Grade XII, 2024 - 25, Lab Record Programs

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1. Program to input the value of x and n and print the sum of the following series:
2. Program to find whether an inputted number is perfect or not.
3. Program to input a list of numbers and swap elements at the even location with the elements
at the odd location.
4. Program to find the factorial of the entered number.
5. Program to enter the number of terms and print the Fibonacci Series.
6. Program to enter the number and to check if it’s palindrome or not using loop.
7. Program to enter the number and print Floyd’s Triangle in decreasing order. If the input number
is 5 then the output will be
8. Program to find the factorial of entered number using user defined function fact().
9. Program to call a function to compute and print sum of squares of n numbers. Value of n is
passed as parameter.
10. Program to call a function search () which will receive a list and a number to check whether it
is exist or not in list.
11. Program to Sort a list and display the contents of the list after each pass.
12. Program to read a text file line by line and display each word separated by a #.
13. Program to Read a text file and display the number of vowels/ consonants/ uppercase/
lowercase characters in the file.
14. Program to read data from data file in read mode and count the particular word occurrences in
given string, number of times in python.
15. Program to create a binary file with roll number, name and marks. Input a roll number and
update the marks and search for a specific roll number and display the complete details and if
not found generate an appropriate message.
16. Program to remove all the lines that contain the character `a' in a file and write it to another file.
17. A binary file TOYS.DAT contains information in the following format: TOYNAME STATUS.
Write a program in python to read the contents from the file TOYS.DAT and create a file named
OFFER.dat copying only those records from TOYS.dat where STATUS is “ONOFFER”.
18. Program to write data onto “student” CSV file.
19. Program to read the contents of “student.csv” file.
20. Program to count the number of records present in “student.csv” file.
21. Program to search the record of a particular student from CSV file on the basis of inputted
22. Program to implement all basic operations of a stack, such as adding element (PUSH
operation), removing element (POP operation) and displaying the stack elements (Traversal
operation) using lists.


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