Combining Support Vector Machines: 6.1. Introduction and Motivations
Combining Support Vector Machines: 6.1. Introduction and Motivations
Combining Support Vector Machines: 6.1. Introduction and Motivations
Research on classical pattern recognition models was challenged by the recent development of a novel SVMs based approach. SVMs not only attempt to make the traditional pattern recognition model out of date, but also SVMs are benefiting from the research on classifier ensembles [105]. SVM based discriminant approach is preferred in high dimension image space. SVM classification models could be developed by using different kernel functions. Different SVM models have been selected due to their high discrimination power and low generalization error for new test examples. Optimization of SVM models is an active area of research. Usually two issues are tried to solve, in order to optimize SVM models, e.g. the selection of suitable kernel function and its associated parameters (model selection) [107]-[113]. In optimal kernel selection, first, SVM are tested on various kernels for improved classification performance and minimum training error [106]. While, in kernel model selection, mostly iterative search is applied in order to optimize the parameters within the range of [1015 1015 ] [110]. However, these exhaustive search methods are based on trial and error. They become intractable when the number of parameters exceeds two [107]. Various researchers have offered application dependent solutions. However, no intelligent method has been
developed to optimize SVM models. Therefore, research in the development of high performance generalized method is required. Currently, the combination of SVM classifiers has attained a considerable attention. Due to the lack of general classifiers combination rules, problem specific solutions have been offered. In a recent work, Moguerza1 in [115] have worked on combining SVM classifiers. However, they have used the concept of linear combination of kernels to perform functional (matrix) combination of kernels. Their combination uses class conditional probabilities and nearest neighbor techniques. Previously, GP has been used in combining different classification models like, Artificial Neural Network [22]-[23], Decision Trees [101] and Nave Bayes to produce a composite classifier, therefore, there are good chances for GP based combination of SVM classifiers to perform better. In this chapter, various GP simulations are carried out under different feature sets in order to show the superiority of OCC.
Chapter Goals
The main goal of this chapter is the optimization of SVM models. This work tries to show that GP based combination of classifiers scheme is more informative and generalized. This chapter seeks to address the following research questions: 1. Can SVM component classifiers be combined through GP search to produce higher performance composite classifier? 2. Is it possible to achieve high accuracy with fewer features set with GP? 3. Is it possible to analyze the accuracy and complexity involved in composite classifier? In this chapter, we will try to address these research questions.
SVM Classifiers
Conventional neural network methods have demonstrated difficulties to nd a good generalization performance [116]. Because of these difficulties, in the last few years the scientic community has been experimenting with learning through SVMs. This learning method is more promising. It has started receiving more attention. Support vector machine is developed for binary classification problems. SVMs are margin based classifiers with good generalization capabilities. They have been used widely in various classification, regression and image processing tasks [2], [106]. SVMs were developed to solve classication problems and initial work was focused on optical character recognition applications [2]. However, some recent applications and extensions of SVMs include isolated handwritten digit recognition, object recognition speaker identication, and face detection in images and text categorization. All of the above cases are applications of SVMs for classication. SVMs have also been applied to a number of different types of problems including regression estimation and novelty detection. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) were introduced by Vapnik in [2]. SVMs are based on the Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) principle from statistical learning
theory. SRM minimizes a bound on the test error. In opposite to this, the Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) principle is used by neural networks to minimize the error on the training data. SVM performs pattern classification between two classes to find a decision surface that has maximum distance to the closest points in the training set. These closest points are called support vectors. SVM views the classification problem as a quadratic optimization problem and avoids the curse of dimensionality by placing an upper bound on the margin between classes. The training principle of SVM is to find the optimal linear hyper-plane such that the classification error for new test samples is minimized. For a linearly separable data, such a hyper-plane is determined by maximizing the distance between the support vectors. Consider n training pairs ( xi , yi ), where xi R N and yi {1, 1 } , the decision surface is defined as:
f (x) =
1 i y i x iT . x + b i=
vector xi that corresponds to i > 0 is called a support vector. f ( x) is independent of the dimension of the feature space and the sign of f ( x) gives the membership class of x . In case of linear SVM, the kernel function is simply the dot product of two points in the input space. In order to find an optimal hyperplane for non-separable patterns, the solution of the following optimization problem is sought.
( w, ) =
N 1 T w w + C i 2 i =1
i =1
The weight vector w minimizes the cost function term wT w . For nonlinear data, we have to map the data from the low dimension N to higher dimension M through ( x) such that : R N F M , M >> N . Each point ( x) in the new space is subject to Mercers theorem. Different kernel functions are defined as: K ( xi , x j ) = ( xi ). ( x j ) . We can construct the nonlinear decision surface f ( x) in terms of i > 0 and kernel function K ( xi , x j ) as:
f ( x) = i yi K ( xi , x) + b = i yi ( xi ) ( x) + b
i =1 i =1
where, N s is the number of support vectors. In SVMs, there are two types of kernel functions, i.e. local (Gaussian) kernels and global (linear,
polynomial, sigmoidal) kernels. The measurement of local kernels is based on a distance function while the performance of global kernels depends on the dot product of data samples. Linear, polynomials and radial basis functions are mathematically defined as:
K ( xi , x j ) = exp(
Linear, RBF and polynomial kernels have one, two, and four adjustable parameters respectively. All these kernels share one common cost parameter C , , which represents the constraint violation of the data point occurring on the wrong side of the SVM boundary. The parameter in the RBF shows the width of Gaussian functions. In order to obtain optimal values of these parameters, there is no general rule about the selection of grid range and step size. In the present work to select the optimal parameters of kernel functions, grid search method is used
This chapter attempt to combine different SVM classifiers developed through kernel functions. This technique automatically tries to select optimal kernel functions and model selection to achieve high performance composite classifier. First component SVM classifiers are constructed through the learning of SVMs by different kernel functions. Then, the predicted information of these SVM classifiers is used to develop an OCC. To study the performance of classifiers, gender classification problem is taken as a test case. ROC curve is chosen to analyze the performance of classifiers [43]. AUCH of ROC curve is used as a fitness function during GP evolution process. The scheme of combination of classifiers is carried out using the concept of stacking the predictions of component SVM classifiers to form a new feature space [94], [95]. Suppose we have m kernel functions { K f 1 , K f 2 ,L , K fm } , to represent different SVM learning algorithms. The dataset S with examples si = ( xi , ci ) is partitioned into
1 2 non-overlapping sets, such that {St Stst S tst } = . First step is the construction of a set of m
component classifiers C1 , C2 ,L , Cm . They are obtained by training kernel functions at training data set St i.e. C j = K fj ( St ) , j = 1, 2,L , m . Second step is the construction of a set of
1 predictions i.e. c j = C j ( xi ), at xi Stst
the training of new meta-space of the form of ((c1 , c2 ,L , cm ), ci ), instead with examples
1 of ( xi , ci ) Stst . GP combine the predictions of component classifiers (c1 , c2 ,L , cm ) , to obtain
an optimal classifier. These predictions of component classifiers are used as unary functions in GP
tree to represent combination of SVM classifiers. These unary functions are combined during crossover and mutation operations to develop OCC. The main modules in our scheme are shown in Figure 6.1 with double dashed boxes. A brief introduction of each module includes the formation and normalization of database; feature selection; classifiers performance evaluation criteria and combination of SVM classifiers as follows: 6.4.1. Normalization of Face Database Various databases are combined to form a generalized unbiased database for binary classification task. Different face images are collected from the standard databases of ORL, YALE, CVL and Stanford medical student. In this way, a general database is formed. Images are taken under various conditions of illumination with different head orientations. In the normalization stage, CSU Face Identification Evaluation System [118] is used to convert all images in the uniform state. Images within the databases are of different sizes taken under various conditions. CSU system includes standardized image pre-processing software to study the unbiased performance of classifiers. In order to convert each image of size 103 by 150 into a normalized form, this system performs various image preprocessing tasks. First, human faces are aligned according to the chosen eye coordinates. Then, an elliptical mask is formed and images are cropped such that the face from forehead to chin and cheek to cheek is visible. At last, the histogram of the unmasked part of the image is equalized. A sample of a few images, their normalized form, as well as the block diagram for processing images is shown in Figure 6.2 (a )-(b). 6.4.2. Feature Selection by using SIMBA Feature selection is the task of reducing the dimension by selecting a small subset of the features, which contains the needed information. Feature selection reduces the feature space, which in turn speeds up the classification process. Such features make the data more decisive because it is easier to visualize and compute low dimensional data then high dimensional data. There exist many methods for feature selection. The feature space may be reduced by selecting the most distinguishing features through minimization of the feature set size [123]. Classification rule can assign some confidence to its prediction. This confidence is called margin. An algorithm like Support Vector Machines is an example for the significance of margin. In this way, a large margin is obtained by combining for feature selection, which generates efficient feature selection algorithm. This margin is used to evaluate the fitness of sets of features to the underlying classification task. Different search methods are used to find a good set of features based on the margin criteria. Margin based feature selection methods are also being used. We have used margin based Simba Algorithm [27] for optimal the image pixel selection. In order to analyze the performance of classifiers for various feature sets, different values of thresholds are used for this weight vector. After picking the desired image pixels, three separate datasets; training data1, testing data1 and testing data2 are formed. A database S, for which, we
have selected 300 male and 300 female images. Thus, each part of this dataset contains 100 male and 100 female images. This data is then used in various training and testing stages.
Input Facial image database Facial image normalization Feature selection using Simba algo. Data formation (training data1 for SVM kernels)
Poly SVM
GP module
Initial population generation No Fitness evaluation Termination criteria = ?
Testing data1
Testing data2
Figure 6.1: Architecture of proposed classification system 6.4.3. Classifiers Performance Criteria
In GP evolution process, the choice of fitness function is very important. This function strongly affects the performance of evolved GP programs so that a combination of classifiers could be obtained as accurate as possible. To obtain an ROC curve, each classifier is tuned by changing its sensitivity level (threshold). When the sensitivity is at the lowest level, the classifier neither produces false alarms, nor detects positive cases. When the sensitivity is increased, the classifier detects examples that are more positive but may also start generating false alarms. Ultimately, the sensitivity may become so high that the classifier always claims each case is positive.
Figure 6.2: (b), A few input faces and processed f 6.4.4. GP based Combination of SVM Classifiers In order to design optimal composite classifier, first step is to train SVMs with different kernel functions on training data and their predicted information is extracted using another data. The predictions of different SVM models such as linear SVM, polynomial SVM and radial basis function SVM are stacked in the form of vectors to form a new meta-data for GP learning. The role of the SVMs in the first layer of the combination scheme is similar to the first layer of neural network. The predictions of these individual SVM classifiers are used as special unary functions in a GP tree and a variable terminal T is used as a threshold. Figure 6.3 shows the configuration of a combination of SVMs classifiers. The combination of classifiers is performed in homogenous or heterogeneous way. In homogenous combination, trained SVM classifiers on the different feature sets are combined through GP. This composite classifier OCC is a function of any one of the SVM classifiers;
C L , C P , C R . In heterogeneous combination, two or more classifiers trained on the
same/different feature sets are combined. The composite classifier is a function of two or more SVM classifiers i.e. f (C L , C P ), f (CP , CR ) or f (C L , CP , C R ) . OCC might have a better chance to produce higher AUCH of ROC curve than its component SVM classifiers. GP Module In context of classification, GP-based technique comes under the category of stochastic methods, in which randomness plays a crucial role in searching and learning. We represent a classifier as a
candidate solution with a tree like-data structure. Initially, a population of individuals is created randomly as a possible solution space. Next, score of each classifier is obtained for a certain classification task. In this way, the fitness of each classifier is calculated. The survival of fittest is carried out by retaining the best classifiers. The rest are deleted and replaced by their offspring. These retained classifiers and their offspring are used for the next generation. During genetic evolution, each new generation has a slightly higher average score. In this way, the solution space is refined and converges to the optimal solution [13]. We have used GPLAB software [119] to develop OCC. All the necessary settings are given in Table 6.1. In order to represent possible solutions in the form of a complex numerical function, suitable functions, terminals, and fitness criteria are defined. Different functions of our GP module are as follows: GP function set: GP Function set is a collection of various mathematical functions available in the GP module. In GP simulations, we have used simple functions, including four binary floating arithmetic operators (+, -, *, and protected division), LOG, EXP, SIN and COS. Three component SVM classifiers prediction (L, P and R) are stacked and used as unary functions with input being threshold T. method of obtaining these predictions are described in the implantation section 4. Our functions set also consist of application specific logical statements e.g. greater than (gt) and less than (lt). GP terminals: To create population of candidate OCC, we consider OCC as a class mapping function which consists of the independent variables and constants. Threshold T is taken as a variable terminal. Randomly generated numbers in the range of [0, 1] are used as constant terminals in GP tree. In this way, GP is allowed to combine the decision space of different SVM classifiers. Population initiaization method: Initial popoulation is generated by using ramped half and half method. In this methood, an equal number of components are initialized for each depth, with the number of depths considered from two to the initial tree depth value. For each tree depth level, half of the components are initialized using Grow method and the other half components using Full method. Fitness evaluation function: We have used the concept of AUCH of ROC curve as a fitness function. A fitness function grades each component in the population. It provides feedback to the GP module about the fitness of components. Figure 6.1 shows the usage of fitness function as a feedback. Every component in the population is evaluated under this criterion. GP operators used: We have used replication, mutation and crossover operators for producing a new GP generation. Replication is the copying of a component into the next generation without any change. In mutation, a small part of a components genome is changed. This small random change often brings diversity in the solution space. Crossover creates an offspring by exchanging genetic material between two component parents. It tries to mimic recombination and sexual
reproduction. Crossover helps in converging onto an optimal solution. GPLAB software, automatically adjusts the ratio of crossover and mutation. Termination criterion: The simulation is stopped if one of the two conditions is encountered:
The fitness score exceeds 0.9999. The number of generations reaches the preset maximum generations. Table 6.1: GP Parameters setting in combing SVM classifiers
Objective: Function Set: Special Function: Terminal Set: Fitness : Expected no. of offspring Selection: Wrapper: Population Size: Initial Tree Depth Limit: Initial population: Operator prob. Type Sampling Survival mechanism Real max level Termination:
To develop an OCC with maximum AUCH +, -, *, protected division, gt, le, log, abs, sin and cos Prediction of SVM classifiers (L, P, and R) are used as unary functions in GP tree. Threshold T and some randomly generated constants in the range of [0, 1] AUCH of ROC curve. rank85 Generational Positive if >= 0, else Negative. 300 6 Ramped half and half Variable Tournament Keep best 28 Generation 80
Testing Phase At the end of a GP run, the best expression of a GP individual is obtained. Its performance is then evaluated using testing data2.
Implementation Details
The experimental results are obtained using Pentium IV machine (1.6 GHz, 256MB RAM). In the first study, the performance of OCC is analyzed with individual SVM classifiers by priori fixing the values of kernel parameters, i.e. cost parameter C = 1, kernel parameter = 1, coefficient r = 0 and degree d = 3. In the 2nd study, the optimal values of these parameters are adjusted by using grid search. Suitable grid range and step size is estimated for SVM kernels. PolySVM has four adjustable parameters; d , r , and C . However, to simplify problem, the values of degree and coefficient are fixed at d = 3, r = 1 . The optimum values of and C are then selected. In case of PolySVM, a grid range of C = [24 , 25 ] with step size C = 0.2 and = [27 , 22 ] with step size = 0.2 are used. In case of RbfSVM, the range of grid and step size of C and is selected as: C = [215 , 210 ], C = 0.2 and = [210 , 215 ] , = 0.2 . The optimal value of C parameter for linear kernel has been obtained by adjusting the grid range of C = [21 , 25 ] with C = 0.2 . Efforts have also been made to minimize the problem of over-fitting in the training of both individual SVM and composite classification models. Appropriate size of training and testing data is selected in the holdout method. Tuning parameters of GP evolution are also selected carefully.
The following experiments have been conducted to study the behavior of OCC. Comparative performance analysis of OCC is also carried out with that of the individual SVM classifiers. Analysis of accuracy versus complexity We investigate the behavior of the best GP individuals developed for 1000 features set. Figure 6.4 (a) shows how the fitness of best individual increases in one GP runs. Figures 6.4 (b-c) shows the complexity of the best individuals expressed in terms of tree depth and no. of nodes. It is observed that in the search of better predictions, size of the best GP individual increases after each generation. As a result, the best genomes total number of nodes increases and its average tree depth becomes very large. We can observe from Figure 6.4(d), the large increasing behavior of median, average, and maximum fitness of the best individual. During crossover and mutation operations, more and more constructive blocks build up that minimize the destruction of useful building blocks. As a result, the size of GP program grows after each generation. This might be due to bloating phenomenon of GP evolution. Due to this phenomenon, many branches within the best GP program generally do not contribute in improving its performance. However, such branches increase the size of GP program.
0.965 0
30 40 Generations
Figure 6.4(a) the maximum fitness of the best individuals in one GP run ( = 0.007 ).
Figure 6.4 (b)-(c): (Left) No. of nodes versus generations; (Right) Tree depth versus generations of the best individuals in one GP run.
1 0.995 0.99 Max. Median and avg. fitness 0.985 0.98 0.975 0.97 0.965 0.96 0.955 0.95 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Max Fitness Median fitness Avg fitness
Figure 6.4 (d): The behavior of maximum, median, and average fitness of the best individuals.
Polynomial SVM for different feature sets In order to study the effect of increasing the size of feature sets, on the performance of individual SVM classifiers, with PolySVM is selected as a test case. Its performance in terms of ROC curves for different feature sets is shown in Figure 6.5. This Figure shows the improvement in ROC curves with the increase of feature sets, e.g. PolySVM-10 (trained on 10 features) has AUCH = 0.8831 and PolySVM-1000 has AUCH = 0.9575. AUCH of ROC curve gives the overall performance of the classifier in a summarized form and it is not necessary to have high TPR values for all FPR values. Practically, initial high values of TPR and low FPR are more crucial for significant overall performance. For example, PolySVM-100 has overall lower values of AUCH, even though, it has high values of TPR for FPR 0.4 than that of PolySVM-1000.
1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8
0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 polyFS10, AUCH = 0.8831 polyFS100, AUCH = 0.9325 polyFS500, AUCH = 0.9451 polyFS1000, AUCH = 0.9575
Figure 6.5: ROC curves of PolySVM. (For simplicity, in this figure and in the next figures, only those points that recline on the convex hull of the ROC curve are shown.) Performance comparison of OCC with individual SVM classifiers This experiment is carried out to analyze the performance of OCC and SVM classifiers. Figures 6.6 (a-d) show AUCHs of ROC curves obtained for various feature sets. These figures demonstrate that with the provision of more information, TPR increases, while FPR decreases. Our OCC has outperformed individual SVM classifiers. This improvement in ROC curves is due to low values of FPR and high values of TPR. These values help the points shifting towards upper left corner and thus providing better decision. Such kind of behavior is desirable in those applications where the cost of FPR is too important. For example, a weak patient cannot afford high FPR. Minor damage of healthy tissues may be a matter of life and death. On the other hand, if attempts are made to reduce FPR by simply adjusting decision threshold T, the risk of false negative cases might rise in a poor prediction model. Such kind of prediction models, specifically in medical applications, might cause high misclassification cost in various fatal diseases such as lungs, liver, and breast cancer.
Bar chart in Figure 6.7 shows the comparison of experimental results in a more summarized form for various feature sets. It is observed that linear SVM has the lowest AUCH values. Due to the nonlinearity in the feature space, Linear SVM is unable to learn this space effectively. However, with the increase of feature sets, it improves AUCH performance. To promote diversity, usually diverse types of component classifiers are used in the development of composite classifiers. As a result, linear classifier is included to enhance diversity in the decision space. As far as the performances of PolySVM and RbfSVM classifier are concerned, they have shown relatively equal performance. Both are capable of constructing a nonlinear decision boundary. However, the performance of our OCC is superior to both these individual SVM classifiers. During GP evolution process, composite classifiers might have extracted useful information from the decision boundaries of constituent kernels. Another advantage gained is that composite classifiers have shown higher performance, specifically for small feature sets of sizes 5, 10, and 20. The general order of performance of classifiers is:
Figure 6.7: AUCHs of ROC curves of different classifiers Overall classifier performance It is observed from Figure 6.7 that AUCH of classifiers is enhanced with the increase of features. Further analysis is carried out to study the performance of classifier in terms of AUCH of AUCHs. This measure has shown more compactness by incorporating the performance of a classifier with respect to the variation in the feature sets. The procedure adopted is as follows: in the first step, different AUCH values of a classifier for different feature sets are obtained. Graph is plotted between AUCH versus different feature sets as shown in Figure 6.8. Finally, AUCH of these AUCH curves is computed. In the second step, average AUCH of each classifier is also calculated. The difference between AUCH of AUCH and average AUCH of each classifier is determined. The value of difference represents the variation in classifiers performance with respect to the size of feature set. Higher difference indicates lower robustness of a classifier. Bar chart in the Figure 6.9 shows the overall performance of classifiers in terms of AUCH of AUCHs, average AUCH and their percentile difference. It is observed that linear SVM has the lowest AUCH of AUCHs value of 0.9205 and the largest percentile difference of 7.45 (0.92050.846). The other two component classifiers have comparatively the same AUCH of AUCH values and relatively small percentile difference. However, OCC has the largest AUCH of AUCHs value of 0.988 and the smallest percentile difference of 2.9 (0.988-0.96). These results illustrate two main advantages of OCC, i.e. higher optimality and robustness against the variation in feature sets.
0.95 0.9 0.85 AUCH 0.8 0.75 linSVM polySVM rbfSVM OCC
Classifiers performance
1 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.85 0.82 LinearSVM 0.9205 0.846 PolySVM 0.9603 0.909 Classifiers RbfSVM 0.9586 0.91 OCC 0.988 0.96
0.7 10
Figure 6.8: (left) AUCH curves of different classifiers; Figure 6.9: (right) Overall Classifiers performance Performance comparison of OCC with Optimized SVM classifiers The quantitative results in the Table 6.2 and Figure 6.10 highlight the improved performance exhibited by optimized SVM classifiers. Even though, the component SVM classifiers of OCC are not optimized, still OCC gives a margin of improvement as compared with optimized SVM classifiers. Table 6.2 shows that the optimum values of and C depend on the type of kernel function and the size of the feature set. It is observed that the optimal values of and C varies randomly with the increase of features. This table also indicates an improvement for SVM classifiers after optimization. For example, the performance of linear SVM is improved but not appreciably. SVM classifier based on RBF kernel is more accurate than linear SVM. It is also more efficient than polynomial kernel due to the less number of parameters to be adjusted. Table 6.2: performance comparison of OCC with Optimized SVM classifiers
Classifiers /Feature set 5 10 20 50 100 250 500 1000 5000 Opt_LinSVM AUCH 0.6779 0.7896 0.8167 0.8726 0.9007 0.927 0.9263 0.9329 0.9529 Optimal C 1.1 1.2 4.6 3.8 5.1 4.4 4.8 4.8 5.1 AUCH 0.7655 0.8864 0.9071 0.9609 0.9689 0.9701 0.9730 0.9754 0.9816 Opt_PolySVM Opt_RbfSVM AUCH 0.8587 0.9196 0.9319 0.9603 0.9699 0.9728 0.9785 0.9784 0.9846 OCC AUCH 0.8900 0.9344 0.9482 0.9629 0.9705 0.9766 0.9871 0.9947 0.9926 Optimal C 16 0. 06 5.65 22.62 32.01 2.02 0.08 0.176 0.21 Optimal C 32 2.0 4.0 128 128 4.02 2.2 4.2 8.0
Figure 6.10: AUCHs of ROC curves of different classifiers Figures 6.11 to 6.13 show the effect of varying and C on the performance of different kernels for 100 features. It is observed that as compared to parameter C , parameter has more significant effect on the performance of SVM kernels. Figure 6.11 shows the behavior of RbfSVM with respect to and C parameters. Its highest AUCH value is 0.9699 at = 0.12 and C=128 . In Figure 6.12, the highest AUCH value of PolySVM is 0.9689 at = 0.17 and C=32. Figure 6.13 indicate the highest AUCH value of Linear SVM is 0.9007 at C = 5.1 .
Figure 6.11: (left) AUCH surface of RBF kernel parameterized by and C ; Figure 6.12: AUCH surface of polynomial kernel parameterized by and C at d = 3, coefficient r = 1
Figure 6.13: AUCH versus parameter C of Linear kernel Temporal cost of Optimized SVM classifiers and OCC Table 6.3 shows comparison between the training and testing times of the optimized SVM classifiers and OCC. It is observed that temporal cost increases with the increase of size of feature set. In case of optimizing kernel parameters through grid search, the temporal cost depends on the grid range and its step size. In this table the training and testing time is reported for 200 data samples. Overall temporal cost of the classification models is:
OCC > opt _ PolySVM > opt _ RbfSVM > opt _ LinSVM
The optimized Linear SVM takes less training and testing time but its classification performance is poor. Our OCC takes comparatively more training and testing time but it keeps better classification performance. OCC training/testing time depends on various factors, like, training data size, length of feature set, maximum tree depth, tree nodes and the size of search space. Table 6.3: Comparison between the training and testing time (in sec.)
Classifiers /Feature set 5 10 50 100 500 Opt_LinSVM Train_t Train 2.781 3.001 3.105 4.328 18.42 Test_t Test 0.0050 0.0051 0.0051 0.0051 0.0151 Opt_PolySVM Train_t Train 201.02 217.80 220.11 271.81 1263.2 Test_t Test 0.0160 0.0310 0.0150 0.0320 0.2500 Opt_RbfSVM Train_t Train 2278.4 1343.4 1864.1 5491.4 19984.1 Test_t Test 0.0470 0.0580 0.0560 0.0780 0.4780 OCC Train_t Train 3612.4 4343.7 5643.1 9021.4 40402.1 Test_t Test 1.470 2.580 2.860 2.070 3.480
OCC behavior in a partially feature space OCC is trained on a particular feature space and we study its behavior on a partially different feature space. In table 6.4, OCC-10 is trained for 10 feature sets. However, its performance is analyzed on the same feature space as well as on other feature spaces. This table shows that AUCH value of OCC-10 is maximum (0.934) for 10 features as compared to other partially
different feature spaces. Thus, as expected, improved behavior of OCC along the diagonal path is observed. In each column, from top to bottom, there is a gradual increase in the values of AUCH. This behavior of OCC resembles a normal classifier, i.e. more information would result in higher performance. However, OCC perform randomly along horizontal. This might be due to the diverse nature of the GP search space in each run. In each run, the optimal solution may be partially/entirely different from the previous GP solution. Table 6.4: OCC performance at various feature spaces
Features size FS = 10 FS = 20 FS = 50 FS = 100 FS = 500 FS=1000 FS=5000 OCC-10 0.934 0.890 0.900 0.913 0.937 0.945 0.957 OCC-20 0.870 0.938 0.906 0.919 0.947 0.950 0.959 OCC-50 0.890 0.892 0.962 0.938 0.941 0.958 0.959 OCC-100 0.863 0.884 0.911 0.970 0.948 0.947 0.965 OCC-500 0.8776 0.9002 0.9032 0.9316 0.9871 0.953 0.9426 OCC-1000 0.7999 0.8179 0.843 0.893 0.9084 0.9947 0.9262 OCC-5000 0.8751 0.902 0.9276 0.9313 0.9458 0.9537 0.9826
OCC behavior in an entirely different feature space In this case, we analyze the performance of OCC on entirely different feature spaces but of equal size. In the first experiment, the features in the testing dataset2 are sorted and the last 250 most distinctive features are selected in ascending order. These selected features are divided into five separate but equal feature sets. Each feature set contain 50 features and the last feature set contains the most discriminant features. OCC is trained for the last feature space. Same steps are carried out in the second experiment to construct a feature space of 100 feature sets. Their experimental results are given in bar charts of Figures 6.14 and 6.15. It is observed from these figures that OCC performs well for the last feature set. Because, OCC was trained on this specific feature space, while on the other feature spaces, the performance of OCC is equal to that of PolySVM or RbfSVM. This is because those SVM classifiers are tested and trained on their own feature spaces, but this is not the case for OCC. Even then, the performance of OCC is not less than the best of its component classifiers. These figures also illustrate continuous degradation in the performance of classifiers. This may be due to the gradual decrease in the discrimination power of SIMBA feature selection algorithm. These figures show that the last feature spaces are the most discriminant. Another point is that there is a steadily degradation in performance of the classifiers along various feature sets. This may be due to the gradual decrease in the discrimination power of SIMBA feature selection algorithm. We have sorted the features such that the last feature set is associated with most distinctive features, while the least distinguishable features lie at the first feature set.
1 0.98 0.96 0.94
1st-50 2nd-50 3rd-50 4th-50 5th-50
0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.8 1st-100 2nd-100 3rd-100 4th-100 5th-100
Figure 6.14: (left) (right) shows the performance of classifiers at 50; Figure 6.15: (right) shows the performance of classifiers at 100 features An exemplary numerical expression classifier, prefix form, developed by GP at 1000 features is:
f(L,R,P)=plus(le(sin(P),le(plus(sin(L),sin(sin(P))),abs(minus(L,abs(minus(sin(sin(L)),0.12826)))))),plus(mi nus(R,0.15),plus(plus(sin(plus(le(0.047,abs(le(plus(R,plus(tmes(kozadivide(P,plus(sin(abs(L)),plus(cos( L),sin(sin(R))))),0.51),P)),le(sin(sin(L)),abs(minus(sin(L),plus(sin(plus(le(0.047,abs(minus(sin(sin(L)),0.12 ))),sin(L))),minus(sin(L),abs(minus(sin(sin(L)),0.12)))))))))),sin(abs(le(plus(0.047,sin(absus(minus(R,0.15) ,plus(plus(sin(plus(le(0.047,abs(le(plus(R,plus(times(kozadivide(P,plus(sin(abs(L)),plus(cos(L),sin(sin(R) )))),0.51),P)),le(sin(sin(L)),abs(minus(sin(L),plus(sin(plus(le(0.047,abs(minus(sin(sin(L)),0.12))),sin(L))),m inus(sin(L),abs(minus(sin(sin(L)),0.12)))))))))),(mnus(R,0.15),pmnus(L,plus(sin(plus(le(0.04,abs(minus(si n(abs(minus(sin(L),plus(sin(plus(le(sin(L),abs(minus(sin(sin(L)),0.12))),sin(L))),minus(sin(L),abs(minus(si n(sin(L)),0.12))))))),0.12))),sin(R))),R))))),le(sin(sin(abs(minus(sin(L),plus)))))))).
This expression shows that OCC function depends on predicted arrays (L, R, P) of the kernels, random constants, arithmetic operators and other special operators.
The chapter has described the development of OCC. Attempts are made to answer the research questions of the section 6.2. 1. Answer relating to the first research question is confirmed by the experimental results. It is concluded that OCC is more robust and general at almost all feature sets. During GP evolution, OCC learns the most favorable distribution within the data space. This technique has better chance to combine the decision space efficiently. OCC gives higher classification performance than that of its individual optimized SVM classifiers. The second most significant finding is that our method has eliminated the requirement of an optimal kernel function and model selection. Because, during GP search mechanism suitable combination functions are automatically generated. Therefore, it possible to achieve high performance SVM classification model without resorting to finding an optimal kernel function and model selection.
2. The results demonstrate that OCC is comparatively more accurate at less information. It attains high margin of improvement at small feature sets. 3. The answer to the last research question is that it is possible to analyze graphically relation between the accuracy and complexity involved in order to develop a composite classifier. Complexity within the numerical evolved expressions increases as more and more constructive blocks builds up within the GP tree. The contribution of this chapter with respect to wider sense is that it has been explored the applicability of GP based combination technique on SVM classification models. Our current and next investigations will find GP potential to optimal combine the decision information from its component classifiers.