Ai Roadmap

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Ai roadmap:-

‫اكيد اكيد مش محتاج اقولك ان مينفعش الرود ماب تطلع برا الجروب‬
... ‫يال نبدا‬
Road map Agenda
3-Machine learning
4-Deep learning
5-Computer vision (field)

1- Python
Session 1:- ‫ساعة‬
- Python comment
- Python variables
- Python datatypes
- Python numbers
- Python casting
- Python string
- 3 problems (min)
- 2 problems task (min)
Session 2:- ‫ساعة ونص‬
- Python if…else
- Python while loop
- Python list
-access list items
-change list items
-add list items
- remove list items
- loop list
- 3 problems
- 2 problems task (min)

Session 3:- ‫ساعة ونص‬

- Python Tuples
- Access Tuple Items
- Update Tuples
- Unpack Tuples
- Loop Tuples
- Join Tuples
- Python Sets
- Access Set Items
- Add Set Items
- Remove Set Items
- Loop Sets
- Join Sets
- 3 problems
- 2 problems task (min)
- Session 4:- ‫ساعة ونص‬
- Python Dictionaries
- Access Dictionary Items
- Change Dictionary Items
- Add Dictionary Items
- Remove Dictionary Items
- Loop Dictionaries
- Copy Dictionaries
- Nested Dictionaries
- Python Functions
- Creating a Function
- Calling a Function
- Arguments
- Parameters or Arguments?
- Number of Arguments
- Passing a List as an Argument
- Return Values
- The pass Statement
- Positional-Only Arguments
- Keyword-Only Arguments
- 3 problems
- 2 problems task
Session 5:- ‫ساعة ونص‬
- Classes and Objects
- Inheritance
- Iterators
- Polymorphism
- Scope
- Modules
- Datetime
- Math
- 4 problems
- 3 problems tasks
Session 6:- ‫ساعة‬
- File handling
- Read and write files
- Intro to algorithm
- Problem in python solved in the session
- 2 problems tasks python
‫مصدرك ف بايثون موقع ال‬W3

Session 7:- ‫ساعة‬

- Space and time
- Run time
- Guiding principles
- Run time Vs Order
- How to calculate order
- Solve 3 problems to calc order
- Solve 1 problem solving python
- 3 problems tasks (1 for python as
problem solving , 2 for calc orders)
Session 8:- ‫ساعة‬
-asymptotic notations (O , ‫ اوميجا‬, ‫)السيتا‬
-many examples
- 1 python problem task
- 3 problems to calc (O , ‫ اوميجا‬, ‫ )السيتا‬Task
Session 9:- 7 ‫ساعة تكلمة السيشن ال‬
asymptotic notations (O , ‫ اوميجا‬, ‫)السيتا‬
-many examples
- 1 python problem task
- 3 problems to calc (O , ‫ اوميجا‬, ‫ )السيتا‬Task
Session 10:- ‫ساعة‬
‫( حل مسائل ع‬O , ‫ اوميجا‬, ‫)السيتا‬
- 2 problems tasks

Session 11 :- ‫ساعة‬
- Analysis of recursion
- Examples to recursion
- 2 problems task
- Python problem
Session 12:- ‫ساعة‬
- More Examples to recursion
- 2 problems task
- Python problem
Session 13:- ‫ساعة‬
-what is divide and conquer
- examples
-1 problem task
Session 14:- ‫ساعة‬
- more examples
- 3 problem task
Session 15:- ‫ساعة‬
-thinking problems
- unimodal search
- power number
- 2 problem tasks
Session 16 :- ‫ساعة‬
Implement code to solve it with divide
and conquer using python.
Session 17 :- ‫ساعة‬
- What is a merge sort
- Why merge sort
- Session 18:- ‫ساعة‬
- Implement code to solve it with merge
sort using python.
Machine learning:-
Session18:- ‫ساعة‬
• Machine Learning Tutorial
• Machine Learning Applications
• Life cycle of Machine Learning
• Install Anaconda & Python
• AI vs Machine Learning
• How to Get Datasets
• Data Preprocessing
• Supervised Machine Learning
• Unsupervised Machine Learning
• Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
• Session19:- ‫ساعة‬
• Supervised Learning
• Regression Analysis
• Linear Regression
• Simple Linear Regression
• Multiple Linear Regression
• Backward Elimination
• Polynomial Regression
Session20:- ‫ساعة‬
• Classification Algorithm
• Logistic Regression
• K-NN Algorithm
• Support Vector Machine Algorithm
• Naïve Bayes Classifier
Session21:- ‫ساعة‬
• NumPy library
• Examples
• One task

Session22:- ‫ساعة‬
• Pandas lib
• Examples
• One task
Session23:- ‫ساعة‬
• Mat blot lib
• Examples
• One task

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