC WN VR AWBYBA ]SXLC YAB LUMR
%]KBcBC YAB PVNOLTQUBA N`B `APAO cSTRO AO]UQ`LS VLS YAVNUMA\LXNOLS VL YAYLO BLSWABLS VN `UQVLO YAB NKKROLC #(and glory, and honour, and ea#e, #(WLaA WN YAB VBXR YAB NBUROR `AOVB to every one $ho is $or'ing the good, VQ NUMA\LXNOQ VL AMA]LO BLSWABQ VN both to 5e$ !irst, and to &ree') `UQVLO YAB NKKROB ##For there is no a##e tan#e o! !a#es ##LS MAU NPVBO `ULPQ`LKRcBA `AUA $ith &od, VQ ]NQ #,!or as "any as $ithout la$ did sin, #,LPLB MAU AOLXQC RXAUVLO AOLXQC $ithout la$ also shall erish, and as YAB A`LKLSOVAB YAB LPLB NO OLXQ "any as did sin in la$, through la$ RXAUVLO WBA OLXLS YUB]RPLOVAB shall be -udged, #-!or not the hearers o! the la$ IareI #-LS MAU LB AYULAVAB VLS OLXLS righteous be!ore &od, but the doers o! WBYABLB `AUA VQ ]NQ AKK LB `LBRVAB the la$ shall be de#lared righteousF ++ VLS OLXLS WBYABQ]RPLOVAB #.For, $hen nations that have not a #.LVAO MAU N]OR VA XR OLXLO NTLOVA la$, by nature "ay do the things o! ZSPNB VA VLS OLXLS `LBR LSVLB OLXLO the la$, these not having a la$ ++ to XR NTLOVNC NASVLBC NBPBO OLXLC the"selves are a la$, #'$ho do she$ the $or' o! the la$ #'LBVBONC NOWNBYOSOVAB VL NUMLO VLS $ritten in their hearts, their OLXLS MUA`VLO NO VABC YAUWBABC #ons#ien#e also $itnessing $ith the", ASVQO PSXXAUVSULSPRC ASVQO VRC and bet$een one another the thoughts PSONBWRPNQC YAB XNVAaS AKKRKQO VQO a##using or else de!ending, KLMBPXQO YAVRMLULSOVQO R YAB A`LKLMLSXNOQO #/in the day $hen &od shall -udge the #/NO RXNUA LVN YUBONB L ]NLC VA se#rets o! "en, a##ording to "y good YUS`VA VQO AO]UQ`QO YAVA VL ne$s, through 5esus Dhrist) NSAMMNKBLO XLS WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS
#0Lo, thou art na"ed a 5e$, and dost rest u on the la$, and dost boast in &od, #$and dost 'no$ the $ill, and dost a rove the distin#tions, being instru#ted out o! the la$, #%and hast #on!iden#e that thou thysel! art a leader o! blind ones, a light o! those in dar'ness, ,(an instru#tor o! !oolish ones, a tea#her o! babes, having the !or" o! the 'no$ledge and o! the truth in the la$) ,#Thou, then, $ho art tea#hing another, thysel! dost thou not tea#hb ,,thou $ho art rea#hing not to steal, dost thou stealb thou $ho art saying not to #o""it adultery, dost thou #o""it adulteryb thou $ho art abhorring the idols, dost thou rob te" lesb ,-thou $ho in the la$ dost boast, through the transgression o! the la$ &od dost thou dishonourb ,.!or the na"e o! &od be#ause o! you is evil s o'en o! a"ong the nations, a##ording as it hath been $ritten) ,'For #ir#u"#ision, indeed, doth ro!it, i! la$ thou "ayest ra#tise, but i! a transgressor o! la$ thou "ayest be, thy #ir#u"#ision hath be#o"e un#ir#u"#ision) #0BWN PS BLSWABLC N`LOLXA\R YAB N`AOA`ASR VQ OLXQ YAB YASTAPAB NO ]NQ #$YAB MBOQPYNBC VL ]NKRXA YAB WLYBXA\NBC VA WBAZNULOVA YAVRTLSXNOLC NY VLS OLXLS #%`N`LB]AC VN PNASVLO LWRMLO NBOAB VSZKQO ZQC VQO NO PYLVNB ,(`ABWNSVRO AZULOQO WBWAPYAKLO OR`BQO NTLOVA VRO XLUZQPBO VRC MOQPNQC YAB VRC AKR]NBAC NO VQ OLXQ ,#L LSO WBWAPYQO NVNULO PNASVLO LS WBWAPYNBC L YRUSPPQO XR YKN`VNBO YKN`VNBC ,,L KNMQO XR XLBTNSNBO XLBTNSNBC L HWNKSPPLXNOLC VA NBWQKA BNULPSKNBC
,/0!, there!ore the un#ir#u"#ision the righteousness o! the la$ "ay 'ee , shall not his un#ir#u"#ision !or #ir#u"#ision be re#'onedb ,0and the un#ir#u"#ision, by nature, !ul!illing the la$, shall -udge thee $ho, through letter and #ir#u"#ision, IartI a transgressor o! la$) ,$For he is not a 5e$ $ho is IsoI out$ardly, neither IisI #ir#u"#ision that $hi#h is out$ard in !lesh, ,%but a 5e$ IisI he $ho is IsoI in$ardly, and #ir#u"#ision IisI o! the heart, in s irit, not in letter, o! $hi#h the raise is not o! "en, but o! &od) ,/NAO LSO R AYULHSPVBA VA WBYABQXAVA VLS OLXLS ZSKAPPR LSTB R AYULHSPVBA ASVLS NBC `NUBVLXRO KLMBP]RPNVAB ,0YAB YUBONB R NY ZSPNQC AYULHSPVBA VLO OLXLO VNKLSPA PN VLO WBA MUAXXAVLC YAB `NUBVLXRC `AUAHAVRO OLXLS ,$LS MAU L NO VQ ZAONUQ BLSWABLC NPVBO LSWN R NO VQ ZAONUQ NO PAUYB `NUBVLXR ,%AKK L NO VQ YUS`VQ BLSWABLC YAB `NUBVLXR YAUWBAC NO `ONSXAVB LS MUAXXAVB LS L N`ABOLC LSY Na AO]UQ`QO AKK NY VLS ]NLS
+hapter #What, then, IisI the su eriority o! the 5e$b or $hat the ro!it o! the #ir#u"#isionb ,"u#h in every $ay, !or !irst, indeed, that they $ere intrusted $ith the ora#les o! &od, -!or $hat, i! #ertain $ere !aithlessb shall their !aithlessness the !aith!ulness o! god "a'e uselessb .let it not bed and let &od be#o"e true, and every "an !alse, a##ording as it hath been $ritten, IThat Thou "ayest be de#lared righteous in Thy $ords, and "ayest over#o"e in Thy being -udged)I '.nd, i! our unrighteousness &odIs righteousness doth establish, $hat shall $e sayb is &od unrighteous $ho is in!li#ting the $rathb 7a!ter the "anner o! a "an 0 s ea'< /let it not bed sin#e ho$ shall &od -udge the $orldb 0!or i! the truth o! &od in "y !alsehood did "ore abound to His glory, $hy yet a" 0 also as a sinner -udgedb $and not, as $e are evil s o'en o!, and as #ertain a!!ir" us to say ++ IWe "ay do the evil things, that the good ones "ay #o"ebI $hose -udg"ent is righteous) #VB LSO VL `NUBPPLO VLS BLSWABLS R VBC R QZNKNBA VRC `NUBVLXRC ,`LKS YAVA `AOVA VUL`LO `UQVLO XNO MAU LVB N`BPVNS]RPAO VA KLMBA VLS ]NLS -VB MAU NB R`BPVRPAO VBONC XR R A`BPVBA ASVQO VRO `BPVBO VLS ]NLS YAVAUMRPNB .XR MNOLBVL MBONP]Q WN L ]NLC AKR]RC `AC WN AO]UQ`LC cNSPVRC YA]QC MNMUA`VAB L`QC AO WBYABQ]RC NO VLBC KLMLBC PLS YAB OBYRPRC NO VQ YUBONP]AB PN 'NB WN R AWBYBA RXQO ]NLS WBYABLPSORO PSOBPVRPBO VB NULSXNO XR AWBYLC L ]NLC L N`BZNUQO VRO LUMRO YAVA AO]UQ`LO KNMQ /XR MNOLBVL N`NB `QC YUBONB L ]NLC VLO YLPXLO 0NB MAU R AKR]NBA VLS ]NLS NO VQ NXQ cNSPXAVB N`NUBPPNSPNO NBC VRO WLaAO ASVLS VB NVB YAMQ QC AXAUVQKLC YUBOLXAB $YAB XR YA]QC HKAPZRXLSXN]A YAB YA]QC ZAPBO VBONC RXAC KNMNBO LVB `LBRPQXNO VA YAYA BOA NK]R VA AMA]A QO VL YUBXA NOWBYLO NPVBO
%What, thenb are $e betterb not at alld !or $e did be!ore #harge both 5e$s and &ree's $ith being all under sin, #(a##ording as it hath been $ritten ++ IThere is none righteous, not even one, ##There is none $ho is understanding, there is none $ho is see'ing a!ter &od) #,.ll did go out o! the $ay, together they be#a"e un ro!itable, there is none doing good, there is not even one) #-. se ul#hre o ened IisI their throat, $ith their tongues they used de#eit, oison o! as s IisI under their li s) #.Whose "outh is !ull o! #ursing and bitterness) #'S$i!t IareI their !eet to shed blood) #/Ruin and "isery IareI in their $ays) #0.nd a $ay o! ea#e they did not 'no$) #$There is no !ear o! &od be!ore their eyes)I #%.nd $e have 'no$n that as "any things as the la$ saith, to those in the la$ it doth s ea', that every "outh "ay be sto ed, and all the $orld "ay #o"e under -udg"ent to &od, ,($here!ore by $or's o! la$ shall no !lesh be de#lared righteous be!ore Hi", !or through la$ is a 'no$ledge o! sin) %VB LSO `ULNTLXN]A LS `AOVQC `ULRVBAPAXN]A MAU BLSWABLSC VN YAB NKKROAC `AOVAC SZ AXAUVBAO NBOAB #(YA]QC MNMUA`VAB LVB LSY NPVBO WBYABLC LSWN NBC ##LSY NPVBO L PSOBQO LSY NPVBO L NY\RVQO VLO ]NLO #,`AOVNC NaNYKBOAO AXA RTUNBQ]RPAO LSY NPVBO `LBQO TURPVLVRVA LSY NPVBO NQC NOLC #-VAZLC AONQMXNOLC L KAUSMa ASVQO VABC MKQPPABC ASVQO NWLKBLSPAO BLC AP`BWQO S`L VA TNBKR ASVQO #.QO VL PVLXA AUAC YAB `BYUBAC MNXNB #'LaNBC LB `LWNC ASVQO NYTNAB ABXA #/PSOVUBXXA YAB VAKAB`QUBA NO VABC LWLBC ASVQO #0YAB LWLO NBURORC LSY NMOQPAO #$LSY NPVBO ZLHLC ]NLS A`NOAOVB VQO LZ]AKXQO ASVQO #%LBWAXNO WN LVB LPA L OLXLC KNMNB VLBC NO VQ OLXQ KAKNB BOA `AO PVLXA ZUAMR YAB S`LWBYLC MNORVAB `AC L YLPXLC VQ ]NQ ,(WBLVB Na NUMQO OLXLS LS WBYABQ]RPNVAB `APA PAUa NOQ`BLO ASVLS WBA MAU OLXLS N`BMOQPBC AXAUVBAC >=8
,#.nd no$ a art !ro" la$ hath the righteousness o! &od been "ani!ested, testi!ied to by the la$ and the ro hets, ,,and the righteousness o! &od IisI through the !aith o! 5esus Dhrist to all, and u on all those believing, ++ !or there is no di!!eren#e, ,-!or all did sin, and are #o"e short o! the glory o! &od ++ ,.being de#lared righteous !reely by His gra#e through the rede" tion that IisI in Dhrist 5esus, ,'$ho" &od did set !orth a "er#y seat, through the !aith in his blood, !or the she$ing !orth o! His righteousness, be#ause o! the assing over o! the bygone sins in the !orbearan#e o! &od ++ ,/!or the she$ing !orth o! His righteousness in the resent ti"e, !or His being righteous, and de#laring hi" righteous $ho IisI o! the !aith o! 5esus) ,0Where then IisI the boastingb it $as e(#luded, by $hat la$b o! $or'sb no, but by a la$ o! !aithF ,$there!ore do $e re#'on a "an to be de#lared righteous by !aith, a art !ro" $or's o! la$) ,%The &od o! 5e$s only Iis HeI, and not also o! nationsb ,#OSOB WN TQUBC OLXLS WBYABLPSOR ]NLS `NZAONUQVAB XAUVSULSXNOR S`L VLS OLXLS YAB VQO `ULZRVQO ,,WBYABLPSOR WN ]NLS WBA `BPVNQC BRPLS TUBPVLS NBC `AOVAC YAB N`B `AOVAC VLSC `BPVNSLOVAC LS MAU NPVBO WBAPVLKR ,-`AOVNC MAU RXAUVLO YAB SPVNULSOVAB VRC WLaRC VLS ]NLS ,.WBYABLSXNOLB WQUNAO VR ASVLS TAUBVB WBA VRC A`LKSVUQPNQC VRC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS ,'LO `ULN]NVL L ]NLC BKAPVRUBLO WBA VRC `BPVNQC NO VQ ASVLS ABXAVB NBC NOWNBaBO VRC WBYABLPSORC ASVLS WBA VRO `AUNPBO VQO `ULMNMLOLVQO AXAUVRXAVQO ,/NO VR AOLTR VLS ]NLS `ULC NOWNBaBO VRC WBYABLPSORC ASVLS NO VQ OSO YABUQ NBC VL NBOAB ASVLO WBYABLO YAB WBYABLSOVA VLO NY `BPVNQC BRPLS ,0`LS LSO R YASTRPBC NaNYKNBP]R WBA `LBLS OLXLS VQO NUMQO LSTB AKKA WBA OLXLS `BPVNQC ,$KLMB\LXN]A LSO `BPVNB WBYABLSP]AB AO]UQ`LO TQUBC NUMQO OLXLS ,%R BLSWABQO L ]NLC XLOLO LSTB WN YAB N]OQO OAB YAB N]OQO
-(yes, also o! nations, sin#e one IisI &od $ho shall de#lare righteous the #ir#u"#ision by !aith, and the un#ir#u"#ision through the !aith) -#La$ then do $e "a'e useless through the !aithb let it not bed yea, $e do establish la$) -(N`NB`NU NBC L ]NLC LC WBYABQPNB `NUBVLXRO NY `BPVNQC YAB AYULHSPVBAO WBA VRC `BPVNQC -#OLXLO LSO YAVAUMLSXNO WBA VRC `BPVNQC XR MNOLBVL AKKA OLXLO BPVQXNO
+hapter .
#What, then, shall $e say .braha" our !ather, to have !ound, a##ording to !leshb ,!or i! .braha" by $or's $as de#lared righteous, he hath to boast ++ but not be!ore god, -!or $hat doth the $riting sayb I.nd .braha" did believe &od, and it $as re#'oned to hi" ++ to righteousness,I .and to hi" $ho is $or'ing, the re$ard is not re#'oned o! gra#e, but o! debt, 'and to hi" $ho is not $or'ing, and is believing u on Hi" $ho is de#laring righteous the i" ious, his !aith is re#'oned ++ to righteousnessF /even as David also doth s ea' o! the ha iness o! the "an to $ho" &od doth re#'on righteousness a art !ro" $or'sF 0IHa y they $hose la$less a#ts $ere !orgiven, and $hose sins $ere #overed, $ha y the "an to $ho" the Lord "ay not re#'on sin)I %I0sI this ha iness, then, u on the #ir#u"#ision, or also u on the un#ir#u"#ision ++ !or $e say that the !aith $as re#'oned to .braha" ++ to righteousnessb #VB LSO NULSXNO AHUAAX VLO `AVNUA RXQO NSURYNOAB YAVA PAUYA ,NB MAU AHUAAX Na NUMQO NWBYABQ]R NTNB YASTRXA AKK LS `ULC VLO ]NLO -VB MAU R MUAZR KNMNB N`BPVNSPNO WN AHUAAX VQ ]NQ YAB NKLMBP]R ASVQ NBC WBYABLPSORO .VQ WN NUMA\LXNOQ L XBP]LC LS KLMB\NVAB YAVA TAUBO AKKA YAVA VL LZNBKRXA 'VQ WN XR NUMA\LXNOQ `BPVNSLOVB WN N`B VLO WBYABLSOVA VLO APNHR KLMB\NVAB R `BPVBC ASVLS NBC WBYABLPSORO /YA]A`NU YAB WAHBW KNMNB VLO XAYAUBPXLO VLS AO]UQ`LS Q L ]NLC KLMB\NVAB WBYABLPSORO TQUBC NUMQO 0XAYAUBLB QO AZN]RPAO AB AOLXBAB YAB QO N`NYAKSZ]RPAO AB AXAUVBAB $XAYAUBLC AORU Q LS XR KLMBPRVAB YSUBLC AXAUVBAO %L XAYAUBPXLC LSO LSVLC N`B VRO `NUBVLXRO R YAB N`B VRO AYULHSPVBAO KNMLXNO MAU LVB NKLMBP]R VQ AHUAAX R `BPVBC NBC WBYABLPSORO
#(ho$ then $as it re#'onedb he being in #ir#u"#ision, or in un#ir#u"#isionb not in #ir#u"#ision, but in un#ir#u"#ision, ##and a sign he did re#eive o! #ir#u"#ision, a seal o! the righteousness o! the !aith in the un#ir#u"#ision, !or his being !ather o! all those believing through un#ir#u"#ision, !or the righteousness also being re#'oned to the", #,and !ather o! #ir#u"#ision to those not o! #ir#u"#ision only, but $ho also $al' in the ste s o! the !aith, that IisI in the un#ir#u"#ision o! our !ather .braha") #-For not through la$ IisI the ro"ise to .braha", or to his seed, o! his being heir o! the $orld, but through the righteousness o! !aith, #.!or i! they $ho are o! la$ IareI heirs, the !aith hath been "ade void, and the ro"ise hath been "ade useless, #'!or the la$ doth $or' $rath, !or $here la$ is not, neither IisI transgression) #/Be#ause o! this Iit isI o! !aith, that Iit "ay beI a##ording to gra#e, !or the ro"ise being sure to all the seed, not to that $hi#h IisI o! the la$ only, but also to that $hi#h IisI o! the !aith o! .braha", #(`QC LSO NKLMBP]R NO `NUBVLXR LOVB R NO AYULHSPVBA LSY NO `NUBVLXR AKK NO AYULHSPVBA ##YAB PRXNBLO NKAHNO `NUBVLXRC PZUAMBWA VRC WBYABLPSORC VRC `BPVNQC VRC NO VR AYULHSPVBA NBC VL NBOAB ASVLO `AVNUA `AOVQO VQO `BPVNSLOVQO WB AYULHSPVBAC NBC VL KLMBP]ROAB YAB ASVLBC VRO WBYABLPSORO #,YAB `AVNUA `NUBVLXRC VLBC LSY NY `NUBVLXRC XLOLO AKKA YAB VLBC PVLBTLSPBO VLBC BTONPBO VRC NO VR AYULHSPVBA `BPVNQC VLS `AVULC RXQO AHUAAX #-LS MAU WBA OLXLS R N`AMMNKBA VQ AHUAAX R VQ P`NUXAVB ASVLS VL YKRULOLXLO ASVLO NBOAB VLS YLPXLS AKKA WBA WBYABLPSORC `BPVNQC #.NB MAU LB NY OLXLS YKRULOLXLB YNYNOQVAB R `BPVBC YAB YAVRUMRVAB R N`AMMNKBA #'L MAU OLXLC LUMRO YAVNUMA\NVAB LS MAU LSY NPVBO OLXLC LSWN `AUAHAPBC #/WBA VLSVL NY `BPVNQC BOA YAVA TAUBO NBC VL NBOAB HNHABAO VRO N`AMMNKBAO `AOVB VQ P`NUXAVB LS VQ NY VLS OLXLS XLOLO AKKA YAB VQ NY `BPVNQC AHUAAX LC NPVBO `AVRU `AOVQO RXQO
#0$ho is !ather o! us all 7a##ording as it hath been $ritten ++ I. !ather o! "any nations 0 have set thee,I< be!ore Hi" $ho" he did believe ++ &od, $ho is ?ui#'ening the dead, and is #alling the things that be not as being) #$Who, against ho e in ho e did believe, !or his be#o"ing !ather o! "any nations a##ording to that s o'enF ISo shall thy seed be,I #%and not having been $ea' in the !aith, he did not #onsider his o$n body, already be#o"e dead, 7being about a hundred years old,< and the deadness o! SarahIs $o"b, ,(and at the ro"ise o! &od did not stagger in unbelie!, but $as strengthened in !aith, having given glory to &od, ,#and having been !ully ersuaded that $hat He hath ro"ised He is able also to doF ,,$here!ore also it $as re#'oned to hi" to righteousness) ,-.nd it $as not $ritten on his a##ount alone, that it $as re#'oned to hi", ,.but also on ours, to $ho" it is about to be re#'oned ++ to us believing on Hi" $ho did raise u 5esus our Lord out o! the dead, #0YA]QC MNMUA`VAB LVB `AVNUA `LKKQO N]OQO VN]NBYA PN YAVNOAOVB LS N`BPVNSPNO ]NLS VLS \QL`LBLSOVLC VLSC ONYULSC YAB YAKLSOVLC VA XR LOVA QC LOVA #$LC `AU NK`BWA N` NK`BWB N`BPVNSPNO NBC VL MNONP]AB ASVLO `AVNUA `LKKQO N]OQO YAVA VL NBURXNOLO LSVQC NPVAB VL P`NUXA PLS #%YAB XR AP]NORPAC VR `BPVNB LS YAVNOLRPNO VL NASVLS PQXA RWR ONONYUQXNOLO NYAVLOVANVRC `LS S`AUTQO YAB VRO ONYUQPBO VRC XRVUAC PAUUAC ,(NBC WN VRO N`AMMNKBAO VLS ]NLS LS WBNYUB]R VR A`BPVBA AKK NONWSOAXQ]R VR `BPVNB WLSC WLaAO VQ ]NQ ,#YAB `KRULZLUR]NBC LVB L N`RMMNKVAB WSOAVLC NPVBO YAB `LBRPAB ,,WBL YAB NKLMBP]R ASVQ NBC WBYABLPSORO ,-LSY NMUAZR WN WB ASVLO XLOLO LVB NKLMBP]R ASVQ ,.AKKA YAB WB RXAC LBC XNKKNB KLMB\NP]AB VLBC `BPVNSLSPBO N`B VLO NMNBUAOVA BRPLSO VLO YSUBLO RXQO NY ONYUQO
,'$ho $as delivered u be#ause o! our o!!en#es, and $as raised u be#ause o! our being de#lared righteous) ,'LC `AUNWL]R WBA VA `AUA`VQXAVA RXQO YAB RMNU]R WBA VRO WBYABQPBO RXQO
+hapter '
#Having been de#lared righteous, then, by !aith, $e have ea#e to$ard &od through our Lord 5esus Dhrist, ,through $ho" also $e have the a##ess by the !aith into this gra#e in $hi#h $e have stood, and $e boast on the ho e o! the glory o! &od) -.nd not only IsoI, but $e also boast in the tribulations, 'no$ing that the tribulation doth $or' enduran#e, .and the enduran#e, e( erien#e, and the e( erien#e, ho e, 'and the ho e doth not "a'e asha"ed, be#ause the love o! &od hath been oured !orth in our hearts through the Holy S irit that hath been given to us) /For in our being still ailing, Dhrist in due ti"e did die !or the i" ious, 0!or s#ar#ely !or a righteous "an $ill any one die, !or !or the good "an erha s so"e one also doth dare to die, $and &od doth #o""end His o$n love to us, that, in our being still sinners, Dhrist did die !or us, %"u#h "ore, then, having been de#lared righteous no$ in his blood, $e shall be saved through hi" !ro" the $rath, #WBYABQ]NOVNC LSO NY `BPVNQC NBURORO NTLXNO `ULC VLO ]NLO WBA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS ,WB LS YAB VRO `ULPAMQMRO NPTRYAXNO VR `BPVNB NBC VRO TAUBO VASVRO NO R NPVRYAXNO YAB YASTQXN]A N` NK`BWB VRC WLaRC VLS ]NLS -LS XLOLO WN AKKA YAB YASTQXN]A NO VABC ]KBcNPBO NBWLVNC LVB R ]KBcBC S`LXLORO YAVNUMA\NVAB .R WN S`LXLOR WLYBXRO R WN WLYBXR NK`BWA 'R WN NK`BC LS YAVABPTSONB LVB R AMA`R VLS ]NLS NYYNTSVAB NO VABC YAUWBABC RXQO WBA `ONSXAVLC AMBLS VLS WL]NOVLC RXBO /NVB MAU TUBPVLC LOVQO RXQO AP]NOQO YAVA YABULO S`NU APNHQO A`N]AONO 0XLKBC MAU S`NU WBYABLS VBC A`L]AONBVAB S`NU MAU VLS AMA]LS VATA VBC YAB VLKXA A`L]AONBO $PSOBPVRPBO WN VRO NASVLS AMA`RO NBC RXAC L ]NLC LVB NVB AXAUVQKQO LOVQO RXQO TUBPVLC S`NU RXQO A`N]AONO %`LKKQ LSO XAKKLO WBYABQ]NOVNC OSO NO VQ ABXAVB ASVLS PQ]RPLXN]A WB ASVLS A`L VRC LUMRC
#(!or i!, being ene"ies, $e have been re#on#iled to &od through the death o! His Son, "u#h "ore, having been re#on#iled, $e shall be saved in his li!e) ##.nd not only IsoI, but $e are also boasting in &od, through our Lord 5esus Dhrist, through $ho" no$ $e did re#eive the re#on#iliation, #,be#ause o! this, even as through one "an the sin did enter into the $orld, and through the sin the death, and thus to all "en the death did ass through, !or that all did sin, #-!or till la$ sin $as in the $orldF and sin is not re#'oned $hen there is not la$, #.but the death did reign !ro" .da" till @oses, even u on those not having sinned in the li'eness o! .da"Is transgression, $ho is a ty e o! hi" $ho is #o"ing) #'But, not as the o!!en#e so also IisI the !ree gi!t, !or i! by the o!!en#e o! the one the "any did die, "u#h "ore did the gra#e o! &od, and the !ree gi!t in gra#e o! the one "an 5esus Dhrist, abound to the "any, #/and not as through one $ho did sin IisI the !ree gi!t, !or the -udg"ent indeed IisI o! one to #onde"nation, but the gi!t IisI o! "any o!!en#es to a de#laration o! IRighteous,I #(NB MAU NT]ULB LOVNC YAVRKKAMRXNO VQ ]NQ WBA VLS ]AOAVLS VLS SBLS ASVLS `LKKQ XAKKLO YAVAKKAMNOVNC PQ]RPLXN]A NO VR \QR ASVLS ##LS XLOLO WN AKKA YAB YASTQXNOLB NO VQ ]NQ WBA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS WB LS OSO VRO YAVAKKAMRO NKAHLXNO #,WBA VLSVL QP`NU WB NOLC AO]UQ`LS R AXAUVBA NBC VLO YLPXLO NBPRK]NO YAB WBA VRC AXAUVBAC L ]AOAVLC YAB LSVQC NBC `AOVAC AO]UQ`LSC L ]AOAVLC WBRK]NO NZ Q `AOVNC RXAUVLO #-ATUB MAU OLXLS AXAUVBA RO NO YLPXQ AXAUVBA WN LSY NKKLMNBVAB XR LOVLC OLXLS #.AKK NHAPBKNSPNO L ]AOAVLC A`L AWAX XNTUB XQPNQC YAB N`B VLSC XR AXAUVRPAOVAC N`B VQ LXLBQXAVB VRC `AUAHAPNQC AWAX LC NPVBO VS`LC VLS XNKKLOVLC #'AKK LST QC VL `AUA`VQXA LSVQC YAB VL TAUBPXA NB MAU VQ VLS NOLC `AUA`VQXAVB LB `LKKLB A`N]AOLO `LKKQ XAKKLO R TAUBC VLS ]NLS YAB R WQUNA NO TAUBVB VR VLS NOLC AO]UQ`LS BRPLS TUBPVLS NBC VLSC `LKKLSC N`NUBPPNSPNO #/YAB LST QC WB NOLC AXAUVRPAOVLC VL WQURXA VL XNO MAU YUBXA Na NOLC NBC YAVAYUBXA VL WN TAUBPXA NY `LKKQO `AUA`VQXAVQO NBC WBYABQXA
#0!or i! by the o!!en#e o! the one the death did reign through the one, "u#h "ore those, $ho the abundan#e o! the gra#e and o! the !ree gi!t o! the righteousness are re#eiving, in li!e shall reign through the one ++ 5esus Dhrist) #$So, then, as through one o!!en#e to all "en Iit isI to #onde"nation, so also through one de#laration o! IRighteousI Iit isI to all "en to -usti!i#ation o! li!e, #%!or as through the disobedien#e o! the one "an, the "any $ere #onstituted sinnersF so also through the obedien#e o! the one, shall the "any be #onstituted righteous) ,(.nd la$ #a"e in, that the o!!en#e "ight abound, and $here the sin did abound, the gra#e did overabound, ,#that even as the sin did reign in the death, so also the gra#e "ay reign, through righteousness, to li!e age+ during, through 5esus Dhrist our Lord) #0NB MAU VQ VLS NOLC `AUA`VQXAVB L ]AOAVLC NHAPBKNSPNO WBA VLS NOLC `LKKQ XAKKLO LB VRO `NUBPPNBAO VRC TAUBVLC YAB VRC WQUNAC VRC WBYABLPSORC KAXHAOLOVNC NO \QR HAPBKNSPLSPBO WBA VLS NOLC BRPLS TUBPVLS #$AUA LSO QC WB NOLC `AUA`VQXAVLC NBC `AOVAC AO]UQ`LSC NBC YAVAYUBXA LSVQC YAB WB NOLC WBYABQXAVLC NBC `AOVAC AO]UQ`LSC NBC WBYABQPBO \QRC #%QP`NU MAU WBA VRC `AUAYLRC VLS NOLC AO]UQ`LS AXAUVQKLB YAVNPVA]RPAO LB `LKKLB LSVQC YAB WBA VRC S`AYLRC VLS NOLC WBYABLB YAVAPVA]RPLOVAB LB `LKKLB ,(OLXLC WN `AUNBPRK]NO BOA `KNLOAPR VL `AUA`VQXA LS WN N`KNLOAPNO R AXAUVBA S`NUN`NUBPPNSPNO R TAUBC ,#BOA QP`NU NHAPBKNSPNO R AXAUVBA NO VQ ]AOAVQ LSVQC YAB R TAUBC HAPBKNSPR WBA WBYABLPSORC NBC \QRO ABQOBLO WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS YSUBLS RXQO
+hapter /
#What, then, shall $e sayb shall $e #ontinue in the sin that the gra#e "ay aboundb ,let it not bed $e $ho died to the sin ++ ho$ shall $e still live in itb -are ye ignorant that $e, as "any as $ere ba tiEed to Dhrist 5esus, to his death $ere ba tiEedb .$e $ere buried together, then, $ith hi" through the ba tis" to the death, that even as Dhrist $as raised u out o! the dead through the glory o! the Father, so also $e in ne$ness o! li!e "ight $al') 'For, i! $e have be#o"e lanted together to the li'eness o! his death, IsoI also $e shall be o! the rising again, /this 'no$ing, that our old "an $as #ru#i!ied $ith Ihi"I, that the body o! the sin "ay be "ade useless, !or our no longer serving the sin, 0!or he $ho hath died hath been set !ree !ro" the sin) $.nd i! $e died $ith Dhrist, $e believe that $e also shall live $ith hi", %'no$ing that Dhrist, having been raised u out o! the dead, doth no "ore die, death over hi" hath no "ore lordshi , #VB LSO NULSXNO N`BXNOLSXNO VR AXAUVBA BOA R TAUBC `KNLOAPR ,XR MNOLBVL LBVBONC A`N]AOLXNO VR AXAUVBA `QC NVB \RPLXNO NO ASVR -R AMOLNBVN LVB LPLB NHA`VBP]RXNO NBC TUBPVLO BRPLSO NBC VLO ]AOAVLO ASVLS NHA`VBP]RXNO .PSONVAZRXNO LSO ASVQ WBA VLS HA`VBPXAVLC NBC VLO ]AOAVLO BOA QP`NU RMNU]R TUBPVLC NY ONYUQO WBA VRC WLaRC VLS `AVULC LSVQC YAB RXNBC NO YABOLVRVB \QRC `NUB`AVRPQXNO 'NB MAU PSXZSVLB MNMLOAXNO VQ LXLBQXAVB VLS ]AOAVLS ASVLS AKKA YAB VRC AOAPVAPNQC NPLXN]A /VLSVL MBOQPYLOVNC LVB L `AKABLC RXQO AO]UQ`LC PSONPVASUQ]R BOA YAVAUMR]R VL PQXA VRC AXAUVBAC VLS XRYNVB WLSKNSNBO RXAC VR AXAUVBA 0L MAU A`L]AOQO WNWBYABQVAB A`L VRC AXAUVBAC $NB WN A`N]AOLXNO PSO TUBPVQ `BPVNSLXNO LVB YAB PS\RPLXNO ASVQ %NBWLVNC LVB TUBPVLC NMNU]NBC NY ONYUQO LSYNVB A`L]ORPYNB ]AOAVLC ASVLS LSYNVB YSUBNSNB
#(!or in that he died, to the sin he died on#e, and in that he liveth, he liveth to &od, ##so also ye, re#'on yourselves to be dead indeed to the sin, and living to &od in 5esus Dhrist our Lord) #,Let not then the sin reign in your "ortal body, to obey it in its desires, #-neither resent ye your "e"bers instru"ents o! unrighteousness to the sin, but resent yourselves to &od as living out o! the dead, and your "e"bers instru"ents o! righteousness to &od, #.!or sin over you shall not have lordshi , !or ye are not under la$, but under gra#e) #'What thenb shall $e sin be#ause $e are not under la$ but under gra#eb let it not bed #/have ye not 'no$n that to $ho" ye resent yourselves servants !or obedien#e, servants ye are to hi" to $ho" ye obey, $hether o! sin to death, or o! obedien#e to righteousnessb #0and than's to &od, that ye $ere servants o! the sin, and ++ $ere obedient !ro" the heart to the !or" o! tea#hing to $hi#h ye $ere delivered u , #(L MAU A`N]AONO VR AXAUVBA A`N]AONO NZA`Aa L WN \R \R VQ ]NQ ##LSVQC YAB SXNBC KLMB\NP]N NASVLSC ONYULSC XNO NBOAB VR AXAUVBA \QOVAC WN VQ ]NQ NO TUBPVQ BRPLS VQ YSUBQ RXQO #,XR LSO HAPBKNSNVQ R AXAUVBA NO VQ ]ORVQ SXQO PQXAVB NBC VL S`AYLSNBO ASVR NO VABC N`B]SXBABC ASVLS #-XRWN `AUBPVAONVN VA XNKR SXQO L`KA AWBYBAC VR AXAUVBA AKKA `AUAPVRPAVN NASVLSC VQ ]NQ QC NY ONYUQO \QOVAC YAB VA XNKR SXQO L`KA WBYABLPSORC VQ ]NQ #.AXAUVBA MAU SXQO LS YSUBNSPNB LS MAU NPVN S`L OLXLO AKK S`L TAUBO #'VB LSO AXAUVRPLXNO LVB LSY NPXNO S`L OLXLO AKK S`L TAUBO XR MNOLBVL #/LSY LBWAVN LVB Q `AUBPVAONVN NASVLSC WLSKLSC NBC S`AYLRO WLSKLB NPVN Q S`AYLSNVN RVLB AXAUVBAC NBC ]AOAVLO R S`AYLRC NBC WBYABLPSORO #0TAUBC WN VQ ]NQ LVB RVN WLSKLB VRC AXAUVBAC S`RYLSPAVN WN NY YAUWBAC NBC LO `AUNWL]RVN VS`LO WBWATRC
#$and having been !reed !ro" the sin, ye be#a"e servants to the righteousness) #%0n the "anner o! "en 0 s ea', be#ause o! the $ea'ness o! your !lesh, !or even as ye did resent your "e"bers servants to the un#leanness and to the la$lessness ++ to the la$lessness, so no$ resent your "e"bers servants to the righteousness ++ to san#ti!i#ation, ,(!or $hen ye $ere servants o! the sin, ye $ere !ree !ro" the righteousness, ,#$hat !ruit, there!ore, $ere ye having then, in the things o! $hi#h ye are no$ asha"edb !or the end o! those IisI death) ,,.nd no$, having been !reed !ro" the sin, and having be#o"e servants to &od, ye have your !ruit ++ to san#ti!i#ation, and the end li!e age+ during, ,-!or the $ages o! the sin IisI death, and the gi!t o! &od IisI li!e age+during in Dhrist 5esus our Lord) #$NKNS]NUQ]NOVNC WN A`L VRC AXAUVBAC NWLSKQ]RVN VR WBYABLPSOR #%AO]UQ`BOLO KNMQ WBA VRO AP]NONBAO VRC PAUYLC SXQO QP`NU MAU `AUNPVRPAVN VA XNKR SXQO WLSKA VR AYA]AUPBA YAB VR AOLXBA NBC VRO AOLXBAO LSVQC OSO `AUAPVRPAVN VA XNKR SXQO WLSKA VR WBYABLPSOR NBC AMBAPXLO ,(LVN MAU WLSKLB RVN VRC AXAUVBAC NKNS]NULB RVN VR WBYABLPSOR ,#VBOA LSO YAU`LO NBTNVN VLVN NZ LBC OSO N`ABPTSONP]N VL MAU VNKLC NYNBOQO ]AOAVLC ,,OSOB WN NKNS]NUQ]NOVNC A`L VRC AXAUVBAC WLSKQ]NOVNC WN VQ ]NQ NTNVN VLO YAU`LO SXQO NBC AMBAPXLO VL WN VNKLC \QRO ABQOBLO ,-VA MAU LcQOBA VRC AXAUVBAC ]AOAVLC VL WN TAUBPXA VLS ]NLS \QR ABQOBLC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS VQ YSUBQ RXQO
+hapter 0
#.re ye ignorant, brethren ++ !or to those 'no$ing la$ 0 s ea' ++ that the la$ hath lordshi over the "an as long as he livethb ,!or the "arried $o"an to the living husband hath been bound by la$, and i! the husband "ay die, she hath been !ree !ro" the la$ o! the husband, -so, then, the husband being alive, an adulteress she shall be #alled i! she "ay be#o"e another "anIs, and i! the husband "ay die, she is !ree !ro" the la$, so as not to be an adulteress, having be#o"e another "anIs) .So that, "y brethren, ye also $ere "ade dead to the la$ through the body o! the Dhrist, !or your be#o"ing anotherIs, $ho out o! the dead $as raised u , that $e "ight bear !ruit to &od, '!or $hen $e $ere in the !lesh, the assions o! the sins, that IareI through the la$, $ere $or'ing in our "e"bers, to bear !ruit to the death, /and no$ $e have #eased !ro" the la$, that being dead in $hi#h $e $ere held, so that $e "ay serve in ne$ness o! s irit, and not in oldness o! letter) #R AMOLNBVN AWNKZLB MBOQPYLSPBO MAU OLXLO KAKQ LVB L OLXLC YSUBNSNB VLS AO]UQ`LS NZ LPLO TULOLO \R ,R MAU S`AOWULC MSOR VQ \QOVB AOWUB WNWNVAB OLXQ NAO WN A`L]AOR L AORU YAVRUMRVAB A`L VLS OLXLS VLS AOWULC -AUA LSO \QOVLC VLS AOWULC XLBTAKBC TURXAVBPNB NAO MNORVAB AOWUB NVNUQ NAO WN A`L]AOR L AORU NKNS]NUA NPVBO A`L VLS OLXLS VLS XR NBOAB ASVRO XLBTAKBWA MNOLXNORO AOWUB NVNUQ .QPVN AWNKZLB XLS YAB SXNBC N]AOAVQ]RVN VQ OLXQ WBA VLS PQXAVLC VLS TUBPVLS NBC VL MNONP]AB SXAC NVNUQ VQ NY ONYUQO NMNU]NOVB BOA YAU`LZLURPQXNO VQ ]NQ 'LVN MAU RXNO NO VR PAUYB VA `A]RXAVA VQO AXAUVBQO VA WBA VLS OLXLS NORUMNBVL NO VLBC XNKNPBO RXQO NBC VL YAU`LZLURPAB VQ ]AOAVQ /OSOB WN YAVRUMR]RXNO A`L VLS OLXLS A`L]AOLOVNC NO Q YAVNBTLXN]A QPVN WLSKNSNBO RXAC NO YABOLVRVB `ONSXAVLC YAB LS `AKABLVRVB MUAXXAVLC
0What, then, shall $e sayb the la$ IisI sinb let it not bed but the sin 0 did not 'no$ e(#e t through la$, !or also the #ovetousness 0 had not 'no$n i! the la$ had not saidF $IThou shalt not #ovet,I and the sin having re#eived an o ortunity, through the #o""and, did $or' in "e all #ovetousness ++ !or a art !ro" la$ sin is dead) %.nd 0 $as alive a art !ro" la$ on#e, and the #o""and having #o"e, the sin revived, and 0 died, #(and the #o""and that IisI !or li!e, this $as !ound by "e !or death, ##!or the sin, having re#eived an o ortunity, through the #o""and, did de#eive "e, and through it did slay I"eI, #,so that the la$, indeed, IisI holy, and the #o""and holy, and righteous, and good) #-That $hi#h is good then, to "e hath it be#o"e deathb let it not bed but the sin, that it "ight a ear sin, through the good, $or'ing death to "e, that the sin "ight be#o"e e(#eeding sin!ul through the #o""and, #.!or $e have 'no$n that the la$ is s iritual, and 0 a" !leshly, sold by the sin, #'!or that $hi#h 0 $or', 0 do not a#'no$ledge, !or not $hat 0 $ill, this 0 ra#tise, but $hat 0 hate, this 0 do) 0VB LSO NULSXNO L OLXLC AXAUVBA XR MNOLBVL AKKA VRO AXAUVBAO LSY NMOQO NB XR WBA OLXLS VRO VN MAU N`B]SXBAO LSY RWNBO NB XR L OLXLC NKNMNO LSY N`B]SXRPNBC $AZLUXRO WN KAHLSPA R AXAUVBA WBA VRC NOVLKRC YAVNBUMAPAVL NO NXLB `APAO N`B]SXBAO TQUBC MAU OLXLS AXAUVBA ONYUA %NMQ WN N\QO TQUBC OLXLS `LVN NK]LSPRC WN VRC NOVLKRC R AXAUVBA AON\RPNO NMQ WN A`N]AOLO #(YAB NSUN]R XLB R NOVLKR R NBC \QRO ASVR NBC ]AOAVLO ##R MAU AXAUVBA AZLUXRO KAHLSPA WBA VRC NOVLKRC NaR`AVRPNO XN YAB WB ASVRC A`NYVNBONO #,QPVN L XNO OLXLC AMBLC YAB R NOVLKR AMBA YAB WBYABA YAB AMA]R #-VL LSO AMA]LO NXLB MNMLONO ]AOAVLC XR MNOLBVL AKKA R AXAUVBA BOA ZAOR AXAUVBA WBA VLS AMA]LS XLB YAVNUMA\LXNOR ]AOAVLO BOA MNORVAB YA] S`NUHLKRO AXAUVQKLC R AXAUVBA WBA VRC NOVLKRC #.LBWAXNO MAU LVB L OLXLC `ONSXAVBYLC NPVBO NMQ WN PAUYBYLC NBXB `N`UAXNOLC S`L VRO AXAUVBAO #'L MAU YAVNUMA\LXAB LS MBOQPYQ LS MAU L ]NKQ VLSVL `UAPPQ AKK L XBPQ VLSVL `LBQ
#/.nd i! $hat 0 do not $ill, this 0 do, 0 #onsent to the la$ that Iit isI good, #0and no$ it is no longer 0 that $or' it, but the sin d$elling in "e, #$!or 0 have 'no$n that there doth not d$ell in "e, that is, in "y !lesh, goodF !or to $ill is resent $ith "e, and to $or' that $hi#h is right 0 do not !ind, #%!or the good that 0 $ill, 0 do not, but the evil that 0 do not $ill, this 0 ra#tise) ,(.nd i! $hat 0 do not $ill, this 0 do, it is no longer 0 that $or' it, but the sin that is d$elling in "e) ,#0 !ind, then, the la$, that $hen 0 desire to do $hat is right, $ith "e the evil is resent, ,,!or 0 delight in the la$ o! &od a##ording to the in$ard "an, ,-and 0 behold another la$ in "y "e"bers, $arring against the la$ o! "y "ind, and bringing "e into #a tivity to the la$ o! the sin that IisI in "y "e"bers) ,.. $ret#hed "an 0 Ia"Id $ho shall deliver "e out o! the body o! this deathb ,'0 than' &od ++ through 5esus Dhrist our Lord, so then, 0 "ysel! indeed $ith the "ind do serve the la$ o! &od, and $ith the !lesh, the la$ o! sin) #/NB WN L LS ]NKQ VLSVL `LBQ PSXZRXB VQ OLXQ LVB YAKLC #0OSOB WN LSYNVB NMQ YAVNUMA\LXAB ASVL AKK R LBYLSPA NO NXLB AXAUVBA #$LBWA MAU LVB LSY LBYNB NO NXLB VLSVNPVBO NO VR PAUYB XLS AMA]LO VL MAU ]NKNBO `AUAYNBVAB XLB VL WN YAVNUMA\NP]AB VL YAKLO LST NSUBPYQ #%LS MAU L ]NKQ `LBQ AMA]LO AKK L LS ]NKQ YAYLO VLSVL `UAPPQ ,(NB WN L LS ]NKQ NMQ VLSVL `LBQ LSYNVB NMQ YAVNUMA\LXAB ASVL AKK R LBYLSPA NO NXLB AXAUVBA ,#NSUBPYQ AUA VLO OLXLO VQ ]NKLOVB NXLB `LBNBO VL YAKLO LVB NXLB VL YAYLO `AUAYNBVAB ,,PSORWLXAB MAU VQ OLXQ VLS ]NLS YAVA VLO NPQ AO]UQ`LO ,-HKN`Q WN NVNULO OLXLO NO VLBC XNKNPBO XLS AOVBPVUAVNSLXNOLO VQ OLXQ VLS OLLC XLS YAB ABTXAKQVB\LOVA XN VQ OLXQ VRC AXAUVBAC VQ LOVB NO VLBC XNKNPBO XLS ,.VAKAB`QULC NMQ AO]UQ`LC VBC XN USPNVAB NY VLS PQXAVLC VLS ]AOAVLS VLSVLS ,'NSTAUBPVQ VQ ]NQ WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS YSUBLS RXQO AUA LSO ASVLC NMQ VQ XNO OLB WLSKNSQ OLXQ ]NLS VR WN PAUYB OLXQ AXAUVBAC
+hapter $
#There is, then, no$ no #onde"nation to those in Dhrist 5esus, $ho $al' not a##ording to the !lesh, but a##ording to the S irit, ,!or the la$ o! the S irit o! the li!e in Dhrist 5esus did set "e !ree !ro" the la$ o! the sin and o! the death, -!or $hat the la$ $as not able to do, in that it $as $ea' through the !lesh, &od, His o$n Son having sent in the li'eness o! sin!ul !lesh, and !or sin, did #onde"n the sin in the !lesh, .that the righteousness o! the la$ "ay be !ul!illed in us, $ho do not $al' a##ording to the !lesh, but a##ording to the S irit) 'For those $ho are a##ording to the !lesh, the things o! the !lesh do "ind, and those a##ording to the S irit, the things o! the S irit, /!or the "ind o! the !lesh IisI death, and the "ind o! the S irit ++ li!e and ea#e, 0be#ause the "ind o! the !lesh IisI en"ity to &od, !or to the la$ o! &od it doth not sub-e#t itsel!, $!or neither is it able, and those $ho are in the !lesh are not able to lease &od) #LSWNO AUA OSO YAVAYUBXA VLBC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS XR YAVA PAUYA `NUB`AVLSPBO AKKA YAVA `ONSXA ,L MAU OLXLC VLS `ONSXAVLC VRC \QRC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS RKNS]NUQPNO XN A`L VLS OLXLS VRC AXAUVBAC YAB VLS ]AOAVLS -VL MAU AWSOAVLO VLS OLXLS NO Q RP]NONB WBA VRC PAUYLC L ]NLC VLO NASVLS SBLO `NXcAC NO LXLBQXAVB PAUYLC AXAUVBAC YAB `NUB AXAUVBAC YAVNYUBONO VRO AXAUVBAO NO VR PAUYB .BOA VL WBYABQXA VLS OLXLS `KRUQ]R NO RXBO VLBC XR YAVA PAUYA `NUB`AVLSPBO AKKA YAVA `ONSXA 'LB MAU YAVA PAUYA LOVNC VA VRC PAUYLC ZULOLSPBO LB WN YAVA `ONSXA VA VLS `ONSXAVLC /VL MAU ZULORXA VRC PAUYLC ]AOAVLC VL WN ZULORXA VLS `ONSXAVLC \QR YAB NBUROR 0WBLVB VL ZULORXA VRC PAUYLC NT]UA NBC ]NLO VQ MAU OLXQ VLS ]NLS LST S`LVAPPNVAB LSWN MAU WSOAVAB $LB WN NO PAUYB LOVNC ]NQ AUNPAB LS WSOAOVAB
%.nd ye are not in the !lesh, but in the S irit, i! indeed the S irit o! &od doth d$ell in you, and i! any one hath not the S irit o! Dhrist ++ this one is not His, #(and i! Dhrist IisI in you, the body, indeed, IisI dead be#ause o! sin, and the S irit IisI li!e be#ause o! righteousness, ##and i! the S irit o! Hi" $ho did raise u 5esus out o! the dead doth d$ell in you, He $ho did raise u the Dhrist out o! the dead shall ?ui#'en also your dying bodies, through His S irit d$elling in you) #,So, then, brethren, $e are debtors, not to the !lesh, to live a##ording to the !lesh, #-!or i! a##ording to the !lesh ye do live, ye are about to die, and i!, by the S irit, the deeds o! the body ye ut to death, ye shall live, #.!or as "any as are led by the S irit o! &od, these are the sons o! &od, #'!or ye did not re#eive a s irit o! bondage again !or !ear, but ye did re#eive a s irit o! ado tion in $hi#h $e #ry, I.bba ++ Father)I #/The S irit hi"sel! doth testi!y $ith our s irit, that $e are #hildren o! &od, #0and i! #hildren, also heirs, heirs, indeed, o! &od, and heirs together o! Dhrist ++ i!, indeed, $e su!!er together, that $e "ay also be glori!ied together) %SXNBC WN LSY NPVN NO PAUYB AKK NO `ONSXAVB NB`NU `ONSXA ]NLS LBYNB NO SXBO NB WN VBC `ONSXA TUBPVLS LSY NTNB LSVLC LSY NPVBO ASVLS #(NB WN TUBPVLC NO SXBO VL XNO PQXA ONYULO WB AXAUVBAO VL WN `ONSXA \QR WBA WBYABLPSORO ##NB WN VL `ONSXA VLS NMNBUAOVLC BRPLSO NY ONYUQO LBYNB NO SXBO L NMNBUAC VLO TUBPVLO NY ONYUQO \QL`LBRPNB YAB VA ]ORVA PQXAVA SXQO WBA VL NOLBYLSO ASVLS `ONSXA NO SXBO #,AUA LSO AWNKZLB LZNBKNVAB NPXNO LS VR PAUYB VLS YAVA PAUYA \RO #-NB MAU YAVA PAUYA \RVN XNKKNVN A`L]ORPYNBO NB WN `ONSXAVB VAC `UAaNBC VLS PQXAVLC ]AOAVLSVN \RPNP]N #.LPLB MAU `ONSXAVB ]NLS AMLOVAB LSVLB NBPBO SBLB ]NLS #'LS MAU NKAHNVN `ONSXA WLSKNBAC `AKBO NBC ZLHLO AKK NKAHNVN `ONSXA SBL]NPBAC NO Q YUA\LXNO AHHA L `AVRU #/ASVL VL `ONSXA PSXXAUVSUNB VQ `ONSXAVB RXQO LVB NPXNO VNYOA ]NLS #0NB WN VNYOA YAB YKRULOLXLB YKRULOLXLB XNO ]NLS PSMYKRULOLXLB WN TUBPVLS NB`NU PSX`APTLXNO BOA YAB PSOWLaAP]QXNO
#$For 0 re#'on that the su!!erings o! the resent ti"e IareI not $orthy Ito be #o" aredI $ith the glory about to be revealed in us, #%!or the earnest loo'ing out o! the #reation doth e( e#t the revelation o! the sons o! &od, ,(!or to vanity $as the #reation "ade sub-e#t ++ not o! its $ill, but be#ause o! Hi" $ho did sub-e#t IitI ++ in ho e, ,#that also the #reation itsel! shall be set !ree !ro" the servitude o! the #orru tion to the liberty o! the glory o! the #hildren o! &od, ,,!or $e have 'no$n that all the #reation doth groan together, and doth travail in ain together till no$) ,-.nd not only IsoI, but also $e ourselves, having the !irst+!ruit o! the S irit, $e also ourselves in ourselves do groan, ado tion e( e#ting ++ the rede" tion o! our body, ,.!or in ho e $e $ere saved, and ho e beheld is not ho e, !or $hat any one doth behold, $hy also doth he ho e !or IitIb ,'and i! $hat $e do not behold $e ho e !or, through #ontinuan#e $e e( e#t IitI) #$KLMB\LXAB MAU LVB LSY AaBA VA `A]RXAVA VLS OSO YABULS `ULC VRO XNKKLSPAO WLaAO A`LYAKSZ]ROAB NBC RXAC #%R MAU A`LYAUAWLYBA VRC YVBPNQC VRO A`LYAKScBO VQO SBQO VLS ]NLS A`NYWNTNVAB ,(VR MAU XAVABLVRVB R YVBPBC S`NVAMR LST NYLSPA AKKA WBA VLO S`LVAaAOVA N` NK`BWB ,#LVB YAB ASVR R YVBPBC NKNS]NUQ]RPNVAB A`L VRC WLSKNBAC VRC Z]LUAC NBC VRO NKNS]NUBAO VRC WLaRC VQO VNYOQO VLS ]NLS ,,LBWAXNO MAU LVB `APA R YVBPBC PSPVNOA\NB YAB PSOQWBONB ATUB VLS OSO ,-LS XLOLO WN AKKA YAB ASVLB VRO A`AUTRO VLS `ONSXAVLC NTLOVNC YAB RXNBC ASVLB NO NASVLBC PVNOA\LXNO SBL]NPBAO A`NYWNTLXNOLB VRO A`LKSVUQPBO VLS PQXAVLC RXQO ,.VR MAU NK`BWB NPQ]RXNO NK`BC WN HKN`LXNOR LSY NPVBO NK`BC L MAU HKN`NB VBC VB YAB NK`B\NB ,'NB WN L LS HKN`LXNO NK`B\LXNO WB S`LXLORC A`NYWNTLXN]A
,/.nd, in li'e "anner also, the S irit doth hel our $ea'nesses, !or, $hat $e "ay ray !or, as it behoveth IusI, $e have not 'no$n, but the S irit hi"sel! doth "a'e inter#ession !or us $ith groanings unutterable, ,0and He $ho is sear#hing the hearts hath 'no$n $hat IisI the "ind o! the S irit, be#ause a##ording to &od he doth inter#ede !or saints) ,$.nd $e have 'no$n that to those loving &od all things do $or' together !or good, to those $ho are #alled a##ording to ur ose, ,%be#ause $ho" He did !ore'no$, He also did !ore+a oint, #on!or"ed to the i"age o! His Son, that he "ight be !irst+born a"ong "any brethren, -(and $ho" He did !ore+a oint, these also He did #all, and $ho" He did #all, these also He de#lared righteous, and $ho" He de#lared righteous, these also He did glori!y) -#What, then, shall $e say unto these thingsb i! &od IisI !or us, $ho IisI against usb -,He $ho indeed His o$n Son did not s are, but !or us all did deliver hi" u , ho$ shall He not also $ith hi" the all things grant to usb --Who shall lay a #harge against the #hoi#e ones o! &odb &od IisI He that is de#laring righteous, ,/QPASVQC WN YAB VL `ONSXA PSOAOVBKAXHAONVAB VABC AP]NONBABC RXQO VL MAU VB `ULPNSaQXN]A YA]L WNB LSY LBWAXNO AKK ASVL VL `ONSXA S`NUNOVSMTAONB S`NU RXQO PVNOAMXLBC AKAKRVLBC ,0L WN NUNSOQO VAC YAUWBAC LBWNO VB VL ZULORXA VLS `ONSXAVLC LVB YAVA ]NLO NOVSMTAONB S`NU AMBQO ,$LBWAXNO WN LVB VLBC AMA`QPBO VLO ]NLO `AOVA PSONUMNB NBC AMA]LO VLBC YAVA `UL]NPBO YKRVLBC LSPBO ,%LVB LSC `ULNMOQ YAB `ULQUBPNO PSXXLUZLSC VRC NBYLOLC VLS SBLS ASVLS NBC VL NBOAB ASVLO `UQVLVLYLO NO `LKKLBC AWNKZLBC -(LSC WN `ULQUBPNO VLSVLSC YAB NYAKNPNO YAB LSC NYAKNPNO VLSVLSC YAB NWBYABQPNO LSC WN NWBYABQPNO VLSVLSC YAB NWLaAPNO -#VB LSO NULSXNO `ULC VASVA NB L ]NLC S`NU RXQO VBC YA] RXQO -,LC MN VLS BWBLS SBLS LSY NZNBPAVL AKK S`NU RXQO `AOVQO `AUNWQYNO ASVLO `QC LSTB YAB PSO ASVQ VA `AOVA RXBO TAUBPNVAB --VBC NMYAKNPNB YAVA NYKNYVQO ]NLS ]NLC L WBYABQO
-.$ho IisI he that is #onde"ningb Dhrist IisI He that died, yea, rather also, $as raised u , $ho is also on the right hand o! &od ++ $ho also doth inter#ede !or us) -'Who shall se arate us !ro" the love o! the Dhristb tribulation, or distress, or erse#ution, or !a"ine, or na'edness, or eril, or s$ordb -/7a##ording as it hath been $ritten ++ IFor Thy sa'e $e are ut to death all the day long, $e $ere re#'oned as shee o! slaughter,I< -0but in all these $e "ore than #on?uer, through hi" $ho loved us, -$!or 0 a" ersuaded that neither death, nor li!e, nor "essengers, nor rin#i alities, nor o$ers, nor things resent, -%nor things about to be, nor height, nor de th, nor any other #reated thing, shall be able to se arate us !ro" the love o! god, that IisI in Dhrist 5esus our Lord) -.VBC L YAVAYUBOQO TUBPVLC L A`L]AOQO XAKKLO WN YAB NMNU]NBC LC YAB NPVBO NO WNaBA VLS ]NLS LC YAB NOVSMTAONB S`NU RXQO -'VBC RXAC TQUBPNB A`L VRC AMA`RC VLS TUBPVLS ]KBcBC R PVNOLTQUBA R WBQMXLC R KBXLC R MSXOLVRC R YBOWSOLC R XATABUA -/YA]QC MNMUA`VAB LVB NONYA PLS ]AOAVLSXN]A LKRO VRO RXNUAO NKLMBP]RXNO QC `ULHAVA PZAMRC -0AKK NO VLSVLBC `APBO S`NUOBYQXNO WBA VLS AMA`RPAOVLC RXAC -$`N`NBPXAB MAU LVB LSVN ]AOAVLC LSVN \QR LSVN AMMNKLB LSVN AUTAB LSVN WSOAXNBC LSVN NONPVQVA LSVN XNKKLOVA -%LSVN ScQXA LSVN HA]LC LSVN VBC YVBPBC NVNUA WSORPNVAB RXAC TQUBPAB A`L VRC AMA`RC VLS ]NLS VRC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS VQ YSUBQ RXQO
+hapter %
#Truth 0 say in Dhrist, 0 lie not, "y #ons#ien#e bearing testi"ony $ith "e in the Holy S irit, ,that 0 have great grie! and un#easing ain in "y heart ++ -!or 0 $as $ishing, 0 "ysel!, to be anathe"a !ro" the Dhrist ++ !or "y brethren, "y 'indred, a##ording to the !lesh, .$ho are 0sraelites, $hose IisI the ado tion, and the glory, and the #ovenants, and the la$giving, and the servi#e, and the ro"ises, '$hose IareI the !athers, and o! $ho" IisI the Dhrist, a##ording to the !lesh, $ho is over all, &od blessed to the ages) ."en) /.nd it is not ossible that the $ord o! &od hath !ailed, !or not all $ho IareI o! 0srael are these 0srael, 0nor be#ause they are seed o! .braha" IareI all #hildren, but ++ Iin 0saa# shall a seed be #alled to thee,I $that is, the #hildren o! the !lesh ++ these IareI not #hildren o! &od, but the #hildren o! the ro"ise are re#'oned !or seed, %!or the $ord o! ro"ise IisI this, I.##ording to this ti"e 0 $ill #o"e, and there shall be to Sarah a son)I #(.nd not only IsoI, but also Rebe##a, having #on#eived by one ++ 0saa# our !ather ++ #AKR]NBAO KNMQ NO TUBPVQ LS cNSWLXAB PSXXAUVSULSPRC XLB VRC PSONBWRPNQC XLS NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ ,LVB KS`R XLB NPVBO XNMAKR YAB AWBAKNB`VLC LWSOR VR YAUWBA XLS -RSTLXRO MAU ASVLC NMQ AOA]NXA NBOAB A`L VLS TUBPVLS S`NU VQO AWNKZQO XLS VQO PSMMNOQO XLS YAVA PAUYA .LBVBONC NBPBO BPUARKBVAB QO R SBL]NPBA YAB R WLaA YAB AB WBA]RYAB YAB R OLXL]NPBA YAB R KAVUNBA YAB AB N`AMMNKBAB 'QO LB `AVNUNC YAB Na QO L TUBPVLC VL YAVA PAUYA L QO N`B `AOVQO ]NLC NSKLMRVLC NBC VLSC ABQOAC AXRO /LST LBLO WN LVB NY`N`VQYNO L KLMLC VLS ]NLS LS MAU `AOVNC LB Na BPUARK LSVLB BPUARK 0LSW LVB NBPBO P`NUXA AHUAAX `AOVNC VNYOA AKK NO BPAAY YKR]RPNVAB PLB P`NUXA $VLSVNPVBO LS VA VNYOA VRC PAUYLC VASVA VNYOA VLS ]NLS AKKA VA VNYOA VRC N`AMMNKBAC KLMB\NVAB NBC P`NUXA %N`AMMNKBAC MAU L KLMLC LSVLC YAVA VLO YABULO VLSVLO NKNSPLXAB YAB NPVAB VR PAUUA SBLC #(LS XLOLO WN AKKA YAB UNHNYYA Na NOLC YLBVRO NTLSPA BPAAY VLS `AVULC RXQO
##7!or they being not yet born, neither having done anything good or evil, that the ur ose o! &od, a##ording to #hoi#e, "ight re"ain, not o! $or's, but o! Hi" $ho is #alling,< it $as said to her ++ #,IThe greater shall serve the less,I #-a##ording as it hath been $ritten, I5a#ob 0 did love, and Esau 0 did hate)I #.What, then, shall $e sayb unrighteousness IisI $ith &odb let it not bed #'!or to @oses He saith, I0 $ill do 'indness to $ho" 0 do 'indness, and 0 $ill have #o" assion on $ho" 0 have #o" assion,I #/so, then ++ not o! hi" $ho is $illing, nor o! hi" $ho is running, but o! &od $ho is doing 'indnessF #0!or the Writing saith to Pharaoh ++ IFor this very thing 0 did raise thee u , that 0 "ight she$ in thee @y o$er, and that @y na"e "ight be de#lared in all the land,I #$so, then, to $ho" He $illeth, He doth 'indness, and to $ho" He $illeth, He doth harden) #%Thou $ilt say, then, to "e, IWhy yet doth He !ind !aultb !or His #ounsel $ho hath resistedbI ##XR`Q MAU MNOOR]NOVQO XRWN `UAaAOVQO VB AMA]LO R YAYLO BOA R YAV NYKLMRO VLS ]NLS `UL]NPBC XNOR LSY Na NUMQO AKK NY VLS YAKLSOVLC #,NUUR]R ASVR LVB L XNB\QO WLSKNSPNB VQ NKAPPLOB #-YA]QC MNMUA`VAB VLO BAYQH RMA`RPA VLO WN RPAS NXBPRPA #.VB LSO NULSXNO XR AWBYBA `AUA VQ ]NQ XR MNOLBVL #'VQ MAU XQPR KNMNB NKNRPQ LO AO NKNQ YAB LBYVNBURPQ LO AO LBYVNBUQ #/AUA LSO LS VLS ]NKLOVLC LSWN VLS VUNTLOVLC AKKA VLS NKNLSOVLC ]NLS #0KNMNB MAU R MUAZR VQ ZAUAQ LVB NBC ASVL VLSVL NaRMNBUA PN L`QC NOWNBaQXAB NO PLB VRO WSOAXBO XLS YAB L`QC WBAMMNKR VL LOLXA XLS NO `APR VR MR #$AUA LSO LO ]NKNB NKNNB LO WN ]NKNB PYKRUSONB #%NUNBC LSO XLB VB NVB XNXZNVAB VQ MAU HLSKRXAVB ASVLS VBC AO]NPVRYNO
,(nay, but, O "an, $ho art thou that art ans$ering again to &odb shall the thing !or"ed say to Hi" $ho did !or" IitI, Why "e didst thou "a'e thusb ,#hath not the otter authority over the #lay, out o! the sa"e lu" to "a'e the one vessel to honour, and the one to dishonourb ,,.nd i! &od, $illing to she$ the $rath and to "a'e 'no$n His o$er, did endure, in "u#h long su!!ering, vessels o! $rath !itted !or destru#tion, ,-and that He "ight "a'e 'no$n the ri#hes o! His glory on vessels o! 'indness, that He be!ore re ared !or glory, $ho" also He did #all ++ us ++ ,.not only out o! 5e$s, but also out o! nations, ,'as also in Hosea He saith, I0 $ill #all $hat IisI not @y eo le ++ @y eo le, and her not beloved ++ Beloved, ,/and it shall be ++ in the la#e $here it $as said to the", 4e IareI not @y eo le, there they shall be #alled sons o! the living &od)I ,0.nd 0saiah doth #ry #on#erning 0srael, I0! the nu"ber o! the sons o! 0srael "ay be as the sand o! the sea, the re"nant shall be saved, ,(XNOLSOMN Q AO]UQ`N PS VBC NB L AOVA`LYUBOLXNOLC VQ ]NQ XR NUNB VL `KAPXA VQ `KAPAOVB VB XN N`LBRPAC LSVQC ,#R LSY NTNB NaLSPBAO L YNUAXNSC VLS `RKLS NY VLS ASVLS ZSUAXAVLC `LBRPAB L XNO NBC VBXRO PYNSLC L WN NBC AVBXBAO ,,NB WN ]NKQO L ]NLC NOWNBaAP]AB VRO LUMRO YAB MOQUBPAB VL WSOAVLO ASVLS RONMYNO NO `LKKR XAYUL]SXBA PYNSR LUMRC YAVRUVBPXNOA NBC A`QKNBAO ,-YAB BOA MOQUBPR VLO `KLSVLO VRC WLaRC ASVLS N`B PYNSR NKNLSC A `ULRVLBXAPNO NBC WLaAO ,.LSC YAB NYAKNPNO RXAC LS XLOLO Na BLSWABQO AKKA YAB Na N]OQO ,'QC YAB NO VQ QPRN KNMNB YAKNPQ VLO LS KALO XLS KALO XLS YAB VRO LSY RMA`RXNORO RMA`RXNORO ,/YAB NPVAB NO VQ VL`Q LS NUUR]R ASVLBC LS KALC XLS SXNBC NYNB YKR]RPLOVAB SBLB ]NLS \QOVLC ,0RPABAC WN YUA\NB S`NU VLS BPUARK NAO R L AUB]XLC VQO SBQO BPUARK QC R AXXLC VRC ]AKAPPRC VL YAVAKNBXXA PQ]RPNVAB
,$!or a "atter He is !inishing, and is #utting short in righteousness, be#ause a "atter #ut short $ill the Lord do u on the land) ,%and a##ording as 0saiah saith be!ore, IE(#e t the Lord o! Sabaoth did leave to us a seed, as Sodo" $e had be#o"e, and as &o"orrah $e had been "ade li'e)I -(What, then, shall $e sayb that nations $ho are not ursuing righteousness did attain to righteousness, and righteousness that IisI o! !aith, -#and 0srael, ursuing a la$ o! righteousness, at a la$ o! righteousness did not arrive, -,$here!oreb be#ause ++ not by !aith, but as by $or's o! la$, !or they did stu"ble at the stone o! stu"bling, --a##ording as it hath been $ritten, ILo, 0 la#e in Sion a stone o! stu"bling and a ro#' o! o!!en#e, and every one $ho is believing thereon shall not be asha"ed)I ,$KLMLO MAU PSOVNKQO YAB PSOVNXOQO NO WBYABLPSOR LVB KLMLO PSOVNVXRXNOLO `LBRPNB YSUBLC N`B VRC MRC ,%YAB YA]QC `ULNBURYNO RPABAC NB XR YSUBLC PAHAQ] NMYAVNKB`NO RXBO P`NUXA QC PLWLXA AO NMNOR]RXNO YAB QC MLXLUUA AO QXLBQ]RXNO -(VB LSO NULSXNO LVB N]OR VA XR WBQYLOVA WBYABLPSORO YAVNKAHNO WBYABLPSORO WBYABLPSORO WN VRO NY `BPVNQC -#BPUARK WN WBQYQO OLXLO WBYABLPSORC NBC OLXLO WBYABLPSORC LSY NZ]APNO -,WBAVB LVB LSY NY `BPVNQC AKK QC Na NUMQO OLXLS `ULPNYLcAO MAU VQ KB]Q VLS `ULPYLXXAVLC --YA]QC MNMUA`VAB BWLS VB]RXB NO PBQO KB]LO `ULPYLXXAVLC YAB `NVUAO PYAOWAKLS YAB `AC L `BPVNSQO N` ASVQ LS YAVABPTSO]RPNVAB
+hapter #(
#Brethren, the leasure indeed o! "y heart, and "y su li#ation that IisI to &od !or 0srael, is ++ !or salvation, ,!or 0 bear the" testi"ony that they have a Eeal o! &od, but not a##ording to 'no$ledge, -!or not 'no$ing the righteousness o! &od, and their o$n righteousness see'ing to establish, to the righteousness o! &od they did not sub"it) .For Dhrist is an end o! la$ !or righteousness to every one $ho is believing, '!or @oses doth des#ribe the righteousness that IisI o! the la$, that, IThe "an $ho did the" shall live in the",I /and the righteousness o! !aith doth thus s ea'F IThou "ayest not say in thine heart, Who shall go u to the heaven,I that is, Dhrist to bring do$nb 0or, IWho shall go do$n to the abyss,I that is, Dhrist out o! the dead to bring u ) $But $hat doth it sayb I/igh thee is the saying ++ in thy "outh, and in thy heartFI that is, the saying o! the !aith, that $e rea#h, #AWNKZLB R XNO NSWLYBA VRC NXRC YAUWBAC YAB R WNRPBC R `ULC VLO ]NLO S`NU VLS BPUARK NPVBO NBC PQVRUBAO ,XAUVSUQ MAU ASVLBC LVB \RKLO ]NLS NTLSPBO AKK LS YAV N`BMOQPBO -AMOLLSOVNC MAU VRO VLS ]NLS WBYABLPSORO YAB VRO BWBAO WBYABLPSORO \RVLSOVNC PVRPAB VR WBYABLPSOR VLS ]NLS LST S`NVAMRPAO .VNKLC MAU OLXLS TUBPVLC NBC WBYABLPSORO `AOVB VQ `BPVNSLOVB 'XQPRC MAU MUAZNB VRO WBYABLPSORO VRO NY VLS OLXLS LVB L `LBRPAC ASVA AO]UQ`LC \RPNVAB NO ASVLBC /R WN NY `BPVNQC WBYABLPSOR LSVQC KNMNB XR NB`RC NO VR YAUWBA PLS VBC AOAHRPNVAB NBC VLO LSUAOLO VLSV NPVBO TUBPVLO YAVAMAMNBO 0R VBC YAVAHRPNVAB NBC VRO AHSPPLO VLSV NPVBO TUBPVLO NY ONYUQO AOAMAMNBO $AKKA VB KNMNB NMMSC PLS VL URXA NPVBO NO VQ PVLXAVB PLS YAB NO VR YAUWBA PLS VLSV NPVBO VL URXA VRC `BPVNQC L YRUSPPLXNO
%that i! thou "ayest #on!ess $ith thy "outh the Lord 5esus, and "ayest believe in thy heart that &od did raise hi" out o! the dead, thou shalt be saved, #(!or $ith the heart doth IoneI believe to righteousness, and $ith the "outh is #on!ession "ade to salvation, ##!or the Writing saith, IEvery one $ho is believing on hi" shall not be asha"ed,I #,!or there is no di!!eren#e bet$een 5e$ and &ree', !or the sa"e Lord o! all IisI ri#h to all those #alling u on Hi", #-!or every one ++ $hoever shall #all u on the na"e o! the Lord, he shall be saved)I #.Ho$ then shall they #all u on Ihi"I in $ho" they did not believeb and ho$ shall they believe Ion hi"I o! $ho" they did not hearb and ho$ shall they hear a art !ro" one rea#hingb #'and ho$ shall they rea#h, i! they "ay not be sentb a##ording as it hath been $ritten, IHo$ beauti!ul the !eet o! those ro#lai"ing good tidings o! ea#e, o! those ro#lai"ing good tidings o! the good thingsdI #/But they $ere not all obedient to the good tidings, !or 0saiah saith, ILord, $ho did give #reden#e to our re ortbI #0so then the !aith IisI by a re ort, and the re ort through a saying o! &od, %LVB NAO LXLKLMRPRC NO VQ PVLXAVB PLS YSUBLO BRPLSO YAB `BPVNSPRC NO VR YAUWBA PLS LVB L ]NLC ASVLO RMNBUNO NY ONYUQO PQ]RPR #(YAUWBA MAU `BPVNSNVAB NBC WBYABLPSORO PVLXAVB WN LXLKLMNBVAB NBC PQVRUBAO ##KNMNB MAU R MUAZR `AC L `BPVNSQO N` ASVQ LS YAVABPTSO]RPNVAB #,LS MAU NPVBO WBAPVLKR BLSWABLS VN YAB NKKROLC L MAU ASVLC YSUBLC `AOVQO `KLSVQO NBC `AOVAC VLSC N`BYAKLSXNOLSC ASVLO #-`AC MAU LC AO N`BYAKNPRVAB VL LOLXA YSUBLS PQ]RPNVAB #.`QC LSO N`BYAKNPLOVAB NBC LO LSY N`BPVNSPAO `QC WN `BPVNSPLSPBO LS LSY RYLSPAO `QC WN AYLSPLSPBO TQUBC YRUSPPLOVLC #'`QC WN YRUSaLSPBO NAO XR A`LPVAKQPBO YA]QC MNMUA`VAB QC QUABLB LB `LWNC VQO NSAMMNKB\LXNOQO NBURORO VQO NSAMMNKB\LXNOQO VA AMA]A #/AKK LS `AOVNC S`RYLSPAO VQ NSAMMNKBQ RPABAC MAU KNMNB YSUBN VBC N`BPVNSPNO VR AYLR RXQO #0AUA R `BPVBC Na AYLRC R WN AYLR WBA URXAVLC ]NLS
#$but 0 say, Did they not hearb yes, indeed ++ Ito all the earth their voi#e $ent !orth, and to the ends o! the habitable $orld their sayings)I #%But 0 say, Did not 0srael 'no$b !irst @oses saith, I0 $ill rovo'e you to -ealousy by Ithat $hi#h isI not a nation, by an unintelligent nation 0 $ill anger you,I ,(and 0saiah is very bold, and saith, I0 $as !ound by those not see'ing @e, 0 be#a"e "ani!est to those not in?uiring a!ter @e,I ,#and unto 0srael He saith, I.ll the day 0 did stret#h out @y hands unto a eo le unbelieving and gainsaying)I #$AKKA KNMQ XR LSY RYLSPAO XNOLSOMN NBC `APAO VRO MRO NaRK]NO L Z]LMMLC ASVQO YAB NBC VA `NUAVA VRC LBYLSXNORC VA URXAVA ASVQO #%AKKA KNMQ XR LSY NMOQ BPUARK `UQVLC XQPRC KNMNB NMQ `AUA\RKQPQ SXAC N` LSY N]ONB N`B N]ONB APSONVQ `AULUMBQ SXAC ,(RPABAC WN A`LVLKXA YAB KNMNB NSUN]RO VLBC NXN XR \RVLSPBO NXZAORC NMNOLXRO VLBC NXN XR N`NUQVQPBO ,#`ULC WN VLO BPUARK KNMNB LKRO VRO RXNUAO NaN`NVAPA VAC TNBUAC XLS `ULC KALO A`NB]LSOVA YAB AOVBKNMLOVA
+hapter ##
#0 say, then, Did &od #ast a$ay His eo leb let it not bed !or 0 also a" an 0sraelite, o! the seed o! .braha", o! the tribe o! Ben-a"inF ,&od did not #ast a$ay His eo le $ho" He 'ne$ be!ore, have ye not 'no$n ++ in Eli-ah ++ $hat the Writing saithb ho$ he doth lead $ith &od #on#erning 0srael, saying, -ILord, Thy ro hets they did 'ill, and Thy altars they dug do$n, and 0 $as le!t alone, and they see' "y li!e,I .but $hat saith the divine ans$er to hi"b I0 le!t to @ysel! seven thousand "en, $ho did not bo$ a 'nee to Baal)I 'So then also in the resent ti"e a re"nant a##ording to the #hoi#e o! gra#e there hath been, /and i! by gra#e, no "ore o! $or's, other$ise the gra#e be#o"eth no "ore gra#e, and i! o! $or's, it is no "ore gra#e, other$ise the $or' is no "ore $or') 0What thenb What 0srael doth see' a!ter, this it did not obtain, and the #hosen did obtain, and the rest $ere hardened, $a##ording as it hath been $ritten, I&od gave to the" a s irit o! dee slee , eyes not to see, and ears not to hear,I ++ unto this very day, #KNMQ LSO XR A`QPAVL L ]NLC VLO KALO ASVLS XR MNOLBVL YAB MAU NMQ BPUARKBVRC NBXB NY P`NUXAVLC AHUAAX ZSKRC HNOBAXBO ,LSY A`QPAVL L ]NLC VLO KALO ASVLS LO `ULNMOQ R LSY LBWAVN NO RKBA VB KNMNB R MUAZR QC NOVSMTAONB VQ ]NQ YAVA VLS BPUARK KNMQO -YSUBN VLSC `ULZRVAC PLS A`NYVNBOAO YAB VA ]SPBAPVRUBA PLS YAVNPYAcAO YAMQ S`NKNBZ]RO XLOLC YAB \RVLSPBO VRO cSTRO XLS .AKKA VB KNMNB ASVQ L TURXAVBPXLC YAVNKB`LO NXASVQ N`VAYBPTBKBLSC AOWUAC LBVBONC LSY NYAXcAO MLOS VR HAAK 'LSVQC LSO YAB NO VQ OSO YABUQ KNBXXA YAV NYKLMRO TAUBVLC MNMLONO /NB WN TAUBVB LSYNVB Na NUMQO N`NB R TAUBC LSYNVB MBONVAB TAUBC NB WN Na NUMQO LSYNVB NPVBO TAUBC N`NB VL NUMLO LSYNVB NPVBO NUMLO 0VB LSO L N`B\RVNB BPUARK VLSVLS LSY N`NVSTNO R WN NYKLMR N`NVSTNO LB WN KLB`LB N`QUQ]RPAO $YA]QC MNMUA`VAB NWQYNO ASVLBC L ]NLC `ONSXA YAVAOSaNQC LZ]AKXLSC VLS XR HKN`NBO YAB QVA VLS XR AYLSNBO NQC VRC PRXNULO RXNUAC >3:
%and David saith, ILet their table be#o"e !or a snare, and !or a tra , and !or a stu"bling+blo#', and !or a re#o" ense to the", #(let their eyes be dar'ened ++ not to behold, and their ba#' do Thou al$ays bo$ do$n)I ##0 say, then, Did they stu"ble that they "ight !allb let it not bed but by their !all the salvation IisI to the nations, to arouse the" to -ealousy, #,and i! the !all o! the" IisI the ri#hes o! a $orld, and the di"inution o! the" the ri#hes o! nations, ho$ "u#h "ore the !ulness o! the"b #-For to you 0 s ea' ++ to the nations ++ inas"u#h as 0 a" indeed an a ostle o! nations, "y "inistration 0 do glori!y, #.i! by any "eans 0 shall arouse to -ealousy "ine o$n !lesh, and shall save so"e o! the", #'!or i! the #asting a$ay o! the" IisI a re#on#iliation o! the $orld, $hat the re#e tion ++ i! not li!e out o! the deadb #/and i! the !irst+!ruit IisI holy, the lu" also, and i! the root IisI holy, the bran#hes also) #0.nd i! #ertain o! the bran#hes $ere bro'en o!!, and thou, being a $ild olive tree, $ast gra!!ed in a"ong the", and a !ello$+ arta'er o! the root and o! the !atness o! the olive tree didst be#o"e ++ %YAB WAHBW KNMNB MNOR]RVQ R VUA`N\A ASVQO NBC `AMBWA YAB NBC ]RUAO YAB NBC PYAOWAKLO YAB NBC AOVA`LWLXA ASVLBC #(PYLVBP]RVQPAO LB LZ]AKXLB ASVQO VLS XR HKN`NBO YAB VLO OQVLO ASVQO WBA`AOVLC PSMYAXcLO ##KNMQ LSO XR N`VABPAO BOA `NPQPBO XR MNOLBVL AKKA VQ ASVQO `AUA`VQXAVB R PQVRUBA VLBC N]ONPBO NBC VL `AUA\RKQPAB ASVLSC #,NB WN VL `AUA`VQXA ASVQO `KLSVLC YLPXLS YAB VL RVVRXA ASVQO `KLSVLC N]OQO `LPQ XAKKLO VL `KRUQXA ASVQO #-SXBO MAU KNMQ VLBC N]ONPBO NZ LPLO XNO NBXB NMQ N]OQO A`LPVLKLC VRO WBAYLOBAO XLS WLaA\Q #.NB `QC `AUA\RKQPQ XLS VRO PAUYA YAB PQPQ VBOAC Na ASVQO #'NB MAU R A`LHLKR ASVQO YAVAKKAMR YLPXLS VBC R `ULPKRcBC NB XR \QR NY ONYUQO #/NB WN R A`AUTR AMBA YAB VL ZSUAXA YAB NB R UB\A AMBA YAB LB YKAWLB #0NB WN VBONC VQO YKAWQO NaNYKAP]RPAO PS WN AMUBNKABLC QO NONYNOVUBP]RC NO ASVLBC YAB PSMYLBOQOLC VRC UB\RC YAB VRC `BLVRVLC VRC NKABAC NMNOLS
#$do not boast against the bran#hes, and i! thou dost boast, thou dost not bear the root, but the root theed #%Thou $ilt say, then, IThe bran#hes $ere bro'en o!!, that 0 "ight be gra!!ed in,I rightd ,(by unbelie! they $ere bro'en o!!, and thou hast stood by !aith, be not high+"inded, but be !earing, ,#!or i! &od the natural bran#hes did not s are ++ lest erha s He also shall not s are thee) ,,Lo, then, goodness and severity o! &od ++ u on those indeed $ho !ell, severity, and u on thee, goodness, i! thou "ayest re"ain in the goodness, other$ise, thou also shalt be #ut o!!) ,-.nd those also, i! they "ay not re"ain in unbelie!, shall be gra!!ed in, !or &od is able again to gra!! the" in, #$XR YAVAYASTQ VQO YKAWQO NB WN YAVAYASTAPAB LS PS VRO UB\AO HAPVA\NBC AKK R UB\A PN #%NUNBC LSO NaNYKAP]RPAO LB YKAWLB BOA NMQ NMYNOVUBP]Q
,(YAKQC VR A`BPVBA NaNYKAP]RPAO PS WN VR `BPVNB NPVRYAC XR ScRKLZULONB AKKA ZLHLS ,#NB MAU L ]NLC VQO YAVA ZSPBO YKAWQO LSY NZNBPAVL XR`QC LSWN PLS ZNBPRVAB ,,BWN LSO TURPVLVRVA YAB A`LVLXBAO ]NLS N`B XNO VLSC `NPLOVAC A`LVLXBAO N`B WN PN TURPVLVRVA NAO N`BXNBORC VR TURPVLVRVB N`NB YAB PS NYYL`RPR ,-YAB NYNBOLB WN NAO XR N`BXNBOQPBO VR A`BPVBA NMYNOVUBP]RPLOVAB WSOAVLC MAU NPVBO L ]NLC `AKBO NMYNOVUBPAB ASVLSC ,.!or i! thou, out o! the olive tree, ,.NB MAU PS NY VRC YAVA ZSPBO $ild by nature, $ast #ut out, and, NaNYL`RC AMUBNKABLS YAB `AUA ZSPBO #ontrary to nature, $ast gra!!ed into a NONYNOVUBP]RC NBC YAKKBNKABLO `LPQ good olive tree, ho$ "u#h rather shall XAKKLO LSVLB LB YAVA ZSPBO they, $ho IareI a##ording to nature, be NMYNOVUBP]RPLOVAB VR BWBA NKABA gra!!ed into their o$n olive treeb ,'For 0 do not $ish you to be ,'LS MAU ]NKQ SXAC AMOLNBO AWNKZLB ignorant, brethren, o! this se#ret ++ VL XSPVRUBLO VLSVL BOA XR RVN `AU that ye "ay not be $ise in your o$n NASVLBC ZULOBXLB LVB `QUQPBC A`L #on#eits ++ that hardness in art to XNULSC VQ BPUARK MNMLONO ATUBC LS VL 0srael hath ha ened till the !ulness o! `KRUQXA VQO N]OQO NBPNK]R the nations "ay #o"e in,
,/and so all 0srael shall be saved, a##ording as it hath been $ritten, IThere shall #o"e !orth out o! Sion he $ho is delivering, and he shall turn a$ay i" iety !ro" 5a#ob, ,0and this to the" IisI the #ovenant !ro" @e, $hen 0 "ay ta'e a$ay their sins)I ,$.s regards, indeed, the good tidings, Ithey areI ene"ies on your a##ount, and as regards the #hoi#e ++ beloved on a##ount o! the !athers, ,%!or unre ented o! IareI the gi!ts and the #alling o! &od, -(!or as ye also on#e did not believe in &od, and no$ did !ind 'indness by the unbelie! o! theseF -#so also these no$ did not believe, that in your 'indness they also "ay !ind 'indness, -,!or &od did shut u together the $hole to unbelie!, that to the $hole He "ight do 'indness) --O de th o! ri#hes, and $isdo" and 'no$ledge o! &odd ho$ unsear#hable His -udg"ents, and untra#eable His $aysd -.!or $ho did 'no$ the "ind o! the Lordb or $ho did be#o"e His #ounsellorb -'or $ho did !irst give to Hi", and it shall be given ba#' to hi" againb ,/YAB LSVQC `AC BPUARK PQ]RPNVAB YA]QC MNMUA`VAB RaNB NY PBQO L USLXNOLC YAB A`LPVUNcNB APNHNBAC A`L BAYQH ,0YAB ASVR ASVLBC R `AU NXLS WBA]RYR LVAO AZNKQXAB VAC AXAUVBAC ASVQO ,$YAVA XNO VL NSAMMNKBLO NT]ULB WB SXAC YAVA WN VRO NYKLMRO AMA`RVLB WBA VLSC `AVNUAC ,%AXNVAXNKRVA MAU VA TAUBPXAVA YAB R YKRPBC VLS ]NLS -(QP`NU MAU YAB SXNBC `LVN R`NB]RPAVN VQ ]NQ OSO WN RKNR]RVN VR VLSVQO A`NB]NBA -#LSVQC YAB LSVLB OSO R`NB]RPAO VQ SXNVNUQ NKNNB BOA YAB ASVLB NKNR]QPBO -,PSONYKNBPNO MAU L ]NLC VLSC `AOVAC NBC A`NB]NBAO BOA VLSC `AOVAC NKNRPR --Q HA]LC `KLSVLS YAB PLZBAC YAB MOQPNQC ]NLS QC AONaNUNSORVA VA YUBXAVA ASVLS YAB AONaBTOBAPVLB AB LWLB ASVLS -.VBC MAU NMOQ OLSO YSUBLS R VBC PSXHLSKLC ASVLS NMNONVL -'R VBC `ULNWQYNO ASVQ YAB AOVA`LWL]RPNVAB ASVQ
-/be#ause o! Hi", and through Hi", and to Hi" IareI the all things, to Hi" IisI the glory ++ to the ages) ."en) -/LVB Na ASVLS YAB WB ASVLS YAB NBC ASVLO VA `AOVA ASVQ R WLaA NBC VLSC ABQOAC AXRO
+hapter #,
#0 #all u on you, there!ore, brethren, through the #o" assions o! &od, to resent your bodies a sa#ri!i#e ++ living, san#ti!ied, a##e table to &od ++ your intelligent servi#e, ,and be not #on!or"ed to this age, but be trans!or"ed by the rene$ing o! your "ind, !or your roving $hat IisI the $ill o! &od ++ the good, and a##e table, and er!e#t) #`AUAYAKQ LSO SXAC AWNKZLB WBA VQO LBYVBUXQO VLS ]NLS `AUAPVRPAB VA PQXAVA SXQO ]SPBAO \QPAO AMBAO NSAUNPVLO VQ ]NQ VRO KLMBYRO KAVUNBAO SXQO ,YAB XR PSPTRXAVB\NP]N VQ ABQOB VLSVQ AKKA XNVAXLUZLSP]N VR AOAYABOQPNB VLS OLLC SXQO NBC VL WLYBXA\NBO SXAC VB VL ]NKRXA VLS ]NLS VL AMA]LO YAB NSAUNPVLO YAB VNKNBLO -For 0 say, through the gra#e that $as -KNMQ MAU WBA VRC TAUBVLC VRC given to "e, to every one $ho is WL]NBPRC XLB `AOVB VQ LOVB NO SXBO XR a"ong you, not to thin' above $hat it S`NUZULONBO `AU L WNB ZULONBO AKKA behoveth to thin', but to thin' so as to ZULONBO NBC VL PQZULONBO NYAPVQ QC thin' $isely, as to ea#h &od did deal L ]NLC NXNUBPNO XNVULO `BPVNQC a "easure o! !aith, .!or as in one body $e have "any .YA]A`NU MAU NO NOB PQXAVB XNKR "e"bers, and all the "e"bers have `LKKA NTLXNO VA WN XNKR `AOVA LS not the sa"e o!!i#e, VRO ASVRO NTNB `UAaBO 'so $e, the "any, one body are in 'LSVQC LB `LKKLB NO PQXA NPXNO NO Dhrist, and "e"bers ea#h one o! one TUBPVQ L WN YA] NBC AKKRKQO XNKR another) /.nd having gi!ts, di!!erent a##ording /NTLOVNC WN TAUBPXAVA YAVA VRO to the gra#e that $as given to us, TAUBO VRO WL]NBPAO RXBO WBAZLUA NBVN $hether ro he#y ++ I.##ording to the `ULZRVNBAO YAVA VRO AOAKLMBAO VRC ro ortion o! !aithdI `BPVNQC 0or "inistration ++ I0n the 0NBVN WBAYLOBAO NO VR WBAYLOBA NBVN L "inistrationdI or he $ho is tea#hing ++ WBWAPYQO NO VR WBWAPYAKBA I0n the tea#hingdI
$or he $ho is e(horting ++ I0n the e(hortationdI he $ho is sharing ++ I0n si" li#itydI he $ho is leading ++ I0n diligen#ebI he $ho is doing 'indness ++ I0n #heer!ulness)I %The love un!eignedF abhorring the evil, #leaving to the good, #(in the love o! brethren, to one another 'indly a!!e#tionedF in the honour going be!ore one another, ##in the diligen#e not sloth!ul, in the s irit !ervent, the Lord serving, #,in the ho e re-oi#ing, in the tribulation enduring, in the rayer ersevering, #-to the ne#essities o! the saints #o""uni#ating, the hos itality ursuing) #.Bless those erse#uting you, bless, and #urse not, #'to re-oi#e $ith the re-oi#ing, and to $ee $ith the $ee ing, #/o! the sa"e "ind one to$ard another, not "inding the high things, but $ith the lo$ly going along, be#o"e not $ise in your o$n #on#eit, #0giving ba#' to no one evil !or evil, roviding right things be!ore all "en) $NBVN L `AUAYAKQO NO VR `AUAYKRPNB L XNVAWBWLSC NO A`KLVRVB L `ULBPVAXNOLC NO P`LSWR L NKNQO NO BKAULVRVB
#%not avenging yourselves, beloved, but give la#e to the $rath, !or it hath been $ritten, I%engean#e IisI @ine, ,(0 $ill re#o" ense again, saith the Lord,I i!, then, thine ene"y doth hunger, !eed hi", i! he doth thirst, give hi" drin', !or this doing, #oals o! !ire thou shalt hea u on his head, ,#Be not over#o"e by the evil, but over#o"e, in the good, the evil) #%XR NASVLSC NYWBYLSOVNC AMA`RVLB AKKA WLVN VL`LO VR LUMR MNMUA`VAB MAU NXLB NYWBYRPBC NMQ AOVA`LWQPQ KNMNB YSUBLC ,(NAO LSO `NBOA L NT]ULC PLS cQXB\N ASVLO NAO WBcA `LVB\N ASVLO VLSVL MAU `LBQO AO]UAYAC `SULC PQUNSPNBC N`B VRO YNZAKRO ASVLS ,#XR OBYQ S`L VLS YAYLS AKKA OBYA NO VQ AMA]Q VL YAYLO
+hapter ##Let every soul to the higher authorities be sub-e#t, !or there is no authority e(#e t !ro" &od, and the authorities e(isting are a ointed by &od, ,so that he $ho is setting hi"sel! against the authority, against &odIs ordinan#e hath resisted, and those resisting, to the"selves shall re#eive -udg"ent) -For those ruling are not a terror to the good $or's, but to the evil, and dost thou $ish not to be a!raid o! the authorityb that $hi#h is good be doing, and thou shalt have raise !ro" it, .!or o! &od it is a "inistrant to thee !or good, and i! that $hi#h is evil thou "ayest do, be !earing, !or not in vain doth it bear the s$ord, !or o! &od it is a "inistrant, an avenger !or $rath to hi" $ho is doing that $hi#h is evil) 'Where!ore it is ne#essary to be sub-e#t, not only be#ause o! the $rath, but also be#ause o! the #ons#ien#e, /!or be#ause o! this also ay ye tribute, !or servants o! &od they are, on this very thing attending #ontinually, 0render, there!ore, to all ItheirI dues, to $ho" tribute, the tribute, to $ho" #usto", the #usto", to $ho" !ear, the !ear, to $ho" honour, the honour) #`APA cSTR NaLSPBABC S`NUNTLSPABC S`LVAPPNP]Q LS MAU NPVBO NaLSPBA NB XR A`L ]NLS AB WN LSPAB NaLSPBAB S`L VLS ]NLS VNVAMXNOAB NBPBO ,QPVN L AOVBVAPPLXNOLC VR NaLSPBA VR VLS ]NLS WBAVAMR AO]NPVRYNO LB WN AO]NPVRYLVNC NASVLBC YUBXA KRcLOVAB -LB MAU AUTLOVNC LSY NBPBO ZLHLC VQO AMA]QO NUMQO AKKA VQO YAYQO ]NKNBC WN XR ZLHNBP]AB VRO NaLSPBAO VL AMA]LO `LBNB YAB NaNBC N`ABOLO Na ASVRC .]NLS MAU WBAYLOLC NPVBO PLB NBC VL AMA]LO NAO WN VL YAYLO `LBRC ZLHLS LS MAU NBYR VRO XATABUAO ZLUNB ]NLS MAU WBAYLOLC NPVBO NYWBYLC NBC LUMRO VQ VL YAYLO `UAPPLOVB 'WBL AOAMYR S`LVAPPNP]AB LS XLOLO WBA VRO LUMRO AKKA YAB WBA VRO PSONBWRPBO /WBA VLSVL MAU YAB ZLULSC VNKNBVN KNBVLSUMLB MAU ]NLS NBPBO NBC ASVL VLSVL `ULPYAUVNULSOVNC 0A`LWLVN LSO `APBO VAC LZNBKAC VQ VLO ZLULO VLO ZLULO VQ VL VNKLC VL VNKLC VQ VLO ZLHLO VLO ZLHLO VQ VRO VBXRO VRO VBXRO
$To no one o$e anything, e(#e t to love one another, !or he $ho is loving the other ++ la$ he hath !ul!illed, %!or, IThou shalt not #o""it adultery, Thou shalt do no "urder, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear !alse testi"ony, Thou shalt not #ovet,I and i! there is any other #o""and, in this $ord it is su""ed u , in thisF IThou shalt love thy neighbor as thysel!,I #(the love to the neighbor doth $or' no ill, the love, there!ore, IisI the !ulness o! la$) ##.nd this, 'no$ing the ti"e, that !or us, the hour already IisI to be aroused out o! slee , !or no$ nearer IisI our salvation than $hen $e did believe, #,the night did advan#e, and the day #a"e nigh, let us lay aside, there!ore, the $or's o! the dar'ness, and let us ut on the ar"our o! the light, #-as in day+ti"e, let us $al' be#o"ingly, not in revellings and drun'ennesses, not in #ha"berings and las#iviousnesses, not in stri!e and e"ulation, #.but ut ye on the Lord 5esus Dhrist, and !or the !lesh ta'e no !orethought ++ !or desires) $XRWNOB XRWNO LZNBKNVN NB XR VL AMA`AO AKKRKLSC L MAU AMA`QO VLO NVNULO OLXLO `N`KRUQYNO %VL MAU LS XLBTNSPNBC LS ZLONSPNBC LS YKNcNBC LS cNSWLXAUVSURPNBC LSY N`B]SXRPNBC YAB NB VBC NVNUA NOVLKR NO VLSVQ VQ KLMQ AOAYNZAKABLSVAB NO VQ AMA`RPNBC VLO `KRPBLO PLS QC NASVLO #(R AMA`R VQ `KRPBLO YAYLO LSY NUMA\NVAB `KRUQXA LSO OLXLS R AMA`R ##YAB VLSVL NBWLVNC VLO YABULO LVB QUA RXAC RWR Na S`OLS NMNU]ROAB OSO MAU NMMSVNULO RXQO R PQVRUBA R LVN N`BPVNSPAXNO #,R OSa `ULNYLcNO R WN RXNUA RMMBYNO A`L]QXN]A LSO VA NUMA VLS PYLVLSC YAB NOWSPQXN]A VA L`KA VLS ZQVLC #-QC NO RXNUA NSPTRXLOQC `NUB`AVRPQXNO XR YQXLBC YAB XN]ABC XR YLBVABC YAB APNKMNBABC XR NUBWB YAB \RKQ #.AKK NOWSPAP]N VLO YSUBLO BRPLSO TUBPVLO YAB VRC PAUYLC `ULOLBAO XR `LBNBP]N NBC N`B]SXBAC
+hapter #.
#.nd hi" $ho is $ea' in the !aith re#eive ye ++ not to deter"inations o! reasonings, ,one doth believe that he "ay eat all things ++ and he $ho is $ea' doth eat herbs, -let not hi" $ho is eating des ise hi" $ho is not eatingF and let not hi" $ho is not eating -udge hi" $ho is eating, !or &od did re#eive hi") .Thou ++ $ho art thou that art -udging anotherIs do"esti#b to his o$n "aster he doth stand or !all, and he shall be "ade to stand, !or &od is able to "a'e hi" stand) 'One doth -udge one day above another, and another doth -udge every day Iali'eI, let ea#h in his o$n "ind be !ully assured) /He $ho is regarding the day, to the Lord he doth regard IitI, and he $ho is not regarding the day, to the Lord he doth not regard IitI) He $ho is eating, to the Lord he doth eat, !or he doth give than's to &od, and he $ho is not eating, to the Lord he doth not eat, and doth give than's to &od) 0For none o! us to hi"sel! doth live, and none to hi"sel! doth die, $!or both, i! $e "ay live, to the Lord $e live, i! also $e "ay die, to the Lord $e die, both then i! $e "ay live, also i! $e "ay die, $e are the LordIs, #VLO WN AP]NOLSOVA VR `BPVNB `ULPKAXHAONP]N XR NBC WBAYUBPNBC WBAKLMBPXQO ,LC XNO `BPVNSNB ZAMNBO `AOVA L WN AP]NOQO KATAOA NP]BNB -L NP]BQO VLO XR NP]BLOVA XR NaLS]NONBVQ YAB L XR NP]BQO VLO NP]BLOVA XR YUBONVQ L ]NLC MAU ASVLO `ULPNKAHNVL .PS VBC NB L YUBOQO AKKLVUBLO LBYNVRO VQ BWBQ YSUBQ PVRYNB R `B`VNB PVA]RPNVAB WN WSOAVLC MAU NPVBO L ]NLC PVRPAB ASVLO 'LC XNO YUBONB RXNUAO `AU RXNUAO LC WN YUBONB `APAO RXNUAO NYAPVLC NO VQ BWBQ OLB `KRULZLUNBP]Q /L ZULOQO VRO RXNUAO YSUBQ ZULONB YAB L XR ZULOQO VRO RXNUAO YSUBQ LS ZULONB L NP]BQO YSUBQ NP]BNB NSTAUBPVNB MAU VQ ]NQ YAB L XR NP]BQO YSUBQ LSY NP]BNB YAB NSTAUBPVNB VQ ]NQ 0LSWNBC MAU RXQO NASVQ \R YAB LSWNBC NASVQ A`L]ORPYNB $NAO VN MAU \QXNO VQ YSUBQ \QXNO NAO VN A`L]ORPYQXNO VQ YSUBQ A`L]ORPYLXNO NAO VN LSO \QXNO NAO VN A`L]ORPYQXNO VLS YSUBLS NPXNO
%!or be#ause o! this Dhrist both died and rose again, and lived again, that both o! dead and o! living he "ay be Lord) #(.nd thou, $hy dost thou -udge thy brotherb or again, thou, $hy dost thou set at nought thy brotherb !or $e shall all stand at the tribunal o! the Dhrist, ##!or it hath been $ritten, I0 lived saith the Lord ++ to @e bo$ shall every 'nee, and every tongue shall #on!ess to &od,I #,so, then, ea#h o! us #on#erning hi"sel! shall give re#'oning to &od, #-no longer, there!ore, "ay $e -udge one another, but this -udge ye rather, not to ut a stu"bling+stone be!ore the brother, or an o!!en#e) #.0 have 'no$n, and a" ersuaded, in the Lord 5esus, that nothing IisI un#lean o! itsel!, e(#e t to hi" $ho is re#'oning anything to be un#lean ++ to that one Iit isI un#lean, #'and i! through vi#tuals thy brother is grieved, no "ore dost thou $al' a##ording to love, do not $ith thy vi#tuals destroy that one !or $ho" Dhrist died) #/Let not, then, your good be evil s o'en o!, #0!or the reign o! &od is not eating and drin'ing, but righteousness, and ea#e, and -oy in the Holy S irit, %NBC VLSVL MAU TUBPVLC YAB A`N]AONO YAB AONPVR YAB AON\RPNO BOA YAB ONYUQO YAB \QOVQO YSUBNSPR #(PS WN VB YUBONBC VLO AWNKZLO PLS R YAB PS VB NaLS]NONBC VLO AWNKZLO PLS `AOVNC MAU `AUAPVRPLXN]A VQ HRXAVB VLS TUBPVLS ##MNMUA`VAB MAU \Q NMQ KNMNB YSUBLC LVB NXLB YAXcNB `AO MLOS YAB `APA MKQPPA NaLXLKLMRPNVAB VQ ]NQ #,AUA LSO NYAPVLC RXQO `NUB NASVLS KLMLO WQPNB VQ ]NQ #-XRYNVB LSO AKKRKLSC YUBOQXNO AKKA VLSVL YUBOAVN XAKKLO VL XR VB]NOAB `ULPYLXXA VQ AWNKZQ R PYAOWAKLO #.LBWA YAB `N`NBPXAB NO YSUBQ BRPLS LVB LSWNO YLBOLO WB NASVLS NB XR VQ KLMB\LXNOQ VB YLBOLO NBOAB NYNBOQ YLBOLO #'NB WN WBA HUQXA L AWNKZLC PLS KS`NBVAB LSYNVB YAVA AMA`RO `NUB`AVNBC XR VQ HUQXAVB PLS NYNBOLO A`LKKSN S`NU LS TUBPVLC A`N]AONO #/XR HKAPZRXNBP]Q LSO SXQO VL AMA]LO #0LS MAU NPVBO R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS HUQPBC YAB `LPBC AKKA WBYABLPSOR YAB NBUROR YAB TAUA NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ
#$!or he $ho in these things is serving the Dhrist, IisI a##e table to &od and a roved o! "en) #%So, then, the things o! ea#e "ay $e ursue, and the things o! building u one another, ,(!or the sa'e o! vi#tuals #ast not do$n the $or' o! &od, all things, indeed, IareI ure, but evil IisI to the "an $ho is eating through stu"bling) ,#Right Iit isI not to eat !lesh, nor to drin' $ine, nor to Ido anythingI in $hi#h thy brother doth stu"ble, or is "ade to !all, or is $ea') ,,Thou hast !aithd to thysel! have IitI be!ore &od, ha y is he $ho is not -udging hi"sel! in $hat he doth a rove, ,-and he $ho is "a'ing a di!!eren#e, i! he "ay eat, hath been #onde"ned, be#ause Iit isI not o! !aith, and all that IisI not o! !aith is sin) #$L MAU NO VLSVLBC WLSKNSQO VQ TUBPVQ NSAUNPVLC VQ ]NQ YAB WLYBXLC VLBC AO]UQ`LBC #%AUA LSO VA VRC NBURORC WBQYQXNO YAB VA VRC LBYLWLXRC VRC NBC AKKRKLSC ,(XR NONYNO HUQXAVLC YAVAKSN VL NUMLO VLS ]NLS `AOVA XNO YA]AUA AKKA YAYLO VQ AO]UQ`Q VQ WBA `ULPYLXXAVLC NP]BLOVB ,#YAKLO VL XR ZAMNBO YUNA XRWN `BNBO LBOLO XRWN NO Q L AWNKZLC PLS `ULPYL`VNB R PYAOWAKB\NVAB R AP]NONB ,,PS `BPVBO NTNBC YAVA PASVLO NTN NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS XAYAUBLC L XR YUBOQO NASVLO NO Q WLYBXA\NB ,-L WN WBAYUBOLXNOLC NAO ZAMR YAVAYNYUBVAB LVB LSY NY `BPVNQC `AO WN L LSY NY `BPVNQC AXAUVBA NPVBO
+hapter #'
#.nd $e ought ++ $e $ho are strong ++ to bear the in!ir"ities o! the $ea', and not to lease ourselves, ,!or let ea#h one o! us lease the neighbor !or good, unto edi!i#ation, -!or even the Dhrist did not lease hi"sel!, but, a##ording as it hath been $ritten, IThe re roa#hes o! those re roa#hing Thee !ell u on "e,I .!or, as "any things as $ere $ritten be!ore, !or our instru#tion $ere $ritten be!ore, that through the enduran#e, and the e(hortation o! the Writings, $e "ight have the ho e) '.nd "ay the &od o! the enduran#e, and o! the e(hortation, give to you to have the sa"e "ind to$ard one another, a##ording to Dhrist 5esus, /that $ith one a##ord ++ $ith one "outh ++ ye "ay glori!y the &od and Father o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, 0$here!ore re#eive ye one another, a##ording as also the Dhrist did re#eive us, to the glory o! &od) $.nd 0 say 5esus Dhrist to have be#o"e a "inistrant o! #ir#u"#ision !or the truth o! &od, to #on!ir" the ro"ises to the !athers, #LZNBKLXNO WN RXNBC LB WSOAVLB VA AP]NORXAVA VQO AWSOAVQO HAPVA\NBO YAB XR NASVLBC AUNPYNBO ,NYAPVLC MAU RXQO VQ `KRPBLO AUNPYNVQ NBC VL AMA]LO `ULC LBYLWLXRO -YAB MAU L TUBPVLC LST NASVQ RUNPNO AKKA YA]QC MNMUA`VAB LB LONBWBPXLB VQO LONBWB\LOVQO PN N`N`NPLO N` NXN .LPA MAU `ULNMUAZR NBC VRO RXNVNUAO WBWAPYAKBAO `ULNMUAZR BOA WBA VRC S`LXLORC YAB VRC `AUAYKRPNQC VQO MUAZQO VRO NK`BWA NTQXNO 'L WN ]NLC VRC S`LXLORC YAB VRC `AUAYKRPNQC WQR SXBO VL ASVL ZULONBO NO AKKRKLBC YAVA TUBPVLO BRPLSO /BOA LXL]SXAWLO NO NOB PVLXAVB WLaA\RVN VLO ]NLO YAB `AVNUA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS 0WBL `ULPKAXHAONP]N AKKRKLSC YA]QC YAB L TUBPVLC `ULPNKAHNVL RXAC NBC WLaAO ]NLS $KNMQ WN BRPLSO TUBPVLO WBAYLOLO MNMNORP]AB `NUBVLXRC S`NU AKR]NBAC ]NLS NBC VL HNHABQPAB VAC N`AMMNKBAC VQO `AVNUQO
%and the nations !or 'indness to glori!y &od, a##ording as it hath been $ritten, IBe#ause o! this 0 $ill #on!ess to Thee a"ong nations, and to Thy na"e 0 $ill sing raise,I #(and again it saith, IRe-oi#e ye nations, $ith His eo le,I ##and again, IPraise the Lord, all ye nations, and laud Hi", all ye eo les,I #,and again, 0saiah saith, IThere shall be the root o! 5esse, and he $ho is rising to rule nations ++ u on hi" shall nations ho e,I #-and the &od o! the ho e shall !ill you $ith all -oy and ea#e in the believing, !or your abounding in the ho e in o$er o! the Holy S irit) #..nd 0 a" ersuaded, "y brethren ++ 0 "ysel! also ++ #on#erning you, that ye yourselves also are !ull o! goodness, having been !illed $ith all 'no$ledge, able also one another to ad"onish, #'and the "ore boldly 0 did $rite to you, brethren, in art, as utting you in "ind, be#ause o! the gra#e that is given to "e by &od, #/!or "y being a servant o! 5esus Dhrist to the nations, a#ting as riest in the good ne$s o! &od, that the o!!ering u o! the nations "ay be#o"e a##e table, san#ti!ied by the Holy S irit) %VA WN N]OR S`NU NKNLSC WLaAPAB VLO ]NLO YA]QC MNMUA`VAB WBA VLSVL NaLXLKLMRPLXAB PLB NO N]ONPBO YAB VQ LOLXAVB PLS cAKQ #(YAB `AKBO KNMNB NSZUAO]RVN N]OR XNVA VLS KALS ASVLS ##YAB `AKBO ABONBVN VLO YSUBLO `AOVA VA N]OR YAB N`ABONPAVN ASVLO `AOVNC LB KALB #,YAB `AKBO RPABAC KNMNB NPVAB R UB\A VLS BNPPAB YAB L AOBPVAXNOLC AUTNBO N]OQO N` ASVQ N]OR NK`BLSPBO #-L WN ]NLC VRC NK`BWLC `KRUQPAB SXAC `APRC TAUAC YAB NBURORC NO VQ `BPVNSNBO NBC VL `NUBPPNSNBO SXAC NO VR NK`BWB NO WSOAXNB `ONSXAVLC AMBLS #.`N`NBPXAB WN AWNKZLB XLS YAB ASVLC NMQ `NUB SXQO LVB YAB ASVLB XNPVLB NPVN AMA]QPSORC `N`KRUQXNOLB `APRC MOQPNQC WSOAXNOLB YAB AKKRKLSC OLS]NVNBO #'VLKXRULVNULO WN NMUAcA SXBO AWNKZLB A`L XNULSC QC N`AOAXBXORPYQO SXAC WBA VRO TAUBO VRO WL]NBPAO XLB S`L VLS ]NLS #/NBC VL NBOAB XN KNBVLSUMLO BRPLS TUBPVLS NBC VA N]OR BNULSUMLSOVA VL NSAMMNKBLO VLS ]NLS BOA MNORVAB R `ULPZLUA VQO N]OQO NS`ULPWNYVLC RMBAPXNOR NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ
#00 have, then, a boasting in Dhrist 5esus, in the things ertaining to &od, #$!or 0 $ill not dare to s ea' anything o! the things that Dhrist did not $or' through "e, to obedien#e o! nations, by $ord and deed, #%in o$er o! signs and $onders, in o$er o! the S irit o! &od, so that 0, !ro" 5erusale", and in a #ir#le as !ar as 0llyri#u", have !ully rea#hed the good ne$s o! the Dhrist, ,(and so #ounting it honour to ro#lai" good ne$s, not $here Dhrist $as na"ed ++ that u on anotherIs !oundation 0 "ight not build ++ ,#but a##ording as it hath been $ritten, ITo $ho" it $as not told #on#erning hi", they shall see, and they $ho have not heard, shall understand)I ,,Where!ore, also, 0 $as hindered "any ti"es !ro" #o"ing unto you, ,-and no$, no longer having la#e in these arts, and having a longing to #o"e unto you !or "any years, ,.$hen 0 "ay go on to S ain 0 $ill #o"e unto you, !or 0 ho e in going through, to see you, and by you to be set !or$ard thither, i! o! you !irst, in art, 0 shall be !illed) ,'.nd, no$, 0 go on to 5erusale", "inistering to the saints, #0NTQ LSO YASTRPBO NO TUBPVQ BRPLS VA `ULC ]NLO #$LS MAU VLKXRPQ KAKNBO VB QO LS YAVNBUMAPAVL TUBPVLC WB NXLS NBC S`AYLRO N]OQO KLMQ YAB NUMQ #%NO WSOAXNB PRXNBQO YAB VNUAVQO NO WSOAXNB `ONSXAVLC ]NLS QPVN XN A`L BNULSPAKRX YAB YSYKQ XNTUB VLS BKKSUBYLS `N`KRUQYNOAB VL NSAMMNKBLO VLS TUBPVLS ,(LSVQC WN ZBKLVBXLSXNOLO NSAMMNKB\NP]AB LST L`LS QOLXAP]R TUBPVLC BOA XR N` AKKLVUBLO ]NXNKBLO LBYLWLXQ ,#AKKA YA]QC MNMUA`VAB LBC LSY AORMMNKR `NUB ASVLS LcLOVAB YAB LB LSY AYRYLAPBO PSORPLSPBO ,,WBL YAB NONYL`VLXRO VA `LKKA VLS NK]NBO `ULC SXAC ,-OSOB WN XRYNVB VL`LO NTQO NO VLBC YKBXAPBO VLSVLBC N`B`L]BAO WN NTQO VLS NK]NBO `ULC SXAC A`L `LKKQO NVQO ,.QC NAO `LUNSQXAB NBC VRO P`AOBAO NKNSPLXAB `ULC SXAC NK`B\Q MAU WBA`LUNSLXNOLC ]NAPAP]AB SXAC YAB SZ SXQO `UL`NXZ]ROAB NYNB NAO SXQO `UQVLO A`L XNULSC NX`KRP]Q ,'OSOB WN `LUNSLXAB NBC BNULSPAKRX WBAYLOQO VLBC AMBLBC
,/!or it leased @a#edonia and .#haia $ell to "a'e a #ertain #ontribution !or the oor o! the saints $ho IareI in 5erusale", ,0!or it leased $ell, and their debtors they are, !or i! in their s iritual things the nations did arti#i ate, they ought also, in the !leshly things, to "inister to the") ,$This, then, having !inished, and having sealed to the" this !ruit, 0 $ill return through you, to S ain, ,%and 0 have 'no$n that #o"ing unto you ++ in the !ulness o! the blessing o! the good ne$s o! Dhrist 0 shall #o"e) -(.nd 0 #all u on you, brethren, through our Lord 5esus Dhrist, and through the love o! the S irit, to strive together $ith "e in the rayers !or "e unto &od, -#that 0 "ay be delivered !ro" those not believing in 5udea, and that "y "inistration, that IisI !or 5erusale", "ay be#o"e a##e table to the saints, -,that in -oy 0 "ay #o"e unto you, through the $ill o! &od, and "ay be re!reshed $ith you, --and the &od o! the ea#e IbeI $ith you all) ."en) ,/NSWLYRPAO MAU XAYNWLOBA YAB ATABA YLBOQOBAO VBOA `LBRPAP]AB NBC VLSC `VQTLSC VQO AMBQO VQO NO BNULSPAKRX ,0NSWLYRPAO MAU YAB LZNBKNVAB ASVQO NBPBO NB MAU VLBC `ONSXAVBYLBC ASVQO NYLBOQORPAO VA N]OR LZNBKLSPBO YAB NO VLBC PAUYBYLBC KNBVLSUMRPAB ASVLBC ,$VLSVL LSO N`BVNKNPAC YAB PZUAMBPAXNOLC ASVLBC VLO YAU`LO VLSVLO A`NKNSPLXAB WB SXQO NBC VRO P`AOBAO ,%LBWA WN LVB NUTLXNOLC `ULC SXAC NO `KRUQXAVB NSKLMBAC VLS NSAMMNKBLS VLS TUBPVLS NKNSPLXAB -(`AUAYAKQ WN SXAC AWNKZLB WBA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS YAB WBA VRC AMA`RC VLS `ONSXAVLC PSOAMQOBPAP]AB XLB NO VABC `ULPNSTABC S`NU NXLS `ULC VLO ]NLO -#BOA USP]Q A`L VQO A`NB]LSOVQO NO VR BLSWABA YAB BOA R WBAYLOBA XLS R NBC BNULSPAKRX NS`ULPWNYVLC MNORVAB VLBC AMBLBC -,BOA NO TAUA NK]Q `ULC SXAC WBA ]NKRXAVLC ]NLS YAB PSOAOA`ASPQXAB SXBO --L WN ]NLC VRC NBURORC XNVA `AOVQO SXQO AXRO
+hapter #/
#.nd 0 #o""end you to Phebe our sister ++ being a "inistrant o! the asse"bly that IisI in Den#hrea ++ ,that ye "ay re#eive her in the Lord, as doth be#o"e saints, and "ay assist her in $hatever "atter she "ay have need o! you ++ !or she also be#a"e a leader o! "any, and o! "ysel!) -Salute Pris#illa and .?uilas, "y !ello$+$or'"en in Dhrist 5esus ++ .$ho !or "y li!e their o$n ne#' did lay do$n, to $ho" not only 0 give than's, but also all the asse"blies o! the nations ++ 'and the asse"bly at their house, salute E aenetus, "y beloved, $ho is !irst+!ruit o! .#haia to Dhrist) /Salute @ary, $ho did labour "u#h !or us, 0salute .ndroni#us and 5unias, "y 'indred, and "y !ello$+#a tives, $ho are o! note a"ong the a ostles, $ho also have been in Dhrist be!ore "e) $Salute ." lias, "y beloved in the Lord, %salute .rbanus, our !ello$+$or'"an in Dhrist, and Sta#hys, "y beloved, #(salute . elles, the a roved in Dhrist, salute those o! the IhouseholdI o! .ristobulus, #PSOBPVRXB WN SXBO ZLBHRO VRO AWNKZRO RXQO LSPAO WBAYLOLO VRC NYYKRPBAC VRC NO YNMTUNABC ,BOA ASVRO `ULPWNaRP]N NO YSUBQ AaBQC VQO AMBQO YAB `AUAPVRVN ASVR NO Q AO SXQO TUR\R `UAMXAVB YAB MAU ASVR `ULPVAVBC `LKKQO NMNOR]R YAB ASVLS NXLS -AP`APAP]N `UBPYBKKAO YAB AYSKAO VLSC PSONUMLSC XLS NO TUBPVQ BRPLS .LBVBONC S`NU VRC cSTRC XLS VLO NASVQO VUATRKLO S`N]RYAO LBC LSY NMQ XLOLC NSTAUBPVQ AKKA YAB `APAB AB NYYKRPBAB VQO N]OQO 'YAB VRO YAV LBYLO ASVQO NYYKRPBAO AP`APAP]N N`ABONVLO VLO AMA`RVLO XLS LC NPVBO A`AUTR VRC ATABAC NBC TUBPVLO /AP`APAP]N XAUBAX RVBC `LKKA NYL`BAPNO NBC RXAC 0AP`APAP]N AOWULOBYLO YAB BLSOBAO VLSC PSMMNONBC XLS YAB PSOABTXAKQVLSC XLS LBVBONC NBPBO N`BPRXLB NO VLBC A`LPVLKLBC LB YAB `UL NXLS MNMLOAPBO NO TUBPVQ $AP`APAP]N AX`KBAO VLO AMA`RVLO XLS NO YSUBQ %AP`APAP]N LSUHAOLO VLO PSONUMLO RXQO NO TUBPVQ YAB PVATSO VLO AMA`RVLO XLS #(AP`APAP]N A`NKKRO VLO WLYBXLO NO TUBPVQ AP`APAP]N VLSC NY VQO AUBPVLHLSKLS >69
##salute Herodion, "y 'ins"an, salute those o! the IhouseholdI o! /ar#issus, $ho are in the Lord, #,salute Try haena, and Try hosa, $ho are labouring in the Lord, salute Persis, the beloved, $ho did labour "u#h in the Lord) #-Salute Ru!us, the #hoi#e one in the Lord, and his "other and "ine, ##AP`APAP]N RULWBQOA VLO PSMMNOR XLS AP`APAP]N VLSC NY VQO OAUYBPPLS VLSC LOVAC NO YSUBQ #,AP`APAP]N VUSZABOAO YAB VUSZQPAO VAC YL`BQPAC NO YSUBQ AP`APAP]N `NUPBWA VRO AMA`RVRO RVBC `LKKA NYL`BAPNO NO YSUBQ #-AP`APAP]N ULSZLO VLO NYKNYVLO NO YSUBQ YAB VRO XRVNUA ASVLS YAB NXLS #.salute .syn#ritus, Phlegon, #.AP`APAP]N APSMYUBVLO ZKNMLOVA Her"as, Patrobas, Her"es, and the NUXAO `AVULHAO NUXRO YAB VLSC PSO brethren $ith the", ASVLBC AWNKZLSC #'salute Philologus, and 5ulias, #'AP`APAP]N ZBKLKLMLO YAB BLSKBAO /ereus, and his sister, and Oly" as, ORUNA YAB VRO AWNKZRO ASVLS YAB and all the saints $ith the", LKSX`AO YAB VLSC PSO ASVLBC `AOVAC AMBLSC #/salute one another in a holy 'iss, #/AP`APAP]N AKKRKLSC NO ZBKRXAVB the asse"blies o! Dhrist do salute you) AMBQ AP`A\LOVAB SXAC AB NYYKRPBAB VLS TUBPVLS #0.nd 0 #all u on you, brethren, to #0`AUAYAKQ WN SXAC AWNKZLB "ar' those $ho the divisions and the PYL`NBO VLSC VAC WBTLPVAPBAC YAB VA stu"bling+blo#'s, #ontrary to the PYAOWAKA `AUA VRO WBWATRO RO SXNBC tea#hing that ye did learn, are #ausing, NXA]NVN `LBLSOVAC YAB NYYKBOAVN A` and turn ye a$ay !ro" the", ASVQO #$!or su#h our Lord 5esus Dhrist do #$LB MAU VLBLSVLB VQ YSUBQ RXQO not serve, but their o$n belly, and BRPLS TUBPVQ LS WLSKNSLSPBO AKKA through the good $ord and !air s ee#h VR NASVQO YLBKBA YAB WBA VRC they de#eive the hearts o! the TURPVLKLMBAC YAB NSKLMBAC har"less, NaA`AVQPBO VAC YAUWBAC VQO AYAYQO
#%!or your obedien#e did rea#h to all, 0 re-oi#e, there!ore, as regards you, and 0 $ish you to be $ise, indeed, as to the good, and har"less as to the evil, ,(and the &od o! the ea#e shall bruise the .dversary under your !eet ?ui#'ly, the gra#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist IbeI $ith you) ."end ,#Salute you do Ti"otheus, "y !ello$+$or'"an, and Lu#ius, and 5ason, and Sosi ater, "y 'indred, ,,0 Tertius salute you 7$ho $rote the letter< in the Lord, ,-salute you doth &aius, "y host, and o! the $hole asse"bly, salute you doth Erastus, the ste$ard o! the #ity, and guartus the brother, ,.the gra#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist IbeI $ith you all) ."en) ,'.nd to Hi" $ho is able to establish you, a##ording to "y good ne$s, and the rea#hing o! 5esus Dhrist, a##ording to the revelation o! the se#ret, in the ti"es o! the ages having been 'e t silent, ,/and no$ having been "ade "ani!est, also, through ro heti# $ritings, a##ording to a #o""and o! the age+during &od, having been "ade 'no$n to all the nations !or obedien#e o! !aith ++ #%R MAU SXQO S`AYLR NBC `AOVAC AZBYNVL TABUQ LSO VL NZ SXBO ]NKQ WN SXAC PLZLSC XNO NBOAB NBC VL AMA]LO AYNUABLSC WN NBC VL YAYLO ,(L WN ]NLC VRC NBURORC PSOVUBcNB VLO PAVAOAO S`L VLSC `LWAC SXQO NO VATNB R TAUBC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS XN] SXQO ,#AP`A\LOVAB SXAC VBXL]NLC L PSONUMLC XLS YAB KLSYBLC YAB BAPQO YAB PQPB`AVULC LB PSMMNONBC XLS ,,AP`A\LXAB SXAC NMQ VNUVBLC L MUAcAC VRO N`BPVLKRO NO YSUBQ ,-AP`A\NVAB SXAC MABLC L aNOLC XLS YAB VRC NYYKRPBAC LKRC AP`A\NVAB SXAC NUAPVLC L LBYLOLXLC VRC `LKNQC YAB YLSAUVLC L AWNKZLC ,.R TAUBC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS XNVA `AOVQO SXQO AXRO ,'VQ WN WSOAXNOQ SXAC PVRUBaAB YAVA VL NSAMMNKBLO XLS YAB VL YRUSMXA BRPLS TUBPVLS YAVA A`LYAKScBO XSPVRUBLS TULOLBC ABQOBLBC PNPBMRXNOLS ,/ZAONUQ]NOVLC WN OSO WBA VN MUAZQO `ULZRVBYQO YAV N`BVAMRO VLS ABQOBLS ]NLS NBC S`AYLRO `BPVNQC NBC `AOVA VA N]OR MOQUBP]NOVLC
# +orinthians
+hapter #
#Paul, a #alled a ostle o! 5esus Dhrist, through the $ill o! &od, and Sosthenes the brother, ,to the asse"bly o! &od that is in Dorinth, to those san#ti!ied in Dhrist 5esus, #alled saints, $ith all those #alling u on the na"e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist in every la#e ++ both theirs and oursF -&ra#e to you and ea#e !ro" &od our Father and the Lord 5esus Dhristd .0 give than's to "y &od al$ays #on#erning you !or the gra#e o! &od that $as given to you in Dhrist 5esus, 'that in every thing ye $ere enri#hed in hi", in all dis#ourse and all 'no$ledge, /a##ording as the testi"ony o! the Dhrist $as #on!ir"ed in you, 0so that ye are not behind in any gi!t, $aiting !or the revelation o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, $$ho also shall #on!ir" you unto the end ++ unbla"able in the day o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, #`ASKLC YKRVLC A`LPVLKLC BRPLS TUBPVLS WBA ]NKRXAVLC ]NLS YAB PQP]NORC L AWNKZLC ,VR NYYKRPBA VLS ]NLS VR LSPR NO YLUBO]Q RMBAPXNOLBC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS YKRVLBC AMBLBC PSO `APBO VLBC N`BYAKLSXNOLBC VL LOLXA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS NO `AOVB VL`Q ASVQO VN YAB RXQO -TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS .NSTAUBPVQ VQ ]NQ XLS `AOVLVN `NUB SXQO N`B VR TAUBVB VLS ]NLS VR WL]NBPR SXBO NO TUBPVQ BRPLS 'LVB NO `AOVB N`KLSVBP]RVN NO ASVQ NO `AOVB KLMQ YAB `APR MOQPNB /YA]QC VL XAUVSUBLO VLS TUBPVLS NHNHABQ]R NO SXBO 0QPVN SXAC XR SPVNUNBP]AB NO XRWNOB TAUBPXAVB A`NYWNTLXNOLSC VRO A`LYAKScBO VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS $LC YAB HNHABQPNB SXAC NQC VNKLSC AONMYKRVLSC NO VR RXNUA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS
1 Dorinthians
%!aith!ul IisI &od, through $ho" ye $ere #alled to the !ello$shi o! His Son 5esus Dhrist our Lord) #(.nd 0 #all u on you, brethren, through the na"e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, that the sa"e thing ye "ay all say, and there "ay not be divisions a"ong you, and ye "ay be er!e#ted in the sa"e "ind, and in the sa"e -udg"ent, ##!or it $as signi!ied to "e #on#erning you, "y brethren, by those o! Dhloe, that #ontentions are a"ong you, #,and 0 say this, that ea#h one o! you saith, I0, indeed, a" o! PaulI ++ Iand 0 o! . ollos,I ++ Iand 0 o! De has,I ++ Iand 0 o! Dhrist)I #-Hath the Dhrist been dividedb $as Paul #ru#i!ied !or youb or to the na"e o! Paul $ere ye ba tiEed, #.0 give than's to &od that no one o! you did 0 ba tiEe, e(#e t Dris us and &aius ++ #'that no one "ay say that to "y o$n na"e 0 did ba tiEe, #/and 0 did ba tiEe also Ste hanasI household ++ !urther, 0 have not 'no$n i! 0 did ba tiEe any other) %`BPVLC L ]NLC WB LS NYKR]RVN NBC YLBOQOBAO VLS SBLS ASVLS BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS YSUBLS RXQO #(`AUAYAKQ WN SXAC AWNKZLB WBA VLS LOLXAVLC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS BOA VL ASVL KNMRVN `AOVNC YAB XR R NO SXBO PTBPXAVA RVN WN YAVRUVBPXNOLB NO VQ ASVQ OLB YAB NO VR ASVR MOQXR ##NWRKQ]R MAU XLB `NUB SXQO AWNKZLB XLS S`L VQO TKLRC LVB NUBWNC NO SXBO NBPBO #,KNMQ WN VLSVL LVB NYAPVLC SXQO KNMNB NMQ XNO NBXB `ASKLS NMQ WN A`LKKQ NMQ WN YRZA NMQ WN TUBPVLS #-XNXNUBPVAB L TUBPVLC XR `ASKLC NPVASUQ]R S`NU SXQO R NBC VL LOLXA `ASKLS NHA`VBP]RVN #.NSTAUBPVQ VQ ]NQ LVB LSWNOA SXQO NHA`VBPA NB XR YUBP`LO YAB MABLO #'BOA XR VBC NB`R LVB NBC VL NXLO LOLXA NHA`VBPA #/NHA`VBPA WN YAB VLO PVNZAOA LBYLO KLB`LO LSY LBWA NB VBOA AKKLO NHA`VBPA
1 Dorinthians
#0For Dhrist did not send "e to ba tiEe, but ++ to ro#lai" good ne$s, not in $isdo" o! dis#ourse, that the #ross o! the Dhrist "ay not be "ade o! none e!!e#t, #$!or the $ord o! the #ross to those indeed erishing is !oolishness, and to us ++ those being saved ++ it is the o$er o! &od, #%!or it hath been $ritten, I0 $ill destroy the $isdo" o! the $ise, and the intelligen#e o! the intelligent 0 $ill bring to nought,I ,($here IisI the $iseb $here the s#ribeb $here a dis uter o! this ageb did not &od "a'e !oolish the $isdo" o! this $orldb ,#!or, seeing in the $isdo" o! &od the $orld through the $isdo" 'ne$ not &od, it did lease &od through the !oolishness o! the rea#hing to save those believing) ,,Sin#e also 5e$s as' a sign, and &ree's see' $isdo", ,-also $e ++ $e rea#h Dhrist #ru#i!ied, to 5e$s, indeed, a stu"bling+blo#', and to &ree's !oolishness, ,.and to those #alled ++ both 5e$s and &ree's ++ Dhrist the o$er o! &od, and the $isdo" o! &od, #0LS MAU A`NPVNBKNO XN TUBPVLC HA`VB\NBO AKK NSAMMNKB\NP]AB LSY NO PLZBA KLMLS BOA XR YNOQ]R L PVASULC VLS TUBPVLS #$L KLMLC MAU L VLS PVASULS VLBC XNO A`LKKSXNOLBC XQUBA NPVBO VLBC WN PQ\LXNOLBC RXBO WSOAXBC ]NLS NPVBO #%MNMUA`VAB MAU A`LKQ VRO PLZBAO VQO PLZQO YAB VRO PSONPBO VQO PSONVQO A]NVRPQ ,(`LS PLZLC `LS MUAXXAVNSC `LS PS\RVRVRC VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS LSTB NXQUAONO L ]NLC VRO PLZBAO VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS ,#N`NBWR MAU NO VR PLZBA VLS ]NLS LSY NMOQ L YLPXLC WBA VRC PLZBAC VLO ]NLO NSWLYRPNO L ]NLC WBA VRC XQUBAC VLS YRUSMXAVLC PQPAB VLSC `BPVNSLOVAC ,,N`NBWR YAB BLSWABLB PRXNBLO ABVLSPBO YAB NKKRONC PLZBAO \RVLSPBO ,-RXNBC WN YRUSPPLXNO TUBPVLO NPVASUQXNOLO BLSWABLBC XNO PYAOWAKLO NKKRPBO WN XQUBAO ,.ASVLBC WN VLBC YKRVLBC BLSWABLBC VN YAB NKKRPBO TUBPVLO ]NLS WSOAXBO YAB ]NLS PLZBAO
1 Dorinthians
,'be#ause the !oolishness o! &od is $iser than "en, and the $ea'ness o! &od is stronger than "en, ,'LVB VL XQULO VLS ]NLS PLZQVNULO VQO AO]UQ`QO NPVBO YAB VL AP]NONC VLS ]NLS BPTSULVNULO VQO AO]UQ`QO NPVBO ,/!or see your #alling, brethren, that ,/HKN`NVN MAU VRO YKRPBO SXQO not "any IareI $ise a##ording to the AWNKZLB LVB LS `LKKLB PLZLB YAVA !lesh, not "any "ighty, not "any PAUYA LS `LKKLB WSOAVLB LS `LKKLB noble, NSMNONBC ,0but the !oolish things o! the $orld ,0AKKA VA XQUA VLS YLPXLS did &od #hoose, that the $ise He "ay NaNKNaAVL L ]NLC BOA VLSC PLZLSC ut to sha"e, and the $ea' things o! YAVABPTSOR YAB VA AP]NOR VLS YLPXLS the $orld did &od #hoose that He "ay NaNKNaAVL L ]NLC BOA YAVABPTSOR VA ut to sha"e the strong, BPTSUA ,$and the base things o! the $orld, ,$YAB VA AMNOR VLS YLPXLS YAB VA and the things des ised did &od NaLS]NORXNOA NaNKNaAVL L ]NLC YAB VA #hoose, and the things that are not, that XR LOVA BOA VA LOVA YAVAUMRPR the things that are He "ay "a'e useless ++ ,%that no !lesh "ay glory be!ore Hi", ,%L`QC XR YASTRPRVAB `APA PAUa NOQ`BLO ASVLS -(and o! Hi" ye ++ ye are in Dhrist -(Na ASVLS WN SXNBC NPVN NO TUBPVQ 5esus, $ho be#a"e to us !ro" &od BRPLS LC NMNOR]R RXBO PLZBA A`L ]NLS $isdo", righteousness also, and WBYABLPSOR VN YAB AMBAPXLC YAB san#ti!i#ation, and rede" tion, A`LKSVUQPBC -#that, a##ording as it hath been -#BOA YA]QC MNMUA`VAB L YASTQXNOLC $ritten, IHe $ho is glorying ++ in the NO YSUBQ YASTAP]Q Lord let hi" glory)I
1 Dorinthians
+hapter ,
#.nd 0, having #o"e unto you, brethren, #a"e ++ not in su eriority o! dis#ourse or $isdo" ++ de#laring to you the testi"ony o! &od, ,!or 0 de#ided not to 'no$ any thing a"ong you, e(#e t 5esus Dhrist, and hi" #ru#i!ied, -and 0, in $ea'ness, and in !ear, and in "u#h tre"bling, $as $ith you, .and "y $ord and "y rea#hing $as not in ersuasive $ords o! hu"an $isdo", but in de"onstration o! the S irit and o! o$er ++ 'that your !aith "ay not be in the $isdo" o! "en, but in the o$er o! &od) /.nd $isdo" $e s ea' a"ong the er!e#t, and $isdo" not o! this age, nor o! the rulers o! this age ++ o! those be#o"ing useless, 0but $e s ea' the hidden $isdo" o! &od in a se#ret, that &od !oreordained be!ore the ages to our glory, $$hi#h no one o! the rulers o! this age did 'no$, !or i! they had 'no$n, the Lord o! the glory they $ould not have #ru#i!ied, %but, a##ording as it hath been $ritten, IWhat eye did not see, and ear did not hear, and u on the heart o! "an #a"e not u , $hat &od did re are !or those loving Hi" ++I #YAMQ NK]QO `ULC SXAC AWNKZLB RK]LO LS YA] S`NULTRO KLMLS R PLZBAC YAVAMMNKKQO SXBO VL XAUVSUBLO VLS ]NLS ,LS MAU NYUBOA VLS NBWNOAB VB NO SXBO NB XR BRPLSO TUBPVLO YAB VLSVLO NPVASUQXNOLO -YAB NMQ NO AP]NONBA YAB NO ZLHQ YAB NO VULXQ `LKKQ NMNOLXRO `ULC SXAC .YAB L KLMLC XLS YAB VL YRUSMXA XLS LSY NO `NB]LBC AO]UQ`BORC PLZBAC KLMLBC AKK NO A`LWNBaNB `ONSXAVLC YAB WSOAXNQC 'BOA R `BPVBC SXQO XR R NO PLZBA AO]UQ`QO AKK NO WSOAXNB ]NLS /PLZBAO WN KAKLSXNO NO VLBC VNKNBLBC PLZBAO WN LS VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS LSWN VQO AUTLOVQO VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS VQO YAVAUMLSXNOQO 0AKKA KAKLSXNO PLZBAO ]NLS NO XSPVRUBQ VRO A`LYNYUSXXNORO RO `ULQUBPNO L ]NLC `UL VQO ABQOQO NBC WLaAO RXQO $RO LSWNBC VQO AUTLOVQO VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS NMOQYNO NB MAU NMOQPAO LSY AO VLO YSUBLO VRC WLaRC NPVASUQPAO %AKKA YA]QC MNMUA`VAB A LZ]AKXLC LSY NBWNO YAB LSC LSY RYLSPNO YAB N`B YAUWBAO AO]UQ`LS LSY AONHR A RVLBXAPNO L ]NLC VLBC AMA`QPBO ASVLO
1 Dorinthians
#(but to us did &od reveal Ithe"I through His S irit, !or the S irit all things doth sear#h, even the de ths o! &od, ##!or $ho o! "en hath 'no$n the things o! the "an, e(#e t the s irit o! the "an that IisI in hi"b so also the things o! &od no one hath 'no$n, e(#e t the S irit o! &od) #,.nd $e the s irit o! the $orld did not re#eive, but the S irit that IisI o! &od, that $e "ay 'no$ the things #on!erred by &od on us, #-$hi#h things also $e s ea', not in $ords taught by hu"an $isdo", but in those taught by the Holy S irit, $ith s iritual things s iritual things #o" aring, #.and the natural "an doth not re#eive the things o! the S irit o! &od, !or to hi" they are !oolishness, and he is not able to 'no$ Ithe"I, be#ause s iritually they are dis#erned, #'and he $ho is s iritual, doth dis#ern indeed all things, and he hi"sel! is by no one dis#erned, #/!or $ho did 'no$ the "ind o! the Lord that he shall instru#t Hi"b and $e ++ $e have the "ind o! Dhrist) #(RXBO WN L ]NLC A`NYAKScNO WBA VLS `ONSXAVLC ASVLS VL MAU `ONSXA `AOVA NUNSOA YAB VA HA]R VLS ]NLS ##VBC MAU LBWNO AO]UQ`QO VA VLS AO]UQ`LS NB XR VL `ONSXA VLS AO]UQ`LS VL NO ASVQ LSVQC YAB VA VLS ]NLS LSWNBC LBWNO NB XR VL `ONSXA VLS ]NLS #,RXNBC WN LS VL `ONSXA VLS YLPXLS NKAHLXNO AKKA VL `ONSXA VL NY VLS ]NLS BOA NBWQXNO VA S`L VLS ]NLS TAUBP]NOVA RXBO #-A YAB KAKLSXNO LSY NO WBWAYVLBC AO]UQ`BORC PLZBAC KLMLBC AKK NO WBWAYVLBC `ONSXAVLC AMBLS `ONSXAVBYLBC `ONSXAVBYA PSMYUBOLOVNC #.cSTBYLC WN AO]UQ`LC LS WNTNVAB VA VLS `ONSXAVLC VLS ]NLS XQUBA MAU ASVQ NPVBO YAB LS WSOAVAB MOQOAB LVB `ONSXAVBYQC AOAYUBONVAB #'L WN `ONSXAVBYLC AOAYUBONB XNO `AOVA ASVLC WN S` LSWNOLC AOAYUBONVAB #/VBC MAU NMOQ OLSO YSUBLS LC PSXHBHAPNB ASVLO RXNBC WN OLSO TUBPVLS NTLXNO
+hapter #.nd 0, brethren, $as not able to s ea' #YAB NMQ AWNKZLB LSY RWSOR]RO to you as to s iritual, but as to !leshly KAKRPAB SXBO QC `ONSXAVBYLBC AKK QC ++ as to babes in Dhrist, PAUYBYLBC QC OR`BLBC NO TUBPVQ >66
1 Dorinthians
,$ith "il' 0 !ed you, and not $ith "eat, !or ye $ere not yet able, but not even yet are ye no$ able, -!or yet ye are !leshly, !or $here Ithere isI a"ong you envying, and stri!e, and divisions, are ye not !leshly, and in the "anner o! "en do $al'b .!or $hen one "ay say, I0, indeed, a" o! Paul,I and another, I0 ++ o! . ollos,I are ye not !leshlyb 'Who, then, is Paul, and $ho . ollos, but "inistrants through $ho" ye did believe, and to ea#h as the Lord gaveb /0 lanted, . ollos $atered, but &od $as giving gro$th, 0so that neither is he $ho is lanting anything, nor he $ho is $atering, but He $ho is giving gro$th ++ &od, $and he $ho is lanting and he $ho is $atering are one, and ea#h his o$n re$ard shall re#eive, a##ording to his o$n labour, %!or o! &od $e are !ello$+$or'"en, &odIs tillage, &odIs building ye are) #(.##ording to the gra#e o! &od that $as given to "e, as a $ise "aster+ builder, a !oundation 0 have laid, and another doth build on IitI, ##!or other !oundation no one is able to lay e(#e t that $hi#h is laid, $hi#h is 5esus the Dhrist, ,MAKA SXAC N`LVBPA YAB LS HUQXA LS`Q MAU RWSOAP]N AKK LSVN NVB OSO WSOAP]N -NVB MAU PAUYBYLB NPVN L`LS MAU NO SXBO \RKLC YAB NUBC YAB WBTLPVAPBAB LSTB PAUYBYLB NPVN YAB YAVA AO]UQ`LO `NUB`AVNBVN .LVAO MAU KNMR VBC NMQ XNO NBXB `ASKLS NVNULC WN NMQ A`LKKQ LSTB PAUYBYLB NPVN 'VBC LSO NPVBO `ASKLC VBC WN A`LKKQC AKK R WBAYLOLB WB QO N`BPVNSPAVN YAB NYAPVQ QC L YSUBLC NWQYNO /NMQ NZSVNSPA A`LKKQC N`LVBPNO AKK L ]NLC RSaAONO 0QPVN LSVN L ZSVNSQO NPVBO VB LSVN L `LVB\QO AKK L ASaAOQO ]NLC $L ZSVNSQO WN YAB L `LVB\QO NO NBPBO NYAPVLC WN VLO BWBLO XBP]LO KRcNVAB YAVA VLO BWBLO YL`LO %]NLS MAU NPXNO PSONUMLB ]NLS MNQUMBLO ]NLS LBYLWLXR NPVN #(YAVA VRO TAUBO VLS ]NLS VRO WL]NBPAO XLB QC PLZLC AUTBVNYVQO ]NXNKBLO VN]NBYA AKKLC WN N`LBYLWLXNB NYAPVLC WN HKN`NVQ `QC N`LBYLWLXNB ##]NXNKBLO MAU AKKLO LSWNBC WSOAVAB ]NBOAB `AUA VLO YNBXNOLO LC NPVBO BRPLSC L TUBPVLC
1 Dorinthians
#,and i! any one doth build u on this !oundation gold, silver, re#ious stones, $ood, hay, stra$ ++ #-o! ea#h the $or' shall be#o"e "ani!est, !or the day shall de#lare IitI, be#ause in !ire it is revealed, and the $or' o! ea#h, $hat 'ind it is, the !ire shall rove, #.i! o! any one the $or' doth re"ain that he built on IitI, a $age he shall re#eive, #'i! o! any the $or' is burned u , he shall su!!er loss, and hi"sel! shall be saved, but so as through !ire) #/have ye not 'no$n that ye are a san#tuary o! &od, and the S irit o! &od doth d$ell in youb #0i! any one the san#tuary o! &od doth $aste, hi" shall &od $aste, !or the san#tuary o! &od is holy, the $hi#h ye are) #$Let no one de#eive hi"sel!, i! any one doth see" to be $ise a"ong you in this age ++ let hi" be#o"e a !ool, that he "ay be#o"e $ise, #%!or the $isdo" o! this $orld is !oolishness $ith &od, !or it hath been $ritten, IWho is ta'ing the $ise in their #ra!tiness,I ,(and again, IThe Lord doth 'no$ the reasonings o! the $ise, that they are vain)I ,#So then, let no one glory in "en, !or all things are yours, #,NB WN VBC N`LBYLWLXNB N`B VLO ]NXNKBLO VLSVLO TUSPLO AUMSULO KB]LSC VBXBLSC aSKA TLUVLO YAKAXRO #-NYAPVLS VL NUMLO ZAONULO MNORPNVAB R MAU RXNUA WRKQPNB LVB NO `SUB A`LYAKS`VNVAB YAB NYAPVLS VL NUMLO L`LBLO NPVBO VL `SU WLYBXAPNB #.NB VBOLC VL NUMLO XNONB L N`QYLWLXRPNO XBP]LO KRcNVAB #'NB VBOLC VL NUMLO YAVAYARPNVAB \RXBQ]RPNVAB ASVLC WN PQ]RPNVAB LSVQC WN QC WBA `SULC #/LSY LBWAVN LVB OALC ]NLS NPVN YAB VL `ONSXA VLS ]NLS LBYNB NO SXBO #0NB VBC VLO OALO VLS ]NLS Z]NBUNB Z]NUNB VLSVLO L ]NLC L MAU OALC VLS ]NLS AMBLC NPVBO LBVBONC NPVN SXNBC #$XRWNBC NASVLO NaA`AVAVQ NB VBC WLYNB PLZLC NBOAB NO SXBO NO VQ ABQOB VLSVQ XQULC MNONP]Q BOA MNORVAB PLZLC #%R MAU PLZBA VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS XQUBA `AUA VQ ]NQ NPVBO MNMUA`VAB MAU L WUAPPLXNOLC VLSC PLZLSC NO VR `AOLSUMBA ASVQO ,(YAB `AKBO YSUBLC MBOQPYNB VLSC WBAKLMBPXLSC VQO PLZQO LVB NBPBO XAVABLB ,#QPVN XRWNBC YASTAP]Q NO AO]UQ`LBC `AOVA MAU SXQO NPVBO
1 Dorinthians
,,$hether Paul, or . ollos, or De has, or the $orld, or li!e, or death, or things resent, or things about to be ++ all are yours, ,-and ye IareI DhristIs, and Dhrist IisI &odIs) ,,NBVN `ASKLC NBVN A`LKKQC NBVN YRZAC NBVN YLPXLC NBVN \QR NBVN ]AOAVLC NBVN NONPVQVA NBVN XNKKLOVA `AOVA SXQO NPVBO ,-SXNBC WN TUBPVLS TUBPVLC WN ]NLS
1 Dorinthians
+hapter .
#Let a "an so re#'on us as o!!i#ers o! Dhrist, and ste$ards o! the se#rets o! &od, ,and as to the rest, it is re?uired in the ste$ards that one "ay be !ound !aith!ul, -and to "e it is !or a very little thing that by you 0 "ay be -udged, or by "anIs day, but not even "ysel! do 0 -udge, .!or o! nothing to "ysel! have 0 been #ons#ious, but not in this have 0 been de#lared right ++ and he $ho is dis#erning "e is the LordF 'so, then, nothing be!ore the ti"e -udge ye, till the Lord "ay #o"e, $ho $ill both bring to light the hidden things o! the dar'ness, and $ill "ani!est the #ounsels o! the hearts, and then the raise shall #o"e to ea#h !ro" &od) /.nd these things, brethren, 0 did trans!er to "ysel! and to . ollos be#ause o! you, that in us ye "ay learn not to thin' above that $hi#h hath been $ritten, that ye "ay not be u!!ed u one !or one against the other, #LSVQC RXAC KLMB\NP]Q AO]UQ`LC QC S`RUNVAC TUBPVLS YAB LBYLOLXLSC XSPVRUBQO ]NLS ,L WN KLB`LO \RVNBVAB NO VLBC LBYLOLXLBC BOA `BPVLC VBC NSUN]R -NXLB WN NBC NKATBPVLO NPVBO BOA SZ SXQO AOAYUB]Q R S`L AO]UQ`BORC RXNUAC AKK LSWN NXASVLO AOAYUBOQ .LSWNO MAU NXASVQ PSOLBWA AKK LSY NO VLSVQ WNWBYABQXAB L WN AOAYUBOQO XN YSUBLC NPVBO 'QPVN XR `UL YABULS VB YUBONVN NQC AO NK]R L YSUBLC LC YAB ZQVBPNB VA YUS`VA VLS PYLVLSC YAB ZAONUQPNB VAC HLSKAC VQO YAUWBQO YAB VLVN L N`ABOLC MNORPNVAB NYAPVQ A`L VLS ]NLS /VASVA WN AWNKZLB XNVNPTRXAVBPA NBC NXASVLO YAB A`LKKQ WB SXAC BOA NO RXBO XA]RVN VL XR S`NU L MNMUA`VAB ZULONBO BOA XR NBC S`NU VLS NOLC ZSPBLSP]N YAVA VLS NVNULS
1 Dorinthians
0!or $ho doth "a'e thee to di!!erb 0VBC MAU PN WBAYUBONB VB WN NTNBC L LSY and $hat hast thou, that thou didst not NKAHNC NB WN YAB NKAHNC VB YASTAPAB QC re#eiveb and i! thou didst also XR KAHQO re#eive, $hy dost thou glory as not having re#eivedb $.lready ye are having been !illed, already ye $ere ri#h, a art !ro" us ye did reign, and 0 $ould also ye did reign, that $e also $ith you "ay reign together, %!or 0 thin' that &od did set !orth us the a ostles last ++ as a ointed to death, be#ause a s e#ta#le $e be#a"e to the $orld, and "essengers, and "en, #($e IareI !ools be#ause o! Dhrist, and ye $ise in Dhrist, $e IareI ailing, and ye strong, ye glorious, and $e dishonoured, ##unto the resent hour $e both hunger, and thirst, and are na'ed, and are bu!!eted, and $ander about, #,and labour, $or'ing $ith IourI o$n hands, being reviled, $e bless, being erse#uted, $e su!!er, #-being s o'en evil o!, $e entreat, as !ilth o! the $orld $e did be#o"e ++ o! all things an o!!s#ouring ++ till no$) #./ot IasI utting you to sha"e do 0 $rite these things, but as "y beloved #hildren 0 do ad"onish, $RWR YNYLUNPXNOLB NPVN RWR N`KLSVRPAVN TQUBC RXQO NHAPBKNSPAVN YAB LZNKLO MN NHAPBKNSPAVN BOA YAB RXNBC SXBO PSXHAPBKNSPQXNO %WLYQ MAU LVB L ]NLC RXAC VLSC A`LPVLKLSC NPTAVLSC A`NWNBaNO QC N`B]AOAVBLSC LVB ]NAVULO NMNOR]RXNO VQ YLPXQ YAB AMMNKLBC YAB AO]UQ`LBC #(RXNBC XQULB WBA TUBPVLO SXNBC WN ZULOBXLB NO TUBPVQ RXNBC AP]NONBC SXNBC WN BPTSULB SXNBC NOWLaLB RXNBC WN AVBXLB ##ATUB VRC AUVB QUAC YAB `NBOQXNO YAB WBcQXNO YAB MSXORVNSLXNO YAB YLKAZB\LXN]A YAB APVAVLSXNO #,YAB YL`BQXNO NUMA\LXNOLB VABC BWBABC TNUPBO KLBWLULSXNOLB NSKLMLSXNO WBQYLXNOLB AONTLXN]A #-HKAPZRXLSXNOLB `AUAYAKLSXNO QC `NUBYA]AUXAVA VLS YLPXLS NMNOR]RXNO `AOVQO `NUBcRXA NQC AUVB #.LSY NOVUN`QO SXAC MUAZQ VASVA AKK QC VNYOA XLS AMA`RVA OLS]NVQ
1 Dorinthians
#'!or i! a "yriad o! #hild+#ondu#tors ye "ay have in Dhrist, yet not "any !athers, !or in Dhrist 5esus, through the good ne$s, 0 ++ 0 did beget you, #/0 #all u on you, there!ore, be#o"e ye !ollo$ers o! "e, #0be#ause o! this 0 sent to you Ti"otheus, $ho is "y #hild, beloved and !aith!ul in the Lord, $ho shall re"ind you o! "y $ays in Dhrist, a##ording as every$here in every asse"bly 0 tea#h) #$.nd as i! 0 $ere not #o"ing unto you #ertain $ere u!!ed u , #%but 0 $ill #o"e ?ui#'ly unto you, i! the Lord "ay $ill, and 0 $ill 'no$ not the $ord o! those u!!ed u , but the o$er, ,(!or not in $ord is the reign o! &od, but in o$erb ,#$hat do ye $ishb $ith a rod shall 0 #o"e unto you, or in love, $ith a s irit also o! "ee'nessb #'NAO MAU XSUBLSC `ABWAMQMLSC NTRVN NO TUBPVQ AKK LS `LKKLSC `AVNUAC NO MAU TUBPVQ BRPLS WBA VLS NSAMMNKBLS NMQ SXAC NMNOORPA #/`AUAYAKQ LSO SXAC XBXRVAB XLS MBONP]N #0WBA VLSVL N`NXcA SXBO VBXL]NLO LC NPVBO VNYOLO XLS AMA`RVLO YAB `BPVLO NO YSUBQ LC SXAC AOAXORPNB VAC LWLSC XLS VAC NO TUBPVQ YA]QC `AOVATLS NO `APR NYYKRPBA WBWAPYQ #$QC XR NUTLXNOLS WN XLS `ULC SXAC NZSPBQ]RPAO VBONC #%NKNSPLXAB WN VATNQC `ULC SXAC NAO L YSUBLC ]NKRPR YAB MOQPLXAB LS VLO KLMLO VQO `NZSPBQXNOQO AKKA VRO WSOAXBO ,(LS MAU NO KLMQ R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS AKK NO WSOAXNB ,#VB ]NKNVN NO UAHWQ NK]Q `ULC SXAC R NO AMA`R `ONSXAVB VN `UALVRVLC
1 Dorinthians
+hapter '
#Whoredo" is a#tually heard o! a"ong you, and su#h $horedo" as is not even na"ed a"ong the nations ++ as that one hath the $i!e o! the !atherd ++ ,and ye are having been u!!ed u , and did not rather "ourn, that he "ay be re"oved out o! the "idst o! you $ho did this $or', -!or 0 indeed, as being absent as to the body, and resent as to the s irit, have already -udged, as being resent, hi" $ho so $rought this thingF .in the na"e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist ++ ye being gathered together, also "y s irit ++ $ith the o$er o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, 'to deliver u su#h a one to the .dversary !or the destru#tion o! the !lesh, that the s irit "ay be saved in the day o! the Lord 5esus) //ot good IisI your glorying, have ye not 'no$n that a little leaven the $hole lu" doth leavenb 0#leanse out, there!ore, the old leaven, that ye "ay be a ne$ lu" , a##ording as ye are unleavened, !or also our assover !or us $as sa#ri!i#ed ++ Dhrist, $so that $e "ay 'ee the !east, not $ith old leaven, nor $ith the leaven o! evil and $i#'edness, but $ith unleavened !ood o! sin#erity and truth) #LKQC AYLSNVAB NO SXBO `LUONBA YAB VLBASVR `LUONBA RVBC LSWN NO VLBC N]ONPBO LOLXA\NVAB QPVN MSOABYA VBOA VLS `AVULC NTNBO ,YAB SXNBC `NZSPBQXNOLB NPVN YAB LSTB XAKKLO N`NO]RPAVN BOA NaAU]R NY XNPLS SXQO L VL NUMLO VLSVL `LBRPAC -NMQ XNO MAU QC A`QO VQ PQXAVB `AUQO WN VQ `ONSXAVB RWR YNYUBYA QC `AUQO VLO LSVQC VLSVL YAVNUMAPAXNOLO .NO VQ LOLXAVB VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS PSOAT]NOVQO SXQO YAB VLS NXLS `ONSXAVLC PSO VR WSOAXNB VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS '`AUAWLSOAB VLO VLBLSVLO VQ PAVAOA NBC LKN]ULO VRC PAUYLC BOA VL `ONSXA PQ]R NO VR RXNUA VLS YSUBLS BRPLS /LS YAKLO VL YASTRXA SXQO LSY LBWAVN LVB XBYUA \SXR LKLO VL ZSUAXA \SXLB 0NYYA]AUAVN LSO VRO `AKABAO \SXRO BOA RVN ONLO ZSUAXA YA]QC NPVN A\SXLB YAB MAU VL `APTA RXQO S`NU RXQO NVS]R TUBPVLC $QPVN NLUVA\QXNO XR NO \SXR `AKABA XRWN NO \SXR YAYBAC YAB `LORUBAC AKK NO A\SXLBC NBKBYUBONBAC YAB AKR]NBAC
1 Dorinthians
%0 did $rite to you in the e istle, not to 'ee #o" any $ith $hore"ongers ++ #(and not #ertainly $ith the $hore"ongers o! this $orld, or $ith the #ovetous, or e(tortioners, or idolaters, seeing ye ought then to go !orth out o! the $orld ++ ##and no$, 0 did $rite to you not to 'ee #o" any $ith Ihi"I, i! any one, being na"ed a brother, "ay be a $hore"onger, or #ovetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drun'ard, or an e(tortioner ++ $ith su#h a one not even to eat together, #,!or $hat have 0 also those $ithout to -udgeb those $ithin do ye not -udgeb #-and those $ithout &od doth -udge, and ut ye a$ay the evil !ro" a"ong yourselves) %NMUAcA SXBO NO VR N`BPVLKR XR PSOAOAXBMOSP]AB `LUOLBC #(YAB LS `AOVQC VLBC `LUOLBC VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS R VLBC `KNLONYVABC R AU`AaBO R NBWQKLKAVUABC N`NB LZNBKNVN AUA NY VLS YLPXLS NaNK]NBO ##OSOB WN NMUAcA SXBO XR PSOAOAXBMOSP]AB NAO VBC AWNKZLC LOLXA\LXNOLC R `LUOLC R `KNLONYVRC R NBWQKLKAVURC R KLBWLULC R XN]SPLC R AU`Aa VQ VLBLSVQ XRWN PSONP]BNBO #,VB MAU XLB YAB VLSC NaQ YUBONBO LSTB VLSC NPQ SXNBC YUBONVN #-VLSC WN NaQ L ]NLC YUBONB YAB NaAUNBVN VLO `LORULO Na SXQO ASVQO
1 Dorinthians
+hapter /
#Dare any one o! you, having a "atter $ith the other, go to be -udged be!ore the unrighteous, and not be!ore the saintsb ,have ye not 'no$n that the saints shall -udge the $orldb and i! by you the $orld is -udged, are ye un$orthy o! the s"aller -udg"entsb -have ye not 'no$n that $e shall -udge "essengersb $hy not then the things o! li!eb .o! the things o! li!e, indeed, then, i! ye "ay have -udg"ent, those des ised in the asse"bly ++ these #ause ye to sit, 'unto your sha"e 0 s ea'F so there is not a"ong you one $ise "an, not even one, $ho shall be able to dis#ern in the "idst o! his brethrend /but brother $ith brother doth go to be -udged, and this be!ore unbelieversd 0.lready, indeed, then, there is altogether a !ault a"ong you, that ye have -udg"ents $ith one another, $here!ore do ye not rather su!!er in-usti#eb $here!ore be ye not rather de!raudedb $but ye ++ ye do in-usti#e, and ye de!raud, and these ++ brethrend #VLKXA VBC SXQO `UAMXA NTQO `ULC VLO NVNULO YUBONP]AB N`B VQO AWBYQO YAB LSTB N`B VQO AMBQO ,LSY LBWAVN LVB LB AMBLB VLO YLPXLO YUBOLSPBO YAB NB NO SXBO YUBONVAB L YLPXLC AOAaBLB NPVN YUBVRUBQO NKATBPVQO -LSY LBWAVN LVB AMMNKLSC YUBOLSXNO XRVB MN HBQVBYA .HBQVBYA XNO LSO YUBVRUBA NAO NTRVN VLSC NaLS]NORXNOLSC NO VR NYYKRPBA VLSVLSC YA]B\NVN '`ULC NOVUL`RO SXBO KNMQ LSVQC LSY NPVBO NO SXBO PLZLC LSWN NBC LC WSORPNVAB WBAYUBOAB AOA XNPLO VLS AWNKZLS ASVLS /AKKA AWNKZLC XNVA AWNKZLS YUBONVAB YAB VLSVL N`B A`BPVQO 0RWR XNO LSO LKQC RVVRXA NO SXBO NPVBO LVB YUBXAVA NTNVN XN] NASVQO WBAVB LSTB XAKKLO AWBYNBP]N WBAVB LSTB XAKKLO A`LPVNUNBP]N $AKKA SXNBC AWBYNBVN YAB A`LPVNUNBVN YAB VASVA AWNKZLSC
1 Dorinthians
%have ye not 'no$n that the unrighteous the reign o! &od shall not inheritb be not led astray, neither $hore"ongers, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor e!!e"inate, nor sodo"ites, #(nor thieves, nor #ovetous, nor drun'ards, nor revilers, nor e(tortioners, the reign o! &od shall inherit) ##.nd #ertain o! you $ere thesed but ye $ere $ashed, but ye $ere san#ti!ied, but ye $ere de#lared righteous, in the na"e o! the Lord 5esus, and in the S irit o! our &od) #,.ll things are la$!ul to "e, but all things are not ro!itable, all things are la$!ul to "e, but 0 ++ 0 $ill not be under authority by any, #-the "eats IareI !or the belly, and the belly !or the "eats) .nd &od both this and these shall "a'e useless, and the body IisI not !or $horedo", but !or the Lord, and the Lord !or the body, #.and &od both the Lord did raise, and us $ill raise u through His o$er) #'Have ye not 'no$n that your bodies are "e"bers o! Dhristb having ta'en, then, the "e"bers o! the Dhrist, shall 0 "a'e Ithe"I "e"bers o! an harlotb let it be notd %R LSY LBWAVN LVB AWBYLB HAPBKNBAO ]NLS LS YKRULOLXRPLSPBO XR `KAOAP]N LSVN `LUOLB LSVN NBWQKLKAVUAB LSVN XLBTLB LSVN XAKAYLB LSVN AUPNOLYLBVAB #(LSVN YKN`VAB LSVN `KNLONYVAB LSVN XN]SPLB LS KLBWLULB LST AU`AMNC HAPBKNBAO ]NLS LS YKRULOLXRPLSPBO ##YAB VASVA VBONC RVN AKKA A`NKLSPAP]N AKKA RMBAP]RVN AKK NWBYABQ]RVN NO VQ LOLXAVB VLS YSUBLS BRPLS YAB NO VQ `ONSXAVB VLS ]NLS RXQO #,`AOVA XLB NaNPVBO AKK LS `AOVA PSXZNUNB `AOVA XLB NaNPVBO AKK LSY NMQ NaLSPBAP]RPLXAB S`L VBOLC #-VA HUQXAVA VR YLBKBA YAB R YLBKBA VLBC HUQXAPBO L WN ]NLC YAB VASVRO YAB VASVA YAVAUMRPNB VL WN PQXA LS VR `LUONBA AKKA VQ YSUBQ YAB L YSUBLC VQ PQXAVB #.L WN ]NLC YAB VLO YSUBLO RMNBUNO YAB RXAC NaNMNUNB WBA VRC WSOAXNQC ASVLS #'LSY LBWAVN LVB VA PQXAVA SXQO XNKR TUBPVLS NPVBO AUAC LSO VA XNKR VLS TUBPVLS `LBRPQ `LUORC XNKR XR MNOLBVL
1 Dorinthians
#/have ye not 'no$n that he $ho is -oined to the harlot is one bodyb I!or they shall be ++ saith He ++ the t$o !or one !lesh)I #0.nd he $ho is -oined to the Lord is one s irit, #$!lee the $horedo", every sin ++ $hatever a "an "ay #o""it ++ is $ithout the body, and he $ho is #o""itting $horedo", against his o$n body doth sin) #%Have ye not 'no$n that your body is a san#tuary o! the Holy S irit in you, $hi#h ye have !ro" &odb and ye are not your o$n, ,(!or ye $ere bought $ith a ri#e, glori!y, then, &od in your body and in your s irit, $hi#h are &odIs) #/R LSY LBWAVN LVB L YLKKQXNOLC VR `LUOR NO PQXA NPVBO NPLOVAB MAU ZRPBO LB WSL NBC PAUYA XBAO #0L WN YLKKQXNOLC VQ YSUBQ NO `ONSXA NPVBO #$ZNSMNVN VRO `LUONBAO `AO AXAUVRXA L NAO `LBRPR AO]UQ`LC NYVLC VLS PQXAVLC NPVBO L WN `LUONSQO NBC VL BWBLO PQXA AXAUVAONB #%R LSY LBWAVN LVB VL PQXA SXQO OALC VLS NO SXBO AMBLS `ONSXAVLC NPVBO LS NTNVN A`L ]NLS YAB LSY NPVN NASVQO ,(RMLUAP]RVN MAU VBXRC WLaAPAVN WR VLO ]NLO NO VQ PQXAVB SXQO YAB NO VQ `ONSXAVB SXQO AVBOA NPVBO VLS ]NLS
1 Dorinthians
+hapter 0
#.nd #on#erning the things o! $hi#h ye $rote to "eF good Iit isI !or a "an not to tou#h a $o"an, ,and be#ause o! the $horedo" let ea#h "an have his o$n $i!e, and let ea#h $o"an have her ro er husband, -to the $i!e let the husband the due benevolen#e render, and in li'e "anner also the $i!e to the husband, .the $i!e over her o$n body hath not authority, but the husband, and, in li'e "anner also, the husband over his o$n body hath not authority, but the $i!e) 'De!raud not one another, e(#e t by #onsent !or a ti"e, that ye "ay be !ree !or !asting and rayer, and again "ay #o"e together, that the .dversary "ay not te" t you be#ause o! your in#ontinen#e, /and this 0 say by $ay o! #on#urren#e ++ not o! #o""and, 0!or 0 $ish all "en to be even as 0 "ysel! Ia"I, but ea#h his o$n gi!t hath o! &od, one indeed thus, and one thus) #`NUB WN QO NMUAcAVN XLB YAKLO AO]UQ`Q MSOABYLC XR A`VNP]AB
1 Dorinthians
#(and to the "arried 0 announ#e ++ not 0, but the Lord ++ let not a $i!e se arate !ro" a husbandF ##but and i! she "ay se arate, let her re"ain un"arried, or to the husband let her be re#on#iled, and let not a husband send a$ay a $i!e) #,.nd to the rest 0 s ea' ++ not the Lord ++ i! any brother hath a $i!e unbelieving, and she is leased to d$ell $ith hi", let hi" not send her a$ay, #-and a $o"an $ho hath a husband unbelieving, and he is leased to d$ell $ith her, let her not send hi" a$ay, #.!or the unbelieving husband hath been san#ti!ied in the $i!e, and the unbelieving $i!e hath been san#ti!ied in the husband, other$ise your #hildren are un#lean, but no$ they are holy) #'.nd, i! the unbelieving doth se arate hi"sel! ++ let hi" se arate hi"sel!F the brother or the sister is not under servitude in su#h I#asesI, and in ea#e hath &od #alled us, #/!or $hat, hast thou 'no$n, O $i!e, $hether the husband thou shalt saveb or $hat, hast thou 'no$n, O husband, $hether the $i!e thou shalt saveb #0i! not, as &od did distribute to ea#h, as the Lord hath #alled ea#h ++ so let hi" $al', and thus in all the asse"blies do 0 dire#tF #(VLBC WN MNMAXRYLPBO `AUAMMNKKQ LSY NMQ AKK L YSUBLC MSOABYA A`L AOWULC XR TQUBP]ROAB ##NAO WN YAB TQUBP]R XNONVQ AMAXLC R VQ AOWUB YAVAKKAMRVQ YAB AOWUA MSOABYA XR AZBNOAB #,VLBC WN KLB`LBC NMQ KNMQ LST L YSUBLC NB VBC AWNKZLC MSOABYA NTNB A`BPVLO YAB ASVR PSONSWLYNB LBYNBO XNV ASVLS XR AZBNVQ ASVRO #-YAB MSOR RVBC NTNB AOWUA A`BPVLO YAB ASVLC PSONSWLYNB LBYNBO XNV ASVRC XR AZBNVQ ASVLO #.RMBAPVAB MAU L AORU L A`BPVLC NO VR MSOABYB YAB RMBAPVAB R MSOR R A`BPVLC NO VQ AOWUB N`NB AUA VA VNYOA SXQO AYA]AUVA NPVBO OSO WN AMBA NPVBO #'NB WN L A`BPVLC TQUB\NVAB TQUB\NP]Q LS WNWLSKQVAB L AWNKZLC R R AWNKZR NO VLBC VLBLSVLBC NO WN NBUROR YNYKRYNO RXAC L ]NLC #/VB MAU LBWAC MSOAB NB VLO AOWUA PQPNBC R VB LBWAC AONU NB VRO MSOABYA PQPNBC #0NB XR NYAPVQ QC NXNUBPNO L ]NLC NYAPVLO QC YNYKRYNO L YSUBLC LSVQC `NUB`AVNBVQ YAB LSVQC NO VABC NYYKRPBABC `APABC WBAVAPPLXAB
1 Dorinthians
#$being #ir#u"#ised ++ $as any one #alledb let hi" not be#o"e un#ir#u"#ised, in un#ir#u"#ision $as any one #alledb let hi" not be #ir#u"#ised, #%the #ir#u"#ision is nothing, and the un#ir#u"#ision is nothing ++ but a 'ee ing o! the #o""ands o! &od) ,(Ea#h in the #alling in $hi#h he $as #alled ++ in this let hi" re"ain, ,#a servant ++ $ast thou #alledb be not an(ious, but i! also thou art able to be#o"e !ree ++ use IitI rather, ,,!or he $ho IisI in the Lord ++ having been #alled a servant ++ is the LordIs !reed"anF in li'e "anner also he the !ree"an, having been #alled, is servant o! DhristF ,-$ith a ri#e ye $ere bought, be#o"e not servants o! "en, ,.ea#h, in that in $hi#h he $as #alled, brethren, in this let hi" re"ain $ith &od) ,'.nd #on#erning the virgins, a #o""and o! the Lord 0 have not, and 0 give -udg"ent as having obtained 'indness !ro" the Lord to be !aith!ulF ,/0 su ose, there!ore, this to be good be#ause o! the resent ne#essity, that Iit isI good !or a "an that the "atter be thusF ++ ,0Hast thou been bound to a $i!eb see' not to be loosed, hast thou been loosed !ro" a $i!eb see' not a $i!e) #$`NUBVNVXRXNOLC VBC NYKR]R XR N`BP`AP]Q NO AYULHSPVBA VBC NYKR]R XR `NUBVNXONP]Q #%R `NUBVLXR LSWNO NPVBO YAB R AYULHSPVBA LSWNO NPVBO AKKA VRURPBC NOVLKQO ]NLS ,(NYAPVLC NO VR YKRPNB R NYKR]R NO VASVR XNONVQ ,#WLSKLC NYKR]RC XR PLB XNKNVQ AKK NB YAB WSOAPAB NKNS]NULC MNONP]AB XAKKLO TURPAB ,,L MAU NO YSUBQ YKR]NBC WLSKLC A`NKNS]NULC YSUBLS NPVBO LXLBQC YAB L NKNS]NULC YKR]NBC WLSKLC NPVBO TUBPVLS ,-VBXRC RMLUAP]RVN XR MBONP]N WLSKLB AO]UQ`QO ,.NYAPVLC NO Q NYKR]R AWNKZLB NO VLSVQ XNONVQ `AUA VQ ]NQ ,'`NUB WN VQO `AU]NOQO N`BVAMRO YSUBLS LSY NTQ MOQXRO WN WBWQXB QC RKNRXNOLC S`L YSUBLS `BPVLC NBOAB ,/OLXB\Q LSO VLSVL YAKLO S`AUTNBO WBA VRO NONPVQPAO AOAMYRO LVB YAKLO AO]UQ`Q VL LSVQC NBOAB ,0WNWNPAB MSOABYB XR \RVNB KSPBO KNKSPAB A`L MSOABYLC XR \RVNB MSOABYA
1 Dorinthians
,$But and i! thou "ayest "arry, thou didst not sin, and i! the virgin "ay "arry, she did not sin, and su#h shall have tribulation in the !leshF and 0 s are you) ,%.nd this 0 say, brethren, the ti"e hen#e!orth is having been shortened ++ that both those having $ives "ay be as not having, -(and those $ee ing, as not $ee ing, and those re-oi#ing, as not re-oi#ing, and those buying, as not ossessing, -#and those using this $orld, as not using IitI u , !or assing a$ay is the !ashion o! this $orld) -,.nd 0 $ish you to be $ithout an(iety, the un"arried is an(ious !or the things o! the Lord, ho$ he shall lease the Lord, --and the "arried is an(ious !or the things o! the $orld, ho$ he shall lease the $i!e) -.The $i!e and the virgin have been distinguishedF the un"arried is an(ious !or the things o! the Lord, that she "ay be holy both in body and in s irit, and the "arried is an(ious !or the things o! the $orld, ho$ she shall lease the husband) -'.nd this !or your o$n ro!it 0 sayF not that 0 "ay #ast a noose u on you, but !or the see"liness and devotedness to the Lord, undistra#tedly, ,$NAO WN YAB MRXRC LST RXAUVNC YAB NAO MRXR R `AU]NOLC LST RXAUVNO ]KBcBO WN VR PAUYB NaLSPBO LB VLBLSVLB NMQ WN SXQO ZNBWLXAB ,%VLSVL WN ZRXB AWNKZLB L YABULC PSONPVAKXNOLC VL KLB`LO NPVBO BOA YAB LB NTLOVNC MSOABYAC QC XR NTLOVNC QPBO -(YAB LB YKABLOVNC QC XR YKABLOVNC YAB LB TABULOVNC QC XR TABULOVNC YAB LB AMLUA\LOVNC QC XR YAVNTLOVNC -#YAB LB TUQXNOLB VQ YLPXQ VLSVQ QC XR YAVATUQXNOLB `AUAMNB MAU VL PTRXA VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS -,]NKQ WN SXAC AXNUBXOLSC NBOAB L AMAXLC XNUBXOA VA VLS YSUBLS `QC AUNPNB VQ YSUBQ --L WN MAXRPAC XNUBXOA VA VLS YLPXLS `QC AUNPNB VR MSOABYB -.XNXNUBPVAB R MSOR YAB R `AU]NOLC R AMAXLC XNUBXOA VA VLS YSUBLS BOA R AMBA YAB PQXAVB YAB `ONSXAVB R WN MAXRPAPA XNUBXOA VA VLS YLPXLS `QC AUNPNB VQ AOWUB -'VLSVL WN `ULC VL SXQO ASVQO PSXZNULO KNMQ LST BOA HULTLO SXBO N`BHAKQ AKKA `ULC VL NSPTRXLO YAB NS`ULPNWULO VQ YSUBQ A`NUBP`APVQC
1 Dorinthians
-/and i! any one doth thin' IitI to be unsee"ly to his virgin, i! she "ay be beyond the bloo" o! age, and it ought so to be, $hat he $illeth let hi" do, he doth not sin ++ let hi" "arry) -0.nd he $ho hath stood sted!ast in the heart ++ not having ne#essity ++ and hath authority over his o$n $ill, and this he hath deter"ined in his heart ++ to 'ee his o$n virgin ++ doth $ell, -$so that both he $ho is giving in "arriage doth $ell, and he $ho is not giving in "arriage doth better) -%. $i!e hath been bound by la$ as long ti"e as her husband "ay live, and i! her husband "ay slee , she is !ree to be "arried to $ho" she $ill ++ only in the Lord, .(and she is ha ier i! she "ay so re"ain ++ a##ording to "y -udg"ent, and 0 thin' 0 also have the S irit o! &od) -/NB WN VBC APTRXLONBO N`B VRO `AU]NOLO ASVLS OLXB\NB NAO R S`NUAYXLC YAB LSVQC LZNBKNB MBONP]AB L ]NKNB `LBNBVQ LST AXAUVAONB MAXNBVQPAO -0LC WN NPVRYNO NWUABLC NO VR YAUWBA XR NTQO AOAMYRO NaLSPBAO WN NTNB `NUB VLS BWBLS ]NKRXAVLC YAB VLSVL YNYUBYNO NO VR YAUWBA ASVLS VLS VRUNBO VRO NASVLS `AU]NOLO YAKQC `LBNB -$QPVN YAB L NYMAXB\QO YAKQC `LBNB L WN XR NYMAXB\QO YUNBPPLO `LBNB -%MSOR WNWNVAB OLXQ NZ LPLO TULOLO \R L AORU ASVRC NAO WN YLBXR]R L AORU ASVRC NKNS]NUA NPVBO Q ]NKNB MAXR]ROAB XLOLO NO YSUBQ .(XAYAUBQVNUA WN NPVBO NAO LSVQC XNBOR YAVA VRO NXRO MOQXRO WLYQ WN YAMQ `ONSXA ]NLS NTNBO
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+hapter $
#.nd #on#erning the things sa#ri!i#ed to idols, $e have 'no$n that $e all have 'no$ledgeF 'no$ledge u!!eth u , but love buildeth u , ,and i! any one doth thin' to 'no$ anything, he hath not yet 'no$n anything a##ording as it behoveth Ihi"I to 'no$, -and i! any one doth love &od, this one hath been 'no$n by Hi") .Don#erning the eating then o! the things sa#ri!i#ed to idols, $e have 'no$n that an idol IisI nothing in the $orld, and that there is no other &od e(#e t one, '!or even i! there are those #alled gods, $hether in heaven, $hether u on earth ++ as there are gods "any and lords "any ++ /yet to us IisI one &od, the Father, o! $ho" IareI the all things, and $e to Hi", and one Lord, 5esus Dhrist, through $ho" IareI the all things, and $e through Hi", 0but not in all "en IisI the 'no$ledge, and #ertain $ith #ons#ien#e o! the idol, till no$, as a thing sa#ri!i#ed to an idol do eat IitI, and their #ons#ien#e, being $ea', is de!iled) $But vi#tuals do not #o""end us to &od, !or neither i! $e "ay eat are $e in advan#e, nor i! $e "ay not eat, are $e behind, #`NUB WN VQO NBWQKL]SVQO LBWAXNO LVB `AOVNC MOQPBO NTLXNO R MOQPBC ZSPBLB R WN AMA`R LBYLWLXNB ,NB WN VBC WLYNB NBWNOAB VB LSWN`Q LSWNO NMOQYNO YA]QC WNB MOQOAB -NB WN VBC AMA`A VLO ]NLO LSVLC NMOQPVAB S` ASVLS .`NUB VRC HUQPNQC LSO VQO NBWQKL]SVQO LBWAXNO LVB LSWNO NBWQKLO NO YLPXQ YAB LVB LSWNBC ]NLC NVNULC NB XR NBC 'YAB MAU NB`NU NBPBO KNMLXNOLB ]NLB NBVN NO LSUAOQ NBVN N`B VRC MRC QP`NU NBPBO ]NLB `LKKLB YAB YSUBLB `LKKLB /AKK RXBO NBC ]NLC L `AVRU Na LS VA `AOVA YAB RXNBC NBC ASVLO YAB NBC YSUBLC BRPLSC TUBPVLC WB LS VA `AOVA YAB RXNBC WB ASVLS 0AKK LSY NO `APBO R MOQPBC VBONC WN VR PSONBWRPNB VLS NBWQKLS NQC AUVB QC NBWQKL]SVLO NP]BLSPBO YAB R PSONBWRPBC ASVQO AP]NORC LSPA XLKSONVAB $HUQXA WN RXAC LS `AUBPVRPBO VQ ]NQ LSVN MAU NAO ZAMQXNO `NUBPPNSLXNO LSVN NAO XR ZAMQXNO SPVNULSXN]A
1 Dorinthians
%but see, lest this rivilege o! yours "ay be#o"e a stu"bling+blo#' to the in!ir", #(!or i! any one "ay see thee that hast 'no$ledge in an idolIs te" le re#lining at "eat ++ shall not his #ons#ien#e ++ he being in!ir" ++ be e"boldened to eat the things sa#ri!i#ed to idols, ##and the brother $ho is in!ir" shall erish by thy 'no$ledge, be#ause o! $ho" Dhrist diedb #,and thus sinning in regard to the brethren, and s"iting their $ea' #ons#ien#e ++ in regard to Dhrist ye sin, #-$here!ore, i! vi#tuals #ause "y brother to stu"ble, 0 "ay eat no !lesh ++ to the age ++ that "y brother 0 "ay not #ause to stu"ble) %HKN`NVN WN XR`QC R NaLSPBA SXQO ASVR `ULPYLXXA MNORVAB VLBC AP]NOLSPBO #(NAO MAU VBC BWR PN VLO NTLOVA MOQPBO NO NBWQKNBQ YAVAYNBXNOLO LSTB R PSONBWRPBC ASVLS AP]NOLSC LOVLC LBYLWLXR]RPNVAB NBC VL VA NBWQKL]SVA NP]BNBO ##YAB A`LKNBVAB L AP]NOQO AWNKZLC N`B VR PR MOQPNB WB LO TUBPVLC A`N]AONO #,LSVQC WN AXAUVAOLOVNC NBC VLSC AWNKZLSC YAB VS`VLOVNC ASVQO VRO PSONBWRPBO AP]NOLSPAO NBC TUBPVLO AXAUVAONVN #-WBL`NU NB HUQXA PYAOWAKB\NB VLO AWNKZLO XLS LS XR ZAMQ YUNA NBC VLO ABQOA BOA XR VLO AWNKZLO XLS PYAOWAKBPQ
1 Dorinthians
+hapter %
#." not 0 an a ostleb a" not 0 !reeb 5esus Dhrist our Lord have 0 not seenb "y $or' are not ye in the Lordb ,i! to others 0 a" not an a ostle ++ yet doubtless to you 0 a", !or the seal o! "y a ostleshi are ye in the Lord) -@y de!en#e to those $ho e(a"ine "e in this, .have $e not authority to eat and to drin'b 'have $e not authority a sister ++ a $i!e ++ to lead about, as also the other a ostles, and the brethren o! the Lord, and De hasb /or only 0 and Barnabas, have $e not authority ++ not to $or'b 0$ho doth serve as a soldier at his o$n #harges at any ti"eb $ho doth lant a vineyard, and o! its !ruit doth not eatb or $ho doth !eed a !lo#', and o! the "il' o! the !lo#' doth not eatb $.##ording to "an do 0 s ea' these thingsb or doth not also the la$ say these thingsb %!or in the la$ o! @oses it hath been $ritten, Ithou shalt not "uEEle an o( treading out #orn,I !or the o(en doth &od #areb #LSY NBXB A`LPVLKLC LSY NBXB NKNS]NULC LSTB BRPLSO TUBPVLO VLO YSUBLO RXQO NQUAYA LS VL NUMLO XLS SXNBC NPVN NO YSUBQ ,NB AKKLBC LSY NBXB A`LPVLKLC AKKA MN SXBO NBXB R MAU PZUAMBC VRC NXRC A`LPVLKRC SXNBC NPVN NO YSUBQ -R NXR A`LKLMBA VLBC NXN AOAYUBOLSPBO ASVR NPVBO .XR LSY NTLXNO NaLSPBAO ZAMNBO YAB `BNBO 'XR LSY NTLXNO NaLSPBAO AWNKZRO MSOABYA `NUBAMNBO QC YAB LB KLB`LB A`LPVLKLB YAB LB AWNKZLB VLS YSUBLS YAB YRZAC /R XLOLC NMQ YAB HAUOAHAC LSY NTLXNO NaLSPBAO VLS XR NUMA\NP]AB 0VBC PVUAVNSNVAB BWBLBC LcQOBLBC `LVN VBC ZSVNSNB AX`NKQOA YAB NY VLS YAU`LS ASVLS LSY NP]BNB R VBC `LBXABONB `LBXORO YAB NY VLS MAKAYVLC VRC `LBXORC LSY NP]BNB $XR YAVA AO]UQ`LO VASVA KAKQ R LSTB YAB L OLXLC VASVA KNMNB %NO MAU VQ XQPNQC OLXQ MNMUA`VAB LS ZBXQPNBC HLSO AKLQOVA XR VQO HLQO XNKNB VQ ]NQ
1 Dorinthians
#(or be#ause o! us by all "eans doth He say IitIb yes, be#ause o! us it $as $ritten, be#ause in ho e ought the lo$er to lo$, and he $ho is treading IoughtI o! his ho e to arta'e in ho e) ##0! $e to you the s iritual things did so$ ++ great Iis itI i! $e your !leshly things do rea b #,i! others do arta'e o! the authority over you ++ not $e "oreb but $e did not use this authority, but all things $e bear, that $e "ay give no hindran#e to the good ne$s o! the Dhrist) #-Have ye not 'no$n that those $or'ing about the things o! the te" le ++ o! the te" le do eat, and those $aiting at the altar ++ $ith the altar are arta'ersb #.so also did the Lord dire#t to those ro#lai"ing the good ne$sF o! the good ne$s to live) #'.nd 0 have used none o! these things, neither did 0 $rite these things that it "ay be so done in "y #ase, !or Iit isI good !or "e rather to die, than that any one "ay "a'e "y glorying void, #/!or i! 0 "ay ro#lai" good ne$s, it is no glorying !or "e, !or ne#essity is laid u on "e, and $o is to "e i! 0 "ay not ro#lai" good ne$s, #0!or i! $illing 0 do this, 0 have a re$ard, and i! un$illingly ++ $ith a ste$ardshi 0 have been entrustedd #(R WB RXAC `AOVQC KNMNB WB RXAC MAU NMUAZR LVB N` NK`BWB LZNBKNB L AULVUBQO AULVUBAO YAB L AKLQO VRC NK`BWLC ASVLS XNVNTNBO N` NK`BWB ##NB RXNBC SXBO VA `ONSXAVBYA NP`NBUAXNO XNMA NB RXNBC SXQO VA PAUYBYA ]NUBPLXNO #,NB AKKLB VRC NaLSPBAC SXQO XNVNTLSPBO LS XAKKLO RXNBC AKK LSY NTURPAXN]A VR NaLSPBA VASVR AKKA `AOVA PVNMLXNO BOA XR NMYL`RO VBOA WQXNO VQ NSAMMNKBQ VLS TUBPVLS #-LSY LBWAVN LVB LB VA BNUA NUMA\LXNOLB NY VLS BNULS NP]BLSPBO LB VQ ]SPBAPVRUBQ `ULPNWUNSLOVNC VQ ]SPBAPVRUBQ PSXXNUB\LOVAB #.LSVQC YAB L YSUBLC WBNVAaNO VLBC VL NSAMMNKBLO YAVAMMNKKLSPBO NY VLS NSAMMNKBLS \RO #'NMQ WN LSWNOB NTURPAXRO VLSVQO LSY NMUAcA WN VASVA BOA LSVQC MNORVAB NO NXLB YAKLO MAU XLB XAKKLO A`L]AONBO R VL YASTRXA XLS BOA VBC YNOQPR #/NAO MAU NSAMMNKB\QXAB LSY NPVBO XLB YASTRXA AOAMYR MAU XLB N`BYNBVAB LSAB WN XLB NPVBO NAO XR NSAMMNKB\QXAB #0NB MAU NYQO VLSVL `UAPPQ XBP]LO NTQ NB WN AYQO LBYLOLXBAO `N`BPVNSXAB
1 Dorinthians
#$What, then, is "y re$ardb ++ that ro#lai"ing good ne$s, $ithout #harge 0 shall "a'e the good ne$s o! the Dhrist, not to abuse "y authority in the good ne$s, #%!or being !ree !ro" all "en, to all "en 0 "ade "ysel! servant, that the "ore 0 "ight gain, ,(and 0 be#a"e to the 5e$s as a 5e$, that 5e$s 0 "ight gain, to those under la$ as under la$, that those under la$ 0 "ight gain, ,#to those $ithout la$, as $ithout la$ ++ 7not being $ithout la$ to &od, but $ithin la$ to Dhrist< ++ that 0 "ight gain those $ithout la$, ,,0 be#a"e to the in!ir" as in!ir", that the in!ir" 0 "ight gain, to all "en 0 have be#o"e all things, that by all "eans 0 "ay save so"e) ,-.nd this 0 do be#ause o! the good ne$s, that a !ello$+ arta'er o! it 0 "ay be#o"e, ,.have ye not 'no$n that those running in a ra#e ++ all indeed run, but one doth re#eive the riEeb so run ye, that ye "ay obtain, ,'and every one $ho is striving, is in all things te" erate, these, indeed, then, that a #orru tible #ro$n they "ay re#eive, but $e an in#orru tible, ,/0, there!ore, thus run, not as un#ertainly, thus 0 !ight, as not beating air, #$VBC LSO XLB NPVBO L XBP]LC BOA NSAMMNKB\LXNOLC AWA`AOLO ]RPQ VL NSAMMNKBLO VLS TUBPVLS NBC VL XR YAVATURPAP]AB VR NaLSPBA XLS NO VQ NSAMMNKBQ #%NKNS]NULC MAU QO NY `AOVQO `APBO NXASVLO NWLSKQPA BOA VLSC `KNBLOAC YNUWRPQ ,(YAB NMNOLXRO VLBC BLSWABLBC QC BLSWABLC BOA BLSWABLSC YNUWRPQ VLBC S`L OLXLO QC S`L OLXLO BOA VLSC S`L OLXLO YNUWRPQ ,#VLBC AOLXLBC QC AOLXLC XR QO AOLXLC ]NQ AKK NOOLXLC TUBPVQ BOA YNUWRPQ AOLXLSC ,,NMNOLXRO VLBC AP]NONPBO QC AP]NORC BOA VLSC AP]NONBC YNUWRPQ VLBC `APBO MNMLOA VA `AOVA BOA `AOVQC VBOAC PQPQ ,-VLSVL WN `LBQ WBA VL NSAMMNKBLO BOA PSMYLBOQOLC ASVLS MNOQXAB ,.LSY LBWAVN LVB LB NO PVAWBQ VUNTLOVNC `AOVNC XNO VUNTLSPBO NBC WN KAXHAONB VL HUAHNBLO LSVQC VUNTNVN BOA YAVAKAHRVN ,'`AC WN L AMQOB\LXNOLC `AOVA NMYUAVNSNVAB NYNBOLB XNO LSO BOA Z]AUVLO PVNZAOLO KAHQPBO RXNBC WN AZ]AUVLO ,/NMQ VLBOSO LSVQC VUNTQ QC LSY AWRKQC LSVQC `SYVNSQ QC LSY ANUA WNUQO
1 Dorinthians
,0but 0 #hastise "y body, and bring IitI ,0AKK S`Q`BA\Q XLS VL PQXA YAB into servitude, lest by any "eans, WLSKAMQMQ XR`QC AKKLBC YRUSaAC having rea#hed to others ++ 0 "ysel! ASVLC AWLYBXLC MNOQXAB "ay be#o"e disa roved)
1 Dorinthians
+hapter #(
#.nd 0 do not $ish you to be ignorant, brethren, that all our !athers $ere under the #loud, and all assed through the sea, ,and all to @oses $ere ba tiEed in the #loud, and in the sea, #LS ]NKQ WN SXAC AMOLNBO AWNKZLB LVB LB `AVNUNC RXQO `AOVNC S`L VRO ONZNKRO RPAO YAB `AOVNC WBA VRC ]AKAPPRC WBRK]LO ,YAB `AOVNC NBC VLO XQPRO NHA`VBPAOVL NO VR ONZNKR YAB NO VR ]AKAPPR -and all the sa"e s iritual !ood did -YAB `AOVNC VL ASVL HUQXA eat, `ONSXAVBYLO NZAMLO .and all the sa"e s iritual drin' did .YAB `AOVNC VL ASVL `LXA `ONSXAVBYLO drin', !or they $ere drin'ing o! a N`BLO N`BOLO MAU NY `ONSXAVBYRC s iritual ro#' !ollo$ing the", and the AYLKLS]LSPRC `NVUAC R WN `NVUA RO L ro#' $as the Dhrist, TUBPVLC 'but in the "ost o! the" &od $as not 'AKK LSY NO VLBC `KNBLPBO ASVQO $ell leased, !or they $ere stre$n in NSWLYRPNO L ]NLC YAVNPVUQ]RPAO MAU the $ilderness, NO VR NURXQ /and those things be#a"e ty es o! us, /VASVA WN VS`LB RXQO NMNOR]RPAO NBC !or our not assionately desiring evil VL XR NBOAB RXAC N`B]SXRVAC YAYQO things, as also these did desire) YA]QC YAYNBOLB N`N]SXRPAO 0/either be#o"e ye idolaters, as 0XRWN NBWQKLKAVUAB MBONP]N YA]QC #ertain o! the", as it hath been $ritten, VBONC ASVQO QC MNMUA`VAB NYA]BPNO L IThe eo le sat do$n to eat and to KALC ZAMNBO YAB `BNBO YAB AONPVRPAO drin', and stood u to lay,I `AB\NBO $neither "ay $e #o""it $horedo", $XRWN `LUONSQXNO YA]QC VBONC ASVQO as #ertain o! the" did #o""it N`LUONSPAO YAB N`NPLO NO XBA RXNUA $horedo", and there !ell in one day NBYLPBVUNBC TBKBAWNC t$enty+three thousand, %neither "ay $e te" t the Dhrist, as %XRWN NY`NBUA\QXNO VLO TUBPVLO also #ertain o! the" did te" t, and by YA]QC YAB VBONC ASVQO N`NBUAPAO YAB the ser ents did erish, S`L VQO LZNQO A`QKLOVL #(neither "ur"ur ye, as also so"e o! #(XRWN MLMMS\NVN YA]QC YAB VBONC the" did "ur"ur, and did erish by ASVQO NMLMMSPAO YAB A`QKLOVL S`L the destroyer) VLS LKL]UNSVLS 3GG
1 Dorinthians
##.nd all these things as ty es did ha en to those ersons, and they $ere $ritten !or our ad"onition, to $ho" the end o! the ages did #o"e, #,so that he $ho is thin'ing to stand ++ let hi" observe, lest he !all) #-/o te" tation hath ta'en you ++ e(#e t hu"an, and &od is !aith!ul, $ho $ill not su!!er you to be te" ted above $hat ye are able, but He $ill "a'e, $ith the te" tation, also the outlet, !or your being able to bear IitI) #.Where!ore, "y beloved, !lee !ro" the idolatry, #'as to $ise "en 0 s ea' ++ -udge ye $hat 0 sayF #/The #u o! the blessing that $e bless ++ is it not the !ello$shi o! the blood o! the Dhristb the bread that $e brea' ++ is it not the !ello$shi o! the body o! the Dhristb #0be#ause one bread, one body, are $e the "any ++ !or $e all o! the one bread do arta'e) #$See 0srael a##ording to the !leshd are not those eating the sa#ri!i#es in the !ello$shi o! the altarb #%$hat then do 0 sayb that an idol is anythingb or that a sa#ri!i#e o!!ered to an idol is anythingb ++ ##VASVA WN `AOVA VS`LB PSONHABOLO NYNBOLBC NMUAZR WN `ULC OLS]NPBAO RXQO NBC LSC VA VNKR VQO ABQOQO YAVROVRPNO #,QPVN L WLYQO NPVAOAB HKN`NVQ XR `NPR #-`NBUAPXLC SXAC LSY NBKRZNO NB XR AO]UQ`BOLC `BPVLC WN L ]NLC LC LSY NAPNB SXAC `NBUAP]ROAB S`NU L WSOAP]N AKKA `LBRPNB PSO VQ `NBUAPXQ YAB VRO NYHAPBO VLS WSOAP]AB SXAC S`NONMYNBO #.WBL`NU AMA`RVLB XLS ZNSMNVN A`L VRC NBWQKLKAVUNBAC #'QC ZULOBXLBC KNMQ YUBOAVN SXNBC L ZRXB #/VL `LVRUBLO VRC NSKLMBAC L NSKLMLSXNO LSTB YLBOQOBA VLS ABXAVLC VLS TUBPVLS NPVBO VLO AUVLO LO YKQXNO LSTB YLBOQOBA VLS PQXAVLC VLS TUBPVLS NPVBO #0LVB NBC AUVLC NO PQXA LB `LKKLB NPXNO LB MAU `AOVNC NY VLS NOLC AUVLS XNVNTLXNO #$HKN`NVN VLO BPUARK YAVA PAUYA LSTB LB NP]BLOVNC VAC ]SPBAC YLBOQOLB VLS ]SPBAPVRUBLS NBPBO #%VB LSO ZRXB LVB NBWQKLO VB NPVBO R LVB NBWQKL]SVLO VB NPVBO
1 Dorinthians
,(Ino,I but that the things that the nations sa#ri!i#e ++ they sa#ri!i#e to de"ons and not to &od, and 0 do not $ish you to #o"e into the !ello$shi o! the de"ons) ,#4e are not able the #u o! the Lord to drin', and the #u o! de"ons, ye are not able o! the table o! the Lord to arta'e, and o! the table o! de"ons, ,,do $e arouse the Lord to -ealousyb are $e stronger than Heb ,-.ll things to "e are la$!ul, but all things are not ro!itable, all things to "e are la$!ul, but all things do not build u , ,.let no one see' his o$n ++ but ea#h anotherIs) ,'Whatever in the "eat+"ar'et is sold eat ye, not in?uiring, be#ause o! the #ons#ien#e, ,/!or the LordIs IisI the earth, and its !ulness, ,0and i! any one o! the unbelieving do #all you, and ye $ish to go, all that is set be!ore you eat, nothing in?uiring, be#ause o! the #ons#ien#e, ,$and i! any one "ay say to you, IThis is a thing sa#ri!i#ed to an idol,I ++ do not eat, be#ause o! that one $ho she$ed IitI, and o! the #ons#ien#e, !or the LordIs IisI the earth and its !ulnessF ,(AKK LVB A ]SNB VA N]OR WABXLOBLBC ]SNB YAB LS ]NQ LS ]NKQ WN SXAC YLBOQOLSC VQO WABXLOBQO MBONP]AB ,#LS WSOAP]N `LVRUBLO YSUBLS `BONBO YAB `LVRUBLO WABXLOBQO LS WSOAP]N VUA`N\RC YSUBLS XNVNTNBO YAB VUA`N\RC WABXLOBQO ,,R `AUA\RKLSXNO VLO YSUBLO XR BPTSULVNULB ASVLS NPXNO ,-`AOVA XLB NaNPVBO AKK LS `AOVA PSXZNUNB `AOVA XLB NaNPVBO AKK LS `AOVA LBYLWLXNB ,.XRWNBC VL NASVLS \RVNBVQ AKKA VL VLS NVNULS NYAPVLC ,'`AO VL NO XAYNKKQ `QKLSXNOLO NP]BNVN XRWNO AOAYUBOLOVNC WBA VRO PSONBWRPBO ,/VLS MAU YSUBLS R MR YAB VL `KRUQXA ASVRC ,0NB WN VBC YAKNB SXAC VQO A`BPVQO YAB ]NKNVN `LUNSNP]AB `AO VL `AUAVB]NXNOLO SXBO NP]BNVN XRWNO AOAYUBOLOVNC WBA VRO PSONBWRPBO ,$NAO WN VBC SXBO NB`R VLSVL NBWQKL]SVLO NPVBO XR NP]BNVN WB NYNBOLO VLO XROSPAOVA YAB VRO PSONBWRPBO VLS MAU YSUBLS R MR YAB VL `KRUQXA ASVRC
1 Dorinthians
,%and #ons#ien#e, 0 say, not o! thysel!, but o! the other, !or $hy Iis itI that "y liberty is -udged by anotherIs #ons#ien#eb -(and i! 0 than'!ully do arta'e, $hy a" 0 evil s o'en o!, !or that !or $hi#h 0 give than'sb -#Whether, then, ye eat, or drin', or do anything, do all to the glory o! &od, -,be#o"e o!!en#eless, both to 5e$s and &ree's, and to the asse"bly o! &od, --as 0 also in all things do lease all, not see'ing "y o$n ro!it, but that o! "any ++ that they "ay be saved) ,%PSONBWRPBO WN KNMQ LSTB VRO NASVLS AKKA VRO VLS NVNULS BOA VB MAU R NKNS]NUBA XLS YUBONVAB S`L AKKRC PSONBWRPNQC -(NB WN NMQ TAUBVB XNVNTQ VB HKAPZRXLSXAB S`NU LS NMQ NSTAUBPVQ -#NBVN LSO NP]BNVN NBVN `BONVN NBVN VB `LBNBVN `AOVA NBC WLaAO ]NLS `LBNBVN -,A`ULPYL`LB MBONP]N YAB BLSWABLBC YAB NKKRPBO YAB VR NYYKRPBA VLS ]NLS --YA]QC YAMQ `AOVA `APBO AUNPYQ XR \RVQO VL NXASVLS PSXZNULO AKKA VL VQO `LKKQO BOA PQ]QPBO
1 Dorinthians
+hapter ##
#Follo$ers o! "e be#o"e ye, as 0 also Ia"I o! Dhrist) ,.nd 0 raise you, brethren, that in all things ye re"e"ber "e, and a##ording as 0 did deliver to you, the deliveran#es ye 'ee , -and 0 $ish you to 'no$ that o! every "an the head is the Dhrist, and the head o! a $o"an is the husband, and the head o! Dhrist is &od) .Every "an raying or ro hesying, having the head #overed, doth dishonour his head, 'and every $o"an raying or ro hesying $ith the head un#overed, doth dishonour her o$n head, !or it is one and the sa"e thing $ith her being shaven, /!or i! a $o"an is not #overed ++ then let her be shorn, and i! Iit isI a sha"e !or a $o"an to be shorn or shaven ++ let her be #overed, 0!or a "an, indeed, ought not to #over the head, being the i"age and glory o! &od, and a $o"an is the glory o! a "an, $!or a "an is not o! a $o"an, but a $o"an IisI o! a "an, %!or a "an also $as not #reated be#ause o! the $o"an, but a $o"an be#ause o! the "an, #XBXRVAB XLS MBONP]N YA]QC YAMQ TUBPVLS ,N`ABOQ WN SXAC AWNKZLB LVB `AOVA XLS XNXORP]N YAB YA]QC `AUNWQYA SXBO VAC `AUAWLPNBC YAVNTNVN -]NKQ WN SXAC NBWNOAB LVB `AOVLC AOWULC R YNZAKR L TUBPVLC NPVBO YNZAKR WN MSOABYLC L AORU YNZAKR WN TUBPVLS L ]NLC .`AC AORU `ULPNSTLXNOLC R `ULZRVNSQO YAVA YNZAKRC NTQO YAVABPTSONB VRO YNZAKRO ASVLS '`APA WN MSOR `ULPNSTLXNOR R `ULZRVNSLSPA AYAVAYAKS`VQ VR YNZAKR YAVABPTSONB VRO YNZAKRO NASVRC NO MAU NPVBO YAB VL ASVL VR NaSURXNOR /NB MAU LS YAVAYAKS`VNVAB MSOR YAB YNBUAP]Q NB WN ABPTULO MSOABYB VL YNBUAP]AB R aSUAP]AB YAVAYAKS`VNP]Q 0AORU XNO MAU LSY LZNBKNB YAVAYAKS`VNP]AB VRO YNZAKRO NBYQO YAB WLaA ]NLS S`AUTQO MSOR WN WLaA AOWULC NPVBO $LS MAU NPVBO AORU NY MSOABYLC AKKA MSOR Na AOWULC %YAB MAU LSY NYVBP]R AORU WBA VRO MSOABYA AKKA MSOR WBA VLO AOWUA
1 Dorinthians
#(be#ause o! this the $o"an ought to have Ia to'en o!I authority u on the head, be#ause o! the "essengers, ##but neither IisI a "an a art !ro" a $o"an, nor a $o"an a art !ro" a "an, in the Lord, #,!or as the $o"an IisI o! the "an, so also the "an IisI through the $o"an, and the all things IareI o! &od) #-0n your o$n selves -udge ye, is it see"ly !or a $o"an un#overed to ray to &odb #.doth not even nature itsel! tea#h you, that i! a "an indeed have long hair, a dishonour it is to hi"b #'and a $o"an, i! she have long hair, a glory it is to her, be#ause the hair instead o! a #overing hath been given to her, #/and i! any one doth thin' to be #ontentious, $e have no su#h #usto", neither the asse"blies o! &od) #0.nd this de#laring, 0 give no raise, be#ause not !or the better, but !or the $orse ye #o"e together, #$!or !irst, indeed, ye #o"ing together in an asse"bly, 0 hear o! divisions being a"ong you, and artly 0 believe IitI, #%!or it behoveth se#ts also to be a"ong you, that those a roved "ay be#o"e "ani!est a"ong you, #(WBA VLSVL LZNBKNB R MSOR NaLSPBAO NTNBO N`B VRC YNZAKRC WBA VLSC AMMNKLSC ##`KRO LSVN AORU TQUBC MSOABYLC LSVN MSOR TQUBC AOWULC NO YSUBQ #,QP`NU MAU R MSOR NY VLS AOWULC LSVQC YAB L AORU WBA VRC MSOABYLC VA WN `AOVA NY VLS ]NLS #-NO SXBO ASVLBC YUBOAVN `UN`LO NPVBO MSOABYA AYAVAYAKS`VLO VQ ]NQ `ULPNSTNP]AB #.R LSWN ASVR R ZSPBC WBWAPYNB SXAC LVB AORU XNO NAO YLXA AVBXBA ASVQ NPVBO #'MSOR WN NAO YLXA WLaA ASVR NPVBO LVB R YLXR AOVB `NUBHLKABLS WNWLVAB ASVR #/NB WN VBC WLYNB ZBKLONBYLC NBOAB RXNBC VLBASVRO PSOR]NBAO LSY NTLXNO LSWN AB NYYKRPBAB VLS ]NLS #0VLSVL WN `AUAMMNKKQO LSY N`ABOQ LVB LSY NBC VL YUNBVVLO AKK NBC VL RVVLO PSONUTNP]N #$`UQVLO XNO MAU PSONUTLXNOQO SXQO NO VR NYYKRPBA AYLSQ PTBPXAVA NO SXBO S`AUTNBO YAB XNULC VB `BPVNSQ #%WNB MAU YAB ABUNPNBC NO SXBO NBOAB BOA LB WLYBXLB ZAONULB MNOQOVAB NO SXBO
1 Dorinthians
,(ye, then, #o"ing together at the sa"e la#e ++ it is not to eat the LordIs su er, ,#!or ea#h his o$n su er doth ta'e be!ore in the eating, and one is hungry, and another is drun', ,,$hy, have ye not houses to eat and to drin' inb or the asse"bly o! &od do ye des ise, and sha"e those not havingb $hat "ay 0 say to youb shall 0 raise you in thisb 0 do not raised ,-For 0 ++ 0 re#eived !ro" the Lord that $hi#h also 0 did deliver to you, that the Lord 5esus in the night in $hi#h he $as delivered u , too' bread, ,.and having given than's, he bra'e, and said, ITa'e ye, eat ye, this is "y body, that !or you is being bro'en, this do ye ++ to the re"e"bran#e o! "e)I ,'0n li'e "anner also the #u a!ter the su ing, saying, IThis #u is the ne$ #ovenant in "y blood, this do ye, as o!ten as ye "ay drin' IitI ++ to the re"e"bran#e o! "e,I ,/!or as o!ten as ye "ay eat this bread, and this #u "ay drin', the death o! the Lord ye do she$ !orth ++ till he "ay #o"e, ,0so that $hoever "ay eat this bread or "ay drin' the #u o! the Lord un$orthily, guilty he shall be o! the body and blood o! the LordF ,(PSONUTLXNOQO LSO SXQO N`B VL ASVL LSY NPVBO YSUBAYLO WNB`OLO ZAMNBO ,#NYAPVLC MAU VL BWBLO WNB`OLO `ULKAXHAONB NO VQ ZAMNBO YAB LC XNO `NBOA LC WN XN]SNB ,,XR MAU LBYBAC LSY NTNVN NBC VL NP]BNBO YAB `BONBO R VRC NYYKRPBAC VLS ]NLS YAVAZULONBVN YAB YAVABPTSONVN VLSC XR NTLOVAC VB SXBO NB`Q N`ABONPQ SXAC NO VLSVQ LSY N`ABOQ ,-NMQ MAU `AUNKAHLO A`L VLS YSUBLS L YAB `AUNWQYA SXBO LVB L YSUBLC BRPLSC NO VR OSYVB R `AUNWBWLVL NKAHNO AUVLO ,.YAB NSTAUBPVRPAC NYKAPNO YAB NB`NO KAHNVN ZAMNVN VLSVL XLS NPVBO VL PQXA VL S`NU SXQO YKQXNOLO VLSVL `LBNBVN NBC VRO NXRO AOAXORPBO ,'QPASVQC YAB VL `LVRUBLO XNVA VL WNB`ORPAB KNMQO VLSVL VL `LVRUBLO R YABOR WBA]RYR NPVBO NO VQ NXQ ABXAVB VLSVL `LBNBVN LPAYBC AO `BORVN NBC VRO NXRO AOAXORPBO ,/LPAYBC MAU AO NP]BRVN VLO AUVLO VLSVLO YAB VL `LVRUBLO VLSVL `BORVN VLO ]AOAVLO VLS YSUBLS YAVAMMNKKNVN ATUBC LS AO NK]R ,0QPVN LC AO NP]BR VLO AUVLO VLSVLO R `BOR VL `LVRUBLO VLS YSUBLS AOAaBQC NOLTLC NPVAB VLS PQXAVLC YAB ABXAVLC VLS YSUBLS
1 Dorinthians
,$and let a "an be roving hi"sel!, and so o! the bread let hi" eat, and o! the #u let hi" drin', ,%!or he $ho is eating and drin'ing un$orthily, -udg"ent to hi"sel! he doth eat and drin' ++ not dis#erning the body o! the Lord) -(Be#ause o! this, a"ong you "any IareI $ea' and si#'ly, and slee do "any, -#!or i! ourselves $e $ere dis#erning, $e $ould not be being -udged, -,and being -udged by the Lord, $e are #hastened, that $ith the $orld $e "ay not be #onde"ned, --so then, "y brethren, #o"ing together to eat, !or one another $ait ye, -.and i! any one is hungry, at ho"e let hi" eat, that to -udg"ent ye "ay not #o"e together, and the rest, $henever 0 "ay #o"e, 0 shall arrange) ,$WLYBXA\NVQ WN AO]UQ`LC NASVLO YAB LSVQC NY VLS AUVLS NP]BNVQ YAB NY VLS `LVRUBLS `BONVQ ,%L MAU NP]BQO YAB `BOQO AOAaBQC YUBXA NASVQ NP]BNB YAB `BONB XR WBAYUBOQO VL PQXA VLS YSUBLS -(WBA VLSVL NO SXBO `LKKLB AP]NONBC YAB AUUQPVLB YAB YLBXQOVAB BYAOLB -#NB MAU NASVLSC WBNYUBOLXNO LSY AO NYUBOLXN]A -,YUBOLXNOLB WN S`L YSUBLS `ABWNSLXN]A BOA XR PSO VQ YLPXQ YAVAYUB]QXNO --QPVN AWNKZLB XLS PSONUTLXNOLB NBC VL ZAMNBO AKKRKLSC NYWNTNP]N -.NB WN VBC `NBOA NO LBYQ NP]BNVQ BOA XR NBC YUBXA PSONUTRP]N VA WN KLB`A QC AO NK]Q WBAVAaLXAB
1 Dorinthians
+hapter #,
#.nd #on#erning the s iritual things, brethren, 0 do not $ish you to be ignorant, ,ye have 'no$n that ye $ere nations, unto the du"b idols ++ as ye $ere led ++ being #arried a$ay, -$here!ore, 0 give you to understand that no one, in the S irit o! &od s ea'ing, saith 5esus IisI anathe"a, and no one is able to say 5esus IisI Lord, e(#e t in the Holy S irit) ..nd there are diversities o! gi!ts, and the sa"e S irit, 'and there are diversities o! "inistrations, and the sa"e Lord, /and there are diversities o! $or'ings, and it is the sa"e &od ++ $ho is $or'ing the all in all) 0.nd to ea#h hath been given the "ani!estation o! the S irit !or ro!it, $!or to one through the S irit hath been given a $ord o! $isdo", and to another a $ord o! 'no$ledge, a##ording to the sa"e S irit, %and to another !aith in the sa"e S irit, and to another gi!ts o! healings in the sa"e S irit, #(and to another in+$or'ings o! "ighty deeds, and to another ro he#y, and to another dis#ernings o! s irits, and to another IdiversI 'inds o! tongues, and to another inter retation o! tonguesF #`NUB WN VQO `ONSXAVBYQO AWNKZLB LS ]NKQ SXAC AMOLNBO ,LBWAVN LVB N]OR RVN `ULC VA NBWQKA VA AZQOA QC AO RMNP]N A`AMLXNOLB -WBL MOQUB\Q SXBO LVB LSWNBC NO `ONSXAVB ]NLS KAKQO KNMNB AOA]NXA BRPLSO YAB LSWNBC WSOAVAB NB`NBO YSUBLO BRPLSO NB XR NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ .WBABUNPNBC WN TAUBPXAVQO NBPBO VL WN ASVL `ONSXA 'YAB WBABUNPNBC WBAYLOBQO NBPBO YAB L ASVLC YSUBLC /YAB WBABUNPNBC NONUMRXAVQO NBPBO L WN ASVLC NPVBO ]NLC L NONUMQO VA `AOVA NO `APBO 0NYAPVQ WN WBWLVAB R ZAONUQPBC VLS `ONSXAVLC `ULC VL PSXZNULO $Q XNO MAU WBA VLS `ONSXAVLC WBWLVAB KLMLC PLZBAC AKKQ WN KLMLC MOQPNQC YAVA VL ASVL `ONSXA %NVNUQ WN `BPVBC NO VQ ASVQ `ONSXAVB AKKQ WN TAUBPXAVA BAXAVQO NO VQ ASVQ `ONSXAVB #(AKKQ WN NONUMRXAVA WSOAXNQO AKKQ WN `ULZRVNBA AKKQ WN WBAYUBPNBC `ONSXAVQO NVNUQ WN MNOR MKQPPQO AKKQ WN NUXRONBA MKQPPQO
1 Dorinthians
##and all these doth $or' the one and the sa"e S irit, dividing to ea#h severally as he intendeth) #,For, even as the body is one, and hath "any "e"bers, and all the "e"bers o! the one body, being "any, are one body, so also IisI the Dhrist, #-!or also in one S irit $e all to one body $ere ba tiEed, $hether 5e$s or &ree's, $hether servants or !ree"en, and all into one S irit $ere "ade to drin', #.!or also the body is not one "e"ber, but "any, #'i! the !oot "ay say, IBe#ause 0 a" not a hand, 0 a" not o! the body,I it is not, be#ause o! this, not o! the body, #/and i! the ear "ay say, IBe#ause 0 a" not an eye, 0 a" not o! the body,I it is not, be#ause o! this, not o! the bodyb #00! the $hole body I$ereI an eye, $here the hearingb i! the $hole hearing, $here the s"ellingb #$and no$, &od did set the "e"bers ea#h one o! the" in the body, a##ording as He $illed, #%and i! all $ere one "e"ber, $here the bodyb ,(and no$, indeed, IareI "any "e"bers, and one body, ,#and an eye is not able to say to the hand, I0 have no need o! thee,I nor again the head to the !eet, I0 have no need o! you)I ##`AOVA WN VASVA NONUMNB VL NO YAB VL ASVL `ONSXA WBABULSO BWBA NYAPVQ YA]QC HLSKNVAB #,YA]A`NU MAU VL PQXA NO NPVBO YAB XNKR NTNB `LKKA `AOVA WN VA XNKR VLS PQXAVLC VLS NOLC `LKKA LOVA NO NPVBO PQXA LSVQC YAB L TUBPVLC #-YAB MAU NO NOB `ONSXAVB RXNBC `AOVNC NBC NO PQXA NHA`VBP]RXNO NBVN BLSWABLB NBVN NKKRONC NBVN WLSKLB NBVN NKNS]NULB YAB `AOVNC NBC NO `ONSXA N`LVBP]RXNO #.YAB MAU VL PQXA LSY NPVBO NO XNKLC AKKA `LKKA #'NAO NB`R L `LSC LVB LSY NBXB TNBU LSY NBXB NY VLS PQXAVLC LS `AUA VLSVL LSY NPVBO NY VLS PQXAVLC #/YAB NAO NB`R VL LSC LVB LSY NBXB LZ]AKXLC LSY NBXB NY VLS PQXAVLC LS `AUA VLSVL LSY NPVBO NY VLS PQXAVLC #0NB LKLO VL PQXA LZ]AKXLC `LS R AYLR NB LKLO AYLR `LS R LPZURPBC #$OSOB WN L ]NLC N]NVL VA XNKR NO NYAPVLO ASVQO NO VQ PQXAVB YA]QC R]NKRPNO #%NB WN RO VA `AOVA NO XNKLC `LS VL PQXA ,(OSO WN `LKKA XNO XNKR NO WN PQXA ,#LS WSOAVAB WN LZ]AKXLC NB`NBO VR TNBUB TUNBAO PLS LSY NTQ R `AKBO R YNZAKR VLBC `LPBO TUNBAO SXQO LSY NTQ
1 Dorinthians
,,But "u#h "ore the "e"bers o! the body $hi#h see" to be "ore in!ir" are ne#essary, ,-and those that $e thin' to be less honourable o! the body, around these $e ut "ore abundant honour, and our unsee"ly things have see"liness "ore abundant, ,.and our see"ly things have no need, but &od did te" er the body together, to the la#'ing art having given "ore abundant honour, ,'that there "ay be no division in the body, but that the "e"bers "ay have the sa"e an(iety !or one another, ,/and $hether one "e"ber doth su!!er, su!!er $ith IitI do all the "e"bers, or one "e"ber is glori!ied, re-oi#e $ith IitI do all the "e"bers, ,0and ye are the body o! Dhrist, and "e"bers in arti#ular) ,$.nd so"e, indeed, did &od set in the asse"bly, !irst a ostles, se#ondly ro hets, thirdly tea#hers, a!ter$ards o$ers, a!ter$ards gi!ts o! healings, hel ings, governings, divers 'inds o! tongues, ,%IareI all a ostlesb IareI all ro hetsb IareI all tea#hersb IareI all o$ersb -(have all gi!ts o! healingsb do all s ea' $ith tonguesb do all inter retb ,,AKKA `LKKQ XAKKLO VA WLYLSOVA XNKR VLS PQXAVLC AP]NONPVNUA S`AUTNBO AOAMYABA NPVBO ,-YAB A WLYLSXNO AVBXLVNUA NBOAB VLS PQXAVLC VLSVLBC VBXRO `NUBPPLVNUAO `NUBVB]NXNO YAB VA APTRXLOA RXQO NSPTRXLPSORO `NUBPPLVNUAO NTNB ,.VA WN NSPTRXLOA RXQO LS TUNBAO NTNB AKK L ]NLC PSONYNUAPNO VL PQXA VQ SPVNULSOVB `NUBPPLVNUAO WLSC VBXRO ,'BOA XR R PTBPXA NO VQ PQXAVB AKKA VL ASVL S`NU AKKRKQO XNUBXOQPBO VA XNKR ,/YAB NBVN `APTNB NO XNKLC PSX`APTNB `AOVA VA XNKR NBVN WLaA\NVAB NO XNKLC PSMTABUNB `AOVA VA XNKR ,0SXNBC WN NPVN PQXA TUBPVLS YAB XNKR NY XNULSC ,$YAB LSC XNO N]NVL L ]NLC NO VR NYYKRPBA `UQVLO A`LPVLKLSC WNSVNULO `ULZRVAC VUBVLO WBWAPYAKLSC N`NBVA WSOAXNBC NBVA TAUBPXAVA BAXAVQO AOVBKRcNBC YSHNUORPNBC MNOR MKQPPQO ,%XR `AOVNC A`LPVLKLB XR `AOVNC `ULZRVAB XR `AOVNC WBWAPYAKLB XR `AOVNC WSOAXNBC -(XR `AOVNC TAUBPXAVA NTLSPBO BAXAVQO XR `AOVNC MKQPPABC KAKLSPBO XR `AOVNC WBNUXRONSLSPBO
1 Dorinthians
-#and desire earnestly the better gi!ts, and yet a !ar e(#elling $ay do 0 she$ to youF -#\RKLSVN WN VA TAUBPXAVA VA YUNBVVLOA YAB NVB YA] S`NUHLKRO LWLO SXBO WNBYOSXB
1 Dorinthians
+hapter ##0! $ith the tongues o! "en and o! "essengers 0 s ea', and have not love, 0 have be#o"e brass sounding, or a #y"bal tin'ling, ,and i! 0 have ro he#y, and 'no$ all the se#rets, and all the 'no$ledge, and i! 0 have all the !aith, so as to re"ove "ountains, and have not love, 0 a" nothing, -and i! 0 give a$ay to !eed others all "y goods, and i! 0 give u "y body that 0 "ay be burned, and have not love, 0 a" ro!ited nothing) .The love is long+su!!ering, it is 'ind, the love doth not envy, the love doth not vaunt itsel!, is not u!!ed u , 'doth not a#t unsee"ly, doth not see' its o$n things, is not rovo'ed, doth not i" ute evil, /re-oi#eth not over the unrighteousness, and re-oi#eth $ith the truth, 0all things it beareth, all it believeth, all it ho eth, all it endureth) $The love doth never !ail, and $hether Ithere beI ro he#ies, they shall be#o"e useless, $hether tongues, they shall #ease, $hether 'no$ledge, it shall be#o"e useless, %!or in art $e 'no$, and in art $e ro he#y, #NAO VABC MKQPPABC VQO AO]UQ`QO KAKQ YAB VQO AMMNKQO AMA`RO WN XR NTQ MNMLOA TAKYLC RTQO R YSXHAKLO AKAKA\LO ,YAB NAO NTQ `ULZRVNBAO YAB NBWQ VA XSPVRUBA `AOVA YAB `APAO VRO MOQPBO YAB NAO NTQ `APAO VRO `BPVBO QPVN LUR XN]BPVAONBO AMA`RO WN XR NTQ LS]NO NBXB -YAB NAO cQXBPQ `AOVA VA S`AUTLOVA XLS YAB NAO `AUAWQ VL PQXA XLS BOA YAS]RPQXAB AMA`RO WN XR NTQ LSWNO QZNKLSXAB .R AMA`R XAYUL]SXNB TURPVNSNVAB R AMA`R LS \RKLB R AMA`R LS `NU`NUNSNVAB LS ZSPBLSVAB 'LSY APTRXLONB LS \RVNB VA NASVRC LS `AULaSONVAB LS KLMB\NVAB VL YAYLO /LS TABUNB N`B VR AWBYBA PSMTABUNB WN VR AKR]NBA 0`AOVA PVNMNB `AOVA `BPVNSNB `AOVA NK`B\NB `AOVA S`LXNONB $R AMA`R LSWN`LVN NY`B`VNB NBVN WN `ULZRVNBAB YAVAUMR]RPLOVAB NBVN MKQPPAB `ASPLOVAB NBVN MOQPBC YAVAUMR]RPNVAB %NY XNULSC MAU MBOQPYLXNO YAB NY XNULSC `ULZRVNSLXNO
1 Dorinthians
#(and $hen that $hi#h is er!e#t "ay #o"e, then that $hi#h IisI in art shall be#o"e useless) ##When 0 $as a babe, as a babe 0 $as s ea'ing, as a babe 0 $as thin'ing, as a babe 0 $as reasoning, and $hen 0 have be#o"e a "an, 0 have "ade useless the things o! the babe, #,!or $e see no$ through a "irror obs#urely, and then !a#e to !a#e, no$ 0 'no$ in art, and then 0 shall !ully 'no$, as also 0 $as 'no$n, #-and no$ there doth re"ain !aith, ho e, love ++ these three, and the greatest o! these IisI love) #(LVAO WN NK]R VL VNKNBLO VLVN VL NY XNULSC YAVAUMR]RPNVAB ##LVN RXRO OR`BLC QC OR`BLC NKAKLSO QC OR`BLC NZULOLSO QC OR`BLC NKLMB\LXRO LVN WN MNMLOA AORU YAVRUMRYA VA VLS OR`BLS #,HKN`LXNO MAU AUVB WB NPL`VULS NO ABOBMXAVB VLVN WN `ULPQ`LO `ULC `ULPQ`LO AUVB MBOQPYQ NY XNULSC VLVN WN N`BMOQPLXAB YA]QC YAB N`NMOQP]RO #-OSOB WN XNONB `BPVBC NK`BC AMA`R VA VUBA VASVA XNB\QO WN VLSVQO R AMA`R
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+hapter #.
#Pursue the love, and see' earnestly the s iritual things, and rather that ye "ay ro he#y, ,!or he $ho is s ea'ing in an Iun'no$nI tongue ++ to "en he doth not s ea', but to &od, !or no one doth hear'en, and in s irit he doth s ea' se#rets, -and he $ho is ro hesying to "en doth s ea' edi!i#ation, and e(hortation, and #o"!ort, .he $ho is s ea'ing in an Iun'no$nI tongue, hi"sel! doth edi!y, and he $ho is ro hesying, an asse"bly doth edi!y, 'and 0 $ish you all to s ea' $ith tongues, and "ore that ye "ay ro he#y, !or greater is he $ho is ro hesying than he $ho is s ea'ing $ith tongues, e(#e t one "ay inter ret, that the asse"bly "ay re#eive edi!i#ation) /.nd no$, brethren, i! 0 "ay #o"e unto you s ea'ing tongues, $hat shall 0 ro!it you, e(#e t 0 shall s ea' to you either in revelation, or in 'no$ledge, or in ro hesying, or in tea#hingb 0yet the things $ithout li!e giving sound ++ $hether i e or har ++ i! a di!!eren#e in the sounds they "ay not give, ho$ shall be 'no$n that $hi#h is i ed or that $hi#h is har edb #WBQYNVN VRO AMA`RO \RKLSVN WN VA `ONSXAVBYA XAKKLO WN BOA `ULZRVNSRVN ,L MAU KAKQO MKQPPR LSY AO]UQ`LBC KAKNB AKKA VQ ]NQ LSWNBC MAU AYLSNB `ONSXAVB WN KAKNB XSPVRUBA -L WN `ULZRVNSQO AO]UQ`LBC KAKNB LBYLWLXRO YAB `AUAYKRPBO YAB `AUAXS]BAO .L KAKQO MKQPPR NASVLO LBYLWLXNB L WN `ULZRVNSQO NYYKRPBAO LBYLWLXNB ']NKQ WN `AOVAC SXAC KAKNBO MKQPPABC XAKKLO WN BOA `ULZRVNSRVN XNB\QO MAU L `ULZRVNSQO R L KAKQO MKQPPABC NYVLC NB XR WBNUXRONSR BOA R NYYKRPBA LBYLWLXRO KAHR /OSOB WN AWNKZLB NAO NK]Q `ULC SXAC MKQPPABC KAKQO VB SXAC QZNKRPQ NAO XR SXBO KAKRPQ R NO A`LYAKScNB R NO MOQPNB R NO `ULZRVNBA R NO WBWATR 0LXQC VA AcSTA ZQORO WBWLOVA NBVN ASKLC NBVN YB]AUA NAO WBAPVLKRO VLBC Z]LMMLBC XR WQ `QC MOQP]RPNVAB VL ASKLSXNOLO R VL YB]AUB\LXNOLO
1 Dorinthians
$!or i! also an un#ertain sound a tru" et "ay give, $ho shall re are hi"sel! !or battleb %so also ye, i! through the tongue, s ee#h easily understood ye "ay not give ++ ho$ shall that $hi#h is s o'en be 'no$nb !or ye shall be s ea'ing to air) #(There are, it "ay be, so "any 'inds o! voi#es in the $orld, and none o! the" is un"eaning, ##i!, then, 0 do not 'no$ the o$er o! the voi#e, 0 shall be to hi" $ho is s ea'ing a !oreigner, and he $ho is s ea'ing, is to "e a !oreigner, #,so also ye, sin#e ye are earnestly desirous o! s iritual gi!ts, !or the building u o! the asse"bly see' that ye "ay abound, #-$here!ore he $ho is s ea'ing in an Iun'no$nI tongue ++ let hi" ray that he "ay inter ret, #.!or i! 0 ray in an Iun'no$nI tongue, "y s irit doth ray, and "y understanding is un!ruit!ul) #'What then is itb 0 $ill ray $ith the s irit, and 0 $ill ray also $ith the understanding, 0 $ill sing sal"s $ith the s irit, and 0 $ill sing sal"s also $ith the understanding, $YAB MAU NAO AWRKLO ZQORO PAK`BMa WQ VBC `AUAPYNSAPNVAB NBC `LKNXLO %LSVQC YAB SXNBC WBA VRC MKQPPRC NAO XR NSPRXLO KLMLO WQVN `QC MOQP]RPNVAB VL KAKLSXNOLO NPNP]N MAU NBC ANUA KAKLSOVNC #(VLPASVA NB VSTLB MNOR ZQOQO NPVBO NO YLPXQ YAB LSWNO ASVQO AZQOLO ##NAO LSO XR NBWQ VRO WSOAXBO VRC ZQORC NPLXAB VQ KAKLSOVB HAUHAULC YAB L KAKQO NO NXLB HAUHAULC #,LSVQC YAB SXNBC N`NB \RKQVAB NPVN `ONSXAVQO `ULC VRO LBYLWLXRO VRC NYYKRPBAC \RVNBVN BOA `NUBPPNSRVN #-WBL`NU L KAKQO MKQPPR `ULPNSTNP]Q BOA WBNUXRONSR #.NAO MAU `ULPNSTQXAB MKQPPR VL `ONSXA XLS `ULPNSTNVAB L WN OLSC XLS AYAU`LC NPVBO #'VB LSO NPVBO `ULPNSaLXAB VQ `ONSXAVB `ULPNSaLXAB WN YAB VQ OLB cAKQ VQ `ONSXAVB cAKQ WN YAB VQ OLB
1 Dorinthians
#/sin#e, i! thou "ayest bless $ith the s irit, he $ho is !illing the la#e o! the unlearned, ho$ shall he say the ."en at thy giving o! than's, sin#e $hat thou dost say he hath not 'no$nb #0!or thou, indeed, dost give than's $ell, but the other is not built u d #$0 give than's to "y &od ++ "ore than you all $ith tongues s ea'ing ++ #%but in an asse"bly 0 $ish to s ea' !ive $ords through "y understanding, that others also 0 "ay instru#t, rather than "yriads o! $ords in an Iun'no$nI tongue) ,(Brethren, be#o"e not #hildren in the understanding, but in the evil be ye babes, and in the understanding be#o"e ye er!e#t, ,#in the la$ it hath been $ritten, that, IWith other tongues and $ith other li s 0 $ill s ea' to this eo le, and not even so $ill they hear @e, saith the Lord,I ,,so that the tongues are !or a sign, not to the believing, but to the unbelieving, and the ro hesy IisI not !or the unbelieving, but !or the believing, ,-0!, there!ore, the $hole asse"bly "ay #o"e together, to the sa"e la#e, and all "ay s ea' $ith tongues, and there "ay #o"e in unlearned or unbelievers, $ill they not say that ye are "adb #/N`NB NAO NSKLMRPRC VQ `ONSXAVB L AOA`KRUQO VLO VL`LO VLS BWBQVLS `QC NUNB VL AXRO N`B VR PR NSTAUBPVBA N`NBWR VB KNMNBC LSY LBWNO #0PS XNO MAU YAKQC NSTAUBPVNBC AKK L NVNULC LSY LBYLWLXNBVAB #$NSTAUBPVQ VQ ]NQ XLS `AOVQO SXQO XAKKLO MKQPPABC KAKQO #%AKK NO NYYKRPBA ]NKQ `NOVN KLMLSC WBA VLS OLLC XLS KAKRPAB BOA YAB AKKLSC YAVRTRPQ R XSUBLSC KLMLSC NO MKQPPR ,(AWNKZLB XR `ABWBA MBONP]N VABC ZUNPBO AKKA VR YAYBA OR`BA\NVN VABC WN ZUNPBO VNKNBLB MBONP]N ,#NO VQ OLXQ MNMUA`VAB LVB NO NVNULMKQPPLBC YAB NO TNBKNPBO NVNULBC KAKRPQ VQ KAQ VLSVQ YAB LSW LSVQC NBPAYLSPLOVAB XLS KNMNB YSUBLC ,,QPVN AB MKQPPAB NBC PRXNBLO NBPBO LS VLBC `BPVNSLSPBO AKKA VLBC A`BPVLBC R WN `ULZRVNBA LS VLBC A`BPVLBC AKKA VLBC `BPVNSLSPBO ,-NAO LSO PSONK]R R NYYKRPBA LKR N`B VL ASVL YAB `AOVNC MKQPPABC KAKQPBO NBPNK]QPBO WN BWBQVAB R A`BPVLB LSY NULSPBO LVB XABONP]N
1 Dorinthians
,.and i! all "ay ro he#y, and any one "ay #o"e in, an unbeliever or unlearned, he is #onvi#ted by all, he is dis#erned by all, ,'and so the se#rets o! his heart be#o"e "ani!est, and so having !allen u on IhisI !a#e, he $ill bo$ be!ore &od, de#laring that &od really is a"ong you) ,/What then is it, brethrenb $henever ye "ay #o"e together, ea#h o! you hath a sal", hath a tea#hing, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an inter retationb let all things be !or building u , ,0i! an Iun'no$nI tongue any one do s ea', by t$o, or at the "ost, by three, and in turn, and let one inter ret, ,$and i! there "ay be no inter reter, let hi" be silent in an asse"bly, and to hi"sel! let hi" s ea', and to &od) ,%.nd ro hets ++ let t$o or three s ea', and let the others dis#ern, -(and i! to another sitting IanythingI "ay be revealed, let the !irst be silent, -#!or ye are able, one by one, all to ro hesy, that all "ay learn, and all "ay be e(horted, -,and the s iritual gi!t o! ro hets to ro hets are sub-e#t, --!or &od is not Ia &odI o! tu"ult, but o! ea#e, as in all the asse"blies o! the saints) ,.NAO WN `AOVNC `ULZRVNSQPBO NBPNK]R WN VBC A`BPVLC R BWBQVRC NKNMTNVAB S`L `AOVQO AOAYUBONVAB S`L `AOVQO ,'YAB LSVQC VA YUS`VA VRC YAUWBAC ASVLS ZAONUA MBONVAB YAB LSVQC `NPQO N`B `ULPQ`LO `ULPYSORPNB VQ ]NQ A`AMMNKKQO LVB L ]NLC LOVQC NO SXBO NPVBO ,/VB LSO NPVBO AWNKZLB LVAO PSONUTRP]N NYAPVLC SXQO cAKXLO NTNB WBWATRO NTNB MKQPPAO NTNB A`LYAKScBO NTNB NUXRONBAO NTNB `AOVA `ULC LBYLWLXRO MNONP]Q ,0NBVN MKQPPR VBC KAKNB YAVA WSL R VL `KNBPVLO VUNBC YAB AOA XNULC YAB NBC WBNUXRONSNVQ ,$NAO WN XR R WBNUXRONSVRC PBMAVQ NO NYYKRPBA NASVQ WN KAKNBVQ YAB VQ ]NQ ,%`ULZRVAB WN WSL R VUNBC KAKNBVQPAO YAB LB AKKLB WBAYUBONVQPAO -(NAO WN AKKQ A`LYAKSZ]R YA]RXNOQ L `UQVLC PBMAVQ -#WSOAP]N MAU YA] NOA `AOVNC `ULZRVNSNBO BOA `AOVNC XAO]AOQPBO YAB `AOVNC `AUAYAKQOVAB -,YAB `ONSXAVA `ULZRVQO `ULZRVABC S`LVAPPNVAB --LS MAU NPVBO AYAVAPVAPBAC L ]NLC AKK NBURORC QC NO `APABC VABC NYYKRPBABC VQO AMBQO
1 Dorinthians
-.4our $o"en in the asse"blies let the" be silent, !or it hath not been er"itted to the" to s ea', but to be sub-e#t, as also the la$ saith, -'and i! they $ish to learn anything, at ho"e their o$n husbands let the" ?uestion, !or it is a sha"e to $o"en to s ea' in an asse"bly) -/Fro" you did the $ord o! &od #o"e !orthb or to you alone did it #o"eb -0i! any one doth thin' to be a ro het, or s iritual, let hi" a#'no$ledge the things that 0 $rite to you ++ that o! the Lord they are #o""ands, -$and i! any one is ignorant ++ let hi" be ignorant, -%so that, brethren, earnestly desire to ro hesy, and to s ea' $ith tongues do not !orbid, .(let all things be done de#ently and in order) -.AB MSOABYNC SXQO NO VABC NYYKRPBABC PBMAVQPAO LS MAU N`BVNVUA`VAB ASVABC KAKNBO AKK S`LVAPPNP]AB YA]QC YAB L OLXLC KNMNB -'NB WN VB XA]NBO ]NKLSPBO NO LBYQ VLSC BWBLSC AOWUAC N`NUQVAVQPAO ABPTULO MAU NPVBO MSOABaBO NO NYYKRPBA KAKNBO -/R AZ SXQO L KLMLC VLS ]NLS NaRK]NO R NBC SXAC XLOLSC YAVROVRPNO -0NB VBC WLYNB `ULZRVRC NBOAB R `ONSXAVBYLC N`BMBOQPYNVQ A MUAZQ SXBO LVB VLS YSUBLS NBPBO NOVLKAB -$NB WN VBC AMOLNB AMOLNBVQ -%QPVN AWNKZLB \RKLSVN VL `ULZRVNSNBO YAB VL KAKNBO MKQPPABC XR YQKSNVN .(`AOVA NSPTRXLOQC YAB YAVA VAaBO MBONP]Q
1 Dorinthians
+hapter #'
#.nd 0 "a'e 'no$n to you, brethren, the good ne$s that 0 ro#lai"ed to you, $hi#h also ye did re#eive, in $hi#h also ye have stood, ,through $hi#h also ye are being saved, in $hat $ords 0 ro#lai"ed good ne$s to you, i! ye hold !ast, e(#e t ye did believe in vain, -!or 0 delivered to you !irst, $hat also 0 did re#eive, that Dhrist died !or our sins, a##ording to the Writings, .and that he $as buried, and that he hath risen on the third day, a##ording to the Writings, 'and that he a eared to De has, then to the t$elve, /a!ter$ards he a eared to above !ive hundred brethren at on#e, o! $ho" the greater art re"ain till no$, and #ertain also did !all aslee , 0a!ter$ards he a eared to 5a"es, then to all the a ostles) $.nd last o! all ++ as to the unti"ely birth ++ he a eared also to "e, %!or 0 a" the least o! the a ostles, $ho a" not $orthy to be #alled an a ostle, be#ause 0 did erse#ute the asse"bly o! &od, #(and by the gra#e o! &od 0 a" $hat 0 a", and His gra#e that IisI to$ards "e #a"e not in vain, but "ore abundantly than they all did 0 labour, yet not 0, but the gra#e o! &od that IisI $ith "e, #MOQUB\Q WN SXBO AWNKZLB VL NSAMMNKBLO L NSRMMNKBPAXRO SXBO L YAB `AUNKAHNVN NO Q YAB NPVRYAVN ,WB LS YAB PQ\NP]N VBOB KLMQ NSRMMNKBPAXRO SXBO NB YAVNTNVN NYVLC NB XR NBYR N`BPVNSPAVN -`AUNWQYA MAU SXBO NO `UQVLBC L YAB `AUNKAHLO LVB TUBPVLC A`N]AONO S`NU VQO AXAUVBQO RXQO YAVA VAC MUAZAC .YAB LVB NVAZR YAB LVB NMRMNUVAB VR VUBVR RXNUA YAVA VAC MUAZAC 'YAB LVB QZ]R YRZA NBVA VLBC WQWNYA /N`NBVA QZ]R N`AOQ `NOVAYLPBLBC AWNKZLBC NZA`Aa Na QO LB `KNBLSC XNOLSPBO NQC AUVB VBONC WN YAB NYLBXR]RPAO 0N`NBVA QZ]R BAYQHQ NBVA VLBC A`LPVLKLBC `APBO $NPTAVLO WN `AOVQO QP`NUNB VQ NYVUQXAVB QZ]R YAXLB %NMQ MAU NBXB L NKATBPVLC VQO A`LPVLKQO LC LSY NBXB BYAOLC YAKNBP]AB A`LPVLKLC WBLVB NWBQaA VRO NYYKRPBAO VLS ]NLS #(TAUBVB WN ]NLS NBXB L NBXB YAB R TAUBC ASVLS R NBC NXN LS YNOR NMNOR]R AKKA `NUBPPLVNULO ASVQO `AOVQO NYL`BAPA LSY NMQ WN AKK R TAUBC VLS ]NLS R PSO NXLB
1 Dorinthians
##$hether, then, 0 or they, so $e rea#h, and so ye did believe) #,.nd i! Dhrist is rea#hed, that out o! the dead he hath risen, ho$ say #ertain a"ong you, that there is no rising again o! dead ersonsb #-and i! there be no rising again o! dead ersons, neither hath Dhrist risen, #.and i! Dhrist hath not risen, then void IisI our rea#hing, and void also your !aith, #'and $e also are !ound !alse $itnesses o! &od, be#ause $e did testi!y o! &od that He raised u the Dhrist, $ho" He did not raise i! then dead ersons do not rise, #/!or i! dead ersons do not rise, neither hath Dhrist risen, #0and i! Dhrist hath not risen, vain is your !aith, ye are yet in your sins, ##NBVN LSO NMQ NBVN NYNBOLB LSVQC YRUSPPLXNO YAB LSVQC N`BPVNSPAVN #,NB WN TUBPVLC YRUSPPNVAB LVB NY ONYUQO NMRMNUVAB `QC KNMLSPBO VBONC NO SXBO LVB AOAPVAPBC ONYUQO LSY NPVBO #-NB WN AOAPVAPBC ONYUQO LSY NPVBO LSWN TUBPVLC NMRMNUVAB #.NB WN TUBPVLC LSY NMRMNUVAB YNOLO AUA VL YRUSMXA RXQO YNOR WN YAB R `BPVBC SXQO #'NSUBPYLXN]A WN YAB cNSWLXAUVSUNC VLS ]NLS LVB NXAUVSURPAXNO YAVA VLS ]NLS LVB RMNBUNO VLO TUBPVLO LO LSY RMNBUNO NB`NU AUA ONYULB LSY NMNBULOVAB #/NB MAU ONYULB LSY NMNBULOVAB LSWN TUBPVLC NMRMNUVAB #0NB WN TUBPVLC LSY NMRMNUVAB XAVABA R `BPVBC SXQO NVB NPVN NO VABC AXAUVBABC SXQO #$then, also, those having !allen aslee #$AUA YAB LB YLBXR]NOVNC NO TUBPVQ in Dhrist did erish, A`QKLOVL #%i! in this li!e $e have ho e in Dhrist #%NB NO VR \QR VASVR RK`BYLVNC NPXNO only, o! all "en $e are "ost to be NO TUBPVQ XLOLO NKNNBOLVNULB `AOVQO itied) AO]UQ`QO NPXNO ,(.nd no$, Dhrist hath risen out o! ,(OSOB WN TUBPVLC NMRMNUVAB NY ONYUQO the dead ++ the !irst+!ruits o! those A`AUTR VQO YNYLBXRXNOQO NMNONVL slee ing he be#a"e, ,#!or sin#e through "an IisI the death, ,#N`NBWR MAU WB AO]UQ`LS L ]AOAVLC also through "an IisI a rising again o! YAB WB AO]UQ`LS AOAPVAPBC ONYUQO the dead,
1 Dorinthians
,,!or even as in .da" all die, so also in the Dhrist all shall be "ade alive, ,,QP`NU MAU NO VQ AWAX `AOVNC A`L]ORPYLSPBO LSVQC YAB NO VQ TUBPVQ `AOVNC \QL`LBR]RPLOVAB ,-and ea#h in his ro er order, a !irst+ ,-NYAPVLC WN NO VQ BWBQ VAMXAVB !ruit Dhrist, a!ter$ards those $ho are A`AUTR TUBPVLC N`NBVA LB TUBPVLS NO the DhristIs, in his resen#e, VR `AULSPBA ASVLS ,.then ++ the end, $hen he "ay deliver ,.NBVA VL VNKLC LVAO `AUAWQ VRO u the reign to &od, even the Father, HAPBKNBAO VQ ]NQ YAB `AVUB LVAO $hen he "ay have "ade useless all YAVAUMRPR `APAO AUTRO YAB `APAO rule, and all authority and o$er ++ NaLSPBAO YAB WSOAXBO ,'!or it behoveth hi" to reign till he ,'WNB MAU ASVLO HAPBKNSNBO ATUBC LS "ay have ut all the ene"ies under his AO ]R `AOVAC VLSC NT]ULSC S`L VLSC !eet ++ `LWAC ASVLS ,/the last ene"y is done a$ay ++ ,/NPTAVLC NT]ULC YAVAUMNBVAB L death, ]AOAVLC ,0!or all things He did ut under his ,0`AOVA MAU S`NVAaNO S`L VLSC `LWAC !eet, and, $hen one "ay say that all ASVLS LVAO WN NB`R LVB `AOVA things have been sub-e#ted, Iit isI S`LVNVAYVAB WRKLO LVB NYVLC VLS evident that He is e(#e ted $ho did S`LVAaAOVLC ASVQ VA `AOVA sub-e#t the all things to hi", ,$and $hen the all things "ay be ,$LVAO WN S`LVAMR ASVQ VA `AOVA sub-e#ted to hi", then the Son also VLVN YAB ASVLC L SBLC S`LVAMRPNVAB VQ hi"sel! shall be sub-e#t to Hi", $ho S`LVAaAOVB ASVQ VA `AOVA BOA R L did sub-e#t to hi" the all things, that ]NLC VA `AOVA NO `APBO &od "ay be the all in all) ,%Seeing $hat shall they do $ho are ,%N`NB VB `LBRPLSPBO LB HA`VB\LXNOLB ba tiEed !or the dead, i! the dead do S`NU VQO ONYUQO NB LKQC ONYULB LSY not rise at allb $hy also are they NMNBULOVAB VB YAB HA`VB\LOVAB S`NU VQO ba tiEed !or the deadb ONYUQO -($hy also do $e stand in eril every -(VB YAB RXNBC YBOWSONSLXNO `APAO hourb QUAO -#Every day do 0 die, by the glorying -#YA] RXNUAO A`L]ORPYQ OR VRO o! you that 0 have in Dhrist 5esus our RXNVNUAO YASTRPBO RO NTQ NO TUBPVQ LordF BRPLS VQ YSUBQ RXQO 3=:
1 Dorinthians
-,i! a!ter the "anner o! a "an $ith $ild beasts 0 !ought in E hesus, $hat the advantage to "e i! the dead do not riseb let us eat and drin', !or to+ "orro$ $e died --Be not led astray, evil #o""uni#ations #orru t good "anners, -.a$a'e u , as is right, and sin not, !or #ertain have an ignoran#e o! &od, !or sha"e to you 0 say IitI) -'But so"e one $ill say, IHo$ do the dead riseb -/un$ised thou ++ $hat thou dost so$ is not ?ui#'ened e(#e t it "ay die, -0and that $hi#h thou dost so$, not the body that shall be dost thou so$, but bare grain, it "ay be o! $heat, or o! so"e one o! the others, -$and &od doth give to it a body a##ording as He $illed, and to ea#h o! the seeds its ro er body) -%.ll !lesh IisI not the sa"e !lesh, but there is one !lesh o! "en, and another !lesh o! beasts, and another o! !ishes, and another o! birds, .(and Ithere areI heavenly bodies, and earthly bodies, but one IisI the glory o! the heavenly, and another that o! the earthly, .#one glory o! sun, and another glory o! "oon, and another glory o! stars, !or star !ro" star doth di!!er in glory) -,NB YAVA AO]UQ`LO N]RUBLXATRPA NO NZNPQ VB XLB VL LZNKLC NB ONYULB LSY NMNBULOVAB ZAMQXNO YAB `BQXNO ASUBLO MAU A`L]ORPYLXNO --XR `KAOAP]N Z]NBULSPBO R]R TURP] LXBKBAB YAYAB -.NYORcAVN WBYABQC YAB XR AXAUVAONVN AMOQPBAO MAU ]NLS VBONC NTLSPBO `ULC NOVUL`RO SXBO KNMQ -'AKK NUNB VBC `QC NMNBULOVAB LB ONYULB `LBQ WN PQXAVB NUTLOVAB -/AZULO PS L P`NBUNBC LS \QL`LBNBVAB NAO XR A`L]AOR -0YAB L P`NBUNBC LS VL PQXA VL MNORPLXNOLO P`NBUNBC AKKA MSXOLO YLYYLO NB VSTLB PBVLS R VBOLC VQO KLB`QO -$L WN ]NLC ASVQ WBWQPBO PQXA YA]QC R]NKRPNO YAB NYAPVQ VQO P`NUXAVQO VL BWBLO PQXA -%LS `APA PAUa R ASVR PAUa AKKA AKKR XNO PAUa AO]UQ`QO AKKR WN PAUa YVROQO AKKR WN BT]SQO AKKR WN `VROQO .(YAB PQXAVA N`LSUAOBA YAB PQXAVA N`BMNBA AKK NVNUA XNO R VQO N`LSUAOBQO WLaA NVNUA WN R VQO N`BMNBQO .#AKKR WLaA RKBLS YAB AKKR WLaA PNKRORC YAB AKKR WLaA APVNUQO APVRU MAU APVNULC WBAZNUNB NO WLaR
1 Dorinthians
.,So also IisI the rising again o! the deadF it is so$n in #orru tion, it is raised in in#orru tion, .-it is so$n in dishonour, it is raised in glory, it is so$n in $ea'ness, it is raised in o$er, ..it is so$n a natural body, it is raised a s iritual body, there is a natural body, and there is a s iritual body, .'so also it hath been $ritten, IThe !irst "an .da" be#a"e a living #reature,I the last .da" IisI !or a li!e+ giving s irit, ./but that $hi#h is s iritual IisI not !irst, but that $hi#h I$asI natural, a!ter$ards that $hi#h IisI s iritual) .0The !irst "an IisI out o! the earth, earthy, the se#ond "an IisI the Lord out o! heaven, .$as IisI the earthy, su#h IareI also the earthy, and as IisI the heavenly, su#h IareI also the heavenly, .%and, a##ording as $e did bear the i"age o! the earthy, $e shall bear also the i"age o! the heavenly) '(.nd this 0 say, brethren, that !lesh and blood the reign o! &od is not able to inherit, nor doth the #orru tion inherit the in#orru tion, '#lo, 0 tell you a se#ret, $e indeed shall not all slee , and $e all shall be #hanged, .,LSVQC YAB R AOAPVAPBC VQO ONYUQO P`NBUNVAB NO Z]LUA NMNBUNVAB NO AZ]AUPBA .-P`NBUNVAB NO AVBXBA NMNBUNVAB NO WLaR P`NBUNVAB NO AP]NONBA NMNBUNVAB NO WSOAXNB ..P`NBUNVAB PQXA cSTBYLO NMNBUNVAB PQXA `ONSXAVBYLO NPVBO PQXA cSTBYLO YAB NPVBO PQXA `ONSXAVBYLO .'LSVQC YAB MNMUA`VAB NMNONVL L `UQVLC AO]UQ`LC AWAX NBC cSTRO \QPAO L NPTAVLC AWAX NBC `ONSXA \QL`LBLSO ./AKK LS `UQVLO VL `ONSXAVBYLO AKKA VL cSTBYLO N`NBVA VL `ONSXAVBYLO .0L `UQVLC AO]UQ`LC NY MRC TLBYLC L WNSVNULC AO]UQ`LC L YSUBLC Na LSUAOLS .$LBLC L TLBYLC VLBLSVLB YAB LB TLBYLB YAB LBLC L N`LSUAOBLC VLBLSVLB YAB LB N`LSUAOBLB .%YAB YA]QC NZLUNPAXNO VRO NBYLOA VLS TLBYLS ZLUNPLXNO YAB VRO NBYLOA VLS N`LSUAOBLS '(VLSVL WN ZRXB AWNKZLB LVB PAUa YAB ABXA HAPBKNBAO ]NLS YKRULOLXRPAB LS WSOAOVAB LSWN R Z]LUA VRO AZ]AUPBAO YKRULOLXNB '#BWLS XSPVRUBLO SXBO KNMQ `AOVNC XNO LS YLBXR]RPLXN]A `AOVNC WN AKKAMRPLXN]A
1 Dorinthians
',in a "o"ent, in the t$in'ling o! an eye, in the last tru" et, !or it shall sound, and the dead shall be raised in#orru tible, and $e ++ $e shall be #hangedF '-!or it behoveth this #orru tible to ut on in#orru tion, and this "ortal to ut on i""ortality, '.and $hen this #orru tible "ay have ut on in#orru tion, and this "ortal "ay have ut on i""ortality, then shall be brought to ass the $ord that hath been $ritten, IThe Death $as s$allo$ed u ++ to vi#tory, ''$here, O Death, thy stingb $here, O Hades, thy vi#torybI '/and the sting o! the death IisI the sin, and the o$er o! the sin the la$, ',NO AVLXQ NO UB`R LZ]AKXLS NO VR NPTAVR PAK`BMMB PAK`BPNB MAU YAB LB ONYULB NMNU]RPLOVAB AZ]AUVLB YAB RXNBC AKKAMRPLXN]A '-WNB MAU VL Z]AUVLO VLSVL NOWSPAP]AB AZ]AUPBAO YAB VL ]ORVLO VLSVL NOWSPAP]AB A]AOAPBAO '.LVAO WN VL Z]AUVLO VLSVL NOWSPRVAB AZ]AUPBAO YAB VL ]ORVLO VLSVL NOWSPRVAB A]AOAPBAO VLVN MNORPNVAB L KLMLC L MNMUAXXNOLC YAVN`L]R L ]AOAVLC NBC OBYLC
''`LS PLS ]AOAVN VL YNOVULO `LS PLS AWR VL OBYLC '/VL WN YNOVULO VLS ]AOAVLS R AXAUVBA R WN WSOAXBC VRC AXAUVBAC L OLXLC '0and to &od ++ than's, to Hi" $ho is '0VQ WN ]NQ TAUBC VQ WBWLOVB RXBO VL giving us the vi#tory through our Lord OBYLC WBA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS 5esus Dhrist, TUBPVLS '$so that, "y brethren beloved, '$QPVN AWNKZLB XLS AMA`RVLB NWUABLB be#o"e ye sted!ast, un"ovable, MBONP]N AXNVAYBORVLB `NUBPPNSLOVNC abounding in the $or' o! the Lord at NO VQ NUMQ VLS YSUBLS `AOVLVN NBWLVNC all ti"es, 'no$ing that your labour is LVB L YL`LC SXQO LSY NPVBO YNOLC NO not vain in the Lord) YSUBQ
1 Dorinthians
+hapter #/
#.nd #on#erning the #olle#tion that IisI !or the saints, as 0 dire#ted to the asse"blies o! &alatia, so also ye ++ do ye, ,on every !irst IdayI o! the $ee', let ea#h one o! you lay by hi", treasuring u $hatever he "ay have ros ered, that $hen 0 "ay #o"e then #olle#tions "ay not be "ade, -and $henever 0 "ay #o"e, $ho"soever ye "ay a rove, through letters, these 0 $ill send to #arry your !avour to 5erusale", .and i! it be "eet !or "e also to go, $ith "e they shall go) '.nd 0 $ill #o"e unto you, $hen 0 ass through @a#edonia ++ !or @a#edonia 0 do ass through ++ /and $ith you, it "ay be, 0 $ill abide, or even $inter, that ye "ay send "e !or$ard $hithersoever 0 go, 0!or 0 do not $ish to see you no$ in the assing, but 0 ho e to re"ain a #ertain ti"e $ith you, i! the Lord "ay er"it, $and 0 $ill re"ain in E hesus till the Pente#ost, %!or a door to "e hath been o ened ++ great and e!!e#tual ++ and $ithstanders IareI "any) #`NUB WN VRC KLMBAC VRC NBC VLSC AMBLSC QP`NU WBNVAaA VABC NYYKRPBABC VRC MAKAVBAC LSVQC YAB SXNBC `LBRPAVN ,YAVA XBAO PAHHAVQO NYAPVLC SXQO `AU NASVQ VB]NVQ ]RPASUB\QO L VB AO NSLWQVAB BOA XR LVAO NK]Q VLVN KLMBAB MBOQOVAB -LVAO WN `AUAMNOQXAB LSC NAO WLYBXAPRVN WB N`BPVLKQO VLSVLSC `NXcQ A`NONMYNBO VRO TAUBO SXQO NBC BNULSPAKRX .NAO WN R AaBLO VLS YAXN `LUNSNP]AB PSO NXLB `LUNSPLOVAB 'NKNSPLXAB WN `ULC SXAC LVAO XAYNWLOBAO WBNK]Q XAYNWLOBAO MAU WBNUTLXAB /`ULC SXAC WN VSTLO `AUAXNOQ R YAB `AUATNBXAPQ BOA SXNBC XN `UL`NXcRVN LS NAO `LUNSQXAB 0LS ]NKQ MAU SXAC AUVB NO `AULWQ BWNBO NK`B\Q WN TULOLO VBOA N`BXNBOAB `ULC SXAC NAO L YSUBLC N`BVUN`R $N`BXNOQ WN NO NZNPQ NQC VRC `NOVRYLPVRC %]SUA MAU XLB AONQMNO XNMAKR YAB NONUMRC YAB AOVBYNBXNOLB `LKKLB
1 Dorinthians
#(.nd i! Ti"otheus "ay #o"e, see that he "ay be#o"e $ithout !ear $ith you, !or the $or' o! the Lord he doth $or', even as 0, ##no one, then, "ay des ise hi", and send ye hi" !or$ard in ea#e, that he "ay #o"e to "e, !or 0 e( e#t hi" $ith the brethren, #,and #on#erning . ollos our brother, "u#h 0 did entreat hi" that he "ay #o"e unto you $ith the brethren, and it $as not at all IhisI $ill that he "ay #o"e no$, and he $ill #o"e $hen he "ay !ind #onvenient) #-Wat#h ye, stand in the !aith, be "en, be strong, #.let all your things be done in love) #'.nd 0 entreat you, brethren, ye have 'no$n the household o! Ste hanas, that it is the !irst+!ruit o! .#haia, and to the "inistration to the saints they did set the"selves ++ #/that ye also be sub-e#t to su#h, and to every one $ho is $or'ing $ith IusI and labouring, #0and 0 re-oi#e over the resen#e o! Ste hanas, and Fortunatus, and .#hai#us, be#ause the la#' o! you did these !ill u , #$!or they did re!resh "y s irit and yours, a#'no$ledge ye, there!ore, those $ho IareI su#h) #(NAO WN NK]R VBXL]NLC HKN`NVN BOA AZLHQC MNORVAB `ULC SXAC VL MAU NUMLO YSUBLS NUMA\NVAB QC YAB NMQ ##XR VBC LSO ASVLO NaLS]NORPR `UL`NXcAVN WN ASVLO NO NBUROR BOA NK]R `ULC XN NYWNTLXAB MAU ASVLO XNVA VQO AWNKZQO #,`NUB WN A`LKKQ VLS AWNKZLS `LKKA `AUNYAKNPA ASVLO BOA NK]R `ULC SXAC XNVA VQO AWNKZQO YAB `AOVQC LSY RO ]NKRXA BOA OSO NK]R NKNSPNVAB WN LVAO NSYABURPR #-MURMLUNBVN PVRYNVN NO VR `BPVNB AOWUB\NP]N YUAVABLSP]N #.`AOVA SXQO NO AMA`R MBONP]Q #'`AUAYAKQ WN SXAC AWNKZLB LBWAVN VRO LBYBAO PVNZAOA LVB NPVBO A`AUTR VRC ATABAC YAB NBC WBAYLOBAO VLBC AMBLBC NVAaAO NASVLSC #/BOA YAB SXNBC S`LVAPPRP]N VLBC VLBLSVLBC YAB `AOVB VQ PSONUMLSOVB YAB YL`BQOVB #0TABUQ WN N`B VR `AULSPBA PVNZAOA YAB ZLSUVLSOAVLS YAB ATABYLS LVB VL SXQO SPVNURXA LSVLB AON`KRUQPAO #$AON`ASPAO MAU VL NXLO `ONSXA YAB VL SXQO N`BMBOQPYNVN LSO VLSC VLBLSVLSC
1 Dorinthians
#%Salute you do the asse"blies o! .sia, salute you "u#h in the Lord do .?uilas and Pris#illa, $ith the asse"bly in their house, ,(salute you do all the brethren, salute ye one another in an holy 'iss) ,#The salutation o! I"eI Paul $ith "y hand, ,,i! any one doth not love the Lord 5esus Dhrist ++ let hi" be anathe"ad The Lord hath #o"ed ,-The gra#e o! the Lord 5esus Dhrist IisI $ith you, ,."y love IisI $ith you all in Dhrist 5esus) ."en) #%AP`A\LOVAB SXAC AB NYYKRPBAB VRC APBAC AP`A\LOVAB SXAC NO YSUBQ `LKKA AYSKAC YAB `UBPYBKKA PSO VR YAV LBYLO ASVQO NYYKRPBA ,(AP`A\LOVAB SXAC LB AWNKZLB `AOVNC AP`APAP]N AKKRKLSC NO ZBKRXAVB AMBQ ,#L AP`APXLC VR NXR TNBUB `ASKLS ,,NB VBC LS ZBKNB VLO YSUBLO BRPLSO TUBPVLO RVQ AOA]NXA XAUAO A]A ,-R TAUBC VLS YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS XN] SXQO ,.R AMA`R XLS XNVA `AOVQO SXQO NO TUBPVQ BRPLS AXRO e`ULC YLUBO]BLSC `UQVR NMUAZR A`L ZBKB``QO WBA PVNZAOA YAB ZLSUVLSOAVLS YAB ATABYLS YAB VBXL]NLSf
, +orinthians
+hapter #
#Paul, an a ostle o! 5esus Dhrist, through the $ill o! &od, and Ti"otheus the brother, to the asse"bly o! &od that is in Dorinth, $ith all the saints $ho are in all .#haiaF ,&ra#e to you and ea#e !ro" &od our Father, and the Lord 5esus Dhristd #`ASKLC A`LPVLKLC BRPLS TUBPVLS WBA ]NKRXAVLC ]NLS YAB VBXL]NLC L AWNKZLC VR NYYKRPBA VLS ]NLS VR LSPR NO YLUBO]Q PSO VLBC AMBLBC `APBO VLBC LSPBO NO LKR VR ATABA ,TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS -Blessed IisI &od, even the Father o! -NSKLMRVLC L ]NLC YAB `AVRU VLS our Lord 5esus Dhrist, the Father o! the YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS L `AVRU "er#ies, and &od o! all #o"!ort, VQO LBYVBUXQO YAB ]NLC `APRC `AUAYKRPNQC .$ho is #o"!orting us in all our .L `AUAYAKQO RXAC N`B `APR VR tribulation, !or our being able to ]KBcNB RXQO NBC VL WSOAP]AB RXAC #o"!ort those in any tribulation `AUAYAKNBO VLSC NO `APR ]KBcNB WBA through the #o"!ort $ith $hi#h $e are VRC `AUAYKRPNQC RC `AUAYAKLSXN]A #o"!orted ourselves by &od, ASVLB S`L VLS ]NLS 'be#ause, as the su!!erings o! the 'LVB YA]QC `NUBPPNSNB VA `A]RXAVA Dhrist do abound to us, so through the VLS TUBPVLS NBC RXAC LSVQC WBA Dhrist doth abound also our #o"!ort, TUBPVLS `NUBPPNSNB YAB R `AUAYKRPBC RXQO /and $hether $e be in tribulation, Iit /NBVN WN ]KBHLXN]A S`NU VRC SXQO isI !or your #o"!ort and salvation, that `AUAYKRPNQC YAB PQVRUBAC VRC is $rought in the enduring o! the sa"e NONUMLSXNORC NO S`LXLOR VQO ASVQO su!!erings that $e also su!!er, $hether `A]RXAVQO QO YAB RXNBC `APTLXNO $e are #o"!orted, Iit isI !or your NBVN `AUAYAKLSXN]A S`NU VRC SXQO #o"!ort and salvation, `AUAYKRPNQC YAB PQVRUBAC YAB R NK`BC RXQO HNHABA S`NU SXQO
G Dorinthians
0and our ho e IisI sted!ast !or you, 'no$ing that even as ye are arta'ers o! the su!!erings ++ so also o! the #o"!ort) $For $e do not $ish you to be ignorant, brethren, o! our tribulation that ha ened to us in .sia, that $e $ere e(#eedingly burdened above IourI o$er, so that $e des aired even o! li!e, %but $e ourselves in ourselves the senten#e o! the death have had, that $e "ay not be trusting on ourselves, but on &od, $ho is raising the dead, #($ho out o! so great a death did deliver us, and doth deliver, in $ho" $e have ho ed that even yet He $ill deliver, ##ye $or'ing together also !or us by your su li#ation, that the gi!t through "any ersons to us, through "any "ay be than'!ully a#'no$ledged !or us) #,For our glorying is thisF the testi"ony o! our #ons#ien#e, that in si" li#ity and sin#erity o! &od, not in !leshly $isdo", but in the gra#e o! &od, $e did #ondu#t ourselves in the $orld, and "ore abundantly to$ard you, 0NBWLVNC LVB QP`NU YLBOQOLB NPVN VQO `A]RXAVQO LSVQC YAB VRC `AUAYKRPNQC $LS MAU ]NKLXNO SXAC AMOLNBO AWNKZLB S`NU VRC ]KBcNQC RXQO VRC MNOLXNORC RXBO NO VR APBA LVB YA] S`NUHLKRO NHAUR]RXNO S`NU WSOAXBO QPVN NaA`LUR]ROAB RXAC YAB VLS \RO %AKKA ASVLB NO NASVLBC VL A`LYUBXA VLS ]AOAVLS NPTRYAXNO BOA XR `N`LB]LVNC QXNO NZ NASVLBC AKK N`B VQ ]NQ VQ NMNBULOVB VLSC ONYULSC #(LC NY VRKBYLSVLS ]AOAVLS NUUSPAVL RXAC YAB USNVAB NBC LO RK`BYAXNO LVB YAB NVB USPNVAB ##PSOS`LSUMLSOVQO YAB SXQO S`NU RXQO VR WNRPNB BOA NY `LKKQO `ULPQ`QO VL NBC RXAC TAUBPXA WBA `LKKQO NSTAUBPVR]R S`NU RXQO #,R MAU YASTRPBC RXQO ASVR NPVBO VL XAUVSUBLO VRC PSONBWRPNQC RXQO LVB NO A`KLVRVB YAB NBKBYUBONBA ]NLS LSY NO PLZBA PAUYBYR AKK NO TAUBVB ]NLS AONPVUAZRXNO NO VQ YLPXQ `NUBPPLVNUQC WN `ULC SXAC
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#-!or no other things do $e $rite to you, but $hat ye either do read or also a#'no$ledge, and 0 ho e that also unto the end ye shall a#'no$ledge, #.a##ording as also ye did a#'no$ledge us in art, that your glory $e are, even as also ye IareI ours, in the day o! the Lord 5esus, #'and in this #on!iden#e 0 $as ur osing to #o"e unto you be!ore, that a se#ond !avour ye "ight have, #/and through you to ass to @a#edonia, and again !ro" @a#edonia to #o"e unto you, and by you to be sent !or$ard to 5udea) #0This, there!ore, #ounselling, did 0 then use the lightness, or the things that 0 #ounsel, a##ording to the !lesh do 0 #ounsel, that it "ay be $ith "e 4es, yes, and /o, nob #$and &od IisI !aith!ul, that our $ord unto you be#a"e not 4es and /o, #%!or the Son o! &od, 5esus Dhrist, a"ong you through us having been rea#hed ++ through "e and Silvanus and Ti"otheus ++ did not be#o"e 4es and /o, but in hi" it hath be#o"e 4es, ,(!or as "any as IareI ro"ises o! &od, in hi" IareI the 4es, and in hi" the ."en, !or glory to &od through us, #-LS MAU AKKA MUAZLXNO SXBO AKK R A AOAMBOQPYNVN R YAB N`BMBOQPYNVN NK`B\Q WN LVB YAB NQC VNKLSC N`BMOQPNP]N #.YA]QC YAB N`NMOQVN RXAC A`L XNULSC LVB YASTRXA SXQO NPXNO YA]A`NU YAB SXNBC RXQO NO VR RXNUA VLS YSUBLS BRPLS #'YAB VASVR VR `N`LB]RPNB NHLSKLXRO `ULC SXAC NK]NBO `ULVNULO BOA WNSVNUAO TAUBO NTRVN #/YAB WB SXQO WBNK]NBO NBC XAYNWLOBAO YAB `AKBO A`L XAYNWLOBAC NK]NBO `ULC SXAC YAB SZ SXQO `UL`NXZ]ROAB NBC VRO BLSWABAO #0VLSVL LSO HLSKNSLXNOLC XR VB AUA VR NKAZUBA NTURPAXRO R A HLSKNSLXAB YAVA PAUYA HLSKNSLXAB BOA R `AU NXLB VL OAB OAB YAB VL LS LS #$`BPVLC WN L ]NLC LVB L KLMLC RXQO L `ULC SXAC LSY NMNONVL OAB YAB LS #%L MAU VLS ]NLS SBLC BRPLSC TUBPVLC L NO SXBO WB RXQO YRUST]NBC WB NXLS YAB PBKLSAOLS YAB VBXL]NLS LSY NMNONVL OAB YAB LS AKKA OAB NO ASVQ MNMLONO ,(LPAB MAU N`AMMNKBAB ]NLS NO ASVQ VL OAB YAB NO ASVQ VL AXRO VQ ]NQ `ULC WLaAO WB RXQO
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,#and He $ho is #on!ir"ing you $ith us into Dhrist, and did anoint us, IisI &od, ,,$ho also sealed us, and gave the earnest o! the S irit in our hearts) ,#L WN HNHABQO RXAC PSO SXBO NBC TUBPVLO YAB TUBPAC RXAC ]NLC ,,L YAB PZUAMBPAXNOLC RXAC YAB WLSC VLO AUUAHQOA VLS `ONSXAVLC NO VABC YAUWBABC RXQO ,-.nd 0 !or a $itness on &od do #all ,-NMQ WN XAUVSUA VLO ]NLO u on "y soul, that s aring you, 0 #a"e N`BYAKLSXAB N`B VRO NXRO cSTRO LVB not yet to Dorinth, ZNBWLXNOLC SXQO LSYNVB RK]LO NBC YLUBO]LO ,.not that $e are lords over your !aith, ,.LST LVB YSUBNSLXNO SXQO VRC but $e are $or'ers together $ith your `BPVNQC AKKA PSONUMLB NPXNO VRC -oy, !or by the !aith ye stand) TAUAC SXQO VR MAU `BPVNB NPVRYAVN
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#.nd 0 de#ided this to "ysel!, not again to #o"e in sorro$ unto you, ,!or i! 0 "a'e you sorry, then $ho is he $ho is "a'ing "e glad, e(#e t he $ho is "ade sorry by "eb -and 0 $rote to you this sa"e thing, that having #o"e, 0 "ay not have sorro$ !ro" the" o! $ho" it behoved "e to have -oy, having #on!iden#e in you all, that "y -oy is o! you all, .!or out o! "u#h tribulation and ressure o! heart 0 $rote to you through "any tears, not that ye "ight be "ade sorry, but that ye "ight 'no$ the love that 0 have "ore abundantly to$ard you) '.nd i! any one hath #aused sorro$, he hath not #aused sorro$ to "e, but in art, that 0 "ay not burden you all, /su!!i#ient to su#h a one is this unish"ent, that IisI by the "ore art, 0so that, on the #ontrary, Iit isI rather !or you to !orgive and to #o"!ort, lest by over abundant sorro$ su#h a one "ay be s$allo$ed u , $$here!ore, 0 #all u on you to #on!ir" love to hi", %!or, !or this also did 0 $rite, that 0 "ight 'no$ the roo! o! you, $hether in regard to all things ye are obedient) #NYUBOA WN NXASVQ VLSVL VL XR `AKBO NK]NBO NO KS`R `ULC SXAC ,NB MAU NMQ KS`Q SXAC YAB VBC NPVBO L NSZUABOQO XN NB XR L KS`LSXNOLC Na NXLS -YAB NMUAcA SXBO VLSVL ASVL BOA XR NK]QO KS`RO NTQ AZ QO NWNB XN TABUNBO `N`LB]QC N`B `AOVAC SXAC LVB R NXR TAUA `AOVQO SXQO NPVBO .NY MAU `LKKRC ]KBcNQC YAB PSOLTRC YAUWBAC NMUAcA SXBO WBA `LKKQO WAYUSQO LST BOA KS`R]RVN AKKA VRO AMA`RO BOA MOQVN RO NTQ `NUBPPLVNUQC NBC SXAC 'NB WN VBC KNKS`RYNO LSY NXN KNKS`RYNO AKK A`L XNULSC BOA XR N`BHAUQ `AOVAC SXAC /BYAOLO VQ VLBLSVQ R N`BVBXBA ASVR R S`L VQO `KNBLOQO 0QPVN VLSOAOVBLO XAKKLO SXAC TAUBPAP]AB YAB `AUAYAKNPAB XR`QC VR `NUBPPLVNUA KS`R YAVA`L]R L VLBLSVLC $WBL `AUAYAKQ SXAC YSUQPAB NBC ASVLO AMA`RO %NBC VLSVL MAU YAB NMUAcA BOA MOQ VRO WLYBXRO SXQO NB NBC `AOVA S`RYLLB NPVN
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#(.nd to $ho" ye !orgive anything ++ 0 also, !or 0 also, i! 0 have !orgiven anything, to $ho" 0 have !orgiven IitI, be#ause o! you ++ in the erson o! Dhrist ++ I0 !orgive it,I ##that $e "ay not be over+rea#hed by the .dversary, !or o! his devi#es $e are not ignorant) #,.nd having #o"e to Troas !or the good ne$s o! the Dhrist, and a door to "e having been o ened in the Lord, #-0 have not had rest to "y s irit, on "y not !inding Titus "y brother, but having ta'en leave o! the", 0 $ent !orth to @a#edonia, #.and to &od IareI than's, $ho at all ti"es is leading us in triu" h in the Dhrist, and the !ragran#e o! His 'no$ledge He is "ani!esting through us in every la#e, #'be#ause o! Dhrist a s$eet !ragran#e $e are to &od, in those being saved, and in those being lost, #/to the one, indeed, a !ragran#e o! death to death, and to the other, a !ragran#e o! li!e to li!e, and !or these things $ho is su!!i#ientb #0!or $e are not as the "any, adulterating the $ord o! &od, but as o! sin#erity ++ but as o! &od, in the resen#e o! &od, in Dhrist $e do s ea') #(Q WN VB TAUB\NP]N YAB NMQ YAB MAU NMQ NB VB YNTAUBPXAB Q YNTAUBPXAB WB SXAC NO `ULPQ`Q TUBPVLS ##BOA XR `KNLONYVR]QXNO S`L VLS PAVAOA LS MAU ASVLS VA OLRXAVA AMOLLSXNO #,NK]QO WN NBC VRO VUQAWA NBC VL NSAMMNKBLO VLS TUBPVLS YAB ]SUAC XLB AONQMXNORC NO YSUBQ #-LSY NPTRYA AONPBO VQ `ONSXAVB XLS VQ XR NSUNBO XN VBVLO VLO AWNKZLO XLS AKKA A`LVAaAXNOLC ASVLBC NaRK]LO NBC XAYNWLOBAO #.VQ WN ]NQ TAUBC VQ `AOVLVN ]UBAXHNSLOVB RXAC NO VQ TUBPVQ YAB VRO LPXRO VRC MOQPNQC ASVLS ZAONULSOVB WB RXQO NO `AOVB VL`Q #'LVB TUBPVLS NSQWBA NPXNO VQ ]NQ NO VLBC PQ\LXNOLBC YAB NO VLBC A`LKKSXNOLBC #/LBC XNO LPXR ]AOAVLS NBC ]AOAVLO LBC WN LPXR \QRC NBC \QRO YAB `ULC VASVA VBC BYAOLC #0LS MAU NPXNO QC LB `LKKLB YA`RKNSLOVNC VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS AKK QC Na NBKBYUBONBAC AKK QC NY ]NLS YAVNOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS NO TUBPVQ KAKLSXNO
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+hapter #Do $e begin again to re#o""end ourselves, e(#e t $e need, as so"e, letters o! re#o""endation unto you, or !ro" youb ,our letter ye are, having been $ritten in our hearts, 'no$n and read by all "en, #AUTLXN]A `AKBO NASVLSC PSOBPVAONBO NB XR TUR\LXNO QC VBONC PSPVAVBYQO N`BPVLKQO `ULC SXAC R Na SXQO PSPVAVBYQO ,R N`BPVLKR RXQO SXNBC NPVN NMMNMUAXXNOR NO VABC YAUWBABC RXQO MBOQPYLXNOR YAB AOAMBOQPYLXNOR S`L `AOVQO AO]UQ`QO -"ani!ested that ye are a letter o! -ZAONULSXNOLB LVB NPVN N`BPVLKR Dhrist "inistered by us, $ritten not TUBPVLS WBAYLOR]NBPA SZ RXQO $ith in', but $ith the S irit o! the NMMNMUAXXNOR LS XNKAOB AKKA living &od, not in the tablets o! stone, `ONSXAVB ]NLS \QOVLC LSY NO `KAaBO but in !leshy tablets o! the heart, KB]BOABC AKK NO `KAaBO YAUWBAC PAUYBOABC .and su#h trust $e have through the .`N`LB]RPBO WN VLBASVRO NTLXNO WBA Dhrist to$ard &od, VLS TUBPVLS `ULC VLO ]NLO 'not that $e are su!!i#ient o! ourselves 'LST LVB BYAOLB NPXNO AZ NASVQO to thin' anything, as o! ourselves, but KLMBPAP]AB VB QC Na NASVQO AKK R our su!!i#ien#y IisI o! &od, BYAOLVRC RXQO NY VLS ]NLS /$ho also "ade us su!!i#ient Ito beI /LC YAB BYAOQPNO RXAC WBAYLOLSC "inistrants o! a ne$ #ovenant, not o! YABORC WBA]RYRC LS MUAXXAVLC AKKA letter, but o! s irit, !or the letter doth `ONSXAVLC VL MAU MUAXXA A`LYVNBONB 'ill, and the s irit doth "a'e alive) VL WN `ONSXA \QL`LBNB 0and i! the "inistration o! the death, in 0NB WN R WBAYLOBA VLS ]AOAVLS NO letters, engraved in stones, #a"e in MUAXXAPBO NOVNVS`QXNOR NO KB]LBC glory, so that the sons o! 0srael $ere NMNOR]R NO WLaR QPVN XR WSOAP]AB not able to loo' sted!astly to the !a#e AVNOBPAB VLSC SBLSC BPUARK NBC VL o! @oses, be#ause o! the glory o! his `ULPQ`LO XQPNQC WBA VRO WLaAO VLS !a#e ++ $hi#h $as being "ade useless, `ULPQ`LS ASVLS VRO YAVAUMLSXNORO $ho$ shall the "inistration o! the $`QC LSTB XAKKLO R WBAYLOBA VLS S irit not be "ore in gloryb `ONSXAVLC NPVAB NO WLaR
G Dorinthians
%!or i! the "inistration o! the #onde"nation IisI glory, "u#h "ore doth the "inistration o! the righteousness abound in glory, #(!or also even that $hi#h hath been glorious, hath not been glorious ++ in this res e#t, be#ause o! the su erior glory, ##!or i! that $hi#h is being "ade useless IisI through glory, "u#h "ore that $hi#h is re"aining IisI in glory) #,Having, then, su#h ho e, $e use "u#h !reedo" o! s ee#h, #-and IareI not as @oses, $ho $as utting a vail u on his o$n !a#e, !or the sons o! 0srael not sted!astly to loo' to the end o! that $hi#h is being "ade useless, #.but their "inds $ere hardened, !or unto this day the sa"e vail at the reading o! the Old Dovenant doth re"ain un$ithdra$n ++ $hi#h in Dhrist is being "ade useless ++ #'but till to+day, $hen @oses is read, a vail u on their heart doth lie, #/and $henever they "ay turn unto the Lord, the vail is ta'en a$ay) #0.nd the Lord is the S irit, and $here the S irit o! the Lord IisI, there IisI liberty, %NB MAU R WBAYLOBA VRC YAVAYUBPNQC WLaA `LKKQ XAKKLO `NUBPPNSNB R WBAYLOBA VRC WBYABLPSORC NO WLaR #(YAB MAU LSWN WNWLaAPVAB VL WNWLaAPXNOLO NO VLSVQ VQ XNUNB NONYNO VRC S`NUHAKKLSPRC WLaRC ##NB MAU VL YAVAUMLSXNOLO WBA WLaRC `LKKQ XAKKLO VL XNOLO NO WLaR #,NTLOVNC LSO VLBASVRO NK`BWA `LKKR `AUURPBA TUQXN]A #-YAB LS YA]A`NU XQPRC NVB]NB YAKSXXA N`B VL `ULPQ`LO NASVLS `ULC VL XR AVNOBPAB VLSC SBLSC BPUARK NBC VL VNKLC VLS YAVAUMLSXNOLS #.AKK N`QUQ]R VA OLRXAVA ASVQO ATUB MAU VRC PRXNULO VL ASVL YAKSXXA N`B VR AOAMOQPNB VRC `AKABAC WBA]RYRC XNONB XR AOAYAKS`VLXNOLO L VB NO TUBPVQ YAVAUMNBVAB #'AKK NQC PRXNULO ROBYA AOAMBOQPYNVAB XQPRC YAKSXXA N`B VRO YAUWBAO ASVQO YNBVAB #/ROBYA W AO N`BPVUNcR `ULC YSUBLO `NUBABUNBVAB VL YAKSXXA #0L WN YSUBLC VL `ONSXA NPVBO LS WN VL `ONSXA YSUBLS NYNB NKNS]NUBA
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#$and $e all, $ith unvailed !a#e, the glory o! the Lord beholding in a "irror, to the sa"e i"age are being trans!or"ed, !ro" glory to glory, even as by the S irit o! the Lord) #$RXNBC WN `AOVNC AOAYNYAKSXXNOQ `ULPQ`Q VRO WLaAO YSUBLS YAVL`VUB\LXNOLB VRO ASVRO NBYLOA XNVAXLUZLSXN]A A`L WLaRC NBC WLaAO YA]A`NU A`L YSUBLS `ONSXAVLC
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#Be#ause o! this, having this "inistration, a##ording as $e did re#eive 'indness, $e do not !aint, ,but did renoun#e !or ourselves the hidden things o! sha"e, not $al'ing in #ra!tiness, nor de#eit!ully using the $ord o! &od, but by the "ani!estation o! the truth re#o""ending ourselves unto every #ons#ien#e o! "en, be!ore &od, -and i! also our good ne$s is vailed, in those erishing it is vailed, #WBA VLSVL NTLOVNC VRO WBAYLOBAO VASVRO YA]QC RKNR]RXNO LSY NYYAYLSXNO ,AKK A`NB`AXN]A VA YUS`VA VRC ABPTSORC XR `NUB`AVLSOVNC NO `AOLSUMBA XRWN WLKLSOVNC VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS AKKA VR ZAONUQPNB VRC AKR]NBAC PSOBPVQOVNC NASVLSC `ULC `APAO PSONBWRPBO AO]UQ`QO NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS -NB WN YAB NPVBO YNYAKSXXNOLO VL NSAMMNKBLO RXQO NO VLBC A`LKKSXNOLBC NPVBO YNYAKSXXNOLO .in $ho" the god o! this age did blind .NO LBC L ]NLC VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS the "inds o! the unbelieving, that there NVSZKQPNO VA OLRXAVA VQO A`BPVQO doth not shine !orth to the" the NBC VL XR ASMAPAB ASVLBC VLO enlightening o! the good ne$s o! the ZQVBPXLO VLS NSAMMNKBLS VRC WLaRC glory o! the Dhrist, $ho is the i"age VLS TUBPVLS LC NPVBO NBYQO VLS ]NLS o! &od, '!or not ourselves do $e rea#h, but 'LS MAU NASVLSC YRUSPPLXNO AKKA Dhrist 5esus ++ Lord, and ourselves TUBPVLO BRPLSO YSUBLO NASVLSC WN your servants be#ause o! 5esus, WLSKLSC SXQO WBA BRPLSO /be#ause Iit isI &od $ho said, Out o! /LVB L ]NLC L NB`QO NY PYLVLSC ZQC dar'ness light IisI to shine, $ho did KAXcAB LC NKAXcNO NO VABC YAUWBABC shine in our hearts, !or the RXQO `ULC ZQVBPXLO VRC MOQPNQC VRC enlightening o! the 'no$ledge o! the WLaRC VLS ]NLS NO `ULPQ`Q BRPLS glory o! &od in the !a#e o! 5esus TUBPVLS Dhrist) 0.nd $e have this treasure in earthen 0NTLXNO WN VLO ]RPASULO VLSVLO NO vessels, that the e(#ellen#y o! the LPVUAYBOLBC PYNSNPBO BOA R S`NUHLKR o$er "ay be o! &od, and not o! us, VRC WSOAXNQC R VLS ]NLS YAB XR Na RXQO 386
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$on every side being in tribulation, but not straitened, er le(ed, but not in des air, % erse#uted, but not !orsa'en, #ast do$n, but not destroyed, $NO `AOVB ]KBHLXNOLB AKK LS PVNOLTQULSXNOLB A`LULSXNOLB AKK LSY NaA`LULSXNOLB %WBQYLXNOLB AKK LSY NMYAVAKNB`LXNOLB YAVAHAKKLXNOLB AKK LSY A`LKKSXNOLB #(at all ti"es the dying o! the Lord #(`AOVLVN VRO ONYUQPBO VLS YSUBLS 5esus bearing about in the body, that BRPLS NO VQ PQXAVB `NUBZNULOVNC BOA the li!e also o! 5esus in our body "ay YAB R \QR VLS BRPLS NO VQ PQXAVB be "ani!ested, RXQO ZAONUQ]R ##!or al$ays are $e $ho are living ##ANB MAU RXNBC LB \QOVNC NBC ]AOAVLO delivered u to death be#ause o! 5esus, `AUAWBWLXN]A WBA BRPLSO BOA YAB R that the li!e also o! 5esus "ay be \QR VLS BRPLS ZAONUQ]R NO VR ]ORVR "ani!ested in our dying !lesh, PAUYB RXQO #,so that, the death indeed in us doth #,QPVN L XNO ]AOAVLC NO RXBO $or', and the li!e in you) NONUMNBVAB R WN \QR NO SXBO #-.nd having the sa"e s irit o! the #-NTLOVNC WN VL ASVL `ONSXA VRC !aith, a##ording to that $hi#h hath `BPVNQC YAVA VL MNMUAXXNOLO been $ritten, I0 believed, there!ore 0 N`BPVNSPA WBL NKAKRPA YAB RXNBC did s ea',I $e also do believe, `BPVNSLXNO WBL YAB KAKLSXNO there!ore also do $e s ea', #.'no$ing that He $ho did raise u #.NBWLVNC LVB L NMNBUAC VLO YSUBLO the Lord 5esus, us also through 5esus BRPLSO YAB RXAC WBA BRPLS NMNUNB YAB shall raise u , and shall resent $ith `AUAPVRPNB PSO SXBO you, #'!or the all things IareI be#ause o! #'VA MAU `AOVA WB SXAC BOA R TAUBC you, that the gra#e having been `KNLOAPAPA WBA VQO `KNBLOQO VRO "ulti lied, be#ause o! the NSTAUBPVBAO `NUBPPNSPR NBC VRO WLaAO than'sgiving o! the "ore, "ay abound VLS ]NLS to the glory o! &od, #/$here!ore, $e !aint not, but i! also #/WBL LSY NYYAYLSXNO AKK NB YAB L our out$ard "an doth de#ay, yet the NaQ RXQO AO]UQ`LC WBAZ]NBUNVAB AKK in$ard is rene$ed day by day, L NPQ]NO AOAYABOLSVAB RXNUA YAB RXNUA 3>9
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#0!or the "o"entary light "atter o! our tribulation, "ore and "ore e(#eedingly an age+during $eight o! glory doth $or' out !or us ++ #$$e not loo'ing to the things seen, but to the things not seen, !or the things seen IareI te" orary, but the things not seen IareI age+during) #0VL MAU `AUASVBYA NKAZULO VRC ]KBcNQC RXQO YA] S`NUHLKRO NBC S`NUHLKRO ABQOBLO HAULC WLaRC YAVNUMA\NVAB RXBO #$XR PYL`LSOVQO RXQO VA HKN`LXNOA AKKA VA XR HKN`LXNOA VA MAU HKN`LXNOA `ULPYABUA VA WN XR HKN`LXNOA ABQOBA
G Dorinthians
+hapter '
#For $e have 'no$n that i! our earthly house o! the taberna#le "ay be thro$n do$n, a building !ro" &od $e have, an house not "ade $ith hands ++ age+ during ++ in the heavens, ,!or also in this $e groan, $ith our d$elling that is !ro" heaven earnestly desiring to #lothe ourselves, -i! so be that, having #lothed ourselves, $e shall not be !ound na'ed, .!or $e also $ho are in the taberna#le do groan, being burdened, seeing $e $ish not to un#lothe ourselves, but to #lothe ourselves, that the "ortal "ay be s$allo$ed u o! the li!e) '.nd He $ho did $or' us to this sel!+ sa"e thing IisI &od, $ho also did give to us the earnest o! the S irit, /having #ourage, then, at all ti"es, and 'no$ing that being at ho"e in the body, $e are a$ay !ro" ho"e !ro" the Lord, ++ 0!or through !aith $e $al', not through sight ++ $$e have #ourage, and are $ell leased rather to be a$ay !ro" the ho"e o! the body, and to be at ho"e $ith the Lord) %Where!ore also $e are a"bitious, $hether at ho"e or a$ay !ro" ho"e, to be $ell leasing to hi", #LBWAXNO MAU LVB NAO R N`BMNBLC RXQO LBYBA VLS PYROLSC YAVAKS]R LBYLWLXRO NY ]NLS NTLXNO LBYBAO ATNBUL`LBRVLO ABQOBLO NO VLBC LSUAOLBC ,YAB MAU NO VLSVQ PVNOA\LXNO VL LBYRVRUBLO RXQO VL Na LSUAOLS N`NOWSPAP]AB N`B`L]LSOVNC -NBMN YAB NOWSPAXNOLB LS MSXOLB NSUN]RPLXN]A .YAB MAU LB LOVNC NO VQ PYRONB PVNOA\LXNO HAULSXNOLB N`NBWR LS ]NKLXNO NYWSPAP]AB AKK N`NOWSPAP]AB BOA YAVA`L]R VL ]ORVLO S`L VRC \QRC 'L WN YAVNUMAPAXNOLC RXAC NBC ASVL VLSVL ]NLC L YAB WLSC RXBO VLO AUUAHQOA VLS `ONSXAVLC /]AUULSOVNC LSO `AOVLVN YAB NBWLVNC LVB NOWRXLSOVNC NO VQ PQXAVB NYWRXLSXNO A`L VLS YSUBLS 0WBA `BPVNQC MAU `NUB`AVLSXNO LS WBA NBWLSC $]AUULSXNO WN YAB NSWLYLSXNO XAKKLO NYWRXRPAB NY VLS PQXAVLC YAB NOWRXRPAB `ULC VLO YSUBLO %WBL YAB ZBKLVBXLSXN]A NBVN NOWRXLSOVNC NBVN NYWRXLSOVNC NSAUNPVLB ASVQ NBOAB
G Dorinthians
#(!or all o! us it behoveth to be "ani!ested be!ore the tribunal o! the Dhrist, that ea#h one "ay re#eive the things IdoneI through the body, in re!eren#e to the things that he did, $hether good or evil, ##having 'no$n, there!ore, the !ear o! the Lord, $e ersuade "en, and to &od $e are "ani!ested, and 0 ho e also in your #ons#ien#es to have been "ani!ested, #,!or not again ourselves do $e re#o""end to you, but $e are giving o##asion to you o! glori!ying in our behal!, that ye "ay have Iso"ethingI in re!eren#e to those glori!ying in !a#e and not in heart, #-!or $hether $e $ere beside ourselves, Iit $asI to &od, $hether $e be o! sound "ind ++ Iit isI to you, #.!or the love o! the Dhrist doth #onstrain us, having -udged thusF that i! one !or all died, then the $hole died, #(VLSC MAU `AOVAC RXAC ZAONUQ]ROAB WNB NX`ULP]NO VLS HRXAVLC VLS TUBPVLS BOA YLXBPRVAB NYAPVLC VA WBA VLS PQXAVLC `ULC A N`UAaNO NBVN AMA]LO NBVN YAYLO ##NBWLVNC LSO VLO ZLHLO VLS YSUBLS AO]UQ`LSC `NB]LXNO ]NQ WN `NZAONUQXN]A NK`B\Q WN YAB NO VABC PSONBWRPNPBO SXQO `NZAONUQP]AB #,LS MAU `AKBO NASVLSC PSOBPVAOLXNO SXBO AKKA AZLUXRO WBWLOVNC SXBO YASTRXAVLC S`NU RXQO BOA NTRVN `ULC VLSC NO `ULPQ`Q YASTQXNOLSC YAB LS YAUWBA #-NBVN MAU NaNPVRXNO ]NQ NBVN PQZULOLSXNO SXBO
#.R MAU AMA`R VLS TUBPVLS PSONTNB RXAC YUBOAOVAC VLSVL LVB NB NBC S`NU `AOVQO A`N]AONO AUA LB `AOVNC A`N]AOLO #'and !or all he died, that those living, #'YAB S`NU `AOVQO A`N]AONO BOA LB no "ore to the"selves "ay live, but to \QOVNC XRYNVB NASVLBC \QPBO AKKA VQ hi" $ho died !or the", and $as raised S`NU ASVQO A`L]AOLOVB YAB NMNU]NOVB again) #/So that $e hen#e!orth have 'no$n #/QPVN RXNBC A`L VLS OSO LSWNOA no one a##ording to the !lesh, and even LBWAXNO YAVA PAUYA NB WN YAB i! $e have 'no$n Dhrist a##ording to NMOQYAXNO YAVA PAUYA TUBPVLO AKKA the !lesh, yet no$ $e 'no$ hi" no OSO LSYNVB MBOQPYLXNO "ore,
G Dorinthians
#0so that i! any one IisI in Dhrist ++ Ihe isI a ne$ #reature, the old things did ass a$ay, lo, be#o"e ne$ have the all things) #$.nd the all things IareI o! &od, $ho re#on#iled us to Hi"sel! through 5esus Dhrist, and did give to us the "inistration o! the re#on#iliation, #%ho$ that &od $as in Dhrist ++ a $orld re#on#iling to Hi"sel!, not re#'oning to the" their tres asses, and having ut in us the $ord o! the re#on#iliation, ,(in behal! o! Dhrist, then, $e are a"bassadors, as i! &od $ere #alling through us, $e besee#h, in behal! o! Dhrist, IBe ye re#on#iled to &od,I ,#!or hi" $ho did not 'no$ sin, in our behal! He did "a'e sin, that $e "ay be#o"e the righteousness o! &od in hi") #0QPVN NB VBC NO TUBPVQ YABOR YVBPBC VA AUTABA `AURK]NO BWLS MNMLONO YABOA VA `AOVA #$VA WN `AOVA NY VLS ]NLS VLS YAVAKKAaAOVLC RXAC NASVQ WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS YAB WLOVLC RXBO VRO WBAYLOBAO VRC YAVAKKAMRC #%QC LVB ]NLC RO NO TUBPVQ YLPXLO YAVAKKAPPQO NASVQ XR KLMB\LXNOLC ASVLBC VA `AUA`VQXAVA ASVQO YAB ]NXNOLC NO RXBO VLO KLMLO VRC YAVAKKAMRC ,(S`NU TUBPVLS LSO `UNPHNSLXNO QC VLS ]NLS `AUAYAKLSOVLC WB RXQO WNLXN]A S`NU TUBPVLS YAVAKKAMRVN VQ ]NQ ,#VLO MAU XR MOLOVA AXAUVBAO S`NU RXQO AXAUVBAO N`LBRPNO BOA RXNBC MBOQXN]A WBYABLPSOR ]NLS NO ASVQ
G Dorinthians
+hapter /
#.nd $or'ing together also $e #all u on IyouI that ye re#eive not in vain the gra#e o! &od ++ ,!or He saith, I0n an a##e table ti"e 0 did hear thee, and in a day o! salvation 0 did hel thee, lo, no$ IisI a $ell+ a##e ted ti"e, lo, no$, a day o! salvation,I ++ -in nothing giving any #ause o! o!!en#e, that the "inistration "ay be not bla"ed, .but in everything re#o""ending ourselves as &odIs "inistrants, in "u#h atien#e, in tribulations, in ne#essities, in distresses, 'in stri es, in i" rison"ents, in insurre#tions, in labours, in $at#hings, in !astings, /in ureness, in 'no$ledge, in long+ su!!ering, in 'indness, in the Holy S irit, in love un!eigned, 0in the $ord o! truth, in the o$er o! &od, through the ar"our o! the righteousness, on the right and on the le!t, $through glory and dishonour, through evil re ort and good re ort, as leading astray, and true, %as un'no$n, and re#ogniEed, as dying, and lo, $e live, as #hastened, and not ut to death, #PSONUMLSOVNC WN YAB `AUAYAKLSXNO XR NBC YNOLO VRO TAUBO VLS ]NLS WNaAP]AB SXAC ,KNMNB MAU YABUQ WNYVQ N`RYLSPA PLS YAB NO RXNUA PQVRUBAC NHLR]RPA PLB BWLS OSO YABULC NS`ULPWNYVLC BWLS OSO RXNUA PQVRUBAC -XRWNXBAO NO XRWNOB WBWLOVNC `ULPYL`RO BOA XR XQXR]R R WBAYLOBA .AKK NO `AOVB PSOBPVQOVNC NASVLSC QC ]NLS WBAYLOLB NO S`LXLOR `LKKR NO ]KBcNPBO NO AOAMYABC NO PVNOLTQUBABC 'NO `KRMABC NO ZSKAYABC NO AYAVAPVAPBABC NO YL`LBC NO AMUS`OBABC NO ORPVNBABC /NO AMOLVRVB NO MOQPNB NO XAYUL]SXBA NO TURPVLVRVB NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ NO AMA`R AOS`LYUBVQ 0NO KLMQ AKR]NBAC NO WSOAXNB ]NLS WBA VQO L`KQO VRC WBYABLPSORC VQO WNaBQO YAB AUBPVNUQO $WBA WLaRC YAB AVBXBAC WBA WSPZRXBAC YAB NSZRXBAC QC `KAOLB YAB AKR]NBC %QC AMOLLSXNOLB YAB N`BMBOQPYLXNOLB QC A`L]ORPYLOVNC YAB BWLS \QXNO QC `ABWNSLXNOLB YAB XR ]AOAVLSXNOLB
G Dorinthians
#(as sorro$!ul, and al$ays re-oi#ing, as oor, and "a'ing "any ri#h, as having nothing, and ossessing all things) ##Our "outh hath been o en unto you, O Dorinthians, our heart hath been enlargedd #,ye are not straitened in us, and ye are straitened in your Io$nI bo$els, #-and IasI a re#o" ense o! the sa"e 'ind, 7as to #hildren 0 say IitI,< be ye enlarged ++ also yed #.Be#o"e not yo'ed $ith others ++ unbelievers, !or $hat arta'ing Iis thereI to righteousness and la$lessnessb #'and $hat !ello$shi to light $ith dar'nessb and $hat #on#ord to Dhrist $ith Belialb or $hat art to a believer $ith an unbelieverb #/and $hat agree"ent to the san#tuary o! &od $ith idolsb !or ye are a san#tuary o! the living &od, a##ording as &od said ++ I0 $ill d$ell in the", and $ill $al' a"ong Ithe"I, and 0 $ill be their &od, and they shall be @y eo le, #0$here!ore, #o"e ye !orth out o! the "idst o! the", and be se arated, saith the Lord, and an un#lean thing do not tou#h, and 0 ++ 0 $ill re#eive you, #(QC KS`LSXNOLB ANB WN TABULOVNC QC `VQTLB `LKKLSC WN `KLSVB\LOVNC QC XRWNO NTLOVNC YAB `AOVA YAVNTLOVNC ##VL PVLXA RXQO AONQMNO `ULC SXAC YLUBO]BLB R YAUWBA RXQO `N`KAVSOVAB #,LS PVNOLTQUNBP]N NO RXBO PVNOLTQUNBP]N WN NO VLBC P`KAMTOLBC SXQO #-VRO WN ASVRO AOVBXBP]BAO QC VNYOLBC KNMQ `KAVSO]RVN YAB SXNBC #.XR MBONP]N NVNUL\SMLSOVNC A`BPVLBC VBC MAU XNVLTR WBYABLPSOR YAB AOLXBA VBC WN YLBOQOBA ZQVB `ULC PYLVLC #'VBC WN PSXZQORPBC TUBPVQ `ULC HNKBAU R VBC XNUBC `BPVQ XNVA A`BPVLS #/VBC WN PSMYAVA]NPBC OAQ ]NLS XNVA NBWQKQO SXNBC MAU OALC ]NLS NPVN \QOVLC YA]QC NB`NO L ]NLC LVB NOLBYRPQ NO ASVLBC YAB NX`NUB`AVRPQ YAB NPLXAB ASVQO ]NLC YAB ASVLB NPLOVAB XLB KALC #0WBL NaNK]NVN NY XNPLS ASVQO YAB AZLUBP]RVN KNMNB YSUBLC YAB AYA]AUVLS XR A`VNP]N YAMQ NBPWNaLXAB SXAC
G Dorinthians
#$and 0 $ill be to you !or a Father, and #$YAB NPLXAB SXBO NBC `AVNUA YAB ye ++ ye shall be to @e !or sons and SXNBC NPNP]N XLB NBC SBLSC YAB daughters, saith the Lord .l"ighty)I ]SMAVNUAC KNMNB YSUBLC `AOVLYUAVQU
G Dorinthians
+hapter 0
#Having, then, these ro"ises, beloved, "ay $e #leanse ourselves !ro" every ollution o! !lesh and s irit, er!e#ting san#ti!i#ation in the !ear o! &od, ,re#eive us, no one did $e $rong, no one did $e $aste, no one did $e de!raud, -not to #onde"n you do 0 say IitI, !or 0 have said be!ore that in our hearts ye are to die $ith and to live $ith, .great IisI "y !reedo" o! s ee#h unto you, great "y glory on your behal!, 0 have been !illed $ith the #o"!ort, 0 overabound $ith the -oy on all our tribulation, '!or also $e, having #o"e to @a#edonia, no rela(ation hath our !lesh had, but on every side $e are in tribulation, $ithout IareI !ightings, $ithin ++ !ears, /but He $ho is #o"!orting the #ast+ do$n ++ &od ++ He did #o"!ort us in the resen#e o! Titus, 0and not only in his resen#e, but also in the #o"!ort $ith $hi#h he $as #o"!orted over you, de#laring to us your longing desire, your la"entation, your Eeal !or "e, so that the "ore 0 did re-oi#e, #VASVAC LSO NTLOVNC VAC N`AMMNKBAC AMA`RVLB YA]AUBPQXNO NASVLSC A`L `AOVLC XLKSPXLS PAUYLC YAB `ONSXAVLC N`BVNKLSOVNC AMBQPSORO NO ZLHQ ]NLS ,TQURPAVN RXAC LSWNOA RWBYRPAXNO LSWNOA NZ]NBUAXNO LSWNOA N`KNLONYVRPAXNO -LS `ULC YAVAYUBPBO KNMQ `ULNBURYA MAU LVB NO VABC YAUWBABC RXQO NPVN NBC VL PSOA`L]AONBO YAB PS\RO .`LKKR XLB `AUURPBA `ULC SXAC `LKKR XLB YASTRPBC S`NU SXQO `N`KRUQXAB VR `AUAYKRPNB S`NU`NUBPPNSLXAB VR TAUA N`B `APR VR ]KBcNB RXQO 'YAB MAU NK]LOVQO RXQO NBC XAYNWLOBAO LSWNXBAO NPTRYNO AONPBO R PAUa RXQO AKK NO `AOVB ]KBHLXNOLB NaQ]NO XATAB NPQ]NO ZLHLB /AKK L `AUAYAKQO VLSC VA`NBOLSC `AUNYAKNPNO RXAC L ]NLC NO VR `AULSPBA VBVLS 0LS XLOLO WN NO VR `AULSPBA ASVLS AKKA YAB NO VR `AUAYKRPNB R `AUNYKR]R NZ SXBO AOAMMNKKQO RXBO VRO SXQO N`B`L]RPBO VLO SXQO LWSUXLO VLO SXQO \RKLO S`NU NXLS QPVN XN XAKKLO TAUROAB
G Dorinthians
$be#ause even i! 0 "ade you sorry in the letter, 0 do not re ent ++ i! even 0 did re ent ++ !or 0 er#eive that the letter, even i! !or an hour, did "a'e you sorry) %0 no$ do re-oi#e, not that ye $ere "ade sorry, but that ye $ere "ade sorry to re!or"ation, !or ye $ere "ade sorry to$ard &od, that in nothing ye "ight re#eive da"age !ro" us, #(!or the sorro$ to$ard &od re!or"ation to salvation not to be re ented o! doth $or', and the sorro$ o! the $orld doth $or' death, ##!or, lo, this sa"e thing ++ your being "ade sorry to$ard &od ++ ho$ "u#h diligen#e it doth $or' in youd but de!en#e, but dis leasure, but !ear, but longing desire, but Eeal, but revenge, in every thing ye did a rove yourselves to be ure in the "atter) #,0!, then, 0 also $rote to you ++ not !or his #ause $ho did $rong, nor !or his #ause $ho did su!!er $rong, but !or our diligen#e in your behal! being "ani!ested unto you be!ore &od ++ #-be#ause o! this $e have been #o"!orted in your #o"!ort, and "ore abundantly the "ore did $e re-oi#e in the -oy o! Titus, that his s irit hath been re!reshed !ro" you all, $LVB NB YAB NKS`RPA SXAC NO VR N`BPVLKR LS XNVAXNKLXAB NB YAB XNVNXNKLXRO HKN`Q MAU LVB R N`BPVLKR NYNBOR NB YAB `ULC QUAO NKS`RPNO SXAC %OSO TABUQ LST LVB NKS`R]RVN AKK LVB NKS`R]RVN NBC XNVAOLBAO NKS`R]RVN MAU YAVA ]NLO BOA NO XRWNOB \RXBQ]RVN Na RXQO #(R MAU YAVA ]NLO KS`R XNVAOLBAO NBC PQVRUBAO AXNVAXNKRVLO YAVNUMA\NVAB R WN VLS YLPXLS KS`R ]AOAVLO YAVNUMA\NVAB ##BWLS MAU ASVL VLSVL VL YAVA ]NLO KS`R]ROAB SXAC `LPRO YAVNBUMAPAVL SXBO P`LSWRO AKKA A`LKLMBAO AKKA AMAOAYVRPBO AKKA ZLHLO AKKA N`B`L]RPBO AKKA \RKLO AKK NYWBYRPBO NO `AOVB PSONPVRPAVN NASVLSC AMOLSC NBOAB NO VQ `UAMXAVB #,AUA NB YAB NMUAcA SXBO LST NBONYNO VLS AWBYRPAOVLC LSWN NBONYNO VLS AWBYR]NOVLC AKK NBONYNO VLS ZAONUQ]ROAB VRO P`LSWRO SXQO VRO S`NU RXQO `ULC SXAC NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS #-WBA VLSVL `AUAYNYKRXN]A N`B VR `AUAYKRPNB SXQO `NUBPPLVNUQC WN XAKKLO NTAURXNO N`B VR TAUA VBVLS LVB AOA`N`ASVAB VL `ONSXA ASVLS A`L `AOVQO SXQO
G Dorinthians
#.be#ause i! anything to hi" in your behal! 0 have boasted, 0 $as not ut to sha"e, but as all things in truth $e did s ea' to you, so also our boasting be!ore Titus be#a"e truth, #'and his tender a!!e#tion is "ore abundantly to$ard you, re"e"bering the obedien#e o! you all, ho$ $ith !ear and tre"bling ye did re#eive hi", #/0 re-oi#e, there!ore, that in everything 0 have #ourage in you) #.LVB NB VB ASVQ S`NU SXQO YNYASTRXAB LS YAVRPTSO]RO AKK QC `AOVA NO AKR]NBA NKAKRPAXNO SXBO LSVQC YAB R YASTRPBC RXQO R N`B VBVLS AKR]NBA NMNOR]R #'YAB VA P`KAMTOA ASVLS `NUBPPLVNUQC NBC SXAC NPVBO AOAXBXORPYLXNOLS VRO `AOVQO SXQO S`AYLRO QC XNVA ZLHLS YAB VULXLS NWNaAP]N ASVLO #/TABUQ LVB NO `AOVB ]AUUQ NO SXBO
G Dorinthians
+hapter $
#.nd $e "a'e 'no$n to you, brethren, the gra#e o! &od, that hath been given in the asse"blies o! @a#edonia, ,be#ause in "u#h trial o! tribulation the abundan#e o! their -oy, and their dee overty, did abound to the ri#hes o! their liberality, -be#ause, a##ording to ItheirI o$er, 0 testi!y, and above ItheirI o$er, they $ere $illing o! the"selves, .$ith "u#h entreaty #alling on us to re#eive the !avour and the !ello$shi o! the "inistration to the saints, #MOQUB\LXNO WN SXBO AWNKZLB VRO TAUBO VLS ]NLS VRO WNWLXNORO NO VABC NYYKRPBABC VRC XAYNWLOBAC ,LVB NO `LKKR WLYBXR ]KBcNQC R `NUBPPNBA VRC TAUAC ASVQO YAB R YAVA HA]LSC `VQTNBA ASVQO N`NUBPPNSPNO NBC VLO `KLSVLO VRC A`KLVRVLC ASVQO -LVB YAVA WSOAXBO XAUVSUQ YAB S`NU WSOAXBO AS]ABUNVLB
.XNVA `LKKRC `AUAYKRPNQC WNLXNOLB RXQO VRO TAUBO YAB VRO YLBOQOBAO VRC WBAYLOBAC VRC NBC VLSC AMBLSC WNaAP]AB RXAC 'and not a##ording as $e e( e#ted, 'YAB LS YA]QC RK`BPAXNO AKK NASVLSC but the"selves they did give !irst to NWQYAO `UQVLO VQ YSUBQ YAB RXBO WBA the Lord, and to us, through the $ill o! ]NKRXAVLC ]NLS &od, /so that $e e(horted Titus, that, /NBC VL `AUAYAKNPAB RXAC VBVLO BOA a##ording as he did begin be!ore, so YA]QC `ULNORUaAVL LSVQC YAB also he "ay !inish to you also this N`BVNKNPR NBC SXAC YAB VRO TAUBO !avour, VASVRO 0but even as in every thing ye do 0AKK QP`NU NO `AOVB `NUBPPNSNVN abound, in !aith, and $ord, and `BPVNB YAB KLMQ YAB MOQPNB YAB `APR 'no$ledge, and all diligen#e, and in P`LSWR YAB VR Na SXQO NO RXBO AMA`R your love to us, that also in this gra#e BOA YAB NO VASVR VR TAUBVB `NUBPPNSRVN ye "ay abound, $not a##ording to #o""and do 0 $LS YAV N`BVAMRO KNMQ AKKA WBA VRC s ea', but be#ause o! the diligen#e o! NVNUQO P`LSWRC YAB VL VRC SXNVNUAC others, and o! your love roving the AMA`RC MORPBLO WLYBXA\QO genuineness, 331
G Dorinthians
%!or ye 'no$ the gra#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, that be#ause o! you he be#a"e oor ++ being ri#h, that ye by that overty "ay be#o"e ri#h) #(and an o inion in this do 0 giveF !or this to you IisI e( edient, $ho not only to do, but also to $ill, did begin be!ore ++ a year ago, ##and no$ also !inish doing IitI, that even as Ithere isI the readiness o! the $ill, so also the !inishing, out o! that $hi#h ye have, #,!or i! the $illing "ind is resent, a##ording to that $hi#h any one "ay have it is $ell+a##e ted, not a##ording to that $hi#h he hath not, #-!or not that !or others release, and ye ressured, Ido 0 s ea',I #.but by e?uality, at the resent ti"e your abundan#e ++ !or their $ant, that also their abundan#e "ay be !or your $ant, that there "ay be e?uality, #'a##ording as it hath been $ritten, IHe $ho Idid gatherI "u#h, had nothing over, and he $ho Idid gatherI little, had no la#')I #/.nd than's to &od, $ho is utting the sa"e diligen#e !or you in the heart o! Titus, #0be#ause indeed the e(hortation he a##e ted, and being "ore diligent, o! his o$n a##ord he $ent !orth unto you, %MBOQPYNVN MAU VRO TAUBO VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS LVB WB SXAC N`VQTNSPNO `KLSPBLC QO BOA SXNBC VR NYNBOLS `VQTNBA `KLSVRPRVN #(YAB MOQXRO NO VLSVQ WBWQXB VLSVL MAU SXBO PSXZNUNB LBVBONC LS XLOLO VL `LBRPAB AKKA YAB VL ]NKNBO `ULNORUaAP]N A`L `NUSPB ##OSOB WN YAB VL `LBRPAB N`BVNKNPAVN L`QC YA]A`NU R `UL]SXBA VLS ]NKNBO LSVQC YAB VL N`BVNKNPAB NY VLS NTNBO #,NB MAU R `UL]SXBA `ULYNBVAB YA]L NAO NTR VBC NS`ULPWNYVLC LS YA]L LSY NTNB #-LS MAU BOA AKKLBC AONPBC SXBO WN ]KBcBC AKK Na BPLVRVLC NO VQ OSO YABUQ VL SXQO `NUBPPNSXA NBC VL NYNBOQO SPVNURXA #.BOA YAB VL NYNBOQO `NUBPPNSXA MNORVAB NBC VL SXQO SPVNURXA L`QC MNORVAB BPLVRC #'YA]QC MNMUA`VAB L VL `LKS LSY N`KNLOAPNO YAB L VL LKBMLO LSY RKAVVLORPNO #/TAUBC WN VQ ]NQ VQ WBWLOVB VRO ASVRO P`LSWRO S`NU SXQO NO VR YAUWBA VBVLS #0LVB VRO XNO `AUAYKRPBO NWNaAVL P`LSWABLVNULC WN S`AUTQO AS]ABUNVLC NaRK]NO `ULC SXAC
G Dorinthians
#$and $e sent $ith hi" the brother, $hose raise in the good ne$s IisI through all the asse"blies, #%and not only so, but $ho $as also a ointed by vote by the asse"blies, our !ello$+traveller, $ith this !avour that is "inistered by us, unto the glory o! the sa"e Lord, and your $illing "ind, ,(avoiding this, lest any one "ay bla"e us in this abundan#e that is "inistered by us, ,# roviding right things, not only be!ore the Lord, but also be!ore "en, #$PSON`NXcAXNO WN XNV ASVLS VLO AWNKZLO LS L N`ABOLC NO VQ NSAMMNKBQ WBA `APQO VQO NYYKRPBQO #%LS XLOLO WN AKKA YAB TNBULVLOR]NBC S`L VQO NYYKRPBQO PSONYWRXLC RXQO PSO VR TAUBVB VASVR VR WBAYLOLSXNOR SZ RXQO `ULC VRO ASVLS VLS YSUBLS WLaAO YAB `UL]SXBAO SXQO
,(PVNKKLXNOLB VLSVL XR VBC RXAC XQXRPRVAB NO VR AWULVRVB VASVR VR WBAYLOLSXNOR SZ RXQO ,#`ULOLLSXNOLB YAKA LS XLOLO NOQ`BLO YSUBLS AKKA YAB NOQ`BLO AO]UQ`QO ,,and $e sent $ith the" our brother, ,,PSON`NXcAXNO WN ASVLBC VLO $ho" $e roved in "any things "any AWNKZLO RXQO LO NWLYBXAPAXNO NO ti"es being diligent, and no$ "u#h `LKKLBC `LKKAYBC P`LSWABLO LOVA OSOB "ore diligent, by the great #on!iden#e WN `LKS P`LSWABLVNULO `N`LB]RPNB that is to$ard you, `LKKR VR NBC SXAC ,-$hether ++ about Titus ++ "y artner ,-NBVN S`NU VBVLS YLBOQOLC NXLC YAB and to$ards you !ello$+$or'er, NBC SXAC PSONUMLC NBVN AWNKZLB RXQO $hether ++ our brethren, a ostles o! A`LPVLKLB NYYKRPBQO WLaA TUBPVLS asse"blies ++ glory o! Dhrist, ,.the she$ing there!ore o! your love, ,.VRO LSO NOWNBaBO VRC AMA`RC SXQO and o! our boasting on your behal!, to YAB RXQO YASTRPNQC S`NU SXQO NBC the" she$ ye, even in the !a#e o! the ASVLSC NOWNBaAP]N YAB NBC `ULPQ`LO asse"blies) VQO NYYKRPBQO
G Dorinthians
+hapter %
#For, indeed, #on#erning the "inistration that IisI !or the saints, it is su er!luous !or "e to $rite to you, ,!or 0 have 'no$n your readiness o! "ind, $hi#h in your behal! 0 boast o! to @a#edonians, that .#haia hath been re ared a year ago, and the Eeal o! you did stir u the "ore art, -and 0 sent the brethren, that our boasting on your behal! "ay not be "ade vain in this res e#t, that, a##ording as 0 said, ye "ay be ready, .lest i! @a#edonians "ay #o"e $ith "e, and !ind you un re ared, $e ++ $e "ay be ut to sha"e 7that $e say not ++ ye< in this sa"e #on!iden#e o! boasting) '/e#essary, there!ore, 0 thought IitI to e(hort the brethren, that they "ay go be!ore to you, and "ay "a'e u be!ore your !or"erly announ#ed blessing, that this be ready, as a blessing, and not as #ovetousness) /.nd thisF He $ho is so$ing s aringly, s aringly also shall rea , and he $ho is so$ing in blessings, in blessings also shall rea , 0ea#h one, a##ording as he doth ur ose in heart, not out o! sorro$ or out o! ne#essity, !or a #heer!ul giver doth &od love, #`NUB XNO MAU VRC WBAYLOBAC VRC NBC VLSC AMBLSC `NUBPPLO XLB NPVBO VL MUAZNBO SXBO ,LBWA MAU VRO `UL]SXBAO SXQO RO S`NU SXQO YASTQXAB XAYNWLPBO LVB ATABA `AUNPYNSAPVAB A`L `NUSPB YAB L Na SXQO \RKLC RUN]BPNO VLSC `KNBLOAC -N`NXcA WN VLSC AWNKZLSC BOA XR VL YASTRXA RXQO VL S`NU SXQO YNOQ]R NO VQ XNUNB VLSVQ BOA YA]QC NKNMLO `AUNPYNSAPXNOLB RVN .XR`QC NAO NK]QPBO PSO NXLB XAYNWLONC YAB NSUQPBO SXAC A`AUAPYNSAPVLSC YAVABPTSO]QXNO RXNBC BOA XR KNMQXNO SXNBC NO VR S`LPVAPNB VASVR VRC YASTRPNQC 'AOAMYABLO LSO RMRPAXRO `AUAYAKNPAB VLSC AWNKZLSC BOA `ULNK]QPBO NBC SXAC YAB `ULYAVAUVBPQPBO VRO `ULYAVRMMNKXNORO NSKLMBAO SXQO VASVRO NVLBXRO NBOAB LSVQC QC NSKLMBAO YAB XR QP`NU `KNLONaBAO /VLSVL WN L P`NBUQO ZNBWLXNOQC ZNBWLXNOQC YAB ]NUBPNB YAB L P`NBUQO N` NSKLMBABC N` NSKLMBABC YAB ]NUBPNB 0NYAPVLC YA]QC `ULABUNBVAB VR YAUWBA XR NY KS`RC R Na AOAMYRC BKAULO MAU WLVRO AMA`A L ]NLC
G Dorinthians
$and &od IisI able all gra#e to #ause to abound to you, that in every thing al$ays all su!!i#ien#y having, ye "ay abound to every good $or', %7a##ording as it hath been $ritten, IHe dis ersed abroad, he gave to the oor, his righteousness doth re"ain to the age,I< #(and "ay He $ho is su lying seed to the so$er, and bread !or !ood, su ly and "ulti ly your seed so$n, and in#rease the !ruits o! your righteousness, ##in every thing being enri#hed to all liberality, $hi#h doth $or' through us than'sgiving to &od, #,be#ause the "inistration o! this servi#e not only is su lying the $ants o! the saints, but is also abounding through "any than'sgivings to &od, $WSOAVLC WN L ]NLC `APAO TAUBO `NUBPPNSPAB NBC SXAC BOA NO `AOVB `AOVLVN `APAO ASVAUYNBAO NTLOVNC `NUBPPNSRVN NBC `AO NUMLO AMA]LO %YA]QC MNMUA`VAB NPYLU`BPNO NWQYNO VLBC `NORPBO R WBYABLPSOR ASVLS XNONB NBC VLO ABQOA
G Dorinthians
+hapter #(
#.nd 0, Paul, "ysel!, do #all u on you ++ through the "ee'ness and gentleness o! the Dhrist ++ $ho in resen#e, indeed Ia"I hu"ble a"ong you, and being absent, have #ourage to$ard you, ,and 0 besee#h IyouI, that, being resent, 0 "ay not have #ourage, $ith the #on!iden#e $ith $hi#h 0 re#'on to be bold against #ertain re#'oning us as $al'ing a##ording to the !lesh, -!or $al'ing in the !lesh, not a##ording to the !lesh do $e $ar, .!or the $ea ons o! our $ar!are IareI not !leshly, but o$er!ul to &od !or bringing do$n o! strongholds, 'reasonings bringing do$n, and every high thing li!ted u against the 'no$ledge o! &od, and bringing into #a tivity every thought to the obedien#e o! the Dhrist, /and being in readiness to avenge every disobedien#e, $henever your obedien#e "ay be !ul!illed) 0The things in resen#e do ye seeb i! any one hath trusted in hi"sel! to be DhristIs, this let hi" re#'on again !ro" hi"sel!, that a##ording as he is DhristIs, so also $e IareI DhristIs, #ASVLC WN NMQ `ASKLC `AUAYAKQ SXAC WBA VRC `UALVRVLC YAB N`BNBYNBAC VLS TUBPVLS LC YAVA `ULPQ`LO XNO VA`NBOLC NO SXBO A`QO WN ]AUUQ NBC SXAC ,WNLXAB WN VL XR `AUQO ]AUURPAB VR `N`LB]RPNB R KLMB\LXAB VLKXRPAB N`B VBOAC VLSC KLMB\LXNOLSC RXAC QC YAVA PAUYA `NUB`AVLSOVAC -NO PAUYB MAU `NUB`AVLSOVNC LS YAVA PAUYA PVUAVNSLXN]A .VA MAU L`KA VRC PVUAVNBAC RXQO LS PAUYBYA AKKA WSOAVA VQ ]NQ `ULC YA]ABUNPBO LTSUQXAVQO 'KLMBPXLSC YA]ABULSOVNC YAB `AO ScQXA N`ABULXNOLO YAVA VRC MOQPNQC VLS ]NLS YAB ABTXAKQVB\LOVNC `AO OLRXA NBC VRO S`AYLRO VLS TUBPVLS /YAB NO NVLBXQ NTLOVNC NYWBYRPAB `APAO `AUAYLRO LVAO `KRUQ]R SXQO R S`AYLR 0VA YAVA `ULPQ`LO HKN`NVN NB VBC `N`LB]NO NASVQ TUBPVLS NBOAB VLSVL KLMB\NP]Q `AKBO AZ NASVLS LVB YA]QC ASVLC TUBPVLS LSVQC YAB RXNBC TUBPVLS
G Dorinthians
$!or even i! also anything "ore abundantly 0 shall boast #on#erning our authority, that the Lord gave us !or building u , and not !or #asting you do$n, 0 shall not be asha"ed, %that 0 "ay not see" as i! 0 $ould terri!y you through the letters, #(Ibe#ause the letters indeed ++ saith one ++ IareI $eighty and strong, and the bodily resen#e $ea', and the s ee#h des i#able)I ##This one ++ let hi" re#'on thusF that su#h as $e are in $ord, through letters, being absent, su#h also, being resent, I$e areI in deed) #,For $e do not "a'e bold to ran' or to #o" are ourselves $ith #ertain o! those #o""ending the"selves, but they, a"ong the"selves "easuring the"selves, and #o" aring the"selves $ith the"selves, are not $ise, #-and $e in regard to the un"easured things $ill not boast ourselves, but a!ter the "easure o! the line that the &od o! "easure did a oint to us ++ to rea#h even unto you, #.!or not as not rea#hing to you do $e stret#h ourselves over"u#h, !or even unto you did $e #o"e in the good ne$s o! the Dhrist, $NAO VN MAU YAB `NUBPPLVNULO VB YASTRPQXAB `NUB VRC NaLSPBAC RXQO RC NWQYNO L YSUBLC RXBO NBC LBYLWLXRO YAB LSY NBC YA]ABUNPBO SXQO LSY ABPTSO]RPLXAB %BOA XR WLaQ QC AO NYZLHNBO SXAC WBA VQO N`BPVLKQO #(LVB AB XNO N`BPVLKAB ZRPBO HAUNBAB YAB BPTSUAB R WN `AULSPBA VLS PQXAVLC AP]NORC YAB L KLMLC NaLS]NORXNOLC ##VLSVL KLMB\NP]Q L VLBLSVLC LVB LBLB NPXNO VQ KLMQ WB N`BPVLKQO A`LOVNC VLBLSVLB YAB `AULOVNC VQ NUMQ #,LS MAU VLKXQXNO NMYUBOAB R PSMYUBOAB NASVLSC VBPBO VQO NASVLSC PSOBPVAOLOVQO AKKA ASVLB NO NASVLBC NASVLSC XNVULSOVNC YAB PSMYUBOLOVNC NASVLSC NASVLBC LS PSOBLSPBO #-RXNBC WN LSTB NBC VA AXNVUA YASTRPLXN]A AKKA YAVA VL XNVULO VLS YAOLOLC LS NXNUBPNO RXBO L ]NLC XNVULS NZBYNP]AB ATUB YAB SXQO #.LS MAU QC XR NZBYOLSXNOLB NBC SXAC S`NUNYVNBOLXNO NASVLSC ATUB MAU YAB SXQO NZ]APAXNO NO VQ NSAMMNKBQ VLS TUBPVLS
G Dorinthians
#'not boasting o! the things not "easured, in other "enIs labours, and having ho e ++ your !aith in#reasing ++ in you to be enlarged, a##ording to our line ++ into abundan#e, #/in the I la#esI beyond you to ro#lai" good ne$s, not in anotherIs line in regard to the things "ade ready, to boast, #0and he $ho is boasting ++ in the Lord let hi" boast, #$!or not he $ho is #o""ending hi"sel! is a roved, but he $ho" the Lord doth #o""end) #'LSY NBC VA AXNVUA YASTQXNOLB NO AKKLVUBLBC YL`LBC NK`BWA WN NTLOVNC ASaAOLXNORC VRC `BPVNQC SXQO NO SXBO XNMAKSO]ROAB YAVA VLO YAOLOA RXQO NBC `NUBPPNBAO #/NBC VA S`NUNYNBOA SXQO NSAMMNKBPAP]AB LSY NO AKKLVUBQ YAOLOB NBC VA NVLBXA YASTRPAP]AB #0L WN YASTQXNOLC NO YSUBQ YASTAP]Q #$LS MAU L NASVLO PSOBPVQO NYNBOLC NPVBO WLYBXLC AKK LO L YSUBLC PSOBPVRPBO
G Dorinthians
+hapter ##
#O that ye $ere bearing $ith "e a little o! the !olly, but ye also do bear $ith "eF ,!or 0 a" Eealous !or you $ith Eeal o! &od, !or 0 did betroth you to one husband, a ure virgin, to resent to Dhrist, -and 0 !ear, lest, as the ser ent did beguile Eve in his subtilty, so your "inds "ay be #orru ted !ro" the si" li#ity that IisI in the Dhrist, .!or i!, indeed, he $ho is #o"ing doth rea#h another 5esus $ho" $e did not rea#h, or another S irit ye re#eive $hi#h ye did not re#eive, or other good ne$s $hi#h ye did not a##e t ++ $ell $ere ye bearing IitI, '!or 0 re#'on that 0 have been nothing behind the very #hie!est a ostles, /and even i! unlearned in $ord ++ yet not in 'no$ledge, but in every thing $e $ere "ade "ani!est in all things to you) 0The sin did 0 do ++ "ysel! hu"bling that ye "ight be e(alted, be#ause !reely the good ne$s o! &od 0 did ro#lai" to youb $other asse"blies 0 did rob, having ta'en $ages, !or your "inistration, #LZNKLO AONBTNP]N XLS XBYULO VR AZULPSOR AKKA YAB AONTNP]N XLS ,\RKQ MAU SXAC ]NLS \RKQ RUXLPAXRO MAU SXAC NOB AOWUB `AU]NOLO AMORO `AUAPVRPAB VQ TUBPVQ -ZLHLSXAB WN XR`QC QC L LZBC NSAO NaR`AVRPNO NO VR `AOLSUMBA ASVLS LSVQC Z]AUR VA OLRXAVA SXQO A`L VRC A`KLVRVLC VRC NBC VLO TUBPVLO .NB XNO MAU L NUTLXNOLC AKKLO BRPLSO YRUSPPNB LO LSY NYRUSaAXNO R `ONSXA NVNULO KAXHAONVN L LSY NKAHNVN R NSAMMNKBLO NVNULO L LSY NWNaAP]N YAKQC RONBTNP]N 'KLMB\LXAB MAU XRWNO SPVNURYNOAB VQO S`NU KBAO A`LPVLKQO /NB WN YAB BWBQVRC VQ KLMQ AKK LS VR MOQPNB AKK NO `AOVB ZAONUQ]NOVNC NO `APBO NBC SXAC 0R AXAUVBAO N`LBRPA NXASVLO VA`NBOQO BOA SXNBC ScQ]RVN LVB WQUNAO VL VLS ]NLS NSAMMNKBLO NSRMMNKBPAXRO SXBO $AKKAC NYYKRPBAC NPSKRPA KAHQO LcQOBLO `ULC VRO SXQO WBAYLOBAO
G Dorinthians
%and being resent $ith you, and having been in $ant, 0 $as #hargeable to no one, !or "y la#' did the brethren su ly ++ having #o"e !ro" @a#edonia ++ and in everything burdenless to you 0 did 'ee "ysel!, and $ill 'ee ) #(The truth o! Dhrist is in "e, be#ause this boasting shall not be sto ed in regard to "e in the regions o! .#haia, ##$here!oreb be#ause 0 do not love youb &od hath 'no$nd #,and $hat 0 do, 0 also $ill do, that 0 "ay #ut o!! the o##asion o! those $ishing an o##asion, that in that $hi#h they boast they "ay be !ound a##ording as $e also, #-!or those su#h IareI !alse a ostles, de#eit!ul $or'ers, trans!or"ing the"selves into a ostles o! Dhrist, #.and no $onder ++ !or even the .dversary doth trans!or" hi"sel! into a "essenger o! light, #'no great thing, then, i! also his "inistrants do trans!or" the"selves as "inistrants o! righteousness ++ $hose end shall be a##ording to their $or's) #/.gain 0 say, "ay no one thin' "e to be a !ool, and i! other$ise, even as a !ool re#eive "e, that 0 also a little "ay boast) %YAB `AUQO `ULC SXAC YAB SPVNUR]NBC LS YAVNOAUYRPA LSWNOLC VL MAU SPVNURXA XLS `ULPAON`KRUQPAO LB AWNKZLB NK]LOVNC A`L XAYNWLOBAC YAB NO `AOVB AHAUR SXBO NXASVLO NVRURPA YAB VRURPQ #(NPVBO AKR]NBA TUBPVLS NO NXLB LVB R YASTRPBC ASVR LS PZUAMBPNVAB NBC NXN NO VLBC YKBXAPBO VRC ATABAC ##WBAVB LVB LSY AMA`Q SXAC L ]NLC LBWNO #,L WN `LBQ YAB `LBRPQ BOA NYYLcQ VRO AZLUXRO VQO ]NKLOVQO AZLUXRO BOA NO Q YASTQOVAB NSUN]QPBO YA]QC YAB RXNBC #-LB MAU VLBLSVLB cNSWA`LPVLKLB NUMAVAB WLKBLB XNVAPTRXAVB\LXNOLB NBC A`LPVLKLSC TUBPVLS #.YAB LS ]ASXAPVLO ASVLC MAU L PAVAOAC XNVAPTRXAVB\NVAB NBC AMMNKLO ZQVLC #'LS XNMA LSO NB YAB LB WBAYLOLB ASVLS XNVAPTRXAVB\LOVAB QC WBAYLOLB WBYABLPSORC QO VL VNKLC NPVAB YAVA VA NUMA ASVQO #/`AKBO KNMQ XR VBC XN WLaR AZULOA NBOAB NB WN XRMN YAO QC AZULOA WNaAP]N XN BOA XBYULO VB YAMQ YASTRPQXAB
G Dorinthians
#0That $hi#h 0 s ea', 0 s ea' not a##ording to the Lord, but as in !oolishness, in this the #on!iden#e o! boasting, #$sin#e "any boast a##ording to the !lesh, 0 also $ill boastF #%!or gladly do ye bear $ith the !ools ++ being $ise, ,(!or ye bear, i! any one is bringing you under bondage, i! any one doth devour, i! any one doth ta'e a$ay, i! any one doth e(alt hi"sel!, i! any one on the !a#e doth s"ite you, ,#in re!eren#e to dishonour 0 s ea', ho$ that $e $ere $ea', and in $hatever any one is bold ++ in !oolishness 0 say IitI ++ 0 also a" bold) ,,Hebre$s are theyb 0 alsod 0sraelites are theyb 0 alsod seed o! .braha" are theyb 0 alsod ,-"inistrants o! Dhrist are theyb ++ as beside "ysel! 0 s ea' ++ 0 "ore, in labours "ore abundantly, in stri es above "easure, in risons "ore !re?uently, in deaths "any ti"es, ,.!ro" 5e$s !ive ti"es !orty Istri esI save one 0 did re#eive, ,'thri#e $as 0 beaten $ith rods, on#e $as 0 stoned, thri#e $as 0 shi $re#'ed, a night and a day in the dee 0 have assed, #0L KAKQ LS KAKQ YAVA YSUBLO AKK QC NO AZULPSOR NO VASVR VR S`LPVAPNB VRC YASTRPNQC #$N`NB `LKKLB YASTQOVAB YAVA VRO PAUYA YAMQ YASTRPLXAB #%RWNQC MAU AONTNP]N VQO AZULOQO ZULOBXLB LOVNC ,(AONTNP]N MAU NB VBC SXAC YAVAWLSKLB NB VBC YAVNP]BNB NB VBC KAXHAONB NB VBC N`ABUNVAB NB VBC SXAC NBC `ULPQ`LO WNUNB ,#YAVA AVBXBAO KNMQ QC LVB RXNBC RP]NORPAXNO NO Q W AO VBC VLKXA NO AZULPSOR KNMQ VLKXQ YAMQ ,,NHUABLB NBPBO YAMQ BPUARKBVAB NBPBO YAMQ P`NUXA AHUAAX NBPBO YAMQ ,-WBAYLOLB TUBPVLS NBPBO `AUAZULOQO KAKQ S`NU NMQ NO YL`LBC `NUBPPLVNUQC NO `KRMABC S`NUHAKKLOVQC NO ZSKAYABC `NUBPPLVNUQC NO ]AOAVLBC `LKKAYBC ,.S`L BLSWABQO `NOVAYBC VNPPAUAYLOVA `AUA XBAO NKAHLO ,'VUBC NUUAHWBP]RO A`Aa NKB]AP]RO VUBC NOASAMRPA OST]RXNULO NO VQ HS]Q `N`LBRYA
G Dorinthians
,/-ourneyings "any ti"es, erils o! rivers, erils o! robbers, erils !ro" 'indred, erils !ro" nations, erils in #ity, erils in $ilderness, erils in sea, erils a"ong !alse brethren, ,0in laboriousness and ain!ulness, in $at#hings "any ti"es, in hunger and thirst, in !astings "any ti"es, in #old and na'edness, ,$a art !ro" the things $ithout ++ the #ro$ding u on "e that is daily ++ the #are o! all the asse"blies) ,%Who is in!ir", and 0 a" not in!ir"b $ho is stu"bled, and 0 a" not !ired, -(i! to boast it behoveth I"eI, o! the things o! "y in!ir"ity 0 $ill boast, -#the &od and Father o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist ++ $ho is blessed to the ages ++ hath 'no$n that 0 do not lied ++ -,0n Da"as#us the ethnar#h o! .retas the 'ing $as $at#hing the #ity o! the Da"as#enes, $ishing to seiEe "e, --and through a $indo$ in a ro e bas'et 0 $as let do$n, through the $all, and !led out o! his hands) ,/LWLB`LUBABC `LKKAYBC YBOWSOLBC `LVAXQO YBOWSOLBC KRPVQO YBOWSOLBC NY MNOLSC YBOWSOLBC Na N]OQO YBOWSOLBC NO `LKNB YBOWSOLBC NO NURXBA YBOWSOLBC NO ]AKAPPR YBOWSOLBC NO cNSWAWNKZLBC ,0NO YL`Q YAB XLT]Q NO AMUS`OBABC `LKKAYBC NO KBXQ YAB WBcNB NO ORPVNBABC `LKKAYBC NO cSTNB YAB MSXOLVRVB ,$TQUBC VQO `AUNYVLC R N`BPSPVAPBC XLS R YA] RXNUAO R XNUBXOA `APQO VQO NYYKRPBQO ,%VBC AP]NONB YAB LSY AP]NOQ VBC PYAOWAKB\NVAB YAB LSY NMQ `SULSXAB -(NB YASTAP]AB WNB VA VRC AP]NONBAC XLS YASTRPLXAB -#L ]NLC YAB `AVRU VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS LBWNO L QO NSKLMRVLC NBC VLSC ABQOAC LVB LS cNSWLXAB -,NO WAXAPYQ L N]OAUTRC AUNVA VLS HAPBKNQC NZULSUNB VRO WAXAPYROQO `LKBO `BAPAB XN ]NKQO --YAB WBA ]SUBWLC NO PAUMAOR NTAKAP]RO WBA VLS VNBTLSC YAB NaNZSMLO VAC TNBUAC ASVLS
G Dorinthians
+hapter #,
#To boast, really, is not ro!itable !or "e, !or 0 $ill #o"e to visions and revelations o! the Lord) ,0 have 'no$n a "an in Dhrist, !ourteen years ago ++ $hether in the body 0 have not 'no$n, $hether out o! the body 0 have not 'no$n, &od hath 'no$n ++ su#h an one being #aught a$ay unto the third heaven, -and 0 have 'no$n su#h a "an ++ $hether in the body, $hether out o! the body, 0 have not 'no$n, &od hath 'no$n, ++ .that he $as #aught a$ay to the aradise, and heard unutterable sayings, that it is not ossible !or "an to s ea') 'O! su#h an one 0 $ill boast, and o! "ysel! 0 $ill not boast, e(#e t in "y in!ir"ities, /!or i! 0 "ay $ish to boast, 0 shall not be a !ool, !or truth 0 $ill say, but 0 !orebear, lest any one in regard to "e "ay thin' anything above $hat he doth see "e, or doth hear anything o! "e, 0and that by the e(#eeding greatness o! the revelations 0 "ight not be e(alted over"u#h, there $as given to "e a thorn in the !lesh, a "essenger o! the .dversary, that he "ight bu!!et "e, that 0 "ight not be e(alted over"u#h) #YASTAP]AB WR LS PSXZNUNB XLB NKNSPLXAB MAU NBC L`VAPBAC YAB A`LYAKScNBC YSUBLS ,LBWA AO]UQ`LO NO TUBPVQ `UL NVQO WNYAVNPPAUQO NBVN NO PQXAVB LSY LBWA NBVN NYVLC VLS PQXAVLC LSY LBWA L ]NLC LBWNO AU`AMNOVA VLO VLBLSVLO NQC VUBVLS LSUAOLS -YAB LBWA VLO VLBLSVLO AO]UQ`LO NBVN NO PQXAVB NBVN NYVLC VLS PQXAVLC LSY LBWA L ]NLC LBWNO .LVB RU`AMR NBC VLO `AUAWNBPLO YAB RYLSPNO AUURVA URXAVA A LSY NaLO AO]UQ`Q KAKRPAB 'S`NU VLS VLBLSVLS YASTRPLXAB S`NU WN NXASVLS LS YASTRPLXAB NB XR NO VABC AP]NONBABC XLS /NAO MAU ]NKRPQ YASTRPAP]AB LSY NPLXAB AZUQO AKR]NBAO MAU NUQ ZNBWLXAB WN XR VBC NBC NXN KLMBPRVAB S`NU L HKN`NB XN R AYLSNB VB Na NXLS 0YAB VR S`NUHLKR VQO A`LYAKScNQO BOA XR S`NUABUQXAB NWL]R XLB PYLKLc VR PAUYB AMMNKLC PAVAO BOA XN YLKAZB\R BOA XR S`NUABUQXAB
G Dorinthians
$Don#erning this thing thri#e the Lord did 0 #all u on, that it "ight de art !ro" "e, %and He said to "e, ISu!!i#ient !or thee is @y gra#e, !or @y o$er in in!ir"ity is er!e#ted,I "ost gladly, there!ore, $ill 0 rather boast in "y in!ir"ities, that the o$er o! the Dhrist "ay rest on "eF #($here!ore 0 a" $ell leased in in!ir"ities, in da"ages, in ne#essities, in erse#utions, in distresses ++ !or Dhrist, !or $henever 0 a" in!ir", then 0 a" o$er!ul, ##0 have be#o"e a !ool ++ boasting, ye ++ ye did #o" el "e, !or 0 ought by you to have been #o""ended, !or in nothing $as 0 behind the very #hie!est a ostles ++ even i! 0 a" nothing) #,The signs, indeed, o! the a ostle $ere $rought a"ong you in all atien#e, in signs, and $onders, and "ighty deeds, #-!or $hat is there in $hi#h ye $ere in!erior to the rest o! the asse"blies, e(#e t that 0 "ysel! $as not a burden to youb !orgive "e this in-usti#ed #.Lo, a third ti"e 0 a" ready to #o"e unto you, and 0 $ill not be a burden to you, !or 0 see' not yours, but you, !or the #hildren ought not !or the arents to lay u , but the arents !or the #hildren, $S`NU VLSVLS VUBC VLO YSUBLO `AUNYAKNPA BOA A`LPVR A` NXLS %YAB NBURYNO XLB AUYNB PLB R TAUBC XLS R MAU WSOAXBC XLS NO AP]NONBA VNKNBLSVAB RWBPVA LSO XAKKLO YASTRPLXAB NO VABC AP]NONBABC XLS BOA N`BPYROQPR N` NXN R WSOAXBC VLS TUBPVLS #(WBL NSWLYQ NO AP]NONBABC NO SHUNPBO NO AOAMYABC NO WBQMXLBC NO PVNOLTQUBABC S`NU TUBPVLS LVAO MAU AP]NOQ VLVN WSOAVLC NBXB ##MNMLOA AZUQO YASTQXNOLC SXNBC XN ROAMYAPAVN NMQ MAU QZNBKLO SZ SXQO PSOBPVAP]AB LSWNO MAU SPVNURPA VQO S`NU KBAO A`LPVLKQO NB YAB LSWNO NBXB #,VA XNO PRXNBA VLS A`LPVLKLS YAVNBUMAP]R NO SXBO NO `APR S`LXLOR NO PRXNBLBC YAB VNUAPBO YAB WSOAXNPBO #-VB MAU NPVBO L RVVR]RVN S`NU VAC KLB`AC NYYKRPBAC NB XR LVB ASVLC NMQ LS YAVNOAUYRPA SXQO TAUBPAP]N XLB VRO AWBYBAO VASVRO #.BWLS VUBVLO NVLBXQC NTQ NK]NBO `ULC SXAC YAB LS YAVAOAUYRPQ SXQO LS MAU \RVQ VA SXQO AKK SXAC LS MAU LZNBKNB VA VNYOA VLBC MLONSPBO ]RPASUB\NBO AKK LB MLONBC VLBC VNYOLBC
G Dorinthians
#'and 0 "ost gladly $ill s end and be entirely s ent !or your souls, even i!, "ore abundantly loving you, less 0 a" loved) #/.nd be it IsoI, 0 ++ 0 did not burden you, but being #ra!ty, $ith guile 0 did ta'e you, #0any one o! those $ho" 0 have sent unto you ++ by hi" did 0 ta'e advantage o! youb #$0 entreated Titus, and did send $ith Ihi"I the brother, did Titus ta'e advantage o! youb in the sa"e s irit did $e not $al'b ++ did $e not in the sa"e ste sb #%.gain, thin' ye that to you $e are "a'ing de!en#eb be!ore &od in Dhrist do $e s ea', and the all things, beloved, IareI !or your u +building, ,(!or 0 !ear lest, having #o"e, not su#h as 0 $ish 0 "ay !ind you, and 0 ++ 0 "ay be !ound by you su#h as ye do not $ish, lest there be stri!es, envyings, $raths, revelries, evil+s ea'ings, $his erings, u!!ings u , insurre#tions, ,#lest again having #o"e, "y &od "ay hu"ble "e in regard to you, and 0 "ay be$ail "any o! those having sinned be!ore, and not having re!or"ed #on#erning the un#leanness, and $horedo", and las#iviousness, that they did ra#tise) #'NMQ WN RWBPVA WA`AORPQ YAB NYWA`AOR]RPLXAB S`NU VQO cSTQO SXQO NB YAB `NUBPPLVNUQC SXAC AMA`QO RVVLO AMA`QXAB #/NPVQ WN NMQ LS YAVNHAURPA SXAC AKK S`AUTQO `AOLSUMLC WLKQ SXAC NKAHLO #0XR VBOA QO A`NPVAKYA `ULC SXAC WB ASVLS N`KNLONYVRPA SXAC #$`AUNYAKNPA VBVLO YAB PSOA`NPVNBKA VLO AWNKZLO XR VB N`KNLONYVRPNO SXAC VBVLC LS VQ ASVQ `ONSXAVB `NUBN`AVRPAXNO LS VLBC ASVLBC BTONPBO #%`AKBO WLYNBVN LVB SXBO A`LKLMLSXN]A YAVNOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS NO TUBPVQ KAKLSXNO VA WN `AOVA AMA`RVLB S`NU VRC SXQO LBYLWLXRC ,(ZLHLSXAB MAU XR`QC NK]QO LST LBLSC ]NKQ NSUQ SXAC YAMQ NSUN]Q SXBO LBLO LS ]NKNVN XR`QC NUNBC \RKLB ]SXLB NUB]NBAB YAVAKAKBAB cB]SUBPXLB ZSPBQPNBC AYAVAPVAPBAB ,#XR `AKBO NK]LOVA XN VA`NBOQPR L ]NLC XLS `ULC SXAC YAB `NO]RPQ `LKKLSC VQO `ULRXAUVRYLVQO YAB XR XNVAOLRPAOVQO N`B VR AYA]AUPBA YAB `LUONBA YAB APNKMNBA R N`UAaAO
G Dorinthians
+hapter ##This third ti"e do 0 #o"e unto you, on the "outh o! t$o $itnesses or three shall every saying be established, ,0 have said be!ore, and 0 say IitI be!ore, as being resent, the se#ond ti"e, and being absent, no$, do 0 $rite to those having sinned be!ore, and to all the rest, that i! 0 #o"e again, 0 $ill not s are, -sin#e a roo! ye see' o! the Dhrist s ea'ing in "e, $ho to you is not in!ir", but is o$er!ul in you, .!or even i! he $as #ru#i!ied !ro" in!ir"ity, yet he doth live !ro" the o$er o! &od, !or $e also are $ea' in hi", but $e shall live $ith hi" !ro" the o$er o! &od to$ard you) '4our o$nselves try ye, i! ye are in the !aith, your o$nselves rove ye, do ye not 'no$ your o$nselves, that 5esus Dhrist is in you, i! ye be not in so"e res e#t disa roved o!b /and 0 ho e that ye shall 'no$ that $e ++ $e are not disa roved o!, 0and 0 ray be!ore &od that ye do no evil, not that $e "ay a ear a roved, but that ye "ay do that $hi#h is right, and $e "ay be as disa roved, $!or $e are not able to do anything against the truth, but !or the truth, #VUBVLO VLSVL NUTLXAB `ULC SXAC N`B PVLXAVLC WSL XAUVSUQO YAB VUBQO PVA]RPNVAB `AO URXA ,`ULNBURYA YAB `ULKNMQ QC `AUQO VL WNSVNULO YAB A`QO OSO MUAZQ VLBC `ULRXAUVRYLPBO YAB VLBC KLB`LBC `APBO LVB NAO NK]Q NBC VL `AKBO LS ZNBPLXAB -N`NB WLYBXRO \RVNBVN VLS NO NXLB KAKLSOVLC TUBPVLS LC NBC SXAC LSY AP]NONB AKKA WSOAVNB NO SXBO .YAB MAU NB NPVASUQ]R Na AP]NONBAC AKKA \R NY WSOAXNQC ]NLS YAB MAU RXNBC AP]NOLSXNO NO ASVQ AKKA \RPLXN]A PSO ASVQ NY WSOAXNQC ]NLS NBC SXAC 'NASVLSC `NBUA\NVN NB NPVN NO VR `BPVNB NASVLSC WLYBXA\NVN R LSY N`BMBOQPYNVN NASVLSC LVB BRPLSC TUBPVLC NO SXBO NPVBO NB XR VB AWLYBXLB NPVN /NK`B\Q WN LVB MOQPNP]N LVB RXNBC LSY NPXNO AWLYBXLB 0NSTLXAB WN `ULC VLO ]NLO XR `LBRPAB SXAC YAYLO XRWNO LST BOA RXNBC WLYBXLB ZAOQXNO AKK BOA SXNBC VL YAKLO `LBRVN RXNBC WN QC AWLYBXLB QXNO $LS MAU WSOAXN]A VB YAVA VRC AKR]NBAC AKK S`NU VRC AKR]NBAC
G Dorinthians
%!or $e re-oi#e $hen $e "ay be in!ir", and ye "ay be o$er!ul, and this also $e ray !or ++ your er!e#tiond #(be#ause o! this, these things ++ being absent ++ 0 $rite, that being resent, 0 "ay not treat IanyI shar ly, a##ording to the authority that the Lord did give "e !or building u , and not !or #asting do$n) ##Hen#e!orth, brethren, re-oi#e, be "ade er!e#t, be #o"!orted, be o! the sa"e "ind, be at ea#e, and the &od o! the love and ea#e shall be $ith you, #,salute one another in an holy 'iss, #-salute you do all the saints, #.the gra#e o! the Lord 5esus Dhrist, and the love o! &od, and the !ello$shi o! the Holy S irit, IisI $ith you alld ."en) %TABULXNO MAU LVAO RXNBC AP]NOQXNO SXNBC WN WSOAVLB RVN VLSVL WN YAB NSTLXN]A VRO SXQO YAVAUVBPBO #(WBA VLSVL VASVA A`QO MUAZQ BOA `AUQO XR A`LVLXQC TURPQXAB YAVA VRO NaLSPBAO RO NWQYNO XLB L YSUBLC NBC LBYLWLXRO YAB LSY NBC YA]ABUNPBO ##KLB`LO AWNKZLB TABUNVN YAVAUVB\NP]N `AUAYAKNBP]N VL ASVL ZULONBVN NBURONSNVN YAB L ]NLC VRC AMA`RC YAB NBURORC NPVAB XN] SXQO #,AP`APAP]N AKKRKLSC NO AMBQ ZBKRXAVB #-AP`A\LOVAB SXAC LB AMBLB `AOVNC #.R TAUBC VLS YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS YAB R AMA`R VLS ]NLS YAB R YLBOQOBA VLS AMBLS `ONSXAVLC XNVA `AOVQO SXQO AXRO e`ULC YLUBO]BLSC WNSVNUA NMUAZR A`L ZBKB``QO VRC XAYNWLOBAC WBA VBVLS YAB KLSYAf
+hapter #
#Paul, an a ostle ++ not !ro" "en, nor through "an, but through 5esus Dhrist, and &od the Father, $ho did raise hi" out o! the dead ++ ,and all the brethren $ith "e, to the asse"blies o! &alatiaF -&ra#e to you, and ea#e !ro" &od the Father, and our Lord 5esus Dhrist, #`ASKLC A`LPVLKLC LSY A` AO]UQ`QO LSWN WB AO]UQ`LS AKKA WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS YAB ]NLS `AVULC VLS NMNBUAOVLC ASVLO NY ONYUQO ,YAB LB PSO NXLB `AOVNC AWNKZLB VABC NYYKRPBABC VRC MAKAVBAC -TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC YAB YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS .$ho did give hi"sel! !or our sins, .VLS WLOVLC NASVLO S`NU VQO that he "ight deliver us out o! the AXAUVBQO RXQO L`QC NaNKRVAB RXAC resent evil age, a##ording to the $ill NY VLS NONPVQVLC ABQOLC `LORULS o! &od even our Father, YAVA VL ]NKRXA VLS ]NLS YAB `AVULC RXQO 'to $ho" IisI the glory to the ages o! 'Q R WLaA NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO the ages) ."en) AXRO /0 $onder that ye are so ?ui#'ly /]ASXA\Q LVB LSVQC VATNQC re"oved !ro" Hi" $ho did #all you in XNVAVB]NP]N A`L VLS YAKNPAOVLC SXAC the gra#e o! Dhrist to another good NO TAUBVB TUBPVLS NBC NVNULO ne$s, NSAMMNKBLO 0that is not another, e(#e t there be 0L LSY NPVBO AKKL NB XR VBONC NBPBO LB #ertain $ho are troubling you, and VAUAPPLOVNC SXAC YAB ]NKLOVNC $ishing to ervert the good ne$s o! XNVAPVUNcAB VL NSAMMNKBLO VLS the Dhrist, TUBPVLS $but even i! $e or a "essenger out o! $AKKA YAB NAO RXNBC R AMMNKLC Na heaven "ay ro#lai" good ne$s to LSUAOLS NSAMMNKB\RVAB SXBO `AU L you di!!erent !ro" $hat $e did NSRMMNKBPAXN]A SXBO AOA]NXA NPVQ ro#lai" to you ++ anathe"a let hi" bed
%as $e have said be!ore, and no$ say again, 0! any one to you "ay ro#lai" good ne$s di!!erent !ro" $hat ye did re#eive ++ anathe"a let hi" bed #(!or no$ "en do 0 ersuade, or &odb or do 0 see' to lease "enb !or i! yet "en 0 did lease ++ DhristIs servant 0 should not be) ##.nd 0 "a'e 'no$n to you, brethren, the good ne$s that $ere ro#lai"ed by "e, that it is not a##ording to "an, #,!or neither did 0 !ro" "an re#eive it, nor $as 0 taught IitI, but through a revelation o! 5esus Dhrist, #-!or ye did hear o! "y behaviour on#e in 5udais", that e(#eedingly 0 $as erse#uting the asse"bly o! &od, and $asting it, #.and 0 $as advan#ing in 5udais" above "any e?uals in age in "ine o$n ra#e, being "ore abundantly Eealous o! "y !athersI deliveran#es, #'and $hen &od $as $ell leased ++ having se arated "e !ro" the $o"b o! "y "other, and having #alled I"eI through His gra#e ++ #/to reveal His Son in "e, that 0 "ight ro#lai" hi" good ne$s a"ong the nations, i""ediately 0 #on!erred not $ith !lesh and blood, %QC `ULNBURYAXNO YAB AUVB `AKBO KNMQ NB VBC SXAC NSAMMNKB\NVAB `AU L `AUNKAHNVN AOA]NXA NPVQ #(AUVB MAU AO]UQ`LSC `NB]Q R VLO ]NLO R \RVQ AO]UQ`LBC AUNPYNBO NB MAU NVB AO]UQ`LBC RUNPYLO TUBPVLS WLSKLC LSY AO RXRO ##MOQUB\Q WN SXBO AWNKZLB VL NSAMMNKBLO VL NSAMMNKBP]NO S` NXLS LVB LSY NPVBO YAVA AO]UQ`LO #,LSWN MAU NMQ `AUA AO]UQ`LS `AUNKAHLO ASVL LSVN NWBWAT]RO AKKA WB A`LYAKScNQC BRPLS TUBPVLS #-RYLSPAVN MAU VRO NXRO AOAPVULZRO `LVN NO VQ BLSWABPXQ LVB YA] S`NUHLKRO NWBQYLO VRO NYYKRPBAO VLS ]NLS YAB N`LU]LSO ASVRO #.YAB `ULNYL`VLO NO VQ BLSWABPXQ S`NU `LKKLSC PSORKBYBQVAC NO VQ MNONB XLS `NUBPPLVNUQC \RKQVRC S`AUTQO VQO `AVUBYQO XLS `AUAWLPNQO #'LVN WN NSWLYRPNO L ]NLC L AZLUBPAC XN NY YLBKBAC XRVULC XLS YAB YAKNPAC WBA VRC TAUBVLC ASVLS #/A`LYAKScAB VLO SBLO ASVLS NO NXLB BOA NSAMMNKB\QXAB ASVLO NO VLBC N]ONPBO NS]NQC LS `ULPAON]NXRO PAUYB YAB ABXAVB
#0nor did 0 go u to 5erusale" unto those $ho $ere a ostles be!ore "e, but 0 $ent a$ay to .rabia, and again returned to Da"as#us, #$then, a!ter three years 0 $ent u to 5erusale" to en?uire about Peter, and re"ained $ith hi" !i!teen days, #%and other o! the a ostles 0 did not see, e(#e t 5a"es, the brother o! the Lord) ,(.nd the things that 0 $rite to you, lo, be!ore &od ++ 0 lie not, ,#then 0 #a"e to the regions o! Syria and o! Dili#ia, ,,and $as un'no$n by !a#e to the asse"blies o! 5udea, that IareI in Dhrist, ,-and only they $ere hearing, that Ihe $ho is erse#uting us then, doth no$ ro#lai" good ne$s ++ the !aith that then he $as $asting,I ,.and they $ere glori!ying &od in "e) #0LSWN AORK]LO NBC BNULPLKSXA `ULC VLSC `UL NXLS A`LPVLKLSC AKK A`RK]LO NBC AUAHBAO YAB `AKBO S`NPVUNcA NBC WAXAPYLO #$N`NBVA XNVA NVR VUBA AORK]LO NBC BNULPLKSXA BPVLURPAB `NVULO YAB N`NXNBOA `ULC ASVLO RXNUAC WNYA`NOVN #%NVNULO WN VQO A`LPVLKQO LSY NBWLO NB XR BAYQHLO VLO AWNKZLO VLS YSUBLS ,(A WN MUAZQ SXBO BWLS NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS LVB LS cNSWLXAB ,#N`NBVA RK]LO NBC VA YKBXAVA VRC PSUBAC YAB VRC YBKBYBAC ,,RXRO WN AMOLLSXNOLC VQ `ULPQ`Q VABC NYYKRPBABC VRC BLSWABAC VABC NO TUBPVQ ,-XLOLO WN AYLSLOVNC RPAO LVB L WBQYQO RXAC `LVN OSO NSAMMNKB\NVAB VRO `BPVBO RO `LVN N`LU]NB ,.YAB NWLaA\LO NO NXLB VLO ]NLO
+hapter ,
#Then, a!ter !ourteen years again 0 $ent u to 5erusale" $ith Barnabas, having ta'en $ith "e also Titus, ,and 0 $ent u by revelation, and did sub"it to the" the good ne$s that 0 rea#h a"ong the nations, and rivately to those estee"ed, lest in vain 0 "ight run or did run, -but not even Titus, $ho IisI $ith "e, being a &ree', $as #o" elled to be #ir#u"#ised ++ .and IthatI be#ause o! the !alse brethren brought in una$ares, $ho did #o"e in rivily to s y out our liberty that $e have in Dhrist 5esus, that us they "ight bring under bondage, 'to $ho" not even !or an hour $e gave la#e by sub-e#tion, that the truth o! the good ne$s "ight re"ain to you) /.nd !ro" those $ho $ere estee"ed to be so"ething ++ $hatever they $ere then, it "a'eth no di!!eren#e to "e ++ the !a#e o! "an &od a##e teth not, !or ++ to "e those estee"ed did add nothing, 0but, on the #ontrary, having seen that 0 have been entrusted $ith the good ne$s o! the un#ir#u"#ision, as Peter $ith IthatI o! the #ir#u"#ision, #N`NBVA WBA WNYAVNPPAUQO NVQO `AKBO AONHRO NBC BNULPLKSXA XNVA HAUOAHA PSX`AUAKAHQO YAB VBVLO ,AONHRO WN YAVA A`LYAKScBO YAB AON]NXRO ASVLBC VL NSAMMNKBLO L YRUSPPQ NO VLBC N]ONPBO YAV BWBAO WN VLBC WLYLSPBO XR`QC NBC YNOLO VUNTQ R NWUAXLO -AKK LSWN VBVLC L PSO NXLB NKKRO QO ROAMYAP]R `NUBVXR]ROAB .WBA WN VLSC `AUNBPAYVLSC cNSWAWNKZLSC LBVBONC `AUNBPRK]LO YAVAPYL`RPAB VRO NKNS]NUBAO RXQO RO NTLXNO NO TUBPVQ BRPLS BOA RXAC YAVAWLSKQPQOVAB 'LBC LSWN `ULC QUAO NBaAXNO VR S`LVAMR BOA R AKR]NBA VLS NSAMMNKBLS WBAXNBOR `ULC SXAC /A`L WN VQO WLYLSOVQO NBOAB VB L`LBLB `LVN RPAO LSWNO XLB WBAZNUNB `ULPQ`LO ]NLC AO]UQ`LS LS KAXHAONB NXLB MAU LB WLYLSOVNC LSWNO `ULPAON]NOVL 0AKKA VLSOAOVBLO BWLOVNC LVB `N`BPVNSXAB VL NSAMMNKBLO VRC AYULHSPVBAC YA]QC `NVULC VRC `NUBVLXRC
$!or He $ho did $or' $ith Peter to the a ostleshi o! the #ir#u"#ision, did $or' also in "e in regard to the nations, %and having 'no$n the gra#e that $as given to "e, 5a"es, and De has, and 5ohn, $ho $ere estee"ed to be illars, a right hand o! !ello$shi they did give to "e, and to Barnabas, that $e to the nations, and they to the #ir#u"#ision I"ay goI, #(only, o! the oor that $e should be "ind!ul, $hi#h also 0 $as diligent ++ this very thing ++ to do) ##.nd $hen Peter #a"e to .ntio#h, to the !a#e 0 stood u against hi", be#ause he $as bla"e$orthy, #,!or be!ore the #o"ing o! #ertain !ro" 5a"es, $ith the nations he $as eating, and $hen they #a"e, he $as $ithdra$ing and se arating hi"sel!, !earing those o! the #ir#u"#ision, #-and disse"ble $ith hi" also did the other 5e$s, so that also Barnabas $as #arried a$ay by their dissi"ulation) #.But $hen 0 sa$ that they are not $al'ing u rightly to the truth o! the good ne$s, 0 said to Peter be!ore all, I0! thou, being a 5e$, in the "anner o! the nations dost live, and not in the "anner o! the 5e$s, ho$ the nations dost thou #o" el to 5udaiEeb #'$e by nature 5e$s, and not sinners o! the nations, $L MAU NONUMRPAC `NVUQ NBC A`LPVLKRO VRC `NUBVLXRC NORUMRPNO YAB NXLB NBC VA N]OR %YAB MOLOVNC VRO TAUBO VRO WL]NBPAO XLB BAYQHLC YAB YRZAC YAB BQAOORC LB WLYLSOVNC PVSKLB NBOAB WNaBAC NWQYAO NXLB YAB HAUOAHA YLBOQOBAC BOA RXNBC NBC VA N]OR ASVLB WN NBC VRO `NUBVLXRO #(XLOLO VQO `VQTQO BOA XORXLONSQXNO L YAB NP`LSWAPA ASVL VLSVL `LBRPAB ##LVN WN RK]NO `NVULC NBC AOVBLTNBAO YAVA `ULPQ`LO ASVQ AOVNPVRO LVB YAVNMOQPXNOLC RO #,`UL VLS MAU NK]NBO VBOAC A`L BAYQHLS XNVA VQO N]OQO PSORP]BNO LVN WN RK]LO S`NPVNKKNO YAB AZQUB\NO NASVLO ZLHLSXNOLC VLSC NY `NUBVLXRC #-YAB PSOS`NYUB]RPAO ASVQ YAB LB KLB`LB BLSWABLB QPVN YAB HAUOAHAC PSOA`RT]R ASVQO VR S`LYUBPNB #.AKK LVN NBWLO LVB LSY LU]L`LWLSPBO `ULC VRO AKR]NBAO VLS NSAMMNKBLS NB`LO VQ `NVUQ NX`ULP]NO `AOVQO NB PS BLSWABLC S`AUTQO N]OBYQC \RC YAB LSY BLSWABYQC VB VA N]OR AOAMYA\NBC BLSWAB\NBO #'RXNBC ZSPNB BLSWABLB YAB LSY Na N]OQO AXAUVQKLB
#/having 'no$n also that a "an is not de#lared righteous by $or's o! la$, i! not through the !aith o! 5esus Dhrist, also $e in Dhrist 5esus did believe, that $e "ight be de#lared righteous by the !aith o! Dhrist, and not by $or's o! la$, $here!ore de#lared righteous by $or's o! la$ shall be no !lesh)I #0.nd i!, see'ing to be de#lared righteous in Dhrist, $e ourselves also $ere !ound sinners, IisI then Dhrist a "inistrant o! sinb let it not bed #$!or i! the things 0 thre$ do$n, these again 0 build u , a transgressor 0 set "ysel! !orth, #%!or 0 through la$, did die, that to &od 0 "ay live, ,($ith Dhrist 0 have been #ru#i!ied, and live no "ore do 0, and Dhrist doth live in "e, and that $hi#h 0 no$ live in the !lesh ++ in the !aith 0 live o! the Son o! &od, $ho did love "e and did give hi"sel! !or "e, ,#0 do not "a'e void the gra#e o! &od, !or i! righteousness IbeI through la$ ++ then Dhrist died in vain) #/NBWLVNC LVB LS WBYABLSVAB AO]UQ`LC Na NUMQO OLXLS NAO XR WBA `BPVNQC BRPLS TUBPVLS YAB RXNBC NBC TUBPVLO BRPLSO N`BPVNSPAXNO BOA WBYABQ]QXNO NY `BPVNQC TUBPVLS YAB LSY Na NUMQO OLXLS WBLVB LS WBYABQ]RPNVAB Na NUMQO OLXLS `APA PAUa #0NB WN \RVLSOVNC WBYABQ]ROAB NO TUBPVQ NSUN]RXNO YAB ASVLB AXAUVQKLB AUA TUBPVLC AXAUVBAC WBAYLOLC XR MNOLBVL #$NB MAU A YAVNKSPA VASVA `AKBO LBYLWLXQ `AUAHAVRO NXASVLO PSOBPVRXB #%NMQ MAU WBA OLXLS OLXQ A`N]AOLO BOA ]NQ \RPQ ,(TUBPVQ PSONPVASUQXAB \Q WN LSYNVB NMQ \R WN NO NXLB TUBPVLC L WN OSO \Q NO PAUYB NO `BPVNB \Q VR VLS SBLS VLS ]NLS VLS AMA`RPAOVLC XN YAB `AUAWLOVLC NASVLO S`NU NXLS ,#LSY A]NVQ VRO TAUBO VLS ]NLS NB MAU WBA OLXLS WBYABLPSOR AUA TUBPVLC WQUNAO A`N]AONO
+hapter #O thoughtless &alatians, $ho did be$it#h you, not to obey the truth ++ be!ore $hose eyes 5esus Dhrist $as des#ribed be!ore a"ong you #ru#i!iedb ,this only do 0 $ish to learn !ro" you ++ by $or's o! la$ the S irit did ye re#eive, or by the hearing o! !aithb -so thoughtless are yed having begun in the S irit, no$ in the !lesh do ye endb .so "any things did ye su!!er in vaind i!, indeed, even in vain) 'He, there!ore, $ho is su lying to you the S irit, and $or'ing "ighty a#ts a"ong you ++ by $or's o! la$ or by the hearing o! !aith Iis itIb /a##ording as .braha" did believe &od, and it $as re#'oned to hi" ++ to righteousness, 0'no$ ye, then, that those o! !aith ++ these are sons o! .braha", $and the Writing having !oreseen that by !aith &od doth de#lare righteous the nations did ro#lai" be!ore the good ne$s to .braha" ++ %IBlessed in thee shall be all the nations,I so that those o! !aith are blessed $ith the !aith!ul .braha", #Q AOLRVLB MAKAVAB VBC SXAC NHAPYAONO VR AKR]NBA XR `NB]NP]AB LBC YAV LZ]AKXLSC BRPLSC TUBPVLC `ULNMUAZR NO SXBO NPVASUQXNOLC ,VLSVL XLOLO ]NKQ XA]NBO AZ SXQO Na NUMQO OLXLS VL `ONSXA NKAHNVN R Na AYLRC `BPVNQC -LSVQC AOLRVLB NPVN NOAUaAXNOLB `ONSXAVB OSO PAUYB N`BVNKNBP]N .VLPASVA N`A]NVN NBYR NBMN YAB NBYR 'L LSO N`BTLURMQO SXBO VL `ONSXA YAB NONUMQO WSOAXNBC NO SXBO Na NUMQO OLXLS R Na AYLRC `BPVNQC /YA]QC AHUAAX N`BPVNSPNO VQ ]NQ YAB NKLMBP]R ASVQ NBC WBYABLPSORO 0MBOQPYNVN AUA LVB LB NY `BPVNQC LSVLB NBPBO SBLB AHUAAX $`ULBWLSPA WN R MUAZR LVB NY `BPVNQC WBYABLB VA N]OR L ]NLC `ULNSRMMNKBPAVL VQ AHUAAX LVB NONSKLMR]RPLOVAB NO PLB `AOVA VA N]OR %QPVN LB NY `BPVNQC NSKLMLSOVAB PSO VQ `BPVQ AHUAAX
#(!or as "any as are o! $or's o! la$ are under a #urse, !or it hath been $ritten, IDursed IisI every one $ho is not re"aining in all things that have been $ritten in the Boo' o! the La$ ++ to do the",I ##and that in la$ no one is de#lared righteous $ith &od, is evident, be#ause IThe righteous by !aith shall live,I #,and the la$ is not by !aith, but ++ IThe "an $ho did the" shall live in the")I #-Dhrist did redee" us !ro" the #urse o! the la$, having be#o"e !or us a #urse, !or it hath been $ritten, IDursed is every one $ho is hanging on a tree,I #(LPLB MAU Na NUMQO OLXLS NBPBO S`L YAVAUAO NBPBO MNMUA`VAB MAU N`BYAVAUAVLC `AC LC LSY NXXNONB NO `APBO VLBC MNMUAXXNOLBC NO VQ HBHKBQ VLS OLXLS VLS `LBRPAB ASVA ##LVB WN NO OLXQ LSWNBC WBYABLSVAB `AUA VQ ]NQ WRKLO LVB L WBYABLC NY `BPVNQC \RPNVAB
#,L WN OLXLC LSY NPVBO NY `BPVNQC AKK L `LBRPAC ASVA AO]UQ`LC \RPNVAB NO ASVLBC #-TUBPVLC RXAC NaRMLUAPNO NY VRC YAVAUAC VLS OLXLS MNOLXNOLC S`NU RXQO YAVAUA MNMUA`VAB MAU N`BYAVAUAVLC `AC L YUNXAXNOLC N`B aSKLS #.that to the nations the blessing o! #.BOA NBC VA N]OR R NSKLMBA VLS .braha" "ay #o"e in Dhrist 5esus, AHUAAX MNORVAB NO TUBPVQ BRPLS BOA that the ro"ise o! the S irit $e "ay VRO N`AMMNKBAO VLS `ONSXAVLC re#eive through the !aith) KAHQXNO WBA VRC `BPVNQC #'Brethren, as a "an 0 say IitI, even o! #'AWNKZLB YAVA AO]UQ`LO KNMQ LXQC "an a #on!ir"ed #ovenant no one doth AO]UQ`LS YNYSUQXNORO WBA]RYRO "a'e void or doth add to, LSWNBC A]NVNB R N`BWBAVAPPNVAB #/and to .braha" $ere the ro"ises #/VQ WN AHUAAX NUUR]RPAO AB s o'en, and to his seed, He doth not N`AMMNKBAB YAB VQ P`NUXAVB ASVLS LS say, I.nd to seeds,I as o! "any, but as KNMNB YAB VLBC P`NUXAPBO QC N`B o! one, I.nd to thy seed,I $hi#h is `LKKQO AKK QC NZ NOLC YAB VQ Dhrist, P`NUXAVB PLS LC NPVBO TUBPVLC
#0and this 0 say, . #ovenant #on!ir"ed be!ore by &od to Dhrist, the la$, that #a"e !our hundred and thirty years a!ter, doth not set aside, to "a'e void the ro"ise, #$!or i! by la$ IbeI the inheritan#e, Iit isI no "ore by ro"ise, but to .braha" through ro"ise did &od grant IitI) #%Why, then, the la$b on a##ount o! the transgressions it $as added, till the seed "ight #o"e to $hi#h the ro"ise hath been "ade, having been set in order through "essengers in the hand o! a "ediator ++ ,(and the "ediator is not o! one, and &od is one ++ ,#the la$, then, IisI against the ro"ises o! &odb ++ let it not bed !or i! a la$ $as given that $as able to "a'e alive, truly by la$ there $ould have been the righteousness, ,,but the Writing did shut u the $hole under sin, that the ro"ise by !aith o! 5esus Dhrist "ay be given to those believing) ,-.nd be!ore the #o"ing o! the !aith, under la$ $e $ere being 'e t, shut u to the !aith about to be revealed, ,.so that the la$ be#a"e our #hild+ #ondu#tor ++ to Dhrist, that by !aith $e "ay be de#lared righteous, #0VLSVL WN KNMQ WBA]RYRO `ULYNYSUQXNORO S`L VLS ]NLS NBC TUBPVLO L XNVA NVR VNVUAYLPBA YAB VUBAYLOVA MNMLOQC OLXLC LSY AYSULB NBC VL YAVAUMRPAB VRO N`AMMNKBAO #$NB MAU NY OLXLS R YKRULOLXBA LSYNVB Na N`AMMNKBAC VQ WN AHUAAX WB N`AMMNKBAC YNTAUBPVAB L ]NLC #%VB LSO L OLXLC VQO `AUAHAPNQO TAUBO `ULPNVN]R ATUBC LS NK]R VL P`NUXA Q N`RMMNKVAB WBAVAMNBC WB AMMNKQO NO TNBUB XNPBVLS ,(L WN XNPBVRC NOLC LSY NPVBO L WN ]NLC NBC NPVBO ,#L LSO OLXLC YAVA VQO N`AMMNKBQO VLS ]NLS XR MNOLBVL NB MAU NWL]R OLXLC L WSOAXNOLC \QL`LBRPAB LOVQC AO NY OLXLS RO R WBYABLPSOR ,,AKKA PSONYKNBPNO R MUAZR VA `AOVA S`L AXAUVBAO BOA R N`AMMNKBA NY `BPVNQC BRPLS TUBPVLS WL]R VLBC `BPVNSLSPBO ,-`UL VLS WN NK]NBO VRO `BPVBO S`L OLXLO NZULSULSXN]A PSMYNYKNBPXNOLB NBC VRO XNKKLSPAO `BPVBO A`LYAKSZ]ROAB ,.QPVN L OLXLC `ABWAMQMLC RXQO MNMLONO NBC TUBPVLO BOA NY `BPVNQC WBYABQ]QXNO
,'and the !aith having #o"e, no "ore under a #hild+#ondu#tor are $e, ,/!or ye are all sons o! &od through the !aith in Dhrist 5esus, ,0!or as "any as to Dhrist $ere ba tiEed did ut on Dhrist, ,$there is not here 5e$ or &ree', there is not here servant nor !ree"an, there is not here "ale and !e"ale, !or all ye are one in Dhrist 5esus, ,%and i! ye IareI o! Dhrist then o! .braha" ye are seed, and a##ording to ro"ise ++ heirs) ,'NK]LSPRC WN VRC `BPVNQC LSYNVB S`L `ABWAMQMLO NPXNO ,/`AOVNC MAU SBLB ]NLS NPVN WBA VRC `BPVNQC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS ,0LPLB MAU NBC TUBPVLO NHA`VBP]RVN TUBPVLO NONWSPAP]N ,$LSY NOB BLSWABLC LSWN NKKRO LSY NOB WLSKLC LSWN NKNS]NULC LSY NOB AUPNO YAB ]RKS `AOVNC MAU SXNBC NBC NPVN NO TUBPVQ BRPLS ,%NB WN SXNBC TUBPVLS AUA VLS AHUAAX P`NUXA NPVN YAB YAV N`AMMNKBAO YKRULOLXLB
+hapter .
#.nd 0 say, so long ti"e as the heir is a babe, he di!!ereth nothing !ro" a servant ++ being lord o! all, ,but is under tutors and ste$ards till the ti"e a ointed o! the !ather, #KNMQ WN NZ LPLO TULOLO L YKRULOLXLC OR`BLC NPVBO LSWNO WBAZNUNB WLSKLS YSUBLC `AOVQO QO ,AKKA S`L N`BVUL`LSC NPVBO YAB LBYLOLXLSC ATUB VRC `UL]NPXBAC VLS `AVULC -so also $e, $hen $e $ere babes, -LSVQC YAB RXNBC LVN RXNO OR`BLB S`L under the ele"ents o! the $orld $ere VA PVLBTNBA VLS YLPXLS RXNO in servitude, WNWLSKQXNOLB .and $hen the !ulness o! ti"e did .LVN WN RK]NO VL `KRUQXA VLS TULOLS #o"e, &od sent !orth His Son, #o"e o! NaA`NPVNBKNO L ]NLC VLO SBLO ASVLS a $o"an, #o"e under la$, MNOLXNOLO NY MSOABYLC MNOLXNOLO S`L OLXLO 'that those under la$ he "ay redee", 'BOA VLSC S`L OLXLO NaAMLUAPR BOA that the ado tion o! sons $e "ay VRO SBL]NPBAO A`LKAHQXNO re#eive, /and be#ause ye are sons, &od did /LVB WN NPVN SBLB NaA`NPVNBKNO L ]NLC send !orth the s irit o! His Son into VL `ONSXA VLS SBLS ASVLS NBC VAC your hearts, #rying, I.bba, FatherdI YAUWBAC SXQO YUA\LO AHHA L `AVRU 0so that thou art no "ore a servant, but 0QPVN LSYNVB NB WLSKLC AKK SBLC NB WN a son, and i! a son, also an heir o! &od SBLC YAB YKRULOLXLC ]NLS WBA TUBPVLS through Dhrist) $But then, indeed, not having 'no$n $AKKA VLVN XNO LSY NBWLVNC ]NLO &od, ye $ere in servitude to those not NWLSKNSPAVN VLBC XR ZSPNB LSPBO ]NLBC by nature gods, %and no$, having 'no$n &od ++ and %OSO WN MOLOVNC ]NLO XAKKLO WN rather being 'no$n by &od ++ ho$ MOQP]NOVNC S`L ]NLS `QC N`BPVUNZNVN turn ye again unto the $ea' and oor `AKBO N`B VA AP]NOR YAB `VQTA ele"ents to $hi#h ane$ ye desire to be PVLBTNBA LBC `AKBO AOQ]NO WLSKNSNBO in servitudeb ]NKNVN #(days ye observe, and "onths, and #(RXNUAC `AUAVRUNBP]N YAB XROAC YAB ti"es, and yearsd YABULSC YAB NOBASVLSC 362
##0 a" a!raid o! you, lest in vain 0 did labour to$ard you) #,Be#o"e as 0 Ia"I ++ be#ause 0 also Ia"I as ye brethren, 0 besee#h you, to "e ye did no hurt, #-and ye have 'no$n that through in!ir"ity o! the !lesh 0 did ro#lai" good ne$s to you at the !irst, #.and "y trial that IisI in "y !lesh ye did not des ise nor re-e#t, but as a "essenger o! &od ye did re#eive "e ++ as Dhrist 5esus, #'$hat then $as your ha inessb !or 0 testi!y to you, that i! ossible, your eyes having lu#'ed out, ye $ould have given to "e, #/so that your ene"y have 0 be#o"e, being true to youb #0they are Eealous !or you ++ IyetI not $ell, but they $ish to shut us out, that !or the" ye "ay be Eealous, #$and Iit isI good to be Eealously regarded, in $hat is good, at all ti"es, and not only in "y being resent $ith you, #%"y little #hildren, o! $ho" again 0 travail in birth, till Dhrist "ay be !or"ed in you, ,(and 0 $as $ishing to be resent $ith you no$, and to #hange "y voi#e, be#ause 0 a" in doubt about you) ,#Tell "e, ye $ho are $illing to be under la$, the la$ do ye not hearb ##ZLHLSXAB SXAC XR`QC NBYR YNYL`BAYA NBC SXAC #,MBONP]N QC NMQ LVB YAMQ QC SXNBC AWNKZLB WNLXAB SXQO LSWNO XN RWBYRPAVN #-LBWAVN WN LVB WB AP]NONBAO VRC PAUYLC NSRMMNKBPAXRO SXBO VL `ULVNULO #.YAB VLO `NBUAPXLO XLS VLO NO VR PAUYB XLS LSY NaLS]NORPAVN LSWN NaN`VSPAVN AKK QC AMMNKLO ]NLS NWNaAP]N XN QC TUBPVLO BRPLSO #'VBC LSO RO L XAYAUBPXLC SXQO XAUVSUQ MAU SXBO LVB NB WSOAVLO VLSC LZ]AKXLSC SXQO NaLUSaAOVNC AO NWQYAVN XLB #/QPVN NT]ULC SXQO MNMLOA AKR]NSQO SXBO #0\RKLSPBO SXAC LS YAKQC AKKA NYYKNBPAB SXAC ]NKLSPBO BOA ASVLSC \RKLSVN #$YAKLO WN VL \RKLSP]AB NO YAKQ `AOVLVN YAB XR XLOLO NO VQ `AUNBOAB XN `ULC SXAC #%VNYOBA XLS LSC `AKBO QWBOQ ATUBC LS XLUZQ]R TUBPVLC NO SXBO ,(R]NKLO WN `AUNBOAB `ULC SXAC AUVB YAB AKKAaAB VRO ZQORO XLS LVB A`LULSXAB NO SXBO ,#KNMNVN XLB LB S`L OLXLO ]NKLOVNC NBOAB VLO OLXLO LSY AYLSNVN
,,!or it hath been $ritten, that .braha" had t$o sons, one by the "aid+servant, and one by the !ree+ $o"an, ,-but he $ho IisI o! the "aid+servant, a##ording to !lesh hath been, and he $ho IisI o! the !ree+$o"an, through the ro"ise, ,.$hi#h things are allegoriEed, !or these are the t$o #ovenantsF one, indeed, !ro" "ount Sinai, to servitude bringing !orth, $hi#h is Hagar, ,'!or this Hagar is "ount Sinai in .rabia, and doth #orres ond to the 5erusale" that no$ IisI, and is in servitude $ith her #hildren, ,/and the 5erusale" above is the !ree+ $o"an, $hi#h is "other o! us all, ,0!or it hath been $ritten, IRe-oi#e, O barren, $ho art not bearing, brea' !orth and #ry, thou $ho art not travailing, be#ause "any IareI the #hildren o! the desolate ++ "ore than o! her having the husband)I ,$.nd $e, brethren, as 0saa#, are #hildren o! ro"ise, ,%but as then he $ho $as born a##ording to the !lesh did erse#ute hi" a##ording to the s irit, so also no$, -(but $hat saith the Writingb IDast !orth the "aid+servant and her son, !or the son o! the "aid+servant "ay not be heir $ith the son o! the !ree+$o"an,I ,,MNMUA`VAB MAU LVB AHUAAX WSL SBLSC NPTNO NOA NY VRC `ABWBPYRC YAB NOA NY VRC NKNS]NUAC ,-AKK L XNO NY VRC `ABWBPYRC YAVA PAUYA MNMNOORVAB L WN NY VRC NKNS]NUAC WBA VRC N`AMMNKBAC ,.AVBOA NPVBO AKKRMLULSXNOA ASVAB MAU NBPBO AB WSL WBA]RYAB XBA XNO A`L LULSC PBOA NBC WLSKNBAO MNOOQPA RVBC NPVBO AMAU ,'VL MAU AMAU PBOA LULC NPVBO NO VR AUAHBA PSPVLBTNB WN VR OSO BNULSPAKRX WLSKNSNB WN XNVA VQO VNYOQO ASVRC ,/R WN AOQ BNULSPAKRX NKNS]NUA NPVBO RVBC NPVBO XRVRU `AOVQO RXQO ,0MNMUA`VAB MAU NSZUAO]RVB PVNBUA R LS VBYVLSPA URaLO YAB HLRPLO R LSY QWBOLSPA LVB `LKKA VA VNYOA VRC NURXLS XAKKLO R VRC NTLSPRC VLO AOWUA ,$RXNBC WN AWNKZLB YAVA BPAAY N`AMMNKBAC VNYOA NPXNO ,%AKK QP`NU VLVN L YAVA PAUYA MNOOR]NBC NWBQYNO VLO YAVA `ONSXA LSVQC YAB OSO -(AKKA VB KNMNB R MUAZR NYHAKN VRO `ABWBPYRO YAB VLO SBLO ASVRC LS MAU XR YKRULOLXRPR L SBLC VRC `ABWBPYRC XNVA VLS SBLS VRC NKNS]NUAC
-#then, brethren, $e are not a "aid+ servantIs #hildren, but the !ree+ $o"anIs) -#AUA AWNKZLB LSY NPXNO `ABWBPYRC VNYOA AKKA VRC NKNS]NUAC
+hapter '
#0n the !reedo", then, $ith $hi#h Dhrist did "a'e you !ree ++ stand ye, and be not held !ast again by a yo'e o! servitude, ,lo, 0 Paul do say to you, that i! ye be #ir#u"#ised, Dhrist shall ro!it you nothing, -and 0 testi!y again to every "an #ir#u"#ised, that he is a debtor to do the $hole la$, .ye $ere !reed !ro" the Dhrist, ye $ho in la$ are de#lared righteous, !ro" the gra#e ye !ell a$ay, '!or $e by the S irit, by !aith, a ho e o! righteousness do $ait !or, /!or in Dhrist 5esus neither #ir#u"#ision availeth anything, nor un#ir#u"#ision, but !aith through love $or'ing) 04e $ere running $ell, $ho did hinder you ++ not to obey the truthb $the obedien#e IisI not o! hi" $ho is #alling youd %a little leaven the $hole lu" doth leaven, #(0 have #on!iden#e in regard to you in the Lord, that ye $ill be none other$ise "inded, and he $ho is troubling you shall bear the -udg"ent, $hoever he "ay be) #VR NKNS]NUBA LSO R TUBPVLC RXAC RKNS]NUQPNO PVRYNVN YAB XR `AKBO \SMQ WLSKNBAC NONTNP]N ,BWN NMQ `ASKLC KNMQ SXBO LVB NAO `NUBVNXORP]N TUBPVLC SXAC LSWNO QZNKRPNB -XAUVSULXAB WN `AKBO `AOVB AO]UQ`Q `NUBVNXOLXNOQ LVB LZNBKNVRC NPVBO LKLO VLO OLXLO `LBRPAB .YAVRUMR]RVN A`L VLS TUBPVLS LBVBONC NO OLXQ WBYABLSP]N VRC TAUBVLC NaN`NPAVN 'RXNBC MAU `ONSXAVB NY `BPVNQC NK`BWA WBYABLPSORC A`NYWNTLXN]A /NO MAU TUBPVQ BRPLS LSVN `NUBVLXR VB BPTSNB LSVN AYULHSPVBA AKKA `BPVBC WB AMA`RC NONUMLSXNOR 0NVUNTNVN YAKQC VBC SXAC AONYLcNO VR AKR]NBA XR `NB]NP]AB $R `NBPXLOR LSY NY VLS YAKLSOVLC SXAC %XBYUA \SXR LKLO VL ZSUAXA \SXLB #(NMQ `N`LB]A NBC SXAC NO YSUBQ LVB LSWNO AKKL ZULORPNVN L WN VAUAPPQO SXAC HAPVAPNB VL YUBXA LPVBC AO R
##.nd 0, brethren, i! un#ir#u"#ision 0 yet rea#h, $hy yet a" 0 erse#utedb then hath the stu"bling+blo#' o! the #ross been done a$ay, #,O that even they $ould #ut the"selves o!! $ho are unsettling youd #-For ye ++ to !reedo" ye $ere #alled, brethren, only not the !reedo" !or an o##asion to the !lesh, but through the love serve ye one another, #.!or all the la$ in one $ord is !ul!illed ++ in thisF IThou shalt love thy neighbor as thysel!,I #'and i! one another ye do bite and devour, see ++ that ye "ay not by one another be #onsu"ed) #/.nd 0 sayF 0n the S irit $al' ye, and the desire o! the !lesh ye "ay not #o" lete, #0!or the !lesh doth desire #ontrary to the S irit, and the S irit #ontrary to the !lesh, and these are o osed one to another, that the things that ye "ay $ill ++ these ye "ay not do, #$and i! by the S irit ye are led, ye are not under la$) #%.nd "ani!est also are the $or's o! the !lesh, $hi#h areF .dultery, $horedo", un#leanness, las#iviousness, ,(idolatry, $it#h#ra!t, hatred, stri!es, e"ulations, $raths, rivalries, dissensions, se#ts, ##NMQ WN AWNKZLB NB `NUBVLXRO NVB YRUSPPQ VB NVB WBQYLXAB AUA YAVRUMRVAB VL PYAOWAKLO VLS PVASULS #,LZNKLO YAB A`LYLcLOVAB LB AOAPVAVLSOVNC SXAC #-SXNBC MAU N` NKNS]NUBA NYKR]RVN AWNKZLB XLOLO XR VRO NKNS]NUBAO NBC AZLUXRO VR PAUYB AKKA WBA VRC AMA`RC WLSKNSNVN AKKRKLBC #.L MAU `AC OLXLC NO NOB KLMQ `KRULSVAB NO VQ AMA`RPNBC VLO `KRPBLO PLS QC NASVLO #'NB WN AKKRKLSC WAYONVN YAB YAVNP]BNVN HKN`NVN XR S`L AKKRKQO AOAKQ]RVN #/KNMQ WN `ONSXAVB `NUB`AVNBVN YAB N`B]SXBAO PAUYLC LS XR VNKNPRVN #0R MAU PAUa N`B]SXNB YAVA VLS `ONSXAVLC VL WN `ONSXA YAVA VRC PAUYLC VASVA WN AOVBYNBVAB AKKRKLBC BOA XR A AO ]NKRVN VASVA `LBRVN #$NB WN `ONSXAVB AMNP]N LSY NPVN S`L OLXLO #%ZAONUA WN NPVBO VA NUMA VRC PAUYLC AVBOA NPVBO XLBTNBA `LUONBA AYA]AUPBA APNKMNBA ,(NBWQKLKAVUNBA ZAUXAYNBA NT]UAB NUNBC \RKLB ]SXLB NUB]NBAB WBTLPVAPBAB ABUNPNBC
,#envyings, "urders, drun'ennesses, revellings, and su#h li'e, o! $hi#h 0 tell you be!ore, as 0 also said be!ore, that those doing su#h things the reign o! &od shall not inherit) ,,.nd the !ruit o! the S irit isF Love, -oy, ea#e, long+su!!ering, 'indness, goodness, !aith, ,-"ee'ness, te" eran#eF against su#h there is no la$, ,.and those $ho are DhristIs, the !lesh did #ru#i!y $ith the a!!e#tions, and the desires, ,'i! $e "ay live in the S irit, in the S irit also $e "ay $al', ,/let us not be#o"e vain+glorious ++ one another rovo'ing, one another envyingd ,#Z]LOLB ZLOLB XN]AB YQXLB YAB VA LXLBA VLSVLBC A `ULKNMQ SXBO YA]QC YAB `ULNB`LO LVB LB VA VLBASVA `UAPPLOVNC HAPBKNBAO ]NLS LS YKRULOLXRPLSPBO ,,L WN YAU`LC VLS `ONSXAVLC NPVBO AMA`R TAUA NBUROR XAYUL]SXBA TURPVLVRC AMA]QPSOR `BPVBC ,-`UALVRC NMYUAVNBA YAVA VQO VLBLSVQO LSY NPVBO OLXLC ,.LB WN VLS TUBPVLS VRO PAUYA NPVASUQPAO PSO VLBC `A]RXAPBO YAB VABC N`B]SXBABC ,'NB \QXNO `ONSXAVB `ONSXAVB YAB PVLBTQXNO ,/XR MBOQXN]A YNOLWLaLB AKKRKLSC `ULYAKLSXNOLB AKKRKLBC Z]LOLSOVNC
+hapter /
#Brethren, i! a "an also "ay be overta'en in any tres ass, ye $ho IareI s iritual restore su#h a one in a s irit o! "ee'ness, #onsidering thysel! ++ lest thou also "ay be te" ted, ,o! one another the burdens bear ye, and so !ill u the la$ o! the Dhrist, -!or i! any one doth thin' Ihi"sel!I to be so"ething ++ being nothing ++ hi"sel! he doth de#eive, .and his o$n $or' let ea#h one rove, and then in regard to hi"sel! alone the glorying he shall have, and not in regard to the other, '!or ea#h one his o$n burden shall bear) /.nd let hi" $ho is instru#ted in the $ord share $ith hi" $ho is instru#ting ++ in all good things) 0Be not led astray, &od is not "o#'ed, !or $hat a "an "ay so$ ++ that also he shall rea , $be#ause he $ho is so$ing to his o$n !lesh, o! the !lesh shall rea #orru tion, and he $ho is so$ing to the S irit, o! the S irit shall rea li!e age+during, %and in the doing good $e "ay not be !aint+hearted, !or at the ro er ti"e $e shall rea ++ not des onding, #AWNKZLB NAO YAB `ULKRZ]R AO]UQ`LC NO VBOB `AUA`VQXAVB SXNBC LB `ONSXAVBYLB YAVAUVB\NVN VLO VLBLSVLO NO `ONSXAVB `UALVRVLC PYL`QO PNASVLO XR YAB PS `NBUAP]RC ,AKKRKQO VA HAUR HAPVA\NVN YAB LSVQC AOA`KRUQPAVN VLO OLXLO VLS TUBPVLS -NB MAU WLYNB VBC NBOAB VB XRWNO QO NASVLO ZUNOA`AVA .VL WN NUMLO NASVLS WLYBXA\NVQ NYAPVLC YAB VLVN NBC NASVLO XLOLO VL YASTRXA NaNB YAB LSY NBC VLO NVNULO 'NYAPVLC MAU VL BWBLO ZLUVBLO HAPVAPNB /YLBOQONBVQ WN L YAVRTLSXNOLC VLO KLMLO VQ YAVRTLSOVB NO `APBO AMA]LBC 0XR `KAOAP]N ]NLC LS XSYVRUB\NVAB L MAU NAO P`NBUR AO]UQ`LC VLSVL YAB ]NUBPNB $LVB L P`NBUQO NBC VRO PAUYA NASVLS NY VRC PAUYLC ]NUBPNB Z]LUAO L WN P`NBUQO NBC VL `ONSXA NY VLS `ONSXAVLC ]NUBPNB \QRO ABQOBLO %VL WN YAKLO `LBLSOVNC XR NYYAYQXNO YABUQ MAU BWBQ ]NUBPLXNO XR NYKSLXNOLB
#(there!ore, then, as $e have o ortunity, "ay $e $or' the good to all, and es e#ially unto those o! the household o! the !aith) ##4e see in ho$ large letters 0 have $ritten to you $ith "y o$n hand, #,as "any as are $illing to "a'e a good a earan#e in the !lesh, these #onstrain you to be #ir#u"#ised ++ only that !or the #ross o! the Dhrist they "ay not be erse#uted, #-!or neither do those #ir#u"#ised the"selves 'ee the la$, but they $ish you to be #ir#u"#ised, that in your !lesh they "ay glory) #..nd !or "e, let it not be ++ to glory, e(#e t in the #ross o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, through $hi#h to "e the $orld hath been #ru#i!ied, and 0 to the $orld, #'!or in Dhrist 5esus neither #ir#u"#ision availeth anything, nor un#ir#u"#ision, but a ne$ #reation, #/and as "any as by this rule do $al' ++ ea#e u on the", and 'indness, and on the 0srael o! &odd #0Hen#e!orth, let no one give "e trouble, !or 0 the s#ars o! the Lord 5esus in "y body do bear) #$The gra#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist IisI $ith your s irit, brethrend ."en) #(AUA LSO QC YABULO NTLXNO NUMA\QXN]A VL AMA]LO `ULC `AOVAC XAKBPVA WN `ULC VLSC LBYNBLSC VRC `BPVNQC ##BWNVN `RKBYLBC SXBO MUAXXAPBO NMUAcA VR NXR TNBUB #,LPLB ]NKLSPBO NS`ULPQ`RPAB NO PAUYB LSVLB AOAMYA\LSPBO SXAC `NUBVNXONP]AB XLOLO BOA XR VQ PVASUQ VLS TUBPVLS WBQYQOVAB #-LSWN MAU LB `NUBVNXOLXNOLB ASVLB OLXLO ZSKAPPLSPBO AKKA ]NKLSPBO SXAC `NUBVNXONP]AB BOA NO VR SXNVNUA PAUYB YASTRPQOVAB #.NXLB WN XR MNOLBVL YASTAP]AB NB XR NO VQ PVASUQ VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS WB LS NXLB YLPXLC NPVASUQVAB YAMQ VQ YLPXQ #'NO MAU TUBPVQ BRPLS LSVN `NUBVLXR VB BPTSNB LSVN AYULHSPVBA AKKA YABOR YVBPBC #/YAB LPLB VQ YAOLOB VLSVQ PVLBTRPLSPBO NBUROR N` ASVLSC YAB NKNLC YAB N`B VLO BPUARK VLS ]NLS #0VLS KLB`LS YL`LSC XLB XRWNBC `AUNTNVQ NMQ MAU VA PVBMXAVA VLS YSUBLS BRPLS NO VQ PQXAVB XLS HAPVA\Q #$R TAUBC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS XNVA VLS `ONSXAVLC SXQO AWNKZLB AXRO e`ULC MAKAVAC NMUAZR A`L UQXRCf
+hapter #
#Paul, an a ostle o! 5esus Dhrist through the $ill o! &od, to the saints $ho are in E hesus, and to the !aith!ul in Dhrist 5esusF ,&ra#e to you, and ea#e !ro" &od our Father, and the Lord 5esus Dhristd -Blessed IisI the &od and Father o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, $ho did bless us in every s iritual blessing in the heavenly la#es in Dhrist, .a##ording as He did #hoose us in hi" be!ore the !oundation o! the $orld, !or our being holy and unble"ished be!ore Hi", in love, 'having !oreordained us to the ado tion o! sons through 5esus Dhrist to Hi"sel!, a##ording to the good leasure o! His $ill, /to the raise o! the glory o! His gra#e, in $hi#h He did "a'e us a##e ted in the beloved, 0in $ho" $e have the rede" tion through his blood, the re"ission o! the tres asses, a##ording to the ri#hes o! His gra#e, $in $hi#h He did abound to$ard us in all $isdo" and ruden#e, #`ASKLC A`LPVLKLC BRPLS TUBPVLS WBA ]NKRXAVLC ]NLS VLBC AMBLBC VLBC LSPBO NO NZNPQ YAB `BPVLBC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS ,TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS -NSKLMRVLC L ]NLC YAB `AVRU VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS L NSKLMRPAC RXAC NO `APR NSKLMBA `ONSXAVBYR NO VLBC N`LSUAOBLBC TUBPVQ .YA]QC NaNKNaAVL RXAC NO ASVQ `UL YAVAHLKRC YLPXLS NBOAB RXAC AMBLSC YAB AXQXLSC YAVNOQ`BLO ASVLS NO AMA`R '`ULLUBPAC RXAC NBC SBL]NPBAO WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS NBC ASVLO YAVA VRO NSWLYBAO VLS ]NKRXAVLC ASVLS /NBC N`ABOLO WLaRC VRC TAUBVLC ASVLS NO R NTAUBVQPNO RXAC NO VQ RMA`RXNOQ 0NO Q NTLXNO VRO A`LKSVUQPBO WBA VLS ABXAVLC ASVLS VRO AZNPBO VQO `AUA`VQXAVQO YAVA VLO `KLSVLO VRC TAUBVLC ASVLS $RC N`NUBPPNSPNO NBC RXAC NO `APR PLZBA YAB ZULORPNB
E hesians
%having "ade 'no$n to us the se#ret o! His $ill, a##ording to His good leasure, that He ur osed in Hi"sel!, #(in regard to the dis ensation o! the !ulness o! the ti"es, to bring into one the $hole in the Dhrist, both the things in the heavens, and the things u on the earth ++ in hi", ##in $ho" also $e did obtain an inheritan#e, being !oreordained a##ording to the ur ose o! Hi" $ho the all things is $or'ing a##ording to the #ounsel o! His $ill, #,!or our being to the raise o! His glory, IevenI those $ho did !irst ho e in the Dhrist, #-in $ho" ye also, having heard the $ord o! the truth ++ the good ne$s o! your salvation ++ in $ho" also having believed, ye $ere sealed $ith the Holy S irit o! the ro"ise, #.$hi#h is an earnest o! our inheritan#e, to the rede" tion o! the a#?uired ossession, to the raise o! His glory) #'Be#ause o! this 0 also, having heard o! your !aith in the Lord 5esus, and the love to all the saints, #/do not #ease giving than's !or you, "a'ing "ention o! you in "y rayers, %MOQUBPAC RXBO VL XSPVRUBLO VLS ]NKRXAVLC ASVLS YAVA VRO NSWLYBAO ASVLS RO `ULN]NVL NO ASVQ #(NBC LBYLOLXBAO VLS `KRUQXAVLC VQO YABUQO AOAYNZAKABQPAP]AB VA `AOVA NO VQ TUBPVQ VA VN NO VLBC LSUAOLBC YAB VA N`B VRC MRC ##NO ASVQ NO Q YAB NYKRUQ]RXNO `ULLUBP]NOVNC YAVA `UL]NPBO VLS VA `AOVA NONUMLSOVLC YAVA VRO HLSKRO VLS ]NKRXAVLC ASVLS #,NBC VL NBOAB RXAC NBC N`ABOLO VRC WLaRC ASVLS VLSC `ULRK`BYLVAC NO VQ TUBPVQ #-NO Q YAB SXNBC AYLSPAOVNC VLO KLMLO VRC AKR]NBAC VL NSAMMNKBLO VRC PQVRUBAC SXQO NO Q YAB `BPVNSPAOVNC NPZUAMBP]RVN VQ `ONSXAVB VRC N`AMMNKBAC VQ AMBQ #.LC NPVBO AUUAHQO VRC YKRULOLXBAC RXQO NBC A`LKSVUQPBO VRC `NUB`LBRPNQC NBC N`ABOLO VRC WLaRC ASVLS #'WBA VLSVL YAMQ AYLSPAC VRO YA] SXAC `BPVBO NO VQ YSUBQ BRPLS YAB VRO AMA`RO VRO NBC `AOVAC VLSC AMBLSC #/LS `ASLXAB NSTAUBPVQO S`NU SXQO XONBAO SXQO `LBLSXNOLC N`B VQO `ULPNSTQO XLS
E hesians
#0that the &od o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, the Father o! the glory, "ay give to you a s irit o! $isdo" and revelation in the re#ognition o! hi", #$the eyes o! your understanding being enlightened, !or your 'no$ing $hat is the ho e o! His #alling, and $hat the ri#hes o! the glory o! His inheritan#e in the saints, #%and $hat the e(#eeding greatness o! His o$er to us $ho are believing, a##ording to the $or'ing o! the o$er o! His "ight, ,($hi#h He $rought in the Dhrist, having raised hi" out o! the dead, and did set Ihi"I at His right hand in the heavenly I la#esI, ,#!ar above all rin#i ality, and authority, and "ight, and lordshi , and every na"e na"ed, not only in this age, but also in the #o"ing one, ,,and all things He did ut under his !eet, and did give hi" ++ head over all things to the asse"bly, ,-$hi#h is his body, the !ulness o! Hi" $ho is !illing the all in all, #0BOA L ]NLC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS L `AVRU VRC WLaRC WQR SXBO `ONSXA PLZBAC YAB A`LYAKScNQC NO N`BMOQPNB ASVLS #$`NZQVBPXNOLSC VLSC LZ]AKXLSC VRC WBAOLBAC SXQO NBC VL NBWNOAB SXAC VBC NPVBO R NK`BC VRC YKRPNQC ASVLS YAB VBC L `KLSVLC VRC WLaRC VRC YKRULOLXBAC ASVLS NO VLBC AMBLBC #%YAB VB VL S`NUHAKKLO XNMN]LC VRC WSOAXNQC ASVLS NBC RXAC VLSC `BPVNSLOVAC YAVA VRO NONUMNBAO VLS YUAVLSC VRC BPTSLC ASVLS ,(RO NORUMRPNO NO VQ TUBPVQ NMNBUAC ASVLO NY ONYUQO YAB NYA]BPNO NO WNaBA ASVLS NO VLBC N`LSUAOBLBC ,#S`NUAOQ `APRC AUTRC YAB NaLSPBAC YAB WSOAXNQC YAB YSUBLVRVLC YAB `AOVLC LOLXAVLC LOLXA\LXNOLS LS XLOLO NO VQ ABQOB VLSVQ AKKA YAB NO VQ XNKKLOVB ,,YAB `AOVA S`NVAaNO S`L VLSC `LWAC ASVLS YAB ASVLO NWQYNO YNZAKRO S`NU `AOVA VR NYYKRPBA ,-RVBC NPVBO VL PQXA ASVLS VL `KRUQXA VLS `AOVA NO `APBO `KRULSXNOLS
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+hapter ,
#.lso you ++ being dead in the tres asses and the sins, ,in $hi#h on#e ye did $al' a##ording to the age o! this $orld, a##ording to the ruler o! the authority o! the air, o! the s irit that is no$ $or'ing in the sons o! disobedien#e, -a"ong $ho" also $e all did $al' on#e in the desires o! our !lesh, doing the $ishes o! the !lesh and o! the thoughts, and $ere by nature #hildren o! $rath ++ as also the others, #YAB SXAC LOVAC ONYULSC VLBC `AUA`VQXAPBO YAB VABC AXAUVBABC ,NO ABC `LVN `NUBN`AVRPAVN YAVA VLO ABQOA VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS YAVA VLO AUTLOVA VRC NaLSPBAC VLS ANULC VLS `ONSXAVLC VLS OSO NONUMLSOVLC NO VLBC SBLBC VRC A`NB]NBAC -NO LBC YAB RXNBC `AOVNC AONPVUAZRXNO `LVN NO VABC N`B]SXBABC VRC PAUYLC RXQO `LBLSOVNC VA ]NKRXAVA VRC PAUYLC YAB VQO WBAOLBQO YAB RXNO VNYOA ZSPNB LUMRC QC YAB LB KLB`LB .and &od, being ri#h in 'indness, .L WN ]NLC `KLSPBLC QO NO NKNNB WBA be#ause o! His great love $ith $hi#h VRO `LKKRO AMA`RO ASVLS RO He loved us, RMA`RPNO RXAC 'even being dead in the tres asses, did 'YAB LOVAC RXAC ONYULSC VLBC "a'e us to live together $ith the `AUA`VQXAPBO PSON\QL`LBRPNO VQ Dhrist, 7by gra#e ye are having been TUBPVQ TAUBVB NPVN PNPQPXNOLB saved,< /and did raise IusI u together, and did /YAB PSORMNBUNO YAB PSONYA]BPNO NO seat IusI together in the heavenly VLBC N`LSUAOBLBC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS I la#esI in Dhrist 5esus, 0that He "ight sho$, in the ages that 0BOA NOWNBaRVAB NO VLBC ABQPBO VLBC are #o"ing, the e(#eeding ri#hes o! N`NUTLXNOLBC VLO S`NUHAKKLOVA His gra#e in 'indness to$ard us in `KLSVLO VRC TAUBVLC ASVLS NO Dhrist 5esus, TURPVLVRVB NZ RXAC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS $!or by gra#e ye are having been $VR MAU TAUBVB NPVN PNPQPXNOLB WBA saved, through !aith, and this not o! VRC `BPVNQC YAB VLSVL LSY Na SXQO you ++ o! &od the gi!t, ]NLS VL WQULO %not o! $or's, that no one "ay boast, %LSY Na NUMQO BOA XR VBC YASTRPRVAB
E hesians
#(!or o! Hi" $e are $or'"anshi , #reated in Dhrist 5esus to good $or's, $hi#h &od did be!ore re are, that in the" $e "ay $al') ##Where!ore, re"e"ber, that ye I$ereI on#e the nations in the !lesh, $ho are #alled _n#ir#u"#ision by that #alled Dir#u"#ision in the !lesh "ade by hands, #,that ye $ere at that ti"e a art !ro" Dhrist, having been alienated !ro" the #o""on$ealth o! 0srael, and strangers to the #ovenants o! the ro"ise, having no ho e, and $ithout &od, in the $orld, #-and no$, in Dhrist 5esus, ye being on#e a!ar o!! be#a"e nigh in the blood o! the Dhrist, #.!or he is our ea#e, $ho did "a'e both one, and the "iddle $all o! the en#losure did brea' do$n, #'the en"ity in his !lesh, the la$ o! the #o""ands in ordinan#es having done a$ay, that the t$o he "ight #reate in hi"sel! into one ne$ "an, "a'ing ea#e, #/and "ight re#on#ile both in one body to &od through the #ross, having slain the en"ity in it, #0and having #o"e, he did ro#lai" good ne$s ++ ea#e to you ++ the !ar+ o!! and the nigh, #(ASVLS MAU NPXNO `LBRXA YVBP]NOVNC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS N`B NUMLBC AMA]LBC LBC `ULRVLBXAPNO L ]NLC BOA NO ASVLBC `NUB`AVRPQXNO ##WBL XORXLONSNVN LVB SXNBC `LVN VA N]OR NO PAUYB LB KNMLXNOLB AYULHSPVBA S`L VRC KNMLXNORC `NUBVLXRC NO PAUYB TNBUL`LBRVLS #,LVB RVN NO VQ YABUQ NYNBOQ TQUBC TUBPVLS A`RKKLVUBQXNOLB VRC `LKBVNBAC VLS BPUARK YAB aNOLB VQO WBA]RYQO VRC N`AMMNKBAC NK`BWA XR NTLOVNC YAB A]NLB NO VQ YLPXQ #-OSOB WN NO TUBPVQ BRPLS SXNBC LB `LVN LOVNC XAYUAO NMMSC NMNOR]RVN NO VQ ABXAVB VLS TUBPVLS #.ASVLC MAU NPVBO R NBUROR RXQO L `LBRPAC VA AXZLVNUA NO YAB VL XNPLVLBTLO VLS ZUAMXLS KSPAC #'VRO NT]UAO NO VR PAUYB ASVLS VLO OLXLO VQO NOVLKQO NO WLMXAPBO YAVAUMRPAC BOA VLSC WSL YVBPR NO NASVQ NBC NOA YABOLO AO]UQ`LO `LBQO NBURORO #/YAB A`LYAVAKKAaR VLSC AXZLVNULSC NO NOB PQXAVB VQ ]NQ WBA VLS PVASULS A`LYVNBOAC VRO NT]UAO NO ASVQ #0YAB NK]QO NSRMMNKBPAVL NBURORO SXBO VLBC XAYUAO YAB VLBC NMMSC
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#$be#ause through hi" $e have the a##ess ++ $e both ++ in one S irit unto the Father) #%Then, there!ore, ye are no "ore strangers and !oreigners, but !ello$+ #itiEens o! the saints, and o! the household o! &od, ,(being built u on the !oundation o! the a ostles and ro hets, 5esus Dhrist hi"sel! being #hie! #orner+IstoneI, ,#in $ho" all the building !itly !ra"ed together doth in#rease to an holy san#tuary in the Lord, ,,in $ho" also ye are builded together, !or a habitation o! &od in the S irit) #$LVB WB ASVLS NTLXNO VRO `ULPAMQMRO LB AXZLVNULB NO NOB `ONSXAVB `ULC VLO `AVNUA #%AUA LSO LSYNVB NPVN aNOLB YAB `AULBYLB AKKA PSX`LKBVAB VQO AMBQO YAB LBYNBLB VLS ]NLS ,(N`LBYLWLXR]NOVNC N`B VQ ]NXNKBQ VQO A`LPVLKQO YAB `ULZRVQO LOVLC AYULMQOBABLS ASVLS BRPLS TUBPVLS ,#NO Q `APA R LBYLWLXR PSOAUXLKLMLSXNOR ASaNB NBC OALO AMBLO NO YSUBQ ,,NO Q YAB SXNBC PSOLBYLWLXNBP]N NBC YAVLBYRVRUBLO VLS ]NLS NO `ONSXAVB
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+hapter #For this #ause, 0 Paul, the risoner o! Dhrist 5esus !or you the nations, #VLSVLS TAUBO NMQ `ASKLC L WNPXBLC VLS TUBPVLS BRPLS S`NU SXQO VQO N]OQO ,i!, indeed, ye did hear o! the ,NBMN RYLSPAVN VRO LBYLOLXBAO VRC dis ensation o! the gra#e o! &od that TAUBVLC VLS ]NLS VRC WL]NBPRC XLB NBC $as given to "e in regard to you, SXAC -that by revelation He "ade 'no$n to -LVB YAVA A`LYAKScBO NMOQUBPNO XLB "e the se#ret, a##ording as 0 $rote VL XSPVRUBLO YA]QC `ULNMUAcA NO be!ore in !e$ I$ordsI ++ LKBMQ .in regard to $hi#h ye are able, .`ULC L WSOAP]N AOAMBOQPYLOVNC reading IitI, to understand "y OLRPAB VRO PSONPBO XLS NO VQ 'no$ledge in the se#ret o! the Dhrist, XSPVRUBQ VLS TUBPVLS '$hi#h in other generations $as not 'L NO NVNUABC MNONABC LSY NMOQUBP]R "ade 'no$n to the sons o! "en, as it VLBC SBLBC VQO AO]UQ`QO QC OSO $as no$ revealed to His holy a ostles A`NYAKSZ]R VLBC AMBLBC A`LPVLKLBC and ro hets in the S irit ++ ASVLS YAB `ULZRVABC NO `ONSXAVB /that the nations be !ello$+heirs, and /NBOAB VA N]OR PSMYKRULOLXA YAB o! the sa"e body, and arta'ers o! His PSPPQXA YAB PSXXNVLTA VRC ro"ise in the Dhrist, through the N`AMMNKBAC ASVLS NO VQ TUBPVQ WBA good ne$s, VLS NSAMMNKBLS 0o! $hi#h 0 be#a"e a "inistrant, 0LS NMNOLXRO WBAYLOLC YAVA VRO a##ording to the gi!t o! the gra#e o! WQUNAO VRC TAUBVLC VLS ]NLS VRO &od that $as given to "e, a##ording WL]NBPAO XLB YAVA VRO NONUMNBAO VRC to the $or'ing o! His o$er, WSOAXNQC ASVLS $to "e ++ the less than the least o! all $NXLB VQ NKATBPVLVNUQ `AOVQO VQO the saints ++ $as given this gra#e, AMBQO NWL]R R TAUBC ASVR NO VLBC a"ong the nations to ro#lai" good N]ONPBO NSAMMNKBPAP]AB VLO ne$s ++ the untra#eable ri#hes o! the AONaBTOBAPVLO `KLSVLO VLS TUBPVLS Dhrist, %and to #ause all to see $hat IisI the %YAB ZQVBPAB `AOVAC VBC R YLBOQOBA !ello$shi o! the se#ret that hath been VLS XSPVRUBLS VLS A`LYNYUSXXNOLS hid !ro" the ages in &od, $ho the all A`L VQO ABQOQO NO VQ ]NQ VQ VA things did #reate by 5esus Dhrist, `AOVA YVBPAOVB WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS 21:
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#(that there "ight be "ade 'no$n no$ to the rin#i alities and the authorities in the heavenly I la#esI, through the asse"bly, the "ani!old $isdo" o! &od, ##a##ording to a ur ose o! the ages, $hi#h He "ade in Dhrist 5esus our Lord, #,in $ho" $e have the !reedo" and the a##ess in #on!iden#e through the !aith o! hi", #-$here!ore, 0 as' IyouI not to !aint in "y tribulations !or you, $hi#h is your glory) #.For this #ause 0 bo$ "y 'nees unto the Father o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, #'o! $ho" the $hole !a"ily in the heavens and on earth is na"ed, #/that He "ay give to you, a##ording to the ri#hes o! His glory, $ith "ight to be strengthened through His S irit, in regard to the inner "an, #0that the Dhrist "ay d$ell through the !aith in your hearts, in love having been rooted and !ounded, #$that ye "ay be in strength to #o" rehend, $ith all the saints, $hat IisI the breadth, and length, and de th, and height, #(BOA MOQUBP]R OSO VABC AUTABC YAB VABC NaLSPBABC NO VLBC N`LSUAOBLBC WBA VRC NYYKRPBAC R `LKS`LBYBKLC PLZBA VLS ]NLS ##YAVA `UL]NPBO VQO ABQOQO RO N`LBRPNO NO TUBPVQ BRPLS VQ YSUBQ RXQO #,NO Q NTLXNO VRO `AUURPBAO YAB VRO `ULPAMQMRO NO `N`LB]RPNB WBA VRC `BPVNQC ASVLS #-WBL ABVLSXAB XR NYYAYNBO NO VABC ]KBcNPBO XLS S`NU SXQO RVBC NPVBO WLaA SXQO #.VLSVLS TAUBO YAX`VQ VA MLOAVA XLS `ULC VLO `AVNUA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS #'Na LS `APA `AVUBA NO LSUAOLBC YAB N`B MRC LOLXA\NVAB #/BOA WQR SXBO YAVA VLO `KLSVLO VRC WLaRC ASVLS WSOAXNB YUAVABQ]ROAB WBA VLS `ONSXAVLC ASVLS NBC VLO NPQ AO]UQ`LO #0YAVLBYRPAB VLO TUBPVLO WBA VRC `BPVNQC NO VABC YAUWBABC SXQO #$NO AMA`R NUUB\QXNOLB YAB VN]NXNKBQXNOLB BOA NaBPTSPRVN YAVAKAHNP]AB PSO `APBO VLBC AMBLBC VB VL `KAVLC YAB XRYLC YAB HA]LC YAB ScLC
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#%to 'no$ also the love o! the Dhrist that is e(#eeding the 'no$ledge, that ye "ay be !illed ++ to all the !ulness o! &od, ,(and to Hi" $ho is able above all things to do e(#eeding abundantly $hat $e as' or thin', a##ording to the o$er that is $or'ing in us, ,#to Hi" IisI the glory in the asse"bly in Dhrist 5esus, to all the generations o! the age o! the ages) ."en) #%MOQOAB VN VRO S`NUHAKKLSPAO VRC MOQPNQC AMA`RO VLS TUBPVLS BOA `KRUQ]RVN NBC `AO VL `KRUQXA VLS ]NLS ,(VQ WN WSOAXNOQ S`NU `AOVA `LBRPAB S`NU NY `NUBPPLS QO ABVLSXN]A R OLLSXNO YAVA VRO WSOAXBO VRO NONUMLSXNORO NO RXBO ,#ASVQ R WLaA NO VR NYYKRPBA NO TUBPVQ BRPLS NBC `APAC VAC MNONAC VLS ABQOLC VQO ABQOQO AXRO
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+hapter .
#Dall u on you, then, do 0 ++ the risoner o! the Lord ++ to $al' $orthily o! the #alling $ith $hi#h ye $ere #alled, ,$ith all lo$liness and "ee'ness, $ith long+su!!ering, !orbearing one another in love, -being diligent to 'ee the unity o! the S irit in the bond o! the ea#e, #`AUAYAKQ LSO SXAC NMQ L WNPXBLC NO YSUBQ AaBQC `NUB`AVRPAB VRC YKRPNQC RC NYKR]RVN
,XNVA `APRC VA`NBOLZULPSORC YAB `UALVRVLC XNVA XAYUL]SXBAC AONTLXNOLB AKKRKQO NO AMA`R -P`LSWA\LOVNC VRUNBO VRO NOLVRVA VLS `ONSXAVLC NO VQ PSOWNPXQ VRC NBURORC .one body and one S irit, a##ording as .NO PQXA YAB NO `ONSXA YA]QC YAB also ye $ere #alled in one ho e o! NYKR]RVN NO XBA NK`BWB VRC YKRPNQC your #alling, SXQO 'one Lord, one !aith, one ba tis", 'NBC YSUBLC XBA `BPVBC NO HA`VBPXA /one &od and Father o! all, $ho IisI /NBC ]NLC YAB `AVRU `AOVQO L N`B over all, and through all, and in you `AOVQO YAB WBA `AOVQO YAB NO `APBO all, SXBO 0and to ea#h one o! you $as given the 0NOB WN NYAPVQ RXQO NWL]R R TAUBC gra#e, a##ording to the "easure o! the YAVA VL XNVULO VRC WQUNAC VLS gi!t o! Dhrist, TUBPVLS $$here!ore, he saith, IHaving gone u $WBL KNMNB AOAHAC NBC ScLC on high he led #a tive #a tivity, and RTXAKQVNSPNO ABTXAKQPBAO YAB gave gi!ts to "en,I ++ NWQYNO WLXAVA VLBC AO]UQ`LBC %and that, he $ent u , $hat is it e(#e t %VL WN AONHR VB NPVBO NB XR LVB YAB that he also $ent do$n !irst to the YAVNHR `UQVLO NBC VA YAVQVNUA XNUR lo$er arts o! the earthb VRC MRC #(he $ho $ent do$n is the sa"e also #(L YAVAHAC ASVLC NPVBO YAB L AOAHAC $ho $ent u !ar above all the heavens, S`NUAOQ `AOVQO VQO LSUAOQO BOA that He "ay !ill all things ++ `KRUQPR VA `AOVA
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##and He gave so"e IasI a ostles, and so"e IasI ro hets, and so"e IasI ro#lai"ers o! good ne$s, and so"e IasI she herds and tea#hers, #,unto the er!e#ting o! the saints, !or a $or' o! "inistration, !or a building u o! the body o! the Dhrist, #-till $e "ay all #o"e to the unity o! the !aith and o! the re#ognition o! the Son o! &od, to a er!e#t "an, to a "easure o! stature o! the !ulness o! the Dhrist, #.that $e "ay no "ore be babes, tossed and borne about by every $ind o! the tea#hing, in the sleight o! "en, in #ra!tiness, unto the arti!i#e o! leading astray, #'and, being true in love, $e "ay in#rease to Hi" IinI all things, $ho is the head ++ the Dhrist, #/!ro" $ho" the $hole body, being !itly -oined together and united, through the su ly o! every -oint, a##ording to the $or'ing in the "easure o! ea#h single art, the in#rease o! the body doth "a'e !or the building u o! itsel! in love) #0This, then, 0 say, and 0 testi!y in the Lord, ye are no "ore to $al', as also the other nations $al', in the vanity o! their "ind, ##YAB ASVLC NWQYNO VLSC XNO A`LPVLKLSC VLSC WN `ULZRVAC VLSC WN NSAMMNKBPVAC VLSC WN `LBXNOAC YAB WBWAPYAKLSC #,`ULC VLO YAVAUVBPXLO VQO AMBQO NBC NUMLO WBAYLOBAC NBC LBYLWLXRO VLS PQXAVLC VLS TUBPVLS #-XNTUB YAVAOVRPQXNO LB `AOVNC NBC VRO NOLVRVA VRC `BPVNQC YAB VRC N`BMOQPNQC VLS SBLS VLS ]NLS NBC AOWUA VNKNBLO NBC XNVULO RKBYBAC VLS `KRUQXAVLC VLS TUBPVLS #.BOA XRYNVB QXNO OR`BLB YKSWQOB\LXNOLB YAB `NUBZNULXNOLB `AOVB AONXQ VRC WBWAPYAKBAC NO VR YSHNBA VQO AO]UQ`QO NO `AOLSUMBA `ULC VRO XN]LWNBAO VRC `KAORC #'AKR]NSLOVNC WN NO AMA`R ASaRPQXNO NBC ASVLO VA `AOVA LC NPVBO R YNZAKR L TUBPVLC #/Na LS `AO VL PQXA PSOAUXLKLMLSXNOLO YAB PSXHBHA\LXNOLO WBA `APRC AZRC VRC N`BTLURMBAC YAV NONUMNBAO NO XNVUQ NOLC NYAPVLS XNULSC VRO ASaRPBO VLS PQXAVLC `LBNBVAB NBC LBYLWLXRO NASVLS NO AMA`R #0VLSVL LSO KNMQ YAB XAUVSULXAB NO YSUBQ XRYNVB SXAC `NUB`AVNBO YA]QC YAB VA KLB`A N]OR `NUB`AVNB NO XAVABLVRVB VLS OLLC ASVQO
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#$being dar'ened in the understanding, being alienated !ro" the li!e o! &od, be#ause o! the ignoran#e that is in the", be#ause o! the hardness o! their heart, #%$ho, having #eased to !eel, the"selves did give u to the las#iviousness, !or the $or'ing o! all un#leanness in greediness, ,(and ye did not so learn the Dhrist, ,#i! so be ye did hear hi", and in hi" $ere taught, as truth is in 5esus, ,,ye are to ut o!! #on#erning the !or"er behaviour the old "an, that is #orru t a##ording to the desires o! the de#eit, ,-and to be rene$ed in the s irit o! your "ind, ,.and to ut on the ne$ "an, $hi#h, a##ording to &od, $as #reated in righteousness and 'indness o! the truth) ,'Where!ore, utting a$ay the lying, s ea' truth ea#h $ith his neighbour, be#ause $e are "e"bers one o! another, ,/be angry and do not sin, let not the sun go do$n u on your $rath, ,0neither give la#e to the devil, #$NPYLVBPXNOLB VR WBAOLBA LOVNC A`RKKLVUBQXNOLB VRC \QRC VLS ]NLS WBA VRO AMOLBAO VRO LSPAO NO ASVLBC WBA VRO `QUQPBO VRC YAUWBAC ASVQO #%LBVBONC A`RKMRYLVNC NASVLSC `AUNWQYAO VR APNKMNBA NBC NUMAPBAO AYA]AUPBAC `APRC NO `KNLONaBA ,(SXNBC WN LST LSVQC NXA]NVN VLO TUBPVLO ,#NBMN ASVLO RYLSPAVN YAB NO ASVQ NWBWAT]RVN YA]QC NPVBO AKR]NBA NO VQ BRPLS ,,A`L]NP]AB SXAC YAVA VRO `ULVNUAO AOAPVULZRO VLO `AKABLO AO]UQ`LO VLO Z]NBULXNOLO YAVA VAC N`B]SXBAC VRC A`AVRC ,-AOAONLSP]AB WN VQ `ONSXAVB VLS OLLC SXQO ,.YAB NOWSPAP]AB VLO YABOLO AO]UQ`LO VLO YAVA ]NLO YVBP]NOVA NO WBYABLPSOR YAB LPBLVRVB VRC AKR]NBAC ,'WBL A`L]NXNOLB VL cNSWLC KAKNBVN AKR]NBAO NYAPVLC XNVA VLS `KRPBLO ASVLS LVB NPXNO AKKRKQO XNKR ,/LUMB\NP]N YAB XR AXAUVAONVN L RKBLC XR N`BWSNVQ N`B VQ `AULUMBPXQ SXQO ,0XRVN WBWLVN VL`LO VQ WBAHLKQ
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,$$hoso is stealing let hi" no "ore steal, but rather let hi" labour, $or'ing the thing that is good $ith the hands, that he "ay have to i" art to hi" having need) ,%Let no #orru t $ord out o! your "outh go !orth, but $hat is good unto the need!ul building u , that it "ay give gra#e to the hearers, -(and "a'e not sorro$!ul the Holy S irit o! &od, in $hi#h ye $ere sealed to a day o! rede" tion) -#Let all bitterness, and $rath, and anger, and #la"our, and evil+s ea'ing, be ut a$ay !ro" you, $ith all "ali#e, -,and be#o"e one to another 'ind, tender+hearted, !orgiving one another, a##ording as also &od in Dhrist did !orgive you) ,$L YKN`VQO XRYNVB YKN`VNVQ XAKKLO WN YL`BAVQ NUMA\LXNOLC VL AMA]LO VABC TNUPBO BOA NTR XNVAWBWLOAB VQ TUNBAO NTLOVB ,%`AC KLMLC PA`ULC NY VLS PVLXAVLC SXQO XR NY`LUNSNP]Q AKK NB VBC AMA]LC `ULC LBYLWLXRO VRC TUNBAC BOA WQ TAUBO VLBC AYLSLSPBO -(YAB XR KS`NBVN VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO VLS ]NLS NO Q NPZUAMBP]RVN NBC RXNUAO A`LKSVUQPNQC -#`APA `BYUBA YAB ]SXLC YAB LUMR YAB YUASMR YAB HKAPZRXBA AU]RVQ AZ SXQO PSO `APR YAYBA -,MBONP]N WN NBC AKKRKLSC TURPVLB NSP`KAMTOLB TAUB\LXNOLB NASVLBC YA]QC YAB L ]NLC NO TUBPVQ NTAUBPAVL SXBO
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+hapter '
#Be#o"e, then, !ollo$ers o! &od, as #hildren beloved, ,and $al' in love, as also the Dhrist did love us, and did give hi"sel! !or us, an o!!ering and a sa#ri!i#e to &od !or an odour o! a s$eet s"ell, -and $horedo", and all un#leanness, or #ovetousness, let it not even be na"ed a"ong you, as be#o"eth saints, .also !ilthiness, and !oolish tal'ing, or -esting, ++ the things not !it ++ but rather than'sgiving, '!or this ye 'no$, that every $hore"onger, or un#lean, or #ovetous erson, $ho is an idolater, hath no inheritan#e in the reign o! the Dhrist and &od) /Let no one de#eive you $ith vain $ords, !or be#ause o! these things #o"eth the anger o! &od u on the sons o! the disobedien#e, 0be#o"e not, then, arta'ers $ith the", $!or ye $ere on#e dar'ness, and no$ light in the Lord, as #hildren o! light $al' ye, %!or the !ruit o! the S irit IisI in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth, #( roving $hat is $ell+ leasing to the Lord, #MBONP]N LSO XBXRVAB VLS ]NLS QC VNYOA AMA`RVA ,YAB `NUB`AVNBVN NO AMA`R YA]QC YAB L TUBPVLC RMA`RPNO RXAC YAB `AUNWQYNO NASVLO S`NU RXQO `ULPZLUAO YAB ]SPBAO VQ ]NQ NBC LPXRO NSQWBAC -`LUONBA WN YAB `APA AYA]AUPBA R `KNLONaBA XRWN LOLXA\NP]Q NO SXBO YA]QC `UN`NB AMBLBC .YAB ABPTULVRC YAB XQULKLMBA R NSVUA`NKBA VA LSY AORYLOVA AKKA XAKKLO NSTAUBPVBA 'VLSVL MAU NPVN MBOQPYLOVNC LVB `AC `LUOLC R AYA]AUVLC R `KNLONYVRC LC NPVBO NBWQKLKAVURC LSY NTNB YKRULOLXBAO NO VR HAPBKNBA VLS TUBPVLS YAB ]NLS /XRWNBC SXAC A`AVAVQ YNOLBC KLMLBC WBA VASVA MAU NUTNVAB R LUMR VLS ]NLS N`B VLSC SBLSC VRC A`NB]NBAC 0XR LSO MBONP]N PSXXNVLTLB ASVQO $RVN MAU `LVN PYLVLC OSO WN ZQC NO YSUBQ QC VNYOA ZQVLC `NUB`AVNBVN %L MAU YAU`LC VLS `ONSXAVLC NO `APR AMA]QPSOR YAB WBYABLPSOR YAB AKR]NBA #(WLYBXA\LOVNC VB NPVBO NSAUNPVLO VQ YSUBQ
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##and have no !ello$shi $ith the un!ruit!ul $or's o! the dar'ness and rather even #onvi#t, #,!or the things in se#ret done by the" it is a sha"e even to s ea' o!, #-and all the things re roved by the light are "ani!ested, !or everything that is "ani!ested is light, #.$here!ore he saith, I.rouse thysel!, thou $ho art slee ing, and arise out o! the dead, and the Dhrist shall shine u on thee)I #'See, then, ho$ e(a#tly ye $al', not as un$ise, but as $ise, #/redee"ing the ti"e, be#ause the days are evil, #0be#ause o! this be#o"e not !ools, but ++ understanding $hat IisI the $ill o! the Lord, #$and be not drun' $ith $ine, in $hi#h is dissoluteness, but be !illed in the S irit, #%s ea'ing to yourselves in sal"s and hy"ns and s iritual songs, singing and "a'ing "elody in your heart to the Lord, ,(giving than's al$ays !or all things, in the na"e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, to the &od and Father, ,#sub-e#ting yourselves to one another in the !ear o! &od) ,,The $ivesd to your o$n husbands sub-e#t yourselves, as to the Lord, ##YAB XR PSMYLBOQONBVN VLBC NUMLBC VLBC AYAU`LBC VLS PYLVLSC XAKKLO WN YAB NKNMTNVN #,VA MAU YUSZR MBOLXNOA S` ASVQO ABPTULO NPVBO YAB KNMNBO #-VA WN `AOVA NKNMTLXNOA S`L VLS ZQVLC ZAONULSVAB `AO MAU VL ZAONULSXNOLO ZQC NPVBO #.WBL KNMNB NMNBUAB L YA]NSWQO YAB AOAPVA NY VQO ONYUQO YAB N`BZASPNB PLB L TUBPVLC #'HKN`NVN LSO `QC AYUBHQC `NUB`AVNBVN XR QC APLZLB AKK QC PLZLB #/NaAMLUA\LXNOLB VLO YABULO LVB AB RXNUAB `LORUAB NBPBO #0WBA VLSVL XR MBONP]N AZULONC AKKA PSOBNOVNC VB VL ]NKRXA VLS YSUBLS #$YAB XR XN]SPYNP]N LBOQ NO Q NPVBO APQVBA AKKA `KRULSP]N NO `ONSXAVB #%KAKLSOVNC NASVLBC cAKXLBC YAB SXOLBC YAB QWABC `ONSXAVBYABC AWLOVNC YAB cAKKLOVNC NO VR YAUWBA SXQO VQ YSUBQ ,(NSTAUBPVLSOVNC `AOVLVN S`NU `AOVQO NO LOLXAVB VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS VQ ]NQ YAB `AVUB ,#S`LVAPPLXNOLB AKKRKLBC NO ZLHQ ]NLS ,,AB MSOABYNC VLBC BWBLBC AOWUAPBO S`LVAPPNP]N QC VQ YSUBQ
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,-be#ause the husband is head o! the $i!e, as also the Dhrist IisI head o! the asse"bly, and he is saviour o! the body, ,.but even as the asse"bly is sub-e#t to Dhrist, so also IareI the $ives to their o$n husbands in everything) ,'The husbandsd love your o$n $ives, as also the Dhrist did love the asse"bly, and did give hi"sel! !or it, ,/that he "ight san#ti!y it, having #leansed IitI $ith the bathing o! the $ater in the saying, ,0that he "ight resent it to hi"sel! the asse"bly in glory, not having s ot or $rin'le, or any o! su#h things, but that it "ay be holy and unble"ished, ,$so ought the husbands to love their o$n $ives as their o$n bodiesF he $ho is loving his o$n $i!e ++ hi"sel! he doth love, ,%!or no one ever his o$n !lesh did hate, but doth nourish and #herish it, as also the Lord ++ the asse"bly, ,-LVB L AORU NPVBO YNZAKR VRC MSOABYLC QC YAB L TUBPVLC YNZAKR VRC NYYKRPBAC YAB ASVLC NPVBO PQVRU VLS PQXAVLC ,.AKK QP`NU R NYYKRPBA S`LVAPPNVAB VQ TUBPVQ LSVQC YAB AB MSOABYNC VLBC BWBLBC AOWUAPBO NO `AOVB ,'LB AOWUNC AMA`AVN VAC MSOABYAC NASVQO YA]QC YAB L TUBPVLC RMA`RPNO VRO NYYKRPBAO YAB NASVLO `AUNWQYNO S`NU ASVRC ,/BOA ASVRO AMBAPR YA]AUBPAC VQ KLSVUQ VLS SWAVLC NO URXAVB
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-,this se#ret is great, and 0 s ea' in regard to Dhrist and to the asse"bly, --but ye also, every one in arti#ular ++ let ea#h his o$n $i!e so love as hi"sel!, and the $i!e ++ that she "ay reveren#e the husband) -,VL XSPVRUBLO VLSVL XNMA NPVBO NMQ WN KNMQ NBC TUBPVLO YAB NBC VRO NYYKRPBAO --`KRO YAB SXNBC LB YA] NOA NYAPVLC VRO NASVLS MSOABYA LSVQC AMA`AVQ QC NASVLO R WN MSOR BOA ZLHRVAB VLO AOWUA
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#The #hildrend obey your arents in the Lord, !or this is righteous, ,honour thy !ather and "other, -$hi#h is the !irst #o""and $ith a ro"ise, IThat it "ay be $ell $ith thee, and thou "ayest live a long ti"e u on the land)I ..nd the !athersd rovo'e not your #hildren, but nourish the" in the instru#tion and ad"onition o! the Lord) 'The servantsd obey the "asters a##ording to the !lesh $ith !ear and tre"bling, in the si" li#ity o! your heart, as to the Dhrist, /not $ith eye+servi#e as "en+ leasers, but as servants o! the Dhrist, doing the $ill o! &od out o! soul, #VA VNYOA S`AYLSNVN VLBC MLONSPBO SXQO NO YSUBQ VLSVL MAU NPVBO WBYABLO ,VBXA VLO `AVNUA PLS YAB VRO XRVNUA RVBC NPVBO NOVLKR `UQVR NO N`AMMNKBA -BOA NS PLB MNORVAB YAB NPR XAYULTULOBLC N`B VRC MRC .YAB LB `AVNUNC XR `AULUMB\NVN VA VNYOA SXQO AKK NYVUNZNVN ASVA NO `ABWNBA YAB OLS]NPBA YSUBLS
'LB WLSKLB S`AYLSNVN VLBC YSUBLBC YAVA PAUYA XNVA ZLHLS YAB VULXLS NO A`KLVRVB VRC YAUWBAC SXQO QC VQ TUBPVQ /XR YAV LZ]AKXLWLSKNBAO QC AO]UQ`AUNPYLB AKK QC WLSKLB VLS TUBPVLS `LBLSOVNC VL ]NKRXA VLS ]NLS NY cSTRC 0$ith good+$ill serving, as to the 0XNV NSOLBAC WLSKNSLOVNC VQ YSUBQ Lord, and not to "en, YAB LSY AO]UQ`LBC $having 'no$n that $hatever good $NBWLVNC LVB L NAO VB NYAPVLC `LBRPR thing ea#h one "ay do, this he shall AMA]LO VLSVL YLXBNBVAB `AUA VLS re#eive !ro" the Lord, $hether servant YSUBLS NBVN WLSKLC NBVN NKNS]NULC or !ree"an) %.nd the "astersd the sa"e things do %YAB LB YSUBLB VA ASVA `LBNBVN `ULC ye unto the", letting threatening alone, ASVLSC AOBNOVNC VRO A`NBKRO NBWLVNC having 'no$n that also your @aster is LVB YAB SXQO ASVQO L YSUBLC NPVBO NO in the heavens, and a##e tan#e o! LSUAOLBC YAB `ULPQ`LKRcBA LSY NPVBO ersons is not $ith hi") `AU ASVQ 2G=
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#(.s to the rest, "y brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the o$er o! his "ight, ## ut on the $hole ar"our o! &od, !or your being able to stand against the $iles o! the devil, #,be#ause $e have not the $restling $ith blood and !lesh, but $ith the rin#i alities, $ith the authorities, $ith the $orld+rulers o! the dar'ness o! this age, $ith the s iritual things o! the evil in the heavenly la#es, #-be#ause o! this ta'e ye u the $hole ar"our o! &od, that ye "ay be able to resist in the day o! the evil, and all things having done ++ to stand) #.Stand, there!ore, having your loins girt about in truth, and having ut on the breast late o! the righteousness, #'and having the !eet shod in the re aration o! the good+ne$s o! the ea#e, #/above all, having ta'en u the shield o! the !aith, in $hi#h ye shall be able all the !iery darts o! the evil one to ?uen#h, #0and the hel"et o! the salvation re#eive, and the s$ord o! the S irit, $hi#h is the saying o! &od, #(VL KLB`LO AWNKZLB XLS NOWSOAXLSP]N NO YSUBQ YAB NO VQ YUAVNB VRC BPTSLC ASVLS ##NOWSPAP]N VRO `AOL`KBAO VLS ]NLS `ULC VL WSOAP]AB SXAC PVROAB `ULC VAC XN]LWNBAC VLS WBAHLKLS #,LVB LSY NPVBO RXBO R `AKR `ULC ABXA YAB PAUYA AKKA `ULC VAC AUTAC `ULC VAC NaLSPBAC `ULC VLSC YLPXLYUAVLUAC VLS PYLVLSC VLS ABQOLC VLSVLS `ULC VA `ONSXAVBYA VRC `LORUBAC NO VLBC N`LSUAOBLBC #-WBA VLSVL AOAKAHNVN VRO `AOL`KBAO VLS ]NLS BOA WSOR]RVN AOVBPVROAB NO VR RXNUA VR `LORUA YAB A`AOVA YAVNUMAPAXNOLB PVROAB #.PVRVN LSO `NUB\QPAXNOLB VRO LPZSO SXQO NO AKR]NBA YAB NOWSPAXNOLB VLO ]QUAYA VRC WBYABLPSORC #'YAB S`LWRPAXNOLB VLSC `LWAC NO NVLBXAPBA VLS NSAMMNKBLS VRC NBURORC #/N`B `APBO AOAKAHLOVNC VLO ]SUNLO VRC `BPVNQC NO Q WSORPNP]N `AOVA VA HNKR VLS `LORULS VA `N`SUQXNOA PHNPAB #0YAB VRO `NUBYNZAKABAO VLS PQVRUBLS WNaAP]N YAB VRO XATABUAO VLS `ONSXAVLC L NPVBO URXA ]NLS
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#$through all rayer and su li#ation raying at all ti"es in the S irit, and in regard to this sa"e, $at#hing in all erseveran#e and su li#ation !or all the saints ++ #$WBA `APRC `ULPNSTRC YAB WNRPNQC `ULPNSTLXNOLB NO `AOVB YABUQ NO `ONSXAVB YAB NBC ASVL VLSVL AMUS`OLSOVNC NO `APR `ULPYAUVNURPNB YAB WNRPNB `NUB `AOVQO VQO AMBQO #%and in behal! o! "e, that to "e "ay #%YAB S`NU NXLS BOA XLB WL]NBR KLMLC be given a $ord in the o ening o! "y NO AOLBaNB VLS PVLXAVLC XLS NO "outh, in !reedo", to "a'e 'no$n the `AUURPBA MOQUBPAB VL XSPVRUBLO VLS se#ret o! the good ne$s, NSAMMNKBLS ,(!or $hi#h 0 a" an a"bassador in a ,(S`NU LS `UNPHNSQ NO AKSPNB BOA NO #hain, that in it 0 "ay s ea' !reely ++ as ASVQ `AUURPBAPQXAB QC WNB XN it behoveth "e to s ea') KAKRPAB ,#.nd that ye "ay 'no$ ++ ye also ++ ,#BOA WN NBWRVN YAB SXNBC VA YAV NXN VB the things #on#erning "e ++ $hat 0 do, `UAPPQ `AOVA SXBO MOQUBPNB VSTBYLC all things "a'e 'no$n to you shall L AMA`RVLC AWNKZLC YAB `BPVLC Ty#hi#us, the beloved brother and WBAYLOLC NO YSUBQ !aith!ul "inistrant in the Lord, ,,$ho" 0 did send unto you !or this ,,LO N`NXcA `ULC SXAC NBC ASVL VLSVL very thing, that ye "ight 'no$ the BOA MOQVN VA `NUB RXQO YAB things #on#erning us, and that he `AUAYAKNPR VAC YAUWBAC SXQO "ight #o"!ort your hearts) ,-Pea#e to the brethren, and love, $ith ,-NBUROR VLBC AWNKZLBC YAB AMA`R !aith, !ro" &od the Father, and the XNVA `BPVNQC A`L ]NLS `AVULC YAB Lord 5esus Dhristd YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS ,.The gra#e $ith all those loving our ,.R TAUBC XNVA `AOVQO VQO Lord 5esus Dhrist ++ unde#ayinglyd AMA`QOVQO VLO YSUBLO RXQO BRPLSO ."en) TUBPVLO NO AZ]AUPBA AXRO e`ULC NZNPBLSC NMUAZR A`L UQXRC WBA VSTBYLSf
+hapter #
#Paul and Ti"otheus, servants o! 5esus Dhrist, to all the saints in Dhrist 5esus $ho are in Phili i, $ith overseers and "inistrants, ,&ra#e to you, and ea#e !ro" &od our Father, and the Lord 5esus Dhrist) #`ASKLC YAB VBXL]NLC WLSKLB BRPLS TUBPVLS `APBO VLBC AMBLBC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS VLBC LSPBO NO ZBKB``LBC PSO N`BPYL`LBC YAB WBAYLOLBC ,TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS -0 give than's to "y &od u on all the -NSTAUBPVQ VQ ]NQ XLS N`B `APR VR re"e"bran#e o! you, XONBA SXQO .al$ays, in every su li#ation o! "ine .`AOVLVN NO `APR WNRPNB XLS S`NU !or you all, $ith -oy "a'ing the `AOVQO SXQO XNVA TAUAC VRO WNRPBO su li#ation, `LBLSXNOLC '!or your #ontribution to the good 'N`B VR YLBOQOBA SXQO NBC VL ne$s !ro" the !irst day till no$, NSAMMNKBLO A`L `UQVRC RXNUAC ATUB VLS OSO /having been #on!ident o! this very /`N`LB]QC ASVL VLSVL LVB L thing, that He $ho did begin in you a NOAUaAXNOLC NO SXBO NUMLO AMA]LO good $or', $ill er!or" IitI till a day N`BVNKNPNB ATUBC RXNUAC BRPLS TUBPVLS o! 5esus Dhrist, 0a##ording as it is righteous !or "e to 0YA]QC NPVBO WBYABLO NXLB VLSVL thin' this in behal! o! you all, be#ause ZULONBO S`NU `AOVQO SXQO WBA VL o! "y having you in the heart, both in NTNBO XN NO VR YAUWBA SXAC NO VN VLBC "y bonds, and IinI the de!en#e and WNPXLBC XLS YAB VR A`LKLMBA YAB #on!ir"ation o! the good ne$s, all o! HNHABQPNB VLS NSAMMNKBLS you being !ello$+ arta'ers $ith "e o! PSMYLBOQOLSC XLS VRC TAUBVLC `AOVAC gra#e) SXAC LOVAC $For &od is "y $itness, ho$ 0 long $XAUVSC MAU XLS NPVBO L ]NLC QC !or you all in the bo$els o! 5esus N`B`L]Q `AOVAC SXAC NO P`KAMTOLBC Dhrist, BRPLS TUBPVLS
%and this 0 ray, that your love yet "ore and "ore "ay abound in !ull 'no$ledge, and all -udg"ent,
%YAB VLSVL `ULPNSTLXAB BOA R AMA`R SXQO NVB XAKKLO YAB XAKKLO `NUBPPNSR NO N`BMOQPNB YAB `APR ABP]RPNB #(!or your roving the things that #(NBC VL WLYBXA\NBO SXAC VA di!!er, that ye "ay be ure and WBAZNULOVA BOA RVN NBKBYUBONBC YAB o!!en#eless ++ to a day o! Dhrist, A`ULPYL`LB NBC RXNUAO TUBPVLS ##being !illed $ith the !ruit o! ##`N`KRUQXNOLB YAU`QO WBYABLPSORC righteousness, that IisI through 5esus VQO WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS NBC WLaAO YAB Dhrist, to the glory and raise o! &od) N`ABOLO ]NLS #,.nd 0 $ish you to 'no$, brethren, #,MBOQPYNBO WN SXAC HLSKLXAB that the things #on#erning "e, rather to AWNKZLB LVB VA YAV NXN XAKKLO NBC an advan#e"ent o! the good ne$s `ULYL`RO VLS NSAMMNKBLS NKRKS]NO have #o"e, #-so that "y bonds have be#o"e #-QPVN VLSC WNPXLSC XLS ZAONULSC NO "ani!est in Dhrist in the $hole TUBPVQ MNONP]AB NO LKQ VQ `UABVQUBQ raetoriu", and to the other la#es ++ YAB VLBC KLB`LBC `APBO all, #.and the greater art o! the brethren #.YAB VLSC `KNBLOAC VQO AWNKZQO NO in the Lord, having #on!iden#e by "y YSUBQ `N`LB]LVAC VLBC WNPXLBC XLS bonds, are "ore abundantly bold ++ `NUBPPLVNUQC VLKXAO AZLHQC VLO !earlessly to s ea' the $ord) KLMLO KAKNBO #'Dertain, indeed, even through envy #'VBONC XNO YAB WBA Z]LOLO YAB NUBO and #ontention, and #ertain also VBONC WN YAB WB NSWLYBAO VLO TUBPVLO through good+$ill, do rea#h the YRUSPPLSPBO Dhrist, #/the one, indeed, o! rivalry the Dhrist #/LB XNO Na NUB]NBAC VLO TUBPVLO do ro#lai", not urely, su osing to YAVAMMNKKLSPBO LST AMOQC LBLXNOLB add a!!li#tion to "y bonds, ]KBcBO N`BZNUNBO VLBC WNPXLBC XLS #0and the other out o! love, having #0LB WN Na AMA`RC NBWLVNC LVB NBC 'no$n that !or de!en#e o! the good A`LKLMBAO VLS NSAMMNKBLS YNBXAB ne$s 0 a" setF
#$$hat thenb in every $ay, $hether in reten#e or in truth, Dhrist is ro#lai"ed ++ and in this 0 re-oi#e, yea, and shall re-oi#e) #%For 0 have 'no$n that this shall !all out to "e !or salvation, through your su li#ation, and the su ly o! the S irit o! Dhrist 5esus, ,(a##ording to "y earnest e( e#tation and ho e, that in nothing 0 shall be asha"ed, and in all !reedo", as al$ays, also no$ Dhrist shall be "agni!ied in "y body, $hether through li!e or through death, ,#!or to "e to live IisI Dhrist, and to die gain) ,,.nd i! to live in the !lesh IisI to "e a !ruit o! $or', then $hat shall 0 #hooseb 0 'no$ not, ,-!or 0 a" ressed by the t$o, having the desire to de art, and to be $ith Dhrist, !or it is !ar better,
,#NXLB MAU VL \RO TUBPVLC YAB VL A`L]AONBO YNUWLC ,,NB WN VL \RO NO PAUYB VLSVL XLB YAU`LC NUMLS YAB VB ABURPLXAB LS MOQUB\Q ,-PSONTLXAB MAU NY VQO WSL VRO N`B]SXBAO NTQO NBC VL AOAKSPAB YAB PSO TUBPVQ NBOAB `LKKQ XAKKLO YUNBPPLO ,.and to re"ain in the !lesh is "ore ,.VL WN N`BXNONBO NO VR PAUYB ne#essary on your a##ount, AOAMYABLVNULO WB SXAC ,'and o! this being ersuaded, 0 have ,'YAB VLSVL `N`LB]QC LBWA LVB XNOQ 'no$n that 0 shall re"ain and #ontinue YAB PSX`AUAXNOQ `APBO SXBO NBC VRO $ith you all, to your advan#e"ent and SXQO `ULYL`RO YAB TAUAO VRC `BPVNQC -oy o! the !aith, ,/that your boasting "ay abound in ,/BOA VL YASTRXA SXQO `NUBPPNSR NO Dhrist 5esus in "e through "y TUBPVQ BRPLS NO NXLB WBA VRC NXRC resen#e again to you) `AULSPBAC `AKBO `ULC SXAC
,0Only $orthily o! the good ne$s o! the Dhrist #ondu#t ye yourselves, that, $hether having #o"e and seen you, $hether being absent 0 "ay hear o! the things #on#erning you, that ye stand !ast in one s irit, $ith one soul, striving together !or the !aith o! the good ne$s, ,$and not terri!ied in anything by those o osing, $hi#h to the" indeed is a to'en o! destru#tion, and to you o! salvation, and that !ro" &od, ,%be#ause to you it $as granted, on behal! o! Dhrist, not only to believe in hi", but also on behal! o! hi" to su!!er, -(the sa"e #on!li#t having, su#h as ye sa$ in "e, and no$ hear o! in "e)
#0!, then, any e(hortation IisI in Dhrist, i! any #o"!ort o! love, i! any !ello$shi o! s irit, i! any bo$els and "er#ies, ,!ul!il ye "y -oy, that ye "ay "ind the sa"e thing ++ having the sa"e love ++ o! one soul ++ "inding the one thing, -nothing in rivalry or vain+glory, but in hu"ility o! "ind one another #ounting "ore e(#ellent than yourselves ++ .ea#h not to your o$n loo' ye, but ea#h also to the things o! others) 'For, let this "ind be in you that IisI also in Dhrist 5esus, /$ho, being in the !or" o! &od, thought IitI not robbery to be e?ual to &od, 0but did e" ty hi"sel!, the !or" o! a servant having ta'en, in the li'eness o! "en having been "ade, $and in !ashion having been !ound as a "an, he hu"bled hi"sel!, having be#o"e obedient unto death ++ death even o! a #ross, %$here!ore, also, &od did highly e(alt hi", and gave to hi" a na"e that IisI above every na"e, #(that in the na"e o! 5esus every 'nee "ay bo$ ++ o! heavenlies, and earthlies, and $hat are under the earth ++
+hapter ,
##and every tongue "ay #on!ess that 5esus Dhrist IisI Lord, to the glory o! &od the Father) #,So that, "y beloved, as ye al$ays obey, not as in "y resen#e only, but no$ "u#h "ore in "y absen#e, $ith !ear and tre"bling your o$n salvation $or' out, #-!or &od it is $ho is $or'ing in you both to $ill and to $or' !or His good leasure) #..ll things do $ithout "ur"urings and reasonings, #'that ye "ay be#o"e bla"eless and har"less, #hildren o! &od, unble"ished in the "idst o! a generation #roo'ed and erverse, a"ong $ho" ye do a ear as lu"inaries in the $orld, #/the $ord o! li!e holding !orth, !or re-oi#ing to "e in regard to a day o! Dhrist, that not in vain did 0 run, nor in vain did 0 labour, #0but i! also 0 a" oured !orth u on the sa#ri!i#e and servi#e o! your !aith, 0 re-oi#e and -oy $ith you all, #$be#ause o! this do ye also re-oi#e and -oy $ith "e) #%.nd 0 ho e, in the Lord 5esus, Ti"otheus to send ?ui#'ly to you, that 0 also "ay be o! good s irit, having 'no$n the things #on#erning you,
,(!or 0 have no one li'e+"inded, $ho sin#erely !or the things #on#erning you $ill #are, ,#!or the $hole see' their o$n things, not the things o! the Dhrist 5esus, ,,and the roo! o! hi" ye 'no$, that as a #hild IservethI a !ather, $ith "e he did serve in regard to the good ne$s, ,-hi", indeed, there!ore, 0 ho e to send, $hen 0 "ay see through the things #on#erning "e ++ i""ediately, ,.and 0 trust in the Lord that 0 "ysel! also shall ?ui#'ly #o"e) ,'.nd 0 thought IitI ne#essary E a hroditus ++ "y brother, and !ello$+$or'"an, and !ello$+soldier, and your a ostle and servant to "y need ++ to send unto you, ,/seeing he $as longing a!ter you all, and in heaviness, be#ause ye heard that he ailed, ,0!or he also ailed nigh to death, but &od did deal 'indly $ith hi", and not $ith hi" only, but also $ith "e, that sorro$ u on sorro$ 0 "ight not have) ,$The "ore eagerly, there!ore, 0 did send hi", that having seen hi" again ye "ay re-oi#e, and 0 "ay be the less sorro$!ul, ,%re#eive hi", there!ore, in the Lord, $ith all -oy, and hold su#h in honour,
-(be#ause on a##ount o! the $or' o! the Dhrist he dre$ near to death, having haEarded the li!e that he "ight !ill u your de!i#ien#y o! servi#e unto "e)
#.s to the rest, "y brethren, re-oi#e in the Lord, the sa"e things to $rite to you to "e indeed is not tireso"e, and !or you IisI sure, ,loo' to the dogs, loo' to the evil+ $or'ers, loo' to the #on#ision, -!or $e are the #ir#u"#ision, $ho by the S irit are serving &od, and glorying in Dhrist 5esus, and in !lesh having no trust, .though 0 also have I#ause o!I trust in !lesh) 0! any other one doth thin' to have trust in !lesh, 0 "ore, '#ir#u"#ision on the eighth dayd o! the ra#e o! 0sraeld o! the tribe o! Ben-a"ind a Hebre$ o! Hebre$sd a##ording to la$ a Phariseed /a##ording to Eeal erse#uting the asse"blyd a##ording to righteousness that is in la$ be#o"ing bla"elessd 0But $hat things $ere to "e gains, these 0 have #ounted, be#ause o! the Dhrist, loss, $yes, indeed, and 0 #ount all things to be loss, be#ause o! the e(#ellen#y o! the 'no$ledge o! Dhrist 5esus "y Lord, be#ause o! $ho" o! the all things 0 su!!ered loss, and do #ount the" to be re!use, that Dhrist 0 "ay gain, and be !ound in hi",
+hapter -
%not having "y righteousness, $hi#h IisI o! la$, but that $hi#h IisI through !aith o! Dhrist ++ the righteousness that is o! &od by the !aith, #(to 'no$ hi", and the o$er o! his rising again, and the !ello$shi o! his su!!erings, being #on!or"ed to his death, ##i! anyho$ 0 "ay attain to the rising again o! the dead) #,/ot that 0 did already obtain, or have been already er!e#ted, but 0 ursue, i! also 0 "ay lay hold o! that !or $hi#h also 0 $as laid hold o! by the Dhrist 5esus, #-brethren, 0 do not re#'on "ysel! to have laid hold, and one thing ++ the things behind indeed !orgetting, and to the things be!ore stret#hing !orth ++ #.to the "ar' 0 ursue !or the riEe o! the high #alling o! &od in Dhrist 5esus) #'.s "any, there!ore, as IareI er!e#t ++ let us thin' this, and i! IinI anything ye thin' other$ise, this also shall &od reveal to you, #/but to $hat $e have #o"e ++ by the sa"e rule $al', the sa"e thing thin', #0be#o"e !ollo$ers together o! "e, brethren, and observe those thus $al'ing, a##ording as ye have us ++ a attern,
#$!or "any $al' o! $ho" "any ti"es 0 told you ++ and no$ also $ee ing tell ++ the ene"ies o! the #ross o! the Dhristd #%$hose end IisI destru#tion, $hose god IisI the belly, and $hose glory IisI in their sha"e, $ho the things on earth are "inding) ,(For our #itiEenshi is in the heavens, $hen#e also a Saviour $e a$ait ++ the Lord 5esus Dhrist ++ ,#$ho shall trans!or" the body o! our hu"iliation to its be#o"ing #on!or"ed to the body o! his glory, a##ording to the $or'ing o! his o$er, even to sub-e#t to hi"sel! the all things)
#So then, "y brethren, beloved and longed !or, "y -oy and #ro$n, so stand ye in the Lord, beloved) ,Euodia 0 e(hort, and Synty#he 0 e(hort, to be o! the sa"e "ind in the Lord, -and 0 as' also thee, genuine yo'e+ !ello$, be assisting those $o"en $ho in the good ne$s did strive along $ith "e, $ith Dle"ent also, and the others, "y !ello$+$or'ers, $hose na"es IareI in the boo' o! li!e) .Re-oi#e in the Lord al$ays, again 0 $ill say, re-oi#e, 'let your !orbearan#e be 'no$n to all "en, the Lord IisI near, /!or nothing be an(ious, but in everything by rayer, and by su li#ation, $ith than'sgiving, let your re?uests be "ade 'no$n unto &od, 0and the ea#e o! &od, that is sur assing all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Dhrist 5esus) $.s to the rest, brethren, as "any things as are true, as "any as IareI grave, as "any as IareI righteous, as "any as IareI ure, as "any as IareI lovely, as "any as IareI o! good re ort, i! any $orthiness, and i! any raise, these things thin' u on,
+hapter .
%the things that also ye did learn, and re#eive, and hear, and sa$ in "e, those do, and the &od o! the ea#e shall be $ith you) #(.nd 0 re-oi#ed in the Lord greatly, that no$ at length ye !lourished again in #aring !or "e, !or $hi#h also ye $ere #aring, and la#'ed o ortunity, ##not that in res e#t o! $ant 0 say IitI, !or 0 did learn in the things in $hi#h 0 a" ++ to be #ontent, #,0 have 'no$n both to be abased, and 0 have 'no$n to abound, in everything and in all things 0 have been initiated, both to be !ull and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in $ant) #-For all things 0 have strength, in DhristIs strengthening "e, #.but ye did $ell, having #o""uni#ated $ith "y tribulation, #'and ye have 'no$n, even ye Phili ians, that in the beginning o! the good ne$s $hen 0 $ent !orth !ro" @a#edonia, no asse"bly did #o""uni#ate $ith "e in regard to giving and re#eiving e(#e t ye only, #/be#ause also in Thessaloni#a, both on#e and again to "y need ye sent, #0not that 0 see' a!ter the gi!t, but 0 see' a!ter the !ruit that is over!lo$ing to your a##ount,
#$and 0 have all things, and abound, 0 a" !illed, having re#eived !ro" E a hroditus the things !ro" you ++ an odour o! a s$eet s"ell ++ a sa#ri!i#e a##e table, $ell+ leasing to &odF #%and "y &od shall su ly all your need, a##ording to His ri#hes in glory in Dhrist 5esus, ,(and to &od, even our Father, IisI the glory ++ to the ages o! the ages) ."en) ,#Salute ye every saint in Dhrist 5esus, there salute you the brethren $ith "e, ,,there salute you all the saints, and s e#ially those o! DaesarIs house, ,-the gra#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist IisI $ith you all) ."en)
+hapter #
#Paul, an a ostle o! 5esus Dhrist through the $ill o! &od, and Ti"otheus the brother, ,to the saints in Dolossae, and to the !aith!ul brethren in DhristF &ra#e to you, and ea#e !ro" &od our Father, and the Lord 5esus Dhristd -We give than's to the &od and Father o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, al$ays raying !or you, .having heard o! your !aith in Dhrist 5esus, and o! the love that IisI to all the saints, 'be#ause o! the ho e that is laid u !or you in the heavens, $hi#h ye heard o! be!ore in the $ord o! the truth o! the good ne$s, /$hi#h is resent to you, as also in all the $orld, and is bearing !ruit, as also in you, !ro" the day in $hi#h ye heard, and 'ne$ the gra#e o! &od in truth, 0as ye also learned !ro" E a hras, our beloved !ello$+servant, $ho is !or you a !aith!ul "inistrant o! the Dhrist, $$ho also did de#lare to us your love in the S irit) #`ASKLC A`LPVLKLC BRPLS TUBPVLS WBA ]NKRXAVLC ]NLS YAB VBXL]NLC L AWNKZLC ,VLBC NO YLKAPPABC AMBLBC YAB `BPVLBC AWNKZLBC NO TUBPVQ TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS -NSTAUBPVLSXNO VQ ]NQ YAB `AVUB VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS `AOVLVN `NUB SXQO `ULPNSTLXNOLB .AYLSPAOVNC VRO `BPVBO SXQO NO TUBPVQ BRPLS YAB VRO AMA`RO VRO NBC `AOVAC VLSC AMBLSC 'WBA VRO NK`BWA VRO A`LYNBXNORO SXBO NO VLBC LSUAOLBC RO `ULRYLSPAVN NO VQ KLMQ VRC AKR]NBAC VLS NSAMMNKBLS /VLS `AULOVLC NBC SXAC YA]QC YAB NO `AOVB VQ YLPXQ YAB NPVBO YAU`LZLULSXNOLO YA]QC YAB NO SXBO AZ RC RXNUAC RYLSPAVN YAB N`NMOQVN VRO TAUBO VLS ]NLS NO AKR]NBA 0YA]QC YAB NXA]NVN A`L N`AZUA VLS AMA`RVLS PSOWLSKLS RXQO LC NPVBO `BPVLC S`NU SXQO WBAYLOLC VLS TUBPVLS $L YAB WRKQPAC RXBO VRO SXQO AMA`RO NO `ONSXAVB
%Be#ause o! this, $e also, !ro" the day in $hi#h $e heard, do not #ease raying !or you, and as'ing that ye "ay be !illed $ith the !ull 'no$ledge o! His $ill in all $isdo" and s iritual understanding, #(to your $al'ing $orthily o! the Lord to all leasing, in every good $or' being !ruit!ul, and in#reasing to the 'no$ledge o! &od, %WBA VLSVL YAB RXNBC AZ RC RXNUAC RYLSPAXNO LS `ASLXN]A S`NU SXQO `ULPNSTLXNOLB YAB ABVLSXNOLB BOA `KRUQ]RVN VRO N`BMOQPBO VLS ]NKRXAVLC ASVLS NO `APR PLZBA YAB PSONPNB `ONSXAVBYR #(`NUB`AVRPAB SXAC AaBQC VLS YSUBLS NBC `APAO AUNPYNBAO NO `AOVB NUMQ AMA]Q YAU`LZLULSOVNC YAB ASaAOLXNOLB NBC VRO N`BMOQPBO VLS ]NLS ##in all "ight being "ade "ighty ##NO `APR WSOAXNB WSOAXLSXNOLB a##ording to the o$er o! His glory, to YAVA VL YUAVLC VRC WLaRC ASVLS NBC all enduran#e and long+su!!ering $ith `APAO S`LXLORO YAB XAYUL]SXBAO -oy) XNVA TAUAC #,&iving than's to the Father $ho did #,NSTAUBPVLSOVNC VQ `AVUB VQ "a'e us "eet !or the arti#i ation o! BYAOQPAOVB RXAC NBC VRO XNUBWA VLS the inheritan#e o! the saints in the YKRULS VQO AMBQO NO VQ ZQVB light, #-$ho did res#ue us out o! the #-LC NUUSPAVL RXAC NY VRC NaLSPBAC authority o! the dar'ness, and did VLS PYLVLSC YAB XNVNPVRPNO NBC VRO translate IusI into the reign o! the Son HAPBKNBAO VLS SBLS VRC AMA`RC ASVLS o! His love, #.in $ho" $e have the rede" tion #.NO Q NTLXNO VRO A`LKSVUQPBO WBA through his blood, the !orgiveness o! VLS ABXAVLC ASVLS VRO AZNPBO VQO the sins, AXAUVBQO #'$ho is the i"age o! the invisible #'LC NPVBO NBYQO VLS ]NLS VLS &od, !irst+born o! all #reation, ALUAVLS `UQVLVLYLC `APRC YVBPNQC
#/be#ause in hi" $ere the all things #reated, those in the heavens, and those u on the earth, those visible, and those invisible, $hether thrones, $hether lordshi s, $hether rin#i alities, $hether authorities, all things through hi", and !or hi", have been #reated, #0and hi"sel! is be!ore all, and the all things in hi" have #onsisted) #$.nd hi"sel! is the head o! the body ++ the asse"bly ++ $ho is a beginning, a !irst+born out o! the dead, that he "ight be#o"e in all IthingsI ++ hi"sel! ++ !irst, #%be#ause in hi" it did lease all the !ulness to taberna#le, ,(and through hi" to re#on#ile the all things to hi"sel! ++ having "ade ea#e through the blood o! his #ross ++ through hi", $hether the things u on the earth, $hether the things in the heavens) ,#.nd you ++ on#e being alienated, and ene"ies in the "ind, in the evil $or's, yet no$ did he re#on#ile, ,,in the body o! his !lesh through the death, to resent you holy, and unble"ished, and unbla"eable be!ore hi"sel!, #/LVB NO ASVQ NYVBP]R VA `AOVA VA NO VLBC LSUAOLBC YAB VA N`B VRC MRC VA LUAVA YAB VA ALUAVA NBVN ]ULOLB NBVN YSUBLVRVNC NBVN AUTAB NBVN NaLSPBAB VA `AOVA WB ASVLS YAB NBC ASVLO NYVBPVAB
,-i! also ye re"ain in the !aith, being !ounded and settled, and not "oved a$ay !ro" the ho e o! the good ne$s, $hi#h ye heard, $hi#h $as rea#hed in all the #reation that IisI under the heaven, o! $hi#h 0 be#a"e ++ 0 Paul ++ a "inistrant) ,.0 no$ re-oi#e in "y su!!erings !or you, and do !ill u the things la#'ing o! the tribulations o! the Dhrist in "y !lesh !or his body, $hi#h is the asse"bly, ,'o! $hi#h 0 ++ 0 did be#o"e a "inistrant a##ording to the dis ensation o! &od, that $as given to "e !or you, to !ul!il the $ord o! &od, ,/the se#ret that hath been hid !ro" the ages and !ro" the generations, but no$ $as "ani!ested to his saints, ,0to $ho" &od did $ill to "a'e 'no$n $hat IisI the ri#hes o! the glory o! this se#ret a"ong the nations ++ $hi#h is Dhrist in you, the ho e o! the glory, ,$$ho" $e ro#lai", $arning every "an, and tea#hing every "an, in all $isdo", that $e "ay resent every "an er!e#t in Dhrist 5esus, ,%!or $hi#h also 0 labour, striving a##ording to his $or'ing that is $or'ing in "e in o$er) ,-NBMN N`BXNONVN VR `BPVNB VN]NXNKBQXNOLB YAB NWUABLB YAB XR XNVAYBOLSXNOLB A`L VRC NK`BWLC VLS NSAMMNKBLS LS RYLSPAVN VLS YRUST]NOVLC NO `APR VR YVBPNB VR S`L VLO LSUAOLO LS NMNOLXRO NMQ `ASKLC WBAYLOLC ,.OSO TABUQ NO VLBC `A]RXAPBO XLS S`NU SXQO YAB AOVAOA`KRUQ VA SPVNURXAVA VQO ]KBcNQO VLS TUBPVLS NO VR PAUYB XLS S`NU VLS PQXAVLC ASVLS L NPVBO R NYYKRPBA ,'RC NMNOLXRO NMQ WBAYLOLC YAVA VRO LBYLOLXBAO VLS ]NLS VRO WL]NBPAO XLB NBC SXAC `KRUQPAB VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS ,/VL XSPVRUBLO VL A`LYNYUSXXNOLO A`L VQO ABQOQO YAB A`L VQO MNONQO OSOB WN NZAONUQ]R VLBC AMBLBC ASVLS ,0LBC R]NKRPNO L ]NLC MOQUBPAB VBC L `KLSVLC VRC WLaRC VLS XSPVRUBLS VLSVLS NO VLBC N]ONPBO LC NPVBO TUBPVLC NO SXBO R NK`BC VRC WLaRC ,$LO RXNBC YAVAMMNKKLXNO OLS]NVLSOVNC `AOVA AO]UQ`LO YAB WBWAPYLOVNC `AOVA AO]UQ`LO NO `APR PLZBA BOA `AUAPVRPQXNO `AOVA AO]UQ`LO VNKNBLO NO TUBPVQ BRPLS ,%NBC L YAB YL`BQ AMQOB\LXNOLC YAVA VRO NONUMNBAO ASVLS VRO NONUMLSXNORO NO NXLB NO WSOAXNB
+hapter ,
#For 0 $ish you to 'no$ ho$ great a #on!li#t 0 have !or you and those in Laodi#ea, and as "any as have not seen "y !a#e in the !lesh, ,that their hearts "ay be #o"!orted, being united in love, and to all ri#hes o! the !ull assuran#e o! the understanding, to the !ull 'no$ledge o! the se#ret o! the &od and Father, and o! the Dhrist, -in $ho" are all the treasures o! the $isdo" and the 'no$ledge hid, .and this 0 say, that no one "ay beguile you in enti#ing $ords, '!or i! even in the !lesh 0 a" absent ++ yet in the s irit 0 a" $ith you, -oying and beholding your order, and the sted!astness o! your !aith in regard to Dhrist, /as, then, ye did re#eive Dhrist 5esus the Lord, in hi" $al' ye, 0being rooted and built u in hi", and #on!ir"ed in the !aith, as ye $ere taught ++ abounding in it in than'sgiving) $See that no one shall be #arrying you a$ay as s oil through the hiloso hy and vain de#eit, a##ording to the deliveran#e o! "en, a##ording to the rudi"ents o! the $orld, and not a##ording to Dhrist, %be#ause in hi" doth taberna#le all the !ulness o! the &odhead bodily, #]NKQ MAU SXAC NBWNOAB RKBYLO AMQOA NTQ `NUB SXQO YAB VQO NO KALWBYNBA YAB LPLB LST NQUAYAPBO VL `ULPQ`LO XLS NO PAUYB ,BOA `AUAYKR]QPBO AB YAUWBAB ASVQO PSXHBHAP]NOVQO NO AMA`R YAB NBC `AOVA `KLSVLO VRC `KRULZLUBAC VRC PSONPNQC NBC N`BMOQPBO VLS XSPVRUBLS VLS ]NLS YAB `AVULC YAB VLS TUBPVLS -NO Q NBPBO `AOVNC LB ]RPASULB VRC PLZBAC YAB VRC MOQPNQC A`LYUSZLB .VLSVL WN KNMQ BOA XR VBC SXAC `AUAKLMB\RVAB NO `B]AOLKLMBA 'NB MAU YAB VR PAUYB A`NBXB AKKA VQ `ONSXAVB PSO SXBO NBXB TABUQO YAB HKN`QO SXQO VRO VAaBO YAB VL PVNUNQXA VRC NBC TUBPVLO `BPVNQC SXQO /QC LSO `AUNKAHNVN VLO TUBPVLO BRPLSO VLO YSUBLO NO ASVQ `NUB`AVNBVN 0NUUB\QXNOLB YAB N`LBYLWLXLSXNOLB NO ASVQ YAB HNHABLSXNOLB NO VR `BPVNB YA]QC NWBWAT]RVN `NUBPPNSLOVNC NO ASVR NO NSTAUBPVBA $HKN`NVN XR VBC SXAC NPVAB L PSKAMQMQO WBA VRC ZBKLPLZBAC YAB YNORC A`AVRC YAVA VRO `AUAWLPBO VQO AO]UQ`QO YAVA VA PVLBTNBA VLS YLPXLS YAB LS YAVA TUBPVLO %LVB NO ASVQ YAVLBYNB `AO VL `KRUQXA VRC ]NLVRVLC PQXAVBYQC
#(and ye are in hi" "ade !ull, $ho is the head o! all rin#i ality and authority, ##in $ho" also ye $ere #ir#u"#ised $ith a #ir#u"#ision not "ade $ith hands, in the utting o!! o! the body o! the sins o! the !lesh in the #ir#u"#ision o! the Dhrist, #,being buried $ith hi" in the ba tis", in $hi#h also ye rose $ith Ihi"I through the !aith o! the $or'ing o! &od, $ho did raise hi" out o! the dead) #-.nd you ++ being dead in the tres asses and the un#ir#u"#ision o! your !lesh ++ He "ade alive together $ith hi", having !orgiven you all the tres asses, #.having blotted out the hand$riting in the ordinan#es that is against us, that $as #ontrary to us, and he hath ta'en it out o! the $ay, having nailed it to the #ross, #'having stri ed the rin#i alities and the authorities, he "ade a she$ o! the" o enly ++ having triu" hed over the" in it) #/Let no one, then, -udge you in eating or in drin'ing, or in res e#t o! a !east, or o! a ne$ "oon, or o! sabbaths, #0$hi#h are a shado$ o! the #o"ing things, and the body IisI o! the Dhrist, #(YAB NPVN NO ASVQ `N`KRUQXNOLB LC NPVBO R YNZAKR `APRC AUTRC YAB NaLSPBAC ##NO Q YAB `NUBNVXR]RVN `NUBVLXR ATNBUL`LBRVQ NO VR A`NYWSPNB VLS PQXAVLC VQO AXAUVBQO VRC PAUYLC NO VR `NUBVLXR VLS TUBPVLS #,PSOVAZNOVNC ASVQ NO VQ HA`VBPXAVB NO Q YAB PSORMNU]RVN WBA VRC `BPVNQC VRC NONUMNBAC VLS ]NLS VLS NMNBUAOVLC ASVLO NY VQO ONYUQO #-YAB SXAC ONYULSC LOVAC NO VLBC `AUA`VQXAPBO YAB VR AYULHSPVBA VRC PAUYLC SXQO PSON\Q`LBRPNO PSO ASVQ TAUBPAXNOLC RXBO `AOVA VA `AUA`VQXAVA #.NaAKNBcAC VL YA] RXQO TNBULMUAZLO VLBC WLMXAPBO L RO S`NOAOVBLO RXBO YAB ASVL RUYNO NY VLS XNPLS `ULPRKQPAC ASVL VQ PVASUQ #'A`NYWSPAXNOLC VAC AUTAC YAB VAC NaLSPBAC NWNBMXAVBPNO NO `AUURPBA ]UBAXHNSPAC ASVLSC NO ASVQ #/XR LSO VBC SXAC YUBONVQ NO HUQPNB R NO `LPNB R NO XNUNB NLUVRC R OLSXROBAC R PAHHAVQO #0A NPVBO PYBA VQO XNKKLOVQO VL WN PQXA VLS TUBPVLS
#$let no one beguile you o! your riEe, delighting in hu"ble+"indedness and IinI $orshi o! the "essengers, intruding into the things he hath not seen, being vainly u!!ed u by the "ind o! his !lesh, #%and not holding the head, !ro" $hi#h all the body ++ through the -oints and bands gathering su ly, and being 'nit together ++ "ay in#rease $ith the in#rease o! &od) ,(0!, then, ye did die $ith the Dhrist !ro" the rudi"ents o! the $orld, $hy, as living in the $orld, are ye sub-e#t to ordinan#esb ,#++ thou "ayest not tou#h, nor taste, nor handle ++ ,,$hi#h are all !or destru#tion $ith the using, a!ter the #o""ands and tea#hings o! "en, ,-$hi#h are, indeed, having a "atter o! $isdo" in $ill+$orshi , and hu"ble+"indedness, and negle#ting o! body ++ not in any honour, unto a satis!ying o! the !lesh) #$XRWNBC SXAC YAVAHUAHNSNVQ ]NKQO NO VA`NBOLZULPSOR YAB ]URPYNBA VQO AMMNKQO A XR NQUAYNO NXHAVNSQO NBYR ZSPBLSXNOLC S`L VLS OLLC VRC PAUYLC ASVLS #%YAB LS YUAVQO VRO YNZAKRO Na LS `AO VL PQXA WBA VQO AZQO YAB PSOWNPXQO N`BTLURMLSXNOLO YAB PSXHBHA\LXNOLO ASaNB VRO ASaRPBO VLS ]NLS ,(NB LSO A`N]AONVN PSO VQ TUBPVQ A`L VQO PVLBTNBQO VLS YLPXLS VB QC \QOVNC NO YLPXQ WLMXAVB\NP]N ,#XR AcR XRWN MNSPR XRWN ]BMRC ,,A NPVBO `AOVA NBC Z]LUAO VR A`LTURPNB YAVA VA NOVAKXAVA YAB WBWAPYAKBAC VQO AO]UQ`QO ,-AVBOA NPVBO KLMLO XNO NTLOVA PLZBAC NO N]NKL]URPYNBA YAB VA`NBOLZULPSOR YAB AZNBWBA PQXAVLC LSY NO VBXR VBOB `ULC `KRPXLORO VRC PAUYLC
+hapter #0!, then, ye $ere raised $ith the Dhrist, the things above see' ye, $here the Dhrist is, on the right hand o! &od seated, ,the things above "ind ye, not the things u on the earth, -!or ye did die, and your li!e hath been hid $ith the Dhrist in &od, .$hen the Dhrist ++ our li!e ++ "ay be "ani!ested, then also $e $ith hi" shall be "ani!ested in glory) 'Put to death, then, your "e"bers that IareI u on the earth ++ $horedo", un#leanness, assion, evil desire, and the #ovetousness, $hi#h is idolatry ++ /be#ause o! $hi#h things #o"eth the anger o! &od u on the sons o! the disobedien#e, 0in $hi#h also ye ++ ye did $al' on#e, $hen ye lived in the", $but no$ ut o!!, even ye, the $hole ++ anger, $rath, "ali#e, evil+s ea'ing, !ilthy tal'ing ++ out o! your "outh) %Lie not one to another, having ut o!! the old "an $ith his ra#ti#es, #NB LSO PSORMNU]RVN VQ TUBPVQ VA AOQ \RVNBVN LS L TUBPVLC NPVBO NO WNaBA VLS ]NLS YA]RXNOLC ,VA AOQ ZULONBVN XR VA N`B VRC MRC -A`N]AONVN MAU YAB R \QR SXQO YNYUS`VAB PSO VQ TUBPVQ NO VQ ]NQ .LVAO L TUBPVLC ZAONUQ]R R \QR RXQO VLVN YAB SXNBC PSO ASVQ ZAONUQ]RPNP]N NO WLaR 'ONYUQPAVN LSO VA XNKR SXQO VA N`B VRC MRC `LUONBAO AYA]AUPBAO `A]LC N`B]SXBAO YAYRO YAB VRO `KNLONaBAO RVBC NPVBO NBWQKLKAVUNBA /WB A NUTNVAB R LUMR VLS ]NLS N`B VLSC SBLSC VRC A`NB]NBAC
##$here there is not &ree' and 5e$, #ir#u"#ision and un#ir#u"#ision, !oreigner, S#ythian, servant, !ree"an ++ but the all and in all ++ Dhrist) #,Put on, there!ore, as #hoi#e ones o! &od, holy and beloved, bo$els o! "er#ies, 'indness, hu"ble+ "indedness, "ee'ness, long+su!!ering, #-!orbearing one another, and !orgiving ea#h other, i! any one $ith any one "ay have a ?uarrel, as also the Dhrist did !orgive you ++ so also ye, #.and above all these things, IhaveI love, $hi#h is a bond o! the er!e#tion, #'and let the ea#e o! &od rule in your hearts, to $hi#h also ye $ere #alled in one body, and be#o"e than'!ul) #/Let the $ord o! Dhrist d$ell in you ri#hly, in all $isdo", tea#hing and ad"onishing ea#h other, in sal"s, and hy"ns, and s iritual songs, in gra#e singing in your hearts to the Lord, #0and all, $hatever ye "ay do in $ord or in $or', IdoI all things in the na"e o! the Lord 5esus ++ giving than's to the &od and Father, through hi") #$The $ivesd be sub-e#t to your o$n husbands, as is !it in the Lord, #%the husbandsd love your $ives, and be not bitter $ith the", ##L`LS LSY NOB NKKRO YAB BLSWABLC `NUBVLXR YAB AYULHSPVBA HAUHAULC PYS]RC WLSKLC NKNS]NULC AKKA VA `AOVA YAB NO `APBO TUBPVLC #,NOWSPAP]N LSO QC NYKNYVLB VLS ]NLS AMBLB YAB RMA`RXNOLB P`KAMTOA LBYVBUXQO TURPVLVRVA VA`NBOLZULPSORO `UALVRVA XAYUL]SXBAO #-AONTLXNOLB AKKRKQO YAB TAUB\LXNOLB NASVLBC NAO VBC `ULC VBOA NTR XLXZRO YA]QC YAB L TUBPVLC NTAUBPAVL SXBO LSVQC YAB SXNBC #.N`B `APBO WN VLSVLBC VRO AMA`RO RVBC NPVBO PSOWNPXLC VRC VNKNBLVRVLC #'YAB R NBUROR VLS ]NLS HUAHNSNVQ NO VABC YAUWBABC SXQO NBC RO YAB NYKR]RVN NO NOB PQXAVB YAB NSTAUBPVLB MBONP]N #/L KLMLC VLS TUBPVLS NOLBYNBVQ NO SXBO `KLSPBQC NO `APR PLZBA WBWAPYLOVNC YAB OLS]NVLSOVNC NASVLSC cAKXLBC YAB SXOLBC YAB QWABC `ONSXAVBYABC NO TAUBVB AWLOVNC NO VR YAUWBA SXQO VQ YSUBQ #0YAB `AO L VB AO `LBRVN NO KLMQ R NO NUMQ `AOVA NO LOLXAVB YSUBLS BRPLS NSTAUBPVLSOVNC VQ ]NQ YAB `AVUB WB ASVLS #$AB MSOABYNC S`LVAPPNP]N VLBC BWBLBC AOWUAPBO QC AORYNO NO YSUBQ #%LB AOWUNC AMA`AVN VAC MSOABYAC YAB XR `BYUABONP]N `ULC ASVAC
,(the #hildrend obey the arents in all things, !or this is $ell+ leasing to the Lord, ,#the !athersd ve( not your #hildren, lest they be dis#ouraged) ,,The servantsd obey in all things those $ho are "asters a##ording to the !lesh, not in eye+servi#e as "en+ leasers, but in si" li#ity o! heart, !earing &od, ,-and all, $hatever ye "ay do ++ out o! soul $or' ++ as to the Lord, and not to "en, ,.having 'no$n that !ro" the Lord ye shall re#eive the re#o" ense o! the inheritan#e ++ !or the Lord Dhrist ye serve, ,'and he $ho is doing unrighteously shall re#eive $hat he did unrighteously, and there is no a##e tan#e o! ersons) ,(VA VNYOA S`AYLSNVN VLBC MLONSPBO YAVA `AOVA VLSVL MAU NPVBO NSAUNPVLO VQ YSUBQ ,#LB `AVNUNC XR NUN]B\NVN VA VNYOA SXQO BOA XR A]SXQPBO ,,LB WLSKLB S`AYLSNVN YAVA `AOVA VLBC YAVA PAUYA YSUBLBC XR NO LZ]AKXLWLSKNBABC QC AO]UQ`AUNPYLB AKK NO A`KLVRVB YAUWBAC ZLHLSXNOLB VLO ]NLO ,-YAB `AO L VB NAO `LBRVN NY cSTRC NUMA\NP]N QC VQ YSUBQ YAB LSY AO]UQ`LBC ,.NBWLVNC LVB A`L YSUBLS A`LKRcNP]N VRO AOVA`LWLPBO VRC YKRULOLXBAC VQ MAU YSUBQ TUBPVQ WLSKNSNVN ,'L WN AWBYQO YLXBNBVAB L RWBYRPNO YAB LSY NPVBO `ULPQ`LKRcBA
+hapter .
#The "astersd that $hi#h is righteous and e?ual to the servants give ye, having 'no$n that ye also have a @aster in the heavens) ,0n the rayer #ontinue ye, $at#hing in it in than'sgiving, - raying at the sa"e ti"e also !or us, that &od "ay o en to us a door !or the $ord, to s ea' the se#ret o! the Dhrist, be#ause o! $hi#h also 0 have been bound, .that 0 "ay "ani!est it, as it behoveth "e to s ea', 'in $isdo" $al' ye to$ard those $ithout, the ti"e !orestalling, /your $ord al$ays in gra#e ++ $ith salt being seasoned ++ to 'no$ ho$ it behoveth you to ans$er ea#h one) 0.ll the things #on#erning "e "a'e 'no$n to you shall Ty#hi#us ++ the beloved brother, and !aith!ul "inistrant, and !ello$+servant in the Lord ++ $$ho" 0 did send unto you !or this very thing, that he "ight 'no$ the things #on#erning you, and "ight #o"!ort your hearts, %$ith Onesi"us the !aith!ul and beloved brother, $ho is o! you, all things to you shall they "a'e 'no$n that IareI here) #LB YSUBLB VL WBYABLO YAB VRO BPLVRVA VLBC WLSKLBC `AUNTNP]N NBWLVNC LVB YAB SXNBC NTNVN YSUBLO NO LSUAOLBC ,VR `ULPNSTR `ULPYAUVNUNBVN MURMLULSOVNC NO ASVR NO NSTAUBPVBA -`ULPNSTLXNOLB AXA YAB `NUB RXQO BOA L ]NLC AOLBaR RXBO ]SUAO VLS KLMLS KAKRPAB VL XSPVRUBLO VLS TUBPVLS WB L YAB WNWNXAB .BOA ZAONUQPQ ASVL QC WNB XN KAKRPAB 'NO PLZBA `NUB`AVNBVN `ULC VLSC NaQ VLO YABULO NaAMLUA\LXNOLB /L KLMLC SXQO `AOVLVN NO TAUBVB AKAVB RUVSXNOLC NBWNOAB `QC WNB SXAC NOB NYAPVQ A`LYUBONP]AB 0VA YAV NXN `AOVA MOQUBPNB SXBO VSTBYLC L AMA`RVLC AWNKZLC YAB `BPVLC WBAYLOLC YAB PSOWLSKLC NO YSUBQ $LO N`NXcA `ULC SXAC NBC ASVL VLSVL BOA MOQ VA `NUB SXQO YAB `AUAYAKNPR VAC YAUWBAC SXQO %PSO LORPBXQ VQ `BPVQ YAB AMA`RVQ AWNKZQ LC NPVBO Na SXQO `AOVA SXBO MOQUBLSPBO VA QWN
#(Salute you doth .ristar#hus, "y !ello$+#a tive, and @ar#us, the ne he$ o! Barnabas, 7#on#erning $ho" ye did re#eive #o""ands ++ i! he "ay #o"e unto you re#eive hi",< ##and 5esus $ho is #alled 5ustus, $ho are o! the #ir#u"#isionF these only IareI !ello$+$or'ers !or the reign o! &od $ho did be#o"e a #o"!ort to "e) #,Salute you doth E a hras, $ho IisI o! you, a servant o! Dhrist, al$ays striving !or you in the rayers, that ye "ay stand er!e#t and "ade !ull in all the $ill o! &od, #-!or 0 do testi!y to hi", that he hath "u#h Eeal !or you, and those in Laodi#ea, and those in Hiera olis) #.Salute you doth Lu'as, the beloved hysi#ian, and De"as, #'salute ye those in Laodi#ea ++ brethren, and /y" has, and the asse"bly in his house, #/and $hen the e istle "ay be read $ith you, #ause that also in the asse"bly o! the Laodi#eans it "ay be read, and the Ie istleI !ro" Laodi#ea that ye also "ay read, #0and say to .r#hi us, ISee to the "inistration that thou didst re#eive in the Lord, that thou "ayest !ul!il it)I #(AP`A\NVAB SXAC AUBPVAUTLC L PSOABTXAKQVLC XLS YAB XAUYLC L AONcBLC HAUOAHA `NUB LS NKAHNVN NOVLKAC NAO NK]R `ULC SXAC WNaAP]N ASVLO ##YAB BRPLSC L KNMLXNOLC BLSPVLC LB LOVNC NY `NUBVLXRC LSVLB XLOLB PSONUMLB NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO VLS ]NLS LBVBONC NMNOR]RPAO XLB `AURMLUBA #,AP`A\NVAB SXAC N`AZUAC L Na SXQO WLSKLC TUBPVLS `AOVLVN AMQOB\LXNOLC S`NU SXQO NO VABC `ULPNSTABC BOA PVRVN VNKNBLB YAB `N`KRUQXNOLB NO `AOVB ]NKRXAVB VLS ]NLS #-XAUVSUQ MAU ASVQ LVB NTNB \RKLO `LKSO S`NU SXQO YAB VQO NO KALWBYNBA YAB VQO NO BNUA`LKNB #.AP`A\NVAB SXAC KLSYAC L BAVULC L AMA`RVLC YAB WRXAC #'AP`APAP]N VLSC NO KALWBYNBA AWNKZLSC YAB OSXZAO YAB VRO YAV LBYLO ASVLS NYYKRPBAO #/YAB LVAO AOAMOQP]R `AU SXBO R N`BPVLKR `LBRPAVN BOA YAB NO VR KALWBYNQO NYYKRPBA AOAMOQP]R YAB VRO NY KALWBYNBAC BOA YAB SXNBC AOAMOQVN #0YAB NB`AVN AUTB``Q HKN`N VRO WBAYLOBAO RO `AUNKAHNC NO YSUBQ BOA ASVRO `KRULBC
#$The salutation by the hand o! "e, Paul, re"e"ber "y bonds, the gra#e IisI $ith you) ."en) #$L AP`APXLC VR NXR TNBUB `ASKLS XORXLONSNVN XLS VQO WNPXQO R TAUBC XN] SXQO AXRO e`ULC YLKAPPANBC NMUAZR A`L UQXRC WBA VSTBYLS YAB LORPBXLSf
# Thessalonians
+hapter #
#Paul, and Silvanus, and Ti"otheus, to the asse"bly o! Thessalonians in &od the Father, and the Lord 5esus DhristF &ra#e to you, and ea#e, !ro" &od our Father, and the Lord 5esus Dhristd #`ASKLC YAB PBKLSAOLC YAB VBXL]NLC VR NYYKRPBA ]NPPAKLOBYNQO NO ]NQ `AVUB YAB YSUBQ BRPLS TUBPVQ TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS
,We give than's to &od al$ays !or you ,NSTAUBPVLSXNO VQ ]NQ `AOVLVN `NUB all, "a'ing "ention o! you in our rayh `AOVQO SXQO XONBAO SXQO `LBLSXNOLB ers, N`B VQO `ULPNSTQO RXQO -un#easingly re"e"bering o! you the $or' o! the !aith, and the labour o! the love, and the enduran#e o! the ho e, o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, in the resen#e o! our &od and Father, .having 'no$n, brethren beloved, by &od, your ele#tion, 'be#ause our good ne$s did not #o"e to you in $ord only, but also in o$er, and in the Holy S irit, and in "u#h ash suran#e, even as ye have 'no$n o! $hat sort $e be#a"e a"ong you beh #ause o! you, /and ye ++ ye did be#o"e i"itators o! us, and o! the Lord, having re#eived the $ord in "u#h tribulation, $ith -oy o! the Holy S irit, -AWBAKNB`VQC XORXLONSLOVNC SXQO VLS NUMLS VRC `BPVNQC YAB VLS YL`LS VRC AMA`RC YAB VRC S`LXLORC VRC NK`BWLC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS NX`ULP]NO VLS ]NLS YAB `AVULC RXQO .NBWLVNC AWNKZLB RMA`RXNOLB S`L ]NLS VRO NYKLMRO SXQO 'LVB VL NSAMMNKBLO RXQO LSY NMNOR]R NBC SXAC NO KLMQ XLOLO AKKA YAB NO WSOAXNB YAB NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ YAB NO `KRULZLUBA `LKKR YA]QC LBWAVN LBLB NMNOR]RXNO NO SXBO WB SXAC /YAB SXNBC XBXRVAB RXQO NMNOR]RVN YAB VLS YSUBLS WNaAXNOLB VLO KLMLO NO ]KBcNB `LKKR XNVA TAUAC `ONSXAVLC AMBLS
0QPVN MNONP]AB SXAC VS`LSC `APBO VLBC 0so that ye be#a"e atterns to all those `BPVNSLSPBO NO VR XAYNWLOBA YAB VR believing in @a#edonia and .#haia, ATABA 281
1 Thessalonians
$!or !ro" you hath sounded !orth the $ord o! the Lord, not only in @a#edoh nia and .#haia, but also in every la#e your !aith to$ard &od did go !orth, so that $e have no need to say anything, $AZ SXQO MAU NaRTRVAB L KLMLC VLS YSUBLS LS XLOLO NO VR XAYNWLOBA YAB ATABA AKKA YAB NO `AOVB VL`Q R `BPVBC SXQO R `ULC VLO ]NLO NaNKRKS]NO QPVN XR TUNBAO RXAC NTNBO KAKNBO VB
%ASVLB MAU `NUB RXQO A`AMMNKKLSPBO %!or they the"selves #on#erning us do L`LBAO NBPLWLO NTLXNO `ULC SXAC YAB de#lare $hat entran#e $e had unto you, `QC N`NPVUNcAVN `ULC VLO ]NLO A`L and ho$ ye did turn unto &od !ro" the VQO NBWQKQO WLSKNSNBO ]NQ \QOVB YAB idols, to serve a living and true &od, AKR]BOQ #(and to $ait !or His Son !ro" the heavens, $ho" He did raise out o! the dead ++ 5esus, $ho is res#uing us !ro" the anger that is #o"ing) #(YAB AOAXNONBO VLO SBLO ASVLS NY VQO LSUAOQO LO RMNBUNO NY ONYUQO BRPLSO VLO USLXNOLO RXAC A`L VRC LUMRC VRC NUTLXNORC
1 Thessalonians
+hapter ,
#For yourselves have 'no$n, brethren, our entran#e in unto you, that it did not be#o"e vain, ,but having both su!!ered be!ore, and having been in-uriously treated 7as ye have 'no$n< in Phili i, $e $ere bold in our &od to s ea' unto you the good ne$s o! &od in "u#h #on!li#t, #ASVLB MAU LBWAVN AWNKZLB VRO NBPLWLO RXQO VRO `ULC SXAC LVB LS YNOR MNMLONO ,AKKA YAB `UL`A]LOVNC YAB SHUBP]NOVNC YA]QC LBWAVN NO ZBKB``LBC N`AUURPBAPAXN]A NO VQ ]NQ RXQO KAKRPAB `ULC SXAC VL NSAMMNKBLO VLS ]NLS NO `LKKQ AMQOB
-!or our e(hortation IisI not out o! deh -R MAU `AUAYKRPBC RXQO LSY NY `KAORC #eit, nor out o! un#leanness, nor in LSWN Na AYA]AUPBAC LSVN NO WLKQ guile, .but as $e have been a roved by &od to be entrusted $ith the good ne$s, so $e s ea', not as leasing "en, but &od, $ho is roving our hearts, .AKKA YA]QC WNWLYBXAPXN]A S`L VLS ]NLS `BPVNS]ROAB VL NSAMMNKBLO LSVQC KAKLSXNO LST QC AO]UQ`LBC AUNPYLOVNC AKKA VQ ]NQ VQ WLYBXA\LOVB VAC YAUWBAC RXQO
'!or at no ti"e did $e #o"e $ith 'LSVN MAU `LVN NO KLMQ YLKAYNBAC s ee#h o! !lattery, 7as ye have NMNOR]RXNO YA]QC LBWAVN LSVN NO 'no$n,< nor in a rete(t !or #ovetoush `ULZAPNB `KNLONaBAC ]NLC XAUVSC ness, 7&od IisI $itnessd< /nor see'ing o! "en glory, neither /LSVN \RVLSOVNC Na AO]UQ`QO WLaAO !ro" you nor !ro" others, being able LSVN AZ SXQO LSVN A` AKKQO WSOAXNOLB to be burdenso"e, as DhristIs a ostles) NO HAUNB NBOAB QC TUBPVLS A`LPVLKLB 0But $e be#a"e gentle in your "idst, 0AKK NMNOR]RXNO R`BLB NO XNPQ SXQO QC as a nurse "ay #herish her o$n #hilh AO VULZLC ]AK`R VA NASVRC VNYOA dren,
1 Thessalonians
$so being desirous o! you, $e are $ell+ leased to i" art to you not only the good ne$s o! &od, but also our o$n souls, be#ause beloved ye have be#o"e to us, %!or ye re"e"ber, brethren, our lah bour and travail, !or, night and day $or'ing not to be a burden u on any o! you, $e did rea#h to you the good ne$s o! &od, #(ye IareI $itnesses ++ &od also ++ ho$ 'indly and righteously, and bla"elessly to you $ho believe $e be#a"e, $LSVQC BXNBULXNOLB SXQO NSWLYLSXNO XNVAWLSOAB SXBO LS XLOLO VL NSAMMNKBLO VLS ]NLS AKKA YAB VAC NASVQO cSTAC WBLVB AMA`RVLB RXBO MNMNORP]N %XORXLONSNVN MAU AWNKZLB VLO YL`LO RXQO YAB VLO XLT]LO OSYVLC MAU YAB RXNUAC NUMA\LXNOLB `ULC VL XR N`BHAURPAB VBOA SXQO NYRUSaAXNO NBC SXAC VL NSAMMNKBLO VLS ]NLS #(SXNBC XAUVSUNC YAB L ]NLC QC LPBQC YAB WBYABQC YAB AXNX`VQC SXBO VLBC `BPVNSLSPBO NMNOR]RXNO
##even as ye have 'no$n, ho$ ea#h ##YA]A`NU LBWAVN QC NOA NYAPVLO SXQO one o! you, as a !ather his o$n #hilh QC `AVRU VNYOA NASVLS `AUAYAKLSOVNC dren, $e are e(horting you, and #o"h SXAC YAB `AUAXS]LSXNOLB !orting, and testi!ying, #,!or your $al'ing $orthily o! &od, $ho is #alling you to His o$n reign and glory) #-Be#ause o! this also, $e ++ $e do give than's to &od #ontinually, that, having re#eived the $ord o! hearing !ro" us o! &od, ye a##e ted, not the $ord o! "an, but as it is truly, the $ord o! &od, $ho also doth $or' in you $ho believe, #,YAB XAUVSULSXNOLB NBC VL `NUB`AVRPAB SXAC AaBQC VLS ]NLS VLS YAKLSOVLC SXAC NBC VRO NASVLS HAPBKNBAO YAB WLaAO #-WBA VLSVL YAB RXNBC NSTAUBPVLSXNO VQ ]NQ AWBAKNB`VQC LVB `AUAKAHLOVNC KLMLO AYLRC `AU RXQO VLS ]NLS NWNaAP]N LS KLMLO AO]UQ`QO AKKA YA]QC NPVBO AKR]QC KLMLO ]NLS LC YAB NONUMNBVAB NO SXBO VLBC `BPVNSLSPBO
1 Thessalonians
#.!or ye be#a"e i"itators, brethren, o! the asse"blies o! &od that are in 5udea in Dhrist 5esus, be#ause su#h things ye su!!ered, even ye, !ro" your o$n #ountry"en, as also they !ro" the 5e$s, #.SXNBC MAU XBXRVAB NMNOR]RVN AWNKZLB VQO NYYKRPBQO VLS ]NLS VQO LSPQO NO VR BLSWABA NO TUBPVQ BRPLS LVB VASVA N`A]NVN YAB SXNBC S`L VQO BWBQO PSXZSKNVQO YA]QC YAB ASVLB S`L VQO BLSWABQO
#'VQO YAB VLO YSUBLO A`LYVNBOAOVQO #'$ho did both ut to death the Lord BRPLSO YAB VLSC BWBLSC `ULZRVAC YAB 5esus and their o$n ro hets, and did SXAC NYWBQaAOVQO YAB ]NQ XR erse#ute us, and &od they are not AUNPYLOVQO YAB `APBO AO]UQ`LBC leasing, and to all "en IareI #ontrary, NOAOVBQO #/!orbidding us to s ea' to the nah tions that they "ight be saved, to !ill u their sins al$ays, but the anger did #o"e u on the" ++ to the endd #0.nd $e, brethren, having been ta'en !ro" you !or the s a#e o! an hour ++ in resen#e, not in heart ++ did hasten the "ore abundantly to see your !a#e in "u#h desire, #/YQKSLOVQO RXAC VLBC N]ONPBO KAKRPAB BOA PQ]QPBO NBC VL AOA`KRUQPAB ASVQO VAC AXAUVBAC `AOVLVN NZ]APNO WN N` ASVLSC R LUMR NBC VNKLC #0RXNBC WN AWNKZLB A`LUZAOBP]NOVNC AZ SXQO `ULC YABULO QUAC `ULPQ`Q LS YAUWBA `NUBPPLVNUQC NP`LSWAPAXNO VL `ULPQ`LO SXQO BWNBO NO `LKKR N`B]SXBA
#$$here!ore $e $ished to #o"e unto #$WBL R]NKRPAXNO NK]NBO `ULC SXAC NMQ you, 70 indeed Paul,< both on#e and XNO `ASKLC YAB A`Aa YAB WBC YAB again, and the .dversary did hinder NONYLcNO RXAC L PAVAOAC us,
#%!or $hat IisI our ho e, or -oy, or #%VBC MAU RXQO NK`BC R TAUA R #ro$n o! re-oi#ingb are not even ye PVNZAOLC YASTRPNQC R LSTB YAB SXNBC be!ore our Lord 5esus Dhrist in his NX`ULP]NO VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS resen#eb TUBPVLS NO VR ASVLS `AULSPBA ,(!or ye are our glory and -oy) ,(SXNBC MAU NPVN R WLaA RXQO YAB R TAUA
1 Thessalonians
+hapter #Where!ore no longer !orbearing, $e #WBL XRYNVB PVNMLOVNC NSWLYRPAXNO thought good to be le!t in .thens alone, YAVAKNBZ]ROAB NO A]ROABC XLOLB ,and did send Ti"otheus ++ our brother, and a "inistrant o! &od, and our !ello$+ $or'"an in the good ne$s o! the Dhrist ++ to establish you, and to #o"!ort you #on#erning your !aith, ,YAB N`NXcAXNO VBXL]NLO VLO AWNKZLO RXQO YAB WBAYLOLO VLS ]NLS YAB PSONUMLO RXQO NO VQ NSAMMNKBQ VLS TUBPVLS NBC VL PVRUBaAB SXAC YAB `AUAYAKNPAB SXAC `NUB VRC `BPVNQC SXQO
-that no one be "oved in these tribulah -VQ XRWNOA PABONP]AB NO VABC ]KBcNPBO tions, !or yourselves have 'no$n that VASVABC ASVLB MAU LBWAVN LVB NBC VLSVL !or this $e are set, YNBXN]A .!or even $hen $e $ere $ith you, $e said to you be!orehand, that $e are about to su!!er tribulation, as also it did #o"e to ass, and ye have 'no$n IitI, 'be#ause o! this also, 0, no longer !orh bearing, did send to 'no$ your !aith, lest he $ho is te" ting did te" t you, and in vain "ight be our labour) /.nd no$ Ti"otheus having #o"e unto us !ro" you, and having de#lared good ne$s to us o! your !aith and love, and that ye have a good re"e"bran#e o! us al$ays, desiring "u#h to see us, as $e also Ito seeI you, .YAB MAU LVN `ULC SXAC RXNO `ULNKNMLXNO SXBO LVB XNKKLXNO ]KBHNP]AB YA]QC YAB NMNONVL YAB LBWAVN 'WBA VLSVL YAMQ XRYNVB PVNMQO N`NXcA NBC VL MOQOAB VRO `BPVBO SXQO XR`QC N`NBUAPNO SXAC L `NBUA\QO YAB NBC YNOLO MNORVAB L YL`LC RXQO /AUVB WN NK]LOVLC VBXL]NLS `ULC RXAC AZ SXQO YAB NSAMMNKBPAXNOLS RXBO VRO `BPVBO YAB VRO AMA`RO SXQO YAB LVB NTNVN XONBAO RXQO AMA]RO `AOVLVN N`B`L]LSOVNC RXAC BWNBO YA]A`NU YAB RXNBC SXAC
0be#ause o! this $e $ere #o"!orted, 0WBA VLSVL `AUNYKR]RXNO AWNKZLB NZ brethren, over you, in all our tribulation SXBO N`B `APR VR ]KBcNB YAB AOAMYR and ne#essity, through your !aith, RXQO WBA VRC SXQO `BPVNQC $be#ause no$ $e live, i! ye "ay stand !ast in the Lord, $LVB OSO \QXNO NAO SXNBC PVRYRVN NO YSUBQ 286
1 Thessalonians
%!or $hat than's are $e able to re#o"h ense to &od !or you, !or all the -oy $ith $hi#h $e do -oy be#ause o! you in the resen#e o! our &odb %VBOA MAU NSTAUBPVBAO WSOAXN]A VQ ]NQ AOVA`LWLSOAB `NUB SXQO N`B `APR VR TAUA R TABULXNO WB SXAC NX`ULP]NO VLS ]NLS RXQO
#(OSYVLC YAB RXNUAC S`NU NY`NUBPPLS #(night and day e(#eedingly besee#hh WNLXNOLB NBC VL BWNBO SXQO VL ing, that $e "ight see your !a#e, and `ULPQ`LO YAB YAVAUVBPAB VA er!e#t the things la#'ing in your !aith) SPVNURXAVA VRC `BPVNQC SXQO ##.nd our &od and Father Hi"sel!, and ##ASVLC WN L ]NLC YAB `AVRU RXQO YAB our Lord 5esus Dhrist, dire#t our $ay L YSUBLC RXQO BRPLSC TUBPVLC unto you, YAVNS]SOAB VRO LWLO RXQO `ULC SXAC #,and you the Lord #ause to in#rease #,SXAC WN L YSUBLC `KNLOAPAB YAB and to abound in the love to one anh `NUBPPNSPAB VR AMA`R NBC AKKRKLSC YAB other, and to all, even as $e also to you, NBC `AOVAC YA]A`NU YAB RXNBC NBC SXAC #-NBC VL PVRUBaAB SXQO VAC YAUWBAC #-to the establishing your hearts bla"eh AXNX`VLSC NO AMBQPSOR NX`ULP]NO VLS less in san#ti!i#ation be!ore our &od ]NLS YAB `AVULC RXQO NO VR `AULSPBA and Father, in the resen#e o! our Lord VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS XNVA 5esus Dhrist $ith all His saints) `AOVQO VQO AMBQO ASVLS
1 Thessalonians
+hapter .
#.s to the rest, then, brethren, $e reh ?uest you, and #all u on you in the Lord 5esus, as ye did re#eive !ro" us ho$ it behoveth you to $al' and to lease &od, that ye "ay abound the "ore, #VL KLB`LO LSO AWNKZLB NUQVQXNO SXAC YAB `AUAYAKLSXNO NO YSUBQ BRPLS YA]QC `AUNKAHNVN `AU RXQO VL `QC WNB SXAC `NUB`AVNBO YAB AUNPYNBO ]NQ BOA `NUBPPNSRVN XAKKLO
,!or ye have 'no$n $hat #o""ands $e ,LBWAVN MAU VBOAC `AUAMMNKBAC gave you through the Lord 5esus, NWQYAXNO SXBO WBA VLS YSUBLS BRPLS -!or this is the $ill o! &od ++ your san#h -VLSVL MAU NPVBO ]NKRXA VLS ]NLS L ti!i#ation, that ye abstain !ro" the AMBAPXLC SXQO A`NTNP]AB SXAC A`L $horedo", VRC `LUONBAC .that ea#h o! you 'no$ his o$n vessel .NBWNOAB NYAPVLO SXQO VL NASVLS to ossess in san#ti!i#ation and honour, PYNSLC YVAP]AB NO AMBAPXQ YAB VBXR 'not in the a!!e#tion o! desire, as also 'XR NO `A]NB N`B]SXBAC YA]A`NU YAB VA the nations that $ere not 'no$ing &od, N]OR VA XR NBWLVA VLO ]NLO /VL XR S`NUHABONBO YAB `KNLONYVNBO NO /that no one go beyond and de!raud in VQ `UAMXAVB VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS WBLVB the "atter his brother, be#ause an NYWBYLC L YSUBLC `NUB `AOVQO VLSVQO avenger IisI the Lord o! all these, as also YA]QC YAB `ULNB`AXNO SXBO YAB $e s a'e be!ore to you and testi!ied, WBNXAUVSUAXN]A 0!or &od did not #all us on un#leanness, 0LS MAU NYAKNPNO RXAC L ]NLC N`B but in san#ti!i#ation, AYA]AUPBA AKK NO AMBAPXQ $he, there!ore, $ho is des ising ++ doth $VLBMAULSO L A]NVQO LSY AO]UQ`LO not des ise "an, but &od, $ho also did A]NVNB AKKA VLO ]NLO VLO YAB WLOVA VL give His Holy S irit to us) `ONSXA ASVLS VL AMBLO NBC RXAC %.nd #on#erning the brotherly love, ye have no need o! I"yI $riting to you, !or ye yourselves are &od+taught to love one another, #(!or ye do it also to all the brethren %`NUB WN VRC ZBKAWNKZBAC LS TUNBAO NTNVN MUAZNBO SXBO ASVLB MAU SXNBC ]NLWBWAYVLB NPVN NBC VL AMA`AO AKKRKLSC #(YAB MAU `LBNBVN ASVL NBC `AOVAC VLSC 2>1
1 Thessalonians
AWNKZLSC VLSC NO LKR VR XAYNWLOBA $ho IareI in all @a#edonia, and $e #all `AUAYAKLSXNO WN SXAC AWNKZLB u on you, brethren, to abound still "ore, `NUBPPNSNBO XAKKLO ##and to study to be ?uiet, and to do your o$n business, and to $or' $ith your o$n hands, as $e did #o""and you, #,that ye "ay $al' be#o"ingly unto those $ithout, and "ay have la#' o! nothing) #-.nd 0 do not $ish you to be ignorant, brethren, #on#erning those $ho have !allen aslee , that ye "ay not sorro$, as also the rest $ho have not ho e, #.!or i! $e believe that 5esus died and rose again, so also &od those aslee through 5esus he $ill bring $ith hi", ##YAB ZBKLVBXNBP]AB RPSTA\NBO YAB `UAPPNBO VA BWBA YAB NUMA\NP]AB VABC BWBABC TNUPBO SXQO YA]QC SXBO `AURMMNBKAXNO #,BOA `NUB`AVRVN NSPTRXLOQC `ULC VLSC NaQ YAB XRWNOLC TUNBAO NTRVN #-LS ]NKQ WN SXAC AMOLNBO AWNKZLB `NUB VQO YNYLBXRXNOQO BOA XR KS`RP]N YA]QC YAB LB KLB`LB LB XR NTLOVNC NK`BWA #.NB MAU `BPVNSLXNO LVB BRPLSC A`N]AONO YAB AONPVR LSVQC YAB L ]NLC VLSC YLBXR]NOVAC WBA VLS BRPLS AaNB PSO ASVQ
#'VLSVL MAU SXBO KNMLXNO NO KLMQ #'!or this to you $e say in the $ord o! YSUBLS LVB RXNBC LB \QOVNC LB the Lord, that $e $ho are living ++ $ho `NUBKNB`LXNOLB NBC VRO `AULSPBAO VLS do re"ain over to the resen#e o! the YSUBLS LS XR Z]APQXNO VLSC Lord ++ "ay not re#ede those aslee , YLBXR]NOVAC #/be#ause the Lord hi"sel!, in a shout, in the voi#e o! a #hie!+"essenger, and in the tru" o! &od, shall #o"e do$n !ro" heaven, and the dead in Dhrist shall rise !irst, #0then $e $ho are living, $ho are reh "aining over, together $ith the" shall be #aught a$ay in #louds to "eet the #/LVB ASVLC L YSUBLC NO YNKNSPXAVB NO ZQOR AUTAMMNKLS YAB NO PAK`BMMB ]NLS YAVAHRPNVAB A` LSUAOLS YAB LB ONYULB NO TUBPVQ AOAPVRPLOVAB `UQVLO #0N`NBVA RXNBC LB \QOVNC LB `NUBKNB`LXNOLB AXA PSO ASVLBC AU`AMRPLXN]A NO ONZNKABC NBC 2>G
1 Thessalonians
Lord in air, and so al$ays $ith the Lord A`AOVRPBO VLS YSUBLS NBC ANUA YAB $e shall be, LSVQC `AOVLVN PSO YSUBQ NPLXN]A #$so, then, #o"!ort ye one another in these $ords) #$QPVN `AUAYAKNBVN AKKRKLSC NO VLBC KLMLBC VLSVLBC
1 Thessalonians
+hapter '
#.nd #on#erning the ti"es and the #`NUB WN VQO TULOQO YAB VQO YABUQO seasons, brethren, ye have no need o! AWNKZLB LS TUNBAO NTNVN SXBO MUAZNP]AB "y $riting to you, ,!or yourselves have 'no$n thorh oughly that the day o! the Lord as a thie! in the night doth so #o"e, -!or $hen they "ay say, Pea#e and surety, then sudden destru#tion doth stand by the", as the travail IdothI her $ho is $ith #hild, and they shall not es#a e, ,ASVLB MAU AYUBHQC LBWAVN LVB R RXNUA YSUBLS QC YKN`VRC NO OSYVB LSVQC NUTNVAB -LVAO MAU KNMQPBO NBUROR YAB APZAKNBA VLVN ABZOBWBLC ASVLBC NZBPVAVAB LKN]ULC QP`NU R QWBO VR NO MAPVUB NTLSPR YAB LS XR NYZSMQPBO
.and ye, brethren, are not in dar'ness, .SXNBC WN AWNKZLB LSY NPVN NO PYLVNB BOA that the day "ay #at#h you as a thie!, R RXNUA SXAC QC YKN`VRC YAVAKAHR 'all ye are sons o! light, and sons o! '`AOVNC SXNBC SBLB ZQVLC NPVN YAB SBLB day, $e are not o! night, nor o! dar'h RXNUAC LSY NPXNO OSYVLC LSWN PYLVLSC ness, /so, then, $e "ay not slee as also the others, but $at#h and be sober, /AUA LSO XR YA]NSWQXNO QC YAB LB KLB`LB AKKA MURMLUQXNO YAB ORZQXNO
0!or those slee ing, by night do slee , 0LB MAU YA]NSWLOVNC OSYVLC YA]NSWLSPBO and those "a'ing the"selves drun', YAB LB XN]SPYLXNOLB OSYVLC XN]SLSPBO by night are drun'en, $and $e, being o! the day ++ let us be $RXNBC WN RXNUAC LOVNC ORZQXNO sober, utting on a breast late o! !aith NOWSPAXNOLB ]QUAYA `BPVNQC YAB AMA`RC and love, and an hel"et ++ a ho e o! YAB `NUBYNZAKABAO NK`BWA PQVRUBAC salvation, %be#ause &od did not a oint us to %LVB LSY N]NVL RXAC L ]NLC NBC LUMRO AKK anger, but to the a#?uiring o! salvation NBC `NUB`LBRPBO PQVRUBAC WBA VLS YSUBLS through our Lord 5esus Dhrist, RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS #($ho did die !or us, that $hether $e #(VLS A`L]AOLOVLC S`NU RXQO BOA NBVN 2>=
1 Thessalonians
$a'e ++ $hether $e slee ++ together $ith hi" $e "ay live, MURMLUQXNO NBVN YA]NSWQXNO AXA PSO ASVQ \RPQXNO ##$here!ore, #o"!ort ye one another, ##WBL `AUAYAKNBVN AKKRKLSC YAB and build ye u , one the one, as also LBYLWLXNBVN NBC VLO NOA YA]QC YAB ye do) `LBNBVN #,.nd $e as' you, brethren, to 'no$ those labouring a"ong you, and leadh ing you in the Lord, and ad"onishing you, #,NUQVQXNO WN SXAC AWNKZLB NBWNOAB VLSC YL`BQOVAC NO SXBO YAB `ULBPVAXNOLSC SXQO NO YSUBQ YAB OLS]NVLSOVAC SXAC
#-and to estee" the" very abundantly #-YAB RMNBP]AB ASVLSC S`NU NY`NUBPPLS in love, be#ause o! their $or', be at NO AMA`R WBA VL NUMLO ASVQO NBURONSNVN ea#e a"ong yourselves, NO NASVLBC #.and $e e(hort you, brethren, adh "onish the disorderly, #o"!ort the !eeble+"inded, su ort the in!ir", be atient unto all, #.`AUAYAKLSXNO WN SXAC AWNKZLB OLS]NVNBVN VLSC AVAYVLSC `AUAXS]NBP]N VLSC LKBMLcSTLSC AOVNTNP]N VQO AP]NOQO XAYUL]SXNBVN `ULC `AOVAC
#'see no one evil !or evil "ay render #'LUAVN XR VBC YAYLO AOVB YAYLS VBOB to any one, but al$ays that $hi#h is A`LWQ AKKA `AOVLVN VL AMA]LO WBQYNVN good ursue ye, both to one another YAB NBC AKKRKLSC YAB NBC `AOVAC and to all, #/al$ays re-oi#e ye, #0#ontinually ray ye, #$in every thing give than's, !or this IisI the $ill o! &od in Dhrist 5esus in regard to you) #%The S irit ?uen#h not, ,( ro hesyings des ise not, #/`AOVLVN TABUNVN #0AWBAKNB`VQC `ULPNSTNP]N #$NO `AOVB NSTAUBPVNBVN VLSVL MAU ]NKRXA ]NLS NO TUBPVQ BRPLS NBC SXAC #%VL `ONSXA XR PHNOOSVN ,(`ULZRVNBAC XR NaLS]NONBVN
,#all things rove, that $hi#h is good ,#`AOVA WLYBXA\NVN VL YAKLO YAVNTNVN hold !ast, 2>8
1 Thessalonians
,,!ro" all a earan#e o! evil abstain ,,A`L `AOVLC NBWLSC `LORULS A`NTNP]N ye, ,-and the &od o! the ea#e Hi"sel! san#ti!y you $holly, and "ay your $hole s irit, and soul, and body, be reserved unbla"eably in the resh en#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, ,.sted!ast is He $ho is #alling you, $ho also $ill do IitI) ,'Brethren, ray !or us, ,/salute all the brethren in an holy 'iss, ,-ASVLC WN L ]NLC VRC NBURORC AMBAPAB SXAC LKLVNKNBC YAB LKLYKRULO SXQO VL `ONSXA YAB R cSTR YAB VL PQXA AXNX`VQC NO VR `AULSPBA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS VRUR]NBR ,.`BPVLC L YAKQO SXAC LC YAB `LBRPNB ,'AWNKZLB `ULPNSTNP]N `NUB RXQO ,/AP`APAP]N VLSC AWNKZLSC `AOVAC NO ZBKRXAVB AMBQ
,00 #harge you IbyI the Lord, that the ,0LUYB\Q SXAC VLO YSUBLO AOAMOQP]ROAB letter be read to all the holy brethren, VRO N`BPVLKRO `APBO VLBC AMBLBC AWNKZLBC ,$the gra#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist IisI $ith youd ."en) ,$R TAUBC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS XN] SXQO AXRO e`ULC ]NPPAKLOBYNBC `UQVR NMUAZR A`L A]ROQOf
, Thessalonians
+hapter #
#Paul, and Silvanus, and Ti"otheus, to the asse"bly o! Thessalonians in &od our Father, and the Lord 5esus DhristF ,&ra#e to you, and ea#e, !ro" &od our Father, and the Lord 5esus Dhristd -We ought to give than's to &od al$ays !or you, brethren, as it is "eet, be#ause in#rease greatly doth your !aith, and abound doth the love o! ea#h one o! you all, to one another, .so that $e ourselves do glory in you in the asse"blies o! &od, !or your enduran#e and !aith in all your erse#utions and tribulations that ye bear, 'a to'en o! the righteous -udg"ent o! &od, !or your being #ounted $orthy o! the reign o! &od, !or $hi#h also ye su!!er, /sin#e Iit isI a righteous thing $ith &od to give ba#' to those troubling you ++ trouble, 0and to you $ho are troubled ++ rest $ith us in the revelation o! the Lord 5esus !ro" heaven, $ith "essengers o! his o$er, #`ASKLC YAB PBKLSAOLC YAB VBXL]NLC VR NYYKRPBA ]NPPAKLOBYNQO NO ]NQ `AVUB RXQO YAB YSUBQ BRPLS TUBPVQ ,TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS -NSTAUBPVNBO LZNBKLXNO VQ ]NQ `AOVLVN `NUB SXQO AWNKZLB YA]QC AaBLO NPVBO LVB S`NUASaAONB R `BPVBC SXQO YAB `KNLOA\NB R AMA`R NOLC NYAPVLS `AOVQO SXQO NBC AKKRKLSC .QPVN RXAC ASVLSC NO SXBO YASTAP]AB NO VABC NYYKRPBABC VLS ]NLS S`NU VRC S`LXLORC SXQO YAB `BPVNQC NO `APBO VLBC WBQMXLBC SXQO YAB VABC ]KBcNPBO ABC AONTNP]N 'NOWNBMXA VRC WBYABAC YUBPNQC VLS ]NLS NBC VL YAVAaBQ]ROAB SXAC VRC HAPBKNBAC VLS ]NLS S`NU RC YAB `APTNVN /NB`NU WBYABLO `AUA ]NQ AOVA`LWLSOAB VLBC ]KBHLSPBO SXAC ]KBcBO 0YAB SXBO VLBC ]KBHLXNOLBC AONPBO XN] RXQO NO VR A`LYAKScNB VLS YSUBLS BRPLS A` LSUAOLS XNV AMMNKQO WSOAXNQC ASVLS
G Thessalonians
$in !la"ing !ire, giving vengean#e to those not 'no$ing &od, and to those not obeying the good ne$s o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, %$ho shall su!!er -usti#e ++ destru#tion age+during ++ !ro" the !a#e o! the Lord, and !ro" the glory o! his strength, #($hen He "ay #o"e to be glori!ied in his saints, and to be $ondered at in all those believing ++ be#ause our testi"ony $as believed a"ong you ++ in that day, ##!or $hi#h also $e do ray al$ays !or you, that our &od "ay #ount you $orthy o! the #alling, and "ay !ul!il all the good leasure o! goodness, and the $or' o! the !aith in o$er, #,that the na"e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist "ay be glori!ied in you, and ye in hi", a##ording to the gra#e o! our &od and Lord 5esus Dhrist) $NO `SUB ZKLMLC WBWLOVLC NYWBYRPBO VLBC XR NBWLPBO ]NLO YAB VLBC XR S`AYLSLSPBO VQ NSAMMNKBQ VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS %LBVBONC WBYRO VBPLSPBO LKN]ULO ABQOBLO A`L `ULPQ`LS VLS YSUBLS YAB A`L VRC WLaRC VRC BPTSLC ASVLS #(LVAO NK]R NOWLaAP]ROAB NO VLBC AMBLBC ASVLS YAB ]ASXAP]ROAB NO `APBO VLBC `BPVNSLSPBO LVB N`BPVNS]R VL XAUVSUBLO RXQO NZ SXAC NO VR RXNUA NYNBOR ##NBC L YAB `ULPNSTLXN]A `AOVLVN `NUB SXQO BOA SXAC AaBQPR VRC YKRPNQC L ]NLC RXQO YAB `KRUQPR `APAO NSWLYBAO AMA]QPSORC YAB NUMLO `BPVNQC NO WSOAXNB #,L`QC NOWLaAP]R VL LOLXA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS NO SXBO YAB SXNBC NO ASVQ YAVA VRO TAUBO VLS ]NLS RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS
G Thessalonians
+hapter ,
#.nd $e as' you, brethren, in regard to the resen#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, and o! our gathering together unto hi", ,that ye be not ?ui#'ly sha'en in "ind, nor be troubled, neither through s irit, neither through $ord, neither through letters as through us, as that the day o! Dhrist hath arrived, -let not any one de#eive you in any "anner, be#ause ++ i! the !alling a$ay "ay not #o"e !irst, and the "an o! sin be revealed ++ the son o! the destru#tion, .$ho is o osing and is raising hi"sel! u above all #alled &od or $orshi ed, so that he in the san#tuary o! &od as &od hath sat do$n, she$ing hi"sel! o!! that he is &od ++ Ithe day doth not #o"eI) 'Do ye not re"e"ber that, being yet $ith you, these things 0 said to youb /and no$, $hat is 'ee ing do$n ye have 'no$n, !or his being revealed in his o$n ti"e, 0!or the se#ret o! the la$lessness doth already $or', only he $ho is 'ee ing do$n no$ I$ill hinderI ++ till he "ay be out o! the $ay, #NUQVQXNO WN SXAC AWNKZLB S`NU VRC `AULSPBAC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS YAB RXQO N`BPSOAMQMRC N` ASVLO ,NBC VL XR VATNQC PAKNS]ROAB SXAC A`L VLS OLLC XRVN ]ULNBP]AB XRVN WBA `ONSXAVLC XRVN WBA KLMLS XRVN WB N`BPVLKRC QC WB RXQO QC LVB NONPVRYNO R RXNUA VLS TUBPVLS -XR VBC SXAC NaA`AVRPR YAVA XRWNOA VUL`LO LVB NAO XR NK]R R A`LPVAPBA `UQVLO YAB A`LYAKSZ]R L AO]UQ`LC VRC AXAUVBAC L SBLC VRC A`QKNBAC .L AOVBYNBXNOLC YAB S`NUABULXNOLC N`B `AOVA KNMLXNOLO ]NLO R PNHAPXA QPVN ASVLO NBC VLO OALO VLS ]NLS QC ]NLO YA]BPAB A`LWNBYOSOVA NASVLO LVB NPVBO ]NLC 'LS XORXLONSNVN LVB NVB QO `ULC SXAC VASVA NKNMLO SXBO /YAB OSO VL YAVNTLO LBWAVN NBC VL A`LYAKSZ]ROAB ASVLO NO VQ NASVLS YABUQ 0VL MAU XSPVRUBLO RWR NONUMNBVAB VRC AOLXBAC XLOLO L YAVNTQO AUVB NQC NY XNPLS MNORVAB
G Thessalonians
$and then shall be revealed the La$less One, $ho" the Lord shall #onsu"e $ith the s irit o! his "outh, and shall destroy $ith the "ani!estation o! his resen#e, %Ihi",I $hose resen#e is a##ording to the $or'ing o! the .dversary, in all o$er, and signs, and lying $onders, #(and in all de#eit!ulness o! the unrighteousness in those erishing, be#ause the love o! the truth they did not re#eive !or their being saved, ##and be#ause o! this shall &od send to the" a $or'ing o! delusion, !or their believing the lie, #,that they "ay be -udged ++ all $ho did not believe the truth, but $ere $ell leased in the unrighteousness) #-.nd $e ++ $e ought to give than's to &od al$ays !or you, brethren, beloved by the Lord, that &od did #hoose you !ro" the beginning to salvation, in san#ti!i#ation o! the S irit, and belie! o! the truth, #.to $hi#h He did #all you through our good ne$s, to the a#?uiring o! the glory o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, #'so, then, brethren, stand ye !ast, and hold the deliveran#es that ye $ere taught, $hether through $ord, $hether through our letter, $YAB VLVN A`LYAKSZ]RPNVAB L AOLXLC LO L YSUBLC AOAKQPNB VQ `ONSXAVB VLS PVLXAVLC ASVLS YAB YAVAUMRPNB VR N`BZAONBA VRC `AULSPBAC ASVLS %LS NPVBO R `AULSPBA YAV NONUMNBAO VLS PAVAOA NO `APR WSOAXNB YAB PRXNBLBC YAB VNUAPBO cNSWLSC #(YAB NO `APR A`AVR VRC AWBYBAC NO VLBC A`LKKSXNOLBC AO] QO VRO AMA`RO VRC AKR]NBAC LSY NWNaAOVL NBC VL PQ]ROAB ASVLSC ##YAB WBA VLSVL `NXcNB ASVLBC L ]NLC NONUMNBAO `KAORC NBC VL `BPVNSPAB ASVLSC VQ cNSWNB #,BOA YUB]QPBO `AOVNC LB XR `BPVNSPAOVNC VR AKR]NBA AKK NSWLYRPAOVNC NO VR AWBYBA #-RXNBC WN LZNBKLXNO NSTAUBPVNBO VQ ]NQ `AOVLVN `NUB SXQO AWNKZLB RMA`RXNOLB S`L YSUBLS LVB NBKNVL SXAC L ]NLC A` AUTRC NBC PQVRUBAO NO AMBAPXQ `ONSXAVLC YAB `BPVNB AKR]NBAC #.NBC L NYAKNPNO SXAC WBA VLS NSAMMNKBLS RXQO NBC `NUB`LBRPBO WLaRC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS #'AUA LSO AWNKZLB PVRYNVN YAB YUAVNBVN VAC `AUAWLPNBC AC NWBWAT]RVN NBVN WBA KLMLS NBVN WB N`BPVLKRC RXQO
G Thessalonians
#/and "ay our Lord 5esus Dhrist hi"sel!, and our &od and Father, $ho did love us, and did give #o"!ort age+ during, and good ho e in gra#e, #0#o"!ort your hearts, and establish you in every good $ord and $or') #/ASVLC WN L YSUBLC RXQO BRPLSC TUBPVLC YAB L ]NLC YAB `AVRU RXQO L AMA`RPAC RXAC YAB WLSC `AUAYKRPBO ABQOBAO YAB NK`BWA AMA]RO NO TAUBVB #0`AUAYAKNPAB SXQO VAC YAUWBAC YAB PVRUBaAB SXAC NO `AOVB KLMQ YAB NUMQ AMA]Q
G Thessalonians
+hapter #.s to the rest, ray ye, brethren, #on#erning us, that the $ord o! the Lord "ay run and "ay be glori!ied, as also $ith you, ,and that $e "ay be delivered !ro" the unreasonable and evil "en, !or the !aith IisI not o! all, -and sted!ast is the Lord, $ho shall establish you, and shall guard IyouI !ro" the evil, .and $e have #on!iden#e in the Lord tou#hing you, that the things that $e #o""and you ye both do and $ill do, 'and the Lord dire#t your hearts to the love o! &od, and to the enduran#e o! the Dhrist) /.nd $e #o""and you, brethren, in the na"e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, to $ithdra$ yourselves !ro" every brother disorderly $al'ing, and not a!ter the deliveran#e that ye re#eived !ro" us, 0!or yourselves have 'no$n ho$ it behoveth IyouI to i"itate us, be#ause $e did not a#t disorderly a"ong you, $nor !or nought did $e eat bread o! any one, but in labour and in travail, night and day $or'ing, not to be #hargeable to any o! you, #VL KLB`LO `ULPNSTNP]N AWNKZLB `NUB RXQO BOA L KLMLC VLS YSUBLS VUNTR YAB WLaA\RVAB YA]QC YAB `ULC SXAC ,YAB BOA USP]QXNO A`L VQO AVL`QO YAB `LORUQO AO]UQ`QO LS MAU `AOVQO R `BPVBC -`BPVLC WN NPVBO L YSUBLC LC PVRUBaNB SXAC YAB ZSKAaNB A`L VLS `LORULS .`N`LB]AXNO WN NO YSUBQ NZ SXAC LVB A `AUAMMNKKLXNO SXBO YAB `LBNBVN YAB `LBRPNVN 'L WN YSUBLC YAVNS]SOAB SXQO VAC YAUWBAC NBC VRO AMA`RO VLS ]NLS YAB NBC S`LXLORO VLS TUBPVLS /`AUAMMNKKLXNO WN SXBO AWNKZLB NO LOLXAVB VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS PVNKKNP]AB SXAC A`L `AOVLC AWNKZLS AVAYVQC `NUB`AVLSOVLC YAB XR YAVA VRO `AUAWLPBO RO `AUNKAHNO `AU RXQO 0ASVLB MAU LBWAVN `QC WNB XBXNBP]AB RXAC LVB LSY RVAYVRPAXNO NO SXBO $LSWN WQUNAO AUVLO NZAMLXNO `AUA VBOLC AKK NO YL`Q YAB XLT]Q OSYVA YAB RXNUAO NUMA\LXNOLB `ULC VL XR N`BHAURPAB VBOA SXQO
G Thessalonians
%not be#ause $e have not authority, but that ourselves a attern $e "ight give to you, to i"itate us, #(!or even $hen $e $ere $ith you, this $e did #o""and you, that i! any one is not $illing to $or', neither let hi" eat, ##!or $e hear o! #ertain $al'ing a"ong you disorderly, nothing $or'ing, but over $or'ing, #,and su#h $e #o""and and e(hort through our Lord 5esus Dhrist, that $ith ?uietness $or'ing, their o$n bread they "ay eat, %LST LVB LSY NTLXNO NaLSPBAO AKK BOA NASVLSC VS`LO WQXNO SXBO NBC VL XBXNBP]AB RXAC #(YAB MAU LVN RXNO `ULC SXAC VLSVL `AURMMNKKLXNO SXBO LVB NB VBC LS ]NKNB NUMA\NP]AB XRWN NP]BNVQ
##AYLSLXNO MAU VBOAC `NUB`AVLSOVAC NO SXBO AVAYVQC XRWNO NUMA\LXNOLSC AKKA `NUBNUMA\LXNOLSC #,VLBC WN VLBLSVLBC `AUAMMNKKLXNO YAB `AUAYAKLSXNO WBA VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS BOA XNVA RPSTBAC NUMA\LXNOLB VLO NASVQO AUVLO NP]BQPBO #-and ye, brethren, "ay ye not be #-SXNBC WN AWNKZLB XR NYYAYRPRVN $eary doing $ell, YAKL`LBLSOVNC #.and i! any one do not obey our $ord #.NB WN VBC LST S`AYLSNB VQ KLMQ through the letter, this one note ye, and RXQO WBA VRC N`BPVLKRC VLSVLO have no #o" any $ith hi", that he PRXNBLSP]N YAB XR PSOAOAXBMOSP]N "ay be asha"ed, ASVQ BOA NOVUA`R #'and as an ene"y #ount Ihi"I not, but #'YAB XR QC NT]ULO RMNBP]N AKKA ad"onish ye Ihi"I as a brother, OLS]NVNBVN QC AWNKZLO #/and "ay the Lord o! the ea#e #/ASVLC WN L YSUBLC VRC NBURORC WQR Hi"sel! give to you the ea#e al$ays SXBO VRO NBURORO WBA `AOVLC NO `AOVB in every $ay, the Lord IisI $ith you VUL`Q L YSUBLC XNVA `AOVQO SXQO alld #0The salutation by the hand o! "e, #0L AP`APXLC VR NXR TNBUB `ASKLS L Paul, $hi#h is a sign in every letter, NPVBO PRXNBLO NO `APR N`BPVLKR LSVQC thus 0 $rite, MUAZQ
G Thessalonians
# Timothy
+hapter #
#Paul, an a ostle o! 5esus Dhrist, a##ording to a #o""and o! &od our Saviour, and o! the Lord 5esus Dhrist our ho e, ,to Ti"otheus ++ genuine #hild in !aithF &ra#e, 'indness, ea#e, !ro" &od our Father, and Dhrist 5esus our Lord, -a##ording as 0 did e(hort thee to re"ain in E hesus ++ 0 going on to @a#edonia ++ that thou "ightest #harge #ertain not to tea#h any other thing, .nor to give heed to !ables and endless genealogies, that #ause ?uestions rather than the building u o! &od that is in !aithF ++ '.nd the end o! the #harge is love out o! a ure heart, and o! a good #ons#ien#e, and o! !aith un!eigned, /!ro" $hi#h #ertain, having s$erved, did turn aside to vain dis#ourse, 0$illing to be tea#hers o! la$, not understanding either the things they say, nor #on#erning $hat they asseverate, #`ASKLC A`LPVLKLC BRPLS TUBPVLS YAV N`BVAMRO ]NLS PQVRULC RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS VRC NK`BWLC RXQO ,VBXL]NQ MORPBQ VNYOQ NO `BPVNB TAUBC NKNLC NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC RXQO YAB TUBPVLS BRPLS VLS YSUBLS RXQO -YA]QC `AUNYAKNPA PN `ULPXNBOAB NO NZNPQ `LUNSLXNOLC NBC XAYNWLOBAO BOA `AUAMMNBKRC VBPBO XR NVNULWBWAPYAKNBO .XRWN `ULPNTNBO XS]LBC YAB MNONAKLMBABC A`NUAOVLBC ABVBONC \RVRPNBC `AUNTLSPBO XAKKLO R LBYLOLXBAO ]NLS VRO NO `BPVNB 'VL WN VNKLC VRC `AUAMMNKBAC NPVBO AMA`R NY YA]AUAC YAUWBAC YAB PSONBWRPNQC AMA]RC YAB `BPVNQC AOS`LYUBVLS /QO VBONC APVLTRPAOVNC NaNVUA`RPAO NBC XAVABLKLMBAO 0]NKLOVNC NBOAB OLXLWBWAPYAKLB XR OLLSOVNC XRVN A KNMLSPBO XRVN `NUB VBOQO WBAHNHABLSOVAB
1 Ti"othy
$and $e have 'no$n that the la$ IisI good, i! any one "ay use it la$!ully, %having 'no$n this, that !or a righteous "an la$ is not set, but !or la$less and insubordinate ersons, ungodly and sinners, i" ious and ro!ane, arri#ides and "atri#ides, "en+slayers, #($hore"ongers, sodo"ites, "en+ stealers, liars, er-ured ersons, and i! there be any other thing that to sound do#trine is adverse, ##a##ording to the good ne$s o! the glory o! the blessed &od, $ith $hi#h 0 $as entrusted) #,.nd 0 give than's to hi" $ho enabled "e ++ Dhrist 5esus our Lord ++ that he did re#'on "e sted!ast, having ut I"eI to the "inistration, #-$ho be!ore $as s ea'ing evil, and erse#uting, and insulting, but 0 !ound 'indness, be#ause, being ignorant, 0 did IitI in unbelie!, #.and e(#eedingly abound did the gra#e o! our Lord, $ith !aith and love that IisI in Dhrist 5esusF #'sted!ast IisI the $ord, and o! all a##e tation $orthy, that Dhrist 5esus #a"e to the $orld to save sinners ++ !irst o! $ho" 0 a", $LBWAXNO WN LVB YAKLC L OLXLC NAO VBC ASVQ OLXBXQC TURVAB %NBWQC VLSVL LVB WBYABQ OLXLC LS YNBVAB AOLXLBC WN YAB AOS`LVAYVLBC APNHNPBO YAB AXAUVQKLBC AOLPBLBC YAB HNHRKLBC `AVUAKQABC YAB XRVUAKQABC AOWULZLOLBC #(`LUOLBC AUPNOLYLBVABC AOWUA`LWBPVABC cNSPVABC N`BLUYLBC YAB NB VB NVNULO VR SMBABOLSPR WBWAPYAKBA AOVBYNBVAB ##YAVA VL NSAMMNKBLO VRC WLaRC VLS XAYAUBLS ]NLS L N`BPVNS]RO NMQ #,YAB TAUBO NTQ VQ NOWSOAXQPAOVB XN TUBPVQ BRPLS VQ YSUBQ RXQO LVB `BPVLO XN RMRPAVL ]NXNOLC NBC WBAYLOBAO #-VLO `ULVNULO LOVA HKAPZRXLO YAB WBQYVRO YAB SHUBPVRO AKK RKNR]RO LVB AMOLQO N`LBRPA NO A`BPVBA #.S`NUN`KNLOAPNO WN R TAUBC VLS YSUBLS RXQO XNVA `BPVNQC YAB AMA`RC VRC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS #'`BPVLC L KLMLC YAB `APRC A`LWLTRC AaBLC LVB TUBPVLC BRPLSC RK]NO NBC VLO YLPXLO AXAUVQKLSC PQPAB QO `UQVLC NBXB NMQ
1 Ti"othy
#/but be#ause o! this 0 !ound 'indness, that in "e !irst 5esus Dhrist "ight she$ !orth all long+su!!ering, !or a attern o! those about to believe on hi" to li!e age+duringF #0and to the King o! the ages, the in#orru tible, invisible, only $ise &od, IisI honour and glory ++ to the ages o! the agesd ."en) #$This #harge 0 #o""it to thee, #hild Ti"otheus, a##ording to the ro hesies that $ent be!ore u on thee, that thou "ayest $ar in the" the good $ar!are, #%having !aith and a good #ons#ien#e, $hi#h #ertain having thrust a$ay, #on#erning the !aith did "a'e shi $re#', ,(o! $ho" are Hy"enaeus and .le(ander, $ho" 0 did deliver to the .dversary, that they "ight be instru#ted not to s ea' evil) #/AKKA WBA VLSVL RKNR]RO BOA NO NXLB `UQVQ NOWNBaRVAB BRPLSC TUBPVLC VRO `APAO XAYUL]SXBAO `ULC S`LVS`QPBO VQO XNKKLOVQO `BPVNSNBO N` ASVQ NBC \QRO ABQOBLO #0VQ WN HAPBKNB VQO ABQOQO AZ]AUVQ ALUAVQ XLOQ PLZQ ]NQ VBXR YAB WLaA NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO AXRO #$VASVRO VRO `AUAMMNKBAO `AUAVB]NXAB PLB VNYOLO VBXL]NN YAVA VAC `ULAMLSPAC N`B PN `ULZRVNBAC BOA PVUAVNSR NO ASVABC VRO YAKRO PVUAVNBAO #%NTQO `BPVBO YAB AMA]RO PSONBWRPBO RO VBONC A`QPAXNOLB `NUB VRO `BPVBO NOASAMRPAO ,(QO NPVBO SXNOABLC YAB AKNaAOWULC LSC `AUNWQYA VQ PAVAOA BOA `ABWNS]QPBO XR HKAPZRXNBO
1 Ti"othy
+hapter ,
#0 e(hort, then, !irst o! all, there be "ade su li#ations, rayers, inter#essions, than'sgivings, !or all "enF ,!or 'ings, and all $ho are in authority, that a ?uiet and ea#eable li!e $e "ay lead in all iety and gravity, -!or this IisI right and a##e table be!ore &od our Saviour, .$ho doth $ill all "en to be saved, and to #o"e to the !ull 'no$ledge o! the truth, '!or one IisI &od, one also IisI "ediator o! &od and o! "en, the "an Dhrist 5esus, /$ho did give hi"sel! a ranso" !or all ++ the testi"ony in its o$n ti"es ++ 0in regard to $hi#h 0 $as set a rea#her and a ostle ++ truth 0 say in Dhrist, 0 do not lie ++ a tea#her o! nations, in !aith and truth) $0 $ish, there!ore, that "en ray in every la#e, li!ting u 'ind hands, a art !ro" anger and reasoning, %in li'e "anner also the $o"en, in be#o"ing a arel, $ith "odesty and sobriety to adorn the"selves, not in braided hair, or gold, or earls, or gar"ents o! great ri#e, #`AUAYAKQ LSO `UQVLO `AOVQO `LBNBP]AB WNRPNBC `ULPNSTAC NOVNSaNBC NSTAUBPVBAC S`NU `AOVQO AO]UQ`QO ,S`NU HAPBKNQO YAB `AOVQO VQO NO S`NULTR LOVQO BOA RUNXLO YAB RPSTBLO HBLO WBAMQXNO NO `APR NSPNHNBA YAB PNXOLVRVB -VLSVL MAU YAKLO YAB A`LWNYVLO NOQ`BLO VLS PQVRULC RXQO ]NLS .LC `AOVAC AO]UQ`LSC ]NKNB PQ]ROAB YAB NBC N`BMOQPBO AKR]NBAC NK]NBO 'NBC MAU ]NLC NBC YAB XNPBVRC ]NLS YAB AO]UQ`QO AO]UQ`LC TUBPVLC BRPLSC /L WLSC NASVLO AOVBKSVULO S`NU `AOVQO VL XAUVSUBLO YABULBC BWBLBC 0NBC L NVN]RO NMQ YRUSa YAB A`LPVLKLC AKR]NBAO KNMQ NO TUBPVQ LS cNSWLXAB WBWAPYAKLC N]OQO NO `BPVNB YAB AKR]NBA $HLSKLXAB LSO `ULPNSTNP]AB VLSC AOWUAC NO `AOVB VL`Q N`ABULOVAC LPBLSC TNBUAC TQUBC LUMRC YAB WBAKLMBPXLS %QPASVQC YAB VAC MSOABYAC NO YAVAPVLKR YLPXBQ XNVA ABWLSC YAB PQZULPSORC YLPXNBO NASVAC XR NO `KNMXAPBO R TUSPQ R XAUMAUBVABC R BXAVBPXQ `LKSVNKNB
1 Ti"othy
#(but ++ $hi#h be#o"eth $o"en ro!essing godly iety ++ through good $or's) ##Let a $o"an in ?uietness learn in all sub-e#tion, #,and a $o"an 0 do not su!!er to tea#h, nor to rule a husband, but to be in ?uietness, #-!or .da" $as !irst !or"ed, then Eve, #.and .da" $as not de#eived, but the $o"an, having been de#eived, into transgression #a"e, #'and she shall be saved through the #hild+bearing, i! they re"ain in !aith, and love, and san#ti!i#ation, $ith sobriety) #(AKK L `UN`NB MSOABaBO N`AMMNKKLXNOABC ]NLPNHNBAO WB NUMQO AMA]QO ##MSOR NO RPSTBA XAO]AONVQ NO `APR S`LVAMR #,MSOABYB WN WBWAPYNBO LSY N`BVUN`Q LSWN AS]NOVNBO AOWULC AKK NBOAB NO RPSTBA #-AWAX MAU `UQVLC N`KAP]R NBVA NSA #.YAB AWAX LSY R`AVR]R R WN MSOR A`AVR]NBPA NO `AUAHAPNB MNMLONO #'PQ]RPNVAB WN WBA VRC VNYOLMLOBAC NAO XNBOQPBO NO `BPVNB YAB AMA`R YAB AMBAPXQ XNVA PQZULPSORC
1 Ti"othy
+hapter #Sted!ast IisI the $ordF 0! any one the oversight doth long !or, a right $or' he desireth, ,it behoveth, there!ore, the overseer to be bla"eless, o! one $i!e a husband, vigilant, sober, de#ent, a !riend o! strangers, a t to tea#h, -not given to $ine, not a stri'er, not given to !ilthy lu#re, but gentle, not #ontentious, not a lover o! "oney, .his o$n house leading $ell, having #hildren in sub-e#tion $ith all gravity, '7and i! any one his o$n house Iho$I to lead hath not 'no$n, ho$ an asse"bly o! &od shall he ta'e #are o!b< /not a ne$ #onvert, lest having been u!!ed u he "ay !all to a -udg"ent o! the devil, 0and it behoveth hi" also to have a good testi"ony !ro" those $ithout, that he "ay not !all into re roa#h and a snare o! the devil) $@inistrants ++ in li'e "anner grave, not double+tongued, not given to "u#h $ine, not given to !ilthy lu#re, %having the se#ret o! the !aith in a ure #ons#ien#e, #(and let these also !irst be roved, then let the" "inister, being unbla"eable) #`BPVLC L KLMLC NB VBC N`BPYL`RC LUNMNVAB YAKLS NUMLS N`B]SXNB ,WNB LSO VLO N`BPYL`LO AON`BKR`VLO NBOAB XBAC MSOABYLC AOWUA ORZAKNLO PQZULOA YLPXBLO ZBKLaNOLO WBWAYVBYLO -XR `AULBOLO XR `KRYVRO XR ABPTULYNUWR AKK N`BNBYR AXATLO AZBKAUMSULO .VLS BWBLS LBYLS YAKQC `ULBPVAXNOLO VNYOA NTLOVA NO S`LVAMR XNVA `APRC PNXOLVRVLC 'NB WN VBC VLS BWBLS LBYLS `ULPVROAB LSY LBWNO `QC NYYKRPBAC ]NLS N`BXNKRPNVAB /XR ONLZSVLO BOA XR VSZQ]NBC NBC YUBXA NX`NPR VLS WBAHLKLS 0WNB WN ASVLO YAB XAUVSUBAO YAKRO NTNBO A`L VQO NaQ]NO BOA XR NBC LONBWBPXLO NX`NPR YAB `AMBWA VLS WBAHLKLS $WBAYLOLSC QPASVQC PNXOLSC XR WBKLMLSC XR LBOQ `LKKQ `ULPNTLOVAC XR ABPTULYNUWNBC %NTLOVAC VL XSPVRUBLO VRC `BPVNQC NO YA]AUA PSONBWRPNB #(YAB LSVLB WN WLYBXA\NP]QPAO `UQVLO NBVA WBAYLONBVQPAO AONMYKRVLB LOVNC
1 Ti"othy
##Wo"en ++ in li'e "anner grave, not !alse a##users, vigilant, !aith!ul in all things) #,@inistrants ++ let the" be o! one $i!e husbands, the #hildren leading $ell, and their o$n houses, #-!or those $ho did "inister $ell a good ste to the"selves do a#?uire, and "u#h boldness in !aith that IisI in Dhrist 5esus) #.These things 0 $rite to thee, ho ing to #o"e unto thee soon, #'and i! 0 delay, that thou "ayest 'no$ ho$ it behoveth ItheeI to #ondu#t thysel! in the house o! &od, $hi#h is an asse"bly o! the living &od ++ a illar and !oundation o! the truth, #/and, #on!essedly, great is the se#ret o! iety ++ &od $as "ani!ested in !lesh, de#lared righteous in s irit, seen by "essengers, rea#hed a"ong nations, believed on in the $orld, ta'en u in gloryd ##MSOABYAC QPASVQC PNXOAC XR WBAHLKLSC ORZAKNLSC `BPVAC NO `APBO #,WBAYLOLB NPVQPAO XBAC MSOABYLC AOWUNC VNYOQO YAKQC `ULBPVAXNOLB YAB VQO BWBQO LBYQO #-LB MAU YAKQC WBAYLORPAOVNC HA]XLO NASVLBC YAKLO `NUB`LBLSOVAB YAB `LKKRO `AUURPBAO NO `BPVNB VR NO TUBPVQ BRPLS #.VASVA PLB MUAZQ NK`B\QO NK]NBO `ULC PN VATBLO #'NAO WN HUAWSOQ BOA NBWRC `QC WNB NO LBYQ ]NLS AOAPVUNZNP]AB RVBC NPVBO NYYKRPBA ]NLS \QOVLC PVSKLC YAB NWUABQXA VRC AKR]NBAC #/YAB LXLKLMLSXNOQC XNMA NPVBO VL VRC NSPNHNBAC XSPVRUBLO ]NLC NZAONUQ]R NO PAUYB NWBYABQ]R NO `ONSXAVB QZ]R AMMNKLBC NYRUST]R NO N]ONPBO N`BPVNS]R NO YLPXQ AONKRZ]R NO WLaR
1 Ti"othy
+hapter .
#.nd the S irit e( ressly s ea'eth, that in latter ti"es shall #ertain !all a$ay !ro" the !aith, giving heed to sedu#ing s irits and tea#hings o! de"ons, ,in hy o#risy s ea'ing lies, being seared in their o$n #ons#ien#e, #VL WN `ONSXA URVQC KNMNB LVB NO SPVNULBC YABULBC A`LPVRPLOVAB VBONC VRC `BPVNQC `ULPNTLOVNC `ONSXAPBO `KAOLBC YAB WBWAPYAKBABC WABXLOBQO
,NO S`LYUBPNB cNSWLKLMQO YNYASVRUBAPXNOQO VRO BWBAO PSONBWRPBO -!orbidding to "arry ++ to abstain !ro" -YQKSLOVQO MAXNBO A`NTNP]AB "eats that &od #reated to be re#eived HUQXAVQO A L ]NLC NYVBPNO NBC $ith than'sgiving by those believing XNVAKRcBO XNVA NSTAUBPVBAC VLBC and a#'no$ledging the truth, `BPVLBC YAB N`NMOQYLPBO VRO AKR]NBAO .be#ause every #reature o! &od IisI .LVB `AO YVBPXA ]NLS YAKLO YAB LSWNO good, and nothing IisI to be re-e#ted, A`LHKRVLO XNVA NSTAUBPVBAC $ith than'sgiving being re#eived, KAXHAOLXNOLO '!or it is san#ti!ied through the $ord 'AMBA\NVAB MAU WBA KLMLS ]NLS YAB o! &od and inter#ession) NOVNSaNQC /These things la#ing be!ore the /VASVA S`LVB]NXNOLC VLBC AWNKZLBC brethren, thou shalt be a good YAKLC NPR WBAYLOLC BRPLS TUBPVLS "inistrant o! 5esus Dhrist, being NOVUNZLXNOLC VLBC KLMLBC VRC `BPVNQC nourished by the $ords o! the !aith, YAB VRC YAKRC WBWAPYAKBAC R and o! the good tea#hing, $hi#h thou `AURYLKLS]RYAC didst !ollo$ a!ter, 0and the ro!ane and old $o"enIs 0VLSC WN HNHRKLSC YAB MUAQWNBC !ables re-e#t thou, and e(er#ise thysel! XS]LSC `AUABVLS MSXOA\N WN PNASVLO unto iety, `ULC NSPNHNBAO $!or the bodily e(er#ise is unto little $R MAU PQXAVBYR MSXOAPBA `ULC ro!it, and the iety is to all things LKBMLO NPVBO QZNKBXLC R WN NSPNHNBA ro!itable, a ro"ise having o! the li!e `ULC `AOVA QZNKBXLC NPVBO that no$ is, and o! that $hi#h is N`AMMNKBAO NTLSPA \QRC VRC OSO YAB #o"ing, VRC XNKKLSPRC %sted!ast IisI the $ord, and o! all %`BPVLC L KLMLC YAB `APRC A`LWLTRC a##e tation $orthy, AaBLC 22G
1 Ti"othy
#(!or !or this $e both labour and are re roa#hed, be#ause $e ho e on the living &od, $ho is Saviour o! all "en ++ es e#ially o! those believing) ##Dharge these things, and tea#h, #,let no one des ise thy youth, but a attern be#o"e thou o! those believing in $ord, in behaviour, in love, in s irit, in !aith, in urity, #-till 0 #o"e, give heed to the reading, to the e(hortation, to the tea#hing, #.be not #areless o! the gi!t in thee, that $as given thee through ro he#y, $ith laying on o! the hands o! the eldershi , #'o! these things be #are!ul, in these things be, that thy advan#e"ent "ay be "ani!est in all things, #/ta'e heed to thysel!, and to the tea#hing, re"ain in the", !or this thing doing, both thysel! thou shalt save, and those hearing thee) #(NBC VLSVL MAU YAB YL`BQXNO YAB LONBWB\LXN]A LVB RK`BYAXNO N`B ]NQ \QOVB LC NPVBO PQVRU `AOVQO AO]UQ`QO XAKBPVA `BPVQO ##`AUAMMNKKN VASVA YAB WBWAPYN #,XRWNBC PLS VRC ONLVRVLC YAVAZULONBVQ AKKA VS`LC MBOLS VQO `BPVQO NO KLMQ NO AOAPVULZR NO AMA`R NO `ONSXAVB NO `BPVNB NO AMONBA #-NQC NUTLXAB `ULPNTN VR AOAMOQPNB VR `AUAYKRPNB VR WBWAPYAKBA #.XR AXNKNB VLS NO PLB TAUBPXAVLC L NWL]R PLB WBA `ULZRVNBAC XNVA N`B]NPNQC VQO TNBUQO VLS `UNPHSVNUBLS #'VASVA XNKNVA NO VLSVLBC BP]B BOA PLS R `ULYL`R ZAONUA R NO `APBO #/N`NTN PNASVQ YAB VR WBWAPYAKBA N`BXNON ASVLBC VLSVL MAU `LBQO YAB PNASVLO PQPNBC YAB VLSC AYLSLOVAC PLS
1 Ti"othy
+hapter '
#.n aged erson thou "ayest not rebu'e, but be entreating as a !ather, younger ersons as brethren, ,aged $o"en as "others, younger ones as sisters ++ in all urity, -honour $ido$s $ho are really $ido$s, .and i! any $ido$ have #hildren or grand#hildren, let the" learn !irst to their o$n house to sho$ iety, and to give ba#' a re#o" ense to the arents, !or this is right and a##e table be!ore &od) '.nd she $ho is really a $ido$ and desolate, hath ho ed u on &od, and doth re"ain in the su li#ations and in the rayers night and day, /and she $ho is given to lu(ury, living ++ hath died, 0and these things #harge, that they "ay be bla"eless, $and i! any one !or his o$n ++ and es e#ially !or those o! the household ++ doth not rovide, the !aith he hath denied, and than an unbeliever he is $orse) %. $ido$ ++ let her not be enrolled under si(ty years o! age, having been a $i!e o! one husband, #`UNPHSVNUQ XR N`B`KRaRC AKKA `AUAYAKNB QC `AVNUA ONQVNULSC QC AWNKZLSC ,`UNPHSVNUAC QC XRVNUAC ONQVNUAC QC AWNKZAC NO `APR AMONBA -TRUAC VBXA VAC LOVQC TRUAC .NB WN VBC TRUA VNYOA R NYMLOA NTNB XAO]AONVQPAO `UQVLO VLO BWBLO LBYLO NSPNHNBO YAB AXLBHAC A`LWBWLOAB VLBC `ULMLOLBC VLSVL MAU NPVBO YAKLO YAB A`LWNYVLO NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS 'R WN LOVQC TRUA YAB XNXLOQXNOR RK`BYNO N`B VLO ]NLO YAB `ULPXNONB VABC WNRPNPBO YAB VABC `ULPNSTABC OSYVLC YAB RXNUAC /R WN P`AVAKQPA \QPA VN]ORYNO 0YAB VASVA `AUAMMNKKN BOA AON`BKR`VLB QPBO $NB WN VBC VQO BWBQO YAB XAKBPVA VQO LBYNBQO LS `ULOLNB VRO `BPVBO RUORVAB YAB NPVBO A`BPVLS TNBUQO %TRUA YAVAKNMNP]Q XR NKAVVLO NVQO NaRYLOVA MNMLOSBA NOLC AOWULC MSOR
1 Ti"othy
#(in good $or's being testi!ied toF i! she brought u #hildren, i! she entertained strangers, i! saintsI !eet she $ashed, i! those in tribulation she relieved, i! every good $or' she !ollo$ed a!ter, ##and younger $ido$s be re!using, !or $hen they "ay revel against the Dhrist, they $ish to "arry, #,having -udg"ent, be#ause the !irst !aith they did #ast a$ay, #-and at the sa"e ti"e also, they learn Ito beI idle, going about the houses, and not only idle, but also tattlers and busybodies, s ea'ing the things they ought not, #.0 $ish, there!ore, younger ones to "arry, to bear #hildren, to be "istress o! the house, to give no o##asion to the o oser to reviling, #'!or already #ertain did turn aside a!ter the .dversary) #/0! any believing "an or believing $o"an have $ido$s, let the" relieve the", and let not the asse"bly be burdened, that those really $ido$s it "ay relieve) #0The $ell+leading elders o! double honour let the" be #ounted $orthy, es e#ially those labouring in $ord and tea#hing, #(NO NUMLBC YAKLBC XAUVSULSXNOR NB NVNYOLVULZRPNO NB NaNOLWLTRPNO NB AMBQO `LWAC NOBcNO NB ]KBHLXNOLBC N`RUYNPNO NB `AOVB NUMQ AMA]Q N`RYLKLS]RPNO ##ONQVNUAC WN TRUAC `AUABVLS LVAO MAU YAVAPVUROBAPQPBO VLS TUBPVLS MAXNBO ]NKLSPBO #,NTLSPAB YUBXA LVB VRO `UQVRO `BPVBO R]NVRPAO #-AXA WN YAB AUMAB XAO]AOLSPBO `NUBNUTLXNOAB VAC LBYBAC LS XLOLO WN AUMAB AKKA YAB ZKSAULB YAB `NUBNUMLB KAKLSPAB VA XR WNLOVA #.HLSKLXAB LSO ONQVNUAC MAXNBO VNYOLMLONBO LBYLWNP`LVNBO XRWNXBAO AZLUXRO WBWLOAB VQ AOVBYNBXNOQ KLBWLUBAC TAUBO #'RWR MAU VBONC NaNVUA`RPAO L`BPQ VLS PAVAOA #/NB VBC `BPVLC R `BPVR NTNB TRUAC N`AUYNBVQ ASVABC YAB XR HAUNBP]Q R NYYKRPBA BOA VABC LOVQC TRUABC N`AUYNPR #0LB YAKQC `ULNPVQVNC `UNPHSVNULB WB`KRC VBXRC AaBLSP]QPAO XAKBPVA LB YL`BQOVNC NO KLMQ YAB WBWAPYAKBA
1 Ti"othy
#$!or the Writing saith, I.n o( treading out thou shalt not "uEEle,I and IWorthy IisI the $or'"an o! his re$ard)I #%.gainst an elder an a##usation re#eive not, e(#e t u on t$o or three $itnesses) ,(Those sinning, re rove be!ore all, that the others also "ay have !ear, ,#0 testi!y !ully, be!ore &od and the Lord 5esus Dhrist, and the #hoi#e "essengers, that these things thou "ayest 'ee , $ithout !ore-udging, doing nothing by artiality) ,,Be laying hands ?ui#'ly on no one, nor be having !ello$shi $ith sins o! others, be 'ee ing thysel! ure, ,-no longer be drin'ing $ater, but a little $ine be using, be#ause o! thy sto"a#h and o! thine o!ten in!ir"ities, ,.o! #ertain "en the sins are "ani!est be!orehand, leading be!ore to -udg"ent, and #ertain also they !ollo$ a!ter, ,'in li'e "anner also the right $or's are "ani!est be!orehand, and those that are other$ise are not able to be hid) #$KNMNB MAU R MUAZR HLSO AKLQOVA LS ZBXQPNBC YAB AaBLC L NUMAVRC VLS XBP]LS ASVLS #%YAVA `UNPHSVNULS YAVRMLUBAO XR `AUAWNTLS NYVLC NB XR N`B WSL R VUBQO XAUVSUQO ,(VLSC AXAUVAOLOVAC NOQ`BLO `AOVQO NKNMTN BOA YAB LB KLB`LB ZLHLO NTQPBO ,#WBAXAUVSULXAB NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS YAB VQO NYKNYVQO AMMNKQO BOA VASVA ZSKAaRC TQUBC `ULYUBXAVLC XRWNO `LBQO YAVA `ULPYKBPBO ,,TNBUAC VATNQC XRWNOB N`BVB]NB XRWN YLBOQONB AXAUVBABC AKKLVUBABC PNASVLO AMOLO VRUNB ,-XRYNVB SWUL`LVNB AKK LBOQ LKBMQ TUQ WBA VLO PVLXATLO PLS YAB VAC `SYOAC PLS AP]NONBAC ,.VBOQO AO]UQ`QO AB AXAUVBAB `ULWRKLB NBPBO `ULAMLSPAB NBC YUBPBO VBPBO WN YAB N`AYLKLS]LSPBO ,'QPASVQC YAB VA YAKA NUMA `ULWRKA NPVBO YAB VA AKKQC NTLOVA YUSHROAB LS WSOAVAB
1 Ti"othy
+hapter /
#.s "any as are servants under a yo'e, their o$n "asters $orthy o! all honour let the" re#'on, that the na"e o! &od and the tea#hing "ay not be evil s o'en o!, ,and those having believing "asters, let the" not slight Ithe"I, be#ause they are brethren, but rather let the" serve, be#ause they are sted!ast and beloved, $ho o! the bene!it are arta'ing) These things be tea#hing and e(horting, -i! any one be tea#hing other$ise, and do not #onsent to sound $ords ++ those o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist ++ and to the tea#hing a##ording to iety, .he is roud, 'no$ing nothing, but doting about ?uestions and $ord+ striving, out o! $hi#h doth #o"e envy, stri!e, evil+s ea'ings, evil+sur"isings, '$ranglings o! "en $holly #orru ted in "ind, and destitute o! the truth, su osing the iety to be gain, de art !ro" su#h, #LPLB NBPBO S`L \SMLO WLSKLB VLSC BWBLSC WNP`LVAC `APRC VBXRC AaBLSC RMNBP]QPAO BOA XR VL LOLXA VLS ]NLS YAB R WBWAPYAKBA HKAPZRXRVAB
1 Ti"othy
%and those $ishing to be ri#h, do !all into te" tation and a snare, and "any desires, !oolish and hurt!ul, that sin' "en into ruin and destru#tion, #(!or a root o! all the evils is the love o! "oney, $hi#h #ertain longing !or did go astray !ro" the !aith, and the"selves did ier#e through $ith "any sorro$s, ##and thou, O "an o! &od, these things !lee, and ursue righteousness, iety, !aith, love, enduran#e, "ee'ness, #,be striving the good stri!e o! the !aith, be laying hold on the li!e age+ during, to $hi#h also thou $ast #alled, and didst ro!ess the right ro!ession be!ore "any $itnesses) #-0 #harge thee, be!ore &od, $ho is "a'ing all things alive, and o! Dhrist 5esus, $ho did testi!y be!ore Pontius Pilate the right ro!ession, #.that thou 'ee the #o""and uns otted, unbla"eable, till the "ani!estation o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, #'$hi#h in His o$n ti"es He shall she$ ++ the blessed and only otentate, the King o! the 'ings and Lord o! the lords, %LB WN HLSKLXNOLB `KLSVNBO NX`B`VLSPBO NBC `NBUAPXLO YAB `AMBWA YAB N`B]SXBAC `LKKAC AOLRVLSC YAB HKAHNUAC ABVBONC HS]B\LSPBO VLSC AO]UQ`LSC NBC LKN]ULO YAB A`QKNBAO #(UB\A MAU `AOVQO VQO YAYQO NPVBO R ZBKAUMSUBA RC VBONC LUNMLXNOLB A`N`KAOR]RPAO A`L VRC `BPVNQC YAB NASVLSC `NUBN`NBUAO LWSOABC `LKKABC ##PS WN Q AO]UQ`N VLS ]NLS VASVA ZNSMN WBQYN WN WBYABLPSORO NSPNHNBAO `BPVBO AMA`RO S`LXLORO `UALVRVA #,AMQOB\LS VLO YAKLO AMQOA VRC `BPVNQC N`BKAHLS VRC ABQOBLS \QRC NBC RO YAB NYKR]RC YAB QXLKLMRPAC VRO YAKRO LXLKLMBAO NOQ`BLO `LKKQO XAUVSUQO #-`AUAMMNKKQ PLB NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS VLS \QL`LBLSOVLC VA `AOVA YAB TUBPVLS BRPLS VLS XAUVSURPAOVLC N`B `LOVBLS `BKAVLS VRO YAKRO LXLKLMBAO #.VRURPAB PN VRO NOVLKRO AP`BKLO AON`BKR`VLO XNTUB VRC N`BZAONBAC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS #'RO YABULBC BWBLBC WNBaNB L XAYAUBLC YAB XLOLC WSOAPVRC L HAPBKNSC VQO HAPBKNSLOVQO YAB YSUBLC VQO YSUBNSLOVQO
1 Ti"othy
#/$ho only is having i""ortality, d$elling in light una roa#hable, $ho" no one o! "en did see, nor is able to see, to $ho" IisI honour and "ight age+duringd ."en) #0Those ri#h in the resent age #harge thou not to be high+"inded, nor to ho e in the un#ertainty o! ri#hes, but in the living &od, $ho is giving to us all things ri#hly !or en-oy"ent, ++ #$to do good, to be ri#h in good $or's, to be ready to i" art, $illing to #o""uni#ate, #%treasuring u to the"selves a right !oundation !or the ti"e to #o"e, that they "ay lay hold on the li!e age+ during) ,(O Ti"otheus, the thing entrusted guard thou, avoiding the ro!ane vain+ $ords and o osition o! the !alsely+ na"ed 'no$ledge, ,#$hi#h #ertain ro!essing ++ #on#erning the !aith did s$erve, the gra#e IisI $ith you) ."en) #/L XLOLC NTQO A]AOAPBAO ZQC LBYQO A`ULPBVLO LO NBWNO LSWNBC AO]UQ`QO LSWN BWNBO WSOAVAB Q VBXR YAB YUAVLC ABQOBLO AXRO #0VLBC `KLSPBLBC NO VQ OSO ABQOB `AUAMMNKKN XR ScRKLZULONBO XRWN RK`BYNOAB N`B `KLSVLS AWRKLVRVB AKK NO VQ ]NQ VQ \QOVB VQ `AUNTLOVB RXBO `KLSPBQC `AOVA NBC A`LKASPBO #$AMA]LNUMNBO `KLSVNBO NO NUMLBC YAKLBC NSXNVAWLVLSC NBOAB YLBOQOBYLSC #%A`L]RPASUB\LOVAC NASVLBC ]NXNKBLO YAKLO NBC VL XNKKLO BOA N`BKAHQOVAB VRC ABQOBLS \QRC ,(Q VBXL]NN VRO `AUAYAVA]RYRO ZSKAaLO NYVUN`LXNOLC VAC HNHRKLSC YNOLZQOBAC YAB AOVB]NPNBC VRC cNSWQOSXLS MOQPNQC ,#RO VBONC N`AMMNKKLXNOLB `NUB VRO `BPVBO RPVLTRPAO R TAUBC XNVA PLS AXRO e`ULC VBXL]NLO `UQVR NMUAZR A`L KALWBYNBAC RVBC NPVBO XRVUL`LKBC ZUSMBAC VRC `AYAVBAORCf
, Timothy
+hapter #
#Paul, an a ostle o! 5esus Dhrist, through the $ill o! &od, a##ording to a ro"ise o! li!e that IisI in Dhrist 5esus, ,to Ti"otheus, beloved #hildF &ra#e, 'indness, ea#e, !ro" &od the Father, and Dhrist 5esus our Lordd -0 a" than'!ul to &od, $ho" 0 serve !ro" rogenitors in a ure #ons#ien#e, that un#easingly 0 have re"e"bran#e #on#erning thee in "y su li#ations night and day, .desiring greatly to see thee, being "ind!ul o! thy tears, that $ith -oy 0 "ay be !illed, 'ta'ing re"e"bran#e o! the un!eigned !aith that is in thee, that d$elt !irst in thy grand"other Lois, and thy "other Euni#e, and 0 a" ersuaded that also in thee) /For $hi#h #ause 0 re"ind thee to stir u the gi!t o! &od that is in thee through the utting on o! "y hands, 0!or &od did not give us a s irit o! !ear, but o! o$er, and o! love, and o! a sound "ind, #`ASKLC A`LPVLKLC BRPLS TUBPVLS WBA ]NKRXAVLC ]NLS YAV N`AMMNKBAO \QRC VRC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS ,VBXL]NQ AMA`RVQ VNYOQ TAUBC NKNLC NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC YAB TUBPVLS BRPLS VLS YSUBLS RXQO -TAUBO NTQ VQ ]NQ Q KAVUNSQ A`L `ULMLOQO NO YA]AUA PSONBWRPNB QC AWBAKNB`VLO NTQ VRO `NUB PLS XONBAO NO VABC WNRPNPBO XLS OSYVLC YAB RXNUAC .N`B`L]QO PN BWNBO XNXORXNOLC PLS VQO WAYUSQO BOA TAUAC `KRUQ]Q 'S`LXORPBO KAXHAOQO VRC NO PLB AOS`LYUBVLS `BPVNQC RVBC NOQYRPNO `UQVLO NO VR XAXXR PLS KQBWB YAB VR XRVUB PLS NSONBYR `N`NBPXAB WN LVB YAB NO PLB /WB RO ABVBAO AOAXBXORPYQ PN AOA\Q`SUNBO VL TAUBPXA VLS ]NLS L NPVBO NO PLB WBA VRC N`B]NPNQC VQO TNBUQO XLS 0LS MAU NWQYNO RXBO L ]NLC `ONSXA WNBKBAC AKKA WSOAXNQC YAB AMA`RC YAB PQZULOBPXLS
G Ti"othy
$there!ore thou "ayest not be asha"ed o! the testi"ony o! our Lord, nor o! "e his risoner, but do thou su!!er evil along $ith the good ne$s a##ording to the o$er o! &od, %$ho did save us, and did #all $ith an holy #alling, not a##ording to our $or's, but a##ording to His o$n ur ose and gra#e, that $as given to us in Dhrist 5esus, be!ore the ti"es o! the ages, #(and $as "ade "ani!est no$ through the "ani!estation o! our Saviour 5esus Dhrist, $ho indeed did abolish death, and did enlighten li!e and i""ortality through the good ne$s, ##to $hi#h 0 $as la#ed a rea#her and an a ostle, and a tea#her o! nations, #,!or $hi#h #ause also these things 0 su!!er, but 0 a" not asha"ed, !or 0 have 'no$n in $ho" 0 have believed, and have been ersuaded that he is able that $hi#h 0 have #o""itted to hi" to guard ++ to that day) #-The attern hold thou o! sound $ords, $hi#h !ro" "e thou didst hear, in !aith and love that IisI in Dhrist 5esus, #.the good thing #o""itted guard thou through the Holy S irit that is d$elling in us, $XR LSO N`ABPTSO]RC VL XAUVSUBLO VLS YSUBLS RXQO XRWN NXN VLO WNPXBLO ASVLS AKKA PSMYAYL`A]RPLO VQ NSAMMNKBQ YAVA WSOAXBO ]NLS %VLS PQPAOVLC RXAC YAB YAKNPAOVLC YKRPNB AMBA LS YAVA VA NUMA RXQO AKKA YAV BWBAO `UL]NPBO YAB TAUBO VRO WL]NBPAO RXBO NO TUBPVQ BRPLS `UL TULOQO ABQOBQO #(ZAONUQ]NBPAO WN OSO WBA VRC N`BZAONBAC VLS PQVRULC RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS YAVAUMRPAOVLC XNO VLO ]AOAVLO ZQVBPAOVLC WN \QRO YAB AZ]AUPBAO WBA VLS NSAMMNKBLS ##NBC L NVN]RO NMQ YRUSa YAB A`LPVLKLC YAB WBWAPYAKLC N]OQO #,WB RO ABVBAO YAB VASVA `APTQ AKK LSY N`ABPTSOLXAB LBWA MAU Q `N`BPVNSYA YAB `N`NBPXAB LVB WSOAVLC NPVBO VRO `AUA]RYRO XLS ZSKAaAB NBC NYNBORO VRO RXNUAO #-S`LVS`QPBO NTN SMBABOLOVQO KLMQO QO `AU NXLS RYLSPAC NO `BPVNB YAB AMA`R VR NO TUBPVQ BRPLS #.VRO YAKRO `AUAYAVA]RYRO ZSKAaLO WBA `ONSXAVLC AMBLS VLS NOLBYLSOVLC NO RXBO
G Ti"othy
#'thou hast 'no$n this, that they did turn !ro" "e ++ all those in .sia, o! $ho" are Phygellus and Her"ogenes, #/"ay the Lord give 'indness to the house o! Onesi horus, be#ause "any ti"es he did re!resh "e, and o! "y #hain $as not asha"ed, #0but being in Ro"e, very diligently he sought "e, and !ound, #$"ay the Lord give to hi" to !ind 'indness !ro" the Lord in that day, and ho$ "any things in E hesus he did "inister thou dost very $ell 'no$) #'LBWAC VLSVL LVB A`NPVUAZRPAO XN `AOVNC LB NO VR APBA QO NPVBO ZSMNKKLC YAB NUXLMNORC #/WQR NKNLC L YSUBLC VQ LORPBZLULS LBYQ LVB `LKKAYBC XN AONcSaNO YAB VRO AKSPBO XLS LSY N`RPTSO]R #0AKKA MNOLXNOLC NO UQXR P`LSWABLVNULO N\RVRPNO XN YAB NSUNO #$WQR ASVQ L YSUBLC NSUNBO NKNLC `AUA YSUBLS NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA YAB LPA NO NZNPQ WBRYLORPNO HNKVBLO PS MBOQPYNBC
G Ti"othy
+hapter ,
#Thou, there!ore, "y #hild, be strong in the gra#e that IisI in Dhrist 5esus, ,and the things that thou didst hear !ro" "e through "any $itnesses, these things be #o""itting to sted!ast "en, $ho shall be su!!i#ient also others to tea#h, -thou, there!ore, su!!er evil as a good soldier o! 5esus Dhrist, .no one serving as a soldier did entangle hi"sel! $ith the a!!airs o! li!e, that hi" $ho did enlist hi" he "ay lease, 'and i! also any one "ay strive, he is not #ro$ned, e(#e t he "ay strive la$!ully, /the labouring husband"an it behoveth !irst o! the !ruits to arta'e, 0be #onsidering $hat things 0 say, !or the Lord give to thee understanding in all things) $Re"e"ber 5esus Dhrist, raised out o! the dead, o! the seed o! David, a##ording to "y good ne$s, %in $hi#h 0 su!!er evil ++ unto bonds, as an evil+doer, but the $ord o! &od hath not been bound, #(be#ause o! this all things do 0 endure, be#ause o! the #hoi#e ones, that they also salvation "ay obtain that IisI in Dhrist 5esus, $ith glory age+ during) #PS LSO VNYOLO XLS NOWSOAXLS NO VR TAUBVB VR NO TUBPVQ BRPLS ,YAB A RYLSPAC `AU NXLS WBA `LKKQO XAUVSUQO VASVA `AUA]LS `BPVLBC AO]UQ`LBC LBVBONC BYAOLB NPLOVAB YAB NVNULSC WBWAaAB -PS LSO YAYL`A]RPLO QC YAKLC PVUAVBQVRC BRPLS TUBPVLS .LSWNBC PVUAVNSLXNOLC NX`KNYNVAB VABC VLS HBLS `UAMXAVNBABC BOA VQ PVUAVLKLMRPAOVB AUNPR 'NAO WN YAB A]KR VBC LS PVNZAOLSVAB NAO XR OLXBXQC A]KRPR /VLO YL`BQOVA MNQUMLO WNB `UQVLO VQO YAU`QO XNVAKAXHAONBO 0OLNB A KNMQ WQR MAU PLB L YSUBLC PSONPBO NO `APBO $XORXLONSN BRPLSO TUBPVLO NMRMNUXNOLO NY ONYUQO NY P`NUXAVLC WAHBW YAVA VL NSAMMNKBLO XLS %NO Q YAYL`A]Q XNTUB WNPXQO QC YAYLSUMLC AKK L KLMLC VLS ]NLS LS WNWNVAB #(WBA VLSVL `AOVA S`LXNOQ WBA VLSC NYKNYVLSC BOA YAB ASVLB PQVRUBAC VSTQPBO VRC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS XNVA WLaRC ABQOBLS
G Ti"othy
##Sted!ast IisI the $ordF For i! $e died together ++ $e also shall live together, #,i! $e do endure together ++ $e shall also reign together, i! $e deny Ihi"I, he also shall deny us, #-i! $e are not sted!ast, he re"aineth sted!ast, to deny hi"sel! he is not able) #.These things re"ind Ithe"I o!, testi!ying !ully be!ore the Lord ++ not to strive about $ords to nothing ro!itable, but to the subversion o! those hearing, #'be diligent to resent thysel! a roved to &od ++ a $or'"an irre roa#hable, rightly dividing the $ord o! the truth, #/and the ro!ane vain tal'ings stand aloo! !ro", !or to "ore i" iety they $ill advan#e, #0and their $ord as a gangrene $ill have asture, o! $ho" is Hy"enaeus and Philetus, #$$ho #on#erning the truth did s$erve, saying the rising again to have already been, and do overthro$ the !aith o! so"e, #%sure, nevertheless, hath the !oundation o! &od stood, having this seal, IThe Lord hath 'no$n those $ho are His,I and ILet hi" de art !ro" unrighteousness ++ every one $ho is na"ing the na"e o! Dhrist)I ##`BPVLC L KLMLC NB MAU PSOA`N]AOLXNO YAB PS\RPLXNO #,NB S`LXNOLXNO YAB PSXHAPBKNSPLXNO NB AUOLSXN]A YAYNBOLC AUORPNVAB RXAC #-NB A`BPVLSXNO NYNBOLC `BPVLC XNONB AUORPAP]AB NASVLO LS WSOAVAB #.VASVA S`LXBXORPYN WBAXAUVSULXNOLC NOQ`BLO VLS YSUBLS XR KLMLXATNBO NBC LSWNO TURPBXLO N`B YAVAPVULZR VQO AYLSLOVQO #'P`LSWAPLO PNASVLO WLYBXLO `AUAPVRPAB VQ ]NQ NUMAVRO AON`ABPTSOVLO LU]LVLXLSOVA VLO KLMLO VRC AKR]NBAC #/VAC WN HNHRKLSC YNOLZQOBAC `NUBBPVAPL N`B `KNBLO MAU `ULYLcLSPBO APNHNBAC #0YAB L KLMLC ASVQO QC MAMMUABOA OLXRO NaNB QO NPVBO SXNOABLC YAB ZBKRVLC #$LBVBONC `NUB VRO AKR]NBAO RPVLTRPAO KNMLOVNC VRO AOAPVAPBO RWR MNMLONOAB YAB AOAVUN`LSPBO VRO VBOQO `BPVBO #%L XNOVLB PVNUNLC ]NXNKBLC VLS ]NLS NPVRYNO NTQO VRO PZUAMBWA VASVRO NMOQ YSUBLC VLSC LOVAC ASVLS YAB A`LPVRVQ A`L AWBYBAC `AC L LOLXA\QO VL LOLXA TUBPVLS
G Ti"othy
,(.nd in a great house there are not only vessels o! gold and o! silver, but also o! $ood and o! earth, and so"e to honour, and so"e to dishonourF ,#i!, then, any one "ay #leanse hi"sel! !ro" these, he shall be a vessel to honour, san#ti!ied and ro!itable to the "aster ++ to every good $or' having been re ared, ,,and the youth!ul lusts !lee thou, and ursue righteousness, !aith, love, ea#e, $ith those #alling u on the Lord out o! a ure heart, ,-and the !oolish and uninstru#ted ?uestions be avoiding, having 'no$n that they beget stri!e, ,.and a servant o! the Lord it behoveth not to strive, but to be gentle unto all, a t to tea#h, atient under evil, ,'in "ee'ness instru#ting those o osing ++ i! erha s &od "ay give to the" re entan#e to an a#'no$ledging o! the truth, ,/and they "ay a$a'e out o! the devilIs snare, having been #aught by hi" at his $ill) ,(NO XNMAKR WN LBYBA LSY NPVBO XLOLO PYNSR TUSPA YAB AUMSUA AKKA YAB aSKBOA YAB LPVUAYBOA YAB A XNO NBC VBXRO A WN NBC AVBXBAO ,#NAO LSO VBC NYYA]AUR NASVLO A`L VLSVQO NPVAB PYNSLC NBC VBXRO RMBAPXNOLO YAB NSTURPVLO VQ WNP`LVR NBC `AO NUMLO AMA]LO RVLBXAPXNOLO ,,VAC WN ONQVNUBYAC N`B]SXBAC ZNSMN WBQYN WN WBYABLPSORO `BPVBO AMA`RO NBURORO XNVA VQO N`BYAKLSXNOQO VLO YSUBLO NY YA]AUAC YAUWBAC ,-VAC WN XQUAC YAB A`ABWNSVLSC \RVRPNBC `AUABVLS NBWQC LVB MNOOQPBO XATAC ,.WLSKLO WN YSUBLS LS WNB XATNP]AB AKK R`BLO NBOAB `ULC `AOVAC WBWAYVBYLO AONaBYAYLO ,'NO `UALVRVB `ABWNSLOVA VLSC AOVBWBAVB]NXNOLSC XR`LVN WQ ASVLBC L ]NLC XNVAOLBAO NBC N`BMOQPBO AKR]NBAC ,/YAB AOAORcQPBO NY VRC VLS WBAHLKLS `AMBWLC N\QMURXNOLB S` ASVLS NBC VL NYNBOLS ]NKRXA
G Ti"othy
+hapter #.nd this 'no$ thou, that in the last days there shall #o"e erilous ti"es, ,!or "en shall be lovers o! the"selves, lovers o! "oney, boasters, roud, evil+s ea'ers, to arents disobedient, unthan'!ul, un'ind, -$ithout natural a!!e#tion, i" la#able, !alse a##users, in#ontinent, !ier#e, not lovers o! those $ho are good, .traitors, heady, lo!ty, lovers o! leasure "ore than lovers o! &od, 'having a !or" o! iety, and its o$er having denied, and !ro" these be turning a$ay, /!or o! these there are those #o"ing into the houses and leading #a tive the silly $o"en, laden $ith sins, led a$ay $ith desires "ani!old, 0al$ays learning, and never to a 'no$ledge o! truth able to #o"e, $and, even as 5annes and 5a"bres stood against @oses, so also these do stand against the truth, "en #orru ted in "ind, disa roved #on#erning the !aith, %but they shall not advan#e any !urther, !or their !olly shall be "ani!est to all, as theirs also did be#o"e) #VLSVL WN MBOQPYN LVB NO NPTAVABC RXNUABC NOPVRPLOVAB YABULB TAKN`LB ,NPLOVAB MAU LB AO]UQ`LB ZBKASVLB ZBKAUMSULB AKA\LONC S`NURZAOLB HKAPZRXLB MLONSPBO A`NB]NBC ATAUBPVLB AOLPBLB -APVLUMLB AP`LOWLB WBAHLKLB AYUAVNBC AORXNULB AZBKAMA]LB .`ULWLVAB `UL`NVNBC VNVSZQXNOLB ZBKRWLOLB XAKKLO R ZBKL]NLB 'NTLOVNC XLUZQPBO NSPNHNBAC VRO WN WSOAXBO ASVRC RUORXNOLB YAB VLSVLSC A`LVUN`LS /NY VLSVQO MAU NBPBO LB NOWSOLOVNC NBC VAC LBYBAC YAB ABTXAKQVNSLOVNC VA MSOABYAUBA PNPQUNSXNOA AXAUVBABC AMLXNOA N`B]SXBABC `LBYBKABC 0`AOVLVN XAO]AOLOVA YAB XRWN`LVN NBC N`BMOQPBO AKR]NBAC NK]NBO WSOAXNOA $LO VUL`LO WN BAOORC YAB BAXHURC AOVNPVRPAO XQSPNB LSVQC YAB LSVLB AO]BPVAOVAB VR AKR]NBA AO]UQ`LB YAVNZ]AUXNOLB VLO OLSO AWLYBXLB `NUB VRO `BPVBO %AKK LS `ULYLcLSPBO N`B `KNBLO R MAU AOLBA ASVQO NYWRKLC NPVAB `APBO QC YAB R NYNBOQO NMNONVL
G Ti"othy
#(.nd thou ++ thou hast !ollo$ed a!ter "y tea#hing, "anner o! li!e, ur ose, !aith, long+su!!ering, love, enduran#e, ##the erse#utions, the a!!li#tions, that be!el "e in .ntio#h, in 0#oniu", in Lystra, $hat erse#utions 0 endured, and out o! all the Lord did deliver "e, #,and all also $ho $ill to live iously in Dhrist 5esus shall be erse#uted, #-and evil "en and i" ostors shall advan#e to the $orse, leading astray and being led astray) #..nd thou ++ be re"aining in the things $hi#h thou didst learn and $ast entrusted $ith, having 'no$n !ro" $ho" thou didst learn, #'and be#ause !ro" a babe the Holy Writings thou hast 'no$n, $hi#h are able to "a'e thee $ise ++ to salvation, through !aith that IisI in Dhrist 5esus, #/every Writing IisI &od+breathed, and ro!itable !or tea#hing, !or #onvi#tion, !or setting aright, !or instru#tion that IisI in righteousness, #0that the "an o! &od "ay be !itted ++ !or every good $or' having been #o" leted) #(PS WN `AURYLKLS]RYAC XLS VR WBWAPYAKBA VR AMQMR VR `UL]NPNB VR `BPVNB VR XAYUL]SXBA VR AMA`R VR S`LXLOR ##VLBC WBQMXLBC VLBC `A]RXAPBO LBA XLB NMNONVL NO AOVBLTNBA NO BYLOBQ NO KSPVULBC LBLSC WBQMXLSC S`RONMYA YAB NY `AOVQO XN NUUSPAVL L YSUBLC #,YAB `AOVNC WN LB ]NKLOVNC NSPNHQC \RO NO TUBPVQ BRPLS WBQT]RPLOVAB #-`LORULB WN AO]UQ`LB YAB MLRVNC `ULYLcLSPBO N`B VL TNBULO `KAOQOVNC YAB `KAOQXNOLB #.PS WN XNON NO LBC NXA]NC YAB N`BPVQ]RC NBWQC `AUA VBOLC NXA]NC #'YAB LVB A`L HUNZLSC VA BNUA MUAXXAVA LBWAC VA WSOAXNOA PN PLZBPAB NBC PQVRUBAO WBA `BPVNQC VRC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS #/`APA MUAZR ]NL`ONSPVLC YAB QZNKBXLC `ULC WBWAPYAKBAO `ULC NKNMTLO `ULC N`AOLU]QPBO `ULC `ABWNBAO VRO NO WBYABLPSOR #0BOA AUVBLC R L VLS ]NLS AO]UQ`LC `ULC `AO NUMLO AMA]LO NaRUVBPXNOLC
G Ti"othy
+hapter .
#0 do !ully testi!y, then, be!ore &od, and the Lord 5esus Dhrist, $ho is about to -udge living and dead at his "ani!estation and his reign ++ , rea#h the $ord, be earnest in season, out o! season, #onvi#t, rebu'e, e(hort, in all long+su!!ering and tea#hing, -!or there shall be a season $hen the sound tea#hing they $ill not su!!er, but a##ording to their o$n desires to the"selves they shall hea u tea#hers ++ it#hing in the hearing, .and indeed, !ro" the truth the hearing they shall turn a$ay, and to the !ables they shall be turned aside) '.nd thou ++ $at#h in all things, su!!er evil, do the $or' o! one ro#lai"ing good ne$s, o! thy "inistration "a'e !ull assuran#e, /!or 0 a" already being oured out, and the ti"e o! "y release hath arrived, 0the good stri!e 0 have striven, the #ourse 0 have !inished, the !aith 0 have 'e t, $hen#e!orth there is laid u !or "e the #ro$n o! the righteousness that the Lord ++ the Righteous 5udge ++ shall give to "e in that day, and not only to "e, but also to all those loving his "ani!estation) #WBAXAUVSULXAB LSO NMQ NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS YAB VLS YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS XNKKLOVLC YUBONBO \QOVAC YAB ONYULSC YAVA VRO N`BZAONBAO ASVLS YAB VRO HAPBKNBAO ASVLS ,YRUSaLO VLO KLMLO N`BPVR]B NSYABUQC AYABUQC NKNMaLO N`BVBXRPLO `AUAYAKNPLO NO `APR XAYUL]SXBA YAB WBWATR -NPVAB MAU YABULC LVN VRC SMBABOLSPRC WBWAPYAKBAC LSY AONaLOVAB AKKA YAVA VAC N`B]SXBAC VAC BWBAC NASVLBC N`BPQUNSPLSPBO WBWAPYAKLSC YOR]LXNOLB VRO AYLRO .YAB A`L XNO VRC AKR]NBAC VRO AYLRO A`LPVUNcLSPBO N`B WN VLSC XS]LSC NYVUA`RPLOVAB 'PS WN ORZN NO `APBO YAYL`A]RPLO NUMLO `LBRPLO NSAMMNKBPVLS VRO WBAYLOBAO PLS `KRULZLURPLO /NMQ MAU RWR P`NOWLXAB YAB L YABULC VRC NXRC AOAKSPNQC NZNPVRYNO 0VLO AMQOA VLO YAKLO RMQOBPXAB VLO WULXLO VNVNKNYA VRO `BPVBO VNVRURYA $KLB`LO A`LYNBVAB XLB L VRC WBYABLPSORC PVNZAOLC LO A`LWQPNB XLB L YSUBLC NO NYNBOR VR RXNUA L WBYABLC YUBVRC LS XLOLO WN NXLB AKKA YAB `APBO VLBC RMA`RYLPBO VRO N`BZAONBAO ASVLS
G Ti"othy
%Be diligent to #o"e unto "e ?ui#'ly, #(!or De"as !orsoo' "e, having loved the resent age, and $ent on to Thessaloni#a, Dres#ens to &alatia, Titus to Dal"atia, ##Lu'as only is $ith "e, @ar'us having ta'en, bring $ith thysel!, !or he is ro!itable to "e !or "inistration, #,and Ty#hi#us 0 sent to E hesus, #-the #loa' that 0 le!t in Troas $ith Dar us, #o"ing, bring thou and the boo's ++ es e#ially the ar#h"ents) #..le(ander the #o ers"ith did "e "u#h evil, "ay the Lord re ay to hi" a##ording to his $or's, #'o! $ho" also do thou be$are, !or greatly hath he stood against our $ords, #/in "y !irst de!en#e no one stood $ith "e, but all !orsoo' "e, 7"ay it not be re#'oned to the"d< #0and the Lord stood by "e, and did strengthen "e, that through "e the rea#hing "ight be !ully assured, and all the nations "ight hear, and 0 $as !reed out o! the "outh o! a lion, #$and the Lord shall !ree "e !ro" every evil $or', and shall save I"eI ++ to his heavenly 'ingdo", to $ho" IisI the glory to the ages o! the agesd ."en) #%Salute Pris#a and .?uilas, and Onesi horusI household, %P`LSWAPLO NK]NBO `ULC XN VATNQC #(WRXAC MAU XN NMYAVNKB`NO AMA`RPAC VLO OSO ABQOA YAB N`LUNS]R NBC ]NPPAKLOBYRO YURPYRC NBC MAKAVBAO VBVLC NBC WAKXAVBAO ##KLSYAC NPVBO XLOLC XNV NXLS XAUYLO AOAKAHQO AMN XNVA PNASVLS NPVBO MAU XLB NSTURPVLC NBC WBAYLOBAO #,VSTBYLO WN A`NPVNBKA NBC NZNPLO #-VLO ZABKLORO LO A`NKB`LO NO VUQAWB `AUA YAU`Q NUTLXNOLC ZNUN YAB VA HBHKBA XAKBPVA VAC XNXHUAOAC #.AKNaAOWULC L TAKYNSC `LKKA XLB YAYA NONWNBaAVL A`LWQR ASVQ L YSUBLC YAVA VA NUMA ASVLS #'LO YAB PS ZSKAPPLS KBAO MAU AO]NPVRYNO VLBC RXNVNULBC KLMLBC #/NO VR `UQVR XLS A`LKLMBA LSWNBC XLB PSX`AUNMNONVL AKKA `AOVNC XN NMYAVNKB`LO XR ASVLBC KLMBP]NBR #0L WN YSUBLC XLB `AUNPVR YAB NONWSOAXQPNO XN BOA WB NXLS VL YRUSMXA `KRULZLUR]R YAB AYLSPR `AOVA VA N]OR YAB NUUSP]RO NY PVLXAVLC KNLOVLC #$YAB USPNVAB XN L YSUBLC A`L `AOVLC NUMLS `LORULS YAB PQPNB NBC VRO HAPBKNBAO ASVLS VRO N`LSUAOBLO Q R WLaA NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO AXRO #%AP`APAB `UBPYAO YAB AYSKAO YAB VLO LORPBZLULS LBYLO
G Ti"othy
,(Erastus did re"ain in Dorinth, and Tro hi"us 0 le!t in @iletus in!ir", ,#be diligent to #o"e be!ore $inter) Salute thee doth Eubulus, and Pudens, and Linus, and Dlaudia, and all the brethren) ,,The Lord 5esus Dhrist IisI $ith thy s irit, the gra#e IisI $ith youd ."en) ,(NUAPVLC NXNBONO NO YLUBO]Q VULZBXLO WN A`NKB`LO NO XBKRVQ AP]NOLSOVA ,#P`LSWAPLO `UL TNBXQOLC NK]NBO AP`A\NVAB PN NSHLSKLC YAB `LSWRC YAB KBOLC YAB YKASWBA YAB LB AWNKZLB `AOVNC ,,L YSUBLC BRPLSC TUBPVLC XNVA VLS `ONSXAVLC PLS R TAUBC XN] SXQO AXRO e`ULC VBXL]NLO WNSVNUA VRC NZNPBQO NYYKRPBAC `UQVLO N`BPYL`LO TNBULVLOR]NOVA NMUAZR A`L UQXRC LVN NY WNSVNULS `AUNPVR `ASKLC VQ YABPAUB ONUQOBf
+hapter #
#Paul, a servant o! &od, and an a ostle o! 5esus Dhrist, a##ording to the !aith o! the #hoi#e ones o! &od, and an a#'no$ledging o! truth that IisI a##ording to iety, ,u on ho e o! li!e age+during, $hi#h &od, $ho doth not lie, did ro"ise be!ore ti"es o! ages, -7and He "ani!ested in ro er ti"es His $ord,< in rea#hing, $hi#h 0 $as entrusted $ith, a##ording to a #harge o! &od our Saviour, .to Titus ++ true #hild a##ording to a #o""on !aithF &ra#e, 'indness, ea#e, !ro" &od the Father, and the Lord 5esus Dhrist our Saviourd 'For this #ause le!t 0 thee in Drete, that the things la#'ing thou "ayest arrange, and "ayest set do$n in every #ity elders, as 0 did a oint to thee, /i! any one is bla"eless, o! one $i!e a husband, having #hildren sted!ast, not under a##usation o! riotous living or insubordinate ++ 0!or it behoveth the overseer to be bla"eless, as &odIs ste$ard, not sel!+ leased, nor iras#ible, not given to $ine, not a stri'er, not given to !ilthy lu#re, #`ASKLC WLSKLC ]NLS A`LPVLKLC WN BRPLS TUBPVLS YAVA `BPVBO NYKNYVQO ]NLS YAB N`BMOQPBO AKR]NBAC VRC YAV NSPNHNBAO ,N` NK`BWB \QRC ABQOBLS RO N`RMMNBKAVL L AcNSWRC ]NLC `UL TULOQO ABQOBQO -NZAONUQPNO WN YABULBC BWBLBC VLO KLMLO ASVLS NO YRUSMXAVB L N`BPVNS]RO NMQ YAV N`BVAMRO VLS PQVRULC RXQO ]NLS .VBVQ MORPBQ VNYOQ YAVA YLBORO `BPVBO TAUBC NKNLC NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS PQVRULC RXQO 'VLSVLS TAUBO YAVNKB`LO PN NO YURVR BOA VA KNB`LOVA N`BWBLU]QPR YAB YAVAPVRPRC YAVA `LKBO `UNPHSVNULSC QC NMQ PLB WBNVAaAXRO /NB VBC NPVBO AONMYKRVLC XBAC MSOABYLC AORU VNYOA NTQO `BPVA XR NO YAVRMLUBA APQVBAC R AOS`LVAYVA 0WNB MAU VLO N`BPYL`LO AONMYKRVLO NBOAB QC ]NLS LBYLOLXLO XR AS]AWR XR LUMBKLO XR `AULBOLO XR `KRYVRO XR ABPTULYNUWR
$but a lover o! strangers, a lover o! good "en, sober+"inded, righteous, 'ind, sel!+#ontrolled, %holding ++ a##ording to the tea#hing ++ to the sted!ast $ord, that he "ay be able also to e(hort in the sound tea#hing, and the gainsayers to #onvi#t, #(!or there are "any both insubordinate, vain+tal'ers, and "ind+ de#eivers ++ es e#ially they o! the #ir#u"#ision ++ ##$hose "outh it behoveth to sto , $ho $hole households do overturn, tea#hing $hat things it behoveth not, !or !ilthy lu#reIs sa'e) #,. #ertain one o! the", a ro het o! their o$n, said ++ IDretansd al$ays liars, evil beasts, laEy belliesdI #-this testi"ony is true, !or $hi#h #ause #onvi#t the" shar ly, that they "ay be sound in the !aith, #.not giving heed to 5e$ish !ables and #o""ands o! "en, turning the"selves a$ay !ro" the truth, #'all things, indeed, IareI ure to the ure, and to the de!iled and unsted!ast IisI nothing ure, but o! the" de!iled IareI even the "ind and the #ons#ien#e, #/&od they ro!ess to 'no$, and in the $or's they deny IHi"I, being abo"inable, and disobedient, and unto every good $or' disa roved) $AKKA ZBKLaNOLO ZBKAMA]LO PQZULOA WBYABLO LPBLO NMYUAVR %AOVNTLXNOLO VLS YAVA VRO WBWATRO `BPVLS KLMLS BOA WSOAVLC R YAB `AUAYAKNBO NO VR WBWAPYAKBA VR SMBABOLSPR YAB VLSC AOVBKNMLOVAC NKNMTNBO #(NBPBO MAU `LKKLB YAB AOS`LVAYVLB XAVABLKLMLB YAB ZUNOA`AVAB XAKBPVA LB NY `NUBVLXRC ##LSC WNB N`BPVLXB\NBO LBVBONC LKLSC LBYLSC AOAVUN`LSPBO WBWAPYLOVNC A XR WNB ABPTULS YNUWLSC TAUBO #,NB`NO VBC Na ASVQO BWBLC ASVQO `ULZRVRC YURVNC ANB cNSPVAB YAYA ]RUBA MAPVNUNC AUMAB #-R XAUVSUBA ASVR NPVBO AKR]RC WB RO ABVBAO NKNMTN ASVLSC A`LVLXQC BOA SMBABOQPBO NO VR `BPVNB #.XR `ULPNTLOVNC BLSWABYLBC XS]LBC YAB NOVLKABC AO]UQ`QO A`LPVUNZLXNOQO VRO AKR]NBAO #'`AOVA XNO YA]AUA VLBC YA]AULBC VLBC WN XNXBAPXNOLBC YAB A`BPVLBC LSWNO YA]AULO AKKA XNXBAOVAB ASVQO YAB L OLSC YAB R PSONBWRPBC #/]NLO LXLKLMLSPBO NBWNOAB VLBC WN NUMLBC AUOLSOVAB HWNKSYVLB LOVNC YAB A`NB]NBC YAB `ULC `AO NUMLO AMA]LO AWLYBXLB
+hapter ,
#.nd thou ++ be s ea'ing $hat doth be#o"e the sound tea#hing, ,aged "en to be te" erate, grave, sober, sound in the !aith, in the love, in the enduran#e, -aged $o"en, in li'e "anner, in de ort"ent as doth be#o"e sa#red ersons, not !alse a##users, to "u#h $ine not enslaved, o! good things tea#hers, .that they "ay "a'e the young $o"en sober+"inded, to be lovers o! ItheirI husbands, lovers o! ItheirI #hildren, 'sober, ure, 'ee ers o! Itheir o$nI houses, good, sub-e#t to their o$n husbands, that the $ord o! &od "ay not be evil s o'en o!) /The younger "en, in li'e "anner, be e(horting to be sober+"inded, 0#on#erning all things thysel! sho$ing a attern o! good $or's, in the tea#hing un#orru tedness, gravity, in#orru tibility, $dis#ourse sound, irre rehensible, that he $ho is o! the #ontrary art "ay be asha"ed, having nothing evil to say #on#erning you) %Servants ++ to their o$n "asters IareI to be sub-e#t, in all things to be $ell+ leasing, not gainsaying, #PS WN KAKNB A `UN`NB VR SMBABOLSPR WBWAPYAKBA ,`UNPHSVAC ORZAKBLSC NBOAB PNXOLSC PQZULOAC SMBABOLOVAC VR `BPVNB VR AMA`R VR S`LXLOR -`UNPHSVBWAC QPASVQC NO YAVAPVRXAVB BNUL`UN`NBC XR WBAHLKLSC XR LBOQ `LKKQ WNWLSKQXNOAC YAKLWBWAPYAKLSC .BOA PQZULOB\QPBO VAC ONAC ZBKAOWULSC NBOAB ZBKLVNYOLSC 'PQZULOAC AMOAC LBYLSULSC AMA]AC S`LVAPPLXNOAC VLBC BWBLBC AOWUAPBO BOA XR L KLMLC VLS ]NLS HKAPZRXRVAB /VLSC ONQVNULSC QPASVQC `AUAYAKNB PQZULONBO 0`NUB `AOVA PNASVLO `AUNTLXNOLC VS`LO YAKQO NUMQO NO VR WBWAPYAKBA AWBAZ]LUBAO PNXOLVRVA AZ]AUPBAO $KLMLO SMBR AYAVAMOQPVLO BOA L Na NOAOVBAC NOVUA`R XRWNO NTQO `NUB SXQO KNMNBO ZASKLO %WLSKLSC BWBLBC WNP`LVABC S`LVAPPNP]AB NO `APBO NSAUNPVLSC NBOAB XR AOVBKNMLOVAC
#(not urloining, but sho$ing all good sted!astness, that the tea#hing o! &od our Saviour they "ay adorn in all things) ##For the saving gra#e o! &od $as "ani!ested to all "en, #,tea#hing us, that denying the i" iety and the $orldly desires, soberly and righteously and iously $e "ay live in the resent age, #-$aiting !or the blessed ho e and "ani!estation o! the glory o! our great &od and Saviour 5esus Dhrist, #.$ho did give hi"sel! !or us, that he "ight ranso" us !ro" all la$lessness, and "ight uri!y to hi"sel! a e#uliar eo le, Eealous o! good $or's, #'these things be s ea'ing, and e(horting, and #onvi#ting, $ith all #harge, let no one des ise theed #(XR OLPZB\LXNOLSC AKKA `BPVBO `APAO NOWNBYOSXNOLSC AMA]RO BOA VRO WBWAPYAKBAO VLS PQVRULC SXQO ]NLS YLPXQPBO NO `APBO ##N`NZAOR MAU R TAUBC VLS ]NLS R PQVRUBLC `APBO AO]UQ`LBC #,`ABWNSLSPA RXAC BOA AUORPAXNOLB VRO APNHNBAO YAB VAC YLPXBYAC N`B]SXBAC PQZULOQC YAB WBYABQC YAB NSPNHQC \RPQXNO NO VQ OSO ABQOB #-`ULPWNTLXNOLB VRO XAYAUBAO NK`BWA YAB N`BZAONBAO VRC WLaRC VLS XNMAKLS ]NLS YAB PQVRULC RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS #.LC NWQYNO NASVLO S`NU RXQO BOA KSVUQPRVAB RXAC A`L `APRC AOLXBAC YAB YA]AUBPR NASVQ KALO `NUBLSPBLO \RKQVRO YAKQO NUMQO #'VASVA KAKNB YAB `AUAYAKNB YAB NKNMTN XNVA `APRC N`BVAMRC XRWNBC PLS `NUBZULONBVQ
+hapter #Re"ind the" to be sub-e#t to rin#i alities and authorities, to obey rule, unto every good $or' to be ready, ,o! no one to s ea' evil, not to be ?uarrelso"e ++ gentle, sho$ing all "ee'ness to all "en, -!or $e $ere on#e ++ also $e ++ thoughtless, disobedient, led astray, serving desires and leasures "ani!old, in "ali#e and envy living, odious ++ hating one another, .and $hen the 'indness and the love to "en o! &od our Saviour did a ear '7not by $or's that IareI in righteousness that $e did but a##ording to His 'indness,< He did save us, through a bathing o! regeneration, and a rene$ing o! the Holy S irit, /$hi#h He oured u on us ri#hly, through 5esus Dhrist our Saviour, 0that having been de#lared righteous by His gra#e, heirs $e "ay be#o"e a##ording to the ho e o! li!e age+ during) $Sted!ast IisI the $ord, and #on#erning these things 0 #ounsel thee to a!!ir" !ully, that they "ay be thought!ul, to be leading in good $or's ++ $ho have believed &od, these are the good and ro!itable things to "en, #S`LXBXORPYN ASVLSC AUTABC YAB NaLSPBABC S`LVAPPNP]AB `NB]AUTNBO `ULC `AO NUMLO AMA]LO NVLBXLSC NBOAB ,XRWNOA HKAPZRXNBO AXATLSC NBOAB N`BNBYNBC `APAO NOWNBYOSXNOLSC `UALVRVA `ULC `AOVAC AO]UQ`LSC -RXNO MAU `LVN YAB RXNBC AOLRVLB A`NB]NBC `KAOQXNOLB WLSKNSLOVNC N`B]SXBABC YAB RWLOABC `LBYBKABC NO YAYBA YAB Z]LOQ WBAMLOVNC PVSMRVLB XBPLSOVNC AKKRKLSC .LVN WN R TURPVLVRC YAB R ZBKAO]UQ`BA N`NZAOR VLS PQVRULC RXQO ]NLS 'LSY Na NUMQO VQO NO WBYABLPSOR QO N`LBRPAXNO RXNBC AKKA YAVA VLO ASVLS NKNLO NPQPNO RXAC WBA KLSVULS `AKBMMNONPBAC YAB AOAYABOQPNQC `ONSXAVLC AMBLS /LS NaNTNNO NZ RXAC `KLSPBQC WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS PQVRULC RXQO 0BOA WBYABQ]NOVNC VR NYNBOLS TAUBVB YKRULOLXLB MNOQXN]A YAV NK`BWA \QRC ABQOBLS $`BPVLC L KLMLC YAB `NUB VLSVQO HLSKLXAB PN WBAHNHABLSP]AB BOA ZULOVB\QPBO YAKQO NUMQO `ULBPVAP]AB LB `N`BPVNSYLVNC VQ ]NQ VASVA NPVBO VA YAKA YAB QZNKBXA VLBC AO]UQ`LBC
%and !oolish ?uestions, and genealogies, and #ontentions, and strivings about la$, stand a$ay !ro" ++ !or they are un ro!itable and vain) #(. se#tarian "an, a!ter a !irst and se#ond ad"onition be re-e#ting, ##having 'no$n that he hath been subverted $ho IisI su#h, and doth sin, being sel!+#onde"ned) #,When 0 shall send .rte"as unto thee, or Ty#hi#us, be diligent to #o"e unto "e to /i#o olis, !or there to $inter 0 have deter"ined) #-[enas the la$yer and . ollos bring diligently on their $ay, that nothing to the" "ay be la#'ing, #.and let the" learn ++ ours also ++ to be leading in good $or's to the ne#essary uses, that they "ay not be un!ruit!ul) #'Salute thee do all those $ith "e, salute those loving us in !aith, the gra#e IisI $ith you alld %XQUAC WN \RVRPNBC YAB MNONAKLMBAC YAB NUNBC YAB XATAC OLXBYAC `NUBBPVAPL NBPBO MAU AOQZNKNBC YAB XAVABLB #(ABUNVBYLO AO]UQ`LO XNVA XBAO YAB WNSVNUAO OLS]NPBAO `AUABVLS ##NBWQC LVB NaNPVUA`VAB L VLBLSVLC YAB AXAUVAONB QO ASVLYAVAYUBVLC #,LVAO `NXcQ AUVNXAO `ULC PN R VSTBYLO P`LSWAPLO NK]NBO `ULC XN NBC OBYL`LKBO NYNB MAU YNYUBYA `AUATNBXAPAB #-\ROAO VLO OLXBYLO YAB A`LKKQ P`LSWABQC `UL`NXcLO BOA XRWNO ASVLBC KNB`R #.XAO]AONVQPAO WN YAB LB RXNVNULB YAKQO NUMQO `ULBPVAP]AB NBC VAC AOAMYABAC TUNBAC BOA XR QPBO AYAU`LB #'AP`A\LOVAB PN LB XNV NXLS `AOVNC AP`APAB VLSC ZBKLSOVAC RXAC NO `BPVNB R TAUBC XNVA `AOVQO SXQO AXRO e`ULC VBVLO VRC YURVQO NYYKRPBAC `UQVLO N`BPYL`LO TNBULVLOR]NOVA NMUAZR A`L OBYL`LKNQC VRC XAYNWLOBACf
+hapter #
#Paul, a risoner o! Dhrist 5esus, and Ti"otheus the brother, to Phile"on our beloved and !ello$+$or'er, ,and . hia the beloved, and .r#hi us our !ello$+soldier, and the asse"bly in thy houseF -&ra#e to you, and ea#e, !ro" &od our Father, and the Lord 5esus Dhristd .0 give than's to "y &od, al$ays "a'ing "ention o! thee in "y rayers, 'hearing o! thy love and !aith that thou hast unto the Lord 5esus and to$ard all the saints, /that the !ello$shi o! thy !aith "ay be#o"e $or'ing in the !ull 'no$ledge o! every good thing that IisI in you to$ard Dhrist 5esus, 0!or $e have "u#h -oy and #o"!ort in thy love, be#ause the bo$els o! the saints have been re!reshed through thee, brother) $Where!ore, having in Dhrist "u#h boldness to #o""and thee that $hi#h is !it ++ #`ASKLC WNPXBLC TUBPVLS BRPLS YAB VBXL]NLC L AWNKZLC ZBKRXLOB VQ AMA`RVQ YAB PSONUMQ RXQO ,YAB A`ZBA VR AMA`RVR YAB AUTB``Q VQ PSPVUAVBQVR RXQO YAB VR YAV LBYLO PLS NYYKRPBA -TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L ]NLS `AVULC RXQO YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS .NSTAUBPVQ VQ ]NQ XLS `AOVLVN XONBAO PLS `LBLSXNOLC N`B VQO `ULPNSTQO XLS 'AYLSQO PLS VRO AMA`RO YAB VRO `BPVBO RO NTNBC `ULC VLO YSUBLO BRPLSO YAB NBC `AOVAC VLSC AMBLSC /L`QC R YLBOQOBA VRC `BPVNQC PLS NONUMRC MNORVAB NO N`BMOQPNB `AOVLC AMA]LS VLS NO SXBO NBC TUBPVLO BRPLSO 0TAUBO MAU NTLXNO `LKKRO YAB `AUAYKRPBO N`B VR AMA`R PLS LVB VA P`KAMTOA VQO AMBQO AOA`N`ASVAB WBA PLS AWNKZN $WBL `LKKRO NO TUBPVQ `AUURPBAO NTQO N`BVAPPNBO PLB VL AORYLO
%be#ause o! the love 0 rather entreat, being su#h an one as Paul the aged, and no$ also a risoner o! 5esus Dhrist, #(0 entreat thee #on#erning "y #hild ++ $ho" 0 did beget in "y bonds ++ Onesi"us, ##$ho on#e $as to thee un ro!itable, and no$ is ro!itable to "e and to thee, #,$ho" 0 did send again, and thou hi" 7that is, "y o$n bo$els< re#eive, #-$ho" 0 did $ish to retain to "ysel!, that in thy behal! he "ight "inister to "e in the bonds o! the good ne$s, #.and a art !ro" thy "ind 0 $illed to do nothing, that as o! ne#essity thy good deed "ay not be, but o! $illingness, #'!or erha s be#ause o! this he did de art !or an hour, that age+duringly thou "ayest have hi", #/no "ore as a servant, but above a servant ++ a brother beloved, es e#ially to "e, and ho$ "u#h "ore to thee, both in the !lesh and in the Lordd #00!, then, $ith "e thou hast !ello$shi , re#eive hi" as "e, #$and i! he did hurt to thee, or doth o$e anything, this to "e be re#'oning, #%0, Paul did $rite $ith "y hand, 0 ++ 0 $ill re ay, that 0 "ay not say that also thysel!, besides, to "e thou dost o$e) %WBA VRO AMA`RO XAKKLO `AUAYAKQ VLBLSVLC QO QC `ASKLC `UNPHSVRC OSOB WN YAB WNPXBLC BRPLS TUBPVLS #(`AUAYAKQ PN `NUB VLS NXLS VNYOLS LO NMNOORPA NO VLBC WNPXLBC XLS LORPBXLO ##VLO `LVN PLB ATURPVLO OSOB WN PLB YAB NXLB NSTURPVLO LO AON`NXcA #,PS WN ASVLO VLSVNPVBO VA NXA P`KAMTOA `ULPKAHLS #-LO NMQ NHLSKLXRO `ULC NXASVLO YAVNTNBO BOA S`NU PLS WBAYLOR XLB NO VLBC WNPXLBC VLS NSAMMNKBLS #.TQUBC WN VRC PRC MOQXRC LSWNO R]NKRPA `LBRPAB BOA XR QC YAVA AOAMYRO VL AMA]LO PLS R AKKA YAVA NYLSPBLO #'VATA MAU WBA VLSVL NTQUBP]R `ULC QUAO BOA ABQOBLO ASVLO A`NTRC #/LSYNVB QC WLSKLO AKK S`NU WLSKLO AWNKZLO AMA`RVLO XAKBPVA NXLB `LPQ WN XAKKLO PLB YAB NO PAUYB YAB NO YSUBQ #0NB LSO NXN NTNBC YLBOQOLO `ULPKAHLS ASVLO QC NXN #$NB WN VB RWBYRPNO PN R LZNBKNB VLSVL NXLB NKKLMNB #%NMQ `ASKLC NMUAcA VR NXR TNBUB NMQ A`LVBPQ BOA XR KNMQ PLB LVB YAB PNASVLO XLB `ULPLZNBKNBC
,(4es, brother, "ay 0 have ro!it o! thee in the Lord, re!resh "y bo$els in the Lord, ,#having been #on!ident in thy obedien#e 0 did $rite to thee, having 'no$n that also above $hat 0 "ay say thou $ilt do, ,,and at the sa"e ti"e also re are !or "e a lodging, !or 0 ho e that through your rayers 0 shall be granted to you) ,-Salute thee doth E a hras, 7"y !ello$+#a tive in Dhrist 5esus,< ,.@ar'us, .ristar#hus, De"as, Lu'as, "y !ello$+$or'"end ,'The gra#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist IisI $ith your s iritd ."en) ,(OAB AWNKZN NMQ PLS LOABXRO NO YSUBQ AOA`ASPLO XLS VA P`KAMTOA NO YSUBQ ,#`N`LB]QC VR S`AYLR PLS NMUAcA PLB NBWQC LVB YAB S`NU L KNMQ `LBRPNBC ,,AXA WN YAB NVLBXA\N XLB aNOBAO NK`B\Q MAU LVB WBA VQO `ULPNSTQO SXQO TAUBP]RPLXAB SXBO ,-AP`A\LOVAB PN N`AZUAC L PSOABTXAKQVLC XLS NO TUBPVQ BRPLS ,.XAUYLC AUBPVAUTLC WRXAC KLSYAC LB PSONUMLB XLS ,'R TAUBC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS XNVA VLS `ONSXAVLC SXQO AXRO e`ULC ZBKRXLOA NMUAZR A`L UQXRC WBA LORPBXLS LBYNVLSf
+hapter #
#0n "any arts, and "any $ays, &od o! old having s o'en to the !athers in the ro hets, ,in these last days did s ea' to us in a Son, $ho" He a ointed heir o! all things, through $ho" also He did "a'e the ages, -$ho being the brightness o! the glory, and the i" ress o! His subsisten#e, bearing u also the all things by the saying o! his "ight ++ through hi"sel! having "ade a #leansing o! our sins, sat do$n at the right hand o! the greatness in the highest, .having be#o"e so "u#h better than the "essengers, as he did inherit a "ore e(#ellent na"e than they) 'For to $hi#h o! the "essengers said He ever, I@y Son thou art ++ 0 to+day have begotten theebI and again, I0 $ill be to hi" !or a !ather, and he shall be to @e !or a sonbI /and $hen again He "ay bring in the !irst+born to the $orld, He saith, I.nd let the" bo$ be!ore hi" ++ all "essengers o! &od,I #`LKSXNUQC YAB `LKSVUL`QC `AKAB L ]NLC KAKRPAC VLBC `AVUAPBO NO VLBC `ULZRVABC N` NPTAVQO VQO RXNUQO VLSVQO NKAKRPNO RXBO NO SBQ ,LO N]RYNO YKRULOLXLO `AOVQO WB LS YAB VLSC ABQOAC N`LBRPNO -LC QO A`ASMAPXA VRC WLaRC YAB TAUAYVRU VRC S`LPVAPNQC ASVLS ZNUQO VN VA `AOVA VQ URXAVB VRC WSOAXNQC ASVLS WB NASVLS YA]AUBPXLO `LBRPAXNOLC VQO AXAUVBQO RXQO NYA]BPNO NO WNaBA VRC XNMAKQPSORC NO ScRKLBC .VLPLSVQ YUNBVVQO MNOLXNOLC VQO AMMNKQO LPQ WBAZLUQVNULO `AU ASVLSC YNYKRULOLXRYNO LOLXA 'VBOB MAU NB`NO `LVN VQO AMMNKQO SBLC XLS NB PS NMQ PRXNULO MNMNOORYA PN YAB `AKBO NMQ NPLXAB ASVQ NBC `AVNUA YAB ASVLC NPVAB XLB NBC SBLO /LVAO WN `AKBO NBPAMAMR VLO `UQVLVLYLO NBC VRO LBYLSXNORO KNMNB YAB `ULPYSORPAVQPAO ASVQ `AOVNC AMMNKLB ]NLS
0and unto the "essengers, indeed, He saith, IWho is "a'ing His "essengers s irits, and His "inisters a !la"e o! !ire,I %thou didst love righteousness, and didst hate la$lessness, be#ause o! this did He anoint thee ++ &od, thy &od ++ $ith oil o! gladness above thy artners,I #(and, IThou, at the beginning, Lord, the earth didst !ound, and a $or' o! thy hands are the heavens, ##these shall erish, and Thou dost re"ain, and all, as a gar"ent, shall be#o"e old, #,and as a "antle Thou shall roll the" together, and they shall be #hanged, and Thou art the sa"e, and Thy years shall not !ail)I #-.nd unto $hi#h o! the "essengers said He ever, ISit at @y right hand, till 0 "ay "a'e thine ene"ies thy !ootstoolbI #.are they not all s irits o! servi#e ++ !or "inistration being sent !orth be#ause o! those about to inherit salvationb 0YAB `ULC XNO VLSC AMMNKLSC KNMNB L `LBQO VLSC AMMNKLSC ASVLS `ONSXAVA YAB VLSC KNBVLSUMLSC ASVLS `SULC ZKLMA %RMA`RPAC WBYABLPSORO YAB NXBPRPAC AOLXBAO WBA VLSVL NTUBPNO PN L ]NLC L ]NLC PLS NKABLO AMAKKBAPNQC `AUA VLSC XNVLTLSC PLS #(YAB PS YAV AUTAC YSUBN VRO MRO N]NXNKBQPAC YAB NUMA VQO TNBUQO PLS NBPBO LB LSUAOLB ##ASVLB A`LKLSOVAB PS WN WBAXNONBC YAB `AOVNC QC BXAVBLO `AKABQ]RPLOVAB #,YAB QPNB `NUBHLKABLO NKBaNBC ASVLSC YAB AKKAMRPLOVAB PS WN L ASVLC NB YAB VA NVR PLS LSY NYKNBcLSPBO #-`ULC VBOA WN VQO AMMNKQO NBURYNO `LVN YA]LS NY WNaBQO XLS NQC AO ]Q VLSC NT]ULSC PLS S`L`LWBLO VQO `LWQO PLS #.LSTB `AOVNC NBPBO KNBVLSUMBYA `ONSXAVA NBC WBAYLOBAO A`LPVNKKLXNOA WBA VLSC XNKKLOVAC YKRULOLXNBO PQVRUBAO
+hapter ,
#Be#ause o! this it behoveth IusI "ore abundantly to ta'e heed to the things heard, lest $e "ay glide aside, ,!or i! the $ord being s o'en through "essengers did be#o"e sted!ast, and every transgression and disobedien#e did re#eive a -ust re#o" ense, -ho$ shall $e es#a e, having negle#ted so great salvationb $hi#h a beginning re#eiving ++ to be s o'en through the Lord ++ by those having heard $as #on!ir"ed to us, .&od also bearing -oint+$itness both $ith signs and $onders, and "ani!old o$ers, and distributions o! the Holy S irit, a##ording to His $ill) 'For not to "essengers did He sub-e#t the #o"ing $orld, #on#erning $hi#h $e s ea', /and one in a #ertain la#e did testi!y !ully, saying, IWhat is "an, that Thou art "ind!ul o! hi", or a son o! "an, that Thou dost loo' a!ter hi"b 0Thou didst "a'e hi" so"e little less than "essengers, $ith glory and honour Thou didst #ro$n hi", and didst set hi" over the $or's o! Thy hands, #WBA VLSVL WNB `NUBPPLVNUQC RXAC `ULPNTNBO VLBC AYLSP]NBPBO XR`LVN `AUAUUSQXNO ,NB MAU L WB AMMNKQO KAKR]NBC KLMLC NMNONVL HNHABLC YAB `APA `AUAHAPBC YAB `AUAYLR NKAHNO NOWBYLO XBP]A`LWLPBAO -`QC RXNBC NYZNSaLXN]A VRKBYASVRC AXNKRPAOVNC PQVRUBAC RVBC AUTRO KAHLSPA KAKNBP]AB WBA VLS YSUBLS S`L VQO AYLSPAOVQO NBC RXAC NHNHABQ]R .PSON`BXAUVSULSOVLC VLS ]NLS PRXNBLBC VN YAB VNUAPBO YAB `LBYBKABC WSOAXNPBO YAB `ONSXAVLC AMBLS XNUBPXLBC YAVA VRO ASVLS ]NKRPBO 'LS MAU AMMNKLBC S`NVAaNO VRO LBYLSXNORO VRO XNKKLSPAO `NUB RC KAKLSXNO /WBNXAUVSUAVL WN `LS VBC KNMQO VB NPVBO AO]UQ`LC LVB XBXORPYR ASVLS R SBLC AO]UQ`LS LVB N`BPYN`VR ASVLO 0RKAVVQPAC ASVLO HUATS VB `AU AMMNKLSC WLaR YAB VBXR NPVNZAOQPAC ASVLO YAB YAVNPVRPAC ASVLO N`B VA NUMA VQO TNBUQO PLS
$all things Thou didst ut in sub-e#tion under his !eet,I !or in the sub-e#ting to hi" the all things, nothing did He leave to hi" unsub-e#ted, and no$ not yet do $e see the all things sub-e#ted to hi", %and hi" $ho $as "ade so"e little less than "essengers $e see ++ 5esus ++ be#ause o! the su!!ering o! the death, $ith glory and honour having been #ro$ned, that by the gra#e o! &od !or every one he "ight taste o! death) #(For it $as be#o"ing to Hi", be#ause o! $ho" IareI the all things, and through $ho" IareI the all things, "any sons to glory bringing, the author o! their salvation through su!!erings to "a'e er!e#t, ##!or both he $ho is san#ti!ying and those san#ti!ied IareI all o! one, !or $hi#h #ause he is not asha"ed to #all the" brethren, #,saying, I0 $ill de#lare Thy na"e to "y brethren, in the "idst o! an asse"bly 0 $ill sing raise to Thee,I and again, I0 $ill be trusting on Hi",I #-and again, IBehold 0 and the #hildren that &od did give to "e)I $`AOVA S`NVAaAC S`LYAVQ VQO `LWQO ASVLS NO MAU VQ S`LVAaAB ASVQ VA `AOVA LSWNO AZRYNO ASVQ AOS`LVAYVLO OSO WN LS`Q LUQXNO ASVQ VA `AOVA S`LVNVAMXNOA %VLO WN HUATS VB `AU AMMNKLSC RKAVVQXNOLO HKN`LXNO BRPLSO WBA VL `A]RXA VLS ]AOAVLS WLaR YAB VBXR NPVNZAOQXNOLO L`QC TAUBVB ]NLS S`NU `AOVLC MNSPRVAB ]AOAVLS #(N`UN`NO MAU ASVQ WB LO VA `AOVA YAB WB LS VA `AOVA `LKKLSC SBLSC NBC WLaAO AMAMLOVA VLO AUTRMLO VRC PQVRUBAC ASVQO WBA `A]RXAVQO VNKNBQPAB ##L VN MAU AMBA\QO YAB LB AMBA\LXNOLB Na NOLC `AOVNC WB RO ABVBAO LSY N`ABPTSONVAB AWNKZLSC ASVLSC YAKNBO #,KNMQO A`AMMNKQ VL LOLXA PLS VLBC AWNKZLBC XLS NO XNPQ NYYKRPBAC SXORPQ PN #-YAB `AKBO NMQ NPLXAB `N`LB]QC N` ASVQ YAB `AKBO BWLS NMQ YAB VA `ABWBA A XLB NWQYNO L ]NLC
#.Seeing, then, the #hildren have arta'en o! !lesh and blood, he hi"sel! also in li'e "anner did ta'e art o! the sa"e, that through death he "ight destroy hi" having the o$er o! death ++ that is, the devil ++ #'and "ight deliver those, $hoever, $ith !ear o! death, throughout all their li!e, $ere sub-e#ts o! bondage, #/!or, doubtless, o! "essengers it doth not lay hold, but o! seed o! .braha" it layeth hold, #0$here!ore it did behove hi" in all things to be "ade li'e to the brethren, that he "ight be#o"e a 'ind and sted!ast #hie!+ riest in the things $ith &od, to "a'e ro itiation !or the sins o! the eo le, #$!or in that he su!!ered, hi"sel! being te" ted, he is able to hel those $ho are te" ted) #.N`NB LSO VA `ABWBA YNYLBOQORYNO PAUYLC YAB ABXAVLC YAB ASVLC `AUA`KRPBQC XNVNPTNO VQO ASVQO BOA WBA VLS ]AOAVLS YAVAUMRPR VLO VL YUAVLC NTLOVA VLS ]AOAVLS VLSVNPVBO VLO WBAHLKLO #'YAB A`AKKAaR VLSVLSC LPLB ZLHQ ]AOAVLS WBA `AOVLC VLS \RO NOLTLB RPAO WLSKNBAC #/LS MAU WR`LS AMMNKQO N`BKAXHAONVAB AKKA P`NUXAVLC AHUAAX N`BKAXHAONVAB #0L]NO QZNBKNO YAVA `AOVA VLBC AWNKZLBC LXLBQ]ROAB BOA NKNRXQO MNORVAB YAB `BPVLC AUTBNUNSC VA `ULC VLO ]NLO NBC VL BKAPYNP]AB VAC AXAUVBAC VLS KALS #$NO Q MAU `N`LO]NO ASVLC `NBUAP]NBC WSOAVAB VLBC `NBUA\LXNOLBC HLR]RPAB
+hapter #Where!ore, holy brethren, arta'ers o! a heavenly #alling, #onsider the a ostle and #hie! riest o! our ro!ession, Dhrist 5esus, ,being sted!ast to Hi" $ho did a oint hi", as also @oses in all his house, -!or o! "ore glory than @oses hath this one been #ounted $orthy, inas"u#h as "ore honour than the house hath he $ho doth build it, .!or every house is builded by so"e one, and He $ho the all things did build IisI &od, 'and @oses indeed I$asI sted!ast in all his house, as an attendant, !or a testi"ony o! those things that $ere to be s o'en, /and Dhrist, as a Son over his house, $hose house are $e, i! the boldness and the re-oi#ing o! the ho e unto the end $e hold !ast) #L]NO AWNKZLB AMBLB YKRPNQC N`LSUAOBLS XNVLTLB YAVAOLRPAVN VLO A`LPVLKLO YAB AUTBNUNA VRC LXLKLMBAC RXQO TUBPVLO BRPLSO ,`BPVLO LOVA VQ `LBRPAOVB ASVLO QC YAB XQPRC NO LKQ VQ LBYQ ASVLS -`KNBLOLC MAU WLaRC LSVLC `AUA XQPRO RaBQVAB YA] LPLO `KNBLOA VBXRO NTNB VLS LBYLS L YAVAPYNSAPAC ASVLO .`AC MAU LBYLC YAVAPYNSA\NVAB S`L VBOLC L WN VA `AOVA YAVAPYNSAPAC ]NLC 'YAB XQPRC XNO `BPVLC NO LKQ VQ LBYQ ASVLS QC ]NUA`QO NBC XAUVSUBLO VQO KAKR]RPLXNOQO
/TUBPVLC WN QC SBLC N`B VLO LBYLO ASVLS LS LBYLC NPXNO RXNBC NAO`NU VRO `AUURPBAO YAB VL YASTRXA VRC NK`BWLC XNTUB VNKLSC HNHABAO YAVAPTQXNO 0Where!ore, 7as the Holy S irit saith, 0WBL YA]QC KNMNB VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO ITo+day, i! His voi#e ye "ay hear ++ PRXNULO NAO VRC ZQORC ASVLS AYLSPRVN $ye "ay not harden your hearts, as in $XR PYKRUSORVN VAC YAUWBAC SXQO QC the rovo#ation, in the day o! the NO VQ `AUA`BYUAPXQ YAVA VRO RXNUAO te" tation in the $ilderness, VLS `NBUAPXLS NO VR NURXQ %in $hi#h te" t @e did your !athers, %LS N`NBUAPAO XN LB `AVNUNC SXQO they did rove @e, and sa$ @y $or's NWLYBXAPAO XN YAB NBWLO VA NUMA XLS !orty years, VNPPAUAYLOVA NVR 618
#($here!ore 0 $as grieved $ith that generation, and said, .l$ays do they go astray in heart, and these have not 'no$n @y $ays, ##so 0 s$are in @y anger, 0! they shall enter into @y rest ++ dI< #,See, brethren, lest there shall be in any o! you an evil heart o! unbelie! in the !alling a$ay !ro" the living &od, #-but e(hort ye one another every day, $hile the To+day is #alled, that none o! you "ay be hardened by the de#eit!ulness o! the sin, #.!or arta'ers $e have be#o"e o! the Dhrist, i! the beginning o! the #on!iden#e unto the end $e "ay hold !ast, #'in its being said, ITo+day, i! His voi#e ye "ay hear, ye "ay not harden your hearts, as in the rovo#ation,I #/!or #ertain having heard did rovo'e, but not all $ho did #o"e out o! Egy t through @oses, #0but $ith $ho" $as He grieved !orty yearsb $as it not $ith those $ho did sin, $hose #ar#asses !ell in the $ildernessb #$and to $ho" did He s$ear that they shall not enter into His rest, e(#e t to those $ho did not believeb ++ #%and $e see that they $ere not able to enter in be#ause o! unbelie!) #(WBL `ULPQT]BPA VR MNONA NYNBOR YAB NB`LO ANB `KAOQOVAB VR YAUWBA ASVLB WN LSY NMOQPAO VAC LWLSC XLS ##QC QXLPA NO VR LUMR XLS NB NBPNKNSPLOVAB NBC VRO YAVA`ASPBO XLS #,HKN`NVN AWNKZLB XR`LVN NPVAB NO VBOB SXQO YAUWBA `LORUA A`BPVBAC NO VQ A`LPVROAB A`L ]NLS \QOVLC #-AKKA `AUAYAKNBVN NASVLSC YA] NYAPVRO RXNUAO ATUBC LS VL PRXNULO YAKNBVAB BOA XR PYKRUSO]R VBC Na SXQO A`AVR VRC AXAUVBAC #.XNVLTLB MAU MNMLOAXNO VLS TUBPVLS NAO`NU VRO AUTRO VRC S`LPVAPNQC XNTUB VNKLSC HNHABAO YAVAPTQXNO #'NO VQ KNMNP]AB PRXNULO NAO VRC ZQORC ASVLS AYLSPRVN XR PYKRUSORVN VAC YAUWBAC SXQO QC NO VQ `AUA`BYUAPXQ #/VBONC MAU AYLSPAOVNC `AUN`BYUAOAO AKK LS `AOVNC LB NaNK]LOVNC Na ABMS`VLS WBA XQPNQC #0VBPBO WN `ULPQT]BPNO VNPPAUAYLOVA NVR LSTB VLBC AXAUVRPAPBO QO VA YQKA N`NPNO NO VR NURXQ #$VBPBO WN QXLPNO XR NBPNKNSPNP]AB NBC VRO YAVA`ASPBO ASVLS NB XR VLBC A`NB]RPAPBO #%YAB HKN`LXNO LVB LSY RWSOR]RPAO NBPNK]NBO WB A`BPVBAO
+hapter .
#We "ay !ear, then, lest a ro"ise being le!t o! entering into His rest, any one o! you "ay see" to have #o"e short, ,!or $e also are having good ne$s ro#lai"ed, even as they, but the $ord heard did not ro!it the", not being "i(ed $ith !aith in those $ho heard, -!or $e do enter into the rest ++ $e $ho did believe, as He said, ISo 0 s$are in @y anger, 0! they shall enter into @y rest ++ ,I and yet the $or's $ere done !ro" the !oundation o! the $orld, .!or He s a'e in a #ertain la#e #on#erning the seventh IdayI thusF I.nd &od did rest in the seventh day !ro" all His $or's,I 'and in this I la#eI again, I0! they shall enter into @y rest ++ ,I /sin#e then, it re"aineth !or #ertain to enter into it, and those $ho did !irst hear good ne$s entered not in be#ause o! unbelie! ++ 0again He doth li"it a #ertain day, ITo+day,I 7in David saying, a!ter so long a ti"e,< as it hath been said, ITo+ day, i! His voi#e ye "ay hear, ye "ay not harden your hearts,I $!or i! 5oshua had given the" rest, He $ould not #on#erning another day have s o'en a!ter these things, #ZLHR]QXNO LSO XR`LVN YAVAKNB`LXNORC N`AMMNKBAC NBPNK]NBO NBC VRO YAVA`ASPBO ASVLS WLYR VBC Na SXQO SPVNURYNOAB ,YAB MAU NPXNO NSRMMNKBPXNOLB YA]A`NU YAYNBOLB AKK LSY QZNKRPNO L KLMLC VRC AYLRC NYNBOLSC XR PSMYNYUAXNOLC VR `BPVNB VLBC AYLSPAPBO -NBPNUTLXN]A MAU NBC VRO YAVA`ASPBO LB `BPVNSPAOVNC YA]QC NBURYNO QC QXLPA NO VR LUMR XLS NB NBPNKNSPLOVAB NBC VRO YAVA`ASPBO XLS YABVLB VQO NUMQO A`L YAVAHLKRC YLPXLS MNOR]NOVQO .NBURYNO MAU `LS `NUB VRC NHWLXRC LSVQC YAB YAVN`ASPNO L ]NLC NO VR RXNUA VR NHWLXR A`L `AOVQO VQO NUMQO ASVLS 'YAB NO VLSVQ `AKBO NB NBPNKNSPLOVAB NBC VRO YAVA`ASPBO XLS /N`NB LSO A`LKNB`NVAB VBOAC NBPNK]NBO NBC ASVRO YAB LB `ULVNULO NSAMMNKBP]NOVNC LSY NBPRK]LO WB A`NB]NBAO 0`AKBO VBOA LUB\NB RXNUAO PRXNULO NO WAHBW KNMQO XNVA VLPLSVLO TULOLO YA]QC NBURVAB PRXNULO NAO VRC ZQORC ASVLS AYLSPRVN XR PYKRUSORVN VAC YAUWBAC SXQO $NB MAU ASVLSC BRPLSC YAVN`ASPNO LSY AO `NUB AKKRC NKAKNB XNVA VASVA RXNUAC
%there doth re"ain, then, a sabbati# rest to the eo le o! &od, #(!or he $ho did enter into his rest, he also rested !ro" his $or's, as &od !ro" His o$n) %AUA A`LKNB`NVAB PAHHAVBPXLC VQ KAQ VLS ]NLS #(L MAU NBPNK]QO NBC VRO YAVA`ASPBO ASVLS YAB ASVLC YAVN`ASPNO A`L VQO NUMQO ASVLS QP`NU A`L VQO BWBQO L ]NLC ##@ay $e be diligent, then, to enter ##P`LSWAPQXNO LSO NBPNK]NBO NBC into that rest, that no one in the sa"e NYNBORO VRO YAVA`ASPBO BOA XR NO VQ e(a" le o! the unbelie! "ay !all, ASVQ VBC S`LWNBMXAVB `NPR VRC A`NB]NBAC #,!or the re#'oning o! &od is living, #,\QO MAU L KLMLC VLS ]NLS YAB and $or'ing, and shar above every NONUMRC YAB VLXQVNULC S`NU `APAO t$o+edged s$ord, and ier#ing unto XATABUAO WBPVLXLO YAB WBBYOLSXNOLC the dividing asunder both o! soul and ATUB XNUBPXLS cSTRC VN YAB `ONSXAVLC s irit, o! -oints also and "arro$, and AUXQO VN YAB XSNKQO YAB YUBVBYLC a dis#erner o! thoughts and intents o! NO]SXRPNQO YAB NOOLBQO YAUWBAC the heart, #-and there is not a #reated thing not #-YAB LSY NPVBO YVBPBC AZAORC NOQ`BLO "ani!est be!ore Hi", but all things ASVLS `AOVA WN MSXOA YAB IareI na'ed and o en to His eyes ++ VNVUATRKBPXNOA VLBC LZ]AKXLBC ASVLS $ith $ho" is our re#'oning) `ULC LO RXBO L KLMLC #.Having, then, a great #hie! riest #.NTLOVNC LSO AUTBNUNA XNMAO assed through the heavens ++ 5esus WBNKRKS]LVA VLSC LSUAOLSC BRPLSO VLO the Son o! &od ++ "ay $e hold !ast SBLO VLS ]NLS YUAVQXNO VRC LXLKLMBAC the ro!ession, #'!or $e have not a #hie! riest #'LS MAU NTLXNO AUTBNUNA XR unable to sy" athise $ith our WSOAXNOLO PSX`A]RPAB VABC AP]NONBABC in!ir"ities, but IoneI te" ted in all RXQO `N`NBUAXNOLO WN YAVA `AOVA YA] things in li'e "anner ++ a art !ro" LXLBLVRVA TQUBC AXAUVBAC sin, #/$e "ay #o"e near, then, $ith #/`ULPNUTQXN]A LSO XNVA `AUURPBAC !reedo", to the throne o! the gra#e, VQ ]ULOQ VRC TAUBVLC BOA KAHQXNO that $e "ay re#eive 'indness, and NKNLO YAB TAUBO NSUQXNO NBC NSYABULO !ind gra#e ++ !or seasonable hel ) HLR]NBAO 612
+hapter '
#For every #hie! riest ++ out o! "en ta'en ++ in behal! o! "en is set in things I ertainingI to &od, that he "ay o!!er both gi!ts and sa#ri!i#es !or sins, #`AC MAU AUTBNUNSC Na AO]UQ`QO KAXHAOLXNOLC S`NU AO]UQ`QO YA]BPVAVAB VA `ULC VLO ]NLO BOA `ULPZNUR WQUA VN YAB ]SPBAC S`NU AXAUVBQO ,able to be gentle to those ignorant ,XNVUBL`A]NBO WSOAXNOLC VLBC and going astray, sin#e hi"sel! also is AMOLLSPBO YAB `KAOQXNOLBC N`NB YAB #o" assed $ith in!ir"ity, ASVLC `NUBYNBVAB AP]NONBAO -and be#ause o! this in!ir"ity he -YAB WBA VASVRO LZNBKNB YA]QC `NUB ought, as !or the eo le, so also !or VLS KALS LSVQC YAB `NUB NASVLS hi"sel! to o!!er !or sins, `ULPZNUNBO S`NU AXAUVBQO .and no one to hi"sel! doth ta'e the .YAB LST NASVQ VBC KAXHAONB VRO VBXRO honour, but he $ho is #alled by &od, AKKA L YAKLSXNOLC S`L VLS ]NLS as also .aronF YA]A`NU YAB L AAUQO 'so also the Dhrist did not glori!y 'LSVQC YAB L TUBPVLC LST NASVLO hi"sel! to be#o"e #hie! riest, but He NWLaAPNO MNOR]ROAB AUTBNUNA AKK L $ho s a'e unto hi"F I@y Son thou art, KAKRPAC `ULC ASVLO SBLC XLS NB PS 0 to+day have begotten thee,I NMQ PRXNULO MNMNOORYA PN /as also in another I la#eI He saith, /YA]QC YAB NO NVNUQ KNMNB PS BNUNSC IThou IartI a riest ++ to the age, NBC VLO ABQOA YAVA VRO VAaBO a##ording to the order o! @el#hisede',I XNKTBPNWNY 0$ho in the days o! his !lesh both 0LC NO VABC RXNUABC VRC PAUYLC ASVLS rayers and su li#ations unto Hi" WNRPNBC VN YAB BYNVRUBAC `ULC VLO $ho $as able to save hi" !ro" death WSOAXNOLO PQ\NBO ASVLO NY ]AOAVLS ++ $ith strong #rying and tears ++ XNVA YUASMRC BPTSUAC YAB WAYUSQO having o!!ered u , and having been `ULPNONMYAC YAB NBPAYLSP]NBC A`L VRC heard in res e#t to that $hi#h he NSKAHNBAC !eared, $through being a Son, did learn by the $YAB`NU QO SBLC NXA]NO AZ QO N`A]NO things $hi#h he su!!ered ++ the VRO S`AYLRO obedien#e,
%and having been "ade er!e#t, he did be#o"e to all those obeying hi" a #ause o! salvation age+during, #(having been addressed by &od a #hie! riest, a##ording to the order o! @el#hisede', ###on#erning $ho" $e have "u#h dis#ourse and o! hard e( lanation to say, sin#e ye have be#o"e dull o! hearing, #,!or even o$ing to be tea#hers, be#ause o! the ti"e, again ye have need that one tea#h you $hat IareI the ele"ents o! the beginning o! the ora#les o! &od, and ye have be#o"e having need o! "il', and not o! strong !ood, #-!or every one $ho is arta'ing o! "il' IisI uns'illed in the $ord o! righteousness ++ !or he is an in!ant, #.and o! er!e#t "en is the strong !ood, $ho be#ause o! the use are having the senses e(er#ised, unto the dis#ern"ent both o! good and o! evil) %YAB VNKNBQ]NBC NMNONVL VLBC S`AYLSLSPBO ASVQ `APBO ABVBLC PQVRUBAC ABQOBLS #(`ULPAMLUNS]NBC S`L VLS ]NLS AUTBNUNSC YAVA VRO VAaBO XNKTBPNWNY ##`NUB LS `LKSC RXBO L KLMLC YAB WSPNUXRONSVLC KNMNBO N`NB OQ]ULB MNMLOAVN VABC AYLABC #,YAB MAU LZNBKLOVNC NBOAB WBWAPYAKLB WBA VLO TULOLO `AKBO TUNBAO NTNVN VLS WBWAPYNBO SXAC VBOA VA PVLBTNBA VRC AUTRC VQO KLMBQO VLS ]NLS YAB MNMLOAVN TUNBAO NTLOVNC MAKAYVLC YAB LS PVNUNAC VULZRC #-`AC MAU L XNVNTQO MAKAYVLC A`NBULC KLMLS WBYABLPSORC OR`BLC MAU NPVBO #.VNKNBQO WN NPVBO R PVNUNA VULZR VQO WBA VRO NaBO VA ABP]RVRUBA MNMSXOAPXNOA NTLOVQO `ULC WBAYUBPBO YAKLS VN YAB YAYLS
+hapter /
#Where!ore, having le!t the $ord o! the beginning o! the Dhrist, unto the er!e#tion $e "ay advan#e, not again a !oundation laying o! re!or"ation !ro" dead $or's, and o! !aith on &od, ,o! the tea#hing o! ba tis"s, o! laying on also o! hands, o! rising again also o! the dead, and o! -udg"ent age+during, -and this $e $ill do, i! &od "ay er"it, .!or Iit isI i" ossible !or those on#e enlightened, having tasted also o! the heavenly gi!t, and arta'ers having be#a"e o! the Holy S irit, 'and did taste the good saying o! &od, the o$ers also o! the #o"ing age, /and having !allen a$ay, again to rene$ Ithe"I to re!or"ation, having #ru#i!ied again to the"selves the Son o! &od, and e( osed to ubli# sha"e) 0For earth, that is drin'ing in the rain "any ti"es #o"ing u on it, and is bringing !orth herbs !it !or those be#ause o! $ho" also it is dressed, doth arta'e o! blessing !ro" &od, $and that $hi#h is bearing thorns and briers IisI disa roved o!, and nigh to #ursing, $hose end IisI !or burning, #WBL AZNOVNC VLO VRC AUTRC VLS TUBPVLS KLMLO N`B VRO VNKNBLVRVA ZNUQXN]A XR `AKBO ]NXNKBLO YAVAHAKKLXNOLB XNVAOLBAC A`L ONYUQO NUMQO YAB `BPVNQC N`B ]NLO ,HA`VBPXQO WBWATRC N`B]NPNQC VN TNBUQO AOAPVAPNQC VN ONYUQO YAB YUBXAVLC ABQOBLS -YAB VLSVL `LBRPLXNO NAO`NU N`BVUN`R L ]NLC .AWSOAVLO MAU VLSC A`Aa ZQVBP]NOVAC MNSPAXNOLSC VN VRC WQUNAC VRC N`LSUAOBLS YAB XNVLTLSC MNOR]NOVAC `ONSXAVLC AMBLS 'YAB YAKLO MNSPAXNOLSC ]NLS URXA WSOAXNBC VN XNKKLOVLC ABQOLC /YAB `AUA`NPLOVAC `AKBO AOAYABOB\NBO NBC XNVAOLBAO AOAPVASULSOVAC NASVLBC VLO SBLO VLS ]NLS YAB `AUAWNBMXAVB\LOVAC 0MR MAU R `BLSPA VLO N` ASVRC `LKKAYBC NUTLXNOLO SNVLO YAB VBYVLSPA HLVAORO NS]NVLO NYNBOLBC WB LSC YAB MNQUMNBVAB XNVAKAXHAONB NSKLMBAC A`L VLS ]NLS $NYZNULSPA WN AYAO]AC YAB VUBHLKLSC AWLYBXLC YAB YAVAUAC NMMSC RC VL VNKLC NBC YASPBO
%and $e are ersuaded, #on#erning you, beloved, the things that are better, and a##o" anying salvation, though even thus $e s ea', #(!or &od is not unrighteous to !orget your $or', and the labour o! the love, that ye she$ed to His na"e, having "inistered to the saints and "inistering, ##and $e desire ea#h one o! you the sa"e diligen#e to she$, unto the !ull assuran#e o! the ho e unto the end, #,that ye "ay not be#o"e sloth!ul, but !ollo$ers o! those $ho through !aith and atient enduran#e are inheriting the ro"ises) #-For to .braha" &od, having "ade ro"ise, seeing He $as able to s$ear by no greater, did s$ear by Hi"sel!, #.saying, IBlessing indeed 0 $ill bless thee, and "ulti lying 0 $ill "ulti ly thee,I #'and so, having atiently endured, he did obtain the ro"ise, #/!or "en indeed do s$ear by the greater, and an end o! all #ontroversy to the" !or #on!ir"ation IisI the oath, #0in $hi#h &od, "ore abundantly $illing to she$ to the heirs o! the ro"ise the i""utability o! his #ounsel, did inter ose by an oath, %`N`NBPXN]A WN `NUB SXQO AMA`RVLB VA YUNBVVLOA YAB NTLXNOA PQVRUBAC NB YAB LSVQC KAKLSXNO #(LS MAU AWBYLC L ]NLC N`BKA]NP]AB VLS NUMLS SXQO YAB VLS YL`LS VRC AMA`RC RC NONWNBaAP]N NBC VL LOLXA ASVLS WBAYLORPAOVNC VLBC AMBLBC YAB WBAYLOLSOVNC ##N`B]SXLSXNO WN NYAPVLO SXQO VRO ASVRO NOWNBYOSP]AB P`LSWRO `ULC VRO `KRULZLUBAO VRC NK`BWLC ATUB VNKLSC #,BOA XR OQ]ULB MNORP]N XBXRVAB WN VQO WBA `BPVNQC YAB XAYUL]SXBAC YKRULOLXLSOVQO VAC N`AMMNKBAC #-VQ MAU AHUAAX N`AMMNBKAXNOLC L ]NLC N`NB YAV LSWNOLC NBTNO XNB\LOLC LXLPAB QXLPNO YA] NASVLS #.KNMQO R XRO NSKLMQO NSKLMRPQ PN YAB `KR]SOQO `KR]SOQ PN #'YAB LSVQC XAYUL]SXRPAC N`NVSTNO VRC N`AMMNKBAC #/AO]UQ`LB XNO MAU YAVA VLS XNB\LOLC LXOSLSPBO YAB `APRC ASVLBC AOVBKLMBAC `NUAC NBC HNHABQPBO L LUYLC #0NO Q `NUBPPLVNULO HLSKLXNOLC L ]NLC N`BWNBaAB VLBC YKRULOLXLBC VRC N`AMMNKBAC VL AXNVA]NVLO VRC HLSKRC ASVLS NXNPBVNSPNO LUYQ
#$that through t$o i""utable things, in $hi#h Iit isI i" ossible !or &od to lie, a strong #o"!ort $e "ay have $ho did !lee !or re!uge to lay hold on the ho e set be!ore IusI, #%$hi#h $e have, as an an#hor o! the soul, both sure and sted!ast, and entering into that $ithin the vail, ,($hither a !orerunner !or us did enter ++ 5esus, a!ter the order o! @el#hisede' #hie! riest having be#o"e ++ to the age) #$BOA WBA WSL `UAMXAVQO AXNVA]NVQO NO LBC AWSOAVLO cNSPAP]AB ]NLO BPTSUAO `AUAYKRPBO NTQXNO LB YAVAZSMLOVNC YUAVRPAB VRC `ULYNBXNORC NK`BWLC #%RO QC AMYSUAO NTLXNO VRC cSTRC APZAKR VN YAB HNHABAO YAB NBPNUTLXNORO NBC VL NPQVNULO VLS YAVA`NVAPXAVLC ,(L`LS `ULWULXLC S`NU RXQO NBPRK]NO BRPLSC YAVA VRO VAaBO XNKTBPNWNY AUTBNUNSC MNOLXNOLC NBC VLO ABQOA
+hapter 0
#For this @el#hisede', 'ing o! Sale", riest o! &od @ost High, $ho did "eet .braha" turning ba#' !ro" the s"iting o! the 'ings, and did bless hi", ,to $ho" also a tenth o! all did .braha" divide, 7!irst, indeed, being inter reted, IKing o! righteousness,I and then also, King o! Sale", $hi#h is, King o! Pea#e,< -$ithout !ather, $ithout "other, $ithout genealogy, having neither beginning o! days nor end o! li!e, and being "ade li'e to the Son o! &od, doth re"ain a riest #ontinually) ..nd see ho$ great this one IisI, to $ho" also a tenth .braha" the atriar#h did give out o! the best o! the s oils, 'and those, indeed, out o! the sons o! Levi re#eiving the riesthood, a #o""and have to ta'e tithes !ro" the eo le a##ording to the la$, that is, their brethren, even though they #a"e !orth out o! the loins o! .braha", /and he $ho $as not re#'oned by genealogy o! the", re#eived tithes !ro" .braha", and hi" having the ro"ises he hath blessed, 0and a art !ro" all #ontroversy, the less by the better is blessed ++ #LSVLC MAU L XNKTBPNWNY HAPBKNSC PAKRX BNUNSC VLS ]NLS VLS ScBPVLS L PSOAOVRPAC AHUAAX S`LPVUNZLOVB A`L VRC YL`RC VQO HAPBKNQO YAB NSKLMRPAC ASVLO ,Q YAB WNYAVRO A`L `AOVQO NXNUBPNO AHUAAX `UQVLO XNO NUXRONSLXNOLC HAPBKNSC WBYABLPSORC N`NBVA WN YAB HAPBKNSC PAKRX L NPVBO HAPBKNSC NBURORC -A`AVQU AXRVQU AMNONAKLMRVLC XRVN AUTRO RXNUQO XRVN \QRC VNKLC NTQO AZQXLBQXNOLC WN VQ SBQ VLS ]NLS XNONB BNUNSC NBC VL WBRONYNC .]NQUNBVN WN `RKBYLC LSVLC Q YAB WNYAVRO AHUAAX NWQYNO NY VQO AYUL]BOBQO L `AVUBAUTRC 'YAB LB XNO NY VQO SBQO KNSB VRO BNUAVNBAO KAXHAOLOVNC NOVLKRO NTLSPBO A`LWNYAVLSO VLO KALO YAVA VLO OLXLO VLSVNPVBO VLSC AWNKZLSC ASVQO YAB`NU NaNKRKS]LVAC NY VRC LPZSLC AHUAAX /L WN XR MNONAKLMLSXNOLC Na ASVQO WNWNYAVQYNO VLO AHUAAX YAB VLO NTLOVA VAC N`AMMNKBAC NSKLMRYNO 0TQUBC WN `APRC AOVBKLMBAC VL NKAVVLO S`L VLS YUNBVVLOLC NSKLMNBVAB
$and here, indeed, "en $ho die do re#eive tithes, and there IheI, $ho is testi!ied to that he $as living, %and so to s ea', through .braha" even Levi $ho is re#eiving tithes, hath aid tithes, #(!or he $as yet in the loins o! the !ather $hen @el#hisede' "et hi") ##0! indeed, then, er!e#tion $ere through the Leviti#al riesthood ++ !or the eo le under it had re#eived la$ ++ $hat !urther need, a##ording to the order o! @el#hisede', !or another riest to arise, and not to be #alled a##ording to the order o! .aronb #,!or the riesthood being #hanged, o! ne#essity also, o! the la$ a #hange doth #o"e, #-!or he o! $ho" these things are said in another tribe hath had art, o! $ho" no one gave attendan#e at the altar, #.!or Iit isI evident that out o! 5udah hath arisen our Lord, in regard to $hi#h tribe @oses s a'e nothing #on#erning riesthood) #'.nd it is yet "ore abundantly "ost evident, i! a##ording to the si"ilitude o! @el#hisede' there doth arise another riest, #/$ho #a"e not a##ording to the la$ o! a !leshly #o""and, but a##ording to the o$er o! an endless li!e, $YAB QWN XNO WNYAVAC A`L]ORPYLOVNC AO]UQ`LB KAXHAOLSPBO NYNB WN XAUVSULSXNOLC LVB \R %YAB QC N`LC NB`NBO WBA AHUAAX YAB KNSB L WNYAVAC KAXHAOQO WNWNYAVQVAB #(NVB MAU NO VR LPZSB VLS `AVULC RO LVN PSOROVRPNO ASVQ L XNKTBPNWNY ##NB XNO LSO VNKNBQPBC WBA VRC KNSBVBYRC BNUQPSORC RO L KALC MAU N` ASVR ONOLXL]NVRVL VBC NVB TUNBA YAVA VRO VAaBO XNKTBPNWNY NVNULO AOBPVAP]AB BNUNA YAB LS YAVA VRO VAaBO AAUQO KNMNP]AB #,XNVAVB]NXNORC MAU VRC BNUQPSORC Na AOAMYRC YAB OLXLS XNVA]NPBC MBONVAB #-NZ LO MAU KNMNVAB VASVA ZSKRC NVNUAC XNVNPTRYNO AZ RC LSWNBC `ULPNPTRYNO VQ ]SPBAPVRUBQ #.`ULWRKLO MAU LVB Na BLSWA AOAVNVAKYNO L YSUBLC RXQO NBC RO ZSKRO LSWNO `NUB BNUQPSORC XQPRC NKAKRPNO #'YAB `NUBPPLVNULO NVB YAVAWRKLO NPVBO NB YAVA VRO LXLBLVRVA XNKTBPNWNY AOBPVAVAB BNUNSC NVNULC #/LC LS YAVA OLXLO NOVLKRC PAUYBYRC MNMLONO AKKA YAVA WSOAXBO \QRC AYAVAKSVLS
#0!or He doth testi!y ++ IThou IartI a riest ++ to the age, a##ording to the order o! @el#hisede',I #$!or a disannulling indeed doth #o"e o! the #o""and going be!ore be#ause o! its $ea'ness, and un ro!itableness, #%7!or nothing did the la$ er!e#t< and the bringing in o! a better ho e, through $hi#h $e dra$ nigh to &od) ,(.nd inas"u#h as Iit isI not a art !ro" oath, 7!or those indeed a art !ro" oath are be#o"e riests, ,#and he $ith an oath through Hi" $ho is saying unto hi", IThe Lord s$are, and $ill not re ent, Thou IartI a riest ++ to the age, a##ording to the order o! @el#hisede',I< ,,by so "u#h o! a better #ovenant hath 5esus be#o"e surety, ,-and those indeed are "any $ho have be#o"e riests, be#ause by death they are hindered !ro" re"aining, ,.and he, be#ause o! his re"aining ++ to the age, hath the riesthood not transient, ,'$hen#e also he is able to save to the very end, those #o"ing through hi" unto &od ++ ever living to "a'e inter#ession !or the") ,/For su#h a #hie! riest did be#o"e us ++ 'ind, har"less, unde!iled, se arate !ro" the sinners, and be#o"e higher than the heavens, #0XAUVSUNB MAU LVB PS BNUNSC NBC VLO ABQOA YAVA VRO VAaBO XNKTBPNWNY #$A]NVRPBC XNO MAU MBONVAB `ULAMLSPRC NOVLKRC WBA VL ASVRC AP]NONC YAB AOQZNKNC #%LSWNO MAU NVNKNBQPNO L OLXLC N`NBPAMQMR WN YUNBVVLOLC NK`BWLC WB RC NMMB\LXNO VQ ]NQ ,(YAB YA] LPLO LS TQUBC LUYQXLPBAC LB XNO MAU TQUBC LUYQXLPBAC NBPBO BNUNBC MNMLOLVNC ,#L WN XNVA LUYQXLPBAC WBA VLS KNMLOVLC `ULC ASVLO QXLPNO YSUBLC YAB LS XNVAXNKR]RPNVAB PS BNUNSC NBC VLO ABQOA YAVA VRO VAaBO XNKTBPNWNY ,,YAVA VLPLSVLO YUNBVVLOLC WBA]RYRC MNMLONO NMMSLC BRPLSC ,-YAB LB XNO `KNBLONC NBPBO MNMLOLVNC BNUNBC WBA VL ]AOAVQ YQKSNP]AB `AUAXNONBO ,.L WN WBA VL XNONBO ASVLO NBC VLO ABQOA A`AUAHAVLO NTNB VRO BNUQPSORO ,'L]NO YAB PQ\NBO NBC VL `AOVNKNC WSOAVAB VLSC `ULPNUTLXNOLSC WB ASVLS VQ ]NQ `AOVLVN \QO NBC VL NOVSMTAONBO S`NU ASVQO ,/VLBLSVLC MAU RXBO N`UN`NO AUTBNUNSC LPBLC AYAYLC AXBAOVLC YNTQUBPXNOLC A`L VQO AXAUVQKQO YAB ScRKLVNULC VQO LSUAOQO MNOLXNOLC
,0$ho hath no ne#essity daily, as the #hie! riests, !irst !or his o$n sins to o!!er u sa#ri!i#e, then !or those o! the eo le, !or this he did on#e, having o!!ered u hi"sel!, ,$!or the la$ doth a oint "en #hie! riests, having in!ir"ity, but the $ord o! the oath that IisI a!ter the la$ Ia ointethI the Son ++ to the age having been er!e#ted) ,0LC LSY NTNB YA] RXNUAO AOAMYRO QP`NU LB AUTBNUNBC `ULVNULO S`NU VQO BWBQO AXAUVBQO ]SPBAC AOAZNUNBO N`NBVA VQO VLS KALS VLSVL MAU N`LBRPNO NZA`Aa NASVLO AONONMYAC ,$L OLXLC MAU AO]UQ`LSC YA]BPVRPBO AUTBNUNBC NTLOVAC AP]NONBAO L KLMLC WN VRC LUYQXLPBAC VRC XNVA VLO OLXLO SBLO NBC VLO ABQOA VNVNKNBQXNOLO
+hapter $
#.nd the su" #on#erning the things s o'en o! IisIF $e have su#h a #hie! riest, $ho did sit do$n at the right hand o! the throne o! the greatness in the heavens, ,o! the holy la#es a servant, and o! the true taberna#le, $hi#h the Lord did set u , and not "an, -!or every #hie! riest to o!!er both gi!ts and sa#ri!i#es is a ointed, $hen#e Iit isI ne#essary !or this one to have also so"ething that he "ay o!!er, .!or i!, indeed, he $ere u on earth, he $ould not be a riest ++ 7there being the riests $ho are o!!ering a##ording to the la$, the gi!ts, '$ho unto an e(a" le and shado$ do serve o! the heavenly things, as @oses hath been divinely $arned, being about to #onstru#t the taberna#le, !or ISee 7saith He< thou "ayest "a'e all things a##ording to the attern that $as she$n to thee in the "ount,I< ++ /and no$ he hath obtained a "ore e(#ellent servi#e, ho$ "u#h also o! a better #ovenant is he "ediator, $hi#h on better ro"ises hath been san#tioned, 0!or i! that !irst $ere !aultless, a la#e $ould not have been sought !or a se#ond) #YNZAKABLO WN N`B VLBC KNMLXNOLBC VLBLSVLO NTLXNO AUTBNUNA LC NYA]BPNO NO WNaBA VLS ]ULOLS VRC XNMAKQPSORC NO VLBC LSUAOLBC ,VQO AMBQO KNBVLSUMLC YAB VRC PYRORC VRC AKR]BORC RO N`RaNO L YSUBLC YAB LSY AO]UQ`LC -`AC MAU AUTBNUNSC NBC VL `ULPZNUNBO WQUA VN YAB ]SPBAC YA]BPVAVAB L]NO AOAMYABLO NTNBO VB YAB VLSVLO L `ULPNONMYR .NB XNO MAU RO N`B MRC LSW AO RO BNUNSC LOVQO VQO BNUNQO VQO `ULPZNULOVQO YAVA VLO OLXLO VA WQUA 'LBVBONC S`LWNBMXAVB YAB PYBA KAVUNSLSPBO VQO N`LSUAOBQO YA]QC YNTURXAVBPVAB XQPRC XNKKQO N`BVNKNBO VRO PYRORO LUA MAU ZRPBO `LBRPRC `AOVA YAVA VLO VS`LO VLO WNBT]NOVA PLB NO VQ LUNB /OSOB WN WBAZLUQVNUAC VNVNSTNO KNBVLSUMBAC LPQ YAB YUNBVVLOLC NPVBO WBA]RYRC XNPBVRC RVBC N`B YUNBVVLPBO N`AMMNKBABC ONOLXL]NVRVAB 0NB MAU R `UQVR NYNBOR RO AXNX`VLC LSY AO WNSVNUAC N\RVNBVL VL`LC
$For !inding !ault, He saith to the", ILo, days #o"e, saith the Lord, and 0 $ill #o" lete $ith the house o! 0srael, and $ith the house o! 5udah, a ne$ #ovenant, %not a##ording to the #ovenant that 0 "ade $ith their !athers, in the day o! @y ta'ing Ithe"I by their hand, to bring the" out o! the land o! Egy t ++ be#ause they did not re"ain in @y #ovenant, and 0 did not regard the", saith the Lord, ++ $XNXZLXNOLC MAU ASVLBC KNMNB BWLS RXNUAB NUTLOVAB KNMNB YSUBLC YAB PSOVNKNPQ N`B VLO LBYLO BPUARK YAB N`B VLO LBYLO BLSWA WBA]RYRO YABORO %LS YAVA VRO WBA]RYRO RO N`LBRPA VLBC `AVUAPBO ASVQO NO RXNUA N`BKAHLXNOLS XLS VRC TNBULC ASVQO NaAMAMNBO ASVLSC NY MRC ABMS`VLS LVB ASVLB LSY NONXNBOAO NO VR WBA]RYR XLS YAMQ RXNKRPA ASVQO KNMNB YSUBLC #(be#ause this IisI the #ovenant that 0 #(LVB ASVR R WBA]RYR RO WBA]RPLXAB $ill "a'e $ith the house o! 0srael, a!ter VQ LBYQ BPUARK XNVA VAC RXNUAC those days, saith the Lord, giving @y NYNBOAC KNMNB YSUBLC WBWLSC OLXLSC la$s into their "ind, and u on their XLS NBC VRO WBAOLBAO ASVQO YAB N`B hearts 0 $ill $rite the", and 0 $ill be to YAUWBAC ASVQO N`BMUAcQ ASVLSC YAB the" !or a &od, and they shall be to @e NPLXAB ASVLBC NBC ]NLO YAB ASVLB !or a eo le, NPLOVAB XLB NBC KALO ##and they shall not tea#h ea#h his ##YAB LS XR WBWAaQPBO NYAPVLC VLO neighbour, and ea#h his brother, saying, `KRPBLO ASVLS YAB NYAPVLC VLO Kno$ thou the Lord, be#ause they shall AWNKZLO ASVLS KNMQO MOQ]B VLO all 'no$ @e !ro" the s"all one o! the" YSUBLO LVB `AOVNC NBWRPLSPBO XN A`L unto the great one o! the", XBYULS ASVQO NQC XNMAKLS ASVQO #,be#ause 0 $ill be "er#i!ul to their #,LVB BKNQC NPLXAB VABC AWBYBABC unrighteousness, and their sins and their ASVQO YAB VQO AXAUVBQO ASVQO YAB la$lessnesses 0 $ill re"e"ber no "ore,I VQO AOLXBQO ASVQO LS XR XORP]Q ++ NVB #-in the saying Ine$,I He hath "ade the #-NO VQ KNMNBO YABORO `N`AKABQYNO !irst old, and $hat doth be#o"e obsolete VRO `UQVRO VL WN `AKABLSXNOLO YAB and is old IisI nigh disa earing) MRUAPYLO NMMSC AZAOBPXLS
+hapter %
#0t had, indeed, then 7even the !irst taberna#le< ordinan#es o! servi#e, also a $orldly san#tuary, ,!or a taberna#le $as re ared, the !irst, in $hi#h $as both the la" + stand, and the table, and the bread o! the resen#e ++ $hi#h is #alled IHoly,I -and a!ter the se#ond vail a taberna#le that is #alled IHoly o! holies,I .having a golden #enser, and the ar' o! the #ovenant overlaid all round about $ith gold, in $hi#h IisI the golden ot having the "anna, and the rod o! .aron that budded, and the tables o! the #ovenant, 'and over it #herubi" o! the glory, overshado$ing the "er#y+seat, #on#erning $hi#h $e are not no$ to s ea' arti#ularly) /.nd these things having been thus re ared, into the !irst taberna#le, indeed, at all ti"es the riests do go in, er!or"ing the servi#es, 0and into the se#ond, on#e in the year, only the #hie! riest, not a art !ro" blood, $hi#h he doth o!!er !or hi"sel! and the errors o! the eo le, $the Holy S irit this eviden#ing that not yet hath been "ani!ested the $ay o! the holy I la#esI, the !irst taberna#le having yet a standing, #NBTNO XNO LSO YAB R `UQVR PYROR WBYABQXAVA KAVUNBAC VL VN AMBLO YLPXBYLO ,PYROR MAU YAVNPYNSAP]R R `UQVR NO R R VN KSTOBA YAB R VUA`N\A YAB R `UL]NPBC VQO AUVQO RVBC KNMNVAB AMBA -XNVA WN VL WNSVNULO YAVA`NVAPXA PYROR R KNMLXNOR AMBA AMBQO .TUSPLSO NTLSPA ]SXBAVRUBLO YAB VRO YBHQVLO VRC WBA]RYRC `NUBYNYAKSXXNORO `AOVL]NO TUSPBQ NO R PVAXOLC TUSPR NTLSPA VL XAOOA YAB R UAHWLC AAUQO R HKAPVRPAPA YAB AB `KAYNC VRC WBA]RYRC 'S`NUAOQ WN ASVRC TNULSHBX WLaRC YAVAPYBA\LOVA VL BKAPVRUBLO `NUB QO LSY NPVBO OSO KNMNBO YAVA XNULC /VLSVQO WN LSVQC YAVNPYNSAPXNOQO NBC XNO VRO `UQVRO PYRORO WBA`AOVLC NBPBAPBO LB BNUNBC VAC KAVUNBAC N`BVNKLSOVNC 0NBC WN VRO WNSVNUAO A`Aa VLS NOBASVLS XLOLC L AUTBNUNSC LS TQUBC ABXAVLC L `ULPZNUNB S`NU NASVLS YAB VQO VLS KALS AMOLRXAVQO $VLSVL WRKLSOVLC VLS `ONSXAVLC VLS AMBLS XR`Q `NZAONUQP]AB VRO VQO AMBQO LWLO NVB VRC `UQVRC PYRORC NTLSPRC PVAPBO
%$hi#h IisI a si"ile in regard to the resent ti"e, in $hi#h both gi!ts and sa#ri!i#es are o!!ered, $hi#h are not able, in regard to #ons#ien#e, to "a'e er!e#t hi" $ho is serving, #(only in vi#tuals, and drin's, and di!!erent ba tis"s, and !leshly ordinan#es ++ till the ti"e o! re!or"ation i" osed u on Ithe"I) ##.nd Dhrist being #o"e, #hie! riest o! the #o"ing good things, through the greater and "ore er!e#t taberna#le not "ade $ith hands ++ that is, not o! this #reation ++ #,neither through blood o! goats and #alves, but through his o$n blood, did enter in on#e into the holy la#es, age+ during rede" tion having obtained, #-!or i! the blood o! bulls, and goats, and ashes o! an hei!er, s rin'ling those de!iled, doth san#ti!y to the uri!ying o! the !lesh, #.ho$ "u#h "ore shall the blood o! the Dhrist 7$ho through the age+during S irit did o!!er hi"sel! unble"ished to &od< uri!y your #ons#ien#e !ro" dead $or's to serve the living &odb #'.nd be#ause o! this, o! a ne$ #ovenant he is "ediator, that, death having #o"e, !or rede" tion o! the transgressions under the !irst #ovenant, those #alled "ay re#eive the ro"ise o! the age+during inheritan#e, %RVBC `AUAHLKR NBC VLO YABULO VLO NONPVRYLVA YA] LO WQUA VN YAB ]SPBAB `ULPZNULOVAB XR WSOAXNOAB YAVA PSONBWRPBO VNKNBQPAB VLO KAVUNSLOVA #(XLOLO N`B HUQXAPBO YAB `LXAPBO YAB WBAZLULBC HA`VBPXLBC YAB WBYABQXAPBO PAUYLC XNTUB YABULS WBLU]QPNQC N`BYNBXNOA ##TUBPVLC WN `AUAMNOLXNOLC AUTBNUNSC VQO XNKKLOVQO AMA]QO WBA VRC XNB\LOLC YAB VNKNBLVNUAC PYRORC LS TNBUL`LBRVLS VLSVNPVBO LS VASVRC VRC YVBPNQC #,LSWN WB ABXAVLC VUAMQO YAB XLPTQO WBA WN VLS BWBLS ABXAVLC NBPRK]NO NZA`Aa NBC VA AMBA ABQOBAO KSVUQPBO NSUAXNOLC #-NB MAU VL ABXA VASUQO YAB VUAMQO YAB P`LWLC WAXAKNQC UAOVB\LSPA VLSC YNYLBOQXNOLSC AMBA\NB `ULC VRO VRC PAUYLC YA]AULVRVA #.`LPQ XAKKLO VL ABXA VLS TUBPVLS LC WBA `ONSXAVLC ABQOBLS NASVLO `ULPRONMYNO AXQXLO VQ ]NQ YA]AUBNB VRO PSONBWRPBO SXQO A`L ONYUQO NUMQO NBC VL KAVUNSNBO ]NQ \QOVB #'YAB WBA VLSVL WBA]RYRC YABORC XNPBVRC NPVBO L`QC ]AOAVLS MNOLXNOLS NBC A`LKSVUQPBO VQO N`B VR `UQVR WBA]RYR `AUAHAPNQO VRO N`AMMNKBAO KAHQPBO LB YNYKRXNOLB VRC ABQOBLS YKRULOLXBAC
#/!or $here a #ovenant IisI, the death o! the #ovenant+vi#ti" to #o"e in is ne#essary, #0!or a #ovenant over dead vi#ti"s IisI sted!ast, sin#e it is no !or#e at all $hen the #ovenant+vi#ti" liveth, #$$hen#e not even the !irst a art !ro" blood hath been initiated, #%!or every #o""and having been s o'en, a##ording to la$, by @oses, to all the eo le, having ta'en the blood o! the #alves and goats, $ith $ater, and s#arlet $ool, and hysso , he both the boo' itsel! and all the eo le did s rin'le, ,(saying, IThis IisI the blood o! the #ovenant that &od en-oined unto you,I ,#and both the taberna#le and all the vessels o! the servi#e $ith blood in li'e "anner he did s rin'le, ,,and $ith blood al"ost all things are uri!ied a##ording to the la$, and a art !ro" blood+shedding !orgiveness doth not #o"e) ,-I0t isI ne#essary, there!ore, the attern indeed o! the things in the heavens to be uri!ied $ith these, and the heavenly things the"selves $ith better sa#ri!i#es than these, ,.!or not into holy la#es "ade $ith hands did the Dhrist enter ++ !igures o! the true ++ but into the heaven itsel!, no$ to be "ani!ested in the resen#e o! &od !or us, #/L`LS MAU WBA]RYR ]AOAVLO AOAMYR ZNUNP]AB VLS WBA]NXNOLS #0WBA]RYR MAU N`B ONYULBC HNHABA N`NB XR`LVN BPTSNB LVN \R L WBA]NXNOLC #$L]NO LSW R `UQVR TQUBC ABXAVLC NMYNYABOBPVAB #%KAKR]NBPRC MAU `APRC NOVLKRC YAVA OLXLO S`L XQSPNQC `AOVB VQ KAQ KAHQO VL ABXA VQO XLPTQO YAB VUAMQO XNVA SWAVLC YAB NUBLS YLYYBOLS YAB SPPQ`LS ASVL VN VL HBHKBLO YAB `AOVA VLO KALO NUUAOVBPNO ,(KNMQO VLSVL VL ABXA VRC WBA]RYRC RC NONVNBKAVL `ULC SXAC L ]NLC ,#YAB VRO PYRORO WN YAB `AOVA VA PYNSR VRC KNBVLSUMBAC VQ ABXAVB LXLBQC NUUAOVBPNO ,,YAB PTNWLO NO ABXAVB `AOVA YA]AUB\NVAB YAVA VLO OLXLO YAB TQUBC ABXAVNYTSPBAC LS MBONVAB AZNPBC ,-AOAMYR LSO VA XNO S`LWNBMXAVA VQO NO VLBC LSUAOLBC VLSVLBC YA]AUB\NP]AB ASVA WN VA N`LSUAOBA YUNBVVLPBO ]SPBABC `AUA VASVAC ,.LS MAU NBC TNBUL`LBRVA AMBA NBPRK]NO L TUBPVLC AOVBVS`A VQO AKR]BOQO AKK NBC ASVLO VLO LSUAOLO OSO NXZAOBP]ROAB VQ `ULPQ`Q VLS ]NLS S`NU RXQO
,'nor that he "ay "any ti"es o!!er hi"sel!, even as the #hie! riest doth enter into the holy la#es every year $ith blood o! others, ,/sin#e it had behoved hi" "any ti"es to su!!er !ro" the !oundation o! the $orld, but no$ on#e, at the !ull end o! the ages, !or utting a$ay o! sin through his sa#ri!i#e, he hath been "ani!ested, ,0and as it is laid u to "en on#e to die, and a!ter this ++ -udg"ent, ,'LSW BOA `LKKAYBC `ULPZNUR NASVLO QP`NU L AUTBNUNSC NBPNUTNVAB NBC VA AMBA YAV NOBASVLO NO ABXAVB AKKLVUBQ ,/N`NB NWNB ASVLO `LKKAYBC `A]NBO A`L YAVAHLKRC YLPXLS OSO WN A`Aa N`B PSOVNKNBA VQO ABQOQO NBC A]NVRPBO AXAUVBAC WBA VRC ]SPBAC ASVLS `NZAONUQVAB
,0YAB YA] LPLO A`LYNBVAB VLBC AO]UQ`LBC A`Aa A`L]AONBO XNVA WN VLSVL YUBPBC ,$so also the Dhrist, on#e having been ,$LSVQC L TUBPVLC A`Aa `ULPNONT]NBC o!!ered to bear the sins o! "any, a NBC VL `LKKQO AONONMYNBO AXAUVBAC NY se#ond ti"e, a art !ro" a sin+o!!ering, WNSVNULS TQUBC AXAUVBAC LZ]RPNVAB shall a ear, to those $aiting !or hi" VLBC ASVLO A`NYWNTLXNOLBC NBC ++ to salvationd PQVRUBAO
+hapter #(
#For the la$ having a shado$ o! the #o"ing good things ++ not the very i"age o! the "atters, every year, by the sa"e sa#ri!i#es that they o!!er #ontinually, is never able to "a'e er!e#t those #o"ing near, ,sin#e, $ould they not have #eased to be o!!ered, be#ause o! those serving having no "ore #ons#ien#e o! sins, having on#e been uri!iedb -but in those Isa#ri!i#esI is a re"e"bran#e o! sins every year, .!or it is i" ossible !or blood o! bulls and goats to ta'e a$ay sins) 'Where!ore, #o"ing into the $orld, he saith, ISa#ri!i#e and o!!ering Thou didst not $ill, and a body Thou didst re are !or "e, /in burnt+o!!erings, and #on#erning sin+o!!erings, Thou didst not delight, 0then 0 said, Lo, 0 #o"e, 7in a volu"e o! the boo' it hath been $ritten #on#erning "e,< to do, O &od, Thy $ill,I $saying above ++ ISa#ri!i#e, and o!!ering, and burnt+o!!erings, and #on#erning sin+o!!ering Thou didst not $ill, nor delight in,I ++ $hi#h a##ording to the la$ are o!!ered ++ %then he said, ILo, 0 #o"e to do, O &od, Thy $ill,I he doth ta'e a$ay the !irst that the se#ond he "ay establish, #PYBAO MAU NTQO L OLXLC VQO XNKKLOVQO AMA]QO LSY ASVRO VRO NBYLOA VQO `UAMXAVQO YAV NOBASVLO VABC ASVABC ]SPBABC AC `ULPZNULSPBO NBC VL WBRONYNC LSWN`LVN WSOAVAB VLSC `ULPNUTLXNOLSC VNKNBQPAB ,N`NB LSY AO N`ASPAOVL `ULPZNULXNOAB WBA VL XRWNXBAO NTNBO NVB PSONBWRPBO AXAUVBQO VLSC KAVUNSLOVAC A`Aa YNYA]AUXNOLSC -AKK NO ASVABC AOAXORPBC AXAUVBQO YAV NOBASVLO .AWSOAVLO MAU ABXA VASUQO YAB VUAMQO AZABUNBO AXAUVBAC 'WBL NBPNUTLXNOLC NBC VLO YLPXLO KNMNB ]SPBAO YAB `ULPZLUAO LSY R]NKRPAC PQXA WN YAVRUVBPQ XLB /LKLYASVQXAVA YAB `NUB AXAUVBAC LSY NSWLYRPAC 0VLVN NB`LO BWLS RYQ NO YNZAKBWB HBHKBLS MNMUA`VAB `NUB NXLS VLS `LBRPAB L ]NLC VL ]NKRXA PLS $AOQVNULO KNMQO LVB ]SPBAO YAB `ULPZLUAO YAB LKLYASVQXAVA YAB `NUB AXAUVBAC LSY R]NKRPAC LSWN NSWLYRPAC ABVBONC YAVA VLO OLXLO `ULPZNULOVAB %VLVN NBURYNO BWLS RYQ VLS `LBRPAB L ]NLC VL ]NKRXA PLS AOABUNB VL `UQVLO BOA VL WNSVNULO PVRPR
#(in the $hi#h $ill $e are having been san#ti!ied through the o!!ering o! the body o! 5esus Dhrist on#e, ##and every riest, indeed, hath stood daily serving, and the sa"e sa#ri!i#es "any ti"es o!!ering, that are never able to ta'e a$ay sins) #,.nd He, !or sin one sa#ri!i#e having o!!ered ++ to the end, did sit do$n on the right hand o! &od, ++ #-as to the rest, e( e#ting till He "ay la#e his ene"ies IasI his !ootstool, #.!or by one o!!ering he hath er!e#ted to the end those san#ti!ied, #'and testi!y to us also doth the Holy S irit, !or a!ter that He hath said be!ore, #/IThis IisI the #ovenant that 0 $ill "a'e $ith the" a!ter those days, saith the Lord, giving @y la$s on their hearts, and u on their "inds 0 $ill $rite the",I #0and Itheir sins and their la$lessness 0 $ill re"e"ber no "ore,I #$and $here !orgiveness o! these IisI, there is no "ore o!!ering !or sin) #%Having, there!ore, brethren, boldness !or the entran#e into the holy la#es, in the blood o! 5esus, ,($hi#h $ay he did initiate !or us ++ ne$ and living, through the vail, that is, his !lesh ++ #(NO Q ]NKRXAVB RMBAPXNOLB NPXNO LB WBA VRC `ULPZLUAC VLS PQXAVLC VLS BRPLS TUBPVLS NZA`Aa ##YAB `AC XNO BNUNSC NPVRYNO YA] RXNUAO KNBVLSUMQO YAB VAC ASVAC `LKKAYBC `ULPZNUQO ]SPBAC ABVBONC LSWN`LVN WSOAOVAB `NUBNKNBO AXAUVBAC #,ASVLC WN XBAO S`NU AXAUVBQO `ULPNONMYAC ]SPBAO NBC VL WBRONYNC NYA]BPNO NO WNaBA VLS ]NLS #-VL KLB`LO NYWNTLXNOLC NQC VN]QPBO LB NT]ULB ASVLS S`L`LWBLO VQO `LWQO ASVLS #.XBA MAU `ULPZLUA VNVNKNBQYNO NBC VL WBRONYNC VLSC AMBA\LXNOLSC #'XAUVSUNB WN RXBO YAB VL `ONSXA VL AMBLO XNVA MAU VL `ULNBURYNOAB #/ASVR R WBA]RYR RO WBA]RPLXAB `ULC ASVLSC XNVA VAC RXNUAC NYNBOAC KNMNB YSUBLC WBWLSC OLXLSC XLS N`B YAUWBAC ASVQO YAB N`B VQO WBAOLBQO ASVQO N`BMUAcQ ASVLSC #0YAB VQO AXAUVBQO ASVQO YAB VQO AOLXBQO ASVQO LS XR XORP]Q NVB #$L`LS WN AZNPBC VLSVQO LSYNVB `ULPZLUA `NUB AXAUVBAC #%NTLOVNC LSO AWNKZLB `AUURPBAO NBC VRO NBPLWLO VQO AMBQO NO VQ ABXAVB BRPLS ,(RO NONYABOBPNO RXBO LWLO `ULPZAVLO YAB \QPAO WBA VLS YAVA`NVAPXAVLC VLSVNPVBO VRC PAUYLC ASVLS
,#and a high riest over the house o! &od, ,,"ay $e dra$ near $ith a true heart, in !ull assuran#e o! !aith, having the hearts s rin'led !ro" an evil #ons#ien#e, and having the body bathed $ith ure $ater, ,-"ay $e hold !ast the un$avering ro!ession o! the ho e, 7!or !aith!ul IisI He $ho did ro"ise<, ,.and "ay $e #onsider one another to rovo'e to love and to good $or's, ,'not !orsa'ing the asse"bling o! ourselves together, as a #usto" o! #ertain IisI, but e(horting, and so "u#h the "ore as ye see the day #o"ing nigh) ,/For $e ++ $ill!ully sinning a!ter the re#eiving the !ull 'no$ledge o! the truth ++ no "ore !or sins doth there re"ain a sa#ri!i#e, ,0but a #ertain !ear!ul loo'ing !or o! -udg"ent, and !iery Eeal, about to devour the o osers, ,$any one $ho did set at nought a la$ o! @oses, a art !ro" "er#ies, by t$o or three $itnesses, doth die, ,%o! ho$ "u#h sorer unish"ent shall he be #ounted $orthy $ho the Son o! &od did tra" le on, and the blood o! the #ovenant did #ount a #o""on thing, in $hi#h he $as san#ti!ied, and to the S irit o! the gra#e did des iteb ,#YAB BNUNA XNMAO N`B VLO LBYLO VLS ]NLS ,,`ULPNUTQXN]A XNVA AKR]BORC YAUWBAC NO `KRULZLUBA `BPVNQC NUUAOVBPXNOLB VAC YAUWBAC A`L PSONBWRPNQC `LORUAC YAB KNKLSXNOLB VL PQXA SWAVB YA]AUQ ,-YAVNTQXNO VRO LXLKLMBAO VRC NK`BWLC AYKBOR `BPVLC MAU L N`AMMNBKAXNOLC ,.YAB YAVAOLQXNO AKKRKLSC NBC `AULaSPXLO AMA`RC YAB YAKQO NUMQO ,'XR NMYAVAKNB`LOVNC VRO N`BPSOAMQMRO NASVQO YA]QC N]LC VBPBO AKKA `AUAYAKLSOVNC YAB VLPLSVQ XAKKLO LPQ HKN`NVN NMMB\LSPAO VRO RXNUAO ,/NYLSPBQC MAU AXAUVAOLOVQO RXQO XNVA VL KAHNBO VRO N`BMOQPBO VRC AKR]NBAC LSYNVB `NUB AXAUVBQO A`LKNB`NVAB ]SPBA ,0ZLHNUA WN VBC NYWLTR YUBPNQC YAB `SULC \RKLC NP]BNBO XNKKLOVLC VLSC S`NOAOVBLSC ,$A]NVRPAC VBC OLXLO XQPNQC TQUBC LBYVBUXQO N`B WSPBO R VUBPBO XAUVSPBO A`L]ORPYNB ,%`LPQ WLYNBVN TNBULOLC AaBQ]RPNVAB VBXQUBAC L VLO SBLO VLS ]NLS YAVA`AVRPAC YAB VL ABXA VRC WBA]RYRC YLBOLO RMRPAXNOLC NO Q RMBAP]R YAB VL `ONSXA VRC TAUBVLC NOSHUBPAC
-(!or $e have 'no$n Hi" $ho is saying, I%engean#e IisI @ine, 0 $ill re#o" ense, saith the Lord,I and again, IThe Lord shall -udge His eo le,I ++ -#!ear!ul IisI the !alling into the hands o! a living &od) -,.nd #all to your re"e"bran#e the !or"er days, in $hi#h, having been enlightened, ye did endure "u#h #on!li#t o! su!!erings, -- artly both $ith re roa#hes and tribulations being "ade s e#ta#les, and artly having be#o"e artners o! those so living, -.!or also $ith "y bonds ye sy" athised, and the robbery o! your goods $ith -oy ye did re#eive, 'no$ing that ye have in yourselves a better substan#e in the heavens, and an enduring one) -'4e "ay not #ast a$ay, then, your boldness, $hi#h hath great re#o" ense o! re$ard, -/!or o! atien#e ye have need, that the $ill o! &od having done, ye "ay re#eive the ro"ise, -0!or yet a very very little, He $ho is #o"ing $ill #o"e, and $ill not tarry, -$and Ithe righteous by !aith shall live,I and Ii! he "ay dra$ ba#', @y soul hath no leasure in hi",I -(LBWAXNO MAU VLO NB`LOVA NXLB NYWBYRPBC NMQ AOVA`LWQPQ KNMNB YSUBLC YAB `AKBO YSUBLC YUBONB VLO KALO ASVLS -#ZLHNULO VL NX`NPNBO NBC TNBUAC ]NLS \QOVLC -,AOAXBXORPYNP]N WN VAC `ULVNULO RXNUAC NO ABC ZQVBP]NOVNC `LKKRO A]KRPBO S`NXNBOAVN `A]RXAVQO --VLSVL XNO LONBWBPXLBC VN YAB ]KBcNPBO ]NAVUB\LXNOLB VLSVL WN YLBOQOLB VQO LSVQC AOAPVUNZLXNOQO MNOR]NOVNC -.YAB MAU VLBC WNPXLBC XLS PSON`A]RPAVN YAB VRO AU`AMRO VQO S`AUTLOVQO SXQO XNVA TAUAC `ULPNWNaAP]N MBOQPYLOVNC NTNBO NO NASVLBC YUNBVVLOA S`AUaBO NO LSUAOLBC YAB XNOLSPAO -'XR A`LHAKRVN LSO VRO `AUURPBAO SXQO RVBC NTNB XBP]A`LWLPBAO XNMAKRO -/S`LXLORC MAU NTNVN TUNBAO BOA VL ]NKRXA VLS ]NLS `LBRPAOVNC YLXBPRP]N VRO N`AMMNKBAO -0NVB MAU XBYULO LPLO LPLO L NUTLXNOLC RaNB YAB LS TULOBNB -$L WN WBYABLC NY `BPVNQC \RPNVAB YAB NAO S`LPVNBKRVAB LSY NSWLYNB R cSTR XLS NO ASVQ
-%and $e are not o! those dra$ing ba#' to destru#tion, but o! those believing to a reserving o! soul) -%RXNBC WN LSY NPXNO S`LPVLKRC NBC A`QKNBAO AKKA `BPVNQC NBC `NUB`LBRPBO cSTRC
+hapter ##
#.nd !aith is o! things ho ed !or a #on!iden#e, o! "atters not seen a #onvi#tion, ,!or in this $ere the elders testi!ied o!, -by !aith $e understand the ages to have been re ared by a saying o! &od, in regard to the things seen not having #o"e out o! things a earing, .by !aith a better sa#ri!i#e did .bel o!!er to &od than Dain, through $hi#h he $as testi!ied to be righteous, &od testi!ying o! his gi!ts, and through it, he being dead, doth yet s ea') 'By !aith Eno#h $as translated ++ not to see death, and $as not !ound, be#ause &od did translate hi", !or be!ore his translation he had been testi!ied to ++ that he had leased &od $ell, /and a art !ro" !aith it is i" ossible to lease $ell, !or it behoveth hi" $ho is #o"ing to &od to believe that He is, and to those see'ing Hi" He be#o"eth a re$arder) 0By !aith /oah, having been divinely $arned #on#erning the things not yet seen, having !eared, did re are an ar' to the salvation o! his house, through $hi#h he did #onde"n the $orld, and o! the righteousness a##ording to !aith he be#a"e heir) #NPVBO WN `BPVBC NK`B\LXNOQO S`LPVAPBC `UAMXAVQO NKNMTLC LS HKN`LXNOQO ,NO VASVR MAU NXAUVSUR]RPAO LB `UNPHSVNULB -`BPVNB OLLSXNO YAVRUVBP]AB VLSC ABQOAC URXAVB ]NLS NBC VL XR NY ZABOLXNOQO VA HKN`LXNOA MNMLONOAB .`BPVNB `KNBLOA ]SPBAO AHNK `AUA YABO `ULPRONMYNO VQ ]NQ WB RC NXAUVSUR]R NBOAB WBYABLC XAUVSULSOVLC N`B VLBC WQULBC ASVLS VLS ]NLS YAB WB ASVRC A`L]AOQO NVB KAKNBVAB '`BPVNB NOQT XNVNVN]R VLS XR BWNBO ]AOAVLO YAB LST NSUBPYNVL WBLVB XNVN]RYNO ASVLO L ]NLC `UL MAU VRC XNVA]NPNQC ASVLS XNXAUVSURVAB NSRUNPVRYNOAB VQ ]NQ /TQUBC WN `BPVNQC AWSOAVLO NSAUNPVRPAB `BPVNSPAB MAU WNB VLO `ULPNUTLXNOLO VQ ]NQ LVB NPVBO YAB VLBC NY\RVLSPBO ASVLO XBP]A`LWLVRC MBONVAB 0`BPVNB TURXAVBP]NBC OQN `NUB VQO XRWN`Q HKN`LXNOQO NSKAHR]NBC YAVNPYNSAPNO YBHQVLO NBC PQVRUBAO VLS LBYLS ASVLS WB RC YAVNYUBONO VLO YLPXLO YAB VRC YAVA `BPVBO WBYABLPSORC NMNONVL YKRULOLXLC
$By !aith .braha", being #alled, did obey, to go !orth to the la#e that he $as about to re#eive !or an inheritan#e, and he $ent !orth, not 'no$ing $hither he doth go, %by !aith he did so-ourn in the land o! the ro"ise as a strange #ountry, in taberna#les having d$elt $ith 0saa# and 5a#ob, !ello$+heirs o! the sa"e ro"ise, #(!or he $as loo'ing !or the #ity having the !oundations, $hose arti!i#er and #onstru#tor IisI &od) ##By !aith also Sarah hersel! did re#eive o$er to #on#eive seed, and she bare a!ter the ti"e o! li!e, seeing she did -udge Hi" !aith!ul $ho did ro"ise, #,$here!ore, also !ro" one $ere begotten ++ and that o! one $ho had be#o"e dead ++ as the stars o! the heaven in "ultitude, and as sand that IisI by the sea+shore ++ the innu"erable) #-0n !aith died all these, not having re#eived the ro"ises, but !ro" a!ar having seen the", and having been ersuaded, and having saluted Ithe"I, and having #on!essed that strangers and so-ourners they are u on the earth, #.!or those saying su#h things "a'e "ani!est that they see' a #ountry, $`BPVNB YAKLSXNOLC AHUAAX S`RYLSPNO NaNK]NBO NBC VLO VL`LO LO RXNKKNO KAXHAONBO NBC YKRULOLXBAO YAB NaRK]NO XR N`BPVAXNOLC `LS NUTNVAB %`BPVNB `AUQYRPNO NBC VRO MRO VRC N`AMMNKBAC QC AKKLVUBAO NO PYROABC YAVLBYRPAC XNVA BPAAY YAB BAYQH VQO PSMYKRULOLXQO VRC N`AMMNKBAC VRC ASVRC #(NaNWNTNVL MAU VRO VLSC ]NXNKBLSC NTLSPAO `LKBO RC VNTOBVRC YAB WRXBLSUMLC L ]NLC ##`BPVNB YAB ASVR PAUUA WSOAXBO NBC YAVAHLKRO P`NUXAVLC NKAHNO YAB `AUA YABULO RKBYBAC NVNYNO N`NB `BPVLO RMRPAVL VLO N`AMMNBKAXNOLO #,WBL YAB AZ NOLC NMNOOR]RPAO YAB VASVA ONONYUQXNOLS YA]QC VA APVUA VLS LSUAOLS VQ `KR]NB YAB QPNB AXXLC R `AUA VL TNBKLC VRC ]AKAPPRC R AOAUB]XRVLC #-YAVA `BPVBO A`N]AOLO LSVLB `AOVNC XR KAHLOVNC VAC N`AMMNKBAC AKKA `LUUQ]NO ASVAC BWLOVNC YAB `NBP]NOVNC YAB AP`APAXNOLB YAB LXLKLMRPAOVNC LVB aNOLB YAB `AUN`BWRXLB NBPBO N`B VRC MRC #.LB MAU VLBASVA KNMLOVNC NXZAOB\LSPBO LVB `AVUBWA N`B\RVLSPBO
#'and i!, indeed, they had been "ind!ul o! that !ro" $hi#h they #a"e !orth, they "ight have had an o ortunity to return, #/but no$ they long !or a better, that is, an heavenly, $here!ore &od is not asha"ed o! the", to be #alled their &od, !or He did re are !or the" a #ity) #0By !aith .braha" hath o!!ered u 0saa#, being tried, and the only begotten he did o!!er u $ho did re#eive the ro"ises, #$o! $ho" it $as said ++ I0n 0saa# shall a seed be #alled to thee,I #%re#'oning that even out o! the dead &od is able to raise u , $hen#e also in a !igure he did re#eive Ihi"I) ,(By !aith, #on#erning #o"ing things, 0saa# did bless 5a#ob and Esau, ,#by !aith 5a#ob dying ++ ea#h o! the sons o! 5ose h did bless, and did bo$ do$n u on the to o! his sta!!, ,,by !aith, 5ose h dying, #on#erning the outgoing o! the sons o! 0srael did "a'e "ention, and #on#erning his bones did give #o""and) ,-By !aith @oses, having been born, $as hid three "onths by his arents, be#ause they sa$ the #hild #o"ely, and $ere not a!raid o! the de#ree o! the 'ing, #'YAB NB XNO NYNBORC NXORXLONSLO AZ RC NaRK]LO NBTLO AO YABULO AOAYAXcAB #/OSOB WN YUNBVVLOLC LUNMLOVAB VLSVNPVBO N`LSUAOBLS WBL LSY N`ABPTSONVAB ASVLSC L ]NLC ]NLC N`BYAKNBP]AB ASVQO RVLBXAPNO MAU ASVLBC `LKBO #0`BPVNB `ULPNOROLTNO AHUAAX VLO BPAAY `NBUA\LXNOLC YAB VLO XLOLMNOR `ULPNZNUNO L VAC N`AMMNKBAC AOAWNaAXNOLC #$`ULC LO NKAKR]R LVB NO BPAAY YKR]RPNVAB PLB P`NUXA #%KLMBPAXNOLC LVB YAB NY ONYUQO NMNBUNBO WSOAVLC L ]NLC L]NO ASVLO YAB NO `AUAHLKR NYLXBPAVL ,(`BPVNB `NUB XNKKLOVQO NSKLMRPNO BPAAY VLO BAYQH YAB VLO RPAS ,#`BPVNB BAYQH A`L]ORPYQO NYAPVLO VQO SBQO BQPRZ NSKLMRPNO YAB `ULPNYSORPNO N`B VL AYULO VRC UAHWLS ASVLS ,,`BPVNB BQPRZ VNKNSVQO `NUB VRC NaLWLS VQO SBQO BPUARK NXORXLONSPNO YAB `NUB VQO LPVNQO ASVLS NONVNBKAVL ,-`BPVNB XQPRC MNOOR]NBC NYUSHR VUBXROLO S`L VQO `AVNUQO ASVLS WBLVB NBWLO APVNBLO VL `ABWBLO YAB LSY NZLHR]RPAO VL WBAVAMXA VLS HAPBKNQC
,.by !aith @oses, having be#o"e great, did re!use to be #alled a son o! the daughter o! Pharaoh, ,'having #hosen rather to be a!!li#ted $ith the eo le o! &od, than to have sinIs leasure !or a season, ,/greater $ealth having re#'oned the re roa#h o! the Dhrist than the treasures in Egy t, !or he did loo' to the re#o" ense o! re$ard, ,0by !aith he le!t Egy t behind, not having been a!raid o! the $rath o! the 'ing, !or, as seeing the 0nvisible One ++ he endured, ,$by !aith he 'e t the assover, and the s rin'ling o! the blood, that He $ho is destroying the !irst+born "ight not tou#h the") ,%By !aith they did ass through the Red Sea as through dry land, $hi#h the Egy tians having re#eived a trial o!, $ere s$allo$ed u , -(by !aith the $alls o! 5eri#ho did !all, having been surrounded !or seven days, -#by !aith Rahab the harlot did not erish $ith those $ho disbelieved, having re#eived the s ies $ith ea#e) -,.nd $hat shall 0 yet sayb !or the ti"e $ill !ail "e re#ounting about &ideon, Bara' also, and Sa"son, and 5e hthah, David also, and Sa"uel, and the ro hets, ,.`BPVNB XQPRC XNMAC MNOLXNOLC RUORPAVL KNMNP]AB SBLC ]SMAVULC ZAUAQ ,'XAKKLO NKLXNOLC PSMYAYLSTNBP]AB VQ KAQ VLS ]NLS R `ULPYABULO NTNBO AXAUVBAC A`LKASPBO ,/XNB\LOA `KLSVLO RMRPAXNOLC VQO NO ABMS`VQ ]RPASUQO VLO LONBWBPXLO VLS TUBPVLS A`NHKN`NO MAU NBC VRO XBP]A`LWLPBAO ,0`BPVNB YAVNKB`NO ABMS`VLO XR ZLHR]NBC VLO ]SXLO VLS HAPBKNQC VLO MAU ALUAVLO QC LUQO NYAUVNURPNO ,$`BPVNB `N`LBRYNO VL `APTA YAB VRO `ULPTSPBO VLS ABXAVLC BOA XR L LKL]UNSQO VA `UQVLVLYA ]BMR ASVQO ,%`BPVNB WBNHRPAO VRO NUS]UAO ]AKAPPAO QC WBA aRUAC RC `NBUAO KAHLOVNC LB ABMS`VBLB YAVN`L]RPAO -(`BPVNB VA VNBTR BNUBTQ N`NPNO YSYKQ]NOVA N`B N`VA RXNUAC -#`BPVNB UAAH R `LUOR LS PSOA`QKNVL VLBC A`NB]RPAPBO WNaAXNOR VLSC YAVAPYL`LSC XNV NBURORC -,YAB VB NVB KNMQ N`BKNBcNB MAU XN WBRMLSXNOLO L TULOLC `NUB MNWNQO HAUAY VN YAB PAXcQO YAB BNZ]AN WAHBW VN YAB PAXLSRK YAB VQO `ULZRVQO
--$ho through !aith did subdue 'ingdo"s, $rought righteousness, obtained ro"ises, sto ed "ouths o! lions, -.?uen#hed the o$er o! !ire, es#a ed the "outh o! the s$ord, $ere "ade o$er!ul out o! in!ir"ities, be#a"e strong in battle, #aused to give $ay #a" s o! the aliens) -'Wo"en re#eived by a rising again their dead, and others $ere tortured, not a##e ting the rede" tion, that a better rising again they "ight re#eive, -/and others o! "o#'ings and s#ourgings did re#eive trial, and yet o! bonds and i" rison"ent, -0they $ere stoned, they $ere sa$n asunder, they $ere tried, in the 'illing o! the s$ord they died, they $ent about in shee s'ins, in goats'ins ++ being destitute, a!!li#ted, in-uriously treated, -$o! $ho" the $orld $as not $orthy, in deserts $andering, and IinI "ountains, and IinI #aves, and IinI the holes o! the earth, -%and these all, having been testi!ied to through the !aith, did not re#eive the ro"ise, .(&od !or us so"ething better having rovided, that a art !ro" us they "ight not be "ade er!e#t) --LB WBA `BPVNQC YAVRMQOBPAOVL HAPBKNBAC NBUMAPAOVL WBYABLPSORO N`NVSTLO N`AMMNKBQO NZUAaAO PVLXAVA KNLOVQO -.NPHNPAO WSOAXBO `SULC NZSMLO PVLXAVA XATABUAC NONWSOAXQ]RPAO A`L AP]NONBAC NMNOR]RPAO BPTSULB NO `LKNXQ `AUNXHLKAC NYKBOAO AKKLVUBQO -'NKAHLO MSOABYNC Na AOAPVAPNQC VLSC ONYULSC ASVQO AKKLB WN NVSX`AOBP]RPAO LS `ULPWNaAXNOLB VRO A`LKSVUQPBO BOA YUNBVVLOLC AOAPVAPNQC VSTQPBO -/NVNULB WN NX`ABMXQO YAB XAPVBMQO `NBUAO NKAHLO NVB WN WNPXQO YAB ZSKAYRC -0NKB]AP]RPAO N`UBP]RPAO N`NBUAP]RPAO NO ZLOQ XATABUAC A`N]AOLO `NUBRK]LO NO XRKQVABC NO ABMNBLBC WNUXAPBO SPVNULSXNOLB ]KBHLXNOLB YAYLSTLSXNOLB -$QO LSY RO AaBLC L YLPXLC NO NURXBABC `KAOQXNOLB YAB LUNPBO YAB P`RKABLBC YAB VABC L`ABC VRC MRC -%YAB LSVLB `AOVNC XAUVSUR]NOVNC WBA VRC `BPVNQC LSY NYLXBPAOVL VRO N`AMMNKBAO .(VLS ]NLS `NUB RXQO YUNBVVLO VB `ULHKNcAXNOLS BOA XR TQUBC RXQO VNKNBQ]QPBO
+hapter #,
#There!ore, $e also having so great a #loud o! $itnesses set around us, every $eight having ut o!!, and the #losely besetting sin, through enduran#e "ay $e run the #ontest that is set be!ore us, ,loo'ing to the author and er!e#ter o! !aith ++ 5esus, $ho, over+against the -oy set be!ore hi" ++ did endure a #ross, sha"e having des ised, on the right hand also o! the throne o! &od did sit do$n, -!or #onsider again hi" $ho endured su#h gainsaying !ro" the sinners to hi"sel!, that ye "ay not be $earied in your souls ++ being !aint) ./ot yet unto blood did ye resist ++ $ith the sin striving, 'and ye have !orgotten the e(hortation that doth s ea' !ully $ith you as $ith sons, I@y son, be not des ising #hastening o! the Lord, nor be !aint, being re roved by Hi", /!or $ho" the Lord doth love He doth #hasten, and He s#ourgeth every son $ho" He re#eiveth,I 0i! #hastening ye endure, as to sons &od beareth Hi"sel! to you, !or $ho is a son $ho" a !ather doth not #hastenb $and i! ye are a art !ro" #hastening, o! $hi#h all have be#o"e arta'ers, then bastards are ye, and not sons) #VLBMAULSO YAB RXNBC VLPLSVLO NTLOVNC `NUBYNBXNOLO RXBO ONZLC XAUVSUQO LMYLO A`L]NXNOLB `AOVA YAB VRO NS`NUBPVAVLO AXAUVBAO WB S`LXLORC VUNTQXNO VLO `ULYNBXNOLO RXBO AMQOA ,AZLUQOVNC NBC VLO VRC `BPVNQC AUTRMLO YAB VNKNBQVRO BRPLSO LC AOVB VRC `ULYNBXNORC ASVQ TAUAC S`NXNBONO PVASULO ABPTSORC YAVAZULORPAC NO WNaBA VN VLS ]ULOLS VLS ]NLS NYA]BPNO -AOAKLMBPAP]N MAU VLO VLBASVRO S`LXNXNORYLVA S`L VQO AXAUVQKQO NBC ASVLO AOVBKLMBAO BOA XR YAXRVN VABC cSTABC SXQO NYKSLXNOLB .LS`Q XNTUBC ABXAVLC AOVBYAVNPVRVN `ULC VRO AXAUVBAO AOVAMQOB\LXNOLB 'YAB NYKNKRP]N VRC `AUAYKRPNQC RVBC SXBO QC SBLBC WBAKNMNVAB SBN XLS XR LKBMQUNB `ABWNBAC YSUBLS XRWN NYKSLS S` ASVLS NKNMTLXNOLC /LO MAU AMA`A YSUBLC `ABWNSNB XAPVBMLB WN `AOVA SBLO LO `AUAWNTNVAB 0NB `ABWNBAO S`LXNONVN QC SBLBC SXBO `ULPZNUNVAB L ]NLC VBC MAU NPVBO SBLC LO LS `ABWNSNB `AVRU $NB WN TQUBC NPVN `ABWNBAC RC XNVLTLB MNMLOAPBO `AOVNC AUA OL]LB NPVN YAB LST SBLB
%Then, indeed, !athers o! our !lesh $e have had, #hastising IusI, and $e $ere reveren#ing Ithe"I, shall $e not "u#h rather be sub-e#t to the Father o! the s irits, and liveb #(!or they, indeed, !or a !e$ days, a##ording to $hat see"ed good to the", $ere #hastening, but He !or ro!it, to be arta'ers o! His se aration, ##and all #hastening !or the resent, indeed, doth not see" to be o! -oy, but o! sorro$, yet a!ter$ard the ea#eable !ruit o! righteousness to those e(er#ised through it ++ it doth yield) #,Where!ore, the hanging+do$n hands and the loosened 'nees set ye u , #-and straight aths "a'e !or your !eet, that that $hi#h is la"e "ay not be turned aside, but rather be healed, #. ea#e ursue $ith all, and the se aration, a art !ro" $hi#h no one shall see the Lord, #'loo'ing diligently over lest any one be !ailing o! the gra#e o! &od, lest any root o! bitterness s ringing u "ay give trouble, and through this "any "ay be de!iled, #/lest any one be a !orni#ator, or a ro!ane erson, as Esau, $ho in e(#hange !or one "orsel o! !ood did sell his birthright, %NBVA VLSC XNO VRC PAUYLC RXQO `AVNUAC NBTLXNO `ABWNSVAC YAB NONVUN`LXN]A LS `LKKQ XAKKLO S`LVAMRPLXN]A VQ `AVUB VQO `ONSXAVQO YAB \RPLXNO #(LB XNO MAU `ULC LKBMAC RXNUAC YAVA VL WLYLSO ASVLBC N`ABWNSLO L WN N`B VL PSXZNULO NBC VL XNVAKAHNBO VRC AMBLVRVLC ASVLS ##`APA WN `ABWNBA `ULC XNO VL `AULO LS WLYNB TAUAC NBOAB AKKA KS`RC SPVNULO WN YAU`LO NBUROBYLO VLBC WB ASVRC MNMSXOAPXNOLBC A`LWBWQPBO WBYABLPSORC #,WBL VAC `AUNBXNOAC TNBUAC YAB VA `AUAKNKSXNOA MLOAVA AOLU]QPAVN #-YAB VULTBAC LU]AC `LBRPAVN VLBC `LPBO SXQO BOA XR VL TQKLO NYVUA`R BA]R WN XAKKLO #.NBURORO WBQYNVN XNVA `AOVQO YAB VLO AMBAPXLO LS TQUBC LSWNBC LcNVAB VLO YSUBLO #'N`BPYL`LSOVNC XR VBC SPVNUQO A`L VRC TAUBVLC VLS ]NLS XR VBC UB\A `BYUBAC AOQ ZSLSPA NOLTKR YAB WBA VASVRC XBAO]QPBO `LKKLB #/XR VBC `LUOLC R HNHRKLC QC RPAS LC AOVB HUQPNQC XBAC A`NWLVL VA `UQVLVLYBA ASVLS
#0!or ye 'no$ that also a!ter$ards, $ishing to inherit the blessing, he $as disa roved o!, !or a la#e o! re!or"ation he !ound not, though $ith tears having sought it) #$For ye #a"e not near to the "ount tou#hed and s#or#hed $ith !ire, and to bla#'ness, and dar'ness, and te" est, #%and a sound o! a tru" et, and a voi#e o! sayings, $hi#h those having heard did entreat that a $ord "ight not be added to the", ,(!or they $ere not bearing that $hi#h is #o""anded, I.nd i! a beast "ay tou#h the "ountain, it shall be stoned, or $ith an arro$ shot through,I ,#and, 7so terrible $as the sight,< @oses said, I0 a" !ear!ul e(#eedingly, and tre"bling)I ,,But, ye #a"e to @ount [ion, and to a #ity o! the living &od, to the heavenly 5erusale", and to "yriads o! "essengers, ,-to the #o" any and asse"bly o! the !irst+born in heaven enrolled, and to &od the -udge o! all, and to s irits o! righteous "en "ade er!e#t, ,.and to a "ediator o! a ne$ #ovenant ++ 5esus, and to blood o! s rin'ling, s ea'ing better things than that o! .beld #0BPVN MAU LVB YAB XNVN`NBVA ]NKQO YKRULOLXRPAB VRO NSKLMBAO A`NWLYBXAP]R XNVAOLBAC MAU VL`LO LST NSUNO YAB`NU XNVA WAYUSQO NY\RVRPAC ASVRO #$LS MAU `ULPNKRKS]AVN cRKAZQXNOQ LUNB YAB YNYASXNOQ `SUB YAB MOLZQ YAB PYLVQ YAB ]SNKKR #%YAB PAK`BMMLC RTQ YAB ZQOR URXAVQO RC LB AYLSPAOVNC `AURVRPAOVL XR `ULPVN]ROAB ASVLBC KLMLO ,(LSY NZNULO MAU VL WBAPVNKKLXNOLO YAO ]RUBLO ]BMR VLS LULSC KB]LHLKR]RPNVAB R HLKBWB YAVAVLaNS]RPNVAB ,#YAB LSVQC ZLHNULO RO VL ZAOVA\LXNOLO XQPRC NB`NO NYZLHLC NBXB YAB NOVULXLC ,,AKKA `ULPNKRKS]AVN PBQO LUNB YAB `LKNB ]NLS \QOVLC BNULSPAKRX N`LSUAOBQ YAB XSUBAPBO AMMNKQO ,-`AORMSUNB YAB NYYKRPBA `UQVLVLYQO NO LSUAOLBC A`LMNMUAXXNOQO YAB YUBVR ]NQ `AOVQO YAB `ONSXAPBO WBYABQO VNVNKNBQXNOQO ,.YAB WBA]RYRC ONAC XNPBVR BRPLS YAB ABXAVB UAOVBPXLS YUNBVVLOA KAKLSOVB `AUA VLO AHNK
,'See, "ay ye not re!use hi" $ho is s ea'ing, !or i! those did not es#a e $ho re!used hi" $ho u on earth $as divinely s ea'ing ++ "u#h less $e $ho do turn a$ay !ro" hi" $ho Is ea'ethI !ro" heaven, ,/$hose voi#e the earth shoo' then, and no$ hath he ro"ised, saying, I4et on#e ++ 0 sha'e not only the earth, but also the heaven,I ,0and this ++ I4et on#eI ++ doth "a'e evident the re"oval o! the things sha'en, as o! things having been "ade, that the things not sha'en "ay re"ain, ,$$here!ore, a 'ingdo" that #annot be sha'en re#eiving, "ay $e have gra#e, through $hi#h $e "ay serve &od $ell+ leasingly, $ith reveren#e and religious !ear, ,%!or also our &od IisI a #onsu"ing !ire) ,'HKN`NVN XR `AUABVRPRP]N VLO KAKLSOVA NB MAU NYNBOLB LSY NZSMLO VLO N`B VRC MRC `AUABVRPAXNOLB TURXAVB\LOVA `LKKQ XAKKLO RXNBC LB VLO A` LSUAOQO A`LPVUNZLXNOLB ,/LS R ZQOR VRO MRO NPAKNSPNO VLVN OSO WN N`RMMNKVAB KNMQO NVB A`Aa NMQ PNBQ LS XLOLO VRO MRO AKKA YAB VLO LSUAOLO ,0VL WN NVB A`Aa WRKLB VQO PAKNSLXNOQO VRO XNVA]NPBO QC `N`LBRXNOQO BOA XNBOR VA XR PAKNSLXNOA ,$WBL HAPBKNBAO APAKNSVLO `AUAKAXHAOLOVNC NTQXNO TAUBO WB RC KAVUNSQXNO NSAUNPVQC VQ ]NQ XNVA ABWLSC YAB NSKAHNBAC ,%YAB MAU L ]NLC RXQO `SU YAVAOAKBPYLO
+hapter ##Let brotherly love re"ain, ,o! the hos itality be not !orget!ul, !or through this una$ares #ertain did entertain "essengers, -be "ind!ul o! those in bonds, as having been bound $ith the", o! those "altreated, as also yourselves being in the body, .honourable IisI the "arriage in all, and the bed unde!iled, and $hore"ongers and adulterers &od shall -udge) 'Without #ovetousness the behaviour, being #ontent $ith the things resent, !or He hath said, I/o, 0 $ill not leave, no, nor !orsa'e thee,I /so that $e do boldly say, IThe Lord IisI to "e a hel er, and 0 $ill not !ear $hat "an shall do to "e)I 0Be "ind!ul o! those leading you, $ho did s ea' to you the $ord o! &od, $hose !aith ++ #onsidering the issue o! the behaviour ++ be i"itating, $5esus Dhrist yesterday and to+day the sa"e, and to the ages, %$ith tea#hings "ani!old and strange be not #arried about, !or Iit isI good that by gra#e the heart be #on!ir"ed, not $ith "eats, in $hi#h they $ho $ere o##u ied $ere not ro!ited, #($e have an altar, o! $hi#h to eat they have no authority $ho the taberna#le are serving, #R ZBKAWNKZBA XNONVQ ,VRC ZBKLaNOBAC XR N`BKAO]AONP]N WBA VASVRC MAU NKA]LO VBONC aNOBPAOVNC AMMNKLSC -XBXORPYNP]N VQO WNPXBQO QC PSOWNWNXNOLB VQO YAYLSTLSXNOQO QC YAB ASVLB LOVNC NO PQXAVB .VBXBLC L MAXLC NO `APBO YAB R YLBVR AXBAOVLC `LUOLSC WN YAB XLBTLSC YUBONB L ]NLC 'AZBKAUMSULC L VUL`LC AUYLSXNOLB VLBC `AULSPBO ASVLC MAU NBURYNO LS XR PN AOQ LSW LS XR PN NMYAVAKB`Q /QPVN ]AUULSOVAC RXAC KNMNBO YSUBLC NXLB HLR]LC YAB LS ZLHR]RPLXAB VB `LBRPNB XLB AO]UQ`LC 0XORXLONSNVN VQO RMLSXNOQO SXQO LBVBONC NKAKRPAO SXBO VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS QO AOA]NQULSOVNC VRO NYHAPBO VRC AOAPVULZRC XBXNBP]N VRO `BPVBO $BRPLSC TUBPVLC T]NC YAB PRXNULO L ASVLC YAB NBC VLSC ABQOAC %WBWATABC `LBYBKABC YAB aNOABC XR `NUBZNUNP]N YAKLO MAU TAUBVB HNHABLSP]AB VRO YAUWBAO LS HUQXAPBO NO LBC LSY QZNKR]RPAO LB `NUB`AVRPAOVNC #(NTLXNO ]SPBAPVRUBLO Na LS ZAMNBO LSY NTLSPBO NaLSPBAO LB VR PYROR KAVUNSLOVNC
##!or o! those beasts $hose blood is brought !or sin into the holy la#es through the #hie! riest ++ o! these the bodies are burned $ithout the #a" ) #,Where!ore, also 5esus ++ that he "ight san#ti!y through IhisI o$n blood the eo le ++ $ithout the gate did su!!er, #-no$, then, "ay $e go !orth unto hi" $ithout the #a" , his re roa#h bearing, #.!or $e have not here an abiding #ity, but the #o"ing one $e see', #'through hi", then, $e "ay o!!er u a sa#ri!i#e o! raise al$ays to &od, that is, the !ruit o! li s, giving than's to His na"e, #/and o! doing good, and o! !ello$shi , be not !orget!ul, !or $ith su#h sa#ri!i#es &od is $ell+ leased) #0Be obedient to those leading you, and be sub-e#t, !or these do $at#h !or your souls, as about to give a##ount, that $ith -oy they "ay do this, and not sighing, !or this IisI un ro!itable to you) #$Pray !or us, !or $e trust that $e have a good #ons#ien#e, in all things $illing to behave $ell, #%and "ore abundantly do 0 #all u on IyouI to do this, that "ore ?ui#'ly 0 "ay be restored to you) ##QO MAU NBPZNUNVAB \QQO VL ABXA `NUB AXAUVBAC NBC VA AMBA WBA VLS AUTBNUNQC VLSVQO VA PQXAVA YAVAYABNVAB NaQ VRC `AUNXHLKRC #,WBL YAB BRPLSC BOA AMBAPR WBA VLS BWBLS ABXAVLC VLO KALO NaQ VRC `SKRC N`A]NO #-VLBOSO NaNUTQXN]A `ULC ASVLO NaQ VRC `AUNXHLKRC VLO LONBWBPXLO ASVLS ZNULOVNC #.LS MAU NTLXNO QWN XNOLSPAO `LKBO AKKA VRO XNKKLSPAO N`B\RVLSXNO #'WB ASVLS LSO AOAZNUQXNO ]SPBAO ABONPNQC WBA`AOVLC VQ ]NQ VLSVNPVBO YAU`LO TNBKNQO LXLKLMLSOVQO VQ LOLXAVB ASVLS #/VRC WN NS`LBBAC YAB YLBOQOBAC XR N`BKAO]AONP]N VLBASVABC MAU ]SPBABC NSAUNPVNBVAB L ]NLC #0`NB]NP]N VLBC RMLSXNOLBC SXQO YAB S`NBYNVN ASVLB MAU AMUS`OLSPBO S`NU VQO cSTQO SXQO QC KLMLO A`LWQPLOVNC BOA XNVA TAUAC VLSVL `LBQPBO YAB XR PVNOA\LOVNC AKSPBVNKNC MAU SXBO VLSVL #$`ULPNSTNP]N `NUB RXQO `N`LB]AXNO MAU LVB YAKRO PSONBWRPBO NTLXNO NO `APBO YAKQC ]NKLOVNC AOAPVUNZNP]AB #%`NUBPPLVNUQC WN `AUAYAKQ VLSVL `LBRPAB BOA VATBLO A`LYAVAPVA]Q SXBO
,(.nd the &od o! the ea#e, $ho did bring u out o! the dead the great she herd o! the shee ++ in the blood o! an age+during #ovenant ++ our Lord 5esus, ,#"a'e you er!e#t in every good $or' to do His $ill, doing in you that $hi#h is $ell+ leasing be!ore Hi", through 5esus Dhrist, to $ho" IisI the glory ++ to the ages o! the agesd ."en) ,,.nd 0 entreat you, brethren, su!!er the $ord o! the e(hortation, !or also through !e$ $ords 0 have $ritten to you) ,-Kno$ ye that the brother Ti"otheus is released, $ith $ho", i! he "ay #o"e "ore shortly, 0 $ill see you) ,.Salute all those leading you, and all the saints, salute you doth those !ro" 0talyF ,'the gra#e IisI $ith you alld ."en) ,(L WN ]NLC VRC NBURORC L AOAMAMQO NY ONYUQO VLO `LBXNOA VQO `ULHAVQO VLO XNMAO NO ABXAVB WBA]RYRC ABQOBLS VLO YSUBLO RXQO BRPLSO ,#YAVAUVBPAB SXAC NO `AOVB NUMQ AMA]Q NBC VL `LBRPAB VL ]NKRXA ASVLS `LBQO NO SXBO VL NSAUNPVLO NOQ`BLO ASVLS WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS Q R WLaA NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO AXRO ,,`AUAYAKQ WN SXAC AWNKZLB AONTNP]N VLS KLMLS VRC `AUAYKRPNQC YAB MAU WBA HUATNQO N`NPVNBKA SXBO ,-MBOQPYNVN VLO AWNKZLO VBXL]NLO A`LKNKSXNOLO XN] LS NAO VATBLO NUTRVAB LcLXAB SXAC ,.AP`APAP]N `AOVAC VLSC RMLSXNOLSC SXQO YAB `AOVAC VLSC AMBLSC AP`A\LOVAB SXAC LB A`L VRC BVAKBAC ,'R TAUBC XNVA `AOVQO SXQO AXRO e`ULC NHUABLSC NMUAZR A`L VRC BVAKBAC WBA VBXL]NLSf
+hapter #
#5a"es, o! &od and o! the Lord 5esus Dhrist a servant, to the T$elve Tribes $ho are in the dis ersionF Haild ,.ll -oy #ount IitI, "y brethren, $hen ye "ay !all into te" tations "ani!old, -'no$ing that the roo! o! your !aith doth $or' enduran#e, .and let the enduran#e have a er!e#t $or', that ye "ay be er!e#t and entire ++ in nothing la#'ing, 'and i! any o! you do la#' $isdo", let hi" as' !ro" &od, $ho is giving to all liberally, and not re roa#hing, and it shall be given to hi", /and let hi" as' in !aith, nothing doubting, !or he $ho is doubting hath been li'e a $ave o! the sea, driven by $ind and tossed, 0!or let not that "an su ose that he shall re#eive anything !ro" the Lord ++ $a t$o+souled "an IisI unstable in all his $ays) %.nd let the brother $ho is lo$ re-oi#e in his e(altation, #(and the ri#h in his be#o"ing lo$, be#ause as a !lo$er o! grass he shall ass a$ay, #BAYQHLC ]NLS YAB YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS WLSKLC VABC WQWNYA ZSKABC VABC NO VR WBAP`LUA TABUNBO ,`APAO TAUAO RMRPAP]N AWNKZLB XLS LVAO `NBUAPXLBC `NUB`NPRVN `LBYBKLBC -MBOQPYLOVNC LVB VL WLYBXBLO SXQO VRC `BPVNQC YAVNUMA\NVAB S`LXLORO .R WN S`LXLOR NUMLO VNKNBLO NTNVQ BOA RVN VNKNBLB YAB LKLYKRULB NO XRWNOB KNB`LXNOLB 'NB WN VBC SXQO KNB`NVAB PLZBAC ABVNBVQ `AUA VLS WBWLOVLC ]NLS `APBO A`KQC YAB XR LONBWB\LOVLC YAB WL]RPNVAB ASVQ /ABVNBVQ WN NO `BPVNB XRWNO WBAYUBOLXNOLC L MAU WBAYUBOLXNOLC NLBYNO YKSWQOB ]AKAPPRC AONXB\LXNOQ YAB UB`B\LXNOQ 0XR MAU LBNP]Q L AO]UQ`LC NYNBOLC LVB KRcNVAB VB `AUA VLS YSUBLS $AORU WBcSTLC AYAVAPVAVLC NO `APABC VABC LWLBC ASVLS %YASTAP]Q WN L AWNKZLC L VA`NBOLC NO VQ ScNB ASVLS #(L WN `KLSPBLC NO VR VA`NBOQPNB ASVLS LVB QC AO]LC TLUVLS `AUNKNSPNVAB
##!or the sun did rise $ith the burning heat, and did $ither the grass, and the !lo$er o! it !ell, and the gra#e o! its a earan#e did erish, so also the ri#h in his $ay shall !ade a$ayd ##AONVNBKNO MAU L RKBLC PSO VQ YASPQOB YAB NaRUAONO VLO TLUVLO YAB VL AO]LC ASVLS NaN`NPNO YAB R NS`UN`NBA VLS `ULPQ`LS ASVLS A`QKNVL LSVQC YAB L `KLSPBLC NO VABC `LUNBABC ASVLS XAUAO]RPNVAB #,Ha y the "an $ho doth endure #,XAYAUBLC AORU LC S`LXNONB te" tation, be#ause, be#o"ing `NBUAPXLO LVB WLYBXLC MNOLXNOLC a roved, he shall re#eive the #ro$n KRcNVAB VLO PVNZAOLO VRC \QRC LO o! the li!e, $hi#h the Lord did ro"ise N`RMMNBKAVL L YSUBLC VLBC AMA`QPBO to those loving Hi") ASVLO #-Let no one say, being te" ted ++ #-XRWNBC `NBUA\LXNOLC KNMNVQ LVB A`L IFro" &od 0 a" te" ted,I !or &od is VLS ]NLS `NBUA\LXAB L MAU ]NLC not te" ted o! evil, and Hi"sel! doth A`NBUAPVLC NPVBO YAYQO `NBUA\NB WN te" t no one, ASVLC LSWNOA #.and ea#h one is te" ted, by his o$n #.NYAPVLC WN `NBUA\NVAB S`L VRC BWBAC desires being led a$ay and enti#ed, N`B]SXBAC NaNKYLXNOLC YAB WNKNA\LXNOLC #'a!ter$ard the desire having #'NBVA R N`B]SXBA PSKKAHLSPA VBYVNB #on#eived, doth give birth to sin, and AXAUVBAO R WN AXAUVBA A`LVNKNP]NBPA the sin having been er!e#ted, doth A`LYSNB ]AOAVLO bring !orth death) #/Be not led astray, "y brethren #/XR `KAOAP]N AWNKZLB XLS AMA`RVLB beloved, #0every good giving, and every #0`APA WLPBC AMA]R YAB `AO WQURXA er!e#t gi!t is !ro" above, #o"ing VNKNBLO AOQ]NO NPVBO YAVAHABOLO A`L do$n !ro" the Father o! the lights, VLS `AVULC VQO ZQVQO `AU Q LSY NOB $ith $ho" is no variation, or shado$ `AUAKKAMR R VUL`RC A`LPYBAPXA o! turning, #$having #ounselled, He did beget us #$HLSKR]NBC A`NYSRPNO RXAC KLMQ $ith a $ord o! truth, !or our being a AKR]NBAC NBC VL NBOAB RXAC A`AUTRO #ertain !irst+!ruit o! His #reatures) VBOA VQO ASVLS YVBPXAVQO
#%So then, "y brethren beloved, let every "an be s$i!t to hear, slo$ to s ea', slo$ to anger, ,(!or the $rath o! a "an the righteousness o! &od doth not $or', ,#$here!ore having ut aside all !ilthiness and su erabundan#e o! evil, in "ee'ness be re#eiving the engra!ted $ord, that is able to save your souls, ,,and be#o"e ye doers o! the $ord, and not hearers only, de#eiving yourselves, ,-be#ause, i! any one is a hearer o! the $ord and not a doer, this one hath been li'e to a "an vie$ing his natural !a#e in a "irror, ,.!or he did vie$ hi"sel!, and hath gone a$ay, and i""ediately he did !orget o! $hat 'ind he $as, ,'and he $ho did loo' into the er!e#t la$ ++ that o! liberty, and did #ontinue there, this one ++ not a !orget!ul hearer be#o"ing, but a doer o! $or' ++ this one shall be ha y in his doing) ,/0! any one doth thin' to be religious a"ong you, not bridling his tongue, but de#eiving his heart, o! this one vain IisI the religion, ,0religion ure and unde!iled $ith the &od and Father is this, to loo' a!ter or hans and $ido$s in their tribulation ++ uns otted to 'ee hi"sel! !ro" the $orld) #%QPVN AWNKZLB XLS AMA`RVLB NPVQ `AC AO]UQ`LC VATSC NBC VL AYLSPAB HUAWSC NBC VL KAKRPAB HUAWSC NBC LUMRO ,(LUMR MAU AOWULC WBYABLPSORO ]NLS LS YAVNUMA\NVAB ,#WBL A`L]NXNOLB `APAO US`AUBAO YAB `NUBPPNBAO YAYBAC NO `UASVRVB WNaAP]N VLO NXZSVLO KLMLO VLO WSOAXNOLO PQPAB VAC cSTAC SXQO ,,MBONP]N WN `LBRVAB KLMLS YAB XR XLOLO AYULAVAB `AUAKLMB\LXNOLB NASVLSC ,-LVB NB VBC AYULAVRC KLMLS NPVBO YAB LS `LBRVRC LSVLC NLBYNO AOWUB YAVAOLLSOVB VL `ULPQ`LO VRC MNONPNQC ASVLS NO NPL`VUQ ,.YAVNOLRPNO MAU NASVLO YAB A`NKRKS]NO YAB NS]NQC N`NKA]NVL L`LBLC RO ,'L WN `AUAYScAC NBC OLXLO VNKNBLO VLO VRC NKNS]NUBAC YAB `AUAXNBOAC LSVLC LSY AYULAVRC N`BKRPXLORC MNOLXNOLC AKKA `LBRVRC NUMLS LSVLC XAYAUBLC NO VR `LBRPNB ASVLS NPVAB ,/NB VBC WLYNB ]URPYLC NBOAB NO SXBO XR TAKBOAMQMQO MKQPPAO ASVLS AKK A`AVQO YAUWBAO ASVLS VLSVLS XAVABLC R ]URPYNBA ,0]URPYNBA YA]AUA YAB AXBAOVLC `AUA VQ ]NQ YAB `AVUB ASVR NPVBO N`BPYN`VNP]AB LUZAOLSC YAB TRUAC NO VR ]KBcNB ASVQO AP`BKLO NASVLO VRUNBO A`L VLS YLPXLS
+hapter ,
#@y brethren, hold not, in res e#t o! ersons, the !aith o! the glory o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, ,!or i! there "ay #o"e into your synagogue a "an $ith gold ring, in gay rai"ent, and there "ay #o"e in also a oor "an in vile rai"ent, -and ye "ay loo' u on hi" bearing the gay rai"ent, and "ay say to hi", IThou ++ sit thou here $ell,I and to the oor "an "ay say, IThou ++ stand thou there, or, Sit thou here under "y !ootstool,I ++ .ye did not -udge !ully in yourselves, and did be#o"e ill+reasoning -udges) 'Hear'en, "y brethren beloved, did not &od #hoose the oor o! this $orld, ri#h in !aith, and heirs o! the reign that He ro"ised to those loving Hi"b /and ye did dishonour the oor one, do not the ri#h o ress you and the"selves dra$ you to -udg"ent+ seats, 0do they not the"selves s ea' evil o! the good na"e that $as #alled u on youb $0!, indeed, royal la$ ye #o" lete, a##ording to the Writing, IThou shalt love thy neighbour as thysel!,I ++ ye do $ell, #AWNKZLB XLS XR NO `ULPQ`LKRcBABC NTNVN VRO `BPVBO VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS VRC WLaRC ,NAO MAU NBPNK]R NBC VRO PSOAMQMRO SXQO AORU TUSPLWAYVSKBLC NO NP]RVB KAX`UA NBPNK]R WN YAB `VQTLC NO US`AUA NP]RVB -YAB N`BHKNcRVN N`B VLO ZLULSOVA VRO NP]RVA VRO KAX`UAO YAB NB`RVN ASVQ PS YA]LS QWN YAKQC YAB VQ `VQTQ NB`RVN PS PVR]B NYNB R YA]LS QWN S`L VL S`L`LWBLO XLS .YAB LS WBNYUB]RVN NO NASVLBC YAB NMNONP]N YUBVAB WBAKLMBPXQO `LORUQO 'AYLSPAVN AWNKZLB XLS AMA`RVLB LST L ]NLC NaNKNaAVL VLSC `VQTLSC VLS YLPXLS VLSVLS `KLSPBLSC NO `BPVNB YAB YKRULOLXLSC VRC HAPBKNBAC RC N`RMMNBKAVL VLBC AMA`QPBO ASVLO /SXNBC WN RVBXAPAVN VLO `VQTLO LST LB `KLSPBLB YAVAWSOAPVNSLSPBO SXQO YAB ASVLB NKYLSPBO SXAC NBC YUBVRUBA 0LSY ASVLB HKAPZRXLSPBO VL YAKLO LOLXA VL N`BYKR]NO NZ SXAC $NB XNOVLB OLXLO VNKNBVN HAPBKBYLO YAVA VRO MUAZRO AMA`RPNBC VLO `KRPBLO PLS QC PNASVLO YAKQC `LBNBVN
%and i! ye a##e t ersons, sin ye do $or', being #onvi#ted by the la$ as transgressors, #(!or $hoever the $hole la$ shall 'ee , and shall stu"ble in one I ointI, he hath be#o"e guilty o! all, ##!or He $ho is saying, IThou "ayest not #o""it adultery,I said also, IThou "ayest do no "urder,I and i! thou shalt not #o""it adultery, and shalt #o""it "urder, thou hast be#o"e a transgressor o! la$, #,so s ea' ye and so do, as about by a la$ o! liberty to be -udged, #-!or the -udg"ent $ithout 'indness IisI to hi" not having done 'indness, and e(ult doth 'indness over -udg"ent) #.What IisI the ro!it, "y brethren, i! !aith, any one "ay s ea' o! having, and $or's he "ay not haveb is that !aith able to save hi"b #'and i! a brother or sister "ay be na'ed, and "ay be destitute o! the daily !ood, #/and any one o! you "ay say to the", IDe art ye in ea#e, be $ar"ed, and be !illed,I and "ay not give to the" the things need!ul !or the body, $hat IisI the ro!itb #0so also the !aith, i! it "ay not have $or's, is dead by itsel!) %NB WN `ULPQ`LKR`VNBVN AXAUVBAO NUMA\NP]N NKNMTLXNOLB S`L VLS OLXLS QC `AUAHAVAB #(LPVBC MAU LKLO VLO OLXLO VRURPNB `VABPNB WN NO NOB MNMLONO `AOVQO NOLTLC ##L MAU NB`QO XR XLBTNSPRC NB`NO YAB XR ZLONSPRC NB WN LS XLBTNSPNBC ZLONSPNBC WN MNMLOAC `AUAHAVRC OLXLS
#$But say "ay so"e one, Thou hast !aith, and 0 have $or's, she$ "e thy !aith out o! thy $or's, and 0 $ill she$ thee out o! "y $or's "y !aithF #%thou ++ thou dost believe that &od is one, thou dost $ell, and the de"ons believe, and they shudderd ,(.nd dost thou $ish to 'no$, O vain "an, that the !aith a art !ro" the $or's is deadb ,#.braha" our !ather ++ $as not he de#lared righteous out o! $or's, having brought u 0saa# his son u on the altarb ,,dost thou see that the !aith $as $or'ing $ith his $or's, and out o! the $or's the !aith $as er!e#tedb ,-and !ul!illed $as the Writing that is saying, I.nd .braha" did believe &od, and it $as re#'oned to hi" ++ to righteousness,I and, IFriend o! &odI he $as #alled) ,.4e see, then, that out o! $or's is "an de#lared righteous, and not out o! !aith only, ,'and in li'e "anner also Rahab the harlot ++ $as she not out o! $or's de#lared righteous, having re#eived the "essengers, and by another $ay having sent !orthb ,/!or as the body a art !ro" the s irit is dead, so also the !aith a art !ro" the $or's is dead) #$AKK NUNB VBC PS `BPVBO NTNBC YAMQ NUMA NTQ WNBaLO XLB VRO `BPVBO PLS NY VQO NUMQO PLS YAMQ WNBaQ PLB NY VQO NUMQO XLS VRO `BPVBO XLS #%PS `BPVNSNBC LVB L ]NLC NBC NPVBO YAKQC `LBNBC YAB VA WABXLOBA `BPVNSLSPBO YAB ZUBPPLSPBO ,(]NKNBC WN MOQOAB Q AO]UQ`N YNON LVB R `BPVBC TQUBC VQO NUMQO ONYUA NPVBO ,#AHUAAX L `AVRU RXQO LSY Na NUMQO NWBYABQ]R AONONMYAC BPAAY VLO SBLO ASVLS N`B VL ]SPBAPVRUBLO ,,HKN`NBC LVB R `BPVBC PSORUMNB VLBC NUMLBC ASVLS YAB NY VQO NUMQO R `BPVBC NVNKNBQ]R ,-YAB N`KRUQ]R R MUAZR R KNMLSPA N`BPVNSPNO WN AHUAAX VQ ]NQ YAB NKLMBP]R ASVQ NBC WBYABLPSORO YAB ZBKLC ]NLS NYKR]R ,.LUAVN VLBOSO LVB Na NUMQO WBYABLSVAB AO]UQ`LC YAB LSY NY `BPVNQC XLOLO ,'LXLBQC WN YAB UAAH R `LUOR LSY Na NUMQO NWBYABQ]R S`LWNaAXNOR VLSC AMMNKLSC YAB NVNUA LWQ NYHAKLSPA ,/QP`NU MAU VL PQXA TQUBC `ONSXAVLC ONYULO NPVBO LSVQC YAB R `BPVBC TQUBC VQO NUMQO ONYUA NPVBO
+hapter 68>
#@any tea#hers be#o"e not, "y brethren, having 'no$n that greater -udg"ent $e shall re#eive, ,!or $e all "a'e "any stu"bles, i! any one in $ord doth not stu"ble, this one IisI a er!e#t "an, able to bridle also the $hole body, -lo, the bits $e ut into the "ouths o! the horses !or their obeying us, and their $hole body $e turn about, .lo, also the shi s, being so great, and by !ier#e $inds being driven, are led about by a very s"all hel", $hithersoever the i" ulse o! the hel"s"an doth #ounsel, 'so also the tongue is a little "e"ber, and doth boast greatly, lo, a little !ire ho$ "u#h $ood it doth 'indled /and the tongue IisI a !ire, the $orld o! the unrighteousness, so the tongue is set in our "e"bers, $hi#h is s otting our $hole body, and is setting on !ire the #ourse o! nature, and is set on !ire by the gehenna) 0For every nature, both o! beasts and o! !o$ls, both o! #ree ing things and things o! the sea, is subdued, and hath been subdued, by the hu"an nature, $and the tongue no one o! "en is able to subdue, Iit isI an unruly evil, !ull o! deadly oison, #XR `LKKLB WBWAPYAKLB MBONP]N AWNKZLB XLS NBWLVNC LVB XNB\LO YUBXA KRcLXN]A ,`LKKA MAU `VABLXNO A`AOVNC NB VBC NO KLMQ LS `VABNB LSVLC VNKNBLC AORU WSOAVLC TAKBOAMQMRPAB YAB LKLO VL PQXA -BWLS VQO B``QO VLSC TAKBOLSC NBC VA PVLXAVA HAKKLXNO `ULC VL `NB]NP]AB ASVLSC RXBO YAB LKLO VL PQXA ASVQO XNVAMLXNO .BWLS YAB VA `KLBA VRKBYASVA LOVA YAB S`L PYKRUQO AONXQO NKASOLXNOA XNVAMNVAB S`L NKATBPVLS `RWAKBLS L`LS AO R LUXR VLS NS]SOLOVLC HLSKRVAB 'LSVQC YAB R MKQPPA XBYULO XNKLC NPVBO YAB XNMAKASTNB BWLS LKBMLO `SU RKBYRO SKRO AOA`VNB /YAB R MKQPPA `SU L YLPXLC VRC AWBYBAC LSVQC R MKQPPA YA]BPVAVAB NO VLBC XNKNPBO RXQO R P`BKLSPA LKLO VL PQXA YAB ZKLMB\LSPA VLO VULTLO VRC MNONPNQC YAB ZKLMB\LXNOR S`L VRC MNNOORC 0`APA MAU ZSPBC ]RUBQO VN YAB `NVNBOQO NU`NVQO VN YAB NOAKBQO WAXA\NVAB YAB WNWAXAPVAB VR ZSPNB VR AO]UQ`BOR $VRO WN MKQPPAO LSWNBC WSOAVAB AO]UQ`QO WAXAPAB AYAVAPTNVLO YAYLO XNPVR BLS ]AOAVRZLULS
%$ith it $e do bless the &od and Father, and $ith it $e do #urse the "en "ade a##ording to the si"ilitude o! &od, #(out o! the sa"e "outh doth #o"e !orth blessing and #ursing, it doth not need, "y brethren, these things so to ha en, ##doth the !ountain out o! the sa"e o ening our !orth the s$eet and the bitterb #,is a !ig+tree able, "y brethren, olives to "a'eb or a vine !igsb so no !ountain salt and s$eet $ater Iis ableI to "a'e) #-Who IisI $ise and intelligent a"ong youb let hi" she$ out o! the good behaviour his $or's in "ee'ness o! $isdo", #.and i! bitter Eeal ye have, and rivalry in your heart, glory not, nor lie against the truth, %NO ASVR NSKLMLSXNO VLO ]NLO YAB `AVNUA YAB NO ASVR YAVAUQXN]A VLSC AO]UQ`LSC VLSC YA] LXLBQPBO ]NLS MNMLOLVAC #(NY VLS ASVLS PVLXAVLC NaNUTNVAB NSKLMBA YAB YAVAUA LS TUR AWNKZLB XLS VASVA LSVQC MBONP]AB ##XRVB R `RMR NY VRC ASVRC L`RC HUSNB VL MKSYS YAB VL `BYULO #,XR WSOAVAB AWNKZLB XLS PSYR NKABAC `LBRPAB R AX`NKLC PSYA LSVQC LSWNXBA `RMR AKSYLO YAB MKSYS `LBRPAB SWQU #-VBC PLZLC YAB N`BPVRXQO NO SXBO WNBaAVQ NY VRC YAKRC AOAPVULZRC VA NUMA ASVLS NO `UASVRVB PLZBAC
#.NB WN \RKLO `BYULO NTNVN YAB NUB]NBAO NO VR YAUWBA SXQO XR YAVAYASTAP]N YAB cNSWNP]N YAVA VRC AKR]NBAC #'this $isdo" is not des#ending !ro" #'LSY NPVBO ASVR R PLZBA AOQ]NO above, but earthly, hysi#al, de"on+ YAVNUTLXNOR AKK N`BMNBLC cSTBYR li'e, WABXLOBQWRC #/!or $here Eeal and rivalry IareI, there #/L`LS MAU \RKLC YAB NUB]NBA NYNB is insurre#tion and every evil "atter, AYAVAPVAPBA YAB `AO ZASKLO `UAMXA #0and the $isdo" !ro" above, !irst, #0R WN AOQ]NO PLZBA `UQVLO XNO AMOR indeed, is ure, then ea#eable, gentle, NPVBO N`NBVA NBUROBYR N`BNBYRC easily entreated, !ull o! 'indness and NS`NB]RC XNPVR NKNLSC YAB YAU`QO good !ruits, un#ontentious, and AMA]QO AWBAYUBVLC YAB AOS`LYUBVLC unhy o#riti#alF ++
#$and the !ruit o! the righteousness in ea#e is so$n to those "a'ing ea#e) #$YAU`LC WN VRC WBYABLPSORC NO NBUROR P`NBUNVAB VLBC `LBLSPBO NBURORO
+hapter .
#When#e IareI $ars and !ightings a"ong youb not then#e ++ out o! your assions, that are as soldiers in your "e"bersb ,ye desire, and ye have not, ye "urder, and are Eealous, and are not able to attain, ye !ight and $ar, and ye have not, be#ause o! your not as'ing, -ye as', and ye re#eive not, be#ause evilly ye as', that in your leasures ye "ay s end IitI) ..dulterers and adulteressesd have ye not 'no$n that !riendshi o! the $orld is en"ity $ith &odb $hoever, then, "ay #ounsel to be a !riend o! the $orld, an ene"y o! &od he is set) 'Do ye thin' that e" tily the Writing saith, ITo envy earnestly desireth the s irit that did d$ell in us,I /and greater gra#e he doth give, $here!ore he saith, I&od against roud ones doth set Hi"sel! u , and to lo$ly ones He doth give gra#ebI 0be sub-e#t, then, to &od, stand u against the devil, and he $ill !lee !ro" you, $dra$ nigh to &od, and He $ill dra$ nigh to you, #leanse hands, ye sinnersd and uri!y hearts, ye t$o+souledd %be e(#eeding a!!li#ted, and "ourn, and $ee , let your laughter to "ourning be turned, and the -oy to heaviness, #`L]NO `LKNXLB YAB XATAB NO SXBO LSY NOVNS]NO NY VQO RWLOQO SXQO VQO PVUAVNSLXNOQO NO VLBC XNKNPBO SXQO ,N`B]SXNBVN YAB LSY NTNVN ZLONSNVN YAB \RKLSVN YAB LS WSOAP]N N`BVSTNBO XATNP]N YAB `LKNXNBVN LSY NTNVN WN WBA VL XR ABVNBP]AB SXAC -ABVNBVN YAB LS KAXHAONVN WBLVB YAYQC ABVNBP]N BOA NO VABC RWLOABC SXQO WA`AORPRVN .XLBTLB YAB XLBTAKBWNC LSY LBWAVN LVB R ZBKBA VLS YLPXLS NT]UA VLS ]NLS NPVBO LC AO LSO HLSKR]R ZBKLC NBOAB VLS YLPXLS NT]ULC VLS ]NLS YA]BPVAVAB 'R WLYNBVN LVB YNOQC R MUAZR KNMNB `ULC Z]LOLO N`B`L]NB VL `ONSXA L YAVQYRPNO NO RXBO /XNB\LOA WN WBWQPBO TAUBO WBL KNMNB L ]NLC S`NURZAOLBC AOVBVAPPNVAB VA`NBOLBC WN WBWQPBO TAUBO 0S`LVAMRVN LSO VQ ]NQ AOVBPVRVN VQ WBAHLKQ YAB ZNSaNVAB AZ SXQO $NMMBPAVN VQ ]NQ YAB NMMBNB SXBO YA]AUBPAVN TNBUAC AXAUVQKLB YAB AMOBPAVN YAUWBAC WBcSTLB %VAKAB`QURPAVN YAB `NO]RPAVN YAB YKASPAVN L MNKQC SXQO NBC `NO]LC XNVAPVUAZRVQ YAB R TAUA NBC YAVRZNBAO
#(be "ade lo$ be!ore the Lord, and He shall e(alt you) ##S ea' not one against another, brethren, he $ho is s ea'ing against a brother, and is -udging his brother, doth s ea' against la$, and doth -udge la$, and i! la$ thou dost -udge, thou art not a doer o! la$ but a -udge, #,one is the la$giver, $ho is able to save and to destroy, thou ++ $ho art thou that dost -udge the otherb #-&o, no$, ye $ho are saying, ITo+day and to+"orro$ $e $ill go on to su#h a #ity, and $ill ass there one year, and tra!!i#, and "a'e gain,I #.$ho do not 'no$ the thing o! the "orro$, !or $hat is your li!eb !or it is a va our that is a earing !or a little, and then is vanishing, #'instead o! your saying, I0! the Lord "ay $ill, $e shall live, and do this or that,I #/and no$ ye glory in your ride, all su#h glorying is evil, #0to hi", then, 'no$ing to do good, and not doing, sin it is to hi") #(VA`NBOQ]RVN NOQ`BLO VLS YSUBLS YAB ScQPNB SXAC ##XR YAVAKAKNBVN AKKRKQO AWNKZLB L YAVAKAKQO AWNKZLS YAB YUBOQO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS YAVAKAKNB OLXLS YAB YUBONB OLXLO NB WN OLXLO YUBONBC LSY NB `LBRVRC OLXLS AKKA YUBVRC #,NBC NPVBO L OLXL]NVRC L WSOAXNOLC PQPAB YAB A`LKNPAB PS VBC NB LC YUBONBC VLO NVNULO #-AMN OSO LB KNMLOVNC PRXNULO YAB ASUBLO `LUNSPQXN]A NBC VROWN VRO `LKBO YAB `LBRPQXNO NYNB NOBASVLO NOA YAB NX`LUNSPQXN]A YAB YNUWRPQXNO #.LBVBONC LSY N`BPVAP]N VL VRC ASUBLO `LBA MAU R \QR SXQO AVXBC MAU NPVBO R `ULC LKBMLO ZABOLXNOR N`NBVA WN AZAOB\LXNOR #'AOVB VLS KNMNBO SXAC NAO L YSUBLC ]NKRPR YAB \RPQXNO YAB `LBRPQXNO VLSVL R NYNBOL #/OSO WN YASTAP]N NO VABC AKA\LONBABC SXQO `APA YASTRPBC VLBASVR `LORUA NPVBO #0NBWLVB LSO YAKLO `LBNBO YAB XR `LBLSOVB AXAUVBA ASVQ NPVBO
+hapter '
#&o, no$, ye ri#hd $ee , ho$ling over your "iseries that are #o"ing u on IyouI, ,your ri#hes have rotted, and your gar"ents have be#o"e "oth+eaten, -your gold and silver have rotted, and the rust o! the" !or a testi"ony shall be to you, and shall eat your !lesh as !ire) 4e "ade treasure in the last daysd .lo, the re$ard o! the $or'"en, o! those $ho in+gathered your !ields, $hi#h hath been !raudulently 'e t ba#' by you ++ doth #ry out, and the e(#la"ations o! those $ho did rea into the ears o! the Lord o! Sabaoth have entered, 'ye did live in lu(ury u on the earth, and $ere $anton, ye did nourish your hearts, as in a day o! slaughter, /ye did #onde"n ++ ye did "urder the righteous one, he doth not resist you) 0Be atient, then, brethren, till the resen#e o! the Lord, lo, the husband"an doth e( e#t the re#ious !ruit o! the earth, being atient !or it, till he "ay re#eive rain ++ early and latter, $be atient, ye also, establish your hearts, be#ause the resen#e o! the Lord hath dra$n nigh, #AMN OSO LB `KLSPBLB YKASPAVN LKLKS\LOVNC N`B VABC VAKAB`QUBABC SXQO VABC N`NUTLXNOABC ,L `KLSVLC SXQO PNPR`NO YAB VA BXAVBA SXQO PRVLHUQVA MNMLONO -L TUSPLC SXQO YAB L AUMSULC YAVBQVAB YAB L BLC ASVQO NBC XAUVSUBLO SXBO NPVAB YAB ZAMNVAB VAC PAUYAC SXQO QC `SU N]RPASUBPAVN NO NPTAVABC RXNUABC .BWLS L XBP]LC VQO NUMAVQO VQO AXRPAOVQO VAC TQUAC SXQO L A`NPVNURXNOLC AZ SXQO YUA\NB YAB AB HLAB VQO ]NUBPAOVQO NBC VA QVA YSUBLS PAHAQ] NBPNKRKS]APBO 'NVUSZRPAVN N`B VRC MRC YAB NP`AVAKRPAVN N]UNcAVN VAC YAUWBAC SXQO QC NO RXNUA PZAMRC /YAVNWBYAPAVN NZLONSPAVN VLO WBYABLO LSY AOVBVAPPNVAB SXBO 0XAYUL]SXRPAVN LSO AWNKZLB NQC VRC `AULSPBAC VLS YSUBLS BWLS L MNQUMLC NYWNTNVAB VLO VBXBLO YAU`LO VRC MRC XAYUL]SXQO N` ASVQ NQC AO KAHR SNVLO `UQBXLO YAB LcBXLO $XAYUL]SXRPAVN YAB SXNBC PVRUBaAVN VAC YAUWBAC SXQO LVB R `AULSPBA VLS YSUBLS RMMBYNO
%"ur"ur not against one another, brethren, that ye "ay not be #onde"ned, lo, the 5udge be!ore the door hath stood) #(.n e(a" le ta'e ye o! the su!!ering o! evil, "y brethren, and o! the atien#e, the ro hets $ho did s ea' in the na"e o! the Lord, ##lo, $e #all ha y those $ho are enduring, the enduran#e o! 5ob ye heard o!, and the end o! the Lord ye have seen, that very #o" assionate is the Lord, and itying) #,.nd be!ore all things, "y brethren, do not s$ear, neither by the heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath, and let your 4es be 4es, and the /o, /o, that under -udg"ent ye "ay not !all) #-Doth any one su!!er evil a"ong youb let hi" ray, is any o! good #heerb let hi" sing sal"s, #.is any in!ir" a"ong youb let hi" #all !or the elders o! the asse"bly, and let the" ray over hi", having anointed hi" $ith oil, in the na"e o! the Lord, #'and the rayer o! the !aith shall save the distressed one, and the Lord shall raise hi" u , and i! sins he "ay have #o""itted, they shall be !orgiven to hi") %XR PVNOA\NVN YAV AKKRKQO AWNKZLB BOA XR YAVAYUB]RVN BWLS YUBVRC `UL VQO ]SUQO NPVRYNO #(S`LWNBMXA KAHNVN VRC YAYL`A]NBAC AWNKZLB XLS YAB VRC XAYUL]SXBAC VLSC `ULZRVAC LB NKAKRPAO VQ LOLXAVB YSUBLS ##BWLS XAYAUB\LXNO VLSC S`LXNOLOVAC VRO S`LXLORO BQH RYLSPAVN YAB VL VNKLC YSUBLS NBWNVN LVB `LKSP`KAMTOLC NPVBO L YSUBLC YAB LBYVBUXQO #,`UL `AOVQO WN AWNKZLB XLS XR LXOSNVN XRVN VLO LSUAOLO XRVN VRO MRO XRVN AKKLO VBOA LUYLO RVQ WN SXQO VL OAB OAB YAB VL LS LS BOA XR NBC S`LYUBPBO `NPRVN #-YAYL`A]NB VBC NO SXBO `ULPNSTNP]Q NS]SXNB VBC cAKKNVQ #.AP]NONB VBC NO SXBO `ULPYAKNPAP]Q VLSC `UNPHSVNULSC VRC NYYKRPBAC YAB `ULPNSaAP]QPAO N` ASVLO AKNBcAOVNC ASVLO NKABQ NO VQ LOLXAVB VLS YSUBLS #'YAB R NSTR VRC `BPVNQC PQPNB VLO YAXOLOVA YAB NMNUNB ASVLO L YSUBLC YAO AXAUVBAC R `N`LBRYQC AZN]RPNVAB ASVQ
#/Be #on!essing to one another the tres asses, and be raying !or one another, that ye "ay be healed, very strong is a $or'ing su li#ation o! a righteous "an, #0Eli-ah $as a "an li'e a!!e#ted as $e, and $ith rayer he did ray ++ not to rain, and it did not rain u on the land three years and si( "onths, #$and again he did ray, and the heaven did give rain, and the land did bring !orth her !ruit) #%Brethren, i! any a"ong you "ay go astray !ro" the truth, and any one "ay turn hi" ba#', ,(let hi" 'no$ that he $ho did turn ba#' a sinner !ro" the straying o! his $ay shall save a soul !ro" death, and shall #over a "ultitude o! sins) #/NaLXLKLMNBP]N AKKRKLBC VA `AUA`VQXAVA YAB NSTNP]N S`NU AKKRKQO L`QC BA]RVN `LKS BPTSNB WNRPBC WBYABLS NONUMLSXNOR #0RKBAC AO]UQ`LC RO LXLBL`A]RC RXBO YAB `ULPNSTR `ULPRSaAVL VLS XR HUNaAB YAB LSY NHUNaNO N`B VRC MRC NOBASVLSC VUNBC YAB XROAC Na #$YAB `AKBO `ULPRSaAVL YAB L LSUAOLC SNVLO NWQYNO YAB R MR NHKAPVRPNO VLO YAU`LO ASVRC #%AWNKZLB NAO VBC NO SXBO `KAOR]R A`L VRC AKR]NBAC YAB N`BPVUNcR VBC ASVLO ,(MBOQPYNVQ LVB L N`BPVUNcAC AXAUVQKLO NY `KAORC LWLS ASVLS PQPNB cSTRO NY ]AOAVLS YAB YAKScNB `KR]LC AXAUVBQO
#st Peter
+hapter #
#Peter, an a ostle o! 5esus Dhrist, to the #hoi#e so-ourners o! the dis ersion o! Pontus, &alatia, Da ado#ia, .sia, and Bithynia, ,a##ording to a !ore'no$ledge o! &od the Father, in san#ti!i#ation o! the S irit, to obedien#e and s rin'ling o! the blood o! 5esus DhristF &ra#e to you and ea#e be "ulti liedd -Blessed IisI the &od and Father o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, $ho, a##ording to the abundan#e o! His 'indness did beget us again to a living ho e, through the rising again o! 5esus Dhrist out o! the dead, .to an inheritan#e in#orru tible, and unde!iled, and un!ading, reserved in the heavens !or you, '$ho, in the o$er o! &od are being guarded, through !aith, unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last ti"e, /in $hi#h ye are glad, a little no$, i! it be ne#essary, being "ade to sorro$ in "ani!old trials, #`NVULC A`LPVLKLC BRPLS TUBPVLS NYKNYVLBC `AUN`BWRXLBC WBAP`LUAC `LOVLS MAKAVBAC YA``AWLYBAC APBAC YAB HB]SOBAC ,YAVA `ULMOQPBO ]NLS `AVULC NO AMBAPXQ `ONSXAVLC NBC S`AYLRO YAB UAOVBPXLO ABXAVLC BRPLS TUBPVLS TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR `KR]SO]NBR -NSKLMRVLC L ]NLC YAB `AVRU VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS L YAVA VL `LKS ASVLS NKNLC AOAMNOORPAC RXAC NBC NK`BWA \QPAO WB AOAPVAPNQC BRPLS TUBPVLS NY ONYUQO .NBC YKRULOLXBAO AZ]AUVLO YAB AXBAOVLO YAB AXAUAOVLO VNVRURXNORO NO LSUAOLBC NBC RXAC 'VLSC NO WSOAXNB ]NLS ZULSULSXNOLSC WBA `BPVNQC NBC PQVRUBAO NVLBXRO A`LYAKSZ]ROAB NO YABUQ NPTAVQ /NO Q AMAKKBAP]N LKBMLO AUVB NB WNLO NPVBO KS`R]NOVNC NO `LBYBKLBC `NBUAPXLBC
1 Peter
0that the roo! o! your !aith ++ "u#h "ore re#ious than o! gold that is erishing, and through !ire being a roved ++ "ay be !ound to raise, and honour, and glory, in the revelation o! 5esus Dhrist, $$ho", not having seen, ye love, in $ho", no$ not seeing and believing, ye are glad $ith -oy uns ea'able and glori!ied, %re#eiving the end o! your !aith ++ salvation o! souls, #(#on#erning $hi#h salvation see' out and sear#h out did ro hets $ho #on#erning the gra#e to$ard you did ro he#y, ##sear#hing in regard to $hat or $hat "anner o! ti"e the S irit o! Dhrist that $as in the" $as "ani!esting, testi!ying be!orehand the su!!erings o! Dhrist and the glory a!ter these, #,to $ho" it $as revealed, that not to the"selves, but to us they $ere "inistering these, $hi#h no$ $ere told to you 7through those $ho did ro#lai" good ne$s to you,< in the Holy S irit sent !ro" heaven, to $hi#h things "essengers do desire to bend loo'ing) #-Where!ore having girded u the loins o! your "ind, being sober, ho e er!e#tly u on the gra#e that is being brought to you in the revelation o! 5esus Dhrist, 0BOA VL WLYBXBLO SXQO VRC `BPVNQC `LKS VBXBQVNULO TUSPBLS VLS A`LKKSXNOLS WBA `SULC WN WLYBXA\LXNOLS NSUN]R NBC N`ABOLO YAB VBXRO YAB WLaAO NO A`LYAKScNB BRPLS TUBPVLS $LO LSY NBWLVNC AMA`AVN NBC LO AUVB XR LUQOVNC `BPVNSLOVNC WN AMAKKBAP]N TAUA AONYKAKRVQ YAB WNWLaAPXNOR %YLXB\LXNOLB VL VNKLC VRC `BPVNQC SXQO PQVRUBAO cSTQO #(`NUB RC PQVRUBAC NaN\RVRPAO YAB NaRUNSORPAO `ULZRVAB LB `NUB VRC NBC SXAC TAUBVLC `ULZRVNSPAOVNC ##NUNSOQOVNC NBC VBOA R `LBLO YABULO NWRKLS VL NO ASVLBC `ONSXA TUBPVLS `ULXAUVSULXNOLO VA NBC TUBPVLO `A]RXAVA YAB VAC XNVA VASVA WLaAC #,LBC A`NYAKSZ]R LVB LST NASVLBC RXBO WN WBRYLOLSO ASVA A OSO AORMMNKR SXBO WBA VQO NSAMMNKBPAXNOQO SXAC NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ A`LPVAKNOVB A` LSUAOLS NBC A N`B]SXLSPBO AMMNKLB `AUAYScAB #-WBL AOA\QPAXNOLB VAC LPZSAC VRC WBAOLBAC SXQO ORZLOVNC VNKNBQC NK`BPAVN N`B VRO ZNULXNORO SXBO TAUBO NO A`LYAKScNB BRPLS TUBPVLS
1 Peter
#.as obedient #hildren, not !ashioning yourselves to the !or"er desires in your ignoran#e, #'but a##ording as He $ho did #all you IisI holy, ye also, be#o"e holy in all behaviour, #/be#ause it hath been $ritten, IBe#o"e ye holy, be#ause 0 a" holy,I #0and i! on the Father ye do #all, $ho $ithout a##e tan#e o! ersons is -udging a##ording to the $or' o! ea#h, in !ear the ti"e o! your so-ourn ass ye, #$having 'no$n that, not $ith #orru tible things ++ silver or gold ++ $ere ye redee"ed !ro" your !oolish behaviour delivered by !athers, #%but $ith re#ious blood, as o! a la"b unble"ished and uns otted ++ DhristIs ++ ,(!ore'no$n, indeed, be!ore the !oundation o! the $orld, and "ani!ested in the last ti"es be#ause o! you, ,#$ho through hi" do believe in &od, $ho did raise out o! the dead, and glory to hi" did give, so that your !aith and ho e "ay be in &od) ,,4our souls having uri!ied in the obedien#e o! the truth through the S irit to brotherly love un!eigned, out o! a ure heart one another love ye earnestly, #.QC VNYOA S`AYLRC XR PSPTRXAVB\LXNOLB VABC `ULVNULO NO VR AMOLBA SXQO N`B]SXBABC #'AKKA YAVA VLO YAKNPAOVA SXAC AMBLO YAB ASVLB AMBLB NO `APR AOAPVULZR MNOR]RVN #/WBLVB MNMUA`VAB AMBLB MNONP]N LVB NMQ AMBLC NBXB #0YAB NB `AVNUA N`BYAKNBP]N VLO A`ULPQ`LKR`VQC YUBOLOVA YAVA VL NYAPVLS NUMLO NO ZLHQ VLO VRC `AULBYBAC SXQO TULOLO AOAPVUAZRVN #$NBWLVNC LVB LS Z]AUVLBC AUMSUBQ R TUSPBQ NKSVUQ]RVN NY VRC XAVABAC SXQO AOAPVULZRC `AVUL`AUAWLVLS #%AKKA VBXBQ ABXAVB QC AXOLS AXQXLS YAB AP`BKLS TUBPVLS ,(`ULNMOQPXNOLS XNO `UL YAVAHLKRC YLPXLS ZAONUQ]NOVLC WN N` NPTAVQO VQO TULOQO WB SXAC ,#VLSC WB ASVLS `BPVNSLOVAC NBC ]NLO VLO NMNBUAOVA ASVLO NY ONYUQO YAB WLaAO ASVQ WLOVA QPVN VRO `BPVBO SXQO YAB NK`BWA NBOAB NBC ]NLO ,,VAC cSTAC SXQO RMOBYLVNC NO VR S`AYLR VRC AKR]NBAC WBA `ONSXAVLC NBC ZBKAWNKZBAO AOS`LYUBVLO NY YA]AUAC YAUWBAC AKKRKLSC AMA`RPAVN NYVNOQC
1 Peter
,-being begotten again, not out o! seed #orru tible, but in#orru tible, through a $ord o! &od ++ living and re"aining ++ to the age, ,.be#ause all !lesh IisI as grass, and all glory o! "an as !lo$er o! grass, $ither did the grass, and the !lo$er o! it !ell a$ay, ,'and the saying o! the Lord doth re"ain ++ to the age, and this is the saying that $as ro#lai"ed good ne$s to you) ,-AOAMNMNOORXNOLB LSY NY P`LUAC Z]AUVRC AKKA AZ]AUVLS WBA KLMLS \QOVLC ]NLS YAB XNOLOVLC NBC VLO ABQOA ,.WBLVB `APA PAUa QC TLUVLC YAB `APA WLaA AO]UQ`LS QC AO]LC TLUVLS NaRUAO]R L TLUVLC YAB VL AO]LC ASVLS NaN`NPNO ,'VL WN URXA YSUBLS XNONB NBC VLO ABQOA VLSVL WN NPVBO VL URXA VL NSAMMNKBP]NO NBC SXAC
1 Peter
+hapter ,
#Having ut aside, then, all evil, and all guile, and hy o#risies, and envyings, and all evil s ea'ings, ,as ne$+born babes the $ordIs ure "il' desire ye, that in it ye "ay gro$, #A`L]NXNOLB LSO `APAO YAYBAO YAB `AOVA WLKLO YAB S`LYUBPNBC YAB Z]LOLSC YAB `APAC YAVAKAKBAC ,QC AUVBMNOORVA HUNZR VL KLMBYLO AWLKLO MAKA N`B`L]RPAVN BOA NO ASVQ ASaR]RVN -i! so be ye did taste that the Lord IisI -NB`NU NMNSPAP]N LVB TURPVLC L gra#ious, YSUBLC .to $ho" #o"ing ++ a living stone ++ .`ULC LO `ULPNUTLXNOLB KB]LO \QOVA by "en, indeed, having been S`L AO]UQ`QO XNO disa roved o!, but $ith &od #hoi#e, A`LWNWLYBXAPXNOLO `AUA WN ]NQ re#ious, NYKNYVLO NOVBXLO 'and ye yourselves, as living stones, 'YAB ASVLB QC KB]LB \QOVNC are built u , a s iritual house, a holy LBYLWLXNBP]N LBYLC `ONSXAVBYLC riesthood, to o!!er u s iritual BNUAVNSXA AMBLO AONONMYAB sa#ri!i#es a##e table to &od through `ONSXAVBYAC ]SPBAC NS`ULPWNYVLSC VQ 5esus Dhrist) ]NQ WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS /Where!ore, also, it is #ontained in the /WBL YAB `NUBNTNB NO VR MUAZR BWLS WritingF ILo, 0 lay in [ion a #hie! VB]RXB NO PBQO KB]LO AYULMQOBABLO #orner+stone, #hoi#e, re#ious, and he NYKNYVLO NOVBXLO YAB L `BPVNSQO N` $ho is believing on hi" "ay not be ASVQ LS XR YAVABPTSO]R ut to sha"e,I 0to you, then, $ho are believing IisI the 0SXBO LSO R VBXR VLBC `BPVNSLSPBO re#iousness, and to the unbelieving, a A`NB]LSPBO WN KB]LO LO A`NWLYBXAPAO stone that the builders disa roved o!, LB LBYLWLXLSOVNC LSVLC NMNOR]R NBC this one did be#o"e !or the head o! a YNZAKRO MQOBAC #orner, $and a stone o! stu"bling and a ro#' $YAB KB]LC `ULPYLXXAVLC YAB `NVUA o! o!!en#e ++ $ho are stu"bling at the PYAOWAKLS LB `ULPYL`VLSPBO VQ KLMQ $ord, being unbelieving, ++ to $hi#h A`NB]LSOVNC NBC L YAB NVN]RPAO also they $ere set,
1 Peter
%and ye IareI a #hoi#e ra#e, a royal riesthood, a holy nation, a eo le a#?uired, that the e(#ellen#es ye "ay she$ !orth o! Hi" $ho out o! dar'ness did #all you to His $ondrous light, #($ho I$ereI on#e not a eo le, and IareI no$ the eo le o! &od, $ho had not !ound 'indness, and no$ have !ound 'indness) ##Beloved, 0 #all u on IyouI, as strangers and so-ourners, to 'ee !ro" the !leshly desires, that $ar against the soul, #,having your behaviour a"ong the nations right, that in that $hi#h they s ea' against you as evil+doers, o! the good $or's having beheld, they "ay glori!y &od in a day o! ins e#tion) #-Be sub-e#t, then, to every hu"an #reation, be#ause o! the Lord, $hether to a 'ing, as the highest, #.$hether to governors, as to those sent through hi", !or unish"ent, indeed, o! evil+doers, and a raise o! those doing good, #'be#ause, so is the $ill o! &od, doing good, to ut to silen#e the ignoran#e o! the !oolish "en, #/as !ree, and not having the !reedo" as the #loa' o! the evil, but as servants o! &od, %SXNBC WN MNOLC NYKNYVLO HAPBKNBLO BNUAVNSXA N]OLC AMBLO KALC NBC `NUB`LBRPBO L`QC VAC AUNVAC NaAMMNBKRVN VLS NY PYLVLSC SXAC YAKNPAOVLC NBC VL ]ASXAPVLO ASVLS ZQC #(LB `LVN LS KALC OSO WN KALC ]NLS LB LSY RKNRXNOLB OSO WN NKNR]NOVNC ##AMA`RVLB `AUAYAKQ QC `AULBYLSC YAB `AUN`BWRXLSC A`NTNP]AB VQO PAUYBYQO N`B]SXBQO ABVBONC PVUAVNSLOVAB YAVA VRC cSTRC #,VRO AOAPVULZRO SXQO NO VLBC N]ONPBO NTLOVNC YAKRO BOA NO Q YAVAKAKLSPBO SXQO QC YAYL`LBQO NY VQO YAKQO NUMQO N`L`VNSPAOVNC WLaAPQPBO VLO ]NLO NO RXNUA N`BPYL`RC #-S`LVAMRVN LSO `APR AO]UQ`BOR YVBPNB WBA VLO YSUBLO NBVN HAPBKNB QC S`NUNTLOVB #.NBVN RMNXLPBO QC WB ASVLS `NX`LXNOLBC NBC NYWBYRPBO XNO YAYL`LBQO N`ABOLO WN AMA]L`LBQO #'LVB LSVQC NPVBO VL ]NKRXA VLS ]NLS AMA]L`LBLSOVAC ZBXLSO VRO VQO AZULOQO AO]UQ`QO AMOQPBAO #/QC NKNS]NULB YAB XR QC N`BYAKSXXA NTLOVNC VRC YAYBAC VRO NKNS]NUBAO AKK QC WLSKLB ]NLS
1 Peter
#0to all give ye honour, the brotherhood love ye, &od !ear ye, the 'ing honour ye) #$The do"esti#sd be sub-e#ting yourselves in all !ear to the "asters, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the #ross, #%!or this IisI gra#ious, i! be#ause o! #ons#ien#e to$ard &od any one doth endure sorro$s, su!!ering unrighteously, ,(!or $hat reno$n Iis itI, i! sinning and being bu!!eted, ye do endure IitIb but i!, doing good and su!!ering I!or itI, ye do endure, this IisI gra#ious $ith &od, ,#!or to this ye $ere #alled, be#ause Dhrist also did su!!er !or you, leaving to you an e(a" le, that ye "ay !ollo$ his ste s, ,,$ho did not #o""it sin, nor $as guile !ound in his "outh, ,-$ho being reviled ++ $as not reviling again, su!!ering ++ $as not threatening, and $as #o""itting hi"sel! to Hi" $ho is -udging righteously, ,.$ho our sins hi"sel! did bear in his body, u on the tree, that to the sins having died, to the righteousness $e "ay live, by $hose stri es ye $ere healed, ,'!or ye $ere as shee going astray, but ye turned ba#' no$ to the she herd and overseer o! your souls) #0`AOVAC VBXRPAVN VRO AWNKZLVRVA AMA`AVN VLO ]NLO ZLHNBP]N VLO HAPBKNA VBXAVN #$LB LBYNVAB S`LVAPPLXNOLB NO `AOVB ZLHQ VLBC WNP`LVABC LS XLOLO VLBC AMA]LBC YAB N`BNBYNPBO AKKA YAB VLBC PYLKBLBC #%VLSVL MAU TAUBC NB WBA PSONBWRPBO ]NLS S`LZNUNB VBC KS`AC `APTQO AWBYQC ,(`LBLO MAU YKNLC NB AXAUVAOLOVNC YAB YLKAZB\LXNOLB S`LXNONBVN AKK NB AMA]L`LBLSOVNC YAB `APTLOVNC S`LXNONBVN VLSVL TAUBC `AUA ]NQ ,#NBC VLSVL MAU NYKR]RVN LVB YAB TUBPVLC N`A]NO S`NU RXQO RXBO S`LKBX`AOQO S`LMUAXXLO BOA N`AYLKLS]RPRVN VLBC BTONPBO ASVLS ,,LC AXAUVBAO LSY N`LBRPNO LSWN NSUN]R WLKLC NO VQ PVLXAVB ASVLS ,-LC KLBWLULSXNOLC LSY AOVNKLBWLUNB `APTQO LSY R`NBKNB `AUNWBWLS WN VQ YUBOLOVB WBYABQC ,.LC VAC AXAUVBAC RXQO ASVLC AORONMYNO NO VQ PQXAVB ASVLS N`B VL aSKLO BOA VABC AXAUVBABC A`LMNOLXNOLB VR WBYABLPSOR \RPQXNO LS VQ XQKQ`B ASVLS BA]RVN ,'RVN MAU QC `ULHAVA `KAOQXNOA AKK N`NPVUAZRVN OSO N`B VLO `LBXNOA YAB N`BPYL`LO VQO cSTQO SXQO
1 Peter
+hapter #0n li'e "anner, the $ives, be ye sub-e#t to your o$n husbands, that even i! #ertain are disobedient to the $ord, through the #onversation o! the $ives, $ithout the $ord, they "ay be $on, ,having beheld your ure behaviour in !ear, -$hose adorning ++ let it not be that $hi#h is out$ard, o! laiting o! hair, and o! utting around o! things o! gold, or o! utting on o! gar"ents, .but ++ the hidden "an o! the heart, in the in#orru tible thing o! the "ee' and ?uiet s irit, $hi#h is, be!ore &od, o! great ri#e, '!or thus on#e also the holy $o"en $ho did ho e on &od, $ere adorning the"selves, being sub-e#t to their o$n husbands, /as Sarah $as obedient to .braha", #alling hi" Isir,I o! $ho" ye did be#o"e daughters, doing good, and not !earing any terror) 0The husbands, in li'e "anner, d$elling $ith Ithe"I, a##ording to 'no$ledge, as to a $ea'er vessel ++ to the $i!e ++ i" arting honour, as also being heirs together o! the gra#e o! li!e, that your rayers be not hindered) $.nd !inally, being all o! one "ind, having !ello$+!eeling, loving as brethren, #o" assionate, #ourteous, #LXLBQC AB MSOABYNC S`LVAPPLXNOAB VLBC BWBLBC AOWUAPBO BOA YAB NB VBONC A`NB]LSPBO VQ KLMQ WBA VRC VQO MSOABYQO AOAPVULZRC AONS KLMLS YNUWR]RPQOVAB ,N`L`VNSPAOVNC VRO NO ZLHQ AMORO AOAPVULZRO SXQO -QO NPVQ LST L NaQ]NO NX`KLYRC VUBTQO YAB `NUB]NPNQC TUSPBQO R NOWSPNQC BXAVBQO YLPXLC .AKK L YUS`VLC VRC YAUWBAC AO]UQ`LC NO VQ AZ]AUVQ VLS `UANLC YAB RPSTBLS `ONSXAVLC L NPVBO NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS `LKSVNKNC 'LSVQC MAU `LVN YAB AB AMBAB MSOABYNC AB NK`B\LSPAB N`B VLO ]NLO NYLPXLSO NASVAC S`LVAPPLXNOAB VLBC BWBLBC AOWUAPBO /QC PAUUA S`RYLSPNO VQ AHUAAX YSUBLO ASVLO YAKLSPA RC NMNOR]RVN VNYOA AMA]L`LBLSPAB YAB XR ZLHLSXNOAB XRWNXBAO `VLRPBO 0LB AOWUNC LXLBQC PSOLBYLSOVNC YAVA MOQPBO QC AP]NONPVNUQ PYNSNB VQ MSOABYNBQ A`LONXLOVNC VBXRO QC YAB PSMYKRULOLXLB TAUBVLC \QRC NBC VL XR NYYL`VNP]AB VAC `ULPNSTAC SXQO $VL WN VNKLC `AOVNC LXLZULONC PSX`A]NBC ZBKAWNKZLB NSP`KAMTOLB ZBKLZULONC
1 Peter
%not giving ba#' evil !or evil, or railing !or railing, and on the #ontrary, blessing, having 'no$n that to this ye $ere #alled, that a blessing ye "ay inherit, #(!or Ihe $ho is $illing to love li!e, and to see good days, let hi" guard his tongue !ro" evil, and his li s ++ not to s ea' guile, ##let hi" turn aside !ro" evil, and do good, let hi" see' ea#e and ursue it, #,be#ause the eyes o! the Lord IareI u on the righteous, and His ears ++ to their su li#ation, and the !a#e o! the Lord IisI u on those doing evil,I #-and $ho IisI he $ho $ill be doing you evil, i! o! Hi" $ho is good ye "ay be#o"e i"itatorsb #.but i! ye also should su!!er be#ause o! righteousness, ha y Iare yeId and o! their !ear be not a!raid, nor be troubled, #'and the Lord &od san#ti!y in your hearts) .nd IbeI ready al$ays !or de!en#e to every one $ho is as'ing o! you an a##ount #on#erning the ho e that IisI in you, $ith "ee'ness and !ear, #/having a good #ons#ien#e, that in that in $hi#h they s ea' against you as evil+doers, they "ay be asha"ed $ho are tradu#ing your good behaviour in Dhrist, %XR A`LWBWLOVNC YAYLO AOVB YAYLS R KLBWLUBAO AOVB KLBWLUBAC VLSOAOVBLO WN NSKLMLSOVNC NBWLVNC LVB NBC VLSVL NYKR]RVN BOA NSKLMBAO YKRULOLXRPRVN #(L MAU ]NKQO \QRO AMA`AO YAB BWNBO RXNUAC AMA]AC `ASPAVQ VRO MKQPPAO ASVLS A`L YAYLS YAB TNBKR ASVLS VLS XR KAKRPAB WLKLO ##NYYKBOAVQ A`L YAYLS YAB `LBRPAVQ AMA]LO \RVRPAVQ NBURORO YAB WBQaAVQ ASVRO #,LVB LB LZ]AKXLB YSUBLS N`B WBYABLSC YAB QVA ASVLS NBC WNRPBO ASVQO `ULPQ`LO WN YSUBLS N`B `LBLSOVAC YAYA #-YAB VBC L YAYQPQO SXAC NAO VLS AMA]LS XBXRVAB MNORP]N #.AKK NB YAB `APTLBVN WBA WBYABLPSORO XAYAUBLB VLO WN ZLHLO ASVQO XR ZLHR]RVN XRWN VAUAT]RVN #'YSUBLO WN VLO ]NLO AMBAPAVN NO VABC YAUWBABC SXQO NVLBXLB WN ANB `ULC A`LKLMBAO `AOVB VQ ABVLSOVB SXAC KLMLO `NUB VRC NO SXBO NK`BWLC XNVA `UASVRVLC YAB ZLHLS #/PSONBWRPBO NTLOVNC AMA]RO BOA NO Q YAVAKAKQPBO SXQO QC YAYL`LBQO YAVABPTSO]QPBO LB N`RUNA\LOVNC SXQO VRO AMA]RO NO TUBPVQ AOAPVULZRO
1 Peter
#0!or Iit isI better doing good, i! the $ill o! &od $ill it, to su!!er, than doing evil, #$be#ause also Dhrist on#e !or sin did su!!er ++ righteous !or unrighteous ++ that he "ight lead us to &od, having been ut to death indeed, in the !lesh, and having been "ade alive in the s irit, #%in $hi#h also to the s irits in rison having gone he did rea#h, ,($ho so"eti"e disbelieved, $hen on#e the long+su!!ering o! &od did $ait, in days o! /oah ++ an ar' being re aring ++ in $hi#h !e$, that is, eight souls, $ere saved through $ater, ,#also to $hi#h an antity e doth no$ save us ++ ba tis", 7not a utting a$ay o! the !ilth o! !lesh, but the ?uestion o! a good #ons#ien#e in regard to &od,< through the rising again o! 5esus Dhrist, ,,$ho is at the right hand o! &od, having gone on to heaven ++ "essengers, and authorities, and o$ers, having been sub-e#ted to hi") #0YUNBVVLO MAU AMA]L`LBLSOVAC NB ]NKNB VL ]NKRXA VLS ]NLS `APTNBO R YAYL`LBLSOVAC #$LVB YAB TUBPVLC A`Aa `NUB AXAUVBQO N`A]NO WBYABLC S`NU AWBYQO BOA RXAC `ULPAMAMR VQ ]NQ ]AOAVQ]NBC XNO PAUYB \QL`LBR]NBC WN VQ `ONSXAVB #%NO Q YAB VLBC NO ZSKAYR `ONSXAPBO `LUNS]NBC NYRUSaNO ,(A`NB]RPAPBO `LVN LVN A`Aa NaNWNTNVL R VLS ]NLS XAYUL]SXBA NO RXNUABC OQN YAVAPYNSA\LXNORC YBHQVLS NBC RO LKBMAB VLSVNPVBO LYVQ cSTAB WBNPQ]RPAO WB SWAVLC ,#L YAB RXAC AOVBVS`LO OSO PQ\NB HA`VBPXA LS PAUYLC A`L]NPBC US`LS AKKA PSONBWRPNQC AMA]RC N`NUQVRXA NBC ]NLO WB AOAPVAPNQC BRPLS TUBPVLS ,,LC NPVBO NO WNaBA VLS ]NLS `LUNS]NBC NBC LSUAOLO S`LVAMNOVQO ASVQ AMMNKQO YAB NaLSPBQO YAB WSOAXNQO
1 Peter
+hapter .
#Dhrist, then, having su!!ered !or us in the !lesh, ye also $ith the sa"e "ind ar" yourselves, be#ause he $ho did su!!er in the !lesh hath done $ith sin, ,no "ore in the desires o! "en, but in the $ill o! &od, to live the rest o! the ti"e in the !lesh, -!or su!!i#ient to us IisI the ast ti"e o! li!e the $ill o! the nations to have $rought, having $al'ed in las#iviousnesses, desires, e(#esses o! $ines, revelings, drin'ing+bouts, and unla$!ul idolatries, .in $hi#h they thin' it strange ++ your not running $ith the" to the sa"e e(#ess o! dissoluteness, s ea'ing evil, '$ho shall give an a##ount to Hi" $ho is ready to -udge living and dead, /!or !or this also to dead "en $as good ne$s ro#lai"ed, that they "ay be -udged, indeed, a##ording to "en in the !lesh, and "ay live a##ording to &od in the s irit) 0.nd o! all things the end hath #o"e nigh, be sober+"inded, then, and $at#h unto the rayers, $and, be!ore all things, to one another having the earnest love, be#ause the love shall #over a "ultitude o! sins, %hos itable to one another, $ithout "ur"uring, #TUBPVLS LSO `A]LOVLC S`NU RXQO PAUYB YAB SXNBC VRO ASVRO NOOLBAO L`KBPAP]N LVB L `A]QO NO PAUYB `N`ASVAB AXAUVBAC ,NBC VL XRYNVB AO]UQ`QO N`B]SXBABC AKKA ]NKRXAVB ]NLS VLO N`BKLB`LO NO PAUYB HBQPAB TULOLO -AUYNVLC MAU RXBO L `AUNKRKS]QC TULOLC VLS HBLS VL ]NKRXA VQO N]OQO YAVNUMAPAP]AB `N`LUNSXNOLSC NO APNKMNBABC N`B]SXBABC LBOLZKSMBABC YQXLBC `LVLBC YAB A]NXBVLBC NBWQKLKAVUNBABC .NO Q aNOB\LOVAB XR PSOVUNTLOVQO SXQO NBC VRO ASVRO VRC APQVBAC AOATSPBO HKAPZRXLSOVNC 'LB A`LWQPLSPBO KLMLO VQ NVLBXQC NTLOVB YUBOAB \QOVAC YAB ONYULSC /NBC VLSVL MAU YAB ONYULBC NSRMMNKBP]R BOA YUB]QPBO XNO YAVA AO]UQ`LSC PAUYB \QPBO WN YAVA ]NLO `ONSXAVB 0`AOVQO WN VL VNKLC RMMBYNO PQZULORPAVN LSO YAB ORcAVN NBC VAC `ULPNSTAC $`UL `AOVQO WN VRO NBC NASVLSC AMA`RO NYVNOR NTLOVNC LVB AMA`R YAKScNB `KR]LC AXAUVBQO %ZBKLaNOLB NBC AKKRKLSC AONS MLMMSPXQO
1 Peter
#(ea#h, a##ording as he re#eived a gi!t, to one another "inistering it, as good ste$ards o! the "ani!old gra#e o! &od, ##i! any one doth s ea' ++ Ias ora#les o! &od,I i! any one doth "inister ++ Ias o! the ability $hi#h &od doth su ly,I that in all things &od "ay be glori!ied through 5esus Dhrist, to $ho" is the glory and the o$er ++ to the ages o! the ages) ."en) #,Beloved, thin' it not strange at the !iery su!!ering a"ong you that is #o"ing to try you, as i! a strange thing $ere ha ening to you, #-but, a##ording as ye have !ello$shi $ith the su!!erings o! the Dhrist, re-oi#e ye, that also in the revelation o! his glory ye "ay re-oi#e ++ e(ulting, #.i! ye be re roa#hed in the na"e o! Dhrist ++ ha y Iare yeI, be#ause the S irit o! glory and o! &od u on you doth rest, in regard, indeed, to the", he is evil+s o'en o!, and in regard to you, he is glori!ied, #'!or let none o! you su!!er as a "urderer, or thie!, or evil+doer, or as an ins e#tor into other "enIs "atters, #/and i! as a Dhristian, let hi" not be asha"ed, and let hi" glori!y &od in this res e#t, #(NYAPVLC YA]QC NKAHNO TAUBPXA NBC NASVLSC ASVL WBAYLOLSOVNC QC YAKLB LBYLOLXLB `LBYBKRC TAUBVLC ]NLS ##NB VBC KAKNB QC KLMBA ]NLS NB VBC WBAYLONB QC Na BPTSLC RC TLURMNB L ]NLC BOA NO `APBO WLaA\RVAB L ]NLC WBA BRPLS TUBPVLS Q NPVBO R WLaA YAB VL YUAVLC NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO AXRO #,AMA`RVLB XR aNOB\NP]N VR NO SXBO `SUQPNB `ULC `NBUAPXLO SXBO MBOLXNOR QC aNOLS SXBO PSXHABOLOVLC #-AKKA YA]L YLBOQONBVN VLBC VLS TUBPVLS `A]RXAPBO TABUNVN BOA YAB NO VR A`LYAKScNB VRC WLaRC ASVLS TAURVN AMAKKBQXNOLB #.NB LONBWB\NP]N NO LOLXAVB TUBPVLS XAYAUBLB LVB VL VRC WLaRC YAB VL VLS ]NLS `ONSXA NZ SXAC AOA`ASNVAB YAVA XNO ASVLSC HKAPZRXNBVAB YAVA WN SXAC WLaA\NVAB #'XR MAU VBC SXQO `APTNVQ QC ZLONSC R YKN`VRC R YAYL`LBLC R QC AKKLVUBLN`BPYL`LC #/NB WN QC TUBPVBAOLC XR ABPTSONP]Q WLaA\NVQ WN VLO ]NLO NO VQ XNUNB VLSVQ
1 Peter
#0be#ause it is the ti"e o! the beginning o! the -udg"ent !ro" the house o! &od, and i! !irst !ro" us, $hat the end o! those disobedient to the good ne$s o! &odb #$.nd i! the righteous "an is s#ar#ely saved, the ungodly and sinner ++ $here shall he a earb #%so that also those su!!ering a##ording to the $ill o! god, as to a sted!ast Dreator, let the" #o""it their o$n souls in good doing) #0LVB L YABULC VLS AUaAP]AB VL YUBXA A`L VLS LBYLS VLS ]NLS NB WN `UQVLO AZ RXQO VB VL VNKLC VQO A`NB]LSOVQO VQ VLS ]NLS NSAMMNKBQ #$YAB NB L WBYABLC XLKBC PQ\NVAB L APNHRC YAB AXAUVQKLC `LS ZAONBVAB #%QPVN YAB LB `APTLOVNC YAVA VL ]NKRXA VLS ]NLS QC `BPVQ YVBPVR `AUAVB]NP]QPAO VAC cSTAC NASVQO NO AMA]L`LBBA
1 Peter
+hapter '
#Elders $ho IareI a"ong you, 0 e(hort, $ho Ia"I a !ello$+elder, and a $itness o! the su!!erings o! the Dhrist, and o! the glory about to be revealed a arta'er, ,!eed the !lo#' o! &od that IisI a"ong you, overseeing not #onstrainedly, but $illingly, neither !or !ilthy lu#re, but o! a ready "ind, -neither as e(er#ising lordshi over the heritages, but atterns be#o"ing o! the !lo#', .and at the "ani!estation o! the #hie! She herd, ye shall re#eive the un!ading #ro$n o! glory) '0n li'e "anner, ye younger, be sub-e#t to elders, and all to one another sub-e#ting yourselves, $ith hu"ble+ "indedness #lothe yourselves, be#ause &od the roud doth resist, but to the hu"ble He doth give gra#e, /be hu"bled, then, under the o$er!ul hand o! &od, that you He "ay e(alt in good ti"e, 0all your #are having #ast u on Hi", be#ause He #areth !or you) $Be sober, vigilant, be#ause your o onent the devil, as a roaring lion, doth $al' about, see'ing $ho" he "ay s$allo$ u , #`UNPHSVNULSC VLSC NO SXBO `AUAYAKQ L PSX`UNPHSVNULC YAB XAUVSC VQO VLS TUBPVLS `A]RXAVQO L YAB VRC XNKKLSPRC A`LYAKS`VNP]AB WLaRC YLBOQOLC ,`LBXAOAVN VL NO SXBO `LBXOBLO VLS ]NLS N`BPYL`LSOVNC XR AOAMYAPVQC AKK NYLSPBQC XRWN ABPTULYNUWQC AKKA `UL]SXQC -XRW QC YAVAYSUBNSLOVNC VQO YKRUQO AKKA VS`LB MBOLXNOLB VLS `LBXOBLS .YAB ZAONUQ]NOVLC VLS AUTB`LBXNOLC YLXBNBP]N VLO AXAUAOVBOLO VRC WLaRC PVNZAOLO 'LXLBQC ONQVNULB S`LVAMRVN `UNPHSVNULBC `AOVNC WN AKKRKLBC S`LVAPPLXNOLB VRO VA`NBOLZULPSORO NMYLXHQPAP]N LVB L ]NLC S`NURZAOLBC AOVBVAPPNVAB VA`NBOLBC WN WBWQPBO TAUBO /VA`NBOQ]RVN LSO S`L VRO YUAVABAO TNBUA VLS ]NLS BOA SXAC ScQPR NO YABUQ 0`APAO VRO XNUBXOAO SXQO N`BUUBcAOVNC N` ASVLO LVB ASVQ XNKNB `NUB SXQO $ORcAVN MURMLURPAVN LVB L AOVBWBYLC SXQO WBAHLKLC QC KNQO QUSLXNOLC `NUB`AVNB \RVQO VBOA YAVA`BR
1 Peter
%$ho" resist, sted!ast in the !aith, having 'no$n the sa"e su!!erings to your brotherhood in the $orld to be a##o" lished) #(.nd the &od o! all gra#e, $ho did #all you to His age+during glory in Dhrist 5esus, having su!!ered a little, Hi"sel! "a'e you er!e#t, establish, strengthen, settle IyouI, ##to Hi" IisI the glory, and the o$er ++ to the ages and the agesd ."en) #,Through Silvanus, to you the !aith!ul brother, as 0 re#'on, through !e$ I$ordsI 0 did $rite, e(horting and testi!ying this to be the true gra#e o! &od in $hi#h ye have stood) #-Salute you doth the Iasse"blyI in Babylon -ointly ele#ted, and @ar'us "y son) #.Salute ye one another in a 'iss o! love, ea#e to you all $ho IareI in Dhrist 5esusd ."en) %Q AOVBPVRVN PVNUNLB VR `BPVNB NBWLVNC VA ASVA VQO `A]RXAVQO VR NO YLPXQ SXQO AWNKZLVRVB N`BVNKNBP]AB #(L WN ]NLC `APRC TAUBVLC L YAKNPAC RXAC NBC VRO ABQOBLO ASVLS WLaAO NO TUBPVQ BRPLS LKBMLO `A]LOVAC ASVLC YAVAUVBPAB SXAC PVRUBaAB P]NOQPAB ]NXNKBQPAB ##ASVQ R WLaA YAB VL YUAVLC NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO AXRO #,WBA PBKLSAOLS SXBO VLS `BPVLS AWNKZLS QC KLMB\LXAB WB LKBMQO NMUAcA `AUAYAKQO YAB N`BXAUVSUQO VASVRO NBOAB AKR]R TAUBO VLS ]NLS NBC RO NPVRYAVN #-AP`A\NVAB SXAC R NO HAHSKQOB PSONYKNYVR YAB XAUYLC L SBLC XLS #.AP`APAP]N AKKRKLSC NO ZBKRXAVB AMA`RC NBUROR SXBO `APBO VLBC NO TUBPVQ BRPLS AXRO
, Peter
+hapter #
#Si"eon Peter, a servant and an a ostle o! 5esus Dhrist, to those $ho did obtain a li'e re#ious !aith $ith us in the righteousness o! our &od and Saviour 5esus DhristF ,&ra#e to you, and ea#e be "ulti lied in the a#'no$ledge"ent o! &od and o! 5esus our Lordd -.s all things to us His divine o$er 7the things ertaining unto li!e and iety< hath given, through the a#'no$ledge"ent o! hi" $ho did #all us through glory and $orthiness, .through $hi#h to us the "ost great and re#ious ro"ises have been given, that through these ye "ay be#o"e arta'ers o! a divine nature, having es#a ed !ro" the #orru tion in the $orld in desires) '.nd this sa"e also ++ all diligen#e having brought in besides, su eradd in your !aith the $orthiness, and in the $orthiness the 'no$ledge, /and in the 'no$ledge the te" eran#e, and in the te" eran#e the enduran#e, and in the enduran#e the iety, 0and in the iety the brotherly 'indness, and in the brotherly 'indness the love, #PSXNQO `NVULC WLSKLC YAB A`LPVLKLC BRPLS TUBPVLS VLBC BPLVBXLO RXBO KATLSPBO `BPVBO NO WBYABLPSOR VLS ]NLS RXQO YAB PQVRULC BRPLS TUBPVLS ,TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR `KR]SO]NBR NO N`BMOQPNB VLS ]NLS YAB BRPLS VLS YSUBLS RXQO -QC `AOVA RXBO VRC ]NBAC WSOAXNQC ASVLS VA `ULC \QRO YAB NSPNHNBAO WNWQURXNORC WBA VRC N`BMOQPNQC VLS YAKNPAOVLC RXAC WBA WLaRC YAB AUNVRC .WB QO VA XNMBPVA RXBO YAB VBXBA N`AMMNKXAVA WNWQURVAB BOA WBA VLSVQO MNORP]N ]NBAC YLBOQOLB ZSPNQC A`LZSMLOVNC VRC NO YLPXQ NO N`B]SXBA Z]LUAC 'YAB ASVL VLSVL WN P`LSWRO `APAO `AUNBPNONMYAOVNC N`BTLURMRPAVN NO VR `BPVNB SXQO VRO AUNVRO NO WN VR AUNVR VRO MOQPBO /NO WN VR MOQPNB VRO NMYUAVNBAO NO WN VR NMYUAVNBA VRO S`LXLORO NO WN VR S`LXLOR VRO NSPNHNBAO 0NO WN VR NSPNHNBA VRO ZBKAWNKZBAO NO WN VR ZBKAWNKZBA VRO AMA`RO
G Peter
$!or these things being to you and abounding, do "a'e IyouI neither inert nor un!ruit!ul in regard to the a#'no$ledging o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, %!or he $ith $ho" these things are not resent is blind, di"+sighted, having be#o"e !orget!ul o! the #leansing o! his old sins, #($here!ore, the rather, brethren, be diligent to "a'e sted!ast your #alling and #hoi#e, !or these things doing, ye "ay never stu"ble, ##!or so, ri#hly shall be su eradded to you the entran#e into the age+during reign o! our Lord and Saviour 5esus Dhrist) #,Where!ore, 0 $ill not be #areless al$ays to re"ind you #on#erning these things, though, having 'no$n the", and having been established in the resent truth, #-and 0 thin' right, so long as 0 a" in this taberna#le, to stir you u in re"inding IyouI, #.having 'no$n that soon is the laying aside o! "y taberna#le, even as also our Lord 5esus Dhrist did she$ to "e, #'and 0 $ill be diligent that also at every ti"e ye have, a!ter "y outgoing, o$er to "a'e to yourselves the re"e"bran#e o! these things) $VASVA MAU SXBO S`AUTLOVA YAB `KNLOA\LOVA LSY AUMLSC LSWN AYAU`LSC YA]BPVRPBO NBC VRO VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS N`BMOQPBO %Q MAU XR `AUNPVBO VASVA VSZKLC NPVBO XSQ`A\QO KR]RO KAHQO VLS YA]AUBPXLS VQO `AKAB ASVLS AXAUVBQO #(WBL XAKKLO AWNKZLB P`LSWAPAVN HNHABAO SXQO VRO YKRPBO YAB NYKLMRO `LBNBP]AB VASVA MAU `LBLSOVNC LS XR `VABPRVN `LVN ##LSVQC MAU `KLSPBQC N`BTLURMR]RPNVAB SXBO R NBPLWLC NBC VRO ABQOBLO HAPBKNBAO VLS YSUBLS RXQO YAB PQVRULC BRPLS TUBPVLS #,WBL LSY AXNKRPQ SXAC ANB S`LXBXORPYNBO `NUB VLSVQO YAB`NU NBWLVAC YAB NPVRUBMXNOLSC NO VR `AULSPR AKR]NBA #-WBYABLO WN RMLSXAB NZ LPLO NBXB NO VLSVQ VQ PYROQXAVB WBNMNBUNBO SXAC NO S`LXORPNB #.NBWQC LVB VATBOR NPVBO R A`L]NPBC VLS PYROQXAVLC XLS YA]QC YAB L YSUBLC RXQO BRPLSC TUBPVLC NWRKQPNO XLB #'P`LSWAPQ WN YAB NYAPVLVN NTNBO SXAC XNVA VRO NXRO NaLWLO VRO VLSVQO XORXRO `LBNBP]AB
G Peter
#/For, s'il!ully devised !ables not having !ollo$ed out, $e did "a'e 'no$n to you the o$er and resen#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist, but eye+ $itnesses having be#o"e o! his "a-esty ++ #0!or having re#eived !ro" &od the Father honour and glory, su#h a voi#e being borne to hi" by the e(#ellent gloryF IThis is @y Son ++ the beloved, in $ho" 0 $as $ell leased,I #$and this voi#e $e ++ $e did hear, out o! heaven borne, being $ith hi" in the holy "ount) #%.nd $e have "ore !ir" the ro heti# $ord, to $hi#h $e do $ell giving heed, as to a la" shining in a dar' la#e, till day "ay da$n, and a "orning star "ay arise ++ in your hearts, ,(this !irst 'no$ing, that no ro he#y o! the Writing doth #o"e o! rivate e( osition, ,#!or not by $ill o! "an did ever ro he#y #o"e, but by the Holy S irit borne on holy "en o! &od s a'e) #/LS MAU PNPLZBPXNOLBC XS]LBC NaAYLKLS]RPAOVNC NMOQUBPAXNO SXBO VRO VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS WSOAXBO YAB `AULSPBAO AKK N`L`VAB MNOR]NOVNC VRC NYNBOLS XNMAKNBLVRVLC #0KAHQO MAU `AUA ]NLS `AVULC VBXRO YAB WLaAO ZQORC NONT]NBPRC ASVQ VLBAPWN S`L VRC XNMAKL`UN`LSC WLaRC LSVLC NPVBO L SBLC XLS L AMA`RVLC NBC LO NMQ NSWLYRPA #$YAB VASVRO VRO ZQORO RXNBC RYLSPAXNO Na LSUAOLS NONT]NBPAO PSO ASVQ LOVNC NO VQ LUNB VQ AMBQ #%YAB NTLXNO HNHABLVNULO VLO `ULZRVBYLO KLMLO Q YAKQC `LBNBVN `ULPNTLOVNC QC KSTOQ ZABOLOVB NO ASTXRUQ VL`Q NQC LS RXNUA WBASMAPR YAB ZQPZLULC AOAVNBKR NO VABC YAUWBABC SXQO ,(VLSVL `UQVLO MBOQPYLOVNC LVB `APA `ULZRVNBA MUAZRC BWBAC N`BKSPNQC LS MBONVAB ,#LS MAU ]NKRXAVB AO]UQ`LS RONT]R `LVN `ULZRVNBA AKK S`L `ONSXAVLC AMBLS ZNULXNOLB NKAKRPAO LB AMBLB ]NLS AO]UQ`LB
G Peter
+hapter ,
#.nd there did #o"e also !alse ro hets a"ong the eo le, as also a"ong you there shall be !alse tea#hers, $ho shall bring in besides destru#tive se#ts, and the @aster $ho bought the" denying, bringing to the"selves ?ui#' destru#tion, ,and "any shall !ollo$ out their destru#tive $ays, be#ause o! $ho" the $ay o! the truth shall be evil s o'en o!, -and in #ovetousness, $ith "oulded $ords, o! you they shall "a'e "er#handise, $hose -udg"ent o! old is not idle, and their destru#tion doth not slu"ber) .For i! &od "essengers $ho sinned did not s are, but $ith #hains o! thi#' gloo", having #ast Ithe"I do$n to Tartarus, did deliver Ithe"I to -udg"ent, having been reserved, 'and the old $orld did not s are, but the eighth erson, /oah, o! righteousness a rea#her, did 'ee , a !lood on the $orld o! the i" ious having brought, /and the #ities o! Sodo" and &o"orrah having turned to ashes, $ith an overthro$ did #onde"n, an e(a" le to those about to be i" ious having set Ithe"I, #NMNOLOVL WN YAB cNSWL`ULZRVAB NO VQ KAQ QC YAB NO SXBO NPLOVAB cNSWLWBWAPYAKLB LBVBONC `AUNBPAaLSPBO ABUNPNBC A`QKNBAC YAB VLO AMLUAPAOVA ASVLSC WNP`LVRO AUOLSXNOLB N`AMLOVNC NASVLBC VATBORO A`QKNBAO ,YAB `LKKLB NaAYLKLS]RPLSPBO ASVQO VABC A`QKNBABC WB LSC R LWLC VRC AKR]NBAC HKAPZRXR]RPNVAB -YAB NO `KNLONaBA `KAPVLBC KLMLBC SXAC NX`LUNSPLOVAB LBC VL YUBXA NY`AKAB LSY AUMNB YAB R A`QKNBA ASVQO LS OSPVA\NB .NB MAU L ]NLC AMMNKQO AXAUVRPAOVQO LSY NZNBPAVL AKKA PNBUABC \LZLS VAUVAUQPAC `AUNWQYNO NBC YUBPBO VNVRURXNOLSC 'YAB AUTABLS YLPXLS LSY NZNBPAVL AKK LMWLLO OQN WBYABLPSORC YRUSYA NZSKAaNO YAVAYKSPXLO YLPXQ APNHQO N`AaAC /YAB `LKNBC PLWLXQO YAB MLXLUUAC VNZUQPAC YAVAPVULZR YAVNYUBONO S`LWNBMXA XNKKLOVQO APNHNBO VN]NBYQC
G Peter
0and righteous Lot, $orn do$n by the #ondu#t in las#iviousness o! the i" ious, He did res#ue, $!or in seeing and hearing, the righteous "an, d$elling a"ong the", day by day the righteous soul $ith unla$!ul $or's $as harassing) %The Lord hath 'no$n to res#ue ious ones out o! te" tation, and unrighteous ones to a day o! -udg"ent, being unished, to 'ee , #(and #hie!ly those going behind the !lesh in desire o! un#leanness, and lordshi des ising, resu" tuous, sel!+#o" la#ent, dignities they are not a!raid to s ea' evil o!, ##$hereas "essengers, in strength and o$er being greater, do not bear against the" be!ore the Lord an evil s ea'ing -udg"ent, #,and these, as irrational natural beasts, "ade to be #aught and destroyed ++ in $hat things they are ignorant o!, s ea'ing evil ++ in their destru#tion shall be destroyed, #-about to re#eive a re$ard o! unrighteousness, leasures #ounting the lu(ury in the day, s ots and ble"ishes, lu(uriating in their de#eits, !easting $ith you, 0YAB WBYABLO KQV YAVA`LOLSXNOLO S`L VRC VQO A]NPXQO NO APNKMNBA AOAPVULZRC NUUSPAVL $HKNXXAVB MAU YAB AYLR L WBYABLC NMYAVLBYQO NO ASVLBC RXNUAO Na RXNUAC cSTRO WBYABAO AOLXLBC NUMLBC NHAPAOB\NO %LBWNO YSUBLC NSPNHNBC NY `NBUAPXLS USNP]AB AWBYLSC WN NBC RXNUAO YUBPNQC YLKA\LXNOLSC VRUNBO #(XAKBPVA WN VLSC L`BPQ PAUYLC NO N`B]SXBA XBAPXLS `LUNSLXNOLSC YAB YSUBLVRVLC YAVAZULOLSOVAC VLKXRVAB AS]AWNBC WLaAC LS VUNXLSPBO HKAPZRXLSOVNC ##L`LS AMMNKLB BPTSB YAB WSOAXNB XNB\LONC LOVNC LS ZNULSPBO YAV ASVQO `AUA YSUBQ HKAPZRXLO YUBPBO #,LSVLB WN QC AKLMA \QA ZSPBYA MNMNORXNOA NBC AKQPBO YAB Z]LUAO NO LBC AMOLLSPBO HKAPZRXLSOVNC NO VR Z]LUA ASVQO YAVAZ]AURPLOVAB #-YLXBLSXNOLB XBP]LO AWBYBAC RWLORO RMLSXNOLB VRO NO RXNUA VUSZRO P`BKLB YAB XQXLB NOVUSZQOVNC NO VABC A`AVABC ASVQO PSONSQTLSXNOLB SXBO
G Peter
#.having eyes !ull o! adultery, and unable to #ease !ro" sin, enti#ing unstable souls, having an heart e(er#ised in #ovetousnesses, #hildren o! a #urse, #'having !orsa'en a right $ay, they did go astray, having !ollo$ed in the $ay o! Balaa" the IsonI o! Bosor, $ho a re$ard o! unrighteousness did love, #/and had a rebu'e o! his o$n ini?uity ++ a du"b ass, in "anIs voi#e having s o'en, did !orbid the "adness o! the ro het) #0These are $ells $ithout $ater, and #louds by a te" est driven, to $ho" the thi#' gloo" o! the dar'ness to the age hath been 'e t, #$!or overs$ellings o! vanity s ea'ing, they do enti#e in desires o! the !lesh ++ las#iviousnesses, those $ho had truly es#a ed !ro" those #ondu#ting the"selves in error, #%liberty to the" ro"ising, the"selves being servants o! the #orru tion, !or by $ho" any one hath been over#o"e, to this one also he hath been brought to servitude, ,(!or, i! having es#a ed !ro" the ollutions o! the $orld, in the a#'no$ledging o! the Lord and Saviour 5esus Dhrist, and by these again being entangled, they have been over#o"e, be#o"e to the" hath the last things $orse than the !irst, #.LZ]AKXLSC NTLOVNC XNPVLSC XLBTAKBWLC YAB AYAVA`ASPVLSC AXAUVBAC WNKNA\LOVNC cSTAC APVRUBYVLSC YAUWBAO MNMSXOAPXNORO `KNLONaBABC NTLOVNC YAVAUAC VNYOA #'YAVAKB`LOVNC VRO NS]NBAO LWLO N`KAOR]RPAO NaAYLKLS]RPAOVNC VR LWQ VLS HAKAAX VLS HLPLU LC XBP]LO AWBYBAC RMA`RPNO #/NKNMaBO WN NPTNO BWBAC `AUAOLXBAC S`L\SMBLO AZQOLO NO AO]UQ`LS ZQOR Z]NMaAXNOLO NYQKSPNO VRO VLS `ULZRVLS `AUAZULOBAO #0LSVLB NBPBO `RMAB AOSWULB ONZNKAB S`L KABKA`LC NKASOLXNOAB LBC L \LZLC VLS PYLVLSC NBC ABQOA VNVRURVAB #$S`NULMYA MAU XAVABLVRVLC Z]NMMLXNOLB WNKNA\LSPBO NO N`B]SXBABC PAUYLC APNKMNBABC VLSC LOVQC A`LZSMLOVAC VLSC NO `KAOR AOAPVUNZLXNOLSC #%NKNS]NUBAO ASVLBC N`AMMNKKLXNOLB ASVLB WLSKLB S`AUTLOVNC VRC Z]LUAC Q MAU VBC RVVRVAB VLSVQ YAB WNWLSKQVAB ,(NB MAU A`LZSMLOVNC VA XBAPXAVA VLS YLPXLS NO N`BMOQPNB VLS YSUBLS YAB PQVRULC BRPLS TUBPVLS VLSVLBC WN `AKBO NX`KAYNOVNC RVVQOVAB MNMLONO ASVLBC VA NPTAVA TNBULOA VQO `UQVQO
G Peter
,#!or it $ere better to the" not to have a#'no$ledged the $ay o! the righteousness, than having a#'no$ledged IitI, to turn ba#' !ro" the holy #o""and delivered to the", ,,and ha ened to the" hath that o! the true si"ilitude, I. dog did turn ba#' u on his o$n vo"it,I and, I. so$ having bathed hersel! ++ to rolling in "ire)I ,#YUNBVVLO MAU RO ASVLBC XR N`NMOQYNOAB VRO LWLO VRC WBYABLPSORC R N`BMOLSPBO N`BPVUNcAB NY VRC `AUAWL]NBPRC ASVLBC AMBAC NOVLKRC ,,PSXHNHRYNO WN ASVLBC VL VRC AKR]LSC `AULBXBAC YSQO N`BPVUNcAC N`B VL BWBLO NaNUAXA YAB SC KLSPAXNOR NBC YSKBPXA HLUHLULS
G Peter
+hapter #This, no$, beloved, a se#ond letter to you 0 $rite, in both $hi#h 0 stir u your ure "ind in re"inding IyouI, ,to be "ind!ul o! the sayings said be!ore by the holy ro hets, and o! the #o""and o! us the a ostles o! the Lord and Saviour, -this !irst 'no$ing, that there shall #o"e in the latter end o! the days s#o!!ers, a##ording to their o$n desires going on, .and saying, IWhere is the ro"ise o! his resen#eb !or sin#e the !athers did !all aslee , all things so re"ain !ro" the beginning o! the #reation,I '!or this is unobserved by the" $illingly, that the heavens $ere o! old, and the earth out o! $ater and through $ater standing together by the $ord o! &od, /through $hi#h the then $orld, by $ater having been deluged, $as destroyed, 0and the resent heavens and the earth, by the sa"e $ord are treasured, !or !ire being 'e t to a day o! -udg"ent and destru#tion o! the i" ious "en) $.nd this one thing let not be unobserved by you, beloved, that one day $ith the Lord IisI as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day, #VASVRO RWR AMA`RVLB WNSVNUAO SXBO MUAZQ N`BPVLKRO NO ABC WBNMNBUQ SXQO NO S`LXORPNB VRO NBKBYUBOR WBAOLBAO ,XORP]ROAB VQO `ULNBURXNOQO URXAVQO S`L VQO AMBQO `ULZRVQO YAB VRC VQO A`LPVLKQO RXQO NOVLKRC VLS YSUBLS YAB PQVRULC -VLSVL `UQVLO MBOQPYLOVNC LVB NKNSPLOVAB N` NPTAVLS VQO RXNUQO NX`ABYVAB YAVA VAC BWBAC ASVQO N`B]SXBAC `LUNSLXNOLB .YAB KNMLOVNC `LS NPVBO R N`AMMNKBA VRC `AULSPBAC ASVLS AZ RC MAU LB `AVNUNC NYLBXR]RPAO `AOVA LSVQC WBAXNONB A` AUTRC YVBPNQC 'KAO]AONB MAU ASVLSC VLSVL ]NKLOVAC LVB LSUAOLB RPAO NY`AKAB YAB MR Na SWAVLC YAB WB SWAVLC PSONPVQPA VQ VLS ]NLS KLMQ /WB QO L VLVN YLPXLC SWAVB YAVAYKSP]NBC A`QKNVL 0LB WN OSO LSUAOLB YAB R MR ASVLS KLMQ VN]RPASUBPXNOLB NBPBO `SUB VRULSXNOLB NBC RXNUAO YUBPNQC YAB A`QKNBAC VQO APNHQO AO]UQ`QO $NO WN VLSVL XR KAO]AONVQ SXAC AMA`RVLB LVB XBA RXNUA `AUA YSUBQ QC TBKBA NVR YAB TBKBA NVR QC RXNUA XBA
G Peter
%the Lord is not slo$ in regard to the ro"ise, as #ertain #ount slo$ness, but is long+su!!ering to us, not #ounselling any to be lost but all to ass on to re!or"ation, #(and it $ill #o"e ++ the day o! the Lord ++ as a thie! in the night, in $hi#h the heavens $ith a rushing noise $ill ass a$ay, and the ele"ents $ith burning heat be dissolved, and earth and the $or's in it shall be burnt u ) ##.ll these, then, being dissolved, $hat 'ind o! ersons doth it behove you to be in holy behaviours and ious a#tsb #,$aiting !or and hasting to the resen#e o! the day o! &od, by $hi#h the heavens, being on !ire, shall be dissolved, and the ele"ents $ith burning heat shall "elt, #-and !or ne$ heavens and a ne$ earth a##ording to His ro"ise $e do $ait, in $hi#h righteousness doth d$ell, #.$here!ore, beloved, these things $aiting !or, be diligent, s otless and unbla"eable, by Hi" to be !ound in ea#e, #'and the long+su!!ering o! our Lord #ount ye salvation, a##ording as also our beloved brother Paul ++ a##ording to the $isdo" given to hi" ++ did $rite to you, %LS HUAWSONB L YSUBLC VRC N`AMMNKBAC QC VBONC HUAWSVRVA RMLSOVAB AKKA XAYUL]SXNB NBC RXAC XR HLSKLXNOLC VBOAC A`LKNP]AB AKKA `AOVAC NBC XNVAOLBAO TQURPAB #(RaNB WN R RXNUA YSUBLS QC YKN`VRC NO OSYVB NO R LB LSUAOLB ULB\RWLO `AUNKNSPLOVAB PVLBTNBA WN YASPLSXNOA KS]RPLOVAB YAB MR YAB VA NO ASVR NUMA YAVAYARPNVAB ##VLSVQO LSO `AOVQO KSLXNOQO `LVA`LSC WNB S`AUTNBO SXAC NO AMBABC AOAPVULZABC YAB NSPNHNBABC #,`ULPWLYQOVAC YAB P`NSWLOVAC VRO `AULSPBAO VRC VLS ]NLS RXNUAC WB RO LSUAOLB `SULSXNOLB KS]RPLOVAB YAB PVLBTNBA YASPLSXNOA VRYNVAB #-YABOLSC WN LSUAOLSC YAB MRO YABORO YAVA VL N`AMMNKXA ASVLS `ULPWLYQXNO NO LBC WBYABLPSOR YAVLBYNB #.WBL AMA`RVLB VASVA `ULPWLYQOVNC P`LSWAPAVN AP`BKLB YAB AXQXRVLB ASVQ NSUN]ROAB NO NBUROR #'YAB VRO VLS YSUBLS RXQO XAYUL]SXBAO PQVRUBAO RMNBP]N YA]QC YAB L AMA`RVLC RXQO AWNKZLC `ASKLC YAVA VRO ASVQ WL]NBPAO PLZBAO NMUAcNO SXBO
G Peter
#/as also in all the e istles, s ea'ing in the" #on#erning these things, a"ong $hi#h things are #ertain hard to be understood, $hi#h the untaught and unstable do $rest, as also the other Writings, unto their o$n destru#tion) #04e, then, beloved, 'no$ing be!ore, ta'e heed, lest, together $ith the error o! the i" ious being led a$ay, ye "ay !all !ro" your o$n sted!astness, #$and in#rease ye in gra#e, and in the 'no$ledge o! our Lord and Saviour 5esus Dhrist, to hi" IisI the glory both no$, and to the day o! the aged ."en) #/QC YAB NO `APABC VABC N`BPVLKABC KAKQO NO ASVABC `NUB VLSVQO NO LBC NPVBO WSPOLRVA VBOA A LB AXA]NBC YAB APVRUBYVLB PVUNHKLSPBO QC YAB VAC KLB`AC MUAZAC `ULC VRO BWBAO ASVQO A`QKNBAO #0SXNBC LSO AMA`RVLB `ULMBOQPYLOVNC ZSKAPPNP]N BOA XR VR VQO A]NPXQO `KAOR PSOA`AT]NOVNC NY`NPRVN VLS BWBLS PVRUBMXLS #$ASaAONVN WN NO TAUBVB YAB MOQPNB VLS YSUBLS RXQO YAB PQVRULC BRPLS TUBPVLS ASVQ R WLaA YAB OSO YAB NBC RXNUAO ABQOLC AXRO
#st 1ohn
+hapter #
#That $hi#h $as !ro" the beginning, that $hi#h $e have heard, that $hi#h $e have seen $ith our eyes, that $hi#h $e did behold, and our hands did handle, #on#erning the Word o! the Li!e ++ ,and the Li!e $as "ani!ested, and $e have seen, and do testi!y, and de#lare to you the Li!e, the age+during, $hi#h $as $ith the Father, and $as "ani!ested to us ++ -that $hi#h $e have seen and heard de#lare $e to you, that ye also "ay have !ello$shi $ith us, and our !ello$shi IisI $ith the Father, and $ith His Son 5esus Dhrist, #L RO A` AUTRC L AYRYLAXNO L NQUAYAXNO VLBC LZ]AKXLBC RXQO L N]NAPAXN]A YAB AB TNBUNC RXQO NcRKAZRPAO `NUB VLS KLMLS VRC \QRC ,YAB R \QR NZAONUQ]R YAB NQUAYAXNO YAB XAUVSULSXNO YAB A`AMMNKKLXNO SXBO VRO \QRO VRO ABQOBLO RVBC RO `ULC VLO `AVNUA YAB NZAONUQ]R RXBO
-L NQUAYAXNO YAB AYRYLAXNO A`AMMNKKLXNO SXBO BOA YAB SXNBC YLBOQOBAO NTRVN XN] RXQO YAB R YLBOQOBA WN R RXNVNUA XNVA VLS `AVULC YAB XNVA VLS SBLS ASVLS BRPLS TUBPVLS .and these things $e $rite to you, that .YAB VASVA MUAZLXNO SXBO BOA R TAUA your -oy "ay be !ull) RXQO R `N`KRUQXNOR '.nd this is the "essage that $e have 'YAB ASVR NPVBO R N`AMMNKBA RO heard !ro" Hi", and announ#e to you, AYRYLAXNO A` ASVLS YAB that &od is light, and dar'ness in Hi" AOAMMNKKLXNO SXBO LVB L ]NLC ZQC is not at all, NPVBO YAB PYLVBA NO ASVQ LSY NPVBO LSWNXBA /i! $e "ay say ++ I$e have !ello$shi /NAO NB`QXNO LVB YLBOQOBAO NTLXNO $ith Hi",I and in the dar'ness "ay XNV ASVLS YAB NO VQ PYLVNB $al' ++ $e lie, and do not the truth, `NUB`AVQXNO cNSWLXN]A YAB LS `LBLSXNO VRO AKR]NBAO
1 5ohn
0and i! in the light $e "ay $al', as He is in the light ++ $e have !ello$shi one $ith another, and the blood o! 5esus Dhrist His Son doth #leanse us !ro" every sin, $i! $e "ay say ++ I$e have not sin,I ourselves $e lead astray, and the truth is not in us, %i! $e "ay #on!ess our sins, sted!ast He is and righteous that He "ay !orgive us the sins, and "ay #leanse us !ro" every unrighteousness, #(i! $e "ay say ++ I$e have not sinned,I a liar $e "a'e Hi", and His $ord is not in us) 0NAO WN NO VQ ZQVB `NUB`AVQXNO QC ASVLC NPVBO NO VQ ZQVB YLBOQOBAO NTLXNO XNV AKKRKQO YAB VL ABXA BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS SBLS ASVLS YA]AUB\NB RXAC A`L `APRC AXAUVBAC $NAO NB`QXNO LVB AXAUVBAO LSY NTLXNO NASVLSC `KAOQXNO YAB R AKR]NBA LSY NPVBO NO RXBO %NAO LXLKLMQXNO VAC AXAUVBAC RXQO `BPVLC NPVBO YAB WBYABLC BOA AZR RXBO VAC AXAUVBAC YAB YA]AUBPR RXAC A`L `APRC AWBYBAC #(NAO NB`QXNO LVB LST RXAUVRYAXNO cNSPVRO `LBLSXNO ASVLO YAB L KLMLC ASVLS LSY NPVBO NO RXBO
1 5ohn
+hapter ,
#@y little #hildren, these things 0 $rite to you, that ye "ay not sinF and i! any one "ay sin, an advo#ate $e have $ith the Father, 5esus Dhrist, a righteous one, ,and he ++ he is a ro itiation !or our sins, and not !or ours only, but also !or the $hole $orld, #VNYOBA XLS VASVA MUAZQ SXBO BOA XR AXAUVRVN YAB NAO VBC AXAUVR `AUAYKRVLO NTLXNO `ULC VLO `AVNUA BRPLSO TUBPVLO WBYABLO
,YAB ASVLC BKAPXLC NPVBO `NUB VQO AXAUVBQO RXQO LS `NUB VQO RXNVNUQO WN XLOLO AKKA YAB `NUB LKLS VLS YLPXLS -and in this $e 'no$ that $e have -YAB NO VLSVQ MBOQPYLXNO LVB 'no$n hi", i! his #o""ands $e "ay NMOQYAXNO ASVLO NAO VAC NOVLKAC 'ee , ASVLS VRUQXNO .he $ho is saying, I0 have 'no$n hi",I .L KNMQO NMOQYA ASVLO YAB VAC and his #o""and is not 'ee ing, a liar NOVLKAC ASVLS XR VRUQO cNSPVRC he is, and in hi" the truth is not, NPVBO YAB NO VLSVQ R AKR]NBA LSY NPVBO 'and $hoever "ay 'ee his $ord, 'LC W AO VRUR ASVLS VLO KLMLO truly in hi" the love o! &od hath been AKR]QC NO VLSVQ R AMA`R VLS ]NLS er!e#ted, in this $e 'no$ that in hi" VNVNKNBQVAB NO VLSVQ MBOQPYLXNO LVB $e are) NO ASVQ NPXNO /He $ho is saying in hi" he doth /L KNMQO NO ASVQ XNONBO LZNBKNB re"ain, ought a##ording as he $al'ed YA]QC NYNBOLC `NUBN`AVRPNO YAB ASVLC also hi"sel! so to $al') LSVQC `NUB`AVNBO 0Brethren, a ne$ #o""and 0 $rite not 0AWNKZLB LSY NOVLKRO YABORO MUAZQ to you, but an old #o""and, that ye SXBO AKK NOVLKRO `AKABAO RO NBTNVN A` had !ro" the beginning ++ the old AUTRC R NOVLKR R `AKABA NPVBO L KLMLC #o""and is the $ord that ye heard LO RYLSPAVN A` AUTRC !ro" the beginning, $again, a ne$ #o""and 0 $rite to you, $`AKBO NOVLKRO YABORO MUAZQ SXBO L $hi#h thing is true in hi" and in you, NPVBO AKR]NC NO ASVQ YAB NO SXBO LVB R be#ause the dar'ness doth ass a$ay, PYLVBA `AUAMNVAB YAB VL ZQC VL and the true light doth no$ shine, AKR]BOLO RWR ZABONB 66G
1 5ohn
%he $ho is saying, in the light he is, and his brother is hating, in the dar'ness he is till no$, #(he $ho is loving his brother, in the light he doth re"ain, and a stu"bling+ blo#' in hi" there is not, ##and he $ho is hating his brother, in the dar'ness he is, and in the dar'ness he doth $al', and he hath not 'no$n $hither he doth go, be#ause the dar'ness did blind his eyes) #,0 $rite to you, little #hildren, be#ause the sins have been !orgiven you through his na"e, #-0 $rite to you, !athers, be#ause ye have 'no$n hi" $ho IisI !ro" the beginning, 0 $rite to you, young "en, be#ause ye have over#o"e the evil) 0 $rite to you, little youths, be#ause ye have 'no$n the FatherF #.0 did $rite to you, !athers, be#ause ye have 'no$n hi" $ho IisI !ro" the beginning, 0 did $rite to you, young "en, be#ause ye are strong, and the $ord o! &od in you doth re"ain, and ye have over#o"e the evil) #'Love not ye the $orld, nor the things in the $orld, i! any one doth love the $orld, the love o! the Father is not in hi", %L KNMQO NO VQ ZQVB NBOAB YAB VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS XBPQO NO VR PYLVBA NPVBO NQC AUVB #(L AMA`QO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS NO VQ ZQVB XNONB YAB PYAOWAKLO NO ASVQ LSY NPVBO ##L WN XBPQO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS NO VR PYLVBA NPVBO YAB NO VR PYLVBA `NUB`AVNB YAB LSY LBWNO `LS S`AMNB LVB R PYLVBA NVSZKQPNO VLSC LZ]AKXLSC ASVLS #,MUAZQ SXBO VNYOBA LVB AZNQOVAB SXBO AB AXAUVBAB WBA VL LOLXA ASVLS #-MUAZQ SXBO `AVNUNC LVB NMOQYAVN VLO A` AUTRC MUAZQ SXBO ONAOBPYLB LVB ONOBYRYAVN VLO `LORULO MUAZQ SXBO `ABWBA LVB NMOQYAVN VLO `AVNUA #.NMUAcA SXBO `AVNUNC LVB NMOQYAVN VLO A` AUTRC NMUAcA SXBO ONAOBPYLB LVB BPTSULB NPVN YAB L KLMLC VLS ]NLS NO SXBO XNONB YAB ONOBYRYAVN VLO `LORULO #'XR AMA`AVN VLO YLPXLO XRWN VA NO VQ YLPXQ NAO VBC AMA`A VLO YLPXLO LSY NPVBO R AMA`R VLS `AVULC NO ASVQ
1 5ohn
#/be#ause all that IisI in the $orld ++ the desire o! the !lesh, and the desire o! the eyes, and the ostentation o! the li!e ++ is not o! the Father, but o! the $orld, #0and the $orld doth ass a$ay, and the desire o! it, and he $ho is doing the $ill o! &od, he doth re"ain ++ to the age) #$Little youths, it is the last hour, and even as ye heard that the anti#hrist doth #o"e, even no$ anti#hrists have be#o"e "any ++ $hen#e $e 'no$ that it is the last hour, #%out o! us they $ent !orth, but they $ere not o! us, !or i! they had been o! us, they $ould have re"ained $ith us, but ++ that they "ight be "ani!ested that they are not all o! us) ,(.nd ye have an anointing !ro" the Holy One, and have 'no$n all things, ,#0 did not $rite to you be#ause ye have not 'no$n the truth, but be#ause ye have 'no$n it, and be#ause no lie is o! the truth) ,,Who is the liar, e(#e t he $ho is denying that 5esus is the Dhristb this one is the anti#hrist $ho is denying the Father and the Son, ,-every one $ho is denying the Son, neither hath he the Father, Ihe $ho is #on!essing the Son hath the Father also)I #/LVB `AO VL NO VQ YLPXQ R N`B]SXBA VRC PAUYLC YAB R N`B]SXBA VQO LZ]AKXQO YAB R AKA\LONBA VLS HBLS LSY NPVBO NY VLS `AVULC AKK NY VLS YLPXLS NPVBO #0YAB L YLPXLC `AUAMNVAB YAB R N`B]SXBA ASVLS L WN `LBQO VL ]NKRXA VLS ]NLS XNONB NBC VLO ABQOA #$`ABWBA NPTAVR QUA NPVBO YAB YA]QC RYLSPAVN LVB L AOVBTUBPVLC NUTNVAB YAB OSO AOVBTUBPVLB `LKKLB MNMLOAPBO L]NO MBOQPYLXNO LVB NPTAVR QUA NPVBO #%Na RXQO NaRK]LO AKK LSY RPAO Na RXQO NB MAU RPAO Na RXQO XNXNORYNBPAO AO XN] RXQO AKK BOA ZAONUQ]QPBO LVB LSY NBPBO `AOVNC Na RXQO ,(YAB SXNBC TUBPXA NTNVN A`L VLS AMBLS YAB LBWAVN `AOVA ,#LSY NMUAcA SXBO LVB LSY LBWAVN VRO AKR]NBAO AKK LVB LBWAVN ASVRO YAB LVB `AO cNSWLC NY VRC AKR]NBAC LSY NPVBO ,,VBC NPVBO L cNSPVRC NB XR L AUOLSXNOLC LVB BRPLSC LSY NPVBO L TUBPVLC LSVLC NPVBO L AOVBTUBPVLC L AUOLSXNOLC VLO `AVNUA YAB VLO SBLO ,-`AC L AUOLSXNOLC VLO SBLO LSWN VLO `AVNUA NTNB
1 5ohn
,.4e, then, that $hi#h ye heard !ro" the beginning, in you let it re"ain, i! in you "ay re"ain that $hi#h !ro" the beginning ye did hear, ye also in the Son and in the Father shall re"ain, ,'and this is the ro"ise that He did ro"ise us ++ the li!e the age+during) ,/These things 0 did $rite to you #on#erning those leading you astray, ,0and you, the anointing that ye did re#eive !ro" hi", in you it doth re"ain, and ye have no need that any one "ay tea#h you, but as the sa"e anointing doth tea#h you #on#erning all, and is true, and is not a lie, and even as $as taught you, ye shall re"ain in hi") ,$.nd no$, little #hildren, re"ain in hi", that $hen he "ay be "ani!ested, $e "ay have boldness, and "ay not be asha"ed be!ore hi", in his resen#e, ,%i! ye 'no$ that he is righteous, 'no$ ye that every one doing the righteousness, o! hi" hath been begotten) ,.SXNBC LSO L RYLSPAVN A` AUTRC NO SXBO XNONVQ NAO NO SXBO XNBOR L A` AUTRC RYLSPAVN YAB SXNBC NO VQ SBQ YAB NO VQ `AVUB XNONBVN ,'YAB ASVR NPVBO R N`AMMNKBA RO ASVLC N`RMMNBKAVL RXBO VRO \QRO VRO ABQOBLO ,/VASVA NMUAcA SXBO `NUB VQO `KAOQOVQO SXAC ,0YAB SXNBC VL TUBPXA L NKAHNVN A` ASVLS NO SXBO XNONB YAB LS TUNBAO NTNVN BOA VBC WBWAPYR SXAC AKK QC VL ASVL TUBPXA WBWAPYNB SXAC `NUB `AOVQO YAB AKR]NC NPVBO YAB LSY NPVBO cNSWLC YAB YA]QC NWBWAaNO SXAC XNONBVN NO ASVQ ,$YAB OSO VNYOBA XNONVN NO ASVQ BOA LVAO ZAONUQ]R NTQXNO `AUURPBAO YAB XR ABPTSO]QXNO A` ASVLS NO VR `AULSPBA ASVLS ,%NAO NBWRVN LVB WBYABLC NPVBO MBOQPYNVN LVB `AC L `LBQO VRO WBYABLPSORO Na ASVLS MNMNOORVAB
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+hapter #See ye $hat love the Father hath given to us, that #hildren o! &od $e "ay be #alled, be#ause o! this the $orld doth not 'no$ us, be#ause it did not 'no$ Hi", ,beloved, no$, #hildren o! &od are $e, and it $as not yet "ani!ested $hat $e shall be, and $e have 'no$n that i! he "ay be "ani!ested, li'e hi" $e shall be, be#ause $e shall see hi" as he is, -and every one $ho is having this ho e on hi", doth uri!y hi"sel!, even as he is ure) .Every one $ho is doing the sin, the la$lessness also he doth do, and the sin is the la$lessness, 'and ye have 'no$n that he $as "ani!ested that our sins he "ay ta'e a$ay, and sin is not in hi", /every one $ho is re"aining in hi" doth not sin, every one $ho is sinning, hath not seen hi", nor 'no$n hi") 0Little #hildren, let no one lead you astray, he $ho is doing the righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous, $he $ho is doing the sin, o! the devil he is, be#ause !ro" the beginning the devil doth sin, !or this $as the Son o! &od "ani!ested, that he "ay brea' u the $or's o! the devil, #BWNVN `LVA`RO AMA`RO WNWQYNO RXBO L `AVRU BOA VNYOA ]NLS YKR]QXNO WBA VLSVL L YLPXLC LS MBOQPYNB RXAC LVB LSY NMOQ ASVLO ,AMA`RVLB OSO VNYOA ]NLS NPXNO YAB LS`Q NZAONUQ]R VB NPLXN]A LBWAXNO WN LVB NAO ZAONUQ]R LXLBLB ASVQ NPLXN]A LVB LcLXN]A ASVLO YA]QC NPVBO -YAB `AC L NTQO VRO NK`BWA VASVRO N` ASVQ AMOB\NB NASVLO YA]QC NYNBOLC AMOLC NPVBO .`AC L `LBQO VRO AXAUVBAO YAB VRO AOLXBAO `LBNB YAB R AXAUVBA NPVBO R AOLXBA 'YAB LBWAVN LVB NYNBOLC NZAONUQ]R BOA VAC AXAUVBAC RXQO AUR YAB AXAUVBA NO ASVQ LSY NPVBO /`AC L NO ASVQ XNOQO LST AXAUVAONB `AC L AXAUVAOQO LST NQUAYNO ASVLO LSWN NMOQYNO ASVLO 0VNYOBA XRWNBC `KAOAVQ SXAC L `LBQO VRO WBYABLPSORO WBYABLC NPVBO YA]QC NYNBOLC WBYABLC NPVBO $L `LBQO VRO AXAUVBAO NY VLS WBAHLKLS NPVBO LVB A` AUTRC L WBAHLKLC AXAUVAONB NBC VLSVL NZAONUQ]R L SBLC VLS ]NLS BOA KSPR VA NUMA VLS WBAHLKLS
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%every one $ho hath been begotten o! &od, sin he doth not, be#ause his seed in hi" doth re"ain, and he is not able to sin, be#ause o! &od he hath been begotten) #(0n this "ani!est are the #hildren o! &od, and the #hildren o! the devil, every one $ho is not doing righteousness, is not o! &od, and he $ho is not loving his brother, ##be#ause this is the "essage that ye did hear !ro" the beginning, that $e "ay love one another, #,not as Dain ++ o! the evil one he $as, and he did slay his brother, and $here!ore did he slay hi"b be#ause his $or's $ere evil, and those o! his brother righteous) #-Do not $onder, "y brethren, i! the $orld doth hate you, #.$e ++ $e have 'no$n that $e have assed out o! the death to the li!e, be#ause $e love the brethren, he $ho is not loving the brother doth re"ain in the death) #'Every one $ho is hating his brother ++ a "an+'iller he is, and ye have 'no$n that no "an+'iller hath li!e age+ during in hi" re"aining, #/in this $e have 'no$n the love, be#ause he !or us his li!e did lay do$n, and $e ought !or the brethren the lives to lay do$n, %`AC L MNMNOORXNOLC NY VLS ]NLS AXAUVBAO LS `LBNB LVB P`NUXA ASVLS NO ASVQ XNONB YAB LS WSOAVAB AXAUVAONBO LVB NY VLS ]NLS MNMNOORVAB #(NO VLSVQ ZAONUA NPVBO VA VNYOA VLS ]NLS YAB VA VNYOA VLS WBAHLKLS `AC L XR `LBQO WBYABLPSORO LSY NPVBO NY VLS ]NLS YAB L XR AMA`QO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS ##LVB ASVR NPVBO R AMMNKBA RO RYLSPAVN A` AUTRC BOA AMA`QXNO AKKRKLSC #,LS YA]QC YABO NY VLS `LORULS RO YAB NPZAaNO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS YAB TAUBO VBOLC NPZAaNO ASVLO LVB VA NUMA ASVLS `LORUA RO VA WN VLS AWNKZLS ASVLS WBYABA #-XR ]ASXA\NVN AWNKZLB XLS NB XBPNB SXAC L YLPXLC #.RXNBC LBWAXNO LVB XNVAHNHRYAXNO NY VLS ]AOAVLS NBC VRO \QRO LVB AMA`QXNO VLSC AWNKZLSC L XR AMA`QO VLO AWNKZLO XNONB NO VQ ]AOAVQ #'`AC L XBPQO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS AO]UQ`LYVLOLC NPVBO YAB LBWAVN LVB `AC AO]UQ`LYVLOLC LSY NTNB \QRO ABQOBLO NO ASVQ XNOLSPAO #/NO VLSVQ NMOQYAXNO VRO AMA`RO LVB NYNBOLC S`NU RXQO VRO cSTRO ASVLS N]RYNO YAB RXNBC LZNBKLXNO S`NU VQO AWNKZQO VAC cSTAC VB]NOAB
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#0and $hoever "ay have the goods o! the $orld, and "ay vie$ his brother having need, and "ay shut u his bo$els !ro" hi" ++ ho$ doth the love o! &od re"ain in hi"b #$@y little #hildren, "ay $e not love in $ord nor in tongue, but in $ord and in truthd #%and in this $e 'no$ that o! the truth $e are, and be!ore Hi" $e shall assure our hearts, ,(be#ause i! our heart "ay #onde"n ++ be#ause greater is &od than our heart, and He doth 'no$ all things) ,#Beloved, i! our heart "ay not #onde"n us, $e have boldness to$ard &od, ,,and $hatever $e "ay as', $e re#eive !ro" Hi", be#ause His #o""ands $e 'ee , and the things leasing be!ore Hi" $e do, ,-and this is His #o""and, that $e "ay believe in the na"e o! His Son 5esus Dhrist, and "ay love one another, even as He did give #o""and to us, ,.and he $ho is 'ee ing His #o""ands, in Hi" he doth re"ain, and He in hi", and in this $e 'no$ that He doth re"ain in us, !ro" the S irit that He gave us) #0LC W AO NTR VLO HBLO VLS YLPXLS YAB ]NQUR VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS TUNBAO NTLOVA YAB YKNBPR VA P`KAMTOA ASVLS A` ASVLS `QC R AMA`R VLS ]NLS XNONB NO ASVQ #$VNYOBA XLS XR AMA`QXNO KLMQ XRWN MKQPPR AKK NUMQ YAB AKR]NBA #%YAB NO VLSVQ MBOQPYLXNO LVB NY VRC AKR]NBAC NPXNO YAB NX`ULP]NO ASVLS `NBPLXNO VAC YAUWBAC RXQO ,(LVB NAO YAVAMBOQPYR RXQO R YAUWBA LVB XNB\QO NPVBO L ]NLC VRC YAUWBAC RXQO YAB MBOQPYNB `AOVA ,#AMA`RVLB NAO R YAUWBA RXQO XR YAVAMBOQPYR RXQO `AUURPBAO NTLXNO `ULC VLO ]NLO ,,YAB L NAO ABVQXNO KAXHAOLXNO `AU ASVLS LVB VAC NOVLKAC ASVLS VRULSXNO YAB VA AUNPVA NOQ`BLO ASVLS `LBLSXNO ,-YAB ASVR NPVBO R NOVLKR ASVLS BOA `BPVNSPQXNO VQ LOLXAVB VLS SBLS ASVLS BRPLS TUBPVLS YAB AMA`QXNO AKKRKLSC YA]QC NWQYNO NOVLKRO RXBO ,.YAB L VRUQO VAC NOVLKAC ASVLS NO ASVQ XNONB YAB ASVLC NO ASVQ YAB NO VLSVQ MBOQPYLXNO LVB XNONB NO RXBO NY VLS `ONSXAVLC LS RXBO NWQYNO
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+hapter .
#Beloved, every s irit believe not, but rove the s irits, i! o! &od they are, be#ause "any !alse ro hets have gone !orth to the $orld, ,in this 'no$ ye the S irit o! &od, every s irit that doth #on!ess 5esus Dhrist in the !lesh having #o"e, o! &od it is, -and every s irit that doth not #on!ess 5esus Dhrist in the !lesh having #o"e, o! &od it is not, and this is that o! the anti#hrist, $hi#h ye heard that it doth #o"e, and no$ in the $orld it is already) .4e ++ o! &od ye are, little #hildren, and ye have over#o"e the", be#ause greater is He $ho IisI in you, than he $ho is in the $orld) 'They ++ o! the $orld they are, be#ause o! this !ro" the $orld they s ea', and the $orld doth hear the", /$e ++ o! &od $e are, he $ho is 'no$ing &od doth hear us, he $ho is not o! &od, doth not hear us, !ro" this $e 'no$ the s irit o! the truth, and the s irit o! the error) 0Beloved, "ay $e love one another, be#ause the love is o! &od, and every one $ho is loving, o! &od he hath been begotten, and doth 'no$ &od, $he $ho is not loving did not 'no$ &od, be#ause &od is love) #AMA`RVLB XR `AOVB `ONSXAVB `BPVNSNVN AKKA WLYBXA\NVN VA `ONSXAVA NB NY VLS ]NLS NPVBO LVB `LKKLB cNSWL`ULZRVAB NaNKRKS]APBO NBC VLO YLPXLO ,NO VLSVQ MBOQPYNVN VL `ONSXA VLS ]NLS `AO `ONSXA L LXLKLMNB BRPLSO TUBPVLO NO PAUYB NKRKS]LVA NY VLS ]NLS NPVBO -YAB `AO `ONSXA L XR LXLKLMNB VLO BRPLSO TUBPVLO NO PAUYB NKRKS]LVA NY VLS ]NLS LSY NPVBO YAB VLSVL NPVBO VL VLS AOVBTUBPVLS L AYRYLAVN LVB NUTNVAB YAB OSO NO VQ YLPXQ NPVBO RWR .SXNBC NY VLS ]NLS NPVN VNYOBA YAB ONOBYRYAVN ASVLSC LVB XNB\QO NPVBO L NO SXBO R L NO VQ YLPXQ 'ASVLB NY VLS YLPXLS NBPBO WBA VLSVL NY VLS YLPXLS KAKLSPBO YAB L YLPXLC ASVQO AYLSNB /RXNBC NY VLS ]NLS NPXNO L MBOQPYQO VLO ]NLO AYLSNB RXQO LC LSY NPVBO NY VLS ]NLS LSY AYLSNB RXQO NY VLSVLS MBOQPYLXNO VL `ONSXA VRC AKR]NBAC YAB VL `ONSXA VRC `KAORC 0AMA`RVLB AMA`QXNO AKKRKLSC LVB R AMA`R NY VLS ]NLS NPVBO YAB `AC L AMA`QO NY VLS ]NLS MNMNOORVAB YAB MBOQPYNB VLO ]NLO $L XR AMA`QO LSY NMOQ VLO ]NLO LVB L ]NLC AMA`R NPVBO
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%0n this $as "ani!ested the love o! &od in us, be#ause His Son ++ the only begotten ++ hath &od sent to the $orld, that $e "ay live through hi", #(in this is the love, not that $e loved &od, but that He did love us, and did send His Son a ro itiation !or our sins) %NO VLSVQ NZAONUQ]R R AMA`R VLS ]NLS NO RXBO LVB VLO SBLO ASVLS VLO XLOLMNOR A`NPVAKYNO L ]NLC NBC VLO YLPXLO BOA \RPQXNO WB ASVLS #(NO VLSVQ NPVBO R AMA`R LST LVB RXNBC RMA`RPAXNO VLO ]NLO AKK LVB ASVLC RMA`RPNO RXAC YAB A`NPVNBKNO VLO SBLO ASVLS BKAPXLO `NUB VQO AXAUVBQO RXQO ##Beloved, i! thus did &od love us, $e ##AMA`RVLB NB LSVQC L ]NLC RMA`RPNO also ought one another to love, RXAC YAB RXNBC LZNBKLXNO AKKRKLSC AMA`AO #,&od no one hath ever seen, i! $e #,]NLO LSWNBC `Q`LVN VN]NAVAB NAO "ay love one another, &od in us doth AMA`QXNO AKKRKLSC L ]NLC NO RXBO re"ain, and His love is having been XNONB YAB R AMA`R ASVLS VNVNKNBQXNOR er!e#ted in us, NPVBO NO RXBO #-in this $e 'no$ that in Hi" $e do #-NO VLSVQ MBOQPYLXNO LVB NO ASVQ re"ain, and He in us, be#ause o! His XNOLXNO YAB ASVLC NO RXBO LVB NY VLS S irit He hath given us) `ONSXAVLC ASVLS WNWQYNO RXBO #..nd $e ++ $e have seen and do #.YAB RXNBC VN]NAXN]A YAB testi!y, that the Father hath sent the XAUVSULSXNO LVB L `AVRU A`NPVAKYNO Son ++ Saviour o! the $orld, VLO SBLO PQVRUA VLS YLPXLS #'$hoever "ay #on!ess that 5esus is #'LC AO LXLKLMRPR LVB BRPLSC NPVBO L the Son o! &od, &od in hi" doth SBLC VLS ]NLS L ]NLC NO ASVQ XNONB YAB re"ain, and he in &od, ASVLC NO VQ ]NQ #/and $e ++ $e have 'no$n and #/YAB RXNBC NMOQYAXNO YAB believed the love, that &od hath in us, `N`BPVNSYAXNO VRO AMA`RO RO NTNB L &od is love, and he $ho is re"aining ]NLC NO RXBO L ]NLC AMA`R NPVBO YAB L in the love, in &od he doth re"ain, and XNOQO NO VR AMA`R NO VQ ]NQ XNONB &od in hi") YAB L ]NLC NO ASVQ
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#00n this "ade er!e#t hath been the love $ith us, that boldness $e "ay have in the day o! the -udg"ent, be#ause even as He is, $e ++ $e also are in this $orld, #$!ear is not in the love, but the er!e#t love doth #ast out the !ear, be#ause the !ear hath unish"ent, and he $ho is !earing hath not been "ade er!e#t in the love, #%$e ++ $e love hi", be#ause He ++ He !irst loved us, ,(i! any one "ay say ++ I0 love &od,I and his brother he "ay hate, a liar he is, !or he $ho is not loving his brother $ho" he hath seen, &od ++ $ho" he hath not seen ++ ho$ is he able to loveb ,#and this IisI the #o""and $e have !ro" Hi", that he $ho is loving &od, "ay also love his brother) #0NO VLSVQ VNVNKNBQVAB R AMA`R XN] RXQO BOA `AUURPBAO NTQXNO NO VR RXNUA VRC YUBPNQC LVB YA]QC NYNBOLC NPVBO YAB RXNBC NPXNO NO VQ YLPXQ VLSVQ #$ZLHLC LSY NPVBO NO VR AMA`R AKK R VNKNBA AMA`R NaQ HAKKNB VLO ZLHLO LVB L ZLHLC YLKAPBO NTNB L WN ZLHLSXNOLC LS VNVNKNBQVAB NO VR AMA`R #%RXNBC AMA`QXNO ASVLO LVB ASVLC `UQVLC RMA`RPNO RXAC ,(NAO VBC NB`R LVB AMA`Q VLO ]NLO YAB VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS XBPR cNSPVRC NPVBO L MAU XR AMA`QO VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS LO NQUAYNO VLO ]NLO LO LST NQUAYNO `QC WSOAVAB AMA`AO ,#YAB VASVRO VRO NOVLKRO NTLXNO A` ASVLS BOA L AMA`QO VLO ]NLO AMA`A YAB VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS
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+hapter '
#Every one $ho is believing that 5esus is the Dhrist, o! &od he hath been begotten, and every one $ho is loving Hi" $ho did beget, doth love also hi" $ho is begotten o! Hi"F ,in this $e 'no$ that $e love the #hildren o! &od, $hen $e "ay love &od, and His #o""ands "ay 'ee , #`AC L `BPVNSQO LVB BRPLSC NPVBO L TUBPVLC NY VLS ]NLS MNMNOORVAB YAB `AC L AMA`QO VLO MNOORPAOVA AMA`A YAB VLO MNMNOORXNOLO Na ASVLS
,NO VLSVQ MBOQPYLXNO LVB AMA`QXNO VA VNYOA VLS ]NLS LVAO VLO ]NLO AMA`QXNO YAB VAC NOVLKAC ASVLS VRUQXNO -!or this is the love o! &od, that His -ASVR MAU NPVBO R AMA`R VLS ]NLS BOA #o""ands $e "ay 'ee , and His VAC NOVLKAC ASVLS VRUQXNO YAB AB #o""ands are not burdenso"e, NOVLKAB ASVLS HAUNBAB LSY NBPBO .be#ause every one $ho is begotten o! .LVB `AO VL MNMNOORXNOLO NY VLS ]NLS &od doth over#o"e the $orld, and this OBYA VLO YLPXLO YAB ASVR NPVBO R OBYR is the vi#tory that did over#o"e the R OBYRPAPA VLO YLPXLO R `BPVBC RXQO $orld ++ our !aith, '$ho is he $ho is over#o"ing the 'VBC NPVBO L OBYQO VLO YLPXLO NB XR L $orld, i! not he $ho is believing that `BPVNSQO LVB BRPLSC NPVBO L SBLC VLS 5esus is the Son o! &odb ]NLS /This one is he $ho did #o"e through /LSVLC NPVBO L NK]QO WB SWAVLC YAB $ater and blood ++ 5esus the Dhrist, not ABXAVLC BRPLSC L TUBPVLC LSY NO VQ in the $ater only, but in the $ater and SWAVB XLOLO AKK NO VQ SWAVB YAB VQ the blood, and the S irit it is that is ABXAVB YAB VL `ONSXA NPVBO VL testi!ying, be#ause the S irit is the XAUVSULSO LVB VL `ONSXA NPVBO R truth, AKR]NBA 0be#ause three are $ho are testi!ying 0LVB VUNBC NBPBO LB XAUVSULSOVNC NO VQ Iin the heaven, the Father, the Word, LSUAOQ L `AVRU L KLMLC YAB VL AMBLO and the Holy S irit, and these ++ the `ONSXA YAB LSVLB LB VUNBC NO NBPBO three ++ are one, $and three are $ho are testi!ying in the $YAB VUNBC NBPBO LB XAUVSULSOVNC NO VR earthI, the S irit, and the $ater, and the MR VL `ONSXA YAB VL SWQU YAB VL ABXA blood, and the three are into the one) YAB LB VUNBC NBC VL NO NBPBO 199G
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%0! the testi"ony o! "en $e re#eive, the testi"ony o! &od is greater, be#ause this is the testi"ony o! &od that He hath testi!ied #on#erning His Son) #(He $ho is believing in the Son o! &od, hath the testi"ony in hi"sel!, he $ho is not believing &od, a liar hath "ade Hi", be#ause he hath not believed in the testi"ony that &od hath testi!ied #on#erning His Son, ##and this is the testi"ony, that li!e age+during did &od give to us, and this ++ the li!e ++ is in His Son, #,he $ho is having the Son, hath the li!e, he $ho is not having the Son o! &od ++ the li!e he hath not) #-These things 0 did $rite to you $ho are believing in the na"e o! the Son o! &od, that ye "ay 'no$ that li!e ye have age+during, and that ye "ay believe in the na"e o! the Son o! &od) #..nd this is the boldness that $e have to$ard Hi", that i! anything $e "ay as' a##ording to his $ill, He doth hear us, #'and i! $e have 'no$n that He doth hear us, $hatever $e "ay as', $e have 'no$n that $e have the re?uests that $e have re?uested !ro" Hi") %NB VRO XAUVSUBAO VQO AO]UQ`QO KAXHAOLXNO R XAUVSUBA VLS ]NLS XNB\QO NPVBO LVB ASVR NPVBO R XAUVSUBA VLS ]NLS RO XNXAUVSURYNO `NUB VLS SBLS ASVLS #(L `BPVNSQO NBC VLO SBLO VLS ]NLS NTNB VRO XAUVSUBAO NO NASVQ L XR `BPVNSQO VQ ]NQ cNSPVRO `N`LBRYNO ASVLO LVB LS `N`BPVNSYNO NBC VRO XAUVSUBAO RO XNXAUVSURYNO L ]NLC `NUB VLS SBLS ASVLS ##YAB ASVR NPVBO R XAUVSUBA LVB \QRO ABQOBLO NWQYNO RXBO L ]NLC YAB ASVR R \QR NO VQ SBQ ASVLS NPVBO #,L NTQO VLO SBLO NTNB VRO \QRO L XR NTQO VLO SBLO VLS ]NLS VRO \QRO LSY NTNB #-VASVA NMUAcA SXBO VLBC `BPVNSLSPBO NBC VL LOLXA VLS SBLS VLS ]NLS BOA NBWRVN LVB \QRO NTNVN ABQOBLO YAB BOA `BPVNSRVN NBC VL LOLXA VLS SBLS VLS ]NLS #.YAB ASVR NPVBO R `AUURPBA RO NTLXNO `ULC ASVLO LVB NAO VB ABVQXN]A YAVA VL ]NKRXA ASVLS AYLSNB RXQO #'YAB NAO LBWAXNO LVB AYLSNB RXQO L AO ABVQXN]A LBWAXNO LVB NTLXNO VA ABVRXAVA A RVRYAXNO `AU ASVLS
1 5ohn
#/0! any one "ay see his brother sinning a sin not unto death, he shall as', and He shall give to hi" li!e to those sinning not unto death, there is sin to death, not #on#erning it do 0 s ea' that he "ay besee#h, #0all unrighteousness is sin, and there is sin not unto death) #$We have 'no$n that every one $ho hath been begotten o! &od doth not sin, but he $ho $as begotten o! &od doth 'ee hi"sel!, and the evil one doth not tou#h hi", #%$e have 'no$n that o! &od $e are, and the $hole $orld in the evil doth lie, ,(and $e have 'no$n that the Son o! &od is #o"e, and hath given us a "ind, that $e "ay 'no$ Hi" $ho is true, and $e are in Hi" $ho is true, in His Son 5esus Dhrist, this one is the true &od and the li!e age+duringd ,#Little #hildren, guard yourselves !ro" the idolsd ."en) #/NAO VBC BWR VLO AWNKZLO ASVLS AXAUVAOLOVA AXAUVBAO XR `ULC ]AOAVLO ABVRPNB YAB WQPNB ASVQ \QRO VLBC AXAUVAOLSPBO XR `ULC ]AOAVLO NPVBO AXAUVBA `ULC ]AOAVLO LS `NUB NYNBORC KNMQ BOA NUQVRPR #0`APA AWBYBA AXAUVBA NPVBO YAB NPVBO AXAUVBA LS `ULC ]AOAVLO #$LBWAXNO LVB `AC L MNMNOORXNOLC NY VLS ]NLS LST AXAUVAONB AKK L MNOOR]NBC NY VLS ]NLS VRUNB NASVLO YAB L `LORULC LST A`VNVAB ASVLS #%LBWAXNO LVB NY VLS ]NLS NPXNO YAB L YLPXLC LKLC NO VQ `LORUQ YNBVAB ,(LBWAXNO WN LVB L SBLC VLS ]NLS RYNB YAB WNWQYNO RXBO WBAOLBAO BOA MBOQPYQXNO VLO AKR]BOLO YAB NPXNO NO VQ AKR]BOQ NO VQ SBQ ASVLS BRPLS TUBPVQ LSVLC NPVBO L AKR]BOLC ]NLC YAB R \QR ABQOBLC ,#VNYOBA ZSKAaAVN NASVLSC A`L VQO NBWQKQO AXRO
,nd 1ohn
+hapter #
#The Elder to the #hoi#e Kyria, and to her #hildren, $ho" 0 love in truth, and not 0 only, but also all those having 'no$n the truth, ,be#ause o! the truth that is re"aining in us, and $ith us shall be to the age, -there shall be $ith you gra#e, 'indness, ea#e, !ro" &od the Father, and !ro" the Lord 5esus Dhrist, the Son o! the Father, in truth and love) .0 re-oi#ed e(#eedingly that 0 have !ound o! thy #hildren $al'ing in truth, even as a #o""and $e did re#eive !ro" the Father, 'and no$ 0 besee#h thee, Kyria, not as $riting to thee a ne$ #o""and, but $hi#h $e had !ro" the beginning, that $e "ay love one another, /and this is the love, that $e "ay $al' a##ording to His #o""ands, this is the #o""and, even as ye did hear !ro" the beginning, that in it ye "ay $al', 0be#ause "any leading astray did enter into the $orld, $ho are not #on!essing 5esus Dhrist #o"ing in !lesh, this one is he $ho is leading astray, and the anti#hrist) $See to yourselves that ye "ay not lose the things that $e $rought, but a !ull re$ard "ay re#eive, #L `UNPHSVNULC NYKNYVR YSUBA YAB VLBC VNYOLBC ASVRC LSC NMQ AMA`Q NO AKR]NBA YAB LSY NMQ XLOLC AKKA YAB `AOVNC LB NMOQYLVNC VRO AKR]NBAO ,WBA VRO AKR]NBAO VRO XNOLSPAO NO RXBO YAB XN] RXQO NPVAB NBC VLO ABQOA -NPVAB XN] RXQO TAUBC NKNLC NBUROR `AUA ]NLS `AVULC YAB `AUA YSUBLS BRPLS TUBPVLS VLS SBLS VLS `AVULC NO AKR]NBA YAB AMA`R .NTAURO KBAO LVB NSURYA NY VQO VNYOQO PLS `NUB`AVLSOVAC NO AKR]NBA YA]QC NOVLKRO NKAHLXNO `AUA VLS `AVULC 'YAB OSO NUQVQ PN YSUBA LST QC NOVLKRO MUAZQ PLB YABORO AKKA RO NBTLXNO A` AUTRC BOA AMA`QXNO AKKRKLSC /YAB ASVR NPVBO R AMA`R BOA `NUB`AVQXNO YAVA VAC NOVLKAC ASVLS ASVR NPVBO R NOVLKR YA]QC RYLSPAVN A` AUTRC BOA NO ASVR `NUB`AVRVN 0LVB `LKKLB `KAOLB NBPRK]LO NBC VLO YLPXLO LB XR LXLKLMLSOVNC BRPLSO TUBPVLO NUTLXNOLO NO PAUYB LSVLC NPVBO L `KAOLC YAB L AOVBTUBPVLC $HKN`NVN NASVLSC BOA XR A`LKNPQXNO A NBUMAPAXN]A AKKA XBP]LO `KRUR A`LKAHQXNO
G 5ohn
%every one $ho is transgressing, and is not re"aining in the tea#hing o! the Dhrist, hath not &od, he $ho is re"aining in the tea#hing o! the Dhrist, this one hath both the Father and the Son, #(i! any one doth #o"e unto you, and this tea#hing doth not bear, re#eive hi" not into the house, and say not to hi", IHaildI ##!or he $ho is saying to hi", IHail,I hath !ello$shi $ith his evil $or's) #,@any things having to $rite to you, 0 did not intend through a er and in', but 0 ho e to #o"e unto you, and s ea' "outh to "outh, that our -oy "ay be !ull, #-salute thee do the #hildren o! thy #hoi#e sister) ."en) %`AC L `AUAHABOQO YAB XR XNOQO NO VR WBWATR VLS TUBPVLS ]NLO LSY NTNB L XNOQO NO VR WBWATR VLS TUBPVLS LSVLC YAB VLO `AVNUA YAB VLO SBLO NTNB #(NB VBC NUTNVAB `ULC SXAC YAB VASVRO VRO WBWATRO LS ZNUNB XR KAXHAONVN ASVLO NBC LBYBAO YAB TABUNBO ASVQ XR KNMNVN ##L MAU KNMQO ASVQ TABUNBO YLBOQONB VLBC NUMLBC ASVLS VLBC `LORULBC #,`LKKA NTQO SXBO MUAZNBO LSY RHLSKR]RO WBA TAUVLS YAB XNKAOLC AKKA NK`B\Q NK]NBO `ULC SXAC YAB PVLXA `ULC PVLXA KAKRPAB BOA R TAUA RXQO R `N`KRUQXNOR #-AP`A\NVAB PN VA VNYOA VRC AWNKZRC PLS VRC NYKNYVRC AXRO
-rd 1ohn
+hapter #
#The Elder to &aius the beloved, $ho" 0 love in truthd ,beloved, #on#erning all things 0 desire thee to ros er, and to be in health, even as thy soul doth ros er, -!or 0 re-oi#ed e(#eedingly, brethren #o"ing and testi!ying o! the truth in thee, even as thou in truth dost $al', .greater than these things 0 have no -oy, that 0 "ay hear o! "y #hildren in truth $al'ing) 'Beloved, !aith!ully dost thou do $hatever thou "ayest $or' to the brethren and to the strangers, /$ho did testi!y o! thy love be!ore an asse"bly, $ho" thou $ilt do $ell, having sent !or$ard $orthily o! &od, 0be#ause !or IHisI na"e they $ent !orth, nothing re#eiving !ro" the nations, $$e, then, ought to re#eive su#h, that !ello$+$or'ers $e "ay be#o"e to the truth) %0 did $rite to the asse"bly, but he $ho is loving the !irst la#e a"ong the" ++ Diotre hes ++ doth not re#eive us, #L `UNPHSVNULC MABQ VQ AMA`RVQ LO NMQ AMA`Q NO AKR]NBA ,AMA`RVN `NUB `AOVQO NSTLXAB PN NSLWLSP]AB YAB SMBABONBO YA]QC NSLWLSVAB PLS R cSTR -NTAURO MAU KBAO NUTLXNOQO AWNKZQO YAB XAUVSULSOVQO PLS VR AKR]NBA YA]QC PS NO AKR]NBA `NUB`AVNBC .XNB\LVNUAO VLSVQO LSY NTQ TAUAO BOA AYLSQ VA NXA VNYOA NO AKR]NBA `NUB`AVLSOVA 'AMA`RVN `BPVLO `LBNBC L NAO NUMAPR NBC VLSC AWNKZLSC YAB NBC VLSC aNOLSC /LB NXAUVSURPAO PLS VR AMA`R NOQ`BLO NYYKRPBAC LSC YAKQC `LBRPNBC `UL`NXcAC AaBQC VLS ]NLS 0S`NU MAU VLS LOLXAVLC NaRK]LO XRWNO KAXHAOLOVNC A`L VQO N]OQO $RXNBC LSO LZNBKLXNO A`LKAXHAONBO VLSC VLBLSVLSC BOA PSONUMLB MBOQXN]A VR AKR]NBA %NMUAcA VR NYYKRPBA AKK L ZBKL`UQVNSQO ASVQO WBLVUNZRC LSY N`BWNTNVAB RXAC
: 5ohn
#(be#ause o! this, i! 0 "ay #o"e, 0 $ill #ause hi" to re"e"ber his $or's that he doth, $ith evil $ords rating against us, and not #ontent $ith these, neither doth he hi"sel! re#eive the brethren, and those intending he doth !orbid, and out o! the asse"bly he doth #ast) ##Beloved, be not thou !ollo$ing that $hi#h is evil, but that $hi#h is good, he $ho is doing good, o! &od he is, and he $ho is doing evil hath not seen &od, #,to De"etrius testi"ony hath been given by all, and by the truth itsel!, and $e also ++ $e do testi!y, and ye have 'no$n that our testi"ony is true) #-@any things 0 had to $rite, but 0 do not $ish through in' and en to $rite to thee, #.and 0 ho e straight$ay to see thee, and "outh to "outh $e shall s ea') Pea#e to theed salute thee do the !riends, be saluting the !riends by na"e) #'e f #(WBA VLSVL NAO NK]Q S`LXORPQ ASVLS VA NUMA A `LBNB KLMLBC `LORULBC ZKSAUQO RXAC YAB XR AUYLSXNOLC N`B VLSVLBC LSVN ASVLC N`BWNTNVAB VLSC AWNKZLSC YAB VLSC HLSKLXNOLSC YQKSNB YAB NY VRC NYYKRPBAC NYHAKKNB ##AMA`RVN XR XBXLS VL YAYLO AKKA VL AMA]LO L AMA]L`LBQO NY VLS ]NLS NPVBO L WN YAYL`LBQO LST NQUAYNO VLO ]NLO #,WRXRVUBQ XNXAUVSURVAB S`L `AOVQO YAB S` ASVRC VRC AKR]NBAC YAB RXNBC WN XAUVSULSXNO YAB LBWAVN LVB R XAUVSUBA RXQO AKR]RC NPVBO #-`LKKA NBTLO MUAZNBO AKK LS ]NKQ WBA XNKAOLC YAB YAKAXLS PLB MUAcAB #.NK`B\Q WN NS]NQC BWNBO PN YAB PVLXA `ULC PVLXA KAKRPLXNO NBUROR PLB AP`A\LOVAB PN LB ZBKLB AP`A\LS VLSC ZBKLSC YAV LOLXA #'e f
+hapter #
#5udas, o! 5esus Dhrist a servant, and brother o! 5a"es, to those san#ti!ied in &od the Father, and in 5esus Dhrist 'e t ++ #alled, ,'indness to you, and ea#e, and love, be "ulti liedd -Beloved, all diligen#e using to $rite to you #on#erning the #o""on salvation, 0 had ne#essity to $rite to you, e(horting to agoniEe !or the !aith on#e delivered to the saints, .!or there did #o"e in unobserved #ertain "en, long ago having been $ritten be!orehand to this -udg"ent, i" ious, the gra#e o! our &od erverting to las#iviousness, and our only @aster, &od, and Lord ++ 5esus Dhrist ++ denying, 'and to re"ind you 0 intend, you 'no$ing on#e this, that the Lord, a eo le out o! the land o! Egy t having saved, again those $ho did not believe did destroy, /"essengers also, those $ho did not 'ee their o$n rin#i ality, but did leave their ro er d$elling, to a -udg"ent o! a great day, in bonds everlasting, under dar'ness He hath 'e t, #BLSWAC BRPLS TUBPVLS WLSKLC AWNKZLC WN BAYQHLS VLBC NO ]NQ `AVUB RMBAPXNOLBC YAB BRPLS TUBPVQ VNVRURXNOLBC YKRVLBC ,NKNLC SXBO YAB NBUROR YAB AMA`R `KR]SO]NBR -AMA`RVLB `APAO P`LSWRO `LBLSXNOLC MUAZNBO SXBO `NUB VRC YLBORC PQVRUBAC AOAMYRO NPTLO MUAcAB SXBO `AUAYAKQO N`AMQOB\NP]AB VR A`Aa `AUAWL]NBPR VLBC AMBLBC `BPVNB .`AUNBPNWSPAO MAU VBONC AO]UQ`LB LB `AKAB `ULMNMUAXXNOLB NBC VLSVL VL YUBXA APNHNBC VRO VLS ]NLS RXQO TAUBO XNVAVB]NOVNC NBC APNKMNBAO YAB VLO XLOLO WNP`LVRO ]NLO YAB YSUBLO RXQO BRPLSO TUBPVLO AUOLSXNOLB 'S`LXORPAB WN SXAC HLSKLXAB NBWLVAC SXAC A`Aa VLSVL LVB L YSUBLC KALO NY MRC ABMS`VLS PQPAC VL WNSVNULO VLSC XR `BPVNSPAOVAC A`QKNPNO /AMMNKLSC VN VLSC XR VRURPAOVAC VRO NASVQO AUTRO AKKA A`LKB`LOVAC VL BWBLO LBYRVRUBLO NBC YUBPBO XNMAKRC RXNUAC WNPXLBC ABWBLBC S`L \LZLO VNVRURYNO
0as Sodo" and &o"orrah, and the #ities around the", in li'e "anner to these, having given the"selves to $horedo", and gone a!ter other !lesh, have been set be!ore ++ an e(a" le, o! !ire age+during, -usti#e su!!ering) $0n li'e "anner, nevertheless, those drea"ing also the !lesh indeed do de!ile, and lordshi they ut a$ay, and dignities they s ea' evil o!, %yet @i#hael, the #hie! "essenger, $hen, $ith the devil #ontending, he $as dis uting about the body o! @oses, did not dare to bring u an evil+s ea'ing -udg"ent, but said, IThe Lord rebu'e theedI #(and these, as "any things indeed as they have not 'no$n, they s ea' evil o!, and as "any things as naturally 7as the irrational beasts< they understand, in these they are #orru ted, ##$o to the"d be#ause in the $ay o! Dain they did go on, and to the de#eit o! Balaa" !or re$ard they did rush, and in the gainsaying o! Korah they did erish) #,These are in your love+!easts #raggy ro#'s, !easting together $ith you, $ithout !ear she herding the"selves, #louds $ithout $ater, by $inds #arried about, trees autu"nal, $ithout !ruit, t$i#e dead, rooted u , 0QC PLWLXA YAB MLXLUUA YAB AB `NUB ASVAC `LKNBC VLO LXLBLO VLSVLBC VUL`LO NY`LUONSPAPAB YAB A`NK]LSPAB L`BPQ PAUYLC NVNUAC `ULYNBOVAB WNBMXA `SULC ABQOBLS WBYRO S`NTLSPAB $LXLBQC XNOVLB YAB LSVLB NOS`OBA\LXNOLB PAUYA XNO XBABOLSPBO YSUBLVRVA WN A]NVLSPBO WLaAC WN HKAPZRXLSPBO %L WN XBTARK L AUTAMMNKLC LVN VQ WBAHLKQ WBAYUBOLXNOLC WBNKNMNVL `NUB VLS XQPNQC PQXAVLC LSY NVLKXRPNO YUBPBO N`NONMYNBO HKAPZRXBAC AKK NB`NO N`BVBXRPAB PLB YSUBLC #(LSVLB WN LPA XNO LSY LBWAPBO HKAPZRXLSPBO LPA WN ZSPBYQC QC VA AKLMA \QA N`BPVAOVAB NO VLSVLBC Z]NBULOVAB ##LSAB ASVLBC LVB VR LWQ VLS YABO N`LUNS]RPAO YAB VR `KAOR VLS HAKAAX XBP]LS NaNTS]RPAO YAB VR AOVBKLMBA VLS YLUN A`QKLOVL #,LSVLB NBPBO NO VABC AMA`ABC SXQO P`BKAWNC PSONSQTLSXNOLB AZLHQC NASVLSC `LBXABOLOVNC ONZNKAB AOSWULB S`L AONXQO `NUBZNULXNOAB WNOWUA Z]BOL`QUBOA AYAU`A WBC A`L]AOLOVA NYUB\Q]NOVA
#-$ild $aves o! a sea, !oa"ing out their o$n sha"es, stars going astray, to $ho" the gloo" o! the dar'ness to the age hath been 'e t) #..nd ro hesy also to these did the seventh !ro" .da" ++ Eno#h ++ saying, ILo, the Lord did #o"e in His saintly "yriads, #'to do -udg"ent against all, and to #onvi#t all their i" ious ones, #on#erning all their $or's o! i" iety that they did i" iously, and #on#erning all the sti!! things that s ea' against Hi" did i" ious sinners)I #/These are "ur"urers, re iners, a##ording to their desires $al'ing, and their "outh doth s ea' great s$ellings, giving ad"iration to ersons !or the sa'e o! ro!it, #0and ye, beloved, re"e"ber ye the sayings s o'en be!ore by the a ostles o! our Lord 5esus DhristF #$that they said to you, that in the last ti"e there shall be s#o!!ers, a!ter their o$n desires o! i" ieties going on, #%these are those setting the"selves a art, natural "en, the S irit not having) #-YSXAVA AMUBA ]AKAPPRC N`AZUB\LOVA VAC NASVQO ABPTSOAC APVNUNC `KAORVAB LBC L \LZLC VLS PYLVLSC NBC VLO ABQOA VNVRURVAB #.`ULNZRVNSPNO WN YAB VLSVLBC NHWLXLC A`L AWAX NOQT KNMQO BWLS RK]NO YSUBLC NO XSUBAPBO AMBABC ASVLS #'`LBRPAB YUBPBO YAVA `AOVQO YAB NaNKNMaAB `AOVAC VLSC APNHNBC ASVQO `NUB `AOVQO VQO NUMQO APNHNBAC ASVQO QO RPNHRPAO YAB `NUB `AOVQO VQO PYKRUQO QO NKAKRPAO YAV ASVLS AXAUVQKLB APNHNBC #/LSVLB NBPBO MLMMSPVAB XNXcBXLBULB YAVA VAC N`B]SXBAC ASVQO `LUNSLXNOLB YAB VL PVLXA ASVQO KAKNB S`NULMYA ]ASXA\LOVNC `ULPQ`A QZNKNBAC TAUBO #0SXNBC WN AMA`RVLB XORP]RVN VQO URXAVQO VQO `ULNBURXNOQO S`L VQO A`LPVLKQO VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS #$LVB NKNMLO SXBO LVB NO NPTAVQ TULOQ NPLOVAB NX`ABYVAB YAVA VAC NASVQO N`B]SXBAC `LUNSLXNOLB VQO APNHNBQO #%LSVLB NBPBO LB A`LWBLUB\LOVNC cSTBYLB `ONSXA XR NTLOVNC
,(.nd ye, beloved, on your "ost holy !aith building yourselves u , in the Holy S irit raying, ,#yourselves in the love o! &od 'ee ye, $aiting !or the 'indness o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist ++ to li!e age+during, ,,and to so"e be 'ind, -udging thoroughly, ,-and so"e in !ear save ye, out o! the !ire snat#hing, hating even the #oat !ro" the !lesh s otted) ,..nd to Hi" $ho is able to guard you not stu"bling, and to set IyouI in the resen#e o! His glory unble"ished, in gladness, ,'to the only $ise &od our Saviour, IisI glory and greatness, o$er and authority, both no$ and to all the agesd ."en) ,(SXNBC WN AMA`RVLB VR AMBQVAVR SXQO `BPVNB N`LBYLWLXLSOVNC NASVLSC NO `ONSXAVB AMBQ `ULPNSTLXNOLB ,#NASVLSC NO AMA`R ]NLS VRURPAVN `ULPWNTLXNOLB VL NKNLC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS TUBPVLS NBC \QRO ABQOBLO ,,YAB LSC XNO NKNNBVN WBAYUBOLXNOLB ,-LSC WN NO ZLHQ PQ\NVN NY VLS `SULC AU`A\LOVNC XBPLSOVNC YAB VLO A`L VRC PAUYLC NP`BKQXNOLO TBVQOA ,.VQ WN WSOAXNOQ ZSKAaAB ASVLSC A`VABPVLSC YAB PVRPAB YAVNOQ`BLO VRC WLaRC ASVLS AXQXLSC NO AMAKKBAPNB ,'XLOQ PLZQ ]NQ PQVRUB RXQO WLaA YAB XNMAKQPSOR YUAVLC YAB NaLSPBA YAB OSO YAB NBC `AOVAC VLSC ABQOAC AXRO
+hapter #
#. revelation o! 5esus Dhrist, that &od gave to hi", to she$ to his servants $hat things it behoveth to #o"e to ass ?ui#'ly, and he did signi!y IitI, having sent through his "essenger to his servant 5ohn, ,$ho did testi!y the $ord o! &od, and the testi"ony o! 5esus Dhrist, as "any things also as he did see) -Ha y is he $ho is reading, and those hearing, the $ords o! the ro he#y, and 'ee ing the things $ritten in it ++ !or the ti"e is nighd .5ohn to the seven asse"blies that IareI in .siaF &ra#e to you, and ea#e, !ro" Hi" $ho is, and $ho $as, and $ho is #o"ing, and !ro" the Seven S irits that are be!ore His throne, 'and !ro" 5esus Dhrist, the !aith!ul $itness, the !irst+born out o! the dead, and the ruler o! the 'ings o! the earth, to hi" $ho did love us, and did bathe us !ro" our sins in his blood, /and did "a'e us 'ings and riests to his &od and Father, to hi" IisI the glory and the o$er to the ages o! the agesd ."en) #A`LYAKScBC BRPLS TUBPVLS RO NWQYNO ASVQ L ]NLC WNBaAB VLBC WLSKLBC ASVLS A WNB MNONP]AB NO VATNB YAB NPRXAONO A`LPVNBKAC WBA VLS AMMNKLS ASVLS VQ WLSKQ ASVLS BQAOOR ,LC NXAUVSURPNO VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS YAB VRO XAUVSUBAO BRPLS TUBPVLS LPA VN NBWNO -XAYAUBLC L AOAMBOQPYQO YAB LB AYLSLOVNC VLSC KLMLSC VRC `ULZRVNBAC YAB VRULSOVNC VA NO ASVR MNMUAXXNOA L MAU YABULC NMMSC .BQAOORC VABC N`VA NYYKRPBABC VABC NO VR APBA TAUBC SXBO YAB NBUROR A`L VLS L QO YAB L RO YAB L NUTLXNOLC YAB A`L VQO N`VA `ONSXAVQO A NPVBO NOQ`BLO VLS ]ULOLS ASVLS 'YAB A`L BRPLS TUBPVLS L XAUVSC L `BPVLC L `UQVLVLYLC NY VQO ONYUQO YAB L AUTQO VQO HAPBKNQO VRC MRC VQ AMA`RPAOVB RXAC YAB KLSPAOVB RXAC A`L VQO AXAUVBQO RXQO NO VQ ABXAVB ASVLS /YAB N`LBRPNO RXAC HAPBKNBC YAB BNUNBC VQ ]NQ YAB `AVUB ASVLS ASVQ R WLaA YAB VL YUAVLC NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO AXRO
0Lo, he doth #o"e $ith the #louds, and see hi" shall every eye, even those $ho did ier#e hi", and $ail be#ause o! hi" shall all the tribes o! the land) 4esd ."end $I0 a" the .l ha and the O"ega, beginning and end, saith the Lord, $ho is, and $ho $as, and $ho is #o"ing ++ the .l"ighty)I %0, 5ohn, $ho also Ia"I your brother, and !ello$+ artner in the tribulation, and in the reign and enduran#e, o! 5esus Dhrist, $as in the isle that is #alled Pat"os, be#ause o! the $ord o! &od, and be#ause o! the testi"ony o! 5esus Dhrist, #(0 $as in the S irit on the LordIs+day, and 0 heard behind "e a great voi#e, as o! a tru" et, saying, ##I0 a" the .l ha and the O"ega, the First and the Last,I and, IWhat thou dost see, $rite in a s#roll, and send to the seven asse"blies that IareI in .sia, to E hesus, and to S"yrna, and to Perga"os, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadel hia, and to Laodi#ea)I #,.nd 0 did turn to see the voi#e that did s ea' $ith "e, and having turned, 0 sa$ seven golden la" +stands, #-and in the "idst o! the seven la" + stands, IoneI li'e to a son o! "an, #lothed to the !oot, and girt round at the breast $ith a golden girdle, 0BWLS NUTNVAB XNVA VQO ONZNKQO YAB LcNVAB ASVLO `AC LZ]AKXLC YAB LBVBONC ASVLO NaNYNOVRPAO YAB YLcLOVAB N` ASVLO `APAB AB ZSKAB VRC MRC OAB AXRO $NMQ NBXB VL A YAB VL Q AUTR YAB VNKLC KNMNB L YSUBLC L QO YAB L RO YAB L NUTLXNOLC L `AOVLYUAVQU %NMQ BQAOORC L YAB AWNKZLC SXQO YAB PSMYLBOQOLC NO VR ]KBcNB YAB NO VR HAPBKNBA YAB S`LXLOR BRPLS TUBPVLS NMNOLXRO NO VR ORPQ VR YAKLSXNOR `AVXQ WBA VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS YAB WBA VRO XAUVSUBAO BRPLS TUBPVLS #(NMNOLXRO NO `ONSXAVB NO VR YSUBAYR RXNUA YAB RYLSPA L`BPQ XLS ZQORO XNMAKRO QC PAK`BMMLC ##KNMLSPRC NMQ NBXB VL A YAB VL Q L `UQVLC YAB L NPTAVLC YAB L HKN`NBC MUAcLO NBC HBHKBLO YAB `NXcLO VABC NYYKRPBABC VABC NO APBA NBC NZNPLO YAB NBC PXSUOAO YAB NBC `NUMAXLO YAB NBC ]SAVNBUA YAB NBC PAUWNBC YAB NBC ZBKAWNKZNBAO YAB NBC KALWBYNBAO #,YAB N`NPVUNcA HKN`NBO VRO ZQORO RVBC NKAKRPNO XNV NXLS YAB N`BPVUNcAC NBWLO N`VA KSTOBAC TUSPAC #-YAB NO XNPQ VQO N`VA KSTOBQO LXLBLO SBQ AO]UQ`LS NOWNWSXNOLO `LWRUR YAB `NUBN\QPXNOLO `ULC VLBC XAPVLBC \QORO TUSPRO
#.and his head and hairs $hite, as i! $hite $ool ++ as sno$, and his eyes as a !la"e o! !ire, #'and his !eet li'e to !ine brass, as in a !urna#e having been !ired, and his voi#e as a sound o! "any $aters, #.R WN YNZAKR ASVLS YAB AB VUBTNC KNSYAB QPNB NUBLO KNSYLO QC TBQO YAB LB LZ]AKXLB ASVLS QC ZKLa `SULC #'YAB LB `LWNC ASVLS LXLBLB TAKYLKBHAOQ QC NO YAXBOQ `N`SUQXNOLB YAB R ZQOR ASVLS QC ZQOR SWAVQO `LKKQO #/and having in his right hand seven #/YAB NTQO NO VR WNaBA ASVLS TNBUB stars, and out o! his "outh a shar APVNUAC N`VA YAB NY VLS PVLXAVLC t$o+edged s$ord is ro#eeding, and ASVLS ULXZABA WBPVLXLC LaNBA his #ountenan#e IisI as the sun shining NY`LUNSLXNOR YAB R LcBC ASVLS QC L in its "ight) RKBLC ZABONB NO VR WSOAXNB ASVLS #0.nd $hen 0 sa$ hi", 0 did !all at his #0YAB LVN NBWLO ASVLO N`NPA `ULC VLSC !eet as dead, and he la#ed his right `LWAC ASVLS QC ONYULC YAB N`N]RYNO hand u on "e, saying to "e, IBe not VRO WNaBAO ASVLS TNBUA N` NXN KNMQO a!raid, 0 a" the First and the Last, XLB XR ZLHLS NMQ NBXB L `UQVLC YAB L NPTAVLC #$and he $ho is living, and 0 did #$YAB L \QO YAB NMNOLXRO ONYULC YAB be#o"e dead, and, lo, 0 a" living to BWLS \QO NBXB NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO the ages o! the ages) ."end and 0 have ABQOQO AXRO YAB NTQ VAC YKNBC VLS the 'eys o! the hades and o! the death) AWLS YAB VLS ]AOAVLS #%IWrite the things that thou hast seen, #%MUAcLO A NBWNC YAB A NBPBO YAB A and the things that are, and the things XNKKNB MBONP]AB XNVA VASVA that are about to #o"e a!ter these things, ,(the se#ret o! the seven stars that ,(VL XSPVRUBLO VQO N`VA APVNUQO QO thou hast seen u on "y right hand, NBWNC N`B VRC WNaBAC XLS YAB VAC N`VA and the seven golden la" +standsF the KSTOBAC VAC TUSPAC LB N`VA APVNUNC seven stars are "essengers o! the AMMNKLB VQO N`VA NYYKRPBQO NBPBO YAB seven asse"blies, and the seven la" + AB N`VA KSTOBAB AC NBWNC N`VA stands that thou hast seen are seven NYYKRPBAB NBPBO asse"blies)
+hapter ,
#ITo the "essenger o! the E hesian asse"bly $riteF These things saith he $ho is holding the seven stars in his right hand, $ho is $al'ing in the "idst o! the seven la" +stands ++ the goldenF ,0 have 'no$n thy $or's, and thy labour, and thy enduran#e, and that thou art not able to bear evil ones, and that thou hast tried those saying the"selves to be a ostles and are not, and hast !ound the" liars, -and thou didst bear, and hast enduran#e, and be#ause o! "y na"e hast toiled, and hast not been $eary) .IBut 0 have against theeF That thy !irst love thou didst leaved 're"e"ber, then, $hen#e thou hast !allen, and re!or", and the !irst $or's do, and i! not, 0 #o"e to thee ?ui#'ly, and $ill re"ove thy la" +stand !ro" its la#e ++ i! thou "ayest not re!or", /but this thou hast, that thou dost hate the $or's o! the /i#olaitans, that 0 also hate) 0He $ho is having an ear ++ let hi" hear $hat the S irit saith to the asse"bliesF To hi" $ho is over#o"ing ++ 0 $ill give to hi" to eat o! the tree o! li!e that is in the "idst o! the aradise o! &od) #VQ AMMNKQ VRC NZNPBORC NYYKRPBAC MUAcLO VAWN KNMNB L YUAVQO VLSC N`VA APVNUAC NO VR WNaBA ASVLS L `NUB`AVQO NO XNPQ VQO N`VA KSTOBQO VQO TUSPQO ,LBWA VA NUMA PLS YAB VLO YL`LO PLS YAB VRO S`LXLORO PLS YAB LVB LS WSOR HAPVAPAB YAYLSC YAB N`NBUAPQ VLSC ZAPYLOVAC NBOAB A`LPVLKLSC YAB LSY NBPBO YAB NSUNC ASVLSC cNSWNBC -YAB NHAPVAPAC YAB S`LXLORO NTNBC YAB WBA VL LOLXA XLS YNYL`BAYAC YAB LS YNYXRYAC .AKK NTQ YAVA PLS LVB VRO AMA`RO PLS VRO `UQVRO AZRYAC 'XORXLONSN LSO `L]NO NY`N`VQYAC YAB XNVAOLRPLO YAB VA `UQVA NUMA `LBRPLO NB WN XR NUTLXAB PLB VATNB YAB YBORPQ VRO KSTOBAO PLS NY VLS VL`LS ASVRC NAO XR XNVAOLRPRC /AKKA VLSVL NTNBC LVB XBPNBC VA NUMA VQO OBYLKABVQO A YAMQ XBPQ 0L NTQO LSC AYLSPAVQ VB VL `ONSXA KNMNB VABC NYYKRPBABC VQ OBYQOVB WQPQ ASVQ ZAMNBO NY VLS aSKLS VRC \QRC L NPVBO NO XNPQ VLS `AUAWNBPLS VLS ]NLS
$I.nd to the "essenger o! the asse"bly o! the S"yrneans $riteF These things saith the First and the Last, $ho did be#o"e dead and did live, %0 have 'no$n thy $or's, and tribulation, and overty ++ yet thou art ri#h ++ and the evil+s ea'ing o! those saying the"selves to be 5e$s, and are not, but IareI a synagogue o! the .dversary) #(IBe not a!raid o! the things that thou art about to su!!er, lo, the devil is about to #ast o! you to rison, that ye "ay be tried, and ye shall have tribulation ten days, be#o"e thou !aith!ul unto death, and 0 $ill give to thee the #ro$n o! the li!e) ##He $ho is having an ear ++ let hi" hear $hat the S irit saith to the asse"bliesF He $ho is over#o"ing "ay not be in-ured o! the se#ond death) #,I.nd to the "essenger o! the asse"bly in Perga"os $riteF These things saith he $ho is having the shar t$o+edged s$ordF $YAB VQ AMMNKQ VRC NYYKRPBAC PXSUOABQO MUAcLO VAWN KNMNB L `UQVLC YAB L NPTAVLC LC NMNONVL ONYULC YAB N\RPNO %LBWA PLS VA NUMA YAB VRO ]KBcBO YAB VRO `VQTNBAO `KLSPBLC WN NB YAB VRO HKAPZRXBAO VQO KNMLOVQO BLSWABLSC NBOAB NASVLSC YAB LSY NBPBO AKKA PSOAMQMR VLS PAVAOA #(XRWNO ZLHLS A XNKKNBC `APTNBO BWLS XNKKNB HAKNBO Na SXQO L WBAHLKLC NBC ZSKAYRO BOA `NBUAP]RVN YAB NaNVN ]KBcBO RXNUQO WNYA MBOLS `BPVLC ATUB ]AOAVLS YAB WQPQ PLB VLO PVNZAOLO VRC \QRC ##L NTQO LSC AYLSPAVQ VB VL `ONSXA KNMNB VABC NYYKRPBABC L OBYQO LS XR AWBYR]R NY VLS ]AOAVLS VLS WNSVNULS #,YAB VQ AMMNKQ VRC NO `NUMAXQ NYYKRPBAC MUAcLO VAWN KNMNB L NTQO VRO ULXZABAO VRO WBPVLXLO VRO LaNBAO
#-0 have 'no$n thy $or's, and $here thou dost d$ell ++ $here the throne o! the .dversary IisI ++ and thou dost hold !ast "y na"e, and thou didst not deny "y !aith, even in the days in $hi#h .nti as I$asI "y !aith!ul $itness, $ho $as ut to death beside you, $here the .dversary doth d$ell) #.IBut 0 have against thee a !e$ thingsF That thou hast there those holding the tea#hing o! Balaa", $ho did tea#h Bala' to #ast a stu"bling+ blo#' be!ore the sons o! 0srael, to eat idol+sa#ri!i#es, and to #o""it $horedo", #'so hast thou, even thou, those holding the tea#hing o! the /i#olaitans ++ $hi#h thing 0 hate) #/IRe!or"d and i! not, 0 #o"e to thee ?ui#'ly, and $ill !ight against the" $ith the s$ord o! "y "outh) #0He $ho is having an ear ++ let hi" hear $hat the S irit saith to the asse"bliesF To hi" $ho is over#o"ing, 0 $ill give to hi" to eat !ro" the hidden "anna, and $ill give to hi" a $hite stone, and u on the stone a ne$ na"e $ritten, that no one 'ne$ e(#e t hi" $ho is re#eiving IitI) #$I.nd to the "essenger o! the asse"bly o! Thyatira $riteF These things saith the Son o! &od, $ho is having his eyes as a !la"e o! !ire, and his !eet li'e to !ine brass, #-LBWA VA NUMA PLS YAB `LS YAVLBYNBC L`LS L ]ULOLC VLS PAVAOA YAB YUAVNBC VL LOLXA XLS YAB LSY RUORPQ VRO `BPVBO XLS YAB NO VABC RXNUABC NO ABC AOVB`AC L XAUVSC XLS L `BPVLC LC A`NYVAO]R `AU SXBO L`LS YAVLBYNB L PAVAOAC #.AKK NTQ YAVA PLS LKBMA LVB NTNBC NYNB YUAVLSOVAC VRO WBWATRO HAKAAX LC NWBWAPYNO NO VQ HAKAY HAKNBO PYAOWAKLO NOQ`BLO VQO SBQO BPUARK ZAMNBO NBWQKL]SVA YAB `LUONSPAB #'LSVQC NTNBC YAB PS YUAVLSOVAC VRO WBWATRO VQO OBYLKABVQO L XBPQ #/XNVAOLRPLO NB WN XR NUTLXAB PLB VATS YAB `LKNXRPQ XNV ASVQO NO VR ULXZABA VLS PVLXAVLC XLS #0L NTQO LSC AYLSPAVQ VB VL `ONSXA KNMNB VABC NYYKRPBABC VQ OBYQOVB WQPQ ASVQ ZAMNBO A`L VLS XAOOA VLS YNYUSXXNOLS YAB WQPQ ASVQ cRZLO KNSYRO YAB N`B VRO cRZLO LOLXA YABOLO MNMUAXXNOLO L LSWNBC NMOQ NB XR L KAXHAOQO #$YAB VQ AMMNKQ VRC NO ]SAVNBULBC NYYKRPBAC MUAcLO VAWN KNMNB L SBLC VLS ]NLS L NTQO VLSC LZ]AKXLSC ASVLS QC ZKLMA `SULC YAB LB `LWNC ASVLS LXLBLB TAKYLKBHAOQ
#%0 have 'no$n thy $or's, and love, and "inistration, and !aith, and thy enduran#e, and thy $or's ++ and the last IareI "ore than the !irst) ,(IBut 0 have against thee a !e$ thingsF That thou dost su!!er the $o"an 5eEebel, $ho is #alling hersel! a ro hetess, to tea#h, and to lead astray, "y servants to #o""it $horedo", and idol+sa#ri!i#es to eat, ,#and 0 did give to her a ti"e that she "ight re!or" !ro" her $horedo", and she did not re!or", ,,lo, 0 $ill #ast her into a #ou#h, and those #o""itting adultery $ith her into great tribulation ++ i! they "ay not re ent o! their $or's, ,-and her #hildren 0 $ill 'ill in death, and 'no$ shall all the asse"blies that 0 a" he $ho is sear#hing reins and hearts, and 0 $ill give to you ++ to ea#h ++ a##ording to your $or's) ,.I.nd to you 0 say, and to the rest $ho are in Thyatira, as "any as have not this tea#hing, and $ho did not 'no$ the de ths o! the .dversary, as they say, 0 $ill not ut u on you other burden, ,'but that $hi#h ye have ++ hold ye, till 0 "ay #o"e, ,/and he $ho is over#o"ing, and $ho is 'ee ing unto the end "y $or's, 0 $ill give to hi" authority over the nations, #%LBWA PLS VA NUMA YAB VRO AMA`RO YAB VRO WBAYLOBAO YAB VRO `BPVBO YAB VRO S`LXLORO PLS YAB VA NUMA PLS YAB VA NPTAVA `KNBLOA VQO `UQVQO ,(AKK NTQ YAVA PLS LKBMA LVB NAC VRO MSOABYA BN\AHRK VRO KNMLSPAO NASVRO `ULZRVBO WBWAPYNBO YAB `KAOAP]AB NXLSC WLSKLSC `LUONSPAB YAB NBWQKL]SVA ZAMNBO ,#YAB NWQYA ASVR TULOLO BOA XNVAOLRPR NY VRC `LUONBAC ASVRC YAB LS XNVNOLRPNO ,,BWLS NMQ HAKKQ ASVRO NBC YKBORO YAB VLSC XLBTNSLOVAC XNV ASVRC NBC ]KBcBO XNMAKRO NAO XR XNVAOLRPQPBO NY VQO NUMQO ASVQO ,-YAB VA VNYOA ASVRC A`LYVNOQ NO ]AOAVQ YAB MOQPLOVAB `APAB AB NYYKRPBAB LVB NMQ NBXB L NUNSOQO ONZULSC YAB YAUWBAC YAB WQPQ SXBO NYAPVQ YAVA VA NUMA SXQO ,.SXBO WN KNMQ YAB KLB`LBC VLBC NO ]SAVNBULBC LPLB LSY NTLSPBO VRO WBWATRO VASVRO YAB LBVBONC LSY NMOQPAO VA HA]R VLS PAVAOA QC KNMLSPBO LS HAKQ NZ SXAC AKKL HAULC ,'`KRO L NTNVN YUAVRPAVN ATUBC LS AO RaQ ,/YAB L OBYQO YAB L VRUQO ATUB VNKLSC VA NUMA XLS WQPQ ASVQ NaLSPBAO N`B VQO N]OQO
,0and he shall rule the" $ith a rod o! iron ++ as the vessels o! the otter they shall be bro'en ++ as 0 also have re#eived !ro" "y Father, ,$and 0 $ill give to hi" the "orning star) ,%He $ho is having an ear ++ let hi" hear $hat the S irit saith to the asse"blies) ,0YAB `LBXAONB ASVLSC NO UAHWQ PBWRUA QC VA PYNSR VA YNUAXBYA PSOVUBHNVAB QC YAMQ NBKRZA `AUA VLS `AVULC XLS ,$YAB WQPQ ASVQ VLO APVNUA VLO `UQBOLO ,%L NTQO LSC AYLSPAVQ VB VL `ONSXA KNMNB VABC NYYKRPBABC
+hapter #.nd to the "essenger o! the asse"bly in Sardis $riteF These things saith he $ho is having the Seven S irits o! &od, and the seven starsF 0 have 'no$n thy $or's, and that thou hast the na"e that thou dost live, and thou art dead, ,be#o"e $at#hing, and strengthen the rest o! the things that are about to die, !or 0 have not !ound thy $or's !ul!illed be!ore &od) -IRe"e"ber, then, ho$ thou hast re#eived, and heard, and be 'ee ing, and re!or"F i!, then, thou "ayest not $at#h, 0 $ill #o"e u on thee as a thie!, and thou "ayest not 'no$ $hat hour 0 $ill #o"e u on thee) .Thou hast a !e$ na"es even in Sardis $ho did not de!ile their gar"ents, and they shall $al' $ith "e in $hite, be#ause they are $orthy) 'He $ho is over#o"ing ++ this one ++ shall be arrayed in $hite gar"ents, and 0 $ill not blot out his na"e !ro" the s#roll o! the li!e, and 0 $ill #on!ess his na"e be!ore "y Father, and be!ore His "essengers) /He $ho is having an ear ++ let hi" hear $hat the S irit saith to the asse"blies) #YAB VQ AMMNKQ VRC NO PAUWNPBO NYYKRPBAC MUAcLO VAWN KNMNB L NTQO VA `ONSXAVA VLS ]NLS YAB VLSC N`VA APVNUAC LBWA PLS VA NUMA LVB VL LOLXA NTNBC LVB \RC YAB ONYULC NB ,MBOLS MURMLUQO YAB PVRUBaLO VA KLB`A A XNKKNB A`L]AONBO LS MAU NSURYA PLS VA NUMA `N`KRUQXNOA NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS -XORXLONSN LSO `QC NBKRZAC YAB RYLSPAC YAB VRUNB YAB XNVAOLRPLO NAO LSO XR MURMLURPRC RaQ N`B PN QC YKN`VRC YAB LS XR MOQC `LBAO QUAO RaQ N`B PN .NTNBC LKBMA LOLXAVA YAB NO PAUWNPBO A LSY NXLKSOAO VA BXAVBA ASVQO YAB `NUB`AVRPLSPBO XNV NXLS NO KNSYLBC LVB AaBLB NBPBO 'L OBYQO LSVLC `NUBHAKNBVAB NO BXAVBLBC KNSYLBC YAB LS XR NaAKNBcQ VL LOLXA ASVLS NY VRC HBHKLS VRC \QRC YAB NaLXLKLMRPLXAB VL LOLXA ASVLS NOQ`BLO VLS `AVULC XLS YAB NOQ`BLO VQO AMMNKQO ASVLS /L NTQO LSC AYLSPAVQ VB VL `ONSXA KNMNB VABC NYYKRPBABC
0I.nd to the "essenger o! the asse"bly in Philadel hia $riteF These things saith he $ho is holy, he $ho is true, he $ho is having the 'ey o! David, he $ho is o ening and no one doth shut, and he shutteth and no one doth o end $0 have 'no$n thy $or's, lo, 0 have set be!ore thee a door ++ o ened, and no one is able to shut it, be#ause thou hast a little o$er, and didst 'ee "y $ord, and didst not deny "y na"e, %lo, 0 "a'e o! the synagogue o! the .dversary those saying the"selves to be 5e$s, and are not, but do lie, lo, 0 $ill "a'e the" that they "ay #o"e and bo$ be!ore thy !eet, and "ay 'no$ that 0 loved thee) #(IBe#ause thou didst 'ee the $ord o! "y enduran#e, 0 also $ill 'ee thee !ro" the hour o! the trial that is about to #o"e u on all the $orld, to try those d$elling u on the earth) ##Lo, 0 #o"e ?ui#'ly, be holding !ast that $hi#h thou hast, that no one "ay re#eive thy #ro$n) 0YAB VQ AMMNKQ VRC NO ZBKAWNKZNBA NYYKRPBAC MUAcLO VAWN KNMNB L AMBLC L AKR]BOLC L NTQO VRO YKNBWA VLS WAHBW L AOLBMQO YAB LSWNBC YKNBNB YAB YKNBNB YAB LSWNBC AOLBMNB $LBWA PLS VA NUMA BWLS WNWQYA NOQ`BLO PLS ]SUAO AONQMXNORO YAB LSWNBC WSOAVAB YKNBPAB ASVRO LVB XBYUAO NTNBC WSOAXBO YAB NVRURPAC XLS VLO KLMLO YAB LSY RUORPQ VL LOLXA XLS %BWLS WBWQXB NY VRC PSOAMQMRC VLS PAVAOA VQO KNMLOVQO NASVLSC BLSWABLSC NBOAB YAB LSY NBPBO AKKA cNSWLOVAB BWLS `LBRPQ ASVLSC BOA RaQPBO YAB `ULPYSORPQPBO NOQ`BLO VQO `LWQO PLS YAB MOQPBO LVB NMQ RMA`RPA PN #(LVB NVRURPAC VLO KLMLO VRC S`LXLORC XLS YAMQ PN VRURPQ NY VRC QUAC VLS `NBUAPXLS VRC XNKKLSPRC NUTNP]AB N`B VRC LBYLSXNORC LKRC `NBUAPAB VLSC YAVLBYLSOVAC N`B VRC MRC ##BWLS NUTLXAB VATS YUAVNB L NTNBC BOA XRWNBC KAHR VLO PVNZAOLO PLS
#,He $ho is over#o"ing ++ 0 $ill "a'e hi" a illar in the san#tuary o! "y &od, and $ithout he "ay not go any "ore, and 0 $ill $rite u on hi" the na"e o! "y &od, and the na"e o! the #ity o! "y &od, the ne$ 5erusale", that doth #o"e do$n out o! the heaven !ro" "y &od ++ also "y ne$ na"e) #-He $ho is having an ear ++ let hi" hear $hat the S irit saith to the asse"blies) #.I.nd to the "essenger o! the asse"bly o! the Laodi#eans $riteF These things saith the ."en, the $itness ++ the !aith!ul and true ++ the #hie! o! the #reation o! &od, #'0 have 'no$n thy $or's, that neither #old art thou nor hot, 0 $ould thou $ert #old or hot) #/So ++ be#ause thou art lu'e$ar", and neither #old nor hot, 0 a" about to vo"it thee out o! "y "outh, #0be#ause thou sayest ++ 0 a" ri#h, and have gro$n ri#h, and have need o! nothing, and hast not 'no$n that thou art the $ret#hed, and "iserable, and oor, and blind, and na'ed, #$0 #ounsel thee to buy !ro" "e gold !ired by !ire, that thou "ayest be ri#h, and $hite gar"ents that thou "ayest be arrayed, and the sha"e o! thy na'edness "ay not be "ani!est, and $ith eye+salve anoint thine eyes, that thou "ayest see) #,L OBYQO `LBRPQ ASVLO PVSKLO NO VQ OAQ VLS ]NLS XLS YAB NaQ LS XR NaNK]R NVB YAB MUAcQ N` ASVLO VL LOLXA VLS ]NLS XLS YAB VL LOLXA VRC `LKNQC VLS ]NLS XLS VRC YABORC BNULSPAKRX R YAVAHABOLSPA NY VLS LSUAOLS A`L VLS ]NLS XLS YAB VL LOLXA XLS VL YABOLO #-L NTQO LSC AYLSPAVQ VB VL `ONSXA KNMNB VABC NYYKRPBABC #.YAB VQ AMMNKQ VRC NYYKRPBAC KALWBYNQO MUAcLO VAWN KNMNB L AXRO L XAUVSC L `BPVLC YAB AKR]BOLC R AUTR VRC YVBPNQC VLS ]NLS #'LBWA PLS VA NUMA LVB LSVN cSTULC NB LSVN \NPVLC LZNKLO cSTULC NBRC R \NPVLC #/LSVQC LVB TKBAULC NB YAB LSVN cSTULC LSVN \NPVLC XNKKQ PN NXNPAB NY VLS PVLXAVLC XLS #0LVB KNMNBC LVB `KLSPBLC NBXB YAB `N`KLSVRYA YAB LSWNOLC TUNBAO NTQ YAB LSY LBWAC LVB PS NB L VAKAB`QULC YAB NKNNBOLC YAB `VQTLC YAB VSZKLC YAB MSXOLC #$PSXHLSKNSQ PLB AMLUAPAB `AU NXLS TUSPBLO `N`SUQXNOLO NY `SULC BOA `KLSVRPRC YAB BXAVBA KNSYA BOA `NUBHAKR YAB XR ZAONUQ]R R ABPTSOR VRC MSXOLVRVLC PLS YAB YLKKLSUBLO NMTUBPLO VLSC LZ]AKXLSC PLS BOA HKN`RC
#%I.s "any as 0 love, 0 do #onvi#t and #hasten, be Eealous, then, and re!or", ,(lo, 0 have stood at the door, and 0 'no#', i! any one "ay hear "y voi#e, and "ay o en the door, 0 $ill #o"e in unto hi", and $ill su $ith hi", and he $ith "e) ,#He $ho is over#o"ing ++ 0 $ill give to hi" to sit $ith "e in "y throne, as 0 also did over#o"e and did sit do$n $ith "y Father in His throne) ,,He $ho is having an ear ++ let hi" hear $hat the S irit saith to the asse"blies)I #%NMQ LPLSC NAO ZBKQ NKNMTQ YAB `ABWNSQ \RKQPLO LSO YAB XNVAOLRPLO ,(BWLS NPVRYA N`B VRO ]SUAO YAB YULSQ NAO VBC AYLSPR VRC ZQORC XLS YAB AOLBaR VRO ]SUAO NBPNKNSPLXAB `ULC ASVLO YAB WNB`ORPQ XNV ASVLS YAB ASVLC XNV NXLS ,#L OBYQO WQPQ ASVQ YA]BPAB XNV NXLS NO VQ ]ULOQ XLS QC YAMQ NOBYRPA YAB NYA]BPA XNVA VLS `AVULC XLS NO VQ ]ULOQ ASVLS ,,L NTQO LSC AYLSPAVQ VB VL `ONSXA KNMNB VABC NYYKRPBABC
+hapter .
#.!ter these things 0 sa$, and lo, a door o ened in the heaven, and the !irst voi#e that 0 heard IisI as o! a tru" et s ea'ing $ith "e, saying, IDo"e u hither, and 0 $ill she$ thee $hat it behoveth to #o"e to ass a!ter these things,I ,and i""ediately 0 $as in the S irit, and lo, a throne $as set in the heaven, and u on the throne is IoneI sitting, -and He $ho is sitting $as in sight li'e a stone, -as er and sardineF and a rainbo$ $as round the throne in sight li'e an e"erald) ..nd around the throne IareI thrones t$enty and !our, and u on the thrones 0 sa$ the t$enty and !our elders sitting, #lothed in $hite gar"ents, and they had u on their heads #ro$ns o! gold, #XNVA VASVA NBWLO YAB BWLS ]SUA RONQMXNOR NO VQ LSUAOQ YAB R ZQOR R `UQVR RO RYLSPA QC PAK`BMMLC KAKLSPRC XNV NXLS KNMLSPA AOAHA QWN YAB WNBaQ PLB A WNB MNONP]AB XNVA VASVA
0and the !irst living #reature IisI li'e a lion, and the se#ond living #reature IisI li'e a #al!, and the third living #reature hath the !a#e as a "an, and the !ourth living #reature IisI li'e an eagle !lying) $.nd the !our living #reatures, ea#h by itsel! severally, had si( $ings, around and $ithin IareI !ull o! eyes, and rest they have not day and night, saying, IHoly, holy, holy, Lord &od .l"ighty, $ho $as, and $ho is, and $ho is #o"ing,I %and $hen the living #reatures do give glory, and honour, and than's, to Hi" $ho is sitting u on the throne, $ho is living to the ages o! the ages, #(!all do$n do the t$enty and !our elders be!ore Hi" $ho is sitting u on the throne, and bo$ be!ore Hi" $ho is living to the ages o! the ages, and they #ast their #ro$ns be!ore the throne, saying, ##IWorthy art Thou, O Lord, to re#eive the glory, and the honour, and the o$er, be#ause Thou ++ Thou didst #reate the all things, and be#ause o! Thy $ill are they, and they $ere #reated)I 0YAB VL \QLO VL `UQVLO LXLBLO KNLOVB YAB VL WNSVNULO \QLO LXLBLO XLPTQ YAB VL VUBVLO \QLO NTLO VL `ULPQ`LO QC AO]UQ`LC YAB VL VNVAUVLO \QLO LXLBLO ANVQ `NVQXNOQ $YAB VNPPAUA \QA NO YA] NASVL NBTLO AOA `VNUSMAC Na YSYKL]NO YAB NPQ]NO MNXLOVA LZ]AKXQO YAB AOA`ASPBO LSY NTLSPBO RXNUAC YAB OSYVLC KNMLOVA AMBLC AMBLC AMBLC YSUBLC L ]NLC L `AOVLYUAVQU L RO YAB L QO YAB L NUTLXNOLC %YAB LVAO WQPLSPBO VA \QA WLaAO YAB VBXRO YAB NSTAUBPVBAO VQ YA]RXNOQ N`B VLS ]ULOLS VQ \QOVB NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO #(`NPLSOVAB LB NBYLPB YAB VNPPAUNC `UNPHSVNULB NOQ`BLO VLS YA]RXNOLS N`B VLS ]ULOLS YAB `ULPYSOLSPBO VQ \QOVB NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO YAB HAKKLSPBO VLSC PVNZAOLSC ASVQO NOQ`BLO VLS ]ULOLS KNMLOVNC ##AaBLC NB YSUBN KAHNBO VRO WLaAO YAB VRO VBXRO YAB VRO WSOAXBO LVB PS NYVBPAC VA `AOVA YAB WBA VL ]NKRXA PLS NBPBO YAB NYVBP]RPAO
+hapter '
#.nd 0 sa$ u on the right hand o! Hi" $ho is sitting u on the throne a s#roll, $ritten $ithin and on the ba#', sealed $ith seven seals, ,and 0 sa$ a strong "essenger #rying $ith a great voi#e, IWho is $orthy to o en the s#roll and to loose the seals o! itbI -and no one $as able in the heaven, nor u on the earth, nor under the earth, to o en the s#roll, nor to behold it) ..nd 0 $as $ee ing "u#h, be#ause no one $as !ound $orthy to o en and to read the s#roll, nor to behold it, 'and one o! the elders saith to "e, IWee not, lo, over#o"e did the Lion, $ho is o! the tribe o! 5udah, the root o! David, to o en the s#roll, and to loose the seven seals o! it, /and 0 sa$, and lo, in the "idst o! the throne, and o! the !our living #reatures, and in the "idst o! the elders, a La"b hath stood as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, $hi#h are the Seven S irits o! &od, $hi#h are sent to all the earth, 0and he #a"e and too' the s#roll out o! the right hand o! Hi" $ho is sitting u on the throne) #YAB NBWLO N`B VRO WNaBAO VLS YA]RXNOLS N`B VLS ]ULOLS HBHKBLO MNMUAXXNOLO NPQ]NO YAB L`BP]NO YAVNPZUAMBPXNOLO PZUAMBPBO N`VA ,YAB NBWLO AMMNKLO BPTSULO YRUSPPLOVA ZQOR XNMAKR VBC NPVBO AaBLC AOLBaAB VL HBHKBLO YAB KSPAB VAC PZUAMBWAC ASVLS -YAB LSWNBC RWSOAVL NO VQ LSUAOQ LSWN N`B VRC MRC LSWN S`LYAVQ VRC MRC AOLBaAB VL HBHKBLO LSWN HKN`NBO ASVL .YAB NMQ NYKABLO `LKKA LVB LSWNBC AaBLC NSUN]R AOLBaAB YAB AOAMOQOAB VL HBHKBLO LSVN HKN`NBO ASVL 'YAB NBC NY VQO `UNPHSVNUQO KNMNB XLB XR YKABN BWLS NOBYRPNO L KNQO L QO NY VRC ZSKRC BLSWA R UB\A WAHBW AOLBaAB VL HBHKBLO YAB KSPAB VAC N`VA PZUAMBWAC ASVLS /YAB NBWLO YAB BWLS NO XNPQ VLS ]ULOLS YAB VQO VNPPAUQO \QQO YAB NO XNPQ VQO `UNPHSVNUQO AUOBLO NPVRYLC QC NPZAMXNOLO NTLO YNUAVA N`VA YAB LZ]AKXLSC N`VA LB NBPBO VA N`VA VLS ]NLS `ONSXAVA VA A`NPVAKXNOA NBC `APAO VRO MRO 0YAB RK]NO YAB NBKRZNO VL HBHKBLO NY VRC WNaBAC VLS YA]RXNOLS N`B VLS ]ULOLS
$.nd $hen he too' the s#roll, the !our living #reatures and the t$enty+!our elders !ell be!ore the La"b, having ea#h one har s and golden vials !ull o! er!u"es, $hi#h are the rayers o! the saints, %and they sing a ne$ song, saying, IWorthy art thou to ta'e the s#roll, and to o en the seals o! it, be#ause thou $ast slain, and didst redee" us to &od in thy blood, out o! every tribe, and tongue, and eo le, and nation, #(and didst "a'e us to our &od 'ings and riests, and $e shall reign u on the earth)I ##.nd 0 sa$, and 0 heard the voi#e o! "any "essengers round the throne, and the living #reatures, and the elders ++ and the nu"ber o! the" $as "yriads o! "yriads, and thousands o! thousands ++ #,saying $ith a great voi#e, IWorthy is the La"b that $as slain to re#eive the o$er, and ri#hes, and $isdo", and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessingdI $YAB LVN NKAHNO VL HBHKBLO VA VNPPAUA \QA YAB LB NBYLPBVNPPAUNC `UNPHSVNULB N`NPLO NOQ`BLO VLS AUOBLS NTLOVNC NYAPVLC YB]AUAC YAB ZBAKAC TUSPAC MNXLSPAC ]SXBAXAVQO AB NBPBO AB `ULPNSTAB VQO AMBQO %YAB AWLSPBO QWRO YABORO KNMLOVNC AaBLC NB KAHNBO VL HBHKBLO YAB AOLBaAB VAC PZUAMBWAC ASVLS LVB NPZAMRC YAB RMLUAPAC VQ ]NQ RXAC NO VQ ABXAVB PLS NY `APRC ZSKRC YAB MKQPPRC YAB KALS YAB N]OLSC #(YAB N`LBRPAC RXAC VQ ]NQ RXQO HAPBKNBC YAB BNUNBC YAB HAPBKNSPLXNO N`B VRC MRC ##YAB NBWLO YAB RYLSPA ZQORO AMMNKQO `LKKQO YSYKL]NO VLS ]ULOLS YAB VQO \QQO YAB VQO `UNPHSVNUQO YAB TBKBAWNC TBKBAWQO #,KNMLOVNC ZQOR XNMAKR AaBLO NPVBO VL AUOBLO VL NPZAMXNOLO KAHNBO VRO WSOAXBO YAB `KLSVLO YAB PLZBAO YAB BPTSO YAB VBXRO YAB WLaAO YAB NSKLMBAO
#-and every #reature that is in the heaven, and in the earth, and under the earth, and the things that are u on the sea, and the all things in the", heard 0 saying, ITo Hi" $ho is sitting u on the throne, and to the La"b, IisI the blessing, and the honour, and the glory, and the "ight ++ to the ages o! the agesdI #.and the !our living #reatures said, I."endI and the t$enty+!our elders !ell do$n and they bo$ be!ore Hi" $ho is living to the ages o! the ages) #-YAB `AO YVBPXA L NPVBO NO VQ LSUAOQ YAB NO VR MR YAB S`LYAVQ VRC MRC YAB N`B VRC ]AKAPPRC A NPVBO YAB VA NO ASVLBC `AOVA RYLSPA KNMLOVAC VQ YA]RXNOQ N`B VLS ]ULOLS YAB VQ AUOBQ R NSKLMBA YAB R VBXR YAB R WLaA YAB VL YUAVLC NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO #.YAB VA VNPPAUA \QA NKNMLO AXRO YAB LB NBYLPBVNPPAUNC `UNPHSVNULB N`NPAO YAB `ULPNYSORPAO \QOVB NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO
+hapter /
#.nd 0 sa$ $hen the La"b o ened one o! the seals, and 0 heard one o! the !our living #reatures saying, as it $ere a voi#e o! thunder, IDo"e and beholddI ,and 0 sa$, and lo, a $hite horse, and he $ho is sitting u on it is having a bo$, and there $as given to hi" a #ro$n, and he $ent !orth over#o"ing, and that he "ay over#o"e) -.nd $hen he o ened the se#ond seal, 0 heard the se#ond living #reature saying, IDo"e and beholddI .and there $ent !orth another horse ++ red, and to hi" $ho is sitting u on it, there $as given to hi" to ta'e the ea#e !ro" the land, and that one another they "ay slay, and there $as given to hi" a great s$ord) '.nd $hen he o ened the third seal, 0 heard the third living #reature saying, IDo"e and beholddI and 0 sa$, and lo, a bla#' horse, and he $ho is sitting u on it is having a balan#e in his hand, /and 0 heard a voi#e in the "idst o! the !our living #reatures saying, I. "easure o! $heat !or a denary, and three "easures o! barley !or a denary,I and IThe oil and the $ine thou "ayest not in-ure)I 0.nd $hen he o ened the !ourth seal, 0 heard the voi#e o! the !ourth living #reature saying, IDo"e and beholddI #YAB NBWLO LVN ROLBaNO VL AUOBLO XBAO NY VQO PZUAMBWQO YAB RYLSPA NOLC NY VQO VNPPAUQO \QQO KNMLOVLC QC ZQORC HULOVRC NUTLS YAB HKN`N ,YAB NBWLO YAB BWLS B``LC KNSYLC YAB L YA]RXNOLC N` ASVQ NTQO VLaLO YAB NWL]R ASVQ PVNZAOLC YAB NaRK]NO OBYQO YAB BOA OBYRPR -YAB LVN ROLBaNO VRO WNSVNUAO PZUAMBWA RYLSPA VLS WNSVNULS \QLS KNMLOVLC NUTLS YAB HKN`N .YAB NaRK]NO AKKLC B``LC `SUULC YAB VQ YA]RXNOQ N` ASVQ NWL]R ASVQ KAHNBO VRO NBURORO A`L VRC MRC YAB BOA AKKRKLSC PZAaQPBO YAB NWL]R ASVQ XATABUA XNMAKR 'YAB LVN ROLBaNO VRO VUBVRO PZUAMBWA RYLSPA VLS VUBVLS \QLS KNMLOVLC NUTLS YAB HKN`N YAB NBWLO YAB BWLS B``LC XNKAC YAB L YA]RXNOLC N` ASVQ NTQO \SMLO NO VR TNBUB ASVLS /YAB RYLSPA ZQORO NO XNPQ VQO VNPPAUQO \QQO KNMLSPAO TLBOBa PBVLS WROAUBLS YAB VUNBC TLBOBYNC YUB]RC WROAUBLS YAB VL NKABLO YAB VLO LBOLO XR AWBYRPRC 0YAB LVN ROLBaNO VRO PZUAMBWA VRO VNVAUVRO RYLSPA ZQORO VLS VNVAUVLS \QLS KNMLSPAO NUTLS YAB HKN`N
$and 0 sa$, and lo, a ale horse, and he $ho is sitting u on hi" ++ his na"e is Death, and Hades doth !ollo$ $ith hi", and there $as given to the" authority to 'ill, 7over the !ourth art o! the land,< $ith s$ord, and $ith hunger, and $ith death, and by the beasts o! the land) %.nd $hen he o ened the !i!th seal, 0 sa$ under the altar the souls o! those slain be#ause o! the $ord o! &od, and be#ause o! the testi"ony that they held, #(and they $ere #rying $ith a great voi#e, saying, ITill $hen, O @aster, the Holy and the True, dost Thou not -udge and ta'e vengean#e o! our blood !ro" those d$elling u on the landbI ##and there $as given to ea#h one $hite robes, and it $as said to the" that they "ay rest the"selves yet a little ti"e, till "ay be !ul!illed also their !ello$+servants and their brethren, $ho are about to be 'illed ++ even as they) #,.nd 0 sa$ $hen he o ened the si(th seal, and lo, a great earth?ua'e #a"e, and the sun be#a"e bla#' as sa#'#loth o! hair, and the "oon be#a"e as blood, #-and the stars o! the heaven !ell to the earth ++ as a !ig+tree doth #ast her $inter !igs, by a great $ind being sha'en ++ $YAB NBWLO YAB BWLS B``LC TKQULC YAB L YA]RXNOLC N`AOQ ASVLS LOLXA ASVQ L ]AOAVLC YAB L AWRC AYLKLS]NB XNV ASVLS YAB NWL]R ASVLBC NaLSPBA A`LYVNBOAB N`B VL VNVAUVLO VRC MRC NO ULXZABA YAB NO KBXQ YAB NO ]AOAVQ YAB S`L VQO ]RUBQO VRC MRC %YAB LVN ROLBaNO VRO `NX`VRO PZUAMBWA NBWLO S`LYAVQ VLS ]SPBAPVRUBLS VAC cSTAC VQO NPZAMXNOQO WBA VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS YAB WBA VRO XAUVSUBAO RO NBTLO #(YAB NYUA\LO ZQOR XNMAKR KNMLOVNC NQC `LVN L WNP`LVRC L AMBLC YAB L AKR]BOLC LS YUBONBC YAB NYWBYNBC VL ABXA RXQO A`L VQO YAVLBYLSOVQO N`B VRC MRC ##YAB NWL]RPAO NYAPVLBC PVLKAB KNSYAB YAB NUUN]R ASVLBC BOA AOA`ASPQOVAB NVB TULOLO XBYULO NQC LS `KRUQPLOVAB YAB LB PSOWLSKLB ASVQO YAB LB AWNKZLB ASVQO LB XNKKLOVNC A`LYVNBONP]AB QC YAB ASVLB #,YAB NBWLO LVN ROLBaNO VRO PZUAMBWA VRO NYVRO YAB BWLS PNBPXLC XNMAC NMNONVL YAB L RKBLC NMNONVL XNKAC QC PAYYLC VUBTBOLC YAB R PNKROR NMNONVL QC ABXA #-YAB LB APVNUNC VLS LSUAOLS N`NPAO NBC VRO MRO QC PSYR HAKKNB VLSC LKSO]LSC ASVRC S`L XNMAKLS AONXLS PNBLXNOR
#.and heaven de arted as a s#roll rolled u , and every "ountain and island ++ out o! their la#es they $ere "oved, #'and the 'ings o! the earth, and the great "en, and the ri#h, and the #hie!s o! thousands, and the "ighty, and every servant, and every !ree"an, hid the"selves in the dens, and in the ro#'s o! the "ountains, #/and they say to the "ountains and to the ro#'s, IFall u on us, and hide us !ro" the !a#e o! Hi" $ho is sitting u on the throne, and !ro" the anger o! the La"b,I #0be#ause #o"e did the great day o! His anger, and $ho is able to standb #.YAB LSUAOLC A`NTQUBP]R QC HBHKBLO NBKBPPLXNOLO YAB `AO LULC YAB ORPLC NY VQO VL`QO ASVQO NYBOR]RPAO #'YAB LB HAPBKNBC VRC MRC YAB LB XNMBPVAONC YAB LB `KLSPBLB YAB LB TBKBAUTLB YAB LB WSOAVLB YAB `AC WLSKLC YAB `AC NKNS]NULC NYUScAO NASVLSC NBC VA P`RKABA YAB NBC VAC `NVUAC VQO LUNQO #/YAB KNMLSPBO VLBC LUNPBO YAB VABC `NVUABC `NPNVN NZ RXAC YAB YUScAVN RXAC A`L `ULPQ`LS VLS YA]RXNOLS N`B VLS ]ULOLS YAB A`L VRC LUMRC VLS AUOBLS #0LVB RK]NO R RXNUA R XNMAKR VRC LUMRC ASVLS YAB VBC WSOAVAB PVA]ROAB
+hapter 0
#.nd a!ter these things 0 sa$ !our "essengers, standing u on the !our #orners o! the land, holding the !our $inds o! the land, that the $ind "ay not blo$ u on the land, nor u on the sea, nor u on any tree, ,and 0 sa$ another "essenger going u !ro" the rising o! the sun, having a seal o! the living &od, and he did #ry $ith a great voi#e to the !our "essengers, to $ho" it $as given to in-ure the land and the sea, saying, -IDo not in-ure the land, nor the sea, nor the trees, till $e "ay seal the servants o! our &od u on their !oreheads)I ..nd 0 heard the nu"ber o! those sealed, 7#.. thousands $ere sealed out o! all the tribes o! the sons o! 0srael<F #YAB XNVA VASVA NBWLO VNPPAUAC AMMNKLSC NPVQVAC N`B VAC VNPPAUAC MQOBAC VRC MRC YUAVLSOVAC VLSC VNPPAUAC AONXLSC VRC MRC BOA XR `ONR AONXLC N`B VRC MRC XRVN N`B VRC ]AKAPPRC XRVN N`B `AO WNOWULO ,YAB NBWLO AKKLO AMMNKLO AOAHAOVA A`L AOAVLKRC RKBLS NTLOVA PZUAMBWA ]NLS \QOVLC YAB NYUAaNO ZQOR XNMAKR VLBC VNPPAUPBO AMMNKLBC LBC NWL]R ASVLBC AWBYRPAB VRO MRO YAB VRO ]AKAPPAO -KNMQO XR AWBYRPRVN VRO MRO XRVN VRO ]AKAPPAO XRVN VA WNOWUA ATUBC LS PZUAMB\QXNO VLSC WLSKLSC VLS ]NLS RXQO N`B VQO XNVQ`QO ASVQO .YAB RYLSPA VLO AUB]XLO VQO NPZUAMBPXNOQO UXW TBKBAWNC NPZUAMBPXNOLB NY `APRC ZSKRC SBQO BPUARK 'o! the tribe o! 5udah #, thousand 'NY ZSKRC BLSWA BH TBKBAWNC $ere sealed, o! the tribe o! Reuben #, NPZUAMBPXNOLB NY ZSKRC ULSHRO BH thousand $ere sealed, o! the tribe o! TBKBAWNC NPZUAMBPXNOLB NY ZSKRC MAW &ad #, thousand $ere sealed, BH TBKBAWNC NPZUAMBPXNOLB /o! the tribe o! .sher #, thousand /NY ZSKRC APRU BH TBKBAWNC $ere sealed, o! the tribe o! /a htali #, NPZUAMBPXNOLB NY ZSKRC ONZ]AKNBX BH thousand $ere sealed, o! the tribe o! TBKBAWNC NPZUAMBPXNOLB NY ZSKRC @anasseh #, thousand $ere sealed, XAOAPPR BH TBKBAWNC NPZUAMBPXNOLB 0o! the tribe o! Si"eon #, thousand 0NY ZSKRC PSXNQO BH TBKBAWNC $ere sealed, o! the tribe o! Levi #, NPZUAMBPXNOLB NY ZSKRC KNSB BH thousand $ere sealed, o! the tribe o! TBKBAWNC NPZUAMBPXNOLB NY ZSKRC 0ssa#har #, thousand $ere sealed, BPATAU BH TBKBAWNC NPZUAMBPXNOLB 19::
$o! the tribe o! [ebulun #, thousand $ere sealed, o! the tribe o! 5ose h #, thousand $ere sealed, o! the tribe o! Ben-a"in #, thousand $ere sealed) %.!ter these things 0 sa$, and lo, a great "ultitude, $hi#h to nu"ber no one $as able, out o! all nations, and tribes, and eo les, and tongues, standing be!ore the throne, and be!ore the La"b, arrayed in $hite robes, and al"s in their hands, #(and #rying $ith a great voi#e, saying, IThe salvation IisI to Hi" $ho is sitting u on the throne ++ to our &od, and to the La"bdI ##.nd all the "essengers stood around the throne, and the elders and the !our living #reatures, and they !ell u on their !a#e, and bo$ed be!ore &od, $NY ZSKRC \AHLSKQO BH TBKBAWNC NPZUAMBPXNOLB NY ZSKRC BQPRZ BH TBKBAWNC NPZUAMBPXNOLB NY ZSKRC HNOBAXBO BH TBKBAWNC NPZUAMBPXNOLB %XNVA VASVA NBWLO YAB BWLS LTKLC `LKSC LO AUB]XRPAB ASVLO LSWNBC RWSOAVL NY `AOVLC N]OLSC YAB ZSKQO YAB KAQO YAB MKQPPQO NPVQVNC NOQ`BLO VLS ]ULOLS YAB NOQ`BLO VLS AUOBLS `NUBHNHKRXNOLB PVLKAC KNSYAC YAB ZLBOBYNC NO VABC TNUPBO ASVQO #(YAB YUA\LOVNC ZQOR XNMAKR KNMLOVNC R PQVRUBA VQ YA]RXNOQ N`B VLS ]ULOLS VLS ]NLS RXQO YAB VQ AUOBQ ##YAB `AOVNC LB AMMNKLB NPVRYNPAO YSYKQ VLS ]ULOLS YAB VQO `UNPHSVNUQO YAB VQO VNPPAUQO \QQO YAB N`NPLO NOQ`BLO VLS ]ULOLS N`B `ULPQ`LO ASVQO YAB `ULPNYSORPAO VQ ]NQ #,saying, I."end the blessing, and the #,KNMLOVNC AXRO R NSKLMBA YAB R WLaA glory, and the $isdo", and the YAB R PLZBA YAB R NSTAUBPVBA YAB R than'sgiving, and the honour, and the VBXR YAB R WSOAXBC YAB R BPTSC VQ ]NQ o$er, and the strength, IareI to our RXQO NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO &od ++ to the ages o! the agesd ."endI AXRO #-.nd ans$er did one o! the elders, #-YAB A`NYUB]R NBC NY VQO saying to "e, IThese, $ho have been `UNPHSVNUQO KNMQO XLB LSVLB LB arrayed $ith the $hite robes ++ $ho `NUBHNHKRXNOLB VAC PVLKAC VAC KNSYAC are they, and $hen#e #a"e theybI VBONC NBPBO YAB `L]NO RK]LO
#.and 0 have said to hi", ISir, thou hast 'no$n,I and he said to "e, IThese are those $ho are #o"ing out o! the great tribulation, and they did $ash their robes, and they "ade their robes $hite in the blood o! the La"b, #'be#ause o! this are they be!ore the throne o! &od, and they do servi#e to Hi" day and night in His san#tuary, and He $ho is sitting u on the throne shall taberna#le over the", #/they shall not hunger any "ore, nor "ay the sun !all u on the", nor any heat, #0be#ause the La"b that IisI in the "idst o! the throne shall !eed the", and shall lead the" unto living !ountains o! $aters, and $i e a$ay shall &od every tear !ro" their eyes)I #.YAB NBURYA ASVQ YSUBN PS LBWAC YAB NB`NO XLB LSVLB NBPBO LB NUTLXNOLB NY VRC ]KBcNQC VRC XNMAKRC YAB N`KSOAO VAC PVLKAC ASVQO YAB NKNSYAOAO PVLKAC ASVQO NO VQ ABXAVB VLS AUOBLS #'WBA VLSVL NBPBO NOQ`BLO VLS ]ULOLS VLS ]NLS YAB KAVUNSLSPBO ASVQ RXNUAC YAB OSYVLC NO VQ OAQ ASVLS YAB L YA]RXNOLC N`B VLS ]ULOLS PYROQPNB N` ASVLSC #/LS `NBOAPLSPBO NVB LSWN WBcRPLSPBO NVB LSWN XR `NPR N` ASVLSC L RKBLC LSWN `AO YASXA #0LVB VL AUOBLO VL AOAXNPLO VLS ]ULOLS `LBXAONB ASVLSC YAB LWRMRPNB ASVLSC N`B \QPAC `RMAC SWAVQO YAB NaAKNBcNB L ]NLC `AO WAYUSLO A`L VQO LZ]AKXQO ASVQO
+hapter $
#.nd $hen he o eneth the seventh seal, there #a"e silen#e in the heaven about hal!+an+hour, ,and 0 sa$ the seven "essengers $ho be!ore &od have stood, and there $ere given to the" seven tru" ets, -and another "essenger did #o"e, and he stood at the altar, having a golden #enser, and there $as given to hi" "u#h er!u"e, that he "ay give IitI to the rayers o! all the saints u on the golden altar that IisI be!ore the throne, .and go u did the s"o'e o! the er!u"es to the rayers o! the saints out o! the hand o! the "essenger, be!ore &od, 'and the "essenger too' the #enser, and did !ill it out o! the !ire o! the altar, and did #ast IitI to the earth, and there #a"e voi#es, and thunders, and lightnings, and an earth?ua'e) /.nd the seven "essengers $ho are having the seven tru" ets did re are the"selves that they "ay sound, 0and the !irst "essenger did sound, and there #a"e hail and !ire, "ingled $ith blood, and it $as #ast to the land, and the third o! the trees $as burnt u , and all the green grass $as burnt u ) $.nd the se#ond "essenger did sound, and as it $ere a great "ountain $ith !ire burning $as #ast into the sea, and the third o! the sea be#a"e blood, #YAB LVN ROLBaNO VRO PZUAMBWA VRO NHWLXRO NMNONVL PBMR NO VQ LSUAOQ QC RXBQUBLO ,YAB NBWLO VLSC N`VA AMMNKLSC LB NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS NPVRYAPBO YAB NWL]RPAO ASVLBC N`VA PAK`BMMNC -YAB AKKLC AMMNKLC RK]NO YAB NPVA]R N`B VL ]SPBAPVRUBLO NTQO KBHAOQVLO TUSPLSO YAB NWL]R ASVQ ]SXBAXAVA `LKKA BOA WQPR VABC `ULPNSTABC VQO AMBQO `AOVQO N`B VL ]SPBAPVRUBLO VL TUSPLSO VL NOQ`BLO VLS ]ULOLS .YAB AONHR L YA`OLC VQO ]SXBAXAVQO VABC `ULPNSTABC VQO AMBQO NY TNBULC VLS AMMNKLS NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS 'YAB NBKRZNO L AMMNKLC VL KBHAOQVLO YAB NMNXBPNO ASVL NY VLS `SULC VLS ]SPBAPVRUBLS YAB NHAKNO NBC VRO MRO YAB NMNOLOVL ZQOAB YAB HULOVAB YAB APVUA`AB YAB PNBPXLC /YAB LB N`VA AMMNKLB NTLOVNC VAC N`VA PAK`BMMAC RVLBXAPAO NASVLSC BOA PAK`BPQPBO 0YAB L `UQVLC AMMNKLC NPAK`BPNO YAB NMNONVL TAKA\A YAB `SU XNXBMXNOA ABXAVB YAB NHKR]R NBC VRO MRO YAB VL VUBVLO VQO WNOWUQO YAVNYAR YAB `AC TLUVLC TKQULC YAVNYAR $YAB L WNSVNULC AMMNKLC NPAK`BPNO YAB QC LULC XNMA `SUB YABLXNOLO NHKR]R NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO YAB NMNONVL VL VUBVLO VRC ]AKAPPRC ABXA
%and die did the third o! the #reatures that IareI in the sea, those having li!e, and the third o! the shi s $ere destroyed) #(.nd the third "essenger did sound, and there !ell out o! the heaven a great star, burning as a la" , and it did !all u on the third o! the rivers, and u on the !ountains o! $aters, ##and the na"e o! the star is #alled Wor"$ood, and the third o! the $aters doth be#o"e $or"$ood, and "any o! the "en did die o! the $aters, be#ause they $ere "ade bitter) #,.nd the !ourth "essenger did sound, and s"itten $as the third o! the sun, and the third o! the "oon, and the third o! the stars, that dar'ened "ay be the third o! the", and that the day "ay not shine ++ the third o! it, and the night in li'e "anner) #-.nd 0 sa$, and 0 heard one "essenger, !lying in the "id+heaven, saying $ith a great voi#e, IWo, $o, $o, to those d$elling u on the land !ro" the rest o! the voi#es o! the tru" et o! the three "essengers $ho are about to sound)I %YAB A`N]AONO VL VUBVLO VQO YVBPXAVQO VQO NO VR ]AKAPPR VA NTLOVA cSTAC YAB VL VUBVLO VQO `KLBQO WBNZ]AUR #(YAB L VUBVLC AMMNKLC NPAK`BPNO YAB N`NPNO NY VLS LSUAOLS APVRU XNMAC YABLXNOLC QC KAX`AC YAB N`NPNO N`B VL VUBVLO VQO `LVAXQO YAB N`B VAC `RMAC SWAVQO ##YAB VL LOLXA VLS APVNULC KNMNVAB AcBO]LC YAB MBONVAB VL VUBVLO NBC AcBO]LO YAB `LKKLB AO]UQ`QO A`N]AOLO NY VQO SWAVQO LVB N`BYUAO]RPAO #,YAB L VNVAUVLC AMMNKLC NPAK`BPNO YAB N`KRMR VL VUBVLO VLS RKBLS YAB VL VUBVLO VRC PNKRORC YAB VL VUBVLO VQO APVNUQO BOA PYLVBP]R VL VUBVLO ASVQO YAB R RXNUA XR ZABOR VL VUBVLO ASVRC YAB R OSa LXLBQC #-YAB NBWLO YAB RYLSPA NOLC AMMNKLS `NVQXNOLS NO XNPLSUAORXAVB KNMLOVLC ZQOR XNMAKR LSAB LSAB LSAB VLBC YAVLBYLSPBO N`B VRC MRC NY VQO KLB`QO ZQOQO VRC PAK`BMMLC VQO VUBQO AMMNKQO VQO XNKKLOVQO PAK`B\NBO
+hapter %
#.nd the !i!th "essenger did sound, and 0 sa$ a star out o! the heaven having !allen to the earth, and there $as given to it the 'ey o! the it o! the abyss, ,and he did o en the it o! the abyss, and there #a"e u a s"o'e out o! the it as s"o'e o! a great !urna#e, and dar'ened $as the sun and the air, !ro" the s"o'e o! the it) -.nd out o! the s"o'e #a"e !orth lo#usts to the earth, and there $as given to the" authority, as s#or ions o! the earth have authority, .and it $as said to the" that they "ay not in-ure the grass o! the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but ++ the "en only $ho have not the seal o! &od u on their !oreheads, 'and it $as given to the" that they "ay not 'ill the", but that they "ay be tor"ented !ive "onths, and their tor"ent IisI as the tor"ent o! a s#or ion, $hen it "ay stri'e a "an, /and in those days shall "en see' the death, and they shall not !ind it, and they shall desire to die, and the death shall !lee !ro" the") #YAB L `NX`VLC AMMNKLC NPAK`BPNO YAB NBWLO APVNUA NY VLS LSUAOLS `N`VQYLVA NBC VRO MRO YAB NWL]R ASVQ R YKNBC VLS ZUNAVLC VRC AHSPPLS ,YAB ROLBaNO VL ZUNAU VRC AHSPPLS YAB AONHR YA`OLC NY VLS ZUNAVLC QC YA`OLC YAXBOLS XNMAKRC YAB NPYLVBP]R L RKBLC YAB L ARU NY VLS YA`OLS VLS ZUNAVLC -YAB NY VLS YA`OLS NaRK]LO AYUBWNC NBC VRO MRO YAB NWL]R ASVABC NaLSPBA QC NTLSPBO NaLSPBAO LB PYLU`BLB VRC MRC .YAB NUUN]R ASVABC BOA XR AWBYRPQPBO VLO TLUVLO VRC MRC LSWN `AO TKQULO LSWN `AO WNOWULO NB XR VLSC AO]UQ`LSC XLOLSC LBVBONC LSY NTLSPBO VRO PZUAMBWA VLS ]NLS N`B VQO XNVQ`QO ASVQO 'YAB NWL]R ASVABC BOA XR A`LYVNBOQPBO ASVLSC AKK BOA HAPAOBP]QPBO XROAC `NOVN YAB L HAPAOBPXLC ASVQO QC HAPAOBPXLC PYLU`BLS LVAO `ABPR AO]UQ`LO /YAB NO VABC RXNUABC NYNBOABC \RVRPLSPBO LB AO]UQ`LB VLO ]AOAVLO YAB LST NSURPLSPBO ASVLO YAB N`B]SXRPLSPBO A`L]AONBO YAB ZNSaNVAB L ]AOAVLC A` ASVQO
0.nd the li'enesses o! the lo#usts IareI li'e to horses "ade ready to battle, and u on their heads as #ro$ns li'e gold, and their !a#es as !a#es o! "en, $and they had hair as hair o! $o"en, and their teeth $ere as IthoseI o! lions, %and they had breast lates as breast lates o! iron, and the noise o! their $ings IisI as the noise o! #hariots o! "any horses running to battle, #(and they have tails li'e to s#or ions, and stings $ere in their tails, and their authority IisI to in-ure "en !ive "onths, ##and they have over the" a 'ing ++ the "essenger o! the abyss ++ a na"e IisI to hi" in Hebre$, .baddon, and in the &ree' he hath a na"e, . ollyon) #,The !irst $o did go !orth, lo, there #o"e yet t$o $oes a!ter these things) #-.nd the si(th "essenger did sound, and 0 heard a voi#e out o! the !our horns o! the altar o! gold that is be!ore &od, #.saying to the si(th "essenger $ho had the tru" et, ILoose the !our "essengers $ho are bound at the great river Eu hrates,I #'and loosed $ere the !our "essengers, $ho have been "ade ready !or the hour, and day, and "onth, and year, that they "ay 'ill the third o! "en, 0YAB VA LXLBQXAVA VQO AYUBWQO LXLBA B``LBC RVLBXAPXNOLBC NBC `LKNXLO YAB N`B VAC YNZAKAC ASVQO QC PVNZAOLB LXLBLB TUSPQ YAB VA `ULPQ`A ASVQO QC `ULPQ`A AO]UQ`QO $YAB NBTLO VUBTAC QC VUBTAC MSOABYQO YAB LB LWLOVNC ASVQO QC KNLOVQO RPAO %YAB NBTLO ]QUAYAC QC ]QUAYAC PBWRULSC YAB R ZQOR VQO `VNUSMQO ASVQO QC ZQOR AUXAVQO B``QO `LKKQO VUNTLOVQO NBC `LKNXLO #(YAB NTLSPBO LSUAC LXLBAC PYLU`BLBC YAB YNOVUA RO NO VABC LSUABC ASVQO YAB R NaLSPBA ASVQO AWBYRPAB VLSC AO]UQ`LSC XROAC `NOVN ##YAB NTLSPBO NZ ASVQO HAPBKNA VLO AMMNKLO VRC AHSPPLS LOLXA ASVQ NHUABPVB AHAWWQO YAB NO VR NKKROBYR LOLXA NTNB A`LKKSQO #,R LSAB R XBA A`RK]NO BWLS NUTLOVAB NVB WSL LSAB XNVA VASVA #-YAB L NYVLC AMMNKLC NPAK`BPNO YAB RYLSPA ZQORO XBAO NY VQO VNPPAUQO YNUAVQO VLS ]SPBAPVRUBLS VLS TUSPLS VLS NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS #.KNMLSPAO VQ NYVQ AMMNKQ LC NBTN VRO PAK`BMMA KSPLO VLSC VNPPAUAC AMMNKLSC VLSC WNWNXNOLSC N`B VQ `LVAXQ VQ XNMAKQ NSZUAVR #'YAB NKS]RPAO LB VNPPAUNC AMMNKLB LB RVLBXAPXNOLB NBC VRO QUAO YAB RXNUAO YAB XROA YAB NOBASVLO BOA A`LYVNBOQPBO VL VUBVLO VQO AO]UQ`QO
#/and the nu"ber o! the !or#es o! the horse"en IisI t$o "yriads o! "yriads, and 0 heard the nu"ber o! the") #0.nd thus 0 sa$ the horses in the vision, and those sitting u on the", having breast lates o! !ire, and -a#inth, and bri"stone, and the heads o! the horses IareI as heads o! lions, and out o! their "ouths ro#eedeth !ire, and s"o'e, and bri"stone, #$by these three $ere the third o! "en 'illed, !ro" the !ire, and !ro" the s"o'e, and !ro" the bri"stone, that is ro#eeding out o! their "outh, #/YAB L AUB]XLC PVUAVNSXAVQO VLS B``BYLS WSL XSUBAWNC XSUBAWQO YAB RYLSPA VLO AUB]XLO ASVQO #0YAB LSVQC NBWLO VLSC B``LSC NO VR LUAPNB YAB VLSC YA]RXNOLSC N` ASVQO NTLOVAC ]QUAYAC `SUBOLSC YAB SAYBO]BOLSC YAB ]NBQWNBC YAB AB YNZAKAB VQO B``QO QC YNZAKAB KNLOVQO YAB NY VQO PVLXAVQO ASVQO NY`LUNSNVAB `SU YAB YA`OLC YAB ]NBLO #$S`L VQO VUBQO VLSVQO A`NYVAO]RPAO VL VUBVLO VQO AO]UQ`QO NY VLS `SULC YAB NY VLS YA`OLS YAB NY VLS ]NBLS VLS NY`LUNSLXNOLS NY VQO PVLXAVQO ASVQO #%!or their authorities are in their #%AB MAU NaLSPBAB ASVQO NO VQ "outh, and in their tails, !or their tails PVLXAVB ASVQO NBPBO AB MAU LSUAB IareI li'e ser ents, having heads, and ASVQO LXLBAB LZNPBO NTLSPAB YNZAKAC $ith the" they do in-ure, YAB NO ASVABC AWBYLSPBO ,(and the rest o! "en, $ho $ere not ,(YAB LB KLB`LB VQO AO]UQ`QO LB LSY 'illed in these lagues, neither did A`NYVAO]RPAO NO VABC `KRMABC VASVABC re!or" !ro" the $or's o! their hands, LSVN XNVNOLRPAO NY VQO NUMQO VQO that they "ay not bo$ be!ore the TNBUQO ASVQO BOA XR `ULPYSORPQPBO de"ons, and idols, those o! gold, and VA WABXLOBA YAB NBWQKA VA TUSPA YAB those o! silver, and those o! brass, and VA AUMSUA YAB VA TAKYA YAB VA KB]BOA those o! stone, and those o! $ood, that YAB VA aSKBOA A LSVN HKN`NBO WSOAVAB are neither able to see, nor to hear, nor LSVN AYLSNBO LSVN `NUB`AVNBO to $al', ,#yea they did not re!or" !ro" their ,#YAB LS XNVNOLRPAO NY VQO ZLOQO "urders, nor !ro" their sor#eries, nor ASVQO LSVN NY VQO ZAUXAYNBQO ASVQO !ro" their $horedo"s, nor !ro" their LSVN NY VRC `LUONBAC ASVQO LSVN NY the!ts) VQO YKNXXAVQO ASVQO
+hapter #(
#.nd 0 sa$ another strong "essenger #o"ing do$n out o! the heaven, arrayed $ith a #loud, and a rainbo$ u on the head, and his !a#e as the sun, and his !eet as illars o! !ire, #YAB NBWLO AKKLO AMMNKLO BPTSULO YAVAHABOLOVA NY VLS LSUAOLS `NUBHNHKRXNOLO ONZNKRO YAB BUBC N`B VRC YNZAKRC YAB VL `ULPQ`LO ASVLS QC L RKBLC YAB LB `LWNC ASVLS QC PVSKLB `SULC ,and he had in his hand a little s#roll ,YAB NBTNO NO VR TNBUB ASVLS o ened, and he did la#e his right !oot HBHKAUBWBLO AONQMXNOLO YAB N]RYNO u on the sea, and the le!t u on the VLO `LWA ASVLS VLO WNaBLO N`B VRO land, ]AKAPPAO VLO WN NSQOSXLO N`B VRO MRO -and he #ried $ith a great voi#e, as a -YAB NYUAaNO ZQOR XNMAKR QP`NU lion doth roar, and $hen he #ried, KNQO XSYAVAB YAB LVN NYUAaNO s ea' out did the seven thunders their NKAKRPAO AB N`VA HULOVAB VAC NASVQO voi#es, ZQOAC .and $hen the seven thunders s a'e .YAB LVN NKAKRPAO AB N`VA HULOVAB VAC their voi#es, 0 $as about to $rite, and 0 ZQOAC NASVQO NXNKKLO MUAZNBO YAB heard a voi#e out o! the heaven saying RYLSPA ZQORO NY VLS LSUAOLS to "e, ISeal the things that the seven KNMLSPAO XLB PZUAMBPLO A NKAKRPAO thunders s a'e,I and, IThou "ayest not AB N`VA HULOVAB YAB XR VASVA MUAcRC $rite these things)I '.nd the "essenger $ho" 0 sa$ 'YAB L AMMNKLC LO NBWLO NPVQVA N`B standing u on the sea, and u on the VRC ]AKAPPRC YAB N`B VRC MRC RUNO VRO land, did li!t u his hand to the heaven, TNBUA ASVLS NBC VLO LSUAOLO /and did s$ear in Hi" $ho doth live /YAB QXLPNO NO VQ \QOVB NBC VLSC to the ages o! the ages, $ho did #reate ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO LC NYVBPNO VLO the heaven and the things in it, and the LSUAOLO YAB VA NO ASVQ YAB VRO MRO land and the things in it, and the sea YAB VA NO ASVR YAB VRO ]AKAPPAO YAB and the things in it ++ that ti"e shall VA NO ASVR LVB TULOLC LSY NPVAB NVB not be yet,
0but in the days o! the voi#e o! the seventh "essenger, $hen he "ay be about to sound, and the se#ret o! &od "ay be !inished, as He did de#lare to His o$n servants, to the ro hets) $.nd the voi#e that 0 heard out o! the heaven is again s ea'ing $ith "e, and saying, I&o, ta'e the little s#roll that is o en in the hand o! the "essenger $ho hath been standing u on the sea, and u on the landFI %and 0 $ent a$ay unto the "essenger, saying to hi", I&ive "e the little s#roll,I and he saith to "e, ITa'e, and eat it u , and it shall "a'e thy belly bitter, but in thy "outh it shall be s$eet ++ as honey)I #(.nd 0 too' the little s#roll out o! the hand o! the "essenger, and did eat it u , and it $as in "y "outh as honey ++ s$eet, and $hen 0 did eat it ++ "y belly $as "ade bitter, ##and he saith to "e, I0t behoveth thee again to ro hesy about eo les, and nations, and tongues, and 'ings ++ "any)I 0AKKA NO VABC RXNUABC VRC ZQORC VLS NHWLXLS AMMNKLS LVAO XNKKR PAK`B\NBO YAB VNKNP]R VL XSPVRUBLO VLS ]NLS QC NSRMMNKBPNO VLBC NASVLS WLSKLBC VLBC `ULZRVABC $YAB R ZQOR RO RYLSPA NY VLS LSUAOLS `AKBO KAKLSPA XNV NXLS YAB KNMLSPA S`AMN KAHN VL HBHKAUBWBLO VL RONQMXNOLO NO VR TNBUB AMMNKLS VLS NPVQVLC N`B VRC ]AKAPPRC YAB N`B VRC MRC %YAB A`RK]LO `ULC VLO AMMNKLO KNMQO ASVQ WLC XLB VL HBHKAUBWBLO YAB KNMNB XLB KAHN YAB YAVAZAMN ASVL YAB `BYUAONB PLS VRO YLBKBAO AKK NO VQ PVLXAVB PLS NPVAB MKSYS QC XNKB #(YAB NKAHLO VL HBHKAUBWBLO NY VRC TNBULC VLS AMMNKLS YAB YAVNZAMLO ASVL YAB RO NO VQ PVLXAVB XLS QC XNKB MKSYS YAB LVN NZAMLO ASVL N`BYUAO]R R YLBKBA XLS ##YAB KNMNB XLB WNB PN `AKBO `ULZRVNSPAB N`B KALBC YAB N]ONPBO YAB MKQPPABC YAB HAPBKNSPBO `LKKLBC
+hapter ##
#.nd there $as given to "e a reed li'e to a rod, and the "essenger stood, saying, IRise, and "easure the san#tuary o! &od, and the altar, and those $orshi ing in it, ,and the #ourt that is $ithout the san#tuary leave out, and thou "ayest not "easure it, be#ause it $as given to the nations, and the holy #ity they shall tread do$n !orty+t$o "onths, -and 0 $ill give to @y t$o $itnesses, and they shall ro hesy days, a thousand, t$o hundred, si(ty, arrayed $ith sa#'#loth, .these are the t$o olive ItreesI, and the t$o la" +stands that be!ore the &od o! the earth do stand, 'and i! any one "ay $ill to in-ure the", !ire doth ro#eed out o! their "outh, and doth devour their ene"ies, and i! any one "ay $ill to in-ure the", thus it behoveth hi" to be 'illed) /These have authority to shut the heaven, that it "ay not rain rain in the days o! their ro he#y, and authority they have over the $aters to turn the" to blood, and to s"ite the land $ith every lague, as o!ten as they "ay $ill) #YAB NWL]R XLB YAKAXLC LXLBLC UAHWQ KNMQO NMNBUAB YAB XNVURPLO VLO OALO VLS ]NLS YAB VL ]SPBAPVRUBLO YAB VLSC `ULPYSOLSOVAC NO ASVQ ,YAB VRO ASKRO VRO NPQ]NO VLS OALS NYHAKN NaQ YAB XR ASVRO XNVURPRC LVB NWL]R VLBC N]ONPBO YAB VRO `LKBO VRO AMBAO `AVRPLSPBO XROAC VNPPAUAYLOVA WSL -YAB WQPQ VLBC WSPBO XAUVSPBO XLS YAB `ULZRVNSPLSPBO RXNUAC TBKBAC WBAYLPBAC NaRYLOVA `NUBHNHKRXNOLB PAYYLSC .LSVLB NBPBO AB WSL NKABAB YAB WSL KSTOBAB AB NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS VRC MRC NPVQPAB 'YAB NB VBC ASVLSC ]NKR AWBYRPAB `SU NY`LUNSNVAB NY VLS PVLXAVLC ASVQO YAB YAVNP]BNB VLSC NT]ULSC ASVQO YAB NB VBC ASVLSC ]NKR AWBYRPAB LSVQC WNB ASVLO A`LYVAO]ROAB /LSVLB NTLSPBO NaLSPBAO YKNBPAB VLO LSUAOLO BOA XR HUNTR SNVLC NO RXNUABC ASVQO VRC `ULZRVNBAC YAB NaLSPBAO NTLSPBO N`B VQO SWAVQO PVUNZNBO ASVA NBC ABXA YAB `AVAaAB VRO MRO `APR `KRMR LPAYBC NAO ]NKRPQPBO
0I.nd $hen they "ay !inish their testi"ony, the beast that is #o"ing u out o! the abyss shall "a'e $ar $ith the", and over#o"e the", and 'ill the", $and their dead bodies IareI u on the broad+ la#e o! the great #ity 7that is #alled s iritually Sodo", and Egy t, $here also our Lord $as #ru#i!ied,< 0YAB LVAO VNKNPQPBO VRO XAUVSUBAO ASVQO VL ]RUBLO VL AOAHABOLO NY VRC AHSPPLS `LBRPNB `LKNXLO XNV ASVQO YAB OBYRPNB ASVLSC YAB A`LYVNONB ASVLSC $YAB VA `VQXAVA ASVQO N`B VRC `KAVNBAC `LKNQC VRC XNMAKRC RVBC YAKNBVAB `ONSXAVBYQC PLWLXA YAB ABMS`VLC L`LS YAB L YSUBLC RXQO NPVASUQ]R %and they shall behold ++ they o! the %YAB HKNcLSPBO NY VQO KAQO YAB eo les, and tribes, and tongues, and ZSKQO YAB MKQPPQO YAB N]OQO VA nations ++ their dead bodies three days `VQXAVA ASVQO RXNUAC VUNBC YAB and a hal!, and their dead bodies they RXBPS YAB VA `VQXAVA ASVQO LSY shall not su!!er to be ut into to"bs, AZRPLSPBO VN]ROAB NBC XORXAVA #(and those d$elling u on the land #(YAB LB YAVLBYLSOVNC N`B VRC MRC shall re-oi#e over the", and shall "a'e TAULSPBO N` ASVLBC YAB "erry, and gi!ts they shall send to one NSZUAO]RPLOVAB YAB WQUA `NXcLSPBO another, be#ause these ++ the t$o AKKRKLBC LVB LSVLB LB WSL `ULZRVAB ro hets ++ did tor"ent those d$elling NHAPAOBPAO VLSC YAVLBYLSOVAC N`B VRC u on the land)I MRC ##.nd a!ter the three days and a hal!, ##YAB XNVA VAC VUNBC RXNUAC YAB RXBPS a s irit o! li!e !ro" &od did enter into `ONSXA \QRC NY VLS ]NLS NBPRK]NO N` the", and they stood u on their !eet, ASVLSC YAB NPVRPAO N`B VLSC `LWAC and great !ear !ell u on those ASVQO YAB ZLHLC XNMAC N`NPNO N`B beholding the", VLSC ]NQULSOVAC ASVLSC #,and they heard a great voi#e out o! #,YAB RYLSPAO ZQORO XNMAKRO NY VLS the heaven saying to the", IDo"e u LSUAOLS KNMLSPAO ASVLBC AOAHRVN hither,I and they $ent u to the heaven QWN YAB AONHRPAO NBC VLO LSUAOLO NO in the #loud, and their ene"ies beheld VR ONZNKR YAB N]NQURPAO ASVLSC LB the", NT]ULB ASVQO
#-and in that hour #a"e a great earth?ua'e, and the tenth o! the #ity did !all, and 'illed in the earth?ua'e $ere na"es o! "en ++ seven thousands, and the rest be#a"e a!!righted, and they gave glory to the &od o! the heaven) #.The se#ond $o did go !orth, lo, the third $o doth #o"e ?ui#'ly) #'.nd the seventh "essenger did sound, and there #a"e great voi#es in the heaven, saying, IThe 'ingdo"s o! the $orld did be#o"e IthoseI o! our Lord and o! His Dhrist, and he shall reign to the ages o! the agesdI #/and the t$enty and !our elders, $ho be!ore &od are sitting u on their thrones, did !all u on their !a#es, and did bo$ be!ore &od, #0saying, IWe give than's to Thee, O Lord &od, the .l"ighty, $ho art, and $ho $ast, and $ho art #o"ing, be#ause Thou hast ta'en Thy great o$er and didst reign, #$and the nations $ere angry, and Thine anger did #o"e, and the ti"e o! the dead, to be -udged, and to give the re$ard to Thy servants, to the ro hets, and to the saints, and to those !earing Thy na"e, to the s"all and to the great, and to destroy those $ho are destroying the land)I #-YAB NO NYNBOR VR QUA NMNONVL PNBPXLC XNMAC YAB VL WNYAVLO VRC `LKNQC N`NPNO YAB A`NYVAO]RPAO NO VQ PNBPXQ LOLXAVA AO]UQ`QO TBKBAWNC N`VA YAB LB KLB`LB NXZLHLB NMNOLOVL YAB NWQYAO WLaAO VQ ]NQ VLS LSUAOLS #.R LSAB R WNSVNUA A`RK]NO BWLS R LSAB R VUBVR NUTNVAB VATS #'YAB L NHWLXLC AMMNKLC NPAK`BPNO YAB NMNOLOVL ZQOAB XNMAKAB NO VQ LSUAOQ KNMLSPAB NMNOLOVL AB HAPBKNBAB VLS YLPXLS VLS YSUBLS RXQO YAB VLS TUBPVLS ASVLS YAB HAPBKNSPNB NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO #/YAB LB NBYLPB YAB VNPPAUNC `UNPHSVNULB LB NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS YA]RXNOLB N`B VLSC ]ULOLSC ASVQO N`NPAO N`B VA `ULPQ`A ASVQO YAB `ULPNYSORPAO VQ ]NQ #0KNMLOVNC NSTAUBPVLSXNO PLB YSUBN L ]NLC L `AOVLYUAVQU L QO YAB L RO YAB L NUTLXNOLC LVB NBKRZAC VRO WSOAXBO PLS VRO XNMAKRO YAB NHAPBKNSPAC #$YAB VA N]OR QUMBP]RPAO YAB RK]NO R LUMR PLS YAB L YABULC VQO ONYUQO YUB]ROAB YAB WLSOAB VLO XBP]LO VLBC WLSKLBC PLS VLBC `ULZRVABC YAB VLBC AMBLBC YAB VLBC ZLHLSXNOLBC VL LOLXA PLS VLBC XBYULBC YAB VLBC XNMAKLBC YAB WBAZ]NBUAB VLSC WBAZ]NBULOVAC VRO MRO
#%.nd o ened $as the san#tuary o! &od in the heaven, and there $as seen the ar' o! His #ovenant in His san#tuary, and there did #o"e lightnings, and voi#es, and thunders, and an earth?ua'e, and great hail) #%YAB ROLBMR L OALC VLS ]NLS NO VQ LSUAOQ YAB QZ]R R YBHQVLC VRC WBA]RYRC ASVLS NO VQ OAQ ASVLS YAB NMNOLOVL APVUA`AB YAB ZQOAB YAB HULOVAB YAB PNBPXLC YAB TAKA\A XNMAKR
+hapter #,
#.nd a great sign $as seen in the heaven, a $o"an arrayed $ith the sun, and the "oon under her !eet, and u on her head a #ro$n o! t$elve stars, #YAB PRXNBLO XNMA QZ]R NO VQ LSUAOQ MSOR `NUBHNHKRXNOR VLO RKBLO YAB R PNKROR S`LYAVQ VQO `LWQO ASVRC YAB N`B VRC YNZAKRC ASVRC PVNZAOLC APVNUQO WQWNYA ,and being $ith #hild she doth #ry out, ,YAB NO MAPVUB NTLSPA YUA\NB travailing and ained to bring !orth) QWBOLSPA YAB HAPAOB\LXNOR VNYNBO -.nd there $as seen another sign in -YAB QZ]R AKKL PRXNBLO NO VQ the heaven, and, lo, a great red dragon, LSUAOQ YAB BWLS WUAYQO XNMAC having seven heads and ten horns, and `SUULC NTQO YNZAKAC N`VA YAB YNUAVA u on his head seven diade"s, WNYA YAB N`B VAC YNZAKAC ASVLS WBAWRXAVA N`VA .and his tail doth dra$ the third o! the .YAB R LSUA ASVLS PSUNB VL VUBVLO VQO stars o! the heaven, and he did #ast APVNUQO VLS LSUAOLS YAB NHAKNO the" to the earth, and the dragon did ASVLSC NBC VRO MRO YAB L WUAYQO stand be!ore the $o"an $ho is about NPVRYNO NOQ`BLO VRC MSOABYLC VRC to bring !orth, that $hen she "ay bring XNKKLSPRC VNYNBO BOA LVAO VNYR VL !orth, her #hild he "ay devour, VNYOLO ASVRC YAVAZAMR 'and she brought !orth a "ale #hild, 'YAB NVNYNO SBLO AUUNOA LC XNKKNB $ho is about to rule all the nations `LBXABONBO `AOVA VA N]OR NO UAHWQ $ith a rod o! iron, and #aught a$ay PBWRUA YAB RU`AP]R VL VNYOLO ASVRC $as her #hild unto &od and His `ULC VLO ]NLO YAB VLO ]ULOLO ASVLS throne, /and the $o"an did !lee to the /YAB R MSOR NZSMNO NBC VRO NURXLO $ilderness, $here she hath a la#e L`LS NTNB VL`LO RVLBXAPXNOLO A`L "ade ready !ro" &od, that there they VLS ]NLS BOA NYNB VUNZQPBO ASVRO "ay nourish her ++ days a thousand, RXNUAC TBKBAC WBAYLPBAC NaRYLOVA t$o hundred, si(ty) 0.nd there #a"e $ar in the heaven, 0YAB NMNONVL `LKNXLC NO VQ LSUAOQ L @i#hael and his "essengers did $ar XBTARK YAB LB AMMNKLB ASVLS against the dragon, and the dragon did N`LKNXRPAO YAVA VLS WUAYLOVLC YAB L $ar, and his "essengers, WUAYQO N`LKNXRPNO YAB LB AMMNKLB ASVLS 19=3
$and they did not revail, nor $as their la#e !ound any "ore in the heaven, %and the great dragon $as #ast !orth ++ the old ser ent, $ho is #alled IDevil,I and Ithe .dversary,I $ho is leading astray the $hole $orld ++ he $as #ast !orth to the earth, and his "essengers $ere #ast !orth $ith hi") #(.nd 0 heard a great voi#e saying in the heaven, I/o$ did #o"e the salvation, and the o$er, and the reign, o! our &od, and the authority o! His Dhrist, be#ause #ast do$n $as the a##user o! our brethren, $ho is a##using the" be!ore our &od day and night, ##and they did over#o"e hi" be#ause o! the blood o! the La"b, and be#ause o! the $ord o! their testi"ony, and they did not love their li!e ++ unto death, #,be#ause o! this be glad, ye heavens, and those in the" $ho do taberna#le, $o to those inhabiting the land and the sea, be#ause the Devil did go do$n unto you, having great $rath, having 'no$n that he hath little ti"e)I #-.nd $hen the dragon sa$ that he $as #ast !orth to the earth, he ursued the $o"an $ho did bring !orth the "ale, $YAB LSY BPTSPAO LSVN VL`LC NSUN]R ASVQO NVB NO VQ LSUAOQ %YAB NHKR]R L WUAYQO L XNMAC L LZBC L AUTABLC L YAKLSXNOLC WBAHLKLC YAB L PAVAOAC L `KAOQO VRO LBYLSXNORO LKRO NHKR]R NBC VRO MRO YAB LB AMMNKLB ASVLS XNV ASVLS NHKR]RPAO #(YAB RYLSPA ZQORO XNMAKRO KNMLSPAO NO VQ LSUAOQ AUVB NMNONVL R PQVRUBA YAB R WSOAXBC YAB R HAPBKNBA VLS ]NLS RXQO YAB R NaLSPBA VLS TUBPVLS ASVLS LVB YAVNHKR]R L YAVRMLULC VQO AWNKZQO RXQO L YAVRMLUQO ASVQO NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS RXQO RXNUAC YAB OSYVLC ##YAB ASVLB NOBYRPAO ASVLO WBA VL ABXA VLS AUOBLS YAB WBA VLO KLMLO VRC XAUVSUBAC ASVQO YAB LSY RMA`RPAO VRO cSTRO ASVQO ATUB ]AOAVLS #,WBA VLSVL NSZUABONP]N LB LSUAOLB YAB LB NO ASVLBC PYROLSOVNC LSAB VLBC YAVLBYLSPBO VRO MRO YAB VRO ]AKAPPAO LVB YAVNHR L WBAHLKLC `ULC SXAC NTQO ]SXLO XNMAO NBWQC LVB LKBMLO YABULO NTNB #-YAB LVN NBWNO L WUAYQO LVB NHKR]R NBC VRO MRO NWBQaNO VRO MSOABYA RVBC NVNYNO VLO AUUNOA
#.and there $ere given to the $o"an t$o $ings o! the great eagle, that she "ay !ly to the $ilderness, to her la#e, $here she is nourished a ti"e, and ti"es, and hal! a ti"e, !ro" the !a#e o! the ser ent, #'and the ser ent did #ast !orth a!ter the $o"an, out o! his "outh, $ater as a river, that he "ay #ause her to be #arried a$ay by the river, #/and the land did hel the $o"an, and the land did o en its "outh and did s$allo$ u the river, that the dragon did #ast !orth out o! his "outh, #0and the dragon $as angry against the $o"an, and $ent a$ay to "a'e $ar $ith the rest o! her seed, those 'ee ing the #o""ands o! &od, and having the testi"ony o! 5esus Dhrist) #.YAB NWL]RPAO VR MSOABYB WSL `VNUSMNC VLS ANVLS VLS XNMAKLS BOA `NVRVAB NBC VRO NURXLO NBC VLO VL`LO ASVRC L`LS VUNZNVAB NYNB YABULO YAB YABULSC YAB RXBPS YABULS A`L `ULPQ`LS VLS LZNQC #'YAB NHAKNO L LZBC L`BPQ VRC MSOABYLC NY VLS PVLXAVLC ASVLS SWQU QC `LVAXLO BOA VASVRO `LVAXLZLURVLO `LBRPR #/YAB NHLR]RPNO R MR VR MSOABYB YAB ROLBaNO R MR VL PVLXA ASVRC YAB YAVN`BNO VLO `LVAXLO LO NHAKNO L WUAYQO NY VLS PVLXAVLC ASVLS #0YAB QUMBP]R L WUAYQO N`B VR MSOABYB YAB A`RK]NO `LBRPAB `LKNXLO XNVA VQO KLB`QO VLS P`NUXAVLC ASVRC VQO VRULSOVQO VAC NOVLKAC VLS ]NLS YAB NTLOVQO VRO XAUVSUBAO VLS BRPLS TUBPVLS
+hapter ##.nd 0 stood u on the sand o! the sea, and 0 sa$ out o! the sea a beast #o"ing u , having seven heads and ten horns, and u on its horns ten diade"s, and u on its heads a na"e o! evil s ea'ing, ,and the beast that 0 sa$ $as li'e to a leo ard, and its !eet as o! a bear, and its "outh as the "outh o! a lion, and the dragon did give to it his o$er, and his throne, and great authority) #YAB NPVA]RO N`B VRO AXXLO VRC ]AKAPPRC YAB NBWLO NY VRC ]AKAPPRC ]RUBLO AOAHABOLO NTLO YNZAKAC N`VA YAB YNUAVA WNYA YAB N`B VQO YNUAVQO ASVLS WNYA WBAWRXAVA YAB N`B VAC YNZAKAC ASVLS LOLXA HKAPZRXBAC ,YAB VL ]RUBLO L NBWLO RO LXLBLO `AUWAKNB YAB LB `LWNC ASVLS QC AUYVLS YAB VL PVLXA ASVLS QC PVLXA KNLOVLC YAB NWQYNO ASVQ L WUAYQO VRO WSOAXBO ASVLS YAB VLO ]ULOLO ASVLS YAB NaLSPBAO XNMAKRO -.nd 0 sa$ one o! its heads as slain to -YAB NBWLO XBAO VQO YNZAKQO ASVLS death, and its deadly stro'e $as QC NPZAMXNORO NBC ]AOAVLO YAB R healed, and all the earth did $onder `KRMR VLS ]AOAVLS ASVLS N]NUA`NS]R a!ter the beast, YAB N]ASXAP]R NO LKR VR MR L`BPQ VLS ]RUBLS .and they did bo$ be!ore the dragon .YAB `ULPNYSORPAO VLO WUAYLOVA LC $ho did give authority to the beast, NWQYNO NaLSPBAO VQ ]RUBQ YAB and they did bo$ be!ore the beast, `ULPNYSORPAO VL ]RUBLO KNMLOVNC VBC saying, IWho IisI li'e to the beastb $ho LXLBLC VQ ]RUBQ VBC WSOAVAB is able to $ar $ith itbI `LKNXRPAB XNV ASVLS '.nd there $as given to it a "outh 'YAB NWL]R ASVQ PVLXA KAKLSO s ea'ing great things, and evil+ XNMAKA YAB HKAPZRXBAC YAB NWL]R s ea'ings, and there $as given to it ASVQ NaLSPBA `LBRPAB XROAC authority to "a'e $ar !orty+t$o VNPPAUAYLOVA WSL "onths, /and it did o en its "outh !or evil+ /YAB ROLBaNO VL PVLXA ASVLS NBC s ea'ing to$ard &od, to s ea' evil o! HKAPZRXBAO `ULC VLO ]NLO His na"e, and o! His taberna#le, and HKAPZRXRPAB VL LOLXA ASVLS YAB VRO o! those $ho in the heaven taberna#le, PYRORO ASVLS YAB VLSC NO VQ LSUAOQ PYROLSOVAC
0and there $as given to it to "a'e $ar $ith the saints, and to over#o"e the", and there $as given to it authority over every tribe, and tongue, and nation) $.nd bo$ be!ore it shall all $ho are d$elling u on the land, $hose na"es have not been $ritten in the s#roll o! the li!e o! the La"b slain !ro" the !oundation o! the $orld, %i! any one hath an ear ++ let hi" hearF #(i! any one a #a tivity doth gather, into #a tivity he doth go a$ay, i! any one by s$ord doth 'ill, it behoveth hi" by s$ord to be 'illed, here is the enduran#e and the !aith o! the saints) ##.nd 0 sa$ another beast #o"ing u out o! the land, and it had t$o horns, li'e a la"b, and it $as s ea'ing as a dragon, #,and all the authority o! the !irst beast doth it do be!ore it, and it "a'eth the land and those d$elling in it that they shall bo$ be!ore the !irst beast, $hose deadly stro'e $as healed, 0YAB NWL]R ASVQ `LKNXLO `LBRPAB XNVA VQO AMBQO YAB OBYRPAB ASVLSC YAB NWL]R ASVQ NaLSPBA N`B `APAO ZSKRO YAB MKQPPAO YAB N]OLC $YAB `ULPYSORPLSPBO ASVQ `AOVNC LB YAVLBYLSOVNC N`B VRC MRC QO LS MNMUA`VAB VA LOLXAVA NO VR HBHKQ VRC \QRC VLS AUOBLS NPZAMXNOLS A`L YAVAHLKRC YLPXLS %NB VBC NTNB LSC AYLSPAVQ #(NB VBC ABTXAKQPBAO PSOAMNB NBC ABTXAKQPBAO S`AMNB NB VBC NO XATABUA A`LYVNONB WNB ASVLO NO XATABUA A`LYVAO]ROAB QWN NPVBO R S`LXLOR YAB R `BPVBC VQO AMBQO ##YAB NBWLO AKKL ]RUBLO AOAHABOLO NY VRC MRC YAB NBTNO YNUAVA WSL LXLBA AUOBQ YAB NKAKNB QC WUAYQO
#,YAB VRO NaLSPBAO VLS `UQVLS ]RUBLS `APAO `LBNB NOQ`BLO ASVLS YAB `LBNB VRO MRO YAB VLSC YAVLBYLSOVAC NO ASVR BOA `ULPYSORPQPBO VL ]RUBLO VL `UQVLO LS N]NUA`NS]R R `KRMR VLS ]AOAVLS ASVLS #-and it doth great signs, that !ire also #-YAB `LBNB PRXNBA XNMAKA BOA YAB `SU it "ay "a'e to #o"e do$n !ro" the `LBR YAVAHABONBO NY VLS LSUAOLS NBC heaven to the earth be!ore "en, VRO MRO NOQ`BLO VQO AO]UQ`QO #.and it leadeth astray those d$elling #.YAB `KAOA VLSC YAVLBYLSOVAC N`B on the land, be#ause o! the signs that VRC MRC WBA VA PRXNBA A NWL]R ASVQ $ere given it to do be!ore the beast, `LBRPAB NOQ`BLO VLS ]RUBLS KNMQO saying to those d$elling u on the land VLBC YAVLBYLSPBO N`B VRC MRC `LBRPAB to "a'e an i"age to the beast that hath NBYLOA VQ ]RUBQ L NTNB VRO `KRMRO VRC the stro'e o! the s$ord and did live, XATABUAC YAB N\RPNO 1981
#'and there $as given to it to give a s irit to the i"age o! the beast, that also the i"age o! the beast "ay s ea', and IthatI it "ay #ause as "any as shall not bo$ be!ore the i"age o! the beast, that they "ay be 'illed) #/.nd it "a'eth all, the s"all, and the great, and the ri#h, and the oor, and the !ree"en, and the servants, that it "ay give to the" a "ar' u on their right hand or u on their !oreheads, #0and that no one "ay be able to buy, or to sell, e(#e t he $ho is having the "ar', or the na"e o! the beast, or the nu"ber o! his na"e) #$Here is the $isdo"d He $ho is having the understanding, let hi" #ount the nu"ber o! the beast, !or the nu"ber o! a "an it is, and its nu"ber IisI ///) #'YAB NWL]R ASVQ WLSOAB `ONSXA VR NBYLOB VLS ]RUBLS BOA YAB KAKRPR R NBYQO VLS ]RUBLS YAB `LBRPR LPLB AO XR `ULPYSORPQPBO VRO NBYLOA VLS ]RUBLS BOA A`LYVAO]QPBO #/YAB `LBNB `AOVAC VLSC XBYULSC YAB VLSC XNMAKLSC YAB VLSC `KLSPBLSC YAB VLSC `VQTLSC YAB VLSC NKNS]NULSC YAB VLSC WLSKLSC BOA WQPR ASVLBC TAUAMXA N`B VRC TNBULC ASVQO VRC WNaBAC R N`B VQO XNVQ`QO ASVQO #0YAB BOA XR VBC WSORVAB AMLUAPAB R `QKRPAB NB XR L NTQO VL TAUAMXA R VL LOLXA VLS ]RUBLS R VLO AUB]XLO VLS LOLXAVLC ASVLS #$QWN R PLZBA NPVBO L NTQO VLO OLSO cRZBPAVQ VLO AUB]XLO VLS ]RUBLS AUB]XLC MAU AO]UQ`LS NPVBO YAB L AUB]XLC ASVLS TaC
+hapter #.
#.nd 0 sa$, and lo, a La"b having stood u on the "ount Sion, and $ith hi" an hundred !orty+!our thousands, having the na"e o! his Father $ritten u on their !oreheads, ,and 0 heard a voi#e out o! the heaven, as a voi#e o! "any $aters, and as a voi#e o! great thunder, and a voi#e 0 heard o! har ers har ing $ith their har s, -and they sing, as it $ere, a ne$ song be!ore the throne, and be!ore the !our living #reatures, and the elders, and no one $as able to learn the song e(#e t the hundred !orty+!our thousands, $ho have been bought !ro" the earth, .these are they $ho $ith $o"en $ere not de!iled, !or they are virgin, these are they $ho are !ollo$ing the La"b $hithersoever he "ay go, these $ere bought !ro" a"ong "en ++ a !irst+!ruit to &od and to the La"b ++ 'and in their "outh there $as not !ound guile, !or unble"ished are they be!ore the throne o! &od) /.nd 0 sa$ another "essenger !lying in "id+heaven, having good ne$s age+ during to ro#lai" to those d$elling u on the earth, and to every nation, and tribe, and tongue, and eo le, #YAB NBWLO YAB BWLS AUOBLO NPVRYLC N`B VL LULC PBQO YAB XNV ASVLS NYAVLO VNPPAUAYLOVA VNPPAUNC TBKBAWNC NTLSPAB VL LOLXA VLS `AVULC ASVLS MNMUAXXNOLO N`B VQO XNVQ`QO ASVQO ,YAB RYLSPA ZQORO NY VLS LSUAOLS QC ZQORO SWAVQO `LKKQO YAB QC ZQORO HULOVRC XNMAKRC YAB ZQORO RYLSPA YB]AUQWQO YB]AUB\LOVQO NO VABC YB]AUABC ASVQO -YAB AWLSPBO QC QWRO YABORO NOQ`BLO VLS ]ULOLS YAB NOQ`BLO VQO VNPPAUQO \QQO YAB VQO `UNPHSVNUQO YAB LSWNBC RWSOAVL XA]NBO VRO QWRO NB XR AB NYAVLO VNPPAUAYLOVA VNPPAUNC TBKBAWNC LB RMLUAPXNOLB A`L VRC MRC .LSVLB NBPBO LB XNVA MSOABYQO LSY NXLKSO]RPAO `AU]NOLB MAU NBPBO LSVLB NBPBO LB AYLKLS]LSOVNC VQ AUOBQ L`LS AO S`AMR LSVLB RMLUAP]RPAO A`L VQO AO]UQ`QO A`AUTR VQ ]NQ YAB VQ AUOBQ 'YAB NO VQ PVLXAVB ASVQO LST NSUN]R WLKLC AXQXLB MAU NBPBO NOQ`BLO VLS ]ULOLS VLS ]NLS /YAB NBWLO AKKLO AMMNKLO `NVQXNOLO NO XNPLSUAORXAVB NTLOVA NSAMMNKBLO ABQOBLO NSAMMNKBPAB VLSC YAVLBYLSOVAC N`B VRC MRC YAB `AO N]OLC YAB ZSKRO YAB MKQPPAO YAB KALO
0saying in a great voi#e, IFear ye &od, and give to Hi" glory, be#ause #o"e did the hour o! His -udg"ent, and bo$ ye be!ore Hi" $ho did "a'e the heaven, and the land, and sea, and !ountains o! $aters)I $.nd another "essenger did !ollo$, saying, IFall, !all, did Babylon, the great #ity, be#ause o! the $ine o! the $rath o! her $horedo" she hath given to all nations to drin')I %.nd a third "essenger did !ollo$ the", saying in a great voi#e, I0! any one the beast doth bo$ be!ore, and his i"age, and doth re#eive a "ar' u on his !orehead, or u on his hand, #(he also shall drin' o! the $ine o! the $rath o! &od, that hath been "ingled un"i(ed in the #u o! His anger, and he shall be tor"ented in !ire and bri"stone be!ore the holy "essengers, and be!ore the La"b, ##and the s"o'e o! their tor"ent doth go u to ages o! ages, and they have no rest day and night, $ho are bo$ing be!ore the beast and his i"age, also i! any doth re#eive the "ar' o! his na"e) 0KNMLOVA NO ZQOR XNMAKR ZLHR]RVN VLO ]NLO YAB WLVN ASVQ WLaAO LVB RK]NO R QUA VRC YUBPNQC ASVLS YAB `ULPYSORPAVN VQ `LBRPAOVB VLO LSUAOLO YAB VRO MRO YAB ]AKAPPAO YAB `RMAC SWAVQO $YAB AKKLC AMMNKLC RYLKLS]RPNO KNMQO N`NPNO N`NPNO HAHSKQO R `LKBC R XNMAKR LVB NY VLS LBOLS VLS ]SXLS VRC `LUONBAC ASVRC `N`LVBYNO `AOVA N]OR %YAB VUBVLC AMMNKLC RYLKLS]RPNO ASVLBC KNMQO NO ZQOR XNMAKR NB VBC VL ]RUBLO `ULPYSONB YAB VRO NBYLOA ASVLS YAB KAXHAONB TAUAMXA N`B VLS XNVQ`LS ASVLS R N`B VRO TNBUA ASVLS #(YAB ASVLC `BNVAB NY VLS LBOLS VLS ]SXLS VLS ]NLS VLS YNYNUAPXNOLS AYUAVLS NO VQ `LVRUBQ VRC LUMRC ASVLS YAB HAPAOBP]RPNVAB NO `SUB YAB ]NBQ NOQ`BLO VQO AMBQO AMMNKQO YAB NOQ`BLO VLS AUOBLS ##YAB L YA`OLC VLS HAPAOBPXLS ASVQO AOAHABONB NBC ABQOAC ABQOQO YAB LSY NTLSPBO AOA`ASPBO RXNUAC YAB OSYVLC LB `ULPYSOLSOVNC VL ]RUBLO YAB VRO NBYLOA ASVLS YAB NB VBC KAXHAONB VL TAUAMXA VLS LOLXAVLC ASVLS #,Here is enduran#e o! the saintsF here #,QWN S`LXLOR VQO AMBQO NPVBO QWN IareI those 'ee ing the #o""ands o! LB VRULSOVNC VAC NOVLKAC VLS ]NLS YAB &od, and the !aith o! 5esus)I VRO `BPVBO BRPLS
#-.nd 0 heard a voi#e out o! the heaven saying to "e, IWriteF Ha y are the dead $ho in the Lord are dying !ro" this ti"edI I4es, 7saith the S irit,< That they "ay rest !ro" their labours ++ and their $or's do !ollo$ the"dI #..nd 0 sa$, and lo, a $hite #loud, and u on the #loud IoneI sitting li'e to a son o! "an, having u on his head a golden #ro$n, and in his hand a shar si#'le, #'and another "essenger did #o"e !orth out o! the san#tuary #rying in a great voi#e to hi" $ho is sitting u on the #loud, ISend !orth thy si#'le and rea , be#ause #o"e to thee hath the hour o! rea ing, be#ause ri e hath been the harvest o! the earth,I #/and he $ho is sitting u on the #loud did ut !orth his si#'le u on the earth, and the earth $as rea ed) #0.nd another "essenger did #o"e !orth out o! the san#tuary that IisI in the heaven, having ++ he also ++ a shar si#'le, #$and another "essenger did #o"e !orth out !ro" the altar, having authority over the !ire, and he #alled $ith a great #ry to hi" having the shar si#'le, saying, ISend !orth thy shar si#'le, and gather the #lusters o! the vine o! the earth, be#ause #o"e to er!e#tion have her gra es,I #-YAB RYLSPA ZQORC NY VLS LSUAOLS KNMLSPRC XLB MUAcLO XAYAUBLB LB ONYULB LB NO YSUBQ A`L]ORPYLOVNC A`AUVB OAB KNMNB VL `ONSXA BOA AOA`ASPQOVAB NY VQO YL`QO ASVQO VA WN NUMA ASVQO AYLKLS]NB XNV ASVQO #.YAB NBWLO YAB BWLS ONZNKR KNSYR YAB N`B VRO ONZNKRO YA]RXNOLC LXLBLC SBQ AO]UQ`LS NTQO N`B VRC YNZAKRC ASVLS PVNZAOLO TUSPLSO YAB NO VR TNBUB ASVLS WUN`AOLO LaS #'YAB AKKLC AMMNKLC NaRK]NO NY VLS OALS YUA\QO NO XNMAKR ZQOR VQ YA]RXNOQ N`B VRC ONZNKRC `NXcLO VL WUN`AOLO PLS YAB ]NUBPLO LVB RK]NO PLB R QUA VLS ]NUBPAB LVB NaRUAO]R L ]NUBPXLC VRC MRC #/YAB NHAKNO L YA]RXNOLC N`B VRO ONZNKRO VL WUN`AOLO ASVLS N`B VRO MRO YAB N]NUBP]R R MR #0YAB AKKLC AMMNKLC NaRK]NO NY VLS OALS VLS NO VQ LSUAOQ NTQO YAB ASVLC WUN`AOLO LaS #$YAB AKKLC AMMNKLC NaRK]NO NY VLS ]SPBAPVRUBLS NTQO NaLSPBAO N`B VLS `SULC YAB NZQORPNO YUASMR XNMAKR VQ NTLOVB VL WUN`AOLO VL LaS KNMQO `NXcLO PLS VL WUN`AOLO VL LaS YAB VUSMRPLO VLSC HLVUSAC VRC MRC LVB RYXAPAO AB PVAZSKAB ASVRC
#%and the "essenger did ut !orth his si#'le to the earth, and did gather the vine o! the earth, and did #ast IitI to the great $ine+ ress o! the $rath o! &od, #%YAB NHAKNO L AMMNKLC VL WUN`AOLO ASVLS NBC VRO MRO YAB NVUSMRPNO VRO AX`NKLO VRC MRC YAB NHAKNO NBC VRO KROLO VLS ]SXLS VLS ]NLS VRO XNMAKRO ,(and trodden $as the $ine+ ress ,(YAB N`AVR]R R KROLC NaQ VRC outside o! the #ity, and blood did #o"e `LKNQC YAB NaRK]NO ABXA NY VRC KROLS !orth out o! the $ine+ ress ++ unto the ATUB VQO TAKBOQO VQO B``QO A`L bridles o! the horses, a thousand, si( PVAWBQO TBKBQO NaAYLPBQO hundred !urlongs)
+hapter #'
#.nd 0 sa$ another sign in the heaven, great and $onder!ul, seven "essengers having the seven last lagues, be#ause in these $as #o" leted the $rath o! &od, ,and 0 sa$ as a sea o! glass "ingled $ith !ire, and those $ho do gain the vi#tory over the beast, and his i"age, and his "ar', IandI the nu"ber o! his na"e, standing by the sea o! the glass, having har s o! &od, #YAB NBWLO AKKL PRXNBLO NO VQ LSUAOQ XNMA YAB ]ASXAPVLO AMMNKLSC N`VA NTLOVAC `KRMAC N`VA VAC NPTAVAC LVB NO ASVABC NVNKNP]R L ]SXLC VLS ]NLS
,YAB NBWLO QC ]AKAPPAO SAKBORO XNXBMXNORO `SUB YAB VLSC OBYQOVAC NY VLS ]RUBLS YAB NY VRC NBYLOLC ASVLS YAB NY VLS TAUAMXAVLC ASVLS NY VLS AUB]XLS VLS LOLXAVLC ASVLS NPVQVAC N`B VRO ]AKAPPAO VRO SAKBORO NTLOVAC YB]AUAC VLS ]NLS -and they sing the song o! @oses, -YAB AWLSPBO VRO QWRO XQPNQC servant o! &od, and the song o! the WLSKLS VLS ]NLS YAB VRO QWRO VLS La"b, saying, I&reat and $onder!ul AUOBLS KNMLOVNC XNMAKA YAB ]ASXAPVA IareI Thy $or's, O Lord &od, the VA NUMA PLS YSUBN L ]NLC L .l"ighty, righteous and true IareI Thy `AOVLYUAVQU WBYABAB YAB AKR]BOAB AB $ays, O King o! saints, LWLB PLS L HAPBKNSC VQO AMBQO .$ho "ay not !ear Thee, O Lord, and .VBC LS XR ZLHR]R PN YSUBN YAB glori!y Thy na"eb be#ause Thou alone WLaAPR VL LOLXA PLS LVB XLOLC LPBLC IartI 'ind, be#ause all the nations shall LVB `AOVA VA N]OR RaLSPBO YAB #o"e and bo$ be!ore Thee, be#ause `ULPYSORPLSPBO NOQ`BLO PLS LVB VA Thy righteous a#ts $ere "ani!ested)I WBYABQXAVA PLS NZAONUQ]RPAO '.nd a!ter these things 0 sa$, and lo, 'YAB XNVA VASVA NBWLO YAB BWLS ROLBMR o ened $as the san#tuary o! the L OALC VRC PYRORC VLS XAUVSUBLS NO taberna#le o! the testi"ony in the VQ LSUAOQ heaven, /and #o"e !orth did the seven /YAB NaRK]LO LB N`VA AMMNKLB NTLOVNC "essengers having the seven lagues, VAC N`VA `KRMAC NY VLS OALS out o! the san#tuary, #lothed in linen, NOWNWSXNOLB KBOLO YA]AULO YAB ure and shining, and girded round the KAX`ULO YAB `NUBN\QPXNOLB `NUB VA breasts $ith golden girdlesF PVR]R \QOAC TUSPAC
0and one o! the !our living #reatures did give to the seven "essengers seven golden vials, !ull o! the $rath o! &od, $ho is living to the ages o! the ages, 0YAB NO NY VQO VNPPAUQO \QQO NWQYNO VLBC N`VA AMMNKLBC N`VA ZBAKAC TUSPAC MNXLSPAC VLS ]SXLS VLS ]NLS VLS \QOVLC NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO $and !illed $as the san#tuary $ith $YAB NMNXBP]R L OALC YA`OLS NY VRC s"o'e !ro" the glory o! &od, and WLaRC VLS ]NLS YAB NY VRC WSOAXNQC !ro" His o$er, and no one $as able ASVLS YAB LSWNBC RWSOAVL NBPNK]NBO to enter into the san#tuary till the NBC VLO OALO ATUB VNKNP]QPBO AB N`VA seven lagues o! the seven "essengers `KRMAB VQO N`VA AMMNKQO "ay be !inished)
+hapter #/
#.nd 0 heard a great voi#e out o! the san#tuary saying to the seven "essengers, I&o a$ay, and our out the vials o! the $rath o! &od to the earth,I ,and the !irst did go a$ay, and did our out his vial u on the land, and there #a"e a sore ++ bad and grievous ++ to "en, those having the "ar' o! the beast, and those bo$ing to his i"age) -.nd the se#ond "essenger did our out his vial to the sea, and there #a"e blood as o! IoneI dead, and every living soul died in the sea) ..nd the third "essenger did our out his vial to the rivers, and to the !ountains o! the $aters, and there #a"e blood, 'and 0 heard the "essenger o! the $aters, saying, Irighteous, O Lord, art Thou, $ho art, and $ho $ast, and $ho shalt be, be#ause these things Thou didst -udge, /be#ause blood o! saints and ro hets they did our out, and blood to the" Thou didst give to drin', !or they are $orthy,I 0and 0 heard another out o! the altar, saying, I4es, Lord &od, the .l"ighty, true and righteous IareI Thy -udg"ents)I #YAB RYLSPA ZQORC XNMAKRC NY VLS OALS KNMLSPRC VLBC N`VA AMMNKLBC S`AMNVN YAB NYTNAVN VAC ZBAKAC VLS ]SXLS VLS ]NLS NBC VRO MRO ,YAB A`RK]NO L `UQVLC YAB NaNTNNO VRO ZBAKRO ASVLS N`B VRO MRO YAB NMNONVL NKYLC YAYLO YAB `LORULO NBC VLSC AO]UQ`LSC VLSC NTLOVAC VL TAUAMXA VLS ]RUBLS YAB VLSC VR NBYLOB ASVLS `ULPYSOLSOVAC -YAB L WNSVNULC AMMNKLC NaNTNNO VRO ZBAKRO ASVLS NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO YAB NMNONVL ABXA QC ONYULS YAB `APA cSTR \QPA A`N]AONO NO VR ]AKAPPR .YAB L VUBVLC AMMNKLC NaNTNNO VRO ZBAKRO ASVLS NBC VLSC `LVAXLSC YAB NBC VAC `RMAC VQO SWAVQO YAB NMNONVL ABXA 'YAB RYLSPA VLS AMMNKLS VQO SWAVQO KNMLOVLC WBYABLC YSUBN NB L QO YAB L RO YAB L LPBLC LVB VASVA NYUBOAC /LVB ABXA AMBQO YAB `ULZRVQO NaNTNAO YAB ABXA ASVLBC NWQYAC `BNBO AaBLB MAU NBPBO 0YAB RYLSPA AKKLS NY VLS ]SPBAPVRUBLS KNMLOVLC OAB YSUBN L ]NLC L `AOVLYUAVQU AKR]BOAB YAB WBYABAB AB YUBPNBC PLS
$.nd the !ourth "essenger did our out his vial u on the sun, and there $as given to hi" to s#or#h "en $ith !ire, %and "en $ere s#or#hed $ith great heat, and they did s ea' evil o! the na"e o! &od, $ho hath authority over these lagues, and they did not re!or" ++ to give to Hi" glory) #(.nd the !i!th "essenger did our out his vial u on the throne o! the beast, and his 'ingdo" did be#o"e dar'ened, and they $ere gna$ing their tongues !ro" the ain, ##and they did s ea' evil o! the &od o! the heaven, !ro" their ains, and !ro" their sores, and they did not re!or" !ro" their $or's) #,.nd the si(th "essenger did our out his vial u on the great river, the Eu hrates, and dried u $as its $ater, that the $ay o! the 'ings $ho are !ro" the rising o! the sun "ay be "ade ready, #-and 0 sa$ I#o"eI out o! the "outh o! the dragon, and out o! the "outh o! the beast, and out o! the "outh o! the !alse ro het, three un#lean s irits li'e !rogs ++ $YAB L VNVAUVLC AMMNKLC NaNTNNO VRO ZBAKRO ASVLS N`B VLO RKBLO YAB NWL]R ASVQ YASXAVBPAB VLSC AO]UQ`LSC NO `SUB %YAB NYASXAVBP]RPAO LB AO]UQ`LB YASXA XNMA YAB NHKAPZRXRPAO VL LOLXA VLS ]NLS VLS NTLOVLC NaLSPBAO N`B VAC `KRMAC VASVAC YAB LS XNVNOLRPAO WLSOAB ASVQ WLaAO #(YAB L `NX`VLC AMMNKLC NaNTNNO VRO ZBAKRO ASVLS N`B VLO ]ULOLO VLS ]RUBLS YAB NMNONVL R HAPBKNBA ASVLS NPYLVQXNOR YAB NXAPPQOVL VAC MKQPPAC ASVQO NY VLS `LOLS ##YAB NHKAPZRXRPAO VLO ]NLO VLS LSUAOLS NY VQO `LOQO ASVQO YAB NY VQO NKYQO ASVQO YAB LS XNVNOLRPAO NY VQO NUMQO ASVQO #,YAB L NYVLC AMMNKLC NaNTNNO VRO ZBAKRO ASVLS N`B VLO `LVAXLO VLO XNMAO VLO NSZUAVRO YAB NaRUAO]R VL SWQU ASVLS BOA NVLBXAP]R R LWLC VQO HAPBKNQO VQO A`L AOAVLKQO RKBLS #-YAB NBWLO NY VLS PVLXAVLC VLS WUAYLOVLC YAB NY VLS PVLXAVLC VLS ]RUBLS YAB NY VLS PVLXAVLC VLS cNSWL`ULZRVLS `ONSXAVA VUBA AYA]AUVA LXLBA HAVUATLBC
#.!or they are s irits o! de"ons, doing signs ++ $hi#h go !orth unto the 'ings o! the earth, and o! the $hole $orld, to bring the" together to the battle o! that great day o! &od the .l"ighty, ++ #.NBPBO MAU `ONSXAVA WABXLOQO `LBLSOVA PRXNBA NY`LUNSNP]AB N`B VLSC HAPBKNBC VRC MRC YAB VRC LBYLSXNORC LKRC PSOAMAMNBO ASVLSC NBC `LKNXLO VRC RXNUAC NYNBORC VRC XNMAKRC VLS ]NLS VLS `AOVLYUAVLULC #'Ilo, 0 do #o"e as a thie!, ha y IisI #'BWLS NUTLXAB QC YKN`VRC XAYAUBLC he $ho is $at#hing, and 'ee ing his L MURMLUQO YAB VRUQO VA BXAVBA ASVLS gar"ents, that he "ay not $al' na'ed, BOA XR MSXOLC `NUB`AVR YAB HKN`QPBO and they "ay see his unsee"liness,I ++ VRO APTRXLPSORO ASVLS #/and they did bring the" together to #/YAB PSORMAMNO ASVLSC NBC VLO VL`LO the la#e that is #alled in Hebre$ VLO YAKLSXNOLO NHUABPVB AUXAMNWWQO .r"ageddon) #0.nd the seventh "essenger did our #0YAB L NHWLXLC AMMNKLC NaNTNNO VRO out his vial to the air, and there #a"e ZBAKRO ASVLS NBC VLO ANUA YAB NaRK]NO !orth a great voi#e !ro" the san#tuary ZQOR XNMAKR A`L VLS OALS VLS o! the heaven, !ro" the throne, saying, LSUAOLS A`L VLS ]ULOLS KNMLSPA I0t hath #o"edI MNMLONO #$and there #a"e voi#es, and #$YAB NMNOLOVL ZQOAB YAB HULOVAB YAB thunders, and lightnings, and a great APVUA`AB YAB PNBPXLC NMNONVL XNMAC earth?ua'e #a"e, su#h as #a"e not LBLC LSY NMNONVL AZ LS LB AO]UQ`LB sin#e "en #a"e u on the earth, so NMNOLOVL N`B VRC MRC VRKBYLSVLC "ighty an earth?ua'e ++ so greatd PNBPXLC LSVQC XNMAC #%.nd it #a"e ++ the great #ity ++ into #%YAB NMNONVL R `LKBC R XNMAKR NBC three arts, and the #ities o! the nations VUBA XNUR YAB AB `LKNBC VQO N]OQO did !all, and Babylon the great $as N`NPLO YAB HAHSKQO R XNMAKR re"e"bered be!ore &od, to give to her NXORP]R NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS WLSOAB the #u o! the $ine o! the $rath o! His ASVR VL `LVRUBLO VLS LBOLS VLS ]SXLS anger, VRC LUMRC ASVLS ,(and every island did !lee a$ay, and ,(YAB `APA ORPLC NZSMNO YAB LUR LST "ountains $ere not !ound, NSUN]RPAO
,#and great hail 7as o! talent $eight< doth #o"e do$n out o! the heaven u on "en, and "en did s ea' evil o! &od be#ause o! the lague o! the hail, be#ause its lague is very great) ,#YAB TAKA\A XNMAKR QC VAKAOVBABA YAVAHABONB NY VLS LSUAOLS N`B VLSC AO]UQ`LSC YAB NHKAPZRXRPAO LB AO]UQ`LB VLO ]NLO NY VRC `KRMRC VRC TAKA\RC LVB XNMAKR NPVBO R `KRMR ASVRC PZLWUA
+hapter #0
#.nd there #a"e one o! the seven "essengers, $ho $ere having the seven vials, and he s a'e $ith "e, saying to "e, IDo"e, 0 $ill she$ to thee the -udg"ent o! the great $hore, $ho is sitting u on the "any $aters, ,$ith $ho" the 'ings o! the earth did #o""it $horedo", and "ade drun' !ro" the $ine o! her $horedo" $ere those inhabiting the earth,I -and he #arried "e a$ay to a $ilderness in the S irit, and 0 sa$ a $o"an sitting u on a s#arlet+#oloured beast, !ull o! na"es o! evil+s ea'ing, having seven heads and ten horns, .and the $o"an $as arrayed $ith ur le and s#arlet+#olour, and gilded $ith gold, and re#ious stone, and earls, having a golden #u in her hand !ull o! abo"inations and un#leanness o! her $horedo", 'and u on her !orehead $as a na"e $rittenF ISe#ret, Babylon the &reat, the @other o! the Whores, and the .bo"inations o! the earth)I /.nd 0 sa$ the $o"an drun'en !ro" the blood o! the saints, and !ro" the blood o! the $itnesses o! 5esus, and 0 did $onder ++ having seen her ++ $ith great $onder, #YAB RK]NO NBC NY VQO N`VA AMMNKQO VQO NTLOVQO VAC N`VA ZBAKAC YAB NKAKRPNO XNV NXLS KNMQO XLB WNSUL WNBaQ PLB VL YUBXA VRC `LUORC VRC XNMAKRC VRC YA]RXNORC N`B VQO SWAVQO VQO `LKKQO ,XN] RC N`LUONSPAO LB HAPBKNBC VRC MRC YAB NXN]SP]RPAO NY VLS LBOLS VRC `LUONBAC ASVRC LB YAVLBYLSOVNC VRO MRO -YAB A`RONMYNO XN NBC NURXLO NO `ONSXAVB YAB NBWLO MSOABYA YA]RXNORO N`B ]RUBLO YLYYBOLO MNXLO LOLXAVQO HKAPZRXBAC NTLO YNZAKAC N`VA YAB YNUAVA WNYA .YAB R MSOR R `NUBHNHKRXNOR `LUZSUA YAB YLYYBOQ YAB YNTUSPQXNOR TUSPQ YAB KB]Q VBXBQ YAB XAUMAUBVABC NTLSPA TUSPLSO `LVRUBLO NO VR TNBUB ASVRC MNXLO HWNKSMXAVQO YAB AYA]AUVRVLC `LUONBAC ASVRC 'YAB N`B VL XNVQ`LO ASVRC LOLXA MNMUAXXNOLO XSPVRUBLO HAHSKQO R XNMAKR R XRVRU VQO `LUOQO YAB VQO HWNKSMXAVQO VRC MRC /YAB NBWLO VRO MSOABYA XN]SLSPAO NY VLS ABXAVLC VQO AMBQO YAB NY VLS ABXAVLC VQO XAUVSUQO BRPLS YAB N]ASXAPA BWQO ASVRO ]ASXA XNMA
0and the "essenger said to "e, IWhere!ore didst thou $onderb 0 ++ 0 $ill tell thee the se#ret o! the $o"an and o! the beast that IisI #arrying her, $hi#h hath the seven heads and the ten horns) $IThe beast that thou didst seeF it $as, and it is not, and it is about to #o"e u out o! the abyss, and to go a$ay to destru#tion, and $onder shall those d$elling u on the earth, $hose na"es have not been $ritten u on the s#roll o! the li!e !ro" the !oundation o! the $orld, beholding the beast that $as, and is not, although it is) %IHere IisI the "ind that is having $isdo", the seven heads are seven "ountains, u on $hi#h the $o"an doth sit, #(and there are seven 'ings, the !ive did !all, and the one is, the other did not yet #o"e, and $hen he "ay #o"e, it behoveth hi" to re"ain a little ti"e, ##and the beast that $as, and is not, he also is eighth, and out o! the seven he is, and to destru#tion he doth go a$ay) #,I.nd the ten horns that thou sa$est, are ten 'ings, $ho a 'ingdo" did not yet re#eive, but authority as 'ings the sa"e hour do re#eive $ith the beast, #-these have one "ind, and their o$n o$er and authority to the beast they shall give over, 0YAB NB`NO XLB L AMMNKLC WBAVB N]ASXAPAC NMQ PLB NUQ VL XSPVRUBLO VRC MSOABYLC YAB VLS ]RUBLS VLS HAPVA\LOVLC ASVRO VLS NTLOVLC VAC N`VA YNZAKAC YAB VA WNYA YNUAVA $]RUBLO L NBWNC RO YAB LSY NPVBO YAB XNKKNB AOAHABONBO NY VRC AHSPPLS YAB NBC A`QKNBAO S`AMNBO YAB ]ASXAPLOVAB LB YAVLBYLSOVNC N`B VRC MRC QO LS MNMUA`VAB VA LOLXAVA N`B VL HBHKBLO VRC \QRC A`L YAVAHLKRC YLPXLS HKN`LOVNC VL ]RUBLO L VB RO YAB LSY NPVBO YAB`NU NPVBO %QWN L OLSC L NTQO PLZBAO AB N`VA YNZAKAB LUR NBPBO N`VA L`LS R MSOR YA]RVAB N` ASVQO #(YAB HAPBKNBC N`VA NBPBO LB `NOVN N`NPAO YAB L NBC NPVBO L AKKLC LS`Q RK]NO YAB LVAO NK]R LKBMLO ASVLO WNB XNBOAB ##YAB VL ]RUBLO L RO YAB LSY NPVBO YAB ASVLC LMWLLC NPVBO YAB NY VQO N`VA NPVBO YAB NBC A`QKNBAO S`AMNB #,YAB VA WNYA YNUAVA A NBWNC WNYA HAPBKNBC NBPBO LBVBONC HAPBKNBAO LS`Q NKAHLO AKK NaLSPBAO QC HAPBKNBC XBAO QUAO KAXHAOLSPBO XNVA VLS ]RUBLS #-LSVLB XBAO MOQXRO NTLSPBO YAB VRO WSOAXBO YAB VRO NaLSPBAO NASVQO VQ ]RUBQ WBAWBWQPLSPBO
#.these $ith the La"b shall "a'e $ar, and the La"b shall over#o"e the", be#ause Lord o! lords he is, and King o! 'ings, and those $ith hi" are #alled, and #hoi#e, and sted!ast)I #'.nd he saith to "e, IThe $aters that thou didst see, $here the $hore doth sit, are eo les, and "ultitudes, and nations, and tongues,I #/and the ten horns that thou didst see u on the beast, these shall hate the $hore, and shall "a'e her desolate and na'ed, and shall eat her !lesh, and shall burn her in !ire, #.LSVLB XNVA VLS AUOBLS `LKNXRPLSPBO YAB VL AUOBLO OBYRPNB ASVLSC LVB YSUBLC YSUBQO NPVBO YAB HAPBKNSC HAPBKNQO YAB LB XNV ASVLS YKRVLB YAB NYKNYVLB YAB `BPVLB #'YAB KNMNB XLB VA SWAVA A NBWNC LS R `LUOR YA]RVAB KALB YAB LTKLB NBPBO YAB N]OR YAB MKQPPAB
#/YAB VA WNYA YNUAVA A NBWNC N`B VL ]RUBLO LSVLB XBPRPLSPBO VRO `LUORO YAB RURXQXNORO `LBRPLSPBO ASVRO YAB MSXORO YAB VAC PAUYAC ASVRC ZAMLOVAB YAB ASVRO YAVAYASPLSPBO NO `SUB #0!or &od did give into their hearts to #0L MAU ]NLC NWQYNO NBC VAC YAUWBAC do its "ind, and to "a'e one "ind, ASVQO `LBRPAB VRO MOQXRO ASVLS YAB and to give their 'ingdo" to the beast `LBRPAB XBAO MOQXRO YAB WLSOAB VRO till the sayings o! &od "ay be HAPBKNBAO ASVQO VQ ]RUBQ ATUB #o" lete, VNKNP]R VA URXAVA VLS ]NLS #$and the $o"an that thou didst see is #$YAB R MSOR RO NBWNC NPVBO R `LKBC R the great #ity that is having reign over XNMAKR R NTLSPA HAPBKNBAO N`B VQO the 'ings o! the land)I HAPBKNQO VRC MRC
+hapter #$
#.nd a!ter these things 0 sa$ another "essenger #o"ing do$n out o! the heaven, having great authority, and the earth $as lightened !ro" his glory, ,and he did #ry in "ight ++ a great voi#e, saying, IFall, !all did Babylon the great, and she be#a"e a habitation o! de"ons, and a hold o! every un#lean s irit, and a hold o! every un#lean and hate!ul bird, #YAB XNVA VASVA NBWLO AMMNKLO YAVAHABOLOVA NY VLS LSUAOLS NTLOVA NaLSPBAO XNMAKRO YAB R MR NZQVBP]R NY VRC WLaRC ASVLS ,YAB NYUAaNO NO BPTSB ZQOR XNMAKR KNMQO N`NPNO N`NPNO HAHSKQO R XNMAKR YAB NMNONVL YAVLBYRVRUBLO WABXLOQO YAB ZSKAYR `AOVLC `ONSXAVLC AYA]AUVLS YAB ZSKAYR `AOVLC LUONLS AYA]AUVLS YAB XNXBPRXNOLS -be#ause o! the $ine o! the $rath o! -LVB NY VLS LBOLS VLS ]SXLS VRC her $horedo" have all the nations `LUONBAC ASVRC `N`QYNO `AOVA VA drun', and the 'ings o! the earth $ith N]OR YAB LB HAPBKNBC VRC MRC XNV ASVRC her did #o""it $horedo", and N`LUONSPAO YAB LB NX`LULB VRC MRC NY "er#hants o! the earth !ro" the o$er VRC WSOAXNQC VLS PVUROLSC ASVRC o! her revel $ere "ade ri#h) N`KLSVRPAO ..nd 0 heard another voi#e out o! the .YAB RYLSPA AKKRO ZQORO NY VLS heaven, saying, IDo"e !orth out o! her, LSUAOLS KNMLSPAO NaNK]NVN Na ASVRC @y eo le, that ye "ay not arta'e L KALC XLS BOA XR PSMYLBOQORPRVN $ith her sins, and that ye "ay not VABC AXAUVBABC ASVRC YAB BOA XR re#eive o! her lagues, KAHRVN NY VQO `KRMQO ASVRC 'be#ause her sins did !ollo$ ++ unto 'LVB RYLKLS]RPAO ASVRC AB AXAUVBAB the heaven, and &od did re"e"ber her ATUB VLS LSUAOLS YAB NXORXLONSPNO L unrighteousness) ]NLC VA AWBYRXAVA ASVRC /Render to her as also she did render /A`LWLVN ASVR QC YAB ASVR A`NWQYNO to you, and double to her doubles SXBO YAB WB`KQPAVN ASVR WB`KA YAVA a##ording to her $or's, in the #u that VA NUMA ASVRC NO VQ `LVRUBQ Q she did "ingle "ingle to her double) NYNUAPNO YNUAPAVN ASVR WB`KLSO
0I.s "u#h as she did glori!y hersel! and did revel, so "u#h tor"ent and sorro$ give to her, be#ause in her heart she saith, 0 sit a ?ueen, and a $ido$ 0 a" not, and sorro$ 0 shall not see, $be#ause o! this, in one day, shall #o"e her lagues, death, and sorro$, and !a"ine, and in !ire she shall be utterly burned, be#ause strong IisI the Lord &od $ho is -udging her, %and $ee over her, and s"ite the"selves !or her, shall the 'ings o! the earth, $ho $ith her did #o""it $horedo" and did revel, $hen they "ay see the s"o'e o! her burning, #(!ro" a!ar having stood be#ause o! the !ear o! her tor"ent, saying, Wo, $o, the great #ityd Babylon, the strong #ityd be#ause in one hour did #o"e thy -udg"ent) ##I.nd the "er#hants o! the earth shall $ee and sorro$ over her, be#ause their lading no one doth buy any "ore, #,lading o! gold, and silver, and re#ious stone, and earl, and !ine linen, and ur le, and sil', and s#arlet, and all thyne $ood, and every vessel o! ivory, and every vessel o! "ost re#ious $ood, and brass, and iron, and "arble, 0LPA NWLaAPNO NASVRO YAB NPVUROBAPNO VLPLSVLO WLVN ASVR HAPAOBPXLO YAB `NO]LC LVB NO VR YAUWBA ASVRC KNMNB YA]RXAB HAPBKBPPA YAB TRUA LSY NBXB YAB `NO]LC LS XR BWQ $WBA VLSVL NO XBA RXNUA RaLSPBO AB `KRMAB ASVRC ]AOAVLC YAB `NO]LC YAB KBXLC YAB NO `SUB YAVAYAS]RPNVAB LVB BPTSULC YSUBLC L ]NLC L YUBOQO ASVRO %YAB YKASPLOVAB ASVRO YAB YLcLOVAB N` ASVR LB HAPBKNBC VRC MRC LB XNV ASVRC `LUONSPAOVNC YAB PVUROBAPAOVNC LVAO HKN`QPBO VLO YA`OLO VRC `SUQPNQC ASVRC #(A`L XAYUL]NO NPVRYLVNC WBA VLO ZLHLO VLS HAPAOBPXLS ASVRC KNMLOVNC LSAB LSAB R `LKBC R XNMAKR HAHSKQO R `LKBC R BPTSUA LVB NO XBA QUA RK]NO R YUBPBC PLS ##YAB LB NX`LULB VRC MRC YKABLSPBO YAB `NO]LSPBO N` ASVR LVB VLO MLXLO ASVQO LSWNBC AMLUA\NB LSYNVB #,MLXLO TUSPLS YAB AUMSULS YAB KB]LS VBXBLS YAB XAUMAUBVLS YAB HSPPLS YAB `LUZSUAC YAB PRUBYLS YAB YLYYBOLS YAB `AO aSKLO ]SBOLO YAB `AO PYNSLC NKNZAOVBOLO YAB `AO PYNSLC NY aSKLS VBXBQVAVLS YAB TAKYLS YAB PBWRULS YAB XAUXAULS
#-and #inna"on, and odours, and oint"ent, and !ran'in#ense, and $ine, and oil, and !ine !lour, and $heat, and #attle, and shee , and o! horses, and o! #hariots, and o! bodies and souls o! "en) #.I.nd the !ruits o! the desire o! thy soul did go a$ay !ro" thee, and all things ++ the dainty and the bright ++ did go a$ay !ro" thee, and no "ore at all "ayest thou !ind the") #'The "er#hants o! these things, $ho $ere "ade ri#h by her, !ar o!! shall stand be#ause o! the !ear o! her tor"ent, $ee ing, and sorro$ing, #/and saying, Wo, $o, the great #ity, that $as arrayed $ith !ine linen, and ur le, and s#arlet, and gilded in gold, and re#ious stone, and earls ++ be#ause in one hour so "u#h ri#hes $ere "ade $asted #0I.nd every shi "aster, and all the #o" any u on the shi s, and sailors, and as "any as $or' the sea, !ar o!! stood, #$and $ere #rying, seeing the s"o'e o! her burning, saying, What I#ity isI li'e to the great #ityb #-YAB YBOAXQXLO YAB ]SXBAXAVA YAB XSULO YAB KBHAOLO YAB LBOLO YAB NKABLO YAB PNXBWAKBO YAB PBVLO YAB YVROR YAB `ULHAVA YAB B``QO YAB UNWQO YAB PQXAVQO YAB cSTAC AO]UQ`QO #.YAB R L`QUA VRC N`B]SXBAC VRC cSTRC PLS A`RK]NO A`L PLS YAB `AOVA VA KB`AUA YAB VA KAX`UA A`RK]NO A`L PLS YAB LSYNVB LS XR NSURPRC ASVA #'LB NX`LULB VLSVQO LB `KLSVRPAOVNC A` ASVRC A`L XAYUL]NO PVRPLOVAB WBA VLO ZLHLO VLS HAPAOBPXLS ASVRC YKABLOVNC YAB `NO]LSOVNC #/YAB KNMLOVNC LSAB LSAB R `LKBC R XNMAKR R `NUBHNHKRXNOR HSPPBOLO YAB `LUZSULSO YAB YLYYBOLO YAB YNTUSPQXNOR NO TUSPQ YAB KB]Q VBXBQ YAB XAUMAUBVABC #0LVB XBA QUA RURXQ]R L VLPLSVLC `KLSVLC YAB `AC YSHNUORVRC YAB `AC N`B VQO `KLBQO L LXBKLC YAB OASVAB YAB LPLB VRO ]AKAPPAO NUMA\LOVAB A`L XAYUL]NO NPVRPAO #$YAB NYUA\LO LUQOVNC VLO YA`OLO VRC `SUQPNQC ASVRC KNMLOVNC VBC LXLBA VR `LKNB VR XNMAKR
#%and they did #ast dust u on their heads, and $ere #rying out, $ee ing and sorro$ing, saying, Wo, $o, the great #ityd in $hi#h $ere "ade ri#h all having shi s in the sea, out o! her #ostliness ++ !or in one hour $as she "ade $aste) ,(IBe glad over her, O heaven, and ye holy a ostles and ro hets, be#ause &od did -udge your -udg"ent o! herdI ,#.nd one strong "essenger did ta'e u a stone as a great "illstone, and did #ast IitI to the sea, saying, IThus $ith violen#e shall Babylon be #ast, the great #ity, and "ay not be !ound any "ore at all, ,,and voi#e o! har ers, and "usi#ians, and i ers, and tru" eters, "ay not be heard at all in thee any "ore, and any artiEan o! any art "ay not be !ound at all in thee any "ore, and noise o! a "illstone "ay not be heard at all in thee any "ore, ,-and light o! a la" "ay not shine at all in thee any "ore, and voi#e o! bridegroo" and o! bride "ay not be heard at all in thee any "ore, be#ause thy "er#hants $ere the great ones o! the earth, be#ause in thy sor#ery $ere all the nations led astray, ,.and in her blood o! ro hets and o! saints $as !ound, and o! all those $ho have been slain on the earth)I #%YAB NHAKLO TLSO N`B VAC YNZAKAC ASVQO YAB NYUA\LO YKABLOVNC YAB `NO]LSOVNC KNMLOVNC LSAB LSAB R `LKBC R XNMAKR NO R N`KLSVRPAO `AOVNC LB NTLOVNC `KLBA NO VR ]AKAPPR NY VRC VBXBLVRVLC ASVRC LVB XBA QUA RURXQ]R ,(NSZUABOLS N` ASVRO LSUAON YAB LB AMBLB A`LPVLKLB YAB LB `ULZRVAB LVB NYUBONO L ]NLC VL YUBXA SXQO Na ASVRC ,#YAB RUNO NBC AMMNKLC BPTSULC KB]LO QC XSKLO XNMAO YAB NHAKNO NBC VRO ]AKAPPAO KNMQO LSVQC LUXRXAVB HKR]RPNVAB HAHSKQO R XNMAKR `LKBC YAB LS XR NSUN]R NVB ,,YAB ZQOR YB]AUQWQO YAB XLSPBYQO YAB ASKRVQO YAB PAK`BPVQO LS XR AYLSP]R NO PLB NVB YAB `AC VNTOBVRC `APRC VNTORC LS XR NSUN]R NO PLB NVB YAB ZQOR XSKLS LS XR AYLSP]R NO PLB NVB ,-YAB ZQC KSTOLS LS XR ZAOR NO PLB NVB YAB ZQOR OSXZBLS YAB OSXZRC LS XR AYLSP]R NO PLB NVB LVB LB NX`LULB PLS RPAO LB XNMBPVAONC VRC MRC LVB NO VR ZAUXAYNBA PLS N`KAOR]RPAO `AOVA VA N]OR ,.YAB NO ASVR ABXA `ULZRVQO YAB AMBQO NSUN]R YAB `AOVQO VQO NPZAMXNOQO N`B VRC MRC
+hapter #%
#.nd a!ter these things 0 heard a great voi#e o! a great "ultitude in the heaven, saying, I.lleluiad the salvation, and the glory, and the honour, and the o$er, IisI to the Lord our &od, ,be#ause true and righteous IareI His -udg"ents, be#ause He did -udge the great $hore $ho did #orru t the earth in her $horedo", and He did avenge the blood o! His servants at her hand,I -and a se#ond ti"e they said, I.lleluia,I and her s"o'e doth #o"e u ++ to the ages o! the agesd ..nd !all do$n did the elders ++ the t$enty and !our ++ and the !our living #reatures, and they did bo$ be!ore &od $ho is sitting u on the throne, saying, I."en, .lleluia)I '.nd a voi#e out o! the throne did #o"e !orth, saying, IPraise our &od, all ye His servants, and those !earing Hi", both the s"all and the great,I /and 0 heard as the voi#e o! a great "ultitude, and as the voi#e o! "any $aters, and as the voi#e o! "ighty thunderings, saying, I.lleluiad be#ause reign did the Lord &od ++ the .l"ightyd 0"ay $e re-oi#e and e(ult, and give the glory to Hi", be#ause #o"e did the "arriage o! the La"b, and his $i!e did "a'e hersel! ready, #YAB XNVA VASVA RYLSPA ZQORO LTKLS `LKKLS XNMAKRO NO VQ LSUAOQ KNMLOVLC AKKRKLSBA R PQVRUBA YAB R WLaA YAB R VBXR YAB R WSOAXBC YSUBQ VQ ]NQ RXQO ,LVB AKR]BOAB YAB WBYABAB AB YUBPNBC ASVLS LVB NYUBONO VRO `LUORO VRO XNMAKRO RVBC NZ]NBUNO VRO MRO NO VR `LUONBA ASVRC YAB NaNWBYRPNO VL ABXA VQO WLSKQO ASVLS NY VRC TNBULC ASVRC -YAB WNSVNULO NBURYAO AKKRKLSBA YAB L YA`OLC ASVRC AOAHABONB NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO .YAB N`NPAO LB `UNPHSVNULB LB NBYLPB YAB VNPPAUNC YAB VA VNPPAUA \QA YAB `ULPNYSORPAO VQ ]NQ VQ YA]RXNOQ N`B VLS ]ULOLS KNMLOVNC AXRO AKKRKLSBA 'YAB ZQOR NY VLS ]ULOLS NaRK]NO KNMLSPA ABONBVN VLO ]NLO RXQO `AOVNC LB WLSKLB ASVLS YAB LB ZLHLSXNOLB ASVLO YAB LB XBYULB YAB LB XNMAKLB /YAB RYLSPA QC ZQORO LTKLS `LKKLS YAB QC ZQORO SWAVQO `LKKQO YAB QC ZQORO HULOVQO BPTSUQO KNMLOVAC AKKRKLSBA LVB NHAPBKNSPNO YSUBLC L ]NLC L `AOVLYUAVQU 0TABUQXNO YAB AMAKKBQXN]A YAB WQXNO VRO WLaAO ASVQ LVB RK]NO L MAXLC VLS AUOBLS YAB R MSOR ASVLS RVLBXAPNO NASVRO
$and there $as given to her that she "ay be arrayed $ith !ine linen, ure and shining, !or the !ine linen is the righteous a#ts o! the saints)I %.nd he saith to "e, IWriteF Ha y IareI they $ho to the su er o! the "arriage o! the La"b have been #alled,I and he saith to "e, IThese IareI the true $ords o! &od,I #(and 0 !ell be!ore his !eet, to bo$ be!ore hi", and he saith to "e, ISee ++ notd !ello$ servant o! thee a" 0, and o! thy brethren, those having the testi"ony o! 5esus, bo$ be!ore &od, !or the testi"ony o! 5esus is the s irit o! the ro he#y)I ##.nd 0 sa$ the heaven having been o ened, and lo, a $hite horse, and he $ho is sitting u on it is #alled Faith!ul and True, and in righteousness doth he -udge and $ar, #,and his eyes IareI as a !la"e o! !ire, and u on his head IareI "any diade"s ++ having a na"e $ritten that no one hath 'no$n, e(#e t hi"sel!, $YAB NWL]R ASVR BOA `NUBHAKRVAB HSPPBOLO YA]AULO YAB KAX`ULO VL MAU HSPPBOLO VA WBYABQXAVA NPVBO VQO AMBQO %YAB KNMNB XLB MUAcLO XAYAUBLB LB NBC VL WNB`OLO VLS MAXLS VLS AUOBLS YNYKRXNOLB YAB KNMNB XLB LSVLB LB KLMLB AKR]BOLB NBPBO VLS ]NLS
#'and out o! his "outh doth ro#eed a shar s$ord, that $ith it he "ay s"ite the nations, and he shall rule the" $ith a rod o! iron, and he doth tread the ress o! the $ine o! the $rath and the anger o! &od the .l"ighty, #'YAB NY VLS PVLXAVLC ASVLS NY`LUNSNVAB ULXZABA LaNBA BOA NO ASVR `AVAPPR VA N]OR YAB ASVLC `LBXAONB ASVLSC NO UAHWQ PBWRUA YAB ASVLC `AVNB VRO KROLO VLS LBOLS VLS ]SXLS YAB VRC LUMRC VLS ]NLS VLS `AOVLYUAVLULC #/and he hath u on the gar"ent and #/YAB NTNB N`B VL BXAVBLO YAB N`B VLO u on his thigh the na"e $ritten, IKing XRULO ASVLS VL LOLXA MNMUAXXNOLO o! 'ings, and Lord o! lords)I HAPBKNSC HAPBKNQO YAB YSUBLC YSUBQO #0.nd 0 sa$ one "essenger standing #0YAB NBWLO NOA AMMNKLO NPVQVA NO VQ in the sun, and he #ried, a great voi#e, RKBQ YAB NYUAaNO ZQOR XNMAKR KNMQO saying to all the birds that are !lying in `APBO VLBC LUONLBC VLBC `NVQXNOLBC NO "id+heaven, IDo"e and be gathered XNPLSUAORXAVB WNSVN YAB PSOAMNP]N together to the su er o! the great NBC VL WNB`OLO VLS XNMAKLS ]NLS &od, #$that ye "ay eat !lesh o! 'ings, and #$BOA ZAMRVN PAUYAC HAPBKNQO YAB !lesh o! #hie!s o! thousands, and !lesh PAUYAC TBKBAUTQO YAB PAUYAC BPTSUQO o! strong "en, and !lesh o! horses, and YAB PAUYAC B``QO YAB VQO YA]RXNOQO o! those sitting on the", and the !lesh N` ASVQO YAB PAUYAC `AOVQO o! all ++ !ree"en and servants ++ both NKNS]NUQO YAB WLSKQO YAB XBYUQO YAB s"all and great)I XNMAKQO #%.nd 0 sa$ the beast, and the 'ings #%YAB NBWLO VL ]RUBLO YAB VLSC o! the earth, and their ar"ies, having HAPBKNBC VRC MRC YAB VA PVUAVNSXAVA been gathered together to "a'e $ar ASVQO PSORMXNOA `LBRPAB `LKNXLO $ith hi" $ho is sitting u on the horse, XNVA VLS YA]RXNOLS N`B VLS B``LS YAB and $ith his ar"y, XNVA VLS PVUAVNSXAVLC ASVLS
,(and the beast $as ta'en, and $ith hi" the !alse ro het $ho did the signs be!ore hi", in $hi#h he led astray those $ho did re#eive the "ar' o! the beast, and those $ho did bo$ be!ore his i"age, living they $ere #ast ++ the t$o ++ to the la'e o! the !ire, that is burning $ith bri"stone, ,#and the rest $ere 'illed $ith the s$ord o! hi" $ho is sitting on the horse, $hi#h Is$ordI is ro#eeding out o! his "outh, and all the birds $ere !illed out o! their !lesh) ,(YAB N`BAP]R VL ]RUBLO YAB XNVA VLSVLS L cNSWL`ULZRVRC L `LBRPAC VA PRXNBA NOQ`BLO ASVLS NO LBC N`KAORPNO VLSC KAHLOVAC VL TAUAMXA VLS ]RUBLS YAB VLSC `ULPYSOLSOVAC VR NBYLOB ASVLS \QOVNC NHKR]RPAO LB WSL NBC VRO KBXORO VLS `SULC VRO YABLXNORO NO VQ ]NBQ ,#YAB LB KLB`LB A`NYVAO]RPAO NO VR ULXZABA VLS YA]RXNOLS N`B VLS B``LS VR NY`LUNSLXNOR NY VLS PVLXAVLC ASVLS YAB `AOVA VA LUONA NTLUVAP]RPAO NY VQO PAUYQO ASVQO
+hapter ,(
#.nd 0 sa$ a "essenger #o"ing do$n out o! the heaven, having the 'ey o! the abyss, and a great #hain over his hand, ,and he laid hold on the dragon, the old ser ent, $ho is Devil and .dversary, and did bind hi" a thousand years, -and he #ast hi" to the abyss, and did shut hi" u , and ut a seal u on hi", that he "ay not lead astray the nations any "ore, till the thousand years "ay be !inished, and a!ter these it behoveth hi" to be loosed a little ti"e) ..nd 0 sa$ thrones, and they sat u on the", and -udg"ent $as given to the", and the souls o! those $ho have been beheaded be#ause o! the testi"ony o! 5esus, and be#ause o! the $ord o! &od, and $ho did not bo$ be!ore the beast, nor his i"age, and did not re#eive the "ar' u on their !orehead and u on their hand, and they did live and reign $ith Dhrist the thousand years, 'and the rest o! the dead did not live again till the thousand years "ay be !inished, this IisI the !irst rising again) #YAB NBWLO AMMNKLO YAVAHABOLOVA NY VLS LSUAOLS NTLOVA VRO YKNBWA VRC AHSPPLS YAB AKSPBO XNMAKRO N`B VRO TNBUA ASVLS ,YAB NYUAVRPNO VLO WUAYLOVA VLO LZBO VLO AUTABLO LC NPVBO WBAHLKLC YAB PAVAOAC YAB NWRPNO ASVLO TBKBA NVR -YAB NHAKNO ASVLO NBC VRO AHSPPLO YAB NYKNBPNO ASVLO YAB NPZUAMBPNO N`AOQ ASVLS BOA XR `KAORPR VA N]OR NVB ATUB VNKNP]R VA TBKBA NVR YAB XNVA VASVA WNB ASVLO KS]ROAB XBYULO TULOLO .YAB NBWLO ]ULOLSC YAB NYA]BPAO N` ASVLSC YAB YUBXA NWL]R ASVLBC YAB VAC cSTAC VQO `N`NKNYBPXNOQO WBA VRO XAUVSUBAO BRPLS YAB WBA VLO KLMLO VLS ]NLS YAB LBVBONC LS `ULPNYSORPAO VQ ]RUBQ LSVN VRO NBYLOA ASVLS YAB LSY NKAHLO VL TAUAMXA N`B VL XNVQ`LO ASVQO YAB N`B VRO TNBUA ASVQO YAB N\RPAO YAB NHAPBKNSPAO XNVA TUBPVLS VA TBKBA NVR 'LB WN KLB`LB VQO ONYUQO LSY AON\RPAO NQC VNKNP]R VA TBKBA NVR ASVR R AOAPVAPBC R `UQVR
/Ha y and holy IisI he $ho is having art in the !irst rising again, over these the se#ond death hath not authority, but they shall be riests o! &od and o! the Dhrist, and shall reign $ith hi" a thousand years) 0.nd $hen the thousand years "ay be !inished, the .dversary shall be loosed out o! his rison, $and he shall go !orth to lead the nations astray, that are in the !our #orners o! the earth ++ &og and @agog ++ to gather the" together to $ar, o! $ho" the nu"ber IisI as the sand o! the sea, %and they did go u over the breadth o! the land, and did surround the #a" o! the saints, and the beloved #ity, and there #a"e do$n !ire !ro" &od out o! the heaven, and devoured the", #(and the Devil, $ho is leading the" astray, $as #ast into the la'e o! !ire and bri"stone, $here IareI the beast and the !alse ro het, and they shall be tor"ented day and night ++ to the ages o! the ages) ##.nd 0 sa$ a great $hite throne, and Hi" $ho is sitting u on it, !ro" $hose !a#e the earth and the heaven did !lee a$ay, and la#e $as not !ound !or the", /XAYAUBLC YAB AMBLC L NTQO XNULC NO VR AOAPVAPNB VR `UQVR N`B VLSVQO L ]AOAVLC L WNSVNULC LSY NTNB NaLSPBAO AKK NPLOVAB BNUNBC VLS ]NLS YAB VLS TUBPVLS YAB HAPBKNSPLSPBO XNV ASVLS TBKBA NVR 0YAB LVAO VNKNP]R VA TBKBA NVR KS]RPNVAB L PAVAOAC NY VRC ZSKAYRC ASVLS $YAB NaNKNSPNVAB `KAORPAB VA N]OR VA NO VABC VNPPAUPBO MQOBABC VRC MRC VLO MQM YAB VLO XAMQM PSOAMAMNBO ASVLSC NBC `LKNXLO QO L AUB]XLC QC R AXXLC VRC ]AKAPPRC %YAB AONHRPAO N`B VL `KAVLC VRC MRC YAB NYSYKQPAO VRO `AUNXHLKRO VQO AMBQO YAB VRO `LKBO VRO RMA`RXNORO YAB YAVNHR `SU A`L VLS ]NLS NY VLS LSUAOLS YAB YAVNZAMNO ASVLSC #(YAB L WBAHLKLC L `KAOQO ASVLSC NHKR]R NBC VRO KBXORO VLS `SULC YAB ]NBLS L`LS VL ]RUBLO YAB L cNSWL`ULZRVRC YAB HAPAOBP]RPLOVAB RXNUAC YAB OSYVLC NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO ##YAB NBWLO ]ULOLO KNSYLO XNMAO YAB VLO YA]RXNOLO N` ASVLS LS A`L `ULPQ`LS NZSMNO R MR YAB L LSUAOLC YAB VL`LC LST NSUN]R ASVLBC
#,and 0 sa$ the dead, s"all and great, standing be!ore &od, and s#rolls $ere o ened, and another s#roll $as o ened, $hi#h is that o! the li!e, and the dead $ere -udged out o! the things $ritten in the s#rolls ++ a##ording to their $or's, #-and the sea did give u those dead in it, and the death and the hades did give u the dead in the", and they $ere -udged, ea#h one a##ording to their $or's, #.and the death and the hades $ere #ast to the la'e o! the !ire ++ this IisI the se#ond death, #'and i! any one $as not !ound $ritten in the s#roll o! the li!e, he $as #ast to the la'e o! the !ire) #,YAB NBWLO VLSC ONYULSC XBYULSC YAB XNMAKLSC NPVQVAC NOQ`BLO VLS ]NLS YAB HBHKBA RONQT]RPAO YAB HBHKBLO AKKL RONQT]R L NPVBO VRC \QRC YAB NYUB]RPAO LB ONYULB NY VQO MNMUAXXNOQO NO VLBC HBHKBLBC YAVA VA NUMA ASVQO #-YAB NWQYNO R ]AKAPPA VLSC NO ASVR ONYULSC YAB L ]AOAVLC YAB L AWRC NWQYAO VLSC NO ASVLBC ONYULSC YAB NYUB]RPAO NYAPVLC YAVA VA NUMA ASVQO #.YAB L ]AOAVLC YAB L AWRC NHKR]RPAO NBC VRO KBXORO VLS `SULC LSVLC NPVBO L WNSVNULC ]AOAVLC #'YAB NB VBC LST NSUN]R NO VR HBHKQ VRC \QRC MNMUAXXNOLC NHKR]R NBC VRO KBXORO VLS `SULC
+hapter ,#
-and 0 heard a great voi#e out o! the heaven, saying, ILo, the taberna#le o! &od IisI $ith "en, and He $ill taberna#le $ith the", and they shall be His eo les, and &od Hi"sel! shall be $ith the" ++ their &od, .and &od shall $i e a$ay every tear !ro" their eyes, and the death shall not be any "ore, nor sorro$, nor #rying, nor shall there be any "ore ain, be#ause the !irst things did go a$ay)I '.nd He $ho is sitting u on the throne said, ILo, ne$ 0 "a'e all things, and He saith to "e, IWrite, be#ause these $ords are true and sted!ast,I /and He said to "e, I0t hath been doned 0 a" the .l ha and the O"ega, the Beginning and the End, 0, to hi" $ho is thirsting, $ill give o! the !ountain o! the $ater o! the li!e !reely, 0he $ho is over#o"ing shall inherit all 0L OBYQO YKRULOLXRPNB `AOVA YAB things, and 0 $ill be to hi" ++ a &od, NPLXAB ASVQ ]NLC YAB ASVLC NPVAB XLB and he shall be to "e ++ the son, L SBLC 1933
$and to !ear!ul, and unsted!ast, and abo"inable, and "urderers, and $hore"ongers, and sor#erers, and idolaters, and all the liars, their art IisI in the la'e that is burning $ith !ire and bri"stone, $hi#h is a se#ond death)I %.nd there #a"e unto "e one o! the seven "essengers, $ho have the seven vials that are !ull o! the seven last lagues, and he s a'e $ith "e, saying, IDo"e, 0 $ill she$ thee the bride o! the La"b ++ the $i!e,I #(and he #arried "e a$ay in the S irit to a "ountain great and high, and did she$ to "e the great #ity, the holy 5erusale", #o"ing do$n out o! the heaven !ro" &od, ##having the glory o! &od, and her light IisI li'e a stone "ost re#ious, as a -as er stone #lear as #rystal, #,having also a $all great and high, having t$elve gates, and at the gates t$elve "essengers, and na"es $ritten thereon, $hi#h are IthoseI o! the t$elve tribes o! the sons o! 0srael, #-at the east three gates, at the north three gates, at the south three gates, at the $est three gates, #.and the $all o! the #ity had t$elve !oundations, and in the" na"es o! the t$elve a ostles o! the La"b) $WNBKLBC WN YAB A`BPVLBC YAB NHWNKSMXNOLBC YAB ZLONSPBO YAB `LUOLBC YAB ZAUXAYNSPBO YAB NBWQKLKAVUABC YAB `APBO VLBC cNSWNPBO VL XNULC ASVQO NO VR KBXOR VR YABLXNOR `SUB YAB ]NBQ L NPVBO WNSVNULC ]AOAVLC %YAB RK]NO `ULC XN NBC VQO N`VA AMMNKQO VQO NTLOVQO VAC N`VA ZBAKAC VAC MNXLSPAC VQO N`VA `KRMQO VQO NPTAVQO YAB NKAKRPNO XNV NXLS KNMQO WNSUL WNBaQ PLB VRO OSXZRO VLS AUOBLS VRO MSOABYA #(YAB A`RONMYNO XN NO `ONSXAVB N` LULC XNMA YAB ScRKLO YAB NWNBaNO XLB VRO `LKBO VRO XNMAKRO VRO AMBAO BNULSPAKRX YAVAHABOLSPAO NY VLS LSUAOLS A`L VLS ]NLS ##NTLSPAO VRO WLaAO VLS ]NLS YAB L ZQPVRU ASVRC LXLBLC KB]Q VBXBQVAVQ QC KB]Q BAP`BWB YUSPVAKKB\LOVB #,NTLSPAO VN VNBTLC XNMA YAB ScRKLO NTLSPAO `SKQOAC WQWNYA YAB N`B VLBC `SKQPBO AMMNKLSC WQWNYA YAB LOLXAVA N`BMNMUAXXNOA A NPVBO VQO WQWNYA ZSKQO VQO SBQO BPUARK #-A` AOAVLKRC `SKQONC VUNBC A`L HLUUA `SKQONC VUNBC A`L OLVLS `SKQONC VUNBC A`L WSPXQO `SKQONC VUNBC #.YAB VL VNBTLC VRC `LKNQC NTLO ]NXNKBLSC WQWNYA YAB NO ASVLBC LOLXAVA VQO WQWNYA A`LPVLKQO VLS AUOBLS
#'.nd he $ho is s ea'ing $ith "e had a golden reed, that he "ay "easure the #ity, and its gates, and its $all, #/and the #ity lieth s?uare, and the length o! it is as great as the breadth, and he did "easure the #ity $ith the reed ++ !urlongs t$elve thousand, the length, and the breadth, and the height, o! it are e?ual, #0and he "easured its $all, an hundred !orty+!our #ubits, the "easure o! a "an, that is, o! the "essenger, #'YAB L KAKQO XNV NXLS NBTNO YAKAXLO TUSPLSO BOA XNVURPR VRO `LKBO YAB VLSC `SKQOAC ASVRC YAB VL VNBTLC ASVRC #/YAB R `LKBC VNVUAMQOLC YNBVAB YAB VL XRYLC ASVRC VLPLSVLO NPVBO LPLO YAB VL `KAVLC YAB NXNVURPNO VRO `LKBO VQ YAKAXQ N`B PVAWBQO WQWNYA TBKBAWQO VL XRYLC YAB VL `KAVLC YAB VL ScLC ASVRC BPA NPVBO #0YAB NXNVURPNO VL VNBTLC ASVRC NYAVLO VNPPAUAYLOVA VNPPAUQO `RTQO XNVULO AO]UQ`LS L NPVBO AMMNKLS #$and the building o! its $all $as #$YAB RO R NOWLXRPBC VLS VNBTLSC -as er, and the #ity IisI ure gold ++ li'e ASVRC BAP`BC YAB R `LKBC TUSPBLO to ure glass, YA]AULO LXLBA SAKQ YA]AUQ #%and the !oundations o! the $all o! #%YAB LB ]NXNKBLB VLS VNBTLSC VRC the #ity $ith every re#ious stone have `LKNQC `AOVB KB]Q VBXBQ been adorned, the !irst !oundation YNYLPXRXNOLB L ]NXNKBLC L `UQVLC -as er, the se#ond, sa hire, the third, BAP`BC L WNSVNULC PA`ZNBULC L VUBVLC #hal#edony, the !ourth, e"erald, TAKYRWQO L VNVAUVLC PXAUAMWLC ,(the !i!th, sardony(, the si(th, ,(L `NX`VLC PAUWLOSa L NYVLC sardius, the seventh, #hrysolite, the PAUWBLC L NHWLXLC TUSPLKB]LC L eighth, beryl, the ninth, to aE, the LMWLLC HRUSKKLC L NOAVLC VL`A\BLO L tenth, #hryso rasus, the eleventh, WNYAVLC TUSPL`UAPLC L NOWNYAVLC -a#inth, the t$el!th, a"ethyst) SAYBO]LC L WQWNYAVLC AXN]SPVLC ,#.nd the t$elve gates IareI t$elve ,#YAB LB WQWNYA `SKQONC WQWNYA earls, ea#h several one o! the gates XAUMAUBVAB AOA NBC NYAPVLC VQO $as o! one earl, and the broad+ la#e `SKQOQO RO Na NOLC XAUMAUBVLS YAB R o! the #ity IisI ure gold ++ as `KAVNBA VRC `LKNQC TUSPBLO YA]AULO trans arent glass) QC SAKLC WBAZAORC
,,.nd a san#tuary 0 did not see in it, !or the Lord &od, the .l"ighty, is its san#tuary, and the La"b, ,-and the #ity hath no need o! the sun, nor o! the "oon, that they "ay shine in it, !or the glory o! &od did lighten it, and the la" o! it IisI the La"b, ,.and the nations o! the saved in its light shall $al', and the 'ings o! the earth do bring their glory and honour into it, ,'and its gates shall not at all be shut by day, !or night shall not be there, ,/and they shall bring the glory and the honour o! the nations into it, ,0and there "ay not at all enter into it any thing de!iling and doing abo"ination, and a lie, but ++ those $ritten in the s#roll o! the li!e o! the La"b) ,,YAB OALO LSY NBWLO NO ASVR L MAU YSUBLC L ]NLC L `AOVLYUAVQU OALC ASVRC NPVBO YAB VL AUOBLO ,-YAB R `LKBC LS TUNBAO NTNB VLS RKBLS LSWN VRC PNKRORC BOA ZABOQPBO NO ASVR R MAU WLaA VLS ]NLS NZQVBPNO ASVRO YAB L KSTOLC ASVRC VL AUOBLO ,.YAB VA N]OR VQO PQ\LXNOQO NO VQ ZQVB ASVRC `NUB`AVRPLSPBO YAB LB HAPBKNBC VRC MRC ZNULSPBO VRO WLaAO YAB VRO VBXRO ASVQO NBC ASVRO ,'YAB LB `SKQONC ASVRC LS XR YKNBP]QPBO RXNUAC OSa MAU LSY NPVAB NYNB ,/YAB LBPLSPBO VRO WLaAO YAB VRO VBXRO VQO N]OQO NBC ASVRO ,0YAB LS XR NBPNK]R NBC ASVRO `AO YLBOLSO YAB `LBLSO HWNKSMXA YAB cNSWLC NB XR LB MNMUAXXNOLB NO VQ HBHKBQ VRC \QRC VLS AUOBLS
+hapter ,,
#.nd he she$ed "e a ure river o! $ater o! li!e, bright as #rystal, going !orth out o! the throne o! &od and o! the La"bF ,in the "idst o! its broad la#e, and o! the river on this side and on that, IisI a tree o! li!e, yielding t$elve !ruits, in ea#h several "onth rendering its !ruits, and the leaves o! the tree IareI !or the servi#e o! the nations, -and any #urse there shall not be any "ore, and the throne o! &od and o! the La"b shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Hi", .and they shall see His !a#e, and His na"e IisI u on their !oreheads, #YAB NWNBaNO XLB YA]AULO `LVAXLO SWAVLC \QRC KAX`ULO QC YUSPVAKKLO NY`LUNSLXNOLO NY VLS ]ULOLS VLS ]NLS YAB VLS AUOBLS ,NO XNPQ VRC `KAVNBAC ASVRC YAB VLS `LVAXLS NOVNS]NO YAB NOVNS]NO aSKLO \QRC `LBLSO YAU`LSC WQWNYA YAVA XROA NOA NYAPVLO A`LWBWLSO VLO YAU`LO ASVLS YAB VA ZSKKA VLS aSKLS NBC ]NUA`NBAO VQO N]OQO -YAB `AO YAVAOA]NXA LSY NPVAB NVB YAB L ]ULOLC VLS ]NLS YAB VLS AUOBLS NO ASVR NPVAB YAB LB WLSKLB ASVLS KAVUNSPLSPBO ASVQ .YAB LcLOVAB VL `ULPQ`LO ASVLS YAB VL LOLXA ASVLS N`B VQO XNVQ`QO ASVQO 'YAB OSa LSY NPVAB NYNB YAB TUNBAO LSY NTLSPBO KSTOLS YAB ZQVLC RKBLS LVB YSUBLC L ]NLC ZQVB\NB ASVLSC YAB HAPBKNSPLSPBO NBC VLSC ABQOAC VQO ABQOQO /YAB NB`NO XLB LSVLB LB KLMLB `BPVLB YAB AKR]BOLB YAB YSUBLC L ]NLC VQO AMBQO `ULZRVQO A`NPVNBKNO VLO AMMNKLO ASVLS WNBaAB VLBC WLSKLBC ASVLS A WNB MNONP]AB NO VATNB
'and night shall not be there, and they have no need o! a la" and light o! a sun, be#ause the Lord &od doth give the" light, and they shall reign ++ to the ages o! the ages) /.nd he said to "e, IThese $ords IareI sted!ast and true, and the Lord &od o! the holy ro hets did send His "essenger to she$ to His servants the things that it behoveth to #o"e ?ui#'lyF 0Lo, 0 #o"e ?ui#'ly, ha y IisI he $ho 0BWLS NUTLXAB VATS XAYAUBLC L VRUQO is 'ee ing the $ords o! the ro he#y VLSC KLMLSC VRC `ULZRVNBAC VLS o! this s#roll)I HBHKBLS VLSVLS
$.nd 0, 5ohn, a" he $ho is seeing these things and hearing, and $hen 0 heard and beheld, 0 !ell do$n to bo$ be!ore the !eet o! the "essenger $ho is she$ing "e these things, %and he saith to "e, ISee ++ not, !or !ello$+servant o! thee a" 0, and o! thy brethren the ro hets, and o! those 'ee ing the $ords o! this s#roll, be!ore &od bo$)I #(.nd he saith to "e, IThou "ayest not seal the $ords o! the ro he#y o! this s#roll, be#ause the ti"e is nigh, ##he $ho is unrighteous ++ let hi" be unrighteous still, and he $ho is !ilthy ++ let hi" be !ilthy still, and he $ho is righteous ++ let hi" be de#lared righteous still, and he $ho is san#ti!ied ++ let hi" be san#ti!ied stillF #,.nd lo, 0 #o"e ?ui#'ly, and "y re$ard IisI $ith "e, to render to ea#h as his $or' shall be, #-0 a" the .l ha and the O"ega ++ the Beginning and End ++ the First and the Last) #.IHa y are those doing His #o""ands that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree o! the li!e, and by the gates they "ay enter into the #ity, #'and $ithout IareI the dogs, and the sor#erers, and the $hore"ongers, and the "urderers, and the idolaters, and every one $ho is loving and is doing a lie) $YAB NMQ BQAOORC L HKN`QO VASVA YAB AYLSQO YAB LVN RYLSPA YAB NHKNcA N`NPA `ULPYSORPAB NX`ULP]NO VQO `LWQO VLS AMMNKLS VLS WNBYOSLOVLC XLB VASVA %YAB KNMNB XLB LUA XR PSOWLSKLC PLS MAU NBXB YAB VQO AWNKZQO PLS VQO `ULZRVQO YAB VQO VRULSOVQO VLSC KLMLSC VLS HBHKBLS VLSVLS VQ ]NQ `ULPYSORPLO #(YAB KNMNB XLB XR PZUAMBPRC VLSC KLMLSC VRC `ULZRVNBAC VLS HBHKBLS VLSVLS LVB L YABULC NMMSC NPVBO ##L AWBYQO AWBYRPAVQ NVB YAB L US`QO US`QPAVQ NVB YAB L WBYABLC WBYABQ]RVQ NVB YAB L AMBLC AMBAP]RVQ NVB #,YAB BWLS NUTLXAB VATS YAB L XBP]LC XLS XNV NXLS A`LWLSOAB NYAPVQ QC VL NUMLO ASVLS NPVAB #-NMQ NBXB VL A YAB VL Q AUTR YAB VNKLC L `UQVLC YAB L NPTAVLC #.XAYAUBLB LB `LBLSOVNC VAC NOVLKAC ASVLS BOA NPVAB R NaLSPBA ASVQO N`B VL aSKLO VRC \QRC YAB VLBC `SKQPBO NBPNK]QPBO NBC VRO `LKBO #'NaQ WN LB YSONC YAB LB ZAUXAYLB YAB LB `LUOLB YAB LB ZLONBC YAB LB NBWQKLKAVUAB YAB `AC L ZBKQO YAB `LBQO cNSWLC
#/I0, 5esus did send "y "essenger to testi!y to you these things #on#erning the asse"blies, 0 a" the root and the o!!s ring o! David, the bright and "orning stard #0.nd the S irit and the Bride say, Do"e, and he $ho is hearing ++ let hi" say, Do"e, and he $ho is thirsting ++ let hi" #o"e, and he $ho is $illing ++ let hi" ta'e the $ater o! li!e !reely) #$IFor 0 testi!y to every one hearing the $ords o! the ro he#y o! this s#roll, i! any one "ay add unto these, &od shall add to hi" the lagues that have been $ritten in this s#roll, #/NMQ BRPLSC N`NXcA VLO AMMNKLO XLS XAUVSURPAB SXBO VASVA N`B VABC NYYKRPBABC NMQ NBXB R UB\A YAB VL MNOLC VLS WAHBW L APVRU L KAX`ULC YAB LU]UBOLC #0YAB VL `ONSXA YAB R OSXZR KNMLSPBO NK]N YAB L AYLSQO NB`AVQ NK]N YAB L WBcQO NK]NVQ YAB L ]NKQO KAXHAONVQ VL SWQU \QRC WQUNAO
#$PSXXAUVSULSXAB MAU `AOVB AYLSLOVB VLSC KLMLSC VRC `ULZRVNBAC VLS HBHKBLS VLSVLS NAO VBC N`BVB]R `ULC VASVA N`B]RPNB L ]NLC N` ASVLO VAC `KRMAC VAC MNMUAXXNOAC NO HBHKBQ VLSVQ #%and i! any one "ay ta'e a$ay !ro" #%YAB NAO VBC AZABUR A`L VQO KLMQO the $ords o! the s#roll o! this HBHKLS VRC `ULZRVNBAC VASVRC ro he#y, &od shall ta'e a$ay his art AZABURPNB L ]NLC VL XNULC ASVLS A`L !ro" the s#roll o! the li!e, and out o! HBHKLS VRC \QRC YAB NY VRC `LKNQC VRC the holy #ity, and the things that have AMBAC YAB VQO MNMUAXXNOQO NO HBHKBQ been $ritten in this s#roll,I VLSVQ ,(he saith ++ $ho is testi!ying these ,(KNMNB L XAUVSUQO VASVA OAB NUTLXAB things ++ I4es, 0 #o"e ?ui#'lydI ."end VATS AXRO OAB NUTLS YSUBN BRPLS 4es, be #o"ing, Lord 5esusd ,#The gra#e o! our Lord 5esus Dhrist ,#R TAUBC VLS YSUBLS RXQO BRPLS IisI $ith you all) ."en) TUBPVLS XNVA `AOVQO SXQO AXRO