GHN Unit 3 Calendar 23-24

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Geometry Honors 2023-2024 Name: Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Unit 3 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Mathspace Textbook | Proof Reference | Classwork & Study Guide: here ← most recent
Date Due BEFORE class starts
Period 1,3,5,7 | Period 2,4,6,8 on this day
3-1 Parallel Lines and Angles (parallel
lines & planes, intersecting lines, ⟂ lines,
skew lines, transversals, corresponding ∠.
Wednesday Thursday
alternate interior ∠, alternate exterior ∠, ● None
10/18 10/19
same side interior∠)
Lesson Slides
Unit 2 Tests Returned Graded
3-2 Parallel Lines (Corr ∠ Post, Alt Int ∠
Friday Monday Thm, Alt Ext ∠ Thm, Same Side Int ∠
● 3-1 HW on Mathspace
10/20 10/23 Thm)
Lesson Slides
Quiz 3-1 and 3-2
3-3 Constructions and Proofs (⟂ bisector, ⟂
through a point on a line, ⟂ through a
Tuesday Wednesday point not on a line, line || to a line through
● 3-2 HW on Mathspace
10/24 10/25 a point, ∠ bisector, ≅ ∠)
Constructions Lesson Slides | Proofs
Lesson Slides
You need your compass for this class
● 3-3 More Constructions
3-4 Equations of Parallel and
Practice! (last page in your
Perpendicular Lines (|| Post, ⟂, || lines Post,
construction handout)
Thursday Friday Slope of ⟂ Lines Post, ⟂ Transversal Thm)
● Complete Proofs #1-#4
10/26 10/27 Lesson Slides
Friday, before 2:45 pm, is the
Unit 3 Quiz Returned Graded
deadline for any work before
You need your compass for this class
Q1 report cards
Study Guide
● 3-4 Parallel and
Proof #13, 12, 11, and 10 (Proof cards in
Monday Tuesday Perpendicular Lines
the Classwork link at the top of this
10/30 10/31 (Mathspace)
● Quiz Corrections (optional)
Always Sometimes Never
● All Unit 2 Test Retake
Wednesday Thursday 4-1 Classifying Triangles and Angles of
11/1 11/2 Triangles
● Quiz Corrections (optional)
● Unit 3 Study Guide
11/3 Unit 3 Test
● Proof #13, 12, 11, and 10
Early Release
Monday - Tuesday
Student Holiday (Professional Workday)
11/6 - 11/7

Purple Day | Gold Day | Virtual | Snow Day | Holiday | FCPS Calendar | Bell Sched & Purple/Gold Calendar
Observance Day | MSA = MathSpace Assignment | HW = Homework | Changes in red.

LBSS | Mr. Edwards | [email protected] | page 1

Date Due BEFORE class starts
Period 1,3,5,7 | Period 2,4,6,8 on this day
Wednesday ● Unit 3 Study Guide
Unit 3 Test
11/8 ● Proof #13, 12, 11, and 10
​᠎Additional Dates To Note
November 15th Quarter 1 Test [30 questions: 10 each from Units 1, 2, and 3] (All students take
November 16th this. If retake requirements were completed, this is also the unit test retake.)

For all classes (purple day and gold day), this is the last day to turn in any
assignments, homework, projects, or complete any makeup tests/quiz
including Radical Champion Quizzes.

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

Friday, Thursday, Friday, Wednesday,

October 27 January 18 March 15 June 5

page 2

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