The preponderance of small-scale mining, the A working definition of mining according to the
growing public awareness on the environment, increasing United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) could simply be
labor and energy costs are concerns which should be “the extraction of minerals from the earth”. The word
addressed. Amidst all these, and in the framework of very stiff “minerals” in this case would cover a wide variety of naturally
competition in the region for investments, new thrusts and occurring substances extracted for human use. Although this
directions, without compromising general stability, are definition is adequate for our purposes, mining can also be
urgently required for the overall development not only of the seen as a process that begins with the exploration and
industry but for the whole country. discovery of mineral deposits and continues through ore
extraction and processing to the closure and remediation of
The Philippines is the 5th most mineral-rich country worked-out sites.
in the world for gold, nickel, copper, and chromite. It is home
to the largest copper-gold deposit in the world. The Mines and Minerals are a non-renewable resource, so mining represents
Geosciences Bureau (MGB) has estimated that the country has a temporary use of the land. The mining life cycle during this
an estimated $840 billion worth of untapped mineral wealth, temporary use of the land can be divided into the following
as of 2012. stages: exploration, development, extraction, processing, and
mine closure.
About 30 million hectares of land areas in the
Philippines is deemed as possible areas for metallic minerals. In this section, we explain the various phases of mining, the
According to the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), about associated impact in each phase, and the suggested mitigation
nine million hectares of land areas is identified as having high or amelioration measures.
mineral potential. The Philippines metal deposit is estimated The figure below sets out the five physical stages of the life
at 21.5 billion metric tons and non-metallic minerals are at cycle of a mine.
19.3 billion metric tons, as of 2012.
Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Memorandum High-Level Questions About Revenues from the Extraction of
Circular (MC) No. 15 (issued in July 2019) enhanced the BO Minerals
Declaration form. The revised General Information Sheet (GIS) ➢ Are the revenues from the extraction of minerals
under MC No. 15 mandates corporations to fill out a beneficial significant? (Each source of revenue should be
information declaration form that asks for nine categories of assessed individually, and their importance should
beneficial owners and their information, including complete also be assessed in the aggregate. While large
name, residential address, nationality, tax identification revenues can be significant on their own, some
number, and percentage of ownership or voting rights. While smaller sources of revenues may also be significant
there is currently no public register of beneficial owners, work because of their function. For example, leases,
has begun to ensure that BO information, contracts and licenses, and permits may be important because they
extractives information is integrated into one publicly-available enable departments to know who should be paying
portal. royalties and fees.)