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A psychiatrist is a physician who Clinical psychology is the psychological

specializes in psychiatry. Psychiatrists specialty that provides continuing and

are physicians and evaluate patients to comprehensive mental and behavioral
determine whether their symptoms are health care for individuals, couples,
the result of a physical illness, a families, and groups; consultation to
combination of physical and mental agencies and communities; training,
ailments or strictly mental issues. education, and supervision; and research-
based practice.

Specialists in this area focus on maintenance, protection, and in

improvement health of all community members.

Barangay health workers are a type Sanitary inspections for sanitation

of community health workers and act systems are short, standardized
as health advocates and educators observation checklists that can be used
within their communities. to assess risk factors at or near
sanitation facilities and identify
appropriate actions to safeguard public

People whose careers revolve around this area seek to reduce community
and individual problems related to alcohol and drug abuse through
evidence-based programs and policy advocacy.

Special agents with the DEA (Drug Drug rehabilitation is the process of
Enforcement Administration) are law medical or psychotherapeutic treatment
enforcement specialists who handle for dependency on psychoactive
drug-related crimes and protect substances such as alcohol, prescription
citizens from drug trafficking. drugs, and street drugs such as cannabis,
cocaine, heroin or amphetamines.

Specialists in this area find ways to balance individuals’ food and nutrition
and their impact on patients’ health. These include meal planning, food
preparation and economics.

Clinical dietitians and clinical Public health nutrition is the science and
nutritionists provide medical nutrition art of preventing disease, prolonging life,
therapy. They create customized and promoting health through the
nutritional programs based on the medium of nutrition. The aim of those
health needs of clients and counsel working as public health nutritionists is
clients on how to improve their for everyone to achieve greater health
health through nutrition. and well-being by making healthier food
and nutrition-related choices.)
It’s focused on working with patients to provide care, treatment, or
counseling to improve the patient’s status over time.

A pharmacist, also known as a Occupational therapists are health care

chemist or a druggist, is a healthcare professionals specializing in occupational
professional who dispenses therapy and occupational science. OTs
medications and who provides advice and occupational therapy assistants use
on their effective use, with the aim of scientific bases and a holistic perspective
preventing disease and promoting to promote a person's ability to fulfill their
public health. daily routines and roles.

Dental health workers deal with various oral conditions which include
chronic mouth and facial pain, oral sores, periodontal (gum) disease, tooth
decay and tooth loss, other diseases and disorders that affect the oral
cavity, and risk factors of oral diseases which include unhealthy diet,
tobacco use, harmful alcohol use, and poor oral hygiene.

Dental hygienists examine patients A dental nurse is to work alongside

for signs of oral diseases, such as and assist dentists, therapists, and
gingivitis, and provide preventive hygienists in the care of patients. It is
care, including oral hygiene. They a varied job and can include
also educate patients about oral everything from supporting with
health. routine examinations to advanced
specialist treatments.

The health informatics pathway involves a wide variety of occupations

made up of people responsible for managing patient information, financial
information, and computer applications related to health care.

Nursing management consists of the A health care administrator (also

performance of the leadership known as a medical or health
functions of governance and services manager) is tasked with
decision-making within organizations overseeing the operations of health
employing nurses. It includes care providers. Whether at a doctor’s
processes common to all office, hospital, senior care facility, or
management like planning, outpatient clinic, the health care
organizing, staffing, directing, and administrator coordinates the
controlling. business activities of the facility or
These health workers deal with complex public health issues that affect
women, children, and their families. This include providing information on
reproductive health, family planning, healthcare of pregnant women and their
children, and improvement of health delivery system through advocacy,
education, and research.

Midwifery is the health science and health A community health educator is a health
profession that deals with pregnancy, professional that focuses on promoting good
childbirth, and the postpartum period, in health and disease prevention within a
addition to the sexual and reproductive community. They work in a variety of settings
health of women throughout their lives. In within the community including in schools,
many countries, midwifery is a medical government positions and even for private
profession. A professional in midwifery is companies and businesses.
known as a midwife.

These medical professionals specialize in dealing with interpersonal and

interpersonal relationships and life skills. These include cognitive and
psychosocial development, promotion of healthy self-esteem through
feelings and anger management and identifying warning signs or red flags
of learning disorders, such as ADHD, anxiety, mood disorders, stress, and

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