Siddha Herbs

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Sl. No.

Botanical name & Family

English name.

Parts used.

Chemical Constituents



Abelmoschus esculentus, W. &A. Malvaceae

Edible Hibiscus. Immature capsules, Moisture, ether unripe fruit. extract, albuminoids. Ladies finger.

Emollient, diuretic, aphrodisiac

Leucorrhoea, dysuria, gonorrheal cystitis.

Abutilon indicum, G.Don Malvaceae

Country mallow Root, bark, leaves, Mucilage, tannin, organic acid seeds, fruits

Demulcent, laxative, pulmonary sedative

Chest affections, piles, leprosy.

Achyranthes aspera, Linn Amarantaceae

Rough chaff tree Herb, leaves, seeds Large percentage Astringent, diuretic, of alkaline ash root alterative anticontaining potash periodic

Stomach ache, bowel complaints, piles.

Aconitum heterophyllum, wall. Ranuculaceae

Indian atees

Dried tuberous roots Atisine, aconitic acid, tannic acid, starch

Tonic, anti-periodic aphrodisiac

Dysentery, acute inflammatory affections, diarrhea

Acorus calamus, Linn. Aroideae

Sweet flag

Dried rhizome

Volatile essential oil, acorin, acoretin,

Stimulant, emetic, stomachic, carminative

Diarrhea of children, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence.

Adhatoda vasika, Nees. Acanthaceae.

Malabar nut

Leaves, roots, bark.

Essential oil, vasicine, adhatodic acid and salts

Expectorant, antispasmodic, alterative.

Chronic bronchitis, asthma, pthisis, fever with cough.

Aegle maarmelos, Corr. Rutaceae

Bael fruit

Fruit, root-bark, leaves, rind of the ripe fruit

Mucilage, pectin, tannin, a yellowish green oil called marmelosin.

Alterative, astringent, digestive, stomachic

Habitual constipation, dyspepsia, flatulent colic.

Allium cepa, Linn. Liliaceae


Bulb and seed

Acrid volatile oil which contains sulphur, quercetin.

Stimulant, diuretic, aphrodisiac, demulcent.

Colic, catarrh, spleenic enlargement, extreme heaty sensation.


Allium sativum, Linn. Liliaceae.


Bulb and oil.

Acrid volatile oil, starch, mucilage, albumen, sugar.

Carminative, emmanogogue, alterative anthelmintic

High blood pressure, asthma, flatulence, elongated uvula.


Aloe barbadensis, Mill Liliaceae

Indian aloes

Expressed and dried juice of leaves and pulp.

Aloin, emoin, isobarbaloin.

Stomachic, tonic, emmanogogue, purgative.

Acne, burns, chronic ulcers, piles.


Anacardium occidentale, Linn. Anacardiaceae

Cashew nut

Fruits, seeds, spirit, bark and oil.

Acrid brown oil, anacardic oil, cardol.

Alterative, astringent, delicacy, counter irritant, rubefacient

Corns and ulcers, chronic vomiting, toothache.


Ananus sativus, Linn. Bromeliaceae


Fruits and leaves

Bromelin, protein digestive ferment, milk curdling ferment, ash.

Purgative, cardiotonic, abortifacient, styptic, vermicide

Hiccup, jaundice. Cause uterine contractions and ought to be avoided by pregnant women.


Andrographis pannicuata, Nees. Acanthaceae

The creat

Whole herb

Lactone andrographolid, kalmeghin, chlorophyle

Stomachic, antipyretic, bactericidal, tonic, febrifuge.

Intermittent and remittent fevers, griping, loss of appetite, splenitis.


Annona squamosa, Linn Annonaceae

Custard apple

Leaves, bark, root, seeds and fruits

Moisture, reducing sugar, non reducing sugar.

Astringent, tonic, aphrodisiac, cardiotonic, vermicide

Short fits of hysteria, fainting, diarrhea, destroys worms breed in sores. Bowel complaints, bleeding gums, pyrosis of pregnancy, sore lips, diarrhoea. Glandular swelling, abscess, diarrhea, skin diseases.


Areca catechu, Linn. Palmae

Areca or betel nut palm.

Seed or kernel and the extract, root and tender leaves.


Artocarpus heterophyllus, Lam. Urticaceae.

Jack fruit tree

Fruits, seeds, leaves, root milkjuice of the plant.

Catechu, tannin, gallic acid, arecoline, arecaine, arecaidine, choline Moisture, albuminoids, carbohydrates, fibre and ash.

Stimulant, astringent, sialagogue, antiseptic, promotes menstrual flow. Demulcent, nutritive, laxative, astringent.


Asparagus racemosus, Willd. Liliaceae.


Roots, leaves.

Saccharine matter, mucilage.

Diuretic, tonic, demulcent, refrigerant, galactagogue, aphrodisiac.

Increases semen secretion, disorders of female genitals, rheumatism, chronic gonorrhoea.


Azadirachta indica, Linn. Meliaceae.

Neem. Persian lilac.

Root-bark, fruit, seeds, flowers, leaves, oil and gum.

A light yellow non crystalline, bitter resinous substance, tannin, sugar.

Antiseptic, cathartic, anthelmintic, astringent, diuretic, spermicidal.

Skin disorders, scrofula, spleenic enlargement, rheumatism, leprosy, hysteria.


Bacopa monnieri, (Linn) Pennel

Bacopa, Indian pennywort.

Whole plant.

Brain tonic, hair nourisher, rejuvenator, diuretic.

Depression, hysteria, epilepsy, insanity, gonorrheal arthritis.


Bambusa arundinacea, Retz. Gramineae.


Stem, young shoots, leaves, seeds, roots.

Silicous concretions called Tabashir, contains silica, iron, potash, lime, cholin, betain Punarnavine, potassium nitrate, fat, ash.

Aphrodisiac, emmenagogue, stimulant, astringent, tonic, cooling.

Stomach, respiratory disorders, menstrual disorders, wounds, nausea, vomiting, piles. Dropsy, ascities, asthma, heart disease, stone in the kidney, colic. Cough, pulmonary affections, hiccup, gastric catarrh, diabetes, pthisis, gonorrhea, indolent ulcers, carbuncles, enlarged spleen.


Boerhaavia diffusa, Linn. Nyctagineae.

Spreading hog-weed.

Herb, root.

Stomachic, laxative, diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant.


Borassus flabellifer, Linn. Palmae.

Palmyra palm

Root, bark, flowering stalk, juice, fruit.

Gum, fat, albuminoids.

Cooling, restorative, diuretic, stimulant, demulcent, nutritive.


Brassica oleracea, Cruciferae

Cabbage, Brussels sprouts.


Moisture, ether extract, albuminoids, carbohydrates.

Chronic coughs, bronchitis, asthma, warts.


Brassica nigra, Linn & Koch. Cruciferae.

Black mustard.

Seeds, oil, leaves.

Myrosin, sinigrin, sinapine, lecithin, mucilage, ash.

Stimulant, emetic, counter-irritant, laxative, rubefacient, vesicant.

Gout, sciatica, urticaria, febrile fever, sore throat, chronic muscular rheumatism, internal congestion.


Butea frondosa, Roxb. & Koen. Papilionaceae.

Flame of the forest, bastard teak.

Gum, seeds, flowers, bark, leaves.

Kino-tannic, gallic acids, pyrocatachin, kino oil, soluble mucilage, ash.

Astringent, laxative, anthelmintic, diuretic, depurative, aphrodisiac.

Diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhages from stomach & bladder, sore throat, orchitis.


Caesalpinia bonduc, Roxb. Caesalpiniaceae.

Molucca bean, physic nut, fever nut.

Seeds or nuts, root, bark and leaves.

Starchy matter, natin, sugar, salts, fatty oil, bonducin.

Anti-periodic, tonic, febrifuge, emmanogogue.

Intermittent & chronic fevers, asthma, colic, acute orchitis, palsy, painful and swollen testicles.


Calotropis gigantean, R.Br. Asclepiadaceae.

Gigantic swallow wort, mudar.

Root, root-bark, leaves, flowers, inspissated juice.

Madar alban, madar fluavil, akundarin, calotropin.

Expectorant, emetic, tonic, alterative, purgative, antispasmodic.

Leprosy, secondary syphilis, ulcers, ascites, cough, hepatic & spleenic enlargement, hydrocele.


Capsicum annum, Linn Solanaceae.

Spanish pepper, red pepper,


Capsicin, solanine, fixed oil, fatty acid,

Local irritant, stimulant, stomachic, tonic,

Tonsillitis, diphtheria, sore throat, atonic



blood purifier.

gout, tumours, delirium tremens.


Cassia alata, Linn. Caesalpiniaceae.

Ring worm shrub.


Chrysophanic acid.

Anti parasitic, astringent, purgative.

Skin diseases, venereal affections, mouth wash in stomatitis, eczema.


Carica papaya, Linn Caricaceae.

Papaw or papaya tree.

Milk juice, seeds and pulp.

Papain, papayic acid, carpaine, carposide.

Digestive, rubefacient, anthelmintic, emmanogogue, laxative, diuretic.

Ulcers, fissures of tongue, habitual constipation, bleeding piles, enlarged spleen & liver, intestinal irritation.


Cassia auriculata, Linn. Caesalpiniaceae

Mature tea tree, tanners cassia

Root, leaves flowers, bark, seeds

Tannin, ash

Refrigerant, tonic, alterative

sore eyes, diabetes, chylous urine, giddiness due to heart disease, excessive menstrual flow, nocturnal emissions


Cassia fistula, Linn. Caesalpiniaceae

Indian laburnum; pudding pipe tree; cassia

Pulp, root-bark, flower, pods, leaves root

Volatile oil, sugar, gum, astringent matter, gluten, coloring matter, water

Purgative, tonic, febrifuge, cathartic

Diabetes, gout, rheumatism, facial paralysis, applied to ringworm, pustules.


Catharanthus roseus Centella asiatica, Urban Umbelliferae.


Roots, leaf

Anti-cancer, vermifuge

Cancer, expels worms.


Indian penny wort.

Whole plant.

Brain tonic, antianxiety, anti-stress, alterative, diuretic, stimulant, emmenagogue.

Nervous disorders, ascitis, hydrocele. Nourishes brain, increases, memory power.


Cicer arietinum, Linn Papilionaceae.

Chicken-pea, Bengal gram.

Seeds or peas.

Oxalic, acetic malic acid and nitrogen, starch, fats, fibre, phosphorc acid.

Astringent, laxative, anti-bilious, aphrodisiac, refrigerant, stomachic.

Fevers, dysentery, dysmenorrhoea, flatulence, constipation, sprains.


Cissus quandrangularis, Wall. Vitaceae.

Root, leaves, stem.

Alterative, stomachic, emmanogogue.

Fractures, bowel complaints, indigestion, epistaxis.


Citrullus colocynthis, Schrad. Cucurbitaceae.

Colocynth, Indian wild gourd or bitter apple, bitter cucumber.

Fruit, root, dried pulp, seeds, seed oil.

Colocynthin, colocynthetin, pectin, gum, ash.

Drastic hydrogogue, cathartic, emetic, alterative, anticancer.

Amenorrhea, anti-cancer ingredient, epilepsy, asthmatic attacks of children. Quenching thirst, typhus fever, stangury, hepatic congestion.


Citrullus vulgaris, Schrad Rutaceae.

Water melon.

Seeds, juice or pulp of the fruit.

Fixed oil, proteids, citrullin.

Cooling, diuretic nutritive, antiseptic.


Citrus aurantifolium, Linn.



Refrigerant, appetizer.


Citrus medica, Linn Rutaceae.

Citron, lime.

Rind, juice, oil.

Citrene or limonene, citrol, cymene.

Aromatic, refrigerant, tonic, antiscorbutic, sedative, astringent, digestive.

Febrile heat, thirst, bilious vomiting, dysentery, bilious and remittent fevers. Nervous disorders, rheumatism, marasmus of children, ulcers, and hypertension.


Commiphora mukul, Engler. Burseraceae.

Salaitree, gum-gugul, Indian bedellium.

Gum resin.

Volatile oil, gum resin & bitter principle.

Anti-lipidaemic, cholesterol reducing agent, antiseptic, alterative, aphrodisiac, nervine tonic.


Coriandrum sativum, Linn. Umbelliferae


Fruit, leaves.

Coriandrol, dpinene, lpinene, mucilage, tannin, malic acid

Aromatic, stimulant, tonic, carminative, anti-diabetic

Diabetes, flatulence, colic sore-throat, vertigo.


Crocus sativus, Linn. Irideae


Dried stigma &tops of styes

Acrocetin, bcrocetin, ycrocetin, crocin mucilage, sugar ash.

Aphrodisiac, stimulant, digestive, womens ailments.

Asthma, seminal debility, leucorrhoea, diarrhea.


Croton tiglium, Linn. Euphorbiaceae.

Purgative croton, croton oil seed.

Seed, seed oil.

Tiglinic acid, crotonic or quartenylic acid, tiglic acid, crtonol

Purgative, vermifuge, antiinflammatory

Alopecia, convulsions, insanity, asthma, acute cerebral diseases, leprosy, neuralgia.


Cucubita maxima, Duchesne. Cucurbitaceae.

Red gourd, great pumpkin, Spanish gourd.

Seeds, pulp, fruitstalk.

Saponin, feed oil, resin, proteins, sugar and starch.

Anthelmintic, diuretic, nervine tonic.

Gonorrhea, urinary diseases, boils, carbuncles, ulcers, hemorrhages from pulmonary organs. Hoarseness of voice, dyspepsia, chronic diarrhea, bilious nausea in pregnant women.


Cuminum cyminum, Linn Umbelliferae.

Cumin seed, caraway seed.

Fruit or seed, essential oil.

Thymine, carvone, cuminol or cumic aldehyde, cymene or cymol, terpene.

Carminative, aromatic, stomachic, stimulant, astringent.


Curcuma longa, Linn. Scitaminaceae.


Tubers & rhizomes.

Turmeric oil or turmerol, caproic acid, valeric acid, dsabinene, alcohol.

Anti-septic, antiinflammatory, antitumour, antidiabetic, antioxidant, natural color, aromatic.

Wounds, skin disease, itching, eczema, intermittent fever, conjunctivitis.


Cyperus rotundus, Linn. Cyperaceae.


Tuber or bulbous root.

Fat, sugar, gum, carbohydrates, essential oil, starch, fiber, ash.

Stimulant, tonic, diuretic, diaphoretic, emmanogogue, astringent.

Fever, diarrhea, vomiting, cholera, uterine complaints, cachexia.


Cynodon dactylon, Persoon. Gramineae.

Bermuda grass, dog grass, creeping panic grass.

Herb and root stalk.

Demulcent, astringent, diuretic, haemostatic, antihistamine.

Itching, utricaria, cuts & wounds, vesical calculus, secondary syphilis, dysuria.


Datura metal, Linn. Solanaceae.

Thorn apple

Leaves, flowers, fruit, seed.

Hyoscyamine, hyoscine, atropine.

Emetic, antispasmodic, anodyne, narcotic.

Spasmodic asthma, rheumatism, sciatica, mumps, fissures in ano.


Daucus carota, Linn. Umbelliferae.


Root & fruit.

Moisture, carotin, hydrocarotin, sugar, pectin, starch, fixed oil.

Anti-septic, aromatic, stimulant, carminative.

Chronic diarrhea, worm troubles, foul ulcers, burns.


Eclipta prostrate, Roxb. Compositae.

Trailing eclipta.

Leaves, flowers.

Cholagogue, emetic, tonic, aphrodisiac, hepatic tonic.

Jaundice, pruritis, scabies, enlargement of spleen, liver.


Elettaria cardamomum, Maton. Scitaminaceae.


Dried ripe seeds, oil from fruits.

Fixed oil, essential oil, volatile oil, cincole, free terpineol.

Aromatic, stimulant, carminative, stomachic, diuretic.

Stomach complaints, diarrhea, atonic dyspepsia, vomiting.


Emblica officinalis. Euphorbiaceae.

Emblic myrobalan, Indian gooseberry.

Dried fruit, nut or seed, leaves, root bark, flowers

Refrigerant, diuretic, laxative, astringent.

Jaundice, inflammation of lungs, hiccup, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, phthisis.


Ferula asafetida, Linn. Umbelliferae


Aromatic gum resin.

Volatile essential oil, ferulic acid, resorcin, pyrocatachuic acid.

Stimulant, carminative, antispasmodic, nervine & pulmonary stimulant.

Hysteria, nervous disorders of women, children, bronchitis of children. Dysentery, aphthous complaints, respiratory disorders, diabetes. Ulcers, scabies, various skin diseases, scrofula, mumps, promote fruitfulness in women. Improves eye sight, colic and flatulence of children. Gonorrhea, painful piles, promotes labor pain. Hyper cholestremia, colic, diarrhea, eye diseases, inflammation, ulcers. Stomach diseases, urinary nd diseases, 2 & rd 3 stages of syphilis, blood purifier, chronic cough.


Ficus glomerata, Roxb. Urticaceae.

Cluster-fig or country fig tree.

Root, root-bark, leaves, fruit, milk juice, galls.

Tannin, wax, ash.

Astringent, carminative, stomachic, vermicide.


Ficus religiosa, Linn Urticaceae.

Sacred fig, peepal tree.


Tannin, cochtone, wax.

Astringent, laxative, cooling, alterative, boils.


Foeniculum vulgare, Gaertn. Umbelliferae.

Indian sweet fennel, fennel.

Dried ripe fruit.

Fenchone, essential oil, anethole.

Stimulant, aromatic, carminative, diuretic, tonic, galactagogue.


Gloriosa superba, Linn Liliaceae.

Superb lily.


Tannin, superbine, gloriosine.

Tonic, purgative, abortifacient, antiperiodic.


Helianthus annuus, Linn Compositae.


Flower, seeds.

Moisture, oil.

Diaphoretic, bactericide, fungicide, tonic.


Hemidesmus indicus, R.Br. Asclepiadaceae.

Indian sarsaparilla.

Root, juice, rootbark.

Coumarin, hemidesmine, stearoptin, essential oil, saponin.

Alterative, tonic, check lactation, astringent, diuretic.


Holarrhena antidysenterica, Wall. Apocynaceae. Tellicherry bark. Bark, seeds, leaves. Wrightine or conessine, kurchisine, holarrhenine. Anti-dysenteric, astringent, febrifuge, anthelmintic. Chronic diarrhea, amoebic & bacillary

dysentery, fever, piles, sprue, skin diseases.


Hydnocarpus laurifolia, (Dennst) sleumer.

Jangli almond, chaulmugra.


Chaulmoogric acid, hydnocarpic acid.

Alterative, stimulant, detergent, parasiticide.

Itching, skin diseases, leprosy.


Indigofera aspalathoides, Vahl.

Leaves, flowers, tender shoots.

Cooling, demulcent, stimulant, alterative.

Leprosy, elephantiasis, cancer, secondary syphilis, abscess, oedematous tumors.


Indigofera tinctoria, Linn. Papilionaceae.

True indigo, dyers indigo.

Plant and expressed juice indigo.

Indicant, indigotin.

Stimulant, deobstruent, purgative, astringent, antiseptic.

Enlargement of liver and spleen, epilepsy, nervous diseases, premature graying of hair, old ulcers.


Juglans regia, Linn Juglandaceae.


Fruit, kernels, bark, leaves.

Fixed oil, nucin or juglandic acid, resin.

Brain tonic, antiseptic, stimulant, expectorant, cholagogue.

Sickness of pregnancy, sore throat, scrofula, leucorrhoea, sores.


Lawsonia inermis, Linn. Lythraceae.


Leaves, bark, flowers and seeds.

Hanno-tannic acid, olive green resin, glucoside.

Deodorant, hair dye, hair conditioner, astringent, sedative, refrigerant.

Headache, burning of feet, wounds, ulcers, enlargement of spleen and liver, burns.


Leucas aspera, Spreng. Labiatae.


Leaves, flowers.

Laxative, expectorant, emmenagogue.

Headache, cough, scabies, paralysis, jaundice, antidote to snake bites.


Lycopersicum esculentum, Mill. Solanaceae.


Pulp, juice.

Vitamin C, citric and malic acids, oxalio acid and oxalate of potash.

Cooling, tonic.

Atonic dyspepsia, bronchitis, asthma, gout, blood purifier.


Malus sylvestris

Apple, common mallow Mango.


Emollient, refrigerant, respiratory disorders. Watery extract, cellulose, ash, free tartaric, citric and malic acid. Laxative, diuretic, astringent, refrigerant, stomachic, anthelmintic.

Urinary tract infections.


Mangifera indica, Linn.

Fruit, kernel, leaves, flowers, bark & gum.

Atonic dyspepsia, diarrhoea, chronic dysentery, haemoptysis, piles.


Mentha spicata, arvensis, Linn Labiatae

Mint ; marsh mint

Leaves, stems, herb

Stearoptin, essential oil

Carminative, aromatic, stimulant, antis pasmodic, stomachic, emmanogogue. Deobstruent, alterative, bitter, stomachic, febrifuge, demulcent.

Fever, indigestion, stomach disorders.


Michelia champaca, Linn Magnoliaceae

Golden Yellow Champa

Bark, root, rootbark, leaves,flowes,fruits

Volatile essential oil, resin, tannin, mucilage.

Dyspepsia, gonorrhoea, renal diseases, vertigo, gout, flatulence, delirium. Gout, rheumatic complaints, fevers, gonorrhoea. Nervous debility, hysteria, neuralgia of face, fainting fits, dropsy, leprosy, tetanus. Dropsy, leucorrhoea, profuse menstruation, colic, facial paralysis.


Mollugo cerviana, Ser. Floidaceae.

Roots, flowers, tender shoots.

Resin, gum, ash.

Stomachic, aperient, antiseptic, uterine stimulant.


Moringa oleifera, Lam. Moringaceae.

Drumstick, horse-radish.

Bark, root, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds, gum.

Inorganic acid, mucilage, resins, ash, fixed oil known as Beni or Moringo oil.

Aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, stimulant, diuretic, antilithic, expectorant.


Mucuna pruriens, Bak. Papilionaceae.

Cow-hage or cowitch plant.

Seeds, root and legumes.

Resin, tannin, fat, free fatty acid.

Aphrodisiac, nervine tonic, astringent, anthelmintic.


Myristica fragrans, Houtt. Myristicaceae.


Dried seed, mace, wood.

Volatile oil, myristicene, myristicol, macene.

Aromatic, stimulant, carminative, narcotic, aperient, aphrodisiac.

Delirium tremens, insomnia, acute or chronic diarrhea, colic, sexual debility, incontinence of urine, sprains.


Nardostachys jatamansi, Dc. Valerianaceae.

Musk root, Indian spike nard.

Rhizome, oil from rhizome.

A volatile essential oil, resin, sugar, starch, gum.

Aromatic, antispasmodic, diuretic, nervine sedative.

Spasmodic hysteria, epilepsy, convulsions, menopause disturbances.


Nigella sativa, Linn.

Small fennel or Black cumin.

Dried fruits and seeds.

Volatile oil, mucilage, metarbin, melanthin, Arabic acid.

Aromatic, diuretic, stomachic, stimulant, carminative, anthelmintic.

Obstinate hiccup, fever, diarrhea, skin diseases, dropsy, puerperal diseases, sour belching.


Ocimum sanctum, Linn. Labiatae.

Holy basil, mosquito plant of South Africa.

Leaves, seeds, root.

Essential oil, mucilage.

Expectorant, demulcent, antiperiodic, febrifuge, stomachic.

Bronchitis, affections of chest, gastric diseases of children, chronic cough.


Olea europaea, Linn Oleaceae.


Oil from the fruit and seed oil.

Essential oil.


Papaver somniferum, Linn. Papaveraceae.

Opium poppy capsules, white poppy, poppy seeds

Dried capsules, petals, seeds, juice.

Morphia, poppy oil, anhydrous morphine, narcotine, codeine, cryptopine, lavdanine, papaveramine, opianin.

Sedative, narcotic, anodyne, aphrodisiac, anaesthetic, antispasmodic, cerebral depressant, demulcent, soporific.

Spasms, diarrhea, dysentery, headache, insomnia, haemorrhages, cough, asthma, lumbago. Increases seminal and muscular powers.


Phoenix sylvestris, roxb.

Wild date or toddy palm, date, sugar palm.

Root, flowers, fruits.

Tonic, restorative, astringent.

Gonorrhoea, gleet, toothache, nervous debility.


Phyllanthus amarus, Schum & Thonn.

Indian phyllanthus.

Whole plant.


Deobnstruent, diuretic, astringent, cooling.

Jaundice, dropsy, gonorrhoea, ulcers, sores,



Piper betle, Linn. Piperaceae.


Leaves, fruit.

Betel-phenol, chavicol, arakene, betel oil.

Aromatic, aphrodisiac, stimulant, carminative, antiseptic.

Catarrhal inflammations of throat, larynx, bronchi, cough, tympanitis.


Piper longum, Linn. Piperaceae.

Dried catkins, long-pepper.

Immature berries, stems, roots.

Resin, volatile oil, fatty oil, inorganic matter, piperine

Stimulant, carminative, expectorant, diuretic.

Cough, cold, asthma, hoarseness, hiccup, colic, flatulence.


Piper nigrum, Linn Piperaceae

Black pepper, decorticated pepper; common pepper

Dried unripe fruit

Piperine, piperidine, chavicin.

Carminative, antiperiodic, resolvent, anti-pyretic.

Dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, worms, ascitis, asthma, gonorrhoea, piles. Chronic & muscular rheumatism, epilepsy, hysteria, ulcers, scabies. Leucoderma, rheumatism, leprosy, flatulence, blisters.


Plumbago zeylanica, Linn. Plumbaginaceae.

Ceylon leadwort; white leadwort.



Antiseptic, sudorific, local irritant, abortifacient.


Plumbago rosea, Linn. Plumbaginaceae.

Rose-colored leadwort.



Alterative, gastric stimulant, appetizer, poison, vesicant.


Psoralea corylifolia, Linn. Papilionaceae.

Babchi seeds,


Unsaponifiable straw colored essential oil, albumin, sugar. Tannin, kino tanic acid, gallo-tanic acid, kinonin, pyrocatechin, gallic acid, gum

Anthelmintic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative.

Leucoderma, leprosy, psoriasis.


Pterocarpus marsupium, Roxb. Papilionaceae.

Indian kino, Malabar kino.

Leaves, bark.

Astringent, deobstruent, haemostatic, laxative, detergent.

Tumors, diarrohoea, boils, sores, wounds, skin diseases, tooth ache, pyrosis.


Punica granatum, Linn. Lytheraceae.


Flowers, rind of fruit, fresh fruit juices, bark, stem and root.

Punico-tannic acid, pectin, sugar, pelletierine, pseudopelletierine.

Astringent, anthelmintic, taenifuge,stomachic.

Leucorrhea, ulcers of uterus and rectum, chronic bronchitis, bronchorrea, debility, dyspepsia, conjunctivitis,


Quercus infectoria, Oliv. Cupiliferae

Oak galls, magic nuts.

Galls, barks.

Gallo-tannic acid, tannin, tannic acid, gallic acid.

Astringent, styptic, tonic.

Gonnorrhoea, leucorrhoea, hematuria,anal fissures, ulcerative haemorrhoids, sore throat, nasal catarrh, enuresis nocturna Insomnia, reduces high B.P., hypochondria, fever, cholera, insanity. Abdominal tumors, cough, phthisis, asthma, psoriasis, gleet, leucorrhoea, vomiting.


Rauwolfia serpentine, Benth. Apocynaceae.



Ophioxylin, resin, starch, wax, ajmaline, serpentine.

Antihypertensive, increases uterine contractions during labor, hypnotic, sedative, febrifuge.


Rhus succedena, Linn. Anacaridaceae.



Essential oil, tannin, gum.

Astringent, tonic, expectorant, stimulant, cardiac tonic, cholagogue.


Ricinus communis, Linn. Euphorbiaceae.

Castor oil plant.

Oil, leaves,roots and seeds.

Starch, mucilage, sugar, ash, triricinolien, ricin, tristearin, ricinin, ricinoleic acid. Volatile essential oil, fat, resin, malic, tartaric and tannic acid, quercetin. Glucoside, rutin, essential oil.

Purgative, emollient, galactagogue, aphrodisiac.

Peritonitis, diarrohea, dysentery, chronic articular rheumatism, colic, lumbago, sciatica, Uterine hemorrhage, aphthae, urticaria.


Rosa damesena, Mill. Rutaceae.

Persian rose.

Flowers, buds, petals, stamens, volatile oil.

Astringent, aperient, carminative, refrigerant, cardiac tonic.


Ruta graveolens, Linn.

Garden rue.

Leaves, oil.

Stimulant, antispasmodic, narcotic, poison, diuretic, vermifuge.

Hysteria, colic, infantile convulsions, bronchitis, dyspepsia, pneumonia. Fever, thirst, swellings, prickly heat, perspiration, heat of the body, itching, pruritis, gonorrhoea, pimples, scabies, urethral hemorrhage.


Santalum album, Linn. Santalaceae.

White sandal wood tree.

Wood, volatile oil.

A-santalol, Bsantalol, santonone, santalone, esters, free acids, resin.

Cooling, sedative, astringent, disinfectant, expectorant, stimulant, diaphoretic, blood purifier.


Saraca asoca, (Roxb) de wilde.

Ashoka tree.

Flowers, bark.

Ether extract, tannin, catachin.

Astringent, uterine sedative.

Uterine affections, menorrhagia, uterine fibroids, hemorrhagic dysentry. Wart, tumour, syphilis, rheumatism, palsy, epilepsy, leucoderma, peripheral neuritis, pelvic cellulites. Eczema, dysentery, bleeding piles, gonorrhoea, foetid ulcers.


Semecarpus anacardium, Linn. Anacardiaceae.

Marking-nut tree.

Fruit (seeds), gum and oil.

Anacardic acid, cardol, anacardol, semecarpol.

Nervine, stimulant, digestive, cholagogue, antiseptic.


Shorea robusta, Gaertn. Dipterocarpaceae.

Sal tree.


Tannin, resin.

Stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, aphrodisiac.


Smilax china, Linn. Liliaceae.

China root, Bamboo briar root.

Root, bark.

Fat, saponin, glucoside, gum, starch.

Depurative, diaphoretic, stimulant, alterative, antisyphilitic, sudorific.

Skin diseases, rheumatism, gout, chronic nervous diseases, seminal weakness, constitutional syphilis, flatulence, tumour.


Solanum nigrum, Linn. Solanaceae.

Blacknight shade.

Fruits, herb, leaves.

Solanine, saponin, solanidine.

Alterative, expectorant, sedative, anodyne, diuretic.

Nephritis, bladder inflammation, headache, giddiness, delirium, convulsions.


Solanum trilobatum, Linn. Solanaceae.

Climbing brinjal, three lobed night shade.

Leaves, flower, fruit.

Stimulant, expectorant, tonic.

Asthma, chronic febrile affections, parturition, tuberculosis, all kinds of lung diseases.


Strychnos nux vomica, Linn. Loganiaceae.

Strychnine tree, poison nut, quaker button.

Stem bark, dried ripe seeds called num-vomica.

Strychnine, brucine, vomicine, loganin, igasuric or strychnic acid.

Nervine tonic, stomachic, aphrodisiac, cardiac stimulant, spinal and respiratory stimulant.

Nocturnal incontinence of urine in children, hysteria, sexual impotence, chronic rheumatism, insomnia, neuralgia of face.


Strychnos potatorum, Linn. Loganiaceae.

Clearing-nut tree.

Fruit, seed.


Alterative, tonic, stomachic, demulcent, emetic, anti-dysentric.

Chronic diarrhea, gonorrhoea, diabetes, boils, dysentery, bronchitis. Jaundice and incontinence of urine in children, whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, cough, pthisis, indolent ulcers, skin eruptions. Conjunctivitis, spongy gums, giddiness, vomiting, dysentery, ear troubles, headache, indigestion. Breast cancer, asthma, haemoptysis, epilepsy, calculus complaints, hysteria, spasmodic affections. Heart disease, sprue, pericarditis, angina, diarrhea, dysentery, haemoptysis.


Styrax benzoin, Dryand. Styraceae.

Benzoin tree; gum benzoin.

Resin, gum.

Benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, vanillin, volatile oil.

Antiseptic, disinfectant, stimulant, expectorant, styptic, aromatic.


Syzygium aromaticum, (Linn) Merrill & Perry.

Cloves, clove tree.


Antispasmodic, carminative, stomachic.


Taxus buccata, Linn. Coniferae.

Himalayan yew.


Volatile oil, tannic and gallic acids, toxin, a resin.

Carminative, expectorant, stomachic, tonic, anti lithic, anti spasmodic.


Terminalia arjuna, W.& A. Combretaceae.

Arjuna myrobalan.

Leaves, fruit, seeds, bark.

Glucotannic acid, sugar, tannin, glucoside, coloring matter.

Astringent, cardiac stimulant, tonic, lithotriptic.


Terminalia bellerica, Roxb. Combretaceae.

Beleric myrobalans.


Gallo-tannic acid, coloring matter, resin, oil.

Astringent, tonic, laxative, expectorant.

Cough, hoarseness, sore-throat, dropsy, dysentery, diarrhea, fractures, asthma.


Terminalia chebula, Retz. Combretaceae.

Myrobalan, chebulic myrobalan.

Dried fruits, galls.

Tannin, tannic acid, gallic acid, mucilage, chebulinic acid.

Astringent, purgative, alterative, stomachic, laxative, tonic.

Worms, fever, cough, asthma, urinary disease, piles, hiccup, vomiting, swellings.


Tinospora cordifolia, Mcers. Menispermaceae.

Heart leaved moon seed.

Stem, root.

Berberine, bitter substance.

Anti-periodic, alterative, anti diabetic.

Diabetes, debilitating disease, intermittent fever, dyspepsia, gout.


Tribulus terrestris, Linn. Zygophyllaceae.

Small calotrops.

Fruit, root, entire plant.

Resin, fat, mineral matter.

Diuretic, cooling, tonic, demulcent, aphrodisiac, antiinflammatory.

Spermatorrhoea, dysuria, gleet, gonorrhoea, cystitis, calculi, leucoderma.


Tylophora indica. Asclepiadaceae.

Root, leaves.


Expectorant, aromatic, stimulant.

Diarrhea, dysentery, syphilitic rheumatism, asthma. Fevers, inflammation of stomach, vomiting, headache, hepatitis, irritations of eye.


Vetiveria zizanoides, Nash. Gramineae.

Cuscus grass.

Fibrous wiry root, rhizome.

A volatile essential oil, resin, free acid, coloring matter.

Tonic, diuretic, refrigerant, stomachic, stimulant, antispasmodic.


Vinca rosea,


Seed, flower, plant.

An alkaloid which is a heart poison.


Lumbago, leaves are applied in wasp sting, cancer.


Vitis vinifera, Linn. Vitaceae.


Fruits, leaves.

Gum, tannin, tartaric acid, racemic and malic acid.

Demulcent, laxative, refrigerant, stomachic, cooling, diuretic.

Heart disease, chronic bronchitis, gout, jaundice, catarrh, coughs, fever, dyspepsia.


Vitex negundo, Linn. Verbenaceae.

Five leaved chaste tree

Root, fruit, flowers, leaves and bark.

Colorless essential oil, resin, organic acid, mallic acid, traces of

Alterative, aromatic, vermifuge, anodyne, expectorant, emmenogogue,

Graying of hair, externally applied for articular rheumatism.


nervine tonic.


Withania somnifera, Dunal, Solanaceae.

Winter cherry.


Somniferin, withanine, perinponyine, phyto sterol.

Aphrodisiac, general tonic, diuretic, nervine sedative, alterative, immunomodulator.

Very good, proven aphrodisiac, good for nervous weakness.


Wrightia tinctoria, R.Br., Apocynaceae.

Sweet indrajoo

Leaves, bark, seed.

A pigment called Indican.

Vermifuge, stomachic, tonic, aphrodisiac.

Psoriasis, hypertension, eczema.


Zingiber officinale, Rosc. Zingiberaceae.



Phellandrene, gingerol, gingerin.

Carminative, aromatic, stimulant, increases prostaglandins, adjuvant to tonic remedies.

Cough, cold, indigestion, dysentery, peptic ulcer, flatulence.


Zizyphus jujuba



Mucilage, sugar, tannin and zizyphic acid.

Stomachic, mild laxative and expectorant, blood purifier.

Anxiety, mental retardation, cold, flu, piles, mouth ulcer, skin diseases, conjunctivitis, hair-care.

Pharmacological terms and their meanings:

Abortifacient: Alterative: Drug that induces expulsion of a non-viable fetus. Medicine that "alter" the morbid or unhealthy process of nutrition and excretion, restoring in some unknown way, the normal functions of an organ or of the system without producing any sensible effect or obvious impression on any of the organs of the body. A remedy which relieves pain. Drug that counteracts or neutralizes the acidity in the stomach. Any remedy for the destruction or elimination of intestinal worms. Any agent which destroys bacteria. A remedy which counteracts or neutralizes the action of a poison. Any agent which prevents inflammation. Any agent which allays or reduces fever. A remedy that arrests or prevents putrification or which prevents or retards the growth of microorganisms as long as they remain in contact with them but not destroy them. Any measure used to relieve spasm occurring in muscle. An agent which stimulates or increases sexual excitement, sexual appetite, passion and virile power. Substances characterized by a fragrant, cordial, spicy taste and / or odour and containing volatile oils and stimulates to the gastro intestinal mucous membrane. Any agent which contracts organic tissue thus lessening secretion.

Analgesic, Anodyne: Antacid: Anthelmintic: Antibacterial: Antidote: Antiinflammatory: Antipyretic: Antiseptic:

Antispasmodic: Aphrodisiac: Aromatic:


Cardiac depressant: Cardiac stimulant: Carminative:

Drugs which lessen the activity of heart. Drugs which maintain an efficient circulation when the heart becomes weak to perform its function by improving its activity. Calming or soothing medicines that act by relieving pain in the stomach and bowel and expel flatulence and gas from the stomach or intestines by increasing or regulating peristalsis. Remedy which stimulates the action of liver, empties the gall bladder, promoting or increasing the secretion or excretion of bile, and produces free purgation at the same time. A slippery, mucilaginous fluid which allays irritation and sooths inflammation, especially of mucous membranes. A medicine that removes functional obstructions of the body. An agent which induces diaphoresis(perspiration). It is milder in action. An agent which assists the stomach and intestine in their normal functions of promoting digestion of foods. An agent which increases the flow of urine.



Deobstruent: Diaphoretic: Digestive: Diuretic:

Emmenogogue: These are medicines, which by their stimulating action on the uterine fiber (a) directly assist in increasing or restoring disordered menstruation when deficient or absent. (b) by removing the cause of the suppression, allow the discharge to return. Emetic: Any agent used to produce vomiting. Expectorant: A drug which promotes or increases the elimination of secretion from the respiratory tract by coughing or by sputum. An agent inducing or increasing the flow of milk. Any substance which is required for the production of red blood cell and the constituents.

Galactagogue: Haematinic:

Haemostatic: Laxative: Lithontriptic:

Any agent which arrests bleeding. A mild aperient. A medicine supposed to possess the power of dissolving urinary calculi, i.e., stone in the urinary bladder. Nourishing medicines. Medicines having cooling properties on the surface of the body, or lowering bodily temperature, and which quench thirst, and medicines which suppress an unnatural heat of the body. A substance which when applied to the skin, cause redness. Drug that exerts a soothing effect by lowering functional activity. Drug which quiets the nervous system without actually producing sleep. An agent which increases the flow of saliva. An agent which increases or excites functions. An agent which increases the appetite and digestion. An astringent applied to stop bleeding. Medicine which permanently increase the tone of the part upon which they act, as well as improve the entire general tone of the system, jointly and severally, by stimulating the nutrition.

Nutritive: Refrigerant:

Rubefacient: Sedative:

Sialogogue: Stimulant: Stomachic: Styptic: Tonic:

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