Major Project Report
Major Project Report
Major Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
AKSHAY VERMA RA1611001010228
SK IJAZ AHMAD RA1611001010239
JUNE 2020
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
AKSHAY VERMA RA1611001010228
SK IJAZ AHMAD RA1611001010239
JUNE 2020
further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form
part of any other project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or
We would like to place on record, our grateful thanks to Dr. SANDEEP SANCHETI,
Vice Chancellor and Dr. T. P. GANESAN, Pro Vice Chancellor (P&D), for providing all
facilities and help in carrying out this project. We thank Dr. C. MUTHAMIZHCHELVAN,
Director (Engg. & Tech.) for the stimulus provided.
We are extremely grateful to Dr. K. S. SATYANARAYANAN, Professor and Head,
Department of Civil Engineering for the encouragement and support provided during the project
We express our sincere thanks to the coordinators Dr. K. GUNASEKARAN,
Dr. S. SENTHIL SELVAN, Professors and Dr. R. RAVI, Associate Professor for their
valuable suggestions for improvement during project reviews.
We hereby acknowledge with deep sense of gratitude the valuable guidance,
encouragement and suggestions given by our guide Dr. L. KRISHNARAJ, Assistant Professor
(Sr.G) who has been a constant source of inspiration throughout this project.
Also, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all the faculty members and non-
teaching staff members in the Department of Civil Engineering for their direct and indirect help
rendered during the course of the project work.
We also thank the staff of SRM DTP section for their efforts in composing the project
report. We record our sincere thanks to our parents for the support and motivation.
Last, but not the least, we thank all our friends, who freely helped us in many ways
towards the successful completion of this project work.
3.1 GENERAL 15
4.1 GENERAL 23
4.3.1 Design of Girder 25
4.3.2 Design of Stringer 27
4.3.3 Design of Tower 28
4.3.4 Design of Beam 30
4.3.5 Design of Main Cable 31
4.3.6 Design of Suspenders 33
4.3.7 Design of Deck Slab 33
4.3.8 Cable Analysis Result 35
4.3.9 Suspender Analysis Result 36
4.3.10 Tower Analysis Result 37
4.3.11 Bridge Deck Analysis Result 38
5.1 GENERAL 40
1.1 Reference to codes and standards 3
1.2 Application of earlier course works 4
3.1 Project Details 17
3.2 Data Collected 18
4.1 Steel types for cables and suspenders 23
4.2 Steel types for floor beams, girders, stringers 24
4.3 Concrete for deck 24
4.4 Girder axial force 25
4.5 Girder moment 25
4.6 Girder axial force full 26
4.7 Girder moment full 27
4.8 Tower axial force 29
4.9 Tower moment (below deck) 29
4.10 Tower moment full (below deck) 29
4.11 Main cable forces 32
4.12 Suspender cable forces 33
4.13 Deck slab reinforcement detailing 35
4.14 Cable results 36
4.15 Suspender results 37
4.16 Tower results 37
4.17 Deck loading cases 38
4.18 Analysis summary for critical section 39
1.1 Methodology flowchart 2
3.1 Methodology flowchart 16
3.2 Plan of the bridge 19
3.3 3D view of the bridge 19
3.4 General loading case 20
3.5 Positive bending moment loading case 20
3.6 Negative bending moment loading case 20
3.7 3D View of the Bridge under Loading 21
3.8 Bending Moment under Loading 21
3.9 Axial forces under Loading 22
3.10 Cross Section of the bridge 22
4.1 Girder Cross Section 25
4.2 Stringer cross section 28
4.3 Stringer cross section with data 28
4.4 Tower cross section 29
4.5 Axial Force in Tower 30
4.6 Tower cross section 30
4.7 Beam cross section 31
4.8 Beam cross section with data 31
4.9 Main Cable cross section 32
4.10 Suspender Cable cross section 33
4.11 Cable axial forces 35
4.12 Suspenders 36
4.13 Axial force in tower 37
4.14 Self-anchored deck 38
Suspension bridges have been traced as early as 1532, with remains of bridges
being found in Peru and they were generally made using materials such as twisted
grass and these bridges were spanning a length of around 150 metres. This shows that
these bridges are not a modern engineering marvel but an adoption of an advanced
method of early engineering. The earlier bridges don’t stand for a long time as the
materials needed to be continuously replaced in order to facilitate the smooth and safe
functioning of the bridge and this problem has been massively reduced with the usage
of modern and much durable materials. (Ref 2)
It would massively reduce the travel time from Section Bazaar to Uttarkul.
It would save around 16 Kilometres of journey over an alternative route.
The Methodology applied in the analysis of the bridge structurally includes the
initial selection of site, then followed by a thorough study of the available literatures,
and accordingly preparation of a plan and then structural analysis and design of the
components and then drawing a conclusion and finally tabulating the results, is shown
in Figure 1.1.
Selection of Site
Literature Review
Preparation of Plan
The analysis of the bridge involves the usage of many standard procedures and
thus the requirement of usage on design codes. Table 1.1 shows the list of code books.
The usage of the courses taught in the period of learning is required in applying
for analysing and designing of the bridge. These include courses that involve structural
analysis and even designing components using steel and concrete. These courses
involve the application of both manual analysis and the usage of computer software as
a method of analysis. Table 1.2 shows the courses used for this project.
Discussion with the Assistant Engineer, Panda Contractors about the bridge
building project and its various features.
AutoCAD 2019
SAP2000 v14
MS Office Suite 2016
Suspension bridges have been traced as early as 1532, with remains of bridges
being found in Peru and they were generally made using materials such as twisted
grass and these bridges were spanning a length of around 150 metres. This shows that
these bridges are not a modern engineering marvel but an adoption of an advanced
method of early engineering. The earlier bridges don’t stand for a long time as the
materials needed to be continuously replaced in order to facilitate the smooth and safe
functioning of the bridge and this problem has been massively reduced with the usage
of modern and much durable materials. (Ref 2)
The cables used for support bear the tension forces acting on the bridge. These
supporting cables are stretched across the two supporting anchorage systems. The
anchorage systems are generally solid structures made up of concrete blocks in which
the bridge is set up. The tension forces are transferred to the ground through these
anchorage systems.
Along with the cables, most of the suspension bridges have a supporting truss
system under the bridge deck known as a deck truss. This serves the purpose of
stiffening the deck and prevent unwanted sway and ripple effect on the deck. (Ref 3)
Suspension bridges are known to span great distances with their range being
generally 600 to 2000 plus metres and their design structure enables them to span
through lengths which are beyond the possibility of any other type of bridge.
Considering the complex engineering involved and the materials required, these
bridges are surprisingly a costly construction but when it comes to the area covered by
them, this is an economically feasible option.
The two primary forces; Tension and Compression are not the only ones acting
on the bridge. Along with these forces, additional forces also act upon the bridge. The
nature and effect of these forces depends upon the location and design of the bridge.
But, in case of suspension bridges of extreme lengths, the deck truss is not
enough to provide the required resistance. This is why before designing of the bridges,
a wind tunnel test is conducted on the prototype and this enables to understand the
effects of the wind load in the generation of the torsion and the most affected parts of
the bridge. Once this data is obtained, the engineers then deploy the usage of slender
and diagonal suspenders which help in arresting the torsion generated.
Resonance: This is a kind of vibrational force that acts upon a bridge. This is
generated as a small periodic stimulus involving a sort of mechanical system. This
effect can be best known from the example of a singer being able to shatter a piece of
glass from the frequency of her voice. The waves generated carry just the right
frequency required to shatter the piece of glass even though an ordinary voice can’t
shatter a glass piece. This resonance effect can be understood from marching of troops
on a bridge creating a resonance effect. The solution to this problem is the usage of
dampeners which allow the resonating waves to be broken and hence the desired
frequency isn’t propagated and this leads to the prevention of fall of the bridge.
excessively strong, then the operation of the bridge needs to be closed
considering the safety parameters.
Soft Ground Issue: When the suspension bridge is needed to be built upon a
ground which is soft especially on waterways, then an extensive work needs to
be done regarding the foundation of the bridge.
High Traffic issue: This Bridge is suitable for transporting light and medium
loads and high loads cannot be transferred over this as the basic construction
of this bridge itself is light and a heavy load can inflict unwanted damage upon
the bridge.
The collection of literatures was done primarily from the internet with journals
and review papers being downloaded from various publishing websites. The papers
included general design of bridges with some of them giving specific information
about a particular aspect of the bridge. Details were also collected about the materials
to be used and the minimum dimensions of the components that were needed to be set.
Bathrust (2014) have made a study on the design of bridges. In this they
have discussed the essentials of bridge construction and the parameters and factors to
be considered while designing a bridge. This includes the structural safety and the
economic feasibility and the regional stability due to the new construction.
Sohel Ahmed Quadri (2015) has made a study on the historical steel bridge
over the River Seena in Ahmedabad. This is an insight of the historical and early
modern engineering of bridges. This was an important bridge that was constructed
across the River Seena and it’s made up of steel fully.
Donald J. Flemming (2007) have made a study on the basics of Bridge
Engineering. In this they have talked about the various basic principles of bridge
building and the instances where the required modifications are required to stop the
oncoming alertness of danger. Bridge design is best when the design is symmetric as
it helps in easier engineering and thus leading to better management capabilities.
A.M.S Freire (2006) have made a study on the geometrical nonlinearities
on the static analysis of highly flexible steel cable-stayed bridges. In this they have
talked about the problems that arise even though the components are placed
symmetrically on the bridge. The geometric strength curve of the bridge components
shows non linearity in the structural behaviour.
John Matteo (2007) have made a study on the safety analysis of the
suspension bridge cables. This includes structural testing of the cables and their testing
against torsion; a common phenomenon in the bridge cables. This may lead to flexural
damage if ignored and shouldn’t be left at any cost. This may lead to the collapse of
the entire bridge if not adequately strengthened.
Tanvir Manzur (2013) have made a study on the optimum dimensions of
suspension bridges considering natural period. In this they have discussed the various
assumptions taken into consideration while designing a bridge and the best of practices
to optimise the dimensions of the components used as per the need of the region. Using
a uniform set of dimension everywhere is not beneficial and certainly not economical
on the behalf of the construction management facility. Thus depending on the regional
requirement, the bridge components need to be designed.
Ahmed Adham Abdullah (2012) has made a study on Analysis and Design of
Suspension Bridge using CSi Bridge software and the analysis has been done using
AASHTO loading specifications and Iraqi specifications and standards for bridge
loadings and detailing. He has taken an Iraqi suspension bridge built in 1963 as
inspiration and case study. The actual loading data was used and input in the software.
After the analysis was done, the data obtained was tabulated and used for further
reference and opportunity to continue research.
Gohel Pinkal (2017) have made a study on Analysis and Construction
criteria of a suspension bridge and discussed the loading patterns and the types of
suspension bridges that are possible for construction at a place. They have discussed
about cable stayed bridges also and also about the materials to be used. The loading
patterns vary depending on the types of vehicles that are to pass through the bridge
and a different approach is taken when heavily loaded vehicles are required to pass.
Firoz Abbasi (2015) have made a study on the review and analysis of
Suspension Bridge Structures. They have talked about the general layout of the bridge,
the permanent loading conditions, the live loads acting and the dynamic loads on the
bridge. They have also discussed the behavior of the bridges under individual loading
conditions and when a combined load is acting upon them. The bending moment that’s
seen in the deck differs as per the differential loading condition but this leads to varying
new sections being exposed to moments and thus the need of deck stiffeners with a
higher capacity to resist these. They have applied this on the stringers to be used along
the length of the bridge and the role of the stringers in resting the load and moment.
C.Neeladharan (2017) have made a study on the Analysis and Design of
Suspension Cable Bridge using SAP2000 software. They have analysed a 1 Kilometre
span with a single lane supporting heavily loaded vehicles. The output of the software
provides data that includes moments, shear forces, axial forces and the analysis is done
based on these data. This data obtained for a single kilometre can be used to understand
the behaviour of the bridge when the spans are increased and the loading pattern
changed. This allows for a better generation of a model of a bridge and hence allowing
the development of a model before a general plan is prepared.
care of. They have pointed out the regions where the design forces and moments are
maximum and the regions with adequate strength.
P.K Chatterjee (1994) have made a study on the vibrations that are caused
to the suspension bridges due to the vehicular movements. They talk about the rolling
load that the vehicles generate upon the bridge and how the load generates vibrations
which travel throughout the bridge since it’s a rigid structure and how this effects the
bolts and nuts of the bridge connections. This is an important factor as any other force
that’s continuously generated in the bridge, it’s given a prime importance while
designing and preparing a maintenance schedule for the suspension bridge for well
keeping of it.
Murat Gunaydin (2014) have made a study on the structural behaviour of
the Bosporus suspension bridge considering construction stages and different soil
conditions. This study shows the inclusion of the foundational strength which allows
for a greater stability to the tower that stands above it.
Erdal Ergul (2014) have made a study on the Caisson foundation of the
tower taking into account the Izmit Bay Suspension Bridge Project. The caisson
foundation helps in taking care of the bridge load and this also helps in reduction of
wastage. Caissons are a good choice for soft soil conditions where the river soil is too
Pieterjan Pertz (2017) have made a study on the tower design for cable
bridges. In this, they have included the importance of structural steel and how the usage
of cables that are made up of more than one single wire can help in resisting any torsion
and shear while ensuring a long life and durability. They have talked about the
commonly used 5 and 7 strand wires as cables. These are based on the usage pattern
and usually the main cable is a 7 strand wire while the suspenders are 5 strand wire as
they are more in number and are likely to carry lesser load compared to the load that’s
to be carried by the main cables.
Dong Ho Choi (2014) have made a study on the simplification of analysis
for the preliminary design of towers in suspension bridges. In their study, they have
considered the usage of breakdown methods to allow for the simplified analysis of the
bridge. Although a software is used for the analysis of the bridge, however the analysis
is made better if the individual components are checked and it results in a lesser
complicated design overview.
R. Betti (2005) have made a study on the corrosion and embrittlement of
wires in suspension bridges. They have focussed on the need of continuous greasing
of the bridge cables and regular maintenance is the only way to prevent the cables from
falling down due to corrosion. Also if the bridge has been subjected to any unwanted
load, it should be checked thoroughly for any cases of the high strength wires
becoming brittle and increasing the chances of failing of wires and ultimately to failure
of the bridge as a whole.
Case study were done to get an idea of the scale and planning needed for such
a construction using “The Bridge and Structural Engineer”, “Determination of
Structural Behaviour of Bosporus suspension bridge considering construction stages
and different soil condition”, “Construction stage analysis of Humber Suspension
Bridges”. Even a historical research paper was studied to get an idea about the
construction methods in earlier modern engineering era in “Study on Hisorical Steel
Bridge over River Seena”. The basic design of our bridge was made using “The theory
of suspension bridges” and “Study on Suspension Bridge: Analysis and Construction
criteria” gaining understanding about the concepts, functioning and use of a suspension
bridge under specific conditions and its benefits. We chose the bridge to be self-
anchored after studying “Self-Anchored Suspension Bridges” because the soil on the
banks was not strong enough to support the anchor. The towers and other load bearing
components were designed using “Analysis and Design of Suspension Bridge”,
Independent Research”, “Simplified Analysis for Preliminary Design of Towers in
Suspension Bridges” and “Tower design for Cable Bridges”
The foundation was chosen after consulting the paper “The Caissons of the
Tower Foundation – Izmit Bay Suspension Bridge project” and since the water body
was not very deep and the sea floor soil is not strong enough to handle the weight of
the structure deep penetration well foundation was chosen to secure the structure to
the sea bed. After the main structure was designed based on the soil and dimensions
of the river we moved on to the design of the rigid pavement which was guided by
Indian Design Code for Rigid Pavement Slab Design which helped us have the basic
idea of a rigid pavement and how to design it while the vibration under vehicles was
studied from “Vibration of Suspension Bridge Under Vehicular Movement”.
Once the analysis for the dead weight of the reinforced concrete structure was
done, the pavement weight and vehicular expected load the cables were designed using
“Geometrical Nonlinearities on the static analysis of highly flexible steel cable-stayed
bridges”, the corrosion and protection handled using “Corrosion Mechanism and
Protection Methods for Suspension Bridges Cables” and “Corrosion and
Embrittlement in High Strength Wires of Suspension Bridge Cables”. A safety
analysis of the cables was done to avoid failure under extreme circumstances and
followed “Safety Analysis of Suspension-Bridge Cables”. Throughout the project, the
Indian Standard Codes were used as a continuous guide.
From these research papers and publications, the required inspiration for the
project was taken and implemented in the best possible way. There are some research
gaps on which further work can be done in future which includes:
Study on the design of the cables – Includes the usage of anchor blocks which
are used for support in the main cable.
Study on Wind load – Includes the consideration of application of wind load
simulation to the bridge and analyse it under wind load.
Study on Seismic load – Includes the application of seismic load upon the
bridge structure and the foundation of the bridge.
The process begins with the selection of site for the construction of a bridge
over a river called Chitropala in Odisha. The location chosen for this project is a village
in Odisha which is situated in between two major districts with an important water
body Chitroptala River but without a safe and reliable form of connection. A concrete
bridge connects across the river but is suitable only for light weight vehicles and is
unsuitable for heavy axle transportation vehicles. This is a major issue as being an
important connectivity route between the two districts, a bridge that can handle heavy
loads needs to be constructed as this will facilitate trade in the route and encourage
better opportunities for the people living in the districts and in the adjoining areas of
the river. Then various literatures were collected mainly from the internet and these
literatures were studied thoroughly and the required parts from them were used for the
project since the literatures shared many common points and details between them.
Once the literatures were reviewed, then a plan was prepared. The plan was
initially of a basic bridge and considering the requirement, it was decided to make a
Suspension bridge considering its benefits and the importance of a landmark in the
region. The data about the width of the bridge was collected from Official records
made public by the government of Odisha and a better overview using Google Maps.
This helped in getting the exact width of the river at that region and the surrounding
region details also.
Once the basic plan was made, then SAP2000 was used to input the analysis
data. The dimensions of the bridge were easily input considering a Suspension bridge
template being already available in the software. IRC 6 was used for getting the
loading data and all these were input and the structure was analysed. Once the analysis
was complete, individual components were checked and the Shear force, Bending
Moment and Axial forces were noted and a detailed table was obtained on the regions
where these forces were at maximum values. Based on the results obtained, various
conclusions regarding loading and forces were put forward.
The Methodology applied in the analysis of the bridge structurally includes the
initial selection of site, then followed by a thorough study of the available literatures,
and accordingly preparation of a plan and then structural analysis and design of the
components and then drawing a conclusion and finally tabulating the results, is shown
in Figure 3.1.
Selection of Site
Literature Review
Preparation of Plan
The project involves spanning the bridge over the Chitroptala River with the
river width being 310 metres. Table 3.1 includes the details regarding the bridge
geometry, the types of loads acting, the dimensions of important components and the
number of lanes that would be over the deck.
The data for the project was collected before the planning phase and once the
planning was done, the data of the load cases was applied with the usage of IRC 6 and
IRC 21 and the various other loads that would be acting upon the bridge other than the
live loads. Table 3.2 shows the various data that were collected for the purpose of
analysis and design of the bridge.
Table 3.2 Data Collected
The data that’s collected above is then input in the software and the analysis of
the bridge structure is done. The analysis result is obtained in form of data and some
visually represented diagrams such as the ones showing the loaded cases and the other
ones which show the bridge axial force diagrams and the ones showing the bridge
bending moment diagrams. These diagrams are generally generated by the analysis
software and some of them are made using the drawing software.
Figure 3.2 Plan of the Bridge
Figure 3.2 shows the plan of the bridge on AutoCAD showing the total length
to be 336 m, tower height 22 m above the deck and 5 metres below the deck, centre
span on the bridge to be 168 m, and side spans are 84 m each.
Figure 3.3 represents the 3D view of the bridge as shown on AutoCAD. The
parts shown in yellow are the cables and suspenders and the red part shows the bridge
Figure 3.4 General Loading Case
Figure 3.4 shows the general loading of the deck with a uniform load. This case
shows the bridge deck to have been loaded uniformly and as with the case of uniformly
distributed load, here also the load acting has been considered as acting at centre.
Figure 3.5 shows the loading of the deck with a uniform load which would give
a positive bending moment; a sagging deck. This case shows the centre region of the
bridge deck to have been loaded uniformly and as with the case of uniformly
distributed load, here also the load acting has been considered as acting at centre.
Figure 3.6 shows the loading of the deck with an eccentric uniform load which
would give a negative bending moment; a hogging deck. This case shows the off-
centre region of the bridge deck to have been loaded uniformly and as with the case of
uniformly distributed load, here also the load acting has been considered as acting at
respective proportions mid-point.
Figure 3.7 is a 3D visual representation of the bridge under loading with the
specific values for the critical sections mentioned in Table 3.2. The suspenders and
cables are shown in green while the bridge deck is shown in red.
Figure 3.8 shows the bending moment in the bridge deck under loading
conditions. The bending moment can be seen as a significant value near the supports
and at the middle of the deck.
Figure 3.9 Axial forces under Loading
Figure 3.9 shows the axial forces in the bridge under loading. The red part
shows the axial force acting on the towers and the yellow part shows the axial force
acting on the cables and suspenders.
Figure 3.10 shows the stress regions in the bridge. The colour code given below
shows the intensity of the stress on the bridge components with grey being the lowest
stress region and red being the highest stress region.
Figure 3.11 Cross Section of the bridge
Figure 3.11 represents the cross section of the bridge showing the dimensions
as 3 m depth and 10.6 m width. It also shows the elements such as the beam, the girder,
the vertical reinforcement and its spacing, road, and stringer. There’s a 430 mm deck
slab that’s made of M40 grade concrete.
The analysis gave reports on the performance of the bridge components under
loading conditions. With the help of the report generated by the software, the design
of the components was then done. The sections of the bridge confirmed to the
adequacies and the requirements that were set by the different guidelines and this
helped in ensuring the result of the bridge as a safe design.
The steel used here is a high strength steel and the steel used for the cables and
suspenders is structural steel. The strength of cable steel is twice that of high strength
structural steel and four times that of the mild strength steel. This increase in strength
leads to reduction of ductility of the steel cables and they are susceptible to brittle
failure if an unexpected load is applied upon them.
The steel used for this base stringers, girders, beams are of high strength
structural steel. This strength is achieved by the addition of extra carbon content in the
steel. This allows structural steel to have a strength at least two times higher than that
of mild steel. Table 4.2 shows the usage of high strength structural steel properties.
Table 4.2 Steel types for floor beams, girders, stringers
Since the deck is going to bear the load of the vehicles, the concrete used here
is of M40 grade which gives a higher bearing capacity to the deck and allows for the
deck to be stiff enough to bear the loads that would be over it. It also allows the even
distribution of loads to the secondary load bearers like beams and stringers which are
help in place by girders further. Table 4.3 shows the properties of the concrete used.
After the analysis results were obtained, the design of the components was
done based on the data obtained. Initially a standard data set was input and that was
then checked whether it withstood the applied loads and thus the section properties
were changed as per the sectional requirement. Shown next are the individual
components designed for the bridge.
Figure 4.1 is a graphical representation of the cross section of the girder which
is a tube section with the outside depth and width to be 3 m and 2 m respectively while
the flange and web thickness are 0.4 m each.
The girder is designed to add stiffness to the deck and keep the overall shape
of the deck intact. A tube section is chosen as girder. The maximum and minimum
values of the forces under loading were obtained as shown below in table 4.4 and
maximum and minimum moments in table 4.5.
The maximum axial force seen in the girders is at the end and the number
assigned to the girder component here is 4. This is near the starting point of the bridge
and at a loading of 19211.12 kN, the maximum axial force in the girder is 329.813 kN.
This is same in the other end also and the minimum axial force is 44.877 kN.
The maximum bending moment seen in the girders is at the mid span and the
number assigned to the girder component here is 380. This is near the mid span point
of the bridge and at a loading of 43077.88 kN, the maximum bending moment
encountered by the girder is 164056.53 kN-m and minimum is -62382.235 kN-m.
4.3.2 Design of Stringer
The stringer is designed to add stiffness to the deck and keep the overall layout
of the deck intact. I-section is chosen as stringer. I-Section is chosen because of its
high Section Modulus and this is an ideal shape when it comes to bearing extremely
heavy loads. A depth of 1.8 m allows a good section height for load bearing.
Figure 4.3 Stringer cross section with data
Figure 4.4 shows that the Top-Tower here has a tube section layout. The
dimensions have been kept symmetrical owing to a higher strength and a better
architectural look. With a flange thickness of 0.25 m, it’s adequately thick. The tower
gets a maximum axial force of -1383.63 kN. The maximum and minimum values for
the tower forces are shown in tables 4.8.
Figure 4.5 Bottom-Tower cross section
Figure 4.5 shows that the Bottom-Tower here has a tube section layout. The
dimensions have been kept symmetrical owing to a higher strength and a better
architectural look and stability with bottom being wider. With a flange thickness of 1
m, it’s adequately thick. The tower gets a maximum axial force of 122309.211kN. The
maximum and minimum values for the tower forces are shown in tables 4.9, 4.10.
The elements of the tower that are below the deck are subjected to moment
due to the load carried by it above. Table 4.10 shows the loading values for the tower
above the deck.
Figure 4.6 shows the axial forces acting on the tower with the maximum axial
force being -530.631 kN and the minimum axial force being 1383.63 kN at the
Figure 4.7 Top-Tower cross section
Figure 4.7 graphically represents the top-tower cross section which is a tube
section having the outer sides as 3 m long and the thickness of each side to be 0.25 m.
Figure 4.7 graphically represents the top-tower cross section which is a tube
section having the outer sides as 3 m long and the thickness of each side to be 1 m.
The beam is designed to add stiffness to the deck and keep the overall layout
of the deck intact. I-section is chosen as beam. I-Section is chosen because of its high
Section Modulus and this is an ideal shape when it comes to bearing extremely heavy
loads. A depth of 2 m allows a good section height for load bearing.
Figure 4.10 shows that the beam is made up of I-Section with the flange width
being 0.8 m and a flange thickness of 0.1 m while having a web thickness of 0.1 m and
an overall depth of 2 m.
4.3.5 Design of Main Cable
Figure 4.11 graphically represents the cross section of the main cable used in
the suspension bridge which has a radius of 0.5 m. This is the radius of the whole wire
in a cable which is composed of 7 individual wires.
Main Cables
Total diameter: 1 m
= 0.785 m2
MAIN Brace 1.65005 73326.291 -918.0523 -176.335 14.073
MAIN Brace 3.30009 73268.126 -731.7899 -49.431 14.073
MAIN Brace 0 164428.18 -2942.339 -677.874 31.512
MAIN Brace 1.65005 164298.55 -2057.142 -395.061 31.512
MAIN Brace 3.30009 164168.93 -1638.600 -112.248 31.512
Suspender Cables
= 0.04 m2
SUSPENDER Column 9.48469 437.438 -5.5045 -3.711 -0.193
SUSPENDER Column 18.96939 547.526 29.6979 -3.711 -0.193
SUSPENDER Column 0 381.908 -47.4913 -4.33 -0.225
SUSPENDER Column 9.48469 510.344 -6.4219 -4.33 -0.225
SUSPENDER Column 18.96939 638.781 34.6476 -4.33 -0.225
SUSPENDER Column 0 861.676 -106.259 -9.686 -0.505
SUSPENDER Column 9.48469 1147.90 -14.3918 -9.686 -0.505
SUSPENDER Column 18.96939 1434.13 77.4757 -9.686 -0.505
Clear Span: 5 m
Estimated overall depth of the slab: = 0.416 m
2. Dead Load
(qdl × L) (12.52 × 5.43)
Shear Force: Vdl = = = 33.99 kN/m
2 2
For a single concentrated load, the effective width shall be calculated in accordance
with the following equation; provided that it shall not exceed the actual width of the
bef = αx (1 - )+b
3. Live Load
B 10.6
= = 1.952
L 5.43
x= = 2.715
x 2.715
bef = αx (1 - ) + b = 3 × 2.715 (1 – ) + 1.04 = 5.113 m
L 5.43
But we will consider 5.43 m as this is the maximum width available for design.
Effective width for both tracks: 2.92 + (2.9 – 0.84) + = 7.536 m
4. Impact Factor
We will consider the impact factor be 10 % as the span here is less than 9 m.
10 + × (9 - 5.43) = 23.3875 %
(1.2338 × 700)
Intensity of loading: = 21.106 kN/m2
(5.43 × 7.536)
= 77.782 kN-m/m
5. Design Constraints
For M40 grade concrete and Fe415 steel, from IRC 21, Table 9
m: Modular ratio: 10
N 0.399
j=1- =1– = 0.867
3 3
Q = 0.5 × N × j × σcbc = 0.5 × 0.399 × 0.867 × 13.33 = 2.3056
Design Bending Moment: 123.922 kN-m/m
Design Shear Force: 91.295 kN-m/m
Maximum Bending Moment
Effective Depth: √ ( )
(123.922 × 106)
=√( ) = 231.836 mm
(1000 × 2.3056)
deff provided = 430 – 50 = 380 mm, 50 mm is the bottom cover
Area of longitudinal reinforcement:
Maximum Bending Moment
Ast =
σst × deff provided × j
(123.922 × 106)
= = 1880.683 mm2
200 × 231.836 × 0.867
Assumed 20 mm Ø bars
× 1000 = 166.96 mm ≈ 160mm c/c
Alternate bars need to bend at the supports.
Distribution steel should be designed for bending moment: 0.3 × BM LL + 0.2 BMDL
= (0.3 × 77.788) + (0.2 × 46.14) = 32.56 kN-m
Assumed 10 mm Ø bars width-wise.
Ø longitudinal bar Ø distribution bar
deff available width-wise: deff provided – -
2 2
20 10
= 380 - - = 365 mm
2 2
32.56 × 106
Area of distribution steel = = 514.449 mm2
200 × 365 × 0.867
× 1000 = 152.59 mm ≈ 150mm c/c
5. Check for Shear Stress
100 × Ast provided 100 × 942
Tco = = = 0.247 N/mm2
b × deff provided 1000 × 380
Using IRC 21:2000, Table 12B, for M40 grade concrete,
τco = 0.227
τc = 1 × 0.227 = 0.227
0.227 > τv (Design is safe from shear failure).
Figure 4.13 shows the slab reinforcement details for the concrete deck slab.
The 10 mm bars are used as stress distribution bars while the laterally provided bars
are of 20 mm and these are the main reinforcements for the slab.
Figure 4.14 Slab Section AA
Figure 4.14 shows the sectional details of the slab and the reinforcements
shown in yellow are the stress distribution reinforcements, also known as secondary
reinforcements while the ones shown in red are the primary or main reinforcements.
The result of the analysis of cable was summarised in table 4.13 and in table
4.13, the loading cases are summarised.
Figure 4.15 represents the axial forces being applied on the suspension bridge
structure. The parts shown in yellow are the cable axial force diagram while the red
representation shows the axial force on towers due to the cables.
The result of the analysis of suspender was summarised in table 4.14 and in
table 4.18, the loading cases are summarised.
Figure 4.16 represents the different sections of the bridge in a software naming
way. The software has been used to allocate these names and as shown the suspenders,
girders, cables are clearly shown in the figure.
Table 4.15 Suspender results
The result of the analysis of tower was summarised in table 4.9, 4.10 and in
table 4.18, the loading cases are summarised.
Figure 4.13 represents the axial forces acting on the tower. The red part shows
the tower axial forces while the yellow part shows the cables and the green shows the
suspenders although the axial forces for them aren’t shown.
982 -56079.13 1330.1635 -619.07
982 -53656.05 -10533.75 -530.631
From the analysis of the tower, the following observations are made:
The result of the analysis of bridge deck was summarised in table 3.3, 3.4 and
in table 4.18, the loading cases are summarised.
Figure 4.14 shows that the cables are anchored to the deck itself. This self-
anchoring of the deck allows the region to have a lesser axial force and this is evident
from table 4.6 showing the decrease in axial force in the support region.
The critical sections of the bridge are figured out with the naming of the critical
frame numbers. The forces acting on them are noted and this leads to the tabulation of
the critical forces in the sections. Table 4.18 shows the analysis summary for the
critical sections of the bridge.
After a thorough review of the analysis reports, the general and specific
observations are noted. This includes the structures where the most stresses are found
and also the regions of applications of stresses.
Thus after the analysis and design of the components was completed, we arrive
at the following conclusions regarding the designing of the bridge project:
The analysis has been performed based on Indian Standard Codes and hence
the loading cases and patterns followed accordingly.
The main cable experiences a maximum tension of 33184.203 kN at the
support of the tower. The maximum average stress is 368.7 N/mm2. The stress
is within permissible limits and the structure is safe. The cables are subjected
to pure tensile stresses.
The loading is maximum for the main cables at the mid-span region while the
loading is maximum for the suspenders at the tower region.
The girder was subjected to both positive moment loading as well as negative
moment loading.
For Shear, the stress is 32.46 N/mm2.
For Positive moment, the stress is 138.226 N/mm2 is at mid-span.
For Negative moment, the stress is 111.509 N/mm2 is near the support.
The bridge towers are subjected to pure compressive forces above the deck.
The maximum compressive force experienced is 27220.898 kN.
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