Administrative Law

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dministrative Law (A) DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Administrative Law as a separate branch of legal discipline pccially

in India came to be recognised only by the middle of the 20th 1 till 111 y. Today the administration is ubiquitous and impinges freely and I., ply on every aspect of an individual's life. Therefore, administrative l.iu has become a major area for study and research.1 With the growth of huge global administrative space due to globalisation of economy .i<11111111 strativo law has developed global dimensions. Il is a harsh fact of life that the phenomenal growth of administrative |H)wer as a by-product of an intensive form of government, though in 1 essary for development and growth, at times spells negation of people's rights and values. Profligate and pachydermic administration 1 mboldened by the anesthetised public conscience does not hesitate to nample upon the civil liberties of the people. Thus, administrative idvcnturists impatient of democratic process may slip into luthoritarianism, making all material growth a pretence for tyranny. Here .....ics the need, importance and purpose of administrative law. Administrative law thus becomes dharma which conduces to the stability nid growth of the society and the maintenance of a just social order and welfare of mankind by reconciling power with liberty. It seeks to 1 hannelise administrative powers to achieve the basic aim of any 1 ivilized society, that is "growth with liberty". Thus administrative law rocs beyond legalism and represents a principled regulation of idniiiiistrative space, whether domestic or global, which can be practically regulated for the expansion of human freedoms. Therefore, i.lay, administrative law represents the way of conceptualising and articulating a new domestic and global socio-economic order. Against this backdrop, administrative law has a tremendous social function to perform. Without a good system of administrative law any "> kiy would die because of its own administrative weight like a Black Mole which is a dying neutron star that collapses due to its own i [Tie first seminar on administrative law was organised by the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi in December, 1957 right after its inauguration. Since then the major area .it activity of the Institute has been administrative law. I11

Introduction to Administrative Law ,, ,\ iiy. Administrative law, therefore, becomes that body of reasonsbl hiiiilations and affirmative action parameters which are developed tint] > jcrationalised by the legislature and the courts to maintain and sustain d rule of law society.

Thus, four basic bricks of the foundation of any administrative Insv l1Viy be identified as: (/) to check abuse or detournment of administrative wer (ii) t0 ensure to citizens an impartial determination of Ihi N disputes by officials; (Hi) to protect them from unauthori*| ncroachment on their rights and interests;2 and (iv) to make those who xercise public power accountable to the people. Nevertheless, for a student 'Administrative Law' defies definition The reason seems to be that in almost every country, irrespective ol hi litical philosophy, the administrative process has increased K tremendously that today we are living not in its shade but shadovt Therefore, it is impossible to attempt any precise definition oj dministrative law which can cover the entire range of administrative ' rocess. Perhaps this was the reason why Dr F.J. Port who published thi first book bearing the title Administrative Law in England in 1929 <h,i not venture to define the term. He simply attempted to describ) administrative law as follows: "Administrative Law is made up of all these legal rules cithi I formally expressed by statutes or implied in the prerogative which have as their ultimate object the fulfilment of public law. It touched, first the legislature, in that the formally expressed rules are usual)) laid down by that body; it touches judiciary, in that (a) there un rules which govern the judicial action that may be brought by 01 against administrative persons, (b) administrative bodies uro sometimes permitted to exercise judicial powers; thirdly, it is o| course essentially concerned with the practical application of thl Law." Even this attempt to describe administrative law rather than to delimit is not without difficulty. Administrative law besides touching all branches Qf government, touches administrative and quasiadministrativi i >encies, i.e. Corporations, Commissions, Universities and sometime even private organisations. Furthermore, administrative law is made up not only of legislative and executive rules and a large body of precedent! 2. See Julius Stone: Social DIMENSIONS 01 Law and Jusik i , (1966), p. 71 I There Hie reference is to judicial review. Definition and Scope of Administrative Law 3 i lennings: Law and the Constitution, p. 217. i i n, cy: l awoi un Constitution, p. 329. il.nul functional formulations, for every exercise of discretion forms * ltil< loi future action. I nls English writers did not differentiate between administrative .....i constitutional law and therefore, the definition they attempted ion broad and general. ' ii Ivor Jennings defines administrative law as the law relating to in nation. It determines the organisation, powers and the duties of in native authorities.3 This formulation does not differentiate I ' mi administrative and constitutional law. It lays entire emphasis on

i run sat ion, power and duties to the exclusion of the manner of their A student of administrative law is not concerned with how a i is appointed but only with how a minister discharges his inins in relation to an individual or a group. How the Minister of ii ii mi' and Rehabilitation is appointed is not the concern of 1 minister approves a scheme for a new mi .native law, but when this

ii hip, which involves the acquisition of houses and lands of persons iwur m that area, questions of administrative law arise. Jennings' million also leaves many aspects of administrative law untouched, pi i Hilly the control mechanism. I liccy, like Ivor Jennings, belongs to that group of English writers did not recognise the independent existence of administrative law. <.....ding to Dicey's formulation, administrative law relates to that ihi of a nation's legal system which determines the legal status and Iihihiiiics of all State officials; secondly, it defines the rights and Nubilities of private individuals in their dealings with public officials; i thirdly, specifies the procedure by which those rights and liabilities III . 1111 n cod.4 Dicey was obsessed with the French 'Droit Administratif and IhmTorc, his formulation mainly concentrated on judicial remedies Slate officials. Therefore, this definition excludes the study of other aspect of administrative law. I he American approach is significantly different from the early I nib ih approach in that it recognised administrative law as an nidi pendent branch of the legal discipline. According to Kenneth Culp i'i i. administrative law is a law that concerns the powers and i......dure of administrative agencies, including especially the law lioverning judicial review of administrative action. Within his

I Introduction to Administrative Law [Chap. formulation, Davis includes the study of administrative rule-making and rule adjudication but excludes rule application which according to him belongs to the domain of public administration.5 However, even this classification by Davis cannot be considered complete because he excludes from his control mechanism the control exercised by the legislature, higher administrative authorities and

the mass media representing public opinion and also the vast area of administrative action which is neither quasi-legislative nor quasi-jtidicative.6 The unenviable diversity in definitions of the term 'administrative law' is also due to the fact that every administrative law specialist tries to lay more emphasis on any one particular aspect of the whole administrative process, which according to his own evaluation deserves singular attention. Prof. Upendra Baxi thus lays special stress on the protection of the 'little man' from the arbitrary exercise of public power.7 According to him, administrative law is a study of the pathology of power in a developing society. Accountability of the holders of public power for the ruled is thus the focal point of this formulation: "The basic expectation in a rule-of-law society is that holders of public power and authority must be able to publicly justify their action as legally valid and socially wise and just." Therefore, "administrative law is one part of this valiant enterprise of accountability. In any rule-of-law society general forms of accountability do exist. Legislators go to polls periodically, errant judges could be impeached, bureaucrats are responsible to the elected politicians. These forms of general accountability become very feeble in any developing society because of poverty, illiteracy and ignorance of the masses. Consequently, the study of administrative law assumes special significance in any developing society for the development of more specific forms of accountability".8 Against this backdrop of the situation prevailing in India, administrative law today remains only as an "instrument of middle-class Indians to combat governmental power through courts".9 For our purposes, we may define administrative law as that branch of public law which deals with the organisation and powers of administrative and quasi-administrative agencies and prescribes 5. Davis: Administrative Law Text, (1959), p. 2. 6. See generally Chapters 7 and 9, infra. 1. See Introduction by Prof. Upendra Baxi, supra. 8. See Introduction by Prof. Upendra Baxi, supra. 9. Ibid. Definition and Scope of Administrative Law 5 principles and rules by which an official action is reached and reviewed in relation to individual liberty and freedom. Thus defined, administrative law attempts to regulate administrative space, domestic and global, in order to infuse fairness and accountability m the administrative process necessary for securing equity and inclusiveness in the domestic and world order. An analysis of this formulation would not only give us an acceptable definition of administrative law but would also identify its nature and

scope: (1) Administrative law is a law but it is not a law in the lawyer's sense of the term like property law or contract law. It is a law in the realist's sense of the term which includes statute law, administrative rule-making, precedents, customs, administrative directions, etc. It also includes the study of something which may not be termed 'law' in the true sense of the term such as administrative circulars, policy statements, memoranda and resolutions, etc. Besides this, it includes within its study 'higher law' as well, like the principles of natural justice. However, in India, administrative law basically and wholly remains a judge-made law and thus suffers from "the frailties and benefits from the strengths of judicial lawmaking"9. Consequently, personal and institutional constraints make the growth of administrative law vulnerable to judicial meanderings and tentativeness. (2) Administrative law is a branch of public law in contradistinction to private law which deals with the relationships of individuals inter se. Therefore, administrative law primarily deals with the relationship of individuals with the organised power. (3) Administrative law deals with the organisation and powers of administrative and quasiadministrative agencies. The stress on the study of organisation is only to the extent that it is necessary to understand the powers, characteristics of actions, procedure for the exercise of those powers and the control mechanism provided therein. The study includes not only administrative agencies but also the quasi-administrative agencies such as Corporations, firms, autonomous agencies, individuals and civil society institutions both national and global and the like.

Introduction to Administrative Law [Chap. (4) Administrative law includes the study of the existing principles and also of the development of certain new principles which administrative and quasi-administrative agencies must follow while exercising their powers in relation to individuals, i.e. the principles of natural justice, reasonableness and fairness. (5) Administrative law primarily concerns itself with the official action which may be: (/) Rule-making or quasi-legislative action, (ii) Rule-decision or quasi-judicial action, (ill) Ruleapplication or administrative action, or (iV) Ministerial action or pure administrative action. Besides these main actions, the actions which are incidental to the main action are also covered within its study. Such incidental actions may be investigatory, supervisory, advisory, declaratory and prosecutory. (6) One of the main thrusts of the study of administrative law is on the procedure by which the official action is reached. If the means (procedure) are not trustworthy, the end cannot be just. There is a bewildering variety in the procedure which the administrative agencies follow in reaching an action. Such procedure may be laid down:

(i) in the statute itself under which the administrative agency has been created; (ii) in the separate procedure code which every administrative agency is bound to follow, i.e. Administrative Procedure Act, 1946 in the USA and Tribunals and Enquiries Act, 1958 in England. However, in many more cases either the administrative agency is left free to develop its own procedure or it is required to render its actions according to the minimum procedure of the principles of natural justice. (7) Administrative law also includes within its study the control mechanism by which the administrative agencies are kept within bounds and made effective in the service of the individuals. This control mechanism is technically called the 'review process'. An administrative action may be controlled by: ' | Definition and Scope of Administrative Law 0 See Introduction by Prof. Baxi, supra. (/) courts exercising writ jurisdiction through the writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari, prohibition and quo warranto; (ii) courts exercising ordinary judicial powers through suits, injunctions and declaratory actions; (iii) statutory authorities like ombudsman, Human Rights Commissions, and other investigative agencies; (iv) higher administrative authorities; (v) public opinion and mass media in the twentieth century is also an important control on any administration which a student of administrative law cannot lose sight of. In America, opinion polls and mass media exercise much more effective control on the administration than any other single control inasmuch as this control mechanism has the potentiality of pre-empting any adverse administrative decision. (vi) Civil Society and interest representations also play an important role in controlling the arbitrary exercise of public power, both at the pre-natal and post-natal stages. Though in India this form of control is still at the take-off stage, yet organisations such as Consumer Protection and Research Society, Society for the Protection of Civil Liberties, Chipko Movement and other consultative and advisory bodies have played a significant role in this direction. (vii) "Easy Access to Justice' also provides an effective check on bureaucratic adventurism in the exercise of public power. If the access to justice is easy and quick it may deter administrative instrumentalities from developing an attitude which has been termed as "fly-now-pay-later".10 Easy Access to Justice includes procedural facility which is cheap, speedy and less formalistic, legal aid. availability of advocates for public interest litigation, intellectual capacity of the party and active participation of the judges. Uncontestably, this control mechanism in India is too weak to provide any effective check on recidivist administrative deviance. Procedural law and practice is highly formalistic, dilatory and expensive and legal aid is

N Introduction to Administrative Law [Chap. merely a concept. Very few advocates are available to take up public interest litigation. Lately, Advocates and journalists are coming forward to sponsor public interest litigation. Cases in the courts relating to the illegal felling of trees, environmental pollution, flesh trade, prison torture, are some of the illustrations. Recently Judges have also showed some signs of active participation. The Supreme Court has demonstrated its eagerness to stretch its long arms and in very many situations it has treated a mere letter as a writ petition. All this will go a long way in influencing the behaviour of the custodians of public power. (viii) Right to Know, Right to Reply and Discretion to Disobey also have inherent potentialities of proving effective, though indirect, in providing check on administrative behaviour. (8) The study of administrative law is not an end in itself but a means to an end. The focal point of the study of administrative law is the reconciliation of power with liberty. When the administrative process started rising after the death of laissez-faire at the birth of the twentieth century, the stress on the study of administrative law was on circumscription of administrative powers. But now when the administrative process has come to stay, the emphasis has shifted to the regulation of administrative powers. The paradox of the Twentieth first century is the prolific growth in the powers of private sector, which on the one hand is necessary for the promotion of human economic growth and freedom, but on the other hand threatens to endanger individual freedom. Thus courts must extend administrative law principles to private sphere also. Therefore, the main task of the students of administrative law is to evolve certain principles and rules by which an ideal equilibrium between the powers of the administration and the dictates of individual liberty can be sustained. The above formulation, however, only delineates the scope of administrative law as is commonly accepted in the common law world. Administrative law specialists in England and India mainly focus their attention on various aspects of judicial control of administrative decisions and actions. In the study of such topics as tribunals and Definition and Scope of Administrative Law enquiries the emphasis is likely to be between these institutions and the ..nuts as alternative methods of controlling administrative action. These ipccialists rarely delve into administrative process itself to consider how government departments and other administrative agencies actually Operate or how and why their procedures and structures differ from the judicial model of decisionmaking or how the administrative process i ..iild be made more effective and efficient by reform from within. Such in,liters are usually left to political scientists and administrative lawyers .incontent to debate the question of proper role of courts in reviewing Idministrative action. On the contrary, American administrative law ipccialists discard such a limited vision. In the USA, administrative law i. seen to be as much concerned with what goes on inside the fourth branch (administration) of the government as it is with judicial scrutiny ..I the administrative process.

Friedman," therefore, felt concerned with the legitimacy of lidministrative process rather than the legitimacy of judicial review of lldministrative action. In his study of administrative law he includes his i onccrn for: (/') failure of the administrative agencies to conform to the constitutional parameters; (//) public ambivalence towards the substantive policies sought to be achieved by some agencies; ini) departure made from judicial procedure in decision-making; tn) scepticism about administrative expertise and bureaucratic . upansion; (v) apparent absence of direct political accountability; and (w) problems created by the broad delegation of legislative powers.12 Viewed against this perspective, administrative law becomes an all-pervasive legal discipline. Principles of administrative law emerge and develop whenever and wherever any person becomes the victim of the arbitrary exercise of public power. And the allegation of arbitrary i <ercise of power can be raised in almost all areas of substantive law. 1'hcrefore, it will not be incorrect to say that no one can specialize in .idministrative law.13 Today, the emerging patterns of global governance as a consequence ..I globalised interdependence in such fields like trade, development, environment, communication, banking, migration and security has thrown new challenges before this discipline of law which requires an organised action for research and practice. 11 h'riedman: Crisis and Legitimacy, (1978). I 1 See Introduction, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 30, Part 4. Oct. 19bI, p. 880. I I v.- Introduction by Prof, l Ipendra Baxi, supra.

Ill Introduction to Administrative Law [Chap. litis transnational administrative and regulatory regime which has i onscquences for the people of the world, especially those living in the developing countries, needs a strong system of International Administrative Law to reconcile growth with justice and free competition with fair competition. Certainly growth for the sake of growth is no growth; it is cancerous growth, unless it is tempered with social justice. Only a good body of administrative law can fill this growing space at the national and transnational level with advantage by enforcing probity, responsibility and accountability within the area of administrative process. Development of these new norms of administrative law jurisprudence still remains the unfinished agenda of globalisation. This makes administrative law an excellent area of study, research and practice. Administrative Law is not a branch of philosophy of law hut of sociology of law.

Philosophy of law deals with the cosmos of law, its object being to formulate features which every established legal order must necessarily possess, and which were derived by the sheer force of logic and deduction or through divine ordination. The jurisprudence thus developed assigned a mechanistic role to a judge based on neutral principle. Sociology of law, on the other hand, is a science of practical application which requires an analysis of diverse functions of law in their application to particular situations. Thus, the spirit of law becomes experience and not logic which runs close to the rule of life. In this realm law cannot afford to become divorced from the socioeconomic realities of society. It must become people oriented, weighted in favour of the weaker sections of society. In this context, administrative law and its utility and vitality depends on its capacity to solve the just expectations of the neglected segments of the society. Against this backdrop administrative law must run very close to the lives which we daily live. (B) REASONS FOR THE GROWTH OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INDIA Administrative law is a by-product of intensive form of government. During the last century, the role of the government has changed in almost every country of the world, from laissez-faire to paternalism and from paternalism to maternalism. Though presently, under the force of globalizations, the role of governments is fast changing and a government is seen more as an enabler, facilitator and regulator than as provides yet in developing countries role of the government as provider still remains important. Today the expectation from the government is 'I Reasons for the Growth of Administrative Law inly that it will protect its people from external aggression and ltd disturbance, but also that it will take care of its citizens from the 11 .idle lo the grave. Therefore, the development of administrative process ind ihe administrative law has become the cornerstone of modern political philosophy. Today there is a demand by the people that government must solve iIh ii problems rather than merely define their rights. It is felt that the of equality in the American Constitution will be a sterile right if the hi i' I is the first to lose his job and the last to be re-employed. In the line manner the equality clause in the Indian Constitution would 1 nine meaningless unless the government comes forward to actively in Ip the weaker sections of society to bring about equality in fact. This Implies the growth of administrative law and process. In the same manner today, the people recognise all problems as nlvnble rather than political controversies. There was a time, before the Industrial revolution in England during the heyday of laissez-faire, when ii was considered that the employer-employee conflict was a political .....Itoversy and the government would do well by keeping away. But ii'liY everyone feels that it is the duty of the government to resolve this '"iilliei and maintain industrial harmony, which is essential for i "iininic growth. Likewise, the regulation of the patterns of ownership, production and distribution is considered the responsibility of any good government

to guarantee the maximum good of the maximum number. I In . again has led to the growth of administrative law and process. Phenomenal growth in science and technology which started from twentieth century has placed a counter-balancing responsibility on a .....dern government to control the forces which science and technology have unleashed. Modernization and technological developments produce Ureal structural changes and create crucial problems such as cultural conflicts, haphazard urbanisation, ruthless exploitation of natural oiirces, environmental pollution (water, air and sonic), rapid transport ml traffic chaos, automation and consequential unemployment, erratic piodiiction and distribution, concentration of economic power, dismal health, education, employment and training conditions, incessant labour hikes and lock-outs, staggering inflation, accelerated smuggling, i" rvasive corruption, adulteration, tax evasion, commercial malpractices, lolence, inadequate management of sea and space, and many others, i iiowth of global administrative space has further multiplied such problems. These multi-dimensional problems with varied social, economic and political ramifications cannot be solved except with the emwih of administration and law regulating administration.

12 Introduction to Administrative Law [Chap. Tin- inadequacy of the traditional type of courts and law-making organs to give that quality and quantity of performance which is required in the twentieth century for the functioning of a welfare and functional government is the biggest single reason which has led to the growth of administrative process and law. Like medicine, in law also there is a shift from punitive to preventive justice. Today litigation is not considered a battle to be won but a disease to be cured. Inadequacy of the traditional courts to respond to this new challenge has led to the growth of administrative adjudicatory process. Furthermore, the traditional administration of justice is technical, expensive and dilatory. It is unworkable where the subject-matter is dynamic and requires not only adjudication but development also, as in the cases of industrial disputes. Therefore, in cases where the need is fair disposition and not merely disposition on file, administrative adjudicatory process seems to be the only answer. For the same reason, because of limitation of time, the technical nature of legislation, the need for ilexibility, experimentation and quick action, the traditional legislative organs cannot pass that quality and quantity of laws which are required for the functioning of a modern government. It is

said, perhaps rightly, that even if our Parliament sits all the twenty-four hours and all the 365 days in a year, it cannot possibly pass all the laws needed by the government today. Therefore, the inevitable growth of administrative legislative process. No list of causes, howsoever lengthy it may be, can be exhaustive. Nevertheless, a modern functional government in the backdrop of socialism was the main force behind the growth of administrative law and process in the twentieth century. Recent growth in global administrative space and the emerging intergovernmental regulations by global agencies with tremendous national consequences has further added new focus to Administrative Law with global dimensions necessary to make new world economic order inclusive and equitable. This has added to the scope of administrative law as an outsourced-policy-delivery mechanism to enforce responsibility and accountability in global governance not only on states but also on corporates, firms, autonomous agencies, individuals and civil society institutions. Growth of Administrative Law in India There existed in India from very early times a system of both administrative legislation and adjudication. The object of early British administration was to maximize profit and for this efficiency in the l\ Reasons for the Growth of Administrative Law II idministration was the chief necessity. Therefore during the Company the courts were tools in the Company's hands. The executive had overriding powers in matters of administration of justice. However, the lablishment of the Supreme Court at Calcutta in 1774 under the provisions of the Regulating Act, 1773 inaugurated an era in 'm.I, pendent judicial administration. But with the passage of the Act of 11 lenient. 1781, the era came to an end and all the later developments in the judicial system during the Company's time worked to the ji Iriment of the native population. , From the Battle of Plassey in 1757 until Independence, one ii'inlicant advantage that the Indian administration had from a niiahscd but undemocratic form of government, was the facility to make laws. During that period the executive was invested with such wide powers to make rules as a modern democratic legislature cannot even imagine. Even prior to the famous Code of Civil and Criminal l'nil edures known as Cornwallis Code of 1793, Elphinstonc Code of i '; and many other regulations were in operation. These regulation Imws aimed mainly at the regulation of the powers of the administration Hid their control. Thus, expansion of the administrative powers and provisions of some kind of control went hand in hand. For instance, Ki ulation 10 of 1822 which codified the law regarding the excise on ill opium and general custom dealt mainly with the powers of lilministrative agencies (salt chowkees) and also the control of these n't in ics. It made provisions regarding power of confiscation, procedure in the proceeding of confiscation and the control to be exercised by the ."nits. Section 108 of the Regulation of 1822 reminds one of the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, 1946, when

nl.....lislrative agencies were required to record facts, evidence and the I'' r.ion. Judicial relief was made available only after the exhaustion of nl.....ustrativc remedies. The courts, though had ample powers to set i i'le an administrative action, yet paid great respect and attention to linn decisions. rill the end of the British rule in India, the government was '"in eincd with the most primary duties only, and the functions of a Welfare State were not discharged. However, increasing and rapid iiules in the fields of communication and transport in the West, resulted in the need for the control of administrative agencies through regulatory bodies and tribunals like the Inter-State Commerce Commission in the I ISA and the Railways and Canal Commission in England. Finally, the two World Witts brought in a plethora of administrative agencies erasing control over almost every aspect of individual life. A brief

II Introduction to Administrative Law [Chap. Reasons for the Growth of Administrative Law I (F) Economic Regulation: (/) Companies Act, 1850, (ii) Companies Act, 1913, (/;'/) Cotton Transport Act, 1923, (iv) Tea Control Act, 1933, (v) Rubber Control Act, 1934, and (vi) Reserve Bank Act, 1934. II. 1939 to 1947 (/) Defence of India Act, 1939 and the rules framed thereunder regulated all aspects of life, (ii) Essential Supplies (Temporary Powers) Act, 1946 (Hi) Import and Export Control Act, 1947, and (;v) Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947. When India became independent, the philosophy of Welfare State was made the creed of the Indian Constitution. The Preamble of the ( onstitution laid down that the Constitution aims at establishing a sovereign socialist, secular, democratic republic, so as to secure to all its I Hi/ens, social, economic and political justice, liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship, equality of status and opportunity hid to promote among them fraternity, assuring dignity of the individual and the unity of the nation. Article 38 further provides that the State shall strive to secure a social order in which social and economic justice shall Inform all institutions of national life. Article 39 requires the State to direct its policy towards securing an order in which citizens have equal rights to an adequate means of livelihood; that the ownership and control of the material resources of the community are so distributed as best to ilibserve the common good; that there is no concentration of wealth; and

that means of production are not used to the common detriment; and that there is equal pay for equal work. Articles 39-A and 41 oblige the State to provide for equal justice and free legal aid, work within its economic capacity and development, education, assistance in old age, unemployment and other contingencies. Articles 43 and 43-A enjoin upon the State to secure work for the workers, a living wage, a decent standard of living and participation in the management of industries. Article 45 obliges the State to provide free and compulsory education for children up to the ugc of fourteen years. Article 47 enjoins upon the State to regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people HCCOiinl of the growth of administrative process during the British rule may he given as follows: I. 1834 to 1939 (a) Public Safety: (/) Sarai Act, 1867, (ii) Arms Act, 1878, (Hi) Explosives Act, 1884, and (;V) Indian Boilers Act, 1923. (B) HEALTH: (/) Opium Act, 1878, (//') Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, (Hi) Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930, and (iv) Medical Council Act, 1933. (C) Morality: (/) Dramatic Public Performances Act, 1876, and (//) Cinematograph Act, 1918. (D) Transport: (/) Stage Carriages Act, 1861, (ii) Indian Railways Act, 1890, (Hi) Motor Vehicles Act, 1914, (;'v) Indian Merchant Shipping Act, 1923, (v) Railway Rates Advisory Commission, 1926, and (W) Motor Vehicles Act, 1939. (E) Labour: (/) Employers and Workmen's Disputes Act, 1860 (under the provisions of the Act, a magistrate could decide a trade and wage dispute of workmen employed in the Construction, Railway and Canal and Public Works Departments), (//) Mines Act, 1923, (Hi) Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, (v) Indian Trade Disputes Act, 1929, (v) Factories Act, 1934, and

(vi) Payment of Wages Act, 1936.

16 Introduction to Administrative Law [Chap. and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties. Article 4S A imposes a duty upon the State to protect and improve the environment. This is in brief a blueprint for the development of future India and the motif of socialism which looms large in an otherwise bourgeois constitutional text and context.14 These welfare and socialistic aims and objects cannot be achieved by the State without the growth of the administrative process. Besides providing for a functional government and consequential growth in the administrative process, the Constitution has also provided for an elaborate control mechanism so that the water may not overrun its banks. Under Articles 32 and 226, the Supreme Court and the various High Courts have been invested with powers to issue writs of certiorari, mandamus, quo warranto, prohibition and habeas corpus to check the excesses of the government and the administrative agencies. Article 300 gives a right to the individuals to file a suit against the government for the torts committed by its servants. Article 311 protects government servants from arbitrary actions of the government in the matters of dismissal, termination and reduction in rank. In the same manner, Article 136 confers power on the Supreme Court to grant special leave to appeal from any judgment, decree, determination, sentence or order passed or made by any court or tribunal in India. Article 227 further invests the High Courts with the power of superintendence over all courts and tribunals within their jurisdiction. All legislative actions of the administration have been expressly brought by the Constitution within the purview of Article 13 by defining Maw' as including 'order', 'bye-law', 'rule' and 'notification', etc. having the force of law. Therefore, the rule-making action of the administration can be challenged not only on the ground that it is ultra vires the delegating statute but also on the ground that it violates the fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution.15 An administrative act will also be void if it contravenes any other provisions of the Constitution outside Part III of the Constitution i.e. Articles 301, 14. See Prof. Upcndra Baxi: Pre-Marxist Socialism and the Supreme Court, a paper submitted to a seminar on Company Law under the auspices of the Indian Law Institute and the J.C. College of Law, Bombay, (1983) 4 SCC (Jour) 3. 15. Dwarka Prasad Laxmi Narain v. State of U.P., AIR 1954 SC 224; '/.afar Ali Shall (/>) v. Asstt. Custodian of Evacuee Property, AIR 1967 SC 106; liidi Supply Co. v. Union of India, AIR 1956 SC 479; State of Bombay v. Bombay Education Society, AIR 1954 SC 561; Kameshwar Prasad v. State of Bihar,

AIR 1962 SC I 166; Mervyn v. Collector of Customs, AIR 1967 SC 52; Kharak Singh v. Slate ofU.P., AIR 1963 SC 1295; Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, (1978) I SCC 248; AIR 1978 SC 597. /I Reasons for the Growth of Administrative Law 1/ III, 314 or 365.1(' In the same manner when the action of the administration is quasi-judicial it can be challenged not only on the ground that it is ultra vires the Constitution but also on the ground that the delegating act is itself unconstitutional.17 Thus, within the fabric of tremendous growth in the administrative process in almost every field, an effective control mechanism has been woven. Besides the growth of administrative process, which is possible through legislation and executive actions, the Constitution itself provides foi the establishment of some administrative agencies to regulate a particular field, i.e. Article 263, creation of Inter-State Council; Article 'NO, Finance Commission; Article 262, Inter-State Water Dispute Authority; Article 315, Public Service Commissions of India; and Article 124, Flection Commission. , Today in India, the administrative process has grown so much that it Will not be out of place to say that today we are not governed but administered. In this context the Law Commission of India rightly observed: "The rule of law and judicial review require greater significance m a Welfare State... the vast amount of legislation which has been enacted during the last three years by the Union and the States, a great deal of which impinges in a variety of ways on our lives and occupations. Much of it also confers large powers on the Executive. The greater therefore is the need for ceaseless enforcement of the rule of law, so that the executive may not, in a belief in its monopoly of wisdom and in its zeal for administrative efficiency, overstep the bounds of its power and spread its tentacles into the domains where the citizen should be free to enjoy the liberty guaranteed to him by the Constitution."18 ()bservations of Law Commission are no less relevant today when lii.11.i has adopted the policy of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation in which administrative law has developed international dimensions. Though state is now withdrawing from business, yet its 1111u iions as a facilitator, enablor and regulator are bound to increase, i irowth of new centers of economic power which often exercise power in 16 (Umlaut v. State of Rajasthan, AIR 1963 SC 379; Atiabari Tea Co. Ltd. v. State of \ssain, AIR 1961 SC 232; Sukhbans v. State of Punjab, AIR 1962 SC 1711; tccouiitant General, Bihar v. Bakshi, AIR 1962 SC 505. I 1 Hull Supply ('o. v. Union of India, AIR 1956 SC 479; Express Newspaper (P) Ltd. v. Union of India, AIR 1958 SC 578. IK I'hi'kii-i siiii Law Commission report, Vol. II, p. 672.

Introduction to Administrative Law [Chap. total disregard of the fundamental rights of the people especially of the disadvantaged sections of the society will put emphasis on the development of new norms of Rule of Law and judicial review for reconciling economic growth with social justice. This will make study of administrative law still more significant and relevant. (C) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND ADMINISTRATIVE LAW To the early English writers on administrative law there was no difference between administrative law and constitutional law. Therefore, Keith observed: "It is logically impossible to distinguish administrative from constitutional law and all attempts to do so are artificial." However, according to Holland, the constitutional law describes the various organs of the government at rest, while administrative law describes them in motion.19 Therefore, according to this view, the structure of the legislature and the executive comes within the purview of the constitutional law but their functioning comes within the sphere of administrative law. Maitland, however, does not agree with this classification for, in that case, powers and prerogatives of the Crown would be relegated to the arena of administrative law.2" According to another view21 administrative law deals with the organisation, functions, powers and duties of administrative authorities while constitutional law deals with the general principles relating to the organisation and powers of the various organs of the State and their mutual relationships and relationship of these organs with the individual. In other words, constitutional law deals with fundamentals while administrative law deals with the details. It may also be pointed out that constitutional law deals with the rights and administrative law lays emphasis on public needs. However a dividing line between constitutional law and the administrative law is a matter of convenience because every student of administrative law has to study some constitutional law.22 In countries which have written constitutions, the difference between constitutional law and administrative law is not so blurred as il is in 19. Holland: Constitutional Law of England, 1st Edn., p. 506. 20. Maitland: Constitutional History op England, (1908), p. 526. 21. Jennings: Law and the Constitution, 5th Edn., p. 217. 22. .See Benjafield and Whitmore: Principles of Austrai ian Administrative Law, 4th Edn., p. 12.

Droit Administratif 19 I ni'l.ind. In such countries the source of constitutional law is the i .institution while the source of administrative law may be statutes, 'iiiiiutory instruments, precedents and customs. Whatever may be the arguments and counter-arguments, the fact remains that today administrative law is recognised as a separate, independent branch of the legal discipline though at times the II i iplines, of constitutional law and administrative law may overlap. The correct position seems to be that if one draws two circles of klniinistrative law and constitutional law, at a certain place they may overlap and this area may be termed as the 'watershed' in administrative liiw In India, in the watershed one can include the whole control ltli nanism provided in the Constitution for the control of administrative Minorities, i.e. Articles 32, 136, 226, 227, 300 and 311. It may also in. hide the study of those administrative agencies which are provided for ilie Constitution itself, i.e. Inter-State Council, Article 263; Finance .....imission, Article 280; Inter-State Water Dispute Authority, Article i.' I'ublic Service Commissions, Article 315 and Election Commission, \iiii Ic 324. It may further include the study of constitutional limitations ii delegation of powers to the administrative authorities and also those provisions of the Constitution which place fetters on administrative Hi i h ai, i.e. Fundamental Rights. (D) DROIT ADMINISTRATIF In France, Droit Administratif can be defined as a body of rules in. Ii determine the organisation and the duties of public administration, Hid winch regulate the relations of the administration with the citizens of the Slate. limit Administratif is associated with the name of Napoleon ii"ii.i|i.ntc Before the Revolution in 1789, there was a constant see-saw lingglc for power going on in the French politics between the 'i iililionalisl Bonapartists (who supported the executive power even in in In matters) and reformist parliaments (who supported the diction of ordinary courts). In pre-revolutionary France, Conseil du I'm advised llic King in legal and administrative matters. This body can I., compared with Curia Regis and the Privy Council in Britain during i ii,I.disin days. Conseil du Roi also discharged judicial functions such 1.1 idni)' disputes between great nobles. Ordinary courts (Parlements) imc jealous and not only interfered with the functioning of the utivc 1'iit also tried to impede the growth of the measures which the in, lis wanted to introduce.

20 Introduction to Administrative Law [C/tap. Alter the Revolution in 1789 a major breakthrough was made in this deadlock. The first step taken by the revolutionists was to curtail the power of the executive which was done on the theory of separation of powers by the famous 16-24 August, 1790 Law. Conseil du Roi was abolished and the King's powers were curtailed. Napoleon, who became the first Consul, favoured freedom for the administration and also favoured reforms. He wanted an institution to give relief to the people against the excesses of the administration. Therefore, in 1799 Conseil d'Etat was established. The main aim of the institution was to resolve difficulties which might occur in the course of the administration. However, in due course of time it started exercising judicial powers in matters involving administration. In the beginning it was not an independent court but an appendage of the executive. Its main task was to advise the minister with whom the complaint was to be lodged. In fact the minister was the judge, and the Conseil d'Etat administered only advisory justice. It did not have public sessions. It had no power to pronounce judgments. It represented the government's point of view. It was this aspect of the Conseil d'Etat which was against Dicey's concept of the Rule of Law. In 1872 its formal power to give judgment was established. The Arrets (Executive Law) Blanco, February 8, 1873 finally laid down and settled that in all matters involving administration, the jurisdiction of the Conseil d'Etat would be final. It laid down, among other things, the principle that questions of administrative liability would be within the jurisdiction of administrative courts and that the liability was subject to special rules different from those of Droit Civil. In 1889, it started receiving direct complaints from the citizens and not through ministers. Droit Administratif does not represent principles and rules laid down by the French Parliament; it consists of rules developed by the judges of the administrative courts. Droit Administratif, therefore, includes three-series of rules: 1. Rules dealing with administrative authorities and officials. These relate to appointment, dismissal, status, salary and duties etc. 2. Rules dealing with the operation of public services to meet the needs of citizens. These services may be operated either wholly by public officials or under their supervision or they may assist private agencies to provide public utility services. 3. Rules dealing with administrative adjudication. If any injury is done to a private citizen by the administration, the matter 'I Droit Administratif

.'1 would be decided by the administrative courts. Conseil d'Etat is the highest administrative court. This system of administrative adjudication developed in Fiance due to historical reasons in order io avoid encroachment by the courts on the powers of the administrative authorities and prevent intrusion by the judges into the business of the administration. In case of conflict between the ordinary courts and the administrative courts regarding jurisdiction, the matter is decided by the Minimal des Conflits. This tribunal consists of an equal number of ordinary and administrative judges and is presided over by the minister nl pisticc. 1 here is no Code of Droit Administratif like the Code Civil. The i onseil d'Etat has developed and elaborated the doctrines on its own. I lu. has been done neither to justify the arbitrary powers of the idiiimistrative officials nor to narrow the field of citizens' liberty but to Hi lp citizens against the excesses of the administration. Sometimes these n. u doctrines created by the Conseil d'Etat have been adopted in the i Ivil ( ode through Parliament. From the above discussion, the following characteristics of the Droit Administratif in France may be noted: (1) Matters concerning the State and administrative litigation are decided by the administrative courts and not by the ordinary courts of the land. (2) In deciding matters concerning the State and administrative litigation, special rules as developed by the administrative courts are applied. (3) Conflict of jurisdiction between ordinary courts and administrative courts are decided by the agency known as Tribunal des Conflits. (4) It protects government officials from the control of the ordinary courts. (5) Conseil d'Etat which is the supreme administrative court is not a priori invention but is the product of historical process with deep roots. It is not merely an adjudicatory body but is also a consultative body. In 1979 it considered 147 draft laws which

Introduction to Administrative Law [Chap. were placed before Parliament in 1980 and also considered 489 draft decrees.23 The early common criticism of the Droit Administratif in France has been that it cannot protect the private citizen from the excesses ol" the administration. However, later researches have shown that no single institution has done so much for the protection of private citizens against the excesses of the administration as has been done by the Conseil d'Etat.24

POINTS FOR DISCUSSION 1. There is a great divergence of opinion regarding the definition/concept of administrative law. Itow did it arise? 2. Difficulties in attempting a uniform agreed definition of administrative law with special reference to different constitutional structurisations and claim patterns. 3. Analysis of cause and effect theory common to all administrative development patterns in various jurisdictions of the world 4. "Administrative Law is the study of the pathology of governmental power." This formulation may be discussed against the backdrop of the giant and the exercise of public power in 'authoritarian', 'liberal' and 'non-liberal' societies. 5. Administrative Law is a valiant endeavour to help reduce and diminish arbitrariness in the exercise of public power. Students may discuss the general and specific forms of accountability of the rulers to the ruled. Discussion may include constitutional, legislative, judicial and other informal forms of accountability. 6. 'Easy Access to Justice' is considered an important form of accountability. This may include informal procedure, speedy and less expensive trial, legal aid, public interest litigation, easy bail and active participation of judges. This form of control mechanism may be discussed with special reference to India with a view to suggest improvements. 7. Administrative Law in India is wholly a judge-made law which has all the "strengths and frailties of judicial law-making". These strengths and frailties may be discussed with special reference to a trade-off between executive arbitrariness and judicial arbitrariness inherent injudicial review. 8. Administrative lawyers in the common law world are content to debate the question of the proper role of the courts in reviewing administrative action. Whereas, the USA administrative law is seen to be as much concerned with what goes on inside the administration as it is with judicial scrutiny of the 23. Bernard Ducamin: Role of Conseil d'Etat in Drafting Legislation, translated bv William Dale, International and Comparative Law Quarterly Vol 30 Part 4 Oct 1981, p. 882. ' ' 24. Hamson: Judicial Control of Administrative Discretion. See also Waline: Droit Administratif, Ch. I. 11 Suggested Readings 2I administrative process. Against this backdrop the proper scope and nature of the administrative law may be discussed. 9. Administrative Law is said to be "an instrument in the hands of middle-class Indians to combat administrative authoritarianism through the instrumentality of courts". Students may discuss the

constituency, input, output and compliance factors of the judicial process with a view to suggest measures which can make administrative law a shield for the majority of Indians living below or slightly above the poverty line. 10. Relevance of French administrative law in a system of intensive form of government. II Overlapping boundaries between constitutional law and administrative law with reference to the obsession of the early English writers to acknowledge administrative law as a regular member of the legal community. 12. Rise of global administrative law with the growth of global administrative space with a view to infuse equity, inclusivcness and accountability in the administrative process may be discussed with special reference to developing world. SUGGESTED READINGS 1. Baxi, Upendra: Mass Copying: Should Courts Act as Controllers of Examination'! Delhi L.R. 144 and tlie Supreme Court Under Trial: The Supreme Court and Undertrials, (1980) 1 SCC (Jour) 35. 2. Baxi, Upendra (Ld.): Matmew on Democracy, Equality and Freedom, (1978). XXXVIII IT. 3. Benjafield and Whitmore: Principles oe Australian Administrative Law, 4th Edn, Chap. 1. 4. Brown and Garner: French Administrative Law, (1967), Introduction. 5. Brown Jethro: Tin: Underlying Principles of Modern Legislation, (1971), pp. 156-280. 6. Cappelletti, Mauro, (ed.): Access to Justice, (1979), p. 79. 7. de Smith, S.A.: constitutional Law and Administrative Law, (1977), pp. 511-522. 8. Denning: Freedom Under Law, (1949), pp. 124-129. 9. Dicey, A.V.: Law and Public Opinion in England, (1962), pp. 126-210. 10. Dicey, A.V.: Law of the Constitution, (1950), Appendix by E.C.S. Wade, pp. 175-544. 1 1. Ducamin, Bernard: Role of Conseil d'Etat in Drafting Legislation, Translated by William Dale, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 30. Part 4, Oct. 1981, p. 882. 12. Fazal, M.A.: Judicial Control oe Administrative Action in India and Pakistan, (1959), Chap. I. 13. Finer, S.E.: Comparative Government, (1970). 14. Fourteenth Law Commission Report. (1958), pp. 674-676. 15. Freund: Cases on Administrative Law, (1911), Chap. I. 16. Griffith and Street: Principles oe Administrative Law, Chap. I. 17 Hamson, C.I.: executive discretion and judicial control, (1954).

ntroduction to Administrative Law Hayek, F.A.: RoadtoSeridom, (1956), pp. 76-80, l.iiii, S.N.: Law, Justice and Affirmative Action, 21 J.I I.I. 262 (1979). Jain and Jain: Principles oi Administrative Law, Chap. 1. Jennings: Tin: Law and tiii-. Constitution, (1955), pp. 215-219. Lord Hewart: Tin: New Despotism, (1929), Chap. I. MacPhcrson, C.B.: The Real Worldoe Democ kac y, (1972), Chap. 1. Maitland: Constitutional History, (1908), pp. 526-539. Parker: Tlie Historic Basis of Administrative Law, 1 Rtitg. L..R. 449 (1958). Prettyman: Nature of Administrative Law, 44 Virginia L.R. 685 (1958). Ramaswamy: Rule of Law in a Planned Society, 1 J.I.L.I. 31 (1959). Robson: Justice and Administrative Law, (1951), Chap. i Schwartz: American Administrative Law, (1962), Chap. I. Selznick, P.: Law, Society and Industrial Justice, (1969), Chap. i. Thakkcr, C.K.: Administrative Law, (1998), Chap. 1. Vandcrbill's Introduction to Schwartz: French Administrative Law and niE Common Law World, (1954) xiii. Wade: Administrative Law, (1971), Chap. 1. 2

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