70-Soft Copy of the Manuscript Step 1-104-2-10-20191219
70-Soft Copy of the Manuscript Step 1-104-2-10-20191219
70-Soft Copy of the Manuscript Step 1-104-2-10-20191219
OBJECTIVE: It is very important to predict the outcome among preterm and very low birth weight
babies as mortality rates are quite high. CRIB score is used to predict the outcomes in preterm
neonates. The objective of this study was to determine the strength of CRIB score in detecting
neonatal mortality in babies presenting with very low birth weight.
STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.
SUBJECTS: A total of 254 newborns with birth weight of between 500 to 1500 grams and
gestational age of ≤35 weeks were included. The study was conducted over a period of 6 months in
neonatology department of Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad.
METHODS: CRIB score was obtained through a prospective way in all neonates and its association
was assessed with mortality during neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) stay.
RESULTS: The percentage of male and female newborn subjects was 54.3% (n=138) and 45.7%
(n=116) respectively. Mean gestational age was 33.3 weeks ± 1.04 and mean birth weight of study
population was 1129.9 grams ± 210.6. Mean CRIB score among the study population was 6.3 ± 3.1
and overall mortality was found to be 54.7% (n=139). Mean CRIB score was found to be 8.27 ± 2.1
among mortality group and it was 3.87 ± 3.4 among newborns who were discharged (P<0.05).
Mortality was present in 4.3% (n=4) of neonates with CRIB score between 1-5, 87.1% (n=121)
who had CRIB score between 6-10 and 100% (n=14) of neonates who had CRIB score between 11-
15 (P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Significantly higher mortality was noted among neonates with higher CRIB scores.
KEYWORDS: CRIB score, Neonatal mortality, Premature birth.
congenital malformations, all were recorded in Value of <0.05 was considered as significant.
a pretested structured proforma The Data was depicted in tables and graphs.
assessments was made according to the 6
clinical parameters of CRIB score. The total RESULTS:
score was entered in the proforma. Patients
were followed on daily basis until the final DEMOGRAPHY OF THE SELECTED
outcome i.e. complete or partial recovery or POPULATION:
death. All the information was collected by the
research himself to limit the selection bias and CRIB score was obtained through a prospective
human errors. way from a total of two hundred and fifty four
(n=254) newborns with birth weight of 500 to
DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE: 1500 g and gestational age ≤ 35 weeks. Out of
total two hundred and fifty four (n=254)
All the collected data was entered into SPSS newborns, 54.3% (n=138) were males with
version 16 and analyzed. The qualitative data mean gestational age of 33.3 weeks ±1.03 and
like gender, mortality and CRIB score levels 45.7% (n=116) were females with mean
were analyzed as frequency and percentages. gestational age of 33.4 weeks ±1.05. Total
The quantitative data like age, gestational age mean gestational age was 33.3 weeks ± 1.04.
and CRIB score were analyzed as means and Mean birth weight among males was 1107.8
standard deviations. Independent sample t-test grams ±223.4 and mean birth weight among
was applied to see the significance of difference females was 1156.1 grams ±192.1. Total mean
between mean CRIB score among mortality and birth weight of study population was 1129.9
discharge group. Chi-square test was applied to grams ± 210.6 (table I).
see the significance of difference in percentage
mortality among different CRIB score levels. P-
CRIB SCORE AND ITS RELATIONSHIP 45.3% (n=115) female newborns were
WITH MORTALITY AMONG THE STUDY discharged (table III). Mean CRIB score was
GROUP found to be 8.27± 2.1 SD among mortality
group and it was 3.87±3.4 SD among newborns
Mean CRIB score among males was 6.8 ± 3.4 who were discharged. Independent t-test was
SD and mean CRIB score among females was applied to see the significance of difference
5.6±2.4 SD. Total mean CRIB score among among both groups. P-value was
whole of the study population was 6.3 ± 3.1 SD found to be 0.000 (<0.05) implying significant
(table I). 36.2% (n=92) newborns had CRIB difference between two means with mean CRIB
score between 1-5, 58.3% (n=148) had CRIB score was significantly higher in mortality group
score between 6-10 and 5.5% (n=14) had CRIB (table IV).
score between 11-15 (table II). Percentage mortality was calculated among
Overall mortality was found to be 54.7% newborns with different CRIB score levels.
(n=139) male newborns during NICU stay Among newborns who had CRIB score between
1-5 mortality was present in 4.3% (n=4) of the significance of difference among the
neonates. Among newborns who had CRIB groups. P-value was found to be 0.000 (<0.05)
score between 6-10 mortality was present in implying significant difference with
87.1% (n=121) of neonates and among significantly higher percentage mortality was
newborns who had CRIB score between 11-15 noted among neonates with higher CRIB scores
mortality was present in 100% (n=14) of (table V).
neonates. Chi-square-test was applied to see
hospitals[16]. Very low birth weight babies were clinical settings. We also intend to compare
considered to be at risk in their early life CRIB and SNAPE scoring systems in future
between 7-28 days particularly in the lower studies at our setup.
and middle income countries due to non-
availability of prenatal medicines, general CONCLUSION:
facilities and the intensive care facilities [17].
World Health Organization and United Nations Mean CRIB score was significantly higher in
General Assembly have taken key steps to mortality group and significantly higher
lower down the morbidity and the mortality in percentage mortality was noted among
very low birth weight babies. They are neonates with higher CRIB scores.
providing guidelines to the member countries,
very low birth weight babies. Due to the
reason, all the stakeholders were taken on There is no declared conflict of interest.
board to reduce the morbidity and mortality of
very low birth weight babies. ETHICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE:
Rationale of this study was to gather data
about the strength of CRIB score in predicting Ethical review committee of the said institute
the outcome as if the outcome is predicted has reviewed and approved this article.
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