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Which Korean instrument is the

MAPEH 8 counterpart of the koto?
S.Y 2022-2023 A. Haegum B.Kayagum C.Changgo
NAME: ____________________________________ D.Geomungo
_____________________ ARTS (13)
SCORE: Music ___ Arts ____ PE ____ HEALTH ____12. What is the art of beautiful writing?
____ A. Origami B. Painting C.Calligraphy
Directions: Read the statements carefully ____13. What do you call the art of paper
and write the letter of the correct answer on folding in Japan?
the space provided before each number. A.Jianzhi B.Chuang hua C.Hanamusubi
MUSIC (11) ____14.What is the highest form of Chinese
_____1. Mo Li Hua is a traditional song of what panting?
East Asian country? A. Woodblock Printing C. Landscape
A. Japan B. Korea C. China D. Painting
Vietnam B. Kabuki Face-Paint D. Peking
____2. What melody is used in the folk song Mo Face-Paint
Li Hua? ____15. What technique for printing texts,
A. Melodic B. Pentatonic C.Diatonic images or patterns used widely throughout
D.Harmonic East Asia and originated in China in antiquity
_____3. How is Chinese music described? as a method of printing on textiles and paper?
A. It uses pentatonic scale. A. Woodblock Printing C. Landscape
B. It is based on the intervals of human Painting
breathing rather than mathematical timing. B. Kabuki Face-Paint D. Peking Face-Paint
C. It has slow and meditative pace. ____16. Which of the following is also known as
D. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful. jingju lianpu that is done with different colors
____4. It is also called as Chinese mouth organ in accordance with the performing character’s
and looks like a set of panpipes with 12 to 36 personality and historical assessment?
bamboo pipes. A. Ukiyo-e C. Kabuki-face Paint
A.Sho B. Ryuteki C. Sheng D. B. Peking-face Paint D. Origami
Dizi ____17. What do you call to the style of
____5.What do you call a two-stringed fiddle woodblock printmaking in Japan?
and one of the most popular Chinese A.Maedeup B.Ukiyo-e C.Sycee
instruments? D.Kabuki
A. Pipa B. Yueqin C. Shamisen D. ____18. Which of the following is an example of
Erhu face painting where lines are painted into an
____6. How is Japanese music described? actor’s face?
A. It is gentle and lyrical. A.Suji-guma C.Xiaohualian
B. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful. B.Jingju Lianpu D.Lianpu
C. It is meditative and highly ritualized. ____19.What is a Korean masks of Korea that is
D. It is slow and melancholy. originated with religious meaning?
____7. Which of the following musical A.Ta’l B.Kesho C.Lianpu
instruments does not belong to the group? D.Mukimi-guma
A. Tsuzumi B. Odaiko C. Taiko ____20. It is one of the greatest contributions
D.Changgo of ancient China in the development of arts
____8. What string instrument of Japan that is that was invented by Cai Lun.
being plucked using picks on the thumb and A.Paper C. Masks
first two fingers of the right hand, while the B. Printmaking D. Woodblock
left hand can be used to modify pitch and Printing
tone? ____21. What is the best known Japanese
A.Shamisen B.Koto C.Guzheng origami?
D.Kayagum A. Paper flower C. Paper Boat
____9.Which Korean music category is B. Paper Frog D. Paper
traditionally associated with the lower class? Crane
A.Tang-ak B.Chong-ak C.Sog-ak ____22. What is the first type of paper cutting
D.A-ak design since paper was invented?
____10.Which of the following statements A.Sycee B. Yuanbao C. Palette D.
about changgo is correct? Dorae
A. It is single-headed drum whose tone is ____23. The knot tying in Korea is called ______.
altered by squeezing its laces. A.Zhonggo B.Hanamusubi C.Maedeup
B. It is a Japanese drum that has become the D.Jianzhi
central instrument of the percussion ____24. What is imitated through paper folding
ensemble. that symbolizes prosperity on Chinese New
C. It is a large hanging barrel drum. Year.
D. It is an hour-glass shaped double headed A. Sycee B. Yuanbao C.Palette D.
drum made from animal skin. Dorae
A.Fly outs B. Force outs C.Tag outs
____25.What team sports that has an objective
to shoot a ball through a basket following a set HEALTH (13)
of rules? ____38. What is the foundation of the society
A.Volleyball B.BasketballC.Baseball which is primarily responsible for shaping the
D.Football lives of its members?
____26.What is usually awarded to an A.Family B.Parents C.Teachers D.
offensive player if he is fouled while shooting Politicians
the ball? ____39. Which of the following is a deep
A.Overtime B.Foul C.Travelling D.Free affection for someone and is based on a true
throw desire for shaping the lives of its members?
____27. When does the teams of five became A.Infatuation B.Love C.Attraction
standard? D.Courtship
A.1698-1699 C.1897-1898 ____40. What do you call to the social activity
B.1797-1798 D.1997-1998 which involves two or more people generally
____28. Who is one of the first greatest pro assessing each other’s suitability for a
teams organized in 1915 and dominated potential relationship?
basketball until1936? A.Dating B.Courtship C.Engagement
A. Magic Johnson C. Harlem D.Marriage
Globetrotters ____41.which of the following is the stage of
B. Original Celtics D. Chicago Bulls not simply knowing the person but also a test
____29. What skill in basketball that allows you of compatability between the two persons?
to move around the court while you’re in A.Attraction B.Dating C.Courtship
possession of the ball? D.Engagement
A.Dribbling C.Shooting ____42. What is a lifelong partnership of a man
B.Passing D.Running and a woman; a sacrament and a lifelong
____30. What type of pass that is thrown to the commitment?
floor so that it bounces to the intended A.Family B.Engagement C.Marriage
receiver? D.Dating
A.Chess pass C.Air Pass ____43. The following are the factors to
B.Overhead pass D.Bounce pass consider in choosing a lifetime partner except
____31. What skill in basketball in which it is ______.
your ability to jump with power to gain A. Good character C. Commitment
possession of the ball as it bounces to the rim B. Fidelity D. Immaturity
after a failed shot before it touches the floor? ____44. What is a reproductive process where
A.Rebounding B.Shooting C.Dribbling the male gamete and female gamete unite to
D.Passing form a new single cell?
____32. What is the size of the court of the A.Implantation C.Gestation
NBA? B.Ovulation D.Fertilization
A. 50 ft. wide and 94 ft. long ____45. What do you call to the situation in
B. 94 ft. wide and 50 ft. long which some of the hormones produced by the
C. 94 ft. long and 50 ft. wide pregnant woman’s body make her
D. 50 ft. long and 94 ft. wide nauseated?
____33.What do you call to the official of the A.Pregnancy C.
basketball that controls the game? Complications
A.Umpire B.Referee C.Scorer B. Morning Sickness D. Discomfort
D.Timer ____46.What organ that grows in the human’s
____34. What team sport in which the goal is to uterus during pregnancy and allows nutrients,
score more runs the opponent, which is gases and wastes to be exchanged between
achieved by one circuit of four bases that are the mother and the fetus.
placed on the diamond? A.Umbilical cord C.Fallopian tube
A.Basketball B.Soccer C.Volleyball B.Uterus D.Placenta
D.Baseball ____47. What is the process of birth where the
____35. Who devised the first set of rules in doctor removes the baby and the placenta
baseball. from the mother’s womb.
A.Alexander Cartwright C. Luther Gulick A.Caesarian section C.Birth
B.James Naismith D. Bill Russel B. Labor D.Contraction
____36. Which of the following can get by an ____48. What do you call to the simple
offensive player out when he/she misses three procedure to find out if the baby has a
pitches? congenital metabolic disorder that may lead
A.Tag outs B.Strike outs C. Force outs to mental retardation or even death if left
D.Fly outs untreated.
____37.Which of the following can get by an A.Immunization C.Breastfeeding
offensive player out when a player hits the ball B.New born screening D.Weighing
in the air and is caught by a defensive player ____49. What is the behavioral development of
before the ball hits the ground? a healthy baby where he/she learns to
vocalize and controls movement of the head?
A.0 to 1 month C. 4 to 5 months
B. 2 t 3 months D. 6 to 7 months
____50. What do you call to the first thick
yellowish fluid that comes out from the
second to the fifth day after the delivery of a
A.Lactation C.Colustrom
B.Prolactin D.Estrogen







Teacher I



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