Parameterization of Edwards
Parameterization of Edwards
Parameterization of Edwards
, then are roots of the system of these formulas have drawbacks that exists
equations exception cases to not make the addition work. It
means that they are not a well-defined operation
( )( )
{ (7) on a set of points, called ( ), of twisted
Edwards curve with * +
By solving the system of equations above, we arbitrary. To overcome this drawback and
get ( ) being points given by the statement of construct a binary operation on the whole set of
the lemma. points of the twisted Edwards curves, D.J.
Bernstein and T. Lange [4] provide a solution as
Sufficiency: Conversely, by substituting the
follows. They embed the set of twisted Edwards
points of for ( ), we compute and get
directly results from the lemma. curve into in , and indicate cases in
which the addition law in Definition 5 does not
It can be easily seen that the addition law in work to use the formulae of Dual Addition and
Definition 5 contains two coefficients of the vice versa. Then the addition law is really a binary
curve. By a requirement to reduce a dependence operation on the whole set of points of the twisted
on these coefficients when computing the addition Edwards curves.
law, Hisil, Carter, Wong, and Dawson in [6] built
a new addition law, called Dual Addition as follows: Fixed a twisted Edwards curve, ,
defined by an equation
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
over the field whose characteristic is not ,
* +, . The projective closure of
This addition formula only depends on a
unique coefficient of the curve. The authors in in is
[6] have shown that, this formula and the addition ̅ ( )
law in Definition 5 have the same results when the (( )( ))
both are defined. However, there is a weakness of { } (9)
the Dual Addition that it does not work for
doubling computation: if ( ) ( ) the Each point ( ) on affine curve ,
computation of second coordinate embedded as usual into by ( )
( )⁄( ) results . (( )( )). Conversely, a point
Despite of this weakness, the well-defined of dual (( )( )) ̅ ( ) with is
addition have advantages on an efficient of corresponding to a point of coordinate
computation [6]. ( ⁄ ⁄ ) on affine curve .
Similar to the addition in Definition 5, we
For , we consider two cases ( )
indicate exception cases of the dual addition on
( ) or ( ) ( ).
the twisted Edwards curve when are squares
on . If ( ) ( ) the equation of the curve
becomes . Then, we have two points
Lemma 3 ([6]) . With an assumption similar
to Lemma 2, then ( )( (( )( )) .( )( √ )/, and
) if and only if ( ) , where these points are defined over the extension field
is a set containing points ( ), (√ ). The authors in [4] show that these
( ), . /, . /, . /, points correspond to ( ) in projective closure
of in .
. /, . /, . / if they are
If ( ) ( ), then the equation of the
curve becomes . Then, we also have
C. A complete addition formula two points (( )( )) .( √ )( )/,
In the previous subsection, we represent two and these points are defined over the extension
addition formulas on the twisted Edwards curve. field (√ ).
However, as seen on Lemmas 6 and 7, both of
The authors in [4] also show that these points Then, we have a fact on the set of points over
correspond to ( ) in projective closure of twisted Edwards curve.
in . By using the represent of Theorem 3 ([4]). By the addition law defined
coordinating points, the authors [4] proved the as in the Theorem 2, the set of points ̅ ( ) is
following results to construct a complete addition
an Abel group whose neutral element is
law over twisted Edwards curves.
(( )( )) and the negative of
Theorem 1 ([4]). Let be a twisted (( )( )) is (( )( )).
Edwards curve defined over . Assuming Moreover, the group ̅ ( ) is isomorphic to
̅ ( ) with (( )( )) and ̅ ( ), where
(( )( )). We define
̅ ( )
( ) { }
has a torsion subgroup ( ) which is vol. 4833 of Lecture Notes in Computer Sciene,
isomorphic to ⁄ if and only if does not held pp. 29-50, Springer, 2007.
any conditions shown in above Theorems 6, 7, 8, 9. [4]. D.J. Bernstein, T. Lange, “A complete set of
Proof. We conclude the corollary by the use of addition laws for incomplete Edwards curves”,
Note 1 and Theorems 6, 7, 8, 9. Journal of Number Theory, vol. 131, pp. 858-872,
[5]. H.M. Edwards, “A normal form of elliptic curves”,
IV. CONCLUSION Bullentin of the American Mathematical Society,
In this paper, we represented basic concepts on vol. 44, pp. 393-422, 2007.
the generality of Edwards curves called twisted [6]. H. Hisil, K.K-H. Wong, G. Carter, E. Dawson,
Edwards curve, and the addition law from the set “Twisted Edwards curves revisited”, In Asiacrypt
of their points. The paper focuses on the
2008, vol. 5350 of Lecture Notes in Computer
parameterization of Edwards curves having the
given torsion subgroup over the rational field Q. Science, pp. 326-343, Springer, Heidelberg, 2008.
The main results are presented in the Theorems [7]. L.C. Washington, “Elliptic Curve: Number Theory
16, 17 and Corollary 18. and Cryptography”, CRC Press, Boca Raton,
Studying the parameterization of Edwards 2008.
curves to be useful in construction a family of
Edwards curves which are suitable to ABOUT THE AUTHOR
cryptographic applications. In [2], the authors use MS. Tung Linh Vo
the parameterization of Edwards curves to Workplace: Institute of
construct the suitable curves for applying in the Cryptography Science and
Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) to factor in Technology.
factorization of integer numbers. Email: [email protected]
However, the parameterization in this paper is The education process: has received
considered only for the Edwards curves, not for a mathematical bachelor degree in
the case of twisted Edwards curves. The ability in Hanoi University of Science, in
cryptography application from these curves are 2005, and has received a
also not mentioned. These problems are clearly mathematical master degree in Hanoi University of
interesting with many practical meanings that Science, in 2014.
needs to further investigations. Research today: elliptic curve cryptography; public key
First of all, we would like to thank the
Editors, the critics who contributed deep, valuable
comments to complete the scientific content as
well as presentation form of the article. We would
also like to thank the colleagues for their helping
to the article.