5.thomas Silica Colloidal 2014
5.thomas Silica Colloidal 2014
5.thomas Silica Colloidal 2014
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Article history: The demonstration that Nanocrystalline Diamond (NCD) can retain the superior Young’s
Received 6 August 2013 modulus (1100 GPa) of single crystal diamond twinned with its ability to be grown at low
Accepted 8 November 2013 temperatures (<450 C) has driven a revival into the growth and applications of NCD thin
Available online 16 November 2013 films. However, owing to the competitive growth of crystals the resulting film has a rough-
ness that evolves with film thickness, preventing NCD films from reaching their full poten-
tial in devices where a smooth film is required. To reduce this roughness, films have been
polished using Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP). A Logitech Tribo CMP tool equipped
with a polyurethane/polyester polishing cloth and an alkaline colloidal silica polishing fluid
has been used to polish NCD films. The resulting films have been characterised with
Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectros-
copy. Root mean square roughness values have been reduced from 18.3 nm to 1.7 nm over
25 lm2, with roughness values as low as 0.42 nm over 0.25 lm2. A polishing mechanism of
wet oxidation of the surface, attachment of silica particles and subsequent shearing away
of carbon has also been proposed.
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0008-6223/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
474 CARBON 6 8 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 4 7 3 –4 7 9
the wafer to another support and completely removing the converted to bound silanol groups (Si(OH)4) by the liquid
silicon [8]. However, this process is complicated, time con- polishing fluid, silica particles in the slurry then bond to the
suming and incompatible with some applications of NCD surface of passivation layer [15]. The moving polishing pad,
such as tribology and most MEMS structures. Therefore, there if sufficiently rough, will then create a force on the silica par-
is a real need for a polishing step to produce low roughness ticle. As long as the energy from this shearing action is larger
NCD films. than the binding energy, the polishing pad then removes the
Diamond polishing can be broadly split into two catego- particle and attached silanol molecule from the surface [16].
ries: contact and non-contact polishing [9,10]. Traditional In this paper, CMP of NCD films is reported with the use of
mechanical polishing of diamond involves pressing a sample silica based polishing fluid and a polyester/polyurethane pol-
against a fast rotating iron scaife, >2500 rpm, in the presence ishing pad at room temperature. It is important to note that
of a diamond grit and binder. With applied carrier down no diamond-based products were used in either the pad or
forces greater than 10 N micro-cracking of the diamond oc- slurry, unlike previous studies [17,18] making post CMP re-
curs, with roughness values dependent on the grade of grit moval of polishing materials simpler. Films have been studied
used [10,11]. However with this technique removal rates are with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to deduce morphol-
generally low, 10 nm/h, and the high forces on the sample ogy, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to deduce roughness,
can cause deep fissures and create surface pits [11]. To en- and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) in an effort to
hance the polishing rate and reduce surface damage the hy- explain the polishing mechanism.
brid technique of Chemically Assisted Mechanical Polishing
and Planarisation (CAMPP) was developed. With this tech-
nique an oxidiser, typically potassium nitrate or potassium 2. Experimental procedure
hydroxide, heated to around 360 C is added to the mechani-
cal process [10,12]. After cracking by the scaife, the molten Silicon (1 0 0) p-type 2-inch wafers of 500 lm thickness were
oxidisers enter and convert diamond to carbon dioxide and used as substrates throughout. Before deposition all wafers
carbon monoxide weakening the surface and allowing further were cleaned using the standard SC-1 process of 30% H2O2:
micro-cracking to occur. Through this technique faster re- NH4OH:DI H2O (1:1:5) at 75 C for 10 min. The substrates were
moval rates and arithmetic roughness (Ra) values of 2.8 nm then rinsed in DI H2O in an ultrasonic bath for 10 min and
are achievable when used in conjunction with an initial spun dry. To seed, the wafers were placed in a mono-dis-
mechanical polish [12]. Other chemical based techniques persed nanodiamond/H2O colloid and agitated in an ultra-
have replaced the metal scaife with a roughened glass plate sonic bath for 10 min. This process is known to produce
and the diamond particles with slightly softer boron carbide nucleation densities exceeding 1011 cm 2 [4]. Once seeded
grit [13]. However, while these techniques makes it possible the wafers were rinsed, spun dry at 3000 rpm, and then
to polish films of several tens of microns thickness, for films immediately placed inside the CVD chamber.
with thickness in the hundreds of nanometres the wafer Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) of Nanocrystalline Dia-
bow can be significantly greater than the thickness of the film mond was carried out in a Seki 6500 series Microwave Plasma
(typically> 10 lm over a 2-inch Si wafer), as shown schemati- Reactor under 3% CH4/H2 conditions at 40 Torr and 3.5 kW
cally in Fig. 1. This will prevent uniform polishing across the microwave power. Upon termination of growth all films were
entire film and possibly cause shattering due to the rigidity cooled down in hydrogen plasma to ensure hydrogen termina-
of the scaife. Therefore a more flexible polishing pad is re- tion and prevent deposition of non-sp3 material. Substrate
quired in order to conform to the bowed sample. One such temperatures were approximately 840 C as determined by
method that is commonly used in the IC fabrication industry dual wavelength pyrometry, with heating solely from the
for the polishing of dielectric and metal interconnects is microwave induced plasma. Films were grown to 360 nm deter-
Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP). With this technique a mined in situ through the use of pyrometric interferometry,
softer polyester based polishing pad is used rather than a and ex-situ with a Filmetrics F-20 Spectral Reflectance system.
hard metal scaife with the aid of a colloidal silica (50– Chemical Mechanical Polishing was performed with a Log-
200 nm) [14] based polishing slurry at room temperatures. In itech Tribo polishing system in conjunction with a SUBA-X
conventional dielectric polishing Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) is polishing pad and Logitech supplied Syton SF-1 alkaline col-
loidal silica polishing slurry (15–50% SiO2, 9.2–10.1 pH, 4–5%
ethylene glycol). Before use, the pad was conditioned for
30 min to ensure a high surface roughness to maximise pol-
ishing action and slurry distribution [19]. During polishing
both pad and carrier were kept at 60 rpm rotating in opposite
directions, while the carrier swept across the pad as shown
schematically in Fig. 2. Down pressure was kept at 4 psi, while
a backing pressure of 20 psi was used in an attempt to present
a flat NCD film surface to the polishing pad. After initial wet-
Fig. 1 – Schematic of exaggerated wafer bow seen with NCD ting of the plate, the feed slurry rate was kept at 40 ml/min.
films. Due to the differing coefficients of thermal expansion Three films were polished for durations of 1, 2, and 4 h. After
of diamond and silicon, upon cooling from growth polishing the films were cleaned in an attempt to remove any
temperatures significant bowing will occur. (A colour remaining polishing slurry with a standard SC-1 clean as
version of this figure can be viewed online.) detailed previously.
CARBON 6 8 (2 0 1 4) 4 7 3–47 9 475
Fig. 3 – SEM micrographs of as grown and polished films. CMP was used on three different films for the indicated amount of
time under identical conditions. (A) As grown, (B) 1 h CMP film, (C) 2 h, and (D) 4 h.
Fig. 4 – Corresponding AFM micrographs for as grown and polished films shown in Fig. 3. (A) As grown, (B) 1 h CMP film, (C)
2 h, and (D) 4 h. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
CARBON 6 8 (2 0 1 4) 4 7 3–47 9 477
Table 1 – Roughness values over 25 lm2 for the as grown Table 2 – Elemental ratios of O1s, F1s, and Si2s with respect
and 1–4 h polished films. to C1s as a function of polishing duration.
Polishing duration (hrs.) Roughness (nm rms) Polishing duration (hrs.) O1s/C1s F1s/C1s Si2s/C1s
produced by the polishing procedure, again emphasising the cleaning of the samples before XPS analysis) do form on the
gentle nature of CMP. surface being polished.
The polishing process permanently increases the oxygen The F1s signal after 1 h of polishing was unexpected. After
character of the diamond surface. This is clearly demon- 4 h, this signal is reduced to near-negligible levels (see Table 1).
strated by the dramatic increase in the O1s/C1s ratio after The origin of this signal is likely the polymer-based pads used
1 h of polishing (see Table 2). Given that the XPS sampling to polish the diamond substrates, surfactants in the chemical
depth in diamond is probably up to 10 C layers, based on typ- solution, or solvent residue. All of these sources could be
ical electron elastic mean free paths, O:C ratios of 0.1 signify additional sources of Cl, S, and O photoelectron signal.
at least monolayer coverage. Curiously however the level of
C oxidation does not seem to be changed by this increase in 3.3. Discussion
oxygen. However noting the presence of the additional
elements F, Cl, Si, and S, it is clear the associated molecular The SEM and AFM images of Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show a steady
species could contain O, and of course adsorbed water could polishing action with time. The polishing begins with the
also be present. The trend in the O1s/Si2s ratio in Fig. 5C removal of peaks due to the contact with polishing pad,
shows this increases with polishing time. This emphasises followed by a progression down to the intersection with
the point that the source of O in the XPS spectra is not limited neighbouring crystals. This initial polishing of high points
to silica, but has a main component from other species. Over- with the smoothness and apparent crack free nature of crys-
all the conclusion is that a range of molecular species which tal tops suggests a true chemical and mechanical synergy to
are fairly strongly bound (and therefore surviving the the polishing. This steady polishing is reiterated by the AFM
Fig. 5 – (A) Survey XPS spectra of diamond substrates with main photoelectron and Auger signals indicated. From top to
bottom, the spectra represent as grown, 1 h CMP, 2 h, and 4 h respectively. The insert contains data from the main body of the
figure, showing XPS features at low binding energy.; (B) Representative C1s spectra before (i) and after 4 h (ii) of polishing. The
experimental data (black) is shown above the curve-fits (red).; (C) O1s/Si2s ratio plotted as a function of the polishing
duration. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
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