PRAC1 Student Copy--Assignment 2

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Module Code Module Title Module Credits

GIS5004 Data & Knowledge Management 20

Academic Year & Semester Examination Board Level & Block

2024-2025, 1st Semester January 2025 L5-B2

Method of Assessment Term Weighting

PRAC1 End-term 50%

Module Leader Module Leader email

Anju Mathew Cherian anjuit

Additional Information (if any)

Note: This is individual practical coursework and is equivalent to 2000 words


CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................ 2
ASSESSMENT DETAILS .......................................................................................................... 3
SUBMISSION DETAILS ........................................................................................................... 5
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ......................................................................................................... 6
FURTHER INFORMATION ............................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

Who can answer questions about my assessment?.............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Referencing and independent learning (Not applicable for Examination) ...........Error! Bookmark not

Technical submission problems (Not applicable for Examination) ........ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Mitigating circumstances .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Academic Misconduct .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Types of Academic Misconduct includes: .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

How is my wok graded? ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

IV2 FORMS ……………………………………………………………………………………….15

Assessment Details

Assessment title Abr. Weighting


Pass marks for undergraduate work is 40%, unless stated otherwise.

Task/assessment brief:

The Oman National Museum is an art museum that presents the art histories and contemporary art
practices of Oman and other regions. The collection includes paintings, sculptures, multimedia
installations, drawings, prints, and photographs, among others.

Recently, the museum is experiencing high expenditures on marketing campaigns and ads. As a CS
student, you know that understanding of art and customer preferences provides valuable insights into
their buying behaviour, enabling businesses to create targeted marketing campaigns and develop
products or services that resonate with their target audience. The museum manager then asked you
to prepare a comprehensive report that will assist the company in predicting its future customers'
preferences and other related activities.

Analyse the data you have collected and stored in an Oracle database during your mid-term
assignment, using Python. As part of your practical work, you are expected to export the Oracle
database that you created from your midterm coursework to a .CSV file.

1. Background Information. Write a description of the .CSV dataset exported from the Oracle
database and its importance to the company. Make a detailed exploration of the data and
discuss the relevance of its features to the practical work tasks. (15 Marks)

2. Data Visualisations. Utilising the data entered into the database, you are required to design
appropriate visualisations to display, on a dashboard, processed information showing
customer preferences and other related activities. Be sure to properly document the process
in the form of a report. Include screenshots of the entered script codes, with short narrative
descriptions of the purpose of the script codes. At least two relevant and related
visualisations must be displayed on the dashboard. Write your insight on the displayed
information and discuss whether these can predict future customer preferences. (35 Marks)

3. The Dashboard. Appropriately design the dashboard. Write a short commentary of your
chosen design and describe the script codes used. Discuss the importance of dashboards to
business decision-makers, particularly on how they improve defensible decision-making. Cite
relevant journal materials, where appropriate. (20 Marks)
4. Conclusion and Recommendation. Appropriately conclude the report. Critically evaluate the
entire process, focusing on the effectiveness of data- and knowledge-driven approaches in
providing customer retention programs for the type of business mentioned in the scenario.
Support your recommendation with properly referenced citations. (20 Marks)

Reference List. Create a list of all the sources referenced in the report, adhering to the
Harvard style of referencing. (5 Marks)

Note: Please refer to the criteria in the Assessment Rubric section for a more detailed guidance of
this assignment

Items to submit:

 Upload the final report to Turnitin on the date specified in the submission details section.
 Upload the file containing the Python scripts required for completing the dashboard and
the CSV file used in OneDrive. Note that your report will not be marked without the
supporting Python and CSV files.

Additional instructions:
• Your student identification number must be clearly stated at the top of each page of the
• Each page must be numbered.
• Where appropriate, a contents page, a list of tables/figures and a list of abbreviations
should precede your work.
• All referencing must adhere to School/Institutional requirements (Harvard Referencing
• A word count must be stated at the end of your work.
• Your programme, year of study and the relevant module must be included as a “footer” on
each page.
• Appendices should be kept to the minimum and be of direct relevance to the content of
your work.
• All tables and figures must be correctly numbered and labelled.
• Your practical project report should be submitted by uploading it to Turnitin on the dates
indicated for submission.
• Upload your report draft to MS Teams for formative feedback.


1. Use A4-sized paper.

2. Margins of 1" on all sides of the paper.
3. Apply 1.15 line spacing.
4. Use Calibri font for the entire document.
- size 12, bold for the Section Titles
- size 11, for the section contents
- size 9, italics, for figure numbers and labels.


Word count (or equivalent): 2000 words

This is a reflection of the effort required for the assessment. Word counts will normally include any
text, tables, calculations, figures, subtitles and citations. Reference lists and contents of appendices
are excluded from the word count. Contents of appendices are not usually considered when
determining your final assessment grade.

Academic or technical terms explained:

Submission Details
Submission After the result
Deadline: End-Term: announcement (10
19 December 2024 working days) – January
Return Date
2025 EB

9:00 PM

Turnitin: Any assessments submitted after the deadline will not be marked and will be
recorded as a non-attempt unless you have had an extension request agreed
upon or have approved mitigating circumstances. See the Gulf College website
for more information on submission details and mitigating circumstances.
File Format: The assessment must be submitted as a Word document and submitted through
the Turnitin submission point.

Your assessment should be titled with your:

Student ID number, Module code and Assessment ID,

e.g. 1610200 GIS3006 PRAC1

Feedback Feedback for the assessment will be provided electronically via Turnitin / MS
Teams / Face to Face. Feedback will be provided with comments on your
strengths and the areas in which you can improve. Module tutors give students
two types of assessment feedback: formative, which is given when the student is
working on the completion of an assignment or coursework, and summative,
which is given upon completion of the module. Comprehensive assessment
feedback on your performance will be given after the announcement of the
results. (10 Working Days)

Assessment Criteria
Learning outcomes assessed

On successful completion of the module, a student should be able to:

1. Discuss, analyse and apply techniques for information, data and knowledge management.
2. Analyse and explain the implications of technological innovation for data usage, data
security and data management.
3. Reflect on the limitations of knowledge management systems and technologies in a
socio-technical and organisational context.
4. Critically assess and implement different forms of data models and database architecture to
solve a given organisational scenario.

In addition, the assessment will test the following learning outcomes:

 Analyse and explain the implications of technological innovation for data usage, data
security and data management.
 Reflect on the limitations of knowledge management systems and technologies in a socio-
technical and organisational context.

Marking Scheme

Task Description Weighting

Background Information
1 1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 Data Exploration 10
The Visualisations
2.1 Exporting of the Oracle database 5
2.2 Scripts with discussion for each visualisation (10 marks each x 2) 20
2.3 Insight on each displayed visualisation (5 marks each x 2) 10
The Dashboard
3 3.1 Rationale of the dashboard design and code 10
3.2 Discussion on the importance of dashboards 10
4 Conclusion and Recommendation 20
Quality of Documentation 5
Reference List 5

Grand Total 100

Assessment Criteria

Grade % Mark Requirements

0 No answer has been attempted or there is evidence of unfair practice.
The work presented for assessment may be incomplete and/or irrelevant and
demonstrates a serious lack of comprehension and/or engagement with the set task.
Attainment of the learning outcomes is minimal and assessment criteria are not
Misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the set task, providing a short and/or
10 – 19 largely irrelevant response. Consequently, no learning outcomes are met in full
although there may be minimal attainment in relation to one or two.
Minimal understanding of the set task and little knowledge and understanding of the
20 - 29 field of study relevant to the task is demonstrated. Limited ability to communicate
simple concepts and/or factual information is shown. Significant difficulties in the
report’s structure and organisation detract from the clarity and meaning overall.
Evidence of individual reading and investigation is negligible, and the limited
referencing of literature and other sources is frequently inaccurate. Some ability to
describe and report knowledge gained but very little evidence is available to indicate
an ability to engage in critical evaluation and reflection.
Partial understanding of the set task and some of the associated learning outcomes
are met at a basic level. Factual inaccuracies, errors and misconceptions are evident
in important areas and elements of the assessed work which may be irrelevant to the
task. If attempted, the presentation of arguments and more complex ideas may be
confused and clumsily expressed. Some enquiry and analysis relevant to the task
30 – 39 attempted but outcomes may be naïve, simplistic and/or unconvincing. Limited
knowledge of current research/scholarship in the discipline is demonstrated. A
restricted range of sources are used but overall, there is an over-reliance on
programme materials with little evidence of individual reading and investigation.
There are frequent errors in the referencing of literature and other sources. The
work is largely descriptive and arguments, if attempted, are rarely substantiated.
Demonstrates a basic understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the
associated learning outcomes. Assessment criteria are addressed at a threshold level.
Basic knowledge and understanding of many aspects of the field of study relevant to
the task is displayed. Errors and misconceptions are evident, but these are
outweighed by the degree of knowledge and understanding demonstrated overall.
D More success is achieved in describing and reporting factual information rather than
40 - 49
(Third) communicating complex ideas. Generally, the work is appropriately structured
although key points may not be logically sequenced. Some limited analysis and
enquiry relevant to the task/discipline are included and has intermittent success in
presenting and commenting on outcomes. A limited ability to critically evaluate and
reflect is shown. Although some critical reflection is evident, the balance within the
work is likely to be in favour of description and factual presentation.
A secure understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the associated
learning outcomes is demonstrated. Assessment criteria are addressed at a
satisfactory level. A sound knowledge and understanding of most key aspects of the
field of study relevant to the task are evident as well as an ability to apply such
C knowledge. Some evidence of independent thinking beyond programme notes is also
(Lower 50 - 59 shown. Overall, the structure and format of the work are appropriate. There are
Second) occasional faults in the presentation of work, but overall, these do not detract from
the clarity of expression. Examples of research/scholarship referred to in the work
demonstrate individual reading and investigative ability to critically evaluate and
reflect although there may be some over-reliance on description and factual
presentation. Arguments are usually substantiated.
A full understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the learning outcomes
is demonstrated. Assessment criteria are addressed at a good level. A detailed
B knowledge and thorough understanding of key aspects of the field of study relevant
(Upper 60-69 to the task are shown. There is clear evidence of an ability to apply such knowledge
Second) and, in some contexts, to extend and transform it. Discussion of complex concepts is
often tackled successfully and there is evidence of independent thinking. An ability to
communicate information, ideas and concepts clearly and succinctly is displayed.
Work is well presented and the format appropriate. Key points are appropriately
organised, and the writing style is fluent and arguments are well articulated. Detailed
analysis and critical enquiry relevant to the task/discipline is undertaken by making
use of appropriate techniques and has considerable success in presenting and
commenting on outcomes. There is some linkage between theory and practice.
Examples referred to indicate a breadth and depth of individual reading and
investigation that extend beyond the sources provided. The referencing of literature
and other sources is almost always accurate. Arguments are clearly considered and
substantiated and there is evidence of an ability to make appropriate judgements
and to suggest solutions to problems.
A full and detailed understanding of the set task and an ability to have met the
learning outcomes is demonstrated. Assessment criteria are addressed at a very
good level. A detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of key aspects of the
field of study relevant to the task are evident. There is strong evidence of an ability
to extend, transform and apply such knowledge. The student also demonstrates an
ability to engage in confident discussion of complex concepts and to recognise the
limitations and ambiguity of disciplinary knowledge. Independent thinking and
original insights are also present in the report. Ability shown in communicating
information, complex ideas and concepts in a coherent and succinct manner is
shown. The standard of presentation is high and the format appropriate. Key points
70 – 79 are logically organised and in written work, the style is lucid and mature. Detailed
and thorough knowledge of current research/advanced scholarship in the discipline
are evident. The use of scholarly reviews/primary sources is confident and a breadth
and depth of individual reading and investigation, extending beyond the sources
provided, is apparent. The referencing of literature and other sources is accurate and
in line with academic conventions. An ability to engage in critical evaluation of
concepts/arguments/data and to make appropriate and informed judgements is
shown. Arguments are well developed, sustained and substantiated. Where relevant,
assumptions are challenged and there is clear recognition of the complexities of
academic debate. Appropriate and sometimes innovative solutions are offered to
Beyond the above, a full and detailed understanding of the set task and an ability to
80 - 89 have met the learning outcomes is demonstrated. Assessment criteria are addressed
at an excellent level.
Beyond the above, demonstrates a full and detailed understanding of the set task
and an ability to have met the learning outcomes and address the assessment criteria
90 - 100 at an outstanding and exceptional level. Work is of a standard deemed to be worthy
of publication. Reference citations extend significantly beyond the main body of
reading normally expected in the discipline/field of study.

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