ETOSTraffic Management

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1 MEF Services The ETOS will provide MEF services similar to NV8044 NCTEs.

In this respect, it will provide MEF16 UNI Type 1 interfaces towards a customer endpoint via the Gigabit Ethernet or Ten Gigabit Ethernet ports. It will provide EVC functionality per MEF 10.1 and support MEF 9 test cases for EVC services. To support this, the user can create EvcMaps, Profiles, and EVCs per the NV8044 model, to enable many types of MEF services. 1.1 Traffic Classification The purpose of traffic classification is to identify traffic flows that may have different and distinct SLA requirements. On ETOS traffic flow is classified at the ingress. Each EVCMAP classifies traffic ingressing a UNI into an EVC given certain match criteria. The EVC-MAP identifies a unique subscriber traffic flow within an EVC and provides the mechanism for VLAN tag manipulation, Ingress Bandwidth Policing, forwarding and queuing. The user can define services by first specifying one endpoint of an EVC MAP using the evc-map CLI commands or using various OID defined in genEvcMap.mi2 MIB. 1.1.1 Name The Evc-Map is identified with a unique string name (needs to be unique across all EvcMaps). The value is not carried in any field of the Ethernet frame. (config)# evc-map testmap shelf/slot 1.1.2 Connect UNI A physical interface or group of physical interfaces (such as a LAG group) can be assigned to a Evc-Map. Only one physical interface can be assigned to a Evc-Map. Support for a LAG group as the UNI will be added in future ETOS release. (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# connect uni muxponder-m 1/3/1 or (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# connect uni muxponder-h 1/3/1 1.1.3 Matching Criteria Detailed matching criteria can be specified for the connected UNI port. If no matching criteria are used, then all data ingress from the UNI will match. The matching criteria includes the following options, where multiple options are AND-ed together (where it makes sense) and some options are disallowed when other options are specified. There are also no options for each of this criteria: Match a single CE VLAN ID in the range from 1-4094. The VID matched against is the one present in outermost VLAN tag of the Ethernet Frame received

at the UNI. If the CE VLAN ID attribute is not set then all frames are classified ignoring VID. (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# match ce-vlan-id <0-4094> Match one or more CE VLAN priorities in the range from 0-7 (can be combined with CE VLAN ID) . The tag priority is matched against is the outermost VLAN tag of the Ethernet Frame received at the UNI. If this attribute is not set, then CE VLAN Priorities is ignored for matching criteria.

(config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# match ce-vlan-pri <0-7> Match a single or range of DSCP values allowed (cannot be combined with CE VLAN priority). If this option is not specified, then DSCP is not included in matching criteria.

(config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# match dscp <0-63> Match all L2CP based on the pre-defined list of MAC addresses; the values supported are shown in the table below and are all included when this option is specified. If this option is not specified, then L2CP is not included in matching criteria.

(config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# match l2cp STP/RSTP/MSTP Pause LACP/EFM OAM/LLDP/Slow Protocol 802.1x Undefined Bridge Addresses All Bridges GARP/MRP Block 01:80:C2:00:00:00 01:80:C2:00:00:01 01:80:C2:00:00:02 01:80:C2:00:00:03 01:80:C2:00:00:04-0E 01:80:C2:00:00:10 01:80:C2:00:00:20 Through 01:80:C2:00:00:2F

Match broadcast, multicast, or unicast traffic; if these commands are not specified, MAC type classification is ignored, but if one or more of these commands are specified, the type of traffic will be subject to the specified limitations (i.e. match broadcast will not match multicast or unicast; match broadcast and match unicast will not match multicast, etc.)

(config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# match broadcast (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# match multicast (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# match unicast

Match untagged classification matches both untagged and priority tagged (VID 0) traffic. By default untagged or priority tagged traffic is not included unless this command is specified.

(config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# match untagged

1.1.4 Classification Order When a frame ingress a UNI it can meet the classification criteria of multiple maps on that UNI. The following table lists this classification criteria and order of precedence in case of multiple matches at the UNI. (note: we dont currently support classification criterion matching traffic with a specific destination MAC address precedence levels 1 to 4). Precedence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Provisioning Options mac-address, ce-vlan-id, ce-vlan-pri mac-address, ce-vlan-pri mac-address, ce-vlan-id mac-address l2cp, ce-vlan-id, ce-vlan-pri l2cp, ce-vlan-pri l2cp, ce-vlan-id l2cp unicast / multicast / broadcast, ce-vlan-id, cevlan-pri unicast / multicast / broadcast, ce-vlan-pri unicast / multicast / broadcast, ce-vlan-id unicast / multicast / broadcast untagged dscp, ce-vlan-id ce-vlan-id, ce-vlan-pri ce-vlan-id dscp ce-vlan-pri no map options (only uni port is defined)

1.1.5 Destination EVC While one side of the Evc-Map is assigned to the UNI, the other side is assigned to an EVC by name. (Note: For ETOS EVC is defined as MEVC). This completes the service connection endpoints. Alternatively, the Evc-Map can be specified to discard all matching data. (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# connect mevc testevc

or (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# connect discard 1.1.6 MEN Priority The MEN Priority controls how frames classified by Evc-Map populate the p-bit of the stag added by the Evc. The Men Priority can explicitly set to a priority value in the range 0-7 or it can be set to inherit. If it is set to inherit, the outermost VLAN tag p-bit value will be used to populate the Evc s-tag p-bit field. (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# men-pri inherit or (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# men-pri <0-7> 1.1.7 MEN Queue The MEN Queue controls how frames admitted by this Evc-Map are mapped to egress queues. If it is explicitly set, then traffic will enter the desired egress queue regardless of the ETOS card level provisioned p-bit to egress queue mapping. When sit is set to inherit, it will follow the ETOS card level provisioned p-bit to egress queue mapping. (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# men-queue inherit or (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# men-queue <0-7> 1.1.8 MEN C-tag The MEN C-tag defines the C-tag that is stacked onto the frame by the Evc. If this value is not set, no c-tag is added. (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# men-c-tag <1-4094> 1.1.9 MEN C-tag Priority The MEN C-tag Priority controls how frames classified by this Evc-Map populate the pbit of the C-tag added by the Evc. The Men C-tag Priority can explicitly set to a priority value in the range 0-7 or it can be set to inherit. If it is set to inherit, the outermost VLAN tag p-bit value will be used to populate the Evc C-tag p-bit field. (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# men-c-tag-pri inherit or (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# men-c-tag-pri <0-7> 1.1.10 Admin State The Admin State is user-configurable state of the Evc-Map. If it is set to enable and all required provisioning are configured then Evc-Map is in-service. If it set to disable then Evc-Map is out-of-service. (config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# shut or

(config-evc-map testmap 1/3)# no shut 1.2 VLAN Membership Provisioning The MEVC CLI commands are use for VLAN membership provisioning on ETOS card. For ETOS release 1.0 only supports E-LINE service. E-LINE provides a point-to-point, VLAN tag switched service. MEVC can be connected either with two MEN-ports (NNI) or one MEN-port and Evc-Maps (one or more) connected to a same single UNI. MEVC can be configured using CLI commands listed below or using various OID defined in genMEvc.mi2 MIB. 1.2.1 Name The MEVC is identified with a unique string name (needs to be unique across all MEVCs). The value is not carried in any field of the Ethernet frame. (config)# mevc testevc shelf/slot 1.2.2 Connect MEN port A physical interface or group of physical interfaces (such as a LAG group) called MENPort can be assigned to a MEVC. MEVC needs to identify two connections to complete point-to-point connections. If connected to Evc-Map(s) (via Evc-Map connect mevc command) then only one Men-Port is needed to complete point-to-point connection. If MEVC is not connected to Evc-Map (i.e. no traffic classifications are required) then two MEN-ports are needed to complete point-to-point connection. (config-mevc testevc 1/3)# connect men-port muxponder-m 1/3/1 or (config-mevc testevc 1/3)# connect men-port muxponder-h 1/3/1 or (config-mevc testevc 1/3)# connect men-port muxponder-l 1/3/1 1.2.3 S-tag The VLAN that MEVC is operating on can be set using s-tag CLI command. The TPID of the s-tag is the s-tag-tpid provisioned on SM. (config-mevc testevc 1/3)# s-tag 100 1.2.4 CE VLAN Preservation CE-VLAN tag can be preserved on frame ingressing the MEVC using CE-VLAN preservation setting, if it is connected to Evc-Map. Note that when MEVC is connected to multiple Evc-Maps then CE-VLAN preservation must be set to allow traffic egressing on UNI to be forwarded with the correct CE-VLAN. The CE-VLAN preservation setting is ignored if it is not connected to Evc-Map. (config-mevc testevc 1/3)# preserve-ce-vlan

1.2.5 Admin State The Admin State is user-configurable state of the MEVC. If it is set to enable and all required provisioning are configured then MEVC is in-service. If it set to disable then MEVC is out-of-service. (config-mevc testevc 1/3)#shut or (config-mevc testevc 1/3)# no shut 1.3 Ingress Policing Policing is an average rate/maximum burst size based admission control function utilizing a leaky/token bucket algorithm. ETOS supports One Rate Two Color (1R2C) and Two Rate Three Color (2R3C) policing using policer command set. 1R2C mark packets either Green or Red, where Red packets are immediately dropped. 2R3C uses a dual leaky bucket algorithm to mark packets Green, Yellow or Red, where Red packets are immediately dropped. A single policer can be applied to multiple Evc-Maps by mapping it to per UNI or per Mevc. On ingress, data can be policed and marked per user specifications. Policers are created and configured; once configured; a given policer can be applied to one or more EVC MAPs, and will then police the aggregate group of maps. Policer can be configured using CLI commands listed below or using various OID defined in genPolicer.mi2 MIB. 1.3.1 Name A Policer is identified with a unique string name (needs to be unique across all Policers). The value is intended for management and control purposes. (config)# policer testPolicer shelf/slot 1.3.2 Policer Mode A policer can be applied to multiple Evc-Maps simultaneously and list of Evc-Maps it applies to is determined by a policer mode; per UNI, per MEVC or per Custom. If policer mode is per UNI then policer is applied to all Evc-Maps connected to a specific UNI. If policer mode is per MEVC then policer is applied to all Evc-Maps connected to a specific UNI and specific MEVC. If policer mode is per Custom then policer is applied to Evc-Maps explicitly added by the user. (config-policer testpolicer 1/3)# per uni muxponder-m 1/3/1 or (config-policer testpolicer 1/3)# per mevc testevc or (config-policer testpolicer 1/3)# per custom evc-map testmap

1.3.3 CIR Defines the average rate in kbps of service frames up to which the network delivers service frames and meets the performance objectives of the service. Service frames admitted by the CIR are colored Green. (config-policer testpolicer 1/3)# cir <0, 64 to 10000000> 1.3.4 CBS It limits the maximum number of bytes available for a burst of Service Frames sent at the UNI speed to remain CIR-conformant. (config-policer testpolicer 1/3)# cbs <0 to 9999999> 1.3.5 EIR Defines the average rate in kbps of service frames up to which the network may deliver service frames without any performance objectives of the service. Service frames admitted by the EIR are colored Yellow. (config-policer testpolicer 1/3)# eir <0, 64 to 10000000> 1.3.6 EBS It limits the maximum number of bytes available for a burst of Service Frames sent at the UNI speed to remain EIR-conformant. (config-policer testpolicer 1/3)# ebs <0 to 9999999> 1.3.7 Admin State The Admin State is user-configurable state of the Policer. If it is set to enable and all required provisioning are configured then Policer is in-service. If it set to disable then Policer is out-of-service. (config- policer testpolicer 1/3)#shut or (config- policer testpolicer 1/3)# no shut

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